[twitter-dev] What's expected in a good User Agent?

2010-02-22 Thread enderp
Hi all,

I'm using the search API with CURL and I know how to set a user agent.
My question is, what does twitter want to see there?

A unique English word name? A random string (so it's sure to be
unique)? An email? Something else?

Thanks for any help.

[twitter-dev] Permanent Profile URL

2010-02-22 Thread Paul Tarjan
Is there a permanent profile URL for users? Something like


I'd like something that is ID based (since users can change their
short form) but is guaranteed to resolve for a while. Possibly even
302ing to the http://twitter.com/

I could use


but it is rather long and doesn't return any nice HTML


Re: [twitter-dev] Apache HTTP Server Stopped Working

2010-02-22 Thread Andrew Badera
Is Windows Firewall running? Try both explicit exceptions as well as
turning it entirely off. Also, what's your callback actually look
like? Are you localhost'g it or otherwise?

∞ Andy Badera
∞ +1 518-641-1280 Google Voice
∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
∞ Google me: http://www.google.com/search?q=andrew%20badera

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Diego Alvarado  wrote:
> Hello!
> I am dealing with an issue with the twitter OAuth PHP example by
> Abraham Williams. Once a allow acces to my twitter account, the
> browser can't redirect me to the callback URL. Firefox shows the
> "conexion was reset" error and windows (Vista Home Basic) shows me an
> error: "Apache HTTP Server stopped working".
> Is there anyone having this problem too?
> I am trying to make this work using a local server (appserv 2.6.0). I
> tried this using wamp server on a windows XP desktop and had the same
> result.
> I hope somebody can help me with this issue. Thanks a lot!

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Zhami
Hey fellow Twitter developers, I'm Stuart Malin (@zhami). I'm
developing a Mac/Cocoa desk-top app for interacting with Twitter. I've
been working on it for a year now (slow pace of development). It has a
unique (and rather cool, if I may say so) U/X, unlike anything out
there. I am presently adapting the app for OAuth, which is starting to
fall into place.  I am registered for Chirp, and hope to meet some of
you there. Presently I live in southeast Florida, but have called the
Bay Area home for years, and so will enjoy a visit to SF.

The one feature request that stands out for me now would be to have
the ability to attach a single line of meta-data to a status update,
and to for there to be a managed namespace for using this meta data
field. Then we app/Web developers could populate that field with
interesting items and we could parse for those that we want to adopt
into our individual apps/Web sites.


[twitter-dev] Authorize page for desk-top apps

2010-02-22 Thread Zhami
When I invoke the authorize URL with a oauth_token, the Allow/Deny
page comes up. My app is a desk-top app, not a Web site. Most of the
text seems to reflect this, except on the right side, where it says:

"Twitter takes your privacy very seriously.
Please ensure that you trust this website with your information before

I think that second line should refer to "app" not "website."

Twitter folks: Is this something that can be tweaked for apps?

Re: [twitter-dev] OAuth with Twitter

2010-02-22 Thread Raffi Krikorian
> 1. Does Twitter support https:// on all of its API calls?


> 2. If so, is it possible to use PLAIN_TEXT signatures in OAuth?


> 3. Does a simple end-user iPhone app need to provide a full 3-legged
> OAuth request, or can the 2-legged OAuth variant be used as referenced
> in the OAuth specification (i.e. "Application wishing to use OAuth as
> an alternative to HTTP ‘Basic’, should use the the Consumer Key and
> Consumer Secret to hold the username and password, and leave the Token
> and Token Secret empty."?

search the forums for the note of xAuth - you could use that.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

RE: [twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread mycroftt

I'm Donald Page from Tennesse. I'm an unemployed wannabe programmer. My experience with the twitter API came after an acquaintance asked me to build him a twitter application. I built a quick and dirty app for him but his finances fel through and nothing came of it. After following the posts on this board I realized I could not spend my time chasing the ever-changing API and decided to stp the development in favor of projects I had a better chance with.
D. Page

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread raffi
hey guys.

i'm @raffi.

i was hired aboard the @twitterapi team in july of last year by @al3x
and @rsarver.  at the time, i was looking for a place that would
really give me the chance to work on really hard problems, work with
really smart people, and also allow me to really make an impact on
peoples' lives.  i think i'm lucky to have found that place.
@twitter, and especially this team and the people on it, are great.

in the last few months, i've pushed out the geotagging API, the local
trends APIs, and tons of other stuff and bug fixes.  i really enjoy
figuring out "the right way" to express and capture the representation/
interaction methods of a platform.  i also have fun puzzling through
security problems.  i love interacting with and talking to developers
(and sometimes find i don't have enough time for it), and i get really
excited when developers find creative and interesting ways to take our
stuff and to use it in ways that we haven't thought about.

what do i wish for the most on the platform?  wouldn't you all like to
know :P  let's say, i'm generally interested in a few themes:
simplicity, scalability (not just our systems, but also in our
expressions and representations), and ubiquity.  you can fill in the
blanks.  and when you do, drop us a line.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Apache HTTP Server Stopped Working

2010-02-22 Thread Abraham Williams
Have you checked your server error logs? They should point you in the
correct direction or at least where to start.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:48, Diego Alvarado  wrote:

> Hello!
> I am dealing with an issue with the twitter OAuth PHP example by
> Abraham Williams. Once a allow acces to my twitter account, the
> browser can't redirect me to the callback URL. Firefox shows the
> "conexion was reset" error and windows (Vista Home Basic) shows me an
> error: "Apache HTTP Server stopped working".
> Is there anyone having this problem too?
> I am trying to make this work using a local server (appserv 2.6.0). I
> tried this using wamp server on a windows XP desktop and had the same
> result.
> I hope somebody can help me with this issue. Thanks a lot!

Abraham Williams | Community Advocate | http://abrah.am
Project | Out Loud | http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

Re: [twitter-dev] Privacy issue: OAuth app. with read-only access can read my DMs

2010-02-22 Thread Abraham Williams
Currently there are no controls. It is all or nothing.

I'm less concerned with applications reading DMs and more concerned with any
application that has write permissions being able to delete *all* of my
content and take over my account.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 15:08, vsr  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was thinking of a twitter app where a user would sign in with OAuth
> to verify that he is the intended user. The app would use 'read only'
> access type as it doesn't really need to post anything.
> Now with read-only access, the app can read one's tweets, mentions,
> protected friends' tweets & most importantly direct messages. I
> consider Direct messages to be personal and wouldn't like some app to
> be able to read them.
> Isn't this a privacy issue?
> Is there some way I can control what an application can read from my
> account?
> Regards,
> Vinay.

