[lace] Honiton tea towel raffle

2006-08-08 Thread Janice Blair
What a surprise.  I actually won a raffle on Arachne.  Now I guess I will have 
to think of something I can raffle in the future.  I am having a great lace 
week.  Thank you Jacqui for offering the raffle and I am glad I managed to read 
the digest just before the deadline.  That is one of the downsides of getting 
the digest instead of the reflected emails, but this time it worked out well.  
I have privately sent my address and thanks to Jacqui.
  From: Jacqui Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [lace] Honiton tea towel raffle

Hi spiders - I received over 80 entries for the raffle from far and 
wide, and I've just got my obliging dh to draw out the names. The first 
name out,
by a strange coincidence, was the last name added:
Janice Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Janice you win the tea-towel - I 
guess you must be on a winning streak at the moment.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Re: Honiton tea towel

2006-08-21 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Jacqui,
  The Honiton tea towel arrived today.  Thank you so much for having the 
raffle.  It is a different design from the tea towels I had seen before and 
this one is very pretty, it even has that honiton stoat at the bottom that was 
in the last Lace magazine, and a number of butterflies.  Much too nice to be 
used for drying pots.  I think I will probably use it as a cover cloth unless I 
can think of a place to hang it up.  I already have two tea towels decorating 
the backs of doors in my kitchen.  Maybe I should take my Paris one down and 
put this one up.  I love it.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] piece of wood

2006-09-05 Thread Janice Blair
I came across this type of wooden bar when I started learning Flanders lace at 
my first convention years ago.  Our teacher had thoughtfully provided us all 
with one which was nicely painted with flowers.  We started our lace by tieing 
bunches of bobbin threads together, holding down all of them by pinning the 
wood across the threads with the bobbins on one side and the knot on the other. 
 It was so you could start a piece by using threads still left on your bobbins 
and it was explained that Flanders lace was overlapped if the ends were meant 
to meet together, and stitched together.  I believe some nuns would work on 
lengths of lace in a circular pattern but just kept going until someone else 
would come along and cut of their work, take the long piece to another person 
who would cut them into a circle that overlapped.  The idea of cutting lace 
then made me shudder but I can do it now.  I did a lot of retro lace in that 
class until my teacher saw me and pulled out my pins,
 moved the wood down below my work and told me to start again!!  Needless to 
say I have no desire to do Flanders again.

I wonder what the purpose is of the piece of wood pinned don on this pillow

Jo Falkink

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Lace in fashion

2006-09-21 Thread Janice Blair
Browsing through my Harper's Bazaar that arrived today (DH got the subscription 
free for me - likeI'm a fashion plate!!), I saw that Burberry have a lace 
overcoat and a lace skirt in their ad, not to my taste.  The top with the skirt 
has crochet collar and cuffs.  Then on page 130 entitled Dark Romance it says 
moody lace and tulle are making a comeback The lace items include a dress, 
skirt, Louis Vuitton clutch bag ($12,800) and black lace covered shoes with 
very high heels by Christian Louboutin ($570).
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Halloween Raffle (DP)

2006-09-22 Thread Janice Blair
As the list is quiet and our shops are filling up with all the Halloween 
decorations, and even Christmas decorations!!!, I came across another pair of 
spider socks.  If you remember I raffled some last year at this time.  These 
are a different design but still spiders.  If anyone is interested in the 
raffle, send your email entry to me, not to the list.  I will do the drawing on 
October 1 so they will reach the winner before Halloween and I will pay for the 
mail anywhere. 
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] On tv again

2006-09-30 Thread Janice Blair
As the list seems to be quiet I thought I would report on my lace making 
Last weekend some members of Land of Lincoln Lacemakers were demonstrating at 
Pioneer Days in Belvidere Illinois.  I went on Sunday and as I was the last to 
arrive I sat near the front of our friends tent where it was rather windy.  The 
others were inside the canopy.  Pioneer Days is set in the 1800's, not sure of 
the exact date as the costumes varied depending on whether they were pioneers 
or civil war.  My get up is rather later as it consists of a plain skirt with 
a little train and a white blouse.  To hide this I made a long white apron and 
wore a knitted shawl.  For those that know my current modern hairstyle (i.e. 
red and sticking out all over) I wore a kerchief tied over my do.  We had a 
great spot as we were the second tent in the encampment from the entrance and 
had a roaring wood fire, so were were a very popular as it was rather cold in 
the morning.  In the afternoon a tv camerawoman came by and took some shots.  
Again I did not see it as I am out of that
 viewing area, but my friend said my pillow and I were shown on the evening 
news.  We had a great time with lots of intelligent questions.  One of my 
bobbins was running low on thread but I was so busy explaining what I was doing 
that it was late in the afternoon before I could put some more thread on it.  I 
was doing a french yardage piece about 3 wide and had lots of bobbins.  My 
pillow still smells of woodsmoke and had dots of ash on it.  Good job this is 
my demo pillow and not something special I was making. 
Next weekend I demonstrate at a Martin Luther Renaissance fair at a local 
church.  I do not dress in period for this one as I am not sure what type of 
lace might have been made at that time.  I will be using the idea of having a 
pillow set up with two have a go prickings, both short fishes, so that more 
kids can try it out.  I always have some regular children who come each year 
and remember how to do it.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Halloween Raffle

2006-10-01 Thread Janice Blair
I had 25 entries for the socks and as I managed to get some more pairs, there 
are 3 winners.  My son did the drawing.
The winners are
Jackie Bowhey
Lindy Taylor
Sherry Townsend
Jackie, I need your snail address in OZ, I have the others.  I will get to the 
post office as soon as I can and the socks will be on their way to Australia, 
Ireland and NY state hopefully before the 31st.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] web page problems/free tatting pattern

2006-10-05 Thread Janice Blair
For those of you who wanted to see the free tatting pattern, we have some 
problems with our website and our webmistress is working on it  I will let you 
all know when it is okay to go and check the pattern out.
I talked on the phone with the company to which our website address is being 
sent to and he said that the registry which holds our domain name is updating 
its own books and has messed up the domain names which it carries (this has 
nothing to do with our web server itself).  No one is able to change or update 
its own websites and some, such as ourselves cannot even access our sites.  I 
will continue to investigate this problem.. Sue Raymond, webmaster 
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] lace table

2006-10-16 Thread Janice Blair
Bev wrote:
I was checking the Ikea catalog and found this laptop table
It has potential for a lace table, I thought ;)

Is this table available at the U.S. Ikea stores?  I did a search online but 
could not find it.  I had trouble downloading the first time the tinyurl was 
given, it froze my laptop up.  Today it worked fine.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Re: [lace] lace table

2006-10-16 Thread Janice Blair
Thanks to help from the list I was able to finally find the table, not listed 
in the tables, but a search for laptop table found it.  Here is a tiny url if I 
have done it right for U.S. consumers.  I wondered if it came as a flatpack so 
that it could be dismantled for packing in a suitcase, but it doesn't look like 
that from the photo.  Also, does anyone know how much it weighs.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

- Original Message 

Yes. I went to the IKEA store in Renton, WA suburb of Seattle and
they had it with the other computer tables. It really is nice however
max it will hold is 13lbs and my roller-pillow is much heavier than
that so I passed on getting it.


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[lace] free tatting pattern (DP)

2006-10-22 Thread Janice Blair
I forgot to inform you that my guild web page is now back on line.  Check out
the tatting pattern by Georgia Seitz.  Web address is after my signature.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois,

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Subject: [lace] My website pattern has been changed

2006-10-25 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Brenda,
Thank you for putting the new hexagonal torchon mat pattern on the
web, I too will remember Jean Barrett when I get around to making it.  I know
she used the rainbow design on her cards and correspondence.  I printed out
the Printer Friendly one but it only measured 5 point to point which was
actually the same size at the one on the page with the instructions.  I can
enlarge it on my own computer and I look forward to seeing it in color.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Report on lace tour of Normandy

2006-10-27 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Margot,
Thank you for your report on your fascinating report on lace in
Normandy.  It does sound like a great tour and one I would like to do when I
have time.  I will be in France for Christmas but unfortunately will be busy
with relatives coming and going to the house we are renting that I doubt I
will have time for much lace looking this trip.  None lace - what is typically
a Norman tea and breakfast?  Just curious as I might want to do the same for
my visitors.

I'm back from my 5 weeks based in London, and thought
I'd report on the 
great lace tour I took to Normandy, at the end of Sept. 
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Lace Magazine

2006-11-03 Thread Janice Blair
My magazine came this afternoon and I settled down for a read through.
Imagine my surprise and delight when I got to page 45 to see a photo of
Malcolm Chisholm of the Bundaberg Lace Group in Queensland, Australia had made
my teapot pattern.  Not only had he made the lace I designed but he added a
teacup and tea to the picture.  It always surprises me that someone would want
to make my designs.  If anyone knows Malcolm tell him I said, Nice job.

was also interested to see the article about the Diss lacemakers.  I had a
lace penfriend who lived in Wortham, near Diss that I have lost contact with.
If anyone knows Joanie Senior please put us back in touch.  I know sold her
house and moved earlier this year and her emails are bouncing back.  We met
through the Lacemakers Circle magazine about ten years ago and have
corresponded and exchanged birthday/Christmas gifts ever since.  I expect when
her birthday comes at the end of this month she will realise that I don't have
her new address.  How long does the UK Post Office forward mail for?  I guess
I can risk sending a card but I will hold off on a parcel.
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Thanks

2006-11-10 Thread Janice Blair
Thank you for the warm welcome and advice re my lace butterflies. For those
that asked, I have made torchon and beds. lace and had a try at bucks point.
I'm hoping to go to the National Lace Day at the NEC in Birmingham in early
December and will see if I can pick up books and patterns there.
Cambs UK

Hi Jane,
Welcome to Arachne.  I see you can do Beds.  Our own
Arachne, Jean Leader, has written a little booklet called An Introduction to
Bedfordshire Lace for The Lace Guild.  It has a butterfly on the front and
another inside with excellent instructions.  I made the one on the cover and
think it might be delicate looking enough for a wedding dress.  Maybe you will
see at the NEC, have a great time I know how overwhelming it can be as I have
managed to get there twice.  It might be available at the Lace Guild table if
they have some to sell.  Over here we can get it from our regular vendors.

you have any more questions I am sure there will be plenty of answers.  I get
the digested version of the emails so tend to be way behind on answering
things.  I was settling down to read 3 digests that arrived since last night
but noticed that the third one was actually a repeat of the second one, I felt

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago,
Illinois, USA

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[lace] Table Settings

2006-11-15 Thread Janice Blair
Tania wrote:
  In Denmark, when you set a nice table with more than one
course, you first put down the dinner plate then this napkin? and then the
soupbowl or the appetizer plate. The napkin? is often crotcheted, tatted,
needlelace or bobbinlace, not so popular anymore, but the original use was to
avoid the plates scrambling on each other and prevent chips and scratches.
Hope that is clear as mud ;-) The thing can be circular or square and is
usually about 4-5 inches in diameter/side.

