[FairfieldLife] Re: TM in Communities

2019-12-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Stanley Lewis, a Visionary from Watts 

 In June 1968..

 Whenever Lewis found something valuable, he wanted to share it. He knew right 
away that the TM technique was something he wanted to give back to his 


 Maharishi invited Lewis to begin training to be a TM teacher that August, at a 
two-week advanced TM Retreat he was giving in Squaw Valley, California. In a 
matter of minutes, Lewis’ life took a new direction. Before long a new TM 
organization would be born.


 In February, 1968, on the banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh, India—shortly 
before the famous arrival of The Beatles—Maharishi took time from his TM 
teacher-training lectures for an in-depth interview with Ebony 
 editor Era Bell Thompson.


 In 1969 a few African American meditators and teachers of the Transcendental 
Meditation® (TM®) program wished to bring the technique directly to their 
communities. TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi supported this vision to form an 
organization dedicated to teaching the TM technique to communities of color.


 .. Now,

 To celebrate the TMC’s history and legacy, join the 50th Anniversary Live 
Webcast on March 17, https://www.tmclegacyandbeyond.com/ online or at your 
local TM Center. It will feature inspiring talks and music by key figures, rare 
photos and footage, and a keynote address by Dr. John Hagelin, director of the 
TM organization in the United States.




 https://enjoytmnews.org/ https://enjoytmnews.org/

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-sidhis in Sanskrit?

2019-05-02 Thread srijau
all I can remember is the substitution of purushu for one word

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Premillennialism

2018-10-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 The word arises from the Greek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek 
eschatos meaning "last" and -logy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-logy meaning 
"the study of", first used in English around 1550.[1] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eschatology#cite_note-1 The Oxford English 
Dictionary https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_English_Dictionary defines 
eschatology as "The part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the 
final destiny of the soul and of humankind."[2] 
 In the context of mysticism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysticism, the 
phrase refers metaphorically to the end of ordinary reality and reunion with 
the Divine. In many religions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion it is 
taught as an existing future event prophesied 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophecy in sacred texts 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_text or folklore 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folklore. More broadly, eschatology may encompass 
related concepts such as the Messiah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messiah 
orMessianic Age https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_Age, the end time 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_time, and the end of days.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One could wonder if this coming of Trump, Putin, ISIS, the Clintons, Xi and 
the resurge of ™ and mindfulness..are just historical bit parts of a 
pre-millennial preparation? And add in anthropocentric global warming as the 
explosion of materialism?  ..We just have to get through this to the New 
Jerusalem, a heaven on earth? 

 Driving now on return home to Fairfield through the bible-belt listening to 
the radio, of course the radio preachers are not thinking about revolutionary 
transformational transcendent meditationism like some of us may but I have just 
been at a conference with 2 days of scholarly papers delivered on the 
millennialism in various communal groups also like ours (millenarian).  

 Throughout the conference papers were scattered use of academic terms of: 
eschatology, millennialism, dispensation, apocalypticism, and millenarianism. 

 A quick review:






 Apocalypse: Definitions and Related Terms 
 by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
 Scholarly Definition of "Apocalypse"(from the SBL's "Apocalypse Group"; 
published in J. J. Collins, Semeia 14 [1979] 9):
 " 'Apocalypse' is a genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, 
 in which a revelation is mediated  by an otherworldly being  to a human 
 disclosing a transcendent reality which is 
 both temporal, insofar as it envisages eschatological salvation, 
 and spatial insofar as it involves another, supernatural world." 



 Driving, 600 more miles to Fairfield to go..

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-10-10 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This quote can go along with this
 ‘Sit up and meditate’ thread, 
 of meditation as something you ‘Do’, of Karma Yoga 
 whilst you have a human life.. 

 “May the universe in some strange sense be “brought into being” by the 
participation of those who participate? ..The vital act is the act of 
participation. “Participator” is the incontrovertible new concept given by 
quantum mechanics. It strikes down the term “observer” of classical theory, the 
man who stands safely behind the thick glass wall and watches what goes on 
without taking part. It can’t be done." -John Wheeler (Zen Calendar, for today) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Remember that the longer you practice meditation with intensity, the nearer 
you will be to joyous contact with the silent (Unified Field).  Intensity 
consists in making every today’s meditation deeper than yesterday’s and every 
tomorrow’s meditation deeper than today’s.
 Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

  from inside Fairfield's spiritual satsanga 


 "The heart chakra in many systems is considered as sort of the crowning jewel 
of the human energy system because especially in a place (Fairfield, Iowa) 
where we have people who do a lot of meditating a lot of the chakras like the 
3rd eye or brow chakras in a lot of mediators are activated, although not 
necessarily, funnily enough, it does not always happen that way. But a lot of 
times the chakras above the head, your heads, are very developed. TM in 
particular does a fantastic job of opening the chakras above the head, that is 
what makes that transcendence experience possible. That is also why people 
sometimes collapse down in their meditation when they go into deeper states of 
their meditation, they actually slump down in meditation a bit because their 
energy is actually shooting up and out. Now that is great but it is not going 
to live in the world that way.   

 The chakras when they are healthy nest with each other one in to the other. 
Where we get in to trouble is when we start getting blocks between these 
chakras where this can be partial and it is very rare to be complete or you 
would be really really sick if they are really truly blocked chakras. But they 
can be diminished and that will manifest in certain kinds of conditions, 
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual .  So, we want to open those blocks 

 In the human energy system there are the chakras that serve as pins that pin 
the larger light body to its relationship to this little “meat suit” physical 
body .  The chakras are really good at transferring information in and out of 
this system. The larger light body moves out and around the physical body. So 
when we open these and start talking to them and invite them to talk to each 
other then the whole system becomes more activated. This is when some people 
reference things like change in aura size, that people come to have large 
auras. Why is that possible?  Because their chakras have become un-blocked so 
that the energies that are available to it spread out. A lot of people here in 
Fairfield actually do have big chakras, and very big auric fields. They can go 
out a thousand feet. 

 .that the ‘expansion of consciousness’ is great but that to live it here on 
earth we need to open up that heart. 
 So this is to help with this to move energy in the body and activate certain 
areas. All to purpose then the cultivated purpose is to help open connections 
between the chakras and clear them, orient them, help them so that they are 
spinning in the right direction and that they articulate and communicate with 
each other. 

 What we want to do is cultivate the strength of our energy body so that we can 
take that incredible of development of consciousness and live in the world and 
actually live it.  To do that we need to be attending to the condition of this 
incredible system that we have that is just waiting to be employed. The easiest 
place to influence this is the heart chakra because as the heart goes the rest 
of the system will go.


 But if you open up and cultivate this heart how good we feel in that sense of 
joy, well being and comfort here. That is a function of the open heart."





 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sit up and meditate, ‘meditation is something you do’.. 
 Back a few years ago when people were being subsidized with grant money to 
stay in Fairfield and meditate with the large group in the Domes some few were 
gaming the money system then by just coming in to the Dome meditation and 
sleeping. Even on FFL this was called out for what is was, the ‘dozing for 
dollars’ program. 
 The dullness in slumber consciousness of the group was palpable then. 

 Some of us who do sit up while we meditate started the ‘STFU and meditate’ 
pushback back against this corruption.  Others in an 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-10-10 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This quote can go along with this
 ‘Sit up and meditate’ thread, 
 of meditation as something you ‘Do’, of Karma Yoga 
 whilst you have a human life.. 

 “May the universe in some strange sense be “brought into being” by the 
participation of those who participate? ..The vital act is the act of 
participation. “Participator” is the incontrovertible new concept given by 
quantum mechanics. It strikes down the term “observer” of classical theory, the 
man who stands safely behind the thick glass wall and watches what goes on 
without taking part. It can’t be done." -John Wheeler (Zen Calendar, for today) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Remember that the longer you practice meditation with intensity, the nearer 
you will be to joyous contact with the silent (Unified Field).  Intensity 
consists in making every today’s meditation deeper than yesterday’s and every 
tomorrow’s meditation deeper than today’s.
 Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

  from inside Fairfield's spiritual satsanga 


 "The heart chakra in many systems is considered as sort of the crowning jewel 
of the human energy system because especially in a place (Fairfield, Iowa) 
where we have people who do a lot of meditating a lot of the chakras like the 
3rd eye or brow chakras in a lot of mediators are activated, although not 
necessarily, funnily enough, it does not always happen that way. But a lot of 
times the chakras above the head, your heads, are very developed. TM in 
particular does a fantastic job of opening the chakras above the head, that is 
what makes that transcendence experience possible. That is also why people 
sometimes collapse down in their meditation when they go into deeper states of 
their meditation, they actually slump down in meditation a bit because their 
energy is actually shooting up and out. Now that is great but it is not going 
to live in the world that way.   

 The chakras when they are healthy nest with each other one in to the other. 
Where we get in to trouble is when we start getting blocks between these 
chakras where this can be partial and it is very rare to be complete or you 
would be really really sick if they are really truly blocked chakras. But they 
can be diminished and that will manifest in certain kinds of conditions, 
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual .  So, we want to open those blocks 

 In the human energy system there are the chakras that serve as pins that pin 
the larger light body to its relationship to this little “meat suit” physical 
body .  The chakras are really good at transferring information in and out of 
this system. The larger light body moves out and around the physical body. So 
when we open these and start talking to them and invite them to talk to each 
other then the whole system becomes more activated. This is when some people 
reference things like change in aura size, that people come to have large 
auras. Why is that possible?  Because their chakras have become un-blocked so 
that the energies that are available to it spread out. A lot of people here in 
Fairfield actually do have big chakras, and very big auric fields. They can go 
out a thousand feet. 

 .that the ‘expansion of consciousness’ is great but that to live it here on 
earth we need to open up that heart. 
 So this is to help with this to move energy in the body and activate certain 
areas. All to purpose then the cultivated purpose is to help open connections 
between the chakras and clear them, orient them, help them so that they are 
spinning in the right direction and that they articulate and communicate with 
each other. 

 What we want to do is cultivate the strength of our energy body so that we can 
take that incredible of development of consciousness and live in the world and 
actually live it.  To do that we need to be attending to the condition of this 
incredible system that we have that is just waiting to be employed. The easiest 
place to influence this is the heart chakra because as the heart goes the rest 
of the system will go.


 But if you open up and cultivate this heart how good we feel in that sense of 
joy, well being and comfort here. That is a function of the open heart."





 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sit up and meditate, ‘meditation is something you do’.. 
 Back a few years ago when people were being subsidized with grant money to 
stay in Fairfield and meditate with the large group in the Domes some few were 
gaming the money system then by just coming in to the Dome meditation and 
sleeping. Even on FFL this was called out for what is was, the ‘dozing for 
dollars’ program. 
 The dullness in slumber consciousness of the group was palpable then. 

 Some of us who do sit up while we meditate started the ‘STFU and meditate’ 
pushback back against this corruption.  Others in an orthodox appeasement were 
insistent that slumped over 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-10-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Remember that the longer you practice meditation with intensity, the nearer you 
will be to joyous contact with the silent (Unified Field).  Intensity consists 
in making every today’s meditation deeper than yesterday’s and every 
tommorrow’s meditation deeper than today’s.
 Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

  from inside Fairfield's spiritual satsanga 


 "The heart chakra in many systems is considered as sort of the crowning jewel 
of the human energy system because especially in a place (Fairfield, Iowa) 
where we have people who do a lot of meditating a lot of the chakras like the 
3rd eye or brow chakras in a lot of mediators are activated, although not 
necessarily, funnily enough, it does not always happen that way. But a lot of 
times the chakras above the head, your heads, are very developed. TM in 
particular does a fantastic job of opening the chakras above the head, that is 
what makes that transcendence experience possible. That is also why people 
sometimes collapse down in their meditation when they go into deeper states of 
their meditation, they actually slump down in meditation a bit because their 
energy is actually shooting up and out. Now that is great but it is not going 
to live in the world that way.   

 The chakras when they are healthy nest with each other one in to the other. 
Where we get in to trouble is when we start getting blocks between these 
chakras where this can be partial and it is very rare to be complete or you 
would be really really sick if they are really truly blocked chakras. But they 
can be diminished and that will manifest in certain kinds of conditions, 
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual .  So, we want to open those blocks 

 In the human energy system there are the chakras that serve as pins that pin 
the larger light body to its relationship to this little “meat suit” physical 
body .  The chakras are really good at transferring information in and out of 
this system. The larger light body moves out and around the physical body. So 
when we open these and start talking to them and invite them to talk to each 
other then the whole system becomes more activated. This is when some people 
reference things like change in aura size, that people come to have large 
auras. Why is that possible?  Because their chakras have become un-blocked so 
that the energies that are available to it spread out. A lot of people here in 
Fairfield actually do have big chakras, and very big auric fields. They can go 
out a thousand feet. 

 .that the ‘expansion of consciousness’ is great but that to live it here on 
earth we need to open up that heart. 
 So this is to help with this to move energy in the body and activate certain 
areas. All to purpose then the cultivated purpose is to help open connections 
between the chakras and clear them, orient them, help them so that they are 
spinning in the right direction and that they articulate and communicate with 
each other. 

 What we want to do is cultivate the strength of our energy body so that we can 
take that incredible of development of consciousness and live in the world and 
actually live it.  To do that we need to be attending to the condition of this 
incredible system that we have that is just waiting to be employed. The easiest 
place to influence this is the heart chakra because as the heart goes the rest 
of the system will go.


 But if you open up and cultivate this heart how good we feel in that sense of 
joy, well being and comfort here. That is a function of the open heart."





 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sit up and meditate, ‘meditation is something you do’.. 
 Back a few years ago when people were being subsidized with grant money to 
stay in Fairfield and meditate with the large group in the Domes some few were 
gaming the money system then by just coming in to the Dome meditation and 
sleeping. Even on FFL this was called out for what is was, the ‘dozing for 
dollars’ program. 
 The dullness in slumber consciousness of the group was palpable then. 

 Some of us who do sit up while we meditate started the ‘STFU and meditate’ 
pushback back against this corruption.  Others in an orthodox appeasement were 
insistent that slumped over or flat out laying down sleeping for meditation is 
an important experience in meditation.  

 Mostly you can see that this was just lack of discipline in people’s lives and 
It got to be pretty bad for a while. The dozing for meditation sleep-a-tation 
became something that TM’ers were being more commonly known for in wider 
spiritual circles. 

 You’d see TM’ers doing this like an entitlement within the shakti of other 
spiritual groups.  TM’er’s use to come in to the darshan area where Ammachi was 
transmitting darshan and lay out in front at the darshan hall as this very 
spiritual transmission was going on.  Same thing with Karunamayi in her public 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-09-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 from inside Fairfield's spiritual satsanga 


 "The heart chakra in many systems is considered as sort of the crowning jewel 
of the human energy system because especially in a place (Fairfield, Iowa) 
where we have people who do a lot of meditating a lot of the chakras like the 
3rd eye or brow chakras in a lot of mediators are activated, although not 
necessarily, funnily enough, it does not always happen that way. But a lot of 
times the chakras above the head, your heads, are very developed. TM in 
particular does a fantastic job of opening the chakras above the head, that is 
what makes that transcendence experience possible. That is also why people 
sometimes collapse down in their meditation when they go into deeper states of 
their meditation, they actually slump down in meditation a bit because their 
energy is actually shooting up and out. Now that is great but it is not going 
to live in the world that way.   

 The chakras when they are healthy nest with each other one in to the other. 
Where we get in to trouble is when we start getting blocks between these 
chakras where this can be partial and it is very rare to be complete or you 
would be really really sick if they are really truly blocked chakras. But they 
can be diminished and that will manifest in certain kinds of conditions, 
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual .  So, we want to open those blocks 

 In the human energy system there are the chakras that serve as pins that pin 
the larger light body to its relationship to this little “meat suit” physical 
body .  The chakras are really good at transferring information in and out of 
this system. The larger light body moves out and around the physical body. So 
when we open these and start talking to them and invite them to talk to each 
other then the whole system becomes more activated. This is when some people 
reference things like change in aura size, that people come to have large 
auras. Why is that possible?  Because their chakras have become un-blocked so 
that the energies that are available to it spread out. A lot of people here in 
Fairfield actually do have big chakras, and very big auric fields. They can go 
out a thousand feet. 

 .that the ‘expansion of consciousness’ is great but that to live it here on 
earth we need to open up that heart. 
 So this is to help with this to move energy in the body and activate certain 
areas. All to purpose then the cultivated purpose is to help open connections 
between the chakras and clear them, orient them, help them so that they are 
spinning in the right direction and that they articulate and communicate with 
each other. 

 What we want to do is cultivate the strength of our energy body so that we can 
take that incredible of development of consciousness and live in the world and 
actually live it.  To do that we need to be attending to the condition of this 
incredible system that we have that is just waiting to be employed. The easiest 
place to influence this is the heart chakra because as the heart goes the rest 
of the system will go.


 But if you open up and cultivate this heart how good we feel in that sense of 
joy, well being and comfort here. That is a function of the open heart."






 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sit up and meditate, ‘meditation is something you do’.. 
 Back a few years ago when people were being subsidized with grant money to 
stay in Fairfield and meditate with the large group in the Domes some few were 
gaming the money system then by just coming in to the Dome meditation and 
sleeping. Even on FFL this was called out for what is was, the ‘dozing for 
dollars’ program. 
 The dullness in slumber consciousness of the group was palpable then. 

 Some of us who do sit up while we meditate started the ‘STFU and meditate’ 
pushback back against this corruption.  Others in an orthodox appeasement were 
insistent that slumped over or flat out laying down sleeping for meditation is 
an important experience in meditation.  

 Mostly you can see that this was just lack of discipline in people’s lives and 
It got to be pretty bad for a while. The dozing for meditation sleep-a-tation 
became something that TM’ers were being more commonly known for in wider 
spiritual circles. 

