FWIW ... here's something I use instead of ctags for picolisp. 

$ cat /usr/local/bin/lisptags

# make a tags file for pico lisp source files.
# use:
#       lisptags foo.l bar.l baz.l ... bof.l
# generate the file 'tags'
# [based on lisptags csh script by John Foderaro, c.1982]
awk '
/^[ \t]*\(d[em][ \t]/ { print $2 "\t" FILENAME "\t?^" $0 "$?" }
/^[ \t]*\(class[ \t]/ { print $2 "\t" FILENAME "\t?^" $0 "$?" }
' $* | sort > tags


--- On Mon, 11/14/11, Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: How to get the signature of function and method definitions
> To: picolisp@software-lab.de
> Date: Monday, November 14, 2011, 6:59 AM
> It's at the end here:
> http://www.prodevtips.com/2010/09/29/emacs-color-themes-tags-cedet-ecb-and-other-customizations/
> Not much to it, I do things "old school" ie I put the
> download in
> /opt/picolisp and simply cd there in a shell and do: ctags
> -e -R
> --languages=-JavaScript,-PHP,-C,-Make,-HTML

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