Re: Initial positioning of Dialog

2014-11-03 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Pete,

If this is a bug in JFX dialogs that are part of 8u40, please enter a 
bug report with a small but complete code example and a set of steps.


On 2014-11-01, 8:03 AM, Pete Moss wrote:

Just getting started using the new openjfx-dialogs. One thing that annoys
me is the default initial positioning of a popup dialog. The default seems
to pop up in the center of the primary display screen. This is particularly
annoying when the app is running in my secondary display. Where's the popup?

Is there an option to have it centered on the stage, or a way to manually
control the initial position? I tried to handle onShowing() but at this
point X, Y, width and height are NaN.


Re: Questions about Platform.runLater() and Application.start()

2014-11-03 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi there,

If you en-queue a runnable in start() it will not run until start() 
completes unless you open a dialog in start() that waits for a result 
before proceeding.  In that case, your runnable will run. You are 
correct about runnables and input events being part of the input queue 
for the application thread.  Threads are not interrupted to run code.


On 2014-11-03, 8:49 AM, wrote:


Is there documentation that describes somewhere how Platform.runLater() &
Application.start() interact?

My impression is that (roughly speaking):
  - there is an EventQueue (to use the Swing terminology).
  - the EventQueue holds both UI events (like mouse click) as well as the
Runnables enqueued by runLater().
  - the first (?) event put in the EventQueue is a Runnable representing

My impression is, therefore, that any Runnables enqueued during
Application.start() won't be run until after start() completes.
This behavior is the same as one runLater() not interrupting another

Is this sort of stuff documented somewhere?

Is this the right way to think about this part of the system? (even if the
implementation is different)

Are there other special things to be aware of about Application.start()?



P.S. I am using javafx.concurrent.Service & Task and am hitting some

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Re: Embedding Mac native widgets into a Scene

2014-10-31 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Mike,

Embedding native controls in FX runs afoul of the whole 
lightweight/heavyweight issue.  I had a hack of this once using SWT 
native controls and I was able to have them appear on Windows because 
HWND clipping was honored but on Mac, FX drew on top of the native 
control.  Mac was changed to use CALayers way back for JDK7 and this 
also made things more complicated.

Having said all that (from memory), for iOS, there was some work that 
overlayed an iOS text control in order to use the native keyboard 
control.  The control was created when editing started and then disposed 
when editing ended.  This would obviously have the same 
lightweight/heavyweight issues while editing was happening and a host of 
other smaller problems (wrong font, jumping, scrolling etc).

One possible way for this to really work would be to get the native 
control to render to a texture and get JavaFX to draw the texture. That 
is just the painting side of the equation.  Events would need to be 
delivered to this non-painting control as well.  There are operating 
system calls on Mac that you can use to paint a control to an image so 
it is in theory doable but a ton of work.


On 2014-10-31, 9:48 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

JavaFX provides a great set of widgets that are pretty complete, but a few
lag behind behind their native counterparts on some platforms. This is
especially noticeable with the Mac text field widget, which has things like
integrated spelling/grammar checking, auto correct, services, speech
recognition and so on.

WebKit manages to expose all this functionality despite that HTML is not
the native Mac UI framework. So I am wondering how hard it is for JFX to do
the same. However, I know very little about how WebKit does this or how
easy it'd be to replicate in the Java world. Are there any experts on the
list who could comment?

Re: Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows

2014-10-24 Thread Stephen F Northover

On 2014-10-24, 2:05 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:


Sorry for the mis-communication: in my original message, I was able to 
do incremental java compilation, but hadn't tried to do the full 
build, since hadn't made changes to any of the native code. Your reply 
straighted me out, that I need to be doing full builds to pick-up 
changes in either the cpp or low-level java code.  I haven't been able 
to get the native builds to work, without it failing in either the cpp 
compiler or linker.

You'll need to follow the recipe here precisely:

Do try to substitute anything or you will fail.

I still could use a hand to get working tooling.

Also, care to comment whether there's any plan to jetisson the MS 
tools in the openjfx project, or at least align it with openjdk9's 
build system?
We'll be running the same compilers that the JDK runs.  There is some 
work afoot to upgrade but this might only be possible in 9, and not 8udev.



On 10/24/2014 10:43 AM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi Richard,

Your previous email indicated that you could build, but that you 
can't see the shared libraries.

Please try adding this the VM Arguments of your Eclipse launch 



On 2014-10-24, 1:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
To recap a message I sent to the list on 9/12, I'm a newbie to 
JavaFX, and hoping to be able to contribute, initially fixing bugs.

Stephen, I'm attempting to follow the instructions at:, and have 
found that the Visual Studio tools it calls out don't include the 
amd64 tools, have struggled to adapt win.gradle to VS 2011, and 
otherwise dulled my pick.   Also, when comparing the above 
instructions to openjdk9's build setup, I'm also wondering whether 
someone's revised the openjfx win build to use gcc, MinGW, 
Code::Blocks, clang++, or any other toolset besides the MS crud.

Rather than dragging y'all through the blow-by-blow challenges I've 
been getting hit with, what I'm hoping is that one of you who's 
actively developing on a 64-bit Windows 7+ environment is willing to 
lend a hand to get me set-up with a working rig. Please reply to 
just me if you're willing to help, I think I just need a few minutes 
here and there to pick the right tools, verify I'm working against 
the correct repo, etc.

Thanks in advance,


On 9/12/2014 2:40 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi Richard,

Did you follow the instructions at this link: ?

You are picking up a set of shared libraries that do not match the 
java code you are running in the IDE.  You need to set 
java.library.path.  It's on the wiki and I meant to update it to be 
something sensible.  My build puts the dll's in an artifacts 


You will need to edit this expression to pick up the dll's from the 
standard build place (which I forget right now).


On 2014-09-12, 5:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
I'm a newbie to JavaFX, and hoping to be able to contribute down 
the road once I learn much more about it.

To that end, I've been trying to get 8u-dev eclipse projects setup 
on a Win7 box so I can start stepping through the code. The 
current show-stopper is getting UnsatisfiedLinkErrors when the 
system is trying to access dlls, such as glass.dll.

My rig:

 * jdk1.8.0_05
 * eclipse-SDK-N20140722-2000-win32-x86_64 (Mars stable build, has 

   for StackOverflow bug in eclipse j8 compiler)
 * hg clone of 8u-dev as of 8/26


 * ran the gradle build (successfully)
 * imported the eclipse projects in the repo, all cleanly compile 
   had to fix cross-project links and manually locate and attach 
3p libs)

 * removed javafx.* and related JavaFX sources from JAVA_HOME/src
 * moved jfxrt.jar to a cache directory

Failure situation:

 * attempting to launch jfx apps under eclipse debugger

The following console output is typical of what I'm running into 
(with -verbose:jni on the command line):

[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Object.registerNatives 
... JNI]

[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.hashCode]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.wait]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notify]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notifyAll]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.clone]
[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.registerNatives 
... JNI]

[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.nanoTime]
[Registering JNI native met

Re: Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows

2014-10-24 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Richard,

Your previous email indicated that you could build, but that you can't 
see the shared libraries.

Please try adding this the VM Arguments of your Eclipse launch 



On 2014-10-24, 1:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
To recap a message I sent to the list on 9/12, I'm a newbie to JavaFX, 
and hoping to be able to contribute, initially fixing bugs.

Stephen, I'm attempting to follow the instructions at:, and have 
found that the Visual Studio tools it calls out don't include the 
amd64 tools, have struggled to adapt win.gradle to VS 2011, and 
otherwise dulled my pick.   Also, when comparing the above 
instructions to openjdk9's build setup, I'm also wondering whether 
someone's revised the openjfx win build to use gcc, MinGW, 
Code::Blocks, clang++, or any other toolset besides the MS crud.

Rather than dragging y'all through the blow-by-blow challenges I've 
been getting hit with, what I'm hoping is that one of you who's 
actively developing on a 64-bit Windows 7+ environment is willing to 
lend a hand to get me set-up with a working rig. Please reply to just 
me if you're willing to help, I think I just need a few minutes here 
and there to pick the right tools, verify I'm working against the 
correct repo, etc.

Thanks in advance,


On 9/12/2014 2:40 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi Richard,

Did you follow the instructions at this link: ?

You are picking up a set of shared libraries that do not match the 
java code you are running in the IDE.  You need to set 
java.library.path.  It's on the wiki and I meant to update it to be 
something sensible.  My build puts the dll's in an artifacts directory:


You will need to edit this expression to pick up the dll's from the 
standard build place (which I forget right now).


On 2014-09-12, 5:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
I'm a newbie to JavaFX, and hoping to be able to contribute down the 
road once I learn much more about it.

To that end, I've been trying to get 8u-dev eclipse projects setup 
on a Win7 box so I can start stepping through the code. The current 
show-stopper is getting UnsatisfiedLinkErrors when the system is 
trying to access dlls, such as glass.dll.

My rig:

 * jdk1.8.0_05
 * eclipse-SDK-N20140722-2000-win32-x86_64 (Mars stable build, has fix
   for StackOverflow bug in eclipse j8 compiler)
 * hg clone of 8u-dev as of 8/26


 * ran the gradle build (successfully)
 * imported the eclipse projects in the repo, all cleanly compile (but
   had to fix cross-project links and manually locate and attach 3p 

 * removed javafx.* and related JavaFX sources from JAVA_HOME/src
 * moved jfxrt.jar to a cache directory

Failure situation:

 * attempting to launch jfx apps under eclipse debugger

The following console output is typical of what I'm running into 
(with -verbose:jni on the command line):

[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Object.registerNatives ... 

[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.hashCode]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.wait]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notify]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notifyAll]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.clone]
[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.registerNatives ... 

[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.nanoTime]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.arraycopy]
[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Thread.registerNatives ... 

[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.start0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.stop0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.isAlive]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.suspend0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.resume0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.setPriority0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.yield]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.sleep]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.currentThread]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.countStackFrames]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.interrupt0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.isInterrupted]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.holdsLock]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.getThreads]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.setNativeName]
[Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]

Re: Software rendering in Prism in JavaFX 8?

2014-10-24 Thread Stephen F Northover
The situation has not changed.  We are not planning to support 3D in the 
software pipeline.


On 2014-10-24, 4:52 AM, Adam Granger wrote:


It's my understanding that JavaFX does not provide software rendering
fallback for SCENE_3D functionality when the GPU isn't on the

I asked this question in May 2012 and I wanted to check whether the
situation had changed?

Kevin's original response below.



Shouldn't javaFX still do software rendering for 3D?

Not currently (see the other response I just sent). We can consider
providing some basic support for 3.0, but have not yet committed to do so.

-- Kevin

Adam Granger wrote:

I just checked Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D), it
returns false. JavaFX + 3D won't work on my linux (ubuntu 12.04) netbook
with an Intel 945GSE GPU chipset either.

Shouldn't javaFX still do software rendering for 3D?.. in the same way
that glxgears still works even if you've not got any drivers installed?
Otherwise it will seriously limit the number of platforms it will work

I'm not after high-end 3D effects, just some basic rotation...

Your card is not supported by prism. You can check if a system supports 3d
by using the isSupported method (can't remember where .. Maybe in
application). I know ensemble does this and instantiates a parallel camera
if 3d is not supported.

As for why it isn't supported, there are a lot of reasons that lead to a
card not being supported, usually it fails to meet one of our minimal

Re: RFR: RT-35212: [Printing] HBox/VBox can't be printed correctly if it contains TextField/PasswordField.

2014-10-20 Thread Stephen F Northover
We are almost finished with M3 and then people can start releasing code 

Welcome to the big 8u40 bug squash!


On 2014-10-17, 6:43 PM, Phil Race wrote:

There was an NPE here.  I expect this was causing problems for more than
the narrow case cited here : has the patch in-line


The Great FX 8u40 Bug Squash

2014-10-17 Thread Stephen F Northover

Welcome all,

We are currently in lock down mode for M3 which officially ends Oct 20, 
2014.  The next milestone is M4 (ZBB): Dec 1, 2014.  ZBB (Zero Bug 
Bounce) is essentially the end of development for FX 8u40.

This development cycle has seen some significant feature work, including 
Accessibility and some New Controls.  Normally we wouldn't do features 
in an 8u release, but it was important to close some long standing gaps 
in the toolkit as early as we possibly could. Now it's time to focus in 
the bug backlog.

The 8u20 dashboard was called, "The One True Dashboard".  The 8u40 one 
is called "The Dashboard of Doom".

I'm sorry that clicking on it was not more ominous.  We are required to 
fix all P1, P2 and P3 bugs for ZBB.  P4 and P5 bugs might be fixed, but 
they don't have priority.  For all bugs, regressions generally get 
looked at first, but if the regression is very minor, work on another 
more important bug might take priority.

So, as a team, we need to fix about 16 bugs a week to hit ZBB.  Bugs 
that we can't or should not fix because the changes are too dangerous, 
we will need to defer to 9.  Obviously, it doesn't work quite as simply 
as like this.  Bugs are not fixed in constant time and there is an 
incoming bug rate that we try to take into account, but we can't know 
the future.

So, come one come all to the "Great FX 8u40 Bug Squash"!  Put on your 
DDT suits and get out your sprayers!  Kill a bug today.


Re: British english on JavaFX controls

2014-10-16 Thread Stephen F Northover
Thanks Phil.  I have given up on Canadian spelling where computers 
concerned.  Michael Fang is on the JIRA.


On 2014-10-16, 3:34 PM, Phil Race wrote:

On 10/16/2014 7:38 AM, Stephen F Northover wrote:
Please enter a JIRA for the missing translation.  If AWT/Swing is 
missing a translation, is there a way to add it short of modifying 
the system?

I don't think Swing (or any other part of the JDK classes for that 

would reach out to an application classloaded resource.
Also the translations are in resource classes buried in the 

and you have to get the source of the class to even know what you were
supposed to provide and translate.

FWIW I do not believe there is any British English resource 
translation in

the JDK classes either .. nor Canadian for that matter :-)

I suspect there was so little different it was not worth it even though
the bar to entry is pretty low here.

You can ask the localization (or is that localisation ? :-) team what 

have to say .. cc'd Michael Fang.



On 2014-10-16, 10:28 AM, Michael Berry wrote:

Hi Tom,

Sure, that makes sense, thanks for the info. Don't suppose there's a
workaround you know of?

This is for an application which has a bundled JRE, so I can 
just add the language file in the proper location - it'd just be 
nice to

have a fix that doesn't require modification if possible!


On 16 October 2014 15:20, Tom Schindl  

On 16.10.14 16:15, Tom Schindl wrote:

Ok - it ResourceBundle.getBundle() uses the classloader of the caller
which means the ExtensionClassloader so having the additional 

in your local dir does help.

 does NOT help!


Re: [8u] Review request: RT-37884: [WebView] Java Logger settings corrupt webview

2014-10-16 Thread Stephen F Northover


Please review the fix.


On 2014-10-16, 7:18 AM, Anton Nashatyrev wrote:


any volunteers ? (the fix is pretty simple)


On 26.08.2014 19:45, anton nashatyrev wrote:


could you please review the fix:

Thank you!

Re: British english on JavaFX controls

2014-10-16 Thread Stephen F Northover
Please enter a JIRA for the missing translation.  If AWT/Swing is 
missing a translation, is there a way to add it short of modifying the 


On 2014-10-16, 10:28 AM, Michael Berry wrote:

Hi Tom,

Sure, that makes sense, thanks for the info. Don't suppose there's a
workaround you know of?

This is for an application which has a bundled JRE, so I can potentially
just add the language file in the proper location - it'd just be nice to
have a fix that doesn't require modification if possible!


On 16 October 2014 15:20, Tom Schindl  wrote:

On 16.10.14 16:15, Tom Schindl wrote:

Ok - it ResourceBundle.getBundle() uses the classloader of the caller
which means the ExtensionClassloader so having the additional properties
in your local dir does help.

 does NOT help!


Re: [8u40] Review request for RT-38915: [Mac, JFXPanel] WebView draws duplicate image on Retina display

2014-10-10 Thread Stephen F Northover
Looks good Anton.  Please make sure the link to the webrev is in the 
JIRA and I will +1 it there.


On 2014-10-10, 12:40 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:

Hi Steve,

Please, review the fix:

Where some additional cleanup (field reset) is made on JFXPanel disposal.


Re: In(Sanity) Testing Mondays

2014-10-10 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi all,

Please note that the assignments have changed.  Happy (in)Sanity!


On 2014-10-10, 7:38 AM, Vadim Pakhnushev wrote:

Reminder, Monday is our weekly sanity testing.

You can find your testing assignment at:

Also please remember that the repo will be locked from 1am PDT until 
1pm PDT.

Happy testing!


Re: 8u40 & 9 CSS issues

2014-10-10 Thread Stephen F Northover
You can put code in the comment field.  If you have a binary attachment 
or code that is too big, you can email a committer and he/she will 
attach your file.

It's not great but attachments have been disabled for centuries and will 
not be re-enabled (the battle was lost).


On 2014-10-10, 1:04 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:

I created an issues

But there is no way to add an attachment?


