Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-05 Thread Robert J. Chassell
But hang on, 110 stories, 0.9 seconds per story? isn't that at
least 99 seconds for the whole thing? And yet the total time is
more like 10 seconds isnt it?

It takes approximately 10 seconds for an object not resisted by
anything causing friction to fall 110 stories.

In Emacs Lisp, the calculation is:

(let ((s 400)
  (a 9.8))
  (sqrt (/ (* 2 s) a)))

-- 9 seconds, which is `approximately 10 seconds' and presumes
the falling object is not subject to any kind of friction

My memory, from seeing the second building collapse, is that it took
something around that length of time.

If it takes say 10 seconds to fall 400m, each floor is maybe more
like 0.1 of a second.

I do not understand you at all.  The velocity of a falling object
increases until external friction produces enough drag.  I don't see
air causing that much drag on a floor.  Other floors might, but

Also, you don't need to find out the stress-strain curves for the
bolts.  Instead you can figure that conservative engineers design a
resting structure, like the floor of a building, to take no more than
three times its maximum expected load.  To design for more is to cost
the investors extra money and to reduce their profit.  (Some buildings
were designed to higher limits, of course; but I remember the `safety
factor of three' from a long time ago.)

So we should calculate how far the bolts would have to give in order
to prevent a more than 3 g deceleration of the load falling on it.
(It does not matter how many bolts there are.  Actually, we should
take into account the weight of the floor itself, but we are not, so
the situation is worse since the floor itself would add to the total
weight its bolts must bear.)  And to tell us more, we can presume a
`safety factor of six' as well.

In one g, the floor above weights roughly as much as the floor below.
Let us find the distance needed to decelerate three times that weight
(or six); both of those distances will be less than the distance
needed to dedecelerate at one gravity, which is the acceleration at
which the top floor fell.

The first drop is slow since the floor is initially standing still.
It takes a bit more than 3/4 second to fall the first three meters.  I
figure that three meters is small for a floor; Andrew Paul figures
that 110 stories take up 400 meters, or about 3.6 meters per floor or
about 12 feet.  But the distance needed for minimal deceleration is
smaller the less distance the falling floor falls, so let's presume 3
meters rather than 3.6 meters.  And let's presume the velocity reached
is 7 meters per second.  By calculation, it is a little more than that
for the first drop, but a higher velocity is worse, so 7 meters per
second it is.

With a safety factor of 3, the deceleration takes more than 80 cm.
With a safety factor of 6, the deceleration takes more than 40 cm.

The bolts will not stretch either distance.  So the lower floor falls.

Here are the calculations in Emacs Lisp (I am using floating point,
hence the appearance sometimes of erroneous accuracy):

(/ 400.0 110.0)
;;  -- 3.6 meters for each floor, presuming they are equal, which
;;  they weren't.

(let ((s 3.0)
  (a 9.8))
  (sqrt (/ (* 2 s) a)))
;;  -- 0.78 second for floor to fall 3 meters in a frictionless space

(* 9.8 0.78)
;;  -- 7.64 meters per second, the speed of the falling floor after
;;  falling 3 meters in a frictionless space

;; s = 0.5at^2
;; t = v/a
;; s = 0.5 a v^2 / a^2
;;   = v^2 / 2a
;; therefore,  s = v^2 / 2a  where a is one gravity deceleration

;;  safety factor of 3
  (let ((v 7.0) ;; velocity of falling floor
(a 9.8) ;; gravitational acceleration on Earth's surface
(f 3))  ;; safety factor
  (/ (* v v) (* 2 a f)))
;;  -- 0.83 meters, the distance needed for 3 gravity deceleration
;;   to reduce the speed of the falling floor from 7 meters
;;   per second to zero

;;  safety factor of 6
  (let ((v 7.0)
(a 9.8)
(f 6))
(/ (* v v) (* 2 a f)))
;;  -- 0.42 meters, the distance needed for 6 gravity deceleration

This provides you a way to convince yourself through your own thinking
that the `pancake theory' is highly suggestive.  You do not need to
depend on anyone else, on good or bad hearsay, to reach your conclusion.

Robert J. Chassell

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-04 Thread Andrew Paul

Dan Minette wrote:

Thanks for this Dan, some comments below:

That's not really accurate.  To believe this theory one needs to accept that
the physics of rigid objects can be counterintuitive at times.  I'm not sure
why this would be hard to accept.  I gave one model of this, which didn't
get much response, but I'll try another.  I'm going to construct a toy model
(a very simplified steel girder building) and show how the physics works
with this building.  The actual building is more complicated, of course, but
that's what the engineering  architecture finite element analysis programs
(I believe those are the kinda programs that are used) are for.

Anyways, my building is build of these items:

Rigid Steel Beams,
| OO |


Rigid steel floors

 _/   /_
/  /
   /  /
  /  /
 /  /

The beams are bolted together at the corners, and the floors are put on top
of the horizontal beams.  Only the bolts have any give to them, and that
give is rather small.  

What keeps the building from collapsing?  It's the bolts.  Now, in reality,
there is more than 1 bolt per corner, and the corners are often welded
together.  But, the basic physics of the question is not affected by the

The building is held up by the sheer strength of the bolt.  Lets assume that
the building about the floor we are considering has a mass of 10,000 metric
tons.  That means there is a force of about 2.5*10^7 Newtons on each of the
bolts  (10,000 metric tons is 10^7 kg, acceleration due to gravity is 9.8
m/s^2, 4 bolts).

Apparently the building was around 500,000 tonnes total, so what happens 
if you halve the mass of each floor?

Let's have the bolts rated to 2.5*10^8 Newtons.  That means that the
shearing force applied to the bolts needs to be 2.5*10^8 Newtons before the
bolts break.  

I assume this is a number you made up to demonstrate the idea, rather 
than an actual number. Thats ok, I guess there would be a lot more than 
4 bolts too, I am just wondering how realistic it is. I will try to find 
some numbers when I get time. I might have to do a spreadsheet !

So, let's have the floor immediately above the floor we are considering
collapse.  Let's also assume that the distance between floors is 4 meters.
The top of the building, with a mass of 10,000 metric tons free falls those
4 meters.

Given the height of the towers (417m) and 110 stories, no argument there.

It takes about 0.9 sec to free fall those 4 meters.  The velocity after the
fall is about 9 m/sec.  So, we have a rigid object falling at 9 m/sec
hitting another rigid object.  The give, we are assuming, is in the bolts.

But hang on, 110 stories, 0.9 seconds per story? isn't that at least 99 
seconds for the whole thing? And yet the total time is more like 10 
seconds isnt it? So is that time right, and if it isn't, then presumably 
the velocity  you are quoting is too high? If it takes say 10 seconds to 
fall 400m, each floor is maybe more like 0.1 of a second. So the 
velocity will be more like 1m/sec not 9 m/sec wont it?

The critical question is how far will the bolts bend before breaking?  The
reason for this is that, for the floor we are considering to hold the
falling mass, it must decelerate it to a stop before the mass falls enough
to bend the bolts beyond the breaking point.

Steel, as others observe, doesn't bend much over short intervals.  Let's
assume a stress strain relationship for our toy model where 2.5*10^8 Newtons
of force strains the bolts 5 cm.  Any greater force, even 1 more Newton,
breaks the bolts.

Again I will see if I can find some numbers for the stress/strain thing. 
But how are we looking if the mass is half and the velocity maybe 10%?

Given this, the falling floors are decelerated by the floor we are
considering until the deceleration of the mass is at 9 g's (we have to
consider the constant gravity force of 1 g).  At this point, the bolts
break.  Now, if we assume a linear stress-strain relationship (simplifies
the problem, but isn't essential), we can see the change in velocity of the
falling mass due to the resistance of the bolts.

Doing some handy-dandy math, with 1 msec steps, we find that the bolts shear
in less than 60 msec.  During that time, the velocity of the falling mass
was reduced by about 0.25 m/sec from free fall. 

By the time the mass falls another floor, it's speed increase, so it takes
less time to shear the bolts: about 40 msecduring which time the
velocity was reduced by 

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-04 Thread Doug Pensinger

Charlie wrote:

Did the Bush Administration use 9/11 to further an agenda in the  Middle 
East after it happened? Undoubtedly, and Blair did the same.  Did it 
bring down the towers and fake portions of the attacks, or  even 
directly instigate the attacks to those ends? Not a chance.

I wouldn't put it beyond the administration to have been intentionally 
negligent.  I think that they may have assumed that a terrorist attack was 
going to occur and went out of their way to ignore the warnings.  It is 
documented that Iraq was on their agenda well before 911 and their 
complacency concerning the threat of an attack is also well documented.

Said it all before, maru

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-04 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Doug Pensinger
 Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:26 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 Charlie wrote:
  Did the Bush Administration use 9/11 to further an agenda in the  Middle
  East after it happened? Undoubtedly, and Blair did the same.  Did it
  bring down the towers and fake portions of the attacks, or  even
  directly instigate the attacks to those ends? Not a chance.
 I wouldn't put it beyond the administration to have been intentionally
 negligent.  I think that they may have assumed that a terrorist attack was
 going to occur and went out of their way to ignore the warnings.  

So, you think that they showed unbelievable physical bravery before 9-11?

Dan M. 


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-04 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Tue, 4 Jul 2006 15:18:11 -0500, Dan Minette 

-Original Message-

Behalf Of Doug Pensinger
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:26 PM
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

Charlie wrote:

 Did the Bush Administration use 9/11 to further an agenda in the  

 East after it happened? Undoubtedly, and Blair did the same.  Did it
 bring down the towers and fake portions of the attacks, or  even
 directly instigate the attacks to those ends? Not a chance.

I wouldn't put it beyond the administration to have been intentionally
negligent.  I think that they may have assumed that a terrorist attack 

going to occur and went out of their way to ignore the warnings.

So, you think that they showed unbelievable physical bravery before 9-11?


Don't get it maru

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-04 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Doug Pensinger
 Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 3:22 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
  I wouldn't put it beyond the administration to have been intentionally
  negligent.  I think that they may have assumed that a terrorist attack
  going to occur and went out of their way to ignore the warnings.
  So, you think that they showed unbelievable physical bravery before 9-

Not really.  Both the White House and the Capitol were on the potential
target list for the planes.  There are some arguments that the path of the
plane that hit the Pentagon indicates that the first target was the White
House, which is surprisingly hard to see from the airalthough I think
just down Pennsylvania Ave. from the Capitol should be workable from the

Unless one assumes that the administration knows something about the timing
of attacks, which I think we agree is not a reasonable assumption, then Bush
and Cheney would be at a likely target...and risk death.  Thus, any
deliberate looking the other way during such an attack would have to involve
taking a personal risk.

Just being wrong, of course, requires none of this.  For that reason, I see
it as the simplest explanation. 

Dan M.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-04 Thread Doug Pensinger

Dan wrote:

Not really.  Both the White House and the Capitol were on the potential
target list for the planes.  There are some arguments that the path of 
the plane that hit the Pentagon indicates that the first target was the 

House, which is surprisingly hard to see from the airalthough I think
just down Pennsylvania Ave. from the Capitol should be workable from 
the air.

Unless one assumes that the administration knows something about the 
timing of attacks, which I think we agree is not a reasonable 
assumption, then Bush and Cheney would be at a likely target...and risk 
death.  Thus, any
deliberate looking the other way during such an attack would have to 
involve taking a personal risk.

Just being wrong, of course, requires none of this.  For that reason, I 
see it as the simplest explanation.

First of all I'm sure they believed that they were adequately protected. 
Secondly, I think you'll find that during that summer Bush was rarely at 
the White House, third you may recall how quickly Cheney crawled down a 
rat hole at the first sign of danger and finally, you're talking about an 
administration that believed that conquering Iraq would be a cakewalk; a 
president that was confident that not a single life would be lost in the 

It’s an administration that just doesn't think these things through very 


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Gibson Jonathan

Ahoy all, I trust we are enjoying our long weekend.
I've just done some quick updating the conversation these last few days 
and have some additional thoughts.

On Jun 30, 2006, at 8:01 PM, Julia Thompson wrote:


The History Channel occasionally runs its 9/11 special. IIRC their
conclusion was that the heat caused the structural beams to sag,
pulling away from the anchors and thus causing the floors to pancake
on top of each other. At a sufficient weight the lower floors were no
longer able to support the weight...

Is that the one where they have some footage with the architect?


Why the Towers Fell aired on PBS, proposing the FEMA theory {via the 
American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE} about the floor trusses 
growing hot and the sagging to the breaking point.  That show ends on 
the sorrowful figure of a junior architect {name escapes me} and leaves 
the audience wondering if he designed poorly and bearing great remorse. 
 It also incorrectly fingers him as the keystone designer, but in 
reality he was an underling for senior partner John Kittling who did 
the actual designs, had the experience, and states that this building 
was over-built.  I've also noticed a number of diagrams from news 
stories at the time which vastly under represent the strength of the 
exterior column walls.  This building was designed to withstand 
hurricanes as well as plane impacts and as Kittling still says, it 
should no have failed as it did.
This documentary rang true enough the first time I saw this, but when 
it came around again I started doubting.  The NIST {National Institute 
for Standards and Technology} report abandons this theory and in fact 
states these trusses would have been drawn to the core structure and 
and this caused the break - kinda-sorta opposite theories, but the 
story has lodged in the public's mind - I dare say as it was intended 

How the debris we see falling {I would point out it's much more akin to 
exploding outward and then down} exterior to the building can match an 
interior descent flies in the face of logic.  I simply cannot accept 
that the core structure, a thick _lattice_ of crossing steel, would 
offer the same resistance as the air outside slowing the debris.  
Recap, to believe this theory one has to accept that the interior steel 
structure has to completely and utterly fail up and down the entire 
length and I just don't see how a shock-wave from one collapsing floor 
can do this: the building has give and sway precisely to bend to 
hurricane winds, earthquakes, let alone the 100+ MPH winds skyscrapers 
routinely handles during their lifetime.To believe this you need to 
accept a brittleness to these structures that defies their original 
Collapsing steel buildings tip in one direction - the area of failure - 
with the remaining building falling {damn near} intact on top of the 
failed section... examples include earthquakes {Iran}, terrorists 
{Russia - bombs placed in parking area collapsed apartment building} 
poor construction {Turkey} all demonstrate this.  For structures that 
do start falling down initially they invariably begin tipping one 
direction once the floors below bunch up - inevitably collecting in one 
area over another because nature does not operate symmetrically on a 
failing structure - unless coerced.  I had already considered the 
collapses mentioned in previous posts, but put them aside because they 
always seem to occur during construction - obviously as this is the 
most dangerous and fragile period of a building's life when it's 
integrity has not been finalized and loads are shifting dramatically.  
The only way symmetry in a collapse occurs is when its made to collapse 
- when thought and energy has gone into weakening critical points.  
It's why crews that perform such demolition are considered elite 

I am not convinced the discussion of heat-softened steel justifies 
extrapolating complete failure.  I can find no study in their report 
about the wicking nature of steel and how this offsets a {potential} 
high-temp fire in one locale _not_ being distributed away.  Rio de 
Janeiro had a steel skyscraper burn for 24+ hours over multiple floors 
yet it had no such catastrophic collapse, was reconditioned and in use 
today {with upgraded fire suppression}.  Those fires on the South Tower 
had burned less than an hour, were in fact almost out {watch the smoke 
volume decrease dramatically by end of sequence} and firemen had 
reached the scene  said they could handle it - yet that building falls 

It's up to the government to explain this event and they have offered a 
very faulty proposition obscured with copious preliminary detail around 
the plane crash, engines, fire, wing members, down to the damn 
turban-fans ... with but a few pages explaining events AFTER the 
building BEGINS to collapse.  The narrative doesn't even match the 
illustrations.  The only 

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Charlie Bell

On 03/07/2006, at 8:06 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:
How the debris we see falling {I would point out it's much more  
akin to exploding outward and then down} exterior to the building  
can match an interior descent flies in the face of logic.  I simply  
cannot accept that the core structure, a thick _lattice_ of  
crossing steel, would offer the same resistance as the air outside  
slowing the debris.

It doesn't. The building collapsed very rapidly, but not as fast as  
most of the debris.

Rio de Janeiro had a steel skyscraper burn for 24+ hours over  
multiple floors yet it had no such catastrophic collapse, was  
reconditioned and in use today {with upgraded fire suppression}.

Had it had a plane full of kerosene fly into it?

One final and glaring omission from the official NIST report is  
rarely commented on: once the collapse takes place they virtually  
ignore the entire structural analysis of the pancake theory and how  
the various materials acted {or didn't}... as thought the report  
ends once collapse is initiated.

