Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-05 Thread Stephan Richter
On Friday 03 February 2006 15:11, Jeff Shell wrote:
> > I'm trying to think of other examples where people have produced a new
> > brand name by adding a version number.  MacOS X?  PlayStation2?  I'm
> I agree. Apple was able to get the message out that "Mac OS X = Mac OS
> 10 = A totally different architecture than Mac OS {6,7,8,9}". Inside
> of Mac OS X, Apple has turned their code names into release/brand
> names like "Jaguar" and "Tiger", but as a long time Mac OS X user -
> whenever those names come up in discussion (when did this feature show
> up? I remember upgrading to ..., etc), there's always the "wait, don't
> you mean Panther?" "no, I mean Jaguar. Wait. Which one was 10.3?"

This is an excellent point!

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Alexander Limi
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 10:16:56 -0800, Joel Moxley  

Zope 3, the Chuck Norris release. I like it. ;)


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development ·

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Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/3/06, Graham Stratton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lennart Regebro wrote:
> > Not if that name changes with every release, becuase then people will
> > see it as a release code name, because that's what it will be.
> I agree.  Personally I don't think this name change/extension is
> necessary.  We've already got an extension, it's the '3'.  What we need
> is for the 3 to be a strong part of the brand name everywhere.  It's not
> Zope, or Zope 3.x, it's Zope3.  I appreciate that this already happens
> generally.  Zope3 really needs a logo in which the '3' plays a major
> role, and looks very different to the existing Zope logo.
> I agree with those who have said that Zope3 should have its own website.
>   If our aim is to make it clear to people that this is something new,
> then that site needs a completely different design to the existing Zope
> site.  For as long as Zope3 looks like Zope 2, people are not going to
> expect to find any major changes.
> I'm trying to think of other examples where people have produced a new
> brand name by adding a version number.  MacOS X?  PlayStation2?  I'm

I agree. Apple was able to get the message out that "Mac OS X = Mac OS
10 = A totally different architecture than Mac OS {6,7,8,9}". Inside
of Mac OS X, Apple has turned their code names into release/brand
names like "Jaguar" and "Tiger", but as a long time Mac OS X user -
whenever those names come up in discussion (when did this feature show
up? I remember upgrading to ..., etc), there's always the "wait, don't
you mean Panther?" "no, I mean Jaguar. Wait. Which one was 10.3?"

I've used Ubuntu on an old Mac. I couldn't tell you the sub-names of
what version(s) I had. I remember 5.04 and 5.10. "hoary hedgehog" and
"sneezing akita" could be the names for all I remember or care. KDE
3.2, Gnome 2.8... I don't know... For me, all of those numbers are
easy to track.

Something that has been hard to balance is how to manage the "Zope 3
is architecturally marvelous and stupendous compared to Zope 2... But
Zope 2 doesn't actually suck!" message. I think that the advent of
Zope 3.2 and the growth of Five in Zope 2 (what is the current Zope 2
release anyways?) should make that message easier to get out.

I've advocated a site concept here many times in the past, and I'm not
going to repeat it. If people think that the Wiki is the best front to
everything, then we deserve our death.

We need:

* Quick access to downloads (I still have problems finding the
download page for Zope 3 on!)

* A quick summary of:

  - Zope 2, why you might be interested in it, what new technologies
from Zope 3 it uses, why Zope 2 still matters. (Zope 2 serves more
audiences than Zope 3)

  - Zope 3, why you might be interested in it, why it matters that
it's different than Zope 2, why it's a knockout solution for new

- The Zope 3 Library - How you might use Zope 3 pieces outside of
the Zope application server, why this should appeal to you as a Python
programmer. How to use Zope 3's library without the ZODB.

- The Zope 3 App Server - How the Zope 3 Library, the ZODB,
ZServer/Twisted and Security come together to deliver comprehensive
multi-protocol web applications.

- Additional Applications and Libraries - What you can look at for
inspiration (Schoolbell, for example), use as an application or use
pieces of (ie, how to use schoolbell.relationship on its own [1]), and
how easy it is to write and refactor for reuse.

  - Five, how you can start migrating legacy Zope 2 code towards Zope
3 without having to rewrite everything, and how you can take advantage
of the cleaner code options Zope 3 offers without sacrificing your
finely tuned Zope 2 setup.

