Re: [JAVA2D] createCompatibleImage: why is it faster than creating a Buffered image?

2009-06-10 Thread Ken Warner

Perhaps that "OpaqueCopyAnyToIntArgb" loop is the reason any read of
an image file into an TYPE_INT_RGB takes longer than reading into a
bytearray image.

 BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
bi =,irp);

The above is much slower than:

BufferedImage bi =,null);
which produces a BI with a DataBufferByte

and this:
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
bi =,irp);

Doesn't work at all. It fails with --

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ImageReadParam num source & dest bands 

at pangnomic.PanGnomicImageFetch.makeBufferedImage(Unknown Source)
at Source)
Jim Graham wrote:

I grepped for "Blit" and "ByteBinary" and discovered that there are only 
convert (Blit(XX, SrcNoEa, YY)) loops for 1-bit to ARGB.  The thing that 
surprised me, though, was that it took 4 times longer even despite the 
workarounds.  I quickly ran a trace on copying a 1-bit image to INT_RGB 
and discovered that it ends up using a loop called 
"OpaqueCopyAnyToIntArgb" which is a Java loop that uses a couple of 
method calls per pixel.  There are faster ways it could do this, even 
without creating a specific loop for this case, but it will take a bit 
of elbow grease as the logic in that part of the system is a little 


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Re: [JAVA2D] createCompatibleImage: why is it faster than creating a Buffered image?

2009-06-07 Thread Ken Warner

Last time I looked, both C and C++ had runtime code -- I suppose
one could dispute that that code created a runtime environment.  I
wouldn't argue with that.

And if the design of an API is so complex that the average programmer can't
understand how to use it is the hallmark of good design -- well then you win --
BufferedImage great design. wrote:

The first thing that you will have to understand is
that Java is going to be slower than anything except maybe Flash.
If your goal s to be as fast as C, C++, C# or .Net then you should
find another goal
because it is already a given that Java will be slower.

You mix up runtime enviroments and languages. However nice try. 

 > But your experiments are important because they will

reveal the flaws and
inconsistencies in Java2D, BufferedImage and ImageIO.

Just because their design is too flexible for you to understand, doesn't mean 
its flawed.

- Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] createCompatibleImage: why is it faster than creating a Buffered image?

2009-06-06 Thread Ken Warner

The first thing that you will have to understand is that Java is
going to be slower than anything except maybe Flash.  If your goal
is to be as fast as C, C++, C# or .Net then you should find another goal
because it is already a given that Java will be slower.

Another way to display an image is the use of MemoryImageSource and
BufferStrategy which can be very useful for animations but not necessarily
faster in loading since the only way to load a tif image is with ImageIO
and BufferedImage.

But your experiments are important because they will reveal the flaws and
inconsistencies in Java2D, BufferedImage and ImageIO.  Note them down

A complete study of all the various pathways an image can take from disk to 
display along with timings for each pathway would be an even more valuable

task than the task you are currently attempting.

Making a catalog of all the ways Java can make an image and the pitfalls
and workarounds necessary for many of those paths would make a very valuable
white paper.  It will not be an easy task.

If you work on a task like that, don't forget to look carefully at
ImageReadParam and how that can be used and how it can lead to a multitude of
dead ends.

It is no small task to do this but you will learn a lot and that knowledge
will be valuable. wrote:

Thank you Dmitri for your answer.

Excuse me if some of the above comments are incorrect, 

but i am new to Java2D programming. Also, i would GREATLY appreciate if there is
yet another method to do what i want (e.g. load and display an image) in a 
faster way.
To be honest i am creating an app here and i compare it with the speed of others 

are written in native code (or even .NET) and mine is much slower.

It's hard to accept that i cannot do with Java what others are doing with c or 

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Re: [JAVA2D] Java2d Hardware Scaling Visual Artifact Problem w/Bilinear Interpolatio

2009-01-30 Thread Ken Warner

And by the way -- BufferedImages still suck big time. wrote:

[quote]So I will attempt to hereby gracefully disengage...[/quote]

Yes, and I suggest to go further and not re-engage.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Java2d Hardware Scaling Visual Artifact Problem w/Bilinear Interpolatio

2009-01-30 Thread Ken Warner

This is what I mean.  You <> give me crap for no reason what so ever.

What a bunch of arrogant jerks. wrote:

[quote]So I will attempt to hereby gracefully disengage...[/quote]

Yes, and I suggest to go further and not re-engage.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Java2d Hardware Scaling Visual Artifact Problem w/Bilinear Interpolatio

2009-01-29 Thread Ken Warner

Yes, if you deconstruct the notion of making an API complete into
it doesn't work vs. it's not there to begin with.

No, I'm not referring to MIS vs. BufferedImage -- directly.

And I'm not really in the mood for another argument which this
discussion will degenerate to in about 2 emails.  So I will attempt to
hereby gracefully disengage... wrote:

Really? -- happy?  -- How come "SUN guys" give me so
much crap
when I ask for an enhancement to

First of all there's difference between a bug and a request for enhacement.

speed up what I want to do?

Without knowing what you are talking about, I guess, most likely they consider 
that stuff as  unimportant.
I hope you are not still referring to MIS vs. BufferedImage ;)

- Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Java2d Hardware Scaling Visual Artifact Problem w/Bilinear Interpolatio

2009-01-28 Thread Ken Warner

Really? -- happy?  -- How come "SUN guys" give me so much crap
when I ask for an enhancement to speed up what I want to do? wrote:

The best workaround is to write your own bi-linear

Best Workarround? This means loosing hw-accaleration :-/

They are the easiest
interpolator to write and then you won't have to
argue with the SUN guys...

Well, I am sure the "SUN guys" are happy about every report they get.

- Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Java OpenGL Acceleration Crashing

2009-01-15 Thread Ken Warner

I think the "intel chip" referred to is the Intel graphics
chip that is integrated on their motherboards. wrote:

Regarding: "Also note that no intel chip currently supports the OpenGL pipeline, it 
does not even support the D3D pipeline on windows because of driver bugs."

Could you please provide the source for this statement?  I'd like to read more 
about it.  I have a GME965 on Fedora 10.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Poor performance of Java2D

2008-11-26 Thread Ken Warner

Nice job.  Worked on my Win2K box with no native acceleration.
Java 6u10.  Got about 14-15 fps anti-alias -- 24-25 fps not.

Noticed that when Gears is iconified it continues to run
at full throttle taking 100% of my CPU.


Just did the same thing a month ago:
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-26 Thread Ken Warner

Like I said, "...oh well..."

Might just be my old machine that is giving
me inaccurate results from StrictMath.  It's
an old PIII.  But I can't get back 0 or 1
from the sin() method when I need them to be 0 or 1.

Also, what should be a straight integer multiply
using real numbers for the integer value frequently
returns a non integer result.  I'll get back a number
like (and this is a fabricated example for clarity not
an actual calculation) 9. when I should get 10.0.

Stuff like that and the trig() methods are really slow.
I use a 7'th degree Legrange polynomial multiplication for an
approximation of atan2() because it's faster than atan2().
That's not right...


Er... is StrictMath already FPU accelerated?  If it
is then, oh well...

Its as far accalerated as the FPU produces acceptable results.
For example on x86 the sin-command is used only in a special range where its 
known to be correct.

The current Math package is really not very good.
or low level graphics stuff where 5 significant
digits is
the minimum accuracy that is useful.

Almost can't believe that its so inaccurat, they do a great amount of work to 
ensure that as far as I know.
After all, using straight FPU commands, accuracy won't be any better, at least 
on x86.

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Warner

YES!  Why not FPU acceleration?  That's what it's there for.

Er... is StrictMath already FPU accelerated?  If it is then, oh well...

The current Math package is really not very good.  Especially
for low level graphics stuff where 5 significant digits is
the minimum accuracy that is useful.


I've wanted to gripe about the slowness and
inaccuracy of
the Math package but who do I talk to?

I totally agree. It would be great if the programmer could choose between the 
StrictMath implementation which is hard-wired now and maybe something like, 
call ist FastMath.
FastMath could be implemented without any guarantees, and really 1:1 instrified 
in hotspot to a corresponding CPU instruction if there is any, that would be 
really cool :)

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Drawing to an off screen buffer

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Warner

You can render in a different thread.  I do in my viewers
and they remain responsive.


Thanks for all the hints. The frame rate I'm getting using invokeLater is very 
slow (~5 seconds per frame). And, the event dispatch thread gets clogged with 
lots of rendering tasks and becomes unresponsive. So, that's no good.

My rendering is happening in response to user actions - scrolling, zooming, and 
mouse selections. My goal for the UI to remain responsive even if rendering 
takes several seconds.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Warner

My panorama viewers use a lot of the Math methods.
They are really slow and not all that precise.

The trig functions are inaccurate near a multiple of
PI and zero.  So much so that I have to check against
an Epsilon value and if the absolute returned value is
less than Epsilon then I manually set the value I need.

I also had to develop -- with some help -- an approximation
calculation for atan2() and I use a lookup table for asin().

I've found that lookup tables are not all that great near
a multiple of PI especially if you are trying to use a look
up table for tan/atan.  They change very fast near their
asymptote.  I use lookup tables "in the middle" but revert
to the real method near the poles with an Epsilon check.

I've wanted to gripe about the slowness and inaccuracy of
the Math package but who do I talk to?


Is there an alternate, faster way to do the maths?

The problem here is Math.round and Math.atan2, the Math class is optimized for 
high precission but often sacrifices speed.

Your original version took 205ms on my C2D, replacing atan2 with this unprecise 
version and removing the round braught it down to 35ms.
Be sure to use the server-runtime if possible, it gave me a solid 40% speed 
boost :)

private final double aTan2(double y, double x) {
double coeff_1 = Math.PI / 4d;
double coeff_2 = 3d * coeff_1;
double abs_y = Math.abs(y);
double angle;
if (x >= 0d) {
double r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
angle = coeff_1 - coeff_1 * r;
} else {
double r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
angle = coeff_2 - coeff_1 * r;
return y < 0d ? -angle : angle;

However that method seems to be very unprecise, a slightly better looking 
result can be archived using this lookup-table based implementation, however 
its slower (45ms):
package waterfall;

public class TableMath
private static final int TABLE_SIZE = 1;
static double[] atanTable = initAtanTable();

private static double[] initAtanTable()
double[] table = new double[TABLE_SIZE];

for(int i=0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
table[i] = Math.atan(((double)i) / TABLE_SIZE);

return table;

private static double atan_1(int y,int x)
int index;
int vorz;
double erg = 0;
	vorz = 1;

if (((x < 0) && (y < 0)) || ((x > 0) && (y > 0)))  {vorz = 0;}
else x = -x;
	/*atan of y/x */

index =(int) (((y*(TABLE_SIZE-1)*10)/x+5)/10); //+5 for rounding
	erg = atanTable[index];
	if (vorz == 0 ) return erg;

else return -erg;

public static double atan2(int y, int x) {
double result;
	if(Math.abs(x) > Math.abs(y))

result = atan_1(y,x);
result = atan_1(x,y);
if(result < 0)
result = -Math.PI/2 - result;
result = Math.PI/2 - result;
	if (x < 0)

if(y < 0)
result = result - Math.PI;
result = result + Math.PI;
	return result;


I don't know if any of those two implementations fit your needs, but they are 
definitily faster ;)

Another possible optimization would be multi-threading, so each thread could do 
a part of the total work - should be perfectly paralizeable. I am not sure if 
unsynchronized write-access is valid (if no one is reading), but I guess it is. 
That would bring the fastest version down to 20ms on my machine :)

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Drawing to an off screen buffer

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Warner

Do you get reasonable animation with this method?
How many frames a second do you get using invokeLater()?


You don't need a BufferStrategy or VolatileImage unless you are doing live 
animation.  It was hard to tell from your message if that was the case.

I usually use a BufferedImage that you get from createCompatibleImage and draw 
using Java2D to the graphics context you get from it.  When the plot is ready 
hand it over to the event dispatch thread and tell some component to paint it 
with invokeLater().

Otherwise look for examples that use BufferStrategy...
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-23 Thread Ken Warner

lg -- this is exactly what I've been trying to tell
the Java2D guys for a couple of years now.

They just tell me that I'm too stupid to understand
the real value of BufferedImages.

My view of the "downside" is that's where
all the fun programming is.


Well, this seems really hard to optimize ... tons of very small primitives.

The only advice I can give you is to grab the Raster of a INT_RGB buffered 
byte[] data=((DataBufferByte)tex.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData()  (in 
your case its an int[] of course), and write code that does the drawing on the 
pixel-array itself.

It should be really fast to colour those few pixels if you don't have to walk 
through a general framework, but instead do exactly what you need and that 
The downside of course is quite a lot of hand-written low-level code.

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Dynamics of acceleration of BufferedImages ("managed images")

2008-09-11 Thread Ken Warner

In most cases, the principles you've outlined are completely valid.
But there are programming problems that are best solved by a
*STUDIED USE* of the foundation primitives.

Yes, a less experienced programmer can really muck things up
by random changes in the foundation API's.  I've seen it happen.
In fact even Java releases cycle through that problem.

But those kinds of problems are self curing.  You can't sell
software that won't run.

There is a real psychological bias in development teams (not just
the Java team) that thinks nobody else is technically capable.
Common human nature -- our tribe is the only tribe etc.  But
in fact, there are a lot of really good programmers in the World
who can cope with and even improve Java even at the lowest levels.

I'm not advocating Open Source -- or as I like to refer to it Open Sores
programming.  That's one can'o'worms I don't want to get tangled up
in.  But no team -- no matter how technically skilled they are -- can
anticipate *EVERY* need and encapsulate a universal solution.  Just
can't happen.

Give us the primitives and layer the higher levels of abstraction
on top and let us decide how to use them.  One characteristic of
maturity is the willingness to allow others responsibility for
their own actions.  Let us grow with you...

Nidel, Mike wrote:

I don't strictly disagree, but one of the reasons for abstraction like
this is to enable your own development team to change the implementation
without having to change the API. I may be wrong, but my sense is that
this has been a motivating factor for the Java2D team.

Once you allow developers to peek under the hood, then they start
optimizing their code using the low-level components and bypassing
the abstractions you've created. Then when you make changes to the
underlying objects and their interactions, it breaks everyone's
applications because they relied on those interactions.

To make a gross generalization, to me this is the difference between
thinking like a C/C++ developer versus a Java developer. Java builds
in so many abstractions, from garbage collection to Swing to stuff
like managed images. In my opinion, C++ development generally exposes
more of the underlying workings of the components. That's not to say
one or the other is objectively better, obviously every tool has its
use, but I'm giving a reason why a system developer might not want to
expose the inner implementation of their system.

That's just my take when trying to see it from the other side.


-Original Message-----
From: Discussion list for Java 2D API 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken Warner

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] Dynamics of acceleration of 
BufferedImages ("managed images")

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  That's the idea. The developer shouldn't be worrying about 
this stuff,

  it should work for most cases. For those cases where the user needs
  tweaking or resource management there are APIs like 

  and the like.


That's exactly the kind of stuff what a real programmer 
should be worrying about.  And what if someone (like me or 
the author of this thread) run into a case where it doesn't 
quite work the way we want it to?  We're screwed because we 
can't get to the foundation classes to fix the problem.

Give us the primitives and let us figure out how to use them. 
You (the Java Dev Team) are trying to do too good a job.

The first accessible layer should be the primitives (well 
documented) and then you can layer higher level API's on top 
for accessabliity and ease of use for less accomplished programmers.

High level API's as you've implemented in Java2D are really 
useful and make the job a whole lot easier.  But there are 
times when you really need the low level stuff at your finger 
tips so you *CAN* change stuff.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Dynamics of acceleration of BufferedImages ("managed images")

2008-09-11 Thread Ken Warner

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  That's the idea. The developer shouldn't be worrying about this stuff,
  it should work for most cases. For those cases where the user needs
  tweaking or resource management there are APIs like setAcceleratedPriority
  and the like.


