OODL: Graphics - PNG and fonts

1999-11-12 Thread Alain Farmer

Someone: Alain, I wasn't aware that PNG was a vector
format. Are you sure?

Alain: No.

Someone: Do you know where I can read the specs.
Anthony: I think they are on the W3C's page somewhere.

Alain: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-png.html

Someone: Since editing will take place in RAM anyway,
the format an image will be saved in is not really
important from a programmer's point of view.

Alain: My ignorance of "real" programming gave me the
impression that graphics, particularly stuff that has
to be updated in real-time (like in a GUI for
example), had an impact on the low-level programming.
In the case of Apple, for example, EVERYTHING that is
displayed on the screen is drawn with QuickDraw. How
wonderful it is to learn that despite the fact that
almost everything calls on the graphics, it is
sufficiently modular that the graphics have NO impact
on the underlying programming. I guess that previous
generation of programmers didn't get everything wrong!

Anthony: GraphicsConvert's best PNG encoding can take
a couple of minutes. It can be important.

Alain: Is this a one-shot deal? Or does this encoding
have to happen every time, in real-time?

Someone: The trouble is not the code, but changing the
font used for buttons is hairy because you'd have to
re-arrange all parts on the card.

Anthony: Agreed. We'd want a standard font for UI.

Alain: Does anyone disagree with this?

Someone: I don't see any problem with allowing to
select *any* font as the script-editor font.

Alain: Hummm.. That's not really where a selection of
fonts is particularly interesting. A monospaced font
is just fine here. I was suggesting instead that we
have a choice of fonts inside the interface ( menus,
windows, GUI components, etc ) like we have now with
the MacOS. I must admit that I am a little bit
bewildered. I thought that this was a gimme.


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OODL: GCC is GPL so why aren't we?

1999-11-12 Thread Alain Farmer

 Michael Fair: Using the GCC underlying architecture 
 will create licensing problems unless we reimplement

 the whole shebang.

 Alain: We must avoid licencing problems. 
 What are they in this case?

Anthony: The GPL 'virus'. That is, we'd have to use
the GPL.

Alain: To be considered GPL we would merely have to
insist that derivatives of OpenKard will be open
source too, correct? It might not be a bad idea
considering my MicroSloth Takeover argumentation, and
it would also allow us to legitimately use GCC

 Michael Fair: Reimplementing the whole thing does
 sound like an inviting proposition, so I do not
 one bit.

 Alain: Can we safely use GCC now, then switch later?

Anthony: Legally, probably not :(

Alain: Unless we make our licence GPL-like for
OpenKard and its derivatives.

Alain: Although I have written about this often and
recently, it bears recalling once more that I do NOT
consider software created with the OpenKard authoring
system to be derivative works, and thus would NOT be
have to be open source (e.g. commercial interest ). If
it were otherwise, all documents typed with MicroSoft
Word would be the intellectual property of MicroSoft
(for example).

Alain: The spread of the "GPL-virus" would thus be
limited to OpenKard itself and to OpenKard forks that
are OpenKard-like (direct competitors).
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OODL: VM and bytecodes as models

1999-11-12 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: Or are you proposing an intermediary "OC byte
code"? Actually, I might be switching to something
like that -- the parser is giving me nightmares as it
is now. And it would allow a lot of stuff like that.

Micheal Fair: That is exactly what I am proposing and
exactly why I am proposing it. :)  I think this would
take us into a whole new world of possibilities for
xTalk languages.

Alain: The VM and bytecodes approach (abstraction
layer) . I am not sure what it implies technically for
the programmers, but it definitely sounds promising
from a developer's perspective.


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OODL: Mail archive

1999-11-12 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: I'd like to take a moment to applaud Alain's
use of the message archive. Most of this was resolved
before, and perhaps we should look at that. We
exchanged many messages before what to do about
licencing, authoring, etc. and it's all in the

Alain: I was merely cleaning up my own mailbox. :)

Anthony: Someday, someone needs to build that FAQ --
no doubt drawing from a year's worth of effort, all in
the archive.

Alain: The only messages left in my mailbox now are
ones concerning our organizational stuff. My ultimate
goal is an empty mailbox! I am finally getting on top
of things. 

 For anyone who does not yet have the URL memorized:

Alain: Thank you for the reminder, Anthony. The mail
archive is a wonderful tool when trying to find an old
message that has been classified (lost) or trashed. 

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OODL: Raising some money

1999-11-13 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: Will these commercial ventures contribute
 anything to the coffers of the group so that we can
 become self-financing?

Anthony: What expenses would the partnership have?

Alain: Let me start with the administrative stuff:

1. Registering the trademark on the name of our
software; 2. Registering the trademark on the name of
our partnership (perhaps); 3. Registering our
partnership agreement; 4. Registering our collective
copyright (optional but strongly recommended).

Alain: Let's move on now to the technical stuff:

The UFP web server is decreasing in value every day.
It will eventually have to be replaced. Software had
to be upgraded and maintained on a continuous basis.
My free Internet priviledges are going to expire soon.
I am not crying out for help, nor am I whinning in
order to get some sympathy. I am merely pointing out
that one should not presume that everything will
forever be available at no cost.

Anthony: People could always donate, I suppose.

Alain: I suppose (for now) that charitable donations
will indeed be only our means of financing. I, for
one, am committed to seing this project through to the
end, and sink some of my own money into it to achieve
our goal. But depending entirely on charitable
donations is such a precarious route to take. Our lack
of funds may inhibit our development, particularly
when it comes time to promote our wares to the World!

Anthony: Forking can just mean that you think there is
a better way to do it. It is not hostile all the time.

Alain: Granted. But forking is nonetheless to be
avoided when possible. United we stand, divided we
fall ...

 Eric: So, why not use a corporation? Expense - they
 cost around 300$ filing fee and about $1000 for
 lawyers fee.

 Alain: We could raise that much couldn't we?

Anthony: Alain, don't be silly. We don't even have a
product -- or anything resembling one, and you want to
raise money?

Alain: What's silly about about raising a couple of
thousand dollars? It doesn't have to
business-oriented, nor do we necessarily have to have
a product in order to raise some money. The HyperCard
List pulled it off so that they could place an add to
Save HyperCard. 

Alain: On another tact, I saw the non-profit scheme
for our incorporation as the ultimate means of freeing
ourselves from liability and, secondarily, as a means
of raising money later on. I have been persuaded by
this group, however, that incorporation is out and
that partnership is the way to go.
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OODL: Sale of OpenKard

1999-11-13 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: That's ok. We are open source. Our wares are
 not for sale. They are made available to everyone,
 for free. The sale of OpenKard would indeed require
 unanimity because it goes against everything this
 partnership supposedly stands for.

Anthony: Umm? I thought we were going to allow people
to make  sell NuCard CD's, documentation, support,

Alain: Yes, we are going to allow people to make 
sell OpenKard CD's, documentation, support, etc.

Alain: Sorry for the ambiguity. I hope I will be
clearer this time. Here goes: OpenKard will be
available for free to anyone who cares to download it.
To avoid this download and/or to benefit from some
value-added stuff, a person can choose instead to buy
OpenKard from a vendor (RedHat, for example, or
yourself if you wish).

Alain: What I was writing about in my previous mail is
the sale of the OpenKard project/partnership itself.
In other words, a buy-out offer from a company that
would make our work proprietary.

Anthony: ... NuCard ...

Alain: Why are you calling our software NuCard?  Is
that the elected name? Did I miss the post that
announced it?
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OODL: GCC is GPL so why aren't we?

1999-11-13 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: To be considered GPL we would merely have to
 insist that derivatives of OpenKard will be open
 source too, correct?

Anthony: Standalones would have to be GPL then, too.

Alain: I suppose that you (and Scott) are right that
standalones would be considered derivative works.

Anthony: We've been over this at length.

Alain: Yes, I guess that we have. I am sorry to have
dredged this up again without first consulting the
mail archive. Having done so now, I am not sure that I
have fully conveyed the importance of standalones. So
I will state them briefly here. In one word,
Encapsulation. Do we really expect each and every user
of one our stacks to install the complete unabridged
version of the Standard Distribution? And consistently
maintain it too?
As a developer, one can never be sure that they really
have the complete set and/or the latest versions of
the components, patches, and so on. And suppose they
did do all they were supposed to, flawlessly. There is
still no guarantee that an improved version of one of
our components will not suddenly break an old stack
that functionned well with the older non-improved
version of the component. 

Alain: On the other hand, if everything the stack
needs to function well is bundled into the stack
(standalone), at the source (developer), then all the
right parts are present, the user's system doesn't
have to be burdened with the entire Standard
distribution, he doesn't have anything further to do
to complicate his life, everything works now and will
continue to work later, despite version changes in
OpenKard (unless the OS breaks the program of course).

Anthony: ... if we use the GPL as is ...

Alain: We could draft our own unique variant of GPL,
with the help of Eric. Isn't that what we are doing

Anthony: In short, if we use the GPL as is, then all
standalones must be under the GPL. If we add a clause
exempting standalones, all I have to do to make it
closed-source is create a standalone. The GPL would
work, were it not for these problems.

Alain: If this means that, in order to protect
ourselves against a MicroSloth takeover by using GPL,
we must forego the advantages that standalones would
have represented for us, then so be it.

 Alain: Although I have written about this often and
 recently, it bears recalling once more that I do
 NOT consider software created with the OpenKard
 authoring system to be derivative works, and thus 
 would NOT have to be open source (e.g. commercial 
 interest ). If it were otherwise, all documents
 with MicroSoft Word would be the intellectual
 of MicroSoft (for example).

Anthony: Your analogy does not hold. MS-Word documents
do not contain any portion of MS-Word in them. The
contain no intellectual property created by MicroSoft.

Alain: Bad example, I guess. How about HyperCard? Or
other softwares where the distinction between program
and data is blurry. I greatly appreciate the fact that
we can create HyperCard standalone programs without
any licencing restrictions whatsoever. Its a really
big plus. If proprietary Apple can be so generous, why
can't we who profess to be open and free be as

Anthony: OpenKard standalones, however, contain the
entire OpenKard engine -- quite a bit of GPL-covered
intellectual property.

Alain: So do HyperCard standalones, but your point is
well made though. If we want GPL protection, it is
likely that we will have to forego standalones. 

Alain: Besides, given the fact that our engin is not
ready yet and, consequently that we will be using
MetaCard's engin for the time being, we cannot allow
standalones because MetaCard's engin is not open

Anthony: OpenKard stacks would be fine ...

Alain: You are agreeing with me, are you not, that
stacks created with the OpenKard authoring tool would
not be constrained (infected) by the GPL-licence?

Alain: The worse part about not allowing standalones
is the fact that we would oblige our users to get,
install and maintain the entire Standard Distribution
to run their OpenKard stacks, albeit for free. The
alternative to standalones that I envision now would
be to provide an open source PLAYER of OpenKard

Alain: Does Scott already make available a free
player? Would he be willing to provide one? In the
negative, we will have to wait for our own to be
developed. What will our end-users use to run their
OpenKard stacks while our engin/player is not ready?

Anthony: ... except perhaps for any icons and
resources copied from OpenKard -- but those can be
exempted fairly easily and without disasterous

Alain: Good.
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OODL: PrettyPictures attachments and MS

1999-11-16 Thread Alain Farmer

Eric: Oh dear, more pretty pictures... Please look and
let me know what you think.

Alain: I was NOT able to download the pictures, Eric.
The problem is probably due to the fact that I am
using a free commercial mail account that sports a Web
interface (only). Sometimes it works, sometimes it

Alain: The ideal thing for me, and for the group too,
would have you FTP the stuff to the (centralized) UFP
server. That way, everyone who is interested can
obtain them, and it doesn't weigh down our E-mail with
hefty file attachments (present case excepted, e.g.

Alain: There is also the matter of your file format.
Why are you using MS-Word? Could you use something
else instead? ( like PDF or HTML, for example )

Alain: Not using MS products is as much a practical
decision as it is a political one (for me).
Open-Source is to MS what David was to Goliath, except
that in this case David is (the collective name of)
the Community.
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OODL: Free CVS hosting - Libundo

1999-01-16 Thread Alain Farmer

Alain: Anthony posted a message yesterday concerning
free open source project hosting. Here's one of the
projects that are currently being hosted. This clip
seemed particularly interesting to me :

Clip: Libundo is a simple, easy-to-use lib which
manages recording and playback of undo/redo info for
app developers.

Alain: Infinite undo/redo would be a wonderful feature
for OpenKard. It could also make OpenKard recordable.

Clip: It is designed to be simple to plug in to
existing apps and require only a min amount of support
code be written to support multi-level undo/redo.
Libundo handles all the details of determining what
has changed after an undoable action is performed,
recording that info and saving it for use when an undo
is performed.

Alain: Why re-invent the wheel? 

Clip: Libundo is available under the GNU GPL ...

Alain: The infectious licencing scheme that we are
perhaps leaning towards also.

Clip: ... and is not tied to any GUI libraries or
application frameworks.

Alain: Modular middleware that will allow us to use
the GUI libraries and framework that WE chose. Got to
like it!

Clip: Libundo has a C language interface.

Alain: Right up your alley, guys!

Clip: Libundo does require the ability to do
Unix-style memory mapping. 

Alain: Is any one or everyone of our programmers
familiar with this "Unix-style memory mapping" ?
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OODL: Eric's Graphics

1999-01-16 Thread Alain Farmer

Hey everyone!

Check out and/or download Eric's OpenKard Graphics :


Your list-mommy,


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OODL: Top-Down versus Bottom-Up

1999-01-17 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: BugTracker is nice, but you should add
directions which btn does what, and what info is
needed to complete forms, etc. Some btn names are less
than self-explanatory.

 Documentation? Yes, I should add that. Dang it, it's
 not even beta :)

Alain: What a classic programmer dilemna this is. 

1. Do I spend most of my time coding intuitively, then
document my resulting work later? And, consequently,
documentation always lags ... Why wait for the docs to
be ready to release the software?

2. Or do I design everything on paper beforehand and
maintain this documentation during my development

Alain: I know the second choice is the textbook answer
to this dilemna but, in real life, it is more often
the first tactic that is used instead, eh! (myself

Alain: Furthermore, I am increasingly convinced that
the classic Top-Down approach (choice 2), while
laudable, is just not realistic. I now favour the
Bottom-Up approach, as do (some) researchers in
Artificial Intelligence and in Artificial Life (in
particular). Broadly speaking, it it the recognition
that software systems, despite their underlying binary
logico-mathematic formalism, are nonetheless systems
that are dynamic, non-linear, etc. And that these
complexities are difficult to fit into the old linear
ways of building systems.
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OODL: The Future of Interpreter

1999-01-17 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: Bison will not be used in the next
Interpreter. Instead, I intend to write my own
parser-generator tool, which will be done in (yes)
HyperCard. Maybe portions in other things, but I doubt
it. It will at least have a pretty, HC front-end.

Alain: Surely Perl would be a much better choice for a
parser-generator tool (e.g. pattern-matching with
GREP), particularly for someone like you Anthony who
is already familiar with Perl. What is more is that
you don't have to forsake your HyperCard interface in
the process because HyperTalk and MacPerl interoperate
quite well. 

Anthony: It is named "NuParser" :)

Alain: Of course. It will go well with NuCard if
that's the name that we elect for OpenKard.
Uli: Remember to encapsulate platform-specific code in
an own class. That is, a class XMemory for memory
management, a MacMemory class for Mac-specific memory
management (that can be replaced with another
XMemory-derived class e.g. if you want to compile for
Windows). This way, unportable code will require few
changes. Abstraction is the concept to use. Thanks,
autographs later. g

Alain: Bravissimo!  I like it. It makes me think of
the MacOS with its managers and all of that.

Anthony: LOL. It'll probably use malloc/free.

Alain: Standard ANSI C methods for memory management.
A solid choice (probably).

Q. Don't you care that it will be slower?
A. No.
Q. Why?
A. Because the parse will be done once, at script
save. If it takes 1-2 secs to save a script, big

Alain: Good answer!

 It's not my goal to fragment the xTalk language
 (at least not yet)

Alain: I am not sure who wrote this (Uli or Anthony)
but I am intrigued. Sounds like someone (besides
myself) is considering a MAJOR rewrite of HyperTalk
and lots of changes for HyperCard too. I have been
brainstorming this intensively for the last 4 days
(though i have been doing this on-and-off for a decade
now). One inevitable conclusion is that 100 percent
HC-compatibility might be un-advisable, after all.

Alain: A wise person once wrote that every act of
creation is always preceded by an act of destruction.
From the ashes of our dying HyperCard (caterpillar),
OpenKard will emerge with renewed vigour (butterfly).
The OpenKard stage will be quite different than its
previous incarnation -- for the better, I say. Kind of
like a Pokemon, I suppose!  ;-)
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OODL: OpenKard Web pages

1999-01-17 Thread Alain Farmer

Good evening, y'all!

Check out my new Web pages (below).

PS: I strongly suggest a large screen at
high-resolution for viewing these pages.






That's it until tommorow.

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OODL: How to write unmaintainable code

1999-11-20 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: I suggest we make the following our official
style guide: http://mindprod.com/unmain.html
OK! Just kidding...

Alain: (laughter)

Alain: I was indeed fun to read the sarcastic article
that tells you how NOT to do it. All kidding aside, we
can use this as a counter-example in our guidelines.
Thank you for this useful contribution, Anthony!
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OODL: Libundo - undo/redo and memmap

1999-11-20 Thread Alain Farmer

 Clip: Libundo is a simple, easy-to-use lib which
 manages recording and playback of undo/redo info
 for app developers.

Alain: Infinite undo/redo would be a wonderful feature
for OpenKard. It could also make OpenKard recordable.
Uli: I think we can do undo the way SuperCard does it,
that is, it's part of our editor (a stack). We'd keep
track of the last change in a global, and maybe we'd
make it an array of sorts so we can track multiple
undo steps.

Alain: Whatever way you programmers feel is best is
fine by me. Wouldn't it be better to avoid global
variables for this recording of user-actions? I think
that one or more new functions or properties would be

get the last userAction
get the prev userAction
get the next userAction
get the first userAction

Uli: Undo is really not that complicated. 

Alain: It depends on the action taken, doesn't it? 
From a user's perspective, the "undo" menuItem is
sometimes disabled (e.g. cannot undo certain actions).
For the irreversible actions to be made reversible,
the system will have to keep intermediate versions
(one for each irreversible action). Please tell me
that I am wrong.

Uli: And since memmap isn't available on Macs, we
can't use libundo anyway.

Alain: Is there some fundamental reason why the Mac
does NOT do memmap? Why isn't it available on the Mac?
Is the Mac the ideal platform for the development of OpenKard?
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Re: OODL: The Future of Interpreter

1999-11-20 Thread Alain Farmer

 Anthony: Bison will not be used in the next
 Interpreter. Instead, I intend to write my own
 parser-generator tool, which will be done in (yes)
 HyperCard. Maybe portions in other things, but I
 doubt it. It will at least have a pretty HC

 Alain: Surely Perl would be a much better choice
 for a parser-generator tool 
 (e.g. pattern-matching with GREP)

Anthony: Nope -- not powerful enough, IMO. For writing
this parser I'm going to be doing some serious pointer
work -- and Perl does not let me do that. Does Perl
even have pointers?