Because progressive collapses are well-documented.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Damon Agretto
Why would we assume the building MUST collapse in one direction (the 
point of failure)? This assumes the failure was in the essential 
superstructure that brought it down; on an externally supported 
building (IIRC much of the structural strength came from the external 
walls, rather than the internal structure, which I believe was 
innovative at the time). However, the Pancake theory does not 
support an external failure to satisfy it's conclusions; instead the 
falling mass of debris compromised internal support mechanisms. 
Indeed, if a falling mass of debris impacts previously uncompromised 
floors, the support structure may very well draw the walls *in*. 
Therefore, the strength of the external walls may very well served to 
channel the debris internally.

I think the idea of jets is inconsistent with the idea of thermite 
cutting steel; It might be with *explosives,* but thermite burns 
extremely vigorously, not explodes...


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Alan's Panzer IIC

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RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Gibson Jonathan
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 12:07 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 How the debris we see falling {I would point out it's much more akin to
 exploding outward and then down} exterior to the building can match an
 interior descent flies in the face of logic.  I simply cannot accept
 that the core structure, a thick _lattice_ of crossing steel, would
 offer the same resistance as the air outside slowing the debris.

That's not quite what happened. While conspiracy sites argue that the
building fell at the rate one would expect from free fall, other sites, and
my own analysis indicated that it took 2 seconds longer than what one would
expect from free fall.

As Charlie has pointed out, some debris did fall just a bit faster than the
building, which makes sense.  Small debris, due to the square-cubed law, met
relatively high air resistance, which resulted in a lower terminal velocity,
so there is a point where the smaller loose debris did fall slower than the
lowest structure.  To intuit this, think low long a dust cloud can remain in
the air, or think of why raindrops don't hurt when they fall on you.

 Recap, to believe this theory one has to accept that the interior steel
 structure has to completely and utterly fail up and down the entire
 length and I just don't see how a shock-wave from one collapsing floor
 can do this: 

That's not really accurate.  To believe this theory one needs to accept that
the physics of rigid objects can be counterintuitive at times.  I'm not sure
why this would be hard to accept.  I gave one model of this, which didn't
get much response, but I'll try another.  I'm going to construct a toy model
(a very simplified steel girder building) and show how the physics works
with this building.  The actual building is more complicated, of course, but
that's what the engineering  architecture finite element analysis programs
(I believe those are the kinda programs that are used) are for.

Anyways, my building is build of these items:

Rigid Steel Beams,
| OO |


Rigid steel floors

 _/   /_
/  /
   /  /
  /  /
 /  /

The beams are bolted together at the corners, and the floors are put on top
of the horizontal beams.  Only the bolts have any give to them, and that
give is rather small.  

What keeps the building from collapsing?  It's the bolts.  Now, in reality,
there is more than 1 bolt per corner, and the corners are often welded
together.  But, the basic physics of the question is not affected by the

The building is held up by the sheer strength of the bolt.  Lets assume that
the building about the floor we are considering has a mass of 10,000 metric
tons.  That means there is a force of about 2.5*10^7 Newtons on each of the
bolts  (10,000 metric tons is 10^7 kg, acceleration due to gravity is 9.8
m/s^2, 4 bolts).

Let's have the bolts rated to 2.5*10^8 Newtons.  That means that the
shearing force applied to the bolts needs to be 2.5*10^8 Newtons before the
bolts break.  

So, let's have the floor immediately above the floor we are considering
collapse.  Let's also assume that the distance between floors is 4 meters.
The top of the building, with a mass of 10,000 metric tons free falls those
4 meters.

It takes about 0.9 sec to free fall those 4 meters.  The velocity after the
fall is about 9 m/sec.  So, we have a rigid object falling at 9 m/sec
hitting another rigid object.  The give, we are assuming, is in the bolts.

The critical question is how far will the bolts bend before breaking?  The
reason for this is that, for the floor we are considering to hold the
falling mass, it must decelerate it to a stop before the mass falls enough
to bend the bolts beyond the breaking point.

Steel, as others observe, doesn't bend much over short intervals.  Let's
assume a stress strain relationship for our toy model where 2.5*10^8 Newtons
of force strains the bolts 5 cm.  Any greater force, even 1 more Newton,
breaks the bolts.

Given this, the falling floors are decelerated by the floor we are
considering until the deceleration of the mass is at 9 g's (we have to
consider the constant gravity force of 1 g).  At this point, the bolts
break.  Now, if we assume a linear stress-strain relationship (simplifies
the problem, but isn't essential), we can see the change in velocity of the
falling mass due

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Gibson Jonathan
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 12:07 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 How the debris we see falling {I would point out it's much more 
 akin to
 exploding outward and then down} exterior to the building can match 
 interior descent flies in the face of logic.  I simply cannot 
 that the core structure, a thick _lattice_ of crossing steel, would
 offer the same resistance as the air outside slowing the debris.

 That's not quite what happened.


Doing a bit of searching I have found a few failure modes noted by 
NIST that have not been discussed here.

One glaring example that we missed was bolt hole tearing. This is 
where force causes the bolt hole to deform til it slips around the 
supporting bolt. I would suspect that this takes a bit more time than 
bolt shearing, but I also feel it doesn't change the math enough to 

As for the bolts themselves, they turn out to have been stronger than 
original building specs called for, but again this makes small 

It turns out that there were a very significant amount of welded joins 
that failed in the collapse. If you know much about welding then you 
are aware that the weld itself is much stronger than the base metal in 
the heat affected zone and it turns out that many of the welds that 
failed were torn in exactly that way.
The base metal that gets heated by the welding rod becomes weakened by 
the heat. In many manufacturing processes the part being welded is 
then heat treated to give the heat affected zone properties similar to 
the base metal. this of course is not practical on a construction 
site. So you end up with 2 qualities of welding in a building, the 
high quality welding where heat treating was performed in a factory 
( as a part of the normal manufacturing process for say I-beams) and 
welding that was performed on site as apart of the construction 

Another concept we have not discussed is load re-distribution. When 
some of the supports were knocked out by the impact of the planes, the 
load of the buildings mass was supported by the remaining structural 
members. NIST claims that evidence is seen that heat and load 
re-distribution caused not just buckling (as expected) but also 
necking. Necking is the thinning of a member under stress exceeding 
its yield strength. When impact caused the load to re-distribute, heat 
weakened structural members til some buckled and others necked and 
eventually you had a structural failure. WTC was a fairly lightweight 
structure for its size but the buildings were still very massive.

The more one looks at the failure modes of the WTC collapse, the more 
complex it gets.

Standards Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Damon Agretto

To veer slightly pedantic, ISTR I-beams are actually extruded...


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Alan's Panzer IIC

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Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

On 7/3/2006 7:39:30 PM, Damon Agretto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 To veer slightly pedantic, ISTR I-beams are actually extruded...

Sure, but the trusses on the ends are welded on.

Basically, the architect orders beams to a specification and the 
manufacturer custom makes them. Any parts beyond the basic I (read 
that as a Roman I/numeral-one) are welded on and heat treated for 

Works Around This Stuff Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 So, I think we've gotten to the point where, in order to still say 
 I cannot
 accept the conventional explanation, then you will have to reject 
 my basic
 physics argument.  I'd be very interested to see what flaws you 
 might see in
 this argument.

OKG, I'll bite on this one.G

The WTC towers were designed to withstand an impact by a 707 fully 
loaded with 23,000 gallons of fuel, yet the planes that actually hit 
them had less than half that amount (10,000 gallons) on board and much 
of that was expelled in the fireball associated with the impact.

Monkey Wrench WielderG Maru


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert Seeberger
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:10 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 - Original Message -
 From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:35 PM
 Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
  So, I think we've gotten to the point where, in order to still say
  I cannot
  accept the conventional explanation, then you will have to reject
  my basic
  physics argument.  I'd be very interested to see what flaws you
  might see in
  this argument.
 OKG, I'll bite on this one.G
 The WTC towers were designed to withstand an impact by a 707 fully
 loaded with 23,000 gallons of fuel, yet the planes that actually hit
 them had less than half that amount (10,000 gallons) on board and much
 of that was expelled in the fireball associated with the impact.

There is a very simple answer for this, as I guess you know.  When designing
a fail-safe system, one works through scenariosbut there can be
scenarios that one has not thought of.  The building did withstand the
impact of the plane, itself.  But, it did not survive everything that came
with the impact.  Would you like to see exactly what analysis was done
concerning a 707 impact?  I've got a beer that says that the airplane impact
analysis before the collapse was rather limited compared to the
after-the-fact analysis.

Anyways, I actually curious to see how it was impossible for the collapse
to be as fast as it was.  

Dan M. 


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jul 3, 2006, at 5:16 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

One glaring example that we missed was bolt hole tearing. This is
where force causes the bolt hole to deform til it slips around the
supporting bolt.

It's also astonishingly painful.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

On 7/3/2006 10:11:19 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Jul 3, 2006, at 5:16 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

  One glaring example that we missed was bolt hole tearing. This 
  where force causes the bolt hole to deform til it slips around the
  supporting bolt.

 It's also astonishingly painful.

Yeah, it's pretty low on my list of things to do before I die.
Which brings me to the surgery I had several years ago.

I'm Sitting On It Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:47 PM
Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert Seeberger
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:10 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 - Original Message -
 From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:35 PM
 Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

  So, I think we've gotten to the point where, in order to still 
  I cannot
  accept the conventional explanation, then you will have to 
  my basic
  physics argument.  I'd be very interested to see what flaws you
  might see in
  this argument.

 OKG, I'll bite on this one.G

 The WTC towers were designed to withstand an impact by a 707 fully
 loaded with 23,000 gallons of fuel, yet the planes that actually 
 them had less than half that amount (10,000 gallons) on board and 
 of that was expelled in the fireball associated with the impact.

 There is a very simple answer for this, as I guess you know.  When 
 a fail-safe system, one works through scenariosbut there can be
 scenarios that one has not thought of.  The building did withstand 
 impact of the plane, itself.  But, it did not survive everything 
 that came
 with the impact.  Would you like to see exactly what analysis was 
 concerning a 707 impact?

Of course!

 I've got a beer that says that the airplane impact
 analysis before the collapse was rather limited compared to the
 after-the-fact analysis.

I would expect it to be so in light of the actuality of later events.
(More below)

 Anyways, I actually curious to see how it was impossible for the 
 to be as fast as it was.

Beforehand I would expect it to be described as improbable.

Just for the sake of curveballs, I'll posit that if some Cassandra had 
appeared on the list with a detailed description of what was to come 
at the WTC all hands onboard would give a cornucopia of reasons why it 
could never happen.
I know it is an unfalsifiable proposition but I think such a 
consideration is a very good (and humbling) reason to go gently with 
believers. By the same token it is good reason for believers to 
practice patience with Skeptics.
I strongly suspect that those who count themselves among the 
believers were more traumatized by the events of 911 than most of 
us. I know that plays into my feelings of suspicion with regard to the 
building collapse. (As I often try to make clear, I suspect as opposed 
to believe) The natural desire to blame and revenge a great wrong is 
frustrated, so the mind turns over events and finding seeming 
discrepancies, points a finger in seemingly likely directions.
In moments of introspection I see something like this operative in my 
inner self, and I suspect that I am not alone in this mild form of 

Inner Universe Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-03 Thread Charlie Bell

On 04/07/2006, at 4:10 AM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

The WTC towers were designed to withstand an impact by a 707 fully
loaded with 23,000 gallons of fuel, yet the planes that actually hit
them had less than half that amount (10,000 gallons) on board and much
of that was expelled in the fireball associated with the impact.

They did withstand the *impact*. In that sense, the design worked.

But it seems clear that a combination of many factors, including  
where on the towers the plane struck (and so how much mass was above  
the damaged floors), fire (kerosene, office furniture, aluminium from  
the plane) weakened already damaged beams and trusses whose  
insulation had also been damaged in the impact, lead to the  
initiation of progressive collapse.

The other mystery is that the South Tower went down first. It was  
struck far lower, and so had far more mass above the damaged portion.

I'm finding this whole thread really weird because I'm usually the  
skeptic of official reportage, but in this case, I just don't see  
anything beyond some bad maths and some wishful thinking by haters of  
the neocons (and I normally count myself among those).

Did the Bush Administration use 9/11 to further an agenda in the  
Middle East after it happened? Undoubtedly, and Blair did the same.  
Did it bring down the towers and fake portions of the attacks, or  
even directly instigate the attacks to those ends? Not a chance.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-01 Thread Julia Thompson
I've seen that one.  Not recently.  But they gave a good explanation as 
to how the design contributed to that sort of collapse, IIRC.



I believe so...


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Trumpeter's Marder I auf GW 38(h)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.  

-Original Message-
From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 22:01:22 
To:Killer Bs Discussion

Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples


The History Channel occasionally runs its 9/11 special. IIRC their
conclusion was that the heat caused the structural beams to sag,
pulling away from the anchors and thus causing the floors to pancake
on top of each other. At a sufficient weight the lower floors were no
longer able to support the weight...

Is that the one where they have some footage with the architect?





Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-07-01 Thread Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro
Damon wrote:

 The History Channel occasionally runs its 9/11 special. (...)

My cable TV recently added THC to the line-up. I have enjoyed most
of its programs.

Alberto Monteiro, who will be echeloned for mentioning tetrahydrocanabiol
and WTC in the same message...


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-30 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert Seeberger
 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:20 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 Robert G. Seeberger wrote:
  . A stiffer join means that force is
  transmitted through the structure more efficiently, so weakening
  vibrations could have sundered the lower parts of the structure
  the actual wave of collapse reached a particular level.
 Let me clarify myself a bit here.
 I'm proposing that there is a damaging kinetic shockwave that runs
 ahead of the actual wave of collapse weakening structural members to
 the degree that the collapse wave progresse almost unimpeded.

Ah, that does make sense.  If one thinks of the force on a steel beam when
thousands of tons fall on it, one can think of a significant shock wave
traveling at the speed of sound.  That speed in steel is about 6000
meters/sec and close to 20,000 feet/sec.

Dan M. 


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-30 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

On 6/30/2006 3:28:51 PM, Dan Minette ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Robert Seeberger
  Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:20 PM
  To: Killer Bs Discussion
  Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
  Robert G. Seeberger wrote:
   . A stiffer join means that force is
   transmitted through the structure more efficiently, so weakening
   vibrations could have sundered the lower parts of the structure
   the actual wave of collapse reached a particular level.
  Let me clarify myself a bit here.
  I'm proposing that there is a damaging kinetic shockwave that runs
  ahead of the actual wave of collapse weakening structural members 
  the degree that the collapse wave progresses almost unimpeded.

 Ah, that does make sense.  If one thinks of the force on a steel 
 beam when
 thousands of tons fall on it, one can think of a significant shock 
 traveling at the speed of sound.  That speed in steel is about 6000
 meters/sec and close to 20,000 feet/sec.

The question I think is, is this a real effect?
As I'm visualizing things, and incorporating the speed of sound info 
you provide, the vibrational shock runs ahead of the collapse wave by 
a very great distance (in a structure of this size it would be 
rebounding throughout the surviving structure during the entire event, 
essentially hammering every weak link until failure.) bouncing top to 
bottom with the chaotic vibratory forces being swamped by the resonant 
vibratory forces that are reinforced with every cycle. The resonant 
cycles would have an effect that is quite different than the general 
collapse that evidences mostly lateral shearing forces in that they 
produce much more longitudinal shear.
The only way I can think of to prove such a hypothesis is to sample 
bolts from the upper building and compare them to bolts sampled from 
the lower building. The upper building should show evidence of more 
lateral shear and the lower longitudinal shear.
Does this make sense?
And am I using the terminology correctly?
(I'm not exactly sure about terms used for lateral and longitudinal 

Of course, this is just intuitive guessing and we all know what value 
that has.G
(I'm aware that the kind of resonance I'm speaking of may well be 
simply a matter of chance peculiar to the specific building and its 
engineering and not some general rule that could be applied in all 
such events)

Comic Book Logic Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-30 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 28, 2006, at 10:51 PM, Dave Land wrote:

In all honesty -- and knowing that brother Warren will see this post,
too -- I got all het up over Warren's insistence on proofs and failure
to offer same, and applied a bit more heat than light to the 

I take it you're referring to my claim that modern architectural design 
prefigures demolition in the construction. Unfortunately I don't seem 
to be able to find any decent sources or ref's on that, and I'm not 
going to expect you to rely on my recollection of some discussion or 
other I may or may not have encountered on some PBS or Discovery 
documentary on the topic. I'll provisionally withdraw that assertion, 
since I just don't have the facts to back it up.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-30 Thread Julia Thompson

Nick Arnett wrote:

On 6/28/06, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The max fuel load of a top-of-the-line 737 is 37,712 Kg, or around
90,000 pounds. Figure 8 pounds of water in a gallon and you've got
better than 10K gallons of fuel in a 737, give or take.

