[FairfieldLife] Organic Farmers Fight Monsanto

2013-12-22 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread cardemaister
Anyone got problems with Norton Internet Security?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Anyone got problems with Norton Internet Security?

Other than the fact that it's from Norton, you mean?


[FairfieldLife] Revolution and the Art of Living, ! Radical Peace Now !

2013-12-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Deploying Radical Peace, Maharishi 1967:
 Look this ain't just some theory or theology of peace.  This is practical 
science that should be public policy everywhere today.  This is peace-activism 
as direct-action; disciplined practicum as mediation and practical in the 
world. Deeply spiritual and scientific at the same time. Only ignorant 
science-haters can deny the facts of peace-making now. It is time to deploy 
peace-making mediation meditation all around the world.

 The updated mediation meditation of Love is here now. Love is downloading even 
as you read this if you are open to reading and then transmitting Love beyond. 
There has been long ago that old humankind testament in covenant of causality 
with the Unified Field and then updated with the Jesus testament of love and 
also the vector of Compassion the Buddha has taught.   

  It is quite time to download, update and install the New Love now, the Love 
vector of the Unified Field as a mediation of meditation in of the age of 
science now. All we are saying is give peace a chance, it is time for the new 
Love of mediation meditation with others. Love thy neighbor, it is time for 
group meditation as mediation in the world,
 -Buck in the Dome 

 Misery in the East China Sea, what could any of us do to regenerate 
spirituality there in that part of the world? Download and send the vector of 
Love.. as a field effect of love coherence for the planet and its people. Love 
thy neighbor in mediation of meditation. Demonstrated now by even the evidence 
of science, clearly by mediation of meditation any of us could help 
individually and any could redouble their influence by joining with a group 
nearby in meditation of mediation. The old teaching is updated. One need only 
have the intent, attend to it in heart and sit with it in consciousness. This 
is the simple teaching that Nader Ram now comes with as modern scientific talks 
about Ved and physiology. This is about the modern revolution of 'Love Thy 
Neighbor'. The world can not afford to have old meditators by themselves 
sitting this one out in the cold. This was Maharishi's scientific revelation to 
the modern world, the modern update of George Fox, Francke, Spener, Emerson, 
Jesus and all great transcendentalists through time.  It is time for the 
revolution of Love, the modern update to take the place of the old love.   It 
is certainly time to come to meditation for everyone but especially now for 
those who know better.
 In Love it is time to march together to the Domes to meditate
 and send an update of Love as a truly yahoo kind of kindness by wireless 
spiritual ethernet
 of the human heart to these places and these people on the earth who suffer so 
in the hand of their unkindness,
 -Buck in the Dome  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WLeed3@... wrote:


 In a message dated 12/15/13 20:06:14 Eastern Standard Time, Buck... writes:
 It certainly is time to update Love on the planet. It is time to mediate the 

 Is Buck the only peace-activist on FFL? 
 Has anyone else here read the absolute theory of Peace?
 Had no experience with it?
 -Buck in the Dome  

 (French: procédure d'approbation tacite; Latin: qui tacet consentire videtur, 
he who is silent is taken to agree, silence implies/means consent) 

 A textbook on diplomacy describes the silence procedure thus:
 ... a proposal with strong support is deemed to have been agreed unless any 
member raises an objection to it before a precise deadline: silence signifies 
assent – or, at least,acquiescence. This procedure relies on a member in a 
minority fearing that raising an objection will expose it to the charge of 
obstructiveness and, thereby, the perils of isolation. Silence procedure is 
employed by NATO, the OSCE, in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security 
Policy of the European Union (EU) and, no doubt, in numerous other 
international bodies.[3] ..and otherwise implies, chickenshits? 

 All we are saying is “give peace a chance”. 

 Like hey, are there no other real peace-activists besides Buck on this FFL 
forum here? Not even a shout-out here 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread Share Long
Ann, my posts might not currently be up to Bob's level, but imo they're well 
above your sly put downs and demeaning nicknames. I say currently because again 
imo I had a pretty good run of those kind of philosophical exchanges with RWC. 
It's a buffet here at FFL and I enjoy the variety. Now, quoting you to 
yourself, why don't you see if you can transcend YOUR prejudices yada yada...

Ann had written to feste:Can you possibly assert that wishing people a happy 
new year and 
thanking them for posting about quinoa salads is more rewarding? See if 
you can transcend your prejudices and start fresh with every new post 
that appears here so that you might actually learn and gain something. 

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:20 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com 
awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

I don't think your little put-downs have any credibility on this forum, auth. 
People know who you are and what you do. You are just making an exhibition of 
your own obsessions and weirdness. 

But you are giving her credibility Feste, because you keep responding like 
this. Judy is a force of nature just like Barry is an aberration. You let her 
bother you and you seem so very powerless to make a difference. Are you more 
powerful in your real life - in the life you lead where you walk and talk and 
pick up things and feel gravity? Did you see that conversation about music 
and art and religion/non-religion between Bob and Judy? Can you not appreciate 
and respect that kind of intelligence, Feste? I mean, that was really worth 
reading and the kind of clever brain power and just the weight of having lived 
a life was behind what they were postulating and working out in that 
conversation and it was very, very fun to see. Can you possibly assert that 
wishing people a happy new year and thanking them for posting about quinoa 
salads is more rewarding? See if you can transcend your prejudices and start 
fresh with every new post that appears here so
 that you might actually learn and gain something. 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

From five to seven? No, it doesn't take me very long, actually.

OK, I've proved to my own satisfaction that you don't have the integrity to 
acknowledge having been wrong, even about something as trivial as this. Always 
disappointing, but in your case, I'm afraid, not at all surprising.

Feste struggled:

 You are so silly, auth.  Do you spend your entire life counting?

I rest my case on my previous posts on this topic. 

Which have been shown to be wrong. Case closed.  

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.
—By Kevin Drum Thu Dec. 19, 2013 11:53 AM GMT

I. Am. Not. A. Guest. A guest is someone I invite into my home and ply with 
free food and drink. Because, you know, they're my guest. Target doesn't do 
that. They sell me stuff. I pay for it. (Probably with cash from now on.) I 
can complain about poor service. I can return stuff I don't like. I can 
choose what I want to buy and what I don't. That makes me a customer. Not. 
A. Guest.


As I believe I mentioned earlier, Drum is a widely read and highly respected 
political blogger. Sorry, Feste, but if he is so insistent about using the 
period-after-every-word convention for extra emphasis, it has to be 
considered standard, at least for blogs. You may not like it, and that's 
fine, but you can't pretend it's some bizarre anomaly (or that I made it up, 
as Barry claimed).

[FairfieldLife] Lithuanian!

2013-12-22 Thread cardemaister

 eighth avatar of Vishnu, 1875, from Sanskrit krshnah, literally the Black 
One, from PIE *kers-no-, suffixed form of root *kers- dark, dirty (cf. Old 
Church Slavonic crunu, Russian coron, Serbo-Croatian crn, Czech cerny, Old 
Prussian krisnas black, Lithuanian kersas black and white, variegated).

 See, how Lithuanian has preserved the originala PIE root!  

[FairfieldLife] RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism

2013-12-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Jakob Spener (1635-1705)
 Spener as the Quietist
 (Heartfelt Longing for a God Pleasing
 Convalescence) In this work Spener laments the material distress of
 the age — plagues, hunger and war — but he is even more concerned
 with the spiritual misery that exists within the church. Our poor
 churches. he writes, and then accuses the clergy of formalistic
 ceremonialism and arrogance. If a tree has faded leaves, he writes,
 you know there is lack at the root.
 August Hermann Francke (1663-1727)
 Francke was concerned with propagating a personal piety
 the inspiration that had given the world the bible,
 continued to reveal itself through individuals, a belief much like the
 acceptance of the Werkzeuge (instruments of God) of the Amanas.
 Francke never lost his tolerance for people who had not undergone a
 similar experience as he had.

 Francke saw the poverty and the need around him and began an
 engagement in religious oriented social work at Halle, which in scale
 and effectiveness drew attention to it from all parts of Germany.15 In
 1694 he began a program of feeding the destitute. It was so successful
 that donations came in and Francke opened an orphanage in 1695. In
 1698 he started a work-food program for students. Orphans and needy
 students, in return for work could earn room and board and also get an
 education at Francke's preparatory schools on location. By 1700,
 thousands of boys and girls, as well as older students, worked and
 attended school at Halle.
 [ European spiritual Ashram Village as intentional community...]
 In order not to have to depend on donations Francke organized
 economic enterprises that paid for the extensive social program and also
 provided the necessary economic base for the building program that
 included schools, dormitories and orphanages. Though Francke retained
 control over them, they functioned as a Stiftung (Foundation).
 The operation of the Stiftung, including government and administration, was
 paternal-democratic and not unlike that of the German communal
 societies in this country. Among the enterprises Francke organized were:
 a publishing house, a hospital, diverse farm operations, including
 vineyards and orchards.
 Built outside the city limits of Halle, Francke's ambitious and
 successful operations not only attracted attention, but also drew some
 criticism by former donors who felt that poor people and orphans had no
 business to live in what seemed luxurious surroundings. A description of
 the setting provides some insight into the care and planning that went
 into Francke's projects:
 . . .gardens, meadows and lawns provided the occupants of the
 dormitories with space for recreational walks and play. The
 rooms in the buildings had high ceilings and ample window
 space. They were built so that fresh air, light and sun could
 come in morning, noon, and evening.
 Great emphasis was placed on the health and sanitary habits of the
 young. The educational program encompassed the liberal arts,
 industrial training and professional preparation, religion, and the
 practical training in communal responsibility and harmony. Francke's
 work was well known to such men as Rapp and Keil. Not only did the
 writings of Spener and Francke, the founders of German Pietism, serve
 as spiritual sustenance to them, but the Halle enterprises were models
 in the successful operation of communal undertakings.

 Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769)
 Described as a quietistic
 Pietist Tersteegen said of his own writing that its purpose was to
 awaken, to revive, to strengthen a secret life in Christ. This
 introspective approach to Christian living struck a responsive chord

 Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) 
 was directly involved
 with the founding of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
 Like the leaders of the German communal societies Zinzendorf had an
 implicit faith in God and himself. He died with these words: I have
 submitted to the will of my Lord, and He is satisfied with me.
 The picture of Zinzendorf presented here does not do justice to the
 man. There can be no question of Zinzendorf's altruism and religious
 zeal and devotion. But he never forgot, and did not let others forget, his
 high station in life. In many ways this also held true for men like Rapp,
 Baeumeler and Keil, who retained firm leadership of their respective
 groups to the end of their lives. Their position in the community, their
 lifestyle, and their process of decision-making was in marked contrast to
 that of the Hutterian leaders.

 Johann Heinrich Jung (1740-1817),
 better known as Jung-Stilling.
 The word Stilling comes from the
 (Biblical) stille, meaning quiet. 
 Jung-Stilling on one occasion listed his favorite Scriptural passages.
 These account not only for his name but also for his popularity among
 Pietists generally and communalists in particular. The passages are:
 And that ye study to be be quiet (in 

[FairfieldLife] Please, help me!

2013-12-22 Thread cardemaister

 Can't figger out what Jimi does at 0:38. Some kind of very fast glissando??



Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread doctordumbass
A week ago - rinse, and repeat.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Please, help me!

