Re: [osg-users] Camera Move example

2009-07-21 Thread Ümit Uzun
Hi Danny;

You mean it is not working or working but not as expected? I saw a problem
you multiply matrices wrong order. You always obey the TRS rule. First Scale
then Rotate and lastly Translate. But as I see you have done wrong order for

myCameraMatrix = cameraRotation * cameraTrans;


Ümit Uzun

2009/7/21 Danny Lesnik

 Hi Jean-Sébastien,

 Thank you for your reply i'm trying to do it by first method I implemented
 some code but it looks like this code does nothing:

 bool CameraMover::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter
 ea,osgGA::GUIActionAdapter us)
 osg::Matrixd myCameraMatrix;
 osg::Matrixd cameraRotation;
 osg::Matrixd cameraTrans;
 osg::DegreesToRadians(0.0), osg::Vec3(0,1,0), // roll
 osg::DegreesToRadians(60.0), osg::Vec3(1,0,0) , // pitch
 osg::DegreesToRadians( 45.0), osg::Vec3(0,0,1) ); // heading
 cameraTrans.makeTranslate( 1,5,1 );
 myCameraMatrix = cameraRotation * cameraTrans;
 osg::Matrixd i = myCameraMatrix.inverse(myCameraMatrix);
 osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = dynamic_castosgViewer::Viewer*( us );


 case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Down:

  return false;



 int main()

 viewer.addEventHandler(new CameraMover);
 while( !viewer.done() )

 Could you tell me please why my event is not working?

 Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Unit tests

2009-07-21 Thread Vincent Bourdier

I'll probably chose cppUnit. There is no lots of documentation, but this
works well for the moment so it looks like a good choice.
Thanks for your answers.


2009/7/20 Pierre Bourdin (gmail)

 Le lundi 20 juillet 2009 à 08:45 +0200, Vincent Bourdier a écrit :
  Hi Pierre,
 Hi Vincent,
 sorry I didn't see you post...
  Are you talking about googleTest, unittest++ or cppunit ?
 I'm talking about cppunit.


  2009/7/19 Pierre BOURDIN
  Bonjour Vincent,
  2009/7/17 Vincent Bourdier
   Hi, thanks for the answers !!
   Philip, changing the option works, but the linker make a lot
  of warnings :
  that is very
   So I don't know if I will keep this one or not...
   unittest++ seems good, and cppunit too (if anyone have
  feedback on the last
   one ...)
  I've note use it myselff, but I know Delta3D is using it. So
  if you
  want some examples, look at it. They use it with cmake so it
  should be
  easy to adapt to your project hopefully.
   Don't know exactly what to choose...
   See you later if I found the good one, still earing if you
  have any advices.
  osg-users mailing list
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 Av. Pascot BP 90443
 tél: 04 68 56 84 95
 fax: 04 68 55 03 86

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Re: [osg-users] osgViewer in stereo mode

2009-07-21 Thread Eric Pouliquen
Maybe you wanted to start a new topic, nope ? ;)

Nobody did ever try to retrieve the two cameras of the osgviewer in stereo mode 

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Ask for osgviewerMFC memory consumption explanations

2009-07-21 Thread
Hi Alex,

There could be any number of reasons why this could be happening, and obviously 
some down to coding, however if you are using caching at all, then it maybe 
down to how long you've told the cache to keep the models, even when not used. 
I can't remember what the default is, but if set to never get rid of the 
models, then the only time their memory will be released is when the 
application shuts down - not merely closing and destroying the window. 

This leads on to another reason why you maybe seeing the memory usage you 
report in that, depending on the design of your app architecture, if you leave 
the management of dll's to the O.S., then dll's are only loaded on an 
as-required basis, and are only unloaded when the app shuts down. OSG has a 
number of static memory constructs singletons that are created at dll load 
time, and are not released until dll unload time (app shut down). One  way 
around this is to manage the dll load and unload yourself, however this can be 
very tiresome ;-(

I would suggest that, unless you are witnessing a continual increase in the 
memory allocated to your app, even when you are loading and unloading the same 
model, then I wouldn't be too concerned. Obviously if you are witnessing 
unrestricted memory consumption then something is up, but I suspect not at the 
OSG end.

Finally, in my experience, beware of the false positive memory leaks reported 
by Visual Studio. Plenty of back talk on this in the archives, but suffice it 
to say VS unloads MFC too early in the app shut down process, which triggers a 
dump of unreleased memory warnings. VS crystal ball not working too well as 
when OSG dll's unload - usually after MFC due to VS problem with scheduling 
library loads/unloads - it releases its own memory. Where real leaks actually 
exist, more often than not it can be traced back to app coding errors, or 
inappropriate use of non ref_ptr references to scenegraph entries. I've wasted 
days in the past on this. You can decrease some of the false positives by 
forcing the load of the OSG dll's yourself, but sometimes life is just too 
short to be bothered !

Hope this helps.

Kind regards


 Alexandre Amalric wrote: 
 Hi osg-users,
 I'm developping an application based on the example osgviewerMFC but I
 don't understand the memory consumption from this example.
 1) when I launch osgviewerMFC.exe the memory used is about 10Mo
 2) then I open a model, memory rise to let's say 50Mo (depends on the model)
 3) then I close the window and memory do not get back to 10Mo like desired
 but stay at let say 30Mo (in my case).
 Why osgviewerMFC.exe use much memory after opening and closing a model than
 before doing nothing ??
  I am asking this because I have the same behaviour with my own application,
 I suppose something isn't well destroyed when closing a window (removing a
 Kind regards,
 Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
 PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Garry Keltie

Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly recommend 
it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is definitely the most 
comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few pluses to 
it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the cinema but it strikes 
me that unless its protected with patents, might be an attractive method, with 
a bit of work, for commodity (non quad buffering) graphics. 

A quick trawl fished up some links below.



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Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Garry Keltie wrote:

Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly recommend 
it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is definitely the most 
comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the cinema but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, might be an attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non quad buffering) graphics. 

A quick trawl fished up some links below.
Infitec has been around for some time now, I think I saw it at siggraph 
a couple of years ago. It is quite a nice method, but people seem to 
complain mostly about the slight differences in color between the eyes 
(due to the different spectra used). But the eye separation is much 
better than when using simple polarized glasses.

Interesting how Dolby 3D uses a filter wheel in front of the normal 
cinema projector. That makes it easy to 'augment' existing digital 
cinemas with 3D capabilities. But I guess you need quite a stable 
rotation to not get out of sync. You could always use two projectors and 
give them a filter each, to get a conventional passive stereo set.

I believe the Infitec stuff is cheaper than active stereo gear, but 
still not very cheap. I remember seeing somewhere that even the glasses 
were around E50,- per pair. I guess they didn't let you keep those after 
the movie? :)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Garry Keltie wrote:
Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly 
recommend it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is 
definitely the most comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few 
pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the 
cinema but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, 
might be an attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non 
quad buffering) graphics.

