Re: [Vo]:New paper by Storms and Scanlan

2012-10-23 Thread Edmund Storms
Alan, if you look at the photograph, you see GM#1 on the apparatus, where it is clearly shown in the diagram (Fig. 5), and GM#2 is hanging by a wire off to the right , as clearly stated under the photograph. GM#2 never detects radiation from the sample but can detect radiation from GM#1

Re: [Vo]:Madoff scam and cold fusion are hidden in plain sight

2009-02-11 Thread Edmund Storms
Jed, my reaction when I read this analysis was not the same as yours. I'm inclined to conclude that the SEC ignored the letter simply because no one below the top officials wanted the risk of rocking the boat. Most people simply do not want to do anything that will jeopardize their person

Re: [Vo]:Madoff scam and cold fusion are hidden in plain sight

2009-02-11 Thread Edmund Storms
On Feb 11, 2009, at 7:54 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: I'm inclined to conclude that the SEC ignored the letter simply because no one below the top officials wanted the risk of rocking the boat. Most people simply do not want to do anything that will jeopardize

Re: [Vo]:Pretty much OFF TOPIC "Boron morons"

2009-02-14 Thread Edmund Storms
Too bad cold fusion doesn't rhyme with moron. Ed On Feb 14, 2009, at 1:38 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Conan O'Brien gets upset with the New York Times for saying there are only 3 crystal structures of pure boron:

Re: [Vo]:Climate Change

2009-02-15 Thread Edmund Storms
On Feb 15, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Harry Veeder wrote: - Original Message - From: OrionWorks Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:30 am Subject: Re: [Vo]:Climate Change Hi Thomas, I believe in Intelligent Design. Consider the possibility that ID has done a fantastic job of designing

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread Edmund Storms
I agree with John, However, there seems to be a basic misunderstanding about the difference between capitalism and socialism. Capitalism works because it is designed to allow each person to make decisions based on their own self interest. This is called freedom by people who use simple desc

Re: [Vo]:OT - "The Rapture"

2009-02-25 Thread Edmund Storms
Nicely argued, Steven. Unfortunately Christianity is so filled with such obvious conflicts with logic and even with statements in the Bible, that a person could spend years trying to make sense of the religion, as some scholars have attempted to do. Unfortunately, the general public does

Re: [Vo]:The key to self-sufficient Energy

2009-02-26 Thread Edmund Storms
You forget Jed that WWII was not a stimulus to the rest of the world and we gained only because we sold the items that were destroyed for gold. After WWII we were the only country that could manufacture much of anything for a long time. I don't think the approach you suggest would work now.

Re: [Vo]:Author believes energy breakthroughs have been suppressed

2009-03-04 Thread Edmund Storms
or whether something of an extraterrestrial nature really did crash in Roswell back in 1947 I like the Roswell story. As far as I know nobody made a dime off those weird photos. If it was a hoax it wasn't done for the money. , or whether we humans are actually being abducted by extra

Re: [Vo]:Author believes energy breakthroughs have been suppressed

2009-03-04 Thread Edmund Storms
On Mar 4, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: Right ... recovered memories are a wonderful arena. The folks whose memories were recovered are apparently sincere. As to the researchers who, in many cases, helped those memories surface, that's an

Re: [Vo]:Author believes energy breakthroughs have been suppressed

2009-03-04 Thread Edmund Storms
would require a basic change in religious belief and it would provide one more reason to be afraid. After all, most people are expected to have no contact with the aliens, so why bother with the idea? Ed On Mar 4, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: The UFO phenomen

Re: [Vo]:Author believes energy breakthroughs have been suppressed

2009-03-04 Thread Edmund Storms
On Mar 4, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: OrionWorks wrote: Some follow-up comments I presume this was from Jed, though I have not received the actual post: If I wake up remembering an encounter with a six foot tall ant, I immediately conclude it was a dream. However, if,