Abraham Williams | Community Advocate | http://abrah.am
Project | Out Loud | http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Abraham Williams
This is awesome. Almost 40 introductions and still rolling. Maybe the
@twitterapi/team will join in soon.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 16:04, Shannon Whitley wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm Shannon Whitley.  I prefer .NET coding, but I do a lot of work in
> PHP these days (thanks to WordPress and Facebook).
> A few of my projects are listed on http://whitleymedia.com, but my
> favorite is still a Twitter Excel client (that some suggested should
> be named "Excreet").
> I run Chat Catcher and My Tweeple  -- so, I'd love to see fewer
> limitations on the streaming API and more than 100 people per page in
> the REST API.
> And, I know they said they wouldn't do this, but I'd love to see
> Twitter create permanent urls for our profile images.

Abraham Williams | Community Advocate | http://abrah.am
Project | Out Loud | http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Sergi
I experienced the problem for the last time today - in fact now
yesterday - at 15:55 and after 5 minutes Phirehose reconnected.

[22-Feb-2010 15:55:25] Phirehose: Consume rate: 0 status/sec (1
total), avg enqueueStatus(): 0.05ms, avg checkFilterPredicates():
0.01ms (3 total) over 60 seconds.
[22-Feb-2010 16:01:22] Phirehose: Idle timeout: No statuses received
for > 300 seconds.  Reconnecting.


On Feb 22, 7:51 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:
> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the
> connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting
> through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally
> reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a
> number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative
> experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this
> message.
> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
> up as we learn more.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Shannon Whitley

I'm Shannon Whitley.  I prefer .NET coding, but I do a lot of work in
PHP these days (thanks to WordPress and Facebook).

A few of my projects are listed on http://whitleymedia.com, but my
favorite is still a Twitter Excel client (that some suggested should
be named "Excreet").

I run Chat Catcher and My Tweeple  -- so, I'd love to see fewer
limitations on the streaming API and more than 100 people per page in

And, I know they said they wouldn't do this, but I'd love to see
Twitter create permanent urls for our profile images.

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Gina Trapani
Hi list,

I'm @ginatrapani, and I'm working on ThinkTank (http://
thinktankapp.com), an install-it-yourself webapp that archives your
tweets, friends, followers, and mentions and makes curating/filtering
tweet replies easier. (It also makes use of Abraham's TwitterOAuth
library, so THANK YOU kind sir.) It started as a weekend project, but
I just got funding by Expert Labs, a non-profit that makes tech for
helping government use social media more effectively--so now it's my
full-time job. In April, the White House will use ThinkTank for their
Grand Challenges project. In short, they'll use Twitter and other
services + ThinkTank to gather and curate public feedback about what
should be our top-priority scientific and technology challenges.
Exciting stuff.

ThinkTank's source code is here:

Here's more about ThinkTank and Expert Labs:

My top API wishlist item is retrieving all the replies to a given

I'm also planning to come to Chirp, and hope to meet you all there.


On Feb 19, 12:20 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have not had an introductions thread in a long time (or ever that I could
> find) so I'm starting one. Don't forget to add an answer to the tools thread
> [1](Gmail link [2]) as well.
> I'm Abraham Williams, I've been working with the Twitter API and this group
> since early 2008. I do mostly freelance Drupal and Twitter API integration
> and personal projects. I love seeing the creative projects developers build
> or integrate with the API and look forward to meeting many of you at Chirp.
> TwitterOAuth [3] the first PHP library to support OAuth is built and
> maintained by me, and will hopefully see a new release soon. I also built a
> fun Chrome extension [4] that integrates common friends and followers into
> Twitter profiles.
> The feature I would most like added to the API is a conversation method to
> get replies to a specific status.
> So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
> you most want to see added?
> @Abraham
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
> [2]https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/12680cd0fa59011e
> [3]https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/npdjhmblakdjfnnajeomfbogo...
> [4]http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=142
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread howard
Great to see the variety of folks on the list.

I'm the founder of the just released http://www.twavatars.com/ , your
twitter avatar's little helper. I worked hard to get it to be a cool,
fun and easy little tool. I'd love to get some feedback from anyone
who's got the time and willingness to do so.

Most fervent wishes are greater platform stability and speed in
general and more bulletproof avatar architecture and handling.

Me = @howardliptzin and @twavatars

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Wilcox
Hi John,

I've had the same setup for a while now without issue, but from 17:00GMT I 
started getting connections dropped, then once connected they'd just hang. I'll 
look into the lib and make sure its not my end.


On 22 Feb 2010, at 22:25, John Kalucki wrote:

> I don't believe that we've seen this issue since 15:55 UTC. If you've been 
> seeing hangs more often, it's possible that you are experiencing another 
> problem. Or, equally likely, there is another set of things going wrong.
> I've restarted the cluster twice today, but this shouldn't cause hanging -- 
> just closed connections.
> -John
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> Same issue here, over the past six hours more than ever.
> On 22 Feb 2010, at 19:13, John Kalucki wrote:
>> One further note: A reasonable workaround for the moment is to, if your 
>> client allows iotcls, set a socket timeout of about 90 seconds on your 
>> streaming api connection. The servers currently send a newline every 30 
>> seconds. If you stop receiving newlines for 90 seconds, your connection is 
>> probably high and dry, and you should reconnect. Please be sure to continue 
>> honoring the reconnection policies as described in the wiki, however.
>> -John Kalucki
>> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:51 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:
>> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the 
>> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a 
>> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the 
>> connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting 
>> through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally 
>> reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a 
>> number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative 
>> experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this 
>> message.
>> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps 
>> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load 
>> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the 
>> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP 
>> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production 
>> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow 
>> up as we learn more.
>> -John Kalucki
>> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[twitter-dev] Privacy issue: OAuth app. with read-only access can read my DMs

2010-02-22 Thread vsr

I was thinking of a twitter app where a user would sign in with OAuth
to verify that he is the intended user. The app would use 'read only'
access type as it doesn't really need to post anything.

Now with read-only access, the app can read one's tweets, mentions,
protected friends' tweets & most importantly direct messages. I
consider Direct messages to be personal and wouldn't like some app to
be able to read them.

Isn't this a privacy issue?
Is there some way I can control what an application can read from my


Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Marc Mims
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> > Same issue here, over the past six hours more than ever.

* John Kalucki  [100222 14:25]:
> I don't believe that we've seen this issue since 15:55 UTC. If you've been
> seeing hangs more often, it's possible that you are experiencing another
> problem. Or, equally likely, there is another set of things going wrong.
> I've restarted the cluster twice today, but this shouldn't cause hanging --
> just closed connections.

