[CTRL] Mind Control Intensity Distribution Study - Query

2000-08-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Hi! Does anyone have access to research on mind control in different regions
and countries? I have been searching but have not located such research.

 This mind control study would show intensity and distriibution of mind
control applications (eg electronic), networks (eg teleguiding networks.
Police Depts, etc.), venues (eg public buildings, offices, etc), and targeted
individuals' demographics.

 If such a study does not exist, my suggestion would be that an effort be
made to design, carry out , and publish the study as a public service.

 My own, very anecdotal, preliminary ranking (based on study, travel, and
being a TI in these locations) is as follows (IMHO only; Comments/additions
most welcome)

 Echelon Countries::
 USA - Highest +++
 Australia - Extremely High +
 UK - Extremely High +
 Canada - High -
 New Zealand - Moderate

 Russia - Extremely high
 China - Do not have data
 Japan - Do not have data
 Indo Asia - Do not have data

 EU Countries:
 Austria - HIgh
 Germany - High
 France - Moderate
 Netherlands - Moderate
 Italy - Low +

 African Countries - Moderate ?
 South Africa - Do not have current data
 East Africa - Do not have current data
 West Africa - Do not have current data

 Latin America: Guesstimates, based on travel and study
 Mexico - Moderate +
 Central America - Low
 Brazil - Low
 Argentina - Moderate +
 Chile - Moderate +
 Colombia - Moderate +
 Spanish America - Moderate

 World's Highest Intensity Mind Control City:
 Washington, DC - Both in terms of targeted 24-7 electronic mind control
devices, and mind control (DC Police Dept-based) teleguiding networks.
 Highest publicly accessible mind control location in WDC: The Pentagon -
Targeted civilians are subjected to teleguiding, and local electronic mind
control weapons.  (Secret locations such as NSA, CIA excepted)

 Most exciting mind control locations - just to see if you have mind engaged
 Moon - Low+
 Mars - Moderate

 Please email me on line or off-list with your suggestions and feedback.

 Thanks, Alfred Webre
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[CTRL] Canada: Decriminalizing marijuana a no-brainer

2000-08-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

from restore-L
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 11:11:24 -0700
From: "D. Paul Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Canada: Decriminalizing marijuana a no-brainer

Source: London Free Press (CN ON)
Pubdate: August 4, 2000
Author: David Dauphinee, The London Free Press

Decriminalizing marijuana a no-brainer

Ten-month-old Dylan Clay is making happy little baby noises while his
dad Chris talks expectantly of a day when the family can visit

Realistically, any travel by Clay outside Canada will be a long way off.

Like 600,000 other Canadians who have fallen victim to Canada's
senseless and futile efforts to prohibit marijuana use, the 29-year-old
former Londoner has a criminal record that severely restricts travel.

The United States, with its war on drugs so conveniently papering over
a host of social ills from decaying cities to lousy test scores for
students, will be off-limits for some time.

But, unlike the Canadians who chalk up a pot bust to a youthful
indiscretion or hide it from friends and bosses, Clay doesn't care who
knows. The law is wrong and he's out to change it.

The Ontario Court of Appeal knocked the socks off the federal
government this week when it ordered the law changed to permit medical
use of marijuana -- or face court- imposed cancellation of all

Of course marijuana should be available to treat the symptoms of
illnesses such as AIDS or epilepsy. The fact Ottawa challenged this
issue defies comprehension.

If marijuana makes patients feel better, and it does, government should
merely figure out how to make it available. Canadians should have
access to their choice of medicine.

In the words of Osgoode Hall professor and lawyer Alan Young, who
argued the case, the medical use issue is a "no-brainer."

At the same time, the court passed judgment on an even more important
case that was all but overlooked in the media scramble to manufacture
what-if scenarios from the medical marijuana decision.

The appeal court's stockpile of bravery exhausted on medical marijuana,
it upheld a decision prohibiting Clay from possessing pot for
recreational purposes.

Clay's argument there are no harmful effects and that criminalization
poses a greater threat was received sympathetically, but to no avail.

No one really expected the decision to be the end in either case.

Clay's is one of three marijuana cases moving slowly to the Supreme
Court of Canada. Another, the medical marijuana case, will no doubt be
appealed by the feds if only to buy more time than the one-year
deadline.  The other is in British Columbia.

Steadily, persistently, almost from the day London cops swooped down
May 17, 1995, on his King Street shop -- the Great Canadian Hemp
Emporium -- Clay has fought to end the criminalization of marijuana

"They came at the end of the day, about 20 police officers, and they
took me straight to jail and held me for the night," he recalls.

"They went through my home the next morning and really trashed it -- it
looked like somebody had broken in. All the drawers were emptied out,
all the closets, it was a disaster.

"They also charged friends of mine who were staying at the house and
employees who were at the store."

Five years and $40,000 later -- lawyers, including Young, are working
for free -- he predicts his case will be at the Supreme Court about
this time next year.

Along the way, he has been helped by many contributors, including
another ex-Londoner. Former City Lights book store owner Marc Emery,
who has carved out a niche selling pot seeds, has promised to
contribute $5,000 to the upcoming fight -- on top of thousands he has
already contributed, says Clay.

There's a high cost to acting on principle. Photocopying alone has cost
more than $10,000. Another $30,000 went to things like expert
witnesses, flying them in, putting them up in hotels, and occasional

Over those five years under a microscope, Clay has sensed a shift in
public opinion.

"Prohibition has done nothing to stem the marijuana trade, it is
everywhere and people can easily find it."

More than one-quarter of Canadians admit to having smoked grass at some
point. When that many Canadians say the law is an ass and disobey it,
when a majority support decriminalizing it, when the courts downgrade
sentences to a fine or suspended sentence, the need for a change should
be apparent to even the most skittish Ottawa politician.

As it stands, Young argues the law has only a political purpose -- it
protects Ottawa from retaliation by our southern neighbour for whom
drugs are a bogeyman. And a drug that's so ubiquitous is a perfect foil
for police in chasing other concerns.

The worst part is that prohibition brings so many Canadians in contact
with organized crime. Pot costs about the same to grow as tomatoes,
says Clay. But a pound of tomatoes sells for $2 to $3, while marijuana


2000-08-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

Pubdate: Wed, 02 Aug 2000
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: The Vancouver Sun 2000
Address: 200 Granville Street, Ste.#1, Vancouver BC V6C 3N3
Fax: (604) 605-2323
Website: http://www.vancouversun.com/


With a year's grace to respond to a court ruling, the federal government
should undertake a comprehensive view of all aspects of marijuana
legislation, including public consultations.

When the Ontario Superior Court ruled that Terry Parker has a
Charter-guaranteed right to smoke marijuana to treat his epilepsy, the
federal government was not pleased. Ottawa went to the Ontario Court of
Appeal, which increased government unhappiness greatly by striking down the
possession law.

The three judges of the court found the outright ban of marijuana forced
Mr. Parker to choose between his health and imprisonment. That is
inconsistent with the principles of justice. It is not enough, the court
ruled, for the federal health minister to provide special dispensation to
people who have a medical requirement to use the drug.

However, the court hasn't thrown the law out -- yet. It gave the government
a year to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, amend the law or simply
let it die. If the government shuns the first two options and does nothing,
it will mean Canada no longer has any law prohibiting marijuana possession.

It's easy to argue why doing nothing might be the wisest course. Ontario's
courts have recognized marijuana's medicinal value. The B.C. courts have
declared that its possession and use create an insubstantial risk of
harm.  Hardly anyone is ever charged with mere possession for personal use
any more. De facto legalization might limit the involvement of organized
crime and the dangers of underground as well as household grow operations;
this would reduce demands on police. A happy side-effect of de facto
legalization is the potential to tax marijuana, which would fund any number
of social programs.

However, the do-nothing option would leave us with an absurd situation
where it's legal to possess marijuana, but not to grow or sell it.

Since marijuana was declared a narcotic in 1923, 600,000 Canadians have
received criminal records for simple possession. That's an absurdity that
led to another -- a law that is rarely enforced yet, when it is, it leads
to a sentencing crap-shoot. A man in B.C. convicted of the same offence as
Mr. Parker received an absolute discharge. On a different day with a
different judge, the sentence could range from nothing to a maximum of
seven years. As The Sun reported last spring, "In the absence of serious
social and political debate, this is how marijuana policy is being
written:  one sentence at a time."

Laws that are not enforced should be expunged, and sentences for those that
are should be evenly applied. The court rightly said its place is not to
write the law. That's for the government.

Whether the government goes for legalization or more defensible laws
prohibiting possession, what's needed is a rational and comprehensive
review of all aspects of marijuana legislation and the public must be
heard.  The 12 months' grace provided by the court is not a long time. The
federal government should start that review process now.
Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart
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2000-08-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

From armageddonornewage-l:


 Lots on this page

  MI5/MI6   M.o.D.  GCHQ

 Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire, England.

 Along with their "Brotherhood", Police, Military,
 and Intelligence "systems" in the UK and overseas.

 These Remotely Operated
 Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons,
 Using Microwave, ELF and Accoustic Frequency
 are being used to attack innocent individuals
 and society en massé toward:




 The following evidence is an expose on the use of
 Remote Mind Control Weapons
 by the Intelligence Agencies against Humanity.

 The above symptoms highlight a fraction of the vast array of
 Nuero-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults perpetuated by the Police and
 Military Intelligence Agencies toward
 Remote Mind Control Experiments, Behavioural Manipulation and Murder.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] NEWS: Kenny Richey (4) - Innocent Scot on USA Death Row

2000-08-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

Day 4 of Articles http://www.edinburghnews.com/
vote for retrial for Kenny here

by Jennifer Veitch

THE way John Butler remembers it, the fight was little more than a drunken
scuffle, fuelled by too much to drink and too many male hormones.
It had started at a party one hot summer night at his friend Hope Collins'
apartment in Columbus Grove, Ohio. Her downstairs neighbour, Candy Barchet,
was there with her boyfriend, Kenny Richey.
John recalls after Candy flirted with him, he took her to the bedroom to have
sex * with Kenny's approval. But when Kenny walked in on them, a fight broke
Kenny punched a window in frustration, breaking his hand, but the two men
made up and thought no more about it.
Six months later, John found himself taking the stand to testify against
Kenny for the murder of Hope's two-year-old daughter, Cynthia.
Now John claims he was used by the prosecution to show that Kenny, who has
spent the past 13 years on Ohio's Death Row, had a violent past.
*We were sitting at Hope's kitchen table and we were drinking excessively,*
John says, in the first interview he has given about the case.
*I was sitting across from Candy and we were just drinking. She was taking
her foot and just doing things.
*It's supposedly Kenny's girlfriend, so I just looked at him and said, ?who
is going to take her to bed, you or me?' He said, ?go ahead'.*
John adds that he and Candy went to the bedroom, and Kenny walked in.
*Anybody would be upset about that,* says John, now a tattooist in nearby
*He got a little upset and grabbed a knife out of the kitchen. My buddy
happened to see him and grabbed him and got the knife away.
*We tussled a while, but it was not a big fight. What that had to do with
anything Kenny was charged with makes no sense to me. I would have done the
same thing.*
A week later, the night of a similar drunken party at Hope's apartment ended
in tragedy. On June 30, 1986, a fire broke out, and her daughter Cynthia died
of smoke inhalation.
Hope had left to go to another party at a friend's house, but told police
that Kenny Richey had agreed to babysit.
Kenny, who celebrates his 36th birthday today, still maintains his innocence,
and denies he agreed to babysit Cynthia. Several witnesses saw Kenny, then
21, trying unsuccessfully to save the child.
The fire was initially ruled an accident by the town's volunteer fire chief,
Len Heffner, who said the cause was an electrical fan, and the contents of
the apartment were cleared.
However the investigation soon centred on the Kenny after witnesses,
including Hope's neighbour and friend Peggy Price, claimed he had boasted he
was going to burn down the apartment.
On further inspection of the burnt-out remains of the home, fire
investigators suspected arson. Fire Marshal Robert Cryer ordered the carpet
to be retrieved from the county dump and tests revealed the presence of paint
thinners and gasoline.
Gregory DuBois, the expert enlisted by Kenny's defence to testify on the
forensic evidence, failed to carry out independent tests on the samples, and
Mr Cryer also noted the smoke detector in Hope's apartment was disconnected.
The three judge panel who sentenced Kenny to death said he must have taken it
down before the fire, *negating* his attempts to rescue the child.
Kenny's lawyers now have evidence from experts that the fire was most likely
started by discarded smoking materials. There is also evidence that the tests
used were based on *unsound scientific principles*, and that Cynthia herself
had a history of starting fires.
Peggy Price has since recanted her statement that Kenny boasted he would burn
the building down. Crucially, she says Hope Collins had disconnected the
smoke detector on the evening of the fire.
John, now 43, was not there on the night Cynthia died, but for many years
thought that Kenny was guilty. But after looking into new evidence * which
Kenny's lawyers are still trying to bring to a re-trial * he now has grave
doubts that Kenny is guilty.
*For several years I thought that he did it, but I didn't think he
intentionally set that fire,* he says.
*But after I read all that information they dug out, I didn't see why he was
sitting in jail.
*There are just too many unanswered questions for him to be on Death Row.
It's ridiculous. *I personally think he is innocent, I don't think he did it.*
John, who says he was Hope was a good friend of his, adds that it was not
uncommon for the young single mother to leave Cynthia alone.
*Hope was young, she was into men, alcohol and drugs. That was more fun than
sitting home with a kid.
*I never really heard Hope ask anybody, will you babysit? That's a bare fact.
The kid really raised herself. There was no constant parental supervision.*
Kenny's was the first capital case in Putnam County since 1874. John adds
that he believes the assistant prosecutor, Randall Basinger, used the case to
further his campaign to be elected county judge.
John says it is significant that Kenny was offered 

[CTRL] NEWS: Vote for Retrial for Kenny

2000-08-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

Could you all cast a vote at site below to show how many people wish Kenny to
have a retrial?

Click on Kennys pic at top right hand side and a pop up appears in a new
window. Simply add your email address and submit.

It is important to show this paper how strong the support for Kenny is.
Thanks for this.

Please pass on to as many as possible.

vote for retrial for Kenny here

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[CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Judge orders emergency hearing on FBI's Carnivore

2000-08-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Judge orders emergency hearing on FBI's Carnivore


 August 2, 2000
 Web posted at: 2:42 p.m. EDT (1842 GMT)

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- A federal judge ordered an emergency hearing
 Wednesday on a privacy rights group's request for the immediate release
 of details on Carnivore, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's e-mail
 surveillance tool.

 The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), in its application to
 the judge, accused the FBI and the Justice Department of breaching the
 law by failing to act on a request for fast-track processing of a
 Freedom of Information Act query about the snooping system.

 In July the FBI told Congress Carnivore is designed to intercept data
 from the electronic mail of a criminal suspect by monitoring traffic at
 an Internet service provider. EPIC wants the FBI to disclose how it

 Security on the Net

 U.S. District Judge James Robinson set the hearing for 3:30 p.m. at the
 federal courthouse in Washington.

 Attorney General Janet Reno said last week that technical specifications
 of the system will be disclosed to a "group of experts."

 In an open letter, 27 House Republicans and one Democrat urged Reno last
 week to suspend use of Carnivore until the privacy issues it raised were

 "People should feel secure that the federal government is not reading
 their e-mail, no matter how worthy the objective," House Republican
 leader Rep. Dick Armey of Texas and co-signers wrote.

 The FBI had no immediate comment on the emergency hearing.

 The Justice Department did not immediately respond to requests for
 comment on the move to compel release of "all records" on Carnivore. The
 American Civil Liberties has also filed a FOIA request for details on
 Carnivore, including the software code.

 The FBI has likened the system to a traditional wiretap in that both
 require a court finding of probable cause before surveillance may be

 At least three bills have been introduced in Congress that would clarify
 legal standards applying to interception of e-mail.

 David Sobel, general counsel of the Washington-based privacy center
 known by its acronym EPIC, said there was no substitute for a full and
 open public review of the Carnivore system.

 "Unless the public gets access to relevant information, we will not have
 a fully informed debate on these issues," he said in a telephone

 EPIC filed its initial FOIA request July 12. Six days later it asked the
 Justice Department to expedite the pending query on the ground that it
 had become a matter of exceptional news media concern raising questions
 about "the government's integrity which affect public confidence" -- one
 of the legal standards that qualifies a request for "expedited

 Despite a 10-day statutory time limit to answer requests for accelerated
 processing, Sobel said the Justice Department failed to respond to
 EPIC's request. The 10 days ran out Friday, he said.

 "If there was ever a request that qualified for expedited treatment,
 this is it," Sobel added.

 Although Carnivore reportedly "sniffs" or scans all traffic at an
 Internet Service Provider once it is installed by court order, the FBI
 says only the data or messages relevant to a criminal investigation get
 stored and reviewed.

 All other information it sifts through is discarded, Donald Kerr,
 director of the FBI lab that developed Carnivore, told Congress at a
 July 24 hearing.

 Some lawmakers suggested the tool might infringe on the Fourth Amendment
 to the Constitution, which protects Americans from unreasonable search
 and seizure.

 Copyright 2000 Reuters. All rights reserved. This material may not be
 published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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[CTRL] P3N SPECIAL REPORT: Bryant Gets Court Hearing on UFOs

2000-08-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Larry W. Bryant Gets Court Hearing

 On August 23, 2000 at 10:00 am, CAUS Washington, D.C. coordinator, Larry W.
 Bryant will have another close encounter with the judicial system, this time
 in the Circuit Court in Alexandria, Virginia.  Bryant, a controversial UFO
 activist, is best known for his 1980 unsuccessful federal "Writ of Habeas
 Corpus Extraterrestrial" lawsuit to force the government to free all ETs
 in captivity.  This present lawsuit, to force the Governor to protect the
 residents of Virginia against an ET invasion, is no less controversial.

 "I urge all people to attend this hearing" stated Bryant. The Circuit Court
 is located at 520 King Street in Alexandria. For further information,
 Larry W. Bryant at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 © Copyright 2000 ParaNorml News Network.
 P3N is a registered service mark of the ParaNorml News Network.
 All Rights Reserved.

 + To LEAVE this list send a message to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 + In the BODY of your message  type in:   UNSUBSCRIBE CAUS-L
 + Citizens Against UFO Secrecy   HTTP://www.caus.org
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 + Sedona, AZ 86339  Phone/Fax: (520)203-0567
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Posted by Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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Re: [CTRL] [UFOTruth] Bush admits Cheney knows about UFOs

2000-08-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-08-02 13:17:47 EDT, you write:
1.  The more probable model is that the USA national security state, and the
  Echelon countries are in an information war to deflect an
  extraterrestrial initiative.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
 STV:--- could you please elaborate on your thought? Thanks

ALW:  Many thanks. I will give you the long-winded answer ;-)  You can find
it at:

2."we should have dealt with the UFO Question
   [public disclosure] on our watch [President George H.W.
   Bush's term], but frankly we didn't have the guts."
 STV:--- The question is what does he mean by "dealt with"? Come clean, tell
 the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Or demonize the ET and
 declare war? Or what other top level brilliance? Maybe its good that they
 "didnt have the guts".

ALW: I beleive the more probable model is that the whole "we should have
dealt with" rhetoric may be "plausible deniability" whose function is to
cover up an information war by the Echelon national security state against an
initiative by Universe society. See above.

Thanks!   Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush Watch

2000-08-01 Thread DIG alfred webre


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [BRC-ANN] Lawyers Weekly USA Alert - Police Brutality

2000-08-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

 July 26, 2000


 Where a police officer used excessive force in an arrest,
 the county can be sued for "failure to train" under 42
 U.S.C. Sect. 1983, says the Fifth Circuit.

 The court distinguished a 1997 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in
 the same case, which made it almost impossible to sue where
 a plaintiff alleges that a single employee was negligently
 hired. (Board of the County Commisioners of Bryan County v.
 Brown, 520 U.S.387.)

 The officer in this case pulled the unarmed plaintiff out
 of a car and threw her to the pavement, injuring her knee
 so badly that she required four operations. At the time the
 officer (who was related to the sheriff) was hired, he was
 21 years old and had a lengthy criminal history. He did not
 receive any training before this incident.

 The court said that the plaintiff could sue under Sect. 1983
 for a single decision not to train an individual officer.

 "[A] single incident of an alleged constitutional violation
 resulting from [a] policy may serve as a basis for liability
 so long as that violation was an obvious consequence of the
 policy...[A] pattern of misconduct is not required."

 The case is Brown v. Bryan County. It is available at:



 Please visit our website at http://www.lawyersweekly.com.

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 would be interested in this breaking news. Thanks to you,
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NEWS: Kenny Richey-Innocent on USA death row

2000-08-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

http://www.edinburghnews.com/ on this page the Edinburgh Evening News are
calling for a retrial for Kenny. Click on the pic of Kenny and a page pops
up. All that is needed is your email address to vote. Please vote and show
this paper we have support. thanks.
I do have permission to have the articles posted from the paper.


  In his first face-to-face interview for four years, Kenny Richey says
he's not afraid to die. Jennifer Veitch reports from Death Row at Mansfield
Correctional Institution, Ohio

  KENNY Richey tries to stretch out a burly hand in greeting, but can
barely lift his arm away from his body.

  It's only on moving closer that the cuffs come into view, snapped shut
around his reddened wrists.

  After 13 years on Ohio's Death Row, this simple human contact is a
novelty for the 35-year-old Scot. The few visitors he is allowed to have are
usually separated by a glass partition and have to talk to him through a

  Today, however, he has been allowed out of the confines

  of his eight-by-ten feet concrete

  cell at Mansfield Correctional Institution.

  Wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue tracksuit trousers, he is brought
into a bare sideroom for the one-hour meeting.

  No longer the skinny young man sentenced to die for starting the fire
in Columbus Grove which killed two-year-old Cynthia Collins in 1986, his
build is now stocky and muscular. According to his ID badge, the 5ft 8in
inmate A194764 is carrying 195lbs, his pumped-up neck and shoulders the most
obvious manifestation of his bulk.

  His reddish-blond hair is close-cropped, shorter than the prison's
regulation three inches. It has grown back since it was shaved last summer in
readiness for his 13th date with Old Sparky, Ohio's electric chair, before a
last-minute stay of execution.

  Sitting under the harsh ultra-violet light, his skin looks unhealthily
pale after years without exposure to the sun. Dark shadows circle his blue
eyes, hinting at years of sleepless nights.

  Apart from his moustache, he is clean-shaven and the faint, not
unpleasant smell of his aftershave - 5.00 a bottle - hangs in the air.

  THIS Thursday, Kenny will celebrate his 36th birthday in prison, having
spent most of his adult life living in the shadow of death - while his
lawyers plough their way through the cumbersome US appeals system.

  The irony is that if he had admitted starting the blaze he would now be
a free man.

  The prosecution had offered him a plea bargain before his trial which
would have seen him serve only ten years.

  But dare to ask him why he rejected the offer when he knew he could
face the death penalty and he looks stunned, as if he's just been slapped in
the face.

