Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-09-08 Thread Angus MacLeod

Christine Murphy wrote:

> Moran taing Aonghais agus hai a h-uile duine!
> Tha mi a-nis anns an oilthigh Guelph agus se "frosh week" ann an drasda.
> Tha mo falt gorm a-nis.
> I'm now at Uof G and it's frosh week just now.  My hair is blue now... The
> engineers use bromothymol blue to initiate their frosh! ;D

Ma 's e "frosh week" a th' ann, bithidh iomadh rud neònach ri fhaicinn!If is
it "..." that is in-it, will-be many (a) thing strange to seeing!
If it's frosh week, there'll be a lot of strange things to be seen!

"Ho ro mo nighean gorm bhòidheach". hmmm..  chan eil an aon "ring"
"..." isn't the same ring on-it   ( doesn't have the same ring to it...)

Dé cho fàda a bhios d' fhalt gorm? Gus am fàs an dath amoch?
What so long that will-be your hair blue? Until will grow the color out?
How long will your hair be blue? Until the color grows out?

> Tha spors gu leor agam agus 's docha gum bi a h-uile rud math leibh,
> I'm having loads of fun and I hope everything's well with all of you,
> Cairistìona )o(<--Tha a' ghrian sunndach  (the sun's cheerful)

Math dha-rireabh! (Excellent!)

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-09-07 Thread Christine Murphy

Moran taing Aonghais agus hai a h-uile duine!
Tha mi a-nis anns an oilthigh Guelph agus se "frosh week" ann an drasda.
Tha mo falt gorm a-nis.
I'm now at Uof G and it's frosh week just now.  My hair is blue now... The
engineers use bromothymol blue to initiate their frosh! ;D
Tha spors gu leor agam agus 's docha gum bi a h-uile rud math leibh,
I'm having loads of fun and I hope everything's well with all of you,
Cairistìona )o(<--Tha a' ghrian sunndach  (the sun's cheerful)

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-09-03 Thread Angus MacLeod

Christine Murphy wrote:

> Bha turus uabhasach math agam ann an Eadailt, tapadh leat!  Ach chan eil
> fhios agam gu bheil am Medeterranean cho gorm, oir nach robh mi aige.
> Omph! (that was tough)  I had a great trip, thanks!  But I wouldn't know
> wheather the Medeterranean is that blue, because I didn't get to see it.  I
> know, the Gealic doesn't match up on that, any suggestions?

An aon rud 's a dh'atharrachainn, 's e seo:the one thing and I-would-change, is
it this:
The only thing I'd change, it's this:

oir nach robh mi dlùth dhi  (since I wasn't close to-her)
(or) oir nach robh mi fàisge oirre (same meaning)

If you wanted to say "since I didn't get to see it":  oir nach d'fhuair mi
cothrom 'ga faicinn
cothrom = chance, opportunity

Bha a h-uile rud eile cho ceart tuigseil 's a ghabhas.
Was everything other so correct, understandable and that will-take
Everything else was as correct and understandable as can be.

> Is math sin!  Tha i blath ann an Ottawa cuideachd, ach tha mi ro thrang a
> bith ga mealtainn.  Bith mi ag imeachd do Guelph Di-Sathuirne.
> That's good!  It's warm in Ottawa also, but I'm too busy to enjoy it.  I'll
> be moving to Guelph on Saturday.

Gu math téid e math leat, a Chairistìona!Good luck!

Bha i grianach soilleir fad na seachdainn seo chaidh ann an Ceap Breatainn, ach
mu cheithir uairean air feasgair Huaine, thàinig na neòil 'nam plangaid agus
dh'fhàs an latha dorch, mar gun robh an saoghal gu léir fo bhròn gun do theann
an t-seachdainn taomaidh gu crìoch. Shaoil mi gur a h-ann freagarrach a bha

Was it sunny, bright length of the week here went in CB, but about four o'clock
on afternoon Friday, came the clouds in-their blanket and grew the day dark, as
if was the world entire under sadness that approached/tightened the week
of-immersion to end. Thought I that is suitable that was it...

It was sunny and bright all week in CB, but about four o'clock on Friday
afternoon, a blanket of clouds came and the day grew dark, as if the entire
world was sorry to see the immersion week coming to a close. It was fitting I

> Beannachd leibh, agus cuiribh ceart na mearachdan agam, ma se ur toil e!
> Cairistìona )o( <-- Tha a' ghrian toillichte a bhith a' dol dhan oilthigh...

