Re: Usando frames no cake

2008-01-23 Thread Michael Mafort
Vlw, não deu certo, mas já arrumei outra forma de fazer. (consegui
implementar sem frames)

Em 22/01/08, TSassara [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Se você quer colocar essa barra de parceiros em todas as paginas do
 basta coloca-lo em um layout diferente dentro da pasta views/layouts/

 você cria um layout que contem os frames e cria outro layout que exibe
 apenas o conteudo.

 no seu controller Home vc define o layout que tiver a declaração dos
 $this-layout = frames.thmtl;

 Nos outros controles é só mudar o layout para o que não possui os
 $this-layout = default.thmtl;

 Se vc usar o mesmo layout, o que provavelmente deve acontecer é uma
 chamada dentro da outra não é?

 On 22 jan, 14:45, Michael Mafort [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Boa tarde, padeiros.
  Gostaria de saber se alguém já precisou utilizar frames (frameset) em
  algum projeto no cakephp, pois preciso colocar uma barra horizontal de
  cliente e só posso inseri-la através de um frame, pois é padrão da
 empresa e
  não posso alterar. Alguem saberia me dizer como proceder para inserir um
  frame como layout e inserir na parte inferior um outro layout para o
  Acho que confundi um pouco o que estou dizendo, mas é o seguinte.
  Tenho o layout client.thtml e preciso inserir uma barra superir usando
  frameset, criei o frameset assim
   FRAME NAME=barra_do_portal
   FRAME NAME=conteudo_do_site
 SRC=?php echo $html-url('/')?
  onde esta em vermelho eu preciso inserir o meu conteudo do cake.

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Re: Seesion Cakephp 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Rogerio Oliveira

Obrigado pela atenção.
Bill a Configuação atual do Cache::config é a seguinte:

 Cache::config('default', array('engine' = 'File' , //[required]
'duration'= 3600, //[optional]
'probability'= 100, //[optional]
'path' = '/tmp', //[optional] use system tmp 
directory -
remember to use absolute path
'prefix' = 'cake_', //[optional]  prefix every 
cache file with
this string
'lock' = false, //[optional]  use file locking
'serialize' = true,// [optional]

devo alterar alguma coisa ou é isso mesmo?
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Re: Chave composta e atributo em tabela associativa

2008-01-23 Thread DJ Spark

 oi Juan,

 Na verdade, o que o Fenix quer, é usar uma chave não única: aquela
linha do BD seria unica não porque tem um ID numérico e único, mas,
sim, porque tem DOIS atributos que, em conjunto, são únicos. Exemplo:
- nome
- email


Você não precisa definir uma chave unica para ele, voce define o INDEX
UNIQUE para nome e email, e pronto.

 Agora, ao Fenix: a resposta para essa pergunta no grupo oficial do
cakephp é sempre: sorry dude, use primary keys. (seguido de algum
sermão sobre isso ser má-prática, boa-prática, uso de UUID, origem do
SQL, etc etc :)

 Então, a solução para usar o cake nesse caso é definir um índice
primário para sua tabela, mesmo que use também a chave
composta...sorry :)


2008/1/23 Juan Basso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Esse é um dos principais medos do Cake. Isso são chamadas as
 relações HABTM (hasAndBelongToMany). Veja no groups internacional
 (mesmo link deste, mas sem o -pt) ou no site do Daniel (http:// Acho que são os melhores lugares além do IRC para
 ver sobre isso.

 Não entendi muito bem a sua dúvida, mas você quer informar o id da
 outra tabela? Você já tentou usar o atributo foreign_key na relação?

 Quando você gera via cake bake ele normalmente já faz tudo isso pra

 Juan Basso

 On 22 jan, 10:59, Fênix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Olá pessoa, sou um novo membro do grupo,
  estou precisando de um ajuda.
  no modelo de banco de dados que estou trabalhando há um associação
  muitos pra muitos que gera um atributo na tabela associativa.
  seguindo o padrão de nomenclatura do cake toda chave primária deve ser
  ID, porém o que acontece na tabela associativa é que há um chave
  as tabelas são as seguintes.
  na tabela associativa ALUNOS_DISCIPLINAS, vou precisar cadastrar as
  notas do aluno. este atributo deveria se guardado na tabela
  o que eu queria saber é se há como definir no model que há uma chave
  composta e trabalhar em cima dessa chave composta. ao invés de ter que
  criar uma ID na tabela ALUNOS_DISCIPLINAS e ter que cadastrar um a um.


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Re: Seesion Cakephp 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Rogerio Oliveira

Em relação ao erro abordado acima já resolvi.
tirando o
echo $ajax-submit('Login', array('name' = 'Login', 'url' = '',
'update' = 'resultados'));

e substituindo por:
echo $form-submit('Login'); ?
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Re: Seesion Cakephp 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Gustavo Carreno

Boas Rogerio,

Pelo sim pelo não, pode dar uma olhada nos ficheiros que está a editar
para ver se não existe nenhum caracter antes do ?php.
Se não existir é bom que veja se os ficheiros estão a ser gravados em
UTF-qqcoisa com BOM.
Este ultimo é mais difícil de encontrar pois depende do editor que está a usar.
Outra coisa que pode tentar é baixar o nível de segurança do cake: em
Linha que tem: Configure::write('Security.level', 'high'); Mude para
medium ou low e veja se resulta.

Espero que ajude.
Gustavo Carreno

2008/1/21 Rogerio Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 E ai pessoal to com um problema e gostaria de pedir o auxilio de vcs,
 nessa versão do cakephp 1.2 não estou conseguindo trabalhar com
 depois de gravar a sessão ao mudar de controller todo o conteudo dela
 se perde,
 alguém tem algum exemplo de session da versão 1.2 funcionando,
 ou sabe se nessa versão para trabalhar com sessão sofreu alguma
 alteração em relação a versões anteriores ?
 o se pode ser algum problema de configurção do próprio cake?

 Desde já agradeço.


Gustavo Carreno
 If you know Red Hat you know Red Hat,
If you know Slackware you know Linux 

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Re: Duvida com o bake 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread DrWinux

Juan Basso editei os 4 arquivos que existe nesta página,
mais quando eu executo o bake, ele gera os padrões sem as auterações
que eu fiz,
o que será que esta acontecendo, estou sem ideia, da onde será que
esta pegando o esse layout padrão...

já viu isso acontecer.

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Re: Seesion Cakephp 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Rogerio Oliveira

Poxa Pessoal estou tentando de todas as formas solucionar esse
problema de sessão,
mais o negócio tá loco mesmo,
acho q quando conseguir resolver esse problema vou fazer um churrasco
e convidar todo mundo q tem colaborado,

Se alguém tiver algum exemplo o simples q seja ,
e puder me enviar ficarei muito grato.

Té mais.
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Grupos Google.
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Re: Seesion Cakephp 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

Opa... churrasquinho vai bem :)

Cara, o próprio cake básico já é um exemplo de sessão. O que acha de
fazer o inverso? Zipe toda sua aplicação (incluindo os arquivos do
cake) e disponibilize em algum lugar para que possamos baixar e tentar
ver diretamente nos arquivos fontes...

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 17:00, Rogerio Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Poxa Pessoal estou tentando de todas as formas solucionar esse
 problema de sessão,
 mais o negócio tá loco mesmo,
 acho q quando conseguir resolver esse problema vou fazer um churrasco
 e convidar todo mundo q tem colaborado,

 Se alguém tiver algum exemplo o simples q seja ,
 e puder me enviar ficarei muito grato.

 Té mais.
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Grupos Google.
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Validação de um formulario de email - 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread DrWinux

iai pessoal...
nem resolvi a duvida passada e ja estou encomodando novamente...
pesquisei e so achei exemplos para o cake 1.1

aqui vai.
criei o model da seguinte maneira
Versão: 1.2

class Contact extends AppModel {

var $name = 'Contact';
var $validate = array(
'setor' = array('numeric'),
'email' =  array(
'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
'message' = 'Por favor informe o email.'
'message' = array(
'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
'message' = 'Por favor informe uma 


ai a pergunta que mata..
como uso o model para validar o meu formulario...
como se eu estivesse salvando no banco.

mais ao inves disso irei envia-lo por email com o componente email...

so preciso de um exemplo..
se alguem já passou por isso, e souber de algum site
que tenha esse material, ficarei muito grato.

desde já agradeço

Recebeu esta mensagem porque está inscrito em Grupo Cake PHP Português do 
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Re: Duvida com o bake 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Massa Juan,

Ainda bem que você está no grupo!

Valeu amigo!

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Re: Validação de um formulario de email - 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

Dica: Você pode setar o conteúdo a ser validado no Model, por exemplo:
$this-Modelo-data = $this-data; // Isso se estiver num controller

Depois executa um $this-Modelo-invalidFields();
Se não me engano se retornar um array vazio quer dizer que validou. Se
não vier fazio virá com as mensagens de erro.

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 17:45, DrWinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 iai pessoal...
 nem resolvi a duvida passada e ja estou encomodando novamente...
 pesquisei e so achei exemplos para o cake 1.1

 aqui vai.
 criei o model da seguinte maneira
 Versão: 1.2

 class Contact extends AppModel {

         var $name = 'Contact';
         var $validate = array(
                 'setor' = array('numeric'),
                 'email' =   array(
                                     'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
                                     'message' = 'Por favor informe o email.'
                 'message' = array(
                                     'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
                                     'message' = 'Por favor informe uma 



 ai a pergunta que mata..
 como uso o model para validar o meu formulario...
 como se eu estivesse salvando no banco.

 mais ao inves disso irei envia-lo por email com o componente email...

 so preciso de um exemplo..
 se alguem já passou por isso, e souber de algum site
 que tenha esse material, ficarei muito grato.

 desde já agradeço
Recebeu esta mensagem porque está inscrito em Grupo Cake PHP Português do 
Grupos Google.
 Para enviar mensagens para este grupo, envie um email para
 Para anular a inscrição neste grupo, envie um email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Validação de um formulario de email - 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Coloca no Model :  var $useTable = false;

que resolve..