Maybe Scott is seeing the same thing I am.  This morning's 15:55 UTC
event (1).  Then three close connections (2,3,4).  Then two timeouts
(5,6) immediately following the last closed connection.  (Times are in

2010/02/22 07:56:14 9481340618: RT @whitehouse: The Presi...
1   2010/02/22 07:57:14 timeout
2010/02/22 07:57:14 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 07:57:14 connecting
2010/02/22 13:47:08 9494846704: @danmartell don't spend i...
2   2010/02/22 13:47:09 AnyEvent::Handle::destroyed=HASH(0x3d12c00)
2010/02/22 13:47:09 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 13:47:09 connecting
2010/02/22 13:49:15 ping
3   2010/02/22 13:49:23 AnyEvent::Handle::destroyed=HASH(0x43faf70)
2010/02/22 13:49:23 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 13:49:23 connecting
2010/02/22 14:17:35 9496041457: @greenrd Homeopathy reall...
4   2010/02/22 14:17:41 AnyEvent::Handle::destroyed=HASH(0x44080b0)
2010/02/22 14:17:41 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 14:17:41 connecting
5   2010/02/22 14:18:41 timeout
2010/02/22 14:18:41 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 14:18:41 connecting
6   2010/02/22 14:19:41 timeout
2010/02/22 14:19:41 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 14:19:41 connecting

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
I have data from the "sample" stream with a gap at the time in
question if you'd like it. The last tweet before the gap is status ID
9481349102 created at Mon Feb 22 15:56:27 + 2010. The first tweet
after the gap is status ID 9481743502 created at Mon Feb 22 16:06:34
+ 2010. I am connected to "sample" via the Ruby "tweetstream" gem.

So - it's not just "filter" - "sample" is showing gaps as well. I
don't know anything about the internals of "tweetstream"; they're on
Github at http://github.com/intridea/tweetstream if you want to talk
to them.

On Feb 22, 2:25 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:
> I don't believe that we've seen this issue since 15:55 UTC. If you've been
> seeing hangs more often, it's possible that you are experiencing another
> problem. Or, equally likely, there is another set of things going wrong.
> I've restarted the cluster twice today, but this shouldn't cause hanging --
> just closed connections.
> -John
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> > Same issue here, over the past six hours more than ever.
> > On 22 Feb 2010, at 19:13, John Kalucki wrote:
> > One further note: A reasonable workaround for the moment is to, if your
> > client allows iotcls, set a socket timeout of about 90 seconds on your
> > streaming api connection. The servers currently send a newline every 30
> > seconds. If you stop receiving newlines for 90 seconds, your connection is
> > probably high and dry, and you should reconnect. Please be sure to continue
> > honoring the reconnection policies as described in the wiki, however.
> > -John Kalucki
> >http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> > On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:51 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:
> >> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
> >> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include 
> >> a
> >> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with
> >> the connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After
> >> sorting through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I
> >> finally reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd
> >> imagine that a number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a
> >> correlative experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond 
> >> to
> >> this message.
> >> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
> >> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
> >> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
> >> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
> >> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical 
> >> production
> >> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
> >> up as we learn more.
> >> -John Kalucki
> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread John Kalucki
I don't believe that we've seen this issue since 15:55 UTC. If you've been
seeing hangs more often, it's possible that you are experiencing another
problem. Or, equally likely, there is another set of things going wrong.

I've restarted the cluster twice today, but this shouldn't cause hanging --
just closed connections.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:

> Same issue here, over the past six hours more than ever.
> On 22 Feb 2010, at 19:13, John Kalucki wrote:
> One further note: A reasonable workaround for the moment is to, if your
> client allows iotcls, set a socket timeout of about 90 seconds on your
> streaming api connection. The servers currently send a newline every 30
> seconds. If you stop receiving newlines for 90 seconds, your connection is
> probably high and dry, and you should reconnect. Please be sure to continue
> honoring the reconnection policies as described in the wiki, however.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:51 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:
>> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
>> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
>> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with
>> the connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After
>> sorting through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I
>> finally reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd
>> imagine that a number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a
>> correlative experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to
>> this message.
>> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
>> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
>> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
>> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
>> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
>> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
>> up as we learn more.
>> -John Kalucki
>> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

Re: [twitter-dev] oauth/authenticate language options

2010-02-22 Thread Mark McBride
Would it be possible to get a full HTTP conversation, as well as the IPs
you're connecting from?  We choose a language based on

1) The logged in user's language setting (which shouldn't apply here)
2) The browser's Accept-Language header
3) A guess based on IP, but *only* for the logged out home page.  If we're
doing this for other pages it's a bug.



On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:34 AM, jdangerslater wrote:

> I've got OAuth implemented for all my service calls in an AIR app I'm
> building and everything seems to be working fine with one exception.
> When I request the authenticate page, for some reason the page that
> loads, loads in french on PCs. On Macs it loads just fine in the
> system's default language. Is there a parameter I can add to the
> request so I can specify the language? I've tried adding the optional
> xoauth_lang_pref but that hasn't made a difference.

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Misja Hoebe
John, thanks for looking into this. I experienced an interruption at
the same time, 15.55 UTC.


On 22 feb, 19:51, John Kalucki  wrote:
> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the
> connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting
> through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally
> reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a
> number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative
> experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this
> message.
> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
> up as we learn more.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

[twitter-dev] Apache HTTP Server Stopped Working

2010-02-22 Thread Diego Alvarado
I am dealing with an issue with the twitter OAuth PHP example by
Abraham Williams. Once a allow acces to my twitter account, the
browser can't redirect me to the callback URL. Firefox shows the
"conexion was reset" error and windows (Vista Home Basic) shows me an
error: "Apache HTTP Server stopped working".

Is there anyone having this problem too?

I am trying to make this work using a local server (appserv 2.6.0). I
tried this using wamp server on a windows XP desktop and had the same

I hope somebody can help me with this issue. Thanks a lot!

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Rate Limit Problem

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Wilcox
No problem. :)


On 22 Feb 2010, at 19:18, jtrigsby wrote:

> That was exactly the problem! Thanks Scott... I never would have
> thought of that!
> jtrigsby
> On Feb 23, 9:45 am, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you sure thats not the user you're requesting being suspended rather 
>> that you?
>> Have you checked your HTTP response to see how many API calls you have left?
>> Scott.
>> On 22 Feb 2010, at 13:23, jtrigsby wrote:
>>> Greetings gang,
>>> I'm running into a problem that I suspect is rate limit related.
>>> I have an hourly job scheduled to fetch details of my followers.
>>> The first call checks the rate_limit and calculates the max number of
>>> getUser calls to make this hour. For example, if my remaining calls is
>>> 149, it will make 49 calls.
>>> After about 15 calls each time, I get the following message:
>>> Uncaught exception 'TwitterException' with message 'User has been
>>> suspended.'
>>> ( I get the uncaught exception part) but any thoughts on what's going
>>> on here?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>  smime.p7s
>> 4KViewDownload

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[twitter-dev] Re: Where is the group for end user ?