[Vo]:promoting CF

2009-03-12 Thread Edmund Storms
Jed, On several occasions you have opined that people in the CF field have done a poor job of PR. Please explain how this can be done better. Remember, this is science, not selling soap. Only certain methods are acceptable without making the claims look like a scam, which other promoter

Re: [Vo]:promoting CF

2009-03-12 Thread Edmund Storms
On Mar 12, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: On several occasions you have opined that people in the CF field have done a poor job of PR. Please explain how this can be done better. Remember, this is science, not selling soap. THAT is your first mistake! This is

Re: [Vo]:promoting CF

2009-03-12 Thread Edmund Storms
Snip Frankly, I am somewhat fed up from hearing from you -- and much more often from cold fusion researchers -- that nothing can be done and that we should not even try, and that I do not understand scientists or how science is done. Scientists are people, and I know a thing or two abo

Re: [Vo]:promoting CF

2009-03-13 Thread Edmund Storms
idea, please feel free to jump in. Ed On Mar 13, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: I'm frustrated with this exchange as well. You seem to be unwilling to acknowledge that any of my comments have any merit at all. Oh come now. Of course I realize what you

Re: [Vo]:promoting CF

2009-03-13 Thread Edmund Storms
On Mar 13, 2009, at 11:37 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Does Johnson-Matthey "Type A" palladium still work? Fleischmann and I do not know. The manufacturing method was changed sometime after 1989 to reduce toxicity during manufacturing. The newer formulation probab

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Type A palladium

2009-03-13 Thread Edmund Storms
Thanks for this detail Jed, but no where do I see mentioned that this material is a Pd-Ag alloy. The emphasis is on the production method, a method that is normally applied to pure Pd. Consequently, the confusion remains. Ed On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Type A palladium

2009-03-13 Thread Edmund Storms
number 12321-PF from the Lenr-Canr archives and see for sure what was used. But, apparently it's not that easy. Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: Thanks for this detail Jed, but no where do I see mentioned that this material is a Pd-Ag alloy. That is my recollection

Re: [Vo]:Energetics Technology website

2009-03-14 Thread Edmund Storms
This is an impressive website and an impressive program, which shows what can be accomplished by a well funded effort run by competent people. It also shows the damage skeptics have done by stopping such progress from taking place all over the world earlier in the field's history. Ed On

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Type A palladium

2009-03-14 Thread Edmund Storms
On Mar 14, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: On Mar 13, 2009, at 8:36 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: ARRGH! How can everything in this field be so *vague* !? If I read the messages from Jed and Dr. Storms correctly, it's not known at this

Re: [Vo]:promoting CF

2009-03-14 Thread Edmund Storms
My belief is that the Pd-Ag works because it is able to support a high D/Pd at the surface because the diffusion rate is lower than pure Pd. Also, it does not crack. I have tried pure silver, but it does not absorb D. Ed On Mar 14, 2009, at 8:12 PM, wrote: In reply to

Re: [Vo]:Fear and Loathing in Las Vortex

2009-03-24 Thread Edmund Storms
On Mar 24, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Kyle Mcallister wrote: --- "Stephen A. Lawrence" wrote: [Robin von Spaandock wrote:] I suspect not. CF (or LENR) is finicky, and no one is yet certain of the precise requirements (though there are now a few claims of complete replic

Re: [Vo]:the hell is this? __"We're talking about a new field of science that's a hybrid between chemistry and physics."__

2009-03-25 Thread Edmund Storms
Actually the issue is more complicated than Jed describes. Conventional belief is that the chemical environment has very little or no effect on whether a nuclear reaction will occur. The cold fusion process challenges this belief. Normally, nuclear processes require too much energy to be

Re: [Vo] traffic is up

2009-03-25 Thread Edmund Storms
It's interesting and rather gratifying that the ACS provided the press coverage and interest that the APS failed to do. Ed On Mar 25, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: The press coverage of the ACS meeting and the 20th anniversary has increased the number of visits and downloads. Dat

Re: [Vo]:Bob Park now calls it unimportant science.

