Re: just bummed

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

That colostrum is good stuff for kitties...


On 7/11/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One not-heartbreaking thing is the fact that little MeMe has you to care
for her and by your very caring she is better than otherwise.  Did I mention
bovine colostrum from a health food store?  It smells just like vanilla ice
cream and most of them will lick it right off the end of your finger--just
wet it and dip it in the powder.  You can also take it yourself--it is an
immune system booster used for humans as well.  I have a friend who had her
colon removed on it daily.

When my precious 3 Orange Boyz were still being bottle fed they didn't
care for First Born either.  They wanted the other stuff but it didn't have
colostrum in it, soi I was stumped.  I finally gave them the straight
colostrum from my finger, yum yum!  Start with 1/4 cap--it's rich and we
don't want litle barfing kitties, that's for sure.  You can work up to 1/2
cap if possible.

Giardia is tough to quash.  Keep at it!

 "Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

 On Jul 10, 2007, at 4:40 PM, Jane Lyons wrote:

 This disease is really awful. It seems as though we take a step forward
and then two steps backward.

I thought we had finally gotten rid of giardia, but we are back to
diarrhea. We are also back to swollen glands.
We are still making progress with stomatitis and a runny nose is now an
every other day event.

It is so heartbreaking to see this sweet little cat not feeling well.

Marylyn, I did get First Born (powder) but she does not seem to like it. I
have been mixing it into wet
food, but she will not eat it.

She has been on so many antibiotics without much success. I had been so
hopeful that I could get her to
a 'symptom free' state, but it is not happening.

We still have IR to do. I just hope something will work.
As always, any ideas are appreciated.

(MeMe is from an impoverished 'colony' situation. She is about a year old.
I have had her for four months
and she was diagnosed by my vet about 6 weeks ago)

Re: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know the moderator personally?

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

I don't know the moderator personally -- but I do know that Vista with IE7
is notorious for not even letting you look at your own friekin' files on C:

I think Susan hit the nail on the head with her reply to me about posts
being rejected for being too long...when you hit reply and you've a lot of
the previous replies attached.  Don't know if that is what is going on with
you but I think that's my ordeal...

On 7/11/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi guys,

The post below is the only one out of 15 so far, according to the
archives, that I've gotten out of this particular thread.  I have had two
emails (July 2nd and again the 10th) sent to me asking me to re-enable my
membership because it was disabled due to excessive bounces.  The first time
I did it, I finally received all the bounced emails (literally a couple
hundred from this list) over a week or so.  I had to redo this again
yesterday, but still have not received any of the previous bounced emails

We had to buy a new computer recently and I'm now using Vista with IE 7
and Yahoo Mail.  Do any of you know if there might be an issue with Vista?
I have had to change my Security settings in Advanced Internet Options from
TLS 1.0 to SSL 2.0 because Vista does not work with Novell Groupwise, my
work email program, and I can't read my emails remotely using the normal
settings.  I am wondering if this isn't the issue.  Any ideas?

Does anyone know the moderator personally and can contact him for me?  I
have emailed him twice (July 2nd and the 11th), but have not heard back from
him yet.  Feel free to forward him this email.  Any help is greatly
appreciated.  I don't plan on going anywhere, but it's been very hard for me
to try to help folks this month since I'm not getting most of the posts.

Thanks so much for your help!

"*Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" *~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

That's probably it...I have a hair trigger right now...might be looking at
surgery very soon and a lot of chaos and mayhem at work.  Don't mean to

Thank you, Susan, for helping to keep me sane.  I tell you -- it's not an
easy responsibility right now! :0)

The good news is that I have a house full of wonderful kitty babies who love
me -- who could ask for anything more?

love and kitty head butts.

On 7/11/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 A lot of the time it is automatically sent to "approval" if it is "too

I found this out and started 'trimming" my posts to just the last person
prior to me.

make sense?

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^< <> <>
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
     Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

well -- apparently my response to this thread is awaiting moderator
approval.  all i did was talk about the treatment i used for mama kitty when
she was so sick and had appetite troubles..  call me disillusioned --- but i
have a really short fuse right now.  if i get booted from this list -- any
one of you are free to email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT--drooling kitties!

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

Lately, Phlelix has taken a liking to classical music.  He boldly gets out
of bed -- walks over to the remote for the wave radio...steps on the "on"
button...then comes back to bed to cuddle like the sweet baby he is :0)
What a good boy LOL

On 7/11/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My Mamie used to stand on top of me in the AM and knead--and drool in my
face!  I love it!
 "Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

 On Jul 10, 2007, at 7:42 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

 Ah, I LOVE it when they drool when you pet them...!

How funny that Merlin always goes back to your house whenever
possible  :)

I have a cat
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^< <> <>
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Monday, July 09, 2007 8:36 PM
*Subject:* Re: Need help ASAP with a kitty

Susan, you are an absolute angel :0)

Four of my seven babies were feral.  I had a $450 stray too --- Merlin.
Poor thing had abscesses on both sides of his face -- he was so skinny and
beat up.  We got him all fixed up and gorgeous.  Someone in the neighborhood
adopted him after that.  I never mentioned all the vet bills.  He was a dear
love - and anytime he got to go outside for any length of time - he would
make a bee line for Liz's Kitty Boutique and Day Spa :0)  (my front porch)

All of my seven babies were either abandoned or totally feral.  Sweet,
dear Shakiti was SO shy it took months and months to be able to pet him.
He's my precious little boy now and lets me hold him like a baby now while
he drools on my shoulder LOL  He curls up with me any time I take a nap --
he loves his mommy.  If he so much as hears another human voice though -- he
will hide and you won't be able to find him either until the big bad
strangers are gone.

I've never insisted that my babies allow me to pet them either.  Slow and
steady -- no sudden moves and lots of love.  They all seem to come around in
time..but sometimes it takes a very long time.  I can even brush and comb
all of mine now.  I caught Othello once to take him to the vet's -- but that
may not ever happen again LOL  They are SO smart!  Othello is the mighty
hunter -- he's the fastest and the sneakiest.

Zulu -- totally feral boy who dines at the boutique will run if he sees
you through the door or window any closer than six feet.  Evenso -- that is
progress! :0)  It takes a lot of patience with these dear ferals -- but
every bit of time spent is worth it.


Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

well -- apparently my response to this thread is awaiting moderator
approval.  all i did was talk about the treatment i used for mama kitty when
she was so sick and had appetite troubles..  call me disillusioned --- but i
have a really short fuse right now.  if i get booted from this list -- any
one of you are free to email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 7/11/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I believe in the animal communicators.

A fellow rescuer who has one of the "kannibal kitties" (like my Purrla
Princess Pearl) went to a seminar and she took Cali's picture w/ her.

That was all the psychic had to go on.

She looked @ the picture and began crying and said, "Where are all the
other cats (there were 240+) and what happened to that man?"

It was pretty weird...
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:22 PM
*Subject:* Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

You are supposed to be anxiousevery time Dixie decides not to eat for
a couple of days I go off.  Luckily she understands this and starts eating
about the time I am ready to yank her up and return to Louisville to her
vets.  It is amazing that she doesn't do this when we are in Louisville and
the vets are 15-20 minutes awayshe really does not like vets.

This is way out there but you sound open.  Sit and talk to Monkee and see
what he has to say about all of this.  There are people on this list that
use animal communicators and there are people who think they are con
artists.  I use them and they have been very helpful for me.  The thing is
you really can do it yourself although a lot of the times you can't with
your own little one because you are so close.An idea..take from
it what you can use and leave the rest.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

Well, he's not eating at tonight.  It's so frustrating.  I tried baby food
and kitten formula cat food and the buffalo again.  He seemed interested in
the buffalo, but when it came time to actually eat it, he just kind of "air
nibbled" over it?  It seems like he's not making the connection that he
needs to eat.  Yet, he wants to go outside and walk around.  And I just
can't let him do that because I know it wear him out way too much-
especially with not eating.  So he just sits out on his porch and watches
the colony of street cats eats his premium cat food voraciously  Ugh.
When he was healthy, I swear, that would have driven him right over the
edge!  He's still bright eyed.  And while he still has wants and desires
(even if they are mostly to go outside!), I think that's a good sign.  He's
also sleeping well-- which when the anemia kicked in, pre-transfusion, he
was not sleeping well at all.  I wake up many times each night and I always
check on him and if he on my bed, laying on his side with his legs stretched
out, all passed outI breath such a sign of relief!

I did give him his Nutrical, colostrum and some baby food (with water) via
a syringe (my mom brought me a 12 cc one).  He doesn't LOVE it, but he's so
good for me when it comes to handling (for what was originally a
super-skittish stray?), and he swallows fine.  I got 3 syringe fulls in

I will try not to "sound the alarm bells" about the not eating.  It's hard
though because this is my first time in this realm and I do feel like a
nursing mother who has a baby that won't latch on or something!  It's like I
have all this anxiety about it that pops into my head all the time!

Thanks for calming me down.


From: *"Marylyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
To: **
Subject: *Re: Appetite issu

Re: pilling a cat, use a liquid chaser

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

I can totally relate to "cranky and needing space" :0)  You are such a good
mommy, Susan.

Love to you and your babies.

On 7/11/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So how is Missy doing these days?

My oldest kitty "Kelly" AKAS Kaye Bear, has started haivng some renal

She is on a new drug, Calcitriol @ SID.

She also is the only cat that gets "living room / kitchen privileges."

She is cranky, and needs her space.

So, she gets to eat her breakfast & dinner (moist food) in the living room
w/ mom & dad, I have also started her on some Missing Link.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
 "As Cleopatra lay in state,
  Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
  Purring welcomes of soft applause,
  Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: pilling a cat, use a liquid chaser

Missy gets lasix for her heart - I get that compounded at an Arizona
pharmacy.  It is 1/3 the price of People's.  Shimmer gets elavil to
keep him from spraying (he's been checked out medically of course). So
does Toodles.  Those are both compounded transdermally.  Caroline is
getting an appetite stimulant, but she's not hard to pill

On 7/11/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: OT list

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

What rubbed me the wrong way is that I've been on this list over a year and
had never heard of James nor was I supplied with an alternative URL for
off-topic discussion or any rules connecting those two together (I still
have my original emails sent from the list).  It seemed I was being
castigated for not being familiar with these things (granted, I'm super
sensitive about these things LOL).

I'm an intuitive girl...but I totally missed the mark with the requirement
that members with sick FeVL+ babies have to be psychic.

Plus -- I was torqued with MC that day because I just love her to death and
it made me really sad that she left the list.  I had to pitch a little fit

I've stated my case about why I think it is important to be able to have
some off-topic discussions - and I feel no guilt or unhappiness whatsoever
for any off-topic matter I have posted.  No regrets.  I have no first-hand
knowledge of James nor am I aquainted with his moderation techniques -- it
just seems very unfair and unreasonable that I am supposed "know" these

I spend over 16 hours a day on the computer.  On a daily basis I have
several hundred business related emails that require attention and I still
do my best to keep up with the list.  I cannot take on another list in
addition.  Perhaps I need to go to digest format and keep my OT stuff to

Your grumpy ol' cuss friend,

On 7/11/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I don't post much these days but I just saw this correspondence by
chance. I think you must misunderstand, Elizabeth.
This list was created by James in honor of his kitty Vyvyan, who, as I
understand was FELV positive. It is, as everyone who signs up knows, a list
for those with FELV positive kitts. James is a wonderful moderator and I
recall him being quite indulgent of our straying off-topic-and when we
went too OT, he was very gentle in his reining in. Still, to get around
the problem and keep everyone happy Phaewryn generously came up with the
solution of setting up an OT list for FELV list members. I post there not
infrequently as I feel much happier--no guilt--about discussing my OT issues
on the OT list. It's the same folks that reply after all!
Kerry M.

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *elizabeth trent
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 2:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: OT list

well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave the
list.  i'm not going to another list.

elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so
> that james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and
> to return to specific things relating to FELV.
> most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts,
> because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people
> who consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the
> topic has gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this
> isn't MY opinion or rule, it's pretty much the norm.
> Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!
> This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.
> Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are not
> "moving" the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on
> the other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the
> real info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic
> stuff to this list!
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

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Re: Wallace with the angels now

2007-07-11 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so sorry.


On 7/11/07, Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Greetings, folks.

I'd like to thank everybody for the support and
suggestions through my Wallace's brief-but-terminal
illness.  I'm sorry to report that he left this world
on July 4 at 6:40PM, in my arms.

My LJ post is here:

and a portrait I'd taken last year is here:

I love digital photography, and it's made great
portraits of my kitties possible.  If you try, make
sure you have a macro function (it's usually the
little flower on a button) so you get their little
faces in focus.

This is a wonderful group of people, and I'm grateful
for all the help and support I got. I joined because I
was trying to help a FeLeuk cat (not mine) find a
home, and one of you wonderful people took Aries in
and from all reports, he's happy and healthy. I salute
the good work you all do, caring for these kitties.

Again, thanks.


Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

Re: Need help ASAP with a kitty

2007-07-09 Thread elizabeth trent

Susan, you are an absolute angel :0)

Four of my seven babies were feral.  I had a $450 stray too --- Merlin.
Poor thing had abscesses on both sides of his face -- he was so skinny and
beat up.  We got him all fixed up and gorgeous.  Someone in the neighborhood
adopted him after that.  I never mentioned all the vet bills.  He was a dear
love - and anytime he got to go outside for any length of time - he would
make a bee line for Liz's Kitty Boutique and Day Spa :0)  (my front porch)

All of my seven babies were either abandoned or totally feral.  Sweet, dear
Shakiti was SO shy it took months and months to be able to pet him.  He's my
precious little boy now and lets me hold him like a baby now while he drools
on my shoulder LOL  He curls up with me any time I take a nap -- he loves
his mommy.  If he so much as hears another human voice though -- he will
hide and you won't be able to find him either until the big bad strangers
are gone.

I've never insisted that my babies allow me to pet them either.  Slow and
steady -- no sudden moves and lots of love.  They all seem to come around in
time..but sometimes it takes a very long time.  I can even brush and comb
all of mine now.  I caught Othello once to take him to the vet's -- but that
may not ever happen again LOL  They are SO smart!  Othello is the mighty
hunter -- he's the fastest and the sneakiest.

Zulu -- totally feral boy who dines at the boutique will run if he sees you
through the door or window any closer than six feet.  Evenso -- that is
progress! :0)  It takes a lot of patience with these dear ferals -- but
every bit of time spent is worth it.


On 7/9/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Oh yes, and I forgot to mention another little kitty that was dumped @ my
feral colony recently, that now is living in my home.

She used to show up to eat occasionally, sporting a very pretty pink
collar w/ rhinestones on it.

She was obviusly someone's pet, but very shy.

One day she showed w/ no colllar to eat, and the hippie neighbors told me
that her owners had moved over the weekend and put her outside after they
removed her collar.

Obviously they knew I fed the cats, and that "she would be fine".

Well, they hadn't bothered to spay her, of course, and after a few days I
saw discharge coming from her "bottom" area

Discharge as in green pus.

I put her in a carrier and took her to my vet, of course, and she had such
a bad case of pyrometria that her uterus had burst and her bladder was
partially necrotic.

They were not sure if she would ever be able to pee normally again.

After about 10 days she was able to come home, and being as young as she
was (about 1 year or so) she fit right in to.

Of course, it helped that she purrfurred cats over people.

She will "cow" if you get to close to her, but within days you could find
her sleeping w/ one of my older cats.

I named her "Octavia", and she is a beautiful all black kitty w/ gorgeous
green eyes.

So, what is it w/ people again that think a feral colony is a dumping
ground for their unwanted cats?

Fine, she is much better off w/ me, she has a good life and she doesn't
ever have to allow me to pet her if she does not want to.

It's not required in this household.

Apparently her former owners had "children" that were pretty rough w/ her,
that is why she is handshy.

It's been an expensive year @ Chez Mew

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Monday, July 09, 2007 7:04 PM
*Subject:* Re: Need help ASAP with a kitty

 You are a very good purrson.

I just took on 2 new clients that have "house ferals". :)

It just warms my coal black heart to see what hoops they will jump through
for those cats...

I am in the process of relocating one of my feral colonies to my backyard,
which is HUGE.

There is a cottage in the the back, w/ 2 other buildings also.

This colony is small, only 12 cats, they are losing their home due to
"progress", of course.

They have lived on the same greenbelt in Austin for years, and it was sold
last year to built "single family dwellings"..  Gag

The poor deer are being displaced too.

Anyway, I have moved 5 to my yard, and one was tame and came to live

"Thomacina" is a huge orange tabby that was not feral, he was dumped @ the
colony as a kitten and remained friendly.

I noticed that his ear was draining constantly, & full of pus, so I too

Re: OT: Need help ASAP with a kitty

2007-07-09 Thread elizabeth trent

This site might me helpful:

On 7/9/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys,

The past week has been a pretty rough one.  My grandma
in NC went into the hospital last Sunday and passed
away on Wednesday.  We were very close, and I am upset
that I did not get to tell her goodbye.  I was
actually set to leave to see her this past Saturday,
but I guess life doesn't go as planned, does it?

Anyway, my grandma had 3 feral cats that have been fed
by her caregiver for the past two years because she
has not been able to get out of bed with the
Parkinson's.  Before I got to NC from Texas, my uncle
trapped two and let them out at some remote farm, God
knows where.  The last kitty left has been my favorite
since she was born.  She was one of the ones the Best
Friends came out and did a TNR on (there were several)
a few years ago.  She is feral so has never let me pet
her, although I have played with her with string and
talked to her everytime I've visited my grandma.  When
I went out to see which kitty was left yesterday, she
let me know she was not happy and wanted to know where
the rest of her family was.  It is heartbreaking to me
to see her and know what happened with the other two.
I hope they are ok, and might possibly look into
getting help for them in the next few days if my Uncle
will tell me where he dropped them off.

I am on my way to go try to trap her this afternoon
with a can of tuna fish, a medium sized kitty carrier,
and some string for the door.  Wish me luck.  Animal
Control has a waiting list for traps, and I'm leaving
tomorrow morning, so I have no access to one unless I
buy one.

I am just able to get online b/c my aunt and uncle
have no Internet (I can't imagine!) and I had to wait
to visit the library until now because of the funeral,
etc.  I will check for any replies on my way back from
my grandma's place today.

The help I need from you guys is this: Do any of you
know of any rescue shelters that will take ferals (I
would prefer a feral specific rescue, if possible)?  I
need one in the Greensboro, Winston-Salem, or
Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  I want her to
have a good home.  I do not want to take her back to
Texas if I can avoid it at all.  My husband will be
mad at me if I do, and I'm traveling with my great
aunt who's in her 80's and talks non-stop, so I think
traveling with the two of them might be a disaster
depending on how things go.  Any ideas would be
greatly appreciated.  FYI: We will be traveling on 40
through Tennessee tomorrow, so that is also an option
for transport for us.  I am also going to look online
to see what might be out there for help for her.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.

