On 17 Jan 2014, at 08:55, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2014/1/16 LizR <lizj...@gmail.com>
On 17 January 2014 10:01, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

You can disagree, but it's a fact, we can make video game, so we can make any rules we want in the created virtual worlds, nothing prevent us to do so.

Yes, I made up a game in which 17 is an even number and an infinite number of computations can be carried out in a finite time. Also, within the game I got a solution to P vs NP so I got the Millennium Prize!

Well those are not physical laws... but yes you could anyway by deluding all self aware creature in the virtual world thinking so, and anytime they would hint that isn't true, change their mind... that would certainly affect their consciousness and free will... but it could be done in principle.

But anyway that was not what I was talking about, I was talking about physical laws not logic. You can make a totally logical consistent virtual world with other physical laws as our reality... nothing prevent us to do so, and if computationalism is true, we can make that virtual world have conscious inhabitants.

OK. To insist, my point was only that such creature will soon or later find that it is a simulation, unless you have changed only the geographical laws, in which case they are both in the simulation and in its normal rendering through the FPI on UD*.

In *that* case, you can stop the emulation without killing anyone. (Like in a novel by Greg Egan).

You can simulate real different physical laws, not extractible from comp, only for a finite time, or by doing yourself an infinite work to prevent the creature to find the flaw (assuming of course they are Löbian, free, and not brainwashed).

What happens below the substitution level is complex, the laws of physics are non trivial.

Eventually I will explain how to translate the UDA in arithmetic. A physical observation event will be a sigma_1 arithmetical sentence (they are all provable by RA already), which is provable (and so keep trueness through extensions) and consistent (so that "keeping trueness is not trivial like in the cul-de-sac world, that is we assume explicitly the existence of an extension). So, we get the logics of the observation through Bp & p, and Bp & Dt,, and Bp & Dt & p. (and others like B^n p & p & D^m t, with m < n).

But I have to explain more on modal logics, and its relation with the logic of provability and consistency.




...sorry, I'll get my coat.

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