Em 23/01/08, DrWinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 iai pessoal...
 nem resolvi a duvida passada e ja estou encomodando novamente...
 pesquisei e so achei exemplos para o cake 1.1

 aqui vai.
 criei o model da seguinte maneira
 Versão: 1.2

 class Contact extends AppModel {

 var $name = 'Contact';
 var $validate = array(
 'setor' = array('numeric'),
 'email' =  array(
 'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
 'message' = 'Por favor informe o
 'message' = array(
 'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
 'message' = 'Por favor informe uma


 ai a pergunta que mata..
 como uso o model para validar o meu formulario...
 como se eu estivesse salvando no banco.

 mais ao inves disso irei envia-lo por email com o componente email...

 so preciso de um exemplo..
 se alguem já passou por isso, e souber de algum site
 que tenha esse material, ficarei muito grato.

 desde já agradeço


Recebeu esta mensagem porque está inscrito em Grupo Cake PHP Português do 
Grupos Google.
 Para enviar mensagens para este grupo, envie um email para
 Para anular a inscrição neste grupo, envie um email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Validação de um formulario de email - 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Eber Freitas Dias
Eu acho que a melhor maneira é você fazer como o Sadjow falou e dai no seu
controller criar uma função mais ou menos assim:

if($this-Model-validates($this-data)) {
   //executa o envio do email...

pronto, se não validar, ele vai retornar à página automaticamente com as
informações necessárias pra corrigir o formulário... Acho que é isso...

2008/1/23 Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Coloca no Model :  var $useTable = false;

 que resolve..


 Em 23/01/08, DrWinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]  escreveu:

  iai pessoal...
  nem resolvi a duvida passada e ja estou encomodando novamente...
  pesquisei e so achei exemplos para o cake 1.1
  aqui vai.
  criei o model da seguinte maneira
  Versão: 1.2
  class Contact extends AppModel {
  var $name = 'Contact';
  var $validate = array(
  'setor' = array('numeric'),
  'email' =  array(
  'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
  'message' = 'Por favor informe o
  'message' = array(
  'rule' = array('minLength', '10'),
  'message' = 'Por favor informe uma
  ai a pergunta que mata..
  como uso o model para validar o meu formulario...
  como se eu estivesse salvando no banco.
  mais ao inves disso irei envia-lo por email com o componente email...
  so preciso de um exemplo..
  se alguem já passou por isso, e souber de algum site
  que tenha esse material, ficarei muito grato.
  desde já agradeço


-- Éber Freitas Dias
-- - O curso que você quer está aqui!
-- - Vagas, freelas e estágios em design e afins!

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 Para anular a inscrição neste grupo, envie um email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão

Eu estou traduzindo aos poucos a documentação do cakephp 1.2 que se encontra
Eu já traduzi toda a parte de associações hasOne, belongsTo,  hasMany e
hasAndBelongsToMany (HABTM).

Tipo se eu continuar sozinho vai demorar um pouco.
Mas se* dividíssemos as tarefas* através desse grupo * ficaria mais
rápido*e todos só temos a ganhar. Mesmo os fluentes em inglês
ganhariam ao ter uma
documentação atual traduzida em português para treinar a sua equipe que não
domina o idioma inglês.

Eu estou trabalhando profissionalmente com o cakephp 1.2 e é muito
importante uma documentação em português para a empresa.

Então 1 pessoa traduzindo ta beleza, 2 é bom D+, 20 pessoas então. =)

Vamo ver ai quem pode ajudar traduzindo uma parte.
Eu sou novo aqui no google groups, mas acho que deve ter algum canto por
aqui para colocar os arquivos traduzidos.
Vamos comerçar traduzindo as partes mais importantes e usadas.

Pode ter alguns erros na minha tradução, como pode ter erros nas partes que
vocês traduzirem, mas ai agente vai corrigindo todo mundo junto. E no final
todo mundo ganha.

o que acham? vamo lá?


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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow

Beleza Bill,

Vamo criar um página aqui no grupo para organizar quem ta, e qual
parte está traduzindo.

Eu estou trabalhando na parte associações (
Dessa parte que estou fazendo, falta apenas:
Saving Related Model Data (hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo)
Saving Related Model Data (HABTM)
Creating and Destroying Associations on the Fly

A página pode ter a seguinte estrutura, ter o menu que tem na
documentação na página

E ao lado do nome do capítulo ou subcapitulo do menu, Vem o nome de
quem ta traduzindo.

Quando estiver pronta a tradução o autor colocar a página que ele fez
na internet e edita essa página onde contém o menu aqui no grupo e
coloca o link ao lado do nome com o numero da revisão.


Associations - Sadjow - Revisão 3
Introduction-  Sadjow - Revisão 2
hasOne - Sadjow - Revisão 2
belongsTo - Bill - Revisão 13 (Se o Bill corrigi algo da minha parte)
hasMany - Sadjow - Revisão 7
hasAndBelongsToMany (HABTM) - Sadjow (Ta sem revisão porque não
traduzi ainda)
Saving Related Model Data (hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo) - Sadjow
Saving Related Model Data (HABTM) - Sadjow
Creating and Destroying Associations on the Fly - Sadjow

Onde Revisão 3 leva para uma página html(em qualquer servidor) onde
tem o hipertexto traduzido do capítulo.

Bem, me ajudem a organizar! Vocês podem ter idéia melhores. Eu tava
pensando em uma sistema, mas daqui que faça o sistema. hehe

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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Quem puder dedicar pelo menos 1 hora já é um grande trabalho/ajuda seja para
traduzir ou corrigir.

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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow

Quem puder dedicar pelo menos 1 hora já é um grande trabalho/ajuda
seja para traduzir ou corrigir.
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Grupos Google.
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

O que acham de colocar em algum repositório SVN? Assim temos um
controle de versão e fica idenficado. Um lugar que podemos colocar é
aqui no google codes mesmo. É necessário apenas criar o projeto,
porque login todo mundo tem aqui, senão não estariam escrevendo
mensagens hehhee.

Outro conselho é utilizar um daqueles formatos docbook para escrever,
assim fica fácil de compilar para html, pdf, chm, etc com o mesmo

Fora isso, aceito em ajudar a tradução. Posso começar com a parte de
componentes. Eu já participo da tradução das frases do core, imagina
se não ajudaria na parte de documentação. :)

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 19:29, Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quem puder dedicar pelo menos 1 hora já é um grande trabalho/ajuda seja para
 traduzir ou corrigir.
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Tava vendo aqui o site do CakePHP e lembrei do CakeForge ... é ótimo.
Vamo usar ele? Eu ainda n recebi o e-mail de ativação para usar o sistema ,
mas é de graça para projetos de código aberto.

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Grupos Google.
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

Por mim eu acho legal o CakeForge. O problema que é apenas por SVN
daí. Ele não disponibilizar uma url http. Mas isso podemos usar do meu

E não se preocupe com backup. Eu utilizo a hostdimes. É um servidor
americano que tem backup todo dia e o data center deles é bem

Assim que entrar em funcionamento no CakeForge, podemos começar já...
Como que vamos mandar os arquivos?

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 21:12, Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tava vendo aqui o site do CakePHP e lembrei do CakeForge ... é ótimo.
 Vamo usar ele? Eu ainda n recebi o e-mail de ativação para usar o sistema ,
 mas é de graça para projetos de código aberto.
Recebeu esta mensagem porque está inscrito em Grupo Cake PHP Português do 
Grupos Google.
 Para enviar mensagens para este grupo, envie um email para
 Para anular a inscrição neste grupo, envie um email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Vamos usar o melhor e mais produtivo.
Juan, esses com links e SVN tem algum exemplo rodano no ar? Mesmo sendo um
print screen!

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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Bill
mediawiki achei pesadissimo com relação ao dokuwiki, e mais chato de usar...mas 
via de gosto

no aguardo dos teste, e inicio das traduções

vamos por a mão na massa

 Link e SVN acho que só a SourceForge.

 Minha idéia é utilizar OU um wiki (web), OU via SVN que daí não é
 acessível ao público.

 Eu estou instalando o DokuWiki (sugestão do Bill) e o MediaWiki
 (engine do Wikipedia) no meu servidor, quando terminar passo o link
 pra vocês verem e avaliar se acham interessante. Tinha instalado o
 TikiWiki, mas eu não soube usar ou ele promete muito e faz pouco...
 Pelo que olhei no site do DokuWiki, ele parece simples e legal.

 Juan Basso

 On 23 jan, 21:30, Sadjow Medeiros Leão wrote:
 Vamos usar o melhor e mais produtivo.
 Juan, esses com links e SVN tem algum exemplo rodano no ar? Mesmo
 sendo um
 print screen!
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

Opa. Está no ar o DokuWiki.

Criei um user chamado groups com senha cakephp com permissão admin
para brincarem. :)

O link é temporário. Se gostarem, acho que podemos mudar de /dokuwiki
para /cakemanual ou coisa do genero. Posso até fazer mas acho que não fica muito elegante.

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 22:10, Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Vamos usar esses que o Bill citou no seu servidor.
 Eu testei aqui o cakeforge tem muita burocracia para cadastrar o projeto. 72
 horas para ativação e aprovação essas coisas.

 Assim que tiver algo para mostrar, coloque aqui, por favor.
 Estou no aguardo.

 Sadjow Medeiros Leão
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

Sugestão de organização do código:

Na página principal, vamos colocar apenas o índice com 3 níveis, por

  Atributos dos controladores
Atributos de parâmetros ($params)


E criar uma página para cada item de primeiro nível. No exemplo
anterior, teriamos apenas uma página para Controladores e outra para
Modelos. O resto estaria dentro com links referenciais

Assim acho que fica mais claro e não sobrecarrega uma única página.
Além disso, se fizermos tudo numa única página, teremos o problema de
duas pessoas querendo editar o manual, pois no wiki duas pessoas não
podem editar a mesma página simultaneamente.

Outra coisa: amanhã de meio dia estarei removendo esse usuário
groups... Por favor criem seus usuários. Assim teremos nomes
personalizados e tudo mais. Para todo user que se cadastrar terá
permissão de leitura, escrita, edição, upload, delete, ... Para quem
não é registrado apenas poderá ler.

Com o tempo podemos criar um grupo dos editores, permitindo a apenas
estes editarem os sites. Isso se houver necessidade, é claro.

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 22:28, Juan Basso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Opa. Está no ar o DokuWiki.

 Criei um user chamado groups com senha cakephp com permissão admin
 para brincarem. :)

 O link é temporário. Se gostarem, acho que podemos mudar de /dokuwiki
 para /cakemanual ou coisa do genero. Posso até fazer mas acho que não fica muito elegante.

