[CTRL] World Court Alternative to World War ?

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Representatives from more than 100 countries overwhelmingly approved a treaty to create a permanent war-crimes tribunal, despite strong U.S. opposition. (The U.S. demanded special veto power to prevent prosecution of any American "war criminal.".) World Court May Be Key

[CTRL] Italy: Head of Central Bank Now President

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- It's the economy, stupid. Banker Elected As Italy's President By ELLEN KNICKMEYER .c The Associated Press ROME (AP) -- Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, an internationally respected banker-politician, won Italy's presidency Thursday with broad support from both left and right,

[CTRL] Chinese Propaganda

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Many Chinese believe that NATO's behavior in Yugoslavia has exposed American double standards: "The US attacks Serbia with missiles while fighting against missile proliferation by others; it demands that others respect human rights while blithely producing its own

[CTRL] Blair Accepts NWO Award

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Note the imagery here: Charlemagne, the first modern Holy Roman Emperor; and Aachen, the Holy Roman Empire's first capital outside of Rome. This "Charlemagne Prize" originated in 1950, created by WHOM, I wonder? Blair Receives Europe Unity Award AACHEN, Germany (AP)

[CTRL] Yeltsin's Impeachment

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Yeltsin Impeachment Hearings Begin By BARRY RENFREW .c The Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) -- Russian lawmakers began impeachment hearings today to remove Boris Yeltsin, with political leaders saying the odds against the president had soared after his surprise decision to fire

[CTRL] Kathleen Willey Passes Polygraph Test

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Clinton Accuser Passed Lie Detector By PETE YOST .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- Kathleen Willey says she's prepared to testify again if her one-time friend Julie Hiatt Steele is retried for obstructing the investigation of President Clinton. Newly unsealed results

[CTRL] NATO Paralyzed by Chinese Embassy Bombing

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- No New Bombing in Belgrade By ANNE GEARAN .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- NATO has not returned to bomb any targets in downtown Belgrade since Friday night's mistaken hit on the Chinese Embassy, but a U.S. military planner said the alliance has not sworn off the

[CTRL] Will the Vatican Control Britain's State Religion ?

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Anglican-Roman Panel Nears Agreement LONDON (AP) -- Roman Catholics and Anglicans are closer to agreement on the sensitive issue of authority in the church following the release of a new statement from a joint commission, Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey said Wednesday.

[CTRL] Wall Street's Man in Washington

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Rubin: A Wall Street Man By SALLY BUZBEE .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- Robert Rubin spent much of his life speculating what the stock market would do. He was good at it and made $100 million. When he came to Washington, Rubin did essentially the same thing,

[CTRL] Another Nostradamus Prophecy

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Twice high, twice lowered, The East will weaken the West as well. Its [=the East's] adversary will fail under pressure After several struggles, routed by sea." --Century VIII, 59 "Twice high, twice lowered" -- World War I and World War II, elsewhere called by

[CTRL] China Enraged by Chinagate

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "China is demanding major concessions from the United States -- such as public retraction of the allegation that Chinese spies stole US nuclear secrets." Will they threaten us with war if the Senate RE-impeaches "their" Bill Clinton? China seeking major concessions

[CTRL] Russia and China -- Together Again ...

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- [Reuters] "Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin returned to Moscow after talks with the Chinese leadership in Beijing on dealing with NATO actions in the Yugoslav crisis. "MOSCOW AND BEIJING ARE UNITED in their demands," he said. World Reacts to Russian Shakeup

Re: [CTRL] Poor CIA

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-11 16:47:15 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The CIA may well see one of its biggest blunders turn into a budget boost. Lawmakers are blaming the mistaken bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade on an intelligence apparatus

Re: [CTRL] Poor CIA

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-11 19:54:40 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: China can't do anything effective in retaliation, Oh, I dunno ... I think it'd be a good time (what with a semi-secret Chinese/N.Korean "mutual defense pact" in the offing) for China to (re)occupy Taiwan with

[CTRL] Trenchcoat Mafia Parents Pull a Ramsey

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- According to a statement on MS-NBC tonight, the parents of "Trenchcoat Mafia" mastermind Eric Harris --the "military brat"-- have thus far REFUSED TO COOPERATE with police investigators, who STILL have not been able to question Mr and Mrs Harris ... DECLARATION DISCLAIMER

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The UN Goes to Market

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-11 16:57:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What is clear is that the [UN] has picked shockingly poor corporate candidates for its partnership efforts. Most notable is Rio Tinto ... Rio Tinto, the Rothschilds' precious-metals holding company?

