RE: [PEIRCE-L] Three Interpretants

2018-03-22 Thread kirstima
Gary f. Do not loose hope. - It truly is cumbersome to proceed from thinking in trichotomies into thinking in triads. - Most transform even trchotomies into dyads, or worse still, into dichotomies. With dichotomies, one deals with megations, without mediation. Thus not in a Peircean way. Kir

Re: Aw: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Roses are red

2018-05-20 Thread kirstima
Helmut, list, Pastness is always relative to present and future, that is what Peirce means. There is a feeling of pastness attacheched to memories and reminiscences. Which is the ground for recognizing them AS memories. Best, Kirsti Helmut Raulien kirjoitti 3.5.2018 17:40: John, Stephen, li

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Empirical or inductive logic

2018-05-26 Thread kirstima
John, I took up your reference to vol 4 in Chronological ed. - I you can shed any more light on loops and twists in CPS's way to his latest existential graps, I would be most grateful. Greimas, the Lithuanian semiotician I have met and discussed with, used a square similar to the one in page

Re: Aw: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Empirical or inductive logic

2018-05-28 Thread kirstima
Helmut, list, I do not get confused very easily on these topics:) But I think I quite understand your dilemmas. Helmut. Negation is no easy topic. Formal logic may succeed in making it seem easy. To my mind mostly because the sentences to be formalized are invented for the purposes of demons

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Empirical or inductive logic Open-ended logics?

2018-06-08 Thread kirstima
John, Well put, indeed! Kirsti M. John F Sowa kirjoitti 3.6.2018 00:57: On 6/2/2018 5:33 PM, Helmut Raulien wrote: I vaguely recall that [Wittgenstein] said like: "About (this or that) you must not speak"... I just remember that when I read it, I thought: "No, you don´t tell me when to shut u

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Possibility and actuality: What does a variable refer to?

2018-08-26 Thread kirstima
John, P-listers, I wonder why science(s) seems to be left out of the context in the discussions in this thread. To my mind they are direly needed in order to make sense , ecp. of the latter part of the title, to start with. So: What does a variable refer to? Within empirical science(s)

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being (was How should semeiotic be classified?

2018-09-16 Thread kirstima
John, list, First, I wish to thank John for his comments to my earlier post to the list. I agreed with all, but one point. Which consist in an, to my mind, unwarranted focus on classifications. Peirce in several occasions wrote about KINDS. (Should be easy enought to google). - Kinds (as a ph

[PEIRCE-L] On universalism and essentialism

2018-09-16 Thread kirstima
List, After reading some more of the discussion on these threads, I wish to remind all of endless feminist disputes on essentialism and universalism. The answer does not have the form: either/or. Best, Kirsti - PEIRCE-L subscribers: Click on "Reply List" or "Repl

Re: [PEIRCE-L] On universalism and essentialism

2018-09-16 Thread kirstima
Thank you, Edwina. Kirsti Edwina Taborsky kirjoitti 16.9.2018 17:35: Kirstima Thank you so much for your very astute and wise posts - both of them. You have pointed out, very subtly and yet accurately, the problem [in my view] of the many posts on 'exact terminology'. Edwina On Su

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being

2018-09-18 Thread kirstima
Jerry, John is quoting what Peirce stated in several contexts. So he is right. In other contexts, CSP writes a lot on unconscius (subconscious etc) mind. But he definitely considered his normative logic only applicable to deliberate thought. - He also stated that a person is a bunch of habit.