Thanks guys,

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

Re: OT: Need help ASAP with a kitty

2007-07-09 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so sad for you that you lost your grandma.  My heart is with you.


On 7/9/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys,

The past week has been a pretty rough one.  My grandma
in NC went into the hospital last Sunday and passed
away on Wednesday.  We were very close, and I am upset
that I did not get to tell her goodbye.  I was
actually set to leave to see her this past Saturday,
but I guess life doesn't go as planned, does it?

Anyway, my grandma had 3 feral cats that have been fed
by her caregiver for the past two years because she
has not been able to get out of bed with the
Parkinson's.  Before I got to NC from Texas, my uncle
trapped two and let them out at some remote farm, God
knows where.  The last kitty left has been my favorite
since she was born.  She was one of the ones the Best
Friends came out and did a TNR on (there were several)
a few years ago.  She is feral so has never let me pet
her, although I have played with her with string and
talked to her everytime I've visited my grandma.  When
I went out to see which kitty was left yesterday, she
let me know she was not happy and wanted to know where
the rest of her family was.  It is heartbreaking to me
to see her and know what happened with the other two.
I hope they are ok, and might possibly look into
getting help for them in the next few days if my Uncle
will tell me where he dropped them off.

I am on my way to go try to trap her this afternoon
with a can of tuna fish, a medium sized kitty carrier,
and some string for the door.  Wish me luck.  Animal
Control has a waiting list for traps, and I'm leaving
tomorrow morning, so I have no access to one unless I
buy one.

I am just able to get online b/c my aunt and uncle
have no Internet (I can't imagine!) and I had to wait
to visit the library until now because of the funeral,
etc.  I will check for any replies on my way back from
my grandma's place today.

The help I need from you guys is this: Do any of you
know of any rescue shelters that will take ferals (I
would prefer a feral specific rescue, if possible)?  I
need one in the Greensboro, Winston-Salem, or
Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  I want her to
have a good home.  I do not want to take her back to
Texas if I can avoid it at all.  My husband will be
mad at me if I do, and I'm traveling with my great
aunt who's in her 80's and talks non-stop, so I think
traveling with the two of them might be a disaster
depending on how things go.  Any ideas would be
greatly appreciated.  FYI: We will be traveling on 40
through Tennessee tomorrow, so that is also an option
for transport for us.  I am also going to look online
to see what might be out there for help for her.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.

Thanks guys,

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

Re: Another vet's research re various treatments

2007-07-08 Thread elizabeth trent

Acemannan is manufactured by Veterinary Products Laboratories

Using it for FeVL+ is an off label use of the drug.  It is a series of
weekly shots administered directly into the stomach.  I was terrified of
Mama Kitty going through that but she did very well.  We also gave her
steroids and supplements...but once she started the Acemannan, we noticed a
difference quickly.

It's not cheap, by the way...Seems like I paid close to $400 for a five week

I read a number of articles about it and discussed it with my vet.  He
researched it too and ordered some through a distributor.  (The VPL website
lists distributors by state too).

All I know is that it changed my vet's mind about recommended Euthanasia for
FeVL+.  He says he would use it again.  It was amazing she made it through
that crash.  It's not a cure all - do all...but it made a lot of difference
that time.

Mama Kitty finally came to a point where nothing could help her and she went
down rapidly...but there is nothing I would trade for that extra year we
got.  She was even playing with her toys again.

On 7/8/07, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How did you get the Acemannan?

in Arkansas

 On Jul 8, 2007, at 10:47 AM, elizabeth trent wrote:

 I'm pretty sure that Acemannan bought Mama Kitty an extra year with a
good quality of life.  It helped her appetite too.


On 7/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Offered as information
> This was in response to my inquiry about treating with immunoreglin
> >>>Re: immunoreglin ~ most of the FeLV eexperts feel that it has not
> been shown to have any positive benefit for cats with FeLV.  Examples:
> "My hospital was involved in a nationwide testing of Immunoregulin. The
> clinical trial was cancelled midway thru the trial because their own
> clinical staff said things were not looking positive. Immunoregulin is IV,
> and we used it at 0.5cc once a week. You have to shake the bottle really
> well to mix thoroughly. There isn't really any downside to it, but it will
> not help any more than interferon or staph lysate. Your patient needs
> steroids to help prevent the RBC destruction."
> "In the interim between posting my question and reading your reply, our
> little cat became acutely febrile (106.3) and was hospitalized overnight
> on fluids, antibiotics and Interferon. She kicked her fever within 24 hours,
> and is now home on daily cefadrops with Interferon. We are also going to try
> Immunoreglin and Acemannan with this little peanut...Do you have any
> experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan?"
> >>> Do you have any experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan? <<<
> "Neither have been shown to have any demonstrable benefit in controlled
> studies."

Re: Another vet's research re various treatments

2007-07-08 Thread elizabeth trent

I'm pretty sure that Acemannan bought Mama Kitty an extra year with a good
quality of life.  It helped her appetite too.


On 7/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Offered as information
This was in response to my inquiry about treating with immunoreglin

>>>Re: immunoreglin ~ most of the FeLV eexperts feel that it has not been
shown to have any positive benefit for cats with FeLV.  Examples:

"My hospital was involved in a nationwide testing of Immunoregulin. The
clinical trial was cancelled midway thru the trial because their own
clinical staff said things were not looking positive. Immunoregulin is IV,
and we used it at 0.5cc once a week. You have to shake the bottle really
well to mix thoroughly. There isn't really any downside to it, but it will
not help any more than interferon or staph lysate. Your patient needs
steroids to help prevent the RBC destruction."

"In the interim between posting my question and reading your reply, our
little cat became acutely febrile (106.3) and was hospitalized overnight
on fluids, antibiotics and Interferon. She kicked her fever within 24 hours,
and is now home on daily cefadrops with Interferon. We are also going to try
Immunoreglin and Acemannan with this little peanut...Do you have any
experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan?"

>>> Do you have any experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan? <<<
"Neither have been shown to have any demonstrable benefit in controlled

Re: Isabella update

2007-07-04 Thread elizabeth trent

this just breaks my heart -- there is nothing more heart-wrenching than
having someone you love cry out like that.  I hope so much that these
treatments will help her.  You are such a good mommy -- I know she takes a
lot of comfort in your care.

love and hugs to you,

On 7/3/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Marylyn, yes he can get the doxy compounded. I am reluctant to use it
because it can cause anorexia.I am so afraid of her stopping eating...I
asked him to look at her blood for hemobart but he neglected to tell me if
he saw something (and I forgot to ask). Isa started shivering when he took
her temp and shivered in my lap for the rest of our time there. She was
crying when they were giving her fluids. Broke my heart.

He is trying to treat the fever and does not know why she has it. He says
the low RBC is part of the leukemia and pred might stop the body from
attacking red cells IF that is what is going on. She has no symptoms other
than the fever and lethargy. Normal stools, normal appetite, normal urine
output. No runny nose or eyes. She did have a healing wound on the top of
her head when rescued. He said she'd have an abscess if this was the cause
of the fever. I suspect it is the reason for the feline leukemia.

One thing that strikes me is she will often cry out for no apparent
reason. She rolled onto her back today and cried out. Sometimes she will cry
out if you just touch her. I told the vet but he could find nothing on
exam.her foster mom reports that she stretches her rear legs alot. I
suspect it could be stiffness from inactivity but who knows. When she first
came, she seemed to lay down clumsily, favroing one rear leg. The vet
checked out her rear legs and found nothing wrong.


- Original Message -

*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:22 PM
*Subject:* Re: Isabella update

Of course she is frightened.  She knows what power he has.  Ask Dixie.
When there is something serious going on she trembles.  When I am thinking
about taking her to the vets' and she is fine (or is dead set again going)
she spends lots of time showing me how healthy she is.  Ebony did the same
thing.  Is there anything to culture and test or is he using/trying to use a
broad spectrum antibiotic in hopes of getting whatever is causing the
fever?  Just compounding the doxy an option?

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:30 PM
*Subject:* Isabella update

Isabella saw the vet today. Her weight is 8.9 (it was this high one other
time) and her HCT was up to 22 from 20. Her other red counts were slightly
elevated as well. We cannot kick the fever. She was up to 104.9 from 104.2a week ago. Her 
7 days "on" interferon ended last night. She was very quiet
at the vet's and shivering the entire time. The vet said she looked worse
than last week to him.

We started prednisone, gave fluids and a Vitamin B shot. When we got home
she ate a good serving of canned food. Vet wants to touch base on Thursday
for next steps. I decided agst doxy at this time because it can cause
appetite issues and I don't want to risk that.

Thanks for all the suggestions which I have shared with my vet.

Re: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

2007-07-03 Thread elizabeth trent

The prednisone will do a lot to help her feel better.

On 7/2/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi. I have not seen much discussion about prednisone. This and doxy are
what my vet is recommending. He is willing to also try IR. Isa has been more
lethargic the past few days. Am taking her tomorrow for weight and temp
check. She is still eating ~more like grazing. Any thoughts on the pred?
Doxy? Her anemia is non-regenerative.

Re: To Susan re. lysine

2007-07-02 Thread elizabeth trent

propylene glycol is in antifreeze -- i'm surprized they use that in the
human supplements!

"Propylene glycol is metabolized to lactate. In toxic quantities, acidosis,
liver damage, and renal insufficiency are possible. Clinical signs of a
propylene glycol toxicoses include CNS depression, weakness, ataxia, and
seizures. With large ingestion, diuresis and supportive care, such as
treatment for acidosis, should be given. The usefulness of 4MP (Fomepizole)
for treating PG toxicosis is not known and treatment with ethanol may cause
more problems in relation to the development of acidosis."

On 7/2/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks, Wendy!

What kinda blood issues can propylene glycol cause?

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
 "As Cleopatra lay in state,
  Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
  Purring welcomes of soft applause,
  Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 11:57 AM
Subject: To Susan re. lysine

Hey Susan,

One of the important things to know about lysine is
that if it has the preservative propylene glycol, as
some made for humans do, it can cause blood issues in
cats, so just make sure you're using pure lysine.


--- Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks!
> That's the dosage I have heard to use.
> Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
>   "As Cleopatra lay
> in state,
>Faithful Bast at
> her side did wait,
>Purring welcomes
> of soft applause,
>Ever guarding
> with sharpened claws."
>  Trajan
> Tennent
>   - Original Message -
>   From: laurieskatz
>   To:
>   Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 7:28 PM
>   Subject: Re: goodbyenow stomatitis
>   I give 250 mg twice a day ~ I crush 500 mg tablets
> and sprinkle on canned food. Viralys is already
> powder form and flavored. My cats like it. the other
> L-lysine (human) is unflavored. There is a scoop in
> the Viralys but it's the same dose. If my cats are
> symptomatic I increase to 500mg twice a day.
>   Laurie
> - Original Message -
> From: Susan Dubose
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 6:11 PM
> Subject: Re: goodbyenow stomatitis
> A few days back, someone mentioned the Lysine (
> I am using it, have been for quite a few months) but
> they said there was a bit of a protocal to follow?
> MaryLyn, I think you did?
> What is the protocal?
> As of now, I buy the 4lbs. tubs of Lysine that
> you get for horses, highly concentrated.
> It is much cheaper this way when you are dealing
> w/ the numbers that Kelly & I and some others on
> this list are dealing with.
> It's just a matter of a few grains being
> sprinkled onto the food.
> Another multi cat household that I know puts it
> into a saltshaker and shakes it out & voila!
> Breakfast is served...!
> My vet uses the same type of Lysine, his dosage
> is a few grains also.
> Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
>   "As Cleopatra
> lay in state,
>Faithful Bast
> at her side did wait,
> welcomes of soft applause,
>Ever guarding
> with sharpened claws."
> Trajan Tennent

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret
Meade ~~~

Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all
the tools to get online.

Re: OT: Regarding a freak accident

2007-07-02 Thread elizabeth trent

That's GREAT news!


  *Thanks Gloria!*
*I also want to thank everyone else as well for your nice thoughts and

*He is doing well and the Dr. is confident that his arm will heal as long
as he listens.*
*The most important thing is to use his fingers and move his arm up &
*The skin graft took and his surgical area looks great.*
*He will be getting a cast on Thursday.*
*Will return back to work in 2 weeks from today.*
*Thanks again everyone!*

In a message dated 7/2/2007 7:24:37 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

Terri, just going back and reading some of the messages I've missed.  Sure
sorry to hear about your husband, and hope all is going well.  Thoughts and
prayers coming for you.



*Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:*

See what's free at .

Re: OT list ~ Elizabeth

2007-07-02 Thread elizabeth trent

I've been on this list a year -- this is the first I've heard of there being
a separate list.  Still don't know the name or location.  I went back to the
email sent to me by the list when I joined and there is no mention of
anything like that.  Throughout my year on the list, if someone had
something off-topic they would put "OT" in the subject line just as you

My heart is with you and your baby, Taylor.  That is so hard.


On 7/2/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What on earth is going on?  Sometimes people chit chat to relieve
anxiety.  For instance, my kitty is FeLV+ AND haas mediastinal lymphoma.
Plus I have the requisite pile of other things going on in my life, just
like everyone does, not all of which are just hunky-dory, believe me.

So if I've been chit chatting, it's to relieve anxiety linked to having a
little one who was just one year old YESTERDAY who has been ill for three
months out of his tiny life already with these two feline scourges.

 "Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

 On Jul 1, 2007, at 4:17 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

 Please don't leave....

- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: OT list

well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave the
list.  i'm not going to another list.

elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so
> that james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and
> to return to specific things relating to FELV.
> most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts,
> because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people
> who consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the
> topic has gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this
> isn't MY opinion or rule, it's pretty much the norm.
> Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!
> This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.
> Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are not
> "moving" the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on
> the other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the
> real info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic
> stuff to this list!
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

Re: goodbye. MC ~ please read if you are still around

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

I've already told MC she's being a butt...I hope she comes back because we
need her.

On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I agree with Jane. I have been here a week or less and already rely on
this group. My Isabella isn't doing so well and I need the help.  MC you
have been a great resource already. Please, can we put principles above
personalities and focus on the felines we are here to help? Just a
I wish everyone the best,

- Original Message -
*From:* Jane Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 2:34 PM
*Subject:* Re: goodbye.

I'm not sure what is going on here, but for a new person (me) it is very
sad since I've come to rely on this list as a lifeline for my Felv
positive cat.

I use two vets, one of them well known nationally, and neither of them
have the
knowledge and experience that you guys (collectively) have of Feline
This is a priceless resource, especially for people like myself, who come
here shell
shocked and need to hear the reality from the "frontline", not theory nor

My little cat, who came from an over burdened colony situation, having
been thrown
on their porch from a moving car, is so much better and it is largely the
result of the
information that I got here. Also, I was so grateful to be able to express
the grief and
fear I initially felt, knowing I was with people who really loved their
cats, and who would
(hopefully) understand.

It must be difficult repeating the same information over and over again,
and having to
adjust to a lot of personalities and dysfunction, but if the bottom line
is helping cats,
your time is not in vain.

I came here four weeks ago with a kitten suffering from giardia,
stomatitis, very badly
swollen glands, constant sneezing, runny nose, diarrhea and very poor

I am happy to report we now have formed stools, no swollen glands, an
occasional sneeze
and wet nose and a ravenous appetite. The stomatitis seems to be healed on
the bottom
of her mouth, although the top is still red, but not as inflamed as it had
been. For the first
time in her little life she seems comfortable and very content.

I hope things here can be worked out. We are very grateful to all of you.

Jane (and a much improved MeMe)

On Jul 1, 2007, at 3:36 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

Maybe when you stop being an air head and an @$$ you will come back.  Love
ya M.C.

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, antonio, tiffany, lexie, tori, shakiti,

On 7/1/07, *MaryChristine* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: enough.

if you want to talk with me, you know where i am.



Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT list ~ Elizabeth

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you, Laurie...I'm just torqued off at MC...she knows it...and I've
already told her to get her big white hiney back here ;-)


On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Please don't leave

- Original Message -----
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: OT list

well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave the
list.  i'm not going to another list.

elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so
> that james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and
> to return to specific things relating to FELV.
> most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts,
> because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people
> who consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the
> topic has gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this
> isn't MY opinion or rule, it's pretty much the norm.
> Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!
> This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.
> Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are not
> "moving" the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on
> the other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the
> real info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic
> stuff to this list!
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

Re: goodbye.

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

MC -- you hard headed woman ... get yourself back on here before I have to
come up there with a big can of "you know what!"..

elizabeth in alabama...phelix, antonio,tiffy, alexsis, tori,

On 7/1/07, Gloria B. Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Agreed, I feel very sad about this - MC has been a wonderful member
for quite a while, and a wealth of good information.  We've had a
great group for so long.  There are many times that we need to be
gentle with each other.  Need to remember that all we see here are
typed messages, and there's lots more going on with each one than
that. But I'm glad you're here and think things will settle down.

Glad to hear about MeME.  I have a sick Li Won (mouth), Toby (mouth),
Rufus(diabetes) and Hambone(uri and whatever) - none are FELV however.

Wondering what you did for the stomatitis...?


>- Original Message -
>From: Jane Lyons
>Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 3:34 PM
>Subject: Re: goodbye.
>I'm not sure what is going on here, but for a new person (me) it is very
>sad since I've come to rely on this list as a lifeline for my Felv
>positive cat.
>I use two vets, one of them well known nationally, and neither of
>them have the
>knowledge and experience that you guys (collectively) have of Feline
>This is a priceless resource, especially for people like myself, who
>come here shell
>shocked and need to hear the reality from the "frontline", not
>theory nor statistics.
>My little cat, who came from an over burdened colony situation,
>having been thrown
>on their porch from a moving car, is so much better and it is
>largely the result of the
>information that I got here. Also, I was so grateful to be able to
>express the grief and
>fear I initially felt, knowing I was with people who really loved
>their cats, and who would
>(hopefully) understand.
>It must be difficult repeating the same information over and over
>again, and having to
>adjust to a lot of personalities and dysfunction, but if the bottom
>line is helping cats,
>your time is not in vain.
>I came here four weeks ago with a kitten suffering from giardia,
>stomatitis, very badly
>swollen glands, constant sneezing, runny nose, diarrhea and very
>poor appetite.
>I am happy to report we now have formed stools, no swollen glands,
>an occasional sneeze
>and wet nose and a ravenous appetite. The stomatitis seems to be
>healed on the bottom
>of her mouth, although the top is still red, but not as inflamed as
>it had been. For the first
>time in her little life she seems comfortable and very content.
>I hope things here can be worked out. We are very grateful to all of you.
>Jane (and a much improved MeMe)

Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

hey -- pass that punch over here ;-)

On 7/1/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thanks Elizabeth!

I see in my original post that I made an error when I said I *had* 12
felv+ fosters.

I do not.(Gz Freudian slip or what?)