Alain: Perl doesn't force us to do any low-level
memory-management stuff like C does, so I also doubt
that Perl has any pointers. They could probably be
improvized though.

Anthony: Besides, Perl is less portable than

Alain: Time and time again, Anthony, you have made it
abundantly clear that you definitely prefer C over
Perl. I understand. C is much more powerful because of
its low-levelness but, consequently, its also has a
MUCH steeper learning curve. C is not for the faint at

Alain: But, more to the point Anthony, you wrote above
"I intend to write my own parser-generator tool which
will be done in (yes) HyperCard". So I believed that
the comparison being made was between HyperTalk and
Perl. I like HyperTalk's chunking ability .. always
have .. but it still doesn't compare to what you can
do with Perl.

Alain: Bottom line is that each environment has its
own area of specialization, and thus they all have
their place at one time or another.

 Anthony: It's not my goal to fragment the xTalk 
 language (at least not yet)

 Alain: I am intrigued. Sounds like someone (besides
 myself) is considering a MAJOR rewrite of HyperTalk
 and lots of changes for HyperCard too.

Anthony: Well, not a major rewrite.

Alain: I overstated myself when I said MAJOR rewrite.
We want to approximate HyperTalk as it is known and
loved today, that's for sure. But there are things
that are no longer relevant and some that never were:
debug hintBits, debug pureQuicDraw true, debug maxmem,
dial, heapSpace, annuity, etc. Furthermore, the
scriptEditor's global variables should be properties
instead. The HC-managed Applications, Documents and
Stacks global variables should be functions instead,
and they should be completely managed by the app
instead of one or more handlers in the Home Stack
script. I could go on ...

Anthony: At least not until version 2.

Alain: ... but I didn't want to confuse the issue too
much by suggesting a million different changes before
we have at least a working first version that is quite
similar to the HyperTalk we all know and love. 

Anthony: But some alternatives to the syntax os some
commands would be nice.

Alain: Indeed! I have PAGES of new syntax, most of
which are add-on instead of remove-from or
transform-into. In other words, a superset. Hence,
they will not make OpenTalk incompatible with
HyperTalk (for the most part). Differences could be
handled easily at import or compile time.

Anthony: All in all, with the bytecodes, you can code
in whatever HT language you choose.

Alain: That's ...GGRRrreeeaaattTT! (as Tony would say)
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Re: OODL: The Future of Interpreter

1999-11-21 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: Perl doesn't force us to do any low-level
 memory-management stuff like C does, so I also
 doubt that Perl has any pointers. They could
 be improvized though.

Anthony: Yes, it could be worked around. But I'd
prefer to keep as many hacks out of it as possible.

Alain: You're absolutely right. Good principle.

Anthony: The regexp support is tempting, but not
enough. Besides, if I want regexp, I can always grab a
regexp package.

Alain: A regexp package for C/C++, correct? If so,
then things couldn't be better.

 Alain: Clearly you definitely prefer C over Perl.

Anthony: I prefer perl for a lot of quick prototyping
 short things which don't require the most speed

Alain: How about the rapid-prototyping of new NuTalk
syntax?  I am/was considering Perl for this.
Otherwise, I will either have to learn C/C++, or
merely suggest new syntax to our programmers - which
they can choose to do or not (of course) - Both are
not really satisfactory. 

Alain: Is it (or will it become) possible with the
current arrangement for us non-programmers to
prototype new NuTalk syntax?

Anthony: When I want to do something longer, or need
speed, or need to play with memory, it's either C or

Alain: Of course. It makes sense.

Anthony: Or sometimes even assembly :)

Alain: Showoff!  ;-))

Anthony: I don't like playing with the low-level stuff
except when it makes it easier, or faster ...

Alain: Nothing faster or more efficient than assembly,
that's for sure. One can do wonders with a mere 1K,

Anthony: ...[and I need it faster].

Alain: This need-for-speed, Anthony, is it specific to
something that you are doing, or is it just the
general principle that faster is always better?

Anthony: HyperCard is not actually going to do the
parsing. It's going to handle the grammar, and spit
out C/C++ to do the parsing.

Alain: Could you please clarify the meaning of "handle
the grammar". Do you mean by this that the NuTalk
sentences are broken down into their generic
functional syntactical components (verb, subject,
object, etc )? If so, then what do you mean by

 Alain: But there are things that are no longer 
 relevant and some that never were:
 debug hintBits, debug pureQuickDraw true, debug

Anthony: We'll probably keep a lot of 'debug' commands
and even add a bunch more -- those commands were never
intended for end users; they were intended to help
debug HyperCard. We'll need simular commands to debug

Alain: As long as they are genuinely useful. Also, we
could package them separately. After all, they are for
programmers only. Why include them in the
user-friendly scripting syntax for the rest of us?

 dial, heapSpace, annuity, etc.

Anthony: But why are dial and annuity obsolete?

Alain: No one is using or will use HyperCard/NuCard
for calculating annuity and compound interest, nor are
they using it to automate their phone calls. There are
better software packages out there for Statistics and
for phone automation.

Alain: If we must include them, then include them as
separate packages that offer much more than is
currently offered in this regard. Lets keep the base
syntax of NuTalk focused on the essentials, at least
for the first version(s).

 Alain: The HC-managed Applications, Documents and
 Stacks global variables should be functions instead,
 and they should be completely managed by the app
 instead of one or more handlers in the Home Stack
 script. I could go on ...

Anthony: Why not properties as well? If a stack wants
to add to them, why not?

Alain: We could do them as properties. But properties
are usually reserved for small-sized values. The
listing of the paths of all of the Documents, for
example, is much too sizable (in my opinion).
Furthermore, Documents and such are not PART of
HyperCard. They are part of the surrounding

Anthony: Also, I think they should completely be
managed by the Home stack. Right now, HyperCard
performs some magic with them, and you're never quite
sure why it works.

Alain: I disagree. If something that you would rather
not attend to, gets done automatically and without
your knowledge, then where is the problem?

Anthony: NuCard would perhaps call a function in the
Home stack, perhaps called "NuCard:FindStack" to find
the stack. That function would be responsible to find
it in the search path, and update search paths.

Alain: Why doesn't NuCard simply do this automatically
and invisibly, without using the Home stack?

Anthony: Also, the user could customize the stack
search this way. Default behavior in HC is to use the
first stack found, but the user could customize NuCard
to prompt which stack to use.

Alain: set the multiFindDialog to logical

Anthony: The user could even customize it to do a full
search on the hard disk to find it.

Alain: It should do this automatically when the
preliminary search in Documents (and such) fails. Or
we could provide a another new property:

set the searchFileSystem to logical

OODL: undo/redo and open sesame

1999-11-22 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony or Uli: ... but internally it would still be
some sort of global, even if it doesn't pollute the
scripter's namespace for globals.

Alain: I have no problem with globals that are
internal to the OpenKard application.

Anthony or Uli: Somehow I don't think the scripters
care about our namespace.

Alain: They don't care about the internal globals, but
I for one believe that the user's globals be reserved
for the user's globals. Its a small detail, granted,
but we should try to make OpenKard as coherent and as
simple as possible. Variables that the user has not
declared, some of which should be changed (or else
crash), should not be accessible to the user.

Anthony or Uli: OTOH we could add UNDO for images and
text into OpenKard itself, but this isn't much of a
problem. If you can copy and paste, you can implement
undo. We can do it more efficiently in OK.

Alain: Wonderful. I believe that an infinite undo/redo
feature is a major plus for OpenKard. It takes
interface forgiveness to new heights! 

Alain: And it will, besides, force us to integrate a
sophisticated backtracking system that could be
exploited for some REALLY interesting applications.
Recordability and agents come to mind. Anyone in this
group ever hear about Apple's technology demo entitled
"Open Sesame" ?
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OODL: Top-Down versus Bottom-Up

1999-11-22 Thread Alain Farmer

 1. Do I spend most of my time coding intuitively,
 then document my resulting work later? And,
 consequently, docs always lags ... Why wait for the 
 docs to be ready to release the software?

 2. Or do I design everything on paper beforehand
 and maintain this documentation during my

 Alain: I know the second choice is the textbook
 answer to this dilemna but, in real life, it is more

 often the first tactic that is used instead, eh! 
 (myself included)

Anthony: I'd say the first tactic is better. Far

Alain: In practice, I agree with you Anthony. It's
what I have always done, in fact, because I always
worked alone and also because my customers were very
easy-going about these formalities (because they were
paying a mere fraction of what it's worth). But the
larger projects are now requiring me to rethink my
haphazard methodology (habits). Larger systems are
inherently more complex, they often require the
collaboration of several people, and thus they require
more planning and coordination, which in turn requires
some kind of reference that everyone in the project
can be guided by (e.g. docs ).

Anthony: I find it silly to write TFM before there is
software to write it about -- you'll just end up
re-writing the manual anyway.

Alain: A lot of details do indeed change during the
development, testing and revision phases of a project,
but they should be in large part implementation
DETAILS. The overall architecture and functionality of
the system (that the docs establish) should not be
dramatically affected by them.

Anthony: But, even better is the side-to-side method.

Alain: An approach that combines Bottom-Up with
Top-Down is probably the best pragmatic strategy (for
now), in ComputerSci as well as in Educational design.

Alain: The Top-Down approach has always received the
Lion's share of developers attention, so we should
probably concentrate on the MUCH-less popular
Bottom-Up development strategy (equity). Besides,
given our present difficulties at arriving at a
consensus on features (on anything in fact), it seems
natural to use a Bottom-Up approach. Everyone builds
the individual parts that he wishes, and we weave all
these disparate parts together later on. If this
sounds risky, then you understand why the developers
of the Top-Down approach nearly always prevail. In
fact, they often have no other alternative because the
people that finance projects are an insecure lot that
insist on forecasting the outcome before they invest
their precious capital. But, since we are not looking
to be financed, we have the luxury of choosing the
Bottom-Up or a combination of the two. On a final
note, I would like to point out that my studies in
Artificial Intelligence and Communication have
persuaded me that the Bottom-Up approach to AI (e.g.
A-Life) is the most promising one for achieving this
lofty goal.

Anthony: Think Differently g.

Alain: Evolving artificially-alive intelligent
learning agents ... How's that for thinking differently?
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OODL: Prototyping OpenTalk syntax

1999-11-22 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: A regexp package for C/C++, correct? If so,
 then things couldn't be better.

Anthony: Except that regexp is slow. I don't really
need it -- at least not for what I'm doing now.

Alain: the short answer is YES then.

Anthony: You won't have to learn much C++. You'll have
to learn the syntax for NuParser. You'll have to learn
a little C++ to bytescode and possibly assemble the
new instructions you add. You'll have to learn NullCPU
assembly. To add a new command, you'll have to change
the NuParser. Not too hard. Then you'll have to add a
little to the translator. Then, if it is not already
part of the bytecode, you'll have to add some to the

Alain: Sounds like a lot to me!  In any case, you are
confirming that I will need to be somewhat proficient
with C/C++ to contribute to OpenTalk's syntax.

Anthony: ... but from your HC Syntax webpage, you
probably already do.

Alain: You're too kind. HyperCard's formal syntax is a
cinch compared to what you described above. Add to
that all of the software that I will have to buy,
learn, etc: language, compiler, MPW, etc.

 Alain: Is it (or will it become) possible with the
 current arrangement for us non-programmers to
 prototype new NuTalk syntax?

Anthony: It should be.

Alain: The arrangement that you outlined above?  Can
you provide us with an easier way to prototype new
OpenTalk syntax? Templates or ... something ?

 Anthony: We'll probably keep a lot of 'debug'
 commands and even add a bunch more ...

 Alain: Why include them in the user-friendly 
 scripting syntax for the rest of us?

Anthony : We don't. That's why they're undocumented.
But we leave them in the executable because:
  a) It's more work taking them out
  b) Allow a user track down a bug.

Alain: Fair enough.

 Anthony: But why are dial and annuity obsolete?

 Alain: No one is using or will use HyperCard/NuCard
 for calculating annuity and compound interest, nor
 are they using it to automate their phone calls.
 are better software packages out there for
 and for phone automation.

Anthony: And why should one not be able to write such
a package with NuCard? NuCard is development tool --
and should be able to do stuff like that.

Alain: You are going to need a lot more than a "dial"
command to offer a genuine value-added phone solution
with NuCard (in my opinion).

 Alain: If we must include them, then include them
 as separate packages that offer much more than is
 currently offered in this regard. Lets keep the
 base syntax of NuTalk focused on the essentials, 
 at least for the first version(s).

Anthony: We're not designing a RISC chip here, Alain.

Alain: Simpler means less complexity, less bugs, less
work to do (on marginal commands like dial for
example), quicker time to market, simpler for the user
to learn, better performance, and perhaps some other
advantages that don't come to my mind at this time.

Anthony: Annuity and dial functions are not that hard,
and VERY, VERY, VERY easy compared to plugin extension
of the syntax.

Alain: Fair enough.

Alain: Do you envision that we will eventually have a
plugin interface? Or do you recommend that everything
be integrated directly into the source code, given
that we are open source?

 Alain: The HC-managed Applications, Documents and
 Stacks global variables should be functions
 instead, and they should be completely managed by
 app instead of one or more handlers in the Home
 script. I could go on ...

 Anthony: Why not properties as well? If a stack
 wants to add to them, why not?

 Alain: We could do them as properties. But
 properties are usually reserved for small-sized 

Anthony: The script property of buttons, fields,
cards, backgrounds, and stacks

Alain: By convention, the script is a property because
each object possesses one. But isn't it just a (brief)
reference to a container managed by the Script Editor

Anthony: The contents of?

Alain: Is the content of a field considered a property
of that field? Not formally, eh, but I guess that it
is in practice. How does HC handle fld-content
 Anthony: Also, I think they should completely be
 managed by the Home stack. Right now, HyperCard
 performs some magic with them, and you're never
 quite sure why it works.

 Alain: I disagree. If something that you would
 rather not attend to, gets done automatically and 
 without your knowledge, then where is the problem?

Anthony: It will be done without any effort on your
part, by the default home stack.

Alain: My Home Stack Script is sacred. So much of my
generic stuff belongs there that the 30K limit is
never very far. The fact that the application will
deprive me of some of this meager space, by including
one or more handlers for managing something that
should be invisible to the user, is best avoided in my

Anthony: But when you do want to attend to it, I
assure you most people don't want to spend all day
reading NuCard source code.

Alain: How about 

OODL: Prototyping OpenTalk syntax - Favorites and doMenu

1999-11-25 Thread Alain Farmer

 Anthony: I thought we were talking about search
 not bookmarks?

 Uli: Me too. Bookmarks can be implemented easily by
 hand. Not a feature for OC. Search paths are what's 
 required to find stacks on a certain computer.

Alain: Why are you both assuming that i was talking
about bookmarks??  I was indeed talking about search
paths. Anthony was suggesting that my approach of
having OpenKard manage the search paths internally
would make the Applications, Documents and Stacks
non-accessible to the user for customization. In
response, i suggested some new OpenTalk syntax that
would allow the user to customize search paths,
despite the fact that they are handled internally.
This new OpenTalk syntax was inspired from
AppleScript's favorites feature, but my spin has
nothing to do with MacOS favorites or with Web

 Domenu relies on the name of the menu item. 
 What about localized versions of OpenCard?

Alain: I have scripted HyperTalk in French in my time,
so here is how it works: The English menus and
menuItems are always available to a script, despite
the fact that they may not be present in your French
menubar. French menuItems are converted to their
English equivalents by HC's Translator Interface
BEFORE they are interpreted by HyperCard. Same goes
for anything typed into the message box. You activate
all of this by setting the language property of
HyperCard to the name of a WTRN resource. In my case,
the WTRN resource's name was "French" and it mainly
contained English--French string substitutions.
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OODL: Prototyping OpenTalk syntax

1999-11-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: You can call the built-in functions of
HyperCard directly and bypass any user-defined
functions by using the word "the" before the function

Uli: I wasn't aware of that.

Alain: Anthony is indeed right-on-the-money.

Uli: Well, then we can't use that to call user
functions in a more English-like way.

Alain: I have been thinking along these lines too.
Making OpenTalk more English-like than HyperTalk by
liberal-usage of the "the" keyword. The parser would
merely have to ignore this keyword when interpreting a

Alain: We would indeed lose the bypass-the-hierarchy
feature of HyperTalk functions called with the "the"
keyword. Is it really useful? How frequently is it
necessary? Couldn't the scripter merely "send" the
message to HyperCard explicitly when the bypass
feature is deemed necessary? Or perhaps some syntax
like below:

the abs [of HyperCard] of numericEpression

1. the abs of numericEpression -- traverses

2. the abs of HyperCard of numericEpression -- NOT
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OODL: Prototyping OpenTalk syntax

1999-11-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: This new OpenTalk syntax was inspired from
 AppleScript's favorites feature, but my spin has
 nothing to do with MacOS favorites or with Web

Anthony: The problem is that your syntax will only
allow paths ...

Alain: What makes you say this ??

Anthony : ... whereas having the home stack handle it
(and, btw, your syntax would be part of this) allows
searching in any method the user can conceive.

Alain: Scripting the search-strategies is indeed a
valuable feature, but I am also wondering to what
extent the search-mechanism should be externalized and
put into the hands of the user, and how much should
reside inside the application itself.

Alain: How much limited script space (chars) are going
to be occupied by this search-feature? How likely is
it that users will toy around with such a complex
feature? How reliable will their changes be? What if
users inadvertently changes (a search and replace all,
for example) or deletes these critical handlers? It
happened to me when I was a HyperCard newbie, and I
wondered for years why this path-feature never seem to
work for me as was suggested it would in the many
HC-related books that I read.

Alain: Could we objectivize handlers? In other words,
treat individual handlers inside a script as an
instance of the handler-class. Each handler could thus
have properties: like dontSearch, dontChange,
dontRemove ... for examples.
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OODL: Documentation and commenting of code

1999-11-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Uli: I don't care whether the docs are written before
or after the code, as long as you don't see this as an
excuse not to comment your code.

Alain: You're absolutely right, Uli. Well-commented
code is very important.

Uli: If you extensively comment your code, someone
else can later write the docs while you keep coding
away. If you don't comment, we're all off to a bad
start. Add extensive comments, why a check for a
variable being NULL is there, why you add or subtract
1 to nudge an image, what part of a graphic is drawn,
for what tokens which exception in code handling is.
Mark everything one would have to look up, etc. If we
do that consequently, we'll have maintainable code,
... Else, we'll have to re-write everything every 6

Alain: I wholeheartedly agree.

Uli: if the concept is good.

Alain: That's what documentation BEFORE would be good

1. good design (concept)
2. good planning
3. improved coordination (we are a group after all)
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OODL: Prototyping OpenTalk syntax

1999-11-29 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: This new OpenTalk syntax was inspired from
 AppleScript's favorites feature, but my spin has
 nothing to do with MacOS favorites or with Web

 Anthony: The problem is that your syntax will only
 allow paths ...