 Juan Basso

 On 23 jan, 22:10, Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Vamos usar esses que o Bill citou no seu servidor.
  Eu testei aqui o cakeforge tem muita burocracia para cadastrar o projeto. 72
  horas para ativação e aprovação essas coisas.

  Assim que tiver algo para mostrar, coloque aqui, por favor.
  Estou no aguardo.

  Sadjow Medeiros Leão- Ocultar texto entre aspas -

 - Mostrar texto entre aspas -
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Eu achei legal, ele ta guardando as revisões e tals só não gostei muito da
sintax é muita loca, pra fazer um tabela então ! hehe
Tem um desse sendo html não? Mas o bom desse é que ele padroniza a

Vocês já são acostumados com essa sintaxes?

^ Tipo de associação  ^
| hasOne  | Um usuário tem um
perfil. |
| hasMany | Usuários em um sistema pode ter várias receitas. |
| belongsTo   | Uma receita pertence a um
usuário.  |
| hasAndBelongsToMany | Receitas tem, e pertencem a muitas tags.   |

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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso

Na empresa onde eu trabalho usamos wiki para fazer documentação dos
projetos e procedimentos. A sintaxe é um pouco parecida, não
exatamente igual. Quando entrei eu me assustei também, mas depois você

Acho legal esse tipo de coisa justamente pela padronização. Se mudar o
template do wiki, todas as páginas seguiram o novo modelo.

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 22:59, Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eu achei legal, ele ta guardando as revisões e tals só não gostei muito da
 sintax é muita loca, pra fazer um tabela então ! hehe
 Tem um desse sendo html não? Mas o bom desse é que ele padroniza a

 Vocês já são acostumados com essa sintaxes?

 ^ Tipo de associação  ^
 Exemplo                                                        ^
 | hasOne              | Um usuário tem um
 perfil.                                     |
 | hasMany             | Usuários em um sistema pode ter várias receitas. |
 | belongsTo           | Uma receita pertence a um
 usuário.                      |
 | hasAndBelongsToMany | Receitas tem, e pertencem a muitas tags.   |
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Juan Basso


Como o sistema de registrar está funcionando. Excluí o usuário
groups. Quem se registrar receberá a senha por e-mail e poderá
editar, incluir e fazer coisa com as páginas...

Juan Basso

On 23 jan, 23:09, Juan Basso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Na empresa onde eu trabalho usamos wiki para fazer documentação dos
 projetos e procedimentos. A sintaxe é um pouco parecida, não
 exatamente igual. Quando entrei eu me assustei também, mas depois você

 Acho legal esse tipo de coisa justamente pela padronização. Se mudar o
 template do wiki, todas as páginas seguiram o novo modelo.

 Juan Basso

 On 23 jan, 22:59, Sadjow Medeiros Leão [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Eu achei legal, ele ta guardando as revisões e tals só não gostei muito da
  sintax é muita loca, pra fazer um tabela então ! hehe
  Tem um desse sendo html não? Mas o bom desse é que ele padroniza a

  Vocês já são acostumados com essa sintaxes?

  ^ Tipo de associação  ^
  Exemplo                                                        ^
  | hasOne              | Um usuário tem um
  perfil.                                     |
  | hasMany             | Usuários em um sistema pode ter várias receitas. |
  | belongsTo           | Uma receita pertence a um
  usuário.                      |
  | hasAndBelongsToMany | Receitas tem, e pertencem a muitas tags.   |- 
  Ocultar texto entre aspas -

 - Mostrar texto entre aspas -
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Re: Sobre Tradução da Documentação 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread Sadjow Medeiros Leão
Beleza Juan,

Vou acostumar-me sim,

Já criei o usuário.

Estou terminando de traduzir Associações. Onde podemos colocar as inormações
de quem ta traduzino o que? Para evitar autores traduzirem a mesma página.


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parameters help needed

2008-01-23 Thread bob

if i have the url as follows

and i also have a form and a submit button and i am doing a POST.

If i press the submit button, the url becomes localhost/controller/
action/ (without the param1 and param2)

How do i keep the parameters intact after the form submit?

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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread bob
Sorry, you're right, var_dump($handle) returns false... I can open the magic

No, open_basedir and safe_mode are not enabled. Should I enable them? What
should i set them to? thanks.

On Jan 22, 2008 8:51 PM, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 22, 2008 5:17 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  var_dump() returns null. debug() does not return any extra useful info.

 Hmm ... shouldn't be null. Anything in the error log? Maybe the magic
 file can't be opened? Although, I'd think it's return false in that

 Do you have open_basedir or safe_mode enabled in php.ini?



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Re: problems with cake and swfupload

2008-01-23 Thread bob
where would you find the error logs?

On Jan 22, 2008 8:34 PM, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 22, 2008 4:44 PM, Novice Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hello guys,
  I am trying to get the swf upload work with cake. Before baking it, I
  gave a try to the demos on the swfupload site. I observed that when the
  is placed in actual webroot, it works fine, but when it is placed in
  webroot, it is giving an HTTP 500 error. Can any one give me the
  in which i should debug it? i am out of ideas on where to start
  I have tried the tricks given on swf upload forums, i.e turning off
  secfilter etc etc..

 Anything in your error log(s)?


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Re: query on a component?

2008-01-23 Thread Louie Miranda
Am i wrong?

On Jan 23, 2008 1:37 PM, Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to query some table on a component. But, this error keeps on
 showing up.

 *Fatal error*: Call to undefined method PostsController::query() in *
 /site/www/app/controllers/components/web_logs.php* on line *21*

 My code:

 *my controller (note: i already declared WebLogs on var $components =

  *$this-WebLogs-ActivityLog('[EMAIL PROTECTED]'); // get from

 *my component*

  *class WebLogsComponent extends Object {
  var $controller = true;
  function initialize($controller) { // used initialize, instead of
  $this-controller = $controller;
  function ActivityLog($username) {
  $this-controller-query(select * from table where username =
  '$username'); // check mysql.log if it is being executed
  return true;

 Please help!

 Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
 chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)

Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)

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Re: cakephp on ubuntu

2008-01-23 Thread Claudia

Hi there

Most likely there are no read permissions on the cake folder and/or
its content.
Mot ftp programs allow to set permissions by making a right
click on the folder and then selecting permissions from the submenu.
If you have only shell access you can use the chmod command.

It is working fine in Windows because Windows usually does not care
about permissions.


On Jan 23, 8:56 am, Nil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to run my Cakephp script on ubuntu but when I give URL
 for my script then following error message is display.

 Warning: require(cake/config/paths.php) [function.require]: failed to
 open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/hoteljobs/index.php on line

 Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required
 'cake/config/paths.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/
 pear:/var/www/hoteljobs:/var/www/hoteljobs/app/') in /var/www/
 hoteljobs/index.php on line 56

 I dont know what is the problem in index.php.
 This application on windows is working but no luck on ubuntu.

 Can anybody help me.

 Thanks in advance.
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Re: query on a component?

2008-01-23 Thread Claudia

Hi there

You cannot make a query on a controller, only on a model.

Assuming that the model related to this controller is called Post,
you can try using $this-controller-Post-query(...)

I haven't tried this yet, but it might work.

A better idea might be to write a method in the controller that makes
the query
and returns the result. Then use this method in your component.



On Jan 23, 9:30 am, Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am i wrong?

 On Jan 23, 2008 1:37 PM, Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to query some table on a component. But, this error keeps on
  showing up.

  *Fatal error*: Call to undefined method PostsController::query() in *
  /site/www/app/controllers/components/web_logs.php* on line *21*

  My code:

  *my controller (note: i already declared WebLogs on var $components =

   *$this-WebLogs-ActivityLog('[EMAIL PROTECTED]'); // get from

  *my component*

   *class WebLogsComponent extends Object {

   var $controller = true;

   function initialize($controller) { // used initialize, instead of
   $this-controller = $controller;

   function ActivityLog($username) {
   $this-controller-query(select * from table where username =
   '$username'); // check mysql.log if it is being executed
   return true;

  Please help!

  Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
  chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)

 Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
 chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)
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uuid does not work in $html-link (1.2)

2008-01-23 Thread rogwei

I have a db table that happens to have both uuid and int values in the
id column. The following code works for the int value but not the uuid

?php echo $html-link('View',array('action'='view', $user['User']
['id'])); ?

Here is the generated sql and error:

Query: SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password` FROM
`users` AS `User` WHERE 4796ed47-ec68-42d0-8b57-30402d55369f LIMIT 1

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column '4796ed47' in 'where
clause' [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 440]

I cannot find anything in trac about this. Is this a bug or pilot

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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread bob
Here is something interesting:

1) if i have the following:
$handle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
The output i get is finfo_open()
Failed to load magic database at '(null)'.

2) if i have the following:
$handle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME,'ssdfgsdsfdasdfs');
of if i have the following:
 $handle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME,'c:\magic');
 I do not get the above warning, but var_dump($handle) returns false;

3) if i have the following
$handle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME,'c:\magic.mime');
finfo_open() [function.finfo-open]:
Failed to load magic database at 'C:\magic.mime'.

What does this mean?

On Jan 23, 2008 12:13 AM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, you're right, var_dump($handle) returns false... I can open the
 magic file.

 No, open_basedir and safe_mode are not enabled. Should I enable them? What
 should i set them to? thanks.

   On Jan 22, 2008 8:51 PM, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 22, 2008 5:17 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   var_dump() returns null. debug() does not return any extra useful
  Hmm ... shouldn't be null. Anything in the error log? Maybe the magic
  file can't be opened? Although, I'd think it's return false in that
  Do you have open_basedir or safe_mode enabled in php.ini?

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Re: parameters help needed

2008-01-23 Thread Claudia

The form submits to whatever you supply in the action attribute of the
form tag.
So simply include the parameters in the url of the action attribute.


On Jan 23, 9:09 am, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i have the url as follows

 and i also have a form and a submit button and i am doing a POST.

 If i press the submit button, the url becomes localhost/controller/
 action/ (without the param1 and param2)

 How do i keep the parameters intact after the form submit?

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Re: Validate alphaNumeric with spaces

2008-01-23 Thread Marcin Jaworski

This should do it
'rule' = array('custom', '/^[a-z0-9 ]*$/i')

On 23 Sty, 03:52, Chris Gallop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to validate a field and I want to use alphaNumeric form of
 validation with spaces possible.  However the alphaNumeric does not
 seem to allow spaces.  Is there a validation rule I can tack on to
 allow this.