Alright. That's not a small list, but I do think that the "what is
zope, why should I care, and I hear about these different Zope things
and want to know what's different?" question should be answered
immediately, with links. The front page for tried to boil
things down to a few simple bullets. But we need more than bullets,
just as we need more than one big paragraph that tries to
over-summarize. I think does this well. Look at -- imagine something like
that for the ZODB that says "hey, why even bother with a relational
database for your Python objects?" (and at the end could still link to
object-relational mapping topics for Zope 3, as well as direct RDBMS
querying options for supporting data, and a page about how to use
zope.schema to generate safe and validated SQL values just like you
can use it to validate forms and other data).

The other thing that I really really really think is needed is
documentation like "Coming in Zope 3.2: formlib. What does it do?"
That can help drive interest or excitement in a coming release (and
maybe even bring in more beta testers), and also provide nice
documentation about the new feature to both existing and new
developers. Burying things like formlib and vie

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Paul Everitt

I vote for Joel as Omnipotent Message Autocrat.  Man, this is the most 
fun we've had around here in a while.

Joel, I agree a lot with your points.  A whole lot.  I'll add to your 
list some other things, but that's a useless quibble.  I also think the 
"OS X Tiger" codename thing could pay off, but it's not the central 
issue at this point.  We need to identify Zope 3's raison d'etre and 
talk more about it (IMO), which you started below.

On the whole...anybody providing that Chuck Norris link should 
immediately be elevated to the executive suites.


Joel Moxley wrote:

The Zope Foundation, which is probably coming pretty darn soon, might
help catalyze contributors a bit.  It will own the domain,
the domain, and probably lots more, and all of the software.

But before or after the foundation, I think small steps are more
likely to succeed than grand plans.  Someone writing an impressive
brochure-ware site about Zope 3 is going to be easier and more
impressive than trying to get folks to agree on a grand Zope 3
software site.  Someone assembling some of the word-smithing in this
thread might even generate a simple impressive advocacy *page* that
could be linked to from the front of  I thought Joel's post
had some ring to it, for instance.  Whether or not we have a "Zope 3:
Rebel Angel" rename :-), it would be great to see Joel or Martin or
someone step up to put some advocacy out there.  If I can help with
trying to figure out who to ask for what, let me know.

As I see it, Zope 3's central marketing issue is the lack of a
coherent online identity.  There needs to be a single place that
answers the following questions:

1) What is Zope 3?
2) Why use Zope 3?
3) How does Zope 3 compare to competing frameworks?
4) How do I get started?

Largely, this is assembly of the Zope 3 FrontPage, philikon's first
two chapters, and the "appetizer" quick start guides on worldcookery. 
However, I would also  love to see a section on the lead developers

answering Q1-Q3.  And this would be in conjunction with conveying...

Zope3's shtick:  Zope3 is not flashy.  Zope3 does not put pastel
colors on its website. Zope3 is the no-nonsense, industrial strength
platform.  It's where you come when you want to do it right.  It was
coded with the most rigorous standards by a bunch of hard-nosed sons
of bitches who don't have time for froofy marketing :).  And so forth.
 This would come across in lead dev's answering Q1-Q3.

And finally, the site should demonstrate the "industrial strength"
quality with examples.  Little snippets from developers of SchoolTool,
corporate users, and so forth should demonstrate "hey, we're for real,
and we don't mess around -- you give me an animated screenshots, I
raise you a XYZ transaction per day uber site".  In a sense, we'd want
to portray ourselves as the Chuck Norris[1] of web platforms :)

Bottom line, a coherent online identity would go a long way.  Instead
of doing some snazzy marketings, let's communicate the character that
Zope3 does have.  It sounds like under ZF might be the ideal
way to do this,

As for codenames, this is just one way we could help create a coherent
online identity.  I certainly think release names would be fun (and
not distracting to the central "Zope 3" brand we'd want).  Overall, I
think the time has come for communication of Zope 3 identity to move
hand in hand with development.


[1] For those not familiar with Chuck Norris, he's a no-nonsense
martial arts guy and the subject of these very amusing "facts".

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Stephan Richter
On Friday 03 February 2006 08:48, Jim Washington wrote:
> The vision includes a new trademarked tagline (Invent the Future) and a
> new logo incorporating the tagline.
> We could do something similar:
> Zope 3: Excellence in Web Component Design
> OK, I'm not a marketer, but something in that vein could help to gain
> community standing.