A quick trawl fished up some links below.
Infitec has been around for some time now, I think I saw it at 
siggraph a couple of years ago. It is quite a nice method, but people 
seem to complain mostly about the slight differences in color between 
the eyes (due to the different spectra used). But the eye separation 
is much better than when using simple polarized glasses.

Interesting how Dolby 3D uses a filter wheel in front of the normal 
cinema projector. That makes it easy to 'augment' existing digital 
cinemas with 3D capabilities. But I guess you need quite a stable 
rotation to not get out of sync. You could always use two projectors 
and give them a filter each, to get a conventional passive stereo set.
Oh yeah, another advantage: at least you don't need a silver screen with 
infitec, as there's no polarization to preserve :)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Garry Keltie wrote:


Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly recommend 
it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is definitely the most 
comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the cinema but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, might be an attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non quad buffering) graphics. 
BTW, in case you don't want to use quad-buffering you would still need 
to synchronize your image generation with the filter wheel. I suspect 
that might not even be that easy to accomplish. It would be easier (but 
not cheaper) to go for a quad-buffer setup with two projectors. Or, you 
could use a dual-output gfx card and set up your application to render 
over both outputs (xinerama style), using one eye  per output.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Plugin Logo bug

2009-07-21 Thread Alexandre Amalric
Hi Robert,

I found an other bug with the logo plugin when using shadows (PSSM + OSG
latest svn). When shadows are used there is 2 calls from :

virtual bool cull(osg::NodeVisitor *visitor, osg::Drawable* drawable,
osg::State*) const
1 time with the default visitor and 1 time with the visitor from the shadow
implementation wich has a specific traversal mask and a specific viewport
(in my case 4096*4096) so the logo viewport is updated twice because of the
code :

if( vp-width() != logos-getViewport()-width() ||

vp-height() != logos-getViewport()-height() )


logos-getViewport()-setViewport( vp-x(), vp-y(), vp-width(),
vp-height() );



Maybe we could check the _traversalMask from the visitor before updating the
logo viewport, what do you think about ?
I know you're not a great fan from this plugin, but I find it very usefull.

Kind regards,

2009/7/15 Alexandre Amalric

 Hi Robert,

 *Is the problem you are seeing triggered by the logo being used when
 multiple graphics windows are used?*

 Yes it is.

 *Could you try svn/trunk and let me know how you get on.*
 * *
  I Tried this morning latest SVN and it's working great with this
 simple solution.

 Kind regards,

 2009/7/14 Robert Osfield

 Hi Alexandre,

 I've decided to merged your change rather than look for a more complex
 and more general solution, a more general solution can come later.
 I've tweaked your changes a little to include returning of true when
 the logo is traversed on a window it's not assigned to so the logo
 will get culled.

 Could you try svn/trunk and let me know how you get on.


 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Robert
  Hi Alexandre,
  I believe your changes suggest a deeper problem with the
  design/implementation of the logo.  The plugin is a very early hack
  that hasn't really been fully updated to take advantage of various
  modern OSG features, I don't have time right now for a full rewrite
  Is the problem you are seeing triggered by the logo being used when
  multiple graphics windows are used?
  It does look like code assumes a single view per graphics window,
  something that isn't always true with the OSG these days.  In the
  Producer days when this plugin was written one couldn't easily have
  multiple views per window, but these days it's trivial and common
  place thing to do. If the logo was attached in a window with multiple
  views that all shared the same scene graph we'd end up with the
  viewport being updated multiple times, with the last view's viewport
  taking precedence.
  One possible solution would be to have the callback ignore the cull
  visitor's viewport and use the whole graphics windows dimensions, so
  the logo would be placed relative to the window rather than the last
  rendered viewport.
  All in all though, putting a logo in the scene graph is not the best
  way of tackling the task of adding logo's - it'd be much better to use
  a slave camera attached to the viewer/viewer.
  On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Alexandre
  Hi osg-users,
  I'm using osg svn version 2.9.5 and I've apparently found a bug in
  When using more than one view logosCullCallback function is called
  checking context ID from the cull visitor is equal to logo _contextID
  variable. It involves updating logo's viewport with different sizes.
  So I made a fix well working, at least the way I use the plugin.
  I'm not used to post fix so I attached the modified cpp files in
  mail, hope it helps...
  Code I added is indicated with comment :
  // AA DD/MM/YY Fix
  Kind regards
  Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
  PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

  Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
 PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille

Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Plugin Logo bug

2009-07-21 Thread Alexandre Amalric
There's something I forgot to mention :

The fix we agreed isn't working when there is more than one view with
different viewport size but sharing the same graphic context.

 The context ID is equal but the viewport size is different for the 2 views,
so the logo is updated twice.

I explain my case, I'm using a composite viewer with X views sharing all
the same graphic context (saving memory) but with different sizes. And I
will use the logo plugin with this kind of configuration.

Unfortunately I don't have an ideal solution for now.

Kind regards,

2009/7/21 Alexandre Amalric

 Hi Robert,

 I found an other bug with the logo plugin when using shadows (PSSM + OSG
 latest svn). When shadows are used there is 2 calls from :

 virtual bool cull(osg::NodeVisitor *visitor, osg::Drawable* drawable,
 osg::State*) const
 1 time with the default visitor and 1 time with the visitor from the shadow
 implementation wich has a specific traversal mask and a specific viewport
 (in my case 4096*4096) so the logo viewport is updated twice because of the
 code :

 ( vp-width() != logos-getViewport()-width() ||

 vp-height() != logos-getViewport()-height() )


 logos-getViewport()-setViewport( vp-x(), vp-y(), vp-width(),
 vp-height() );



 Maybe we could check the _traversalMask from the visitor before updating
 the logo viewport, what do you think about ?
 I know you're not a great fan from this plugin, but I find it very usefull.

 Kind regards,

 2009/7/15 Alexandre Amalric

  Hi Robert,

 *Is the problem you are seeing triggered by the logo being used when
 multiple graphics windows are used?*

 Yes it is.

 *Could you try svn/trunk and let me know how you get on.*
 * *
  I Tried this morning latest SVN and it's working great with this
 simple solution.

 Kind regards,

 2009/7/14 Robert Osfield

 Hi Alexandre,

 I've decided to merged your change rather than look for a more complex
 and more general solution, a more general solution can come later.
 I've tweaked your changes a little to include returning of true when
 the logo is traversed on a window it's not assigned to so the logo
 will get culled.

 Could you try svn/trunk and let me know how you get on.