2009-03-28 Thread Edmund Storms
Consider the position Park has created for himself. He encouraged the destruction of the reputations for two scientists who made one of the most important discoveries of this century. He delayed development of an energy source that can solve some of the most important threats to civilizat

Re: [Vo]:Yeast powered fuel cell feeds on human blood

2009-04-02 Thread Edmund Storms
How about figuring out how to get rid of all the new yeast cells that they will produce. Yeasts to no work just to make energy. They work to make more of their own kind. Maybe if the Church permits, micro condoms could be used. Ed On Apr 2, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Really.

Re: [Vo]:Attack of the Killer "Power Trees" - the sequel

2009-04-09 Thread Edmund Storms
This idea falls into the same category as the idea of the solar collector in space, or the solar sail to propel space craft, or plowshare where atom bombs are exploded underground to generate harvested power. These are all ideas that in principle can work but have so many limitations and u

Re: [Vo]:Living proof that there is doubt

2009-04-20 Thread Edmund Storms
Garwin is living proof that he and all skeptics by association are completely irrational. 60 Minutes was very clever in showing this side of the issue without appearing to take sides. At the same time, the believers were shown to be intelligent, open minded and rational. All propaganda h

Re: [Vo]:Living proof that there is doubt

2009-04-20 Thread Edmund Storms
You hit on the essential consequence of CF, Steven. This power source could replace all other power sources everywhere and give the Third world the same benefit the First World has, but at much less expense. It would replace the grid and most of the pipelines that carry gas and gasoline.

Re: [Vo]: 60 Minutes - One intelligent critique.

2009-04-22 Thread Edmund Storms
The comments made by joclondon were understood and explored years ago, which he would know if he had studied the literature and not used his imagination to support Garwin's ignorance. First of all, DC is used, which is supplied by a low impedance power supply. As a result, there is very lit

Re: [Vo]:"60 Minutes" versus the American Physical Society

2009-04-25 Thread Edmund Storms
Well, we can see the influence of the pathological skeptics in the APS. They still insist that the phenomenon is not worthy of having the APS show any endorsement, no matter how indirect. The fact that the APS has secessions about CF at their conferences, that a very large data collection

Re: [Vo]:Not what Algore wanted to hear

2009-04-25 Thread Edmund Storms
You and many people Jeff, miss an important issue about finding ways to reduce CO2 emission. Yes it is expensive, but so are all changes in technology. The expense issue is only a distraction raised by industries that will be harmed by the new technology. In contrast, the general populatio

Re: [Vo]:WSJ blog notes 60 Minutes

2009-04-26 Thread Edmund Storms
We are being treated to a general breakdown in intellectual integrity these days in a wide range of subjects. We see this most clearly in science, not just cold fusion, because this subject has objective ways to decide what is true and what is not. As a result, when people are found to ha

Re: [Vo]:Video of Dr. Robert Duncan at The Missouri Energy Summit

2009-04-30 Thread Edmund Storms
This is a breath of fresh air that can make an old cynic have faith that science is not completely dead. I don't think guts are involved. Duncan simply had to take the time to explore the data. Any rational person who does this comes to the same conclusion. We pay entirely too much atten

Re: [Vo]:Park back peddles...

