Re: [IxDA Discuss] getting into a master's program when youhavepoorundergraduate grades?

2008-05-21 Thread j. eric townsend
It never hurts to contact someone in the program, or the head of the 
program and just ask how seriously they take grades.  Some schools put a 
lot of value on things like GRE / portfolio / work experience, but 
sometimes it is simply a matter of what the admissions committee for a 
specific program thinks is important.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is blogging about work OK?

2008-06-18 Thread j. eric townsend

Prachi Sakhardande wrote:

Hi There

Here's a question to all the avid bloggers on this list.

How do you draw the line between what work related stuff  you can blog

I think it depends on where you work, both in terms of the firm and the 
country.  In the US, we have this recent thing called SOX compliance 
for public companies.  At some companies, SOX compliance includes 
company rules like this:

- only designated representatives for the company can discuss anything 
about the company, its market, or competing companies in any 
online/electronic forum.

There is a reason for this -- a corporation doesn't want J. Random 
Customer Support Person posting to their personal blog information that 
would cause changes in the stock price.   Something like,  Oh man, we 
just released the 2.0 version of WebFrobinator and we are getting so 
many customer support calls about how much it sucks.  I think I'm going 
to ask for a transfer, our customers are seriously pissed and all going 
to the competition.  I hope we're around long enough for me to find new 
work if I don't get a transfer.

On the other hand, some companies have wording so strict that you can't 
post your resume on your personal website or list your current employer 
on facebook.   This seems a bit draconian (and unenforceable) to me, but 
it's up to each person to make their own call.

Odds are there's some sort of Employee Policy Manual (equiv) where you 
work that has guidelines for this sort of thing.  Read it, talk to HR, 
and see what is reasonable to post.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Importance of Masters Degree for IxD Professionals

2008-06-20 Thread j. eric townsend

Uday Gajendar wrote:
Speaking as a Master's degree holder, i'm biased but I'd say the 
advantages are primarily:

That pretty much lines up with my desire to go back to grad school, 
especially #3.  I've got a ton of industry experience in related 
disciplines, but taking a year or two off of everything to focus on 
design thinking 24/7 at a name school would make a huge difference in my 
way of thinking and my way of working.

It's one thing to read _Designing Interactions_ or _Design for the Real 
World_ over the course of a few evenings at home after work; another 
entirely to read those as part of a structured learning event and then 
debate/discuss it with my peers over the course of a week (or four).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Importance of Masters Degree for IxD Professionals

2008-06-20 Thread j. eric townsend

I'm sorry, but what's your point?

Angel Marquez wrote:


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 5:11 PM, j. eric townsend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Uday Gajendar wrote:

Speaking as a Master's degree holder, i'm biased but I'd say the
advantages are primarily:

That pretty much lines up with my desire to go back to grad school,
especially #3.  I've got a ton of industry experience in related
disciplines, but taking a year or two off of everything to focus on
design thinking 24/7 at a name school would make a huge difference
in my way of thinking and my way of working.

It's one thing to read _Designing Interactions_ or _Design for the
Real World_ over the course of a few evenings at home after work;
another entirely to read those as part of a structured learning
event and then debate/discuss it with my peers over the course of a
week (or four).

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[IxDA Discuss] Update: CMU's Master of Tangible Interaction Design

2008-07-07 Thread j. eric townsend
More info on the new Master of Tangible Interaction Design, including 
instructions on how to apply:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Article: Is Google Making Us Stoopid? from The

2008-07-17 Thread j. eric townsend

Benjamin Ho wrote:

Instead of the catchy title naming Google, the author should have
called it, Is the Internet making us stupid?

I've been taking some classes at CMU with people half my age.  It's 
amazing how few of them are familiar with the research tools I grew up 
on, say, the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature.

We did some research projects on clothing in one class, and out of ~20 
of us, there were only 3-4 of us pulling history/art books off the shelf 
in the library, scanning images on the massive (and free!) scanner, then 
putting them into our projects.  Pretty much everyone else had the same 
stock images from teh interwebs.

Looking at the results, I'm not sure if it's much different from people 
copying each other's work in the 80s instead of doing library research. 
 Maybe the Internet doesn't make it easier to do research, it just makes

it easier to copy off of someone else's research?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adaptive Path's Aurora ... Discuss

2008-08-06 Thread j. eric townsend

Shaun Bergmann wrote:

(however yes, the repetitive strain injuries yet to be discovered are going
to be fun to watch for)

Why are those 3d/space balls always sitting way forward on someone's 
desk?  Why not beside the chair, or held in the lap like a game 
controller?  In the dark ages I tried making a strap for a spaceball so 
I could hold it on my thigh, but it was just too damned heavy.

Also, see Gorilla Arm in the Hacker's Dictionary:

gorilla arm /n./

The side-effect that destroyed touch-screens as a mainstream input 
technology despite a promising start in the early 1980s. It seems the 
designers of all those spiffy touch-menu systems failed to notice that 
humans aren't designed to hold their arms in front of their faces making 
small motions. After more than a very few selections, the arm begins to 
feel sore, cramped, and oversized -- the operator looks like a gorilla 
while using the touch screen and feels like one afterwards. This is now 
considered a classic cautionary tale to human-factors designers; 
Remember the gorilla arm! is shorthand for How is this going to fly 
in real use?.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] best practices for login security?

2008-08-13 Thread j. eric townsend

Meredith Noble wrote:

Hi folks,

Does anyone know where I could find a list of best practices around
login security? I'm looking for an overview of the most common
techniques and how they relate to both security and user experience --
pros and cons.

Putting on my professional security hat for a moment, I don't think 
there are a general set of security best practices.   There are specific 
sets of best practices depending on what your general security 
requirements are, but it's difficult to state a set of general best 
practices that aren't so vague as to be useless.  (ex: Be functional, 
don't annoy the user, etc.)

Ask yourself what the value is of what you're protecting?  What is the 
cost of a breach and who absorbs the cost?  How often do you need to 
authenticate and under what circumstances?  Who are the potential 
attackers and what resources do they have?

If you don't have one in-house or if the client doesn't have one, I 
suggest you find a good security consultant and get a set of security 
requirements and start from there.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] best practices for login security?

2008-08-13 Thread j. eric townsend

One other note:

- Emailing lost passwords to users

Never, ever, ever store passwords in the clear, anywhere.  If a user 
forgets their password, generate a temporary one and ask them to create 
a new password.

Plenty of people re-use passwords on different sites, all it takes is 
for one of those sites to store passwords in the clear to compromise the 
accounts of multiple sites.  On a smaller scale, all it takes is hacking 
an individual's email account and doing lots of lost password requests 
to get one or two of their common passwords.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] best practices for login security?

2008-08-14 Thread j. eric townsend

Meredith Noble wrote:

I meant more of email a reset password link to users. Then again, your
approach might be better because people can navigate to the site on
their own rather than trusting a link in an email (which could be
phishing them, technically). Would you agree?

Well, it's not phishing them if it's a legitimate link. :-)  But yes, 
emailing them a temp password then setting the system to force a 
password change on next login is a reasonably good practice.   If an 
attacker is trying to jack their account they'll get the email and can 
take appropriate action.

My personal preference is to never mail sensitive links (login, password 
reset), but amazon and eBay do it and seem to survive somehow.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] twitter and IxDA once again

2008-08-19 Thread j. eric townsend

seth b wrote:

Think of it as a blog with smaller updates.

Many of the people I know who use twitter will ignore it for hours at a 
time during the day and *not* come back and play catchup.

These days, if I want a specific person to know something, I stick to 
the email.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] twitter and IxDA once again

2008-08-21 Thread j. eric townsend

David Malouf wrote:

What makes twitter work where other micro-blogs fall short?

Critical mass.  Seriously, I tried the other ones but not enough of my 
friends were there to keep me there.  Sames goes for LiveJournal -- I 
don't use it because of the feature set, but because it has critical 
mass of my friends and communities.

If my friends/news sources all moved from twitter to Pounce, I probably 
would as well, ads be damned.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is Chrome bad for designers?

2008-09-03 Thread j. eric townsend

Alan Wexelblat wrote:

Google's EULA for Chrome claims the right to use, redistribute, and
profit from, any content created in Chrome.

If so, ow on earth can that be legal, much less enforceable?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The New Facebook Redesign: The Beginning of The End?

2008-09-21 Thread j. eric townsend

Damon Dimmick wrote:

This reminds me on a few years back when (which I admit I
don't read much except for articles by Paglia) was going down the tubes,
tried a pay-subscription based solution (which didn't work) and ended up
shifting its model.

Salon still has paid memberships, you get to read the site sans ads.

I'm not sure I'd pay for FB, tho.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] password strength usability studies?

2008-09-21 Thread j. eric townsend
I haven't seen this posted yet, Bruce Schneier on how to pick a secure 
password.  Some good information in here, and while he's not a usability 
expert, Schneier totally gets the security-vs-usability problem:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The New Facebook Redesign: The Beginning of The End?

