Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-05-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Again, Im in favor of collapsing armor skills, not armor types. A couple of new armor skills have occurred to me though: in addition to armor guard that is your levels of protection, perhaps a wear it well skill that decreases the penalty on speed, and an armorer skill that reduces the likelihood of having armor/weapons break in combat, perhaps lowering the threshold percentage, or lowering the chance that it happens for each 75%- hit.One other thought, if youre attempting to come up with incentives to get people to cycle, then perhaps the game should be scaled so that 150 is a more powerful level, and that benefits after that become smaller. So for instance, the 0.45 multiplier for armor skills could be increased to, what would that be: 0.6, and the limit made 150 levels so that you get the same protection at the top end.The additional skills are along the lines of the new critical and extended skills that hark back to an earlier version of s
 wamp where you had more control of damage vs. critical hits.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-05-07 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

To clarify, Im not talking about getting rid of different armor types. I like the balancing of protection vs. speed. What I want to do is meld the five armor skills into one that applies to every piece of armor you wear. I think the current system is needlessly complex and doesnt encourage players to go through the cycles, since its hard to achieve adequate protection.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-05-06 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I think those who are asking for an alternate method of getting titles need to consider that this is the first time there has been a mechanically driven reason to play hard core, which looks like its gotten quite a bit cooler with this update. That being the case, theres really no reason that Aprone should give an alternate path as it would defeat the purpose. Maybe once weve a cadre of privates, there will be other incentives added to increase in rank. And I guess I dont understand the reason to want to keep multi hundreds of level vs ranking, but then I have been a champion of hard core mode since before it came into existence.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-05-06 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I can confirm that from about the middle of the bridge west to the entrance on sub 2, the game was just crawling for me. Fortunately, the zombies were all on the other side of the river while I was trying to make a run for the west gate, but it must have taken me a minute and a half with my character set to running to make the west wall. I guess others have reported this too, and the same thing happening on map 5.What would people think if Aprone eliminated the armor sub-type skills and you had just a single armor skill that would work for any piece of armor you found? That sounds like a simple rebalancer.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-05-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I love what you have done with this update. It feels like youre finally getting closer to the balance people should want, with the maps getting more difficult with level requirements, and zombies scaling in difficulty and experience by map as well. And free-floating raiders, thats epic, particularly in SCS and hard core fortress sieges, which are also an excellent idea. Ill be looking forward to testing all of this tomorrow in normal and HC modes.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Two new releases from choiceofgames

2014-05-03 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Two new releases from choiceofgames

There is a buy it button on the front page of the games that you can play in the browser, which takes you through using a credit card to purchase the game. I played three games of Nola is Burning, all 12 chapters and was less impressed than I wanted to be, though for $1.99 I suppose it was relatively cheap dissatisfaction.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Two new releases from choiceofgames

2014-05-02 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Two new releases from choiceofgames

I just played through Nola is Burning in Firefox with no accessibility problems in Win 7. Sadly, this is a less well constructed game. Decision points change small details and text, but its difficult to get a very different story. This ones too linear, unlike, say Tin Star, where there really are many different story arcs you can follow.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-30 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Holy shit, thats a very cool development. How are rewards going to work for these missions?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-22 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I believe walking speed does increase with running speed. I know that with 30 points in speed and no armor, my character walks as fast as a starting character runs. Still not sure about the effectiveness of sneak/elusive though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Kerkerkruip 9 released

2014-04-16 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Kerkerkruip 9 released

Now a game play comment. Have you considered giving a damage bonus for beating the defense rating by a sufficient margin, say +1 damage for beating by 6 +1 per additional full three. Example: I roll a 20 and with other bonuses, I beat the defense rating by 15, Id score 4 extra damage? Seems this would make 20s more special. Of course theyd get to do that too which could ruin ones day.Is there a way to create items or monsters for the dungeon? Could such a construction be created? I do keep running into new items, but it would be fun to add some personal touches into my games.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-15 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I think zombie damage scales by 0.5%/level, not 0.25 as does zombie health.Rather than increase the base for armor skills, Id change the multiple from 0.45 to at least 0.75, which would render armor points 67% more effective, or put another way reduce the cost by 40%.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Kerkerkruip 9 released

2014-04-15 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Kerkerkruip 9 released

Informational: using Wingit with the following: … nvda-addon and NVDA makes game play very smooth. Im not getting any hyperlinks, but Ive not tried them yet. Text is read, and its only read once.One oddity, NVDAs virtual object navigation in laptop mode is affecdted, as the author of the addin seems to have hijacked some of those keystrokes. In practice it doesnt appear to be a problem.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Kerkerkruip 9 released

2014-04-14 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Kerkerkruip 9 released

Ok, got it running. I seem to remember that there was a command to add everything into the game rather than wait to add new creatures for victorious play.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Kerkerkruip 9 released

2014-04-14 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Kerkerkruip 9 released

Ok, got it running. I seem to remember that there was a way to unlock all the creatures and items in the game. What was this?And by the way, holy crap that angel Israfell is a tough SOB.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Kerkerkruip 9 released

2014-04-13 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Kerkerkruip 9 released