2009-05-03 Thread Edmund Storms
I don't think this is back peddling. This is one more effort by Park to appear to be clever and funny at someone else's expense. He has no opinion about the subject of cold fusion. He will say what ever makes him look funny and wise to the ignorant. Ed On May 3, 2009, at 11:35 AM, Harry

Re: [Vo]:Rejecting Nobel class articles and resisting Nobel class discoveries

2009-05-08 Thread Edmund Storms
Wow, we in CF are in excellent company. However, I doubt anything will ever change. Arrogant skepticism is a fixed characteristic of human nature and is self selected in certain professions, especially the academic. This is something we all have to endure because it will not change no ma

Re: [Vo]:Duncan "Cold Fusion" Video Removed

2009-05-14 Thread Edmund Storms
It is truly amazing and scary to see how much power and influences the skeptics have. Most ordinary people could not cause the suppression these people can accomplish. For example, Pons was hounded out of the Univ. of Utah, Bockris came close to losing his Distinguished Professorship posit

[Vo]:China vs US

2009-05-19 Thread Edmund Storms
As much as I hate to agree with Grok's basic attitude toward capitalism, I would like to suggest that several decisions, based in the rules of capitalism, will eventually lead to the total destruction of this approach, at least in the form practiced by the US. The evidence can be most cle

Re: [Vo]:China vs US

2009-05-20 Thread Edmund Storms
On May 20, 2009, at 10:02 AM, Rhong Dhong wrote: the concept of "class struggle"...Marxism is discredited today... capitalism was not on a one-way path to destruction, for which Stalin sentenced him to SiberiaAmerican constitution by men schooled in government, especially the classics.

Re: [Vo]:Mylow Outted

2009-05-24 Thread Edmund Storms
Let me see if I understand the situation. A guy who has no scientific background makes a disc turn with no apparent source of power. The demonstration is close to a toy and Mylow has no ability to provide an explanation. The MIB try to shut him down. In contrast, competent scientists who st

Re: [Vo]:Mylow Outted

2009-05-25 Thread Edmund Storms
Sure Steven, this could be faked all kinds of ways. This fact alone makes the demonstration totally uninteresting and non-threatening to the MIB. So even if the effect is real, there is no purpose for the MIB to get involved because no one would believe the claims even if they were true.

Re: [Vo]:letter to William J Broad

2009-05-26 Thread Edmund Storms
On May 26, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Terry Blanton wrote: Considering that the ITER projected cost is almost $30B compared to the actual cost of NIF $3.5, I think the NIF is a bargain. Besides a possible energy source, the NIF is an excellent research tool on fusion. It could possibly lead to an answ

Re: [Vo]:Compression and LENR?

2009-06-01 Thread Edmund Storms
How did the writer know that the MIB did not knock? Are we to assume that the neighbors observe the house so carefully that a random van parking in front of the house for the few seconds it would take to get to the house and enter would be observed by someone not also eating at that time?

Re: [Vo]:Compression and LENR?

2009-06-01 Thread Edmund Storms
Thanks Steven, I missed the small detail that this message was from the future. Nevertheless, when I also go into the future, the same question comes up. Sorry to hear that reporter was also spirited away by the MIB. Should I also be worried in 4 years when this date arrives? Ed On Jun 1, 2

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan goes off the deep end!

2009-06-03 Thread Edmund Storms
As I said in my talk at Univ. of Missouri, "skeptics have to believe that everyone studying cold fusion makes mistakes that are only visible to a skeptic". Shanahan proves this point very nicely. The attitude comes from an excessive ego without any compensating humility. The reaction says

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan goes off the deep end! -- The psychology of bigotry

2009-06-05 Thread Edmund Storms
I suggest a normal person always feels inferior in some way - to the extent that this can be used as one criteria of normal. Therefore, this cannot be the source of the disfunction we are discussing. Abnormal people having excessive superiority do not show that they feel inferior even tho

Re: [Vo]:politics and religion

2009-06-12 Thread Edmund Storms
Bill, I agree with Steven. Jed, unlike some recent contributions, was not engaging in emotional and loaded statements about religion in his recent comments, which should be the reason for banishment. As for politics, I suggest it is almost impossible to separate political comment from scie

Re: [Vo]:politics and religion

2009-06-12 Thread Edmund Storms
lean from each other rather than being pissed off. I think that Jed's comments met this standard. Ed On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Edmund Storms wrote: Bill, I agree with Steven. Jed, unlike some recent contributions, was not engaging in emotional and loaded statements about religi

Re: [Vo]:Jed's temporary ban...