2013-12-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dr. John Hagelin would do really well for our public image to adopt the first 
35 seconds of that guitar music as part of a sound-scape in meetings where he 
is coming to the podium.  That guitar lick, or the guitar cords from 
Volunteers at Woodstock.  OMG!   Crossing over from world-reknowned scientist 
and professor he also should present for us the revolution.   That kind of 
guitar should lead our vanguard.   If there is a break time in any meeting the 
sound-bite looping of Lennon's All we are saying is, Give Peace a Chance  
should come up as sound.  Give Peace a Chance should be the recessional of 
any TM meeting closing that he is in.  
 It is time to own being peace-revolutionaries,
 -Buck in the Dome   

[FairfieldLife] The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-22 Thread cardemaister

Ya banee isra-eela othkurooniAAmatiya allatee anAAamtu AAalaykum waawfoo 
biAAahdee oofibiAAahdikum wa-iyyaya farhaboon
Sahih International
O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and 
fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and 
be afraid of [only] Me.
Muhsin Khan
O Children of Israel! Remember My Favour which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill 
(your obligations to) My Covenant (with you) so that I fulfill (My Obligations 
to) your covenant (with Me), and fear none but Me. 
O Children of Israel! Remember My favour wherewith I favoured you, and fulfil 
your (part of the) covenant, I shall fulfil My (part of the) covenant, and fear 
Yusuf Ali
O Children of Israel! call to mind the (special) favour which I bestowed upon 
you, and fulfil your covenant with Me as I fulfil My Covenant with you, and 
fear none but Me.
O children of Israel! call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and be 
faithful to (your) covenant with Me, I will fulfill (My) covenant with you; and 
of Me, Me alone, should you be afraid.
Dr. Ghali
O Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) remember My favor wherewith I favored you, and 
fulfil My covenant (and) I will fulfil your covenant, and do have awe of Me 

[FairfieldLife] A Vist From Saint Spirituality

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

T'was the night before Christmas, and all 'cross the forum
Today no one fell for it when Bots tried to gore 'em
Their Bot support stockings full of nothing but fat
Their heads full of fantasies of 'being all that'
For once all ignored them, and it all fell quite flat
As people avoided their endless tit for tat

Some posters snuggled up with their significant others
Some just meditated, if that was their druthers
A few posted fun things, as if free from strife
Some preferred to stay silent, and just enjoyed life
The taunting continued but the response was stillness
As if lives were so full there was no room for illness

The place was so quiet and so free of fray
It attracted a guy who'd long been away
Saint Spirit long ago gave up on this chatroom
Ashamed and embarrassed to be part of 'that room'
He'd put up with the flaming and the never-ending din
But in the long run even his patience grew thin
What's the point of Spirit in a room full of noise
Better leave all these egos to play with their toys

But today as he passed by the source of this clamor
He heard a sound that sounded almost like amour
It was silence and stillness, not the sounds of bickering
And the sound touched his heart, and set it to tickering
The Bots must have left, and left room for Spirit
He thought to himself, astonished to hear it

But what he found here astonished him more
The Bots were still there, but perceived as a bore
They still did their best to argue and natter
But people had realized what they said didn't matter
No one cared any more when they called for a battle
Perceiving it rightly as ego's death rattle

What a relief! the Saint said with a chuckle,
They've finally learned to say 'What the fuckle'
How can Spirit exist in a near-constant din
Of egos and selves, all shouting 'I win?'
He grooved on the silence, had some milk and a cookie
Then headed back home to to get him some nookie
But as he climbed to his sleigh, we all heard him chime
Happy Spirituality to all, and it's 'bout fuckin' time.

[FairfieldLife] Radical Transcendentalism, Revolution and the Art of Living, ! Radical Peace Now !

2013-12-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Radical Transcendentalism,  It is time to own being peace-revolutionaries; it 
is quite time to own being Maharishi's TM revolutionary peace-activists.
-Buck in the Dome 
 Deploying Radical Peace, Maharishi 1967:
 Look this ain't just some theory or theology of peace.  This is practical 
science that should be public policy everywhere today.  This is peace-activism 
as direct-action; disciplined practicum as mediation and practical in the 
world. Deeply spiritual and scientific at the same time. Only ignorant 
science-haters can deny the facts of peace-making now. It is time to deploy 
peace-making mediation meditation all around the world.

 The updated mediation meditation of Love is here now. Love is downloading even 
as you read this if you are open to reading and then transmitting Love beyond. 
There has been long ago that old humankind testament in covenant of causality 
with the Unified Field and then updated with the Jesus testament of love and 
also the vector of Compassion the Buddha has taught.   

  It is quite time to download, update and install the New Love now, the Love 
vector of the Unified Field as a mediation of meditation in of the age of 
science now. All we are saying is give peace a chance, it is time for the new 
Love of mediation meditation with others. Love thy neighbor, it is time for 
group meditation as mediation in the world,
 -Buck in the Dome 

 Misery in the East China Sea, what could any of us do to regenerate 
spirituality there in that part of the world? Download and send the vector of 
Love.. as a field effect of love coherence for the planet and its people. Love 
thy neighbor in mediation of meditation. Demonstrated now by even the evidence 
of science, clearly by mediation of meditation any of us could help 
individually and any could redouble their influence by joining with a group 
nearby in meditation of mediation. The old teaching is updated. One need only 
have the intent, attend to it in heart and sit with it in consciousness. This 
is the simple teaching that Nader Ram now comes with as modern scientific talks 
about Ved and physiology. This is about the modern revolution of 'Love Thy 
Neighbor'. The world can not afford to have old meditators by themselves 
sitting this one out in the cold. This was Maharishi's scientific revelation to 
the modern world, the modern update of George Fox, Francke, Spener, Emerson, 
Jesus and all great transcendentalists through time.  It is time for the 
revolution of Love, the modern update to take the place of the old love.   It 
is certainly time to come to meditation for everyone but especially now for 
those who know better.
 In Love it is time to march together to the Domes to meditate
 and send an update of Love as a truly yahoo kind of kindness by wireless 
spiritual ethernet
 of the human heart to these places and these people on the earth who suffer so 
in the hand of their unkindness,
 -Buck in the Dome  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WLeed3@... wrote:


 In a message dated 12/15/13 20:06:14 Eastern Standard Time, Buck... writes:
 It certainly is time to update Love on the planet. It is time to mediate the 

 Is Buck the only peace-activist on FFL? 
 Has anyone else here read the absolute theory of Peace?
 Had no experience with it?
 -Buck in the Dome  

 (French: procédure d'approbation tacite; Latin: qui tacet consentire videtur, 
he who is silent is taken to agree, silence implies/means consent) 

 A textbook on diplomacy describes the silence procedure thus:
 ... a proposal with strong support is deemed to have been agreed unless any 
member raises an objection to it before a precise deadline: silence signifies 
assent – or, at least,acquiescence. This procedure relies on a member in a 
minority fearing that raising an objection will expose it to the charge of 
obstructiveness and, thereby, the perils of isolation. Silence procedure is 
employed by NATO, the OSCE, in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security 
Policy of the European Union (EU) and, no doubt, in numerous other 
international bodies.[3] ..and otherwise implies, chickenshits? 

 All we are saying is “give peace a chance”. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, my posts might not currently be up to Bob's level, but imo they're well 
above your sly put downs and demeaning nicknames. I say currently because again 
imo I had a pretty good run of those kind of philosophical exchanges with RWC. 
It's a buffet here at FFL and I enjoy the variety. Now, quoting you to 
yourself, why don't you see if you can transcend YOUR prejudices yada yada...

 I have Share and when I see a post that wows me or that I appreciate for its 
interesting or revelatory quality I say so. I have commented positively about 
those kinds of posts from every member here including yourself. And too bad RWC 
is no longer here so that you could continue your philosophical exchanges but 
you certainly didn't encourage him to stick around very much, did you? And now 
you encourage the very poster who slams others regularly and floods this place 
with stupid, repetitive nitpicking and pettiness but because he doesn't aim it 
at you, you support him and tell him how kind and wonderful he is - the poster 
of the year no less. You are a hypocrite Share and a self-centered one at that. 
There is absolutely nothing sly about me. Everything I say and think is right 
out there in capitals and bolded. You haven't seen sly from me because that 
is not who I am. If I don't like something you'll hear me say it and you'll 
know why. Texas Ricky can take the nicknames - he dishes out more than his 
share daily to all sorts of people here. How did you like his harassment of MJ 
when Michael first appeared here? Give me a break, Share, your standards, if 
they exist at all, are inconsistent and double.

Ann had written to feste: Can you possibly assert that wishing people a happy 
new year and thanking them for posting about quinoa salads is more rewarding? 
See if you can transcend your prejudices and start fresh with every new post 
that appears here so that you might actually learn and gain something. 

 On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:20 AM, awoelflebater@... awoelflebater@... 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I don't think your little put-downs have any credibility on this forum, auth. 
People know who you are and what you do. You are just making an exhibition of 
your own obsessions and weirdness. 


 But you are giving her credibility Feste, because you keep responding like 
this. Judy is a force of nature just like Barry is an aberration. You let her 
bother you and you seem so very powerless to make a difference. Are you more 
powerful in your real life - in the life you lead where you walk and talk and 
pick up things and feel gravity? Did you see that conversation about music 
and art and religion/non-religion between Bob and Judy? Can you not appreciate 
and respect that kind of intelligence, Feste? I mean, that was really worth 
reading and the kind of clever brain power and just the weight of having lived 
a life was behind what they were postulating and working out in that 
conversation and it was very, very fun to see. Can you possibly assert that 
wishing people a happy new year and thanking them for posting about quinoa 
salads is more rewarding? See if you can transcend your prejudices and start 
fresh with every new post that appears here so that you might actually learn 
and gain something. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 From five to seven? No, it doesn't take me very long, actually.

 OK, I've proved to my own satisfaction that you don't have the integrity to 
acknowledge having been wrong, even about something as trivial as this. Always 
disappointing, but in your case, I'm afraid, not at all surprising.
Feste struggled:

  You are so silly, auth.  Do you spend your entire life counting?

I rest my case on my previous posts on this topic. 

 Which have been shown to be wrong. Case closed.  



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.
 —By Kevin Drum Thu Dec. 19, 2013 11:53 AM GMT

 I. Am. Not. A. Guest. A guest is someone I invite into my home and ply with 
free food and drink. Because, you know, they're my guest. Target doesn't do 
that. They sell me stuff. I pay for it. (Probably with cash from now on.) I can 
complain about poor service. I can return stuff I don't like. I can choose what 
I want to buy and what I don't. That makes me a customer. Not. A. Guest.



 As I believe I mentioned earlier, Drum is a widely read and highly respected 
political blogger. Sorry, Feste, but if he is so insistent about using the 
period-after-every-word convention for extra emphasis, it has to be considered 
standard, at least for blogs. You may not like it, and that's fine, but you 
can't pretend it's 

[FairfieldLife] RE: A Vist From Saint Spirituality

2013-12-22 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

 Apologies aren't enough...

T'was the night before Christmas, and all 'cross the forum
Today no one fell for it when Bots tried to gore 'em
Their Bot support stockings full of nothing but fat
Their heads full of fantasies of 'being all that'
For once all ignored them, and it all fell quite flat
As people avoided their endless tit for tat

Some posters snuggled up with their significant others
Some just meditated, if that was their druthers
A few posted fun things, as if free from strife
Some preferred to stay silent, and just enjoyed life
The taunting continued but the response was stillness
As if lives were so full there was no room for illness

The place was so quiet and so free of fray
It attracted a guy who'd long been away
Saint Spirit long ago gave up on this chatroom
Ashamed and embarrassed to be part of 'that room'
He'd put up with the flaming and the never-ending din
But in the long run even his patience grew thin
What's the point of Spirit in a room full of noise
Better leave all these egos to play with their toys

But today as he passed by the source of this clamor
He heard a sound that sounded almost like amour
It was silence and stillness, not the sounds of bickering
And the sound touched his heart, and set it to tickering
The Bots must have left, and left room for Spirit
He thought to himself, astonished to hear it

But what he found here astonished him more
The Bots were still there, but perceived as a bore
They still did their best to argue and natter
But people had realized what they said didn't matter
No one cared any more when they called for a battle
Perceiving it rightly as ego's death rattle

What a relief! the Saint said with a chuckle,
They've finally learned to say 'What the fuckle'
How can Spirit exist in a near-constant din
Of egos and selves, all shouting 'I win?'
He grooved on the silence, had some milk and a cookie
Then headed back home to to get him some nookie
But as he climbed to his sleigh, we all heard him chime
Happy Spirituality to all, and it's 'bout fuckin' time. 