  "I was innocent," he says bluntly. "I could have been out four years
ago, but no. Even today if they said 'plead guilty, we'll let you out today',
I'd say no."

  He pauses, before adding in an accent which could almost be mistaken
for a young Sean Connery: "It's a matter of principle - a matter of honour."

  Whether it's honour or just plain stubbornness, Kenny steadfastly
refused to confess to a crime forensic experts say was started accidentally -
even if it meant saving his own life.

  He still struggles to comprehend why it is taking so long for the
American courts to acknowledge what Amnesty International has described as
"one of the most compelling cases of innocence" they have ever seen.

  "They don't want to listen to it," he says. "Because [the evidence]
wasn't part

  of the trial record you can't introduce it until you get to federal
court at a certain part of the appeal process."

  Years of incarceration may have hardened him to life in prison, but his
disbelief at his conviction still comes through - especially as the incident
in which Cynthia died was orginally ruled an accident.

  The first charges against Kenny were brought because the child's
mother, Hope Collins, claimed he had agreed to babysit.

  "When they arrested me it was for child endangerment and involuntary
manslaughter," he recalls.

  "I sat in jail for ten days. While I was in jail, a newspaper article
came out saying the fire had been ruled as an accidental fire - as an
electrical fire.

  "Then, ten days after I had been arrested, they came back with charges,
hitting me with arson, hitting me with aggravated murder, child endangering,
involuntary manslaughter and breaking and entering. They didn't think it was
arson at first, and if they had thought it was arson they wouldn't have had
the apartment cleared out and taken to the county dump, you know, the whole

  The prosecution alleged Kenny had stolen cans of paint thinner and
gasoline, climbed on to a sloping shed, and set fire to Hope's apartment
while Cynthia slept alone inside. Kenny's motive, they argued, was to kill
his former girlfriend and her new lover, who were asleep in 

[CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Britain and US monitoring all global messages

2000-08-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-08-01 17:18:48 EDT, you write:

 Britain and US monitoring all global messages

 Voice recognition is available according to some where they can pick out
 your voice from millions of calls. But I think they have trouble just with
 the New Zealand and Aust accents, others OK. Well a few years ago anyway.
 The other thing is when certain words are mentioned like UFO they start
 recording the conversation. I have heard whirring after mentioning UFO.
 Traces of email messages show they go through Virginia in USA.(CIA)

 Britain and US monitoring all global messages

 By Stephen Castle in Brussels

 28 January 2000

 Almost every modern form of communication, from satellites to the internet,
 is being intercepted by a multi-billion pound global surveillance operation
 dominated by the US and Britain, according to a report for the European

 The scale of communications monitoring in the cyber age is laid out in a
 document, due to be debated next month, which puts the price-tag of the
 global snooping operation at 15 to 20bn euros annually.

 The report sparked claims yesterday that the UK is aiding American economic
 and commercial espionage at the expense of its European partners by
 assisting it in surveillance work through a long-standing arrangement.
 According to the document, written by the researcher Duncan Campbell, more
 than 120 satellite-based systems are working simultaneously to collect

 International telephone calls can be monitored with a speaker recognition
 system – effectively a voiceprint – which can recognise the speech of a
 targeted individual making a call. However, effective "word-spotting"
 systems which are activated when key words are spoken are not available
 despite 30 years of research.

 The document also argues that a previously unknown international
 organisation called "Ilets" has "put in place contentious plans to require
 manufacturers and operators of new communications systems to build in
 monitoring capacity for use by national-security or law-enforcement
 organisations." In addition, it says that industrial or economic espionage
 is common because there is "wide-ranging evidence indicating that major
 governments are routinely utilising communications intelligence to provide
 commercial advantage to companies and trade." The paper is one of a series
 which has been commissioned by the European Parliament ahead of a set of
 public hearings in Brussels next month, against a backdrop of mounting
 concern over the erosion of civil liberties.

 An earlier document prepared for MEPs in 1997 gave details of a highly
 automated Anglo-American system for processing intelligence known as
 Echelon, which collates communications, collected at interception points
 around the globe, and sends them for evaluation at spy stations. UK-US
 cooperation dates back to 1947 but Echelon's monitoring is now routine and
 indiscriminate and is now designed for non-military targets such
 governments, businesses and other organisations.

 The intelligence services seem so far to have kept pace with the explosion
 in the quantity of electronic communications through the internet, something
 which was thought at one time to pose a significant challenge to the
 agencies. Much of the globe's internet capacity is located in the US or
 passes through it and, the document argues, "communications from Europe to
 and from Asia, Oceania, Africa or South America normally travel via the
 United States".

 That means that "a large proportion of international communications on the
 internet will by the nature of the system pass through the US and thus be
 readily accessible to NSA [National Security Agency]" and can be sifted
 relatively easily from their origin and destination. The document points
 out, however, that the costs and technical difficulties of surveillance are

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no

Re: [CTRL] [UFOTruth] Bush admits Cheney knows about UFOs

2000-08-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Hi All - I found this correspondence by Dr. Richard Boylan,
 and its quoting of Dick Cheney very interesting.  My own view, for
 the record, is that it is as probable as not, that Cheney is quoting
 the "non-attibutable" line.  That is, he is functionally lying.
 I base this on direct experience with DOD decision makers and
 Stanford Research Institute decision makers on the UFO and ET
 issue, where "dissimulation" was an accepted culture in the 1970s
 and 80s.

 This post illustrates why I am not backing off on Cheney and Bush,
 Sr. They have taken national security oaths to lie.  The more
 probable model is that the USA national security state, and the
 Echelon countries are in an information war to deflect an
 extraterrestrial initiative.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

 In a message dated 00-08-01 00:57:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Subj: [UFOTruth] Bush admits Cheney knows about UFOs
  Date:  00-08-01 00:57:31 EDT
  From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.)
  Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (UFOTruth)

  UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

  From: Tony Craddock
  Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 11:11 PM
  Subject: Fwd: G.W.Bush's UFO Statement on CNN
  Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 22:05:30 GMT
   For what its worth, confirmation of George W. Bush's
  UFO statement
   can be taken directly from the CNN Transcripts page for
  July 29,
   2000.  The direct link is
  http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0007/29/smn.01.html and the
  news item is
   entitled ""Bush-Cheney Take Campaign on the Road; Gore
  Takes a Vacation."

  the pertinent
   section of the transcript reads as follows:
 low key
  loyalist.  Along
  the way, someone thought Cheney's impressive resume would
  help Bush tell
  the truth about UFOs.
  UNIDENTIFIED CITIZEN: Half the public believes that they
  are real.  Would
  you finally tell the truth about UFOs.
  I will.  This man knows.  He was Secretary of Defense and
  was a great one.
  KARL: And low key or not, Cheney drew an enthusiastic
  response from the
  Republican faithful.
  (on camera): Cheney's first campaign foray outside his
  home state was a
  brief one.  He doesn't have another campaign speech
  scheduled until
  Wednesday, when he addresses the Republican National
  Jonathan Karl, CNN Joplin, Missouri.
  LEON HARRIS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Cheney's no dummy.  He was
  smooth enough
  to stay away from the UFO question, obviously.  Jonathan
  Karl is on the
  road with the candidates.  He joins us now by telephone
  from Joplin,
  Missouri . . .
  Dr. Richard Boylan's comments:

  From a reliable source I had learned several years ago
  that after Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney had completed
  his term of service, he acknowledged privately to several
  people that "we should have dealt with the UFO Question
  [public disclosure] on our watch [President George H.W.
  Bush's term], but frankly we didn't have the guts."
  Now it appears that President Bush's son and current
  Presidential Candidate George W. Bush, is not afraid of the
  UFO question, and is quite prepared to fob it off onto his
  Vice-President nominee, the previously-reluctant Dick
  Cheney. Apparently George W. is not going to dodge the
  question in his Administration.

  Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

  Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,   Post Office Box 22310,
  California 95822, United States of America. Phone: (916)
  422-7479 (PDT)
 You are invited to join his UFOTruth internet
  reports-and-communications list;
  moderated by Dr. Boylan: (subscribe at:
  http://UFOTruth.listbot.com/ ); or his
  DrRichBoylanReports (reports-only) list at:

 --- End of forwarded message ---
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] [BRC-ANN] Emergency Appeal on Behalf of Black People

2000-07-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

I Emergency Coalition Against Police Brutality*

 Press Release

 For Immediate Release

 29 July 2000


 Contact: Anthony Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Emergency Coalition Against Police Brutality*

 Philadelphia, PA -- In 1951 William L Patterson and Paul
 Robeson petitioned the UN charging the US government with
 the high crime of genocide against Black Americans. In 1964
 Malcolm X spoke before the Organization of African Unity
 again charging the US government with violating the human
 rights of African Americans. In recent years various Black
 organizations and individuals have appeared before UN
 committees and agencies and have appealed to foreign
 governments to intercede on our behalf.

 We have called on the international media to alert world
 public opinion, international organizations, governments
 and non-governmental organizations, to the growing peril
 that the African American people face. In two days 45,000
 delegates and active supporters of the Republican Party will
 converge on this city to nominate their Presidential and
 Vice Presidential candidates and to adopt a platform. While
 they celebrate, tens of thousands of African Americans
 will be under police lock down and occupation of their
 communities. This reality manifests the two nations,
 separate and unequal, nature of race relations in the
 United States. This situation, in its essentials, is
 identical to apartheid colonialism of the South African

 An accurate understanding of the nature of Black oppression
 is critical to mobilizing international support to prevent
 what we believe could eventuate in a great human catastrophe;
 genocide. Since the passage of the Comprehensive Civil
 Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
 the situation for the majority of African Americans has
 worsened. Socio-economic and housing data show that African
 Americans are more unequal than in the 1960's. A Black
 middle class has emerged with greater opportunity, income
 and wealth; albeit, no where near the level of the white
 middle class. Eighty percent of our people are, however,
 more segregated (the majority of the working class and poor
 in deteriorating ghettoes), more unemployed and under-
 employed, more criminalized, undereducated and homeless than
 40 years ago. The situation resembles the period of legal
 segregation known as Jim Crow, which was constructed after
 the Civil War. Rather than a rural, peasant, population,
 today we are overwhelming urban and working class.

 The legal gains of the 1960's have been trumped by the
 structural violence brought on by the rapaciousness of
 neo-liberal economic policies, imperialist globalization
 and the anti-African American policies championed by the
 Republican and Democratic Parties. A stunning reflection
 of this is rising infant mortality and a lowering life
 expectancy for African Americans. One study indicates that
 Black men living in Harlem have a lower life expectancy than
 men living in Bangladesh. When this is combined with the
 spread of HIV/AIDS, cancers of every type, heart disease and
 hypertension the outcomes are horrifying. Moreover, in spite
 of the catastrophic health emergency in the Black community,
 we have less access to health care than any group in the
 nation. From a socio-economic, health and demographic
 standpoint the conditions of Africans in America resemble
 those of many nations of the developing world.

 Of alarming and overriding significance at this moment
 is the political and legal status of Africans in America.
 African Americans are being deprived of their citizenship
 rights. As such, we are becoming a stateless people. In
 1857, in the landmark Dred Scott Decision, Chief Justice
 Roger Taney declared, " a black man has no rights a white
 man need respect". We are returning to that legal doctrine.

 Approximately 3.5 million adult African Americans are
 without the elementary right to vote due to imprisonment,
 being on parole, probation or some other way under the
 control of the criminal justice system. In several states,
 including Pennsylvania, former prisoners who have completed
 their sentences are denied the right to vote for up to five
 years. Jury pools, which are drawn from voter lists, as a
 result, eliminate large numbers of Africans in America. Tens
 of thousands of Black people are, therefore, denied the
 right to a jury of their peers. Prosecutors and judges, at
 the same time, conspire to eliminate eligible Blacks from
 juries. These practices violate the equal protection clause
 of the Fourteenth Amendment and the voting rights provisions
 of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

 Yet, this is but the tip of the iceberg. Systematic and
 violent police attacks upon and murders of Black people is
 predicated upon the devaluation of Black life and the idea
 that we are merely second or third class citizens; a status

[CTRL] [surfingtheapocalypse] Mind Boggling Research

2000-07-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Hello Radar Reality Gang !

 Today I have received information from Kim Weber ( Thank you, KIM!!!)
concerning research a mother had done due to her child's illness.  This is a
GREAT example of how one person CAN make a difference!

 Due to the clues in Candace's expose on human biological experimentation at
the prison in Huntsville, Texas I did a little research myself.  What I have
found is shocking...

 This Is Mind Boggling. A Study In
 Human Parvovirus, Mycoplasma, AIDS, HIV and More!

 Get ready for a ride...   Debra

 Kim... Let me say again... Great work... Thank you for sending this in!

 A Search For Truth... no matter how unlikely.

 Your prophecies are self-fulfilling. Think positive thoughts, or be doomed
to a day of substandard results. A pure heart may be expensive, but it brings
even greater returns.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] News: Article: Ken Richey series - Edinburghnews.com

2000-07-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

From:   "Karen and Kenny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:First Day in  series of Articles about Kenny Richey Case
Date sent:  Mon, 31 Jul 2000 17:04:54 +0100

First part of a week long series of interviews on Kenny's case.


  VICTIM: Cynthia Collins was just two when she died in the fire Kenny
Richey is said to have started

  In the heat of a deadly night

  Kenny Richey insists he's innocent of the murder of Cynthia Collins. So
what really did happen that summer night?


  "IT felt like my skin was melting . . . my lungs felt like they were
boiling . . ." Kenny Richey's deep voice trails off as he
  recalls his desperate, unsuccessful attempt to rescue two-year-old
Cynthia Collins from her blazing apartment.

  As the flames licked around him, he knew he was putting his life in
danger - what he didn't realise was the real threat would come six months
later - when three judges
  sentenced him to die in Ohio's electric chair.

  Now languishing on Death Row after his conviction for starting the
fire, he vividly recalls the night in June 1986 which began with a drunken
party and ended in tragedy.

  Kenny was on his way out to his father's car when, he says, he saw
lights and heard sirens. He realised his friend Hope Collins' apartment was
on fire - and remembered that her daughter, Cynthia, was alone inside. "I
noticed a woman with four kids running, and I looked and saw light from a
fire, and smoke," the 35-year-old says, his Edinburgh accent still
surprisingly strong.
  "It looked like it was coming from a second-storey apartment, so I took
off running and discovered it was Hope's apartment that was on fire.

  "I tried to get in. There was somebody already up there, a neighbour, I
cannae mind his name. He grabbed a hold of me - said I was crazy. He said
'you go in there and you'll just die' - I said 'there's a kid in there,
there's a kid in there'.

  "I ran in, broke away from his grip, and I got to the entrance to the
hallway, and that was just about as far as I could get.

  "It felt like my skin was melting, and my lungs . . . my lungs just
felt like they were boiling . . . There was a big sheet of fire.
  "There was a lot of heat coming off the sofa, and flames, and it was
like a barrier. I couldnae go any further."

  He pauses before adding,
  bitterly: "Many's the time I wish I'd just said 'f**k it' and just run
straight through. Three times I tried, and didn't manage it."
  Kenny, who has so far had 13
  execution dates, maintains his
  innocence. There are two things nobody disputes about that night: one
is that an innocent child died, and the other is that the Scot, then aged 21,
tried to save her.
  Across the fields bordering the small rural town of Columbus Grove,
Ohio, volunteer fireman Keith Hartoon could see the glow of the fire as he
got up to answer the emergency call from the Old Farm Village apartments.

  By the time he reached the scene, he recalls, flames were shooting out
of the building ten or 15 feet into the air - but Kenny was still struggling
to get in.
  "He was just yelling that the kid was in the back bedroom," he says.
"He was being restrained by a couple of other firemen at the time - they had
to physically remove him."

  There was no way anyone could have made it through the blaze to save
Cynthia. "I took one hit of that smoke and it was bad stuff - with that
smoke, you took one hit and you knew you couldn't take another," he says.

  "Nobody could have made it through that smoke that night. Everything
was burning."

  Once the blaze was under control, Keith says,
  Cynthia was found lying face down next to her bed. She had died from
  inhalation, a few days before her third birthday.

  Still visibly upset by the memory, Keith adds: "The little girl's death
really bugged me quite heavily,
  because my daughters were one and three at the time.

  "If you have seen a dead body, it doesn't make you feel very good at
all. I refused to go back into the scene."

  The events leading up to the tragedy that sealed Cynthia's - and
Kenny's - fate started early in the afternoon with a drunken party on the
landing between 21-year-old Hope Collins' apartment, A-13, and that of
neighbour Peggy Price.

  Their friend Kenny, then living with his American father at the
low-income apartment complex, was also there, as was Candy
  Barchet, who lived in a flat below.
  Like Hope and Peggy, Candy was a young single mother. She had moved in
two weeks earlier and started dating Kenny within a
  couple of days.

  The pair had a short-lived but
  intense sexual relationship, but after a week it was on the rocks after
Kenny walked in on Candy having sex 

Re: [CTRL] Bush lawsuit

2000-07-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

  In a message dated 00-07-29 22:35:21 EDT, you write:

   Dear Mr. Webre:
   The following message was forwarded to me by Kris Millegan of CTRL.  Could
   you provide more information about the lawsuit in Ontario?  I have been
   unable to find anything about any such suit, either in Canada or in the
   Curious as to why any viable defendants would allow a $750 million default
   judgment to be entered.  Why didn't they fight the lawsuit?
  Hi!  Thanks for your email, the answer to which I am posting because fo the
public interest and issues involved.   The Levesque cases were a series of 25
complex cases brought in the courts of the USA and Canada during the period
1988-1990 by a Canadian Plaintiff seeking redress for mind control actions
against him by mind control networks in the USA and subsidiary networks in

  If you are located in the USA, you will not be able to find anything about
the lawsuit from the courts.  That is because the US Federal Court of Appeals
for the 11th Circuit claimed it has "lost" the entire multi-carton record on
appeal. Meaning - a covet intelligence operation to destroy the evidence and
the case after 5 years of litigation.  Call the Clerk of the 11th Circuit in
Atlanta and yoou can verify they`lost the court record of Levesque v. Time
Inc et al. 87-887-CIV-ORL-18; (Cir.1988) Case No. 88-3178,88-3216,88-3686 (US
Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, Atlanta, Ga)  The lawsuit was
originally filed in US District Court, Orlando, Fla, before US District Judge
G. Kendall Sharp, a former Naval officer.

  If you are in Canada, you can obtain official court records at the
Provincial Court of Ontario, Bellevile and Toronto; the Federal Court of
Canada, Ottawa, and the Provincial Courts of Quebec (Montreal).

  The $750 million default judgment was against the Government of Ontario and
the Ontario Provincial Police, as agents for the defendants, USA, CIA, and
President George Bush. The default judgment was entered on July 25, 1989 by
the registrar of the Supreme Court of Ontario, Ottawa in Levesque v. The
Queen et al. Court file no. 13258 (S.C.O. Ontario), and you will find it in
the Court records still this very day.  In Canada, the Government of Ontario
is sued as "The Queen in Right of Canada".

  The Plantiff, Pierre R. Levesque, is dead, and his estate has not chosen to
go forward with the litigation.  Shortly after winning the default judgment
under Ontario law, the Ontario courts placed an order against him prohibiting
him to use the courts.  Therefore he was prohibited from prosecuting to
collect his own judgment.  The corruption of the Courts by the mind control
networks is quite ruthless when it comes to a litigation that exposes the

  Fortunately, we anticipated this degree of corruption by the mind control
networks within the US (and Canadian) courts, and published a book containing
many of the original court documents, as well as the entire court dockets for
US federal courts, Canadian Provincial and Federal Court and US and Canadian
Police and Intelligence agencies involved in the Levesque cases..

  The book is THE LEVESQUE CASES (PSP Ontario 1990) ISBN 0-9694459-0-3.  I
looked the book up on alibris.com last night, and there are a number of used
copies for sale in the USA. That is the only place you will be able to find
the court documents in the USA, aside from used book stores and libraries.

  During the course of the litigation, the Plaintiff did advertise in the
Washington Post (1988-See book for details) for witnesses and documents that
might be in the hands of the public; so the lawsuit does have a media paper
trail.  We also had an opportunity to produce a live public radio program on
NPR satellite.
  The position of the Plaintiff was that he did not want to try the case in
the media.

  I beleive that mind control cases in US courts (and Candian courts, which
often are just subsidiaries of USA-based mind control networks) must have a
media component built into them by the Plaintiff(s).  Otherwise, the mind
control networks which are ruthless and which control the court clerk and
other systems (Our judge in the US District Court in Orlando was a former US
Naval Intelligence officer!) will sabotage the case without a public trace.
They understand the process, a technique perfected during the Third Reich.

  MKULTRA, the CIA Mind Control Program, is so named from "Mind Kontrol"
  the name of the NAZI program.  IMHO, the courts of the USA and Canada are
"occupied institutions" of mind control networks on critical cases where
exposure of mind control assets is involved. You can forget about obtaining
"due process".  One is at war; an information war against an entrenched,
covert entity occupying the Courts with advanced mind control technology. and

  In the Levesque cases, as well, the court used Rule 11 of the Federal Civil
Rules of Civil Procedure, to sabotage the case.  Under Rule 11, the court can


2000-07-29 Thread DIG alfred webre



 http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#THE COVERT WAR AGAINST ROCK AND ROLL

 A new book, The Covert War Against Rock, by Alex Constantine, Feral
 House Press, 2000, explores "what you don't know about the deaths of Jim
 Morrison, Tupac Shakur, Michael Hutchence, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix,
 Phil Ochs, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, John Lennon and The Notorious Big.
 The book's thesis is that these suspicious deaths, some of which were
 never solved, were caused by COINTEL-PRO-type operations.
 NewsMakingNews highly recommends this important book, and publishes this
 excerpt about the famous Altamont Concert in Alameda County which was a
 death knell to rock festivals.  .

  by Alex Constantine © 2000

 I'm very proud to be called a "pig."  Ronald Reagan.

 Five months after the drowning death of Brian Jones, a music festival
 held near San Francisco turned murderous, smothering Aquarius and its
 political anthems with a handful of apocalyptic screen images, "restless
 youth" seemingly devouring itself.  The rolling Stones were the
 centerpiece of the hellish fiasco at Atlamont on December 6, 1969. The
 band would forevermore be tainted by the surreal violence of Gimme
 Shelter, the documentary film that chronicled the disaster, and so would
 the counterculture the Stones had done much to inspire.

 The festival was conceived in the first place to redeem the group's
 flagging image.  The press had laid into Jagger and crew, emphasizing
 their greed.  "The stories of the Stones' avarice spread," journalist
 Robert Sam Anson reported, and critics pointed to Mick's $250,000
 townhouse, the collection of glittering Rolls Royces, "and [they]
 wondered how revolutionary `a man of wealth and taste' could be.  A
 token free appearance would still those critics.  The concert, problems
 and all, was going to happen.  For the Stones' sake, it had to."