2009-06-14 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 14, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: wrote: I miss Jed. I hope he comes back. You know, when things didn't go his way at Infinite Energy, he never came back. And it may come to pass that Grok's purpose will be fulfilled: He will have succeeded in

Re: [Vo]:Jed's temporary ban...

2009-06-14 Thread Edmund Storms
ms to dictate how a minority view reality. Of course there are differing levels I suppose, grok was outside of "normal" not in his logic but in his hostility. On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 1:53 AM, Edmund Storms wrote: On Jun 14, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: fznidar...@a

Re: [Vo]:U.S. Revives Coal-Fired Power Plant (FutureGen)

2009-06-14 Thread Edmund Storms
Unfortunately, here is were politics get into the act and this is why politics need to be discussed if any sense is to be made of the energy problem. The US will not and cannot give up the use of coal. Too many jobs are at risk and the material supplies too much energy that cannot be repla

Re: [Vo]:Public apology to Kyle Mcallister, and a rephrasing of my original comment

2009-06-14 Thread Edmund Storms
Well stated Steven! Jed makes people think by making informed arguments, some of which I also do not share. Apparently his style is painful to some people, I'm sorry to discover. Ed On Jun 14, 2009, at 11:40 AM, OrionWorks wrote: Hi Kyle, Regarding my previous response: Kyle sez: Fro

Re: [Vo]:Politics and 'politics'....

2009-06-15 Thread Edmund Storms
I agree with the view expressed here by Lawrence. In addition, this is a group of individuals who like to get to know each other while they discussion the scientific ideas. This social interaction is important and I would like to have it accepted as a normal part of these communications. Of

Re: [Vo]:Th e "SNIP" of Jed.

2009-06-15 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 15, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Kyle Mcallister wrote: --- On Sun, 6/14/09, Mike Carrell wrote: There is no 'try to understand' of many of the caustic things he's said about workers and the average man. Now everyone is going to try and candy coat things. I'm sorry, try someone else, thi

Re: [Vo]:Th e "SNIP" of Jed.

2009-06-15 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 15, 2009, at 6:24 PM, Kyle Mcallister wrote: --- On Mon, 6/15/09, Edmund Storms wrote: Kyle, in the absence of Jed, I feel it's my duty to educate about cold fusion. If you want to know what has been learned up to 2007, I suggest you read my book "The Science of Low Ener

Re: [Vo]:Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions.

2009-06-16 Thread Edmund Storms
I agree with John, managing and contributing to one list is hard enough without adding to the problem by using multiple lists. Most people on this list are adults and should be able to agree on something so simple as when political or religious discussion gets to be too much without forcing

Re: [Vo]:Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions.

2009-06-16 Thread Edmund Storms
wrote: - Original Message - From: Edmund Storms Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:08 am Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions. I agree with John, managing and contributing to one list is hard enough without adding to the problem by using multiple lists.

Re: [Vo]:Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions.

2009-06-16 Thread Edmund Storms
, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Edmund Storms wrote: How do you know this? What aspect of his behavior to you find normal? Of course everyone has quarks. The issue is the degree and consistency of these characteristics. In addition, I'm using this word as a catchall. Insanity has many characteristic

Re: [Vo]:Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions.

2009-06-16 Thread Edmund Storms
While I agree with your basic point, I agree some things are best discussed in private with the people who are interested. I suggest if a a subject comes up that is not of general interest, the people who would like to explore the idea further make their wish known so that the discussion c

Re: [Vo]:Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions.