[FairfieldLife] Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread j_alexander_stanley
Turns out, you'd need to live in Chile or Argentina.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread awoelflebater
This is pretty cool, good for hours of fun. Vancouver Island appears to come 
out in the middle of an ocean on the other side...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, my posts might not currently be up to Bob's level, but imo they're well 
above your sly put downs and demeaning nicknames. I say currently because again 
imo I had a pretty good run of those kind of philosophical exchanges with RWC. 
It's a buffet here at FFL and I enjoy the variety. Now, quoting you to 
yourself, why don't you see if you can transcend YOUR prejudices yada yada...

 Oh, you forgot to mention Judy, she was part of that conversation too...

Ann had written to feste: Can you possibly assert that wishing people a happy 
new year and thanking them for posting about quinoa salads is more rewarding? 
See if you can transcend your prejudices and start fresh with every new post 
that appears here so that you might actually learn and gain something. 

 On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:20 AM, awoelflebater@... awoelflebater@... 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I don't think your little put-downs have any credibility on this forum, auth. 
People know who you are and what you do. You are just making an exhibition of 
your own obsessions and weirdness. 


 But you are giving her credibility Feste, because you keep responding like 
this. Judy is a force of nature just like Barry is an aberration. You let her 
bother you and you seem so very powerless to make a difference. Are you more 
powerful in your real life - in the life you lead where you walk and talk and 
pick up things and feel gravity? Did you see that conversation about music 
and art and religion/non-religion between Bob and Judy? Can you not appreciate 
and respect that kind of intelligence, Feste? I mean, that was really worth 
reading and the kind of clever brain power and just the weight of having lived 
a life was behind what they were postulating and working out in that 
conversation and it was very, very fun to see. Can you possibly assert that 
wishing people a happy new year and thanking them for posting about quinoa 
salads is more rewarding? See if you can transcend your prejudices and start 
fresh with every new post that appears here so that you might actually learn 
and gain something. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 From five to seven? No, it doesn't take me very long, actually.

 OK, I've proved to my own satisfaction that you don't have the integrity to 
acknowledge having been wrong, even about something as trivial as this. Always 
disappointing, but in your case, I'm afraid, not at all surprising.
Feste struggled:

  You are so silly, auth.  Do you spend your entire life counting?

I rest my case on my previous posts on this topic. 

 Which have been shown to be wrong. Case closed.  



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.
 —By Kevin Drum Thu Dec. 19, 2013 11:53 AM GMT

 I. Am. Not. A. Guest. A guest is someone I invite into my home and ply with 
free food and drink. Because, you know, they're my guest. Target doesn't do 
that. They sell me stuff. I pay for it. (Probably with cash from now on.) I can 
complain about poor service. I can return stuff I don't like. I can choose what 
I want to buy and what I don't. That makes me a customer. Not. A. Guest.



 As I believe I mentioned earlier, Drum is a widely read and highly respected 
political blogger. Sorry, Feste, but if he is so insistent about using the 
period-after-every-word convention for extra emphasis, it has to be considered 
standard, at least for blogs. You may not like it, and that's fine, but you 
can't pretend it's some bizarre anomaly (or that I made it up, as Barry 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Turns out, you'd need to live in Chile or Argentina.


My antipodal 'sister city' is well offshore from New Zealand. According
to this map, I have *never* lived in a place that had dry land on the
other side of the globe from it.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread martyboi
Nature did make them homosexuals - possibly based on their past choices. MMY 
taught that every state of consciousness has physiological correlates... so 
yes, they were born that way.

 Everyone has a huge, infinite storehouse of karma..therefore, judging others 
for their peccadilloes is kinda odd when you think about it...because somewhere 
in everyone's storehouse of impressions is the complete range of possible human 
desires. So part of loving our brothers and sisters as ourselves is simply 
acknowledging that we're all in the same boat. So don't worry about gay people 
so much...you'll get your turn.

 Christ also taught us the shortcut to resolving our personal and family karma 
- forgiveness.




[FairfieldLife] Where does the way you talk say you're from?

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, I found this site interesting. I've moved more times than most folks
I know,  having lived in over 20 different places all over the US and
the world before I  left college, and in quite a few more than that in
the time since. My accent has thus had many  influences, from many
different places. I was thus interested to see where they'd place me on
this map.

Well,  they probably nailed it. I was raised in the South for the first
near-fifth  of my life, and the test pegged me as being from there. One
of the  cities cited as my three most distinctive answers is a few
miles from  where my mother was born and lived for much of her life,
even though I  never lived there. Go figure.


Those of you not from the US can pass on this, unless you're curious as
to how the way you 'speak English' affects the way that people regard
you and where they think you're from.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
Feste festered:

  I don't think your little put-downs have any credibility on this forum, 

 At least my putdowns are better than Do you spend your entire life counting?


  People know who you are and what you do. 

 Yes, they know I don't let poseurs like you get away with the kind of crap 
you've tried to pull.

  You are just making an exhibition of your own obsessions and weirdness. 


 If people think exposing crap for what it is and taking poseurs down a peg is 
weird, that's their problem.

 Your first reaction to my use of the periods-between-words convention was 
understandable; it does look weird if you've never seen it before. But if you 
had any integrity, you wouldn't have kept trying to insist that it was an 
unusual deviation from the norm after I'd told you that it's now used often 
enough in blogs and comments that most readers have seen it before and don't 
think it's weird. You demanded to know what bloggers used it, expecting that I 
wouldn't be able to provide any; but I gave you a bunch of them. And you still 
couldn't bring yourself to acknowledge that the convention wasn't all that 
unusual after all.

 You were so fixated on playing Sir Galahad to Share's Sweet Helpless Innocent 
act by getting the Evil Judy Dragon that you tripped over your spurs. And you 
haven't made it to your feet yet.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread feste37
Good morning, auth, I see you are full of all the usual crap this morning. 
Sometimes the smallness of your mind amazes me. Do you have any friends?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
martyboi wrote:
  So don't worry about gay people so much...you'll get your turn. 

 Comment of the Month. Maybe of the year. Nicely done, martyboi.






Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread Share Long
Thank you Marty, for this beautiful reminder that we're all in the boat. Then 
we can take turns rowing and resting (-:

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:29 AM, marty...@yahoo.com marty...@yahoo.com 
Nature did make them homosexuals - possibly based on their past choices. MMY 
taught that every state of consciousness has physiological correlates... so 
yes, they were born that way.

Everyone has a huge, infinite storehouse of karma..therefore, judging others 
for their peccadilloes is kinda odd when you think about it...because somewhere 
in everyone's storehouse of impressions is the complete range of possible human 
desires. So part of loving our brothers and sisters as ourselves is simply 
acknowledging that we're all in the same boat. So don't worry about gay people 
so much...you'll get your turn.

Christ also taught us the shortcut to resolving our personal and family karma - 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
Feste feebles:

  Good morning, auth, I see you are full of all the usual crap this morning. 
Sometimes the smallness of your mind amazes me. Do you have any friends? 

 Kinda depends on who I'm talking to. If it's you, it has to be small.  And 
yes, I have quite a few friends, thank you. They all have integrity, though, so 
that lets you out if you were hoping to become one.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Are you a lark or an owl?

2013-12-22 Thread Share Long
Seraphita, not so much nightmares as learning experiences. In two cases they 
needed to be up early in the morning and so appreciated my larkness. In the 
other case we were just friends, had separate bedrooms and so our different 
sleeping schedules worked out fine. I don't remember any disputes about room 
temp or foods or housekeeping. But there were nonetheless opportunities for 
learning how to accept and love the other as is (-:

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:53 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com 
s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:
Re I'm a lark and my partners have been owls. :
Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Other nightmare scenarios include 
disagreeing about how hot or warm the room should be (I like high temperatures 
combined with minimum, loose-fitting clothing); what music tastes partners have 
(I couldn't live with someone who insisted on playing Genesis albums, for 
And cleanliness/tidiness is essential to me. Anyone who disagrees is out the 
Other people might find an issue over what food to serve but as I devour 
everything put before me, that doesn't bother me.
Re my owlish preference (late to bad and late to rise): funnily enough, I've 
always had the same attitude towards meditation. Around 6pm-ish I always think 
to myself: Jesus! I've got to make time for a damned meditation session. What 
a drag. But within minutes of starting I (almost invariably) really enjoy the 
experience and I'm reluctant to end the session. So just as I over-sleep in the 
morning, I also allow my TM sessions to extend beyond the recommended 20 
minutes. It's enjoyable at the time but on the down side I've found that too 
much meditation can make me hyper-sensitive later in the day.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
What utter BS. 
Here is just a tidbit about how much they admired the Jews.

4:91 http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/4/index.htm#91 Take them 
[unbelivers] and kill them wherever ye find them. Against such We have given 
you clear warrant. 
 2:65 And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath. We said 
to them: Be apes—despised and hated by all. 2:66 Thus We made their end a 
warning to the people of their time and succeeding generation, and an 
admonition for God-fearing people.
 Better yet read the testimonies of the companions of the Prophet -

 1. After the Meccans and their allies depart, the Jews are left powerless and 
outnumbered before 3,000 Muslim jihadists.

 2. While the Jews were negotiating the terms of surrender with Abu Lubabah, he 
gestures to his throat, which indicates slaughter. This means that the flow of 
the events headed in one direction.

 3. Sad bin Muadh is the leader of the Aws tribe.

 4. This tribe had old alliances, whatever they were, with the Qurayzah tribe 
of Jews.

 5. However, the Aws fought alongside Muhammad.

 6. The Jews sided with the coalition (though the Jews did not actually fight).

 7. Thus, the old alliances between the Aws and Jews are weakening.

 8. After Muhammad’s attack on the Jews, some of the Aws plead with Muhammad to 
be lenient, such as expulsion.

 9. Muhammad turns down this request for mercy—a key point, which supports no. 
2. The outcome is never in doubt.

 10. Instead, Muhammad appoints Sad bin Muadh to decide, and everyone agrees to 
abide by his decision.

 11. Sad decrees slaughter and enslavement, wanting to firm up his allegiance 
to Islam before he dies. He dies shortly thereafter from his wound.

 12. Muhammad says that Sad’s verdict is the judgment of King Allah. It is 
right and just. Sad makes him glad.

 13. Even though everyone agrees to abide by the verdict, Muhammad still does 
not show mercy, as the men and boys are handcuffed behind their backs and 
beheaded, and the women and children are enslaved. He takes one of the 
beautiful, recently widowed Jewish women for himself instead of taking the 
path of mercy.

 14. Muhammad gets twenty percent of the Jewish property (movable, immovable 
and human), and the jihadists get eighty percent, to be distributed as he sees 

 In any steps leading up to an atrocity, something wrong is bound to be 
revealed, and this appears to be no. 9. As noted, Muhammad could have exiled 
the Jews, as he had done to the Jewish tribes of Qaynuqa and Nadir a few years 
earlier. Or he could have executed only the leaders, if he believed that they 
stirred up his enemies—assuming that they really did this, as the Islamic 
sources allege.

 Something is also wrong with step no. 13. Even though everyone agreed to abide 
by the verdict, who could have complained—justly complained—if Muhammad had 
announced this? We agreed to abide by the tribal chief’s verdict, but as I 
watch the men and boys being handcuffed and observe all the tears from the 
women and children, I’m sure no one would object if we showed mercy and exiled 
them and executed only the few trouble-makers. After all, I often say that 
Allah is most merciful. I set the example for my community and the world! But 
this is wishful thinking. He took one of the beauties (now a widow) for 
himself, instead.

 Why does he not show mercy? The answer is found in no. 14. Muhammad needs to 
reward his jihadists, since they collected no spoils from the departed 
coalition—Allah gives him permission in Sura 33:27 (see the next section, the 
Quran). And what makes this entire episode doubly heinous is that Muhammad and 
his jihadists could have had all of the wealth of the Jews after their 
banishment, but he still did not take this merciful option. But if he had taken 
it, would he have earned all the money (and a new bride) coming from the 
enslavement of Jewish women and children?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread Share Long
noozguru, good point. Just be sure to take a little Vit D every day, preferably 
in liquid form so more easily absorbed.