 My code is below and I would like the state field to be allowed to
 have spaces and be left blank.

 var $validate = array(
 'firstname' = array('rule' = 'alphaNumeric', 'message' 
 characters: letters and numbers only'),
 'lastname' = array('rule' = 'alphaNumeric', 'message'
 ='Valid characters: letters and numbers only. Cannot be blank.'),
 'email' = array('rule' = array('_isUnique', 'email'), 'rule'
 = 'email', 'message' ='E-mail must be a valid and unqiue e-mail
 'suburb' = array('rule' = 'alphaNumeric', 'message' = 
 contain only letters, including area code'),
 'state' = array('rule' = 'alphaNumeric', 'message' = 
 contain only letters, including area code'),
 'postcode' = array('rule' = 'alphaNumeric', 'message' = 
 contain only letters, including area code')

 Any tips appreciated.
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Excel exporting fails on Internet explorer with SSL

2008-01-23 Thread lgarcia

I have some weird issue here

Since i update my apache to work with SSL i can't export my reports to
excel. I haven't any excel component, just writing html and forcing
the browser to open it with Excel... The weird here is with firefox
works perfect but not with explorer, why? any hint? If i turn off SSL
it works OK but my client require SSL.

My machine and server:

* CAKE: 1.19
* PHP: 5.2.1
* MySQL: 5.0.38
* Internet explorer: 6.0.2900
* Firefox:

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Re: tutorial with picture please.!!

2008-01-23 Thread MrTufty

Why would a tutorial with pictures help? If Cake was actually a CMS or
something I could understand it, but it's not - it's a programming
framework. As such an illustrated tutorial wouldn't be all that

Check out the screencasts, that's probably as much of a step by step
illustrated tutorial as you're going to find.


On Jan 23, 5:12 am, DeFrag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can somebody help me step by step tutorial with picture...please...
 coz i want to make a project build with cakephp...

 by the way, i usually build my project with easyphp + pear...
 my friend told me...U MUST USE THIS CAKEPHP...
 So, can anyone give me step by step tutorial with picture

 Thanx 4 ur help, guys
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Re: Dynamic form creation?

2008-01-23 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Jan 21, 2:10 pm, cakeFreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did the following while working on a dynamic questionnaires
 generation system.

 I think, you've misunderstood my question. This is not about
multiple form inputs nor about DOM append.

 Post RoR saga, many clients have shifted their interests from CMS
to UIMS so that they can customize the UI especially forms. Majority
of the requirement is to add/remove form fields by admin in signup

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog:
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Re: parameters help needed

2008-01-23 Thread majna

$this.set(''param1', $param1);
$this.set(''param2', $param2);

form action=/controller/action/$param1/$param2 

On Jan 23, 9:09 am, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i have the url as follows

 and i also have a form and a submit button and i am doing a POST.

 If i press the submit button, the url becomes localhost/controller/
 action/ (without the param1 and param2)

 How do i keep the parameters intact after the form submit?

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Auto-Magic in Formhelper

2008-01-23 Thread ProFire

Hi CakePHP Team,

I'm a very satisfied Baker here. I've been using CakePHP for 2 months
already and I really enjoy it. Compared to my previous experience with
Spaghetti Framework, MVC Framework really rocks.

I just have a little question to the CakePHP Team regarding the
FormHelper. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.

Whenever I use the FormHelper in 1.2.X.X, it will auto-magically
assign the appropriate INPUT for me according to my database field
type. For example, DATE field will generate a DATE input for me. A
VARCHAR field will generate a TEXT input for me.

Now, the question is, why does FLOAT field generate TEXTAREA input?

NOTE: Not that I don't know how to fix this, but I'm only wondering,
could this be a bug? I know I can fix this with array(type =

I have a field with FLOAT type and it generates TEXTAREA auto-
magically for me. Maybe we need harry potter to fix this?
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Re: Dynamic form creation?

2008-01-23 Thread Dardo Sordi Bogado

Store fields name and type in db, and use $form-inputs( $arrayOfFields );

On Jan 23, 2008 7:12 AM, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

 On Jan 21, 2:10 pm, cakeFreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I did the following while working on a dynamic questionnaires
  generation system.

  I think, you've misunderstood my question. This is not about
 multiple form inputs nor about DOM append.

  Post RoR saga, many clients have shifted their interests from CMS
 to UIMS so that they can customize the UI especially forms. Majority
 of the requirement is to add/remove form fields by admin in signup

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
 Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog:

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Re: parameters help needed

2008-01-23 Thread Dardo Sordi Bogado

$url = array('controller' = 'things', 'action' = 'add', $param1, $param2);
echo $form-create('MyModel', array( 'url' = $url ));

On Jan 23, 2008 6:47 AM, majna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 $this.set(''param1', $param1);
 $this.set(''param2', $param2);

 form action=/controller/action/$param1/$param2 

 On Jan 23, 9:09 am, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  if i have the url as follows
  and i also have a form and a submit button and i am doing a POST.
  If i press the submit button, the url becomes localhost/controller/
  action/ (without the param1 and param2)
  How do i keep the parameters intact after the form submit?

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Re: Auto-Magic in Formhelper

2008-01-23 Thread grigri

Well, it's not a bug per-se, perhaps an oversight?

Anyway, there's a spot of code in FormHelper::input() that maps field
type to input type; if the type is not in the map array then it uses
the default, which is a textarea. The current mapping is:

$map = array(
  'string'  = 'text',  'datetime'  = 'datetime',
  'boolean' = 'checkbox',  'timestamp' = 'datetime',
  'text'= 'textarea',  'time'  = 'time',
  'date'= 'date'

As you can see, no numeric types are present, so they all default to
textarea. This doesn't look very easy to override, since it's in the
middle of a lot of other code - so it's either hack the core (not
good), replace the form helper (messy and prone to upgrade issues) or
set the type parameter when calling $form-input().

If this $map array was made a class variable, it could be overridden
in AppHelper. Perhaps you should submit an enhancement ticket for

On Jan 23, 10:03 am, ProFire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi CakePHP Team,

 I'm a very satisfied Baker here. I've been using CakePHP for 2 months
 already and I really enjoy it. Compared to my previous experience with
 Spaghetti Framework, MVC Framework really rocks.

 I just have a little question to the CakePHP Team regarding the
 FormHelper. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.

 Whenever I use the FormHelper in 1.2.X.X, it will auto-magically
 assign the appropriate INPUT for me according to my database field
 type. For example, DATE field will generate a DATE input for me. A
 VARCHAR field will generate a TEXT input for me.

 Now, the question is, why does FLOAT field generate TEXTAREA input?

 NOTE: Not that I don't know how to fix this, but I'm only wondering,
 could this be a bug? I know I can fix this with array(type =

 I have a field with FLOAT type and it generates TEXTAREA auto-
 magically for me. Maybe we need harry potter to fix this?
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Re: variables in views

2008-01-23 Thread RichardAtHome

Quick tip:

Use plenty of pr($variable) while you are getting your head around
this ;-)

In this case try:

?php echo pr($user['Relation']) ?

Post the output of the pr() here if you are still having problems.

On Jan 23, 7:43 am, mcphisto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 maybe this is a stupid question, but I don't understand a thing.
 I've a table of users (columns: id, name), one of places (columns: id,
 name) and these two tables are linked by a table called relations.
 In table relation I've three columns: id, user_id and place_id.
 Well, when I'm in the view of one of the users, i can see the id of
 the place, while I need the name.
 in my view I've something like

 foreach ($user['Relation'] as $relation);
 ?php echo $relation['id']; ?

 how can I get the name of the users and the places instead of ID?
 Should I modify the users_controller?

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Re: regarding thtml variables

2008-01-23 Thread RichardAtHome

$html is a view helper.

WHY do you need to create a hyperlink in the controller?

On Jan 23, 7:18 am, jenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys ,
 I have  to assign $html-url('Linkname','/controller/fun_name/'); in 
 controller page  not
 in thtml page. plz help me regarding this as early as possible...

 with regards ,

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Re: variables in views

2008-01-23 Thread WebSpin.Biz

Have you tried:

foreach ($user['Place'] as $place);
?php echo $place['name']; ?

what are your model associations like?

On Jan 23, 2:43 am, mcphisto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 maybe this is a stupid question, but I don't understand a thing.
 I've a table of users (columns: id, name), one of places (columns: id,
 name) and these two tables are linked by a table called relations.
 In table relation I've three columns: id, user_id and place_id.
 Well, when I'm in the view of one of the users, i can see the id of
 the place, while I need the name.
 in my view I've something like

 foreach ($user['Relation'] as $relation);
 ?php echo $relation['id']; ?

 how can I get the name of the users and the places instead of ID?
 Should I modify the users_controller?


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Re: Apache error 404 on AJAX POST on existing controller action

2008-01-23 Thread Hawk|


i found the problem, it was a bug in the 1.2 5985 release, now in the
1.2 beta it is working again.

Sorry for making so much trouble.
Now i only have to change all deprecated stuff.

Greetings Hawk

On Jan 22, 6:00 pm, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 22, 2008 3:01 AM, Hawk| [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  i have a strange problem.

  i have an controller with an action add and edit
  If i call the controller action in the first place it works fine.
  I got my form and enter my data. After sending the data back to the
  controller action it never
  reaches the action in the contoller.
  It got somewhere stuck between
  beforeFilter - beforeRender - *never reaches Rendering* -

  Someone got an idea? I tried to create a new controller with the same
  functions but a different name, it doesn't work either.
  Additionaly i got an similar controller + action that works fine. But
  not that specific one.
  I should mention that this one has an alternative tablenameing.
  Modelname != Tablename.

  So please give me some suggestions where i can take deeper looks into.

 What do you see with DEBUG set to 2?
 How are you calling the controller?
 What does your code look like?

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Re: How to setting the field type of a condition statement?

2008-01-23 Thread WebSpin.Biz


 'Post.added' =-!CURRENT_DATE


 'Post.added' =-!SYS_DATE

The -! symbol tells cake 1.2 to not try to parse the oracle function
in the condition as a string.

Raphael Spindell

On Jan 22, 10:45 pm, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using CakePHP 1.2 and Oracle.

 I am trying to figure out how to tell the find function in a
 controller that a field in the condition statement is something other
 than a string.

