Hi tom.

Hmmm, well Jim I remember mentioned something about sounds being quite hard 
to obtain or synthesize, so I do see the problem.

One thought that occurs to me with enemies like Skeletons, ---- and perhaps 
other relatively variated enemies such as roaring beasts, might be slightly 
shifting the pitch up or down to indicate a differently sized enemy. So long 
as the pitc shift wasn't too extreme, and wasn't required for other 
enemies, ---- Eg, type 1 robots making a high bleep, and type 2 being the 
same but lower, I don't think this would confuse the player too much.

On the music front, I can deffinately understand the licensing being 
expensive if your using original music as in tomb raider, or getting it from 
actual groups of musicians who expect to be paid, but there are other places 
that occur to me.

firstly, have you thought about contacting some of the hobby musicians who 
do remixes of original game music. because they work with game music, they 
could probably come up with something that "sounds like" whatever your 
probably looking for, obviously they range in quality, but so it goes, and 
I've heard some pretty amazing stuff from some of them.

Check out the Overclocked remix site at http://www.ocremix.org/

then, you might considder asking on the Retroremakes forums. true, they are 
much more concerned with graphical remakes than audio ones, but there do 
seem to be ameter musicians who produce game music knocking around there who 
would probably be willing to help out (and probably wouldn't charge the 
earth, --- or indeed anything at all), for use of their stuff.

go to http://www.retroremakes.com/forum/index.php?s= for the forums.

then, there's me. I've always fancied composing game or film soundtracks, 
but have been a bit daunted by both the technical nastiness of doing it, and 
the fact that the stuff I've already heard tends to be on the hole fairly 

If there is a genuine need for it though, the incentive would probably help 
me get up off my bumb and just tackle things.

I'm a litle taken up with work for my Phd and rehearsals for a production at 
the moment, but if there's a need for it, I'll try and get to grips with 
things a bit now, ---- and more when I've got some more free time.

Of course, i wouldn't require paying either, I'd just be happy my stuff was 
being used.

well, Hth.

Beware the Grue!


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