serial console problem

2011-10-24 Thread Robin Becker
I have a collocated  server which had serial console access. The server centre 
re-located the server and left off the serial console.

The server worked fine for a few hours, but then access got slower and slower 
and eventually died.

Could it be that the lack of a console is causing that? I'm think the console 
may want to flush its buffer or is waiting on a question etc etc. Whilst I was 
able to communicate with it I could see that an fsck was happening so perhaps 
it's asking permission to clean up or something.

Of course I have asked the centre staff to re-connect the consol so I can see 
what's going on, but that is happening as fast as hell freezes.

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geometry does not match label

2009-12-30 Thread Robin Becker
I'm just setting up a software raid mirror using geom; everything seems to be 
working fine and the mirror is slowly synchronizing.

Because of cabling constraints this is a mirror rather than a duplex (I haven't 
used mirror before) so the gm0 components are ad0/ad1 rather than ad0/ad2. In 
dmesg I see

GEOM_MIRROR: Device mirror/gm0 launched (1/2).
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: rebuilding provider ad1.
GEOM: mirror/gm0s1: geometry does not match label (16h,63s != 255h,63s).
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/mirror/gm0s1a

anyone know if I should worry about the "geometry does not match label" message?
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Undefined symbol libintl_bindtextdomain

2009-12-23 Thread Robin Becker
I am trying to build (FreeBSD 8.0) a bleeding edge python (latest unladen 
swallow) with gcc44 and am getting mostly good results.

However, one of the standard modules is failing to load at runtime because of an 
undefined symbol


I looked in /user/local/lib/ and see that the symbol is there.

In the module of interest we don't seem to refer to libintl

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` ldd => /lib/ (0x281ad000) => /lib/ (0x281bc000) => /lib/ (0x28091000)

however, there are references in the text of Is there an 
implication that a library reference is missing during the build of the module?

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Re: binary package dependencies

2009-12-21 Thread Robin Becker
2009/12/20 Lowell Gilbert :
>> Somehow I had naively assumed that apache20 and apache22 were
>> incompatible and could not simultaneously be installed. Did the binary
>> package load ignore all conflicts? What's the proper way to approach
>> these issues. Looking in the apache20 Makefile I see it conflicts with
>> earlier apache, but how can it conflict with a later one?
> I think that it should.  As I read it, apache22 registers a conflict
> with apache20, but the reverse is not true.  If you had installed them
> in the other order, it would've refused to install.  apache20 is the
> default, so the official package was built depending on that.
> I think this should be entered as a bug, but I'm not quite positive...
clearly A conflict B is supposed to be a symmetric relation, but I
guess in this case when I install apache22 it's the entire ports
system that needs to record the conflicts. I don't think it's
reasonable for an individual port to know that a future conflict may

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binary package dependencies

2009-12-17 Thread Robin Becker
I would like to know how to use self compiled ports made with make install 
together with the packages which can be downloaded with pkg_add -r 

I'm in the process of upgrading an old freebsd 6.0 server to 8.0 and have 
decided to try and use apache22.

For various reasons I built the apache22 server using ports (mainly to force 
usage of a particular BSDB). Then added subversion also using ports.

After setting up the new apache to act as an svn source and getting that working 
I decided to add viewvc.

Rather stupidly I used pkg_add -r viewvc which seemed to work.

However, my apache setup stopped working. After much faffing about I learned 
that the pkg_add -r viewvc had also installed another version of apache (a 2.0 
version). All my apachectl commands were directed at the 2.0 version and my 
edits to the httpd.conf were bing entirely ignored.

Somehow I had naively assumed that apache20 and apache22 were incompatible and 
could not simultaneously be installed. Did the binary package load ignore all 
conflicts? What's the proper way to approach these issues. Looking in the 
apache20 Makefile I see it conflicts with earlier apache, but how can it 
conflict with a later one?

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Re: atom based servers

2009-11-12 Thread Robin Becker

David Rawling wrote:

Hi Brian

Indeed, I have a FreeBSD 8.0RC1 system running as my primary time
server for the home network. Since it's an Atom 330, it fully
supports 64-bit mode (an opportunity I have grasped with both hands).

I have one of the Acer ION gadgets running at home and that also uses the Atom 
330. I cannot find any nice way to reduce the power consumption though as the 
330 doesn't seem to support speedstep and my cpu is always running at 68C. Does

your board provide any power control opportunity?

The board I happen to be using is an Intel DG945GCLF2 - a clone
board with just 1 DIMM slot and two SATA ports. Everything I need
to have supported Just Worked out of the box.

I can provide the output of most any other commands if you'd like
to see anything specific. I rather suspect that the Supermicro and
other server-class Atoms will still be using the Intel 945 or
similar chipsets.

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binary upgrade 6.1 - 7.2/8.0

2009-10-27 Thread Robin Becker
Is it feasible to upgrade a system from 6.1 to 7.2 or 8.0-RC1 and if yes what 
sequence of upgrades should I actually carry out ie is it feasible to do 6.1-6.2 
and then 6.2 - 7.2 or should it be done in small steps?

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Re: fix remote degraded gmirror

2009-10-05 Thread Robin Becker

mojo fms wrote:
>  What about shrinking the old mirror drive a few megs so its smaller than
> the new one?
The original problem has gone away for the moment as my hoter found an AAJS 
drive with the same number of sectors and the mirror synchronized fine.

I looked around for ways to shrink the slice, but didn't discover anything very 
authoritative or easy. Is there a slice reduction beast?

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Re: fix remote degraded gmirror

2009-09-30 Thread Robin Becker

Adam Vande More wrote:
> This has been answered already but you should be aware that when using
> gmirror, your back disk should either be the same model or bigger as hard
> drive capacities differ between manufacturers.  As in Seagate 250GB ~= WD
> 250GB.  So this is not an uncommon problem.
yes this is a fairly old WD

original was

Device Model: WDC WD1600JS-22MHB0
Firmware Version: 02.01C03
User Capacity: 160,041,885,696 bytes

they replaced with

Device Model: WDC WD1600JS-75NCB2
Firmware Version: 10.02E03
User Capacity: 160,000,000,000 bytes

which looks quite strange as it looks like something got lopped off somehow. I 
didn't think bad blocking/sectoring was done any more. Anyhow they've removed 
this disk and are considering options (at least I hope they are).

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Re: fix remote degraded gmirror

2009-09-30 Thread Robin Becker


a simple

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/adX bs=1M count=1

would fix that if nothing else

if there's was no existing label, there is nothing to do except gmirror man
instructions.  Gmirror is block level mirroring which why no other steps are

well now I really need advice, the data centre guy successfully inserted another 
disk in the right place and it appears to be the same model. However, smartctl 
-a /dev/ad4 seems to show a number of errors and many of the indicators are 
prefail or old_age.

In addition the disk doesn't have exactly the same length so when I tried to 
insert gmirror complains that it is too small.

What are my options?
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Re: fix remote degraded gmirror

2009-09-28 Thread Robin Becker
Thanks for the information re reboot; I think I knew it was a sata already. My 
one remaining question is what preparation does the hd need prior to gmirror 
insert. I see various people recommending clearing out various chunks of the 
disk (to make the disk unambiguously not in sync?), but that doesn't seem to be 
required. I guess the whole idea is to be able to just connect a new disk and 
start the system up and then insert back into the mirror.

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Re: fix remote degraded gmirror

2009-09-28 Thread Robin Becker

krad wrote:

probably not but possibly. What is the server you have is it a custom build
one? Does it have a drive cage? Can you make the hd light blink?

I've never seen the machinery.

Is the remote hands going to go inside the case for you, as I think he might
to have to trace the cables to work out what drive is the correct one?

I thought the serial number would help with that,

Personally I would recommend that you or one of your trusted engineers goes
down an replaces the drive yourself. Remote hands engineers in my experiance
are a bit crude, and at the end of the day dont care about your box as much
as you would.

but you're probably right about the remote hands being uncaring :(

While you or your guy is down there he could do a proper job and label up
all the drives so in future you can get remote hands to do it all for you.

it's still under discussion anyway whether we just abandon the machine; the 
current colo company took over our freebsd machines from another and they don't 
provide freebsd support anyway. The alternative ugh is to switch to ubuntu.

I suspect if we do go ahead it will come down to one of our guys going down 
there to do the hands on.

I'm still looking for good examples of exactly how to do the actual recovery. I 
assume I can just do

gmirror remove gm0 /dev/ad4

to eliminate the bad disk.

However, will the system still reboot from the disk on /dev/ad6 or should the 
good disk be swapped into the /dev/ad4 position. I don't know enough about sata 
booting, but I suppose it can be configured through our serial console.

If the system does boot then the other disk can be inserted with gmirror insert 
gm0 /dev/ad6, but I am not sure whether any partitioning/formatting etc etc is 
required, Dru Lavigne was my guide when we installed this stuff, but this is the 
first time it's failed and she doesn't mention the repair process.

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fix remote degraded gmirror

2009-09-28 Thread Robin Becker

I have a freebsd 6.1 system with a gmirror raid 1 which is degraded.

Originally I had /dev/ad4 & /dev/ad6, but I'm getting a degraded status and log 
messages reporting dergraded status and uncorrectable block for ad4.

Obviously I need to remove the device and get it replaced and then insert back 
into the mirror.

However, this is a remote machine and I need to get the right disk fixed.

Is there a way I can get the colocation engineer to replace the right disk?

I guess I need to do 1) figure out what kind of disk this is and 2) figure out 
some information to allow them to identify.

