Re: Can tcsh report 'command had no output'?

2008-10-13 Thread Konrad Heuer

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, Kelly Jones wrote:

Can I force tcsh to say "previous command returned empty stdout" or
something? I often cut and paste shell output for my cow-orkers, and
it's crucial to note when a command returns nothing.

Currently, I insert the information manually:

ls | fgrep 'phrase'

[no results]

but it'd be nice if tcsh had a setting to do this automatically?

Afaik there is no such setting. You could try something like

set output = `command`
if ( "$output" == "" ) then
  echo "previous command returned empty stdout"
  echo "$output"

in your scripts (if you're scripting). Not perfect since newlines are 
removed by command substitution, but maybe a starting point ...

Best regards

Konrad Heuer
GWDG, Am Fassberg, 37077 Goettingen, Germany, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: IAX2 (or SIP) softphone for FreeBSD

2008-10-13 Thread Zane C.B.
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:28:15 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> anyone know something good.
> >>
> >> good=simply, works well, preferably no or minimal GUI.
> >
> > The most reliable is 'net/ekiga'. I've run into problems with
> > 'net/kiax' and crossing NAT. That was nearly two years ago so it
> > may
> for now kiax works for me (but no NAT), just they automatic gain
> control and noise reduction should be disabled, as it works funny
> at least :)
> thanks

Sweet! I am currently in the process of drinking a large amount of
Jagermiester so this may not make to sense.

The problem I originally ran into is that behind goat fraging NAT I
would run into issues receiving calls. The problem I ran into is that
even though it is suppose to tranvese NAT with out issue,I would
never receive incoming calls. In more recent tests I ran into issues
with it and seg faulting like it just fraged a goat.

The situation I was running into problems with was with asteresik
behind NAT as well as the IAX using client. It is a known issue, or
was then. Search the Asterisk archives for this email address if you
interested in it some more.

That issue was why I originally switched to that fraged
solution that uses that POS of using the goatseing Gnome stuff. One I
get a bit of spare time I am going to wring something that uses

Any ways, have a great night! May your nights be as bathed in the
mercury vapor glow as mine are.

Description: PGP signature

RE: Firewall and FreeBSD ports

2008-10-13 Thread Bob McConnell
On Behalf Of RW

> I don't normally do this as Watson is usually less impressed when
> Holmes reveals his working, but the clues were there. He wrote: 
>"install software with ports (i.e, the 
>/usr/ports collection.)"
> and 
>"FTP to grab source files from mirrors"
> If you combine that with crediting the poster with enough common sense
> to mention he was using a version before 6.2, then it seemed unlikely
> to be a problem with active FTP. 
> BTW neither of us actually answered the question. I know I forgot as I
> was in a hurry. I'm pretty sure you didn't either, but I don't have
> time to read all of your reply in detail.
> The answer is: enable outgoing tcp connections to port 21 and to all
> ports above 1023.

Is there a way to set up any firewall so that while there is an active
outgoing connection on port 21, allow any incoming connections from the
same IP address?

Bob McConnell
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Re: rsync or even scp questions....

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Hooks
> How, may I ask, does this work?

If you search the bash man file you can find this and lots of other useful
constructs, search for 'Parameter Expansion' - I'm not sure how much of this
relates to other Bourne Shell derivatives, but I don't imagine it would be
difficult to test it out.
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Re: kernel: Approaching the limit on PV entries...

2008-10-13 Thread Bob Johnson
On 10/10/08, Mark Tinguely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  > vm.pmap.pv_entry_count: 583006
>>  > vm.pmap.shpgperproc: 200
>>  > vm.pmap.pv_entry_max: 2243305
>>  >
>>  > The system:
>>  > FreeBSD  7.0-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p5 #0: Wed Oct  1
>>  > 07:51:58 UTC 2008
>>  > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>>  >
>>  > Can someone briefly explain what this is telling me and how to decide
>>  > which sysctl to increase? I have found some old postings that predate
>>  > the sysctls that suggested increasing shpgperproc in the kernel
>>  > configuration, about 50 at a time until the problem goes away, but I
>>  > still have no clue what that is accomplishing.
> what (simplified):
> the pv_entry helps the virtual memory system track physical pages, so a
> physical page can be shared with another process or another virtual address.
> In the i386/amd64 the pv_entry entries are allocated in page size "chunks"
> on a per process memory map basis. This helps reduce redundant pointers
> and overall saves memory.
> "shpgperproc" can be read as "the number of shared pages per proceess".
> pv_entry_max is calculated from shpgperproc (and on the amd64, shpgperproc
> can be derived from setting the vm.pmap.pv_entry_max).
> On the amd64, the values can be adjusted by sysctl, but on the i386
> the values must be compiled into the kernel.
> There are some automatic adjustments in the calculation of the number
> of pv_entry, but the warnings are given early enough to help aid in the
> tweaking of the value. The advice of slowly increasing vm.pmap.shpgperproc
> is probably the best solution. I would adjust up slower than 50 (25%
> increase seems to be pretty high).
> --Mark Tinguely.

Thanks. I'll see what happens.

In amd64/7.0 is there any chance running out of pv_entrys would show
up as failures in interprocess communication rather than a panic? The
original symptom was that certain web pages (or jailed servers, I'm
not sure) were unreachable, as if the firewall were misconfigured,
until the system was rebooted. I didn't get to look at the system
before it was rebooted, and I find very little in the logs to explain
what was going on.

Thanks again,

- Bob
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Linux X11 applications getting disconnected

2008-10-13 Thread EforeZZ

I have a little problem with my X11 linux applications (Skype, VMware). I
run remote X11 server on Windows (Cygwin/XWin) and I'm getting problems with
Skype/VMware. They sporadically get disconnected from the X server while all
other native FreeBSD programs (KDE, terminals) keep running. Is there
anything special about networking in Linux programs running under FreeBSD?

Best regards,
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Re: proxyper

2008-10-13 Thread Michael Lednev

Eitan Adler пишет:

Hash: SHA1

Michael Lednev wrote:


I'm having issue running this thing on 7.0-RELEASE

# /usr/local/
Bad system call (core dumped)

Somebody seen this error or I'm just lucky?

Was this compiled on a different version than its running on?  Did you
recently upgrade world or kernel?

# grep NO_BUILD /usr/ports/misc/proxyper/Makefile

# ldd /usr/local/
ldd: /usr/local/ not a dynamic executable

Hope this answers your questions.

proxyper works fine on 6.3-RELEASE
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2008-10-13 Thread Michael Lednev

I'm having issue running this thing on 7.0-RELEASE

# /usr/local/
Bad system call (core dumped)

Somebody seen this error or I'm just lucky?

wbr, Michael
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Re: freebsd7 & kde4 & performance

2008-10-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Saturday 11 October 2008 15:22:37 Michal Kulczewski wrote:

> I'm running 7.0 stable with ULE scheduler on i386 architecture (since
> it's Pentium M). I've tried to use kde4 out of the box (after
> compilation). Whole kde is running poorly. I have to wait seconds for
> any action to complete (right mouse button, moving windows, moving
> widgets, etc), so, as you can imagine, I'm not that patient to tweak any
> settings while using kde4. Now I see that many of you are using nvidia
> binary drivers, maybe this is the answer why my kde4 is running so slow.
> However, beryl is working quite fast for me. kde4 is using only 4% of
> processor, hal and dbus are enabled and running.

Go into System Settings -> Desktop and try toggling "Enable desktop effects" to 
see if it makes a difference.  Also, go into Advanced Options (same screen) and 
try changing the "Compositing type" between OpenGL and XRender.

I'm also using the "radeon" driver and it's nicely fast on my machine.
Kirk Strauser
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Re: freebsd7 & kde4 & performance

2008-10-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Saturday 11 October 2008 03:10:41 Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> well it's KDE. what do you expect ;)

QT4 is quite a lot faster than QT3, and both have been very quick for several 
years now.  Your argument is quite turn-of-the-millenium.
Kirk Strauser
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Minor problems with Xfce

2008-10-13 Thread James Butler
Greetings all,

I'm using 7-stable on my Thinkpad X31, with Xfce recently (2 weeks or
so) installed from packages. I have two minor problems with Xfce, at
least one of which could be HAL/DBUS related - I'd appreciate some
advice to rule out misconfiguration on my part.