On 8-10-2014 19:21, David Grieve wrote:
If it worked in 8u20 but not in 8u40, then there is a regression 
somewhere. Please file an issue in jira and include a reproducible 

On 10/8/14, 12:08 PM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
Has anything changed in 8U40 and J9 concerning CSS processing? I'm 
using SVG and images in CSS to draw a.o. arrows. These are not 
visible in 8U40 and 9. But 8u20 and J8 they work fine. And clues 
where to look?


Re: [8u40] Review request for RT-38868: [JFXPanel] Access denied when scrolling in WebView in Sandboxed Applet

2014-10-09 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Anton,

Jonathan is the owner of controls and Leonid owns web.  Kevin and I can 
review any fix and put in the code, but you'd be better getting a review 
from these two guys.  The code changes in question are trivial so they 
just need to know that they are happening in their area.  I guess this 
your email also informed them.


On 2014-10-09, 7:30 AM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Please, review the fix:

Where some reflection code is replaced with direct getters.


Re: review requested for Glass/GTK change

2014-10-04 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi David,

Will look at the code.

The standard process for a review request can be found here: .  You are 
missing the bug report in the email title and a link to the JIRA in the 
body.  Having the bug report in the title and short description helps 
out big time when scanning through a billion emails.


On 2014-10-01, 2:07 PM, David Hill wrote:

Kevin, (and anyone else interested in Glass/GTK)

webrev at 

The idea is to delay some resizing actions until we are mapped on the 
screen. Without this, a linux app run over ssh -X would show up with a 
minimum size as the intermediate size over road the requested size.

Note: there is some extra resizing that is really visible still that I 
have not removed, but will need to be in a follow on Jira.

Please follow up in the Jira.

Re: openJFX Using+an+IDE documentation

2014-10-02 Thread Stephen F Northover


What you did was run against the jar that you built.  The wiki describes 
how you would run using the code from the IDE.

> Here is some sample code that was hooked up to use the base, graphics 
and controls projects.

I didn't describe the different mechanisms that the IDE's use to manage 
dependencies.  In NetBeans, my sample project (Trix4) needed base, 
graphics and controls so I added the dependencies to it.  I verified 
that I could set break points in NetBeans and they were hit when I ran.  
I didn't verify that this still works, but I'm betting it still does.


On 2014-10-02, 1:40 AM, Cirujano Cuesta, Diego wrote:

Hi all!

In the documentation of using an IDE to develop  There is one part not 
clear for me.

I would like to explain what I did. The part not clear for me is: "Using Netbeans"->"Run 
sample code". I didn't do it as the wiki said because I did not understand it so I made my own project( I 
don't know where is Trix4 :S). The project I made was by New Project -> Java Application (NOT JavaFX -> 
JavaFX Application, because the project I had to test was a JavaFX Application and as I removed jfxrt.jar there 
were dependency problems). After creating the project, I added to the project the compiled jfxrt.jar in the 
project properties->Libraries dependencies. At this moment I was able to compile the test project, run it 
and debug it.

Diego Cirujano

Re: Accelerators - odd behavior

2014-09-26 Thread Stephen F Northover
Agree.  Suggest that we move the discussion to the JIRA to capture the 
background information for whoever will address the bug.


On 2014-09-26, 1:41 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

It may or may not be a bug, but it will be good to investigate.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:
Two on Windows, one on Mac.  See


On 2014-09-26, 1:25 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

This is on Mac.  Will try Windows.


On 2014-09-26, 1:24 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Is this on a Mac or on Windows?  I just ran your test case and I 
get two runnables, which is what I would expect.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:

I am only seeing the runnable fired once in FX 8u40.



1) Run TestKeyCombination
2) Press Control+-

Here is the test code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCharacterCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TestKeyCombination extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {

@Override public void start(Stage stage) {
stage.setTitle("Test KeyCombination");
Scene scene = new Scene(new Group(), 600, 450);
Button button1 = new Button();
button1.setText("Click Me");

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new 
KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.MINUS, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 
KeyCharacterCombination("-", KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("HI");
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

On 2014-09-26, 1:01 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new Key*Code*Combination(KeyCode.MINUS,
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 


Using the above like this:
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

Will result in the runnable being fired twice from the same 

I propose changing the accelerator processing logic so that only one
runnable gets called as the intention appears to be that a 
can only have one runnable associated with it, but the logic in 
Map doesn't

see the above two KeyCombinations as the same key in the Map.

Note: With the second combination above I really wanted something 
worked for both MINUS and SUBTRACT simultaneously - since they 
both type
the same Character and only one accelerator can be set on a 


Re: Accelerators - odd behavior

2014-09-26 Thread Stephen F Northover
Two on Windows, one on Mac.  See


On 2014-09-26, 1:25 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

This is on Mac.  Will try Windows.


On 2014-09-26, 1:24 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Is this on a Mac or on Windows?  I just ran your test case and I get 
two runnables, which is what I would expect.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:

I am only seeing the runnable fired once in FX 8u40.



1) Run TestKeyCombination
2) Press Control+-

Here is the test code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCharacterCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TestKeyCombination extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {

@Override public void start(Stage stage) {
stage.setTitle("Test KeyCombination");
Scene scene = new Scene(new Group(), 600, 450);
Button button1 = new Button();
button1.setText("Click Me");

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new 
KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.MINUS, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 
KeyCharacterCombination("-", KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("HI");
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

On 2014-09-26, 1:01 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new Key*Code*Combination(KeyCode.MINUS,
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 


Using the above like this:
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

Will result in the runnable being fired twice from the same keypress.

I propose changing the accelerator processing logic so that only one
runnable gets called as the intention appears to be that a 
can only have one runnable associated with it, but the logic in Map 

see the above two KeyCombinations as the same key in the Map.

Note: With the second combination above I really wanted something that
worked for both MINUS and SUBTRACT simultaneously - since they both 

the same Character and only one accelerator can be set on a MenuItem.


Re: Accelerators - odd behavior

2014-09-26 Thread Stephen F Northover

This is on Mac.  Will try Windows.


On 2014-09-26, 1:24 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Is this on a Mac or on Windows?  I just ran your test case and I get 
two runnables, which is what I would expect.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:

I am only seeing the runnable fired once in FX 8u40.



1) Run TestKeyCombination
2) Press Control+-

Here is the test code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCharacterCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TestKeyCombination extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {

@Override public void start(Stage stage) {
stage.setTitle("Test KeyCombination");
Scene scene = new Scene(new Group(), 600, 450);
Button button1 = new Button();
button1.setText("Click Me");

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new 
KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.MINUS, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 
KeyCharacterCombination("-", KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("HI");
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

On 2014-09-26, 1:01 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new Key*Code*Combination(KeyCode.MINUS,
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 


Using the above like this:
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

Will result in the runnable being fired twice from the same keypress.

I propose changing the accelerator processing logic so that only one
runnable gets called as the intention appears to be that a 
can only have one runnable associated with it, but the logic in Map 

see the above two KeyCombinations as the same key in the Map.

Note: With the second combination above I really wanted something that
worked for both MINUS and SUBTRACT simultaneously - since they both 

the same Character and only one accelerator can be set on a MenuItem.


Re: Accelerators - odd behavior

2014-09-26 Thread Stephen F Northover

I am only seeing the runnable fired once in FX 8u40.



1) Run TestKeyCombination
2) Press Control+-

Here is the test code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCharacterCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TestKeyCombination extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {

@Override public void start(Stage stage) {
stage.setTitle("Test KeyCombination");
Scene scene = new Scene(new Group(), 600, 450);
Button button1 = new Button();
button1.setText("Click Me");

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.MINUS, 
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new 
KeyCharacterCombination("-", KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("HI");
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

On 2014-09-26, 1:01 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

KeyCombination cmdMinus = new Key*Code*Combination(KeyCode.MINUS,
KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new Key*Character*Combination("-",

Using the above like this:
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);

Will result in the runnable being fired twice from the same keypress.

I propose changing the accelerator processing logic so that only one
runnable gets called as the intention appears to be that a KeyCombination
can only have one runnable associated with it, but the logic in Map doesn't
see the above two KeyCombinations as the same key in the Map.

Note: With the second combination above I really wanted something that
worked for both MINUS and SUBTRACT simultaneously - since they both type
the same Character and only one accelerator can be set on a MenuItem.


Re: User Mailing List / Forum

2014-09-25 Thread Stephen F Northover
This is a good place to ask questions about JFX.  I'll look into the 
broken link.


On 2014-09-25, 10:38 AM, Markus Karg wrote:

I am new to JavaFX and like to ask if there is some "official" JavaFX 8 forum 
or mailing list FOR USERS as I did not find this information on (actually it says the user forum is but that results in 404 NOT 


Re: RichTextEditor in 8u40

2014-09-17 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Peter,

There was never an intent to have a RichTextEditor for 8u40.  The wiki 
is tracking milestones for committed work and the possibility of 
starting work on a RichTextEditor prototype.  At this point, given the 
bug backlog and other work that is targeted to 8u40, it's looking very 
unlikely that we will get to this.


On 2014-09-17, 8:11 AM, Peter Penzov wrote:

Hi All,
Looking at the 8u40 road map there are plans for RichTextEdito:

Is there any code example that I can test?


Re: Time spinner in 8u40

2014-09-17 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Peter,

There are no plans to make the time spinner public for 8u40 as we are 
past FF (Feature Freeze).  Originally, the time spinner was intended to 
be part of the new spinner control but there were some issues with it 
involving tracking the caret.

It's all discussed in:


On 2014-09-17, 6:22 AM, Peter Penzov wrote:

Hi All,
 I successfully tested Spinner control in 8u40.

final Spinner spinner = new Spinner();

SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(0, 1));

I noticed that there is a Java method for time spinner
LocalDateSpinnerValueFactory in SpinnerValueFactory. But the Java Method is
not public. Are there plans to release time spinner in 8u40?


Re: Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows

2014-09-12 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Richard,

Did you follow the instructions at this link: ?

You are picking up a set of shared libraries that do not match the java 
code you are running in the IDE.  You need to set java.library.path.  
It's on the wiki and I meant to update it to be something sensible.  My 
build puts the dll's in an artifacts directory:


You will need to edit this expression to pick up the dll's from the 
standard build place (which I forget right now).


On 2014-09-12, 5:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
I'm a newbie to JavaFX, and hoping to be able to contribute down the 
road once I learn much more about it.

To that end, I've been trying to get 8u-dev eclipse projects setup on 
a Win7 box so I can start stepping through the code.  The current 
show-stopper is getting UnsatisfiedLinkErrors when the system is 
trying to access dlls, such as glass.dll.

My rig:

 * jdk1.8.0_05
 * eclipse-SDK-N20140722-2000-win32-x86_64 (Mars stable build, has fix
   for StackOverflow bug in eclipse j8 compiler)
 * hg clone of 8u-dev as of 8/26


 * ran the gradle build (successfully)
 * imported the eclipse projects in the repo, all cleanly compile (but
   had to fix cross-project links and manually locate and attach 3p libs)
 * removed javafx.* and related JavaFX sources from JAVA_HOME/src
 * moved jfxrt.jar to a cache directory

Failure situation:

 * attempting to launch jfx apps under eclipse debugger

The following console output is typical of what I'm running into (with 
-verbose:jni on the command line):

[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Object.registerNatives ... JNI]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.hashCode]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.wait]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notify]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notifyAll]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.clone]
[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.registerNatives ... JNI]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.nanoTime]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.arraycopy]
[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Thread.registerNatives ... JNI]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.start0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.stop0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.isAlive]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.suspend0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.resume0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.setPriority0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.yield]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.sleep]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.currentThread]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.countStackFrames]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.interrupt0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.isInterrupted]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.holdsLock]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.getThreads]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.setNativeName]
[Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
[Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]

[Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Class.registerNatives ... JNI]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getName0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getSuperclass]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getInterfaces0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getClassLoader0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.isInterface]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getSigners]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.setSigners]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.isArray]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.isPrimitive]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getComponentType]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getModifiers]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getProtectionDomain0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredClasses0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaringClass0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getGenericSignature0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getRawAnnotations]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getConstantPool]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.desiredAssertionStatus0]
[Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getEnclosingMethod0]
[Registering JNI 

Re: Lighthouse

2014-09-12 Thread Stephen F Northover
Thanks for getting back to us Mike and letting us know about your 
successful use of JavaFX.  The team does work hard and appreciates the 
kind words.


On 2014-09-12, 2:42 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

I've open sourced the JavaFX app I was working on for the past six months
or so. Lighthouse is a Bitcoin crowdfunding application that uses some of
the more novel features of the Bitcoin protocol to allow middleman free
fund raising.

There's a video of it in action here:

and some screenshots here:

Additionally I've open sourced UpdateFX, which is an auto update engine
that provides some interesting features:

It's kind of rough still but if anyone is looking for an alternative to the
existing update engines out there, take a look.

I just wanted to say thanks to the OpenJFX team for your help and support
this summer. I've very much enjoyed working both with you all and the
framework you've created. I believe JavaFX is a surprisingly good fit for
the Bitcoin community, because we suffer quite badly from the limitations
and problems of web apps. HTML5 + decentralisation don't mix very well. A
plain old desktop app works better, and JavaFX is a good way to build such


Re: OpenJFX Wiki and the Platforms location.

2014-09-12 Thread Stephen F Northover

On 2014-09-12, 10:54 AM, David Hill wrote:

Just noticed that we have "Main" -> "Getting Started" -> "Platform" -> 
bunch of neat stuff.
Feels odd that Platform is under Getting Started, as it has evolved to 
be a bunch of platform specific, and JavaFX feature general 

Does it make sense to move Platform to be under Main ?

Makes sense to me.  Platforms under Getting Started is likely there for 
historical reasons.


Re: [8u] Review request: RT-38290: [WebView] HTML canvas clip() functionality broken

2014-08-26 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Anton T,

The policy for OpenJFX is that code reviews happen in the associated JIRA:

Thanks for reviewing this code,


On 2014-08-26, 3:30 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:

Hi Anton,

Does it make sense to add a boolean param to renderLayer() which would 
tell it if it should dispose the layer after rendering? In order to 
avoid the splitting.

Also, could you please clarify the following.

From your comments:

  72 // WCBufferedContext might be referenced from a client JS 
code and thus
  73 // couldn't be disposed right after rendering operations 
on it.

However, when it is disposed (will it?) it looks like it will 
re-render all the layers (WCGraphicsPrismContext.dispose). Is it an 
expected behavior?


On 8/20/14 9:26 PM, anton nashatyrev wrote:


could you please review the fix for ?

Thank you!

Re: In(Sanity) Testing Mondays

2014-08-25 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Lisa,

I've updated the wiki to indicate the default action when a "stopper" is 
found as a result of (in)sanity.  The bottom line is that we will work 
to resolve the bug by 10PST, potentially reverting the change if it 
looks like we are not converging.


On 2014-08-22, 8:25 PM, Lisa Selle wrote:

Reminder, Monday is our weekly sanity testing.

You can find your (newly updated) testing assignment at:

Also please remember that the repo will be locked from 1am PDT until 
1pm PDT.

Happy testing!


Re: JavaFX 8 and TextFields

2014-08-18 Thread Stephen F Northover

This seems to be the bug:

It's quite a mystery.  It's likely a shader problem but that's just a guess.


On 2014-08-18, 10:21 AM, Eric Le Ponner wrote:

Dirk, Anothony,

I’ve never observed this visual artifact on Mac OS 10.9 (.4)
no matter it’s SB 2.0 (i.e. b20) or latest SB (with latest FX8dev code).


Could it be related to the graphics pipeline ?
What model of Mac are you using Dirk ?


Le 18 août 2014 à 15:34, Anthony Petrov  a écrit :

Hi Dirk,

This looks like a bug. Could you please verify if the latest 8u20 ea build 
works for you? You can download it at:

If it still fails, please file a new bug at!default.jspa

best regards,

On 8/18/2014 5:28 PM, Dirk Dittert wrote:


I'm wondering about the design of TextFields in JavaFX 8. Why are they
having a horizontal line through the input area? I find that this looks
rather peculiar...

I posted some screenshots here:

One is from SceneBuilder 2.0-b20 on OS X 10.9. The other one is from one of
my applications (running on 1.8.0_11) on OS X.


Re: [8u40] Review Request: (RT-37418) CustomColorDialog cannot be skinned by adding stylesheet to scene.

2014-08-06 Thread Stephen F Northover
Might be better to get Jonathan to look at it as he is the owner of 
controls.  Anyhow, off to the JIRA ...


On 2014-08-06, 12:49 PM, David Grieve wrote:

Kevin, Steve,

Please review The 
changes are small and can be found in JIRA.

Re: [API REVIEW REQUEST] RT-19659 - [TabPane] Support for draggable tabs

2014-07-30 Thread Stephen F Northover

Thanks Tom,

We'll take a look at the patch in the JIRA:


On 2014-07-30, 3:35 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:


I'd like you to review the API proposed to make TabPane Tabs draggable.

