I've had stuff on shelves here for 4+ years - i had to replace a rocket that 
when i put it up  (two weeks ago) it was still on 5.2.1

Not my fault the radio will be out of warranty if it gets zapped two weeks from 
now....it was just a result of being a well prepared wisp.

Although I hate having stuff on the shelf that long - and frankly, I don't have 
much on the shelf anymore.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ben Moore via Ubnt_users 
  To: Ubiquiti Users Group 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 11:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] kudos to ubnt - rma

  Hi Jan - 

  Can you send me some examples of this?  This should not be happening.  We 
make it a point to have the RMA process be as smooth as possible, so if this is 
not happening, please send to me off-list and will look into this and have it 


  On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:01 AM, Jan-OOLLC <j.vank...@oregononline.net> 

    Our local supply chain is 2 days away, even when paying for next day it 
still takes 2.  We don't use Amazon except for emergencies and since most of 
the supply chains I've used in the past use a ubnt warehouse which then sends 
out 6 or more months old product.  Stuff we use a lot of, I have to keep in 
stock.  You can't expect customers to have to wait for service, not tolerable.  
The RMA that didn't happen had a test date of February 2016, unit tossed into 
recycle bin.

    Jan V

    On 08/10/2016 04:14 AM, Tim wrote:

      Off topic a bit:

      We purchase from a local supply house.
      Provides a local inventory for us.

      Do not favor Amazon approach.

      You pay a small premium but the benefits are great in supporting a local 
supply chain that is willing to work with you.

      Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

      Jan-OOLLC <j.vank...@oregononline.net> wrote:

      I think I'll not bother with RMA as ubnt requires too much BS to jump 
through.  Had an airrouter HP fail same day installed and description of 
failure was not adequate enough for them ( burned-up, too hot to touch, not 
working).  I'm a one man show and don't have hours of free time to satisfy 
them.  For stuff under $70 it's not worth my time to spend additional hours 
jumping through hoops after already spending money on truck rolls.  They know 
I'm a wisp with spare parts in a stockroom and yet they treat me like a onetime 
user with nothing better to do than game them.  I would go to a new vendor if 
it would be worth the cost and effort.  It's not worth the aggravation

      Jan V

      On 08/09/2016 11:34 AM, CBB - Jay Fuller wrote:

        So we were all over this prism line before it was really the prism line 
(mainly cause i've been drooling since seeing the prism demo in vegas last 
year)  we had purchased several AC radios (and a few AC light radios) to test 
with.  Had a hard time finding them around may - so  i actually tried Amazon.

        Found several there - but apparently they were older units.

        We attempted to install one but it had the "flash memory failure" the 
day we got it out of the box.

        Attempted to RMA it - the date code was so old they denied the RMA.

        So I looked up our amazon receipt, resubmitted the RMA (again - 
purchased from Amazon in like May) - and attached the invoice with the RMA 

        UBNT approved the RMA.

        I know I've seen complaints about "shelf life" of ubnt gear in the past 
and denied RMA's.  I don't think I've submitted an RMA in quite some time since 
all of that.  Happy to see UBNT heard us and addressed that.

        Long live UBNT!



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