Ma tha mearachdan ann, tha iad 'nam falach cho math 's nach urrainn dhomh am
faighinn!If are mistakes here, are they in-their hiding so good and isn't
ability to-me at-their finding...!
If there are mistakes, they're so well hidden I can't find them!

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-30 Thread Christine Murphy

Hai Aonghais 's a h-uile duine

Sgriobh Aonghas

> A Chairistìona,
> An toiseach, fàilte! Tha mi 'n dòchas gu robh turus math agad ann an
> A bheil am Mediterranean cho gorm 's a tha iad ag ràdh?
> First, welcome! Am I in hopes that was a trip good at-you in Italy. Is the
> Mediterranean so blue and that are they saying?
> First of all, welcome! I hope you had a good trip to Italy. Is the
> Mediterreanean as blue as they say it is?

Bha turus uabhasach math agam ann an Eadailt, tapadh leat!  Ach chan eil
fhios agam gu bheil am Medeterranean cho gorm, oir nach robh mi aige.

Omph! (that was tough)  I had a great trip, thanks!  But I wouldn't know
wheather the Medeterranean is that blue, because I didn't get to see it.  I
know, the Gealic doesn't match up on that, any suggestions?

> Ubh ubh.bheir an smuain fhéin eagal orm. Cha bhiodh air fhàgail dhiom
> poll air sràid.. agus tha i gu math bruthainneach an sin, nach
> Gives the thought self fear on-me. Not would-be left of-me but puddle on
> street..and is it quite humid there, isn't?
> .The mere thought scares me. There wouldn't be anything left of me but
> puddle on a street...and it's quite humid there, isn't it?

Cha robh e ro bhruthainneach nuair a bha mi ann, agus is math sin!

It wasn't too humid when I was there, and a good thing too!  I think I
would've melted.  As it was I was pushing my limits...

> > Ciammar a tha a h-uile duine a-nis?  An robh an t-samhraidh agaibh math?
> Tha mise 's an teaghlach agam gu math. Tha an Samhradh air a bhith math
ann an
> Ceap Breatainn. Tha i gu math teth an diugh. ( Chan eil i teth an taca ri
> Eadailt, ach 'nam bheachd fhéin. )
> Am I and the family at-me well. Is the summer on being good in CB. Is it
> hot today.  ( Is not it hot compared to Italy, but in-my opinion
self... )
> I and my family are well. The summer has been good in CB. It's quite hot
> today.  ( It isn't hot compared to Italy, but in my own opinion.)

Is math sin!  Tha i blath ann an Ottawa cuideachd, ach tha mi ro thrang a
bith ga mealtainn.  Bith mi ag imeachd do Guelph Di-Sathuirne.

That's good!  It's warm in Ottawa also, but I'm too busy to enjoy it.  I'll
be moving to Guelph on Saturday.

Beannachd leibh, agus cuiribh ceart na mearachdan agam, ma se ur toil e!
Cairistìona )o( <-- Tha a' ghrian toillichte a bhith a' dol dhan oilthigh...

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-26 Thread Angus MacLeod

Christine Murphy wrote:

> Hai Eideaird agus a h-uile duine cuideachd!
> 'S mise Cairistìona agus tha mi a' fuireach anns an Ottawa.  Rugadh mi a
> Vancouver, ma tha.
>  Bha mi o chionn goirid anns an Italy airson a bhith a' faicinn am Pàpa
> during World Youth Days (Gabh mo leisgeul airson am Beurla).

A Chairistìona,

An toiseach, fàilte! Tha mi 'n dòchas gu robh turus math agad ann an Eadailt.
A bheil am Mediterranean cho gorm 's a tha iad ag ràdh?
First, welcome! Am I in hopes that was a trip good at-you in Italy. Is the
Mediterranean so blue and that are they saying?
First of all, welcome! I hope you had a good trip to Italy. Is the
Mediterreanean as blue as they say it is?

> Bha i glé bhlath an sin (40 C in the shade) agus bha e "shock" mòr a bhith
> a' tighinn dhachaidh far a bheil i fionnar.
> It was very warm there, and it was a big shock to come home where it is
> cool.

