At 04:35 PM 3/28/2002 -0800, Brad Velander wrote:
>After re-reading some of the previous messages again, it seems that some
>people may be trying to suggest that clicking and dragging a component pad
>is possible on a component within a PCB (not a library). Does anybody want
>to expound on this? I have tried to do this 50+ times and I cannot
>accomplish this feat.

I don't think it is possible *unless* primitives have been unlocked for 
that component.

For example, I just selected a pad on a component (by double-clicking on 
the pad and clicking the selection box), placed a free pad, selected it, 
and then moved the free pad. The footprint pad does not move. There is not 
even a warning, as there is if such a move will move a locked free pad.

In fact, after unlocking primitives for that component, and reselecting the 
pad (locking and unlocking seems to clear selections), still the pad did 
not move with a selected free pad. I'd rather get a warning and have the 
pad move.

I selected *another* pad on the same component and tried to move it. I 
could not drag it at all. An unselected component pad moved easily.

It appears that pad drag locks out all footprint pads, locked or unlocked. 
I found that a selected footprint pad could not be dragged at all. (by 
itself, the pad, of course, will move if the whole component is moved.)

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