Firstly, when I bring up the Xfce Exit dialog, the Restart and
Shutdown buttons are greyed out. I have read the Xfce FAQ on the
subject, which mentions that the session manager tries HAL shutdown
methods first, then falls back to sudo. I don't have sudo installed,
but I have both hald and dbus (system and session) running.

Checking the xsession error log after an attempted Exit reveals:

** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:215: HAL not available or does not
permit to shutdown/reboot the computer, trying sudo fallback instead.

and (as expected):

** (xfce4-session:1066): WARNING **: sudo was not found. You will not
be able to shutdown your system from within Xfce

Looking at xfsm-shutdown-helper.c I see that the session manager
probes HAL for shutdown support by trying a dummy method call:

/* this is a simple trick to check whether we are allowed to
   * use the org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement
   * interface without shutting down/rebooting now.
  message = dbus_message_new_method_call ("org.freedesktop.Hal",




/* if we receive org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod, then
   * we are allowed to shutdown/reboot the computer via HAL.
  if (strcmp (, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod") == 0)

So out of curiosity I tried this manually and got the 'correct' error:

$ dbus-send --system --print-reply  --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method
"ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal" with signature "" on interface
"org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement" doesn't exist

Now I don't claim to understand much of this, so any help would be
greatly appreciated. I have provided the output of various commands
from the freebsd-gnome Bugging guide at

My other problem is possibly unrelated, but any actions I perform
which would remove or update icons on the desktop (deleting a file,
emptying Trash) don't take effect until xfdesktop is restarted or I
log out and then in. Any ideas? Notably, automatic detection and
mounting of USB drives, which seems to be a fragile area for many HAL
users, works perfectly for me.

Thanks in advance,
-James Butler
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Kopete and KDE4.1

2008-10-13 Thread Sdävtaker
Did someone make kopete work in kde4.1 with msn and jabber networks?
I tried a couple of recipes i found gogling, but nothing worked.
Any ideas?
Im running FBSD7.0 x64
Any info is appreciated, thanks!
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Re: kernel: Approaching the limit on PV entries...

2008-10-13 Thread Mark Tinguely

>  Thanks. I'll see what happens.
>  In amd64/7.0 is there any chance running out of pv_entrys would show
>  up as failures in interprocess communication rather than a panic? The
>  original symptom was that certain web pages (or jailed servers, I'm
>  not sure) were unreachable, as if the firewall were misconfigured,
>  until the system was rebooted. I didn't get to look at the system
>  before it was rebooted, and I find very little in the logs to explain
>  what was going on.

Sometimes pv_entry allocation can fail even below the pv_entry_high_water
if there is no more free pages available to allocate for a pv_entry chunk.
Operations (such temp mappings, copies) will not occur if the
pv_entry_high_water (90% if pv_entry_max) has been reached OR a
page is not immediately available for allocation. The first situation is
quiet, you could put a sysctl counter. Maybe PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++)
should be moved from get_pv_entry() to the "else" case of the routine

On the other hand, some allocations (permanent mapping) are unconditional
and can occur even when pv_entry_max has been exceeded (amd64).
The code will also wait for page allocations.

--Mark Tinguely.
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port maintaining & pointyhat

2008-10-13 Thread Desmond Chapman

I need to contact whoever is in charge of the ports collection. It concerns the 
status of a port.
I'm new at this- maintaining ports, that is.

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Re: Linux X11 applications getting disconnected

2008-10-13 Thread Boris Samorodov
EforeZZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a little problem with my X11 linux applications (Skype, VMware). I
> run remote X11 server on Windows (Cygwin/XWin) and I'm getting problems with
> Skype/VMware. They sporadically get disconnected from the X server while all
> other native FreeBSD programs (KDE, terminals) keep running. Is there
> anything special about networking in Linux programs running under FreeBSD?

If nobody answer here then you may ask at freebsd-emulation@ ML.
And may be give some diagnostics.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: Minor problems with Xfce

2008-10-13 Thread Manolis Kiagias

James Butler wrote:

Greetings all,

I'm using 7-stable on my Thinkpad X31, with Xfce recently (2 weeks or
so) installed from packages. I have two minor problems with Xfce, at
least one of which could be HAL/DBUS related - I'd appreciate some
advice to rule out misconfiguration on my part.

Firstly, when I bring up the Xfce Exit dialog, the Restart and
Shutdown buttons are greyed out. I have read the Xfce FAQ on the
subject, which mentions that the session manager tries HAL shutdown
methods first, then falls back to sudo. I don't have sudo installed,
but I have both hald and dbus (system and session) running.

Checking the xsession error log after an attempted Exit reveals:

** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:215: HAL not available or does not
permit to shutdown/reboot the computer, trying sudo fallback instead.

and (as expected):

** (xfce4-session:1066): WARNING **: sudo was not found. You will not
be able to shutdown your system from within Xfce

Looking at xfsm-shutdown-helper.c I see that the session manager
probes HAL for shutdown support by trying a dummy method call:

/* this is a simple trick to check whether we are allowed to
   * use the org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement
   * interface without shutting down/rebooting now.
  message = dbus_message_new_method_call ("org.freedesktop.Hal",




/* if we receive org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod, then
   * we are allowed to shutdown/reboot the computer via HAL.
  if (strcmp (, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod") == 0)

So out of curiosity I tried this manually and got the 'correct' error:

$ dbus-send --system --print-reply  --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method
"ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal" with signature "" on interface
"org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement" doesn't exist

Now I don't claim to understand much of this, so any help would be
greatly appreciated. I have provided the output of various commands
from the freebsd-gnome Bugging guide at

My other problem is possibly unrelated, but any actions I perform
which would remove or update icons on the desktop (deleting a file,
emptying Trash) don't take effect until xfdesktop is restarted or I
log out and then in. Any ideas? Notably, automatic detection and
mounting of USB drives, which seems to be a fragile area for many HAL
users, works perfectly for me.

Thanks in advance,
-James Butler

Insert something like the following in your 
/usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf (between the  tags):


Have a look at /usr/local/share/PolicyKit/policy. Examine the contents 
of the files there to see possible actions.

It may also help to have a look at this page, if you haven't already:

I have some annoyances with XFCE myself, but I haven't bothered 
seriously to fix them. I have the same no-icon-update problem on my 
desktop. I keep pressing F5 as a workaround. Like in your case, USB 
flash drive mounting works perfectly. Another thing that does not work 
for me, is clicking an http link in an app: it will not open firefox. 
Weird, as firefox is selected as the default / preferred browser.

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Re: Minor problems with Xfce

2008-10-13 Thread Manolis Kiagias

James Butler wrote:

My other problem is possibly unrelated, but any actions I perform
which would remove or update icons on the desktop (deleting a file,
emptying Trash) don't take effect until xfdesktop is restarted or I
log out and then in. Any ideas? Notably, automatic detection and
mounting of USB drives, which seems to be a fragile area for many HAL
users, works perfectly for me.

Thanks in advance,
-James Butler

Just solved this one, quite silly it was ;)
It seems Thunar is not built with FAM (File Alteration Monitor) support, 
hence it does not know when it needs to update folder views (or the 
desktop for that matter). So, simply rebuild with FAM:

# cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/thunar

# make config

(Select FAM from the options dialog)

# make deinstall reinstall

Restart your X session. It will work then.
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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Warren Block

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:

I am trying to install FreeBSD.
During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
hangs indefinitely.
When it gets to the select country is frozen.
During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the USB
controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say the
problem is here.
Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?

Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't 
available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it 
after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the 
country select screen.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:57:22AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:
>> I am trying to install FreeBSD.
>> During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
>> hangs indefinitely.
>> When it gets to the select country is frozen.
>> During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the USB
>> controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
>> controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say the
>> problem is here.
>> Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
> Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't  
> available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it  
> after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the  
> country select screen.

I don't see how this would solve or even affect his problem.

As I understand it, "USB Legacy Support" is intended for operating
systems which do not have a USB stack available to them, thus making USB
keyboards/mice appear as PS/2 keyboards/mice within MS-DOS and so on.  I
believe the way it works is that the BIOS acts as a software translation
layer between the USB device and PS/2 interaction.  This translation is
lost the instant interrupts are re-mapped or the southbridge/USB
controller is initialised.

The OP is making it past boot2/loader, the kernel and all its drivers
are fully loaded (including the USB stack).