I would be okay with/welcome a cool new logo (yeah), a tagline and other 
visual improvements.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Stephan Richter
On Friday 03 February 2006 05:38, Maik Ihde wrote:
> So what can we do about it?

I think conducting interviews with people developing pure Zope 3 applications 
and Five based applications would help. I can provide you with an initial 
list of people, if you like.

> Pull out a Website about Z3 in a similar way the RubyOnRails, Django,
> TurboGears (and other...) Frameworks have done. Get some more people
> talking about Z3. Go out and spread the word ;-)

I agree, Maybe we can ask some Plone UI developers to help us make a sexy UI. 
I can ask Kamal, since he is here at the sprint.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Stephan Richter
On Friday 03 February 2006 08:25, Maik Ihde wrote:
> Would you also feel betrayed if there is - as many people here suggest -
> just an addition to "Zope 3" [no I *won't* add another lame name ;-)] ?
> Zope 3 imho is far more than just a new version. But it still ist ZOPE. :)

Look, make it a proposal and open it up for discussion. I am -1 on the 
proposal, but that does not mean other developers feel this way.

I will not comment on this anymore. 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Jim Fulton

Jegenye 2001 Bt (Miklós Prisznyák) wrote:

 > (how many more lame names can we come up with?)

Zope 3 / Rebirth is the lame name I'd vote for :)


Hm, Zope 3 / Renassaince  sounds posh :-) and it's also a good 
excercise  in spelling :p (except for the French-speaking like yourself)

Yeah, it's a plot to keep me from talking about releases. ;)


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714
Zope Corporation
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Miklós Prisznyák

> (how many more lame names can we come up with?)Zope 3 / Rebirth is the lame name I'd vote for :)
Hm, Zope 3 / Renassaince  sounds posh :-) and it's also a good
excercise  in spelling :p (except for the French-speaking like

--   Miklós Prisznyák
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Shane Hathaway

Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Fri, Feb 03 17:24, Encolpe Degoute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Zope 3 / Revolution ?

well, how about "Zope3, Reloaded" for all the matrix fans out there? :)

The idea of release code names adds a little spice.  Most people like 
spices on their food, so why not on their software too?  But the naming 
scheme really has to be based on the Tarzan series.  Jim's a Tarzan fan. 
:-)  "Zope 3.3 Jane", etc.

An idea that's bubbling to the top in this discussion is that each 6 
month Zope release should include not just new software but also 
tangible improvements to the community, such as web site improvements, 
new documentation, and a changing of the guard (so that no one is 
assigned to write the Zope Weekly News for the rest of their life.)

but seriously, imho an additional name part can add something, but it's
by far not as important as a rather impressive web-site.  i've looked at
the ruby on rails screencasts today for the first time and i have to say
that i was quite impressed.  to have something like that would probably
do no harm, would it?

Well, has screencasts.  The web site is also a lot less bland 
than  Unlike, it's easy for Zope Corporation to 
justify the expense of maintaining

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Andreas Zeidler
On Fri, Feb 03 17:24, Encolpe Degoute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Zope 3 / Revolution ?

well, how about "Zope3, Reloaded" for all the matrix fans out there? :)

but seriously, imho an additional name part can add something, but it's
by far not as important as a rather impressive web-site.  i've looked at
the ruby on rails screencasts today for the first time and i have to say
that i was quite impressed.  to have something like that would probably
do no harm, would it?


zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Encolpe Degoute

Hash: SHA1

Florent Guillaume a écrit :
| Florent Guillaume wrote:
|> Martin Aspeli wrote:
|>> "Zope 3.2 Zalza"
|>> (how many more lame names can we come up with?)
|> Zope 3 / Rebirth is the lame name I'd vote for :)
| Or Zope 3 / Renaissance, if french names are still trendy.

Zope 3 / Revolution ?

- --
Encolpe Degoute
INGENIWEB (TM) - S.A.S 5 Euros - RC B 438 725 632
17 rue Louise Michel - 92300 Levallois Perret - France
web : - « les Services Web Ingénieux »
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Florent Guillaume

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

"Zope 3.2 Zalza"

(how many more lame names can we come up with?)