Gosh, I can't imagine putting a
piece of lace between a dinner plate and a soup bowl, not with my messy guys!!
Bad enough to make a placemat with lace on it as that might get messed up, but
I did make a set of 6 for my sister a few years ago.  They only had a tape
lace corner on each of them.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles
northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] St. Catherine's Day(DP)

2006-11-19 Thread Janice Blair
Yesterday I took Cattern Cakes to my lace guild to celebrate lacemaking and
St.Catherine, November 25th.  This time I omitted the caraway seeds and added
a little more butter and cinnamon to the recipe and they tasted good.  Last
time I made them, they just sat on the baking sheet and remained the same,
this time they spread out.  I couldn't find my caraway seeds and maybe that
made the difference to the taste.  The recipe was from Cattern Cakes and Lace.
Recipe follows:

Cattern Cakes
9 oz/275g self-raising flour
1/4 teaspn ground
1 oz/25g currants
2 oz/50gr ground almonds
2 teaspoons caraway seeds
7 oz/200g caster sugar
4 oz/100g melted butter
1 medium egg, beaten
A little
extra sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling.

Oven: 200C/400F/Gas 6

Sift flour
and cinnamon into a bowl and stir in the currants, almonds, caraway seeds and
sugar.  Add melted butter and egg and mix well to give soft dough.  Roll out
on a floured board into a rectangle, about 12x10 inches/30 x 25 cm.
Brush the
dough with water and sprinkle with extra sugar and cinnamon.  Roll up like a
swiss roll and cut into 1/2 inch/2cm slices.  Place well spaced on greased
tray, bake for 10 minutes.  Cool on wire rack.  Sprinkle with extra caraway
seeds if desired.

I cooked mine a little longer as they seemed too soft but
buy Sunday the leftovers were becoming quite hard but still edible.

I also
was able to show a newby how to make a lace fish.  I am sure she will be back
to our next meeting in the New Year.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50
miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Fw: [lace] ...one more thing/Advent

2006-12-03 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Jean  David,
Once again a competition I probably stand no chance of
getting all the clues but it should be easy for Tamara who collects lace
stamps.  I only have a few stamps and am not too good at getting around the
Internet to check for clues.  I will probably not get to enter anyway as I
will be in France for Christmas and until January 2nd and will have no access
to a computer. Bummer!

As I get the digest version of lace, I was a few days
behind in opening up the doors.  Imagine my surprise when the second one had
my pendant and pattern.  At least now I will not be in suspense wondering when
it will appear.  Thank you for asking me to take part in the Advent calendar.
I will be opening a door up each day now to see what other patterns are

Happy Holidays,
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles
northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] bobbins

2006-12-11 Thread Janice Blair
You might like to check out this site

I found 50
English Midland bobbins there for 74 cents a piece.  I have not bought from
this site so hav e no affiliation to it, and I thought I remembered hearing
that you could join and get a discount.  Maybe someone else can clarify that
as I could not find anything on the site about it.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Santa

2006-12-18 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Sherry,
I am attaching my pricking and directions for my Country Santa.  I
know the attachment will get stripped from the Lace email.  I apologise that
the pricking is upside down to the picture of the lace, that is because I had
it set up originally to use as a card by folding the paper in four.  He has a
rolled talley for his nose and bobble on his hat and crescent tallies for his
moustache.  It does have a few Milanese features but is mainly a tape lace
with fillings.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of
Chicago, Illinois, USA

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/msword which had a name 
of =?utf-8?q?Country=20Santa=20with=20star.doc?=]

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[lace] Re: Santa

2006-12-19 Thread Janice Blair
Hi  Charlotte and all Arachne,
As I have had a number of requests for the
Santa pattern, our guild webmistress is working on putting the pattern on our
webpage as a present to you all.  Either I or Susie Johnson will tell you when
it is up.  At the moment I get the title but page not found, so give it a
while.  I am off to France on Thursday for the holidays.  We are renting a
house so our families can come from England and we can visit with our DD who
is teaching near Rouen, so I wish you all a Happy Christmas and Joyeux Noel.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois,

- Original Message 
Charlotte Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday,
December 19, 2006 7:26:09 PM
Subject: Santa

I read that you had included the
Santa pattern in an attachment to Sherry. Would it be possible to send me one
also? The attachment was deleted by my security program.
Than you in
Charlotte in Georgia

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[lace] New webpage

2007-01-08 Thread Janice Blair
Hi All,
My daughter Judy has been working on a web page for me as a present
and I am now unveiling it.  She has used Wordpress, which is a blog site, but
I am using it as a web page as I doubt I have much to say on a blog.  It is
about my lace designing and includes a pattern that can be downloaded as a
pdf.  I doubt it will have many changes made to it except a change of free
pattern once in a while.  I hope you like it, I think she did a great job.
The address is  http://jblace.wordpress.com/
Happy New Year,

Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Update to Old Tonder Lace page

2007-01-14 Thread Janice Blair
Finally got around to looking at the Tonder lace, thank you Barbara for
putting it up.  It may have been mentioned already and I missed it, but what
is the ground shown in the middle of the large flower called?

I've added a
nice, sharp photo of the same lace we've been looking at--this
is a photo I
took of one of Gunvor's samples last June when she was in
Portland. I think it
shows the filling in the flowers quite clearly.


Thanks for the nice
comments on my new website.  My DD told me I had over 900 hits on the day it
was unveiled on Arachne. I will try to have a new old pattern for February.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois,

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[lace] JMK Arts Center Exhibition

2007-01-19 Thread Janice Blair
I appreciated reading the report about the exhibition at the JMK Arts Center.
A personal plug here, my piece Suave Ceramica Azteca will be in the exhibit
along with lace by some other Arachnes.  I know that Kathy Kauffman has a sent
piece and I believe Susan Lambrisi will have something there as well.  I hope
to get up to Wisconsin soon for a look.

When I was approached to exhibit
something I sent photos of most of my competition pieces and I was surprised
when they chose this piece over my Swan Mask, but then they know what types of
things they were looking for.  I did put a high price on my piece as I will be
happy to see it come home, but if there is some wealthy person who wants to
add it to their collection I will be just as happy.

Maybe I will go up to see
Barbara Gordon doing Hardanger.  I presume Kathy will be demonstrating during
the opening as it doesn't say when she will be there.  I can't go this weekend
because of prior commitments.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles
northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] securing bobbins

2007-01-27 Thread Janice Blair
I read:
I read the message about a lady using the panty part of a pair of
tights. I 
can imagine the laughter that would cause as the pillow was
unwrapped from 
it's carry bag.

I am having trouble visualising this one
with or without legs.  Do you stretch the waistband of the tights to go around
the circumference of the pillow or do you slip the pillow in as you would your
body, or mabe you just tie it around the pillow over the bobbins?  Sorry if I
am being dumb today I didn't get much sleep last night what with a snoring
husband and a restless cat.

I am presently using a square home made block
pillow that is only just small enough to go through the doorways at home.  It
definitely does not travel with me and I can't walk through the doorways at
any speed or I might catch my knuckles.  I store it on the dining table when I
am not using it and just throw a cover cloth over it.  I love the apron space
it gives me.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of
Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Fw: America's healthcare system through the eyes of a British man

2007-01-28 Thread Janice Blair
Subject: America's healthcare system through the eyes of a British man

don't often send out mass emails, but i thought this article on the BBC news
website was an interesting look at the healthcare system in the US.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] American Healthcare

2007-01-29 Thread Janice Blair
Profuse apologies.  I obviously meant to send that email to lace chat.
Unfortunately I get the digest which hasn't arrived with my posting, and did
not realise my mistake until I heard from a friend.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Fw: BBC E-mail: Lace makers move into G-strings

2007-01-30 Thread Janice Blair
Now I am forwarding this one to Lace because it covers the subject and may be
of interest to the person who wantged to know about Polish lace.  We did see
something about this before but this was in the news this week.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

Judy saw
this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Message
I wouldn't be surprised if this has already made the rounds on Arachne.

Lace makers move into G-strings **
Renowned lace makers in the Polish village
of Koniakow find a way of boosting sales - making sexy underwear.


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[lace] Free valentine pattern (DP)

2007-01-31 Thread Janice Blair
I just wanted to let you know that there is a new pattern on my web page
http:// jblace.wordpress.com/
It is a snowdrop heart I designed for a talley
workshop at my L.A.C.E. guild lace day a few years ago.  I think you will be
62 talleys more towards your goal of 1,000 once you have made it.  I made it
to fit into a coaster but if you want to use it for something else you might
like to add plaits around the outside of the heart to make it more stable.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois,

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[lace] Fw: Lace Knitting exhibit

2007-02-02 Thread Janice Blair
I am forwarding this link.  I am not sure if it has been on before but those
in New York might be interested.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles
northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

have you heard about this?