Oops.  Fuel weighs less than water (a fact that is impressed upon one when
learning to fly).  Part of every pre-flight inspection to drain a bit of
fluid from the lowest points on the tanks, to ensure that what comes out is
fuel, not water (typically from condensation in the airplane, the fuel 

or tanks).  If you get water, you keep draining until you don't get any.
Jet-A weighs 6.5 to 7 lbs/gallon, nominally 6.76 lbs/gallon in the United
States and Europe.

Okay, not a foot. A decimeter, about four inches. But you get the idea.

That is a hell of a lot of explosive fluid, and the 737s that hit the
WTC towers were on long-distance flights, at the beginning of their
journeys, and damn near capacity in their tanks.

Explosive, you say?  This is kerosene, not gasoline.  Try this at home 

from flammable stuff).  Put some kerosene in a glass (don't use styrofoam).
Light a match.  Stick it in the kerosene.  It will go out.  Do not try this
with gasoline.

And yes, it's kerosene, not gasoline. Lower octane rating. But the

flashpoints of the two are close enough to one another (-40 C for
gasoline, 29 C for kerosene, which is a lot in human space but nothing
for chemistry) that any spark hot enough to light a cigarette would set
them off.

Baloney.  Really.  I've used a lot of kerosene to start fires (to burn 

at my parent's farm) and I can assure you that it is not so easy to ignite.
It is nowhere near as volatile as gasoline.

You do NOT use gasoline for firespinning.  You use kerosene or white 
gas.  Much safer.  Really.  Leastways, the folks I hang with that 
actually play with fire tell me so.  If there's going to be a lot of 
them gathering in one place, there's a discussion about who's bringing 
how much fuel, etc., and it's usually kerosene.

Oh, and you can have a lot of fun by soaking a roll of toilet paper in 
the stuff and using it as a soccer ball (NOT during a burn ban!).  Or at 
least attempting to, until it disintegrates completely.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-30 Thread Julia Thompson


The History Channel occasionally runs its 9/11 special. IIRC their
conclusion was that the heat caused the structural beams to sag,
pulling away from the anchors and thus causing the floors to pancake
on top of each other. At a sufficient weight the lower floors were no
longer able to support the weight...

Is that the one where they have some footage with the architect?



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-30 Thread dcaa
I believe so...


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Trumpeter's Marder I auf GW 38(h)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.  

-Original Message-
From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 22:01:22 
To:Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 The History Channel occasionally runs its 9/11 special. IIRC their
 conclusion was that the heat caused the structural beams to sag,
 pulling away from the anchors and thus causing the floors to pancake
 on top of each other. At a sufficient weight the lower floors were no
 longer able to support the weight...

Is that the one where they have some footage with the architect?



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread David Hobby

Dan Minette wrote:

...That is a
factin the exact same sense that there is professional consensus on
anthropological global warming.


I always like reading your well-reasoned and
careful posts.  So forgive me a slight nit-pick:

Ignoring Margaret Mead's contribution, I suggest that
you mean anthropogenic global warming.  : )


Coming of Age, Maru

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Charlie Bell
 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:56 AM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 On 29/06/2006, at 4:06 AM, Dave Land wrote:
  Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a
  third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.
 You will see that iron undergoes a phase change at 600C, becoming
 soft and pliable. It is this phase change that allows farriers and
 swordsmiths to shape iron in a controlled manner. Steel changes from
 the solid metal it is at room temperature, to a material with a
 consistency and structural integrity about the same as well-chewed gum.

Good find on the phase diagram Charlie.  To pick a nit, if the consistency
and structural integrity at that temp was actually the same as well-chewed
gum, I don't think that blacksmiths would have required big hammers and big
arms. :-)  Hyperbola aside, I presume that you have no difficulty with the
multiple references to about a factor of 2 reduction in yield strength at
that temperature.

Dan M. 


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of David Hobby
 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:28 AM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 Ignoring Margaret Mead's contribution, I suggest that
 you mean anthropogenic global warming.  : )

Well, I've a couple of references that indicate that she was full of hot
air. :-)

Dan M. 


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Nick Arnett

On 6/29/06, Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good find on the phase diagram Charlie.  To pick a nit, if the consistency
and structural integrity at that temp was actually the same as well-chewed
gum, I don't think that blacksmiths would have required big hammers and
arms. :-)  Hyperbola aside, I presume that you have no difficulty with the
multiple references to about a factor of 2 reduction in yield strength at
that temperature.

Even if it is soft, it's still heavy... and the hammers aren't just for
shaping it, they are for annealing, which requires kinetic energy.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Charlie Bell

On 29/06/2006, at 6:17 PM, Dan Minette wrote:

Good find on the phase diagram Charlie.  To pick a nit, if the  
and structural integrity at that temp was actually the same as well- 
gum, I don't think that blacksmiths would have required big hammers  
and big

arms. :-)

*Well-chewed* may mean something different to me. Lost all its  
flavour, and started to go hard again... Put three sticks of  
DoubleMint in your gob and chew them for 4 hours, your jaws will look  
like the blacksmiths arms...

Hyperbola aside, I presume that you have no difficulty with the
multiple references to about a factor of 2 reduction in yield  
strength at

that temperature.

Certainly don't have a problem with it. Plus it also shears far more  

I'm a firm believer in the 9/11 conspiracy theory - the one where a  
bunch of well-funded Saudis decided to do the most spectacular attack  
on the most potent symbols of America's position in the world, and so  
hijacked some planes and crashed them into the WTC, the Pentagon, and  
would have destroyed something else, probably the White House, if not  
for the passengers trying to take the plane back. There's much I  
don't like - the Bush administration sucking up to the Saudis and  
allowing Bin Laden's relatives to flee the States, the way the Bush  
administration conflated the hatred of Iraq with TWAT. But that's the  
conspiracy, right there.


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Charlie Bell
 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:05 AM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 *Well-chewed* may mean something different to me. Lost all its
 flavour, and started to go hard again... Put three sticks of
 DoubleMint in your gob and chew them for 4 hours, your jaws will look
 like the blacksmiths arms...

Ah, we did have different mental pictures.
  Hyperbola aside, I presume that you have no difficulty with the
  multiple references to about a factor of 2 reduction in yield
  strength at
  that temperature.
 Certainly don't have a problem with it. Plus it also shears far more
 I'm a firm believer in the 9/11 conspiracy theory - the one where a
 bunch of well-funded Saudis decided to do the most spectacular attack
 on the most potent symbols of America's position in the world, and so
 hijacked some planes and crashed them into the WTC, the Pentagon, and
 would have destroyed something else, probably the White House, if not
 for the passengers trying to take the plane back. 

Now, there's a conspiracy theory I can buy into 100%. :-)  I'll not respond
to your criticism of Bush because I think we've already laid out our
positions on Bush's actions and both know the nuances of the relatively
modest differences we have on just how Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED]#^'d up. 

Dan M. 


Mead (was Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples)

2006-06-29 Thread William T Goodall

On 29 Jun 2006, at 4:18PM, Dan Minette wrote:

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brin-l- 

Behalf Of David Hobby
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:28 AM
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

Ignoring Margaret Mead's contribution, I suggest that
you mean anthropogenic global warming.  : )

Well, I've a couple of references that indicate that she was full  
of hot

air. :-)

If you are referring to the claims by Derek Freeman that Mead was  
'hoaxed' by her respondents in respect of _Coming of Age in Samoa_ it  
seems that Professor Freeman, apart from having an axe to grind , may  
have been hoaxed himself.

It doesn't appear to me that this controversy has been settled.

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

Theists cannot be trusted as they believe that right and wrong are  
the arbitrary proclamations of invisible demons.


RE: Mead (was Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples)

2006-06-29 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of William T Goodall
 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:17 AM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Mead (was Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical
 On 29 Jun 2006, at 4:18PM, Dan Minette wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brin-l-
  Behalf Of David Hobby
  Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:28 AM
  To: Killer Bs Discussion
  Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
  Ignoring Margaret Mead's contribution, I suggest that
  you mean anthropogenic global warming.  : )
  Well, I've a couple of references that indicate that she was full
  of hot
  air. :-)
 If you are referring to the claims by Derek Freeman that Mead was
 'hoaxed' by her respondents in respect of _Coming of Age in Samoa_ 

I am.
 It doesn't appear to me that this controversy has been settled.

I think that summarizes the situation fairly well. I hope you also note that
my claim that there are a couple of references that indicates she was wrong
is fully consistent with that statement. :-)  There are references that
indicate that, just as there are references that indicate that Dr. Freeman
has less verisimilitude than Dr. Mead. 

Dan M. 


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Horn, John
 On Behalf Of Dan Minette

 If Gautam were still on the list, he might have been 
 persuaded to talk to the liberal Democrat he's going to 
 school with who compiled this.  Why would liberal Democrats 
 want to whitewash Bush?

If my conversation with Gautam was correct, this sort of thing is a
big reason why he's not come back to the list.  Not that I entirely
understood that.

 - jmh

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Gibson Jonathan

On Jun 28, 2006, at 10:55 PM, Charlie Bell wrote:

On 29/06/2006, at 4:06 AM, Dave Land wrote:
Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a  
third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC. 

You will see that iron undergoes a phase change at 600C, becoming soft  
and pliable. It is this phase change that allows farriers and  
swordsmiths to shape iron in a controlled manner. Steel changes from  
the solid metal it is at room temperature, to a material with a  
consistency and structural integrity about the same as well-chewed  

And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They could  
have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of Jet A  
and replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't possibly  
burn hot enough to bring the buildings down.

If you accept that the fuel burns above 600C as you have above, you  
*have* to accept that the structural integrity of the floors where the  
fuel fires were was fatally compromised by the heat, as the Fe phase  
diagram shows.

I do believe the soft-butter theory could have some merit and look  
forward to real studies we can sink teeth into and chew properly.  As I  
understand it Underwriters Labs put the original steel, and debris  
samples, under 2,000° for several hours without deformity - which  
strikes a pretty notable blow to the theories as promulgated.  It's  
described as 'sailing through' the tests.  Perhaps this will change,  
but it still appears dubious given the paint chips another UL lab  
examined reveal less than 500° maximum heat and a mere 2% of these  
samples came close to this temperature.
I have yet to see a model - or even discussion - on how such metal is a  
renowned heat wick and just how this would have mitigated total  
systemic collapse... unless the argument is that this apparently  
minimal heat was X-ferred down the entire skeleton structure... leading  
to the Soft Butter support member lack of resistance that allowed the  
entire building to fall at damn-near free-fall speeds - all at once.

Seems a stretch.

I don't come to my conclusions easily, nor with any comfort.  And I can  
certainly eat some nourishing helpings of crow when appropriate.  I've  
found it chock-full of wholesome psychic vitamins good for one's moral  
constitution as well - but I'm leaving the stewing pot on the shelf for  

- Jonathan -

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Gibson Jonathan

On Jun 28, 2006, at 2:33 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Whatever, honey.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 2:04 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:



Look at my dialogue with Nick to understand how adults behave.

If you had extended actual dialog you might have a point.
Make me care.

- J -


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Charlie Bell

On 29/06/2006, at 9:18 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:
I do believe the soft-butter theory could have some merit and look  
forward to real studies we can sink teeth into and chew properly.   
As I understand it Underwriters Labs put the original steel, and  
debris samples, under 2,000° for several hours without deformity

I take it you mean 2000F, around 1100C. You can heat steel to that  
temperature, it will not melt or deform. What it does do is become  
about half as strong, and will bend, stretch and fail if it's  
structural. Not to forget that a lot of the central support had just  
had a plane fly into it.

I have yet to see a model - or even discussion - on how such metal  
is a renowned heat wick and just how this would have mitigated  
total systemic collapse... unless the argument is that this  
apparently minimal heat was X-ferred down the entire skeleton  
structure... leading to the Soft Butter support member lack of  
resistance that allowed the entire building to fall at damn-near  
free-fall speeds - all at once.

It didn't collapse all at once. It was jackhammered floor by floor.  
it only needed the top 1/4 of the building to start collapsing to  
crush the rest.

I'm amazed that this is at all mysterious.


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Robert Seeberger
Charlie Bell wrote:
 On 29/06/2006, at 9:18 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:
 I do believe the soft-butter theory could have some merit and look
 forward to real studies we can sink teeth into and chew properly.
 As I understand it Underwriters Labs put the original steel, and
 debris samples, under 2,000° for several hours without deformity

 I take it you mean 2000F, around 1100C. You can heat steel to that
 temperature, it will not melt or deform. What it does do is become
 about half as strong, and will bend, stretch and fail if it's
 structural. Not to forget that a lot of the central support had just
 had a plane fly into it.

 I have yet to see a model - or even discussion - on how such metal
 is a renowned heat wick and just how this would have mitigated
 total systemic collapse... unless the argument is that this
 apparently minimal heat was X-ferred down the entire skeleton
 structure... leading to the Soft Butter support member lack of
 resistance that allowed the entire building to fall at damn-near
 free-fall speeds - all at once.

 It didn't collapse all at once. It was jackhammered floor by floor.
 it only needed the top 1/4 of the building to start collapsing to
 crush the rest.

 I'm amazed that this is at all mysterious.

I think what Jonathan is refering to is the idea that jackhammered 
floor by floor is not consistant with freefall.
The floors below, even though they give way should present a bit of 
resistance that slows the fall. The idea incorporates the fact that 
the floors below were not weakened by fire, but maintained their 
integrity until hammered kineticly.

I can't say that I know much about this aspect, but my intuition tells 
me that the structure below should give more resistance than vacuum or 

OTOH, the shock that is transmitted though the structure by the 
pounding from above would significantly overpressure the shear 
strength of the bolts that tied the horizontal structure to the 
vertical structure.
Does anyone know if there was welding performed in addition to 
bolting? Or would that inhibit the neccessary flexing required of such 
a tall structure?

Spasms Maru


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Gibson Jonathan
 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:18 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 I have yet to see a model - or even discussion - on how such metal is a
 renowned heat wick and just how this would have mitigated total
 systemic collapse... unless the argument is that this apparently
 minimal heat was X-ferred down the entire skeleton structure... leading
 to the Soft Butter support member lack of resistance that allowed the
 entire building to fall at damn-near free-fall speeds - all at once.
 Seems a stretch.

As Charlie pointed out, it wasn't all at once.  Floor by floor, it
collapsed, from multiple shocks.  I discussed the physics of this at some
length in an earlier post. 

The essence of what I am arguing is that the time to build the g forces
necessary for the falling mass of floors X+1 to 110+ to build up sufficient
g forces to break though floor X is very shortsay ~10msec.  That is not
surprising.  If it is traveling at only 100 feet/sec, then this is the time
it takes to travel 1 foot.  The floor has to give 1 foot, fairly uniformly,
or break in 10 msec.**  

To move 1 foot in 10 msec, it has to be accelerated at a rate of 8 g's.
There is some resistance to this, of course, so the force of the falling
upper stories has to be greater than 8 g's.  I'd have to look at
stress-strain curves and the building structure to give a good number, but I
have a hard time seeing the lower floors not breaking before they are
displaced 1 foot downwards.  Shear, as Charlie suggested, looks like a very
good candidate for the failure mechanism to me.

Since this is the second time I explained this, I get the feeling that I'm
not being as clear as I might wish.  It would be helpful for you to tell me
what about the shock wave propagation that I describe is troublesome for

Dan M. 

** Well, the falling mass could also be squeezed together, with the bottom
part decelerating at a higher rate than the top part. But, this doesn't buy
a whole lot of time before the forces needed for further compaction are
multiple g's.  Not a whole lot would probably add to one or two hundred


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Dan Minette
 OTOH, the shock that is transmitted though the structure by the
 pounding from above would significantly overpressure the shear
 strength of the bolts that tied the horizontal structure to the
 vertical structure.
 Does anyone know if there was welding performed in addition to
 bolting? Or would that inhibit the neccessary flexing required of such
 a tall structure?

Let me ask a counter-question on this.  Take a cross-beam welded and bolted
to a vertical beam.  How far could the cross beam move straight down, at the
point of attachment, before it shears apart from the vertical beam?  My
guess is that the 1 foot I referred to vastly overestimates the distance
that the vertical beam would be offset at the point of attachment before
breaking.  Wouldn't a 1 movement at the point of attachment be enough to
break the weld and shear the bolt?

Dan M. 


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

On 6/29/2006 2:42:40 PM, Dan Minette ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  OTOH, the shock that is transmitted though the structure by the
  pounding from above would significantly overpressure the shear
  strength of the bolts that tied the horizontal structure to the
  vertical structure.
  Does anyone know if there was welding performed in addition to
  bolting? Or would that inhibit the neccessary flexing required of 
  a tall structure?

 Let me ask a counter-question on this.  Take a cross-beam welded and
 to a vertical beam.  How far could the cross beam move straight 
 at the
 point of attachment, before it shears apart from the vertical beam? 
 guess is that the 1 foot I referred to vastly overestimates the 
 that the vertical beam would be offset at the point of attachment 
 breaking.  Wouldn't a 1 movement at the point of attachment be 
 enough to
 break the weld and shear the bolt?