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Boris Samorodov
Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:57:22AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:
>>> I am trying to install FreeBSD.
>>> During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
>>> hangs indefinitely.
>>> When it gets to the select country is frozen.
>>> During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the USB
>>> controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
>>> controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say the
>>> problem is here.
>>> Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
>> Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't  
>> available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it  
>> after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the  
>> country select screen.
> I don't see how this would solve or even affect his problem.
> As I understand it, "USB Legacy Support" is intended for operating
> systems which do not have a USB stack available to them, thus making USB
> keyboards/mice appear as PS/2 keyboards/mice within MS-DOS and so on.  I
> believe the way it works is that the BIOS acts as a software translation
> layer between the USB device and PS/2 interaction.  This translation is
> lost the instant interrupts are re-mapped or the southbridge/USB
> controller is initialised.
> The OP is making it past boot2/loader, the kernel and all its drivers
> are fully loaded (including the USB stack).

Well, that may be totally correct but practice... Ex., I have an ASUS
P5K motherboard and I can't use a USB mouse with "USB Legacy Support".
The mouse is detected and works IFF this support is OFF.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: Need help installing on SATA

2008-10-13 Thread Joseph Olatt
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 11:06:51PM -0500, Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
> Does anyone know the magic incantation that will permit me to install 
> FreeBSD on this new machine of mine (nVidia chipset, SATA1 disk 
> controller)?
> I've been trying for a week or so now, with no luck.  Just out of 
> curiosity, I downloaded and ran Ubuntu 8.x, and it recognized all of 
> my hardware automatically.  The FreeBSD installer (both in 7.x and 
> 8.x), though, can't find my hard drive or CD-ROM.
> I *really* don't want to have to resort to Linux, not after using 
> FreeBSD for 12 years now, but if I can't find a solution to this 
> problem, I'll have no choice.  :-(
> Thanks for any advice.

Hello Conrad,

Recently I had a similar problem. My motherboard is:


Fortunately, the above motherboard also has an ATA controller. So I
installed an ATA drive and installed FreeBSD 7.x.

Later I tried to patch the ata drivers but didn't get it right. See the
following thread:

Later on, Andrey V. Elsukov provided a patch. See the following thread:

I can now see the SATA drive (thanks to Andrey V. Elsukov) that is 
installed in the system with Ubuntu. But I'm still have some issues 
with the DVD Writer that is also connected to the SATA controller. I'm
getting read errors when I try to view a DVD. I haven't had the time 
to research it yet.

Maybe the above will help.
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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 08:35:37PM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:57:22AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
> >> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:
> >>
> >>> I am trying to install FreeBSD.
> >>> During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
> >>> hangs indefinitely.
> >>> When it gets to the select country is frozen.
> >>> During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the 
> >>> USB
> >>> controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
> >>> controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say the
> >>> problem is here.
> >>> Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
> >>
> >> Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't  
> >> available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it  
> >> after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the  
> >> country select screen.
> >
> > I don't see how this would solve or even affect his problem.
> >
> > As I understand it, "USB Legacy Support" is intended for operating
> > systems which do not have a USB stack available to them, thus making USB
> > keyboards/mice appear as PS/2 keyboards/mice within MS-DOS and so on.  I
> > believe the way it works is that the BIOS acts as a software translation
> > layer between the USB device and PS/2 interaction.  This translation is
> > lost the instant interrupts are re-mapped or the southbridge/USB
> > controller is initialised.
> >
> > The OP is making it past boot2/loader, the kernel and all its drivers
> > are fully loaded (including the USB stack).
> Well, that may be totally correct but practice... Ex., I have an ASUS
> P5K motherboard and I can't use a USB mouse with "USB Legacy Support".
> The mouse is detected and works IFF this support is OFF.

Something tells me that if you were to enable USB Legacy Support and run
Linux or Windows, you'd have a functioning mouse.

This could simply be a BIOS bug (would not surprise me), or (more
likely) a bug in FreeBSD's initialisation of the USB chip.  FreeBSD's
USB stack is under a great amount of (justified) scrutiny as of late,
and there are efforts under CURRENT to replace the stack with a complete
brand-new written-from-the ground-up stack (patches are available).

It would be beneficial if someone with this sort of configuration oddity
could run CURRENT with the new USB stack patches applied and see if
things behave as expected.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: IAX2 (or SIP) softphone for FreeBSD

2008-10-13 Thread Wojciech Puchar

anyone know something good.

good=simply, works well, preferably no or minimal GUI.

The most reliable is 'net/ekiga'. I've run into problems with
'net/kiax' and crossing NAT. That was nearly two years ago so it may

for now kiax works for me (but no NAT), just they automatic gain control 
and noise reduction should be disabled, as it works funny at least :)

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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread ton80

Warren Block wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:
>> I am trying to install FreeBSD.
>> During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
>> hangs indefinitely.
>> When it gets to the select country is frozen.
>> During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the
>> USB
>> controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
>> controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say
>> the
>> problem is here.
>> Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
> Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't 
> available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it 
> after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the 
> country select screen.
> -Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
> ___
> mailing list
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I checked the biosno where does it address USB Legacy Supportonly
options are to turn on or off support for the USB controller.

My system is a Dell E310 (a few years old).  Motherboard is an Intelnot
sure of the model.

I am currently running Linux (CentOS) with no problems.  I have ran many
other Linux distros with no problems.

I am going to attempt to try to boot up and plug in keyboard after
initialization...without mouse.

see ya on the other side.

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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Warren Block

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:57:22AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:

I am trying to install FreeBSD.
During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
hangs indefinitely.
When it gets to the select country is frozen.
During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the USB
controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say the
problem is here.
Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?

Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't
available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it
after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the
country select screen.

I don't see how this would solve or even affect his problem.

As I understand it, "USB Legacy Support" is intended for operating
systems which do not have a USB stack available to them, thus making USB
keyboards/mice appear as PS/2 keyboards/mice within MS-DOS and so on.  I
believe the way it works is that the BIOS acts as a software translation
layer between the USB device and PS/2 interaction.  This translation is
lost the instant interrupts are re-mapped or the southbridge/USB
controller is initialised.

The OP is making it past boot2/loader, the kernel and all its drivers
are fully loaded (including the USB stack).

An MSI motherboard did the same thing, only with a USB mouse.  The BIOS 
defaulted to legacy emulation.  The mouse would be briefly enabled 
during boot, then disabled as FreeBSD started.  I found a message 
explaining it, disabled BIOS emulation, had no further problems, and... 
didn't investigate further.  Now I can't find the exact post, but did 
find a thread that is similar:

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Warren Block

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Boris Samorodov wrote:

Well, that may be totally correct but practice... Ex., I have an ASUS
P5K motherboard and I can't use a USB mouse with "USB Legacy Support".
The mouse is detected and works IFF this support is OFF.

Just to add to that--same situation, but the mouse would work if it was 
disconnected and reconnected.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread ton80

ton80 wrote:
> Warren Block wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:
>>> I am trying to install FreeBSD.
>>> During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
>>> hangs indefinitely.
>>> When it gets to the select country is frozen.
>>> During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the
>>> USB
>>> controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the
>>> USB
>>> controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say
>>> the
>>> problem is here.
>>> Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
>> Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't 
>> available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it 
>> after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the 
>> country select screen.
>> -Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
>> ___
>> mailing list
>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to
> I checked the biosno where does it address USB Legacy Supportonly
> options are to turn on or off support for the USB controller.
> My system is a Dell E310 (a few years old).  Motherboard is an
> Intelnot sure of the model.
> I am currently running Linux (CentOS) with no problems.  I have ran many
> other Linux distros with no problems.
> I am going to attempt to try to boot up and plug in keyboard after
> initialization...without mouse.
> see ya on the other side.
> ton80

OK, I tried several different methods and two other luck.
During bootup, it sees the USB ports...then it halts them.
What is SIOS?