 You’d see TM’ers doing this like an entitlement within the shakti of other 
spiritual groups.  TM’er’s use to come in to the darshan area where Ammachi was 
transmitting darshan and lay out in front at the darshan hall as this very 
spiritual transmission was going on.  Same thing with Karunamayi in her public 
meetings. It was such dullness to what was going on, so lame and so obvious to 
™’ers taking some entitlement. The saints finally asked in turn that people 
stop with bringing the sleep consciousness in and doing that, effectively 
stopping it for what 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM "growing exponentially" now

2018-07-24 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, and an appreciation within this in particular to David Lynch, the 
DLFoundation, John Hagelin  Bobby Roth and the focused workings of some many 
well-wishers who turned what had become the disorganized apparatus of teaching 
of TM in North America. 
 There is a summer governor’s conference (™ teachers) going on now in 
Fairfield.   Being Ten years now since the passing of the Guru, in the 
Resurrecting of a wreck of an organization from the Morris-Patterson era of 
administration it is Still to be seen how and where the teaching will go on to 
next generations. They hold a great asset in the module of the ‘seven steps’ of 
teaching ‘effortless meditation’.  Adapting the character of how that asset is 
used is being worked at with some good results in some places. Jai Guru Dev. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-20 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Sit up and meditate, ‘meditation is something you do’.. 
 Back a few years ago when people were being subsidized with grant money to 
stay in Fairfield and meditate with the large group in the Domes some few were 
gaming the money system then by just coming in to the Dome meditation and 
sleeping. Even on FFL this was called out for what is was, the ‘dozing for 
dollars’ program. 
 The dullness in slumber consciousness of the group was palpable then. 

 Some of us who do sit up while we meditate started the ‘STFU and meditate’ 
pushback back against this corruption.  Others in an orthodox appeasement were 
insistent that slumped over or flat out laying down sleeping for meditation is 
an important experience in meditation.  

 Mostly you can see that this was just lack of discipline in people’s lives and 
It got to be pretty bad for a while. The dozing for meditation sleep-a-tation 
became something that TM’ers were being more commonly known for in wider 
spiritual circles. 

 You’d see TM’ers doing this like an entitlement within the shakti of other 
spiritual groups.  TM’er’s use to come in to the darshan area where Ammachi was 
transmitting darshan and lay out in front at the darshan hall as this very 
spiritual transmission was going on.  Same thing with Karunamayi in her public 
meetings. It was such dullness to what was going on, so lame and so obvious to 
™’ers taking some entitlement. The saints finally asked in turn that people 
stop with bringing the sleep consciousness in and doing that, effectively 
stopping it for what dullness it was in the group.  

 The people gaming the stipend money got cleaned out of the program and now 
there is a lot more sitting up with people attending to their meditation in the 
Dome. While this is not orthodox to say it this way, meditating is something 
you ‘do’ and evidently can get really good at over time as everything that 
gives well-being in spiritual life is also attended to: good sleep, diet, 
exercise, group meditation, and the satsang company we keep.   Jai Guru Dev 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Pulled along by the experience..  

 Good observation. In teaching TM I always asked that people themselves in 
learning the meditation give it a real go in a regular practice for some time 
to see what it does. 
 The folks who tended to do this with some discipline were the ones who got on 
to deeper benefits and recognized what more meditation does.
 My wife was initiating, teaching people some years ago to meditate on that 
morning of Sept 11th 2001 and someone from then recently re-contacted her 
expressing a gratitude in having learned to meditate as a best thing that they 
have done in life and that they do continue with TM every day for its benefit. 
Jai Guru Dev.  


 Regarding TM being something you initially "havs0 to do", In the middle 80s I 
had gone with my brother's family to a Connecticut sea resort and wondered into 
a bookstore, where I found 
 William Glaser's book Positive Addction. According to his research currently 2 
groups of people, TMers and joggers, after several months of regular practice 
(I think I remember reading over a year) reach a point at which instead of 
"pushing" they are being "pulled" by their practice (the expression may not 
represent exactly what Glaser writes; my memory may have changed what I read). 
I also remember that he expands on some other interesting ideas (again, don't 
ask me for details...) which made his book one of the most original I read 
about TM. I certainly strongly recommend reading it (after Science of Beomg and 
Aft of Living!).


Natal Transits Calculator

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Who will come next to revive the TMO?  

That is a very good question. There are now a few millennials, 30’s, 40 or so 
years old who grew up in this and are now initiators having taught a number of 
people to meditate. Some have taught some number of hundreds of people to 
meditate. You don’t see them at the top or even given the microphone to run 
meetings yet. 

  jr_esq writes :
 I got initiated in July 1993 when Chopra was becoming popular and jyotish was 
mushrooming  in Seattle, WA and around the country.  That was when KN Rao came 
to the USA to teach the ancient science of light.  Ayurveda and amrit kalash 
were hot too.


 Then, King Tony was crowned and the rest of the rajahs came.  Who will come 
next to revive the TMO?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, that was once a core value teaching in TM, 'meditate and act'. Then it 
(also) went on to other stuff in the 1990’s with attempt at the resuscitation 
of the Vedic Sciences, Vedic culture, sanskrit, faith in astrology, yagyas, 
ayurveda, remedies and such. The bad fitting pink saris and conflicted ™. And, 
culture. The 'Rajas' and what would seem a relatively 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-20 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Pulled along by the experience..  

 Good observation. In teaching TM I always asked that people themselves in 
learning the meditation give it a real go in a regular practice for some time 
to see what it does. 
 The folks who tended to do this with some discipline were the ones who got on 
to deeper benefits and recognized what more meditation does.
 My wife was initiating, teaching people some years ago to meditate on that 
morning of Sept 11th 2001 and someone from then recently re-contacted her 
expressing a gratitude in having learned to meditate as a best thing that they 
have done in life and that they do continue with TM every day for its benefit. 
Jai Guru Dev.  


 Regarding TM being something you initially "havs0 to do", In the middle 80s I 
had gone with my brother's family to a Connecticut sea resort and wondered into 
a bookstore, where I found 
 William Glaser's book Positive Addction. According to his research currently 2 
groups of people, TMers and joggers, after several months of regular practice 
(I think I remember reading over a year) reach a point at which instead of 
"pushing" they are being "pulled" by their practice (the expression may not 
represent exactly what Glaser writes; my memory may have changed what I read). 
I also remember that he expands on some other interesting ideas (again, don't 
ask me for details...) which made his book one of the most original I read 
about TM. I certainly strongly recommend reading it (after Science of Beomg and 
Aft of Living!).


Natal Transits Calculator

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Who will come next to revive the TMO?  

That is a very good question. There are now a few millennials, 30’s, 40 or so 
years old who grew up in this and are now initiators having taught a number of 
people to meditate. Some have taught some number of hundreds of people to 
meditate. You don’t see them at the top or even given the microphone to run 
meetings yet. 

  jr_esq writes :
 I got initiated in July 1993 when Chopra was becoming popular and jyotish was 
mushrooming  in Seattle, WA and around the country.  That was when KN Rao came 
to the USA to teach the ancient science of light.  Ayurveda and amrit kalash 
were hot too.


 Then, King Tony was crowned and the rest of the rajahs came.  Who will come 
next to revive the TMO?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, that was once a core value teaching in TM, 'meditate and act'. Then it 
(also) went on to other stuff in the 1990’s with attempt at the resuscitation 
of the Vedic Sciences, Vedic culture, sanskrit, faith in astrology, yagyas, 
ayurveda, remedies and such. The bad fitting pink saris and conflicted ™. And, 
culture. The 'Rajas' and what would seem a relatively small Global Country of 
World Peace, https://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ 
https://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ Jai Guru Dev 

 jr_esq wrote :


 B Gita Chapter II, verse 48 states:  "Yogastah kuru karmani."...  meaning 
established in yoga, perform actions.  This essentially is saying that TM is 
Karma Yoga.


Eustace wrote :

 I posted here believing someone would have the answer at this fingertips or at 
least on a shelf nearby. Clearly this wasn't the case, it seems the book is no 
longer popular in Fairfield.,So I did what I had tried to avoid, buy the Kindle 
edition of the Science of Being ahd Art of Living, Well here is what I 


 This explains the significance of action and justifies its status as a path to 
enlightenment. This innocent, natural, simple process of perception and 
experience—from the outward gross to the inward subtle and Transcendent, and, 
from there, again returning to the outward gross—comprises the path of 
action^15 for enlightenment.

^15 The Bhagavad-Gītā calls it the Path of Action, or Karma Yoga.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Science of Being and Art of Living (Kindle Locations 
5255-5257). MUM Press. Kindle Edition

 Maharishi plainly states that TM is Karma Yoga. IMHO, every TMer who practices 
regularly should sooner rather than later know this.

 In those early for me years, I remember I had added an extra 5 or 10' at the 
ebnd of my practice, reading TM books. After Science of Being and Art of Living 
and the Commentary, I read Canelakos' book on the early research on TM, 
Bloonfeld's book, the cartoon book, and then 2 or 3 more that I came across, 
until I realized that the book I was reading was repeating, almost verbatim, 
what I had read in the previous book, and I realized it was time to stop. Ah, 
yes. And I already had the habit of reading all the footnotes and endnotes, 
sometimes the author conveys crucial information in there.

 A few years later I came across the very interesting Glaser's book Positive 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-19 Thread eustace10679
In my understanding, and please *someone who knows* correct me if I am wrong, 
Yogastah kuru karmani applies to all Yogas, not only Karma Yoga.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 B Gita Chapter II, verse 48 states:  "Yogastah kuru karmani."...  meaning 
established in yoga, perform actions.  This essentially is saying that TM is 
Karma Yoga.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-17 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Who will come next to revive the TMO?  

That is a very good question. There are now a few millennials, 30’s, 40 or so 
years old who grew up in this and are now initiators having taught a number of 
people to meditate. Some have taught some number of hundreds of people to 
meditate. You don’t see them at the top or even given the microphone to run 
meetings yet. 

  jr_esq writes :
 I got initiated in July 1993 when Chopra was becoming popular and jyotish was 
mushrooming  in Seattle, WA and around the country.  That was when KN Rao came 
to the USA to teach the ancient science of light.  Ayurveda and amrit kalash 
were hot too.


 Then, King Tony was crowned and the rest of the rajahs came.  Who will come 
next to revive the TMO?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, that was once a core value teaching in TM, 'meditate and act'. Then it 
(also) went on to other stuff in the 1990’s with attempt at the resuscitation 
of the Vedic Sciences, Vedic culture, sanskrit, faith in astrology, yagyas, 
ayurveda, remedies and such. The bad fitting pink saris and conflicted ™. And, 
culture. The 'Rajas' and what would seem a relatively small Global Country of 
World Peace, https://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ 
https://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ Jai Guru Dev 

 jr_esq wrote :


 B Gita Chapter II, verse 48 states:  "Yogastah kuru karmani."...  meaning 
established in yoga, perform actions.  This essentially is saying that TM is 
Karma Yoga.


Eustace wrote :

 I posted here believing someone would have the answer at this fingertips or at 
least on a shelf nearby. Clearly this wasn't the case, it seems the book is no 
longer popular in Fairfield.,So I did what I had tried to avoid, buy the Kindle 
edition of the Science of Being ahd Art of Living, Well here is what I 


 This explains the significance of action and justifies its status as a path to 
enlightenment. This innocent, natural, simple process of perception and 
experience—from the outward gross to the inward subtle and Transcendent, and, 
from there, again returning to the outward gross—comprises the path of 
action^15 for enlightenment.

^15 The Bhagavad-Gītā calls it the Path of Action, or Karma Yoga.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Science of Being and Art of Living (Kindle Locations 
5255-5257). MUM Press. Kindle Edition

 Maharishi plainly states that TM is Karma Yoga. IMHO, every TMer who practices 
regularly should sooner rather than later know this.

 In those early for me years, I remember I had added an extra 5 or 10' at the 
ebnd of my practice, reading TM books. After Science of Being and Art of Living 
and the Commentary, I read Canelakos' book on the early research on TM, 
Bloonfeld's book, the cartoon book, and then 2 or 3 more that I came across, 
until I realized that the book I was reading was repeating, almost verbatim, 
what I had read in the previous book, and I realized it was time to stop. Ah, 
yes. And I already had the habit of reading all the footnotes and endnotes, 
sometimes the author conveys crucial information in there.

 A few years later I came across the very interesting Glaser's book Positive 
Addiction, and the I read 2 9r 3 of Deepak Chopra's books when he was with the 

 I haven't read any other book on TM for several years, and certainly there 
have been some well worth reading.

 But, IMHO, new mediators should hot skip the 2 classics, including the 



 . .

 A few,


 As much as ™ itself is said to be effortless meditation it does take some 
discipline to do. At the outset it is actually something you ‘do’.  

 I have these old cassette tapes from the India TM teacher training courses 
with Maharishi, outdoor lectures with crows cawing in the background and such. 
He says plainly that ™ does take some concentration (in particular) to do, to 
recognize what is going on and ‘do’ the practice, it requires a little action 
to do. 

 So yes, TM it could be said is ‘karma yoga’. From that standpoint and then all 
those old meditators out in coffee shops when they could be meditating, are 
just ill-disciplined loafers.. ‘taking it easy and taking it as it comes..’ as 
if that is a spiritual practice in itself. 

 sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote :

 According to the concordance, on pg 303 of SofB, there's something on karma 
 Hope this helps.


 cardemaister offers:
 At least YF seems to be karma yoga par excellence: simultaneous intense action 
(karma) and

 "non-action", samaadhi (yoga)??

  Thursday, July 12, 2018, 1:09:47 AM CDT, eustace10679  wrote:


  No, that's not it. I remember reading plainly that TM *is* Karma Yoga, the 
important issue being that after diving in you *have* ti get out and transfer 
to the outer world of action the what you got from diving in. That's why in TM 
extended practice -- without 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-17 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I got initiated in July 1993 when Chopra was becoming popular and jyotish was 
mushrooming  in Seattle, WA and around the country.  That was when KN Rao came 
to the USA to teach the ancient science of light.  Ayurveda and amrit kalash 
were hot too.

 Then, King Tony was crowned and the rest of the rajahs came.  Who will come 
next to revive the TMO?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, that was once a core value teaching in TM, 'meditate and act'. Then it 
(also) went on to other stuff in the 1990’s with attempt at the resuscitation 
of the Vedic Sciences, Vedic culture, sanskrit, faith in astrology, yagyas, 
ayurveda, remedies and such. The bad fitting pink saris and conflicted ™. And, 
culture. The 'Rajas' and what would seem a relatively small Global Country of 
World Peace, https://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ 
https://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ Jai Guru Dev 

 jr_esq wrote :


 B Gita Chapter II, verse 48 states:  "Yogastah kuru karmani."...  meaning 
established in yoga, perform actions.  This essentially is saying that TM is 
Karma Yoga.


Eustace wrote :

 I posted here believing someone would have the answer at this fingertips or at 
least on a shelf nearby. Clearly this wasn't the case, it seems the book is no 
longer popular in Fairfield.,So I did what I had tried to avoid, buy the Kindle 
edition of the Science of Being ahd Art of Living, Well here is what I 


 This explains the significance of action and justifies its status as a path to 
enlightenment. This innocent, natural, simple process of perception and 
experience—from the outward gross to the inward subtle and Transcendent, and, 
from there, again returning to the outward gross—comprises the path of 
action^15 for enlightenment.

^15 The Bhagavad-Gītā calls it the Path of Action, or Karma Yoga.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Science of Being and Art of Living (Kindle Locations 
5255-5257). MUM Press. Kindle Edition

 Maharishi plainly states that TM is Karma Yoga. IMHO, every TMer who practices 
regularly should sooner rather than later know this.

 In those early for me years, I remember I had added an extra 5 or 10' at the 
ebnd of my practice, reading TM books. After Science of Being and Art of Living 
and the Commentary, I read Canelakos' book on the early research on TM, 
Bloonfeld's book, the cartoon book, and then 2 or 3 more that I came across, 
until I realized that the book I was reading was repeating, almost verbatim, 
what I had read in the previous book, and I realized it was time to stop. Ah, 
yes. And I already had the habit of reading all the footnotes and endnotes, 
sometimes the author conveys crucial information in there.

 A few years later I came across the very interesting Glaser's book Positive 
Addiction, and the I read 2 9r 3 of Deepak Chopra's books when he was with the 

 I haven't read any other book on TM for several years, and certainly there 
have been some well worth reading.

 But, IMHO, new mediators should hot skip the 2 classics, including the 



 . .

 A few,


 As much as ™ itself is said to be effortless meditation it does take some 
discipline to do. At the outset it is actually something you ‘do’.  

 I have these old cassette tapes from the India TM teacher training courses 
with Maharishi, outdoor lectures with crows cawing in the background and such. 
He says plainly that ™ does take some concentration (in particular) to do, to 
recognize what is going on and ‘do’ the practice, it requires a little action 
to do. 

 So yes, TM it could be said is ‘karma yoga’. From that standpoint and then all 
those old meditators out in coffee shops when they could be meditating, are 
just ill-disciplined loafers.. ‘taking it easy and taking it as it comes..’ as 
if that is a spiritual practice in itself. 

 sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote :

 According to the concordance, on pg 303 of SofB, there's something on karma 
 Hope this helps.


 cardemaister offers:
 At least YF seems to be karma yoga par excellence: simultaneous intense action 
(karma) and

 "non-action", samaadhi (yoga)??

  Thursday, July 12, 2018, 1:09:47 AM CDT, eustace10679  wrote:


  No, that's not it. I remember reading plainly that TM *is* Karma Yoga, the 
important issue being that after diving in you *have* ti get out and transfer 
to the outer world of action the what you got from diving in. That's why in TM 
extended practice -- without outside action -- is not recommended under normal 
circumstances and unlike other meditation practices. I remember reading it in 
the Science of Being -- and I've also read the Commentary. 

 Maharishi's statement was straightforward and it did not involve 
interpretation. I think everybody should know about it. If anybody has the book 
handy and haven't read it, This statement remained in my memory as the most 
interesting in the book. And BTW it was written many years before the 
introduction of the sidhi program.