1/10th would break the weld handily and 1/4 to 1/2 for the bolt. (Bolt 
holes are not tightly fitted and there is often some variation in bolt 
hole pattens. You often see bolt holes being redrilled or torch cut to 
make the fit right.)

The reason I asked is because welding adds strength WRT shearing 
forces but stiffens the joins. A stiffer join means that force is 
transmitted through the structure more efficiently, so weakening 
vibrations could have sundered the lower parts of the structure before 
the actual wave of collapse reached a particular level.
This would be an effect that could explain why the entire structure 
gave way almost all at once. Maybe resonance?
I remember an event in KC years ago where people dancing caused a 
bridge over a reception hall in a hotel caused the bridge to collapse 
and kill a few people. The cause was resonance. Everyone stomping 
their feet in time.

Of course there are any number of forces at work during a chaotic 
event like the collapse of the WTC. Any and all of them could be 
operative. I'm interested in understanding the subject a bit better 
through an exploration of what occurred at different levels of the 
engineering of the structure.
Having worked construction in similar buildings over the years and 
being aware of the nuts and bolts (NPI) of their construction, I find 
this all very interesting.

Frequency Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread Robert Seeberger
Robert G. Seeberger wrote:

 . A stiffer join means that force is
 transmitted through the structure more efficiently, so weakening
 vibrations could have sundered the lower parts of the structure 
 the actual wave of collapse reached a particular level.

Let me clarify myself a bit here.
I'm proposing that there is a damaging kinetic shockwave that runs 
ahead of the actual wave of collapse weakening structural members to 
the degree that the collapse wave progresse almost unimpeded.

Is that better?
(I was unsatisfied with the way I stated it originally)

The Scud Missile Of Discourse Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-29 Thread dcaa
The History Channel occasionally runs its 9/11 special. IIRC their conclusion 
was that the heat caused the structural beams to sag, pulling away from the 
anchors and thus causing the floors to pancake on top of each other. At a 
sufficient weight the lower floors were no longer able to support the weight...


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Trumpeter's Marder I auf GW 38(h)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.  

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 21:54:38 
To:Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

On 29/06/2006, at 9:18 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:
 I do believe the soft-butter theory could have some merit and look  
 forward to real studies we can sink teeth into and chew properly.   
 As I understand it Underwriters Labs put the original steel, and  
 debris samples, under 2,000° for several hours without deformity

I take it you mean 2000F, around 1100C. You can heat steel to that  
temperature, it will not melt or deform. What it does do is become  
about half as strong, and will bend, stretch and fail if it's  
structural. Not to forget that a lot of the central support had just  
had a plane fly into it.

 I have yet to see a model - or even discussion - on how such metal  
 is a renowned heat wick and just how this would have mitigated  
 total systemic collapse... unless the argument is that this  
 apparently minimal heat was X-ferred down the entire skeleton  
 structure... leading to the Soft Butter support member lack of  
 resistance that allowed the entire building to fall at damn-near  
 free-fall speeds - all at once.

It didn't collapse all at once. It was jackhammered floor by floor.  
it only needed the top 1/4 of the building to start collapsing to  
crush the rest.

I'm amazed that this is at all mysterious.


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Andrew Paul

Dan Minette wrote:

So, it seems that we agree that the planes flying into the building are
sufficient for the buildings to collapse.  We also agree that the pattern of
the collapse is consistent with rigorous structural analysis of the

It is a very weird and unlikely concept, the whole conspiracy theory 
idea, but the more I look at it the less I accept the 9/11 commissions 
findings, so no, I don't agree, but I cant claim expertise in the matter.

The explanations these gentlemen give are
tailored to explain what was seen in the evidence, what they don't do
is eliminate alternate explanations and that is the item that I would
like to see.

The alternative explanation is that, in addition to the planes flying into
the WTC, bombs were placed by persons unknown, but probably connected with
someone like Dick Cheney, a while before that...and that the planes flew
into just those floors where bombs were placed.  The bomb people either had
to be really really good spooks, or coordinated with WTC security.  Given
the track record of the CIA and the plumbers, etc., I don't think of anyone
who is quite that good.

Further, the blasts couldn't have occurred on the outside structures,
because there would have been some outward puffsthat would not be part
of the general flameseven with the burning, multiple explosions of would
be seeable.  But, on the inside, which is full of melted aluminum which
could explode, the bombs could be masked.  So, I don't think that I could
falsify the existence of modest size bombs on the inner columns.  

It appears that we agree that the well accepted explanation is both simple
and sufficient to explain what has been observed. In contrast, the
conspiracy theory relies on a number of variables all lining up perfectly to
conceal the blast.  For example, how did all of this coordination work,
between the AQ members and Dick, or whoever set up the bombs?  How did they
know just which floors to hit, and how could those undertrained pilots be so
good at hitting just the right floors?   

I would agree, but they didn't need to hit the right floors

Watch The Great Conspiracy  - bottom right here:

its an hour, but it is interesting. In it they show some videos of the 
collapse and in it is clear that the mast on top of WTC 1? begins to 
collapse down into the core of the building well before the rest of the 
structure, indicating that the central supports of the building (the key 
to its structural integrity) were the first things to go. They attribute 
this, and the damage on the ground floor prior to collapse, to bombs in 
the basement of the building (and elsewhere) that were triggered after 
the impact and that were the cause of the collapse. These bombs cut the 
central supports and initiated the collapse. They also have people 
inside the building, and seismic records etc that allegedly corroborate 
the idea. One thing that explains something that always worried me about 
the collapses but I never knew why, is the fact that the whole thing 
took around 10 seconds, in both cases. Given the height of the buildings 
( I didn't take notes when I was watching, so watch it for details - 
they even have formulas !) this is basically free fall speed. So the 
structure of the building, even the thousands of tonnes of  undamaged 
hurricane-proof steel and concrete below the collision levels, did 
absolutely nothing to impede the collapse speed. It is as if the whole 
building just broke into a zillion separate pieces and fell at free fall 
speed to the ground.

That video and this one, which covers some of the same ground but is 
more about the Pentagon impacts:

911 Loose Change Second Edition (from the same link)

are both pretty good. Why is the hole in the Pentagon so small, where is 
the plane debris, why are the engine remains that do exist from the 
wrong plane, why wont the government release the videos of the impact 
from nearby security cameras etc. And weird coincidences like that the 
pilot of the plane that hit the Pentagon was an ex-air force pilot who 
was part of a training exercise in which a plane was flown into the 
Pentagon just before he retired from the air-force to join American 
Airlines, all the put options on its stock a few days before, that 
Marvin Bush was kinda in charge of WTC security at the time of the 
attack, that Bush said he had seen the first impact before he went into 
the school room and talked to reporters about it ( a - he couldn't have 
and b - WTF?), that three separate exercises planned for the same day 
had denuded the US of air cover and confused any response to the 
hijacked planes etc etc.

It is just too strange to contemplate that it was an inside job, that 
part of it is the thing I find very hard to accept, the idea that anyone 
would think that they could get away with it. But there are a lot of 
things that 

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa
I'm with Dan on this one (!). That a fully-loaded 737 can cause, after 
impact, buildings to fall down is not even remotely shocking.

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a football 
field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible fluid (do the 
math; check me -- this is what I recall from working out the figs 
myself about four years ago). What's amazing, in this light, is that 
the buildings didn't fall before they did.

As to the thermate idea: Sorry. Bullshit. If there were explosives in 
the WTC, they were probably there illicitly, not planted as part of a 
larger plot. Recall these were buildings housing hundreds of 
businesses, not all of them necessarily wholly legit. (And, frankly, 
the words of a BYU scientist are not enough to sway me. It was a BYU 
scientist who claimed cold fusion was a reality back in the 80s.)

And even if there were explosives strapped to the structure, so what? 
All that would show is that the conspiracy *among the Islamic 
fundamentalists* was well-developed, to the point they were willing to 
plant charges to ensure destruction. We knew they were well-coordinated 
already. So what's the rhetorical point?

(Sorry, Rob.)

On Jun 26, 2006, at 10:29 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

There is some interesting discussion in the comment section.
It pretty much all sounds like conspiracy-talk, but then it has always
been my opinion that there was something not quite right with the
official explanations.

I'm not quite sure why you say that.  The official explanation is 
simple: planes fly into buildingsdamages buildingsfire weakens 

to the point where the remaining columns give way, buildings go boom.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 26, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

On 6/26/06, Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a sense, the conspiracy theorists rely on the CSI effect.  It's 
all so

perfect on TV, we expect it to be like that in real life.  Real
investigations of real happenings are usually much more messyjust 

real science is a lot more messy than science textbooks.

And... real, unplanned building collapses due to fire are usually 
always) a lot messier (in that they never neatly pancake)... Yet I 
optimistic that a reasonable explanation can be found.  There's an 
awful lot

unexplained, IMO.

Nick, the WTC was designed in the 70s as a disposable structure. It was 
built with the full knowledge it would one day be imploded. ALL tall 
buildings constructed after the 60s or so were built with that idea in 

It was designed to collapse, neatly and in pancake fashion.

Bear in mind the WTC towers were not weakened at the base as with a 
standard structure fire, a la a tree in the forest cut down in logging. 
They dropped top-down, from where the devastation began. Why would you 
expect them to teeter and/or be much more unstable than they were 
designed to be?

In a terrible way, the architects' design proved faultless. The towers 
came down with minimal damage to nearby structures. That is good 

To me what's unexplained is the apparent want to believe in a Vast 
Conspiracy. Or even a small one.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 26, 2006, at 7:50 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

Now, I'm *not* saying that the conspiracy theorists are correct or
that any of what they say is true, but very little of what they say
has been without doubt eliminated as a possibility.

Ah, but how to prove a negative? Especially when it's in the arena of 
opinion, wherein anything is possible?

Can you say, without doubt, that my neighbor's tomatoes are NOT in fact 
tended nightly by his garden gnomes, come magically to life under the 
silvery dewlit moon?

Because they're damn big tomatoes.

I guess the Miracle-Gro bag he dips from regularly is just a 
diversion away from the real facts.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

Hyperbole, lots thereof -- but where are the facts, the figures, etc.?

Just one example:

Molten steel unearthed six months after the collapse displays energy 
levels simple kinetic forces cannot foster.

Quantify, please.

On Jun 27, 2006, at 4:09 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

On the behalf of Mr Gibson:


Embrace the horror.  Face our fears.

[bla bla bla]

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Gibson Jonathan

As for the pilots and training...
It's gets kinda thick, but if you can spell PATSY your journey has  
already begun.

As I understand from a conservative investigator {who I think is} named  
Lomas {apologies as my memory is fuzzy here, but I see him on C-SPAN  
several times a year} he's located next to CenCom with personal ties to  
the officer corps nearby -  as well as Sander Hicks The Big Wedding -  
it appears Atta was a clandestine drug-runner/intel-operator trained at  
a former MILSPEC airbase run out of Florida by ex-intelligence  
officers.  What was once the Marines 59th Airborne division base is now  
the small municipal airfield in Venice, FL, and lo-o-o-ong rumored to  
be a drug import point due to the intel operations that were ostensibly  
run out of it.

ASIDE: This field was 'privatized' with one main building sold to an  
operative named James Bath  biz partner Salim bin Laden {ring a bell?}  
where Bath ran his law offices out of.  This was long before both of  
these figures go on to invest in a failing little oil company called  
Arbusto Oil ... benefiting a certain GwB as he built up a resume that  
allows him to now hunker down with the rest of the Republican Guard  
dead-enders in DC.

So, when Atta needed training on the bigger planes he went to school of  
course, but would anyone venture a guess where this school was located?  
 By an AMAZING co-inky-dink this flight school is the  
_very_same_building_ that James Bath and Salim bin Laden previously  

   [insert: hair-raising backside of neck effect]

I've known a number of right-wing so-called Conservatives and so-called  
Republicans  who took absolute delight digging into Clinton shadows and  
unearthing CIA networks running drugs and arms in-out of Mena, Arkansas  
- but who have been UTTERLY disinterested in exploring where those  
links lead to and who set them up LONG before those youngish Little  
Rock politicians pushed Poppy Bush out of the  White House.  This  
Terrorism-era counterpunch to the end of the Cold War is perfectly  
illustrated by the PNAC NeoCon screed calling for a New Pearl Harbour  
to both rally their faithful and cow critiques by short-circuiting  
logical thinking with blunt emotional trauma.  It would appear to this  
writer that our bloated Irresistible Military Force needs an Immovable  
Enemy Object to bill mega-PO's against.  Is it OK yet to mention GwB's  
g'pappy, a certain Prescott Bush, was censured by Congress for NAZI  
financing  supply {both sides} during WWII?  Just wondering.
The lies are unravelling with every scandal laying bare the craven  
crass cruelty of a House, Senate, Justice and White House all run by  
so-called Republican politicos who were sore losers in the 90's and  
poor winners here in the XXIst.

Loyalty is a two-edged sword and as awareness grows of this betrayal I  
fear for the wholeness of this country.  As cynical as all this can  
make one, I remain hopeful.  Let me tell you about my  Rapture-Ready  
religious neighbor.  This man with a W bumper-sticker surprised me by  
offering to lend {unbidden} his own DVD's on the topic of controlled  
demolition of WTC on 911 - after he saw me display my anti-Iraq  
occupation paintings in the kitchen window {BTW available on tees and  
mugs,}.  Like the three blind men, we  
are all feeling different aspects of this Elephant in the room and our  
descriptions may not initially match, but still seem to describe the  
same underlaying truths.

Some things to h{URL} at you as the last posting I did {via Seeberger}  
broke the longer URL link-strings, here are a few jumps to review.  If  
you have trouble clicking, just copy the multi-line string of text and  
paste that into your browser Location field:

911 Myth  Reality w/Rev. David Ray Gritffith via Guns and Butter {pts  
1  2, hour long each}
This is a recent interview.

911 Research  NIST opportunities {DVD just released last night}
{BTW - the NIST gov-response engineering report on WTC was secretly  
written by Chertoff's cousin - no conflict there, heh?}

Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime {large movie downloads available} 

The Big Wedding {interview rebroadcast just last week} via Guns and  

Loose Change is often cited, and well crafted, but ultimately flawed  
movie to the point of tarnishing the real jewels within.  It's worth  
watching, but realize it's become a handy cudgel for the debunkers to  
distract from the truths within. {complete movie downloadable}

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Gibson Jonathan

Lucky you!
I have too much free time just now and can reply at length, and will.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

I'm with Dan on this one (!). That a fully-loaded 737 can cause, after  
impact, buildings to fall down is not even remotely shocking.

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a football  
field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible fluid (do the  
math; check me -- this is what I recall from working out the figs  
myself about four years ago). What's amazing, in this light, is that  
the buildings didn't fall before they did.

I'll call your bull-shite and raise you a sobering reality check.
I suggest you follow the writings/speeches of one Kevin Ryan, formerly  
of Underwriters Labs who did the testing first on original steel 40  
years ago and then the debris brought them by our betters in GovCo.   
Not only was the building overbuilt - it one industry awrds at the time  
for superior construction by the structural engineer, John Skilling.   
To the point, this steel was simply NOT heated to the point of  
deformity.  Most of this fuel was ejected out the other side of WTC2,  
yet it fell first!?!
What's more, the paint samples provided to prove this case simply could  
not do so: they did not even make 500° - which is consistent with the  
paper and furniture burning scenarios that had nearly burned themselves  
out when the buildings collapsed.  In fact, firemen who had climbed all  
those stairs had even called down saying they could easily get them  
{can't recall which building this was} under control!  Steel buildings  
have raged with larger infernos and burned 24 hours - yet no  
collapse... again, this is apparently the ONLY time in recorded history  
such a fire-collapse occurred.
One by one, this Kevin Ryan began to see rationale after hypothesis  
after implausible assertions promulgated only to fall over in the light  
of scientific investigation. To the point where John Skilling, the  
structural engineer who designed this building, was demoted to  
anonymous commentor on how the structure should not have fallen -  
hardly the respect, or authority, one should afford such a prominant  
figure in this project. Mr Ryan was fired from his leadership position  
at safety-centric Underwriters Labs for simply raising questions about  
the anomalies. 

Here's the internal memo he sent to the CEO and got him fired:

Here's an hour long interview that highlights some interesting events  
and results: 

As to the thermate idea: Sorry. Bullshit. If there were explosives  
in the WTC, they were probably there illicitly, not planted as part of  
a larger plot. Recall these were buildings housing hundreds of  
businesses, not all of them necessarily wholly legit. (And, frankly,  
the words of a BYU scientist are not enough to sway me. It was a  
BYU scientist who claimed cold fusion was a reality back in the 80s.)

And even if there were explosives strapped to the structure, so what?  
All that would show is that the conspiracy *among the Islamic  
fundamentalists* was well-developed, to the point they were willing to  
plant charges to ensure destruction. We knew they were  
well-coordinated already. So what's the rhetorical point?