2009-06-16 Thread Edmund Storms
I suggest a public discussion stops when anyone objects. Following the objection, anyone who wishes to continue the discussion privately can make their wish known publicly. These people would be put on the cc of the private exchange. If no one makes such a request, the discussion stops. Of

Re: [Vo]:High altitude wind power

2009-06-16 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:05 PM, OrionWorks wrote: From Jed: Latest info. See: High Altitude wind power generation is indeed an intriguing concept. According to this article: Startups like KiteGen, Sky Windpower, Magenn, and Ma

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-18 Thread Edmund Storms
To avoid making yourself ill with worry, let me add a bit of optimism. Cold fusion has left the garage level of research and entered the level of a well funded laboratory. This is progress. The theory has left the amateur level of ideas and entered the level of the trained professional. T

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-18 Thread Edmund Storms
Well Frank, such ideas have value only when they show why and how most observed behaviors occur and how to make the behavior occur more consistently and at higher levels. All theories I know about met only a small fraction of this requirement. If you can have better success in this require

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-18 Thread Edmund Storms
Thanks for the preprint Frank. Unfortunately some of the equations are not visible, no doubt because I use a Mac. On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:08 PM, wrote: However, I would like to know, based on your model, exactly which kinds of atoms and how I need to arrange them in a solid

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-18 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 18, 2009, at 2:15 PM, wrote: Several people have suggested that a Bose Condensate is involved. I have trouble with this concept because these structures are expected to have very low bonding energy, hence have been observed only near absolute zero. In addition, su

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-18 Thread Edmund Storms
Let me see if I can explain what you are saying in your paper. 1. You accept that Planck's constant describes the energy of photons. 2. You propose that your constant describes the geometry (size) of the emitting structure. 3. You assume the size of the photon is given by rp, as defined in Eq

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-19 Thread Edmund Storms
This is a nice imaginative theory described in the article, Frank, but it does not prove that Bose Condensates of hydrogen exist. In fact, such structure should show up as anomalies in diffusion, which they do not. If a structure containing H(D) can move through the lattice without resist

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-19 Thread Edmund Storms
meters. The rate of diffusion should increase when a proton conduction of this length is stimualted at that frequency. If I were not on the road, living in a hotel in Knoxville, and here working on CO2 capture, I would try this. Cc: Edmund Storms Sent: Fri, Jun 19, 2009 10:28 am Subject

Re: [Vo]:Fringe

2009-06-19 Thread Edmund Storms
need to be made, the garage might be a useful laboratory. Ed On Jun 19, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Harry Veeder wrote: - Original Message - From: Edmund Storms Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:16 am Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fringe To avoid making yourself ill with worry, let me add a bit of

Re: [Vo]:beyond critical

2009-06-21 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 21, 2009, at 8:12 AM, Jones Beene wrote: Speaking of how politics and energy overlap... Here is a "supercritical" way that the DoE could reduce natural gas usage significantly: Why aren't we doing this here, or even talking a

Re: [Vo]:Dateline: 2013

2009-06-21 Thread Edmund Storms
Nicely done and very near the truth, but with this additional information that recently came to light. "Further analysis reveals that the first use of cold fusion was in China where it helped the government off set the collapse in the dollar in 2010 by reducing the country's use of oil. Thi

Re: [Vo]:Lederman still wrong

2009-06-22 Thread Edmund Storms
Perhaps someone can contact this person and advise him to do a little homework about the subject before he embarrasses himself further. Ed On Jun 22, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Here is an article published in the future (dated July 4, 2009):

Re: [Vo]:Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

2009-06-26 Thread Edmund Storms
How do they plan to enforce delivery of the vaccine? Personally, the police would have to come to my door and restrain me. How about you? Ed On Jun 26, 2009, at 4:20 PM, John Berry wrote: I don't think this can be considered political as no one votes for the UN or WHO and it's a health war

Re: [Vo]:Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

2009-06-29 Thread Edmund Storms
While what you say is true, Jed, not all vaccines are equally safe or effective, especially when it involves influenza. In my case, I got a flu shot a few years ago and suffered from a sore shoulder for months and still got the flu. I find that certain natural immune enhances and antiviral