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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:19:40AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:57:22AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
>>> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, ton80 wrote:
 I am trying to install FreeBSD.
 During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
 hangs indefinitely.
 When it gets to the select country is frozen.
 During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the 
 controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
 controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and I would say the
 problem is here.
 Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
>>> Set "USB Legacy Support" to disabled in the BIOS.  If that isn't
>>> available, it might work to boot with the keyboard detached.  Connect it
>>> after the BIOS boot, at the FreeBSD bootloader prompt or maybe at the
>>> country select screen.
>> I don't see how this would solve or even affect his problem.
>> As I understand it, "USB Legacy Support" is intended for operating
>> systems which do not have a USB stack available to them, thus making USB
>> keyboards/mice appear as PS/2 keyboards/mice within MS-DOS and so on.  I
>> believe the way it works is that the BIOS acts as a software translation
>> layer between the USB device and PS/2 interaction.  This translation is
>> lost the instant interrupts are re-mapped or the southbridge/USB
>> controller is initialised.
>> The OP is making it past boot2/loader, the kernel and all its drivers
>> are fully loaded (including the USB stack).
> An MSI motherboard did the same thing, only with a USB mouse.  The BIOS  
> defaulted to legacy emulation.  The mouse would be briefly enabled  
> during boot, then disabled as FreeBSD started.  I found a message  
> explaining it, disabled BIOS emulation, had no further problems, and...  
> didn't investigate further.  Now I can't find the exact post, but did  
> find a thread that is similar:

Ahh, right.  But now we're talking about keyboards, when before we were
talking strictly about mice.  Then I remembered that the PS/2 interface
actually handles both keyboards *and* mice during initialisation, which
means the translation/emulation layer does the same thing.

The problem in that thread is partially documented in the ukbd(4) man
page; see the paragraph starting with "If you want to use a USB keyboard
as your default".

The "hint" commands shown should do the right thing.  However, *do not*
add them to device.hints -- add them to /boot/loader.conf.  device.hints
can be overwritten when changes occur in it (I forget if installkernel
or mergemaster does this), and you will lose your changes.

You can also type the "hint" commands into the loader section prior to
booting.  The OP might want to try doing this: at the FreeBSD
Beastie/loader menu, hit 6 to go to the Loader prompt.  At the prompt,
type in:

set hint.atkbd.0.disable="1"
set hint.atkbdc.0.disable="1"

And then tell us if your keyboard works during sysinstall.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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new hdd numeration after mainboard change

2008-10-13 Thread ilikefbsd
Hello list,

i run "FreeBSD  7.1-PRERELEASE" i had a change of the mainboard of my lenovo 
notebook t60. after reboot the harddisk which was before recognized as "ad0" is 
now "ad4". i cannot find any other devices, no ad0/ad1/ad2 in /dev. even in the 
dmesg only ad4. does fbsd create a uniqe identifier for harddisks in 
combination with the motherboard or something like that? where can i dig 
further into that issue?

thank you,

"50 erste Dates" mit Adam Sandler u. Drew Barrymore kostenlos anschauen!
Exklusiv für alle WEB.DE Nutzer.

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Re: port maintaining & pointyhat

2008-10-13 Thread andrew clarke
On Mon 2008-10-13 15:30:43 UTC+, Desmond Chapman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I need to contact whoever is in charge of the ports collection. It
> concerns the status of a port. I'm new at this- maintaining ports,
> that is.

What is your concern?  You should probably address your question to
the freebsd-ports mailing list.

"In FreeBSD, anyone may submit a new port, or volunteer to maintain an
existing port if it is unmaintained--you do not need any special
commit privileges to do so."

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Re: new hdd numeration after mainboard change

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 07:12:20PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i run "FreeBSD  7.1-PRERELEASE" i had a change of the mainboard of my
> lenovo notebook t60. after reboot the harddisk which was before
> recognized as "ad0" is now "ad4". i cannot find any other devices, no
> ad0/ad1/ad2 in /dev. even in the dmesg only ad4

The T60 is a laptop.  It only has one hard disk -- so I'm not sure why
you were seeing ad0, ad1, ad2 in the past.  You shouldn't have been,
unless you had 3 hard disks hooked up somehow.

The bottom line here is this: absolutely *nothing* requires the device
numbering to start at zero.  And this is definitely the case.

> does fbsd create a uniqe identifier for harddisks in combination with
> the motherboard or something like that?  where can i dig further into
> that issue?

It's not really an "issue".  Very likely your computer has toggled some
BIOS settings.

The T60 series has the ability to run the SATA ports in two modes: AHCI,
or Enhanced/Compatible.  Chances are before the motherboard swap, yours
was running in the opposite mode that it is now.

I would highly recommend using the AHCI mode.  It works quite well with
FreeBSD under Intel controllers.  Turn AHCI on (if it's not already),
and do not mess with it.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: portupgrade failure

2008-10-13 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 5:02 AM, Patrick Lamaizière
> Portupgrade is often confused with his database on upgrade.
> Delete /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db and retry.
> May be you have to delete /usr/ports/INDEX-6.db too.

Hmm. This does not inspire confidence in the tool.

Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
--Albert Einstein
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Re: portupgrade failure

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 02:04:02PM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 5:02 AM, Patrick Lamaizière
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Portupgrade is often confused with his database on upgrade.
> > Delete /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db and retry.
> >
> > May be you have to delete /usr/ports/INDEX-6.db too.
> Hmm. This does not inspire confidence in the tool.

So don't use it?  :-)  There are alternatives like portmaster.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: portupgrade failure

2008-10-13 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So don't use it?  :-)  There are alternatives like portmaster.

I suppose I prefer a single, reliable, supported tool for the system.
portupgrade seems to be pushed the most in all of the documentation
that I can find, so I went with it. Maybe I should dig into its guts
and find out how it works.

Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
--Albert Einstein
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Re: Installation Hangs

2008-10-13 Thread Boris Samorodov
Warren Block <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>> Well, that may be totally correct but practice... Ex., I have an ASUS
>> P5K motherboard and I can't use a USB mouse with "USB Legacy Support".
>> The mouse is detected and works IFF this support is OFF.
> Just to add to that--same situation, but the mouse would work if it
> was disconnected and reconnected.

Yes, it is. But I used to my radio mouse and don't like to walk
to the computer each time it freezes. The computer is used for
FreeBSD-current testing and may freeze many times a day. Esp.
if I test radeon drivers. :-(

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: portupgrade failure

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 02:08:54PM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So don't use it?  :-)  There are alternatives like portmaster.
> I suppose I prefer a single, reliable, supported tool for the system.
> portupgrade seems to be pushed the most in all of the documentation

Yes, and I've always considered that a big disappointment, since
portupgrade is written in Ruby (thus requiring knowledge of a separate
language rather than C), and has its own dependency database (due to
supposed limits of the standard /var/db/pkg database).

When portupgrade breaks -- and believe it, it happens quite often, as a
brief review of the freebsd-ports mailing list will show you -- it's a
nightmare.  I have to ask you: is this really worth it to you?

You could use portmaster, which is a /bin/sh script that does not behave
this way, and is maintained by a member of the FreeBSD developer
community (Doug Barton).  This would be a "single reliable tool" that
does not rely on external dependencies.  I strongly urge you to consider
it.  Do I use it?  No, because I'm one of those "I do everything by
hand" administrators who does things like rm -fr /usr/local ; pkg_delete
-af and so on.  But if I wanted a tool that managed things for me, I
would very likely go with portmaster.

Please note that I often get flamed for flaming portupgrade, and I would
not be surprised if that occurred as a result of this mail either.  I
strongly advocate using whatever tool gets the job done (and if that's
portupgrade, great!), but I see way too many portupgrade-related support
posts on the freebsd-ports mailing list for me to ever consider it.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: Minor problems with Xfce

2008-10-13 Thread James Butler
Manolis Kiagias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Butler wrote:
> > Greetings all,
> >
> > I'm using 7-stable on my Thinkpad X31, with Xfce recently (2 weeks
> > or so) installed from packages. I have two minor problems with
> > Xfce, at least one of which could be HAL/DBUS related - I'd
> > appreciate some advice to rule out misconfiguration on my part.
> >
> > Firstly, when I bring up the Xfce Exit dialog, the Restart and
> > Shutdown buttons are greyed out. I have read the Xfce FAQ on the
> > subject, which mentions that the session manager tries HAL shutdown
> > methods first, then falls back to sudo. I don't have sudo installed,
> > but I have both hald and dbus (system and session) running.
> >
> > Checking the xsession error log after an attempted Exit reveals:
> >
> > ** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:215: HAL not available or does
> > not permit to shutdown/reboot the computer, trying sudo fallback
> > instead.
> >
> > and (as expected):
> >
> > ** (xfce4-session:1066): WARNING **: sudo was not found. You will
> > not be able to shutdown your system from within Xfce
> >
> > Looking at xfsm-shutdown-helper.c I see that the session manager
> > probes HAL for shutdown support by trying a dummy method call:
> >
> > /* this is a simple trick to check whether we are allowed to
> >* use the org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement
> >* interface without shutting down/rebooting now.
> >*/
> >   message = dbus_message_new_method_call ("org.freedesktop.Hal",
> >
> > "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer",
> >
> > "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement",
> >   "ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal");
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > /* if we receive org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod, then
> >* we are allowed to shutdown/reboot the computer via HAL.
> >*/
> >   if (strcmp (,
> > "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod") == 0)
> >
> > So out of curiosity I tried this manually and got the 'correct'
> > error:
> >
> > $ dbus-send --system --print-reply  --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal
> > /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
> > org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal
> > Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method
> > "ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal" with signature "" on interface
> > "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement" doesn't exist
> >
> > Now I don't claim to understand much of this, so any help would be
> > greatly appreciated. I have provided the output of various commands
> > from the freebsd-gnome Bugging guide at
> >
> >
> > My other problem is possibly unrelated, but any actions I perform
> > which would remove or update icons on the desktop (deleting a file,
> > emptying Trash) don't take effect until xfdesktop is restarted or I
> > log out and then in. Any ideas? Notably, automatic detection and
> > mounting of USB drives, which seems to be a fragile area for many
> > HAL users, works perfectly for me.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > -James Butler
> >   
> Insert something like the following in your 
> /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf (between the  tags):