That's exactly the kind of stuff what a real programmer should be worrying
about.  And what if someone (like me or the author of this thread) run
into a case where it doesn't quite work the way we want it to?  We're
screwed because we can't get to the foundation classes to fix the

Give us the primitives and let us figure out how to use them.  You (the Java
Dev Team) are trying to do too good a job.

The first accessible layer should be the primitives (well documented) and
then you can layer higher level API's on top for accessabliity and ease
of use for less accomplished programmers.

High level API's as you've implemented in Java2D are really useful and
make the job a whole lot easier.  But there are times when you really
need the low level stuff at your finger tips so you *CAN* change stuff.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Dynamics of acceleration of BufferedImages ("managed images")

2008-09-10 Thread Ken Warner

I have just a simple, non-threatining, non-hostile question:

BufferedImage seems to be the crossroads for almost every
operation in Java2D.  If you are reading an image using ImageIO
then BufferedImages are the object created.  Drawing the image
to the screen seems to be focused on drawing a BufferedImage.

I'm skipping details here but overall, BufferedImage seems to
be central to all Java2D ops.

Why not give a little separation between BufferedImages and
general image/imagefile manipulations?  Keep BufferedImage as
an important option to display an image and be more flexible
in other operations like reading/writing/modifying an image.

I'm not looking for a fight.

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:


Three questions:

1) After a image.flush(), is it possible to somehow indicate to the 
BufferedImage (managed image) that I want it to again allocate backing 
vram? (Without it having to be drawn twice or whatever - that would be 
too slow, as I might only be drawing the image a few times).

  Currently there isn't. You can 'pre-warm' the image by copying
  it twice to an accelerated destination (a VI or BS) - no need
  to copy whole image, just 1 pixel is enough, use
  drawImage variant which specifies src and dest rectangles.

  I was thinking about adding this ability to affect when the
  image is cached through the acceleration priority property.

  Say if you set it to 1.0 then we cache it on the first copy
  instead of the second.

  We already use acceleration priority for disabling
  caching of the image (if you set AP to 0.0).

2) When using ImageIO, sticking a BufferedImage into the params object 
("forcing" the ImageIO to use the supplied BI instead of allocating 
itself), will this permanently defeat acceleration for this BI 
instance? (Basically, does ImageIO access the data buffer? If it does, 
is there some magic there that could internally tell the system to 
re-copy the data buffer to VRAM?)

  You can certainly test it yourself, but it should work fine with
  built-in plugins, at least in the latest jdks.

3) How can I know whether I have acceleration of the complete drawing 
sequence or not? .. whether the BIs in question currently have backing 
VRAM, and that my full-screen drawing is running at absolute fullest 
speed possible? Is about 40-50 frames per second on a 1280x1024 
display on a 3GHz P4 with an ATI card accelerated or not? Basically, 
is the fact whether you have backing VRAM very obvious (like 1 fps to 
1000 fps), or more subtle?

  There's no way to tell if you rendering operation will be hw accelerated
  if that's what you're asking.

  You can find if an image is currently cached by using 

Background: I have this cache of BufferedImages. For a image 
organization application I have, I found that the GC had to work way 
to hard when I allocated large 4-10 MPix images in what ends up as a 
thight loop when the users "scrolls along" as fast as possible. This 
gave rise to extreme GC activity, since no such image (e.g. 7Mx4bytes) 
is small enough to end up in eden/survivors, thus all the time ending 
up in tenured/old space. This results in that the GC have to do full 
sweeps to free, apparently employing stop-the-world tactics (when 
scrolling fast through images, the app paused for seconds very 
frequently). So what I did, was to make a cache of BufferedImages 
which I allocate from. This instantly reduced the GC activity to near 
zero (since pretty much all BI allocations are removed except for the 
intial round), and works like a charm.

What I have ended up wondering about, though, is how this affects 

I invoke bi.flush() upon re-entry into the cache, since it might be a 
while before that specific size image is needed again. What I'd want, 
is to state "bi.accelerate()" before giving it out of the cache. Is 
this possible?

After the ImageIO reading, I'd love if I could state to the BI that 
"The data has changed, re-copy the current data to backing 
vram/volatile image/whatever" (Or at least that the ImageIO itself did 
this magically, since everything else of the BI stuff is magical).

  Like I mentioned, we may be able to use setAccelerationPriority for that.

My thought: It would be good if the managed image aspect became a bit 
more explicit: In addition to flush(), which obviously is exactly such 
an explicit method denoting "I won't be using this BI for drawing for 
a while (or ever again), please ditch the backing VRAM", also an "I'm 
going to begin using this image again, please allocate backing VRAM", 
and finally a "The data of this image has changed - re-copy to backing 
VRAM, please" method. Maybe also a "is this BI still managed, or have 
I done something that defeats it?", in which case I could invoke the 
former method. Or maybe just combine the two latter into "if I've done 
something to defeat acceleration, then now re-copy the data into the 
backing VRAM".


Re: [JAVA2D] Copying a portion of an Image?

2008-08-25 Thread Ken Warner


Maybe you meant:

BufferedImage snap = new BufferedImage(subw, subh, TYPE_INT_RGB);
>>> Graphics2D g2d = snap.createGraphics();

Jim Graham wrote:

Yes, if you want alpha you should pass in TYPE_INT_ARGB.

Note that the default compositing mode of the freshly retrieved graphics 
object is SRC_OVER.  The code sample still works fine since the newly 
constructed image is all 0's (transparent pixels) so copying your source 
image "over" the fully transparent image works just fine.

But, if you try to reuse the image and copy a different section of the 
source image into it at a later stage then you might want to do the 
image copy using "g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SRC)"...



// assuming:
Image src;
int subx, suby, subw, subh;
// then execute:
BufferedImage snap =
new BufferedImage(subw, subh, TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2d = snap.createImage();
g2d.drawImage(src, -subx, -suby, null);
// snap is now a snapshot of subx,y,w,h of src

OK; thanks.

If you didn't want a snapshot, I can outline other
ways, but I'm guessing that this is probably what you wanted...?

Yep.  What allowed you to know that TYPE_INT_RGB was the correct 
parameter to pass in the BufferedImage constructor?  If it helps, I 
know that the source image often has an alpha value set.  Would I use 
TYPE_INT_RGBA in this case?

Thanks again for helping this newbie out.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Copying a portion of an Image?

2008-08-25 Thread Ken Warner

I'd suggest starting with a BufferedImage rather than an Image.
They don't play well together...


I feel fairly stupid asking this question, as it seems like an operation that 
should be pretty simple, and it probably is, but for whatever reason I can't 
figure out the best way to do it.  So I'm sorry in advance.  :-)

I'd like to create a new BufferedImage from the contents of a subregion of an 
existing java.awt.Image.  What is the best, least bloated, least convoluted way 
to do this?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage.validate() does not (always) work

2008-08-05 Thread Ken Warner

That's the way I do things.  I do active rendering using BufferStrategy.

I turn off repaint() setIgnoreRepaint(true) while I'm active rendering and
then when I'm not active rendering and the applet is just sitting there,
I turn on repaint() with setIgnoreRepaint(false) so that if the applet
gets covered and then re-exposed, it repaints on the screen properly.

My paint() method looks a lot like my active rendering method with slight
differences in the implementation.

I think that way of drawing on the screen is great especially if you
need a high frame rate.  Depending on the size of the screen area
rendered to, I can get a frame in less than 100 milliseconds on
my old, slow computer.

The tricky part is trying to get the "look and feel" of the applet
to be constant on computers with much faster graphics and processors.

I try to adjust the amount of drawing by calculating the average number
of frames per second and then adjusting the "movement" of the image.

Lot's of fussy details...

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  You can certainly use repaint() with VolatileImages as back buffers.

  The alternative approach is called "active rendering", where you
  control when stuff gets rendered.

  Take a look at this:

  While this is a "full screen" tutorial, the same applies for rendering
  in windowed mode.

  Also, I reiterate, it is better to use active rendering and 

  for double buffering, especially if your application is 'game-like'.



Hi Ken,

With VolitileImages, you should render directly from
your program by calling your own render method directly.
Don't call repaint().

I do use my own render method, but that method only renders on my 
background volatile image. After that is finished I somehow have to 
get my image onto the screen (or to be more precise on my panel). 
Then, I assume, I have to call repaint() (of the panel) out of my own 
render method, don't I?

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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage.validate() does not (always) work

2008-08-05 Thread Ken Warner

If you call repaint() you invoke the AWT thread and paint()
is called by the AWT thread.  update() and paint() should
not be called directly by your program they are generally
called from the AWT thread in response to some sort of
system event like Expose or Move etc.

With VolitileImages, you should render directly from
your program by calling your own render method directly.
Don't call repaint().

Dmitri, did I get that right?


Hi Ken,

I'm just at work and see that I call it indirectly through repaint().

To be honest, it confuses me a bit that there are the methods repaint(), 
paint(Grphics g) and even update(Graphics g). I'm sure that I read about the 
differences and when I have to use one or the other at the time I was first 
creating my panel, but now, I just don't know anymore the differences and 
meanings of them . . . .

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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage.validate() does not (always) work

2008-08-04 Thread Ken Warner

Do you call paint method directly or indirectly through


Does your rendering loop run on the event dispatch thread
or some other thread?

Well, I am not that familiar with the event dispatch thread and myabe that's 
the problem in my code . . . .

To render my image, which should happen at a fixed rate of 20Hz, I use a Timer which calls my render method in its "scheduleAtFixedRate()" method. 
In my render method, I check for the graphicsConfiguration and call the validate() method of my vlatile image. After that, i draw my stuff on the Graphics2D object of the image. Finally, i call the paint()-method (I think it is so, will check that tomorrow at work) of the panel in which the image is situated and let the image be displayed.

I don't know, if all that happens in the event dispatch thread, but I assume it 
should be, right . . . . ?
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Re: [JAVA2D] BufferStrategy problem with resize events

2008-07-22 Thread Ken Warner

I would revert to the use of the Java Docs recommended do/while loops.
They work well.  And you will have to figure out when to call your
rendering method.

I use MemoryImageSource and render with the do/while loops
in my newPixels() method.  I use paint() with the do/while
loops for expose events.  And I toggle setIgnoreRepaint()
as needed.

The mods to you've made to the do/while loops look unnecessary.
But our apps are different.

You are on the right track.  Don't forget about overriding update().


OK I have it working by overriding paint() to call the rendering method but 
this seems like a bit of wasted effort, at least on some occasions.  Anyway, 
it's working but I have noticed that almost every render has to happen twice 
because the strategy.contentsRestored() method returns true.

Is this normal?  The following is a cut-down version of the code which exhibits 
this problem.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class StrategyTest extends JFrame {

private class MyPanel extends JPanel {

public MyPanel() {
this.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {

public void componentResized(final 
ComponentEvent e) {

private final BufferStrategy strategy;

private Graphics2D g2d;

public StrategyTest() {
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.add(new MyPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.setSize(1024, 768);
this.strategy = this.getBufferStrategy();

public static void main(final String[] args) {
new StrategyTest().setVisible(true);

public void paint(final Graphics g) {

public void render() {
if (this.strategy == null) {
do {
do {
this.g2d = 
if (!this.strategy.contentsRestored()) {
} else {
System.out.println("### BUFFER CONTENTS 
} while (true);;
if (!this.strategy.contentsLost()) {
} else {
System.out.println("### BUFFER CONTENTS LOST 
} while (true);

public void update(final Graphics g) {

private void drawBox() {
this.g2d.fillRect(20, 20, this.getWidth() - 40, 
this.getHeight() - 40);

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Re: [JAVA2D] BufferStrategy problem with resize events

2008-07-22 Thread Ken Warner

Are you overriding update() and paint() and do you
setIgnoreRepaint(true) on your component?


I am using BufferStrategy with 2 buffers to render off screen and then blast 
the contents on to the screen and I am impressed with the simplicity of it and 
its performance.  However, there is a VERY serious problem with it, at least 
the way I am using it.  It seems that whenever the JFrame is resized something 
is causing the screen to be cleared.  The result is bad flickering or, even 
worse, a totally blank screen.

I am using BufferStrategy in the technique in the JavaDoc as follows:

do {
do {
g2d = (Graphics2D)this.strategy.getDrawGraphics();
// Perform rendering here...

} while (this.strategy.contentsRestored());;
} while (strategy.contentsLost());

The clearing of the screen happens after any calls to and even 
if I call it repeatedly after a resize event it seems that the screen will 
clear after the last call.  All that is required to restore the screen's 
contents is to render again but I cannot work out how to trap this screen 
clearing event and therefore know when to re-render.

Why is the screen clearing after the frame is resized?  Is there a way to 
prevent this, perhaps by using a different actual strategy for the 
BufferStrategy?  The screen clearing after resizing doesn't occur if I just 
manually use a BufferedImage instead.

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[JAVA2D] Final version of VSync available...

2008-07-18 Thread Ken Warner

For your testing purposes --


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Re: [JAVA2D] Join images (tiles) with low memory footprint

2008-07-11 Thread Ken Warner

Yeah, I'd like to know that one too...


I have the following problem: I try to join many tile images into a big image 
using BufferedImage and then storing it as PNG or JPG. Memory usage is linear - 
for 4000x4000 pixel result image (16,000,000 pixel) I need 16 times more memory 
than for a 1,000,000 pixel image.

Do you know a method of joining small images into a large image using a 
constant memory footprint? Any hints will be appreciated.


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Re: [JAVA2D] What is the proper way to compare drawing a BufferedImage and drawing an Image with BufferStrategy?

2008-07-10 Thread Ken Warner

Thanks but that's really old stuff.  And I don't think much
of what is promised has happened.  If you look at my applet,
BufferedImage's draw slower than plain old Image's.

BufferStrategy is a fairly good interface for VolatileImage's
with some glitches showing up on full speed rendering loops.

Seems to me that a lot more could be done now.  Graphics cards
are available with lots'o'vram these days.  Thanks to the gamers.

I just don't see BufferedImages as a real perfomance gainer


Don't know if you know Chet Haase's Blog entry about buffered images:

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] vertical synchronization in full screen exclusive mode problem

2008-07-09 Thread Ken Warner

I think you misunderstand my intentions.  The applet shows
a profound defect in the Java2D API.  Either the applet
is wrong or the Java2D API needs work.

I'm trying to illuminate the problem with my applet.

If the applet uses the Java2D API wrong when I use
standard programming strategies, then let's figure
out why and fix it.

If you think you are contributing to a constructive
dialog with your comment then maybe you should rethink
your perspective.  Or not.  I really don't care much
what you think.


BufferedImages are half as fast as Image
for simple drawing.  I'm probably doing something wrong.  Any
improvement in the code will be appreciated.

After repeatedly insulting the Java2D team members that were trying to have a 
constructive dialog, i wouldn't hold my hopes too high.
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Re: [JAVA2D] vertical synchronization in full screen exclusive mode problem

2008-07-09 Thread Ken Warner

My latest version of VSyncApplet toggles between the use
of Image and BufferedImage for simple drawing.  Both are
rendered to the screen with BufferStrategy.  I see disturbing
results.  BufferedImages are half as fast as Image for simple
drawing.  I'm probably doing something wrong.  Any improvement
in the code will be appreciated.

The code:

Enter fullscreen mode -- F1
Exit fullscreen mode -- ESC

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[JAVA2D] What is the proper way to compare drawing a BufferedImage and drawing an Image with BufferStrategy?

2008-07-09 Thread Ken Warner

In a test applet, I can draw a BufferedImage or an Image using
BufferStrategy.  Drawing with BufferStrategy is more than 3
times faster than just a straight drawImage() with a BufferedImage.

Am I doing a proper comparison?  I thought BufferedImage's did
all the acceleration for you.  Or was that just the double buffering?
What is a more true way to compare the drawing?

Here's the paint() method:

public void paint(Graphics g)

//do {
//do {
//bg = (Graphics2D)bs.getDrawGraphics();
//bg.drawImage(canvasImage, 0, 0, thisW, thisH, this);
//} while (bs.contentsRestored());
//} while (bs.contentsLost());
catch (Exception ie)

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Re: [JAVA2D] vertical synchronization in full screen exclusive mode problem

2008-07-08 Thread Ken Warner

Do you feel like posting the whole code?  I'd like to
turn it into an applet for test purposes.  It
would be an excellent test program.