Re: [Vo]:Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

2009-06-29 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jun 29, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: While what you say is true, Jed, not all vaccines are equally safe or effective, especially when it involves influenza. Absolutely! The 1976 swine flu vaccines were spectacularly ineffective and dangerous

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan was right about Energetics Tech. calorimeter

2009-07-01 Thread Edmund Storms
Michel, I understand that power measurements are not made while the superwave is on. The superwave is only used to load the cathode and start the reaction. Production of over 30 watts while applying less than 1 watt is so unambiguous that the ability to produce excess power is clearly prov

Re: [Vo]:Kowalski paper

2009-07-03 Thread Edmund Storms
Jones, I think we need to be clear about the attitude toward CF. If a person does not accept the basic concept that a nuclear reaction can occur under CF conditions, either because they are totally committed to conventional ideas or because they are just plain ignorant, no evidence short o

Re: [Vo]:Kowalski paper

2009-07-03 Thread Edmund Storms
g into LENR. There will be many people in DoE and ARPA who can be swayed by good evidence, DESPITE what the dyed-in-the-wool skeptics. They are aware of how many times the mainstream has been totally wrong before. Jones -Original Message- From: Edmund Storms [

Re: [Vo]:2012 and Nebran Planet X

2009-07-04 Thread Edmund Storms
How does anyone know that the obit of Nebran Planet X lasts for 3600 years except by relating it to the events that are assumed to be caused by the planet? In other words, this looks like circular reasoning, which gives no evidence at all. Ed On Jul 4, 2009, at 5:38 AM, Taylor J. Smith wr

Re: [Vo] Pickens - "Oil baron's wind farm project hits doldrums"

2009-07-08 Thread Edmund Storms
And thus we see the basic flaw in wind generation. Unless a backup source of power is in place and can be connected to an active grid, wind power is not practical. This source needs to be engineered into a system rather than used as an add-on. The system in the US is too fragile and too s

Re: [Vo]:Must See Video

2009-07-08 Thread Edmund Storms
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Jones. As you observed, the video shows the same attitude toward cold fusion that has played out in the US and in most other countries. You attempt to explain this situation below, but I suggest you miss some important features of the problem. Unfo

Re: [Vo] Pickens - "Oil baron's wind farm project hits doldrums"

2009-07-08 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jul 8, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: And thus we see the basic flaw in wind generation. Unless a backup source of power is in place and can be connected to an active grid, wind power is not practical. My comment clearly applied to the US. The situation in

Re: [Vo]:OT: Google takes on Windows with Chrome OS

2009-07-08 Thread Edmund Storms
They say this is an open system, which has the advantage of putting the user in control. Why would it not also put the hacker in control? Ed On Jul 8, 2009, at 12:49 PM, OrionWorks wrote: I've labeled this thread "OT" because the subject would seem to be unrelated to the issues concerning the

Re: [Vo]:OT: Google takes on Windows with Chrome OS

2009-07-08 Thread Edmund Storms
. The backdoors would not be discovered unless someone who knows the code and has time to check any changes finds them. Why has this not happened to Linux? Ed On Jul 8, 2009, at 1:24 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: They say this is an open system, which has the

Re: [Vo]:OT: Google takes on Windows with Chrome OS

2009-07-08 Thread Edmund Storms
to be less sensitive to virus and other kinds of code changes. Ed On Jul 8, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: This helps explain the situation, Stephen. However, suppose I make some neat changes in an open source program and add a few backdoors. Then I send

Re: [Vo] Pickens - "Oil baron's wind farm project hits doldrums"

2009-07-09 Thread Edmund Storms
Lacy wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: And thus we see the basic flaw in wind generation. Unless a backup source of power is in place and can be connected to an active grid, wind power is not practical. You can use an intermediate stage as energy storage. Why not produce Hidrogen with wind (and solar

