Re: [CTRL] Things Are Gonna Slide! -various

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-24 11:38:10 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > ... Aryan Nations, run by 81 year old Richard Butler. (Yahoo quotes Butler >as saying he had not seen or heard from Furrow, a former aerospace engineer, >since 1994 or 1995. "He was a good soldier at that time

Re: [CTRL] Dirty 12 / Top 10

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- ROFLMAO Typically hilarious PC "scholarship"! DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its many h

[CTRL] "Multicultural" Politics in PC San Francisco

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Q: What's a "Democratic" administration? A: One where the most predatory and corrupt among women, homosexuals, blacks and other ethnic minorities get a chance to rip off everyone TOO. [Note to non-San Franciscans: The City's mayor, Willie Brown, an African-Americ

[CTRL] San Francisco, Electrified and Quaking

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Something is wrong (at least wronger than usual) here in the Bay Area ... First, really unparallelled thunder and lightning (I watched a massive lightning bolt travel HORIZONTALLY from horizon to horizon, SLOWLY) twice in two weeks, each time "explained" as a byproduct

[CTRL] Northern California's "Forfeiture" Campaign

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- The latest campaign by former "radical" Jerry Brown, who distinguished himself earlier by being the only mayor in the Bay Area to WELCOME the military to his town to conduct "Urban Warfare" exercises there, after San Franciscans had flat-out refused to allow black helicopter

[CTRL] Gore's Year 2000 Platform

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- . . . $ $ $ $ . . . "Environment" . . . . $ $ $ . . . . [THIS SPACE FOR HIRE] DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'co

Re: [CTRL] Origin of Life on Earth

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-23 15:35:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Wow, neat stuff! I heard Zecharia tell the audience in a >lecture once that "Anunaki translated formally to 'The Lofty >Ones'" That's correct, as I recall. The ANUnaki were the elder children of ANU, "the H

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: More Cal. Coast Anomalies/NWO--Native Americans

1999-09-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-23 14:17:37 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >> and the dirty bastards, when they can't utilize it for their >> own power, many times situate landfills on top of the holy >> with their heads. > >Every invader desecrates the 'holy' sites of thei

[CTRL] Dole on Kids at School (Microcosm of Adults in Society)

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- The State is "Big Mother" and we citizens are all her dependent children ... Dole Wants School Locker Searches By TOM KIRCHOFER .c The Associated Press MELROSE, Mass. (AP) - Reminiscing about her student teaching days while addressing harsh concerns of today, Elizabeth D

[CTRL] Yeltsin Granted Immunity in Money-Laundering Inquiry

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Yeltsin Immune From Swiss Probe By ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS .c The Associated Press GENEVA (AP) - The prosecutor in charge of investigating alleged Russian money laundering in Switzerland said Wednesday that Boris Yeltsin will be immune from Swiss questioning as long as he remains

[CTRL] Gimme That Old-Time Music

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Oldest Instrument Found in China By JOSEPH B. VERRENGIA .c The Associated Press Archaeologists in China have found what is believed to be the oldest still-playable musical instrument: a 9,000-year-old flute carved from the wing bone of a crane. When scientists from the United

[CTRL] Bush's Military-Industrial Complex

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Bush Seeks $20B for New Weapons By RON FOURNIER .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush is promising to ``redefine war on our terms'' with a defense policy that pumps billions of dollars into the search for new weapons he said

[CTRL] Contact Lost with Mars Probe

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- NASA Loses Contact With Mars Probe By MATTHEW FORDAHL .c The Associated Press PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - NASA's first interplanetary weather satellite failed to re-establish contact with Earth early today after it was supposed to complete an engine procedure to place it in orbit a

Re: [CTRL] Origin of Life on Earth

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-23 00:27:49 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Yep. And, the Sumerian Glyph for the word Annunaki translates to >"The Lofty Ones!" Uh ... Before we get too carried away here, the more mundane understanding of the Annunaki and Igigi ("Watchers") in Sumeria

Re: [CTRL] 9-Year-Old Led Gang Rape [More "Kidz"] ...