Zope 3 / Rebirth is the lame name I'd vote for :)

Or Zope 3 / Renaissance, if french names are still trendy.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Florent Guillaume

Martin Aspeli wrote:

"Zope 3.2 Zalza"

(how many more lame names can we come up with?)

Zope 3 / Rebirth is the lame name I'd vote for :)


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Graham Stratton

Lennart Regebro wrote:

Not if that name changes with every release, becuase then people will
see it as a release code name, because that's what it will be.

I agree.  Personally I don't think this name change/extension is
necessary.  We've already got an extension, it's the '3'.  What we need
is for the 3 to be a strong part of the brand name everywhere.  It's not
Zope, or Zope 3.x, it's Zope3.  I appreciate that this already happens 
generally.  Zope3 really needs a logo in which the '3' plays a major 
role, and looks very different to the existing Zope logo.

I agree with those who have said that Zope3 should have its own website.
 If our aim is to make it clear to people that this is something new,
then that site needs a completely different design to the existing Zope
site.  For as long as Zope3 looks like Zope 2, people are not going to 
expect to find any major changes.

I'm trying to think of other examples where people have produced a new 
brand name by adding a version number.  MacOS X?  PlayStation2?  I'm 
sure there's a good example out there somewhere!


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Benji York

Klaus Bremer wrote:

Giving zope 3 an own website has the problem that some www.zope3.tlds
are already owned by others.

Resolving that problem would be a good task for the Foundation.

BTW: and are owned by Zope Corp. and I would assume 
are being transfered to the Foundation. and appear 
to be controlled by (different) domain squatters.  ICANN mediation would 
likely find in favor of the ZF if action was taken on those.

Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Klaus Bremer

Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Fri, 3 Feb 2006 12:42:13 +
von: Martin Aspeli

>with an appropriate branding (e.g. a logo derived from the Zope logo
and a new
>website to drum up excitement and get people started quickly). Both the
>and "3" parts should stay in the picture. There may have been a time for
>renaming (or maybe not)

That's marketing. In my opinion it's not a good idea to rename zope,
never underestimate the value of a brand name. Giving zope 3 an own
website has the problem that some www.zope3.tlds are already owned by others.

Why not giving Zope 3 a prominent place at the entry page? The
easiest way to start is at a well known place. Just promote Zope 3 at and do not hide it there.


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Aspeli
Reinoud van Leeuwen> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 01:07:57PM +, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> > Max M  ...> writes:
> > 
> > > Not calling it Zope would be a mistake, but how about adding a qualifier 
> > > to the name. Like microsoft did with Windows "NT"
> > 
> > I think that's what the suggestion is all about.
> >  
> > > eg. Zope DR aka "Zope Done Right"
> > 
> > Heh, I like that. :)
> > 
> > I think DR is a little too abstract still, I'd prefer a name that people 
> > remember a little more easily.
> Zope-TNG (The Next Generation) springs up my mind. And it is a good 
> description of what it is really about.

It's still abstract and geeky, though. Besides, too many Zope 2 products 
tacked NG on to their names (TextIndexNG3, anyone?), and it's starting to 
sound a little silly.

Anyway, I think something like this would require some serious time and a 
serious proposal to be taken to a vote. It's possibly more in the domain of 
the Zope Foundation (at least it would've been in the Plone Foundation domain 
ha it been Plone). My vote would go for something that's a name and not an 
acronym or abbreviation, though. :)


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Jim Washington

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


But having a name that signifies that there is something a little more than a
new major-version release going on here would go a long way in giving people
something to fix their minds on.

Not if that name changes with every release, becuase then people will
see it as a release code name, because that's what it will be.

Absolutely - we seem to be on the same page. :)

The branding needs to be consistent and carried forward, until such time we
refactor the whole thing again and call it Zope 4. :)
My university, Virginia Tech, is doing something similar right now, and 
I think it is in part due to recent negative publicity involving 
athletics (I could be wrong). 

The vision includes a new trademarked tagline (Invent the Future) and a 
new logo incorporating the tagline.

We could do something similar:

Zope 3: Excellence in Web Component Design

OK, I'm not a marketer, but something in that vein could help to gain 
community standing.