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[lace] Bulletin

2007-02-05 Thread Janice Blair
I am curious to find out if everyone has received their Winter IOLI Bulletin.
If you have not yet received your copy yet, please email me personally, not
the to list.  Just doing a survey.  Mine came in January.

My Lace Guild
magazine arrived on Saturday, so it came after Liz got hers in Australia.  I
have yet to read all the articles, so far it has been eye candy, but I will be
taking it to my Lace meeting on Wednesday.  I can't remember if I sent my
Easter Bunny pattern upside down but maybe it was printed that way because I
started the lace from the bottom.  My first effort had a very evil expression.
That is always a problem when you work with the front down.


Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] bobbin lace lamp

2007-02-07 Thread Janice Blair
This was just forwarded to me and it looks like a fibre optic lamp that I
haven't seen before.  Sorry if it has been on already.

if I type this
correctly, here is a link to a bobbin lace lamp.

Janice Blair

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[lace] Bobbins

2007-02-18 Thread Janice Blair
I have been given the task of finding a bobbin maker for one of my lace groups
lace day this year and I was asked to find out if there is a bobbin maker in
the US that uses woodburning for writing the information on the bobbins.  Also
the bobbins required are square ones.  Please let me know if you know of
anyone who does this and their contact information.  I guess this information
could go to the list but the following should be private!!

I would also
appreciate knowing who did your lace group bobbins and whether you were happy
with them.  We try to approach different bobbin makers each time we have a
lace day to spread the work around. Thanks,
Janice Blair
Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] What are you working on?

2007-02-19 Thread Janice Blair
I have finally started working on my competition piece for IOLI this summer
and also another napkin ring for the IOLI cd, both bobbin lace.  Yesterday I
finished knitting a jacket in a variegated rayon and I have started sewing it
together.  It does look lacey as it is a variation of the feather and fan
design, hope to wear it tomorrow for my British club meeting.
The other
piece of lace I recently made was a 90 for a card for a lace friend, Janet
Bingle who will be 90 early in March and still makes lace.  I made the gold
and blue 90 and sewed it onto a scan of a small doiley, then made it into a
rosette with ribbons.  This was stuck on the front of the card and on the
inside I printed a photo of Janet and the birthday lace poem by Noelene
Lafferty.  We had a surprise birthday party on Saturday after our lace guild
meeting complete with champagne and Janet was delighted with her surprise even
though she had told her daughter not to mention her birthday.  Susie Johnson
took some wonderful photos of the event but she missed getting the one where
Janet was threatening me with a knife for giving away her secret!
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Free pattern

2007-02-27 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Spiders,
My DD has put a new pattern on my web page for March (see below
and look under Pattern Gallery).  I am posting today seeing as it is already
on there.  It is the rocking horse that morphed into a dalahorse and then
Rudolph for a Christmas card.  It is a way of starting a pattern using
leftover thread on your bobbins as it starts by bunching the threads together
for the tail.  I always look for the easy things in life!  I made quite a
number of these and sold them at craft fairs.  You are welcome to do the same.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois,

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[lace] list

2007-03-04 Thread Janice Blair
Is the list very quiet at the moment?  I have not had a digest since Friday.
Maybe this email will kick one out.

Lace content:  I am still working on my
competition piece and today I wrote out the instructions for a simple fish
bookmark that we can use this month at our LACE guild meeting.  We have sent
out invites for beginners and to date we have two signed up.

Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Needle tatting question

2007-03-07 Thread Janice Blair
Tonight we had a visit from a needle tatter at my lace group.  He does
beautiful fine needle lace and he was told that you can convert any shuttle
pattern into a needle lace pattern but he does not know how to do that for a
pattern that uses two shuttles.  Can anyone answer that question or point him
in the right direction to get the question answered.  He knows how to do split
rings with his needle tatting and most other techniques but my experience is
limited to shuttle tatting.  I will forward the answers, if any, to him.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago,
Illinois, USA

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[lace] Turning lace pillows

2007-03-15 Thread Janice Blair
Not what you might think from the subject line, but last night at our lace get
together, Arachne, Sylvie Nguyen , had a disaster.  She was working on her
heavy Simone Tousteau roller pillow with about 30 pair of Midlands bobbins and
a 3 wide piece of linen Torchon.  She can give you details of pattern and
size.  As our tables at the library are a little high, she was propping her
pillow on her knee and the edge of the table.  You guessed it.  The pillow
slipped off the table and fell backwards with the bobbins going over the pins
and roller.  We grabbed the pillow before it hit the floor and held on whilst
deciding what to do.  I remembered the tip on Arachne about turning the pillow
upside down.  So I held onto the roller whilst Sylvie completed the turn
upside down, held on for a few seconds for all the bobbins to hang down, then
finished the 360 degree turn.  Voila all the bobbins were back on the apron
and there was no damage to the lace, no threads or bobbins broken.
 She did have to spend about ten minutes getting them back in working order
and there was only one pin on the floor.  

It really impressed our newbies
who saw that a disaster can be averted.  Whoohoo!!
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Bags of lace stuff

2007-03-18 Thread Janice Blair
Lynne  wrote: 
Threads I never saw before, many of which are foxed so that's
a shame but 2 whole
skeins of Retors D'Alsace one white, one ecru. 

exciting to go through bags of lace stuff looking for gems, but I wanted to
ask what foxed means?  I have never come across that phrase before.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Foxed

2007-03-21 Thread Janice Blair
Adele wrote:
You usually hear 'foxed' when dealing with old books; it means
paper has acquired brownish staining or spots due to age, dampness, or
other factors.

Well, I guess I am more 'foxed' than 'foxey' now. g  Got
lots of brown age spots!!

Wonder if it would wash out of the thread?
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] fund raising ideas

2007-03-29 Thread Janice Blair
One of my best sellers has been simple lace crosses framed in inexpensive, i.e. 
wooden $1 store frames.  Depending on size and type of frame I have sold them 
from $10 to $20 each.  I usually put a small printed picture on the back of my 
lace pillow with one in progress so that they can get the idea, and hand made 
bobbin lace printed underneath.  They did better than my other pictures, but 
you can find the rocking horse pattern on my web site below.  I sold plenty of 
those in the past and you have my permission to use it for your group.

Our group did well making scarves and selling them.  One member makes lace 
motifs, puts a piece of cardstock in a cellophane pack and sells them so that 
the buyer can do whatever they want with them.  I tried selling pin cushions as 
we are always asked where we got the ones on our pillows but I don't think I 
sold any.  Old fashione bib aprons sell well, as do crocheted scrubbies.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Lace at the Art Center, WI

2007-03-31 Thread Janice Blair
DH and I just got back from a roadtrip north to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, probably 
270 miles round trip, but worth it.  We went to the John Micael Kohler Art 
Museum to see the Laced with History exhibit, partly because they have a piece 
of mine on show, but also because it is not often we have lace around here at a 
driveable distance.  The building is a beautiful modern building downtown and 
easy to find.   I was disappointed that they did not have a catalog available 
but there was a handout sheet listing the exhibitors and a couple of photos in 
the museum magazine.  

When I got home I was checking the mail and my Bulletin had arrived and Debra 
Jenny had written a good description of the exhibition, including more photos.  
As with her I was fascinated with Whirl by Betsy Brandt, made of hot glue and 
pigments.  It shows much better in the Bulletin, as the museum have installed 
in on a light wooden floor rather than the white background in Debra's article 
so it is not as bright.  I did not immediately see my piece as I was taken with 
the other pieces exhibited on the same wall. I was busy explaining to DH what 
types of lace they all were when I looked down and saw mine.  I guess I was 
also disappointed that there was not more lace made by lacemakers.  Kathy 
Koffmann had several pieces of Withof, Susan Lambrisi had about 5 or 6 pieces 
of wire lace, very impressive and so neat, nothing like my attempts with wire, 
g  Paula Harten had a number of laces of different types, Barbara Gordon had 
a piece of hardanger.  There were a number of
 tatted pieces but the only name I can remember was Nina Libin which was on the 
wall above my Azteca piece.  There was also a display of colored lacey knitted 
shawls.  I would think the majority of the exhibit was done by artists who used 
the idea of lace for their pieces, as with Betsy.  There was a small exhibit of 
historical lace, I think mainly from the Lace Museum in Calfornia leading into 
the modern pieces, followed by the artistic interpretations of lace done in 
paper, ceramics, painting, wood, metal and one large piece of brilliant 

I was glad I decided to go, and one place not to miss is the toilets!!  Voted 
the Best in North America in 2004.  There are even postcards for sale in the 
gift shop of them.  The ladies is decorated with what looked like painted 
ceramic tiles and the main wall is 3-D effect tiles that reminded me of the 
picture books that are divided into body parts so that you can change the head 
with the body, etc.  One little girl was quite taken with a tile of a girls 
body with a fox head on top.  I liked the sinks, the one I used had a brassiere 
design in it, and the one next to it had a pair of panty hose in it, can't 
remember what was in the third one.  On the wall of the cublicle I used was a 
very lacey pair of panties, may have even been a thong.  Of course, you should 
expect something better than the usual loo when the museum is named the John 
Micharel Kohler Arts Center.  For those not in the states, the better bathroom 
fixtures here are made by Kohler which is a few miles away
 from Sheboygan.
It made good use of a rainy day and now I can settle down to read my Bulletin.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Re: [lace] Large bobbins?

2007-04-01 Thread Janice Blair
On 3/31/07, Tamara P Duvall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a question for those of you who have made things like Bobbin
 Lace scarves and belts/sashes. Since the thread/yarn for those is
 likely to be thicker than usual, did you use bobbins that are larger
 than normal, or did you just re-fill your everyday bobbins more

We just had this discussion this week at my lace group.  I did a workshop at 
convention making a yarn scarf.  I used regular continental bobbins and wound 
on as much as I could.  Unfortunately the hitch kept burying itself in the yarn 
and that was a nuisance, especially as the yarn was a bit fluffy.  I think 
mohair might be a nightmare.