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- 11-Year-Old To Be Tried as Adult By SHARON COHEN .c The Associated Press PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - It is a crisp fall night and the shooter stands alone, holding a .22-caliber rifle. He fires, fatally striking an 18-year-old man. Then he flees. Two days later, police arrest a susp

[CTRL] "Sexual Predators" on the 'Net -- for Disney

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- And then there's the rumor (still awaiting confirmation) of a prominent Fortune 500 CEO busted for pedophilia last month -- a fact never publicly reported, thanks to the intervention of Wall Street, worried about what effect news of his arrest might have on the Dow Jones rig

[CTRL] Countdown to Y2k

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- 100 ... 99 ... DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and ou

Re: [CTRL] FW: The Problem With Banks [rant]

1999-09-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Admirably put, to illuminate the sheer absurdity of the con-game known as "banking." "Banking" charges are on a par with "taxes," exacted from us by "government" largely to pay the salaries of the tax collectors, collectively the "government." Somehow, after these salaries (and

[CTRL] The End is Nigh

1999-09-22 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Is the End near? Check out the track-record of doomsayers ... DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap

Re: [CTRL] WORLD WAR II - Far East and Pacific Theaters

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-21 11:08:22 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >"One of the best-kept secrets of World War II is the story of the Allied > Intelligence Bureau (AIB), the Pacific theater's equivalent of the OSS. "One of the best-kept secrets" indeed, especially given the ce

[CTRL] ? Monteith College (Michigan) '68-'69 ?

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- A friend is wondering whatever happened to the school he attended in 1968-69 -- Monteith College, on the Wayne State University campus outside Detroit. He tells me that in the '60s, Ford Motor Co. decided to create a "think tank" rivalling Rand but funded and controlle

[CTRL] Mad-Hatter Thatcher

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- They always wait until they're out of office to let us know how crazy they were ... Diary: Ex-PM Called Thatcher 'Loopy' LONDON (AP) - Former Prime Minister John Major called his predecessor Margaret Thatcher ``mad'' and ``loopy,'' according to diaries written by his form

[CTRL] More Mitrokhin

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- KGB spied on Italian interior ministry-reports ROME, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Italian spies working for the Soviet KGB infiltrated the hub of the interior ministry, gaining access to top secret encrypted NATO messages, Italian newspapers said on Thursday. The existence of a network

[CTRL] In the 30s, Vienna Sawsuch

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Rightist Party Gains in Austria Vote By GEORGE JAHN .c The Associated Press VIENNA, Austria (AP) - A rightist party led by a man notorious for past praise of the Hitler regime registered big gains in Sunday's regional voting - a closely watched ballot because it fell just two w

[CTRL] Gerrymandering "Diversity"

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- San Francisco Schools To Diversify SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Under a federal court order to change their admissions practices, school officials are proposing a ``diversity index'' - ranking students by income, English proficiency, test scores and ethnicity - to determine which campus

[CTRL] Fwd: NLP in the 90s

1999-09-21 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- The Sage of Seduction: Ross Jeffries in his own words BY ADAM PARFREY [ 09.20.99 ] It's a sad, lonely world. So sad, so lonely, that the insipid, broadly-smiling face-lifted mug of John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, is all over magazines, talk shows,

[CTRL] Human Genes®

1999-09-20 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- (As if this would stop "private enterprise" or government/military R&D ...) Blair and Clinton push to stop gene patents By David Hencke, Rob Evans and Tim Radford Guardian (London) / Monday / September 20, 1999 Tony Blair and Bill Clinton are negotiating an Anglo-America

[CTRL] Fwd: More about the 90's

1999-09-20 Thread Das GOAT
> MORE ABOUT THE 90'S > _ > > You know the 90's are almost over when . . . > > 1. Everyone used to joke about a Starbucks on every corner, > and now there is a Starbucks on every corner. > 2. People mark December 31st on their calendar as

Re: [CTRL] Back to the CCCP

1999-09-20 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- >The political and economic elite in _ consider the numerous reports >and exposures of financial corruption to be part of a deliberate campaign to >discredit _, in particular the big industrial enterprises and banks. >Many see X and his supporters as potential victims

Re: [CTRL] Blaming the barbarians (fwd)

1999-09-20 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-19 22:39:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Furthermore, decades before the northern tribes descended upon Rome, the >church itself had burned all the critiques of Christianity written by >prominent non-Christian scholars, such as Porphyry and Celsus.