-Jim Washington
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Maik Ihde

> > Not if that name changes with every release, becuase then people will
> > see it as a release code name, because that's what it will be.
> Absolutely - we seem to be on the same page. :)
> The branding needs to be consistent and carried forward, until such time we
> refactor the whole thing again and call it Zope 4. :)

That's *exactly* the point. +1 from me on that and for the Zope4 thing ;-)


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Aspeli
Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > But having a name that signifies that there is something a little more than 
> > a
> > new major-version release going on here would go a long way in giving people
> > something to fix their minds on.
> Not if that name changes with every release, becuase then people will
> see it as a release code name, because that's what it will be.

Absolutely - we seem to be on the same page. :)

The branding needs to be consistent and carried forward, until such time we
refactor the whole thing again and call it Zope 4. :)


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/3/06, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The point is not to make fluffy release names. The point is to have some sort 
> of
> branding - a name, a logo, a colour scheme, a web site, a set of 10-minute
> tutorials, a set of code examples, a set of exemplars of systems that have 
> been
> built successfuly on Zope 3 and are kicking ass, a set of press releases to 
> the
> likes of slashdot, freshmeat, and other sites that geeks read. It all needs to
> come together.

I agree with this, so lets keep to the topic:

The suggestion was to add something to the Zope 3 naming, like:
"Zugar" or "Zebra". The suggested benefit was to add this name so that
people would understand that there was a significant difference
between Zope 3 releases and Zope 2 releases. That "Zope 2.9" and "Zope
something Zugar" was very dofferent beasts.

And what I said was: Adding release specific names do not have that effect.

I hope that cleared up what was discussioned.

> But having a name that signifies that there is something a little more than a
> new major-version release going on here would go a long way in giving people
> something to fix their minds on.

Not if that name changes with every release, becuase then people will
see it as a release code name, because that's what it will be.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Behrang Dadsetan
On 2/3/06, Reinoud van Leeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 01:07:57PM +, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Zope-TNG (The Next Generation) springs up my mind. And it is a good
> description of what it is really about.

The problem with TNG is how will you call the rewrite of Zope 3 ? :)
Zope 4 TANG - The After Next Generation? does sound too good
Not that I think Zope 3 will ever need a rewrite..

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Maik Ihde
Hello Stephan,

> Having said that, I feel very strongly that built Zope version 3 and nothing 
> more or less. And I feel that a name change would betray me and my 
> intentions.

Would you also feel betrayed if there is - as many people here suggest - just an
addition to "Zope 3" [no I *won't* add another lame name ;-)] ? Zope 3 imho is
far more than just a new version. But it still ist ZOPE. :)

Zope/Python is a niche Technology - we all know that. It will probably never be
as popular as other mainstream solutions, but that's okay. Here in Germany, Zope
does have it's market share, but there could be more. And if more people are
attracted to Zope Technology, there imho is a fair Chance that more Developers
will start adding code to Z3 itself. 

So what is wrong with more marketing for a great piece of Technology? Or are
your only concerns about a name change? (which must be a misunderstanding, I
think *nobody* here really wants that, even with the

Kind Regars


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Reinoud van Leeuwen
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 01:07:57PM +, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Not calling it Zope would be a mistake, but how about adding a qualifier 
> > to the name. Like microsoft did with Windows "NT"
> I think that's what the suggestion is all about.
> > eg. Zope DR aka "Zope Done Right"
> Heh, I like that. :)
> I think DR is a little too abstract still, I'd prefer a name that people could
> remember a little more easily.

Zope-TNG (The Next Generation) springs up my mind. And it is a good 
description of what it is really about.

"Nothing is as subjective as reality"
Reinoud van Leeuwen[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Aspeli
Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Not calling it Zope would be a mistake, but how about adding a qualifier 
> to the name. Like microsoft did with Windows "NT"

I think that's what the suggestion is all about.
> eg. Zope DR aka "Zope Done Right"

Heh, I like that. :)

I think DR is a little too abstract still, I'd prefer a name that people could
remember a little more easily.

> The difference between Z2 and Z3 is really so great that it is not just 
> an upgrade of the same technology.

Too right. That works both ways of course - you can't port your Z2 apps to Z3
very easily (save for Five, which is kind of the opposite), nor can you expect
your (possibly sour) experience with Z2 to be valid in evaluating Z3.