I have 4 felv+ cats that are part of Texas Siamese Rescue, I am their
permanent foster meowmy.

I also have 12 fosters that have had a felv exposure.

I feel punch drunkhiccup..

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^< <> <>
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:42 AM
*Subject:* Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

Hi Susan!  How did I miss saying hello and welcome to you too??  *sigh*


I've been a terrible hostess.  We just had a huge celebration for my
parent's 50th wedding anniversary last weekend so I guess I am still a
jello-head from that.

Bless you for taking care of those dear FeVL+ babies.  So many people
don't realize that a diagnosis of FeVL+ is not a death sentence!  They can
still have a wonderful quality of life and they need lots of love.

I'll try to do a better job of keeping up.  I'm so glad you joined us!

hugs and a big welcome!
elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tiffany, antonio, lexie, shakiti, othello,
and tori.

Re: Birds, also, feliway....

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

oooI have problems with sevin..but then again...I am the nut burger
e. et. al.

On 7/1/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I use the Sevin for my feral colonies, it is safe.

There is another product that is safer for the environment.

I will see if I can dig up the name.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 8:23 AM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliway

Dixie and I travel quite a bit so bottled water is almost a must for her.
I want to get a purifier put in here but things take time.

My vet says Sevin around Mom's home will stop fleas and won't do damage to
cats.  This might work in areas for you in addition to what you are doing.
Fleas can cause lots of problems.  They came in with lumber here and caused
hot spots on Dixie that got infected etc..Big mess.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 7:51 AM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliway

Great idea on the litter, I will try it.

I am trying to "green" my household also, I just ordered a new book
called, "100 Things you can do to be green".

I am doing flea treatments on my 12 felv+ fosters, they came to me w/
fleas and I want to do 2 to 3 months of treatment.

They also live in another building on the property, it is the size of a
one car garage, only wider, and it has 2 "walkin pens" that separate the
groups of 6 cats.

They have perches, windows (screened), fans, but no a/c so I leave the
front door open during the day, which is screened also.

It is supposed to be my iso / temp holding quarters, which it is for @
least another 2 months.

I have "yard ferals" that I have relocated, and they need treatment as
well and their fleas *could* end up in the house enclosure.

It is screened w/ pet screen and topped off w/ wire, so, just trying to be

I haven't done a flea treatment on my personal cats for about 2 years, and
I have been witnessing a bit of scratching lately, so it's time.

I really meant to treat everyone as they moved to the new place, but time
got away form me.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 7:13 AM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliway

I haven't tried that one but a holistic vet recommends Cat Nap by
Aromacat.  I have friends who have had lots of luck with it.  I have a
bottle but haven't used it enough to make a call for me and my
circumstances.  Dixie is such a totally cool catwhen she gets upset
there is a reason that needs to be dealt with.

I mix her Arm and Hammer litter with silica crystals myself.  Most of the
mixtures don't have enough of the crystals to suit me and most have the blue
disinfectant crystals.  Too many people in the alternative area have told me
they are poison and it makes sense.  Most disinfectants/anti-bacterial
things are.  I just don't want her around them.  I am building (still, after
three years and.) am doing everything I can
to use non-toxic/non-outgassing materials.  I just don't want the stuff
around us.

I love the blackboard idea.  I'll try it.

If the cats are indoor why are you doing flea treatments?

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who

Re: goodbye.

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Maybe when you stop being an air head and an @$$ you will come back.  Love
ya M.C.

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, antonio, tiffany, lexie, tori, shakiti,

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


if you want to talk with me, you know where i am.



Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT list

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave the
list.  i'm not going to another list.

elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so that
james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and to
return to specific things relating to FELV.

most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts,
because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people
who consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the
topic has gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this
isn't MY opinion or rule, it's pretty much the norm.

Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!

This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.

Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are not
"moving" the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on
the other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the
real info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic
stuff to this list!


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Feliway, Rescue Remedy and Anaflora flower essence

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Thanks Laurie!


On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Elizabeth ~ I found it! It's Anaflora Emotional Balancing and Healing
Sprayit's a flower essence for animals.

- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:51 AM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

I did not know about the spray!  I'll google that -- thanks!

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tiffany, antonio, lexie, shakiti, othello,
tori (who all had salmon today and are quite happy!)

On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Elizabeth, glad to hear this! Mine refused it in water so I rub inside
> the ears (not as far down ear canal) really works for Winston who is
> very emotional! I also bought a spray that I spray in his carrier before he
> goes to the vet. I can't find it to tell you the name (my house is torn up
> from water damage)
> Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper,Winston...Midas and
> Isabella
> - Original Message -
> *From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:26 AM
> *Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy
> Hey Laurie -
> I use rescue remedy too -- good stuff.  For some of my kitties - it's
> like liquid valium.  Others - it doesn't even phase them.  It's amazing
> stuff though - I wouldn't ever want to be without 
> I can tell you truly though -- I never would have believed it worked if
> I hadn't seen the results for myself.
> elizabeth in alabama, phelix, lexie, shakiti, tori, antonio, tiffany,
> othello
> On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> >  I have had better luck with RR than with feliwayI have six cats.
> > Laurie
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Birds, also, feliway....and Rescue Remedy

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

got it.  I've heard that using on the ear works very well.  My Phelix has
terrible allergies and we use a transdermal benedry whipped up by the
compounding pharmacist.  It helps him a lot.  I'm thinking its the same

elizabeth in alabama, et. al. :0)

On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 whoops. I meant to say not as far down AS ear canal..about 1/2 way
between ear opening and tips...

- Original Message -
*From:* laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:40 AM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

Elizabeth, glad to hear this! Mine refused it in water so I rub inside the
ears (not as far down ear canal) really works for Winston who is very
emotional! I also bought a spray that I spray in his carrier before he goes
to the vet. I can't find it to tell you the name (my house is torn up from
water damage)
Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper,Winston...Midas and

Re: Birds, also, feliway....and Rescue Remedy

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

I did not know about the spray!  I'll google that -- thanks!

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tiffany, antonio, lexie, shakiti, othello,
tori (who all had salmon today and are quite happy!)

On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Elizabeth, glad to hear this! Mine refused it in water so I rub inside
the ears (not as far down ear canal) really works for Winston who is
very emotional! I also bought a spray that I spray in his carrier before he
goes to the vet. I can't find it to tell you the name (my house is torn up
from water damage)
Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper,Winston...Midas and

- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:26 AM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

Hey Laurie -
I use rescue remedy too -- good stuff.  For some of my kitties - it's like
liquid valium.  Others - it doesn't even phase them.  It's amazing stuff
though - I wouldn't ever want to be without 

I can tell you truly though -- I never would have believed it worked if I
hadn't seen the results for myself.

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, lexie, shakiti, tori, antonio, tiffany,

On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have had better luck with RR than with feliwayI have six cats.
> Laurie

Re: Birds, also, feliway....and Rescue Remedy

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Hey Laurie -
I use rescue remedy too -- good stuff.  For some of my kitties - it's like
liquid valium.  Others - it doesn't even phase them.  It's amazing stuff
though - I wouldn't ever want to be without it...

I can tell you truly though -- I never would have believed it worked if I
hadn't seen the results for myself.

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, lexie, shakiti, tori, antonio, tiffany,

On 7/1/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I have had better luck with RR than with feliwayI have six cats.

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:14 PM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliway

It has to be their idea.  I have had some wonderful ferals but they are
not house cats as we normally think about them.  They are very self
sufficient and, when they decide to give you any sign of affection, much
less kitten kisses or purrs, you know it is genuine.

I have used Feliway and am convinced that it works get.  And it has worked
with several cats.  My regular vets use it in the cat area of their clinic.
I really don't believe I would ever have persuaded the Royal Princess Kitty
Katt to come out without Feliway.  She chose to move in with my parents and
was my father's cat until he left this world.  Then her whole world turned
on end and she became my mother's cat (same house just a different person as
1st person).  I was the one who always caught her and clipped her nails,
gave her meds, took her to the vet's etc when I came in from Louisville.
Finally Mom decided she couldn't take care of Kitty and that she should live
with me.  This was no where in Kitty's plans and, in fact, was Kitty's
version of hell.  She lost her job (taking care of Mom), lost her nice quiet
house in the country with electric heat and a stay at home person to live in
the city with forced air gas heat, a working person with very irregular
hours, a mailman who came to the door, all the different scents and
noises...I went so far as to replace the furnace and a/c before she
came so she would not have to tolerate that.  I slept on the floor for three
months working with her and trying to get her to come out.  The Feliway let
her relax enough that she started coming out when I was asleep and things
worked out from there.

The price has really come down.  I don't know if you have checked lately
but, compared with what I originally paid for it, it is dirt cheap.  It
makes you smell like a cat and provides comfort to the little ones.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: Birds, also, feliway

Well, he has actually gotten much better, it kinda comes & goes..

Isn't it funny how the house ferals will run from  you when you walk
towards them, but you can sneak into your bedroom and they are asleep on
your pillow, or rolling around on your dirty clothes that you tossed on the

(Yes, folks, I am a slob)...

It's like they REALLY want to be petted & loved, but it's s
scary.  :(

As for Feliway, I have had heard lots about it, and I know folks who use
it, but they cannot actually tell me if it works or not.

What do you think?

Does it work for you?

I have considered it, but it's pretty pricey and I always think "heck,
that's a cat spay" or whatever.

But if I knew it would work, I certainly would pony up the money

Let me know your thoughts, folks...

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: Birds

No (that is too dear to take away) but it should help with the
skittishness.  It makes you smell like a cat (or so the theory goes).  It
really helped with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt (rehomed from my Mom's).
It certainly helped establish a "safe area" with her.not the awful
smell of the terrible person who 

Re: Ki is an Angel

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

I know I'm a nut burger with special sauce...but I still see Mama Kitty
standing at the door looking at me with her sweet self.  She sits by me on
the porch like she always did.  It's been a few months - I still cry.  I
don't think anyone could convince me that those dear ones don't have a soul
and a spirit.  They care about us.  They live on in our hearts...and on a
clear day - you can see them.

Please annoy Chi and give him a big hug from Auntie beth :0)

more hugs and love to you,
elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tori, tiffany, othello, antonio, lexie, and

On 6/30/07, dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Cassandra.  No problem with the crying.  I let
Ki's brother Chi out into the main house today.  He is
running around and being obnoxious.  I keep grabbing
him to hug, and he gets annoyed!!  They are almost
alike except Ki had more white on his front paws and a
white muzzle...both beautiful tabby boys with white

I don't know for certain either, but logically, if
you believe all things have spirit, it makes sense
that they live on as we will.  that is a comforting
thought about now.


--- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dede, i'm so sorry that Ki has passed.  It is these
> days that are the
> hardest to get through.  When Tomi left me, I
> alternated between not being
> able to believe he was gone, and feeling like he's
> been gone forever.  It
> hurts so much, but try to think of him often, and
> allow yourself to cry as
> much as you need to.
> Though i'm not always sure, I try to believe that
> their spirits live on, and
> something happened with Tomi that makes me a little
> more certain that
> perhaps their spirits do persist.  A few hours after
> Tomi died, I leaned
> over to kiss his forehead.  In that exact moment,
> when I opened my eyes and
> looked at him, there was a rainbow across his face.
> I have a kitty ornament
> in the window that my dad gave me years ago, and the
> sun was reflecting
> through it in such a way at that exact time, that it
> shone on his face in a
> rainbow of color.  Could it have been a coincidence?
>  I suppose so, but that
> is sure a crazy coincidence if that's all it was.
> Maybe Tomi and Ki are introducing themselves to each
> other right now, and
> telling each other all about us.
> Cassandra
> - Original Message -
> From: "dede hicken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:09 PM
> Subject: Ki is an Angel
> >
> > It is with the heaviest of hearts that I let you
> know
> > Ki left this world at 10 this AM.
> >
> > It was sooo hard for me.  I noticed last night
> that
> > his belly looked really full.  The way he was
> > breathing was weird also.  You could see his head
> and
> > chest moving.  His eyes had brightened up though,
> and
> > the fever had gotten better, but it kept spiking.
> He
> > even ate a few pieces of food by himself.
> >
> > The vet drained his belly, and it was thick straw
> > colored with fibrin strands...heavy protein.  My
> > biggest fear was that he would crash tomorrow when
> I
> > couldn't get to a vet, and he would have a
> horrible
> > death.
> >
> > Maybe the move stressed him, or maybe I should
> have
> > never put him in with most of the cats.  I
> dunno...I
> > could go crazy asking "what if's"  I guess I
> believed
> > he would be one of the lucky ones.  He came from a
> > horrible home...many FeLV cats and death.  His
> > siblings and mother were neg and I was sure he
> would
> > beat it.  It was only a faint pos.  He had a fever
> > like this last Nov, but recovered,
> >
> > I am so grateful for the time I had with him.  He
> came
> > to me the week before my beloved Smokey died.  I
> > didn't even know he was pos. but we kept him in
> the
> > bedroom, and played with him, and loved and slept
> with
> > him.  He was a pistol, and rough to play with!  I
> hope
> > he doesn't forget us, and the time will come when
> we
> > can all be together forever.
> >
> > May the Lord bless you sweet one, and keep you in
> his
> > care until we meet again.
> >
> > Dede
> >
> > "When you are in the service of your fellow
> beings, you are only in the
> > service of your God"
> >   Mosiah 2:17
> >
> >
> >
> >

> > Bored stiff? Loosen up...
> > Download and play hundreds of games for free on
> Yahoo! Games.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.9.14/880 -
> Release Date: 6/29/2007
> > 2:15 PM
> >
> >

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the
service of your God"
  Mosiah 2:17

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated
for today's economy) at Ya

Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Well...I'm going to have to respectfully disagree about the off
topic entries suggestion...and I do mean with great respect because I love
everyone on this list!

I think we *need* some OT (off topic) things.  I'll tell you why.

When I first joined this list -- there were a number of people who lost
their babies.  It happens sometimes and there are times when it is just one
after another.  Week after week it was emotionally overwhelming to me.  I
almost stopped my subscription to this list because of that very thing. It
was tearing me apart.

I would read about kitties crossing over and it would absolutely rip my
heart to shreds.  I would get so depressed and feel so hopeless.  I was
emotionally exhausted and trying so hard not to feel desparate and hopeless
about taking care of my dear child.

I think we need some OT things here to help lighten everything up a
share a funny ask a question that might not be related to FeVL+,

Yes, the focus of this list should be FeVL+ information, treatment,
protocols, experience.  But just as a holistic healer looks at the whole
self...we need to encompass the whole picture of our babies heath and our
own well being.  We are all care givers.  We have to look at the whole
picture of providing what is needed - and keeping our whole selves at our
best so we can provide the very best care.

It helps a lot of have a sense of humor  Some of the off-topic posts
have been the most precious and just reading that little thing that helped
me laugh and get me back in the right frame of mind.  Like Nina's ninja
dryer pee baby :0)

I have an extremely demanding job as a software engineer - and I really
can't handle being on another list or forum just to discuss off topic
matters.  I do well to try to keep up with this one.

I lost my dear FeVL+ baby earlier this year - but I've learned so much.  I
want to know as much as a can about it and encourage people in my community
that FeVL+ is not a reason to say goodbye to a dear one because they can
live for years and years and have a good quality of life!

I do feed and care for a feral - Zulu - who was captured, nutered, given
shots and released.  He is extremely feral and ellusive..but I try to ensure
he has the very best diet and supplements and plenty of fresh water.  I
can't get within six feet of him (that's with me INSIDE and him outside)

Call me a nut won't be the first...but I really think that
these FeVL+ babies come to us because we are the ones who are best equipped
care for them.

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, antonio, tiffany, tori, othello, shakiti, and

On 7/1/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Sometimes I can read and research for days and not have a clue then
suddenly just one person can phrase something a little differently and it
makes sense to me.  Knowing what you are reading and judging its accuracy is
extremely difficult,  Particularly on a subject that is so important as this
life and death one.  Luckily Dixie is not sick and, after two very healthy
years, I suspect the angels have blessed me with a little girl who was
exposed but OK.  The stomatistis has apparently disappeared and could easily
have been from being on her own for a long time.  I still need lots of help
keeping her healthy and happy.  She is my light.   Often I feel like I am
repeating myself too many times then realize that everyone has the same
delete key I do.

As for OT things--most of these conversations are labeled and, again,
everyone has a delete key.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* Malone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:09 AM
*Subject:* Some of us are so new to this all.

There are some here that are new to this virus. We don't know much. That
is specifically why I came to this site to learn. I am so sorry that
distress was caused over reposting of material. I can say I for one have
been reading and researching everything I can get my hands on. I am very
saddened that some find it intolerable to understand the stress that newbies
might be under. I have never had a sick cat—I have been very blessed. But I
feel doubly blessed to have people who are willing to share information with
me even if it is the hundredth time they have posted it. I know only basics
about this virus and understand less. I need help and information and I
thank all that have shared.

Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Hi Susan!  How did I miss saying hello and welcome to you too??  *sigh*


I've been a terrible hostess.  We just had a huge celebration for my
parent's 50th wedding anniversary last weekend so I guess I am still a
jello-head from that.

Bless you for taking care of those dear FeVL+ babies.  So many people don't
realize that a diagnosis of FeVL+ is not a death sentence!  They can still
have a wonderful quality of life and they need lots of love.

I'll try to do a better job of keeping up.  I'm so glad you joined us!

hugs and a big welcome!
elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tiffany, antonio, lexie, shakiti, othello, and

On 7/1/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Welcome to the group!

I have only been on this list for a week, now (hey, and I'm already
playing Hostess. To think that I growl @ people & say that I am not a
"people purrson"... :)
And I have learned a lot in this short time.
I currently have 4 felv+ cats, first 3 came to me in July of last year, so
I am pretty new to this also.

I have worked for a vet @ his home that has had felv+ cats for years, and
several clients that care for them.

I haven't really done much research per se, (I'm not that good @ it,
probably could not research myself out of a paper bag due to my ADD).

Anyway, please tell us about your felv+ kitty and how he / she came to be
in your family.


Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Malone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:09 AM
*Subject:* Some of us are so new to this all.

There are some here that are new to this virus. We don't know much. That
is specifically why I came to this site to learn. I am so sorry that
distress was caused over reposting of material. I can say I for one have
been reading and researching everything I can get my hands on. I am very
saddened that some find it intolerable to understand the stress that newbies
might be under. I have never had a sick cat—I have been very blessed. But I
feel doubly blessed to have people who are willing to share information with
me even if it is the hundredth time they have posted it. I know only basics
about this virus and understand less. I need help and information and I
thank all that have shared.

Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

2007-07-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Hello and welcome!
I have been very bad with keeping up lately - so much going on.  I'm sorry I
wasn't at the front door to greet you :0)  Don't feel bad about any
'distress'...we're a big family here and sometimes even the best and closest
of families have their quibbles.  Even so - this is such a great list and
such a good source for information.