2010-02-22 Thread Brian Sutorius
Twitter's help center for end users can be found at 
. We have an article about not showing up in search:
and I see that you've filed a ticket already. Our Support team should
get back to you soon.

On Feb 20, 1:12 pm, helenecambodge  wrote:
> I can only find this development group, I cannot find any group for
> end user, so I post my question here.
> It's now two weeks I have created a twitter account 
> athttp://twitter.com/helenecambodgeand when I search cambodge I cannot
> find my tweets !
> Thanks.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Wilcox
Same issue here, over the past six hours more than ever.

On 22 Feb 2010, at 19:13, John Kalucki wrote:

> One further note: A reasonable workaround for the moment is to, if your 
> client allows iotcls, set a socket timeout of about 90 seconds on your 
> streaming api connection. The servers currently send a newline every 30 
> seconds. If you stop receiving newlines for 90 seconds, your connection is 
> probably high and dry, and you should reconnect. Please be sure to continue 
> honoring the reconnection policies as described in the wiki, however.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:51 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:
> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the 
> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a 
> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the 
> connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting 
> through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally 
> reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a 
> number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative 
> experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this message.
> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps 
> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load 
> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the 
> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP RST 
> to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production 
> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow up 
> as we learn more.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [twitter-dev] Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Kim Leloup
connection issue around 15:56 UTC, see our log below:

22-02-2010 16:55:41 - Consume rate: 13 status/sec (764 total), avg
enqueueStatus(): 1.51ms, avg checkFilterPredicates(): 349.46ms (12 total)
over 60 seconds.
22-02-2010 16:56:18 - Phirehose connection error occured:
22-02-2010 16:56:18 - Closing Phirehose connection.
22-02-2010 16:56:18 - Connecting to twitter stream:
http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json with params: array (
22-02-2010 16:56:18 - Resolved host stream.twitter.com to
22-02-2010 16:56:18 - Connecting to
22-02-2010 17:01:20 - Idle timeout: No statuses received for > 300 seconds.
22-02-2010 17:01:20 - Closing Phirehose connection.


Re: [twitter-dev] Re: disparities between bit.ly & Google Analytics?

2010-02-22 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
Thanks!! We see so much in the "social media marketing" space about  
"measuring ROI" and "competing on analytics" that it's difficult to  
get executive buy-in where we know they should be going. Real-time is  
where the analytics market is going - I'm really surprised Google  
hasn't put up something like that yet, since Woopra and Clicky already  
do that.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdos

Quoting Rex Dixon :

The official Bit.ly Answer:

What you're seeing are total decodes, as opposed to total click-
throughs measured by JavaScript on the page. Decodes can be caused by
bots, and by applications, like browser plug-ins, which expand the
underlying url without causing a click-through.

If you download a browser plug-in that automatically expands short
urls, for instance, it looks a lot like a human user to an analytics

Absent JavaScript on the page, it's hard to distinguish between a
decode and an intentional click-through. At the end of the day, Bit.ly
complements rather than replaces JavaScript-based analytics utililties
like Google Analytics or Chartbeat.

You should probably read the following articles when you get a sec:

Bit.ly Community Mgr.

On Feb 21, 8:36 pm, neal rauhauser  wrote:

   Is anyone else seeing dramatic disparities between what bit.ly reports
and what Google Analytics reports in terms of clicks? We're seeing like 10:1
over reporting from bit.ly ... if Google Analytics is right.

mailto:n...@layer3arts.com //
GoogleTalk: nrauhau...@gmail.com
GV: 202-642-1717

[twitter-dev] Re: Is it OK to store token in COOKIE?

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Carter

An alternative is to encrypt the token secret.  Keep the encrypted
secret on the server and the encryption key in a cookie.

- Scott

On Feb 17, 9:27 am, John Meyer  wrote:
> On 2/17/2010 5:32 AM, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:
> > Just wondering, is it a bad practive for a web-based app to store
> > user's token and secret in cookies?
> > This would of cause simplify and speed up the login, but is it a
> > security risk?
> When you boil it down, everything done to increase accessibility is a
> security risk.  I would think that if you keep your consumer key pair on
> the server there is little problem with this.

[twitter-dev] Re: Rate Limit Problem

2010-02-22 Thread jtrigsby
That was exactly the problem! Thanks Scott... I never would have
thought of that!


On Feb 23, 9:45 am, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you sure thats not the user you're requesting being suspended rather that 
> you?
> Have you checked your HTTP response to see how many API calls you have left?
> Scott.
> On 22 Feb 2010, at 13:23, jtrigsby wrote:
> > Greetings gang,
> > I'm running into a problem that I suspect is rate limit related.
> > I have an hourly job scheduled to fetch details of my followers.
> > The first call checks the rate_limit and calculates the max number of
> > getUser calls to make this hour. For example, if my remaining calls is
> > 149, it will make 49 calls.
> > After about 15 calls each time, I get the following message:
> > Uncaught exception 'TwitterException' with message 'User has been
> > suspended.'
> > ( I get the uncaught exception part) but any thoughts on what's going
> > on here?
> > Thanks in advance.
>  smime.p7s
> 4KViewDownload

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Stephen Smith
I also experienced an interruption this morning at that time.


Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Isaiah Carew

the docs wiki pages list the end-point URLs such as:


but it doesn't say much about the "1" being a version number, or about why some 
endpoints (e.g. search) have a different base URL than others, or why they were 
recently changed, or if/when we should change our apps, or if the old endpoints 
are depreciated.

or more than likely, it probably does say all those things, i just missed it 
and was hoping the list could help me locate the docs.


On Feb 22, 2010, at 11:02 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:

> Its actually listed on all of the twitter api method pages, except for the 
> OAuth methods.
> Ryan
> Sent from my DROID
>> On Feb 22, 2010 1:58 PM, "Isaiah Carew"  wrote:
>> i'm bound to forget this in about an hour.  is this old/new versioned/not 
>> listed somewhere in the API docs?
>> On Feb 22, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
>> > Yes, those are the ones I am talking about.
>> >
>> >...

Re: [twitter-dev] Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Marc Mims
* John Kalucki  [100222 10:51]:
> If you had a correlative experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC,
> please respond to this message.