 Several decades ago, I remember reading in the Science of Being and Art of 
Living (I think) that TM is Karma Yoga. Has anybody read the book recently and 
can provide an exact reference? It has to be added in the Wikipedia page, at 
least as a footnote, to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, that was once a core value teaching in TM, 'meditate and act'. Then it 
went on to other stuff in the 1990’a with the attempt at the resuscitation of 
the Vedic Sciences, Vedic culture, faith in astrology, yagyas, chanting, 
ayurveda, remedies and such. The bad fitting pink saris and conflicted ™. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 B Gita Chapter II, verse 48 states:  "Yogastah kuru karmani."...  meaning 
established in yoga, perform actions.  This essentially is saying that TM is 
Karma Yoga.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-16 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 B Gita Chapter II, verse 48 states:  "Yogastah kuru karmani."...  meaning 
established in yoga, perform actions.  This essentially is saying that TM is 
Karma Yoga.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-16 Thread eustace10679
I posted here believing someone would have the answer at this fingertips or at 
least on a shelf nearby. Clearly this wasn't the case, it seems the book is no 
longer popular in Fairfield.,So I did what I had tried to avoid, buy the Kindle 
edition of the Science of Being ahd Art of Living, Well here is what I 


 This explains the significance of action and justifies its status as a path to 
enlightenment. This innocent, natural, simple process of perception and 
experience—from the outward gross to the inward subtle and Transcendent, and, 
from there, again returning to the outward gross—comprises the path of 
action^15 for enlightenment.

^15 The Bhagavad-Gītā calls it the Path of Action, or Karma Yoga.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Science of Being and Art of Living (Kindle Locations 
5255-5257). MUM Press. Kindle Edition

 Maharishi plainly states that TM is Karma Yoga. IMHO, every TMer who practices 
regularly should sooner rather than later know this.

 In those early for me years, I remember I had added an extra 5 or 10' at the 
ebnd of my practice, reading TM books. After Science of Being and Art of Living 
and the Commentary, I read Canelakos' book on the early research on TM, 
Bloonfeld's book, the cartoon book, and then 2 or 3 more that I came across, 
until I realized that the book I was reading was repeating, almost verbatim, 
what I had read in the previous book, and I realized it was time to stop. Ah, 
yes. And I already had the habit of reading all the footnotes and endnotes, 
sometimes the author conveys crucial information in there.

 A few years later I came across the very interesting Glaser's book Positive 
Addiction, and the I read 2 9r 3 of Deepak Chopra's books when he was with the 

 I haven't read any other book on TM for several years, and certainly there 
have been some well worth reading.

 But, IMHO, new mediators should hot skip the 2 classics, including the 


It ain't me, babe - A radical reinterpretation


 A few,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
As much as ™ itself is said to be effortless meditation it does take some 
discipline to do. At the outset it is actually something you ‘do’.  

 I have these old cassette tapes from the India TM teacher training courses 
with Maharishi, outdoor lectures with crows cawing in the background and such. 
He says plainly that ™ does take some concentration (in particular) to do, to 
recognize what is going on and ‘do’ the practice, it requires a little action 
to do. 

 So yes, TM it could be said is ‘karma yoga’ from that standpoint and then all 
those old meditators out in coffee shops when they could be meditating, are 
just ill-disciplined loafers.. ‘taking it easy and taking it as it comes..’ as 
if that is a spiritual practice in itself. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 According to the concordance, on pg 303 of SofB, there's something on karma 
 Hope this helps.


 cardemaister offers:
 At least YF seems to be karma yoga par excellence: simultaneous intense action 
(karma) and

 "non-action", samaadhi (yoga)??

 On Thursday, July 12, 2018, 1:09:47 AM CDT, eustace10679 


 No, that's not it. I remember reading plainly that TM *is* Karma Yoga, the 
important issue being that after diving in you *have* ti get out and transfer 
to the outer world of action the what you got from diving in. That's why in TM 
extended practice -- without outside action -- is not recommended under normal 
circumstances and unlike other meditation practices. I remember reading it in 
the Science of Being -- and I've also read the Commentary.

 Maharishi's statement was straightforward and it did not involve 
interpretation. I think everybody should know about it. If anybody has the book 
handy and haven't read it, This statement remained in my memory as the most 
interesting in the book. And BTW it was written many years before the 
introduction of the sidhi program.



The Meditation Meter Website




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-12 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 According to the concordance, on pg 303 of SofB, there's something on karma 
yoga.Hope this helps.

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, 1:09:47 AM CDT, eustace10679 

No, that's not it. I remember reading plainly that TM *is* Karma Yoga, the 
important issue being that after diving in you *have* ti get out and transfer 
to the outer world of action the what you got from diving in. That's why in TM 
extended practice -- without outside action -- is not recommended under normal 
circumstances and unlike other meditation practices. I remember reading it in 
the Science of Being -- and I've also read the Commentary.
Maharishi's statement was straightforward and it did not involve 
interpretation. I think everybody should know about it. If anybody has the book 
handy and haven't read it, This statement remained in my memory as the most 
interesting in the book. And BTW it was written many years before the 
introduction of the sidhi program.

The Meditation Meter Website

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-12 Thread eustace10679
No, that's not it. I remember reading plainly that TM *is* Karma Yoga, the 
important issue being that after diving in you *have* ti get out and transfer 
to the outer world of action the what you got from diving in. That's why in TM 
extended practice -- without outside action -- is not recommended under normal 
circumstances and unlike other meditation practices. I remember reading it in 
the Science of Being -- and I've also read the Commentary.

 Maharishi's statement was straightforward and it did not involve 
interpretation. I think everybody should know about it. If anybody has the book 
handy and haven't read it, This statement remained in my memory as the most 
interesting in the book. And BTW it was written many years before the 
introduction of the sidhi program.



The Meditation Meter Website


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-07-10 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
At least YF seems to be karma yoga par excellence: simultaneous intense action 
(karma) and "non-action", samaadhi (yoga)??

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-09 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Training? Do they have TM Raja classes in deportment on Raja training? 
 Ethics? Tests? Taught by whom?

 Standards still a million dollars to get the gold crown?
 The group of old people inside is getting quite small,
 Who would freely apply to be a TM Raja, or are folks drafted, impressed?
 The view on the Maharishi Channel is getting quite geriatric.  
 Anyone under 40 years old doing it? Frame of mind?

 Impressment, colloquially "the press" or the "press gang", is the taking of 
men into a force by compulsion, with or without notice. ..Navies of several 
nations used forced recruitment by various means.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In an internet #MeToo era, “The Knowledge” going forward evidently becomes 
about institutional integrity. There is a new TM Raja Training course starting. 

 Bevan is leaving the community to go off and teach the Raja Training course?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A FF Coffee House response to a TM culture ‘unchecked’ in enabling of bad 
 “..Unaddressed, the ‘make nice’ does not take it out of memory.” 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are all kinds of reasons that people will not contend Abuse in workplace 
environments as they may endure it. 
 Culture is prominent in these cases of #MeToo where for various social reasons 
which are practical to women in these situations they may feel to endure it or 
withdraw or leave either physically or emotionally the group. 
 I know someone part of the university/movement community who recently was 
propositioned by a wealthy (powerful) trustee of the university and who is now 
feeling a way through the consequences of naming the name. 
 An interesting thing to see now in the arc of the MeToo since last November in 
our larger culture there presently is a focusing on enabling around harassment 
or abuse. A local story of the FFACC is a good example of a Board’s response 
that effectively enables really bad behavior.   Yes, and denying is part of the 
suppressing rebuttal by perpetrators and their enablers. 

 Srijau writes:
 by all means let us all know should this ever happen. until then it is just 
your slanderous innuendo. there is no defense against this kind of slander 
which makes it extremely evil.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Been hearing for a while that the County Attorney here is looking at sexual 
harassment in the top levels of movement things. 
 Communally we have been hearing whisperings of these narratives for years.  
Was puzzling all along that more of the women involved did not go more directly 
public with sharing their experience. But the evolution of the #MeToo movement 
since last year tells the convoluted role of social and legal silencing of 
victims and the power of perps and their enablers. Stormy Daniels, for 
instance, in her peculiar case of breaking out of legal silencing is an 
exception.  NPR yesterday looks at some of it. 

 “Ruzicka says she has many workers eager to share their experiences, but 
because they filed complaints — either through their HR departments or with a 
state or federal agency — they were told not to discuss their stories while 
their cases are pending. "And so what we find is that women, even though they 
are brave enough to stand up and have somehow made it through the process this 
far, is they're once again feeling trapped and feeling silenced," she says.


 Srijau anonymously defends::
 there is no metoo hypocrisy.   you don't provide the tiniest proof   people 
say all kinds of false things. does not make it true at all.
 ...there is no end to the false things that have been said and are still said 
about TM and TMers.
 ..I brutally honest look at decades in the movement, with some regrets , 
resentments and criticisms. Sisterhood evident at times  but no metoo moments 
at all


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Global Country of World Peace has its clear understanding and proof of the 
mechanics of peace but is the (GCWP) the group to try to lead world peace, to 
advocate with what challenge is in a community of some enablers as a collective 
 #MeToo hypocrisy that hangs over the group?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 In an internet #MeToo era, “The Knowledge” going forward evidently becomes 
about institutional integrity. There is a new TM Raja Training course starting. 
 Bevan is leaving the community to go off and teach the Raja Training course?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A FF Coffee House response to a TM culture ‘unchecked’ in enabling of bad 
 “..Unaddressed, the ‘make nice’ does not take it out of memory.” 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are all kinds of reasons that people will not contend Abuse in workplace 
environments as they may endure it. 
 Culture is prominent in these cases of #MeToo where for various social reasons 
which are practical to women in these situations they may feel to endure it or 
withdraw or leave either physically or emotionally the group. 
 I know someone part of the university/movement community who recently was 
propositioned by a wealthy (powerful) trustee of the university and who is now 
feeling a way through the consequences of naming the name. 
 An interesting thing to see now in the arc of the MeToo since last November in 
our larger culture there presently is a focusing on enabling around harassment 
or abuse. A local story of the FFACC is a good example of a Board’s response 
that effectively enables really bad behavior.   Yes, and denying is part of the 
suppressing rebuttal by perpetrators and their enablers. 

 Srijau writes:
 by all means let us all know should this ever happen. until then it is just 
your slanderous innuendo. there is no defense against this kind of slander 
which makes it extremely evil.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Been hearing for a while that the County Attorney here is looking at sexual 
harassment in the top levels of movement things. 
 Communally we have been hearing whisperings of these narratives for years.  
Was puzzling all along that more of the women involved did not go more directly 
public with sharing their experience. But the evolution of the #MeToo movement 
since last year tells the convoluted role of social and legal silencing of 
victims and the power of perps and their enablers. Stormy Daniels, for 
instance, in her peculiar case of breaking out of legal silencing is an 
exception.  NPR yesterday looks at some of it. 

 “Ruzicka says she has many workers eager to share their experiences, but 
because they filed complaints — either through their HR departments or with a 
state or federal agency — they were told not to discuss their stories while 
their cases are pending. "And so what we find is that women, even though they 
are brave enough to stand up and have somehow made it through the process this 
far, is they're once again feeling trapped and feeling silenced," she says.


 Srijau anonymously defends::
 there is no metoo hypocrisy.   you don't provide the tiniest proof   people 
say all kinds of false things. does not make it true at all.
 ...there is no end to the false things that have been said and are still said 
about TM and TMers.
 ..I brutally honest look at decades in the movement, with some regrets , 
resentments and criticisms. Sisterhood evident at times  but no metoo moments 
at all


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Global Country of World Peace has its clear understanding and proof of the 
mechanics of peace but is the (GCWP) the group to try to lead world peace, to 
advocate with what challenge is in a community of some enablers as a collective 
 #MeToo hypocrisy that hangs over the group?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President 
..effective immediately, removing all the benefits, rights and privileges 
provided by the May 22-23 board meeting, including the title of President 
Emeritus, the invitation to reside at the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-07 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
A FF Coffee House response to a TM culture ‘unchecked’ in enabling of bad 
 “..Unaddressed, the ‘make nice’ does not take it out of memory.” 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are all kinds of reasons that people will not contend Abuse in workplace 
environments as they may endure it. 
 Culture is prominent in these cases of #MeToo where for various social reasons 
which are practical to women in these situations they may feel to endure it or 
withdraw or leave either physically or emotionally the group. 
 I know someone part of the university/movement community who recently was 
propositioned by a wealthy (powerful) trustee of the university and who is now 
feeling a way through the consequences of naming the name. 
 An interesting thing to see now in the arc of the MeToo since last November in 
our larger culture there presently is a focusing on enabling around harassment 
or abuse. A local story of the FFACC is a good example of a Board’s response 
that effectively enables really bad behavior.   Yes, and denying is part of the 
suppressing rebuttal by perpetrators and their enablers. 

 Srijau writes:
 by all means let us all know should this ever happen. until then it is just 
your slanderous innuendo. there is no defense against this kind of slander 
which makes it extremely evil.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Been hearing for a while that the County Attorney here is looking at sexual 
harassment in the top levels of movement things. 
 Communally we have been hearing whisperings of these narratives for years.  
Was puzzling all along that more of the women involved did not go more directly 
public with sharing their experience. But the evolution of the #MeToo movement 
since last year tells the convoluted role of social and legal silencing of 
victims and the power of perps and their enablers. Stormy Daniels, for 
instance, in her peculiar case of breaking out of legal silencing is an 
exception.  NPR yesterday looks at some of it. 

 “Ruzicka says she has many workers eager to share their experiences, but 
because they filed complaints — either through their HR departments or with a 
state or federal agency — they were told not to discuss their stories while 
their cases are pending. "And so what we find is that women, even though they 
are brave enough to stand up and have somehow made it through the process this 
far, is they're once again feeling trapped and feeling silenced," she says.


 Srijau anonymously defends::
 there is no metoo hypocrisy.   you don't provide the tiniest proof   people 
say all kinds of false things. does not make it true at all.
 ...there is no end to the false things that have been said and are still said 
about TM and TMers.
 ..I brutally honest look at decades in the movement, with some regrets , 
resentments and criticisms. Sisterhood evident at times  but no metoo moments 
at all


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Global Country of World Peace has its clear understanding and proof of the 
mechanics of peace but is the (GCWP) the group to try to lead world peace, to 
advocate with what challenge is in a community of some enablers as a collective 
 #MeToo hypocrisy that hangs over the group?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President



 The rising of the matriarchy caught him. 
 There is a wider culture change going on. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 srijau writes: you are most intent on creating conflict..

 A: No, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
There are all kinds of reasons that people will not contend Abuse in workplace 
environments as they may endure it. 
 Culture is prominent in these cases of #MeToo where for various social reasons 
which are practical to women in these situations they may feel to endure it or 
withdraw or leave either physically or emotionally the group. 
 I know someone part of the university/movement community who recently was 
propositioned by a wealthy (powerful) trustee of the university and who is now 
feeling a way through the consequences of naming the name. 
 An interesting thing to see now in the arc of the MeToo since last November in 
our larger culture there presently is a focusing on enabling around harassment 
or abuse. A local story of the FFACC is a good example of a Board’s response 
that effectively enables really bad behavior.   Yes, and denying is part of the 
suppressing rebuttal by perpetrators and their enablers. 

 Srijau writes:
 by all means let us all know should this ever happen. until then it is just 
your slanderous innuendo. there is no defense against this kind of slander 
which makes it extremely evil.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Been hearing for a while that the County Attorney here is looking at sexual 
harassment in the top levels of movement things. 
 Communally we have been hearing whisperings of these narratives for years.  
Was puzzling all along that more of the women involved did not go more directly 
public with sharing their experience. But the evolution of the #MeToo movement 
since last year tells the convoluted role of social and legal silencing of 
victims and the power of perps and their enablers. Stormy Daniels, for 
instance, in her peculiar case of breaking out of legal silencing is an 
exception.  NPR yesterday looks at some of it. 

 “Ruzicka says she has many workers eager to share their experiences, but 
because they filed complaints — either through their HR departments or with a 
state or federal agency — they were told not to discuss their stories while 
their cases are pending. "And so what we find is that women, even though they 
are brave enough to stand up and have somehow made it through the process this 
far, is they're once again feeling trapped and feeling silenced," she says.


 Srijau anonymously defends::
 there is no metoo hypocrisy.   you don't provide the tiniest proof   people 
say all kinds of false things. does not make it true at all.
 ...there is no end to the false things that have been said and are still said 
about TM and TMers.
 ..I brutally honest look at decades in the movement, with some regrets , 
resentments and criticisms. Sisterhood evident at times  but no metoo moments 
at all


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Global Country of World Peace has its clear understanding and proof of the 
mechanics of peace but is the (GCWP) the group to try to lead world peace, to 
advocate with what challenge is in a community of some enablers as a collective 
 #MeToo hypocrisy that hangs over the group?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President



 The rising of the matriarchy caught him. 
 There is a wider culture change going on. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 srijau writes: you are most intent on creating conflict..

 A: No, it is already here. 


 Fairfield, Coffee Haus Satsanga today,
 text, paraphrasing conversation..

 " #MeToo? A: If they think for a minute that this isn’t known? This is known 
in our community, this 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-05 Thread srijau
by all means let us all know should this ever happen. until then it is just 
your slanderous innuendo. there is no defense against this kind of slander 
which makes it extremely evil.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-05 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Been hearing for a while that the County Attorney here is looking at sexual 
harassment in the top levels of movement things. 
 Communally we have been hearing whisperings of these narratives for years.  
Was puzzling all along that more of the women involved did not go more directly 
public with sharing their experience. But the evolution of the #MeToo movement 
since last year tells the convoluted role of social and legal silencing of 
victims and the power of perps and their enablers. Stormy Daniels, for 
instance, in her peculiar case of breaking out of legal silencing is an 
exception.  NPR yesterday looks at some of it. 

 “Ruzicka says she has many workers eager to share their experiences, but 
because they filed complaints — either through their HR departments or with a 
state or federal agency — they were told not to discuss their stories while 
their cases are pending. "And so what we find is that women, even though they 
are brave enough to stand up and have somehow made it through the process this 
far, is they're once again feeling trapped and feeling silenced," she says.


 Srijau anonymously defends::
 there is no metoo hypocrisy.   you don't provide the tiniest proof   people 
say all kinds of false things. does not make it true at all.
 ...there is no end to the false things that have been said and are still said 
about TM and TMers.
 ..I brutally honest look at decades in the movement, with some regrets , 
resentments and criticisms. Sisterhood evident at times  but no metoo moments 
at all


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Global Country of World Peace has its clear understanding and proof of the 
mechanics of peace but is the (GCWP) the group to try to lead world peace, to 
advocate with what challenge is in a community of some enablers as a collective 
 #MeToo hypocrisy that hangs over the group?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President



 The rising of the matriarchy caught him. 
 There is a wider culture change going on. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 srijau writes: you are most intent on creating conflict..