Sometimes people have differing views on treatments and protocols too.  I've
found the best thing to do is listen to every one's
everything you can and find out as much info for yourself as possible.  Talk
to your vet too -- and I've even had some vet tech's who were very
knowledgeable and helpful.  When you put all that together - you've got a
great base to make informed decisions.

We have a wide range of experience here and everyone has something to
offer.  One thing is certain - everyone here is very passionate about their
cats and getting them the very best care.  We can all agree about that!

Here's a big hug and a welcome.  We're glad you are here.
Elizabeth in Alabama, Phelix, Tiffany, Antonio, Lexie, Othello, Tori, and

On 7/1/07, Malone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 There are some here that are new to this virus. We don't know much. That
is specifically why I came to this site to learn. I am so sorry that
distress was caused over reposting of material. I can say I for one have
been reading and researching everything I can get my hands on. I am very
saddened that some find it intolerable to understand the stress that newbies
might be under. I have never had a sick cat—I have been very blessed. But I
feel doubly blessed to have people who are willing to share information with
me even if it is the hundredth time they have posted it. I know only basics
about this virus and understand less. I need help and information and I
thank all that have shared.

Re: Birds, also, feliway....

2007-06-30 Thread elizabeth trent

It's helped with Shakiti (aka 'magic marker')...he was very, very feral but
loves his mama :0)  I can hold him like a little baby and he will just drool
on my shoulder but it took months to be able to even pet him.  With this
being a multi-cat household (7) we have some sibling rivalry issues.  The
Feliway helps keep everyone calm and happy.  It's helped with some
skiddishness too -- I have 4 who ever quite feral at one time.  I've had
better luck with the spray than with the diffusers.

(by the way -- there are wonderful piles of clothes to roll in here too :0)

elizabeth in alabama

On 6/30/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Well, he has actually gotten much better, it kinda comes & goes..

Isn't it funny how the house ferals will run from  you when you walk
towards them, but you can sneak into your bedroom and they are asleep on
your pillow, or rolling around on your dirty clothes that you tossed on the

(Yes, folks, I am a slob)...

It's like they REALLY want to be petted & loved, but it's s
scary.  :(

As for Feliway, I have had heard lots about it, and I know folks who use
it, but they cannot actually tell me if it works or not.

What do you think?

Does it work for you?

I have considered it, but it's pretty pricey and I always think "heck,
that's a cat spay" or whatever.

But if I knew it would work, I certainly would pony up the money

Let me know your thoughts, folks...

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
*From:* Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: Birds

No (that is too dear to take away) but it should help with the
skittishness.  It makes you smell like a cat (or so the theory goes).  It
really helped with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt (rehomed from my Mom's).
It certainly helped establish a "safe area" with her.not the awful
smell of the terrible person who catnapped her from her chosen person.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Birds

2007-06-30 Thread elizabeth trent

It sounds like Kitty Heaven, Cassandra :0)  It is such a joy to watch them!
Everytime I watch the birdies, I think of my grandmother.  She did a lot of
china painting -- loved the birds and had all these Time/Life books of birds
and sharks and whales...etc.  As grandkids we would SO look forward to
coming to her house and devouring those books!  She would look up from her
work -- painting or stitching (because Idle hands are the devil's
workshop!)...and tell us about the birds coming to visit at the feeders.
I'll never forget her - and her love of nature and birds has a lot to do
with that.  They always had a birdbath and a rich collection of plants and
shrubs for the birdies.  She and my grandfather were such good influences on

elizabeth in alabama

On 6/30/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I love the birds as well.  We've lived at this house for 2 summers now,
and we have far more birds this summer than last.

Just 3 weeks ago, we put up a few feeders to encourage all these beautiful
birds to stay, and they love them.  We put a 4x4 post in the ground right in
front of our living room picture window (the window all of our cats loved to
look out of), with a bird feeder on top, and another hanging off the side.
The feeders are constantly busy, mostly with gold finches.  There must be
dozens of gold finches hanging out in our yard.  We also have a pair of
doves, a few nuthatches, chickadees, bluejays, and various types of

We mainly just feed sunflower seeds as all the birds like them.  My 2
remaining cats enjoy watching the birds as well, though they mostly seem
interested in the hummingbirds (we put up a couple of hummingbird feeders as


- Original Message -
*From:* Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:22 AM
*Subject:* OT: Birds

When I moved to this new house, a few months back, I was determined to
make it as wonderful for my cats as I could.

They deserve it.

Below is an email from a client of mine that has a bird sanctuary in his
backyard, as well as a Koi pond that I tend to when he & his wife are out of

There are some good tips to attracting birds for my cats to enjoy, plus it
helps the birds.

Being this is Texas, hopefully some of the info will help anyone on this
list who would like to attract more birds

Dear Susan,

I get my stuff at Wild Birds Unlimited:
 Westwoods Shopping Center 
3267 Bee Caves Road, Ste. 121 
Austin, TX 78746 

When Isabelle was alive I did not try to attract birds into the yard
because she was such an efficient killing machine.

After she died I started to try to attract birds into the yard. The basics
include food, water and cover along with sustainable gardening. A few years
ago Kay started to deliberately plant varieties of flowers, bushes and vines
on which butterflies nectar and lay eggs. The commonest plants for eggs are
passion vine for Gulf Fritillary and pipevine for Pipevine Swallowtails. She
continues to add other varieties as she finds them in nurseries and we have
over 30 species of butterflies in the yard on a casual count.

We have always had nesting titmice, cardinals, mockingbirds, Carolina
wrens, jays along with hummingbirds in the summer. I have plenty of *cover
*, being adjacent to the woods next door, along with the Agarita bush and
all of the perimeter plantings of youpon and boxwood.

I have several sources of *water* which is always moving. I have a small
sprayer which drips into a cup about a foot off the ground, and an Indian
metate into which water constantly drips. These are surrounded by plants
affording some protection. I have the large disappearing fountain that seems
to be favored by the goldfinches although others bathe in it. The birds like
shallow water which is moving and they like the little splash in the urn
which I had disconnected when you were coming to lessen water loss from
splashing. They like to get in the wet boxwood leaves from the splashing of
the urn and bathe too.

I get *food* at WBU. The wrens like the meal worms and so do the titmice.
I have then in an *exclusion* feeder so that the mockingbird cannot get
in; he has a tendency to run everyone else off. He makes a good meal out of
some of the butterflies and caterpillars. The thistle seed in a yellow
capped feeder attract specifically the goldfinches. I first saw them here
when some of the flowers would go to seed. With the feeder they are here
year round and have raised babies which depletes the thistle seed at a rapid
rate. The green feeder is used by the jays, cardinals, titmice and house
finches. The spring is set to discourage the white wing doves
and squirrels.  I note that the ruby throated hummingbird prefers blooming
flowers over the feeder. This past winter a rufuous hummingbird showed up at
the green sunflower feeder when 

Re: I am not getting all the posts

2007-06-30 Thread elizabeth trent

weird...maybe they will come in late.  that happens to me sometimes.

On 6/30/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey guys,

There is something really weird going on with my
email.  I am not getting all the posts and I think
it's been happening for a while now.  I only saw
Dede's post about Ki passing when Sally replied to
her.  I didn't even see Leslie's or Marylyn's to Dede,
but saw Dede reply to them in Sally's post.  Does
anyone know how to fix this?


--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Dede
> I am so sorry. I am always hopeful that our FELV
> babies will somehow beat
> the virus. He had a good life with you and he thanks
> you for all you did.
> Sally
> On 6/30/07, dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Marilyn and Leslie.
> >
> > Dede
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Bless you for all the love you gave Ki.  When
> you
> > > are considering all the
> > > "what ifs" as we all do, consider what if you
> had
> > > never come into his life
> > > and how wonderful you made his life.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> If
> > > you have men who will
> > > exclude any of God's creatures
> > >
> > > from the shelter of
> > > compassion and pity, you will have men who
> > >
> > > will deal likewise with
> > > their fellow man.
> > >
> > >  St.
> > > Francis
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "dede hicken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:09 PM
> > > Subject: Ki is an Angel
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > It is with the heaviest of hearts that I let
> you
> > > know
> > > > Ki left this world at 10 this AM.
> > > >
> > > > It was sooo hard for me.  I noticed last night
> > > that
> > > > his belly looked really full.  The way he was
> > > > breathing was weird also.  You could see his
> head
> > > and
> > > > chest moving.  His eyes had brightened up
> though,
> > > and
> > > > the fever had gotten better, but it kept
> spiking.
> > > He
> > > > even ate a few pieces of food by himself.
> > > >
> > > > The vet drained his belly, and it was thick
> straw
> > > > colored with fibrin strands...heavy protein.
> My
> > > > biggest fear was that he would crash tomorrow
> when
> > > I
> > > > couldn't get to a vet, and he would have a
> > > horrible
> > > > death.
> > > >
> > > > Maybe the move stressed him, or maybe I should
> > > have
> > > > never put him in with most of the cats.  I
> > > dunno...I
> > > > could go crazy asking "what if's"  I guess I
> > > believed
> > > > he would be one of the lucky ones.  He came
> from a
> > > > horrible home...many FeLV cats and death.  His
> > > > siblings and mother were neg and I was sure he
> > > would
> > > > beat it.  It was only a faint pos.  He had a
> fever
> > > > like this last Nov, but recovered,
> > > >
> > > > I am so grateful for the time I had with him.
> He
> > > came
> > > > to me the week before my beloved Smokey died.
> I
> > > > didn't even know he was pos. but we kept him
> in
> > > the
> > > > bedroom, and played with him, and loved and
> slept
> > > with
> > > > him.  He was a pistol, and rough to play with!
>  I
> > > hope
> > > > he doesn't forget us, and the time will come
> when
> > > we
> > > > can all be together forever.
> > > >
> > > > May the Lord bless you sweet one, and keep you
> in
> > > his
> > > > care until we meet again.
> > > >
> > > > Dede
> > > >
> > > > "When you are in the service of your fellow
> > > beings, you are only in the
> > > > service of your God"
> > > >   Mosiah 2:17
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

> > > > Bored stiff? Loosen up...
> > > > Download and play hundreds of games for free
> on
> > > Yahoo! Games.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > "When you are in the service of your fellow
> beings, you are only in the
> > service of your God"
> >   Mosiah 2:17
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

> > We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love
> > (and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures
> list.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and
> White, Ittle Bitty, Little
> Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB
> for some pictures post
> your as well.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search
that gives answers, not web links.

Re: Ki is an Angel

2007-06-30 Thread elizabeth trent

Dede -- I am so sorry.  My heart hurts with you.   He was so lucky that you
were his mom.  You will see him again.

love and tears,

On 6/30/07, dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I let you know
Ki left this world at 10 this AM.

It was sooo hard for me.  I noticed last night that
his belly looked really full.  The way he was
breathing was weird also.  You could see his head and
chest moving.  His eyes had brightened up though, and
the fever had gotten better, but it kept spiking.  He
even ate a few pieces of food by himself.

The vet drained his belly, and it was thick straw
colored with fibrin strands...heavy protein.  My
biggest fear was that he would crash tomorrow when I
couldn't get to a vet, and he would have a horrible

Maybe the move stressed him, or maybe I should have
never put him in with most of the cats.  I dunno...I
could go crazy asking "what if's"  I guess I believed
he would be one of the lucky ones.  He came from a
horrible home...many FeLV cats and death.  His
siblings and mother were neg and I was sure he would
beat it.  It was only a faint pos.  He had a fever
like this last Nov, but recovered,

I am so grateful for the time I had with him.  He came
to me the week before my beloved Smokey died.  I
didn't even know he was pos. but we kept him in the
bedroom, and played with him, and loved and slept with
him.  He was a pistol, and rough to play with!  I hope
he doesn't forget us, and the time will come when we
can all be together forever.

May the Lord bless you sweet one, and keep you in his
care until we meet again.


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the
service of your God"
  Mosiah 2:17

Bored stiff? Loosen up...
Download and play hundreds of games for free on Yahoo! Games.

Re: Ki

2007-06-30 Thread elizabeth trent and Ki are in my heart.  Prayers and love to you.


On 6/30/07, dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

---I think we are really in trouble here.  His whole
breathing patern has changed.  I've never seen it
before, but I think he has fluid in his belly.

I am scared to death.  It is Sat, and we are in such a
rural area.  If I have to sit here tomorrow and watch
him die, it would kill me.

I am just sick at heart.  He still has the fever. I
haven't even given him the IR, and I'm now sure it
would do any good.  Bless my little guy.


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the
service of your God"
  Mosiah 2:17

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

Re: OT: Birds

2007-06-30 Thread elizabeth trent

Cat TV!  We have a lot of that here :0)  I've done my best to attract birds
to my yard.  I also keep a copy of 'Sibley's' near the window so I can look
up the birds I don't recognize.  My favorites are the Indigo Buntings and
the Goldfinches.  I mush have 10 different feeders out there (not counting
the hummingbird feeders).  The cats enjoy watching them so much (and I do

I plant things with berries and shrubs that lend themselves to hiding little
birdies.  I planted crepe myrtles and nandinas near the bird feeders so they
can hope to and from those to the feeders.  I have a variety of trees around
and tons of flowers.

With the extreme drought we are having this summer here in north alabama the
birdbaths are by far the biggest hit.  My neighbor says she sits on her back
porch and just watches all the birdies fly to my yard LOL  I'm really
wanting to add a water feature to the yard with shallow pools and
waterfalls.  That may be my project for this fall.  Birds just flock here
when I run the sprinklers.  I get lots of nests around here too.  I have a
number of bird houses - some like the houses and some like the trees and

We have wonderful red-headed wood peckers and red finches.  I keep peanut
feeders too and the chickadees and blue jays and some other birds eat those
peanuts as fast as I can put them out there.  We also have Towhee's and Rose
Breasted Grosbeaks.  Sometimes I see as many as twenty doves out there at
one time.  I have bluebirds too!

If you REALLY want to get into trouble -- go to Wild Birds Unlimited (I
notice your Friend's email mentions WBU too).  I went into that store the
other day and KNEW I was in trouble.


On 6/30/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I moved to this new house, a few months back, I was determined to
make it as wonderful for my cats as I could.

They deserve it.

Below is an email from a client of mine that has a bird sanctuary in his
backyard, as well as a Koi pond that I tend to when he & his wife are out of

There are some good tips to attracting birds for my cats to enjoy, plus it
helps the birds.

Being this is Texas, hopefully some of the info will help anyone on this
list who would like to attract more birds

Dear Susan,

I get my stuff at Wild Birds Unlimited:
 Westwoods Shopping Center 
3267 Bee Caves Road, Ste. 121 
Austin, TX 78746 

When Isabelle was alive I did not try to attract birds into the yard
because she was such an efficient killing machine.

After she died I started to try to attract birds into the yard. The basics
include food, water and cover along with sustainable gardening. A few years
ago Kay started to deliberately plant varieties of flowers, bushes and vines
on which butterflies nectar and lay eggs. The commonest plants for eggs are
passion vine for Gulf Fritillary and pipevine for Pipevine Swallowtails. She
continues to add other varieties as she finds them in nurseries and we have
over 30 species of butterflies in the yard on a casual count.

We have always had nesting titmice, cardinals, mockingbirds, Carolina
wrens, jays along with hummingbirds in the summer. I have plenty of *cover
*, being adjacent to the woods next door, along with the Agarita bush and
all of the perimeter plantings of youpon and boxwood.

I have several sources of *water* which is always moving. I have a small
sprayer which drips into a cup about a foot off the ground, and an Indian
metate into which water constantly drips. These are surrounded by plants
affording some protection. I have the large disappearing fountain that seems
to be favored by the goldfinches although others bathe in it. The birds like
shallow water which is moving and they like the little splash in the urn
which I had disconnected when you were coming to lessen water loss from
splashing. They like to get in the wet boxwood leaves from the splashing of
the urn and bathe too.

I get *food* at WBU. The wrens like the meal worms and so do the titmice.
I have then in an *exclusion* feeder so that the mockingbird cannot get
in; he has a tendency to run everyone else off. He makes a good meal out of
some of the butterflies and caterpillars. The thistle seed in a yellow
capped feeder attract specifically the goldfinches. I first saw them here
when some of the flowers would go to seed. With the feeder they are here
year round and have raised babies which depletes the thistle seed at a rapid
rate. The green feeder is used by the jays, cardinals, titmice and house
finches. The spring is set to discourage the white wing doves
and squirrels.  I note that the ruby throated hummingbird prefers blooming
flowers over the feeder. This past winter a rufuous hummingbird showed up at
the green sunflower feeder when we had the ice storm. That is when I got the
hummingbird feeder and put it out. At first I thought that I was too

Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me

2007-06-27 Thread elizabeth trent

I wish I knew what to tell youit may not be anything in your environment
at all.  I feel so bad for you.


On 6/27/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had the outside sprayed for termites 2 years ago, and the inside sprayed
for ants 3 years ago...

On 6/27/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have your house sprayed with pesticides?
> elizabeth
> On 6/27/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > I don't have any wood.  I have concrete subfloor, carpet over some of
> > it, vinyl tile over other parts of it, it is all by itself in som eplaces.
> > Where the ac flooded and we had to rip up the tile...but that was 3 years
> > ago...
> >
> > On 6/27/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > >
> > >  They did until a couple of years ago and it is still available for
> > > some uses.  Two/three years ago, after it had been banned for use in 
> > > a dealer for BK Cypress Log Homes quoted me a package that contained 
> > > treated lumber and, when I questioned him, sent me an awful email 
> > > the safety of this wood and how no person would eat it.  Tennessee Log 
> > > had a dealer who was very unhappy when I rejected some of his arguments re
> > > arsenic treated wood.  (There is a lot more to that story...if you 
> > > consider using them email me personally and you won't consider it for
> > > long).   Arsenic leaches into the soil and poisons the plants, water etc.
> > > It is also used in some fencing and creosote is used in RR ties that are
> > > used for landscape timbers.   Power poles and telephone poles as well as
> > > fence posts more than a couple of years old are probably treated.  They
> > > certainly weren't removed.   There are questions about the current
> > > "accepted" treated woods.  Please remember how long the arsenic treated 
> > > considered safe.Obviously I am a tree-hugger but please, with that 
> > > illnesses, please have it checked.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >  If you have men who
> > > will exclude any of God's creatures
> > >  from the shelter of
> > > compassion and pity, you will have men who
> > >  will deal likewise
> > > with their fellow man.
> > >
> > > St. Francis
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > *From:* Leslie Lawther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > *To:*
> > > *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2007 6:26 PM
> > > *Subject:* Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me
> > >
> > >
> > > *Do they use arsenic in pressure treated lumber still today?!?*
> > >
> > > On 6/27/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  Check for arsenic as in treated lumber...decks, play areas
> > > > etc.  Even wood used in a basement.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  If you have men
> > > > who will exclude any of God's creatures
> > > >  from the shelter
> > > > of compassion and pity, you will have men who
> > > >  will deal
> > > > likewise with their fellow man.
> > > >
> > > > St. Francis
> > > >
> > > > - Original Message -
> > > > *From:* Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > *To:* felvtalk 
> > > > *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2007 6:18 PM
> > > > *Subject:* Something is killing my cats, please help me
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > This is the toll so far from this year, not including kittens.
> > > >
> > > > Joey - 10 - died in late April.  Being treated for AIHA.
> > > >
> > > > Lucky Lady - 12 - got sick, was adopted by my vet, apparently
> > > > recovered but is now dying, they think cancer.
> > > >
> > > > Caroline - ran up a bill in excess of $1,000.  No one knows what
> > > > was or is wrong.  Possible FIP (but she's getting better), brain cancer,
> > > >

Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me

2007-06-27 Thread elizabeth trent

Do you have your house sprayed with pesticides?