On Saturday, December 21, 2013 9:32 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
Also the shortest day of the year for daylight in the northern hemisphere. 
Probably why a lot of people are easily depressed at Christmas time unless you 
live in the southern hemisphere where it's the longest day.

On 12/21/2013 08:28 AM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

Today marks the official start of winter.  The ancient Romans celebrated 
Saturnalia in honor of Saturn who rules the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.  
The planet is also known as the ruler of the underworld.

The Sun is further officially dead in Western astrology and won't rise again 
until Spring on March 21, 2014.

But, as I write this note, the Sun is rising in the sign of Sagittarius from 
the east.  And, I can see the Moon setting to the west from my window.  So, 
all is well.

[FairfieldLife] UFO Fleet Seen Over Mexico On Dec 2013, Mexican TV News

2013-12-22 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] GM Crops Bring Brazil Lower Yields and Higher Chemical Use

2013-12-22 Thread nablusoss1008

News http://sustainablepulse.com/pulse/news/Sustainable Agriculture 
http://sustainablepulse.com/pulse/pulse-news-sustainable-agriculture/ 4 
 Tagged as
 Auto http://sustainablepulse.com/tag/auto/Draft 


 GM crops in Brazil have brought higher agrochemical use and lower yields and 
productivity, according to a new report based on government data.
 In the new report, the president of the Brazilian Association of Agrarian 
Reform (Abra), Gerson Teixeira, analyzes ten years of cultivation of GM seeds 
in Brazil.
 Source:  EcoDebate 
 (GMWatch Translation from Portuguese)
 In the report 
 the researcher makes some clear points regarding the consequences of this 
technology: high dependence, increased monoculture, increased use of pesticides 
and decreased productivity.
 It all started, Teixeira noted, from the smuggling of Monsanto’s GM seeds, 
hitherto prohibited from use in Brazil.
 Given this ‘fait accompli’, these products began to be released in the country 
under the pretext of “reducing costs, increasing productivity, reducing 
pesticide use, and many other advantages that turned out to predominantly 
materialise in our country in the form of huge profits for the big global 
agrochemical corporations.”
 The actual result was the complete opposite. In “homage to the prophets of the 
alleged technical and environmental virtues of this scientific event”, the 
author deals more specifically with two of the “sirens’ songs” of GMOs: reduced 
pesticide use and increased productivity.
 Just to give you an idea, pesticide use has increased in Brazil by around 190% 
in the past ten years, while in the rest of the world the increase was 90%.
 Yet soybean yield in Brazil, for example, grew by only 4% in the last decade, 
compared to 31% growth between 1992/2003 [prior to GM crop legalisation].
 Meanwhile, GM Watch reported today that by a narrow majority of just three 
votes, the proposal to allow releases of terminator seed was not included in 
the Brazilian congressional hearings this time.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-22 Thread Share Long
Emily, so I did! But I can't unpack cuz don't know dictionary def of frigging, 
only sense of it. Was that really very interesting?! Maybe 
compared to doing laundry (-:

On Friday, December 20, 2013 2:37 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com 
emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
But Share, *you* wrote it!  H..veeerrryyy interresting.  I've gotta go 
do a load of dirty laundry myself.  My older daughter just informed me that 
what I am wearing is unacceptable.  Smile.   

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, sharelong60@... wrote:

Nope, Emily, Bob wasn't willing to unpack first so I'm not playing! For one 
thing I'm not sure what frigging means!

On Friday, December 20, 2013 1:06 PM, emilymaenot@... emilymaenot@... wrote:
Your FIRST! Don't forget to unpack GET A FRIGGIN LIFE for Bob (and for me 
too). I'm pretty sure we're not as intuitive as you are; some of us need things 
spelled out in black and white.     

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, sharelong60@... wrote:

My first LOL of the day, Richard, thank you. Be good. But have fun. Happiest of 
holidays to you and your family and all the best in 2014.

On Friday, December 20, 2013 12:06 PM, Richard J. Williams punditster@... 
There seems to be a lot of sneakiness around here lately: First there was Ravi 
sneaking around Bill's trailer house; then Bob sneaking around calling Rita at 
work; and just last night I saw a guy snooping around our laundry room in the 

And, I wouldn't be surprised if some editor is monitoring all my
  posts to FFL!

On 12/20/2013 9:57 AM, sharelong60@... wrote:

Yes, Richard that's what I'm saying and no I don't think Emily should get 
booted for that. Hey, way to conjure up Judy!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread doctordumbass
Very cool! There was only one combo I found, where one place I had been 
(Indonesia), was opposite of another (Surinam). Otherwise, treading a lot of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann#39;s tree photo

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
Share blabbered:
  Emily, so I did! But I can't unpack cuz don't know dictionary def of 
frigging, only sense of it.-: 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu

Among the 15% that don't pay it lip service?

On 12/21/2013 05:42 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should 
take precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their 
European host countries, according to a new study, which warns that 
Islamic fundamentalism is widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
And I am sure these official government numbers are about as 
trustworthy as the official government numbers for unemployment.

On 12/21/2013 07:42 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

They are the official government numbers, and they do include food, 
energy, and housing costs, just as that list says. Like I said, it's 
easy to check.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics site:

Has the BLS removed food or energy prices in its official measure of 

No. The BLS publishes thousands of CPI indexes each month, including 
the headline All Items CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and the 
CPI-U for All Items Less Food and Energy. The latter series, widely 
referred to as the core CPI, is closely watched by many economic 
analysts and policymakers under the belief that food and energy prices 
are volatile and are subject to price shocks that cannot be damped 
through monetary policy. However, all consumer goods and services, 
including food and energy, are represented in the headline CPI.

Most importantly, none of the prominent legislated uses of the CPI 
excludes food and energy. Social security and federal retirement 
benefits are updated each year for inflation by the All Items CPI for 
Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). Individual income tax 
parameters and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) returns 
are based on the All Items CPI-U.

The CPI used to include the value of a house in calculating inflation 
and now they use an estimate of what each house would rent for -- 
doesn't this switch simply lower the official inflation rate?

No. Until 1983, the CPI measure of homeowner cost was based largely on 
house prices. The long-recognized flaw of that approach was that 
owner-occupied housing combines both consumption and investment 
elements, and the CPI is designed to exclude investment items. The 
approach now used in the CPI, called rental equivalence, measures the 
value of shelter to owner-occupants as the amount they forgo by not 
renting out their homes.


DoctorDumbass wrote:

 I was assuming these are the official government numbers, because 
they look so similar. If so, they do not include food, energy or 
housing costs. I know it sounds crazy, but there you go. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, sharelong60@... wrote:

 noozguru, good point. Just be sure to take a little Vit D every day, 
preferably in liquid form so more easily absorbed.

 On Saturday, December 21, 2013 9:32 PM, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 Also the shortest day of the year for daylight in the northern hemisphere. 
Probably why a lot of people are easily depressed at Christmas time unless you 
live in the southern hemisphere where it's the longest day.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread wgm4u


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, martyboi@... wrote:

 Nature did make them homosexuals - possibly based on their past choices. 
 As was my point my friend; also, this has nothing to do with being judgmental. 
Don't confuse 'making Judgments' about things and 'sitting in Judgment' of 
someone, they're apples and oranges
 MMY taught that every state of consciousness has physiological correlates... 
so yes, they were born that way.
 Yes, based on Karma!

 Everyone has a huge, infinite storehouse of karma..therefore, judging others 
for their peccadilloes is kinda odd when you think about it.
 Sounds like a red herring, nobody is judging anybody's peccadilloes (like 
 ..because somewhere in everyone's storehouse of impressions is the complete 
range of possible human desires. So part of loving our brothers and sisters as 
ourselves is simply acknowledging that we're all in the same boat. So don't 
worry about gay people so much...you'll get your turn.
 Correct, we are all subject to temptations, and willfulness, etc., Satan (the 
force that works for good, though scheming ill-Faust) doesn't play favorites. 
It's just a school, we'll all learn the hard lessons of life in due time.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
Oh yes, a little reverse geocoding. Your latitude is the same number but 
south instead of north (or vice versa say for Australians) and the 
longitude 180 degrees minus your current longitude.

On 12/22/2013 06:52 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

Turns out, you'd need to live in Chile or Argentina.


[FairfieldLife] TV review: Oprhan Black

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
This is another one I have to thank my brother for. Back during my
commuting-to-Paris period, this Canadian Scifi series crossed my radar,
but I just didn't have the time to invest in it. My bad. Following his
recent year-in-review review, I finally did. My good.

It's better than most American Scifi series (which is not saying a
fuckuvalot), and up there with other Canadian TV Scifi efforts like
Continuum, Lost Girl, and Charlie Jade.

The basic plot revolves around street hustler named Sarah Manning, who
finds herself on a Toronto Metro platform one day, trying to get away
from her abusive boyfriend so she can get back together with her
daughter Kyra, who she left in the care of her foster mother Mrs. S
(played by the always-wonderful Maria Doyle Kennedy). On the platform in
front of her, the street hustler sees a woman discarding her upscale
coat, placing her high-end bag on the platform, and stepping to the
edge, near the tracks. Concerned, she walks up and, as the other woman
turns around, finds herself looking at herself. The woman is her exact
double. Then the other woman leaps off the platform, in front of the
approaching train.

Sarah, being a street hustler, absconds with the woman's bag, ID, and
keys, and decides to try to hack her mystery double's life, even if just
to steal what she can find in her apartment. Little does she realize
that the double she winds up impersonating is a cop, and that she's not
the *only* double.

The real meat of this series (besides pretty good writing and
plotting) is the performance of Canadian actress Tatiana Maslany as
Sarah. This performance is partly due to the magic of CGI and modern
filmmaking, because often during the series there is not just one of
Tatiana Maslany onscreen. Sarah is a clone, and she's often onscreen at
the same time as several of her now-close-to-a-dozen other clones.

They've all got the same basic DNA. They all look the same, unless
they've dyed their hair like a remarkably bent one of them did. None of
them knew about each other until a few months ago, or knew that they
were clones. Now they're becoming not only self-aware, but (given their
odd circumstances) selves-aware, and thus they're becoming aware that
someone is stalking them, and trying to kill them all off.

It's pretty damned entertaining television. Not up to Breaking Bad or
Rectify standards by any means, but pretty damned entertaining TV

And besides, there is Tatiana Maslany, giving a *dozen* rather startling
performances as an actor. All in one series. You really don't get to see
that every day.


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Vist From Saint Spirituality

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
Fun!  I was playing with that poem a week ago as T'was the night before 
apocalypse.  You don't like horror but this season American Horror 
Story: Coven is very fitting too especially with the Kathy Bates 
character. :-D

On 12/22/2013 06:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

/*with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore*/

*/T'was the night before Christmas, and all 'cross the forum
Today no one fell for it when Bots tried to gore 'em
Their Bot support stockings full of nothing but fat
Their heads full of fantasies of 'being all that'
For once all ignored them, and it all fell quite flat
As people avoided their endless tit for tat

Some posters snuggled up with their significant others
Some just meditated, if that was their druthers
A few posted fun things, as if free from strife
Some preferred to stay silent, and just enjoyed life
The taunting continued but the response was stillness
As if lives were so full there was no room for illness

The place was so quiet and so free of fray
It attracted a guy who'd long been away
Saint Spirit long ago gave up on this chatroom
Ashamed and embarrassed to be part of 'that room'
He'd put up with the flaming and the never-ending din
But in the long run even his patience grew thin
What's the point of Spirit in a room full of noise
Better leave all these egos to play with their toys

But today as he passed by the source of this clamor
He heard a sound that sounded almost like amour
It was silence and stillness, not the sounds of bickering
And the sound touched his heart, and set it to tickering
The Bots must have left, and left room for Spirit
He thought to himself, astonished to hear it

But what he found here astonished him more
The Bots were still there, but perceived as a bore
They still did their best to argue and natter
But people had realized what they said didn't matter
No one cared any more when they called for a battle
Perceiving it rightly as ego's death rattle

What a relief! the Saint said with a chuckle,
They've finally learned to say 'What the fuckle'
How can Spirit exist in a near-constant din
Of egos and selves, all shouting 'I win?'
He grooved on the silence, had some milk and a cookie
Then headed back home to to get him some nookie
But as he climbed to his sleigh, we all heard him chime
Happy Spirituality to all, and it's 'bout fuckin' time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread j_alexander_stanley
It's obviously not rocket surgery, but it struck me as very funny because in my 
entire life I never once thought about what really lies at the bottom of my 
hole through the center of the Earth. It's always just been digging a hole to 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 Oh yes, a little reverse geocoding.  Your latitude is the same number but 
south instead of north (or vice versa say for Australians) and the longitude 
180 degrees minus your current longitude.
 On 12/22/2013 06:52 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 
mailto:j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:
   Turns out, you'd need to live in Chile or Argentina.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re homosexuals are all products of freewill choices made in this and/or past 

 So what choices did they make exactly? And is having homosexual tendencies a 
reward or a punishment?