I am confused. Im running Win 7/64 with NVDA 2014.1. I downloaded the windows installer and ran it apparently successfully. However, if I run kerkerkruip Im getting a blank screen with your name as the title but I am unable to interact at all with it. Did I misunderstand and think that the interpreter was included in the install? If I need to install something separate, where do I get it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Would it be possible to allow normal and HC players to cooperate on missions? You would gain the reward in rep or food as also the cost as appropriate. I cant think of a good reason not to do this unless it would be difficult to code.Aprone, could you give us some idea how sneak/elusive work in numerical terms, or at least qualitatively? I havent figured out whether they are working at all as there is no objective way I can think of to test them. How effective are they in relation to bloody clothes, does 1 point in sneak or elusive counter 1 bloody clothes?I think the idea of usage-based skill points has a lot of merit. In an environment where weapon breakage is a hell of a lot more common, one is punished for too much specialization, and there would be a survival advantage in using multiple weapons for that reason. Id favor a non-linear scale so that you gain the first few points quickly and over time the points 
 scale down. For weapons, base it on hits. For armor, base it on being hit. For sneak, base it on steps in walking mode. For scavenger, base it on items donated. Lets see, what am I missing. Oh yes, big kit/recovery, hmmm, base recovery on the number of times you use your kit to heal someone else, or perhaps big kit for that and recovery for normal uses. As for levelling, allow the points as normal, and resets that dont affect the skill points gained through usage, which you should be able to see when you view your character. Id favor a slower degradation curve, based on time in play since you last used the skill in question. Use of a weapon would give a boost to the weapon and a smaller boost to the weapon group.This would be useful in particular to HC characters, who are often stuck for the weapons they have to use. It will also give the low level characters a bit of a kick, since they will be gain
 ing usage points during the time when zombie difficulty is flat or only slightly ramped up. If, due to usage, an 8th level character could have a freeby of +20 to _30% with pistols, it would give them an advantage to counter the increase in difficulty and the relative ineffectiveness of armor. It would also give them a bonus for wearing the low and very low armors they can usually find. It wouldnt solve the speed problem, for which I cant think of a good way to do experience-based points. This might be one you simply have to buy over time.Finding the appropriate reward for usage would be the balancing act. Too much and you nerf the game, too little and youre where we are now. But I think its worth the experimentation if it can be done.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Time of conflict 2.0 major upgrade!

2014-04-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Time of conflict 2.0  major upgrade!

I participated in the early beta testing for this upgrade. I can say without hesitation that for the gamer interested in strategic simulation, this game is a must. The capabilities of the map and unit creation tools allow for scenarios as different as a World War II strategic campaign, a squad-level tactical action, a Wooden Ships and Iron Men battle from the Age of Sail, a Star Fleet Battles game and, something Ive been working on a Middle-Earth series. I have not tested the multi-player features as of yet, since my interest is more in simulation design, but I know they have been given a very thorough going over by dedicated testers.This update is four plus years in the making. I am entitled to a free copy as a tester, but will be purchasing a full license as a token of respect for David Greenwood. I urge anyone in my situation who can do this to break down and spend the $35, a small price for a game with infinite replayability.Fo
 r those who have not played the game, fair warning, this game is not for the casual gamer. It requires practice, and rewards time spent, but will at first be bewildering in complexity. It is well worth it in the end.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-09 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

One problem for HC is that it is designed around clan membership, which puts those of us who havent been invited to be in a clan in a space where I havent had the interest in playing TheMadViolinist my HC character. I think titles are going to have to have something more than bragging rights associated with them to be a significant draw. I dont hear a clamor among non-hc players to gain them. Titled characters could perhaps be allowed to trade from the git-go. AFter all, doing a cycle shows your skill as youve gained 300 levels, 150 of them as an HC. This wouldnt be much of a draw for a high level standard player since they can already trade, but might give a little assist to people trying to run the cycles.I cant really think of mechanical benefits to titles other than access to starting certain kinds of missions. I can already hear the howl of resistance to that suggestion.Going back to 
 HC, one reason its hard to get clanned if you arent is the small number of HC players at any given moment.Ok, this was going to be a lot more thoughtful, but I apparently have a brain made of dandelion fluff at the moment. These are hard problems to solve. Aprone, perhaps you could give us some design thoughts about what your intentions were with HC and the new changes youve made and we can give you specific feedback about how the intentions are or are not being met. Gods on a stick, Id like to be a lot better at asking good questions right now, but youll all just have to muddle through.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-06 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Thoughts on trading: I think maybe 80 is too high a level. I dont know what the distribution of characters vs. levels is, but we do want to promote more low level characters rather than a clump of higher level ones. Maybe drop the minimum level to 40, which is, if I remember correctly the minimum for map 4?For balance, Id like to see a limit placed on receiving items in a 24 hour period. Theres an awful lot of trading chatter as it is, and Im not sure the purpose should be to enable players to, for instance, gather an entire suit of a given type of armor. Maybe put a limit of receiving three items in a 24-hour period. This will also make it more difficult for the newly enabled lower level traders to get by on the generosity or otherwise of the high level players.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Has anything happened to change the way weapon switching works? Ive noticed more occasions where it feels like theres more lag when switching weapons, something that has resulted in several deaths for players by reports I hear.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-04 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

re: Welshweyrs suggestions: are you currently vulnerable when in the armor menu outside the safe zone? Having to go to the safe zone for resets is how it is now, isnt it? Its on the sz menu. How would this be a check on unlimited resets. Now, if you had to go somewhere other than the safe zone and were vulnerable while assigning points, then unlimited resets might be ok.Im looking very approvingly at Musicmans 11,872 post. I think the sort of communal help we want to foster is not served by a trading system, but would perhaps be better served by a new mission type, an apprenticeship. In return for making sure that a low level player stayed alive, you would get extra experience/rep that would build the longer you managed it.I think client syncing is good enough to handle this. Since low level players can find fuel, they would put up a mission and anyone could act as their protector. The reward woul
 d scale down from its peak for a level 1 character to some maximum, like a level 20 or something like that. The mission would work either on the main maps or on mission maps and would end if the original mission person died. The protector would receive an item that would autotrack the person to be protected. The protector would turn this item in to gain the reputation reward, though if the protectee died, the reward would be much lower.How doable would this be, and would it have the effect Im going for?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-03 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