Re: [CTRL] The myth of the liberal campus (fwd)

1999-09-20 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-19 22:31:39 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >The purging of dissidence within the universities continues to this day. More >frequent but less visible than the firings are the nonhirings. Highly >qualified social scientists who are also known progressives

[CTRL] Clinton's War Against "Evil"

1999-09-19 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Clinton Blames Guns for Violence By LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Saying that the repeated mass murders of innocent Americans has been the most painful thing he has had to face in office, President Clinton on Saturday said the easy availability o

[CTRL] Reagan under the Bush "Regency"

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- A look back at the "Reagan" administration, with Ronnie a ventriloquist's dummy. "Reagan was fading throughout his eight-year presidency, and the decline began with the assassination attempt in 1981, Reagan's first year in office. "``His thoughts became slower, his

Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation (Rant)

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-18 22:55:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > I'd just like to post the following excerpt from an article one of LaRouche's >associates wrote about his research into how the oligarchy of Venice controlled >the destiny of the age in which it lived, and has

[CTRL] Plutocrats and the WTO

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- SHOWDOWN IN SEATTLE "A shadowy international group increasingly tells governments what they can and can't do. Activists are taking on the World Trade Organization at its first ever U.S. meeting this fall." by Daniel Zoll San Francisco Bay Guardian, September 15,

Re: [CTRL] SCOOP: This Week In [... Hypocrisy]

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-15 17:00:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >G.W.Bush sending all those people to prison for cocaine possession is >comparable to J.Edgar Hoover condemning all homosexuals. By doing so, it >gives the "impression" that they would never stand for, nevermind

Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-18 17:53:25 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >DasGoat has given us quite a large pill to swallow! I wish to state that >many of his views are shared by me. In other areas of life it is apparent to >me (he is coming from a political perspective for the mo

Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation [rant]

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-18 10:35:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >l. Too late for rational solution, yes. What I am concerned about is a >bunch of irrational hotheads fomented by "agents provocateurs" kicking off a >self defeating fight against the State. Let events unfol

Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation [rant]

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-13 18:43:50 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Revolution with guns is self defeating, they would just love that. >A recipe for self destruction. This is 1999 not 1799. Agreed. But remember, for Russians, 1909 to 1917 wasn't 1709 to 1717 EITHER ... Nor w

Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-16 18:54:02 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Could you give us some specific examples of what you suggest folks can do >against global corporationalists besides whine. Perhaps some examples of what you, >specifically, are doing would be helpful. I have n

Re: [CTRL] Outing Spies

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- >The book also reveals extensive KGB operations including: > >--Attempts to implicate the CIA and wealthy right-wing Americans in the >assassination of President John F. Kennedy. As part of these efforts, >the book says the KGB in the 1970s forged a letter from Kennedy's >accused

Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-16 12:25:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >BTW, not being among those that brazenly exploit and subjugate does not make >me one of the "readily identifiable criminal class." You totally missed the point of my "devil's advocate" upbraiding. >Are you

Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- [Note: the following addressed to no one in particular, to everyone in general.] In a message dated 99-09-15 08:29:29 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Your Congress likes it the way it is. The corporate elite like it the way it >is. When are you all going to believe that t

Re: [CTRL] From Heads Up 9-12-99 (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-12 06:07:58 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >... the social worker and police officer claimed they have >something called "qualified immunity" for what they did and >therefore are protected against any civil or criminal action -- "Sovereign immunity" for

Re: [CTRL] Russia: The New Turn (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-14 15:31:51 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Republican Jim Leach, head of the US Congress committee >investigating allegations of Russian money laundering says the loot totals >more than $100 billion - "the greatest social robbery in human history". Whe

Re: [CTRL] Silicon chip could help us to feel others' pain

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-14 15:07:17 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Further in the future he envisages connecting the nervous systems of two >people using similar devices. "The long-term aim is to get communication >between people by means of thought alone," he said. > >An intr

Re: [CTRL] KGB Defector Tells of Soviet Bugging Operation in U.S.