I looked at the smartctl output and see this

Device Model: WDC WD1600JS-22MHB0
Serial Number:WD-WCANM4438410

Device Model: WDC WD1600JS-22MHB0
Serial Number:WD-WCANM4434657

is this sufficient to enable a data centre engineer to fix my problem?
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Problem building htop

2009-05-15 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to build htop-0.8.1 from ports on a FreeBSD 6.1 system. It seems htop 
requires ncurses and I see this error

In file included from RichString.h:14,
 from Object.h:12,
 from Process.h:14,
 from ProcessList.h:17,
 from Settings.h:13,
 from AvailableMetersPanel.h:6,
 from AvailableMetersPanel.c:2:
/usr/include/curses.h:289: error: conflicting types for 'wchar_t'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:58: error: previous declaration of 'wchar_t' was here
*** Error code 1

do I need a more modern system or should I update the ports tree and try again? 
I guess that stdlib comes with the OS and maybe ncurses is modernized.

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apache halting during log rotation

2009-04-02 Thread Robin Becker

I have the following in my newsyslog.conf

/var/log/httpd-*.log644  9 8@T01BG /var/run/ 30

and am seeing crashes with apache-2.0.63_2 which I think are associated.

The relevant error log entries appear to be these lines

[Thu Apr 02 01:00:00 2009] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:00 2009] [emerg] (2)No such file or directory: Couldn't 
initialize cross-process lock in child
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:00 2009] [emerg] (2)No such file or directory: Couldn't 
initialize cross-process lock in child
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:00 2009] [notice] FastCGI: process manager initialized (pid 
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) 
`*' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) 
`*' does NOT match server name!?


[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate wildcard CommonName 
(CN) `*' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [notice] Apache/2.0.63 (FreeBSD) mod_fastcgi/2.4.6 
mod_ssl/2.0.63 OpenSSL/0.9.8e configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [alert] Child 93701 returned a Fatal error... Apache 
is exiting!
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [alert] FastCGI: read() from pipe failed (0)
[Thu Apr 02 01:00:01 2009] [alert] FastCGI: the PM is shutting down, Apache 
seems to have disappeared - bye

I have used this rotation scheme with 6.0/6.1/6.2 for some years and it has 
never failed till the last few days when I'm now running 7.0-RELEASE. Can anyone 
adivise what could be done to ameliorate this.

I see mention of rotatelogs, is that a better solution to this problem?
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smartd errors again

2009-03-12 Thread Robin Becker

I'm seeing these sorts of messages in syslog output

Mar 12 15:06:10 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Currently unreadable 
(pending) sectors
Mar 12 15:06:10 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Offline uncorrectable 
Mar 12 15:29:39 app3 kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51 
error=40 LBA=151607951
Mar 12 15:29:39 app3 kernel: g_vfs_done():ad4s1f[READ(offset=72458502144, 
length=16384)]error = 5
Mar 12 15:30:25 app3 kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51 
error=40 LBA=151607951
Mar 12 15:30:25 app3 kernel: g_vfs_done():ad4s1f[READ(offset=72458502144, 
length=16384)]error = 5
Mar 12 15:35:43 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Currently unreadable 
(pending) sectors
Mar 12 15:35:43 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Offline uncorrectable 
Mar 12 15:55:03 app3 kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51 
error=40 LBA=151607951
Mar 12 15:55:03 app3 kernel: g_vfs_done():ad4s1f[READ(offset=72458502144, 
length=114688)]error = 5
Mar 12 16:05:28 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Currently unreadable 
(pending) sectors
Mar 12 16:05:28 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Offline uncorrectable 

by searching through the filesystem I located a file which appears to contain 
the error. However, I am unable to write to this file (the recommended cure for 
bad blocks) I used

# dd if=/dev/zero bs=12544487 count=1 of=wow-22048.dmp.gz conv=notrunc
dd: wow-22048.dmp.gz: Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 1.894545 secs (0 bytes/sec)

so am I forced to abandon this hard disk or is their some easy way to actually 
force a write that will make the disk bad block the wrong sectors.

I looked in vain for my old bad blocking tools and indeed it seems lost+found is 
no longer here.  This disk is supposedly only 433 hours old acording to the 
smartctl output (assuming I do need to regard the Hitachi numbers as being minutes).

Any help would be appreciated.
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problem rotating apache logs

2009-03-10 Thread Robin Becker

I'm trying to get newsyslog to rotate my apache2 logs (this in 7.0 & 7.1 

I added this to the end of newsyslog.conf

/var/log/httpd-*.log644  9 8@T01BG /var/run/ 30

this is what is currently working for me in 6.0 & 6.1.  Signal 30 is supposed to 
be USR1 which is intended to cause a graceful restart.

However, I find that although I do get a rotated log file the new logs always 
seem to be empty.

The logs seem to start growing only after I restart the apache server.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: install freebsd from inside another operating system

2008-12-15 Thread Robin Becker
After some messing around  with various efforts on the depenguinator I came up 
with this scheme for getting a freebsd boot using an external freebsd machine ie 
not using the target to create the boot.

##freebsd machine
#get the freebsd bootonly location
wget [use your local location]/7.1-RC1-i386-bootonly.iso

#determine its size (in my case 39M)
ls -l 7.1-RC1-i386-bootonly.iso

#make an image file slightly larger
dd if=/dev/zero of=fbsd.img bs=1k count=4

#create /dev/md0 connected to the image file
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f fbsd.img -u 0

#lable it and make a file system thereon
bsdlabel -w -B md0 auto
newfs -m 0 md0a

#make a mount point and then mount the new mem fs on it
mkdir img
mount /dev/md0a img
#and check its usage etc etc
df img

#now make a mount point for the iso and connect it to md1
mkdir iso
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f 7.1-RC1-i386-bootonly.iso  -u 1

#and mount as cd
mount_cd9660 /dev/md1 iso
df iso

#copy the iso to the image
cp -pr iso/* img/

#clean up
umount img iso
mdconfig -d -u 0
mdconfig -d -u 1

#copy the image to the target
scp fbsd.img m...@target:/tmp/

### target machine ubuntu 8.10 in my case
Now after logging in to the target and sudoing su

mv /tmp/fbsd.img /boot
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk /boot

then edited /boot/grub/menu.lst to contain a new entry

title FreeBSD
root (hd0,0)
kernel memdisk
initrd /boot/fbsd.img

On reboot I selected the FreeBSD entry and was pleasantly surprised to see the 
freebsd boot process happening just fine. I suppose with this setup (provided 
all stays connected) one can do a full install from a network whose parameters 
may be set up during the install.

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Re: install freebsd from inside another operating system

2008-12-13 Thread Robin Becker
My experiments with the depenguinator seem to show it has a hidden 
dependency on the partition used for the constructed disk image.

On my ubuntu 8.10 the original install constructed

/dev/sda2 extended
/dev/sda5 swap

Not sure why the extended, but it wasn't really needed so I deleted sda5 
& sda2 and then created a new primary partition /dev/sda2 for the swap.

When using /dev/sda5 grub gave an error 12: invalid device, now with 
exactly the same build process /dev/sda2 gives a boot that works. 
However, the result crashes when the next stage kicks in.

I don't know where the dependency is, perhaps it must use a primary 
partition or perhaps there's some way to specify the boot device that's 
not being used. The bootcode is fixed and not a function of the boot 
target (which is suspicious).

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Re: install freebsd from inside another operating system

2008-12-09 Thread Robin Becker

Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:

Robin wrote:
 > I'm just wondering if it is possible to install FreeBSD from inside a
 > bootstrap operating system such as a knoppix or ubuntu preinstall?

Jan Henrik

well I tried pretty hard with the depenguinator, but it doesn't work for me. I 
have an 8.10 ubuntu system with swap on sda5. I had to fix a buglet related to 
ARG_MAX being missing while compiling glob.c, but otherwise the build seemed to 

Have done all the suggested fixes ie making the partition bootable, changing the 
type to freebsd, but at boot time I get "12 : Invalid device requested.".

I suspect there's some residual problem related to not having exactly the same 
setup as the author's. One thing I noticed is that the bootsector is not built 
with knowledge of the target partition, but I don't know exactly how I could fix 
that, but presumably it's supposed to boot as freebsd. I see it sets partition 
to 4, 5 sectors size.

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Re: install freebsd from inside another operating system

2008-12-08 Thread Robin Becker

Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:

Robin wrote:
 > I'm just wondering if it is possible to install FreeBSD from inside a
 > bootstrap operating system such as a knoppix or ubuntu preinstall?
I've just finished building an image using it. Bit of a struggle as I had to 
patch one of the files and my lack of understanding of the chattr command in 
ubuntu caused me no end of problems. Basically when you run the build again 
after the first failure you need to clean up properly using chattr -R -i before 
you can even remove one of the folders.

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Re: install freebsd from inside another operating system

2008-12-08 Thread Robin Becker

Wojciech Puchar wrote:

Reason I'm asking is that my boss is asking about getting another 
commodity server using a provider that doesn't offer freebsd. We do 
get KVM over IP however, and I assume that really clever people might 
know how to handle this sort of thing if they have console access.

stupid/strange solution: run qemu under linux giving FReeBSD iso as 
cdrom, and linux swap partition as disk (disable swap on linux 
temporarily), install it WITHOUT making slices and labels (manually) - 
minimum install, make sure whole "disk" (actually linux swap partition) 
is bootable, then exit qemu, run linux fdisk to set swap partition as 
bootable instead of linux root, reboot.

you will get FreeBSD working, repartition everything else, optionally 
copy FreeBSD to partition that has to be /, reboot, ready

That almost sounds doable :) not sure my ubuntu/qemu skills are really there 
yet. Can you run qemu in a tty/console?