So, if we made innocence twice as powerful, then essentially youre back to the problem of high level players outgrowing the difficulty of the game, only at half the former rate. And since zombies dont start scaling up until level 10, youd actually end up spending 58 points instead of 63. And since at least for me, weapons skills are a very small amount of what Ive spent points on, the fact that weapons would be returned to their full effectiveness for slightly less than half my points would actually give me fewer points to spend on other stuff.I see the problem; its difficult to predict what weapons to upgrade, especially given that death has become a lot more common. I guess Im weird in not finding that as problematic as other players do. I think that the 24-hour reset is the best compromise Ive heard to address the problem without nerfing the game too much. I for one feel like this is more like the br
 utal game Ive always advocated for, and that hard core tried to make but somehow has missed thus far.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-04-02 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I wonder if it would be possible to completely replace the skill system with one solely based on usage? Advantage, this would permit customization by usage. Disadvantage: it would be difficult to change your character quickly, which I might like but others might not.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-31 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Lots to respond to.The trading ideas are way too complicated for my taste, not that I wont use them if Aprone implements them. I prefer Quasars very elegant and simple suggestion of donating items to safe zones where you cant usually buy them and having the server track the number of such items donated, like M16s on map 1. The rep reward for donating these items should be much larger than for the standard purchasable items.Now, this might create a small issue with people going to say SZ3, and purchasing say, combat boots there and donating them to map 2. As combat boots are purchasable on map 3, there should be no reputation premium. An AA12 on the other hand should receive a small premium on map 3, larger on map 2, even larger on map 1. Assume that the premium increases as the difference between map level you can find it on and map level you can donate it to increases. With premiums only being awarded for items y
 ou cant purchase, the number of such donations will be limited.The system that prevents you from looting multiples of the same weapon would have to be changed to permit the acquisition of more than one of a given weapon type to make donation more plausible.Im not opposed to gifting, without limits. I think that the spam issue could be solved by simply requiring the gift to be acknowledged and preventing any gifts while a gift offer is pending.Resets: 1 per 24 hours and additional costing 50,000 rep per reset, or maybe even 50,000 for the second, 100,000 for the third, etc. Getting caught with the wrong points assignment is part of the game, but getting stuck with it for days is not so fun.With weapon/armor breakage more common, it is more inportant to be able to carry multiples if desired. It also makes looting on all the maps more desirable since having two machetes is better than 1.Id actually take Quasar
 s suggestion a step further and limit items available for purchase to those donated plus a small trickle of standard supplies as time passes. This would give an incentive for players carrying around 4,000 5.56 rounds theyre not going to use to put them back into circulation so as others can use them, or so they could purchase them again upon a death. I suspect everyone will resist this, as it makes buying your way back from death harder, but if we permit any kind of trading system, it would be a good balancing system.For those who are worried about the difficulty of advancing at high levels, the game is really designed with a ceiling of 150 in mind now, at which point youre supposed to move from normal to HC or back and get your title. This being the case, Id like to see it possible if you have a high level for you to be able to move through multiple cycles and have the level = current level - 150. So, for instance, FlyByChow is I thi
 nk level 1006 as of the last time I heard. He could then advance to HC at level 856, then back to normal at 706 with the title Private. Another cycle would see him at 406 as a specialist, then 106 as a corporal, if I remember the ranks correctly. There should be a mechanical advantage to having titles,, but I cant think of what it could be, unless its extra skill points, like keeping 30 skill points per title. FlyByChow would have 90 extra skill points by this scheme.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-31 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I actually really love the idea of a large concentration of zombies morphing into a super-zombie that requires teamwork to take down. Thats friggin fantastic that is. Is synching good enough between clients to support something like that?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-30 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Id be against unlimited resets, only because it takes some consequences away from choices. Id be in favor of a once per 24 hours or level (whichever comes first) with subsequent resets costing an increasing amount of reputation. The current armor system works well for high level players, but for characters in the 50-100 range, its pretty harsh as zombie damage has risen quite a bit, but armor doesnt keep up without large investments in armor skills that preclude much else. Im going to try a 0 armor point configuration with speed and sneak high to see if I can avoid the need to spend so much on armor, but it will suck for missioning I suspect. Unless elusive is a hell of a lot more effective at high levels than I think, the warehouses are going to own my butt and everything else attached.As the person usually wanting things to be harder, I think that the low-level mission rewards havent scaled with the difficu
 lty. With high-ish level players dying on 20-crate missions which we could all solo last week, it may be that the rewards are too small. Its quite difficult to boot strap yourself to significant rep with missions now as any mission that gives a decent reward will absolutely kill the less well-equipped player.Now, it may be that we will get better and this phase will pass, and the 10-20 crate missions will become the province only of the lowest level players. If others think this is the case, Im content to continue learning.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-28 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