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
The Quran is a dispiriting book. It's chock-full of passages in which Mohammed 
scoffs at those who didn't pay heed to Allah's past warnings, like the 
destruction of Sodom. When well-meaning people suggest to him that those 
stories might just be, well, stories - legends, myths - they are roundly 
condemned and promised an eternity of hell-fire. The amount of superstitious 
claptrap is worrying enough; but the sheer number of passages condemning all 
unbelievers to eternal punishments - and the cruel self-satisfaction with which 
those curses are pronounced - is chilling.

 (I've read the book twice in two different translations.)

 Stick to the Gospels or the Gita. Or Sufi poetry - a true poet isn't a 
religious fanatic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann#39;s tree photo

2013-12-22 Thread emilymaenot
Dear Share, let's unpack this together.  I am in a good mood this morning.  I 
feel lighter and brighter than usual.  IT'S A FRIGGING MIRACLE, SHARE.  Now, I 
could attribute this MIRACLE to the Vitamin D in liquid form that I have in my 
cupboard and tend to ingest through spiritual osmosis, but I suspect (I am the 
tiniest bit paranoid, if you've been paying attention), that bOb, in his 
inimitable (Google this word, Share) wisdom, is somehow responsible for the 
assist.  You could learn a lot from Bob and JUDY, Share, about music and art 
and thoughtful conversation, for three.  

 However, it is intuitive of you to ask me to help you understand more about 
the word FRIGGING, because I happen to know a lot about this word, in that I 
am raising teenagers, for one.  

 According to the Urban Dictionary, friggin'  (and I prefer this spelling and 
pronunciation) is a handy word used to replace fuckin(g) in arguments with 
your mom, as in What the crap mom, that's so fu-friggin' lame.  I will 
confirm that this very phrase has been used on me.  When I asked my teen to 
please not swear at me, she told me in no uncertain terms that FRIGGIN was 
not a swear word.  Hmm.very interesting, isn't it?  

 Another definition in the Urban Dictionary of friggin'  is a word for a 
female masturbating.  Is this the sense of the word that you were sensing? 
 In that the whole phrase was ...GET A FRIGGING LIFE and that frigging is 
used as an adjective, not a verb, I think this unlikely.  However, if you feel 
like friggin, don't be embarrassed about it - I'm guessing that even the 
Neanderthals had this figured out.

 Yet another definition of the word frigging  is a word used by cowards who 
are too afraid to say fucking.  I suspect this is what you meant in your 
declaration; did you sense that Bob and I should GET A FUCKING LIFE Share?  
I am only asking because *you* wrote what *you* were sensing at the time, and I 
can only be responsible for my *share* of what crosses FFL, and that would be 
what I write.  

 Now, this statement of yours was made in response to a question to you about 
what you thought about Ann's tree.  I'm guessing, based on your response, that 
you found this question intolerable in some way.  In my world (the world of 
teenagers), the phrase GET A FUCKING LIFE (Or FRIGGING, if you prefer) is 
another way of saying FUCK YOU OR FUCK OFF!  Now, this could be a clue for 
*you* that *you* may be holding a resentment.  

 Luckily for you, I have put together a FEELINGS 101 manual for you and I am 
willing to put it in the mail and pay for postage. I worry for you Share, 
because resentments can lead to RAGE and they also often result in MEAN 
behavior - both of which are not good for one's health.  No amount of quinoa 
(or dietary restrictions in general) will help with this kind of a problem. 
But, Share, this is just a tease, the solution is in the manual, so let me know 
if this is something you'd like to pursue.


 P.S.  This is a remedial lesson on this fabulous word FUCK.  (If the link 
doesn't work, you'll have to cut and paste it in.)




 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 Share blabbered:
  Emily, so I did! But I can't unpack cuz don't know dictionary def of 
frigging, only sense of it.-: 




[FairfieldLife] Re: A Vist From Saint Spirituality

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Fun!  I was playing with that poem a week ago as T'was the night
 apocalypse.  You don't like horror but this season American Horror
 Story: Coven is very fitting too especially with the Kathy Bates
 character. :-D

It's really not that I don't like the horror genre, it's just that so
much of it has become redundant, replaying the same old memes over and
over and over, without many new ideas or new creativity being added to
the recipe.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Yes, it's grim.

 The worst case cited in the study is Austria where . . .
 . . .  73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the 
secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of 
the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to 
their Islamic roots. 

 Also 69% of Muslims in Austria say they reject homosexuals as friends, 63% say 
Jews cannot be trusted, and 66% believe the West seeks to destroy Islam 


 The problem is that the dick-head politicians who encouraged mass immigration 
assumed that whatever the views of the first generation of arrivals their 
children would be educated in western schools and would naturally take on board 
western attitudes and values. A serious error of judgement with roots in the 
vanity of politicians who take it for granted that anyone educated to their 
level must agree with them.

 I suspect it's not the headline events (terrorist incidents) that hack people 
off most but the little niggling issues. Here in the UK some supermarkets allow 
Muslim staff on tills to refuse to handle alcohol or pork products. So if 
you've queued up once you may have to do so a second time. 
 Another major gripe is that large numbers of schools and hospitals now only 
serve halal meat. (To save money on having to segregate meals I suppose.) What 
really annoys people is that the change wasn't announced beforehand and then 
carried out but was done under the radar and then presented as a fait accompli.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:

 The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should take 
precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their European host 
countries, according to a new study, which warns that Islamic fundamentalism is 
widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-22 Thread feste37
Where's Enoch Powell when you need him, eh, Seraph?



---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Yes, it's grim.

 The worst case cited in the study is Austria where . . .
 . . .  73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the 
secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of 
the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to 
their Islamic roots. 

 Also 69% of Muslims in Austria say they reject homosexuals as friends, 63% say 
Jews cannot be trusted, and 66% believe the West seeks to destroy Islam 


 The problem is that the dick-head politicians who encouraged mass immigration 
assumed that whatever the views of the first generation of arrivals their 
children would be educated in western schools and would naturally take on board 
western attitudes and values. A serious error of judgement with roots in the 
vanity of politicians who take it for granted that anyone educated to their 
level must agree with them.

 I suspect it's not the headline events (terrorist incidents) that hack people 
off most but the little niggling issues. Here in the UK some supermarkets allow 
Muslim staff on tills to refuse to handle alcohol or pork products. So if 
you've queued up once you may have to do so a second time. 
 Another major gripe is that large numbers of schools and hospitals now only 
serve halal meat. (To save money on having to segregate meals I suppose.) What 
really annoys people is that the change wasn't announced beforehand and then 
carried out but was done under the radar and then presented as a fait accompli.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:

 The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should take 
precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their European host 
countries, according to a new study, which warns that Islamic fundamentalism is 
widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Where's Enoch Powell when you need him:


 Warwick Cemetery turning in his grave.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread jr_esq

 It's understandable why this is the case.  From what I've heard, there are 
some countries in Europe, like Sweden and Finland, where it's always dark 
during the winter--with only a very short glimpse of the Sun perhaps.  Who 
can't be depressed in that environment?

 From what I understand, the depression can be cured by taking a regular 
artificial sun bath in a special salon.  So, there is always a human innovation 
to cure the problem during these modern times.

[FairfieldLife] My fave Paris blogger's gone even more viral

2013-12-22 Thread TurquoiseB
A Swedish style channel thought she was interesting enough to do a video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nQ64s8zVk4  (part 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTgRKLMTBRo  (part 2)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Interpenetrating Subtle Spiritual System, MMY#39;s ShaktiYES AS WEELL4SWEET WORDS HERE

2013-12-22 Thread wleed3
Right on Buck  all

In a message dated 12/22/13 14:42:57 Eastern Standard Time, 
dhamiltony...@yahoo.com writes:

Whoa, Spiritually 'We die as we live'. This is actually a good reason that we 
should not let people be unkind to each other here on FFL, “Woe is they”.   

You know, friends should not let friends be unkind. For good spiritual reasons 
we really should do more to keep people from being unkind here with one 
another. I am entirely in favor of enforcing strictly the yahoo-groups 
guidelines against unkindness on FFL. This certainly should be an example 
spiritual place for strict moderation and strict moderation should certainly be 
the norm here on FFL especially.

Of our spiritual subtle system energetics, 
“Hopefully we haven't torn things up too much in our life-times and weighted 
down things with too many knots in the fabric of the subtle systems and we are 
settled and straightened out before leaving this life. A life well lived.” 
-Buck in the Dome

Buck wrote:

“A life well lived.”

Yep, and evidently as we leave.. “One dies as one lives”.   It is interesting 
to see. The subtle-body energetics are so such like this old adage.   If people 
would only take the time to explore and visit this particular spiritual area of 
subtle systems before they would leave planet earth it would be time well spent 
and they should really then come to a sober up in life before they leave while 
they got still a human form . Life spiritual certainly as a birthright is for 
the living while you have it. Make good use of it for good whiles you got it. 
Like, even if anyone would live in Fairfield, Iowa or in some place like Paris, 
France then take the time to come meditate in the Domes; The age old message, 
forewarned is to be well-armed.
-Buck in the Dome

By forgetting your nature, you get submerged in the sea of sorrow.
Just once take a look and ask who am I?
What ever you have experienced in samsara (human life), all that is different 
from you.  Body, mind, breath, and so on -all these things you see as your own. 
 It is said, my body, my mind, my intellect, my breath.  Clearly, you are 
master of these things you consider as your self, but your existence is 
different from them, like your house, or your temple.  The temple is yours; but 
you are not the temple.  Similarly, body, mind, intellect, breath, and so on- 
all these things belong to you, but they are not you.  You are different from 
them.  You are Sat, Chit, Ananda -being, consciousness, bliss- a ray of 
Paramatma.  But due to lack of discrimination, due to ignorance, you have built 
up such a strong association with the body-mind-intellect and so forth that you 
have started thinking these things to be your true form. 
-Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

Share, you might like this:
The Causal body - originally Karana-Sarira - is a Yogic and Vedantic concept 
that was adopted and modified by Theosophy and from the latter made its way 
into the general New Age movement and contemporary western esotericism. It 
generally refers to the highest or innermost subtle body that veils the true 
soul. -Wiki

It is also where strong thought energetic forms can reside that may lift out 
and go forward embedded with the light body of the soul as like a bundle from 
this life carrying a mark in the works. I like Wgm's description here of 
interpenetrating energetic form to describe the flow of the energy bodies. That 
is useful and very good as a way of looking at it. Activated in the human form 
they drape as flowing fabric like fields. In life we use it all and might give 
dents to the fields that can interrupt things in life and beyond too. And then 
it is in the realm of spiritual practice as works in life here that pat things 
down and smooth out the frays. Hopefully we haven't torn things up too much in 
our life-times and weighted down things with too many knots in the fabric of 
the subtle systems and we are settled and straightened out before leaving this 
life. A life well lived. 
-Buck in the Dome 

sharelong60 wrote:

One healer who visits FF twice a year says he's never seen so many top heavy 
causal bodies as he sees here. Lots of spiritual refinement, but ungrounded!

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 1:28 PM, wgm4u wrote:

The subtler you get the more tenuous forms become until they become arupa, or 
formless consciousness and light. The cut off is the mid-causal above which all 
things are formless, expanded, consciousness and light. There is no need for 
forms at those higher levels.