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install freebsd from inside another operating system

2008-12-08 Thread Robin Becker
I'm just wondering if it is possible to install FreeBSD from inside a bootstrap 
operating system such as a knoppix or ubuntu preinstall?

Reason I'm asking is that my boss is asking about getting another commodity 
server using a provider that doesn't offer freebsd. We do get KVM over IP 
however, and I assume that really clever people might know how to handle this 
sort of thing if they have console access.

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Re: gcc-4.3.3 problem

2008-11-16 Thread Robin Becker

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
>>> Is there some way to make these libraries available without this?
>> I think this is just a question of adding /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.3 
to  the ldconfig hints. At least when I ran

>> ldconfig -R /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.3
>> things improved.
> The ports framework has support to do this automatically, so the
> question is why it didn't happen.  Could you file a PR on the matter?

I looked in the makefile and it certainly has


so I suppose the ldconfig stuff is supposed to get done.
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Re: gcc-4.3.3 problem

2008-11-16 Thread Robin Becker

Robin Becker wrote:
I'm trying to run some benchmarks for a modified version of Python 
2.5.2, unfortunately the modification requires a newer version of GCC so 
I have installed gcc version 4.3.3 from ports.

When I try to run my make command I'm seeing this error

*** WARNING: renaming "_codecs_hk" since importing it failed: Shared 
object ""

I see that the gcc 4.3.3 libs were installed in /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.3 
and I can get things to work by setting up the appropriate -L option and 

Is there some way to make these libraries available without this?
I think this is just a question of adding /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.3 to 
the ldconfig hints. At least when I ran

ldconfig -R /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.3

things improved.
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gcc-4.3.3 problem

2008-11-16 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to run some benchmarks for a modified version of Python 
2.5.2, unfortunately the modification requires a newer version of GCC so 
I have installed gcc version 4.3.3 from ports.

When I try to run my make command I'm seeing this error

*** WARNING: renaming "_codecs_hk" since importing it failed: Shared 
object ""

I see that the gcc 4.3.3 libs were installed in /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.3 
and I can get things to work by setting up the appropriate -L option and 

Is there some way to make these libraries available without this?
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gcc 3.4.4 -fno-gcse

2008-11-05 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to do some benchmarks for a new/improved version of CPython and would 
like to know if gcc 3.4.4 as distributed with FreeBSD 6.1 handles the -fno-gcse 
option reasonably. I looked in the man page, but don't see that option 
explicitly so perhaps the main thrust of the optimisation approach is going wrong.

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Re: no reverse dns

2008-10-30 Thread Robin Becker

Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Oct 29, 2008, at 11:10 AM, Robin Becker wrote:
We have just moved offices and our freebsd machine has started 
complaining in the following terms

Oct 29 17:14:39 int kernel: arplookup ww.xx.yy.zz failed: host is not 
on local network

We have an external router connected as a dhcp server at 
which apparently has external address ww.xx.yy.zz. I am using a fixed 
ip address ie

I have this in my rc.conf

ifconfig_em0="inet  netmask"

and have dns mapping --> ww.xx.yy.zz,

If you tell the machine that it is and you set up DNS 
which claims that hostname has an external IP, it will be sad because it 
doesn't know how to reach that IP.  You can use DNS split-horizon / 
views to return the internal IP when the machine asks, or simply keep 
your external and internal names separate.  Ie, set up DNS like:  A  A  ww.xx.yy.zz


On the machine I have set the local names to point to in the hosts 

I have not set up any dns except externally. I suppose that packets are arriving 
and being routed via NAT into the internal server which claim to be addressed to 
the router's external address.

Can I add some simple route that fixes this?
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no reverse dns

2008-10-29 Thread Robin Becker
We have just moved offices and our freebsd machine has started complaining in 
the following terms

Oct 29 17:14:39 int kernel: arplookup ww.xx.yy.zz failed: host is not on local 

We have an external router connected as a dhcp server at which 
apparently has external address ww.xx.yy.zz. I am using a fixed ip address ie

I have this in my rc.conf

ifconfig_em0="inet  netmask"

and have dns mapping --> ww.xx.yy.zz, but our ISP will not make 
the reverse mapping. I assume that we're trying to reverse lookup something and 
the lack of reverse dns is causing this issue.

What can I add to my rc.conf to stop this arplookup problem?
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change of behaviour after reboot

2008-10-24 Thread Robin Becker
I had to perform a stupidity related reboot after allowing my /var fs to get to 

All seems well except for the behaviour of some of my rather ancient cgi scripts 
which are for serving up moinmoin wikis.

Prior to the reboot these all seemed to work fine they hd the #! line

#!/usr/bin/env python

after the reboot these scripts refused to work. The log messages say

env: python: No such file or directory
Premature end of script headers: zzz-wiki.cgi

I tried to check that env was there and that it gave me a reasonable python (at 
least at the terminal). However, something had obviously changed as the scripts 
now only work if I use


I'm worried now in case my reboot or the over usage has caused some hidden 

Anybody have any idea what could cause this misbehaviour?
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Re: network problem

2008-08-16 Thread Robin Becker

OutBackDingo wrote:
whats redirecting the requests to the apache server? is it on piublic or 
private ip block ? whats it set to listen on IP wise ? what about a changed 
netmask ?

The server is listening to a local ip address which hasn't changed eg 

The external IP address was changed as was the external name server and 
the netmask. Our local net is provided by an ethernet router that has 
been configured with the new external IP address in exactly the same way 
as the old one. I've just reviewed the settings again and both 
https(443) and http(80) appear to be NAT'd to 192.168.0.x which is both 
the http & https server. Https works & http doesn't. The external IP is

xxx.yyy.zzz.240 with netmask xxx.yyy.zzz.224 and gateway xxx.yyy.zzz.225
and I think that works. The dns server ip is setup in the gateway and it 
acts as both a dhcp server and static router.

When I connect from the lan side to http://xxx.yyy.zzz.240 it seems to 
work fine. From outside it fails.

On Saturday 16 August 2008 15:55:11 Robin Becker wrote:

After a recent change of ISP and hence our external IP address I find
that our FreeBSD 6.1 apache http server appears to be invisible from
outside our site. Port 80 requests just seem to hang whether done via a
dns lookup or using the ip address. Checking the logs seems to indicate
that no requests now arrive, but that we have seen some external
requests since the ISP changed.

The https/sshd/mysql etc servers are still visible externally and the
http server is visible on its local address and if you visit the
external address from inside the network.

I suspect that either I've still got some misconfiguration on the
server, gateway or or dns(although this seems less likely).

Alternatively the ISP might have some other block in place.

I've looked for the old IP address in /etc and found no usages the
gateway appears to be correctly set up.

What tests can I do internally/externally to see what happens to my port
80 packets?

Robin Becker
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network problem

2008-08-16 Thread Robin Becker
After a recent change of ISP and hence our external IP address I find 
that our FreeBSD 6.1 apache http server appears to be invisible from 
outside our site. Port 80 requests just seem to hang whether done via a 
dns lookup or using the ip address. Checking the logs seems to indicate 
that no requests now arrive, but that we have seen some external 
requests since the ISP changed.

The https/sshd/mysql etc servers are still visible externally and the 
http server is visible on its local address and if you visit the 
external address from inside the network.

I suspect that either I've still got some misconfiguration on the 
server, gateway or or dns(although this seems less likely).

Alternatively the ISP might have some other block in place.

I've looked for the old IP address in /etc and found no usages the 
gateway appears to be correctly set up.

What tests can I do internally/externally to see what happens to my port 
80 packets?

Robin Becker
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Re: shutdown forensics

2008-04-27 Thread Robin Becker

Robert Huff wrote:

Robin Becker writes:

 I'm trying to figure out what caused an unplanned shutdown of a
 freebsd 6.0 server; I see this in the last output
 reboot   ~ Thu Apr 24 06:15

 shutdown ~ Thu Apr 24 06:10
 but cannot see anybody having been logged in at the time. Is

 there any way I can trace the origin of the shutdown command?

I see a time like that, my gut suspicion for the shutdown is
"something drive y a cro job".

Robert Huff


I've looked at the various cron jobs and cannot see anything that looks 
suspicious. Root only has an ntp job which runs at 01:17. The one other 
user with a crontab has jobs running at *:19 and 03:13. Looked in 
/var/crash and see minfree from 2005.

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shutdown forensics

2008-04-27 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to figure out what caused an unplanned shutdown of a freebsd 
6.0 server; I see this in the last output

reboot   ~ Thu Apr 24 06:15
shutdown ~ Thu Apr 24 06:10

but cannot see anybody having been logged in at the time. Is there any 
way I can trace the origin of the shutdown command?

I looked in the root shell history various other logs, but couldn't see 
anything obvious.

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ldconfig vs /usr/local/lib/mysql

2008-04-25 Thread Robin Becker
One of our FreeBSD 6 servers got rebooted and when it came back we found 
that /usr/local/lib/mysql was not amongst the directories on the 
standard ldconfig paths.

Can someone gently explain how this is supposed to work. On our other 
servers I see the both /usr/local/lib/apache2  and /usr/local/lib/mysql 
are on the standard paths, but I don't know where those folders get set 
up as there are no (or files in /etc.

It's easy to get those folders into the /var/run/ etc files, 
but how does one make them persist?

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how to respond to possible attacks

2008-03-08 Thread Robin Becker
Sorry if this is too off topic, but I would like to find out what to do 
when you suspect a possible dos attack on your system. I know there are 
many experienced sysadmins here.
Although my system (freebsd 6.0/apache 2.0.x) did in fact hold up, what 
steps should I be taking? The originating ip doesn't seem to be reverse 

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apache/fastcgi/django kern.maxfiles

2008-03-07 Thread Robin Becker
I'm having a problem related to a freebsd 6.x apache 2.0.x+mod_fastcgi --> 
django+flup forked server. Basically under heavy load the system seems to reach 
some kind of limit on the number of open files ie I see messages related to user 
80 & (the django server uid) having reached kern.maxfiles.

