Re: well, try here first...

2012-11-13 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Nov 13, 2012, at 9:48 PM, Polytropon wrote:

> That matches what I've learned in school, but it doesn't match
> realitiy anymore. :-)
> A famous thing is "comma in lists": Unlike German, where "and"
> substitutes a comma, in English it seems to be valid to put a
> comma infront of "and":
>   He bought a glass, a towel, a toothpick, and a nose.
> In German, that would be
>   Er kaufte ein Glas, ein Handtuch, einen Zahnstocker
>   und eine Nase.

This is interesting, because the comma before the "and" in a list is much more 
understandable, because it is open to less interpretation.   This is where the 
"eats shoots and leaves" comes in, kind of.  There are similar examples where 
ambiguity arises from the lack of a comma before "and" in a list.   The comma 
before the "and" is traditional English.   There are, however, lots of people 
who advocate for the lack of a comma before the "and" in a list and that is 
taught in some classes in some schools.

I don't claim to be a great German speaker or writer.   I have not visited 
there in 12 years nor lived there in almost 20 years.  But people at least can 
understand me and I can get my point across.  :)

Most of my post was meant to support what you were saying, btw.   As well as 
give examples and interesting tidbits.  I agree that proper grammar is 
important in language, even when I don't always use it or do it; especially in 
informal speech like email lists, forums, etc.

> But pleese pay atension too, the new englis orfograffy which
> make`s every thing easyer to under stand and, more freedems
> to mak punctation and les speeling errer's.
> Funkzionier't auch in, Deutsch! :-)

You must really be taking a conniption fit with the changes (Verbilligen -- 
cheapening --  though the exact words I was searching for have failed me 
tonight)  that have happened in German in the last 10 or so years ( striking of 
ß; to always be written with "ss" now, etc)...

>> Und "Playboy alles was Maennern Spass macht" ist 100% verständlich
>> auf deutsch, da es einen richtigen Dativ Kasus gibt, im Gegensatz
>> zu englischer Sprache.
> It may be 100% understandable, but it's not correct, because it's
> not a sentence or a grammatically valid construct. The translation
> would have been (quite literally, I admit):
>   Playboy everything what men fun makes

Actually, no.   A more correct translation would be:Playboy everything that 
to men fun makes.

[Or, if you wanted the same mistake (lack of comma or hyphen) but proper 
English word order:   Playboy everything that is fun for men.]

"Männern" is dative case, which, when used without a preposition, is best 
translated as "to " where  is written with dative case 

> Again, a hyphen after the 1st word would it much more readable.
>> (and "playboy -- everything that is fun for men" [in German] is
>> 100% understandable in German, because there is a real dative case
>> in German, unlike in english.)
> In _that_ translation, you've used the hyphen correctly (which was
> missing in the german version discussed).

Yes, my bad.  I was trying to write it the same but fixed it unconsciously.


Re: well, try here first...

2012-11-13 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Nov 13, 2012, at 7:58 PM, Polytropon wrote:
> Ouch.
> Unlike in English, the comma in German is an important symbol
> in grammar. It brings structure to sentences. In English, there
> is the "word order" that achieves this goal, and a comma is
> mostly optional or "left to preferences". In German, there are
> rules where to place a comma, and where not to. Those rules
> are relatively easy to understand, and luckily they do not
> leave much space for individual preferences. :-)
> In the above example,
>   Playboy, alles was Maennern Spass macht
> or better using a hyphen
>   Playboy - alles was Maennern Spass macht
> would have been correct, as it's shown on the current web page
> in a correct manner.

To be fair, a lot of the same rules exist for English.  The comma is not 
optional or left to preferences in English, either.  There are definite rules 
and it brings structure.   Unfortunately, lots of people forget (or don't pay 
attention to) these rules, or, they are casual with them in the casual forms of 
communication, like email.  (And there are some people who believe that the 
"text" language is English -- OMG, WTF, GR8, B4, LOL, etc -- )

Wie mit deutscher Sprache, man kann (mit englischer Sprache) vieles mit der 
Wortstellung machen.  Und dazu, ist, natürlich, die richtige Anwendung (und 
Verständnis) der Grammatik wichtig.
(Like with the German language, one can do a lot with word order (in English).  
 And for that, the proper use and understanding of Grammar is important),_Shoots_%26_Leaves

Und "Playboy alles was Maennern Spass macht" ist 100% verständlich auf deutsch, 
da es einen richtigen Dativ Kasus gibt, im Gegensatz zu englischer Sprache.
(and "playboy -- everything that is fun for men" [in German] is 100% 
understandable in German, because there is a real dative case in German, unlike 
in english.)

Gruss aus Utah

Re: ZFS stats in "top" -- ZFS performance started being crappy in spurts

2012-08-16 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 11, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Chad Leigh - Pengar LLC wrote:

> Hi
> I have a FreeBSD 9 system with ZFS root.  It is actually a VM under Xen on a 
> beefy piece of HW (4 core Sandy Bridge 3ghz Xeon, total HW memory 32GB -- VM 
> has 4vcpus and 6GB RAM).  Mirrored gpart partitions.  I am looking for data 
> integrity more than performance as long as performance is reasonable (which 
> it has more than been the last 3 months).
> The other "servers" on the same HW, the other VMs on the same, don't have 
> this problem but are set up the same way.  There are 4 other FreeBSD VMs, one 
> running email for a one man company and a few of his friends, as well as some 
> static web pages and stuff for him, one runs a few low use web apps for 
> various customers, and one runs about 30 websites with apache and nginx, 
> mostly just static sites.  None are heavily used.  There is also one VM with 
> linux running a couple low use FrontBase databases.   Not high use database 
> -- low use ones.
> The troubleseome VM  has been running fine for over 3 months since I 
> installed it.Level of use has been pretty much constant.   The server 
> runs 4 jails on it, each dedicated to a different bit of email processing for 
> a small number of users.   One is a secondary DNS.  One runs clamav and 
> spamassassin.  One runs exim for incoming and outgoing mail.  One runs 
> dovecot for imap and pop.   There is no web server or database or anything 
> else running.
> Total number of mail users on the system is approximately 50, plus or minus.  
> Total mail traffic is very low compared to "real" mail servers.
> Earlier this week things started "freezing up".  It might last a few minutes, 
> or it might last 1/2 hour.   Processes become unresponsive.  This can last a 
> few minutes or much longer.  It eventually resolves itself and things are 
> good for another 10 minutes or 3 hours until it happens again.  When it 
> happens,  lots of processes are listed in "top" as 
> zfs
> zio->i
> zfs
> tx->tx
> db->db
> state.   These processes only get listed in these states when there are 
> problems.   What are these states indicative of?

Ok, after much reading of ZFS blog posts, forum postings, email list postings, 
and trying stuff out, I seem to have gotten stuff back down to normal and 
reasonable performance.

In case anyone has similar issues in a similar circumstance, here is what I 
did.  Some of these may have had little or no effect but this is what was 

The biggest effect was when I did the following:

vfs.zfs.zfetch.block_cap  from default 256 down to 64

This was like night and day.  The idea to try this from a post by user 
"madtrader" in the forum  .  He was 
recording multiple streams of HD video and trying to play HD video off a stream 
from the same server/ZFS file system.  

Also, setting

vfs.zfs.write_limit_override   to something other than the default disabled "0" 
seems to have had a relatively significant effect.   Before I worked with the  
"block_cap" above, I was focussing on this and had tried everything from 64M to 
768M.  It is currently set to 576M and is around the area where I was having 
best results on my system with my amount of RAM (6GB).  I tried 512M and had 
good results and then 768M, which was still good but not quite as good as far 
as I could tell from testing.  So I went with 576M on my last attempt and then 
added in the block_cap and things really are pretty much back to normal.

I turned on vdev caching

vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size   form 0 to 10M.   Don't know if it helped.  

I also lowered 

vfs.zfs.txg.timeout   from 5 to 3.   This seems to have had a slightly 
noticeable effect.

I also adjusted


The default of 0 (meaning system self set) seemed to result in an actual value 
of around 75-80% of RAM, which seemed high.   I ended up setting it at 3072M, 
which for me seems to work well.  Don't know what the overall effect on the 
problem was though.


ZFS stats in "top" -- ZFS performance started being crappy in spurts

2012-08-11 Thread Chad Leigh - Pengar LLC

I have a FreeBSD 9 system with ZFS root.  It is actually a VM under Xen on a 
beefy piece of HW (4 core Sandy Bridge 3ghz Xeon, total HW memory 32GB -- VM 
has 4vcpus and 6GB RAM).  Mirrored gpart partitions.  I am looking for data 
integrity more than performance as long as performance is reasonable (which it 
has more than been the last 3 months).

The other "servers" on the same HW, the other VMs on the same, don't have this 
problem but are set up the same way.  There are 4 other FreeBSD VMs, one 
running email for a one man company and a few of his friends, as well as some 
static web pages and stuff for him, one runs a few low use web apps for various 
customers, and one runs about 30 websites with apache and nginx, mostly just 
static sites.  None are heavily used.  There is also one VM with linux running 
a couple low use FrontBase databases.   Not high use database -- low use ones.

The troubleseome VM  has been running fine for over 3 months since I installed 
it.Level of use has been pretty much constant.   The server runs 4 jails on 
it, each dedicated to a different bit of email processing for a small number of 
users.   One is a secondary DNS.  One runs clamav and spamassassin.  One runs 
exim for incoming and outgoing mail.  One runs dovecot for imap and pop.   
There is no web server or database or anything else running.

Total number of mail users on the system is approximately 50, plus or minus.  
Total mail traffic is very low compared to "real" mail servers.

Earlier this week things started "freezing up".  It might last a few minutes, 
or it might last 1/2 hour.   Processes become unresponsive.  This can last a 
few minutes or much longer.  It eventually resolves itself and things are good 
for another 10 minutes or 3 hours until it happens again.  When it happens,  
lots of processes are listed in "top" as 


state.   These processes only get listed in these states when there are 
problems.   What are these states indicative of?

Eventually things get going again, these states drop off and the system hums 

Based on some stuff I found in Google (for a person who had a different but 
somewhat similar problem) I tried setting 

zfs set primarycache=metadata zroot


zfs set primarycache=none zroot

but the problem still happened with approximately the same severity and 
frequency.  (Wanted to see if the system was "churning" with cache upkeep).

What is strange is that this server ran fine for 3 months straight without 
interruption with the same level of work.

Thanks for any hints or clues

some data points below


# uname -a
FreeBSD newbagend 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #1: Wed Mar 21 15:22:14 MDT 
2012 chad@underhill:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/UNDERHILL-XEN  amd64


# zpool status
 pool: zroot
state: ONLINE
 scan: scrub repaired 0 in 6h13m with 0 errors on Fri Aug 10 19:33:23 2012

zroot   ONLINE   0 0
  mirror-0  ONLINE   0 0
gptid/f0da8263-8a52-11e1-b3ae-aa3efccd  ONLINE   0 0
gptid/0f24ab58-8a53-11e1-b3ae-aa3efccd  ONLINE   0 0

errors: No known data errors


representative data from doing a stats during a trouble period

zfs-stats  -a

ZFS Subsystem ReportSat Aug 11 13:40:07 2012

System Information:

Kernel Version: 900505 (osreldate)
Hardware Platform:  amd64
Processor Architecture: amd64

ZFS Storage pool Version:   28
ZFS Filesystem Version: 5

FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #1: Wed Mar 21 15:22:14 MDT 2012 chad
1:40PM  up  2:54, 3 users, load averages: 0.23, 0.19, 0.14

System Memory:

11.49%  681.92  MiB Active, 4.03%   238.97  MiB Inact
33.37%  1.93GiB Wired,  0.05%   3.04MiB Cache
51.04%  2.96GiB Free,   0.01%   808.00  KiB Gap

Real Installed: 6.00GiB
Real Available: 99.65%  5.98GiB
Real Managed:   96.93%  5.80GiB

Logical Total:  6.00GiB
Logical Used:   46.76%  2.81GiB
Logical Free:   53.24%  3.19GiB

Kernel Memory:  1.25GiB
Data:   98.38%  1.23GiB
Text:   1.62%   20.75   MiB

Kernel Memory Map:  5.68GiB

Re: Apache FCGI in a a jail under FBSD 9 won't start due to shared memory creation error

2012-08-11 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 9, 2012, at 9:41 AM, Fbsd8 wrote:

> Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC wrote:
>> On Aug 7, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Mark Felder wrote:
>>> jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" in rc.conf should do it.
>> Hmm
>> I added that and rebooted the jail host system. However, the setting in 
>> sysctl security.jail.sysvipc_allowed  is still 0 after the reboot
>> # sysctl -a | grep sysvipc
>> security.jail.param.allow.sysvipc: 0
>> security.jail.sysvipc_allowed: 0
>> #
>> I can set security.jail.sysvipc_allowed to 1 manually.  However, even after 
>> doing that, the original fcgi problem happens when starting apache2.2 with 
>> mod_fcgid in the configuration and being loaded
>> [Tue Aug 07 13:09:12 2012] [emerg] (78)Function not implemented: mod_fcgid: 
>> Can't create shared memory for size 1192488 bytes
>> Thanks!
>> Chad
> Since you manually installed apache22 and mod_fcgid from up-stream sources 
> maybe you missed something. As a test create another jail and install the 
> package versions of apache22 and mod_fcgid and see if that will start ok. If 
> it does them you know you missed something in your hand job version.


Thanks for the suggestion.  I don't think, however, that anything is missing 
with my from-source compilations. I have been running self-compiled apaches for 
15 years and have also done mod_fcgid in the past as well without issue (but 
not inside a jail).  I don't think it is a matter of sw missing, but of system 
parameters or similar.'


Re: Apache FCGI in a a jail under FBSD 9 won't start due to shared memory creation error

2012-08-07 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 7, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Mark Felder wrote:

> jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" in rc.conf should do it.


I added that and rebooted the jail host system. However, the setting in sysctl 

security.jail.sysvipc_allowed  is still 0 after the reboot

# sysctl -a | grep sysvipc
security.jail.param.allow.sysvipc: 0
security.jail.sysvipc_allowed: 0

I can set security.jail.sysvipc_allowed to 1 manually.  However, even after 
doing that, the original fcgi problem happens when starting apache2.2 with 
mod_fcgid in the configuration and being loaded

[Tue Aug 07 13:09:12 2012] [emerg] (78)Function not implemented: mod_fcgid: 
Can't create shared memory for size 1192488 bytes


Apache FCGI in a a jail under FBSD 9 won't start due to shared memory creation error

2012-08-07 Thread Chad Leigh Shire . Net LLC
Hi.  I'll try this again.

I run systems using FreeBSD 9.0

FreeBSD utah.XXXcom 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #1: Wed Mar 21 15:22:14 
MDT 2012 chad@underhill:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/UNDERHILL-XEN  amd64

and on those systems run a bunch of jails.  I have Apache 2.2 built and running 
in the jail in question, and recently had need to add mod_fcgid to it.  NOTE 
that the Apache and mod_fcgid were not installed through ports or packages.  I 
download the source and build myself (for various reasons).  

Apache inside the Jail, with mod_fcgid enabled will not start:

[Mon Jul 23 10:59:35 2012] [emerg] (78)Function not implemented: mod_fcgid: 
Can't create shared memory for size 1192488 bytes

I did a search on this and found that I would probably need a system kernel 
parameter changed from 0 -> 1


So I did that.  (And restarted the jail).  However, I still get the same error 
when trying to start apache.

I noticed a similar parameter  security.jail.param.allow.sysvipc  but cannot 
change this at run time and did not find anything useful about what this 
parameter is for using a search engine.

(As an aside, how would I change security.jail.sysvipc_allowed   and also 
security.jail.param.allow.sysvipc at boot time?  I added them both to 
/boot/loader.conf but they did not get changed at boot and I had to do the 
security.jail.sysvipc_allowed one again on the command line -- I have some vfs 
type kernel state variables set there and they stick)

I would appreciate some help with getting things set up so that I can run 
apache with mod_fcgid under my Jails on FBSD 9.