Ubh ubh.bheir an smuain fhéin eagal orm. Cha bhiodh air fhàgail dhiom ach
poll air sràid.. agus tha i gu math bruthainneach an sin, nach eil?.
Gives the thought self fear on-me. Not would-be left of-me but puddle on
street..and is it quite humid there, isn't?
.The mere thought scares me. There wouldn't be anything left of me but a
puddle on a street...and it's quite humid there, isn't it?

> Ciammar a tha a h-uile duine a-nis?  An robh an t-samhraidh agaibh math?

Tha mise 's an teaghlach agam gu math. Tha an Samhradh air a bhith math ann an
Ceap Breatainn. Tha i gu math teth an diugh. ( Chan eil i teth an taca ri
Eadailt, ach 'nam bheachd fhéin. )

Am I and the family at-me well. Is the summer on being good in CB. Is it quite
hot today.  ( Is not it hot compared to Italy, but in-my opinion self... )

I and my family are well. The summer has been good in CB. It's quite hot
today.  ( It isn't hot compared to Italy, but in my own opinion.)

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-23 Thread Christine Murphy

Hai Eideaird agus a h-uile duine cuideachd!

'S mise Cairistìona agus tha mi a' fuireach anns an Ottawa.  Rugadh mi a
Vancouver, ma tha.
 Bha mi o chionn goirid anns an Italy airson a bhith a' faicinn am Pàpa
during World Youth Days (Gabh mo leisgeul airson am Beurla).

I'm Christine and I live in Ottawa.  I was born in Vancouver, though.
I was in Italy recently to see the Pope ...

Bha i glé bhlath an sin (40 C in the shade) agus bha e "shock" mòr a bhith
a' tighinn dhachaidh far a bheil i fionnar.

It was very warm there, and it was a big shock to come home where it is

Ciammar a tha a h-uile duine a-nis?  An robh an t-samhraidh agaibh math?

How is everyone now? Was your summer good?

Slàn leibh,
Cairistìona )o(

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-16 Thread Angus MacLeod

Leslie Gadallah wrote:

> Aonghais, choir, tha fios agad a nach bi na ceistean ghòraiche leam
> air son bidh mi eòlach.  :)
> Angus, dear, you know that the silly questions from me are not
> because I am learned.  (Speaking of which, I don't feel good about this
> sentence.  Corrections would be appreciated.)

Leslie agus a h-uile duine,

Chanainn:  Tha fios agad nach bi na céistean ghòrach agam o 'n a bhios mi eòlach.

Uill, chan eil mise eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig  na 's motha. Chan eil ach triùir 's
aithne dhomh air feadh an t-saoghail mu dheidhinn  a chanainn gu robh iad fior
eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig. 'S e canain dhomhainn a th' innte... 's dòcha leam gur a
h-e sin a dheanas cho binn breagha brìghmhor i...

Well, am not I knowledgeable on the Gaelic either.. Are not but three (people)
recognized (?) to-me all over the world about that would-say-I that were they
knowledgebale on thh Gaelic. Is it language deep that is in-her... I suppose that
is that that will-make so melodious, beautiful, substantial her.

Well, I'm not learned either. There are only three people I know about whom I
woulld  say that they were truly larned in Gaelic. It's a deep language... I
suppose that's what makes it so melodic, beautiful, and substantial.  (
"Sunstantial" is a very poor word to use here, but I can't think of a bbetter

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Leslie Gadallah

Angus MacLeod wrote:
> Chan eil mi airson sabaid a thòisich, ach chan eil fhios agam air leithid de
> rud.. càite an d' fhuair thu an gòraiche seo??   :)
> Am not I for-the-sake-of a fight to start, but is not knowledge at-me on
> like of  thing.. where did find you the foolishness this???
> I'm not trying to start a fight, but I know nothing of any such thing..
> where did you get this foolishness???   :)

Aonghais, choir, tha fios agad a nach bi na ceistean ghòraiche leam
air son bidh mi eòlach.  :)

Angus, dear, you know that the silly questions from me are not
because I am learned.  (Speaking of which, I don't feel good about this
sentence.  Corrections would be appreciated.)



Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
  A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
 --Gaelic proverb
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo a Leslie,

Sgri\obh thu:

>Hallo, hallo thusa fhein.
>'S mise Leslie, agus tha mi a' fuireach ann an Calgary, Canada.

"S toil leam Calgary; 's e baile-mo\r snog a th'ann. 'S fhea\rr leam 
Calgary na Edmonton.
I like Calgary; it's a pretty city. I prefer Calgary to Edmonton.