 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Robert
  Hi Alexandre,
  I believe your changes suggest a deeper problem with the
  design/implementation of the logo.  The plugin is a very early hack
  that hasn't really been fully updated to take advantage of various
  modern OSG features, I don't have time right now for a full rewrite
  Is the problem you are seeing triggered by the logo being used when
  multiple graphics windows are used?
  It does look like code assumes a single view per graphics window,
  something that isn't always true with the OSG these days.  In the
  Producer days when this plugin was written one couldn't easily have
  multiple views per window, but these days it's trivial and common
  place thing to do. If the logo was attached in a window with multiple
  views that all shared the same scene graph we'd end up with the
  viewport being updated multiple times, with the last view's viewport
  taking precedence.
  One possible solution would be to have the callback ignore the cull
  visitor's viewport and use the whole graphics windows dimensions, so
  the logo would be placed relative to the window rather than the last
  rendered viewport.
  All in all though, putting a logo in the scene graph is not the best
  way of tackling the task of adding logo's - it'd be much better to use
  a slave camera attached to the viewer/viewer.
  On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Alexandre Amalric wrote:
  Hi osg-users,
  I'm using osg svn version 2.9.5 and I've apparently found a bug in
  When using more than one view logosCullCallback function is called
  checking context ID from the cull visitor is equal to logo _contextID
  variable. It involves updating logo's viewport with different sizes.
  So I made a fix well working, at least the way I use the plugin.
  I'm not used to post fix so I attached the modified cpp files in
  mail, hope it helps...
  Code I added is indicated with comment :
  // AA DD/MM/YY Fix
  Kind regards
  Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
  PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list


Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Jason Daly wrote:

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Well the name old-style might also mean that there are drawbacks to 
using that option... I wouldn't know if the only effect is that the 
debug information is embedded instead of in a separate file.
We develop with SCons (which uses the MSVC compiler on Windows), and 
we use the /Z7 option all the time, because it allows us to compile 
code in parallel without any worries of conflicts.  With the normal 
/Zi option, you get conflicts when two or more processes are trying to 
write to the .pdb file at the same time.

You can still make use of just-in-time and source-level debugging with 
the old-style debug info.  I do it all the time.  The only drawback 
that I know of is that the embedded debug info makes the final object 
(.exe or .dll) larger, and it might increase loading time a bit.
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have VS8 
sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the OSG 
website and have a really small test application that forces OSG to use 
some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and then run the 
test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but in the stack trace 
none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Gerwin de Haan
We've been using Infitec for a couple of years in our dual single-chip DLP
projector VR workbench. The two filters were built-in in the two projectors
(projection-design). In our experience, Infitec provides a better seperated
and more stable image than active stereo or polarized stereo. You do need
some color correction (and calibration) to compensate for the
greenish/purplish views of the eyes. Simple color correction (e.g. in the
projector color-matrix itself) is not as good as provided by the Infitec
color-correction box. Also, the more recent Infitec systems (I guess this
includes the stuff Dolby licenced) have better quality filters. In our case
I thought the smaller glasses were cheap ~50 Eur but the bigger wide view
glasses expensive ~400 Eur.

BTW. the dolby 3D wheel is inserted _inside_ the big cinema projector. I
think syncing is not that much of a problem (similar to a DLP color wheel)
provided you have access to the DLP sync. Dolby provides a box for this. The
VR group of Bernd Frohlich in Weimar has experience with making your own
mechanical filter/shutter-wheels (see publication


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Paul Melis wrote:

 Garry Keltie wrote:


 Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly
 recommend it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is
 definitely the most comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

 I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few
 pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the cinema
 but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, might be an
 attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non quad buffering)

 BTW, in case you don't want to use quad-buffering you would still need to
 synchronize your image generation with the filter wheel. I suspect that
 might not even be that easy to accomplish. It would be easier (but not
 cheaper) to go for a quad-buffer setup with two projectors. Or, you could
 use a dual-output gfx card and set up your application to render over both
 outputs (xinerama style), using one eye  per output.


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[osg-users] Computer Vision and osg

2009-07-21 Thread Joe Kilner

I am using osg with Python for some computer vision related tasks. I was 
wondering if anyone else is doing the same.

What would be really nice would be to integrate osg with an existing computer 
vision library like opencv.


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Re: [osg-users] Computer Vision and osg

2009-07-21 Thread J.P. Delport


we are using OSG for some vision tasks, integration with opencv is on 
our todo list, but mainly just for testing/experimentation.


Joe Kilner wrote:


I am using osg with Python for some computer vision related tasks. I was 
wondering if anyone else is doing the same.

What would be really nice would be to integrate osg with an existing computer 
vision library like opencv.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Jason Daly wrote:

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Well the name old-style might also mean that there are drawbacks 
to using that option... I wouldn't know if the only effect is that 
the debug information is embedded instead of in a separate file.
We develop with SCons (which uses the MSVC compiler on Windows), and 
we use the /Z7 option all the time, because it allows us to compile 
code in parallel without any worries of conflicts.  With the normal 
/Zi option, you get conflicts when two or more processes are trying 
to write to the .pdb file at the same time.

You can still make use of just-in-time and source-level debugging 
with the old-style debug info.  I do it all the time.  The only 
drawback that I know of is that the embedded debug info makes the 
final object (.exe or .dll) larger, and it might increase loading 
time a bit.
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have 
VS8 sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the OSG 
website and have a really small test application that forces OSG to 
use some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and then 
run the test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but in the 
stack trace none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...
Just noticed the line Loaded '[...]\bin\osg55-osgd.dll', No symbols 
loaded. in the debug output in VS. The debug DLL is 5.4 Mb, while 
osg55-osg.dll from the release package is 1.8 Mb, suggesting that the 
debug DLL *does* contain extra information (I wouldn't expect that large 
a difference in code size alone).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgText Chopping Letters

2009-07-21 Thread Tanguy Fautre
Hi all,

I share the opinion that osgText appearance is suboptimal. We've also
got several complains from our Creative department on the look of the
text in our engine.

I confirm that the cause of the problem is as described by Mark

Having written my own text renderer using OpenGL and FreeType, I can
assess that this is a common problem caused by texture-based text
rendering. Because of texture filtering, it is incorrect to draw the
glyph geometry with the texture coordinates perfectly aligned on the
glyph edges.

Mark already gave the solution to this problem. I.e. The glyph geometry
needs to be larger than the actual glyph so that there is an empty space
around the textured glyph. Doing so allows the texture filtering to be
uniform and complete all around the rendered glyph.

IMHO Mark's proposed patch should be applied, as it solves one of the
biggest visual problem with osgText. And from what I understand, it does
not require any refactoring. I don't think that the depth write
requirement is a problem in most cases (in fact, in my experience, in
many contexts it is incorrect not to disable depth write or depth test
when rendering text).



PS: Using GL_NEAREST does not solve the problem unless the font size is
chosen so that the glyph texels are perfectly aligned to the screen

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: 17 July 2009 02:58
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgText Chopping Letters

Hello Mike,

I was also displeased with the appearance of characters in osgText.

The chopping is an artifact of texture filtering and having characters
drawn on the edge of the character cell. Disabling filtering by using
GL_NEAREST for MIN_FILTER and MAG_FILTER should remove the problem. (Or
more accurately, will draw the character with uniformly abrupt
transitions.) The problem with this is that you lose the smoothing of
the text gained by the filtering.