Apache FCGI in a a jail under FBSD 9 won't start due to shared memory creation error

2012-07-27 Thread Chad Leigh Shire . Net LLC

I run systems using FreeBSD 9.0

FreeBSD utah.XXXcom 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #1: Wed Mar 21 15:22:14 
MDT 2012 chad@underhill:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/UNDERHILL-XEN  amd64

and on those systems run a bunch of jails.  I have Apache 2.2 built and running 
in the jail in question, and recently had need to add mod_fcgid to it.  NOTE 
that the Apache and mod_fcgid were not installed through ports or packages.  I 
download the source and build myself (for various reasons).  

Apache inside the Jail, with mod_fcgid enabled will not start:

[Mon Jul 23 10:59:35 2012] [emerg] (78)Function not implemented: mod_fcgid: 
Can't create shared memory for size 1192488 bytes

I did a search on this and found that I would probably need a system kernel 
parameter changed from 0 -> 1


So I did that.  (And restarted the jail).  However, I still get the same error 
when trying to start apache.

I noticed a similar parameter  security.jail.param.allow.sysvipc  but cannot 
change this at run time and did not find anything useful about what this 
parameter is for using a search engine.

(As an aside, how would I change security.jail.sysvipc_allowed   and also 
security.jail.param.allow.sysvipc at boot time?  I added them both to 
/boot/loader.conf but they did not get changed at boot and I had to do the 
security.jail.sysvipc_allowed one again on the command line -- I have some vfs 
type kernel state variables set there and they stick)

I would appreciate some help with getting things set up so that I can run 
apache with mod_fcgid under my Jails on FBSD 9.


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Re: question on SYN_SENT

2012-06-04 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On May 11, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> 'Should not' does not mean 'is not'. and unfortunately, it -is- attempting
> to "go out".
> There are at least a couple of possible explanations, none of them "good".
>  1) the jail is attempting a DoS (or participating in  DDoS) against an
> Israeli _government_ network/machine.
>  2) the jail is 'owned' by a botnet, and is trying to 'phone home' for
> instructions.

Sorry for the delay in response.  Did not mean to ignore this.  Was busy 
figuring out and correcting this (and then the other normal day to day stuff 
that comes up).

Yes, it looks like a customer's JBOSS installation had been hacked.  It was 
running in its own jail with RO mounting of /usr (except /usr/local) and /bin 
/sbin and other system directories.  It was basically scanning for more open 
JBOSS stuff.  The attack had just barely happened (the server had just been 
installed).  I disabled the JBOSS and cleaned everything up and scanned the 
jail for problem files etc.  Customer fixed the JBOSS vulnerability (well known 
one) and decided to leave it off for now.

Thanks for all the help on this



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Re: question on SYN_SENT

2012-05-11 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On May 11, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> On May 11, 2012, at 2:09 PM, Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC wrote:
>> it is my understanding that SYN_SENT is when MY SIDE sends out a request and 
>> is awaiting a reply?
> That's right.
>> One of the jails we run for a customer had hundreds (if not thousands) of 
>> attempts to connect from the 147. address you see below.   It was exhausting 
>> resources so that new tcp connections could not be made until some closed.
> You have/had your jail opening connections to the webserver at IP 
>, not that IP trying to connect to you.
>> I added that address to a "pf" block statement to stop it but now we get a 
>> rolling connections in a "netstat -a" as show below (host. being a generic 
>> name used in place of actual host on our side).   I am wondering if this 
>> shows something on our side trying to connect out?  That is what it appears 
>> to me to be, which does not make sense.
>> tcp4   0  0 host.52562
>> tcp4   0  0 host.52561
> Yes, your side is trying to connect out.
> Unless you know better, it seems reasonable to gather that it's doing a DoS 
> attack against:

Hi Chuck!

Thanks.  I am investigating as this side should not be going out at all, but 
the SYN_SENT made me think it was.


> % whois
> [ ... ]
> inetnum: -
> netname:  IL-GOVT-NET
> descr:Israeli Government Network
> country:  IL
> admin-c:  AT979-RIPE
> tech-c:   TT441-RIPE
> status:   ASSIGNED PI
> mnt-by:   GOV-IL-DNS
> mnt-lower:GOV-IL-DNS
> mnt-routes:   AS8867-MNT { ANY }
> mnt-routes:   AS9116-MNT {^24-24 }
> source:   RIPE # Filtered
> person: Admin Tehila
> address:Israel Ministry Of Finance
> address:1 Netanel Lorech st
> address:Jerusalem  Israel
> phone:  +972 2 6664666
> fax-no: +972 2 6664650
> remarks:For ABUSE and security issues please contact
> remarks:email:
> remarks:or contact at
> nic-hdl:AT979-RIPE
> source: RIPE # Filtered
> Regards,
> -- 
> -Chuck

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question on SYN_SENT

2012-05-11 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

it is my understanding that SYN_SENT is when MY SIDE sends out a request and is 
awaiting a reply?

One of the jails we run for a customer had hundreds (if not thousands) of 
attempts to connect from the 147. address you see below.   It was exhausting 
resources so that new tcp connections could not be made until some closed.

I added that address to a "pf" block statement to stop it but now we get a 
rolling connections in a "netstat -a" as show below (host. being a generic name 
used in place of actual host on our side).   I am wondering if this shows 
something on our side trying to connect out?  That is what it appears to me to 
be, which does not  make sense.

tcp4   0  0 host.52562
tcp4   0  0 host.52561
tcp4   0  0 host.52560
tcp4   0  0 host.52559
tcp4   0  0 host.52558
tcp4   0  0 host.52557
tcp4   0  0 host.52556
tcp4   0  0 host.52555
tcp4   0  0 host.52554
tcp4   0  0 host.52553
tcp4   0  0 host.52552
tcp4   0  0 host.52551
tcp4   0  0 host.52550


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Re: recommendation(s) for new computer

2012-04-30 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Apr 30, 2012, at 4:41 AM, Erich Dollansky wrote:
>>> - Enermax Platimax 600W
> I do not know about your location but at mine power supplies have the 
> tendency to have  a short life due to lightning strikes in the area. Get a 
> cheaper model but buy two. I just ran into this problem but did not have a 
> second one for the affected machine. The new one fits only upside down into 
> the box with all the consequences.

no. no. no.

Get a quality power supply.  And get a Brick Wall.   Brick 
Wall surge suppressors are real surge suppressors, not the fake things you buy 
in the store for $25 with $0.10 worth of sacrificial MOVs that degenerate over 

And get a good UPS while you are at it as well.

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Re: Changes in Jails from FreeBSD 6 to FreeBSD 9 -- particularly, networking and routing

2012-04-15 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Apr 13, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Mark Felder wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Apr 2012 15:53:49 -0500, Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC  
> wrote:
>> No NAT needed since they share the network stack under Jails v1 they share 
>> the routing tables.  It works.  Try it.
> You're clearly exploiting a bug in FreeBSD 6's jails.

It was a documented behavior when I first started using jails ca. 2004 in 
FreeBSD 5.  Which is why I did it that way.

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Re: Changes in Jails from FreeBSD 6 to FreeBSD 9 -- particularly, networking and routing

2012-04-13 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Apr 13, 2012, at 1:50 PM, Mark Felder wrote:

> Do I understand this right?
> Working in FreeBSD 6.x:
> interface em0:  <-- public IP, host only
>  <-- private IP, host only
>  <-- Jail #1
>  <-- Jail #2
> With this configuration you had no problems accessing the internet from the 
> jails.


(not that it did not matter I don't think is the private IP, host only exists 
and ALL IP exist on the host in addition to whatever Jail they are assigned to)

> Is this correct? This seems bizarre; this should only be possible if you're 
> doing NAT somewhere in there and that is not possible with Jails v1 (which 
> share a network stack) and is only possible in Jails v2 (vnet).

No NAT needed since they share the network stack under Jails v1 they share the 
routing tables.  It works.  Try it.

The question is, is it possible to do something similar with FreeBSD 9 jails 
(v2 I guess) without the overhead of running NAT?   The jail with the private 
IP *can* access the HOST's public services but not anyone else's


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Changes in Jails from FreeBSD 6 to FreeBSD 9 -- particularly, networking and routing

2012-04-13 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC
Hi All

OK, so I have a server that has been running FreeBSD 6.1 and a bunch of jails, 
providing a few limited services.  I am migrating these from real hardware and 
FreeBSD 6.1 with jail running, to a Xen based VPS running FreeBSD 9.0-R with a 
kernel rebuild from a GENERIC kernel to GENERIC plus the Xen pci device.  There 
is one network device on the new server and it shares all addresses and the 
default route goes out it.

Because jails in FBSD 6 shared a network stack, I could have a public network 
x.x.x.0/24 and public address on the host machine, and a default route in that 
network as well, and use a address aliased on the same network 
interface as the IP for my jail.  When doing that, from inside the jail, I 
could still reach the internet since it shared the route with the underlying  

That seems to have changed on FBSD 9.  Now, if I add in the 
address and run a jail on it, with the host machine in a public 
network/address/route as described above, from inside the jail I CANNOT reach 
the internet (it is not a resolver issue as services going to numeric addresses 
also fail).   However, the jail with the private address CAN 
reach the host machines services even if it cannot get out onto the internet.  
And the HOST machine can access services on the jail running on the private IP 

(The purpose of the jail is to provide services to other jails and hosts on the 
same public network [all VPS on the same public vlan] and NOT to provide 
services to the internet.  Things like local ldap or a local dns etc.  But the 
private jail still needs to reach the internet for things like name servers it 
needs to access that are outside of the public network the host lives in.  So I 
don't care if the internet itself can reach the private jail, just the local 
jails and hosts it co-exists with.   The answer shouldn't be natd etc (was not 
needed in 6.0 and I am not sharing one public address with a range of private 
jails behind it).

If I launch the jail with an address from the same public range as the host, it 
works fine.  The jail can access the internet fine and vice versa.  The host 
can access the jail services as well.

If I launch the jail with a private address, the jail cannot reach the 
internet.  It can reach the host in the public network, but not other machines 
in the same public network (ie, the other VPS I have running which are all in 
the same public network).

If I launch the jail with both a private address and a public address, it can 
reach the internet and other VPS on the same public network.  I may have to end 
up doing that and just not having any services run on the public IP but I'd 
rather avoid using up an address like that.

What changes happened in the jails between FBSD 6 and FBSD 9 that would give 
the symptoms I have been experiencing?


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Re: HAL must die!

2011-03-15 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 16, 2011, at 12:29 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:

> Microsoft may once have had 90% of the desktop market -- but is that
> still true?  Macs seem to be everywhere nowadays.

It may have change a couple of percentage points.  Apple marketshare has gone 
up a lot percentage wise but in the whole market just a 
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Re: Apple & FreeBSD relationship

2011-03-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 9, 2011, at 3:00 PM, Nerius Landys wrote:

> This is not a technical question.
> Basically I have some cash sitting around.  I'm thinking of investing
> part of it with a company that I believe in.  Apple came to mind.  You
> could say that I'd like to judge Apple's moral character before
> investing money with them.  Does anyone know how Apple reciprocates to
> FreeBSD?  After all a lot of MacOSX is borrowed from FreeBSD.  I am
> not seeing Apple's name on this page:
> .  Are there
> other ways in which Apple might be reciprocating?

There are some/a few/several people working at Apple that play or used to play 
a large role in FreeBSD.  So they were basically paying these people's salaries 
for their day job which allowed them to be active in FreeBSD.  Also, there is 
some code put-back I believe.

Most of what Apple used from FreeBSD was the userland and the kernel interface 
so that the Darwin kernel could be used with FreeBSD userland utilities that 
affect the kernel etc.Mac OS X uses a totally different underlying kernel 
and architecture but made a FreeBSD like kernel interface in order to be able 
to use certain sets of FreeBSD stuff.

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IP traffic reporting -- simple aggregate bytes to each IP to a log

2011-01-12 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

I have an older FreeBSD 6.x machine that I need to install some sort of IP 
traffic logging daemon on.  (This machine is being updated soon to latest 
-STABLE).  I had one once on another machine years ago but I forget the name.  
It basically just gave me a text file log with aggregate data to each IP 
address on the machine over time. 

Does anyone have any recommendations?  I do not need web access to the data or 
fancy graphs or anything.  I just need a simple way to see how much incoming 
traffic to each IP I get during a certain time period, written to a text log.

 I have been trying to build things like ntop and stuff  but due to the age of 
this machine's installation that has not been possible due to ports being too 
new for it and problems installing latest tools (port errors in patches etc).

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Re: Nullfs Allows Jailbreaking

2010-12-22 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Dec 22, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Jason C. Wells wrote:

> Here is my file system scheme for a newly created jail as viewed from the 
> host:
> /usr/jail/template on /usr/jail/f1 (nullfs, local, read-only)
> /usr/jail/f1-fs/etc on /usr/jail/f1/etc (nullfs, local)
> /usr/jail/f1-fs/tmp on /usr/jail/f1/tmp (nullfs, local)
> /usr/jail/f1-fs/var on /usr/jail/f1/var (nullfs, local)
> /usr/jail/f1-fs/usr-local on /usr/jail/f1/usr/local (nullfs, local)
> As viewed from the jail:
> /usr/jail/template on / (nullfs, local, read-only)
> I like the idea of using a template for multiple jails that I plan to use 
> later.  I like the ide of mounting the template read only.  I had to splice 
> in the other nullfs filesystems so that things that need to be read-write can 
> be.
> But it seems kinda funky.  Inside the jail it looks like EVERYTHING is 
> read-only and you have no way of knowing that /tmp is actually read-write.  
> There seems to be a violation of the segregation going on here.
> What pitfalls can you see in a file system scheme like this for my jails?  Is 
> the above behavior by design or did I find a flaw?

I have been doing this for years with great success.   I don't understand your 
question.   How does it look like everything is read only from inside the jail? 
 The fact that a "df" only shows the root filesystem and not all your others 
file systems? (assuming that is still the truth -- my jails do this on older 
FBSD systems)

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Re: FreeBSD and ECC memory?

2008-07-25 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

If you can afford it, always buy the ECC.  Saves your bacon more often  
than not in the long run.

My Mac Pro personal desktop has it.  It developed an issue in one of  
the sticks.  The system detected that many errors were getting  
corrected, and disabled the whole stick.  Sure I lost 2GB but the  
system did not go down.  I can shut it down and replace the memory at  
my leisure.

A Solaris 10 server I run has a memory stick creating many errors.   
System is still up and I can replace the stick when I can without a  
hard crash.

ECC cannot necessarily protect you from every memory issue but it can  
protect you from many sorts of memory issues and can keep you from  
having hard crashes and allow you to fix problems on your schedule  
instead of in a panic.  First time you have a hard crash due to memory  
issues you will wish you had ECC.  (And a motherboard that supports  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: What price at the license of FreeBSD 7?

2008-07-20 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Jul 20, 2008, at 1:24 AM, Gaye Abdoulaye Walsimou wrote:

Mike Jeays a écrit :

On July 19, 2008 04:21:03 pm Gonzalo Nemmi wrote:

On Saturday 19 July 2008 15:40:53 Kris Kennaway wrote:

... or the equivalent in your
local currency.  Yes really :)


ROFL to death !
Sorry .. couldn't help it ...
You made me spit my pepsi all over my desktop !

How many Zimbabwe dollars, I wonder?  This seems to give the finest  
measurement for approximations to zero...