 A: No, it is already here. 


 Fairfield, Coffee Haus Satsanga today,
 text, paraphrasing conversation..

 " #MeToo? A: If they think for a minute that this isn’t known? This is known 
in our community, this is known in our young people, that right now that the 
MUM and the Maharishi base in whatever .’s exact job with this was, they are 
harboring a predator and in doing so, no matter how they rationalize it, that 
fact is going to cripple anything they do here. Because it gets out.
 ..Like this young person here visiting looking. The person’s mother is 
concerned that if the person came here would get involved with a cult. The mom 
is rightly concerned because, while it is not like it was, because it was 
around the cult of personality. 

 But going through the history of it puts perspective in it.  The overly 
attached, even love of devotion. However folks just being vigilant about your 
keeping your own discernment awake, about your experience of awakening in it 
has come. 

 This young visitor is a bonafide spiritual seeker is a good example, that is 
why they are interested. It is not to get a degree necessarily but they want a 
place of consciousness. This young person wants to talk about consciousness, is 
interested in consciousness, is a very developed person, very developed 
experiences, this is not a beginner though a young person.

 So, putting someone like 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-02 Thread srijau
there is no end to the false things that have been said and are still said 
about TM and TMers


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-02 Thread srijau
there is no metoo hypocrisy.   you don't provide the tiniest proof   people say 
all kinds of false things. does not make it true at all

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 The Global Country of World Peace has its clear understanding and proof of the 
mechanics of peace but is the (GCWP) the group to try to lead world peace, to 
advocate with what challenge is in a community of some enablers as a collective 
 #MeToo hypocrisy that hangs over the group?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President



 The rising of the matriarchy caught him. 
 There is a wider culture change going on. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 srijau writes: you are most intent on creating conflict..

 A: No, it is already here. 


 Fairfield, Coffee Haus Satsanga today,
 text, paraphrasing conversation..

 " #MeToo? A: If they think for a minute that this isn’t known? This is known 
in our community, this is known in our young people, that right now that the 
MUM and the Maharishi base in whatever .’s exact job with this was, they are 
harboring a predator and in doing so, no matter how they rationalize it, that 
fact is going to cripple anything they do here. Because it gets out.
 ..Like this young person here visiting looking. The person’s mother is 
concerned that if the person came here would get involved with a cult. The mom 
is rightly concerned because, while it is not like it was, because it was 
around the cult of personality. 

 But going through the history of it puts perspective in it.  The overly 
attached, even love of devotion. However folks just being vigilant about your 
keeping your own discernment awake, about your experience of awakening in it 
has come. 

 This young visitor is a bonafide spiritual seeker is a good example, that is 
why they are interested. It is not to get a degree necessarily but they want a 
place of consciousness. This young person wants to talk about consciousness, is 
interested in consciousness, is a very developed person, very developed 
experiences, this is not a beginner though a young person.

 So, putting someone like this in to this? A: The person is going to hear it 
and learn about the history of it; going to see it. If they (the .org & .edu) 
are not vigilant this person is going to be gone and this is precisely the kind 
of person they want. This is the student they want. Someone interested in 
spirituality, the implications of consciousness, this is exactly the person 
they want. 

 ..When these start scratching the surface and learning about it and having 
exposure to the kind of stupid shit that goes on?  A: The person is not a 
child. Though in the young 20’s the person is awake enough to be looking at 
this with more than just what is being presented. But on the other hand see the 
value of it and is here now actively looking and considering. "


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Writes: I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo..

 Did you see that thread a couple of months ago on Facebook about sexual 
harassments in Fairfield that were in the meditating community?  
 Right away in hot reply then there were a couple hundred 'likes' and quite a 
lot of #MeToo’s as comments too.  Yikes. 
 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are very much about spiritual morality 
and how some people have been hurtful of others spiritually, about breach of 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is quite a lot of experience and science on Peace now within 
spirituality practices of meditation. However, The Global Country of World 
Peace (GCWP) evidently has a conflicted cultural look in caste Hinduism and 
patriarchal colonialism. Spend.. a few minutes on the Maharishi channels.  Our 
own TM Millennials it seem have little taste for more of that. Jai Guru Dev 
srijau writes:
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President



 The rising of the matriarchy caught him. 
 There is a wider culture change going on. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 you are most intent on creating conflict..

 No, it is already here. 


 Fairfield, Coffee Haus Satsanga today,
 text, paraphrasing conversation..

 " #MeToo? A: If they think for a minute that this isn’t known? This is known 
in our community, this is known in our young people, that right now that the 
MUM and the Maharishi base in whatever .’s exact job with this was, they are 
harboring a predator and in doing so, no matter how they rationalize it, that 
fact is going to cripple anything they do here. Because it gets out.
 ..Like this young person here visiting looking. The person’s mother is 
concerned that if the person came here would get involved with a cult. The mom 
is rightly concerned because, while it is not like it was, because it was 
around the cult of personality. 

 But going through the history of it puts perspective in it.  The overly 
attached, even love of devotion. However folks just being vigilant about your 
keeping your own discernment awake, about your experience of awakening in it 
has come. 

 This young visitor is a bonafide spiritual seeker is a good example, that is 
why they are interested. It is not to get a degree necessarily but they want a 
place of consciousness. This young person wants to talk about consciousness, is 
interested in consciousness, is a very developed person, very developed 
experiences, this is not a beginner though a young person.

 So, putting someone like this in to this? A: The person is going to hear it 
and learn about the history of it; going to see it. If they (the .org & .edu) 
are not vigilant this person is going to be gone and this is precisely the kind 
of person they want. This is the student they want. Someone interested in 
spirituality, the implications of consciousness, this is exactly the person 
they want. 

 ..When these start scratching the surface and learning about it and having 
exposure to the kind of stupid shit that goes on?  A: The person is not a 
child. Though in the young 20’s the person is awake enough to be looking at 
this with more than just what is being presented. But on the other hand see the 
value of it and is here now actively looking and considering. "


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Writes: I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo..

 Did you see that thread a couple of months ago on Facebook about sexual 
harassments in Fairfield that were in the meditating community?  
 Right away in hot reply then there were a couple hundred 'likes' and quite a 
lot of #MeToo’s as comments too.  Yikes. 
 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are very much about spiritual morality 
and how some people have been hurtful of others spiritually, about breach of 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is quite a lot of experience and science on Peace now within 
spirituality practices of meditation. However, The Global Country of World 
Peace (GCWP) evidently has a conflicted cultural look in caste Hinduism and 
patriarchal colonialism. Spend.. a few minutes on the Maharishi channels.  Our 
own TM Millennials it seem have little taste for more of that. Jai Guru Dev 
srijau writes:
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am two degrees of separation. I have 
zero responsibility . I have never heard of millions on such legal fees. I 
don't know what you are claiming. I know a certain individual may have had 
sexual relations you may not approve of but you have also blanket dissaproved 
of all " true believers" I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-31 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 you are most intent on creating conflict..


 No, it is already here. 

 Fairfield, Coffee Haus Satsanga today,
 text, paraphrasing conversation..

 " #MeToo? A: If they think for a minute that this isn’t known? This is known 
in our community, this is known in our young people, that right now that the 
MUM and the Maharishi base in whatever .’s exact job with this was, they are 
harboring a predator and in doing so, no matter how they rationalize it, that 
fact is going to cripple anything they do here. Because it gets out.
 ..Like this young person here visiting looking. The person’s mother is 
concerned that if the person came here would get involved with a cult. The mom 
is rightly concerned because, while it is not like it was, because it was 
around the cult of personality. 

 But going through the history of it puts perspective in it.  The overly 
attached, even love of devotion. However folks just being vigilant about your 
keeping your own discernment awake, about your experience of awakening in it 
has come. 

 This young visitor is a bonafide spiritual seeker is a good example, that is 
why they are interested. It is not to get a degree necessarily but they want a 
place of consciousness. This young person wants to talk about consciousness, is 
interested in consciousness, is a very developed person, very developed 
experiences, this is not a beginner though a young person.

 So, putting someone like this in to this? A: The person is going to hear it 
and learn about the history of it; going to see it. If they (the .org & .edu) 
are not vigilant this person is going to be gone and this is precisely the kind 
of person they want. This is the student they want. Someone interested in 
spirituality, the implications of consciousness, this is exactly the person 
they want. 

 ..When these start scratching the surface and learning about it and having 
exposure to the kind of stupid shit that goes on?  A: The person is not a 
child. Though in the young 20’s the person is awake enough to be looking at 
this with more than just what is being presented. But on the other hand see the 
value of it and is here now actively looking and considering. "


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Writes: I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo..

 Did you see that thread a couple of months ago on Facebook about sexual 
harassments in Fairfield that were in the meditating community?  
 Right away in hot reply then there were a couple hundred 'likes' and quite a 
lot of #MeToo’s as comments too.  Yikes. 
 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are very much about spiritual morality 
and how some people have been hurtful of others spiritually, about breach of 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is quite a lot of experience and science on Peace now within 
spirituality practices of meditation. However, The Global Country of World 
Peace (GCWP) evidently has a conflicted cultural look in caste Hinduism and 
patriarchal colonialism. Spend.. a few minutes on the Maharishi channels.  Our 
own TM Millennials it seem have little taste for more of that. Jai Guru Dev 
srijau writes:
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am two degrees of separation. I have 
zero responsibility . I have never heard of millions on such legal fees. I 
don't know what you are claiming. I know a certain individual may have had 
sexual relations you may not approve of but you have also blanket dissaproved 
of all " true believers" I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It is okay, Srijau. No, actually I was told more recently by someone who has 
been around the top administration up there for decades, someone you (safely 
anonymously) probably work with up there or have been with:
 “It was way worse than you know. Millions ($) have been spent on legal fees.”
 Sounds something like the Weinstein Company.
 I am not going to name names on a public forum for the same reason you and 
they do not at least going to acknowledge what went on or could start to 
apologize: liability.  
 Peace and reconciliation? Restorative Justice? 
 No, the the movement can’t be in a position of apologizing let alone be 
acknowledging:: liability lawsuit  

 However, you and others in going forward could at least state who you are 
morally, that possibly you are not their hypocrisy.  
 Or, are you and your friends enabling the past?  
 Other than denying it, how do you reconcile it? Explain how you feel about it.
 I would like to consider it. 
 Kind Regards, D

 Shrijau writes:
 who exactly are you trying to slander by innuendo?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 .. Is it time now for the integrity of a secular Global Union of Scientists 
for Peace, GUSP https://www.gusp.org/ https://www.gusp.org/
 as the peace movement to be even more clearly separated, detached, from from 
the Global Country of World Peace, GCWP? Is it time to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-31 Thread srijau
you are most intent on creating conflict

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-31 Thread srijau
I have not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-31 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Writes: I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo..

 Did you see that thread a couple of months ago on Facebook about sexual 
harassments in Fairfield that were in the meditating community?  
 Right away in hot reply then there were a couple hundred 'likes' and quite a 
lot of #MeToo’s as comments too.  Yikes. 
 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are very much about spiritual morality 
and how some people have been hurtful of others spiritually, about breach of 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is quite a lot of experience and science on Peace now within 
spirituality practices of meditation. However, The Global Country of World 
Peace (GCWP) evidently has a conflicted cultural look in caste Hinduism and 
patriarchal colonialism. Spend.. a few minutes on the Maharishi channels.  Our 
own TM Millennials it seem have little taste for more of that. Jai Guru Dev 
srijau writes:
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am two degrees of separation. I have 
zero responsibility . I have never heard of millions on such legal fees. I 
don't know what you are claiming. I know a certain individual may have had 
sexual relations you may not approve of but you have also blanket dissaproved 
of all " true believers" I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It is okay, Srijau. No, actually I was told more recently by someone who has 
been around the top administration up there for decades, someone you (safely 
anonymously) probably work with up there or have been with:
 “It was way worse than you know. Millions ($) have been spent on legal fees.”
 Sounds something like the Weinstein Company.
 I am not going to name names on a public forum for the same reason you and 
they do not at least going to acknowledge what went on or could start to 
apologize: liability.  
 Peace and reconciliation? Restorative Justice? 
 No, the the movement can’t be in a position of apologizing let alone be 
acknowledging:: liability lawsuit  

 However, you and others in going forward could at least state who you are 
morally, that possibly you are not their hypocrisy.  
 Or, are you and your friends enabling the past?  
 Other than denying it, how do you reconcile it? Explain how you feel about it.
 I would like to consider it. 
 Kind Regards, D

 Shrijau writes:
 who exactly are you trying to slander by innuendo?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 .. Is it time now for the integrity of a secular Global Union of Scientists 
for Peace, GUSP https://www.gusp.org/ https://www.gusp.org/
 as the peace movement to be even more clearly separated, detached, from from 
the Global Country of World Peace, GCWP? Is it time to clearly dissociate the 
GUSP by even burying the GCWP, their crowns and all?  

 Workplace abuse.  But, he maintains, he never sexually harassed anyone.

 Who could/should coordinate the body of a modern peace movement?
 Could The Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) be associated with this?  
https://www.globalcountry.org https://www.globalcountry.org


 Srijau writes:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 there no proof like this for anything else




[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-31 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
There is quite a lot of experience and science on Peace now within spirituality 
practices of meditation. However, The Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) 
evidently has a conflicted cultural look in caste Hinduism and patriarchal 
colonialism. Spend.. a few minutes on the Maharishi channels.  Our own TM 
Millennials it seem have little taste for more of that. Jai Guru Dev 
srijau writes:
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am two degrees of separation. I have 
zero responsibility . I have never heard of millions on such legal fees. I 
don't know what you are claiming. I know a certain individual may have had 
sexual relations you may not approve of but you have also blanket dissaproved 
of all " true believers" I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It is okay, Srijau. No, actually I was told more recently by someone who has 
been around the top administration up there for decades, someone you (safely 
anonymously) probably work with up there or have been with:
 “It was way worse than you know. Millions ($) have been spent on legal fees.”
 Sounds something like the Weinstein Company.
 I am not going to name names on a public forum for the same reason you and 
they do not at least going to acknowledge what went on or could start to 
apologize: liability.  
 Peace and reconciliation? Restorative Justice? 
 No, the the movement can’t be in a position of apologizing let alone be 
acknowledging:: liability lawsuit  

 However, you and others in going forward could at least state who you are 
morally, that possibly you are not their hypocrisy.  
 Or, are you and your friends enabling the past?  
 Other than denying it, how do you reconcile it? Explain how you feel about it.
 I would like to consider it. 
 Kind Regards, D

 Shrijau writes:
 who exactly are you trying to slander by innuendo?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 .. Is it time now for the integrity of a secular Global Union of Scientists 
for Peace, GUSP https://www.gusp.org/ https://www.gusp.org/
 as the peace movement to be even more clearly separated, detached, from from 
the Global Country of World Peace, GCWP? Is it time to clearly dissociate the 
GUSP by even burying the GCWP, their crowns and all?  

 Workplace abuse.  But, he maintains, he never sexually harassed anyone.

 Who could/should coordinate the body of a modern peace movement?
 Could The Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) be associated with this?  
https://www.globalcountry.org https://www.globalcountry.org


 Srijau writes:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 there no proof like this for anything else




[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-29 Thread srijau
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am two degrees of separation. I have 
zero responsibility . I have never heard of millions on such legal fees. I 
don't know what you are claiming. I know a certain individual may have had 
sexual relations you may not approve of but you have also blanket dissaproved 
of all " true believers" I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It is okay, Srijau. No, actually I was told more recently by someone who has 
been around the top administration up there for decades, someone you (safely 
anonymously) probably work with up there or have been with:
 “It was way worse than you know. Millions ($) have been spent on legal fees.”
 Sounds something like the Weinstein Company.
 I am not going to name names on a public forum for the same reason you and 
they do not at least going to acknowledge what went on or could start to 
apologize: liability.  
 Peace and reconciliation? Restorative Justice? 
 No, the the movement can’t be in a position of apologizing let alone be 
acknowledging:: liability lawsuit  

 However, you and others in going forward could at least state who you are 
morally, that possibly you are not their hypocrisy.  
 Or, are you and your friends enabling the past?  
 Other than denying it, how do you reconcile it? Explain how you feel about it.
 I would like to consider it. 
 Kind Regards, D

 Shrijau writes:
 who exactly are you trying to slander by innuendo?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 .. Is it time now for the integrity of a secular Global Union of Scientists 
for Peace, GUSP https://www.gusp.org/ https://www.gusp.org/
 as the peace movement to be even more clearly separated, detached, from from 
the Global Country of World Peace, GCWP? Is it time to clearly dissociate the 
GUSP by even burying the GCWP, their crowns and all?  

 Workplace abuse.  But, he maintains, he never sexually harassed anyone.

 Who could/should coordinate the body of a modern peace movement?
 Could The Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) be associated with this?  
https://www.globalcountry.org https://www.globalcountry.org


 Srijau writes:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 there no proof like this for anything else



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-28 Thread srijau
who exactly are you trying to slander by innuendo Doug?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
.. Is it time now for the integrity of a secular Global Union of Scientists for 
Peace, GUSP https://www.gusp.org/ https://www.gusp.org/
 as the peace movement to be even more clearly separated, detached, from from 
the Global Country of World Peace, GCWP? Is it time to clearly dissociate the 
GUSP by even burying the GCWP, their crowns and all?  

 Workplace abuse.  But, he maintains, he never sexually harassed anyone.

 Who could/should coordinate the body of a modern peace movement?
 Could The Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) be associated with this?  
https://www.globalcountry.org https://www.globalcountry.org


 Srijau writes:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 there no proof like this for anything else



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-05-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Workplace abuse.  But, he maintains, he never sexually harassed anyone.

 Who could/should coordinate the body of a modern peace movement?
 Could The Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) be associated with this?  
https://www.globalcountry.org https://www.globalcountry.org


 Srijau writes:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 there no proof like this for anything else



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Abraham?

2017-09-03 Thread srijau
not just USA. Maharishi once made a joke about it, I think it was along the 
lines of sometimes I think we should just celebrate only the Jewish high 
holidays here as we have so many Jews. In Europe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Abraham? most proceptive re this & jews I believe

2017-09-02 Thread wleed3 wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
Quite correct I feel.

