On Feb 6, 9:48 pm, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 7:12 am, ronaldheld <ronaldh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > arXiv:1202.0720v1 [physics.hist-ph]
> > Abstract
> > It is argued that it is possible to give operational meaning to free
> > will and
> > the process of making a choice without employing metaphysics.
> > comments?
> It depends if you consider biology metaphysical. Free will is a
> capacity which we associate with living organisms,

rightly or wrongly

> particularly if
> they have some kind of system of self-directed propulsion. With the
> ability to move freely comes the opportunity for more sophisticated
> forms of intentionality to develop. This is not to say that a plant
> doesn't not have some measure of free will, but it seems that the true
> potential of will is tied up in control over location. Like many other
> biological qualities (feeling, desire, etc), free will doesn't
> translate meaningfully into the language of physics.

That might mean it never existed, and our "association" was wrong.
What's the  counterargument?

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