 The group's management set out to select a site for the event.  They
 consulted Jan Wenner, the editor of Rolling Stone, who sent them to
 several professional concert promoters, and they in turn put them in
 touch with famed San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, fixture of
 California's well-heeled "conservative" power base.

 This was the first Big Mistake.  Belli was summed up at his funeral in
 July, 1996 by Bishop William Swing, in a eulogy stitched with irony in
 the context of Operation CHAOS, at Grace Cathedral. Over the infamous
 attorney's pale cadaver, the Bishop bid farewell to Belli:

 A man of law against the chaos of life,
 A man of chaos against the laws of life.1

 A cartoon that appeared after Belli's death in the San Diego Union
 Tribune was an eloquent expression of his ethical standards.  It
 depicted St. Peter on the telephone, reported in, "I've got a guy here
 claiming he was struck and injured by one of the Pearly Gates,"  and
 there, smiling like an angel, stood a well-groomed soul identified by
 the nametag on his briefcase: "M. Belli." 2  The San Francisco Chronicle
 bid him farewell with a letter to the editor that appeared on the Op Ed
 page: "Melvin Belli helped establish the principles of the plaintiff
 attorney: avarice, immunity to logic, self- aggrandizement and perfect
 contempt for the interests of society."3

 He was not only an ambulance chase par excellence.  The legendary Melvin
 Belli was one of the CIA's most trusted courtroom wonders until
 hypertension and cardiovascular disease claimed him on July 9, 1996.
 His client roster included Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, Martha Mitchell and
 Jim Bakker.  His first high-profile client was Errol Flynn, who,
 according to documents released under FOIA to biographer Charles Higham,
 was an avid admirer of Adolph Hitler, recruited by Dr. Hermann Friedrich
 Erben, an Abwher intelligence agency, to spy on the United States.  The
 FBI, Higham discovered in the midst of poring through the many boxes of
 FOIA documents dropped on his doorstep, pestered Flynn and the studio
 employing him over his wartime association with a Nazi, "but there was
 little doubt that Will Hays and Colonel William Guthrie, a high-ranking
 Army officer on the studio payroll as Jack Warner's troubleshoot in all
 matters connected with politics, were responsible for the cover-up...
 Hays and Guthrie managed to smother the numerous inquiries that began
 seriously to threaten Errol's career." 4  Melvin Belli, Flynn's
 attorney, could also be counted on to button his lip, and he did
 repeatedly as a CIA-Mafia legal counsel in a number of assassination
 cover-ups." 5

 It was Melvin Belli who chose the speedway at Altamont for the
 festival.  "As a staging ground for a rock concert," Anson concluded,
 "especially one expected to draw 300,000 people or more, Altamont could
 hardly have been worse.  The raceway, which was on the brink of

[CTRL] George Bush (Sr): Mind Control CEO

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

IFrom Mind Control-L:

  Another thing I always take note of and that
  is when a person's harassment started.  A
  common denominator seems to be like in
  1981 or 1982 or the early 80's.  Also, when
  the research was done for certain strange
  projects.  Pay attention to the dates, interesting.
  Take care,

 Dana - Bless You! Mirabile Dictu!
 Guess what happened at that time (Early 1980s)?
 1. The Iran Hostage Crisis was manipulated
 to defeat Jimmy Carter
 2. George HW Bush became VICE PRESIDENT!

 The Mind Control Empire started in earnest
 in the USA, now that its CEO - George Bush Sr.,
 had acheived the Vice Presidency as a platform
 from which to operate the Mind Control
 Strategic Plan.

 If you would like to read court documents -
 affidavits et al. - which successfully
 established this principle in a Canadian
 court of law, you may find that in THE LEVESQUE
 CASES. (The US Court of Appeals for the
 11th Circuit reported it "lost" the multiple
 files for this Case.)

 All documented, all ready to go.

 Quod Est Demonstratum

 Bless you! Alfred

 ps- I only have 1 copy myself,
 otherwise I would offer to lend it
 to you. Amazon.com carries it and many
 libraries have it, including the
 Ottawa Public Libary, the last I checked.

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Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mind Control LINKS: US Presidential Libraries

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

 SOURCE: http://pozo.com/041.htm
 NOTE: Please note that George HW Bush Presidential Materials Project
 comes up 404. Thank you.
 LINKS: Presidential Libraries

 Bush Presidential Library and Museum
 Bush, George H. W.; Presidential Library Resources
 Bush, George H. W.; Presidential Library, Texas AM University System -
 Facilities Construction
 Bush, George H. W.; Presidential Materials Project
 Bush, George H.W.; Inaugural Addresses
 Bush, George H.W.; Presidential Library and Museum
 Bush, George H.W.; Presidential Library
 Bush, George HW; Inaugural Addresses
 Bush, George HW; Presidential Library
 Carter, Jame E.; Carter Center
 Carter, Jame E; Carter Center
 Carter, James E.; Presidential Library #2
 Carter, James E.; Presidential Library
 Carter, James E; Presidential Library #2
 Carter; James E., Presidential Library
 Clinton, William J.and Gore, Albert; Internet Archives
 Clinton, William Jand Gore, Albert; Internet Archives
 Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Center
 Eisenhower, Dwight D.; National Clearinghouse
 Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Presidential Library #2
 Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Presidential Library
 Eisenhower, Dwight D; Center
 Eisenhower, Dwight D; National Clearinghouse
 Eisenhower, Dwight D; Presidential Library
 Ford, Gerald R.; Presidential Library #2
 Ford, Gerald R.; Presidential Library #3
 Ford, Gerald R.; Presidential Library #4
 Ford, Gerald R.; Presidential Library #5
 Ford, Gerald R.; Presidential Library and Museum
 Ford, Gerald R.; Presidential Library
 Ford, Gerald R; Presidential Library #2
 Ford, Gerald R; Presidential Library #5
 Ford, Gerald R; Presidential Library and Museum
 Ford, Gerald R; Presidential Library
 Hayes, Rutherford B, Presidential Library
 Hayes, Rutherford B., Presidential Library
 Hoover, Herbert; Presidential Library
 Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States
 Jefferson, Thomas; Declaring Independence- Drafting the Documents
 Johnson, Andrew Impeachment
 Johnson, Lyndon B.; Presidential Library #2
 Johnson, Lyndon B.; Presidential Library #3
 Johnson, Lyndon B.; Presidential Library #4
 Johnson, Lyndon B.; Presidential Library
 Johnson, Lyndon B; Presidential Library #3
 Johnson, Lyndon B; Presidential Library #4
 Johnson, Lyndon B; Presidential Library
 Kennedy, John F.; Presidential Library #2
 Kennedy, John F.; Presidential Library #3
 Kennedy, John F.; Presidential Library gopher
 Kennedy, John F.; Presidential Library
 Kennedy, John F; Presidential Library #2
 Kennedy, John F; Presidential Library #3
 Kennedy, John F; Presidential Library gopher
 Mount Vernon
 National Archives Gopher-WWW, CLIO
 Nixon, Richard M.; Library and Birthplace
 Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential Library #2
 Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential Library #3
 Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential Library
 Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential Materials Staff
 Nixon, Richard M; Presidential Library #3
 Nixon, Richard M; Presidential Library
 Official Mount Rushmore
 Polk, James K.
 Presidential Libraries IDEA Network #2
 Presidential Libraries IDEA Network
 Reagan, Ronald W, Presidential Library
 Reagan, Ronald W., Presidential Library
 Reagan, Ronald W.; Presidential Library
 Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Presidential Library #2
 Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Presidential Library #3
 Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Presidential Library
 Roosevelt, Franklin D; Presidential Library #3
 Roosevelt, Franklin D; Presidential Library
 Truman, Harry S.; Presidential Library #2
 Truman, Harry S.; Presidential Library
 Truman, Harry S; Presidential Library
 U.S. Presidents
 Washington, George; Papers
 Wilson, Woodrow; House
 Wilson, Woodrow; School of Public and International Affairs

 Categories List
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] Mind Control LINKS: Psychosocial Manipulation of Human Populations

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

SOURCE:  http://www.trufax.org/menu/mind.html
NOTE George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (link at URL)
 Psychosocial Manipulation of Human Populations

 Page presentation, organization and LEIRG content © Leading Edge
 International Research Group. 1999. Mirrors not authorized.
 [ Links Checked (V.V.) 23 October 1999 23:44:32]

 Background and Origins of Population Manipulation and Control

The Development of Darwinian Thought and Belief Systems
 in the West

The Development and Origin of Eugenics and Race Science

The Development of Neo-Darwinism and Genetic Determinism

Inter-Connections: England | United States | Germany |

Social Darwinism: Science and Myth

The Relationship Between Darwinian and Malthusian Social
 Control Patterns

Materialism and the Concept of the Primacy of DNA and

The Development of the "Species" Problem | The
 Development of the "Population" Problem

The Eugenics Movement in the United States

Population Research Institute Students Page - NSSM 200 on
 Population Control

Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP) " The
 Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
(CRLP) is a non-profit legal and policy advocacy
 organization dedicated to promoting women's
reproductive rights. CRLP's domestic and international
 programs engage in litigation, policy
analysis, legal research, and public education seeking to
 achieve women's equality in society
and ensure that all women have access to appropriate and
 freely chosen reproductive health
  CRLP Activties USA | Congress | Litigation |
 Contraception | Abortion  | Law Challenges
  CRLIP International Program | News | Search By Region
 World Map | UN |
  CRLP Female Circumcision - Male Genital Mutilation
 Monitoring |
  Cario Population Conference on Population and
 Development Feb 8-12, 1994 |
  CRLP/UN - Created/Defined Concept of "Reproductive
 Rights" for World Populations
  CRLP/UN - Created/Defined Concept of "Refugee Rights"
 for World Populations |
  CRLP/UN -   Created/Defined Concept of "Reproductive
 Health" for World Populations |
  CRLP/UN  Foreign Reproductive Control Policy
 Initiatives | CRLP Hot Topics |
  CRLP Statement of Goals | CLRP "Accomplishments" |
 "Employment Opportunities"

Advances in birth control, population policy, and public
 attitudes  Carnegie Mellon University

Some Literary Resources on Eugenics

Eugenic Theory in Contemporary Mainland China | Eugenic
 Practices in China

Investigational Database on Eugenic Practices in the
 United States American Eugenics Database

How the practice of Psychiatry lit the racial fires in
 population groups

Conference on Practice of Psychoanalysis and Relation to
 Social Power Functions

Population Control  Practices of  Nazi Germany During
 World War II

The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult

Eugenics and the Third Reich: "Postive" and "Negative"

Relationship between concepts of genetics, violence and
 state repression

The Roots of the IQ Debate as Concepts of Eugenics and
 Social Control

The Pioneer Fund in New York As Promulgators of Fascism"
 New York Times 1977

Through a Glass Darkly: The Genetic Future of Eden"

Human Genome Research Defined as High-Tech Eugenic Policy

Betting with lives: Clarence Gamble and the Pathfinder

Nuremberg War Crimes Trial

Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Nuremberg
 Medical Tribunals

Race Hygiene: Three Bush Familiy Alliances from George
 Bush, The Unauthorized Biography

Human Dimensions of Gene Therapy

Social Issues of Genome Innovation and Intellectual

Psychohistorical Analysis of the Japanese American

Behind Blue Eyes: Contemporary White Racial Politics

Inculcation of the Prussian Educational System into the
 United States

Who's Who in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 [book]

"Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N." | Ford Empire
 Played Both Sides In War

Knights of Darkness: SMOM - The Nazis, Vatican and the

Origin of EEC Blueprint in Nazi Regime

Nazi Gold: Joint UK/US Statement 19 May 199, etc.

Switzerland And Nazi Germany: A New Look

[CTRL] Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

 SOURCE: http://www.kmf.org/williams/bushbook/bush3.html

 (Partial copy - Go to URL for complete copy and References. Thanks,
 Alfred Webre)

 George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley 
 Anton Chaitkin

 Chapter -III- Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances

  ``The [government] must put the most modern medical means in the
 service of this knowledge Those who are physically
  and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their
 suffering in the body of their children The prevention of the
  faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically
 degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600
  years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune.''

  ``The per capita income gap between the developed and the
 developing countries is increasing, in large part the result of
  higher birth rates in the poorer countries Famine in India,
 unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to
  form an unbreakable chain for millions of people--how should we
 tackle these problems? It is quite clear that one of the
  major challenges of the 1970s ... will be to curb the world's

 These two quotations are alike in their mock show of concern for human
 suffering, and in their cynical remedy
 for it: Big Brother must prevent the `` unworthy '' or `` unwanted ''
 people from living.

 Let us now further inquire into the family background of our President,
 so as to help illustrate how the second
 quoted author, George Bush@s1 came to share the outlook of the first,
 Adolf Hitler.@s2

 We shall examine here the alliance of the Bush family with three other
 families: Farish, Draper and Gray.

 The private associations among these families have led to the
 President's relationship to his closest, most
 confidential advisers. These alliances were forged in the earlier Hitler
 project and its immediate aftermath.
 Understanding them will help us to explain George Bush's obsession with
 the supposed overpopulation of the
 world's non-Anglo-Saxons, and the dangerous means he has adopted to deal
 with this `` problem. ''

 Bush and Farish

 When George Bush was elected Vice President in 1980, Texas mystery man
 William (`` Will '') Stamps Farish III
 took over management of all of George Bush's personal wealth in a ``
 blind trust. '' Known as one of the richest
 men in Texas, Will Farish keeps his business affairs under the most
 intense secrecy. Only the source of his
 immense wealth is known, not its employment.@s3

 Will Farish has long been Bush's closest friend and confidante. He is
 also the unique private host to Britain's
 Queen Elizabeth II: Farish owns and boards the studs which mate with the
 Queen's mares. That is her public
 rationale when she comes to America and stays in Farish's house. It is a
 vital link in the mind of our Anglophile

 President Bush can count on Will Farish not to betray the violent
 secrets surrounding the Bush family money.
 For Farish's own family fortune was made in the same Hitler project, in
 a nightmarish partnership with George
 Bush's father.

 On March 25, 1942, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold
 announced that William Stamps Farish
 (grandfather of the President's money manager) had pled `` no contest ''
 to charges of criminal conspiracy with
 the Nazis. Farish was the principal manager of a worldwide cartel
 between Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey and
 the I.G. Farben concern. The merged enterprise had opened the Auschwitz
 slave labor camp on June 14, 1940,
 to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. The Hitler
 government supplied political opponents and
 Jews as the slaves, who were worked to near death and then murdered.

 Arnold disclosed that Standard Oil of N.J. (later known as Exxon), of
 which Farish was president and chief
 executive, had agreed to stop hiding from the United States patents for
 artificial rubber which the company had
 provided to the Nazis.@s4

 A Senate investigating committee under Senator (later U.S. President)
 Harry Truman of Missouri had called
 Arnold to testify at hearings on U.S. corporations' collaboration with
 the Nazis. The Senators expressed outrage
 at the cynical way Farish was continuing an alliance with the Hitler
 regime that had begun back in 1933, when
 Farish became chief of Jersey Standard. Didn't he know there was a war

 The Justice Department laid before the committee a letter, written to
 Standard president Farish by his vice
 president, shortly after the beginning of World War II (Sept. 1, 1939)
 in Europe. The letter concerned a renewal
 of their earlier agreements with the Nazis:

  Report on European Trip
  Oct. 12, 1939
  Mr. W.S. Farish
  30 Rockefeller Plaza

  Dear Mr. Farish: ... I stayed in France until Sept. 17th In
 England I met by appointment the Royal Dutch [Shell Oil Co.]
  gentlemen from Holland, and 

[CTRL] Mind Control Race: CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

 EXCLUSIVE - CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide
 CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide  7-25-00
 By Richard Freeman


   EIR senior economic staffer Richard Freeman spent
 two days at a closed-door meeting inside the New York
 Council on Foreign Relations' mansion. The power elite now
 shares Lyndon LaRouche's long-held assessment that its
 financial system is likely to explode, explosion, but the
 "big guys" have no idea how to save their system.

   Freeman witnessed the CFR crowd preparing to come
 out on top after a coup d'etat against the U.S. President.
 And, one of their spokesmen boasts freely of his desire to
 see tens of millions of Africans killed off by the AIDS
 epidemic. These are the descendents of the same Wall
 Street-City of London bankers' cabal that financed Adolf
 Hitler's rise to power--with the help of George W. Bush's
 granddaddy, Prescott Bush.

   The following is a taste of a far larger study,
 and related studies, published in the July 28th edition of
 EIR. Copies of this 80-page EIR will be sent free to those
 who call 1-888-347-3258 and say they read about it on

   Regards, Mark Sonnenblick

   - CFR Bankers Plot Coup  Genocide -

   By Richard Freeman

   On July 12-13, the New York Council on Foreign
 Relation held, at its exclusive mansion-headquarters in
 Manhattan, a conference on "The Next Financial Crisis:
 Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact." The conference
 examined the potential for a global financial crash; it drew
 together 250 people, most of them bankers, investors,
 corporation officials, and policymakers, mostly from the
 United States, but also from Europe. EIR attended.

   The main theme of the conference was the continued
 work of the "Financial Vulnerabilities Project," a project
 which the CFR launched in 1999 with Wall Street banker Roger
 Kubarych as its director. During the past year, while U.S.
 policymakers and media have {publicly} raved about the
 soundness of the financial system, the CFR's "Financial
 Vulnerabilities Project" has held events and simulated
 "war-games" based on the assumption of a global financial

   What emerged as a dominant second theme reflecting
 the thinking of the CFR, was the enunciated policy that many
 tens of millions of Africans should be allowed to die by
 being denied treatment for AIDS. As one participant put it,
 "Those with AIDS in Africa should die quickly."

   The CFR is the policy vehicle of the British and
 American financier oligarchy, which founded it in 1921. It
 dictates a considerable part of the policy of the U.S.,
 including to the Democratic and Republican Parties. Much of
 the policy that emerges in official Washington comes from
 the CFR and its circle. The conference demonstrated the
 degeneration of the thinking of the CFR and U.S. policy
 elites, even relative to 20 years ago.

   Though the financial crisis was often accurately
 described at the conference, no sound solution or cure was
 presented at all.

   - Destroying Africa -

   At the conference, Peter Schwartz made a naked
 recommendation for the murder of tens of millions of people
 in Africa. Schwartz directed two of the conference sessions
 on "Scenario Planning and Simulation," and the war-game
 simulation chapter of his recent book, "The Art of the Long
 View" was used to run the CFR's war-game simulation of a
 financial meltdown. Schwartz formerly directed the
 intelligence-linked Scenario Planning Department of Royal
 Dutch Shell, a key institution of the British oligarchy. (It
 was set up by Lord Victor Rothschild.) He is the founder of
 Wired magazine and the founder and current head of the
 Global Business Network, both of which are at the forefront
 of the New Age-New Economy movement.

   On July 13, Schwartz had the following exchange
 with EIR.

   {EIR}: Yesterday, at a session of the conference
 that you directed, you stated that we should not keep alive
 those who have AIDS in Africa. You are writing off part of
 that continent's population.

   {Schwartz:} In 1986, I did a study on this for
 ATT, Royal Dutch Shell, and Volvo. We concluded that people
 who have AIDS in Africa should not be kept alive; they
 spread the disease. It is better they should die quickly.

   (Schwartz claimed, without credibility, that the
 study was "just an intellectual exercise.")

   {EIR}: Why not have those who have AIDS in Africa,
 live in decent places where they will not transmit the

   {Schwartz:} Concentration camps.

   Schwartz snapped this riposte out quickly. This is
 exactly what the Hollywood mafia and death lobby lied that
 Lyndon LaRouche was proposing when his movement put
 Proposition 69, for a program to fight AIDS and save lives,

[CTRL] [ENWL-eng] (Fwd) New Greenhouse Gas Identified, Potent Rare (expanding)

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Dr. Janet M. Eaton, NB, Canada:
Although the synthetic gas is extremely rare,  it still poses
potential problems, the paper's authors say, because concentrations
of the gas are rising quickly,   the gas probably takes more than
1,000 years to break down  and its source -- although certainly from
human activity --  is a mystery. ... Its name, trifluoromethyl
 sulfur pentafluoride, is enough of a tongue twister that
chemists prefer to talk about it using its chemical formula,
SF5 CF3 . Some chemists said yesterday that it was possible
that the gas was being used secretly in military  equipment. A
similar gas, sulfur hexafluoride, or SF6 , is on lists of chemicals
used in electronics, weapons and for other military purposes. But
they added that the new gas might also be used secretly  by some
industry or it could simply be anunintentional byproduct of some
manufacturing process somewhere in the  world
Dr. Gary A. Gard, a chemistry professor at Portland State
University in Oregon said  "Not too long ago, people thought we can
dump anything we  want in the ocean because it's so vast.It's
the same thing with the atmosphere. It's just been seen as this
huge sink. Now we see it's not an infinite reservoir. People
should realize that and start taking better care of it."

fyi- janet


July 28, 2000

  New Greenhouse Gas Identified, Potent
  and Rare (but Expanding)


  Scientists have found rising
  concentrations of a newly
  identified gas in the air that traps
  heat more effectively than all other known
  greenhouse gases, the dozens of
  compounds released by industry and the
  burning of fuels that act like a greenhouse
  roof and may be warming the global

  The synthetic gas is extremely rare, so far reaching
  concentrations just over one-tenth of one part per trillion
  of air, according to a paper published today in the journal

  But it still poses potential problems, the paper's authors
  say, because concentrations of the gas are rising quickly,
  the gas probably takes more than 1,000 years to break down
  and its source -- although certainly from human activity --
  is a mystery.

  "So far, there is far too small a quantity to be of
  concern," said William T. Sturges, an atmospheric chemist at
  the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, and the
  study's principal author. "But I wouldn't want to see it
  enormously increased."

  The study provides the latest evidence of the global reach
  of pollution and the sometimes unintended consequences of
  industrial activity, said many chemists familiar with the
  report. Advance copies of the paper circulated this week by

  Some chemists said yesterday that it was possible that the
  gas was being used secretly in military equipment. A similar
  gas, sulfur hexafluoride, or SF6 , is on lists of chemicals
  used in electronics, weapons and for other military

  But they added that the new gas might also be used secretly
  by some industry or it could simply be an unintentional
  byproduct of some manufacturing process somewhere in the
  world. The gas could come from any number of industrialized

  The gas was found in samples taken by instrument-laden
  balloons 21 miles up in the stratosphere and in air trapped
  under layers of Antarctic snow. Its name, trifluoromethyl
  sulfur pentafluoride, is enough of a tongue twister that
  chemists prefer to talk about it using its chemical formula,
  SF5 CF3 .

  Its discoverers found no evidence of the gas in the air
  before the 1950's, with only a scattering of molecules
  appearing in the 1960's and then a steady rise, with
  concentrations now rising about 6 percent a year.
  Altogether, the scientists calculated, about 4,000 tons have
  been released so far, with an additional 270 tons emitted
  each year.

  That still has resulted in an overall concentration of about
  0.12 parts per trillion in air, making the gas exceedingly
  rare, Dr. Sturges said.