2008-09-21 Thread j. eric townsend
For Facebook or Salon?   I (willingly) pay for Salon as part of a 
package deal, in part so I don't have to wade through ads.

For FB?  I dunno.  They can't even implement a model that keeps me 
logged in correctly, I'm not sure I'd tolerate ads on top of that.

However, I get little value out of FB, especially when compared to the 
value I get out of Salon's news/entertainment articles.

Damon Dimmick wrote:

Would you be willing to watch similar ads at log-in time? Just curious.


j. eric townsend wrote:

Damon Dimmick wrote:

This reminds me on a few years back when (which I admit I
don't read much except for articles by Paglia) was going down the tubes,
tried a pay-subscription based solution (which didn't work) and ended up
shifting its model.

Salon still has paid memberships, you get to read the site sans ads.

I'm not sure I'd pay for FB, tho.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Felt boards

2008-10-04 Thread j. eric townsend
About 10 years ago when I was making my own magnets, blank fridge 
magnets were much cheaper at craft stores than at office supply stores 
and there was a wider range of sizes/shapes.

Chauncey Wilson wrote:

You can buy magnetic sheets and print out whatever you want at most of
the large office supply stores in the USA (Staples and similar
stores). They are useful for things like information architecture,
menu design, and brainstorming.  The same stores now sell 100 magnets
in business card size and you can stick labels on those if you are
using words or very simple symbols.  The magnet sheets recommend that
you don't put them through a laser printer - inkjet only on the ones
that I've used.  There are a number of studies using magnets and
stick-ons.  The FIDO study by Tom Tullis and colleagues is a good
example of the use of magents in design.

You can create nice flow diagrams with a whiteboard and magnet symbols
(supplemented with stickies).


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Rob Tannen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Shaun - You're not out of your mind.  Designers and design
researchers have been usng felt boards and similar materials for
years.  Best example is Liz Sanders co-creation methods, where
participants use such materials to envision designs of products and
environments (see esp. page 8-11):

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The biggest problems

2008-10-08 Thread j. eric townsend

David Malouf wrote:

1) Why is the only way up, out? Why can't we do what Luke Wroblewski
and others at Yahoo have done and go the route of the Design
Principal, the non-management role?

This is the sort of thing that's been done with engineering for at least 
a couple of decades (that I know of).  I've seen it work in companies 
where the Principal Engineers were motivated and given free reign to 
experiment, innovate, and most importantly, fail or go down the wrong 
path.  I've also seen it backfire when Principal Engineers treated the 
position as a corner office where they could just futz around a few 
hours a day before going home.

Personally, I decided to avoid both management and principal engineer 
tracks and instead broaden my skills by going to design school.   I 
think there's value in either going up or out assuming it's a 
calculated decision. (We'll see how right I am in a few years. :-)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-22 Thread j. eric townsend

Regnard Raquedan wrote:
My issue with twitter is that discussions 

I don't think I'd ever try having a dicussion over twitter.

IMHO, twitter was designed for @jennyholzer and the rest of us are just 
tagging along for the ride.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Research: Practice noticing stuff and telling stories

2008-10-25 Thread j. eric townsend

Will Evans wrote:

Does anyone have a 'suitcase' where the stick stuff they find?

When I was taking undergraduate design classes, this was called a 


As much as I like the computers and tah wehbs, I still prefer working 
with tangible objects.  Lately if I see something online that I like I 
print it out and paste it in.  I've also started carrying StudioTac (or 
some other double-sided tacky stuff) in my sketchbook so I can swipe 
things in the field.

On the mac, I've been experimenting with Yojimbo for URLs to papers and 
to index papers that I've downloaded.  I've been trying Scrivener for 
outlining and writing, my brain is so wired for emacs/TeX that it's hard 
to break my old workflow of ascii-notes-to-final-draft.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Research: Practice noticing stuff and telling stories

2008-10-27 Thread j. eric townsend
I've been doing this with my xv6800 (and before that, the 6700).  I take 
pictures of stuff then when I sync, they get transferred to my incoming 
photo directory for me to sort/massage as needed.

I've also started shooting video this way -- the xv6800 camera is 2M and 
shoots some pretty nice video for a camera/pda.

Will Evans wrote:

Does anyone use their iPhone/mobile device to send notes to themselves? How
about refer back to their ideas that the posted to Twitter to follow up -
with images attached? Just trying to get a feel for all the ways we keep
track of the constant assault on our senses, how we process, store, and
return to those inspirations, thoughts, ideas.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:54 AM, adrian chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I hadn't even thought of the back of the hand -- that's great. I once had
both my thumbs broken at the same time and walked about with both arms in
casts -- had I been so inclined, they might have made for a great
note-taking device, and a semi-public one at that. In fact the history of
writing on the body is long indeed. (some argue that writing itself began
with ritual practices of a violent graphism excercised during rites of
passage and similar ceremonies...)

But seriously tho, I like to draft thoughts within blogger some times -- I
find that using blogger even to take notes puts me in a narrative mind set.


On Oct 26, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Jeff Howard wrote:

 I keep notes in a small gridded Moleskin notebook. But more important

is simply having something to write with. Always. In a pinch I'll
jot down observations on the back of my hand between the thumb and
index finger. I never knew you could write there until I saw the
movie Memento, but it's a really nice affordance.

The only formal process I have for non-project related research
is collecting local papers when I travel. Helps to see the world
though a different set of eyes.

// jeff

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adrian chan

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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Research: Practice noticing stuff and telling stories

2008-10-27 Thread j. eric townsend

Andy Polaine wrote:
I have 33 notebooks going all the way back to my university days when I 
first started numbering them - these days they're mostly Moleskines or 
Miquel Rius ones (if I can my hands on them). It's not a terribly formal 
process though. They switch from being notebooks to journals to sketches 
to remember the milk. But I like the mix because it's a more honest 
record of things.

I used to be really anal and ended up carrying around 2-4 notebooks, one 
for drawing, one for writing, one for remember the milk, one for sake 

What I do now is just have one and start from the front for serious 
stuff and from the back for remember the milk.  When those get close 
to one another I start a new journal.

With the current set, I'm also playing with the idea of having tabbed 
pages/sections for things that I update infrequently and that only take 
a line or three.  It's working pretty well for sake tasting and the 
like, and I can just scan those two-three pages and stick them with 
related pages from the next notebook.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] question for tablet pros -- where do you use it?

2008-11-03 Thread j. eric townsend

Other than, On the computer.

Where do you use it relative to your keyboard -- which I'm (incorrectly) 
assuming is directly in front of you.   Do you hold it on your lap?  Put 
it where your mouse pad would go?  Prop it on the keyboard?

I'm just getting around to learning to use an Intous3 6x9 with photoshop 
and I have it where I'd normally have my mouse pad (I use the Intous 
mouse as my regular mouse much of the time).

But it feels really awkward, as I normally draw with a sketchbook or pad 
in my lap or on a drawing table.  Translating the arm movements needed 
to draw isn't working out well -- is this something I'll eventually 
figure out, or am I doing it wrong?



J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] anyone here from Newsweek?

2008-11-08 Thread j. eric townsend
The Secrets of the 2008 Campaign is an excellent read, but there's a 
really screwy navigation flaw.

When you get done with each chapter (which are divided into pages much 
longer than my screen), you can't just click go to next chapter or 
something.  You have to remember what chapter you're on (it's not on 
screen) then go click on the next Chapter tab at the top of the 
screen. The current chapter *title* is prominent, but not the 
number.  The Chapter tabs at the top of the page only have numbers, not 

Really annoying if you're reading it in fits and starts while doing 
other work.   Still, a very fascinating read.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Clock Burn-In

2008-11-10 Thread j. eric townsend

Mark Ahlenius wrote:

Trust me this is a pain. I think right now if I had to purchase another 
appliance, I'd go out of my way to not get one with a clock.  ;-} No 
wonder so many households have the flashing 12:00's on their (old) VCRs.

Or at least a way to dim or turn off the display.  I've threatened to 
take dikes to all the random clocks in the house and somewhat 
permanently fix the problem.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Clock Burn-In

2008-11-16 Thread j. eric townsend

William Brall wrote:

the on pixels off. This will prevent burn in, as all the pixels will
get exactly the same amount of wear,

Just to be pedantic, this will not prevent burn-in.  This solution 
causes the display to fail sooner-but-evenly.  *All* the pixels will 
wear out at the same time -- and sooner -- than they would if the 
display had been powered down.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] dead technologies ( Any thoughts on placement of company contact information?

2008-11-18 Thread j. eric townsend

Andy Polaine wrote:
The assumption is that a 
faxed document is somehow a proof of veracity than an EPS signature on 
an electronic document. They are, of course, both easily faked.

I've been in security for a long time now, and while I know that things 
are easily faked, I also know what makes the lawyers happy.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Spatial Interaction Design

2008-11-19 Thread j. eric townsend

Lindsay Watt wrote:

Hey folks,
This may interest some of you.  Oblong Industries has created a mind-blowing
Minority Report-like operating system.  Be sure to watch the (3 minute)
video in its entirety.

v. cool looking, but my arms got tired just watching that...  Maybe if 
they invent the slouch-o-matic version I can use while I'm sprawled out 
on the couch?