(Sorry, Rob.)

Excuse me while your statement peaks the ridicul-o-meter - a device to  
measure things of a ridiculous nature.  I understand the resistance to  
face these facts, but sticking ones' head in the sand leaves one's  
posterior rather exposed.
Pray tell, just how would *islamic terrorists* get routine access for  
the extended periods needed to plant such charges?  Did these crafty  
fanatics really orchestrate the unusual and multi-week safety drills  
that emptied out sections of the buildings leading up to the event?   
Are you claiming that multiple business fronts were there to allow  
access to detonators and these offices were neatly spaced such that  
these explosions left steel beams no longer than 30ft - just the size  
to be relatively quickly carted off by long-haul rigs?  And somehow the  
ownership, management, finances of these business could then not be  
traced by this NSA-centric administration?  Or, maybe you would be less  
certain and downright uncomfortable knowing GwB's cousin was running  
the security of those buildings - a tenure that ended days before this  
event occurred?

Granted, this Brin-list is drawn from people with a stronger than usual  
interest in fantastic leaps of imagination, but it appears we are  
actually firmly in the reality-based community and hold scientific  
rigor with more value than other quarters.  If your not comfy with  
BYU-centric scientists, perhaps a wider net of logical, questioning,  
intelligent minds from the 911 Scholars for Truth might not be as  
dismissible as the 

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa
Sorry, I was hoping for a rational reply, not a worthless rant a lot 
like the ones I've seen already.

Write back when you've grown up.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 12:32 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:

[bla bla bla, again]

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Gibson Jonathan


Sharpen your pencil Warren and follow along as best you can.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:33 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Hyperbole, lots thereof -- but where are the facts, the figures, etc.?

Just one example:

Molten steel unearthed six months after the collapse displays energy 
levels simple kinetic forces cannot foster.

Quantify, please.

Free-falling from WTC heights
The towers were 1350 and 1360 feet tall. So let's start by using our 
trusty free-fall equation to see how long it should take an object to 
free-fall from the towers' former height.

Distance = 1/2 x Gravity x Time(squared)
Time(squared) = (2 x Distance) / Gravity
Time(squared) = 2710 / 32 = 84.7
Time = 9.2

So our equation tells us that it will take 9.2 seconds to free-fall to 
the ground from the towers' former height.  Using the simple equation, 
V = GT, we can see that at 9.2 seconds, in order to reach the ground in 
9.2 seconds, the free-falling object's velocity must be about 295 
ft/sec, which is just over 200 mph.

But that can only occur in a vacuum.

Did the floors below use pixie-dust to magically slide out of the way 
of the ones above them, taking internal sea-level air resistance within 
them for a joy ride?  BTW - leaving a residue of space-vacuum so as not 
to impede the collapsing upper stories.  Since the overbuilt steel 
structures that had held for almost 40 years were suddenly NO {as in 
none, nil, nada} impediment we can only assume the internal structure 
was abnormally affected throughout the building.

On Jun 27, 2006, at 4:09 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

On the behalf of Mr Gibson:


Embrace the horror.  Face our fears.

[bla bla bla]

Wonderfully insightful {incite-full?} commentary, a tactic which adds 
so-o-o much to a conversation one doesn't wish to have.  Why bother 
responding to me at all?

Where are your figures to back up the grand sweeps of certainty you 

Where's the money-quote from the designer - or even original owners -  
that stated this was a disposable building  their biz plan anticipated 
the investment would be past it's shelf-life by the beginning of this 


- Jonathan Gibson -

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Nick Arnett

On 6/28/06, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a football
field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible fluid (do the
math; check me -- this is what I recall from working out the figs
myself about four years ago).

Even if that is true (and I've seen plenty of doubts), there was no jet fuel
(which is kerosene, for those who don't know) in WTC 7.  Yet it imploded
neatly.  At the least, it's weird.

Of course, many seemingly weird things happen in nature, provoking
superstition until somebody figures out the underlying mechanism.

I don't know what to think.  I find myself wondering how many people would
have had to have been directly involved and how they could all stay quiet if
something really was cooked up.  But maybe it wouldn't have had to be very
many... but so many indirectly.  There are a lot of orders from that day
that demand explanation, regarding security at the WTC, military drills,
shoot-down orders, etc.  So darn many coincidences.  And yet it's hard to
know if such coincidences would be found for any day of any year if we took
the time to look.

What bugs me the most is how very, very little has been spent on
investigating and explaining, while so much evidence was lost forever.  The
outrage of fire investigators is appropriate.  At the very least, we failed
to learn a great deal that could go into designs to resist such attacks.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 28, 2006, at 12:53 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:

Quantify, please.

Free-falling from WTC heights
The towers were 1350 and 1360 feet tall. So let's start by using our 
trusty free-fall equation to see how long it should take an object to 
free-fall from the towers' former height.

Distance = 1/2 x Gravity x Time(squared)
Time(squared) = (2 x Distance) / Gravity
Time(squared) = 2710 / 32 = 84.7
Time = 9.2

So our equation tells us that it will take 9.2 seconds to free-fall to 
the ground from the towers' former height.  Using the simple equation, 
V = GT, we can see that at 9.2 seconds, in order to reach the ground 
in 9.2 seconds, the free-falling object's velocity must be about 295 
ft/sec, which is just over 200 mph.

But that can only occur in a vacuum.

Okay -- so where are the energy levels simple kinetic forces cannot 

And where are these molten steel artifacts you lay claim to?

And can you show that the molten steel wasn't due to the fire's heat?

You've stacked a lot of numbers, which is good -- but you haven't 
really shown anything. If you have a point, try to get to it.

Where's the money-quote from the designer - or even original owners -  
that stated this was a disposable building  their biz plan 
anticipated the investment would be past it's shelf-life by the 
beginning of this millennia?

Have you paid no attention at all to architectural design in the last 
half century? Pick up a magazine on the topic. I'll not burden myself 
with trying to educate you further.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Nick Arnett

On 6/28/06, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

And where are these molten steel artifacts you lay claim to?

There is no shortage of pictures of this.

And can you show that the molten steel wasn't due to the fire's heat?

Actually, the fire that burned before the collapse isn't the only source of
the heat.  A huge pile of hot stuff insulates itself, so I can imagine that
it is entirely possible that the heat built up to that temperature long
after the collapses.  That's how flashovers happen, as any firefighter
knows.  A sealed-up building burns quickly for a while, using up most of the
oxygen.  Then it slows down tremendously because only a little oxygen can
get in.  But the same walls and windows that keep oxygen out are keeping the
heat in, so the fire gets hotter and hotter... and the combustion is less
and less complete, so the building fills with smoke that is made up of
incompletely burned particles.  Let oxygen in at the bottom of the fire
(rather than venting the heat from the top first) and boom, the air itself
explodes because it is superheated and well-fueled -- it just needed the
third element for fire, oxygen.  I've read that the subway tunnels under the
WTC acted as oxygen vents into the rubble pile.

In other words, the rubble pile could have been acting like a great big

The insulating effect is also it's against the law to have fires on the
beaches around here.  People cover them with sand, figuring they'll go out.
But they smolder and the heat stays trapped... then some poor soul steps on
it barefoot and gets a nasty burned sole.

The amount of heat (energy) in a building fire is very difficult to
comprehend at a gut level, I know, having seen fire trucks badly damaged by
radiant heat from a fire a block away... exposed buildings ignite across the
street from a burning house... water cannons that evaporate before even
hitting the flames of a really big fire.

We're so used to dealing with little fires that it is very hard to intuit
the scope of a big one.  I remember a while ago comparing this to running
water.  We're so accustomed to ordinary water forces that people do stupid
things like driving into a flash flood, thinking It's only water.

Our common sense fails us as the scale rises.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Gibson Jonathan


I'm not your walking stick just because you can't walk on your own to 
the school.

Start doing your own hard work.  You don't even answer direct questions.

Do you think I like being right about this?

On Jun 28, 2006, at 1:17 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Okay -- so where are the energy levels simple kinetic forces cannot 

And where are these molten steel artifacts you lay claim to?

And can you show that the molten steel wasn't due to the fire's heat?

You've stacked a lot of numbers, which is good -- but you haven't 
really shown anything. If you have a point, try to get to it.

Here's molten steel pulled out early-on 9/27/01.
I regret I can't find the URL for one with construction workers in 
front of red pools deeper down and later.  It's on a drive somewhere, 
but out of reach just now.

Look at this construction photo and tell all of us just how all that 
offers less resistance than butter the entire length down:
Of the more than 170 areas examined on 16 perimeter column panels, 
only three columns had evidence that the steel reached temperatures 
above 250ºC… Only two core column specimens had sufficient paint 
remaining to make such an analysis, and their temperatures did not 
reach 250 ºC. ... Using metallographic analysis, NIST determined that 
there was no evidence that any of the samples had reached temperatures 
above 600 ºC

- NIST, 2005, pp. 176-177

Here's what a steel frame modern structural failure looks like, every 
time until this most-special day of Coincidences Grande.
It's only under controlled demolition that symmetry occurs.

Where's the money-quote from the designer - or even original owners - 
 that stated this was a disposable building  their biz plan 
anticipated the investment would be past it's shelf-life by the 
beginning of this millennia?

Have you paid no attention at all to architectural design in the last 
half century? Pick up a magazine on the topic. I'll not burden myself 
with trying to educate you further.

Warren, we haven't met, but I feel sure I've seen your silhouette 
shaking fists at yungin's from the porch.  If you did know me you would 
have known I sent away for my college transcripts from the Tulane 
School of Architecture just yesterday.  LoL.
If you want to talk about then life-cycle of suburban housing, well... 
I was complaining about that fact when I was in high school.  
Commercial grade skyscrapers are a whole order of magnitude upgrade 
over the razors+blades model the contractor-builder offers.

You've got yourself a big mouth, but it don't seem to really say much.

Follow the links I've traced and maybe you'll have something to say 
next time.

- Jonathan -

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 28, 2006, at 1:10 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

On 6/28/06, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a football
field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible fluid (do the
math; check me -- this is what I recall from working out the figs
myself about four years ago).

Even if that is true (and I've seen plenty of doubts), there was no 
jet fuel
(which is kerosene, for those who don't know) in WTC 7.  Yet it 

neatly.  At the least, it's weird.

After having been so near the collapse of a supermassive structure, its 
roof burdened by debris weighing, possibly, dozens or hundreds of tons, 
and sitting atop a honeycomb of parking and subway conduits?

I don't think that's weird.

As to what's true, you've made me revisit my numbers. I've learned I 
was wrong in one important figure, and I thank you for making me 

Here we find some InternetFactsâ„¢ (take them for what they're worth):

The max fuel load of a top-of-the-line 737 is 37,712 Kg, or around 
90,000 pounds. Figure 8 pounds of water in a gallon and you've got 
better than 10K gallons of fuel in a 737, give or take.

Put in terms of metrics, you have about 37K liters of fluid, and a (US) 
football field is only about 90 or so meters long. Since one liter is 
equivalent to 1000 CCs, and since a football field area is about 50 
meters wide (53 yards), we can see that the 450 square meters of the 
field are covered easily by the fuel load in a 737, at zero depth, by a 
factor of ten to one. Give the football grid some walls and you'll be 
able to fill it, to a depth of about 10 cm or so, by what's in your 
airplane's tanks.

Okay, not a foot. A decimeter, about four inches. But you get the idea. 
That is a hell of a lot of explosive fluid, and the 737s that hit the 
WTC towers were on long-distance flights, at the beginning of their 
journeys, and damn near capacity in their tanks.

Though maybe not -- it would be silly to fill a plane to the brim when 
it only had to make a short run, since you'd be lifting the fuel AND 
the jet -- not very efficient. So do as the airlines do and fill the 
jet with enough fuel to make the trip, plus an hour or to extra. But 
even half capacity is stunning -- football field, two inches of jet 
fuel covering it.

And yes, it's kerosene, not gasoline. Lower octane rating. But the 
flashpoints of the two are close enough to one another (-40 C for 
gasoline, 29 C for kerosene, which is a lot in human space but nothing 
for chemistry) that any spark hot enough to light a cigarette would set 
them off. And the higher flashpoint of jet fuel was one of the reasons 
the towers burned so long. Think of carpeting, wallpaper, ceiling tiles 
-- wicking all that kerosene and then burning slowly like a candle. 
Heat on heat, mounting slowly, on the central steel framework of the 
buildings until their central columns were like hot solder.

It's not high heat in a crock pot that makes your stew; it's a long, 
slow cook.

I don't know what to think.  I find myself wondering how many people 
have had to have been directly involved and how they could all stay 
quiet if
something really was cooked up.  But maybe it wouldn't have had to be 
many... but so many indirectly.  There are a lot of orders from that 
that demand explanation, regarding security at the WTC, military 
shoot-down orders, etc.  So darn many coincidences.  And yet it's hard 
know if such coincidences would be found for any day of any year if we 

the time to look.

You suggested earlier that fires are chaotic. Well, they are. (You'd 
know.) For the first 18 minutes or so, no one even knew the US was 
being attacked in a coordinated effort. So conflicting reports, chaotic 
orders and strange omissions in emergency responses aren't that hard to 
understand, are they?

It's much simpler to say we were caught with our pants down -- which 
I am sure we were -- than it is to suggest a multinational conspiracy, 
possibly involving US officials, was in play here.

What's more plausible? That Dick Cheney was drunk and shot his friend 
in the face, or that he mistook a 70-year-old lawyer for a quail?

What's more plausible? That buildings designed to implode underwent 
structural failure after a catastrophic event never even dreamed of by 
their designers, and the disassociated and tentacular arms of a 
badly-organized government failed to respond appropriately in the first 
few titanic hours -- or that proper response was quelled from the top, 
leaving the local units to fend for themselves as a building (two), 
which was little more than a façade erected around a central hollow 
girderwork of steel, did more or less what it was supposed to do under 
total structural failure?

I really hate Bush et. al. I don't think a single thing they have ever 
done is right, with the one exception of invading Afghanistan. (The 

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

Whatever, honey.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 2:04 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:



Look at my dialogue with Nick to understand how adults behave.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 28, 2006, at 1:59 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

In other words, the rubble pile could have been acting like a great big

How many modern cases of spontaneous human combustion have you heard of?

It used to be a big deal, one of those things that happened regularly 
for no good reason anyone could find, and it was bizarre. Wooden houses 
didn't burn down, flammable drapes didn't get anything but smoke 
damage, and still, lying in the middle of a scorched floor, were the 
remains of a body, burned to ash, but with weird omissions, such as an 
untouched hand or foot.

While SHC has never been fully explained, a plausible explication has 
been proposed: Wicking.

You (Nick) know what wicking is, of course -- fuel or any fluid being 
sucked along a conduit. In SHC, the idea is that a body, a person, has 
become unconscious or otherwise helpless next to a low-heat combustive 
force, sometimes a candle, sometimes a lamp. As the body is heated 
regionally and rapidly in a small area, fat melts and wicks, and the 
burning process is fed slowly and almost carefully, almost 
deliberately. A good source of wick action, such as cotton or wool, 
helps — and in the days before DuPont, what did most people wear?

Just as you can hold a burning candle in your hand and not feel pain, 
the wicking process in SHC might feed into the gradual, but total, 
burning of a victim while leaving his surroundings unscorched.

Why this is important is that SHC cases often speak of bones being 
turned to ash, which is a thing that usually requires the high heat of 
crematoria to make — hot enough to fire pottery, which starts at 500 
degrees F and goes well up from there. And even then, bones are left, 
and have to be broken manually before the ashes are put into an urn.

Well, as you noted, slow, low fires can sometimes do the same things as 
fast, hot fires — and they can do things fast, hot fires cannot. The 
wicking action and low gentle heat of a candle or wicking fire can 
destroy collagen in bones (you can get collagen from a low simmering 
soup, but not a fast, high cook), and maybe the low forge-like fire 
you've described can help us understand what happened in the WTC.

You don't need ten thousand degrees of heat in one second to make steel 
melt. (Its melt point is around 3100 degrees F). All you really need is 
a thousand degrees over a few hours, wafted gently by air from time to 
time. Heat builds. And in the case of the WTC structure, you don't even 
need melting to start the collapse. You just need plasticity, which 
happens at a much lower temperature.

BTW, I'm starting to get worried. In the last hour or so I've Googled 
terms like gasoline flashpoint, 737 fuel load, WTC tower collapse 
and melting point of steel.

Please think kindly of me when you learn I'm in GitMo.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Nick Arnett

On 6/28/06, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The max fuel load of a top-of-the-line 737 is 37,712 Kg, or around
90,000 pounds. Figure 8 pounds of water in a gallon and you've got
better than 10K gallons of fuel in a 737, give or take.