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-14 03:27:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Mitrokhin ... defected to Britain in 1992 after being turned away by the CIA Why? As just another confabulating songbird seeking cushy asylum in the US, I'd bet. >From what I've read so far of Mitrokhin's "re

[CTRL] Lockerbie Evidence Destroyed

1999-09-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Report: Lockerbie Notes Destroyed EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) - Dozens of police notebooks that may have included vital evidence against two Libyans charged with the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 have been destroyed, a Scottish newspaper reported Sunday. Scotland on Sunday, qu

[CTRL] Rumbles from Mt. Etna

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- One of the main signs of "the end," according to Edgar Cayce ... Mt. Etna Spews Smoke, Lava CATANIA, Sicily (AP) - Mt. Etna spewed lava and smoke again Sunday, thrilling tourists visiting the venerable volcano and sprinkling cities on the slopes with ash and debris. The

Re: [CTRL] UK: Conservatives Return with Gay PM ?

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-11 05:25:06 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >> Portillo, who is MARRIED, had previously referred to rumors about his >> sexuality. Asked whether he had had homosexual experiences while he was >> a student at Cambridge University, Portillo replied: ``I wil

Re: [CTRL] Lawyers in Waco suit say morgue cooler failed

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- > Graser's examination found that parts of [Waco victim] > Riddle's body disappeared from a private mortuary in > southeast Fort Worth, court documents say. > > During that time, the body of R

[CTRL] UK: Conservatives Return with Gay PM ?

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Ex-British Minister Seeks Return LONDON (AP) - Just hours after the publication of a newspaper interview in which he acknowledged homosexual encounters in his youth, a former British defense minister announced he once again would run for the House of Commons. Michael Portillo,

[CTRL] Arming Up in the Pacific Rim

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Could be one of the predictable side-effects of last year's "Asian Flu" ... Japan Strengthening Its Forces By GINNY PARKER .c The Associated Press TOKYO (AP) - Since the end of World War II, Japan has kept its military on a short leash, guided by a constitution that reno

[CTRL] Trial Run of China's Invasion of Taiwan

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- China Conducts Mock Taiwan Invasion By JOE McDONALD .c The Associated Press BEIJING (AP) - China conducted a mock invasion of Taiwan with thousands of troops along its southeastern coast this month in a warning to the island not to pursue formal independence, state media said F

[CTRL] Business as Usual

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Investors Said Taken for $115M By KAREN TESTA .c The Associated Press WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Investment companies that promised lucrative life insurance policies swindled hundreds of people out of $115 million that was spent on lavish lifestyles, according to a federal in

[CTRL] Federal Drug Agent, Drunk, Murders Partner

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- His attorney is arguing that the DEA agent suffered from psychotic delusions. But isn't that a prerequisite for hiring by the federal agency? DEA Agent Admits Shooting Colleague FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - A Drug Enforcement Administration agent pleaded guilty to ma

[CTRL] More Gay Rights for California

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Calif. Moves To Expand Gay Rights By JENNIFER KERR .c The Associated Press SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - The California legislature passed major gay-rights legislation in the closing hours of its 1999 session Friday, including a bill that would prohibit discrimination of gay studen

[CTRL] "Russia Mafia" Working for China?