I came home and bought bamboo skewers and pony beads intending to make my own 
bobbins.  A bead at the top for the hitch and a number of beads at the bottom 
for weight and handling.  I even bought some long bone beads for the bottoms. 
Never got round to it.  We decided you could try using thin dowel as the 
skewers might be too thin and try to get glass pony beads for weight.  I also 
thought that knitting needles might work, especially the nice wooden ones 
available in the US, but that would probably be more expensive than the dowel.  
One tip, if you do decide to use yarn, be careful about not doing too tight an 
edge stitch as when my scarf came off the pillow, it tended to 'cup' rather 
than lying flat, even after it had been blocked.  I think I must have tensioned 
too hard at the end of each row!

We visited a few yarn shops in Wisconsin this week and there are some really 
nice thick silky cottons for sale which might be better to use than yarn.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Online Archive of Old Lacemakers

2007-05-04 Thread Janice Blair
Clay wrote:

Here's another curiosity...

In this picture, it appears that the lace is coming off the pillow on the side, 
and resting in her lap.  Is this just a badly staged picture, or is she really 
working lace this way.  I know that some laces are made in vertical sections, 
but I presumed that the sections were joined off the pillow.  


Maybe she has turned her pillow to work a talley at a more comfortable angle or 
maybe it is as you say, so she can show off the beautiful lace.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Lace Day in Catalunya.

2007-05-04 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Jenny,
What a wonderful description of your lace day.  Makes ours seem very tame.  
This time you didn't mention the number of lacemakers present, unless I missed 
it.  I read it out loud to my daughter as we worked on our own laptops side by 
side on the sofa.  She was surprised when I told her that there could have been 
as many as 3,000 lacemakers at a lace day in Spain!

I doubt we would have got much lace made with all the distractions.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Czech query

2007-06-04 Thread Janice Blair
Whilst on vacation last week I received an email message from a Czech lady who 
was going to be visiting the Chicago area this year and was interested in  
meeting  my lace groups.  I intended to reply when I got home and had the info 
to hand. Now I cannot find the message, it must have got deleted and is not in 
my trash folder, so if she happens to belong to Arachne I hope she will write 
me again.  She mentioned coming in the Fall but also asked about our lace day 
which takes place this Saturday in Downers Grove, Illinois.  I cannot remember 
her name or details, darn old age.  
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Fw: Czech query

2007-06-04 Thread Janice Blair
Please ignore the last request.  I found her and replied.  She had written to 
my blog address, no wonder I couldn't find her in my email.

I would say that if anyone else wants to come to our Lace Day in Clarendon 
Hills this coming Saturday they should check out the details at the 
www.lacemakersofillinois.org/ address.  We are having a workshop on Friday with 
Susan Wenzel teaching some more 
's Gravesmoer lace and I have my bobbins all wound for a change.  Can never 
spell it correctly but hope to learn the techniques correctly.  We did a little 
workshop of the free key chain pattern Susan put on the IOLI website and I have 
it inserted in my key fob.  Whilst we were all having problems with the half 
stitch part one Arachne member was heard to mention that she didn't think the 
Dutch had anything to worry about people stealing their techniques.  g  My 
problem was not thinking ahead as my pattern was printed for me on blue 
cardstock and I was using similar colored blue thread.  Just as bad as white on 
white paper!
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

- Forwarded Message 
From: Janice Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lace-digest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2007 2:02:43 PM
Subject: Czech query

Whilst on vacation last week I received an email message from a Czech lady who 
was going to be visiting the Chicago area this year and was interested in  
meeting  my lace groups.  I intended to reply when I got home and had the info 
to hand. Now I cannot find the message, it must have got deleted and is not in 
my trash folder, so if she happens to belong to Arachne I hope she will write 
me again.  She mentioned coming in the Fall but also asked about our lace day 
which takes place this Saturday in Downers Grove, Illinois.  I cannot remember 
her name or details, darn old age.  
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] how do you find a club without risking a clubbing?

2007-06-05 Thread Janice Blair
Both of the lace guilds I belong to meet in rooms at local libraries.  One is 
totally free but can only accommodate about 10 people around the conference 
table.  If we grow we will have to move into a room we would have to pay for.  
The other group meets in a room that we pay rent for but it is very convenient 
and even has an elevator to it, so it is handicap accessible.  That group has 
moved around from township halls, church halls and libraries and we have had to 
move for various reasons.  This one suits us even though they doubled our rent 
last year from $10/day to $20/day.  We can cover most of the rent with our 
monthly dollar raffle that we do at lunch time.

I have just this afternoon had a visit at home from a lady wanting advice on a 
tatted tablecloth in need of repair.  It turned out to be crocheted, by her 
aunt.  She was told it was tatted when she took it to the local knitting shop 
for advice.  I am going to take it to our workshop on Friday to see if anyone 
more knowledgeable about crochet can help her get it repaired.  I was not 
worried about having someone round to the house even when there was only my cat 
for protection.  I am only too happy to tell everyone about bobbin lace if I 
get the opportunity.  

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA where it is raining 

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[lace] new posting on archives

2007-06-20 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Tess,
Thanks for all your hard work for us lacemakers.  I was unable to find the one 
you mentioned but when I was clicking on the sample pages under Illustrations, 
I saw this one:
Magnasco, Allessandro. Lace Making and Embroidery in a Convent,  The Bulletin 
of the Needle and Bobbin Club, 1929, 1 page. Posted September 26, 2003.

My picture was fairly small on my screen, but is that a monkey sitting on a 
stool in amongst the nuns?  Surprised me to see it.  Maybe their mascot was a 
monkey instead of a hedgehog or spider. g  I would think it could be a bit 
hazardous having a monkey around all that lace and pins.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Midwest Fiber Fair

2007-07-23 Thread Janice Blair
I forgot to write about my shawl pin class yesterday.  It was great.  I am not 
the best metal worker in the world, but I did come away with about 6 pins in 
copper and brass.  The class was with Leslie Wind, you can see what we made at 
She was an excellent teacher.  Now I have something else I can make for my 
table at the next craft sale,and Leslie gave us plenty of wire as she did not 
want to ship it back east so I will have to think up my own designs.  Instead 
of doodling lace designs I will be thinking in wire for a while.

All those that wrote and said I was paying for the experience were right and I 
really enjoyed it.  I did not win at the art show but got lots of compliments 
on my lace.  The guy who was supervising the room liked to listen in to the 
comments when people realised my cake was fibre and not real.  He got a kick 
from the low calorie, high fiber birthday cake title.  A quilt won, followed 
by two felted pieces.  I guess bobbin lace needs more exposure and I doubt the 
judges knew much about the subject.  I did meet a number of ladies who had 
traveled long distances to take the beginning BL class, as far as Texas, from 
Arachne Sylvie Nguyen and a number of them said she was the best teacher they 
had taken a class from at the fair.  That was before they knew I was a friend. 
g  They were impressed that the kits provided were good, including bobbins 
wound because of the number of newbies, and that she and her helper were very 
knowledgeable.  I also got to meet Galina Khlmeleva who
 was teaching a shawl knitting class under the next canopy to our metal class.  
She will be one of our teachers next year so it was nice to meet someone I was 
corresponding with.  I finally couldn't resist on Sunday and I bought two lots 
of yarn, then I managed to buy a hank of variegated bobbly mohair in the silent 
auction.  So I guess I was a winner after all!  I hope that it does become an 
annual event for the midwest as it was wonderful.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] IOLI Membership Message

2007-07-23 Thread Janice Blair
Laurie wrote: If it says SUMMER2007, then it's time for you to renew now.  You 
 printout membership forms here, we have three types depending on what
 software you like.  http://www.internationaloldlacers.org/membership.html  Just
 click on the bobbins.

I presume you will still be taking renewal subcriptions at convention as usual? 
 I have no objection to  
you putting the message on Arachne and wouldn't mind if other lace 
organizations did that.  It
would give someone who didn't know how to get in touch a chance of joining them.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Buddy map

2007-09-17 Thread Janice Blair
I spoke too soon because when I went back to check the map on BuddyMap, my dot 
looks like it is in Wisconsin, not in northern Illinois.  Also Susie Johnson 
made my picture smaller and sent it to me but I cannot access the Edit 
function.  Does anyone know how to do that?  I remember seeing it the first 
time I entered my info as I didn't add my web site and was able to do that.  Is 
there a webmaster I can contact to correct my position on the map?

Lace content:  We had a visitor on Saturday at our LACE guild meeting, Arachne, 
Mika Steflickoa from the Czech Republic.  She brought lots of Czech magazines, 
samples of lace and cd's of lace for us to look at.  She will be visiting us 
again next month and we will be working on lace that day.  Saturday found us 
making scarecrows out of burlap and raffia.  Lucky me, she left all the 
magazines etc., in my care so I am having a lace overdose.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Re: [lace] Buddy map

2007-09-18 Thread Janice Blair
I was thinking buckspoint was a little delicate for around a pillow.  Good idea 
to make it with larger thread that will stand up to some wear and tear.  Here 
in the U.S. I have purchased woolen felt from JoAnne Fabrics.  They may carry 
it on their web site but you can probably find it closer to home.  I know in 
the past there was mention of using carpet underfelt but these days it is 
probably made of synthetics not wool.

Achim Siebert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did check out Achim's web site so I knew he was another of our  
 lace guys.  Most of us are happy to make lace on our pillows,  
 this is the first time I have heard of someone making an edging for  
 a pillow, or maybe it is not for a lace pillow that he mentioned in  
 his email.