The proposed public API only allows to put the TabPane in DnD mode:

public boolean isDndEnabled()
public void setDndEnabled(boolean dndEnabled)
public BooleanProperty dndEnabledProperty()


Re: error while building JFX 8udev for iOS (2)

2014-07-29 Thread Stephen F Northover

Belay that.  This works for me in 8u-dev:


As far as I know, RoboVM does not support lambdas so the result will not 


On 2014-07-29, 8:51 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:

@Oracle, can you help me?

Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Von: Tobias Bley 
Betreff: error while building JFX 8udev for iOS
Datum: 15. Juli 2014 13:52:11 MESZ
An: " Mailing" 

Hi folks,

when I try to build JFX for iOS using „gradle sdk…“ i’m getting the following 
errors - is it a known issue?

Best regards,

 warning: implicit declaration of function 'createContext' is invalid in C99 
 context = (jlong) (intptr_t) createContext((void *) (intptr_t) 
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'makeCurrentContext' is invalid in 
C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 result = makeCurrentContext((void *) (intptr_t) context);
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'printAndReleaseResources' is 
invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 printAndReleaseResources(0, context,
 warning: implicit declaration of function 
'getProcAddress' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'setSwapInterval' is invalid in C99 
 setSwapInterval((void *) jlong_to_ptr(ctxInfo->context), 0);
 warning:unused variable 'pfInfo' [-Wunused-variable]
 PixelFormatInfo* pfInfo =  (PixelFormatInfo* )jlong_to_ptr(nativePFInfo);
6 warnings generated.
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'flushBuffer' is invalid in C99 
 flushBuffer((void *) (intptr_t) ctxInfo->context);
1 warning generated.
 warning: format specifies type 'unsigned int' but the argument has type 'void 
*' [-Wformat]
 shareContext, view, pixelFormat, viewNotReady);
 warning: format specifies type 'unsigned int' but the argument has type 'void 
*' [-Wformat]
 shareContext, view, pixelFormat, viewNotReady);
 warning: flag ' ' results in undefined behavior with 'n' conversion specifier 
 fprintf(stderr, "IOSWindowSystemInterface : share %x view %x pf % notready 
 warning: format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'void *' 
 shareContext, view, pixelFormat, viewNotReady);
 warning:invalid conversion specifier '
' [-Wformat-invalid-specifier]
 fprintf(stderr, "IOSWindowSystemInterface : share %x view %x pf % notready 

 warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion returning 'jlong' (aka 
'long long') from a function with result type 'void *' [-Wint-conversion]
 return ptr_to_jlo

Re: error while building JFX 8udev for iOS (2)

2014-07-29 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Tobias,

We are not building iOS regularly and it is quite possible that the 
build is broken.  Please enter a JIRA and we will look into fixing the 


On 2014-07-29, 8:51 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:

@Oracle, can you help me?

Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Von: Tobias Bley 
Betreff: error while building JFX 8udev for iOS
Datum: 15. Juli 2014 13:52:11 MESZ
An: " Mailing" 

Hi folks,

when I try to build JFX for iOS using „gradle sdk…“ i’m getting the following 
errors - is it a known issue?

Best regards,

 warning: implicit declaration of function 'createContext' is invalid in C99 
 context = (jlong) (intptr_t) createContext((void *) (intptr_t) 
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'makeCurrentContext' is invalid in 
C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 result = makeCurrentContext((void *) (intptr_t) context);
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'printAndReleaseResources' is 
invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 printAndReleaseResources(0, context,
 warning: implicit declaration of function 
'getProcAddress' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'setSwapInterval' is invalid in C99 
 setSwapInterval((void *) jlong_to_ptr(ctxInfo->context), 0);
 warning:unused variable 'pfInfo' [-Wunused-variable]
 PixelFormatInfo* pfInfo =  (PixelFormatInfo* )jlong_to_ptr(nativePFInfo);
6 warnings generated.
 warning: implicit declaration of function 'flushBuffer' is invalid in C99 
 flushBuffer((void *) (intptr_t) ctxInfo->context);
1 warning generated.
 warning: format specifies type 'unsigned int' but the argument has type 'void 
*' [-Wformat]
 shareContext, view, pixelFormat, viewNotReady);
 warning: format specifies type 'unsigned int' but the argument has type 'void 
*' [-Wformat]
 shareContext, view, pixelFormat, viewNotReady);
 warning: flag ' ' results in undefined behavior with 'n' conversion specifier 
 fprintf(stderr, "IOSWindowSystemInterface : share %x view %x pf % notready 
 warning: format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'void *' 
 shareContext, view, pixelFormat, viewNotReady);
 warning:invalid conversion specifier '
' [-Wformat-invalid-specifier]
 fprintf(stderr, "IOSWindowSystemInterface : share %x view %x pf % notready 

 warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion returning 'jlong' (aka 
'long long') from a function with result type 'void *' [-Wint-conversion]
 return ptr_to_jlong(ctx);

Re: JavaFX Canvas misses API to set dashed line stroke

2014-07-28 Thread Stephen F Northover
If you have not done so already, please enter a JIRA to request this 


On 2014-07-22, 5:42 AM, David Gilbert wrote:


I have created a small open source library that provides a bridge from Java2D 
to the JavaFX Canvas:

Unfortunately I have so far not been able to support dashed lines, since the 
GraphicsContext from the JavaFX Canvas doesn't provide any API to set the line 
dash attributes.  Did I miss something, or is there really no way to specify 
dashed lines?  I know this is possible in the Shape API 
 but I am specifically interested in drawing dashed lines on the JavaFX Canvas. 
 Any pointers will be appreciated.

Best regards,


Re: JavaFX tuning

2014-07-28 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Peter,

Right now it's not possible to turn off modules.  Memory can be consumed 
in all sorts of different places (Java object memory, graphics card 
memory, operating system memory, virtual machine memory).  Did you have 
a case where you were running out and hitting an issue?


On 2014-07-23, 10:26 AM, Peter Penzov wrote:

 What are the options for JavaFX tuning? For example is it possible to
turn off some modules of the framework or some configuration for lowering
the memory consumption?


Milestone moved: M1 is now Aug 11, 2014

2014-07-28 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi all,

This week (July 28) is the week before M1 milestone (Aug 4) so we should 
be ramping down (ie. extra +1 restrictions for committing code, 
more/better testing, etc.).  Since this is the first milestone for 8u40 
and there important API deadlines, I spoke with Kevin and we agreed to 
move M1 back a week to Aug 11 to give us a bit more time before the ramp 

I have updated the wiki:


Re: 8u20 broken in OS X Yosemite?

2014-07-28 Thread Stephen F Northover

Scott and everyone else,

Please report Yosemite bugs as soon as you find them.


On 2014-07-28, 12:01 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Good to hear. We are doing some testing with Yosemite, but it is 
somewhat limited testing at this point.

-- Kevin

Scott Palmer wrote:
Just to follow up.. things are not as dire as I initially thought.  
After a

reboot my application is working much better.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Scott Palmer  

Is anyone testing on Yosemite?  I installed the Yosemite public beta 

am running with 8u20 b23 (also tested with 8u11, same results)

Without violating my Beta Agreement with Apple, lets just say that I
strongly suggest that someone at Oracle try it out and perhaps focus 

-Animation performance


Re: WebView rendering issues

2014-07-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Doug,

We are targeting these bugs for 8u40 and expect to fix them.  I suggest 
that you add yourself to some of the worst ones and keep an eye on 
things.  It may be that you will be able to come back but in the 
meantime, switching back to the SWT Browser hell will ensure that you 
will be able to render the pages in cases where WebView fails.


On 2014-07-14, 11:41 AM, Doug Schaefer wrote:

We're seeing some really horrible rendering issues with the WebView. We're 
running it under a SWT FXCanvas so I'm not sure whether it's the WebView or 
FXCanvas. But I do see a number of report of WebView rendering problems on 
stack overflow and in JIRA. The comment in this one has me very worried.

"We are sorry, but at this time we have no resources to work on WebView bugs for the 
8u20 release. Unfortunately, we will have to defer them to 8u40."

As things stand, we'll have to switch back to SWT Browser hell because this new 
hell is much worse. Just wondering what the timeline for 8u40 would be so we 
can come back.


Re: Only 1 GUI thread & dialogs (was Re: 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM)

2014-07-08 Thread Stephen F Northover
What is the question?  How are modal dialogs done in FX?  A new event 
loop is stacked on top of the old, running in the same thread.


On 2014-07-08, 5:54 PM, Richard Bair wrote:

Hmmm… FX Experience is running for me. Is anybody else having this problem?


On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:51 PM, wrote:

Hi Steve,

My understanding of Swing was that when in a modal dialog, which blocked
the EDT, a second EDT was fired up for the duration of the dialog to keep
the events flowing.

When you say, below, that only 1 GUI thread is supported (and that thread
is the native GUI thread), how are (will?) modal dialogs handled?



P.S. I've been trying to read Jonathan's article on dialogs on, but haven't been able to because I get redirected to

From:   Stephen F Northover 
To: Kevin Rushforth ,,
Date:   07/08/2014 03:41 PM
Subject:Re: 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM

This would imply that there was more than on distinguished GUI thread
per process.  JavaFX runs in the native GUI thread by design and more
than one GUI thread is not supported in JavaFX and on some platforms
(ie. Mac).


On 2014-07-08, 3:31 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

Is running 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM supported?

No, this is not supported. RT-29969 (and the non-public RT-32321) is
about running multiple applets from the same web page, each in their
own JVM. By design, JavaFX runs each applet in its own VM. It is very
unlikely that we would ever add the ability to run more than JavaFX
applet in the same VM.

-- Kevin wrote:


What is the status of running 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM
(separate_jvm = false)?
When we try to load 2 applets into the same JVM we get a runtime
error (I think it was class loader related).

When I searched in jira I found RT-29969 (the 2 applet test it refers
to may or may not be in the same JVM) which points to RT-32321 which
seems to be private (it gives me an error when I try to access it).

Is running 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM supported?

If not, is that a bug or a feature?



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this email, and make no further use, disclosure, or distribution.

NOTICE from Ab Initio: This email (including any attachments) may contain
information that is subject to confidentiality obligations or is legally
privileged, and sender does not waive confidentiality or privilege. If
received in error, please notify the sender, delete this email, and make
no further use, disclosure, or distribution.

Re: 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM

2014-07-08 Thread Stephen F Northover
This would imply that there was more than on distinguished GUI thread 
per process.  JavaFX runs in the native GUI thread by design and more 
than one GUI thread is not supported in JavaFX and on some platforms 
(ie. Mac).


On 2014-07-08, 3:31 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

> Is running 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM supported?

No, this is not supported. RT-29969 (and the non-public RT-32321) is 
about running multiple applets from the same web page, each in their 
own JVM. By design, JavaFX runs each applet in its own VM. It is very 
unlikely that we would ever add the ability to run more than JavaFX 
applet in the same VM.

-- Kevin wrote:


What is the status of running 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM 
(separate_jvm = false)?
When we try to load 2 applets into the same JVM we get a runtime 
error (I think it was class loader related).

When I searched in jira I found RT-29969 (the 2 applet test it refers 
to may or may not be in the same JVM) which points to RT-32321 which 
seems to be private (it gives me an error when I try to access it).

Is running 2 JavaFX applets in the same JVM supported?

If not, is that a bug or a feature?



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contain information that is subject to confidentiality obligations or 
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this email, and make no further use, disclosure, or distribution. 

Re: REMINDER: "no push Mondays" are still in effect

2014-07-07 Thread Stephen F Northover
The link that describes this process is here:

Note that the link has moved.


On 2014-07-07, 11:04 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Please note that we should still be observing the "no push" Monday 
rule, meaning that no changes should be pushed (other than to fix a 
build or test failure, or IDE changes, etc) after 1am Pacific on 
Mondays. Ordinarily it doesn't really matter, but today we had to 
restart the Hudson build due to a failure, which picked up changes 
pushed after 1am.

There is no action needed for this week. We are early enough in the 
build cycle for both 8u40 (prior to the first promoted EA build) and 9 
that we will just pick up the changes that were pushed after 1am. 
Please remember to observe the "quiet period" in the future though.

Thank you.

-- Kevin

Re: ComboBox: TestEditor to ListView binding

2014-07-07 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Kirill,

I looked at this again quickly and while there might be a combination of 
events and listeners that can make a combo box behave this way, you are 
better to create your own search box and manage the popup list.  The 
reason for this is that any code you are likely to write that 
manipulates the combo box will be sensitive to event ordering.

There is an example of a search field as part of EnsembleApp.  It is 
quite complicated and fancy and is mixed in with EnsembleApp code so you 
might have to work a bit to extract a simpler version of what you are 
looking for.

Hopefully Jasper is reading this right now and can whip up a hundred 
lines of code or so that do what you want.


On 2014-07-04, 5:48 PM, Kirill Kirichenko wrote:

I'm implementing a searchbox.
In the textfield of the combobox I'm typing a search string. 
textProperty of the editor has an onChange listener which forms a list 
of strings that contain the text as a substring. Then I set this list 
of strings as a content of the drop down list of the combobox.
The problem is when I start selecting items in the drop down list the 
editor field gets updated making new substring search and updating the 
list again.
I want to break this dependency. I don't want to update the text 
property when I select an item in the drop down list OR I want to 
distinguish in the textProperty listener what caused that event - real 
editing the field or setting the field trough binding from the list view.

I hope I could make myself clear.

On 05.07.2014 01:21, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi Kirill,

What exactly are you trying to do?  The following (crap) listens for the
value to change and then sets it back:

 ChangeListener l = new ChangeListener () {
 public void changed(ObservableValue observable, String
 String newValue) {
 System.out.println("attempt to set new value: " +
 Platform.runLater(() -> {
 System.out.println("restoring old value: " +

This is not good code because it adds and removes a listener to avoid
notification when the value is reset.  It uses runLater() in order to
stop the combo box from getting confused when the value is changed from
within a changed listener.


On 2014-07-04, 3:09 PM, Kirill Kirichenko wrote:

JavaFX ComboBox has binding between TextEdit field and the ListView
selection such that edit field gets updated when we change the
selected item in the drop down list.
Is there a way to break this binding - when we select an item in the
list the editor field remains untouched. Where should I look at ?


Re: ComboBox: TestEditor to ListView binding

2014-07-04 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Kirill,

What exactly are you trying to do?  The following (crap) listens for the 
value to change and then sets it back:

ChangeListener l = new ChangeListener () {
public void changed(ObservableValue observable, String 

String newValue) {
System.out.println("attempt to set new value: " + 

Platform.runLater(() -> {
System.out.println("restoring old value: " + newValue);

This is not good code because it adds and removes a listener to avoid 
notification when the value is reset.  It uses runLater() in order to 
stop the combo box from getting confused when the value is changed from 
within a changed listener.


On 2014-07-04, 3:09 PM, Kirill Kirichenko wrote:
JavaFX ComboBox has binding between TextEdit field and the ListView 
selection such that edit field gets updated when we change the 
selected item in the drop down list.
Is there a way to break this binding - when we select an item in the 
list the editor field remains untouched. Where should I look at ?


Re: Review Request: RT-37788

2014-07-02 Thread Stephen F Northover
Personally, I wouldn't change any native code at this point unless it 
was fixing a crash.  The review is for 8u40, correct?


On 2014-07-02, 5:38 PM, Chris Bensen wrote:
I’m not sure about for 8u20. Seems fairly straight forward, and your 
Obj-C seems as good as any Obj-C. My only complaint at the moment is 
the following:

  358 if ([pathParts count] > 2) {
  359 // for 3 or more steps, the domain is first.second.third and the keys are 
"/first/second/third/", "fourth/", "fifth/"... etc
  360 persistentDomain = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.%@.%@", 
[pathParts objectAtIndex: 0],
  361 [pathParts objectAtIndex: 1], [pathParts 
objectAtIndex: 2]];
  363 [dictPath replaceObjectAtIndex: 0 withObject: [NSString 
stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@/%@", [pathParts objectAtIndex: 0],
objectAtIndex: 1], [pathParts objectAtIndex: 2]]];
  365 [dictPath removeObjectAtIndex: 2];
  366 [dictPath removeObjectAtIndex: 1];
  367 } else {
  368 // for 1 or two steps, the domain is first.second.third and the keys are "/", 
"first/", "second/"
  369 persistentDomain = @DEFAULT_JAVA_PREFS_DOMAIN;
  370 [dictPath insertObject: @"" atIndex:0];
  371 }

what if [pathParts count] is 0? I’d probably do a switch:

switch ([pathParts count]) {
  case 0:
  case 1:
  case 2:
  368 // for 1 or two steps, the domain is first.second.third and the keys are "/", 
"first/", "second/"
  369 persistentDomain = @DEFAULT_JAVA_PREFS_DOMAIN;
  370 [dictPath insertObject: @"" atIndex:0];
  359 // for 3 or more steps, the domain is first.second.third and the keys are 
"/first/second/third/", "fourth/", "fifth/"... etc
  360 persistentDomain = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.%@.%@", 
[pathParts objectAtIndex: 0],
  361 [pathParts objectAtIndex: 1], [pathParts 
objectAtIndex: 2]];
  363 [dictPath replaceObjectAtIndex: 0 withObject: [NSString 
stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@/%@", [pathParts objectAtIndex: 0],
objectAtIndex: 1], [pathParts objectAtIndex: 2]]];
  365 [dictPath removeObjectAtIndex: 2];
  366 [dictPath removeObjectAtIndex: 1];


Make sense? Clear as mud?