Oops.  Fuel weighs less than water (a fact that is impressed upon one when
learning to fly).  Part of every pre-flight inspection to drain a bit of
fluid from the lowest points on the tanks, to ensure that what comes out is
fuel, not water (typically from condensation in the airplane, the fuel truck
or tanks).  If you get water, you keep draining until you don't get any.
Jet-A weighs 6.5 to 7 lbs/gallon, nominally 6.76 lbs/gallon in the United
States and Europe.

Okay, not a foot. A decimeter, about four inches. But you get the idea.

That is a hell of a lot of explosive fluid, and the 737s that hit the
WTC towers were on long-distance flights, at the beginning of their
journeys, and damn near capacity in their tanks.

Explosive, you say?  This is kerosene, not gasoline.  Try this at home (away
from flammable stuff).  Put some kerosene in a glass (don't use styrofoam).
Light a match.  Stick it in the kerosene.  It will go out.  Do not try this
with gasoline.

And yes, it's kerosene, not gasoline. Lower octane rating. But the

flashpoints of the two are close enough to one another (-40 C for
gasoline, 29 C for kerosene, which is a lot in human space but nothing
for chemistry) that any spark hot enough to light a cigarette would set
them off.

Baloney.  Really.  I've used a lot of kerosene to start fires (to burn brush
at my parent's farm) and I can assure you that it is not so easy to ignite.
It is nowhere near as volatile as gasoline.

And the higher flashpoint of jet fuel was one of the reasons
the towers burned so long. Think of carpeting, wallpaper, ceiling tiles
-- wicking all that kerosene and then burning slowly like a candle.
Heat on heat, mounting slowly, on the central steel framework of the
buildings until their central columns were like hot solder.

Sorry, but that strikes me as simply arguing from your conclusion.  I'd like
to see a peer-reviewed simulation.  Maybe there's one out there.

It's not high heat in a crock pot that makes your stew; it's a long,

slow cook.

Uh,  isn't that an argument against high temperatures???

You suggested earlier that fires are chaotic. Well, they are. (You'd
know.) For the first 18 minutes or so, no one even knew the US was
being attacked in a coordinated effort. So conflicting reports, chaotic
orders and strange omissions in emergency responses aren't that hard to
understand, are they?

I'm not talking so much about what happened after the attack as what was
happening by coincidence prior to it.

What's more plausible? That buildings designed to implode

I hadn't realized that the buildings were designed to implode.  Many sources
seem to agree on this, it seems, which helps me to feel reassured.

As much as I'd love to see Bush
done up for treason, I just can't get aboard here.

I'm not aboard either.  I'm just bothered by how many things seemed to
come together for this to happen.  But then again, that's often the way it
is when an unusual event takes place.  Perhaps it was the Hand of God at
work.  (I'm really, really not serious, except that there's part of me that
thinks anything is possible.)

Let's think of what didn't work for a moment. The Pentagon didn't

collapse; only one face was affected.

Wasn't that the just-reinforced face?  And why were the engine parts at the
Pentagon from a different airplane?  That's the sort of thing I'd like

But there just isn't credible evidence to accept the idea of a


No disagreement here.  As I said, I'm more concerned about the lack of
answers, rather than the implications of the evidence available.  There
could be a lot more evidence available.  What's more deserving of a deep and
thorough investigation?  How about some explanations of why there hasn't
been more investigation?  Of course, the answer is probably purely

 outrage of fire investigators is appropriate.  At the very least, we
 to learn a great deal that could go into designs to resist such

How? How can you possibly make a skyscraper with every possible
contingency in mind?

Nobody has proposed that.  Have you seen the comments of frustrated fire
engineering experts?  A great deal could have been learned.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Charlie Bell

On 29/06/2006, at 2:25 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

Explosive, you say?  This is kerosene, not gasoline.  Try this at  
home (away
from flammable stuff).  Put some kerosene in a glass (don't use  
Light a match.  Stick it in the kerosene.  It will go out.  Do not  
try this

with gasoline.

Try it again by getting a glass bottle full of kerosene, sticking a  
lit rag in the neck, and throwing it into your office through a window.

You *can* put a match out in gasoline too. It's the air/fuel mixture  
that's important. Shredding an aircraft half full of fuel through a  
building will mix the air and the fuel pretty well. Add lots of wicky  
stuff, and that's a good raging fire.

And yes, it's kerosene, not gasoline. Lower octane rating. But the

flashpoints of the two are close enough to one another (-40 C for
gasoline, 29 C for kerosene, which is a lot in human space but  
for chemistry) that any spark hot enough to light a cigarette  
would set

them off.

Baloney.  Really.  I've used a lot of kerosene to start fires (to  
burn brush
at my parent's farm) and I can assure you that it is not so easy to  

It is nowhere near as volatile as gasoline.

But still pretty volatile when heated. Once that fire's going, it  
goes good, right? Well, you've got flames in the WTC from the engines  
exploding anyway. That'll set the rest off nicely.

Wasn't that the just-reinforced face?  And why were the engine  
parts at the

Pentagon from a different airplane?  That's the sort of thing I'd like

A different airplane? That I've not heard. Source?



RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dan Minette

 its an hour, but it is interesting. In it they show some videos of the
 collapse and in it is clear that the mast on top of WTC 1? begins to
 collapse down into the core of the building well before the rest of the
 structure, indicating that the central supports of the building (the key
 to its structural integrity) were the first things to go. They attribute
 this, and the damage on the ground floor prior to collapse, to bombs in
 the basement of the building (and elsewhere) that were triggered after
 the impact and that were the cause of the collapse. These bombs cut the
 central supports and initiated the collapse. 

They also have people
 inside the building, and seismic records etc that allegedly corroborate
 the idea. One thing that explains something that always worried me about
 the collapses but I never knew why, is the fact that the whole thing
 took around 10 seconds, in both cases. Given the height of the buildings
 ( I didn't take notes when I was watching, so watch it for details -
 they even have formulas !) this is basically free fall speed. So the
 structure of the building, even the thousands of tonnes of  undamaged
 hurricane-proof steel and concrete below the collision levels, did
 absolutely nothing to impede the collapse speed. It is as if the whole
 building just broke into a zillion separate pieces and fell at free fall
 speed to the ground.

There are three things to consider about this.  First, the terminal velocity
of an object is dependant on a number of factors, including the shape of the
object, the density of the object, and the size of the object (square/cubed

Each tower was about 500 thousand tons.  Assuming these are English tons,
and using 68 meters x 68 metric as the footprint, we have 500 tons per meter
squared of area by the time the falling structure got to the bottom...which
is where air resistance should be slowing things the most.  Knowing that the
terminal velocity of skydiving humans is 120 mph...when resistance is
maximized, it seems reasonable to see that the terminal velocity of this
great of a mass/meter squared is far greater.  To pick a number, I'd say at
least 400 mph, or about 600 fps.  In 10 sec, total free fall gives us 320
fps, or 98 mps.  Since air resistance goes as v^3, we'd see, roughly, no
more than a 10% reduction of the maximum velocity.  

Second, g forces involved with stopping fallen objects are much higher than
g forces required to hold something up.  For example, dropping a hammer on a
floor generates 1000 g's of force.  The g forces are also sheer, they pull
the cross beams down, thus magnifying the force.  Let's assume a factor of 2
safety margin is involved. (I'm pretty sure a number close to that has been
quoted somewhere with regard to the temperature weakening)  So, an addition
g, on top of gravity is needed to break the bonds.  

While the building as a whole does have give to bending, steel beam
structures do not have significant give with respect to shearing forces.  It
would only take milliseconds for the falling building to generate the
additional 1g force that is needed.  100 decelerations of, say, 5
milliseconds each, would result in an extra half second above free fall.

I admit to doing a bit of back of the envelope work here.  But, my point is
that's a lot more work than the folks who maintain the websites did.  They
just appealed to untrained intuition.

A more careful job could certainly be done.  I've referenced numerous
professional groups who have analyzed the collapse, and have found it very
understandable.  So, my question is why trust an appeal to intuition over
both rough calculations and the work of a number of professional groups.  I
know that appeal to authority is not a good argument, but I do tend to trust
analysis done by multiple groups of people who are both trained in practice
in evaluating structures and their failures more than arm waving by folks
who don't have similar track records, training or tools.  This is just
enhanced by my own back of the envelope work which is much more consistent
with the pros.

 It is just too strange to contemplate that it was an inside job, that
 part of it is the thing I find very hard to accept, the idea that anyone
 would think that they could get away with it. But there are a lot of
 things that don't seem to add up. And the 911 Commission (which took 411
 days to start, and had an initial  budget of 3 million, versus a week
 and 50 million for the Challenger disaster) report looks more like a
 whitewash to me the more I learn about it. 

If Gautam were still on the list, he might have been persuaded to talk to
the liberal Democrat he's going to school with who compiled this.  Why would
liberal Democrats want to whitewash Bush?

Dan M. 


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dave Land

On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

I'm with Dan on this one (!). That a fully-loaded 737 can cause,  
after impact, buildings to fall down is not even remotely shocking.

Of course, the buildings were scarcely damaged by the planes' impact.  
Big chunks of the planes went clear through the building and landed  
on the other side. Some didn't even strike the core of the building.

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a  
football field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible  
fluid (do the math; check me -- this is what I recall from working  
out the figs myself about four years ago). What's amazing, in this  
light, is that the buildings didn't fall before they did.

Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a  
third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.

And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They could  
have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of Jet A  
and replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't possibly  
burn hot enough to bring the buildings down.

So: Sorry. Bullshit., to coin a phrase.

We don't know what the hell happened on 9/11. The administration's  
just-so story is no better or worse than the conspiracy theorists':  
they're all wild-ass guesses based on too little information and too  
many jumped conclusions.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 6/27/2006 10:02:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

The  conspiracy theory is, as far as I can tell, that some very powerful
folks  wanted to scare Americans.  They got wind of the AQ plot.   They
thought that flying planes into the WTC, which would then just burn  for a
while and probably have to be torn down, wasn't bad enough to  institute the
Patriot act, or maybe an industrial strength Patriot  act.  Thus, they placed
bombs to go off after the planes hit.   

In short, while AQ did fly planes in the buildings, the real enemy is  a
shadowy powerful conservative groupwith ties into the CIA, the  White
House, etc.  

Your point is _very_ consistent with my  viewsthe above is my take on the
internet conspiracy theories we see  posted here.

Two things - 
1) the current administration does not seem capable of such success
2) No matter what I think of the  people running our country I do not  
believe they would commit mass murder. I do not believe if they tried that  
would not have ratted them out and either stopped this before it  happened or 
quickly uncovered the conspiracy afterwards. Some might argue that  this 
administration has already killed thousands of US citizens with their ill  
conceived war but that is different.  Humans engage in all sorts of mental  
tricks to 
justify war. We all accept some of these rationalizations in some  
circumstances (humans have been killing other humans for a long time - from  
before we 
were humans). But by and large we do not accept killing members of our  own 
tribe. One can rationalize sending men into war but not killing one's own  
kind. I 
think that are too many moral individuals in this government (or any  other 
US government) to allow this to occur

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dave Land

On Jun 28, 2006, at 2:30 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Okay, not a foot. A decimeter, about four inches. But you get the  
idea. That is a hell of a lot of explosive fluid, and the 737s that  
hit the WTC towers were on long-distance flights, at the beginning  
of their journeys, and damn near capacity in their tanks.

Explosive fluid? Sheesh! It's actually pretty hard to get it lit,  
and when it does get lit, it doesn't explode, and it burns at a  
relatively sedate 500-800 degrees C. I wouldn't want to be in there  
with it, but it would be the one single solitary time in the history  
of the world that such a fire caused such a collapse.





What part of that are you missing? Millions upon millions of steel- 
frame buildings in the world. Hundreds subjected to fires, some of  
the which burned for more than 24 hours, and yet not one of them ever  
collapsed due to the fire.

Well, actually, three of them did. In the space of a couple of hours.  
And did so at a speed that suggests that the floors below them simply  
ceased to exist as the floors above fell.

And yes, it's kerosene, not gasoline. Lower octane rating. But the  
flashpoints of the two are close enough to one another (-40 C for  
gasoline, 29 C for kerosene, which is a lot in human space but  
nothing for chemistry) that any spark hot enough to light a  
cigarette would set them off. And the higher flashpoint of jet fuel  
was one of the reasons the towers burned so long. Think of  
carpeting, wallpaper, ceiling tiles -- wicking all that kerosene  
and then burning slowly like a candle. Heat on heat, mounting  
slowly, on the central steel framework of the buildings until their  
central columns were like hot solder.

You can tell you're a writer -- this is fine fiction. Hot solder my  
achin' ass. More like hot high-tensile steel. And LOTS and LOTS of it.

You know how much I respect you, Warren, but you're acting very  
strangely about this.

It's not high heat in a crock pot that makes your stew; it's a  
long, slow cook.

Yeah. My crockpots almost always collapse directly into their  
footprints after a couple of hours. That's why I don't use 'em any  
more. Can't afford to clean up the mess they leave in the foundation  
of my house.

I'm reminded of an old Monty Python sketch, wherein John Cleese, in  
an intense bid to become a freemason, proposes a new living-block  
apartment model to prospective purchasers. The tower is built on a  
central-column design (as are all modern buildings), and he claims  
this will totally preclude the possibility of structural collapse.  
As he says so, his model collapses, the little model floors falling  
down along the central column he was promoting.

This is almost exactly what the WTC towers did.

Right: the WTC collapse was just a really enormous Monty Python sketch.

The towers were designed to come down. That they were made to do so  
in 2001 by attack is surprising from a cultural point of view, but  
not at all from the perspective of engineering or modern architecture.

Since you've been so insistence on proof, please provide  
documentation that WTC1 and 2 were designed to come down.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:06 PM, Dave Land wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

I'm with Dan on this one (!). That a fully-loaded 737 can cause, 
after impact, buildings to fall down is not even remotely shocking.

Of course, the buildings were scarcely damaged by the planes' impact. 
Big chunks of the planes went clear through the building and landed on 
the other side. Some didn't even strike the core of the building.

Didn't have to. The damage wasn't solely because of the kinetic force 
of the planes, which of course are designed to be as light as possible 
given their workload. Just down the street from my house there's a 
steam engine in a park. It's about 50 feet long and made of cast iron 
(this was once a working railroad engine), and it weighs about the same 
as an empty 747.

Of course, tornadoes have been known to drive blades of straw into tree 
trunks, and a small 9mm slug is capable of destroying a human life. 
Sometimes mass isn't necessary to wreak unrecoverable damage.

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a football 
field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible fluid (do the 
math; check me -- this is what I recall from working out the figs 
myself about four years ago). What's amazing, in this light, is that 
the buildings didn't fall before they did.

Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a 
third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.

See my exchange with Nick regarding slow fires. The girders didn't have 
to melt; they didn't even have to buckle. All that was needed was for 
their rivets to shear, for the flooring to come loose from the central 
tower — and blam. Any architect will tell you that ALL modern 
skyscrapers can suffer a similar fate under similar circumstances.

Buildings under construction have collapsed like pancakes because their 
upper floors were de-reinforced before the concrete shrouding their 
girders was cured. Just a few sheets of plywood held them up. And 
you're suggesting, seriously, that a fire burning for 90 or so minutes 
wouldn't do appreciable damage to a building's structural integrity?

And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They could 
have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of Jet A and 
replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't possibly burn 
hot enough to bring the buildings down.

Prove it. Show your stats to support your assertion that the WTC towers 
could have stood up under fires burning on every floor. We already know 
that fires on thee floors were enough to bring them down, so I think 
you'll be hard-pressed here.

Come on, Dave -- this is really disappointing from you.

We don't know what the hell happened on 9/11.

Yes, actually, we do. Islamic fundamentalists took just enough flight 
instruction to know how to guide a plane, then hijacked some planes, 
and flew them as missiles into designated targets. Two of the targets 
collapsed after several hours of burning and progressive structural 
weakening. One of the targets, built in a much earlier era to survive, 
as much as possible, a direct nuke attack, managed to fare well. The 
fourth target wasn't reached, but cockpit voice recordings seem to 
indicate that the hijackers of the Pennsylvania plane were, at best, 
unprepared to face resistance from passengers.

Where, please tell me, do you think the mystery lies here?

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:29 PM, Dave Land wrote:

You know how much I respect you, Warren, but you're acting very 
strangely about this.

That's pretty damned funny.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dave Land

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:37 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:06 PM, Dave Land wrote:

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a  
football field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible  
fluid (do the math; check me -- this is what I recall from  
working out the figs myself about four years ago). What's  
amazing, in this light, is that the buildings didn't fall before  
they did.

Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about  
a third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.