Yes, it's for a lace pillow. The pillow is 4 cm high and totally  
flat, probably self made (bought it cheap on ebay). Now I want to  
make it domed, upholster it with new cover fabric and put a lace  
border around it. Since it will be touched a lot when turning the  
pillow, to make it less delicate, I use linen (Fresia 140/2) instead  
of cotton for the Bucks lace - I picked a pricking that suits a  
thicker thread and also magnified it to 110%.

I'm still searching for a supplier of not-too-expensive thick felt to  
put as a last layer below the cover fabric. I'd prefer woollen felt -  
does anyone try to upholster a pillow with synthetic felt - I wonder  
if it would hold the pins as well as the natural felt?

Best, Achim in rainy Berlin

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Another eBay thingy

2007-11-10 Thread Janice Blair
Clay posted this:

I've just come across another of those odd things on eBay that makes me
 say, Wha...?.  Item # 250185020238.  The seller says it's a lace
 bobbin, but nope... definitely not.  For one thing, it's 10 long!

I have one of these.  It is for mixing Mexican hot chocolate.
They come in lots of shapes and sizes.  I met a lady in California
who had a collection of about 50 of them.  I stopped at one.  Mine
was purchased in San Diego Old Town.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Fwd: Re: lace

2007-11-30 Thread Janice Blair
Avital explained to me why I could not see my emails in the archives.  As I 
receive the digests I had been sending my mail to lace-digest, instead of



I know I passed my incorrect information on to a lurker, so I thought you all 
should know about my mistake just in case you are doing the same.  Change your 
address file like I did.


p.s. Mailed my lace card yesterday to Italy.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] thread storage

2007-11-30 Thread Janice Blair
I was asked to take my silk threads to my guild meeting on Wednesday for color 
comparison to match a wedding dress.  Instead of just taking 3 or 4 spools  I 
decided to take my whole silk collection.  I have it stored in one of those 
matchbox garage storage boxes from Walmart.  It is so handy as it can open on 
both sides, has a carrying handle and has 24 slots each side.  

On the way home today I popped into our new Super Walmart and looked in the toy 
department.  I couldn't find them and then I spotted a whole pile of them on 
the very top of the shelves.  I had almost given up looking, having gone down 
the toy car aisle twice.  have all my Gutterman silk on one side and the other 
brands on the other side.  It takes the small DMC spools but not the supersize 
ones.  My DMC tatting thread is too fat except for the size 90. I have put 
almost all my cotton spools on one side and my linen ones on the other.  I 
should have bought two.  I now have lots of empty smaller boxes but they are 
coming in handy for storing the flowers that are arriving for convention.  The 
storage boxes cost $4.99 so I think that is a good deal.  


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] thread storage

2007-12-02 Thread Janice Blair
Bev wrote:


Is it like the one shown here:

No. That would be a good thing for larger balls of thread.  The one I purchased 
from Walmart is called Jammers Stores Your Collection with 48 bays for mini 
cars.  Similar to one I found on eBay #160176995154 except mine was $4.99.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Bobbin Lace Survey

2007-12-10 Thread Janice Blair
Bobbin Lace Survey

 As I sit here yet again avoiding the final sewing of my current lace
 piece (the first of two interlocked hearts, only 12 pairs for goodness
 sake!), I find myself pondering on what aspect of bobbin lace people
 dislike the most.  I know lacemakers who profess to dislike most - or
 even hate and avoid at all costs - each of the following items.  As you
 will have gathered, I fit into the second bunch though I am quite happy
 doing numbers 1 and 3.  So which category do you fit in?  (Sorry
 needlelacers and tatters!)  Or is there something else that should be on the
 list?  I will happily summarise the responses to the list in a couple of
 weeks so feel free to answer privately.  There are no wrong answers
 1) Winding bobbins
 2) Final sewing together
 3) Tallies (leaves, squares, triangles, any other type)

I don't mind winding bobbins and use my Newey winder for longer lengths,
but use a piece of thread for a yard or more, otherwise I do it by hand.

I don't mind doing tallies.  I must have done my 1,000 by now and they
hold no fear for me but I still manage to get some holly leaves amongst
them.  No big deal, just undo it, let the bobbin hang down for a while
so the thread gets the kinks out.

I do not dislike sewing it together.  I think I did a reasonable job on the last
piece of Beds with about 30+ bobbins meeting from opposite sides using
Jean Leader's method of knot tying and making rolls behind the work. 
When I made a wedding hankie in Buckspoint I joined it okay but I chickened
out of sewing it onto the fabric as my hand sewing looks horrible.  I
was fortunate and it was hand carried to Europe where it was sewn on
professionally.  DD still has to get married, it looks like that will happen
next year, but I get to use it for display purposes until then. Hope she waits 
after IOLI convention, then I might be able to put it in the
display room.

I do dislike pricking for something like Buckspoint but I will do it, but
when I am working on my own designs I tend to put pins in as I go.  Sometimes
the design works itself out on the pillow.  Something that looked right on
the computer does not work in real life.  What I really dislike is taking out
a forest of pins and seeing a mistake!

Next time I need to sew an edge onto fabric I will try the sewing machine.
A lacemaker at my guild did such a nice job with the machine that I had a 
hard time telling how she had done it, but then my eyesight is not that good.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] christmas card

2007-12-15 Thread Janice Blair
Just before I went away the postman brought my Arachne card exchange from 
Alessandra Tolin, Santa Maria La Longa, Italy.

It is a beautifully made Hardanger angel, white and gold, on a deep turquoise 
blue paper.  Alessandra added a gold ricrac border.  I really appreciate it as 
I did try to do hardanger years ago and ended up with a messy piece of work.  I 
hope my card has finally arrived in Italy.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Christmas lace gifts

2007-12-26 Thread Janice Blair
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, whether with family and friends, or 
a quiet one like my DH and I had.  We celebrated Christmas last Sunday so we 
were eating leftovers on Christmas Day.  I saved the Christmas Pud until then 
though. No use wasting it on people who can't appreciate it. :-)

Yesterday I received some lace gifts.  Two Midlands bobbins and two spools of 
thread, along with six metal rings approx 2-1/4 inches diameter in different 
colors and some wire.  No explanation or pattern accompanied the rings so I am 
wondering if there is a new book out there with patterns for these rings. I 
imagine my friend bought them from a lace fair or at the NEC in England.

My other lace gift was a French book on what looks like Irish Crochet.  It is 
all in French so I will have to use it for eye candy.  The title is De la 
crise de la sardine a l'age d'or de la dentelle.  Maybe I could get a 
translation from someone.  I was unaware that Irish crochet was made in 
Brittainy but that is what it looks like from the book. There were also 3 
postcards enclosed in the gift with pictures of the headgear they wear in 
Brittainy so now I am wondering if that headgear was actually crochet and not 
bobbin lace as I always had imagined.  Maybe a French Arachne can tell me which 
lace is made there.

Happy New Year to you all and I hope by then that my card has finally made it 
to Italy and to Alessandra.  Seems like the mail is very tardy this year.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Christmas gifts

2007-12-27 Thread Janice Blair
Thanks to Sof and Bev for explaining what sardines had to do with lace, and 
thanks to Sof for all the links.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] exhibit

2007-12-29 Thread Janice Blair
I was reading in the Financial Times today about an exhibit at the Chicago Art 
Institute called Figuration in Contemporary Designs.  The article mentioned a 
lace fence and I wondered if this was the same fence mentioned on Arachne a 
year or so ago.  This one is by Demakersvan.  Darn it, I was downtown Chicago 
last Friday but just stayed long enough to visit the German Christmas market as 
it was bitterly cold that day.  Unfortunately the exhibit will be gone before 
our convention in August.

The fence may be the only lace in the exhibition.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] spangling wire

2007-12-30 Thread Janice Blair
Hey Jane,
I believe Winslow Bobbins are going to be a vendor at convention in Rockford.  
Why not drop them an email and ask them to bring extra spools of wire for sale.

 I wish at least one of our lace vendors would carry the stainless 
 steel wire that the Winslow's have. I tried finding it in the US and 
 it couldn't be had. As a favor, one of our vendors did bring some
 from England for me, but she never carries it in her vendor supplies.
 Really too bad.
 Jane O'Connor

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Convention 2008 News (DP)

2007-12-31 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Lacemakers,
Shortly the IOLI Bulletin will be making its way in the mail, but as co-chair 
of the host group, Land of Lincoln Lacemakers, I wanted to tell you that we 
have discovered a boo-boo in the printed information about our convention in 
Rockford in August 2008.

The hotel rate is quoted as $135/night for up to four occupants of a bedroom.  
We realised today that the wrong figure was sent to IOLI, and that in fact the 
cost of a room is $123/night for up to four occupants.  Thank goodness it is in 
your favor but please get the word out to all your lacemaking friends.  I will 
take the blame as I sent in the info for the registration form.  I looked at 
the hotel contract for the info, but did not turn the page to see the reduced 
rate that we negotiated!!  The hotel started our bargaining at $154/night so I 
think we did good for our registrants.  Remember to quote Land of Lincoln when 
you book your room to get the $123 rate and this year you will be able to send 
your registration in on Valentines Day. Hopefully we will be able to inform the 
teachers and registrants a little earlier so they can make travel plans.

Our website will be up and running soon so you might get a sneak preview before 
the magazine arrives in your mailbox.  I will put that announcement on Arachne 
as soon as I hear from my webmistress.

Janice Blair
co-chair - Land of Lincoln Lacemakers
(We had a committee meeting today and everyone got away before the snow started 
again.  Now it's back to making flowers for me.  Happy New Year)

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Lace Guild Advent Calendar

2008-01-03 Thread Janice Blair
Thanks for posting the answers, glad to say I got them right
even though I didn't win.

From: Jean Leader [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [lace] Lace Guild Advent Calendar Competition results

Happy New Year to everyone!

There were about 70 entries to the Lace Guild Advent Calendar 
Competition, of which approximately one third were completely 
correct*. The lucky winners were drawn out of an electronic hat and 

Libby Inglis, Eve Morton and Bridget Marrow.