I'll repost it as an applet.

You can email it to me direct at:

Hi all, 

I can get vertical synchronization in full screen exclusive mode with JDK1.5 
but not with JDK1.6. I am using the strategy outlined at I 
tested this on two systems and the outcome is the same. The systems are:
System 1: 
OS:  Linux-x86_64 (Fedora 8)

Graphics card: NVidia Quadro FX 570M
NVIDIA Driver Version: 173.14.09
X Server: Xorg version
System 2: 
OS: Linux-x86 (Ubuntu 8.04)

Graphics card: NVidia GeForce Go 6400
NVidia driver version: 169.12
X Server: Xorg

I tested the same code on these two systems enabling/disabling opengl pipeline 
(-Dsun.java2d.opengl=True/False) and with jdk1.5 and jdk1.6. The only 
combination where I get the correct behavior is jdk1.5 and opengl pipeline 
enabled (on both systems). (Note on a Windows XP machine it works with both 
JDK1.6 and 1.5)

Here is a part from the code:

bs = getBufferStrategy();
for (int j = 0; j < nRepeat; j++) 
for (int i = 0; i <= getWidth() - bi.getWidth(); i += bi.getWidth()) 
  displayImage(i, y, bi);

public void displayImage(int x, int y, BufferedImage bi) {
do {
Graphics g = bs.getDrawGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
g.drawImage(bi, x, y, null);

Expected outcome is a bar smoothly moving from left to right (bi is just that, 
a vertical bar) on a black background.

Any ideas? Thank you.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Pushing int[] pixel data into Image

2008-07-05 Thread Ken Warner

The absolute fastest way is to first stay away from BufferedImage.

Use MemoryImageSource.  It's real easy to use -- as opposed to BufferedImage
which nobody really understands and takes 10 steps to do one simple thing.

Make an image using MemoryImageSource then use BufferStrategy (not 
to render to the screen.


I have an int array where each element represents the RGB value for a pixel and 
I need to push that data into an image buffer (which is preferably a 
VolatileImage but may be a BufferedImage if using a VI for this is not 
possible) such that a subregion of the image buffer takes on the pixels in the 
int array.

What's the best way to achieve this in the absolute fastest possible way?

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[JAVA2D] I need to apply a convolution kernel to an array of int's...

2008-06-11 Thread Ken Warner

I'm looking for a way to apply a simple convolution kernel to an
array of int's representing the RGB of an image.

I've looked at Graphics2D.  It has a setTransform()
method but only allows an affine transform -- scale,rotate,shear etc.

I've looked at ConvolveOp but it only takes BufferedImages, Rasters and
WriteableRasters as arguments.

The native ops for ConvolveOp are in the sun.awt.image.ImagingLib class
but the methods for ImagingLib only take BufferedImages,Rasters and

I can write the convolution calculation myself but that will be cow
slow in execution.  I want hardware acceleration on the convolution
if I can get it.

So I'm stuck.  Does anyone know of a secret sun.awt.* class that would
do convolutions on a simple int array?

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[JAVA2D] Wouldn't it be great if all the RasterOp operations would work on plain ol' int and byte arrays?

2008-06-09 Thread Ken Warner

That would be a really useful tool set if you could apply the
operations encapsulated by the classes that implement the
RasterOp Interface to byte and int arrays.  I'm assuming that those
ops are done somewhere in native code -- maybe even by the
video card as accelerated operations.

Having a tool set of those ops would make a lot of simple
image manipulation operations on int and byte arrays --
that stupid, stubborn people (like myself) insist on writing --
go a lot faster.

But I already know the answer -- "...use BufferedImages..."
which is a perfectly fine answer if you want to use BufferedImages.

But there is a big hole in the imaging API.  And that is
the lack of low level operations on arrays in J2SE.

But then, I'm just stupid and stubborn.

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[JAVA2D] What is the fastest way to draw a small portion of a BufferedImage?

2008-05-27 Thread Ken Warner

I need to draw just a small rectangular portion of a BufferedImage.

What is the absolute best, fastest way to do that?

Is their a tutorial that will show how to do that.

Note that this is a different task than before.  There
will be no projection done on that rectangular part of the BI.
It will be just a straight draw to the screen.

For example:  Let's say I have a 1000 x 1000 pixel image
and I just want to draw the portion starting at
x = 200, y = 200, width = 100, height = 100

Is using public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img,
  int dx1,
  int dy1,
  int dx2,
  int dy2,
  int sx1,
  int sy1,
  int sx2,
  int sy2,
  Color bgcolor,
  ImageObserver observer)

the best way or is there another best way in
the " imaging API..."

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Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or i

2008-05-20 Thread Ken Warner

Thanks, I've done that and am getting much better performance
than previously.

ba = ((DataBufferByte)(bi.getRaster().getDataBuffer())).getData();
pixels = new int[width*height];
for(int i = 0,j = 0; i < pixels.length; i++,j+=3)
   pixels[i] = 0xff00 | (((ba[j+2] & 0x00ff) << 16) | ((ba[j+1] & 
0x00ff) << 8) | (ba[j] & 0x00ff));


Now I'm exploring

ri = reader.readAsRenderedImage(0, param);

But this stuff is really dense and convoluted.  It would probably
make more sense to me if I took a hit of LSD but...


But this whole experiment still leads me back to ask
for a way to
decode an image directly into an integer array like I
first asked.

Something like pixels =

But all I seem to get from you is "...rewrite the
applet..."  Ok.

Ken, don't rewrite applet, just add conversion (just a few lines of code) from 
byte array(s) to int array.
This is really an inexpensive operation. 

[Message sent by forum member 'imagero' (imagero)]

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Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

I understand the "newer imaging API's" well enough to know they
are awkward and lacking in flexibility and utility.

I understand your responses well enough to know when I'm being sandbagged.

I understand that any request to do anything different from the Gold
Standard of Perfection that exists only in your head is received with

I know that your response to my simple request for a simple enhancement is 
"re-write your code so that we don't have to do any more work." is perfect

giant, faceless bureaucratic behavior.  Could I expect less?  Enjoy your

Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

I'm sorry that you are having trouble understanding the newer imaging 
APIs as they generally provide facilities that are quite flexible and 
useful for writing the type of application that you are creating here. 
The primary missing link would seem to be some documentation that would 
bridge the gap for you and I have been trying to help you out there with 
some email conversations behind the scenes.  Apparently the frustration 
there is not worth the gains for you.

This may not make sense to you, but your request for a new API to 
produce "the data you want" would not streamline the process for the 
simple fact that you want to work with data in a format that differs 
from what is generated by the JPEG decoders so some format conversion 
must occur somewhere.  The only "conversion free" way to get the raw 
pixel data from the JPEG decoders is to accept it in the 3byte format 
that they want to generate it in.  Your request for a new API would not 
change that fundamental fact of the JPEG format in any way.

The old PixelGrabber code was probably the least efficient way to get 
the data converted into the format you want.

The ImageI/O mechanism you chose, which allows you to specify the format 
of the generated BufferedImage is more efficient than the PixelGrabber 
method per your own image reading benchmarks.  Apparently it had some 
negative interaction with the rest of the code which I was hoping to 
help you figure out, but it is hard for me to debug such problems via 
email without seeing the rest of the code.

Adapting your code to the inherent storage format used by the JPEG 
decoders (the 3byte format) is the only way to eliminate the loading 

We aren't being lazy or obstinate here Ken.  Just because you can write 
pseudo-code for your desired API doesn't mean it will magically 
implement itself with zero overhead.  It won't happen.  If you do not 
wish to understand the underlying flow of pixel data enough to 
understand that, then feel free to live with the overhead of whichever 
mechanism you find most easy to use.  As you pointed out in an earlier 
email the image decoding step is far from the most important player in 
your process, so worrying about speeding up the rest of the process 
would probably be more fruitful in the long run anyway.

Good luck!


Ken Warner wrote:

Whatever...  The image was not being drawn because the alpha
channel was 0x00.  Initializing the alpha channel to 0xff allowed
us to see the image.  I don't have a lot of energy for a big discussion
about this.

But this whole experiment still leads me back to ask for a way to
decode an image directly into an integer array like I first asked.

Something like pixels = imageReader.decodeFileBytesToIntegerArray(...)

But all I seem to get from you is "...rewrite the applet..."  Ok.

I think I'm done.

Jim Graham wrote:

The MemoryImageSource relies on the ColorModel to define whether or 
not the data contains an alpha channel.  If you use one of the MIS 
constructors that does not take a ColorModel object then those 
constructors are specifically specified to use the default RGB 
ColorModel as defined by the ColorModel.getRGBdefault() method which 
specifies 8 bits of alpha.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that it "means it's 
transparent to [...] BufferStrategy" since that object doesn't deal 
with pixel storage formats...


Ken Warner wrote:

Maybe it doesn't mean the BufferedImage is transparent but
0x00 in the alpha channel of a pixels means it's transparent to the
MemoryImageSource and BufferStrategy.

Jim Graham wrote:

The 3byte databuffer has no storage available for an alpha value.

When the data is loaded into the TYPE_INT_RGB BufferedImage there 
is no alpha stored there since that is an opaque type.  More 
specifically, if you load one of the integers from the underlying 
int[] pixel array of such an image the upper 8 bits are undefined 
and should be ignored - if those bits are 0 then that does not mean 
that the pixel is transparent, and if they contain a 0xff value 
then that is just a lucky coincidence as those bits are not 
explicitly tracked or initialized by any code that deals with that 
image type...


Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

Whatever...  The image was not being drawn because the alpha
channel was 0x00.  Initializing the alpha channel to 0xff allowed
us to see the image.  I don't have a lot of energy for a big discussion
about this.

But this whole experiment still leads me back to ask for a way to
decode an image directly into an integer array like I first asked.

Something like pixels = imageReader.decodeFileBytesToIntegerArray(...)

But all I seem to get from you is "...rewrite the applet..."  Ok.

I think I'm done.

Jim Graham wrote:
The MemoryImageSource relies on the ColorModel to define whether or not 
the data contains an alpha channel.  If you use one of the MIS 
constructors that does not take a ColorModel object then those 
constructors are specifically specified to use the default RGB 
ColorModel as defined by the ColorModel.getRGBdefault() method which 
specifies 8 bits of alpha.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that it "means it's transparent 
to [...] BufferStrategy" since that object doesn't deal with pixel 
storage formats...


Ken Warner wrote:

Maybe it doesn't mean the BufferedImage is transparent but
0x00 in the alpha channel of a pixels means it's transparent to the
MemoryImageSource and BufferStrategy.

Jim Graham wrote:

The 3byte databuffer has no storage available for an alpha value.

When the data is loaded into the TYPE_INT_RGB BufferedImage there is 
no alpha stored there since that is an opaque type.  More 
specifically, if you load one of the integers from the underlying 
int[] pixel array of such an image the upper 8 bits are undefined and 
should be ignored - if those bits are 0 then that does not mean that 
the pixel is transparent, and if they contain a 0xff value then that 
is just a lucky coincidence as those bits are not explicitly tracked 
or initialized by any code that deals with that image type...


Ken Warner wrote:

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the databuffer is extracted?

If the alpha channel is 0, that would explain a lot.  That means the
image is transparent.  There's two stages of rendering.  The first 
only does nearest neighbor interpolation.  The second stage does a 
interpolation and I explicitly initialize the alpha channel to 0xff 
to make

the image not transparent.

Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains 

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I 
promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the 

problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven 

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.

PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For 
example, the massaged data (that has been run through the 
panoramic projection) could be stored in integer format - it's 
just the code that reads a pixel out of the source tiles that 
needs to change, but any intermediate storage and the final 
storage that you use could be integer-based.

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond 
these guesses...


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi =,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = <-default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current 

of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would 
have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  
Because I use

integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the 

performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using 

Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the databuffer is extracted?

If the alpha channel is 0, that would explain a lot.  That means the
image is transparent.  There's two stages of rendering.  The first stage
only does nearest neighbor interpolation.  The second stage does a bi-cubic
interpolation and I explicitly initialize the alpha channel to 0xff to make
the image not transparent.

Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  It's
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains everything.

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the performace
problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven otherwise.

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.

PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For example, 
the massaged data (that has been run through the panoramic projection) 
could be stored in integer format - it's just the code that reads a 
pixel out of the source tiles that needs to change, but any 
intermediate storage and the final storage that you use could be 

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond 
these guesses...


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi =,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = <-default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current version
of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  Because I 

integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the final
performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using BufferedImages --
I will do anything to make my applet faster.  But given that the
applet is stable and fairly well tuned using integer arrays, I'm not
likely to re-write it using the three byte databuffer to save 800ms
per 1meg tile.  Tiles will most likely be even smaller.

*And the performance slowdown is after I get the pixels from the 

After the int [] pixels is assigned to, all the other code remains 
the same

except I see this unexplained slow down in user interaction.

If I can figure that problem out (with your help) then it might be 
worth the


[stuff deleted]

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Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  It's
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic projection.

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains everything.

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the performace
problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven otherwise.

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.

PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For example, the 
massaged data (that has been run through the panoramic projection) could 
be stored in integer format - it's just the code that reads a pixel out 
of the source tiles that needs to change, but any intermediate storage 
and the final storage that you use could be integer-based.

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond these 


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi =,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = <-default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current version
of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  Because I use
integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the final
performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using BufferedImages --
I will do anything to make my applet faster.  But given that the
applet is stable and fairly well tuned using integer arrays, I'm not
likely to re-write it using the three byte databuffer to save 800ms
per 1meg tile.  Tiles will most likely be even smaller.

*And the performance slowdown is after I get the pixels from the 

After the int [] pixels is assigned to, all the other code remains the 

except I see this unexplained slow down in user interaction.

If I can figure that problem out (with your help) then it might be 
worth the


[stuff deleted]

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[JAVA2D] Prototype applet using BufferedImage...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

If I do this to get the pixels from an image for later rendering in a
MemoryImageSource my applet runs fine.

width = image.getWidth(canvas);
height = image.getHeight(canvas);
pixels = new int [width * height ];
int cnt = 0;
pg = new PixelGrabber(image,0,0,width,height,pixels,0,width);
   while (pg.grabPixels(0) != true)
   if ((pg.getStatus() & ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0)
  System.err.println("Image fetch aborted or errored...");

If I do this -- then the applet becomes sluggish to the point
of not being usable.
int [] pixels = null;
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new 

Iterator readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("jpg");
ImageReader reader = (ImageReader);
ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
bi = new BufferedImage(1024,1024,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
reader.setInput(iis, true);
bi =,param);
width = bi.getWidth();
height = bi.getHeight();
pixels = 

Does this have something to do with the way integer arrays
are stored?  Is there indirection involved somewhere.

I've attached my entire class file for your inspection.

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package pantile;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class PanTileImageFetch implements Runnable

private URL imageURL = null;
private PanTileCanvas canvas = null;
private PanTileProjector projector = null;
private PanTileApplet applet = null;
private final int CHUNKSIZE = 1024;
public byte[] imageBuffer = null;
public InputStream in = null;
public int numRead = 0;
public int size = 0;
public boolean cache = true;
private int [] pixels = null;
private PixelGrabber pg = null;
private Image image = null;

public PanTileImageFetch(PanTileApplet a)
applet = a;
public void setImageURL(URL u)
imageURL = u;

public void setCanvas(PanTileCanvas c)
canvas = c;

public void setProjector(PanTileProjector p)
projector = p;
public boolean FIRSTIMAGELOADED = false;
public boolean READKILL = false;
public boolean getImageBytes()
int numRead = 0;
int offset = 0;   
if(PanTileApplet.DEBUG) System.err.println("getImageBytes()...");
URLConnection urlConnection = imageURL.openConnection();
//if(canvas != null)
//canvas.paintCachingIndicator("Loading.", FIRSTIMAGELOADED);
size = urlConnection.getContentLength();
if(size <= 0)
if(canvas != null)
canvas.paintMsgScreen("Image zero length...",false);
return false;   

imageBuffer = new byte[size];
in = urlConnection.getInputStream();
if(PanTileApplet.DEBUG) System.err.println("Starting Read...");
while((numRead =,offset,imageBuffer.length - offset)) != -1)
//if(PanTileApplet.DEBUG) System.err.println("Bytes Read = " + numRead);
if(READKILL) return false;
offset += numRead;
if(offset >= imageBuffer.length)
byte[] temp = new byte[imageBuffer.length + CHUNKSIZE];
System.arraycopy(imageBuffer, 0, temp, 0, offset);
imageBuffer = temp;
//if(canvas != null)

Re: [JAVA2D] [JAI-IMAGEIO] [Fwd: [PanoToolsNG] Billion-pixel panoramas]

2008-05-15 Thread Ken Warner

By the way, my applet also does orthographic projections.

