
As you've already noticed, I've tracked down and fixed the main issue that was causing inaccurate test results. Thank you again for the data you provided, which was of great help narrowing down the cause of the issue.

   --Dave B.

On 5/7/13 04:50:23.000, Peter Cock wrote:
On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Dave Bouvier <> wrote:

Yes, there are a few issues that are causing some repositories not to be
tested correctly. I've discovered the problem, but the solution will require
a bit of work. My goal is to have this resolved as soon as possible.

    --Dave B.

Hi Dave,

Things are looking sensible again on the Test Tool Shed - thanks :)

I have a query which might deserve discussion: Currently my
some of my BLAST+ tools have missing tests and some are
failing (due in part to limitations of the test framework) yet
the repository is only listed under missing tool tests:

Latest revision: missing tool tests - includes ncbi_blast_plus
Latest revision: failing tool tests - omits ncbi_blast_plus

As the yellow description makes clear, this is deliberate,
but I would prefer to have ncbi_blast_plus listed in both
places. In this case I know there are missing tests, but
would hope there are no failing tests - yet the Tool Shed
interface is effectively 'hiding' these failures from the
prominent listing.

(Right now the failures are unexpected, it seems my
changes to the automated installation were not successful
- but that's why I'm testing them here to check this)

What does everyone else think?



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