Indeed, I did.  From the application log:

2010/02/22 07:56:14 9481340618: RT @whitehouse: The Presi...
2010/02/22 07:57:14 timeout
2010/02/22 07:57:14 Waiting 0 seconds before reconnecting...
2010/02/22 07:57:14 connecting


[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Damon C
Hey John,

+1 on experiencing that issue this morning. Let me know if there's any
way I can help.


On Feb 22, 10:51 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the
> connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting
> through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally
> reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a
> number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative
> experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this
> message.
> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
> up as we learn more.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Damon C
Hi folks,

I'm Damon Cortesi (@dacort) and have been addicted to building Twitter
apps for the past two years now. I wrote my first Twitter app in 2007.
It was a perl script that downloaded your tweets and inserted them
into an iWork Numbers template to graph your timeline and top
replies[1]. That script eventually became TweetStats.com. Over the
course of the past two years, I've probably built some 20-30 different
Twitter apps - some released, some not. A couple of the other main
ones I work on are TweepSearch.com, TwitterAvatar.appspot.com and

I used to do security consulting full-time, mostly in the web app and
payment card data security spaces. This whole Twitter app stuff was
just a hobby that kept me up late on the weekends. After a stint last
summer as a Twitter Entrepreneur in Residence at a VC up here in
Seattle, I finally realized I wanted to build social media apps full-
time and started a new company[2] to do so just last month.

I'd love any features that let us access more data, specifically my
full timeline would be awesome to be able to access again. :)


[1] http://dcortesi.com/2007/12/27/twitter-stats/
[2] http://untitledstartup.com

On Feb 19, 12:20 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have not had an introductions thread in a long time (or ever that I could
> find) so I'm starting one. Don't forget to add an answer to the tools thread
> [1](Gmail link [2]) as well.
> I'm Abraham Williams, I've been working with the Twitter API and this group
> since early 2008. I do mostly freelance Drupal and Twitter API integration
> and personal projects. I love seeing the creative projects developers build
> or integrate with the API and look forward to meeting many of you at Chirp.
> TwitterOAuth [3] the first PHP library to support OAuth is built and
> maintained by me, and will hopefully see a new release soon. I also built a
> fun Chrome extension [4] that integrates common friends and followers into
> Twitter profiles.
> The feature I would most like added to the API is a conversation method to
> get replies to a specific status.
> So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
> you most want to see added?
> @Abraham
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
> [2]https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/12680cd0fa59011e
> [3]https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/npdjhmblakdjfnnajeomfbogo...
> [4]http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=142
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Ryan Alford
The documentation for the 4 OAuth methods do not show the versioning URL.  I
didn't know if they were moved over or not.


Sent from my DROID

On Feb 22, 2010 2:08 PM, "Raffi Krikorian"  wrote:

the API wiki docs were painstakingly converted to use the
api.twitter.com/1endpoint.  if you spot a place we missed, feel free
to pass it along!


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Isaiah Carew  wrote:
> i'm bound to forget thi...

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread John Kalucki
One further note: A reasonable workaround for the moment is to, if your
client allows iotcls, set a socket timeout of about 90 seconds on your
streaming api connection. The servers currently send a newline every 30
seconds. If you stop receiving newlines for 90 seconds, your connection is
probably high and dry, and you should reconnect. Please be sure to continue
honoring the reconnection policies as described in the wiki, however.

-John Kalucki
Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:51 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:

> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with
> the connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After
> sorting through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I
> finally reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd
> imagine that a number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a
> correlative experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to
> this message.
> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
> up as we learn more.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Ryan Alford
Its actually listed on all of the twitter api method pages, except for the
OAuth methods.


Sent from my DROID

On Feb 22, 2010 1:58 PM, "Isaiah Carew"  wrote:

i'm bound to forget this in about an hour.  is this old/new versioned/not
listed somewhere in the API docs?

On Feb 22, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:

> Yes, those are the ones I am talking about.

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Raffi Krikorian
the API wiki docs were painstakingly converted to use the
api.twitter.com/1endpoint.  if you spot a place we missed, feel free
to pass it along!


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Isaiah Carew  wrote:

> i'm bound to forget this in about an hour.  is this old/new versioned/not
> listed somewhere in the API docs?
> On Feb 22, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
> Yes, those are the ones I am talking about.
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:
>> hi ryan.
>> yup - those are the original update methods, right?  like
>> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
>> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json
>> we haven't set a deprecation date for those yet - but developers should
>> plan on it.  please start to migrate to the api.twitter.com/1/ URLs.
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
>>> Raffi,
>>> Just so you know, "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.format"; also
>>> works.  That's what I have been using in my app until today(moved to the
>>> versioning).
>>> Ryan
>>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:
 yeah - please use the /1 URLs.  if api.twitter.com works without /1,
 then that's inadvertent, and we'll probably "fix" that.

 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Alford 

> I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the
> "/1/" means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", 
> since
> the other way be deprecated in the future.
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine <
> d.snytk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there a difference between using
>> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.format
>> and
>> http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?

 Raffi Krikorian
 Twitter Platform Team

>> --
>> Raffi Krikorian
>> Twitter Platform Team
>> http://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread Canadaka
I'm I think this could be the problem I've been having. My connection
to the streaming API stays connected and works fine initially, but
often over time the new tweets stop streaming in, but the connection
is still active. I have to stop and restart the process. I've been
using the streaming API since September and this only started
happening this month.

On Feb 22, 10:51 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
> Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
> long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the
> connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting
> through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally
> reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a
> number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative
> experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this
> message.
> We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
> related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
> balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
> connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
> RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
> issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
> up as we learn more.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

[twitter-dev] Re: Rate Limit Problem

2010-02-22 Thread jtrigsby
Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I'll check that out! Thanks.

On Feb 23, 9:45 am, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you sure thats not the user you're requesting being suspended rather that 
> you?
> Have you checked your HTTP response to see how many API calls you have left?
> Scott.
> On 22 Feb 2010, at 13:23, jtrigsby wrote:
> > Greetings gang,
> > I'm running into a problem that I suspect is rate limit related.
> > I have an hourly job scheduled to fetch details of my followers.
> > The first call checks the rate_limit and calculates the max number of
> > getUser calls to make this hour. For example, if my remaining calls is
> > 149, it will make 49 calls.
> > After about 15 calls each time, I get the following message:
> > Uncaught exception 'TwitterException' with message 'User has been
> > suspended.'
> > ( I get the uncaught exception part) but any thoughts on what's going
> > on here?
> > Thanks in advance.
>  smime.p7s
> 4KViewDownload

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Isaiah Carew
i'm bound to forget this in about an hour.  is this old/new versioned/not 
listed somewhere in the API docs?