[CTRL] Yeltsin Faces Impeachment THIS WEEK

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Yeltsin Fires Prime Minister By BARRY RENFREW .c The Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) -- President Boris Yeltsin fired Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov today and replaced him with a longtime ally, plunging Russia into a major political crisis. Primakov's dismissal was a virtual

[CTRL] N. Korea Says US is Provoking It

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- US, S.Korea Accused of Provocations SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea accused U.S. and South Korean forces on Wednesday of staging military provocations inside the tense demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas. The North's official Korean Central News Agency said

[CTRL] Serb Troops Invade Albania

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Deep Serb Incursion Into Albania By GREG MYRE .c The Associated Press BAJRAM CURRI, Albania (AP) -- Yugoslav troops fighting ethnic Albanian rebels swept over the border into Albania in one of their deepest incursions yet from Kosovo, international observers reported today.

[CTRL] China Nostalgic for Good Ol' Days of Korean War

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- U.S. Films Casualties in China By JOE McDONALD .c The Associated Press SHANGHAI, China (AP) -- Private Ryan is out, and heroic Chinese fighting Americans in Korea are in. ``Saving Private Ryan'' and other U.S.-made films have been removed from Chinese cinemas, casualties of

[CTRL] Hague Anti-War Conference

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Peace Advocates Gather in The Hague THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- Peace advocates are gathering this week to promote a 21st century without war, launching campaigns against nuclear weapons, child soldiers and small arms. Some 5,000 participants -- including Nobel laureates,

Re: [CTRL] Serb Troops Invade Albania

1999-05-12 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-12 08:58:38 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: See what I mean folks. The real objective here is getting the Moslems out of Europe. Albania has been a thorn in the side of the western world for a long, long time. And Albania is the only CHINESE Communist

[CTRL] Chung Sings

1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Chung Testifies Before House Panel By PETE YOST .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- Campaign fund-raising figure Johnny Chung is testifying in public for the first time, alleging that the head of Chinese military intelligence provided $300,000 intended to help re-elect

[CTRL] Nostradamus' 1999 Prophecy Worries Japan

1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Nostradamus Fever Grips Japan By JOJI SAKURAI .c The Associated Press TOKYO (AP) -- Every week, millions of Japanese TV viewers tune in to watch a couple of men building a bunker for the end of the world. It's a race against time. They have to finish before July. As the end

[CTRL] CIA Screws Up Again (And Again, And Again--)

1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Bewildered CIA officials still could find no document in their files giving the correct location of the Chinese Embassy, even though it was common knowledge in Belgrade and among the diplomatic community. "The incident has raised questions about the CIA's role in


1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- CIA Error May Yield Budget Increase By JOHN DIAMOND .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- The CIA may well see one of its biggest blunders turn into a budget boost. Lawmakers are blaming the mistaken bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade on an intelligence apparatus

[CTRL] Clinton Bends Over for China

1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Clinton OKs Chinese Rocket Launch WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton removed the last roadblock Monday from the launch of a Chinese rocket carrying a satellite into space next month for the U.S.-led Iridium global paging and telephone network. In a required report to

[CTRL] Russia, China Debate UN Plan

1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "The Russian envoy is trying to persuade China not to block the U.N. Security Council "peace process" ... "Chernomyrdin of Russia and Jiang of China agreed that the bombing in Yugoslavia must stop before peace talks can be held. "China canceled Defense Secretary

[CTRL] Yuppie Generals Demand Airborne BMWs

1999-05-11 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Buried in the fine print of the joint Senate/House appropriations bill to fund the war in Kosovo, CNN reported last night, is a provision that would guarantee the top 9 U.S. generals (except for Clark, mostly couch-potatoes in the Pentagon THUS far) use of top-of-the-line