Your comments are useless and stigmatizes people who suffers  

Stigmatizes people in Zimbabwe?  Huh?  If anything it draws sympathy  
for them


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Apache 2 in 6.0 jails: Connection refused: connect to listener on0.0.0.0:80

2008-07-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Yes that is what I did.  Change the jail Listen directive to have the  
actual IP address of the jail


On Jul 13, 2008, at 11:13 PM, Rudy wrote:


Ha, I had the same problem in 7.0 jails.  :)
So, here is a response to your email from 2 years ago:

I made this change in httpd.conf and the problem seems gone:
-Listen 80


Your message from 2 years ago:
> Hi,
> Every now and then, Apache 2.2.2 starts filling my
> httpd-error.log with thousands of lines like:
> [Sat Jul 08 20:57:32 2006] [warn] (61)Connection refused:
> connect to listener on

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: segmentation fault in sqlite3 on 6.2R amd64

2007-10-02 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 2, 2007, at 7:07 AM, Maxim Khitrov wrote:

On 10/2/07, Chad Leigh -- Shire. Net LLC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


In installing trac I ran across a segmentation fault in the initenv

This seems to be the same problem as shown here:

Running it in gdb shows

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x50c000 (LWP 100331)]
0x000802f76869 in sqlite3Fts2InitHashTable () from /usr/public/
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x000802f76869 in sqlite3Fts2InitHashTable () from /usr/

Do you have the FTS extension installed? If so, remove it and try  

- Max

Ok, that "fixed" the problem but now there is no FTS functionality.  
That may be ok with the current use, I am checking, but I would like  
to get to the bottom of this.I am rebuilding sqlite3 with debug  
to look in gdb.  I am not a gdb whiz or anything :-) (doing most of  
my not often programming on OS X and Cocoa and their debugger  
frontend to gdb) but will try and see what I can.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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segmentation fault in sqlite3 on 6.2R amd64

2007-10-01 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire . Net LLC


In installing trac I ran across a segmentation fault in the initenv  

This seems to be the same problem as shown here: 

Running it in gdb shows

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x50c000 (LWP 100331)]
0x000802f76869 in sqlite3Fts2InitHashTable () from /usr/public/ 

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x000802f76869 in sqlite3Fts2InitHashTable () from /usr/ 
#1  0x000802f74f8f in sqlite3Fts2Init () from /usr/public/lib/
#2  0x000802f41be5 in openDatabase () from /usr/public/lib/
#3  0x000802e0bd91 in pysqlite_connection_init () from /usr/ 
#4  0x0008006ab6fb in PyType_IsSubtype () from /usr/public/lib/
#5  0x00080066ec83 in PyObject_Call () from /usr/public/lib/
#6  0x000802e09f95 in module_connect () from /usr/public/lib/ 
#7  0x00080066ec83 in PyObject_Call () from /usr/public/lib/
#8  0x0008006dc6da in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from /usr/public/lib/
#9  0x0008006dec34 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/public/lib/
#10 0x0008006888be in PyFunction_SetClosure () from /usr/public/ 
#11 0x00080066ec83 in PyObject_Call () from /usr/public/lib/
#12 0x0008006dc272 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from /usr/public/lib/
#13 0x0008006de336 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from /usr/public/lib/
#14 0x0008006dec34 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/public/lib/
#15 0x0008006dd9fb in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from /usr/public/lib/
#16 0x0008006dec34 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/public/lib/

I do the simple test command as shown in the link above  
and get basically the same thing

# gdb sqlite3
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and  
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain  

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for  
This GDB was configured as "amd64-marcel-freebsd"...(no debugging  
symbols found)...
(gdb) r comments.db "CREATE TABLE comments (page, name, email, url,  
Starting program: /usr/public/bin/sqlite3 comments.db "CREATE TABLE  
comments (page, name, email, url, body);"
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...(no  
debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...(no  
debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000800698869 in sqlite3Fts2InitHashTable () from /usr/public/ 

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x000800698869 in sqlite3Fts2InitHashTable () from /usr/ 
#1  0x000800696f8f in sqlite3Fts2Init () from /usr/public/lib/
#2  0x000800663be5 in openDatabase () from /usr/public/lib/

#3  0x00403133 in open_db ()
#4  0x004053b8 in main ()

Anyone else see this same thing or know about this problem?

A Google search does not show this mentioned except at the above link.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: RAID Controller Recommendations: ARC-1210 or 9650SE-4LPML

2007-09-16 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 6, 2007, at 5:59 AM, Johan Hendriks wrote:

Do not go for the adaptec 1210!

That was not one of the choices given.  The ARC-1210 is a different  
device from a different  manufacturer -- Areca.


I have the same model, and it always give errors on /dev/ad6

First I thought it was the drive itself but after swapping that one  
with  another one still /dev/ad6 errors.

Also swapping ad4 to ad6 /dev/ad6 errors out and freezes the system.

Long story short  it is an unstable product under FreeBSD Current  
and 6.x

I use a 3ware card now and no problems what so ever.


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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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buggy ACPI on board versus HW failure Re: no SMP without ACPI? (amd64)

2007-09-07 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 7, 2007, at 3:14 AM, Kris Kennaway wrote:

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:07 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kris  

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:57 AM
To: Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Cc: User Questions
Subject: Re: no SMP without ACPI? (amd64)

Note that this may well be hardware related: without acpi you  
are only
using one CPU, etc, so if one of the others is bad it will only  

when you have ACPI enabled -- even if ACPI itself is not to blame.

Easily testable by running that Other Operating system on the thing
which I would have expected Chad to have done.

Sorry to be MIA for the last day.
No, I did not test it with that OS which shall not be named.   
However, I did attempt to install Sol10 on it.  Sol10 also relies  
on ACPI btw.  Anyway, the same error happened a good way through  
the installation -- it rebooted itself during the high IO of  
installing the system onto the system array.  Sol10 uses a 32bit  
kernel for the installation and I think, but am not sure, that it  
only activates 1 CPU core.

Then something is wrong with your hardware.  Sorry.

Please explain how my conclusion, that ACPI is messed up on this  
board (BIOS is buggy) is not a as reasonable an assumption as your  
conclusion?  If the BIOS is buggy, Sol10 could just as easily trigger  
the same state as FBSD based on bad ACPI info.  That is NO indication  
that the HW is bad.

(As an aside, I forgot to mention, that I tried another example of  
the same disk controller, to rule out HW problems with the disk  
controller, and the problem persisted)

The facts so far point more to ACPI being buggy on this board than to  
HW failure in my estimation.

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Re: no SMP without ACPI? (amd64)

2007-09-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:07 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kris  

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:57 AM
To: Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Cc: User Questions
Subject: Re: no SMP without ACPI? (amd64)

Note that this may well be hardware related: without acpi you are  

using one CPU, etc, so if one of the others is bad it will only fail
when you have ACPI enabled -- even if ACPI itself is not to blame.

Easily testable by running that Other Operating system on the thing
which I would have expected Chad to have done.

Sorry to be MIA for the last day.

No, I did not test it with that OS which shall not be named.   
However, I did attempt to install Sol10 on it.  Sol10 also relies on  
ACPI btw.  Anyway, the same error happened a good way through the  
installation -- it rebooted itself during the high IO of installing  
the system onto the system array.  Sol10 uses a 32bit kernel for the  
installation and I think, but am not sure, that it only activates 1  
CPU core.

I do not think, however, that it is a bad CPU.  I can boot the system  
with ACPI and activate all 4 CPU cores and I can run CPU intensive  
things, so far, as long as they do not generate lots of IO, and  
processes run fine on all 4 CPUs and will run for hours.  However, if  
I do something that generates IOs, like a build world on the FreeBSD  
source, about 75% of the time it does not make it all the way through  
with the build.  It takes me about 45min on this system to do a "make  
buildworld" and it usually will happen 10-30 minutes into the build.   
25% of the time it will make it through 1 build world, and once or  
twice has made it through 2, but always fails in the same way on a  
subsequent retry of the build. (Ie, I just keep doing builds over and  
over until it fails, which is 75% of the time in the first build, 24%  
of the time in the second, and 1% of the time in the third, roughly  

I also do not think it is the memory.  For one, that would show up  
even with ACPI disabled, and 2, I ran multiple complete passes of the  
standalone memtest86 program without error.

I do not think it is thermally related as the temperature never got  
very high and I had additional fans temporarily blowing or I also  
stuck it directly over my A/C floor register with the A/C on blowing  
cold air directly at the intake of the system.

I monitored the Areca system while it was building and its  
temperatures never got anywhere near the limits Areca sets for their  
boards.  (The Areca has its own ethernet port and I was directly  
attached to that from my powerbook during several tests when it failed).

This machine is now in production with only the 1 CPU core.  I cannot  
do extensive testing but I can get pieces of info or do a reboot with  
ACPI if there are data items for me to grab if people want to take a  
look at what it is doing etc.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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chad at

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no SMP without ACPI? (amd64)

2007-09-04 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC


I have a 6.2R system (amd64) with the latest patch level.

The motherboard is a Tyan S5197 i3110 based board with a Core 2 Quad  
2.4 ghz processor.  There is 4GB of memory and an Areca ARC-1231ML  
raid card.

The problem is that I have to boot without ACPI or the system will  
randomly reboot itself when doing something. It will sit idle for  
ages but if I do a system build (make buildworld for example), it  
usually will not make it through without rebooting.  If I boot  
without ACPI support (#2 in the boot loader), then the system is  
fine, I can do a billion builds without incident, except that I only  
get 1 CPU.  (Yes, the kernel has SMP option built in).

I would really like to run with all 4 cores but cannot run with ACPI  
at the moment due to instability.

Any suggestions?  Any way to get "old-style" SMP detection working  
(ie, without ACPI)?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Tyan S5197 and ACPI don't mix on 6.2 Re: 6.2-RELEASE amd64 system rebooting under heavy load with Areca ARC-1231ML

2007-08-31 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 21, 2007, at 2:53 AM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:


I have a new system I am building.

Tyan S5197 MB with Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4ghz, 4GB RAM
Areca ARC-1231ML raid card.  5 320gb disks in a RAID6 with 1 320gb  
disk hot spare plus two 750gb in a raid1 mirror.  Using the ARECA  
firmware, each raidset is subdivided into separate volumes that  
each appear to the OS as separate daN type disks.

I read through Google about various problems that the Areca driver  
had as well as on the Areca website FAQ (on FreeBSD)

I installed 6.2-RELEASE on this system.  Under heavy IO load the  
system reboots itself.  This happened both in trying to install the  
OS, and if I got that far, in trying to build cvsup tool or in  
building a new kernel.  The machine could sit there idle for hours  
but you startup a large build and usually withing a few minutes  or  
10 minutes it would reboot itself.  I tried installing the 6.2- 
STABLE snapshot (latest on in the downloads which is from June) but  
the whole system would lock up after a few minutes and I would get  
corruption on the console screen so I decided that was not a great  
plan.  I also tried the 7-CURRENT as a test but that would not stay  
out of the kernel debugger.

So I went back to 6.2-STABLE.  I installed it and then copied the  
areca kernel driver source  arcmsr.c/.h from the 6.2-STABLE  
snapshot from June (latest snapshot I could find) and used it to  
rebuild the kernel.  I was then able to build cvsup and do a cvsup   
to the latest -RELEASE code and was a significant way through a  
buildworld when it happened again and rebooted itself.  So it  
appears the problem is not yet solved.

Is anyone out there running a form of 6.2 on an x64 type platform  
using an Areca controller?  What is the latest 6.x compatible  
driver source for the Areca?  I tried to copy the 7-CURRENT areca  
source back but it relies on the new CAM system and even if I added  
that option to my 6.2 there were a bunch of compilation errors that  
made it look like the 7.0-CURRENT IO or SCSI or whatever lower  
level it uses  system has changed.

Any help in figuring out how to get this up and running without  
these reboots under load would be greatly appreciated.

After replacing the power supply with a beefier one, running  
memtest86 for a day, trying to install Solaris 10 with the same  
reboot issue, etc, I tried running with boot without ACPI and that  
seems to have cured the issue.  So there seems to be an issue with  
the Tyan S5197 board and ACPI on 6.2-RELEASE (and on Solaris 10u3)


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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chad at

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6.2-RELEASE amd64 system rebooting under heavy load with Areca ARC-1231ML

2007-08-21 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC


I have a new system I am building.

Tyan S5197 MB with Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4ghz, 4GB RAM
Areca ARC-1231ML raid card.  5 320gb disks in a RAID6 with 1 320gb  
disk hot spare plus two 750gb in a raid1 mirror.  Using the ARECA  
firmware, each raidset is subdivided into separate volumes that each  
appear to the OS as separate daN type disks.

I read through Google about various problems that the Areca driver  
had as well as on the Areca website FAQ (on FreeBSD)

I installed 6.2-RELEASE on this system.  Under heavy IO load the  
system reboots itself.  This happened both in trying to install the  
OS, and if I got that far, in trying to build cvsup tool or in  
building a new kernel.  The machine could sit there idle for hours  
but you startup a large build and usually withing a few minutes  or  
10 minutes it would reboot itself.  I tried installing the 6.2-STABLE  
snapshot (latest on in the downloads which is from June) but the  
whole system would lock up after a few minutes and I would get  
corruption on the console screen so I decided that was not a great  
plan.  I also tried the 7-CURRENT as a test but that would not stay  
out of the kernel debugger.

So I went back to 6.2-STABLE.  I installed it and then copied the  
areca kernel driver source  arcmsr.c/.h from the 6.2-STABLE snapshot  
from June (latest snapshot I could find) and used it to rebuild the  
kernel.  I was then able to build cvsup and do a cvsup  to the latest  
-RELEASE code and was a significant way through a buildworld when it  
happened again and rebooted itself.  So it appears the problem is not  
yet solved.

Is anyone out there running a form of 6.2 on an x64 type platform  
using an Areca controller?  What is the latest 6.x compatible driver  
source for the Areca?  I tried to copy the 7-CURRENT areca source  
back but it relies on the new CAM system and even if I added that  
option to my 6.2 there were a bunch of compilation errors that made  
it look like the 7.0-CURRENT IO or SCSI or whatever lower level it  
uses  system has changed.

Any help in figuring out how to get this up and running without these  
reboots under load would be greatly appreciated.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Filesystem that both FreeBSD and OS X can read/write

2007-04-01 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Apr 1, 2007, at 11:53 AM, mal content wrote:


I have a small USB hard disk enclosure and would like to start
using it to transfer files between OS X and FreeBSD machines.

Have you tried FAT ?


Is there a filesystem that both OS X and FreeBSD can reliably
read and write to? I've heard that OS X supports UFS, but there's
no clear definition on what UFS actually is. I mean Free/Open/Net/
DragonFly all seem to have slightly differing definitions...

Any ideas?

(please cc: as I'm not subscribed)
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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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chad at

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Re: as i progress with jails...

2007-03-31 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Apr 1, 2007, at 12:16 AM, James Long wrote:

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 19:14:16 -0600
From: "Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: as i progress with jails...
To: Jonathan Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed


That needs to be updated per jail.  I use a master jail I nullfs
mount so I just ave to update userland once but if major etc changes
happen still have to do that in each


And is mergemaster useful inside jails, or do changes to jails'
/etc tree have to be handled manually?

To be honest I have not yet tried.  I tend to do it by hand when  
things break by not doing it :-)


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: as i progress with jails...

2007-03-29 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 29, 2007, at 7:10 PM, Jonathan Horne wrote:

to test the behavior of both buildworld and updating ports with  
portupgrade, i started my project over, and rebuilt my jail host as  
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE.  within this, i configured 2 jails, and  
installed various ports that i run on other production systems  
(actually, i installed from a ports tree that i cvsup'd with date  
2007., so that i could legitimately test upgrading to  
todays copy).  today, i cvsup'd the sources on the host to 6.2- 
RELEASE-p3, and built world.  i installed world, and rebooted, but  
did not update either of the jails, just to see what would happen  
with the host running p3, and the jails running RELEASE.  to my  
surprise, both jails were running p3 when the host came back up.

so what am i missing about jail theory here?  how did that kernel  
get into my jails if i did not install it?

Jails all run on the base kernel

  what about the rest of userland?