One thing to consider about armor, is that in one way, the numbers as presented are deceptive. The armor total gives you what is absorbed, so that the difference between 50% absorption and 60% absorption looks smaller than it actually is. Turn this around and say instead that instead of 50% damage getting through, 40% damage gets through a reduction of 20%, rather than the 10% that it might look like at first.An example might make this clearer. Over ten attacks, a character receives a total of 150 points of damage. When average absorbed = 50%, 50% are let through, so the player takes 75 points of damage. Ouch! With 60% absorption, only 40% of those points get through, and 40% of 150 = 60 points of damage. STill ouch, but quite a lot better.Note that this effect changes depending on where you start. If you were upgrading from 25% protection to 35%, damage received drops from 75% to 65%, which is only a 13.3% relative red
 uction. If upgrading from 60% to 70% protection, damage received drops from 40% to 30%, a 25% relative reduction.Lots of folk have been asking for help figuring out where to spend their skill points. The most efficient way of spending skill points is to have all your armor be of one type, so that the same points give bonuses to all pieces. In practice however, it may be advantageous to spend points based on what pieces you choose to wear and their locations. Chest and legs between them cover 45% of the body, so points spent here will have more effect than elsewhere, unless the rest of your body is covered by a different armor type. If you have medium chest and legs, and low head and feet for instance, spend the points on medium as they will cover 45% instead of 27% and thus be more effective. Another note: for any given piece of armor, it requires 33.... points of skill in that armor type for that piece of armor to be as effectiv
 e as the next highest armor type. 33.33 = 15/0.45 = number of points to produce 15 points of effectiveness before the location multiplication. So, if you have 50 points in low and 10 in medium, low armor is actually more effective for protection. Example: work jeans: low protection 35 to 40%+50 skill points*0.45*0.2 leg multiple = 35 to 40 +22.5 = 57.5 to 62.5 *0.2 = 11.5 to 12.5% protection. Plastic shin pads medium protection = 50 to 55%+10 skill points*0.45* 0.2 leg multiple = 54.5 to 59.5*0.2 = 10.9 to 11.9% effect. Not much difference, 0.6%, but the work jeans slow you down a lot less.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-28 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Talking of bloody clothes, what is the relationship between points in sneak vs. number of bloody clothes? Is it a 1 for 1 deal, so 5 bloody clothes would cancel out 5 in sneak? What about elusive, and is elusive working correctly?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-26 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Confused. I created my account and downloaded the 3.2 version from the first post. I ran it, set my user name and went to multi-player. It asked me for my gamer password, which I entered. I appeared to log in successfully, but got a message about not running the same version as the server. Are you still updating the server side so the game is not yet technically live?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-26 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

It feels like things have gotten decidedly deadlier. Im taking a lot more damage per hit with the same armor than before the update. Has armor been reduced in effectiveness, or damage increased, or have the level-based increases for zombies become effective when they werent before? With a nearly full suit of medium armor, Im losing 5 to 10% per hit. Now, I didnt have a ton of points in medium armor because I didnt know how armor skills worked, but by comparison, I was losing decimal percentages per hit before. Now I am down in breakable territory with four hits.Note, Im not complaining, just puzzled why the change was so dramatic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-26 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

There appears to be an intermittent bug where missions are not actually created when you hit enter on the mission choice.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-26 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

So can you splain something to me? I participated in a 35 camping with four other people. The mission reward as stated in the lead mission is 14,000 exp and 42,000 reputation. Yet somehow at the end, I got 10K experience and 13,500 rep. I cannot make this math work out.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-25 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

There are a number of new commands in the keyconfig coming. I have customized my own keyconfig file quite extensively. Will the new version tack the new commands on the end of an existing file, or am I going to have to redo my customizations?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-25 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

re: 11562, well played sir, got a thumb from me for that description, which would also serve to distinguish public from private functions when teaching object oriented programming.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-25 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Themadviolinist did Long Tom voice 21 and Sergeant Ice voice 50.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-24 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Aw, I read Aprones name on post 11500 and got all excited.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-24 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I also think that sponsorship messages should stay. After all, those who donated did so with no expectation that you would be moving to a pay system. They did so out of the conviction that it was a good thing to do.I have been wondering about the usefulness of the guns under the assault rifle category. The bigger guns are good for sweeping a lot of zombies away. The smaller guns are good for dealing with small groups, and with the bump in rep/xp for using the sport rifles, and the clothing making them and the Browning faster to use, these have a purpose. Frankly the AR15 and its cousins seem to be the redheaded stepchildren, too loud to use in close quarters, not sufficiently deadly to justify their loudness and with no cool tweaks. (Note that Ive not have the opportunity to use a bayonet on the m16 and the AK47, so I dont know how special this is, but the others dont have even this.) Can anyone suggest to me the r
 easons why one would ever use one of the assault rifle class weapons, except in HC mode where you use everything you get?Also, Id like to put a thought out there. There may be reasons why a player might not wish to have his/her identity spread across Swamp when they log in/out, particularly with the friends feature and multiple characters. I can construct a scenario where a player wishes to play under multiple IDs because perhaps one has been the target of harassment or malicious amusement by others. That player may not wish to have the linkage drawn between multiple characters with the friends feature. This should perhaps be an option given to each player on the main menu to toggle on or off multiple character identification through the friends feature, or at least give players a /block command that prevents another player from friending the first player, like FB has.Sorry, I know this is a feature request late in the game, and its 
 probably not high enough priority to delay the release, but if it can be handled server side without the need for a new client, Id urge you to consider it soon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-24 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I also think that sponsorship messages should stay. After all, those who donated did so with no expectation that you would be moving to a pay system. They did so out of the conviction that it was a good thing to do.Clarification about mission rep rewards: If I read things correctly, the standard rep reward for a mission would have the amount of reputation/food given by all players added to it. If I understand this correctly, for example, a mission with a 10,000 rep reward that four players sign up for would have an actual rep reward of 14,000 if the cost were 1,000 to join. In principle, this prevents missions from ever being a net loss. Does the reward remain if not all participants survive? In other words in my previous example, if one player dies during the mission, do the remaining three still divide 14,000 or do they divide 13,000? Does the mission initiator count toward the reward total; would a solo in the above situati
 on be worth 11,000 or 10,000? Does this increase the incentive to recruit lots of players, then kick some off for the increased reward? Of course that incentive exists now and Im not opposed to the way this works, just curious about your game design decision process.I have been wondering about the usefulness of the guns under the assault rifle category. The bigger guns are good for sweeping a lot of zombies away. The smaller guns are good for dealing with small groups, and with the bump in rep/xp for using the sport rifles, and the clothing making them and the Browning faster to use, these have a purpose. Frankly the AR15 and its cousins seem to be the redheaded stepchildren, too loud to use in close quarters, not sufficiently deadly to justify their loudness and with no cool tweaks. (Note that Ive not have the opportunity to use a bayonet on the m16 and the AK47, so I dont know how special this is, but the others dont have
  even this.) Can anyone suggest to me the reasons why one would ever use one of the assault rifle class weapons, except in HC mode where you use everything you get?A more general question. Since weapons dont break, and points are resettable every level, is there any reason to hold on to or use multiple weapons of a given class? With shotguns, I can now see the special usefulness of the browning, along with its greater damage but smaller capacity, it has a better scatter mode. But for most classes, I cant see ever using anything but the best weapon in class you have. People are going to hate me, but I think Id like to see weapon destruction return, perhaps the same way armor works, with a small chance of damaging the weapon and a higher chance if you go below 75%.finally, Id like to put a thought out there. There may be reasons why a player might not wish to have his/her identity spread across Swamp when they lo
 g in/out, particularly with the friends feature and multiple characters. I can construct a scenario where a player wishes to play under multiple IDs because perhaps one has been the target of harassment or malicious amusement by others. That player may not wish to have the linkage drawn between multiple characters with the friends feature. This should perhaps be an option given to each player on the main menu to toggle on or off multiple character identification through the friends feature, or at least give players a /block command that prevents another player from friending the first player, like FB has.Sorry, I know this is a feature request late in the game, and its probably not high enough priority to delay the release, but if it can be handled server side without the need for a new client, Id urge you to consider it soon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-23 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