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Pure and applied mathematics

2018-09-19 Thread kirstima
The answer offered here to Jerry Chandler by John Sowa I find a very good answer. Cheers, Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 19.9.2018 17:33: Jerry LRC, As Kirsti said, the subject line about categories and modes was a long thread about Peirce's 1903 classification of the sciences. I plan to pos

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-10 Thread kirstima
Jon, The presupposition in your question(s)you do not take up is the presupposition that all signs can and may be (easily) classified. - If you look up some detailed versions of Peirces classifications of signs, and you'll see what kinds of problems I mean. "Our existing universe" does not g

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-10 Thread kirstima
John, I found it very interesting that you took up metaphor in connection with "laws of nature". I once got across with a study on metaphors in science with a side note by the researchers that natural scientist often got angry on any hint that they may have been using such. - It was just some

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-10 Thread kirstima
Jon A. Seems valid to me. But it does not answer the quest for understanding. - If you see my point. Kirsti Jon Awbrey kirjoitti 7.4.2017 02:02: Jon, List ... I've mentioned the following possibility several times before, but maybe not too recently. A sign relation L is a subset of a carte

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-10 Thread kirstima
What an excellent post! Just an addition to what John said on bacteria: It seems hard to (in prevalent culture) to understand the fact that we are not directly nourished by our intake of nutritients (food), but via the bacteria in our digestive system. We feed the (kinds of) bacteria, which f

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-11 Thread kirstima
Jon A., I was attepting to express as understandably as possible. To offer answers to your quest for exactness would take more time than I have at my disposal. - Sorry for that!! Best, Kirsti Jon Alan Schmidt kirjoitti 10.4.2017 21:44: Kirsti, List: I am indeed exploring the hypothesis th

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-12 Thread kirstima
Jon, Whilst I agree with your points on what must be taken seriously, there remains serious problems with understanding understanding. Your approach comes from information theoretical viewpoint. Which relies on bits. Not so human understanding. All information theories rely on a certain kin

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-13 Thread kirstima
John, Thanks a lot! A most interesting post. I'll look up your paper. Even though I have approached these questions from a different angle , I wholly agree with your conlusion views on the nature of thirds. And on the arguments offered by Peirce. - It has seemed to me, too, that he did not

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-19 Thread kirstima
Tom,list, Well put, well put, indeed! Also, I wish to remind you all, that CSP did not view lawa of nature as eternally unchangable. To his mind, tehy do change, albeit mostly very, very slowly. Think about climate change. With it very, very slow changes meet changes with other time-scales.

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Laws of Nature as Signs

2017-04-26 Thread kirstima
John, list, The invasion of Big Data into social sciences makes critical views on Carnap (& co) utterly important nowadays. Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 24.4.2017 04:34: Helmut, Jeffrey, Jon A, Clark, list, HR Not every triadic relation is categorically thirdness. But which are? That's a

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Did Peirce Anticipate the Space-Time Continuum?

2017-05-29 Thread kirstima
Dear listers, I do not think the title of this thread is well-thought. There is nothing such as a "Space-Time Continuum" which could be reasonably discussed about. Even though it is often repeated chain of words. For the first: Continuity does not mean the same as does 'continuum'. - and th

Fwd: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Did Peirce Anticipate the Space-Time Continuum?

2017-05-29 Thread kirstima
Alkuperäinen viesti Aihe: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Did Peirce Anticipate the Space-Time Continuum? Päiväys: 29.5.2017 18:13 Lähettäjä: Vastaanottaja: Jerry LR Chandler Jerry, Well, stricly speaking you are not taking up a triad, but three interconnected pr

Re: Fwd: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Did Peirce Anticipate the Space-Time Continuum?

2017-05-29 Thread kirstima
Jerry, list, In my view (with no access to the latest writings of CSP) did not just anticipate continuity, but grasped it, both in respect of space and time. But he did not solve the new kinds of problems arising with those. One essential issue, to my mind, is that he advised not to mix them

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Did Peirce Anticipate the Space-Time Continuum?

2017-05-29 Thread kirstima
Jon, Thanks for your prompt response. I've read your mails, I do know you see the problem. Kirsti Jon Awbrey kirjoitti 29.5.2017 18:36: Kirsti, List, I know what you mean about the title but decided to take it more as a reference to the revolution in physics that began with relativity and qu

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-01 Thread kirstima
Nothing should be does not quite amount to nothing is. CSP was for the first, not for the second. Are there dogmas in science? Could there be? If so, how could one tell? Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 1.6.2017 09:34: On 5/31/2017 10:48 PM, Gary Richmond wrote: I agree that #3 is not a dogma o

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Did Peirce Anticipate the Space-Time Continuum?