In a message dated 09/02/17 09:23:04 Eastern Daylight Time, 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com writes:

Not “over-represented” but interesting disproportionate number compared to a 
general population.  A universality in the Old Testament religion possibly 
predisposes a people brought up with that aspect to recognize what is a 
universal Unified Field that is opened in the essential transcendentalism 
teaching of ™. So some unorthodox of the old religions got it and hopped on 
right away with the experience of it.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm a mighty slow reader because of mild visual defect in my right eye 
So, it took me "this long" to be in the status of having read almost all of 
Rhoda's book Inside Maharishi's Ashram.

My impression is that at least 10 percent (maybe even more) of the family names 
of TMers and TM 
Governors in the book hint they might well be descendants of Abraham (Father of 
many??) and Sara (Princess).

So, are those Great People with Incredible Guts(?) "overrepresented" in the US 
TM movement?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Abraham?

2017-09-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Not “over-represented” but interesting disproportionate number compared to a 
general population.  A universality in the Old Testament religion possibly 
predisposes a people brought up with that aspect to recognize what is a 
universal Unified Field that is opened in the essential transcendentalism 
teaching of ™. So some unorthodox of the old religions got it and hopped on 
right away with the experience of it.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'm a mighty slow reader because of mild visual defect in my right eye 
 So, it took me "this long" to be in the status of having read almost all of 
Rhoda's book Inside Maharishi's Ashram.

 My impression is that at least 10 percent (maybe even more) of the family 
names of TMers and TM 
 Governors in the book hint they might well be descendants of Abraham (Father 
of many??) and Sara (Princess).

 So, are those Great People with Incredible Guts(?) "overrepresented" in the US 
TM movement?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 In a longer view of process it is likely okay in form for Mother India to 
achieve its independence, freedom and their country back from the Britain and 
the Raj of the East India Company but evidently much of India was left landless 
and in poverty because of the Raj. 

 "The real power of the uprising was in rural India," Mr Pathak tells the BBC.
 "The tragedy we find when we visit these villages is that the descendants of 
the rebels are still mired in poverty."

 ™’s fate with its Raja?  
 ..To be seen in how they behave with the group. 
 History can be instructive to a future, for those who have eyes to see.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Well actually this community 'process' now currently going on is a fourth time 
around with the meditating community, at least, in Fairfield with the TM 
movement and it has not necessarily gone well before for some previous 
reformists who attempted to change or streamline the TM movement’s ritual. I 
have thick files of minutes of these previous attempts at reform.

 And, More recently.. 
 leadership change in the TM community... 
 431494Re: Reformation and Renaissance  

 Bhairitu offers, That's why FFL stands for "Funny Farm Lounge". :

 srijau writes:

 you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself with 
this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Revolting (historically) against the Rajas..
 "Shah Mal and 26 leaders who were hanged on a banyan tree close to the village 
will be remembered.

 it was a mutiny of sepoys which spread to former rulers of northern India.

 ..of the many forgotten accounts of peasants and commoners, who were an 
essential part of the rebellion, the widespread extent of peasant participation,
 .. the rebels were hanged, and their lands were confiscated, auctioned off and 
redistributed among those who were loyal. 

 The villages that the British declared as baagi were the ones that had fought 
for independence, and which later faced heavy reprisals when the British 
regained control of the territories.
 ..records of 1858 sheds light on how the British attacked villages in Meerut. 
"The principal villages were successfully surrounded, a little after daybreak, 
by different parties told of. A considerable number of the men were killed; 40 
taken prisoners, 40 of whom were consequently hung…."

 "But, the role of the peasantry in the uprising has been glossed over by 
bourgeois historians,"

 ..known as sepoys, set off a rebellion against the British rule in 1857, often 
referred to as the first war of independence. Ordinary farmers took up arms to 
support them in the fight against the British, but their contribution has been 
largely forgotten."

 # Jai Guru You. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 An important component of the 1857 uprising were the "thousands of spontaneous 
peasants' jacqueries [revolt] all over northern India," writes cultural 
historian Sumanta Banerjee, in his book




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-14 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

That's why FFL stands for "Funny Farm Lounge". :-D

On 07/13/2017 07:34 PM, sri...@ymail.com wrote:

you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself 
with this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Well actually this community process now currently going on is a fourth time 
around with the meditating community, at least, in Fairfield with the TM 
movement and it has not necessarily gone well before for some previous 
reformists who attempted to change or streamline the TM movement’s ritual. I 
have thick files of minutes of these previous attempts at reform.

 And, More recently.. 
 leadership change in the TM community... 
 431494Re: Reformation and Renaissance  

srijau writes:
 you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself with 
this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Revolting (historically) against the Rajas..
 "Shah Mal and 26 leaders who were hanged on a banyan tree close to the village 
will be remembered.

 it was a mutiny of sepoys which spread to former rulers of northern India.

 ..of the many forgotten accounts of peasants and commoners, who were an 
essential part of the rebellion, the widespread extent of peasant participation,
 .. the rebels were hanged, and their lands were confiscated, auctioned off and 
redistributed among those who were loyal. 

 The villages that the British declared as baagi were the ones that had fought 
for independence, and which later faced heavy reprisals when the British 
regained control of the territories.
 ..records of 1858 sheds light on how the British attacked villages in Meerut. 
"The principal villages were successfully surrounded, a little after daybreak, 
by different parties told of. A considerable number of the men were killed; 40 
taken prisoners, 40 of whom were consequently hung…."

 "But, the role of the peasantry in the uprising has been glossed over by 
bourgeois historians,"

 ..known as sepoys, set off a rebellion against the British rule in 1857, often 
referred to as the first war of independence. Ordinary farmers took up arms to 
support them in the fight against the British, but their contribution has been 
largely forgotten."

 # Jai Guru You. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 An important component of the 1857 uprising were the "thousands of spontaneous 
peasants' jacqueries [revolt] all over northern India," writes cultural 
historian Sumanta Banerjee, in his book




[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-13 Thread srijau
you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself with 
this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-07 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Good essay, Archer.  And it seems that the enlightened potential comes further, 
more than just enlightened experience of spiritually awakening at levels coming 
in some heightened right and left brain synchrony, but cultivated.  Ammachi’s 
Swami making a pointed observation deserves some look at with regard to this.  
Rick Archer on BATGAP could explore this more with his interviews of the 

 Even for the enlightened..

 There are awakened people but the combination of awakening with compassion is 
a rare thing. There are plenty of awakened who care nothing. But by the 
combination of awakened grace like in Amma we will soon see light within 
 Divine Grace can help establish Peace, Peace from the heart Pervades.  

 ..Sympathy is not the same as empathy.. 

 (Cultivating Remedy) in these times:  1.mental purification (ethical/moral 
preparation action). 2.love(selfless service to others) 3.meditation(spiritual 

 -Ammachi/Swami notes, FFL post, 433168 

 ArcherAngel writes:

 [One of the features of "awakening" is the surprise. 
 All along you are expecting to come to pass what you have been taught, but 
real awakening is transcendental to this, goes beyond what you knew. 
 This is the transition from Unity to Brahman, when the illusion, as it is 
called, "that which is not" passes away. 
 The veil hiding and obscuring the experience of what is alleged to be reality 
 The term "that which is not" — Maya — is truly that, for in passing it never 
existed and the reality of what had always been experienced from the very 
beginning is seen to be what was sought.
 Nothing happened, the reality, such that a man can experience, was out in the 
open all the time, for all to see.
 This comes as a pleasant surprise for some, and less so for others, for it 
reveals that the path, all that one took for spirituality along the way was in 
fact the illusion in just another guise, that illusion you tried to overcome, 
by meditation and all the other modalities. 
 In becoming spiritual, you merely adopted another form of the mistake of the 
intellect, believing it knowledge while it really was just the same as what was 
abandoned as non spiritual.
 This does not negate the value of those techniques and learning, but they were 
merely a thorn to remove a thorn. 
 And meditation continues to be valuable but it serves another purpose now 
because that desire known as seeking simply disappears.
 Having found what you are, here and now, there is nowhere to go.
 Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness. And the knowledge 
in this end point has interesting ramifications, to say the least.
 Because the spiritual path has ended, the evolution after realization is 
trackless, there is not a path whatever, but still you must learn because all 
that came before is now seen as an illusion, as unreal, as not true and now you 
have what is true, and it is not what you thought.
 To reveal a truth, you were given a lie (the thorn that removes a thorn), and 
that lie was whatever you learned on the way. 
 Some people retreat from this, it can be so shocking if unprepared for it, and 
in the TM movement, there is almost no preparation for this, that the spiritual 
path was just another form of what you supposed you were escaping from, the 
unsatisfactory nature of life as an individual in a hostile world.
 It bolstered you with a belief in a better time to help get you over some of 
the hurdles.
 The real hurdle is that life is the same as it always was and now it must be 
met head on.
 There is no escape. But the perspective of enlightenment is different, in that 
knowing there is no escape with an absolute finality, eliminates the 
possibility of retreat into another fantasy.
 And now is the time to learn to live life, to embrace the art of living, now 
there is no excuse to avoid embracing life in all its difficulties.
 "You are the world" as they say and as such there is nowhere to hide from it, 
no more hiding behind illusions. 
 The learning that may have been so desperately sought really begins here, and 
you have to learn all by yourself.
 The spiritual path was prep work, not the final work. 
 As if TC, CC, GC, UC were elementary school, middle school, high school, and 
 But enlightenment is where you start to work on your post doctorate, where you 
are independent, there are no teachers, you learn by doing and coordinating 
your realization with world.
 This is the part that most meditators think meditation is going to accomplish, 
but the meditation was preparing you for this, making you strong enough for 
this so the job at hand would not be overwhelming. For some it might still be 
difficult, for others maybe easy.
 Even so, you have an imagined choice, if you like, to continue with others in 
this, or just be alone, because really there are no others. There is no group, 
there is only consciousness.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-06 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
One of the features of "awakening" is the surprise. 
All along you are expecting to come to pass what you have been taught, but real 
awakening is transcendental to this, goes beyond what you knew. 
This is the transition from Unity to Brahman, when the illusion, as it is 
called, "that which is not" passes away. 
The veil hiding and obscuring the experience of what is alleged to be reality 
The term "that which is not" — Maya — is truly that, for in passing it never 
existed and the reality of what had always been experienced from the very 
beginning is seen to be what was sought.
Nothing happened, the reality, such that a man can experience, was out in the 
open all the time, for all to see.
This comes as a pleasant surprise for some, and less so for others, for it 
reveals that the path, all that one took for spirituality along the way was in 
fact the illusion in just another guise, that illusion you tried to overcome, 
by meditation and all the other modalities. 
In becoming spiritual, you merely adopted another form of the mistake of the 
intellect, believing it knowledge while it really was just the same as what was 
abandoned as non spiritual.
This does not negate the value of those techniques and learning, but they were 
merely a thorn to remove a thorn. 
And meditation continues to be valuable but it serves another purpose now 
because that desire known as seeking simply disappears.
Having found what you are, here and now, there is nowhere to go.
Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness. And the knowledge 
in this end point has interesting ramifications, to say the least.
Because the spiritual path has ended, the evolution after realization is 
trackless, there is not a path whatever, but still you must learn because all 
that came before is now seen as an illusion, as unreal, as not true and now you 
have what is true, and it is not what you thought.
To reveal a truth, you were given a lie (the thorn that removes a thorn), and 
that lie was whatever you learned on the way. 
Some people retreat from this, it can be so shocking if unprepared for it, and 
in the TM movement, there is almost no preparation for this, that the spiritual 
path was just another form of what you supposed you were escaping from, the 
unsatisfactory nature of life as an individual in a hostile world.
It bolstered you with a belief in a better time to help get you over some of 
the hurdles.
The real hurdle is that life is the same as it always was and now it must be 
met head on.
There is no escape. But the perspective of enlightenment is different, in that 
knowing there is no escape with an absolute finality, eliminates the 
possibility of retreat into another fantasy.
And now is the time to learn to live life, to embrace the art of living, now 
there is no excuse to avoid embracing life in all its difficulties.
"You are the world" as they say and as such there is nowhere to hide from it, 
no more hiding behind illusions. 
The learning that may have been so desperately sought really begins here, and 
you have to learn all by yourself.
The spiritual path was prep work, not the final work. 
As if TC, CC, GC, UC were elementary school, middle school, high school, and 
But enlightenment is where you start to work on your post doctorate, where you 
are independent, there are no teachers, you learn by doing and coordinating 
your realization with world.
This is the part that most meditators think meditation is going to accomplish, 
but the meditation was preparing you for this, making you strong enough for 
this so the job at hand would not be overwhelming.
For some it might still be difficult, for others maybe easy.
Even so, you have an imagined choice, if you like, to continue with others in 
this, or just be alone, because really there are no others. There is no group, 
there is only consciousness.

  From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2016 1:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!
Evidently in more than ‘awakening’ spiritually, a further cultivation evidently 
is in what one can do with it.
Interestingly, in SRF (Self-Realization Foundation, Yogananda’s teaching) they 
start with moral development in a study sequence of material and then in  the 
sequence students learn meditation.  These are deep meditators.  For them 
meditation is not just secular relief of stress but essential spiritual 
cultivation in the sequence in developing the human being.  
Threefold, for instance Ammachi freely urges practitioners on in their 
cultivation of spiritual progress and incarnational embodiment essentially 
through: moral character development in a reading and study of elevated 
writings, cultivating spiritual practices of meditation, and thirdly being of 
self-less service to others, of help to others, actively.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-04 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Where the Buddha emphasized inner peace and the transcendence of samsara, 
Christ emphasized embodying divine humanity in the midst of samsara, embracing 
the human condition in order to serve those who are lost in ignorance.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Evidently in more than ‘awakening’ spiritually, a further cultivation is in 
what one can do with it.

 Threefold, for instance Ammachi freely urges practitioners on in their 
cultivation of spiritual progress and incarnational embodiment essentially 
through: moral character development in a reading and study of elevated 
writings, cultivating spiritual practices of meditation, and thirdly being of 
self-less service to others, of help to others, actively.

 Interestingly, in SRF (Self-Realization Foundation, Yogananda’s teaching) they 
start with moral development in a study sequence of material and then in  the 
sequence students learn meditation.  These are deep meditators.  For them 
meditation is not just secular relief of stress but essential spiritual 
cultivation in the sequence in developing the human being.


 TM in a personality split can have a context background of religious cultural 
or spiritual scriptural teachings on the Maharishi Foundation side and then 
being entirely sciency and secular Quiet Time meditation (David Lynch 
Foundation) working with stressed at-risk populations in schools, business, 
with veterans, or in jails. 

 From the git-go TM does not in presentation have commensurate moral character 
cultivation in practice like can be seen in other spiritual practice programs. 
It stays mostly clear of ethics. The science chart they do offer on ‘morality’ 
is about improved “moral reasoning”, saying that TM ‘ers are better at ‘moral 
reasoning’.  In which direction it is unclear or not spoken to.  (Possibly 
observed behavioral dissonance in the group culture could indicate more study 
is needed.)

 Yogananda (middle 20th Century) in teaching cultivation of service to others,  
 “Charity is born of sympathy. By sympathy, a quality of Omnipresence, a person 
may transfer his consciousness to that within suffering men; and experience, as 
his own, their griefs and limitations.  It is then that the charitable desiree 
to offer help springs forth.  
 Selfishness cramps the omnipresent soul in a miserable prison of limiting 
material desires.  You should desire salvation so that you may give it to 
everyone else.  You should desire to drink God’s nectar of bliss so that you 
may share it with all.” -Paramahansa Yogananda 

 Giovanni in his own personal review of meditations evidently holds not much 
credibility out to SRF(Yogananda) or Ammachi though these are two substantial 
teachers of meditation with an influence on culture also in the parliament of 
the current marketplace.

  Karunamayi urges people on also, "..even the enlightened continue to meditate"


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Archer Angel writing: then my mind has undergone a lot transformations in the 
last few years or so.
 ..the main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 


 You hear this more commonly in meditating Fairfield. But then once you get 
good at meditating like this, the geography of the silence becomes more 
familiar in meditation and then what you can do/intent with it inside the human 
makeup of the larger spiritual system. Beyond just awakening this would be the 
cultivation of where the larger Fairfield meditating community has gone on with 
their Being. 

Being with the experience of, no-mantra-no-thought, Giovanni, proposes a third: 
Effortless Presence.
..with focus attention meditation and open-monitoring meditating.   
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Giovanni writes saying, "..and I’m not here to create controversy." !


 "Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora 
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation."


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You 
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... 
http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.

 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Evidently in more than ‘awakening’ spiritually, a further cultivation 
evidently is in what one can do with it.

 Interestingly, in SRF (Self-Realization Foundation, Yogananda’s teaching) they 
start with moral development in a study sequence of material and then in  the 
sequence students learn meditation.  These are deep meditators.  For them 
meditation is not just secular relief of stress but essential spiritual 
cultivation in the sequence in developing the human being.  

 Threefold, for instance Ammachi freely urges practitioners on in their 
cultivation of spiritual progress and incarnational embodiment essentially 
through: moral character development in a reading and study of elevated 
writings, cultivating spiritual practices of meditation, and thirdly being of 
self-less service to others, of help to others, actively.


 TM in a personality split can have a context background of religious cultural 
or spiritual scriptural teachings on the Maharishi Foundation side and then 
being entirely sciency and secular Quiet Time meditation (David Lynch 
Foundation) working with stressed at-risk populations in schools, business, 
with veterans, or in jails. 

 From the git-go TM does not have commensurate moral character cultivation in 
practice like can be seen in other spiritual practice programs. It stays mostly 
clear of ethics. The science chart they do offer on ‘morality’ is about 
improved “moral reasoning”, saying that TM ‘ers are better at ‘moral 
reasoning’.  In which direction it is unclear or not spoken to.  (Possibly 
observed behavioral dissonance in the group culture could indicate more study 
is needed.)