[CTRL] German Teen Fires Gun in Classroom

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- German Teen Fires Gun in Class .c The Associated Press BERLIN (AP) -- A 15-year-old boy who had threatened a teacher with a pistol that fires plastic bullets came back the next day and shot at a student during class before fleeing the school, police reported Sunday. No one

[CTRL] Return of US/China Cold War

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "China has broken off diplomatic contacts with Washington." "U.S. official travel to China has been suspended." China Walks Fine Line With Protests By JOHN LEICESTER .c The Associated Press BEIJING (AP) -- In unleashing indignant crowds of stone-throwing students

[CTRL] NATO Facility in Greece Attacked

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- NATO Facility in Greece Damaged ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Scores of demonstrators broke into a NATO communications facility in northern Greece in renewed protests against the alliance's bombing in Yugoslavia. Shouting anti-American slogans, the protesters broke into an unused

[CTRL] Russia Meets With China

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Chernomyrdin planned to head for Belgrade to discuss the German peace plan with Milosevic, but instead returned to Moscow after the talks in Germany. "He said he came back because ``new, very serious developments have emerged connected to the Balkan settlement.'

[CTRL] Red Chinese Espionage in Clinton's 2nd Term

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Despite claims by administration officials that the problem was confined to previous administrations, this case demonstrates that Chinese espionage took place during President Clinton's second term. "Energy Secretary Bill Richardson acknowledged on NBC news that China

Re: [CTRL] OEN 5/8/99

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Richard Shelby, the Republican chairman of the committee, said yesterday: "Officials in the Administration and certain US aerospace companies joined in a conspiracy of carelessness and recklessness that allowed unlicensed, unauthorised transfers of technology." A CONSPIRACY of

[CTRL] Tiananmen's Evil Twin

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- U.S. Consulate Building Set Ablaze By RENEE SCHOOF .c The Associated Press BEIJING (AP) -- Protesters broke into and severely burned a U.S. consulate building in southwest China in the worst attack yet in two days of protests outside U.S. buildings across China, a U.S. Embassy

[CTRL] Belarus NOW Sorry It Gave Up Nukes

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Belarus Keeping Nuclear Facilities .c The Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) -- Belarus has kept its nuclear missile facilities even though it has given up all its atomic warheads, its president said Saturday according to a news report. President Alexander Lukashenko has lamented

[CTRL] Oops! Too Bad, Shit Happens [Repeatedly]

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "In a[n admitted] handful of other high-profile mistakes, errant NATO weapons have killed or harmed civilians. The latest example was Friday, when cluster bombs struck a hospital Nis, killing more than a dozen people.". Targeting To Blame in Embassy Hit By ANNE GEARAN .c

[CTRL] Pope Joins Orthodox in Stop the Bombing

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Pope, Orthodox Leader: Stop Bombing By VICTOR L. SIMPSON .c The Associated Press BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Pope John Paul II and Romania's Orthodox Christian patriarch combined their moral authority Saturday in a joint appeal for an end to the Kosovo conflict, condemning both

[CTRL] China's Wheel of the Law

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- China Sees Threat in Secret Sect By CHARLES HUTZLER .c The Associated Press BEIJING (AP) -- Shocked by throngs of meditating protesters on their front door, Chinese leaders are preparing a methodical campaign to discredit and rein in the martial arts sect they now see as a

[CTRL] Israeli Politics

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Contempt Overwhelms Israel Campaign By RON KAMPEAS .c The Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) -- Deep into a sleepy campaign that has lacked substantive issues, Israel's political parties have finally found common ground: mutual contempt. ``Liars,'' ``forgers'' and ``haters''

[CTRL] Profits vs National Security

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Panel: Sales Over Security Pushed By JOHN DIAMOND .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- China pressured American satellite companies seeking business in Asia to push for changes in U.S. export laws that eventually helped Beijing secure information useful in improving

[CTRL] Pope Wooing Eastern Orthodox

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Pope's Romania Tour Seen As Historic By VICTOR L. SIMPSON .c The Associated Press VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope John Paul II will break through another iron curtain Friday when he begins a three-day trip to Romania, the first visit by a pope to a country where Orthodox Christians