See my exchange with Nick regarding slow fires. The girders didn't  
have to melt; they didn't even have to buckle. All that was needed  
was for their rivets to shear, for the flooring to come loose from  
the central tower — and blam. Any architect will tell you that ALL  
modern skyscrapers can suffer a similar fate under similar  

Anyone who has looked into it can tell you that this has happened to  
exactly three buildings. Ever. I don't care how many imaginary  
architects you want to cite, because in the real world, it hasn't  
worked that way. It. Never. Happens. (Except this once.) But I'm  
supposed to accept this as normal? That's just crazy talk.

Here's the deal: find documentation for just one instance of any  
steel building that collapsed precisely into its footprint due to any  
sort of fire at all prior to 9/11/01, and I'll take myself out of  
this discussion with sincere apologies to you.

Buildings under construction have collapsed like pancakes because  
their upper floors were de-reinforced before the concrete shrouding  
their girders was cured. Just a few sheets of plywood held them up.  
And you're suggesting, seriously, that a fire burning for 90 or so  
minutes wouldn't do appreciable damage to a building's structural  

Thank you: that is precisely what I have been suggesting (and  
suggesting is exactly the word: I don't know what happened; nobody  
does), because in roughly 100 years of steel-reinforced construction,  
not a single building has failed in this way until September 11,  
2001. The ones that have collapsed as you describe were under  
construction: they were incomplete.

And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They  
could have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of  
Jet A and replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't  
possibly burn hot enough to bring the buildings down.

Prove it. Show your stats to support your assertion that the WTC  
towers could have stood up under fires burning on every floor. We  
already know that fires on thee floors were enough to bring them  
down, so I think you'll be hard-pressed here.

We don't know that at all.

We know that there was a fire, and we know that the buildings  
collapsed. We do not know why or how they collapsed. We most  
definitely do not know that fires on three floors were enough to  
bring them down.

By the way, I have no interest in proving it. I don't have to. We're  
just a bunch of friends yacking on the Internet about it.

Come on, Dave -- this is really disappointing from you.

Nice to know that our surprise in each other's position is mutual: it  
bespeaks an underlying respect that will survive this exchange.

We don't know what the hell happened on 9/11.

Yes, actually, we do. Islamic fundamentalists took just enough  
flight instruction to know how to guide a plane, then hijacked some  
planes, and flew them as missiles into designated targets. Two of  
the targets collapsed after several hours of burning and  
progressive structural weakening.

We do not know that. We know that two of the targets collapsed after  
several hours of burning. We have a lot of guesses -- some more  
rational than others -- as to why.

Maybe it was termites, not thermite.

Where, please tell me, do you think the mystery lies here?

In the bits that you conveniently assume -- the conclusion from which  
you argue so unsuccessfully: that the buildings definitely collapsed  
due to structural weakening.

I'm not saying that they didn't necessarily fail in that way: only  
that it is extraordinarily unlikely -- representing a singular event  
in architectural physics, an event at least as unlikely as a  
government plot to murder thousands of American citizens to enrage  
them enough to support an evil invasion of another country.

We just don't know, and probably never will. Except for those who  
make up their minds before the facts are in.



Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dave Land

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:38 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:29 PM, Dave Land wrote:

You know how much I respect you, Warren, but you're acting very  
strangely about this.

That's pretty damned funny.

That's me, the comic relief.

For those who don't know, I have the highest regard for Warren as the  
list's leading atheologian. I wish that those who call themselves  
Christians (and other religions) would approach matters of faith with  
the seriousness that Warren does.

That said, we're poles apart at present on the WTC thingy.



RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dave Land
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:07 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
  I'm with Dan on this one (!). That a fully-loaded 737 can cause,
  after impact, buildings to fall down is not even remotely shocking.
 Of course, the buildings were scarcely damaged by the planes' impact.
 Big chunks of the planes went clear through the building and landed
 on the other side. Some didn't even strike the core of the building.
  This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a
  football field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible
  fluid (do the math; check me -- this is what I recall from working
  out the figs myself about four years ago). What's amazing, in this
  light, is that the buildings didn't fall before they did.
 Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a
 third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.
 And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They could
 have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of Jet A
 and replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't possibly
 burn hot enough to bring the buildings down.

I've posted a number of studies by mechanical and structural engineers on
the collapse. A plethora of potential mechanisms were given.  The most
reasonable conclusion that I saw was that it was probably a combination of
many of them.

Many of them were published by folks who analyzed data that were provided to
them.  I just found one that was quickly published, based more or less on
public knowledge.  It's at:

The lead author was Thomas Eagar, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials
Engineering and Engineering Systems at MIT.  My guess is that he has
considerable experience in the field.  He suggests that differential heating
was part of the problem.  It makes sense to me.

Every professional work that I've read on this has discussed the weakening
of steel in the 500C to 800C range.  The steel doesn't have to melt for
there to be a problem.  

 So: Sorry. Bullshit., to coin a phrase.
 We don't know what the hell happened on 9/11. The administration's
 just-so story is no better or worse than the conspiracy theorists':
 they're all wild-ass guesses based on too little information and too
 many jumped conclusions.

But, it's not just the administration's just so story The overwhelming
professional consensus is that the data are consistent with the impact of
the planes and the resultant fire causing the collapse.  That is a
factin the exact same sense that there is professional consensus on
anthropological global warming.

These are not imaginary people.  These are professions, with very reasonable
looking training and jobs who have investigated the problem.  I've
referenced a number of them, and quoted some at length.

Let's assume, hypothetically, that there was a problem reconciling the
collapse with what was known.  In that case, the nature of the debate would
be different.  People would search for unconsidered factors in the details.
Instead, we have an overabundance of possible causes.

It is true that the collapse of these high rises were singular.  But, so was
the event.  I cannot think of any other high rises that suffered similar
damage, and then a prolonged 500C+ fire at the point of the fire.  Indeed,
the impact was greater than the impact it was designed for, a 707 IIRC.  

Finally, out of curiosity, are you familiar with the kind of stress modeling
that mechanical and structural engineers do regularly, and have applied to
this problem.  I've quoted, earlier, web sites that discuss this modeling
work.  Having managed projects that involved extremely rugged environments,
I have some feel for the finite element analysis programs that have been
used.  I have a feel for shock and vibration problems, having had to design
for 1500 g shock and 20 g rms vibration at elevated temperatures (just 175
C, but that still has an effect).  My tool, alas, has failed in a well where
the drill string resonance was so bad, bolts with 15,000 ft-lbs of torque
were backed out by vibration. With this background, what they write makes
sense to me.  I would like to suggest that these, very real and often
quoted, mechanical and structural engineers, modelers, etc. have a decent
understanding of the dynamics.  I'm not taking them on pure faith.  Indeed,
your arguments contradict what I know, while their arguments do not.  

In essence, I'm trying to understand why you feel it's impossible for your
intuition to be wrong, and professionals to be right. I know the results are
unique, but so are the circumstances.  Unique circumstances can produce
unique results. Now, if you can show 10 buildings that have

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Dave Land

On Jun 28, 2006, at 9:18 PM, Dan Minette wrote:

In essence, I'm trying to understand why you feel it's impossible for
your intuition to be wrong, and professionals to be right. I know the
results are unique, but so are the circumstances.  Unique  
can produce unique results. Now, if you can show 10 buildings that  

gone through similar trauma, and remained standing, then that's a
different story. But, as long as the circumstances are unique, unique
results should not be surprising.

Thank you for your detailed, rational message -- I don't have time to
respond in kind tonight, but hope to follow your leads and learn more
about this.

In all honesty -- and knowing that brother Warren will see this post,
too -- I got all het up over Warren's insistence on proofs and failure
to offer same, and applied a bit more heat than light to the discussion.

Your message didn't get my dander up, just my curiosity.

Thanks again,


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-28 Thread Charlie Bell

On 29/06/2006, at 4:06 AM, Dave Land wrote:
Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a  
third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.

You will see that iron undergoes a phase change at 600C, becoming  
soft and pliable. It is this phase change that allows farriers and  
swordsmiths to shape iron in a controlled manner. Steel changes from  
the solid metal it is at room temperature, to a material with a  
consistency and structural integrity about the same as well-chewed gum.

And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They  
could have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of  
Jet A and replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't  
possibly burn hot enough to bring the buildings down.

If you accept that the fuel burns above 600C as you have above, you  
*have* to accept that the structural integrity of the floors where  
the fuel fires were was fatally compromised by the heat, as the Fe  
phase diagram shows.

So: Sorry. Bullshit., to coin a phrase.

We don't know what the hell happened on 9/11. The administration's  
just-so story is no better or worse than the conspiracy  
theorists': they're all wild-ass guesses based on too little  
information and too many jumped conclusions.

Or possibly based on some school-level physical chemistry.


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Nick Arnett

On 6/26/06, Robert G. Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What was the distance between adjacent buildings in that part of town?

There was some on-street parking on the east side of the towers, so it was
maybe a half-city block in that direction.  To the south and west, they were
fairly close to the adjacent buildings -- fairly wide sidewalks, but typical
Manhattan streets.  I can't quite recall the distance to the north...  And
this is all from memory.

And there was a large plaza between the buildings, of course.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert G. Seeberger
 Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 10:26 PM
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 If you are terrorists why should you care whether the
  buildings go straight down or topple over. Wouldn't
  you want them to topple
  to  do more damage?

How much control do you think that the terrorists had?  While the hijacker
pilots did have a bit of training, it's hard to imagine that they would be
able to do a much better job of hitting the towers with planes.  IIRC, Bin
Ladin was surprised when the towers actually fell. 

Is there any indication at all that the folks flying the planes had more of
a plan than flying the planes into the towers and causing a lot of damage?  
 Bingo again!
 And that is the only reason it is suspicious at all.
 What was the distance between adjacent buildings in that part of town?

I wasn't aware, but there was a path of total destruction, about a tower
wide, for 1.5 to 2 blocks away from the WTC. You can see it on the before
and after photos at

Dan M. 


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert Seeberger
 Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 9:51 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 - Original Message -
 From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 1:17 PM
 Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 [Snip a godawful amount of quoted text]
  All of this makes sense to me, and is consistent with what I see on
  videos of the collapse.
 Well of course it does Dan. 

So, it seems that we agree that the planes flying into the building are
sufficient for the buildings to collapse.  We also agree that the pattern of
the collapse is consistent with rigorous structural analysis of the

The explanations these gentlemen give are
 tailored to explain what was seen in the evidence, what they don't do
 is eliminate alternate explanations and that is the item that I would
 like to see.

The alternative explanation is that, in addition to the planes flying into
the WTC, bombs were placed by persons unknown, but probably connected with
someone like Dick Cheney, a while before that...and that the planes flew
into just those floors where bombs were placed.  The bomb people either had
to be really really good spooks, or coordinated with WTC security.  Given
the track record of the CIA and the plumbers, etc., I don't think of anyone
who is quite that good.

Further, the blasts couldn't have occurred on the outside structures,
because there would have been some outward puffsthat would not be part
of the general flameseven with the burning, multiple explosions of would
be seeable.  But, on the inside, which is full of melted aluminum which
could explode, the bombs could be masked.  So, I don't think that I could
falsify the existence of modest size bombs on the inner columns.  

It appears that we agree that the well accepted explanation is both simple
and sufficient to explain what has been observed. In contrast, the
conspiracy theory relies on a number of variables all lining up perfectly to
conceal the blast.  For example, how did all of this coordination work,
between the AQ members and Dick, or whoever set up the bombs?  How did they
know just which floors to hit, and how could those undertrained pilots be so
good at hitting just the right floors?   

In a real sense, it is impossible to absolutely falsify conspiracy theories
because they are usually fairly well immunized from falsification.  For
example, someone who thought JFK was a secret Commie and that RFK decided to
have him killed because of the disgrace he would bring to the family name
could not be dissuaded by the lack of concrete evidence.  That just proved
how good RFK was.

 I would even trust your judgement of such an endevour, but such has
 not been undertaken or even really been officially commented on. (At
 least I have not become aware of it and that is also within the realms
 of possibilityG)
 It seems that you are very skeptical about the
  analysis that was done.  I'm trying to find out why you think these
  guys are
 It is that it is *an* explanation, but not neccessarily *the*
  I'm also trying to understand what you believe might have happened.
  I can
  think of a couple theoretical possibilities.
  1) There no hijacked planes.  The pictures of the second plane
  flying into
  the WTC faked were faked.
 Then the witnesses would have to be faked also, but there are just too
 many of them for that to be true.
  2) The planes did hit the building, but explosive charges were set
  off in
  the floors that they hit.
 Bingo, and it resides as a suspicion, not a belief. None of the
 official explanations precludes the sort of conspiracy required. The
 conspiracy theorists addressed such right from the get-go.
 Now, I'm *not* saying that the conspiracy theorists are correct or
 that any of what they say is true, but very little of what they say
 has been without doubt eliminated as a possibility. (The point being
 that they say quite a bit and it goes pretty much unchallenged and/or

So did the conspiracy theories about Clinton murdering Ron Brown.  

 As we have previously discussed, my main concern is that all three
 buildings collapsed fairly well into their basements with about as
 little collateral damage as could be possible.
 Why pancaking and not toppling?

For full toppling to occur, one of the sides of the base would have to be
damaged.  Only the top was damaged, so the whole tower wouldn't topple.
Indeed, one of the tops _did_ start to topple before the whole thing gave
way.  That's clearly seen.  The long quote I reported discussed why this
behavior is very consistent with what is known about the building.  

 From your post:
  He noted that
 videotapes showed some tilting of the top portion

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Robert J. Chassell
Although at least muon-catalyzed cold fusion worked . . . although
in the short life of a muon, it apparently cannot catalyze enough
fusion reactions to make as much energy as it took to make the
muon in the first place, so it is not a great new source of

Muon-catalyzed fusion is elegant: the muons cause protons to come
closer together!  If I remember rightly, a muon as currently produced
by humans must catalyze more than 800 fusion reactions before the
method becomes energy-effective.  (I cannot remember how many a muon
catalyzes, but the number is, or was, considerably smaller.)

I was in Provo at the time, and I'll try to find a summary I wrote
of what went on if anyone's interested . . .

Yes, I am curious.

Robert J. Chassell 

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

On 6/27/2006 11:34:12 AM, Dan Minette ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Robert G. Seeberger
  Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 10:26 PM
  Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
  If you are terrorists why should you care whether the
   buildings go straight down or topple over.
   you want them to topple
   to  do more damage?

 How much control do you think that the terrorists had?  While the 
 pilots did have a bit of training, it's
 hard to imagine that they would be
 able to do a much better job of hitting the towers with planes. 
 Ladin was surprised when the towers actually fell.

 Is there any indication at all that the folks flying the planes had 
 a plan than flying the planes into the towers and causing a lot of

I don't believe they did.
My suspicions fell along the lines of the plot being discovered ahead 
of time by parties unidentified who took advantage of the situation 
for gain, or less likely, that parties unidentified were aware of or 
were party to the plot and were cold blooded enough to co-operate in 
order to change the political climate here.
There are people who stood to gain from such a disaster politically or 
economically and I have had few qualms about casting my yellow eye 
around since the OKC bombing and subsequent revelation of the 
conspiracy behind it. (McVeigh and all)
There are some very nasty people in the world.

  Bingo again!
  And that is the only reason it is suspicious at all.
  What was the distance between adjacent buildings in that part of 

 I wasn't aware, but there was a path of total destruction, about a 
wide, for 1.5 to 2 blocks away from the WTC. You can see it on the 
and after photos at

Thanks Dan!
Every photo I have seen in the past (That I recall at least) was too 
far away or too close to show the extent of the debris field around 
the towers. With these pics I can approximate the distances and it 
seems to me that the buildings collapsed in accordance with my 
expectations. So often you hear the phrase Collapsed into thier own 
basement/footprint and these photos put the lie to that. The towers 
splashed downward *and outward* until the kinetic energy was spent and 
if there was some toppling then you can see the debris in all the 
right places.
Last night I was ruminating (thats talking to myself for you 
laymenG) that the tilting of the south tower should have left debris 
at a distance at least 10% of the buildings height lateral to its base 
and these pics convince me that I was not far off the mark in my 
guesstimation. That was *my* intuitive guess and I suppose I was being 
overly conservative.
Damn that's a lot of joules at ground level!

Now I think it is time I spent the next ten minutes in contemplative 
silence in remembrance of the WTC dead.

Praying My Guilt Away Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Robert Seeberger
On the behalf of Mr Gibson:


Embrace the horror.  Face our fears.
There is much more empirical evidence than this recent news.  I've 
stated that only a Thermite Infestation explains the anomalies around
this structural failure.  The official story breaks down now that the
emotion of that day has allowed a calmer assessment of what occurred.
Sites are literally popping up every week displaying serious
scholarship involving labs analyzing those events and the {paltry}
debris remaining to examine.  Sure, the wing-nuts who saw black UN
helicopters abducting cattle in the 90's subscribe to notions that
holographic ghost-gun planes faked the collisions, but Professor Jones
has bravely faced the media winds spinning obfuscation around his
findings as well as the back-room sticks and carrots offered to change
his line of hard science investigation{s}.