2017-06-06 Thread kirstima
Clark, I fully agree with your points. Kirsti Clark Goble kirjoitti 1.6.2017 22:33: On May 30, 2017, at 2:49 PM, Helmut Raulien wrote: I am not happy with tychism: Conservation laws require infinite exactness of conservation: Energy or impulse before a reaction must be exactly the same befor

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-06 Thread kirstima
Helmut, "Morphogenetic field" is just a name, a term standing for a theoretical concept. Naming is not explaining. - For explaining anything, a theory is needed, with sound experimental evidence backing it up. Do you think the experimental evidence Sheldrake has been presenting is not sound?

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-06 Thread kirstima
Dear J. Rhee, You addressed you post especially to me, but I can't see any connection to my recent post to the list. Seeing the host of copies you listed up, I guess you take your point to be a most important one. Please do enlighten me on your reasons and grounds. With most kind regards.

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-07 Thread kirstima
Dear Jerry R., list No theoretical paper gives detailed enough description of the experiments, experimental designs & the process of conducting the experiments in order to check its soundness. Which is a time consuming job & which cannot be done without being properly skilled in designing an

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-07 Thread kirstima
Jerry R., list The question of "sizing" electromagnetic "fields" is not the kind of question to be posed first. (See e.g. Kaina Stoicheia). If you pose the question, the answer is: Not possible to answer it. The problem of morphic (etc.) resonance must be tackled before any measuring of any

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-10 Thread kirstima
Jerry R. You wrote: J.R. " why do you not even bring up the biology when you're so ready to bring up matters that are of importance for you?" IS THERE a certain kind of biology, which deserves to be called THE biology? - If so, what are the criteria you use? Biology today is going through

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-10 Thread kirstima
Helmut, Now you are talking! Excellent post. "Interaction" is one way of taking relational logic seriously. But it does not follow that "explanation" (if based on scientific evidence, may not have any objective definition. Or whatever the term used. I would prefer the expression: "objective

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-10 Thread kirstima
John, list, Thanks for interesting points sheading light to the historical contexts of Sheldrake's work. I 'm quite interested in knowing which was the year he spent at Harward & whether he got familiar with Peirce by then. Which I do not think was the case. To my mind it seems that Sheldr

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-12 Thread kirstima
John, Actually Sheldrake was able to test a hypothesis (which, to my knowledge he did not himself believe in at the time)on non-local effects. His series of experiments (one will never do) on pidgeons are truly ingenious and suberb AS experimental designs. If that is agreed (after thorough st

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Rheme and Reason. A comment on CP 3.440

2017-06-12 Thread kirstima
Jerry, list Dictionary may not be the source to turn to. ERGO is an abbreviation used by CSP to his audience at the time. There are hidden parts, assumed to be self-evidently known to all his readers. In another parts of his writings CSP tells that the primary and fundamental logical relatio

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-12 Thread kirstima
Well, it is well known that CSP was not so very keen on existence. Even though he succeeded in completing his Existential Graphs to his full approval. But on being that was not the case. Being was to him the key to what is real. What was real (to him) was effects. Does belief in God have e

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Rheme and Reason. A comment on CP 3.440

2017-06-14 Thread kirstima
Jerry, When CSP used "ERGO", that was a case of ENTHYMEME (cf. Aristotle). The rheme "If - then" remains implied. One is supposed to regocnize that. Logic is not linguistics, and shluld not be replaced, not even partly, by lingquitics. Even though there are a host of philosophers, quite famo

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Rheme and Reason. A comment on CP 3.440

2017-06-16 Thread kirstima
Hi, Jerry, Where in earth did you take the "moral authority" you (mistakenly) assume I was refering to? Pity you did not understand my points. But if Hilbert is your leading star in the universe of sciences, then it is understandable that you hold on to his mistakes, as well as his achievem