Has anyone got any experience with this kind of setup and how to decide what the 
fault really is. In particular since the web can always out request any 
particular limit is there some way to make apache start refusing gracefully 
before things go critical.

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Re: 7.0 kde 3 build patch error

2008-03-06 Thread Robin Becker

Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Wednesday, March 05, 2008 a las 04:02:11PM +, Robin Becker escribió:

I'm trying to build kde3 from ports with 7.0 release and get this patch 
error whilst trying to build cups


After doing portsnap update I get further with building kde3, but am now getting 
stuck with some error related to docbook

Making all in doc
rm -rf html
mkdir html
jade -t sgml -d ./website.dsl\#html ./manual.sgml
jade:/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.2/dbcentx.mod:308:0:E: cannot open 
"/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.2/iso-amsa.gml" (No such file or directory)
jade:/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.2/dbcentx.mod:312:0:E: cannot open 
"/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.2/iso-amsb.gml" (No such file or directory)
jade:/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.2/dbcentx.mod:316:0:E: cannot open 
"/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.2/iso-amsc.gml" (No such file or directory)


I guess this is some bug building docbook, but is there a better way to get kde 
up and running? Or should I try again with make config-recursive and remove the 
docbook related stuff.

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Re: 7.0 kde 3 build patch error

2008-03-06 Thread Robin Becker

Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Wednesday, March 05, 2008 a las 04:02:11PM +, Robin Becker escribió:

I'm trying to build kde3 from ports with 7.0 release and get this patch 
error whilst trying to build cups

===>   Running ldconfig

*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/cups-base.
*** Error code 1


I run into the same problem and fetched the tar file of the
cups-base-1.3.6 port from FreeBSD which compiles fine;

thanks updating the ports tree seems to have fixed that.
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7.0 kde 3 build patch error

2008-03-05 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to build kde3 from ports with 7.0 release and get this patch error 
whilst trying to build cups

===>   Running ldconfig
/sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
===>   Registering installation for libmng-1.0.9
===>   Returning to build of qt-3.3.8_6
===>   qt-3.3.8_6 depends on shared library: png - found
===>   qt-3.3.8_6 depends on shared library: jpeg - found
===>   qt-3.3.8_6 depends on shared library: Xft.2 - found
===>   qt-3.3.8_6 depends on shared library: cups.2 - not found
===>Verifying install for cups.2 in /usr/ports/print/cups-base
===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>  Found saved configuration for cups-base-1.3.5_2
=> cups-1.3.5-source.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
=> Attempting to fetch from
cups-1.3.5-source.tar.bz2 100% of 3986 kB  190 kBps 00m00s
===>  Extracting for cups-base-1.3.5_2
=> MD5 Checksum OK for cups-1.3.5-source.tar.bz2.
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for cups-1.3.5-source.tar.bz2.
===>  Patching for cups-base-1.3.5_2
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for cups-base-1.3.5_2
Ignoring previously applied (or reversed) patch.
10 out of 10 hunks ignored--saving rejects to cups/ipp.c.rej
=> Patch patch-CVE-2007-4351 failed to apply cleanly.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/cups-base.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/qt33.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/qt33.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11/kde3.

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duplicate message removal

2008-02-23 Thread Robin Becker
We have a bunch of FreeBSD 6.x servers which we administer remotely. As 
part of that we get the normal root job mails emailed to a mailing list 
which the admins(mostly me) can inspect at leisure and also use for 
historical purposes.

Trouble is many of the emails get huge because of repeated messages 
typically stuff like login failures:
Feb 22 20:07:54 app3 sshd[56886]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo 

etc etc

All these servers are running denyhosts, but we still see lots of these 

I was wondering if there's any simple compression script which notices 
the repetitions (apart from timestamp) and can remove the many 
duplicates etc etc.

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2008-01-18 Thread Robin Becker

Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:

Which is a better solution for a home user?

Thank you very much for your practical recommendations!


I have had great success using PCBSD on various acers, I eventually got fed up 
with it being not quite identical to FreeBSD and I now have FreeBSD 6.2 on my 
current acer laptop (a 1680).

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software raid 1 and recovery

2008-01-04 Thread Robin Becker
I'm using software raid 1 on a 6.1 freebsd. This is a so called cold swap 
system, but I wonder how much it actually improves reliability. First off what 
should I be doing to detect error conditions and secondly what happens if the 
machine refuses to boot.

I set this system up using Dru Lavigne's recipe, but I don't really understand 
what happens if one of the drives starts to fail. I think there was some 
discussion about HD monitoring recently, but I can't seem to locate it.

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Re: genuine bulk email

2007-10-12 Thread Robin Becker

Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:

On Oct 12, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

these all sound very reasonable. However, we use the same IP for 
several virtual hosts ie we have more than one domain name so the 
reverse DNS is not clear to me. Is the from address inspected for 
comparison with the RDNS ie if I claim to be sending from 
should my RDNS point back to Presumably I can have only one 
IP-->domain ptr. I suspect it will be easier to set up the front end 
machine as that is supposed to be for the same client.

The checking will work fine with virtual domains.  What matters is that

   DNS(rDNS(IP)) = IP  = DNS(vhost)

I think I've got that right.  (It's a bit more complicated to state when 
MXes and multiple A records for the same name are considered, but this 
is the general idea.)

Also it's not so much the header FROM or the envelope FROM, but the HELO 
string that is checked here.  For SPF and DomainKeys, it is the envelope 
FROM that is checked against the IP.  Presumably your mailer gives a 
constant HELO irrespective of the vhost that is in the envelope FROM.

OK this makes better sense. So long as my internal machine name matches the 
equation above then I should be OK no matter what. I'm fairly sure I've got 
stuff set up properly. I do need to set up the appropriate rDNS and check the 
HELO on the test machine though. The HELO looks right, but my rDNS is shot and I 
am currently in the CBL for some reason.

And how do the sales people acquire the data?  I'm sure that it's okay, 
but you may want to have a small description of the process on your web 
page that you could point postmasters to if a question arises.

these are telephone sales people so far as I know. When they're booking the 
room(s) for the client they ask if they want to receive an emailed document 
describing the hotel etc etc so it's not bulk in the sense of database --> email 
and certainly we're not recording any of the details at all. I suppose we could 
be used by our client as a spurious mail sender, but it would not be terribly 
fast and it's unlikely as they likely could do it much easier themselves.

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Re: genuine bulk email

2007-10-12 Thread Robin Becker

Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:

On Oct 12, 2007, at 7:05 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

At present I have reduced the email to a textual format with an 
embedded textual link. So the email looks like

When you personalize that give the date and IP address of the request. 
Something like

  ... the brochures you requested at TIME from IP.

this sounds reasonable

but is there anything at a system level that can be done to make 
emails less likely to be classified as spam?

The most crucial thing is the status of IP of the host sending the mail

  o Does it have a proper DNS PTR (reverse DNS) record?
  o Are you using SPF or DomainKeys to show that that IP address
is authorized to send mail in the sending domain's name?
  o Do you have working postmaster and abuse addresses for the domain you
are sending from?
  o Do you have a static IP address?
  o Are you clear of any major blacklists?
  o Can you demonstrate that every recipient really did request the mail?

these all sound very reasonable. However, we use the same IP for several virtual 
hosts ie we have more than one domain name so the reverse DNS is not clear to 
me. Is the from address inspected for comparison with the RDNS ie if I claim to 
be sending from should my RDNS point back to Presumably I can 
have only one IP-->domain ptr. I suspect it will be easier to set up the front 
end machine as that is supposed to be for the same client.

Each of those are far more important than whether you attach a PDF.  (By 
the way, say it's PDF or even Adobe's PDF, but not "Adobe Acrobat format".)

OK that's good.

I assume that spammers try very hard and fail, so is this kind of 
email application effectively dead in the water before it starts?

Automatic mailing is fine.  What is important is how the email addresses 
were acquired.


this isn't automatic, the sales people manually enter all the details. The 
attached document is what the application generates and then the combined email.

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genuine bulk email

2007-10-12 Thread Robin Becker
We have a project to make a graphical tool which allows salespersons to send an 
email with an attached PDF document. We are in testing and although the tool 
seems to work we have the problem of not looking like spam/phish etc etc. I have 
tried numerous tricks to avoid being classified as spam, but so far nothing 
seems to work.

At present I have reduced the email to a textual format with an embedded textual 
link. So the email looks like

Your  Document,

Thank you for your inquiry. below is a link to the brochures as requested, in 
Adobe Acrobat format.

It includes the YYY Airport Hotel and other information which may be useful. We 
thank you for your query.

Your  Document may be found here


 Sales Team

It could be personalised a bit more, but is there anything at a system level 
that can be done to make emails less likely to be classified as spam? I assume 
that spammers try very hard and fail, so is this kind of email application 
effectively dead in the water before it starts?

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Re: temporary su login

2007-09-05 Thread Robin Becker

Eric Crist wrote:

I'm sure nobody will mention this, so I will.  On most systems with 
support ACPI, your colo provider can simply press the power button on 
the front of your server.  FreeBSD's kernel will pick up the signal and 
shut down cleanly.

Once you're moved, they can press the same button to power the system 
on.  There is *NO* need to give them login access to the box.  Also, 
they could simply call you to have you shut it down.


many good ideas; thanks.

I guess since they ask for an ip based mechanism that I'll create a 
special user in the operator group and do the chmod trick on shutdown.