Re: [Vo]:OT: Google takes on Windows with Chrome OS

2009-07-09 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jul 9, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Emacs, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, OpenOffice, MS Word -- would you claim that any of these have simply been left to sit on a shelf, and that's why they haven't become so buggy they can't be used? I meant just the opp

Re: [Vo]:OT: Google takes on Windows with Chrome OS

2009-07-09 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jul 9, 2009, at 2:27 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: You could claim, of course, that Windows NT was a "rewrite" of the old Windows OS and so it isn't as old as it looks . . . That is exactly what Brooks (and I) have in mind. You have to go back to square one and

Re: [Vo]:OT: Google takes on Windows with Chrome OS

2009-07-09 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jul 9, 2009, at 7:18 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote: Edmund Storms wrote: I have heard that Apple is more ruthless about backward compatibility. Microsoft cannot afford to be, because if the new Windows does not work with old hardware, people will eventually throw away their hardware and buy

Re: [Vo]:More From the Steorn Jury

2009-07-11 Thread Edmund Storms
Come now, let's be realistic. He did not run because he would not have been safe anywhere in the world. When you damage so many people, many of whom are very powerful and will connected to the Jewish community, you will be killed very soon after leaving the US. Besides, his family was also

Re: [Vo]:More From the Steorn Jury

2009-07-12 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jul 12, 2009, at 6:18 AM, Mauro Lacy wrote: Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: Mauro Lacy wrote: Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: I don't know why he didn't run. He didn't ran because he was a scapegoat. Scapegoats don't run, by their very definition. It's always better to blame it all on a "lone

Re: [Vo]:Tetrahedral Symmetric Condensate and Cold Fusion

2009-07-13 Thread Edmund Storms
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:33 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote: At 11:59 PM 7/12/2009, you wrote: All said, I see the gaping hole in Takahashi's theory being the orders of magnitude lack of detectable high energy alphas. Perhaps it is just a calculation error on my part. It wouldn't be the first t

Re: [Vo]:More From the Steorn Jury

2009-07-14 Thread Edmund Storms
statement and it still would have been accurate... -Mark -Original Message- From: Edmund Storms [] Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:18 AM To: Cc: Edmund Storms Subject: Re: [Vo]:More From the Steorn Jury Come now, let's be realistic. He di

Re: [Vo]:Most papers from Piantelli are authored by Focardi

2009-07-21 Thread Edmund Storms
The Mills situation is a bit more complex than you note, Stephen. Hydrinos are not the only result of the Mills theory. He has created a new model for atomic interaction and a new model for calculating many fundamental constants including the ionization energy of most elements. His model i

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

2009-07-27 Thread Edmund Storms
I too have studied and given lot of thought to the UFO phenomenon. Steven has provided a good description of many of my conclusions, so I won't try to add anything except to ask one question. Why do people have such a difficult time accepting such a well documented phenomenon? To start t

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

2009-07-27 Thread Edmund Storms
part could form some sort of temporal telescope where the observer catches glimpses of these everyday spacecraft from our future. Fran -Original Message- From: Edmund Storms [] Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:56 AM To: Cc: Edmund Storms

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

2009-07-27 Thread Edmund Storms
well maintained for so long. Fran -Original Message- From: Edmund Storms [] Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 12:44 PM To: Cc: Edmund Storms Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm Hi Fran, If you want to explain a phenomenon, you need to be awa

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

2009-07-30 Thread Edmund Storms
I have no idea what you mean Steven when you say "The experience IS what it IS." We accumulate information about reality by experience. This experience gradually forms an impression of reality on which we base our beliefs in science, religion and in every other reality based belief system.

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

2009-07-30 Thread Edmund Storms
uries. We just have to accept the idea that humans are not the top of the line life form and we are not in God's image, at least on the surface. Ed On Jul 30, 2009, at 11:52 AM, OrionWorks wrote: From: Edmund Storms I have no idea what you mean Steven when you say "The experi

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