2017-06-17 Thread kirstima
My applauds, Gene! What a great wake-up call. Kirsti Määttänen Eugene Halton kirjoitti 15.6.2017 20:10: Gary f: "I think it’s quite plausible that AI systems could reach that level of autonomy and leave us behind in terms of intelligence, but what would motivate them to kill us? I don’t think

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Deely & Apel

2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Hello Brad, A very interesting theme you have taken on. A challenging one, too. Apel and Deely come from very different traditions. I guess about all listers have read Deely (on Peirce), but none to my knowledge has read Apel (on Peirce). Except me. - I'd like to know if there are some other

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Rheme and Reason

2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Thank you, John (again) for clearing up the issue with utmost clarity! Gratefully, Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 18.6.2017 16:39: On 6/17/2017 5:45 PM, Jeffrey Brian Downard wrote: The term "positive" is the word that Peirce uses to describe the character of the philosophical sciences--as well

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Gene, The most important message ever in Peirce-list is this one you posted! I repeat: ever! I am literally schocked by the fact, that I am the first to respond. This late. Am I conversing with human beings? - Or just kinds of extensions to automatization of everyday life & "common sense" m


2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Hah. The minute I sent my message on no response, I got John's response. This time, John, I have to say: Wrong, wrong, wrong, You just don't know what you are talking about. - just walking on very thin ice and expecting your fame on other fields with get you through. It is not that some iden

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Rheme and Reason

2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Jon, I like your tenor, but do not quite agree. Yes, linguistics has changed just as you say. But logic? In my view, the very grounds of modern logic are groumbling down. But it is an ongoing process, with no predictable end. Now we live in late modern ot early post modern times. Just to giv

[PEIRCE-L] An apology

2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Dear John, I sincerely apologize for any negative feelings my latest mail addressed to you may have caused. I have been reprimanded by list managers that my tenor and tone are not tolerated. In a democratic list, so I am told. There have been three complaints. Off-list. So I'm told. My rar

Re: [PEIRCE-L] An apology

2017-06-20 Thread kirstima
Gary, list, First: I did not feel offended, I felt surprised. The expertice and authority of John F. Sowa were so clear to me that I could not think of anyone,least John, to take any offence in my stating my view so bluntly. - Which I apologized. After the suprise I do feel offended. I was c

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's own definition of 'information'

2017-06-28 Thread kirstima
A bold interpretation. I wonder whether to quote is enough to give grounds for it. It almost sounds as if stating that the main purpose of CSP was to uphold old, established views. Which is surely not meant to be the message? I do not quite understand what "repurposing" means, especially in

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-07-31 Thread kirstima
Peirce did not use the term "semantics. But he did use the term: "semeiotics". He even gave advice in spelling the word. This was his advice: " see-my-o-tics". Anyone can google this, I assume. If need be. In my view Gary R. is gravely wrong in assuming that CSP was all his life after SIGNS.

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-01 Thread kirstima
Clark understood pretty correctly what I meant with my post: A question of shifting emphasis by CSP. Which to my mind is shown in a shift of interest from trichotomies (and systems of sign classification) into triads and triadic thinking (as a method). On these issues I have written extensivel

Re: Aw: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-03 Thread kirstima
Triads belog to the system of Categories, the hardest part in Peircean philosphy to fully grasp. It is much easier to use only classifications. This appoach involves confining to Secondness, as if it were the only, or even the most important part in his philosphy. - Peirce definitely left this

Re: Aw: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-03 Thread kirstima
Helmut, You wrote: " what would be the difference between "qualisign" and "icon". First, they are ripped off from different trichotomies (of which one is left out, by the way). Second, these present something arrived at from differing Categorical aspetcs (or perspectives). Without workin

Re: Aw: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-03 Thread kirstima
Concernig the supplement: Not just continental hybris, to my mind. I agree with Apel on this "something higher". Kirsti Helmut Raulien kirjoitti 4.8.2017 00:12: Supplement: I just have tried to read something on the internet about Apel´s Peirce- reception. Wow, this is interesting. Is "I-thin

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-05 Thread kirstima
Jerry, A misunderstanding here. I did not mean all sign classifications in the world. I meant those parts in CSP's work where he developed more and more complex classification systems; and that taken in the context of all his work. - Also, when said: "I have not found (etc...), I meant in the

Re: Aw: Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-05 Thread kirstima
Helmut Raulien kirjoitti 4.8.2017 21:06: Kirsti, you wrote: "Also, with triads, thinking in "parts" does not do. According to my view, that is. Nor do the idea of "containing"." Instead you wrote about: " Categorical aspects (or perspectives). " But, isn´t this a kind of containing or compos

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-05 Thread kirstima
Jerry, list, It is a historical fact that CSP left his work on sign classifications aside and proceeded towards other aims. My firm conviction is that he found that way a dead end. - Anyone is free to disagree. - But please, leave me out of any expectations of participating in further discuss

RE: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-06 Thread kirstima
List, I did not claim that CSP in any way REJECTED the results of his work with sign classifications. Kirsti kirjoitti 5.8.2017 19:52: I've been looking for some evidence which would support Kirsti's claim that "It is a historical fact that CSP left his work on sign classif

Re: Aw: Re: Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-06 Thread kirstima
Helmut, That is good to know. Thanks. Kirsti Helmut Raulien kirjoitti 5.8.2017 22:09: Kirsti, you wrote: "I find it difficult to answer your questions, Helmut, because I do not have a clear enough idea of what you are aiming at. What is the ground for you interest in CSP? What do you aim to

RE: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-06 Thread kirstima
Letters to lady Welby need to be interpreted and evaluated on the basis to whom they were addressed to. Lady Welby was highly interested in sign classifications. Classifications were a dominant topic at the times, in vogue. (Remnants of this vogue are still effective.) - Peirce was explaining h

Re: Aw: Re: Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy & Phenomenology

2017-08-06 Thread kirstima
Helmut, Todays systems theories were not known by Peirce. Thus he dis not use the TERM (which is just a name for a theoretical concept) in the sense (meaning) it is used nowadays. I have studied some early cybernetics, then Bertallanffy and Luhman in more detail. But I left keeping up with t

Re: CP2.230 (1910) ] Systems of Meaning was Re: [PEIRCE-L] 123, abc

2017-08-20 Thread kirstima
John, Your posts greatly appreciated. But Peirce did write on cyclical arithmetics. With detailed instructions on how demonstrate the rules by experimenting with a pack of cards. Detailed instructions include strict rules on how to achieve a random order with the pack of cards at hand. Only

Re: CP2.230 (1910) ] Systems of Meaning was Re: [PEIRCE-L] 123, abc

2017-08-25 Thread kirstima
John, list In response, John wrote: "Kirsti, But Peirce did write on cyclical arithmetics. With detailed instructions on how demonstrate the rules by experimenting with a pack of cards. Yes. But he used that cycle for a different purpose. That cycle represents patterns in a part

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Peirce's classifications of the sciences

2017-08-29 Thread kirstima
As wished by John, some comments to the jpg, as well as on some comments presented: I find the diagram a misleading, not a clarifying one. I found the quote provided by Tommi a highly relevant problematization of the issue. I also agree with the critical notes provided by Jerry, up to a poi

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Peirce's classifications of the sciences

2017-09-02 Thread kirstima
There is a link between ideas of recursion and that of cyclical arithmetics. Has this not been recognized? Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 2.9.2017 20:53: On 9/1/2017 6:37 PM, Tommi Vehkavaara wrote: I do not see how those who take ontology as the first philosophy could be convinced with this di

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell lecture 1.1

2017-09-24 Thread kirstima
List, I agree with Jerry. Kirsti Jerry LR Chandler kirjoitti 24.9.2017 22:41: List, Gary: Thanks, Gary for initiating a fresh informative stream. It seems that how one interprets this opening rhetoric stance (“hook”) is rather dependent on the number of symbols systems ( linguistic, musical,

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell lecture 1.1

2017-09-24 Thread kirstima
Gary R. You misread my message. If it seemed as especially pointing at the snippet you took up, it has been unintentional. As a list manager your concern on the snippet is understandable. However, as an approach by a list manager, I must say I do not feel good about the way you expressed you

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell lecture 1.1

2017-09-30 Thread kirstima
Gary, Is it truly possible to just by defining to make oneself into strictly separate parts? An interesting question. Nevertheless, this discussion does not deserve continuation. All your points have become quite clear. With the undertones. Kirsti Gary Richmond kirjoitti 25.9.2017 05:00:

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 1.8

2017-10-12 Thread kirstima
List, Jerry and John Highly problematic, I agree. But it is not true that any contradiction,or all contradictions imply everything. Not logically, not really. Everything does not mean the same as anything. For CSP anything remains an open (vague) question UNTILL further studies & determinat

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 1.8

2017-10-12 Thread kirstima
List, John, Jerry and Jon, LEM presents one of the three basic misassuptions in modern logic. For all I know CSP and Brouwer came to similar conclusions independently. They also offered their grounds and conclusions very differently. There was a deep change in math and locic during and after

Re: LEM Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 1.8

2017-10-17 Thread kirstima
ut there to pick up and see. Seeing just does not happen that way. And to note: my name is NOT kirstima. I am not identical with my e-mail address. I always sign my post with my name. Which is: Kirsti Jerry LR Chandler kirjoitti 15.10.2017 01:47: List, John: Comments on “technical

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 1: overview

2017-10-17 Thread kirstima
John, Possibilities may be real, but they do not exist untill they become actual. Thus a token. There always is the Scylla and Charybnis between understandability and logic. But claiming existance to possibilities just does not hold. Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 17.10.2017 05:48: This thr

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 1: overview

2017-10-19 Thread kirstima
debatable issues: 'real', 'exist', and 'actual'. To analyze the issues, I suggested Quine's dictum: "To be is to be the value of a quantified variable." (And by the way, I apologize for typing 'Kirstima'. I wrote 'Kirsti' in my pr

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Existence and Reality (was Lowell Lecture 1: overview)

2017-10-19 Thread kirstima
Hah! To the point Ben! Kirsti Ben Novak kirjoitti 19.10.2017 14:30: Dear List: Jon A. writes in his first post on this string: "Some of the difficulty here is likely due to the fact that there is no verb form of "reality," which could then be used to talk about both _actual _things and _real _

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Existence and Reality (was Lowell Lecture 1: overview)

2017-10-19 Thread kirstima
Ontology/ epistemology taken as it has been does not apply to Peirce. Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 19.10.2017 15:53: Jon AS, Edwina, Jerry LRC, Gary R, Mike, and Ben, Jon By Peirce's definitions--at least, the ones that he carefully employed late in his life--the verb "exist" may only be used

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Existence and Reality (was Lowell Lecture 1: overview)

2017-10-25 Thread kirstima
Thank you, John, for clearing the issue. I wholly agree. By the way, using the term 'universe' is fine with me. Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 20.10.2017 00:03: Kirsti and Gary R, Resorting to Quine cannot be taken as any starter. My note was based on three lines by Peirce, which Quine summ

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.6

2017-10-30 Thread kirstima
Thank you very much John for a most enlightening post. Recto/verso issue (in other forms, of course) was taken up & became somewhat popular within feminist philosophy 1980's and 1990's. I felt uncomfortable with it. But could not pinpoint the locical (in the narrow sense) errors. A pseudogra

[PEIRCE-L] A test

2017-10-30 Thread kirstima
- PEIRCE-L subscribers: Click on "Reply List" or "Reply All" to REPLY ON PEIRCE-L to this message. PEIRCE-L posts should go to . To UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message not to PEIRCE-L but to with the line "UNSubscribe PEIRCE-L" i

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.6

2017-11-02 Thread kirstima
OK. Thanks. Kirsti Jon Awbrey kirjoitti 30.10.2017 20:45: Kirsti, List, It would be more accurate to say, and I'm sure it's what John meant, that Peirce's explanation of logical connectives and quantifiers in terms of a game between two players attempting to support or defeat a proposition, r

Re: Fw: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.6

2017-11-03 Thread kirstima
John, Jon, list Some comments in response In Peirce's view logic needs mathematical grounds, but I have not found anything to support the view that there should be such sharp distinction as you propose. – There were many, many classifications of sciences he developed over the years. Of which

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Lowell Lecture 2.6

2017-11-03 Thread kirstima
Jon, You expressed my point even in what I did not put into words. Kirsti Jon Awbrey kirjoitti 3.11.2017 23:06: Kirsti, List, The Greek “dia-” means across, apart, or through. And Peirce recognizes that one is often talking to oneself or one's future self, so the number of people that one is s

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.14

2017-11-25 Thread kirstima
Gary f., I cannot understand your use of quotation marks. Why say: ... his "categories"??? Insted of... his categories??? Also, instead or warning against confusing SPOT, DOT and BLOT, it would have been most interesting to hear how they are related. This is all about relational logic, is it

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.14

2017-11-26 Thread kirstima
Gary f., Seems to me you are mistaken. Categories and elements have a different meaning. It not just giving new names. I.e. not just about terminonology. They are not synonyms. But if anyone uses Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness as just names for classes of signs, it may appear so. A mo

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.14

2017-11-27 Thread kirstima
Gary f. wrote: - “Categories”, “elements”, “Firstness”, “Secondness” and “Thirdness” are all technical terms of Peircean phenomenology... Many mistakes in this. - Just offer one example where CSP explicitly states that these are TECHNICAL TERMS. (If you can.) Categories concern definitely

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.13 and 2.14

2017-11-27 Thread kirstima
John, Thank you very much! - I was wondering why I did not find PEG in the list. Now it's all making sense. With gratitude, Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 27.11.2017 09:05: Gary F, Mary L, Kirsti, Jerry LRC, and list, In 1911, Peirce presented his clearest and simplest version of EGs. He ex

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Lowell Lecture 2.13 and 2.14

2017-11-28 Thread kirstima
Jon, I agree! Kirsti Jon Awbrey kirjoitti 27.11.2017 17:30: John, Kirsti, List ... JFS: In 1911, Peirce clarified that issues by using two distinct terms: 'the universe' and 'a sheet of paper'. The sheet is no longer identified with the universe, and there is no reason why one couldn't or sho

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Lowell Lecture 2.13 and 2.14

2017-11-28 Thread kirstima
John, Jon, list, Thank you for a most interesting discussion. Not being so keen on set theory, or the utterly simple assertions formal logic has so far dealt with, I would like to draw your attention to these assertion of mine: If there exists a sheet of assertion, for example a blackboard o

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Lowell Lecture 2.13 and 2.14

2017-12-07 Thread kirstima
John & Jon, The two paragraphs offered by John to clarify the meaning of the verb 'to indentify' did not do the job for me. Quite the contrary. Many questions arose. JFS: "In mathematics, it is common practice to "identify" two structures that are isomorphic. Some mathematicians call tha

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Lowell Lecture 2.13 and 2.14

2017-12-10 Thread kirstima
John, Jon, I agree with John on the issue of "every word.." Opening the pdf by John did not succeed. So a little note on his wording in: JFS; In summary, the range of contexts for writing or using EGs is as open ended as the contexts for using any other kinds of signs. It's best to distingu

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Contexts and hypostatic abstraction (was Lowell lectures...

2017-12-12 Thread kirstima
John, Thanks for changing the subject line! I'm well aware of hypostatic abstraction and I have given a lot of thought to its position in the overall philosophy of CSP. Which is the context for both EG's and his logical graphs in a more general sense. In a certain narrow sense hypostatic abs

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.4

2017-12-13 Thread kirstima
List, Peirce did not just "refer to" some well-established "facts" of his time; he has all the time been developing a whole theory. All good and true theories go beyond any number of "facts" (id est: array of empirical findings). It could be called 'hypo-determination' (just a coined word, c

[PEIRCE-L] Contexts and hypostatic abstraction (was Lowell lectures...

2017-12-13 Thread kirstima
John, I'll rephrase my point (which you seem to have missed). We started from your post saying: JFS The distinction between a verb form such as 'asserting' and a noun such as 'assertion' is what Peirce called *hypostatic abstraction*. To illustrate the point, Peirce used a term that Molière i

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.1

2017-12-13 Thread kirstima
Gary f, A kind remark on a typo in lecture 3, which you may wish to correct. It is in short paragraph consisting of three lines. It begins: "A quality, or Firstness, has mere logical..." Third sentence thereof should begin with a capital, but it does not. It should be: "A fact, or Secondness..

[PEIRCE-L] Irony and style in CSP (Was: Peirce's adjectives...)

2017-12-13 Thread kirstima
Cassiano, Jon, list I have been studying style in connection with argument analysis for a long time. Recognizing textual markers of irony forms a part of the method I developed in 1990's in my university lectures in Finland. In 2000's I started a slow read on Kaina Stoicheia (New Elements) in

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-20 Thread kirstima
Listers, Perhaps It is good to remember historical changes with names used for geometrical point. Euclid introduced the word SEMEION, and defined it as that which has no parts, and his followers started to that word instead of the earlier STIGME . – But (with latin) the Romans & later Boethius

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-21 Thread kirstima
Gary f., list, kirjoitti 21.12.2017 16:39: "Asking whether a sign has parts is like asking whether a line has points." Yes its does. But that does not answer the questions I posed. Perhaps I should have added: What do you (listers) think? Gary f.: " By the way, accordin

Re: Aw: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-21 Thread kirstima
Helmut, I was not using a metaphor. Nor was I suggesting what you inferred I did. I just posed two questions, one on sign, one on meaning. Which, of course, are deeply related. But how? To my mind both questions are worth careful ponderings. Especially in connection with this phase in the Lo

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-31 Thread kirstima
John, list, I have been out of reach for more than a week. A heap of mails in this thread. My responses may seem to many as ancient history. For that reason I'll leave the comment responded below. And I'll try to be concice. No arguments on words and reference, however detailed, can possibl

RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-31 Thread kirstima
Gary f, list My source on Eucleides was Grattan-Guinness (The Fontana history of the mathematical sciences) and my thirty years old notes on the topic. (& Liddell and Scott, of course.) It is important to keep in mind that no such divisions (or classifications) between sciences that are take

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-31 Thread kirstima
John, list, Now, with John, we are talking! This was the last post I (quite hastily) read before leaving the e-world. - And I left with a happy tone. Best, Kirsti John F Sowa kirjoitti 22.12.2017 17:38: On 12/22/2017 7:50 AM, wrote: for instance, you can say that a dicisi

Re: Chirality (was Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.4)

2017-12-31 Thread kirstima
Jerry, list, JERRY: "Exactly what CSP means by "corpuscular philosophy" is a mystery to me. Was he arguing for the Boscowitz atoms derived from vortices?" No mystery to me what CSP meant with "corpuscular philosphy". - The problem with your question lies in "Exactly what..." - It (logically )

Re: Aw: Re: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.6

2017-12-31 Thread kirstima
Helmut, Helmut Raulien kirjoitti 22.12.2017 18:14: Kirsti, is the term "part" already defined? No, it is not. You hit the point with "virtual". Best, Kirsti - I think, if it is defined geometrically, then a sign does not have parts. If a sign is a function that depends on subfunctions,

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