Bob Deen wrote:

Hi Ken...

You might look at JadeDisplay, which is an image display component
designed to work well with tiles and very large images.  It may or may
not meet your needs but we recently released it Open Source (BSD-style

Let me know if you find it useful.

-Bob Deen  @  NASA-JPL Multimission Image Processing Lab

Ken Warner wrote:

This is what I'm talking about.  The current fleet of
Java panorama viewers can display images usually less than
5000x2500 pixels -- more depending on the compression level.

The default memory settings for the current plugin are the
biggest limiting factor.  And many panographers view Java
as being too slow compared to Flash.  Flash is the preferred
deployment platform because it is more widely installed on the desktop 
and doesn't seem to suffer from the severe

memory limitations of the current plugin.  Also, people think
Flash is faster simply because it starts faster.  A mis-conception
in my view.

What I'm trying to do with my applet is to try to service modestly
bigger panoramas -- perhaps 1x5000 or a little bigger depending
on how rapidly the next generation plugin is deployed.  Achievable
goals is my moto...

I hope you guys are planning for this kind of applet/application.
Cause if you aren't, Flash is really going to eat your lunch.

 Original Message 
Subject: [PanoToolsNG] Billion-pixel panoramas
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:05:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: dtonnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] has this headline:  "Prepare for the billion-pixel
camera...", it links to this article: 

- it's about the gigapan project.

When Drudge links to something, a lot of people read it.

One cannot help but come to the realization that our once-esoteric 
type of

photography is becoming more pedestrian.

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

[JAVA2D] [Fwd: [PanoToolsNG] Billion-pixel panoramas]

2008-05-15 Thread Ken Warner

This is what I'm talking about.  The current fleet of
Java panorama viewers can display images usually less than
5000x2500 pixels -- more depending on the compression level.

The default memory settings for the current plugin are the
biggest limiting factor.  And many panographers view Java
as being too slow compared to Flash.  Flash is the preferred
deployment platform because it is more widely installed 
on the desktop and doesn't seem to suffer from the severe

memory limitations of the current plugin.  Also, people think
Flash is faster simply because it starts faster.  A mis-conception
in my view.

What I'm trying to do with my applet is to try to service modestly
bigger panoramas -- perhaps 1x5000 or a little bigger depending
on how rapidly the next generation plugin is deployed.  Achievable
goals is my moto...

I hope you guys are planning for this kind of applet/application.
Cause if you aren't, Flash is really going to eat your lunch.

 Original Message 
Subject: [PanoToolsNG] Billion-pixel panoramas
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:05:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: dtonnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] has this headline:  "Prepare for the billion-pixel
camera...", it links to this article:
- it's about the gigapan project.

When Drudge links to something, a lot of people read it.

One cannot help but come to the realization that our once-esoteric type of
photography is becoming more pedestrian.

View this message in context:
Sent from the PanoToolsNG mailing list archive at

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of the message "signoff JAVA2D-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-13 Thread Ken Warner

Something is getting lost in the translation --

When I say "directly" I mean directly from the file bytes into
a byte or integer array without first making an Image or a BufferedImage.

*Something* like this (and I know it doesn't exist so don't get excited)

int [] pixels = Toolkit.createPixelArray(fileBytes,...);  

Something like that.  Notice that I don't make an Image or BufferedImage 
first.  That's what I think would be a useful addition to the greater image

handling api.

Now to all those who are gnashing your teeth about why I don't want to 
use BufferedImages -- take a valium and have a beer and a ciggy -- relax

and let me live in my own little world without BufferedImages.

Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

ImageI/O reads images into a BufferedImage which provides easy access to 
a Java int/byte array with the pixels.  Details of pixel access for 
BufferedImage objects were discussed recently on this thread:


Ken Warner wrote:

I think there is a hole in the greater Java API for working with images.

Images and BufferedImages are great if all you want to do is download

[stuff deleted]

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[JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-12 Thread Ken Warner

I think there is a hole in the greater Java API for working with images.

Images and BufferedImages are great if all you want to do is download
an image file and put it on the screen.  They are really good at that.

But if someone (like myself) needs to work at a lower level -- at the pixel
level to prepare and synthesize pixels for display, the existing API's
are way too complicated.

There is no way to read an image file -- jpg, tif, png, whatever -- and
simply decode that image file into a byte or integer array.  You always
have to ask for an image of one sort or another to be created.  

And that is not a straight forward procedure either.  If you use the Toolkit
to make your image, you have to make a MediaTracker to wait for the image
to be made somewhere deep in the JVM.

Then, if you want to manipulate the pixels of the image directly either to 
the color or position of a particular pixel or to generate a new set of pixels, 
you have to either ask the image for the pixel or use a PixelGrabber to ask 
the image for it's pixels in either byte array or integer array form.  

If you use a PixelGrabber, again you have to wait for an ImageProducer to
deliver the pixels in the array of your choice.  And that process has
to be carefully minded to make sure it completes.  

It would be so much simpler if I could just decode an image file directly
into a byte or integer array.

I'm starting a new project where I will be rendering huge panoramic images
sometimes as big as 50,000x25,000 pixels or even bigger.  To do that, I will 
be downloading tiles from the panorama as needed on demand.  The image will be made 
into a manageable set of tiles by other tools.  There may even be a set

of tiles at different resolutions for the same panorama.

So for each tile I have to download the image file, make an image and
watch over that process with a MediaTracker and after the Image is made,
make a PixelGraber to grab the pixels and watch over that process then 
when I have (in my code) integer array -- I throw all that stuff away 
(flush the image resources etc.) and do the whole thing over again for the 
next tile.  

Maybe ImageIO Tools has a way to do that but now that's a separate download
and install and until the next generation plugin -- which will simplify
silent installs of extra packages -- is widely deployed , not an

I don't know of a way to simply decode an image file into a byte or integer
array.  I hope that there really is a way and I'm just not aware of it.  I
don't mind being dumb.  I'm dumb a lot.  So if anyone knows a way to
decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array, please
tell me how to do it.


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Re: [JAVA2D] Why does BufferedImage setRGB consumes memory?

2008-04-15 Thread Ken Warner

One Raster?  When I went through the same problem,
I had to do that three times to get the R,G,B channels.


.getData() [/code]
looks like there is a lot of casting involved. 

I can see only one.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Why does BufferedImage setRGB consumes memory?

2008-04-15 Thread Ken Warner

I hope MemoryImageSource is not going to be depricated!!!

I use it big time in all my applets.

What would be the replacement for MemoryImageSource?  I hope
you aren't thinking that BufferedImage is better.  BufferedImage
is a giant, poorly thought out hairball...


The memory-leaking behavior is not relevant for me
anymore since I changed the implementation to
MemoryImageSource already, but I am still curious if
anyone has an idea why setting pixels consumes that
much memory.

I would really recommend not using MemoryImageSource. Its an API from the 
java-1.1 days and its not recommended to use it any further. Its just there for 
compatibility reasons.

Setting large amount of pixels using setRGB is not a good practise, best way is 
to directly grab the raster from a BufferedImage:
byte[] data=((DataBufferByte)tex.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData() 

this is for a byte-backed BufferedImage, but looks almost the same for an int[] 
one (which I recommend for best performance).

lg Clemems
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[JAVA2D] Premature end of JPEG file

2008-03-11 Thread Ken Warner

I'm getting this bazarre error message when I exit my applet.
It doesn't show until *AFTER* the applet has had it's destroy() 
method called.

I do not issue this error message in my code and don't know 
where to look in the Java source to figure out what to do about it.

It's harmless but annoying and I think that some method somewhere
is hanging and not finalizing after the read.  I read two jpg files --
create the images using the Toolkit and watching them with MediaTracker.

I remove the Image ID's from the MediaTracker and then grab the pixels
with a PixelGrabber.  Then I flush() the images and null all the instances
and call System.runFinalization() and then System.gc()

The applet runs fine and then when I exit, I get two weird error messages.

Premature end of JPEG file
Premature end of JPEG file

I don't know where to look to figure this out.

Anybody have any ideas?

Environment: Java Win2K SP4; Eclipse 3.2

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Re: [JAVA2D] Alpha blending performance

2008-02-13 Thread Ken Warner

Yes, the various Java image classes accept all the drawing methods.

In fact, you'll probably get a speed up in performance if you draw to offscreen
buffers and then just draw the image once into the JPanel.

Look in the various foums for info on double buffering.  It's not
so daunting as it sounds.

Olsen Chris wrote:

Ken --

   Thank you very much for your lightning response!

  If I understand what you are saying, that is a terrific solution.  So,
then (to check my understanding), I can use what I think of as the
Graphics2D statements (e.g. drawstring, fillRect, etc) and draw to an

-- Chris

Chris Olsen
H.S. Math / Assessment Facilitator
Educational Service Center
346 2nd Ave. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA  52404-2099

-Original Message-----
From: Ken Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:22 AM

To: Olsen Chris
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] Alpha blending performance

The simple answer is don't draw into the JPanel -- draw into one of
image classes (Image, BufferedImage, etc.) and then draw the Image into
the JPanel.  Then save the Image as a jpeg in the usual ways...

Olsen Chris wrote:

Hello All --

 I have what is probably a simple problem to you all, but is so far
baffling me, a statistics guy doing programming.  I am hoping that
someone may have actually done what I am trying to do.

 At the end of some serious mathematical calculations (logistic
regression) I generate a graph in a JPanel.  My problem is that I


do this a few hundred times for a given run of the program.  What I


to do is save the contents of _each_ graph as a jpeg rather than do


of screen captures.

 In preparation for coding I have been learning a bit about IMAGEIO,
etc., but am stumped about one aspect of my anticipated process: how


I get the contents of a content pane into an image format?

 I am assuming that I can't just cast it somehow; I am also assuming
that I cannot simply draw to an image the same way that I draw to the
content pane.  (These assumptions may be wrong??)

 I did run across a forum where someone said that they had not done


but it SHOULD work in practice and then gave a strategy for doing it.

 Is there anyone who HAS done this and could offer a general


I am OK with the coding before and after the panel contents --> image
step.  (Strategy much appreciated, sample code that works adored!)

 References to the literature are fine also...

 Thank you in advance. 

-- Chris

Chris Olsen
H.S. Math / Assessment Facilitator
Educational Service Center
346 2nd Ave. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA  52404-2099


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of the message "signoff JAVA2D-INTEREST".  For general help, send

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Re: [JAVA2D] Alpha blending performance

2008-02-13 Thread Ken Warner

The simple answer is don't draw into the JPanel -- draw into one of Java's
image classes (Image, BufferedImage, etc.) and then draw the Image into
the JPanel.  Then save the Image as a jpeg in the usual ways...

Olsen Chris wrote:

Hello All --

  I have what is probably a simple problem to you all, but is so far
baffling me, a statistics guy doing programming.  I am hoping that
someone may have actually done what I am trying to do.

  At the end of some serious mathematical calculations (logistic
regression) I generate a graph in a JPanel.  My problem is that I might
do this a few hundred times for a given run of the program.  What I want
to do is save the contents of _each_ graph as a jpeg rather than do lots
of screen captures.

  In preparation for coding I have been learning a bit about IMAGEIO,
etc., but am stumped about one aspect of my anticipated process: how do
I get the contents of a content pane into an image format?

  I am assuming that I can't just cast it somehow; I am also assuming
that I cannot simply draw to an image the same way that I draw to the
content pane.  (These assumptions may be wrong??)

  I did run across a forum where someone said that they had not done it,
but it SHOULD work in practice and then gave a strategy for doing it.

  Is there anyone who HAS done this and could offer a general strategy?
I am OK with the coding before and after the panel contents --> image
step.  (Strategy much appreciated, sample code that works adored!)

  References to the literature are fine also...

  Thank you in advance. 

-- Chris

Chris Olsen
H.S. Math / Assessment Facilitator
Educational Service Center
346 2nd Ave. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA  52404-2099

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Re: [JAVA2D] 6uN-b10: 2D Performance regression -or- problems enabling D3D pipeline

2008-01-17 Thread Ken Warner

I think the v-sync is a great idea.  If done properly, it
could solve a lot of the tearing problems that
unsynced repeated drawing can cause

I have this thought.  What if the fastest a program can
prepare an image for render is less than the frame sync time?

Will there be a way to draw fewer frames a second than the
vertical sync speed but still have them sync'd with the refresh?

Or will that just happen automatially?


Ah, nice to hear it's all working! Is there any way to manage v-sync from 
within Java, and if not, are there any plans to add such a feature?
Enabling v-sync in windowed mode could save performance as those extra frames 
aren't all that useful anyways, and some may want v-sync disabled in full 
screen mode.

Thank you for all of your fast replies and great support, it is very much 
[Message sent by forum member 'ejoakim' (ejoakim)]

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[JAVA2D] Possible bug in Fullscreen Exclusive mode -- Java 1.6.0_5-ea

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Warner


Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] SP4

Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05-ea
Using JRE version 1.6.0_05-ea Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM


In the first URL, if you go fullscreen, the Java Applet Window banner is 

When I go fullscreen on the second URL, the banner is now missing.  It's
exactly the same code.  The banner is replaced by a void. I get the insets
and subtract the bottom inset to calculate the projection of the image 
But on the first URL, the banner is displayed.  On the second the banner is 

Is this the bug that was refered to earlier?

The only significant difference is that in the first applet I do not write
to the browser status line.  In the second URL I do write to the status line
each time the window is drawn.

Notice the browser status line as you press and release the mouse button.

Here's the method for going fullscreen:

  public void setFullScreenMode(boolean b)
  //System.err.println("(1)Ignore Repaint = " + this.getIgnoreRepaint());
  Insets inset = null;

//System.err.println("Going Full Screen...");
projector.ABORT = true;
pgfs = this;
this.setBounds(0, 0, 1400, 1200);
fsW = gdFS.getDisplayMode().getWidth();
fsH = gdFS.getDisplayMode().getHeight(); 
inset = getInsets();

fsH -= inset.bottom;
System.err.println("height = " + fsH);
if(misFS == null)
//System.err.println("New MemoryImageSource...");
pixelsFS = new int [fsW * fsH];  
misFS = new MemoryImageSource(fsW, fsH, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pixelsFS, 0, fsW);

imageFS = this.createImage(misFS);
bsFS = this.getBufferStrategy();
projector.ABORT = true;
//System.err.println("Disposing Frame...");


  catch(OutOfMemoryError oome)


  catch (Exception e) 


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Re: [JAVA2D] Odd Vista, NVidia, dual-display, Java interaction...

2008-01-04 Thread Ken Warner

My applet goes fullscreen exclusive.  Don't know if an applet will do you
any good

F1 enters; ESC exits fullscreen exclusive...


Reposted from on 
Dmitri's suggestion...

So here's an interesting problem, related to - if not directly caused by - Java on Vista. Brand new 
machine (Lenovo T61p T7700, 4GB, NVidia Quadro FX 570M driving 1680x1050 LCD, Vista Ultimate 32-bit 
from Microsoft GM DVD - not the Lenovo pre-install), with Java 1.6.0_03. When docked (but not when 
not docked), I run it in a dual-monitor configuration (add on a 1600x1200 external display via 
DVI). Two or three times a day, the machine simply "turns off" when I am switching to or 
from the Java application (Interactive Brokers trade station started via .jnlp download through 
Firefox). If I don't have the IB Java app running, the machine works flawlessly. If I run the IB 
Java app "undocked" (ie, just the 1680x1050 LCD driven), no problem. Seems like an odd 
interaction between the display driver and Java. I'm running the NVidia drivers dated 
12/10/07. Again, it's not a BSOD. The machine simply and instantaneously powers off. Java itself, I 
hope, cannot do that, but

the display driver might be able to cause such a serious fault.