  But because SF5 CF3 is such a potent, and nearly permanent,
  heat-trapping gas, he and his colleagues said, they hoped
  the finding would serve as a call to industry and
  governments to find its source.

  Molecule for molecule, it is 18,000 times more effective at
  trapping heat in 

[CTRL] ECTV - Comet 'LINEAR' Is Breaking Up

2000-07-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Comet 'LINEAR' Is Breaking Up...07/28/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 First let me state clearly, the story you are about to read is based in
 facts and not that of someone who makes reckless predictions or tries to
 pass information disguised as science, when in fact it is no more than
 what many call 'channeling'.
 Secondly, let me remind everyone, Do not follow my truth, follow Your

 Recently many of us on the internet had the opportunity to witness what
 can happen when someone comes forward with unsubstantiated material, based
 on other researchers facts. Essentially yelling "Follow me, Follow me, I
 have "the" truth.
 I know something no one else does." As much as I resist saying this, I now
 can (in a small way) understand why NASA is
 very careful in what they say. This does not mean I agree with NASA's
 model of Public Relations. By no means do I agree
 or accept their policy of omission. It is my belief, NASA should welcome
 dissent and alternative views. The more they try to
 thwart, the more we are untrusting.

 Recently I have been approached by some "within" NASA to help set up a
 community round table of sorts. In other  words,
 a collective body made up of amateur scientist and those from spiritual
 disciplines, some of which have a keen background in ancient text. It is
 said we would have access to those within NASA who would be willing to
 give "direct" answers or documented information which would address our
 query.  Don't worry folks, I am not that gullible. I will use a Ronald
 term (not that I voted for him) which he used with our Russian friends
 "Trust, but Verify".  I believe that sums up my expectations of such a
 venture being discussed.

 Here's the good news, I believe what has finally motivated NASA to take
 such a welcoming approach, is perhaps they too
 believe much of what ancient text states is in fact true. If this is
 correct, there is nothing NASA can do to hide events to come.
 I believe they have finally realized their Public Relations Policy is a
 dismal failure. I believe this came about as a direct result to
 the power of the internet. No longer could they keep their neatly packaged
 research to such a privileged few. Remember, there was a time when an
 article would come out in the newspaper, and everyone would take it as
 fact. Those Days Are Gone!!! We are finding out on a daily basis that
 (to use a statement I so often refer) We Are All Just Kind Of Guessing!

 Looking back on the experience we had with those coming forward yelling
 "Follow me, Follow me", I am glad that it happened. It gave all us a
 glimpse at what I believe will continue, and even escalate substantially
 in the weeks and months ahead as events begin to unfold. It will be a time
 when fact and fiction will be purposefully entangled. Ancient text warns
 us "watch for the time of false prophets". It is stated from several
 different disciplines that during the later times prior to what I will
 call "the transition", many will come forward as if they have some special
 insights or magic and will try to manipulate others belief.

 It is more important now than ever before to find your place of centering.
 Whether it be traditional prayer, meditation, ancient ritual, ceremony, or
 other rites of passage, I would suggest all of us to practice our personal
 beliefs more often.

  Dr. Jose Arguelles

 I had one of my most exciting interviews yesterday with Jose Arguelles. He
 is fantastic and filled with wisdom. He has been practicing and teaching
 spiritual and scientific discipline since the early 60's. Jose Arguelles
 is most noted as being the originator/
 and world coordinator of the 1987 "Harmonic Convergence". He is gifted
 with the ability to merge science and spirit in a most understandable way.
 Most of his studies are related to the Mayan Calendar.

 I felt a kinship with Jose and his wife Lloydine, only to be matched with
 that of Gregg Braden and Ian Lundgold. I believe we are all onto something
 BIG. It is the merging of the two worlds of science and spirit. One common
 denominator which all have shared, is that we are becoming more intuitive
 (and remembering) more than ever before. So I say this, trust your
 feelings, your intuition. You will need this more than ever to find your
 way through many deceptive paths.

 I will have my interview with Jose Arguelles up on our "audio archives"
 page in a few days. For now, you may wish to listen to past interviews
 with Gregg Braden, and also last weeks interview with Dr. John Brandenberg
 author 'Dead Mars, Dying Earth'
 Audio Archives: http://www.earthchangesTV.com/AudioCapture/index.htm

 Now the article: Comet 'LINEAR' Is Breaking Up

 There is mounting evidence that the active comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) may
 not have survived its closest approach to the Sun on July 26th intact. In
 an International Astronomical Union Circular (IAUC #7467) published
 yesterday, astronomer Mark Kidger 

[CTRL] [surfingtheapocalypse] Fw: EXCLUSIVE - CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide

2000-07-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

EXCLUSIVE - CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide
 have you seen this yet?  how did such immature people get
 into such positions to do so much harm?

 color of law -- The appearance of semblance, without the
 substance, of legal right.
 Reference: Black's 8th - 1990

 EXCLUSIVE - CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide

 CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide  7-25-00
 By Richard Freeman


   EIR senior economic staffer Richard Freeman spent
 two days at a closed-door meeting inside the New York
 Council on Foreign Relations' mansion. The power elite now
 shares Lyndon LaRouche's long-held assessment that its
 financial system is likely to explode, explosion, but the
 "big guys" have no idea how to save their system.

   Freeman witnessed the CFR crowd preparing to come
 out on top after a coup d'etat against the U.S. President.
 And, one of their spokesmen boasts freely of his desire to
 see tens of millions of Africans killed off by the AIDS
 epidemic. These are the descendents of the same Wall
 Street-City of London bankers' cabal that financed Adolf
 Hitler's rise to power--with the help of George W. Bush's
 granddaddy, Prescott Bush.

   The following is a taste of a far larger study,
 and related studies, published in the July 28th edition of
 EIR. Copies of this 80-page EIR will be sent free to those
 who call 1-888-347-3258 and say they read about it on

   Regards, Mark Sonnenblick

   - CFR Bankers Plot Coup  Genocide -

   By Richard Freeman

   On July 12-13, the New York Council on Foreign
 Relation held, at its exclusive mansion-headquarters in
 Manhattan, a conference on "The Next Financial Crisis:
 Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact." The conference
 examined the potential for a global financial crash; it drew
 together 250 people, most of them bankers, investors,
 corporation officials, and policymakers, mostly from the
 United States, but also from Europe. EIR attended.

   The main theme of the conference was the continued
 work of the "Financial Vulnerabilities Project," a project
 which the CFR launched in 1999 with Wall Street banker Roger
 Kubarych as its director. During the past year, while U.S.
 policymakers and media have {publicly} raved about the
 soundness of the financial system, the CFR's "Financial
 Vulnerabilities Project" has held events and simulated
 "war-games" based on the assumption of a global financial

   What emerged as a dominant second theme reflecting
 the thinking of the CFR, was the enunciated policy that many
 tens of millions of Africans should be allowed to die by
 being denied treatment for AIDS. As one participant put it,
 "Those with AIDS in Africa should die quickly."

   The CFR is the policy vehicle of the British and
 American financier oligarchy, which founded it in 1921. It
 dictates a considerable part of the policy of the U.S.,
 including to the Democratic and Republican Parties. Much of
 the policy that emerges in official Washington comes from
 the CFR and its circle. The conference demonstrated the
 degeneration of the thinking of the CFR and U.S. policy
 elites, even relative to 20 years ago.

   Though the financial crisis was often accurately
 described at the conference, no sound solution or cure was
 presented at all.

   - Destroying Africa -

   At the conference, Peter Schwartz made a naked
 recommendation for the murder of tens of millions of people
 in Africa. Schwartz directed two of the conference sessions
 on "Scenario Planning and Simulation," and the war-game
 simulation chapter of his recent book, "The Art of the Long
 View" was used to run the CFR's war-game simulation of a
 financial meltdown. Schwartz formerly directed the
 intelligence-linked Scenario Planning Department of Royal
 Dutch Shell, a key institution of the British oligarchy. (It
 was set up by Lord Victor Rothschild.) He is the founder of
 Wired magazine and the founder and current head of the
 Global Business Network, both of which are at the forefront
 of the New Age-New Economy movement.

   On July 13, Schwartz had the following exchange
 with EIR.

   {EIR}: Yesterday, at a session of the conference
 that you directed, you stated that we should not keep alive
 those who have AIDS in Africa. You are writing off part of
 that continent's population.

   {Schwartz:} In 1986, I did a study on this for
 ATT, Royal Dutch Shell, and Volvo. We concluded that people
 who have AIDS in Africa should not be kept alive; they
 spread the disease. It is better they should die quickly.

   (Schwartz claimed, without credibility, that the
 study was "just an intellectual exercise.")


[CTRL] Mind Control Lawsuit Against Bush Sr.

2000-07-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

 FBI Investigator Lawsuit: Bush Sr  Jr Attempting to Rig 2000 Election:

 July 27, 2000 - As set out in emails below, Plaintiff Charles A. Schlund has
sued George Bush, Sr for illegal use of mind control devices against him
while on investigative FBI investigative duties, in connection with alleged
election-rigging in the 1992 Presidential election.

 The lawsuit, now with the US Court ofAppeals for the 9th Circuit, alleges
that the mind control torture occured while Plaintiff Schlund was
investigating, on behalf of the FBI, vote rigging in the 1992 Presidential
election. Schlund's investigative efforts resulted in Clinton's election -
eg, the election rigging to have George Bush win was defeated.

 According to Plantiff Schlund, as in the 1992 election, there may be a
repeat attempt to rig the 2000 election by the Bush mind control networks.

 Charles A. Schlund agreed to release information about his lawsuit publicly.
Schlund's lawsuit emerged during online discussion of George Bush Sr's
culpability in directing illegal mind control networks during his terms as
CIA Director, Vice President, and President.

 EcoNews Service
 Vancouver, BC
 Subj:   Re: [MC]  [CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?
 Date:  00-07-26 01:40:43 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (chuck)

 Hi I am also in a lawsuit against the United States for the use of torture
against me as a witness against
 George Bush Sr. for murder, drug running, fixing of elections, conspiring to
funnel billions of dollars
 out of the government and many other crimes. In some files we had in 1977
that had belonged to George Bush
 and others he was using the devices they currently use to torture me with in
experiments in controlling
 innocent American and other citizens with the intent at fixing federal and
other elections.

 Our lawsuit is currently before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

 At present Janet Reno has and is allowing the torture of me to continue to
keep me mostly disabled until
 George Bush Jr. is elected President. Starting in 1991 I worked with the FBI
against the CIA, DEA and
 others in a national security investigation which included the fixing of the
Presidential election of the
 United States. The information I supplied in part resulted in Clinton being
elected the President of the
 United States.

 I would be very interested in any documents you have concerning anything in
court against George Bush and
 or any of the other members of his organized crime network. Charles A.


  Dana - I am sorry you do not share my deep intuition about the mind
  control nature of both Cheney and W. Bush.
  So let's share some background about Texas, George W. Bush, George Bush,
  Sr., and the courts of Ontatio.
  As far as a political motive for my statements,  yes I have been in
  Texas democratic politics.  I was a Clinton delegate at the 1996 Texas
  Democratic convention.  I first met W. Bush in 1997 when he came to the
  Rio Grande Valley, at a bill signing denying Hispanic children
  healthcare.  That same day he stonewalled the Mexican Foreign Minister
  and executed a Mexican national. That is not why I am making these
  assertions, though I find his surface politics abhorrent. (W and I were
  contemporaries at Yale, BTW).
  With regard to George Bush, Sr., however, the matter is far different.
  I sued Bush as a defendant while he was President, along with other
  parties on behalf of a Canadian mind control victim.  The lawsuits were
  a series of 25 complex cases in US Federal Court, and in the Courts of
  Canada. The legal evidence against Bush and co-defendants, including
  affivavits, appears in the book THE LEVESQUE CASES (PSP: Ontario 1990)
  ISBN 0-9694459-0-3.  For five years in federal courts in Canada and the
  USA I was thoroughly familiar with all of the available mind control
  activities against Bush, and brought them to open court.
  The Plantiff, my client, won a judgment in the courts of Ontario against
  this mind control network. Please don't try to normalize George Bush to
  What I saw in W. Bush's Texas about the mindcontrol empire within the
  USA formed a large part of my decision to leave.  The mind control BTW
  is much less outside of the USA.
  No - I am not attempting political character assassination of W. Bush,
  the Bush brothers or George Bush Sr.  It is true I am in the
  abolish death penalty movement, and the Bush brothers are the main
  suppliers of execution.  It is true that I publicly state that W
  "embodies the forces of death." in print and on the Internet.  I do so
  pursuant to the First Amendment.  And guess what: Most people in the
  abolition movement beleive that.
  No, My mission here is to help expose a mind control network mediated,
  in significant role, by USA operatives including George Bush, W. Bush,
  and Lieutenants 

[CTRL] Mind Control: The Invisible Third World War

2000-07-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

From our Australian correspondent:

This comes via Arlene Tyner, reporter 'Probe magazine', via (CAHRA).  It
may not be new to you but it is good and interesting that a wide variety of
groups are out there spreading this information on the net!



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [ENWL-eng] Exopolitics - United Societies in Space - KOA radio

2000-07-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

 United Societies in Space (usis.org) Constitutional Convention, will
 be held at the University of Denver Law School, Denver, Colorado,
 USA on  August 4-5, 2000.  The convention is open to the public.

 USIS' Constitution, to be adopted at the Convention, establishes a
 private governance entity in Space, independent of the U.N. and
 national governments, and based on the common law. Exopolitic's
 author Alfred Webre, a Yale Law School-trained international
 lawyer, has been invited to address the Convention with a
 mechanism to allow for institutional docking with extraterrestrial
 government, as that occurs.

 Exopolitics and USIS will be discussed by author Alfred Webre as
 guest July 28 at 1 AM PT on KOA radio (Rick Barber).  You can
 listen to the program live at: http://www.850koa.com/listen.html

 Exopolitics is the study of government and politics in the Universe.
 EXOPOLITICS, EPISODE ONE, an idea-manifesto, is available free
 at Universebooks.com.

 EcoNews Service.com - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness 
 Universe Politics.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA http://www.ecologynews.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/

- *  ENWL (English) * 
   Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-25 00:56:47 EDT, you write:




 NO. 10 - Brown  Root Inc.

 P.O. Box 3
 Houston, Texas 77001
 Defense cuts can be good for Brown  Root Inc., a company that has grown
 to 40,000 employees by expanding its work from energy-related services
 into government outsourcing.
 An example of the latter is the company's lucrative, multiyear,
 logistics support effort for U.S. troops in Bosnia. This effort covers a
 wide array of services, including the transport of fuel and food, and
 construction of housing.

 In Bosnia, the company does "almost everything that the [military] does
 not want to do ... allowing them to focus on their military mission,"
 said Chuck Fiala, vice president and director of operations for Brown 
 Root Services Corp. in Houston.

 In 1996, the Bosnia operation contributed roughly $400 million to Brown
  Root's revenues, which totaled $3.1 billion in 1995.

 The logistics support contract from the Department of Defense catapulted
 Brown  Root to the No. 10 slot on Washington Technology's Top 100 list.
 However, U.S. forces are slated to withdraw from Bosnia in the summer of
 1998, putting an end to the firm's lucrative operation there.

 With the growing number of commercial and federal infotech outsourcing
 opportunities, Brown  Root executives are now trying to decide whether
 to pursue more of these contracts, said Fiala. "[We] have to decide
 which strategy [offers] the best financial return," he said.

 Of the company's total revenues, $582 million was earned performing
 outsourcing work for the U.S. government.

 Brown  Root Services Corp. is one of two major components of Brown 
 Root Inc., a subsidiary of Halliburton Co. of Dallas. The latter earned
 80 percent of its $5.7 billion revenue in 1995 by selling
 high-technology services and products to the oil and gas industries.

 Halliburton's president and CEO is Dick Cheney, who served as defense
 secretary under President George Bush. Cheney joined the company in
 October 1995.

 Halliburton's 1995 revenues show a decline from 1993's $6.01 billion,
 partly because the company sold its insurance unit.

 The other component of Brown  Root Inc. is Brown  Root Engineering and
 Construction, also based in Houston. The fastest-growing portion of
 Brown  Root Inc. is Brown  Root Services Corp., which is run by Randy
 Harl. The unit's revenue passed $1 billion in 1995, up from $200 million
 in 1986, largely because of federal contracts.

 Despite the company's gains in the federal marketplace, Brown  Root
 Inc.'s overall revenue has remained flat since 1993's total of $3.14
 billion. Revenue in 1994 was $2.99 billion.

 But new opportunities for the company may arise as U.S. defense
 officials try to save money by outsourcing support activities, including
 the operation and maintenance of computer systems.

 Already, U.S. Navy officials have outlined plans to replace 80,000 Navy
 employees with contract workers, which would be supplied by outsourcing
 companies such as Brown  Root. Navy officials have tagged Navy bases at
 El Centro in California and in Pensacola, Fla., as likely candidates for

 Government and industry officials say the industry could take over many
 of these operations and cut costs by 10 percent to 30 percent.

 However, the outsourcing plan will likely run into stiff opposition from
 local senators, representatives and community groups. This opposition,
 driven by fear that local jobs will be lost, has stymied many previous
 Pentagon efforts to outsource work at many military bases.

 If the Navy's outsourcing plan goes ahead, contractors may be asked to
 take over the operations of entire facilities, including operating
 computer systems, communications networks and training devices, as well
 as providing food, light and heat, said Fiala.

 To win an infotech-intensive outsourcing contract, Fiala said, Brown 
 Root may team with such companies as Computer Sciences Corp. in El
 Segundo, Calif., or Litton-PRC in McLean, Va. "You either get them on
 your team, or use them as subcontractors," he said.

 Currently, Brown  Root operates high-tech facilities for NASA, the
 Department of Energy and the Defense Department.

 For NASA, Brown  Root holds a contract for launch operation services at
 Cape Canaveral, Fla., under which the company schedules, maintains and
 operates the facility that is used to perform final checks on space
 satellites before they are mounted on rockets for launch into space.
 This contract is worth $10 million per year. Another NASA contract has
 the company operating and maintaining Johnson Space Center facilities in
 Houston from which NASA monitors and controls its numerous satellites.

[CTRL] Richard B. Cheney, Vice President (Candidate) 7/25/00

2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

Richard Cheney - Master PsyOperative of the global mind control empire..
 Blessed are those who see the truth, know the truth, abide in the truth,
 they are mine, and they shall follow me home to eternal paradise.

 The Testament of Truth (index)

 Re: Richard B. Cheney, Vice President (Candidate) 7/25/00

 Richard B. Cheney, March 21, 1989- January 20, 1993
 17th Secretary of Defense, Bush Administration

 During the Ford administration, Richard Cheney held the positions
 of Deputy Assistant and Assistant to the President for White
 House Operations, titles commonly referred to by the news media
 and others as "Deputy Chief of Staff" and "Chief of Staff." He
 initially served as deputy to Donald Rumsfeld and succeeded him
 in November 1975 when Rumsfeld became Secretary of

 An Interview with Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense

 Major CEO Contributors to Front-runner Republican Presidential Candidates
 George W. Bush
 (Reference:  April 19, 1999 issue of Business Week, pp. 34-36)
 The Money behind: George W. Bush
 James Barksdale - Former CEO of Netscape
 ** Richard Cheney - CEO of Halliburton** ( NOTE )
 J.W. Marriott Jr. - CEO of Marriott International
 Henry Kravis - Founding partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
 Kenneth Lay - CEO of Enron
 T.J. Rodgers - CEO of Cypress Semiconductor
 Wilfred Corrigan - CEO of LSI Logic
 Floyd Kvamme - Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers
 Gordon Binder - CEO of Amgen
 Herbert Kelleher - CEO of Southwest Airlines
 Michael Dell - CEO of Dell Computer
 Robert Herbold - COO of Microsoft

 Full text of Dick Cheney's speech at the IP Autumn lunch

 Dick Cheney Federal Building."
 Bill Honoring Dick Cheney Receives Committee Approval


 The Two George Bushes, January 7,1991

 George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley  Anton

 International War Crimes Tribunal  United States War Crimes Against Iraq
 Initial Complaint,  Charging
 George Bush, J. Danforth Quayle, James Baker, Richard Cheney,
 William Webster, Colin Powell, Norman Schwarzkopf
 and Others to be named

 What he brings to the ticket:

 A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the
 Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal
 by Ramsey Clark and Others

 This is a Presidential Campaign?

 "A Time to Lead" -

 Dinner Address By  Richard Cheney,
 Chief Executive Office, Halliburton, Thursday, May 8th, Washington, D.C.
 [Transcript was prepared from a tape recording.]

 Secretary Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense of the United States
 "The Gulf War: A First Assessment"
 Soref Symposium, April 29, 1991

 What is a leadership PAC?

 The Communist Threat


 Less than 2% of the population claims to be "liberals", and this is made up
 mostly of blind dumb feminists and jews.  Another few percent claims to be
 "conservatives".  The terms "liberal" and "conservative" don't define the
 values and principles of the 86% of the American population which is
 Christians.  Only the Holy Bible does that.
 John Knight

 The Testament of Truth (index)

 Arizona's Resolution to Abolish the
 Federal Government (Rev: 6/24/2000)

 National Debt - And The New World Order

 Democracy is when two wolves and a lamb vote
 on what to have for lunch, Liberty is a well-armed
 lamb contesting the vote. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ...and in the beginning

 "The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who
 remain neutral in times of moral crisis"
 --- Edmund Burke

 American Patriot Friends Network - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Founded - Feb. 21, 1993 - Kenneth L. Vardon
 a/k/a - American Patriot Fax Network
 PMB 107
 6630 W. Cactus # B107
 Glendale, Arizona [85304]
 Tel: 623-910-9018 - 

[CTRL] Richard Cheney - Master PsyOperative of the global mind control empire..

2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

  Richard Cheney - Master PsyOperative of the global mind control empire..
 Hi All - Now that I have your attention:

 1. Below is more background on Cheney's insider profiteering on
 a mind control War - that war is the Kosovo war, which has been adjudged as
criminal under an International tribunal led by former US Attorney Ramsey
Clark among others. As a model of how the global mind control empire works,
the US Vice Presidency can be a very important pivot position for the mid
control network.  Case in point George Bush, Sr.  This seems to have been the
Chency-Bush plan from the outset.

 2.  All I have seen in response to my suggestion that George Bush Sr. was
actually part of the attempted Ragan assassination is counter-OPINION as
well.  The REASON that the assassin was CHOSEN and PROFILED
 was that his parents were Bush next door neighbors and the AFTERMATCH could
be more easily CONTAINED.

 3. Immanuel Kant established forever in Western philosophy that apriori
knowledge is as valid as empirical knowledge.

 4. With regard to psyops operations of the mind control network, I refuse to
participate in the same sort of erroneous argumentation that espoused the
viewpoint on mc-l that HAARP was not a mind control weapon, because of a
flawed view of epistemology, whereas a large number of intuitive researchers
knew otherwise.