Alain: What makes you say this ??

Anthony: Because you're defining a property which
stores search paths, correct?

Alain: Yes, I am defining a property which stores
search paths but does this necessarily exclude other
path-like references (like URLs for example) ? The
script property is quite liberal with its contents.

 Alain: How much limited script space (chars) are
 going to be occupied by this search-feature?

Anthony: First off, THERE IS NO 30K LIMIT. There is
not a problem with limited script space, period.

Alain: Is the limit raised (to 64K like MC, for
example) or is there no limit whatsoever?

Anthony: Second, these script should be but a few
lines, I'd guess. (HANDLER) This would, btw, be the
built-in algorithm.

Alain: So you agree then that part of the search-paths
process should be internal to the application ...

 Alain: What if users inadvertently changes (a search

 and replace all, for example) or deletes these 
 critical handlers?

Anthony: If the messages reach NuCard, they'd be
handled internally. So it won't be catastrophic if you
delete them.

Alain: ... with internal defaults for the externalized
portion of the search-paths process, just in case the
user misuses or deletes the Home-stack-handler(s) that
manage it. Great!

Anthony: And there I go informally proposing syntax

Alain: What's wrong with that ?

 Alain: Could we objectivize handlers? In other
 words, treat individual handlers inside a script as
 instance of the handler-class. Each handler could
 thus have properties: like dontSearch, dontChange,
 dontRemove ... for examples.

Anthony: This would be a major change for HyperCard

Alain: Yes it would, but it would not make us
incompatible because its new functionality (superset).

Anthony: ... and would be better discussed on a
different thread (translation: let me think about it)

Alain: Fair enough.
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OODL: OpenTalk syntax - DO and SEND

1999-12-03 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: I don't have a problem bypassing the message
hierarchy; that can be done easily.

Alain: Good. What do you propose?

Anthony: I do have a problem with building commands at

Alain: This and the above are two different issues.
SEND does not necessarily involve "building cmds at
runtime" We thus keep SEND, right?

 Want to guess how many existing HC stacks become
 incompatible with OC if we don't support do, send,
 run-time variable naming?

Alain: LOTS!

Anthony: Not too many. Most I've seen don't make use
of do.

Alain: There was a heated discussion on the pros and
cons of HyperCard's DO command on the HC-List. Most
contributors to this discussion were insisting that
the DO command is one of HyperCard's hottest features.
I am among them.

Anthony: Most that use send only use it to send a
mouseup to a button; quick fix will work there.

Alain: I also use SEND a lot. One cannot mix several
scripting languages inside the same script, so I put a
lot of my AppleScript and MacPerl scripts inside
hidden buttons that are remotely-controlled by the
stack script. I also use SEND to extend HC's
stacksInUse to more than 16 stacks. And I am sure I
could think of many other good reasons for DO and SEND
if it becomes necessary.

Anthony: As for runtime variable naming, hashes can be
used instead. A fairly quick fix.

Alain: A fairly quick fix for runtime variable naming
that doesn't affect the Interpreter. Sounds great.
Let's do the same (or a similar trick) to keep DO and
SEND in NuTalk/OpenTalk.
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OODL: VOTE RESULTS - FreeCard and FreeTalk

1999-12-04 Thread Alain Farmer

Uli: sorry, I was just waiting for people to send in
some more votes, but I didn't get any additional ones.
There were only 6 votes being sent in :-(

Alain: It will have to do for now.

 Top 10 list:
 1. FreeCard
 2. HyperRAD

Alain: It is nice to see (for me) that my suggested
name got second place.

Alain: FreeCard is a better choice after all because
freedom (lofty) and free-of-cost (concrete) are
defining caracteristics of our collaboration. HyperRAD
is less appropriate than FreeCard because of the fact
that FreeCard will be more than a Rapid Application
Development tool.

Uli: So I guess FreeCard it'll be. Any objections?

Alain: FreeCard it is. 

Alain: Our scripting language is likely to be
FreeTalk. Otherwise, I'd like calling it OpenTalk, but
the link between OpenTalk and FreeCard does become a
little less obvious than the link between FreeTalk and

Alain: What do we name ourselves as a group of
persons? As opposed to the name of our software
(FreeCard) and the name of our scripting language
(FreeTalk). It will simplify the drafting of our
licences if we can refer to ourselves as a group with
one simple name.
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OODL: The DO command

1999-12-07 Thread Alain Farmer

Date: 7 Dec 99 08:42:14 +0100
From: "Jean-Jacques Wagner" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In response to Dan Gelder (Serf) :

Jean-Jacques : But you said you will "not" support the
do command in Serf.

Alain Farmer : Is that correct, Dan ?

Alain Farmer : Does Serf support the DO command ?

Alain Farmer : Will Serf support the DO command ?

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OODL: Names - FreeCard and FreeScript

1999-12-07 Thread Alain Farmer

Julian Blackhirst : Does our script language have to
end in "talk"?  So many already do that a beginner
could become confused and it makes you think it is
associated with speech software. Why not call it
"FreeScript", or something else.

Anthony : I agree! And it sounds _much_ better, too.

Alain : Sure. Why not? FreeScript it is (for now).
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1999-12-07 Thread Alain Farmer

eric-engle : Sorry for my absence, struggling to slay
the dragon Thesis...

Alain: How do you feel about working on FreeCard's
legal issues once again? 

eric-engle : My understanding is that we the GUI we
are developing will be substantially different from
that used by MC, and will not be merely cosmetic

Alain: That is my understanding too.

eric-engle : In MC we have "folders" which present all
object attributes. I actually do not have a problem
with this approach.

Alain: This is an inefficient approach, I am told.
FreeCard will be using XBF for file-format stuff.

eric-engle : In fact, I find the MC GUI at least
adequate. Certainly I think that cosmetic changes are
necessary ...

Alain : Adequate, but people expect more from software
that costs $995.

eric-engle : ... beyond that, I must ask what our
objectives are.

Alain: Good question.

eric-engle : I think the MC GUI takes up lots of desk
space (six open windows is actually not uncommon: tool
palette, scripteditor, object editor, and maybe home
and help...) but that will be adressed by changing
sizes of the stacks in question.

Alain: This is a very frequent complaint leveled at a
lot of current softwares that are over-burdened with
features/windows. A challenge we will have to face up
to as well.

eric-engle : A simple 'facelift' of the MC GUI would
be an improvement, and can be presented soon (in fact,
I am prototyping a version with a 'cream' background,
blue textfont, using chicago and monaco...) but before
I do the palette (gradient shades of gray create a
'metallic appearance' and will reverse - requiring 32
different icons ...

Alain: Notify us when it is ready, Eric.

eric-engle : ... in HC just an afternoon, but in MC
will take 2 or 3 days).

Alain: Clues as to what we need to change to make the
GUI easier may be gleaned from the difficulties that
are slowing you down when you use MC instead of HC.

eric-engle : ...because I'm still a beginner.

Alain: Beginners are the best testers because they
have to infer what to do and how to do it by reacting
to what the GUI provides, instead of counting on
experience to fill the gaps.

eric-engle : I want some 'feedback' on our Grand
Objective: Is it to create a completely different

Alain: You could say we have 3 sub-projects. There is
the FreeCard application, the FreeCard GUI, and the
FreeScript scripting language. MetaCard is a temporary
stand-in for the first because MetaCard wants the 2nd.

eric-engle : if so, in what respects? I honestly feel
some simple cosmetic changes would be sufficient ...

Alain: MetaCard is a temporary stand-in. Do not focus
merely on that. 

eric-engle : ... however I am happy to go 'one step
beyond' ...

Alain: What should the ultimate interface be like ?

eric-engle : ... after people tell me where to go

Alain: Do not sell yourself short, Eric. Help us
imagine what FreeCard will become.
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OODL: The DO command - Re Dan Gelder

1999-12-07 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain Farmer : Does Serf support the DO command ?
 Alain Farmer : Will Serf support the DO command ?

Dan Gelder : If all Serf did was copy HyperCard, I
would of course need a DO command. But Serf is a new
variation of xTalk; I can add arrays, new syntax, etc.

Alain : FreeCard will not merely be a HyperCard clone.
More like a compatible superset (for the most part).

Dan Gelder : OpenCard or Freecard or Nucard or

Alain : The name of our application is FreeCard, and
the name of our xTalk-variant is FreeScript.

Dan Gelder : ... should have DO.

Alain : But not merely for compatibility reasons. The
DO command is a very powerful feature.

Dan Gelder : Serf probably shouldn't.

Alain : Why have you chosen to NOT include DO in Serf?
Do your reasons include the performance-hit of the DO
command? Or because DO would be too difficult to
implement? Or because you consider self-modifying code
to be naughty programming? Does it have anything to do
with the security-restrictions of platforms other than
the Mac?
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OODL: The DO command

1999-12-08 Thread Alain Farmer

 Julian: if a "Do" or "send" is implemented
 then we could just implement "do" and not "send"
 instead of: send mouseup to this card
 use: do the mouseup of this card

 Julian: You would have to make the do command
 improved from HC's "do" command and you wouldn't
 to have both do and send.

Alain: I like it, despite the fact that it would make
FreeScript HyperTalk-incompatible in this regard.
Simple is elegant. Less (syntax) is better.
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OODL: For the love of DO

1999-12-10 Thread Alain Farmer

- *** the DO command *** -  

 do "put"  theValue  "into field"  theField 

Anthony: What's wrong with: put theValue into field
theField ?!

Alain: OK, it was a bad example.

Anthony: I think the 'do' command has made people fail
to realize what HC syntax allows!

Alain: I am thoroughly familiar with HyperTalk. I have
been using it since day-one that it came out. It has
been my main programming language for 14 years now. I
even created an educational program entirely with HC
that teaches HyperTalk-Scripting to future teachers of
all levels of computing experience.

Alain: Below is a much better illustration of the
power of the DO command. In a nutshell, it allows you
to mix-and-match three (3) different scripting
languages inside the same script: HyperTalk, Perl, and
AppleScript. And, moreover, params can be passed to
these other languages.

on closeField
  makeTable fld "TP", fld "DK", fld "DV"
  copyCGI "dispatch.cgi"
end closeField

on makeTable(path, key, values)
  put "$TP = '"  path  "'; "   return after var
  put "$DK = '"  key  "'; "  return after var
  put "$DV = '"  values  "'; "  return after var
  put readFile("makeTable.pl")  return after var
  do var as perl
end makeTable

on copyCGI programName
  put "HD:Source:"  programName into sourcePath
  put "HD:Destination:"  programName into destinPath
  put "tell application"  quote  "Finder"  quote 
return after scriptVar
  put "set source to ("  sourcePath  ") as alias" 
return after scriptVar
  put "set destination to ("  destinPath  ") as
alias"  return after scriptVar
  put "duplicate source to destination with replacing"
 return after scriptVar
  put "end tell" after scriptVar
  do scriptVar as appleScript
end copyCGI

Alain: Please note that the lines of the 3rd handler
may wrap themselves if your Email client's window is
small. Copy and paste them into a suitable editor if
you have difficulty reading the handler.
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OODL: Democracy belongs

1999-12-10 Thread Alain Farmer

 I frankly don't see where democracy belongs on this
 list either. We are not running a society, we're 
 collaborating on a not-for-profit joint creative 

Alain: So who decides what, when, in what manner, to
what end[s] is not [as] important ??

 There is no need for secrecy in my estimation...can
 you explain why you feel the need for it. If the 
 members of this group can't work openly and above-
 board, I see little chance of success.

Alain: I wholeheartedly agree that there is no need
for secrecy for most of the issues that we will be
voting on. It is a profound conviction of mine that
open-ness is next to Godliness when it comes to
participation in a group. In politics, un-accountable
leaders and/or followers that shroud themselves in
secrecy inevitably leads to corruption and/or

 Uli: I realize I'm firing cannons at sparrows here.
 Still, we should prepare for the future. If we set 
 clear rules now that work in any society, we're much

 more likely to have something that'll work even
 *if* the FreeCard group gets larger some day.

Alain: Hear! Hear!
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OODL: The FreeCard name --- is it available?

1999-12-10 Thread Alain Farmer

 Mark: Can someone do a trademark search?

 I understood that someone (Adrian?) ran all the
 names through the US Patent  Trademark Office's db 
 before we voted.

Alain: I thought that it was Anthony DeRobertis that
had run our candidate-names thru the DB above.

 I wouldn't expect a commercial enterprise to name a
 product with "Free" as the first sylable.

Alain: Right, and the name FreeCard was not already
taken when we our candidate-names were run thru the

 (BTW, did those of you who plan to create commercial

 software with FreeCard take that into

Alain: No problem whatsoever. Commercial products
should not use our name, or even insinuate in any way
that this commercial product is endorsed, guaranteed
or supported by the FreeCard Group.
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OODL: Re Uli's recent update

1999-12-10 Thread Alain Farmer

 Or do you disagree that voting should be a
 responsibility of partnership?

Alain: For better or for worse, our present voting
system is our most efficient means of making decisions
and progress. How can anyone of us afford to abstain
from voting when our numbers are so small? Six (6)
votes in all for the name of our application!

 Uli: If I was picky, I'd say voting is a right ...

Alain: Sure, voting is a right, in principle. But, in
practice, if nobody (except the politicians) voted,
then our democratic system based on representation
would cease to exist, or persist with very little

 Uli: ... and whoever sees it as a responsibility 
 should move into a dictature for a few years 
 to find out why. But I'm not, and I don't want to 
 start another discussion like that on socialism back

 then, as it doesn't belong on this list.

Alain: I will resist responding to this salvo .. but
do not tempt me any further.

 Uli: So, if there is nobody who wants to object to
 name vote (any legal pitfalls?), I won't re-start
 vote. Let's get back to work.

Alain: You got my vote !

 Uli: I hope to soon be in a state to get back to
 and I trust Anthony will again do his magic ...

Alain: Keep up the good work, guys !

 Uli: ... and get interpreter to work, 
 even with "do" added to the feature box.

Alain: We certainly hope so, but I am not sure that
Anthony is entirely convinced about the relevance
and/or advisability of including the DO command in

 Uli: I'm also happy Eric just announced he'll soon 
 have a partnership agreement. I think we're going 
 again, which is a good sign.

Alain: Welcome back, Eric !

 Uli: Now, it'd be cool if someone 
 came up with a GUI for FreeCard.

Alain: Wasn't Eric working on a cream-colored
platinum-like GUI theme?

 Uli: If you feel better that way, e-mail that stuff
 me and I'll take care of the hassles of placing it
 the web site so others on the list can examine the 

Alain: That's the spirit, Uli. Make it easy for
everyone to contribute, even those who contributors
that are not familiar or capable of FTP-ing their
contributions themselves.

 Uli: Or you can send suggestions what you always
 to the list, or about things that annoy you about 
 HC/MC/SC's user interface.

Alain: Another good suggestion, Uli. You're on a roll!
 E-mail will quite probably always be our principal
means of communication, discussion, debate, and all of
that. E-mail is the "killer" app of the Web, eh!

Alain: I prefer HTML, however, because plain-text mail
is rather limited and un-structured compared to the
multimedia and structuring possibilities of HTML, with
or without CGI programs. I seem to be a lone-wolf in
this regard, though, because no one is contributing
anything whatsoever to our current Web site, not even
comments -- except for the one comment you made about
the content of my HyperCard page. Oh well!
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OODL: Voting as prerequisite to partnership

1999-12-11 Thread Alain Farmer

 Why should people who aren't committed enough to
 project to express an opinion receive a partnership?

Alain: No. The responsibility of voting and its link
to partnership status does not imply that someone who
votes one or more times is automatically a partner.
Nor does it mean that missing one or a few votes will
revoke your partner status once you have attained it.
But, given the importance of voting/polling to make
decisions and thus to move forward, it is expected
that partners should make a sincere effort to vote
every time a vote is called. A few asides are
understandable, and no we don't necessarily want to
know the reason(s) why a particular partner couldn't
vote. But a partner who rarely votes is an .. oxymoron
... in my book.

 I didn't vote because I couldn't care less about
 it's name.

Alain: No harm done. It's our first vote. We are still
working out the kinks. One missed vote does not
exclude you or anyone else. But, in the future, please
try to vote each time, even if the issue being voted
on doesn't enthrall you. It is particularly critical
at this time, given the fact that we are so few.
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OODL: New Feature Requests from HC-List

1999-12-11 Thread Alain Farmer

 Uli: Or you can send suggestions what you always
 liked to the list, or about things that annoy you 
 about HC/MC/SC's user interface.

 Rob Cozens: I've tried to save a few of those I've 
 seen posted (eg: Judy Perry's list from the HC

Alain: What a coincidence!  I classify all of the
messages posted to the HC-List, and among the
categories that I have made and maintained, there is
one that I have entitled "New Feature Requests". 

Alain: I will make it available soon. The hitch is
that all of the messages are in Netscape Messenger,
and there is no convenient export feature. I am going
to have to save each message individually, unless
someone on this list has any suggestions on how to
simplify this export process.
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OODL: Voting CGI, HC-mac or Linux ?

1999-12-12 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: I knew you were away for a while, Adrian.
 Had I been a little less busy, it might have
 to me to notify you by personal E-mail that a
 vote was in progress. Perhaps we should include in
 voting process a personal-notification of all
 among the lessons learned with this first vote.

Anthony: This would definitely be a nice feature to
add to the voting CGI -- whenever a vote is started, a
form should be sent to the list members which they
just need to fill out and send back.

Alain: Yes. We can easily add this mailTo feature to
the current HC-based voting CGI. I am referring to the
CGI that was used for the Save-HyperCard-Petition.

Anthony: This is rather hard without running your own

Alain: Not necessarily. Having HyperCard 2.4 handle a
mailTo URL is a cinch. It would nevertheless be
wonderful to have my own mail server again. That
damned macjordomo thing never worked .. G ...

Anthony: Does anyone have a static IP, reasonable
connection, and a Linux box to use for this? If so,
I'll make it work.

Alain: I have a static IP and a reasonably fast T1
connection, and my partner has been dabbling lately
with LinuxPPC, and I have a free slot in my hub for my
third Mac. So, what you propose is definitely
possible, but I would like you to tell me why I should
go to all of that "trouble".
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OODL: Forms of new FreeScript syntax

1999-12-12 Thread Alain Farmer

Uli: What is new syntax in your case? e.g. if I wanted
to add a command: laugh about value when
would this be new syntax?

Anthony: Yes. But "laugh(value,expression)" is not.

Alain: Just like HyperCard. Any new command or
function must use the generic form of syntax that is
less english-like than native syntax, as illustrated

commandName param1,param2,paramn
functionName (param1,param2,paramn)

Alain: Is this the only kind of syntax that you
envision people contributing to FreeCard?

Alain: It should be noted that AppleScript allows a
scripter to create english-like syntax comparable to
the native syntax. AppleScript is not limited to the
generic syntax illustrated above.

Alain: Is it possible to dramatically simplify the
process of adding new NATIVE FreeScript syntax to
FreeCard? A user-friendly interface to mask all but
the really necessary details, crafted with HyperCard
or MetaCard say?
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OODL: HTML versus Text

1999-12-12 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: I prefer HTML, however, because plain-text
 mail is rather limited and un-structured compared to

 the multimedia and structuring possibilities of
 with or without CGI programs.