Any thoughts?

Dmitri has suggested I try a different Java app and the latest build of 6uN, which I'll do. I'll 
add that I run the Java app "full screen" (which, in a dual display environment, means 
only 1 screen - the 1600x1200 screen, which is "below" the 1680x1050 screen).

As I don't have any other Java apps that I routinely run, I'm willing to try any Java 
apps anyone thinks might be "best" for this kind of trial.

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[JAVA2D] Possible bug in Fullscreen Exclusive mode -- Java 1.6.0_5-ea

2007-12-31 Thread Ken Warner


Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] SP4

Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05-ea
Using JRE version 1.6.0_05-ea Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM


In the first URL, if you go fullscreen, the Java Applet Window banner is 

When I go fullscreen on the second URL, the banner is now missing.  It's
exactly the same code.  The banner is replaced by a void. I get the insets
and subtract the bottom inset to calculate the projection of the image 
But on the first URL, the banner is displayed.  On the second the banner is 

Is this the bug that was refered to earlier?

The only significant difference is that in the first applet I do not write
to the browser status line.  In the second URL I do write to the status line
each time the window is drawn.

Notice the browser status line as you press and release the mouse button.

Here's the method for going fullscreen:

   public void setFullScreenMode(boolean b)
   //System.err.println("(1)Ignore Repaint = " + this.getIgnoreRepaint());
   Insets inset = null;

 //System.err.println("Going Full Screen...");
 projector.ABORT = true;
 pgfs = this;
 this.setBounds(0, 0, 1400, 1200);
 fsW = gdFS.getDisplayMode().getWidth();
 fsH = gdFS.getDisplayMode().getHeight(); 
 inset = getInsets();

 fsH -= inset.bottom;
 System.err.println("height = " + fsH);
 if(misFS == null)
 //System.err.println("New MemoryImageSource...");
 pixelsFS = new int [fsW * fsH];  
 misFS = new MemoryImageSource(fsW, fsH, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pixelsFS, 0, fsW);

 imageFS = this.createImage(misFS);
 bsFS = this.getBufferStrategy();
 projector.ABORT = true;
 //System.err.println("Disposing Frame...");

   catch(OutOfMemoryError oome)


   catch (Exception e) 


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Re: [JAVA2D] Question about fullscreen exclusive mode in applet in browser.

2007-12-03 Thread Ken Warner

All valid arguments.  And I'm sure I don't know any of the grizzly
stories about how Java is/was being used for fraud.  

It's a hoist petard situation -- damned if you do -- damned if you don't.

Having Java become suspect as an easy tool for fraud certainly won't do
us developers any good.  Yet people object to having their precious fullscreen
so rudely violated.

I'll meander over to the security and awt talklists and see what I can see.

And it's a banner not a status bar...


Hi Ken,

The problem is you have to think of all of this from a different perspective.  Don't 
think "I'm a nice responsible developer who wants to make a pretty app"...

Think "I'm an identity stealer and I want to fool the user into giving me their 
credit cards and other personal information".

A disclaimer for the following text.  We aren't security experts here on the 
Java2D forum.  We just like to draw pretty pictures.  I'll give some 
clarifications below to make sure you've considered the possibilities that I'm 
aware of that led to the creation of the applet banner, but I don't want to 
launch into a debate here in this forum on the issues.  Probably the best place 
to discuss issues related to Java security and windows would be either the AWT 
or the security areas.  Java2D isn't involved at all in putting the warning up 
(we probably don't even render it as it is likely a native component).

What I would suggest is putting a small 16x16 Java
in the upper left corner of the full screen window.
he conventional place for identification via icons.
erhaps clicking on the icon could escape fullscreen
exclusive mode.  

Consider how this looks to a user on an identity stealing page.  "Oh, how nice that 
these nice folks at PayPalSecurity.NG implemented their Identity Verification page in 
Java.  Someone should talk to them about their grammar, though - it's atrocious."

There needs to be a clear message that tells uninformed users not to provide any identity 
information, not just "this is Java" since few people outside of our developer 
communities really understands what Java can do for fraud perpetrators.

The idea of a status bar is not evil.  But it should
be under the control of the programmer.  The
color, message should be under the control of the

I'm sure the folks at "" would love to control how that status bar looks.  
Perhaps a nice "black text on black background" color scheme would be prettier - tone on 
tone is such a big fashion statement these days.  ;-)

The status bar could be enabled for other 
purposes like a menu bar or tool bar. Then there
would be some 
useful purpose to it that would override the

annoyance factor.

In some sense, "the annoyance factor" is its main advantage when it comes to 

Also, there should be a choice of top or bottom
or invisible.  If invisible, then show the icon in
the upper
left corner.

Again, if we don't do this banner, then we need something that is an obstacle 
to identity theft.  We aren't the experts on these issues here in the Java2D 
forum - you should probably raise the discussion as to what the security banner 
does and what better or alternate solutions could provide the same benefits on 
either the Security or AWT forums...

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Re: [JAVA2D] Question about fullscreen exclusive mode in applet in browser...

2007-12-03 Thread Ken Warner

What I would suggest is putting a small 16x16 Java icon
in the upper left corner of the full screen window.  That's
the conventional place for identification via icons.  And
perhaps clicking on the icon could escape fullscreen
exclusive mode.  

The idea of a status bar is not evil.  But it should
be under the control of the programmer.  The visibility,
color, message should be under the control of the applet.

The status bar could be enabled for other 
purposes like a menu bar or tool bar. Then there would be some 
useful purpose to it that would override the annoyance factor.

Also, there should be a choice of top or bottom
or invisible.  If invisible, then show the icon in the upper
left corner.

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  The Applet bar is there for security reasons, obviously,
  so we can't just remove it.

  Now there are probably better ways to inform the
  user that the window they're using is sandboxed,
  and I believe there's some kind of project
  to improve the UI of the security warning.

  So, yes, this is not a 2D issue, but


Ken Warner wrote:

Can I exploit that bug too?  :-)

But seriously, all the users I have contact with find
that status bar real annoying.  Annoying to the point that
they are willing to look to Flash or other means to display
their panoramas.  They are a fussy group and I struggle to
maintain Java's relevance to that group.

So does the Java2D group have any say about the status
bar or should I talk to another development group. No need to grind on 
you if it's not in your purview...

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

 > HOW DID THEY DO THAT???  Is this another secret environment variable?
 > I would like to know how to go into fullscreen mode without the 

 > bar showing.

  I think they may be exploiting a bug fixed in the latest
  On my jre (6uN) the window does show the warning.


Ken Warner wrote:


My applet at

can go into fullscreen exclusive mode.  F1 enters -- ESC exits.

When it goes into fullscreen exclusive mode using the 1.6 plugin,
there is a gray status bar at the bottom of the screen that says,
"Java Applet Window" A lot of people find this annoying.  Fullscreen 
exclusive should mean
FULLSCREEN! I've looked at java.awt.GraphicsDevice and this is the 
method that

set's the bounds of the window.

   public void setFullScreenWindow(Window w) {
   // Get display mode before changing the full screen window
   DisplayMode dm;
   if (w == null) {
   dm = null;
   } else {
   dm = getDisplayMode();
   if (fullScreenWindow != null && windowedModeBounds != null) {
   // Set the full screen window
   fullScreenWindow = w;
   if (fullScreenWindow != null) {
   windowedModeBounds = fullScreenWindow.getBounds();
   fullScreenWindow.setBounds(0, 0, dm.getWidth(), 


I tried to write my own class to extend GraphicsDevice so I can 
override setFullScreenWindow()
but I can't put it into the java.awt package.  I get a security 
warning at runtime.

I'm not smart enough or good enough to figure out a way to set the 
bounds of the fullscreen window so that the status bar won't show.

However, someone has.  Goto the URL below.  You will see a gallery
of available panoramic images.  They can be shown in Flash, Java or
Quicktime.  Select one to show in Java.  When you see that it's 
loading, click the right button and enter fullscreen mode.  You will 

that there is no status bar.

HOW DID THEY DO THAT???  Is this another secret environment variable?
I would like to know how to go into fullscreen mode without the status
bar showing.



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Re: [JAVA2D] Question about fullscreen exclusive mode in applet in browser...

2007-12-03 Thread Ken Warner

Can I exploit that bug too?  :-)

But seriously, all the users I have contact with find
that status bar real annoying.  Annoying to the point that
they are willing to look to Flash or other means to display
their panoramas.  They are a fussy group and I struggle to
maintain Java's relevance to that group.

So does the Java2D group have any say about the status
bar or should I talk to another development group.  

No need to grind on you if it's not in your purview...

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

 > HOW DID THEY DO THAT???  Is this another secret environment variable?
 > I would like to know how to go into fullscreen mode without the status
 > bar showing.

  I think they may be exploiting a bug fixed in the latest
  On my jre (6uN) the window does show the warning.


Ken Warner wrote:


My applet at

can go into fullscreen exclusive mode.  F1 enters -- ESC exits.

When it goes into fullscreen exclusive mode using the 1.6 plugin,
there is a gray status bar at the bottom of the screen that says,
"Java Applet Window" A lot of people find this annoying.  Fullscreen 
exclusive should mean
FULLSCREEN! I've looked at java.awt.GraphicsDevice and this is the 
method that

set's the bounds of the window.

   public void setFullScreenWindow(Window w) {
   // Get display mode before changing the full screen window
   DisplayMode dm;
   if (w == null) {
   dm = null;
   } else {
   dm = getDisplayMode();
   if (fullScreenWindow != null && windowedModeBounds != null) {
   // Set the full screen window
   fullScreenWindow = w;
   if (fullScreenWindow != null) {
   windowedModeBounds = fullScreenWindow.getBounds();
   fullScreenWindow.setBounds(0, 0, dm.getWidth(), 


I tried to write my own class to extend GraphicsDevice so I can 
override setFullScreenWindow()
but I can't put it into the java.awt package.  I get a security 
warning at runtime.

I'm not smart enough or good enough to figure out a way to set the 
bounds of the fullscreen window so that the status bar won't show.

However, someone has.  Goto the URL below.  You will see a gallery
of available panoramic images.  They can be shown in Flash, Java or
Quicktime.  Select one to show in Java.  When you see that it's finished
loading, click the right button and enter fullscreen mode.  You will see
that there is no status bar.

HOW DID THEY DO THAT???  Is this another secret environment variable?
I would like to know how to go into fullscreen mode without the status
bar showing.



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[JAVA2D] Question about fullscreen exclusive mode in applet in browser...

2007-12-03 Thread Ken Warner


My applet at

can go into fullscreen exclusive mode.  F1 enters -- ESC exits.

When it goes into fullscreen exclusive mode using the 1.6 plugin,
there is a gray status bar at the bottom of the screen that says,
"Java Applet Window"  

A lot of people find this annoying.  Fullscreen exclusive should mean

I've looked at java.awt.GraphicsDevice and this is the method that
set's the bounds of the window.

   public void setFullScreenWindow(Window w) {
   // Get display mode before changing the full screen window
   DisplayMode dm;
   if (w == null) {
   dm = null;
   } else {
   dm = getDisplayMode();
   if (fullScreenWindow != null && windowedModeBounds != null) {
   // Set the full screen window
   fullScreenWindow = w;
   if (fullScreenWindow != null) {
   windowedModeBounds = fullScreenWindow.getBounds();
   fullScreenWindow.setBounds(0, 0, dm.getWidth(), dm.getHeight());

I tried to write my own class to extend GraphicsDevice so I can override 
but I can't put it into the java.awt package.  I get a security warning at 

I'm not smart enough or good enough to figure out a way to set the bounds of the 
fullscreen window so that the status bar won't show.

However, someone has.  Goto the URL below.  You will see a gallery
of available panoramic images.  They can be shown in Flash, Java or
Quicktime.  Select one to show in Java.  When you see that it's finished
loading, click the right button and enter fullscreen mode.  You will see
that there is no status bar.

HOW DID THEY DO THAT???  Is this another secret environment variable?
I would like to know how to go into fullscreen mode without the status
bar showing.


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Re: [JAVA2D] fillPolygon performance versus drawImage

2007-12-02 Thread Ken Warner

Hi Gregory,

Do all your rectangle drawing to an off screen image.  The image can be any
thing from a Toolkit image to a BufferedImage to a VolitileImage.  Each
one has advantages. Then draw the off screen image to the screen.

Your mileage may vary...



This is probably a naive question...

I need to display a frequently varying rectangles, that can have different size and color. A typical size of an individual rectangle is about 5 by 5 pixels, but there can be up to 100x110 rectangles per display (a typical bitmap display). I need to display it from with a JComponent. 

My big question is: what is the fastest way to do it?
I can either loop over the number of rectangles and each time call 
Graphics.fillRect(),  or I can create an image using MemoryImageSource followed 
by createImage and eventually Graphics.drawImage() function. Which one (or a 
different method) shall I use?

Also, where can I find information about how Graphics.fillRect() work? Does this
function fills in an array of pixels with one color, and then creates an object
equivalent to an image, so in essence it is the same as calling drawImage?
Or is the mechanism completely different?

Thank you
[Message sent by forum member 'gmiecznik' (gmiecznik)]

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Re: [JAVA2D] [PanoToolsNG] Layout test

2007-11-27 Thread Ken Warner

This is SUN's new "Security Measure".  When Java goes full screen, they
put that stupid gray status bar underneth.  As a Java programmer,
I know of no way to keep that from happening.  There are no doc's 
at SUN that even tells you that will happen when you go fullscreen.

HOWEVER:  EasyPano Java viewer seems to be able to get around that
problem.  It can go fullscreen without showing that stupid status

Try their Java viewer.  The full screen switch is on a right button

I'm cross posting this message to one of SUN's development forums.

I suggest that any of you who are concerned about Java's utility as
a panorama viewer platform to join that forum and complain to that forum.

Ken Warner

In the middle of the layout proces a new Sun Java was installed on my PC - 
and due to some new security restrictions Immervisions fullscreen won't do 
real fullscreen anymore. The applet window  doesn't cover the Start-meu bar 
and it has a grayish bar with the text "Java Applet Window". I have reported 
it to the Immervision team and they are looking into it to see if they can 
do anything about it.

Flemming V. Larsen wrote:


I've made 3 different layout tests showing hi-res panos with 
thumbnail-selection and the plugin-detect script from DevalVR.


It works and looks fine here on my winxp pro PC both with IE6 an Firefox ( 
with some small differents) on  a 1152 x 864 screen on a 17" monitor

a. I would like if those of you using other browsers and/or other OS could 
test and report if there is something not working.
(In IE 6 I'm able to set the colours of the scroll-bar via CSS. It 
doesn't work in FF - How about other browsers?)

b. From mac-users with Pangea installed I would like to hear if the 
Auto-detect use Pangea (and perharps see a screen shot)

c. From those of you using bigger screen-size I'd also like to know if the 
thumbnails gets to small and/or if you think I should make some restrictions 
to the window-size?
(The panos are generated from 5100 x 2550 equirectangular, so there might be 
an upper limit where it doesn't look good anymore)

In the middle of the layout proces a new Sun Java was installed on my PC - 
and due to some new security restrictions Immervisions fullscreen won't do 
real fullscreen anymore. The applet window  doesn't cover the Start-meu bar 
and it has a grayish bar with the text "Java Applet Window". I have reported 
it to the Immervision team and they are looking into it to see if they can 
do anything about it.
I have used Pano2Qtvr to do the flash -  I know that Flash Panorama Player 
gives a better quality and I might use it in the future.

Best regards

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Re: [JAVA2D] Saving & restoring a region of a VolatileImage

2007-11-26 Thread Ken Warner

That's what I've found.  That render loop is almost instantaneous
while the pixel pushing takes two orders of magnitude more time.