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temporary su login

2007-09-05 Thread Robin Becker
My collocation supplier is about to move our FreeBSD box and wants some way to 
shut it down cleanly. Is there a simple way to allow a non-root user to have 
shutdown rights without just giving them the world. At present I don't even 
allow login via ssh on that box ie it's purely key based.

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hda driver

2007-06-17 Thread Robin Becker
I have an acer 1644WLMi laptop which has an HDA sound card. I tried 
using the binary modules from

If I add


to loader.conf then I have a crash when starting kdm

I am running

6.2Release with Xorg 7.2 and latest port kde 3.5.

I have seen that others have this HDA sound working; so what's the 
proper way to get it working? My reading of the related threads in 
freebsd-multimedia left me a bit confused.

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Re: Yes i need to Ask A question

2007-06-13 Thread Robin Becker

Christian Walther wrote:

On a side note: Having a FreeBSD based Laptop with you in a store
where people know only about Windows is an experience one should have.
They need their time to get used to the idea that there are other
Operating Systems as Windows. And that these don't need graphics to
work. And that there are people out there that can work with a
computer without graphics... ;-D

here in the UK you'd be lucky to be allowed to try even one card in your own 

Only reason I bought an Acer is that someone else had already managed to get 
most of the kinks ironed out (and had written about it). Unfortunately 
improvements in FreeBSD have taken me backwards in terms of understanding over 
the last year.

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iwi won't switch on at boot

2007-06-12 Thread Robin Becker
I have an acer laptop with an intel 2200 wifi; when I had PCBSD 1.3 
installed I could boot from cold and have the wireless start up properly 
(it's using wpa with a hidden ssid ap). After I installed freebsd 6.2 I 
cannot get the wireless to come up on first boot. I seem to have to 
switch the wireless on and then reboot. I think under PCBSD is used to 
have to do something like

in one of the startup scripts to make this work. Now however when I 
execute that I see a message saying that oid is read only. Is there some 
way to get this wifi starting properly again?

Robin Becker

various bits of information

$ uname -a
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 12 11:05:30 
UTC 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386

$ kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
 1   15 0xc040 70794c   kernel
 21 0xc0b08000 1adb8linux.ko
 31 0xc0b23000 e1a8 if_iwi.ko
 42 0xc0b32000 2d60 firmware.ko
 51 0xc0b35000 2cf4 wlan_acl.ko
 61 0xc0b38000 59f20acpi.ko
 71 0xc4f27000 4000 logo_saver.ko
$ pkg_info | grep iwi
iwi-firmware-2.4_7  Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 Driver Firmware
iwi-firmware-kmod-3.0_2 Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 Firmware Kernel Module

$ cat /boot/loader.conf

== initial boot
Jun 10 08:53:01 xxx kernel: iwi0:  mem 0xb010
   1000-0xb0101fff irq 17 at device 4.0 on pci6
Jun 10 08:53:01 xxx kernel: iwi0: Ethernet address: 00:13:ce:a1:2e:8e
Jun 10 08:53:01 xxx kernel: iwi0: radio turned off

== after switch pressed
Jun 10 08:55:17 xxx kernel: iwi0: radio turned on

== after reboot
Jun 10 09:14:44 xxx kernel: iwi0:  mem 0xb010
   1000-0xb0101fff irq 17 at device 4.0 on pci6
Jun 10 09:14:44 xxx kernel: iwi0: Ethernet address: 00:13:ce:a1:2e:8e

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Re: failure in xorg 7.2 compile of vblank.c

2007-06-09 Thread Robin Becker

On 09/06/07, Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying the build from scratch route of xorg 7.2.

> cc -c -I. -I../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/common -Iserver
-I../../../../../include -I../../../../../include/GL/internal
-I../../../../../src/mesa -I../../../../../src/mesa/main
-I../../../../../src/mesa/glapi -I../../../../../src/mesa/math
-I../../../../../src/mesa/transform -I../../../../../src/mesa/shader
-I../../../../../src/mesa/swrast -I../../../../../src/mesa/swrast_setup
-I../../../../../src/egl/main -I../../../../../src/egl/drivers/dri
`pkg-config --cflags libdrm` -I/usr/local/include -Wall
-O  -Wmissing-prototypes -std=c99 -Wundef -ffast-math -DUSE_X86_ASM
> ../common/vblank.c: In function `driGetCurrentVBlank':
> ../common/vblank.c:306: error: `DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY' undeclared (first
use in this function)
> ../common/vblank.c:306: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported
only once
> ../common/vblank.c:306: error: for each function it appears in.)
> ../common/vblank.c: In function `driWaitForVBlank':
> ../common/vblank.c:363: error: `DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY' undeclared (first
use in this function)

ignore this I figured out it was caused by an unistalled libdrm package.

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detect stderr writes when combined

2007-06-08 Thread Robin Becker
This is possibly a stupid question, but I would like to have a particular sh 
script stdout and stderr combined, but at least detect when stderr has been used.

In particular for my cron scripts it seems that error messages get wrapped up 
and emailed, but they are then out of context with the normal informative 
output. If I could have the combined output go to my logs in the normal way and 
detect that some error output had occurred I could then email the whole cron output.

I'm fairly sure this is doable with some C, but is there an easier way?
Robin Becker
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Re: Synaptics trackpad problem

2007-06-06 Thread Robin Becker

Paul Fraser wrote:

On 6/3/07, Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any help appreciated

Hi Robin,

I know this isn't going to be much of a comfort - but I've had great
difficulty trying to get Xorg to work nicely with - surprise - the
Synaptics touchpad on my Acer notebook as well. I posted to the list
almost a week ago reporting that while Xorg worked brilliantly one day
- suddenly it stopped working.

I did blow the installation away and started again (unrelated issue)
the other day and the touchpad is working much as it was before. I
don't have my specific Xorg config in front of me as the missus has
stolen the laptop today unfortunately, however I've flagged this
thread so I'll attach it and send it over to you tonight.

Thanks I appreciate it. With my machine I can get the 1280x800 mode using 
915resolution hack and I do have a mouse if I drop the touchpad entirely (from 
loader.conf and xorg.conf) and use moused_enable="YES" in rc.conf. For whatever 
reason the synaptics stuff is a bit flaky on my machine as I have had a couple 
of forced reboots with hw.psm.synaptics_support=1.

If all else fails I will try and do the new 7.2 Xorg build from scratch.

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Re: Is it better to just rebuild Xorg 7.2

2007-06-06 Thread Robin Becker

Norberto Meijome wrote:

On Mon, 04 Jun 2007 19:45:48 +
Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've just installed 6.2R and have just about got Xorg going. Is it 
better for me to just remove all my X related packages and try and build 
from the xorg-7.2 meta package or to go through the pain of trying to 

I think it'll be the same. Upgrade was the only option for me
as I had a fully functionally X setup in my laptop - it went pretty smoothly
(for the amount of changes done to the system).

Make sure you follow the instructions in /usr/ports/UPDATING to the letter.

In either case I need to sync the ports tree etc.

well, if u dont upgrade your tree, you may be able to install xorg 6.9 from
packages (MUCH faster) ; get it working; then sync the ports after this and
upgrade. There is nothing particularly wrong with 6.9, specially if you have a
clean machine and you plan to do the whole upgrade path.

just dont go overkill with setting up KDE / Gnome and other things that depend
on X. twm would do for now ;)

I have Xorg from 6.2R working now, but I have already cvsup'd the ports so I 
guess I'll have to do the upgrade from the 6.2R version. I haven't yet got KDE 
etc going yet anyway.

Robin Becker
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complete static link

2007-06-05 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to get a particular utility compiled statically so I can embed it in 
a distribution package. It's just a part of lib tiff. I tried various things 
with ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static, but couldn't eliminate the 
dynamic dependencies. In the end I tried this

gcc -O2 -Wall -W -o tiffcp tiffcp.o  ../libtiff/.libs/libtiff.a 
../port/.libs/libport.a /usr/lib/libz.a /usr/lib/libm.a /usr/lib/libc.a

and although the libz/libm dependencies are gone I still depend on (or 
4). Is there some esy way to do this?

Also I get warnings about f_prealloc anyone know what that means?
Robin Becker
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Is it better to just rebuild Xorg 7.2

2007-06-04 Thread Robin Becker
I've just installed 6.2R and have just about got Xorg going. Is it 
better for me to just remove all my X related packages and try and build 
from the xorg-7.2 meta package or to go through the pain of trying to 

In either case I need to sync the ports tree etc.
Robin Becker
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Re: Synaptics trackpad problem

2007-06-04 Thread Robin Becker

Paul Fraser wrote:

On 6/3/07, Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any help appreciated

Hi Robin,

I know this isn't going to be much of a comfort - but I've had great
difficulty trying to get Xorg to work nicely with - surprise - the
Synaptics touchpad on my Acer notebook as well. I posted to the list
almost a week ago reporting that while Xorg worked brilliantly one day
- suddenly it stopped working.

I did blow the installation away and started again (unrelated issue)
the other day and the touchpad is working much as it was before. I
don't have my specific Xorg config in front of me as the missus has
stolen the laptop today unfortunately, however I've flagged this
thread so I'll attach it and send it over to you tonight.

Thanks I appreciate it. With my machine I can get the 1280x800 mode using 
915resolution hack and I do have a mouse if I drop the touchpad entirely (from 
loader.conf and xorg.conf) and use moused_enable="YES" in rc.conf. For whatever 
reason the synaptics stuff is a bit flaky on my machine as I have had a couple 
of forced reboots with hw.psm.synaptics_support=1.