Uli: Now you're tempting me ... HTML is great for web
pages, but if you receive it via e-mail, many people
get gibberish, or have to fire up a separate program
to view it.

Alain: While it would be conceivable to use HTML in
our E-mail (because we are a small group), I am sure
that this idea will NOT fly. The reasons you gave
above are some of the objections. Bandwidth is also a

Uli: Also, most stuff can be done as effective by just
scattering a few tabs or spaces through text.

Alain: Smileys are ok and I love expressing myself in
writing, but one must nonetheless admit that
text-based exchanges lack many of the communication
cues that make multimedia and in-person meeting so
much more rich. Humour or sarcasm, for example, are
often misinterpreted when the medium of exchange is

Alain: Bottom-line, for me, is that each means of
communication has its advantages and its
disadvantages. E-mail is great for loosely structured
exchanges, on any topic, at any time, in any manner
that suits the writer. HTML, on the other hand, is
best for info presentation that summarizes our current
status, activities, fruits of our labours, etc. (e.g.
web site). Add forms and CGI programs to the HTML-mix
and you have innumerable ways of sharing structured information.
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OODL: Pick A Name for our group

1999-12-23 Thread Alain Farmer

RobCozens : OK, I vote for FreeCard Confederation, or
FCC. I reconsidered "Federation" because I believe we
better meet the definition of "Confederation".

Alain: Instead of "vote", you should probably have
written "nomination" because we are not even close to
being ready to vote on this.
Anthony: I _hate_ the FCC.

Alain: What have they ever done to you, Anthony?

Anthony: Let's not copy their name... Also, it'd
create confusion.

Alain: I wholeheartedly agree that we should NOT use
the name FCC because of the inevitable confusion that
would arise.
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OODL: Hard-code dialogs bypassing ?

1999-12-23 Thread Alain Farmer

 Rob: How many times have you cursed at an app "Of 
 course I want to delete the ... that's why I
 'Delete'."?  Wouldn't you like a way for someone who

 knows the app to bypass those kinds of dialogs? I

Alain: Me too, please.

 Uli: that could be done using Preferences.

Alain: How about dialogs that must appear to the user
when he does it manually, but which we don't want to
display when this same action is taken by a script?

 Uli: If you choose "Get Info" on the trash, you can 
 completely turn off that message in the Finder. I 
 don't mind if the option key is used for this
 in FreeUI, but it must be implemented in FreeScript.

 It mustn't be hard-coded into FreeCard, agreed?

Alain: Why are you insisting so strenuously that it
must not be hard-coded?

Alain: I suggest some optional syntax and/or some new
properties :

1.  lock dialogs

-- similar to existing "lock error dialogs"

2.  set lockDialogs to true

-- similar to existing "set lockScreen to true "

3.  doMenu menuItem [with/without dialog] [with keys]

-- identical to existing HyperTalk syntax
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OODL: Button under Visual C++/MFC

1999-12-23 Thread Alain Farmer

 And what happens if you have two buttons that
 each other and you click the one that is partially 
 covered? Will it appear to "jump forward" then, like
 Macintosh control? Or will it just highlight the
 that are visible, like a button in HyperCard?

Alain: Macintosh controls "jump forward" ?? Windows do
that - if you click on a window that is not in the
foreground, it will jump forward to the foreground and
become the active window. But controls??

 Good Question. I have investigate the problem, but
 seem that only the first option is handled.
 We obviously need the latter behaviour.

 No luck !

Alain: The hiliting of parts in HyperCard is the same
as the hiliting of Macintosh controls, aren't they??
Did HyperCard stray THAT far from Apple's Human
Interface Guidelines??

 Also, since we need to send messages when a button
 is clicked (mouseDown, mouseStillDown, mouseUp),

 it can be done i Think !

Alain: We will be supporting all of the events that
HyperCard 2.x supports, right? In this particular
case, we will thus support :


 It'd be best if we could do the tracking of a button

 in FreeCard-specific code ...

Alain: Are you talking about : (a) FreeCard-specific
source code, written in C/C++, or (b) FreeCard script
language code (FreeScript) ?

 else whenever we add new messages we have to add the

 code to dispatch the messages to the current
 script (to "send" a message to it) to *both* the 
 Windows and the Mac code. It'd be best if we could 
 just make the abstraction layer call a function both

 on Windows and on Mac and then we would have that 
 function do the actual work.

Alain: Absolutely! 

 And we have to be able to change a button's style to

 some custom style whenever its "style" property 
 changes ...

Alain: set the style of button to buttonStyle

Alain : But the buttonStyle token will have to be
defined somewhere, in a structure that detects and/or
asks the user for the current/projected
platform/context in order to only offer the btnStyles
that are supported. But how do you switch custom
btnStyles when someone goes from one platform to
another? Unless, of course, each mac-btnStyle has a
corresponding win-btnStyle and linux-btnStyle. If
these corresponding btnStyles are not identical, then
FreeCard will look different on every platform. So
what's it going to be ? Same look and styles
irregardless of platform, or platform-specific
enhanced looks/styles that are quite distinct for each

 ... which is also a lot easier if we can just call
 abstraction-layer function and we don't have to add 
 different code depending on which platform we

Alain: Absolutely. Abstraction of implementation
details of each platform would undoubtedly be one of
the Ten Commandments of programming, if such a thing
existed. The only hitch is that universality usually
translates into designing for the
Lowest-Common-Denominator that is common to all of the
targeted platforms.
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OODL: List-mommy on vacation

1999-12-23 Thread Alain Farmer

Merry xMas everyone.

Cheers, as Uli would say !  :))

I will be back on December 27, 1999.

Alain Farmer
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OODL: Unanimity, consensus, majorities

1999-12-27 Thread Alain Farmer

 Rob: * I wonder if it is really necessary to have a
 unanimous agreement on every issue?

Alain: Not necessarily.

 Rob: IMNSHO, the need to be unanimous 
 is less than ideal as a standing policy.

Alain: I agree. Unanimity is often hard to achieve and
it only requires one dissenter to bog down the
process. Each participant is, in effect, given the
power of veto.

 Rob: Does anyone know of organizations/partnerships 
 that have this requirement?

Alain: I couldn't say off-hand.

 Mark Rauterkus: I know of a few. One, a local 
 planning forum, operates by a strict *, 
 and it is a crying pitty. It stinks.

Alain: We are talking about Unanimity. We are NOT
talking about Consensus. Consensus is not a synonym
for Unanimity.

 Not that this is a big threat or anything, but I
 won't join any organization that needs to operate
 its charter by unanimous agreement. That is a
 serious blunder to progress should it stay.

Alain: I agree that unanimity should NOT always be
required and that acting otherwise would be
fool-hardy. There are some fundamental issues that we
MUST all agree upon, however. Fundamentals like : we
are open source, we are not a partnership/corporation,
the GENERAL framework of our collaboration and of our
licencing, and perhaps some other fundamentals that
don't come to mind at this time. 

Alain: In other words, we should be unanimous on the
key strategic aspects, but much more accomodating on
the tactical details. In essence, we should all agree
on where we are going and why, with some basic
guidelines for constructively evaluating the means
that will be proposed to achieve our goals (e.g. the
How ). And trust our good sense for the rest.

 And isn't it more or less appropriate depending on
 the number of partners.

Alain: Once we have our general framework in place, it
is not likely to change much if we do it right. There
are few of us now, so now is the best time to deal
with these issues. Participants who join later, if and
when they do, will do so according to how our group
defines itself. While, on the other hand, if we let
everything ride without setting down any principles,
we are in for ever more trouble as the number of
participants increases.

 Rob: Isn't a simple majority sufficient on minor 
 issues and a 70-80% majority sufficient for major 

Alain: Define what you mean by "major issue". People
don't vote on fundamental inalienable rights and
freedoms, and they couldn't even if they wanted to. A
democracy cannot vote to become an dictatorship, for

 Yes. Both the majority and super-majority (for
 stated issues) vote return works for me too.

Alain: In most cases, majority will be sufficient to
move forward. If someone disagrees on the fundamental
stuff, then that person should fork. If one or more
persons disagree irreconciably on some less
fundamental things, then they could compete to
demonstrate (in time) which solution is better.
Furthermore, the burden of proof belongs to the
dissenter(s). If proof is provided and/or if enough
dissention builds up around an issue, then we should
probably discuss this issue further.
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OODL: Temporary FTP server shutdown

1999-12-27 Thread Alain Farmer

I have to make some backups to CD-R, seek out and
destroy viruses, defrag my disk, ... scheduled
maintenance in a nutshell.

So there will be a temporary FTP server shutdown, in 5
minutes from now, for one hour.

I will notify the list as soon as the FTP is back

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Re: OODL: Temporary FTP server shutdown

1999-12-27 Thread Alain Farmer

 I have to make some backups to CD-R, seek out and
 destroy viruses, defrag my disk, ... scheduled
 maintenance in a nutshell. So there will be a 
 temporary FTP server shutdown, in 5 minutes from
 for one hour.

Alain: It's going to take me 24 hours after all. What
can I say!

 I will notify the list as soon as the FTP is back

Alain: I maintain this affirmation though  ;-)
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Re: OODL: Temporary FTP server shutdown

1999-12-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Anthony: Alain, it's far more than five hours and its
still not back up.

 Alain: It's going to take me 24 hours after all.
 What can I say!

Anthony: Curious what went wrong. Run out of CD-R's?

Alain: The fragmentation of the disk was so severe
that it was impossible to defragment the disk with
Norton without first removing a whole bunch of stuff.
I had hundreds of instances of the HyperCard's
infamous inoculation virus polluting a substantial
number of my stacks and HC-standalones ... and so on.
More like Spring Cleaning than just passing a litle
bit of brooming, if you know what I mean.

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OODL: Unanimity, consensus, majorities

1999-12-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: I agree. Unanimity is often hard to achieve
 and it only requires one dissenter to bog down the
 process. Each participant is, in effect, given the
 power of veto.

Anthony: Which is a very good thing when each
participant is legally liable for the actions decided

Alain: We have been over this one many many times.
What liability are you referring to, Anthony?  We are
not a corporation. We are not a partnership. We are a
free association of individuals. Any business ventures
entered into by one of our members has nothing to do
with our association. We sell nothing. Our product is
not dangerous and will undoubtedly contain the
standard disclaimers of non-responsibility ( software
accepted as-is ) ...

Alain: Now that the liability issue is out of the way,
let's move on to the main gist of my post. In my
humble opinion, we need to be unanimous on the
fundamentals, and we can settle for majorities of
varying degrees for the less fundamental issues.
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OODL: Unanimity and consensus are not equivalent

1999-12-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: We are talking about Unanimity. We are NOT
 talking about Consensus. Consensus is not a synonym
 for Unanimity.

Anthony: Alain, let's go to the dictionary. Today's
dictionary is: Merriam-Webster's online WWWebster
dictionary. Today's definition is:

 consensus = 1 a : general agreement

Alain: GENERAL agreement necessarily implies UNANIMOUS
agreement ??

 UNANIMITY the consensus of their opinion based on 
 reports... from the border -- John Hersey

Alain: Yes, sometimes consensus is ambiguously taken
to mean unanimity, just as one of the definitions of
the term anarchy means disorder while in fact it was
originally a political school of thought.

 b : the judgment arrived at by MOST of those
 the consensus was to go ahead

Alain: I agree indeed that consensus means "MOST of
those concerned". Most is not equivalent to All.

 2 : group solidarity in sentiment and belief

Alain: Exactly!  I particularly like this definition
of consensus because it conveys the spirit of what I
mean when I use the term consensus.

Anthony: So, yes it is a synonym for unamity.

Alain: Selective perception, eh!
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OODL: Unanimity, consensus, and fundamentals

1999-12-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Mark Rauterkus: Other have stated (I'm in

 Alain: In my humble opinion, we need to be unanimous

 on the fundamentals, and we can settle for
 of varying degrees for the less fundamental issues.

Mark Rauterkus: Can you detail all the "fundamentals"
in full view ...

Alain: I certainly hope so. Nothing behind closed
doors. Full accountability. Anything that concerns the
group should be visible and discussable.

Mark Rauterkus: ... in advance?

Alain: We started to do so, several months ago.
Several debates raged on about the various "political"
aspects of our collaboration. These debates were often
referred to as "the Constitutional stuff".

Mark Rauterkus: I think I would need to see such a
tight list ...

Alain: The "constitutional" stuff will indeed take
time to elaborate, discuss, debate, and revise. I do
NOT contend that I have all the answers, nor even a
list of all of the questions or issues that will be
deemed fundamental.

Mark Rauterkus: ...and then throw more thought into
the matters.

Alain: The "constitutional" stuff is essential. I am
glad to see that it is spontaneously re-surfacing
after a period of relative sleep. We felt that we
needed to progress on the technical front so as the
reassure everyone that "real" (hear throat clearing)
work is getting done.

Mark Rauterkus: Otherwise, no thanks for the STRICT

Alain: I suspect that you mean "no thanks for the
strict UNAMINITY", because a consensus is a general
agreement that MOST but not ALL participants agree to.
Dissenting views are tolerated and taken into account
in the final formulation of the agreement.

Mark Rauterkus: We can disagree.

Alain: It is healthy that we do.

Mark Rauterkus: I can be the odd man out. I sorta
expect it.

Alain: Non-conformist, eh!  Glad to hear it. I
consider myself one too. If in doubt about my
non-conformity, then consider the solitary uphill
battle that I have been waging to clarify the word
consensus !

Mark Rauterkus: To get the called for list started,
here are some ideas. Things where there might need to
be 100% partner agreement:

Alain: Good initiative.

 1. To close the organization.

Alain: Doubtful that we have to enshrine this in our
organizational agreement. Those who wish to desist
simply leave. As long as there is one or more members
that wish to continue, who are we (as desistors) to
insist that the organization must be dissolved?

 2. To shorten the period of open polls for voting.

Alain: Off-hand, this strikes me as little bit
un-democratic, but I suppose we could act in this
manner if the polling period becomes too long. Endless
debate would indeed be counter-productive, especially
if we stipulate that a strict unanimity is required,
and hence allow ONE dissenter, for example, to hold up
the whole process. That's why a majority/consensus is
better than unanimity.

 3. ???

Alain: A preliminary list to illustrate what I think
will probably be considered fundamental :

1. We are open source.

2. We are a free association of individuals.

3. We are not a corporation.

4. We are non-commercial, non-business, non-profit.

5. We are not partners.

6. We do not bear any responsibility for each other.

7. No one is liable for anything.

8. Contributions to FreeCard are irrevocable gifts.

9. ... etc ... (for now)

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OODL: Fundamentals

1999-12-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Mark Rauterkus: The removal of a partner thing... #1.
So, someone wants to quit. ... Does that someone need
to get all to agree before the "retirement" can take

Alain: Same point that I made.

Mark Rauterkus: #2. One should be able to NOT be a
partner by one's own choice. No vote needed.

Alain: That's a gimme in my book too.

Mark Rauterkus: #3. And, perhaps there should be some
"suspension" right to being a partner too. Say I have
a baby -- and I want to suspend my partnership
agreement for 6 months. Then what?

Alain: The partner drops out of sight for a while,
then returns when he can. I have no problem with that.
No need to "suspend" him.

Mark Rauterkus: Could it be done?

Alain: The main thing, I believe, is that he notifies
us of his departure, gives us a ballpark estimate of
when he thinks that he will return, and that he
accepts the group-decisions taken in his absence.

Mark Rauterkus: Going "NO-MAIL" is something that
should be okay here, I hope.

Alain: Breaking off communication is usually not a
very good sign. But I am the first to concede that
there are sometimes circumstances or other which could
arise that would justify a partner's absence. Missing
votes is the only standing issue here.

Mark Rauterkus: #4. On the issue of a gross
rejection/removal of an existing partner -- tossing
him/her out of the rights of partnership -- humm.

Alain: If the partner became belligerent, offensive,
violent, abusive, destructive, or something
unacceptable like that, then I hope we have the good
sense to put into place some procedures that will
allow us to decide and enforce such a removal if it
ever becomes necessary. This unpleasant propect is
unlikely though.

Mark Rauterkus: There is NO WAY, if I'm given the
toss, I'm going to vote for my own removal. The group
can't get 100% agreement on tossing a member if that
member has a vote.

Alain: A fatal flaw of strict unanimity, eh!  Nice
try. Consensus and majority are less strict than
unanimity, however. Besides, unanimity or consensus or
majority are not that important in this case. If you
piss off members, you will be shunned. It's human

Mark Rauterkus: #5. The idea of the group being able
to decide to incur contractual debt -- humm.

Alain: I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever about
this one. No liability or responsibility whatsoever
for our non-business free association of individuals.
Not now, not later, even if someone were to suggest
that we vote to do so. This must be enshrined in our
Constitution, for lack of a better term. 

Mark Rauterkus: I think that would be something that a
satellite group, not the main body of this effort,
would choose to do. IMHO, I think being debt free
should be a main mission of the organization.

Alain: I insist.
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OODL: re Mark Rauterkus rant

1999-12-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Mark Rauterkus: First off, some attribution to me has
been off the mark.

Alain: I take rigorous care not to make any mistakes
in this regard, but some slips get through from time
to time. 

Mark Rauterkus: I didn't write the Section 11: Voting
part. I did just requoted it from the draft on the

Alain: I was probably attributing the CITATION to you,
but it ended up looking like you were the originator.
I am fishing though.

Mark Rauterkus: Secondly, another point I made had
* throughout a word in the requote, when I wrote
originally "strict consensus."

Alain: I did this deliberately to underline the fact
that it was those words in particular which were being
responded to, not the whole paragraph. The latter was
kept merely to maintain the context, of course.

Mark Rauterkus: Helpful tip: Please be a lot more
careful out there, okay.

Alain: Euh .. thanks for casting your constructive
criticism in the third-person, eh!  ;-)

Mark Rauterkus: Someone wrote: "Mark's attitude
stinks". Then went onto to say, among other things,
"The council could not ... blurt out ill-considered
objections and idiosyncratic prejudices. Just for the
record, comments about my attitude stinking are, IMHO,
a great example of an ill-considered objection.

Alain: Very ill-considered indeed. Lets endeavour to
keep all of our deliberations constructive. Personal
attacks are unacceptable.

Mark Rauterkus: I'm led to guess then that the above
attitude assesment must have been a toung-in-cheek

Alain: I sincerely hope so.

Mark Rauterkus: Here is another matter. The notion of
_protecting the interests_ is of little or NO concern
here. We have no interests to "protect." We have not
assets. We won't.

Alain: I wholeheartedly agree. Thus, while the
argument that unanimity is required because no one
wants to be out-voted into a situation that was not
agreed upon at the outset is a valid one, it does not
apply in this case because there is absolutely no
liability involved.

Mark Rauterkus: FACT: We choose to work together on
something for the public domain.

Alain: Is "public domain" what we finally decided?
Were my objections to it addressed, namely the danger
of a non-free commercial fork/takeover of FreeCard by
the pseudo-company MicroSloth ?