It is unlikely that the graphics creation and disposal would cost you any 
noticeable amount of time, especially compared to everything else that is going 
on.  It's a lot cleaner to just create and dispose the graphics around the 
rendering portion of the method than to try to manage a cached copy.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Saving & restoring a region of a VolatileImage

2007-11-26 Thread Ken Warner

Dmitri once sent me a link to the docs for BufferStrategy.  There's an example
loop there that works -- IF YOU ARE USING BufferStrategy.  For just VI -- try
the forums I guess

The loop described in the docs work for me pretty well.  But I'm using


Hi flar,

Thanks for the info.  I like the speed I am getting using VIs and if they all 
fail together then that's not a problem.  But I would like to ensure that I am 
using them in 100% correct way so that I can recover from any losses.

Is the JavaDoc sufficient info on "best practices" for programming with VI?  Is 
there a link that gives example code of exactly how and when to check for content loss?

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Re: [JAVA2D] Please try the new Direct3D 9-based Java2D pipeline in 6uN EA-- another stupid question...

2007-11-26 Thread Ken Warner
I thought the first notice that was sent out about the D3D pipeline 
said that the OpenGl pipeline was turned on for D3D.  

I must have misunderstood what was said. The D3D pipeline and
the OpenGL pipelines are two different pipelines with two
entirely different sets of problems mostly caused by poorly
implemented video card drivers.  Am I finally understanding

And the OpenGL pipeline has nothing to do with the hardware
acceleration of Java2D which uses the D3D pipeline?  Is that correct?

So it was said that the D3D pipeline will be disabled *BY DEFAULT*
on some OS's.  Will it be possible to *ENABLE* the D3D pipeline with
-Dsun.java2d.d3d=true on the Win200* OS's that are going to have
the D3D pipeline disabled by default from using the D3D pipeline?

In all the emails that have been flying around, people talk of
"...the pipeline..." and I get confused about which pipeline
is being talked about.

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  Just in case this hadn't been replied to:
  yes, we'd seen this behavior on certain video boards
  only on Vista with Aero enabled.

  I'm pretty sure this is a Vista bug, but we'll
  try to work around it.




I've been playing a few hours with the 6u5 and the D3D pipeline.
(I'm quite sure it is enabled, as a full-screen drawing framerate 
drops by a factor of about 20  when disabled, with CPU usage jumping 
to about 70%)

Marvelous performance (thank you all for your work), however I have 
found something annoying :

(I did my tests on Windows Vista, with an nVidia GeForce 8600M GT, 
recent drivers (Aero enabled))

If I create an empty resizable JFrame (I tested with 
SystemLookAndFeel, SubstanceLookAndFeel and Metal), and start resizing 
it, I will most of the time see its content flickering (the client 
rectangle becoming black before being repainted).

Obviously, all reverted to normal when I ran the application with  

Someone has an idea about what is happening ?
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Re: [JAVA2D] Dumb question about Direct?????

2007-11-23 Thread Ken Warner

So then the line in the sand (so to speak) is whether or not the graphics
card (driver) supports OpenGL to it's full extent?  Yes? No?  

If there is not good support for OpenGL on the host machine, then
Java's OpenGL pipeline will fail?  Yes? No?

So then this is not about the OS as earlier stated.  It's about
support for OpenGL by the graphic card's driver?  Yes? No?


DirectX = The whole collection of APIs for different game-related tasks like 
DirectInput for input handling, Direct3D for 3D graphics, ...
DirectDraw = 2D programming interface, now deprecated.
Direct3D = 2D/3D interface offered by DirectX.

The OpenGL pipeline uses OpenGL and does not use DirectX at all. Because of 
this fact its able to work on so many operating systems whereas the D3D 
pipeline is limited to Windows-Systems only.

lg Clemens
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[JAVA2D] Dumb question about Direct?????

2007-11-23 Thread Ken Warner

Sorry for the dumb question but I see references to DirectDraw, DirecX and 

Could someone briefly describe the difference between the three and what exactly
is Java doing with regard to using DirectDraw, DirectX and Direct3D?

Which one is being used for the OpenGL pipeline?

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Re: [JAVA2D] Please try the new Direct3D 9-based Java2D pipeline in 6uN EA

2007-11-23 Thread Ken Warner
More stupid design strategy decisions by SUN.  Who 
thinks up these strategies?  

And then the rational that is expressed to support those
stupid decisions are next to priceless.

What ever you do -- never listen to the people who actually
try to use Java.

I give up.

And while I know nobody at SUN is interested in the fact that
whole communities are turning to Flash for graphics and think
Java sucks big time.  I care!  I've got nearly 10 years of
Java programming that nobody wants because they hold Java
in such low regard.

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  First of all, FYI, b07 is out. It has a couple of
  important fixes - it significantly improves performance
  of Netbeans (and other applications which use
  LCD and grayscale AA text simultaneously) and addresses
  issues on Intel chips.

Ken Warner wrote:

I have an NVida GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro Driver Version
Running Windows 2000 SP4 and DirectDraw 9.0c  -- real old stuff and
yet the most current version of the driver and Java 1.6 is about 3 times
faster than 1.5.

  There are two issues here: GF2 does not meet minimum hw requirements
  so the pipeline will be disabled. You will need
  at least some GeForce FX board (with Shaders 2.0) with
  HW Transform and Lighting.

  Secondly, starting with b08 the pipeline will only be enabled
  on client-class OS (WinXP and newer). Win2K* are classified as
  a server-class OS flavor.

  The reason for this policy is that typically on servers people
  care more about stability than performance, and the drivers
  for these systems are lagging behind client OS-es.


It's hard for me to run the beta version to test hardware acceleration.

Have their been any reports about this card failing?  When will there be
a 1.6 JRE with hardware acceleration so I can try my work -- it's an 



I have filed bug
  6629891: D3D: Rendering artifacts with older driver [Nvidia Quadro 
NVS 110M]

to track this issue (will appear on soon).

We'll disable the pipeline on drivers older than 
(earliest known

to work at this point).

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Re: [JAVA2D] Saving & restoring a region of a VolatileImage

2007-11-20 Thread Ken Warner

No, what you described is a computation that is not facilitated by
the use of BufferStrategy and VolitileImage.  They are for getting
what you have computed on the screen -- fast.


Hi Ken,

Yes, I would love to see how you use the strategy even though it's probably not 
going to be appropriate for me given that I have a requirement to save 
subregions of the buffered image which are restored later.  I can't see how I 
can easily do this with a BufferStrategy but I could be wrong.

Just email me with the code if you like - the addy is at the bottom of this 

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[JAVA2D] Three D mouse / navigator / spaceball --- would it work with Java?

2007-11-20 Thread Ken Warner

It would be a neat thing to be able to pan/tilt/zoom with one device.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Saving & restoring a region of a VolatileImage

2007-11-20 Thread Ken Warner

I use a Canvas.  I'll send you my Canvas class code if you want to see
how I do it.  Might not make sense because I do all the pixel pushing
stuff in another class.


Ken, how do you create the BufferStrategy in your applet?  It seems from the 
JavaDoc that you need a Window or Canvas.  I have neither of those in my applet.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Saving & restoring a region of a VolatileImage

2007-11-20 Thread Ken Warner

I use the BufferStrategy as an interface to VolitileImage
and it works great in my applet.  I don't make VolitileImage's
directly in my code.

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  It would be interesting to find out what was causing
  the freeze. Would it be possible to create a small
  test case reproducing the issue?

  Or if you could just show a piece of code which
  was using VolatileImages?

  Java2D Team


Excellent Dmitri - thank you.  I have it working now though not for a 
VolatileImage, I had to use a BufferedImage instead. This is because 
using the VI caused my applet to freeze when running inside the 
browser even though it runs OK when run inside the Eclipse applet viewer.

Well I guess that's good enough - it has improved my applet considerably.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Direct3D is disabled in win2003 in 6uN EA?

2007-11-19 Thread Ken Warner

One last thing then I'll say no more.

Seems to me that the way to include / exclude systems is
by the capabilities of the graphics card that Java is running
on.  I can think of server side apps that could use a fast 
graphics pipeline to ship chunks of graphical information

to a client using a high speed network.  You have the big
iron running the graphics and the client displaying the
computed image.  Things like molecular physics; GIS systems;
animations; VR -- stuff like that where the heavy lifting
was done server side and the client was just watching.

Also if someone didn't fit the profile you've described
and put a really good graphics card in a server and then 
found out that the graphics card was not used by Java because

of the OS -- that person might get a little upset.

But I think I will say no more

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  That's correct, Windows 2000 will also be excluded.


Ken Warner wrote:

I'm just going by what Dmitri told me...

 Secondly, starting with b08 the pipeline will only be enabled
 on client-class OS (WinXP and newer). Win2K* are classified as
 a server-class OS flavor.

 The reason for this policy is that typically on servers people
 care more about stability than performance, and the drivers
 for these systems are lagging behind client OS-es.

Phil Race wrote:


Please read the subject line.
Windows 2003 and 2008 are server OSes and are quite different
than windows 2000.


Ken Warner wrote:

The funny thing is that Windows 2000 wasn't a server class OS
when I bought it.  It was just the latest Windows.  Somewhere
along the line it became a server OS.  And I didn't know
I became an Administrator.  I guess I didn't get the memo.

And the reason I don't upgrade to XP or (yuk) Vista is that I'd rather
spend my cycles on work rather than fancy icons and animation
to give me a "...richer user interface experience..."  Windows 2000
is almost as fast as Windows NT

I guess it's just a matter of perspective.

And there's no point in telling Microsoft anything -- they
know *ALL* the answers.  It's not my fault!

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

Ken Warner wrote:

The assumption that,

"...typically people don't care about
  graphics performance on a server, and also drivers
  tend to be old/buggy on servers as they are not
  updated as often.

Is fundamentally wrong -- at least in my case. 

  You may want to tell that to Microsoft then, because in their
  next server os (Windows 2008) not only Aero is disabled
  by default, it is not even present in the installation,
  and the default (and only) theme is Win2k. I guess they have
  found that administrators don't care much about fancy
  graphics on servers.

  Moreover, the vast majority of servers are
  administered remotely anyway.



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Re: [JAVA2D] Direct3D is disabled in win2003 in 6uN EA?

2007-11-19 Thread Ken Warner

I'm just going by what Dmitri told me...

 Secondly, starting with b08 the pipeline will only be enabled
 on client-class OS (WinXP and newer). Win2K* are classified as
 a server-class OS flavor.

 The reason for this policy is that typically on servers people
 care more about stability than performance, and the drivers
 for these systems are lagging behind client OS-es.


Phil Race wrote:


Please read the subject line.
Windows 2003 and 2008 are server OSes and are quite different
than windows 2000.


Ken Warner wrote:

The funny thing is that Windows 2000 wasn't a server class OS
when I bought it.  It was just the latest Windows.  Somewhere
along the line it became a server OS.  And I didn't know
I became an Administrator.  I guess I didn't get the memo.

And the reason I don't upgrade to XP or (yuk) Vista is that I'd rather
spend my cycles on work rather than fancy icons and animation
to give me a "...richer user interface experience..."  Windows 2000
is almost as fast as Windows NT

I guess it's just a matter of perspective.

And there's no point in telling Microsoft anything -- they
know *ALL* the answers.  It's not my fault!

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

Ken Warner wrote:

The assumption that,

"...typically people don't care about
  graphics performance on a server, and also drivers
  tend to be old/buggy on servers as they are not
  updated as often.

Is fundamentally wrong -- at least in my case. 

  You may want to tell that to Microsoft then, because in their
  next server os (Windows 2008) not only Aero is disabled
  by default, it is not even present in the installation,
  and the default (and only) theme is Win2k. I guess they have
  found that administrators don't care much about fancy
  graphics on servers.

  Moreover, the vast majority of servers are
  administered remotely anyway.



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Re: [JAVA2D] Direct3D is disabled in win2003 in 6uN EA?

2007-11-19 Thread Ken Warner

The funny thing is that Windows 2000 wasn't a server class OS
when I bought it.  It was just the latest Windows.  Somewhere
along the line it became a server OS.  And I didn't know
I became an Administrator.  I guess I didn't get the memo.

And the reason I don't upgrade to XP or (yuk) Vista is that I'd rather
spend my cycles on work rather than fancy icons and animation
to give me a "...richer user interface experience..."  Windows 2000
is almost as fast as Windows NT

I guess it's just a matter of perspective.

And there's no point in telling Microsoft anything -- they
know *ALL* the answers.  It's not my fault!

Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

Ken Warner wrote:

The assumption that,

"...typically people don't care about
  graphics performance on a server, and also drivers
  tend to be old/buggy on servers as they are not
  updated as often.

Is fundamentally wrong -- at least in my case. 

  You may want to tell that to Microsoft then, because in their
  next server os (Windows 2008) not only Aero is disabled
  by default, it is not even present in the installation,
  and the default (and only) theme is Win2k. I guess they have
  found that administrators don't care much about fancy
  graphics on servers.

  Moreover, the vast majority of servers are
  administered remotely anyway.


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Re: [JAVA2D] Direct3D is disabled in win2003 in 6uN EA?

2007-11-19 Thread Ken Warner

Then have higher level layers of graphic acceleration
for the more advanced video cards. Shading etc. 
Well I think some kind of black-listing would probably the best thing - 
black-list which driver/os/directx-versions are known to be broken and emit a small 
warning on the command line about that (this way many more people will complain at gpu 
manufacturers to provide better drivers).

If that leads to more people getting some kind of hardware acceleration -- I 
support that idea.

What you mean would be really hard to implement - in fact this would lead to 
many different implementations for each GPU generation. Who should pay all the 
programmers and bug-fixers ;)

Not if it is done right.  Really hard is what those 6 figure salaries are for.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Direct3D is disabled in win2003 in 6uN EA?

2007-11-18 Thread Ken Warner
The assumption that, 

"...typically people don't care about
  graphics performance on a server, and also drivers
  tend to be old/buggy on servers as they are not
  updated as often.

Is fundamentally wrong -- at least in my case.  

I keep my machine as up to date
as possible. I installed the most recent driver for my
old video card -- before NVidia stopped supporting it.

And I have the latest DirectDraw that Microsoft has
released for Windows 2000.

I understand that some time in the future, my machine
will simply be an old useless hulk but it's still got 
a lot of useful life left in it.

My suggestion would be to support hardware acceleration in
layers.  The lowest level layer would be the basic hardware
acceleration for VolitileImage so that basic use of BufferStrategy
would give hardware acceleration for simple drawing -- if the
card supported that.  BufferStrategy already does a check to
see basic capabilities of the card.

Then have higher level layers of graphic acceleration
for the more advanced video cards. Shading etc.  

I don't even know what the most advanced cards have
these days.

The idea being to do the best you can with the capabilities of
the card Java is running on.

As the old saying goes: "Don't let perfect stand in the way of good."


Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  The reason is that typically people don't care about
  graphics performance on a server, and also drivers
  tend to be old/buggy on servers as they are not
  updated as often.

  If you have an opinion or use case on why this
  should not be the case please let us know.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Please try the new Direct3D 9-based Java2D pipeline in 6uN EA

2007-11-14 Thread Ken Warner

I have an NVida GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro Driver Version
Running Windows 2000 SP4 and DirectDraw 9.0c  -- real old stuff and
yet the most current version of the driver and Java 1.6 is about 3 times
faster than 1.5.

It's hard for me to run the beta version to test hardware acceleration.

Have their been any reports about this card failing?  When will there be
a 1.6 JRE with hardware acceleration so I can try my work -- it's an applet.



I have filed bug
  6629891: D3D: Rendering artifacts with older driver [Nvidia Quadro NVS 110M]
to track this issue (will appear on soon).

We'll disable the pipeline on drivers older than (earliest known
to work at this point).

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Re: [JAVA2D] Full screen exclusive mode question...

2007-10-15 Thread Ken Warner

Good suggestions...I'll give those a try.  Be nice if it was just gone.  I mean
how silly...


Hmm, I haven't checked this, but can't you find the size of the drawable area 
through a combination of things like getContentPane().getSize() (If its a swing 
window) and frame.getInsets() or frame.getSize()? Not sure which if any will 
work yet.
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[JAVA2D] Full screen exclusive mode question...