 Yogananda (middle 20th Century) in teaching cultivation of service to others,  
 “Charity is born of sympathy. By sympathy, a quality of Omnipresence, a person 
may transfer his consciousness to that within suffering men; and experience, as 
his own, their griefs and limitations.  It is then that the charitable desiree 
to offer help springs forth.  
 Selfishness cramps the omnipresent soul in a miserable prison of limiting 
material desires.  You should desire salvation so that you may give it to 
everyone else.  You should desire to drink God’s nectar of bliss so that you 
may share it with all.” -Paramahansa Yogananda 

 Giovanni in his own personal review of meditations evidently holds not much 
credibility out to SRF(Yogananda) or Ammachi though these are two substantial 
teachers of meditation with an influence on culture also in the parliament of 
the current marketplace.

  Karunamayi also urges people on, "..even the enlightened continue to meditate"


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Archer Angel writing: then my mind has undergone a lot transformations in the 
last few years or so.
 ..the main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 


 You hear this more commonly in meditating Fairfield. But then once you get 
good at meditating like this, the geography of the silence becomes more 
familiar in meditation and then what you can do/intent with it inside the human 
makeup of the larger spiritual system. Beyond just awakening this would be the 
cultivation of where the larger Fairfield meditating community has gone on with 
their Being. 

Being with the experience of, no-mantra-no-thought, Giovanni, proposes a third: 
Effortless Presence.
..with focus attention meditation and open-monitoring meditating.   
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Giovanni writes saying, "..and I’m not here to create controversy." !


 "Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora 
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation."


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You 
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... 
http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.

 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:A sample of scientific research on mindfulness 
meditation, which is actually researched more than TM. The proprietary nature 
of TM teaching seems to restrict the possibilities of more directly comparative 
studies. The studies on TM are also mentioned.

 76 Scientific 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-03 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Indeed!Sounds reasonable.
 (an anecdotal experience that's not true):
 Some friends and I planned on going to the movies.  Part of the group left 
early to stare at the screen 1 full hour before the movie started.  I came in 
later as the previews were being shown, and encountered my group of friends 
staring at the white screen.
 I said, "What in the blazes are you doing?"Don't you know the screen is 
white?  They replied, "this is so fascinating, we just love to stare at the 
white screen and talk amongst ourselves after it's shown, comparing notes."
 I, otoh, replied that there's just so much fascination possible with the white 
movie screen, and the whole purpose of going to a move (after realizing that 
the screen is white)...is to view the images on/as the screen, while not losing 
knowledge of the whiteness. The whiteness can be noted in the brain and 
forgotten,...then on to the continuing infinite evolving universe! 
 The foregoing anecdotal experience is not true, but might be in some alternate 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 Archer Angel writing: then my mind has undergone a lot transformations in the 
last few years or so.
 ..the main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 


 You hear this more commonly in meditating Fairfield. But then once you get 
good at meditating like this, the geography of the silence becomes more 
familiar in meditation and then what you can do/intent with it inside the human 
makeup of the larger spiritual system. Beyond just awakening this would be the 
cultivation of where the larger Fairfield meditating community has gone on with 
their Being. 

Being with the experience of, no-mantra-no-thought, Giovanni, propose a third: 
Effortless Presence.
with focus attention and open-monitoring meditating.  

 Or, as Karunamayi urges people on, "..even the enlightened continue to 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Giovanni writes saying, "..and I’m not here to create controversy." !


 "Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora 
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation."


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You 
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... 
http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.

 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:A sample of scientific research on mindfulness 
meditation, which is actually researched more than TM. The proprietary nature 
of TM teaching seems to restrict the possibilities of more directly comparative 
studies. The studies on TM are also mentioned.

 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare 
 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare 
http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation/ Summary of the main scientific 
research on the benefits of meditation, covering the different types of 
meditation (Vipassana, TM, Yoga, Mindfulness, etc).

 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation/
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:An interesting article comparing mantra-based meditation 
with mindfulness meditation. Note the final paragraph.

 Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness http://shinzen.org/Articles/artMantra.htm 
 Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness http://shinzen.org/Articles/artMantra.htm Many 
people in the West get their first exposure to meditation through what is know 
as TM or Transcendental Meditation.

 View on shinzen.org http://shinzen.org/Articles/artMantra.htm
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:

 That is rather interesting. It confirms my experience with TM versus other 
types when I started. 

 More recently however the experience is they are all similar but then my mind 
has undergone a lot transformations in the last few years or so. 

 The main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 

 Basically as time goes on the contrasts of experience that a non-meditator or 
a new meditator experiences become less and less, although I think the time 
interval for this to occur varies a lot among individuals.

 My experience with the movement is they are not keen on making comprehensive 
comparisons with other meditations.

 From a scientific point of view, enlightenment is kind of undefined, 
consciousness is undefined, so designing an experiment that investigates what 
meditation is supposed to accomplish is currently impossible.

 So the tests are more superficial, such as levels of rest, or mental focus and 
some chemical changes in the blood.

 It is clear these other meditations do sometimes have a profound effect and 
result in enlightenment and that some take to them more easily than TM, but I 
do not think this is the majority case.

 I recall a newspaper article long ago where the author mentioned that people 
practicing TM found more success than with other types they tried. That was the 
case for me.

yifuxero writes:Thxhis phrase "all other types of meditation" only applies 
to the limited sample of the control group types, not literally "all types". No 
mention of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Giovanni writes saying, "..and I’m not here to create controversy." !


 "Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora 
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation."


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You 
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... 
http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.
 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Archer Angel writing:A sample of scientific research on mindfulness 
meditation, which is actually researched more than TM. The proprietary nature 
of TM teaching seems to restrict the possibilities of more directly comparative 
studies. The studies on TM are also mentioned.

 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare 
 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare 
http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation/ Summary of the main scientific 
research on the benefits of meditation, covering the different types of 
meditation (Vipassana, TM, Yoga, Mindfulness, etc).
 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Archer Angel writing:An interesting article comparing mantra-based meditation 
with mindfulness meditation. Note the final paragraph.

 Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness http://shinzen.org/Articles/artMantra.htm 
 Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness http://shinzen.org/Articles/artMantra.htm Many 
people in the West get their first exposure to meditation through what is know 
as TM or Transcendental Meditation. 
 View on shinzen.org http://shinzen.org/Articles/artMantra.htm 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Archer Angel writing:

 That is rather interesting. It confirms my experience with TM versus other 
types when I started. 

 More recently however the experience is they are all similar but then my mind 
has undergone a lot transformations in the last few years or so. 

 The main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 

 Basically as time goes on the contrasts of experience that a non-meditator or 
a new meditator experiences become less and less, although I think the time 
interval for this to occur varies a lot among individuals.

 My experience with the movement is they are not keen on making comprehensive 
comparisons with other meditations.

 From a scientific point of view, enlightenment is kind of undefined, 
consciousness is undefined, so designing an experiment that investigates what 
meditation is supposed to accomplish is currently impossible.

 So the tests are more superficial, such as levels of rest, or mental focus and 
some chemical changes in the blood.

 It is clear these other meditations do sometimes have a profound effect and 
result in enlightenment and that some take to them more easily than TM, but I 
do not think this is the majority case.

 I recall a newspaper article long ago where the author mentioned that people 
practicing TM found more success than with other types they tried. That was the 
case for me.

yifuxero writes:Thxhis phrase "all other types of meditation" only applies 
to the limited sample of the control group types, not literally "all types". No 
mention of Mindfulness.. No mention of Oxytocin levels which correlate to the 
feeling of compassionate awareness that could go farther toward a more complete 
description of meditative states than the Default mode. The default mode is 
limited in scope, since it doesn't involve activation of the polyvagal system. 
That's where compassion comes in.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..activity in the "default mode network" (DMN), which is a large-scale brain 
network involving areas in the front and back of the brain that are active when 
one's eyes are closed and one is following internal thoughts.

 perhaps reflecting..

 This could indicate..


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 New Research Validates Hallmark of Transcendental Meditation — Effortlessness
 A new study on MUM students by Fred Travis shows EEG patterns of the 
Transcendental Meditation® technique 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-01 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
 Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora 
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation.


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You 
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... 
http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.
 View on liveanddare.com http://liveanddare.com/types-of-meditation 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-01 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
A sample of scientific research on mindfulness meditation, which is actually 
researched more than TM. The proprietary nature of TM teaching seems to 
restrict the possibilities of more directly comparative studies. The studies on 
TM are also mentioned.
76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare

|   ||


|   |  
76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare
 Summary of the main scientific research on the benefits of meditation, 
covering the different types of meditatio...  |   |



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monospace;}#yiv3748131436 #yiv3748131436ygrp-mlmsg * 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-01 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
An interesting article comparing mantra-based meditation with mindfulness 
meditation. Note the final paragraph.
Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness

|   |  
Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness
   |  |



  From: "yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 1:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!
    Thxhis phrase "all other types of meditation" only applies to the 
limited sample of the control group types, not literally "all types". No 
mention of Mindfulness.. No mention of Oxytocin levels which correlate to the 
feeling of compassionate awareness that could go farther toward a more complete 
description of meditative states than the Default mode. The default mode is 
limited in scope, since it doesn't involve activation of the polyvagal system. 
That's where compassion comes in.
  #yiv1526795443 #yiv1526795443 -- #yiv1526795443ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1526795443 
#yiv1526795443ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1526795443 
#yiv1526795443ygrp-mkp #yiv1526795443hd 
0;}#yiv1526795443 #yiv1526795443ygrp-mkp #yiv1526795443ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1526795443 #yiv1526795443ygrp-mkp .yiv1526795443ad 
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{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1526795443 #yiv1526795443ygrp-sponsor 
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4px;}#yiv1526795443 .yiv1526795443bold 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1526795443 
dd.yiv1526795443last p span.yiv1526795443yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv1526795443 div.yiv1526795443attach-table div div a 
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div#yiv1526795443ygrp-mlmsg #yiv1526795443ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv1526795443green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv1526795443 .yiv1526795443MsoNormal 
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{margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv1526795443 #yiv1526795443ygrp-mlmsg 
{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetic

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-01 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
That is rather interesting. It confirms my experience with TM versus other 
types when I started. 
More recently however the experience is they are all similar but then my mind 
has undergone a lot transformations in the last few years or so. 
The main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 
Basically as time goes on the contrasts of experience that a non-meditator or a 
new meditator experiences become less and less, although I think the time 
interval for this to occur varies a lot among individuals.
My experience with the movement is they are not keen on making comprehensive 
comparisons with other meditations.
>From a scientific point of view, enlightenment is kind of undefined, 
>consciousness is undefined, so designing an experiment that investigates what 
>meditation is supposed to accomplish is currently impossible.
So the tests are more superficial, such as levels of rest, or mental focus and 
some chemical changes in the blood.
It is clear these other meditations do sometimes have a profound effect and 
result in enlightenment and that some take to them more easily than TM, but I 
do not think this is the majority case.
I recall a newspaper article long ago where the author mentioned that people 
practicing TM found more success than with other types they tried. That was the 
case for me.

  From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 1:09 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!
    ..activity in the "default mode network" (DMN), which is a large-scale 
brain network involving areas in the front and back of the brain that are 
active when one's eyes are closed and one is following internal thoughts.

perhaps reflecting..
This could indicate..

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <he...@hotmail.com> wrote :

| New Research Validates Hallmark of Transcendental Meditation — 
EffortlessnessA new study on MUM students by Fred Travis shows EEG patterns of 
the Transcendental Meditation® technique that distinguish it from other 
approaches to meditation and that validate the assertion that it's an 
effortless practice."Transcendental Meditation uses a mantra, and for this 
reason some researchers maintain that it involves focused attention and 
controlling the mind," Dr. Travis said. "This study supports the experience of 
people who practice Transcendental Meditation that it's easy to learn and 
effortless to practice."There were two key findings that suggest the technique 
is effortless and natural. First, the students who had been meditating for a 
month reported the same frequency of experiences of Transcendental 
Consciousness as those who had been meditating for five years."This supports 
the understanding that Transcendental Meditation uses the natural tendency of 
the mind to transcend — to move from active thinking to deep, inner silence," 
Dr. Travis said. "Extensive practice doesn't make a natural process go any 
better."The second finding deals with activity in the "default mode network" 
(DMN), which is a large-scale brain network involving areas in the front and 
back of the brain that are active when one's eyes are closed and one is 
following internal thoughts. DMN activity is high when a person just sits with 
his or her eyes closed, and low when one opens one's eyes and interacts with 
the world.The study reports that activity in the DMN remained high during 
Transcendental Meditation practice. In contrast, it decreases in all other 
types of meditation — since they involve focus and control of the mind. Indeed, 
the study found that the default mode network was as high during Transcendental 
Meditation practice as during eyes-closed rest, which is used as the benchmark 
for default mode network activity.However, Dr. Travis found two important 
differences between Transcendental Meditation and eyes-closed rest. Eyes-closed 
rest had more beta brain waves in areas of the brain associated with memory and 
motor aspects of speech production, perhaps reflecting the mental chatter that 
goes on when one's eyes are closed, Dr. Travis said.Transcendental Meditation 
had more theta brain waves in orbitofrontal areas associated with reward 
anticipation."This could indicate the movement of the mind to more charming 
levels of thought during transcending," Dr. Travis said. "The meditators' 
attention was absorbed in the inner march of the mind, attracted by the 
increasing charm of finer levels of mental functioning."
Works cited:
The Review, Vol 32, #6 |

   #yiv6146603940 #yiv6146603940 -- #yiv6146603940ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6146603940 
#yiv6146603940ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6146603940

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-01 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thxhis phrase "all other types of meditation" only applies to the limited 
sample of the control group types, not literally "all types". No mention of 
Mindfulness.. No mention of Oxytocin levels which correlate to the feeling of 
compassionate awareness that could go farther toward a more complete 
description of meditative states than the Default mode. The default mode is 
limited in scope, since it doesn't involve activation of the polyvagal system. 
That's where compassion comes in.


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
..activity in the "default mode network" (DMN), which is a large-scale brain 
network involving areas in the front and back of the brain that are active when 
one's eyes are closed and one is following internal thoughts.

 perhaps reflecting..

 This could indicate..


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 New Research Validates Hallmark of Transcendental Meditation — Effortlessness
 A new study on MUM students by Fred Travis shows EEG patterns of the 
Transcendental Meditation® technique that distinguish it from other approaches 
to meditation and that validate the assertion that it's an effortless practice.
 "Transcendental Meditation uses a mantra, and for this reason some researchers 
maintain that it involves focused attention and controlling the mind," Dr. 
Travis said. "This study supports the experience of people who practice 
Transcendental Meditation that it's easy to learn and effortless to practice."
 There were two key findings that suggest the technique is effortless and 
natural. First, the students who had been meditating for a month reported the 
same frequency of experiences of Transcendental Consciousness as those who had 
been meditating for five years.
 "This supports the understanding that Transcendental Meditation uses the 
natural tendency of the mind to transcend — to move from active thinking to 
deep, inner silence," Dr. Travis said. "Extensive practice doesn't make a 
natural process go any better."
 The second finding deals with activity in the "default mode network" (DMN), 
which is a large-scale brain network involving areas in the front and back of 
the brain that are active when one's eyes are closed and one is following 
internal thoughts. DMN activity is high when a person just sits with his or her 
eyes closed, and low when one opens one's eyes and interacts with the world.
 The study reports that activity in the DMN remained high during Transcendental 
Meditation practice. In contrast, it decreases in all other types of meditation 
— since they involve focus and control of the mind. Indeed, the study found 
that the default mode network was as high during Transcendental Meditation 
practice as during eyes-closed rest, which is used as the benchmark for default 
mode network activity.
 However, Dr. Travis found two important differences between Transcendental 
Meditation and eyes-closed rest. Eyes-closed rest had more beta brain waves in 
areas of the brain associated with memory and motor aspects of speech 
production, perhaps reflecting the mental chatter that goes on when one's eyes 
are closed, Dr. Travis said.
 Transcendental Meditation had more theta brain waves in orbitofrontal areas 
associated with reward anticipation.
 "This could indicate the movement of the mind to more charming levels of 
thought during transcending," Dr. Travis said. "The meditators' attention was 
absorbed in the inner march of the mind, attracted by the increasing charm of 
finer levels of mental functioning."

 Works cited:

 The Review, Vol 32, #6


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM in Hebrew?

2016-12-01 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Well, perhaps rather meditatsi, LOL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I don't know about the identity of ArchonAngel, but I do lean toward the belief 
that the "consideration" going on is between Doug and . . . Doug. I also think 
Doug hopes to implement a plan for FFL that he has had in mind since well 
before taking it over. 

 Why he can't just start another group designed to his specifications and leave 
FFL alone, I'm not sure.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Exactly. Expresses a kind of contempt for the people who actually post on this 
forum, don't you think?

Also, I suspect that "ArchonAngel" is just another alias of the one here who 
already has too many. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
...now you have me yawning, and I just woke up.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 Disagreeing with another's view is an expression of contempt for that view, 
particularly if that view is simply dismissed.

 This seems to be the human condition.

 Scientists express contempt for other scientists' views but they do have a 
method to resolve disputes.

 There does not seem to be an efficient method for this among spiritual or 
political groups.

 Who is behind this alias you are accusing me of being? I do not live in Texas, 
which you seem to imply.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2:05 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?
   Yep, thinking the same thing - just another texas two step...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Exactly. Expresses a kind of contempt for the people who actually post on this 
forum, don't you think?

Also, I suspect that "ArchonAngel" is just another alias of the one here who 
already has too many. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Disagreeing with another's view is an expression of contempt for that view, 
particularly if that view is simply dismissed.
This seems to be the human condition.
Scientists express contempt for other scientists' views but they do have a 
method to resolve disputes.
There does not seem to be an efficient method for this among spiritual or 
political groups.
Who is behind this alias you are accusing me of being? I do not live in Texas, 
which you seem to imply.

  From: "olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2:05 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?
    Yep, thinking the same thing - just another texas two step...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Exactly. Expresses a kind of contempt for the people who actually post on this 
forum, don't you think?