In order to draw properly filtered characters we need to draw the
character cells larger than the extents of the characters to give room
for drawing the intermediate blended texels. Attached is my
implementation of this.

This code requires that you disable depth write (or depth test) since
adjacent characters will now overlap. You also need to call
Font::setGlyphImageMargin(2) since the code looks at more texels around
each character. The end result looks much better in my opinion.

The requirement placed on the depth buffer is the reason I have not
officially submitted this code for inclusion in OSG. If Robert thinks
this is not too high a price for better looking text, perhaps it can be
fixed so we no longer get complaints like yours.



Mike Hall wrote:

 We are having an interesting issue where the letters being displayed
using osgText are being being truncated. We can run the text example and
we see the same problem. Specifically, the sides of the letters 'C',
'O', and 'S' are chopped.

 Any ideas?


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Re: [osg-users] Camera Move example

2009-07-21 Thread Danny Lesnik

It looks like camera is not moving.

I have changed the order of matrix transformation, but there was no result. 

I also changed  

 case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Down:

viewer-getCamera()-setViewMatrixAsLookAt(osg::Vec3d(15.0, -25.0, -25.0), 
osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -30.0), osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) );

But camera still freezes. 

I still believe that I'm doing something wrong, but am running out of ideas 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Camera Move example

2009-07-21 Thread Tomlinson, Gordon
Have you removed the Motion models that the ogs viewer creates by
default ,  

if not then this is overriding any changes you make 

Product Manager 3d
Gordon Tomlinson
Email  : gtomlinson @

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Danny
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Camera Move example


It looks like camera is not moving.

I have changed the order of matrix transformation, but there was no

I also changed  

 case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Down:

viewer-getCamera()-setViewMatrixAsLookAt(osg::Vec3d(15.0, -25.0,
-25.0), osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -30.0), osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) );

But camera still freezes. 

I still believe that I'm doing something wrong, but am running out of
ideas what.

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] building OSG as static library

2009-07-21 Thread stefan nortd
Cool just wanted to report that the windows issue got resolved with the 2.8.2 


stefan hechenberger

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Texture problems with OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Tim Allen

I have two problems with texturing in osg.

1)The first problem is to create a procedural 2D texture.The setImage function 
doesnt work for me.

I created a 2D texture array image[64][64][4];

I get an error because it accepts only character type of data.Can some one 
point me to some example code or help how to use setImage functions for 2d 
procedural textures.

2)The second problem is ,Is there a way to get texture coordinates of a model 
with a given position in osg??

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] GPU Monitoring for OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Nadia Comanici

What software can I use to monitor how much of the graphics card is used when I 
run a certain application, that uses OSF? I want to see how much my application 
uses the GPU

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] GPU Monitoring for OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Tomlinson, Gordon

Have a look at gDEBugger from Graphicremedy

A very good and useful program

Product Manager 3d
Gordon Tomlinson
Email  : gtomlinson @

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nadia
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:55 AM
Subject: [osg-users] GPU Monitoring for OSG


What software can I use to monitor how much of the graphics card is used
when I run a certain application, that uses OSF? I want to see how much
my application uses the GPU

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Texture problems with OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Ulrich Hertlein

Hi Tim,

On 21/7/09 2:31 PM, Tim Allen wrote:

I have two problems with texturing in osg.

1)The first problem is to create a procedural 2D texture.The setImage function 
work for me.

I created a 2D texture array image[64][64][4];

I get an error because it accepts only character type of data.Can some one 
point me to
some example code or help how to use setImage functions for 2d procedural 

I don't actually understand what the exact problem is.  It sounds like the compiler is 
throwing up an error?  What type is 'checkImage' and how is it allocated?  Could you post 
some additional code?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] GPU Monitoring for OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Nadia,

What software can I use to monitor how much of the graphics card is used when I 
run a certain application, that uses OSF? I want to see how much my application 
uses the GPU

In OSG you can use the stats handler (add osgViewer::StatsHandler to 
your viewer and press the 's' key at run time). This will give you 
timings for the Event, Update, Cull and Draw traversals, as well as an 
approximate GPU time if you have an nVidia card. ATI cards use a 
different extension for GPU timing and the StatsHandler was never 
modified to use that extension if available, so GPU timings are only 
visible when running on nVidia cards unfortunately.

Last time I checked, there was no free tool to do what you want other 
than the StatsHandler. There are FPS indicators (for example, Fraps on 
Windows), but FPS gives you little information about what's really going on.

Developers of DirectX apps can use NVPerfHUD to see lots of interesting 
things about their app, even do graphics profiling and identify 
bottlenecks (see the videos on but for OpenGL 
apps, the only thing that comes close is gDEBugger 
( which is a good tool but it's hard to compete 
with NVPerfHUD, which seems more advanced and costs nothing... We use 
gDEBugger to profile the graphics part of our OSG apps, and it works 
well when you have the instrumented graphics drivers installed too. You 
can get lots of insight on what's going on in your pipeline, what's 
causing slowdowns, etc.

But just to reiterate, in some cases the StatsHandler can be enough to 
show you the information you need. gDEBugger really lets you get into 
the internals of what the app is doing, but might be overkill if you 
just want to see how much time your app is spending in a given traversal 
and see if you can reduce that time.

Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgviewer stereo bug

2009-07-21 Thread Christopher Mire
I've started looking at code, but have no familiarity with this codebase,
and time is very limited.  I was wondering if someone code offer
assistance on code, as in what functions to look at.   I was looking
at osgGA src, and found Animation path code, and in
osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers.cpp the part where it switches
to animation path camera, but I'm not sure where to look to
start playing around with code, since I don't know how it
works yet.   Just looking for additional details that help me
get started on problem.  Thanks.

 Hi Christopher,

 I think the problem is that fusion distance is not being calculated.

 Most of the manipulators calculate fusion distance using an
 intersection test or distance to the center of the bounding sphere of
 the specified node.

 Probably the camera manipulator to handle animations is not updating
 the fusiondistance so the eye separation is incorrect.

 A workaround could be set an EventCallback inside the root node and
 inside the FRAME event calculate properly the fusion distance. In an
 EventCallback you have the node, the Viewer and probalby all you need
 to compute it correctly. You can approach the fusion distance using
 simply a distance to the center of the bounding sphere of the node or
 if you want a more accurate eye separation (for example for terrains)
 you can calculate a test intersection.

 Hope this helps,

 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Christopher wrote:
  Hello, I have encountered this bug where stereo rendering is messed up
  when using saved animation path file. ?This bug causes the separation
  between left and right eye images to be way off, messing up stereo
  effect. ? Upon initial loading of model, the images are not proper,
  but only when using the -p ?flag with animation file. ?Without using
  -p option, the rendering is fine. ?I am using an OBJ file, and have
  duplicated this bug with OSG version 2.8.0 from fedora 11 repository,
  as well as 2.8.2-r2 and svn head as 7-6-2009. ?I have duplicated bug
  when default stereo mode, as well as QUAD_BUFFER.
  Since two images are off on initial loading, I'm guessing its some
  initialization issue, I suppose with camera. ? The two images move in
  sync as camera is rotated and translated, but since they are off
  initially, stereo effect just doesn't work. ?It looks like the eye
  separation is just really huge, maybe like 10x more than it should be
  or something. ?Please advise on further steps to resolve this issue.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Texture problems with OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Maxime BOUCHER

eatpepsi wrote:
 I have two problems with texturing in osg.
 1)The first problem is to create a procedural 2D texture.The setImage 
 function doesnt work for me.
 I created a 2D texture array image[64][64][4];
 I get an error because it accepts only character type of data.Can some one 
 point me to some example code or help how to use setImage functions for 2d 
 procedural textures.

You are not very clear.
Thus I only can try to guess. It seems to me your problem is about  what you 
named checkimage.
According to my experience, it has to be an array (or a pointer on an array, 
don't remember) which contains what you want to store in your image.

eatpepsi wrote:
 2)The second problem is ,Is there a way to get texture coordinates of a model 
 with a given position in osg??
 Thank you!

 Well, it's a really surprising question. It doesn't really make sense (at 
least to me).
Do you mean with a projection or something like?


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[osg-users] Importance Of Node Path List In Database Pager

2009-07-21 Thread Kawicki, Ryan H
I am curious as to what the importance of the node path list is for the
database pager.  More importantly, why does the
FindCompileableGLObjectsVisitor need to have a complete path from the
group to be loaded all the way to the root camera node?  It looks not to
serve any importance and there is the possibility that an iterator can
be invalidated on the parent list when ascending to the root.  The lines
I am looking at are around 588 of DatabasePager.cpp.  Thanks.

Ryan H. Kawicki
The Boeing Company
Training Systems  Services
Software Engineer

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Michele Olsen

It seems the issue was caused by using shadow maps that were too large. I 
switched back to 4096 x 4096 and all is well. 

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Michele,

It seems the issue was caused by using shadow maps that were too large. I switched back to 4096 x 4096 and all is well. 

4096^2 is already large... Some of our cards here (9800GT) don't support 
them (rendering slows down to ~3fps when at 4096^2, when it's at 60fps 
steady at 2048^2). Others support it well though (9800GTX+, etc.)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Mathias Fröhlich


On Wednesday 01 July 2009, Michele Olsen wrote:
 I am building an application using osg and recently I have been
 experiencing dramatic changes in frame rate across runs. One run will have
 140 + fps while the next run will have  15 fps.  I was wondering if anyone
 else has experienced this?

We have also experienced some performance issues with current NVidia drivers. 
In some driver/hardware/kernel combinations this does not happen at all. But 
in some combinations the driver behaves indeterministic. That sounds similar 
to what you write. What we could see is that an strace of the program shows 
many file reads to /proc/meminfo in the case where we have slow framerates. I 
believe that the driver tries to find out if it is under memory pressure in 
some sense and then triggers some costly operation.
Older drivers, older distribution kernels improove the situation.
Many pre render FBO cameras make the problem appear more often in my 

We have an open support call at nvidia but that one is stalled since about a 
Providing full open source testcases to NVidia might help them to find the 
problem. So if you have one ...



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
Hagellocher Weg 71-75, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7071 9457-268, Fax: +49 7071 9457-511
Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Dr. Roland Niemeier, 
Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Michel Lepert
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Wojciech Lewandowski

Hi J-S and Michele,

As I was summoned by shadow spell, I will drop my two cents in this 
discussion. Last time I checked OSG was also creating accompanying color 
buffer for the depth shadow map. Which usually multiplies GPU memory 
alocation by two (assuming RGBA is 32 bit and Z is 32 bit). Considering the 
fact that default multithreaded modes create double buffered SceneViews 
which again effectively duplicate all RTT buffers, original size requirement 
for shadow buffer is often 4 times more. If for example you create 4kx4k RTT 
shadow map - OSG will actually allocate 256 MB (!). If your app allocates 
aditional buffers and board has not enough memory this may be the cause of 
the problems. SingleThreaded mode does not utilize double buffered 
SceneViews so this multiplier drops to factor 2.

Wojtek Lewandowski

- Original Message - 
From: Jean-Sébastien Guay

Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

Hi Michele,

It seems the issue was caused by using shadow maps that were too large. I 
switched back to 4096 x 4096 and all is well.

4096^2 is already large... Some of our cards here (9800GT) don't support 
them (rendering slows down to ~3fps when at 4096^2, when it's at 60fps 
steady at 2048^2). Others support it well though (9800GTX+, etc.)

osg-users mailing list 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] VPB: Cell centers misalignment?

2009-07-21 Thread Colin Knowles
I'm currently battling the same issue with VPB. But with a much higher 
resolution data set , in the order of 12.5cm res terrain and 4cm imagery. When 
viewed in other 3d software under WGS84 projection the terrain and aerials line 
up 100% - however once passed through to VPBmaster the terrain and aerials have 
some huge reprojection issues. The terrain has an offset of up to 1m in places 
horizontally - this is very apparent because the terrain is for a city scene 
and the footpaths have a 12.5cm vertical step in them. 
Along with the offset the terrain also no longer follows straight lines 
(typical curb line between two corners) - and meanders back and forth creating 
a jaggered edge. 
This has only just occured since we moved over to a Linux box so I'm wondering 
if the GDAL's are at fault - our programmers currently looking into it.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help , but you are not alone on this one.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Wojtek,

As I was summoned by shadow spell

Haha! :-)

Last time I checked OSG was also creating accompanying color 
buffer for the depth shadow map. Which usually multiplies GPU memory 
alocation by two (assuming RGBA is 32 bit and Z is 32 bit). 

Wow, isn't that a bug? It surprises me that no one has tried to fix 
that, it seems pretty critical to me...

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Setting up window with GraphicsWindowWin32

2009-07-21 Thread Vic Ace
How do you use GraphicsWindowWin32? I haven't found any tutorials or samples 
using it and I can't figure it out by looking at the documentation.

This is what I've got:

void Renderer::createWindow(int width, int height, int bpp, bool resizable, 
bool fullscreen, bool cursor, const std::string title)
osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext::Traits traits = new 

traits-width = width;
traits-height = height;
traits-depth = bpp;
traits-supportsResize = resizable;
traits-useCursor = cursor;
traits-windowName = title;

m_window = new osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32(traits);


I thought maybe I would have to run m_window-realize(); but nothing appears to 
happen when I use it.

No window appears. What am I missing?

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[osg-users] osgShadow::ShadowedScene + multiple parental node paths

2009-07-21 Thread Daniel Lazaroff
Hi guys,

I have been using the LSPSM technique with great visual results so far, but I 
seem to be having an issue with the osgShadow::ShadowedScene node and multiple 
parental node paths.

If the ShadowedScene node is deep into my scene graph and has a single 
getParentalNodePaths() there are no problems. But once I have more than one, 
the shadowing seems to be gone in the simplest of sg designs.

Probably there is a simple explanation or I am missing an important point, 
thanks for any response !


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] VPB: Cell centers misalignment?

2009-07-21 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Colin Knowles wrote:
 I'm currently battling the same issue with VPB. But with a much higher 
 resolution data set , in the order of 12.5cm res terrain and 4cm imagery. 
 When viewed in other 3d software under WGS84 projection the terrain and 
 aerials line up 100% - however once passed through to VPBmaster the terrain 
 and aerials have some huge reprojection issues. The terrain has an offset of 
 up to 1m in places horizontally - this is very apparent because the terrain 
 is for a city scene and the footpaths have a 12.5cm vertical step in them. 
 Along with the offset the terrain also no longer follows straight lines 
 (typical curb line between two corners) - and meanders back and forth 
 creating a jaggered edge. 
 This has only just occured since we moved over to a Linux box so I'm 
 wondering if the GDAL's are at fault - our programmers currently looking into 
 Sorry I couldn't be of more help , but you are not alone on this one.

  I spoke with Robert about it, and the consensus is that the code in there may 
not be
100% correct. There's a #define in VPB's SourceData.cpp called 
AFAIK, it's not on by default. I don't think it will solve things, because it 
seems to be
applied universally whereas I think it should probably only be applied to 
raster imagery,
not raster DEM data.

  Robert couldn't recall off the top of his head who had added the
SHIFT_RASTER_BY_HALF_CELL option, and I haven't dug through subversion to see.

  I suspect this is biting more people than realize it, and it should be fixed. 
I don't
have anyone who is willing to fund the work to track this down, isolate it and 
fix it, but
if someone is concerned about it and willing to step up to sponsor work on it, 
I think it
is fixable. For most people, the error margin is too small to worry about.

  I'd be curious if you find it is related to a specific Linux/GDAL, as I don't 
that's the case myself.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
PixelSense Landsat processing now available!
There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Setting up window with GraphicsWindowWin32

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vic,

How do you use GraphicsWindowWin32? I haven't found any tutorials or samples 
using it and I can't figure it out by looking at the documentation.

You don't generally need use GraphicsWindowWin32 directly. If you're on 
a Windows system, creating any viewer (osgViewer::Viewer, 
osgViewer::CompositeViewer with an osgViewer::View) will create one for 
you. GraphicsWindowWin32 is an implementation detail, because when your 
app runs on Linux or MacOS X you won't be able to create one, so you're 
better off letting OSG create the type that's appropriate to your 
system, which is what it will do when you use 

Some cases might warrant creating a GraphicsWindow directly, for example 
if you've subclassed one of the GraphicsWindow classes to change their 
behavior, but that's rare.

What are you trying to accomplish?

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Stereo issues with changing viewpoint

2009-07-21 Thread Christopher Back

I would like to thank Robert and everyone that has helped me so far. I have
one final issue with the stereo viewing. I have a CAD assembly with a
callback which changes the viewpoint for various activities. I am using the
trackball manipulator to control the camera and I use the set view by matrix
to set the position I want. The issue is that the separation of left and
right image is too large  when I move to closer viewpoints. I moved the
trackball center to avoid any distance issues but that did not solve the
problem. I have been struggling to find the correct approach. Does anyone
have any suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

Christopher Back
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-21 Thread Jason Daly

Paul Melis wrote:
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have 
VS8 sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the OSG 
website and have a really small test application that forces OSG to 
use some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and then 
run the test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but in the 
stack trace none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...

I think the problem is that OSG is using /Zi instead of /Z7, but at the 
same time, the .pdb files aren't being distributed in the packages.

My guess is that the extra size comes from optimizations being turned 
off (the default in Debug mode), but I don't make the packages, so I'm 
not sure.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osg dll versions

2009-07-21 Thread Bob Youmans
Hi, what's the preferred way to tell which version an osg55-osg.dll is build
from, say 2.8.0 vs 2.8.1.  Is there no versioning resource in the dll (e.g.,
Windows resource)?  Is there an easy way to tell which version osg55-osg.dll




osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] maya plugin, anyone interested?

2009-07-21 Thread Rabbi Robinson

Hi, I have prepared a tar ball for this exporter. Its located at

There is some detailed documentations. But basically you will need to use CMake 
to build it. 

All testers are welcome and please post your comments here on OSG forum.

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg dll versions

2009-07-21 Thread Jason Daly

Bob Youmans wrote:

Hi, what’s the preferred way to tell which version an osg55-osg.dll is 
build from, say 2.8.0 vs 2.8.1.  Is there no versioning resource in 
the dll (e.g., Windows resource)?  Is there an easy way to tell which 
version osg55-osg.dll is?

55 is the shared object version (SOVERSION) from the 2.8 releases 
(they're all binary compatible.  My understanding is that the number is 
only bumped when binary compatibility is broken, so 
OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2-rc4 has the same SOVERSION as 2.8.0, but the 
current SOVERSION in the svn trunk is 61.

I don't believe there are any resources embedded into the DLLs at all.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Computer Vision and osg

2009-07-21 Thread Martin Beckett
Using opencv with OSG but the integration isn't very tight - texture images and 
point locations get copied between the different format where necessary.


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Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Michele Olsen
My machine is using a 9800 GTX and Ubuntu 8.04 32 bit btw.
Thanks for the help, and I hope the driver bug gets worked out.



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Re: [osg-users] Transformations

2009-07-21 Thread Pau Moreno

Thank you very much Ulrich!! It works! I don't know why the other things I've 
tried didn't work but now is working!!!

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg dll versions

2009-07-21 Thread Bob Youmans

but what if i have a team of developers and they're not working on osg 
components, and i ask them to get these new binaries (i build them, they 
don't).  Then later, there's no better way to tell what versions they have than 
looking at the date/time and/or file sizes (they're not sure if they did it or 
not)?  can't we have better version control than that? 

i realize i'm on a particular platform (win32).  is there no in-file versioning 

can there be an osg version function to return a string or a version object 
stating the version (2.8.0 vs 2.8.1) so we can unequivocally know what version 
someone is running and display it in Help, About, or some other startup info?

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Wojciech Lewandowski

Hi, J-S

Last time I checked OSG was also creating accompanying color buffer for 
the depth shadow map. Which usually multiplies GPU memory alocation by 
two (assuming RGBA is 32 bit and Z is 32 bit).

Wow, isn't that a bug? It surprises me that no one has tried to fix that, 
it seems pretty critical to me...

I am not sure... I believe that it was impossible to use depth only FBO when 
they were initially introduced into OpenGL . But now it seems possible at 
least on NVidia's because I made such modificattion and it works ( in fact 
it gave me shadowing speedup improvements). But I did not try to submit this 
because I have not bothered to make it safe and  I did not test whether mod 
does not break other RTT code. I may send this as is if you are 


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg dll versions

2009-07-21 Thread Jason Daly

Bob Youmans wrote:


but what if i have a team of developers and they're not working on osg components, and i ask them to get these new binaries (i build them, they don't).  Then later, there's no better way to tell what versions they have than looking at the date/time and/or file sizes (they're not sure if they did it or not)?  can't we have better version control than that? 

i realize i'm on a particular platform (win32).  is there no in-file versioning possible? 

can there be an osg version function to return a string or a version object 
stating the version (2.8.0 vs 2.8.1) so we can unequivocally know what version 
someone is running and display it in Help, About, or some other startup info?

You can call osgGetVersion().  Look at include/osg/Version for reference.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg dll versions

2009-07-21 Thread Stephan Huber
Bob Youmans schrieb:
 can there be an osg version function to return a string or a version object 
 stating the version (2.8.0 vs 2.8.1) so we can unequivocally know what 
 version someone is running and display it in Help, About, or some other 
 startup info?

Have a look at the doxygen documentation, particularly

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg dll versions

2009-07-21 Thread Bob Youmans

very helpful group is osg.
Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgShadow and osgdepthpartition

2009-07-21 Thread Pasquale Tricarico
Hi D.J.,

(please use your name so we know how to address you)

I am in the same business as you, solar system simulations and such.
And I too use DPN happily, but not much experience with osgShadow. One
advice is to make sure you're running single thread with OSG, I think
it is a strong requirement of DPN so far, it might get better with
future. As for the eclipses, it's hard to model them correctly with
regular shadows, so I opted to just draw transparent cones (one for
the penumbra, one for the umbra) see i.e.:


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:30 PM, D.J. wrote:
 I am a developer for a program that visualizes large scale (solar
 system) and small scale (desktop) scenes.  We would like to be able to
 visualize shadows in our scenes for things like solar/lunar eclipses,
 and ground vehicles with headlights traveling over terrain in and out of
 sun light.

 We started using OpenSceneGraph around version 2.2 or 2.4.  We are now
 moving from version 2.6 to version 2.8.  We have been using an
 adaptation of the DepthPartitionNode from the osgdepthpartition example
 to help with rendering since we often operate in a solar system scene,
 with orbits, trajectories and lines of sight displayed as lines.
 We also keep the camera positioned at the origin and move the scene
 (by way of a transform) to help cut down on jitter in the near view
 caused by floating point error.

 The problem is...

 While trying to make use of osgShadow, I have discovered apparent
 interference between shadowing and the depth partition node (see two
 images attached).  It would seem that the depth partition node causes
 the shadow to move with the camera viewing direction, rather than
 staying with the light direction.  In other words, moving the camera
 causes the shadow to move in an unexpected and undesired manner.

 My questions are...

 Is there a way to get osgShadow and a depth partition node to play nice
 together, or are they at odds by design?  Is that, in fact, what I am
 seeing, or have I set my test case up incorrectly?  Perhaps there is
 some other way to get the benefits of depth partitioning that will not
 interfere with shadows?

 I have searched the archives for discussion of using shadows with a
 depth partition node, but I seem to be missing it (or it just isn't
 there).  I did find one reference

 which says to follow the source code.  I looked under the hood for
 ParallelSplitShadowMap, ShadowMap, and LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMap to
 try to get a feel for how best to proceed, but I'm not seeing a clear
 path to a solution which allows use of shadowing with a depth partition
 node.  I was hoping to avoid a custom solution, either that combines
 the two, or maybe goes in a totally different direction, but my gut
 reaction is that it may be unavoidable.

 In addition to the images, I have also attached my test environment
 source code, so that you can interact with the test environment which
 produced the two attached images.  The source code represents a
 simplified model of our use of OSG in our program.  I have it set up so
 that, if --noUpdate is specified on the command line at run time, the
 home position of the camera manipulator is set to show the problem I am
 seeing.  It may be easiest to see with --no-base-texture on the command
 line (which is what I used for the images).

 My development environment is currently:

 OpenSceneGraph 2.8.1
 Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition SP1
 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP2
 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (win32)
 NVIDIA GeForce Go 7950 GTX (nv4_disp.dll version

 Thanks in advance!

 D.J. Caldwell

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgShadow and osgdepthpartition

2009-07-21 Thread D.J. Caldwell

Thanks for the quick reply.  We are considering the use of cones as you
describe for things like solar/lunar eclipses, but we were hoping to use
osgShadow, especially when dealing with terrain and self-shadowing of
complex geometry.

I should have included the command line arguments I used to produce the
images in my email (although I embedded them in the image names):

--SingleThreaded --earth-centered --noUpdate --no-base-texture

Please, address me as D.J., since I refer to myself as D.J.

My given name is Darrell, but I reserve that name for formal situations.
Since the list is trying for a more friendly atmosphere, I am giving you
the name I use in *ALL* other situations: D.J. (which is an abbreviation
of Darrell Junior).

Thanks, again!


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Pasquale wrote:
 Hi D.J.,

 (please use your name so we know how to address you)

 I am in the same business as you, solar system simulations and such.
 And I too use DPN happily, but not much experience with osgShadow. One
 advice is to make sure you're running single thread with OSG, I think
 it is a strong requirement of DPN so far, it might get better with
 future. As for the eclipses, it's hard to model them correctly with
 regular shadows, so I opted to just draw transparent cones (one for
 the penumbra, one for the umbra) see i.e.:


 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:30 PM, D.J. wrote:
 I am a developer for a program that visualizes large scale (solar
 system) and small scale (desktop) scenes.  We would like to be able to
 visualize shadows in our scenes for things like solar/lunar eclipses,
 and ground vehicles with headlights traveling over terrain in and out of
 sun light.

 We started using OpenSceneGraph around version 2.2 or 2.4.  We are now
 moving from version 2.6 to version 2.8.  We have been using an
 adaptation of the DepthPartitionNode from the osgdepthpartition example
 to help with rendering since we often operate in a solar system scene,
 with orbits, trajectories and lines of sight displayed as lines.
 We also keep the camera positioned at the origin and move the scene
 (by way of a transform) to help cut down on jitter in the near view
 caused by floating point error.

 The problem is...

 While trying to make use of osgShadow, I have discovered apparent
 interference between shadowing and the depth partition node (see two
 images attached).  It would seem that the depth partition node causes
 the shadow to move with the camera viewing direction, rather than
 staying with the light direction.  In other words, moving the camera
 causes the shadow to move in an unexpected and undesired manner.

 My questions are...

 Is there a way to get osgShadow and a depth partition node to play nice
 together, or are they at odds by design?  Is that, in fact, what I am
 seeing, or have I set my test case up incorrectly?  Perhaps there is
 some other way to get the benefits of depth partitioning that will not
 interfere with shadows?

 I have searched the archives for discussion of using shadows with a
 depth partition node, but I seem to be missing it (or it just isn't
 there).  I did find one reference

 which says to follow the source code.  I looked under the hood for
 ParallelSplitShadowMap, ShadowMap, and LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMap to
 try to get a feel for how best to proceed, but I'm not seeing a clear
 path to a solution which allows use of shadowing with a depth partition
 node.  I was hoping to avoid a custom solution, either that combines
 the two, or maybe goes in a totally different direction, but my gut
 reaction is that it may be unavoidable.

 In addition to the images, I have also attached my test environment
 source code, so that you can interact with the test environment which
 produced the two attached images.  The source code represents a
 simplified model of our use of OSG in our program.  I have it set up so
 that, if --noUpdate is specified on the command line at run time, the
 home position of the camera manipulator is set to show the problem I am
 seeing.  It may be easiest to see with --no-base-texture on the command
 line (which is what I used for the images).

 My development environment is currently:

 OpenSceneGraph 2.8.1
 Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition SP1
 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP2
 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (win32)
 NVIDIA GeForce Go 7950 GTX (nv4_disp.dll version

 Thanks in advance!

 D.J. Caldwell

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgShadow::ShadowedScene + multiple parental node paths

2009-07-21 Thread Wojciech Lewandowski


Frankly, I have never thought about such usage. I must admit that  LispSM 
was not prepared for such scenario. All ViewDependentShadowTechniques 
(LispSM included) make assumption that there is one technique per View.  I 
suppose that even if you use the same ShadowTechnique object but create two 
parental paths it will work like there were two independent instances 
rivalling for the same resources (shadow map /shadow cam view  projection 
matrices/ texgen). So it will not work either.

I am not sure  if this is possible with your app but you may solve the 
problem by adding separate slave  cameras (like HUD cams) for each extra 
ShadowedScene. But it will only work with extra slave or extra view. Nesting 
RTT camera in graph will not be enough. Each ViewDependentTechnique (and 
derived classes) use ptr to CullVisitor to identify View and create separate 
set of resources for this view. Graph nested cams use the same visitor as 
their parent View so it will be impossible to identify which cam is actually 
rendering and conflicts will be still present.

Wojtek Lewandowski

From: Daniel Lazaroff
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:23 PM
Subject: [osg-users] osgShadow::ShadowedScene + multiple parental node paths

Hi guys,

I have been using the LSPSM technique with great visual results so far, 
but I seem to be having an issue with the osgShadow::ShadowedScene node 
and multiple parental node paths.

If the ShadowedScene node is deep into my scene graph and has a single 
getParentalNodePaths() there are no problems. But once I have more than 
one, the shadowing seems to be gone in the simplest of sg designs.

Probably there is a simple explanation or I am missing an important point, 
thanks for any response !


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Re: [osg-users] Control of animated object

2009-07-21 Thread Carlos Sanches
ok, I was far these days but I m back :)
let me see if I understood all operation and you say me if Im correct

First, I have a object like .OSG extension.
This object have a lot of nodes.
I have to look which node is a AnimationPathCallback
When I find a node that is a AnimationPathCallback I have to
setUpdateCallback to this node.
this updatecallback can be a function that check the time offset of my
AnimationPathCallback node for example.

Is this correct??

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Garry Keltie
Thanks for the info.

I guess I was wondering... what if?

The separation could be done in opengl... splitting each colour. I'm not sure 
how glColor could specify more bits (up to what the card can handle) and then 
how glColorMask could distinguish between the ranges if it were split.

I know there are descriptions of interesting hardware but I'm trying to imagine 
if a variant of anaglyphic stereo could achieve an infitec like effect through 
something like osgPPU? 


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Re: [osg-users] Frame rates vary dramatically across runs

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Wojtek,

I am not sure... I believe that it was impossible to use depth only FBO 
when they were initially introduced into OpenGL . But now it seems 
possible at least on NVidia's because I made such modificattion and it 
works ( in fact it gave me shadowing speedup improvements). But I did 
not try to submit this because I have not bothered to make it safe and  
I did not test whether mod does not break other RTT code. I may send 
this as is if you are interested.

I think if it gives a verifiable gain (less video memory used for depth 
component RTT) then you can submit it. As you know, submission does not 
mean that you need to be confident that it does not break anything, it 
means that you are sending it for review. Robert will check it out, if 
there are problems he might see them or if he's not sure then he'll call 
for more testing by others who use that functionality.

At least it would mean that some progress is being made in the right 
direction :-)

I hope you consider sending your changes,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] rectangle behind osgText

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Terry,

Does OSG have any sort of convenience routine for drawing a
semi-transparent rectangle behind a block of osgText?  This would make
text a little easier to read against distracting background imagery.

Not that I know of, but you're right, it's something that I have often 
needed to do. The osghud example shows that it's pretty easy to do it by 
taking the axis-aligned bounding box of the text and making a quad of 
that size (of course I'd personally add a small margin all around, but 
that could be a parameter in the convenience function).

Feel free to submit it. I, for one, would use it.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [3rdparty] OSG Composer 1.2

2009-07-21 Thread Ashraf Sultan
OSG Composer 1.2 was released, the new version adds the following

Keyboard free, intuitive camera navigation.
Improved GUI, nice eye candy.

The Commercial version now supports exporting Collada, PDF 3D, Wavefront in 
addition to OSG and IVE, while the Lite version supports exporting OSG and IVE

The Lite version is available at:

I hope that you find the new version useful.



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Re: [osg-users] Texture problems with OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Tim Allen

Thank you for the reply guys.

1)The first question I want to find a function similar to  glTexImage2D in osg.

Here is some code regarding this,

/* Create checkerboard texture */
#define checkImageWidth 64
#define checkImageHeight 64
static GLubyte checkImage[checkImageHeight][checkImageWidth][4];
static GLuint texName;
void makeCheckImage(void)
int i, j, c;
for (i = 0; i  checkImageHeight; i++) {
for (j = 0; j  checkImageWidth; j++) {
c = i0x8)==0)^((j0x8))==0))*255;
checkImage[i][j][0] = (GLubyte) c;
checkImage[i][j][1] = (GLubyte) c;
checkImage[i][j][2] = (GLubyte) c;
checkImage[i][j][3] = (GLubyte) 255;

Then setting it
osg::ref_ptrosg::Image image=new osg::Image;


Please do corrections to my code wherever required.
2)Considering second question I want to find texture coordinate of a particular 
point on the model.Using picking I can find the 3d position of an 
object,Similarly can I get the assigned texture coordinates at an arbitrary 
point using osg??This is similar to contactTexCoord(MFVec3f) in H3D.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Sec:u Re: GPU Monitoring for OSG

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Pocock
I integrated NVPerf a while ago - I'll upload it sometime .. needs
cleaning up

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