Mark Rauterkus: Things that hinder action are fatal.

Alain: As a designer, I might respond that constraints
are what creation is all about. The guidelines/rules,
even when we break them, are nevertheless the focus of
any creative work.

Alain: As a graduate and researcher in Communication,
I have to agree with you wholeheartedly that
hindrances to action must be removed when possible.
Or, if you are not one of those half-empty-glass
types, you could express this as Human Augmentation,
as might Douglas Englebart.

Mark Rauterkus: I'm voicing "THOUGHTFUL DISSENT" on
the matter of 100% agreement needed before action is
taken by partners.

Alain: Nothing wrong with thoughful dissent, Mark. We
value your opinion. We must debate this further. For
the record, I am NOT stipulating that we obtain
unanimity on each and every decision we will ever
make. I am arguing instead that unanimity is required
only on the really fundamental issues. Majorities
(consensus) of varying degrees on issues that are NOT
fundamental will be a MUCH more common occurrence,
once the fundamentals are substantially put into

Mark Rauterkus: (FWIW, I've said here that I'd like to
be a partner.)

Alain: Well ... you're certainly not a lurker, eh! 

Mark Rauterkus: Now what  Well, perhaps I'll
ponder further. The sachems were required to be of
"one mind." How do WE issue that test? I'm telling you
now, I'm going to fail that "one-mind test." So, I
won't be in. Fine. If the notion here stands in that,
"Unanimity becomes a fundamental law," then I'm outta
here regardless.

Alain: Group-Think has always been abhorrent to me
too. I am and always will be a non-conformist, and
proud of it. Peer-pressure never had much hold on me.
Back in 1984, I had a really great English class in
college. It was called "1984" and the teacher was
brilliant. His interpretation of George Orwell's
masterpiece, and of  Aldous Huxley's Brave New World
too, were eye-opening in this respect.

Mark Rauterkus: PS: Sorry if this message casts a foul
odor in your mail box.

Alain: No foul smell here. Besides, the inventor never
commercialized the virtual-reality-like peripheral
that outputs smells. The only prototype of it known to
have existed is/was an arcade-like game in the form of
a motorcycle simulation with smells for added realism.
Can you imagine if they had commericlaized it? Can you
turn down the smell on the TV, Harold. You're stinking
up the whole house... Sorry, honey, the hero of the
story is rummaging through a garbage dump.
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OODL: Partnership agreement - long mosaic reply

1999-12-29 Thread Alain Farmer

Someone: ... for the partnership it is important, as
each one is liable to the other. We can't have 90% of
the group decide over 10%. It's too dangerous.
Every *partner* needs the right to veto.

Alain: Yes, but not on everything.

Anthony: Remember, we're all liable for everyone
else's actions in the partnership, and I, for one,
will not be a part of ANY such agreement where I can
have a decision I do not consent to forced upon me.

Alain: If a decision/vote is taken that exposes any or
all of the FreeCard partners to any liability
whatsoever and/or changes the Partnership Agreement,
then this decision/vote must be unanimous.


Anthony: IMO, this does not mean that every piece of
code checked in most receive unanimous consent, but
rather that agreeing on the person(s) to decide
on and check in that code does.

Adrian: And to decide on who to delegate duties to, we
can still have a majority vote to select one person,
but then submit them to the partners for final
approval.  It would work very much like the Australian
and British parliamentary system where a bill must be
passed by two houses of parliament. (The american
equivalent is congress to president, but with a lot of
presidents). I think we can make this work.

Alain: A majority would be sufficient for me, in this


Someone: I just don't see how you can reconcile the
two statements:  either every partner has a veto on
everything or some actions can be taken even if a
partner objects... which is it?

Alain: Your binary formulation almost sounds
inevitable but there is a third alternative that comes
to my mind upon reading this. There are 2 categories
of issues in my view. (1) Fundamental issues that we
cannot compromise on, or be out-voted on, and (2) the
strategies, tactics, means, day-to-day stuff that we
are not likely to always agree on but that leave the
general framework intact. 

Alain: Category-1 issues are fundamental issues like
"we are open-source" which should be enshrined in our
partnership agreement and then be changeable if and
only if the partners unanimously agree. A radical
change from free and open to commercial and
proprietary, for example, cannot be put to a majority


Someone: The action would be to delegate the power to
certain person(s) who would retain that power under
conditions so-and-so (probably 'so long as there is no
objection from any partner'), and operate under
procedures so-and-so, and unamity would be required on
that delegation.

Alain: Why is unanimity required in this case?

Alain: What are we delegating? Allow a proxy to vote
for us in our absence(s)? Where work is concerned,
people contribute what they wish, in the manner that
suits them. Partners are not bosses.


Partnership votes shall be conducted via e-mail.

Alain: I for one have often suggested that it would be
better if we used a Web-based voting form. More
structured, easier to set up decisions with complex
tradeoffs, etc. In time, perhaps other FreeCarders
will wish this too. So lets not put such a tactical
detail into our constitutive partnership agreement.

To assure authenticity, each partner is to include 
their date of birth and mother's maiden name as 
evidence of their identity.

Alain: The spoofer probably knows this information
too, so this would not be a very reliable
authentification procedure. PGP is probably the best
we can do without going overboard on this tactical
detail. Furthermore, privacy, encryption and
authentification should only be required in special
cases. Why don't we vote in the open and perhaps even
assume that no one will steal our vote. How likely is
it that someone will spoof us, given that there is no
money involved?

In the event a vote is given without such confirming 
information that vote shall not be deemed as valid. 
In such case it shall be interpreted that the partner

has not voted. However that partner shall be free to 
rectify their vote, by resubmitting their message
the proper identifying information.

Alain: We want to remain as flexible as possible.

Uli: Rob, you're mixing up partners and associates.
There are partner-level-decisions and
associate-level-decisions. Partner-level must be
unanimous, while associate-level can be majority.

Alain: I substantially agree with this formulation,
except to say that partner-level decisions don't
necessarily have to be unanimous. Only the really
fundamental issues require unanimity. However, given
the probable difficulties of evaluating what is
fundamental versus what is not, I might have to accept
your formulation after all.

Uli: If an associate-level decision touches the realm
of the partner-level, partners should be able to veto
it ... if it includes possibly changing the license,
it becomes partner-level.

Alain: Agreed.

Uli: ... What code is to be used, is usually

Alain: It depends, I say. High-level design decisions
must be adhered to when coding stuff, at least at the

OODL: What Can UFP Share With FreeCard?

1999-12-29 Thread Alain Farmer

Rob Cozens: Please forgive my ignorance... UFP is on
the list of things I'd like to know more about but
never found the time to do so, right there next to XOS
and Serf. 

Alain: The UFP is in suspended-animation at this time.

Rob Cozens: My understanding is it is an attempt to
coordinate and standardize HyperCard scripting efforts
so works by different authors can work together.

Alain: Create a collection of pre-scripted HyperTalk
handlers and stack-based solutions to ease the life of
those who are less proficient with HyperTalk/HyperCard
than we are. Rapid application development tools for
the masses.

Rob Cozens: If this is so, it seems to me the FreeCard
partnership might be able to draw from work done and
lessons learned by UFP.

Alain: Members of the UFP are scripters. As a rule,
they don't want to re-write HyperCard. They want to
create value-added solutions without touching C source
code. In my view, they are nonetheless complimentary.
FreeCard builds the application, while the UFP
provides the pre-scripted handlers and stack-based
solutions based on the application. Among other
things, we avoid the usual conundrum faced by new
software/platforms that initially lack

Rob Cozens: Is there something there for us?

Alain: Experienced scripters are one of the best
sources for information, suggestions, and so on where
scripting is concerned. Current usage trends of the DO
command, for example, could be polled from them.
Statistical analysis of the collection of handlers
could identify oft-coded segments, which could in turn
give us clues to desirable syntax improvements. Not to
mention that we had many discussions concerning how to
manage software versioning in an open collaborative
environment, etc.
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OODL: Alain, the server...

2000-01-01 Thread Alain Farmer

 Hmmm... The OpenCard directory is missing on FTP,
 and there is no web server running...

Alain: There is a two-word explanation to this :
spring cleaning. What can I say? I didn't expect the
NetPresenz prefs to be affected, but they were
nonetheless. Its fixed now. Everything works as

 sure you don't want to switch to linux?

Alain: It just so happens that I have my third server
in the office now. It's a PowerMac 720/120, running
MacOS 8.x and/or LinuxPPC. It is not currently plugged
into the hub because, I am told, that the Linux
installation that took a whole afternoon with several
professional on-hand has somehow been corrupted. Don't
ask me for the details though. I am not familiar with
Linux, nor do I want to be at this time. I am willing,
however, to plug it in, for you, and provide you with
its IP address. From there, you are COMPLETELY on your
own though. 
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OODL: Partnership Ideals

2000-01-01 Thread Alain Farmer

Mark: What follows is the start of a new thread with
"broad strokes." I'm looking here at the forest, not
the trees. I think some general talk is called for now
since the open pondering the first draft of the
possible agreement.

Alain: Yes, let's agree at least on the broad general
framework of our collaboration/partnership.

Mark: This conversation is still mud in my mind.

Alain: This is readily evident to me now because of
this muddled post that I am replying to. You stipulate
that we don't need unaminity for security-reasons
because there is no liability involved, but then you
go on to argue that majority-rule is the way to go,
even if some remote liability should crop up, "because
the decisions are going to be of no financial
consequence". Then you go on to say that there should
not be any liabilities for partners at the outset and
forever more, and that they should form other
organizations if they wish to do business.

Mark: I'm not able to see the venture being
successful, nor being able to change and grow.

Alain: What is it EXACTLY that would hinder us so? 

Mark: There are still a slew of sticking points to the
organizational structure.

Alain: Agreed. There are many issues that we have to
resolve to insure the success of our (ad)venture.

Mark: Sorry to be a nay-sayer just now.

Alain: Let us not be dissuaded by the spirit of the
Holidays from saying what needs to be said .. I say!

Mark: But, I do see a solution. I see a way that we
can get "out of the woods." I think I'm going to be
able to present an alternative approach.

Alain: Good initiative. 

 Someone: ... for the partnership it is important,
 as each one is liable to the other. We can't have
 of the group decide over 10%. It's too dangerous.
 Every *partner* needs the right to veto.

Mark: Given above logic ... Every partner needs a
veto. WHY: To avoid danger. But, if the organization
is set-up so as to avoid all dangers, then is a veto

Alain: In my view, the key element of your argument is
"if the organization is set-up so as to avoid all
dangers". I wholeheartedly agree. We must set down the
base rules (framework) that we all agree on, and that
won't be subject to majority-vote at a later date.
Secondly, that unless we are clairvoyant, we will not
be able to anticipate the entire set of
rules/guidelines that will be optimal for us until the
end of time. But we should nonetheless set down some
broad principles that will guide our future choices. A
majority-vote to engage in some mutual liability later
on down the road should be barred from the realm of
possibilities or be unanimously agreed to.

 Alain: If a decision/vote is taken that exposes
 any or all of the FreeCard partners to any liability
 whatsoever and/or changes the Partnership
 Agreement, then this decision/vote must be

Mark: One can't engage in life with the goal of doing
things yet without ever having any liability

Alain: Life does indeed present many challenges and
risks, but this Web collaboration of people that have
never met face-to-face is not necessarily one of those
situations where it is wise to risk mutual liability.

Mark: That said... we can't be stupid. But, what I see
in the above thought is just impossible.

Alain: What is impossible about insisting that
unanimity be required for a drastic change in the
status of our association that would expose us to
liability that we had not bargained for when we became
a partner, particularly if we are one the out-voted

Mark: I feel that this endeavor (most of all, being a
partner) is NOT for the timid. If all dangers can be
eliminated, are partners even needed? Without dangers,
how can each partner be liable to the other?

Alain: Is there going to be some danger or isn't
there? Do we really need to be a partnership, or
simply a free association of individuals that share
mutual interests and source-code?

Mark: Even then, if there is some REMOTE liability to
the partners -- I still feel it is okay to have 90%
(or even 51%) of the partners decide with votes for
the fate of the group.

Alain: (1) Let us research the matter further so that
we can identify potential sources of liability, and
then modify our collaboration agreement to avoid them.

Alain: (2) Majority-rule on something as fundamental
as un-anticipated mutual liability is dangerous in my
opinion. It is probably why Scott cannot allow himself
to become a partner of FreeCard. And my situation is
not unlike his. I am a technological startup that
could blossom into something really big.

 Anthony: Remember, we're all liable for everyone
 else's actions in the partnership, and I, for one,
 will not be a part of ANY such agreement where I can

 have a decision I do not consent to forced upon me.

Alain: Hear! Hear!

Mark: I'm okay with majority rule decisions being
forced upon me. I'm okay mainly because the decisions
are going to be of no financial consequence. Right?

Alain: Right. That's how I see it. No 

OODL: Partnership Development model...

2000-01-05 Thread Alain Farmer

 Your nascent developer community needs to have
 something runnable and testable to play with.

Alain: The rush to code is part of the problem, in my

 It's fairly clear that one cannot code from 
 the ground up in bazaar style. One can test, 
 debug and improve in bazaar style ...

Alain: Humm .. I have often proceeded in this
haphazard kind of way, on projects where I do
everything myself, with no outside help. But I am
increasingly confronted with the reverse situation
these days. All projects of any scale requires a team
of talented individuals that must have a
design/model/plan to refer to, to make sure that no
one's efforts get trampled, and so on.

  ...but it would be very hard to originate 
 a project in bazaar mode. Linus didn't try it. 
 I didn't either.

Alain: Given that we are a collaboration (team), I
would like to give the textbook approach to systems
design a chance. At least a little bit of the Top-Down
approach in order to make sure that we are heading in
the right direction ( e.g. heads-up, hindsight, ... ).

 Might it be one matter to code from the ground up
 and another to launch and operate an organization? 
 IMHO that mention is about the act of code writing 
 -- and that act is NOT the same as the 
 organizational model.

Alain: Indeed!  The task-centered programming is quite
distinct from the more general organizational issues,
which is why the latter tends to make the former a
little bit impatient, since the former is more
evidently related to the goals of the group of
creating its HC clone, and thus tend to ignore or
neglect the latter, figuring that these issues will
resolve themselves in time, only to have these issues
surprise them later ...
 I do think that it is hard to start from scratch in
 the coding efforts ...

Alain: Paradoxically, programmers tend to view
planning and documentation as necessary evils, best
left to others, while the "real" action is in the
coding. Overcoming difficult programming conundrums
with astute coding tricks is .. well .. fun!

Alain: So I conclude that it is NOT hard to code from
scratch. Quite the contrary. You don't have to plan
anything. You don't have any constraints imposed on
your coding style and habits. You can pull off some
idiosyncratic tricks that no one else will be able to
decipher later, perhaps not even yourself, because you
don't have to interpret someone else's or your own
code when you are starting from scratch. The only
hitch is that no one but yourself (for a few months)
will understand your code. Consequences: You start
over each time without benefiting from the potential
re-usability of your previous work. And you can also
forget about enlisting people's help. They won't be
able to decipher any of it, and it is not likely that
it will be adaptable to the group's needs, in
particular those needs that the lone-programmer did
not (correctly) anticipate.

 if Eric says it is so. 

Alain: Eric has given us a big hand with legal stuff,
and he is currently working on the graphical aspects
of the FreeCard GUI, but what does all of this have to
do with programming-from-scratch?

 But, to our advantage, we've got MetaCard to 
 lean upon, for starters. That benefit is HUGE. 
 Thanks Scott.

Alain: Scott's contribution is indeed appreciated but,
one must also admit, it is not used much yet. It is
more of a model than it is a basis upon which we can
build. All of the source code of the GUI will be our
own. Work on the FreeCard interpreter is on-going.

 Plus, we've got some open-source stuff out there
 too. Perhaps we should have someone do some open-
 source asset resource investigation and reporting.

Alain: I have suggested in the past that we adapt some
Perl stuff. Not the Perl scripting stuff but the
underlying C-code. We could thus avoid re-inventing a
whole bunch of stuff that is already coded. MacPerl's
access to the Mac's Toolbox and its full support of
Apple's Open Scripting Architecture, for example, come
to mind.

 In our quest for progress one of the big reasons of 
 forming an organization is to have an official-like 

Alain: The main reason that we are forming an
organization is so that we can collaborate together,
in such a manner that everyone who participates will
enjoy the experience and will reap the rewards of the
group's collective output.

 I think we (the original organization) need to exist

 in ways beyond an email discussion group. We need 
 more than a uniform FTP site.

Alain: A Web-based collaboration infrastructure would
be nice. Perhaps annual meetings, in person, at a
location decided upon by ourselves each year.

 IMHO, we need some type of ORIGINAL ORGANIZATION 
 that exists.

Alain: You are perhaps correct, but it makes me wonder
why a formal piece of paper registered with the
authorities is so important for the viability of our

 With this group in a viable mode of being, it can
 both ask for gifts and accept those gifts. People 
 won't "give" nor "contribute" to an email 

OODL: Server doesn't recognize .htm

2000-01-05 Thread Alain Farmer

Uli: Alain, could you make the server recognize .htm?
They are currently displayed as text files :-( .html
works fine.

Anthony: Eschew all influences of evil PC 8.3 naming
except on things that have to compile over there, that

Uli: I used my default settings for my web page tool
for these pages, and they are ".htm" since the server
I'm on doesn't recognize ".html" ... :-(

Alain: This is not an either/or proposition. Both
extensions will be supported. I believe that it is
done. Please notify if the change has not taken effect.
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OODL: Humour

2000-01-06 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: This is not an either/or proposition. Both
 extensions will be supported. I believe that it is
 done. Please notify if the change has not taken

Anthony: Alain, you must of missed the "g" after my
comment. I was kidding :)

Alain: I am notoriously bad a getting jokes, even in
person. Its much worse when the medium is e-mail,
because :

1. non-verbal cues are missing ;

2. text-based cues are poor substitutes, which is
aggravated by the fact that most of these cues are
self-styled, non-standard, idiosyncratic, ... the
meaning of the abbreviations "BTW", "AFAIK", and so on
are still quite foggy to me. The wink and smile
smileys are clear enough, but the other ones look like

3. it would be really cool to use HTML-based e-mail,
instead of plain text, because it would alleviate much
of plain text's expressivity limitations. But I also
know that this suggestion will not fly because people
still use primitive text-based e-mail clients, and
most list servers prohibit it. We might be able to
pull it off later, though, when we become server

Alain: Sorry for being so dense when it comes to
humour. In my defense, I would like to point out some
of the factors that make humorous communication fail:
there are cultural differences, the limitations of
plain text (above), the lack of familiarity with each

Alain: So don't make any jokes anymore ... just
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OODL: CLI versus User-Friendly

2000-01-06 Thread Alain Farmer

Adrian: Best way to learn is hands on with Linux. It's
really very intuitive, but it follows different logic
to MacOS.

Anthony: Intuitive isn't quite the right word.