Congratulations to them and to all who took part.

Jean and David (in Glasgow)

*The answers are now mounted on the Lace Guild Website, together with 
attributions for the lace illustrated in the calendar.
- -- 
Lace Guild home page: http://www.laceguild.org
(alternative if problems: http://www.laceguild.demon.co.uk/)

- -

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] turning stitch

2008-01-06 Thread Janice Blair
I think the Turning Stitch is CTTC or CTCTC, not CTCTCTCT which actually makes 
a plait!  g

Both CTTC and CTCTCTCT are turning stitches.  You can
choose the one you wish to use and it comes out the
same.  One makes a more solid stitch.  We use both in

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Card exchange

2008-01-09 Thread Janice Blair
Am I the only one that had a satisfactory card exchange??

Jeanette Fischer, Western Cape, South Africa.

- -

I was happy with receiving a card before Christmas from 
Alessandra, in Italy, but was disappointed that my card sent
airmail at the beginning of December took until now to get to
her.  This is the first time I have had a problem and I have
taken part in the exchange for many years.  I paid for it to
go airmail, although here now everything overseas is sent at
Priority mail prices, supposedly there is no such thing as airmail
in the US now.  Alessandra will have to do what I do,
that is, next Christmas, display all the lace cards she has. 
Mine usually come out every year and make a nice display.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] beginners class

2008-01-09 Thread Janice Blair
I came up with a new pattern to use for beginners.  There are only so many 
times I can do a fish.  You can see it on the LACE website at


The class is being held just before Easter so I thought a half stitch egg would 
be a simple project.  I haven't written up the pattern yet but thought you 
might like the idea for your beginners.  It uses only 5 pair.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Announcing new convention website (DP)

2008-01-11 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Everyone,
I am pleased to announce that the hosts of this years IOLI convention now have 
all the information on our new website.  The work has all be done by Arachne, 
Diane Williams.  Thanks for a great job.


On the About Us page you can see the photo of the committee doing all the work. 
 We used that photo for our publicity at last years convention.

There is a list of classes offered and links to more information including 
supplies that might be needed for each class.  Those classes without supplies 
are because the Teacher prefers to contact each student personally.  There is 
also a link on the Teacher page to bio's and pictures of lace that have been 
supplied to us. 

Please read the Important Information page where you will find a link to a 
registration page, and other forms that you might require, plus a note about 
our cancellation policy that was not included in the Bulletin.  The correct 
hotel price is shown on this page and we have links about tour information and 
lots of other fun stuff.  

We had hoped to get this web page up and running at the same time as the 
Bulletin but Debra Jenny, Editor, caught us out as the magazine came so early 
this year, in my case on New Years Eve!  Last but not least I would remind you 
that registrations for convention can be mailed on or after February 14th this 
year.  Enjoy browsing all the information Diane has prepared for us and feel 
free to pass the link on to all your lacemaking friends or organisations.

Co-chair, Land of Lincoln Lacemakers

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] lap top table

2008-01-13 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Arachnes,

I see that Walgreens are advertising the rolling tray table again for $17.99.  
It is the one with a split top where you can tilt the larger side of it.  I am 
curious, did anyone purchase this table, and if so, what size pillow can you 
put on the tilting part?  In the picture it looks too small for even a 20 inch.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com   Check convention news here!!

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[lace] New pattern for beginners

2008-01-13 Thread Janice Blair
Hi All,
I am double posting this as the Chat is so quiet these days.

My daughter gave me my own domain name for my birthday so I an celebrating and 
have put the beginner pattern on my website as promised on Lace.  The link is 
in my signature below or you can go directly to the gallery at:


We will be having this workshop at LACE in March so if any local lacemakers 
want to have a go at bobbin lace, please check out 


I couldn't find any appropriate beads in the shops yet as the only easter 
things on sale at the moment are Cadbury's eggs!  I made the two beads on the 
website from polymer clay.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com   Check convention news here!!

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[lace] convention classes

2008-01-23 Thread Janice Blair
I have been reading my backlog of digests after having a short winter break in 
the sun.  Got home to at least 4 of snow to clear and freezing temperatures.

I saw an email from Clay passing on more information on the class being taught 
by Susan Wenzel.  The description had to be abbreviated in the Bulletin 
magazine due to space constraints, but if you go to the website you will be 
able to read the full descriptions of the classes as supplied by the teachers.  
There is also a list of supplies needed for each class where we have been given 
them, and some have photos of the laces to be taught or types of lace.  There  
is a Bio page so you might be able to see what your teacher looks like.  I 
think we are still waiting for more photos to arrive. We hope this website 
gives you more help in making those important decisions than just the Bulletin 

Also check out the Important Pages for up to date details and forms that might 
be required for registration.


The Fun Stuff page has patterns that can be downloaded for making floral 
donations to the convention, but we are willing to accept any style of flower 
and any color you want to make.  The About Us page has a picture of the 
postcard we handed out last summer.  We did try to do a solemn photo similar to 
the old postcards you find, but we all preferred a happy photo.

If you are thinking about attending IOLI convention this year please check out 
the website for more information.  Thanks,


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com   Check convention news here!!

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[lace] harry potter lace

2008-01-30 Thread Janice Blair
One of our guild members is looking for Harry Potter bobbin lace patterns.  
Does anyone know of any?  She has an owl pattern that could pass for Hedwig.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] Fwd: lace exhibit at Tinker Swiss Cottage

2008-02-12 Thread Janice Blair
Below is part of an email I received today regarding a lace exhibit at Tinker 
Swiss Cottage in Rockford.   This is one of the places on the Rockford tour on 
Wednesday.  I have no idea what this exhibition wll be like but thought I would 
pass on the information to those of you who were considering taking the local 

Subject: lace exhibit at Tinker Swiss Cottage

 Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum would like to welcome the 55th Annual 
International Old Lacers, Inc. convention to Rockford, Illinois.   The museum 
will be featuring an exhibit on Victorian laces through August 2008.  We hope 
that convention participants will be able to visit the museum and share in this 
legacy of nineteenth century laces.

The exhibit, A Place of Lace, will cover a brief history of lace using
examples from the Tinker family collection.  An exhibit will be installed in
the Tinker Visitor Center as well as incorporated into the tour of the historic 
Cottage.  The tour will place lace within the social context of the nineteenth 
century and describe how it was used by the Tinker family.

Robert Tinker built the Swiss Cottage in 1865 basing his home on those he had 
seen in Europe in 1862.  The Tinker family lived in the Cottage until 1942, 
leaving the house and grounds to the Rockford Park District and the contents to 
trustees in the hopes it would be shared with the community.  The Cottage 
opened to the public for tours in 1943.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] IOLI Convention (DP)

2008-02-12 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Spiders,

With all the talk about the OIDFA congress I hope you have all remembered that 
we brought the date forward to send in your registrations to Land of Lincoln 
Lacemakers for the IOLI convention in August.  The date for mailing is now 
FEBRUARY14, 2008.  Yes, I was shouting.  Just wanted to remind you all, and if 
you have not decided on your workshops yet, check out our website at 

Diane Williams is adding photos of teachers and lace all the time, and you can 
download the forms from the Important Information page so you don't have to 
deface your Bulletin.  All the correct information is on the website, including 
our cancellation policy and the price of the hotel room ($123 not $135).  I 
think Arachne Diane has done a great job on the website.

Sylvie Nguyen is looking forward to receiving lots of mail and we have been 
making and collecting lots of items for the Arachne lunch, so remember to sign 
up for that.  Please pass all this info on to your guilds or non-Arachne lace 
friends.  Thanks, see you in August.

Co-Chair LLL Convention Committee

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] blue film

2008-02-18 Thread Janice Blair
I usually print my patterns directly onto light blue cardstock.  I then put a 
piece of clear film over the top and cut the cardstock down on my paper cutter 
leaving a margin around the pricking.  

I had a large packet of this light blue cardstock which I finally ran out of 
about a year ago after ten years of lacemaking.  I cannot find the same pale 
blue color in the shops unless it is in a packet of mixed pastel colors, the 
ones in OfficeMax are very dark blue.  Does anyone know of a stockist of larger 
quantities of this paler blue cardstock?


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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Re: [lace] blue film

2008-02-18 Thread Janice Blair
We don't have a Staples in our town so I will have to look for one next time I 
am out and about.  Thanks for the tip.

Clive  Betty Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: =
Dear Janice,
I got my last light blue card stock at Staples office supply.  I have quit 
dealing with our local OfficeMax because their shop just isn't what it used to 

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia who is looking forward to returning to Illinois, 
the land of my birth for IOLI

From: Janice Blair 

...I had a large packet of this light blue cardstock which I finally ran out of 
about a year ago after ten years of lacemaking.  I cannot find the same pale 
blue color in the shops unless it is in a packet of mixed pastel colors, the 
ones in OfficeMax are very dark blue.  Does anyone know of a stockist of larger 
quantities of this paler blue cardstock?

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] RE: YSK - Floral Bedfordshire

2008-02-18 Thread Janice Blair
I got a glimpse of Yvonne Scheele Kirkhof's new Bedfordshire book and I agree, 
it is a wonderful book.  I loved the way she had mounted the lace in the photos 
and it was nice to see different shapes of lace motifs than the usual round 
ones.  The book was really heavy so I imagine mailing is expensive, must be all 
those terrific photos.  Great eye candy even if you don't like making Beds.  
The diagrams look excellent.  I hope the vendors at the IOLI convention stock 
up for the rush to buy even with our rotten exchange rate.  Recently I have 
been doing more Beds and am enjoying it so long as I keep away from the nine 
pin edge.  To me that always makes the lace look untidy, but that is just IMHO.