Most people's causal bodies are very undeveloped but are apparently a glorious 
thing to see in an enlightened soul. All the bodies interpenetrate from the 
physical within which we have the etheric or pranic body, within that is the 
astral and within that is the causal body, beyond these bodies, all 'bodies' 
are shared in common one is fast merging towards the Buddhic or unity of all 
things. However one can still 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Interpenetrating Subtle Spiritual System, MMY#39;s Shakti

2013-12-22 Thread emilymaenot
Dear Buck, tomorrow is Festivus (Google this). At the beginning of the 
Festivus dinner, each participant tells friends and family of all the instances 
where they disappointed him or her that year. As quoted from Frank Costanza: 
I've got a lot of problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about 

 Personally, I think Festivus would be the perfect event for Share and Feste 
(maybe he really picked his name in honor of this holiday?), and of course, 
Barry, to let go of all of their resentments for 2013 and start with a clean 
slate in 2014.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread doctordumbass
All is well - no worries. Credit is plentiful - get a loan, or several! They 
hate us, because we are free. The economy is improving, inflation is low, and 
we are the leaders of the Free World. Health care has been fixed, and is 
perfect now. The stock market is up, and the investor class is making money 
hand over fist. Use your credit card - Buy a house. Debt doesn't matter. 
Quantitative easing is good for the economy. All is well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
Sorta missing the point, ain'tcha, Doc?
DoctorDumbass wrote:
  All is well - no worries. Credit is plentiful - get a loan, or several! 
They hate us, because we are free. The economy is improving, inflation is 
low, and we are the leaders of the Free World. Health care has been fixed, and 
is perfect now. The stock market is up, and the investor class is making money 
hand over fist. Use your credit card - Buy a house. Debt doesn't matter. 
Quantitative easing is good for the economy. All is well. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Vist From Saint Spirituality

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu

On 12/22/2013 11:05 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:

 Fun! I was playing with that poem a week ago as T'was the night before
 apocalypse. You don't like horror but this season American Horror
 Story: Coven is very fitting too especially with the Kathy Bates
 character. :-D

*/It's really not that I don't like the horror genre, it's just that 
so much of it has become redundant, replaying the same old memes over 
and over and over, without many new ideas or new creativity being 
added to the recipe.


/*Which is not  what American Horror Story does at all so you might like 
it.  Some good eye candy in it too and often a lot of dark comedy.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
There's a radio host I listen to who is based in Los Angeles that thinks 
that it gets dark there too early in the winter.

On 12/22/2013 11:40 AM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:


It's understandable why this is the case.  From what I've heard, there 
are some countries in Europe, like Sweden and Finland, where it's 
always dark during the winter--with only a very short glimpse of the 
Sun perhaps.  Who can't be depressed in that environment?

From what I understand, the depression can be cured by taking a 
regular artificial sun bath in a special salon.  So, there is always a 
human innovation to cure the problem during these modern times.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
If you're thinking of tanning salons, no, those are most definitely not the 
answer. But SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can be significantly mitigated 
with the use of light boxes designed for the purpose:


John wrote:


 It's understandable why this is the case.  From what I've heard, there are 
some countries in Europe, like Sweden and Finland, where it's always dark 
during the winter--with only a very short glimpse of the Sun perhaps.  Who 
can't be depressed in that environment?

 From what I understand, the depression can be cured by taking a regular 
artificial sun bath in a special salon.  So, there is always a human innovation 
to cure the problem during these modern times.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
Yup, let's all sing Kumbaya My Lord and Don't Worry Be Happy, get a 
lobotomy for Christmas and don't look at this:


On 12/22/2013 11:55 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:

All is well - no worries. Credit is plentiful - get a loan, or 
several! They hate us, because we are free. The economy is 
improving, inflation is low, and we are the leaders of the Free World. 
Health care has been fixed, and is perfect now. The stock market is 
up, and the investor class is making money hand over fist. Use your 
credit card - Buy a house. Debt doesn't matter. Quantitative easing 
is good for the economy. All is well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
Muhammad was a tantric who invented Islam as a solution to the upheaval 
that the war lords in the area were causing.  I know an Indian woman who 
was born into a Muslim family but when asked about Islam couldn't tell 
you anything about it because they didn't actually practice it.  She was 
more into yoga and Indian philosophy.

On 12/22/2013 10:45 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

The Quran is a dispiriting book. It's chock-full of passages in which 
Mohammed scoffs at those who didn't pay heed to Allah's past warnings, 
like the destruction of Sodom. When well-meaning people suggest to him 
that those stories might just be, well, stories - legends, myths - 
they are roundly condemned and promised an eternity of hell-fire. The 
amount of superstitious claptrap is worrying enough; but the sheer 
number of passages condemning all unbelievers to eternal punishments - 
and the cruel self-satisfaction with which those curses are pronounced 
- is chilling.

(I've read the book twice in two different translations.)

Stick to the Gospels or theGita. Or Sufi poetry - a true poet isn't a 
religious fanatic.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Interpenetrating Subtle Spiritual System, MMY#39;s Shakti

2013-12-22 Thread doctordumbass
For years, my daughter has looked forward to Festivus (for the rest of us)!!

However, times being what they are, and feeling a bit like an early Christian, 
or a guy who secretly wears women's underwear, I have always wisely concealed 
the Festivus pole, in my home, by placing it, at the center of a conventional, 
artificial Christmas tree -- Genius, eh? No one has *ever* caught on. Shouldn't 
be a big deal in this land of so-called religious freedom, but just look at 
what happened to 'Kramer', the actor Michael Richards (who revived the ancient 
and powerful ritual of Festivus, from FC), several years ago -- After being 
threatened anonymously to have his dog, kidnapped, and tattooed - or else - he 
got on a comedy show, and began inexplicably spewing the n-word - Last I 
heard he was offering signed head shots of himself, for a buck each - Poor 

Having said all that, everything is in place, once again, this year for a 
rousing Festivus (Chorus: For The Rest Of Us!)! and don't be hatin', y'all!




---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Dear Buck, tomorrow is Festivus (Google this). At the beginning of the 
Festivus dinner, each participant tells friends and family of all the instances 
where they disappointed him or her that year. As quoted from Frank Costanza: 
I've got a lot of problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about 

 Personally, I think Festivus would be the perfect event for Share and Feste 
(maybe he really picked his name in honor of this holiday?), and of course, 
Barry, to let go of all of their resentments for 2013 and start with a clean 
slate in 2014.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TV review: Oprhan Black

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
I gave up after several episodes because it was more about the actress's 
gymnastics of playing the multiple roles and somewhere the storyline was 
being lost.  Though she is very talented I found the shtick old after a 

On 12/22/2013 09:31 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

*/This is another one I have to thank my brother for. Back during my 
commuting-to-Paris period, this Canadian Scifi series crossed my 
radar, but I just didn't have the time to invest in it. My bad. 
Following his recent year-in-review review, I finally did. My good.

It's better than most American Scifi series (which is not saying a 
fuckuvalot), and up there with other Canadian TV Scifi efforts like 
Continuum, Lost Girl, and Charlie Jade.

The basic plot revolves around street hustler named Sarah Manning, who 
finds herself on a Toronto Metro platform one day, trying to get away 
from her abusive boyfriend so she can get back together with her 
daughter Kyra, who she left in the care of her foster mother Mrs. S 
(played by the always-wonderful Maria Doyle Kennedy). On the platform 
in front of her, the street hustler sees a woman discarding her 
upscale coat, placing her high-end bag on the platform, and stepping 
to the edge, near the tracks. Concerned, she walks up and, as the 
other woman turns around, finds herself looking at herself. The woman 
is her exact double. Then the other woman leaps off the platform, in 
front of the approaching train.

Sarah, being a street hustler, absconds with the woman's bag, ID, and 
keys, and decides to try to hack her mystery double's life, even if 
just to steal what she can find in her apartment. Little does she 
realize that the double she winds up impersonating is a cop, and that 
she's not the *only* double.

The real meat of this series (besides pretty good writing and 
plotting) is the performance of Canadian actress Tatiana Maslany as 
Sarah. This performance is partly due to the magic of CGI and modern 
filmmaking, because often during the series there is not just one of 
Tatiana Maslany onscreen. Sarah is a clone, and she's often onscreen 
at the same time as several of her now-close-to-a-dozen other clones.

They've all got the same basic DNA. They all look the same, unless 
they've dyed their hair like a remarkably bent one of them did. None 
of them knew about each other until a few months ago, or knew that 
they were clones. Now they're becoming not only self-aware, but (given 
their odd circumstances) selves-aware, and thus they're becoming aware 
that someone is stalking them, and trying to kill them all off.

It's pretty damned entertaining television. Not up to Breaking Bad 
or Rectify standards by any means, but pretty damned entertaining TV 

And besides, there is Tatiana Maslany, giving a *dozen* rather 
startling performances as an actor. All in one series. You really 
don't get to see that every day.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu

What is rocket surgery? :-D

On 12/22/2013 10:17 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

It's obviously not rocket surgery, but it struck me as very funny 
because in my entire life I never once thought about what really lies 
at the bottom of my hole through the center of the Earth. It's always 
just been digging a hole to China.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

Oh yes, a little reverse geocoding.  Your latitude is the same number 
but south instead of north (or vice versa say for Australians) and the 
longitude 180 degrees minus your current longitude.

On 12/22/2013 06:52 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
mailto:j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

Turns out, you'd need to live in Chile or Argentina.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread emilymaenot


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, noozguru@... wrote:

 Love Makes the World Go Round. (Or, maybe not?) Released December, 1965:



 Yup, let's all sing Kumbaya My Lord and Don't Worry Be Happy, get a 
lobotomy for Christmas and don't look at this:
 On 12/22/2013 11:55 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   All is well - no worries. Credit is plentiful - get a loan, or several! 
They hate us, because we are free. The economy is improving, inflation is 
low, and we are the leaders of the Free World. Health care has been fixed, and 
is perfect now. The stock market is up, and the investor class is making money 
hand over fist. Use your credit card - Buy a house. Debt doesn't matter. 
Quantitative easing is good for the economy. All is well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another take on life in glorious Austin, Texas, USA

2013-12-22 Thread doctordumbass
Yep - could be my motto, and might be my epitaph. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Digging a hole to China

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
And  if you were ambitious enough to dig a hole to China move to 
Argentina. ;-)

On 12/22/2013 10:17 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

It's obviously not rocket surgery, but it struck me as very funny 
because in my entire life I never once thought about what really lies 
at the bottom of my hole through the center of the Earth. It's always 
just been digging a hole to China.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

Oh yes, a little reverse geocoding.  Your latitude is the same number 
but south instead of north (or vice versa say for Australians) and the 
longitude 180 degrees minus your current longitude.

On 12/22/2013 06:52 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
mailto:j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

Turns out, you'd need to live in Chile or Argentina.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend
More from Slate.com on light boxes for treatment of SAD:



---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 If you're thinking of tanning salons, no, those are most definitely not the 
answer. But SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can be significantly mitigated 
with the use of light boxes designed for the purpose:


John wrote:


 It's understandable why this is the case.  From what I've heard, there are 
some countries in Europe, like Sweden and Finland, where it's always dark 
during the winter--with only a very short glimpse of the Sun perhaps.  Who 
can't be depressed in that environment?

 From what I understand, the depression can be cured by taking a regular 
artificial sun bath in a special salon.  So, there is always a human innovation 
to cure the problem during these modern times.

[FairfieldLife] RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism

2013-12-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
If a tree has faded leaves, he writes,
 you know there is lack at the root.
 Jakob Spener

 Jakob Spener (1635-1705)
 Spener as the Quietist
 (Heartfelt Longing for a God Pleasing
 Convalescence) In this work Spener laments the material distress of
 the age — plagues, hunger and war — but he is even more concerned
 with the spiritual misery that exists within the church. Our poor
 churches. he writes, and then accuses the clergy of formalistic
 ceremonialism and arrogance. If a tree has faded leaves, he writes,
 you know there is lack at the root.
 August Hermann Francke (1663-1727)
 Francke was concerned with propagating a personal piety
 the inspiration that had given the world the bible,
 continued to reveal itself through individuals, a belief much like the
 acceptance of the Werkzeuge (instruments of God) of the Amanas.
 Francke never lost his tolerance for people who had not undergone a
 similar experience as he had.