Alain: Intuitive!!  I doubt that. The whole Mac
philosophy is diametrically opposed to any
command-line interface because such interfaces are
necessarily less intuitive than a point-and-click
metaphor of the real-world. Lots of overly-concise
commands and arbitrary conventions that have to be
learned and remembered. Of course, CLIs are faster
because the human operator has to adapt to the
demanding-syntax and constructs of machine-driven
design, rather than harness some of the computing
power to make the computer adapt to our sloppy,
error-prone, ambiguous, human ways of accomplishing
tasks. So current trends towards Perl, Python, Linux
... while they are promising from a programmer's
perspective ... are reactionary and regressive when
you look at the big picture. Besides, programmers are
human too, so why aren't their tools more

For What It Is Worth
Alain Farmer
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OODL: Programming with CodeWarrior

2000-01-06 Thread Alain Farmer

Good evening fellow freeCarders.

What do our programmers think of programming with
MetroWerk's CodeWarrior development environment?

How does it compare with MPW ?

Are there any other development environments that a
new Mac programmer should know about ?

The reason that prompts me to ask about CodeWarrior is
that they offer some free distance-education courses
in Macintosh C programming :


Of course their courses require books and software
that are related to the CodeWarrior development
environment. So I want to know if CodeWarrior is a
good investment and/or if something better is

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OODL: Development environment for FreeCard?

2000-01-08 Thread Alain Farmer

 Mark: This is a pressing question: What is your 
 take on the choices of development options for 
 this FreeCard gang?

Alain: We don't want to constrain our development
efforts. Thus, our primary selection-criteria for our
development tools should be guided by what is the best
option(s) to achieve our goals. I don't want to sound
elitist but the price and/or whether it is commercial
or open source, while obviously important, are
secondary consideration in my view. Open,
non-proprietary choices are most definitely preferred,
but remain secondary if these development tools are
not bundled into FreeCard and are not needed by the
FreeCard runtime in order to perform its task(s).

 This pointer, sent to me, is worthy of

Alain: I never imagined that there were that many
choices for GUI-toolkits. I am blown away!

 Mark: My initial hunch is a FREE  OPEN source 
 project might be wise to lean heavily on that 
 (Free  Open) type of development environment

Alain: Quite right.

 If we want college students and others to pick-up 
 some code efforts here -- we might be shooting 
 ourselves in the foot by going to a commercial 
 development suite where there is a high cost.

Alain: Not just students, of course, since cost is
often a consideration for many developers, albeit to a
lesser degree for the latter than for the former. 

 Mark: The commercial options might be the best 
 options out at this moment given where most of
 us have been in the past years -- but commercial, 
 shrink-wrapped tools might not fit our long-term, 
 global mission well.

Alain: Commercial or not, the question I would ask is:
What option is the best one(s) from a technical standpoint?
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OODL: Re: Remote Linux Configuration Project

2000-01-08 Thread Alain Farmer

Adrian: How about going to NNTP?

Alain: I am not against the idea but, when I suggested
something similar several months ago, the suggestion
was flatly rejected.

 Mark: No thanks. NNTP is spam rich, 
 and majordomo isn't nearly as bad.

Alain: So I am told. 

 Mark: And NNTP isn't "modern.". If we were to 
 go to a different interface, I'd want to go into 
 something NEW and BETTER.

Alain: Sounds like a commendable suggestion.

 (hint: http://www.forumsamerica.com/Macintosh/) 
 Personally, I love what interaction.in-progress.com 
 can do. I crave a chat with A.I.

Alain: The chats that I have visited were OK, I guess,
but they usually end up being superficial
conversations on mundane subjects. E-mail gives you
more time to ponder on what others write, and it
allows you enough time and continuity to compose your
responses thought-fully. And, of course, there is the
synchronous versus asynchronous tradeoff too (e.g. you
are temporally constrained with chats)

 Mark: Furthermore the type of interactions that 
 occur on a mailing list generally don't make it 
 to the news groups. More, "yea, right" and "trite" 
 comments there.

Alain: I have heard this about news, too. It is
precisely the contrary of what I thought news groups
are all about. I thought it was a idea/document
publishing environment. Posts that are more like
essays and/or with replies that are editorial-like.
Scientific exchanges at the international-journals
level of discourse. 

 Mark: Email allows for better, in-depth 
 discussions, IMHO. Each has its purpose, but 
 we need to be drilling down for deeper, richer 
 content discussions.

Alain: Aleluia!

 Mark: That alternative server isn't a "production"
 one -- and I'd hate to take these discussions 
 anywhere that wasn't a rock-solid host for months
 on end -- and we've got that here now.

Alain: Good point.

 Mark: That server seems to me to be a 
 developmental box. It is great to have those
 resources for development -- but things get 
 too goofy when doing double duties.

Alain: Another good point.

 Mark: I seen no problem nor worries about
 bounces, subscriptions, and admins getting 
 ticked off here.

Alain: Adrian is indeed the only person that I am
aware of that has had such problems with our list. 

 Mark: I think those are inflated assumptions 
 that are NOT real.

Alain: Adrian is not a twit, Mark. If he says that he
has had such problems, then it is surely true.

 Mark: The grass isn't greener there, IMHO.

Alain: I have written this before but it bears recall
that it would be better (ultimately) to be completely
self-sufficient. Scott is still with us, now, but will
his commitment to hosting our mail waiver when the GUI
is completed and we focus our efforts on a free app
that will compete with MetaCard for the hearts and
minds of all those disenfranchised HyperCard fanatics?
You gotta like the fact that Scott/MetaCard is
generously helping us, but it is nevertheless somewhat
perplexing. Wouldn't you say?

 Mark: As for the scalable issue -- We have 
 far more capacity on the box and bandwidth 
 this is sitting on. We could expand 1,000 fold
 and still be safe here.

Alain: I am not worried about bandwidth, that's for

 Mark: I asked MONTHS ago for a new "License" 
 list to be created. But, there wasn't a "demand"
 by the users for such a service.

Alain: Well ... that's not really an accurate picture
of why we chose to keep licencing-issues as part of
our main (only) mailing list. The principal argument
against it, if I recall correctly, was that our group
was and probably still is too small for this kind of
'fork' to take place.

 Mark: To create a new list is sorta easy on
 the box such as the one we are now being hosted. 
 The system admin could do it in 20 minutes, max.

Alain: The difficulty or relative ease of setting up
mailing lists, while it has been a royal headache for
me, on a Mac, is nonetheless not an issue in this

 Mark: BTW, I'd still like to make more 
 specialized lists here.

Alain: Me too, as long as we don't divide ourselves
into so many sub-groups that none of them have a
sufficient number of participants to keep things

 Mark: I don't fire up my newsreader, 
 but I ALWAYS get email.

Alain: It is an unconstestable fact that E-mail is the
most popular application of the Internet. News used to
be tremendously popular, but it is waning heavily.

Adrian: I think this would be a _big_ improvement. 
And certainly worth the effort required 
to move any archives.

Alain: Not right away, Adrian. Mark makes some good
points when he suggests that we make things
bullet-proof on the Linux machine before using it for
critical group functions. We will setup some mail
lists on the Linux box, that's for sure. The first one
will probably be a list dedicated to the subject of
the Linux box. 

 Mark: Doubtful. We should improve the FAQs, 
 the scope of the discussions, the numbers of 
 Voters, --- the things that matter.

Alain: I agree that we 

OODL: Alain apologizes

2000-01-09 Thread Alain Farmer

Mark: I think those are inflated assumptions
that are NOT real.

Alain: Adrian is not a twit, Mark. If he says that
he has had such problems, then it is surely true.

Anthony: I think he was refering to me.

Alain: The person targeted by Mark's comment is not a
twit, irregardless of who was in fact targeted. It
seemed to me like he was putting into question the
credibility of the person, instead of dealing with the
issue(s). Personal attacks are not constructive. As
such, my comment does not just target Mark but
everyone, including myself. I over-reacted though, and
my intervention was less-than-exemplary. I apologize
to everyone, and to Mark in particular.

 Anthony: I said that. Adrian might not be 
 too happy with these mis-attributions.

Alain: Two whammies in the same post. Bad post. Sorry
about the mis-attributions. My reading of that post
was askew in terms of who said what. What threw me was
that Anthony was one of the most vocal critics of NNTP
several months ago, but seems to be its most vocal
proponent this time around. Nothing wrong with that.
It just threw me ... and led to my mis-attributions.

Alain: I am making a sincere effort though to maintain
the historic-context of citations by maintaining those
greater-than symbols, in correct numbers, all the
while attributing as best I can un-identified chunks
to their true originator.
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OODL: Re: Whither the Petition now

2000-01-13 Thread Alain Farmer

 Is there not now a case for contacting the 
 signatories and informing them that
 the petition has been presented?

Jacque: We don't have their addresses.

Alain: Hindsight being 20/20, I will definitely add a
"e-mail" field to any future petitions so that: (1) we
can contact them later, as above ; (2) make sure that
every signatory is one real person ; (3) filter the
signatures to remove those that signed several times,
keyed on the e-mail which is presumably unique.
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OODL: Remote Linux Configuration Project = model?

2000-01-13 Thread Alain Farmer

 Adrian: I believe we need to look at ways to
 do this best and experiment with different
 approaches. For this reason an NNTP server will
 be set up on the Linux box and a test forum will
 be set up there.

 Anthony: Agreed.

Alain: Agreed.

 Anthony: Yeh, well we still wouldn't have to 
 deal with the people who can't manage to 
 unsubscribe from a mailing list, probably
 because they did not read and/or keep the 
 directions that said how to do so. I guarantee
 we'll get plenty once we get big.

Alain: I am sure that you are correct, Anthony. That's
why we will provide them with a Web page that gives
them all the directions that they need. If they ask us
a question, then we answer back with a clickable URL.
Our FAQ could handle this too. And perhaps, given
time, we could invent a new way .. some kind of
Web-bot that they could interact with directly! 
Anything is possible ... if and when we "we get big".

 Anthony: No. NNTP has a major advantage: 
 It can be browsed online.

Alain: I don't know about you, Anthony, but I browse
my E-mail online (eg. my free Yahoo mail account).

 If a mailing list gets 1000 messages, 
 I have one choice: download.

Alain: Well .. this is not entirely accurate. You
could do some (dreaded) mail-filtering. A simple
mail-filter mechanism is built into Netscape
Communicator. I don't know about Explorer, because I
don't use ANY MicroSoft products. But I know for a
fact that you can do some sophisticated mail-filtering
with scriptable text-based email-clients, like Eudora
for example.

 Anthony: If a newsgroup gets 1000 messages,
 I can ignore them.

Alain: I haven't used news much but what I do recall
is that, upon subscribing to any newsgroup, one is
inundated with hundreds of messages in one humungous
download. I admit, however, that this very well may be
because of my lack of familiarity with this means of
mediated communication.

 Adrian: I don't fire up my newsreader, 
 but I ALWAYS get email.

 Anthony: Hmmm... I do both. 
 Sometimes I even read news more often.

Alain: What news feeds/groups are you suscribed to,
Anthony? Anything you would like to pass on to this
group? What news-client software are you using?

 [Note: We won't be running a full newsfeed, 
 or even a feed at all. Unless maybe we wanted

Alain: How about this pie-in-the-sky idea: We
eventually do and/or participate-in a newsfeed, but
not the mainstream news of course. Just an interesting
grouping (community) of related open source groups,

 Anthony: I won't try to convince anyone to 
 go news only until the proof of concept has
 proven itself :) Ultimately, I don't
 think I'll need to [convince anyone].

Alain: Nothing convinces more than a good
demonstration. Extra points for attitude and
perseverance, eh!

 Anthony: I think we're now running: (...).

Alain: This Linux-project is really turning out great.
I know what the objective is. I know and understand
what is going on. I am kept abreast of developments.
So far, we nearly agree on everything. What we don't
agree on is not hindering our ability to proceed.
Different points are being argumented in a rigorous
and objective manner. 

Alain: A model for FreeCard? I would like to think so.
Everything is going fairly well with FreeCard, in my
book, although I vaguely fear that some of us don't
think that we are proceeding fast enough. I wish that
I had had more time to devote to our collaboration.
It's one of my New Year's resolutions to dedicate more
time to our collaboration. We will see how it will pan
out. Close parenthesis. Back to the subject at hand.
The main difference between the Linux-project and our
FreeCard collaboration is that I have only a very
vague idea what is going on with FreeCard. Where is
the interpreter at? What is there left to do? If new
programmers volunteer to help you, then what will you
delegate to them? Same goes for the Block-File-Format

 Anthony: Maybe we'd better ask Alain how
 much RAM and disk space this machine has.

Alain: RAM = 64 MB ; disk = 1 GB when empty

 Anthony: 17 services off of one box. This should be

Alain: No doubt about it :)

 Anthony: Any IP yet, Alain?

Alain: The 20,000-dollar question, eh! I have spoken
with my ISP. They are aware of my need to be connected
up. They are sending me the Ethernet cable by internal
mail. I should get this cable before this week ends.
Hence, we should be up and running (IP) by this friday.
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OODL: re what is a rolodex? -- Web-stacks

2000-01-20 Thread Alain Farmer

 matteob:... i know this is a stupid question, 
 but...what is a rolodex?  8-)

Alain: A rolodex is an office-supply item. More often
than not, a rectangular container that holds
individual cards, with or without binders ... You
know, like those cute metaphoric backgrounds that came
with HyperCard. You have tabs sticking out at relevant
sections of the rolodex, each tab a little bit more to
the right of the previous one, so that you glance at
all of the tabs at once, for a bird's-eye-view of all
of the stack's cards. Collections of recipes often
come in this format, too.

Alain: matteob, I have a few free-like days, starting
today. Thus, I have time to assist you with your
HC-based CGI scripting, if you still wish to do so.
Among other things, I have recently scripted a tool
that exports everything a stack contains -- including
scripts, content and properties -- as an HFS of
folders and files that 'mirrors' your stack. The idea
being that a CGI program can then use these files in
order to generate the corresponding set of web-pages
(stack/bkgnds/cards). Each page is composed of layers,
one for each HC part. These parts (buttons and fields)
can be sized, resized, placed, selected, shown, hidden
... just like the Real Thing. My working hypothesis is
that HC userLevels 1, 2, 4 and even 5 are possible on
the Web. UserLevel 4 will be the hardest. UserLevel 3
is out of the question for now, but in defense of
HTML/CSS/JS, it should be noted that the latter has
color, images, QT, and so on that make these
interfaces pretty. Do the graphics-editing in another
more specialized program, eh!

Alain: If anyone else cares to join in, then don't
hesitate to write me. 

Alain Farmer
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OODL: Dial Command and Mac OS 9

2000-01-22 Thread Alain Farmer

Ivan Gobbo [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Somebody has
experienced some dial command problem after upgrade to

Alain: You are using HyperTalk's dial command? Pray
tell, what do you do with it? Automate your
telephone-dialing? The reason I ask is that the
FreeCard list recently had a debate on whether the
dial command should be honored in our
'HyperCard-clone', for the sake of compatibility with
our beloved HyperCard, mainly, since the usefulness of
this command is marginal at best -- or so I thought!

Alain Farmer
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OODL: Re: merryxmas antibody infection

2000-01-22 Thread Alain Farmer

 merryxmas antibody
 written by: The Black Knight

Alain: Let me rant, first off, about this immature
individual who gets his kicks by calling himself 'The
Black Knight', and polluting cyberspace with stupid
pranks. Don't you have anything better
(eg.constructive) to do with your time? Life is too
short. Why add un-necessary difficulties to the
existing ones that plague us every day?

 Anthony: This is, plain and simple, a trojan horse. 
 Whoever posted this stack needs to take care of it.

 MP0werd: That's the antibody virus, 
 it's not a trojan, it's a virus.

Alain: Semantics .. semantics .. either way, we have
to get rid of the damned thing. It has infected
hundreds of my stacks, on both my servers. I bought
Norton AntiVirus a little while back. It readily
identifies the merryxmas whatever and purges it 90% of
the time. Stacks purge nicely, but HC-standalones
don't. The bottom-line is that I am going to have to
un-binhex, un-compress, un-zip all of the UFP/FreeCard
archives, and run a thorough virus-check. Any item
that cannot be purged of its virus will be trashed. My
FreeCard backups on CDROM shall be considered tainted
from now on.
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OODL: Dial in FreeCard

2000-01-24 Thread Alain Farmer

Alain: You are using HyperTalk's dial command? Pray
tell, what do you do with it? ...

Anthony: I think we'd be more into complete serial
control, with a dial command being written in FS
the serial control and the 'play' command.
And I think the play command should be written in FS
with commands giving better control over audio.

Alain: Right on!  EXCELLENT suggestions.
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OODL: merryxmas antibody

2000-01-24 Thread Alain Farmer

 Anthony: I didn't notice anywhere where it 
 sets up code to propagate itself. Did I miss it?

Alain: I looked everwhere but found nothing either. I
also looked in the resource-fork. No un-usual
resources found. It occurs to me now though that
perhaps it replaces a bona-fide resource with a
bastard-version of this same resource that nonetheless
accomplishes its old task too. If you do discover it,
please notify me (for curiosity sake).
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OODL: FreeCard UI Blind Access

2000-01-24 Thread Alain Farmer

 Adrian: When designing the UI, lets try and
 keep in mind blind users. If we could find a way
 to make FreeCard easier to use for blind people
 this could be a useful competitive advantage
 for FreeCard.

Alain: In this regard, it is too bad that we chose
against HTML/XML/Web as the GUI. Meta-information and
accessibility are some of the primary concerns of
these W3C standards. Web-based Brail-clients exist.

 Adrian: (Not to mention being a good deed).

Alain: This is definitely the most laudable part of
your idea.

 Uli: How would we do that?

Alain: We could provide a mechanism for including
meta-data in our GUI elements, like HTML/XML do.
Speech-synthesis is an alternative, but not a very
good one because, while the quality of
speech-synthesis is getting better, it is still
dreadful, i'm afraid.

 Uli: If you can come up with some cross-platform 
 system that makes it possible to support blind 
 people, that's no problem, but since FreeCard is
 based on visual elements (buttons, windows, color 
 graphics) I'm not sure how we'd add support for 
 blind people.

Alain: You make a good point when you insist that
FreeCard 1.x will be based on visual elements. We have
to draw the line somewhere, for now, and the
approximate equivalent of HyperCard is what we are
aiming it in the short-term. And HC has no provisions
for the blind.

 Uli: I'd say we just hope we don't add in 
 anything that makes it more impossible than it
 already is to add support for disabled people,

Alain: I agree, despite the fact that your answer is
quite vague. What could we possibly do that would make
it impossible for us to adapt FreeCard to the needs of
the blind later on? Worse-comes-to-worse, we will do
nothing for them.

 Uli: but we should keep that for version 5.0 
 or so. It's asking too much to get a working
 HyperCard clone out there and then also take 
 into account specialties like blind people.

Alain: Unfortunately, I have to agree with Uli on this
one. Maybe not as far into the future as version 5.x,
but quite probably not in our first release. Our
web-site, on the other hand, is coded in HTML. So we
can accomodate the blind with regard to our
collaboration infrastructure, immediately if you wish.