 I am trying to do a comparison on a datetime field in the Oracle db.

 so I have:

 'Post.added' = '  ' . date('m/d/Y H:i:s')

 However, I don't want it to do the comparison against this format, I
 want it to use the Oracle format.  Of course I could just format this
 in the correct format, but lets say that I can't.

 I'm sure there is an easy way to do this.  I looked in the
 dbo_oracle.php and see a function value() and see a date type in
 there, but can't figure out how to set that.


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Re: CSS/Javascript and Images Problem

2008-01-23 Thread AD7six

On Jan 23, 8:55 am, Rashid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if I access my page likehttp://localhost/cake/users
 Everything seems to work but when I access it like 
 index page displayed again after submitting, there are no images, no
 css etc...

 Please anybody know how to solve this???

use the $html-css etc. functions
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Implementing a Search Form

2008-01-23 Thread Peter

I'm looking to implement a search on my CakePHP App. I'd like to
implement the search using GET, so users can link to search results.
It also makes it a little easier to handle pagination. I wanted the
URL to be clean so I have the form set up without using the Cake

form method=get
plabel for=qSearch Query:/label input type=text name=q
id=q value=?php echo $keywords; ? //p
p?php echo $form-submit('Search Site'); ?/p

Then, when a user performs a search, the URL changes to /search/?
q=keywords. Is using the $_GET array the wrong way to go about getting
the search keywords? I looked at the Bakery and I see that they
implement the search using POST. I was also thinking along the lines
of getting the search to look like: /search/keywords+go+here/ which is
obviously easy to handle within cake, but that will take a little bit
of processing after each search which again seems like I would be
doing the wrong thing.

I'd appreciate any opinions on the best way to implement this! Thanks
for reading!

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Re: Where can I learn bake.php?

2008-01-23 Thread longint

The temp doc for 1.2 is where I learned how to use it:

On Jan 22, 11:48 pm, 703designs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have yet to find a resource explaining how to use the bake.php
 script, or even precisely what does. Can anyone provide links and/or
 pointers? I'd like to bake an app...
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Re: Command Line in Mac OSX Leopard

2008-01-23 Thread longint

Yeah I definitely need to understand the Unix environment.  But
anyway, in my
case I was able to add the path to ~/.bash_login and point it to my
directory (v1.2).

On Jan 22, 3:33 pm, dylanc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been working and learning the Unix environment for almost a year
 now and I can offer some tips based on how I've learned.

 First, get some books on the Unix system. There are books that deal
 with the Mac OS X unix base which will teach you a lot.
 No need to spend money either. Your local library should have
 something available. OR there are good FREE materials all over the
 internet--too much to read in a lifetime. But you need to know the
 basic commands and tools. Stay with it and you will be able to do
 things way quicker and with much less effort.

 For your specific question:

 The .profile you asked about... You can edit your .bashrc file and
 achieve the same results. This is like a personal preferences file.
 The PATH directive tells your terminal/shell where to look for
 programs and utilities. It saves you from having to type out the
 absolute path every time.

 If you are new to the command line you might have a tough time with
 the 'vi' (vim) editor the screencast used. And a tougher time with
 'emacs'. If you have no idea what I'm talking about that is fine. As a
 vim user I cannot recommend highly enough that you type in 'vimtutor'
 and go through the 30 minute hands-on tutorial on the vim editor--this
 editor is on every unix/linux/bsd machine in the world.

 Leopard uses the BASH shell (Bourne Again SHell) by default. It is the
 most common environment I've seen so far, learn it and you'll be good
 99% of the time. Learn the .bashrc directives. Google it.

 I've not messed with Cake very much but I happened to check this
 thread today.

 Your other options are Ruby on Rails which is already set up in
 Those are my tips. Your welcome.

 On Jan 22, 10:28 am, longint [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Make that two Leopard folks.  I'll be watching this thread.

  On Jan 22, 10:13 am, martinp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There's what 
  appears to be a very good screencast on the cakephp site
   about how to configure Unix so that you can run Cake from the command
   line. That is, until right at the beginning the author asks you to
   edit the .profile file, or whatever your equivalent file is. At that
   point I'm lost. I don't appear to have a .profile file as if I follow
   his instructions I'm told I'm writing a new file. I'm new to Macs and
   certainly new to using the command line. It also makes me a little bit
   nervous poking around under the hood.

   So can anyone give me any pointers? I'm currently unable to run cake
   or bake from the command line as it can't find the file (changing the
   directory to cake/console doesn't appear to work either), but I don't
   know how to change the relevant settings using Terminal.

   I appreciate that this isn't a Cake problem really, but I'd be
   grateful for any help. Thanks!
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Re: regarding thtml variables

2008-01-23 Thread grigri

Based on your syntax, I think you want HtmlHelper::link() (makes a
hyperlink), not Html::url() [just makes a proper url].

If you do need just the url then you can do this:
$this-set('myurl', Router::url('/controller/action/'));

(HtmlHelper::url() just calls Router::url() under the hood anyway).

If, for some really weird reason, you DO need to use
HtmlHelper::link() in the controller, then use's
suggestion. Just get the function name right!

(Although I'd really like to know WHY you think you need to use a
helper from a controller. I can't think of any situation where this
might be necessary, although it's conceivable that there is one.)

On Jan 23, 11:18 am, WebSpin.Biz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, you'll have to load the helper into your controller (has to be
 a really good reason why you would want to do this)

 App::import('Helper', 'HtmlHelper');

 Then, make sure AUTO_OUTPUT is set to false in your core config file
 (/app/config/core.php), then, capture the output of the helper, and
 set it into the view

 $this-set('myurllink', $html-url('Linkname','/controller/

 Raphael Spindell

 On Jan 23, 2:18 am, jenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Guys ,
  I have  to assign $html-url('Linkname','/controller/fun_name/'); in 
  controller page  not
  in thtml page. plz help me regarding this as early as possible...

  with regards ,

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Re: Implementing a Search Form

2008-01-23 Thread grigri

The contents of the $_GET array is accessible through the $this-
params['url'] array. With the added bonus that
if you have magic_quotes_gpc on, then they will be stripslashed.

For example, consider the following cake url : /products/search/

You then have

$this-params['named']['foo'] ---  'bar'


$this-params['url']['ham'] --- 'eggs'

On Jan 23, 11:52 am, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking to implement a search on my CakePHP App. I'd like to
 implement the search using GET, so users can link to search results.
 It also makes it a little easier to handle pagination. I wanted the
 URL to be clean so I have the form set up without using the Cake

 form method=get
 plabel for=qSearch Query:/label input type=text name=q
 id=q value=?php echo $keywords; ? //p
 p?php echo $form-submit('Search Site'); ?/p

 Then, when a user performs a search, the URL changes to /search/?
 q=keywords. Is using the $_GET array the wrong way to go about getting
 the search keywords? I looked at the Bakery and I see that they
 implement the search using POST. I was also thinking along the lines
 of getting the search to look like: /search/keywords+go+here/ which is
 obviously easy to handle within cake, but that will take a little bit
 of processing after each search which again seems like I would be
 doing the wrong thing.

 I'd appreciate any opinions on the best way to implement this! Thanks
 for reading!
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Re: regarding thtml variables

2008-01-23 Thread WebSpin.Biz

First, you'll have to load the helper into your controller (has to be
a really good reason why you would want to do this)

App::import('Helper', 'HtmlHelper');

Then, make sure AUTO_OUTPUT is set to false in your core config file
(/app/config/core.php), then, capture the output of the helper, and
set it into the view

$this-set('myurllink', $html-url('Linkname','/controller/

Raphael Spindell

On Jan 23, 2:18 am, jenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys ,
 I have  to assign $html-url('Linkname','/controller/fun_name/'); in 
 controller page  not
 in thtml page. plz help me regarding this as early as possible...

 with regards ,

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Re: CSS/Javascript and Images Problem

2008-01-23 Thread Rashid

if I access my page like
Everything seems to work but when I access it like this
index page displayed again after submitting, there are no images, no
css etc...

Please anybody know how to solve this???


On Jan 23, 12:25 pm, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 23, 6:28 am, Rashid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear All,

  I am facing a problem regarding CSS/Javascript and Images.

  What I have done is that, I have a layout, in which I am including
  header, menu, and footer elements. Now when i access my application
  first time CSS get applied, javasscript based menu appears and
  everything looks fine, but when i submit the page, everyformatting is

  Anybody know who to fix this??

 It all starts with a complete explanation ;)

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Re: uuid does not work in $html-link (1.2)

2008-01-23 Thread Dardo Sordi Bogado

It seems like there is a problem in your controller, rather than in
the FormHelper. Could you paste the view function ?

On Jan 23, 2008 6:38 AM, rogwei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a db table that happens to have both uuid and int values in the
 id column. The following code works for the int value but not the uuid

 ?php echo $html-link('View',array('action'='view', $user['User']
 ['id'])); ?

 Here is the generated sql and error:

 Query: SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password` FROM
 `users` AS `User` WHERE 4796ed47-ec68-42d0-8b57-30402d55369f LIMIT 1

 Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column '4796ed47' in 'where
 clause' [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 440]

 I cannot find anything in trac about this. Is this a bug or pilot


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Re: Implementing a Search Form

2008-01-23 Thread Peter

Cheers, that's perfect. Thanks!
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Re: problems with cake and swfupload

2008-01-23 Thread Novice Programmer
I am running on a shared server.. so /etc/logs is not accesible to me. dont
know if cake also makes some log or some thing like that some where?


On 1/23/08, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 where would you find the error logs?

 On Jan 22, 2008 8:34 PM, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 22, 2008 4:44 PM, Novice Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Hello guys,
   I am trying to get the swf upload work with cake. Before baking it, I
   gave a try to the demos on the swfupload site. I observed that when
  the demo
   is placed in actual webroot, it works fine, but when it is placed in
   webroot, it is giving an HTTP 500 error. Can any one give me the
   in which i should debug it? i am out of ideas on where to start
   I have tried the tricks given on swf upload forums, i.e turning off
   secfilter etc etc..
  Anything in your error log(s)?


Thanks  Regards,
Novice (

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Re: 1.2 Installation Error

2008-01-23 Thread Adam Royle

Well done Sam - this is how we should be responding to newbie
questions, rather than some of the crap that used to go on (not
pointing at anybody in particular). Maybe we should all take a page
out of your book and save this post so we can cut-and-paste it into
further seemingly-obvious questions on this list.