2007-10-14 Thread Ken Warner

It goes full screen exclusive mode now.  F1 to enter -- ESC to exit.  Someone 
tell me how it works with D3D acceleration.  I can't run the beta version of 
1.6 right now.

When in full screen mode in a browser, there is a little status line that says:

Java Applet Window

But there is no documentation that I can find about that status line.  This is 
metioned in passing in the Full Screen Exclusive Mode tutorial --

"For security reasons, the user must grant fullScreenExclusive permission when using 
full-screen exclusive mode in an applet."

Which does a pretty good job of explaining how to set things up but you really 
don't have to do that if you are willing to suffer that little status line 

What I want to know is how do I find out how high is the status line at runtime 
so I can adjust my render accordingly.  It may be small but it's still a chunk 
of pixels that I don't need to render if they are just going to be drawn over.  
Also, it would be nice to be able to use that area for controls and status when 
in full window mode.  And having that status line really does absolutly nothing 
to enhance security.  I suppose that's the reason for it.

Lastly, I have observed that the Frame which is the full window area sometimes 
loses the ignoreRepaint() value.  When that happens, a system generated repaint 
can cause flashing so I set it everytime I enter my render method.

You can see in the console the value of getIgnoreRepaint() I print out each 
time through my render method and each time I fall in and out of full screen 


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Re: [JAVA2D] Ok -- what's the deal on the spyware in Java 1.6?

2007-10-10 Thread Ken Warner

Ah! I guess I'm just paranoid -  Thanks  --  I forgot to turn off the auto 

Russell East wrote:

Isn't that just the "Update Notification" feature?  You can disable it
in the Control Panel.
-- Russell

Ken Warner wrote:

Ever since I installed 1.6 yesterday, my firewall has been detecting
this connection attempt:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe
TCP (Outbound) http(80)

It happens frequently -- like hourly -- I block the attempt.

I don't like being spyed on.


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[JAVA2D] Ok -- what's the deal on the spyware in Java 1.6?

2007-10-10 Thread Ken Warner

Ever since I installed 1.6 yesterday, my firewall has been detecting this 
connection attempt:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe
TCP (Outbound) http(80)

It happens frequently -- like hourly -- I block the attempt.

I don't like being spyed on.

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Re: [JAVA2D] How do I install the 1.6 beta as my browser plugin?

2007-10-10 Thread Ken Warner

Ok, massive confusion and loss of brain cells

I have installed:

Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05-ea

I don't have a particular need to diddle with the registry right now as 
outlined in the forum pointed to in Dmitri's last post.

I get a pretty good boost in performance with 1.6.0_05-ea.  But there is no D3D 
acceleration in this release -- right?

D3D is only in ...05-ea-b04 -- right?

So I'll wait to test D3D acceleration in my applet when the install is more 
straight forward.

In the mean time, all you guys can use my applet as a standard comparison test 
-- if you want.

It prints out times for a computational task and a painting task in the console.

Here's some results I got on an 800 mhz machine with an old GeForce 2 video 

Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05-ea
Using JRE version 1.6.0_05-ea Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator

PanCyl v0.3.2_D3DTest
Interp Time = 521ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 50ms

Interp Time = 451ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 250ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 270ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 20ms

Interp Time = 230ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 20ms

Interp Time = 230ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 230ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 20ms

Interp Time = 230ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 261ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 241ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 20ms

Interp Time = 230ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 20ms

Interp Time = 230ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 20ms

Java Plug-in 1.5.0_11
Using JRE version 1.5.0_11 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator

PanCyl v0.3.2_D3DTest
Interp Time = 861ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 50ms

Interp Time = 590ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 601ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 591ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 591ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 581ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Phil Race wrote:

 > I downloaded jre-6u5-ea-bin-b04-windows-i586-27_sep_2007.jar

SFAIK this is just a self-extracting jar file that dumps
the files on disk - its not an installer.
You must use one of the installer downloads - eg the .exe download


Ken Warner wrote:


I downloaded jre-6u5-ea-bin-b04-windows-i586-27_sep_2007.jar to try D3D
acceleration.  When I install it, there is no installation as browser

I imagine this is intentional.  Is there a way to force it to be a
browser plugin?

I would like to see real world performance in the browser.

I tried jre-6u5-ea-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe and that gives me about a
three time performance boost in general computation and about a 1/3'd
performance boos in drawing.

I'd like to compare the beta in the same environment.



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[JAVA2D] How do I run my applet in the 1.6 beta?

2007-10-10 Thread Ken Warner

There's no applet viewer and I didn't put a static main() in my applet.

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[JAVA2D] How do I install the 1.6 beta as my browser plugin?

2007-10-10 Thread Ken Warner


I downloaded jre-6u5-ea-bin-b04-windows-i586-27_sep_2007.jar to try D3D 
acceleration.  When I install it, there is no installation as browser plugin.

I imagine this is intentional.  Is there a way to force it to be a browser 

I would like to see real world performance in the browser.

I tried jre-6u5-ea-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe and that gives me about a three time 
performance boost in general computation and about a 1/3'd performance boos in 

I'd like to compare the beta in the same environment.


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Re: [JAVA2D] Please try the new Direct3D 9-based Java2D pipeline in 6uN EA

2007-10-09 Thread Ken Warner

I've put some timing code in my applet.  It may be useful to do a comparison 
between 1.5 and 1.6 with the D3D acceleration on your own machine.

What you will see in the console window is --

PanCyl v0.3.2_D3DTest
Interp Time = 841ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 50ms

Interp Time = 591ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

Interp Time = 611ms
Paint Time(640, 360) = 30ms

What you are looking at is the time to interpolate a 640x360 image (my own 
bicubic interpolator -- it's slow) and then the time to paint that 640x360 
image in a Canvas.

Here's the rendering method that is in MyCanvas.  I only use paint() for system 
events.  mis is a MemoryImageSource; bs is the BufferStrategy; bg is the 
BufferStrategy Graphics

//this is what is timed

   t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
   System.err.println("Interp Time = " + (t1 - t0) + "ms");

   t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
   t3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
   System.err.println("Paint Time(" + canvasW + ", " + canvasH + ") = " + (t3 - 
t2) + "ms");

   public void newPixels()
   do {
   do {
   bg = (Graphics2D)bs.getDrawGraphics();
   bg.drawImage(canvasImage, 0, 0, thisW, thisH, this);
   drawAttribution(); // ignore this
   } while (bs.contentsRestored());;
} while (bs.contentsLost());
   catch (Exception ie)

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Re: [JAVA2D] Update N: Framerate degrades markedly

2007-10-08 Thread Ken Warner

I offer this just to try and be helpful.  I have an applet that uses
VolitileImages throught the BufferStrategy interface.  It creates images
using a MemoryImageSource.  Then it drawImage() onto the BufferStrategy
graphics and does a BufferStrategy show().  The show() is in the
canonical BufferStrategy drawing loop, checking to see if the buffer
graphics has changed.

My development computer is down for repairs.  Does anyone want to do a
side by side comparison with 1.5 and the new 1.6?  I'm on an NT box now
and 1.6 is not compatible with NT -- or so it says when I try to load it.

It's about a 1.4meg image so if you are on a slow connection, it may
take some time.  When my development computer gets fixed, I'll put in
some timing print out so you can compare time to paint.  The debug
output in the console now only shows time to render the image bytes not
the drawing times so they are irrelevant.  You would have to do a side
by side comparison to see differences.  But there might be some obvious
bugs show.  Drag the mouse and spin the wheel to pan and zoom.

But here's the URL anyway if someone finds it useful:


I tried the new Update N with one of my Java applets and the framerate has 
degraded markedly.

I can confirm the Direct3D pipeline is enabled (see listing at the end of this 
post), and that if I use -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false everything goes back to normal 
(eg. fast and smooth).

Admittedly this applet is a few years old, but it has always been fine under 
JDK1.4, Java 5 and Java 6 up until now.

You can try it for yourself at: (and click 'Start New')

I am happy to send a copy of the source to the team if you can give me the best 
e-mail address. In brief though, it is all Java2D, transparency, clipping, 
anti-aliasing and VoltaileImages.



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Re: [JAVA2D] Please try the new Direct3D 9-based Java2D pipeline in 6uN EA

2007-10-03 Thread Ken Warner

Hi Dmitri,

I'm really excited to hear about this.  The boost in performance will be
a real advantage for Java in the Java vs. Flash war that is going on now.

But I am running into a related problem.  In the process of beta testing
my panorama viewer, I'm encountered a lot of problems with MemoryErrors
on client machines.  The problem is easily remedied by setting the VM
arguments.  But at the same time, those same people exhibit a
reluctance to simply open the Java Control Panel and set the VM
arguments.  I even have a whole system set up where by my viewer pops up
an HTML page that explains that there has been a memory error and a link
to an HTML page that explains how to easily fix it.

Yet people still complain and point out that Flash doesn't have these
problems.  Now Flash 9 has supports a panorama viewer but the image
quality is terrible.  Java can render an image much more nicely and
clearly.  Yet, Java is still seen as deficient just because the default
JVM memory parameters are too small and people are reluctant to take the
30 seconds it takes to set the memory parameters to a higher value.

Is there any thought at SUN to set the default memory parameters for the
JVM to a larger value?  This goes back to an earlier discussion I had
with you about the possibility of being able to set the JVM arguments to
programmatically from an applet.

Here is the memory help page I have available to the users that users
seem to want to avoid.


Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:


  Sun had released an Early Access of 6uN (formerly known as
  the Consumer Release). You can get build b04 here:

  This build contains the new Direct3D 9-based Java2D pipeline,
  which is enabled by default on Windows  platform. It is very similar
to the
  OpenGL pipeline (in fact they share a lot of code), and is
  based on the Single Thread Rendering model developed for the OpenGL

  The D3D pipeline accelerates pretty much the same set of operations
  as the OGL one:

  So, this is a call to action:

  Please try your applications with this new pipeline and let us know
  if you find any issues. We really want to make this pipeline rock-solid
  as it needs to be if it is to be left enabled by default. Time is
  so the sooner you report issues the better chances are we'll have time
  to fix them.

  Please report both negative and positive findings so we can
  keep track of what's working and what's not (and on which

  Take a look at this page for testing/troubleshooting guidelines:
  (please make sure to include the output of J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4 output
  with your postings)

  There are some known problems in full-screen mode, multi-screen,
  and on some chipsets (namely, Intel 645G). These are being worked on
  and hopefully will be addressed by the release time.

  Another thing to be aware of - this pipeline does not
  accelerate Xor rendering mode. It will be really, really slow.
  Sorry about that.

  Java2D Team


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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0? -- slowness fixed

2007-08-24 Thread Ken Warner


EXCELLENT!  I need to do a couple of things then.

1) Check to see if the multiplication by the basis functions can possibly
lead to the kind of values that can possibly cause the kind of overflow 
problems you describe.  I think they might.

2) Generate a test case for the code you provided and post results.

The premultiplication problem will not be an issue for my little interpolator 
since I do not composite.  But it would be for someone trying to use my 
interpolator for another purpose than what it was designed for.

The reason for the existence of my interpolator is that the primary function of 
my cylindrical panorama viewer is to project (the best I can) a cylindrical 
image into a rectified viewport.  Interpolation before or after the projection 
simply doesn't work so the interpolator is integrated into the projection code.

It would have been real nice to be able to hand off a chunk of the cylindrical 
image to a Java2D bi-cubic interpolator and get a nicely interpolated rectified 
viewport but that is impossible.  The corners of the source image chunk are 
stretched in a non-linear fashion to fit the canvas.  It's not a simple resize.

But this is really interesting information.  And maybe someday someone will ask 
me about it and I can sound smart... :-)


Jim Graham wrote:

All of this discussion happened while I was away on vacation.  The code
that came up was pretty much what I tend to use for clamping without
branches, but there are a couple of things to note for this particular

It's only valid for values that overflow in the range MININT=>511 and it
only clamps to the output range 0=>255.

The reason for the first constraint is that c<<23 only sets the high
order bit if the overflow stays under 512.  If you get up to 512 then
the 9th bit is clear again and the "clamp to 255" part fails.  (Though,
it will also correctly clamp values between 768 and 1023 and every other
256-sized range of overflow values up to MAXINT - i.e. the ones that
manage to have the 9th bit set...)

The reason for the second constraint is because of the assumptions in
how the math was constructed.

The first constraint may not be a problem if the Cubic Interpolation
values can never cause the value to sum up to 2x the maximum value for a
component which is probably true, but depends on the cubic formula used
to generate the interpolation coefficients (there are a few such
formulas in common use) and so needs to be proven for a given formula.

The second constraint doesn't seem like a problem if you are always
dealing with 8-bit values which is very typical for today's computer
graphics, except for one issue which has been ignored.

The issue is that image interpolation should really be done in a
premultiplied form - as should alpha compositing.  The reason for this
is that if you blend the 4 components (Alpha, R, G, and B) separately in
a non-premultiplied form then a transparent pixel with a non-zero value
in, say, its red component will contribute some red tinting to the final
answer even though it was transparent and should not have contributed
any energy in the first place.

Java2D, for example, does linear and cubic interpolation internally in
the premultiplied form in the Graphics2D implementation for this reason.

Why is this an issue for the clamping equations?  The reason is that if
your accumulation values are premultiplied then the alpha component
needs to be clamped to 0=>255, but the color components need to be
clamped to the range 0=>alpha.  The different range on the clamping of
the color components means that the proposed equations won't work if you
perform your calculations in the premultiplied form.

What I've used instead is a sequence of operations that can clamp any
input range to an arbitrary 0=>N output range as follows:

c &= ~(c >> 31);
c -= N;
c &= (c >> 31);
c += N;

After the first line c is in the range 0=>MAXINT with all negative
values mapped to 0.  After the second line c is set up so that all valid
values are in the range -N=>0 and all positive values are overflow
values.  After the third line all values are in the range -N=>0 with the
positive values mapped to 0.  After the fourth line all values are
finally in the range 0=>N...

(Also, I believe it uses the same number of ALU instructions as the
c << 23) >> 31) | c) & ~(c>>31))&0xFF formula...)


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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0? -- slowness fixed

2007-08-21 Thread Ken Warner

It was a localization problem.  I was using class variables for all the 
intermediate channel values.  Switching to local variables -- method variables 
-- I see the slight speed up I was expecting.


r3 = (int)p0&0x00FF) >> 16)*A0) + (((p1&0x00FF) >> 16)*A1) + (((p2&0x00FF) 
>> 16)*A2) + (((p3&0x00FF) >> 16)*A3));
g3 = (int)p0&0xFF00) >> 8)*A0) + (((p1&0xFF00) >> 8)*A1) + (((p2&0xFF00) 
>> 8)*A2) + (((p3&0xFF00) >> 8)*A3));
b3 = (int)p0&0x00FF))*A0) + (((p1&0x00FF))*A1) + (((p2&0x00FF))*A2) 
+ (((p3&0x00FF))*A3));

r3 = r3 << 23) >> 31) | r3) & ~(r3>>31))&0xFF;
g3 = g3 << 23) >> 31) | g3) & ~(g3>>31))&0xFF;
b3 = b3 << 23) >> 31) | b3) & ~(b3>>31))&0xFF;

If r3,g3,b3 are class variables, I see the slowdown.  Changing to local 
variables -- stack variables -- I see a slight improvment.

So the triple shift made the interpolation slower (aprox. 1350ms to 1440ms) 
using class variables.

Using local variables I see times like below.  So a few milliseconds are saved. 
It's easy to argue that the time spent engineering is more than the time gained 
at runtime. I wonder if a place like Pixar would agree.

Time = 1302
Time = 1302
Time = 1322
Time = 1292
Time = 1312
Time = 1302
Time = 1352
Time = 1312
Time = 1292
Time = 1302
Time = 1302
Time = 1302
Time = 1422
Time = 1412
Time = 1342
Time = 1292
Time = 1302
Time = 1292


In my test suite, the time to interpolate a 944 x 644 image went from 1350ms 
using the logical test clamp
to 1440ms using the triple shift.  I'm not sure why...  I work on a real slow 
(800mhz) machine just
so I can see these kinds of things better.

