CiKEAS Warga RMS pun Ingin Presiden RI ke Belanda

2010-10-12 Terurut Topik sunny
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Warga RMS pun Ingin Presiden RI ke Belanda
Diterbitkan : 8 Oktober 2010 - 12:06pm

Bukan hanya Ratu, Perdana Menteri, dan Politisi Belanda yang ingin Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono tetap datang ke Belanda. Warga RMS juga.

Sekalipun mengajukan permohonan agar SBY diperiksa karena dianggap melanggar 
hak-hak azasi manusia di Maluku, RMS tetap mengharapkan kedatangan sang 
Presiden RI. Ini tercermin saat wartawan RNW Prita Riadhini menemui sejumlah 
orang RMS yang tengah beraksi di kota Den Haag, Belanda.

Supaya dia dengar perasaan-perasaan di sini, teristimewa masyarakat Maluku 
yang punya hubungan erat dengan Maluku di Indonesia, ujar seorang bapak.

Presiden RMS dalam sambutannya mengatakan SBY hanya berani bertanding di 
kandang sendiri. Ia dalam kesempatan sama menegaskan kembali harapan agar 
bertemu dengan Presiden RI.

Mari datang ke Belanda, dan coba kita berdialog, cari jalan keluar supaya 
bangsa Maluku di Maluku bisa hidup dalam keadaan bebas dan makmur, kata John 

Hampir semua warga RMS yang datang, menekankan pentingnya penegakan hak-hak 
azasi manusia dan kesejahteraan di Maluku.

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CiKEAS Police arrest four burglary suspects

2010-10-12 Terurut Topik sunny

Police arrest four burglary suspects

Published: Oct 8, 2010 01:06 Updated: Oct 8, 2010 01:07 

JEDDAH: Four Indonesian nationals were arrested on Wednesday for burgling homes 
in Jeddah.

The four-man gang was involved in home thefts in the Mohammadia, Nahda and 
Naeem districts in north Jeddah.

The criminals used to jump over villa walls, break into houses through the 
windows and doors and steal anything of value that was light, First Lt. Nawaf 
Al-Bouq of Jeddah police told Arab News.

Officers said all four admitted to their crimes while being interrogated. They 
took police investigators to all locations which they stole from. Currently all 
of them are in custody while investigations are completed, Al-Bouq said.

If convicted, all of them face lengthy prison sentences or deportation from 
Saudi Arabia.

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CiKEAS Revisiting Islam and human rights

2010-10-12 Terurut Topik sunny\10\13\story_13-10-2010_pg3_5

  Wednesday, October 13, 2010   

  COMMENT: Revisiting Islam and human rights -Ahmad Ali Khalid


  By creating a scenario where liberals fear to engage in theology, 
religious ethics and epistemology by adopting the delusional principle of moral 
abstemiousness, we let the public sphere be filled with narrow and intolerant 

  The issue of human rights is contentious. More so in Pakistan, where 
human rights are seen as a foreign concept and, peculiarly, a repressive 
instrument of neo-colonial forces aimed at vilifying Muslim societies. 
Respectable columnist Ishtiaq Ahmed has written many times on the subject of 
human rights and, by and large, I am in total agreement with what he writes. 
However, in this article I argue that in order to justify human rights in 
Muslim societies, we need to adopt certain epistemic and philosophical methods.

  Adopting a basis for human rights on the proviso of utilitarianism, 
liberal neutrality or a free standing concept of justice independent from 
comprehensive doctrines of religion and ideology (in the Rawlsian sense) is not 
feasible. The fact of the matter is that adopting a non-theistic moral 
framework in a religious society is not feasible either. A framework of moral 
reasoning grounded in a form of religious liberalism (for instance the liberal 
theology of John Locke), is needed to counter the conservative/traditionalist 
framework of religious reasoning.

  Most political theorists urge us to adopt non-cultural and non-religious 
grounds for human rights so that we can avoid the tricky metaphysical, 
theological and ontological questions involved. But this is to totally avoid 
the crux of the matter, to skip the substance of the debate and cede ground to 
fundamentalists. We cannot avoid, when discussing human rights, getting 
involved in the indigenous traditions of ethics, justice, morality, 
epistemology and ontology of a specific faith or culture. Hence, rather than 
try and banish moral and religious arguments, liberals should engage in these 
arguments to provide an alternative narrative. Ishtiaq Ahmed rightly criticises 
the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights because it limits moral autonomy by 
having a narrow and literalistic conception of God's sovereignty. So, rather 
than avoid the subject of God's sovereignty altogether, we should engage in 
this discussion and argue that God's sovereignty does not mean we adopt a 
dictator-despot concept of God, but rather that God endows us with the capacity 
for free moral choices (free will).

  Hence, by creating a scenario where liberals fear to engage in theology, 
religious ethics and epistemology by adopting this delusional principle of 
moral abstemiousness, we let the public sphere be filled with narrow and 
intolerant moralisms. And that is the situation in Pakistan today. Harvard 
philosopher Michael Sandel reminds us that, Fundamentalisms rush in where 
liberals fear to tread.

  Grounding human rights in Muslim societies will require an 
epistemological shift in religious theology and religious moral reasoning. In 
short, I argue that we must move from the traditional Asharite concept of 
divine command ethics (an act is only good or bad if God says that it is; an 
act is never inherently good or evil) towards the Mu'tazilite concept of 
natural law (the moral value of an act can be determined by unaided human 
reason). A theory of Islamic natural law will enable a dialogue between secular 
and religious reason and participants. This is the shift from the 
traditionalist-Asharite thesis to the rationalist/naturalist-Mu'tazilite 

  The ingredients for the religious justification of human rights are the 
acceptance of free will, human dignity, the moral worth of all human beings, 
the historical context of sacred scripture and the value of human reason.

  The Mu'tazilites adopt a unique position in affirming the moral value of 
all human beings, the ability of all human beings, regardless of faith, to 
comprehend basic values of right and wrong (in contrast to the Asharites who 
argue our concept of right and wrong must come directly from Revelation, hence 
only Muslims have the ability to determine right and wrong). The Mu'tazilites 
adopt, furthermore, a precursor to the historic-critical method of Quranic 
interpretation and the crucial concept of free will that can be related to 
moral autonomy, which is critical for any justification for human rights. The 
Mu'tazilite belief that ethical values are independent of God, that we are 
endowed with free will and all humans have the same moral worth and dignity is 
the strongest opposition available to us to deconstruct discriminatory 
practices on the basis of religion.

  Practices of misogyny, gender discrimination, religious discrimination 
and other such human rights abuses 

CiKEAS Jakarta no longer the ideal capital, says President

2010-09-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Rfelection : How about Pacitan to be the capital city of NKRI?

Jakarta no longer the ideal capital, says President
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 09/09/2010 9:11 AM | Headlines 

Congestion - the one issue consistently in the minds of more than 13 million 
people here  -  began to receive notable national attention with the President 
himself questioning the suitability of the metropolis as the center of 
commerce, government and the nation's capital.

Honestly. [Jakarta] is no longer ideal, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono  
said while calling for an extraordinary solution to the problem of Greater 

He added there was no longer a balance in the ratio between people and their 
surrounding environment.

Speaking at a meeting with chief and senior editors of national media at the 
State Palace on Wednesday night, the President said the complications posed by 
the rapid growth of Jakarta were complex.

The number of motor vehicles, for example, rose 10 to 15 percent annually, 
compared to the number of new roads which, according to Yudhoyono, amounted to 
a miniscule 0.01 percent per year.

Other problems include population density and drainage issues.

With traffic in many parts of the capital coming to an inefficient standstill, 
the central government has begun taking steps to seek alternatives.

Without elaborating, the President said he has been absorbing as much 
information as possible in the last three months and working with a small team 
to look at the various alternatives.

He described this initiative as a historic opportunity.

But rather than taking a bold decision to endorse one particular resolution, 
the President instead forwarded three differing proposals for debate which he 
said needed a national consensus.

While the first option was simply maintaining the status quo and introducing a 
slew of new alternative mass transport options and highways, the second and 
third required a physical move to new cities.

One called for the construction of a new capital, such as Brasilia, Canberra or 
The Hague, leaving Jakarta to be a center of commerce alone.

The other alternative was for the construction of a new government center, with 
Petaling Jaya in Malaysia as the example.

This way the center of government would be focused on this new township, while 
the city of Jakarta would remain the center of commerce and capital city like 
that of Kuala Lumpur.

The challenge is great, the President remarked while stressing that once a 
decision had been 
taken it should be bold with a strategic plan.

There can be no short term patchwork policies.

According to  Yudhoyono, Petaling Jaya was constructed at a cost of about Rp 80 

Financing doesn't all have to come from the government. There can be private 
sector partnerships 
as well, he added without going into detail.

In his mind, once started this project would consume the better part of a 
decade or even more with construction taking about five to six years, and the 
supporting infrastructure about two or three years.

While he did not indicate any specific location, the President said centrality 
would be important.

But centrality does not necessarily mean geographically central, he said.

Related News  
  a.. Text your say: Moving the capital city
  b.. Empty streets in Jakarta as Idul Fitri holiday begins
  c.. Rainy afternoon, evening in Jakarta Thursday
  d.. SBY: Jakarta no longer an ideal city

CiKEAS Politisi Korup Diberi Remisi 1 Bulan + Inilah 25 Koruptor Penerima Remisi

2010-09-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Sjukur alhamdullilah para koruptor diberi remisi satu bulan,  berkat 
peri kemanusian presiden negara dan instansi keadilan hukum yang memperihatikan 
nasib sial nan buruk para koruptor. Duit koruptor yang disembunyikan bermamak 
biak, jadi kalau cepat  keluar dari losemen istitirahat bisa terus goyang kaki 
menikmati hasil panen korupsi yang telah berbunga-bunga dalam simpanan rahasia. 
Sial seribu sayang bagi yang belum korupsi, harus kerja keras setiap hari, 
terkecuali anggota DPR yang malas kerja dan makan gaji buta.

Bulyan Royan
Politisi Korup Diberi Remisi 1 Bulan
Rabu, 8 September 2010 | 22:04 WIB

Mantan anggota komisi V Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Bulyan Royan yang dijatuhi 
hukuman penjara selama enam tahun oleh majelis hakim Pengadilan Tindak Pidana 
Korupsi, Rabu (18/3). 

PEKANBARU, - Dua narapidana perkara korupsi yang menjalani masa 
tahanan di Provinsi Riau mendapat potongan masa tahanan berupa remisi khusus 
Idul Fitri 1431 Hijriyah.

Ada dua narapidana perkara korupsi mendapat remisi Lebaran, kata Kepala 
Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Riau, Bambang Irawan di 
Pekanbaru, Rabu (8/9/2010).

Salah satu napi yang mendapat remisi adalah Bulyan Royan, bekas anggota Fraksi 
Partai Bintang Reformasi (F-PBR) DPR RI yang terlibat korupsi pengadaan kapal 
patroli Kementerian Perhubungan.

Bulyan kini masih menjalani hukuman penjara di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) 
Klas IIB Bangkinang, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau. Masing-masing napi korupsi dapat 
remisi satu bulan, katanya.

Ia membantah pemberian remisi bertujuan untuk menenangkan Bulyan setelah mantan 
anggota Komisi V DPR RI itu mengaku kerap diperas oleh oknum lapas hingga 
mencapai Rp 110 juta.

Remisi murni karena penilaian kelakukan baik napi dan syarat ketentuan sudah 
mencukupi, ujarnya.

Pada tahun ini, kata dia, terdapat 1.576 napi di Riau menerima  remisi Lebaran, 
dan 39 di antaranya langsung bebas. Besarnya remisi bervariasi, mulai dari 15 
hari hingga dua bulan.

Selain itu, tercatat 335 penerima remisi Lebaran adalah narapidana kasus 
narkoba. Narapidana kasus kejahatan transnasional, seperti pembalakan liar, 
yang mendapat remisi enam orang.

  a.. Divonis Lebih Ringan, Bulyan Tetap Pertimbangkan Banding
  b.. Muqowam: Sumpah Pocong, Berani Mati, Saya Tidak Terima Uang!
  c.. Oknum TNI Ancam Bunuh Bulyan Royan
  d.. Penyuap Bulyan Royan Dituntut 4 Tahun Penjara
  e.. Istri Berperan Penting dalam Pemberantasan Korupsi

Inilah 25 Koruptor Penerima Remisi
Rabu, 8 September 2010 | 22:21 WIB

JAKARTA, - Dalam rangka hari raya Idul Fitri 1431 Hijriyah, Lembaga 
Pemasyarakatan Cipinang mengusulkan pengurangan masa hukuman atau remisi 
terhadap 25 narapidana perkara korupsi.

Remisi berkisar satu hingga dua bulan penjara. Para napi perkara korupsi ini 
tidak ada yang langsung bebas. Total narapidana perkara korupsi yang diusulkan 
dapat remisi ada 25 orang, kata Kepala Lapas Cipinang I Wayan Sukerta, 
Jakarta, Rabu (8/9/2010).

Wayan menyebutkan, terpidana lima tahun penjara perkara korupsi Yayasan 
Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (YPPI), mantan anggota DPR (Golkar), Antony 
Zeidra Abidin, diusulkan mendapat remisi sebanyak satu bulan.

Mantan Direktur Utama Bulog Widjanarko Puspoyo, terpidana 10 tahun penjara 
perkara pidana korupsi dalam ekspor beras ke Afrika Selatan dan penerimaan 
hadiah dari rekanan Bulog, diusulkan mendapat remisi sebanyak satu bulan.

Terpidana 15 tahun penjara kasus pembobolan BNI 46 Cabang Kebayoran Baru 
senilai Rp 161, 8 miliar, mantan Kepala Bidang Pelayanan Nasabah Luar Negeri, 
Edy Santoso, diusulkan mendapat remisi dua bulan.

Sebelumnya, sejumlah lapas melalui Kanwil Kemenhuk dan HAM Jawa Barat telah 
mengusulkan remisi terhadap 21 napi perkara korupsi pada Lebaran kali ini.

Wayan dapat memahami kritik tajam yang disampaikan masyarakat atas obral remisi 
kepada koruptor pada peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 2010. Namun, Wayan 
juga meminta masyarakat dapat memahami peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang 

Wayan menyatakan, pengajuan pemberian remisi terhadap 25 napi kasus korupsi ini 
mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan, 
Peraturan Presiden No 174 dan Peraturan Pemerintah No 28.

Katanya, remisi diajukan dan diberikan karena penilaian bahwa napi berperilaku 
baik dan telah menjalani 1/3 masa hukuman. (Abdul Qodir)

Inilah daftar para narapidana korupsi berikut masa remisinya. 
1. Olah Abdullah (2 bulan)
2. Edy Santoso (2 bulan)
3. Husadi Yuwono (2 bulan)
4. Rudi Sutopo (2 bulan)
5. Indra Warman Siregar (1 bulan 15 hari)
6. Ismail Syaefudin (1 bulan 15 hari)
7. Kuncoro (1 bulan 15 hari)
8. Tabrani Ismail (1 bulan 15 hari)
9. Arken Tarigan (1 bulan)
10. Herominus Abdul Salam (1 bulan)
11. Mustofa (1 bulan)

CiKEAS Remains found in Spain of 'bizarre' dinosaur with a hump on its back

2010-09-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Nenek moyang unta?

Remains found in Spain of 'bizarre' dinosaur with a hump on its back 
From: AFP 
September 09, 2010 10:36AM 

Image of a new species of dinosaur found in Spain with a hump on its back. 
Source: Supplied 

PALAEONTOLOGISTS have found the remains of a strange dinosaur with a hump that 
may be a forerunner of the leviathans which once ruled the planet. 

The fossil was uncovered in the Las Hoyas formation in central Spain's Cuenca 
province, a treasure trove of finds that date to the Lower Cretaceous period of 
between 120 and 150 million years ago.

The nearly-complete skeleton is as exquisite as the dinosaur is bizarre, 
Fernando Escaso of the Autonomous University of Madrid, said.

This dinosaur is very remarkable, Professor Escaso said.

It is a unique specimen. It is the most complete dinosaur ever found in the 
Iberian peninsula and is a new species of theropod, a carnivore that moved on 
two rear limbs.

Six metres long from snout to tailtip, the dinosaur is the earliest member ever 
found of a branch of Carcharodontosauria, the largest predatory dinos that ever 
lived and which until now were thought to be confined to southern continents.

The lineage expanded hugely over the aeons, both in size and number of species.

Its numbers include Giganotosaurus, estimated up to 14.5m long, and 
Carcharodontosaurus, up to 13 metres long, and each weighing some seven or 
eight tonnes.

The new find has jaws and small, clawed forelimbs that bear a resemblance to 
the Tyrannosaurus rex which belongs to a different dinosaur family.

But all similarities end with the spine, which is astonishingly curved and has 
a small hump, Professor Escaso said.

It is the first time we have ever seen a structure like this on the spine of a 
dinosaur, although it is common on some animals today, such as cows, Professor 
Escaso said.

At the moment, the function of this structure is unclear. We believe that the 
animal was not diseased because the spine shows no sign of being cracked or 
broken, we think it is a feature of this species. One hypothesis is that it was 
a reservoir of fat.

The new species has been named Concavenator corcovatus, from Conca, the Latin 
word for Cuenca; venator, for hunter; and corcovatus, or hump-backed.

The study is published by the British science journal Nature.


CiKEAS Top tips for healthy travelling

2010-09-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Top tips for healthy travelling 
September 9, 2010 - 5:48PM 
Be prepared: just because you're on a happy holiday doesn't mean you won't get 

Accidents and illnesses happen everywhere.

Being overseas and in a happy holiday mood doesn't confer immunity.

So, it pays to be prepared. But the good news is that few people need to amend 
travel plans - or not travel at all - for health-related reasons.

Very few conditions - some serious heart complaints are one example - require 
patients not to travel, says Dr Marjan Kljakovic, professor of general 
practice at the Australian National University in Canberra.

It's a good idea, if you've had medical treatment, to discuss travel plans 
with your doctor.

Despite more elderly people travelling, Dr Kljakovic - who sees patients in 
general practice - says there's been no surge in illnesses.

They're usually well prepared.

Even with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), we haven't seen an increase. I encounter 
a couple of cases a year and have done for many years. They're usually related 
to long-haul air travel.

Accidents occur suddenly and unpredictably.

I remember the case of a man who tripped while overseas on holiday, Dr 
Kljakovic recalls. He fell and hit his head.

It seemed minor at the time - but the impact ended up killing him.

Within Australia, potential health issues - whether accident or illness - are 
less worrisome because travellers are covered by Medicare and private health 
insurance. But outside the country it's important for people to hold 
appropriate insurance, notes Dr Kljakovic.

He adds that some insurance companies won't cover the elderly - so it pays to 
shop around.

Here are some tips for healthy holidays.

ALTITUDE: Travel companies often recommend allowing a day or two to acclimatise 
before strenuous activity in high-altitude countries such as Nepal, Bolivia, 
Ecuador and Peru.

Altitude sickness is unpleasant: symptoms include headache, fatigue, nausea, 
stomach upsets, dizziness, and sleep disturbance. In rare cases, people become 
seriously ill.

ANIMAL BITES: No, it's not just rabies (for which immunisations are often 
recommended; see below). Non-rabid animals can inflict nasty bites, causing 
painful wounds that may become infected.

Sound advice is not to pet monkeys, squirrels, dogs or other animals while 
overseas on holiday. (Several travellers are killed by wild animals each year 
on walking safaris in game parks.)

DESTINATION: Pick another destination if climatic factors will spoil your 
enjoyment - for instance, if humidity causes extreme discomfort or if very dry 
air makes your skin crack painfully.

DVT (DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS): For long air trips, doctors often recommend wearing 
compression socks. They're long (to just below the knee) and apply light 
pressure to the legs - where DVT most often occurs - to encourage blood to move 
more efficiently through limbs.

Though it's relatively rare, higher-risk individuals (people who've recently 
had surgery, for example) should ask doctors whether taking a prescribed blood 
thinner (anti-coagulant) is warranted.

EARS: Why do babies scream when an aircraft is on descent? Because their ears 
hurt. Doctors say ear pain is the most common travel affliction in adults, too.

Air pressure in the middle ear should be the same as that outside your body.

The ear's Eustachian tubes help keep it this way. On aircraft, pressure changes 
rapidly during take-offs and landings play havoc with this.

So, air pressure in the middle and outer ears becomes different - and eardrums 
are pulled towards the brain. In most cases this is merely painful but in very 
rare instances eardrums perforate.

Swallowing helps many people while others find chewing gum or sucking sweets 
helpful. Some say taking decongestants prevents pain. Symptoms are worse if you 
have a blocked nose.

Advice sometimes given is not to travel if you have a cold - but, if you've 
booked a trip for particular dates, this solution may not be practical. (People 
susceptible to another complaint, motion sickness, should get a seat over the 
wing, advises the US-based Aerospace Medical Association.)

EXHAUSTION: Don't try to pack too much into your day. Trying to see too many 
sights, particularly in a hot climate, can lead to exhaustion. Aside from 
tiredness, symptoms include dizziness and confusion. Related hot-climate risks: 
painfully blistered feet and raw, itchy groins. (For the latter, 
over-the-counter anti-fungal creams are available in most countries).

FOOD AND DRINK: Travellers' diarrhoea is much more common than serious food 
poisoning. Changed diets (such as spicy food for someone used to blander fare) 
are sometimes responsible.

Another hint: avoid buffet salads or peeled fruit and check bottled water is 
sealed (so that it's not just tap water transferred to a plastic bottle).

Eat at 

CiKEAS Now he tells us: Cuba economic model doesn't work, says Fidel

2010-09-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Now he tells us: Cuba economic model doesn't work, says Fidel 
Paul Haven 
September 10, 2010 
Still mentally alert ... Fidel Castro in Havana last week. 

HAVANA: Fidel Castro has told a visiting American journalist that Cuba's 
economic model does not work any more, a rare comment on domestic affairs since 
stepping down from the presidency four years ago.

Dr Castro also lambasted Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his 
anti-Semitism and denial of the Holocaust.

The blunt economic assessment by the father of Cuba's 1959 revolution is sure 
to raise eyebrows, particularly from his younger brother, Raul, the country's 
President since 2006.

Jeffrey Goldberg, a national correspondent for The Atlantic magazine, asked if 
Cuba's economic system was still worth exporting to other countries. Dr Castro 
replied: ''The Cuban model doesn't even work for us any more,'' Mr Goldberg 
wrote on Wednesday in a post on his blog.

He said Dr Castro made the comment casually over lunch following a long talk 
about the Middle East and did not elaborate. The Cuban government had no 
immediate comment on Mr Goldberg's account.

Julia Sweig, a Cuba expert at the Council on Foreign Relations who accompanied 
Mr Goldberg on the trip, confirmed the former Cuban leader's comment. She said 
she took the remark to be in line with President Raul Castro's call for gradual 
but widespread reform, and a comment on too big an involvement of the state in 
the domestic economy.

The Cuban state controls well over 90 per cent of the economy, paying workers 
salaries of about $US20 ($21.82) a month in return for free healthcare and 
education, and nearly free transportation and housing.

Since stepping down in 2006 Dr Castro has focused on international affairs and 
has said very little about Cuba and its politics, perhaps to limit perceptions 
he is stepping on his younger brother's toes.

Mr Goldberg, who was in Cuba at Dr Castro's invitation last week to discuss a 
recent Atlantic article he wrote about Iran's nuclear program, wrote that 
''Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of anti-Semitism''. In a 
passionate defence of Israel's right to exist, Dr Castro, a longtime critic of 
Israeli government policies, said Jews had been slandered more than any other 
people and slaughtered for centuries whereas Muslims were not blamed for 

The former leader criticised Mr Ahmadinejad for denying the Holocaust and urged 
Tehran to acknowledge the ''unique'' history of anti-Semitism and understand 
why Israelis feared for their existence.

Mr Goldberg also asked Dr Castro what he now thought about his recommendation 
to the Soviet Union to bomb the US during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. 
''After I've seen what I've seen, and knowing what I know now, it wasn't worth 
it all.''

Mr Castro, 83, stepped down in 2006 due to a serious illness that nearly killed 

The Goldberg interview is the only one he has given to an American journalist 
since he left office.

Mr Goldberg said the former leader's body was frail but his mind was acute. 
''And not only that: the late-stage Fidel Castro turns out to possess something 
of a self-deprecating sense of humour. When I asked him, over lunch, to answer 
what I've come to think of as the Christopher Hitchens question - has your 
illness caused you to change your mind about the existence of God? - he 
answered: 'Sorry, I'm still a dialectical materialist.'''

Associated Press, Guardian News  Media

CiKEAS Saudi Arabia Desecrates Hundreds of Bibles Annually

2010-09-09 Terurut Topik sunny

skip to comments.

Saudi Arabia Desecrates Hundreds of Bibles Annually
Saudi Institute ^ | Friday, 20 May 2005 | by Zachary Liben 

Posted on 25 maj 2005 17:07:42 by paltz

by Zachary Liben
Staff Writer

Washington DC - The Saudi government burns and desecrates hundreds of bibles 
its security forces confiscate after raids on Christian expatriates worshiping 
privately or at border crossings.

As a matter of official policy, the government either incinerates or dumps 
bibles, crosses and other Christian paraphernalia.

Hundreds of Christian worshipers are arrested every year by Saudi police in 
raids on their private gatherings. Bibles, crosses and printed materials are 
confiscated and later burnt or dumped into trash. Bibles and other Christian 
paraphernalia found with travelers into the country are confiscated and 

Although considered as holy in Islam and mentioned in the Koran dozens of 
times, the Bible is banned in Saudi Arabia, and is confiscated and destroyed by 
government officials.

Recently, there has been a crackdown on symbols of Christianity in Saudi 
Arabia. On April 21st Saudi authorities raided a make-shift church in Riyadh 
and arrested 40 Christians. Many Christian religious symbols, such as 
crucifixes  and bibles were later destroyed by Saudi security forces.

When it was revealed last week that a copy of the Koran had allegedly been 
desecrated by American military personnel at Guantanomo Bay, the Saudi 
government voiced its strenuous disapproval of such activities. More 
specifically, the Saudi Embassy in Washington articulated great concern and 
urged Washington to conduct a quick investigation. The Saudi government has 
also recommended to the American government to install deterring measures so 
that an incident such as this would not be repeated. The Saudi government would 
not comment on their policy of desecrating bibles that had been seized from 
foreign nationals. 

Interestingly though, desecration of religious texts and symbols and 
intolerance of varying religious viewpoints and beliefs has been the official 
policy inside of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ruled by a Wahhabi theocracy for 
some time now, the ruling elite of Saudi Arabia have made it difficult for many 
Western religions, as well as dissenting sects of Islam, to visibly coexist 
inside of the kingdom.

Another way in which religious and cultural issues are becoming more divisive 
is the Saudi treatment of Americans who are living in their country. As of 
today there around 30,000 Americans living and working in various parts of 
Saudi Arabia, who are not allowed to visibly celebrate their religious and even 
secular holidays if they are not of the Wahhabi faith. This includes holidays 
such as Christmas and Easter but also such secular holidays as Thanksgiving. 
All surrounding Gulf States allow non-Islamic holidays to be celebrated with 
the exception of Saudi Arabia.

The American State Department had no comment on this issue.

CiKEAS Can we expect to live to 77, 89 or 100?

2010-09-08 Terurut Topik sunny

ews code:SPH  - 12_EXPECT.txt  News date:  Wednesday, September 
8, 2010 

Can we expect to live to 77, 89 or 100?

One of the reasons why pensions have been described - by Nick Clegg, among 
others - as unaffordable is because people are living longer and placing an 
extra burden on the pension pot. So what is our average life expectancy now? 

Life expectancy figures can be misleading. 

One BBC report, for example, claimed that life expectancy for a man in the UK 
is 77, meaning that after working to 66, I would have only 11 years left. That 
seems a bit harsh. 

But wait. Another report says that life expectancy for men in this country is 
89. Now that's a bit more like it. But they can't both be right. Or can they? 

To get a clearer picture, I consulted Professor Paul Sweeting, professor of 
actuarial science at the University of Kent. He says the 77 figure comes from a 
set of tables produced by the Office of National Statistics that give period 
life expectancy. 

They show an average life expectancy by finding the mean of the probabilities 
of living from one year to the next. So the probability of living from 0-1, 
then from 1-2 then from 2-3 and so on. These are added together and then 
averaged out to find life expectancy. 

But Professor Sweeting describes this figure as conservative. The problem is 
the tables assume that there will be no improvements in the mortality rate. 

'Mortality hump' 

He pointed me to the cohort tables. These work in the same way as the period 
tables but are adjusted for improvements in the mortality rate over time. That 
table gives me a more satisfactory 89 years. 

Professor Sweeting points out that these figures give life expectancy from 
birth for someone born today. Taking a look back at the predictions for 1976, 
the year I was born, I was estimated to live to 83. 

That was then. Now at 34, according to Professor Sweeting, I have survived some 
of the riskier phases of my life and consequently my life expectancy has 

Mortality in the first year of birth is higher than it is for age two, three 
and 4. For men in particular, at about age 15 mortality rates increase as 
testosterone kicks in and people start taking more risk and you get what's 
called the mortality hump, he says. 

Although living well into my 80s isn't too bad, what about all those 
centenarians out there? Can't I expect more? Interestingly, the BBC pension 
managers think so. The Pensions Regulator now requires pension schemes to make 
realistic forecasts of life expectancy. My pension fund managers think members 
will live to an average of 90. 

But of course it is obvious that applying averages to individuals (in this case 
me) is problematic. Enter Professor James Vaupel, director of the Max Planck 
Institute for Demographic Research in Germany. He's designed his own system 
that looks at many variables. 

He starts with a base figure. Life expectancy has been increasing by about 2.5 
years per decade, that's three months per year, six hours per day. Using this 
information he estimates I could live to 89. But then he adds extra information 
like how much I exercise, drink and how healthily I eat. I score quite well 
here which, he says, will add another four to five years - so now I'm up to 94. 

But he doesn't stop there. He points out this is only the mean average. I 
actually have a 50/50 chance of getting to the median age for life expectancy - 
this is higher at about 97 - and I could realistically hope to reach the mode, 
the age when most people of my age will die, which adds another three years. 
Now I'm up to 100. I've gained 23 years. Not bad for a few days work. (Source: 

CiKEAS Harga Ayam Kampung Tembus Rp 80.000

2010-09-08 Terurut Topik sunny

08 September 2010 | 23:54 wib | Daerah

Harga Ayam Kampung Tembus Rp 80.000

Semarang, CyberNews. Permintaan ayam kampung di Semarang memasuki dua hari 
menjelang Lebaran terus meningkat. Di sejumlah pasar tradisional, penjual ayam 
kampung hidup yang mulai banyak ditemui daripada hari biasa. Pantauan Suara 
Merdeka CyberNews, Rabu (8/9), sebagian besar pedagang di beberapa pasar 
tradisional menambah dasarannya untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan permintaan ayam 
kampung. Ayam-ayam tersebut biasanya berasal dari pinggiran Kota Semarang  
seperti Gunungpati, Boja, Kendal, Mranggen, dan Purwodadi. Selain ayam kampung, 
beberapa pedagang turut serta membawa ayam petelur, entok sebagai unggas 
alternatif yang bisa disantap saat Lebaran.

Harga ayam kampung yang dijual bervariasi tergantung jenis, ukuran, juga 
kondisi ayam. Harga ayam kampung jago mencapai Rp 70.000 per ekor hingga Rp 
80.000 per ekor, ayam kampung betina mencapai Rp 50.000 hingga Rp 60.000 per 
ekor, entok  mencapai Rp 80.000 per ekor, ayam broiler mencapai Rp 40.000 per 
ekor. Harga-harga tersebut, menurut Agus (35) pedagang ayam di Pasar Gayamsari, 
sudah mengalami kenaikan. Untuk harga ayam kampung betina, sebelumnya harga per 
ekor hanya Rp 35.000. Sekarang bisa mencapai Rp 60.000 per ekor untuk ukuran 
sedang. Sebelumnya, ayam kampung jantan per ekor dijual Rp 50.000. Begitu pula 
dengan entok yang sebelumnya dijual Rp 65.000 per ekor, ayam broiler Rp 30.000 
per ekor.

Meski mahal, namun ayam kampung banyak dicari masyarakat karena tidak semua 
orang menyukai ayam potong untuk menjadi santapan di hari raya. Sebagian orang 
memilih ayam kampung yang disembelih sendiri karena memiliki citra rasa tinggi. 
Saya membawa 40 ekor ayam. Lumayan sudah terjual 18 ekor. Bahkan sampai 
kehabisan stok karena tingginya permintaan selama dua hari ini, kata Agus.

( Fani Ayudea , Fista Novianti/CN14 )

CiKEAS Why stop corruption when you have Allah?

2010-09-08 Terurut Topik sunny\09\08\story_8-9-2010_pg3_3

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

WASHINGTON DIARY: Why stop corruption when you have Allah? -Dr Manzur Ejaz

 Our intelligence agencies are filled with God-fearing, truly moralistic 
Muslims. Tracking the corrupt activities of national players, politicians and 
the bureaucracy is not really on their agenda because, being true Muslims, they 
believe that these matters are between individuals and God

As expected, the conspiracy theorists have alleged that Indian bookies cooked 
up the plan to malign Pakistani cricket players. Notorious Pakistan crook 
Mazhar Majeed and his sister are allegedly married to Indians. Actress Veena 
Malik, ex-girlfriend of one of the accused players, has provided more fuel to 
such theories by claiming to have proof of Indian links. Even Pakistan's 
Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, has hinted at the mischief of foreign hands; 
everyone knows what he really means. 

I fully agree with the conspiracy theory that the plot of spot fixing of the 
cricket match in the UK was the work of Indian bookies. The crowded Pakistani 
section of the Indian foreign office can go on a long leave or do some other 
more productive work because they are not needed anymore. If a few petty 
bookies can defame the enemy for a few million, why burden the Indian taxpayers 
with enormous spending on Pakistan-related establishments and public relations 

I think a large section of the Pakistani foreign ministry along with most 
intelligence agencies, specifically the dreaded Inter-Services Intelligence 
(ISI), should be sent packing as well. If they cannot monitor the activities of 
a dozen lads who have the potential of disgracing the nation, then what are 
they good for? Did the past allegations of match fixing not dump enough dirt on 
Pakistan to stop our defenders of 'ideological boundaries' from sleeping while 
petty hookers were alluring the wonder-kids of cricket?

I think the Indian conspiracy is much larger than just cricket match fixing. 
Take, for example, the events of the last fortnight or so. If the Indian hand 
was not involved, how could our police, along with a crowd of people, watch the 
murder of two brothers in Sialkot? How could our feudals sink the towns in 
floods to save their lands? Being Muslims - members of the great ummah - we 
have the highest morals in the world and so, it must have been impossible for 
us to kill so many innocent people in Lahore and Quetta. If corruption, bribery 
and nepotism exist from a simple clerk to the highest officials in the 
government, then a foreign hand must be involved. We are God's chosen people 
and cannot go so wrong. Therefore, it is only by our enemy's conspiracy that we 
are made to or are shown to be doing such evil things. 

We know gambling is big business in India and many other places. Bookies, 
making or losing billions of dollars, are supposed to trap budding players all 
around the world. We also know that many players come from humble backgrounds 
and have a tendency to do whatever they feel like, which is what makes them 
exceptionally talented. They are prime targets for gambling vultures. 
Therefore, to avoid a colossal national embarrassment, educating and monitoring 
the players' activities is taken seriously by all the pagan nations. But, since 
we are the holiest of all humans, we do not need any of this - our guidance 
comes directly from God.

Another undeniable proof of the Indian conspiracy comes from the fact that the 
bookies in that country are not very successful in manipulating their own 
national players. They must not be trying very hard to pressure Indian players, 
despite the fact that the largest sums of money are in India. The Indian 
bookies must be very nationalistic and people of high morals as they can give 
up on a major source of their potential profits by not entrapping the Indian 
players. They could not even trap the Bangladeshi players, as was reported by 
the Bangladesh Cricket Board. Probably, Indian bookies did not try very hard 
because Bangladesh is not an enemy country like Pakistan. Furthermore, who 
cares about Bangladeshis because they are eternal traitors who divided Pakistan 
on Indian baiting?

Our intelligence agencies are filled with God-fearing, truly moralistic 
Muslims. Tracking the corrupt activities of national players, politicians and 
the bureaucracy is not really on their agenda because, being true Muslims, they 
believe that these matters are between individuals and God. Rightfully, their 
priority is to prepare the nation for the elimination of the pagans. For that 
they have reserved all their energies to keep every politician in line without 
bothering about their financial matters because God is taking care of that. 
They have created mujahideen of every kind who can kill or blow themselves up 
in God's name. Their creations went in all directions and tried to teach 

CiKEAS We do not want to think of a world without Lucius Walker

2010-09-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Havana. September 8, 2010

We do not want to think of a world without Lucius Walker

Aida Calviac Mora 

THE irony of the blow has shaken us all: when the threat of nuclear war hovers 
over our heads, one of the irreplaceable men of peace has left us, after 80 
years of sincere example. The death has taken place of Lucius Walker, the U.S. 
reverend who, close to 20 years ago, took up an uncompromising struggle against 
the obstinate and cruel policy of his country's government in relation to Cuba.

  Fidel greets the leader of Pastors 
  for Peace at an event in the 
  José Martí Memorial on 
  July 26, 2010, during his last visit 
  to Cuba.
Armed with faith and resistance, anchored to noble causes and social justice, 
Lucius arrived in this country in spite of the detentions and blows from those 
who have always feared Cuban realities being revealed and divulged. 

Prior to that, he left his mark of solidarity on liberation movements in 
Africa, on support missions to patriots in Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, Angola. 
Then in Central America, particularly in El Salvador and Nicaragua. This last 
destination, as he said on many occasions, inspired the emergence of the 
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO)/Pastors for Peace.

On August 2, 1988, my daughter Gail and I were among 200 civilians on a boat 
on the River Escondido in Nicaragua which was viciously attacked by the 
contras. Two Nicaraguans died and 49 passengers were wounded. That night in the 
hospital, while I was being treated for a bullet wound, I prayed to God seeking 
spiritual guidance to find an appropriate response to that act of terrorism. 
The inspiration that God gave me was to create Pastors for Peace to take 
caravans of material aid to the victims of U.S. aggression. 

Finally, this island captured his attention. In 1991, during a time of a deluge 
of lies about the Revolution, countdowns and apocalyptic predictions, a 
conversation with in Havana with the Reverend Raúl Suarez, director of the 
Martin Luther King Center, sparked an idea.

In an interview given to Granma the following year, Walker stated, At first we 
thought that our task ought to be sending caravans like we did to Central 
America. But , observing the situation more closely, we came to the conclusion 
that Cuba's most urgent problems did not need much help from us, except for 
breaking the blockade. We realized that Cuba did not need the same kind of help 
as other countries, because even with the blockade, it had the capability and 
strength to provide for itself. Our leadership analyzed the situation and 
decided that our contribution would be to fight to end the blockade. 

In 1992 the news that a group of religious people had toured several American 
states in and organized a fleet of 45 vehicles in which to send medicines, 
school supplies, and food to Cuba, an action considered by the U.S. authorities 
to be an insult more than an act of civil disobedience.

The pilgrimage through at least 90 cities would reach its tensest moment when 
the caravan reached Laredo, Texas with 15 tons of humanitarian aid to be 
transported through Mexico. The [U.S.] government demanded an export license; 
however the Reverend had declared during the tour: We are not asking 
Washington for permission to carry cargo, because that would be to recognize 
the legality of the blockade and the right of the state to intervene in a 
mission of the Church.

Neither intimidating warnings nor manhandling by more than one agent of the 
Treasury Department or Customs had any effect. 

Lucius Walker's men and women, following their leader's determination, held 
fast in their will to take everything across the border into Mexico and not 
just the part allowed by U.S. legislation, knowing that the violation of the 
blockade could cost them fines of up to $250,000 and 10 years' incarceration, 
risks that they decided to take.

Some members of the caravan crossed the border on foot, carrying over to the 
Mexican side those products which the regulations did not consider humanitarian 
aid. Among them, a wheelchair which Lucius, the first to cross, carried with a 
sign demanding: Let Cuba live. Lift the embargo.

That first step across the border bridge led to his detention for 10 hours, but 
the die was already cast.

1993 was the year of the second caravan, and the obstacles, far from 
diminishing, once again tested his firmness and stand as a man of faith. 

This time the customs agents confiscated a little yellow school bus on the 
strange pretext that it might be used to transport Cuban troops, and several 
members of the caravan responded with a prolonged fast, despite high 
temperatures in Laredo - more than 100 degrees - making their hunger strike 
more dangerous. Lucius Walker was once again the moral guide and example. The 
letter that he sent to President William Clinton, written 

CiKEAS UN Trust Fund Provides Hope for Indonesian Women Trafficked Abroad

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagus PBB menyediakan dana tetapi kalau rezim berkuasa seperti di 
Indonesia mempraktek penjualan tenaga kerja sebagai kambing ternak, maka 
hasilnya dari dana ini tidak seberapa bisa membantu menyelasiakan human 
trafficking teristimewa dari Indonesia. Alasannya ialah rezim berkuasa NKRI 
acuh tak acuh memperhatikan masalah tsb. terutama apabila dikirim tenaga kerja 
ke negeri-negeri gurun pasir yang dianggap negeri sahabat dalam agama.