On Jan 23, 10:49 am, Samuel DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 22, 2008 5:07 PM, longint [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hmm, I don't disagree with your explanation but did everyone who
  installed the latest cake get this?  This is a common message?  And if
  so I don't see it in the manual (though it's not complete).

 If it is a clean install, I believe that they will get this message.
 So yes it's a common message.  Why is it not in the manual...  Here is
 my guess, in order to write the manual you have probably been using
 cake for so long that stuff like that just seems obvious.  There is a
 lot about cake that after a while when you see a question one's first
 reaction, Oh my goodness how could you not know this...  Which is
 unfair (I am as guilty of this as anyone), since you are new and don't
 have the conventions and expectations around how CakePHP reports stuff
 to you and how it tries to help...

  I guess what I'm trying to get at is that (assuming) this is not the
  expected result of an initial cake launch, why would it bark at me?

 Because it is trying to help you, it's just software and it really has
 no manners...  :)  What should you do, here is my suggestion.  Go 
 to and open a ticket on the documentation
 about this.  Now that you understand what cake is saying to you,
 suggest changes to the documentation, because we may not know that it
 is a problem.  Even a suggestion for the error message to make it
 clearer for you as a newbie.  Remember that the developers are so far
 from the 'newbie experience' that they would probably appreciate
 suggestions on how to make the message clearer.  But tickets in Trac
 are the way to make it known that you would like some more clarity to
 the manual or the error messages.

 Make sure you check out the the people
 writing it are trying to make it all clear and helpful, but if there
 are things missing in many cases they just don't notice and will not
 notice unless you help them see the problem.

 Hope that helps and thanks for helping make it all better

 Sam D

  On Jan 22, 6:59pm, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I can't help but smile because I know what everyone else is thinking: 
   read the error and follow the instructions. But, I also know what you're
   thinking; you don't know what's going on. You just did a clean install so
   you shouldn't be getting and error.

   All things aren't obvious to everyone. This is just what I know; I may be
   missing a huge chunk of the big picture, but here goes:

 (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

 - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
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Yet another SOAP server implementation on CakePHP

2008-01-23 Thread Ananda Putra

Hi all,
I just wrote down my example of SOAP server implementation on CakePHP.
My idea is to create the SOAP handler and the WSDL in Controller, and
create all method in the model.
You may read it here:
Please give me some suggestions especially about how to make
auto-create WSDL by scanning all methods in the model.


Ananda Putra

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Re: How to setting the field type of a condition statement?

2008-01-23 Thread Chris

'BlogsPost.publish_at' =-!SYS_DATE

gives a query of

(BlogsPost.publish_at = '  -!SYS_DATE')

So it doesn't appear to be working.

Anyone know how to see the field data type?

On Jan 23, 5:57 am, WebSpin.Biz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  'Post.added' =-!CURRENT_DATE


  'Post.added' =-!SYS_DATE

 The -! symbol tells cake 1.2 to not try to parse the oracle function
 in the condition as a string.

 Raphael Spindell

 On Jan 22, 10:45 pm, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am using CakePHP 1.2 and Oracle.

  I am trying to figure out how to tell the find function in a
  controller that a field in the condition statement is something other
  than a string.

  I am trying to do a comparison on a datetime field in the Oracle db.

  so I have:

  'Post.added' = '  ' . date('m/d/Y H:i:s')

  However, I don't want it to do the comparison against this format, I
  want it to use the Oracle format.  Of course I could just format this
  in the correct format, but lets say that I can't.

  I'm sure there is an easy way to do this.  I looked in the
  dbo_oracle.php and see a function value() and see a date type in
  there, but can't figure out how to set that.

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Re: How to setting the field type of a condition statement?

2008-01-23 Thread Chris

'BlogsPost.publish_at' =  -!TO_DATE(' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .
','-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')

does not work:
'BlogsPost.publish_at' =   -!TO_DATE(' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .
','-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
notice the space after the  ^

Thanks Raphael.
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Re: Confused using forms (i think!)

2008-01-23 Thread judouk

Thanks all.

I did more googling and ended up replacing the generateList() stuff
$l = $this-User-Usertype-find('all', array('fields' =
array('', 'Usertype.choice')));
$result = Set::combine($l, {n},
$this-set('usertypes', $result);

I did put this as one line as wellbut it gets messy (but does

//$this-set('usertypes',  Set::combine($this-User-Usertype-
find('all', array('fields' = array('',
'Usertype.choice'))), {n}, {n}.Usertype.choice));

I'm used to doing a little programming so I think I was trying to run
before I understood the power of the bakery.

Thanks again for your responses

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Re: Auto-Magic in Formhelper

2008-01-23 Thread Baz

Let's get the fix in.

On Jan 23, 2008 4:28 AM, grigri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, it's not a bug per-se, perhaps an oversight?

 Anyway, there's a spot of code in FormHelper::input() that maps field
 type to input type; if the type is not in the map array then it uses
 the default, which is a textarea. The current mapping is:

 $map = array(
  'string'  = 'text',  'datetime'  = 'datetime',
  'boolean' = 'checkbox',  'timestamp' = 'datetime',
  'text'= 'textarea',  'time'  = 'time',
  'date'= 'date'

 As you can see, no numeric types are present, so they all default to
 textarea. This doesn't look very easy to override, since it's in the
 middle of a lot of other code - so it's either hack the core (not
 good), replace the form helper (messy and prone to upgrade issues) or
 set the type parameter when calling $form-input().

 If this $map array was made a class variable, it could be overridden
 in AppHelper. Perhaps you should submit an enhancement ticket for

 On Jan 23, 10:03 am, ProFire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi CakePHP Team,
  I'm a very satisfied Baker here. I've been using CakePHP for 2 months
  already and I really enjoy it. Compared to my previous experience with
  Spaghetti Framework, MVC Framework really rocks.
  I just have a little question to the CakePHP Team regarding the
  FormHelper. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.
  Whenever I use the FormHelper in 1.2.X.X, it will auto-magically
  assign the appropriate INPUT for me according to my database field
  type. For example, DATE field will generate a DATE input for me. A
  VARCHAR field will generate a TEXT input for me.
  Now, the question is, why does FLOAT field generate TEXTAREA input?
  NOTE: Not that I don't know how to fix this, but I'm only wondering,
  could this be a bug? I know I can fix this with array(type =
  I have a field with FLOAT type and it generates TEXTAREA auto-
  magically for me. Maybe we need harry potter to fix this?

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Re: cakephp

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

On Jan 23, 2008 12:11 AM, jenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys ,
  I have  to assign $html-url('Linkname','/controller/fun_name/'); in cakephp 
 page  not
 in thtml. plz help me regarding this as early as possible...

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

Is it  possible that MailScanner has removed all useful information
from your question that would enable someone to actually answer you?

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: 1.2 Installation Error

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

On Jan 23, 2008 7:18 AM, Adam Royle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well done Sam - this is how we should be responding to newbie
 questions, rather than some of the crap that used to go on (not
 pointing at anybody in particular). Maybe we should all take a page
 out of your book and save this post so we can cut-and-paste it into
 further seemingly-obvious questions on this list.

I'll add a similar page to my footer

Sam D

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: cakephp

2008-01-23 Thread grigri

You've already asked this question in this thread...

...and people have answered you.

On Jan 23, 3:59 pm, Samuel DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2008 12:11 AM, jenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Guys ,
   I have  to assign $html-url('Linkname','/controller/fun_name/'); in 
  cakephp page  not
  in thtml. plz help me regarding this as early as possible...

  This message has been scanned for viruses and
  dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
  believed to be clean.

 Is it  possible that MailScanner has removed all useful information
 from your question that would enable someone to actually answer you?

 (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

 - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
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Re: uuid does not work in $html-link (1.2)

2008-01-23 Thread rogwei

I'm not buying that, but here you go:

function view($id){
$this-set('user', $this-User-find($id));

From the debug output, it appears that the uuid is being passed
intact, but the generated sql garbles the where clause. Just in case,
here is the 3 level debug output for the action:

Query: SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password` FROM
`users` AS `User` WHERE 4796ed47-ec68-42d0-8b57-30402d55369f LIMIT 1

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column '4796ed47' in 'where
clause' [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 440]

Code | Context

$sql=   SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password` FROM
`users` AS `User`   WHERE 4796ed47-ec68-42d0-8b57-30402d55369f   LIMIT
$error  =   1054: Unknown column '4796ed47' in 'where clause'

e(p style = \text-align:left\bQuery:/b {$sql} );
if ($error) {
trigger_error(span style = \color:Red;text-
align:left\bSQL Error:/b {$this-error}/span,

DboSource::showQuery() - CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources
\dbo_source.php, line 440
DboSource::execute() - CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources
\dbo_source.php, line 166
DboSource::fetchAll() - CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources
\dbo_source.php, line 297
DboSource::read() - CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php,
line 565
Model::find() - CORE\cake\libs\model\model.php, line 1752
UsersController::view() - APP\controllers\users_controller.php, line
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 268
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 240
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 84

CakePHP: the rapid development php framework




* List

CakePHP: the rapid development php framework
Controller dump:

UsersController Object
[name] = Users
[here] = /cake/cake_time/users/view/4796ed47-
[webroot] = /cake/cake_time/
[action] = view
[uses] =
[helpers] = Array
[0] = Html
[1] = Form

[params] = Array
[pass] = Array
[0] = 4796ed47-ec68-42d0-8b57-30402d55369f

[named] = Array

[controller] = users
[action] = view
[plugin] =
[form] = Array

[url] = Array
[url] = users/view/4796ed47-

[bare] = 0
[webservices] =
[models] = Array
[0] = User


[data] =
[paginate] = Array
[limit] = 20
[page] = 1

[viewPath] = users
[layoutPath] =
[viewVars] = Array
[user] =
[cakeDebug] = UsersController Object

[pageTitle] =
[modelNames] = Array
[0] = User

[base] = /cake/cake_time
[layout] = default
[autoRender] =
[autoLayout] = 1
[components] = Array
[0] = Session

[view] = View
[ext] = .ctp
[__viewClass] = View Object
[base] = /cake/cake_time
[here] = /cake/cake_time/users/view/4796ed47-
[plugin] =
[name] = Users
[action] = view
[params] = Array
[pass] = Array
[0] = 4796ed47-