Alain: This does not necessarily mean that our
web-site has to have a FAT version of HTML (eg. blind
and non-blind coded into the same page). We can,
instead, have two parallel web-sites. When the person
accesses the site, he enters his name and password,
which then allows my system to branch and/or
dynamically customize the client's output according to
the user's profile (prefs).
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OODL: Re:Re: [opencard-digest V1 #233]

2000-01-24 Thread Alain Farmer

 Eric, if it's a magnifying glass you need, 
 that's not much of a problem.

Alain: I forget what it is called but I once saw and
played around with a software gadget that allows you
to pass a virtual magnifying-glass over various parts
of the screen. But magnification is but ONE of the
possible functions of this gadget. I can act as a
dynamic filter that let's you focus on particular
types of information according to criteria set by you.

 We'll need something in this direction for 
 the FatBits view anyhow,

Alain: Right.
 so this would be very likely built into the engine,
 and would mainly involve a bit of multiplication 
 every time a coordinate is passed in.

Alain: Sounds good.
 Shouldn't be much trouble to put this into the HAL.

Alain: HAL, the silicon-based being that went berserk
in the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey ?

 I do not think microsloth is a major worry - 
 because what we produce will necessarily
 be cheaper.

Alain: I have been over this many times but it bears
repeating that cost is not the only factor in our
competition with MicroSloth. If they were to take our
work as the basis for their own, then dramatically
improve on it and market it feverishly, then we would
be left in the dust, known only to ourselves!!!
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OODL: FreeCard UI Blind Access

2000-01-26 Thread Alain Farmer

Uli: I'm not sure how we'd add support for blind 

 Adrian: Um no, I've been misunderstood (my fault for
 writing the email in a hurry).  The key term was 
 (something like) "*keep in mind* blind users".

Alain: I am aware of that. No misunderstanding.

 Adrian: It is not necessary to make the interface
 speak to the user or anything major like that. 
 Blind users have screen readers that do this
 for any program.

Alain: Right.

Adrian: We just need to provide keyboard alternatives
wherever possible and make sure that prompts end in a

Alain: That is coherent with HyperCard as we know it
today. It has many keyboard alternatives built-in, and
many more can be scripted easily (functionKeys, for
example). I further suggest that someone eventually
create an FC-stack (or something like that) that
allows a user to manage and change his

 Adrian:  When I get the chance I'll find the URL for
 the slashdot article so you can all read it,

Alain: Interesting.

 Adrian: everything will make much more sense then.

Alain: You did not fare so badly this time.
 Adrian: Sorry for 
 throwing the cat amongst the pigeons.

Alain: Colorful metaphor. :)
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OODL: Temporary server shutdown

2000-01-27 Thread Alain Farmer

Our server will be temporarily shutdown today

in approximately 30 minutes

for approximately 1 hour

Reason: My linux server temporarily needs a 'head',
the one sitting on the shoulders of my G3. Just long
enough so that I can obtain my IP-address and DNS from
my ISP.

More on this later.

Of particular interest to Anthony and Adrian, eh!

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OODL: Re Temporary server shutdown

2000-01-27 Thread Alain Farmer

 Our server will be temporarily shutdown today
 in approximately 30 minutes
 for approximately 1 hour

 Reason: My linux server temporarily needs a 'head',
 the one sitting on the shoulders of my G3. Just long
 enough so that I can obtain my IP-address and DNS
 from my ISP.

 More on this later.
 Of particular interest to Anthony and Adrian, eh!

Alain: Its ready. Come and get it!
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OODL: Re: Use Download-Manager for summaries

2000-01-27 Thread Alain Farmer

Alain: In my opinion, the ideal place for
summarizing where we are at (and such) would be
our web-site.

 Uli: I have a suggestion: If you got my
 Download-Manager to run on your server Mac, 
 you could set up a folder where summaries would
 be posted. Then you could put a modified version
 of the DL manager into your startup items folder
 (or wherever) that would automatically generate 
 index files listing all these summaries. 
 This way, anyone who feels like posting a summary 
 could just upload it to that folder, and it would 
 automatically be added to the index file. 
 The home page would link to that file
 and everything's accessible.

Alain: OK. Sold.

 Uli: Of course, we'd still have to write it, 
 but the hurdle to get over would be smaller.

Alain: Indeed.

 Uli: (make sure you have the newest version
 from my web site)

Alain: http://www.weblayout.com/witness


'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'


Alain: Concerning your signature, Uli, could you
please remove the last line that provides a URL for
signing the petition. This resource has been
permanently removed.
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OODL: Re:Re: FreeCard UI Blind Access

2000-01-27 Thread Alain Farmer

Alain: In this regard, it is too bad that we chose
against HTML/XML/Web as the GUI. Meta-info and
accessibility are some of the primary concerns of
these W3C standards. Web-based Brail-clients exist.

Uli: Alain, please do finally throw that XML over 
board. There is nothing we can do with XML that we 
can't do with a binary file format.

Alain: I am not suggesting that we should change.
Please excuse my over-zealous web-centrism. 

Uli: It's the viewer that displays web pages
as Braille.

Alain: I am aware of that.

Uli: And we can't display a HyperCard stack in a web 
browser (the way HTML does it).

Alain: I was imagining the (eventual) process as
similar to embedding Quicktime or Java-Applets into
web pages, with the EMBED and/or OBJECT tags. Even
better though would be a browser REPLACEMENT (e.g
Web-savvy FreeCard stacks).

Uli: A HyperCard stack is supposed to look 
basically the same on every platform, 
and that means pixel-unit positioning, 

Alain: In D-HTML, with or without CSS, layers can be
sized and positioned with pixel-precision.

Uli: ...while HTML is mainly intended to
hierarchically structure information, 

Alain: True, but with a lot of presentation-type stuff
added to the mix since the advent of the Internet and,
in particular, since the Internet became the
mass-public phenomenon that we know of today. CSS is
supposed to be the answer to that, separating
content-structure from content-presentation, as HTML
was supposed to be in the first place.

 Uli: As for meta-data, that could probably be 
 stored in user properties, which are a de-facto 
 standard in all xTalks except HyperCard, and thus a 
 very likely a good candidate to be in FreeCard in
 1.1 or whatever after our 100% HC clone.

Alain: Agreed.

 Uli: Right. Also, many OSs will certainly provide a
 system-wide technique for improving access for 
 disabled people in time, so let's now draw the line 
 and hope that when we pick up this topic again
 all have settled down on a standard or at least 
 finalized their proprietary designs so we can
 them THEN.

Alain: Agreed.

 Uli: If you find anyone who has time to create a
 version of our web site that includes special 
 enhancements for the disabled, that's fine.

Alain: I will eventually get around to these
accessibility considerations, myself. Basically, it is
just a few more constraints to take into account while
coding the templates of my Web pages. The CGI does
all, of the rest after that.

 Uli: But I think most disabled-enabled browsers are 
 able to translate HTML to Braille Text themselves 
 (after all, it's just a different font, output to a 
 special device, there's no translation of text 

Alain: Yes, but some of the tricks of the trade tend
to make this 'reading' process more arduous. Case in
point: using (nested) tables for optimal page-layout.
When read back with a braille-reader, each row-column
pair (cell) is read out-loud, as if each cell were
significant from a semantic point-of-view.

 Uli: You might want to make sure you have your 
 ALT= Tags on all images, but I hope it won't 
 involve more.

Alain: Yes, this is the kind of thing that I had in
mind for the short-term.

 Uli: I really think it's premature to care about
 things too much this early in development.

Alain: For now and the foreseeable future, I believe
that the scope of accessibility-enhancements will be
limited to our web-site.
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OODL: Stacks on the Web

2000-01-28 Thread Alain Farmer

Uli: And we can't display a HyperCard stack in a
web browser (the way HTML does it).

Alain: I was imagining the (eventual) process as
similar to embedding Quicktime or Java-Applets into
web pages, with the EMBED and/or OBJECT tags. Even
better though would be a browser REPLACEMENT (e.g
Web-savvy FreeCard stacks).

Uli: the trouble is, plug-ins are like images.

Alain: I am not necessarily talking about a plug-in.

Uli: They just get a rectangle in the window, and
there they are allowed to draw and they're notified of
clicks and the user typing keys. Anything that's drawn
in there is drawn using OS-specific calls, not using
XML or anything. Thus, the browser is actually only
providing the window to draw in, anything else is just
like with any other application.

Alain: I know all of this. It supports well my idea
that we could replace current ML-based browsers with a
web-savvy FreeCard stack. We could probably achieve
much more with FreeCard than is currently possible
with ML-based browsers like Netscape and Explorer.

 Uli: Thus, XML would have absolutely no advantage in
 this regard.

Alain: Unlike myself, you are linking two different
arguments together: (1) can we eventually replace
current ML-based browsers with a FreeCard alternative
; (2) should the FreeCard GUI be ML-based or binary.

Alain: In D-HTML, with or without CSS, layers can
be sized and positioned with pixel-precision.
Uli: Still, we'd need pages of HTML code to describe
what would fit into 16 bytes of binary data.

Alain: Good point.

Uli: If needed, we could add an exporter to DHTML ...

Alain: I believe this to be a good idea. Many HC list
members have recently signaled to me their interest in
being able to save their HyperCard stacks as
web-stacks e.g. a coherent set of web pages and btns
that mirrors the structure of the exported stack. 

Uli: ... but that would miss lots of features and we'd
have to translate FreeScript to Java or HTML links and
"do" would become impossible, etc. It'd be pretty

Alain: Less than you believe, I venture.

Alain: I was thinking of some king of HTTP-based
remote procedure calls from FreeCard components
embedded in Web pages and/or a FreeCard
browser-replacement. HTTP or some other web protocol. 

Uli: I think it'd be smarter if we just had an "open
URL" command like the QuickTime Player has it. 

Alain: Minimum. MetaCard is already web-savvy. Several
web protocols are scriptable from within MetaTalk.

Uli: For 2.0 or so.

Alain: I agree and always have that version 1.x of
FreeCard should aim for HyperCard as we know it now.

 Uli: To make our file format streamable, we'd need a
 special web file-format that breaks a stack into 
 several files, where parts of the file are
 separately, probably split into separate files 
 (one file per card or so) ...

Alain: Sounds simple enough. Does our
block-file-format (eventually) permit this?

Uli: ... as I'm not sure we can say "download byte 1
to 7 of file x" over the web. 

Alain: Following up on my Remote-Procedure-Call idea,
the HTTP protocol does support this. They call these
"stay-alive connections".

Uli: It's all possible and within what we allowed for
so far, just not at the top of the list for now.

Alain: Couldn't (and won't) ask for more than that.
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OODL: Re:Re: Use Download-Manager for summaries

2000-01-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Uli: Oh, I just realized I didn't have support 
 for text files in there yet. I'll upload a new 
 stack shortly.

Alain: The archive that I did download un-binhexed
itself ok, but silently refuses to un-stuff itself.
So I trashed it. Hopefully, this problem will also
be fixed in the next version.
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Re: OODL: help

2000-01-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Sorry guys for the "help" message; I´m alive and
 well - no grizzlies around nor any other life-
 threatening situation :-).

Alain: That's a relief!  ;-)

 Actually I just subscribed to the FreeCard
 mailinglist and wanted to browse the archives. 
 How else do I browse the archives?

Alain: Summaries will be provided soon. One of our
founding members (Adrian) has taken it upon himself to
do the daunting task of summarizing everything for us

 Thanks for your help (and thanks to Uli and Alain
 for the emergency-room-like quick reply).

Alain: 10-4 Rampart. Start an IV with ringers, and
transport the patient immediately. Over. (burst of
static)  :))
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OODL: Re: Eric Engle

2000-01-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Eric: I sent copies of a prototype gui 
 to alain, uli, and mr.DeRobertis. 
 Did you receive them?

Alain: Yes.

 Eric: Did they decompress ok? 

Alain: Yes.

 Eric: If you have, can you upload them?
 (preferably) Or tell me where to upload them? 


 Eric: Am also hoping for comments on them.

Alain: The file "Button Ideas.mc" contains one button
that I like a lot. The file entitled 
"buttons_-_navigational_arrows.m" contained a
round-rect button and two star-like icons, one with a
border, one without. The one with the border is
definitely better, unless the bkgnd color of the page
is the same color as the bkgnd color of the icon. The
file "button ideas 3.mc" is a mystery to me, as were a
few other files that only seem to contain a few choppy
sentences of a technical nature. I must be missing
something. The cursor-like button in the file "more
button ideas.mc" is nice though.
 As far as the gui goes, i can definitely script a
 new menubar and change the existing dialogs - even
 properties box.

Alain: I am beginning to understand why MetaCard is
getting such a bruising when it comes to its GUI.

 Eric: Who is interested in the GUI? Anyone? If not, 
 that is cool, i really can handle it (pun intended:)

Alain: Despite the fact that it is the scripting that
is my favorite feature of HyperCard/FreeCard, it is
the quality of our GUI that will make-or-break us.
Case in point: MetaCard.

 Eric: but if people want to work on this let me
 Course if you want to focus on the programming in C 
 and Pascal that's ok. Point is division of labor.

Alain: This is the crux of the problem. One person can
only do so much. I have much to contribute to the
FreeCard GUI and to the FreeCard scripting-language
(FreeScript) - eventually - but for now the aspects
related to the collaboration are consuming all of my
spare time.

 Eric: Please let me know ... if anyone else wants to
 do GUI stuff.

Alain: I sincerely hope several of our members
volunteer to do so. I cannot at this time, but I will
endeavour to free up some time to do so in the near

 Regarding partnership - an unincorporated
 is a valid option. I'm indifferent. The reasons for 
 forming a partnership are to negotiate with metacard

 and to have a uniform licensing agreement. That can
 worked around however so either form of non-business

 would work.

Alain: That's good to hear. Adrian and me are going to
work on the voting/polling system to make it even
better than last time, before we call for a vote on
the legal form of our association, and on our
licencing scheme too. For the latter, I believe that
the consensus is a licence that is mainly
Public-Domain but with some GPL-like provisions to
insure that forks remain open source.
 Eric: Do let me know about the gui 
 so i can continue working.

Alain: Sorry I took so long to respond, Eric.
 your faithful servant
 eric engle

Alain: And I, yours.
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OODL: Sanctity of our server

2000-02-01 Thread Alain Farmer

Good evening fellow freecarders.

We recently had a problem with a virus that called
itself the 'merryxmas inoculation' virus, or something
like that.

I have scanned the entire disk, including the
archives, for any trace of viruses. I am happy to
report that none were detected by the latest version
of Norton Anti-Virus software.

So feel free to download what you wish from the
FreeCard download space, with the peace of mind that
this is probably relatively safe to do ... for now. I
will endeavour to maintain our virus-free status but
one can never be 100% sure about this. So it goes
without saying that if you partake in the activity of
downloading, that you do so at your own risk. And we
vigorously encourage those that contribute to FreeCard
to be vigilant about these security matters, too.

Alain Farmer
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OODL: Interpreter update - compliance

2000-02-02 Thread Alain Farmer

DeRobertis: Uli and I do note the lack of compliance
in compilers, and while it does stop us from fully
using certain things, such as templates, it does not
stop of from making the rest of the program compliant
to the standard -- or as best as possible. We don't
use NULL as a place for a quick temp, although on
MacOS we could get away with it. We don't depend on
the size of a long or a int or a short (or at least
try not to). Why? Because we have no guarantee that it
will work everywhere; in fact, I can name systems
where all of those assumptions will break.

Alain: This is interesting information. May we include
this information in the FreeCard web-site ? Say in the
web-page that is meant to describe the FC interpreter,
its current state, and where it is going.

DeRobertis: [I know the old interpreter was pretty bad
-- the new one will be much better]

Alain: No pressure intended, but your above comment
begs the question: When do you believe that this much
better version will be available for testing? Do you
have any idea? A ball-park estimate would be fine.
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OODL: Collaboration infrastructure

2000-02-05 Thread Alain Farmer

Hello fellow FreeCarders.

I have just completed a new version of my web-site
generating system for one of my clients. I am basking
in the glow of the satisfaction of a job well-done
and, well, done.

More to the point, this version of the system is
completely generic. In other words, it will take me
minutes to adapt it to FreeCard and/or to adapt it to
the UFP. The only long part, in fact, is the
copy/paste of our existing pages into the new

What's more is that I have a day off tomorrow. I could
go play outside, but it is dreadfully cold these days
in Canada, and I was never much of a winter-sports
fanatic, anyhow. So, instead of goofing-off, I will
contribute and adapt an instance of my collaboration
software to our group.

Of course, this is in no way a formal guarantee that
it will get done tomorrow. Shit happens! (shrug).
Besides, not all winter sports are practiced outside!

Warm salutations to all,

Alain Farmer
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OODL: FreeCard Collaboration Infrastructure

2000-02-09 Thread Alain Farmer

The Web-based FreeCard Collaboration Infrastructure is
almost ready, folks. :)

There are just a few more non-complicated kinks to
work out. Adaptation pains, basically. Not new R-and-D
by any measure.

To wet your appetites, I have taken a snapshot of our
"Home Stack" page, and converted it into GIF. Be
warned, however, that (this time) you need a large
screen and/or a high resolution to avoid scrolling
horizontally and vertically. The web-page, on the
other hand, scales to the screen-size and
screen-resolution rather well.


Highlights (that you cannot necessarily see in the
above GIF image) :

* HyperCard-like metaphor ;
* Dynamic 'menubar' of buttons ;
* Two userLevels: registered ot guest ;
* Dynamically-generated and personnalized web-pages ;
* Auto-recording of all form-elements of any page ;
* Auto-logging of all transactions (timed in msecs) ;
* A dozen collaboration-sections, so far.

I am approximately two-days away from a full bug-free
release. A slightly buggy version is likely for

Alain Farmer

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OODL: FreeCard debugging facilities

2000-02-10 Thread Alain Farmer

 Eric: ... but script errors do happen, 
 and it is really nice to be able to 
 watch global variables.

Alain: Yes, one of HC's most endearing features is the
ease with which one can debug one's scripts. The
variable watcher, and the step-by-step debugger too.

 Eric: hmm, come to think of it i maybe could do 
 a script for a variable watcher stack... 
 but how would we do a message watcher?

Alain: Both of these should be external and programmed
in low-level code, just as it is now in HyperCard,
such that the debugging stuff remains efficient and

 Eric: Ideally both would be in xTalk 
 rather than in C ...

Alain: We can improve the debugging facilities
currently provided by HC's Script-Editor,
Variable-Watcher, and Message-Watcher. Among other
things, we could add new scriptable properties that
allow us to adapt FreeCard's default debugging
behaviour to our specific needs, instead of
re-inventing the whole thing in FreeScript.

 Eric: ...because XCMD's are not cross-platform. 
 (incidently cross worlds has some demo xcmd's 
 which are both windows and macos compatible...)

Alain: It depends on the XCMD. If your XCMD was made
in order to hide/protect your code and/or make
repetitive actions faster, then it is likely that
these XCMDs will continue to run properly on all
platforms. The problem arises when your XCMD
capitalizes on platform-specific features.

Uli: Eric, this is a tough point. I think we'll
certainly add support for message  variable watchers
implemented using scripts somewhere down the line.

