
You (gaurav saxena) wrote:
> Hello all
> I am facing one more problem after I installed ha-cluster on opensolaris. I
> am not getting GUI and I have to work in console only. Its really very
> difficult to use a single console to work in three different zones. :(
> I tried startx, xhost+ but it gives an command not found error . Does this
> happen because of cluster installation or because node is booting in cluster
> mode. If anything could be done please suggest.
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards ,
> Gaurav Saxena

startx? You're way old-style... ;-) Nowadays all systems do boot with X
already running... ;-) Yes, it might be, that wih ohac the X start gets
disabled to insure that no additional processes are influencing the systems...

You might try to check with

    svcs -a|grep login

to see which X-loginb stuff is disabled...

On my OpenSolaris (with NO ohac) it looks like:

disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt2
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt3
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt4
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt5
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt6
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/network/login:eklogin
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/network/login:klogin
disabled       Jun_07   svc:/network/login:rlogin
online         Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:default
online         Jun_07   svc:/application/graphical-login/gdm:default

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