[named] = Array

[controller] = users
[action] = view
[plugin] =
[form] = Array

[url] = Array
[url] = users/view/4796ed47-

[bare] = 0
[webservices] =
[models] = Array
[0] = User


[passedArgs] = Array
[0] = 4796ed47-ec68-42d0-8b57-30402d55369f

[data] =
[helpers] = Array
[0] = Html
[1] = Form

[viewPath] = users
[viewVars] = Array
[user] =
[cakeDebug] = UsersController Object

[layout] = default

Re: CSS/Javascript and Images Problem

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

It is possible that you are missing or have not enabled properly your
.httaccess files

Paste of standard message below:

1. is mod_rewrite enabled on the server
2. are you sure
3. is AllowOverride All set on the server
4. are all the .htaccess files in place (a lot of ftp and file
transfer tools do not upload 'dot' files by default
5. does tmp folder have the right structure (a lot of ftp and file
transfer tools do not upload 'empty' folders by default
6. does the tmp folder have the right permissions
7. did you try using pretty urls (see the )

Fix these things and you should be in good shape.  Also search the
archives this is asked about once a week

On Jan 23, 2008 4:50 AM, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 23, 8:55 am, Rashid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if I access my page likehttp://localhost/cake/users
  Everything seems to work but when I access it like 
  index page displayed again after submitting, there are no images, no
  css etc...
  Please anybody know how to solve this???

 use the $html-css etc. functions


(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: uuid does not work in $html-link (1.2)

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

For future reference, pasting a lot of code in a list serve message is
kind of ugly, if you would like to make me happier (really just being
selfish here) use a pasting service that preserves formatting and also
lets you add comments like

or if you don't like cake  (which you can use from TextMate directly
if you use that little slice of goodness)

or one of the many other ones.  Really makes you look better to me.

Sam D

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Inserting secure urls or actions

2008-01-23 Thread vb13

Hi all,

I am struggling with the following (I hope simple) issue in 1.2

I have a login form that has to post via https.  I would like to use
cake controller/action url notation and let the framework generate a
full https://... URL.

I.e. in my template I have code

 Form action=?=$htmlhelper-link('user/login') etc? and I want the
result to post to go, i.e. cake should
know to generate full url as https:// and not http://.

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'required' field in form view

2008-01-23 Thread Greg Baker

I have two models: Application  CreditCard...
The application requires a user to input their credit card
information, so instead of having a credit_cards_controller and
related views, I just use the application add view.

My problem is that the credit card information is required, but since
I'm using $form-input('CreditCard.') in my view it doesn't add
the 'required' class to the input div.

Is there a way to get $form-input() to check whether or not the
credit card fields are required?
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Oracle Database Missing Database Table

2008-01-23 Thread oalcarj


I am using CakePHP 1.2 beta and am able to establish a connection to
an Oracle 10g database on the cake homepage.  This database however
does not follow Cake's table naming conventions.  All table names are
singular,  upper case and primary keys do not have id in them.  This
cannot be changed.

I am trying to generate a list of employees. I have created an
Employee class in the model and have set the $useTable attribute
equal  to 'EMPLOYEE' .  When I try to run $this-Employee-findAll()
from the controller I receive a Missing Database Table error with the
following message:

Error:  Database table EMPLOYEE for model Employee was not found..

The controller has been created per Cake's convention.  Am I missing a
configuration step anywhere in Cake?   Any suggestions are greatly

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Re: CakePhp and Extjs tree

2008-01-23 Thread hydra12

I haven't tried this yet.  You might look here for some basic

The main problem I see with doing this with cake is getting your data
in the correct format.  I have some other extjs tutorials; maybe I can
get a tree tutorial up sometime.  You can find my other stuff here:  Maybe some of it will help, since the
datagrids do cover outputting data in json format.


On Jan 22, 8:14 am, Paolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!
 Hasanyone tried to integrate cake with extjs tree? I qould like the
 used to edit the structure of a menu using extjs drag and drop tools
 on a tree, and then get the values (for ezample, a sequence of root -
 node 1, node 2- node 3 - node 4
 and then update the parent in the db fields.
 Any idea?
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Re: application falls

2008-01-23 Thread hydra12

Just off the top of my head (I'm not a bsd guy), make sure that
whatever user apache runs under has permissions on the directory where
your app is.

On Jan 22, 5:01 am, galem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First of all, sorry for my english!
 Has written the appendix on cakePHP. Have established on a hosting.
 There were problems: periodically the appendix falls with mistake

 Warning: require(cake/bootstrap.php) [function.require]: failed to
 open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/home/oly/data/www/ on line 82

 Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required
 'cake/bootstrap.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/share/pear') in /usr/
 home/oly/data/www/ on line 82

 Probably, problems with Apache as at it reboot starts to work.
 On server:
 FreeBSD6 (7)
 MySQL 5
 eAccelerator 0.9.5
 CakePHP 1.1
 Last time support has informed, that: ... Problems are eliminated. A
 problem that function ini_set in a file app/webroot/index.php
 periodically does not fulfil correctly. Now we have corrected
 adjustments of a server, the mistake has disappeared.  But the
 mistake has again arisen. A hosting to change it is not obviously
 possible. What can i do?
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Re: Oracle Database Missing Database Table

2008-01-23 Thread Chris

Try using views.

We have a lot of tables that can't be changed so we just made views
for them all to fit Cake's needs.

You can also set primaryId for each model.  Not sure about the table
naming convention.

On Jan 23, 1:29 pm, oalcarj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using CakePHP 1.2 beta and am able to establish a connection to
 an Oracle 10g database on the cake homepage.  This database however
 does not follow Cake's table naming conventions.  All table names are
 singular,  upper case and primary keys do not have id in them.  This
 cannot be changed.

 I am trying to generate a list of employees. I have created an
 Employee class in the model and have set the $useTable attribute
 equal  to 'EMPLOYEE' .  When I try to run $this-Employee-findAll()
 from the controller I receive a Missing Database Table error with the
 following message:

 Error:  Database table EMPLOYEE for model Employee was not found..

 The controller has been created per Cake's convention.  Am I missing a
 configuration step anywhere in Cake?   Any suggestions are greatly
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Re: uuid does not work in $html-link (1.2)

2008-01-23 Thread Renan Gonçalves
 Try it:
$model-find('first', array('conditions' = array('id' = $id)));
$model-find(array('conditions' = array('id' = $id)));


On Jan 23, 2008 2:39 PM, Samuel DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For future reference, pasting a lot of code in a list serve message is
 kind of ugly, if you would like to make me happier (really just being
 selfish here) use a pasting service that preserves formatting and also
 lets you add comments like

 or if you don't like cake  (which you can use from TextMate directly
 if you use that little slice of goodness)

 or one of the many other ones.  Really makes you look better to me.

 Sam D


Renan Gonçalves - Web Developer
Cell Phone: +55 (11) 8633-6018
Web Site:
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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Why appears this error (Undefined offset)?

2008-01-23 Thread dandreta

I have index function in my controller of the following form:

function index() {
$this-Proyecto-recursive = 2;
$this-set('proyectos', $this-paginate());

And all of the projects appear correctly in the index view with their
fields and for each project the information of other related tables.
The problem is that this error appears:

Notice (8): Undefined offset:  0 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 882]

I have observed that it seems to be because of recursive attribute,
since if I put it = 0, the error does not appear, but the information
of the related tables does not appear.
Also If I put it =1 the error appears.

How can I solve this error?
Any suggestion?
Thanks and regards
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Re: regarding thtml variables

2008-01-23 Thread Renan Gonçalves
The simplest way to get a url is using the Router.

Like that:
$url = Router::url('/controller/action', true);

 * Finds URL for specified action.
 * Returns an URL pointing to a combination of controller and action. Param
 * $url can be:
 *+ Empty - the method will find adress to actuall controller/action.
 *+ '/' - the method will find base URL of application.
 *+ A combination of controller/action - the method will find url for
 * @param  mixed  $urlCake-relative URL, like /products/edit/92 or
 *or an array specifying any of the following:
'controller', 'action',
 *and/or 'plugin', in addition to named arguments
(keyed array elements),
 *and standard URL arguments (indexed array
 * @param boolean $full If true, the full base URL will be prepended to the
 * @return string  Full translated URL with base path.
 * @access public
 * @static


On Jan 23, 2008 10:06 AM, grigri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Based on your syntax, I think you want HtmlHelper::link() (makes a
 hyperlink), not Html::url() [just makes a proper url].

 If you do need just the url then you can do this:
 $this-set('myurl', Router::url('/controller/action/'));

 (HtmlHelper::url() just calls Router::url() under the hood anyway).

 If, for some really weird reason, you DO need to use
 HtmlHelper::link() in the controller, then use's
 suggestion. Just get the function name right!

 (Although I'd really like to know WHY you think you need to use a
 helper from a controller. I can't think of any situation where this
 might be necessary, although it's conceivable that there is one.)

 On Jan 23, 11:18 am, WebSpin.Biz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First, you'll have to load the helper into your controller (has to be
  a really good reason why you would want to do this)
  App::import('Helper', 'HtmlHelper');
  Then, make sure AUTO_OUTPUT is set to false in your core config file
  (/app/config/core.php), then, capture the output of the helper, and
  set it into the view
  $this-set('myurllink', $html-url('Linkname','/controller/
  Raphael Spindell
  On Jan 23, 2:18 am, jenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Guys ,
   I have  to assign $html-url('Linkname','/controller/fun_name/'); in
 controller page  not
   in thtml page. plz help me regarding this as early as possible...
   with regards ,
   This message has been scanned for viruses and
   dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
   believed to be clean.

Renan Gonçalves - Web Developer
Cell Phone: +55 (11) 8633-6018
Web Site:
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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Re: Why appears this error (Undefined offset)?

2008-01-23 Thread Renan Gonçalves

Take a look on Paginator with Cake 1.2.

Try to specific the model $this-paginate('Model')
And set debug to 2, for view the sql's.


On Jan 23, 2008 5:20 PM, Samuel DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you paginate models not controllers

 try $this-ModelName-paginate

 On Jan 23, 2008 12:18 PM, dandreta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have index function in my controller of the following form:
  function index() {
  $this-Proyecto-recursive = 2;
  $this-set('proyectos', $this-paginate());
  And all of the projects appear correctly in the index view with their
  fields and for each project the information of other related tables.
  The problem is that this error appears:
  Notice (8): Undefined offset:  0 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
  dbo_source.php, line 882]
  I have observed that it seems to be because of recursive attribute,
  since if I put it = 0, the error does not appear, but the information
  of the related tables does not appear.
  Also If I put it =1 the error appears.
  How can I solve this error?
  Any suggestion?
  Thanks and regards

 (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

 - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot


Renan Gonçalves - Web Developer
Cell Phone: +55 (11) 8633-6018
Web Site:
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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Any doc about DB adapter interface?