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Aspeli
Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2/3/06, Alen Stanisic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think the idea was Zope 3.2 Zingo, Zope 3.4 Bingo, not Zope Zingo :)
> Well, all we do then is making funny release code names. That's not
> clarifying the difference between Zope 2 and Zope 3 at all...
> > This way it would be clear it is Zope 3.
> Eh, no... You could do Zope 2.10 Fluffybunny as well.

The point is not to make fluffy release names. The point is to have some sort of
branding - a name, a logo, a colour scheme, a web site, a set of 10-minute
tutorials, a set of code examples, a set of exemplars of systems that have been
built successfuly on Zope 3 and are kicking ass, a set of press releases to the
likes of slashdot, freshmeat, and other sites that geeks read. It all needs to
come together. 

But having a name that signifies that there is something a little more than a
new major-version release going on here would go a long way in giving people
something to fix their minds on. Exactly how much Zope 2 code is in Zope 3? This
is Zope only because it is built by the same community and draws on the
experiences of Zope 2, it is much more of a revolution than an evolution.

It's "Zope - tried that, didn't like it" or "Zope - never heard of it" vs. "Zope
3 Zest, you say? Sounds like something new and exciting, I better check it
out... oooh, look, pretty web site, aha, I see how this fits together, you know,
I think I may buy a book and learn a little more." (and if you think that's an
unreasonable account of a selection process, you haven't worked much with people
outside our little sphere).

There are a lot of people on the periphery voicing these concerns, and it seems
that only people who already know Zope inside-out think that everything's just
fine and dandy. Is it really? Or is it just fear of change?


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Aspeli
Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2/2/06, Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My sense from the sprint is that developers here use Zope 3 on its technical
> > merits and not its marketing ones.
> Which is why we should market those strengths better.
> On the name change idea, I think it's just gonna make things more confused.
> "What, there is now Zope 2, Zope 3 AND Zope Zingo?"

As I understood the original suggestion, it would be more like

"Zope 3.2 Zalza"

(how many more lame names can we come up with?)

with an appropriate branding (e.g. a logo derived from the Zope logo and a new
website to drum up excitement and get people started quickly). Both the "Zope"
and "3" parts should stay in the picture. There may have been a time for
renaming (or maybe not), but with two books, mailing lists etc. losing the Zope
3 moniker would hurt more than it would help at this point.

The idea is not to undermine what Zope has achieved so far, but to let the
ouside world know that Zope 3 is here, it's new, it's worth checking out, and we
think it's stable and ready. 

A little shouting can go a long way, and like it or not, people will judge Zope
not only on its technical merits, but also on how much effort it put into making
those merits visible and accessible. It took me four weeks to get through
Philipp's book and only then did I realise Z3's potential. And I only started
reading that because I realised knowing it may be good for my involvement with
Plone - all I really cared about was Five. I really doubt many people will be
able to make that kind of investment just to find out if the framework is even
appropriate for them. :)


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Alec Munro
On 2/3/06, Tonico Strasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alen Stanisic wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 11:54 +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:
> >> On the name change idea, I think it's just gonna make things more confused.
> >>
> >> "What, there is now Zope 2, Zope 3 AND Zope Zingo?"
> >>
> >
> > I think the idea was Zope 3.2 Zingo, Zope 3.4 Bingo, not Zope Zingo :)
> > This way it would be clear it is Zope 3.  I guess something like Ubuntu
> > 5.10 Breezy.
> Hehe, I'm +1 for funny code names and -1 for renaming.
> Tonico

This has been an interesting thread. My feeling is that the Ubuntu
style code names are a very good idea. I know the fixed-length release
cycles are still fairly new, but making them a bit sexier seems like a
good idea in this case. Ideally, it would go along with a new website,
or perhaps some wiki pages, with a roadmap. Among geeks, new releases
are exciting business. Of course, the people actually making the
releases are already so busy, I have no idea who would maintain and
update such a roadmap.

But, on the other hand, I'm just fine with Zope's current level of advocacy.

Alec Munro
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Maik Ihde
> Does this make sense?  It's only a small rebrand (and the Zope3 stays
> intact) and an assembly of components that already exist.  Basically,
> you can use this occasion as a coming out party... "Zope3 is here, and
> we're for real".