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "The device to be smuggled out is used to warn fighter pilots that their aircraft have been illuminated by enemy radar. It is approved for export only to Japan and Taiwan. " 'There's no concrete evidence, but based on everything we've seen,' said one US Customs officia

[CTRL] Coroner's View of Waco Deaths

1999-09-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "One of the justices who ordered the autopsies [of Waco victims] has told a Texas newspaper that he has lingering questions about some of the deaths. "He had no choice but to rule the cause of death for many Davidians as 'unknown,' he said, because the FBI refused to pr

Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- >This little piece of apartheid-era Soweto stranded in California isn't as >unusual as one might think. Throughout the nation, paramilitary, SWAT, or >tactical policing--that is, law enforcement that uses the equipment, >training, rhetoric, and group tactics of war--are on the ri

[CTRL] Nozone: UV Radiation Levels Up 12%

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- UV Rays in New Zealand Seen Rising By PAUL RECER .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - A decades-long study has confirmed that sunburn-causing ultraviolet radiation in New Zealand has increased by about 12 percent in the last 20 years, probably as the result of a thinning

[CTRL] Implants, Y'all Hear?

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Hearing Nerves Adjust to Implants WASHINGTON (AP) - A study using deaf kittens showed that devices called cochlear implants can stimulate growth and change in the nerves of the hearing system among the very young. Researchers at the Physiologisches Institut of Frankfurt, German

[CTRL] "Bible Code" is Bunk

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- 'Bible Code' Debunked by Scholars By RICHARD N. OSTLING .c The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) - An international team of statisticians is debunking the controversial ``Bible code,'' which claims the Old Testament has hidden references to 20th century events that can be revealed

[CTRL] CIA on Threat of N. Korea, Iran, Other "Renegades"

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- CIA Wary on N. Korea, Iran Missiles By ROBERT BURNS .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - North Korea is preparing to flight-test a ballistic missile ``at any time'' that could be developed into an intercontinental-range weapon capable of striking U.S. territory, the CIA sa

[CTRL] NOW He Tells Us ...

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Apparently the Kurds and Timorese --unlike the Albanians of Kosovo-- don't have enough "market share" in the NWO's underground economy to merit our attention ... Cohen Warns on U.S. Intervention By ROBERT BURNS .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States

[CTRL] One E. Coli on the Rocks

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- 1 Dead, 500 Sick in E.coli Outbreak By JESSE J. HOLLAND .c The Associated Press ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Nearly 500 people have been sickened and one child died in the largest E. coli outbreak in state history - and possibly one of the worst nationally - health officials said Thurs

[CTRL] The New Kosovo, Same As the Old Kosovo

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Serbs, Albanians Clash in Kosovo By GJERAQINA TUHINA .c The Associated Press PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - Kosovo Serbs and Albanians clashed in the ethnically tense town of Kosovska Mitrovica, injuring 15 French soldiers and police trying to separate them, NATO officials said to

[CTRL] Fwd: Paradigms and Ideologies

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
THOTH A Catastrophics Newsletter VOL III, No. 12 Aug 31, 1999 EDITOR: Amy Acheson PUBLISHER: Michael Armstrong LIST MANAGER: Brian Stewart CONTENTS PAR

Re: [CTRL] Jim Keith

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-09 23:17:14 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Devastating news this is. We are in desperate need of investigators like Jim >Keith. It is a shame to hear of his passing. He had written many >cornerstone works on Conspiracy issues and I'm sure will be mis

Re: [CTRL] NLP [att'n DASGOAT]

1999-09-09 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-08 21:26:37 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >I responded to your post on NLP before reading its entirety, having assumed >that the first 3 paragraphs were the gist of the post. I see after going >through your post again that you acknowledge that NLP CAN

[CTRL] Pre-emptive "Profiling" in Schools

1999-09-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "The profile lists 16 features that may distinguish violence-prone children. Among them are: social withdrawal, feelings of rejection, and poor grades." Well, that narrows it down -- to only 99% of high school students in America ... Schools Begin 'Student Profiling


1999-09-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-08 15:56:51 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >You're probably right. I just can't figure out why nobody gave Clinton a >house. After all, Bush got one and Reagan got a whole ranch, in California >no less. Because, with the Clintons, it takes a village.