On Jul 2, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Danno Ferrin > wrote:

Chris, Kevin, Steve,

Please review this fix for RT-37788.  Since I am not an objective C 
any comments are welcome.  Also, please consider if this is too much 
for an 8u20 fix (the diff is against the current 8u40 codebase).




Re: Review Request: RT-37788

2014-07-02 Thread Stephen F Northover
I'm glad your not an objective C.  I suggest getting Felipe to look at 
this code too should we decide to go ahead with it.


On 2014-07-02, 5:15 PM, Danno Ferrin wrote:

Chris, Kevin, Steve,

Please review this fix for RT-37788.  Since I am not an objective C any 
comments are welcome.  Also, please consider if this is too much for an 8u20 
fix (the diff is against the current 8u40 codebase).



OpenJFX: API Review Process

2014-07-02 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi all,

We've been working hard to document OpenJFX development over the past 
few months and strangely, the API Review Process was not described 
anywhere.  To fix this, I have updated the wiki:

API is forever so it is very important that we are careful and 
consistent in our approach to updating the toolkit.


Re: hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code

2014-06-27 Thread Stephen F Northover

On 2014-06-27, 9:43 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

What is the correct JIRA? RT-36501 is a completely different entry.


On 27.06.14 15:39, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi Tom,

The code got away too soon.  Please add your comment to the JIRA so that
we can take it into account.


On 2014-06-27, 6:06 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

The class is showing com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull in it's API! Is
this really a good idea?


On 26.06.14 21:48, wrote:

Changeset: 8d41ccb6bcdb
Author:David Grieve
Date:  2014-06-26 15:47 -0400

Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of
RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code


Re: hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code

2014-06-27 Thread Stephen F Northover

It was a typo.  I added your comment.


On 2014-06-27, 9:43 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

What is the correct JIRA? RT-36501 is a completely different entry.


On 27.06.14 15:39, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi Tom,

The code got away too soon.  Please add your comment to the JIRA so that
we can take it into account.


On 2014-06-27, 6:06 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

The class is showing com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull in it's API! Is
this really a good idea?


On 26.06.14 21:48, wrote:

Changeset: 8d41ccb6bcdb
Author:David Grieve
Date:  2014-06-26 15:47 -0400

Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of
RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code


Re: hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code

2014-06-27 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Tom,

The code got away too soon.  Please add your comment to the JIRA so that 
we can take it into account.


On 2014-06-27, 6:06 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

The class is showing com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull in it's API! Is
this really a good idea?


On 26.06.14 21:48, wrote:

Changeset: 8d41ccb6bcdb
Author:David Grieve
Date:  2014-06-26 15:47 -0400

Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: 
Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/javafx/css/

Re: Testing accessibility / sample apps

2014-06-25 Thread Stephen F Northover
; (in
"D:\jann\sandbox\java\openjfx\modules\fxpackager"): CreateProcess
error=2, Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden
Caused by: CreateProcess error=2, Das System
die angegebene Datei nicht finden (file not found)

Actually cl.exe is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Studio 10.0\VC\bin - but it looks for ...bin/amd64/cl.exe

I've also tried to run the build from the cygwin terminal and as
from the visual studio command prompt where i could call cl.exe
directly .. Always the same result.

Is there a parameter to specify where theVS compiler and stuff is
located? btw. i checked that the %VS100COMNTools% variable is set

What else could i check? Thanks in advance :)


2014-06-20 23:30 GMT+02:00, Kevin Rushforth

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'.

Could not call NativeCompileTask.compile() on task
When I've seen this in the past it's been related to the 

install. Do you have VS 2010 SP1 or something else?

-- Kevin

Jann Schneider wrote:


Well on windows it's always a bit more difficult i guess :-)
After setting up my build environment as described on the 
wiki i

$ gradle tasks
This works as expected! When running
$ gradle sdk
or just gradle without any target i get the following error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'.

Could not call NativeCompileTask.compile() on task

Is this a "known issue" and do you know what's going wrong 

Should i post more "info" or "debug" output, too?


2014-06-20 21:58 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover

Being non-Unix, Windows is always a pain.


On 2014-06-20, 3:42 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

I hope you have similar success with the Windows build.

-- Kevin

Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

The build instructions for linux where very good! I was 
able to

the project without any problems.

Regards Jann

2014-06-20 19:27 GMT+02:00, Kevin Rushforth

To be clear, you will still use the 8u-dev repo at the

It's just that after Monday the repo will "become" the 

work is done.

Regarding the build, it is a bit painful to set up for
too bad as long as you don't need to build WebKit. We 
would be
interested in hearing whether the instructions on the 
Wiki are

sufficient for you to get the build working.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:

Ok, let us know how you get on with building FX.

NOTE: The accessibility code is not there in 8u20 so 
you will

ensuring that you can build on Windows (there is nothing
test).  The accessibility code will be going back into
8u40 on
or Tuesday so you'll need to get that release at that time
it instead when it becomes available.  It's good to 
debug the

process though because it can be painful building from


On 2014-06-20, 12:43 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

@Steven: thx for the links. I'll try to build the openjfx
the windows 7 notebook and test the sample apps with NVDA
Today i tried the latest ea of jdk1.8.0_20 and sample 

14.2. Unfortunately i was not able to read anything
except the
I've just installed the jdk, changed my JAVA_HOME and
tried to
e.g. the ensemble.jar
$ java -jar ensemble.jar -Djavafx.accessible.force=true

Well i'll try it again by means of building javafx from
post my results back to the list.

Regards Jann!

2014-06-20 14:46 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover

Hello Jann!

As soon as the 8u40 repos open, the Accessibility 
code will

put back
along with the recent fixes for JAWS.  Since OpenJFX
(and the
JDK) does
not have nightly builds, unless you want to wait for 
an EA

or 9, you will need to get OpenJFX and build it.  
This is

best way to work with the team anyway because you can 

as they
are made.  EA builds take a while to come out and there
is no
for running on the latest code base.

Unfortunately due to Microsoft, building OpenJFX is a 

Windows.  However, it is doable and the build 

complete.  If they are not (and if you hit any 

back to this list.

Here are the build instructions: 

Many committers use an IDE (you don't have to) and
OpenJFX is
the three major IDE vendors: 

Looking forward to working with you,

On 2014-06-19, 7:

Re: New alias for hg commit notifications?

2014-06-24 Thread Stephen F Northover
I don't see a down side to this other than people will have to subscribe 
to the new list get the notifications that they were seeing before (or 
could / should / can we see the new list?)


On 2014-06-24, 9:34 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
It has been suggested that we create a new alias for Mercurial (hg) 
commit notifications -- perhaps "" -- 
rather than sending all of them to the discussion alias. This will 
facilitate e-mail filtering
as well as allow people to opt in or out of getting these 
notifications separately from being on the discussion alias.

What do others think?

-- Kevin

Re: Exposing native surface or opengl handle

2014-06-23 Thread Stephen F Northover

I'm sorry this thread scrolled away into the bitbucket in the sky.

Last JavaOne, we wrote a prototype that showed native integration on OS 
X.  We parented a native sheet dialog in an FX stage and providing an 
OpenGL node.  The code was a prototype that worked only on OS X.  The 
Open GL node allowed drawing JOGL and LWJGL to draw on a texture that 
was created by FX.  This mean that the OpenGL node could take part in FX 
animations and effects.

I will attach the prototype code to  I need to find it and 
make sure that it still compiles and works.  This week is M5 RDP2 and 
today is likely to be a write off for a number of reasons.

Please ping me in the JIRA if the code doesn't show up sometime this 
week.  The prototype is the basis of one possible implementation and 
needs some work.  There are other possible implementations and this is 
not the final word on the issue.


On 2014-06-23, 10:03 AM, Robert Krüger wrote:

Sorry, my last reply did not go to the list. That was unintended.

Oracle-Team, please someone comment on this, at least on what should
be done regarding a Jira Issue (or several ones?) to track any
progress on this and collect ideas & requirements.

Best regards,


On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Robert Krüger  wrote:

Thanks for the hint. I think this is similar to what a colleague of
mine did a while ago as a proof of concept using other com.sun.api
that then went away. As long as we're bundling the JRE with our
product and we're desperate enough to get it working, we might do
something like this but it's of course just a last resort. Lets hope
someone from Oracle says something.

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Scott Palmer  wrote:

That’s basically it. It isn’t perfect, but its so simple I don’t see why it 
can’t be done quickly.  We are already talking about using native code to 

That said, contains the field we want:

 // Native object handle (HWND, or NSWindow*, etc.)
 long ptr;

You could be evil and hack it now with reflection, but it relies on internal 
implementation details.

In my application I already create a native window for video preview… though 
not as a child of the FX window.  The problem is that there isn’t a 
straight-forward, reliable, supported way to get the window handle to use for 
the parent (JavaFX) window.  There are ways to hack it, but they aren’t pretty.


On Jun 13, 2014, at 7:55 AM, Robert Krüger  wrote:

Just for my understanding: Your approach would be to get the native
window handle for the hosting JFX stage, then leave an open space in
the layout for e.g. the player canvas that will be implemented
natively and then create a native child window that just reacts to
move and resize events of its native parent?

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Scott Palmer  wrote:

This is critical, but I don't think we need to focus on a specific technology 
like Direct3D or OpenGL. As a first step all we need is a mechanism to get a 
native reference to the Window. Just like we can with JAWT.  I'm guessing that 
JavaFX doesn't use heavyweight child windows so we could add a new child window 
that we manage with our own code and it would appear on top of the JavaFX 


On Jun 13, 2014, at 3:08 AM, Felix Bembrick  wrote:

I absolutely agree that such a feature is critical for the success and
longevity of JavaFX.  I am *really* hoping for some heavily beefed-up 3D
support in a JFX 8.* release or JFX 9.

I need my graphics toolkit (currently JavaFX) to be able to handle
everything from simple UIs with basic controls to complex 3D
visualisations, just like the underlying graphics API is capable of (i.e.
OpenGL or Direct3D).  I strongly suspect though that focusing on OpenGL
exclusively is the only viable way to go from a cost perspective which
would mean JavaFX supporting OpenGL on Windows.

On 13 June 2014 16:57, Robert Krüger  wrote:


it has been discussed a number of time in the passed but let me
quickly summarize:

A number of people have requested a feature that provides the ability
to have native code draw into a surface provided by a JavaFX
application as fast as technically possible, i.e. with no indirection
or copying because use cases for this were mostly cases where
performance was critical, e.g. HD/UHD video players, real-time
visualization etc. where losing even e few percent would make a
software written in JavaFX unable to compete with native products
(e.g. in the video area nobody will use a video player that is not
able to play the content smoothly that VLC player or Quicktime can on
the same machine). Some people already have libraries of native code
that they have built over the years and would like to reuse. I would
even go so far to say that our product will probably never be able to
move to JFX (apart from mixing it a bit with Swing, which we currently
see r

Re: Testing accessibility / sample apps

2014-06-20 Thread Stephen F Northover
You'll need to run under a Cygwin shell or paths will be wrong. Fingers 
crossed ...


On 2014-06-20, 5:12 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:


Well on windows it's always a bit more difficult i guess :-)
After setting up my build environment as described on the wiki i first tried
$ gradle tasks
This works as expected! When running
$ gradle sdk
or just gradle without any target i get the following error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'.

Could not call NativeCompileTask.compile() on task 

Is this a "known issue" and do you know what's going wrong here?
Should i post more "info" or "debug" output, too?


2014-06-20 21:58 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover :

Being non-Unix, Windows is always a pain.


On 2014-06-20, 3:42 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

I hope you have similar success with the Windows build.

-- Kevin

Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

The build instructions for linux where very good! I was able to build
the project without any problems.

Regards Jann

2014-06-20 19:27 GMT+02:00, Kevin Rushforth

To be clear, you will still use the 8u-dev repo at the existing URL:

It's just that after Monday the repo will "become" the place where 8u40
work is done.

Regarding the build, it is a bit painful to set up for Windows, but not
too bad as long as you don't need to build WebKit. We would be
interested in hearing whether the instructions on the Wiki are
sufficient for you to get the build working.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:

Ok, let us know how you get on with building FX.

NOTE: The accessibility code is not there in 8u20 so you will just be
ensuring that you can build on Windows (there is nothing there to
test).  The accessibility code will be going back into 8u40 on Monday
or Tuesday so you'll need to get that release at that time and build
it instead when it becomes available.  It's good to debug the build
process though because it can be painful building from source.


On 2014-06-20, 12:43 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

@Steven: thx for the links. I'll try to build the openjfx project on
the windows 7 notebook and test the sample apps with NVDA then.
Today i tried the latest ea of jdk1.8.0_20 and sample apps with nvda
14.2. Unfortunately i was not able to read anything except the window
I've just installed the jdk, changed my JAVA_HOME and tried to run
e.g. the ensemble.jar
$ java -jar ensemble.jar -Djavafx.accessible.force=true

Well i'll try it again by means of building javafx from source and
post my results back to the list.

Regards Jann!

2014-06-20 14:46 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover

Hello Jann!

As soon as the 8u40 repos open, the Accessibility code will be
put back
along with the recent fixes for JAWS.  Since OpenJFX (and the
JDK) does
not have nightly builds, unless you want to wait for an EA build of
or 9, you will need to get OpenJFX and build it.  This is really the
best way to work with the team anyway because you can get fixes
as they
are made.  EA builds take a while to come out and there is no
for running on the latest code base.

Unfortunately due to Microsoft, building OpenJFX is a bit harder on
Windows.  However, it is doable and the build instructions should be
complete.  If they are not (and if you hit any problems), please
back to this list.

Here are the build instructions:

Many committers use an IDE (you don't have to) and OpenJFX is
the three major IDE vendors:

Looking forward to working with you,

On 2014-06-19, 7:10 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:

Hi Jann,

Unfortunately Linux support is not in the plan for 8u40.

Windows 7 is supported and we have recently fixed JAWS support (see and
Unfortunately due to the 8u20 to 8u40 transition the code has not
released yet, but soon.

The majority of our testing was done using Narrator. That said,
I also
tested NVDA lastest version on Windows 8 and I didn’t see any major
On the Mac we tested with VoiceOver.


On Jun 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Jann Schneider

Hello all,

As a blind java developer i'm interessted in testing the
accessibility of
JavaFX and maybe help to find some issues.

I've just set up my build environment on my ubuntu 14.04 laptop
checked out the project files as described in the wiki. I could
also set
it up on a windows 7 with Jaws 15 and NVDa (don't know what the
version is) for comparison..

No i am wondering if there are some examples i could try?

Regards Jann

Re: Testing accessibility / sample apps

2014-06-20 Thread Stephen F Northover

Being non-Unix, Windows is always a pain.


On 2014-06-20, 3:42 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

I hope you have similar success with the Windows build.

-- Kevin

Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

The build instructions for linux where very good! I was able to build
the project without any problems.

Regards Jann

2014-06-20 19:27 GMT+02:00, Kevin Rushforth 

To be clear, you will still use the 8u-dev repo at the existing URL:

It's just that after Monday the repo will "become" the place where 8u40
work is done.

Regarding the build, it is a bit painful to set up for Windows, but not
too bad as long as you don't need to build WebKit. We would be
interested in hearing whether the instructions on the Wiki are
sufficient for you to get the build working.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:

Ok, let us know how you get on with building FX.

NOTE: The accessibility code is not there in 8u20 so you will just be
ensuring that you can build on Windows (there is nothing there to
test).  The accessibility code will be going back into 8u40 on Monday
or Tuesday so you'll need to get that release at that time and build
it instead when it becomes available.  It's good to debug the build
process though because it can be painful building from source.


On 2014-06-20, 12:43 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

@Steven: thx for the links. I'll try to build the openjfx project on
the windows 7 notebook and test the sample apps with NVDA then.
Today i tried the latest ea of jdk1.8.0_20 and sample apps with nvda
14.2. Unfortunately i was not able to read anything except the window
I've just installed the jdk, changed my JAVA_HOME and tried to run
e.g. the ensemble.jar
$ java -jar ensemble.jar -Djavafx.accessible.force=true

Well i'll try it again by means of building javafx from source and
post my results back to the list.

Regards Jann!

2014-06-20 14:46 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover

Hello Jann!

As soon as the 8u40 repos open, the Accessibility code will be 
put back
along with the recent fixes for JAWS.  Since OpenJFX (and the 
JDK) does

not have nightly builds, unless you want to wait for an EA build of
or 9, you will need to get OpenJFX and build it.  This is really the
best way to work with the team anyway because you can get fixes 
as they

are made.  EA builds take a while to come out and there is no
for running on the latest code base.

Unfortunately due to Microsoft, building OpenJFX is a bit harder on
Windows.  However, it is doable and the build instructions should be
complete.  If they are not (and if you hit any problems), please 

back to this list.