>  Bhàsaichan "server" agam, ach tha mi ann an lion a-rithist le an
>"server" as ùr.  'Se seo teachdaireachd na deuchainn.  Tha agam mòran
>"catching up" a dheanamh a nis.
> My server died, but I'm back on line again with a new server.  This
>is a test message.  (I got cut off a few lists because the mail was
>bouncing.)  I've a lot of catching up to do now.

Bha e math cluintinn bhuat, a Leslie.
It was good hearing from you, Leslie.

Sla\n leat,


The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo Eilidh,

Sgri\obh thu:

>Hallo Eideard,
>Ciamar a tha thu feasgar Di-Domhnaich seo?
>How are you this Sunday evening?

'S e feasgar Diluain a th'ann an-drasda, agus tha mi uabhasach math, tapadh 

It's Monday afternoon now, and I'm ever so good, thank you.

>Tha mi a'cleachdadh *a dictionary* agus tha i gle,gle mhall.
>I am using a dictinary and it is very,very slow.

Tha tri\ faclairean agam agus 'sann eadhon nas slaodaiche a tha mi.
I have three dictionaries, and it's even slower that I am.

>Tha mi sgith a-nis. Feagsar math
>I am tired now. Good night:)

Feasgar math dhut fhe\in.
Good evening/afternoon to you yourself.

Sla\n leat,


The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Angus MacLeod

Leslie Gadallah wrote:

>Tha.  'Se oileanach bochd Ghàidhlig a tha mi.  Tha fios aig Aonghas
> sin.
> > Yes.  It's a poor student of Gaelic that I am.  Angus knows this.


Chan eil mi airson sabaid a thòisich, ach chan eil fhios agam air leithid de
rud.. càite an d' fhuair thu an gòraiche seo??   :)

Am not I for-the-sake-of a fight to start, but is not knowledge at-me on
like of  thing.. where did find you the foolishness this???

I'm not trying to start a fight, but I know nothing of any such thing..
where did you get this foolishness???   :)

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-13 Thread richards

At 01:52 AM 8/12/00 -0600, you wrote:
Hallo a Leslie,
Tha mi an deochas gu bheil thu math Di-Domhnaich breagha seo.
I hope that you are well this beautiful Sunday.

Tha an t-side breagha ann an Ontario an-diugh. Tha i grianach agus tha i
The weather is beautiful in Intario today.It is sunny and it is warm.

>>ad 's gabh ti leam. 
>When you are here again, come and take tea with me.

Tapadh leat, bidh mi toilichte ag ol ti leat. 
(Yikes...trying to say :
Thank you, I will be happy drinking tea with you.

I like the mountains, too, but I think there is no sea in them.

 Ah, gu dearanh:) Ach 's toil leam mara agus tha i aonaranch agam.

Yes,indeedbut I like(love) the ocean and I have lonely in me it.
(I hope this can translate..I am missing it(the ocean) 

>   'Se ainm air a' ghrunn agam "Taigh Gàidhlig Calgary".  'Se uile dhinn
>  The name of my group is "..."  All of us are learners.

Chan eil me fhios am gu bheil tha i ghrunn ann an Calgary.
I did not know that there is a group in Calgary.

Tha mi sona a'cluintinn siud.
I am glad hearing that.  
   An aithne dhut Frank Wilson?  Tha e a' fuireach ann an Newmarket
>cuideachd.  'Se tidsear Ghàidhlig a tha ann, tha mi a' smaoineachadh.
>  (Do you know ?  He lives in Newmarket also.  He's a teacher of
>Gaelic, I think.

Bha mi a'bruidhinn Frank Wilson air *telephone*.
I was speaking to F.W. on the ..

'Se tidsear Ghaidhlig a tha ann, ach tha mi oilneannach Gaidhlig a Toronto
( U of T)
He is a Gaelic teacher but I am a Gaelic student in Toronto.

Cha fhios am de an leasan Nemarket.
I did not know about the Newmarket lessons.( until after I had been at the
lessons in Toronto for about a year)

Beannachd leat, Eilidh
>Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-
>   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
>  A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
> --Gaelic proverb
>The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-13 Thread richards

Hallo Eideard,
Ciamar a tha thu feasgar Di-Domhnaich seo?
How are you this Sunday evening?

>Uill, tha mi a' gluasad, co dhiu\.
>Well, I'm moving, anyway.