Re: [CTRL] Centuries-old Scottish secret society discovered

1999-09-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-08 15:34:12 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >I suppose it begins there, and then mutates into madness, leading them to >measure each other, dress in drag, etc. Too much idle time on their hands. I think the rich and powerful need a REAL job. DECLARATI

Re: [CTRL] Centuries-old Scottish secret society discovered

1999-09-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Oh --yawn-- ANOTHER 18th Century "men's club" for nobility in which phallic worship, mutual masturbation, and other homoerotic practices were celebrated. I could name half a dozen others, mostly (not surprisingly, for those in the know) in Great Britain. Moving on to the 19th C

Re: [CTRL] What really is NLP? [reply]

1999-09-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-06 15:01:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >I have met many of the NLP enthusiasts that exist in Northern California. >North California, you may know, has been the international hotbed for NLP >development for some time. None of the individuals I have m

Re: [CTRL] What really is NLP? [reply]

1999-09-06 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-05 13:55:14 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >> because the devisers of NLP --Bandler & Grinder-- clearly and explicitly >> created their system as a way of "pinning down" the extraordinary abilitity >> of one man, Dr Milton Erickson, to "hypnotize." > >Mn

[CTRL] Russianization of Israel

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Will Mossad marry the Russian Mafia? Soviet Immigration Changes Israel By SERGEI SHARGORODSKY .c The Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) - The saleswoman at a downtown Jerusalem pharmacy switches from accented Hebrew to her native Russian, explaining to an elderly customer h

[CTRL] Falsifying Documents for Profit

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- EPA Officials Plead Innocent MILWAUKEE (AP) - Two Environmental Protection Agency employees accused of falsifying documents pleaded innocent Friday to obstructing justice. Marc M. Radell, 40, and Claudia Johnson, 36, are also charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice and perj

[CTRL] Falsifying Data for Profit

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Lab Heads Admit Doctoring Tests By JEFFREY GOLD .c The Associated Press NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - Supervisors at a central New Jersey testing lab admitted Friday that they doctored data for a Japanese fuel blender so millions of gallons of gasoline designed to reduce air pollution wo

[CTRL] George Jr and "Promise Keepers"

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Rev. Tony Evans is a prominent speaker in Promise Keepers, a national evangelical men's group. He and Bush are friends who sometimes pray together." Bush Skips Gov.'s Border Gathering By SCOTT LINDLAW .c The Associated Press SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - When the governors

[CTRL] Federal Mismanagement Follies #4,592

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Energy Dept. Admits Laser Flaws By H. JOSEF HEBERT .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Energy Secretary Bill Richardson is ordering an overhaul of an ambitious $1.2 billion program to build the world's largest laser after finding hundreds of millions of dollars in cost o

[CTRL] Space Shuttles Grounded

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Space Shuttles Virtually Grounded By MARCIA DUNN .c The Associated Press CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Space shuttle flights are off until at least mid-October because of a startling amount of damaged wiring discovered throughout the fleet. An exposed wire caused a short circuit

[CTRL] EU's Germany Eyes Poland

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Liebensraum 2000 ... "As the first German leader without any personal memory of the Nazi era, Schroeder has been trying to assert Germany's role as a major European power less encumbered with the bitter memories associated with Nazism and the war. "Schroeder said G

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News [re: Uranus]

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-05 03:10:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >> @ OURANUS IS URANUS IS HEAVEN! URANUS, THE KINGDOM IS AT HAND! Uranus is >the >> ruling planet of the age of Aquarius that we are now entering. As we look >> around we see that Uranus is true to its reput

Re: [CTRL] How "Uncle Sam"Turned into a "Big Brother

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Actually, I think by now he's become a Big Mother-- DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its m

Re: [CTRL] What really is NLP?

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-05 03:10:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >According to a friend of mine who studied NLP, with an eye to setting up a >practice, it was devised by the CIA as a means of "interrogation". >Neurolinguistic Programming is a variant on mind control technique

Re: [CTRL] Christian Authority to Keep and Bear Arms

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "The Empire still lives!" (--PK Dick) -- and all TRUE followers of the "Liberator" (a plain, clear Greek term since watered down to imply a NON-PHYSICAL "savior" or "rescuer") are still being persecuted and/or executed for "sedition" against the Absolutist State ... 2000 years o

Re: [CTRL] 'Spy cameras may have been installed in photocopiers all ...