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Readability of Reverse Color Text

2008-11-19 Thread j. eric townsend
Disregarding how quickly or efficiently studies have shown that we can 
parse text under different color combinations...

I'm somewhat light sensitive and I can easily say that black text on a 
white screen is something I can only handle for an hour or two at most 
when I'm looking at a computer screen.  I use a Mac and Adobe CS*, so 
this means I take breaks on a regular basis to let my eyes cool down.

When I'm writing code, however, green or orange text on a black 
background is wonderful.   I can sit in front of an editor all day long 
in these colors and only take breaks to stretch my arms.  It might be 
more difficult for me to read the text (I honestly haven't noticed a 
difference) but the overall amount of light hitting my eyes is much 
lower and I can work more hours.

Back in the late 80s, I remember reading studies showing that 
medium-orange on black was one of the best combinations in terms of 
readability and eye strain.  No idea who did the study or if it was ever 
backed up with further research.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Declaration of User Rights by Dan Saffer

2008-11-20 Thread j. eric townsend

Andy Polaine wrote:

Seriously, though, the reality of many goods and services isn't
once bitten, twice shy but once bitten, forever a walking vampire
of whatever system bit you. Buy a Nikon DSLR and a few Nikon lenses,
it's a bit switch to move to Canon.

...but at least you get to take all your images with you during the 
switch without any extra hassle.  If I switched brands today, I'd still 
be able to access all the images I took with the previous brand without 
owning any special hardware.

If I have an iPod full of music purchased from Apple, how easy is it for 
me to switch to a non-Apple media player and take all my tracks with me?

I think that's what Dan was getting at -- control of things you have a 
legal right to.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Retain obvious instructions?

2008-11-25 Thread j. eric townsend
For what class of users can we assume that?  I ask because I'm around a 
few 60+ people who have trouble with many sites on the web and the 
feeling they have to re-learn how to use the bank website because it 

Can you better define the people who are going to be using this?  It 
would seem that if you're working on a product designed for 
professionals in a business setting, I can see where maybe you can make 
more assumptions about skill-sets.  (But don't make too many, my 
dentist's receptionist still uses a paper date book with a pencil... :-)

Dye, Sylvania wrote:

In this case, I'd say it doesn't depend. It used to be that we couldn't assume users had 
this basic understanding of how to use Web sites, but these days, this sort of 
helpful text really does nothing but increase visual noise, page complexity, 
and cognitive load by adding elements that the user has to ignore to complete their 
tasks. Links are for clicking, and users know this.

Beyond that, I tend to treat in-place instruction as a last resort, even when 
usability testing shows that users are having problems. The problem with 
in-place instruction is that users read it once (maybe), after which it's just 
persistent visual noise, muddying up the interface. A better solution is to 
make the interface itself communicate it's function so that the instructional 
text isn't needed.


User Experience Designer
TechSmith Corp.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan Abbett
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 4:38 PM
To: IxDA
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Retain obvious instructions?

I've been working on a redesign of the web-based user interface for a
personal health record platform, and I began to wonder -- do I need to
retain the one-line instruction that seems to be on the top of every major
data listing (medications, lab tests, immunizations, etc.):

  Click any item in the list to see more detail (or something similar
to that effect)

The title of each list item is hyperlinked with underlined, blue text.

I guess the bigger questions are:

Do I assume my users' basic browsing abilities at my own peril?
Does even a basic task of web usage need to be field-tested?

I'm already prepared for the it depends answers! ;)


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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Public Transportation Experiences

2008-12-07 Thread j. eric townsend

Peter Bird wrote:

shows the projected physical locations of
trains in Switzerland based on the published timetables. 

Which is what, a junior high word problem in algebra?

If a train leaves Zurich at 0900 and has an average velocity of 148kph, 
 at what time will it arrive at Winterthur?

I suspect the terrorists have people who can compute these timings or 
simply observe them and compute averages.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Google by default

2008-12-08 Thread j. eric townsend

Juan Ruiz wrote:

Interesting thread. A new trend that we are noticing on the standard
internet users is that instead of bookmarking a page, they are
remembering the keywords on which they found the site (page). 

I'm curious -- in what context(s) are you seeing this?  Using their own 
computers, shared computers, public kiosks?

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designers: What is your elevator pitch?

2008-12-22 Thread j. eric townsend

Angel Marquez wrote:

what's a vcr?

Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. :-)

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Strategic Interaction Design

2009-01-05 Thread j. eric townsend
[note: I'm looking at this as someone who's done a fair amount of 
engineering/project integration across disciplines, not as a designer. 
So maybe strategic means something very different for me.  If that's 
true, it does for lots of other people outside the design field, and it 
will have to be very carefully defined for outsiders reading your book.


Steve Baty wrote:


In addition to the excellent responses you've already received from Mark,
Tania, Andrew, Fred and others, I would include the need to understand the
concepts of differentiation and positioning (in a business sense) and the
ways in which interaction design can contribute to corporate (or
organizational) strategy in these areas.

I think another great example of this sort of thing is Europa Cafe. 
It's not just a well designed cafe in terms of the space and flow where 
you can order food online.  Their online services and print media are 
all tightly integrated with the physical cafes both in visual design, 
flow and business goals.   The website isn't a simple order for 
takeout, it includes a well-thought-out food management system for 
people who routinely order food for other people and for people who care 
about calories and ingredients on a fine-grained level.

My guess is that the strategic design here was that there was a single 
person/team driving all these different design disciplines and making 
sure they all worked together for the better good.   I'm guessing that 
they were also good at resolving a number of significant conflicts 
between the different design and business teams.

(Having said that, the lead designers for Europa Cafe are going to come 
out of the woodwork and correct my every word.)

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Thinking about an abuser and not only a user

2009-01-08 Thread j. eric townsend
Both of their books are excellent reading.   They're short and to the 
point, with line staff and QE managers as the target audience, not 
security professionals. wrote:

I am watching a discussion with Dr. Herbert Thompson:
Dr. Herbert Thompson is an internationally renowned expert in application
security testing, research and training. He was Security Innovation’s
second employee, joining Founder Dr. James Whittaker in 2002. Dr. Thompson
earned his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Florida Institute of Technology
and is co-author or editor of 12 books, including “How to Break Software
Security: Effective Techniques for Security Testing.” Dr. Thompson has
authored more than 50 academic and industrial articles on software

He talks about IT firms forgetting security threats/issues when developing
IT products. We as Interaction Designers also stress the importance of
user interaction but do we include abusers too?

Dr. Thompson talks about an airline incident where he was able to hack
into a system due to boredom. He believes that the developers forgot to
see the abuser point of view. Do you think that this only concern the
engineers and programmers or can Interaction Designers provide useful help
here? (If they ever think about abusers)


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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password reset / retrieval Best Practices?

2009-02-09 Thread j. eric townsend

I'd be interested in seeing that as well.

However, (putting on my security hat) do not store passwords in any form 
that can be retrieved and displayed to the user.   Store them in some 
sort of one-way encryption or hash and require the user to reset the 
password if they've forgotten it.   It's easy to do and probably 
supported by every login mechanism out there.


Was once on the wrong side of ...they cracked our system and stole all 
the user logins and passwords. wrote:

Hi all,
Can anyone point me to a resource on best practices for password
reset/retrieval?  Does anyone have any good information to share?

Susan Patrick
User Interface Designer III
The Midland Company

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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread j. eric townsend

Jay Morgan wrote:

Todd wrote: Part of the challenge is getting there.
I left that out of my other message, but this was another part of it. There
are barriers to getting there. There are barriers to entering. There are
barriers to participating.

The playa would be much cheaper and more challenging.  No room service, 
of course, or A/V techs, or running water...

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] VMWare vs. Parallels (was Re: A business case for switching Mac

2009-02-18 Thread j. eric townsend
VMWare also doesn't slow down your OSX install the way Parallels does 
due to how the virtual machine is implemented.  I regularly develop for 
linux and OSX, running linux under a VMWare partition with no hassles. 
When needed, I also run a xp pro instance under VMWare, and it's also 
quite peppy.

Biggest drawback (imho) is wasting all the disk and core space on 
another operating system.

Alexandra O'Neal wrote:

Our creative team likewise live in a Mac world, in a company dominated by
PCs. The IAs have VMware to switch back  forth and use Visio.  Comparing
VMware to Parallels, one of our top IAs reports preferring Parallels because
it feels more like you're running a Windows app in an OS X environment, so
the switch is less jarring.

Personally, I move back and forth between separate Windows  Mac
environments, and prefer Mac for most things, but I don't think an either-or
world is necessary.  And a few years ago when I did network administration
in a Mac + Windows + Unix environment, I did find Macs much easier to
network and support than Windows.

Alex O'Neal
UX manager

The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The next best time is

Patrick wrote:

I recently worked for a company that was totally committed to the PC
world, and the ENTIRE UX team were Macheads.