That needs to be updated per jail.  I use a master jail I nullfs  
mount so I just ave to update userland once but if major etc changes  
happen still have to do that in each


at what version should i expect that to be at, at this point?

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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: started getting repeated "bge0: PHY read timed out" messages

2007-03-15 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 15, 2007, at 12:48 AM, Michael K. Smith - Adhost wrote:

Have you considered hard-setting the speed/duplex to 1000/Full instead
of 100/Full?  There may be some issues in the autonegotiation  

between switch and server.  We used to see some of this early on in
inter-vendor GigE connections; perhaps the switch vendor and the  

devels are reading the standards differently.

I thought of that.  However, I thought that if that were the case,  
the problem would happen at boot and not start at some random time  
after boot and work for a while first.  Is that not a valid thought?



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: started getting repeated "bge0: PHY read timed out" messages

2007-03-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 6, 2007, at 9:55 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Mar 6, 2007, at 5:08 PM, Michael K. Smith - Adhost wrote:

Have you looked at the output of 'netstat -i' to see if there are
interface errors?  Also, have you looked at the switch-side interface
for errors, buffer problems, etc. (if that's possible)?  Finally,  

you swapped ports/cables on the switch?



Hi Mike

Right now it seems to be behaving.  netstat -i shows no issues and   
I have not had the problem recur again once I forced it from auto  
negotiation which ended up at 1000tx full duplex to now be 100tx at  
full duplex.  I don't know if it is related to the problem or not  
or is a coincidence that once I did that the problem has not  
arisen.  It happened about 3 times today before forcing the  
connection to be 100tx.

OK, this problem has not resurfaced since I hardwired the settings on  
the port to 100tx and full duplex.

I have another system with the same board that got the same problem  
last Fall when I upgraded from 5.4 to 6.0 or 6.1.  The problem this  
time was on 6.2.  I have another one of these boards running on a  
system with 5.4 without issue at gigabit speed.  It appears that  
something happened in the bge driver from 5.x to 6.x at gigabit  
speeds, at least with some of the supported chipsets.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-13 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 13, 2007, at 9:30 PM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Mar 13, 2007, at 6:00 PM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 12:00 -0400, Marcelo Maraboli wrote:

I agree. callbacks are not enough, you can reach a
false conclusion, that´s why I use SPF along with callbacks...

on the same message, my MX concludes:

"you are sending email "from [EMAIL PROTECTED]", but
says YOUR IP address is not allowed to send email on behalf
of that domain, therefore YOU ARE FAKE/FORGED" ..---> reject


I'm not sure what you mean by callbacks but if that involves  
talking to and trying to figure out if  

a valid address go ahead. I would consider a mailserver that answers
that question a security risk as it is freely giving away  
about your domain without notifying you. For a long time my mx  
would answer any such question in the affirmative regardless of  

or not the mail account existed.
Address verification callbacks take various forms, but the way  
exim does it by default is to attempt to start a DSN delivery to  
the address and if the RCPT TO is accepted it is affirmative.  It  
is not usually use VRFY.  Most address verification is done by  
attempting to start some sort of delivery to the address.

I'm assuming that DSN is Delivery Service Notification


or return receipt.


If it is or if it somehow relies on the ability to deliver a  
message via smtp to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then I don't see how it prevents  

If the mail says it is from [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I cannot send a  
DSN to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then the account is most likely bogus  
sender and is refused.  It works wonders for spam.

DSN has a specific definition -- look in the RFCs as I don't remember  
which RFC it is offhand.  But you are supposed to always accept a DSN  
from <> as part of the RFCs


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-13 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 13, 2007, at 6:00 PM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 12:00 -0400, Marcelo Maraboli wrote:

I agree. callbacks are not enough, you can reach a
false conclusion, that´s why I use SPF along with callbacks...

on the same message, my MX concludes:

"you are sending email "from [EMAIL PROTECTED]", but
says YOUR IP address is not allowed to send email on behalf
of that domain, therefore YOU ARE FAKE/FORGED" ..---> reject


I'm not sure what you mean by callbacks but if that involves  
talking to and trying to figure out if  

a valid address go ahead. I would consider a mailserver that answers
that question a security risk as it is freely giving away information
about your domain without notifying you. For a long time my mx servers
would answer any such question in the affirmative regardless of  

or not the mail account existed.

Address verification callbacks take various forms, but the way exim  
does it by default is to attempt to start a DSN delivery to the  
address and if the RCPT TO is accepted it is affirmative.  It is not  
usually use VRFY.  Most address verification is done by attempting to  
start some sort of delivery to the address.

As the above poster says SPF is the way to go. SPF gives the receiving
MTA a mechanism to vet inbound mail. For any combination of server> and  there are three possible  

from an SPF check: The server is allowed to send mail for the domain;
The server is not allowed to send mail for the domain; And I cannot  
because the owner of the domain hasn't published an SPF record. The  

problem with SPF is that it's not more widely implemented so the third
response is sadly more common than the first two.

I believe it also breaks when you have forwards.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 5:11 PM, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:

In this case the counter counter measures available to spammers is  
so much easier and cheaper than the verification system itself,  
that it's not really a good idea to try such verification.

that is always true, at least with existing technology.  The counter  
measures always cost more than the sending of the spam


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 2:55 PM, John L wrote:

I phrased it wrong.  You are not responsible for the content, but  
you are responsible for the mail domain and that includes  
verifying that mail is validly from your domain you are  
responsible for.

Oh, OK.  So if someone sends pump and dump with a [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
return address, and I do a callback and your MTA says "yup! that's  
a 100% valid address!" then I turn you in to the SEC, rignt?

You do know what the SEC is, right?

You have now confirmed that the mail is from you, after all.

No, it only confirms that the sender address is an actual address.

Or if you haven't, what purpose did the callback serve?

It served to identify that it is possible a valid email.  A failure  
is almost definitely a non valid email.   It is a test which helps  
determine whether to accept it.  We have a policy of not accepting  
mail from people who cannot accept DSNs back.  That does not mean we  
give a blanket pass to those who pass address verification.

There is some reasonable validation technology coming along, most  
notably DKIM which which I presume you are familiar.  But callbacks  
are not it.

Callbacks are one tool in the toolbox.  Maybe someday there will be  
better tools and we can retire address verification.  Callbacks, at  
this point in time, work very well for differentiating a large amount  
of non valid mail from a smaller pool of possibly valid mail.

DKIM is interesting and I am watching it.I am in the process of  
adding some support for it btw, both for our authorized senders, as  
well as in our receive phase.  For example, we are  considering not  
doing address verification on incoming mail that has a valid DKIM  

and you are breaking the RFCs.  (valid verification includes  
checking that the sender can accept a proper DSN back, which is  
required of the sender to do).

Uh huh.  Which RFC is this that says I have to permit a fake  
partial DSN transaction?  If you have a DSN, send it.  If you  
don't, don't.

The RFCs require you to accept back DSNs.  Testing that you do is a  
valid test to see if I am talking with a valid sender -- one who  
implements the RFCs and is not a rogue internet user who does not  
cooperate in the exchange of emails according to the agreed standards.

Show me some real verifiable numbers that show that verification  
traffic to your box is a significant portion of the otherwise bad  
traffic of mail bombs, bounces, etc.  On my system, and we support a  
lot of mail domains, some of which (now or in recent past) we "big  
name" domains that had a lot of exposure.  Address verification  
traffic has always been small compared to our overall load.

You are complaining about a non issue.  I can say that address  
verification helps us reject the lion's share of spam we receive  
without having to process it further.


Don't forget that the From: line address need not be the same as  
the bounce address; in my mail it never is.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 2:08 PM, John Levine wrote:

I have some fairly heavily forged domains, and on a bad day I see
upwards of 300,000 connections from bounces, "validation", and the
like attacking the little BSD box under my desk where the MTA is.
Gee, thanks a lot.

Verification has nothing to do with bounces and mail bombs.  You may
get some traffic from verification but you would need to separate
that out from the rest which is unrelated before you have a
meaningful statistic.

I have, it's meaningful.  Verizon is the worst offender, but at least
they put their attack hosts in a separate easy to block IP range.

Amazing, as I run mail for lots of domains, and replying to sender  
verification is almost a nonexistent load compared to the mail bombs  
and bounces etc.

Show me your numbers.

What planet have you been on?  A few years back spam return  

were typically complete fakes in nonexistent domains.  Now they're
picked out of the same victim lists as the targets.

They have been doing that for ages.  I run a hosting service and have
had that problem way before sender verification became in vogue.

Definitely different planets.  Bye.

When you come back to earth, let us know :-)



 YOU are responsible for the mail sent with your domain on it.

Oh, OK.  So when someone sends out mail with your forged return
address saying "buy this worthless stock, then get your kiddy porn
here", you will report directly to jail without complaining, right?

I phrased it wrong.  You are not responsible for the content, but you  
are responsible for the mail domain and that includes verifying that  
mail is validly from your domain you are responsible for.  email is a  
cooperative service where all people promise to expend resources to  
make it work, and to follow the RFCs.  If you block valid  
verification, you are abrogating your responsibility to the rest of  
the net to cooperate in the exchange of email and you are breaking  
the RFCs.  (valid verification includes checking that the sender can  
accept a proper DSN back, which is required of the sender to do).


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 01:43:22PM -0600, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net  
LLC wrote:

On Mar 11, 2007, at 1:36 PM, Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 12:41:48PM -0600, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net
LLC wrote:

On Mar 11, 2007, at 6:31 AM, Justin Mason wrote:

for what it's worth, I would suggest *not* adopting this
as an anti-spam technique.

Sender-address verification is _bad_ as an anti-spam technique,
in my
opinion.  Basically, there's one obvious response for spammers
looking to
evade it -- use "real" sender addresses. Where's an easy place to
real addresses? On the list of target addresses they're spamming!

This is a red-herring.  They already do that.  They have been doing
that for a long time.  And it has nothing to do with sender

Sender verification works and works well.

I hate sender verification because it forces me (the sender) to jump
through hoops just for the privilege of sending email to you.

No, it forces you to set up a correct RFC abiding system

I send
a lot of "courtesy" emails to e.g. port maintainers who have  

with their ports, and when I encounter someone with such a system I
usually don't bother following up (their port just gets marked  

in the usual way, and they can follow up on it on their own if they
want to).

If your system is following the RFCs then you should have no
problems.  YOU should fix your broken system.  Sending emails without
a valid from address is disconsiderate.  Why should I accept a mail
from an account that violates the RFCs about accepting DSN back?

Perhaps we are talking about different things, I am talking about
systems which send me an email back requiring me to do steps a, b or c
in order to complete delivery of the email.

No, we are talking about the MTA verifying that the sender address is  
a real address that can accept either mail back or at least a  
properly formatted DSN back.

The things you talk about ARE a PITA and I usually ignore them unless  
the person is wanting to give me money...  (Ie a customer who placed  
an order with another business I run for example).


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 1:44 PM, John Levine wrote:

Sender verification works and works well.

I suppose that if you define "works" to include mailbombing innocent
third parties, then that might be true.

I have some fairly heavily forged domains, and on a bad day I see
upwards of 300,000 connections from bounces, "validation", and the
like attacking the little BSD box under my desk where the MTA is.
Gee, thanks a lot.

Verification has nothing to do with bounces and mail bombs.  You may  
get some traffic from verification but you would need to separate  
that out from the rest which is unrelated before you have a  
meaningful statistic.

Sorry, but you conclusion does not follow.  Sender verification has
been around for a while and this has not happened in my experience.
Ie, there is no greater use of real FROM addresses than there was

What planet have you been on?  A few years back spam return addresses
were typically complete fakes in nonexistent domains.  Now they're
picked out of the same victim lists as the targets.

They have been doing that for ages.  I run a hosting service and have  
had that problem way before sender verification became in vogue.

I've had to locally blacklist a few places specifically because of
all of their abusive verification.  If that's what you want, well ...

That is up to you.  If you claim to handle mail services for a  
certain domain, that includes verifying that mail is from you or  
not.  YOU are responsible for the mail sent with your domain on it.

Oh, and the way my MTA is set up, a verification callback doesn't
work.  But that doesn't keep the clueless from trying.

That is your business.  But you are in violation of the RFCs


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 1:36 PM, Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 12:41:48PM -0600, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net  
LLC wrote:

On Mar 11, 2007, at 6:31 AM, Justin Mason wrote:

for what it's worth, I would suggest *not* adopting this
as an anti-spam technique.

Sender-address verification is _bad_ as an anti-spam technique,  
in my

opinion.  Basically, there's one obvious response for spammers
looking to
evade it -- use "real" sender addresses. Where's an easy place to  

real addresses? On the list of target addresses they're spamming!

This is a red-herring.  They already do that.  They have been doing
that for a long time.  And it has nothing to do with sender

Sender verification works and works well.

I hate sender verification because it forces me (the sender) to jump
through hoops just for the privilege of sending email to you.

No, it forces you to set up a correct RFC abiding system

I send
a lot of "courtesy" emails to e.g. port maintainers who have problems
with their ports, and when I encounter someone with such a system I
usually don't bother following up (their port just gets marked broken
in the usual way, and they can follow up on it on their own if they
want to).

If your system is following the RFCs then you should have no  
problems.  YOU should fix your broken system.  Sending emails without  
a valid from address is disconsiderate.  Why should I accept a mail  
from an account that violates the RFCs about accepting DSN back?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Tool for validating sender address as spam-fighting technique?

2007-03-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 11, 2007, at 6:31 AM, Justin Mason wrote:

for what it's worth, I would suggest *not* adopting this
as an anti-spam technique.

Sender-address verification is _bad_ as an anti-spam technique, in my
opinion.  Basically, there's one obvious response for spammers  
looking to

evade it -- use "real" sender addresses. Where's an easy place to find
real addresses? On the list of target addresses they're spamming!

This is a red-herring.  They already do that.  They have been doing  
that for a long time.  And it has nothing to do with sender  

Sender verification works and works well.

Hence, the spam recipients now get twice as much mail from each  
spam run
-- spam aimed at them, *and* bounce blowback from hundreds of spams  
at others, forged to appear to be from them.  It's the obvious  
response to
SAV, which is one reason why we never implemented something like  
that in


Sorry, but you conclusion does not follow.  Sender verification has  
been around for a while and this has not happened in my experience.   
Ie, there is no greater use of real FROM addresses than there was  

Most MTAs have in-built routines to do this, with exim having a  
particularly good facility for this.  Technically, with exim's, you  
are actually validating the sending server's adherence to the RFCs  
about accept DSN replies back.



Kelly Jones writes:

To fight spam, I want to validate the address (not necessarily in
real-time) of the a given email sender. Is there a Unix tool that  


The basics are simple: to validate "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", I  
connect to

the MX record of and go as far as "RCPT TO" as follows:

host -t mx mail is handled by 5

telnet 25

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Welcome to Bayou mxfilter
250 Ok
550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: 5.1.1
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown
221 Bye
Connection closed by foreign host.

This tells me [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an invalid address and that mail
from that address is probably bogus.

A more sophisticated tool would cache results, handle temporary
failures (eg, inability to connect to the MX server), handle multiple
MX records, perhaps even publish results [carefully, to avoid giving
spammers a source of legit email addresses!], etc. Plus, I'd  
prefer to

use a tested tool vs hacking something up myself.

I realize this technique is far from perfect:

Spammers spoof legit addresses

Bounces/Mailing lists/etc legitimately use "do not reply" addresses

It could be considered unfriendly to the target MX servers

Some mail servers incorrectly say "user unknown" when they see spam,
figuring it's more of a deterrent than saying "you're a spammer"

Some mail servers inefficiently accept mail for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (where is one of their domains), figure out if foo exists later, and
send a bounce back to the envelope sender, instead of rejecting email
at the SMTP level (a really good tool would create throwaway  

to catch these cases too)

... but I still think it might help.

We're just a Bunch Of Regular Guys, a collective group that's trying
to understand and assimilate technology. We feel that resistance to
new ideas and technology is unwise and ultimately futile.