On 6/27/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't have any wood.  I have concrete subfloor, carpet over some of it,
vinyl tile over other parts of it, it is all by itself in som eplaces.
Where the ac flooded and we had to rip up the tile...but that was 3 years

On 6/27/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  They did until a couple of years ago and it is still available for some
> uses.  Two/three years ago, after it had been banned for use in houses, a
> dealer for BK Cypress Log Homes quoted me a package that contained arsenic
> treated lumber and, when I questioned him, sent me an awful email regarding
> the safety of this wood and how no person would eat it.  Tennessee Log Homes
> had a dealer who was very unhappy when I rejected some of his arguments re
> arsenic treated wood.  (There is a lot more to that story...if you ever
> consider using them email me personally and you won't consider it for
> long).   Arsenic leaches into the soil and poisons the plants, water etc.
> It is also used in some fencing and creosote is used in RR ties that are
> used for landscape timbers.   Power poles and telephone poles as well as
> fence posts more than a couple of years old are probably treated.  They
> certainly weren't removed.   There are questions about the current
> "accepted" treated woods.  Please remember how long the arsenic treated was
> considered safe.Obviously I am a tree-hugger but please, with that many
> illnesses, please have it checked.
>  If you have men who
> will exclude any of God's creatures
>  from the shelter of
> compassion and pity, you will have men who
>  will deal likewise with
> their fellow man.
>   St.
> Francis
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Leslie Lawther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2007 6:26 PM
> *Subject:* Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me
> *Do they use arsenic in pressure treated lumber still today?!?*
> On 6/27/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> >  Check for arsenic as in treated lumber...decks, play areas etc.
> > Even wood used in a basement.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  If you have men who
> > will exclude any of God's creatures
> >  from the shelter of
> > compassion and pity, you will have men who
> >  will deal likewise
> > with their fellow man.
> >   St.
> > Francis
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > *From:* Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > *To:* felvtalk 
> > *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2007 6:18 PM
> > *Subject:* Something is killing my cats, please help me
> >
> >
> > This is the toll so far from this year, not including kittens.
> >
> > Joey - 10 - died in late April.  Being treated for AIHA.
> >
> > Lucky Lady - 12 - got sick, was adopted by my vet, apparently
> > recovered but is now dying, they think cancer.
> >
> > Caroline - ran up a bill in excess of $1,000.  No one knows what was
> > or is wrong.  Possible FIP (but she's getting better), brain cancer, toxo.
> >
> > Suzie - I don't even want to see the bill and don't know how I am
> > going to pay it.  Possible FIP, toxo.
> >
> > They are all 5 and up.  All presented with massive dehydration (skin
> > tenting), anorexia, massiive weight loss.
> >
> > Some w/neuro symptoms..bloodwork varying...
> >
> > All tested neg/neg for FELV.
> >
> > Tehy are down to looking in my house for asbestos and leadsomeone
> > please help me...I don't know what is killing my cats
> >
> > --
> > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> >
> >
> >
> > Please help Caroline!
> >
> >
> >
> > I GoodSearch for Rescuties.
> >
> > Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
> > Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!
> >
> >
> --
> Leslie =^..^=
> To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
> patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
> only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
> ---Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your fav

Re: Tomi has joined Kisa and Koda

2007-06-24 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so very sorry.  I know it hurts so much.  You've been the best mommy to
those babies.  Hold on to those wonderful memoriesand know that we are
always here for you.

much love,

On 6/24/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I've just lost my closest friend other than my husband.  Tomi and I have
had a special bond ever since my husband brought him home.  My husband was
out walking the dog by the river in October of 2004, on a cold and rainy
day.  There was a kitten crying in the trees, cold and wet, and my husband
couldn't just leave him there.  I wasn't impressed at first, since we
already had 4 cats, but Tomi quickly won me over.  I've had a very close
bond with him ever since.

He was very timid at first, hiding whenever there was a strange noise or
person, we often wondered how my husband was able to catch him to bring him
home.  His tail had been broken at the end at one time too, it sort of
looked like a question mark when it was straight up.  Tomi quickly came
around though and trusted us, though he still always hid when any strangers
came to the house.

Tomi was the type of loving boy that always acknowledged your presence
when you touched him or talked to him...or even looked at him sometimes.  He
never showed any signs of annoyance when I gave him too many hugs/kisses,
and never got angry.

3.5 months ago when I found out he was anemic and had FeLV, I was
devastated.  I watched him slowly decline for nearly 2 months until he
crashed and I was sure he would die.  Amazingly he bounced back and gave me
another good 8 weeks with him.  Except during this time I had to watch Koda
and Kisa (Tomi's close buddy) get sick and die, so I didn't get to spend as
much time with my Tomi as I would have liked.

Then just a few days after Kisa died on June 12, Tomi got sick and crashed
again with the anemia.  He was having a hard time breathing, and again he
bounced back.  Last week he had a huge appetite, eating everything I gave
him, and drank lots of water.  Yesterday, he started to crash again.

Today, he was eating a little bit of liver I gave him and still drinking,
but his breathing was becoming more labored.  Then around noon, he began
panting, and I watched him die in a way that will haunt me forever.  He was
so scared and crying because he couldn't catch his breath.  This is
absolutely the worse thing i've ever experienced.

A huge part of the happiness in my life is now gone.  I guess i'll just
wander around like a zombie for awhile, and maybe the pain will eventually
turn to numbness.

Thank you all for the support you've given me through all of this.  It
looks like this ordeal that has been going on nonstop since March 9 is now


Re: Letting go-written for those who have lost a beloved furbaby

2007-06-22 Thread elizabeth trent

How beautiful.  Thank you.


On 6/22/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Note: forwarded message attached.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated
for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

-- Forwarded message --
From: "nanrayclarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 00:58:36 -
Subject: [feline-hyperT] Letting go

I found this essay some years ago, and I hope it will provide some
comfort to those who have lost a beloved pet.

The Fourth Day
by Martin Scott Kosins

If you ever love an animal, there are three days in your life you'll
always remember.

The first is a day, blessed with happiness, when you bring home your
new friend.

You may have spent weeks deciding, or asking opinions of many vets, or
chosen that silly looking mutt or kitten in the shelter - simply
because something in its eyes reached your heart.

But when you bring that chosen pet home, and watch it explore, and
claim its special place in your home - and when you feel it brush
against you for the first time - it instills a feeling of pure love
you will carry with you through the many years to come.

The second day will occur eight or nine or ten years later.

It will be a day like any other. Routine and unexceptional. But, for
a surprising instant, you will look at your longtime friend and see
age where you once saw youth.

You will see slow deliberate steps where you once saw energy.

And you will see sleep where you once saw activity.

So you will begin to adjust your friend's diet - and you may add a
pill or two to their food.

And you may feel a growing fear deep within yourself, which bodes of a
coming emptiness.

And you will feel this uneasy feeling, on and off, until the third day

And on this day - if your friend and God have not decided for you,
then you will be faced with making a decision of your own - on behalf
of your lifelong friend, and with the guidance of your own deepest Spirit.

But whichever way your friend eventually leaves you - you will feel as
alone as a single star in the dark night sky.

If you are wise, you will let the tears flow as freely and as often as
they must. And if you are typical, you will find that not many in
your circle of family or human friends will be able to understand your
grief, or comfort you.

But if you are true to the love of the pet you cherished through the
many joyfilled years, you may find that a soul - a bit smaller in size
than your own - seems to walk with you, at times, during the lonely
days to come.

And at moments when you least expect anything out of the ordinary to
happen, you may feel something brush against your leg - very very lightly.

And looking down at the place where your dear, perhaps dearest, friend
used to lay - you will remember those three significant days.

The memory will most likely be painful, and leave an ache in your heart.

As time passes the ache will come and go as if it has a life of its own.

You will both reject it and embrace it, and it may confuse you.

If you reject it, it will depress you.

If you embrace it, it will deepen you.

Either way, it will still be an ache.

But there will be, I assure you, a fourth day when - along with the
memory of your pet - and piercing through the heaviness in your heart
- there will come a realization that belongs only to you.

It will be as unique and strong as our relationship with each animal
we have loved, and lost.

This realization takes the form of a Living Love.

Like the heavenly scent of a rose that remains after the petals have
wilted, this Love will remain and grow - and be there for us to remember.

It is a Love we have earned.

It is the legacy our pets leave us when they go.

And it is a gift we may keep with us as long as we live.

It is a Love which is ours alone.

And until we ourselves leave, perhaps to join our Beloved Pets -

It is a Love that we will always possess.

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Re: overvaccination

2007-06-21 Thread elizabeth trent

I lost my Felicity to vaccine-related fibro sarcoma

They've changed the vaccine now, however...there is less risk.  There is
still risk, however.

I can tell you though that with an aggressive fibro sarcoma, amputating the
paw can prolong the life but it cannot save it.  Felicity had her leg
amputated.  A very sad and heart-wrenching story.  The survival rate even
for humans with this type of cancer is abysmal.

I'm glad to hear there is on-going research.

It's a difficult call.  Some vaccines are formulated to be given every three
years.  Others are formulated for every year.  Many say you don't want to
give a vaccine yearly formulated vaccine every 3 years.  There have also
been tests that indicate the three year vaccines are less effective.  I'm
told that currently the best  way to ensure you aren't over vaccinating is
to have blood work done for titers...but you could still end up paying for
that test and still have to pay for the vaccine too.

My vet doesn't like to vaccinate immuno-compromised or geriatric cats.  I
confess that I am very shell-shocked from my experience with Felicity...and
I do not have my cats vaccinated every year.  It might make more sense to
have them vaccinated more often if they were outdoor types. I really think
that if we still had FeVL+ babies living with us, I would have them
vaccinated more often.

I've lost babies to the vaccine - and I've lost a baby to FeVL+.  Both are


On 6/21/07, Jane Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The risk of vaccination and sarcoma is not inconsequential.
Many veterinarians have altered their vaccination protocols to
every three years because recent studies that have indicated we are
over vaccinating our animals. In many instances one vaccination
can protect an animal for its lifetime, and revaccination and boosters
are driven by the economics of a practice and pharmaceutical companies.

Dr Jean Dodds DVM and Ronald Schultz DVM are now conducting the 'Rabies
research, which is an effort to prove that one rabies vaccination is
sufficient for
the lifetime of an animal.

I did not intend to get into a vaccination discussion, other than to
say it is prudent to
research the type and frequency of vaccinations. There are many
practices that now
inoculate cats just above the paw, so that in the event of a sarcoma,
the paw can be amputated
and the animals life saved.


On Jun 21, 2007, at 10:49 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

> I had heard that on the radio or something--about not needing
> vaccinations
> every year. If I don't have to put them through the stress...I think
> I'll
> approach my new vet about the distemper. I guess my reasoning for not
> vaccinating the youngest is simply because she doesn't ever go
> outside. She
> doesn't even sneak out, or try to sneak out. The chances of her
> getting FeLV
> from contact through the screen patio door are so slim, that I just
> would
> rather not. But, if I ran a rescue where I had cats coming and going
> all the
> time, I definitely would vaccinate--more risk involved.
> Melissa
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley
> Saveika
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: The best food for Duncan??
> I think that the risk of vaccination and sarcomas is so low as to be
> inconsequential.  I think it is really important that all cats be
> vaccinated against FELV in the first year, and my vet agrees, so
> that's what my rescue does, even though it adds to our cost.
> It is a personal decision though, like everything else.  I'm certainly
> not trying to tell other folks what to do.
> I did see that the latest AAFP vaccination guidelines recommend going
> to once every 3 years against distemper...
> On 6/21/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I agree that the majority of the people here mix, but I never would.
>> This
> is
>> probably because I'm a newbie to this and a doubting-Thomas of sorts,
>> but
> I
>> just can't bring myself to expose my youngest (less than one year)
>> since
> she
>> would be most susceptible, and I've opted not to vaccinate her against
> FeLV
>> because of the risk associated with vaccination and sarcomas. I don't
>> have
>> any FeLV cats now, but when I did, I kept him in one room until I was
>> able
>> to find him a home. It was a lonely life for the poor guy, but I
>> spent a
> lot
>> of time with him. If I had to do it long-term, I'd set up an area for
>> several FeLV cats so they could have companionship. That's my plan
>> for the
>> future.
>> But, I'll have to say that most people here know a lot more about this
> than
>> I do-but that's just my own personal choice so far.
>> Melissa
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>> catatonya
>> Sent: Thursda

Re: Ki still has a fever

2007-06-21 Thread elizabeth trent

Thanks for this link, Belinda - I just ordered some for my Phelix.  They had
some other neat stuff too.


On 6/21/07, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   Hi Dede,
   I just ordered it from here, I've ordered a few things from here and
have gotten everything very quickly, their prices are very competitve
with other places I've checked.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: frustrated

2007-06-19 Thread elizabeth trent

The vet is an abomination.

On 6/19/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I was planning on doing the trap/alter/release program this summer with
some help from the vet—but the good one left. Sadly, this morning as I was
getting some meds from the regular vet, and he told me how much he hates his
daughter's cats and how he threatened to kill them! He said the girls are
wondering how come the cats are still around since they thought daddy was
going to kill them. It just gets worse and worse around here! You can't even
turn to the vet! Argh!

I'm going to ask around this larger community where I work (Norfolk, NE),
and see if there is such a program. I'm also going to start going to a
different vet I think.



*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Marylyn
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:26 PM
*Subject:* Re: frustrated

I don't know if you have a trap/alter/release organization in your area or
not but, if you do, they might help.  My bet is the husband would support
this if he is trying to help the little one.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

 - Original Message -

*From:* Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


*Sent:* Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:18 PM

*Subject:* RE: frustrated

Debbie,  I am continually shocked by people's insensitivity and down-right
barbarism. I can't believe that about the raccoons! What a sweet story with
such a horrific ending!

As for my situation, I brought up the fact that there would be help for
this kitty if they wanted me to take it off their hands. I told her that I
had mentioned the situation to a group, and they were more then willing to
help (I thought this would also sound less like I am the one intruding).

But, as luck would have it, her husband is a cat-lover (of sorts). He
talks to them and is telling another mama kitty to adopt this poor guy. It
sounds as though he has a big heart. I'm glad he talks to the kitties all
the time—they need someone like that. I'm going to bring them some kitten
milk and food that I have at home—I'm actually going to buy some more and
tell her that it was just extra of mine that I didn't need anymore.

It's sad that because they live on a farm and don't spay/neuter, that this
will happen continually. I will still ask about baby kitty, and I've told
her that if her husband wants to part with the little guy (or girl), that
I'd surely help. How can I not?



*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Debbie
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:23 AM
*Subject:* RE: frustrated

So glad things are better. I was in this position years ago. My husband
and I ended up hand raising 7 kittens from a co worker. If it is one kitten
the lady may get attached to it. Although most people who have "farm cats"
look at them as "just there and nothing special." I know because I work with
all farmers! They make fun of me all the time because of our cats and dogs.
They don't know what they are missing.The one lady's in laws here had a
cat that had given birth lately. Her in laws had killed a female raccoon
earlier in the week. Somehow the mother cat had found the raccoon's babies
and when the people went to look at the kittens they found the baby raccoons
with them, nursing the mother cat. Instead of being awed at nature and
seeing the beauty in the situation - the farmers being farmers shot the baby
raccoons! i have come to find that farmers can very cruel to animals. The
other guy here in the office, a few months ago, bragged about how he shot
his own dog - just because it wouldn't stay home. Another guy in the
warehouse asked me what the dog pound charged to put a dog to sleep. Seems
his dog, that was close to 12 years old, was having problems getting on and
off the couch. His wife is expecting and had informed him he needed to get
the dog "put down" before the arrival of the baby. he didn't want to pay the
vet to do it so he wanted to take it to the dog pound because it is cheaper!
Wonder if someday he would do this to his child or parents when they get to
be an inconvenience?

-Original Message-
From: Melissa Lind
Sent: Jun 19, 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: frustrated

Wow! Thank you all for the support! I'm back at work now—late because I
had to go to the vet for some medicine for my babies—and the lady told me
right away about her little kitty who is lapping up milk by himself. She was
very excite

Re: OT: frustrated

2007-06-18 Thread elizabeth trent

I would be so upset too!  I just cannot understand people who have no value
for life.  I'm sorry to go off - but these are the kind of people who
produce 'psycho killer' offspring.

What a difficult and sticky situation.  I can't advise you.  I don't think
anyone should take on more than they can properly care the same
time - this sort of thing just rips my heart out and I know it does yours

I spend a lot of time disgusted with people too...which is why, I think, I
have so many cats LOL


On 6/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I know this is off topic, but I just had to jot this down at work since
it's consuming my thoughts. A lady that I work with has farm cats. Sadly,
mama kitty and baby climbed into the car trunk when open, and they didn't
see them when they closed it. It's been really hot and the two spent an
entire day in the trunk. Mama kitty didn't make it, but amazingly the baby
did. But now my co-worker (more annoyed by the smell than anything) isn't
sure what to do with the baby. She tried to feed it, I think, but she
doesn't know about kitty milk or anything like that. And she actually sounds
as if she'd rather just let it die. How horrifying. I've been close to tears
all day after she told me so "regularly" as if it were nothing more than a

I really want to go take this baby and help it, but 1) I'm new here—it's
overstepping some boundaries, 2) the baby might not have made it through
today anyway without food, and 3) I have 3 of my own cats, 2 fosters, and a
husband who loves cats but is getting a little frustrated that I haven't
found homes for the foster cats yet. I know what the right thing to do is,
but I'm conflicted. More than anything I'm angry at this lady (or saddened)
by her lack of enthusiasm to help the poor baby. I can't stop thinking about
this little kitty.

Right now I'm generally disgusted with people.

Re: Going digest for a while

2007-06-17 Thread elizabeth trent

I'm so sorry your back is bothering you and that things are overwhelming.  I
hope very much you will feel better soon.  I always appreciate your emails
and your words helped me so much when Mama Kitty passed away.