Personally, I live in both worlds, and I don't see as much of a
difference between Visio and Omnigraffle, and actually have work for
clients stored in both formats (I run Parallels). I prefer to do work
on the Mac, but it's not as much as a dealbreaker for me to work in

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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why are there no Executive MFA / IxD programs? (response to RPI online HCI program phase out)

2009-02-25 Thread j. eric townsend

(No research here, just my personal experience/opinion)

I worked my way through college for my first undergrad degree (BA 
Journalism/CS, took me 7 years) and tried to work while going to school 
for my second degree (BFA ID).  I finally gave in and took unpaid leave 
to get a Master's, and I'm very glad I went this route.  I'm getting so 
much more out of classes now that I can focus %100 of my time and energy 
on learning/trying/doing instead of having work interruptions and 
continual context shifts.

Also, I've taken classes with people in the MFA Interaction Design 
program at CMU, and I think part of the value is that you focus on 
nothing but school and research for two years.  I know that some of the 
students keep part-time jobs, but I honestly believe they're missing out 
on some important experiences in the studio when they're not doing 

IMHO, if you have the choice of not working and living on loans and 
getting the degree in 2 years, do it.   Having the mental freedom to 
think wide and deep is worth it in the long run.

Phil Chung wrote:

Interesting, I didn't know online HCI grad programs even existed.

On a related note, I do wish that a premier design school (e.g. RISD, Art Center, SVA, New School, 
CMU) would step up and address the need for online / part-time IxD executive MFA 
program for practitioners, along the executive MBA model with a mix of online learning and on 
campus sessions. Forgive me if I've overlooked an existing program, but it seems (just based on 
this discussion list) that there is a significant demand for this option, particularly with the 
current economic pressures. Employed designers could leverage company sponsorship to work towards 
their executive MFA using online materials with infrequent on campus (2-3 all weekend 
sessions per semester) crits / intensive workshops to address the need for face-to-face 
interaction. It seems like the field has matured to a point where programs like this should exist, 
does it not?

From: Becky Reed
To: sharon; IxDA
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:45:52 AM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute phasing out online 
HCI program

I wonder how much of it goes back to findability and information architecture 
(but I can be a little biased thinking most problems come back to these things).

Placement in search engine isn't really high (and didn't even seem them for online 
hci program and the like) and then the description provided seemed accidental and 
had an odd subdomained URL that didn't give you the university's name or program in it.

When you go to the program site you arrive at from some of the more obscure search terms, I didn't see a 
mention of format (online vs oncampus). There was a link for working professionals.'s 
the mention: live on-campus and, by electronic means. I guess in the months I spent searching for 
an online program I never Googled for masters program HCI electronic means.

In my experience, disambiguating on-campus only programs from distance ones was 
a challenge. Trying to winnow them down via search engine alone was impossible 
and even as noted was kind of a treasure hunt on their program sites.

I went with an barely online Human Factors program through U of Idaho last year and would 
have certainly looked at Rensselaer's HCI program as I could have taken it by 
electronic means.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of sharon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:23 PM
To: IxDA
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute phasing out online HCI 

Why is noone interested in this program?
There are only two online HCI programs to my knowledge - Rensselaer's  
and Brigham Young University.
RPI's name has cachet and prestige. I know some nuclear engineers who  
graduated from RPI - smart school for smart people.

I think they are phasing the online HCI program out because they  
didn't have enough applicants.

Does no one have an interest in working while getting a degree remotely?

Just checking the temperature here...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Teaching to program: arrays.

2009-02-28 Thread j. eric townsend

Leonardo Parra Agudelo wrote:

Hi all,

I have been teaching how to program to non-engineers, mostly designers, 
artists and a few musicians, and it all goes well until we hit the 

I've seen similar problems, and I usually find that physical world 
examples help introduce the concept before we start talking about coding 
syntax.   Depending on the audience's characteristics, I've used 
everything from a map of Manhattan to our inter-office mailboxes.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread j. eric townsend

Russell Wilson wrote:

Admittedly maybe a few for programming:
Software Engineer
Software Programmer

At my past three software engineering jobs, I was a Member of Technical 
Staff on paper, as was pretty much everyone who did anything remotely 
technical, from QE to circuit board design.   On the very senior 
technical people had titles, then it was Architect or Principle 
Engineer, no matter what they actually did.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread j. eric townsend

Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:
If the title in the software world is going to be called interaction 
design then that person needs to know these hard skills:

Interesting list.  I can think of a number of graduating seniors here 
who can handle 2/3 of your list pretty well and who are catching up on 
the rest of the list.

The one exception:
* Understand how algorithms, code, frameworks, databases and other 
software engineering aspects of the product work under the hood

I think this is a set of knowledge that rarely gets distributed outside 
of the computer science classroom.  CMU teaches an intro-to-programming 
class (15-100) in Java and has recently added a section taught in 
Processing by Golan Levin.   I've talked to a couple of seriously 
non-technical/artsy types who took it and came out with a vague 
understanding of how computers actually work and, more importantly, the 
desire to learn more about what they can do using code as a tool.

But it's certainly not a required class for ixd and it's a risky class 
to take as an elective as it can fuck up you GPA.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What music for interaction designers

2009-03-16 Thread j. eric townsend

Mayur Karnik wrote:

Adrian's comments are noteworthy... I was just thinking the other day how
workplace environments have changed over the last decade. As 'open offices'
and laptop / docking cultures manifest (now it seems, just about
everywhere), there is an increasing clamour for private space.

Are there still design firms that have one-big-room with a net jukebox 
ala Vivid in the 90s?

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Berkeley\'s MIMS vs Carnegie Mellon\'s MDes in IxD

2009-03-21 Thread j. eric townsend
The first question is, What do you want to do after you graduate?.  If 
you have a good idea as to the answer, compare what people from these 
programs end up doing.

I have a lot of respect for the students in the IxD program at CMU and 
have learned a *lot* taking classes with them.  However, I didn't apply 
to the IxD program because I'm much more interested in 3D/researchy 
things than 2D/applications and getting a job as an IxD type at A4/g5/M$.

CMU is also big on interdisciplinary work, so while you're doing the IxD 
program, you have the opportunity to take classes in other disciplines. 
 Your options range from things like Introductory Robotics taught by 
a leader in the field to one-off classes like Interactive Technology 
and Live Performance ( taught by Golan 
Levin and Matt Gray.

Someone from Bezerkeley should chime in as to why their program roxxors.


J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Kinetic Design (Core77 article)

2009-03-23 Thread j. eric townsend
From the article: Presently, there is no specifically designated class 
of designers qualified to decide how products move. 

I can't argue for/against that, but there is a solid history of artists 
who have worked in kinetics as an art form that we can look to for 
inspiration.   Whether it's Arthur Ganson or Survival Research Labs, 
it's not hard to find people who have made motion visually compelling.


dave malouf wrote:

for all you hardware interaction designers, this bit was just an
amazing piece on Core77 about Kinetic Design. I think some of us
might think this is just interaction design, but to me the
discussion of aesthetics of motion really touches my heart string in
a wondrous way. There was this Pratt ID student I met a couple of
years ago who did his thesis on this, and it also really resonated
with me back then. 

Anyway, take a read of this pretty deep look at Kinetic Design
(aesthetics of physical motion).

I think that for the virtual world this speaks to what I've been
calling abstraction, but in Gestural Design should resonate much
more tangibly.


-- dave

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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread j. eric townsend

The entire article is worth reading (and has actual hot links), but I'll
call out how the design failure(?) was exploited by pollworkers to
change votes:


The Kentucky officials are accused of taking advantage of a somewhat
confusing aspect of the way the iVotronic interface was implemented.
In particular, the behavior (as described in the indictment)
of the version of the iVotronic used in Clay County
apparently differs a bit from the behavior described in ESamp;S's standard
a href=;instruction sheet
for voters [pdf - see page 2]/a.
A a href=;flash-based
iVotronic demo available from ESamp;S here/a shows the same
procedure, with the VOTE button as the last step. But evidently
there's another version of the iVotronic
interface in which
pressing the VOTE button is only the emsecond to last/em step. In
those machines, pressing VOTE invokes an extra confirmation screen.
The vote is only actually finalized after a confirm vote box is touched
on that screen. (A different flash demo that shows this behavior with the
version of the iVotronic equipped with a printer is available from ESamp;S

a href=;here/a).
So the iVotronic VOTE button doesn't necessarily work the way a
voter who read the standard instructions might expect it to.
The indictment describes a conspiracy to exploit this ambiguity in
the iVotronic user interface by having pollworkers systematically
(and incorrectly) tell voters that pressing
the VOTE button is the last step. When a misled voter would leave the
machine with the extra confirm vote screen still displayed, a pollworker
would quietly correct the not-yet-finalized ballot before casting it.
It's a pretty elegant attack, exploiting
little more than a poorly designed, ambiguous user interface, printed
instructions that conflict with actual machine behavior, and public
unfamiliarity with equipment that most citizens use at most once or twice
each year. And once done,
it leaves behind little forensic evidence to expose the deed.