I don't have the machine on me just now, but I should mention I played
with this file and currently have (for testing purposes) something
permissive like:

This allows me to shutdown the machine by "dbus-send"-ing the
appropriate message - doesn't help Xfce though. I may play with it some

> Have a look at /usr/local/share/PolicyKit/policy. Examine the
> contents of the files there to see possible actions.
> It may also help to have a look at this page, if you haven't already:

Yes, I have read and re-read it :-)

> I have some annoyances with XFCE myself, but I haven't bothered 
> seriously to fix them. I have the same no-icon-update problem on my 
> desktop. I keep pressing F5 as a workaround. Like in your case, USB 
> flash drive mounting works perfectly. Another thing that does not
> work for me, is clicking an http link in an app: it will not open
> firefox. Weird, as firefox is selected as the default / preferred
> browser.

I haven't tried this. Anyway, thanks for the hints.

-James Butler
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Re: Sysinstall colors

2008-10-13 Thread borish

After some trial and error, I put

XTerm*color7:  #bebebe

in my .Xdefaults. Now the yellow sysinstall font is much more legible  
inside an xterm. This works for both xterm and rxvt. The rxvt man page  
proved very useful.

Now I have solved my problem but other users may experience the same  
problem. Is it possible to modify sysinstall so that it uses a darker  
background gray when run inside xterm? If not, we should add a note in the  

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Re: new hdd numeration after mainboard change

2008-10-13 Thread Josh Paetzel
Hash: SHA1

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 07:12:20PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> i run "FreeBSD  7.1-PRERELEASE" i had a change of the mainboard of my
>> lenovo notebook t60. after reboot the harddisk which was before
>> recognized as "ad0" is now "ad4". i cannot find any other devices, no
>> ad0/ad1/ad2 in /dev. even in the dmesg only ad4
> The T60 is a laptop.  It only has one hard disk -- so I'm not sure why
> you were seeing ad0, ad1, ad2 in the past.  You shouldn't have been,
> unless you had 3 hard disks hooked up somehow.
> The bottom line here is this: absolutely *nothing* requires the device
> numbering to start at zero.  And this is definitely the case.
>> does fbsd create a uniqe identifier for harddisks in combination with
>> the motherboard or something like that?  where can i dig further into
>> that issue?
> It's not really an "issue".  Very likely your computer has toggled some
> BIOS settings.
> The T60 series has the ability to run the SATA ports in two modes: AHCI,
> or Enhanced/Compatible.  Chances are before the motherboard swap, yours
> was running in the opposite mode that it is now.
> I would highly recommend using the AHCI mode.  It works quite well with
> FreeBSD under Intel controllers.  Turn AHCI on (if it's not already),
> and do not mess with it.

I can verify as a T60 owner, if you toggle the BIOS between AHCI and
"Compatability" the hard drive will show up as either ad4 or ad0.

It works fine in either mode with FreeBSD.  Unless you are running
another OS that doesn't have SATA support there's really no reason to
use compatibility mode

- --

Josh Paetzel

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Oddities with VLAN/CARP Interfaces on Primary/Failover Setup

2008-10-13 Thread Mike Sweetser - Adhost

We currently have a primary/failover setup for two FreeBSD 6.3 servers
running PF, and we're running into odd issues when setting up multiple
subnets on a single VLAN and CARP interface.  We have issues with them
coming up properly, and even worse, having both servers believe they are

Here's a snippet of one of the VLANs and CARP interfaces in question:

ifconfig_vlan10="inet netmask vlan 10 vlandev
ifconfig_vlan10_alias0="inet netmask"
ifconfig_carp10="inet netmask vhid 10 advskew
0 pass testpass"  
ifconfig_carp10_alias0="inet netmask"

The main difference between this and our other VLAN/CARP interfaces is
that because it's separate subnets, the aliases here are set up with /16
netmasks, while the regular aliases on the others are set up with /32s.
Is this correct, or should these also be set as /32s?

Mike Sweetser

Mike Sweetser | Systems Administrator

Adhost Internet
140 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 360, Seattle, Washington 98109 USA

Our brand new Adhost West data center is open - contact us for a tour at
1-888-234-6781 (ADHOST-1)

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Re: Minor problems with Xfce

2008-10-13 Thread Manolis Kiagias

James Butler wrote:

Manolis Kiagias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

James Butler wrote:

My other problem is possibly unrelated, but any actions I perform
which would remove or update icons on the desktop (deleting a file,
emptying Trash) don't take effect until xfdesktop is restarted or I
log out and then in. Any ideas? Notably, automatic detection and
mounting of USB drives, which seems to be a fragile area for many
HAL users, works perfectly for me.

Thanks in advance,
-James Butler

Just solved this one, quite silly it was ;)
It seems Thunar is not built with FAM (File Alteration Monitor)
support, hence it does not know when it needs to update folder views
(or the desktop for that matter). So, simply rebuild with FAM:

# cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/thunar

# make config

(Select FAM from the options dialog)

# make deinstall reinstall

Restart your X session. It will work then.

Aha! I will try this when I get home - thanks. Anyone know why Thunar
does not default to using FAM/gamin? gamin doesn't look too heavy.

James Butler


It seems the default options for Thunar do not include gamin for some 
reason. Although I already had it installed anyway.  If you installed 
from packages, these are built with the default options, so not having 
FAM support is expected.

P.S. Putting the questions list back on this

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Re: Minor problems with Xfce

2008-10-13 Thread James Butler
Manolis Kiagias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Butler wrote:
> > Manolis Kiagias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   
> >> James Butler wrote:
> >> 
> >>> My other problem is possibly unrelated, but any actions I perform
> >>> which would remove or update icons on the desktop (deleting a
> >>> file, emptying Trash) don't take effect until xfdesktop is
> >>> restarted or I log out and then in. Any ideas? Notably, automatic
> >>> detection and mounting of USB drives, which seems to be a fragile
> >>> area for many HAL users, works perfectly for me.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks in advance,
> >>> -James Butler
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >> Just solved this one, quite silly it was ;)
> >> It seems Thunar is not built with FAM (File Alteration Monitor)
> >> support, hence it does not know when it needs to update folder
> >> views (or the desktop for that matter). So, simply rebuild with
> >> FAM:
> >>
> >> # cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/thunar
> >>
> >> # make config
> >>
> >> (Select FAM from the options dialog)
> >>
> >> # make deinstall reinstall
> >>
> >> Restart your X session. It will work then.
> >> 
> >
> > Aha! I will try this when I get home - thanks. Anyone know why
> > Thunar does not default to using FAM/gamin? gamin doesn't look too
> > heavy.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > James Butler
> >
> >   
> It seems the default options for Thunar do not include gamin for some 
> reason. Although I already had it installed anyway.  If you installed 
> from packages, these are built with the default options, so not
> having FAM support is expected.

Sorry, yes that was my point - what is the reason for:

FAM "Enable FAM support"off \

in the Makefile? I know KDE4 has had problems with FAM on FreeBSD, but
I think that's the SGI FAM not gamin? It seems that Xfdesktop is
slightly lost without it.