Just consider a few glaring facts:
Never has a steel construction building collapsed from fire...
before this day - and twice {I can't count WTC7 as third}.
Molten steel unearthed six months after the collapse displays 
levels simple kinetic forces cannot foster.
I-beams impaled in the high up surrounding buildings demonstrate 
outward force acting on the support structure, not a vertically
collapsing structure.
Squib jets of debris and dust ejected far below the collapsing
event-wave{s} that fell at free-fall speeds can only be explained by
controlled demolition.  Engineering calculations have shaved the
possible speed for this building at essentially 1 second per floor...
yet even if we generously cut this in half this leaves  some 45 
for such a building to fall... yet watching the clips show they fell 
some 11 seconds.  The official public line is a tough one for physics
mavens to swallow.
We honor the firemen who brave events like these, but shall we 
dismiss their testimony that the interior lobby was wrecked when they
arrived and full of wounded people claiming the basement exploded, 
many later heard successive explosive sounds heralding the collapse 
quite familiar to those who have witnessed controlled demolitions?

Was reality distorting the laws of physics that day, or was a yarn of
lies being spun before us?
Any good detective looks at a crime scene and no matter what the
presentation of initial facts appear to indicate they MUST ask, who

OK, that's just a few things I chew over just, but the linch-pin for
what occurred that day remains World Trade Center Seven the
building was not hit by plane debris, yet suffered mysterious internal
fires and collapsed by the end of that dark day - when we were all in
deep shock and anger.  Shall we ignore the purpose of this building 
as a command and control center for Guilliani's FEMA prep and was also
a law enforcement and intelligence {FBI and CIA + others} operations
How's this factoid:  Silverstien built and owned this building before
bidding on those two towers.   Before purchase, he insisted the
insurance policy include a {new} terrorism pay-out clause ... that
today has reached $3+ billion dollars and may go as high as $7 
  Here's the clincher for junior detectives: Silverstien put a mere 15
million dollars down to buy those two towers.  If only I could put 
a slim percentage down on property.
This is the achilles heel of that day and what will ultimately trip up
those responsible, and implicate those who have made a point of
benefiting from these events.

If people in Power {or the flip-side, Money} are willing to dispense
wholesale death overseas for a megabucks, what's to keep such
disconnected sociopaths from inflicting casualties here at home for a
few megabucks {+ uber-power} more?!?
For further examples in our own history, I'd suggest a look at the 
Operation Northwoods where OUR military proposed sending airplanes
into US buildings to foment war upon Castro's Cuba.
JFK had the good sense to reject this and fired the main instigators.


- Jonathan -

911 Research {DVD just released last night}
Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime {large movie downloads available}
The Big Wedding {interview rebroadcast just last week} via Guns and

PS - one more aside adding some flavor to the mix: why does the FBI
_NOT_ list Osama as responsible for 9-11?  Because they cannot link 
to those events... impossible as this appears to the consuming public.


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 6/27/2006 12:31:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

How much  control do you think that the terrorists had?  While the  hijacker
pilots did have a bit of training, it's hard to imagine that they  would be
able to do a much better job of hitting the towers with  planes.  IIRC, Bin
Ladin was surprised when the towers actually fell.  

OK - I know I am dense but if you are going to blow up the building why fly  
planes into them? Why not fly planes into something else? 

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 In a message dated 6/27/2006 12:31:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
 How much  control do you think that the terrorists had?  While the
 pilots did have a bit of training, it's hard to imagine that they  would
 able to do a much better job of hitting the towers with  planes.  IIRC,
 Ladin was surprised when the towers actually fell.
 OK - I know I am dense but if you are going to blow up the building why
 fly planes into them? Why not fly planes into something else?

The conspiracy theory is, as far as I can tell, that some very powerful
folks wanted to scare Americans.  They got wind of the AQ plot.  They
thought that flying planes into the WTC, which would then just burn for a
while and probably have to be torn down, wasn't bad enough to institute the
Patriot act, or maybe an industrial strength Patriot act.  Thus, they placed
bombs to go off after the planes hit.  

In short, while AQ did fly planes in the buildings, the real enemy is a
shadowy powerful conservative groupwith ties into the CIA, the White
House, etc.  

Your point is _very_ consistent with my viewsthe above is my take on the
internet conspiracy theories we see posted here.

Dan M. 


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-27 Thread maru dubshinki

On 6/27/06, Robert J. Chassell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Although at least muon-catalyzed cold fusion worked . . . although
in the short life of a muon, it apparently cannot catalyze enough
fusion reactions to make as much energy as it took to make the
muon in the first place, so it is not a great new source of

Muon-catalyzed fusion is elegant: the muons cause protons to come
closer together!  If I remember rightly, a muon as currently produced
by humans must catalyze more than 800 fusion reactions before the
method becomes energy-effective.  (I cannot remember how many a muon
catalyzes, but the number is, or was, considerably smaller.)

I was in Provo at the time, and I'll try to find a summary I wrote
of what went on if anyone's interested . . .

Yes, I am curious.

Robert J. Chassell

The number appears to have been around 100.


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert G. Seeberger
 Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:45 PM
 Subject: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham
 Young University physics professor has identified the material as
 Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite
 plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel
 quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.
 This would be a blockbuster if true.

But, he gives no evidence that it is true.  He just claims it.  Also, I
think it's rather funny that it's from the same state that gave us cold
fusion. :-)

 There is some interesting discussion in the comment section.
 It pretty much all sounds like conspiracy-talk, but then it has always
 been my opinion that there was something not quite right with the
 official explanations.

I'm not quite sure why you say that.  The official explanation is pretty
simple: planes fly into buildingsdamages buildingsfire weakens steel
to the point where the remaining columns give way, buildings go boom.

This has been investigated by a number of structural engineers, who have
found a number of different hypotheses for the relative importance of
various factors.  If there was a gaping hole in the theory, why would there
be an overabundance of conventional explanations?

In a sense, the conspiracy theorists rely on the CSI effect.  It's all so
perfect on TV, we expect it to be like that in real life.  Real
investigations of real happenings are usually much more messyjust like
real science is a lot more messy than science textbooks.

Dan M.


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Nick Arnett

On 6/26/06, Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a sense, the conspiracy theorists rely on the CSI effect.  It's all so
perfect on TV, we expect it to be like that in real life.  Real
investigations of real happenings are usually much more messyjust like
real science is a lot more messy than science textbooks.

And... real, unplanned building collapses due to fire are usually (okay,
always) a lot messier (in that they never neatly pancake)... Yet I remain
optimistic that a reasonable explanation can be found.  There's an awful lot
unexplained, IMO.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nick Arnett
 Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 12:41 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 On 6/26/06, Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a sense, the conspiracy theorists rely on the CSI effect.  It's all
  perfect on TV, we expect it to be like that in real life.  Real
  investigations of real happenings are usually much more messyjust
  real science is a lot more messy than science textbooks.
 And... real, unplanned building collapses due to fire are usually (okay,
 always) a lot messier (in that they never neatly pancake)... 

So, what you are arguing is that such an action is counter-intuitive.  OK, I
can see that.  But, one needs to ask where that intuition is trained.  How
often have we looked at the collapse of the top of, say, a  20 story
building?  Once the top of the building started to fall, it was a classic
shock wave.  

Yet I remain optimistic that a reasonable explanation can be found.
There's an awful lot unexplained, IMO.

Then, why do the professionals who examine this think otherwise?  All one
has to do to accept the official explanation is to accept that the physics
of large building collapse isn't well informed by watching small building
collapses.  I'd further argue that one reason for this is the fact that when
an entire building is being weakened, the bottom falls first.  Second, even
when the collapse of a 100 story building with a given floor plan size has a
bigger impact footprint than the collapse of a 3 story building of the same
floor plan size, it looks smaller, because we compare it to the height of
the building.

I posted a number of professional reviews here before.  One of them was at

Let me quote a bit from it

Although the towers had been designed to withstand a collision with a Boeing
707, 'the World Trade Center was never designed for the massive explosions
nor the intense jet fuel fires that came next-a key design omission,' stated
Eduardo Kausel of MIT CEE and panel member 'It was designed for the
type of fire you'd expect in an office building-paper, desks, drapes,'
McNamara said, not the much hotter temperature of burning aviation fuel.

In general, the panalists agreed that as the structure warped and weakened
at the top of each tower, the frame, along with the concrete slabs,
furniture, file cabinets and other materials, became an enormous
consolidated weight that eventually crushed the lower portions of the
structure below.

Connor's collapse theory focused on weaknesses in how the vertical and
horizontal structural members were tied together. The floor trusses sat on
beams and were tied down so the core was locked to the exterior. If a
damaged floor system were to fall, it would break the end connections in the
lower floors, and they would tumble down on top of each other. He theorized
that the fire weakened the supporting joint connection. When it broke, one
end of a floor fell, damaging the floor system underneath, while
simultaneously tugging the vertical members to which it was still attached
toward the center of the building and down, a process that accelerated
until the structure fell in on itself.

Eduardo Kausel proposed an alternative failure explanation that he
acknowledged was independently developed by Zdenek Bazart at Northwestern
Univ. 'I believe that the intense heat softened or melted the floor trusses
and columns so that they became like chewing gum and that was enough to
trigger the collapse. The floor trusses are likely to have been the first to
sag and fail. As soon as the upper floors became unsupported, debris from
the failed floor systems rained down onto the floors below, which eventually
gave way. The dynamic forces were so large that the downward motion became
unstoppable.' Using two simple models, Kausel determined that the fall of
the upper building portion down onto a single floor must have caused dynamic
forces exceeding the buildings' design loads by at least an order of

Probably all these failure mechanisms occurred and interacted, said panelist
Oral Buyukozturk of MIT CEE. 'The prolonged effect of high heat is likely
to have led to the buckling of the columns, collapse of the floors, as well
as to the shearing of the floors upon the failure the joints.' He noted that
videotapes showed some tilting of the top portion of the south tower before
it collapsed. 'This indicates the buckling of one building face while the
adjacent face was bending.' After that, the upper portions of the tower are
shown disintegrating, with 'a dynamic effect and amplification process'
following that led to a progressive collapse-'a kind of pancaking or deck of
cards effect,' down to ground zero.

Robert McNamara's failure theory 'focuses on the connections that hold the
structure together,' but he

Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Dave Land

On Jun 26, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

On 6/26/06, Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a sense, the conspiracy theorists rely on the CSI effect.  It's  
all so

perfect on TV, we expect it to be like that in real life.  Real
investigations of real happenings are usually much more  
messyjust like

real science is a lot more messy than science textbooks.

And... real, unplanned building collapses due to fire are usually  

always) a lot messier (in that they never neatly pancake)...

In fact, the number of steel-framed buildings that have collapsed due to
fire in the history of the world is three: the fallen WTC buildings.



RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 12:29 PM Monday 6/26/2006, Dan Minette wrote:

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Robert G. Seeberger
 Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:45 PM
 Subject: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham
 Young University physics professor has identified the material as
 Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite
 plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel
 quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.


 This would be a blockbuster if true.

But, he gives no evidence that it is true.  He just claims it.  Also, I
think it's rather funny that it's from the same state that gave us cold
fusion. :-)

Um . . . presumably you do know what that Steve Jones (there are two 
at BYU) was best known for before he got on this WTC kick?

-- Ronn!  :)


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Minette

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Ronn!Blankenship
 Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 2:03 PM
 To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
 At 12:29 PM Monday 6/26/2006, Dan Minette wrote:
   -Original Message-
   Behalf Of Robert G. Seeberger
   Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:45 PM
   Subject: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
   Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham
   Young University physics professor has identified the material as
   Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite
   plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel
   quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.
   This would be a blockbuster if true.
 But, he gives no evidence that it is true.  He just claims it.  Also, I
 think it's rather funny that it's from the same state that gave us cold
 fusion. :-)
 Um . . . presumably you do know what that Steve Jones (there are two
 at BYU) was best known for before he got on this WTC kick?

I once knew, but forgot that he did real cold fusion with muons...this is
too funny. :-)


RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 02:19 PM Monday 6/26/2006, Dan Minette wrote:

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Ronn!Blankenship
 Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 2:03 PM
 To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

 At 12:29 PM Monday 6/26/2006, Dan Minette wrote:

   -Original Message-
   Behalf Of Robert G. Seeberger
   Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:45 PM
   Subject: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
   Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham
   Young University physics professor has identified the material as
   Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite
   plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel
   quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.
   This would be a blockbuster if true.
 But, he gives no evidence that it is true.  He just claims it.  Also, I
 think it's rather funny that it's from the same state that gave us cold
 fusion. :-)

 Um . . . presumably you do know what that Steve Jones (there are two
 at BYU) was best known for before he got on this WTC kick?

I once knew, but forgot that he did real cold fusion with muons...this is
too funny. :-)

Although at least muon-catalyzed cold fusion worked . . . although in 
the short life of a muon, it apparently cannot catalyze enough fusion 
reactions to make as much energy as it took to make the muon in the 
first place, so it is not a great new source of energy.

I was in Provo at the time, and I'll try to find a summary I wrote of 
what went on if anyone's interested . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

[Snip a godawful amount of quoted text]

 All of this makes sense to me, and is consistent with what I see on 
 videos of the collapse.

Well of course it does Dan. The explanations these gentlemen give are 
tailored to explain what was seen in the evidence, what they don't do 
is eliminate alternate explanations and that is the item that I would 
like to see.
I would even trust your judgement of such an endevour, but such has 
not been undertaken or even really been officially commented on. (At 
least I have not become aware of it and that is also within the realms 
of possibilityG)

It seems that you are very skeptical about the
 analysis that was done.  I'm trying to find out why you think these 
 guys are

It is that it is *an* explanation, but not neccessarily *the* 

 I'm also trying to understand what you believe might have happened. 
 I can
 think of a couple theoretical possibilities.

 1) There no hijacked planes.  The pictures of the second plane 
 flying into
 the WTC faked were faked.

Then the witnesses would have to be faked also, but there are just too 
many of them for that to be true.

 2) The planes did hit the building, but explosive charges were set 
 off in
 the floors that they hit.

Bingo, and it resides as a suspicion, not a belief. None of the 
official explanations precludes the sort of conspiracy required. The 
conspiracy theorists addressed such right from the get-go.
Now, I'm *not* saying that the conspiracy theorists are correct or 
that any of what they say is true, but very little of what they say 
has been without doubt eliminated as a possibility. (The point being 
that they say quite a bit and it goes pretty much unchallenged and/or 

As we have previously discussed, my main concern is that all three 
buildings collapsed fairly well into their basements with about as 
little collateral damage as could be possible.
Why pancaking and not toppling?
From your post:
 He noted that
videotapes showed some tilting of the top portion of the south tower 
it collapsed. 'This indicates the buckling of one building face while 
adjacent face was bending.' After that, the upper portions of the 
tower are
shown disintegrating, with 'a dynamic effect and amplification 

Why was this tilting not amplified? It should have been.

Always Questions Maru


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 6/26/2006 10:51:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

2) The  planes did hit the building, but explosive charges were set 
 off  in
 the floors that they hit.

Bingo, and it resides as a  suspicion, not a belief. None of the 
official explanations precludes the  sort of conspiracy required. The 
conspiracy theorists addressed such right  from the get-go.
Now, I'm *not* saying that the conspiracy theorists are  correct or 
that any of what they say is true, but very little of what they  say 
has been without doubt eliminated as a possibility. (The point being  
that they say quite a bit and it goes pretty much unchallenged and/or  
So if you are going to blow up the buildings with explosives why fly the  
planes into the buildings? If you are terrorists why should you care whether 
buildings go straight down or topple over. Wouldn't you want them to topple 
to  do more damage?


Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples

2006-06-26 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

On 6/26/2006 9:57:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 6/26/2006 10:51:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

 2) The  planes did hit the building, but explosive charges were set
  off  in
  the floors that they hit.

 Bingo, and it resides as a  suspicion, not a belief. None of the
 official explanations precludes the  sort of conspiracy required. 
 conspiracy theorists addressed such right  from the get-go.
 I'm *not* saying that the conspiracy theorists are  correct or
 that any of what they say is true, but very little of what they  say
 has been without doubt eliminated as a possibility. (The point 
 that they say quite a bit and it goes pretty much unchallenged 
 So if you are going to blow up the buildings with explosives why fly 
 planes into the buildings?

Well, that's the heart of the idea of a conspiracy, eh?
Knock down the targeted buildings but leave the rest of the business 
district mostly unscathed.

If you are terrorists why should you care whether the
 buildings go straight down or topple over. Wouldn't
 you want them to topple
 to  do more damage?

Bingo again!
And that is the only reason it is suspicious at all.

What was the distance between adjacent buildings in that part of town?

Rumors Maru