1999-09-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- >Spy cameras may have been installed in photocopiers all over the world, to >keep an eye on U.S. allies as well as enemies." Another fine example of how "value-free Science" (boiling down to Technology, which historically began as Engineering For WARFARE] gives FIRST PRIORITY to

[CTRL] The Neighborhood

1999-09-02 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following. There would be: 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south 8 Afr

[CTRL] A Police 'Hate Crime'?

1999-09-02 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "*Mayor Giuliani defended the fatal police shooting of a mentally disturbed, hammer-wielding Jewish man in Brooklyn, which resulted in hundreds of angry Hasidic protesters taking to the streets of the heavily Orthodox neighbourhood ..." Jews Divided on Police Shooting By

[CTRL] Energy Department's New "Kiss & Tell" Policy

1999-09-02 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- DOE Workers Asked To Report Affairs .c The Associated Press ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - The U.S. Department of Energy is asking its employees to kiss and tell. A notice sent out last month requires 67,000 workers cleared to handle defense secrets to tell counterintelligence offi

[CTRL] More Dirty Hands in the Federal Cookie Jar

1999-09-02 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Fraud Found in Food Program By BART JANSEN .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal and state officials are vowing to keep closer tabs on companies that supply meals to millions of children and adults at day-care centers after a lengthy investigation found providers fu

Re: [CTRL] God and Guns: A Biblical Perspective

1999-09-01 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-01 16:18:00 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Please read the Biblical account of the man who slew an Israelite, and >the "strange woman" he had brought with him into the Temple, in defiance of >the law of God. The slayer was blessed for his act and made

Re: [CTRL] Supreme Allied Commander Europe - General WESLEY K. CLARK

1999-09-01 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-09-01 10:15:27 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >General Clark is a 1966 graduate of the United States Military Academy >at West Point, New York, where he graduated first in his class. He holds >a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford Unive

Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr. A Homo

1999-08-31 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- >Here are just a few of the astonishing charges that sources throughout the >gay community have leveled at John-John: > >--That he frequents the same, gay nightclubs as homosexual billionaire Malcom >Forbes. >While the particularities of John-John's taste in men is not altogether

Re: [CTRL] U.S. Prepares For Possible Y2K Violence

1999-08-31 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Western guerrilla groups and others may try to take advantage of Y2K related failures. "In some instances, it may not be immediately apparent whether a service outage is the result of the 'millennium bug' or of [domestic 'terrorism'] ..." Or of provocateur-type co

Re: [CTRL] What Does the Bible Say About Gun Control?

1999-08-31 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-08-30 09:41:14 EDT, you write: >"Thou shalt not kill", or something like that. "Thou shalt not MURDER," if correctly translated from the Hebrew. That fact notwithstanding, the Old Testament is an inexhaustible litany of "justifiable" murders, most of them

[CTRL] Moscow's RUSSIAN "Illegal Aliens"

1999-08-31 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Russia Limits Moves to Moscow By NICK WADHAMS .c The Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) - Artist Boris Prudnikov was living in a tiny southern village in 1991, when he decided he had to move to Moscow, the country's mecca for art - as well as business, politics and just about every o

[CTRL] Will 'the First Shiksa' Free US Traitor Who Spied for Israel?

1999-08-31 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Now that she's claimed "Jewishness" to seduce voters in New York ... Mrs. Clinton Urged on Spy Case By RICHARD PYLE .c The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) - A Jewish group is demanding that Hillary Rodham Clinton take a stand on the explosive issue of whether to free Jona

[CTRL] Radioactive Ooze

1999-08-31 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Readings were hundreds of times above radiation levels found naturally in soil and nine times higher than the level of radioactivity that would demand immediate action to seal off contaminated areas "Lab tests confirmed the presence of technetium, a radioactive metal t

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