Alain: We are aiming at 100%-HyperCard-compatibility
in the 1.x versions of FreeCard, correct? If so, then
the above should be included as soon as possible. Do
you agree?

Uli: But it needs to be supported by the engine, e.g.
by having it automatically open up a stack and send a
message to it resp. send a message to a certain stack
if it's open.

Alain: In HyperCard, the Script-Editor, the
Variable-Watcher, and the Message-Watcher are external
resources, coded at the same (low-)level as HyperCard
is. What's more, you can substitute these resources
with your own variants of these debugging facilities.
Isn't this how we should do it too?

Uli: Who wants can create some within the constraints
of MetaCard's engine for now ...

Alain: This exceeds my current knowledge and
experience in programming, unfortunately.

Uli: ...as we'll certainly try to support as much of
their syntax as feasible.

Alain: This is news, sort of. I surmised, of course,
that we would eventually get around to comparing
ourselves to ALL of the other xCards out there, but,
to my knowledge, nothing has been posted about this,
until now.
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OODL: Re FreeCard Collaboration Infrastructure

2000-02-10 Thread Alain Farmer

Eric: Wow! The graphics for the freeCard site look

Alain: Thank you, Eric. 

Alain: The whole web-site acts like a set of HyperCard
stacks. The upper-frame is akin to the 'menubar'
(navigation toolbar). The middle-frame (card) contains
the contents of the cards. The bottom-frame is akin to
the messageBox, but our messageBox is multimedia, eh!

Alain: Each page contains the necessary information
and handlers to dynamically adjust the appearance and
function of each button in the menubar-frame. Pages
are generated and personalized, in real-time,
according to a user-model of each user. All
form-elements of any page are automatically and
transparently recorded and revived. This latter
functionality will allow us to vote on each
card/page/concept, our specific votes revived,
side-by-side with a representation of the group's
voting on the matter.

Eric: Oh, whet is the correct spelling (i think

Alain: Incorrect, Eric. Wet is the correct term. It
can used as a verb, as well as an adjective.
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OODL: Stacks on the Web - plugins and XCMDs

2000-02-10 Thread Alain Farmer

 Uli: Besides that, I'd say we don't allow XCMDs 
 (or any other kind of plugin) over the web ...

Alain: I avoid these too, but probably for different
reasons. Users hate plugins. The download(s). The
installation(s). The upgrade(s). Where to put then?
When to upgrade them? Identifying the plugin as the
culprit of buggy system behaviour, in the first place.

 Uli: ...and file access commands may only manipulate

 files in a special folder next to the stack.

Alain: Sound a bit like cookies. Client-side
file-access limited to a designated location
(file/folder) on the client's machine. The main hitch
with cookies, for me, is that the user doesn't
necessarily always use the same machine. Hence, his
cookies don't follow him around. Thus, it is an
un-reliable means of maintaining state.
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OODL: Collaboration Infrastructure READY

2000-02-10 Thread Alain Farmer

Hello fellow freecarders.

It has been quiet lately. I hope the announcement
below will change that somewhat.

The FreeCard Collaboration Infrastructure is (sort of)
ready. Try it now:


Things I know that need to be done:

* All of the pages have to be re-touched ;
* Long pages have to be broken down into cards ;
* Several navigation buttons to be added ;
* Non-discontinuous navigation of everything ;
* Integrated voting/consensus-barometer feature ;
* etc

But all of the above is mainly cosmetic, or nice
features to add soon. It essentially works.


Alain Farmer
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OODL: Re: Collaboration Infrastructure READY

2000-02-12 Thread Alain Farmer

 The FreeCard Collaboration Infrastructure is
 (sort of) ready. Try it now:

 Things I know that need to be done:

Alain: I must be getting desperate. I am replying to

 * All of the pages have to be re-touched ;

Alain: Much has been done, in this regard, but several
hours will still be required to bring it up to

 * Long pages have to be broken down into cards ;

Alain: I am a strong proponent of the one concept per
card/page approach. Modularity is next to godliness,
eh! That way we can associate with each modular
concept, the following context-sensitive operations:

* Vote on very specific concepts/points/ideas
* Comments, and form to make a new comment
* Meta-data
* Help
* References
* Visual navigation MAP (you are here)
* About this card ..
* Edit this card .. (web-form)

Alain: All of this for each and every card of our
web-site. Context-sensitive is key here.

 * Several navigation buttons to be added ;

Alain: Several navigation buttons have been added.
They now number 8 in the navigation toolbar in the
top-frame. Namely: First, Previous, Next, Last,
Contents, Help, Home, and Post. Except for Post and
Contents, the rest should be quite familiar to anyone
who has used HC.

 * Non-discontinuous navigation of everything ;

Alain: The Contents and Home buttons have
substantially improved the situation.

 * Integrated voting/consensus-barometer feature ;

Alain: Every card contains one specific item. You
click on the VOTING button, in the bottom-frame, then
proceed to vote on this specific item. What's more,
our system generates each page in real-time, so it
will be easy to display the ever-up-to-date and
summarized results of voting on this particular item.
And, because each page is also personnalized in
real-time, we could also revive each user's
voting-state, which he could then compare to the
voting-state of the group ; before, during and after
the user votes. The user can vote as many times as he
wishes, as soon as his opinion of the item changes.
Only the user's most-recent vote is kept.

 * etc

Alain: As the Carpenters once sung: "We've only just
begun ...". Too many feature-ideas to enumerate here,
at this time, but I should probably mention that the
bottom-frame will be dependant on the userLevel of the
web user:

1. In its current form, the bottom-frame is the rough
equivalent of HyperCard's message box (e.g. to display
short messages and/or interact with the

2. I am in the process of transforming the
bottom-frame into another toolbar, symmetrical with
the 8 buttons of the navigation toolbar in the
top-frame. The 8 bottom buttons are (provisionally):
Map, About, Comments, Voting, Meta-data, Edit,
References, Alternatives.

 Uli: Alain,
 looks great! Just two things that bothered me:

Alain: At least we are a duet now!  ;-)

 Uli: 1) It uses JavaScript. I'm paranoid.

Alain: Security-wise, JavaScript is no worse than
other languages, it seems to me. The most recent
incarnation of JS has been overhauled in terms of
security. Which is good, I am sure, but which caused
me many headaches this year.

 Uli: (i.e. I had to turn it on in my browser).

Alain: You must be joking, Uli. HTML by itself is VERY
static. The static display of a fast-moving multimedia
QT movie does NOT make it any less static, either.
Client-side interactivity is essential, with or
without Dynamic-HTML. The latter dramatically
exacerbates the need for JavaScript.

Alain: I do not particular like JavaScript either. If
you or someone else can pull it off, it would be nice
to set the language attribute of the SCRIPT tag to
something other than JavaScript, like FreeScript for
example. VBscript did it!

 Uli: Would it be possible to change the
 navigation to use regular HTML?

Alain: I endeavour to be as flexible as possible but,
in this case, I cannot compromise at all. While my
system is 80% server-side, and the 20% client-side
JavaScript that I do use is limited in scope to the
fundamentals ... without JavaScript, the whole
solution falls apart.

 Uli: 2) The downloads don't work, 
 they're displayed in the frame.

Alain: Fixed.

 Uli: Also, I don't get anything in the bottom frame.

Alain: That frame was intentionally empty. It was
meant to be the rough equivalent of HyperCard's
message box. Its also great in a drill-and-practice
tutorials, for providing feedback to user and/or
obtaining snippets of information from him.

 Uli: Should I also have turned on Java?

Alain: Not at all. I never touch the stuff.

 Uli: 3) We might want to add some color.

Alain: It was natural for me to go for the B-and-W
color scheme because I am still using B-and-W
HyperCard 2.2. It's simpler to prototype with, too.
And I am a strong proponent of the sparse use of
color, conditionned as I am by Apple's Human Interface

 Uli: One more suggestion 
 which I'm sure you just accidentally missed:

Alain: Accidentally missed ??  I was working with the

OODL: Re:Re: Collaboration Infrastructure READY

2000-02-12 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: Security-wise, JavaScript is no worse than
 other languages, it seems to me. The most recent
 incarnation of JS has been overhauled in terms of
 security. Which is good, I am sure, but which
 caused me many headaches this year.

Anthony: I've lost count of how many JS security holes
there have been last year, from stealing credit card
numbers to faking which site you're looking at.

Alain: The latest incarnation of JavaScript is much
more security-oriented than all of its predecessors.
There is tainting and procedure authentification, and
all of that. With these features taken into
consideration, are you still insecure about
JavaScript's secureness? Is JS the WORST language in
this regard?

 Uli: Would it be possible to change the
 navigation to use regular HTML?

 Alain: I endeavour to be as flexible as possible
 but, in this case, I cannot compromise at all. 
 While my system is 80% server-side, and the 20%
 client-side JavaScript that I do use is limited 
 in scope to the fundamentals ... without JS, 
 the whole solution falls apart.

Anthony: What does the JavaScript do? It activates a
simple form.

Alain: It is more essential than that. The onLoad
event of the middle-frame re-adjusts the buttons in
the top-frame, produces the default message that is
displayed in the bottom-frame, and starts a timer.
Hidden form elements maintain the state of the user.
Going to any page stops the timer and transparently
submits the user's state to the server. As a
by-product of the process, the values of the user's
form-elements are also sent. We are going to exploit
the latter to record members votes. This is basically
it, with the exception a few calculations, moving some
data around, bypassing the default form-element
selection order, in order to guide the data-entry of
the student/user, and some other interface niceties
that make the web-experience more user-friendly.

Anthony: Some reason why clicking the nagigation
images can't do that?

Alain: That would mean that each image's link would
have to be hard-coded with the image tag, and the HTML
of the buttons frame would have to be changed every
time you change page. That is MUCH slower than
dynamically changing them (appearance and destination)
with a little bit of JavaScript.

Anthony: I've got problems besides just letting 
unknown parties execute code on my machine.

Alain: 1. Am I an unknown party that you don't trust?

Alain: 2. JavaScript's scope is pretty much limited to
the HTML page that embeds them. Like Java and others,
JavaScript cannot read or write to the user's disk. It
doesn't have hooks into the user's operating system.
Besides a little of tricky spoofing on the web to
rip-off credit card numbers and other secure
information from unsuspecting people naive enough to
consider the Internet secure in the first place, what
can JavaScript do that is deleterious to the client's

Anthony: 3 of the 4 browsers I use don't support JS.

Alain: My official position on this matter is that I
only support Netscape and Explorer, the two most
widely used browsers throughout the World. My system
would probably also work well with other less-known
browsers, like Mosaic and such. The browsers that I do
NOT support are the primitive ones that don't support
frames, tables and/or even graphics.

Uli: Also, I don't get anything in the bottom frame.
Alain: That frame was intentionally empty.
Anthony: Please remove it. It makes it need to 
scroll on my 13" monitor.

Alain: That frame was intentionally left empty because
it will eventually serve a purpose. Actually, it will
serve several purposes:

* A frame to provide pretty, customized feedback to
the user, instead of relying on the ugly dialogs
provided by JS itself. They are not only ugly, they
are very limited and in English, while many of my
clients are French.

* A rough equivalent of HC's msg box, on the Web. To
display messages, like the above, but also to allow
the user to use it to submit commands to my server.

* Another set of buttons, like the top-frame, with
further operations that are context-sensitive (e.g. card-specific)
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Re: OODL: What fonts

2000-02-26 Thread Alain Farmer

 What fonts are available cross platform?

 I think that fonts are different for different
 machines. Thus a button of a certain size might 
 contain text on one machine, but not be big 
 enough on another computer to contain the same text.

Alain: I have passed on your interrogations concerning
fonts to my graphics-artist. She had provided me with
a very short list of multi-platform fonts, e.g. fonts
that you can expect to be the same on each platform.

 A complex subject which brings
 great wealth to companies like Adobe. 
 Perhaps big font houses can guarantee
 uniformity of their fonts across platforms.

Alain: I have kept myself relatively abreast of the
situation where the font issue is concerned. For some
time now, they have been talking about embedding fonts
into HTML pages. Like images, the fonts will be
downloaded dynamically (and cached too?) to the client
when the page is rendered. The remaining issue, I
believe, is whether the font can be cached or whether
it should be systemically flushed once you are done
reading your page.
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Re: OODL: Time for a 20-ton GPL LART

2000-02-26 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain, there has been a slight miscommunication.
 Somehow the sides have gotten mixed up. 
 I want the loser who thinks he can undo the GPL
 by a stupid notice to get the 20-ton LART, 
 not the other guy!

Alain: How silly of me. Consequently, now that I know
which side is which, the victory of this loser would
indeed be dreadful, as you stipulated. It would render
GPL totally useless.

 I'll use names next time to prevent any confusion.

Alain: Another variation on the
Problem-of-Other-Minds. e.g. You can never really know
for sure whether the other person has understood what
you wanted him to understand. The back-and-forth
exchanges (communication) serve to confirm or
disaffirm the inferences of the preceding exchanges.
In plain English, if we talk long enough, we can be
reasonably sure that we both understand the same
thing. As we have done in this case. Nothing wrong
with that but, as you suggest above, we can reduce the
number of exchanges necessary to achieve our goal, by
being as clear and as explicit as possible in each and
every exchange. For what it is worth, this is my aim,
and I encourage everyone to do likewise.
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Re: OODL: What fonts

2000-02-26 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: I have passed on your interrogations
 concerning fonts to my graphics-artist. 
 She had provided me with a very short list 
 of multi-platform fonts, e.g. fonts
 that you can expect to be the same on each platform.

Alain: ... but I lost the list. And the situation has
perhaps changed since the lost-list was made.

(re-reading my own message, I realized that I had not
completed my thought).

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OODL: webSite-generator update

2000-02-27 Thread Alain Farmer

Alain: A version of my FreeCard Web-Site generator is
in the process of being dramatically simplified:

1. No frames

2. No JavaScript

3. No dynamic HTML

Alain: This new version will thus be simpler, faster,
and more secure than its recent predecessor. I am also
hoping this one will be far more popular than the last
one. As an added precaution, I will only make this new
version available when it is near-perfect. So hang
tight for now.
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Re: OODL: Re: [opencard-digest V1 #267]

2000-02-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Eric: (do _you really want to chase down _every
 link and change its style? Manually? I do not,
 though a script could probably
 be written to do it).

Alain: Syntax coloring and such is usually a scripted
process, as it should be. Nothing stopping you from
doing this manually, but I feel that life is too short
for such mundane tasks. That's what computers were
originally designed for, eh!

 Eric: ... the aesthetics are an aspect of the GUI
 that metaCard expects to get in exchange for its 
 support of this project.

Alain: If you are saying that Scott chose to
participate in FreeCard for the purpose of improving
the GUI and thus improve MetaCard's success in the
market-place, then I agree with you. But that is where
it stops. We do NOT OWE Scott or MetaCard anything
whatsoever, except perhaps our gratitude. The rest is
a gamble that we all share in, as individuals with
mutual interests working towards a common goal.

 Eric: Function determines form, but
 within function paramaters form should be
 aesthetically pleasing ... MC places function
 over form which is good, but there is plenty
 of room within functional parameters for

Alain: I tend to agree with you, Eric, that function
precedes and is more important than form. But I have
just completed a Masters in Interactive Multimedia
surrounded by artistic-types that would argue
precisely the contrary, adding that that is why
computer stuff is so drab, dweeby, un-artistic, etc.
Case in point: MC. 

 Eric: MetaCard's demo is really generous and
 deserves to be supported.

Alain: I have also been pleasantly surprised at how
generous and easy-going Scott has been. It is a
sincere pleasure to have him aboard on this
open-source xCard adventure.

 Eric: I have developed new menus. They work nicely
 (amazing what can be done with the DO command).

Alain: Aha! The infamous DO command at work.

 Eric: ...adding submenus (lineSize, polySides)...

Alain: Sub-menus would indeed be nice, for stuff like:
fontSize, fontFace, lineSize, etc. It groups together
related things and makes the interface less cluttered.
But please make the sub-menus only one level deep.

 Eric: However adding submenus (lineSize,
 polySides) would, i think, require more than 10

Alain: It was my understanding that once we got the
organisation and licencing issues worked out, that
Scott was going to provide us with a special licence
on the full-fledged version of MetaCard (e.g. no
10-line limit)

 Eric: The new menus ... I would also like to
 move some menuItems within existing menus ...

Alain: This may be a stupid question but here goes.
Are you aiming for something quite similar to the
current HyperCard interface, or a better-looking
variation on MetaCard's current GUI, or are you aiming
for something radically different? I have no
well-formed opinion on this matter yet, except to say
that the latter 2 options might make us stray far away
from what HyperCard users will expect from a

 Alain: ... but I lost the list.

 Eric: do you have a find function? :)

Alain: The list was scribbled on a piece of paper that
used to adorn the billboard over my desk.

 Alain: And the situation
 has perhaps changed since the lost-list was made.

Alain: Besides, my above statement goes much more to
the heart of the matter. The old list, even if I still
had it, might not be relevant anymore.

 Alain: (re-reading my own message, 
 I realized that I had not completed my thought).

 Eric: think first then write? thimk?

Alain: I systematically re-read each part of my
letters, while I am composing it (in-situo), and
afterwards too (globally) once my message is composed.
I make sure that I have responded to every item that I
wanted to respond to, as evidenced by my infamous
habit of chopping up posts and prefixing them with the
interlocutor's name. And I also screen out typos and
grammatical errors - my own mostly.

Alain: But no one is perfect, eh!  In my defense, I
caught it myself immediately after I committed the
omission. ;-)
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Re: OODL: webSite-generator update

2000-02-28 Thread Alain Farmer

 Alain: This new version will thus be simpler,
 faster, and more secure ...
Uli: I can't really tell you how much I thank you for
doing this. I liked the old design, really...

Alain: It is kind of you to say so.

Uli: ... but with the problems Anthony had I guess
there'll likely be more people who would have suffered
these problems.

Alain: It does kind of throw a monkey-wrench into my
development plans. For one, it makes me uncertain
about which technologies to focus on for the future. I
was also hoping to achieve two goals at once by basing
my work for us, on R-and-D that I have to do anyways.

Uli: I hope it's not too much work for you.

Alain: It's not so bad, after all. It took me a day to
remove most of the overly-complex stuff. It will take
me another free day or so to complete the job.

Uli: If you need any utility handlers etc. be sure to
get word to the list (maybe even the UFP list), so all
of us can help you.

Alain: Excellent idea but I will clean up a little bit
more before getting down to some handler fine-tuning,
so I will take you up on this soon but not right away.

Uli: BTW - my offer still stands, if you need an XCMD,
tell me and I'll try to write one. This might
dramatically speed up things.

Alain: This would indeed kick ass. Once all of the
handlers are fine-tuned, we'll transform some of them
into externals. You will be hearing from me, Uli. :)

Alain: We will also see if Elektra can be added to the
mix. What licencing scheme is it under? ;-)

Uli: I've recently started writing a simple dragdrop
XCMD that offers similar features as Serf provides in
this regard.

Alain: I have no need for it now, but I will
undoubtedly find one for it. I like drag-and-drop.
There is something really cool about it.

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