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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: The Best OS

2007-03-10 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 10, 2007, at 9:33 PM, Susanth K wrote:

Dear Friends,

Am  a beginner to *BSD OS.

Am interested in setting up intel / AMD based Free and Open Source  
Server (

No GUI required )

Prime area is Webserver With PHP/MySQL Support and Ruby On Rails. +

Which os Will be the BEST ?

A) Debian Linux
B) OpenBSD
C) FreeBSD

For what you are doing, any of them would work.  All are well  
supported and have active development.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: Mounting into a jail

2007-03-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 9, 2007, at 3:11 PM, Troy Schultz wrote:


I am running FreeBSD 6.2.

I am currently mounting a smb share and then remounting the smb mount
into a jail with nullfs.

# smbfs mount
//@/ /path/to/smb/mount  smbfs   rw  0   0
# local mount
/path/to/smb/mount  /path/to/jail/directory nullfs  rw,late 0   0

The main reason I am using this jail is for a webserver and I need  
to have

the web developer be able to write to this samba share

I originally tried mounting in fstab the smb share like this
//@/ /path/to/smb/mount  smbfs   rw,uid=www  0 
however, this did not work so I ended up making the share point  
owned by the
user and group www this took care of it but I was wondering if  
there was a
better way to do this as far as passing through to a jail and maybe  

the uid to actually work from within the fstab file.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

I don't do this with smb but do do it with nfs.  I don't know about  
uid with smb but I just mount it on the base server inside the jails  
path.  Add the UID with no login capability to the base machine  
password file and then you can probably set uid in the base server as  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: ps showing [appname] for some things -- how to get whole thing?

2007-03-07 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 7, 2007, at 11:34 AM, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Mar 7, 2007, at 2:49 AM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:
On my 6.1 system I have a script that launches some java programs  
[jdk142] and when I do a "ps -auxwww" I get the whole java command  
line that was used in launching.

On my 6.2 system with jdk15 teh scame scripts launch the same java  
programs but I just get [java] in the ps output.  Nothing in the  
ps manpage jumped out at me.  I would like to be able to get the  
whole commandline when I do the ps

From the manpage:

 When printing using the command keyword, a process that has  
exited and
 has a parent that has not yet waited for the process (in other  
words, a
 zombie) is listed as ``'', and a process which is  
blocked while
 trying to exit is listed as ``''.  If the command  
vector cannot
 be located (usually because it has not been set, as is the  
case of system
 processes and/or kernel threads) the command name is printed  
 square brackets.  The ps utility makes an educated guess as to  
the file
 name and arguments given when the process was created by  
examining memory
 or the swap area.  The method is inherently somewhat  
unreliable and in
 any event a process is entitled to destroy this information,  
so the names
 cannot be depended on too much.  The ucomm (accounting)  
keyword can, how-

 ever, be depended on.

In other words, the process is allowed to over-write the  
environment (aka, the command line args & exported env variables)  
and that will prevent ps from reliably returning that info.  All  
you can be sure of it getting argv[0], which is used for accounting  
in the ucomm variable

It turns out the difference between my two installations is that with  
the jdk142 procfs is also mounted and ps shows the complete command.   
On the server with jdk15 procfs is not mounted and does not.  jdk15  
also has an issue if procfs is mounted such that the java command  
does not work.  But I am running inside a jail so I could mount  
procfs on the base server outside the jail and do ps there and test  
this.  These tests show that the procfs makes the difference.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

ps showing [appname] for some things -- how to get whole thing?

2007-03-07 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
On my 6.1 system I have a script that launches some java programs  
[jdk142] and when I do a "ps -auxwww" I get the whole java command  
line that was used in launching.

On my 6.2 system with jdk15 teh scame scripts launch the same java  
programs but I just get [java] in the ps output.  Nothing in the ps  
manpage jumped out at me.  I would like to be able to get the whole  
commandline when I do the ps


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: started getting repeated "bge0: PHY read timed out" messages

2007-03-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 6, 2007, at 5:08 PM, Michael K. Smith - Adhost wrote:

Have you looked at the output of 'netstat -i' to see if there are
interface errors?  Also, have you looked at the switch-side interface
for errors, buffer problems, etc. (if that's possible)?  Finally, have
you swapped ports/cables on the switch?



Hi Mike

Right now it seems to be behaving.  netstat -i shows no issues and  I  
have not had the problem recur again once I forced it from auto  
negotiation which ended up at 1000tx full duplex to now be 100tx at  
full duplex.  I don't know if it is related to the problem or not or  
is a coincidence that once I did that the problem has not arisen.  It  
happened about 3 times today before forcing the connection to be 100tx.

If it starts to happen again I will try and log in to the console and  
do the netstat -i then...

In the morning I will break out my powerbook and get the switch port  
assignments off a chart I have there so I can log in to the switch  
and check the port for errors.

I have not swapped ports/cables on the switch this time around but  
have had the exact same symptoms on a server with the same HW that  
was using different cables and a different switch...  I may swap  
cables but the machine is downtown and I am not so unless I cannot  
make progress I want to avoid going downtown :-)

I may swap the mainboard if it happens again to see if it is HW.   I  
have one or two spare mainboards of the same sort.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: started getting repeated "bge0: PHY read timed out" messages

2007-03-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 6, 2007, at 9:20 AM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:


After running fine for a while, my new server running 6.2-RELEASE  
with latest security patches as of last Thursday or Friday started  
giving the message

bge0: PHY read timed out

and I found the following in the system log

ok, it started happening again after about 1.5 hours after the last  
reboot.  bge0 started going down and up a few times over about an  
hour, and then the read timedout messages started up again.  Previous  
to the very first time that this started, the server had run for  
about 4 days since it was newly installed.

Mar  6 09:09:23 server su: chad to root on /dev/ttyp0
Mar  6 10:26:29 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 10:26:31 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Mar  6 10:42:33 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 10:42:35 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Mar  6 11:31:19 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 11:31:19 server last message repeated 3 times
Mar  6 11:31:19 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 11:31:21 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 11:31:52 server last message repeated 116 times
Mar  6 11:33:53 server last message repeated 488 times
Mar  6 11:43:54 server last message repeated 2356 times
Mar  6 11:53:56 server last message repeated 2372 times
Mar  6 12:03:57 server last message repeated 2368 times
Mar  6 12:09:53 server last message repeated 1399 times
Mar  6 12:09:53 server kernel: bge0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
Mar  6 12:09:53 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 12:09:53 server last message repeated 4 times
Mar  6 12:09:53 server kernel: bge0: RX CPU self-diagnostics failed!
Mar  6 12:09:53 server kernel: bge0: flow-through queue init failed
Mar  6 12:09:53 server kernel: bge0: initialization failure
Mar  6 12:09:54 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 12:10:25 server last message repeated 152 times
Mar  6 12:12:27 server last message repeated 616 times
Mar  6 12:22:29 server last message repeated 2540 times
Mar  6 12:32:30 server last message repeated 2452 times
Mar  6 12:42:31 server last message repeated 2524 times
Mar  6 12:46:27 server last message repeated 1127 times
Mar  6 12:46:27 server login: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyv0
Mar  6 12:46:29 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 12:46:41 server last message repeated 107 times
Mar  6 12:46:40 server reboot: rebooted by root

here is an ifconfig

bge0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
ether 00:e0:81:61:e9:a0
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseTX )
status: active

and uname

# uname -a
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2 #1:  
Sat Mar  3 13:11:00 UTC 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/ 
src/sys/server  i386


It is a TYAN S2850 single opteron system with 2.4ghz single core  

Its dmesg ID is seen below in the quoted section.

I had another machine with this same MB that ran for a long time fine  
until I upgraded it to 6.0 or 6.1 last Fall and then I started to  
have the same problem (a post about it is in the archives).  I  
assumed it was a HW issue and turned off the port in the BIOS and  
used the other port until I took the machine offline as the customer  
using it no longer needed it.

Now this machine is having the same symptoms and I remember reading  
in the lists something about PHY and bge and some driver problems a  
while back but cannot fnd it now in the archives.

Could this be a SW problem or is it a HW issue?  Could it be related  
to the port it is connected to or the cable or something?  The other  
machine that had this problem was on a different switch brand.


This appears to be a HW problem at first look.  But when the server  
boots, it works fine for a while (hours, days??)

Here is the id in the boot message

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: bge0: rev. 0x3003> mem 0xfeab-0xfeab irq 16 at device 14.0 on pci1

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: miibus0:  on bge0
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: brgphy0: PHY> on miibus0
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: brgphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX,  
100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX, 1000baseTX-FDX, auto
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: bge0: Ethernet address:  

Is this some sort of SW driver issue or is it a HW issue at first  
glance?  I remember kind of reading about some BGE issues a while  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: started getting repeated "bge0: PHY read timed out" messages

2007-03-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 6, 2007, at 9:20 AM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:


After running fine for a while, my new server running 6.2-RELEASE  
with latest security patches as of last Thursday or Friday started  
giving the message

Probably should have said  i386 version

# uname -a
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2 #1:  
Sat Mar  3 13:11:00 UTC 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/ 
src/sys/server  i386


Tyan S2850 single opteron 2gb ecc

new install from ISO then cvsup'ed to latest


bge0: PHY read timed out

and I found the following in the system log

Mar  6 02:59:33 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 02:59:36 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Mar  6 03:00:27 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 03:00:29 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Mar  6 05:09:27 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:09:27 server last message repeated 3 times
Mar  6 05:09:27 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 05:09:29 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:09:50 server last message repeated 79 times
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:09:50 server last message repeated 4 times
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: RX CPU self-diagnostics failed!
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: flow-through queue init failed
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: initialization failure
Mar  6 05:09:52 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:10:23 server last message repeated 140 times
Mar  6 05:12:24 server last message repeated 616 times
Mar  6 05:22:26 server last message repeated 2580 times
Mar  6 05:32:28 server last message repeated 2460 times
Mar  6 05:42:30 server last message repeated 2540 times
Mar  6 05:52:32 server last message repeated 2572 times
Mar  6 06:02:33 server last message repeated 2652 times
Mar  6 06:12:34 server last message repeated 2532 times
Mar  6 06:22:35 server last message repeated 2516 times
Mar  6 06:32:37 server last message repeated 2452 times
Mar  6 06:42:38 server last message repeated 2520 times
Mar  6 06:52:39 server last message repeated 2544 times
Mar  6 07:02:39 server last message repeated 2919 times
Mar  6 07:12:41 server last message repeated 2521 times
Mar  6 07:22:43 server last message repeated 2524 times
Mar  6 07:32:44 server last message repeated 2440 times
Mar  6 07:42:45 server last message repeated 2524 times
Mar  6 07:52:48 server last message repeated 2528 times
Mar  6 08:02:50 server last message repeated 2656 times
Mar  6 08:12:51 server last message repeated 2552 times
Mar  6 08:22:53 server last message repeated 2528 times
Mar  6 08:32:55 server last message repeated 2436 times
Mar  6 08:42:57 server last message repeated 2536 times
Mar  6 08:52:58 server last message repeated 2544 times
Mar  6 08:58:55 server last message repeated 1631 times

This appears to be a HW problem at first look.  But when the server  
boots, it works fine for a while (hours, days??)

Here is the id in the boot message

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: bge0: rev. 0x3003> mem 0xfeab-0xfeab irq 16 at device 14.0 on pci1

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: miibus0:  on bge0
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: brgphy0: PHY> on miibus0
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: brgphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX,  
100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX, 1000baseTX-FDX, auto
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: bge0: Ethernet address:  

Is this some sort of SW driver issue or is it a HW issue at first  
glance?  I remember kind of reading about some BGE issues a while  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions- 

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

started getting repeated "bge0: PHY read timed out" messages

2007-03-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC


After running fine for a while, my new server running 6.2-RELEASE  
with latest security patches as of last Thursday or Friday started  
giving the message

bge0: PHY read timed out

and I found the following in the system log

Mar  6 02:59:33 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 02:59:36 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Mar  6 03:00:27 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 03:00:29 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Mar  6 05:09:27 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:09:27 server last message repeated 3 times
Mar  6 05:09:27 server kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Mar  6 05:09:29 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:09:50 server last message repeated 79 times
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:09:50 server last message repeated 4 times
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: RX CPU self-diagnostics failed!
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: flow-through queue init failed
Mar  6 05:09:50 server kernel: bge0: initialization failure
Mar  6 05:09:52 server kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Mar  6 05:10:23 server last message repeated 140 times
Mar  6 05:12:24 server last message repeated 616 times
Mar  6 05:22:26 server last message repeated 2580 times
Mar  6 05:32:28 server last message repeated 2460 times
Mar  6 05:42:30 server last message repeated 2540 times
Mar  6 05:52:32 server last message repeated 2572 times
Mar  6 06:02:33 server last message repeated 2652 times
Mar  6 06:12:34 server last message repeated 2532 times
Mar  6 06:22:35 server last message repeated 2516 times
Mar  6 06:32:37 server last message repeated 2452 times
Mar  6 06:42:38 server last message repeated 2520 times
Mar  6 06:52:39 server last message repeated 2544 times
Mar  6 07:02:39 server last message repeated 2919 times
Mar  6 07:12:41 server last message repeated 2521 times
Mar  6 07:22:43 server last message repeated 2524 times
Mar  6 07:32:44 server last message repeated 2440 times
Mar  6 07:42:45 server last message repeated 2524 times
Mar  6 07:52:48 server last message repeated 2528 times
Mar  6 08:02:50 server last message repeated 2656 times
Mar  6 08:12:51 server last message repeated 2552 times
Mar  6 08:22:53 server last message repeated 2528 times
Mar  6 08:32:55 server last message repeated 2436 times
Mar  6 08:42:57 server last message repeated 2536 times
Mar  6 08:52:58 server last message repeated 2544 times
Mar  6 08:58:55 server last message repeated 1631 times

This appears to be a HW problem at first look.  But when the server  
boots, it works fine for a while (hours, days??)

Here is the id in the boot message

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: bge0: 0x3003> mem 0xfeab-0xfeab irq 16 at device 14.0 on pci1

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: miibus0:  on bge0
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: brgphy0: PHY> on miibus0
Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: brgphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX,  
100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX, 1000baseTX-FDX, auto

Mar  6 09:01:21 server kernel: bge0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:81:61:e9:a0

Is this some sort of SW driver issue or is it a HW issue at first  
glance?  I remember kind of reading about some BGE issues a while back.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

gmake in jail from ports linking to ??? Re: building jdk15 in a jail -- __mb_cur_max Undefined Symbol

2007-03-04 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 3, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Bill Moran wrote:

On Mar 3, 2007, at 4:01 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:


I am trying to build jdk15 inside my jail with PREFIX set to /usr/
public  (At one time I successfully got jdk 1.4 to build after much

I have the option for builing inside a jail set.  We get to the
point where the linux java is installed and it is actually building
the jdk

# Start of jdk build
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined
symbol "__mb_cur_max"
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk15.

I am not exactly sure what it is doing at this point in order to
hack round it.libiconv a fresh install from ports

Turns out that the issue is that gmake cannot run.  I have not
figured out why yet, having removed and reinstalled libiconv and
gmake and getting the same error.  But it is not java related.

I'll redirect this to -questions

If anyone has an idea on why gmake would fail as above on a fresh
install, 6.2-RELEASE from a day or two ago, I would appreciate it.
Please CC me as I am not currently subscribed to -questions, though I
am on -java

Not a direct answer to your question, but when I needed to do this
a few months ago, I just did a "make package" on my workstation, then
shipped the package up to the jail system and installed it with  

Doesn't solve the problem, but if you're in a pinch, it's a handy

Bill -- Thanks!

That is an idea too.  Maybe I will do that.