Also, I suspect that "ArchonAngel" is just another alias of the one here who 
already has too many. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Archer Angel writes:

Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  
You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  
I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return from 
some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 
I would look forward to your help with this.    -JaiGuruYou

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 
Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 
Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 
It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.  #yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328 
-- #yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1963874328 
#yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1963874328 
#yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp #yiv1963874328hd 
0;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp #yiv1963874328ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp .yiv1963874328ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp .yiv1963874328ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328ygrp-mkp .yiv1963874328ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv1963874328ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv1963874328 
#yiv1963874328ygrp-sponsor #yiv1963874328ygrp-lc #yiv1963874328hd {margin:10px 
#yiv1963874328ygrp-sponsor #yiv1963874328ygrp-lc .yiv1963874328ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv1963874328 
 #yiv1963874328activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv1963874328 
#yiv1963874328activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv1963874328 #yiv1963874328activity span 
.yiv1963874328underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1963874328 
0;width:400px;}#yiv1963874328 .yiv1963874328attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv1963874328 .yiv1963874328attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv1963874328 .yiv1963874328attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv1963874328 .yiv1963874328attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv1963874328 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv1963874328 .yiv1963874328bold 
.yiv1963874328bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1963874328 dd.yiv1963874328last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1963874328 dd.yiv1963874328last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1963874328 
dd.yiv1963874328last p span.yiv1963874328yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv1963874328 div.yiv1963874328attach-table div div a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yep, thinking the same thing - just another texas two step...
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Exactly. Expresses a kind of contempt for the people who actually post on this 
forum, don't you think?

Also, I suspect that "ArchonAngel" is just another alias of the one here who 
already has too many. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I notice that many male TM teachers seem to now be wearing a sort of standard 
uniform, a light tan suit. 

 Curious to me that people group by ideology rather than focus on discovery.

 Discovery undoes what was previously thought, disruptive to ideology.

 If you think you know what will be found, there is no point in looking.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No not all that here (uniforms, armbands and such) but at least there be a 
show of a willingness to participate within a framework of civility that the 
Yahoo-Groups does lay out to foster the group.  That has been made plenty clear 
as it is expected by Yahoo-groups that any group protect civility within 
discourse itself with self-moderation.  

Clearly some people are not as able at ‘doing’ groups as others and in extremes 
some individuals can be hurtful to the life of groups. There is a reliance on a 
co-operation of self-moderation that is expected or at least implied in 
participating in any group to facilitate communal benefit for individuals.  
Joining in to most any group there is a joining in willing conspiracy around 
mission.  Yahoo-Groups makes it clear that its groups should protect the life 
and mission of its individual groups themselves.  Clearly  Yahoo-groups asks 
for self-moderation of everyone in its groups and then it does provide tools to 
its groups for this. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We could all wear [virtual] uniforms, with armbands, and sing choruses of 
union and triumph over the lesser beings. Perhaps institute a pledge of 
spiritual allegiance, and march around too. Hey, I like where this is headed! 
What's next?
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 People's minds wander naturally but the Internet is a rather unruly place with 
short attention spans for most things and obsessions that seem to have infinite 
attention spans.  

 So something needs to keep focus a bit more collected.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Exactly. Expresses a kind of contempt for the people who actually post on this 
forum, don't you think?

Also, I suspect that "ArchonAngel" is just another alias of the one here who 
already has too many. 

 I think you're right. This guy has more aliases and spare time he likes to 
waste than most people I know.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread feste37
Exactly. Expresses a kind of contempt for the people who actually post on this 
forum, don't you think?

Also, I suspect that "ArchonAngel" is just another alias of the one here who 
already has too many. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 No not all that here (uniforms, armbands and such) but at least there be a 
show of a willingness to participate within a framework of civility that the 
Yahoo-Groups does lay out to foster the group.  That has been made plenty clear 
as it is expected by Yahoo-groups that any group protect civility within 
discourse itself with self-moderation.  

Clearly some people are not as able at ‘doing’ groups as others and in extremes 
some individuals can be hurtful to the life of groups. There is a reliance on a 
co-operation of self-moderation that is expected or at least implied in 
participating in any group to facilitate communal benefit for individuals.  
Joining in to most any group there is a joining in willing conspiracy around 
mission.  Yahoo-Groups makes it clear that its groups should protect the life 
and mission of its individual groups themselves.  Clearly  Yahoo-groups asks 
for self-moderation of everyone in its groups and then it does provide tools to 
its groups for this. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We could all wear [virtual] uniforms, with armbands, and sing choruses of 
union and triumph over the lesser beings. Perhaps institute a pledge of 
spiritual allegiance, and march around too. Hey, I like where this is headed! 
What's next?
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 People's minds wander naturally but the Internet is a rather unruly place with 
short attention spans for most things and obsessions that seem to have infinite 
attention spans.  

 So something needs to keep focus a bit more collected.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 No not all that here (uniforms, armbands and such) but at least there be a 
show of a willingness to participate within a framework of civility that the 
Yahoo-Groups does lay out to foster the group.  That has been made plenty clear 
as it is expected by Yahoo-groups that any group protect civility within 
discourse itself with self-moderation.  

Clearly some people are not as able at ‘doing’ groups as others and in extremes 
some individuals can be hurtful to the life of groups. There is a reliance on a 
co-operation of self-moderation that is expected or at least implied in 
participating in any group to facilitate communal benefit for individuals.  
Joining in to most any group there is a joining in willing conspiracy around 
mission.  Yahoo-Groups makes it clear that its groups should protect the life 
and mission of its individual groups themselves.  Clearly  Yahoo-groups asks 
for self-moderation of everyone in its groups and then it does provide tools to 
its groups for this. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We could all wear [virtual] uniforms, with armbands, and sing choruses of 
union and triumph over the lesser beings. Perhaps institute a pledge of 
spiritual allegiance, and march around too. Hey, I like where this is headed! 
What's next?
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 People's minds wander naturally but the Internet is a rather unruly place with 
short attention spans for most things and obsessions that seem to have infinite 
attention spans.  

 So something needs to keep focus a bit more collected.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
We could all wear [virtual] uniforms, with armbands, and sing choruses of union 
and triumph over the lesser beings. Perhaps institute a pledge of spiritual 
allegiance, and march around too. Hey, I like where this is headed! What's next?
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 People's minds wander naturally but the Internet is a rather unruly place with 
short attention spans for most things and obsessions that seem to have infinite 
attention spans.  

 So something needs to keep focus a bit more collected.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I was referring to how TM is advertised compared to results. 

 Eggs came before chickens.

 Dinosaurs are the ancestors of chickens.

 What came before dinosaurs and did the predecessors lay cracked eggs? That is 
what I want to know.

 It just seems something is missing from the understanding of TM meditators as 
a group, though I suppose there are individual exceptions.

 Groups sharing a common interested often show a collective insanity. I use 
that word in a loose fashion, as if one were talking of Jehovah's Witnesses or 
something like that.

 I think human being, in general, illustrate 'collective insanity'.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote : ---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.

 I don't think so but I don't think it 'cures' abnormality either. You seem to 
suggest TM should be able to do this but lots of people here have argued that 
TM has taken 'abnormal' people and made them psychotic or worse. I wouldn't 
necessarily go that far unless someone decided to drop everything and do 
something silly like enter into some Purusha or Mother Divine lifestyle. That 
could be enough to drive someone crazy but, then, what came first - the crazy 
chicken or the cracked egg?

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

 Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that?



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It should be noted that with the exception of Doug, the "consideration of 
proposals" he describes is not taking place among those who post to this group. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
People's minds wander naturally but the Internet is a rather unruly place with 
short attention spans for most things and obsessions that seem to have infinite 
attention spans.  

 So something needs to keep focus a bit more collected.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 I'm sorry, "My Maharishi"?



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 Didn't your Maharishi say something like "as you are so you are faced with?"

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Oh, sorry. It's just that we've come to associate Trump supporters with 
boorish behavior. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?
   Trump supporter, hmm?



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Archer Angel writes:


 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 


 Archer, I  hope you will stick around.  

 You bring up a good point about the branding of FairfieldLife over this 
Yahoo-Group.  There is still consideration going on of proposals as to making 
this spiritual yahoo-group heave to more exclusive topics of spiritual interest 
for this next month while so much of a higher spiritual order is going on in 
Fairfield, Iowa.  

 I may work on these proposals more particularly this next week as I return 
from some brief travels to that spiritual place of Fairfield, Iowa life. 

 I would look forward to your help with this.-JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 But as I did learn TM quite some time ago, "TM" is an abbreviation for 
Transcendental Meditation.

 It seems to be a variant of mantra yoga, and it was pretty easy to practice.

 There are other techniques, such as just sitting there, or noticing breathing.

 Thinking things over is usually called contemplation even though some call it 
meditation or meditations.

 As for mental phenomena, I would agree there is silence or not, or thinking or 
other experiences in the mind.

 My understanding of the word transcending is going beyond a certain range or 

 Many people seem to restrict their lives to a much narrower expanse.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is no "TM" - that's just an acronym made up by the Maharishi.  

 Meditation simply means "to think things over." Based on the definition of 
meditation, almost everyone on the entire planet thinks! 

 Nobody could go a single day without once or twice pausing to take stock of 
their own mental contents. And, we are all transcending, all the time. 

 There's no TM - there is only silence, or not, or a mind that thinks. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 To be clear this is NOT a group about TM but about people who have practiced 
TM and have that in common.  There are a lot of diverse interests here.
 On 10/10/2016 12:21 PM, Archer Angel archonangel@... mailto:archonangel@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.
 awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife] 
  Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk ! about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that? 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:archonangel@... wrote :
 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I did practice TM for a fair amount of time, but went on to other things due to 
unresponsive teachers unable to answer questions I had. 

 I have always had some trouble with the terminology used by spiritual groups.

 In the end it always seems inconsistent.

 Very few seem to talk this kind of talk as if they knew what it meant. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Preciselybesides there seems to be differing opinions on what's 
"spiritual". Also, I question the completeness of TM as a technique leading to 
Enlightenment. It might be a good start but I haven't seen much evidence that 
it activates the Kundalini and opens the chakras, especially the ajna or 3-rd 
eye chakra (the subtle anatomy of which is described in the Kundalini Care 
book.)   Limiting the topic to purusha would be a woefully inadequate approach, 
imo; even by MMY;'s standards since Brahman has two-in-One aspects. All of 
relative existence counts for something.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Didn't your Maharishi say something like "as you are so you are faced with?"

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Oh, sorry. It's just that we've come to associate Trump supporters with 
boorish behavior. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?
   Trump supporter, hmm?



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I was referring to how TM is advertised compared to results. 

 Eggs came before chickens.

 Dinosaurs are the ancestors of chickens.

 It just seems something is missing from the understanding of TM meditators as 
a group, though I suppose there are individual exceptions.

 Groups sharing a common interested often show a collective insanity. I use 
that word in a loose fashion, as if one were talking of Jehovah's Witnesses or 
something like that.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote : ---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.

 I don't think so but I don't think it 'cures' abnormality either. You seem to 
suggest TM should be able to do this but lots of people here have argued that 
TM has taken 'abnormal' people and made them psychotic or worse. I wouldn't 
necessarily go that far unless someone decided to drop everything and do 
something silly like enter into some Purusha or Mother Divine lifestyle. That 
could be enough to drive someone crazy but, then, what came first - the crazy 
chicken or the cracked egg?

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

 Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread anon_alias
There is no "TM" - that's just an acronym made up by the Maharishi.  

 Meditation simply means "to think things over." Based on the definition of 
meditation, almost everyone on the entire planet thinks! 

 Nobody could go a single day without once or twice pausing to take stock of 
their own mental contents. And, we are all transcending, all the time. 

 There's no TM - there is only silence, or not, or a mind that thinks. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 To be clear this is NOT a group about TM but about people who have practiced 
TM and have that in common.  There are a lot of diverse interests here.
 On 10/10/2016 12:21 PM, Archer Angel archonangel@... mailto:archonangel@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.
 awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife] 
  Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk ! about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that? 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:archonangel@... wrote :
 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Preciselybesides there seems to be differing opinions on what's 
"spiritual". Also, I question the completeness of TM as a technique leading to 
Enlightenment. It might be a good start but I haven't seen much evidence that 
it activates the Kundalini and opens the chakras, especially the ajna or 3-rd 
eye chakra (the subtle anatomy of which is described in the Kundalini Care 
book.)   Limiting the topic to purusha would be a woefully inadequate approach, 
imo; even by MMY;'s standards since Brahman has two-in-One aspects. All of 
relative existence counts for something.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Oh, sorry. It's just that we've come to associate Trump supporters with boorish 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?
   Trump supporter, hmm?



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.

 I don't think so but I don't think it 'cures' abnormality either. You seem to 
suggest TM should be able to do this but lots of people here have argued that 
TM has taken 'abnormal' people and made them psychotic or worse. I wouldn't 
necessarily go that far unless someone decided to drop everything and do 
something silly like enter into some Purusha or Mother Divine lifestyle. That 
could be enough to drive someone crazy but, then, what came first - the crazy 
chicken or the cracked egg?

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

 Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
To be clear this is NOT a group about TM but about people who have 
practiced TM and have that in common.  There are a lot of diverse 
interests here.

On 10/10/2016 12:21 PM, Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.

*From:* "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Monday, October 10, 2016 4:34 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM

Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the 
intelligence or behavior that is supposed to result from TM.

Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the 
subject matter here.

It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front 
of our computers and talk ! about yoga postures, politics and each 
other. We have been doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single 
one of us (except one and she is the most normal-sounding person here) 
has practiced TM at some time or another in our lives for years, even 
decades. What do you think of that?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
So TM fosters abnormality? That would seem to make sense.

  From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 
Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 
Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 
It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.
Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that?  
#yiv7951477016 #yiv7951477016 -- #yiv7951477016ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7951477016 
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p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7951477016 dd.yiv7951477016last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7951477016 
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#yiv7951477016 div.yiv7951477016photo-title a:active, #yiv7951477016 
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div.yiv7951477016photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv7951477016 
div#yiv7951477016ygrp-mlmsg #yiv7951477016ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv7951477016green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv7951477016 .yiv7951477016MsoNormal 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

Trump supporter, hmm?
Must be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 
Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 
Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 
It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.  #yiv5168188912 #yiv5168188912 
-- #yiv5168188912ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5168188912 
#yiv5168188912ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5168188912 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM?
    Trump supporter, hmm?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonangel@...> wrote :

I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 
Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 
Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 
It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.  #yiv0553827085 #yiv0553827085 
-- #yiv0553827085ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0553827085 
#yiv0553827085ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0553827085 
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0;}#yiv0553827085 #yiv0553827085ygrp-mkp #yiv0553827085ads 
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4px;}#yiv0553827085 .yiv0553827085bold 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv0553827085 
dd.yiv0553827085last p span.yiv0553827085yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv0553827085 div.yiv0553827085attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0553827085 div.yiv0553827085attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv0553827085 div.yiv0553827085file-title a, #yiv0553827085 
div.yiv0553827085file-title a:active, #yiv0553827085 
div.yiv0553827085file-title a:hover, #yiv0553827085 div.yiv0553827085file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv0553827085 div.yiv0553827085photo-title a, 
#yiv0553827085 div.yiv0553827085photo-title a:active, #yiv0553827085 
div.yiv0553827085photo-title a:hover, #yiv0553827085 
div.yiv0553827085photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv0553827085 
div#yiv0553827085ygrp-mlmsg #yiv0553827085ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv0553827085green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv0553827085 .yiv0553827085MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv0553827085 o {font-size:0;}#yiv0553827085 
#yiv0553827085photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv0553827085 
#yiv0553827085photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv0553827085photos div label 
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{margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv0553827085 #yiv0553827085ygrp-mlmsg 
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{font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv0553827085 
#yiv0553827085ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv0553827085 code

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

 Yes, we are all insane. We have nothing better to do than sit in front of our 
computers and talk about yoga postures, politics and each other. We have been 
doing this for years. Unfortunately, every single one of us (except one and she 
is the most normal-sounding person here) has practiced TM at some time or 
another in our lives for years, even decades. What do you think of that?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Trump supporter, hmm?

 Must be.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM?

2016-10-10 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Trump supporter, hmm? 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

 Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

 Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

 It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Legacy

2016-05-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Foul up, fess up, fix up. Yep, it is 'foul'. 

 That was a funny misprint in the article text. But can we trust the new 
ordering of TM leadership now? Is it enough to just change a horse and keep 
going without acknowledging how it has gone and clearly remediating towards a 

 Some earnest people talk now about some 'Peace and Reconciliation' with the 
meditating community now as if it can just happen with a new old person in 
place. Acknowledgment likely will have to include action in remediation, both 
at the same time to demonstrate trust. 

 It will be extremely important to see and hear what Dr. Hagelin first has to 
say about all this as he returns to Fairfield and speaks to the community.  

 This is going to take some extraordinary leadership in TM. Decades have been 
spent separating meditators from the TM movement. The communal question being 
asked in the meditating community right back which I hear in asking for 
people's reaction to Bevan's being relieved of command is, whether Hagelin can 
be trusted(?).

 As this NPRadio article points out by this other scandal in example, in the 
meditating community a lot is 'known'.  As the article points out it will 
likely take direct acknowledgment and active remediation a the same time to 
more directly prove trust so as to get beyond and move past all the scandal in 
this community. This will take some doing and more than just some apology. As 
the article says and the corporate examples further below do show in this 
thread: in a corporate foul up ..fess up, fix up. That becomes the job of 

 Example does show that it may take an activated third-generation to really do 
the correction necessary to set things right within TM and then be able to 
invite and to have meditators come back. Some of our third-generation 
meditators have recently been extremely helpful inside to having moved this 
recent change in TM leadership this far.

 In FFL,


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


  ‘Issues Management’ 


 A fair example for TM:

 “..But in this kind of a situation, there's a saying in our business. The 
three F's are involved - fowl up, 

 What?! There were birds involved?? ;-)

 'fess up, fix up. And I think that the fowl up stage is pretty clear. And now 
it's time to 'fess up and now fix up.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


  ‘Issues Management’ 


 A fair example for TM:

 “..But in this kind of a situation, there's a saying in our business. The 
three F's are involved - fowl up, 'fess up, fix up. And I think that the fowl 
up stage is pretty clear. And now it's time to 'fess up and now fix up.

 KELLY: So it sounds like if you were on this account, part of your strategy 
would be looking forward. Look at what's past as past.