 Alfred Webre
 Vancouver, BC

 Mind Control  War-Profiteering - Included as part of my spin:



  NO. 10 - Brown  Root Inc.

  P.O. Box 3
  Houston, Texas 77001
  Defense cuts can be good for Brown  Root Inc., a company that has grown
  to 40,000 employees by expanding its work from energy-related services
  into government outsourcing.
  An example of the latter is the company's lucrative, multiyear,
  logistics support effort for U.S. troops in Bosnia. This effort covers a
  wide array of services, including the transport of fuel and food, and
  construction of housing.

  In Bosnia, the company does "almost everything that the [military] does
  not want to do ... allowing them to focus on their military mission,"
  said Chuck Fiala, vice president and director of operations for Brown 
  Root Services Corp. in Houston.

  In 1996, the Bosnia operation contributed roughly $400 million to Brown
   Root's revenues, which totaled $3.1 billion in 1995.

  The logistics support contract from the Department of Defense catapulted
  Brown  Root to the No. 10 slot on Washington Technology's Top 100 list.
  However, U.S. forces are slated to withdraw from Bosnia in the summer of
  1998, putting an end to the firm's lucrative operation there.

  With the growing number of commercial and federal infotech outsourcing
  opportunities, Brown  Root executives are now trying to decide whether
  to pursue more of these contracts, said Fiala. "[We] have to decide
  which strategy [offers] the best financial return," he said.

  Of the company's total revenues, $582 million was earned performing
  outsourcing work for the U.S. government.

  Brown  Root Services Corp. is one of two major components of Brown 
  Root Inc., a subsidiary of Halliburton Co. of Dallas. The latter earned
  80 percent of its $5.7 billion revenue in 1995 by selling
  high-technology services and products to the oil and gas industries.

  Halliburton's president and CEO is Dick Cheney, who served as defense
  secretary under President George Bush. Cheney joined the company in
  October 1995.

  Halliburton's 1995 revenues show a decline from 1993's $6.01 billion,
  partly because the company sold its insurance unit.

  The other component of Brown  Root Inc. is Brown  Root Engineering and
  Construction, also based in Houston. The fastest-growing portion of
  Brown  Root Inc. is Brown  Root Services Corp., which is run by Randy
  Harl. The unit's revenue passed $1 billion in 1995, up from $200 million
  in 1986, largely because of federal contracts.

  Despite the company's gains in the federal marketplace, Brown  Root
  Inc.'s overall revenue has remained flat since 1993's total of $3.14
  billion. Revenue in 1994 was $2.99 billion.

  But new opportunities for the company may arise as U.S. defense
  officials try to save money by outsourcing support activities, including
  the operation and maintenance of computer systems.

  Already, U.S. Navy officials have outlined plans to replace 80,000 Navy
  employees with contract workers, which would be supplied by outsourcing
  companies such as Brown  Root. Navy officials have tagged Navy bases at
  El Centro in California and in Pensacola, Fla., as likely candidates for

  Government and industry officials say the industry could take over many
  of these 

[CTRL] re [CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?

2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

From MC-L:
 Pat - I am sorry you do not share my deep intuition about the mind control
nature of both Cheney and W. Bush.

So let's share some background about Texas, George W. Bush, George Bush, Sr.,
and the courts of Ontatio.

As far as a political motive for my statements,  yes I have been in Texas
democratic politics.  I was a Clinton delegate at the 1996 Texas Democratic
convention.  I first met W. Bush in 1997 when he came to the Rio Grande
Valley, at a bill signing denying Hispanic children healthcare.  That same
day he stonewalled the Mexican Foreign Minister and executed a Mexican
national. That is not why I am making these assertions, though I find his
surface politics abhorrent. (W and I were contemporaries at Yale, BTW).

With regard to George Bush, Sr., however, the matter is far different.  I
sued Bush as a defendant while he was President, along with other parties on
behalf of a Canadian mind control victim.  The lawsuits were a series of 25
complex cases in US Federal Court, and in the Courts of Canada. The legal
evidence against Bush and co-defendants, including affivavits, appears in the
book THE LEVESQUE CASES (PSP: Ontario 1990) ISBN 0-9694459-0-3.  For five
years in federal courts in Canada and the USA I was thoroughly familiar with
all of the available mind control activities against Bush, and brought them
to open court.

The Plantiff, my client, won a judgment in the courts of Ontario against this
mind control network. Please don't try to normalize George Bush to me.

What I saw in W. Bush's Texas about the mindcontrol empire within the USA
formed a large part of my decision to leave.  The mind control BTW is much
less outside of the USA.

No - I am not attempting political character assassination of W. Bush, the
Bush brothers or George Bush Sr.  It is true I am in the
abolish death penalty movement, and the Bush brothers are the main suppliers
of execution.  It is true that I publicly state that W "embodies the forces
of death." in print and on the Internet.  I do so pursuant to the First
Amendment.  And guess what: Most people in the abolition movement beleive

No, My mission here is to help expose a mind control network mediated, in
significant role, by USA operatives including George Bush, W. Bush, and
Lieutenants like Dick Cheney.

Naturally, we will be submitting research briefs during the course of the
campaign - demonstrating a mind control connection and agenda as among W.
Bush, Richard Cheney and mind control Mastermind George Bush, Sr. And yes,
demonstrating George Bush's operating connection to the CIA-mind control
empire of drugs, assassination (including that attempt at Ronald Reagan).  My
research contention is that you are running the "plausible deniability" line
about George Bush and W. Bush.

Having proved the mind control truth successfully about George Bush
while he was President (we won a default verdict of $750 million in Ontario
courts), that will now be brought to public opinion.
Our goal? It is set out in http://www.exopolitics.com

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver BC
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [surfingtheapocalypse] THE DICK CHENEY DEEP DATA DUMP

2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Read this and weep!  We begin here a URL and research supported launch into
the Global Mind Control Mandarins: George Bush, Sr. , Operative Dick Cheney,
and now Mind Control Mandarin wannabe W. Bush Jr.

 As stated in a memo to MC-L about 24 month ago, at the invitation of the
moderator (who then called the post one of the most insightful ever posted
here), it is important to look at the global mind control network as a
teleological system.  It has goals and it has LEADERS.

 As we shall show, for the benefit of the court of public opinion, George
Bush Sr has in fact functioned, principally during his years as CIA Director,
Vice President and the President, as the senior operational Mind Control
Executive on a global level.  You will not find a GS rating for these
functions, either for DCI (Director of Central Intelligence).  BUT WHO DO YOU
singluar accomplishment is his building of the Mind Control empire. We
postulating this hypothesis; which shall become the thesis of cumulaive
evidentiary and conceptual postings about Mind Control organization, a proper
subject for MC-L.

 Here are some URLs that suggest Richard Cheney is in fact an operating
member of a covert mind control administration network, now embedded in a
Presidential candidacy..

 As they say in America: You have any problems with dat?

 Enjoy; they never said it would be easy...

 Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC


  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#THE DICK CHENEY DEEP DATA DUMP:

  Do you ever wonder why Saddam is still making weapons of mass
  destruction?  Ever wonder why 500,000 American men and women fought and
  suffered in the Gulf War and most came home sick? Ever wonder why the
  killers of JFK are walkin' free, proud and rich?  Ever wonder why you
  can't get Justice in American courts, and why your property is being
  ripped off by behind-the-scenes players?  Have the patience to follow
  the leads!  They could lead to your home town or your home or your
  family or even to you!



  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S HALLIBURTON (ROOT  BROWN) THING


  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#THE BUSH FAMILY LINKS TO HALLIBURTON,

  Click. The Deep Politics of the Bush Family Political Empire by Linda
  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#THE DEEP POLITICS OF THE THE BUSH FAMILY
POLITICAL EMPIRE. by Linda Minor © 2000

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S CHINA THING.

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY AND THE MORGAN STANLEY GROUP

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#IGI, INC. (Cheney's shares

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#U S WEST, Inc. (And Director Cheney.)

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S SIBERIAN OIL THING.

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S BURMA THING.

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S CASPIAN OIL THING.

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S THING ABOUT GREENHOUSE GAS

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S VIETNAM WAR DRAFT DEFERMENT

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S THING ABOUT GETTING APPROVAL FOR

  http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#CHENEY'S THING ABOUT EXCLUDING ISRAELI
 EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
 USA   http://www.ecologynews.com
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and 

[CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] ALERT!!!Global Govt Take Over Attempt this Fall

2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-26 00:07:11 EDT, you write:

 I'm sorry but am having difficulty getting the mail through the last 3 days.
 For some reason egroups is not loading the pages up. So if none appears you
know why. I'm just getting balnk pages. Thanks for all the greats posts,
they'll be here asap.


  by Mike Lewis, Texas Militia
  Now the Feds are trying to  buy up private land even faster.  A bill
 HR 701
 The Conservation and Reinvestment ACT  has already passed the House
 Representatives by a landslide vote of 315  to 102 .  They intend to
 spend 3
 BILLION DOLLARS per year  buying up private land.  The Federal
 already owns 43% of the land in America.  As most of youall know our
 government piles up the National debt to a group of private
 bankers called the Federal Reserve Corporation.  This debt to foreign
 increases with every  federal reserve note dollar that is printed.
 This debt
 with the compounding interest owed to the international bankers is
 astronomical and about to cause an economic collapse.  This is
 unconstitutional.  We should print United States notes with no
 principle or
 interest owed  to any bankers.   All public land in the United States
 been pledged as collateral to the international bankers for the
 National Debt
 ever since 1971 when the government paid out the gold in Fort Knob to
 foreigners and we went off the gold standard.  The reason the Feds
 are buying
 up private land is to give the International Bankers even  more REAL-
 to foreclose on to satisfy the national debt after we are occupied by
 Nations troops.  The idiot save the wales and kill the unborn babies
 who cry out "we have to save the endangered species lets keep people
 out of
 the forests" are duped into it by the International Bankers who don't
 any one on their REAL-ESTATE  Unless they are UN troops training for
 law and Gun Confiscation Which there are.  The United Nations has
 been ready
 for years to take us over in the event of an economic collapse   This
 the scenario that James Westly Rawles set fourth in his excellent
 Patriots Surviving the coming CollapseBut the greedy  Globalyst's
 wait for an economic collapse.  On September 6, 2000 the United
 Millennium Assembly connives in New York and their agenda is to
 the United Nations in preparation for world wide global government.
 plan to flush our constitution down the toilet and make us subjects
 of the
 United Nations with no God Given Constitutional rights.  The United
 god is Satan the Devil.  Clinton's Deputy Secretary of  State Strobe
 said quote---It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be
 unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful---un quote
 translated to common English means he said men can't be free and
 themselves as a nation. The hell we can't .  We've done it for over
 225 years
 now.  Clinton has signed into law an executive order that starting
 1st, 2000 in the event of any National Emergency Janet BarBeQue Reno
 butcher of  Waco will be in charge of  the Federal Emergency
 Agency response.  That Bull Dike Janet Reno's favorite response when
 isn't busy molesting 12 year old girls is to send in tanks with flame
 throwers and burn alive babies, children and Christians.  FEMA has
 millions of dollars building concentration camps all over America and
 is going to be their version of a Siberian Gulag or so the new world
 thinks.   America has been, set up sold out and slatted for
 destruction and
 slavery under the United Nations Global One World Satanic Government
 enemies both foreign and domestic.  May the Lord God Jehovah save us
 All  militia need to stay ready and alert it looks like its all
 coming down
 this Fall.  Prior to declaring martial law the Feds have computers
 to print out the RED LIST  which are arrest warrants for 6 MILLION
 militia, and New World Order resistors.  They want to eliminate us
 because we
 believe in freedom and we can't be broken or brained washed.  I
 that all militia keep a full set of combat gear and a survival kit
 ready to go at all times in your home and if you work or travel far
 from home
 to keep a  set of combat gear in your  vehicle trunk or tool box  if
 possible.   Just in case it comes down before you can get home or you
 get out with anything it is advisable to keep a set of combat gear
 buried.  We all need to keep in contact.  If all communications go
 down or if
 patriots start disappearing it is time to head for the woods before
 they come
 to your house.  If  they send in foreign troops or start confiscating

[CTRL] [UFOTruth] NASA's secret prep school for ET ambassadors

2000-07-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

 UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 [Dr. Boylan's extensive comments follow this article.]

 [From www.Sightings.com]

 Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program involving

 Astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the original seven Mercury
 astronauts, has confirmed the existence of a mind control
 administered by NASA in the 1950's and 1960's involving
 gifted American
 The astronaut's revelation was made during a July 19th
 interview by host Mike
 Siegel on the popular, late-night radio program, "Coast to
 Coast AM."
 During a discussion that primarily focused on Cooper's
 beliefs that
 extraterrestrial beings are visiting planet Earth and that
 some UFO's are
 alien spacecraft, Siegel asked Cooper:  "Who were the
 space kids?"
 Cooper answered:  "The space kids were children with
 exceptional mental
 abilities run through a kind of MK program, like the
 things that are coming
 out now."
 He went on to describe how NASA's mind control program,
 which emphasized
 cultivation of the children's psychic abilities, involved
 such things as
 telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences
 Cooper's remarks generally support the claims of a growing
 cadre of
 Americans, now in their thirties, forties, and fifties,
 who are recovering
 memories of unusual classes that they were enrolled in as
 children during the
 advent of the Space Age.
 These "study groups" included speed reading lessons that
 enabled students to
 comprehend entire passages of English prose at a single
 glance, the use of
 learning machines to teach them vast amounts of
 information, advanced memory
 training, card games and situational exercises involving
 clairvoyance, and
 seminars in the guided imagination that forms the basis of
 "remote viewing."
 It is believed that NASA's mind control program was
 directed at preparing
 children who would later be able to communicate with the
 intelligent species that humanity might encounter in
 This thesis is supported by the fact that one experiencer
 remembers being
 tutored in a hieroglyphic alphabet that author Fritz
 Springmeier has
 identified as a set of "intergalactic symbols" developed
 by NASA for the
 purpose of communicating with extraterrestrial
 The accounts of some individuals suggest that in some
 cases, the children
 involved were given drugs to enhance memory and learning
 and were physically
 spun on table top-like devices to induce the altered state
 of consciousness
 associated with OBE's.
 Cooper's book, "Leap of Faith", will be released to the
 public in August.

 [Dr. Richard Boylan comments:]

 **While NASA is not in its totality an organization
 free of mischief, I tend to consider the article accurate
 in its revelations.
 I know that Gordon Cooper has previously stated that
 UFOs are real and that ETs have made contact with Earth.
 Apparently the government's Acclimation Program is now far
 enough along that they feel the public is ready to learn
 (from Cooper's book, due out next month) about such things
 as a government program to cultivate gifted children to
 become the communication interface between the people of
 Earth and extraterrestrials.
 As I read Cooper's remarks, I think the term Mind
 Control is a bit misleading. Actually it appears that what
 the NASA scientists were doing is mind enhancement, i.e.,
 providing the special resources and stimulation to prompt
 these exceptional kids (many of them no doubt Star Kids) to
 reach their full potential as superintelligent,
 psychically-multitalented persons. I see nothing in
 Cooper's report which suggests coercive measures, nor abuse
 nor indoctrination with false information.
 Dr. Michael Wolf told of being put through such a
 program, where the government sent him to Princeton as a
 child, where he met Einstein and had mind-enriching
 experiences. Following that he was sent to MIT and McGill
 Universities among other universities to earn degrees in
 various scientific disciplines.
 It is gratifying to see that the controllers of
 government UFO information policy have finally! authorized
 Apollo Astronaut Gordon Cooper to make public these
 important facts about the government's behind-the-scenes
 efforts to prepare for full engagement on an intellectual,
 cultural and ambassadorial level with the visiting
 extraterrestrial cultures.
 As for the portion of the article which dealt with
 NASA's developing "intergalactic symbols",  I know that
 certain such presumably universal symbols were placed by
 NASA on a communications tablet that was sent inside a
 rocket probe into the deepest reaches of space, in case an
 extraterrestrial civilization might read it and learn about
 Dr. Carl Sagan was deeply involved in this space
 communication effort, which accorded with his real
 knowledge that ETs are real and have made contact with

Re: [CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?

2000-07-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Hi All - Those who have been watching the psyops behind the Republican
nomination for VP may find this article of interest.  George Bush ran the
global mind control empire from the VP position - it is perfect for psyops.
Need we remind you that the almost-assassin of Ronald Reagan had dinner at VP
G. Bush's house the week before the assassination attempt.  Purported tech
used: Teleguiding.  Goal: Palace coup d'etat, putting the Bush-CIA-NWO in
power.  We apparently are having a re-play now in W.  More to come,
obviously.  If you are uncomfortable with "reptilian" substitute "mind
controller",   Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
For Amazing Allegations on "Dick" Cheney (in long league with the Bushes, who
are also featured prominently) review the book "Trance-Formation of America"
available at Amazon.com.

 The Reptiles Could Be Watching You
 by Jess Miller

 Just after the Gulf War I was at my home, then in London, when the phone rang
 and a Canadian fishing guide - who I had never heard of - asked if I had one
 of the fishing reels named after his grandfather. I did indeed have one in my
 collection, but it was not for sale. However he continued to tell me how
 desperate he was to buy it and so I quoted him what I thought was a high
 price. Not having the money to be able to purchase it, he then offered to
 guide me for a week on British Columbia's Dean River in exchange for the

 I had fished the Dean many years previously and a wondrous river and superbly
 powerful place it is too, with forested mountains rising from the often
 green, glacial river and Grizzly and Black Bears all over the place. Wild and
 powerful is how I would describe it and the Steelhead that run the Dean are
 some of the finest British Columbia has to offer. Well I was going to visit a
 friend in Vancouver anyway and so I agreed to the guide's proposition.

 So in time there we were camped in single tents on the banks of the Dean. We
 had flown in from Bella Coola to the tiny gravel airstrip and then had a
 drive over a really rough track up to where we had decided to camp and began
 to fish immediately.

 On the second day the guide said to me,

 "I want you to meet Dick Cheney."

 I was taken aback and looked at him for an explanation.

 "You know, Dick Cheney, the ex-U.S. Secretary of Defence." Well I of course
 knew who Cheney was, but we were miles into the wilderness of British
 Columbia in amongst the bears, so what the hell was this guy on about?

 "He's coming in as we go out and I want you to meet him."

 That was all that was said, I just shrugged and began to wonder whether the
 guide had a full set of marbles. We continued fishing and what with all the
 bear activity and releasing spectacular Steelhead back into the Dean, the
 Cheney proposition completely left my mind. So the week ended and we arrived
 back at the gravel airstrip to find a light plane being unloaded by a couple
 of guys and another fellow standing to one side, dressed in a sort of
 overcoat, not the type of thing you go into the wilderness of British
 Columbia wearing. This man made a beeline for my guide and they turned away
 from me and engaged in a seemingly deeply serious and somewhat animated

 Having been brought up to have manners I moved off two or three metres and
 stood patiently waiting until they had finished. Meanwhile the two who were
 unloading the plane were not happy about my doing this and one in particular
 kept eyeing me until eventually he stopped doing what he was doing and stood
 and looked at me. I just smiled, feeling a little awkward and also feeling
 that in a moment he was going to start something. His attitude was hostile
 and I was beginning to feel that something was really wrong when my guide and
 the other man turned to me.

 "Oh, and this is Jess Miller from London. Jess Miller, Dick Cheney."

 I held out my hand as it dawned on me that it was Cheney and said,

 "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Cheney. You'll be pleased to hear that I've left
 you some Steelhead in the river because that's what we Englishmen like to do
 for our fellow human beings." I don't know why I said it, it just came out,
 but I'm always joking when I'm fishing, that's the way I am.

 Cheney was facing me, but never looked me in the eyes, instead he looked
 steadfastly at my solar plexus, grunted at my remark and then looked at the
 ground at our feet. A few seconds later he walked over to his two companions
 and that was my one and only meeting with Dick Cheney ended and I must say I
 was glad that it was. I had felt awkward, uncomfortable and uneasy around

 I put it out of my mind and we flew out back to Bella Coola.

 It stayed out of my mind for the years afterwards as my life turned into a
 nightmarish procession of evil people ripping me off and gradually my
 finances waned to almost nothing. I was ill quite a lot and homeopathy helped
 me greatly. Finally I was poisoned in a murder attempt and the people made

[CTRL] Urgent Action Item: Help Kill the Carnivore!

2000-07-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Subj:   Urgent Action Item: Help Kill the Carnivore!
 Date:  00-07-22 04:31:57 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Privacy News ListManager)


 URGENT ACTION ITEM! Congress agrees to hold hearing on Monday
 in response to public outrage over FBI's e-mail spy scheme

 You are receiving this alert because you participated in
 DefendYourPrivacy.com’s successful 1999 campaign against the
 FDIC’s proposed Know Your Customer bank spying regulation. If
 you do not want to receive further updates, please use the
 unsubscribe directions at the end of this message.

 * Immediate action required: Help us Kill the Carnivore!

 On July 14 we issued a press release about an FBI cybersnooping
 device code-named Carnivore, which can scan millions of e-mails
 per second. Because Carnivore has unlimited power to spy on
 almost everyone with an e-mail account, it may be the biggest
 threat to your digital privacy ever.

 Almost immediately after the existence of this project was
 disclosed in a July 11 Wall Street Journal article, public
 outrage began to mount -- and now Congress has been pressured
 into holding hearings on Carnivore.

 To capitalize on Monday's hearing before a House Judiciary
 Committee panel, we’ve launched a campaign to "Kill the

 Politicians on Capitol Hill may be planning to mollify the
 public by starting an "investigation" into the system, but
 that's not enough: We want to stop the Carnivore in its tracks
 and kill it -- before it devours your privacy.

 Please read this e-mail and *IMMEDIATELY* take the action
 below. Then forward this e-mail to friends, and ask them to do
 the same.

 BACKGROUND: Carnivore is a hardware-software device that the
 FBI secretly developed at its lab in Quantico, Va.  Dubbed
 Carnivore because of its ability to find "the meat" among
 millions of e-mails, Carnivore scans every incoming and
 outgoing e-mail message on a network looking for telltale words
 or names, and saves those messages for later retrieval by law
 enforcement. Carnivore can also track instant messages, visits
 to websites, and Internet relay chat sessions.

 The FBI admits that Carnivore will scan millions of e-mail
 messages from innocent people to find a tiny number of messages
 from people suspected of crimes.  That's no different than if
 the FBI opened everyone's mail hoping to find a letter from a
 criminal, or listened in on everyone's phone calls just in case
 a crime was being discussed.

 Though Carnivore's existence was just publicly revealed, the
 FBI has already installed the device at dozens of Internet
 Service Providers (ISPs) around the country, and claims it has
 used it "fewer than 50 times" so far. In many cases, the FBI
 keeps the device in a locked cage on the ISP's premises, with
 agents making daily visits to retrieve the captured data.

 Many ISPs have refused to allow the FBI to install Carnivore,
 citing concerns that the privacy of all their customers could
 be violated. But earlier this year, a federal judge ruled
 against one such ISP, leaving it no choice but to allow the FBI
 access to its system.