However, I want to figure why gmake is not working in the jail when I  
install from ports.  Using the same directory tree on the base  
machine it works, but not in the jail.  gmake gives the error

/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol  

when built and run inside the jail but not when built and run pn the  
base machine.

doing an "ldd" on the base machine shows

# ldd /usr/local/bin/gmake
/usr/local/bin/gmake: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x8809b000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x880a4000) => /lib/ (0x88191000)

but in the jail it shows

# ldd /usr/public/bin/gmake
/usr/public/bin/gmake: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x8809b000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x880a4000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x88191000) (0x882ae000)

and I can't see why this would be the case.  Both are building from  
the same port, same os, everything (indeed same machine)

Any ideas appreciated!  I am trying things and googling as well etc  
but I appreciate insight others may have on this.  Has been stumping  
me for several hours today already :-(

Please CC on any responses for now.  I am resubscribing to -questions  
but don't know how long it will take to come back at me


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

gmake in jail from ports linking to ??? Re: building jdk15 in a jail -- __mb_cur_max Undefined Symbol

2007-03-03 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 3, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Bill Moran wrote:

On Mar 3, 2007, at 4:01 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:


I am trying to build jdk15 inside my jail with PREFIX set to /usr/
public  (At one time I successfully got jdk 1.4 to build after much

I have the option for builing inside a jail set.  We get to the
point where the linux java is installed and it is actually building
the jdk

# Start of jdk build
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined
symbol "__mb_cur_max"
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk15.

I am not exactly sure what it is doing at this point in order to
hack round it.libiconv a fresh install from ports

Turns out that the issue is that gmake cannot run.  I have not
figured out why yet, having removed and reinstalled libiconv and
gmake and getting the same error.  But it is not java related.

I'll redirect this to -questions

If anyone has an idea on why gmake would fail as above on a fresh
install, 6.2-RELEASE from a day or two ago, I would appreciate it.
Please CC me as I am not currently subscribed to -questions, though I
am on -java

Not a direct answer to your question, but when I needed to do this
a few months ago, I just did a "make package" on my workstation, then
shipped the package up to the jail system and installed it with  

Doesn't solve the problem, but if you're in a pinch, it's a handy

Bill -- Thanks!

That is an idea too.  Maybe I will do that.


However, I want to figure why gmake is not working in the jail when I  
install from ports.  Using the same directory tree on the base  
machine it works, but not in the jail

doing an "ldd" on the base machine shows

# ldd /usr/local/bin/gmake
/usr/local/bin/gmake: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x8809b000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x880a4000) => /lib/ (0x88191000)

but in the jail it shows

# ldd /usr/public/bin/gmake
/usr/public/bin/gmake: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x8809b000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x880a4000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x88191000) (0x882ae000)

and I can't see why this would be the case.  Both are building from  
the same port, same os, everything (indeed same machine)

Any ideas appreciated!  I am trying things and googling as well etc  
but I appreciate insight others may have on this.  Has been stumping  
me for several hours today already :-(

Please CC on any responses for now.  I am resubscribing to -questions  
but don't know how long it will take to come back at me


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: building jdk15 in a jail -- __mb_cur_max Undefined Symbol

2007-03-03 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Mar 3, 2007, at 4:01 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:


I am trying to build jdk15 inside my jail with PREFIX set to /usr/ 
public  (At one time I successfully got jdk 1.4 to build after much  

I have the option for builing inside a jail set.  We get to the  
point where the linux java is installed and it is actually building  
the jdk

# Start of jdk build
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined  
symbol "__mb_cur_max"

*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk15.

I am not exactly sure what it is doing at this point in order to  
hack round it.libiconv a fresh install from ports

Turns out that the issue is that gmake cannot run.  I have not  
figured out why yet, having removed and reinstalled libiconv and  
gmake and getting the same error.  But it is not java related.

I'll redirect this to -questions

If anyone has an idea on why gmake would fail as above on a fresh  
install, 6.2-RELEASE from a day or two ago, I would appreciate it.   
Please CC me as I am not currently subscribed to -questions, though I  
am on -java


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Installing PHP5 alongside PHP4

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Dec 20, 2006, at 7:45 PM, Benjamin Kudria wrote:


I admin a small web hosting server running 6.1-RELEASE-p10, and I  
have PHP4
working as a module with Apache 2.0.59.  I have a PHP app that  
doesn't work
with PHP4 and requires PHP5, along with the mysql and gd  
extensions.  Is
there a way to get PHP5 to run alongside PHP4 short of installing  

Apache in a jail?

I don't know if you can using ports but by compiling yourself you  
can.  You have to have 2 separate modules you load (with different  
names) and then you have to have one respond to a different file  
extension.  Ie, .php for php4 and .php5 for php5 or whatever.


Benjamin Kudria
___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions- 

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: Major Version Upgrade 4.11 to 5.x

2006-12-11 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Dec 11, 2006, at 3:59 PM, Gerard Seibert wrote:

On Monday December 11, 2006 at 05:09:01 (PM) James Long wrote:

By the way, that is why it is customary to Cc: both the person and
and the list when replying.  It doesn't do any good to send a  

to the list if the person who asked the question isn't subscribed.

Maybe it is just me, but I hate that Cc crap. I always end up with two
copies of the same message. Unless the individual specifically  
to be Cc'd, I never utilize it. Besides, how hard is it to  
subscribe to

a list, post your question and hopefully receive a satisfactory
response and then terminate your association with the list if you  
are so

inclined. I joined the 'Apache' forum just to get one simple answer,
then exited. Not a big deal at all.

I agree that the list should only accept mail from subscribed  
members.  Mainly to keep spam and other crap off the list.  Most  
lists I am on (which are technical) require you to be a list member  
to post.  So in this case the FreeBSD policies are "not the norm."  I  
am on one list for an MTA where if you CC the orig poster plus send  
to the list you get in trouble with some folks.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: digression: There is no "ye" (was Re: what happened to groff?!!)

2006-11-04 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Nov 4, 2006, at 2:36 PM, Gary Kline wrote:

On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 08:53:21PM +, Bill Moran wrote:

On Fri, 3 Nov 2006 20:56:07 -0800
Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This roff script is in a directory with ye-olden-English font,

There is no word "ye", and there never was.

Word origins is a hobby of mine, and I found it pretty difficult  
to figure

out where "ye" came from, because it never existed.

What _did_ exist, was a letter in old English called a "thorne".   
The thorne
looked a lot like a capital "Y" (with a horizontal line through  
it) and had
the sound of "th".  When the thorne fell into disuse, later  
readers would

think sentences said "we went to Ye bar to drink wiY friends".

Since "the" is liable to be the most common word in the English  
language, this
fell into a more general belief that in olden times, the word "ye"  
was used

instead of "the".

Anyway, it's a bit of non-BSD trivia.  Sorry for the noise to  
those who aren't
interested, and sorry that I don't know enough about groff to help  
fix your


Well, maybe the gurus will be back on Monday.  I'm no scholar of
the English language, but yeah, you're right on the money re the
thorn character.  [ Ever watch Bergan Evans' broadcasts circa
late-1950's?  ]



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: how to know what DNS server is being used

2006-10-27 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 27, 2006, at 8:56 PM, David Banning wrote:

On my registrars site I have two DNS servers listing. How would
I know that 1) both are working. 2) which one is being used.

For #2, do you mean by the world at large?  Which one is being used  
when people look up your domain and hosts in your domain?  Both of  
them should get used.  I don't know what algorithm is used but both  
will be used by people.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: two NIC and nfs

2006-10-23 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 23, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Albert Shih wrote:

For answer  Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> no I can't do  
(well easy do..) because my client have only on NIC and the client  
is XDM

server. And all my user-client (connected by xdmcp) is on same subnet.

It's very complicate if I want two subnet for my servers.

I am not saying to get rid of your original single subnet. I am  
saying you can add additional subnets with IP ailases on your NIC(s)  
and do the nfs over these additional subnets.

You can do this even with just one nic.

Let's say that you have your normal subnet
Lets say you want to add in your nfs subnet and for server nic 1 and server nic 2

client 1 nic1 plus alias

client 2 nic1 alias

server nic  plus alias
   nic  plus alias

This will allow you to keep the xdm stuff (I am not familiar with  
xdm) on your normal subnet plus do each client on its own nic on the  
nfs server...

Just make sure that client 1 uses an nfs server of   server-nic1-192:/ 
someshare  where server-nic1-192 is the name given in your hosts or  
dns tables to the alias 192 address on nic1 and the analog on nic2.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: two NIC and nfs

2006-10-23 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 23, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Albert Shih wrote:

 Le 23/10/2006 à 13:09:21-0800, Jeff Mohler a écrit

Are nic1 and nic2 on the same network?

Are client2 and nic2 on the same network?

Yes all in same subnet, all connected on the same gigabits switch.

The easiest thing is to set up a separate subnet for server nic 2 and  
client nic 2, perhaps as an alias on the existing one.  Use a private  
netblock like 192.168.n to separate them out.

I do this.  I have a single nic in the client (but I have multiple  
clients) and the nfs server has 4 nics.  nic 1 is 192.168.1.x and nic  
2 is 192.168.2.x and nic 3 is 192.168.3.x and nic 4 is 192.168.4.x .

I am actually running one of my clients with 1 nic with aliased  
addresses talking to 2 separate nics on the server, mainly for  
testing purposes to separate different share while I did some packet  
sniffing to solve an unrelated problems.


and all nfs traffic is in UDP.

Hi all

I've two NIC on my server.

Until now I just use one. I want use the second interface to  


The server have only one purpose : nfsd.

Suppose if I do

   nfs_nic_1  <---> client 1

   nfs_nic_2  <---> client 2

well that's work but not... really because if incomming traffic from
client_2 pass through nic_2, all output traffic pass through nic_1.

How can I make the all traffic between client_2 and my server  
pass through

nic_2 ?


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Heure local/Local time:
Mon Oct 23 23:39:46 CEST 2006
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chad at

Re: 4 core Opteron performance

2006-10-21 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 21, 2006, at 2:29 AM, ke han wrote:

I realize this is a bit open-ended.  But I need some advice anyway  
as I need to make a final decision on using FreeBSD 6.1 on a  
production server.
I have a new Sun x4100 server.  2 x dual core Opterons with 8 GB  
RAM.  I need to run MySQL 5, a single threaded HTTP server, and a  
few other single threaded daemons.
This server will have lots of long living sockets for one of the  
single threaded servers.  Other than that, its not outside normal  
usage bounds.
I would like feedback on overall performance from anyone who has  
used FreeBSD 6.1 with hardware similar to this.  I'm not a guy who  
cares about getting the last 10% of performance out of a server.  I  
am happy to trade performance for maintainability and a little  
peace of mind.

I have a dual opteron 2.0ghz (not dual core) with 4GB ram running  
6.1.  It ran a very busy mysql 4 server (feeding three other  
dedicated apache server machines), plus it runs a few FrontBase  
databases that are not so busy (low -- med low usage), and about 30  
instances of apache (ie, min of 30 jails, each running their own  
apache) and a couple of jails with roxen serving webpages, plus a  
bind daemon, a moderately busy exim mta, courier imap and pop  
daemons, and some other assorted stuff, like a bunch of java based  
WebObjects instance and some db stuff (like some low use mysql 4/5  
etc).  It rarely broke much of a heavy sweat in normal usage.  The  
super busy mysql 4 server is now gone and the machine rarely even  
sweats at all now (all the rest is still there).

I would google on x4100 and FreeBSD or search the archives for any  
machine-specific issues.  I kind of remember some issues with some  
sort of Sun servers.


btw, I'm not tried to start another "FreeBSD has poor SMP" flame-fest.

any thoughts?
 thanks, ke han

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: Non English Spam

2006-10-13 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 13, 2006, at 7:12 PM, Beech Rintoul wrote:

I'm getting a ton of spam every day  that comes from China, Japan  
and Korea.
Spam Assassin completely ignores it because it has all non-english  

I don't know what settings affect this but SpamAssassin actually  
catches most of the Japanese and Chinese language spam we get (have  
not seen Korean).  (I have whitelisted a couple of Japan email  
addresses that send us legit email in Japanese but others that are  
not spam do not get flagged that often as spam -- don't ask me how it  


and slows kmail to a crawl loading. Is there a way to filter on non- 

either using Spam Assassin or procmail?

Suggestions would be appreciated.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

ports vs configure/make/make install Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: cheapskate webmail interface

2006-10-12 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 12, 2006, at 1:26 AM, Juha Saarinen wrote:

On 10/11/06, Desmond Coughlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Yeah. I used to do Solaris admin (Jesus, you'd never know  
it...), and usually prefer installing software the ./configure -->  
make && make install route.  Especially since a ports install  
doesn't tell you anything about where the software is put

It most certainly does, and also allows you to change the locations of
the software to be installed. Have a look at the Makefile in the

While theoretically you can change the location where stuff is put  
using ports, it does not always work out that well (I admit I could  
have screwed up).  Mainly, some ports rely on other ports.  I  
installed a bunch of stuff (gnu build stuff) that some ports relied  
on in my own dir /usr/public as a prefix.  The ports system should  
know about this (ie at later install time) but certain ports that  
rely on this stuff seem to have it hardwired that this stuff is in / 
usr/local and these ports fail.  So may ports can easily be changed,  
some ports can't.

I use ports for things like build tools, system tools, editors,   
compilers. and certain standard SW we use.  I use configure/make etc  
for my MTA, apache, php, my imap and pop servers, and lots of my  
service level software that I find much easier to customize myself  
without jumping through ports.



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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: .dmg files?

2006-10-10 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 10, 2006, at 4:10 PM, Paul Schmehl wrote:

--On Tuesday, October 10, 2006 13:51:46 -0500 Drew Sanford  

Is there any way to unpack a .dmg file (mac) on FreeBSD? I have  
in ports/archivers and can't find anything that looks like it will  
do it,
and google turns up nothing of any use that I've found yet. Have I  

something, or can this really not be done?

Won't this do it?


Probably not.

Stuffit is a "zip" like format.  .dmg are like .iso more or less  
(mountable disk images)


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: Upgrading firmware on Areca RAID card?

2006-10-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 9, 2006, at 7:35 AM, Bob Willcox wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to upgrade the firmware on my Areca ARC-1210 SATA RAID
card. Has anyone out there done this, and if so, do you have any  

on doing it?

I have downloaded a program called archttp32 that appears to be a
FreeBSD 4.2 32-bit version of the Arec http proxy server but I really
need a 64-bit version (I suppose that would be called archttp64),
preferably build on FreeBSD 6.1 (or thereabouts).

Any tips, pointers, advice, or warnings would be greatly appreciated.

I've done it but under Solaris 10.  I basically followed the  
instructions that Areca has in the docs/website.  My card was an 1120  
8 port card (I also did an 1130 12 port card through its in-built  
ethernet port).

I went just now to their downloads and they only show the 32 bit  
archttp server.  Try that and see how it works since your amd should  
also run 32 bit programs, right?.  Otherwise, maybe you will have to  
boot a liveCD in 32bit mode or something and run it from that



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: cheapskate webmail interface

2006-10-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Oct 9, 2006, at 8:21 AM, Desmond Coughlan wrote:

Yes, I did everything mentioned in that HOWTO.  Still no luck.   
Following someone else's advice, I tried to install Thunderbird on  
another machine, and connect to the server on port 143.  It failed.

You need to have an IMAP server running before roundcube can  
connect.  It sounds like you do not have an IMAP server running on  
the system.  Port 143 is the IMAP port.  roundcube (horde/ 
squirrelmail, etc) are not IMAP servers, they are clients.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

apache in "strange" jail getting permissions errors

2006-10-04 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
 with all the same files  
and permissions, has no problems.

