On Apr 2, 1:33 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Most decisions do not have an experience associated with them,

That's an assumption. All decisions could have an experience
associated with them without their being part of *our* experience.

>  we make them
> 'subconsciously' (e.g. the movement of my fingers in typing this).

That doesn't mean that nothing is conscious of them being made. It is
possible to change our attention to include these subconscious
movements, or to possibly recover them under hypnosis, etc. Our
uppermost consicous layer is just the tip of the iceberg - not an
iceberg just of public mechanisms but a whole universe of private
experiences on different levels.

> So the experience of
> free will is just the failure to be able to trace all the causes of a 
> conscious decision.

You are assuming that the causes of conscious decisions aren't
conscious themselves. I don't assume that. You are assuming that
intention and decision are deployed in a discrete serial system,
whereas I think they are just the opposite. I think that because we
are a single cell divided, every part of us is actually 'us' in the
same way that every piece of a hologram reflects the whole image from
a more fixed perspective. The decisions I make are the decisions my
brain makes. Sometimes I push my brain to move my body, sometimes my
brain pushes me to wake up. There is no reason to make the dynamic
have to be more one than the other.

> Why are some decisions conscious, while most aren't...I'm not sure.  I think 
> it has to do
> with decisions for which we employee language/logic to predict consequences.

No, we use language and logic all of the time without being conscious
of it. If anything our executive level awareness has to do with
dealing with novelty. It's interesting to think aboout how a sudden
event can both wake you up to the fact of the event, even as it puts
you into a mode where you act out of pure reflex or instinct. You
become more conscious and unconscious at the same time. This would
support my view that different regions of our brain are conscious (in
perhaps exotically different ways) rather than the mind being a motor
with a single gear shift.


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