J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread j. eric townsend
Speaking as someone who has done security in consumer electronics for 
10+ years, I've never been asked by any sort of designer to be involved 
in the design process.  It's usually the case that engineering receives 
the requirements docs, then I go through those and start looking for 

One of the things I hope to achieve by going back to design school is 
learning not only design, but how to talk to designers in their language 
for those instances where I'm just the engineer on a project.

Den Serras wrote:

I'm curious, how many of you Ix designers actually work with, hire,
or consult with security experts before finishing a project? Of
course this wasn't even a high-tech attack but the equivalent of
telling the voters to use pencils and then erasing them. Does anyone
even have a user testing program that includes people trying to f*ck
with the system?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Designing (for) Experiences

2009-03-30 Thread j. eric townsend

Todd Zaki Warfel wrote:
I'm only aware of two distinct architectural titles: Architect and 
Landscape Architect. They don't bother distinguishing between an 
Architect who designs train stations vs. small houses.

Oh, they have other titles, they just save them for people who aren't 
architects.  For example, I've heard archis use the title interior 
design when talking down about someone else's work or dismissing 
concerns about textiles or furnishings.

The lines are drawn to exclude just as much as they are to include.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-30 Thread j. eric townsend

marianne wrote:

Machiavelli said it best, truth is the outcome, regardless of the title. Who
went to IDEA? Both. Who went to Interaction09? Both. Who went to SXSW? Both.
Who went to IA Summit 10? Both. For me it is about engagement. Engagement
with information through systems facilitated by design. That's what I do. I
am defined by what I do and not by my title. 

And who went to TEI?

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-30 Thread j. eric townsend
Score one for making assumptions, I thought that the Tangible and 
Embedded Interaction conference was well known:

Todd Zaki Warfel wrote:


On Mar 30, 2009, at 8:54 AM, j. eric townsend wrote:



Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
*Contact Info*
Voice: (215) 825-7423
Blog: http://toddwarfel/
Twitter: zakiwarfel
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] Why vs.? Why not both? Re: Command line vs. menu driven interface

2009-03-30 Thread j. eric townsend

Jared Spool wrote:
If you really want to get Old School, in 1985, at Symbolics 
(, we had a combined window-based 
and command line system. (You can see what a screen looked like here:

(I'll save my Symbolics fanboying for later... :-)

I still don't get why it has to be cli VERSUS gui, when each has its 
merits.  Way back when, the Amiga implemented both nicely, and many of 
us from the workstation era would argue that CLI and GUI both have 
their  merits and would balk at using a system that only had one of the 
two.   While I was at General Magic, I learned that the secret to being 
a Real Power Mac User was getting MPW and using it as a CLI, so I would 
argue it's not just a *nix weenie thing.

Sure, there can be a learning curve for using bash on the Mac (via 
Terminal), but that effort is rewarded with the ability to do some 
complex tasks very quickly.   I don't expect the average Mac user to 
learn bash, but it's certainly worth the effort if you do things like 
manipulate large numbers of files by name, pattern and extension.  This 
semester I'm doing a lot of time-lapse photography and it's really 
convenient to stuff files into folders using the CLI instead of 
shift-clicking hundreds of icons at a time.

Looking at software packages, EAGLE and AutoCAD are two that support
both GUI and CLI.  It's pretty inspiring watching an AutoCAD expert 
switch between mouse and CLI, using each when it is the optimal tool for 
the specific task.   But the new user can stick to just the GUI until 
they learn the ropes and only learn the CLI as needed.   Speaking as 
someone learning EAGLE, I find it easier to type, VALUE R1 10k R2 100k 
than to take my hand off the keyboard, select R1 on the screen, 
right-click, select value, then put my hand back on the keyboard to type 
10k and so on.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line or GUI

2009-03-30 Thread j. eric townsend

Alan Salmoni wrote:

made a lot easier with a CLI. As I said in another thread, a former
lecturer of mine mentioned some research she did way back when which
showed sys admins performing more efficiently with a CLI than a GUI.

Speaking as a sysadmin of one sort or another for the past 22 years, 
that's because only a chump does tasks that the computer could do for 
you.  Why should I manually scan a list of hundreds of processes and 
click on checkboxes for the ones I want to terminate when I can simply 
do something like this:

sudo ps -ax | grep -i naughty_program | awk ' { print $1 } ' | xargs 
kill -9

One sweet spot these days, IMHO, is package management on linux using 
apt.  There's the power-user CLI interface for people comfy with the 
shell and there's also a user-friendly GUI interface (synaptic) that is 
up there with OSX in ease of use.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line or GUI

2009-04-01 Thread j. eric townsend

Something I forgot to ask earlier

Ananya Vetaal wrote:

I am working on redesign of a product having a command line

 interface and as of now it seems users are pretty comfortable with that.

Why are you redesigning it?

If the users are comfortable with the interface and there's no outside 
requirement to change the interface to a GUI resolve other issues, why 
change from a CLI in the first place, why not improve the CLI?   Are 
there new features that might benefit from a GUI or marketing 
requirements that a GUI might support?

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-04-02 Thread j. eric townsend

Gabby Hon wrote:

We still can't force anyone to use
the titles appropriately or to copy and paste our version of job

Architects and Interior Designers seemed to have figured something out.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] the alignment of the practices and outcomes of IA and IxD

2009-04-06 Thread j. eric townsend

Jim Leftwich wrote:

It will always come down to the same directive:  Just stop talking
and do the work.

Shut up and skate.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password Strength Requirements

2009-04-16 Thread j. eric townsend

Alan Cox wrote:

Does anyone have any evidence, anecdotal or formal, about how
different password strength requirements impact the usability of a
web-based application?

Tangental, but here's a great article by Bruce Scheneier on Choosing 
Secure Passwords based on how people actually attack passwords:

I think that your security purists (love that phrase) need to define the 
value of what you're protecting and determine an appropriate set of 
password rules.   Are you protecting my checking account or my 
preferences at

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password Strength Requirements

2009-04-17 Thread j. eric townsend

Katie Albers wrote:

This is true. Which is why password fields that you *can't* make strong 
are evil. All password fields should at the very least *accept* all 
typeable characters. To go to the trouble of entering a strong password 
and then be told that you can only use upper and lower case letters, or 
letters and numbers, or whatever, is just plain non-sensical.

Completely agree.  Requiring me to use a strong password for a critical 
asset: good;  preventing me from using a strong password: bad.

However, requiring appropriately strong passwords isn't worth anything 
if you save my password in the clear and email it to me after I've 

I think this is why it's important for design people to dip their toe 
into the security pool just as security purists need to step back a 
bit and think about usability.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] JOB User Interface Designer Alviso, CA, TiVo, 6mo contract

2009-04-18 Thread j. eric townsend
[disclaimer:  I've worked for TiVo as a security/privacy engineer for ~8 
years, am currently on leave to finish my MS Design. I can answer 
questions about the general work environment, but don't know details 
about this particular opening other than what is in the listing.  --jet]

User Interface Designer
San Jose, CA, United States

DURATION: six-month contract

The User Experience department (UI Design, Visual Design  Prototyping, 
Research, Writing, and Field Trials) works closely with Customer 
Support, Product Management, and Engineering teams to gather information 
on our products. We have a collaborative, team-oriented, 
consensus-building approach to design, and we believe in taking input 
and feedback from a wide variety of sources.

We are looking for an energetic, multi-talented, and motivated 
individual to join the team as a UI Designer for our DVR and related 

It is critical for candidates to work well with other teams and to have 
a strong leadership presence. Candidates must be able to understand the 
balance of user experience, business case, and time-to-market, and make 
tradeoffs where appropriate.

Here is what you get to do:

* Create and iterate UI designs of DVR applications, producing 
detailed written specifications for Engineering
* Work with Visual Designers, Web Developers, and Prototypers to 
create mockups and functional prototypes of your designs

* Partner with User Research to test and refine your designs
* Plan with Product Management to define feature/product requirements
* Work with Engineering to understand architecture and development 
issues and make appropriate design tradeoffs
* Team up with Customer Support to understand issues subscribers 
have with the current UI

 This is what you'll need to be successful:

* At least 5-7 years user-interface design experience in a consumer 
application software development environment
* Excellent design skills and a proven track record of designing 
consumer-targeted applications and writing detailed UI/functional 

* “Big picture” design ideas
* Extreme detail orientation and an obsession for consistency
* Clear, organized writing, communication, and presentation skills
* Logical, analytical thinking
* Reasonable understanding of underlying technical issues
* An affinity for entertainment in multiple media
* Mobile or embedded-system application design experience preferred
* Familiarity with Flash-based design and prototyping preferred

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password Strength Requirements

2009-04-18 Thread j. eric townsend

Lost in this discussion of password strength is, how do we handle 
multiple failed logins, forgotten passwords, and compromised passwords? 
  If your overall design (is this where we get into service design?) is 
put together correctly, a compromised password (or an attack on an 
account) isn't the end of the world.

