Stephen, thanks for a new English word for me: caterwauling. I like it.
Sun'ichi Amari writes in a field I do not intend to penetrate and I have a
hard time to comprehend videos - even if they are not in Japanese-English.
I confess: I did not find too much connection in your text to my post.
Maybe it is my fault.
Thanks anyway

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Stephen P. King <>wrote:

>  On 3/23/2012 11:47 AM, John Mikes wrote:
> Stephen, - especially to the 2nd part of your reply -
> I do not speak about a 'certain' uncertainty (i.e. 'quantum') I speak
> about the concept: "uncertainty" is inherent in whatever we think about,
> because in our 'model' of the knowable world there is only part of the
> total (see the historical additions and project such to the future) and we
> THINK about yesterday's knowable as "all of them". Accordingly EVERYTHING
> is uncertain. Logic, too.
> Intercourse does not create babies: it gives a chance to a sperm and egg
> to find each other in a way to start a genome. You can do it in a
> test-tube. And - the babies are human beings, with (working?) complexity
> including mental aspects, (even in mentally impaired persons) which
> develops in the course of gestation - according to Princeton's Singer even
> later, after birth. So please, do not fall for the political haruspexs
> who cry 'murder' in case of an abortion, the murder is saved for killing
> persons, i.e. full complexities developed and evolved from the
> parasite-state (embryo - fetus) into a substantial HUMAN being.
> Now about identicity:
> If you look for it... there are similarities in many unexpected relations
> between off springs and ancestors, maybe not the total ones as e.g. a
> clone, but the
> identicity lives on in the genetic sequences.
> BTW: what do you mean by "a mind" - to deem it "absolutely NEW"?
> I agree with your rejecting 'randomness, or stochasticity' mainly on the
> basis of the above mentioned ignorance about the wholeness, but also on the
> basis that 'unatached' occurrences would make ANY ordered description
> futile.
> Russell replied to an earlier such remark of mine with the correction into
> (as I recall) "conditional randomness". Which is not random in my view.
> John M
> Dear John,
>     As to uncertainty, it seems to be a quisicrystal-coated beastie for
> there are far to many models of it and probabilities in general. I long for
> the day when a bright young mind figures of the path to unify the best of
> these models and gives us a clear principle with which to reject the
> nonsensical ones. The one that I like is Shun'ichi 
> Amari<>'s
> "information geometry <>"
> idea merely because it appeals to my visual type thinking.
>     Fear not for I was only considering the unassisted version of
> procreation as a default that is independent of the technologies of the
> time and place... As I see it "personhood" is a function and not a "thing"
> so I have a well reasoned (IMHO) aversion to the caterwaulings of those
> that would merely appeal to emotion for as a justification of a claim.
> Emotional revulsion is never proof to the contrary or impossibility.
> Onward!
> Stephen
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Stephen P. King <>wrote:
>> On 3/22/2012 4:47 PM, meekerdb wrote:
>> On 3/22/2012 1:31 PM, John Clark wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
>>  >> This illustrates the problem I have with your ideas, it's not your
>>>> mathematics it's the assumption you make right at the start which is the
>>>> foundation for everything else.
>>> > Which assumption?
>> Your assumption that if a identical copy of you is made everything may
>> seen identical to a third party but to itself, to the copy and the
>> original, they would somehow have different viewpoints even if everything
>> they saw was the same and they remained identical. I think that is just
>> plain wrong. Lately you seem to be equivocating somewhat on this point and
>> everybody has a right to change their mind, but if you do then you'll have
>> to rewrite your proof from page 1 because that assumption was important.
>> > Those admit precise and simple definition, related to the duplication
>>> and multiplication thought experience.
>>> First person = content of a diary bring in the duplication devices.
>> OK, but the original and the copy will both write in their diaries "I
>> walked into the duplicating chamber, the machine was turned on and a copy
>> of me appeared right in front of me face to face", the copy and the
>> original agree on what occurred, so according to you the first person
>> perspective, the one that both you and I believe is most important, is
>> identical; so there is only one perspective, one consciousness.
>> I don't think Bruno disagreed with this.  I know I didn't.  The one
>> consciousness only becomes two when there is something different - in the
>> perception of the outside (Washington vs Moscow) or some random internal
>> change.  Your thought experiment shows that comp implies that persons
>> bodies can be duplicated without duplicating their consciousness (at least
>> for a moment or two).  But as I said I don't see that this invalidates
>> Bruno's argument which I take to be that quantum uncertainty can be modeled
>> by uncertainty in personal identity.
>> Hi Brent,
>>     Could you offer some sketch of how quantum uncertainty can be modeled
>> by uncertainty in personal identity? The uncertainty of QM follows from the
>> mathematical properties of canonical conjugates (roughly, there exists a
>> Fourier transformation between them) and the general non-commutativity of
>> observables (roughly, as they have complex number valued amplitudes).
>> Quantum uncertainty is not "just randomness" or stochasticity, the
>> evolution of QM systems is the template of a deterministic process. It is
>> just that it is impossible to recover the information required to make a
>> local prediction that makes it seem "classically random" (aka decoherence).
>> I think that we are taking the "branching tree" analogy used by many to
>> explain the many worlds interpretation way too literally here... We should
>> disabuse ourselves of that concept.
>>     The uncertainty generated by the copy and paste operations of
>> computation follows from the fissioning of the first person sense of self,
>> so it is indeed generates a "branching tree graph" IFF we ignore
>> cul-de-sacs and other delete operations, cycles and non-monotic relations.
>> Additionally, we assume that conservation laws, which would be "no new
>> rules or data" restrictions for computations. Where is the bridge
>> connecting these concepts? What about the fact that intercourse between
>> humans create "babies", which would be entirely new minds? How do they fix
>> into these scheme?
>> Onward!
>> Stephen
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