On Feb 22, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:

> Yes, those are the ones I am talking about.
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> hi ryan.
> yup - those are the original update methods, right?  like
> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json
> we haven't set a deprecation date for those yet - but developers should plan 
> on it.  please start to migrate to the api.twitter.com/1/ URLs.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Ryan Alford  wrote:
> Raffi,
> Just so you know, "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.format"; also works.  
> That's what I have been using in my app until today(moved to the versioning).
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> yeah - please use the /1 URLs.  if api.twitter.com works without /1, then 
> that's inadvertent, and we'll probably "fix" that.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Alford  wrote:
> I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the "/1/" 
> means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", since the 
> other way be deprecated in the future.
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine  
> wrote:
> Is there a difference between using
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.format
> and
> http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?
> -- 
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi
> -- 
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

[twitter-dev] Re: disparities between bit.ly & Google Analytics?

2010-02-22 Thread Rex Dixon
The official Bit.ly Answer:

What you're seeing are total decodes, as opposed to total click-
throughs measured by JavaScript on the page. Decodes can be caused by
bots, and by applications, like browser plug-ins, which expand the
underlying url without causing a click-through.

If you download a browser plug-in that automatically expands short
urls, for instance, it looks a lot like a human user to an analytics

Absent JavaScript on the page, it's hard to distinguish between a
decode and an intentional click-through. At the end of the day, Bit.ly
complements rather than replaces JavaScript-based analytics utililties
like Google Analytics or Chartbeat.

You should probably read the following articles when you get a sec:

Bit.ly Community Mgr.

On Feb 21, 8:36 pm, neal rauhauser  wrote:
>    Is anyone else seeing dramatic disparities between what bit.ly reports
> and what Google Analytics reports in terms of clicks? We're seeing like 10:1
> over reporting from bit.ly ... if Google Analytics is right.
> --
> mailto:n...@layer3arts.com //
> GoogleTalk: nrauhau...@gmail.com
> GV: 202-642-1717

[twitter-dev] Streaming API connection abandonment & separation anxiety issues

2010-02-22 Thread John Kalucki
A number of developers have reported abandoned connection issues on the
Streaming API starting, perhaps, about two weeks ago. The symptoms include a
long-established TCP connection to stream.twitter.com going quiet, with the
connection mysteriously held open for perhaps hours afterward. After sorting
through a lot of conflicting data and chasing a few wild geese, I finally
reproduced this problem at Feb 22 15:55 UTC (7:55am PST). I'd imagine that a
number of streams were abandoned at this time. If you had a correlative
experience within a minute or so of 15:55 UTC, please respond to this

We currently suspect an infrequent hardware load balancer issue, perhaps
related to a recent configuration change. The appearance is that the load
balancer is, for whatever reason, dropping valid connections, closing the
connection to the Streaming API servers, but not sending a TCP FIN or TCP
RST to the client. This is bad. We're treating this as a critical production
issue and working through the details with network operations. I'll follow
up as we learn more.

-John Kalucki
Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

[twitter-dev] Re: Suspension whilst testing Oauth...

2010-02-22 Thread Brian Sutorius
I can't find a ticket under your email address. Can you please reply
with the number? You can do so privately, if you want.

On Feb 20, 3:06 pm, Drclohite  wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I am toward the end of writing an AIR application using FLEX. I have
> bought signature certificates, I have the site URL etc. I have tried
> to add the application to my own twitter account and it has been
> suspended. The only task of the application right now is to test the
> Oauth process, which it passed and then would not tweet. Then when I
> looked a bit deeper I found the application was suspended.
> I emailed Twitter and have been given a ticket number and although the
> ticket does not seem to exist I have had some really fast replies -
> thank you. It seems that your team is making judgements on me because
> of my company name, which is historic, not what the application does.
> Can someone point me in the right direction. Have I taken it down the
> wrong development route here? I started hand coding original
> microprocessors back in the 80s.  I have written a lot of software
> over the years. I consider myself competent but fallible to bloomers
> from time to time!

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Wilcox

On that note, I'd be willing to help the community out more too.


On 22 Feb 2010, at 17:03, Mike Champion wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I'm Mike Champion, a Ruby/Rails developer outside Boston working at
> oneforty.com. I've worked with the Twitter API for a couple years off
> & on, working on a friend recommendation site called
> whoshouldifollow.com (trying to help the on-ramp problem) and wrote a
> Twitter integration for a mobile photo sharing service called
> SnapMyLife, and a couple other unpublished/half-finished projects.
> One of the things we've been playing with at oneforty is how to
> measure which apps are being used in the wild. We monitor the garden
> hose (and other sources) to see which apps are posting, but would love
> to find better ways to know what (non-posting) apps people are using.
> So having a more structured source parameter would go a long way
> (which Raffi has been great about). Open to talking with anyone who
> has thoughts on this area.
> And I'm excited to see the rumors of having an Sign Up API (http://
> www.readwriteweb.com/archives/twitter_rolls_out_new_api_citysearch_first_to_impl.php)
> which would be great for a site like ours.
> Finally, I'm interested in figuring out how I can help the Twitter dev
> community more. Would be curious if Raffi and other Twitter folks have
> a wishlist that they would like to see the community do.
> I'll be at Chirp in April and would love to meet other twitter devs,
> and any in the Boston area before then.
> Cheers,
> -mike
> On Feb 22, 11:23 am, Andrew Badera  wrote:
>> I heard the ante's been up'd to a train.
>> --ab
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
>>> I hear to get a link in that space you have to be sleeping with one of the 
>>> team ;)
>>> On 22 Feb 2010, at 14:19, twittelator wrote:
 I'd love feature parity with Twitter web - like a flag to home
 timeline that would include RT's. I'd like access to xAUTH like some
 other vendors already have, to have Apple Push Notification Service
 built in to twitter's device delivery options, and while I'm
 fantasizing, a link to our app in the ad-space!
>> So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
>> you most want to see added?

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[twitter-dev] OAuth with Twitter

2010-02-22 Thread iphoneholic
I had a few questions I was hoping someone could help answer for me:
1. Does Twitter support https:// on all of its API calls?
2. If so, is it possible to use PLAIN_TEXT signatures in OAuth?
3. Does a simple end-user iPhone app need to provide a full 3-legged
OAuth request, or can the 2-legged OAuth variant be used as referenced
in the OAuth specification (i.e. "Application wishing to use OAuth as
an alternative to HTTP ‘Basic’, should use the the Consumer Key and
Consumer Secret to hold the username and password, and leave the Token
and Token Secret empty."?