 GRABOWSKI: Absolutely.
 KELLY: We're headed to the future.
 GRABOWSKI: There's always an apology involved. We're sorry we did this. It was 
a mistake. But then you move forward. You don't dwell on the mistake.
 KELLY: OK. So flush this out a little bit for me - how a good publicist goes 
about spinning this, particularly in a case like this, where, as we've said, 
Russia isn't denying that its athletes doped. The facts are out there. Where do 
you go next?
 GRABOWSKI: Well, see I - and I would take issue with the term spinning in this 
particular case because I think there's an acknowledgment that some mischief - 
some malfeasance occurred. They're explaining what they have been doing and 
what they're doing to correct it. And I think that that's where, you know, 
credibility's going to be tested.
 And then they have to look forward. You can trust us. We have learned our 
lesson. We're moving forward. It's classic. "

 For example,

 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Doping Scandal 
 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Dopi... 
 Russia's track and field program is banned from international competition 
because of a doping scandal. Mary Louise Kelly talks to Gene Grabowski, ...

 View on www.npr.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 Untermyer: "Is not commercial credit based primarily upon money or property?"
Morgan: "No, sir, the first thing is character."
Untermyer: "Before money or property?"
Morgan: "Before money or anything else. Money cannot buy it."


 -December 1912, financier John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Legacy

2016-05-21 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


  ‘Issues Management’ 


 A fair example for TM:

 “..But in this kind of a situation, there's a saying in our business. The 
three F's are involved - fowl up, 

 What?! There were birds involved?? ;-)

 'fess up, fix up. And I think that the fowl up stage is pretty clear. And now 
it's time to 'fess up and now fix up.

 KELLY: So it sounds like if you were on this account, part of your strategy 
would be looking forward. Look at what's past as past.

 GRABOWSKI: Absolutely.
 KELLY: We're headed to the future.
 GRABOWSKI: There's always an apology involved. We're sorry we did this. It was 
a mistake. But then you move forward. You don't dwell on the mistake.
 KELLY: OK. So flush this out a little bit for me - how a good publicist goes 
about spinning this, particularly in a case like this, where, as we've said, 
Russia isn't denying that its athletes doped. The facts are out there. Where do 
you go next?
 GRABOWSKI: Well, see I - and I would take issue with the term spinning in this 
particular case because I think there's an acknowledgment that some mischief - 
some malfeasance occurred. They're explaining what they have been doing and 
what they're doing to correct it. And I think that that's where, you know, 
credibility's going to be tested.
 And then they have to look forward. You can trust us. We have learned our 
lesson. We're moving forward. It's classic. "

 For example,

 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Doping Scandal 
 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Dopi... 
 Russia's track and field program is banned from international competition 
because of a doping scandal. Mary Louise Kelly talks to Gene Grabowski, ...

 View on www.npr.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Legacy

2016-05-20 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  ‘Issues Management’ 


 A fair example for TM:

 “..But in this kind of a situation, there's a saying in our business. The 
three F's are involved - fowl up, 'fess up, fix up. And I think that the fowl 
up stage is pretty clear. And now it's time to 'fess up and now fix up.

 KELLY: So it sounds like if you were on this account, part of your strategy 
would be looking forward. Look at what's past as past.

 GRABOWSKI: Absolutely.
 KELLY: We're headed to the future.
 GRABOWSKI: There's always an apology involved. We're sorry we did this. It was 
a mistake. But then you move forward. You don't dwell on the mistake.
 KELLY: OK. So flush this out a little bit for me - how a good publicist goes 
about spinning this, particularly in a case like this, where, as we've said, 
Russia isn't denying that its athletes doped. The facts are out there. Where do 
you go next?
 GRABOWSKI: Well, see I - and I would take issue with the term spinning in this 
particular case because I think there's an acknowledgment that some mischief - 
some malfeasance occurred. They're explaining what they have been doing and 
what they're doing to correct it. And I think that that's where, you know, 
credibility's going to be tested.
 And then they have to look forward. You can trust us. We have learned our 
lesson. We're moving forward. It's classic. "

 For example,

 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Doping Scandal 
 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Dopi... 
 Russia's track and field program is banned from international competition 
because of a doping scandal. Mary Louise Kelly talks to Gene Grabowski, ...
 View on www.npr.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 Untermyer: "Is not commercial credit based primarily upon money or property?"
Morgan: "No, sir, the first thing is character."
Untermyer: "Before money or property?"
Morgan: "Before money or anything else. Money cannot buy it."


 -December 1912, financier John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan testified in Washington 
before the Bank and Currency Committee of the House of Representatives 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ethical behavior..
 Corporate 'VW' is another good example of how ethical behavior has now become 
a 'leading economic indicator'. Some poor 'moral reasoning' by some few and 
then billions of dollars in the balance in the market. 

 Given the high-speed of news in the internet era a culture of ethical 
standards and the consequent of both personal and corporate behavior it seems 
can not be ignored. Given a legacy evidently ethical standards and behavior is 
likely an important lesson for leadership study and re-set within TM, going 
forward. Have they really changed? It seems still quite opaque to see through. 


 “..did senior executives deliberately turn a blind eye?
 Mr Horn said that his own company in Germany deceived him, after failing to 
admit that the "cheat" was the reason there was such a discrepancy between 
laboratory tests and on-the-road performance.

 "It is wrong to put corporate profits before people," Mr Horn said, saying the 
software change was down to a "couple of engineers". 
 ..And this raises serious questions about an internal culture at VW that 
appears to have allowed an engineering department in Germany to operate in 
secret and outside the control of the business. 

 The second big lesson from yesterday came when Mr Horn laid the blame for VW's 
actions on "pressure in the system to get resolutions and also cost pressure" 

 What's more, it's emerging that VW executives may have been warned about the 
scam at least two years ago.
 In the US, lawyers are still seeking action against employees of General 
Motors some two years after the carmaker began recalling cars with dangerous 
ignition faults.
 If VW can't identify who knew what, aggressive lawyers may do so.”


 VW execs testify in US Congress:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "Ethics as A Leading Economic Indicator? What Went Wrong? ..” Would make a 
great title to a scholarly research paper around TM and the life-cycle of the 
TM movement. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-25 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, a similar split between religionists and spiritual practitioners is in TM 
between those who hold forth (Bevanites) that Fairfield or the TM movement 'is 
for those who have faith and belief in Maharishi and everyone else should 
leave', and then individual practitioners whose spiritual experience with 
meditation is sufficient and convincing.  \  i.e., Rick Archer’s Batgap.com \   
 Strict TM religionists long represented by Bevan on one side and then 
individual transcendent meditationists as spiritual practitioners on the other 
side.  The practitioners have tended to have distanced themselves or they have 
been actively ‘separated’ or ‘disowned’ administratively from the institutions 
of TM, as TM is led by force of a personality.  History is instructive on the 
nature of this separation between religionists and spiritual people by 



S3 writes: Re "Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker":  

 Yes, thanks for those limpid sentences. Can't imagine The Pope or Archbishop 
of Canterbury ever coming up with words like that.

 Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am 
I in the midst of them." The problems begin when a crowd gathers! Then the 
worship sinks to the level of the lowest common denominator.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker.  Unfortunately, the 
middle of the 19th century witnessed a decline in the liberal theology of 
George Fox; as the Fundamentalist perspective gained ascendance in the UK and 
the U.S. 
 - for example with John Nelson Darby (1800 - 1882) coming to the U.S. and 
spreading the "Rapture" idea.  This brand of Christianity represented a retreat 
into dogma and strict Biblical interpretation with no latitude whatsoever for 
interior Gnosis.
 Let's see what CT (Christianity Today) has to say about George Fox.  Offhand, 
I'd say that they merely tolerate him with great reluctance.  The notion of 
interior "light" or Gnosis is anathema even in the liberal branches of 
Christianity represented by that Magazine.

 George Fox 
 George Fox 
 First friend
 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor 
wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some 
place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God simply, as if none 
were present but the Lord, and here thou art strong.  When the next that come 
in, let them in simplicity and heart sit down and turn to the same Light, and 
wait in the Spirit, and so all the rest coming in fear of the Lord sit down in 
pure stillness and silence of all flesh, and wait in the Light.  A few that are 
thus gathered by the arm of the Lord into the unity of the Spirit, this is a 
sweet and precious meeting in which all are met with the Lord…. Those who are 
brought to a pure, still waiting on God in the Spirit are come nearer to God 
than words are… though not a word be spoken to the hearing of the ear. In such 
a meeting where the presence and power of God is felt, there will be an 
unwillingness to part asunder, being ready to say in yourselves, it is good to 
be here, and this is the end of all words and writings, to bring people to the 
eternal living word.”  -1660
 -Alexander Parker, Letters of Early Friends, ed. A.R. Barclay (London; Darton 
and Harvey, 1841), pp. 365-66.  Alexander Parker was a close companion of 
George Fox.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Text from Northern Europe I'd like to track down is an essay that was written 
from jail in Bern by Inspirationists who were at the risk of a conviction for 
heresy and a death sentence. The essay was a crafted explanation of their 
separatist spirituality, written judiciously in defense so as to get themselves 
out of jail without tripping wires. They got out of jail that time (..and 
eventually came to America).

 The inquisitors or magistrates in these circumstances went after what people 
'believed' by extracting from them statements of their creeds. Not with an 
interest in context of people's experience but what did they 'believe', point 
by point. There being a Church ideological disinterest in people's experience, 
unless of course the 'experience' could convict the separatist. If once moved 
on to a religionist's turf of comparing 'creeds', “..what exactly do you 
believe?”, then it is all over for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-24 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Re "Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker":  

 Yes, thanks for those limpid sentences. Can't imagine The Pope or Archbishop 
of Canterbury ever coming up with words like that.

 Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am 
I in the midst of them." The problems begin when a crowd gathers! Then the 
worship sinks to the level of the lowest common denominator.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker.  Unfortunately, the 
middle of the 19th century witnessed a decline in the liberal theology of 
George Fox; as the Fundamentalist perspective gained ascendance in the UK and 
the U.S. - for example with John Nelson Darby (1800 - 1882) coming to the U.S. 
and spreading the "Rapture" idea.  This brand of Christianity represented a 
retreat into dogma and strict Biblical interpretation with no latitude 
whatsoever for interior Gnosis.
 Let's see what CT (Christianity Today) has to say about George Fox.  Offhand, 
I'd say that they merely tolerate him with great reluctance.  The notion of 
interior "light" or Gnosis is anathema even in the liberal branches of 
Christianity represented by that Magazine.

 George Fox 
 George Fox 
 First friend

 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-24 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker.  Unfortunately, the middle 
of the 19th century witnessed a decline in the liberal theology of George Fox; 
as the Fundamentalist perspective gained ascendance in the UK and the U.S. - 
for example with John Nelson Darby (1800 - 1882) coming to the U.S. and 
spreading the "Rapture" idea.  This brand of Christianity represented a retreat 
into dogma and strict Biblical interpretation with no latitude whatsoever for 
interior Gnosis.
 Let's see what CT (Christianity Today) has to say about George Fox.  Offhand, 
I'd say that they merely tolerate him with great reluctance.  The notion of 
interior "light" or Gnosis is anathema even in the liberal branches of 
Christianity represented by that Magazine.

 George Fox 
 George Fox 
 First friend
 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-24 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
“… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor 
wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some 
place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God simply, as if none 
were present but the Lord, and here thou art strong.  When the next that come 
in, let them in simplicity and heart sit down and turn to the same Light, and 
wait in the Spirit, and so all the rest coming in fear of the Lord sit down in 
pure stillness and silence of all flesh, and wait in the Light.  A few that are 
thus gathered by the arm of the Lord into the unity of the Spirit, this is a 
sweet and precious meeting in which all are met with the Lord…. Those who are 
brought to a pure, still waiting on God in the Spirit are come nearer to God 
than words are… though not a word be spoken to the hearing of the ear. In such 
a meeting where the presence and power of God is felt, there will be an 
unwillingness to part asunder, being ready to say in yourselves, it is good to 
be here, and this is the end of all words and writings, to bring people to the 
eternal living word.”  -1660
 -Alexander Parker, Letters of Early Friends, ed. A.R. Barclay (London; Darton 
and Harvey, 1841), pp. 365-66.  Alexander Parker was a close companion of 
George Fox.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Text from Northern Europe I'd like to track down is an essay that was written 
from jail in Bern by Inspirationists who were at the risk of a conviction for 
heresy and a death sentence. The essay was a crafted explanation of their 
separatist spirituality, written judiciously in defense so as to get themselves 
out of jail without tripping wires. They got out of jail that time (..and 
eventually came to America).

 The inquisitors or magistrates in these circumstances went after what people 
'believed' by extracting from them statements of their creeds. Not with an 
interest in context of people's experience but what did they 'believe', point 
by point. There being a Church ideological disinterest in people's experience, 
unless of course the 'experience' could convict the separatist. If once moved 
on to a religionist's turf of comparing 'creeds', “..what exactly do you 
believe?”, then it is all over for spirituality and spiritual people.  (Same 
kind of trials of transcendentalists by religionists subsequently coming to 
America, held by the Puritan colony the ISIS of that day.)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..Lot of spiritual people [transcendentalists by other names] fled moving from 
Europe to America.  That can be mapped.  Likewise a Lot practicing meditators 
have skirted around and left the TMO as it became doctrine bound, overtly 
administrative, and itself more a belief-based (religious?) culture. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excerpts that I heard presented in papers at a conference sounded very similar 
to Barclay's Apology and not unlike a defended sort of fear that practicing TM 
meditators contend with in the TMO's guidelines and administrative inquisitions 
that are held in Fairfield around being able to stay in or even attend 
sanctioned group meditations in the Domes.
 Barclay's Apology

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Does TM have any European antecedents?


 These old writings reference other writings coming from around Europe, the 
lowlands, France and Spain and Austria. Through history these spiritual people 
would have to take periodic refuge from the religion of the day and so they 
moved around with their experiences too.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was at a conference not long ago where papers were given by scholars who 
recently have translated old German texts, letters, pamphlets, and tracts of 
satsang-like spiritual groups that were in Northern Europe. Some of these old 
texts were of the Community of True Inspiration, from their own long line of 
mystics going way back who existed in satsanga 'separately' through time while 
the Roman and Orthodox Churches and then subsequently the institutional 
Lutheran churches were each doing their religious persecuting thing. In these 
works of the separatists were overlapping writings from around Europe from 
spiritual luminaries of different decades and centuries. 
 This is recent scholarly work translating this material by American born and 
reared scholars raised speaking German within their families. A best of both 
mother tongues?  Their translations make nice reading as these scholars are 
fluent in both German and English. 

  From this material it is evident that those spiritual folks who surfaced by 
generation or so as leaders or spokespersons by force of spiritual experience 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Text from Northern Europe I'd like to track down an essay that was written from 
jail in Bern by Inspirationists who were at the risk of a conviction for heresy 
and a death sentence. The essay was a crafted explanation of their separatist 
spirituality, written judiciously in defense so as to get themselves out of 
jail without tripping wires. They got out of jail that time.

 The inquisitors or magistrates in these circumstances went after what people 
'believed' by extracting from them statements of their creeds. Not with an 
interest in context of people's experience but what did they 'believe', point 
by point. There being a Church ideological disinterest in people's experience, 
unless of course the 'experience' could convict the separatist. If once moved 
on to a religionist's turf of comparing 'creeds', “..what exactly do you 
believe?”, then it is all over for spirituality and spiritual people.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..Lot of spiritual people [transcendentalists by other names] fled moving from 
Europe to America.  That can be mapped.  A Lot like practicing meditators have 
skirted around and left the TMO as it became doctrine bound, overtly 
administrative, and itself more a belief-based (religious?) culture. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excerpts that I heard presented in papers at a conference sounded very similar 
to Barclay's Apology and not unlike a defended sort of fear that practicing TM 
meditators contend with in the TMO's guidelines and administrative inquisitions 
that are held in Fairfield around being able to stay in or even attend 
sanctioned group meditations in the Domes.
 Barclay's Apology

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Does TM have any European antecedents?


 These old writings reference other writings coming from around Europe, the 
lowlands, France and Spain and Austria. Through history these spiritual people 
would have to take periodic refuge from the religion of the day and so they 
moved around with their experiences too.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was at a conference not long ago where papers were given by scholars who 
recently have translated old German texts, letters, pamphlets, and tracts of 
satsang-like spiritual groups that were in Northern Europe. Some of these old 
texts were of the Community of True Inspiration, from their own long line of 
mystics going way back who existed in satsanga 'separately' through time while 
the Roman and Orthodox Churches and then subsequently the institutional 
Lutheran churches were each doing their religious persecuting thing. In these 
works of the separatists were overlapping writings from around Europe from 
spiritual luminaries of different decades and centuries. 
 This is recent scholarly work translating this material by American born and 
reared scholars raised speaking German within their families. A best of both 
mother tongues?  Their translations make nice reading as these scholars are 
fluent in both German and English. 

  From this material it is evident that those spiritual folks who surfaced by 
generation or so as leaders or spokespersons by force of spiritual experience 
are like more powerfully transforming people we could recognize today like 
Ammachi, Meera, John Douglas, Janet Sussman, Connie Huebner and such folks. 
Different than just religionists each have Quietism running through the 
cultural DNA of their spirituality and teaching.  


yifuxero writes: 

 Thanks for the followup discussions!  I had to google Lollardy to find out 
more.  In that it's associated with Wycliffe and many Lollards were his 
followers; it appears that relating to the eventual development of Quietism, 
Wycliffe may have been in some ways a setback.  His "Bible" only viewpoint help 
set many free from the clutches of Catholicism and present day Evangelicals 
rank him as one of the greatest of all-star predecessors to the antinomianism 
we see today in say, the Southern Baptists.
   Unfortunately, there seems to be no strain of Self(Gnosis) revelation in 
Wycliffe, unlike Fox who in my book was one of the greatest of the 
Enlightenment pioneers.   Hencesegue to modern practitioners of meditation 
that have inherited the Quietist inspiration.

  The concept of cultural DNA is fascinating and makes the Provenance question 
all the more difficult to simplify in something like an unbroken linear tree 
(as may be found in Shankara's Tradition or  among the Patriarchs of Jerusalem 
  Such topics no doubt may provide fuel for a host of Phd dissertations, but 
there's one aspect of transmission such scholars would rather not touch upon 
due to political or cultural correctness:  That is - by way of example 

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