YESSS! Zope3 - imho - has a really big marketing Problem at the moment.
Unfortunatetly if you look at you see mostly see Zope2 stuff. That is
bad. And we all know that a lot of the python developers didn't like Z2 and they
do not know how different Z3 is. 

Still at the beginning of digging into Z3, I have a feeling that this is another
damn great peace of software that should be used more widely. However, another
important point here is to lower that barrier when it comes to get started with

There are 2 Books about Z3, which is a good starting point. There is a much
better documented API than Z2 ever had. There are ready-to-go components that
work. There have been a few succesfull Projects based on Z3 already. BUT no one
knows about it in the wild.

So what can we do about it?

Pull out a Website about Z3 in a similar way the RubyOnRails, Django, TurboGears
(and other...) Frameworks have done. Get some more people talking about Z3. Go
out and spread the word ;-)

I will do what I can to be a part of this here in Germany at DZUG.

Kind Regards

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/3/06, Alen Stanisic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the idea was Zope 3.2 Zingo, Zope 3.4 Bingo, not Zope Zingo :)

Well, all we do then is making funny release code names. That's not
clarifying the difference between Zope 2 and Zope 3 at all...

> This way it would be clear it is Zope 3.

Eh, no... You could do Zope 2.10 Fluffybunny as well.
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Tonico Strasser

Alen Stanisic wrote:

On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 11:54 +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:

On the name change idea, I think it's just gonna make things more confused.

"What, there is now Zope 2, Zope 3 AND Zope Zingo?"

I think the idea was Zope 3.2 Zingo, Zope 3.4 Bingo, not Zope Zingo :)
This way it would be clear it is Zope 3.  I guess something like Ubuntu
5.10 Breezy.

Hehe, I'm +1 for funny code names and -1 for renaming.


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Alen Stanisic
On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 11:54 +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On the name change idea, I think it's just gonna make things more confused.
> "What, there is now Zope 2, Zope 3 AND Zope Zingo?"

I think the idea was Zope 3.2 Zingo, Zope 3.4 Bingo, not Zope Zingo :)
This way it would be clear it is Zope 3.  I guess something like Ubuntu
5.10 Breezy.


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/2/06, Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My sense from the sprint is that developers here use Zope 3 on its technical
> merits and not its marketing ones.

Which is why we should market those strengths better.

On the name change idea, I think it's just gonna make things more confused.

"What, there is now Zope 2, Zope 3 AND Zope Zingo?"

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-02 Thread Alexander Limi
On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 08:50:30 -0800, Joel Moxley  

I've followed the Guido blogs/discussion loosely.  As a relative
newcomer, this is my first real experience with the Python community's
confusion of Zope2 and Zope3.  I've seen on the list that people have
been discussing renaming and other remedies to this problem.

In my opinion, I think a little branding could go a long way.  Instead
of renaming the entire project, call it  "Zope3 Zebra" or "Zope3
Panther" (clearly these are horrible, but you can see where I am going
with this).

Then create a dedicated website that basically
links the Zope 3 book, tutorials, example code, and existing projects
like SchoolTool on the front page.  Clearly brand it as a
"industrial-strength, pythonic web framework" and a complete rewrite
from Zope2.  Provide a link to all Python web frameworks and explain
the advantages of industrial-strength, non-hackish code for people who
want to do it right the first time.  This front page will provide a
jumping off point for zope3 devs and users.

Does this make sense?  It's only a small rebrand (and the Zope3 stays
intact) and an assembly of components that already exist.  Basically,
you can use this occasion as a coming out party... "Zope3 is here, and
we're for real".

Best idea I have seen on the Zope 3 lists in ages.

(don't let the curmudgeons beat you down - keep'em coming :)


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development ·

  Plone Co-Founder · · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · · Protecting Plone

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-02 Thread Stephan Richter
On Thursday 02 February 2006 15:07, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Those very  
> same Plone and Zope 2 developers will be more likely to push towards Zope  
> 3 if they feel others are using it, are convinced it has a future, and are
>   convinced they will be able to collaborate with developers on unrelated
> products.

My sense from the sprint is that developers here use Zope 3 on its technical 
merits and not its marketing ones. I am personally not that interested in 
Zope 3 being chosen because of PR. When I signed up as a contributor (btw, I 
was the first one) it was because I wanted to develop Zope. I already knew 
that I did not like the CMF due to technical reasons and wanted to bring Zope 
itself forward. So I joined the Zope 3 effort. I never considered this effort 
to be anything else but ensuring the future of Zope. I recognized that Zope 2 
had lost its edge to its competitors and it was necessary to come up with a 
new one.