If all else fails I will try and do the new 7.2 Xorg build from scratch.
Robin Becker
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Synaptics trackpad problem

2007-06-03 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to get XORG setup on my acer laptop with 6.2 release. Things 
are fine except I cannot get the trackpad to work; x starts, but the 
mouse is frozen. I have had pcbsd on the same machine and the mouse 
worked there, but not as a trackpad.

Any help appreciated


(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Synaptics_Touchpad: Core Pointer
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Synaptics_Touchpad" (type: MOUSE)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard0" (type: KEYBOARD)
Synaptics DeviceInit called
SynapticsCtrl called.
Synaptics DeviceOn called
(--) Synaptics_Touchpad synaptics touchpad found
(--)  Synaptics Touchpad, model: 0
(--)  Firmware: 6.2
(--)  Sensor: 18
(--)  new absolute packet format
(--)  Touchpad has extended capability bits
(--)  -> multifinger detection
(--)  -> palm detection
(WW) fcntl(8, O_ASYNC): Inappropriate ioctl for device
Synaptics DeviceOff called

the corrsponding sections in the xorg.conf are
Section "ServerLayout"
Section "Module"
Load  "synaptics"
Section "InputDevice"








# "SHMConfig on" seems good works with synclient(1).  But this
# options is insecure.  I recommended "off" as default.

# If you use circular touchpad, uncomment them.

and certainly

dmesg | grep Synaptics
psm0: model Synaptics Touchpad, device ID 0

as /boot/loader.conf has hw.psm.synaptics_support="1"
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Re: ezjail ip conflicts

2007-03-23 Thread Robin Becker

Joe Holden wrote:

>> how do I fix this or perhaps I don't need to?
> syslogd_flags="-ss" in rc.conf
> sshd is configured in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

I looked in vain in /etc/rc.d/syslogd for references to syslogd_ and didn't find 
any, but now I see \$rc_flags which I guess must be what is used. Thanks Joe and 

I now get a message saying

Warning: IP not configured on a local interface.

but I think that just means I don't have an alias set up yet.
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ezjail ip conflicts

2007-03-23 Thread Robin Becker

I'm getting these ip conflicts whilst trying to create a jail

ezjail-admin create

Warning: IP not configured on a local interface.
Warning: Some services already seem to be listening on all IP, (including

  This may cause some confusion, here they are:
mysqlmysqld 505   10 tcp4   *:3306*:*
root syslogd291   6  udp4   *:514 *:*

my rc.conf has

ifconfig_fxp0="inet  netmask"
inetd_flags="-wW -a"

so I believe the address is OK, but I guess I need to make mysqld 
and syslogd listen only on I don't actually understand what's 
preventing sshd from listening on all the addresses in range unless it's the 
inetd flags, but I thought sshd is started by init nowadays.

Anyhow I think I can fix the mysqld problem by having


in the rc.conf, but I don't see any easy way to configure syslogd to start with 
a -b

how do I fix this or perhaps I don't need to?
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Re: cron mystery

2007-02-26 Thread Robin Becker

Chuck Swiger wrote:

Robin Becker wrote:
[ ... ]


13 3 * * *  $HOME/bin/daily
19 * * * *  $HOME/bin/hourly


13 3 * * *  /home/user/bin/daily
41 * * * *  /home/user/bin/hourly

and at 41 past the hour the hourly job came back.

Is it the HOME variable or the act of rewriting? User did have home 
defined in /etc/passwd.

I suspect that $HOME isn't being defined as one might expect-- cron 
provides a very minimal shell environment for scripts it runs.

except that I have exactly the same script running on another box with the same 
freeBSD version and that runs things fine. Looking in man 5 crontab seems to 
suggest that SHELL=/bin/sh & HOME, LOGNAME are set from the user passwd entry.

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cron mystery

2007-02-26 Thread Robin Becker

Can anyone think of something that can stop cron working for a particular user?
I just noticed on one of our 6.1 machines the crontab for a particular user 
wasn't run properly since dec 21. There were hourly and daily jobs, but neither 
seemed to be running.

Looked in var/cron and see no deny or allow files. The user x had an proper 

In the end I modified the users crontab and rewrote it


13 3 * * *  $HOME/bin/daily
19 * * * *  $HOME/bin/hourly


13 3 * * *  /home/user/bin/daily
41 * * * *  /home/user/bin/hourly

and at 41 past the hour the hourly job came back.

Is it the HOME variable or the act of rewriting? User did have home defined in 

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Re: binary updating 6.0-6.2

2007-02-22 Thread Robin Becker

Jerry McAllister wrote:

Hello Robin,

I see from the latest announcement that freebsd-update is now in the base 
system for 6.2. Following the links I see there's a procedure for 6.0-61. 
and another for 6.1-6.2 binary updating.

By the way, I see that your post says binary update, but I really
don't have confidence in that and prefer updating the source
and doing the build as I described in my response.


no problem, I just replied to that and I almost guessed you might have missed 
the binaryness. My experience of the binary update process is fairly positive, 
but there have been glitches eg my lsof didn't get updated along with a kernel 
and I now see stuff like

lsof: WARNING: compiled for FreeBSD release 6.0-RELEASE; this is 6.0-SECURITY.

when using it. I suppose things like lsof needing to be recompiled are an 
implied dependency and may be hard to find.

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Re: binary updating 6.0-6.2

2007-02-22 Thread Robin Becker

Jerry McAllister wrote:

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 03:38:18PM +, Robin Becker wrote:


What you want to do is a cvsup (Mathew Seaman recently pointed out csup
that is supposed to be part of the system, but I don't seem to have it
on the machine I am presently on running 6.1) so you would have to install
cvsup from ports (/usr/ports/net/cvsup  or  /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui)
if you need it.

You seem to be suggesting just what I wish to avoid ie all the trouble of a 
complete system compile and install with a full ports rebuild. Rather than the 
src build I would prefer a complete dump and iso reinstall.

I looked further into the binary update script and it seems pretty 
comprehensive. I still expect to go through my ports rebuild, but perhaps I 
wouldn't need to copy my files back. Even so I see comments in the 6.0-6.1 like

"# XXX For some reason, /usr/lib/ had its version bumped.
# XXX Leave behind the old version just in case."

so we end up with some minor cruft left lying about. If the ports need to be 
rebuilt anyhow, I think I prefer to start from scratch.

I just posted a basic rundown on doing this (but with slightly different
numbers) just a couple days ago.   You might want to check the questions
archive.Briefly, you install cvsup (if not already installed); run
the cvsup (or csup if you have it) using a supfile set for
  *default tag=RELENG_6_2
(I will append my working supfile at the end.  It is a simple one)
Then build and install everything.
Do this stuff in a script(1) session to preserve messages and warnings.

  cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/supfile62

...good stuff elided
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binary updating 6.0-6.2

2007-02-22 Thread Robin Becker
I see from the latest announcement that freebsd-update is now in the base system 
for 6.2. Following the links I see there's a procedure for 6.0-61. and another 
for 6.1-6.2 binary updating.

In the past I have always dumped all my files and /etc /usr/local/etc done a 
completely fresh install, reinstalled files and manually hacked any of the 
modified system files. Then follows a long process of updating the ports tree 
and rebuilding the ports I need.

Clearly I will still dump all my files in case anything horrific goes wrong. But 
can I update 6.0-6.1 6.1-6.2 with a reasonable hope of success.

The very first step seems the hardest since I have been using freebsd-update 
already in my 6.0 system and the kernel is no longer a 6.0-RELEASE, but 
6.0-SECURITY FreeBSD and a warning in the notes on the 6.1-6.2 update process 
says I need a GENERIC or SMP kernel. Does the updater know about updates?

Does the updater squirrel away copies of the updated files so a last ditch 
attempt at status quo restoration can be made?

Also do my existing ports continue to work with the new kernel?
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Re: BBC debate "Battle of the operating systems"

2007-01-25 Thread Robin Becker

Bill Moran wrote:

In response to Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The BBC is to host a debate on multiple OSes.

They want one individual to represent each OS. Apparently they only want Vista, 
OS X and Linux, but I don't see why we can't press for FreeBSD.

I sent them a comment about how FreeBSD should be included.  I think
that if enough of us send in comments, they'll re-open the submission.

Where did you mail~ usually there's a link like "tell us your opinion" etc etc, 
but I could not see one on that page.

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Re: BBC debate "Battle of the operating systems"

2007-01-25 Thread Robin Becker

Robin Becker wrote:

The BBC is to host a debate on multiple OSes.

They want one individual to represent each OS. Apparently they only want 
Vista, OS X and Linux, but I don't see why we can't press for FreeBSD.

unfortunately they already closed the applications so I guess FreeBSD will have 
to remain partially represented by some McFanBoy.

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BBC debate "Battle of the operating systems"

2007-01-25 Thread Robin Becker

The BBC is to host a debate on multiple OSes.

They want one individual to represent each OS. Apparently they only want Vista, 
OS X and Linux, but I don't see why we can't press for FreeBSD.