Tha mi sona gu bheil thu gu math.
I am happy that you are well.

>Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil Ga\idhlig gu leo\r agad.
>I think you have plenty of Gaelic.

Tapadh leat,ach chan eil mi cinntaech.
Thank you, but I am not sure.

Tha i gle furasda uaireanan nuair tha mi a' sgriobhadh.
It is more easy(easier?) sometimes when I am writing.(I hope that's what I
said anyway :)

Tha mi a'cleachdadh *a dictionary* agus tha i gle,gle mhall.
I am using a dictinary and it is very,very slow. 

>Rughadh mi ann an Toronto, ach thogadh mi ann am Montreal. A-nis tha mi a' 
>fuireach ann am Belleville, Ontario.
'S toil le mo bhean a bhith ag obair anns a' gha\rradh. 'S toil leam a 
>bhith a' cluich bridse, a' cluich sacsafon, agus ag ionnsachadh Ga\idhlig.

Tha cuimhne agam a-nis agus tha thu a'cluich ann an *band*
I remember now and you are plaing in a band.

Tha mi sgith a-nis. Feagsar math
I am tired now. Good night:)

Beannachd leat, Eilidh

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-12 Thread Leslie Gadallah

Hai Eilidh

> Hallo a Leslie,
> Bha Calgary a'tadhal agam an Iuchair.
> I was visiting Calgary in July.

 Nuair gum bi thu an sin a rithist, trobhad 's gabh ti leam. 
When you are here again, come and take tea with me.

> S'toil leam. Tha i gle snog *around* Eau Claire Market.
> I like it.It is very pretty around Eau Claire Market.

   'Se baile breagha a tha Calgary, le mòran cnocan, ach le droch shìde,
fuar agus goathach ann.  Tha e coltach ri Alba gu ìre bheag, ach gun an
   Calgary is a pretty city, with many hills, but with awful
weather, cold and windy.  It's like Scotland to a small degree, but
without the rain.

> Tha na beanntan . . .
> Tha na mara mor agus laidir cuideachd.
> The sea(ocean) is great and stong too.

'S toil leam na beanntan cuideachd, ach tha mi a' saoilsinn nach bi
mara ann.
I like the mountains, too, but I think there is no sea in them.

> A bheil thu an oileanaich Gaidhlig?
> Are you a gaelic student?

   Tha.  'Se oileanach bochd Ghàidhlig a tha mi.  Tha fios aig Aonghas
> Yes.  It's a poor student of Gaelic that I am.  Angus knows this.

> Where do you have your lessons?

   'Se ainm air a' ghrunn agam "Taigh Gàidhlig Calgary".  'Se uile dhinn
  The name of my group is "..."  All of us are learners. 
(Anybody--is "dhinn" okay here?  Can it be considered partative if
everyone's included?) 
> Tha mi a fuireach ann an Newmarket,Ont 
   An aithne dhut Frank Wilson?  Tha e a' fuireach ann an Newmarket
cuideachd.  'Se tidsear Ghàidhlig a tha ann, tha mi a' smaoineachadh.
  (Do you know ?  He lives in Newmarket also.  He's a teacher of
Gaelic, I think.


Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
  A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
 --Gaelic proverb
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-11 Thread richards

Hallo a Leslie,
Bha Calgary a'tadhal agam an Iuchair.
I was visiting Calgary in July.

 S'toil leam. Tha i gle snog *around* Eau Claire Market.
I like it.It is very pretty around Eau Claire Market.

Bha mi an Banff cuideachd.
I was in Banff also.

Tha na beanntan uamasach breagha.
The mountains are awfully beautiful.

Tha iad mor agus laidir.
They are great(big) and strong.

Tha na mara mor agus laidir cuideachd.
The sea(ocean) is great and stong too.

A bheil thu an oileanaich Gaidhlig?
Are you a gaelic student?

Caite a bheil thu do leasain?
Where do you have your lessons?

Mar sin leat,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-10 Thread Leslie Gadallah

Hai Eideird:

LoisTed Macdonald wrote:
> Hallo a h-uile duine, agus tha mise a' ciallachadh a h-uile duine.
> (Hello everybody, and I do mean everbody.)
> Ma tha thu a' leughadh a' theachdaireachd seo, carson nach sgri\obh air ais
> agus cuir freagairt agad air an liosta ?
> (If you are reading this message, why not write back and put your answer on
> the list?)