[twitter-dev] Using Twitter in Flash (and ONLY Flash (AS3))

2010-02-22 Thread Gislaine Ceregatti
Hi there!

I've been trying to develop a widget to use Twitter on a Flash-based
device my company has just released to market in Brazil. To provide
you with an overview of the product, it is very similar do iPad
(touchscreen) though it doesn't have an embedded browser and runs ONLY

Well, here's where all my problems lie.

First, in order to be able to retrieve a users protected tweets I'm
supposed to have this user logged in (authenticated). As I don't have
a browser in the device, it's impossible to user OAuth (please please,
correct me whenever I may be making a mistake), so I tried the "http://
user:passw...@api.twitter.com/*whatever*.xml" syntax ... got the
following error when testing the project in Flash:

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.

It's probably because I'm trying to submit a browser "command" through
Flash Player (or something like that).

Well, It seems I can't go further in my application development
without solving this issue so I REALLYY NEEEDD HELP! DESPERATELY!

Any help is welcome, though I'm answering some probable questions in

 - can I use a "bridge" like a PHP script? No. My company isn't paying
anything to have a PHP server to have this Twitter App running, and as
it is intended to a costumer device, I can't use an "open" server to
host the script.

- can I use AIR or Flex? No. The device supports ONLY AND ONLY Flash

- can't you use OAuth? No, as I said, there's no browser in the

Then, I hope some God blessed creature can help me!

Thanks in advance.

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Ryan Alford
Yes, those are the ones I am talking about.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:

> hi ryan.
> yup - those are the original update methods, right?  like
> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json
> we haven't set a deprecation date for those yet - but developers should
> plan on it.  please start to migrate to the api.twitter.com/1/ URLs.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
>> Raffi,
>> Just so you know, "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.format"; also works.
>>  That's what I have been using in my app until today(moved to the
>> versioning).
>> Ryan
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:
>>> yeah - please use the /1 URLs.  if api.twitter.com works without /1,
>>> then that's inadvertent, and we'll probably "fix" that.
>>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
 I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the
 "/1/" means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", since
 the other way be deprecated in the future.


 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine >>> > wrote:

> Is there a difference between using
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.format
> and
> http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?

>>> --
>>> Raffi Krikorian
>>> Twitter Platform Team
>>> http://twitter.com/raffi
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Raffi Krikorian
hi ryan.

yup - those are the original update methods, right?  like


we haven't set a deprecation date for those yet - but developers should plan
on it.  please start to migrate to the api.twitter.com/1/ URLs.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:

> Raffi,
> Just so you know, "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.format"; also works.
>  That's what I have been using in my app until today(moved to the
> versioning).
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:
>> yeah - please use the /1 URLs.  if api.twitter.com works without /1, then
>> that's inadvertent, and we'll probably "fix" that.
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
>>> I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the
>>> "/1/" means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", since
>>> the other way be deprecated in the future.
>>> Ryan
>>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine 
>>> wrote:
 Is there a difference between using
 http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?

>> --
>> Raffi Krikorian
>> Twitter Platform Team
>> http://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Ryan Alford

Just so you know, "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.format"; also works.
 That's what I have been using in my app until today(moved to the


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:

> yeah - please use the /1 URLs.  if api.twitter.com works without /1, then
> that's inadvertent, and we'll probably "fix" that.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:
>> I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the
>> "/1/" means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", since
>> the other way be deprecated in the future.
>> Ryan
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine 
>> wrote:
>>> Is there a difference between using
>>> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.format
>>> and
>>> http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Raffi Krikorian
yeah - please use the /1 URLs.  if api.twitter.com works without /1, then
that's inadvertent, and we'll probably "fix" that.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Alford wrote:

> I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the
> "/1/" means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", since
> the other way be deprecated in the future.
> Ryan
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:
>> Is there a difference between using
>> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.format
>> and
>> http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Ryan Alford
I *believe* Twitter is moving to "versioning" the API(which is what the
"/1/" means..it's version 1).  So I would use the URL with the "/1/", since
the other way be deprecated in the future.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:

> Is there a difference between using
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.format
> and
> http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Mike Champion
Hey folks,

I'm Mike Champion, a Ruby/Rails developer outside Boston working at
oneforty.com. I've worked with the Twitter API for a couple years off
& on, working on a friend recommendation site called
whoshouldifollow.com (trying to help the on-ramp problem) and wrote a
Twitter integration for a mobile photo sharing service called
SnapMyLife, and a couple other unpublished/half-finished projects.

One of the things we've been playing with at oneforty is how to
measure which apps are being used in the wild. We monitor the garden
hose (and other sources) to see which apps are posting, but would love
to find better ways to know what (non-posting) apps people are using.
So having a more structured source parameter would go a long way
(which Raffi has been great about). Open to talking with anyone who
has thoughts on this area.

And I'm excited to see the rumors of having an Sign Up API (http://
which would be great for a site like ours.

Finally, I'm interested in figuring out how I can help the Twitter dev
community more. Would be curious if Raffi and other Twitter folks have
a wishlist that they would like to see the community do.

I'll be at Chirp in April and would love to meet other twitter devs,
and any in the Boston area before then.



On Feb 22, 11:23 am, Andrew Badera  wrote:
> I heard the ante's been up'd to a train.
> --ab
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> > I hear to get a link in that space you have to be sleeping with one of the 
> > team ;)
> > On 22 Feb 2010, at 14:19, twittelator wrote:
> >> I'd love feature parity with Twitter web - like a flag to home
> >> timeline that would include RT's. I'd like access to xAUTH like some
> >> other vendors already have, to have Apple Push Notification Service
> >> built in to twitter's device delivery options, and while I'm
> >> fantasizing, a link to our app in the ad-space!
> >>http://stone.com
>  So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
>  you most want to see added?

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Andrew Badera
I heard the ante's been up'd to a train.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> I hear to get a link in that space you have to be sleeping with one of the 
> team ;)
> On 22 Feb 2010, at 14:19, twittelator wrote:
>> I'd love feature parity with Twitter web - like a flag to home
>> timeline that would include RT's. I'd like access to xAUTH like some
>> other vendors already have, to have Apple Push Notification Service
>> built in to twitter's device delivery options, and while I'm
>> fantasizing, a link to our app in the ad-space!
>> http://stone.com
 So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
 you most want to see added?

Re: [twitter-dev] Rate Limit Problem

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Wilcox

Are you sure thats not the user you're requesting being suspended rather that 

Have you checked your HTTP response to see how many API calls you have left?