UN Trust Fund Provides Hope for Indonesian Women Trafficked Abroad 
Angela Dewan | Jakarta 06 September 2010 

Photo: Credit - A. Dewan 
Elly Anita is one of many Indonesian women who have been trafficked to the 
Middle East for forced labor

Related Articles
  a.. Human Rights Groups Urge Indonesia to Stop Torture 
The United Nations has established a new multi-donor trust fund to aid victims 
of human trafficking around the world. Indonesian women remain among the most 
vulnerable to trafficking, despite the country's progress in passing laws to 
combat the problem.

Anita's story

In 2006, Elly Anita from East Java moved to Dubai to work as a secretary. After 
two months of sexual harassment by her boss and having received no wages, she 
asked for a transfer. She was sent to Kurdistan, which she was told was a part 
of Italy.

When Anita stepped off the plane and called her agent, he refused to tell her 
where she was.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was thinking, where am I? Oh my god. I was so 
afraid, Anita recalled.

It took her two weeks to figure out that she had been sent to war-torn Iraq.

Anita's story is not unique. In recent years, the number of reported cases of 
abuse has sharply increased. 

Target areas 

The vast majority of reports of violence last year occurred in the Middle East 
and Malaysia, comprising 63 percent and 33 percent, respectively, according to 
the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Gary Lewis, the East Asia and Pacific representative from the U.N. Office of 
Drugs and Crime, says that although the number of reports has risen, the lack 
of data makes it difficult to measure the true extent of the problem.

If we don't know that outcomes are resulting, if we don't know, for example, 
that there are fewer women being arrested for soliciting who have been victims, 
if we don't know that there are a greater number of brothel keepers and 
kingpins who are being arrested, prosecuted and convicted for these crimes, we 
won't know that our actions are leading to anything conclusive or useful at 
all, said Lewis. So we need baseline data not only to see if the problem is 
growing, but we need it to see if our actions are actually having a proper 

Agency role 

The UN agency will be responsible for administering a multi-donor trust find as 
part of the UN Global Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, launched last 
week. The money will strengthen support for trafficked victims.

Nora Murat, director of Amnesty International Malaysia, says the money should 
address victims' immediate needs.

The urgent need right now is to build a center for them, for them to wait 
until their cases are heard in court, Murat  said. Because right now, them 
being put into detention centers is not really helping, both for the 
prosecution and also the victim. I would put the money there first, and also to 
look into their personal human rights - the right to food the right to health 
and access to water.

Lack of assistance 

When Anita tried to escape Iraq, she had no such shelter to go to. She went 
back to her agent's office and found around 40 other women victims sleeping on 
the floor. Instead of helping her, Anita's agent confiscated her cellphone and 
refused to return her passport. She resorted to stealing the security guard's 
phone, and contacting the Indonesian Embassy in Jordan.

When I talked to my government, nothing, said Anita. They didn't even give 
me a small response. So no one. I just talked to my god and found a solution by 
myself, because I couldn't depend on anyone. Even my government.

Happy ending

Victims who do not get government help often rely on non-governmental 
organizations for support. Anita finally found help when she contacted Migrant 
Care, a local NGO for whom she now works. While still in Iraq, her story 
circulated on the internet. When her agent heard about the publicity, he and 
his workers beat Anita.

The pulled my hair, they beat me, they kicked me also, they tried to strangle 
me, Anita added. They wanted to kill me at that time, because they said all 
this damage was because of me.

With the help of Migrant Care, Anita found her way home to Indonesia.

Since her ordeal, Indonesia has made some progress on the issue, passing an 
anti-trafficking law and signing all U.N. conventions and protocols relating to 
human trafficking.

Implementation of these laws, however, remains poor and is 

CiKEAS Masih Ada 8,3 Juta Orang Buta Aksara

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah jumlah buta aksara cuma 8,3 juta? Mengapa ada buta askara di 
negeri yang hampir di setiap sudut jalan ada rumah ibadah?

Selasa, 07 September 2010 13:38 
Masih Ada 8,3 Juta Orang Buta Aksara

Jakarta - Jumlah buta aksara yang ada di Indonesia ditargetkan mencapai 8,3 
juta orang di tahun 2010. Tahun 2009, jumlah buta aksara mencapai 8,7 juta 
orang, berusia di atas 15 tahun. 

Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Nonformal dan Informal Kementerian Pendidikan 
Nasional (Kemendiknas) Hamid Muhammad menegaskan, pihaknya akan fokus pada 
penanganan untuk menuntaskan buta aksara di tujuh provinsi Indonesia, yaitu 
Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, 
Kaliman­tan Barat, dan Kalimantan Tengah. 
Ada 142 kabupaten yang nanti akan menjadi fokus program kita ke depan. Jumlah 
absolutnya dari yang paling tinggi 232.000 orang di Kabupaten Jember, sampai 
yang terkecil Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara masih tersisa 16.402 orang, kata Hamid 
di Jakarta, saat jumpa pers menyambut peringatan Hari Aksara Internasional 
(HAI) ke-45.

Peringatan HAI tahun ini ­diselenggarakan 10 Oktober 2010 di Balikpapan, 
Kalimantan Timur. Tema peringatan adalah Aksara Membangun Keadaban dan Karakter 
Bangsa. Dari jumlah penduduk yang buta aksara, sebagian besar adalah penduduk 
berusia di atas 45 tahun (70-80 persen) dan berjenis kelamin perempuan (64 
persen). Disparitas gender yang dihadapi ini merupakan tantangan berat. 
Permasalahan lain untuk ­memberantas buta aksara adalah mereka kelompok 
masyarakat yang tersulit, miskin serta secara geografis berada di lokasi 
terpencil dan perbatasan.  
Bahkan, ada kelompok masyarakat yang sudah mendapat pendidikan keaksaraan 
dasar, kembali menjadi buta aksara karena faktor kemiskinan maupun akses 
pendidikan yang sulit terjangkau.
Indonesia termasuk sembilan negara yang berpenduduk terbesar di dunia 
penyandang buta aksara. Negara lainnya adalah India, Pakistan, China, Meksiko, 
Bang­ladesh, Mesir, Brasil, Indonesia, dan Nigeria. Negara-negara ini tergabung 
dalam Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE), sebuah program yang 
digulirkan oleh UNESCO.

Untuk menuntaskan program buta aksara, Kemendiknas akan melakukan evaluasi 
menyeluruh terhadap program pendidikan keaksaraan. Fokus pendidikan keaksaraan 
ke depan tidak hanya keaksaraan dasar, tetapi memberdayakan secara ekonomi, 
sosial, dan budaya. Diharapkan pendidikan keaksaraan dapat bermakna bagi 
masyarakat dan mampu menjawab tantangan saat ini. 
Hamid menjelaskan, sejalan dengan kerangka LIFE, penyelenggaraan program 
penuntasan buta aksara sejak tahun 2009 dibangun dalam kerangka kerja Aksara 
agar Berdaya (Akrab). Upaya penuntasan buta aksara melalui pendidikan 
keaksaraan terintegrasi dengan kecakapan hidup dan program pengentasan 
kemiskinan secara umum, ujarnya.

Pada 1965, UNESCO menetapkan tanggal 8 September sebagai HAI. Sejak saat itu, 
Indonesia aktif memperingati HAI dengan tujuan utama untuk memotivasi dan 
membangkitkan semangat belajar masyarakat, khususnya penduduk usia 15 tahun ke 
atas yang masih buta aksara. Hal ini sekaligus untuk memacu percepatan 
pemberantasan buta aksara. n

Kembali ke : Cetak

CiKEAS Kepercayaan Turun, Warga Serang Kantor Polisi

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Tentu saja kalau polisi  menjadi tukang pungli dan macam-amacam 
lagi seperti petinggi-petinggimya punya rekning gendut di bank belum lagi ada 
yang bantu teroris, maka tidak ada jalan lain  bagi penduduk untuk menghajar 
mereka, apabila mereka terus dengan bermain aturan bandit.

Senin, 06 September 2010 12:51 
Kepercayaan Turun, Warga Serang Kantor Polisi

Jakarta - Aksi penyerangan ke kantor polisi meningkat. Peningkatan itu diakui 
disebabkan menurunnya kepercayaan warga terhadap Polri. 

Ada sejumlah tindakan ok­num Polri belakangan ini yang menjadi  ihwal turunnya 
kepercayaan masyarakat di sejumlah daerah. Aksi-aksi penyerangan kan­tor 
polisi menunjukkan si­kap polisi setempat kurang di­terima masyarakat. Polisi 
ku­rang dapat membawa dirinya di lapangan, aku Kadiv Humas Polri Brigjen 
Iskandar Ha­san kepada  SH, Minggu (5/9).

Dia mengakui adanya ang­gota polisi yang masih bersikap arogan terhadap 
masyarakat. Hal itu, katanya, membuat ge­ram warga dan bereaksi de-ngan 
mengambil tindakan di luar hukum. Diakuinya, kepo­lisian menghadapi dilema 
da-lam menegakkan hukum di tengah masyarakat. Peninda­kan tegas, kata dia, 
menimbul­kan kegeraman warga. Se­baliknya, lemahnya penegakan hukum tidak 
memberikan efek jera.

Hal yang sama juga disampaikan anggota Komisi Ke­polisian Nasional (Kompolnas) 
Novel Ali. Dia mengutarakan, telah terjadi resistensi kepercayaan masyarakat 
terhadap kinerja Polri. Novel berpenda­pat, sikap arogan oknum polisi dalam 
memperlakukan taha­nan, tidak menimbulkan rasa hormat, melainkan rasa takut. 
Ketakutan itu, menurutnya, mendorong warga menghimpun kekuatan dengan 
melaku­kan perlawanan. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan penyerangan dengan 
membakar kantor polisi.

Dia mengungkapkan, aksi penyerangan warga terhadap markas kepolisian, terutama 
di daerah selain Jakarta, sering terjadi. Maka, kata dia, se­harusnya 
kepolisian, mulai dari kapolsek hingga kapolda, melakukan evaluasi terhadap 
kinerja anggotanya di lapangan. Sebaiknya dibentuk tim evaluasi monitoring 
yang melibatkan pihak ketiga, misalnya dari Kompolnas, DPR, juga LSM, lanjut 

Akhir pekan, Markas Pol­sek Ulu Rawa, Polres Mura, Su­matera Selatan, dibakar 
massa. Iskandar mengungkapkan, pem­­bakaran dipicu Operasi Cipta Kondisi di 
depan Ma­polsek, Sabtu (4/9) pukul 17.00 WIB. Razia itu, ungkap jenderal 
bintang satu ini, menyebabkan Khairul, warga Lesung Batu, Ulu Rawas, terjatuh 
dan mengalami luka saat mencoba menghindar dari pengejaran. Sekitar pukul 21.30 
WIB, ratusan warga mendatangi ma­polsek kemudian merusak dan membakar markas.

Aksi tersebut menyebabkan kantor polisi dan kendaraan patroli ludes terbakar. 
Untuk mengatasi hal itu, Kapolres Mura melakukan dialog de­ngan tokoh 
masyarakat. Ha­silnya, memulangkan 23 warga diamankan juga 14 unit sepeda motor 
yang disita. Sementara itu, Tim In­ves­tigasi dari Mabes Polri yang 
di­terjunkan ke Kabupaten Buol, Sulawesi Tengah (Sul­teng), pada Rabu (1/9) 
lalu hingga kini, masih me­ngum­pulkan bukti-bukti ihwal kerusuhan. Belum ada 
satu pun yang tegas dijadikan tersangka dalam kasus itu. n

CiKEAS Dewan Kepausan: Bersama Mengatasi Kekerasan

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny

Selasa, 07 September 2010 13:22 
Idul Fitri 1431 H 

Dewan Kepausan: Bersama Mengatasi Kekerasan 

Setiap tahun, dalam kesempatan-kesempatan penting keagamaan, Dewan Kepausan 
untuk Dialog Antaragama menge­luarkan pesan khusus. 

Pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri tahun ini, Dewan Kepausan menge­luarkan pesan yang 
menyuarakan kerja sama dalam mengatasi kekerasan di antara para penganut agama 
yang berbeda. 

Tema tahun ini yang diusulkan oleh Dewan Kepausan adalah Christians and 
Muslims: Together in overcoming violence among follo­wers of different 
religions (Umat Kristen dan Kaum Muslim: Bersama mengatasi kekerasan di 
kalangan pe­nganut agama yang berbeda). Sesungguhnya ini merupakan hal yang 
mendesak, setidaknya di sejumlah kawasan di dunia. Dalam Joint Committee for 
Dialogue (Komisi Bersama untuk Dialog) yang dibentuk Dewan Kepausan dan 
al-Azhar Permanent Committee for Dialogue among the Monotheistic Religions 
(Komisi Tetap al-Azhar untuk Dialog di antara Agama-agama Monoteis) juga sudah 
memilih pokok ini sebagai bahan studi, refleksi, dan pertukaran dalam pertemuan 
tahunan terakhir mereka (Kairo, 23-24 Februari 2010).

Izinkanlah saya berbagi dengan Anda beberapa kesimpulan yang dikeluarkan pada 
akhir pertemuan ini. Ada banyak penyebab kekerasan di kalangan penganut agama, 
antara lain manipulasi agama untuk tujuan politis atau tujuan-tujuan lainnya; 
diskriminasi berlandaskan etnis atau agama; perpecahan, dan tegangan sosial. 

Kebodohan, kemiskinan, keterbelakangan pembangunan juga, langsung maupun tak 
langsung, turut menyebabkan kekerasan dalam komunitas-komunitas agama. Semoga 
para pemimpin agama dan penguasa sipil turut membenahi semua situasi ini demi 
kepentingan bersama seluruh masyarakat! 
Semoga penguasa sipil menegakkan hukum dengan memastikan adanya keadilan yang 
sesungguhnya guna menghentikan tindakan para pelaku dan pendukung kekerasan! 
Dalam bahan yang telah disebut di atas, juga ada rekomendasi-rekomendasi 
penting: membuka hati untuk saling mengampuni dan berdamai, demi hidup bersama 
yang damai dan berguna; me­ngakui apa yang sama dan menghormati apa yang 
berbeda di antara kita, sebagai landasan untuk dialog budaya.
Selain itu, juga diperlukan untuk mengakui dan menghormati martabat, serta hak 
setiap manusia tanpa bias etnis atau agama apa pun; pentingnya memberlakukan 
undang-undang yang adil yang menjamin kesetaraan fundamental semua orang; 
menekankan kembali kepentingan pendidikan demi terciptanya penghormatan, 
dialog, dan persaudaraan dalam pelbagai ranah pendidikan: baik di rumah, 
sekolah, gereja, dan masjid. 

Dengan demikian, kita akan mampu melawan ke­kerasan di antara para pemeluk 
agama dan mempromosikan perdamaian dan kerukunan di antara berbagai komunitas 
agama. Ajaran para pemimpin agama, baik dalam buku-buku pelajaran yang 
memaparkan agama secara objektif, serta ajaran-ajaran lain pada umumnya, 
memiliki dampak yang menentukan dalam pendidikan dan pembentukan generasi muda.

Kesalehan Sosial
Dialog yang menciptakan kebersaman untuk mengatasi kekerasan harus bisa 
terwujud. Dialog antaragama tidak boleh berhenti sebatas formalitas belaka. 
Pembumian makna dialog ini berarti menepis hal-hal yang berbau ritual dan 
formal, tetapi lebih menjunjung tinggi aspek semangat dan rohnya. Lebih jauh 
lagi, pembumian makna dialog juga berarti bagaimana masyarakat bawah menerima 
cahaya kedamaian ini guna menjalankan kehidupan dalam suasana yang tenang tanpa 
ketakutan dan kecemasan. 

Yang perlu mendapat prio­ritas adalah bagaimana membangun kesadaran dalam 
beragama. Keberagamaan kita mestinya tidak sekadar berwajah kesalehan 
individual, tetapi juga kesalehan sosial. Kesalehan sosial, selain bermakna 
kepedulian di bidang ekonomi, juga kepedulian untuk tidak menghardik umat agama 

Jika agama kita berwajah seperti itu, wajah agama kita amat manusiawi, sebab 
orientasinya tidak egoistik, tetapi mengandung relasi dengan sesama, bahkan 
altruistik. Jika demikian, tiap ibadat pun lebih dilandasi sikap hati yang 
tulus untuk memberi penghargaan terhadap martabat kemanusiaan. Mempersembahkan 
korban bukan hal utama dalam agama, tetapi pemihakan pada nilai-nilai 
kemanusiaan, itulah yang dipentingkan. 

Tugas umat beriman adalah menyucikan dunia de­ngan menegakkan kemanusiaan 
manusia dan keadilan yang bermoral. Ke­beragamaannya bukan untuk kepentingan 
yang egostik, tetapi sebaliknya altruistik. Romo Mangunwijaya (alm) mengatakan, 
orang yang memiliki religiositas itu tidak memikirkan diri sendiri, tetapi 
justru memberikan diri untuk keselamatan orang lain. Iman harus menghasilkan 
buah kebaikan, perdamaian, keadilan, dan kesejahteraan. Intinya, beragama 
secara benar adalah bila kita mampu mengendalikan organ tubuh kita sendiri 
untuk tidak memuaskan diri sendiri.
Upaya menciptakan tole­ransi dan kerukunan antarumat beragama sering kali 

CiKEAS Lulusan SMA Menghadapi Ketidakpastian

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau lulus SMA menghadapi ketidakpastian maka tentu sekali bisa 
dipertanyakan:  apa yang bisa diharapkan dari rezim SBY dan konco-konco 
berkuasanya yang mendesign dan menjalankan politik pendidikan dan penempatan 
tenaga kerja?

Selasa, 21 April 2009 01:04 
Lulusan SMA Menghadapi Ketidakpastian

Sedikitnya 2,2 juta siswa kelas tiga SMA di seluruh Indonesia dan sekolah 
Indonesia di 13 negara, mulai Senin (20/4) ini mengikuti ujian nasional (UN). 
Mereka berjuang agar lulus, kemudian setelah itu memasuki alam kesulitan. 
Teradang biaya masuk perguruan tinggi, sulit mencari lapangan pekerjaan dan 
berpeluang besar menjadi penganggur. 


Gambaran di atas terjadi berulang-ulang, dari tahun ke tahun. Setiap upaya 
untuk mengatasinya tak pernah berhasil, lantaran perbandingannya seperti penyu 
dengan lumba-lumba.

Pemerintah telah meningkatkan anggaran pendidikan. Dari total anggaran belanja 
2009 yang mencapai Rp 1.122 triliun, sejumlah 20% di antaranya diarahkan ke 
sektor pendidikan. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional memperoleh Rp 51,9 triliun, 
anggaran pendidikan Rp 69 triliun dan tambahan anggaran pendidikan Rp 46,1 
triliun. Selain itu ditambah dengan anggaran dalam Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) yang 
ada di setiap provinsi sebanyak Rp 20 triliun.

Anggaran pendidikan yang diturunkan pada tahun pemilu itu, lebih tinggi 
ketimbang tahun lalu yang mencapai 15,6% dari total APBN 2008. Penambahan ini 
sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam UUD 1945 yang menetapkan 20% dari total anggaran 

Penambahan itu sangat bermanfaat dan merupakan langkah maju. Penambahan ini 
menunjukkan pemerintah mulai menaruh perhatian besar, kendati bernuansa politis 
sebab merupakan pelipur lara di tengah kondisi sulit dan tahun pemilu. 
Pemerintah pun terbukti tak menyia-nyiakannya dengan membuat berbagai iklan 
tentang pendidikan gratis dan lain-lain.
Perubahan sikap pemerintah memberi pengaruh yang sangat berarti terhadap sektor 
pendidikan, tetapi masih belum cukup sebab persoalan di sektor pendidikan sudah 
bertumpuk sejak belasan tahun lalu. Mengapa bisa jadi begitu?

Beberapa rezim pemerintahan yang berkuasa memang memberi perhatian pada sektor 
pendidikan, namun kurang memadai. Pemerintah terjepit keharusan membayar 
cicilan bunga maupun utang pokok pinjaman, yang makin lama makin membesar 
hingga melampaui tingkat batas yang ditoleransi, dari 20% hingga melebihi 30%. 
Di lain pihak, sektor-sektor lain seperti infrastruktur juga memerlukan 
perhatian. Ironisnya, anggaran yang sudah menipis itu masih juga dikorupsi 
hingga yang terkadang hanya cukup untuk kegiatan rutin.  Dalam kondisi seperti 
itu, pemerintah tidak memiliki dana khusus yang memadai buat  anak didik yang 
berbakat dan cemerlang serta bermoral baik. Berbeda dengan kerajaan Malaysia, 
yang secara khusus menyediakan anggaran pendidikan untuk anak didik berprestasi.

Alhasil, sekalian anak didik itu, dan direlakan pemerintah, mengambil beasiswa 
yang disediakan pihak swasta maupun pemerintah asing. Padahal, pihak asing bisa 
saja mempunyai agenda atau persyaratan sendiri yang belum tentu sesuai 
kepentingan nasional. 

Perbedaan kepentingan itu sudah menjadi isu nasional dan sangat memprihatinkan. 
Berbagai fakta menunjukkan, kebijaksanaan yang diterbitkan terkadang malah 
melemahkan potensi nasional. Hal ini terutama dapat dilihat dari iklim di 
sektor investasi yang sangat liberal. Atas nama globalisasi, investor asing 
leluasa menguasai sektor-sektor vital seperti pertambangan, telekomunikasi, 
perbankan bahkan hingga eceran. Memang pemerintah memperoleh pajak, tetapi 
berapa kerugian yang ditimbulkan akibat kebijaksanaan yang liberal itu. 

Begitulah, kita melihat ketimpangan yang mendasar. Para anak didik didorong 
untuk meraih angka kelulusan yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, namun setelah 
itu tidak mempunyai kepastian. 
Bila dilihat dalam bentuk piramida, mereka yang berada di tengah hingga ke 
puncak umumnya adalah anak orang tua yang diuntungkan dari strategi pembangunan 
yang berorientasi pertumbuhan. Sulit bagi anak lain untuk menerobos ke atas 
sebab tangga-tangga yang tersedia sedikit dan diperebutkan. 
Inilah ironi di tengah kegemaran berwacana. n

CiKEAS Teror Pencitraan Jelang Lebaran

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny

[ Selasa, 07 September 2010 ] 

Teror Pencitraan Jelang Lebaran 
Oleh Atik Catur Budiati

ADA sebuah guyonan dari seorang ulama dari Jombang ketika bertemu penulis pada 
acara seminar di Australia. Mendekati akhir puasa, jamaah masjid mulai 
mengalami 'kamajuan signifikan', kata dia. Pernyataan itu cukup mengherankan 
karena sejak dulu negeri kita memang dikenal berpenduduk muslim terbesar di 
dunia. Pernyataan ulama tersebut jelas kontradiktif dan terkesan tidak 
realistis. Lantas, apa maksud kemajuan signifikan itu? 

Dengan sedikit senyum merekah dari bibirnya, beliau pun segera menyudahi 
keheranan saya. Menurut dia, Kemajuan signifikan yang saya maksud adalah 
barisan jamaah yang semakin lama semakin maju. Dengan begitu, jamaah salat yang 
dulu memadati masjid sampai ke barisan paling belakang, mendekati Lebaran, kini 
mulai berkurang dan tinggal dua barisan di paling depan saja. Itu tentu 
sindiran pedas dan kritik tajam bagi masyarakat muslim di negeri Indonesia. 

Di Negeri Nonmuslim 

Hal tersebut jelas cukup berbeda dengan keadaan di negeri rantau, misalnya, 
Australia, Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat, yang jumlah jamaahnya di masjid selalu 
stabil, pada awal puasa hingga detik-detik menjelang Lebaran tiba. Itu 
menunjukkan bahwa umat beragama di negeri yang mayoritas penduduknya nonmuslim 
memiliki kekokohan dan solidaritas keagamaan yang masif. 

Dalam teori solidaritas sosial-teologis Durkheim, fenomena tersebut merupakan 
ungkapan emosional dan ekpresi kebatinan kolektif yang secara otomatis 
membangkitkan spirit kebersamaan dan rasa tali persaudaraan tanpa mengenal 
batas wilayah dan ideologi keagamaan. 

Dengan demikian, komunitas teologis yang berbeda sudut pandang dalam tafsiran 
ayat suci sebuah agama akan menjadi tampak biasa dan saling meleburkan diri di 
negeri Barat. Islam sudah ada dan eksis di negeri Barat. Umat Islam yang 
berasal dari negeri mayoritas muslim (Indonesia, Timur Tengah, dan lain-lain) 
justru cenderung mengurai konflik horizontal yang memanas dan eskalatif di 
negeri sendiri. Rasa superioritas komunitas itu akan mencair dan melebur 
menjadi rasa toleransi apabila mereka berada di negeri Barat dan Eropa. 

Yang lebih unik lagi, masjid di Barat akan selalu diupayakan diisi dengan 
beragam kegiatan keagamaan mulai yang sunah hingga yang wajib, baik pada 
masa-masa normal maupun masa Ramadan. Citra yang ingin dibentuk di negeri Barat 
adalah umat Islam merupakan komunitas yang solid, penuh persaudaraan, toleran, 
antiteror, inklusif, dan taat menjalankan nilai-nilai agama. Kegiatan teologis 
umat Islam di Barat, khususnya pada Ramadan kali ini, terbilang berbeda dengan 
Ramadan yang sudah-sudah. 

Kegiatan teologis muslim di Barat, mulai mengagendakan aksi syiar Islam ke luar 
masjid hingga saling berdialog dengan nonmuslim. Itu dilakukan karena akhir 
Ramadan dan Lebaran kali ini bertepatan dengan peringatan 11 September di AS. 
Terlebih, ada seorang pastor di AS yang menyerukan melakukan gerakan membakar 
kitab suci umat Islam (Alquran) pada saat momen peringatan 11 September 
mendatang (tepat pada saat umat Islam merayakan Lebaran). 

Nah, sikap umat Islam di Barat itu merupakan upaya counter pencitraan orang 
Barat yang berpikiran naif, sempit, dan dikotomis. Citra yang berusaha 
dikibarkan oleh umat Islam di Barat berkaitan dengan citra Islam yang notabene 
secara hakiki adalah rahmatan lil alamin (agama rahmat bagi alam semesta), 
cinta damai, dan nir kekerasan.

Membalikkan Nilai-Nilai 

Logika terbalik dan kontradiktif justru terjadi di negeri kita sendiri. Hingga 
saat ini, tidak sedikit masyarakat kita yang justru membangun citra buruk di 
mata orang luar. Korupsi merajalela, teror bom dilakukan atas nama tuhan 
(jihad), kekerasan dijadikan solusi oleh kelompok garis keras saat menertibkan 
kegiataan yang mengganggu bulan Ramadan, serta konflik masal terjadi di antara 
umat Islam sendiri karena persoalan tafsir dan kegiatan keagamaan yang dianggap 
patologi. Masih banyak lagi contoh kasusnya. 

Kasus mutakhir yang sering disuguhkan ke hadapan publik adalah praktik 
konsumtif. Menjelang akhir puasa dan memasuki detik-detik Lebaran, banyak 
masyarakat muslim di negeri ini yang kecanduaan pergi ke mal secara masal. 
Mulai pagi hingga tengah malam, mereka sibuk membeli baju, celana, dan 
perlengkan Lebaran yang bermerek serta trendi di mal-mal. Data sementara 
menunjukkan, mal-mal di kota besar (Jakarta, Surabaya, Jogja, Medan, dan 
lain-lain) mengalami peningkatan pengunjung, terutama pada malam hari. 

Mal semakin ramai hingga tengah malam karena ada diskon midnight hingga 70 
persen yang ditawarkan oleh konter-konter pakaian. Akibatnya, masjid yang 
seharusnya digunakan untuk beriktikaf dan tadarus secara intensif menjelang 
akhir Ramadan justru tampak sepi, sedangkan mal tampak semakin padat merayap.

Ada semacam teror pencitraan dari iklan-iklan komersial yang telah merasuk ke 
jiwa dan pikiran 

CiKEAS Transaksi di Pegadaian Meningkat

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny

07 September 2010 | 22:51 wib | Daerah

Transaksi di Pegadaian Meningkat

Semarang, CyberNews. Menjelang Lebaran tahun ini, sejumlah pegadaian di 
Semarang ramai. Jumlah nasabah di pegadaian mengalami peningkatan. Antrian pun 
mulai terjadi di beberapa pegadaian. Kepala Pegadaian Cabang Pedurungan 
Sutrisno mengatakan, menjelang Lebaran ini pegadaian cabang pedurungan dan 
delapan unit lainnya telah menyiapkan dana Rp 13 miliar. Mulai sepekan ini, 
transaksi meningkat hingga 50% dibanding bulan biasa. Per hari rata-rata 
transaksi mencapai Rp 650 juta, jelasnya, Selasa (7/9). 

Menurutnya, pada H-6 hingga H-3 Lebaran akan terjadi puncak transaksi di 
pegadaian. Setiap harinya untuk transaksi gadai mencapai Rp 300 juta per hari, 
sedang untuk transaksi tebus mencapai Rp 400 juta per hari. Untuk transaksi 
penebusan juga mengalami peningkatan 50% dibanding sebelumnya yang hanya 
mencapai Rp 150 juta per hari, terangnya. 

Hal yang sama juga terjadi di pegadaian cabang Banyumanik yang telah menyiapkan 
dana hingga Rp 6 miliar. Meski baru minggu pertama, transaksi menjelang 
Lebaran sudah mulai terasa. Jumlah transaksi pun meningkat hingga 20 persen, 
ujar Pemimpin Pegadaian Cabang Banyumanik, Nirawan Hadi.

Menurutnya, pada bulan biasa jumlah transaksi tercatat mencapai Rp 150 juta. 
Terhitung mulai awal Agustus jumlah transaksi sudah mencapai Rp 3 miliar, atau 
sekitar 50 persen dari target. Biasanya tiga hari menjelang Lebaran masyarakat 
mulai berdatangan untuk menjaminkan emas atau barang mereka, ungkapnya.

( Fani Ayudea , Fista Novianti/CN14 )

CiKEAS Desain Besar Penataan Daerah 2010-2025 Indonesia Jadi 44 Provinsi

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Makin banyak raja kecil, makin mudah kkn subur?

Desain Besar Penataan Daerah 2010-2025 Indonesia Jadi 44 Provinsi


[JAKARTA] Kendati berulang kali menyatakan moratorium pemekaran daerah, 
diam-diam pemerintah telah memproyeksikan penambahan 11 provinsi dan 54 
kabupaten/kota baru dalam rentang waktu 15 tahun ke depan. Dengan penambahan 
tersebut, Indonesia akan memiliki 44 provinsi dan 545 kabupaten/kota pada tahun 
2025 nanti. Demikian yang tertuang dalam dokumen Kementerian Dalam Negeri 
(Kemdagri) berjudul Desain Besar Penataan Daerah di Indonesia Tahun 2010-2025 
yang diterima SP di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu. Desain itu akan dibahas bersama 
DPR setelah Lebaran untuk disetujui atau diperbarui.

Dokumen setebal 70 halaman dan ditandatangani Mendagri Gamawan Fauzi pada 21 
Juni 2010 itu menyebutkan, sejak diberlakukannya UU 22/1999 tentang Pemerintah 
Daerah, yang kemu- dian diganti dengan UU 32/2004, aspirasi pemekaran daerah 
sedemikian deras mengalir dan sulit dibendung. 

Merespons hal itu, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, di depan Sidang Paripurna 
DPR pada 3 Agustus 2009, menyatakan untuk memberlakukan kebijakan moratorium 
pemekaran, sebagai bagian dari evaluasi penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah. 
Alasannya, untuk mencegah pemborosan dan penghamburan sumber dana negara secara 
tidak tepat.

Sejak keran pemekaran daerah baru dibuka, sebanyak 205 daerah otonom baru (DOB) 
terbentuk hanya dalam waktu 10 tahun (1999-2009). Daerah itu meliputi 7 
provinsi, 164 kabupaten, dan 34 kota. Dengan demikian, total jumlah daerah 
otonom di Indonesia menjadi 524 daerah otonom, yang terdiri dari 33 provinsi, 
398 kabupaten, dan 93 kota, tidak termasuk 6 daerah administratif di DKI 
Jumlah tersebut akan terus bertambah, karena usulan yang masuk melalui pintu 
Kemdagri dan DPR terus mengalir.

Motivasi pembentukan daerah otonom baru adalah untuk pemerataan pembangunan, 
setidaknya, akan ada aliran dana alokasi umum (DAU), dana alokasi khusus (DAK), 
membuka peluang kerja sebagai PNS, memunculkan elite-elite baru yang akan duduk 
di DPR, serta meningkatkan eksistensi identitas lokal. Pada titik inilah, dalam 
banyak kasus, upaya pemekaran daerah menjadi arena bagi para pemburu rente 
(rent-seeker), maupun para petualangan politik yang mengejar kepentingan 
sendiri dan kepentingan jangka pendek.

Beban APBN
Ledakan pemekaran selama 1999-2010 menyebabkan lonjakan beban APBN yang luar 
biasa. Disebutkan, pada 2003, pemerintah pusat harus menyediakan DAU Rp 1,33 
triliun bagi 22 DOB hasil pemekaran sepanjang tahun 2002. Jumlah tersebut 
melonjak dua kali lipat pada tahun 2004, di mana pemerintah harus mentransfer 
Rp 2,6 triliun alokasi DAU bagi 40 DOB. Sementara tahun 2010, pemerintah 
terpaksa mengucurkan Rp 47,9 triliun sebagai DAU untuk daerah pemekaran. Beban 
terhadap APBN makin bertambah, akibat lemahnya daya dukung keuangan sebagian 
besar DOB.

Di beberapa daerah pemekaran, pemerintah pusat harus mengalokasikan DAK untuk 
membiayai pembangunan infrastruktur. Karena itu, pemerintah membatasi ambisi 
pemekaran dengan hanya ada 8 daerah yang dimekarkan hingga 2025. Daerah 
tersebut adalah Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Barat, 
Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Papua, dan Papua Barat. Untuk setiap 
daerah tersebut hanya diperbolehkan memekarkan satu provinsi baru. Kecuali 
untuk Papua, diperbolehkan mendapatkan empat provinsi baru.

Untuk pemekaran kabupaten/kota yang baru itu, juga hanya bisa dilakukan di 
tujuh daerah saja. Untuk daerah Sumatera hanya akan ada 10 kabupaten/kota baru 
yang bisa mekar. Lalu untuk Jawa, hanya diperbolehkan tujuh. Kemudian 
Kalimantan hanya ada 10 kabupaten/kota baru yang terbentuk. Sulawesi hanya ada 
11 kabupaten/kota. Di Bali dan Nusa Tenggara akan ada tiga kabupaten/kota yang 
terbentuk. Maluku ada empat kabupaten/kota yang mekar dari daerah induknya. Dan 
di daerah Papua, diperbolehkan sembilan kabupaten/kota. 

Pemerintah menyusun desain besar ini guna menjawab banyaknya daerah-daerah yang 
minta pemekaran. Saat ini di DPR terdapat 33 usulan calon daerah baru yang 
tengah diproses. Usulan tersebut, terbagi atas 10 provinsi, 21 kabupaten, dan 2 
Mendagri Gamawan Fauzi belum mau bicara banyak soal desain besar tersebut. 
Saya belum bisa berkomentar karena belum ada pembahasan dengan DPR. Jika sudah 
mulai pembahasan, maka saya siap membuka ke publik, katanya kepada SP di 
Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu. Menurutnya pembahasan bersama DPR baru akan dimulai 
16 September mendatang. Karena itu, pihaknya baru akan bicara kepada publik 
terkait desain pemekaran pada saat tersebut.

Menanggapi desain tersebut, anggota Komisi II DPR dari Fraksi PDI-P Ganjar 
Pranowo belum mau berkomentar soal kuantitas wilayah yang akan dimekarkan. 
Baginya yang terpenting adalah apakah memang perlu pemekaran atau cukup 
digabung saja, ataukah harus ada wilayah 

CiKEAS British MP's wife found working as a sex worker

2010-09-07 Terurut Topik sunny

 Indo-Asian News Service
London, September 06, 2010
First Published: 14:21 IST(6/9/2010)
Last Updated: 17:48 IST(6/9/2010)
British MP's wife found working as a sex worker
A British MP's wife works as a prostitute charging 70 pounds for oral sex 
without a condom followed by full sex with a condom, said a media report in 
London. The revelation left the MP stunned as he said: That's a horrible 

Sunday Mirror reported that Tory MP Mike Weatherley's Brazilian wife Carla, 39, 
works at three seedy brothels. 

The expose could prove embarrassing to Prime Minister David Cameron, who 
campaigned alongside Weatherley at the general election earlier this year. 

Weatherley met Carla 10 years ago while he was on a business trip to Rio de 
Janeiro. Sources say that she was already then a sex worker. There is, however, 
nothing to suggest that Weatherley knew. 

After starting a relationship, Weatherley may have bought Carla an apartment in 
the Copacabana beach area. 

Later, Weatherley moved Carla to Britain, where they married in Brighton, East 
Sussex, in 2003. 

Carla's occupation was listed as housewife in the marriage certificate and 
initially, she put her past behind her. 

However, in February, as Weatherley geared up for the poll campaign, she 
re-entered the sex industry. 

During the campaign, Weatherley took Carla to a number of political functions 
in the Hove and Portslade constituency. 

Sunday Mirror reporter met her at a South London massage parlour where she 
offered to perform a list of sex acts. She then stripped off and danced naked. 

The media report said that Carla walked into the room in pink lingerie and  
said she was Bea. 

She then rattled off a price list - 30 pounds for hand relief, 40 pounds for 
oral sex with a condom followed by sex and 70 pounds for oral sex without a 
condom followed by full sex with a condom. 

She also spoke about two brothels where she works - North Cheam Massage and 
Intimate Massage in Bedford. 

I started working in Bedford in February, but it is very far away. Here we 
have two houses, this one and one in Cheam. And I work there at the moment. I 
cover for my friend because she's on holiday. I work on Thursday there and on 
Friday in London. Then, when she is back, I will work on Mondays. Thursdays 
here, Mondays there, she was quoted as saying. 

She added: I like it here, nice clients, nice people, nice place and good 

Weatherley said he was not aware that his wife was a prostitute and added: Oh 
no. It's a bit of a shock. We separated in February and I had absolutely no 
idea at all. We've kept in touch and have lunch together every week so we're 
still good friends. 

That's a horrible shock... thank you for letting me know.
© Copyright 2009 Hindustan Times

CiKEAS Diteriaki karena Salah Lafal Bismillah

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Mengapa mesti pakai bahasa Arab yang susah dihafal  lagi pula 
mungkin  tidak ditahui artinya? Apakah tidak cukup dengan ucapan selamat pagi 
atau selamat siang?

Diteriaki karena Salah Lafal Bismillah
Minggu, 5 September 2010 | 05:39 WIB
KENDARI, - Juru bicara Fraksi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan 
(F-PDIP) Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kota Kendari salah melafalkan 
'basmalah' dalam sidang paripurna DPRD setempat, Sabtu.
Bismillahir rahmanir rasim, PDIP menerima dan menyetujui Raperda APBD-P untuk 
ditetapkan menjadi perda, kata Ketua Fraksi PDIP, Alwi Genda, saat membacakan 
pandangan fraksinya terhadap Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah 
Perubahan (RAPBD-P) 2010 di Kendari, Sultra.
Kesalahan kata terakhir dari 'basmalah' ini langsung mendapat teriakan dari 
para anggota DPRD, kepala satuan kerja perangkat daerah dan sejumlah pihak yang 
hadir dalam aula DPRD ini.
Uuh, baca basmalah yang benar, teriak sejumlah hadirin. 
Alwi langsung meminta maaf, membenarkan bacaannya dan rapat paripurna yang 
dipimpin Ketua DPRD dan dihadiri Walikota, Wakil Walikota serta unsur 
musyawarah pimpinan daerah ini pun kembali berlangsung tenang. Salah seorang 
pegawai sekretariat DPRD, Indah, setempat menganggap kekhilafan itu sebagai hal 
biasa karena ketidakbiasaan membaca basamalah.

Memang orang seringkali salah melafalkan 'basmalah' jika tidak biasa 
mengucapkannya, apalagi di tengah keramaian, walaupun tahu lafal yang 
semestinya, kata kepala seksi persidangan ini.