[CTRL] Klintoon and Kolumbine

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Clinton To Visit Littleton, Colo. WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton will visit Littleton, Colo., May 20 to meet with Columbine High School students to discuss the April 20 massacre that left 14 students and one teacher dead. Clinton will visit students and their parents on

[CTRL] China Still Eyes Taiwan

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- China Opposes US Shield for Taiwan BEIJING (AP) -- China called on the United States Thursday to exclude rival Taiwan from a planned anti-missile defense shield and not undermine Beijing's efforts to reunify with the island. China fears that incorporating Taiwan in a regional

[CTRL] Object: To Drive You Mad

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- University Ends Psychosis Study CINCINNATI (AP) -- The University of Cincinnati has dropped psychiatric studies in which patients were given a chemical that may cause psychosis. The announcement Wednesday comes as federal investigators are examining research practices at the

[CTRL] Top US Defense Contractor's Product -- Junk

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Air Force To Review Failed Launches .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force today said it will convene a special review of the recent string of failed Titan IV rocket launches that have set back its space satellite programs. Acting Air Force Secretary F.

[CTRL] Japan: Job Insecurity Imperils Consumer Society

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Japanese Economy Remains Weak TOKYO (AP) -- The Japanese economy remained weak today as figures showed that new vehicle sales fell for the 25th consecutive month and household spending also was stuck in a slump. Sales in Japan of new cars, trucks and buses fell 11 percent in

[CTRL] US to Inspect N.Korean Nuclear Site

1999-05-07 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- ... with the success of the CIA --oops, I mean, UN-- inspection team in Iraq ? What next? Will the US have to BOMB N. Korea next to insure "compliance'?. U.S. To Inspect North Korean Site SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- A U.S. team will begin inspecting a possible nuclear

[CTRL] Section 8

1999-05-06 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Half a million low-income residents face the loss of affordable housing as more and more landlords decide to reject the HUD ``Section 8'' program, which provides federally subsidized housing to the poor, elderly and disabled. Landlords Opt To Leave HUD Program By

[CTRL] US Blew Chance for US-Russ Nuclear Treaty

1999-05-06 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- U.S., Russia in Nuclear Stalemate By GREG MYRE .c The Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) -- After letting the START II arms control treaty languish for six years, Russia's skeptical parliament twice appeared on the verge of ratifying the U.S.-Russian agreement in recent months. But

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-05 07:41:57 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has any right to but himself. The labor of his body and the work of his hands are properly his. -- John Locke, 1690 I'm waiting for someone to claim that

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-05 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-05 07:51:51 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: We shall soon see who among us is masturbating. It won't be a pleasant sight. I have heard rumors that Ayn Rand is the most popular centerfold among degenerate capitalists. Fully clothed. I just don't get it.

[CTRL] Youth Suicides Double in Japan

1999-05-04 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Kid Suicides Nearly Double in Japan TOKYO (AP) -- The number of Tokyo children committing suicide nearly doubled in 1998, Japan's largest newspaper said today. In all, 74 people aged 18 and under killed themselves in Tokyo in 1998, compared to 40 children the previous year,

[CTRL] France: Anti-Terrorist Terror

1999-05-04 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Members of a French ANTI-terrorism squad and a local chief of police have been arrested on charges with carrying out a terrorist attack on their 'enemy' ..." Fighting fire with fire ... French Official Detained in Corsica AJACCIO, Corsica (AP) -- France's top

[CTRL] Chicago Mayor, City Treasurer Arrested

1999-05-04 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Mayor Arrested in Corruption Case CHICAGO (AP) -- A mayor and two former police officers were among those arrested today in a corruption case alleging they charged a ``street tax'' to bars, restaurants and adult bookstores. Federal officials called it the most significant case

[CTRL] Pope Blesses Mafia Murderer

1999-05-04 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- First, JPII heaps praise on a Nazi collaborator, and now-- Maybe it's just Alzheimer's ... Italy's Andreotti Has Ups and Downs By FRANCES D'EMILIO .c The Associated Press ROME (AP) -- There were tens of thousands of faithful in front of Pope John Paul II and the

