2007/6/21, Mukund Sivaraman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Raphael

Raphaël Quinet wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:51:50 +0000 (UTC), Daniel Pisano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Mukund Sivaraman <muks <at> mukund.org> writes:
>>> If there are anyone who know her personally and are nearby, please get
>>> her medical attention.
>> Yes, please. Her condition is serious.
> You both raised several valid points about Carol's unacceptable
> behavior.  However, it would have been better to avoid stating on
> a public mailing list that she needs medical attention (regardless
> of whether it is true or not).  These comments should have been
> private.  They can easily be perceived as an insult and they
> weaken your other arguments because you are attacking her person
> instead of her behavior.

I was not attacking at all. It was something I suggested for her own
good, as a trained professional like a psychiatrist can understand her
problems better and suggest activities which can make her feel better.
This is clearly my personal opinion from observation. I should not have
said she's insane as I have no real idea of what her medical condition
is, or if she needs treatment, and I am not a doctor. I apologize for
that comment, but it was really my opinion.

Kind regards,


Good day to all reading this thread with interest and feeding it with the
best intentions.

Carol was at LGM this year and she was not hiding away, at least from what I
saw. Anyone could meet her face to face. I had the chance to have a few
short conversations with her but being the organiser time has not allowed us
to discuss as much as we did in Lyon last year. I am not aware if anybody
has discussed with her on the particular subject of her threads on IRC but
in any event it would have been of course a nice occasion to do so.

I cannot discuss the reasons of each and everyone talking here in their
personal name as I barely show up on IRC on the gimp channel. I believe each
has good reasons to express what they feel regarding Carol's behavior. At
the same time, I for one feel pretty unconfortable with where this
discussion is heading now that it has deviated on medical "diagnostic"...
and still being made public. I strongly believe the advice on Carol's
condition is completely out of the purpose of this list — of any list, I
should say. This is private matter. A public discussion on an archived list
is not the same as a kitchen discussion with whoever about whatever or
whoever. I am really unconfortable now and I believe I am not alone in this

I suggest to stop this thread and refrain from commenting further on
personnal things such as the health of somebody. At the same time, I think
that once the heat will be down a few degrees, the case should be discussed
among the team on a private channel and preferably including Carol so she
can express herself or at least understand what is going on and if exclusion
is voted, at the very least the accused person knows exaclty what are the
reproaches made to her, from an official point of view, with objective rules
that anyone can understand and agree upon. I guess that before getting this
far, an official warning should take place. If nothing changes, then a final
warning and then, the consequences of being banned from the various gimp
channels or monitored or whatever measures the team decides. The
incremental consequences of a specific bad behavior should be publicly
known. The bad behavior should be clearly identified too, and described.
These rules are necessary for any kind of human community.

The gimp officials have to discuss about the facts going on the gimp
channels. Nothing less. Nothing more. And take action on these facts,
leaving behind any further considerations and suppositions.

I did not intend to offend anybody here. If I did, I apologize in advance.

Peace to everyone.


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