BTW, I was asked what (DP) meant in a recent post of mine.  I put it in the 
subject line as I sent the email to both chat and lace.  That means if you get 
the reflected mail for both you can just delete the second one without reading. 
 I had always thought that was what we were supposed to do when we needed to 
double post.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] separating embroidery thread

2008-02-19 Thread Janice Blair
I was taught to separate six stranded embroidery thread the following way:

Unwind the skein along the floor, or down a staircase, or in my case, hang it 
over the second floor balcony in my family room.  Hold one end of the skein 
loosely in the palm of your hand  with the ends between your thumb and first 
finger.  Take one single thread end and pull on it.  You can wind this onto a 
card.  The other threads tend to bunch up under your closed hand and 
occasionally you will need to straighten it out.  Once you have done one thread 
you can continue to do as many as you need for your purposes.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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Re: [lace] separating embroidery thread

2008-02-20 Thread Janice Blair
I was referring to splitting the whole skein for use in bobbin lace.  If I ever 
do embroidery again, I would do what Dora is suggesting, and cut the length I 

Dora Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Not quite following; does there have to 
be one proper way to separate 
embroidery floss?

To be honest, I always cut it first, then separate it - far easier that way. 
You have to hold it up so that it can unwind as it pulls apart.   If you 
just yank on it you end up with a bunched tangle halfway through.

Besides, what if you separate the whole skein, and then find out that the 
number of strands you need per stitch changes?

Dora Smith
Austin, TX

- Original Message - 
From: Janice Blair 
To: lace 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:55 PM
Subject: [lace] separating embroidery thread

I was taught to separate six stranded embroidery thread the following way:

 Unwind the skein along the floor, or down a staircase, or in my case, hang 
 it over the second floor balcony in my family room.  Hold one end of the 
 skein loosely in the palm of your hand  with the ends between your thumb 
 and first finger.  Take one single thread end and pull on it.  You can 
 wind this onto a card.  The other threads tend to bunch up under your 
 closed hand and occasionally you will need to straighten it out.  Once you 
 have done one thread you can continue to do as many as you need for your 


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] lacemaker pin

2008-03-05 Thread Janice Blair
I found this item on eBay.  It has the old lacemaker painting we have been 
discussing printed on it, only 99 cents and ends in five hours.  I don't have 
an eBay account otherwise I might have bid on it.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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[lace] IOLI convention 2008

2008-03-28 Thread Janice Blair
As you can see from my signature below, many of the class offerings at the IOLI 
convention for August are full.  We did have to cut some, so if you have not 
sent your registration yet you might like to check what is available before 
making your choice.

We hope to be able to send out our acknowledgement letters before the postal 
rate changes in May.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] lace on tv

2008-04-02 Thread Janice Blair
For those of you in the Chicago viewing area, I should be featured making lace 
on the ABC Channel 7 five pm news tomorrow.  The reporter, Harry Porterfield 
and his camerman have just left after two gruelling hours, which will probably 
be edited down to one minute or less.

I have never made so much lace so quickly.  I almost did a complete repeat of 
the yardage on my demo pillow from the La guipure du Puy book.  I will always 
know which repeat it is as I realised I had a mistake in it but there was no 
going back.

It should be on their webpage tomorrow after the broadcast.  I will write again 
if I can find a link.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] lace on tv

2008-04-03 Thread Janice Blair
Here is the link to seeing my interview for Chicago Channel 7 5 pm news this 
afternoon, my one minute of fame.  Harry Porterfield did make a few mistakes 
and he got to do several takes for his pieces but I think he and the cameraman 
did a nice job.  After placing a pin more than 10 times they showed the one 
where I missed the hole!  After 2 hours of filming it came down to such a short 
time but at least they did advertise our lace convention and do have a link to 
our website.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Janice is now Famous!

2008-04-08 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Sue,
I was nervous but the first hour was spent with me making lace while the 
cameraman filmed from all angles, including looking down over the upstairs 
balcony.  At one time he had the heavy camera resting on my pillow.  That must 
have been when he took the shots up close so it looked like a forest of pins.  
I made almost one repeat of the pattern, complete with a mistake.  I left out 
an extra pair for the half stitch center but did not see it until I started 
that section.  It was too late to turn back which I normally do when 
demonstrating.  So I had to take in an extra pair at the bottom of the half 
stitch.  I decided to leave the mistake so that I will know which repeat I did 
on tv.  After all that time, I was feeling more at ease for the interview part. 
 I cringe every time I see the missed pin and when I also say I wrap the 
thread around it, instead of saying I close the pin with a stitch, but I did 
not get a do-over like the interviewer.

Elizabeth, the pattern is from La guipure du Puy written by Mick Fouriscot and 
Nathalie Hubert, page 44, Guipure No. 16.  ISBN 2-84167-155-0  It is written in 
french but has excellent photos and diagrams, 30 edgings and ideas for mounting 

One friend questioned how many demonstration hours I can count my 2 minutes 
times millions of viewers for IOLI.  Members are supposed to keep track of how 
much they demonstrate and turn them in each year.  Maybe a mathematician can 
work that out for me. :-)  There were also shots on tv of me making lace at 
least 5 times to advertise the upcoming news.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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Re: [lace] Janice is now Famous!

2008-04-08 Thread Janice Blair
All of this and planning a wedding for my daughter in September in Seattle.  No 
mean feat as she will be in Glasgow doing her Masters at the University until 
just before the date, and the fiance is so busy with a new job.  Arachne and 
fellow convention registrar, Sylvie Nguyen, is also planning her sons wedding 
for the same time.  Thank goodness for the Internet.  No book in the works as 
of yet.  I give my patterns away, lace will never support me.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Congratulations, Janice!  Considering how many lovely 
things you have designed and the awards that you have won, your fame is 
 So, the real question is...  when TV stardom and the grueling challanges of 
organizing the IOLI convention are finally done in August - what on earth will 
you do with yourself?  Time to write a book, maybe?  ; )
Clay Blackwell 
Lynchburg, VA USA 

 -- Original message -- 
From: Janice Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi Sue, 
 I was nervous but the first hour was spent with me making lace while the 
 cameraman filmed from all angles, including looking down over the upstairs 
 balcony. At one time he had the heavy camera resting on my pillow. That must 
 have been when he took the shots up close so it looked like a forest of pins. 
 made almost one repeat of the pattern, complete with a mistake. I left out an 
 extra pair for the half stitch center but did not see it until I started that 
 section. It was too late to turn back which I normally do when demonstrating. 
 So I had to take in an extra pair at the bottom of the half stitch. I decided 
 to leave the mistake so that I will know which repeat I did on tv. After all 
 that  time, I was feeling more at ease for the interview part. I cringe every 
 time I see the missed pin and when I also say I wrap the thread around it, 
 instead of saying I close the pin with a stitch, but I did not get a do-over 
 like the interviewer. 
 Elizabeth, the pattern is from La guipure du Puy written by Mick Fouriscot 
 Nathalie Hubert, page 44, Guipure No. 16. ISBN 2-84167-155-0 It is written in 
 french but has excellent photos and diagrams, 30 edgings and ideas for 
 One friend questioned how many demonstration hours I can count my 2 minutes 
 times millions of viewers for IOLI. Members are supposed to keep track of how 
 much they demonstrate and turn them in each year. Maybe a mathematician can 
 work that out for me. :-) There were also shots on tv of me making lace at 
 least 5 times to advertise the upcoming news. 
 Janice Blair 
 Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA 
 www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com Check for class spaces, many are full. 
 To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line: 
 unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to 

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line:
unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to

[lace] lace publicity

2008-04-10 Thread Janice Blair
Devon wrote:

Perhaps Janice could head a committee for the IOLI on the subject  of 
Publicity. I notice that the Lace Guild in England is looking for a
  Publicity Officer, but I don't think we have such a post.
I for one, would like to know how she contacted the TV station and made
  this happen, since ideally, it would be good if it happened before every
 IOLI  Convention.

I wouldn't want the job of Publicity for anything, but I can pass on that I 
was asked by a member of Land of Lincoln Lacemakers if I would be interested
in doing the piece.  Her DH works at the ABC tv station.  Harry Porterfield 
does these pieces twice a week for 10 years, and is always looking for 
interesting people to show.  I suggest that where the conventions are taking 
place, if their local tv station has a similar tv interviewer, the host guild 
could write to ask if the station would like to showcase the lacemaking. I 
Harry, at least three times if I could mention our convention.  I spoke at 
about it, but it still landed on the cutting room floor.  I was thankful that 
the anchorman did mention the convention and put the link on their website.

I would like to get a similar piece done in the Rockford area closer to 
convention to advertise that we will be open to the public for sales and 
viewing the lace display.  Anyone not taking a tour or Wednesday class will be
encouraged to make lace in a public space at the hotel. 

p.s. Devon did a nice job of advertising when the convention was in Maryland.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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Re: [lace] lace publicity

2008-04-10 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Devon,
Sorry.  I wrote NJ and then changed it to Maryland.  Should have gone with my 
first instinct.  Thanks for the blurb.  We can rewrite something from it for 
our press release.

I actually provided Harry Porterfield some lace history which was given to me 
by Arachne, Doris O'Neill.  He seemed to like the fact that men wore more lace 
than women at one time.  He talks about mid-19th century but his male portrait 
I have been told is Sir Francis Drake, dead a long time before that.  The 
female portrait was on the cover of an IOLI Bulletin I found for the cameraman. 
 I did not notice that in my haste that the lady was holding a tatting or 
knotting shuttle. :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  In a message dated 4/10/2008 10:25:48 A.M. 
Eastern Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 p.s.Devon did a nice job of advertising when the convention was in

 Would like to take credit for this one, but it is in NJ where I made my  bones 
publicity wise.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] lace publicity

2008-04-10 Thread Janice Blair
I did another session of advertising lace tonight.  There is a Fiber Festival 
being held in Crystal Lake again and the organizer has arranged for crafts 
people to do it in public.  We met inside a local Tea shop in a large outdoor 
shopping mall.  I took my small pillow with a flower on it.  I had the first 
inch done (I was hoping the tv interviewer would have a go last week but did 
not have the opportunity to persuade him), and I finished the flower, as well 
as letting others have a go on it.  A number of people had seen or heard about 
the tv thing so I was quite popular, and I was the only one not knitting.  I 
handed out my card, which has all our local lace web addresses on it and info 
about convention.  I mentioned that Sylvie Nguyen was teaching a beginner 
bobbin lace class at the Fiber Festival and also at our convention, so maybe 
she will be busy this summer.