> P.S. Putting the questions list back on this

Oops, thanks.
James Butler
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New PATA Drive

2008-10-13 Thread Doug Hardie
I am encountering an issue with a new 160 GB PATA drive.  Its being  
installed on an old system (Pentium II).  The boot process never  
really starts.  It gets in the BIOS to where it checks for drives and  
hangs with the message searching for the primary drive on the  
channel.  Normally I have that disabled because the boot drive is SCSI  
but in that situation it just hangs and there are no messages.  This  
drive is the only device on the channel and it is jumpered for Master.

I am suspecting that the issue is the drive ATA/100 is not falling  
back to ATA/66/33 such that the motherboard can properly detect it.   
Seagate does provide a utility to reset the drive back down from ATA/ 
100 but it requires that the boot get through to run the utility.  The  
drive works fine in a Mac but the utility won't run there.  I can  
continue to search for hardware that can boot with the drive attached  
to run the utility or am I chasing my tail here?

Drive:  Seagate ST3160815A

Motherboard:  ASUS P2L97 - Manual says ATA/33 only.
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Re: New PATA Drive

2008-10-13 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 01:56:40PM -0700, Doug Hardie wrote:
> I am encountering an issue with a new 160 GB PATA drive.  Its being  
> installed on an old system (Pentium II).  The boot process never  
> really starts.  It gets in the BIOS to where it checks for drives and  
> hangs with the message searching for the primary drive on the  
> channel.  Normally I have that disabled because the boot drive is SCSI  
> but in that situation it just hangs and there are no messages.  This  
> drive is the only device on the channel and it is jumpered for Master.
> I am suspecting that the issue is the drive ATA/100 is not falling  
> back to ATA/66/33 such that the motherboard can properly detect it.   
> Seagate does provide a utility to reset the drive back down from ATA/ 
> 100 but it requires that the boot get through to run the utility.  The  
> drive works fine in a Mac but the utility won't run there.  I can  
> continue to search for hardware that can boot with the drive attached  
> to run the utility or am I chasing my tail here?
> Drive:  Seagate ST3160815A
> Motherboard:  ASUS P2L97 - Manual says ATA/33 only.

I have had exactly that sort of problem with a 160G Seagate drive on old
hardware. And even if it did work it would have only recognized 128G due
to hardware or BIOS limitations.

In the end I swapped an old HD out of another machine that was happy
with the new drive.

A CPU and motherboard that does recognize your ATA100 drive costs less
than the HD. Perhaps its time to upgrade the MB?


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.
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Re: Sysinstall colors

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:42:04PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> After some trial and error, I put
> XTerm*color7:  #bebebe
> in my .Xdefaults. Now the yellow sysinstall font is much more legible  
> inside an xterm. This works for both xterm and rxvt. The rxvt man page  
> proved very useful.
> Now I have solved my problem but other users may experience the same  
> problem. Is it possible to modify sysinstall so that it uses a darker  
> background gray when run inside xterm?

I'm not sure this is desirable or recommendable.  There are some
terminal emulation programs -- specifically, PuTTY -- which emulate
TERM=xterm.  The RGB colours in PuTTY look just fine: quite legible.

The key problem here is this: there are no more darker grey backgrounds
available with the limited colour set available.  You get one grey bg --
sequence \e[47m; -- and that's it.  If you want other colours, you have
to have a 256-colour xterm compiled, which supports an extended palette,
and there's no way to detect if someone has such a capable terminal
(basing it on $TERM is not correct).

This is one of the limitations of (pardon my use of this term) ANSI
colour palettes.  Background colours are more limited than foreground.

> If not, we should add a note in the handbook.

An entry in the Handbook could be: "If the default colours chosen are
hard to read or make text illegible while using xterm or rxvt, please
see  for how to adjust the RGB values for
grey and other colours".

Ideally, we should see about getting rid of the whole grey background
thing -- otherwise, stick with using black text with bright red letters
for the quick-jump menu keys.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: newsyslog naming scheme could be improved?

2008-10-13 Thread Walt Pawley
At 9:33 AM -0700 10/11/08, Kelly Jones wrote:
>newsyslog rotates logfiles so that messages.0.gz is yesterday's file,
>messages.1.gz is the day before's, etc.
>This is ugly.

IMHO, this is worse than merely ugly. I gave up "rotating" log
files a long time ago when I kept running into problems that
needed extensive time periods worth of log data with which to
resolve issues. I use some modifications to the periodic
scripts to do the log data archiving with time related names.

Of course, if you're generating megabytes of compressed log
data every day, this is likely impractical but it works well
for systems I normally use.

Walter M. Pawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wump Research & Company
676 River Bend Road, Roseburg, OR 97471
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Re: IAX2 (or SIP) softphone for FreeBSD

2008-10-13 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Jagermiester so this may not make to sense.

The problem I originally ran into is that behind goat fraging NAT I
would run into issues receiving calls. The problem I ran into is that

this is not kiax problem. this may be your NAT problem.

what is doing NAT?

IAX has configurable "ping" time, kiax tries 300 seconds by default, while 
asterisk PBX (or whatever IP PBX) could force it lower.

every that time IAX client "pings" (but throught IAX not ICMP) the PBX.

if NAT removes entries from translation table faster than this, you.. 
yes.. won't be able to accept calls, because you'll not be reachable.

minregexpire and maxregexpire options in iax.conf  control this.

unfortunately no options in kiax for this.

there is already another problem. kiax just ignore lots of "out-of-band" 
IAX commands.

when you make a call  to other softphone, there is no "buu  buu" before 
answering, just plain silence.

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FreeBSD do dbus & hal work?

2008-10-13 Thread Aniruddha
I'm trying to mount (USB) devices in KDE/Gnome automagically through
dbus and hal. I added the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:


Unfortunately when I insert an USB (NTFS formatted) nothing happens. 
When I insert a (fat) sdcard  in my cardreader still nothing happens.
I do think I'm missing something obvious, who know what it is?



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Re: New PATA Drive

2008-10-13 Thread Doug Hardie

On Oct 13, 2008, at 14:03, David Kelly wrote:

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 01:56:40PM -0700, Doug Hardie wrote:

I am encountering an issue with a new 160 GB PATA drive.  Its being
installed on an old system (Pentium II).  The boot process never
really starts.  It gets in the BIOS to where it checks for drives and
hangs with the message searching for the primary drive on the
channel.  Normally I have that disabled because the boot drive is  

but in that situation it just hangs and there are no messages.  This
drive is the only device on the channel and it is jumpered for  

I am suspecting that the issue is the drive ATA/100 is not falling
back to ATA/66/33 such that the motherboard can properly detect it.
Seagate does provide a utility to reset the drive back down from ATA/
100 but it requires that the boot get through to run the utility.   

drive works fine in a Mac but the utility won't run there.  I can
continue to search for hardware that can boot with the drive attached
to run the utility or am I chasing my tail here?

Drive:  Seagate ST3160815A

Motherboard:  ASUS P2L97 - Manual says ATA/33 only.

I have had exactly that sort of problem with a 160G Seagate drive on  
hardware. And even if it did work it would have only recognized 128G  

to hardware or BIOS limitations.

I could live with that.  The drive its replacing is only 60 GB and its  
less than 10% used.

In the end I swapped an old HD out of another machine that was happy
with the new drive.

A CPU and motherboard that does recognize your ATA100 drive costs less
than the HD. Perhaps its time to upgrade the MB?

Unfortunately the disk was free.  MBs are not.  I would love to  
replace the entire system for a number of reasons, but the money just  
isn't there for that.  I'll keep chasing my tail.

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Re: Sysinstall colors

2008-10-13 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 02:09:29PM -0700, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:42:04PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > After some trial and error, I put
> >
> > XTerm*color7:  #bebebe
> >
> > in my .Xdefaults. Now the yellow sysinstall font is much more legible  
> > inside an xterm. This works for both xterm and rxvt. The rxvt man page  
> > proved very useful.
> >
> > Now I have solved my problem but other users may experience the same  
> > problem. Is it possible to modify sysinstall so that it uses a darker  
> > background gray when run inside xterm?
> I'm not sure this is desirable or recommendable.  There are some
> terminal emulation programs -- specifically, PuTTY -- which emulate
> TERM=xterm.  The RGB colours in PuTTY look just fine: quite legible.

more/less (putty's wrapping behavior differs)

> The key problem here is this: there are no more darker grey backgrounds
> available with the limited colour set available.  You get one grey bg --
> sequence \e[47m; -- and that's it.  If you want other colours, you have
> to have a 256-colour xterm compiled, which supports an extended palette,
> and there's no way to detect if someone has such a capable terminal
> (basing it on $TERM is not correct).

actually, basing it on $TERM is the way most people would do it,

xterm-256color|xterm with 256 colors,
am, bce, ccc, km, mc5i, mir, msgr, npc, xenl,
colors#256, cols#80, it#8, lines#24,


Thomas E. Dickey

Description: PGP signature

Re: portupgrade failure

2008-10-13 Thread Sahil Tandon
Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So don't use it?  :-)  There are alternatives like portmaster.
> I suppose I prefer a single, reliable, supported tool for the system.
> portupgrade seems to be pushed the most in all of the documentation
> that I can find, so I went with it. Maybe I should dig into its guts
> and find out how it works.