CiKEAS El Asira's first Muslim Halal online Sex Shop

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Hari ini TV CNN memberitakan tentang El Asira. Untuk memudahkan bagi 
yang mau tahu letaknya bila berkunjung ke Amsterdam (Holland) dan mau mampir 
beli atau lihat oleh-oleh surga dunia halal di toko El Asira, tidak susah 
dicari.  Lokasinya di daerah Zeedijk, tidak jauh dari station kereta api  
Amsterdam Centraal Station,  keluar staion  jalan ke depan 100 m dan menggok 
kiri. Tidak susah mencarinya,banyak turis hilir mudik. Menurut pemilik toko  
dalam interview dengan CNN diberitahukan akan membuka cabang di Timur Tengah. 

  El Asira's first Muslim Halal online Sex Shop
  Tuesday 30 March 2010 / by Shahinez Benabed 
  Abdelaziz Aouragh, a 29-year old Dutch-Moroccan and a practicing Muslim, 
has launched El Asira, a rather unlikely, if not daring, enterprise in the 
Netherlands. It is the first halal sex shop. The question is whether the 
concept, which is raising many eye brows, will be accepted by an increasing 
skeptical niche market.
  Sensual stimulants, organic lubricating gels, pure power capsules for men 
or women ... El Asira, the first halal sex shop made in the Netherlands has 
opened its doors. Solely available on the Internet, the shop was inaugurated 
March 24 by Abdelaziz Aouragh, a 29-year old Dutch-Moroccan Muslim.

  Halal? Really? Yes, says the young entrepreneur. There is even a fatwa 
(religious decree, editor's note) on the subject, he says. The fatwa was given 
after he contacted a local imam who in turn consulted with a Saudi Sheikh who 
gave his blessing, provided that the products are used, strictly, within the 
context of marriage.

  The product range is diverse, from Lovpil capsules, to fight against 
everyday stress that may affect sexual energy and pleasure, to Gel Max, a 
lubricating gel that promises greater sexual performance. Jewelry and 
lingerie will soon be added to their range of products.

  But is El Asira's Halal online Sex Shop really a sex shop? This is where 
opinions differ. Despite the manager's decision to label his business as the 
first Muslim online boutique to sell erotic items and beauty care products, 
Al-Kanz, another site dedicated to Muslim consumers, says it is not a sex shop. 
This was predictable. It is neither salacious nor beggarly. Simply some 
products of comfort, the site reads.

  The site is careful not to depart from set moral standards. With a 
purple-pink interface for women and brown for men, the site denotes itself with 
a calculated discretion. In fact, it shies away from the use of enticing photos 
of men or women as well as suggestive allusions.

  But the site, albeit discreet, has failed to reassure some potential 
customers. And skepticism over the site's intention looks like the winning 
argument. I don't see the point, says Redhouane, a 32 year-old Muslim, but 
if some couples need it due to physiological problems, it's understandable.

  The idea of the online halal sex shop, suggested by his financial 
partners, had initially been met with skepticism from Abdelaziz Aouragh. But 
whether or not a halal sex shop will be welcomed by Muslim couples, the 
decision is theirs to make.

CiKEAS UNIFIL probes southern blast amid fresh arms claims

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

UNIFIL probes southern blast amid fresh arms claims
Israel accuses Hizbullah of placing 15,000 rockets near Blue Line
By Patrick Galey and Agence France Presse (AFP) 
Daily Star staff
Monday, September 06, 2010 

 Listen to the Article - Powered by 

BEIRUT: The investigation into the blasts which hit a three-storey building in 
southern Lebanon on Friday continued over the weekend amid Israeli claims that 
Hizbullah had moved a substantial amount of rockets closer to the Blue Line in 
anticipation of fresh hostilities. 

The explosions at a suspected arms depot close to the village of Shehabiyeh are 
being looked at by a team of investigators which includes members of the 
Lebanese Army and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). 

Israeli military spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Avital Leibovich told the 
Associated Press on Saturday that footage obtained by one of its intelligence 
drones proved the explosions emanated from a residential building used as a 
Hizbullah arms cache. 

She alleged that the Shehabiyeh incident was the third of its kind this year 
and that Hizbullah was actively maintaining several weapons stores close to the 
Blue Line - in contravention of international resolutions. Leibovich claimed 
the party had ammunition silos dotted around 160 southern towns and villages. 

Following the blasts, Israel's Ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, accused 
Hizbullah of placing 15,000 rockets along the Blue Line, some capable of 
reaching southern Eilat. 

The Syrian-Iranian backed Hizbullah poses a very serious threat to Israel, 
Oren said. Hizbullah today now has four times as many rockets as it had during 
the 2006 Lebanon war. These rockets are longer-range. Every city in Israel is 
within range right now, including Eilat. 

Hizbullah has maintained its policy of refusing to comment on the make-up of 
its arsenal, which some Israeli analysts estimate to comprise 40,000 warheads. 
The party released a statement on Friday dismissing the Shehabiyeh incident as 
a fire. 

Oren accused Hizbullah of actively maintaining its weapons, which if true would 
constitute a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 - drafted to end 
the 2006 July War between Israel and Hizbullah and which stipulates no arms be 
present in south Lebanon outside of state control. 

In 2006, many of their missiles were basically out in the open, in silos and 
the Israeli air force was able to neutralize a great number of them, the 
ambassador said. 

Today those same missiles have been placed under hospitals, and homes and 
schools because Hizbullah knows full well if we try to defend ourselves against 
them, we will be branded once again as war criminals, he claimed. 

We know Hizbullah has in violation of UN resolutions once again penetrated 
southern Lebanon, transformed entire villages into armed camps and put in about 
15,000 rockets along the Israeli border, Oren added. 

Reports from Shehabiyeh suggested that men resembling Hizbullah members had 
blocked initial Army and UNIFIL investigation teams from entering the blast 
site. Individuals with communications equipment were seen confiscating rolls of 
film from journalists and noting reporters' license plates at the scene. 

UNIFIL spokesperson Neeraj Singh said that an investigation into the blasts was 
under way and that members of the probe were given free access to the building 
in question over the weekend. 

We have our investigations ongoing although we don't have an investigation 
report yet. UNIFIL has been on top of things from the time the incident 
happened, Singh told The Daily Star. 

The Sector West Commander [Brigadier General Giuseppe Nicola Tota] went to the 
spot and went into the house in which the incident happened. We have had good 
cooperation with the Lebanese Army on this and maintained a substantial 
presence in the area, Singh said. 

On [Saturday] morning an investigation team visited the spot. It all went 
smoothly and there was no obstruction whatsoever, he added. 

A suspected Hizbullah arms cache exploded last summer close to the village of 
Khirbet Silim. In October 2009, a rocket blew up in a garage at Tayr Felsay. 
Hizbullah denied involvement in both blasts. - With AP, AFP

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: 


CiKEAS Pemerintah Impor 400 Ribu Ton Gula

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah tidak bisa diproduksi sendiri untuk mencukupi konsumsi dalam 
negeri ataukah karena dibuat sedemikian rupa agar selalu impor demi perusahaan 
milik pribadi penguasa membutukan bisnis demi labanya?

Pemerintah Impor 400 Ribu Ton Gula 
Senin, 06 September 2010 23:10 WIB  
Penulis : Bunga Pertiwi

JAKARTA--MI: Menteri Pertanian Suswono memastikan akan mengimpor gula kristal 
putih (GKP) sebanyak 400 ribu ton. â?oYang jelas sudah dihitung setelah ada 
taksasi yang baru. Kami akan mengimpor paling tidak sekitar 400 ribu ton 
gula,� ujarnya di Kantor Pusat Kementerian Pertanian, Jakarta, Senin (6/9). 

Ia menuturkan, jumlah gula impor tersebut telah disepakati pemerintah. Namun, 
dia belum bisa memastikan apakah izin impor sudah keluar dari instansi terkait 
yang mengeluarkan yakni Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag). Belum tahu apa 
izin impor sudah dikeluarkan Kemendag atau belum. 

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Perdagangan berencana akan mengeluarkan izin impor gula 
kristal putih pada pekan ini atau sebelum Lebaran. 

Semenara itu, beberapa waktu lalu, pengamat pergulaan dan mantan Dewan 
Komisaris PT PN IV Sri Sulastri mengatakan pada tahun 1930-an Indonesia 
merupakan negara pengekspor gula terbesar setelah Kuba. Sekaranga kita negara 
pengimpor terbesar setelah Rusia, kata dia kepada Media Indonesia. 

Menurutnya, saat ini Indonesia mengimpor gula lantaran kadar rendemen yang 
menurun. Namun, bukan hanya GKP yang paling besar diimpor tapi gula rafinasi. 

Kadar rendemen gula rafinasi itu kan harusnya 7%. Tapi gula rafinasi kita 
hanya 6% jadi tidak manis. Untuk industri, gula rafinasi dibebaskan impor. 
Perusahaan-perusahaan makanan dan minuman asing yang punya pabrik di Indonesia 
pasti menggunakan gula impor karena gula kita kurang manis, tandasnya. (*/OL-8

CiKEAS Miss Isa Blyth,106, is oldest virgin

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Miss Isa Blyth,106, is oldest virgin 

A 106-year-old woman in Britain is not only a virgin, she has never ever been 

Isa Blyth, who turned 106 Saturday, puts her longevity to being a virgin, The 
Sun reported.

Isa Blyth puts her longevity to being a virgin
She is of the opinion that being single has made her stay strong.

I'm not sure if anyone ever tried it on - but they never got anywhere! She 
says she never felt the need for romance and never had time for a man.

She did like the odd sherry though, her niece Sheena Campbell was quoted as 

Blyth was born in 1904.

She used to attend flower club and church, sang in the choir, and played golf 
or gardening. 

She always stayed in Edinburgh and worked for 35 years as a private secretary 
to a whisky producer.

Sheena said: She was wrapped up in her church and she loved her choir and 
flower club.

And she had a high-powered job, which meant she was always busy.

I think she was also a bit of a maiden lady as she was the first-born and 
acted as a head with her six brothers and sisters.

She never had time to be sad. She's an amazing character. You wouldn't believe 
she was 106. 
Source: IANS

Published Sept 5 2010


CiKEAS Fayyad: 100s of Hamas members arrested after attacks

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Fayyad: 100s of Hamas members arrested after attacks 
09/06/2010 18:05 

PA prime minister says decision to carry out attacks was politically motivated; 
big chance of talks between Netanyhau and Abbas failing. 
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on Monday said that his 
forces arrested hundreds of Hamas members since the fatal terrorist attack last 
week that left four Israeli citizens dead, Army Radio reported.

The decision to carry out the attack was politically motivated and intended to 
embarrass the Palestinian Authority, Fayyad told Palestinian journalists.

Fayyad added that the chance of failure in peace talks between Netanyahu and 
Abbas is much greater than the chance of them succeeding.

Meanwhile the IDF announced that it has increased its forces in the West Bank 
amid assessments that Hamas will continue to trying to perpetrate terror 
attacks as Israeli-Palestinian peace talks continue.

Two battalions were transferred to the West Bank last week and were deployed 
along the roads to man checkpoints and patrol highways in an effort to prevent 
additional shooting attacks.

Yaakov Katz contributed to this report.

IDF beefs up West Bank forces to counter terror attacks
Hamas to launch 'more effective attacks' on Israel

CiKEAS The purpose behind sectarian violence

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny\09\06\story_6-9-2010_pg3_2

Monday, September 06, 2010

COMMENT: The purpose behind sectarian violence -Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain

 In many parts of Pakistan, the Taliban religious philosophy has sympathisers 
and supporters among the general public, politicians, bureaucracy at all 
levels, police forces and of course among the local religious establishments 
and mosques. As such the religious terrorists do not work in a vacuum but have 
local help and protection

Sectarian violence is as old as organised religion. However, sectarianism 
becomes a large scale problem only when it is taken over by a political group 
to obtain political advantage. There is no point in rehashing the long and 
violent history of all great religions. But it is time to step back and see 
what the recent flurry of sectarian violence in Pakistan is all about.

Most objective assessments of the modern history of the Muslims will probably 
point to the Khomeini revolution in Iran and its backlash among the hereditary 
Kingdoms and Sheikhdoms of the Arabian Peninsula as the point in time when 
sectarianism in Islam became politicised most recently.

The Iran-Iraq war of the 80s was the first Sunni salvo against Shia revivalism. 
It of course ended in a stalemate. The Arabian hereditary monarchies have never 
taken on the Shia theocracy of Iran directly but both sides have used proxies 
against each other. In such matters the proxies have a bad habit of wanting to 
run free.

The Taliban, an extremist Sunni proxy in Afghanistan caught the independence 
bug also and gave protection to Osama and his al Qaeda. For this they suffered 
a fate similar to that of Saddam Hussein after his invasion of Kuwait. The 
Taliban in Afghanistan were removed from power after 9/11 but they were not 
destroyed completely. The Pakistani establishment protected the core leadership 
of the Taliban for its own 'security' purposes. The Sunni extremists protected 
them for religious reasons and today we are seeing a Taliban resurgence.

The Taliban might now be an indigenous Afghan resistance movement, but then who 
funds them, trains them and supports them? The answer as Alfred Hitchcock said, 
I leave to your vivid imagination! And that brings me to the rather interesting 
question: who are the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and are they related to 
the Taliban that are fighting US occupation in Afghanistan?

Most Pakistani and international analysts it would seem suggest that the TTP is 
a conglomerate of many disparate extremist groups and are supportive but not 
necessarily a part of the Taliban fighting in Afghanistan. My purpose is not to 
try and figure out all the connections but rather to think about the increasing 
sectarian violence in Pakistan, which is often blamed on the TTP and what 
purpose might be behind it.

If we just look at the three major sectarian attacks in Lahore over the last 
few months, the targets were three different groups. First were the Ahmediyya 
community, and then came the attack on the shrine of Data Ali Hajvery and 
finally the most recent attack on the Shia community last week. Clearly it 
would then seem that the purpose is not to terrorise just one group but rather 
many different groups that are opposed by the Sunni extremists.

If these were just random efforts to terrorise different religious entities 
then that would be just that, but it is hard to accept that somebody would go 
through all this trouble just for that reason. Whatever one might have to say 
about the perpetrators of these atrocities, I do not think that they are 
'stupid' and would waste all this firepower without a discrete and well thought 
out political motive.

Before I follow up on this train of thought any further, I think it is 
important to accept one basic reality. In many parts of Pakistan, the Taliban 
religious philosophy has sympathisers and supporters among the general public, 
politicians, bureaucracy at all levels, police forces and of course among the 
local religious establishments and mosques. As such the religious terrorists do 
not work in a vacuum but have local help and protection even in a city like 

That said, what exactly do the terrorists wish to accomplish? First to what 
they cannot accomplish under any conceivable circumstances and that is to 
'exterminate' or 'banish' the Shia and the Hanafi-Barelvi Sunnis from Pakistan. 
That cannot happen for one simple reason: these two together form a majority of 
the population of this country.

The second thing is that they cannot take the country over and bring about a 
Taliban-style government in all of Pakistan. First, the Pakistan Army will not 
let it happen and the Taliban just do not have the firepower to overwhelm the 
army. And second, those that oppose Taliban-style Islam are in an overwhelming 
majority in the country. This majority also includes many of the devout Muslims 
who do not follow the Shia or the 

CiKEAS Motorbike Sales in Top Gear, Adding Chaos to Congestion

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny



Motorbike Sales in Top Gear, Adding Chaos to Congestion
Dion Bisara  Irvan Tisnabudi | September 06, 2010

They are cheap, fast and easy to obtain. To their owners they are the perfect 
solution to Jakarta's traffic, but to most other commuters they are just 
another headache. They are motorcycles, proliferating at such an astonishing 
rate that they are starting to become part of the problem when it comes to the 
capital's notorious traffic congestion. 

Thanks to a booming economy and a flood of easy financing, motorcycle sales in 
Indonesia have exploded over the past decade, rising 1,000 percent since 1999. 

According to the Indonesian Motorcycle Industries Association, fewer than 
500,000 motorcycles were sold in the country in 1999, compared with an 
estimated 6.4 million expected to hit the roads this year - including 20 to 30 
percent of that total on Jakarta's already clogged streets. 

The reasons are simple. Motorcycles are cheap to buy and maintain, and 
financing can be had for the asking. In addition, they can cut the average 
commute in half or less, a not-insignificant benefit in Jakarta, where 
unreliable and relatively costly public transportation combines with 
ever-worsening traffic congestion to add to the appeal of motorbikes. 

Darmaningtyas, executive director of the Institute of Transportation Studies, 
said motorcycles have become popular because public transportation is not 
reliable, comfortable or safe enough, while motorcycles are relatively cheap, 
even compared to public transportation, and can move quickly through heavy 

For example, it only takes less than Rp 10,000 to cover the distance from 
Jalan Sudirman to Depok by motorcycle. Using public transport, it would be 
double that amount, and also take longer to arrive at your destination. 

Just ask Fransisca Rini, who works at an insurance company. She is considering 
buying a motorcycle - already her main mode of transportation. 

I prefer to take an ojek [motorcycle taxi] to work because it's fast. It takes 
me 1.5 hours to go to my office in the morning by bus but only 45 minutes by 
motorcycle, she said. 

But perhaps no factor is as responsible for the proliferation of motorcycles as 
the growth of consumer finance. 

A Rp 10 million ($1,100) cycle can be purchased with only an ID card, a family 
card (KK) and a down payment of 10 to 20 percent. 

Few companies run credit or employment checks. Why? Perhaps due to interest 
rates as high as 25 percent annually. 

Armando Lung, president director of Bussan Auto Finance, said the volume of 
motorcycle loans at his company had tripled over the past five years as 
financing companies relaxed requirements for borrowers. 

The company expects to finance 900,000 units this year, he said, up from 
300,000 in 2005. 

Nationally, 75 percent of motorcycles are expected to purchased with loans in 
2010, up from about 65 percent last year, he said. 

This kind of growth was supported by increasing purchasing power in line with 
growth in the Indonesian economy, he added. 

One of the main benefits of owning a motorcycle - the ability to slice through 
traffic - has created what Darmaningtyas labeled a vicious circle. 

They want to beat the traffic, but as [motorcyles become more numerous], the 
traffic just gets worse, he said. There is almost one motorcycle for every 
person in Jakarta, and you can see what kind of chaos they create. 

Jakarta is considering restricting motorcycles in certain areas to ease 
congestion, said Udar Pristono, head of the Jakarta Transportation Office. 

In the future, our plan is to limit the use of motorcycles in roads along all 
TransJakarta routes, he told the Jakarta Globe in July. 

Other experts say they should be banned from the city center, as in Beijing and 

Darmaningtyas said that to some extent motorcyclists have themselves to blame 
for the backlash. 

Motorcycle riders are the most selfish on the road. They change lanes as they 
please, they don't want to wait at all, they use pedestrian lanes, they even 
use underpasses as shelters when it rains, blocking the traffic. 

But he said restricting motorbikes would create an uproar if public 
transportation were not improved to compensate. 

What the government should do is enforce law. Currently, it is easy to get a 
license without even taking the test. Police should be stricter in dealing with 
motorcyclists, he said. 

Arief, a waiter who relies on his motorcycle to commute, said the government 
needs to consider other options instead of issuing restrictions. 

The government needs to come up with the solution, for example providing a 
lane specifically for motorcycles on specific roads [such as major 
thoroughfares], he said.

CiKEAS Unlike in Africa, Indonesia's Bandits Come With a Smile

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Unlike in Africa, Indonesia's Bandits Come With a Smile
Wijayanto | September 06, 2010

If someone were to ask me to recommend two books for weekend reading, I would 
recommend False Economy by Alan Beattie and Bad Samaritans by Ha-Joon 
Chang. Both are well written and discuss complex economic issues in a simple 
way. What's more interesting, both have a chapter on corruption in Indonesia. 

In his book, Beattie compares prosperous but corrupt Indonesia and clean but 
poor Tanzania, while Chang explains why corrupt Indonesia is much more 
prosperous than corrupt Zaire, despite the fact that Zaire was much wealthier 
in the 1970s. 

According to the authors, even though corruption is prevalent in Indonesia, 
most of the dirty money stays in the country to keep the economy rolling. 

The corrupt invest the money in various businesses, buying houses, cars and 
enjoying extravagant lifestyles. Interestingly, many of them also donate money 
to the poor or various social organizations, and build campuses or schools. 

By contrast, Zaire's corrupt keep their money in Swiss banks, draining the 
country at a time of great need for capital, turning the economy into total 

Why do corrupt Indonesian officials and businesspeople keep their money in the 
country while those in Zaire deposit the money abroad? 

Mancur Olson's Tyranny, Anarchy and Democracy helps us understand this 
phenomenon. According to Olson, two type of bandits exist: the roving bandit 
and the stationary bandit. 

Each behaves differently in the ways they commit crime and in how they spend 
the wealth they gain. 

The first type is made up of those who have short-term interest and act like 
ordinary criminals. Just like in cowboy movies, bandits like this come in 

They attack small towns, rob banks and hotels, destroy buildings and then 
leave. These bandits have no interest in staying and move from one town to 

Stationary bandits have a different strategy. They come to a town, live there 
and become part of society. Using their intellect and charm they try to win 
over the hearts of the people. 

Their main goal is to enter the highest levels of society. In many cases, they 
prefer to become kingmakers and install their puppets in various public 

Often, they themselves become the king and control the town administration. 

Once in control, the bandits transform the system so they can enrich 
themselves. By changing the rules of the game they ensure they are protected by 
the law. 

If they do break the law, their influence means they always win the legal 

Stationary bandits control government budgets, dominate access to natural 
resources and run various businesses. A more prosperous society means a larger 
market and a higher profit. 

It also means more tax revenue for the government and a larger government 
budget which they can then usurp. 

It is in their interest to develop the town. They don't destroy the physical 
form, but the institutions, the law, the political system and the fabric of 

The roving bandit is the perfect description of many corrupt governments in 
Africa, including Zaire. In contrast, Indonesia is the perfect example of the 
stationary bandit phenomenon. 

Stationary bandits are much tougher to fight than roving bandits, since they 
will create a system to camouflage their actions and protect themselves 

Stationary bandits can be very elegant people. 

However, despite their appearances, they destroy the environment, disregard 
financial and capital market regulations, force people to resign from 
government, help smuggle oil to neighboring countries, evade tax on a grand 
scale, buy political support and control the media to mislead the public. 

The existence of stationary bandits has made our collective dream to turn 
Indonesia into a clean country a distant reality. The fight against corruption 
started only a few years after Indonesian independence in 1945. 

In fact, Indonesia was one of the first countries in Asia to have an 
anticorruption law. 

However, the existence of stationary bandits has weakened the anticorruption 
effort and diverted it from its original goal. 

In 2004, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stated: I myself will lead the war 
against corruption. 

Interestingly, this statement is similar to President Suharto's remark on 
Independence Day in 1971, when he said: There is no hesitancy that I myself 
will lead the war against corruption. 

But let's hope that the end of the story will not be the same. SBY still has 
four years to prove that he is different from his predecessor and to leave a 
legacy as a leader who freed his people from the trap of corruption. 

A journey to the moon begins with a single step. The first step for SBY is to 
clean his inner circle of stationary bandits. 


CiKEAS Corruption sentence cut reflects failed government

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Corruption sentence cut reflects failed government
Donny Syofyan, Padang | Fri, 09/03/2010 9:46 AM | Opinion 

The President's remission and pardon to some corruption convicts have been 
really shocking. 

Independence Day celebration, which is supposed to be a victorious public day, 
has turned into a public condolence day, with Aulia Pohan and several people 
convicted of graft leaving houses of detention.

The government's move increases people's suspicion over the government's 
commitment to combat corruption. Aulia Pohan, a former deputy governor of Bank 
Indonesia and an in-law of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, was 
conditionally released from detention serving less than two years of his 
three-year prison term.

This is not to mention sentence reductions granted to Artalyta Suryani, once 
notoriously caught in a luxurious cell, or the pardon granted to Syaukani Hasan 
Rais, former regent of Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, who was suspended 
from his post over four cases involving Rp 93.2 billion (US$10.1 million).

Public outrage over the sentence reductions given to those corrupt officials 
indicates a failed government to battle corruption, which is the country's 
number one enemy. There are some notes on this.

First, the government is certainly suffering from a priority syndrome to 
fight against corruption. A 2006 government regulation, on which the government 
based the president's remission and pardon, runs against the spirit of 
corruption eradication. 

Bribery is a corrupt practice, which has been declared as an extraordinary 
crime, and therefore lead to the establishment of a superbody institution such 
as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through Law No. 30/2002. The law 
authorizes the KPK to tap the phone lines of suspected corrupt officials and 
submit the phone data records as evidence tools.

Inappropriately, the government seems to have no clear sense of direction and 
priority when it comes to eradicating corruption, failing to show zero 
tolerance for corrupt officials.

The government's poor priority is getting worse as it applies or focuses on 
convicts' perspectives rather than people's interest. The humanitarian ground 
to release 

Syaukani, for instance, is not on par with the people's sense of justice. The 
government has a total blackout for poor people's pain, forgetting how black 
and evil the convicts' heart and soul must be to steal even from the poor.

Second, the government is suffering from its worst crisis of confidence to 
combat corruption. The government becomes frustrated with endless bribery cases 
in this country, not simply due to soaring cases day by day, but also because 
the increasing law enforcement officials involved, such as police generals. 
Such complexity prevents the government from holding serious and intense 
coordination involving both regular law enforcement agencies, such as police 
and ad-hoc law enforcement agencies, such as the KPK and the Judicial Mafia 

That accounts for the government's politically motivated move, which is 
basically a setback in fighting corruption. The move probably aims to either 
gather support from local elites, who are mainly prominent figures at the local 
level, as Transparency International Indonesia's Teten Masduki said, or to show 
that the government prefers compromise to determination in dealing with 
corruption eradication.

To the worst degree, the corruption sentence reduction constitutes a 
government's project or breakthrough, especially the justice and human rights 
minister, prior to Cabinet reshuffles in times to come to win President 
Yudhoyono's heart.

 Despite the breakthrough being deemed as against the mainstream, using Hebert 
Adam's maxim, such a move is quite catchy to manipulate truth in line with the 
ruling government's interest. 

The government's crisis of confidence, inspired by the maxim, will only be 
overcome by exposing unpopular and brainwashing breakthroughs.

 Third, the government is attempting to de-energize the KPK. For a couple of 
years, the KPK has appeared on stage to handle seemingly untouchable corruption 
cases in this country. The public lend high credence to the institution owing 
to the fact that during its existence the corruption eradication index shows a 
decreasing rate. 

There has been systematic ways of criminalizing the most-trusted law 
enforcement at the moment. In the previous months, President Yudhoyono demurred 
at interfering in the bribery accusations leveled against the KPK deputies 
Bibit Samad Rianto and Chandra M. Hamzah. But now the scenario is getting 
tough, the President and Justice and Human Rights Ministry block the KPK from 
moving any longer to tackle and arrest more corrupt officials by granting more 
and more pardons, remissions, and conditional freedom to multiple corrupt 
officials in the prison.

CiKEAS Bahrain reasserts state control over mosques

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Bahrain reasserts state control over mosques

Published Date: September 07, 2010 

MANAMA: Bahrain has decided to reassert state control over the kingdom's 
mosques after charging Shiite opposition activists with plotting to overthrow 
the Sunni government, official media reported yesterday. Regaining control of 
the pulpits so they are not hostage to incompetent politicians or clerics who 
have lost their way... is the starting point for developing a sound religious 
orientation, Crown Prince Salman said in comments carried by the official BNA 
news agency.

Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa Bin Salman Al-Khalifa said the government would 
ensure that places of worship are run by those who promote the values of 
tolerance and moderation, BNA said. The two officials' comments came in 
messages addressed to King Hamad on Sunday, a day after prosecutors pressed 
terrorism charges against the Shiite activists, raising tension in the run-up 
to an October 23 general election.

According to a charge sheet released on Saturday, the 23 activists - 10 of them 
prominent opposition figures-stand accused of undermining national security. 
Two of them, who live in London, are being tried in absentia. Most of the 
suspects are members of Haq-the Movement of Liberties and Democracy-a Shiite 
group which rejected as inadequate reforms intended to put an end to Shiite-led 
unrest that rocked the 35-Island archipelago through the 1990s. Those reforms, 
enshrined in a 2002 charter, converted the emirate into a constitutional 
monarchy but Haq boycotted parliamentary elections in 2006 and intends to do 
the same next month.

The arrests have raised tensions between the government and the mainstream 
Shiite opposition which took part in the 2006 election, winning 17 of the 40 
seats in parliament. Sheikh Ali Salman, leader of the Islamic National Accord 
Association, warned last month that they would lead to more protests. He 
mocked the authorities' accusations against those arrested saying they could 
not have all belonged to a single secret organization as they had different 
opinions. - AFP 

CiKEAS UAE banks stop transfers to Iran

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik sunny

UAE banks stop transfers to Iran
Published Date: September 06, 2010 

DUBAI: Most banks in the United Arab Emirates, an important trading partner for 
Iran, have stopped money transfers there after the latest round of sanctions on 
the Islamic republic, bankers said yesterday. A Dubai-based Iranian businessman 
said that the latest sanctions have halved trade with Dubai, an important 
re-export centre for Iranian goods. We stopped transfers to Iran in all 
currencies in July, an executive from an international bank, who spoke on 
condition of anonymity said.

The UN Security Council imposed a fourth round of sanctions on June 9 over 
Iran's controversial program of uranium enrichment, which many Western states 
believe may be a covert bid to make a nuclear bomb, a charge Tehran denies. The 
United States and European Union have since unilaterally imposed even tougher 
punitive measures, which contain provisions to penalize Tehran's trading 

A banker with an Emirati bank said that transfers to Iran in dollars and euros 
are now forbidden, and have become very difficult, if not impossible, in 
dirhams, the UAE's currency. Transactions by Iranian clients are closely 
monitored, the banker said, adding that certain activities by Iranian clients, 
such as transfers to Asia to purchase goods, are sometimes blocked. We used to 
deal with some banks in Tehran, but now it is almost impossible, the banker 

Bank accounts of some Iranian clients have been closed recently, he added. The 
volume of trade between Dubai and Iran has been reduced by 50 percent compared 
to before the latest round of sanctions, mainly due to bank restrictions, said 
Morteza Masoumzadeh, vice president of the Iranian Business Council in Dubai.

There are more restrictions, and things are getting more complicated because 
of the latest sanctions, he said. For example, businessmen can no longer open 
a letter of credit to overseas suppliers if the port of discharge is an Iranian 
port, he said. UAE officials said last month that the country was implementing 
sanctions against Iran. It reportedly began taking steps to implement the 
latest UN sanctions against the Islamic republic in June.

The UAE central bank ordered the freezing of 41 bank accounts because of the 
sanctions on Iran, according to the Emirates Business 24/7 website. Dubai, the 
UAE's business and aviation transport hub, has also closed down the offices of 
40 firms suspected of breaching the sanctions, the Gulf News daily reported. 
Iran is a significant UAE trading partner, with trade volume between it and 
Dubai alone estimated at about 10 billion dollars (7.7 billion euros) a year, 
mostly imports to the emirate. There are about 400,000 Iranians living in the 

CiKEAS Indonesia And The Challenge Of Papuan Separatism

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia And The Challenge Of Papuan Separatism 
Thursday, 26 August 2010 00:18 
Written by IDSA 

 By Bilveer Singh

If there are any symbols of Papuans' continued quest and determination for 
sovereign independence1, it is their continued attachment to their flag, the 
Morning Star or Bintang Kejora (in Indonesian), their Anthem, Hai Tanahku Papua 
(in Indonesian) or Oh, My Land Papua, written by a Dutch missionary in the 
1930s and the continued existence of the OPM, Papua Independence Movement since 
1964. The Morning Star was first formally unveiled on 1 December 1961, 
symbolising the onset of the Republic of West Papua and flew till October 1962, 
when the former Dutch colony was transferred to the United Nations Temporary 
Executive Authority through a deal brokered by the United States, mainly to 
prevent Indonesia from joining the Soviet Camp during the Cold War.

Indonesia took control of the territory in the following year and formally 
incorporated West Papua, renamed West Irian, into Indonesia in 1969, recognised 
by the United Nations. However, Papuans have continued to challenge the 
territory's integration into Indonesia and a bloody struggle has ensued ever 
since, with supporters of Papuan independence claiming that more than 100,000 
Papuans have been killed by the Indonesian military. The violence has continued 
right to the present period and it remains illegal to fly the Bintang Kejora in 
Indonesia and many Papuans continue to be incarcerated for doing so.

Anatomy of Papua

Located on the easternmost part of Indonesia, geographically it constitutes 
one-fifth of the country but only has a population of 3 million (of which the 
natives constitute only 50 per cent). Indonesia, where 90 per cent of the 
people are Muslim, has a population of nearly 240 million. Papua is a largely 
Christian territory, where the Protestants constitute the majority, followed by 
the Catholics and then Muslims. However, tribalism is extremely dominant with 
more than 265 tribes representing the Putra Daerah or Sons of the Soil 
(natives). Yet, the territory is extremely rich in natural resources, 
especially oil, gas, gold and copper. It is also geo-strategically important, 
bordering on land with Papua New Guinea and fronting the Pacific Ocean.

Explaining Papuans' Desire for Independence

Even though Indonesia declared independence in August 1945 and had to fight the 
Dutch to gain complete sovereignty in December 1949, the Dutch only surrendered 
Papua in October 1962. This represents an important historical anomaly as Papua 
remained for another 12 years as a Dutch colony compared to the rest of 
Indonesia. This provided the Dutch ample time to develop a local Papuan elite 
that was committed to independence and hence the importance of the Morning 
Star, National Anthem, not to mention a rudimentary Parliament that was formed 
in Jayapura in 1961. However, due to the Cold War, President Kennedy succeeded 
in pressurising the Dutch to surrender the territory in 1962 and Indonesia, 
with the support of the West, legitimately gained control of the territory by 
1969. However, this was largely undertaken against the wishes of the Papuan 
elites and hence the continued struggle for Merdeka or independence ever since.

From the perspective of Papuans, there are a number of grievances that have 
provided a catalyst and triggered their demands for independence. First, the 
sense of historical injustice when Papua was handed over to Indonesia by the 
Dutch in 1962 without consulting Papuan elites and later, the fraudulent 
manner in which the referendum, called Act of Free Choice (but what the 
Papuans call Act of No Choice) was held in 1969. Thus, for the Papuans, 
Indonesia is an illegal colonizer and the territory's status should be 
reviewed through a referendum. Second, gross unhappiness in the manner Jakarta 
has flooded the territory with non-Papuans, mostly Muslims, thereby creating 
what Papuans refer to as 'demographic and cultural genocide' and where they 
are fast becoming minorities in their own land. This has also intensified 
social-cultural conflicts between the natives (Putra Daerah) and the 
transmigrants (Pendatangs), the latter usually backed by officialdom. Third, 
demographically, Papuans feel discriminated against, with the majority Malay 
Indonesians looking down on the Melanesian Papuans (for their dress code, 
eating and drinking habits, etc) and worst still, most privileges being given 
to the former at the expense of the latter.

Fourth, there is the rising impoverisation of the Papuans. Despite the immense 
wealth of the territory, Papuans are among the poorest in Indonesia. Instead, 
the wealth is sucked out to benefit non-Papuans and foreigners, who in alliance 
with Jakarta, continue to benefit from Jakarta's rule over the territory. The 
operation of Freeport McMoran, the 

CiKEAS Sally's story

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Twelve-year-old Sally Sabahi, far right, lives with her family in a single room 
tucked down a back alley of Old Sanaa. Her father, far left, sells chili mix in 
the market for a dollar or two a day. Her mother, second from right, was 
married at 12, enduring five years of beatings before she finally divorced. 
[Credit: Hugh Macleod] 
My parents called for me to come from the yard, said Sally, explaining how 
she got married aged 10 to her 25-year-old first cousin. They told me Take a 
deep breath and asked How about getting married Sally? So, I replied: Yes, but 
will you give me a dress, and candy and toys and stuff like that? They 
answered: Yes. They promised to give me everything. [Credit: Annasofie 
Her father, Mabkhout as Sabahi, left, earned 200,000 Yemeni Rial, around 
$1,000, for agreeing to the marriage to Nabil. Nabil promised he would wait 
for her until she was grown up, said Mabkhout. But the people in Hajja [where 
Nabil is from] kept telling him Sally is grown up and ready to sleep with him 
and that she does not because her parents told her not to. [Credit: Annasofie 
A picture of 10-year-old Sally trying on her wedding dress. Beaten, drugged and 
raped, Sally won a divorce from Nabil recently after her story made headlines 
in local media and became the focus of a national debate that has polarised 
Yemeni society. [Credit: Hugh Macleod] 
Nojoud Mohammed Ali al-Ahdal, was nine years old when she was married to a 
30-year-old man she had never met. I got scared and used to run away and he 
would chase me. I did not think I was a wife, said Najoud. After taking a taxi 
to court and finding a lawyer, Shada Nasser, to represent her Nojoud became the 
first child bride in Yemen to successfully divorce. [Credit: Annasofie Flamand] 
Several hundred women protested against a proposed legal minimum age for 
marriage.In the case of Nojoud it was her father who was wrong. Why not go and 
see the women who are happy? asked one demonstrator, Zeinab as-Sumaidar, a 
secretary at Iman University. [Credit: Hugh Macleod] 
Sheikh Mohammed al-Hazmi inspects the fatwa, or religious ruling, he helped 
author which forbids any Yemeni from supporting a minimum age for marriage. 
[Credit: Hugh Macleod] 
Lawyer Shada Nasser, centre, went to a neighbourhood of Sanaa, to file the 
initial case for divorce. But it would require Nabil to travel to Sanaa from 
Hajja. If Nabil did not agree to the divorce the case would have to be heard in 
Hajja. The judge may look more favourably at their own kinsmen, said Nasser. 
Many judges are governed by arcane views of women. [Credit: Annasofie 
A clerk of the court counts the 200,000 Yemeni Rial dowry which had to be paid 
back to Nabil in order for Sally to divorce him. An American-Turkish woman 
offered to pay $700 after hearing about the case. The remaining $300 was 
donated by local Yemeni women. The divorce papers were signed by Judge Mansour 
Ali in the presence of Sally, her lawyer and Nabil. [Credit: Hugh Macleod] 
Nabil drew laughter from those gathered when he urged men to consider the age, 
brain and that they are not crazy of any potential wife. He said: I just came 
and married her. I did not think it was a problem because I did not know her 
exact age. For Sally, the moment was about looking forward. I was feeling 
there was a black cloud hanging over my head. Today I feel so free. [Credit: 
Hugh Macleod]a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. 
a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. Start Slide ShowStop 
Slide Show1 / 10
Sallay's story

By Hugh Macleod

Sally as-Sabahi used to love playing the make-believe marriage game with her 
brothers and sisters.

For a little girl living in a single room down a back alley of Old Sanaa, 
imagining the new wedding clothes, make-up and party for her school friends was 
a thrilling way to escape the daily grind of poverty.

So when her mother showed her the real-life snow white dress and sparkling 
jewellery she promised would be hers, 10-year-old Sally had no problem agreeing 
to marry the man her parents had chosen: Nabil, her 25-year-old first cousin, 
for whom Sally would be a second marriage.

Sally recently won a divorce from Nabil after her story made headline news in 
local media and became the focus of a national debate that has polarised Yemeni 

I don't call it marriage, I call it rape, said Shada Nasser, a lawyer who has 
worked on several child marriage cases.

Nojoud Ali al-Ahdal, who was herself raped and beaten by her 30-year-old 
husband when she was nine years old, was the first of only three Yemeni child 
brides to win a divorce. But the practice of child marriage affects millions in 

The International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW) found that just under 
half of all girls in Yemen are married before they are 18 - classified as 

CiKEAS Scholar rejects extremist ideology

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Scholar rejects extremist ideology

Published: Sep 2, 2010 23:53 Updated: Sep 3, 2010 00:49 

JEDDAH: A religious scholar has continued his attack on methods employed by 
advocates of extremist ideologies, leading to a misinterpretation of Islamic 
religious texts in their writings, Al-Watan daily newspaper reported on 

Abdul Aziz Al-Humaidi, who was speaking on the ongoing Humumuna program on 
Saudi Channel 1, said matters that affect the interests of a community or 
nation, such as war and peace, could not be acted on by an individual. Such 
issues are to be resolved by the ruler in consultation with qualified people 
and any decisions are binding on citizens, he said.

That was the model set by the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he used to make 
decisions that affected all of society, he added.

In his capacity as a specialist in Muslim jurisprudence, Al-Humaidi uncovered 
the misleading way in which a proponent of deviant ideology, Abu Muhammad 
Al-Muqaddisi, tried to influence people in his book Millat Ibrahim. He 
claimed that Al-Muqaddisi particularly targeted countries in the Arab and 
Muslim world facing serious political and economic issues.

In the book, Al-Humaidi said, Al-Muqaddisi erroneously claimed that the Prophet 
used to resort to takfir (declaring someone as an infidel) and call for an 
uncompromising war.