Here are the build instructions:

Many committers use an IDE (you don't have to) and OpenJFX is 

the three major IDE vendors:

Looking forward to working with you,

On 2014-06-19, 7:10 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:

Hi Jann,

Unfortunately Linux support is not in the plan for 8u40.

Windows 7 is supported and we have recently fixed JAWS support (see and
Unfortunately due to the 8u20 to 8u40 transition the code has not
released yet, but soon.

The majority of our testing was done using Narrator. That said, 
I also

tested NVDA lastest version on Windows 8 and I didn’t see any major
On the Mac we tested with VoiceOver.


On Jun 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Jann Schneider

Hello all,

As a blind java developer i'm interessted in testing the
accessibility of
JavaFX and maybe help to find some issues.

I've just set up my build environment on my ubuntu 14.04 laptop 

checked out the project files as described in the wiki. I could
also set
it up on a windows 7 with Jaws 15 and NVDa (don't know what the
version is) for comparison..

No i am wondering if there are some examples i could try?

Regards Jann

Re: Testing accessibility / sample apps

2014-06-20 Thread Stephen F Northover

Ok, let us know how you get on with building FX.

NOTE: The accessibility code is not there in 8u20 so you will just be 
ensuring that you can build on Windows (there is nothing there to 
test).  The accessibility code will be going back into 8u40 on Monday or 
Tuesday so you'll need to get that release at that time and build it 
instead when it becomes available.  It's good to debug the build process 
though because it can be painful building from source.


On 2014-06-20, 12:43 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:

Hi all,

@Steven: thx for the links. I'll try to build the openjfx project on
the windows 7 notebook and test the sample apps with NVDA then.
Today i tried the latest ea of jdk1.8.0_20 and sample apps with nvda
14.2. Unfortunately i was not able to read anything except the window
I've just installed the jdk, changed my JAVA_HOME and tried to run
e.g. the ensemble.jar
$ java -jar ensemble.jar -Djavafx.accessible.force=true

Well i'll try it again by means of building javafx from source and
post my results back to the list.

Regards Jann!

2014-06-20 14:46 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover :

Hello Jann!

As soon as the 8u40 repos open, the Accessibility code will be put back
along with the recent fixes for JAWS.  Since OpenJFX (and the JDK) does
not have nightly builds, unless you want to wait for an EA build of 8u40
or 9, you will need to get OpenJFX and build it.  This is really the
best way to work with the team anyway because you can get fixes as they
are made.  EA builds take a while to come out and there is no substitute
for running on the latest code base.

Unfortunately due to Microsoft, building OpenJFX is a bit harder on
Windows.  However, it is doable and the build instructions should be
complete.  If they are not (and if you hit any problems), please post
back to this list.

Here are the build instructions:

Many committers use an IDE (you don't have to) and OpenJFX is supports
the three major IDE vendors:

Looking forward to working with you,

On 2014-06-19, 7:10 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:

Hi Jann,

Unfortunately Linux support is not in the plan for 8u40.

Windows 7 is supported and we have recently fixed JAWS support (see and
Unfortunately due to the 8u20 to 8u40 transition the code has not being
released yet, but soon.

The majority of our testing was done using Narrator. That said, I also
tested NVDA lastest version on Windows 8 and I didn’t see any major
On the Mac we tested with VoiceOver.


On Jun 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Jann Schneider

Hello all,

As a blind java developer i'm interessted in testing the accessibility of
JavaFX and maybe help to find some issues.

I've just set up my build environment on my ubuntu 14.04 laptop and
checked out the project files as described in the wiki. I could also set
it up on a windows 7 with Jaws 15 and NVDa (don't know what the current
version is) for comparison..

No i am wondering if there are some examples i could try?

Regards Jann

Re: Dialogs in JavaFX

2014-06-20 Thread Stephen F Northover
This essentially matches my current thinking, however, I would have 
DialogBox as an abstract superclass of Alert.  Further, I would not have 
many different types of show() methods.

Want to take the discussion further in the JIRA?  That way, is will 
track everyone's thinking on the various issues.  The downside is that 
JIRA does not provide threaded conversations and it can be hard to follow.


On 2014-06-20, 9:41 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:

That is a great post. I think the big problem with dialogs in Swing was the 
permutations problem. There were four basic types of dialogs (Message, Confirm, 
Option, Input) with six different parameters (Title, Message, Icon, Content, 
MessageType, Options) - so JOptionPane ended up with a sea of static methods 
that were confusing to navigate.

I don't think you could go wrong with a simple DialogBox class like this (I 
love simple):

// Constructor
public DialogBox(String aTitle);

// Options
public String getTitle();
public void setTitle(String aTitle);
public String getMessage();
public void setMessage(String aMessage);
public MessageType getMessageType();
public void setMessageType(MessageType aMessageType);
public Node getContent();
public void setContent(Node aNode);
public Node getGraphic();
public void setGraphic(Node aNode);
public String[] getOptions();
public void setOptions(String ... theOptions);

// Convenience methods to set Message + MessageType
public void setErrorMessage(String aMessage);
public void setWarningMessage(String aMessage);
public void setQuestionMessage(String aMessage);

// Show methods
public void showMessageDialog(T aComp);
public boolean showConfirmDialog(T aComp);
public int showOptionDialog(T aComp, String aDefault);
public String showInputDialog(T aComp, String aDefault);

// Programatic dismissal
public void confirm();
public void cancel();

Then most common invocations would look something like this:

// Get user confirmation
DialogBox dbox = new DialogBox("Sanity Check");
dbox.setWarningMessage("Are you sure you want to do this? It could kill 
if(!dbox.showConfirmationDialog(focusedNode)) return;

Using instance methods instead of static methods gives opportunity to subclass 
and override various methods. And notice the Content attribute - for the 
standard case when no Content is provided, it is built programmatically based 
on the parameters (essentially just the message and either an Option combo, an 
input textfield or nothing).

I've been using this in my JavaFX app for a while and it is working great and 
makes porting from Swing easy. I even built it on a convenient FormBuilder 
class that makes building a simple stack of form controls easy, and can also be 
used for advanced DialogBoxes.

Jeff Martin

On Jun 20, 2014, at 7:05 AM, Stephen F Northover  

Great post Jonathan.  The summary is that whatever direction we take, we'll 
have a plan for the future.  So if we run out of time and provide only a very 
scaled back API, we'll have prototyped how it can evolve to handle more complex 


On 2014-06-20, 12:37 AM, Jonathan Giles wrote:

Hi all,

Dialogs are something everyone wants, and also something most people seem to 
have an opinion on! JavaFX 8u40 will have dialogs, but what form they take 
(API-wise) is not yet defined. I've posted a relatively long discussion on this 
over at FX Experience [1] and your feedback is highly welcome. As I note in the 
blog post, the Jira issue for this feature is RT-12643. If you have any 
thoughts, please do post them there (rather than spam the many good people 
subscribed to openjfx-dev).



Re: Testing accessibility / sample apps

2014-06-20 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hello Jann!

As soon as the 8u40 repos open, the Accessibility code will be put back 
along with the recent fixes for JAWS.  Since OpenJFX (and the JDK) does 
not have nightly builds, unless you want to wait for an EA build of 8u40 
or 9, you will need to get OpenJFX and build it.  This is really the 
best way to work with the team anyway because you can get fixes as they 
are made.  EA builds take a while to come out and there is no substitute 
for running on the latest code base.

Unfortunately due to Microsoft, building OpenJFX is a bit harder on 
Windows.  However, it is doable and the build instructions should be 
complete.  If they are not (and if you hit any problems), please post 
back to this list.

Here are the build instructions:

Many committers use an IDE (you don't have to) and OpenJFX is supports 
the three major IDE vendors:

Looking forward to working with you,

On 2014-06-19, 7:10 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:

Hi Jann,

Unfortunately Linux support is not in the plan for 8u40.

Windows 7 is supported and we have recently fixed JAWS support (see and
Unfortunately due to the 8u20 to 8u40 transition the code has not being 
released yet, but soon.

The majority of our testing was done using Narrator. That said, I also tested 
NVDA lastest version on Windows 8 and I didn’t see any major problems.
On the Mac we tested with VoiceOver.


On Jun 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Jann Schneider  

Hello all,

As a blind java developer i'm interessted in testing the accessibility of 
JavaFX and maybe help to find some issues.

I've just set up my build environment on my ubuntu 14.04 laptop and checked out 
the project files as described in the wiki. I could also set it up on a windows 
7 with Jaws 15 and NVDa (don't know what the current version is) for 

No i am wondering if there are some examples i could try?

Regards Jann

Re: Dialogs in JavaFX

2014-06-20 Thread Stephen F Northover
Great post Jonathan.  The summary is that whatever direction we take, 
we'll have a plan for the future.  So if we run out of time and provide 
only a very scaled back API, we'll have prototyped how it can evolve to 
handle more complex cases.


On 2014-06-20, 12:37 AM, Jonathan Giles wrote:

Hi all,

Dialogs are something everyone wants, and also something most people 
seem to have an opinion on! JavaFX 8u40 will have dialogs, but what 
form they take (API-wise) is not yet defined. I've posted a relatively 
long discussion on this over at FX Experience [1] and your feedback is 
highly welcome. As I note in the blog post, the Jira issue for this 
feature is RT-12643. If you have any thoughts, please do post them 
there (rather than spam the many good people subscribed to openjfx-dev).



Re: Large Image Export

2014-06-13 Thread Stephen F Northover

.. a rare instance of Kevin getting a release name wrong!


On 2014-06-13, 11:39 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

> could be moved into 8u20

I meant 8u40.

-- Kevin

Kevin Rushforth wrote:
This is RT-22073  
which is currently targeted for 9, but could be moved into 8u20 if 
there was enough demand to fix it. The (rather ugly) app-level 
workaround is to break the operation up into 4Kx4K tiles, and render 
the tiles in a loop specifying the appropriate viewport and 
translation via ShapshotParams.

-- Kevin

Danno Ferrin wrote:
While working on a fun project I discovered that the Image Export 
the size of the export textures, mostly depending on your graphics 

 Here's one example:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Requested texture dimensions (20581x245)
require dimensions (0x245) that exceed maximum texture size (16384)
at com.sun.prism.es2.ES2RTTexture.create(





at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(



This is on a mid-2012 Mac Book Air, and the MacGLConext looks to limit
dimensions to 2^14.

Is there anything I can do other than making sure my nodes don't get 
than 16K on one side?  I've tried setting a transform on the 
snapshot and

zooming it below 16k, but it still gets the same exception with he same


Re: Is JavaFX keyboard event handling too rigid?

2014-06-13 Thread Stephen F Northover
You should be able to use event filtering to get in the way of any event 
before it is delivered to the control.  If you provide some sample code 
for what you are trying to do, we can take a look at it and suggest a 
possible solution.


On 2014-06-13, 10:39 AM, Tomas Mikula wrote:

Hi Randahl,

I think the general advice is to avoid subclassing controls if
possible. You can create your custom control that embeds a text field
and filter events on your custom control so they never reach the
embedded text field.


On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Randahl Fink Isaksen

I have noticed that quite many developers are having trouble avoiding 
triggering of focus navigation occurring when a user presses the UP and DOWN 
arrow keys. From a number of different forum posts I have seen how people are 
jumping through hoops to avoid this.

I myself have the challenge, that I need to use the UP and DOWN keys for 
changing the selected autocompletion in a text field, and it seems that no 
matter how greedily I try to consume or filter out these KeyEvents, JavaFX 
still insists on moving the focus from one field to the next.

This got me thinking: Why is JavaFX keyboard event handling so rigid? If you 
implement a control which listens for keyboard events on itself and does some 
cool stuff, that is fine. But once you implement a subclass that wishes to 
replace some of that behaviour you are in trouble, because once the 
EventHandlers are registered, there is no public API to replace them.

Is this a conscious design decision? Is it something that I should file a 
feature request on, or have I overlooked a part of the API which could be used 


Re: VisibleBounds

2014-06-11 Thread Stephen F Northover

This seems like a good enhancement request.  Please enter a JIRA for it.


On 2014-06-11, 10:17 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:

Below is my poor man's getVisibleBounds. I'm using this so that my custom text 
pane only needs to add child nodes for lines of text that are visible - similar 
to how ListView and friends only add cell nodes for visible items. I hope I'm 
on the right track - I was surprised that my web search for getVisibleBounds() 
came up so empty. If nobody points out my idiocy, I'm going to put this in a 


  * Returns the visible bounds for a node based on ancestor clips (or null if 
no clipping found).
public static Bounds getVisibleBounds(Node aNode)
 // Get parent visible bounds (if set, convert to local)
 Bounds bounds = aNode.getParent()!=null? 
getVisibleBounds(aNode.getParent()) : null;
 if(bounds!=null) { if(!bounds.isEmpty()) bounds = 
aNode.parentToLocal(bounds); else return bounds; }
 // If node has clip, get clip local bounds (intersected with parent visible bounds if present)

 if(aNode.getClip()!=null) { Node clip = aNode.getClip(); Bounds cb = 
 bounds = bounds!=null? getIntersectingBounds(cb, bounds) : cb; }
 // Return node visible bounds

 return bounds;

  * Returns the intersection bounds of two bounds.
public static Bounds getIntersectingBounds(Bounds b1, Bounds b2)
 if(!b1.intersects(b2)) return new BoundingBox(0,0,-1,-1);
 double minx = Math.max(b1.getMinX(), b2.getMinX());
 double miny = Math.max(b1.getMinY(), b2.getMinY());
 double maxx = Math.min(b1.getMaxX(), b2.getMaxX());
 double maxy = Math.min(b1.getMaxY(), b2.getMaxY());
 return new BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx-minx, maxy-miny);

On Jun 10, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Jeff Martin  wrote:

What is the JFX equivalent of JComponent.getVisibleRect() - and is there a way 
to get a notification when it changes?


Re: [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples

2014-06-10 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Kevin,

Please review the lambdification of the rt-tests component. You are 
welcome to apply the patch, but there are numerous changes and they are 
all automatic. If you have outstanding changes, please commit them and I 
will lambdify once more.

Webrev: See patch is in the JIRA


[8u20] Review request: [FXCanvas, JFXPanel] NPE in Browser while pressing back/forward buttons from mouse

2014-06-09 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Antony, Felipe,

Please review:


Re: FXMLLoader checking code conventions too much?

2014-06-05 Thread Stephen F Northover

Guillaume, if you feel strongly about this, please file a JIRA. Thanks!


On 2014-06-05, 4:29 PM, Martin Sladecek wrote:

Maybe some special tags can solve the problem, like


They could be used in cases where the class name violates the 
restrictions we have for property/object tags. FXML version and SB 
will have to be update though, which means such fxml will not be 
compatible with older versions. This is definitely something we should 
do only on major release (9).


On 5.6.2014 22:21, Stephen F Northover wrote:
Seems like we can't/shouldn't fix this. We can at least make sure it 
is documented.


On 2014-06-05, 4:19 PM, Martin Sladecek wrote:
Currently, we use case to distinguish between newly created objects 
(upper-case class name) and properties (lower-case). Otherwise, it 
would not be clear when there's e.g. a text property and text class 
if we should set a property called text or create new text object 
and try to assign it to the default property. The same problem with 
static setters.
Is "hello.text.text" a fully qualified name of text class in or 
"text" static setter of a hello.text class?

I guess we could define some order in which we would try out this 
options in the current context, but SB will have a problem since 
they use static mode which can be used without having the classes on 
the cp.


On 5.6.2014 20:57, Stephen F Northover wrote:

I see no reason why we should enforce this.  Martin, any idea?


On 2014-06-05, 12:05 PM, Guillaume Anctil wrote:


on a project I work on, the code convention does not follow the Java
standard and class names start with a lower case 'c': 

In the  parsing of the FXMLLoader, the loadType 
function looks

like this:

int i = name.indexOf('.');
int n = name.length();
while (i != -1
 && i < n
 && Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(i + 1))) {
 i = name.indexOf('.', i + 1);

if (i == -1 || i == n) {
 throw new ClassNotFoundException();

String packageName = name.substring(0, i);
String className = name.substring(i + 1);

This causes a ClassNotFoundException on our custom controls 
because of the

lowercase check.

I was wondering if a simple:

int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');

Instead of the lowercase check could be viable. The 
would still be thrown later on, when trying to actually load the 

Is there a reason that I don't see why the convention _must_ be 
upheld in

this case?


Re: FXMLLoader checking code conventions too much?

2014-06-05 Thread Stephen F Northover
Seems like we can't/shouldn't fix this.  We can at least make sure it is 


On 2014-06-05, 4:19 PM, Martin Sladecek wrote:
Currently, we use case to distinguish between newly created objects 
(upper-case class name) and properties (lower-case). Otherwise, it 
would not be clear when there's e.g. a text property and text class if 
we should set a property called text or create new text object and try 
to assign it to the default property. The same problem with static 
Is "hello.text.text" a fully qualified name of text class in or "text" 
static setter of a hello.text class?

I guess we could define some order in which we would try out this 
options in the current context, but SB will have a problem since they 
use static mode which can be used without having the classes on the cp.