How about a change log so we can see what were waiting for? I think the collective sanity level is dropping quickly as anticipation eats the higher reasoning centers of Swamp players everywhere.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-23 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Holy shit Aprone and no apologies for the profanity. Youve been a busy little beaver, so busy that I think youve missed a math-o in the armor. Your locations list total 103%. Is that intentional? And, will you explain a little more about how the armor percentage works? Lets say I have chest armor medium and 20 points in the appropriate skill (one-man army I think) Does this mean that the damage is reduced by a factor of from 70% to 75% (the 50 to 55 for medium armor plus my 20 points? Is this a reduction in the amount or the chance that no damage occurs? This is important for figuring out an armor strategy.I love the new clothing items and the choice they impose between protection and faster offense. Am I going to wear the quiver or the football shoulder pads, a decision that might change between long bow and short bow. I love the innocents skill; thats a fabulous way of giving players the o
 ption to reduce the effects of leveling. I love being able to type in skill point numbers when doing a reset.I raise a dram of McCallans 25 year-old whiskey to your industriousness, and the moment accounts are open Ill be purchasing one.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-23 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Are the effects of multiple special armors, i.e. overalls, reflective vests, etc cumulative? In other words, how much is it possible to speed up loading for the Browning and sport rifles? By the way, nice touch on making those weapons more relevant.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-23 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Ah Alex, well done. I was puzzling about the over 100% protection, and you solved my mystery with the special non-protective items. Good catch my friend.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-22 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

The reality is that most people buying accounts from that page will have been here or elsewhere on the forum and will know you are actually annoyingly humble and will think I wrote it if they didnt see Alexs original. And yeah, that was friggin awesome, very Tolkienesque with the hackers being Melkor.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-14 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Step back for a moment. The phenomenon of resistance to paying for something that has been free is most definitely not limited to Swamp players or even blind/VI folk. The internets are filled with people who, when confronted with paying for something that has been free, go into full-on freak-out, I am entitled to everything mode. And theyre often complaining about things that are of less service than this silly game is to all of us.Those who are prevented by where they live, thats a much harder issue and we should do what we can to provide them the choice to pay somehow. Hey Aprone, do you take Bit Coins?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Dateline New York, October 29 2016The United Nations Security Council met again in a tense closed session concerning the groundswell of unrest among the worlds blind gamers concerning issues surrounding an audio game called Swamp, released by famous game developer Jeremy Kaldobsky, AKA Aprone, a name that has far eclipsed Satoshi in internet significance. Thousands of protesters surrounded the UN compound, continuing a three month siege over difficulties in international currency exchange that have prevented many gamers from access to this phenomenon of a game. It is impossible to overstate the significance of this problem, United States UN Ambassador Samantha Power said in a press conference before the beginning of the Security Council meeting. We have seen governments in seven countries overturned, massive fluctuations in national and internet currencies and a growth in instability over the entire international scene.
 Powers is referring to ongoing naval tensions between China and several US allies in the western Pacific that were originally concerned with territorial issues, but were revived when China declared Swamp a grave threat to national security and took steps to block it with the so-called Great Firewall of China. This provoked massive demonstrations from the Chinese blind gaming community, which were taken by the government in Beijing as proof of the validity of their charges. China accused Kaldobsky, and an as yet not outed British national who goes by the pseudonym of Dark as American spies and provocateurs, seeking to foment instability in pursuit of commercial advantage.In March of 2014, Kaldobsky, a programmer and well-thought-of developer of audio games announced that, due to massive hacking efforts, possibly underwritten by foreign governments, he was forced to charge an entirely nominal fee to discourage the hackers. While 
 he received almost unqualified support from the then relatively small community of players, certain problems of international finance began to rise as players from parts of the world that are less well connected to the US-led western financial system found it difficult or impossible to actually make the payments. There were others for whom what would seem a nominal sum in the west actually constituted a significant portion of monthly or yearly income.And things snowballed from there. Demands for higher living standards and a living wage for all began sweeping the world. A movement to make full employment of those with disabilities mandatory, begun in Denmark achieved a sudden and wholly unexpected viral status and became world-wide. Governments in France, Germany, Saudi Arabia and in several southeast Asian nations fell under the weight of the popular demand for full employment and international currency reform.So where is Swamp today? It 
 is running on hardened systems in Fort Meade in Maryland, coindciding with the headquarters for the National Security Agency, further fueling speculation that the entire affair was a US psychological warfare operation against growing rivals in the information warfare battle space. It is said that these servers have the capacity to run 2 million concurrent swamp connections, at the cost of injecting sophisticated, distributed malware onto each client computer, allowing the NSA to further its total information strategy. Kaldobsky has disappeared, last seen in Homg Kong, where he released his long-awaited $59 braille display. A spokesperson familiar with US security policy was unwilling to comment upon any connection between Mr. Kaldobskys apparent flight from the United States and the worldwide turmoil that has surrounded his game for the last nineteen months.Presidential candidates Rand Paul and Hilary Clinton have both devoted extensive time in their c
 ampaign material and speeches to addressing Swampgate. Paul has characterized it as a tool of encroaching socialism, while Clinton has whole-heartedly endorsed the protests, without actually stating any policy initiatives that would result in a Clinton administration from such support. With the US Presidential elections less than a week away, it is clear that both candidates are using Swamp as a rallying call to their respective bases. What is unclear is whether there will be any change in a US policy that both candidates have declared unfocussed and impotent.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Thank you for the kind words. No, I am not a journalist, though Ive considered it as a future career. I do read and listen to a lot of news, which is the style I was going for.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Small bug I just noticed. I cannot set the Marlin as one of my favorite weapons. I dont know whether this depends on having any other sport rifles as Ive not tried it with only the Marlin.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