Next week we are meeting at Panera Bread in another local town.  It was a nice 
evening of crafty fellowship.  Some people ate dinner so the tea shop didn't 
mind us occupying an area for two hours.  I might even have recruited a 
waitress who is originally from Edinburgh to my British group.  The weather was 
rainy but there were about 20 of us, most of them had their first sight of a 
lace pillow.  I did meet a Puerto Rican lady whose grandmother had tried to 
teach her bobbin lace but she was afraid to touch my pillow.  Maybe next week.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Fwd: plastics numbers

2008-04-13 Thread Janice Blair
I saw the Today show one morning last week and they did a piece about water 
drinking bottles and which numbers to avoid.  My DD is always drinking out of a 
pink one, so I told her that the No.7 should be avoided.  She was blase about 
it but I sent her the website to check her bottle.  Next day she sent me an 
email to say she had thrown her pink one away as the plastic can cause breast 
cancer as the chemical mimic estrogen.  The website is:


She also just sent me the following websites which give more information so you 
can make an educated decision.


 Here are a few perspectives (2 for ditching polycarbonate, 1


 And here's the Platypus site:
 Platypus bottles are made of polypropylene (plastic #5), and they  
 don't make your water taste weird.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] FW Plastics Numbers

2008-04-13 Thread Janice Blair
Sorry folks, I meant that to go to lace chat.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Lace 2000

2008-04-18 Thread Janice Blair
Ruth wrote:

And good news for anyone considering buying a new lace-design 
programme -Lace 2000 will very shortly be superseded by Lace RXP.   
I'm testing it at the moment.

Will the new program be compatible with existing Lace 2000 files?
I have Lace 2000 on my laptop and it works fine, but then I realised
I have XP not Vista. :-)

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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RE: [lace] Pillow help needed - block pillow

2008-04-19 Thread Janice Blair
Ruth wrote:
Thanks, Alice. I thought this would be about what I would need to do. 

Building the container is no problem once I get the blocks covered. My

 DH is a whiz in his wood shop and will build whatever I specify :D (yes, I'm

Depending on whether you want to tote this pillow around to guild meetings or
demonstrating, you might want to consider a light weight base for your blocks.
Wood bases can make the thing very heavy.

When I made my 24 inch square block pillow I used 1/4 inch foam core board
from the craft shop for the base.  I glued my outer side blocks, which were two 
pieces of builders foam, onto the foam core after they were covered, leaving 
room for the ethafoam blocks down the center.  I glued and nailed some thin wood
trim around the edges, covering the foam core and the bottom of the outer 
This made a ridged edge at the top and bottom of the pillow which holds the 
blocks and stops them moving.  Using builders foam for the outer blocks allowed
me to make more blocks for the center so I could have more projects on the go at
one time.

When I got my one and only pillow from Snowgoose, I used the cardboard box 
the pillow came in for the base, cutting it to shape.  I covered the bottom 
with suede
fabric before I glued the pillow to the cardboard, then put some colorful trim 
the edge to tart it up.  Nice and light to carry.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Replica Christening gown

2008-04-24 Thread Janice Blair
Annette wrote:

As there is no longer a Honiton lace industry these days - only Hobby 
lacemakers, I suspect that it would be extremely difficult for even the
Queen to commission lace to be made.
It would certainly have be extremely expensive in order to entice
 lacemakers to part with their lace and as most people only do a few hours lace 
 one time, an overshirt with as much lace on it as the original had would 
probably take years to produce.Pieces that have been made for royalty in recent 
times have mostly been
 by way of a gift from the lacemakers of Honiton.

From what I heard, lace made in Honiton, such as for Queen Victoria, might as
well have been a gift for what the lacemakers were paid for it.

Maybe UK lacemakers should offer to make some real lace for future use so we 
know it was
handmade next time.  I don't do Honiton but could make a motif in Bucks or Beds.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Lace R-XP

2008-05-20 Thread Janice Blair
Does anyone know whether the files in the new design program will be exportable 
to something like Word?  This was always a problem with Lace 2000.  Even at the 
reduced price of almost 60 GBP that is a lot of money.

From: Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [lace] Lace R-XP

Just received a letter from Ilsoft confirming the launch of Lace R-XP
 on 26th May, and telling me that, having bought Lace 2000 some time ago, I
an account so can order a reduced price upgrade. A demo version of Lace
is now available for download from their website:

Main site: http://www.ilsoft.co.uk/content.aspx?page=HOME

Lace R-XP page: http://www.lacerxp.com/

I've just downloaded it and am about to try it out.

No connection with Ilsoft, but I really like Lace 2000 and hope I'll
the new version even more.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Fwd: Janice Blair: Lacemaker: New look

2008-05-22 Thread Janice Blair
My daughter has changed the layout of my website and she has put a new simple 
pattern in the Pattern Gallery.  Take a look and if you have any problems let 
her know at the link provided.

Would you send this out to your usual publicity outlets, please? 


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Lace R-XP

2008-05-22 Thread Janice Blair
I have been playing with the demo program of Lace R-XP and after reading all 
the features it seems to have answered my previous question as to whether you 
can export to Word, plus I think you can print with larger dots which will be 
wonderful when printing a pattern for someone with poor eyesight.  When it came 
to using the text part I typed I want this, never mind the exchange rate!!  
Nice job Ruth.  I am sure you had lots of input.  Thanks Brenda for giving them 
permission to include the thread wraps.  I am sure this will be helpful as I 
always used to guess what I needed then adjusted up or down depending on the 
first print.

If you have never used Lace 2000 I am sure you will find this one easy to use.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] Magnifiers

2008-05-24 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Shirlee,
You don't say where you are in your email, but if you are in the US, a 
lacemaker at our guild meeting last week brought in a smaller magnifier than 
those mentioned.  It was on a flexible arm and there was another arm with a 
small led light.  The base was heavy but could be clipped onto a table or just 
laid on the pillow.  She bought it at Hobby Lobby using one of their 40% 
coupons.  I mean to look for it next time I am in the store.  

I do have the magnifier that you pin on your pillow and love it but the glass 
part on mine keeps coming loose and the screw refuses to tighten up enough.  
This is my second one as I forgot to take mine with me to convention one year 
and had to buy another from Lacy Susan.  I think I sold my first one later.  I 
always put the magnifier in my hand luggage when traveling.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] First plays with the full Lace R-XP programme

2008-05-28 Thread Janice Blair
Hi Jean,
Thanks for posting.  My Lace R-XP should be on its way now. Please keep posting
your experiences so that I can learn from you.  Just showing my computer 
what is an EPS file?  Is that what I need to use to export to Word?I am sure 
will chip in with any advice we need.  I missed reading about her R-XP book but 
am sure Lacy Susan will carry it at convention.

As soon as my Lace R-XP disc arrived yesterday morning I installed it
 and started playing with it. Here's what's happened so far.

Opened a design from Lace 2000 in Lace -R-XP. No problem. There are no 
threads already installed, but there is a list to choose from with
 wraps (thanks Brenda) and you get to choose the size of the grid for that
 thread. Tried to choose a thread. Got a message to say the program had
 encountered a problem and had to shut down. Tried again. Same thing happened.
 Restarted the program and chose a thread. No problem. Opened a Lace 2000 
 No problem. Tried to add another thread. No problem. So it seems (at least
 on my computer) that one thread (any thread)  needs to selected before a
 design is opened - and presumably before a design is started.

Save the design as a Lace R-XP file and exporting to both PDF and EPS
 all worked OK.

Opened PDF file - line quality not that good on screen, but haven't
 tried  printing to see if it's better printed because I use a laptop and am 
currently working in the living room and my printer is in the bedroom.

Tried opening an EPS file in Word 97. Got 399 pages of letters and
Inserted the EPS file as a picture in Word - wonderful!

Opened the EPS file in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Took forever, and the 
result was faint. Started a new A4 document and used the 'Place'
 command on the 'File' menu of Elements. Very quick, but the same faintness. So,
 being impatient, 'Place' is obviously the way to go. The lines were good
 quality even though faint, and I'll play another time with enhancing the
 contrast. Thickened the lines to 5 and exported to EPS. 'Placed' in Photoshop 
Elements. Same faintness, but lines again good quality. Haven't tried 
printing from Elements yet either, but did save the image successfully
 as a .JPG file.

So far I'm a very happy bunny with the improvements to Lace 2000, which
 I loved anyway.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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[lace] wire lace

2008-05-28 Thread Janice Blair
As I have seen a couple of references to Susan Lambiris' class at convention 
this summer, I just wanted to say that the last time I saw the class 
spreadsheet Susan had only one opening in both her am and pm class, so if 
anyone is thinking of signing up, they should do it now.

Most classes have been filling nicely but there are still a few places in the   
   's Gravenmoer classes with Susan Wenzel, Tatting with Georgia Seitz, 
Flanders with Kathy Kauffmann, Romanian Point and Irish Crochet with Sylvia 
Marariu, Floral Bucks Point with Holly van Sciver (she will take all levels of 
students), and just one or two spaces with some other teachers.  If you are 
still thinking of coming to the IOLI convention in August contact our 
Registrar, Sylvie Nguyen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and she will tell you if we can 
squeeze you into a class.

BTW, my house has been inundated with flowers that generous lacemakers all over 
the US have been sending for us for the convention.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to

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