You (gaurav saxena) wrote:
> Hello
> 2010/6/29 Matthias Pfützner <>
> > Gaurav,
> >
> > startx? You're way old-style... ;-) Nowadays all systems do boot with X
> > already running... ;-)
> Ok actually I used it sometimes in ubuntu when the system is in only console
> so I thought it would be ok for opensolaris also.

Even in Solaris 10, there's the FMA or SMF, so there no longer is any need for
a "startx"... ;-)

> > Yes, it might be, that wih ohac the X start gets
> > disabled to insure that no additional processes are influencing the
> > systems...
> >
> > You might try to check with
> >
> >    svcs -a|grep login
> >
> > to see which X-loginb stuff is disabled...
> >
> > On my OpenSolaris (with NO ohac) it looks like:
> >
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt2
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt3
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt4
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt5
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:vt6
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/network/login:eklogin
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/network/login:klogin
> > disabled       Jun_07   svc:/network/login:rlogin
> > online         Jun_07   svc:/system/console-login:default
> > online         Jun_07   svc:/application/graphical-login/gdm:default
> >
> >        Matthias
> > --
> >    Matthias Pfützner    | mailto:pfu...@germany | "It's all very cool, but
> >  @work: +49 6103 752-394 | @home: +49 6151 75717 | I wonder, what it really
> >  SunCS, Amp?restraße 6  | Lichtenbergstraße 73  | means." Anon. MIT Student
> >    63225 Langen, FRG    | 64289 Darmstadt, FRG  | in Byte's 4/96 Editorial
> >
> I checked that but my opensolaris is giving the exactly same output.
> Anything else I could do.
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards ,
> Gaurav Saxena

That then implies, that on the console of the systems, if they have a graphics
card, you should see an ordinary graphical login screen...

If not, it fails for some bizarre reasons, and therefore you should check the
X log files:

  cat /var/log/Xorg.0*

But, I assume, what you really wanted was a remote login, right? Assuming,
that your systems are connected to a network (otherwise the cluster would not
work properly), you can log into the system via SSH (telnet is disabled by
default!), and as an ordinary user (remote root login is disabled also by
default), and then use

          pfexec su -

to become root...

Yes, there's no startx, as that's done via the SMF stuff, but "xhost +"
(remember, there's a space between the "xhost" and the "+") should work, as
long as you had been logged in via the GUI... ;-) 

And you also can remotely directly log into the zones via ssh into their
respective IP-adresses or network names...

     -bash-3.2$ which xhost

So, all this has nothing to do with cluster... ;-)

    Matthias Pfützner    | mailto:pfu...@germany |    Keith Packard said:
 @work: +49 6103 752-394 | @home: +49 6151 75717 | R5 is different from R4.
  SunCS, Ampèrestraße 6  | Lichtenbergstraße 73  | That's why we changed the
    63225 Langen, FRG    | 64289 Darmstadt, FRG  | release number :-)
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