Try portmanager; it has worked well for me.

Sahil Tandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: an even dumber q: how do i get sage's ports-ypgrade working?

2008-10-13 Thread Fred Condo

On Oct 10, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Gary Kline wrote:

Late last December my small network began falling apart.  Still
not sure how, but a fellow from Dallas came to my rescue and from
his home, slowly rebuilt and re-configured everything.  E.g.: for
one thing, where I hack sendmail working via various kludges, he
set up imap.  I had thought that was mostly for students

He also filled me in on jails.  Previously, I had my 1998 Kayak
doing DNS and mail and web solo.  Jon created a jail and set
things up there.  He used NFS to bring over things from a faster
computer.  That's well and good; it makes sense to compile a
suite that takes days on sage [Kayak @ 400MHz] on my Dell8200
[2.4GHZ].  A few days ago I realized that I was missing some
simple programs on sage.  I went into ports: empty.  Years ago
there was a standalone script that let you fix or tune things.
I thought it was on the hard drive as well as the CD set.


thanks for any clues!


Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public  
Service Unix

You don't mention which version of FreeBSD you're using, but if it's  
at all recent, portsnap is your friend:

# mkdir -p /usr/ports && portsnap fetch extract # Do this once to  
fetch and set up the ports collection initially

Then add this to root's crontab:
1 3 * * * /usr/sbin/portsnap cron update

If portsnap is not on your system, you should probably upgrade, but  
you could try the packagge:

# pkg_add -r portsnap

Also, if you're administering a bunch of jails, ezjail is also your  
friend. See (website is a  
bit out of date; 3.0 is released and in the ports collection).

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Re: New PATA Drive

2008-10-13 Thread Michael Ross
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:45:44 -0700
Doug Hardie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Oct 13, 2008, at 14:03, David Kelly wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 01:56:40PM -0700, Doug Hardie wrote:
> >> I am encountering an issue with a new 160 GB PATA drive.  Its being
> >> installed on an old system (Pentium II).  The boot process never
> >> really starts.  It gets in the BIOS to where it checks for drives and
> >> hangs with the message searching for the primary drive on the
> >> channel.  Normally I have that disabled because the boot drive is  
> >> SCSI
> >> but in that situation it just hangs and there are no messages.  This
> >> drive is the only device on the channel and it is jumpered for  
> >> Master.

> >> Drive:  Seagate ST3160815A

Did you try setting the Capacity Limitation Jumper on the drive?

Worked for me once when installing a contemporary HD into an old
machine yielded a stop while the BIOS tried to detect it.

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Re: New PATA Drive

2008-10-13 Thread Doug Hardie

On Oct 13, 2008, at 16:03, Michael Ross wrote:

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:45:44 -0700
Doug Hardie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Oct 13, 2008, at 14:03, David Kelly wrote:

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 01:56:40PM -0700, Doug Hardie wrote:

I am encountering an issue with a new 160 GB PATA drive.  Its being
installed on an old system (Pentium II).  The boot process never
really starts.  It gets in the BIOS to where it checks for drives  

hangs with the message searching for the primary drive on the
channel.  Normally I have that disabled because the boot drive is
but in that situation it just hangs and there are no messages.   

drive is the only device on the channel and it is jumpered for

Drive:  Seagate ST3160815A

Did you try setting the Capacity Limitation Jumper on the drive?

Worked for me once when installing a contemporary HD into an old
machine yielded a stop while the BIOS tried to detect it.

Wow.  I never saw that jumper option before.  That did it.  The drive  
does properly drop down to ATA/33 and now is visible in FreeBSD.  Its  
only 32 GB though.  However, thats more than enough for now. Thanks.

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Re: an even dumber q: how do i get sage's ports-ypgrade working?

2008-10-13 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 04:23:26PM -0700, Fred Condo wrote:
> On Oct 10, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Gary Kline wrote:
> >
> > Late last December my small network began falling apart.  Still
> > not sure how, but a fellow from Dallas came to my rescue and from
> > his home, slowly rebuilt and re-configured everything.  E.g.: for
> > one thing, where I hack sendmail working via various kludges, he
> > set up imap.  I had thought that was mostly for students
> >
> > He also filled me in on jails.  Previously, I had my 1998 Kayak
> > doing DNS and mail and web solo.  Jon created a jail and set
> > things up there.  He used NFS to bring over things from a faster
> > computer.  That's well and good; it makes sense to compile a
> > suite that takes days on sage [Kayak @ 400MHz] on my Dell8200
> > [2.4GHZ].  A few days ago I realized that I was missing some
> > simple programs on sage.  I went into ports: empty.  Years ago
> > there was a standalone script that let you fix or tune things.
> > I thought it was on the hard drive as well as the CD set.
> >
> > Anybody?
> >
> > thanks for any clues!
> >
> > gary
> >
> >
> >
> >--  
> >Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public  
> >Service Unix
> >
> You don't mention which version of FreeBSD you're using, but if it's  
> at all recent, portsnap is your friend:
> # mkdir -p /usr/ports && portsnap fetch extract # Do this once to  
> fetch and set up the ports collection initially
> Then add this to root's crontab:
> 1 3 * * * /usr/sbin/portsnap cron update
> If portsnap is not on your system, you should probably upgrade, but  
> you could try the packagge:
> # pkg_add -r portsnap
> Also, if you're administering a bunch of jails, ezjail is also your  
> friend. See (website is a  
> bit out of date; 3.0 is released and in the ports collection).

YES!  Thanks for this fix.  Now I'm back in control of my main
(and *old*) server.  --I believe it was/is 7.0 or nearly.


 Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public Service Unix

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread scuba
Hi all,

I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 
It does not happen with i386 version.
Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go 
ahead with i386?

Thank you,

- Marcelo

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Todor Genov wrote:

|I have ran FreeBSD 6.3 and 7.0 in ESXi and haven't bumped into any
|problems so far.
| When they say "supported" they are referring to service level
|agreements and technical support should something go wrong, so if you
|plan to use this in a production environment you need to do some prior
|testing on your own.
|Todor Genov
|Systems Operations
|Verizon Business South Africa (Pty) Ltd
|Tel: +27 11 235 6500
|Fax: 086 692 0543
|> HI all,
|> I'm planning to virtualize a FreeBSD server on a Dell PowerEdge with
|> embedded hipervisor VMware ESXi 3.5.
|> Fbsd isn't listed as supported as guest OS for ESX(i), since version
|> 4.x.
|> Is there any report about problems or impossibility doing that?
|> - Marcelo
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- Marcelo

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread Brian


Hi all,

	I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
	After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 

It does not happen with i386 version.
	Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go 
ahead with i386?

Thank you,

With 8 gigs of ram that really isn't an option, 4 gigs or more requires 
a 64 bit OS.


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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 08:58:00PM -0700, Brian wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD  
>> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
>>  After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU  
>> registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM  
>> setup.
>>  It does not happen with i386 version.
>>  Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go ahead 
>> with i386?
>> Thank you,
> With 8 gigs of ram that really isn't an option, 4 gigs or more requires  
> a 64 bit OS.

Well he already tried amd64 and received a panic in the bootloader.  :-)
I think I know what might be causing that.

Also, he does have the option of using i386 PAE to address more memory
while in x86 mode, but ideally he should be running amd64.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:54:26AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
>   After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
> registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 
> setup.

Can you please download the 7.1-BETA2 ISO and try it instead?  There
have been changes to the FreeBSD boot loader between 7.0-RELEASE and
7.1-BETA2 which may improve things for you.  The 7.1-BETA2 ISOs are
available here:

You can see the changes at the below Wiki (see very bottom of page):

>   It does not happen with i386 version.
>   Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go 
> ahead with i386?