This is excellent news and I will be purchasing a gamer account the moment they are live.Im sorry that it has required the unwinnable war against the cheater scum to get you to take a little something for yourself. I know that this is not intended to be an income source, but a deterrent. Still, it will please me to contribute to your ongoing development efforts. Ive bought nearly everything David Greenwood produced, and given Chee money. I have no problem with doing the same for you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-03-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hmmm, didnt seem all that hard after the first few moments. Without variable radius turns, there is a lot less interest than would be created between that grand, sweeping 180 and that ridiculously tight hairpin that wants you to slow down even before the curve starts to avoid damage. I wonder how many people still use keyboard control at this point?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-03-01 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Ok, just purchased the game and have played a lot of it in the last eighteen hours. My wife is grumbling at me, which is of course your fault Chee. I have some questions.Will it be possible to race more than one AI opponent? A match race is only so interesting.Related: in multi-player mode, will it be possible to race more than one opponent simultaneously?For track design, it would be cool to have an additional variable on curves that influences the rate at which the optimal lean needs to change, simulating curves with different radii. A 180 turn could be excellent if you had to slam the lean over. As it is now, the change is rather slow even at the highest speeds.Having to hit the arrow keys to refuel is fiddly and requires odd movements, either taking my hand off the mouse or the status keys. Id rather have an automated fueling procedure with beeps every hundred pounds until full. As it is, my pit stops 
 are killing me.Art does not appear to make use of power-ups when they are available. In aprticular, I designed a long track with a fuel power-up about half way through the lap. I almost never have to pit now that Ive mastered picking up the fuel power-up, whereas ARt is having to pit every three or so laps on my track. I would think that at higher difficulty levels (Im playing on pro) that ARt would be able to use the power-ups more intelligently.On tag race mode, I am getting numerous messages that the game is not responding, even while it is in fact playing. This happens frequently between tag rounds, though not during normal races.This is a cool racing game. Like I said its causing marital friction, which is a fantastic indicator of a games play value.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Tin Star an Old West adventure released for ios/android

2014-02-27 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Tin Star an Old West adventure released for ios/android

re: chapter 4, being a good rifle shot might help.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-02-27 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I am the proud recipient of a black Swamp shirt as of today. My wife, bless her, took one look at it, kissed me fondly and called me a loon. I can live with this outcome.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Tin Star an Old West adventure released for ios/android

2014-02-22 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Tin Star an Old West adventure released for ios/android