2008-01-23 Thread mockturtle

Hi *,
I have a question about DB adapters.  Let me briefly explain my
applicative context.

I am a teacher and I would like to make a web interface to handle the
lab works of my students (something like: the students download the
text of their homework, do their work and upload their report).  My
school has a web server, but, as you can imagine, I have not
administrative privileges.  On the web server we have MySQL, but
obtaining a db is quite a bureaucratic nigthmare.

Since handwriting PHP sites is not my idea of fun (I already did
that), I would like to try to use Cake, but because of the
bureaucratic nigthmare above, I would like to use a pure PHP db
library (I already have it, I use it in the handwritten PHP site I was
talking about before).  Before getting scandalized, please note that
my site will be a _very_small_ one, with a _very_small_ number of
users ( 100, typically ~40). In this case the full firepower of MySQL
(or other DB engines) is not needed.
The only problem is that I need an adapter for my pure PHP DB.

My question(s) are

  1.  I believe that I am not the first one having this problem and I
would rather avoid reinventing the wheel.  Are you aware of some pure
PHP DB which can be used with Cake?

  2. If the answer to the first question was no, is the interface
that an adapter must expose documented somewhere?  As a first guess, I
looked at the dbo_*.php files and I guess I could just copy-and-modify
one of those (the code is quite clear), but if some more official
documentation is available, I would fell on a more stable ground.

I tried searching this newsgroup with several combinations of
database, adapter, engine, light and so on, but I was not able
to find anything.

Thanks for your help

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Re: Why appears this error (Undefined offset)?

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

you paginate models not controllers

try $this-ModelName-paginate

On Jan 23, 2008 12:18 PM, dandreta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have index function in my controller of the following form:

 function index() {
 $this-Proyecto-recursive = 2;
 $this-set('proyectos', $this-paginate());

 And all of the projects appear correctly in the index view with their
 fields and for each project the information of other related tables.
 The problem is that this error appears:

 Notice (8): Undefined offset:  0 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
 dbo_source.php, line 882]

 I have observed that it seems to be because of recursive attribute,
 since if I put it = 0, the error does not appear, but the information
 of the related tables does not appear.
 Also If I put it =1 the error appears.

 How can I solve this error?
 Any suggestion?
 Thanks and regards

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: Why appears this error (Undefined offset)?

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

On Jan 23, 2008 12:25 PM, Renan Gonçalves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Take a look on Paginator with Cake 1.2.

Yes you are right (I have my own paginator that I use that is part of
my app_model, that I've been using since pre 1.1 days)

Sam D

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using tables with singular names

2008-01-23 Thread johnqpubliq

I have to work with a database that was constructed some time ago, and
the issue is that all the tables i need to use have singular names
(person, id ect) and I cant change them because they are being used by
other code. Is there a way to use these tables in cake?

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Re: 1.2 Installation Error

2008-01-23 Thread Baz
Hey, I helped too :)

But I know what you mean. That's why I jumped on it and offered some
helpex-noob to noob...

Kevin Lloyd
3HN Designs
(214) 473-4207

On Jan 23, 2008 8:18 AM, Adam Royle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well done Sam - this is how we should be responding to newbie
 questions, rather than some of the crap that used to go on (not
 pointing at anybody in particular). Maybe we should all take a page
 out of your book and save this post so we can cut-and-paste it into
 further seemingly-obvious questions on this list.


 On Jan 23, 10:49 am, Samuel DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Jan 22, 2008 5:07 PM, longint [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hmm, I don't disagree with your explanation but did everyone who
   installed the latest cake get this?  This is a common message?  And if
   so I don't see it in the manual (though it's not complete).
  If it is a clean install, I believe that they will get this message.
  So yes it's a common message.  Why is it not in the manual...  Here is
  my guess, in order to write the manual you have probably been using
  cake for so long that stuff like that just seems obvious.  There is a
  lot about cake that after a while when you see a question one's first
  reaction, Oh my goodness how could you not know this...  Which is
  unfair (I am as guilty of this as anyone), since you are new and don't
  have the conventions and expectations around how CakePHP reports stuff
  to you and how it tries to help...
   I guess what I'm trying to get at is that (assuming) this is not the
   expected result of an initial cake launch, why would it bark at me?
  Because it is trying to help you, it's just software and it really has
  no manners...  :)  What should you do, here is my suggestion.  Go
 to and open a ticket on the documentation
  about this.  Now that you understand what cake is saying to you,
  suggest changes to the documentation, because we may not know that it
  is a problem.  Even a suggestion for the error message to make it
  clearer for you as a newbie.  Remember that the developers are so far
  from the 'newbie experience' that they would probably appreciate
  suggestions on how to make the message clearer.  But tickets in Trac
  are the way to make it known that you would like some more clarity to
  the manual or the error messages.
  Make sure you check out the the people
  writing it are trying to make it all clear and helpful, but if there
  are things missing in many cases they just don't notice and will not
  notice unless you help them see the problem.
  Hope that helps and thanks for helping make it all better
  Sam D
   On Jan 22, 6:59pm, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I can't help but smile because I know what everyone else is
 thinking: Just
read the error and follow the instructions. But, I also know what
thinking; you don't know what's going on. You just did a clean
 install so
you shouldn't be getting and error.
All things aren't obvious to everyone. This is just what I know; I
 may be
missing a huge chunk of the big picture, but here goes:
  (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you
  - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Accessing Acl from a Helper

2008-01-23 Thread Keith

I'm trying to create a helper that checks the Acl and provides edit /
delete links appropriately on my index action.

I keep getting an error that Acl is an undefined property in the
helper.  Does the Acl object only exist inside the controller?

Anyone run into this issue and have a work around?  I am probably over
thinking this thing...
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Re: 1.2 Installation Error

2008-01-23 Thread Keith

Hi Longint,

1.  Open up app/config/core.php
2.  Scroll down to Security.salt
3.  Just change 1 character in the salt and you'll be all set!
4.  Save the core.php file.

Possible cause:

You installed cakePHP 1.2 and just opened up the app folder and began
working with everything you need right in the same directory.


cakePHP 1.2 allows/expects you to start new projects from the
console.  So they figure you'll take the 1.2 cakePHP download, put it
somewhere and then follow the screencast on setting up the console at:

Please note that this is not the ONLY way to do it, but it's the
expected route for creating a new project.

Once you've got the console all set up you'll create new projects by:

1. Navigate to where you want your new project directory to live.
2. Create the project directory
3. Navigate into your new project directory
4. Run the following at the console:
cake bake
5. Allow it to use the default skeleton
6. Allow it to use verbose mode (this will show you the files /
directories it is creating and any errors)
7. Enjoy!

Hope that helps longint.  You're going to love 1.2!

On Jan 22, 6:46 pm, longint [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just 'installed' the latest beta and when I navigate to the cake
 directory I get the following message:

 Please change the value of 'Security.salt' in app/config/core.php to a
 salt value specific to your application [CORE/cake/libs/debugger.php,
 line 535]

 Anyone familiar with this error and why I'm getting it?

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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread bob
No I've been googling for solutions but there is no one with similar

On Jan 23, 2008 6:01 AM, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 23, 2008 3:38 AM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What does this mean?

 I think it means that this is not a Cake problem, but a fileinfo
 extension problem. Google hasn't provided any potential answers?

 Chris Hartjes
 Internet Loudmouth
 Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...


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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Jan 23, 2008 3:10 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No I've been googling for solutions but there is no one with similar

Fair enough...but would you not agree that this is not a CakePHP issue
at this point?

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread bob
agree .. so any recommendation on where to get help?

On Jan 23, 2008 12:27 PM, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 23, 2008 3:10 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No I've been googling for solutions but there is no one with similar

 Fair enough...but would you not agree that this is not a CakePHP issue
 at this point?

  Chris Hartjes
 Internet Loudmouth
 Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...


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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Jan 23, 2008 3:32 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 agree .. so any recommendation on where to get help?

/me sighs

*Not* on a mailing list for CakePHP for starters.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

might start with  and the php general list there

Sam D

On Jan 23, 2008 1:32 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 agree .. so any recommendation on where to get help?

 On Jan 23, 2008 12:27 PM, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 23, 2008 3:10 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   No I've been googling for solutions but there is no one with similar
  Fair enough...but would you not agree that this is not a CakePHP issue
  at this point?
  Chris Hartjes
  Internet Loudmouth
  Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...


(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: error when creating aco | aro with cake console cake 1.2

2008-01-23 Thread cmbg

I get this problem as well.  Was this reported?  Did you get a

On Jan 4, 5:32 am, polutan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I got this error when i run this command : cakeaclcreate aco / ROOT
 Fatal error: Undefined class name 'string' in D:\tohtdocs\MyBand\cake
 \datasources\dbo_source.php on line 1456

 what must i have to do ? help me please

 thank you
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Re: using tables with singular names

2008-01-23 Thread Samuel DeVore

var $useTable = 'singular_name';

On Jan 23, 2008 12:21 PM, johnqpubliq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to work with a database that was constructed some time ago, and
 the issue is that all the tables i need to use have singular names
 (person, id ect) and I cant change them because they are being used by
 other code. Is there a way to use these tables in cake?


(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: fileinfo help needed

2008-01-23 Thread bob
what OS are you guys using?

On Jan 23, 2008 12:34 PM, Samuel DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 might start with  and the php general list

 Sam D

 On Jan 23, 2008 1:32 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  agree .. so any recommendation on where to get help?
  On Jan 23, 2008 12:27 PM, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Jan 23, 2008 3:10 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No I've been googling for solutions but there is no one with similar
   Fair enough...but would you not agree that this is not a CakePHP issue
   at this point?
   Chris Hartjes
   Internet Loudmouth
   Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

 (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

 - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot


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Helper - password

2008-01-23 Thread justradar

Newbie question.

i haven't quite figured out helpers and could use a hand.

i'd like to use the password helper to protect a page view.

would someone please point me in the right direction? i've been
searching for hours.

thanks very much

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