You are a very dear and caring person and one of the shining stars of this
group.  We need you.

elizabeth, phelix, antonio, tiffany, lexie, shakiti, othello, and tori.

On 6/15/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Wendy and all,
I'm cc'ing Michelle this, (maybe someone has already sent her a copy of
your post to Phaewryn), I'm guessing she'll  appreciate it as much as I

You may have noticed my absence on the list lately...  My back is giving
me trouble and it makes it hard to sit at the computer for more than a
few minutes at a time.  Like so many of us, I'm also overwhelmed with
rescue efforts, (a young, emaciated pregnant girl, just a kitten
herself, showed up in my front yard last Thurs and had her babies on
Sat!).  I'll be pulling back from the list for at least a while.  I'm
not sure how much Phaewrn's latest tirade had to do with the decision,
but I just don't seem to have the energy to share right now.  Maybe it
has nothing to do with the changing dynamics of the list at all and it's
just a matter of exhaustion and physical pain.  I hope I'll be back
soon.  I feel a little traitorous leaving you all, so many of the
"old-timers" seem to be posting less and less.  This list has been a
Godsend to me and so many others, I will always be grateful for the
support, friendship, information and feeling of HOME that I've
experienced here.
Much love and good wishes to all of you always,

Re: Update:Re: OT: Regarding a freak accident to my is long...sorry!

2007-06-17 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you for the update -- my prayers are still with you.



 *Hi all,*
*I wanted to update you all of what's been going on with my husband.*
*My husband is on a lot of pain meds and is cantankerous. He isn't a happy
*I have been at the hospital a lot and it is showing. I'm so tired when I
do get home I'm only sleeping a few hours. I keep waking up then decide to
get up and go back to the hospital. Of course feed the animals and such
before leaving.*
*On Friday the Drs. did the second surgery to look at the area and decide
on what they are going to do. They cleanse the area and to check for new
tissue growth.*
*There is a lot of muscle and skin tissue damage plus the one bone is not
connected due to it being shattered. They put a fresh VAC tube in him and
closed him up.*
*Came out to talk to me and said he needs to have a bone and skin grafts
done. ASAP*
*The Dr. said they would use a bone donor or take bone from his hip and
take skin from his thigh area.*
*This would the next surgery. The third surgery is today.*
*My husband is still not out of danger yet. *
*The Drs. are working hard to help and save his arm.*
*So please keep your prayers coming...thanks!*
*God bless you all.*

*Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:*

See what's free at .

Re: Kisa is gone, thank you all

2007-06-16 Thread elizabeth trent

It was much harder to loose a dear kitty than to go through a divorce.
People don't understand that either.   It's true though - nothing leaves
such a hole in your heart.

Love and prayers to you and to Tomi, Cassandra.

On 6/15/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 08:33 PM 6/15/2007, you wrote:

 You have been through so very much and I am hoping with all my heart that
Tomi will show signs of improvement,
Yes we all understand the pain of loving animals with life threatening
illnesses and we understand your grief, i hate to admit this but I did not
have the grief when I lost my dad that Ido when I lost one of my sweet
babies. Only those here will understand.
all my thoughts and hopes and good energy going to you

 I just want to thank you all for your many kind words and thoughts
regarding Kisa, Koda, and Tomi.

This is one of the few places where I feel comfortable sharing how
strongly I feel about my babies and how deeply saddened I am by their
illnesses.  My husband is about the only other person who understands how
much our kitties mean to both him and I.  Most other people I know don't
understand the deep bond one can have with an "animal".

All your replies have meant much to me, and made me feel better.  It is
amazing that you have never met my babies or I, and yet can offer so many
words of reassurance.

I am missing Kisa terribly, as she was so much fun to have around.  She
was the social one, who interacted with my other cats, grooming and
playing.  Now I have three kitties left who have nothing at all to do with
each other.  I think they all miss her.

Sadly, I am not having much time to grieve for Kisa, because I believe
Tomi is getting sick again.  The last few days, he seems to be getting more
anemic again, and he vomited tonight.  After he vomited, he was panting for
a few seconds.  I'm also worried that he hasn't grown back the hair on his
neck that was shaved 3 months ago for his blood test.  It still looks like
it did a week after it was shaved.
I'm thinking of bringing him into the vet again, even though they wanted
to put him to sleep 2 months ago.  I was wondering if his hemobartonella may
be coming back, and that should be simple enough for them to test for.

I am so scared to have to go through this again so soon, and afraid Tomi
won't be able to pull off a miracle a second time.  I almost feel like we
are being punished for something, the way this nightmare seems to be

 - Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:50 PM
Subject: Kisa is gone :(

Kisa passed away this morning while I was at work, exactly one month after
Koda.  My heart is broken, especially since I wasn't there with her at the

I had prayed and hoped so much that she would continue to improve after
she started eating again a week and a half ago.  I suppose it was just too
much for her to overcome.  The anemia never really did improve much. Though
her breathing was better, her skin was so pale.

The last few days, her appetite faltered again, and she was getting
weaker.  I didn't think today would be the day she died, though i'm relieved
she didn't have to go on suffering much longer.  I don't think she was in
pain, and I sincerely hope she wasn't in pain at the end.  It was just so
hard to see her so weak when she was as active and happy as a kitten 3 weeks

Kisa is going to be missed more than words can say.  She never quite saw
her 3rd birthday, but the time she spent with us will never be forgotten.
She was special in so many ways, I wouldn't even know where to start to list
them all.  Fearless, loving, gentle, playful, curious, and sweet are just a
few of the words that describe her.  She's been sleeping on my pillow the
last few nights, and i'm going to miss her warmth so much.

If it ever stops raining, she will be buried next to Koda tonight.  I made
a rock garden full of flowers on top of Koda's grave.  Now Kisa will join
her there.


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Re: Thanks for info (was Re: Wallace not eating or drinking either

2007-06-14 Thread elizabeth trent

Jean, I am so sorry you guys are going through this.


On 6/14/07, Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi folks--

Just got home from the vet a little while ago.
Wallace was such a good boy for both vets that he
didn't need to be sedated for his sonogram or biopsy.
That's my good boy. [sniffle]  They really love
Wallace at my vet hospital -- he was there for a week
six years ago for FUS, and they all know what a
sweetie he is. They have his picture (with Boo and
William) in the waiting room, too.  (If you'd like to
see it, it's here:  )

We won't know what the cancer is until the cytology
report comes in, Saturday or Tuesday. BEST case at
this point is lymphoma. Right now, both vets (my vet
and the sonography specialist vet) think that he has
adenocarcinoma in his small intestine, invading into
the mesentery. His stomach wall and other sections of
the small bowel are also thickening.

This is *bad*. Of the two types of tumor, this *is*
the operable one, but it's big -- 5cm -- and it's
invaded beyond the small intestine. There's a partial
blockage of the intestine's lumen, too, which is
causing real concern and is probably why he stopped

I'm going to go snuggle my kitty and cry now.

Thanks so much to everybody, esp. those who gave me
the lymphoma information. Looks like it might be a
moot point now -- adenocarcinoma is *bad*. Feels weird
to be praying that it might be lymphoma -- as I said,
the cytology report won't be in for a few days.

Advice on enticing a sick kitty to eat is appreciated,
but as he doesn't have FeLeuk/FIV, he's off topic.
Thank you, though -- everybody here is so generous of
spirit, and helpful.


Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Re: CLS for Jet

2007-06-13 Thread elizabeth trent

I'm so sorry, Tad.  My heart is with you.

On 6/12/07, Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My sweet black cat Jet just passed away just a few minutes ago
June 12, 2007
She is the 5th of the 6 FeLV+ cats from Angel Wings... She has been here
with me
for 2 years.. She is probably about 5 years old... She has been healthy
all the time
she was here and enjoyed her life here with Marie and myself and all the
other cats...
She has been especially close to my feral cat who was just starting to
tame when jet
came here... Jet most often slept curled up next to me and that's where
she was tonight
when I felt those now all to familiar little muscle contractions that
signals when life has
left the body on this earth...
I knew her time was coming about a month ago when she started acting
like an older
cat and slowed down sum but even tonight she was eating but she had been
quite weak today and only an hour before she passed was the 1st time
that she wasn't
able to stand up and walk... I pulled her up close to me and she felt

We all will miss our Jet Cat...
Tad and Marie.

Re: Please add Nookie to CLS

2007-06-13 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so sorry.


On 6/12/07, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nookie passed on saturday night.  She was a feral we took in a year ago,
though she hide quite a bit she was finally coming out and hanging out
us.  She curled up into the little hiding place we made for her under the
stairs and passed away peacefully.
Thank you for all the support
Meer and Cree

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Re: OT: Regarding a freak accident to my is long...sorry!

2007-06-13 Thread elizabeth trent

This is terrible!  I'll be saying prayers for all of you and also that he
makes a full recovery.  Please keep us posted.



 *(I want apologized if you have already seen this from other groups I'm
* Hello all,
I wanted to make everyone aware or least be alert of what can happen when
you get behind brush mowers whether it's up close or at a distance.
It is very dangerous.

Yesterday, my husband was about 20 feet behind a tractor that had a brush
mower on it which was operated by his friend. My husband was looking for
items that may have been sticking out of the ground that the mower didn't

Anyway, a huge rock flew out from the mower and my husband said he seen it
at the corner of his eye. By then it was too late. The rock hit him on his
right arm below the elbow and broke his arm in two places. I had to call 911
for help he was bleeding and going into shock. He was taken to the hospital
and had x-rays done on him. The time was around noontime that this happened.

My Dr. was on call who is a orthopedic surgeon had to do emergency surgery
on him.
I have a lot of faith in him as he done my knee replacements and other
bone surgeries.
One of the bones is shattered in my husband's arm and he said it look like
a gunshot wound. He was taken into surgery about 5 pm was returned back to
his room about 9:15 pm last night.
The Dr. told me he was bad that he could lose his arm especially below the
He has muscle and tissue damage. Many fragments of the bone was floating
in his arm.
Did what he could do for him at this point.
Only time will tell.

Since, my husband is a Diabetic and has HEP C from tainted blood in the
60's from a blood transfusion he is considered high risk. He has a tube in
him that they call a Vacu this is to suck all the infection and excess blood
from the area. He is also on two different IV lines for the loss of blood
and for antibiotics. He is being monitored closely.
I did noticed his blood pressure was high.
So he will be in the hospital for at least some time.
He will be taken back into surgery tomorrow to check out more of the
damage and try to repair more of his arm.

By the way my husband is right handed this is the arm that got injured.

Some of you already know he just had two recent right shoulder surgeries
on the same arm. He was supposed to return back to work for light duty on
the 19th of this month.
Believe it or not he was looking forward going back to work after being
off for almost a year.
Now that this has happened I don't know what we are going to do.

Please pray and hope he doesn't lose part of his arm.
That he makes full recovery.

*Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:*

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Re: Kisa is gone :(

2007-06-12 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so sorry.  She was so lucky that you cared for her the way you did --
those last days sleeping on your pillow are so special.

There are no words to describe the pain of burying one you your children.
There is no greater pain.

It will mean so much that you have them there - I know their gravesite is
beautiful.  Thank you for all your love and care and making this world a
better place.

All my heart,

On 6/12/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Kisa passed away this morning while I was at work, exactly one month
after Koda.  My heart is broken, especially since I wasn't there with her at
the end.

I had prayed and hoped so much that she would continue to improve after
she started eating again a week and a half ago.  I suppose it was just too
much for her to overcome.  The anemia never really did improve much. Though
her breathing was better, her skin was so pale.

The last few days, her appetite faltered again, and she was getting
weaker.  I didn't think today would be the day she died, though i'm relieved
she didn't have to go on suffering much longer.  I don't think she was in
pain, and I sincerely hope she wasn't in pain at the end.  It was just so
hard to see her so weak when she was as active and happy as a kitten 3 weeks

Kisa is going to be missed more than words can say.  She never quite saw
her 3rd birthday, but the time she spent with us will never be forgotten.
She was special in so many ways, I wouldn't even know where to start to list
them all.  Fearless, loving, gentle, playful, curious, and sweet are just a
few of the words that describe her.  She's been sleeping on my pillow the
last few nights, and i'm going to miss her warmth so much.

If it ever stops raining, she will be buried next to Koda tonight.  I made
a rock garden full of flowers on top of Koda's grave.  Now Kisa will join
her there.


Re: Charity (Crossed The Bridge)

2007-06-09 Thread elizabeth trent

Patti,  I am so very sorry.



 I don't know just "how" I can even write this, but my Charity DID
cross.. I can only pray it was peaceful.. But, w/ her pitiful
crying, I *know* she was in pain.
And, someone [sorry, memory is shot] mentioned getting a cab But,
since I moved, my [wonderful] vet is in Md., & I'm in a small town in Pa.
With NO cab service...
It all happened so [too] fast, I am in shock, besides myself.. Don't
know "what" to do...
And, trust me, I DID try contacting many people...As far as "house
calls", well, no one was available.   They all said "Wait 'til
Monday"..Yeah, sure. I deep down inside, *knew* Monday would be
too late BUT, I *DID *pray for a miracle.. Didn't want to give
I can only be glad that she *finally* had a home & knew she was very much
loved..{Lot of solace that brings me now]
And, it's Saturday, HOT & I want to have her cremated & vet's not in til
Moday.And, I also don't have a trunk freezer for her remains.. Can't
get any worse...
And, being up w/ her the whole time, I'm just too devastated to even "try"
to get some rest..
Thank you ALL for your prayers & suggestions.[This list has the BEST
people. so caring. understanding.The MAIN reason I never "left" after
losing my Ethan]
I did write Belinda for the CLS separately
Have to go.  With my "vision problems" & with all these tears, I can't see
at all now..
Much love, with tears,
Patti & her [remaining] gang

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Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-07 Thread elizabeth trent

That's good info, Beth.  After I get the outside of this house looking like
someone actually lives here - I'm going to start on the inside.  All the
floors are coming up.  It's good to know about products that are


On 6/7/07, Beth Noren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I have laminate (Armstrong) and so far, so good, no scratches from the
MIne is called "Easylock", not sure if they still make it, but it was very
easy to
install (easier than the Pergo I put in for my sister a few years ago.)


 On 6/7/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  That red dye may be causing the problem.  Some of it is made from
> shellfish and other things the cat (and a lot of people) have trouble with.
> I don't know about laminate and cat claws.  Do yourself a favor and get
> a piece for the cats to run on for a while.  I have pine floors with a
> shellac finish.  Dixie has scratched the devil out of them running and
> making turns.  This is an ok thing.  I am grateful just for the privilege of
> watching her.  I suspect I will break down and put a polyurethane finish on
> them one day...or maybe not.  I have Bruce floors in another house
> and the critters don't seem to have caused any damage to them.  Just to
> clarify:  She has not shredded the floors.  There are just little claw marks
> all over the joingt.
>  If you have men who
> will exclude any of God's creatures
>  from the shelter of
> compassion and pity, you will have men who
>  will deal likewise with
> their fellow man.
>   St.
> Francis
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Rosenfeldt, Diane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2007 11:22 AM
> *Subject:* RE: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.
> Oh, been there!  For some insane reason we chose a light-colored carpet,
> and at the moment there's a large, several-days-old,
> 409'ed-but-needs-further-work reddish splotch in the middle of the living
> room floor where Luc hacked up a tummyful of solid food with more than the
> usual amount of liquid.  Got it almost right away, but that liquid really
> soaked in.  I would so love to rip out that carpet and put in Pergo-ish
> laminate, but my housemate is unconvinced that it's as easy to install as
> like 4,000 people say it is, plus it's a 25x14 space so it would be a big
> investment aside from moving all that furniture.  Luckily it's a cheap
> carpet so I don't get frantic when there's a new stain but hey, we're
> already on the raw edge of white trashhood to begin with without big stains
> all over.  ;-)
> It would be so nice if cat food companies would lay off the damn red dye
> (maybe they can work on that after they get rid of the plastic and the
> acetaminophen!!)  One of my friends could only buy certain varieties of cat
> food because her baby has a sensitive stomach and yacks on a daily basis,
> and the red dye just wouldn't come out of the light carpet in her rental
> unit.  It's a good thing Spike likes chicken flavor (I am happy to
> report that in a few weeks Spike will be living in a house with hardwood
> floors.)
> Diane R.
>  --
> *On Behalf Of *Melissa Lind
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2007 8:52 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.
> Yes, but I wish they would also learn where to puke and where not to. I
> flipped the cushion over on the lounge yesterday after an unsuccessful
> attempt to remove the vomit stain. I hope I didn't make it worse. Then this
> morning, out of all the places in the house to vomit, Ashley chooses the
> clean side of the lounge. Ack! How frustrating. I had left a message with
> our carpet guy yesterday, but he didn't return my call. This morning I left
> another message telling him that it has elevated to a crisis! For Pete's
> sake, we haven't even paid for the furniture yet, and I certainly don't want
> to re-upholster it already! I hope that he can get the stains out since they
> are in places that can't be covered up by cushions or blankets—right in the
> middle of course! G! What a day!
> Thanks for letting me vent—I know it's not a big deal; we've always said
> our kitties are more important than our furniture—but really—both s

Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Poor Scooter :-/  It's so frustrating when they itch like that -- you just
want them to be comfortable.

We've tried everything trying to figure out the cause of Phelix's allergies
- to no avail.

Thank you for the kind wishes, Beth.   Happy, peaceful, itch-free days
to you guys.  Please give Scooter a kiss from me.


On 6/6/07, Beth Noren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, haven't been on list much lately but I wanted to chime in about the
soft paws.
I have an itchy boy here, (Scooter, food allergies) and I still have to
him even with the soft-paws on his back feet.  If I take the collar off he
his head right open.  Also, he likes to chew the caps off.  I am so
declawing, but might be desperate enough to have a rear-declaw done on him
someday if I can't figure out what's making him itch...
Elizabeth, I'm glad that Phelix's eye is going to be ok, and I hope the
will help him again.  And I hope you get some rain to ease your breathing
(although the burst of energy from the pred sounds nice!)

Take care,

>  That's a fairly typical antibiotic/steroid eye ointment. Sounds logical
> to me. I have an itchy boy here too, he digs bleeding sores all over his
> body. It's not bad yet this year, we are hoping it wont flare up as more
> plants begin to bloom in summer. I'm considering soft paws for his back
> paws, so he can't do so much self-damage this year if it does flare up. The
> problem is that he is very independent, and I will probably have to take him
> to the vet to get them "installed" as he's not the cat to try to mess with
> if it's not his idea to be messed with (and I have the scars to prove it).
> Phaewryn
> Special Needs Cat Resources
> Sign up for iGive and a percentage of your purchases helps save animals!

Re: Sasquatch Please add to the CLS :(

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Sherry, I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Sasquatch.  Thank you for
letting him go with dignity and for caring so much for him.  You have a
beautiful heart.