 Predictably, the FBI promises to limit surveillance to messages
 from suspected hackers, terrorists, or drug dealers. But
 considering that this is the same agency that quietly inserted
 "roving telephone tap" authority into federal law and illegally
 turned over confidential personnel files to the Clinton White
 House, you shouldn't be expected to trust it with your
 confidential e-mails.

 But Carnivore is more than a threat to your ordinary e-mail
 correspondence -- it also gives government bureaucrats the
 ability to spy on your online banking transactions, because it
 has the ability to monitor all digital communications. The
 bottom line is that your privacy won't be protected as long as
 Carnivore is on the loose.

 At this point, no legislation to eliminate Carnivore has been
 proposed. However, with your help we can change that. Keep in
 mind that we kicked off our campaign to kill the FDIC's "Know
 Your Customer" bank spy scheme last year before any legislation
 existed. But once we informed the public about this threat to
 their financial privacy, they swung into action and demanded an
 immediate end to the program. Americans flooded Capitol Hill
 with over 300,000 angry e-mails and phone calls, and within
 weeks, Know Your Customer was withdrawn.

 We believe that once Americans learn about Carnivore's
 outrageous assault on their electronic privacy, they will
 demand legislation to abolish it as well.

 That's why we're asking you to join the "Kill the Carnivore"


2000-07-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

Hi All - This is a fascinating "auteur" Mind Control story and analysis. Or
is it one more mind control provocation?  I would be very interested to hear
corrobarative comments on any of its assertions. (Never mind the disses, they
are a dime a dozen).  For example,. though many analysists fought HAARP's
mind control role, it now emerges that HAARP propagation may affect the human
limbic system (the seat of anger and fear). Let's give the mind control
prophets their due.  And what do you think about the correlation between the
1908 Tunguska event and Tesla's simultaneous "Ray" experiments?  Urban
legend?; disinformation? Real insight?  What will liberate us is vision and
courage, anchored in truth.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

 My name is Tannie Lee Braziel. My WWW site is "Amazon Web World" at
http://www.amazonco.com. My personal E-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I own and operate Amazon Paralegal Services ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 1680
North Vine Street, Suite 214, Hollywood, CA 90028 (Voice: (213) 465-1255;
Fax: (213) 465-0937). I am a member of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce,
Hollywood, CA.
 On March 3, 1996, I sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission
which follows the end of this letter, and discusses the "voices" and other
technological harassments that persons unknown to me have employed to abuse
me for years.

 Finally, in December, 1996, I received a response from the Federal
Communications Commission indicating that it does not handle the type of
complaint which I presented.

 Included among those to whom I sent copies of my letter in March are the
U.S. Justice Department, The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Los
Angeles Police Commission.

 I also sent a copy to the National Organization of Women; and its then
president, Tammy Bruce, invited me to speak on this subject on her radio show
on KFI in Los Angeles, California.

 On April 13, 1996, I did in fact appear on her show, identifying myself and
my business name and location. As a result, several listeners telephoned my
office and provided me with facts which established that I am an "involuntary
experimentee" of a government-created operation known as "H.A.A.R.P."
(High-Frequency Atmospheric Auroral Research Project) which is supposedly
based in Alaska, and is used as an electronic mind-control device against
American citizens.

 I have since gathered much written information regarding "H.A.A.R.P." and
other prior mind-control projects such as "MKULTRA", "ARTICHOKE" and
"PANDORA" which have been used by the Central Intelligence Agency against the
people of the United States since post-World War II.

 I have also located published testimonies of other survivors of electronic
mind control in "Whistle Blowers", edited and compiled by Elizabeth
Russell-Manning with Cheryl Welsh (Flatland Books, San Francisco, CA; (707)
964-8326; Code No. WHBL).

 Recently, I accessed and captured information from the "Up ParaScope"
website (http://www.parascope.com) regarding Nikola Tesla, which, when
combined with the material already in my possession on him, clarified his
important role in the "H.A.A.R.P." Project and other various, and prior,
government mind-control projects.

 Nikola Tesla was a scientist who began his career work just prior to 1900.
He pioneered alternating current, created fluorescent light and the arc lamp,
invented the radio and developed the logic circuits used in modern computers.
Over 700 patents were registered in his name and he was an important shaper
of current technological achievements.

 The efforts of his later years included wireless transmission of power,
thought recorders, and death rays.

 Tesla's main career pursuit was the wireless transmission of energy. He
solved the problem that transmission of power through air over long distances
would result in a significant loss of energy. Instead of sending energy using
air as a medium, he sent energy through the ground, because he found that the
ground, if charged highly enough, could become the conductor itself; and the
whole earth could be transformed into an electric transmitter.

 Some of Tesla's inventions had military applications, among which was
automaton technology he used to produce remote-controlled boats and
submarines. He hoped for a contract with the U.S. military, but the
government refused his offers.

 Then, Tesla invented the death ray, a particle accelerator and outgrowth of
his magnifying transformer. The death ray focused its energy output into a
thin beam so concentrated that it would not scatter, even over great

 On the night of June 30, 1908, Tesla tested the death ray while Robert Peary
was making his second attempt to reach the North Pole. Tesla notified Peary's
expedition that he would contact them, and that they should report to him
anything unusual they might witness.

 Tesla aimed his death ray across the Atlantic toward the arctic, to a 

Re: [CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Re: [CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God

2000-07-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 In a message dated 00-07-19 17:32:24 EDT, you write:

  Oh please! These kinds of things have always been around. It's only
 recently   that they've been given scary sounding names that the media can
fashion   impressive sounding reports around. All these "rages" used to be
just called   assault. "Home invasion" used to be called armed robbery. And
have you heard   of "car-jacking"? It existed before cars, under the name
highway robbery.
  Don't fall into the trap of thinking that just because something has a new
  name, it's new.

RESPONSE: Hi! This post is educational. I hope you begin to educate yourself
about the uses  of mind control and population mood management. If you wish
to ignore the  post, and continue to post misinformation, please just DELETE.
 There is only  enough time to bring you to the trough ONCE.

 I suggest you subscribe to the Mind Control victim's forum, and learn the
 mind control technology's effects on population mood management.  Mind
 control technology is routinely used to influence "democratic election
 outcomes", mass moods such as despondency, depression, rage, mass shootings,
 wars, plane crashes, public rages etc.

 Attitudes like yours are what Stalin called those of the "useful idiot".
 Josef Stalin was, of course, referring to fellow travelers who like the NY
 Times Soviet correspondent, deflected Stalin's secret genocide by
 Our current problem is that the psychopathic government has been made an
 faceless institution, not an individual.

 I hope you will take sides in the mind control war, with the life forces and
 fully aware.  Good luck. Now that you have been informed karma applies ;-)


 Alfred Webre
 Vancouver, BC
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] USA: Rights denied: Europeans on death row in the USA

2000-07-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *
 19 July 2000
 AI Index AMR 51/112/2000
 News Service Nr. 140

 Rights denied: Europeans on death row in the USA

 The institutions and member states of the European Union should
 intervene in support of European nationals under sentence of death in
 the United States of America, Amnesty International said today.

 In a new report entitled Worlds Apart, the organization details the
 cases of 10 European citizens on death row in the USA. European
 countries whose nationals are currently on death row include Estonia,
 France, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Germany, Poland, Spain and
 the United Kingdom.

 "In clear breach of international law, none of these people were
 informed upon arrest of their right to consular assistance," Amnesty
 International said. "In many of these cases, timely consular
 intervention could have meant the difference between life and death."

 "The widespread - and ongoing - failure of US authorities to respect the
 rights of detained foreign nationals threatens to undermine the
 international rule of law," the organization added.

 The cases documented in the report raise a host of issues illustrating
 the inherent flaws in the application of the death penalty in the USA.

 "Post-conviction evidence of unfair trials, official misconduct and
 unresolved claims of factual innocence are all symptoms of judicial
 procedures that fall unacceptably short of minimum international human
 rights standards," Amnesty International said.

 "Other governments -- including those whose nationals are on death row
 in the USA -- must put pressure on the US authorities to conform to
 basic principles of justice agreed to by the international community,"
 the organization added.

 The report is the latest in a series of Amnesty International documents
 establishing the failure of the United States to honour its treaty
 obligations in death penalty cases. More than 80 foreign citizens
 representing nearly 30 nationalities currently await execution in the
 USA. In virtually every case, arresting authorities breached the
 provisions of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations by failing to
 promptly inform detainees of their consular rights.

 In response to the executions of two German nationals in Arizona in
 1999, Germany has brought a case against the USA before the
 International Court of Justice, which has compulsory jurisdiction over
 violations of the Vienna Convention.

 Worlds Apart also describes the cases of three individuals on death row
 who may have dual nationality because of their birth in a European
 country and includes comprehensive recommendations to defend the rights
 of all foreign nationals sentenced to death, including urging
 interventions by Council of Europe members in support of Germany's case
 at the International Court of Justice.

 "The cases of death-sentenced Europeans are a microcosm of a hopelessly
 flawed death penalty process, which must be halted immediately," Amnesty
 International said. "By continuing to condone this brutal and arbitrary
 punishment, the USA is truly worlds apart from the human rights values
 endorsed by the international community of nations."

 The report summarizes the international reaction to recent executions of
 foreign nationals in the United States. Last October, the Inter-American
 Court on Human Rights decreed that the right to consular notification
 and assistance is a fundamental element in the protection of due
 process, the violation of which requires remedies and renders any such
 executions illegal. The opinion, requested by the Mexican government,
 followed the execution of two Mexican nationals who were not informed
 after arrest of their right to seek consular assistance.

 In 1998, for the first time in European history, none of the then 40
 members states of the Council of Europe carried out an execution.

 Amnesty International is opposed to the death penalty in all
 circumstances, and continues to work towards a global ban on the
 imposition and execution of death sentences. Until such time, all
 governments must do everything in their power to ensure that
 international minimum standards are met in states where this, the
 ultimate form of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, is still
 permitted by law.

 Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
 WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom
 You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main
 text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting
 Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the
 list subscription message may be removed.
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe

[CTRL] ECTV - New Sunspot Count of 402 Sets Record High

2000-07-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

 New Sunspot Count of 402 Sets Record High...07/21/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 Why does this not surprise me. Well I think you know what is coming next.
 Some of the largest solar flares and CME's to date. Within 48 hours of
 this event, watch for extreme weather all around the world. Also watch for
 an increase of forest fires.

 Remember, there is a compounding effect to earth changes. In other words,
 because of the already increased weather phenomena, the new and even
 stronger solar events enhance what is already expected to be "record
 breaking" events.

 FEMA has already began its mobilization procedures to address what they
 believe to be national crisis proportions over the next several months.

 Has the Hopi's description of "The Great Purification" begun? Keep in mind
 one very important statement the Hopi's use "Life will end...As We Know
 It". This is very different than "life will end". Is there a spiritual
 orientation to what we are witness to today? You Bet! So many disciplines
 have said this very thing hundreds and thousands of years ago.

 I believe this is all part of a bigger whole. One might call this "The
 Unfolding". Not with any form of negative connotation, but with the idea
 of renewal, transformation, evolution, or one of my favorites the
 Ascension process. A movement of rising into a higher realm of being.

 Watch for my upcoming article titled "If there is something called "new
 thought", what was the old one".

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

 Notice: Earth Changes TV email address has changed.
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ECTV: Sunspot Count Reaches 342, 3 Times NASA's ...

2000-07-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Sunspot Count Reaches 342, 3 Times NASA's Prediction...07/20/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 The sunspot count is running almost three times higher than NASA's own
 prediction for what they are calling "Cycle 23". NASA believes this is a
 natural 11 year cycle. My research suggest we are witness to something
 more. I call it a "Mega Cycle". This is a cycle that supersedes the known
 11, 22, and 1200 year cycles. It is believed this "Mega Cycle" is also a
 natural occurrence that occurs every hundred of thousands of years. (exact
 number unknown)

 Here is an article I wrote back in December 1999 that will help explain
 what we are experiencing.

 Watch for extreme weather all around the world within 48 hours. Watch for
 power grids to continue to go out. Also watch for
 geomagnetic disturbance to effect satellites. Possible aurora borealis to

 It has been reported by NASA that a large CME may be on its way. NASA says
 the SOHO satellite was not working at the time, so they will not confirm.
 SOHO not working?  Oh boy, maybe it is a bigger one than I thought. Have
 you noticed how often the SOHO goes out? What a coincidence that it mostly
 occurs during high solar activity. H What do you think is happening?
 It matters little, because if NASA is trying to hide something, they will
 be hard pressed to hide "records" being broke all around the world at the
 same time.

 As always, we will see...

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] 2020 NEURAL CHIP IMPLANT

2000-07-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

 The End of the Line


 The following letter on what appears to be official letterhead was sent by
 an anonymous source to The End of the Line. If it is legitimate, it
 validates many of the rumors that have been circulating about advanced,
 ultra high-tech mind control brain implants that are being used on humans in
 defiance of Federal regulations.



 A Security Division of IBM
 1200 Progress Way
 Armonk, New York 11204



 The control of crime will be a paramount concern in the 21st Century. We
 must be ready with our security products when the demand for them becomes
 popular. Our Research and Development Division has been in contact with the
 Federal Bureau of Prisons, the California Department of Corrections, the
 Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Massachusetts Department of
 Correction to run limited trials of the 2020 neural chip implant. We have
 established representatives of our interests in both management and
 institutional level positions within these departments.

 Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but
 we have entered nto contractual agreements with privatized health care
 professionals and specified correctional personnel to do limited testing of
 our products. We have also had major successes in privately owned
 sanitariums with implant technology. We need, however, to expand our testing
 to research how effective the 2020 neural chip implant performs in those
 identified as the most aggressive in our society. Limited testing has
 produced a number of results.

 In California, several prisoners were identified as members of the security
 threat group, EME, or Mexican Mafia. They were brought to the health
 services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives
 developed by our Cambridge,Massachussetts laboratories. The implant
 prodecure takes 60-90 minutes depending upon the experience of the
 technician. We are working on a device which will reduce that time by as
 much as 60%. The results of implants on 8 prisoners yielded the following

 Implants served as surveillance monitoring device for threat group activity
 Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff
 Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealted that when implant
 was set to 116 MHz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of
 18-22 hours per day
 All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 116 MHz test
 evaluation, 7 of the 8 subjects did not exercise, in the cell or out of the
 cell and 5 or the 8 subjects refused showers up to three days at a time.
 Each subject was monitored for aggressive activitiy during the test period
 and the finding are conclusive that 7 our of the 8 test subjects exhibited
 no agression, even when provoked.
 Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours
 after the implant due to initial adjustment
 Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each
 implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment
 It should be noted that the test period was for less than two months.
 However, during that period substantial data was gathered by our research
 and development team which suggests that the implants exceed expected
 results. One of the major concerns of Security and the R  D team was that
 the test subject would discover the chemial imbalance during the initial
 adjustment period and the test would have to be scurbbed. However, due to
 advanced technological developments in the sedatives administered, the 48
 hour adjustment period can be attributed t prescription medication given to
 the test subjects after the implant procedure.
 One of the concerns raised by R  D was the cause of the bleeding and how to
 eliminate that problem. Unexplained bleeding might cause the subject to
 inquire further about his "routine" visit to the infirmary or health care

 The security windfall from the brief test period was enormous. Security
 officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate
 the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into their ocrrectional
 facilities. One intelligence officier remarked that while they cannot use
 the informaiton that have in a court of law that they now know who to watch
 and what outside "connections" they have. The prison at Soledad is now
 considering transferring three subjects to Vacaville wher we have ongoing
 implant reserach. Our technicians have promised that they can do three 2020
 neural chip implants in less than an hour. Soledad officials hope to 

[CTRL] Russia: Press Freedom

2000-07-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
archive: www.index.org.ru/cjes/
Russian Union of Journalists: www.ruj.ru


Statement of the Russian Press Freedom Support Group
at a press conference, 13 July 2000
in the House of Journalists, Moscow
presented by James H. Ottaway, Jr.,
Chairman, World Press Freedom Committee

The eleven delegates in our Russian Press Freedom Support Group represent
six of the leading international free press organizations with worldwide
memberships. The delegates come from eight different countries of Western
and Central Europe, the Middle East and North America.

We are in Moscow at the invitation of the Russian Union of Journalists
and the Glasnost Defense Foundation to support them in their struggle for
freedom of speech for all Russians and freedom of the press for all
journalists and anyone who publishes a newspaper, magazine, or Internet
news site and anyone who operates a television or radio broadcast company.

We are here to tell you that the world is watching Russia in its struggle
to build a democratic society and a free press.

As President Putin said in his remarkable state of the nation speech
on July 8, "Censorship and interference in the activities of the media
are prohibited by law. å Without truly free media, Russian democracy will
simply not survive".

In talks over the past few days with journalists and government officials,
politicians and ordinary citizens, we have confirmed our concern that
President Putin's stated goals are far from the reality in Russia today.

There is widespread interference in the media by government officials
in Moscow and even more so in the regions. And there is not a truly free
and in dependent media in Russia today.

The Russian Union of Journalists estimates that 80 per cent of the print
and broadcast news media in Russia is controlled directly or indirectly by
the Federal government or the 89 regional governments or other local
authorities. Instruments of control are unequal subsidies needed for
media survival, and by use of the government's power for grant broadcast
licenses, newsprint, access to government printing presses and the
government-controlled press distribution system.

We see four major threats to press freedom and independent journalism in
Russia today.

One is government attempts to control the press with new information
security policies and intimidation of opposition media with selective,
politically motivated criminal prosecutions and tax-enforcement raids against
media that question government policy.

The second threat comes from government and oligarch media owners in
Moscow and the regions, who use their own broadcast stations and
publications to attack enemies and competitors and report favorably only
about their own political candidates.

The third threat to freedom of the press and independent, honest,
objective journalism is the lack of high standards of ethics and
professionalism in the news media. If the media are to claim their vital
place in building a free and democratic society, they must by worthy of
that standing.

Publishers and journalists themselves need to set higher ethical standards
and to demonstrate greater concern for the public interest and the common

The fourth threat if the lack of an economic environment to create the
financial independence needed by the news media.

We urge the Putin government and the Russian people to see their own
self-interest and national benefit in building and safeguarding a truly
free and independent press.

A free flow of information is essential for a successful free market economy;
and for foreign and Russian confidence to invest in public and corporate
loans, the stock market and new businesses.

A free flow of ideals and opinions is essential to development of democracy
in Russia, to a truly functioning political party system in which every
candidate, every elected official, every party can state their positions
and arguments to the public via a free and independent press.

Now, we want to present out list of government actions that intimidate
journalists who do not always agree with government policy and that
threaten freedom of the press in Russia. It is the same list that we have
presented to the Russian officials we have met. That list shows that there
is a contradiction between the good public statements and reality.

Actions speak louder than words!

* * * * * * *

Russian Press Freedom Support Group, 10-13 July 2000

Committee to Protect Journalists, New York City

Terry Anderson, CPJ Executive Board Member; Professor, Ohio University;
former Senior Correspondent of the Associated Press

Emma Gray, CPJ Europe Program Coordinator, former producer at Moscow
Bureau of Independent Televistion News of London, Russian studies and
language specialist

International Federation of Journalists, Brussels

August Glattfelder, IFJ Senior Vice President; Chairman of the Works
Council of Suedwestrundfunk Baden-Baden, Germany


[CTRL] Russia: Journalism in Extreme Situations

2000-07-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
archive: www.index.org.ru/cjes/
Russian Union of Journalists: www.ruj.ru


The Moscow Times, July 18

Beaten Reporter Dies From Injuries

By Ana Uzelac

A journalist working for Novaya Gazeta died Sunday of injuries he suffered
when he was beaten on his staircase in May in what his colleagues believe
might have been a case of mistaken identity.

Igor Domnikov, 41, who covered culture and social issues, was beaten
May 12 when he was coming home from work. Attackers hit him several times on
the head with a hammer and left him bleeding on the staircase in the
entranceway of his apartment building in southeastern Moscow.

Domnikov died in Burdenko neuro-surgical hospital without ever regaining
consciousness, his colleagues said.

Fellow journalists at the twice-weekly newspaper, which is known for
its investigative probes and exposïs, believe the real target of the
attack might have been Oleg Sultanov, a fellow reporter. Sultanov worked
to expose corruption in the oil industry and claimed to have received
threats before. Both men lived in the same building, they resembled each
other and even dressed similarly.

So far this version "has not been ruled out," said Novaya Gazeta editor
Sergei Sokolov. He declined to share the details of the murder inquiry.

"The police are working on a few possible versions at the moment and so
far they have established with certainty the reason why Domnikov was
attacked was indeed his professional activity," Sokolov said, adding
it might not have been Domnikov's professional activity but that of the paper.

A portrait of Domnikov draped in black crepe was hanging in Novaya
Gazeta's offices Monday. Sultanov, the editor said, was unavailable to
comment due to his "great emotional distress." We all believe "it was all
a tragic mistake," Sokolov said.

The editor said the paper has agreed with the police not to comment on
the investigation before it is finished. The police in charge of the
investigation declined to comment Monday. The files have been sent to
the local Lyublinskaya prosecutor's office, where a duty officer said
the person handling the case was out of town.

Oleg Panfilov, director of the Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations,
was more pessimistic.

"I'm afraid Domnikov's might become another in a long line of unsolved
journalist murder cases," he said.

Best regards,
Oleg Panfilov
director of the Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
phone/fax: +7 095 201-7626
'hot line' phone: +7 095 201-3550
address:room 320, 4 Zubovsky blv.Moscow 119021 Russia

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Russia: Reknown Environmentalist on Trial Again

2000-07-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

Russian Secret Police never give up - Nikitin faces new trials -- again.

Details: http://www.bellona.no/nikitin/

Nikitin case goes to Supreme Court
Nikitin not informed about hearing date

July 19, 2000 -- After being rebuffed four times by various Russian courts,
the Prosecutor General's office is trying again to convict internationally
renown environmentalist Aleksandr Nikitin.

In a surprise appeal received by Nikitin today, the Prosecutor General's
office (Attorney General) requests that the case be re-investigated, after
more than four years of investigations, harassment and legal proceedings.
The prosecutors revisited Soviet-era laws to resuscitate this case.

Nikitin had been acquitted by the St. Petersburg City Court on December 29,
1999, and the verdict was confirmed on appeal on the April 17 this year by
a three-judge panel of the Supreme Court. The City Court had previously
criticized the investigators -- Russia's secret police and KGB successor
FSB -- for shoddy work and rejected the indictment in October 1998. This
verdict was upheld by the Supreme Court in February of 1999.

The verdicts in favor of the former submarine captain has been historical,
as it vindicates his work of mapping the dramatic nuclear situation in
North West Russia for the Bellona Foundation, against the treason charges
of the state security apparatus.