Having said that, I feel very strongly that built Zope version 3 and nothing 
more or less. And I feel that a name change would betray me and my 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-02 Thread Stephan Richter
On Thursday 02 February 2006 15:01, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Philipp W and others have commented on Zope 3's utter lack of marketing  
> (anyone been to lately?) and how it is probably hurting its  
> adoption. Having just learnt Zope 3 myself, I'm telling others it's  
> wonderful, and then they start talking about web services[1] and wonder  
> what I've been smoking. Very sad.

I am pretty sure there is a SOAP implementation for Zope 3 and it is in

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 16:50:30 -, Joel Moxley  

I've followed the Guido blogs/discussion loosely.  As a relative
newcomer, this is my first real experience with the Python community's
confusion of Zope2 and Zope3.  I've seen on the list that people have
been discussing renaming and other remedies to this problem.

You're not the only one.

In my opinion, I think a little branding could go a long way.  Instead
of renaming the entire project, call it  "Zope3 Zebra" or "Zope3
Panther" (clearly these are horrible, but you can see where I am going
with this).

Then create a dedicated website that basically
links the Zope 3 book, tutorials, example code, and existing projects
like SchoolTool on the front page.  Clearly brand it as a
"industrial-strength, pythonic web framework" and a complete rewrite
from Zope2.  Provide a link to all Python web frameworks and explain
the advantages of industrial-strength, non-hackish code for people who
want to do it right the first time.  This front page will provide a
jumping off point for zope3 devs and users.

Does this make sense?  It's only a small rebrand (and the Zope3 stays
intact) and an assembly of components that already exist.  Basically,
you can use this occasion as a coming out party... "Zope3 is here, and
we're for real".

Bottom line, I think the proof is in the pudding, and Zope3 quality is
superb so it's not going anywhere.  But a little better
organization/marketing to the outside world could go a long way.

I'm in no position to make decisions, but I think this is a wonderful  
idea. It strikes a good balance between retaining the Zope brand and  
marking a fresh start.

Philipp W and others have commented on Zope 3's utter lack of marketing  
(anyone been to lately?) and how it is probably hurting its  
adoption. Having just learnt Zope 3 myself, I'm telling others it's  
wonderful, and then they start talking about web services[1] and wonder  
what I've been smoking. Very sad.


[1] SOAP


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 18:00:04 -, Stephan Richter  

Hi Joel,

I hope your app is season-ready. :-)

On Thursday 02 February 2006 11:50, Joel Moxley wrote:

Does this make sense?  It's only a small rebrand (and the Zope3 stays
intact) and an assembly of components that already exist.  Basically,
you can use this occasion as a coming out party... "Zope3 is here, and
we're for real".

-1 for any renaming.

Just curious, but why? Also, he's not suggesting any renaming, only a  
"codename" to distinguish Zope 3 from Zope 2. I mean, the leap between Z2  
and Z3 is hardly a single major version in anyone else's book. It's more  
like moving from Visual Basic to Python. Or something. (okay, poor  
comparison, but it's a major paradigm shift)

Bottom line, I think the proof is in the pudding, and Zope3 quality is
superb so it's not going anywhere.  But a little better
organization/marketing to the outside world could go a long way.

Actually, the Zope 2 and Plone community are starting using Zope 3  
heavily so

the marketing will come.

I would like to think that every little help. Plone doesn't necessarily  
market Zope (2), it markets itself as a CMS product. Plone developers are  
unfortunately poor at contributing to CMF, let alone to Zope core. With  
the amount of web frameworks out there (And the amount of CMS's) and the  
amount of noise Ruby-on-Rails is generating, it would be a shame if Zope  
lost out because no-one had time to make some noise about it. Those very  
same Plone and Zope 2 developers will be more likely to push towards Zope  
3 if they feel others are using it, are convinced it has a future, and are  
convinced they will be able to collaborate with developers on unrelated  

Zope 2 and CMF buy-in is probably necessary for Zope 3 to grow, but I'm  
not convinced it's sufficient. Or at least that we should settle for it.



Zope3-users mailing list