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Re: make world for a jail

2006-12-21 Thread Robin Becker

I fixed up my /usr/src tree to be latest RELENG_6_0 in line with my 
machine and ran

cd /usr/src
make world DESTDIR=/usr/jails/mailserver

however, this seems to produce a lot of stuff in /usr/obj (the normal 
make world destination). Eventually the make fails with this message

make: don't know how to make /usr/jails/mailserver/usr/lib/libc.a. Stop
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

In line with my earlier observation that the sub makes were being called 
 like this

make -f Makefile.inc1 DESTDIR=/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp par-all

is there some magic that's required to make world into a specified DESTDIR?
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make world for a jail

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to make world for a jail build following the recipe in

First off I started by updating the src tree. I copied 
/usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile edited the host name

then I ran

SERVER=`fastest_cvsup -q -c ca,us`
cvsup -L2 -h $SERVER /root/bin/stable-supfile

that seemd fine and stuff appeared in /usr/src as expected.

mkdir /usr/jails
mkdir /usr/jails/mailserver
cd /usr/src
make world DESTDIR=/usr/jails/mailserver

Now I get an error building sendmail

chmod 444
rm -f
m4 -D_CF_DIR_=/usr/src/etc/sendmail/../../contrib/sendmail/cf/ 
/usr/src/etc/sendmail/ >

chmod 444
ERROR: Required audit group is missing, see /usr/src/UPDATING.
*** Error code 1

I'm not sure what this means. I looked in UPDATING and see references to FreeBSD 
6.1-RELEASE; so am I trying to build a 6.1 kernel with my 6.0 system?

I'm guessing that

*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6

should have been

*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6_0

One other thing is that during the build I saw sub makes going on that had a 
different DESTDIR.

make -f Makefile.inc1 DESTDIR=/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp par-all

how do I get things built into my desired location or is the make world 
eventually going to put them in the right place?

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Re: find port install options

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

Warren Block wrote:

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Warren Block wrote:

I suppose its safest to assume that I need to reinstall perl, but 
how easy is it to do that? I think it was installed by default.

Easy, as long as you've updated ports with cvsup or portsnap.  As root:

[corrected by adding make deinstall]

cd /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8
make deinstall
make -DWITH_THREADS install
make clean


yes I understood that part :)
but I have a bunch of other things dependent on perl so I guess I would need to 
rebuild all of those as well.

And  I still need to find out what options were used in building perl.
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Re: find port install options

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

N.J. Mann wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 at 12:42:09 +, Robin Becker wrote:

Robin Becker wrote:

thread sample script. But I guess I still need to know if any other options 
were used during the install.



  > cat /var/db/ports/portupgrade/options
  # This file is auto-generated by 'make config'.
  # No user-servicable parts inside!
  # Options for portupgrade-,2

unfortunately I think my perl came as part of the base install. When I look in 
/var/db/ports I see only

gettext  python   python23 rsync

I'm sure I have built and installed other ports, but it seems ports doesn't 
store the options for them automatically. In fact Dru Lavigne recommends that if 
using portupgrade you modify the pkgtools.conf to include the special options. 
So I have lots of stuff for apache/subversion etc in the make options section, 
but nothing about perl and as a python person I don't think I intentionally 
installed perl anywhere.

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Re: small mail server

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

Jeff Palmer wrote:

At 06:23 AM 12/20/2006, you wrote:


I've had much success with the following guide.

It mentions everything you have above, with SMTP AUTH (you don't have to 
check mail before sending)

Hope it helps,

I've heard lots about Postfix, but have never used it. Since the box is 
currently only using sendmail for outgoing stuff I guess it shouln't be too much 
of a pain to try it out. I've actually been considering using a jail to do this 
so it should be fairly easy to do.

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Re: small mail server

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

Dave wrote:

   You want to set up a separate mail server from your isp? If that's 
the case I can do this if you want. I've got this working on a FreeBSD 
6.1 box and i quite like it. This would actually give me the excuse i 
mean motivation to get webmail working on my own box as well. I would 
base this server on a postfix solution, and for the amound of users your 
not likely to need a database, that's overkill.



Thanks for the offer Dave, I don't think my boss would allow non-employees to 
access our servers.

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Re: find port install options

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

Robin Becker wrote:
Is it possible to determine what options were used during port 
installation. One of the recipes I'm trying to follow calls for perl to 
be installed with USE_THREADS=yes.

well I found out that the installed perl doesn't have threads by running a 
thread sample script. But I guess I still need to know if any other options were 
used during the install.

I suppose its safest to assume that I need to reinstall perl, but how 
easy is it to do that? I think it was installed by default.

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find port install options

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker
Is it possible to determine what options were used during port installation. One 
of the recipes I'm trying to follow calls for perl to be installed with 

pkg_info | grep perl produces

perl-5.8.8  Practical Extraction and Report Language

but that doesn't tell me how it was installed. Trawling through the masses of 
port reated docs doesn't give me an obvious answer either and make.conf contains 


I suppose its safest to assume that I need to reinstall perl, but how easy is it 
to do that? I think it was installed by default.

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small mail server

2006-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

I'm looking for some advice on using one of our existing freebsd 6.x servers as
a mail server for a small number (<20) of users.

Our existing provider gives us

1) pop3/IMAP for reading mail
2) SMTP for sending, but we need to read mail before using smtp; I guess this 
implies we don't need to authenticate directly.

3) web based interface for adding users and redirections etc etc
4) spam filtering (presumably based on their large user mail volume).
5) white/grey listing

Robin Becker

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Re: python 2.3 binary package bug

2006-12-06 Thread Robin Becker

Gerard Seibert wrote:

On Wednesday December 06, 2006 at 11:34:40 (AM) Alex Zbyslaw wrote:

Robin Becker wrote:

Gerard Seibert wrote:

them. If it is a bug what's the reporting mechanism?

man send-pr

what an awful interface that was ;( made me grumpy using it. Perhaps 
I've grown too used to these new fangled web applications :)

You are right Alex. I had forgotten about that never having used it
personally. I have a question though. The PC based send-pr captures
certain system attributes. Does the web based one function similarly? I
don't believe it does. 

you're right; part of the cli version has bits already filled in with the 
release version and (I believe) output from uname -a.

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Re: python 2.3 binary package bug

2006-12-06 Thread Robin Becker

Gerard Seibert wrote:

them. If it is a bug what's the reporting mechanism?

man send-pr

what an awful interface that was ;( made me grumpy using it. Perhaps I've grown 
too used to these new fangled web applications :)

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python 2.3 binary package bug

2006-12-06 Thread Robin Becker

I installed this binary package

on my freebsd 6.1 system and while testing had a problem related to 
/usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-dynload/ (it didn't appear to be there).

When I build from the source of the package it seems OK. Is this a bug? The 
binary install mentioned certain bits might be missing, but socket wasn't one of 
them. If it is a bug what's the reporting mechanism?

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Re: shell test for stdout=stderr

2006-11-26 Thread Robin Becker

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Robin Becker wrote:

Is there a way for a shell script to test if 2> is the same as 1>? I
want to put messages in both when they are connected to different files,
but would like to avoid duplicating the message when they are the same.

You could try using fstat(1) to print out the open file descriptors from
your process:

fstat -p $$

and then compare the values in the DEV and INUM columns -- unfortunately
fstat has no way to map back from those device and inode values to

thanks for the fstat tip

this code seems to do what I want

fstat -p $$ | awk '{if($4=="1"||$4=="2"){F[$4]=$5+$6+$8}}
if(F["1"]==F["2"]) print 1

I suppose there might be a problem if F never gets created or one of 1/2 
were closed prior to execution. I probably need a BEGIN{F[""]=""} or 
something to make it a bit more robust.

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shell test for stdout=stderr

2006-11-25 Thread Robin Becker
Is there a way for a shell script to test if 2> is the same as 1>? I 
want to put messages in both when they are connected to different files, 
but would like to avoid duplicating the message when they are the same.

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Re: sysv semaphores

2006-11-15 Thread Robin Becker

Damian Wiest wrote:
No, it's my fault; I checked things on the wrong system.  OpenBSD uses 
seminfo, FreeBSD uses ipc.

aa the joy of forking :)

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Re: sysv semaphores

2006-11-14 Thread Robin Becker

Damian Wiest wrote:

You'll want to use either sysctl(8) to change the settings dynamically, or
use /etc/sysctl.conf to modify the settings permanently.  I'm not sure if
there's a benefit to rolling a new kernel versus using sysctl.conf, or if
things even work that way anymore.

# sysctl -a | grep seminfo

kern.seminfo.semmni=10# number of semaphore identifiers
kern.seminfo.semmns=60# number of semaphores in system
kern.seminfo.semmnu=30# number of undo structures in system
kern.seminfo.semmsl=60# max number of semaphores per id
kern.seminfo.semopm=100   # max number of operations per semop call
kern.seminfo.semume=10# max number of undo entries per process
kern.seminfo.semusz=100   # size in bytes of undo structure
kern.seminfo.semvmx=32767 # semaphore maximum value
kern.seminfo.semaem=16384 # adjust on exit max value

Those comments are from /usr/include/sys/sem.h


Sorry, I forgot to mention a few things.

You should become familiar with ipcs(1) as it will allow you to query 
the current state of SysV IPC facilities.  You'll probably find yourself 
manually deleting semaphores depending on how well that extension cleans 
up after itself during testing.

IIRC, the kernel maintains some in-memory datastructures to keep track
of semaphores.  I believe increasing the maximum number of semaphores 
will take up a negligible amount of main memory.

If you're interested, the "Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD 
Operating System" (ISBN # 0201549794) has great coverage of this stuff.  

thanks very much all very useful info. Someone else recommended  looking 
at these options



and on my 6.1 system I see these with sysctl -a | grep ipc, however,

# sysctl -a | grep seminfo

I guess they've been renamed.
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sysv semaphores

2006-11-14 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to test a python extension (POSH) that uses semaphores. When testing 
I get a run time error that indicates it requires too many semaphores. Is it 
possible to adjust the allowed number of semaphores without rebuilding the kernel?

What are the costs of having semaphores ie are they memory/cpu intensive?
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kick off a post boot job

2006-10-18 Thread Robin Becker
I have a number of servers which don't have console access, but I would like to 
have apache started automatically if the server is rebooted. However, it seems 
that if https is used then I need to type in a secret at boot time (on the console).