Here are some examples from the virtual host error files:

[Wed Oct 04 12:53:19 2006] [error] [client] (13) 
Permission denied: file permissions deny server access: /local/web/
[Wed Oct 04 12:53:19 2006] [error] [client] File does  
not exist: /local/web/
[Wed Oct 04 12:53:21 2006] [error] [client] (13) 
Permission denied: file permissions deny server access: /local/web/
[Wed Oct 04 12:53:21 2006] [error] [client] File does  
not exist: /local/web/
[Wed Oct 04 12:54:55 2006] [crit] [client] (13)Permission  
denied: /local/web/  
pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable,  
[Wed Oct 04 12:54:56 2006] [crit] [client] (13)Permission  
denied: /local/web/  
pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable,  
[Wed Oct 04 12:54:56 2006] [crit] [client] (13)Permission  
denied: /local/web/  
pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable,  
[Wed Oct 04 12:54:58 2006] [crit] [client] (13)Permission  
denied: /local/web/  
pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable,  
[Wed Oct 04 12:55:15 2006] [crit] [client] (13)Permission  
denied: /local/web/  
pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

Again, the user that apache is running as can access the files R/W no  
problem.   I have confirmed this by running a shell as the same user  
(and the same apache when running on the md(4) back jail with the  
same local directorys tructure with same user and permissions etc  
runs fine).  I also confirmed the permissions of everything  
visually.  user and group are r(+x as appropriate) including all dirs.

I am at a loss on why, when the apache virtual host document roots  
are living on an nfs mounted space this would happen.  (Again, the  
LockFile and other things like that [SSLMutex, mod)rewrite stuff] is  
set to a local space that is not nfs mounted and apache is not giving  
and crazy errors to indicate otherwise in the apache wide error_log  
like it did when I first started my attempts).

Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

In case anyone wants to know why I want to do this jail on nfs thing:

1)  I want to get rid of the md(4) backed devices as they seem to not  
be completely stable -- once in a while I get a lost I/O that leads  
to hanging the server. I cannot prove it is related to md(4) but it  
always starts in relation to a jail on the md(4) device (and when I  
try and do an ls of the file for example, once it starts, the ls of  
that file will hang while other ls won't).

2)  More importantly, I don't want a jail to be tied to a specific HW  
server.  I want to be able to move a jail easily around HW servers as  
needed.  For example, if a specific server were to develop HW  
problems, I could easily shut it down and bring up its allotment of  
jails on another server or set of servers with very minimal downtime  
to my customers.  Right now, with the md(4) backed devices, the jails  
live where their storage backing is and each server has their own set  
of disks/storage.  If a server dies, I cannot easily bring up all my  
jails on another server without HW hacking.  I know I have a single  
point of failure with the Solaris server and its large disk array but  
it is easier to throw money at a single file server and have a lot of  
smaller minimal front end servers than have to buy larger beefier  
front end servers in multiples.  The solaris server has 2 areca raid  
6 arrays (1 installed and 1 to be installed later this Fall) mirrored  
together using ZFS, has a 2+1 redundant power supply that will be  
spread across 2 circuits, battery backed raid arrays, etc. is on  
hospital grade power with UPS etc. with extra spare parts to quickly  
replace things that fail.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Re: ezjails, jails

2006-09-26 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC


On Sep 26, 2006, at 8:40 AM, Don Munyak wrote:

re: ezjails, jails

Hopefully a quick question. I am researching using EZJails from

But a little confused by the jail concept.

I think I need to setup two jails, one(1) for email services and
one(1) for www services, on a single server.

That will work

q. If I am running a webserver for more than one(1) domain, should I
be using a single jail for each domain, or is one jail needed for
'ALL' www processing ?

Up to you.  Each jail requires its own IP address.  There are things  
that people do with jails with private IPs and packet forwarding and  
stuff, but to keep it simple, consider that each jail needs an IP  
address (public).  If you have lots of them, and if each domain is  
something someone else runs, or is based on totally different SW,  
then you might consider separating them.  If you own and run each  
domain and they use a similar SW menu, then you may just run them out  
of one jail using apache virtual hosts.

q. If I am using a jail for each domain, does this imply loading
apache+php+mysql, for each www jail ?

Yes.  There are ways to share but until you are comfortable with  
jails and what you are doing, it is easier to just load each one up  

We run a ton of jails, one for each customer, and we share SW across  
them in our own "/usr/public" read only area with each jail having  
its own /usr/local/etc but to get it to work requires some  
configuration work and understanding how it all works and some other  

q. Likewise with email and multiple domains, does multiple domains =
multiple email jails, as well as multiple copies of smtp, pop3,
webmail ??

You could but in most cases there is no reason to do that.  Run them  
all in 1 jail using one set of SW.  Set up your SMTP server to  
support multiple domains (I recommend exim).

q. Email and WWW services both require MySQL. Would I be installing
MySQL 'x' number of times?

Depends on how the SW accesses mysql but you can run multiple mysql  
DBs out of one installation...


What I want to do is he following:

We are a small company, so email traffic is less than 500
messages per day.
Likewise, www traffic is also minimal.
I want to build a single server to be located at a co-location  

This server would support both email and www services.

The email services would be built using instructions from
...that being stuff like qmail, RBL, spamassassin, clamav...etc
We have 5 separate domains for email services
The www services would be functionally similiar to LAMP
We have 5 separate domains for www

I would greatly appreciate any links or advice towards achiving my  

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chad at

Re: Want to install RELEASE-6.1, have 5.3 disks

2006-09-23 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 23, 2006, at 2:34 PM, Jason Artz wrote:


I want to install FreeBSD 6.1 on my system, but I only
have a version 5.3 CD.  I can tell sysinstall to get
6.1 instead of 5.3 via FTP (under "Options, Release
name"), but I read that using an old sysinstall to
install a new version is a bad idea.  I cannot figure
out how to obtain a new sysinstall without making boot
floppies (I have no floppy drive nor a CDRW).  Can I
install 5.3 and then somehow upgrade via FTP to 6.1?
Or download the new sysinstall to my 5.3 installation,
run it, and install 6.1 instead?  What's the best

Can you just download the 6.1 iso disks and make new installer disks?

Otherwise, you can install 5.3 and use cvsup to upgrade to 6.1  
through a source upgrade.  Just follow the instructions carefully.


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Re: SCSI vs. SATA (was Re: Upgrading our mail server)

2006-09-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 14, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Derek Ragona wrote:

SATA is still quite limited.  To go beyond those limits use SAS,  
but SAS costs even more than SCSI and is brand new technology.

Get a 12 or 16  or 24 port Areca card and have a few hot spares and  
you will see SATA fly for less money than SCSI with higher storage  
and as high or higher reliability (RAID 6 plus hot spares)...

I used to be SCSI only but these new cards and drives offer a lot  
more for the money and you can make up for reliability by sheer mass  
and raid 6 and hot spares :-)



At 10:46 AM 9/14/2006, Bill Moran wrote:

In response to Frank Bonnet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Gerard Seibert wrote:
> > Frank Bonnet wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >> I need SCSI Disks of course , budget is around 10K$
> >
> > Why the insistence on SCSI? Is there any reason that SATA or  
RAID with

> > SATA is not acceptable? Just curious.
>   Because I want it

Has anyone every verified whether or not SATA has the problems  
that plagued

ATA?  Such as crappy quality and lying caches?

Personally, I still demand SCSI on production servers because it  

seems as if:
a) The performance is still better
b) The reliability is still better

But I haven't taken a comprehensive look at the SATA offerings.   
It also

seems as if SATA is more limiting.  Most SCSI cards can support 16
devices, does SATA have similar offerings?  I know it's not  
common, but

if you need that many spindles, you need them!

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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Re: Newbie Experience

2006-09-13 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 14, 2006, at 12:29 AM, Jonathan McKeown wrote:

On Thursday 14 September 2006 01:21, Kevin Brunelle wrote:
As for the GNU tools, yes most sysadmins use some of them  
(although not
always).  I know that BSD tar handles gzip and bzip2 just fine ( - 
z and -j
respectively).  So I know I wouldn't download gtar just for that  

In fact, as I discovered a few days ago (after all, how often does  
one read

tar(1)'s manpage?), you only need to use -z and -j when creating a tar
archive. bsdtar(1) recognises bzip2 and gzip compression on reading an
archive and handles them automatically.

old habits die hard


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: bge0: PHY read timed out

2006-09-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 9, 2006, at 11:52 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

I have a machine that is acting up.  It was doing this a couple  
weeks ago and I replaced the motherboard thinking that maybe the  
physical ethernet port was going bad (connector or chip).  The new  
motherboard is starting to act up the same way after a week or two  
of running fine and I am wondering if something else might be the  

I forgot to mention that the MB at issue is the Tyan S2850 single  
opteron MB.  This particular server had its MB replaced a week or two  
ago for the same sort of issue on bge1 that got progressively worse  
and I eventually turned it off in the BIOS.  Then a while later it  
started  seeming to freeze up with this same issue as listed below  
and I replaced the MB, which is starting to show the same issue.

I have a few other servers with the same MB and they have never had  
any issues.


After the uname I list the stuff from the syslog before it goes off  
the net and my auto rebooter power strip thinks it has crashed and  
forces a reboot (which I have now turned off so I can go in and  
look more next time it happens).  This did not happen for the last  
week or two and all of a sudden happened about 5 times today...

# uname -a
FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #1: Fri  
May 19 01:50:39 MDT 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/ 
sys/WHITWELL  i386


Sep  9 20:49:02 whitwell kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Sep  9 20:49:02 whitwell last message repeated 3 times
Sep  9 20:49:02 whitwell kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Sep  9 20:49:04 whitwell kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out

What does this message mean?  PHY read timed out?   I did a google  
on it but the issues were various other things.

Could this be a bad cable?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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bge0: PHY read timed out

2006-09-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

I have a machine that is acting up.  It was doing this a couple weeks  
ago and I replaced the motherboard thinking that maybe the physical  
ethernet port was going bad (connector or chip).  The new motherboard  
is starting to act up the same way after a week or two of running  
fine and I am wondering if something else might be the issue.

After the uname I list the stuff from the syslog before it goes off  
the net and my auto rebooter power strip thinks it has crashed and  
forces a reboot (which I have now turned off so I can go in and look  
more next time it happens).  This did not happen for the last week or  
two and all of a sudden happened about 5 times today...

# uname -a
FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #1: Fri  
May 19 01:50:39 MDT 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ 


Sep  9 20:49:02 whitwell kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out
Sep  9 20:49:02 whitwell last message repeated 3 times
Sep  9 20:49:02 whitwell kernel: bge0: link state changed to DOWN
Sep  9 20:49:04 whitwell kernel: bge0: PHY read timed out

What does this message mean?  PHY read timed out?   I did a google on  
it but the issues were various other things.

Could this be a bad cable?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: jail removal

2006-09-09 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 9, 2006, at 3:37 AM, Christopher Cowart wrote:

I've partially removed a jail and I want to start over and  
recreate it
differently, but I'm having trouble removing files. Getting  

denied on some files I am unable to chmod to +w.

Try 'sudo chflags -R noschg /path/to/jail'. I'm thinking the immutable
flag got set on something like var/empty.

And if that doesn't work you may be at a secure level that doesn't  
allow the changes to immutable flags.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: FreeBSD not popular in Asia?

2006-09-08 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 8, 2006, at 7:02 PM, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

Check out ... Republic of Korea is about to  
push the US out of first place, but there are *zero* FreeBSD boxes  
reporting from there ... DragonFly is first, then NetBSD and then  
OpenBSD ...

Are there *really* no Korean FreeBSD hosts out there ... ?

Or maybe the FreeBSD users in Korea use their systems for real work  
and don't read this list or play these sorts of games...  The Open/ 
Net/DFly users are hobbyists who like to play these games.

I am not knocking the bsdstats effort -- just that lots of serious  
users with machines in production won't report back (I know I am  
not).  Your sample is probably statistically invalid.

best regards

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: need a restricted shell

2006-09-07 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:35 AM, David Robillard wrote:

I am looking for a shell that will allow Subversion to be run over
ssh but not allow interactive login or if it allows interactive
login, will only allow Subversion commands to be run...  Any ideas
on how to accomplish this?

Hi Chad,

You could install the shells/scponly port and build it with it's  
chroot option.

(i.e. sudo make -DWITH_SCPONLY_CHROOT install) Don't run the `make
clean` just yet, because you will need the "" script
which is inside the work/scponly- directory.

Thanks to David and all who responded.  I will give this a shot.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: DL 380/G5 with 16G of ram

2006-09-07 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 7, 2006, at 3:26 PM, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

On Thu, 7 Sep 2006, Josef Grosch wrote:


I've got a DL 380/G5 as an evalu unit. It has 16 gig of ram. I  
compiled a PAE kernel but I'm finding that it is not very stable.  
It crashes during heavy disk activity, ie. portupgrade -rav. Does  
anyone have experience with this sort of machine and would you  
care to share your kernel config file and/or advice.

Have you tried a non-PAE kernel?  If its a new unit, I imagine its  
64bit, which, as far as I'm aware, doesn't require PAE  ... ?

I would second this.  Try the amd64 version of FreeBSD (which also  
supports the EMT64, or whatever it is called, Intel 64bit  
processors).  Based on HPs website, this is the possible processor list:

Intel Xeon Processor 5160 – Dual core / 3.00 GHz / 1333MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5150 – Dual core / 2.67 GHz / 1333MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5140 – Dual core / 2.33 GHz / 1333MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5130 – Dual core / 2.00 GHz / 1333MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5120 – Dual core / 1.87 GHz / 1066MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5110 – Dual core / 1.60 GHz / 1066MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5080 – Dual core / 3.73 GHz / 1066MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5060 – Dual core / 3.20 GHz / 1066MHz FSB
Intel Xeon Processor 5050 – Dual core / 3.00 GHz / 667MHz FSB

They all seem recent enough to have the 64bit extensions.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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need a restricted shell

2006-09-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
I am looking for a shell that will allow Subversion to be run over  
ssh but not allow interactive login or if it allows interactive  
login, will only allow Subversion commands to be run...  Any ideas on  
how to accomplish this?

I have been looking at various shell lists in ports but nothing  
popped out as obvious to me


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: solaris

2006-09-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 6, 2006, at 8:41 AM, White Hat wrote:

Most of these can be far more easily done on a WinXP
machine then anything now available in the *nix

OS X will do it as easily or more easily for the average person than  
WinXP.  OS X is a unix based OS.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: solaris

2006-09-04 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 4, 2006, at 8:57 AM, dick hoogendijk wrote:

On 03 Sep Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

I am not sure about installing Solaris into an existing partition.

I remember one of the FBSD's (a RC, but still) destroying my partition
table. That's the reason I ask. I know that I don't have to use the  
option (that's for the whole disk). But if there are no problems  
know of
with the sol installer, than I'm a little less worried. I have no  
space to

backup my XP and FBSD disk parts (at the moment).

btw there is a Solaris X86 mail list at 

They might be better able to help out in determining the danger of  
installing in your situation.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: time to come clean... .

2006-09-03 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 3, 2006, at 10:35 PM, Gary Kline wrote:

How can I automate the backup via rsync to other servers?

I believe the default for rsync is to use ssh as a transport.  That  
is how I am using it with ssh certificates.  Read up on rsync and if  
you want to create some cron jobs that would be an easy automation.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: migrating user and web files to new server

2006-09-03 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 3, 2006, at 8:59 PM, Noah wrote:

hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:

On 3 September 2006, at 20:34, Noah wrote:

hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:

I find it incredibly interesting that, while you REFUSE SPECIFY  
exactly what you want, you find it necessary to deem certain  
commands unacceptable! No one is going to freaking spoon feed  
you this stuff! What you just pasted will do basically THE SAME  
THING as tarring and scping it over, so what's the problem? The  
only difference is there is no intermediate tar file. If that's  
what you wanted, why can't you just SAY THAT?!

cool.  it is different though.  ssh and scp are quite different  
syntax.  thank you.

Obviously they are different syntax, but the two commands posted  
give you the same end result. Why are you rejecting the syntax?!

Hi there,

I never saw any syntax for the scp way of doing it.  Also after I  
received the ssh command I was happy to see that moving files could  
be performed on one line

you mean like

% tar cf newfile.tar mydirtotar; scp newfile.tar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


that is one command line


and want to share it with the list and soon google.

please lets drop the issue it seems too nitpicky.