On 5.6.2014 20:57, Stephen F Northover wrote:

I see no reason why we should enforce this.  Martin, any idea?


On 2014-06-05, 12:05 PM, Guillaume Anctil wrote:


on a project I work on, the code convention does not follow the Java
standard and class names start with a lower case 'c': ""

In the  parsing of the FXMLLoader, the loadType function 

like this:

int i = name.indexOf('.');
int n = name.length();
while (i != -1
 && i < n
 && Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(i + 1))) {
 i = name.indexOf('.', i + 1);

if (i == -1 || i == n) {
 throw new ClassNotFoundException();

String packageName = name.substring(0, i);
String className = name.substring(i + 1);

This causes a ClassNotFoundException on our custom controls because 
of the

lowercase check.

I was wondering if a simple:

int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');

Instead of the lowercase check could be viable. The 

would still be thrown later on, when trying to actually load the class.

Is there a reason that I don't see why the convention _must_ be 
upheld in

this case?


Re: FXMLLoader checking code conventions too much?

2014-06-05 Thread Stephen F Northover

I see no reason why we should enforce this.  Martin, any idea?


On 2014-06-05, 12:05 PM, Guillaume Anctil wrote:


on a project I work on, the code convention does not follow the Java
standard and class names start with a lower case 'c': ""

In the  parsing of the FXMLLoader, the loadType function looks
like this:

int i = name.indexOf('.');
int n = name.length();
while (i != -1
 && i < n
 && Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(i + 1))) {
 i = name.indexOf('.', i + 1);

if (i == -1 || i == n) {
 throw new ClassNotFoundException();

String packageName = name.substring(0, i);
String className = name.substring(i + 1);

This causes a ClassNotFoundException on our custom controls because of the
lowercase check.

I was wondering if a simple:

int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');

Instead of the lowercase check could be viable. The ClassNotFoundException
would still be thrown later on, when trying to actually load the class.

Is there a reason that I don't see why the convention _must_ be upheld in
this case?


Re: [API REVIEW REQUEST] RT-5747: Spinner control

2014-06-04 Thread Stephen F Northover
Thanks Jonathan!  Although the JIRA is long winded, at least it captures 
all the thinking in one place.


On 2014-06-03, 6:07 PM, Jonathan Giles wrote:

Hi all,

A Spinner control is in the planning stages for JavaFX 8u40, and so 
when my 8u20 backlog has got down (or near to) zero recently, I've 
been prototyping one possible implementation of the Spinner. I'm now 
at the stage where I would appreciate more eyes on the API, so I have 
published the JavaDoc as a zip file attachment to the jira issue [1] - 
see Additionally, a relatively recent 
implementation is also available - download - but note 
that the visuals, whilst passable, are not in their final form in any 

I'm aware that RT-5747 has become relatively long winded, but I would 
like to draw attention to my most recent comment [2], where I'm 
specifically pointing out areas that need more discussion. As always I 
have an opinion on these issues, but I'm keen to hear yours.

Also, for those of you that look at the API, you may be interested to 
note the stepping away from using a List for the backing model. I have 
some more early discussion on this decision at [3], but you probably 
want to read through the rest of the comments to fully understand! 
Suffice to say, nothing is set in stone - this is still in the 
prototype stage (although rather far along).

If people could post their thoughts to the Jira issue, rather than as 
a response to this email, that would be appreciated.


-- Jonathan

Re: Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?

2014-06-02 Thread Stephen F Northover
Does running with the software pipeline fix the problem as suggested in ?


On 2014-06-02, 11:10 AM, Werner Lehmann wrote:
We also experienced laggy animation with a "stage slide out/down" 
animation. The animation would change stage size and it appeared to 
have only 2 or 3 frames. Workaround was to use a different animation 
style: keep stage size but move it 20 px down while changing opacity 
from low to full, both animated. Maybe this is an option for you, too.


On 02.06.2014 16:20, Guillaume Anctil wrote:
Does anyone know what is at play here, what underlying system creates 

lag and how to avoid this?

Re: Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?

2014-06-02 Thread Stephen F Northover
I suggest you add yourself to the bug.  At this time, we are not sure 
what is causing it.  It could be graphics or event queue related as 
there is evidence that changing either solves the problem.


On 2014-06-02, 10:51 AM, Guillaume Anctil wrote:

Yes. -Dprism.order=sw does fix the issue. Looking at that bug's sample code
and how to reproduce, it looks very similar.

Thank you. I'll run it in software mode for now and see how bad it affects
performance. I can always apply a hacky workaround of stopping animations
when I detect a resize and restarting them once the resize is done.

So I guess this is on your radar, and it is being looked into?

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Anthony Petrov 

You may be hitting this bug:

Please try running with -Dprism.order=sw and see if this changes anything.

best regards,

On 6/2/2014 6:20 PM, Guillaume Anctil wrote:


I have encountered severe lag in my application when resizing the stage
while an animation is running.

I've made this very simple example code to reproduce the issue:

This is only a tread that acquires a semaphore, prints the
System.nanotime() delta and releases the semaphore. There's a button on
stage that can clicked on to start a fade animation and stop it.

Resizing the stage while it is animating will create huge deltas in the
thread. Stopping the animation brings everything back to normal.
the animation once resized and stopped does not create the huge deltas
until you resize again.

Does anyone know what is at play here, what underlying system creates the
lag and how to avoid this?


Re: Gradle Scripts

2014-05-27 Thread Stephen F Northover
BUILD_NATIVES was never implemented so I deleted mention of it from the 
wiki.  I have also updated the Mac section to include 
MACOSX_MIN_VERSION.  I could have swore this information was there but 
apparently not.


On 2014-05-27, 12:22 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

My build woes continued a bit...
I tweaked build.gradle such that the buildnum.min was 5.
Then the build failed trying to build :fxpackager:compileLauncher

Coud not call NativeCompileTask.compile() on task ':fxpackager:compileLauncher'

I belive this is native code?  The wiki says that native code doesnt'
normally build unless you use -PBUILD_NATIVES=true
I imagine this is true for the FX runtime DLLs and was just overlooked
for the launcher.

The root cause seems to be that I am missing the OS X 10.7 SDK:

clang: warning: no such sysroot directory:

But I do have later versions for 10.8 and 10.9.

Tweaking buildSrc/mac.gradle so MACOSX_MIN_VERSION is 10.8 allowed me
to finally complete a successful build! - I think I haven't tested
anything yet.. but at least gradle stopped complaining.



On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Scott Palmer  wrote:

I know the wiki says only Gradle 1.8 is "guaranteed to work" so I have to ask:
Why not use the Gradle Wrapper to force use of 1.8?

Well, I tried tweaking the build scripts to use it myself, running on
OS X and found that the scripts appear to be badly broken anyway and
they can't even be parsed with later Gradle versions so you can't even
run the wrapper task:

The error is:

Could not find method 'defineProperty() for arguments
[MACOSX_MIN_VERSION, 10.7] on root project .

Sure enough the defineProperty method is being called from a different
.gradle file than the one in which it is defined, so it is out of
scope.  I corrected this locally by changing it to a closure and
assigning it to project.ext.defineProperty.  Then I added:

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
   gradleVersion = 1.8'

and was able to get the gradlew script created by running:

gradle wrapper

So then I tried to build with Gradle 1.8 by running:


Then I hit :verifyJava complaining that the build number (13) was too
low (< 115)... but I'm building the 8u5 code with the 8u5 release...
that seems like a combination that should work.

I think everyone (myself included) would be more inclined to help with
patches if it wasn't such a pain to build.  I appreciate that prior to
the use of Gradle this was likely much worse.  Gradle is a great build
system and should be able to make this an even simpler process.

On Windows for what I assume are historical reasons, Cygwin is
expected.  I'm only trying to build the Java side of things.. not the
native DLLs and I don't see Cygwin doing anything of value in the
build scripts for that case.  It's mangling paths that don't need to
be mangle for example.

I think the build scripts could be cleaned up to provide a much
smoother build experience for those outside of Oracle.

No doubt you guys simply don't have the cycles to burn on fixing build
scripts that are currently working for you.. but I suspect it will pay
off in the long run.  The current version of Gradle, 1.12, is the last
1.x Gradle release before the 2.x versions appear.  It may make sense
to achieve compatibility with it.  Gradle 2.x is expected to break
things, but once things are working with 1.12, then you can work on
getting rid of the warnings and you will be in a much better position.



Re: Layout regression

2014-05-23 Thread Stephen F Northover
Application code only runs on the app thread.  Setting the uncaught 
exception handler should work for you.


On 2014-05-23 8:33 AM, wrote:

How can we be notified of exceptions like these programmatically?

When my code is on the call stack, I can catch the exception

In this stack trace, only JavaFX code is there, but I still want to know
that something bad happened.

For the case of the JavaFX Application Thread, I guess I could do a
Platform.runLater & in that code call

 Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(myHandler)  //
ugh! Do I need to save away the previous one & chain to it?

Is that the best way for this thread?

What about JavaFX's other threads? Does application code ever run on those

How can I know that something went wrong on those threads? Even if my code
never runs there, I still want an automated way to know if something went



From:   Scott Palmer 
To: "" ,
Date:   05/22/2014 03:56 PM
Subject:Re: Layout regression
Sent by:"openjfx-dev" 

This appears to be a bug introduced in JavaFX 8
I have filed and will
work on a test case.


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Scott Palmer  wrote:

I'm investigating an issue with my application where things are
working fine running with JavaFX 2.2 on 7u55, but I have a particular
case where 8u5 is throwing the following exception during layout:

Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread"


at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computeMinHeights(
at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computeMinHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.minHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.minHeight(


at javafx.scene.layout.Region.getMaxAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeMaxMinAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.StackPane.computeMinHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.minHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.minHeight(


at javafx.scene.layout.Region.getMaxAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.StackPane.computePrefHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.prefHeight(

at javafx.scene.control.Control.computePrefHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.prefHeight(


at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computePrefHeights(
at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computePrefHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.prefHeight(


at javafx.scene.control.Control.layoutChildren(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Scene.doLayoutPass(
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
at Method)




at Method)


Re: Planning for M5: June 23, 2014 [RDP2]

2014-05-23 Thread Stephen F Northover
P45 bugs can simply be retargeted.  The rest must go through the 
"intergalactic" process which I will not describe here.

Essentially, Darth Vader is the release engineer and you need to 
apologize to him in person ...


On 2014-05-23 1:47 PM, Lisa Selle wrote:
Steve can you clarify the process for various stages for retargeting 
bugs to a later release?

On 5/23/2014 1:15 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi all,

The next milestone M5, June 23, 2014 [RDP2], is an important one. 
Essentially, we are shipping FX for 8u20 after this.  There is a week 
before the final FX ZBB date which is July 1, 2014, but we should not 
be touching any code during this week.  After July 1 ZBB, we are 
stopping all development on FX 8u20 and starting on 8u40.

Here is the plan for M5:

May 26-30: Fix P123, fix or move P45 to 8u40
June 2-5: Fix P123, zero P45 targeted to 8u20
June 9-13: Fix P123, defer bugs that won't make it
June 16-20: Code freeze, ramp down rules, fix doc bugs

During the week June 16-20, the usual milestone rules will be in 
effect and we are likely to be quite ruthless about any code 
changes.  We will likely only accept fixes for P12 critical bugs / 

Thanks to everyone for their hard work,

Steve and Kevin

Planning for M5: June 23, 2014 [RDP2]

2014-05-23 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi all,

The next milestone M5, June 23, 2014 [RDP2], is an important one. 
Essentially, we are shipping FX for 8u20 after this.  There is a week 
before the final FX ZBB date which is July 1, 2014, but we should not be 
touching any code during this week.  After July 1 ZBB, we are stopping 
all development on FX 8u20 and starting on 8u40.

Here is the plan for M5:

May 26-30: Fix P123, fix or move P45 to 8u40
June 2-5: Fix P123, zero P45 targeted to 8u20
June 9-13: Fix P123, defer bugs that won't make it
June 16-20: Code freeze, ramp down rules, fix doc bugs

During the week June 16-20, the usual milestone rules will be in effect 
and we are likely to be quite ruthless about any code changes.  We will 
likely only accept fixes for P12 critical bugs / regressions.

Thanks to everyone for their hard work,

Steve and Kevin

Re: Layout regression

2014-05-22 Thread Stephen F Northover
Thanks Scott.  It maybe that if you can't isolate a case, you can build 
FX from source (easy on Mac or Linux) and add some prints and debugging 
code.  See you in the JIRA!


On 2014-05-22 3:55 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

This appears to be a bug introduced in JavaFX 8
I have filed and will
work on a test case.


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Scott Palmer  wrote:

I'm investigating an issue with my application where things are
working fine running with JavaFX 2.2 on 7u55, but I have a particular
case where 8u5 is throwing the following exception during layout:

Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computeMinHeights(
at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computeMinHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.minHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.minHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeChildMinAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.getMaxAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeMaxMinAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.StackPane.computeMinHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.minHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.minHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeChildPrefAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.getMaxAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.StackPane.computePrefHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.control.Control.computePrefHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.computeChildPrefAreaHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computePrefHeights(
at javafx.scene.layout.GridPane.computePrefHeight(
at javafx.scene.Parent.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.layout.Region.prefHeight(
at javafx.scene.control.Control.layoutChildren(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
at javafx.scene.Scene.doLayoutPass(
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
at Method)
at Method)

As you can see, it's all JavaFX code on the stack, so this is a little
tricky to debug.  As such I'm not sure yet if this is a JavaFX bug
introduced with 8.0 or an application bug that was masked in JavaFX
2.2 and is now showing up in JavaFX 8.

This happens when the managed/visible state of children changes.. but
I think it only for the case when all the children become unmanaged.

Once it happens JavaFX is crippled and pretty much all layout is
broken.  Popups (menus) still work and I can exit the application, but
all layout in the main window seems to not happen anymore.  Manual
positioning of nodes still works though.

I'll try to isolate a reproducible test case and file a bug report of course.


Re: [8u] Review request: (RT-37168) Mention if a property is configurable via CSS in the javadocs.

2014-05-22 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi David,

I didn't see a problem with this.  Is there a downside to adding 
arbitrary tags to JavaDoc?


On 2014-05-22 3:23 PM, David Grieve wrote:

Steve, Kevin,

I'm looking for your ok on a change to rt/build.gradle that will allow 
me to add @css tags in javadoc. The diff is in the bug. This isn't the 
fix for the bug, but if you don't want to allow the tag option, then I 
need to approach this bug in a different way.

Re: Should TreeItem have a Text property?

2014-05-21 Thread Stephen F Northover

This sounds reasonable to me.  Please enter a JIRA for it.


On 2014-05-21 2:52 PM, Jeff Martin wrote:

I'm working with TreeView today and it seems like it would be convenient if 
TreeItem had a Text property in addition to it's Graphic property. This would 
seem to solve the most common need for a custom TreeCell factory.

Since most trees basically show a tree of labels, it would seem to make as much 
sense as the Graphic property.

It might have been sufficient if the default rendering used TreeItem.toString() 
instead of TreeItem.getValue().toString(), although this would miss the free 
updating you could get by resetting a TreeItem.Text property dynamically.


CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Yves Joan

2014-05-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

I hereby nominate Yves Joan to be an OpenJFX Committer.

Yves Joan is a significant contributor of the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 
product, and is the designated owner of the Library Panel, Document 
Panel and product packaging. Yves has been working on SB since its 
inception 4 years ago, and during last year has been responsible for 
approximately 960 commits to the SB 2.0 repository that we are 
converting to Open Source.

Yves is part of the team that has collectively done the Scene Builder 
2.0 product, which is a complete re-implementation of the code base, 
over a period of roughly 12 months. The new code base is more than 
70,000 lines of code, spread over approximately 4000 commits.
Scene Builder 2.0 is in the process of being converted to the OpenJFX 
repository, and will be maintained out of that repository after the 

Votes are due by May 29, 2014.

Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing 

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
Committer is described in [3].




CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Sandra Lions-Piron

2014-05-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

I hereby nominate Sandra Lions-Piron to be an OpenJFX Committer.

Sandra Lions-Piron is a significant contributor of the JavaFX Scene 
Builder 2.0 product, and is the designated owner of the Hierarchy Panel 
as well as all menu commands. Sandra has been working on SB since its 
inception 4 years ago, and during last year has been responsible for 
approximately 750 commits to the SB 2.0 repository that we are 
converting to Open Source.

Sandra is part of the team that has collectively done the Scene Builder 
2.0 product, which is a complete re-implementation of the code base, 
over a period of roughly 12 months. The new code base is more than 
70,000 lines of code, spread over approximately 4000 commits.
Scene Builder 2.0 is in the process of being converted to the OpenJFX 
repository, and will be maintained out of that repository after the 

Votes are due by May 29, 2014.

Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing 

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
Committer is described in [3].




CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Mo Chicharro

2014-05-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

I hereby nominate Mo Chicharro to be an OpenJFX Committer.