The case started in October of 1995, when Bellona's office and Nikitin's
apartment were ransacked.  On February 6, 1996, the secret police stormed
in early in the morning and arrested Nikitin, who had to spent the next 10
month in an FSB prison in St. Petersburg.  Subsequently, the case was sent
back and forth between courts and the FSB for further investigations eight
times. Six court hearings, including two for procedural matters at the
Constitutional and City Court level and the four mentioned above, dealt
with the case.

The Supreme Court panel's verdict is a landmark step forward for the
Russian legal system, as it evaluated the law rather than rubber-stamping
the charges of the secret police. The Supreme Court also rejected the use
of secret decrees and laws enacted after the alleged criminal activities
had occurred.

Niktin's passport was returned to him only one month ago, after the Supreme
Court verdict upholding his acquittal. He arrived in the United States last
week to receive his Goldman award, often called the Nobel Prize for the
Environment, awarded to him in 1997, when he was not allowed to travel to
the ceremony.

This week, Nikitin will meet with a number of Members of Congress, State
Department and Clinton Administration officials.

He learned about the appeal during a Wednesday meeting in Washington with
Amnesty International, Sierra Club and the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews.

The Prosecutor General's appeal will be heard August 2, 2000. He claims the
case should be sent back for further investigation. If approved, Nikitin
will face many more rounds in court in this Kafkaesque process.

Contact:  Jon Gauslaa, mobile phone: +47-926-19 244

More information, updates, background etc., see Bellona web
(english and russian): http://www.bellona.no/nikitin/

Please dissiminate this information further and/or make a
link to the above URL, thank you.

This information is mailed to a number of recipients, mostly people
we have been in contact with, or who have requested updates on Nikitin
in addition to media.

If this information is irrelevant to you, we apologize. Send us a
mail, and we will make sure we don't send you emails as this in the

Regards, The Bellona Foundation

Fax:+47 22383862 Phone: +47 23234600
Snail mail: BELLONA,  Box 2141 Grunerlokka,  N-0505 Oslo, Norway
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW:   http://www.bellona.no/

CivilSoc mailing list

   - *  ENWL (English) * 
  Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia

Russian Secret Police never give up - Nikitin faces new trials -- again.

Details: http://www.bellona.no/nikitin/

Nikitin case goes to Supreme Court
Nikitin not informed about hearing date

July 19, 2000 -- After being rebuffed four times by various Russian courts,
the Prosecutor General's office is trying again to convict internationally
renown environmentalist Aleksandr Nikitin.

In a surprise appeal received by Nikitin today, the Prosecutor General's
office (Attorney General) requests that the case be re-investigated, 

[CTRL] [UFOTruth] INFOTERRA: Deep-Ecology: Extraterrestrials Earth's Environment

2000-07-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

From:  UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 I would like to confirm some of Item 6 in this memo.."SDI"

 In  early November 1998 I spoke by phone to Dr. Robert Jacobs, now an Assoc.
 Prof. of Communications at a prestigious University, about the 1964
 VandenBerg Incident which he was a witness to as far as the film taken. He
 was then a lieutenant in charge of the 1369th Photo Optical Instrumentation
 Team assigned by SAC to film a prototype anti-missile missle test on approx.
 9/15/64, using the most powerful military telescope ever built up to that
 time. He confirmed to me that he was ordered to see the test film his staff
 had taken a day previous (he'd not seen it up to that time) He , in the
 presence of Major Florenz Mansmann, and two or three apparent civilian
 intelligence-types who did not speak, watched a "classic" flying saucer
 the picture when tne dummy warhead had finally separated from its two
 The UFO "beamed' something at the warhead several times, circling the
 while doing so, causing the warhead tio fall dead into the Pacific.

 Retired Major Mansmann, now unable to speak due to a throat cancer operation
 causing larynx removal, has confirmed in writing to researcher Robert
 Hastings the account claimed by then-Lieut. Jacobs.In 1964, Mansmann had
 officially covered up the incident, warning Jacobs of the severity of a
 security breach , etc. Jacobs , after leaving the Air Force , checked out
 incident through the FOIA and learned the event, his service records, any
 proof of the new "BU" telescope etc. had been literally wiped out by the
 USAF, but subsequent independent research confirmed all the corroboration
 Jacobs sought.

 Jacobs stated the civilian "observers" confiscated the film, spliced out the
 UFO portion, and returned the film to Mansmann. In expurgated form it was
 later viewed by a former Jacobs staff member who said he saw nothing
 extraordinary in it.

 In a subsequent report of the Incident written for the MUFON Journal in
 Dr. Jacobs speculates, among other conclusions , that the gov't. may have
 been "warned"  in advance the disabling action on the warhead would occur,
 given the urgency of the test at the time. He also excoriated, in a separate
 report a certain UFO "debunker" for the harsh treatment given the truthful
 account offered.

 I made up a three page report of our 11/98  phone conversation and presented
 it to my Waldwick NJ lecture audience on 11/18/98, having been told by Dr.
 Jacobs I could "quote him" on these matters.

 Thank You.

 Bob Van

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[CTRL] FLASH: Republic of Texas Files For UNPO Membership

2000-07-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

Republic of Texas Files For UNPO Membership
Posted Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 1:58PM CDT by Vice President Daniel Miller:


This week the Republic of Texas filed for formal membership as a member of
Unrecognized Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), headquartered in The
Netherlands.  If accepted, the Republic of Texas would enjoy international
recognition by as many as 55 countries, including three who are members of
the United Nations.

UNPO is an international organization created by nations and peoples around
world who are not represented in the world's principal international
such as the United Nations.

Founded in 1991, UNPO today consists of over 50 members and observer nations
peoples who represent over 100 million persons. UNPO offers an international
for occupied nations, indigenous peoples, minorities, and even oppressed
majorities who currently struggle to regain their lost countries, preserve
their cultural identities, protect their basic human and economic rights,
and safeguard the natural environment.

Some of the peoples and countries represented by the General Assembly of
UNPO are East Timor, Estonia, Tibet, and Taiwan.

"Events will move very quickly from this point," stated Secretary of State
the Republic of Texas Bernard Grover.  "We are moving forward with a
plan that will culminate in a national election of a Congress and the
of a new Constitution."

The office of Provisional Government President Archie Lowe is scheduling a
press conference to announce that Texas is taking her rightful place in the
world as an independent nation. "We have suffered for years under the
military occupation of the US federal government," said President Lowe. "We
are very much aware of the historic significance of this new development. We
pray that God Almighty will guide the hands and hearts of the Citizens of
Texas as they begin the awesome task of restoring self-government to their

The acceptance of the application by UNPO is a large step in the attempt to
gain additional international recognition for the Republic of Texas.  The
application will move to the Steering Committee of UNPO.  If it passes
there it will move to a final vote in the UNPO General Assembly.

The General Council of the Provisional Government will be meeting in San
on July 22nd at 10am at the Crockett Hotel.  One item on the agenda will be
formally accept the UNPO membership documents.  Updates will be posted
regularly to the government's website located at www.republic-of-texas.net.
Further information on UNPO can be obtained from www.unpo.org.  The public
and media are encouraged to contact the Provisional Government for general
questions or formal interviews.

Republic of Texas Information Line  -  (877) RTX-INFO  (877) 789-4636
President Archie Huel, Lowe  -  (903) 326-4684
Secretary of State Bernard Grover  -  (713) 984-2797

If you feel that you should not be receiving this message and/or
you would like to be removed from the "News" email notification
list, you may do so at http://www.republic-of-texas.net/news .
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others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

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Re: [CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God

2000-07-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-18 23:34:37 EDT, you write:

 I was going to add quite a bit here, but at
 this point, let us see if this post generates
 any constructive or informative responses.


One of the more productive avenues of research is the recent finding
of a ULF frequency embedded into the planetary HAARP propagation.
HAARP (and related systems) as a ULF generator may have two functions (1) ULF
affects the human limbic system and may be a mind control agent (2) ULF (as
well as electromagnetic frequencies) may affect seismic processes - notably
around the magnetosphere and the tectonic system of 20 or so inverted
tectonic plates that cover the Earth's surface.

SO HAARP - associated global electronic warfare systems - may have the
primary function of global mind control - Goal: to deny Universe society the
human population, and conversely to deny the human population knowledge of
Universe's society's initiative.  Likewise, the possible ability to unleash
tectonic processes may be part of a "cataclysm".

Other's would call this a scorched Earth policy - Dumb down the human race
with mind control.  It is expecially important to recall that all mind
control systems are GOAL-ORIENTED.

Here is the technology and the goal seems to be development of a disoriented,
dumbed-down population that becomes disenfranchised and unable to integrate
into Universe society.

For more extended comments on HAARP,  its explicit mind control and earth
changes applications, see:



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bush embodies the forces of Death - Texas/USA

2000-07-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

 from abolish-l:


 No state executes as many people as Texas, and no American governor has
 put more people to death than the state's current governor, George W.
 Bush, who on August 3rd will be nominated as the GOP's presidential
 candidate. Bush has signed off on 135 executions since he took office in
 1995, about 1 death every 2 weeks. In his 1st term of 4 years, 79 people
 died. By contrast, Bush's predecessor, Ann Richards, approved 50
 executions in her term as governor. Knowing that Texas voters like to
 see convicts pay the ultimate price, Bush has made a priority of cutting
 out some of the red tape involved in actually killing a condemned
 prisoner. On the campaign trail in 1994, he promised to shorten the time
 taken for death-row appeals, and he followed up as soon as he took
 office. He has since gone out of his way to oppose bills that might have
 slowed the pace of executions, and he has given a reprieve or a
 commutation only twice, proof of his deep faith in the system in Texas
 that finds alleged murderers and sends them to their deaths.

 One might expect Bush's zeal for capital punishment to derive from some
 well-considered philosophy. But in fact the governor just says the same
 line over and over: If it is administered swiftly and justly, the death
 penalty will deter future violence. It seems clear that Bush's actions
 are inspired by the popularity of capital punishment in Texas. Support
 cuts across party lines - up to 80 % of Texans strongly favor it -
 and Bush has exploited that enthusiasm for political benefit, making
 the system even harsher. "Before Bush, what we meant by 'tough on crime'
 was increasing the severity of penalties," says Keith S. Hampton, a
 defense lawyer who works on criminal-justice issues. "After Bush, 'tough
 on crime' means doing away with the basic procedural safeguards that get
 in the way of convictions. That's a lot different."

 But what plays well in Texas may hurt Bush on the national stage:
 Approval of capital punishment has declined from 80% nationwide in 1981
 to 66 % today. New revelations about innocent people going to prison and
 to death row have caused further alarm. In February, after an
 investigation by college students proved the innocence of a man about
 to die in Illinois - the 13th exoneration there in 23 years - Republican
 Gov. George Ryan halted all executions in the state. The governors of
 Maryland and Indiana then ordered studies to see whether their death-row
 convictions were as unreliable, and President Clinton has ordered a
 review of federal death-row cases. Legislatures in Pennsylvania,
 Alabama, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington and Oklahoma are considering
 imposing moratoriums. Meanwhile, a best-selling book, Actual Innocence,
 by Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld and Jim Dwyer, argues that thousands of
 people in prison could be found innocent with modern DNA testing. While
 even Democrats in Texas frequently emphasize their strong support for
 the death penalty, Republicans across the nation are competing to show
 their concern about executing the innocent. Powerful senators such as
 Utah Republican Orrin Hatch are backing a bill in Congress to compel DNA
 testing in capital cases, and Texas legislators have introduced a
 similar bill with bipartisan support.

 Until June, the new controversy made no impression on Bush. He said
 repeatedly that he was confident of the guilt of those inmates executed
 under his charge. But on June 1st, pressured by a Newsweek cover story,
 he agreed to a reprieve for the first time, to allow for DNA testing in
 the case of a condemned inmate named Ricky McGinn. As reporters comb
 through the records of the 133 men and 2 women executed under Bush, he
 has been showing increasing nervousness. Several Texas lawyers are
 notorious for having slept through much of their clients' trials. The
 Wall Street Journal noted that when Bush was asked in the spring about
 the sleeping-lawyers problem, he laughed awkwardly before deflecting the
 question. When Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen told Bush that
 nobody has ever proved that capital punishment is a deterrent to would-be
 murderers, Bush retorted weakly, "You're right, I can't prove it. But
 neither can the other side prove it's not." When death-penalty experts
 questioned the guilt of inmate Gary Graham - he was convicted on the
 testimony of one eyewitness, who received coaching from the police -
 Bush said with an air of defiance, "I'm going to treat this [case] no
 different than any other that has come across my desk." Graham was put to
 death on June 22nd, with protesters from around the world demonstrating
 outside the execution chamber.

 It would be nice to take the governor at his word and to believe that
 each convict executed during his watch was truly guilty beyond a
 reasonable doubt. But Texas' harsh criminal-justice culture does not
 distribute its wrath equally. Almost every executed person was poor,

[CTRL] INFOTERRA: Deep-Ecology: Extraterrestrials Earth's Environment

2000-07-16 Thread DIG alfred webre

 INFOTERRA is the discussion list for the United Nations
 Environment Programme (UNEP). This post is from INFOTERRA.
Thanks, Alfred Webre
  Please note - If this post causes cognitive dissonance, please delete ;-)

   Extraterrestrials  United Nations Environment Programme:

  Deep-Ecology: Extraterrestrials  Earth's Environment - One of the
  fundamental messages repeated in extraterrestrial (ET) encounters is that
 the  human species continues to dangerously upset the balance of the Earth.

  U Thant, Secretary General of the UN, was a first hand-witness to ET craft,
  and, in his own words, considered the human-ET intergration to the "the
  important issue of my times, after the Vietnam War."  It is a shame that
  United Nations organizations were intimidated by the USA-NATO line, and
 chose  not to construct a multi-lateral solution toward the extraterrestrial
  environmental concerns.

  It was Kurt Waldhim, another UN Secretary General who actually caved the UN
  into American secrecy about ETs.  I met personally with Waldheim at the UN
  Outer Space conference in Vienna in 1982.  There is no doubt that his major
  concerns were protecting himself from well-founded investigations of his
 NAZI  connections, not an altruistic sense about Earth's environment.

  The United Nations has alsways been an explicit concern of extraterrestrial
  presence.  Some reports indicate that UN Secretary General Perez del
  and his body guards were abducted by ETs (or human MILABs "military
  abductions") in 1989.

  We need a new structure of thinking - of extending the principles of
 politics  and government into the Universe.  I would like to help start that
  and  that dialogue.  You are welcome to read some of these thoughts at:


  NOTE: To those yet not accepting of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth,
  concerned about Earth's environment, perhaps this conspiracy reseach on
  moon-landings, and USA Star Wars tests will place an ET presence in a more
  familiar psychological terrain.  UK-based Timothy Good is one of the more
  excellent ET researchers.  Thank you, Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

"According to unofficially confirmed reports, both Niel Armstrong and
Edwin Buzz Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the
  in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969."

1.` In 1979, Maurice Chatelaine, former NASA communications specialist
  confirmed that Armstrong had reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a

2.  Russian scientists, Dr. Vladimir Azhaza, physicist and Professor at
  Moscow Univ. and Dr. Aleksandr Kazantsev confirm thtathe encounter was
  reported by the Lunar modeule immediately after landing, but was censored
  NASA before the public could hear the transmission.

3. NASA specialist Maurice Chatelaine confirms that NASA radio
  transmissions from Lunar module were interrrupted several times to hide the
  news of the UFOs from the public.  NASA Chief spokesman John McLeaish
   any censorship, but acknowledged the delays in transmission.

4. According to the Russian report, Aldrin filmed the UFOs in colour
  film.  The two UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts came out onto the
  lunar surface.

5. Spanish pilot Jose Silva reports he was present in NASA's Spanish
 ground  station at Fresdenillas, and personally heard the transmissions from
  Lunar module describing the two UFOs on the lunar crater rim, and witnessed
  how the transmissions were censored by NASA so as not to be overheard by

6. USA Space Defense Initiative - The SDI missle failure by the Americans
  last week is not the first that extraterrestrial forces may have sabotaged.

  As early as 1964, a UFO, captured on NASA film which was then shown at a
  secret US military de-briefing, circled and destroyed one of the earliest
  anti-missle missles of the US, as reported by a an observor who attending
 the  de-briefing.   Intervention against the USA militarization of outer
  appears to be an ET priority, from their documented actions.

SOURCE: Beyond Top Secret, Timothy Good. (London: Pan Books) p. 452 et
ISBN 0330349287

   SOURCE: Alien Base, Timothy Good (London: Random House
   ISBN  0712678123
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[CTRL] REPLY TO K - Re: [CTRL] PRG Press Release 7/14/00 --BS

2000-07-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-15 11:28:30 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kris Millegan)

 As, always, Caveat Lector!

 Daniel Sheehan is a shill. He is responsible for bankrupting CIA-Drug
 whistleblower cases. UFO paradigm change is BS from the"boys" to try a derail
 the true coming paradigm change — which is gonna blow the "boys" and their
 fake drug war out into the open. Transcend the BS! Exposure and jailtime for
 the traitors! Onwards to the utmost of futures.


Oh Come On, K.  Give us some meat and references.  My research shows that a
Reagan US federal judge fined the Christic Institute under Rule 11 of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for $1.2 million in the 1980s for bringing a
"frivolous lawsuit".  Daniel Sheehan is director of the Christic Institute.
He and the Christic Institute were victim's of a Reagan judge. The lawsuit
was not frivoulous - it was valid.  That is how Reagan-Bush judges get rid of
political lawsuits.

Rule 11 is precisely how the Reagan-Bush judges dismiss valid lawsuits. They
call a perfectly valid lawsuit - this one to expose the Iran-Contra drug deal
"legally frivolous" and impose legal costs under Rule 11.


I too was "fined" by a Reagan judge under Rule 11 in a political lawsuit in
US Federal Court in 1989.  It turned out that that Federal judge had been in
Naval Intelligence! It also turned out that when we re-filed the case in the
courts of Canada, we won a $750 million default judgement against the
Government of Ontario.  Our lawsuit was more than valid - we only needed a
non-Rule 11 court.  The same with the Christic Institute and attorney Dan
SOURCE: The Levesque Cases, by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd amazon.com

So much for the integrity of American courts.  I say protect the courageous
people from the fascist US courts, 85% of whose judges are Reagan-Bush
appointees, and sworn as a secret government to impose a political terror
against legitimate plaintiffs through Rule 11.

Stop slandering Dan Sheehan and other patriots through
ill-founded innuendo. Wake up to the utter depravity of Reagan-Bush judges.
Research the conspiracy of US Federal courts.

Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

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2000-07-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

Newshawk: Australian Autohawk
Pubdate: Fri, 14 Jul 2000
Source: Age, The (Australia)
Copyright: 2000 David Syme  Co Ltd
Address: 250 Spencer Street, Melbourne, 3000, Australia
Website: http://www.theage.com.au/
Author: Randall Ashbourne, Adelaide


Home-grown marijuana users in South Australia were lighting up in
celebration yesterday after parliament restored to 10 the number of plants
that can be grown for personal use.

The Olsen Government used regulations a little more than a year ago to
slash the number from 10 to three after police lobbied for a crackdown,
claiming Adelaide had become Australia's marijuana capital.

According to police, organised crime had been using the state's 10-plant
law to organise marijuana-growing syndicates to produce a lucrative cash
crop for interstate export.

But, in the early hours of yesterday morning, the state's Legislative
Council threw out the regulation that reduced the plant limit to three -
and the government now looks certain to compromise.

Health Minister Dean Brown said yesterday he would not move immediately to
reintroduce the tougher line and the 10-plant limit would now stay in place
for at least two months - enough time for a hydroponic crop to be planted
and harvested.

It means South Australians can again grow up to 10 plants and face a
penalty no higher than a $157 on-the-spot fine - similar to a speeding
ticket, but less expensive. Driving at more than 15kmh above the speed
limit attracts a fine of $210.

The move was initiated by Labor's upper house leader, Carolyn Pickles, who
said yesterday the police crackdown had increased the level of organised
crime involvement, not reduced it.

Ms Pickles accused the government of "a knee-jerk reaction" to the original
police request for tougher laws.

"The large drug trade will always find a way to get around the laws, and
it's that we have to concentrate on," she said.

Democrats leader Mike Elliott confessed to "being more than marginally
surprised" the often-conservative upper house had voted to end the crackdown.

"But it was a bad decision to lower the number of plants," he said. Mr
Elliott said that under the 10-plant law, there had been a lot of growers
who planted the maximum crop for their own needs and sold the surplus.

"When the limit came down, the supply didn't meet the demand and marijuana
users were forced back to organised crime, which also has a vested interest
in selling harder drugs like amphetamines and heroin," he said.

Mr Brown said yesterday he was concerned by the possibility young people
were being exposed to hard-drug dealers and there would be no immediate
move to reintroduce the tougher limit by regulation. "I've spoken to some
of the MPs who voted to increase the personal limit back to 10 plants, and
they have indicated their concerns are serious."

He said he had asked the state's drug authorities to launch an
investigation and would wait for the results before going back to cabinet
with tougher laws.

He admitted the government's new line might be a compromise approach -
allowing personal users to grow five or six plants, rather than trying
again for the three-plant limit.
Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager
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[CTRL] (Fwd) PRG Press Release - 7/14/00

2000-07-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Paradigm Research Group

 Press ReleaseJuly 14, 2000

 Washington, DC - The Paradigm Clock has been reset to
 11:58:10 pm.  Based upon developments from August 1999
 to July 2000 (some shown below), the clock has been moved
 forward 50 seconds.

 The Paradigm Clock resides at the Paradigm Research
 Group website: www.paradigmclock.com.  It is a metaphor
 representing the proximity to formal disclosure by the U. S.
 government of the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial life
 forms in our world, now.  It is modeled after the "Doomsday
 Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic
 Scientists.   Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear
 war had begun.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean
 formal disclosure has taken place.

 Clock History:
April 30, 1998: Published to the Web,  time 11:57:00 pm
July 27, 1998: Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm
July 28, 1999: Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm

 Some of the developments affecting this new time setting are:

 7/6/00 - On Coast to Coast AM [www.coasttocoastam.com],
 noted legal/social activist, Daniel Sheehan, confirms the
 existence of remarkable evidence presented to him during
 his work on a 1977 research report on extraterrestrial
 intelligence initiated by President Jimmy Carter.  Former
 Stanford Research Institute futurist and author of the new
 eBook "Exopolitics" [www.universebooks.com], Alfred Webre,
 who also worked on the Carter report, confirms the project
 was shut down prematurely.   Daniel Sheehan commits the
 resources of the Christic Institute to the formal disclosure
 process.   Both publicly state strong convictions regarding
 the ET hypothesis.

 6/23/99 - Internet entrepreneur, Joseph Firmage, who has
 publicly stated his belief in an extraterrestrial presence,
 launches an integrated media network, Project Voyager
 [www.projectvoyager.com], with Ann Druyan, widow of the
 late Carl Sagan.   Firmage declares his venture capital firm,
 Intend Change, has amassed $225 million.

 5/23/00 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) releases
 27,000 new Mars photos onto the Internet which immediately
 come under close scrutiny by a host of Mars researchers.
 The archive covers one Mars year, 687 Earth days, beginning
 in September 1997 and extending through August 1999.