I got eaten by a bloody grizzly bear! Beware, this game is a little more lethal than some of the choiceofgames fare.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-02-13 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hey Aprone, not sure if youre working on this, but the dynamic maps in missions seem to be broken. No broken windows and the fire in the processing warehouse isnt expanding as it did, making missions far too easy.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-02-11 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Oh Aprone, what have you done. All this talk of new stuff in a forthcoming update has everyone, even me included salivating for new features. You just extended Swamps life another two years. If youre ever near Pentwater in west Michigan, come over and Ill give you some fine whiskey to comfort you.So heres my wish list.Skill resetting is tedious, especially if I only want to tweak a few things. I also think its too powerful. Rather than zeroing out all the skills, Id like to see you able to remove points from individual skills and reassign them. If you felt so inclined, you could impose a limit for each once a level reset of five skill points, or a percentage of the player level that could be moved around. That would please me, but probably few others and is a separate issue. Id also like to have an update each time I delete a skill point or assign a skill point as to the 
 number of points I have unassigned. Doing this would make it easier for someone like our fluffy four-digit level friend to move his skill points around without the daunting prospect of having to reassign hundreds of points.Finally, Im fine with reducing mission rewards, but it feels like some are out of balance. I dont know what it is, but the small warehouse has become a lot less dangerous except on the extreme missions. Im not sure the strip mall missions arent too low reward in comparison. I know that in playing again over the last few days, Ive never seen a strip mall mission put up, whereas everyone and their amoebic-dysentery-riddled uncles are putting up 35-crate camping supply missions. I think its because the 35-crate strip mall mission is worth 25% less than the 35-crate camping supplies mission for a lot more risk.Finally, Id love to see the weapons system revamped so that you hav
 e four weapons slots that you can only configure in a safe zone, like armor. Each expedition out you have to choose four of your weapons to feature. Note that four is an arbitrary number, but probably reasonable; Id be fine with three, but more than four would defeat the purpose. I think this would encourage some interesting choices, even for people who have tons of weaponry, and would actually make it easier to deal with multiple weapons of a given type.Did I say finally? I lied. Rather than getting rid of specific weapons skills, Id like to get rid of the class skills and allow points in a given weapon to have a reduced effect on weapons of that type. So, if I put points into the Glock 17, allow all pistols to benefit a certain amount, though much less than with the 17. Honestly, I cant make a justification for spending any points in class skills since the benefit of weapon-specific skills is so much higher and wit
 h weapons not breaking anymore, theres no risk of getting caught without your preferred weapon unless you die.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-02-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hey, does anyone have the guide to what weapons and armor are found on which map? I seem to have lost my copy.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Actually, giving the computer resources to spend would be a nice way to do difficulty levels for the endless games.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Re: my previous post, remember how Swamp started?Re: this game, it would be cool if the list of available units to hire could be changed to reflect your current resources, so that units you cant afford to hire would not show up on it. its a bit tedious to go through a list of things you cant afford. Or perhaps, have this be an option, so you can see what to plan for, but can also choose to only look at the units you have the option to hire.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-04 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Circa December 2015: post 9642 on the Community Feud topic:From a whining player:Aprone: why is it that when we invoke the four-dimensional matrix inverter to alter the battlefield that the 32-bit .wav sounds stop working? I was really looking forward to being able to use the live market place to purchase that extra gremlin unit from the auction, but due to some cheating player, I was never able to get my bid in fast enough. These damned hackers need to be spanked.Oh, and my friend xyzzy got banned for no reasons we can come up with; just because he was passing around a decompiled version of your code through a Linked In page, trying to use it to get a job, even though hes only twelve and socially irredeemably lame.Oh, and when are you going to add in the quantum tunneling feature for defensive units? And hey, wheres map 9 and the sewer connections between map 9 and 10? And why cant we have special weapons for ou
 r characters, and a hard core mode that includes the Black Death?!. . .Beware Aprone, you know not what you are doing my son.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-23 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Butter cream!  Yuck!I want to take issue with the idea that Swamp began dying when Aprone started taking player suggestions. His engagement with the community is one of the strongest reasons why Aprones games have been some of the best in our community. I saw the death of Swamp coming early this last spring, you can find my post urging him to kill Swamp then. Im sorry, both that I was right and that he has spent even more of his emotional energy trying to keep it going. Id say shut it down and conserve your power, and hardware for the next endeavors, but thats just me.So, a new game that isnt the RPG project? I hadnt heard there was yet another project in the works. Im looking forward to this with the same excitement I was looking forward to hard core mode.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-09 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

So, Im looking for a clan to join in HC. If your clan has space and you see that themadviolinist is on line, please consider allowing me to join. Its very lonely out there.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Vendetta: Rise of a Gangster (This is not a browser Mafia clone)

2013-10-20 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Vendetta: Rise of a Gangster (This is not a browser Mafia clone)

I got a demo message just after beginning Chapter 2 and it didnt seem like I could go on from there, though perhaps I just missed it. I had successfully bought another business, home and gotten more respectfully dressed up.The writing is compelling, and I actually felt quite a lot of suspense after hitting next on a few of my choices. Im really looking forward to this game coming to fruition.I can also heartily recommend Choice of Zombies, which was one of the most compelling experiences of a text-based game Id ever had, in several play-throughs with different choices. I came damned close to surviving in that one and the eventual loss was heartbreaking.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-25 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Where to begin?Ok, it never does harm to tell someone you appreciate them. Aprone/Jeremy, youve taken all of us on a wild ride, one that even you didnt plan two years back. There have been passionate disagreements, annoying glitches, design decisions I didnt necessarily agree with. . . and there has grown up a magical, fantastic thing, an emergent phemonenon, the creation of a community where none existed before, a community that spans nations, time zones and cultural assumptions to a degree never seen before in the audio games world.Sure, the game was a smashing success, taking our technology to new places and setting a new minimum expectation for anyone whos going to call themselves a bad ass developer. Many people have spent countless (or large but countable hours at any rate) gaming in ways that come damned close to my understanding of how sighted gamers do it. No one has come so close yet, even David Greenwood, my 
 former favorite dev.But the community is the most important part of what has come out of it. Swamp is, lets be real here, a game, a pleasant way to pass some time, or perhaps a harmless way to get out the aggressions of the day, or the month or a life spent dealing with shit that just aint fair, and aint gonna get any fairer in our lifetimes. So it was nice to take careful aim and bulls-eye a deadhead across the river, or unlimber the Vulcan and unleash mayhem.But its a game people. Its just not worth that much agony in and of itself. The community grew up around the game. If the game goes away, the community still exists, if its members make the effort to make that happen. Is it what we want? No not so much; Id be sad to see Swamp go away. But is it the end of our lives? No, it isnt. If youve made friends on Swamp, figure out who they are, where they are and use
  any of the three gazillion other methods of communication that modern life gives you access to to maintain those friendships. Be inspired to write some fiction of your own, in English or your language of comfort. Reach out to people in trouble that you met through this game and help them out if you can. At least offer them the comfort of knowing that somebody gives a damn.But can we please put away the inflamed rhetoric about not giving up the fight? What fight? How precisely do you intend to fight? Ok, if youre a programmer with ideas how to defeat the pond scum, then by all means contribute them to Jeremy or another developer to put off the day when this happens to another project, or to this one again. Sure, if theres a new test server and Aprone adopts the sensible strategy of employing only private testers, and you happen to be one, then by all means, test the hell out of it, do your best to b
 reak it, including finding new ways to cheat, while keeping him fully informed along the way.But really? Were not giving up the fight? What does that even mean? If it means that we are going to make conscious efforts to maintain those friendships that we all say are so important, than that is an amazing bit of goodness to come out of this. The problem here is not technology, its culture. Those whove pointed out that Swamp isnt the problem are absolutely right. And by the way, its not just blind folk, (and theres no way to prove that the wankers are even blind,) this sort of thing does in fact happen to other projects, both games and otherwise. there is no technological fix, at least over the long term. Very large businesses such as Symantec make their living based on the knowledge that any defensive measure you can take is of impermanent use. The only way to be fully secure on lin
 e is to not be on line at all.Coming back to you Jeremy, Ive been a fan boy/gadfly/thrilled player of yours since at least the Lunimals days. I have appreciated your willingness to engage with us right the way along. I have appreciated the clarity with which you explain design decisions and assumptions. I have appreciated your openness to user ideas. I have the sense of you as a standup guy. I donated to you out of that appreciation, rather than to keep any specific server up. I will not feel that donation was in vain, even should this be it for Swamp, or for all your game development for our community. And should you ever find yourself near Pentwater MI, please let me know youre coming and Ill gladly have you and any family you have over to dinner, where I will raise a toast of hand-crafted, lovingly made homebrew to your efforts. Id like to do that for you as a token of appreciation, from one craf
 tsman to another.Do what you need to do, like I said six months ago or so. If you need to walk away, then walk. But keep in touch if you can, as others have said, you have many fans, and a lot of us would be your friends for true, given the opportunity. And a friend supports a friend when that friend has to make hard choices. Id say youve earned that in spades, from me and from everyone else here, whether they are 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-14 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Still getting runtime error 35761 when I try to log on.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sengoku Jidai version 2.4