Mo Chicharro is a significant contributor of the JavaFX Scene Builder 
2.0 product, and, as the visual and interaction designer, he is the 
designated owner of all FXML and CSS content. Mo has been working on SB 
since its inception 4 years ago, and during last year has been 
responsible for approximately 160 commits to the SB 2.0 repository that 
we are converting to Open Source.

Mo is part of the team that has collectively done the Scene Builder 2.0 
product, which is a complete re-implementation of the code base, over a 
period of roughly 12 months. The new code base is more than 70,000 lines 
of code, spread over approximately 4000 commits.
Scene Builder 2.0 is in the process of being converted to the OpenJFX 
repository, and will be maintained out of that repository after the 

Votes are due by May 29, 2014.

Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing 

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
Committer is described in [3].




CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Jerome Cambon

2014-05-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

I hereby nominate Jerome Cambon to be an OpenJFX Committer.

Jerome Cambon is a significant contributor of the JavaFX Scene Builder 
2.0 product, and is the designated owner of the Inspector Panel as well 
as the CSS Panel. Jerome has been working on SB for more than 3 years, 
and during last year has been responsible for approximately 500 commits 
to the SB 2.0 repository that we are converting to Open Source.

Jerome is part of the team that has collectively done the Scene Builder 
2.0 product, which is a complete re-implementation of the code base, 
over a period of roughly 12 months. The new code base is more than 
70,000 lines of code, spread over approximately 4000 commits.
Scene Builder 2.0 is in the process of being converted to the OpenJFX 
repository, and will be maintained out of that repository after the 

Votes are due by May 29, 2014.

Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
Committer is described in [3].




CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Eric Le Ponner

2014-05-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

I hereby nominate Eric Le Ponner to be an OpenJFX Committer.

Eric Le Ponner is a significant contributor of the JavaFX Scene Builder 
2.0 product, and is the architect of the SB Kit API as well as the 
designated owner of the Content Panel.  Eric has been working on SB for 
more than 3 years, and during last year has been responsible for 
approximately 1620 commits to the internal SB 2.0 repository that we are 
converting to Open Source.

Eric is part of the team that has collectively done the Scene Builder 
2.0 product, which is a complete re-implementation of the code base, 
over a period of roughly 12 months. The new code base is more than 
70,000 lines of code, spread over approximately 4000 commits.
Scene Builder 2.0 is in the process of being converted to the OpenJFX 
repository, and will be maintained out of that repository after the 

Votes are due by May 29, 2014.

Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing 

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
Committer is described in [3].




Re: Embedding JavaFX in SWT on Linux (Gtk3)

2014-05-14 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Tom,

There is no plan to move to gtk3 at this point.  If we move to gtk3, FX 
will no longer be compatible with AWT/Swing which uses GTK2.  The 
monocle port uses only X11 and this could be investigated, however, 
things like Drag and Drop are unlikely to work.

I'll add all this information including Webkit use of GTK to RT-35264.


On 2014-05-14 8:54 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:


Starting with Eclipse Luna (released in end of June) the default mode of
SWT on Linux is to make use of Gtk3.

As far as I understand the situation Glass on Linux is linked against
Gtk2 so JavaFX components that need glass (=fairly everything beside
javafx-properties) will fail to load - in fact i got reports that the
JVM crashes.

IIRC i read that monocole has a port that directly uses X11 would it be
a work-around to run with this port when running in swt-embedding?

Am I right that the webkit binaries are also linked against gtk2 or do I
remember this wrong?


Re: gradle

2014-05-08 Thread Stephen F Northover
This is great news.  I would go with what you have (the unjaring) for 
now of course.

Are there any changes you are waiting on in OpenJFX?


On 2014-05-08 12:31 PM, Johan Vos wrote:


We're getting closer to building the JavaFX Android runtime in OpenJFX.
I'm trying to automate all steps in the gradle build files, but my
knowledge is still very limited.
My current bottleneck: I would like to apply retrolambda to all class files
once they are compiled (per module). In my JavaFX Android application, this
is easily done by following the instructions for the retrolambda-gradle
plugin at I just add apply
plugin: 'retrolambda' and automatically all my class files are converted
from Java 8 to Java 7, with lambda's being replaced.
For some reason, this doesn't work out of the box on the OpenJFX build --
maybe because it's a multiproject, or maybe because the jfxrt.jar is not
created with the jar command?

I currently do the following: unjar the jfxrt.jar after everything is
built, apply retrolambda on the class files, and repackage everything.
Clearly, this is a much dirtier than applying the retrolambda step after
compilation of the class files in each module.

Is there someone with sufficient gradle knowledge who can help here?

I've watched a number of gradle tutorials, and while I'm more pleased with
gradle than with maven, the only thing that disturbs me is that
gradle-professionals claim that "gradle is extremely easy". Build tools are
NEVER easy for developers :) Some are just a bit easier than others.


- Johan

Re: (In)Sanity testing

2014-05-06 Thread Stephen F Northover

Please request in the JIRA or ping on Skype.


On 2014-05-06 9:46 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

Unit test changes do not need an extra +1. From the Wiki:

   Changes that do not affect the "bits that we ship" do not require 
approval. ...

-- Kevin

David Grieve wrote:

Unit test only changes, too?

On 5/5/14, 11:07 AM, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Hi all,

Note also that this is M4 Milestone week which means no post-commit 
reviews and extra +1 controls required to release code.  The main 
point is that one of Kevin, Daniel, Jasper, Lisa or David H must be 
aware what code is going in and why.


On 2014-05-02 8:45 PM, Lisa Selle wrote:

Reminder to check out the matrix at

 for your insanity testing assignment for this week (assignments 
have changed for this week).  Testing should take 1 hour or less. 
If your assignment takes longer, stop after an hour and continue 
where you left off the following week.

Also, please review the weekly code freeze and push rules

Happy testing!


Testing, Testing, 123 - Accessibility for JavaFX

2014-05-05 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi all,

We have made good progress recently on Accessibility for JavaFX and have 
working implementation for Windows 8 (UIA) and OS X 10.9.  All of the 
built-in controls have been enabled.  You can find information about the 
work and how to enable the support here: 
(this link is background information on the work) (this 
link is for developers but describes some flags)

We have tested informally under VoiceOver and Narrator but nothing else 
(ie. for example, we have no run proprietary AT's such as JAWS).

We're looking for folks to help test the code and enter bug reports.  
The work is not targeted for 8u20 and will be removed before we ship 
because it is not ready for that release.  However, it is ready to be 
tested right now and will be spending the next couple of weeks seeing 
where we are.

Remember to set -Djavafx.accessible=true when testing.  Currently only 
Windows 8 and Mac OSX 10.9 are allowed to enable accessibility.  We hope 
to support Windows 7 and Mac OSX 10.8 as well, however these are 
disabled.  Using -Djavafx.accessible.force=true will force accessibility 
on these systems.

You can help!  Especially valuable is input from folks who use screen 
readers as part of their normal day.  Try one of the standard examples 
such as Modena or Ensemble and see how far you get.  There are problems 
for sure, but many things work.


Re: (In)Sanity testing

2014-05-05 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi all,

Note also that this is M4 Milestone week which means no post-commit 
reviews and extra +1 controls required to release code.  The main point 
is that one of Kevin, Daniel, Jasper, Lisa or David H must be aware what 
code is going in and why.


On 2014-05-02 8:45 PM, Lisa Selle wrote:

Reminder to check out the matrix at

 for your insanity testing assignment for this week (assignments have 
changed for this week).  Testing should take 1 hour or less. If your 
assignment takes longer, stop after an hour and continue where you 
left off the following week.

Also, please review the weekly code freeze and push rules

Happy testing!


Re: Setup IDE for development instructions

2014-04-28 Thread Stephen F Northover

I fixed the wiki to warn Eclipse users not to do this.


On 2014-04-28 4:55 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:
Thanks Tom.  Felipe ran into this way back when.  Initially, the repo 
was in the workspace, but having outside allows is how most people 
develop and so I moved it out.


On 2014-04-28 4:45 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:


Just to finish this. The real problem with is that I've clone the
hg-repo directly to my workspace-folder (which is the default in the
Eclipse-hg-plugin) which is causing all the troubles!

Once I move the clone next to the workspace-folder things started to
operate the way they should.


On 24.04.14 23:58, Stephen F Northover wrote:

H . I can't look at this now but will look at it tomorrow. I am

Eclipse SDK

Version: 4.3.2
Build id: M20140221-1700

I will get the latest and greatest from the Eclipse download page and
follow the steps.

Eclipse has this funky optional classpath syntax.  Is this burning us?


Anyhow, tomorrow!


On 2014-04-24 5:51 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

The default task in build.gradle is sdk so "gradle" and "gradle sdk"
are equivalent.

-- Kevin

Tom Schindl wrote:


I once built with "gradle sdk" maybe that was wrong?


On 24.04.14 23:37, Stephen F Northover wrote:
Did you build once outside the IDE? Type "gradle" in the rt 


On 2014-04-24 5:28 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

More stuff that does not work.

If you import the projects you have build-path errors because 

folders are missing in:
* base:
- src/main/resources
- src/test/resources
* builders
- src/main/resources
- src/test/resources
* designTime
- src/main/resources
* fxml
- src/main/resources
* media
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources
* swing
- src/main/resources
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources
* swt
- src/main/resources
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources
* web
- src/main/native/WebKitBuild/Release/WebCore/generated/java

Libraries are not found in buildSrc:

It looks like you are using relative-paths but at least my eclipse
not like that but e.g. wants to detect them as
rt/build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar and not ../build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar

* graphics to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the

* swt to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the library

* scenebuilder needs to reference all projects but not rt-project


On 24.04.14 22:29, Tom Schindl wrote:


I try to follow the guide at to
setup my
Eclipse workspace but the description how to preconfigure the JDK
is a

The ambiguous information is the "cd " which could 
me (I

take my OS-X install as the reference)
* cd

* cd

BTW for Eclipse there's no an easier way to get Java8 support 
you can

grab a prebuilt distro from


Re: Setup IDE for development instructions

2014-04-28 Thread Stephen F Northover
Thanks Tom.  Felipe ran into this way back when.  Initially, the repo 
was in the workspace, but having outside allows is how most people 
develop and so I moved it out.


On 2014-04-28 4:45 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:


Just to finish this. The real problem with is that I've clone the
hg-repo directly to my workspace-folder (which is the default in the
Eclipse-hg-plugin) which is causing all the troubles!

Once I move the clone next to the workspace-folder things started to
operate the way they should.


On 24.04.14 23:58, Stephen F Northover wrote:

H . I can't look at this now but will look at it tomorrow. I am

Eclipse SDK

Version: 4.3.2
Build id: M20140221-1700

I will get the latest and greatest from the Eclipse download page and
follow the steps.

Eclipse has this funky optional classpath syntax.  Is this burning us?


Anyhow, tomorrow!


On 2014-04-24 5:51 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

The default task in build.gradle is sdk so "gradle" and "gradle sdk"
are equivalent.

-- Kevin

Tom Schindl wrote:


I once built with "gradle sdk" maybe that was wrong?


On 24.04.14 23:37, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Did you build once outside the IDE? Type "gradle" in the rt directory.


On 2014-04-24 5:28 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

More stuff that does not work.

If you import the projects you have build-path errors because source
folders are missing in:
* base:
- src/main/resources
- src/test/resources
* builders
- src/main/resources
- src/test/resources
* designTime
- src/main/resources
* fxml
- src/main/resources
* media
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources
* swing
- src/main/resources
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources
* swt
- src/main/resources
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources
* web
- src/main/native/WebKitBuild/Release/WebCore/generated/java

Libraries are not found in buildSrc:

It looks like you are using relative-paths but at least my eclipse
not like that but e.g. wants to detect them as
rt/build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar and not ../build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar

* graphics to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the

* swt to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the library

* scenebuilder needs to reference all projects but not rt-project


On 24.04.14 22:29, Tom Schindl wrote:


I try to follow the guide at to
setup my
Eclipse workspace but the description how to preconfigure the JDK
is a

The ambiguous information is the "cd " which could me (I
take my OS-X install as the reference)
* cd

* cd

BTW for Eclipse there's no an easier way to get Java8 support you can
grab a prebuilt distro from


Re: Setup IDE for development instructions

2014-04-24 Thread Stephen F Northover
H . I can't look at this now but will look at it tomorrow. I am 

Eclipse SDK

Version: 4.3.2
Build id: M20140221-1700

I will get the latest and greatest from the Eclipse download page and 
follow the steps.

Eclipse has this funky optional classpath syntax.  Is this burning us?



Anyhow, tomorrow!


On 2014-04-24 5:51 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
The default task in build.gradle is sdk so "gradle" and "gradle sdk" 
are equivalent.

-- Kevin

Tom Schindl wrote:


I once built with "gradle sdk" maybe that was wrong?


On 24.04.14 23:37, Stephen F Northover wrote:

Did you build once outside the IDE? Type "gradle" in the rt directory.


On 2014-04-24 5:28 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

More stuff that does not work.

If you import the projects you have build-path errors because source
folders are missing in:
* base:
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/resources
* builders
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/resources
* designTime
   - src/main/resources
* fxml
   - src/main/resources
* media
   - src/test/java
   - src/test/resources
* swing
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/java
   - src/test/resources
* swt
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/java
   - src/test/resources
* web
   - src/main/native/WebKitBuild/Release/WebCore/generated/java

Libraries are not found in buildSrc:

It looks like you are using relative-paths but at least my eclipse 

not like that but e.g. wants to detect them as
rt/build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar and not ../build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar

* graphics to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the 


* swt to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the library 

* scenebuilder needs to reference all projects but not rt-project


On 24.04.14 22:29, Tom Schindl wrote:


I try to follow the guide at to 
setup my
Eclipse workspace but the description how to preconfigure the JDK 
is a


The ambiguous information is the "cd " which could me (I
take my OS-X install as the reference)
* cd

* cd

BTW for Eclipse there's no an easier way to get Java8 support you can
grab a prebuilt distro from


Re: Setup IDE for development instructions

2014-04-24 Thread Stephen F Northover

Did you build once outside the IDE?  Type "gradle" in the rt directory.


On 2014-04-24 5:28 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

More stuff that does not work.

If you import the projects you have build-path errors because source
folders are missing in:
* base:
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/resources
* builders
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/resources
* designTime
   - src/main/resources
* fxml
   - src/main/resources
* media
   - src/test/java
   - src/test/resources
* swing
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/java
   - src/test/resources
* swt
   - src/main/resources
   - src/test/java
   - src/test/resources
* web
   - src/main/native/WebKitBuild/Release/WebCore/generated/java

Libraries are not found in buildSrc:

It looks like you are using relative-paths but at least my eclipse does
not like that but e.g. wants to detect them as
rt/build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar and not ../build/libs/ant-1.8.2.jar

* graphics to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the library

* swt to compile without errors needs swt-debug.jar in the library path

* scenebuilder needs to reference all projects but not rt-project


On 24.04.14 22:29, Tom Schindl wrote:


I try to follow the guide at to setup my
Eclipse workspace but the description how to preconfigure the JDK is a

The ambiguous information is the "cd " which could me (I
take my OS-X install as the reference)
* cd
* cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_05.jdk_nofx/Contents/Home/

BTW for Eclipse there's no an easier way to get Java8 support you can
grab a prebuilt distro from


Re: Setup IDE for development instructions

2014-04-24 Thread Stephen F Northover

On 2014-04-24 4:29 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:


I try to follow the guide at to setup my
Eclipse workspace but the description how to preconfigure the JDK is a

The ambiguous information is the "cd " which could me (I
take my OS-X install as the reference)

This is the path where you checked out OpenJFX.  It is important that 
you get jfxrt.jar out of the ext directory.  I believe it is no longer 
necessary to move it to a standard place.  This is a hold over from when 
parts of JFX were not open source and you could not build everything.  
In that case, you needed a binary stub.  Of course, it doesn't hurt for 
everyone to move jfxrt.jar to a well known standard place in case you 
need it again.

* cd
* cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_05.jdk_nofx/Contents/Home/

BTW for Eclipse there's no an easier way to get Java8 support you can
grab a prebuilt distro from



Re: Should Canvas have been Image subclass instead of Node?

2014-04-23 Thread Stephen F Northover
I think a graphics context on a writable image would make more sense.  
In any case, Canvas is a Node and will remain one forever.


On 2014-04-22 6:15 PM, Jeff Martin wrote:

I have a case where I need to draw to a canvas and reuse it in multiple nodes. 
My non-optimal work-around is to take a snapshot and use that, but it makes me 
wonder if Canvas should have been an Image subclass or if WritableImage should 
get it's own getGraphicsContext() method.


[8u20] [SWT, Mac, Retina] FXCanvas draws badly when Scene is changed

2014-04-16 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Anton,

Please review the fix for FXCanvas drawing badly (shrinking) when a new 
scene is set on retina.

Webrev: See patch in the JIRA


[8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples

2014-04-16 Thread Stephen F Northover

Hi Jim,

Please review the lambdification of the buildSrc component (JSL 
portion).  Strangely, there is only one file that is affected.

Webrev: See patch in the JIRA


Re: [RT-33954] static block...causes IllegalStateException - re-open?