CiKEAS Bahrain to monitor religious forums

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Bahrain to monitor religious forums

Published: Sep 6, 2010 00:46 Updated: Sep 6, 2010 00:46 

DUBAI: Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa gave a national address on 
Sunday to decry strife, aggression and terrorism and announced plans for 
greater government monitoring of religious forums - an apparent reference to 
preachers and others who seek to challenge the government.

We hope and expect that everyone will stand firm to protect this nation from 
strife and evils in the face of violence and terrorism in all its forms, he 

A day earlier, state media released the photographs of 23 Shiites - ranging 
from opposition figures to professors and taxi drivers - accused of conspiring 
to overthrow the government. They include opposition leader Abdul-Jalil 
Al-Singace, whose arrest on Aug. 13 marked the first salvo by the government. 
Since then, the government has steadily ramped up the pressure.

Rights groups say more than 250 people have been detained. The backlash spilled 
onto the streets with gangs and police clashing on opposite sides of barricades 
of burning tires.

On Saturday, officials said the 23 detained activists were part of a plot to 
overthrow the government of this Gulf kingdom - a Western ally and homeport for 
the US Navy's Fifth Fleet.

This sophisticated terrorist network with operations inside and outside 
Bahrain has undertaken and planned a systematic and layered campaign of 
violence and subversion aimed squarely at undermining the national security of 
Bahrain, said a statement by public prosecution official Abdul-Rahman Al-Sayed 
after the arrests were announced Saturday.

No details of the coup plot have been made public.

The clampdown comes ahead of Oct. 23 elections for Parliament, where Shiites 
currently have 17 of the 40 seats and could make a bid for a majority in the 
upcoming balloting.

The confrontation also showcases Bahrain's role as the centerpiece for Gulf 
concerns about Iran. Some Gulf countries harbor suspicions about Iran's effort 
to expand its regional clout. Yet only Bahrain has a sizable Shiite population 
that is seen as a possible beachhead for Iran on the Arab side of the Gulf.

Hard-liners in Iran have often described Bahrain as Iran's 14th Province. But 
no clear evidence has emerged of Iranian aid to the opposition groups in 
Bahrain, and Bahrain's leadership issued a statement last week distancing 
itself from any accusations toward Iran.

Shadi Hamid, a Gulf affairs researcher at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar, 
said: There is more and more concern about Iranian influence even if it can be 
proven or not.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a short visit Sunday to Qatar, the 
only Gulf state that has welcomed him since Iran's disputed presidential 
election last year. At a news conference with Qatar's leader, Ahmadinejad said 
they agreed on the need for reconciliation and cooperation between Iran and its 
neighbors, but Bahrain's unrest was not specifically mentioned.

CiKEAS Democratic' process in Pakistan

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny\09\06\story_6-9-2010_pg3_4

 Monday, September 06, 2010

  VIEW: 'Democratic' process in Pakistan - I -Raza Kazim

   Elections by themselves are only the mechanics of a political process. 
They are not the substance of democracy. Democracy is a massive movement of the 
common people against an oppressive and obstructive social order and for its 
replacement by another social order that enables the people to restructure 
their society

  In the peak of the 'democracy' season in Pakistan, Mr Altaf Hussain has 
sounded a discordant note with his latest statement, implying that he would 
support 'patriotic generals' if they use their military prowess to eradicate 
corruption and feudalism from Pakistan. Some prominent politicians and civil 
society luminaries have already reacted with horror to Mr Altaf Hussain's 
political hand grenade. As a concerned student of our history and an outsider 
to the present centre-stage of our politics, I would like to respond to this 
occasion by examining some of the implications arising out of Mr Altaf 
Hussain's statement.

  I am unable to equate democracy with elections and the politics of 
elections alone. The political history of the Third World during the last 60 
years is full of instances in which this paradigm of democracy has produced the 
messy stagnation that has taken hold of many of these countries for a long 
time, and has served to deny three generations of a brighter future, which 
could and should have been their fate. And let us not forget the modern 
instances of the election politics and process in Germany in the 1930s and 
about the same time in the Soviet Union. They produced disastrous social 
formations and sad endings. The point is that elections by themselves are only 
the mechanics of a political process. They are not the substance of democracy. 
Democracy is a massive movement of the common people against an oppressive and 
obstructive social order and for its replacement by another social order that 
enables the people to restructure their society and therewith establish an 
appropriate political and legal order, which opens the doors for civilised 
progress. And the process of democracy can last only as long as that movement 
of the people continues with dynamic vigour. These events occur and become real 
and turning points in their history. 

  I am unable to see when such events and turning points occurred in our 
history since August 14, 1947, nor do I recall when they occurred prior to 
1947. Neither do I find any literature that documents and demonstrates that we 
have in fact gone through this process, and developed a vigorous consensus of 
the common people, which could produce such events. A consensus mushroomed in 
1945 and 1946 to grasp Pakistan as a huge opportunity for a large number of the 
upper and middle classes for their personal betterment. And so in fact it 
happened. The British withdrew their sovereignty over Pakistan by an act of 
parliament and left Pakistani society intact as they had made it. There was no 
operative vision of a social change at all. Even the foreign minister, the 
finance minister and the first two army chiefs came from the British stable and 
were not even members of the Muslim League. I walked with Jinnah's funeral to 
his resting place and clearly recall that the marriage of Islam and politics in 
Pakistan took place quite some time after his burial. It was manifest that 
conferring the title of Islam on Pakistan later was a substitute device for the 
total absence of a social vision arising out of a popular consensus and its 
leadership. This was obvious because neither Jinnah nor the Quran had 
prescribed Islam or any other religion for the state of Pakistan. If it is 
suggested that 'democracy' means a legal continuity, then this notion was 
negated by the highest court in Pakistan, supported by the practical approval 
and consensus of the people of Pakistan. The first martial law was still to 
come four years later and that too after having been midwifed by the civilian 

  All martial laws hitherto share the same fundamental character, together 
with all the intervening civilian governments, of preserving and standing guard 
over a pre-democratic social formation preferred so far by the people of 
Pakistan. I am unable, therefore, to make a qualitative political distinction 
between the civilian and military administrations in this country for the last 
62 years. It is true that there have been many interesting changes in political 
personalities and devices but that is all.

  The extent of the parallel economy in Pakistan is well recognised and 
researched, and where its ratio is one of the highest in the world. A parallel 
economy by definition means economic transactions that are in violation of the 
law, whereas democracy by definition means that laws are made by the people and 
for the people. 

CiKEAS Foreign women are treated like slaves

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Foreign women are treated like slaves
Published Date: September 06, 2010 
By Frida Ghitis 

When Mrs L P Ariyawathie showed up at the hospital in the town of 
Kamburupitiya, near the southern tip of Sri Lanka, few could imagine that the 
49-year-old mother of three would make headlines across the world. Normally, 
the news from Sri Lanka fails to garner much international attention. 
Ariyawhathie's story, however, managed what decades of civil war, suicide 
bombings and last year's bloody end to a brutal war failed to do: It made the 
world pay attention.

At first, the woman whose eyes still radiate intense sadness told a story 
almost too bizarre to believe, except that Sri Lankans have already heard 
disturbing tales from poor friends traveling to strange lands to earn a living. 
Those stories are often most outrageous when they describe the experiences of 
women traveling to Saudi Arabia, as Ariyawhathie did.

In May, she started working as a housekeeper with a Saudi family. The suffering 
began immediately, with cruel mockery by her employer every time she tried to 
speak the few words in Arabic she had learned in preparation to leave her home 
and her family and travel to the mysterious kingdom. Before long, the taunts 
turned to torture. Then one day, after she accidentally broke a plate, her boss 
asked if she was blind, aiming his hand toward one of her eyes. When she raised 
her arm over her face, the first nail went in. By the time she made it back 
home to Sri Lanka and arrived at the hospital, her Saudi employer had hammered 
24 nails and needles into her hands, legs and forehead.

This is not another story about the unspeakable sorrow that poverty inflicts on 
its victims. It's about how some of the wealthiest, most privileged people on 
Earth fail the most basic test of humanity, and how the time has come for the 
Saudi government, which never tires of proclaiming its piousness - to make 
reforms aimed at protecting the most vulnerable in its midst.

Saudi Arabia hosts 8 million foreigners, mostly poor people from Asia and the 
Middle East, desperate for work. Hundreds of thousands are women employed as 
domestic workers, living in conditions that are often no better than slavery. 
Some 400,000 Sri Lankans live there, mostly women working in private homes. Too 
many of them experience horrific abuse, including beatings, rape and even 
murder. Sri Lankan politician Ranjan Ramanayake says he frequently receives 
pleading calls from relatives of workers in the Gulf. Saudi Arabia is the 
worst, he noted. It is followed by Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Abu Dhabi. Our 
mothers, sisters and daughters undergo unspeakable harassment.

Under a Saudi system called Kafala, workers become practically property of 
employers, surrendering their passport on arrival, becoming trapped in a 
country where law and culture leave laborers, especially foreigners, with few 
rights. The situation for migrant women - impossible as it would seem - is far 
worse. Nonpayment of wages across the board has been thoroughly documented by 
human rights and labor organizations, as have harsh working and living 
conditions. But nothing compares to the plight of South Asian women in Saudi 
Arabia, and for that matter in much of the Middle East.

There is no shortage of examples. Earlier this year, 26-year-old Balakrishnan 
Dharshan, who had left the Sri Lankan city of Kandy to work in Saudi Arabia, 
was found dead, her body covered with burn marks. A 25-year-old Indonesian 
housekeeper lost fingers, toes and part of a foot after her employer kept her 
tied in the bathroom. A Saudi paper reported last year that the Sri Lankan 
embassy receives 10 runaway maids every day. The situation is so desperate that 
India and Nepal have already banned their women from accepting placements in 
Saudi Arabia, following thousands of abuse reports. Kafala ensures that workers 
have practically no recourse and often no way out. Attitudes toward women, 
non-Muslims, foreigners and workers in menial occupations set the stage for 
brutality and impunity.

If the Saudis want to earn some respect from the rest of the world, they now 
have our attention. All abusers should be prosecuted and punished. But there's 
more. Not only should foreign workers have a right to keep their passports and 
leave the country without special permission, but the laws must be revised to 
protect their most basic rights. The Ariyawathie case made the world look in a 
direction it seldom does, toward Sri Lanka. What the world saw, however, is 
what most urgently needs to change in Saudi Arabia.- MCT

CiKEAS Deadly bombing at Pakistan rally

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau saling baku hantam,  saling bunuh membunuh antara Shia dan 
Suni maka tentu bisa timbul pertanyaan : Allah berada di pihak Suni ataukah 

Deadly bombing at Pakistan rally 
More than 50 people killed in suicide bomb attack at large protest in 
southwestern border city of Quetta.
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2010 06:15 GMT 
The blast is the second attack on Shia Muslims in Pakistan in a 
week [AFP]

At least 54 people have been killed and nearly 200 injured in a suicide attack 
targeting a Shia Muslim rally in Pakistan's southwest city of Quetta. 

Police officers said the bomber was among the 450-strong crowd and had 
detonated the device on reaching the main square in the city on Friday.

The explosion triggering chaotic scenes, with some people set on fire as others 
fled or lay on the ground to avoid ongoing gunfire.

The bomb appeared to target the rally being held for al-Quds day, an 
international event held every year by the Shia community in opposition to 
Israel's control of Jerusalem and to show solidarity with Palestinian Muslims.

The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.

Qari Hussain Mehsud, the Pakistani Taliban commander, told The Associated Press 
news agency that though they are fighting the US and the Pakistani government, 
Shias are also our target.

Earlier, unconfirmed reports said that the attack was claimed by the 
Laskhar-e-Jhangvi (Army of Jangnvi), an armed group known for its attacks 
against Pakistan's Shia community.

Shia minority

Shia Muslims are in the minority in Pakistan, accounting for around a fifth of 
the country's 160 million population, which is dominated by Sunnis.

What we have seen unfortunately in the holy month of Ramadan, is that these so 
called Islamic groups, who profess to be the saviors of Islam, have continued 
their suicide bombings on innocent civilians and on our military forces and 
police forces, Farahnaz Ispahani, a media adviser to the president of 
Pakistan, told Al Jazeera.

And what we have seen recently is also an increase of attacks on the Shia 
minority in Pakistan, she said.

Police were forced to quell unrest following the attack, said Sardar Khan, 
chief of Quetta's police control room.

An angry mob tried to set on fire a private building and vehicles. Some of the 
participants were armed and they were firing in the air, Khan said.

They also set on fire some bicycles and motorcycles.

Local television channel AaJ said one of its drivers had been killed in the 
blast, while there were reports of several other journalists injured in the 

Yousuf Raza Gilani, Pakistan's prime minister, strongly condemned the attack 
and called for an immediate inquiry into the incident. The US embassy also 
condemned the attack.

Ramadan violence

It was the latest in a string of attacks as Muslims marked the final days of 
the holy month of Ramadan.

Earlier, at least one man was killed and four wounded on Friday when a suicide 
bomber blew himself up after being apprehended by police outside a mosque of 
the Ahmadi sect in the city of Mardan in northwest Pakistan, police said.

A suicide bomber was trying to enter the Ahmadis' worship place, but he was 
intercepted by police, Waqif Khan, the Mardan police chief, said, adding that 
the bomber had been shot before blowing  himself up on the ground.

A passerby was killed and four others were wounded in the firing and suicide 
attack, Khan said.

He said it was unclear whether the man was killed by the bomb or by gunshots 
fired by the guards.

Police have handed over the bomber's body parts to a forensic team, Khan said.

In the northwest city of Peshawar, which has often been targeted by armed 
groups, at least three policemen were injured when a bomb exploded near their 
patrol vehicle, police said.

The officers were checking vehicles on the city's ring road and Mohammad Karim 
Khan, a senior police official, said the bomb was detonated by remote control.

On Wednesday, three suicide bombers killed 31 people and wounded hundreds when 
they targeted a Shia mourning procession made up of thousands of people, at the 
moment of the breaking of the fast in the holy month of Ramadan.

Religious violence in Pakistan, mostly between Sunni and Shia groups, has 
killed more than 4,000 people in the past decade.

Ahmadi's attacked

In May, nearly 100 people were killed in the eastern city of Lahore after armed 
groups stormed two Ahmadi prayer halls, launching gun and grenade attacks.

Gunmen later raided the hospital where victims were being treated, killing four 
people in a shootout.

Founded by Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in 1838, the Ahmadi sect believes that 
Ahmad himself was a prophet and that Jesus died aged 120 in Srinagar, the 
summer capital of Indian-ruled Kashmir.

Pakistan declared them non-Muslims in 1974 and 10 

CiKEAS 55 killed in Quetta rally attack

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny\09\04\story_4-9-2010_pg1_1

Saturday, September 04, 2010

55 killed in Quetta rally attack

 * Over 200 injured as bomber targets Al-Quds rally 

* Police blames rally participants for diverging from set route 

* Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claims responsibility

By Mohammad Zafar

QUETTA: At least 55 people lost their lives, while over 200 others were injured 
on Friday after a suicide bomber blew himself up amidst participants of a rally 
held to mark the Al-Quds Day in Quetta. 

The deadly blast triggered chaos and panic in the provincial metropolis's busy 
Mezan Chowk.

Calling from an undisclosed location, a spokesman of the banned 
Lashkaar-e-Janghvi, claimed responsibility for the attack and warned that the 
group would carry out more attacks if Shias continue to take out processions 
and hold gatherings.

According to eyewitnesses, a group of armed men started indiscriminate firing 
after the blast, injuring dozens of people.

The Imamia Students' Organisation had organised the rally that started from 
Islam Imambargah, located on the Prince Road, soon after the Friday prayers to 
express solidarity with the Palestinian people. Hundreds of people joined the 
rally as it moved towards the centre of the city.

Police tried to stop the rally near Mali Bagh and asked the participants not 
to proceed any further, owing to security concerns. However, nobody listened to 
us, said City police Station House Officer (SHO) Muhammad Asif, adding that 
the participants did not follow the route that had been approved by the police. 
We had earlier told them that no officers were deployed in Mezan Chowk and 
they should follow the given route. But they did not follow the instructions, 
he said.

A number of young men, who were at the head of the procession, removed police 
barricades and continued to march forward. When the procession reached Mezan 
Chowk, the suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest. 

As result of the huge blast, 25 people were killed instantly, and human limbs 
were scattered everywhere. A number of motorcycles parked nearby caught fire, 
sending up plumes of black smoke.

According to the Bomb Disposal Squad, 10 to 15 kilogrammes of explosive 
material was used in the blast.

Talking to reporters, Provincial Police Officer Malik Muhammad Iqbal claimed 
that the police had tried to warn the participants and their refusal to listen 
to the police caused the incidence. 

Police later found the head of the suspected suicide bomber, who was said to be 
between 25 to 30 years of age.

An employee of a private TV channel was also among the dead, while eight other 
journalists also sustained injuries. All of them were covering the rally when 
the blast took place.

Attack condemned: President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Raza 
Gilani both have strongly condemned the attack. In separate messages, both the 
leaders stressed that the perpetrators of such heinous crimes were the enemies 
of the country and would not be spared.

The Balochistan Shia Conference and the Tahaffuz Azadari Council have announced 
a 40-day mourning period.

In a statement, both groups have strongly criticised the government and the 
police for failing to protect the rally participants.

CiKEAS The world of the future has to be shared by everyone

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Havana.  September 3, 2010

Interview with Fidel Castro (Part 2)
The world of the future has to be shared by everyone
(Taken from the Mexican La Jornada newspaper)
. Fidel answers questions from the editor, Carmen Lira Saade

HAVANA.-Although there is nothing to indicate any unease on his part, I think 
that Fidel is not going to like what I'm going to say to him:

Comandante, the whole charm of the Cuban Revolution, the recognition, the 
solidarity from a large part of the world's intelligentsia, the people's 
tremendous achievements in the face of the blockade; in short, everything, 
everything went down the tubes as a result of the persecution of homosexuals in 

Fidel did not shy away from the subject. He neither denied nor rejected the 
statement. He only asked for time to recall, he said, how and when that 
prejudice broke out among the revolutionary ranks. 

Five decades ago, and as a result of homophobia, homosexuals were marginalized 
in Cuba and many of them were sent to military-agricultural work camps, accused 
of being counterrevolutionaries.

Yes, he recalled, those were times of tremendous injustice, tremendous 
injustice! he repeated emphatically, whoever was responsible for it. If we 
did it ourselves, ourselves.I'm trying to delimit my responsibility in all of 
that because, of course, on a personal level, I do not have that kind of 

It is known that some of his best and oldest friends are homosexuals. 

But then, how did that hatred of the different come about?  

Fidel believes that it was all generated as a spontaneous reaction within the 
revolutionary ranks, which stemmed from old customs. In pre-revolutionary Cuba, 
there was not only discrimination against blacks, but also against women and, 
of course, homosexuals. 

Yes, yes. But not in the Cuba of the 'new' morality, of which revolutionaries 
both within and outside the country were so proud.

And so, who was responsible, either directly or indirectly, for not putting a 
stop to what was happening in Cuban society? The Party? Because this occurred 
during a time when the statutes of the Communist Party of Cuba did not 
explicitly state the prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation.

No, said Fidel. If anyone was responsible, then it was me.

It is true that, at that time, I did not concern myself with that issue.I was 
mainly immersed in the October (Missile) Crisis, in the war, in political 

But that became a serious and grave political problem, Comandante.

I understand, I understand.We didn't know how to assess it.systematic acts of 
sabotage, armed attacks, were happening all the time; we had so many terrible 
problems, problems of life or death, you know, that we didn't pay sufficient 
attention to it.

After all of that, it became very difficult to defend the Revolution outside 
the country.Its image had been irretrievably damaged among certain sectors, 
particularly in Europe.

I understand, I understand, he repeated. That was fair.

The persecution of homosexuals could have been taking place with greater or 
lesser protest in any part of the world. But not in revolutionary Cuba, I said 
to him.

I understand: it's like when the saint sins, right? It's not the same as the 
sinner sinning, eh?

Fidel gave a hint of a smile but then became serious again:

Look, think about how our days were during those first months of the 
Revolution: the war with the yankis, the missile situation and, almost 
simultaneously, the assassination attempts against my person.

Fidel revealed the tremendous influence on him of the assassination threats and 
the actual attempts of which he was victim, and which changed his life:

I couldn't be anywhere; I didn't even have anywhere to live... Betrayal was 
the order of the day and he was forced to move around in a haphazard way.

Eluding the CIA, which was buying so many traitors, including one's own 
people, was no simple matter; but, in short, in any case, if someone has to 
assume responsibility, then I will. I am not going to place the blame on other 
people... affirmed the revolutionary leader. 

He only regrets not having corrected the situation at the time. 

Nowadays, however, the problem is being confronted. Under the slogan 
Homosexuality is not a danger; but homophobia is, many cities throughout the 
country recently celebrated the 3rd Cuban Event for the International Day 
against Homophobia. Gerardo Arreola, La Jornada correspondent in Cuba, wrote a 
detailed report on the debate and the struggle underway on the island for 
respect for the rights of sexual minorities. 

Arreola comments that it is Mariela Castro - a 47-year-old sociologist and 
daughter of Cuban President Raúl Castro - who directs the National Center for 
Sexual Education (CENESEX), an institution that, she says, has succeeded in 
improving Cuba's image following the marginalization of the 1960s. 

Here we 

CiKEAS Serangan berani mati di Quetta, 42 maut Serangan berani mati di Quetta, 42 maut

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Serangan berani mati di Quetta, 42 maut Serangan berani mati di Quetta, 42 maut

QUETTA, Pakistan 3 Sept. - Sekurang-kurangnya 42 terbunuh dalam satu serangan 
bom nekad yang disasarkan ke atas perhimpunan puak Syiah di Quetta, di barat 
daya negara ini.

Ia merupakan siri serangan terbaru dalam sengketa berhubung perbezaan fahaman.

Polis berkata, pengebom adalah di kalangan 450 orang yang menyertai perhimpunan 
itu dan bertindak meletupkan dirinya apabila tiba di medan utama bandar raya 

Keadaan itu mencetuskan suasana kelam kabut apabila ada yang terbakar dan yang 
lain bertempiaran menyelamatkan diri, sementara yang lain meniarap di atas 
tanah bagi mengelak terkena ledakan bom.

Sekurang-kurangnya 42 terbunuh, kata Ketua Polis Quetta, Ghulam Shabir kepada 
AFP, dan menambah kata bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 70 yang lain cedera.

Seorang doktor di sebuah hospital utama di Quetta berkata, jumlah mereka yang 
cedera meningkat kepada 80 orang.

Perhimpunan itu diadakan sempena memperingati hari Al-Quds, acara antarabangsa 
yang diadakan setiap tahun oleh masyarakat Syiah yang menentang kekuasaan 
Israel di Baitulmaqdis dan bagi menunjukkan sokongan kepada penduduk Palestin. 

CiKEAS Stephen Hawking: Tuhan tidak cipta alam semesta

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Stephen Hawking: Tuhan tidak cipta alam semesta

LONDON 3 Sept. - Pakar fizik dan matematik terkenal, Stephen Hawking muncul 
dengan teori baru yang mencetuskan kemarahan ramai pihak mendakwa Tuhan 
bukanlah pencipta alam semesta ini.

Konsep itu dikesan didalam buku terbarunya The Grand Design yang dipetik dan 
disiarkan dalam akhbar Britain, The Times semalam. Buku berkenaan ditulis 
bersama seorang lagi pakar fizik, Leonard Mlodinow dijadual diterbitkan oleh 
Bantam Press pada 9 September ini.

The Grand Design yang disifatkan oleh penerbit sebagai karya besar Hawking 
dalam tempoh hampir sedekad lalu, mencabar teori Isaac Newton yang menyatakan 
bahawa Tuhan terlibat dalam penciptaan alam semesta kerana sistem solar tidak 
mungkin terjadi secara semula jadi.

Namun, Hawking menegaskan ia bukan semudah itu kerana untuk memahami alam 
semesta, adalah penting untuk mendalami bagaimana dan mengapa sesuatu berlaku, 
dengan memanggilnya sebagai 'Persoalan Terbesar Kehidupan, Alam Semesta dan 

Hawking, pakar fizik British yang terkenal melalui tulisan mengenai lubang 
hitam, mendakwa penemuan sebuah planet mengelilingi sebutir bintang selain 
matahari pada 1992 'yang sama dengan keadaan planet bumi, menjadikan kejadian 
bumi bukan sesuatu yang membanggakan dan kurang mengagumkan seperti dakwaan 
bahawa bumi dicipta khas untuk manusia'.

Sebelum ini, dalam buku terlarisnya, A Brief History of Time pada 1988, Hawking 
dilihat menerima konsep Pencipta, dengan menyatakan bahawa penemuan teori 
lengkap akan menjadi 'kejayaan besar untuk manusia dan untuk itu kita perlu 
tahu apa yang Tuhan fikirkan.'

Namun The Grand Design dilihat berganjak daripada pendapat asalnya itu dengan 
menyatakan bahawa fizik dapat menjelaskan kejadian tanpa perlunya 'Pencipta 
yang menjadikan Alam Semesta untuk kebaikan kita.'

Oleh kerana terdapat hukum alam seperti graviti, Alam Semesta mampu dan akan 
tercipta dengan sendiri daripada tiada.

Penciptaan spontan merupakan sebab adanya sesuatu berbanding tiada apa-apa, 
mengapa Alam Semesta wujud dan mengapa kita wujud. Tidak semestinya ia 
membabitkan Tuhan untuk... mengaturkan Alam Semesta, katanya.

Hawking bersara pada tahun lalu daripada Lucasian Chair of Mathematics di 
Universiti Cambridge selepas 30 tahun memegang jawatan itu yang juga pernah 
dipegang oleh Newton. 

Beliau yang mengalami penyakit urat saraf sejak berusia 22 tahun, terpaksa 
bergerak menggunakan kerusi roda dan bertutur menggunakan bantuan sebuah 
komputer dan alat sintesis suara. - AP

CiKEAS Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israel

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israel 
Attack comes two days after the start of Israeli-Palestinian direct peace talks 
launched in Washington.
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2010 11:54 GMT 

   Rocket fire into southern Israel comes a day after Hamas fighters vowed 
to launch fresh attacks [Reuters] 

Fighters in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip have fired a rocket into southern 
Israel, two days after the start of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the 
Israeli military said.

Saturday's cross-border rocket fire caused no injuries or damage and landed in 
an uninhabited area in the western part of the Negev desert, an army spokesman 

The rocket fire was the first since Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, 
and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, met in Washington to 
relaunch direct peace negotiations.

Netanyahu and Abbas agreed to keep talking and produce a framework for a 
permanent peace deal.

But Hamas, whose fighters routed forces loyal to Abbas to take over the Gaza 
Strip in 2007, rejects Abbas' negotiations and has vowed to continue attacks 
against Israel.

The group's armed wing claimed responsibility for two shooting attacks in the 
past week, including one that killed four Israelis in the West Bank, where 
Abbas leads the Palestinian Authority government.

Abbas has repeatedly said he will present any peace deal to a national 
referendum, which would include the people of Gaza.

A vote in favour of any peace agreement would then put heavy pressure on Hamas 
to accept the will of the Palestinian people.

CiKEAS Mosque shooting in Riyadh injures three

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Masyaulloh!  Bukan saja di Irak, Iran, Aghanistan atau Pakistan 
saling bunuh membunuh, tetapi juga di tanah suci juga terjadi  hal demikian.

Mosque shooting in Riyadh injures three

Published: Sep 3, 2010 00:00 Updated: Sep 3, 2010 00:00 

RIYADH: At least three people were reported injured when gunmen opened fire 
outside a mosque in Riyadh on Wednesday night. However, senior police officials 
told Arab News that only one person was hit.

The shootout, that sent shock waves throughout the local community, took place 
outside the Prince Sultan Mosque. The mosque shooting - the first criminal act 
of its kind to take place during the holy month of Ramadan in the capital - 
happened after taraweeh prayers.

According to reports, the imam and the muezzin of the mosque were also injured. 
It was claimed that both were released after they received medical treatment at 
a clinic, while the third person was hospitalized.

A spokesman from Riyadh Police said two people waiting outside the mosque fired 
on another person coming out after prayers. According to preliminary 
investigations, it seems to be the case of a personal dispute between the man 
and the shooters, said the spokesman. He reiterated that only one man was 
injured in the shooting.

The case is in under investigation, said the spokesman, confirming that the 
incident took place outside Prince Sultan Mosque in Riyadh. He also clarified 
that it was not a terrorist act.

The spokesman said the shooters fled the scene in a Camry, leaving worshippers 
terrified. It is not clear whether any arrests have been made.

Riyadh is home to about five million people and has been relatively crime-free 
for the last several years.

There have been regular reports of thefts, snatchings and fraud, but no major 
acts of organized crime or terrorism have been reported in the capital city 
over the past five years.

CiKEAS Pesawat Garuda Tertabrak Truk Cargo di Bandara Schipol Amsterdam

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Macam-macam  masalah, pesawat NKRI, ada yang masuk kali,  tabrak 
sapi  dan tabrak truk. Pendeknya sering  dicelakakan.

Sabtu, 04/09/2010 22:57 WIB

Pesawat Garuda Tertabrak Truk Cargo di Bandara Schipol Amsterdam
Didi Syafirdi - detikNews

Jakarta - Pesawat Garuda, nomor penerbangan GA 089 yang melayani penerbangan 
dari Amsterdam ke Jakarta tertabrak truk cargo di Bandara Schipol, Amsterdam, 
Belanda. Kejadian ini berpengaruh pada pada rotasi pesawat yang dioperasikan 
oleh Garuda.

Pesawat Garuda itu tertabrak pada pada Kamis 2 September 2010 lalu. 

Akibat kejadian tersebut, pintu kargo pesawat Garuda mengalami kerusakan 
(damage) dan pesawat tidak dapat diberangkatkan, ujar VP Corporate 
Communications Garuda Pujobroto dalam rilis yang diterima detikcom, Sabtu 

Menurut Pujo, agar para penumpang tetap dapat berangkat, Garuda menerbangkan 
para penumpang GA 089 tersebut ke beberapa penerbangan lain. Bahkan beberapa 
penumpang yang tidak jadi berangkat diinapkan di hotel sekitar bandara.

Saat ini pesawat yang tertabrak masih berada di area bandara Schipol karena 
memerlukan perbaikan sekitar 3 hingga 4 hari. Untuk perbaikan diperlukan spare 
parts yang akan didatangkan dari pabrik Airbus, imbuhnya.

Pujo sangat menyesalkan peristiwa ini yang terjadi di bandara internasional 
yang sudah maju. Dia juga melihat ada keteledoran dari pihak Bandara Schipol.

Seharusnya hal seperti ini tidak perlu terjadi, tegasnya.

Dengan adanya satu pesawat yang saat ini masih memerlukan perbaikan di 
Amsterdam, maka demi menjaga kualitas layanan penerbangan ke Amsterdam, Garuda 
harus menggunakan pesawat A 330-200 yang lain, yang saat ini dioperasikan ke 
rute penerbangan lain.

Rute penerbangan yang terpaksa diganti pesawatnya antara lain penerbangan 
Garuda ke Sydney dan Melbourne yang harus diganti pesawatnya dari A330-200 
menjadi B 747-400, jelasnya.

CiKEAS Negara Serumpun Sudah Basi, Malaysia Perlu Shock Therapy

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Udah jangan omong gde, tunjukkanlah bintang-bintangmu nan perkasa.

Kamis, 02/09/2010 23:20 WIB

Pidato SBY Soal Malaysia
Negara Serumpun Sudah Basi, Malaysia Perlu Shock Therapy
Nograhany Widhi K - detikNews

Jakarta - Dalam pidatonya, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) membawa 
latar belakang sejarah hubungan antara Indonesia-Malaysia. Hubungan 
persahabatan bak kakak-adik, atau negara serumpun itu dinilai basi. Malaysia 
butuh shock therapy setelah berkali-kali 'ngelunjak'.

Penekanan saya di sini, kita tidak usah gunakan kata tetangga serumpun karena 
dalam konteks Indonesia-Malaysia tidak menjamin hubungan itu baik-baik saja. 
Adanya apologi ketika ada konflik, hubungan kakak-beradik tapi kadang 
berkelahi, rasanya sudah basi, sebaiknya kita lupakan saja kata itu, ujar 
Kepala Bidang Perkembangan Politik Internasional Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan 
Indonesia (LIPI) Dra Awani Irawati, MA.

Malaysia, menurutnya, membutuhkan terapi kejut ketegasan Indonesia atas 
pelanggaran yang dilakukannya.

Berikut petikan wawancara Awani saat berbincang dengan detikcom, Kamis 

Bagaimana tentang pidato SBY kemarin? Apakah kurang menunjukkan adanya 
ketegasan terhadap Malaysia?

Seperti yang telah diduga bahwa pidatonya itu normatif, menghindari adanya 
sikap konfrorntatif terhadap Malaysia. Saya kira secara keseluruhan 
pemerintahan SBY melakukan penyelesaian in accordial manner, penyelesaian 
berdasarkan sesuatu kalau bisa diredam.

Penekanan saya di sini kita tidak usah menggunakan kata tetangga serumpun, 
dalam konteks Indonesia-Malaysia tidak menjamin hubungan itu baik-baik saja. 
Adanya apologi karena ada konflik, hubungan kakak-beradik kadang berkelahi, 
rasanya sudah basi, sebaiknya kita lupakan saja kata itu

Kenapa? Karena ini menggiring Indonesia pada kondisi semuanya bisa diselesaikan 
secara kekeluargaan. Tidak ada ketegasan seperti sikap dari Malaysia yang 
menyulut emosi rakyat Indonesia. Pidato Presiden general, saya yakin tidak 
meredam tingkat emosional masyarakat yang begitu tinggi.

Disebutkan sejarah hubungan kedua negara ini menjadi pilar penting. Masalah ini 
bukan ASEAN, ini bilateral. Kalau dikaitkan ASEAN, sebaiknya dikembalikan 
kepada piagam ASEAN, ASEAN High Council, mekanisme yang dibentuk untuk 
selesaikan masalah anggota ASEAN, tapi nyatanya tidak pernah digunakan. Kembali 
ke konteks pidato Presiden, tidak ada katakanlah sesuatu yang menggigit, 

Bagaimana seharusnya ketegasan itu ditunjukkan? Apakah harus dengan perang?

Saya setuju berikan terapi shock kepada Malaysia. Seperti kasus 
Sipadan-Ligitan, itu dulu tingkat Soeharto dengan Mahathir, diselesaikan di ICJ 
(International Court Justice). Flashback sedikit tentang konflik perbatasan 
yang dihadapi Malaysia diselesaikan di tingkat ASEAN sebagian besar 
negara-negara ASEAN memiliki masalah serupa dengan Malaysia, kecuali Laos, 
karena Laos kan landlock state yang tidak memiliki garis pantai.

Padahal kalau di dalam penyelesaian ASEAN High Council minimal 5 negara anggota 
yang berikan penilaian, sementara itu mereka memiliki masalah serupa. Makanya 
kenapa akhirnya diselesaikan di ICJ. Dalam Sipadan-Ligitan hanya minta 
kepastian tentang kepemilikan, bukan penentuan perbatasan.

Ketegasan kan tidak harus perang secara fisik, bisa perang diplomasi. Tidak 
hanya kirimkan nota yang dalam kasus Ambalat lebih 30 nota dikirimkan ke 
Malaysia namun tidak digubris, akhirnya kembali ke meja perundingan dan 
masalahnya ngambang. Oleh karena itu, Malaysia harus diberikan sedikit shock 
therapy di masalah Ambalat itu, dari situ saja sudah kelihatan. Memang wacana 
di grass root ingin perang, tapi kan perang tidak selalu fisik.

Seperti menarik TKI. Ditarik saja, 1,5 juta TKI ambruk perekonomian Malaysia, 
seperti saat ada eksodus TKI tahun 2004. Kita melihat pada waktu itu betapa 
pembangunan ekonomi di Malaysia jadi stag sehingga ada permintaan resmi TKI 
ilegal agar segera memproses perlengkapan dokumen legal dan bisa dikirim 
kembali ke Malaysia. Kita lihat dulu pembangunan perkebunan sawit tidak ada 
pekerjanya, bangunan-bangunan juga, karena penduduk Malaysia itu sedikit. 

Kalau mempersona non grata-kan (mengusir) dan menarik Duta Besar?

Bisa jadi. Kita pernah menarik dubes kita di Australia daripada perang fisik. 
Saya kira perlu diberi therapy shock buat Malaysia. Kita selama ini kesannya 
dipermainkan, kekuatan pertahanan kita masih di bawah mereka, banyak perbatasan 
kita masih terbuka, bisa dimanfaatkan sumber daya alam kita, seperti sawit dan 
illegal logging banyak.

Bagaimana dengan alasan Malaysia yang selalu ulur pembahasan perbatasan dengan 
RI, karena belum selesai dengan Singapura?

Daerah barat perbatasan RI yang berbatasan dengan Malaysia dan Singapura yang 
belum selesai itu di wilayah Natuna. Kalau menurut kita Malaysia sudah berada 
di wilayah kita, ya kita 

CiKEAS World urged to keep pressure on Iran on woman's stoning sentence

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

World urged to keep pressure on Iran on woman's stoning sentence 
Martin Fletcher 
From: The Times 
September 04, 2010 12:00AM 

FERESHTEH Halimi has joined her husband in appealing for renewed international 
pressure to save his former client, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the Iranian 
woman sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery. 

Speaking soon after her dramatic flight from Iran, Ms Halimi said it was only 
the widespread publicity given to Ms Ashtiani's case in the West that had 
dissuaded the regime from executing her, but she remained in serious danger.

Her case brings shame on Iran, said Ms Halimi, who insisted that no other 
country would impose such a terrible sentence for such a transgression.

The appeals of Ms Halimi and her husband, Mohammed Mostafaei, were echoed by Ms 
Ashtiani's son, Sajad, 22.

I beg you, don't give up. If you were not there, my mother would already be 
dead, he told La Regle du Jeu, a website run by French philosopher 
Bernard-Henri Levy. If you reduce the pressure, my mother will be executed.

Speaking on a mobile telephone to escape detection, he said the regime was now 
accusing his mother of murdering her husband so that it could kill her more 
easily. She had already been acquitted of that charge, he said.

It's a pure lie and an incredible injustice. My mother, who has done nothing - 
nothing - risks being stoned while the real murderer is free.

Ms Ashtiani remains in the Tabriz prison where she has been for five years, 
living in daily terror of being taken from her cell before dawn, wrapped in a 
shroud, buried up to her neck and stoned to death with rocks too small, by law, 
to kill her instantly. She has been subjected to mock executions.

Her case is the subject of a judicial review, but her Western supporters 
believe this is merely a stalling tactic, the outcome of which will be 
determined by political, not judicial, considerations.

Ms Halimi's escape yesterday reinforced the impression that the regime was 
susceptible to international pressure. Mr Mostafaei said that had it really 
wanted to prevent her leaving Iran, it could have confiscated her passport.

He believed it did not do so because it feared further international opprobrium.

Mr Mostafaei stressed that Ms Ashtiani was one of many victims of Iran's 
flagrant human rights abuses, and he pledged to keep fighting for them from his 

He added that with his wife and daughter now out of Iran, he would be freer to 
speak out. He plans to work with international non-governmental organisations 
and to appear at press conferences to draw international attention to Iran's 
use of show trials, torture, political executions and other blatant violations 
of the country's own laws. He also intends to name those responsible.

This is my only preoccupation, said Mr Mostafaei, who worked pro bono for 
many death-row prisoners, particularly juveniles, and claims to have saved 50 
lives. Even though I'm out of Iran I've not left Iran in spirit. I hope I can 
be as useful as I was . . . and carry on helping others.

The Times

Related Coverage
  a.. Joy for stoning lawyer as family flees Iran The Australian, 1 day ago
  b.. Bruni deserves death - newspaper Herald Sun, 4 days ago
  c.. Carla Bruni 'prostitute' slur slammed Adelaide Now, 4 days ago
  d.. Tehran fires stoning warning The Australian, 18 Aug 2010
  e.. Moderate Muslims needs to speak out The Australian, 16 Aug 2010

CiKEAS Hamas tries to derail peace deal

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Hamas tries to derail peace deal 
Brad Norington, Washington correspondent 
From: The Australian 
September 04, 2010 12:00AM 

FRESH threats from the Palestinian militant group Hamas are jeopardising Barack 
Obama's push for a Middle East peace deal within 12 months. 

As the first direct talks in almost two years between Israelis and Palestinians 
began in Washington yesterday, Hamas refused to accept Palestinian Authority 
President Mahmoud Abbas as a representative negotiator.

During a first round of discussions, Mr Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday agreed to meet face-to-face again this month for 
two days in Egypt. They will then meet every two weeks in the hope of reaching 
a settlement.

George Mitchell, the US President's special envoy to the region, said 
afterwards that the two leaders had agreed to start work on a framework 
agreement for permanent status to secure lasting peace.

According to Mr Mitchell, Mr Netanyahu and Mr Abbas had approached negotiations 
in good faith to resolve all core issues in the quest for a two-state solution.