Is there a way to start processes up automatically after the boot is finished?

I could imagine asking another, trusted, server to supply the magic string using 
scp or some other secure transport and then using the decoded result to start up 

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IP address impersonation

2006-09-28 Thread Robin Becker
We have a remotely hosted 6.0 server that has apparently been 
impersonated by a colocated server. The provider allows root access and 
we have set up our server from a base 6.0 installation. We were 
allocated an ip address and mostly we have had a good experience with 
this setup. However, twice in three weeks we have had difficulty in 
logging in and have had to crash boot the server. Analysis of the logs 
revealed that another machine on the hoster's network had assigned 
itself our ip address. Even when we provided the suspect mac address it 
seemed the hoster had trouble in finding out/appreciating what the 
problem was.

I have little experience of this sort of thing, but can anyone else 
offer some advice on

1) is this a recognized form of attack? I can see that it could be used 
for password harvesting and traffic interception, but are there other 

2) Are there ways to mitigate this kind of problem? We have other hosted 
servers on machines with similar (root) access. They presumably could 
also be impersonated. We found this out by inspection of our own log 
files; could the provider be doing something more to prevent this?

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Re: denyhosts problems

2006-09-28 Thread Robin Becker

Daniel Bye wrote:

On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 05:22:43PM +0100, Robin Becker wrote:
I'm trying to get denyhosts-2.5 to work in 6.0 and have inserted a line in 

ALL: : allow
sshd: /etc/hosts.deniedssh : deny
ALL: ALL : allow

but am finding that this causes my home ip to be denied even though I log 
in with a pre-shared key.

sshd will still avail itself of libwrap's functionality /before/ the
client even has a chance to offer its key. Anyone who manages to get
a copy of your key will need also to satisfy your /etc/hosts.allow
rules before they can use it.

The /etc/hosts.deniedssh file is being created, but my home ip is not 
present (it would be hard as I have a dynamically allocated one anyhow).

The hosts.deniedssh file contains entries like


ALL : ALL : 61.219.xx.250 : deny : deny

which, clearly, is nonsense!

I am not writing this file, denyhosts is.

Make sure that denyhosts.cfg has a blank value for BLOCK_SERVICE and
that it points HOSTS_DENY to the right file.  I guess that at least
is correct, though.
My BAD I have the value ALL for BLOCK_SERVICE, I suppose that's the 
problem. I read further and it seems I do indeed need to set an empty 
value. Thanks.

DenyHosts will then correctly record only the IP address of blocked
hosts, which will result in much saner rule expansions!

I have the same setup in 6.1 and it seems to work. But I still see messages 
related to line 24 from that setup. Does denyhosts work properly?

I suspect it is not quite the same - check the BLOCK_SERVICE setting on
that machine.

You're probably right.

Check out the DenyHosts FAQ - it's very useful.

And the FreeBSD hosts_options(5) man page as well, which, as I said
earlier, contains the full story on setting up your /etc/hosts.allow.

Thanks again.
Robin Becker
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Re: linux recovery tool

2006-09-28 Thread Robin Becker

Ahmad Arafat Abdullah wrote:

One of my hosters says they provide a ram based linux recovery 
tool, but I'm actually using freebsd on the hardware so am 
wondering if linux knows how to mount UFS partitions?

-- Robin Becker

Yes, it does 

.. thanks

Robin Becker
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denyhosts problems

2006-09-28 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to get denyhosts-2.5 to work in 6.0 and have inserted a line in 

ALL: : allow
sshd: /etc/hosts.deniedssh : deny
ALL: ALL : allow

but am finding that this causes my home ip to be denied even though I log in 
with a pre-shared key.

The /etc/hosts.deniedssh file is being created, but my home ip is not present 
(it would be hard as I have a dynamically allocated one anyhow).

The hosts.deniedssh file contains entries like

ALL: 61.219.xx.250 : deny
ALL: 209.8.xx.242 : deny

I am getting an error in the auth log related to the denial that looks like this
/etc/hosts.allow, line 24: can't verify hostname: getaddrinfo(xxx-yyy-.., 

where /etc/hosts.allow line24 corresponds to the

sshd: /etc/hosts.deniedssh : deny

line in hosts.allow.

I have the same setup in 6.1 and it seems to work. But I still see messages 
related to line 24 from that setup. Does denyhosts work properly?

Robin Becker
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linux recovery tool

2006-09-27 Thread Robin Becker
One of my hosters says they provide a ram based linux recovery tool, but 
I'm actually using freebsd on the hardware so am wondering if linux 
knows how to mount UFS partitions?

Robin Becker
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Re: gmirror HD failure detection

2006-09-21 Thread Robin Becker

John Nielsen wrote:

Use both approaches since they tell you different things which just
happen some of the time to coincide.

If you happen to be one of the smart admins who actually reviews the output of 
the periodic scripts, then simply adding

to /etc/periodic.conf will give you a daily health check. If you want more 
granularity than a single day, you could use the contents of the periodic 
script as a starting point for rolling your own.


That's good as I actually get all of our servers to email to me. I have 
also done the smartd thing with an email output as well.

Thanks to all for useful input.
Robin Becker
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Re: gmirror HD failure detection

2006-09-20 Thread Robin Becker

Dave wrote:

   I've got smartd going on a gmirror system, however when smartd starts 
up it says it can't find the various drives. I've tried both the 
autodetection line as well as specifying the individual drives. If this 
does work i'd like to know about it as i believe i might have one 
failing drive, but am not sure which one.


well as root I can certainly run smartctl -a /dev/ad4 (or /dev/ad6) so I assume 
smartd could.

I like the idea of using gmirror status -s , but I don't know what the results 
would be if one of the disks were going bad. Would it change from COMPLETE to 
DEGRADED suddenly?

Robin Becker
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gmirror HD failure detection

2006-09-20 Thread Robin Becker
After using Dru Lavigne's excellent article about 
Raid-1 I have a full Raid-1 mirror on a new rack server. I'm wondering if anyone 
can tell me how best to monitor the hardware status to detect imminent failure 
of one of the disks? Do I use something like smartctl in a cron or what?

Robin Becker
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serial console install

2006-09-18 Thread Robin Becker

Hi, my helpful supplier says

"If you connect to the serial console and then turn on the machine from
the power cycler the machine should boot up to a syslinux boot prompt,
which will let you fire up the FreeBSD installer."

and when this syslinux thing boots up I see the possibility to boot into a 
freebsd installer. I assume that I will be able to see the installer in my 
serial console and will be able to do the normal install, but do I get the 
opportunity to do some editing of /boot/loader.conf & /etc/ttys to allow the HD 
boot to show up in my console?

Robin Becker
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AMD 64 3000

2006-08-18 Thread Robin Becker
Anybody have any strong opinions on this for a freebsd 6.1 web server? We are 
currently using a 2.40GHz celeron which is fairly slow. I'm hesitant to switch 
to 64 bits, are there any gotchas for freeBSD?

Robin Becker
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Re: vmware on freebsd?

2006-08-15 Thread Robin Becker

Norberto Meijome wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 02:58:23 -0400 (EDT)
> Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is it possible to install VMWare Server on FreeBSD 6.0?  I'm looking
>> for comments from people who may have done this.
> I may be completelly off the mark here...but I think the VMWare Server is more
> like XEN rather than Qemu ( which is more VMWare workstation).
> AFAIK, VMWare does not support FreeBSD as a host (YES as a guest) in their
> latest versions of the Workstation line. I havent heard of host as for the
> Server line, but I could be wrong.
> Have you looked into Xen instead?
> Beto
well I'm trying vmware3 at the moment using 6.1 as host; the port seems to build 
fine, and the wizard now runs to build a setup. I need to get a key in order to 
actually run a machine, but I think overall it will eventually run XP. Had to 
change my linux compatibility etc etc.

The difficulty with Xen at present is that it won't run XP/Win2k etc etc which 
vmware will. Xen will eventually get there now that they've got agreements with 
M$. The real problem with these emulations is how far they are from the real 
hardware. USB is still "new" so I don't expect to get my usb dvbt working even 
if a virtual XP runs fine. I know the qemu can do some kind of device control 
under linux, but I suspect it's harder under freeBSD.

Robin Becker
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Re: vmware library problem

2006-08-10 Thread Robin Becker

dick hoogendijk wrote:

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 07:59:53 +
Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I fixed this by adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib to the 
environment, but since I actually have a choice of


which should I actually use? For some reason even though I'm using a 
fresh portupgraded system the libraries the two locations are not the


Sure they're not the same. They belong to a different OS!
The first are linux libraries, the second thos of FreeBSD.

hmmm, I thought they both come from Xorg, it's obvious that different systems 
might apply different patches, but in practice shouldn't there be just one copy 
of on any given system? Presumably my KDE is operating with the 
freeBSD patched one so why should linux compatible apps use a different version? 
 If a different compiler were required or different calling conventions assumed 
then it would be reasonable, but I couldn't see any obvious differences in the 

Robin Becker
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Re: vmware library problem

2006-08-10 Thread Robin Becker

Robin Becker wrote:
I have built and installed vmware3 from a recent(3/Aug) cvsup'd ports 

# vmware
Setting TMPDIR=/var/tmp.
vmware-mks: error while loading shared libraries: cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory
vmware-ui: error while loading shared libraries: cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory

find indicates that the libraries are indeed present.

# find / -name\*

Anyone got any ideas what I'm doing wrong? What exactly should I be 
doing to get an XP machine image to run?

I fixed this by adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib to the 
environment, but since I actually have a choice of


which should I actually use? For some reason even though I'm using a 
fresh portupgraded system the libraries the two locations are not the same.

Robin Becker
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