 Francke saw the poverty and the need around him and began an
 engagement in religious oriented social work at Halle, which in scale
 and effectiveness drew attention to it from all parts of Germany.15 In
 1694 he began a program of feeding the destitute. It was so successful
 that donations came in and Francke opened an orphanage in 1695. In
 1698 he started a work-food program for students. Orphans and needy
 students, in return for work could earn room and board and also get an
 education at Francke's preparatory schools on location. By 1700,
 thousands of boys and girls, as well as older students, worked and
 attended school at Halle.
 [ European spiritual Ashram Village as intentional community...]
 In order not to have to depend on donations Francke organized
 economic enterprises that paid for the extensive social program and also
 provided the necessary economic base for the building program that
 included schools, dormitories and orphanages. Though Francke retained
 control over them, they functioned as a Stiftung (Foundation).
 The operation of the Stiftung, including government and administration, was
 paternal-democratic and not unlike that of the German communal
 societies in this country. Among the enterprises Francke organized were:
 a publishing house, a hospital, diverse farm operations, including
 vineyards and orchards.
 Built outside the city limits of Halle, Francke's ambitious and
 successful operations not only attracted attention, but also drew some
 criticism by former donors who felt that poor people and orphans had no
 business to live in what seemed luxurious surroundings. A description of
 the setting provides some insight into the care and planning that went
 into Francke's projects:
 . . .gardens, meadows and lawns provided the occupants of the
 dormitories with space for recreational walks and play. The
 rooms in the buildings had high ceilings and ample window
 space. They were built so that fresh air, light and sun could
 come in morning, noon, and evening.
 Great emphasis was placed on the health and sanitary habits of the
 young. The educational program encompassed the liberal arts,
 industrial training and professional preparation, religion, and the
 practical training in communal responsibility and harmony. Francke's
 work was well known to such men as Rapp and Keil. Not only did the
 writings of Spener and Francke, the founders of German Pietism, serve
 as spiritual sustenance to them, but the Halle enterprises were models
 in the successful operation of communal undertakings.

 Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769)
 Described as a quietistic
 Pietist Tersteegen said of his own writing that its purpose was to
 awaken, to revive, to strengthen a secret life in Christ. This
 introspective approach to Christian living struck a responsive chord

 Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) 
 was directly involved
 with the founding of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
 Like the leaders of the German communal societies Zinzendorf had an
 implicit faith in God and himself. He died with these words: I have
 submitted to the will of my Lord, and He is satisfied with me.
 The picture of Zinzendorf presented here does not do justice to the
 man. There can be no question of Zinzendorf's altruism and religious
 zeal and devotion. But he never forgot, and did not let others forget, his
 high station in life. In many ways this also held true for men like Rapp,
 Baeumeler and Keil, who retained firm leadership of their respective
 groups to the end of their lives. Their position in the community, their
 lifestyle, and their process of decision-making was in marked contrast to
 that of the Hutterian leaders.

 Johann Heinrich Jung (1740-1817),
 better known as Jung-Stilling.
 The word Stilling comes from the
 (Biblical) stille, meaning quiet. 
 Jung-Stilling on one occasion listed his favorite Scriptural passages.
 These account not only for his name but also for his popularity among

Re: [FairfieldLife] Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson
Nope, mine works fine for me - what is the problem, exactly?

On Sun, 12/22/13, cardemais...@yahoo.com cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Norton?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, December 22, 2013, 10:25 AM
   Anyone got problems with Norton Internet

[FairfieldLife] RE: Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] RE: Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread cardemaister

Re: [FairfieldLife] Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
My problem with Norton is uninstalling the free version if it comes on 
any Windows machine and installing Microsoft Security Essentials instead 
and let Microsoft pay for their insecure OS.  It's not much of a problem 
though to uninstall Norton.

On 12/22/2013 02:25 AM, cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:

Anyone got problems with Norton Internet Security?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread wgm4u
We really don't know what those exact choices were, we do have some theories, 
what we do know is the law of karma.
 You'll have to ask those individuals whether it was/is a reward or punishment, 
and maybe only time will tell. Some already know, each individual is different, 
though the scriptures advise against it for your own long term happiness.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Re homosexuals are all products of freewill choices made in this and/or past 

 So what choices did they make exactly? And is having homosexual tendencies a 
reward or a punishment?

[FairfieldLife] quot;Pet Owners of Laosquot;

2013-12-22 Thread authfriend

 Beautiful series of portraits of Laotians with their pet dogs and cats. The 
portraits, by photographer Ernest Goh, document a project of Veterinarians 
Without Borders to vaccinate the animals against rabies. 

[FairfieldLife] Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
Just wait ... the rivers of blood will flow. 
Will they flow toward you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu

So maybe next lifetime you'll be born gay and can find out.

On 12/22/2013 02:42 PM, wgm4u wrote:

We really don't know what those exact choices were, we do have some 
theories, what we do know is the law of karma.

You'll have to ask those individuals whether it was/is a reward or 
punishment, and maybe only time will tell. Some already know, each 
individual is different, though the scriptures advise against it for 
your own long term happiness.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, s3raphita@... wrote:

Re homosexuals are all products of freewill choices made in this 
and/or past lives:

So what choices did they make exactly? And is having homosexual 
tendencies a reward or a punishment?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread Bhairitu
Looks like a bunch of zealous young folks. Remember when we were all 
that age and thought the whole world should do TM?  They'll grow up and 
have kids and be too busy to be so zealous.

We had a case about a decade back where a kid from a Muslim family in 
Sacramento decided it might be cool to go to one of Osama's camps for 
training.  He hated it and when he came back to the US was arrested. 
Worse yet they arrested his dad who didn't want any part of Islamic 
zealousness and loves the US.

On 12/22/2013 03:48 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

Just wait ... the rivers of blood will flow.
Will they flow toward you?

Government Set To Ban Islamist Group That Planned Wootton Bassett March

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 23-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-22 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/21/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/28/13 00:00:00
189 messages as of (UTC) 12/23/13 00:06:26

 23 authfriend
 20 Bhairitu 
 17 dhamiltony2k5
 14 awoelflebater
 13 doctordumbass
 12 emilymaenot
 12 Richard J. Williams 
 11 Share Long 
  8 cardemaister
  7 s3raphita
  7 jr_esq
  7 TurquoiseB 
  6 wgm4u 
  6 bobpriced
  5 yifuxero
  4 feste37 
  4 emptybill
  3 wleed3 
  3 nablusoss1008 
  2 j_alexander_stanley
  2 Mike Dixon 
  1 martyboi
  1 Richard Williams 
  1 Michael Jackson 
Posters: 24
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Norton?

2013-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson
I have personally had good fortune with Norton products, esp Norton 360, which 
I run on my and my daughter's HP laptops. I have had some problems with 
incompatibility between Norton and Microsoft software, generally showing up 
after a Microsoft update, not on my machines but on some others I have worked 
I must say the standard suggestion from Norton to run Norton removal tool and 
reinstall Norton again is bs - it won't work if the problem is incompatibility 
from a Microsoft update. Its a pain to determine which update is causing the 
problem. If you did do any Microsoft updates lately, I suggest a system restore 
to the last restore point before the update. Then as much of a pain as it will 
be, download the updates manually, one at a time, to see which update is the 

On Sun, 12/22/13, cardemais...@yahoo.com cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Norton?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, December 22, 2013, 10:15 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann#39;s tree photo

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/22/2013 12:48 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
 SHARE. Emily.
This very impressive, Emily, especially during the Christmas season!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
Oh yeah ... just a bunch of kids. 

 Woolwich Murder: Muslim Leader Warns Of 'War'

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote:

 Looks like a bunch of zealous young folks. Remember when we were all that age 
and thought the whole world should do TM?  They'll grow up and have kids and be 
too busy to be so zealous.
 We had a case about a decade back where a kid from a Muslim family in 
Sacramento decided it might be cool to go to one of Osama's camps for training. 
 He hated it and when he came back to the US was arrested. Worse yet they 
arrested his dad who didn't want any part of Islamic zealousness and loves the 
 On 12/22/2013 03:48 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Just wait ... the rivers of blood will flow. 
 Will they flow toward you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread wgm4u
You're not just born gay, somehow, someway you/they had a hand in their own 
destiny, is that so hard to understand?; yikes. We are ALL products of our own 
destiny, we're NOT victims of some capricious God.
 And who knows maybe I was gay in a past life, so what, that's not the issue 
here. the issue raised here is 'understanding' it. Unfortunately for some 
(gays) it's a bitter pill to swallow that they are the product of their own 
making and hence, like to just say (and lay on our ignorant society) they were 
just born that way, like a chicken hatched from and egg, GMAB!
 Actions have consequencesin this life OR the next, for ALL.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, noozguru@... wrote:

 So maybe next lifetime you'll be born gay and can find out.
 On 12/22/2013 02:42 PM, wgm4u wrote:
   We really don't know what those exact choices were, we do have some 
theories, what we do know is the law of karma.
 You'll have to ask those individuals whether it was/is a reward or punishment, 
and maybe only time will tell. Some already know, each individual is different, 
though the scriptures advise against it for your own long term happiness.
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... 
 Re homosexuals are all products of freewill choices made in this and/or past 
 So what choices did they make exactly? And is having homosexual tendencies a 
reward or a punishment?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/22/2013 9:50 AM, feste37 wrote:
 Sometimes the smallness of your mind amazes me.
Judy does not take kindly to criticism, Feste. Even a casual comment 
like yours about her use of the dots after words in a sentence being 
standard practicesoon turns into a personal confrontation, which she 
will very quickly escalate into retaliation trying to defend herself and 
trying to make you feel humiliated. That's her standard practice. But 
it should noted that apparently not a single respondent on this list 
ever saw dots used between words and nobody seems to care about it, 
except Judy - it took her seven attempts to try convince us that people 
use this posting style all the time, but I've been using Twitter since 
it was founded, I've never seen dots used in between words.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/22/2013 8:21 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
You are a hypocrite Share and a self-centered one at that. 
Sometimes posting on the internet can really bring out the ugly side of 
people. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/22/2013 8:21 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

How did you like his harassment of MJ when Michael first appeared here?
Whenever informants join this group for the sole purpose of denigrating 
our spiritual teacher, it just naturally gets my interest. There's 
usually much more to their story than they want to reveal. I was curious 
why the poser Michael Jackson would have such animosity toward someone 
he's never even met.

I still want to now why a guy would want to join the kitchen staff and 
live in a pod for two winters at a religious school up Iowa and not 
enroll in a single course of instruction. Obviously MJ was not a TMO 
insider, but I found it somewhat offensive that he would cast aspersions 
of the president of the school and attempt to discuss the private sex 
lives of the students and the faculty. There must be more to this story 
than he wants us to know. Why can't he just be honest and tell us what 
really happened up there?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The lack of posting limits have officially killed FFL

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/21/2013 11:31 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Emily, you may not have been initiated, but you exhibit all the best 
qualities of what I was pitching when I was doin TM Intro lectures. 
I've never heard of a Bob Priced being a TM Teacher that was 
authorized to give TM intro lectures. I don't see a Bob Priced on the 
list of a teachers in good standing with the TMO. What  exactly, were 
you pitching? In TM instruction you get only one single bija mantra.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Krapp#39;s Last Tape, Part Un

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/21/2013 10:56 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Judy in black, me in red---with my latest contribution in bold. I 
think we're pushing the limits of NEO

So, why would need NEO when you can create macros in a word processor?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread Share Long
wgm, I like the theory from Charlie Lutes that Mike shared. That we all 
alternate male and female lives, three each way. The first year when we're in a 
new gender we may still have tendencies, etc. from the previous life in the 
other gender. I like this theory because it's not punitive. What do you think?