I worked at a US federal gov't site where the root/admin passwords were 
printed out for the admins in a mutated form.  They were then told an 
algorithm that would un-mutate the password into something usable.  If 
the wrong password was used three times as root/admin on any system, the 
system was locked down and security was notified.   The passwords were 
immediately rotated and new base/mutation pairs generated.

The goal was to give root/admin access to a large number of people 
without sharing passwords across systems, and it ended up working pretty 

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mobile security vs. ease-of-use

2009-04-19 Thread j. eric townsend

Barbara Ballard wrote:

I actually don't know of very many other folks who are using any sort
of password protection on their phone.

Google's Android has a really nice feature where the password protection 
is integrated into how you swipe the screen to unlock the phone.  There 
are a grid of dots, and how you connect them as you swipe-to-unlock is 
actually your pass phrase.

There's probably something similar for the iPhone but I've never seen 
anyone use it.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mobile security vs. ease-of-use

2009-04-20 Thread j. eric townsend

Erik Wingren wrote:

@ jet: That is a really clever twist - using the touchscreen interaction 
to make login fun! Is this from the Android OS-level security or an app 
running on Android? If the latter, which one?

This is OS-level security on Android.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] Any IVR experts in the house?

2009-04-30 Thread j. eric townsend
I'm doing a really quick, one-off project for a class involving 
interactive voice response (IVR) systems.  What I'm looking for is 
detailes on one or two really bad IVR systems, or maybe a study pointing 
out the N most egregious flaws of IVR systems.

So far g5/Y! isn't getting me anything meaty, just obvious 
customer-relations things like, don't apologize for doing something you 
shouldn't do.  I'm wondering if maybe there's some IVR-speak that I 
should be using in my searches, or if this tech goes by some other name 
that I should be searching for.

If you (collective) have any advice/pointers, I'd appreciate them.  (And 
if you reply off-list I will consolidate responses into a single post or 


J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Any IVR experts in the house?

2009-04-30 Thread j. eric townsend
Thanks for all the replies so far...  My deadline is Tue am, but I'll 
continue to collect replies after that.

Caroline Jarrett wrote:

Jet asked for: advice/pointers on IVR

Best resource I know of is the chapter on IVR, Designing Usable Voice User
Interfaces, in HCI Beyond the GUI (edited by Phil Kortum).

It's by Susan L. Hura who truly is an expert in the IVR space. Her business
is SpeechUsability and she's got a selection of papers at:

Note: the Kortum book is a hefty, academic tome that is thoroughly

Caroline Jarrett
Forms that work: Designing web forms for usability. 

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bill Buxton just might be my design management hero

2009-04-30 Thread j. eric townsend
FWIW, that's an excellent write-up of why I went back to school to study 

mark schraad wrote:

Holy cow, I wish that I had written this...

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J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] game design, ixd, and making people cry

2009-05-11 Thread j. eric townsend

Nice write-up of Brenda Brathwaite's return to non-electronic game design:

One of many things it has me thinking about is how (if?) I can create 
emotional responses using only physical objects that carry emotional weight.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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[IxDA Discuss] seating and ergo Re: Tale of buying a chair

2009-05-21 Thread j. eric townsend
I had similar experiences buying a Hag Capisco here in PGH.   There is a 
huge disconnect between the Hag company that designs/makes chairs and 
the antiquated distribution system of getting chairs to people.  I spent 
more time trying to get the local dealer to order one than I did 
anything else.

Not to start a chair thrash, but you should look at other high-end 
chairs and seating/ergonomic options.  I liked the Aeron I had, but 
after doing a lot of ergo research (was out of work due to RSI for ~1.5 
years) I've switched to perching instead of sitting.

The Hag Capisco is an excellent perching chair, IME.  I wrote something 
up about it a couple of years ago, and ~four years after buying it, I'm 
still just as happy with it:

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-21 Thread j. eric townsend

dave malouf wrote:

So, I'd say, don't look for a position as a dual designer/coder.
Look for a position as a designer or as a programer but just BE the
designer/programmer that you are!

As a writer/coder, I completely agree.  My first degree is in Journalism 
and Computer Science, and I've had no problem getting jobs that use both 
sets of skills.  I usually describe myself as an engineer that can 
write and design documents or a writer who can develop software and 
hardware, depending on the job I'm applying for.

This is also how I'm formulating my post-graduation job search.  Instead 
of looking for jobs that match my wacky set of skills, I'm looking for 
things that are interesting to me.  I took a leave of absence to get my 
MS in Design, and if my employer doesn't have things for me to do with 
my new-and-improved skill set I'll start hitting the pavement.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction flow as subterfuge.

2009-06-20 Thread j. eric townsend

There are always slimeballs who will ask you to compromise your beliefs. 
 Back in the webmaster-as-designer days, a marketing manager type 
came to me and said something to the effect of, I read that there's a 
bug in Netscape that lets websites get the email address of anyone who 
visits a site.  How can we do that?  It's not a privacy problem, if they 
visit our site they have no problem giving us their email addresses 
because they're interested in our product.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] On tactile feedback, I just can't place the analogy here...

2009-06-23 Thread j. eric townsend

I confess to checking the date of the post to see if we were being pranked. wrote:

Saw this [1] and thought of all of the IxD people on here who deal with the
haptic  tactile.
Now, there's something analogous to nature in this particular concept but

I'll leave that to you to resolve.

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J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Layar app - What do you all think this portends for IxD?

2009-07-08 Thread j. eric townsend

Fritz Desir wrote:

Video demo of Layar here:

Setting aside ixd for a moment, it appears to run on Android, which 
means it isn't going to be limited to keitai.Something like that on 
a netbook would be pretty amazing for someone like a real estate agent, 
assuming one could make it actually usable for a potentially non-techie 

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] HTC hero - what are your thoughts?

2009-07-10 Thread j. eric townsend
I haven't gotten to play with one yet, but (on my G1) I really like the 
haptic feedback they added in 1.5 for things like the screen unlock and 
other touch events.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Getting a start in IxD from a technical background

2009-07-14 Thread j. eric townsend

Mark Goetz wrote:

I'm looking for my first job in interaction design or something
similar, having recently earned my Master of Science degree in HCI. 
I'm having a bit of difficulty with the job search, in part because

I have a background in computer science and most of my experience is
in web development.  

I'm looking at a similar situation, and the advice I've been getting 
(and that I plan on following :-) is to build a portfolio that shows my 
design chops.   It might mean keeping my day job as an engineer and 
doing projects on the side for friends or on the cheap for charity 
organizations, but I need to show that my design skills are good enough 
to hire me as a designer first, coder second.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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[IxDA Discuss] Macrovision's Rovi

2009-07-16 Thread j. eric townsend
Looks like Macrovision decided there is real money to be made in the 
licensed-UI department:

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Colors and Usability

2009-07-16 Thread j. eric townsend
Also remember that some users might need to change to colors that a 
designer might consider non-optimal.There's a strong belief that 
dark-on-white text is best for screen, but for those of us that are 
light sensitive, green or orange on black is best if we're manipulating 
large amounts of text.


Michael Micheletti wrote:

A couple more links for you:

Colorblindness simulator:

Accessibility in Interaction Design course at the Open University:

NASA/Ames Research Center - Designing with Luminance Contrast:
These guys have great info and examples at their site, recommended.

Michael Micheletti

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:24 PM, C K Vijay Bhaskar wrote:

One of the sites that talks on color and usability is : You can also google for
more info on this topic.

About the color and download speed:
The fact is that any information over the internet is just binary
data that is processed via the user's computer. The speed would
depend on the connection speed, the inflow of color information, the
ability of the browser to decipher the color based on its internal
algorithm and properties and finally the ability of the graphic chip
on the mother board to aid in the processing of the color on the
user's screen. With the current advancement of technology, all this
happens in a matter of milliseconds or less.

Hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Carnegie Mellon Admission Questions

2009-07-20 Thread j. eric townsend

Kevin Tu wrote:

Not sure how heavily weighted GRE scores are for their Graduate
Interaction Design program is, but can someone speak of an average or
range of successful applicants?

While I honestly have no idea (I didn't know they required GRE, even), I 
did take classes with many students in the program.

Everyone I interacted with was pretty bright at a minimum, with a fair 
number of the students being scary bright.  As in,  Oh crap, I have 
to present after them?  Why bother?

I'm guessing that portfolio and work experience must play a significant 
part of people getting in, as pretty much everyone had substantial 
skills to go along with being smart and driven.  I don't remember anyone 
being book-smart-but-useless on team projects.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction design can affect everyone, not just people who own a computer. What does this mean for IxD?

2009-07-20 Thread j. eric townsend
I think the problem is that we (I'm a USAian) tend to care less about 
our fellow humans and more about whatever specific product we're trying 
to sell and the bottom line.   I just spent two weeks in Tokyo and I 
often felt like someone actually cared about me, even during impersonal 
interactions with computers.  It's not that Japan has better interaction 
designers than us, it's just that someone actually seemed to care about 
me as a person when they were putting things together. (footnote:  if 
you're in Tokyo, go to Toyota Mega Web and check out the Universal 
Design museum/showroom.)

