Hi Dark,

Well Tom, I'd be moderately more in favor of the different enemy types idea
if possible, ------ sinse as I said, it adds variety...
End quote

True, but the original game didn't have different monsters. It was 
simply that the monsters got stronger and stronger the deeper you got 
into Montezuma's fortress. I would imagine this is the reason there was 
really no bosses per say in the classic game. It didn't need them. The 
monsters were bad enough on their own to fend off.

 (particularly if we ever get that map creator to play with)...
End quote

I know this is something fans of the game really want,but it isn't very 
bloody well likely seeing that the games internal code would need a from 
scratch rewrite to support this. The main reason is the games internal 
checks on the levels are coded into the engine rather than outside it. 
As a result I'd have to give everyone access to the engine to add room 
dementions, when to activate torches, and other triggers and events that 
are level by level specific. Right now the level creation tool I use, if 
you want to call it that, simply draws a map to an array and saves it to 
a data file. In order to use my tool one would have to know C# .Net to 
edit the scripted levels. For example,

// Idderation variable.
int i;

// Here we want to draw the floor for
// room 1.
for (i = 0; i < 51; i++)
world.Add((int)Draw.Dirt, i, 10);

// Draw left wall.
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
world.Add((int)Draw.Wall, 0, i);

// Draw right wall.
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
world.Add((int)Draw.Wall, 50, i);

 This is probably the simplist example of how the levels are drawn and 
saved to an array, but basically I would probably have to come up with 
some tool similar to Audio Game maker to simplify the process where 
someone arrows to the spot to drop something to draw onto the form, and 
tell it this is a wal, dirt flor, ledge, rope, bla. Major hastle seeing 
as the games core wasn't coded with this kind of external editing in mind.
Even with the ability to draw a map I'd have to include in the level 
files things like room dimentions, roll off factors for sounds, edit 
point and score values for enemies, tools, and gems, bla. Basically, a 
huge amount of work which I'm not sure i am up to the idea of rewriting 
this game from scratch to include a level editor.

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