[CTRL] America, Haven for War Criminals

1999-05-03 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Alleged War Criminals in U.S. BOSTON (AP) -- Alleged war criminals have found a safe haven in the United States in recent years, under the noses of immigration officials and sometimes with help from the U.S. government, The Boston Globe reported today. The newspaper said it

[CTRL] Fwd: Monsanto seeking monopoly of WATER

1999-05-02 Thread Das GOAT
Control over such a scarce and vital resource will, of course, be a source of guaranteed profits. The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development has said, "Water is the last infrastructure frontier for private investors." Monsanto estimates that safe water is a several

Re: [CTRL] The Electromagnetic Bomb - a Weapon of Electrical Mass...

1999-05-02 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-02 22:15:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: And NATO may be using something even more powerful if all the lights did in fact go blank in Belgrade today, as media reports indicated. Unless one believes they simply knocked out the power plant?! And


1999-05-01 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-30 10:33:38 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The most chilling aspect of the ILETS and ENFOPOL story ... the way in which the US-led organisation has worked in the dark for more than 6 years to build snooping trapdoors into every new telecommunications

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Icke's Shape-shifting Reptilians

1999-05-01 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-01 10:27:43 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: He believed there was, to use his own phrase, a 'morphogenetic field' which transmitted to the DNA of the lizard people and aligned the cell structure to the reptilian genetic blueprint. The more reptilian

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system

1999-05-01 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-05-01 13:03:50 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: MJ: I contract with you ... I pay you $20, you paint my front porch. THIS is capitalism. Where is the state you were requiring? First off, it's NOT capitalism. It's simply an economic exchange -- "barter,"

[CTRL] Back to the Cold War in E. Asia Too

1999-04-28 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "North Korea has continued to demand that the US withdraw its troops from South Korea." U.S., China, Koreas Complete Talks By GEIR MOULSON .c The Associated Press GENEVA (AP) -- Talks to reduce tensions between North and South Korea wrapped up Tuesday with little

[CTRL] Social Engineering vs. First Amendment

1999-04-28 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Supreme Court Ponders Gambling Ads By RICHARD CARELLI .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- Supreme Court justices voiced free-speech concerns Tuesday over a ban on television and radio advertisements promoting privately owned casinos, the federal government's effort to

[CTRL] 40% Expect Trenchcoating in Own Hometown

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Poll: Many Think Attack Possible .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- A new poll found 40 percent of high school students questioned believe it is likely an attack similar to what happened in Colorado could take place at their school. Four in 10 students also answered

[CTRL] Japan Arms

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Japan House OKs Military Bills By CHESTER DAWSON .c The Associated Press TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's lower house of Parliament voted today to approve a set of bills expanding the country's military alliance with the United States and its role in safeguarding regional security. The

[CTRL] Brazil Economy Teetering

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Wall Street, get ready for the "Latin American flu." Ex-Brazil Bank Chief Arrested By ALEX DUFF .c The Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) -- A scandal tarnishing Brazil's Central Bank is undermining recent optimism that Latin America's largest economy is on

[CTRL] Clinton Calls for Increased Port Security

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Port Security Agency To Be Created WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Clinton administration is creating a special commission to study crime and security on the nation's docks and suggest improvements to Congress. The commission will be similar to one the administration created to study

[CTRL] Internet Blamed for Columbine Bombs

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Internet Provides Bomb Blueprints By JOHN HENDREN .c The Associated Press LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) -- Two things may have made it easy for the Columbine High School gunmen to arm themselves for their bloodbath: gun shows and the Internet. The ingredients used in the explosives

[CTRL] International Lawbreaker NATO Worries World

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- NATO Actions Concern Other Nations By AUDREY WOODS .c The Associated Press LONDON (AP) -- NATO's intensifying air campaign against Yugoslavia and its decision to impose an oil embargo are raising hackles in Europe and serious concern in Asia. Following the alliance's 50th

[CTRL] UN Chief Chides EU for Doing US Bidding

1999-04-27 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Annan Asks Europe To Assert Own Power By PAUL GEITNER .c The Associated Press BERLIN (AP) -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan exhorted western Europe on Monday to assert its power by speaking with a single voice, saying responsibility for world affairs should not be left to

Re: [CTRL] Eyes on the Isles

1999-04-26 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-26 01:01:56 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Lady Thatcher has discussed war strategy with the Prime Minister in a series of telephone calls, some lasting as long as 30 minutes, all of which were initiated by Downing Street. She emphasised the importance

[CTRL] Serbs Raping All Kosovar Women

1999-04-26 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Women for Rape Sought by Serbs By ELLEN KNICKMEYER .c The Associated Press BRAZDA, Macedonia (AP) -- City by city and village by village, Serbs are hunting down young women to rape as they loot, empty and burn Kosovo's ethnic Albanian communities, women escaping beyond the

[CTRL] Thousands of Riot Police in SOUTH Korea

1999-04-26 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- S. Korean Police, Strikers Clash By KYONG-HWA SEOK .c The Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- Thousands of riot police marched onto a Seoul university campus Sunday, touching off violent clashes with striking subway workers and sympathizers who fought back with rocks

[CTRL] E. Europe Seduced Abandoned by NATO

1999-04-26 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Russia has threatened to sever relations with NATO if any of the Baltic states --Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, once under Soviet control-- become NATO members." NATO Raises Bar for New Members By HARRY DUNPHY .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- The door to NATO

[CTRL] NATO: US UK vs Germany, France, Italy ...

1999-04-26 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "`Military interventions must be legalized by a U.N. mandate,'' German Chancellor Schroder said, insisting that [under its charter] NATO has no authority to send armed peacekeeping troops abroad without at least the approval of the United Nations. "France's President

[CTRL] Texas Trenchcoat Mafia -- Almost

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- 5 Charged in Texas Shooting Plot WIMBERLEY, Texas (AP) -- Five junior high school students have been charged with conspiring to kill students and teachers in an alleged plot similar to the Colorado rampage, authorities said. The boys, all age 14, were taken into custody Friday

[CTRL] Save the North Koreans, Says UN

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- UN Appeals for $260M to feed N. Korea By NICOLE WINFIELD .c The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The World Food Program appealed for $260 million to feed 8 million North Koreans over the next year, the largest number the agency has sought to help since it started

[CTRL] Bill Clinton, Ron Brown and Red China

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Brown's Meeting with Chinese Probed By JAMES JEFFERSON .c The Associated Press LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- FBI agents investigating Democratic Party fund-raiser Yah Lin ``Charlie'' Trie sought evidence that Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown met with a Chinese arms dealer the same day

[CTRL] Gorby Gang Member Hails NATO, Boos Russia

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Georgian Pres. Endorses NATO Strikes WASHINGTON (AP) -- Georgia President Eduard Shevardnadze, a former Soviet foreign minister, enthusiastically endorsed the NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia and said today that without it, ``we would have encountered a catastrophe with 10

[CTRL] Clinton's Colorado, Blair's Manchester

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Coincidence? I think not. Remembering how Bill praised Tony's Irish "anti-terror" legislation --freeing the UK police to act as a Gestapo beyond traditional constraints of law-- as a landmark and a model for future "anti-terrorism" policy here in the US ... 5 British

[CTRL] China Labels US/NATO Policy Terrorism

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- China labels NATO bombings ``terrorism'' BEIJING, April 23 (Reuters) - China's state media on Friday branded NATO bombings in Yugoslavia ``terrorism'' and said the alliance was walking a dangerous road on its 50th anniversary. A commentary in the official China Daily linked

[CTRL] Iraq Accuses Iran of War Plan

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Iraq Accuses Iran of Attack Plan By WAIEL FALEH .c The Associated Press BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Iraq has accused Iran of using the violent actions of an Iranian opposition group to justify a possible attack against Iraq. The accusation came in a letter from Iraq's foreign

[CTRL] EU (then NATO?) to Shut Door on Turkey

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- ANALYSIS-Turk nationalist vote clouds EU relations By Osman Senkul ISTANBUL, April 22 (Reuters) - The surprise victory of nationalist parties in Turkey's weekend elections has clouded the future of already troubled relations with the European Union. The far right Nationalist

Re: [CTRL] Blowback From RTS Bombing Foreseen (fwd)

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-24 11:08:58 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: But there was an unspoken sense of honor, that non-combatants weren't to be knowingly shot dead. But ... on Friday, April 23, 1999, U.S.-led NATO deliberately dropped bombs on the Radio-TV Serbia (RTS)

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-24 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-24 21:14:54 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thanks:) I know about the nervous reaction.. It's probably that, to an extent, but I know at least a few people who are that... detatched that they can make fun of things similar to this with no problem. I

Re: [CTRL] Old post [St Malachi]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-19 15:27:53 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I can't find anything called (1) St Malachi on the Next Pope, so I don't know if that's the post in which the material re reviving primitive Christianity appeared. Quoting Arthur Prieditis' "The Fate of the

[CTRL] (1) Tesla [repost]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- First in a series of excerpts from: "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla -- Biography of A Genius," by Marc J. Seifer, 1996, Birch Lane Press, Carol Publishing Group ISBN 1-55972-329-7 Seifer's biography of Tesla, making use of

[CTRL] (2) Tesla [repost]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Excerpt from "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla -- Biography of A Genius," by Marc J. Seifer, 1996, Birch Lane Press/Carol Publishing Group (ISBN 1-55972-329-7) [Jump ahead to the end to get a taste of things to come ...]

[CTRL] The Stinking Underbelly of NATO

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "... an underground NATO arms network [in Turkey and the Balkans] that shipped weapons to the Iran-Iraq war for return payments in heroin .. " Subj: Consortium Date: 97-06-05 08:52:41 EDT Subject: Guns, Drugs Terrorist Grey Wolves From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Robert

[CTRL] Looking Back at the 1989 Malta Summit

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "The Rockefeller-dominated Chase Manhattan Bank set up shop in Malta in 1989. Their purpose for being in Malta involved a new strategy around Europe after 1992. "As Bradford Gordon, Chase VP stated: "We liked the idea of having an operation that was close to the Common

[CTRL] Adriatic and Aegean

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "[Its relationship with Russia] has brought Cyprus under pressure from Washington and the EU, who fear a heightening of tensions between Greece and Turkey, both members of NATO -- and both at loggerheads territorial rights in the Aegean Sea." Russian missiles arrive on

[CTRL] Oil and the War

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Reuters: "There is an unexpectedly large drop in domestic stockpiles of oil in the U.S., the world's largest consumer -- just at a time when global producers have decided to end the oil GLUT by dumping a percentage of world supplies." "Without some basis in

[CTRL] A Peek at the Global Marketplace -- EU, Inc.

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Major players in corporate takeovers in the EU "free market" -- Credit Suisse First BOSTON (?!) and ABN Amro Rothschild {yes, they're STILL alive and well) ... (And in case you didn't know, the head man of NATO until recently was Britain's Lord Carrington,

[CTRL] Except for the US UK, NATO Ambivalent

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- At age 50, NATO is welcoming its three newest members, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia -- all formerly part of that half of Europe granted RUSSIA after WWII, all now joining the capitalist club at the price of rejecting any further ties with Russia, all being given an

Re: [CTRL] N.W.O. Brezhnev Doctrine

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-23 10:00:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: "The spread of our values makes us safer," he argued, quoting John F. Kennedy's words that "Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, who is free?" George Orwell's Newspeak is alive and kicking!

[CTRL] Journalists Protest NATO Attack

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- Journalists Protest NATO Attack .c The Associated Press BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- The International Federation of Journalists expressed deep concern today over NATO's attack against Serbia's state television center in Belgrade, saying the alliance had violated its pledge to

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Endtime in the East -- Orthodox Easter, Apr 11]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 99-04-23 14:55:09 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: (The Vatican hierarchy, not taking that seriously, has done little or nothing so far.) Beg to differ, GOAT. The Vatican has never given up its intention to convert all of Russia. At various times there

[CTRL] Clinton Helped China Defeat the US in WWIII

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT
-Caveat Lector- "Administration officials admitted for the first time that China obtained classified information on the NEUTRON BOMB ..." CIA: China Stole US Weapons Secrets By JOHN DIAMOND .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- China is a few years away from fielding improved

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