
2010/6/29 Matthias Pfützner <matth...@pfuetzner.de>

> I'm not quite sure, but I think, I remember, that
> SolarisExpressClusterEdition
> was the version for Soalris before OpenSolaris 2009.06... (aka: OpenSolaris
> 2008.11)
Ok. Do I try doing that ?
I think that method is much simple and easy for a beginner.

> output on my system
> # ps -ef | grep X
> >
> root 6618 6617 1 20:20:15 ?      0:01 /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_13/bin/java -Xms4M
> > -Xmx128M -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -D
> >
> root 6621 4806 0 20:20:27 console    0:00 grep X
> >
> > -bash-3.2$ ps -ef|grep X
> >    root   850   849   0   Jun 07 vt/2       25:13 /usr/X11/bin/Xorg :0
> >    -nolisten tcp -audit 0 -br -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth
> >  pfuetz 27975 27877   0 16:49:08 pts/1       0:00 grep X
> > -bash-3.2$
> >
> >
> somewhat different.

Yes! Strange!
> Don't know why this java thing is coming I haven't installed anything like

> > > That's a bit strange, as today is the 29th... Didn't you reboot the
> machine
> > > in
> > > the last 6 days?
> > >
> > >
> > Yes I did not reboot the machine I did not need it so I did not .
> > Does it can cause problem ?
> No!

> > > What does a:
> > >
> > >     svcadm restart gdm
> > >
> > > do? Is there then a GUI to log in? Does the date of the file get
> updated?
> > > Are
> > > there new final lines in that file? Do you see the Xorg program
> running?
> > >
> > >
> > It waits for sometime but there is no GUI still :(.
> > No the date is still the same.
> That's very strange! It should be re-written completely anew, once you do
> the
> svcadm restart gdm thing! So, either you're file-system is full, or
> something
> completely different is not working correctly!
file-system has empty space available. I have created a virtual harddisk of
16 gb and solaris is completely allotted that disk. So I dont think there is
problem with filesystem.

> > The file is still the same.
> That's very strange!
> Ok. Can't find why:(.

> > No the Xorg program is not running.
> OK, now we need to check the file /var/adm/messages
> Can you see any messages in there about the problem?

> xhost + instructs the running xserver to allow access from everywhere. So,
> the
> question here is: Which xserver? As you don't have a xserver running in any
> of
> the guests in VB, you simply can not instruct those to allow access. So,
> the
> only xserver currently running seems to be the one on your hosting
> machine. Still, I doubt, that you would want that to open up...
> So, I would try to a.) fix the startup of the xservers in the guests. And
> b.)
> access the guests via ssh from your host in the meantime...
> Ok. I try doing that only.

> > > you're running the virtualbox on... And that
> > > would require, that you could reach the outside machine from within the
> > > guests
> > > inside VirtualBox...
> > >
> > >
> > Yes I can reach host through guest inside virtualbox. I am using NAT
> setting
> > of virtualbox.
> Perfect!

> > > So, I assume, it's better to try to reach the nodes running in
> VirtualBox
> > > via
> > > ssh...
> > >
> >
> > Yes that could be better.
> I'll keep my fingers crossed!
>      Matthias
> --
>    Matthias Pfützner    | mailto:pfu...@germany | Wenn das Publikum keine
>  @work: +49 6103 752-394 | @home: +49 6151 75717 | Fragen mehr stellen
> kann,
>  SunCS, Ampčrestraße 6  | Lichtenbergstraße 73  | muß der Film zwangsläufig
>    63225 Langen, FRG    | 64289 Darmstadt, FRG  | langweilig werden.
> Fellini

Thank you very much for your help and support. :)

Thanks and Regards ,
Gaurav Saxena
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