On Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 7:36:33 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 9 Jan 2019, at 15:13, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 4:06:08 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 6 Jan 2019, at 22:27, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why - in  numerical reality (UD)  - can't there be vampires, werewolves, 
>> that sort of things? They can certainly be "created" in computer 
>> simulations of stories of them …
>> Exactly, that is why we need to recover physics by a notion of 
>> “bettable”. If you see a vampire, not explained by the notion of 
>> observable, you can infer that either:
>> Mechanism is false, or
>> You are dreaming, or
>> You belong to a “malevolent” simulation (à-la Bostrom, made by angry 
>> descendent who want to fail us on reality).
>> Fortunately, we don’t see vampires, and up to know, thanks to QM, we see 
>> exactly what mechanism predicts.
>> Bruno
> Seth Lloyd of course says the universe is a quantum computer. 
> That would entail Mechanism, but Mechanism entails that the physical 
> universe is not a quantum computer, unless our substitution level is so low 
> that we need to emulate the whole physical reality (not just the observable 
> one) to get “my” consciousness. The term “universe” is also problematical 
> to me.
> But what if there are qualia in addition to (or combined with) quanta as 
> the fundamental elements of nature. 
> You can always speculate a non existing theory to “contradict” an existing 
> theory. Why assumes something when we can explain it without assuming it. 
> What if the thermodynamic of the car motion works only if invisible horses 
> pull the car?
> Nature is also a imprecise term. All my scepticism on the existence of 
> nature comes from the observation of nature. The physical science are not 
> the metaphysical science, unless we postulate (weak) materialism, which is 
> inconsistent with mechanism.
> Then the quantum computer - a purely quantum information processing (QuIP) 
> machine - needs to be upgraded to a qualium(+quantum) 
> experience(+information) processing (QuEP) machine.
> With mechanism, the qualia are “easily” explained by the necessary variant 
> of provability logic in G*. To add “material” to this would entail the 
> existence of infinitely many p.zombie in arithmetic, and makes both 
> consciousness and matter into irreductible mystery. What is the goal?
> The universe (now a QuEP machine) could have conscious beings who make up 
> stories about vampires and werewolves.
> The arithmetical universe? Yes. Necessarily so with the computationalist 
> hypothesis.
> Some of your remark shows that you have not studied my contribution. To 
> avoid repetition, it might be useful to study it. Just criticising a 
> conclusion because we have another theory is not that much interesting, 
> especially when the “other theory” is not presented in a specific way (as 
> your use of many links illustrates).
> All what I can say is that you are logically coherent: you believe in 
> matter and you believe that mechanism is false. But the empirical facts go 
> in the opposite direction. The empirical test of the existence of primary 
> matter that I have given fails up to now.The world would be Newtonian, 
> Mechanism would be judged reasonably refuted. Gödel + EPR-Everett saves 
> Mechanism.
> Bruno

I don't think your theory refutes the existence of matter. (That would be a 
surprise to materials scientists, fro example.)

At best, your theory (universal numbers, machines, dovetailers) is a 
possible *denotational semantics* for experiential processing, which *takes 
place in matter*.

(But that still can be a contribution, but it is by no means the complete 

- pt

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