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Re: solaris

2006-09-03 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 3, 2006, at 9:20 PM, P.U.Kruppa wrote:

On Sun, 3 Sep 2006, dick hoogendijk wrote:

I have a 3-part disk:
(a) XP for games
(b) FreeBSD-6.1 (my main OS)
(c) FreeBSD-6.1 (a backup)

I want to replace the third partition with solaris 10, mainly for
studying this OS. I burned the DVD. Will it install solaris on this
third partition without trouble? Will I be able to continue to use  

FreeBSD bootloader or do I need to isntall sol's grub?

The documentation on SUN and solaris is huge. Many many pdf files..
Are there better ways then these pdf's? Good books on solaris 10?
Starting points on the net? I ask here because I know lot of you guys
here have also installed solaris 10 (at least I remember seeing it  

Hope to get some advice and reading points. I have years of  

with linux and FreeBSD and like to explore new (OS) challences.
I did something like that (WIN2k instead of XP) last year - no  
problem. You might feel better if you had some kind of bootloader  
disk at hand (something like GAG (my favourite), grub or whatever).

At that time I was very disappointed of solaris:
- very slow
- very old versions of software
Tell me if that has improved. I decided to test Debian instead, and  
am very satisfied with it.

I am not sure about installing Solaris into an existing partition.   
The new U2 of Solaris 10 uses grub though.   But I find Solaris 10  
much faster than FreeBSD for some things (java, threaded apps, etc).   
It has its quirks and I am sure that FreeBSD has its advantages (for  
me I use FreeBSD on most of my servers but have a few Solaris 10  
based ones for java, ZFS, etc).  I am not trying to get into a mud- 
slinging match -- both are good.  But I wanted to mention that  
Solaris is a very mature OS.  It is a hyrbid BSD/SVR4 system in terms  
of commands (I believe in ancietnt history SunOS was a VSD variant  
that switched to a SVR4 variant when it became Solaris).  And FreeBSD  
has the upper hand in my estimation in terms of normal userland stuff  
like an updated tar and update apps in many cases (userland utils) so  
a lot of things you normally do will be frustrating at first until  
you learn that he command flags are different on Solaris than on  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: migrating user and web files to new server

2006-09-02 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 2, 2006, at 11:15 PM, Noah wrote:

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Sep 2, 2006, at 11:09 PM, Noah wrote:

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Sep 2, 2006, at 10:59 PM, Noah wrote:

Hi there,

might somebody recommend a good way to migrate user and web  
files to our new server?


tar and scp work well for me

okay might you recommend a good command structure?

Sorry I am dense but I just tar up whatever directories (user,  
web, whatever) and then use scp to copy them to the new server  
where I use tar to undue them.  I don't quite understand your  

man tar
man scp

% tar cpf archive.tar 
scp over
% tar xpf archive.tar

there are cooler ways of doing this.   there will be people on this  
list that know what I am talking about.  I will await  their  

things like rdiff-backup could be useful since I can prep  
everything and periodically move things over and then on a flag day  
switch the IPs.

Well, if you want to make it complicated etc you can.

If you don't want to migrate all at once, yes, there are other ways  
of doing that.  That was not specified.

I would just stay up late one night and tar it all over and get it  
over with.  KISS.

good luck!
best regards

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: migrating user and web files to new server

2006-09-02 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 2, 2006, at 11:09 PM, Noah wrote:

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Sep 2, 2006, at 10:59 PM, Noah wrote:

Hi there,

might somebody recommend a good way to migrate user and web files  
to our new server?


tar and scp work well for me

okay might you recommend a good command structure?

Sorry I am dense but I just tar up whatever directories (user, web,  
whatever) and then use scp to copy them to the new server where I use  
tar to undue them.  I don't quite understand your question

man tar
man scp

% tar cpf archive.tar 
scp over
% tar xpf archive.tar



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: migrating user and web files to new server

2006-09-02 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Sep 2, 2006, at 10:59 PM, Noah wrote:

Hi there,

might somebody recommend a good way to migrate user and web files  
to our new server?


tar and scp work well for me


thank you in advance,


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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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shared cache -- Re: SMP detection

2006-08-30 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 30, 2006, at 12:12 PM, backyard wrote:

with HT disabling in FreeBSD is more for the security
issues about a potential exploit whereby one process
in one pipe can access the priveledged information of
a process in another pipe because the two cores share
one processor cache and thus one cache table. To my
knowledge this hasn't been exploited yet.

How is this any different than say an Intel Core Duo or Core 2 Duo?   
I believe they have a shared cache as well for each (real) processor  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: AMD 64 3000

2006-08-18 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 18, 2006, at 2:00 PM, Nikolas Britton wrote:

On 8/18/06, Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anybody have any strong opinions on this for a freebsd 6.1 web  
server? We
> are currently using a 2.40GHz celeron which is fairly slow. I'm  

> to switch to 64 bits, are there any gotchas for freeBSD?

What are you doing that would make that seem slow?
Are you sure it is the processor and not some other
part that is the bottleneck, such as disk or NIC or
your pipe to the outside world (ISP)?

He's probably running a big PHP web app... If so try eaccelerator
first, it's in ports under www/eaccelerator. It's an opcode cache for
PHP... should give you a major speed boost.

Yes, I have this running.  Made a HUGE difference.  If it is indeed a  
PHP thing.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: AMD 64 3000

2006-08-18 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 18, 2006, at 11:09 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

Anybody have any strong opinions on this for a freebsd 6.1 web  
server? We are currently using a 2.40GHz celeron which is fairly  
slow. I'm hesitant to switch to 64 bits, are there any gotchas for  

You can always run the 32bit FreeBSD on this if it makes you more  
comfortable.  That is what I do with all my Opteron machines.

What sort of webserving are you doing that the Celeron is slow?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
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Re: JDK 1.5 in a Jail

2006-08-18 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 18, 2006, at 10:54 AM, Bret J Esquivel wrote:

Hi Chad,

Yeah I've tried below inside the master:

mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /usr/jails/ 

with df containing:

linprocfs   4   40   100%

Still no joy.

Hmm.  I have not done 1.5 but I did build 1.4 inside a jail and it  
had the same message and my remembrance was that I had done what you  
did above and it worked.  But it was over a year ago so I don't  
remember any details or gotchas.  Sorry


-Original Message-----
From: Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 11:54 AM
To: Bret J Esquivel
Subject: Re: JDK 1.5 in a Jail

On Aug 18, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Bret J Esquivel wrote:

ox1# make install
===>  Building for jdk-1.5.0p3_3
ERROR: You must have LINPROCFS mounted before
starting to build the native JDK 1.5.0.

You may do it with the following commands:

# kldload linprocfs


# mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /compat/linux/proc

*** Error code 1

Any insight?

Did you try what it says above (in the master)?  (mounting a
linprocfs inside the jail while in the master)?


Thank you

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: JDK 1.5 in a Jail

2006-08-18 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 18, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Bret J Esquivel wrote:

ox1# make install
===>  Building for jdk-1.5.0p3_3
ERROR: You must have LINPROCFS mounted before
starting to build the native JDK 1.5.0.

You may do it with the following commands:

# kldload linprocfs


# mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /compat/linux/proc

*** Error code 1

Any insight?

Did you try what it says above (in the master)?  (mounting a  
linprocfs inside the jail while in the master)?


Thank you

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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chad at

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Re: rsync on Freebsd 5.3

2006-08-18 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 18, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Lisa Casey wrote:

Anyone know what might be wrong? Or can anyone suggest a better way  
of moving these mail boxes?

I don't know what might be wrong with rsync but can't you just tar up  
the mail, move the tar file, and untar at the new place?  Simple fast  

That is how I do these sorts of things


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: Cacti & FreeBSD Jail CPU & RAM monitoring

2006-08-15 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 15, 2006, at 9:16 AM, Philippe Lang wrote:


Based on answers of my first post, I wrote a small perl script in  
order to find out the CPU and MEMORY used by each jail.

Here it is:

@jails = `jls`;
$title = shift @jails;
chomp $title;
print $title . "\t\t%CPU\t%MEM\n";
foreach (@jails)
  my ($jid) = /\s+(\S+)\s/;
  @jexec = `jexec $jid ps -afxu`;

  @mem = map {/\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s/} @jexec;
  shift @mem;
  $tot_mem = 0;
  foreach (@mem) { $tot_mem = $tot_mem + $_; }

  @cpu = map {/\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s/} @jexec;
  shift @cpu;
  $tot_cpu = 0;
  foreach (@cpu) { $tot_cpu = $tot_cpu + $_; }

  chomp $_;
  print $_ . "\t$tot_cpu\t$tot_mem\n";

What are the units on the MEM?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: Cacti & FreeBSD Jail CPU & RAM monitoring

2006-08-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 14, 2006, at 10:28 AM, pete wright wrote:

On 8/14/06, Philippe Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'd like to use Cacti for CPU and RAM usage monitoring on my  
FreeBSD Server.

Is there a way to do monitoring for each jail independently? I  
guess the answer is "no" for CPU usage, but is there a way maybe  
to get the RAM usage of the processes of each jail?

using cacti's scripting ability you actually may be able to get some
sort of usefull info.  for example, you can use "ps auxwl" to get some
pretty detailed info on process which are in jails (third filed is
%CPU, fourth %MEM).  it may take a little work to sort out which jail
a process resides in - .  this method will only work from the master
as well.  similar tricks can be used inside a jail as well.

Remember you can do things like

% jexec NUM /bin/ps

from the master to do a ps command inside jail NUM

you can get the jail number from the % jls command inside the  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: How to remotely check an Adaptec 2100S RAID array status under FreeBSD 5.2.1?

2006-08-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
There is an adaptec raiodctl package (I think that is the name).   I  
recently retired my last 2100s so I no longer can go check it.   
However, there is a freebsd program that can be used to report on and  
manage your raid on a 2100s.  Google frebsd and adaptec 2100s

Besides being able to run it at will, I also had a cron job that  
would run it periodically and email me the results.  (I also do that  
with my amr devices and my aac devices with the appropriate raid  
management programs).


On Aug 14, 2006, at 5:57 AM, Olaf Greve wrote:

Hi all,

I hope someone can answer the following question for me (which may  
be trivial).

In my fall-back server I use an Adaptec 2100S SCSI RAID controller,  
with two (identical) drives attached to it. This morning I recieved  
the dreaded phonecall (from the server farm) that that machine is  
emitting a loud beep,which I remember to be the RAID controller's  
alarm in case a drive has failed.

Now, the above is clear and all, and I will replace the broken  
drive asap, so no question there.

However, I am about to go on a 3 week holiday to South America, and  
as I'll then be on an entirely different continent, I was wondering  
if there are any ways to remotely check the status of hardware RAID  
arrays. :D

In this case I tried dmesg (and checking the /var/log/messages  
file) and I couldn't find a single error message from the RAID  
controller (which can be deemed 'desirable' behaviour, as one of  
the two drives still works fine).

Are there any software tools for FreeBSD that can be used to check  
this remotely from an SSH terminal (no X), or better yet, is there  
support in FreeBSD itself for checking the status of hardware RAID  

Tnx in advance, and cheers!

PS: I am wondering about the same question for the 3ware 9600 SATA  
RAID controller too. It would be great to be able to monitor that  
remotely as well.

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Re: Undelete for UFS2?

2006-08-12 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 12, 2006, at 1:11 PM, Martin Tournoij wrote:

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 18:29:20 +0200, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC  

On Aug 12, 2006, at 7:26 AM, Martin Tournoij wrote:

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:13:49 +0200, Andreas Davour  

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006, Daniel Gerzo wrote:

Hello Chris,

Saturday, August 12, 2006, 3:48:28 AM, you wrote:

Lastly surely someone has implemented a trash folder mechanism  

freebsd... what is it called so I can look up how to install it?

maybe something like:

mkdir ~/.trash
alias rm 'mv -iv \!* ~/.trash/'

You don't have a handy solution for the lack of file version  
numbering as well?

That's something I'd love to see in ext4 or UFS3!



Isn't a snapshot a filesystem wide thing?  Sounds to complicated  
for file-level versioning without something on top of it like the  
new Apple Time Machine business

I agree it would be nice to have file versioning in the FS like  
VMS does.


Yeah, snapshots are FS-wide.
If you make one once a day it's almost the same as a FS VMS feature.

No, VM creates a new version of a file for each edit.  So you would  
have to create a snapshot after each edit, so you only get 20 edits.   
And using the versioned files is not easy or intuitive since you have  
to play around with a new "FS" for each one, the snapshot.


You can have a total of 20 snapshots, so that's 20 days...

Snapshots really aren't that complicated, take a look at the  
handbook entry: 

Basicly it's just:
# mknap_ffs /usr 20060812
And you have a snapshot of /usr named 20060812

Also, there's a port which offers some usefull scripts

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: Undelete for UFS2?

2006-08-12 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 12, 2006, at 7:26 AM, Martin Tournoij wrote:

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:13:49 +0200, Andreas Davour  

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006, Daniel Gerzo wrote:

Hello Chris,

Saturday, August 12, 2006, 3:48:28 AM, you wrote:

Lastly surely someone has implemented a trash folder mechanism for
freebsd... what is it called so I can look up how to install it?

maybe something like:

mkdir ~/.trash
alias rm 'mv -iv \!* ~/.trash/'

You don't have a handy solution for the lack of file version  
numbering as well?

That's something I'd love to see in ext4 or UFS3!



Isn't a snapshot a filesystem wide thing?  Sounds to complicated for  
file-level versioning without something on top of it like the new  
Apple Time Machine business

I agree it would be nice to have file versioning in the FS like VMS  


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: Large File System?

2006-08-08 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 8, 2006, at 1:01 PM, Freminlins wrote:

Yes, I had all that. It is of absolutely no use in the event of an  
shutdown (on FreeBSD). If the file system itself is dirty, it will  
need to
fsckd. The bigger the file system, the longer it takes (generall).  
That is

what journalling saves you.

To give you some indication of what this means in real life, I'll  
(again, sorry) to a power outage we suffered in our colo. This is  
FreeBSD on

modern hardware:

Jul 23 17:52:05 weeble kernel: WARNING: /var was not properly  

Jul 23 17:55:52 weeble fsck: /dev/aacd0s1f: 1352 files, 956469 used,
13988364 free (1484 frags, 1748360
blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)

I've snipped out the logs in between. But that's nearly 4 minutes  
to get
itself sorted out. That file system has only 1.9GB of data. Our  

boxes came up straight away.

Right now, if no fsck is really really important to you for your data  
store, then get an OpenSolaris system and put ZFS on it.  Never fsck  
again as it is ALWAYS (they claim) in a coherent state.  Or wait for  
ZFS to show up on FreeBSD

Not just for the above reasons, I am implementing a Solaris server  
with 1.7TB on ZFS and sharing it to a bunch of FreeBSD machines over  
nfs on dedicated gigabit with jumbo frames on separate interfaces  
from the standard default interface.  (My main reason was to not have  
storage tied to an individual worker server)


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
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Re: 4TB filesystem

2006-08-06 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Aug 6, 2006, at 11:51 PM, Igor Robul wrote:

On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 08:35:31PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:

Softupdates removes the issue if havinh to fsck filesystems after and
unclean umount.
Background fsck does not work well with big filesystems, it can  

make server useless for long period of time, sometimes I just boot
server in single user mode and do "fsck -y" because while it means
downtime, but after this downtime server will work ... while  

fsck eats all server memory and most of CPU.

I'm very happy, that I dont need do this often :-)

If I remember the postings or news from a while back right, someone  
is porting ZFS from OpenSolaris to FreeBSD(?).  I will be glad when  
this happens.  I have been playing with ZFS on a Solaris machine and  
it is majorly cool.  Goodbye fsck and Hello ease of use and performance.



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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