2014-04-08 Thread Stephen F Northover
Right, I jumped in mid-thread.  The link points to an IntelliJ issue 
that talks about launching only.

IntelliJ inserts its own launcher and this isn't great, but do we have 
concrete problems or JIRA that are caused by this?


On 2014-04-08 9:21 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Note that this feature request is only somewhat related to the issue 
at hand. Yes we would like IntelliJ (and Eclipse) to recognize and 
launch JavaFX application subclasses with no main method, but the 
issue here is that IntelliJ (unlike the other IDEs) inserts its own 
launcher class in front of the program you are running, which causes 
the Java launcher to not recognize that it is being asked to launch a 
JavaFX program. So we could either file a new JIRA or maybe add the 
additional information to the existing one that Richard filed.

Either way, we need to document this on our Wiki to warn IntelliJ 
users of this.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:
The two ways of launching are equivalent however, at one point, we 
did not run main() even when main() was available and this caused 
problems on the desktop.  Lots of code was written that expected 
main() to run and this code was broken.  We will be supporting both 
ways of launching an FX application for the foreseeable future, 
however, the IDE's still need to understand that FX applications that 
only contain start() are launchable.


On 2014-04-08 8:34 AM, wrote:

Hi Richard,

You raised this IntelliJ issue here:

It is marked as a feature request.

Are you guys saying that the 2 ways of launching are not equivalent?

What is the difference?

Maybe that issue should be upgraded to a BUG if the old launching 

is now wrong, not merely old fashioned.


From:   Richard Bair 
To: Kevin Rushforth 
Cc:, Sandipan Razzaque 

Date:   04/07/2014 09:43 PM
Subject:Re: [RT-33954] static block...causes 

- re-open?
Sent by:"openjfx-dev" 

Yes, this is one of the few things that I just hate about IDEA.

On Apr 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, Kevin Rushforth 


I can't speak to other IntelliJ issues, but the root cause of this

particular one is the same thing that Debbie ran into last week --
IntelliJ doesn't launch programs using the standard Java launcher. For
whatever reason, it uses its own launcher. This might be worth raising
with JetBrains.

-- Kevin

Jonathan Giles wrote:


Yes, that is the program I used, and yes, I get the 'Toolkit not

initialized' exception. I am running IntelliJ, so that is the reason. I
switched over to Eclipse and the code run as expected.

I am slightly bothered by the occasional failures that seem to be

IntelliJ-specific. I have a gut feeling that it doesn't always run all
tests (or that it runs them slightly differently to get different 

than when run on the command line). Does anyone know why this is?

I'm actually most at home in Eclipse, so perhaps I should switch to

that as my primary IDE for OpenJFX development.

-- Jonathan

On 8/04/2014 11:29 a.m., Kevin Rushforth wrote:

Just to make sure we are running the same program, the one I ran to
verify that RT-33954 is fixed was the simple test program in the 

of that bug. Here it is (with the imports omitted for brevity).

public class Example extends Application {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   //this is called from a static block in




   public void start(final Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {

The above program runs fine for me with no exception.

Jonathan: are you seeing something different? Or perhaps running a

different example?
NOTE: if you run this from IntelliJ it will not work. I verified 

with Debbie last week (on a different issue), which may be why you are
seeing a problem. Running it from command line, from NB, or from 


-- Kevin

Jonathan Giles wrote:

Firstly, I agree - this does seem to still be reproducible despite

Kevin's comment that it should have been resolved in JavaFX 8.0 due to
RT-28754 <>, so that is
troubling. I'll leave Kevin to comment on that.

Secondly, RT-33954 was closed as a duplicate of RT-28754 <>, so it would be 
better to

leave RT-33954 closed and move discussion (including what you recently
posted) into RT-28754 
<>. The
discussion can start in there and most probably a new bug will need 
to be

opened (as RT-28754 <> did
result in a code change that at one point appears to have fixed the
problem, so we&

Re: [RT-33954] static block...causes IllegalStateException - re-open?

2014-04-08 Thread Stephen F Northover
The two ways of launching are equivalent however, at one point, we did 
not run main() even when main() was available and this caused problems 
on the desktop.  Lots of code was written that expected main() to run 
and this code was broken.  We will be supporting both ways of launching 
an FX application for the foreseeable future, however, the IDE's still 
need to understand that FX applications that only contain start() are 


On 2014-04-08 8:34 AM, wrote:

Hi Richard,

You raised this IntelliJ issue here:

It is marked as a feature request.

Are you guys saying that the 2 ways of launching are not equivalent?

What is the difference?

Maybe that issue should be upgraded to a BUG if the old launching method
is now wrong, not merely old fashioned.


From:   Richard Bair 
To: Kevin Rushforth 
Cc:, Sandipan Razzaque 
Date:   04/07/2014 09:43 PM
Subject:Re: [RT-33954] static block...causes IllegalStateException
- re-open?
Sent by:"openjfx-dev" 

Yes, this is one of the few things that I just hate about IDEA.

On Apr 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, Kevin Rushforth 

I can't speak to other IntelliJ issues, but the root cause of this

particular one is the same thing that Debbie ran into last week --
IntelliJ doesn't launch programs using the standard Java launcher. For
whatever reason, it uses its own launcher. This might be worth raising
with JetBrains.

-- Kevin

Jonathan Giles wrote:


Yes, that is the program I used, and yes, I get the 'Toolkit not

initialized' exception. I am running IntelliJ, so that is the reason. I
switched over to Eclipse and the code run as expected.

I am slightly bothered by the occasional failures that seem to be

IntelliJ-specific. I have a gut feeling that it doesn't always run all
tests (or that it runs them slightly differently to get different results
than when run on the command line). Does anyone know why this is?

I'm actually most at home in Eclipse, so perhaps I should switch to

that as my primary IDE for OpenJFX development.

-- Jonathan

On 8/04/2014 11:29 a.m., Kevin Rushforth wrote:

Just to make sure we are running the same program, the one I ran to

verify that RT-33954 is fixed was the simple test program in the comments
of that bug. Here it is (with the imports omitted for brevity).

public class Example extends Application {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   //this is called from a static block in




   public void start(final Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {

The above program runs fine for me with no exception.

Jonathan: are you seeing something different? Or perhaps running a

different example?

NOTE: if you run this from IntelliJ it will not work. I verified that

with Debbie last week (on a different issue), which may be why you are
seeing a problem. Running it from command line, from NB, or from Eclipse

-- Kevin

Jonathan Giles wrote:

Firstly, I agree - this does seem to still be reproducible despite

Kevin's comment that it should have been resolved in JavaFX 8.0 due to
RT-28754 , so that is
troubling. I'll leave Kevin to comment on that.

Secondly, RT-33954 was closed as a duplicate of RT-28754 <>, so it would be better to
leave RT-33954 closed and move discussion (including what you recently
posted) into RT-28754 . The
discussion can start in there and most probably a new bug will need to be
opened (as RT-28754  did
result in a code change that at one point appears to have fixed the
problem, so we're possibly dealing with a regression).

Thirdly, whether this is a suitable bug for someone learning the

ropes is debatable. I'll leave Kevin to offer his thoughts, but perhaps
you can propose a patch that resolves this issue for you in your test
scenarios. Also, a good starting point is to develop a simple test
application that helps to demonstrate this issue (preferably the test case
is a single class with no dependencies), and which you can then share in
the jira issue via copy/paste into a comment.

Fourthly, to be a contributor in the OpenJDK requires you to follow a

process to get the paperwork in order. It is wise to get that started as
soon as possible, as it can sometimes take a while. Here's a link to the
process: The main thing is the OCA.

Finally, welcome! :-)

-- Jonathan

On 6/04/2014 1:06 p.m., Sandipan Razzaque wrote:

Hi JavaFX devs!

I was wondering how people felt about re-opening this bug? I don't


it has been fixed (see my comment).

I'm also happy to work on it. But,

Re: JavaFX 2 + with LWJGL ( OpenGL )

2014-04-07 Thread Stephen F Northover

The lwjglfx solution.


On 2014-04-07 12:45 PM, Exo Verse wrote:

@ Steve
Which approach are you referring too ? The lwjglfx solution or this
transparency background solution ?

The lwjglfx I am assuming here since its drawing out to an image and back
in again. But if your speaking about my transparency issue I solved, I
didn't realize it was sending out to an image and back again. Could you
please elaborate as to which solution your speaking about ?


On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Stephen F Northover <> wrote:

This solution is cool, but it draws to an image, sucks out the bits and
then converts that to an FX image.  This is a good approach because it uses
API and does not rely on any internals of FX. Hopefully it is fast enough
for you.


On 2014-04-06 12:41 PM, Exo Verse wrote:

Yea the OpenGL comes with your graphics drivers for your video card. So
your correct that it doesn't ship with JavaFX. What I have been going on
about is trying to find a way to use JavaFX with LWJGL. In case you are
unaware, LWJGL just means "Light Weight Java OpenGL" and its a wrapper for
the OpenGL API. It's an alternative to JOGL.

On another note, as I did a search, Thanks to Tom showing me that link I
examined that code and I found something of interest in the JOGL code
interface..  well it lead me to a google search, and viola..  LWJGL with
JavaFX. :)


So just wanted to post the link here and say thanks for all of your help.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Tom Schindl 

  JavaFX does not ship OpenGL binaries on windows you have to build it your


Please note:
a) if there are people who manage to write a prism pipeline on jogl why
should you not be able to do the same with lwjgl?
b) the talk i mentionned from felipe and steve show how to get access to
the native OpenGL context and there from you can use any API you like
remember which one they used


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

  Am 06.04.2014 um 18:18 schrieb Exo Verse :

Thanks, but as I mentioned in my original post, I don't like JOGL. It
doesn't work with my setup. I use LWJGL because its only about the
and not other libraries, and its an easy API wrapper to use. There are


many reason I hate JOGL.. but this thread is not about hating on JOGL,


about finding a way to use LWJGL with JavaFX2+.

Also, Win32 API calls can use both DirectX and OpenGL APIs. And it


matter what Windows OS you're using. I have tested this out from Windows


all the way to Windows 7 - 32/64 Bit with no problem.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Tom Schindl <>wrote:

There is a talk from Felipe and Steve at J1 last year how to embed
into FX using *internal* API!

Search for it on parleys - this does not help you on Win32 which uses
directx instead of javafx. BTW there are people doing a JOGL pipeline!

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

  Am 06.04.2014 um 17:25 schrieb Exo Verse :

Yea its a shame that using JavaFX as an option along with OpenGL
even thought of to begin with. I don't understand why they limit you


they do. Them trying to recreate the wheel and make their own version



3D interface is just plain stupid if it can't run low level. I can see


games and applications with a LOT of usage for JavaFX and its 2D


API. But True 3D needs low level other wise its a waste of time.

Well, thanks for the replies. Guess I'll have to stick with using
sources for my GUI. It's just that I like JavaFX version of its GUI


it is so simple to use. But not worth it if you can't use it for the


that we the people need it for. Like in my case, game dev.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Philipp Dörfler <

  It is not possible to combine JavaFX and OpenGL as it is right now.

was discussed on this mailing list some time before as a _possible_

addition, but I'd be very surprised if Oracle actually chose to

Starting with JavaFX 8 there is indeed some kind of "3D support" but


3D API allows only for the most basic operations. It is still


scene graph based and you have to live with all restrictions that


imposes on you. Not wanting to say that the 3D API is completely

but I'm afraid that even WPF is more flexible when it comes to 3D than

JavaFX is. For example: As far as I know you can not even change the
shading model from GL_SMOOTH to GL_FLAT. You could work around that
setting the normals yourself though (Same for WPF). Also render



bad when you render an instance of Text in 3D and scale it down for

example. At least it was 

Re: JavaFX 2 + with LWJGL ( OpenGL )

2014-04-07 Thread Stephen F Northover
This solution is cool, but it draws to an image, sucks out the bits and 
then converts that to an FX image.  This is a good approach because it 
uses API and does not rely on any internals of FX. Hopefully it is fast 
enough for you.


On 2014-04-06 12:41 PM, Exo Verse wrote:

Yea the OpenGL comes with your graphics drivers for your video card. So
your correct that it doesn't ship with JavaFX. What I have been going on
about is trying to find a way to use JavaFX with LWJGL. In case you are
unaware, LWJGL just means "Light Weight Java OpenGL" and its a wrapper for
the OpenGL API. It's an alternative to JOGL.

On another note, as I did a search, Thanks to Tom showing me that link I
examined that code and I found something of interest in the JOGL code
interface..  well it lead me to a google search, and viola..  LWJGL with
JavaFX. :)


So just wanted to post the link here and say thanks for all of your help. :)


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

JavaFX does not ship OpenGL binaries on windows you have to build it your

Please note:
a) if there are people who manage to write a prism pipeline on jogl why
should you not be able to do the same with lwjgl?
b) the talk i mentionned from felipe and steve show how to get access to
the native OpenGL context and there from you can use any API you like can't
remember which one they used


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 06.04.2014 um 18:18 schrieb Exo Verse :

Thanks, but as I mentioned in my original post, I don't like JOGL. It
doesn't work with my setup. I use LWJGL because its only about the OpenGL
and not other libraries, and its an easy API wrapper to use. There are


many reason I hate JOGL.. but this thread is not about hating on JOGL,


about finding a way to use LWJGL with JavaFX2+.

Also, Win32 API calls can use both DirectX and OpenGL APIs. And it


matter what Windows OS you're using. I have tested this out from Windows


all the way to Windows 7 - 32/64 Bit with no problem.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Tom Schindl <>wrote:

There is a talk from Felipe and Steve at J1 last year how to embed


into FX using *internal* API!

Search for it on parleys - this does not help you on Win32 which uses
directx instead of javafx. BTW there are people doing a JOGL pipeline!

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 06.04.2014 um 17:25 schrieb Exo Verse :

Yea its a shame that using JavaFX as an option along with OpenGL wasn't
even thought of to begin with. I don't understand why they limit you


they do. Them trying to recreate the wheel and make their own version



3D interface is just plain stupid if it can't run low level. I can see


games and applications with a LOT of usage for JavaFX and its 2D


API. But True 3D needs low level other wise its a waste of time.

Well, thanks for the replies. Guess I'll have to stick with using other
sources for my GUI. It's just that I like JavaFX version of its GUI


it is so simple to use. But not worth it if you can't use it for the


that we the people need it for. Like in my case, game dev.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Philipp Dörfler 
It is not possible to combine JavaFX and OpenGL as it is right now.


was discussed on this mailing list some time before as a _possible_


addition, but I'd be very surprised if Oracle actually chose to



Starting with JavaFX 8 there is indeed some kind of "3D support" but


3D API allows only for the most basic operations. It is still


scene graph based and you have to live with all restrictions that


imposes on you. Not wanting to say that the 3D API is completely


but I'm afraid that even WPF is more flexible when it comes to 3D than
JavaFX is. For example: As far as I know you can not even change the
shading model from GL_SMOOTH to GL_FLAT. You could work around that by
setting the normals yourself though (Same for WPF). Also render



bad when you render an instance of Text in 3D and scale it down for
example. At least it was when I tried that last time (few months ago).

Again, not to say that one can't work with JavaFX's 3D API, but it's


raw OpenGL either. As far as I know the JavaFX team wants to be able



the user use his own OpenGL context and let JavaFX render on top of

that or

add the possibility to ask JavaFX for the underlying context and mess


that but this is not even officially planned or included on any


(AFAIK) so we can only keep our fingers crossed for that to happen.


you I would absolutely LOVE to use JavaFX as a GUI on top of my OpenGL

Philipp Dörfler

Am 06.04.2014 um 16:31 schrieb Exo Verse :

Can you please explain what True 3D means in terms of Low Level API ?
Because wit

Re: Building OpenJFX on Mac OS X 10.9.2 / XCode 5.1 / XCode 4.3.3

2014-04-04 Thread Stephen F Northover

Put this in your file:


We need to document this on the wiki.  Will do that Monday.  Gotta go now.


On 2014-04-04 5:31 PM, Philipp Dörfler wrote:


just out of curiousity I wanted to build OpenJFX, but although I followed the 
instructions at
I can’t get it to work.

gradle 1.8 fails when building :fxpackage:compileLauncher as follows:

clang: warning: no such sysroot directory: 
 fatal error: 'Cocoa/Cocoa.h' file not found
1 error generated.
:fxpackager:compileLauncher FAILED

I do not have a 10.7 SDK on my 10.9 Mac, but I do have a 10.8 and 10.9:

$ ls 
MacOSX10.8.sdk MacOSX10.9.sdk

According to „the internet™“ I would have to find an old version of Xcode 
(apparently 4.3.3) because that’s the only way to find an old SDK.
As I’m sure that you guys have valid reasons to stick to 10.7 I think it would 
not hurt to mention this on the wiki page mentioned above stating that one 
needs XCode not newer than 4.3.3 and that old XCode versions can be downloaded 
on the Apple Developer website.
I would add it myself but as I’m not a contributor I don’t have the required 
permissions, so all I can do is to ask here for inclusion of that.

Thanks! May that be the only obstacle in building JFX8.

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