While confirming both leaders had canvassed issues that would be central to a 
comprehensive treaty such as borders, treatment of refugees and the future of 
Jewish settlements, Mr Mitchell said: They also agreed that for these 
negotiations to succeed, they must be kept private and treated with the utmost 

Hamas has already emerged as a spoiler, claiming Mr Abbas has no right to 
represent the Palestinian people as Fatah Party leader in the West Bank.

The rival Hamas, which is regarded internationally as a terrorist group and 
does not recognise the state of Israel, controls the Gaza Strip. Its leadership 
says no peace settlement can be valid without its support on behalf of 
Palestinians who live in the separate territory.

The other Hamas threat to peace negotiations is violence after hit-squads this 
week killed four Jewish settlers and wounded two others. The attacks were 
obvious attempts to derail the Washington negotiations.

The top Hamas leader in Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar, said Mr Abbas was wasting his time 
in negotiations. Our resistance is continuous, he said.

US analysts suggested the absence of Hamas and separation of Gaza from 
negotiations could be positive for Mr Abbas in reinforcing his authority and 
allowing greater flexibility.

But Mr Abbas has dismissed any suggestion of a partial deal that granted state 
independence to the West Bank and put off Gaza to another time. He knows such a 
deal would destroy his credibility among Palestinians.

Mr Abbas's alleged trump card against Hamas, in the event of an agreement 
reached with the Israelis, is to put the deal to a national referendum of 
Palestinians that would include those in Gaza. He hopes a yes vote would 
pressure Hamas to accept it.

Mr Obama, who persuaded Mr Netanyahu and Mr Abbas to meet at talks he hosted in 
Washington, has rated a Middle East peace deal a key foreign policy initiative 
of his administration, after a series of his predecessors failed to yield a 
result. Sceptics argue that lingering mistrust and an array of complicated 
issues still to be resolved make Mr Obama's 12-month timetable unrealistic.

A day after Mr Obama welcomed the two sides, a series of meetings yesterday 
began with an opening ceremony and talks involving Mr Netanyahu, Mr Abbas, Mr 
Mitchell and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her State Department 
office. Mrs Clinton and Mr Mitchell then left the room so Mr Netanyahu and Mr 
Abbas could talk privately.

Describing the relationship between the two men as cordial, Mr Mitchell said 
later: These men have known each other for a long time . . . and I felt that 
it was a very constructive and positive mood, both in terms of their personal 
interaction and in terms of the nature of the discussion.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Mr Obama was encouraged by the 
serious attitude of the two leaders in seeking long-term peace, but accepted 
there were deep divisions.

Asked directly about obstacles posed by Hamas, Mr Gibbs declined to answer and 
deferred to Mr Mitchell.

The Israelis and Palestinians are sticking with positions that present 
difficulties. Mr Netanyahu insists Palestinians recognise Israel as the nation 
state of the Jewish people and wants assurances on security before any deal. 
It is unclear what concessions he would give on territory.

Mr Abbas has joined in condemning attacks on Israelis claimed by Hamas but 
insists his side recognised Israel years ago. He wants an independent state 
with East Jerusalem as the capital and demands Israel freeze all settlements in 
the West Bank in the meantime.

The settlements issue will be an early test for peace negotiations as an 
Israeli moratorium in the WestBank is due to expire on September 26.

Mr Netanyahu, who is 

CiKEAS Israel in range of Iran's military: general

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

ews code:SPH  - 02_HJ12.txt  News date:  Saturday, September 4, 


Israel in range of Iran's military: general
Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN - The chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces says that all of Israel 
is within reach of Iran's military. 

There is not a place in Israel that is not within the range of our modern 
(military) apparatus, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi told the Mehr News 
Agency on Friday on the sidelines of the International Qods Day demonstration 
in Tehran. 

Israel has repeatedly threatened to launch attacks on Iranian nuclear sites, 
and Iran has complained to the United Nations about the Israeli threats. 

Recently, former U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton seemed to encourage 
Israel to target the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear reactor in southern Iran. 

Firouzabadi said Iran hopes Israel will not do something crazy, like attacking 
Iranian nuclear facilities, so that Iran will not be forced to take retaliatory 
measures, including targeting Israel's Dimona site. 

We hope there will not be a need to target the Zionist regime's nuclear 
plant, Firouzabadi stated. 

Such a war would not be in any country's interests, he added. 

Elsewhere in his remarks, the general said the Zionists have evicted 
Palestinians from their homes and claimed the Palestinian homeland as their own 

He lamented that human rights and international law have not been observed when 
it comes to the oppressed people of Palestine. 

But the international community has become more aware of Israel's crimes in 
Palestine, he added. 

Firouzabadi also dismissed claims by U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman 
Admiral Michael Mullen, who has said the United States has drawn up a plan for 
a possible attack on Iran. 

Mike Mullen has got a plethora of intelligence analyses at his disposal 
pointing to the fact that a military confrontation with Iran is not in the 
interests of the United States or the Zionist regime, he said 

CiKEAS Gazprom Q1 Profit At Record $10.6Bln

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau Gazprom pada kvwartal pertama mencapai laba $ 10,6 miliar, 
maka bisa ditanya juga berapa laba  Pertamina  untuk periode yang sama?

Gazprom Q1 Profit At Record $10.6Bln 
03 September 2010
Combined Reports
Gazprom tripled first-quarter profit to a record after cold weather boosted 
demand at home and in Europe, and the ruble appreciated against the dollar, the 
world's biggest gas producer said Thursday. 

Net income climbed to 325 billion rubles ($10.6 billion) from 103.7 billion 
rubles a year earlier, the company said. That beat the average estimate of 
316.4 billion rubles in a Bloomberg survey of six analysts. 

Gas sales, hurt by the economic crisis last year, were supported by low 
temperatures at home and in Europe this year. Export monopoly Gazprom boosted 
sales volumes 21 percent to 162.2 billion cubic meters in the first quarter, it 

The company's shares closed up 0.5 percent on the MICEX, in line with the 
broader market.

The most interesting thing for Gazprom this year will be how the situation 
with the mineral extraction tax on gas is resolved, said Alexei Kokin, an 
analyst at Metropol. 

The Finance Ministry is seeking to boost oil and gas taxes after Russia had its 
first budget deficit in a decade last year. The gap may reach 2.4 trillion 
rubles this year, or 5.4 percent of gross domestic product.  

Sales rose 14 percent to 956.8 billion rubles and operating profit gained 20 
percent to 339.3 billion rubles, Gazprom said. Earnings before interest, taxes, 
depreciation and amortization rose 21 percent to 407 billion rubles, Kokin 

Gazprom had a net foreign exchange gain of 59.3 billion rubles in the first 
quarter against a loss of 140 billion rubles a year earlier. Net debt fell 29 
percent to 977.3 billion rubles in the first quarter. 

The company plans to continue lowering its debt burden this year, after cutting 
total debt 15 percent in the first quarter, chief financial officer Andrei 
Kruglov said. 

Total debt may fall to 1.3 trillion rubles at year-end from 1.4 trillion rubles 
($46 billion) at the end of March, he said on a conference call. The company's 
net debt fell 29 percent in the quarter to 977 billion rubles. 

Total debt-to-EBITDA may fall to 1 or slightly higher at the end of the year 
from 1.2 at the end of March, Kruglov said. The ratio was 1.5 at the end of 
last year. 

Gas prices climbed 34 percent in Russia, Gazprom's biggest market by volume, 
while falling 27 percent in Europe. Russia is gradually raising rates, aiming 
to make domestic sales as profitable as European exports. This boosted revenue 
at home 47 percent, compared with a 22 percent drop in Europe, Gazprom said. 

Gazprom received 9.5 billion rubles as its share of earnings from the Sakhalin 
Energy Investment, which started the country's first liquefied natural gas 
shipments last year, becoming profitable. Gazprom bought a 50 percent stake 
plus one share from Royal Dutch Shell, Mitsubishi and Mitsui in 2007. 

But the company lowered its European gas sales forecast for this year even 
after exports rose in the first seven months of the year because of the 
complex market and customer delays in buying contracted volumes. 

In our most profitable market, Europe, we expect sales volumes to be at the 
same level as last year, Kruglov said during a conference call. Exports rose 
11 percent in January to July, he said. 

European demand will probably reach the pre-crisis level in 2012, Kruglov said. 
He reiterated Gazprom's forecast of an average price of $308 per 1,000 cubic 
meters of gas this year. 

Last winter, Gazprom offered some European clients a spot-pricing element in 
their contracts to stimulate volumes, but the company said it recently stopped 
offering them.

We believe the results should alleviate some of the market's existing concerns 
over the sustainability and profitability of Gazprom's exports into Europe, 
Renaissance Capital said in a note.

In the first quarter, Gazprom's European sales recovered 91 percent, quarter 
on quarter, to 366 billion rubles, with volumes up 45 percent, the bank said.

Gazprom has denied that it faces more contract revisions.

This is the first quarter for which Gazprom used a new methodology, reporting 
net trading activity, as it did for its full-year 2009 report. Gazprom is the 
last of Russia's major oil and gas companies that reports under international 
standards to publish first-quarter results. 

(Bloomberg, Reuters)

CiKEAS From Hiding, Indonesian Defends Free Expression

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

From Hiding, Indonesian Defends Free Expression
Published: September 3, 2010

JAKARTA - Hiding out with a two-year jail sentence hanging over his head and 
vigilantes vowing to track him down, the editor of Indonesia's defunct version 
of Playboy magazine, Erwin Arnada, insists he was never in the pornography 

The men's magazine, which began publication in 2006, was relatively tame, and 
conspicuously free of nudity. But faced with violent protests by hard-line 
Muslim groups, it soon folded, while Mr. Arnada fended off a succession of 
criminal charges. 

Things had gone quiet until late last month, with the surprise announcement 
that the Supreme Court, in an unpublicized verdict last year, had found him 
guilty of indecency. 

Rather than turn himself in by a Monday deadline, Mr. Arnada went underground, 
setting off the latest stage of Indonesia's ongoing debate between defenders of 
free speech and conservative activists seeking to reshape a diverse Indonesia 
into a stricter, Islamic-flavored moral mold. 

This isn't about threats against me or Playboy Indonesia, this is about press 
freedom in Indonesia, Mr. Arnada said by telephone. If this is allowed to 
happen, there will be more violations against the press, the criminalization of 
the press. 

When I brought the brand to Indonesia, I proclaimed that I was not going to 
produce a porn magazine, he said. 

Indeed, by the standards of Indonesia's often racy press, there was nothing 
remarkable about Playboy Indonesia, with its modestly attired models and 
general-interest articles. 

But as a brand bearing all the hallmarks of Western decadence, it soon raised 
the ire of groups like the Islamic Defenders' Front, or F.P.I., a hard-line 
organization frequently blamed, but rarely punished, for violent attacks on 
secularists and minority religions. 

Protests led by the F.P.I., including one attempt to ransack Playboy's Jakarta 
offices, forced the magazine to relocate to the Hindu-majority island of Bali. 
After 10 issues, the magazine closed, in mid-2007. 

The fact that the authorities even deigned to bring charges against Mr. Arnada 
was seen by many as proof of capitulation by the government in the face of 
Indonesia's minority hard-line fringe. 

Mr. Arnada's legal victories, first in a district court and then in Jakarta's 
High Court, were met by liberals with relief. 

And then, from out of the depths of Indonesia's opaque justice system, came Mr. 
Arnada's conviction - something both sides say they never expected. 

With Mr. Arnada now on the run, and his passport blocked, lawyers and the 
Indonesian Press Council are attempting to get prosecutors to rescind his 
detention order while they appeal to the Supreme Court to review its decision 
to find him guilty, said his lawyer, Todung Mulya Lubis. 

At issue, he said, is the use of criminal charges to silence a member of the 
news media, when a press law, minus the draconian charges, exists on the books. 

I'm not defending Playboy magazine, per se, I'm defending press freedom, 
freedom of speech as a whole, he said. 

In the meantime, the F.P.I. has vowed to find Mr. Arnada and hand him over to 
the authorities if they cannot find him themselves, said the group's secretary 
general, Ahmad Shobri Lubis. 

He said that while liberals may denounce the hunt for the Playboy editor, 
criminal charges are essential to defending the morality of Muslim-majority 
Indonesia from Western influence. 

Indonesia is modest and respects its culture. It's not like in the West, which 
has already lost its moral values and its decency, he said, rejecting 
accusations that the group had put pressure on the court to produce the guilty 

He acknowledged that Playboy's content was far less revealing than other 
magazines, but of the dozens of publications that the F.P.I. had tried to bring 
to court, it was the only success. 

Bagir Manan, the chairman of the Press Council, said he had written a letter to 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asking him to intervene to stop Mr. Arnada's 

But whether Mr. Yudhoyono will intervene remains to be seen. Although he is 
seen as a liberal figure, he has been criticized for frequently placating 
hard-line groups intent on implementing conservative measures, including 
elements of Shariah in some regions. 

Mr. Yudhoyono supported a wide-ranging 2008 anti-pornography law promoted by 
Islamic parties that has been criticized as a threat to free expression and 
Indonesia's non-Muslim minorities. 

Mr. Yudhoyono's information minister, Tifatul Sembiring, who is from a 
conservative Islam-based party in the president's coalition, last month 
introduced a controversial online pornography filter over the objections of 
service providers and free speech advocates. 

His government has also been criticized for failing to rein in the F.P.I. and 
its allies. 

CiKEAS Malulah seperti Korsel

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Tak baik membandingkan  NKRI dengan Korea Selatan. Mereka (KS) itu 
negeri kafir, keadilan kafir lain dari keadilan paham gurun pasir. Perbedaannya 
juga bisa dilihat  
pada kasus pemerkosa atau penyiksaaan TKW di negeri-negri gurun pasir pada 
umumnya tidak ada pelaku perbuatan terkutuk terhadap TKW dihukum, jadi 
masalahnya seperti kata pepatah: lain ladang lain belalang. NKRI adalah 
ladang gurun pasir.

[ Sabtu, 04 September 2010 ] 

Malulah seperti Korsel 

DARI Korea Selatan (Korsel), kita tahu bahwa korupsi memang penyakit kronis 
yang sangat tidak gampang disembuhkan. Tetapi, dari Negeri Ginseng itu pula, 
kita belajar agar tidak pernah lelah memerangi penyelewengan kekuasaan yang 
bisa berwujud dalam beragam bentuk tersebut. 

Bayangkan, Korsel pernah memvonis mati mantan presidennya, Chun Do-hwan, dan 
memenjarakan penggantinya, Roh Tae-woo, selama 22,5 tahun penjara, karena 
korupsi dan pembantaian warga sipil, tetapi tetap saja korupsi terjadi di 
kalangan petinggi. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, semua presiden sesudah Chun dan Roh 
ternoda penyelewengan kekuasaan. Baik yang mereka lakukan sendiri maupun 
orang-orang di sekitarnya. 

Yang terbaru, reputasi Presiden Korsel yang sekarang, Lee Myung-bak, juga 
tercoreng setelah kandidat perdana menteri yang dijagokannya, Kim Tae Ho, harus 
mundur. Itu terkait dengan kontroversi atas isu pelanggaran etika dan 
penyalahgunaan wewenang. 

Yang juga ikut mundur dua calon menteri: Shin Jae-min yang disiapkan menjadi 
menteri kebudayaan dan Lee Jae Hoon yang digadang-gadang menjadi menteri 

Yang patut dicontoh, bukan bersikap defensif seperti yang biasa ditunjukkan 
mereka yang diduga korup di Indonesia, Kim Tae Ho dengan jiwa besar meminta 
maaf kepada publik. Padahal, dia belum divonis bersalah.. 

Dosa-dosa Kim sebenarnya baru terungkap ketika dia tampil di depan parlemen. 
Antara lain, dia diduga mempekerjakan staf rumah tangga yang dibiayai negara. 
Juga, istrinya diketahui kerap menggunakan kendaraan dinas untuk kepentingan 

Kasusnya sangat teri bukan jika dibandingkan korupsi di Indonesia? Di sini, 
jangankan mobil dinas, rumah dinas yang jelas-jelas milik negara pun bisa 
dengan seenaknya diwariskan kepada anak atau cucu, yang lalu muntab ketika 
negara memintanya kembali. 

Selain itu, berapalah gaji seorang staf rumah tangga jika dibandingkan dengan, 
katakanlah, biaya perawatan mobil pribadi seorang gubernur di Indonesia yang 
bisa mencapai miliaran rupiah per tahun. Tetapi, barangkali di sinilah letak 
perbedaan Korsel dan Indonesia: negeri semenanjung itu tidak pernah menganggap 
remeh korupsi dalam bentuk apa pun, sekecil apa pun nilai nominalnya. 

Karena itulah, Roh Moo-hyun memilih bunuh diri pada 23 Mei lalu karena malu 
yang tidak tertanggungkan. Eks kepala negara yang dikenal bersih selama 
memerintah Korsel 2003-2008 itu merasa telah mengecewakan rakyat Korsel hanya 
gara-gara diperiksa kejaksaan terkait dengan dugaan penyuapan USD 6 juta yang 
diterima bukan oleh dirinya, tapi istri dan suami kemenakannya. 

Roh memilih mengakhiri hidup karena mungkin dia tahu, aparat hukum negaranya 
tidak akan pilih kasih. Apa yang terjadi pada Chun Do-hwan dan Roh Tae-woo 
adalah buktinya, meski belakangan dua terpidanan itu diberi keringanan hukuman 
karena jasa-jasa mereka kepada negara. 

Roh sadar, dirinya sama sekali tidak akan mendapatkan proteksi hukum meski 
nanti terbukti tidak ikut menerima uang haram itu. Bagaimanapun, penyuapan 
kepada keluarganya dimungkinkan karena dia berada di puncak kekuasaan. 

Memang demikianlah seharusnya hukum ditegakkan. Tidak pandang bulu dan semua 
orang berdiri sama di depan hukum. Korsel, yang puluhan tahun berada di bawah 
cengkeraman rezim militer yang korup, telah banyak belajar bahwa korupsi adalah 
pangkal segala persoalan. Karena itu, tindakan keras harus diambil, nyaris 
tanpa toleransi. 

Sayang, kita yang pernah merasakan masa lalu sama kelamnya dengan Korsel selalu 
saja bebal untuk belajar. Karena itu, dengan enteng pula, kita merayakan 
kemerdekaan yang baru berlalu dengan memberikan kado kebebasan kepada para 
koruptor. (*) 


CiKEAS PBB Dirikan Akademi Anti Korupsi

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Mengingat kasus korupsi Soeharto yang diumumkan oleh  organ PBB 
bernama Stolen Assets Recovery (StAR) tidak diambil pusing oleh SBY dan rezim, 
maka pertanyaannya apakah Akademi Anti korupsi PBB  ini ada gunanya bagi NKRI?  

Bisa-bisa kader-kader yang dikirim oleh NKRI  ke akademi PBB untuk belajar 
memberantas korupsi tidak menghasilkan petugas yang berwibawa, mereka  setelah 
kembali dari tugas belajar menambah lebih banyak problem lagi, karena cara-cara 
untuk menangkap korutor dijual kepada koruptor untuk mengabaikan ditangkap. 
Lihat saja begitu banyak petinggi  NKRI yang melakukan ibadah haji di tanah 
suci, bukannya  mereka menjadi  bertambah baik menjadi orang-orang suci yang 
tinggi moral malah menjadi koruptor dan penindas rakyat.

PBB Dirikan Akademi Anti Korupsi
Sabtu, 04 September 2010, 23:35 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WINA--Sekretaris jenderal Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Ban Ki 
Moon meresmikan apa yang disebut sekolah tinggi pertama di dunia untuk 
pemberantasan korupsi. Sekolah itu didirikan di dekat ibukota Austria, Wina dan 
akan menawarkan pendidikan, pelatihan dan penelitian.
Ia mengatakan korupsi menghalangi pembangunan, memanipulasi hasil pemilu dan 
membahayakan keamanan. Badan dunia itu juga menambahkan, orang-orang miskin 
yang paling menderita karena dampaknya. Dengan dukungan kantor PBB yang 
menangani narkotika dan kejahatan, pemerintah Austria dan badan anti penipuan, 
International Anti-Corruption Academy atau akademi anti korupsi internasional 
memiliki tugas untuk mengentaskan korupsi melalui pendidikan, pelatihan dan 
penelitian akademi.

Mahasiswa lulusan sekolah tinggi ini akan menjadi hakim, penyelidik dan polisi 
di seluruh dunia. Dengan mereka akan bekerjasama tokoh di dunia keuangan, 
bisnis serta politik dan bekerjasama mempelajari penyebab dan penanganan 
kejahatan yang terorganisir dan penipuan. Martin Kreutner menjadi ketua komite 
yang menjalankan institusi baru tersebut. Ia berharap dapat menciptakan 
generasi baru pakar pembasmian korupsi.

Menurut Kreutner, akademi itu tentu tidak akan menghasilkan orang-orang super. 
Lulusannya lebih akan menjadi penghubung dan pengisi kekosongan, yang kadang 
timbul antara mereka yang terlibat langsung dalam praktik dan ilmuwan yang 
meneliti masalah, ujarnya. 

Bank Dunia memperkirakan, korupsi merugikan ekonomi dunia sampai dua ribu 
milyar per tahunnya. Dana yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan akademi anti 
korupsi itu, jika dibandingkan, ibaratnya hanya seperti setetes air di lautan. 
Tetapi akademi ini mendapat dukungan politik dari berbagai negara penting. 
Misalnya pemerintah di Washinton mengatakan, menyambut baik cara baru untuk 
memerangi korupsi tersebut. Wolfgang Hetzer yang mengepalai badan anti penipuan 
dalam Uni Eropa mengatakan, ini bukan hanya masalah uang, penyogokan dan 
pembayaran kembali.

Menurutnya, korupsi memiliki dampak korosif pada masyarakat. Orang tidak 
percaya lagi bahwa ada persamaan di dunia ini, bahwa hukum berlaku bagi semua 
orang. Orang beranggapan, tidak ada lagi pengontrolan yang efisien atas 
kekuasaan, juga tidak ada gunanya pergi memberikan suara dalam pemilu karena 
ada cara lain untuk mencapai posisi tertentu dan tetap dalam posisi itu, 
Hetzer menambahkan, 

Akademi itu menyatakan akan mengadakan pemberantasan korupsi secara menyeluruh. 
Itu berarti, lulusannya akan mengkombinasikan teori dan praktik. Mereka akan 
dapat mengenali praktek-praktek korupsi, baik oleh orang yang menggunakan kedok 
maupun yang mengenakan jas dan dasi mahal.

35 negara telah menandatangani dokumen yang mendasari pendirian akademi 
tersebut. Di antaranya sejumlah negara, di mana korupsi tidak tercatat atau 
diselidiki. Seminar dan kursus-kursus mulai hampir bersamaan dengan seluruh 
program akademis yang diawali tahun depan.

Red: Siwi Tri Puji B

CiKEAS Presiden Minta Jauhi Kekerasan

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Mungkin SBY dulu lupa dan sekarang tidak ingat bahwa sendiri pernah 
mensponsor kekerasan  atas nama agama yang menelan puluhan ribu jiwa manusia di 
Sulawesi Tengah dan Maluku melayang ke angkasa biru.

Presiden Minta Jauhi Kekerasan 
Rabu, 01/09/2010 - 22:17 
JAKARTA,(PRLM). - Presiden RI Dr H Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono minta rakyat 
Indonesia menjauhi tindakan-tindakan yang berlebihan menyikapi insiden di 
seputar perairan Pulau Bintan pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2010 yang lalu. Hal itu 
dikatakannya dalam pidato di Jakarta, Rabu (1/9) malam.

Tindakan kekerasan, kata Presiden, hanya akan menambah masalah yang ada. 
Kekerasan sering memicu terjadinya kekerasan yang lain, kata Yudhoyono.

Seperti diketahui pada insiden di Pulai Bintan itu, tiga petugas Kementerian 
Kelautan dan Perikanan ditahanoleh patroli Malaysia. Pada saat itu ketiga 
petugas baru saja menangkap nelayan Malaysia yang mencari ikan di kawasan laut 

Presiden menegaskan, cara kita menangani hubungan Indonesia- Malaysia akan 
disimak dan diikuti oleh negara-negara sahabat di kawasan Asia, bahkan oleh 
dunia internasional. (A-26).**

CiKEAS Menlu Korsel Mundur karena Skandal Nepotisme

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Menlu Korsel Mundur karena Skandal Nepotisme 
Minggu, 05 September 2010 00:00 WIB  

DITUDING melakukan praktik nepotisme karena menerima anak perempuannya bekerja 
di Kementerian Luar Negeri Korea Selatan (Korsel), Menlu Korsel Yu Myung-hwan 
akhirnya mengundurkan diri. Demikian keterangan seorang pejabat Korsel, 

Yu, 64, mundur dari jabatannya setelah skandal penerimaan putrinya, Yu 
Hyun-sun, di kementerian yang dipimpinnya itu terbongkar. Pada 2006 putri Yu 
mengawali karier politiknya di biro perdagangan internasional. Tiga tahun 
kemudian putrinya itu mengundurkan diri. 

Pada Juli lalu putri Yu melamar sebagai pekerja kontrak, tetapi ditolak. Namun, 
awal pekan ini, putri Yu mendadak diterima kembali di posisi dia dulu melamar. 

Yu telah berusaha meredam persoalan skandal tersebut dengan meminta maaf kepada 
publik. Dia langsung mendepak putrinya dari pekerjaan baru itu, Jumat (3/9). 

Menurut juru bicara presiden Kim Hee-jung, Presiden Korsel Lee Myung-bak telah 
menerima surat pengunduran diri Yu. Namun, Kim belum mengetahui apakah 
pengunduran diri Yu tersebut diterima Lee atau tidak. 

Berkaitan dengan skandal tersebut, Presiden Lee telah memerintahkan agar 
kementerian luar negeri melakukan audit menyeluruh mengenai kemungkinan 
nepotisme dalam penerimaan putri Yu. 

Oleh karena itu, menurut kantor berita Korsel Yonhap mengutip pejabat 
kepresidenan yang tak bersedia disebut namanya, Lee sangat mungkin menerima 
pengunduran diri tersebut. 

Sumber lain mengatakan Yu telah dipastikan mengundurkan diri sebagai bentuk 
tanggung jawab atas kasus putrinya. Belum jelas siapa yang akan menggantikan 

Pengunduran diri Yu terjadi di kala Korsel sedang menyiapkan diri menjadi tuan 
rumah pertemuan G-20 November depan. Pemerintah memperkirakan tidak akan ada 
perubahan kebijakan luar negeri Korsel setelah Yu turun. 

Kini, Korsel juga tengah mempererat hubungan dengan Washington, terutama 
setelah insiden torpedo yang menenggelamkan kapal perang Korsel pada Maret 
silam yang diduga merupakan tanggung jawab Korea Utara. 

Agustus silam, calon Perdana Menteri Korsel Kim Tae-ho, 47, juga terpaksa 
mengundurkan diri karena skandal penyelewengan saat menjabat gubernur di salah 
satu provinsi. 

Kim dicalonkan menduduki jabatan perdana menteri sebagai bagian dari perombakan 
kabinet yang digagas presiden yang baru memerintah separuh dari masa jabatan 
lima tahunnya. Pengangkatan itu harus disetujui parlemen. 

Saya mundur agar tidak merusak semua operasi politik presiden. Bagaimana saya 
melakukan sesuatu apabila tidak dipercaya rakyat? kata Kim. 

CiKEAS Ayo Rekreasi di Gedung DPR

2010-09-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Ayo Rekreasi di Gedung DPR 
Sabtu, 04 September 2010 00:01 WIB  

DEWAN Perwakilan Rakyat sepertinya sudah kebal kritik. DPR tak memedulikan 
saran, masukan, kritik, bahkan makian publik. Begitu deras dan kerasnya kritik 
publik terhadap rencana pembangunan gedung DPR, tapi DPR bergeming. Daripada 
lelah, gerah, dan jengah dengan ketulian DPR, barangkali lebih baik kita 
berpikir dari sebaliknya. Yaitu, mari memakai kacamata DPR. 

Hasilnya, yang tampak melalui kacamata itu, tak dinyana, kegigihan DPR 
membangun gedung baru senilai Rp1,6 triliun, yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas 
spa dan kolam renang itu, merupakan salah satu bentuk konsistensi, bukan 
ketulian politik DPR. Semua itu justru gagasan cemerlang, sangat cemerlang, 
yang layak dicatat sejarah. 

Fasilitas rekreasi dan relaksasi itu menjadikan Gedung DPR RI itu sebagai 
gedung parlemen pertama dan satu-satunya yang dibangun dengan filosofi yang 
mendalam, yaitu di belakang dan di depan pengabdian yang tulus kepada rakyat, 
bersemayamlah gairah penciptaan kembali (re-kreasi) dan pentingnya melepaskan 
energi-energi negatif (relaksasi). 

Siapa tahu, parlemen negara lain akan menyonteknya. Bahkan, akan semakin 
mengagumkan, bila fasilitas spa yang ada di gedung baru itu juga berbentuk 
paket yang terdiri dari luluran, jacuzzi, dan sauna. Toh, para anggota DPR bisa 
membicarakan masalah negara sambil luluran, berendam di jacuzzi, atau 
berhangat-hangat di tempat sauna. 

Kolam renang yang dibangun pun harus dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas. Yang paling 
penting adalah papan luncur mini, seperti di kolam renang anak-anak. Fasilitas 
itu selalu mengingatkan anggota DPR bahwa mereka pernah dikritik masih taman 
kanak-kanak, dan sekarang sudah naik kelas orang dewasa. Bukankah hanya orang 
dewasa yang layak berspa ria? 

Bukan cuma fasilitas spa dan kolam renang, bila perlu, gedung DPR yang baru 
juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas kebugaran agar tubuh wakil rakyat tetap sehat. 
Bukankah mens sana in corpore sano? Gedung DPR yang baru perlu juga dilengkapi 
dengan salon. Dua layanan terpenting yang tersedia di salon adalah penghalusan 
wajah dan pembersihan telinga. Penghalusan wajah berguna agar anggota DPR tidak 
tebal wajah. Fasilitas pembersihan telinga bermanfaat agar anggota DPR semakin 
peka dan lebih terang benderang mendengar suara rakyat. Sekalian saja gedung 
DPR yang baru kelak dilengkapi dengan panti pijat. 

Segala macam pijat tersedia di sana. Dari pijat refleksi, siatsu, hingga 
kerokan bila masuk angin karena bergadang memikirkan dan memperjuangkan nasib 
rakyat. Anggota DPR tidak perlu merogoh kocek untuk menikmati semua fasilitas 
rekreasi dan relaksasi itu. Negara akan menyediakan ongkosnya dari APBN. 

Agar prorakyat, khusus Minggu semua fasilitas itu terbuka untuk rakyat. Dan 
rakyat pun bersorak-sorai, Ayo rekreasi di gedung DPR! Kita mendukung semua 
gagasan cemerlang itu. Toh, tiada guna mengkritik DPR. 

Barangkali sudah menjadi sifat DPR, jika publik menolak sejumlah kebijakannya, 
termasuk pembangunan gedung baru, DPR justru tetap menjalankannya dengan beribu 
alasan. Sebaliknya, siapa tahu, jika publik mendukung, DPR justru urung 
membangun gedung baru itu. 
Mungkin hanya dengan logika terbalik seperti itu DPR baru bisa disadarkan. 
Capek deh! 

CiKEAS Youths, eldery sign up for war against Malaysia

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Ayo, ayo , ayo maju gemetar, mundur tak gentar!   

Rezim SBY akan sangat gembira sekali karena tuntutan untuk diatasi pengangguran 
akan menhilang  dan begitupun  tuntutan anti korupsi akan reda membisu abadi, 
karena sebahagian anggota masyarakat berhasil dibodohkan untuk dijadikan korban 
umpan peluru Malaysia.

Youths, eldery sign up for war against Malaysia
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 08/31/2010 10:08 PM | National 

More than 230 volunteers from all walks of life have registered themselves with 
an ultra-nationalist group for military assignments if a confrontation erupts 
between Indonesia and Malaysia following a recent border incident.

Not only youths, but also a 81-year-old man signed up for the war, which looks 
unlikely, as soon as the Ganyang Malaysia (Crush Malaysia) opened its command 
post to register the volunteers in front of the Proclamation Monument in 
Central Jakarta at 3 p.m. on Tuesday.

We answer to the call of duty. Malaysia has many times despised us, command 
post coordinator Sonny P.Sasono told

He said his group opened the registration in response to the government's soft 
stance against Malaysia. Why the government always looks weak when dealing 
with Malaysia? Government officials only state the obvious when talking about 
the issue, he added.

He said the registration would open until Idul Fitri, which is expected to fall 
on Sept. 10.

The registered volunteers will undergo military training to prepare themselves 
for the war, he added.

The government has insisted on diplomatic measures to solve border disputes 
with Malaysia.

Related News  
  a.. Yudhoyono's 'feeble' speech gets harsh criticism
  b.. Mexico: Soldiers kill 25 in gunbattle near border 
  c.. SBY wants peaceful solution to row with Malaysia
  d.. Government, House meet over row with Malaysia 

CiKEAS Suicide among the poor

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny

Suicide among the poor
Indraswari, Bandung | Thu, 09/02/2010 9:29 AM | Opinion 

On Aug. 13, 2010, The Jakarta Post printed a story about Khoir Umi Latifah, a 
25-year old woman who committed suicide and murdered her two sons by setting 
herself and her children on fire in Sleman regency, Yogyakarta - a tragedy 
allegedly resulting from depression caused by financial hardship.

Umi worked as a housekeeper at a boarding house where she occupied a room with 
her husband, 30-year old Slamet Yahya, and her two sons, Muhammad Lindu Aji, 4, 
and two-and-half year old Muhammad Dwi Arya Saputra.

According to the report, the incident took place while Umi's husband was not at 
home. She locked herself in a bathroom and poured gasoline over herself and her 
sons before igniting the fatal blaze. 

A boarding house resident was unable to immediately assist them because of the 
locked door. 

When the door was finally opened, Umi was found dead with severe burns all over 
her body. Her sons were rushed to the hospital but could not be saved. The 
youngest boy passed away first while the older son perished three hours later. 

Sadly, this is not the only case of poverty leading to suicide in Indonesia. In 
the last few months the mass media has reported several similar cases of poor 
people committing suicide because of financial difficulties.

According to the World Health Organization, the average annual rate of deaths 
by suicide in Indonesia is 24 per 100,000 people, many of which are attributed 
to poverty and homelessness.

Most people agree that suicide is a psychological phenomenon. Nonetheless, if 
suicidal tendencies are higher among a particular group of people - such as the 
poor - then suicide is not merely psychological, it is a sociological 
phenomenon as well.

Sociologist Emile Durkheim stated that the causes of suicide are often external 
rather than internal (Kenneth Thompson, 1992, Readings from Emile Durkheim). 

Based on Durkheim's sociological perspective, there are three types of suicide; 
egoistic, altruistic and anomic suicide. 

Egoistic suicide is attributed to a person's inability to see any reason to 
continue living. It is the result of excessive egoistic individualism, where 
the individual ego asserts itself immoderately at the expense the social ego.

Altruistic suicide stems from the conceptualization that the decision to end 
life is beyond life itself. 

There are cases where persons kill themselves not because they believe it is 
their right to do so, but on the contrary, because it is their duty.

This type of suicide explains cases in ancient times when women committed 
suicide by jumping onto their husbands funeral pyre, symbolizing a woman's 
total devotion to her husband. 

In fact, not all women committed this act voluntarily, but many had little 
faith in their future because they believed that there was no longer a place 
for them in society. So, frankly speaking, it was social pressure that actually 
killed them. 

Anomic suicide relates to unbearable external pressures such as economic 
crisis, marital problems and academic or professional. On other hand, in some 
cases prosperity has also been blamed for suicide. 
In Durkheim's words Every disturbance of equilibrium, even though it may 
involve greater comfort and raising a general pace of life, provides an impulse 
to voluntary death.

The economically driven suicide committed by Umi, and many others, falls under 
the category of anomic suicide, though they could also be related to the 
egoistic classification, as the two are closely linked. 

This tragedy further demonstrates that the burden of poverty has reached 
alarming levels. For some people poverty becomes so unbearable it convinces 
them end their life.

Clearly suicide is often related to social problems such as poverty and 
injustice, but gender inequality can also be another factor. I did not find 
statistics on the number of men and women who have committed suicide because of 
poverty. However from media reports I have observed that women are more likely 
to commit suicide than men, and like Umi, are more likely to intentionally kill 
their children before killing themselves. 

This could relate to cultural norms, and patriarchal norms in particular, which 
assign women - regardless their working status - responsibility for most 
domestic responsibilities, including managing household financial matters.

Women are also responsible for ensuring that food is always on the family 
table, regardless of economic circumstances. For some poor women these 
responsibilities lead to depression, and sometimes suicide. 

At a macro level this is an indication that the government has failed to 
completely provide for the basic needs of its people, especially the poor.

The cases of suicide among the poor also mirrors the complexity of poverty. 
Poverty is more than just numbers. It is a human 

CiKEAS Fugitive maid charged with baby murder in Malaysia after trying to get new job

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny

Fugitive maid charged with baby murder in Malaysia after trying to get new job 
From: AFP 
September 03, 2010 5:06PM 

AN Indonesian maid who went on the run after being accused of murdering her 
Malaysian employer's baby son has been arrested after coolly lining up an 
interview for a new job. 

Police have been hunting for the 25-year-old woman, from Java in Indonesia, 
after the 15-month-old boy died last week and a post-mortem examination 
indicated foul play.

She was arrested after approaching a family in suburban Kuala Lumpur asking for 
a job. They recognised her from her picture in the newspaper and alerted 
police, Ampang district police chief Abdul Jalil Hassan told AFP.

She went to one of the houses, carrying a plastic bag with some clothes and 
was asking for a job, Abdul Jalil said.

She told the family that she ran away from her employer as she could no longer 
work with them.

The family noticed she looked similar to the suspect wanted by police in 
connection to the baby murder case and alerted us. We went to the house and 
detained the woman, he said.

Malaysia is one of Asia's largest importers of labour and depends heavily on 
domestic workers, who come mainly from Indonesia.

There are no laws governing their working conditions, and cases of abuse, 
non-payment and even murder of domestic workers are much more common than 
incidents of maids committing crimes.

In the death of the baby boy, the maid reportedly telephoned her employer and 
told him that he had fallen ill and was unconscious.

A report from the post-mortem examination showed the baby had strangulation 
marks on his neck, and had suffered internal brain haemorrhage and bruises 
believed to be from being kicked or stepped on, the Star newspaper reported.

The maid faces the death penalty if charged and convicted of murder.

CiKEAS Suara Para TKW yang Sudah Tidak Tahan Tinggal di Negeri Jiran

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny

KAMIS, 02 September 2010 | 299 Hits

Suara Para TKW yang Sudah Tidak Tahan Tinggal di Negeri Jiran
Nur Bisa Bawa Gaji, Santi Ingin Kuliah Lagi 

Sekitar 80 tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) di Johor Bahru, Malaysia, menunggu 
deportasi karena tidak memiliki dokumen resmi. Mereka harus hengkang dari 
negeri jiran itu sebelum Lebaran nanti. Berikut laporan wartawan Jawa Pos 
NUNGKI KARTIKASARI dari tempat penampungan sementara mereka. 

KAMIS (26/8) malam, sesudah buka puasa bersama, satu per satu TKI yang tinggal 
di penampungan keluar, menuju aula kantor Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia 
(KJRI) Johor Baru untuk salat tarawih. Selama Ramadan, setiap malam, di aula 
tersebut diadakan salat Tarawih berjamaah yang dilanjutkan dengan ceramah dan 
tadarus Alquran. Saat Jawa Pos (Group Ambon Ekspres) mengunjungi penampungan 
tersebut, ada sekitar 80 TKI plus enam balita (anak di bawah lima tahun) yang 
menunggu pemulangan (deportasi) ke tanah air. Sebagian besar adalah tenaga 
kerja wanita/TKW (74 orang) dan enam laki-laki. Pelanggaran mereka beragam. Ada 
yang tidak memiliki paspor, masuk dengan paspor ilegal, atau bermasalah dengan 
majikan. Tempat penampungan itu terletak di sekitar 20 meter dari Kantor KJRI 
Johor Bahru. Terdiri atas tiga bangunan. Sebuah bangunan berukuran 10 x 7 meter 
untuk menampung TKW. 

Di ruangan tersebut terdapat sebuah pesawat TV, sebuah lemari es, 13 lemari 
pakaian yang diletakkan berimpitan dengan dinding ruangan, serta puluhan kasur 
yang ditumpuk di setiap sudut. Ada juga ruangan khusus untuk menampung TKI 
laki-laki. Ruangan itu lebih kecil daripada ruangan khusus TKW. Ukurannya 
sekitar 5 x 5 meter dan hanya berisi kasur serta lemari pakaian. Sementara itu, 
satu bangunan lagi berisi enam kamar mandi yang bersebelahan dengan dapur. 
Nurhayati merupakan salah seorang di antara 80 TKI bermasalah yang akan 
dipulangkan tersebut. Wanita 24 tahun itu rencananya dipulangkan ke tanah air 
sebelum Lebaran. Nur menceritakan, dirinya merantau ke Malaysia setelah tergiur 
penawaran dari sebuah perusahaan jasa 2tenaga kerja Indonesia (PJTKI) untuk 
menjadi pembantu rumah tangga (PRT). S

esampai di Malaysia, wanita asal Kecamatan Cililin, Bandung, itu bukannya 
bekerja sebagai PRT. Tapi, dia dipekerjakan sebagai buruh tani di perkebunan 
kelapa sawit. ''Kerja saya siang sampai malam, tak ada libur,'' ungkapnya. 
Meski tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian, dia menjalani pekerjaan tersebut dengan 
baik. Dia tak pernah membolos kerja. Nur mengungkapkan, dalam kondisi sakit 
pun, dirinya harus tetap bekerja. ''Saya tidak bisa menghindar dari 
pekerjaan,'' terang TKW yang sudah empat tahun bekerja di Malaysia sebelum 
akhirnya terancam dideportasi akhir Ramadan nanti tersebut. Suatu hari, PJTKI 
menyuruh Nur untuk memperpanjang sendiri paspornya ke kantor KJRI Johor Bahru. 
''Nah, saat itulah saya ditanya-tanya oleh petugas KJRI. Baru saya tahu bahwa 
ternyata saya telah dibohongi oleh PJTKI,'' ungkapnya. 

Berdasar data di PJTKI, masa kerja Nur hanya dihitung dua tahun. Padahal, 
sesuai dokumen dan paspornya, anak keempat di antara enam bersaudara itu sudah 
bekerja selama empat tahun. ''Saya tak pernah hitung hari dan tanggal selama 
bekerja di kebun. Yang saya ingat, pekerjaan saya sangat lama. Selama itu pula 
saya tidak pernah pegang uang karena tidak digaji,'' ujarnya. Dari masalah 
itulah, akhirnya Nur dibawa ke penampungan TKI bermasalah di kantor KJRI. Tidak 
hanya itu, KJRI juga mengupayakan untuk meminta gaji Nur selama empat tahun 
bekerja di perkebunan kepada perusahaan tempatnya bekerja. ''Alhamdulillah, 
uang saya ada. Paspor saya juga bisa diperpanjang,'' tegasnya. Karena itu, Nur 
tidak sampai sebulan berada di penampungan. Minggu lalu, dia menandatangani 
surat kepulangan dari KJRI. Nur tidak pulang dengan tangan kosong. Wanita 
berambut ikal itu membawa hak upahnya selama empat tahun Rp 50 juta. 

Dengan uang tersebut, wanita kelahiran 3 Februari 1986 tersebut berencana 
merenovasi rumahnya di kampung. ''Saya ingin menyenangkan bapak-ibu. Saya akan 
meminta maaf karena pergi dari rumah tanpa pamit,'' katanya. Senasib dengan 
Nur, Yustina Wiyanti merupakan TKI lain yang juga akan pulang sebelum Lebaran. 
Wanita 22 tahun itu mengaku minggat dari majikan karena tidak pernah mendapat 
makanan sehat selama 1,5 tahun bekerja sebagai PRT. ''Saya hanya makan nasi dan 
mi instan setiap hari. Tidak ada yang lain,'' ucapnya. Badan Yustina tampak 
kurus. Rambutnya tipis awut-awutan. Dengan tinggi sekitar 150 sentimeter, berat 
Yustina tidak sampai 40 kilogram. ''Alhamdulillah, ini sudah gemuk sedikit 
dibanding saat pertama saya datang enam bulan dulu di sini (penampungan, 
Red),'' ungkap wanita asal Kabupaten Lampung Utara tersebut. Memang, Yustina 
tak pernah mengalami kekerasan fisik dari majikan. Namun, dia tidak betah 
dengan peraturan majikannya yang tidak manusiawi. Misalnya, dirinya tidak boleh 
libur sehari pun, 

CiKEAS Pidato Presiden Tampar Petinggi TNI

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Bukankah SBY adalah panglima tertinggi  TNI dan mantan jenderal TNI 
berbintang-bintang pengahargaan nan berkilau-kilau di pundak maupun di dadanya, 
jadi kalau dikatakan tamparan atau sindirian,  itu hanya dilakukan untuk 
konsumsi manipulasi pendapat umum bukan untuk TNI, sebab kalau diperhatikan 
betul-betul tak ada perubahan signifikan reformasi dijalankan terhadap bisnis 
militer untuk dikuasai oleh administrasi hukum sipil. Selain itu  banyak mantan 
perwira-perwira TNI menempati kedudukan penting dalam lembaga aparatur 
kekuasaan negara di berbagai bidang dan tingkatnya baik di pusat mau pun di 

Jadi jangan salah dimengerti terhadap sendiwara  terkait militer yang dilakoni 
oleh SBY. Hal serupa dengan sendiwaranya berwajah pro rakyat, yang pada 
kenyataannya anti kepentingan rakyat. Hakekat dari kekuasaannya dan seniwaranya 
adalah tidak lain dari pada ialah pro kepentingan kaum berkuasa serta elit 
neo-bangsawan yang berkemurum disekitar pangung kekuasaan negara.

Pidato SBY di Mabes TNI
Pidato Presiden Tampar Petinggi TNI 
Kamis, 2 September 2010 | 10:48 WIB

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyampaikan pidato mengenai hubungan 
Indonesia-Malaysia usai berbuka puasa bersama prajurit dan perwira TNI di 
Markas Besar TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Rabu (1/9/2010) petang. 

JAKARTA, - Pidato Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Markas Besar 
TNI di Cilangkap, Rabu (1/9/2010), terkait insiden penangkapan tiga petugas 
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan oleh Polisi Diraja Malaysia, dikatakan 
seperti menampar wajah petinggi TNI.

Pasalnya, pidato yang berlangsung sekitar 20 menit tersebut dinilai menunjukkan 
sikap Indonesia yang tak tegas. Pernyataan tak tegas Presiden, yang juga 
panglima tertinggi TNI, kontras dengan pemilihan tempat Markas TNI Cilangkap 
yang identik dengan ketegasan dan cerminan kekuatan.

Pernyataan ini menampar petinggi-petinggi TNI sendiri bahwa lembeknya 
kepemimpinan politik di Indonesia menunjukkan lembeknya tentara Indonesia, 
kata pengamat militer dari Propatria Institute Hari Prihartono ketika dihubungi, Kamis (2/9/2010). Hari mengibaratkan pidato Presiden seperti 
pernyataan seorang kepala keluarga yang memilih berdamai setelah para anggota 
keluarganya disiksa dan dilukai orang lain.

Dan hal ini disampaikannya di tengah keluarga besarnya. Inilah konyolnya 
pilihan sikap SBY semalam. Makanya, banyak perwira TNI yang semalam shocked, 
kata Hari.

Secara bergurau, Hari mengatakan, Presiden mungkin keliru menilai bahwa Mabes 
TNI itu Kementerian Luar Negeri. Pasalnya, apa yang disampaikan semalam juga 
tak sinkron dengan identitasnya sebagai Panglima Tertinggi TNI.

Pemimpinnya mantan tentara, yang kemudian berbicaranya mendayu-dayu seperti 
melantunkan lagu, kau yang memulai/ kau yang mengakhiri, sambung Hari.

Seperti diwartakan, ketika berpidato kemarin, Presiden di antaranya menegaskan 
bahwa kedaulatan negara dan keutuhan wilayah adalah kepentingan nasional yang 
sangat vital. Ditekankan Presiden bahwa pemerintah sangat memahami kepentingan 
itu dan bekerja sungguh-sungguh untuk menjaga dan menegakkannya.

Namun, tidak semua permasalahan yang muncul dalam hubungan dengan negara 
sahabat terkait dengan kedaulatan dan keutuhan wilayah, katanya.

  a.. Pidato Presiden Cuma Pengulangan
  b.. Pidato SBY Cocok untuk Dubes Malaysia
  c.. SBY Minta Penjelasan Soal Kekerasan
  d.. Tiga Alasan Indonesia Emoh Perang
  e.. Pelepasan Nelayan Malaysia Dinilai Lazim

CiKEAS Hubungan Nasib dengan Takhayul

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Takhayul, hantu, iblis, seythan, gendruwo  etc perlu ada di sekitar 
kita, supaya para pekerja dan pakar ilmu surgawi mempuyai  pekerjaan 
se-hari-hari, jadi  dengan lain kata setan, iblis  itu  majikan pemberi 
pekerjaan. Kalau tidak ada mzjikan maka  para petinggi seperti imam, haji muhti 
 dikenakan PHK; mereka menjadi penganggur dan nafkah mereka  hilang.  Kita  
dibutuhkan untuk selalu diingatkan oleh para petinggi agama tsb adanya bahaya 
setan iblis. hehehe

Hubungan Nasib dengan Takhayul
Jumat, 3 September 2010 16:45 WIB | Iptek | Sains | 

Sekelompok penari Nupeng dengan pakaian dan topeng ala hantu hutan mengikuti 
irama Gubang dalam suatu acara pertemuan masyarakat Anambas di Tanjungpinnag, 
Kepri, Sabtu malam 3/7. (ANTARA/Feri)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Menurut riset mahasiswa tingkat akhir Kansas State 
University, mereka yang percaya nasib dan takdir mengendalikan hidup mereka 
adalah cenderung mempercayai takhayul, ironisnya ketika dijemput ajal, mereka 
malah meninggalkan takhayul itu.

Riset pimpinan Scott Fluke, sarjana muda lulusan Kansas State University bidang 
studi psikologi, ini terfokus pada kepribadian seseorang yang mengantar pada 

Fluke menerima dana senilai 500 dolar dari Doreen Shanteau Undergraduate 
Research Fellowship pada 2009 untuk bekerja dengan tim Russel Webster, 
mahasiswa psikologi, Shorewood, Illinois, dan Donald Saucier, seorang profesor 

Demi proyek, Re-Examining the Form and Function of Superstition, tim peneliti 
ini mendefinisikan takhayul sebagai kepercayaan dalam hubungan kasual antara 
tindakan, obyek atau ritual dan hasil yang tidak berkaitan. 

Prilaku yang mempercayai takhayul seperti itu bisa termasuk tindakan-tindakan 
seperti mengenakan kaos keberuntungan atau jimat keberuntungan.

Setelah menyelenggarakan dua penelitian, para periset membuat tiga alasan untuk 
tiga prilaku yang mempercayai takhayul: seseorang menggunakan takhayul untuk 
mengendalikan ketidakpastian, untuk mengurangi perasaan tidak berdaya, dan 
karena adalah lebih mudah mempercayai takhayul ketimbang menemukan strategi 
untuk mengatasi masalah. 

Orang kadang bersandar pada takhayul sebagai rintangan. Itu alat yang mereka 
pikir bisa membantu, kata Saucier, seperti dikutip ScienceDaily.

Pada penelitian pertama, para periset mengajukan kuisoner kepada 200 mahasiswa 
tingkat akhir, menanyakan seberapa pesimis mereka, apakah mereka mempercayai 
nasib dan takdir, apakah mereka suka mengendalikan dirinya, dan sejumlah 
pertanyaan lainnya.

Salah satu penemuan terpenting adalah orang yang mempercayai nasib dan takdir 
mengendalikan hidup mereka kemungkinan percaya takhayulnya lebih besar. 

Pada penelitian kedua para periset ingin mengetahui bagaimana reaksi peserta 
riset terhadap kematian, dan meminta mereka menuliskan perasaan mereka mengenai 
kematiannya sendiri. 

Tim terkejut saat menemukan tingkat kepercayaan peserta riset terhadap takhayul 
menurun saat mereka memikirkan kematian mereka sendiri, yang membuat para 
periset menyebut kematian sebagai situasi ketidakpastian yang ekstrem.

Kami berteorisasi bahwa saat orang memikirkan kematian, mereka akan lebih 
mempercayai takhayul guna meningkatkan kontrol atas keadaan itu. Yang tidak 
kami kira adalah pemikiran mengenai kematian akan membuat orang merasa tidak 
berdaya dan ini benar-benar akan menggerus kepercayaan mereka pada takhayul, 
kata Fluke.

Fluke mendapat ide untuk risetnya ini saat menyadari ada banyak pertanyaan yang 
tidak terjawab mengenai psikologi dan takhayul. Dia memutuskan mengejar topik 
ini lebih lanjut sebagai proyek risetnya.

Saya tertarik pada takhayul karena itu membuat saya frustasi saat orang 
berbuat sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal, kata Fluke. 

Dia melanjutkan, Itu membuat saya ragu saat orang lebih tergantung pada jimat 
keberuntungan untuk mengerjakan ujian dengan baik daripada belajar. Kami ingin 
tahu mengapa orang mau melakukan hal yang justru merugikan dirinya sendiri.

Riset ini adalah bagian dari program riset Saucier secara keseluruhan, dan tim 
saat ini menyiapkan hasil-hasil penelitian untuk dipublikasikan.

Saucier menawarkan beberapa tips agar kita tidak mempercayai takhayul:

*Jangan percaya kata sial dan kendalikanlah situasi. Kadang-kadang kita 
menggunakan kesialan untuk membenarkan kita menyalahkan diri sendiri. Tetapi, 
kita harus fokus pada apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mengatasi situasi sulit 
di kali pertama.

*Jadilah orang yang tegas dan proaktif. Orang yang kurang tegas lebih 
mempercayai takhayul, sementara mereka yang proaktif akan kurang mempercayai 

*Jangan berada dalam keadaan di mana Anda harus mempercayai nasib buruk (sial). 
Kesialan tidak akan pernah ada jika hanya hal baik yang terjadi. Saat sesuatu 
yang buruk terjadi yang Anda sebut sial, maka gunakan itu sebagai mekanisme 
unbtuk mengatasi masalah setelah kejadian, 

CiKEAS As Indonesian President Falls in Polls, War of ?Words Begins

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny

As Indonesian President Falls in Polls, War of ?Words Begins
Anita Rachman  Markus Junianto Sihaloho | September 04, 2010

 The Democratic Party, led by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, says their 
leaders declining popularity is the fault of the media and political experts. 
(EPA Photo) 

Jakarta. In the face of what appears to be a public relations nightmare, the 
Democratic Party on Friday blamed the media and political experts for causing 
the decline in President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's popularity. 

The Democratic Party's deputy chairman, Max Sopacua, said the party could 
accept the fact that the president's popularity was indeed waning, as shown by 
the results of two surveys, but he questioned whether the public had an 
accurate understanding of the president's achievements. 

We acknowledge the drop, he said. It's public opinion that has been 
contaminated by political experts and media reports. They tend to show the 
negative sides only, while the president has achievements as well. 

On Thursday, an Indo Barometer poll showed Yudhoyono's approval rating in 
August had dropped almost 40 percentage points, from 90 to 51, since August 
2009. An Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) poll revealed an almost 20 percent 
decline, from 85 to 66. 

LSI's poll reached 1,829 people while the Indo Barometer survey polled 1,200. 

Max said public opinion was shaped by the media - since political experts talk 
to the media, the public takes its cues from the media. The media tends to 
expose the bad news, because bad news is good news, he said. 

Max said the media should give a more balanced picture of today's political 
situation, and not only cover select issues. 

However, we will use the results as part of our evaluation material, he said. 

Though the surveys might not paint a glowing picture of the government's 
performance, Heru Lelono, a communications and information staff member for the 
president, said the administration appreciated the results and would use them 
as tools to improve its performance. 

He said the administration would respond positively to the survey results by 
mapping out the problems currently faced by the country and enacting new 
pro-poor policies. 

It's not about bad leadership by our president. I think the people would still 
vote for the president if an election were held today, Heru said. 

But he also said the survey results were not as bad as they seemed. He said 
Yudhoyono only began his second term in August 2009, and it was to be expected 
for the government to get off to a slow start in the first few months. 

If LSI's survey only covered 10 months, a 60 percent approval is good, Heru 
said, adding that government's performance was improving each day. 

LSI analyst Burhanuddin Muhtadi on Thursday also said a 66 percent approval 
rating was still relatively high. 

Opposition parties, however, are already trying to take advantage of the survey 
results. House Deputy Speaker Pramono Anung, from the Indonesian Democratic 
Party of Struggle (PDI-P), on Thursday said the surveys should be seen as a 
drastic decline. 

He also said the surveys were conducted before the Malaysia row erupted, which 
would have pushed the president's approval figures even lower. 

Syarifuddin Sudding, from the opposition People's Conscience Party (Hanura), 
said he was confident the actual approval figures were even lower than in the 
surveys, and that the Democrats should accept that people no longer had the 
same level of trust in Yudhoyono. 

President Yudhoyono had been lulled by his popularity. But now he no longer 
has time just for shaping his image. He needs to take real action, Syarifuddin 
said, adding that people in general are disappointed with Yudhoyono's 

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Indonesian Man Prostitutes Wife to Pay Political Campaign Loans 12:52pm Aug 3, 

More Parties Join Chorus of Protest Against Plush Pad 12:06am Sep 4, 2010

CiKEAS Al-Qaeda under fire

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny

26 August - 1 September 2010
Issue No. 1013

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Al-Qaeda under fire
As the Yemeni government began a campaign against Al-Qaeda in the south of the 
country this week, peace talks with the Al-Houthi rebels started in the north, 
writes Nasser Arrabyee 

Even as Qatari-sponsored peace talks opened in Doha this week to try to bring 
an end to the six-year-old conflict between the Yemeni government and Al-Houthi 
Shia rebels in the north of the country, another conflict, this time against 
Al-Qaeda, opened in the country's south. 

This week the Yemeni government launched a campaign against Al-Qaeda operatives 
in the south of the country, with some 18 operatives being killed over the last 
three days, including three foreigners, most of them Saudi nationals.

The campaign started when Al-Qaeda operatives killed some 15 government 
soldiers in an ambush in the Lawdar district of Abyan province in the south of 
Yemen on 13 August. Government forces had been surrounding the town of Lawdar, 
where some 60 Al-Qaeda operatives were barricaded in houses.

On Tuesday, the government said in a statement that the campaign against 
Al-Qaeda in the country would continue until it had broken the back of 
terrorism. The mountainous district of Lawdar, about 350km south east of the 
capital Sanaa, is the home district of top leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian 
Peninsula (AQAP) Nasser Al-Wahaishi. 

This week's deaths came after three Yemeni security officials were assassinated 
by Al-Qaeda militants in less than a week in the province of Abyan. 

Earlier this month, four Al-Qaeda operatives surrendered after being surrounded 
by government forces. Of the three men, Hezam Mujali and Ali Hassan Al-Tais are 
the most important, Mujali having escaped from prison in Sanaa in February 2006 
along with 23 other men and Al-Tais joining the AQAP after being released from 
the US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay in 2007. 

Lawdar is considered to be one of the most important strongholds not only for 
Al-Qaeda militants but also for southern separatists in Yemen. Both groups are 
accused of exploiting the mostly poor and unemployed young men of this remote 
district in order to gain recruits. 

According to the Yemeni government, the southern separatists have joined with 
the Al-Qaeda fighters, though the separatists say that the Al-Qaeda link is 
being used by the government as a justification to strike the southern 

Southern opposition politicians outside Yemen condemned the government's 
strikes in the south of the country on Tuesday, as well as the siege imposed on 
Lawdar, saying that these were aimed at the southern separatist movement more 
than at the AQAP. 

The strike on Lawdar is an attempt by the government to gain international 
support, said former southern president Ali Salem Al-Baidh, who calls for 
independence for the south of the country, on Tuesday in a statement from exile 
in Germany. 

Also on Tuesday, two other southern leaders said in a statement that the Yemeni 
government was concerned to target the southern movement rather than the AQAP. 

 What's happening in Lawdar has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, but instead is 
part of a war on the south. It is a war on humanity, land and will, the 
statement said, which was issued by Ali Nasser Mohammed in Syria and Haidar Abu 
Bakr Al-Attas in Saudi Arabia. 

Both Mohammed and Al-Attas are in favour of solving the problems of the south 
within the framework of national unity, unlike Al-Baidh, who calls for the 
secession of the south. 

Southerners have been marginalised in Yemen since the 1994 civil war, during 
which Al-Baidh promoted efforts to secede. 

As violence continues in the south of Yemen, the situation in the north of the 
country is not much better, with at least 10 people being killed on Monday in 
clashes between Al-Houthi rebels and tribesmen loyal to the government in the 
Houth district of Amran province. 

These clashes come even as Qatari-sponsored peace talks began in Doha on 
Tuesday, with the aim of ending the six-year-old sporadic conflict between 
Al-Houthi Shia rebels and Yemeni government forces.

Delegations at the talks, one representing the Yemeni government and the other 
the Al-Houthi rebels, hope to bring peace to the war-torn Saada area of Yemen. 
The Al-Houthi rebels claim that the community they represent is politically, 
socially, economically and religiously discriminated against in Yemen.

The Yemeni government delegation at the Doha talks is headed by Ali Bin Ali 
Al-Qaisi, and it includes Mujahid Ghuthaim, chairman of Yemeni military 
intelligence, and Jalal Al-Ruwaishan, deputy chairman of the national security 

Al-Qaisi is chairman of the committee charged with supervising the 
implementation of the six conditions set by the 

CiKEAS Wake-up call for the faithful

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Agaknya tradisi pukul tifa membangunkan umat pada pagi hari di bulan 
ramadhan  sudah diganti dengan suara nan dahsyat dari laudspeaker.

 26 August - 1 September 2010
Issue No. 1013
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Wake-up call for the faithful
Banging his drum in the early hours of the morning during Ramadan to wake 
people before the daily fast, the mesaharati has been disappearing from Egypt's 
towns and villages in recent years. Ahmed Abu Ghazala talks to one man keeping 
the tradition alive 

   Click to view caption 
  The mesaharati of Nasr City has only started his job this Ramadan. 
Roaming the streets, he tries to reach out to the residents to remind them of 
Sohour time. The job has become rather difficult and insignificant in the noisy 
streets of the big cities
  photos: Sherif Sonbol 
It has become very rare to hear a real mesaharati, the man who traditionally 
wakes people up before sunrise during Ramadan in order to eat before fasting 
starts. Indeed, the mesaharati has become something of a dying profession, even 
though it has been practised since the early days of Islam. 

The first mesaharati is believed to have been Bilal Ibn Rabah, one of the 
Prophet Mohamed's companions, who was well known for his harmonious voice. 
Since Ibn Rabah's time, however, a harmonious voice has not always sufficed, 
and later the mesaharati used a small drum, calling out people's names in order 
to wake them for sohour, the last meal before sunrise in Ramadan.

Later still, it sometimes became difficult even to walk in the city streets, 
what with the noise and the traffic. Happily, people today have other wake-up 
calls to choose from, with televisions, mobiles and alarm clocks all at hand. 
All this has contributed to the decline of the mesaharati 's trade, even though 
many people still love to hear one.

One mesaharati who continues in the ancient ways is 48-year-old Rabea Hussein, 
who walks through the streets of Nasr City every night in Ramadan from half 
past one in the morning until quarter past three, banging his drum and calling 
on people to wake.

His nightly round starts in Abu Dawoud Al-Dhaheri Street, moving to the Hadiqat 
Al-Tifl (the children's park) and the Institute of Social Services in Ahmed 
Fakhri Street, before returning to Hassan Al-Maamoun Street to finish. Hussein 
wears the traditional clothing of turban, galabiya and scarf, and he has worked 
in the district for 13 years as an employee of the local mosque, though this 
Ramadan is the first time he has been employed as a mesaharati.

Hussein first entered the profession by helping a friend, the mesaharati of his 
hometown, the village of Abbad Sharona in Minya in Upper Egypt. Ahmed Saleh, 
head of the Wa Islamah Association, proposed that I work in Nasr City as 
mesaharati this Ramadan. I liked the idea, so they provided me with a drum and 
I started working, Hussein comments.

Wa Islamah, a charitable association, carries out activities in seven Egyptian 
governorates, among them finding foster parents for orphaned children, running 
educational programmes, distributing clothes to the needy, helping to cover the 
medical costs of those not able to afford them, and helping school pupils and 
women to memorise the Quran. The association has many supporters from the field 
of business and sport, including football stars Sayed Abdel-Hafiz and Ahmed 

Hussein says that because he is responsible for a fairly large area, he likes 
to start early, at half past one rather than three in the morning. I myself 
barely have time to eat before beginning to fast again during Ramadan. One day 
I couldn't find the time to eat anything at all, as I was late on my round, he 

When he worked as mesaharati in his village, he used to sing religious songs 
and call people by their names. This is not possible in the different 
circumstances of Nasr City, Hussein says, because of the district's size and 
the number of people living there. However, if I do know someone, then I call 
him by his name. The children also ask me to call them by their names, he 

Hussein loves the work, which he sees both as a way of drawing closer to God 
and as a way of helping people. Many people wake up as soon as they hear my 
drum. Two days ago, I didn't go along Mahmoud Ghoneim Street as usual, and 
people were quite upset because their children had been waiting for me. A few 
days ago some Arab tourists in Egypt asked me if they could have their 
photographs taken with me, saying that they liked to spend Ramadan in Egypt 
because of the presence of the mesaharati. 

As Hussein does his rounds at night, many children and some adults can be seen 
watching him from their balconies. Sometimes 

CiKEAS Wake-up call for the faithful (RALAT)

2010-09-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Agaknya  di Indonesia tradisi pukul tifa membangunkan umat pada pagi 
hari di bulan ramadhan  sudah diganti dengan suara nan dahsyat dari 

26 August - 1 September 2010
Issue No. 1013
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Wake-up call for the faithful
Banging his drum in the early hours of the morning during Ramadan to wake 
people before the daily fast, the mesaharati has been disappearing from Egypt's 
towns and villages in recent years. Ahmed Abu Ghazala talks to one man keeping 
the tradition alive 

   Click to view caption 
  The mesaharati of Nasr City has only started his job this Ramadan. 
Roaming the streets, he tries to reach out to the residents to remind them of 
Sohour time. The job has become rather difficult and insignificant in the noisy 
streets of the big cities
  photos: Sherif Sonbol 
It has become very rare to hear a real mesaharati, the man who traditionally 
wakes people up before sunrise during Ramadan in order to eat before fasting 
starts. Indeed, the mesaharati has become something of a dying profession, even 
though it has been practised since the early days of Islam. 

The first mesaharati is believed to have been Bilal Ibn Rabah, one of the 
Prophet Mohamed's companions, who was well known for his harmonious voice. 
Since Ibn Rabah's time, however, a harmonious voice has not always sufficed, 
and later the mesaharati used a small drum, calling out people's names in order 
to wake them for sohour, the last meal before sunrise in Ramadan.

Later still, it sometimes became difficult even to walk in the city streets, 
what with the noise and the traffic. Happily, people today have other wake-up 
calls to choose from, with televisions, mobiles and alarm clocks all at hand. 
All this has contributed to the decline of the mesaharati 's trade, even though 
many people still love to hear one.

One mesaharati who continues in the ancient ways is 48-year-old Rabea Hussein, 
who walks through the streets of Nasr City every night in Ramadan from half 
past one in the morning until quarter past three, banging his drum and calling 
on people to wake.

His nightly round starts in Abu Dawoud Al-Dhaheri Street, moving to the Hadiqat 
Al-Tifl (the children's park) and the Institute of Social Services in Ahmed 
Fakhri Street, before returning to Hassan Al-Maamoun Street to finish. Hussein 
wears the traditional clothing of turban, galabiya and scarf, and he has worked 
in the district for 13 years as an employee of the local mosque, though this 
Ramadan is the first time he has been employed as a mesaharati.

Hussein first entered the profession by helping a friend, the mesaharati of his 
hometown, the village of Abbad Sharona in Minya in Upper Egypt. Ahmed Saleh, 
head of the Wa Islamah Association, proposed that I work in Nasr City as 
mesaharati this Ramadan. I liked the idea, so they provided me with a drum and 
I started working, Hussein comments.

Wa Islamah, a charitable association, carries out activities in seven Egyptian 
governorates, among them finding foster parents for orphaned children, running 
educational programmes, distributing clothes to the needy, helping to cover the 
medical costs of those not able to afford them, and helping school pupils and 
women to memorise the Quran. The association has many supporters from the field 
of business and sport, including football stars Sayed Abdel-Hafiz and Ahmed 

Hussein says that because he is responsible for a fairly large area, he likes 
to start early, at half past one rather than three in the morning. I myself 
barely have time to eat before beginning to fast again during Ramadan. One day 
I couldn't find the time to eat anything at all, as I was late on my round, he 

When he worked as mesaharati in his village, he used to sing religious songs 
and call people by their names. This is not possible in the different 
circumstances of Nasr City, Hussein says, because of the district's size and 
the number of people living there. However, if I do know someone, then I call 
him by his name. The children also ask me to call them by their names, he 

Hussein loves the work, which he sees both as a way of drawing closer to God 
and as a way of helping people. Many people wake up as soon as they hear my 
drum. Two days ago, I didn't go along Mahmoud Ghoneim Street as usual, and 
people were quite upset because their children had been waiting for me. A few 
days ago some Arab tourists in Egypt asked me if they could have their 
photographs taken with me, saying that they liked to spend Ramadan in Egypt 
because of the presence of the mesaharati. 

As Hussein does his rounds at night, many children and some adults can be seen 
watching him from their 

CiKEAS Obscure Indonesian Group Claims Borobudur Temple for Islam + Indonesian Academic Claims Borobudur .....

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  
 Cara menjarah tidak tanggung-tanggung!!

Obscure Indonesian Group Claims Borobudur Temple for Islam
Nurfika Osman | September 02, 2010

Jakarta. Could the internationally famous ninth-century Borobudur Temple in 
Central Java, which features hundreds of Buddha statues, in fact be Islamic? 

An obscure group called the Islam and Ancient History Study Institution thinks 
so, and is reportedly set to petition the Constitutional Court to declare that 
the famous temple belongs to Islam. Other academics, however, dismiss the 
claim., a news portal, reported that researchers led by Fahmi Basya, a 
lecturer of Islamic mathematics from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic 
University in Jakarta, claimed they had solid proof that the temple was built 
by the Prophet Solomon's genie soldiers. 

Solomon, who according to the Hebrew Bible was a king of Israel, is known as 
the Prophet Sulayman in the Koran. 

According to the article, the researchers had connected Borobudur with the 
Kraton Ratu Boko (Queen Boko's Palace) near the Hindu temple Prambanan, close 
to the city of Yogyakarta, claiming that Boko was actually another name for 
Sulayman's wife, Queen Balqis (Queen of Sheba). 

The researchers, according to the news portal, said supporting evidence 
included new Islamic mathematical measurements created by Fahmi, which were 
known only to him. 

Another method used by the researchers to connect Borobudur to Islam was by the 
association of names. The origins of the name Sleman, a town and district in 
Yogyakarta, they said, came from Sulayman, while Java came from the word 

Fahmi, who could not be reached for comment, intends to put forward his 
arguments as the basis for his request that the Constitutional Court declare 
the World Heritage Site the rightful property of Muslims and revise history 
books and literature on the subject. 

But JJ Rijal, a historian, told the Jakarta Globe that Fahmi's claims could be 
categorized as ideological history. 

He also said Sulayman was not the only prophet connected to Java. When Islam 
was first introduced to Java, a tradition was born, Rijal said. 

All prophets were linked to Java. Royal families' genealogical trees would 
show that their ancestors were the Prophet Adam, even the Prophet Muhammad and 
now, Sulayman.

Indonesian Academic Claims Borobudur Temple Is Islamic
Jakarta Globe | September 02, 2010

 Buddhist monks pray at Borobudur Temple in Central Java. A group of Indonesian 
researchers claim that the temple was built by Solomon, as Islamic prophet. 
(Antara Photo/Anis Efizudin) 

Jakarta. An obscure group led by an academic from a respected Islamic 
university in Indonesia is reportedly set to petition the Constitutional Court 
to declare that the Borobudur Temple in Central Java belongs to Islam. reported that researchers from the Islam and Ancient History 
Study Institution, led by Fahmi Basya, an Islamic mathematics lecturer from 
Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University in Jakarta, claimed they had solid 
proof the Buddhist temple was built by the Prophet Solomon's genie soldiers.

Solomon, who according to the Hebrew Bible was a king of Israel, is known as 
the prophet Sulayman in the Koran.

According to the article, the researchers had connected Borobudur with the 
Kraton Ratu Boko (Queen Boko's Palace) near the Hindu temple Prambanan in 
Central Java, claiming that Boko was actually another name for Queen Balqis, 
the wife of Sulayman.

The researchers, according to the news portal, said supporting evidence 
included new Islamic mathematical measurements created by Fahmi, which were 
known only to him.
Another method used by the researchers to connect Borobudur to Islam was by the 
association of names.

The origins of the name Slemen, a town in Yogyakarta, they said, came from 
Sulayman, while 'Java' came from the word 'Jews.'

Fahmi also claimed that Sulayman was the only prophet whose name contained the 
syllable 'Su' and therefore the country in which he resided was later led by 
his descendants with names containing the same syllable, namely Sukarno, 
Suharto and Susilo.

Fahmi, who could not be reached for comment, intends to put forward his 
arguments as the basis for his claims that the Constitutional Court declare the 
World Heritage Site the rightful property of Muslims and revise history books 
and literature on the subject.

Historian JJ Rijal told the Jakarta Globe that Fahmi's claims could be 
categorized as ideological history.

Ideological history takes many forms. For example, in Indonesia, researchers 
who follow the ideology believe that Islam is the blood, the locomotive to all 
great events in the country, Rijal said.

He said Sulayman was not 

CiKEAS Indonesia studies green bonds

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia studies green bonds

Published: Sep 2, 2010 23:46 Updated: Sep 2, 2010 23:46 

HONG KONG: Indonesia is looking into infrastructure and green bonds, a senior 
adviser to the government said on Thursday, as the biggest economy in Southeast 
Asia is in need of billions of dollars for the sector's development.  

Indonesia will need $140 billion over the next five years in infrastructure 
development ranging from paving roads and highways to providing more power and 
water supplies nationwide. 

As much as two-thirds of that amount would have to come from the private 
sector, adviser Edward Gustely said. 

I've been in discussions on infrastructure bonds and green investment bonds 
and again, it's a combination of the ability to tap into institutional capital 
that is looking to participate in this, Gustely told Reuters. 

It's being studied both by the government and the private sector, he said on 
the sidelines on a conference in Hong Kong, but added that no details had been 
decided. In nearby India, the government plans to issue tax-free infrastructure 
bonds with a minimum tenure of 10 years to help the funding of the construction 
of roads, ports and power plants, a scheme that Indonesia is studying.

Emerging Asian countries, such as China, India and Indonesia, have been trying 
to boost their infrastructure to help fuel economic growth and manage 
fast-expanding cities, where hours-long traffic jams are common. 

A lack of power supply would also mean frequent outages in industrial towns, 
hampering factory output and incurring costs for investors.

The lack of infrastructure over the next few years is the only (thing), in my 
assessment, holding back Indonesia, Gustely said. 

If you're a plastics manufacturer the last thing you want is a power outage 
that costs you money. We've got an issue with power generation and that affects 
the industrial aspects of Indonesia.

Indonesia's economy is expected to expand by 6 percent this year and 6.3 
percent in 2011, then reaching as much as 7.7 percent by 2014, officials said, 
but the levels still lag China and India.

Indonesia has been trying to attract more foreign investors to pour money in 
its infrastructure, but some global institutions are concerned about 
regulations and practices when investing there compared to say, China and India.

There is a lot that needs to be done throughout Indonesia, a sprawling 
archipelago with thousands of islands.

Only 53 percent of Indonesia's population have access to electricity from power 
grids, and only a third have piped water, Gustely said.

Indonesia's capital Jakarta is overcrowded, set in an earthquake zone, prone to 
flooding and crippled by inadequate infrastructure. 

Every year we fail to (fix the situation), we lose time and the situation gets 
worse, said Gustely. 

CiKEAS The Fight Over Palm Oil Funding

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik sunny

The Fight Over Palm Oil Funding 
Written by John Berthelsen
Thursday, 02 September 2010 
The World Bank Group seeks a middle path between development and 

The global oil palm industry, providing either the world's most indispensable 
cooking oil or the last nail in the coffin of the world's rain forests, is the 
focus of an intense struggle for funding within the World Bank Group, the 
world's biggest development lender. 

The bank and its investment arm, the International Finance Corporation, are 
gingerly entering the controversy over deforestation and sustainable 
development for palm oil. The IFC is working on a new plan to determine the 
bank's direction on lending to the sector. The bank group has temporarily 
suspended its new investments in the sector, it said in a prepared statement, 
until it finalizes its common approach.

Called the Draft Framework for Engagement in the Palm Oil Sector, the 48-page 
document by the IFC seeks to provide the rationale for the bank group's 
operations in fighting poverty without compromising economic, environmental or 
social sustainability. The final draft was presented to a World Bank group 
management session in Frankfurt on Sept. 1 and is now to be disseminated to 
interested parties who will attempt to sway it in different directions.

Sources say there is a considerable controversy going on within the bank itself 
between advocates of development and environmental critics. Whatever the World 
Bank and the IFC does is bound to have a big effect on the industry. The World 
Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) together probably have more sway 
in the third world than any other institutions. The path of development 
suggested by the framework on palm oil can be expected to have a considerable 
impact, for good or ill, on what is called the earth's green lung - the vast 
and endangered tropical rainforests of Africa and Southeast Asia. 

The IFC, headquartered along with its parent in Washington, DC, is the largest 
multilateral source of loan and equity financing for private development in the 
developing world, providing aid for private industry to gain financing in 
international markets and providing technical advice and assistance for 
development, both to private interests and governments.

And, despite what looks like a feverish attempt to steer down the middle 
between environmentalists and palm oil producers, the IFC's draft appears to 
have enraged the oil palm industry. World Growth, a nonprofit NGO that supports 
vastly increased oil palm planting, called the report deeply flawed and said 
it undermines the response to the global food crisis. 

Oil palms are cultivated commercially on some 12 million hectares globally, 
about 85 percent of that in Malaysia and Indonesia. For consumers in China, 
Pakistan and India, among others, palm oil is by far the biggest and cheapest 
source of edible oil. Nearly three million people are employed growing oil 
palms in Indonesia and about 6 million directly worldwide, with smallholders 
managing about 49 percent of Southeast Asia's plantations and 80 percent in 

But, despite the World Growth NGO's emphasis on the plight of smallholders, 
plantation owners such as Sinar Mas in Indonesia and Sime Darby and others in 
Malaysia are vast conglomerates that can swing the way governments do business. 
In the face of the continuing passage of environmental laws and pronouncements 
from the capitols of Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries which have oil 
palm plantations, environmentalists charge, the big plantations continue to 
destroy rainforest with impunity.

The critics accuse the industry of being a major contributor to global warming 
by burning to clear land for plantations and with it destroying deep peat, 
releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and by devastating rainforest 
diversity of species including such endangered species as the orangutan 

In particular, Greenpeace has earned the enmity of the producers by persuading 
major European buyers, including Nestle and Unilever, two of the world's 
biggest consumer products companies, to stop using palm oil in their products. 

Critics accuse the bank of paying little attention to local needs and of 
funding needless environmental destruction, particularly through the 
construction of big dams. Although the bank temporarily drew back from funding 
big dams in the 1990s, it has resumed, with bank officials saying that now they 
are paying attention to the social and environmental damage wrought by big 
dams. Critics disagree.

Since its founding, the Bank has supported more than 550 dams around the 
globe, with over US$90 billion (in 2007 dollars) in loans and guarantees, 
charged the Berkeley, Calif. International Rivers Network in a 2007 report. 
World Bank-backed dams include some of the world's worst development 

CiKEAS FPI Sudah Islamkan 257 Anggota Ahmadiyah

2010-09-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah FPI juga akan mengiislamkan kaum non-Ahmadiyah dan apa 
keuntungannya bila diislamkan?

FPI Sudah Islamkan 257 Anggota Ahmadiyah
Laporan wartawan Hindra Liauw
Rabu, 1 September 2010 | 17:01 WIB

Bocah melintas di depan Masjid Ahmadiyah An-Nur, Desa Manislor, Kecamatan 
Jalaksana, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Jumat (30/7/2010).

JAKARTA, - Front Pembela Islam membenarkan langkah Menteri Agama 
Suryadharma Ali yang menyarankan agar Ahmadiyah dibubarkan. Ketua Umum DPP FPI 
Habib Rizieq mengatakan, apa yang dilakukan politisi PPP itu telah sesuai 
dengan Perpres 1/PNPS/1965.

Cendekiawan yang demikian banyak bermain dengan pulpen dan kertas, turun dong 
ke lapangan. Dengarkan keresahan umat. 
-- Habib Rizieq

Dia menjelaskan, berdasarkan perpres itu, ada tiga langkah yang dapat dilakukan 
pemerintah untuk mengatasi kelompok-kelompok yang dinilai menistakan agama. 
Pertama, kelompok tersebut diberikan peringatan lisan. Kedua, pemerintah dapat 
mengeluarkan peringatan tertulis, seperti SKB 3 Menteri pada tahun 2008. Jika 
membandel, maka status dapat ditingkatkan dari SKB menjadi kepres.

Menteri terkait berhak merekomendasikan pembubaran ke Presiden, kata Habib 
kepada wartawan seusai dialog pluralisme di kantor Konferensi Waligereja 
Indonesia, Jakarta, Rabu (1/9/2010).

Habib mengatakan, yang perlu dipikirkan pemerintah saat ini adalah bagaimana 
mekanisme pembubaran itu tanpa memicu kekerasan. Menurut Habib, aset-aset 
Ahmadiyah dapat disita, sementara pengikutnya dapat dibina dan disadarkan.

Tugas pembinaan berada di tangan pemerintah serta dibantu oleh Majelis Ulama 
Indonesia dan ormas-ormas Islam, seperti Nadhlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, dan 
bahkan FPI.

FPI siap mengirimkan ribuan dai dan ustaz untuk membina tanpa dibayar. Di 
Serawu, antara Garut dan Tasikmalaya, 257 warga Ahmadiyah telah kami islamkan. 
FPI bekerja sama dengan ormas Islam setempat, katanya.

Soal adanya kekhawatiran dari sejumlah cendekiawan Muslim, seperti Buya Syafii 
Maarif dan Yenny Zannuba Wahid, bahwa pernyataan Menag dapat memicu konflik, 
Habib membantahnya.

Cendekiawan yang bicara macam begini, maaf, bukan saya ingin merendahkan 
mereka. Mereka ini banyak bermain dengan pulpen dan kertas. Turun dong ke 
lapangan. Temuin warga. Lihat bagaimana resahnya warga dengan keberadaan 
Ahmadiyah. Kita tidak bisa menilai lapangan hanya dari pena dan kertas. Jadi, 
intelektual pena dan kertas di FPI tidak laku, kata Habib.

  a.. Presiden Harus Tegas kepada Menag
  b.. Presiden Harus Tegas kepada Menag
  c.. Pembubaran Ahmadiyah Butuh Proses
  d.. Menag: Ahmadiyah Memang Harus Dibubarkan
  e.. Ahmadiyah: Bersabar dan Berdoa

CiKEAS Pertumpahan Darah di Buol Ditangisi

2010-09-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Negri berbasis paham serigala berbulu kambing selalu haus darah.

Pertumpahan Darah di Buol Ditangisi
Rabu, 1 September 2010 | 15:43 WIB

BUOL, - Sejumlah anggota Komisi I DPRD Sulawesi Tengah tidak kuasa 
menahan kesedihan menyesali kerusuhan di Kabupaten Buol. Air mata mereka sampai 
menetes saat berdialog dengan Wakil Kapolda Sulteng Kombes Drs Dewa Parsana, 
MSi di Mapolda Sulteng, Rabu (1/9/2010).

Pak Waka, terus terang saya tidak tahan melihat pertumpahan darah di bulan 
Ramadhan ini. Bulan Ramadhan justru dilumuri dengan darah. Mohon ini tidak 
terjadi lagi, kata Yahya R Kibi, salah seorang anggota Komisi I dengan suara 
yang terbata-bata dan meneteskan air mata.

Hal serupa juga dialami Ketua Komisi I Sri Indraningsih Lalulusu dan Zainal 
Abidin Ishak, anggota Komisi I lainnya. Ketiga anggota Komisi I tersebut 
beberapa kali menyeka mata mereka. Kedatangan Komisi I tersebut untuk 
mempertanyakan kronologi kerusuhan Buol serta langkah antisipasi terhadap 
bertambahnya korban luka-luka akibat ditembak.

Kerusuhan Buol pecah menyusul tewasnya seorang tahanan Polsek Biau bernama 
Kasmir Timumun pada Senin sore. Keluarga menduga tewasnya Kasmir Timumun, warga 
Kelurahan Leok II yang bekerja sebagai tukang ojek itu, akibat penganiayaan 
oknum polisi. Kasmir ditahan karena kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas yang 
melibatkan seorang anggota kepolisian di kota itu, tetapi hari Senin dia tewas 
di dalam tahanan. Sebagai buntut dari kematiannya, Selasa sekitar pukul 21.30 
Wita, ribuan warga mendatangi Mapolsek Biau.

  a.. Lima Korban Kritis, Tertembak di Kepala
  b.. Semua Korban Tewas Tertembak di Kepala
  c.. Pasukan Elite Polda Sulteng Diterjunkan
  d.. Kasmir Tewas dengan Leher Memar
  e.. Lima Pleton TNI/Polri Terjun ke Buol

CiKEAS Gedung Baru DPR Tak Boleh Jadi Panti Pijat

2010-09-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi. Apakah perlu adanya ruangan panti pijat-pijit di gedung Dewan Penipu 
Rakyat (DPR)?  Anggota DPR bukan orang bodoh bin goblok untuk menjadikan gedung 
dPR panti pijat. 

Bukankah bisa dipesan para pemijit-pijat untuk segera datang mengusir 
ketegangan otot urat paha para anggota DPR di kantor. Bisa juga anggota DPR 
bolos sebentar  dari pekerjaan untuk tugas luar pergi ke panti pijat-pijit guna 
melempiaskan ketegangan urat tongkat paha agar bisa diilhami insipirasi metode 
berpikir rational dan lagam kerja efektif untuk menipu rakyat.

Rabu, 01/09/2010 08:35 WIB

Gedung Baru DPR Tak Boleh Jadi Panti Pijat
Elvan Dany Sutrisno - detikNews

Jakarta - Janji Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie untuk membatalkan rencana pembangunan 
sarana spa di gedung baru DPR harus ditepati. Gedung DPR adalah rumah aspirasi 
bagi rakyat jelata, bukan panti pijat anggota DPR.

Gedung baru DPR harus benar-benar cerminkan gedung parlemen, bukan pusat 
rekreasi atau panti pijat, ujar Wakil Ketua MPR, Lukman Hakim Saefudin kepada 
detikcom, Rabu (1/9/2010).

Yang harus dilengkapi di gedung baru DPR, menurut Lukman, adalah sarana yang 
menunjang kerja anggota DPR. Lukman mencontohkan, ruang anggota dan ruang staf 
ahli memang layak ditingkatkan kapasitasnya.

Perpustakaan harus dibuat besar dan komplit, bukan malah spa, sauna, juga 
kolam renang. Kesannya kok sangat berlebihan, papar Lukman.

Lukman mengajak semua anggota DPR memahami fungsi gedung baru. Lukman berharap 
gedung baru DPR benar-benar menjadi tempat kerja yang efektif bagi anggota DPR.

Utamakan efektifitas kerja saja agar aktualitas fungsi DPR lebih baik, 


CiKEAS Demo LSM Bendera Tanggapi Pidato SBY Ricuh

2010-09-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  SBY berpidato demikian agar perhatian masyarakat bisa dialihkan ke 
masalah dengan  Malaysia dari maslah politik, ekonomi dan sosial dalam negeri 
yang membuat mayoritas rakyat melarat dan oleh karena itu ratusan ribu bahkan 
jutaan tenaga kerja berumur masa produktif bisa dijadikan tenaga kerja murah 
(kalau bukan budak) tanpa perlindungan hukum sesuai praxis hukum dan kovensi 
internasional di luar negeri. Sekalipun sudah puluhan tahun sejak kekuasan Pak 
Hartodan penerusnya hingga dewasa ini masih saja masyarakat belum insyaf bahwa 
rezim SBY dan konco-konconya kaum bangsawan neo-Mojopahitnya adalah penjahat 
bin perampok yang membuat rakyat banyak miskin melarat.

Rabu, 01/09/2010 23:18 WIB

Demo LSM Bendera Tanggapi Pidato SBY Ricuh
Andi Saputra - detikNews

Jakarta - Demonstrasi LSM Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (Bendera) menanggapi pidato 
SBY malam ini berakhir ricuh. Kericuhan dipicu saat mereka dilarang membakar 
bendera Malaysia. Akibatnya salah seorang anggota polisi berpakaian preman 
terkena pukulan tongkat demonstran.

Kami hanya ingin menyuarakan aspirasi kami. Tolong polisi jangan membela 
Malaysia, teriak orator, Mustar Bonaventura di maskar LSM Bendera, Jalan 
Diponegoro 58, Jakarta, Rabu,(1/9/2010).
Dalam aksinya, mereka berusaha memblokir jalan tapi dicegah polisi. Lantas 
sekitar 30-an anggota LSM Bendera mengencingi bendera Malaysia. Lantas mereka 
membakar bendera Malaysia. Upaya ini dicegah oleh Kapolsek Menteng, Kompol 

Sayang, usaha ini mendapat perlawanan dari LSM Bendera sehingga terjadi 
kericuhan. Sebuah tongkat yang dipegang demosantran pun melayang megenai muka 
seorang anggota polisi. Lantas, situasi yang semakin memanas membuat polisi 
mendesak masuk demonstran ke dalam markas LSM Bendera.

Akibat keributan ini, Jalan Diponegoro macet hingga arah Tugu Proklamasi. Namun 
kini situasi berangsur-angsur reda. Demonstran  hanya bertahan di dalam 
markasnya untuk melakukan orasi.  SBY hanya mementingkan kepentingan Malaysia, 
kepentingan negara sendiri dilupakan, teriak Bonaventura.

CiKEAS BRIC ambitions for Indonesia

2010-09-01 Terurut Topik sunny

  Sep 2, 2010  

 BRIC ambitions for Indonesia
  By Sara Schonhardta  

JAKARTA - With Indonesia's economic growth among the strongest in Southeast 
Asia and brightening future prospects for the resource-rich country, economists 
are weighing whether it should be the next country added to the BRIC grouping 
of fast-growing emerging economies comprising Brazil, Russia, India and China. 

When US investment bank Goldman Sachs came up with the BRIC acronym in 2001, it 
projected that the combined economic size of the four countries would be bigger 
than all Group of 7 countries except the United States by 2050, according to 
Milan Zavadjil, country director at the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) 
Indonesia office. (The other G-7 countries being Japan, Germany, the United 
Kingdom, France, Italy and Canada.) 

Sticking to that definition, Indonesia is arguably ripe for inclusion to the 
club. For some financial analysts, Indonesia's BRIC designation would be 
symbolic of the gathering global shift in economic power away from the 
developed G-7 economies and towards faster-growing emerging ones. It would also 
give a boost to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's economic management 

Indonesia still lacks certain BRIC indicators, including large-scale foreign 
capital inflows, which until now has allowed the government to maintain a 
relatively hands-off approach to rising inflationary pressures. If capital 
inflows were to rise significantly above current levels, Bank Indonesia, the 
central bank, would be put to an important test, economists say. 

There are limits to building up foreign reserves and allowing the exchange rate 
to appreciate, said Zavadjil, who believes sustained investor interest in 
Indonesia will depend more on achieving investment grade credit ratings than 
BRIC admission. In January, Fitch Ratings upgraded Indonesia's sovereign credit 
rating to BB+, based on improvements in the country's public finances and the 
economy's resilience to the global crisis. Fitch research estimates that 
Indonesian banks enjoy some of the strongest lending margins in Asia, and 
limited competition means that yields should remain strong over the medium 

The stable rating is still one level below investment grade. Ai Ling Ngiam, the 
lead analyst covering Indonesia at Fitch in Singapore, said reservations remain 
about upgrading Indonesia to the coveted A rating, which would signal to 
investors that Indonesia is capable of meeting its financial commitments even 
in adverse economic conditions. 

The growth side has been acknowledged, said Ngiam. But what has been lacking 
is infrastructure improvements and cooperation from local governments to get 
projects underway. She says the government often says the right things, but 
then fails to act. 

Indonesia's past crisis responses may justify the need for caution. By not 
factoring in the risk of rising inflation, the government would have to move 
quickly if sudden vulnerabilities arise that would call for strong policy 
adjustments, said Ngiam. She argues that more pre-emptive measures are needed 
to hedge against fast fluctuating foreign capital flows in and out of the 
country's illiquid financial markets. 

That said, many economists believe that Indonesia is now in an economic sweet 
spot, with economic growth poised to hit 6% this year after gross domestic 
product (GDP) rose 6.2% year on year in the second quarter. President Yudhoyono 
is even more bullish, predicting that economic growth will reach 6.6% by year's 

The Jakarta Composite Index, Asia's second-best performing stock exchange so 
far this year after Japan, has reflected the bullishness, hitting a record high 
on July 29 following the appointment of Darmin Nasution as Bank Indonesia's new 
head, ending a 14-month impasse over the central bank's leadership and 
signaling to the market a move towards prudent macro-economic management. 

Foreign direct investment (FDI), meanwhile, hit $7.8 billion in the first half 
of the year, a 49% gain over the same period in 2009. Indonesia's investment 
coordinating board now predicts FDI could reach $13.1 billion by the end of the 

Resilient in crisis
When the global economy started to unravel in early 2008, some economists and 
investors worried that Indonesia would repeat the tailspin that devastated its 
economy and emptied the national coffers during the 1997-98 Asian financial 

The government responded to that crisis by raising interest rates and 
tightening fiscal policy, but those interventions failed to stop the rupiah 
from plunging 85% against the US dollar. The subsequent double-digit inflation 
triggered steep gains in the prices of key staples such as rice and cooking 
oil, and sparked the riots that eventually forced then president Suharto to 


CiKEAS Minister calls for Ahmadiyah to be disbanded

2010-08-31 Terurut Topik sunny

Minister calls for Ahmadiyah to be disbanded
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 08/31/2010 10:08 AM | Headlines 

Suryadharma Ali
Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said Monday that the Jamaah 
Ahmadiyah faith - who claim to be Muslim - had to be broken up, as followers 
violated regulations and were not Muslim.

The minister was quoted as saying after a hearing at the House of 
Representatives that Ahmadiyah, which has 200,000 followers across the country, 
must be disbanded immediately. If not, problems would continue.

It was the first clear statement from the minister following a number of 
attacks on the congregation and their mosques in the last few years, the most 
recent in Kuningan, West Java, late last month.

In West Lombok, 33 families who are followers of Ahmadiyah have not returned 
from their refuge as of April, fearing for their safety from residents who 
attacked them in 2006.

Suryadharma reiterated his earlier statement that the group violated a 2008 
joint ministerial decree on Ahmadiyah, which stated that members of the faith 
could not propagate their teachings.

The decree issued by the Religious Affairs Ministry, the Attorney General's 
Office and the Home Ministry, however, stated that Ahmadiyah followers could 
continue practising their faith through prayers, visit to mosques and other 

The decree is based on a 1965 law on the prevention of blasphemy.

In the previous Cabinet under President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, then vice 
president Jusuf Kalla had said Ahmadiyah would not be banned, but its members 
were not allowed to propagate their beliefs, which include the controversial 
tenet that the Prophet Muhammad was not the final prophet, as mainstream 
Muslims believe.

Ahmadiyah members have repeatedly said their teachings did not violate Islam, 
while others insist Ahmadiyah saw its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, as the last 

Another group, the Indonesian Ahmadiyah Movement (GAI), regards Ahmad as only 
an Islamic reformist leader, and was thus not subject to the decree.

The belief that anyone other than Muhammad is the last prophet is in basic 
contradiction with Islam, Suryadharma was quoted as saying.

If that is what is called freedom of worship then that freedom has gone too 
far, news portal reported.

The basic right of other Muslims, he said,  is the right that must be 
protected when one group says the Prophet Muhammad is not the last prophet.

More discussions about banning the group are scheduled for after the Idul Fitri 
holidays, the minister said.

Following the issuance of the 2008 decree on Ahmadiyah, the ministry said the 
public would be allowed to act as a watchdog to ensure Ahmadiyah's compliance.

The decree also threatens penalties for anyone committing violence against 
Ahmadiyah members.

However, sporadic attacks against the group have continued unpunished. In 
Kuningan regency, Ahmadiyah members clashed with hard-line Muslim organizations 
who demanded the banning of the group. Several houses were damaged and three 
were injured in Manis Lor village, where 3,000 of the more than 4,000 residents 
were Ahmadiyah followers.

Suryadharma said the 2008 decree was not being enforced effectively, while 
police say their main concern was to prevent clashes.

Related News  
  a.. Ahmadiyah must be disbanded: Minister
  b.. Minister calls for Ahmadiyah to be disbanded
  c.. Issue: 'Be strict in call to disband Ahmadiyah'
  d.. Minister urges sect followers to stop spreading faith


CiKEAS Yellow card for President Yudhoyono

2010-08-31 Terurut Topik sunny

Yellow card for President Yudhoyono
Al Makin, Yogyakarta | Mon, 08/30/2010 10:15 AM | Opinion 

Due to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (SBY) sluggish and infirm response to 
religious violence and intolerance, a yellow card should be issued. A whistle 
should be blown. Halt the train for a moment, time for reflection.

A referee should warn Ruhut Sitompul - a Democrat politician and a member of 
the House of Representatives who fished in the murky water to test the public - 
not to even think of a third term. 

Behold SBY! (Please forgive the referee who substitutes Ruhut's name for SBY, 
or on the other way around). Your record is yellow, close to red. Be serious.

A yellow card means warning, whereas a red one means stop - enough is enough. 
Please, never turn the yellow into a red card. A green card - meaning peace, 
environmentally friendly, a card issued by the US government to allow non-US 
citizens to work there, and that the show must go on - is preferable.

Ruhut beat the drum, echoing the possibility of SBY's third term, ironically 
amid the fire directed at SBY's lame duck. The nickname Mr. Doubter lingers. 

Minority groups, for example, members of Ahmadiyah and Christians, become the 
target of attack by the hardliners, for example the Islamic Community Forum 
(FUI) andthe Islam Defenders Front (FPI), whose leaders and members never give 
up exhibiting their shallow rhetoric in the public.

When a chance came, they seized it. There is always a temptation in their 
minds, whenever streets and roads are empty,  to hold mass rally. They feel 
invited whenever an issue can be twisted. 

Issues surrounding Ahmadiyah and Indonesian Christians, which the FPI still 
want to sell, are old. Indeed, nobody, except the FPI and the like, want to buy 

True, until early 20th century, Muslims and Christians were suspicious of each 
other, due to complicated elements of the native Indonesians, the Dutch 
government, and inter-religious relations. 

Th. Sumartana, a pioneer of inter-religious dialogue, has touched upon this 

However, Christianization in Indonesia, which concerned both most Nahdlatul 
Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah leaders from the 1970s to 1980s, is a sheer myth, 
which the New Order regime used very well in the effort of managing the 
conflict between Muslims and Christians for the benefits of the government (it 
sounds like divide et impera, divide and rule). An Indonesian scholar, 
Mujiburrahman, wrote this.

Back to the point. Mosques and churches, built by minorities, are now in 
danger. Religious harmony and tolerance are in peril. Religious and ethnic 
diversity, which should be part of Indonesians' identity, are threatened.

It is a paradox that the Americans are now discussing whether a mosque can be 
built at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center (WTC) site in Manhattan, New York 
city - the target of the 9/11 attack. The Americans are debating how to 
differentiate between true Islam and al-Qaeda, between moderate Muslims and 
radicals, and between religion and fundamentalism.

But here in Indonesia, people are witnessing that mosques and churches have 
been destroyed. People performing religious rites are ambushed. What a shame.

Once again, in his second term, can SBY appear in the public with steadfastness 
and audacity? 

In theory, he must be. He was elected with a landslide victory. The Indonesians 
gave mandate wholeheartedly. However, it is up to SBY alone to show us that he 
deserves this second chance.

Thus, the speed should be accelerated, the seatbelt should be fastened, the 
steadfastness should be shown, and the audacity should be exhibited. All of 
this should be done, before a red card becomes a theme in the public.

Note that SBY and all his staff know very well that only one factor such as 
religious intolerance will unlikely lead the President to step down. 

You know, both Sukarno's and Soeharto's tumble was due to more complex factors, 
for example, the economy, and political and social mayhem. Nonetheless, keep 
reminding SBY to guard our harmonious diversity.

Do not forget that there are also more issues in the limelight.

SBY's commitment to eradication of corruption is lately questionable. Some of 
those who were jailed due to corruption cases have been granted remission.

Additionally, the dignity of Indonesians may have been disturbed again, and the 
government's reputation in defending its own citizens and solving the problem 
appropriately is at stake. 

Hundreds of Indonesian migrant workers are faced with the death penalty in 

Ruhut never dares to announce the third term of SBY in a microphone with 
confidence. Behave Ruhut, behold SBY.

The writer is a lecturer at the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, 

Related News  
  a.. President supports plan to create economic center in Morotai
  b.. PKB should stand on its own: Dems

CiKEAS Cycling on tightrope about 80m above ground

2010-08-30 Terurut Topik sunny

Cycling on tightrope about 80m above ground 

Nik Wallenda, a seventh-generation high-wire daredevil, pedals a bicycle across 
the Bridge Suite of the Paradise Island Atlantis resort in Nassau, Bahamas, 

A seventh-generation high-wire daredevil pedaled a bicycle across a precarious 
line strung between two hotel towers Saturday in an attempt to break his own 
world record.

Nik Wallenda, of the famous Flying Wallendas circus family, cycled safely more 
than 100 feet (31 meters) along the wire at the Bahamas' Paradise Island 
Atlantis resort some 260 feet (79 meters) above the turquoise ocean - without a 
safety net.

Wallenda holds the current Guinness World Records for longest distance and 
greatest height traveled by bicycle on a high wire, set in 2008 in Newark, New 
Jersey, when he traveled 235 feet (72 meters) at a height of 135 feet (41 

Hundreds of tourists and resort workers gawked from pools and sidewalks, 
snapping pictures and shooting video.

It shows you the agility, balance and intestinal fortitude that these people 
have, said Randy Stein, 54, of Princeton, New Jersey. It's phenomenal, 
incredible, a gift of balance.

Guinness will have to verify the new height record, the one he was trying to 
break Saturday.

Wallenda later performed a second high-wire stunt on foot, walking about 2,000 
feet (610 meters) at a height of 250 feet (76 meters) over the resort's 
open-air marine habitat, which teems with sharks, barracudas and piranhas.

It was the longest distance he has traveled by foot on a wire, according to 
spokesman Winston Simone.
Before the second stunt, Wallenda's father, who usually rigs the wire and walks 
along with him on the ground, passed out with heat stroke and was carried off 
in an ambulance. The father is said to be in good condition, and Wallenda's 
mother and wife strung the line instead.

Wallenda never stumbled during either performance, despite winds measured at 28 
knots (32 mph; 51 kph) and scattered thunderstorms.

Against all odds I walked on that wire today, he said. There was lightning 
in the area, high winds, and it was the first walk without my father. It was 
one of the hardest decisions I ever made in my life. and the hardest walk I 
have ever done.

But my family history and my family tradition is that the show must go on, he 

A native and resident of Sarasota, Florida, Wallenda is the great-grandson of 
circus legend Karl Wallenda, who fell to his death during a wire walk in San 
Juan, Puerto Rico, in 1978.

Wallenda, 31, said he hopes to keep performing on the high wires until he is no 
longer physically able. - AP

Published Aug 29 2010

CiKEAS Mines in Sumatra, Kalimantan Draw Interest From India's NTPC

2010-08-30 Terurut Topik sunny

Mines in Sumatra, Kalimantan Draw Interest From India's NTPC
Bloomberg  Reuters | August 30, 2010

India's top power utility NTPC is looking into purchasing stakes in two coal 
mines in Indonesia as it seeks access to the fuel to help end blackouts in 

NTPC was studying two mines in Sumatra and East Kalimantan, which might 
together have as much as 1.8 billion metric tons of coal resources, its 
chairman R.S. Sharma said on Monday. 

The purchase could be completed by March 2011, he said, declining to name the 

NTPC would seek a majority stake in the mines, Sharma said, also declining to 
name the current owner. The mine in East Kalimantan may have coal resources of 
about 1 billion tons and the one in Sumatra about 800 million tons. 

The purchase had been delayed because the coal had a high moisture content and 
NTPC was studying ways to improve the fuel's quality, including mixing it with 
dry coal to enhance the potential to generate heat, he added. 

NTPC is among a number of Indian energy companies that are seeking assets 
across the world, specifically in Indonesia, to meet demand for electricity and 
petroleum products from factories and households in the world's second-most 
populous country. 

State-owned Coal India, the world's largest producer, and Tata Power are among 
companies already looking to buy mines overseas. 

Reliance Power, controlled by billionaire Anil Ambani, is considering investing 
$5 billion to build a railway and develop coal mines in South Sumatra, Yopie 
Hidayat, a spokesman for Indonesian Vice President Boediono, said in Jakarta 
last week. 

Essar Group also bought the Aries coal mines in the Kutai region of East 
Kalimantan, which hold as much as 100 million tons of power-station coal, the 
company said in a statement on March 25. 

Domestic coal supply may not be able to keep pace with NTPC's plans to add 
generation capacity, said Rupesh Sankhe, a Mumbai-based analyst with Angel 
Broking. That is sending all power companies overseas looking for mines. 

Coal demand in India, Asia's third-largest energy consumer, might double from 
2008 to 2015 to exceed 1 billion tons, energy consultant Wood Mackenzie said on 
July 1. 

India could face a shortfall of 189 million tons a year by 2015, leading to a 
two-fold increase in imports, global consultancy KPMG said late last month. 

India's annual coal output of 535 million tons would fall short of demand from 
power generators by as much as 80 million tons by next year, Alok Perti, 
additional secretary for India's coal ministry, said on July 7. 

Coal is used to fire more than half of India's current installed generation 
capacity, according to the Central Electricity Authority. 

NTPC aims to lock-in fuel supplies to feed its rising generation capacity, 
currently at 32.2 gigawatts, but expects that to rise to 75 GW by 2017. 

NTPC expected to import up to 15 million tons of coal in the next financial 
year as its annual requirement of the fuel could rise an estimated 6.5 percent 
to 165 million tons, Sharma said. 

It is expected to import 12 million tons in the current fiscal year. 

Currently, state-trading firms import coal for NTPC. This is a stop-gap 
arrangement for one to two years, Sharma said, adding that he hoped his firm 
could directly buy 40 percent to 60 percent of its coal imports in 2011/12. 

It is destination coal for us now, he added. We are working all out for 

NTPC planned capital expenditure of as much as 290 billion rupees ($6.19 
billion) in the year ending March 2011, including for acquisitions, he said, 
without elaborating further. 

The New Delhi-based utility would use part of its $3 billion in cash reserves 
and also raise debt to fund the purchase of mines in Australia, Indonesia and 
Mozambique that could supply as much as 10 million tons of coal a year, Sharma 
had said on July 14. 

NTPC's shares have declined 17 percent this year compared with a 4 percent rise 
in the benchmark Sensitive Index of the Bombay Stock Exchange. 

They fell 0.5 percent to 195.55 rupees at 12:46 p.m. in Mumbai trading.

CiKEAS Kecil, Peluang RI Menolong Hukuman TKI Di Malaysia

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Malaysia adalah negeri tetangga NKRI, kalau dengan tetangga masalah 
TKI sulit diurus untuk diselesaikan sesuai norma-norma hukum perlindungan hukum 
buruh bagi TKI, maka tentu saja masalah serupa  dengan negeri-negeri nan jauh 
di mata seperti di Timur Tengah menjadi masalah yang tidak mungkin untuk 
didapat perlindungan wajar bagi TKI.

 Hal yang menarik ialah sekalipun pada umumnya para pekerja Indonesia (TKI) 
beragama Islam, tetapi di negeri-negeri yang  berazaskan agama Islam mereka 
mengalami banyak perlakuan diluar batas manusiawi beradab. Megapa demikian? 
Apakah warganega Indonesia (TKI) dianggap budak belian oleh penduduk di 
negeri-negeri tersebut? Bila demikian halnya bagaimana bisa diatasi?

Kecil, Peluang RI Menolong Hukuman TKI Di Malaysia 
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010, 17:39 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Pemberlakuan hukuman mati di dalam negeri akan sulit 
untuk memperjuangkan tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) sudah divonis hukuman mati 
oleh pengadilan Malaysia. Legalitas dan moralitas pembelaan pada TKI yang 
diancam pidana mati, sulit untuk dipersoalkan. Karena Indonesia masih 
memperlakukan hukuman mati, ujar Ketua Transparency International Indonesia 
Todung Mulya Lubis di gedung Kemenkum HAM, Jakarta, Kamis(26/8).

Menurutnya akan sangat bertentangan dengan asas hak asasi manusia secara 
universal jika pemerintah memprotes hukuman mati yang dijatuhkan terhadap warga 
negaranya. Padahal, imbuh Todung,negara masih menganut hukuman mati bagi dalam 
proses hukumnya.

Apakah pemerintah sudah maksimal memberikan pembelaan terhadap mereka. Kalau 
pemerintah sama sekali atau sedikit sekali memberikan atensi bantuan terhadap 
mereka, saya kira pemerintah telah mengabaikan kewajiban hukumnya terhadap 
warga negara, tambahnya.

Red: Siwi Tri Puji B
Rep: Indah Wulandari

Berita terkait
  a.. Kedutaannya di Jakarta Dilempar Tinja, Menlu Malaysia Meradang
  b.. Menlu Tegaskan Tak Akan Tarik Dubes RI dari Malaysia
  c.. Anggota DPD Wayan Sudirta tak Setuju Hukuman Mati bagi Koruptor
  d.. PDIP Belum Berniat Galang Dukungan Interpelasi
  e.. Pemerintah Didesak Balas Travel Advisory Warning Malaysia

CiKEAS Tak Ada Pejabat Negara Masuk 'Daftar Kaya' Ditjen Pajak

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Para pejabat negara Indonesia bukan orang-orang bodoh, mereka semua 
orang pintar, sebab kalau tidak pintar tidak bisa menjadi pejabat. Kepintaran 
mereka bisa dibagi dalam dua katagori besar yaitu, (a) pintar ilmu nan jujur 
dan (b) pintar menipu nan jahat.  

Pada umumnya katagori b yang mendominasi di semua lapangan dan tingkat jawatan 
negara, dan oleh sebab itu mereka tidak masuk daftar kaya. Bila masuk daftar 
tsb akan menyolok mata umum dan rakyat akan bertanya-tanya dari mana sumber 
mana mereka bisa peroleh  kekayaan bertumpuk-tumpuk, maka oleh karena itu 
mereka tidak mereka daftarkan kekayaan sepenuhnya. Hal ini karena sistem hukum 
dan administrasi yang dibuat oleh mereka memungkinkan mereka bisa mengabaikan 
atau memanipulasi sistem yang diciptakan. Dengan jalan ini mereka bisa bermuka  
wakil rakyat dan terus bisa duduk pada kursi empuk kekuasaan selama hayat di 
kandung badan.

Jumat, 27/08/2010 08:32 WIB

Tak Ada Pejabat Negara Masuk 'Daftar Kaya' Ditjen Pajak
Ramdhania El Hida - detikFinance 

Jakarta - Ternyata, pejabat negara Indonesia 'miskin-miskin'. Menurut, Dirjen 
Pajak Mochammad Tjiptardjo hingga saat ini tidak ada satu pun pejabat negara 
yang terdaftar dalam Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Wajib Pajak Besar (High 
Wealth Individual-HWI).

Para pejabat negara yang masih terdaftar dalam KPP Pratama ternyata bukan masuk 
kategori KPP HWI. Menurut Tjiptardjo, tidak ada pejabat negara yang memiliki 
kekayaan bruto hingga Rp 10 miliar berdasarkan syarat masuk KPP HWI.

Kalau menurut data yang ada, nggak ada (yang terdaftar di KPP HWI), belum ada 
karena tersebar. Pejabat negara yang masuk HWI ya nggak diapa-apain dong karena 
memang pejabat negara itu tersebar di KPP-KPP, yang masuk HWI itu adalah siapa 
pun juga yang ketentuannya, kekayaannya berapa itu, Rp 10 miliar gitu lah, 
ujarnya saat ditemui di Kantornya, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Kamis 
(26/8/2010) malam.

Tjiptardjo menyatakan untuk menarik pejabat negara yang memiliki kekayaan 
negara sampai Rp 10 miliar, tidaklah mudah karena harus ada bukti.

Kayaknya nggak ada pejabat yang miliaran-miliaran, kecil-kecil. Kalau ada kita 
buat database dulu, kalau ada database ketemu. Kalau ada wartawan, miliaran 
masuk, pejabat miliaran, masuk. Siapa tau ada yang dapat warisan dari mertua. 
Kalau Anda punya data, Anda kasih sama saya. Tak masukin kesitu (HWI), kelakar 

Jika sudah ada bukti harta kekayaan pejabat negara mencapai Rp 10 miliar, 
lanjut Tjiptardjo, pihaknya tidak akan segan untuk meminta para pejabat negara 
tersebut untuk memperbaiki SPT-nya dan masuk dalam KPP HWI. 

Kalau di mata hukum semuanya sama. Kalau ada buktinya, tata caranya saja. Ke 
depan kita tidak menggunakan kesewenang-wenangan, tidak menggunakan power, 
kalau ada data kita approach. Pak, ibu, Pak Lurah, Camat, Wapres, Pres, Pak 
Menteri, ini ada data begini-begini, SPT Anda begini, mau dibetulkan gngak? 

Tjiptardjo menyatakan untuk mendapatkan informasi, pihaknya tidak menutup 
kemungkinan bekerjasama dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) maupun pihak 
lain. Dengan info tersebut, pihaknya akan mempelajari sehingga bisa dimulai 
suatu penindakan.

Boleh dari, info, data, laporan, dan pengaduan itu yang kita pelajari. Contoh 
misalnya ada suatu grup politik sudah diimbau, ada data, you sunset policy ya, 
hitung-hitung, dia bilang 'saya janji perbaiki'. Kalau you nggak betulin lagi, 
kita akan periksa. Waktunya lewat, kita masuk. Jadi kasian orang pajak, sudah 
dihantam Gayus, tax ratio dinaikkan, keluhnya.


CiKEAS Baru 22 BUMN Pejabatnya Lapor Harta Kekayaan ke KPK

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny

Sabtu, 28/08/2010 12:22 WIB

Baru 22 BUMN Pejabatnya Lapor Harta Kekayaan ke KPK
Angga Aliya - detikFinance 

Jakarta - Tingkat kepatuhan pejabat Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dalam 
menyampaikan Laporan Harta Kekayaan Pejabat Negara (LHKPN) mulai menanjak. 
Meski jumlahnya terus bertambah, namun hingga 17 Agustus lalu baru 22 BUMN yang 
seluruh pejabat di dalamnya menyampaikan LHKPN kepada Komisi Pemberantasan 
Korupsi (KPK).

Yang sudah 100 persen pejabatnya sampaikan LHKPN ada 22 BUMN dari total BUMN 
141 perusahaan, kata Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN, M Said Didu di Jakarta, 
Jumat (27/8/2010) malam.

Berdasarkan data LHKPN yang diberikan KPK kepada Kementerian BUMN, 22 BUMN yang 
seluruh pejabatnya sudah menyampaikan LHKPN diantaranya, Perum Peruri, PT 
Jasindo, PT Jasa Raharja, PT Adhi Karya Tbk, PT Wijaya Karya Tbk, PT 
Pembangunan Perumahan (PP), PT Industri KA (INKA), Inhutani III dan IV, PT 
Pelindo dan lainnya.

BUMN karya yang masuk di bursa (Adhi Karya, Wijaya Karya, PP) itu sudah bagus, 
sudah 100 persen pejabatnya sampaikan LHKPN, ujarnya.

Menurut Said, rata-rata dari pejabat BUMN itu belum menyampaikan formulir B, 
namun sebagian juga bahkan ada yang belum menyampaikan formulir A. 

Formulir B merupakan formulir laporan yang harus diisi setiap 2 tahun sekali 
atau saat pindah jabatan, sementara formulir A merupakan formulir utama yang 
harus diisi begitu menjabat sebagai pejabat BUMN.

Pejabat BUMN yang dimaksud adalah anggota Dewan Komisaris termasuk Komisaris 
utama dan jajaran Direksi perusahaan pelat merah serta direksi dan komisaris 
anak usahanya.

Hingga saat ini, total pejabat BUMN mencapai 6.453 orang, yang sudah melapor ke 
KPK sebanyak 5.550 orang atau setara dengan 86 persen dari total.

Dalam data LHKPN itu juga terdapat beberapa BUMN yang masih rendah tingkat 
pelaporannya, beberapa diantaranya merupakan perusahaan publik yang terdaftar 
di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Perusahaan negara yang pejabatnya masih rendah menyampaikan LHKPN diantaranya, 
PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk baru 34,96 persen, PT Garuda Indonesia baru 40,63 
persen, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara baru 35,53 persen dan lainnya.


CiKEAS Malaysia Tak Minta Maaf dan Tak Minta RI Minta Maaf

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Jangan berlagak hangat-hangat taik ayam. Sabar subur! Sekarang 
tidak minta maaf tidak apa-apa, sebentar lagi datang hari minta maaf lahir 
bathin, jadi ada bahan untuk saling minta dimaaf-maafkan.

Jumat, 27/08/2010 08:51 WIB

Malaysia Tak Minta Maaf dan Tak Minta RI Minta Maaf
Ramadhian Fadillah - detikNews

Putrajaya - Pemerintah Malaysia tidak akan meminta maaf atas perlakuan mereka 
memborgol 3 petugas Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan RI. Sebaliknya, Malaysia 
juga tidak akan meminta Indonesia meminta maaf atas pembakaran bendera Malaysia 
dan pelemparan tinja di depan Kedubes Malaysia yang dilakukan oleh LSM Bendera.

Saya merasa tidak perlu meminta maaf jika petugas tersebut diborgol. Saat 
seseorang berada di Malaysia, maka dia harus mengikuti hukum kita, ujar Menlu 
Malaysia Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, saat menerima kunjungan 34 duta belia dari 
Indonesia seperti ditulis, Jumat (27/8/2010).

Anifah pun merasa Indonesia tidak perlu meminta maaf atas aksi Bendera di 
Kedubes Malaysia. Dia yakin perbuatan itu pun tidak didukung oleh pemerintah 
Indonesia maupun sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia.

Anifah menambahkan, dalam rapat kabinet, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun 
Razak kecewa mendengar kabar tersebut. Namun Najib memerintahkan agar warga 
Malaysia menahan diri dan tidak melakukan tindakan yang sama pada Kedutaan 

Masyarakat Malaysia itu rasional. Kami meminta agar semua tenang, agar masalah 
ini bisa diselesaikan dengan damai, tambahnya.

Anifah pun meminta agar pemerintah Indonesia menyelesaikan permasalah ini agar 
tidak terulang lagi. Dia pun meminta media Indonesia agar tidak mengompori 
permasalahan ini.

CiKEAS Malaysia Tak Minta Maaf dan Tak Minta RI Minta Maaf

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Jangan berlagak hangat-hangat taik ayam. Sabar subur! Sekarang 
tidak minta maaf tidak apa-apa, sebentar lagi akan datang hari minta maaf lahir 
bathin, jadi ada bahan untuk saling minta dimaaf-maafkan.

Jumat, 27/08/2010 08:51 WIB

Malaysia Tak Minta Maaf dan Tak Minta RI Minta Maaf
Ramadhian Fadillah - detikNews

Putrajaya - Pemerintah Malaysia tidak akan meminta maaf atas perlakuan mereka 
memborgol 3 petugas Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan RI. Sebaliknya, Malaysia 
juga tidak akan meminta Indonesia meminta maaf atas pembakaran bendera Malaysia 
dan pelemparan tinja di depan Kedubes Malaysia yang dilakukan oleh LSM Bendera.

Saya merasa tidak perlu meminta maaf jika petugas tersebut diborgol. Saat 
seseorang berada di Malaysia, maka dia harus mengikuti hukum kita, ujar Menlu 
Malaysia Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, saat menerima kunjungan 34 duta belia dari 
Indonesia seperti ditulis, Jumat (27/8/2010).

Anifah pun merasa Indonesia tidak perlu meminta maaf atas aksi Bendera di 
Kedubes Malaysia. Dia yakin perbuatan itu pun tidak didukung oleh pemerintah 
Indonesia maupun sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia.

Anifah menambahkan, dalam rapat kabinet, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun 
Razak kecewa mendengar kabar tersebut. Namun Najib memerintahkan agar warga 
Malaysia menahan diri dan tidak melakukan tindakan yang sama pada Kedutaan 

Masyarakat Malaysia itu rasional. Kami meminta agar semua tenang, agar masalah 
ini bisa diselesaikan dengan damai, tambahnya.

Anifah pun meminta agar pemerintah Indonesia menyelesaikan permasalah ini agar 
tidak terulang lagi. Dia pun meminta media Indonesia agar tidak mengompori 
permasalahan ini.

CiKEAS Menakertrans: Jangan Kaitkan TKI dengan Polemik Negara

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah masalah TKI tidak terkait politik politik penempatan tenaga 
kerja rezim SBY dan untuk dikirim ke Malaysia?

Menakertrans: Jangan Kaitkan TKI dengan Polemik Negara
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010 18:15 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | 

Pontianak (ANTARA News) - Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Menakertrans) 
Muhaimin Iskandar mengimbau Pemerintah Malaysia tidak mengaitkan konfrontasi 
antara Malaysia dan Indonesia dengan keberadaan TKI di negara itu.

Menurut Muhaimin, beberapa kasus ketegangan antara RI dan Malaysia, baik antara 
petugas KKP dengan Polisi Diraja Malaysia, maupun kasus demonstrasi Kedubes 
Malaysia di Jakarta merupakan persoalan terpisah.

Jangan dikait-kaitkan dengan keberadaan TKI di sana. Ini kita tekankan baik 
kepada pemerintah Indonesia maupun Malaysia, katanya di Pontianak, Sabtu.

Jika sampai hal itu dikait-kaitkan, maka akan banyak TKI yang berada di 
Malaysia terkena imbas dari permasalahan yang seharusnya bukan menjadi domain 

Permasalahan ini sedang diselesaikan oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri. Jadi, untuk 
sementara ini, biarkan dulu proses ini berlanjut. Karena kalau kita langsung 
mengambil tindakan, jelas bisa mempengaruhi banyak hal, tuturnya. 

Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Kalbar Cristiandy Sanjaya menuturkan pemerintah 
daerah akan mengikuti semua kebijakan luar negeri yang diambil oleh pemerintah 

Meski Kalimantan Barat menjadi provinsi terdekat dengan Malaysia, tapi untuk 
ketegangan yang terjadi antarnegara, maka Pemprov Kalbar masih belum bisa 
mengambil kebijakan apapun, katanya.

Hal ini karena Gubernur dan wakilnya merupakan kepanjangan tangan dari 
pemerintah pusat, sehingga apapun keputusan yang diambil oleh pemerintah pusat 
akan dilaksanakan Pemprov Kalbar. 

Mengenai aksi demo yang dilakukan masyarakat terhadap Kedubes Malaysia di 
Jakarta, Cristiandy menilai hal tersebut masih dalam batas yang wajar.

Itu merupakan salah satu ekspresi dari masyarakat yang merasa harga diri 
bangsanya dilecehkan oleh negara lain. Saya yakin, masyarakat Malaysia pasti 
juga melakukan hal serupa jika posisinya sama seperti kita, katanya.

Dia tidak menampik permasalahan ini akan memberikan imbas dan dirasakan 
langsung para TKI yang berada di Malaysia atau pemerintah Malaysia mengambil 
kebijakan untuk menyarankan warga negaranya tidak ke Indonesia, namun 
pemerintah Indonesia bisa menarik para TKI dan staf kedutaan yang bekerja di 

Jika sampai hal ini terjadi, memang para TKI akan kehilangan pekerjaan, namun 
bukan berarti pemerintah Malaysia bisa tenang kalau sampai TKI ini ditarik. 
Bisa dipastikan, berbagai sektor pekerjaan di Malaysia akan terhambat karena 
ketiadaan tenaga kerja, katanya. 

Ia menambahkan banyaknya TKI yang bekerja di Malaysia juga karena kebutuhan 
negara tersebut.

Kalau mereka tidak butuh TKI kita, tentu tidak mungkin banyak warga kita yang 
bekerja di sana. Ini juga yang harus dipikirkan oleh pemerintah Malaysia, kata 

CiKEAS Menakertrans: Jangan Kaitkan TKI dengan Polemik Negara (RALAT)

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah masalah TKI tidak terkait politik penempatan tenaga kerja 
rezim SBY  untuk mereka  dikirim ke Malaysia?

Menakertrans: Jangan Kaitkan TKI dengan Polemik Negara
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010 18:15 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | 

Pontianak (ANTARA News) - Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Menakertrans) 
Muhaimin Iskandar mengimbau Pemerintah Malaysia tidak mengaitkan konfrontasi 
antara Malaysia dan Indonesia dengan keberadaan TKI di negara itu.

Menurut Muhaimin, beberapa kasus ketegangan antara RI dan Malaysia, baik antara 
petugas KKP dengan Polisi Diraja Malaysia, maupun kasus demonstrasi Kedubes 
Malaysia di Jakarta merupakan persoalan terpisah.

Jangan dikait-kaitkan dengan keberadaan TKI di sana. Ini kita tekankan baik 
kepada pemerintah Indonesia maupun Malaysia, katanya di Pontianak, Sabtu.

Jika sampai hal itu dikait-kaitkan, maka akan banyak TKI yang berada di 
Malaysia terkena imbas dari permasalahan yang seharusnya bukan menjadi domain 

Permasalahan ini sedang diselesaikan oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri. Jadi, untuk 
sementara ini, biarkan dulu proses ini berlanjut. Karena kalau kita langsung 
mengambil tindakan, jelas bisa mempengaruhi banyak hal, tuturnya. 

Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Kalbar Cristiandy Sanjaya menuturkan pemerintah 
daerah akan mengikuti semua kebijakan luar negeri yang diambil oleh pemerintah 

Meski Kalimantan Barat menjadi provinsi terdekat dengan Malaysia, tapi untuk 
ketegangan yang terjadi antarnegara, maka Pemprov Kalbar masih belum bisa 
mengambil kebijakan apapun, katanya.

Hal ini karena Gubernur dan wakilnya merupakan kepanjangan tangan dari 
pemerintah pusat, sehingga apapun keputusan yang diambil oleh pemerintah pusat 
akan dilaksanakan Pemprov Kalbar. 

Mengenai aksi demo yang dilakukan masyarakat terhadap Kedubes Malaysia di 
Jakarta, Cristiandy menilai hal tersebut masih dalam batas yang wajar.

Itu merupakan salah satu ekspresi dari masyarakat yang merasa harga diri 
bangsanya dilecehkan oleh negara lain. Saya yakin, masyarakat Malaysia pasti 
juga melakukan hal serupa jika posisinya sama seperti kita, katanya.

Dia tidak menampik permasalahan ini akan memberikan imbas dan dirasakan 
langsung para TKI yang berada di Malaysia atau pemerintah Malaysia mengambil 
kebijakan untuk menyarankan warga negaranya tidak ke Indonesia, namun 
pemerintah Indonesia bisa menarik para TKI dan staf kedutaan yang bekerja di 

Jika sampai hal ini terjadi, memang para TKI akan kehilangan pekerjaan, namun 
bukan berarti pemerintah Malaysia bisa tenang kalau sampai TKI ini ditarik. 
Bisa dipastikan, berbagai sektor pekerjaan di Malaysia akan terhambat karena 
ketiadaan tenaga kerja, katanya. 

Ia menambahkan banyaknya TKI yang bekerja di Malaysia juga karena kebutuhan 
negara tersebut.

Kalau mereka tidak butuh TKI kita, tentu tidak mungkin banyak warga kita yang 
bekerja di sana. Ini juga yang harus dipikirkan oleh pemerintah Malaysia, kata 

CiKEAS Hiring a maid getting costlier

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny;jsessionid=CCBF77C0179D8F36C12D13606194BD16?comment=submittedpostingId=117370

Hiring a maid getting costlier
By WALAA HAWARI | ARAB NEWS Hiring a maid getting costlier

Published: Aug 27, 2010 23:47 Updated: Aug 27, 2010 23:47 

Labor recruiters charging exorbitant amounts for providing domestic help

RIYADH: Despite rules set by the National Recruitment Committee, labor 
recruiters are still charging more than they should for domestic helpers.

The prices for maids are set by the committee based on nationality: SR6,000 for 
Indonesians and SR5,500 for Sri Lankans. Indonesians and Sri Lankans make up 80 
to 90 percent of legal domestic helpers and the different prices reflect 
differing wage requirements set by the governments of those countries.

These new, lower prices were set by the National Recruitment Committee to take 
effect next month after complaints were made that prices were too high: SR7,500 
for Indonesians and SR8,500 for Sri Lankans.

These costs are what the recruiters charge to provide a legal domestic servant, 
but they do not always include additional fees such as the administrative costs 
of acquiring the work visa.

But even as the new set prices are soon to take effect, the cost of hiring a 
domestic helper is higher than even the current set prices: as much as SR8,200 
for an Indonesian and SR9,000 for a Sri Lankan.

In additions to these costs and the worker's salary, employers of domestic help 
also provide a round-trip plane ticket every two years for home visits and 
cover the final-exit travel expenses at the end of the work contract.

According to National Recruitment Committee Director Saad Al-Badah, recruiting 
offices that do not abide by the new set prices will be subjected to losing 
their licenses to recruit labor.

However, these regulations mean nothing to the booming market for 
re-recruitment by labor brokers who acquire foreign maids locally who have been 
let go by their first employers and released to work elsewhere.

The peak season for re-recruiters is during Ramadan, when demand for temporary 
domestic help spikes as families become swamped with hungry visiting relatives 
and friends.

Al-Badah points out that re-recruiters are not legitimate businesses and 
therefore do not fall under his committee's jurisdiction.

Some offices who rely on help that has been released by their sponsors to work 
elsewhere are not authorized by the Ministry of Labor and are not our 
responsibility, said Al-Badah.

Ironically, the cost of hiring a foreign domestic servant locally is about the 
same as the cost of bringing in a worker from thousands of kilometers away.

Riyadh resident Najla said she was asking SR16,000 to release her driver and 
maid locally because after waiting four months for the couple to arrive she 
discovered the driver wasn't familiar with the city and didn't know the 
streets. When she complained to the local recruiter that she had specifically 
requested a driver who knew his way around Riyadh, the recruiter said he would 
take the couple back but would only reimburse her SR10,000.

I was not happy with this answer so I called the office myself claiming that I 
was looking for a couple, and to my surprise they told me they do have a couple 
for the price of SR21,000, she said.

Some sponsors have also created an illegal side business of renting out 
domestic helpers under their sponsorship, earning up to SR3,500 during the 
month of Ramadan.

In 2004 members of the Shoura Council petitioned to lower the cost of work 
visas and to establish a process by which families could legally hire temporary 
domestic helpers. Al-Badah said both proposals have languished since.

CiKEAS UN urges Iran to tackle racism

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny

UN urges Iran to tackle racism
An Iranian Shi'ite cleric delivers a sermon before a mass prayer ceremony 
during the month of Ramadan at a mosque in northern Tehran on Friday. United 
Nations officials have asked Iran to do more to address tackled racism. 


Published: Aug 27, 2010 23:39 Updated: Aug 28, 2010 01:07 

GENEVA: Iran should do more to protect its ethnic minorities such as Arabs, 
Kurds and Baluch, a United Nations human rights body said on Friday.

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), a group of 18 
independent rights experts, said Iran lacked data on the numbers of ethnic 
minorities despite a census in 2007, but the participation of such people in 
public life appeared to be lower than could be expected.

Several armed groups opposed to the government are active in Iran, mostly made 
up of ethnic Kurds in the northwest, Baluch in the southeast and Arabs in the 

The Committee expresses concern at the limited enjoyment of political, 
economic, social and cultural rights by... Arab, Azeri, Balochi, Kurdish 
communities and some communities of non-citizens, it said in a report on a 
regular review of Iran's compliance with a 1969 international treaty banning 

The Committee also found discrimination is rampant against Baha'is - a 
minority whose faith the Shiite govt considers a heretical offshoot of Islam - 
committee member Dilip Lahiri said.

It also urged Iran to continue its efforts to empower women and promote their 
rights, paying particular attention to women belonging to ethnic minorities.

Some tenets of Islamic Shariah disadvantage Iranian women, Lahiri said. On the 
other hand, in terms of their education and access to jobs, very remarkable 
progress has been made in Iran, he told a briefing.

The committee voiced concern at reports of a selection procedure for state 
officials and employees, known as gozinesh, requiring them to demonstrate 
allegiance to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the state religion, which could 
limit opportunities for ethnic and religious minorities.

It said that lack of complaints was not proof of the absence of racial 
discrimination, as victims may not have confidence in the police or judicial 
authorities to handle them.

It called on Iran to set up an independent national human rights institution 
and report back to it at the start of 2013 on how it was dealing with the 
concerns and recommendations.

CiKEAS Lack of 'moral courage' in Indonesia

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny

  Aug 28, 2010

Lack of 'moral courage' in Indonesia
By Gary LaMoshi

DENPASAR, Bali - Six years ago, academic Greg Barton understood why Indonesian 
moderates were reluctant to clash with the country's radical Islamist minority. 

Then, Barton contended that the public relations savvy of Muslim extremists 
combined with ambiguous election results, varied platforms of so-called Islamic 
parties, and political coalition-building made it difficult for moderates to 
challenge them effectively. With the objective data painting such a complex 
picture, is it any wonder that it has elicited such a confused response? the 
author of Indonesia's Struggle: Jemaah Islamiyah and the Soul of Islam he said. 
(See A mainstream embrace for extremism, Asia Times, December 11, 2004). 

Now, Barton has a simpler answer for the failure of Indonesia's leadership to 
confront radicals: a lack of moral courage that starts at the very top of the 

Herb Feith Research Professor for the study of Indonesia at Melbourne's Monash 
University, Barton's authorized biography of Indonesia's first post-reform 
president Abdurrahman Wahid won him notice beyond academic circles in Australia 
and Indonesia. His next book, Islam's Other Nation: Faith in a Democratic 
Indonesia, is due out next year. 

A former faculty member at the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific Center for Security 
Studies in Hawaii, where he remains an adjunct, Barton also currently serves as 
director of the Center for Islam and the Modern World and deputy United Nations 
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization chair in Interreligious and 
Intercultural Relations-Asia Pacific at Monash. His next project is to examine 
progressive Islam and social currents in Indonesia and another pivotal secular 
Muslim majority nation, Turkey. 

He spoke to Asia Times Online while visiting Indonesia as a member of the 
inaugural Presidential Friends of Indonesia study program that brought 
academics from 15 countries to Yogyakarta and Jakarta. Interview excerpts 

Asia Times Online: Since we last talked six years ago - to paraphrase your 
book's title - who's winning the struggle for the soul of Islam in Indonesia? 
Under President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, are things moving in a positive 
direction, negative direction, or sideways? 

Greg Barton: In general, things are moving in a positive direction. There's a 
moderate mainstream center that's holding. There's an equilibrium, but it's a 
dynamic equilibrium. We're going to see a constant state of contestation. 
There's going to be a struggle between groups to see who controls the middle. 

ATOL: What are signs to watch for indicating which side is winning? 

GB: If we saw progressive groups being inhibited, that would change the 

ATOL: What would indicate that progressives are being sidelined? 

GB: The anti-pornography law that was passed over objections from non-Muslims 
is one example. There's also a proposed anti-blasphemy law. In Pakistan, the 
anti-blasphemy law has been used in a pernicious, cynical fashion. These laws 
can be used to stir up a mass reaction. 

Indonesian activists look north at Malaysia, which has laws against conversion 
from Islam and apostasy. Malaysia has religious police going around during 
Ramadan enforcing the fast. It has religious courts that take precedence over 
civil courts for Muslims. That's the sort of thing that worries Indonesian 
moderates. Indonesia isn't going to become a Muslim state like Iran. 

ATOL: Is the trend toward Islamization growing in Indonesia? 

GB: If you look at the elections, PKS [Prosperous Justice Party] got 9% of the 
vote. The preeminent radical Muslim party hit a glass ceiling. When it comes to 
hard choices, people don't choose radicalism. 

However, a large portion of society is sympathetic toward some of the radicals' 
positions. A majority of Indonesian Muslims support banning Amadiyah [a 
breakaway Muslim sect]. Because of that support, the government is reluctant to 
crack down on FPI [the Islamic Defenders Front that uses violence against its 
targets in the name of Islam]. 

If the government had the moral courage to stand up to these guys, it wouldn't 
face a broad backlash, in my opinion. These groups have very limited support - 
less than 10%. 

ATOL: So why doesn't the government stand up to them? What is behind that 

GB: I believe it's a lack of moral courage. The president is a decent man, but 
not courageous politically. Also, his cabinet includes members of Islamic 
parties, and his governing coalition is dependent on PKS and it manages to 
wield its influence in disproportion to its numbers. If he [Yudhoyono] did 
speak up, he'd find society on his side. 

It's not just the president - police and local politicians are also reluctant 
to act against radicals. The problem is not unique to Indonesia. Look at the 
issue of gun control in the US. 

CiKEAS Chemical Ali Criticizes Iraqi Baathist Leadership from Beyond the Grave

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny

Chemical Ali Criticizes Iraqi Baathist Leadership from Beyond the Grave


By Saad Jarous

Damascus, Asharq Al-Awsat has obtained an audio message recorded by a man 
claiming to be Ali Hassan al-Majid - who was better known as Chemical Ali - 
addressed to his son, Hassan al-Majid. This message was recorded on 12/12/2009, 
less than two months before al-Majid's execution. In this recording, al-Majid, 
who in addition to being Saddam Hussein's first cousin, served as his Defense 
Minister, Interior Minister, and chief of the Iraqi Intelligence Services, 
criticized the Iraqi Baathist party leadership, describing it as being 
disastrous and also accused Iraqi leadership figures of being unqualified to 
being ruling leaders or members of the leadership. He also revealed that the 
vast majority of them [leadership figures] would lie to themselves, their 
party, their people, and their leader. He also described a number of Baathist 
leadership figures as being cowards, whether this was during their 
interrogations or trial.
The audio message begins with al-Majid addressing my son and companion Hassan 
al-Majid. He then went on to say on to say that personally, even if we can go 
back in time and the [Baathist] party returns, I would not return to work in 
the leadership of the party because it is a disastrous leadership.and I, 
comrade Hassan al-Majid, personally believe what I say, and I am not qualified 
to be a member of the disastrous leadership that I described. 

Mohamed al-Dulaimi, a senior member of the now outlawed Baathist party, said 
that he considered this recording to be the second awakening of consciousness 
made by a prominent member of Iraq's former leadership and [member of] the 
former Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council, Ali Hassan al-Majid. When asked 
about the first awakening of consciousness made by a former member of the Iraqi 
regime, al-Dulaimi said that this was the message by Taha Yassin Ramadan to 
Mohamed Younis al-Ahmed that was also previously published by Asharq Al-Awsat. 

In the recording attributed to Ali Hassan al-Majid, who was given the nickname 
Chemical Ali following the 1988 Halabja Poison Gas Attacks that he commanded, 
he says I was asked over the phone about what I said in front of Judge 
[Mohammed] al-Oraibi [al-Khalifa], the Judge of the Halabja trial, and what I 
said is recorded and it can be obtained from the court's archive of the trial, 
and the later hearing that was held to record the last words of those accused 
of the Halabja [Poison Gas Attack] case. On this recording, al-Majid denied 
that he and those who were tried with him were responsible for ordering the 
chemical attack on Halabja, saying I said that all of those present in the 
dock [with me] were not responsible for the attack on Halabja with chemical 
weapons or others, and that includes me personally. Even if we can go back in 
time and the [Baathist] party returns, I would not return to work in the 
leadership of the party because it is a disastrous leadership. This is what I 
said, and I personally, comrade [Ali] Hassan al-Majid, believe this. 

In the audio recording, al-Majid went on to say that following his experience 
with the Baathist leadership, he could say that there is a not insignificant 
group of them who are unqualified to being ruling leaders or members of the 
leadership. He also revealed that he did not have the opportunity to 
communicate with the [Baathist] party following the [US] occupation until today 
[date of the recording] and that he had no choice but to criticize this 
leadership which he himself was a member of. He also revealed that the vast 
majority of them [the Baathist leadership] would lie to themselves, their 
party, their people, and their leader and he described a not insubstantial 
number of them as being cowards whether this was during their interrogation 
or trial. 

Ali Hassan al-Majid, who was better known as Chemical Ali, was executed on 25 
January 2010 by hanging, after being convicted of genocide by the Supreme Iraqi 
Criminal Tribunal. 

Baathist senior member Mohamed al-Dulaimi revealed this document as part of an 
effort to unite the party through revealing facts and organizing in all 
transparency, nationalism, and affiliation. Al-Dulaimi added that the ultimate 
goal of Iraqi Baathists today is to leave the final choice to the people 
through the ballot box.under Arab supervision firstly, and international 
[supervision] secondly. He also called on the former Baathists to atone for 
their mistakes, be honest with the people, apologize for their mistakes, and 
return all the money they might have used their position to steal. He also 
called for the abolishment of the concept of Debaathification [i.e. the 
outlawing of the Baathist party]. 

CiKEAS 7-month-old baby has period

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny

7-month-old baby has period 

Yuanyuan and her father

A seven-month-old baby in China is believed to be the youngest to have started 

The baby - nicknamed Yuanyuan - from Changchun city in Jilin province, has 
already had her period twice since last month.

Her family has blamed it to the milk powder the girl has been consuming since 
her birth.

However, the authorities have already cleared the company, which was accused of 
producing products causing early puberty in babies.

Yuanyuan's mother found traces of blood on July 8, and the condition lasted for 
almost a week.

The baby's next 'period' came on Aug 13, and also lasted for about a week.

At that time, the contaminated milk powder issue was widely discussed. So I 
immediately stopped feeding her with the brand, said Yuanyuan's father.

He brought Yuanyuan to the hospital but doctors could not diagnose the actual 
cause for her condition.

A medical report showed that the baby's was healthy, except that her estrogen 
(sex hormone) level was slightly higher than a normal baby.

Yuanyuan's father said the medical check was conducted two weeks after they 
stopped feeding the baby with the milk.

The Jilin Health Department has arranged for Yuanyuan to undergo another health 
check at The First Hospital of Jilin University.
Source: City Evening News, China

Links: Milk powder did not cause breast growth
   Milk powder causes baby to develop breasts
   Toxic milk found (again)

CiKEAS Humanity must preserve itself in order to live for thousands of years

2010-08-28 Terurut Topik sunny

Havana.  August 27, 2010

Humanity must preserve itself in order to live for thousands of years

(Taken from CubaDebate)

Humanity must preserve itself in order to live for thousands of years, Fidel 
responded to Russian writer Daniel Estulin, author of the Bilderberg Club 
trilogy, who is visiting Havana. He stated that in relation to the visitor's 
belief that in order to solve many of its problems, humanity will have to 
emigrate to other planets. 

Fidel emphatically affirmed that however enthusiastic we might feel about 
survival in other spaces within the solar system, it is better for us not to 
lose what we have on Earth, because that is the only way not to lose everything 
that lies beyond this planet. 

With great difficulty, human beings have landed on the moon, an inhospitable 
satellite. Beyond that lie Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Venus and the other planets, 
which basically equate to dust clouds, incandescent ovens or ice. 

The conversation between the leader of the Revolution and the writer was a 
profound, fascinating dialogue that lasted more than 90 minutes, every one of 
which was of surprising intensity. 


The obligation of all human beings is to ensure the survival of the entire 
human race. The Bilderberg Club wants to exclusively ensure the survival of its 
own species, an authentic minority, affirmed Daniel Estulin after the formal 

You wrote very beautiful things about your grandfather, Fidel remarked. I 
loved my grandfather very much. He was a very special man. He was a well-known 
doctor, a surgeon, in Lithuania. My grandfather was from Crimea and during 
World War II, on just one day, the Nazis killed 11 of his siblings, as well as 
his mother, his father and his 104-year old grandfather. Imagine coming from a 
large family and the very next day, being left an orphan.

He lived through World War I, the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Civil War and 
World War II. At some point, in the chaos of the war, he lost track of his 
family. His wife and three children - aged eight, five and three years old - 
were captured by the Nazis, sent to a concentration camp and exterminated, he 

Estulin explained in detail to Fidel the history of his family, who emigrated 
to Canada in 1980 - it was there that he and his grandfather were reunited - of 
his pilgrimage through various countries of the world, and of his Sevillian 
wife. He has lived in Spain for the last 17 years. Although he was born in 
Lithuania, he is Russian, as is his mother tongue. 

The Comandante was impressed with how fluently Estulin spoke Spanish. I write 
in English for convenience, because most editors speak that language. My books 
have been published in more than 50 countries. I've been told that you read in 

In Spanish with difficulty. Fidel replied jokingly. But he does read many 
original English language texts translated into Spanish. One example he gave 
was Lincoln: A biography by U.S. writer Gore Vidal. It is incredible how one 
man can reconstruct the whole atmosphere of that time and compare it to what is 
happening today.


They're at war with Chávez because, against all odds, Venezuela is still one 
of the few countries in the world where there are no U.S. military bases. And 
they hate Cuba for the same reason: its independence. In Cuba, they cannot 
destroy the concept of 'nation-state', in my opinion the most important concept 
of the last 600 years, affirmed Estulin. 

You left out Ecuador, which had a base in Manta for 10 years and they 
succeeded in removing it. There are bases in many other countries. Within a 
matter of hours, they can place troops in any nation, Fidel observed. As if 
they were branches of McDonalds, said Estulin, ironically. 

With respect to direct bases, they have Guantánamo, they have the Malvinas.And 
in the other countries, they might seem not to have them but in reality they 
do. They engage in practices and exercises. They don't have any in Venezuela. 
Colombia is a country converted into a base. They have them in Honduras. They 
don't have them in Costa Rica but they do have 40 vessels there, included 
aircraft carriers, 'nobly' helping in the war on drugs. It's completely 
cynical. added Fidel. 

For Estulin, the upcoming elections in Venezuela are crucial. It is not a case 
of two ideologically exclusive tendencies facing each other at the polls. 
Sources linked to the U.S. State Department have confirmed that - after the 
demonizing of Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian process - there is a plan to 
install military bases in that country, which will not be possible with the 
sovereign and Latin Americanist policies of the Venezuelan leader. 

The conversation continued on this subject and the challenges facing the new 
National Assembly that will emerge from the elections on September 26, which 
will see the return 

CiKEAS Presiden: Lindungi Kelompok Minoritas (RALAT)

2010-08-27 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagus sekali presiden lindungi kelompok minoritas. Bagi yang  tidak 
tahu kelompok minoritas yang dimaksudkan itu yang mana saja, dapat 
diberitahukan bahwa kelompok minoritas yang dilindungi presiden  adalah FPI, 
MMI, JI, Laskar Jihad Sunnah Wal Jamaah, disamping kelompok-kelompok ini, tentu 
sekali juga koruptor kelas kakap dilindungi.  Ayo, ayo, mari ramai-ramai puji  
presiden seperti yang dijalankan oleh Bapak Ruhut kepada  presiden SBY agar 
tetap didukung kepercayaan rakyat.

Presiden: Lindungi Kelompok Minoritas
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010 | 23:02 WIB
JAKARTA, - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta seluruh warga 
negara untuk melindungi kelompok minoritas untuk membangun kehidupan berbangsa 
berdasar kerukunan antarumat beragama dan kerukunan sosial.

Mari kita lindungi dan ayomi kelompok- kelompok minoritas, baik dari segi 
keagamaan maupun identitas sosial lainnya. Mari kita bangun kehidupan berbangsa 
dan bernegara, yang dilandasi kokohnya kerukunan antarumat beragama, kata 
Presiden saat memberikan sambutan dalam peringatan Nuzulul Quran Tahun 1431 
Hijriyah di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Kamis (26/8/2010) malam.

Presiden Yudhoyono menegaskan, setiap individu di Indonesia memiliki 
kemerdekaan untuk menjalankan agama dan kepercayaan. Oleh karena itu, tidak 
boleh ada satu pihak yang memaksakan kehendak kepada pihak lain. Apalagi 
dengan cara kekerasan, kata Presiden.

Kepada seluruh warga negara, Presiden meminta kerja sama untuk menciptakan 
kehidupan keagamaan yang teduh dan damai, serta kehidupan keagamaan yang 
mengedepankan kebersamaan, daripada memperuncing perbedaan.

Untuk itu, Kepala Negara meminta semua warga negara untuk tidak selalu melihat 
atau mencari kesalahan pihak lain. Jika kita selalu melihat orang lain dari 
keburukannya, kapan kita melihat kebaikan orang itu, yang diri kita pun belum 
tentu punya, kata Presiden.


CiKEAS Presiden: Lindungi Kelompok Minoritas

2010-08-27 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagus sekali presiden lindungi kelompok minoritas. Bagi yang  tidak 
tahu kelompok minoritas yang dimaksudkan itu yang mana saja, dapat 
diberitahukan bahwa kelompok minoritas yang dilindungi presiden  adalah FPI, 
MMI, JI, Laskar Jihad Sunnah Wal Jamaah, disamping kelompok-kelompok ini, tentu 
sekali juga koruptor kelas kakap dilindungi.  Ayo, ayo, mari ramai-ramai puji  
dan presiden seperti yang dijalankan oleh Bapak Ruhut,  untuk  tetap dukung 
kepercayaan rakyat kepada presiden SBY.

Presiden: Lindungi Kelompok Minoritas
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010 | 23:02 WIB
JAKARTA, - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta seluruh warga 
negara untuk melindungi kelompok minoritas untuk membangun kehidupan berbangsa 
berdasar kerukunan antarumat beragama dan kerukunan sosial.

Mari kita lindungi dan ayomi kelompok- kelompok minoritas, baik dari segi 
keagamaan maupun identitas sosial lainnya. Mari kita bangun kehidupan berbangsa 
dan bernegara, yang dilandasi kokohnya kerukunan antarumat beragama, kata 
Presiden saat memberikan sambutan dalam peringatan Nuzulul Quran Tahun 1431 
Hijriyah di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Kamis (26/8/2010) malam.

Presiden Yudhoyono menegaskan, setiap individu di Indonesia memiliki 
kemerdekaan untuk menjalankan agama dan kepercayaan. Oleh karena itu, tidak 
boleh ada satu pihak yang memaksakan kehendak kepada pihak lain. Apalagi 
dengan cara kekerasan, kata Presiden.

Kepada seluruh warga negara, Presiden meminta kerja sama untuk menciptakan 
kehidupan keagamaan yang teduh dan damai, serta kehidupan keagamaan yang 
mengedepankan kebersamaan, daripada memperuncing perbedaan.

Untuk itu, Kepala Negara meminta semua warga negara untuk tidak selalu melihat 
atau mencari kesalahan pihak lain. Jika kita selalu melihat orang lain dari 
keburukannya, kapan kita melihat kebaikan orang itu, yang diri kita pun belum 
tentu punya, kata Presiden.


CiKEAS Nails removed from 'tortured' Sri Lankan maid

2010-08-27 Terurut Topik sunny

27 August 2010 Last updated at 10:18 GMT 

Nails removed from 'tortured' Sri Lankan maid
 Ms Ariyawathie (left) was deeply traumatised, doctors said 
Doctors have removed 13 nails and five needles from a Sri Lankan housemaid who 
said her employer in Saudi Arabia hammered them into her body.

LP Ariyawathie, 49, told staff at Kamburupitiya Hospital her employer inflicted 
the injuries as a punishment.

X-rays showed that there were 24 nails and needles in her body. Doctors said 
those remaining inside her body posed no immediate threat to her life.

The nails were up to 2in (5cm) long, a hospital official said.

The surgery is successful and she is recovering now, Dr Satharasinghe said, 
according to news agency Associated Press.

Ms Ariyawathie, a mother of three, underwent a three-hour procedure.

Doctors said they would carry out further surgery later to remove the remaining 

'Deeply traumatised' 
Ms Ariyawathie travelled to Saudi Arabia in March to become a housemaid.

 Doctors say this X-ray shows nails embedded in the housemaid's hand 
Last week, she flew back to Sri Lanka and was admitted to hospital in the south 
of the island, where she told doctors she had undergone abuse for more than a 

The doctors found 24 metal pieces in her legs and hands. 

She could not sit down or walk properly, doctors said.

They said Ms Ariyawathie was deeply traumatised and unable to give full details 
of her experience.

Meanwhile, Sri Lankan authorities have launched an investigation. 

We have launched a strong protest with the Saudi government through the 
external affairs minister, but there has been no response yet, Kingsley 
Ranawaka, chairman of Bureau for Foreign Employment, told the BBC. 

Around 1.8 million Sri Lankans are employed abroad, 70% of whom are women.

Most work as housemaids in the Middle East, while smaller numbers work in 
Singapore and Hong Kong.

CiKEAS Menhan: Jangan Remehkan Kekuatan Indonesia

2010-08-27 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Alangkah hebat dan indah lelucon badut rezim SBY ini.


Menhan: Jangan Remehkan Kekuatan Indonesia
Antara - Sabtu, 28 Agustus

 Menhan: Jangan Remehkan Kekuatan Indonesia 
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro menegaskan, jangan 
remehkan kekuatan militer dan non militer Indonesia menghadapi berbagai ancaman 
terutama terhadap Malaysia.

Kekuatan kita tidak ada masalah. Kita siap. Apalagi Pasukan Reaksi Cepat kita 
siap untuk ditempatkan (deploy) jika perlu, katanya, usai menghadiri buka 
bersama jajaran kementerian politik, hukum, dan HAM di Jakarta, Jumat.

Apalagi, Indonesia memiliki batalyon tempur yang banyak (terutama TNI Angkatan 
Darat) dan handal yang siap digerakkan setiap saat. Batalyon tempur kita 
terbaik di ASEAN, kata Purnomo.

Kita juga punya sumber daya manusia yang banyak. Jadi, dari sisi kesiapan, 
kekuatan, dan gelar, tidak ada masalah sama sekali. Jadi jangan `under 
estimate` dengan kekuatan kita, ujarnya.

Menhan menambahkan, kesiapan, kekuatan dan gelar tersebut meliputi kekuatan 
darat, laut dan udara.

Sebelumnya, Purnomo menyatakan Indonesia juga siap menghadapi Malaysia di meja 

Kita memiliki data dan fakta yang kuat tentang titik wilayah kita baik darat 
maupun laut yang berbatasan dengan Malaysia, ungkapnya.

Hubungan Indonesia-Malaysia kembali menghangat pasca penangkapan tiga petugas 
Kementerian Laut dan Perikanan oleh aparat Malaysia, saat bertugas di Tanjung 
Berakit, Indonesia.

Namun, akhirnya kedua pihak sepakat kembali merundingkan persoalan perbatasan 
kedua negara di Kinabalu, Malaysia pada 6 September mendatang.

CiKEAS Palm Oil Industry Hoping for World Bank Funding

2010-08-27 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagus, bagus, silahkan pinjam duit supaya  hutan menjadi lebih kecil 
lagi dan hutang bertambah banyak.

Palm Oil Industry Hoping for World Bank Funding
Eny Wulandari | August 27, 2010

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Although the Indonesian Palm Oil Association said it was confident 
environmental issues would not keep the World Bank from resuming its financing 
of the industry, senior government officials said producers could continue to 
rely on commercial loans if the funding fell through. 

Fadhil Hasan, head of the association, also known as Gapki, said on Friday that 
he expected local palm oil firms to qualify for World Bank funds even if they 
failed to meet the International Finance Corporation's sustainable environment 

Fadhil said Gapki planned to address the issue during a World Bank strategy 
forum on palm oil financing in Frankfurt on Tuesday and Wednesday. Indonesia 
will also be represented by deputy trade and agriculture ministers, as well as 
industry representatives. 

The IFC, a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and the World Bank 
Group, stopped financing palm oil firms in September over environmental 

It said funding would only resume after it introduced comprehensive verifiable 
sustainability regulations. Last month, the IFC released a draft framework for 
re-engagement in palm oil financing. 

The financing suspension followed accusations from environmental groups that 
Indonesian palm oil producers, especially Sinar Mas, were engaged in widespread 
deforestation - a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and global 

Indonesian palm oil firms claim Greenpeace, which receives financing from the 
European Commission, is waging a smear campaign against them to help European 
producers of alternative edible oils such as rapeseed. 

An independent audit of the deforestation allegations against Sinar Mas this 
month answered few questions definitively, and both Sinar Mas and Greepeace 
claimed victory. 

Deputy Trade Minister Mahendra Siregar said on Thursday that he expected the 
Frankfurt meeting to focus not only on environmental issues, but also on the 
palm oil sector's contribution to public welfare and the economy. 

The sector directly employs an estimated three million people. 

Mahendra said the nation would not focus on seeking financing during the 
meeting because most of the country's big palm oil companies have been able to 
obtain funding from banks. 

He suggested that the IFC help improve the welfare of small-scale palm oil 

If we receive funding, we will channel it to the small-scale palm oil 
industry, which accounts for 45 percent of the total sector in the country, he 

Palm oil is one of Indonesia's leading exports. The crude palm oil sector grew 
by 16.2 percent in the first half of this year, with exports valued at $5.71 

For 2009, total exports amounted to $10.37 billion. China, India and Malaysia 
are the primary customers overseas. 

Additional reporting by Antara, Reuters 
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CiKEAS Archaeologists find new clues why the Maya left

2010-08-26 Terurut Topik sunny


Archaeologists find new clues why the Maya left
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY

YUCATAN, Mexico- Bird calls ring from the forest, echoing amid the crumbling 
ruins whose darkened doorways have long beckoned explorers and scholars.
The Maya ancients who built the ruins of Kiuic (kee-week) here fled those 
doorways in a hurry, an international archaeology team now realizes. Left 
behind may be frozen-in-time clues to the fabled collapse of their civilization.

Why did they leave? That's the question, says archaeologist George Bey of 
Millsaps College in Jackson, Miss. The ancient Maya fled Kiuic, nestled in the 
Puuc (pook) foothills of the Yucatan, around 880. Things were going full-bore, 
construction was underway. And things stopped, Bey says.

LIVE CHAT: Prof. George Bey takes your questions at 4 p.m. ET
Archaeologists have explored Kiuic's ruins for more than a century, but working 
since 2000, Bey and colleagues are now reporting the first evidence of this 
rapid abandonment. USA TODAY was invited to the site to see what has been 
uncovered in the latest excavations.

The classic Maya peopled the lowland forests of Central America during 
Europe's Dark Ages, building a civilization of pyramids, palaces and 
slash-and-burn milpa farms made by burning trees and planting seeds in the 
ash. Maya rulers oversaw city-states that warred with one another, created 
elaborate calendars and lasted centuries. The abandonment of those 
monument-strewn centers stands as one of archaeology's most-debated mysteries. 
The collapse was underway in modern-day Guatemala by 800, but didn't take 
place at Kiuic until almost a century later.

Preserved almost like Pompeii 

Farther north, at centers such as Mayapan, pyramids and temples stayed in 
business until the arrival of Spain's conquistadors in the 1500s. The Maya 
people themselves remained, of course, with millions living today in Central 
America, from modern-day El Salvador to Mexico.

Scholars are entranced with the ruins at Kiuic that still bear the last traces 
of their owners' flight, a Maya version of Pompeii, the entombed town of Roman 
archaeological fame. Overlooked and overgrown for more than a millennium, a 
variety of clues now beg for interpretation:

. Walls, perfectly laid out with corner and vault stones, lying flat on the 
ground and waiting to be erected atop the second floor of a palace.

. A half-finished plaza, one side stuccoed and completed, the other composed of 
bowling-ball-sized stones.

. Pots and grinding stones left neatly in homes, awaiting their owners' return.

At Kiuic, the evidence for rapid abandonment now appears more compelling, 
says archaeologist Takeshi Inomata of the University of Arizona-Tucson, who 
heads efforts to investigate the Maya settlement of Aguateca in Guatemala, a 
site suddenly abandoned in 830 during warfare. It is a very important 

Pumas roam the forest lining the overgrown trail leading out of Kiuic. Stones 
crumble underfoot on the tree-bedecked hillside, threatening to tumble visitors 
to the forest floor. Once a stair built of the stones, the Escalero al Cielo 
(Stairway to Heaven) leads to ruins of a temple courtyard and many homes that 
await 200 feet above.

The climb kept away looters, and also sometimes older archaeologists, says 
Tomás Gallareta Negrón of Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and 
History, a co-director of the site with Bey and William Ringle of Davidson 
(N.C.) College. Gallareta Negrón has pioneered efforts to turn the site into a 
nature reserve and education center.

Kiuic has been visited by archaeologists since at least 1841, when John Lloyd 
Stephens, the so-called American Traveler, recorded the site for his Incidents 
of Travel in Yucatan, a best seller of the pre-Civil War era. Some of the ruins 
he noted at that time still stood there this summer, such as the 
three-story-tall Yaxché pyramid and Kuche palaces.

But the Stairway to Heaven homes high above the site now attract as much, or 
more, attention from the archaeologists. During excavations last year, 
archaeologists found pottery and stone tools left in place inside homes, 
including a wealthy farmer's kitchen room perched on the edge of the hill. Corn 
grinding stones called metates still rest on their sides next to doorways, at 
the ready for preparing another meal.

In June, excavations revealed more pottery left neatly under another collapsed 
roof in the farmer's home. And under the floor of the main room, researchers 
found the site of a double burial. We think these are ancestors of some kind, 
a burial arrangement in line with the practices of the ancient Maya, says 
archaeologist Stephanie Simms of Boston University. They certainly merited 
special treatment, she says, buried with jade beads and elaborate stone tools.

The owners never returned, Simms says. People left the hill in haste, they 

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