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 6:53 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
You're not just born gay, somehow, someway you/they had a hand in their own 
destiny, is that so hard to understand?; yikes. We are ALL products of our own 
destiny, we're NOT victims of some capricious God.
And who knows maybe I was gay in a past life, so what, that's not the issue 
here. the issue raised here is 'understanding' it. Unfortunately for some 
(gays) it's a bitter pill to swallow that they are the product of their own 
making and hence, like to just say (and lay on our ignorant society) they were 
just born that way, like a chicken hatched from and egg, GMAB!
Actions have consequencesin this life OR the next, for ALL.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, noozguru@... wrote:

So maybe next lifetime you'll be born gay and can find out.

On 12/22/2013 02:42 PM, wgm4u wrote:

We really don't know what those exact choices were, we do have some theories, 
what we do know is the law of karma.
You'll have to ask those individuals whether it was/is a reward or punishment, 
and maybe only time will tell. Some already know, each individual is 
different, though the scriptures advise against it for your own long term 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, s3raphita@... wrote:

Re homosexuals are all products of freewill choices made in this and/or past 

So what choices did they make exactly? And is having homosexual tendencies a 
reward or a punishment?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Krapp#39;s Last Tape, Part Un

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/21/2013 10:56 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:
NEO also does not seem to like text combined with too many YOUTUBE 
You can use Google Chrome to post links to YouTube - this makes sense 
when you think about it, since Google owns YouTube, which uses Adobe 
Flash Video and HTML5 technology. You can see an example of this in my 
music posts abut 100 Great Rock Artists. It would be my suggestion that 
you try to get way from using NEO and get yourself a news reader like 
Chrome or Thunderbird. This has already been discussed by Barry 2, but I 
guessed you missed his post, since you were so busy calling my wife at 
her place of employ. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/21/2013 11:12 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

Re ducks: Camille Paglia wades in . . .

“I speak with authority here, because I was openly gay before the 
'Stonewall rebellion' when it cost you something to be so. And I 
personally feel as a libertarian that people have the right to free 
thought and free speech. In a democratic country, people have the 
right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support 
homosexuality — as I 100 per cent do. If people are basing their views 
against gays on the Bible, again they have a right of religious 
freedom there.

“I remember the broad 1960s era commitment to free speech. There was a 
special zeal to protect those who said outrageous things. Today, we’re 
back to the kind of repression that in the 60s seemed to belong to the 
1950s. What the hell happened?” The Baby Boomers turned into The Man. 
Also, we don’t need an ostensibly-neutral ideal to shelter communists 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 On 12/22/2013 8:21 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 How did you like his harassment of MJ when Michael first appeared here? 
Whenever informants join this group for the sole purpose of denigrating our 
spiritual teacher, it just naturally gets my interest. There's usually much 
more to their story than they want to reveal. I was curious why the poser 
Michael Jackson would have such animosity toward someone he's never even met. 
 I still want to now why a guy would want to join the kitchen staff and live in 
a pod for two winters at a religious school up Iowa and not enroll in a single 
course of instruction. Obviously MJ was not a TMO insider, but I found it 
somewhat offensive that he would cast aspersions of the president of the school 
and attempt to discuss the private sex lives of the students and the faculty. 
There must be more to this story than he wants us to know. Why can't he just be 
honest and tell us what really happened up there?
 Dear Richard, I think MJ has been extremely honest from the beginning. He has 
told us many of his experiences at MIU of how he was treated, not only as a 
staff member, but as a human being and I buy it. I was there for four years as 
a student and I lived in FF for a few years on and off after my graduation in 
1980. I know how it went down with the students vs how hard the staff worked. I 
had many staff friends and I had a sister and a brother in law on faculty as 
well as another sister who was a student at the same time.  He didn't deserve 
your heckling and badgering. You two could have had a reasonable and productive 
conversation about your questions and doubts but instead you chose the route of 
obnoxious dolt playing the part of the repetitive asshole who refuses to engage 
on an adult and comprehensible level. You chose to be like this, for what 
reason I still don't get. MJ has always been willing to tell his stories and 
give us his viewpoints in a manner which is well written and intelligent.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-22 Thread feste37
You are spot on there, Richard. That's exactly what this woman does. It's very 
ugly. There is a viciousness there, the cause of which I can only speculate 
about. In her obsession with being right all the time, she will indulge in all 
kinds of misrepresentation and personal attacks in order to prevail. It's kind 
of insane, like if some loony woman were to grab someone in the street and 
start haranguing them and never letting go. I have never encountered anything 
like it before. It's just not normal behavior. I do wish she would get some 
mental health counseling. It might give her some insight into why she is so 
unpleasant and is always falling out with people. But I fear that the iron grip 
of her self-righteousness will not allow her to explore this extremely 
problematic aspect of her personality. 



---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, punditster@... wrote:

 On 12/22/2013 9:50 AM, feste37 wrote:
  Sometimes the smallness of your mind amazes me.
 Judy does not take kindly to criticism, Feste. Even a casual comment 
 like yours about her use of the dots after words in a sentence being 
 standard practicesoon turns into a personal confrontation, which she 
 will very quickly escalate into retaliation trying to defend herself and 
 trying to make you feel humiliated. That's her standard practice. But 
 it should noted that apparently not a single respondent on this list 
 ever saw dots used between words and nobody seems to care about it, 
 except Judy - it took her seven attempts to try convince us that people 
 use this posting style all the time, but I've been using Twitter since 
 it was founded, I've never seen dots used in between words.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The lack of posting limits have officially killed FFL

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/20/2013 10:06 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

/Texans are not a race or different species. /
There are many races of people that call themselves Texans - San 
Antonio for example is composed of 63% Hispanic people. They call 
themselves Tejanos - which is fitting since this used to be Mexico. 
There are quite a few people around here that call themselves Creoles, 
indicating they are of mixed heritage - French Canadian and African 
American. There have been six flags over Texas. Not to mention the 
original native inhabitants who called themselves Tejas, meaning 
friend. Not all people that live in Texas wear ten gallon hats and carry 
six-shooters, Bob.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Enoch Powell was opposed to mass immigration on *racial* grounds. He didn't 
want the mass influx of non-whites: Indians, Pakistanis and blacks. It's an 
interesting topic to debate but one that invariably generates more heat than 

 What always amused me is that in the 1970s there were those on the right who 
argued that such immigration was a deliberate plan by the Left to break down 
racial and national solidarity of the native whites and so everyone's identity 
would in future centre on their class. That would help the workers to unite 
against the rich.

 But many on the left argued that the mass immigration was a deliberate plan by 
the Right to import cheap foreign labour and so undercut the power of the 
unions and foster inter-racial antagonism to split the workers. Myself, I've 
always been inclined to accept the cock-up theory of history rather than 
conspiracy theories but it is a fact that parties of both the left and right 
encouraged large-scale immigration against majority popular resentment.

 But all that is a side issue compared to the hot topic of the day which 
centres on Islam. The Muslim issue is completely different as Islam is an 
ideology. To be sure there are many admirable things about Islam but I think 
the key problem is that Muslim ideas are in opposition to the the values of 
liberal societies. One obvious example is the place of women. When many Muslim 
women are expected to wear face coverings; when female genital mutilation is a 
common practice; and when women are regarded as the property of either the 
father or the husband that is clearly in flat contradiction to western mores. 

 This discrepancy wouldn't be an issue if Muslims remained a small minority. 
When they dominate many towns, as they do in the UK, you have a recipe for 
disaster. Let me emphasise that it's *not* a question of who is right or wrong; 
it's a question of a culture clash. And that culture clash is not going to fade 
away. This one is going to grow and grow.

 Now personally I like stirring it; I enjoy controversy. I enjoy watching the 
politicians responsible for the mess we are in (and who clearly have no idea 
how to resolve the conflict) tying themselves into knots on TV debate shows. 
But it could all end in tears.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread feste37
The British are currently drowning in a multicultural soup but it is of their 
own making. After all, they did not exactly ask permission in the 18th and 19th 
century when they went all over the globe plundering everyone's natural 
resources and offering only civilization in return. Now the chickens have come 
home to roost, and the immigrants want a slice of Britain in return. Enoch was 
right, of course, although he did not have Muslim radicalism in mind. For 
anyone who does not know, Enoch Powell was a Conservative British politician in 
the 1960s and beyond who dared to speak out in somewhat lurid language against 
large-scale black immigration to Britain. He was vilified for it, but from 
everything I hear now, people should have listened to him more carefully. I 
have a very close friend in England who generally has impeccably progressive 
views, but she tells me she is sick of being treated as a foreigner in her own 



---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, emptybill@... wrote:

 Oh yeah ... just a bunch of kids. 

 Woolwich Murder: Muslim Leader Warns Of 'War'

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote:

 Looks like a bunch of zealous young folks. Remember when we were all that age 
and thought the whole world should do TM?  They'll grow up and have kids and be 
too busy to be so zealous.
 We had a case about a decade back where a kid from a Muslim family in 
Sacramento decided it might be cool to go to one of Osama's camps for training. 
 He hated it and when he came back to the US was arrested. Worse yet they 
arrested his dad who didn't want any part of Islamic zealousness and loves the 
 On 12/22/2013 03:48 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Just wait ... the rivers of blood will flow. 
 Will they flow toward you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Macros

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/20/2013 6:01 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
But, you might try creating a macro, since most of your posts these 
days are short, on one line, and all begin with RE.

Don't give a shit Ricky, really don't.

Some people just don't want to learn, I guess. Go figure.

It's only 26 steps to create a macro in a word processor like Microsoft 
Word or Excel or WordPerfect. It's not complicated - Judy and Bob know 
how to create and use macros. You can even designate the color of your 
text and the typeface. Let's ask Judy and Bob how they created their 
macros - maybe they could simplify it for you into only 25 steps.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re we all alternate male and female lives. The first year when we're in a new 
gender we may still have tendencies, etc. from the previous life in the other 
gender. I like this theory because it's not punitive. What do you think?:


 Yes, I've always liked that speculation. Although I don't believe in 
reincarnation myself the concept has a certain poetical beauty to it. 
 Of course, if we're all one, maybe bisexual or transsexuals are on to 
something. Ramakrishna was a genuine mystic and clearly had an ambiguous sexual 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The lack of posting limits have officially killed FFL

2013-12-22 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/20/2013 1:08 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*One begins to suspect that he is intentionally doing his best to 
destroy the forum (possibly out of resentment that he was never able 
to attract the attention he craved while the posting limits were in 
Well, it sure seemed to get Judy's attention, but it should be noted 
that Judy was one of the prime reasons for the posting limit being put 
into effect in the first place - she being one of the most prolific 
posters on FFL of all time, as she remains to this day.

So, I don't have a problem with anyone posting as much as they want to - 
it only takes a few minutes each day to scroll through to see if there's 
anything interesting to read. Like Barry, I mostly just skip Judy's 
messages, since 90% of them are just like Bill noted - prattle. The rest 
of Judy's posts are mostly just nit-picking and name-calling. Nothing 
here, just move on.

However, I'm not the first person to post a comment on Judy attempting 
to get rid of other posters by trying to humiliate them into silence. 
The list is pretty long - the main ones that come to mind off the top of 
my head include  Dr. Pete, Lawson, Curtis, Robin, Vaj, Steve, Feste, and 
of course Share and Richard. Have I left anyone out?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann#39;s tree photo

2013-12-22 Thread emilymaenot
HAVE A MARVELOUS FRIGGING EVENING RICHARD.  Is this better?  Share asked me 
to help her unpack the word FRIGGING Richard, so I did.  She wrote it; she 
could have Googled it herself, if she was unaware of what she wrote.  I think 
Feste should check in on her to make sure she is O.K. as I don't understand why 
she didn't know what she was writing or why she didn't know to Google the word. 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, punditster@... wrote:

 On 12/22/2013 12:48 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
  SHARE. Emily.
 This very impressive, Emily, especially during the Christmas season!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013

2013-12-22 Thread jr_esq

 Here' the sun treatment I was talking about.  It's probably the same principle 
as the light box you've mentioned.


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