Hallo, hallo thusa fhein.

'S mise Leslie, agus tha mi a' fuireach ann an Calgary, Canada.

 Bhàsaichan "server" agam, ach tha mi ann an lion a-rithist le an
"server" as ùr.  'Se seo teachdaireachd na deuchainn.  Tha agam mòran
"catching up" a dheanamh a nis.

My server died, but I'm back on line again with a new server.  This
is a test message.  (I got cut off a few lists because the mail was
bouncing.)  I've a lot of catching up to do now.


Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
  A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
 --Gaelic proverb
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-10 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo Eilidh 's a h-uile duine, (Hello Ellen and everyone)

Sgri\obh thu: (You wrote:)

>Hallo Eideard,
>Ciamar a tha thu feasgar seo?
>How are you this evening

Uill, tha mi a' gluasad, co dhiu\.
Well, I'm moving, anyway.

>Tha beagan,beagan Gaidhlig agam.
>I have a little little Gaelic.

Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil Ga\idhlig gu leo\r agad.
I think you have plenty of Gaelic.

>Cuir ceart tha Ghaidhlig agam,ma se do thoil e.
>Please correct my Gaelic.

Chan e tidsear a th'annam. 'S e aon de luchd-ionnsacahidh a th'annam.
I'm not a teacher. I'm one of the learners.

>Is mise Eilidh.
>My name is Ellen.
>Tha mi a fuireach ann an Newmarket,Ont ach ruagadh mi a Alpa Nuaidh.
>I am living in Newmarket Ont. but I was born in Nova Scotia.
>Tha mi nam thidsear.
>I am a teacher.
>Co as a tha thu?
>Where are you from?

Rughadh mi ann an Toronto, ach thogadh mi ann am Montreal. A-nis tha mi a' 
fuireach ann am Belleville, Ontario.

>A bheil thu a mealtainn ag obair ann do garadh?
>A bheil thu an garadh?

'S toil le mo bhean a bhith ag obair anns a' gha\rradh. 'S toil leam a 
bhith a' cluich bridse, a' cluich sacsafon, agus ag ionnsachadh Ga\idhlig.
My wife likes to work in the garden. I like to be playing bridge, playing 
the sax, and learning Gaelic.

>Bha mi ag ithe feoil agus buntata feasgar seo.
>I was eating meat and potatoes this evening.( Can this translate as: I

Bha mi a' gabhail arbhar 's circe-fhe\oil feasgar.
I was eating corn (on the cob) and chicken this evening.

I ate would be "Dh'ith mi " or "Ghabh mi ..."

Sla\n leat,


The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-10 Thread richards

Hallo Eideard,
Ciamar a tha thu feasgar seo?
How are you this evening

Tha beagan,beagan Gaidhlig agam.
I have a little little Gaelic.

Cuir ceart tha Ghaidhlig agam,ma se do thoil e.
Please correct my Gaelic.

Is mise Eilidh.
My name is Ellen.

Tha mi a fuireach ann an Newmarket,Ont ach ruagadh mi a Alpa Nuaidh.
I am living in Newmarket Ont. but I was born in Nova Scotia.

Tha mi nam thidsear.
I am a teacher.

Co as a tha thu?
Where are you from?

A bheil thu a mealtainn ag obair ann do garadh?
A bheil thu an garadh?

Are you enjoying working in your garden?
Do you have a garden?

Bha mi ag ithe feoil agus buntata feasgar seo. 
I was eating meat and potatoes this evening.( Can this translate as: I

Tha mi ag ol cofaidh a nis.
I am drinking coffee now.

Gabh do naidheachd.
Tell your news.

Feumaidh mi falbh,
I must leave.
At 03:48 PM 8/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hallo a h-uile duine, agus tha mise a' ciallachadh a h-uile duine.
>(Hello everybody, and I do mean everbody.)
>Ma tha thu a' leughadh a' theachdaireachd seo, carson nach sgri\obh air ais 
>agus cuir freagairt agad air an liosta ?
>(If you are reading this message, why not write back and put your answer on 
>the list?)
>De an t-ainm a tha ort? (What is your name?)
>Cait a bheil thu a' fuireach? (Where do you live?)
>Feuch beagan Ga\idhlig, neo 's docha  's fhearr leatsa Beurla.
>(Try a little Gaelic, or perhaps you prefer English. Let's hear from you.)
>Sla\n leibh,
>The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -