The Hardball Briefing for July 14, 2004

2004-07-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Martha Stewart Sentencing Reax

2004-07-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing for July 19, 2004

2004-07-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing For July 20, 2004

2004-07-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Live From Boston Tonight! Ted Kennedy, Menino & Barnicle

2004-07-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Birth of a Blog

2004-07-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Folks, as you may know we recently launched the Hardball Blog or "Hardblogger". It's still in its infancy and we're working out the kinks but w

More From The Cool Hardball Blog

2004-07-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Have you memorized the sked yet? Chris and company 6p-Midnight ET and then Ron & Scarborough until 2 am ET with "Convention After Hours". So

DNC Convention: Day 3

2004-07-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tune to MSNBC tonight from 6 pm to 2 am ET for all your DNC Convention needs. In fact, why not just go ahead and tune in right now. So I was he

Convention Day Four: The Grand Finale

2004-07-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- We've got just one more day to go here folks and tonight's the big grand finale: John Kerry's speech. Our producing spy at the "Tong", Brian Do

Come Down To Georgetown and See Hardball Tonight

2004-08-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball Airs Live at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT & 9 pm ET/6 pm PT from Sequoia Restaurant on the Georgetown waterfront 3000 K St., NW Tonight we're doing

Bill Maher Plays Hardball Tonight

2004-08-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight at 7, 9 & 11 pm ET...4, 6 & 8 pm PT...We have the special 9 pm ET re-air as Norville is on vacation Somewhat disturbing a

Hart, McCaffrey, Fund & Trippi Tonight on Hardball

2004-08-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball Airs Tonight at 7, 9 & 11 pm ET4, 6 & 8 pm PT on MSNBC...Channel 130 on XM Satellite Radio Tonight we'll talk to fmr. Colorado Sen

Terror Arrest, Will Keyes Run? And A Fat Man Is Fed Up!

2004-08-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Retired General Tommy Franks Tonight On Hardball

2004-08-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Pres. Bush Appoints New CIA Chief & Campaigns with McCain

2004-08-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Yes, We Have Last Night's Red Hot Segment Online

2004-08-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Dean, Dreier and Other Fun Stuff Tonight on Hardball

2004-08-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Vietnam War Heats Up 35 Years Later

2004-08-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Bust Out The Popcorn Tonight Folks...Chris is Back!

2004-08-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Abu Ghraib Update and Swift Boat Controversy Continues

2004-08-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Vietnam & 527 Politics Heat Up!

2004-08-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is o

Hardball Briefing for Tuesday August 31, 2004

2004-08-31 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- If you haven't figured it out by now, we're live from 6pm to Midnight ET then Joe & Ron take over "After Hours" until 2 am all week at Herald Sq

On the Campaign Trail & Convention Post Mortem

2004-09-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Jack, Pat, Dee Dee, Barnicle and A Couple of Senators

2004-09-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

A Living History Event: The 9/11 Commissioners

2004-09-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight, Hardball is preempted for a special MSNBC Living History Event: The 9/11 Commissioners hosted by Chris MatthewsOn the eve of 9/11's

Political Fallout of More Iraq Violence

2004-09-13 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Kitty Kelley And Sy Hersh Tonight On Hardball

2004-09-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Too Hot Not to Watch...Memogate & Iraq Debacle

2004-09-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Political Fallout Over CBS and the Duping of Dan Rather

2004-09-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Tonight John McCain plays HARDBALL

2004-09-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Dear Hardballers... It is a bittersweet day since our friend Dominic Bellone is off beginning today, due to minor surgery. I can happily repor

Double dose of 'Hardball' at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. ET

2004-09-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Dear Briefing buddies, I can proudly report Dominic is feeling better. Not only do his doctors give him a big thumbs up, but he is yelling at

The Hardball Briefing's Back!

2004-10-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Hardball Live From Democracy Plaza in New York!

2004-10-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight's show promises to be so hot we're kickin' it for 2 hours! 7 & 9 pm ET...That's 4 & 6 pm PT...Forget the 7th game of the American League

The Catholic Vote and New Battleground Polls

2004-10-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Hardball Horserace Friday!

2004-10-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Elvis Has Returned To The Building!...And Chris is There

2004-10-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Twice the Hardball Tonight...Nice!

2004-10-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing for October 28, 2004

2004-10-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Hardball: The Horserace

2004-10-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

2 Live Hardball Hours Tonight...Not Scary At All

2004-10-31 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight, in honor of Halloween and the election, we bring you two special hours of Hardball...7 pm ET and 9 pm ET exclusively on MSNBC, where Am

One Day And Counting...3 Hours of Hardball Tonight

2004-11-01 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight we're on live for 3 hours direct from Democracy Plaza...7 pm and 9-11 pm ET...4 & 6 pm PT Don't tune out now folks, we're in the home s

D-Day Folks...MSNBC's The Place To Be!!

2004-11-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- What can we say folks? It's Election Day...Our community's Super Bowl and World Series etc. wrapped up into one...I'd remind you to vote but i

The Election May Be Over, But The Slicin' & Dicin' Ain't!

2004-11-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- The Hardball sked calls for 7-8 ET and 9-10 ET live from Democracy Plaza It's the morning after the night before and I couldn't be more relieved

The Hardball Briefing for November 4, 2004

2004-11-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing for November 5, 2004

2004-11-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Operation "Phantom Fury" In The House

2004-11-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For November 10, 2004

2004-11-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing For November 11, 2004

2004-11-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing For November 12, 2004

2004-11-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Powell Resignation, Faith in The White House Top Hardball Agenda

2004-11-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Kathleen Matthews Plays Hardball Tonight

2004-11-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

We're All Over Clinton Library Opening Tonight

2004-11-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

The Hardball Briefing For Monday, November 22, 2004

2004-11-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Reminiscing with Tom Brokaw...Tonight on Hardball

2004-11-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is

Brent Scowcroft's In The House Tonight

2004-12-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Chuck Hagel Tonight On Hardball...Plus, Other Cool Stuff

2004-12-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Chris Interviews King Abdullah and Laura Ingraham!

2004-12-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your X

The Hardball Briefing For December 9, 2004

2004-12-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Schwarzkopf, Trump And The Political Fallout from Kerik

2004-12-13 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For December 14, 2004

2004-12-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Plays Hardball

2004-12-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Long Knives Are Out For Rummy...More Kerik Brouhaha

2004-12-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Armitage on Hardball, and more....

2004-12-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight on Hardball-- Campbell Brown sits in for Chris this week and begins by playing Hardball with Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

Lynne Cheney on Hardball tonight!

2004-12-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight on Hardball, Campbell Brown fills in for Chris and takes Hardball to the Vice President's residence for an interview with the wife of th

Fmr. SecState Lawrence Eagleburger Plays Hardball

2004-12-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For December 28, 2004

2004-12-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing for December 29, 2004

2004-12-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing for December 30, 2004

2004-12-30 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Pres. Bush Taps Former Presidents Bush & Clinton for Asia Relief

2005-01-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Wesley Clark & Gaffney...Plus Katrina and Tony

2005-01-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing for January 7, 2005

2005-01-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Rathergate Plus The Return of "Death Squads"?

2005-01-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing for January 11, 2004

2005-01-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

It's Official, No WMD In Iraq

2005-01-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Live From Marine Base Camp Pendleton, California!!

2005-01-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For January 26, 2005

2005-01-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Don't Forget Our 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

2005-01-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Tonight at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT Chris continues the "Hardball Heroes Tour" from Marine base Camp Pendleton, California...The First Lady of California

The Hardball Briefing For January 27, 2005

2005-01-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

On The Eve Of The Iraqi Elections, The War Council Convenes

2005-01-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

McCain, Schwarzkopf & Friedman Tonight on Hardball

2005-01-31 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Hardball State Of The Union Coverage Tonight

2005-02-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Break out the popcorn and TV trays folks because we're in for a long, fun ride...Chris anchors coverage of SOTU from 7 to 8 pm ET...Keith takes

The Hardball Briefing for February 7, 2005

2005-02-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For February 8, 2005

2005-02-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For February 9, 2005

2005-02-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your X

The Hardball Briefing for February 10, 2005

2005-02-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For February 11, 2005

2005-02-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For February 15, 2005

2005-02-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing for February 16, 2005

2005-02-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For Friday, February 18, 2005

2005-02-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your X

The Hardball Briefing For February 22, 2005

2005-02-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Raging Culture Wars On Hardball Tonight

2005-02-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Putin-Bush Summit, What's It All Mean? Tonight on Hardball

2005-02-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For March 2, 2005

2005-03-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing for March 3, 2005

2005-03-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your X

The Hardball Briefing For March 7, 2005

2005-03-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Rather Retires...We Slice and Dice

2005-03-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Live For Full Hour

2005-03-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Clint Eastwood Plays Hardball Tonight!

2005-03-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

The Hardball Briefing For Friday, March 18, 2005

2005-03-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

Faith In America Week Kicks Off On Hardball Tonight

2005-03-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
-- The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC -- Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT Find MSNBC on your TV MSNBC also is on your

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