On 22 Feb 2010, at 13:23, jtrigsby wrote:

> Greetings gang,
> I'm running into a problem that I suspect is rate limit related.
> I have an hourly job scheduled to fetch details of my followers.
> The first call checks the rate_limit and calculates the max number of
> getUser calls to make this hour. For example, if my remaining calls is
> 149, it will make 49 calls.
> After about 15 calls each time, I get the following message:
> Uncaught exception 'TwitterException' with message 'User has been
> suspended.'
> ( I get the uncaught exception part) but any thoughts on what's going
> on here?
> Thanks in advance.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Wilcox
I hear to get a link in that space you have to be sleeping with one of the team 

On 22 Feb 2010, at 14:19, twittelator wrote:
> I'd love feature parity with Twitter web - like a flag to home
> timeline that would include RT's. I'd like access to xAUTH like some
> other vendors already have, to have Apple Push Notification Service
> built in to twitter's device delivery options, and while I'm
> fantasizing, a link to our app in the ad-space!
> http://stone.com
>>> So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
>>> you most want to see added?

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[twitter-dev] Which api url to use?

2010-02-22 Thread Dmitri Snytkine
Is there a difference between using
http://api.twitter.com/statuses/update.format  (without the /1/)?

Re: [twitter-dev] Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Roberto Etcheverry
Hi, I'm Roberto Etcheverry (@retcheverry) and I'm a Perl and Python 

I'm a Linux, vi and Perl fan since I can remember :)
I've been working with the API since early 2009, using the excellent 
Net::Twitter module from Marc Mims (@semifor).

I'm the developer behind twavel.com, a travel deals site fed by tweets.

Abraham Williams wrote:
We have not had an introductions thread in a long time (or ever that I 
could find) so I'm starting one. Don't forget to add an answer to the 
tools thread [1](Gmail link [2]) as well.

I'm Abraham Williams, I've been working with the Twitter API and this 
group since early 2008. I do mostly freelance Drupal and Twitter 
API integration and personal projects. I love seeing the creative 
projects developers build or integrate with the API and look forward 
to meeting many of you at Chirp.

TwitterOAuth [3] the first PHP library to support OAuth is built and 
maintained by me, and will hopefully see a new release soon. I also 
built a fun Chrome extension [4] that integrates common friends and 
followers into Twitter profiles.

The feature I would most like added to the API is a conversation 
method to get replies to a specific status.

So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature 
do you most want to see added?


[2] https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/12680cd0fa59011e
[3] https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/npdjhmblakdjfnnajeomfbogokloiggg
[4] http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=142

Abraham Williams | Community Advocate | http://abrah.am
Project | Out Loud | http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread twittelator
They call me @twittelator probably because I wrote Twittelator Pro &
Free, full featured iPhone twitter clients that shipped on day 1 of
the AppStore 2 years ago.

I got started on the iPhone 22 years ago as one of the first third
party developers for Steve Job's company 'NeXT' - and we're using the
same, though evolved, SDK and language (objectiveC) on the iPhone and
iPad today.

I'm looking forward to CHIRP and meeting you all, and I have a special
connection to the Palace of Fine Arts. In 1992, John Perry Barlow and
I invited a bunch of our outrageous psychedelic friends and members of
the NeXT community to a rave we hosted there. I think that was the
last one they let happen there, but it was quite memorable! My phone
was tapped for two years after that, but it was worth it.

I'd love feature parity with Twitter web - like a flag to home
timeline that would include RT's. I'd like access to xAUTH like some
other vendors already have, to have Apple Push Notification Service
built in to twitter's device delivery options, and while I'm
fantasizing, a link to our app in the ad-space!


> > So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
> > you most want to see added?

[twitter-dev] Rate Limit Problem

2010-02-22 Thread jtrigsby
Greetings gang,

I'm running into a problem that I suspect is rate limit related.

I have an hourly job scheduled to fetch details of my followers.

The first call checks the rate_limit and calculates the max number of
getUser calls to make this hour. For example, if my remaining calls is
149, it will make 49 calls.

After about 15 calls each time, I get the following message:

Uncaught exception 'TwitterException' with message 'User has been

( I get the uncaught exception part) but any thoughts on what's going
on here?

Thanks in advance.

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth implemented, but still not seeing the "from [App]" in tweets

2010-02-22 Thread Manu
Hi Abraham,
 Yes, it should be automatic according to twitter api
documentation, but it is not in my case. :(

I'm still trying to figure out if I'm missing something/doing
something wrong. So I double checked now.

1. My Twitter test account's 'connections' settings page shows my app
having read and write access.
2. My statuses/update function uses only my app's oAuth consumer key
and the obtained access_token/secret values to update the status on
the test account.
3. Using the above function, I'm able to post status to the above
account. even tried giving a 'source=' param, but that resulted in
"from web".

One possible area to look at would be my app settings under
twitter.com/apps. There, I haven't checked the "Use Twitter for login"
option. Is this necessary to see the "from [MyApp]" under the source?

Status updated using oAuth, but still showing "from API":

Thanks in Advance,

On Feb 22, 12:39 am, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It should be automatic.
> Abraham
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 09:42, Manu  wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >       I've put together some javascript code for twitter's OAuth
> > implementation, and gave read and write permissions to my app from a
> > test account. After getting the access token and token secret, I tried
> > posting a sample tweet signed as per OAuth, The message does get
> > posted on the test account's timeline, but I'm still seeing "From API"
> > under it and not "From [MyApp]". Is there a parameter I'm missing
> > here? from the update url? Any help to get this resolved is highly
> > appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > -Manu.
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: disparities between bit.ly & Google Analytics?

2010-02-22 Thread Matthew Terenzio
Google Analytics is javascript based which means a browser or some
environment that can execute JS needs to open a page for a "pageview"

There are many more HTTP requests for a given URL. Bots, spiders,
aggregators etc.

Since Bit.ly and other shorteners are doing 301 redirects, they can't really
discern between the requests. Well, maybe they could with some well known
agents, but it is not really feasible to detect every one out there. At
least that probably accounts for much of the discrepancy.

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Nik Fletcher
Hey Guys

I'm Nik (@nikf) and work at Realmac Software in Brighton, England. We
make a few Mac OS X applications - RapidWeaver / LittleSnapper and
Socialite (previously known as Eventbox) which brings multiple social
networks into one place. Whilst technically 'Support & QA Manager' I
also keep the ball rolling with Socialite. Socialite[1] is one of the
few Twitter clients (on *any* platform I believe) to actually do OAuth
using PIN entry, and as you can imagine we're itching for xAuth :)

One thing I'm really looking forward to is new developer site Ryan
announced in his talk at LeWeb. It'd be nice to easily and clearly
know if features in the Twitter service are deactivated (like Retweets
have been in the past).


[1] http://www.realmacsoftware.com/socialite