Could you post that test? Maybe someone can spot what makes the difference.
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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0? -- history and

2007-08-20 Thread Ken Warner

Not really, it's the whole applet.  I just stick in some timing code to watch 
sections of it.  Just imagine those logical tests replaced by the triple shift. 
 I'll post a snippet tomorrow.



In my test suite, the time to interpolate a 944 x 644 image went from 1350ms 
using the logical test clamp
to 1440ms using the triple shift.  I'm not sure why...  I work on a real slow 
(800mhz) machine just
so I can see these kinds of things better.

Could you post that test? Maybe someone can spot what makes the difference.
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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0? -- history and

2007-08-20 Thread Ken Warner

Yeah, when I integrated it into my bi-cubic interpolator, it slowed it down 
compared to the logical check clamp.  I'm not sure why yet. Maybe it was the 
way I integrated it.  I don't know.

In my test suite, the time to interpolate a 944 x 644 image went from 1350ms 
using the logical test clamp to 1440ms using the triple shift.  I'm not sure 
why...  I work on a real slow (800mhz) machine just so I can see these kinds of 
things better.


So the clamping is 30 to 40% faster. Did you measure what impact does it have 
on the overall image processing? How much time does clamping take in the entire 
computation of the pixel color (with that bicubic interpolation)?

[Message sent by forum member 'kirillcool' (kirillcool)]

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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0? -- history and solution...

2007-08-19 Thread Ken Warner

Last week, I asked the question:

What is a trick way to clamp a byte to the range of [0-255] An operation that 
is needed all the time in image processing.  The common strategy to perform 
this operation is usually a logical check of the form:

if(foo > 255)foo = 255;
else if(foo < 0)foo = 0;

This is basically the clamping strategy in:

public static final byte clampByte(int in) {
 return (in > 0xFF ? (byte)0xFF : (in >= 0 ? (byte)in : (byte)0));

James Cheng sent me a snippet from

sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) + (s2[s2PixelOffset]&0xFF);
   d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) | sum) & 0xFF);

Which clamps the top end to 255 but leaves the bottom end to dangle negative.

Peter West then sent me a mod to the above code --

bar = (foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF) & ~(foo>>31))&0xFF;

Which clamps the integer to the desired range and is faster quantitatively than 
the logical test.

Peter then improved it with a variant to the shift method above by leaving out 
the intermediate and trailing mask and cast to byte.

bar = (byte)foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & ~(foo>>31));

Which quantitatively tests a bit faster.

I've attached the test program used to time the various strategies and post the 
results below.

In summary, the triple shift with no intermediate mask is 30% to 40% faster 
than the logical test strategy.  This can mean a lot when you consider that a 
bi-cubic interpolation can have 15 clamping ops per pixel -- that's 15,000,000 
clamping ops on a 1K x 1K image.

Below are the test results:
(0)- bar = (foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF) & ~(foo>>31))&0xFF;
(1)- bar = foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & ~(foo>>31))&0xFF;
(2)- bar = (byte)foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & ~(foo>>31));
(3)- if(foo > 255)foo = 255;
else if(foo < 0)foo = 0;

(0)Time = 160
(1)Time = 120
(2)Time = 130
(3)Time = 221
(0)Time = 150
(1)Time = 190
(2)Time = 151
(3)Time = 270
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 141
(2)Time = 130
(3)Time = 210
(0)Time = 160
(1)Time = 120
(2)Time = 131
(3)Time = 220
(0)Time = 200
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 151
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 171
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 141
(2)Time = 170
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 191
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 191
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 260
(0)Time = 161
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 251
(0)Time = 180
(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 251
(0)Time = 200
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 251
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 231
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 161
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 161
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 171
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 141
(2)Time = 170
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 141
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 181
(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 171
(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 171
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 251
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 251
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 170
(3)Time = 231
(0)Time = 180
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 231
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 161
(3)Time = 260
(0)Time = 180
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 151
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 151
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 161
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 151
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 260
(0)Time = 180
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 191
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 170
(3)Time = 260
(0)Time = 161
(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 251
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 160
(3)Time = 261
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 231
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 231
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 151
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 151
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 131
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 180
(1)Time = 171
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 141
(2)Time = 150
(3)Time = 250
(0)Time = 190
(1)Time = 141
(2)Time = 150

Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-17 Thread Ken Warner

I did a test -- I did it on a real slow (800mhz) machine so the
differences are magnified but the shift clamp method works a little
faster than the logical test.  Enough to include it in my code.
Results at the bottom.  And surely enough to be used as the clamping
strategy in:

   int foo = 0;
   int bar = 0;
   long t0 = 0l;
   long t1 = 0l;
   for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
   t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
   for(int i = -1000; i < 1000; i++)
   //foo = (i >>> 31) | (i & 0xFF);
   //foo = (i & 0xff);
   foo = i;
   bar = (foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF) & ~(foo>>31))&0xFF;

   //System.err.println(i + ": foo = " + foo + ", bar = " + bar );

   t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
   System.err.println("(1)Time = " +(t1 - t0));

   t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
   for(int i = -1000; i < 1000; i++)

   foo = i;
   if(foo > 255)foo = 255;
   else if(foo < 0)foo = 0;

   //System.err.println(i + ": foo = " + foo + ", bar = " + bar );

   t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
       System.err.println("(2)Time = " +(t1 - t0));


Ken Warner wrote:

Hey Peter, it works!  Nice job!  I'll work it into my code and see
if I get any speed up.  I only time to the milliseconds but a millisecond
here -- a millisecond there.  Pretty soon it adds up to a decisecond...

  int foo = 0;
  int bar = 0;
  for(int i = -10; i < 265; i++)
  //foo = (i >>> 31) | (i & 0xFF);
  //foo = (i & 0xff);
  foo = i;
  bar = (foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF) & ~(foo>>31))&0xFF;
  System.err.println(i + ": foo = " + foo + ", bar = " + bar );
-5: foo = -5, bar = 0
-4: foo = -4, bar = 0
-3: foo = -3, bar = 0
-2: foo = -2, bar = 0
-1: foo = -1, bar = 0
0: foo = 0, bar = 0
1: foo = 1, bar = 1
2: foo = 2, bar = 2
3: foo = 3, bar = 3
252: foo = 252, bar = 252
253: foo = 253, bar = 253
254: foo = 254, bar = 254
255: foo = 255, bar = 255
256: foo = 256, bar = 255
257: foo = 257, bar = 255
258: foo = 258, bar = 255

1)Time = 200
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 220
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 231
(2)Time = 250

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 221
(2)Time = 270

(1)Time = 190
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 190
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 160
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 191
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 211

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 211

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 251

(1)Time = 210
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 200
(2)Time = 370

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 291

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 230

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 210

(1)Time = 181
(2)Time = 220

(1)Time = 170
(2)Time = 221

(1)Time = 180
(2)Time = 230

(1)Time = 190
(2)Time = 211

Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-17 Thread Ken Warner

Hey Peter, it works!  Nice job!  I'll work it into my code and see
if I get any speed up.  I only time to the milliseconds but a millisecond
here -- a millisecond there.  Pretty soon it adds up to a decisecond...

  int foo = 0;
  int bar = 0;
  for(int i = -10; i < 265; i++)
  //foo = (i >>> 31) | (i & 0xFF);
  //foo = (i & 0xff);
  foo = i;
  bar = (foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF) & ~(foo>>31))&0xFF;
  System.err.println(i + ": foo = " + foo + ", bar = " + bar );
-5: foo = -5, bar = 0
-4: foo = -4, bar = 0
-3: foo = -3, bar = 0
-2: foo = -2, bar = 0
-1: foo = -1, bar = 0
0: foo = 0, bar = 0
1: foo = 1, bar = 1
2: foo = 2, bar = 2
3: foo = 3, bar = 3
252: foo = 252, bar = 252
253: foo = 253, bar = 253
254: foo = 254, bar = 254
255: foo = 255, bar = 255
256: foo = 256, bar = 255
257: foo = 257, bar = 255
258: foo = 258, bar = 255

Ken Warner wrote:

Well, I did a test.  The double shift does clamp the top end.  But negative
numbers are twisted to be 255.  In bi-cubic interpolation (the reason
for all
this nonsense) negative byte (channel) values can occur. The goal is to
clamp to the range [0-255] so -100 goes to 0 and 300 goes to 255.

Here's the snippet:

//sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) + (s2[s2PixelOffset]&0xFF);
//d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) | sum) & 0xFF);
   int foo = 0;
   int bar = 0;
   for(int i = -10; i < 265; i++)
   foo = i;
   bar = foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF);
   System.err.println(i + ": foo = " + foo + ", bar = " + bar );

And here is the abbreviated output:
-4: foo = -4, bar = 255
-3: foo = -3, bar = 255
-2: foo = -2, bar = 255
-1: foo = -1, bar = 255
0: foo = 0, bar = 0
1: foo = 1, bar = 1
2: foo = 2, bar = 2
3: foo = 3, bar = 3
4: foo = 4, bar = 4
252: foo = 252, bar = 252
253: foo = 253, bar = 253
254: foo = 254, bar = 254
255: foo = 255, bar = 255
256: foo = 256, bar = 255
257: foo = 257, bar = 255
258: foo = 258, bar = 255
259: foo = 259, bar = 255

Finally, does this to clamp a byte
which is equivalent to what I was doing.  I need to clamp both ends
I wonder if it can be done with shifts and masks?  Maybe I've done the best
that can be done.

public static final byte clampByte(int in) {
return (in > 0xFF ? (byte)0xFF : (in >= 0 ? (byte)in : (byte)0));

Ken Warner wrote:

Never mind -- found it...

At run time, shift operations are performed on the two's complement
integer representation of the value of the left operand.

The value of n<>s is n right-shifted s bit positions with
sign-extension. The resulting value is � n/2s⌋. For nonnegative values
of n, this is equivalent to truncating integer division, as computed
by the integer division operator /, by two to the power s.

Now if I could only understand this...


if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
if(b > 255) b = 255;

Clumsy and awkward.  Is there a better way to clamp
the values?
Maybe with a mask or something?

If your "better" meant "faster", you might like to take a look at this:

under computeRectByte()

// The next two lines are a fast way to do
// an add with saturation on U8 elements.
// It eliminates the need to do clamping.
sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) +
d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) |
sum) & 0xFF);

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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-15 Thread Ken Warner

Well, I did a test.  The double shift does clamp the top end.  But negative
numbers are twisted to be 255.  In bi-cubic interpolation (the reason for all
this nonsense) negative byte (channel) values can occur. The goal is to
clamp to the range [0-255] so -100 goes to 0 and 300 goes to 255.

Here's the snippet:

//sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) + (s2[s2PixelOffset]&0xFF);
//d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) | sum) & 0xFF);

   int foo = 0;
   int bar = 0;
   for(int i = -10; i < 265; i++)
   foo = i;
   bar = foo << 23) >> 31) | foo) & 0xFF);

   System.err.println(i + ": foo = " + foo + ", bar = " + bar );


And here is the abbreviated output:
-4: foo = -4, bar = 255
-3: foo = -3, bar = 255
-2: foo = -2, bar = 255
-1: foo = -1, bar = 255
0: foo = 0, bar = 0
1: foo = 1, bar = 1
2: foo = 2, bar = 2
3: foo = 3, bar = 3
4: foo = 4, bar = 4
252: foo = 252, bar = 252
253: foo = 253, bar = 253
254: foo = 254, bar = 254
255: foo = 255, bar = 255
256: foo = 256, bar = 255
257: foo = 257, bar = 255
258: foo = 258, bar = 255
259: foo = 259, bar = 255

Finally, does this to clamp a byte value
which is equivalent to what I was doing.  I need to clamp both ends reliably.
I wonder if it can be done with shifts and masks?  Maybe I've done the best
that can be done.

public static final byte clampByte(int in) {
   return (in > 0xFF ? (byte)0xFF : (in >= 0 ? (byte)in : (byte)0));

Ken Warner wrote:

Never mind -- found it...

At run time, shift operations are performed on the two's complement
integer representation of the value of the left operand.

The value of n<>s is n right-shifted s bit positions with
sign-extension. The resulting value is � n/2s⌋. For nonnegative values
of n, this is equivalent to truncating integer division, as computed by
the integer division operator /, by two to the power s.

Now if I could only understand this...


if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
if(b > 255) b = 255;

Clumsy and awkward.  Is there a better way to clamp
the values?
Maybe with a mask or something?

If your "better" meant "faster", you might like to take a look at this:

under computeRectByte()

// The next two lines are a fast way to do
// an add with saturation on U8 elements.
// It eliminates the need to do clamping.
sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) +
d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) | sum)
& 0xFF);

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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-14 Thread Ken Warner

Never mind -- found it...

At run time, shift operations are performed on the two's complement integer 
representation of the value of the left operand.

The value of n<>s is n right-shifted s bit positions with sign-extension. The 
resulting value is �� n/2s⌋. For nonnegative values of n, this is equivalent to 
truncating integer division, as computed by the integer division operator /, by two 
to the power s.

Now if I could only understand this...


if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
if(b > 255) b = 255;

Clumsy and awkward.  Is there a better way to clamp
the values?
Maybe with a mask or something?

If your "better" meant "faster", you might like to take a look at this:
under computeRectByte()

// The next two lines are a fast way to do
// an add with saturation on U8 elements.
// It eliminates the need to do clamping.
sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) + (s2[s2PixelOffset]&0xFF);
d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) | sum) & 0xFF);

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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-14 Thread Ken Warner

That's obscure enough to be intriguing -- do you
have a link to the rules Java works within on shifts?
Because the (>> 31) looks a little magical.

I will also be searching the docs


if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
if(b > 255) b = 255;

Clumsy and awkward.  Is there a better way to clamp
the values?
Maybe with a mask or something?

If your "better" meant "faster", you might like to take a look at this:
under computeRectByte()

// The next two lines are a fast way to do
// an add with saturation on U8 elements.
// It eliminates the need to do clamping.
sum = (s1[s1PixelOffset]&0xFF) + (s2[s2PixelOffset]&0xFF);
d[dPixelOffset] = (byte)sum<<23) >> 31) | sum) & 0xFF);

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Re: [JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-14 Thread Ken Warner

...easier - schmeazier --  looks pretty good to me.

Thanks...  I needed a kick in the head...


In my code i usually use Math.min and Math.max. It does take more lines, but 
the intent is obvious and the code is readable.

You can play with OR'ing three AND'ed expressions. Each AND expression handles 
a specific color channel, using the shifted value as the base and shifted mask. 
Something like

r << 16 && 255 << 16 (for red)
g << 8 && 255 << 8 (for green)
b && 255 (for blue)

Then, the result would be

255 << 24 | (r << 16 && 255 << 16) | (g << 8 && 255 << 8) | (b && 255)

It is shorter but not necessarily easier to understand without comments.
[Message sent by forum member 'kirillcool' (kirillcool)]

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[JAVA2D] What's a trick way to clamp a byte to 255 - 0?

2007-08-14 Thread Ken Warner

I'm doing the usual byte shift stuff to make a pixel.  Part of my bi-cubic 
interpolation.  Right now I clamp the value of a byte to be between 255 and 0 
to prevent technicolor speculation.  You know, those little annoying dots of 
out of place color.

This is what I'm doing now.

r = (int)(B0*(yReds[0]&0xff) + B1*(yReds[1]&0xff) + B2*(yReds[2]&0xff) + 
g = (int)(B0*(yGrns[0]&0xff) + B1*(yGrns[1]&0xff) + B2*(yGrns[2]&0xff) + 
b = (int)(B0*(yBlus[0]&0xff) + B1*(yBlus[1]&0xff) + B2*(yBlus[2]&0xff) + 

if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
if(b > 255) b = 255;

Clumsy and awkward.  Is there a better way to clamp the values?
Maybe with a mask or something?

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[JAVA2D] My cylindrical panoram viewer is up for beta test...

2007-08-03 Thread Ken Warner

The reason I'm telling you all is that I've gotten a lot
of help here.

This is my cylindrical panorama viewer website.

Let me know what you think.


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