Compare my Japan experience to last week here in the states when I was 
basically forced to use a self-checkout at a box store because they had 
closed all the human-operated registers.  The business didn't care about 
me on multiple levels, and if they actually hired designers, those 
people didn't care much about me either.  In the end, not only was the 
interaction pretty poorly done leaving me an unhappy customer, but the 
box store used it as a way to replace several humans who could have 
helped me have a good experience.

On the other hand, I have had the joy(?) of working for a number of 
companies where the CEO and exec staff and their families used or relied 
upon the product the company produced.   Without breaking past NDA, I 
can easily say that when the families of the exec staff rely upon the 
product, the product is much better than it would have been if we only 
had customers.

David Rondeau wrote:

So what can we do right now as members of IxDA?

It's what we can start doing right now as people.  We need to start 
taking personal responsibility for how our work (design or otherwise) 
changes the lives of others.

1. Change our own thinking. Stop designing for customers and users and 
start designing for people we care about: our best friends, our parents, 
our kids, etc.  How differently would you do something if you knew your 
kid had to use it every day, or if an elderly relative would have to 
rely upon it?  Forget your freakin persona for a few minutes and imagine 
someone you know similar to that persona using it and calling you to 
tell you what they thought about.  (And if you don't know anyone like 
your persona, how do you know your persona is correct or that your 
design is correct for that persona?)

2. Convince our clients to change their thinking as well.   As a person 
coming from the privacy and security area, I've discovered that my 
clients and coworkers often change their opinion about our product when 
I make it personal to them instead of about an abstract customer.  It's 
not a matter of arguing with them, leading by example and showing how 
much better a product or experience could be.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How could I deal with my ex-employer for not releasing the design work I\'d done?

2009-07-20 Thread j. eric townsend

mark schraad wrote:

The ugly reality here is that if you were an employee or a work-for-hire
contractor you have no rights to access or show that work. 

Doesn't it depend on the contract?   I've gotten away with using a 
photographer's contract that allows me to replicate things in my 
portfolio.   And I know that as a client, I've signed off on contracts 
that let the designers use our deliverables in their portfolios.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are We The Puppet Masters? The Ethics of IxD.

2009-07-26 Thread j. eric townsend

Jared Spool wrote:

Then Dr. John's Products released a line of children's power 
toothbrushes. (Subsequently acquired by Proctor  Gamble.) The battery 
powered devices only have an On switch and automatically turn off after 
3 minutes. The 3 minute run time forces the child to brush the entire 

To be pedantic, it forces the motor to run for 3 minutes.  It certainly 
doesn't weld itself to the child's hand, take over their neurons, and 
force the toothbrush into the child's mouth.

Children who use the toothbrush regularly demonstrate 
substantial better long-term oral health than children who don't.

The real question is: why do they use it?

Is it simply because the motor is on and it's fun?  Because they know 
how long to use it?  If the former, is there a less environmentally 
stressful way to make it fun?  If the latter, would a simple egg timer 
have worked just as well and saved on natural resources?

Sure, convincing kids to brush their teeth is something we can probably 
all agree is good, but is making a battery powered toothbrush the right 
way to go about it?   What's the fully-loaded cost of that bit of kit 
compared to a traditional toothbrush + a little parent/child education?

Would simply asking the parent to brush their teeth at the same time as 
their child solve the problem while creating a positive parent-child 

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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[IxDA Discuss] game timers (was Re: Are We The Puppet Masters? The Ethics of IxD.

2009-07-26 Thread j. eric townsend

Brian Mila wrote:

Civilization would display a message saying You've been playing
for 3 hours, take a break.  Naturally, I dismissed the dialog and

I think Everquest was the first commercial MMORPG with the /played 
option that told you how long you'd been playing.   I knew people who 
had something like 80 played days in a single year.   One of my friends 
quit playing EQ when he realized out how many 24 hour days he'd spent in 
front of the computer other people posted their /played times as a badge 
of honor.

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are We The Puppet Masters? The Ethics of IxD.

2009-07-26 Thread j. eric townsend

Jared Spool wrote:
Over the past 20+ years, the ADA has tried a variety of solutions. 
Nothing has been as successful as the introduction of children's powered 

Now, you can debate whether they missed something or the resulting 
design is somehow suboptimal. However, that misses the point of this 

Actually, I was off on a bit of a tangent, I was wondering out loud why 
motorized toothbrushes work and if there isn't a better way to implement 
that functionality.   Has anyone other than the ADA studied this in 
other cultures, and what were their results?   Is the mechanism really a 
complex one of subtle manipulation or is it simple novelty that makes it 

J. Eric jet Townsend -- designer, fabricator, hacker

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are We The Puppet Masters? The Ethics of IxD.

2009-08-05 Thread j. eric townsend

Brad Nunnally wrote:

Control is simply the absence of that choice. I always
use supermarkets in the US as an example of controlling their customers
behavior. On average, the most common thing people want when going to a
supermarket is milk. The managers know this, and put it as far away as
possible from the entrance, forcing customer to walk past other products.
Customer just don't have the choice to by-pass other products, and their
path is controlled by the store (to a certain extent).

Supermarkets are a wonderful place to find this sort of thing.

My favorite example is the on sale, limit N sign.  Marketing types 
figured out that if the store puts a big on sale, limit N sign over 
something instead of a on sale sign, customers are more likely to buy 
N items than just one or two items.

Is that simply good marketing or is it an unethical attempt to get 
people to do something they wouldn't normally do?

J. Eric Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-26 Thread j. eric townsend

On Wed, August 26, 2009 08:18, Asbjorn wrote:

Consumers don't equal users.
Customers do.

That's not universally true, especially here in the US.   Motorola's 
customer for mobile phones are the carriers, not the end users.  When 
Verizon had Motorola disable Bluetooth on the RAZR, it wasn't to benefit 
the end user (me), it was to benefit Verizon so they could sell me data 
transfer over the network by the byte.

Another example is cable boxes -- I don't really have any say in the 
features of a STB, the cable company works with Scientific Atlanta or 
whomever to develop the features of the box.(Granted, CableCARD will 
change this dynamic quite a bit.)

J. Eric 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread j. eric townsend

Jordan, Courtney wrote:

People need to make an emergency call in as
little time as possible - as you said, it can make the difference
between living to tell this story and not.

And that emergency call could just as easily be a senior who fell down 
the stairs in their home or a cyclist who crashed off the side of steep 
hill and mangled themselves pretty severely on the way down.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread j. eric townsend

Joan Vermette wrote:
With my old phone in that instance, I 
would have quickly dialed 911 and kept my thumb poised over the call 
button.  The motion involved in that would have been:

Flipping open phone.
Feeling for raised keys on a keypad very like every other phone I've had 
since 1978.

Glancing down for the call button.
Placing my thumb on it.
Holding phone in my hand.

Exactly.  We (USAians) haven't improved the mobile phone experience, 
we've turned computer-tethered PDAs into substandard mobile phones.

I recently spent two weeks in Japan and spent a fair amount of time 
playing with their kick-ass phones and watching people use them around 
the country.  Softbank has to give away iPhones, that's how much better 
Japanese ketai are than what we have in the states.  Don't believe me? 
When's the last time you paid for your subway or lunch or vending 
machine with your iPhone?  When's the last time you watched broadcast 
HDTV on your iPhone, or used your iPhone *instead of* owning a personal 
computer or laptop?

Pretty much every phone I checked out had raised buttons, including the 
ones with 16:9 HD capable screens.  I miss being able to blind-dial on 
my G1, while I saw plenty of Japanese people doing it while walking or 
riding the subway with cheaper phones.

IMHO, replacing physical buttons with a touch-screen UI falls into the 
just because we can, doesn't mean we should bucket.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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[IxDA Discuss] profit centered design

2009-08-31 Thread j. eric townsend

Adrian Howard wrote:
And, a Todd says, if the majority of your customer base isn't replacing 
batteries - is it customer focussed to add a feature that they don't 
want or need? 

If you take away the choice before they ever have it, how do you know 
they want it?  What if what the majority wants isn't actually good, or 
is not good for the customer base as a whole?   Is every design nuance 
of the iPhone based on what the majority of the users wanted or what 
Jobs/Ives and the bizdev people at Apple wanted?

The Android G1 has a battery that's easy to replace, which means I can 
carry a spare on the road or buy an extra-capacity one.   It's an option 
I have, and there's enough people doing it that there are plenty of 
aftermarket batteries available. It doesn't make the phone any less 
reliable, I've dropped mine plenty of times and it's never fallen apart. 
 (It's certainly never caught on fire or imploded or any such thing.)

There are also enough iPhone owners interested in replacing the battery 
in their iPhone/iPod that there are outfits selling replacement 
batteries and upgrade kits online.

Is it customer focused to make it difficult for the user to change the 
battery if the battery dies out of warranty and to make upgrade to a 
new model the repair option?   (And haven't we learn anything from the 
planned obsolescence model of the US auto industry?)

It's certainly good business sense to make repair difficult --  when the 
battery died in my 60G iPod, they wanted to give me %10 off a new iPod 
if I'd recycle the old one.   Let's see, I can pay $360 for the 
current version of my iPod that holds slightly more music or replace a 
battery that probably costs $10.

Which is the better deal for me and which is the better deal for Apple?

I ended up getting a battery online for less than $20 with shipping, if 
you're handy with tools it's a trivial thing to replace.  An Apple Store 
Genius could easily swap out a battery in less than 5 minutes, test it, 
and I'd have happily paid $25-50 for them to do it.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Golden oldies: pre-web-era book recommendations

2009-10-19 Thread j. eric townsend

Murray Thompson wrote:

'Design for the Real World' by Victor Papanek (from 1971)
Ethics for design, including ecological and sustainability

I'd suggest the revised edition with Papanek's extensive updates.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Google Maps Navigation Beta on Android

2009-10-28 Thread j. eric townsend

greg wrote:

New version of Google maps navigation is pretty amazing. Take a look
at this techcrunch write up.

Navigation UI is worthless if the map data sucks.

Google has dumped their prior vendor for map data and as of late their 
maps are often wrong to the point of being totally useless.  I spent ~30 
minutes last week trying to get from A Street to B Street only to 
discover that they never actually intersect, even tho google said they 
do.   Likewise, people visiting our house are now told to drive a 1-lane 
dirt road up the back-side of a hill instead of taking the next road, a 
2-lane paved road.  Why?  Because the current map data doesn't 
differentiate between a 2-lane paved road and a 1-lane dirt road.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of) exposure

2009-11-02 Thread j. eric townsend

David Farkas wrote:

With that in mind I ask what are we, the new generation of designers,
missing from the puzzle? 

Speaking from my experience as an engineer working with designers, 
history of the domain.  Nobody can be an expert on everything, 
obviously, but you should know something about the history of the domain 
where you want to work.   If you sell yourself as a designer in the 
PDA/smartphone space, it would behoove you to know how Palm helped 
General Magic commit business suicide or why the EO had ears that also 
held all the ports.

Speaking as a recent student of design and thinking about my classmates, 
I think it's a love of a specific field (which probably gets you history 
of the field for free).  The type nerds I met in design school spent 
their spare time reading about type, not playing sports.  The guys 
(always guys :-) I knew who were into automotive design spent their free 
time working on cars, looking at cars, driving cars, etc.

One thing I'm personally interested in is how non-designers will build 
toasters the way non-designers started being able to make posters after 
the advent of desktop publishing.   As a fan of reflect on doing, I've 
decided to do and bought a cheap 3D FDM printer 
( that I'm setting up and attempting to use as 
a normal household appliance.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Process Books

2009-11-15 Thread j. eric townsend

Dan Zollman wrote:

The CMU page seems to refer to design notebooks rather than
deliverables. The others appear to have a strong focus on layout and
graphic/information design, but they have the same types of content
that I'd put in a design report.

Process was a deliverable within class -- when you turn in an assignment 
you also have to turn in all of your process along with it.  Some of us 
kept multiple sketchbooks because grading might not happen right away 
and we didn't want to be sans sketchbook.  The ID types leaned towards 
traditional sketchbooks, the CD types seemed to have more formal 
portfolios filled with process.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Selling Interaction 10 to Management

2009-12-05 Thread j. eric townsend
FWIW, I'm paying for it out of my own pocket and taking vacation days to 
go.  When I get back I'll do a presentation on what I learned and hope 
it impresses them enough to pay for next year's trip.


David Shaw wrote:

Thanks everyone for their comments.  I'm actually surprised there hasn't
been more discussion around this topic, but maybe that's because of the
current economic state.


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:20 AM, Michele Marut wrote:

Hi David,

STC often provides this type of advice.

Alternate solutions
New Technologies

Why not?

Short staffed
Will be out of the office
Not in budget
Can%u2019t send everyone
It%u2019s never been done before
What%u2019s in it for the company?

The Proposal Process

May be written, verbal, or some combination of both

Anticipate the questions your company/boss/CFO will ask

Ask at least one colleague to review it before submission

from -'s%20Annual%20Conference%20Experience.ppthttp://
stc boss annual conferencecd=1hl=enct=clnkgl=usclient=safari

See also


I agree with the tip about having someone else read your proposal.

- Michele

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new

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J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mint (ok now Intuit) CEO gets it

2009-12-06 Thread j. eric townsend

Jared Spool wrote:

How does one show value for quality?

How does one show value for technology?

How does one show value for service?

Answer those questions and you'll know how one shows value for design.

Here's an example that's probably terribly uninteresting to most 
designers:  post-sales customer support.

Customer support is a huge cash suck for consumer electronics and 
software companies.  A call to customer support answered by a human can 
easily cost $10, much more if that human has to be technically 
sophisticated and do more than follow a script.Let's say you're 
selling a video game or a monthly service for $50.  A single call to CS 
just zero'd any profit.  Multiple calls put you in the negative.  If you 
end up having to roll a truck to the customer, you're probably in a 
world of hurt.

If you can figure out a way to lower the cost of customer support using 
better design, you will get attention from execs.  Find out what 
customer support is costing them across the board -- returned products, 
customer retention, phone bank and web site costs -- and show how you 
can lower those costs with better design.   Maybe it's a better help 
forum, maybe it's a better phone tree, maybe it's better scripts for the 
 CS reps.  Sure, making the product better might lower costs in the 
next release, but that's speculation and not easily measured.

Show that good design can cut costs in a well-understood and closely 
watched area of the business and maybe it will be easier to convince 
them of how good design can increase profits on the intake side of the 

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mint (ok now Intuit) CEO gets it

2009-12-07 Thread j. eric townsend

Evan Meagher wrote:

about the complexity of customer service is a good example of this. If
you stick to solid design and UX principles to make things easy to use
out of the box, you'll prevent having to screw around with
unproductive business practices later on.

It's not just about reducing the number of calls, but reducing the cost 
of those calls.

I worked on a project once where the less technical customers would call 
CS after every software upgrade to let us know the upgrade happened 
without any problems.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] are we an early indicator of economic recovery?

2009-12-20 Thread j. eric townsend

shelly wrote:

I think its more an indicator that people are realising the need more
for our line of work, which does not necessarily go hand in hand with
the need for other professions. Companies have realised to survive
they need to look at the best way to move their business forward.

In a similar vein, none of the security engineers (coding or sysadmin) 
that I know have seen any real lack of work before or during the most 
recent downturn.  The only person I know who had trouble finding work 
was a senior person looking for a senior position within a fixed 
distance from his house, and even he found something in a couple of months.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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[IxDA Discuss] nomadic/cycling/research BOF at ixda10?

2009-12-30 Thread j. eric townsend
I'm working on a cycling-related portfolilo project and looking for 
people to share notes with.  If you're interested in or working on 
things related to unsupported/untethered cycling, nomadic lifestyles, or 
testing products where the rubber-hits-the-road, let's get together and 
share notes.

also posted to crowdvine at:

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [anthrodesign] Norman replies to Nussbaum

2010-01-01 Thread j. eric townsend

Jarod Tang wrote:

Take for example food preservation. Before refrigerator (, food is preserved by
baking it or natural ice.

Or pickling, canning, salting, etc.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] PINs for passwords

2010-01-01 Thread j. eric townsend
PINs aren't actually that secure.   They can be easily compromised in 
all sorts of ways, do a search for ATM pin vulnerability or ATM pin 
theft for gory details.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] nomadic/cycling/research BOF at ixda10?

2010-01-01 Thread j. eric townsend

dave malouf wrote:

There are quite a few SCAD IDUS cycling enthusiasts who have done
projects for me in the past in this area. As classes are starting
next week, I'll try to spread the word around a bit in case they
aren't reading here (though they should be). -- dave


J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Thought experiment: Law against usability that's TOO good?

2010-01-10 Thread j. eric townsend

R. Groot wrote:

Companies like Google and Apple have gotten so skilled in getting it
right, in having such an outstanding user experience, that we are drawn to
their products like months to a flame.

They're also skilled in buying companies who got it right and burying 
it when they get it wrong.   How many Google products were developed by 
Google and how many were purchased?

Used Froogle lately?  Do you use Google Video or do you use Youtube? 
How's your iPod Hi-Fi, hockey puck mouse, or G4 Cube working out?

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Thought experiment: Law against usability that's TOO good?

2010-01-11 Thread j. eric townsend

R. Groot wrote:

Companies like Google and Apple have gotten so skilled in getting it
right, in having such an outstanding user experience, that we are drawn to
their products like months to a flame.

They're also skilled in buying companies who got it right and burying
it when they get it wrong.   How many Google products were developed by
Google and how many were purchased?

Used Froogle lately?  Do you use Google Video or do you use Youtube?
How's your iPod Hi-Fi, hockey puck mouse, or G4 Cube working out?

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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