2013-09-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Sengoku Jidai version 2.4

Yes, if you used the compile to release version, you wont get line numbers.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-19 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Some thoughts about paying to play:Aprone, please be careful about deciding whether or not to do this. Chow and others have talked around the end of one very important issue. If I am playing a free game, i have no right to bitch if your schedule gets hairy and you cant fix a particular problem. Even if I donate, as I have done, I do so for love of the game and in appreciation for your crazy amount of work and patience.The moment you ask for a subscription, even if its optional and not required to play, and the moment I click the submit button on the Paypal form or whatever, I just became your customer, which, no matter what good will I do that with, gives me very different expectations. I expect the game to be maintained for a substantial length of time after my subscription. I expect that you will prioritize development and bug squashing time for efforts that have customers to maximize the value of my purchase. I expect 
 good, up to date documentation that changes with every version update to reflect new realities. I expect ongoing development of content and play modes. I expect to be secure in my payments, so that no one can use the game as a highway to any of my financial information.Let me be clear, I am not trying to be an asshole, or demanding any of these things. Ive been here from the shacks days and know the history of the game as well as most. I understand that you have a life other than this development.But when you become someone from whom I am purchasing a service, you leave the realm of the ultra-cool developer dude who is pushing the envelope, trying to innovate on several different fronts all at once. You become another service/product provider, and while I hold much good will for you, much as I do for local business people whom I know and whom I am willing to cut slack if life events I know about make doing business with them harder, th
 ere are still different limits.I do not think i am particularly odd in this respect, at least with that segment of the game playing population who support themselves and spend every day making decisions about budgeting, product/service purchases and the like. I hope you know that if you ever come over to the west side of Michigan, I expect you to stop by for a homebrew and some excellent food and music, and to hear my eight-year-old talk about me playing Swamp, something that would still be true even if I am your customer, rather than your fan. But it will at least subtly change the relationship you have with everyone, paid players and non-paying ones alike.I want you to get something for doing this. My donation shows that, and I hope that others do the same at the level that fits their budgets. Id love to coordinate the fund raising campaign that gets you initial seed funding to do something incredible and disruptive to break open the stale
  world of access tech development. If you implement a subscription model for this or any other game, know that Ill sign up, whether or not I play the game, because you deserve support.But it wont be the same. Be sure you are all right with that before going down that road.And yall, if youre so damned hot to trot to implement a pay model, then in the name of bleeding Jesus, or by the hoary beard of Odin, or by the sweet thighs of Aphrodite, or by the brain of Hawking, just go and bloody donate to this man. Put your wallet where your cursor is and show him some green love. He has more than earned it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I think you are all thinking about this from the wrong perspective. Forgive my French, but fuck what the hacker(s) want(s) or not. Swamp has become a diseased limb in terms of its effects on Aprones time and resources. Its time my friends, let Swamp go and look forward to something better, with better security baked in from the git-go. Will it be perfect, perhaps not. But a game that was never intended as anything but a small Halloween project has had a nearly two year run. Now its costing development time on new projects, such as the headsets, the RPG, and probably the most important, the braille display. I for one am happy to raise a glass to the euthanasia of Swamp and move on.Now, in fairness, i dont play much anymore, and havent had nearly the investment in the game since the announcement of the end of official development, since other than bug fixes, there was nothing new to look forward to. 
 My perspective is certainly not then the perspective of people who still play and love the game in its current state. I acknowledge that were Aprone to take it down for good, it would be a wrench to a lot of people, and I cannot judge for Aprone the value of that v. the lost value in the development of other projects. But as for me, I say take it down, and have an application process for the next one that allows Aprone to connect players of this game with future players so that malefactors can be banned before they even get in.URL:

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