If this is going to be a desktop box and uses an nVidia video card,
you should stay with i386 (if I remember correctly there are no
working amd64 nVidia drivers).

This won't allow you to use the full 8GB of RAM you have installed,
though, without building a custom kernel with PAE support (and there are
known compatibility problems between PAE and certain kernel drivers).
It's strongly recommended you stick with amd64 if at all possible.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread scuba

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

|On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:54:26AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|>  I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
|> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
|>  After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
|> registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 
|> setup.
|Can you please download the 7.1-BETA2 ISO and try it instead?  There
|have been changes to the FreeBSD boot loader between 7.0-RELEASE and
|7.1-BETA2 which may improve things for you.  The 7.1-BETA2 ISOs are
|available here:

The same behavior with 7.1-BETA2.

|>  It does not happen with i386 version.
|>  Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go 
|> ahead with i386?
|If this is going to be a desktop box and uses an nVidia video card,
|you should stay with i386 (if I remember correctly there are no
|working amd64 nVidia drivers).

It'll be a production server, not a desktop. 

|This won't allow you to use the full 8GB of RAM you have installed,
|though, without building a custom kernel with PAE support (and there are
|known compatibility problems between PAE and certain kernel drivers).
|It's strongly recommended you stick with amd64 if at all possible.

In fact I'll not give the entire memory to this virtual machine. 
But I would like to use the full resources of 64bits CPU capacity.

- Marcelo

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread Derek Ragona

At 10:54 PM 10/13/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD
7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU
registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM
It does not happen with i386 version.
Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go
ahead with i386?

Thank you,

- Marcelo

I have multiple VM's running the i386 version under ESXi.  I think you need 
to examine what purpose you are running the FreeBSD VM, and then choose 
what version to run.  The amd64 64-bit version can address more resources, 
but if you are not going to dedicate those resources in excess of 32-bit to 
the VM, you don't need to run the 64-bit version.  Also there are a lot 
less ports in the 64-bit version.


On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Todor Genov wrote:

|I have ran FreeBSD 6.3 and 7.0 in ESXi and haven't bumped into any
|problems so far.
| When they say "supported" they are referring to service level
|agreements and technical support should something go wrong, so if you
|plan to use this in a production environment you need to do some prior
|testing on your own.
|Todor Genov
|Systems Operations
|Verizon Business South Africa (Pty) Ltd
|Tel: +27 11 235 6500
|Fax: 086 692 0543
|> HI all,
|> I'm planning to virtualize a FreeBSD server on a Dell PowerEdge with
|> embedded hipervisor VMware ESXi 3.5.
|> Fbsd isn't listed as supported as guest OS for ESX(i), since version
|> 4.x.
|> Is there any report about problems or impossibility doing that?
|> - Marcelo
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- Marcelo

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 02:04:07AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jeremy,
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> |On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:54:26AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> |>I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
> |> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
> |>After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
> |> registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 
> |> setup.
> |
> |Can you please download the 7.1-BETA2 ISO and try it instead?  There
> |have been changes to the FreeBSD boot loader between 7.0-RELEASE and
> |7.1-BETA2 which may improve things for you.  The 7.1-BETA2 ISOs are
> |available here:
>   The same behavior with 7.1-BETA2.

I'm not sure what to do at this point, or what to tell you, since the
kernel can't even load.

Are you installing this off of CD, and is the CD drive hooked up to
the PC via ATA/SATA (rather than USB or something else)?

John Baldwin might have some ideas, but debugging this is going to be
difficult because you're wanting to use amd64 but the only way to get a
usable box is under i386.

> |>It does not happen with i386 version.
> |>Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go 
> |> ahead with i386?
> |
> |If this is going to be a desktop box and uses an nVidia video card,
> |you should stay with i386 (if I remember correctly there are no
> |working amd64 nVidia drivers).
>   It'll be a production server, not a desktop. 
> |This won't allow you to use the full 8GB of RAM you have installed,
> |though, without building a custom kernel with PAE support (and there are
> |known compatibility problems between PAE and certain kernel drivers).
> |It's strongly recommended you stick with amd64 if at all possible.
>   In fact I'll not give the entire memory to this virtual machine. 
> But I would like to use the full resources of 64bits CPU capacity.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread scuba
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

|On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 02:04:07AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|> Jeremy,
|> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
|> |On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:54:26AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|> |>   I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
|> |> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
|> |>   After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
|> |> registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 
|> |> setup.
|> |
|> |Can you please download the 7.1-BETA2 ISO and try it instead?  There
|> |have been changes to the FreeBSD boot loader between 7.0-RELEASE and
|> |7.1-BETA2 which may improve things for you.  The 7.1-BETA2 ISOs are
|> |available here:
|>  The same behavior with 7.1-BETA2.
|I'm not sure what to do at this point, or what to tell you, since the
|kernel can't even load.
|Are you installing this off of CD, and is the CD drive hooked up to
|the PC via ATA/SATA (rather than USB or something else)?

It's a bit more complicated, since, for some reason the Vmware 
client is unable to boot the VM from CD on the host server. It's 
booting an ISO image on the client machine.
I already read something saying that it's a known issue of the 
Without the virtulization layer, the amd64 CD boots without 
problems in this machine. 

- Marcelo

|John Baldwin might have some ideas, but debugging this is going to be
|difficult because you're wanting to use amd64 but the only way to get a
|usable box is under i386.
|> |>   It does not happen with i386 version.
|> |>   Which is the best release to install in this box? Should I go 
|> |> ahead with i386?
|> |
|> |If this is going to be a desktop box and uses an nVidia video card,
|> |you should stay with i386 (if I remember correctly there are no
|> |working amd64 nVidia drivers).
|>  It'll be a production server, not a desktop. 
|> |This won't allow you to use the full 8GB of RAM you have installed,
|> |though, without building a custom kernel with PAE support (and there are
|> |known compatibility problems between PAE and certain kernel drivers).
|> |It's strongly recommended you stick with amd64 if at all possible.
|>  In fact I'll not give the entire memory to this virtual machine. 
|> But I would like to use the full resources of 64bits CPU capacity.
|| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
|| Parodius Networking |
|| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
|| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

- Marcelo

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Re: FreeBSD 7 and ESXi

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 02:44:13AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> |On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 02:04:07AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> |> Jeremy,
> |> 
> |> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> |> 
> |> |On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:54:26AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> |> |> I'm facing some problems trying to install a FreeBSD 
> |> |> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64, on a Dell PE 2950III, dual Xeon Quad core, 8GB RAM.
> |> |> After (FBSD) boot menu count down, it shows a dump of the CPU 
> |> |> registers and a message: BTX Halted. No matter what is changed in VM 
> |> |> setup.
> |> |
> |> |Can you please download the 7.1-BETA2 ISO and try it instead?  There
> |> |have been changes to the FreeBSD boot loader between 7.0-RELEASE and
> |> |7.1-BETA2 which may improve things for you.  The 7.1-BETA2 ISOs are
> |> |available here:
> |> 
> |>The same behavior with 7.1-BETA2.
> |
> |I'm not sure what to do at this point, or what to tell you, since the
> |kernel can't even load.
> |
> |Are you installing this off of CD, and is the CD drive hooked up to
> |the PC via ATA/SATA (rather than USB or something else)?
>   It's a bit more complicated, since, for some reason the Vmware 
> client is unable to boot the VM from CD on the host server. It's 
> booting an ISO image on the client machine.
>   I already read something saying that it's a known issue of the 
> ESXi.
>   Without the virtulization layer, the amd64 CD boots without 
> problems in this machine. 

Ah, so the truth comes out... :-)

Have you brought this fact up with the VMware folks?  They're quite a
nice bunch, I wouldn't be surprised if they provided a hotfix for you
for this problem.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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How to get my Dad's Win2k system to access internet through my FreeBSD 6.2 system

2008-10-13 Thread Manish Jain


I am poor at networking and need a little bit of help. My dad has a 
Windows 2000 machine with a network card but does not have a connection 
to the internet. My freebsd 6.2 box is connected to the internet and has 
2 network cards, rl0 and rl1. rl0 connects to the ISP and rl1 is 
directly connected via a long Ethernet cable to the NIC on my dad's 
machine. While I can access the internet easily, I want my dad to be 
able to connect to the internet with my freebsd box serving as the 
gateway. Can anyone please explain to me in easy steps how to accomplish 
this ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Manish Jain

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