Love to you,

On 6/6/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This sweet gray handsome boy will be missed by all the volunteers at
Sids.Dr. Jen had to let him go with dignity today.Thank you all for being

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Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Hey MC...I may be morally opposed after I try it once ;0)  Pass the

Half of my furniture is cat furniture.  The wonderful thing is they seem to
know where it's ok to sharpen and where it isn't (at least when I'm here


On 6/6/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you're morally opposed to TRIMMING claws, dear? explain, please.
(thinking that i would long ago have bled to death--not to mention having
had to pay enormous vet bills for ingrown claws)..

>  Your cats get STUCK to the carpet? Bizarre! I never trim claws here
> (I'm morally opposed to the idea) unless there's a medical necessity, and I
> can honestly say my cats have NEVER gotten stuck to the carpet. I have
> occasionally seen one get stuck on the side of the sofa while scratching it,
> but even that is rare.
> Phaewryn
> Special Needs Cat Resources
> Sign up for iGive and a percentage of your purchases helps save animals!


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Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

It's very dangerous for the flies -- this I do know  Haha.

They love their moths too, Melissa :0)  The treasured ancient llama sweater
is a favorite 'get stuck' place here...along with curtains and the blankets
hanging off the bed.

I had a man here at the house yesterday looking over the outside of my house
for repairs.  I'm replacing ALL the windows in my house.   Every one of my
screens has holes put there by my dear fur family.  I asked him about
getting windows that open from the top (or screens that aren't so flimsy I
could push a hole in them with my fingernail).  He really didn't get it
until I started pointing to the evidence (i.e. -- big shredded holes).  I
even asked if we could install the windows upside down!  (The windows have
to be replaced for reasons other than my poor shredded screens...but I want
this to be a consideration).  He's going to research the options for me and
give me an itemized list of options in about a week.  I'm still thinking
about what Phaewryn said about chicken wire over the windows...

I wish I had a big window seat in every window for the babies.  I think I
have about 12-15 bird feeders of various types and a wonderful variety of
birds.  I keep a copy of Sibley's handy  --- it's cat tv.  It gives them
hours of entertainment.


On 6/6/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Ha Ha! I've never had a cat stuck to the carpet either—but frequently to
the screen door. They panic a little when they see me come to rescue them
off the screen since they know they're not supposed to be scratching at it
anyway! Those flies are so tempting! Even though I have a few scratch marks
on our screen door—we've got no flies in the house! (Is it dangerous for the
cats to eat the flies?)



*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:31 PM
*Subject:* Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

Your cats get STUCK to the carpet? Bizarre! I never trim claws here (I'm
morally opposed to the idea) unless there's a medical necessity, and I can
honestly say my cats have NEVER gotten stuck to the carpet. I have
occasionally seen one get stuck on the side of the sofa while scratching it,
but even that is rare.

Special Needs Cat Resources
Sign up for iGive and a percentage of your purchases helps save animals!

Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

I can relate, Phaewryn.  Never thought of the soft paws as a solution -- not
a bad idea.  I worry so about those sores -- Phelix has such a bald tummy
and doesn't miss the inside of his back legs either.  I just want him to be
comfortablebut I worry when he starts chewing.  He's rubbed a few places
raw.  I know he truly itches a lot -- and I've tried so many things...but I
do wonder if there isn't a compulsive component to the behavior.  Habits are
so hard to break.  Still...I'm so afraid that any drug that would modify a
compulsive behavior might have an effect on his purrrfect personality.  I
need to do a better job of staying on top of things to keep him as
symptom-free as possible.



 That's a fairly typical antibiotic/steroid eye ointment. Sounds logical
to me. I have an itchy boy here too, he digs bleeding sores all over his
body. It's not bad yet this year, we are hoping it wont flare up as more
plants begin to bloom in summer. I'm considering soft paws for his back
paws, so he can't do so much self-damage this year if it does flare up. The
problem is that he is very independent, and I will probably have to take him
to the vet to get them "installed" as he's not the cat to try to mess with
if it's not his idea to be messed with (and I have the scars to prove it).

Special Needs Cat Resources
Sign up for iGive and a percentage of your purchases helps save animals!

Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Still have the scented laundry, eh?  It just blows me away - how creative
these guys can be.  I just wish I knew something to tell you that would
help!   It's so hard to get mad at a cat for being a cat too.  Almost makes
me think it might pay to flip the circuit breaker to the dryer and take off
the back and clean off what parts you could get tooor better yet...get a
handy friend to do it.  I think of all those holes in the drum...places for
sneaky pee pee.  Just hard to get to.

And yes -- before Phelix's incident...I was in bed...hardly felt that I
could get up because I'd been up all night the night before fighting for a
good breath with this asthma...probably should have gone to ER.  I opened my
eyes laying there in bed - and saw Phelix's eye and I might as well have
levitated out of that bed!  That shot of adrenalin restored any breathing
trouble I might have been having! LOL  My whole world revolves around those
babies -- I think I was still wearing half of my pajamas when we showed up
at the vet's.

He's much, much better -- and I'm eating prednisone like breath mints so I'm
bouncing off the walls and getting a ton of work done.  Everybody just got a
freeze dried shrimp snack so it's happyville over here.


On 6/5/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hope you are feeling better today.  Isn't it amazing that no matter
how bad we feel, we can gather the energy from somewhere when our loved
ones need us?  I'm glad to hear that Phelix is okay and that it was just
a nasty scare.  It's so sweet the way the two of you are taking care of
each other.  Speaking as someone with a urine entrenched dryer
situation, I have to say that the scent-association of lavender sounds a
hell of a lot more pleasant!
Hugs sweetie,

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
> well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one
> with allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching
> a lot lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his
> eye!  And there was blood.  I nearly panicked.
> I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.
> By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking
> around - no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to
> protect his one good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and
> looked to make sure he hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked
> his ears - they look good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).
> The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught
> his eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for
> me and gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately
> (his tummy is bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave
> him some salve for me to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just
> says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.  It has an antibiotic and a steroid in
> it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy, we're going to do the tresoderm
> a few days too just to be extra sure.
> I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails
> trimmedbut I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home
> when that happened.  It looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps
> telling me it was no big deal.
> Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.
> Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I
> get home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast
> enough letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept
> saying --- Phelix smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.
> All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.
> elizabeth

Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Cassandra, I've been bad about keeping up with the list lately but I know
you've had a lot going on lately.  My heart is with you even though I've
been bad about replies.

I hope these new clippers will do the trick.  If I get in a pinch, I know my
neighbor will help me.  Love and hugs to you and your babies.


On 6/5/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hope Phelix is doing well.  I find that dew claw the worst to cut, its
hard to get ahold of, and difficult to get the right angle on it with the
clippers.  I find having my husband hold the cats at chest level while I
clip is the easiest.  I usually only remember to trim their nails when they
start getting stuck to the carpet as they walk across it.


- Original Message -
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Monday, June 04, 2007 10:03 PM
*Subject:* OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

 Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around
- no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one
good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he
hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his
eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and
gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is
bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me
to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.
It has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmedbut
I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.



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Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

We have a bit of sibling rivalry here and it can get out of hand from time
to time.  Always scares me when the boys play rough.  I hope Bandit is doing
better, Melissa.  Please give him a kiss for me.


On 6/5/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


What a cute story about the lavender! I'm glad you included this
information—I'm so bad at trying to clip their claws, and I really need
to—poor Bandit (our 10 yr. old) got swiped the other day and it drew a
little blood by his nose—poor guy—he never wants to really fight hard, just
wrestle around a little, but the little fur kids sometimes don't understand.



*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *elizabeth trent
*Sent:* Monday, June 04, 2007 10:03 PM
*Subject:* OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around
- no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one
good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he
hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his
eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and
gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is
bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me
to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.
It has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmedbut
I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

He's a happy boy right now :0)  I picked up a nice pair of toe nail clippers
for the kids today.  Getting them to be still with no one to help is going
to be an adventure for all of us!


On 6/5/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OH, POOR PHELIX!  And poor you!  It's awful to feel guilty so don't do
 "Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

 On Jun 4, 2007, at 10:03 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

 Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around
- no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one
good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he
hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his
eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and
gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is
bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me
to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.
It has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmedbut
I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you so much.  We are both much better.  Phelix's eye looks 110% better
and he's not scratching himself like crazy.  The vet says it's his allergies
-- I need to be better about applying his transdermal compounded benedryl.
We have a severe drought here in the south and the air quality is just
terrible.  We need a good soaking rain to wash all the allergens out of the
air for me and Mr. Phelix.


On 6/5/07, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hope you are both feeling better.  I usually don't remember to clip
claws around here until someone scratches me (accidentally) or get's stuck
scratching the sofa!

*elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around
- no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one
good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he
hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his
eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and
gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is
bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me
to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.
It has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmedbut
I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-04 Thread elizabeth trent

ok - here's the medicine (read the insert):

Vetropolycin HC
(bacitracin-neomycin-polymyxin with hydrocortisone acetate 1% veterinary
ophthalmic ointment -- sterile --- antibacterial)

apply 1/4 inch strip under the eyelid 2-3 times daily.

On 6/4/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around
- no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one
good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he
hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his
eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and
gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is
bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me
to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.
It has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmedbut
I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-04 Thread elizabeth trent

Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around -
no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one good
eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he hadn't
scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his eye
and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and gave
him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is bald
but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me to
use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.  It
has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmedbut I
sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


Re: Sally

2007-06-03 Thread elizabeth trent

That's good info, Sally -- thanks!

On 6/3/07, Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Pam,

I am in VA. Daylilies are not in the LILY family. They are not toxic to
cats in spite of what the ASPCA has on there website. It is based on an
assumption that they are *lilies. *My front yard is entirely daylilies, no
grass. Funny thing is my cats get very few fleas now. When they do I use
Advantage. Fleas live in grassy yards.

I am a horticulturist by trade and education. So I give that as my
qualification regarding daylily (hemerocallis) classification.

We are getting remnants of TS Barry.

Thanks for your concern.


 On 6/3/07, Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sally, where are you?  It's been raining here too & hasn't for awhile. I
> know, too much coincidence for you to be here too but you never know.
> I'm in south central WI.
> And remember day lilies are very toxic to cats.
> Pam
> Sally Davis wrote:
> > Nina
> >
> > Thanks for the inspiring story. My old computer had major problems
> > least which which was the sound did not work in spite of a sound card
> > and speakers. I am trying to transfer my old files and setting to this
> > computer but the room is still to hot for the old one to run. So I
> > have windows opened three fans running to bring the cool air from
> > outside inside. It is raining and much needed rain for my flowers.
> > Next to my precious cats I collect daylilies, Japanese Maples, and
> > other plants.
> >
> > Well I really don't collect cats. I just love them. I have had a cat
> > since I was a child and I remember all of them. At least  when my
> > middle age memory allows me
> >
> > Sally
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 6/3/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Here's a video that had me in happy tears, something I know we
> > could all
> > use:
> >
> >
> >  >
> > <
> >  >>
> >
> >
> >

Re: Skidboot video

2007-06-03 Thread elizabeth trent

That is wonderful, Nina.  Thank you.


On 6/3/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's a video that had me in happy tears, something I know we could all

Re: depressing!!.

2007-06-03 Thread elizabeth trent

I only spend that much for a cat at the vet's ;-)

On 6/2/07, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looks like a really big tabby to me.Hmmm, so if I can get a tabby up
to 30 pounds, I can call it an Ashera mix and ask a really big adoption

Who spends $22K on a cat?  Crazy.

*Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.6/828 - Release Date: 6/1/2007
11:22 AM

Re: any suggestions

2007-06-02 Thread elizabeth trent

I trust Nina's opinion, Jane.  I hope so much that MeMe will rally soon.
Please give her kitty kisses from us.

Elizabeth, Phelix, Antonio, Tiffany, Lexie, Shakiti, Tori, Othello

On 6/2/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is just my personal opinion, but I would stop the Drontal, at least
until you can talk to your vet.  The fact that she was improving and
that it is highly suspect that the Drontal put her off her food and (may
have stressed her enough to bring back the runny eye symptom), makes me
think that a step backward might be in order.  When I looked into
treating Giardia with Drontal, I neglected to also check for dosages.  I
don't know the mg dosage you are giving her but 2x daily for 5 days
seems excessive to me.  Worming meds, by their very nature are toxic.
She may be refusing to eat because she's nauseous, give her some time to
settle her stomach before you start to worry too much.

Jane Lyons wrote:
> It has been one week since MeMe's diagnosis and yesterday
> I thought we were making progress. Her swollen glands are
> noticeably diminished, her sneezing has all but stopped and her
>  bad breath from stomatitis is very much improved.
> Her appetite has been great and I have been able to get her
> to finish the daily dose of FortiFlora (probiotic) which my vet
> is so hopeful about. We are also giving her the Maitake-DMG
> twice each day. All was fine until the Drontal tablets arrived.
> My vet prescribed two tablets daily (the canine variety) for  5
> days to treat her Giardia. She had consulted with Bayer before
> prescribing it. The Metroniidazole that she had been on did not work.
> Last night her right eye became very runny and she threw up a good
> bit of what looked like clear liquid. This morning she refused food
> (I tried everything I could think of) and I resorted to putting a blob
> of Nuti-cal on her paw. I suspect the Drontal is upsetting her stomach.
> I cannot reach my vet until Monday and cannot give her supplements
> on an empty stomach.
> She is so sweet and so vulnerable. I wish I could get her to a place
> where she has
> a fighting chance.
> Thanks for listening.
> Jane

Re: Hideyo got her missing cat Maddie!

2007-06-02 Thread elizabeth trent

Hideyo totally rocks!  I am so happy for Maddie safe return!!!

On 6/2/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Some of you good folks might remember that Hideyo has been searching for
an adopted kitty that went missing the very first night she was in her new
home.  Well last night, (actually, this morning at 3:30am), Hideyo was able
to trap Maddie using a drop trap!  All of you who know Hideyo can imagine
the tireless effort that has gone into this rescue effort and I'm so pleased
to report that it has paid off with Maddie's safe return from her
adventure.  Food had been placed in the yard of the house where she escaped
from and a couple of the neighbors had been reporting sightings.  Regular
traps weren't working, so Hideyo had a drop trap made and camped out for a
couple nights until she got her!  Marissa, I hope you're reading this, have
heart my dear and keep trying to find Georgia.  Here's the paste of the
message Hideyo wanted me to convey to the list:

>Nina, could you also let everyone on FELK list know that I was able to
bring Maddie home..-- mainly so that people won't easily give up if they
lose theirs -- 5 five weeks later, I was able to reunite with Maddie.. and I
want people not to give up easily if they really want to find theirs -- I
also know of a really really good AC besides Carol [Carol Robinson ] -- I love Carol.. but I
also love Annette Betcher
[ ] -- I just love her personality, and I
think you should try her and Carol (or anyone else for that matter) if there
is any need in the future!!

Re: Opinions Needed

2007-05-31 Thread elizabeth trent

Take out the TMI part and you've got a FANTASTIC letter to the editor.
Thank you for taking the time to do this -- I hope a lot of people read it.


On 5/31/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yep, just leave out the NUMBERS of the critters you have!

wish i thought it'd make a difference somehow. well, MAYBE it'll get
some folks to offer to foster, as that is such a HUGE need right now all
over the country--unfortunately, i don't think it'll make any difference at
all to the kind of people who think that some lives--those wrapped up in
fur, or too old, or too ugly, or inconvenient--are less-than any others.


On 5/31/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I absolutely agree with Diane and your husband.  I think it's wonderful
> of you to want to call attention to the plight of the innocent, but as Diane
> says, don't call attention to you and yours in the process.  I'd  make the
> letter a lot more general, leaving out many of the details that might call
> personal attention to you.
> N
> Rosenfeldt, Diane wrote:
> Debbie, it's a great letter.  I'm just thinking maybe you'd be safer
> leaving out the details of your various rescued pets.  Maybe just say you
> couldn't take them in because you already have the legal limit of happy,
> healthy, neutered, vaccinated and deeply loved pets, all of whom are former
> rescues just like these babies.  That way, you wouldn't be calling undue
> attention to yourself in case you're over the limit, and you're not lying
> about anything (you DO have the legal limit, you just leave off the "and
> then some!"), and you're demonstrating by your own example what responsible
> pet ownership means.
>  --
> *On Behalf Of *Debbie
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:49 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Opinions Needed
> This is a letter to the editor of our local paper concerning the kittens
> we found dumped over the weekend. My husband is afraid it will cause trouble
> if they print it with a name and town. What do you think? Myself, I doubt
> anyone will really pay attention. I am curious to know what you guys think.
> Thanks for the input.
> Debbie


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: I've been dropped!

2007-05-28 Thread elizabeth trent

This used to happen to me when I used aol...haven't had any problems since I
changed to gmail.


On 5/28/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't figure it out--I keep getting dropped by either or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It's
driving me crazy!  Anyone have a clue?

Thank you!

Tee 'n' the Wildlife

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Re: Good thoughts for Caroline

2007-05-27 Thread elizabeth trent

all good thoughts and prayers with you and Carline, Kelly.

love and hugs,

On 5/26/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I got up this morning and Carline was sick.  I took her to the
hospital..she had 2 seizures in the car...they don't know what is
wrong with her but she will be staying in the ER for the
doesn't look very good.  She's lost a lot of weight and was dehydrated

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Re: OT- Cat bite, what do i do

2007-05-25 Thread elizabeth trent

Soak it in hot salt water.  Please be really careful with this.  Don't want
to frighten you but a friend of mine lost a finger due to a cat bite.


On 5/25/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was trying to put Nod in his carrier for his dental today and
apparently he didn't want to go.  It isn't a terrible bite, but it did
break the skin. He is current on his rabies.  Do I wait and hope it
doesn't become infected?

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Gandalf!

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Re: Nathaniel Please add to the CLS :(

2007-05-23 Thread elizabeth trent

Sherry, I'm so sorry.  You've had to say goodbye to so many friends lately.
Goodbye, were very loved.


On 5/23/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jen just e-mail us that sweet Nate Nate has lost his battle with a blood
parasite that was making him anemic.He was a sweet tiger boy with white
feet.I will miss him very much. :(

 some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink 

Re: Great Snake evening excitement

2007-05-22 Thread elizabeth trent

Can you soak in some hot salt water?  It's painful but it really does help.
I'm so sorry!  Sounds like there is never a dull moment at your house!


On 5/21/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok..So  I am alone and head into the bedroom to see several cats
curiously looking under the dresser. this can mean, a toad, a bird, a
gopher  or snake,,,I have already removed a few garter snakes from
the cats this year,,, i got down on my hand and knees,,,shooing the
cats away and heard a very irritated snake under the dresser. i could
not tell if it was a gopher snake or a rattle snake,,,So now
what,,there are 13 cats in there and i tried to get them out with out
scaring them under the dresser,,favorite hiding place,,I did not want
to leave as i needed to keep track of the snake, I tossed a few cats
in the bathroom,,slammed the door,,,got one into the closet and
scared a few into my cat inclosure and locked them out, that left only 4
I called Ashley, my cat helper to come give me a hand,,She arrived a
few moments later,,,boots,,,rake and pail,,,but i still needed to get
one feral out of the room,,,Well I grabbed her by the scuff and was
almost out the door but she turned and really got me good, Several
very deep bites but I got her out,
Well we got the snake out and once in the light it looked more like a
poor little scared gopher snake so we took him out to the vineyards
to release him,,, I have pictures if anyone wants to see him,,,
the moral of the story is ..well there may not be one,,find a snake
in your room and go the emergency room with a cat bite!!
What is strange is I have a pair of  Red Tail hawks nesting in my
palm tree and eating on the telephone pole out side my window,,,each
day they seem to come home dangling a snake and i was just commenting
that all my snakes will disappear,,,hmmm

Re: Plastic Bag Kitties

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

What a blast that must be for him! LOL



 Tigger loves those bags to play in. I can hold one open, and he will walk
in and lay down, then I can pick him up in it (like he's a sack of
groceries), and swing him around in it (he's laying down in the bag upside
down at this point, like a hammock). He chirps and then flips over and digs
his claws in and digs out through the bottom of the bag, and out he pops! He
loves it, he's a silly boy. Sometimes if I get tired of swinging him and he
hasn't decided it's time to get out yet, I hang him on a doorknob by the
handles, LOL!

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Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

OH that is too funny LOL  Sorry NinaI couldn't help laughing :0)



 Maybe you can order some raw coffee beans and home roast them on high
heat in the dryer, LOL!

One thing though... I wouldn't advise doing a load of whites or light
colors in the dryer immediately after a load of coffee beans.


From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs.  Excuse me while I
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

What a great idea!

On 5/21/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Something just dawned on me.  You know how Nordie's has those little
containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing perfumes?  I used
to manage a coffee store and I always smelled like fresh coffee.
People in  check-out lines would ask me what the wonderful coffee was
in my basket--and there was none!  Maybe little sachets of ground
coffee in our pockets would work.  !?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:

> I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration
> effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats.  My
> sniffer isn't what it used to be either.  Perhaps it's a blessing
> in disguise, but it does little for our social lives.  I've had
> people in check out lines ask me about my pets.  I'll quick sniff
> at my clothing but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat
> hair and not problem odors.  I have little chance of getting away
> with a spontaneous murder.  I carry way too much traceable dna with
> me wherever I go.
> N
> Kelley Saveika wrote:
>> At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.  Have you
tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot with Shakiti (aka -
magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last week.  You can order it
online too.  I am so sorry!


On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where the
urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, someone
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm assuming
they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the opening of
the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know is that
I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I think
it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling
not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must
be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do
I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?

Re: Michelle

2007-05-20 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you for keeping us posted.   Please tell Michelle we miss her.


On 5/20/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michelle wanted me to tell everyone hello and to let you know that Patches
was at home now as of last night.

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Re: From Michelle

2007-05-19 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you for posting and letting us know.  Please tell Michelle we are
sending prayers and good thoughts her way.   Keep us posted if you can.


On 5/19/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,Michelle wanted me to pass this on to everyone here,to ask for
prayers for her sweet Patches.

 Patches, my one remaining positive, has been in the hospital for the last
3 days. I was scared (as was the local vet) that it was FIP or lymphoma. It
turns out it is severe pancreatitis and ketoacidotic diabetes. She has done
better than expected and, if she responds ok today to longer-acting
twice/day insulin (she has been on 4 x/day) she can come home tonight
(fingers crossed).  FIP can sometimes cause pancreatitis, so it is not
definite she does not have it, but there are no present indications that she
does, knock on wood.  The vets warn that it will not be easy to keep her
well or get her over the pancreatitis or the diabetes, but we are going to
try our best!  She is eating a little diabetes prescription food on her own
without vomiting, which the vet says is good.

Would you please forward this to the FeLV list and ask people to send her
some healing energy and prayers?

Thanks and hope you are well,

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Re: Anyone know how much it is for anal sac removal?

2007-05-19 Thread elizabeth trent

Just be careful with that -- the anal glands are a bit fragile -- they can
rupture if you don't take extreme caution.


On 5/19/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you tried having them expressed every (very) few weeks and seeing if
they will clear up on their own?  You can do this yourself.

If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with
their fellow man.
- Original Message -
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 11:02 PM
Subject: OT: Anyone know how much it is for anal sac removal?

> Hey guys,
> I think I might have to have my furbaby, Pepper's,
> anal sacs removed.  Hers are impacted again for the
> third time in a year and it's at least a hundred bucks
> everytime this happens.  Does anyone know how much it
> might cost?  I'm scared to find out!
> Thanks,
> Wendy
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
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Re: To Elizabeth: Re: OT -- just for laughs :0)

2007-05-19 Thread elizabeth trent

I tried it on Phelix this morning with the Dysonhe didn't go for that
LOL  He does help me vacuum though -- he has to direct and supervise
though...he tells me where I need to go next :0)

How's your baby doing, Wendy???


On 5/19/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is HILARIOUS!!!  I wish my cats would go for


--- elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> elizabeth

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

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OT -- just for laughs :0)

2007-05-16 Thread elizabeth trent


Re: Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS

2007-05-16 Thread elizabeth trent

Oh Gloria -- I am heartbroken with you.  I am so sorry.


On 5/16/07, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS.  They were very sweet
kitties who were relocated when their caretaker moved away, to
another location. Muffin was a female medium long haired kitty,
white with black, young, friendly.  Pookie was an older kitten who
really loved Muffin.   They were relocated to a farm, and got under
the hood of a car at the new location and were killed.  Very sad for
us who were trying to get them a better home and away from the Pit
Bull dogs that had moved in.


Re: Please add Albert to the CLS

2007-05-15 Thread elizabeth trent

Kerry, I am so sorry you lost your baby.  We do care so much what you are
going through.


On 5/15/07, Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,
I know I haven't been here in awhile, but I always come back as you guys
are the most understanding and compassionate people that I have ever met..
I lost Albert today, May 15 a few minutes before 4pm.  He went into sudden
cardiac failure.
He hadn't been sick until yesterday as he started showing some signs of
maybe a urinary tract infection which turned out to be his heart..probably
due to some long standing hyper-t.
He was felv-.  We added his sister, Alberta to CLS back in Jan.  I just
wanted him there with her.  I also lost Striper (hit by a car) on April 16.
So it hasn't been a good year so far.
To those of you that remember Inky, he is now 20yrs and 9 months.  Fingers
crossed he keeps doing well.
Albert had just turned 16 on April 12.
Thank you all as always for listening and caring..
You and your kitties are always in our prayers,
Kerry, Inky, and Angel's Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal, Snoopy, Alberta,
Striper, and Albert
2 feral angel's Tom Cat and Fuzzy Boy

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Re: Story On Chinese Pet Food Death Factory

2007-05-14 Thread elizabeth trent

This IS despicable.

How does the Seattle Times rate as an accurate news source?  (just curious)


On 5/14/07, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   What a despicable human being ...


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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Re: Charlie Brown - Long

2007-05-13 Thread elizabeth trent

Oh Sheila - this has to be so hard.  I wish there was something your vet
could do.  Charlie Brown is lucky to have a mom who loves him so much.



My Charlie Brown is leaving me. This wonderful old man has been with me
for fifteen years. I've never had a sweeter or smarter cat in my life. He
was diagnosed with felv four years ago. The doctor said he was very sick and
he wouldn't make it another week and wanted to put him down, He wouldn't
even give me antibiotics to try and help his respiratory infection. I
brought him home gave him amoxi drops I had from another kitties uri bout,
food and water and round the clock love and care. He started to improve
right away and had been healthy and happy for four more years. Two days ago
I woke to find him unable to walk. I thought he wouldn't make it through the
morning, but he is still here. I know in my heart that he does not want to
be put down in a doctors office he is fighting so hard to stay, as sick as
he is he still tries to crawl to food plate. He doesn't want me to syringe
feed him, he wants me to hold him over his plate so he can eat own his own.
He is the toughest little guy I have ever known and I am so grateful for the
last four years we have had together. Please pray for us both.  Sheila

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Re: Update on Tomi, and my older kitty, Koda

2007-05-13 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so very sorry.  It will mean a lot to have her buried there.   My heart
hurts with you.


On 5/12/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thank you all.

Well, Koda didn't make it through the night.  We had a heating pad for her
wrapped in flannel sheets.  I went to bed at midnight last night, and my
husband sat up with her for awhile.  She passed away at 1am this morning.
He said it was really hard to watch her go, but at least he was there for
her in her last moments.

We buried her in front of a huge rock that is on our lawn across the yard
from our picture window.  Her favorite place to sit was on the loveseat in
front of that window, staring outside, so now she can still see her favorite

Afterwards, we went out collecting rocks from the ditches around our
area.  I want to make a big rock garden over and around her grave, and plant
flowers in amongst the rocks...maybe some daisies.

I just need to figure out a way to write her name on the rock.  She was
such a gentle soul.  At least she had 12 good years she wouldn't have
otherwise lived if we hadn't found her.


 - Original Message -
*Sent:* Friday, May 11, 2007 10:44 PM
*Subject:* Update on Tomi, and my older kitty, Koda

Well, Tomi seems to be doing much better after his crash 2 weeks ago.  He
is acting alot more like his normal self, though I think he still is a
little anemic.  I don't understand how his PCV can go so low, then go back
up on its own.  I am hoping all the prayers helped him and he will continue
to improve.

I'm weaning him off the Prednisone, and though I can't get him to eat
anything other than chicken liver and dry food, at least he is eating
again.  I've tried about 12 different brands of quality canned foods, plus
homemade, and he will only take a few licks before he runs off licking and
scratching himself.

We seem to be destined for only a small break in fortune though, as our
oldest cat, Koda, is now dying.  We found Koda about 12 years ago.  She was
emaciated, and her ears, nose, and feet were frostbitten.  We're not sure
how old she was, but we guess she was at least 2-3 years at the time.

Last summer she was diagnosed with diabetes, which we've controlled mainly
with diet.  Recently, we noticed she was quite constipated, and took her to
the vet for an enema.  She seemed fine up to that point, even though she was
constipated.  When we brought her home though, she wouldn't eat (very odd
for her), and was lethargic.

We took her back to the vet, and she ended up spending 2 days and 2 nights
there.  They said her kidneys and liver were failing.  We brought her home
today, since they couldn't do much more for her.  At least she will be more
comfortable at home.  I don't think she will last the weekend though.  She's
too weak to move, and feels cold.  She is also crying some, and I hope she
is not in pain :(.

I guess i'm hoping she will somehow pull through this like Tomi did.  I
just wish that my family could get out of crisis for awhile and return to



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Re: We're Baaack!!!!

2007-05-12 Thread elizabeth trent

Glad you made it safe and sound.  Good to hear from you.


On 5/11/07, dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Made it to NY in one piece. What an experience!

Ki got car sick, but is now doing fine.


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Re: Vet of the Year (uplifting story)

2007-05-12 Thread elizabeth trent

Hi Marissa,
I'm terribly behind but I just read your story about your vet and I am so
thrilled for you!  What a wonderful human being -- not just vet.  I am so
glad you have her.


On 5/9/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all!  I just thought you might like to hear an uplifting story about a
PHENOMINAL vet (seems we get to hear a lot about not-so-good vets...thought
I'd share a good story).  It's kinda long, but trust's worth the

You all may remember that I found a new vet after Slinky had his
transfusion and the vet who did it wouldn't try anything else.  I had
mentioned then that Dr. Garrison read all the research I sent her on IR and
did her own research, etc.  When I brought Mouse in a couple weeks ago, I
noticed that she talks to him before doing anything, she knew all about CH
and herpes (he has herpes) and was supportive of Lysine therapy for the
herpes.  I left the appointment wishing I could go see her every day! lol
She even supported my feeding raw (if it's done right)...and she's an
ALLOPATHIC vet!!!  So I was already thinking she was amazing!!

As you read this, keep in mind that I've seen Dr. G THREE TIMES - twice
with Slinky (including pts) and once with Mouse.  It's not like I've been
her customer for years or something.

Here's the sad part of the story:  I think many if not all of you heard
that on Monday night my new baby Georgia got out of her harness in a park
near my house and took off.  She's been hiding out in a dense forest in the
park and, while I've spotted her a couple times, I have not been able to get
her back yet.  It has been heartbreaking and making me CRAZY (esp. after
losing my baby Slinky so recently).

Here's the good part:
When Georgia took off, one of the first things I did was call Dr. Garrison
to see if she had any suggestions or resources or anything.  She took a
description, said they'd keep an eye out, and gave me some good ideas.

Yesterday afternoon SHE CALLED ME to ask if I had seen her yet!!!  I
thought that in and of itself was pretty awesome.  Then she OFFERED TO COME
could NOT believe it  She said to call her if she hadn't turned up by
shortly before 7.  When I called her she asked if I needed any supplies and
I suggested she bring some a/d since it's smelly and Georgia has eaten it
for me.

She had already mapquested the park, knew how to get there, etc. (she
didn't know where it was the first night I called her).  She came out and
met me at the park with 2 cans of A/D...and wouldn't let me pay her for
them!  I had said that it would be helpful just to have someone there to
help me strategize about where to put things, etc.  Not only did she do
that, but she spent the next hour or more tromping through the DENSE forest
full of thorny vines and brambles trying to flush Georgia out and scare her
toward me.

She kept tromping through and looking while I went to meet a rescuer who
was bringing me a trap at the entrance to the park.  She watched while the
rescuer showed me how to set it - with absolutely no pretense of "I'm a vet
and I know everything" or anything like that.  In fact, she ended up being
like the good friend you take to an important doctor's appointment...she
asked really great questions that, in sleep-deprived and stressed out state,
I wasn't thinking of!

At this point it was dusk and she was going to head out, but I planned to
sit out there for a while and see if I could spot Georgia.  Dr. G asked if
I'd had dinner...and then went to McDonalds and brought dinner back to
me  She even walked the long way around the park so she could
check out the nearby houses and see if she could see Georgia

When she came back with my food, she said she was going to the natural pet
food store (where the owner is my friend and had recommended Dr. G to me)
today and she could drop off flyers there AND since the humane society was
just down the street, she'd go there and see if they had Georgia and leave
flyers there as well!

While I was typing this just now, she called again for an update!  She
said she left flyers at the food store and went by the shelter but that,
oddly, they're closed on Wednesdays!  So she said she'd GO BACK TOMORROW on
her lunch break just on the off chance that she's there!  She'll leave
flyers with them as well.  Her help and support has done SO MUCH to lift my
spirits in this horrible time!

I was already wanting to nominate her for "vet of the year" BEFORE all
this  And now I'm just totally stunned!!  I've never heard of a vet
going this far above and beyond the call of duty!  When I told her she's the
best vet in the universe, she said, "well I don't know about that but I have
lost enough animals to know how stressful it is."  She's really doing this
out of the kindness of her heart and because she knows how hard it is.  I
can't even put into words how THRILLED I am to have her for

Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-04 Thread elizabeth trent

I'm really having a problem with the FDA.  I don't think they have been fast
enough or honest enough.  They really have not impressed me as being my ally
or my pet's ally.


On 5/4/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you're right--they will try to find some way to make money from it. that's
why we're in this mess to START with. sigh.

On 5/4/07, Debi Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I find it very hard to believe that they are going to keep this food
> that is making them no money in warehouses!!!  Are they going to keep it
> there to kill the mice and rats??
> *Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> One not so great thing about my phone call to Pet Food Direct... The
> woman I talked to suggested I donate the food to a shelter or rescue.
> Of course I told her that that wasn't a good idea. I certainly wouldn't
> want some orphan cat or pup eating something that I wouldn't feed my own
> kids. I have wondered too where all the recalled food is going,
> (besides the possibility of it being sold as "salvage" food for poultry
> and stockyards). Even if it is dumped, what about the birds and
> wildlife that would find it? When I was watching the committee hearings
> that you and Belinda alerted us to, the question was asked and we were
> told that it was being warehoused. I find little comfort in the
> assurances of big business, but I wish someone had thought to ask "and
> what happens to it when you are ready to clear those warehouses?
> Nina
> MaryChristine wrote:
> > has anyone heard anything about a SAFE way to dispose of the bad food?
> > so it doesn't end up being fed to, say, cattle and pigs and other food
> > animals?
> >
> > On 5/4/07, * Nina* > > wrote:
> >
> > Wow, I'm shocked at the service at Pet Food Direct. I called them
> > asking about returning the unused portion of Triumph food I purchased
> > from them and they told me to write to them including the UPS code
> > from
> > each of the varieties I feel uncomfortable about using and they would
> > refund my account. I don't even have to send back the unused
> > portion of
> > my order. Thought I'd let you know in case the companies you are
> > dealing with are as accommodating. It truly never hurts to ask. I
> > guess I won't be choking down cat food and crackers after all.
> > Nina
> >
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Re: My precious bottle baby is gone

2007-05-01 Thread elizabeth trent

Kelley, I am so sorry.


On 5/1/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Died at the vet today, where I had been taking her to be fed when I
was at work.
She was 4 oz as of yesterday.  She lived 3 weeks and 2 days.

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Re: Herbie is gone......

2007-04-30 Thread elizabeth trent

I think you do, Kelley.  I see Mama Kitty almost every day.  She sits one
the porch peering in the front door just like she always did.  She sits with
me on the front porch.  Their spirits come by to comfort us and to tell us
that everything is really ok - they don't want us to hurt.  They still love
us...they know our hearts.

Love and peace to you, Tracy.


On 4/30/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I always think I see them:(

On 4/30/07, Tracy Weese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for all the kinds words.  I hadn't lost one in a while--and have
> fighting lymphoma with a negative for a year, so to lose Herbie (when he
> never been sick) was a little shocking.  It's always so hard those first
> find your self looking for them and calling their names.
> Tracy

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Re: Herbie is gone......

2007-04-30 Thread elizabeth trent

Tracy - I am so sorry for your loss.


On 4/29/07, Tracy Weese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Herbie was in a lot of distress at home and so I took him to the emergency
vet (also the place that just saw him on Friday), even after being
stabilized in oxygen, he continue to go down hill.  His heart was enlarged
and we were very limited in what diagnostics could be done in light of the
stress on the heart (couldn't give him fluids) and then his inability to
drawn air in..The new X-rays shows spots on the lungs and poss. fluid,
the lymph nodes were still very large.

So, with a poor prognosis, and the fact that he would not be able to
survive surgery or sedation, I decided to let him go.  When I went back to
see him, I knew immediately it was the right thing to do--he looked awful,
even with the oxygen, he was really struggling to breatheHe went
soon as the sedation was given, he was gone before the lethal fluid was
even given.

I will miss Herbie--he was such a love bug--hence, his name.  He liked to
lie next to other cats and put his "arms" around them.


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