 5/21/00 - Leslie Kean, an accomplished freelance journalist,
 publishes in the Boston Globe an extended piece on the
 UFO/ET issue, focusing on the COMETA report published in
 France in July of 1999.  The Globe is one of the top ten
 dailies in America.  The Minneapolis Star-Tribune (May 29),
 Memphis Commercial Appeal, Irish Independent (June 27),
 and VSD Magazine (July) follow up with versions of the story.

 4/26/00 - Mike Siegel seamlessly replaces Art Bell on Coast
 to Coast AM.  Premiere Radio Networks makes it clear the
 program will remain devoted to the show's previous subject
 matter, including the UFO/ET/Disclosure issues.   Siegel,
 who has a Ph.D. and a law degree, demonstrates keen
 interest in the politics of disclosure.

 4/5/00 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) release new
 photographs of the Cydonia region of Mars which had been
 held back in violation of an agreement to publish such
 photos quickly.

 3/11/00 - A Canadian cable television technician reveals he
 has taped direct NASA Shuttle videos.  Martyn Stubbs
 comes forward with anomalous imagery and thousands of
 hours of tape to examine.

 3/10/00 - Touchstone Pictures releases Brian DePalma's
 provocative movie, Mission to Mars, and introduces the
 Cydonia/Face controversy to millions of Americans.

 11/99 - Dr. John Mack of Harvard University publishes
 "Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien
 Encounters" his long awaited follow-up to "Abduction: Human
 Encounters with Aliens."

 Contact:Stephen Bassett

 Paradigm Research Group
  URL: www.paradigmclock.com
Phone: 301-564-1820
 Fax: 301-564-4066
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

 Spread the word about X-PPAC  the politics of disclosure.
   Contribute online at:  www.x-ppac.org
 or mail to: 4938 Hampden Lane,161 Bethesda, MD 20814

"There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish,
   if you are willing to give away the credit."


 EcoNews Service.com - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness 
 Universe Politics.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

[CTRL] 7/14/00 Solar Flare Storm - Web Resources

2000-07-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

APFN- "Bastille Day"-
Solar Flare! On July 14, 2000, a
powerful X5-class solar flare from active
region 9077 triggered an ongoing proton
storm in the vicinity of Earth. The
explosion also produced an
Earth-directed coronal mass ejection.
Material from the CME could arrive in
the neighborhood of our planet as early
as Saturday, triggering auroras and
other geomagnetic disturbances.

These pages are about solar flares, the biggest explosions in the solar

What is a Solar Flare?
This energy is ten million times greater than
the energy  released from  a volcanic explosion.

Most recent solar flare monitor plot

Ejected mass from the Sun may spark Aurora on Earth this weekend

Solar Cycle Update
Updated predictions from NASA scientists place the solar maximum in mid-2000.


Solar Flare Gallery

BrainMaker Predicts Detrimental Solar Effects
Dr. Henrik Lundstedt of Lund Observatory, Sweden, has trained neural networks
to predict solar-terrestrial effects such as disturbances in the earth's
fields. The disturbances have been known to cause blackouts, power plant
shutdowns, corrosion in pipelines, disruptions in radio and television
transmissions, malfunction of geological survey equipment, satellite tracking
problems, and other detrimental effects. Being able to predict these
helps prevent disasters.

Forecasting Geomagnetic Disturbances

The Seasonal Distribution of Geomagnetic Disturbances

Geomagnetic disturbances are associated with different aspects of space.

The Effect of Geomagnetic Disturbances on Memory and Attention.

Variation of Geomagnetic Activity Since 1844

Sunspots, Aurora, and Magnetic Disturbances

Space Weather News for July 14, 2000
This morning an X5-class solar flare, one of the most powerful flares of
the current solar cycle, triggered a proton storm in the neighborhood of
our planet.  Just after the eruption, coronagraphs on board the ESA/NASA
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded a full halo coronal mass
ejection heading toward Earth at greater than 1000 km/s. Please visit
http://www.spaceweather.com for details and updates on this developing

Current Geo-Magnetic Storm Level Based on ACE Real Time Solar Wind Data

Current Geo-Magnetic Storm Level


National Earthquake Information Center

Nuclear Lab Progresses on Geomagnetic Storms (READ)

Useful Links to Other Resources

Government behind Government, the people who pull the strings.
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USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] Kosovo: The Brussels Appeal

2000-07-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

KOSOVO must not be forgotten:


In the spring of 1999 Brussels, as the headquarters of NATO, was the centre
of decision and execution of the bombing of Yugoslavia by the 19 member
nations of that organisation in the name of human rights.  We, active in or
retired from the teaching of law, believe that the first anniversary of such
a serious event must not go unnoticed, but on the contrary should induce
every citizen to think seriously about the enormous stakes.

The war was prepared, decided and prosecuted against the most fundamental
principles of international law.

NATO decided to take action after the Rambouillet talks broke down.  And yet
these talks had made serious progress of the political issues before last
minute conditions, which were totally unacceptable to the Serbs, led to an
impasse.  In other words, to war.

The outbreak of the war was a flagrant violation of the United Nations
Charter, which authorises the use of force only in exceptional cases of
legitimate self-defence or with the authorisation of the Security Council.
There were no such premises, in this case.

Finally, the way in which the bombing was carried out violates the rules of
international law which govern the conduct of hostilities.  In general, the
systematic destruction of the economic infrastructure and the means of
communication, deliberately intended to discourage the population and provoke
an uprising, are incompatible with the humanitarian principles invoked to
justify them.

That said, our wishing to express our unequivocal and unreserved condemnation
of the action taken by NATO in no way implies any support of or complacency
towards the Belgrade authorities and in particular their management of the
ethnic question.  Similarly, our sustained reprobation of the continuation,
without any legal grounds, of the bombing of Iraq and the embargo imposed on
this country, must not be interpreted as any allegiance to the Baghdad

The war strategy that devastated Yugoslavia and made Kosovo non-liveable
produced more refugees and victims than would have been caused by any other
combination of force and diplomacy.  So it must be contested, both from the
political and the moral point of view.  It was accompanied by a media
campaign to systematically legitimise the operations under way.

The arrangements made at the end of the bombing are intended to make
international aid contingent to the results of elections in Yugoslavia and
make aid contingent on the political options adopted by its beneficiaries,
which is not a very honourable means of political interventions in the
internal affairs of a third country.  For its part, under the UN
administration created in Kosovo following the NATO aggression, this region
has become a virtually mono-ethnical one, where non-Albanian minorities, be
they Serbs, Gypsies, Slavs, Muslims, Jews, Turks or Croats, had to flee from
attacks or take refuge in ghettos.

We should also like to underscore the fact that the consequences of the war
waged in Yugoslavia extend far beyond the borders of this country.  More
specifically, NATO's intervention in Kosovo, under the leadership of the
United States, is in line with a series of choices made by the sole remaining
superpower.  Its gargantuan military budget; keeping NATO in place, in spite
of the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the USSR, and even to
enlarge it by including Eastern Europe; projecting armed force on the world
arena by treating international institutions with disdain; refusing to ratify
the nuclear test ban treat; developing anti-missile systems and, as recently
discovered, a world-wide system for eavesdropping on private and official
calls are the most salient aspects of a new model for exercising power
charted in Washington, based solely on the possession and use of ever more
sophisticated instruments of coercion.

That is why we call on all those who share these concerns and no longer wish
to see bombs as the alternative to international law, negotiations, and
democratic dialogue, to sign this appeal and turn it, everywhere in the
world, into an instrument of moral resistance against the new world "order"
that is emerging.

First signatories,

Olivier Corten, Professor at the Centre for International Law, Free
University of Brussels (ULB); Eric David, Professor at the ULB; Barbara
Delcourt, member of the Institute of European Studies, Professor at the ULB;
François Houtart, Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Louvain
(UCL);  Pierre Klein, Professor at the ULB; Paulette Pierson-Mathy,
Professor at the ULB; Yves Rogister, Researcher at the CADOP, University of
Liège; François Rigaux, Professor Emeritus at the UCL, former Dean of the
Faculty of Law; Jean Salmon, Professor Emeritus at the ULB ; Eric Suy,
Professor Emeritus at the KUL ; former assistant general secretary of the
United Nations."

If you want to adhere to the Appeal, please send your name to:
5, Av. Sainte Gertrude


2000-07-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-14 18:51:50 EDT, you write:

 Dang, this is what I was trying to say or rather rant about yesterday.
 I chose the subject title
 cause I thought it sounded pretty catchy.  We all could get together and
 form a band and scream this over and over, I think heavy metal
 should be the genre.  But, that's beside the point, sorry...


 Everything you know could be wrong ­ little more than re-constructed
 memories planted by government mind-control programmes. David Guyatt
 traces the history of thought control experiments and the technology
 that might shape a future psycho-civilised society The Pentagon's
 crew-cut communication commandos say that less-than-lethal (LTL) weapons
 won't kill you, but what they don't tell you is that their new-age,
 high-tech, armoury has been secretly honed to mind-boggling efficacy and
 it is your mind that's been scheduled for boggling.

 Your future shot of non-lethal Novocain might be an electromagnetic
 field that cocoons your every thought and inserts an inaudible 'command'
 message directly into your unconscious. The whole caboodle has been
 lovingly designed to re-programme the way you think ­ and even what
 you think. Alternatively, at the flip of a switch you might be turned
 off altogether.

 Thought can be controlled ­ remotely. There's no need to attach wires
 or electrodes. Nowadays, the spooks of Langley, Fort George Meade and
 elsewhere, can hack straight into your brain. This might sound like the
 rabid fantasising of an X-Files fruitcake, but the technology is out
 there and so is the will to use it.

 In 1996, the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a
 14-volume study of future developments in weapons called New World
 Vistas. Tucked away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some
 hair-raising insights into the future 'coupling' of man and machine in a
 section dealing with 'Biological Process Control'. The author refers to
 an 'explosion' of knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding,
 ominously: "One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy
 sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that
 can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to
 prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus
 actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both
 short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete
 an experience set."1 Translating the words 'experience set' from
 military jargon into plain English, this means, simply, that they
 envisage the ability to erase your life's memories and substitute a new,
 fictitious set.

 There is some debate whether these mind-weapons are not already in 'low
 profile' service. By projecting such developments into the future, the
 authors of New Vistas might be camouflaging present day capabilities. A
 similar futuristic scenario with many references to mind manipulation is
 described in The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of
 War(US Army War College, 1994). Authors Steven Metz and James Kievit
 declare: "Behaviour modification is a key component of peace
 enforcement" and "The advantage of [using] directed energy systems is
 deniability." Savvy individuals, the authors ask: "Against whom is such
 deniability aimed?" The direct answer is "the American people". So much
 for 'open government'.

 Set in the year 2010, Metz and Kievit write of "perception moulding" and
 "advanced psycho-technologies" to avoid irksome public protest, but that
 is just the beginning. The major obstacle, they believe, is that
 "traditional American ethics [are] a major hindrance," and thus, sadly
 "old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty [are
 to be] changed."

 Individuals unwilling to go along with the revolutionary changes are
 "identified using comprehensive inter-agency integrated databases." They
 will then be "catergorized" and "sophisticated computerized personality
 simulations" will be used "to develop, tailor and focus psychological
 campaigns for [ie. against] each."

 Other techniques to be used in association with these new mind weapons,
 including 'morphing' ­ a present-day ability that controls the
 distortion of TV images.8 So, if you are lucky enough not to have your
 brains electronically scrambled ­ or erased ­ the electronic news
 media will be manipulated especially for you, presenting convincing
 near-real-life visual images through your combined TV set-cum-internet
 While these new-age Da Vinci's continue to create their speckled visions
 of our future, we should ask some hard question now; specifically: "Is
 this technology just a futuristic dream or is it here today?"
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USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
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[CTRL] [Elfrad-Group] Earth Impact of Solar storm

2000-07-14 Thread DIG alfred webre


 Elfrad detectors have recorded earth impact of magnetic storm at
 15:33:13.7 UTC 07/14/00

 Live cam at http://www.elfrad.net/ecam.html


EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
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UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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2000-07-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-13 13:44:24 EDT, you write:

 Date:  00-07-13 13:44:24 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (KayLee)

 -= Illusions Mailing List


  This Saturday will find me standing in the hot Florida
 sun in front of the Starke/Raiford
  prison complex.  Florida State Prison and New River
 "Correctional" Institution will be
  under my watchful gaze as I visualize peace.  Why?

  Because I know much of the truth, enough to know it
 would be shameful for
  me, as an American dedicated to justice, as a human
 being dedicated to the
  spirit, as a grandmother whose babies could be
 sucked into the horrible
  existence of a prisoner or his keeper, to
 comfortably sit in my home with a
  clear conscience.

  I go to the prison because non-violent men like Mr.
 Gary Brooks Waid, who wqs
  traded by the Feds like a slave on an auction
 block, now has to live in
  Florida's miserable, disgusting excuse for a
 "Correctional" system.

  I go for all the inmates who have experienced
 things I never even want to
  witness, and I go for the guards, many of them
 children, who have in their
  hands the responsibility of keeping the nation's
 prisoners.  I weep for the
  damage we do to them all.

  I'll be there because it is the first anniversary
 of the Murder by Errant Guards
  of Mr. Frank Valdes (July 17th, 1999).  One of the
 guards, Montez Lucas goes
  to trial in August for beating Frank Valdes the day
 before his actual murder
  (July 16th).  I want the memory of the horror of
 Mr. Valdes' autopsy report
  to remain in the mind of the public as the alleged
 murderers in uniform stand
  for their judgment.  I'm going there to remind the
 families that it could happen to
  their loved ones if change isn't imminent, and to
 urge the public to get
  involved before this mess spreads out to touch
 someone they care about.

  Because his death began my vigils, and his death is
 the reason for the MAKE
  His death has become an intricale part of my
 personal Journey for Justice.
  If Mr. Valdes' death results in the emergence of
 the truth, then his life was
  not in vain.

  I'll be there because it's the right thing to do...


 As July 15th, the day for the nationwide PRUP Prison Vigils
 draws nigh, I am sensing the age old desire to retreat from
 the struggle in fear.  Many of those who know
 there is a reason to be in front of a prison are getting
 weak knees.  Believe me, I know enough about the system to
 understand the emotion.  I feel it too, but the difference
 is that I've learned to control it
 so that it does not immobilize me.

 You cannot win a war for justice if you go into battle for
 truth waving the flag of surrender. If you
 retreat the minute the enemy turns it's ugly head in your
 direction, it is almost worse than if you
 had never stood at all.  It gives those who minister to the
 lies a sense of security that is dangerous
 to those you care about.

 Every false start will only make the real start harder.  The
 boy who cried wolf wasn't believed when
 it was the real thing.  The suicide who threatens to take
 his life isn't believed until he is dead.  The
 guards, the prison officials, the DOC or BOP, none of them
 are going to believe the real battle has
 begun when we've threatened to do battle for our inmates,
 have every reason to do battle for their
 human rights, but back off when the front line reaches
 them.  Then when the abuse has gone too
 far and we HAVE to make the stand, our struggle will be much

  The attitude of fear pervading this prison situation
 reminds me of Winston Churchill's statement:

  "If you will not fight for right when you can
 easily win without bloodshed;
  If you will not fight when your victory will be
 sure and not too costly;
  You may come to the moment when you will have to
 fight with all the odds
  against you and only a precarious chance of
  There may be even a worse fate:
  You may have to fight when there is no hope of
 victory because it is better to
  perish than to live as slaves."

  As one of the inmates, Stuart Pomerantz, agreed,
 "Procrastination is my

 We've already made it harder by waiting so long.  How much
 longer are we willing to wait?  An
 inmate's fair question, "How much worse does it have to get

[CTRL] [tmg_starweb] The Solar Threat Breaking News Update (

2000-07-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Tim Edwards
 The Solar Threat


 July 11: Region 9077 generated a long duration X1.0/2N event peaking at
 13:10 UTC. A very large full halo coronal mass ejection was observed in
 connection with the X1 event. The CME will impact Earth, most likely
 sometime between noon on July 13 and noon on July 14. This could result in
 active to severe storming.

 July 10: Region 9077 produced a long duration major M5.7/2B event peaking
 at 21:42 UTC. Strong type II and IV sweeps were recorded during the major
 flare. A full halo coronal mass ejection was observed in LASCO C3 starting
 at 22:18 UTC. Most of the mass headed off towards the northeast, however,
 there is a possibility for minor or major storming at Earth on July 13 or

 Stay Tuned!

 Tim Edwards
 The Solar Threat


 Current Solar Status:

Solar X-rays:[Status]
 Geomagnetic Field:[Status]

 [Image] [Image]

 Sunspot Number is 241 for July 13th.

 Yesterday's sunspot number was 281 for July 12th.

 (The predicted number of sunspots for this cycle is 155!)

 24-Hour Solar Activity Forecast:

 Solar activity is expected to remain at high levels for the next 24-48
 Expect frequent C-class flares with an isolated chance for a major flare
 from Region 9070.
 Region 9077 will also continue to produce major flares.
 Further C, M and X-class activity is expected over the next 24-48 hours!

 24-Hour Geo-physical Activity Forecast:

 The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to major or severe storm
 levels on July 13-14.

 Long distance medium wave (AM) band propagation along east-west paths over
 high and upper middle latitudes is very poor.

 Event Probabilities:

 There is a 60-100% probability that effects from a coronal hole could reach
 earth within the next 5 days.

 There is a 60-100% probability that material from a CME is likely to impact
 earth within 96 hours.

 There is a 60-100% probability of either M or X class flares within the
 next 48 hours.

 Related News

 Sun Flare Heads For Earth

 Solar Flare Alert And Solar Storm Warning

 Scientists Issue Alarm Of Intensified Solar Activity Within 12 Days

 Sunstorms Impact China's Telecom Services

 Is NASA Manipulating SOHO/LASCO Images?

 A Brown Dwarf Solar Flare

 Sun Eruption Causes Radio Blackouts

 Click on the URL below to go to The Solar Threat for more detailed
 information and analysis.

 Tim Edwards

 The Solar Threat

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Sun Eruption Causes Radio Blackouts

2000-07-12 Thread DIG alfred webre


Wednesday July 12 8:24 PM ET
Sun Eruption Causes Radio Blackouts

WASHINGTON (AP) - A strong solar flare early Wednesday morning caused some
radio blackouts on parts of
the Earth facing the sun and more are possible as the active solar region
rotates toward the center of the sun,
NASA announced.

The space agency said on its science web site that the Solar and Heliographic
Observatory (SOHO) satellite
recorded a massive solar flare, called an X-class flare, about 6:37 a.m. EDT

Streams of electromagnetic energy erupting from the flare disrupted some
radio communications, the
announcement said.

SOHO, a joint project of NASA and the European Space Agency, also detected
two coronal mass ejections,
huge clouds of electrified gas, erupting from the sun on Monday and Tuesday.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, which predicts the
effects of solar eruptions,
said there was a 40 percent chance that the mass ejection would trigger a
disruption of the Earth's magnetic
field by Friday. This could create aurora lights reaching into the
mid-lattitudes, which would include the southern
U.S. Aurora lights are common in the far northern and southern latitudes.

The coronal mass ejection sent a bubble of plasma, or electrified gas, toward
the Earth at more than 2 million
miles an hour. The first shock wave of the fast-moving mass was expected to
smash into the Earth's
magnetosphere, the magnetic field that surrounds the planet, on Thursday.
Material from a second, more
powerful ejection is expected on Friday.

The aurora, or northern and southern lights, are a shimmering glow in the sky
caused when energetic particles
from the sun strike atoms of gas in the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The
Earth's magnetic field protects the
planet from these solar particles, but the field dips low over the poles. For
this reason, the aurora is most
commonly seen at high northern and southern latitudes. Unusually powerful
solar bursts can produce the blue
and green lights in the night sky closer to the equator.

Experts say that the aurora is best viewed around midnight, local time.

The corona mass ejection poses no health risk to people on the ground, but
such solar bursts have been known
to damage spacecraft and to disrupt electrical power grids. Most utility
systems and satellites now are
designed to resist such effects, however.

The sun is currently at the peak of its 11-year cycle of intense activity.

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Para-Discuss] X-Class Solar Flare Alert! (July 11th,

2000-07-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-11 10:07:05 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  The Solar Threat is an e-mail list for discussion of Breaking Solar News,
 the current solar cycle, and the status of our Sun

 Heads Up Everybody!

 The NASA GOES spacecraft has just detected an X-class flare at approx.
 13:10 UTC.

 Stay Tuned!


Solar X-rays:[Status]
 Geomagnetic Field:[Status]

 [Image] [Image]

 Click on the URL below to go to The Solar Threat for more detailed
 information and analysis.

 Tim Edwards

 The Solar Threat

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consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Echelon

2000-07-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

 More on Echelon :

 European Parliament votes against inquiry committee on Echelon

 Jelle van Buuren   05.07.2000
 Temporary committee called a 'tootthless talkingshop'

 The European Parliament rejected Wednesday at their plenary meeting to set
 an inquiry committee on Echelon, the Anglo-American spying network. The
 Group had asked for a plenary vote, after the president's of the political
 parties couldn't decide on the issue. The so called Conference of Presidents
 first rejected an inquiry committee, and suggested that a temporary
 might be a better option. They asked for the advice of the legal service of
 the parliament, which stated three weeks ago that a temporary committee
 cannot lead an inquiry.

 The Greens accused the big political parties of obstructing the inquiry and
 demanded a vote of the plenary meeting of parliament. Today, parliament
 rejected the demand for an inquiry committee. Instead, they voted for the
 installation of a temporary committee.

 The Greens are very disappointed with the decision, as the legal service
 stated clearly a temporary committee has no powers to lead a serous inquiry.
 It will not have the power to call on people to testify and has no right of
 access to confidential documents. 'It is in danger of being no more than a
 mere talkingshop,' the Greens stated.

 The Greens believe the big political parties have bowed for the individual
 governments wishes not to take a strong position on the Echelon issue. 'The
 vote proved that most of the conservative, socialists and liberals member of
 parliament are unwilling to go against the wishes of certain EU
 according to the Greens.

 The only positive element in the vote is, according to the Greens, that more
 members were in favour of an inquiry committee (210) than the number of
 members who the originally gave the green light for the procedure to ask for
 an investigation (180).

 The decision of the European Parliament comes at a time when France has
 launched an investigation into the Echelon-operation. A public prosecutor
 ordered the French DST counter-espionage service to build up evidence
 accussing Washington and London of an attack on the fundamental interests of
 the nation.

 In Holland, the parliament gave more details about the hearing which the
 parliament is organising in september on Echeon. They are going to invite
 specialists from Holland and other countries. Amongst others, Belgian
 specialist are invited who recently stated for the Belgian Committee that
 controls the intelligence service that Echelon existst.

 After the hearing, parliament will question the Dutch minister of Justice,
 Benk Korthals. Till now, Dutch government is unwilling to answer seriously
 parlimantary questions on the subject.
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
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CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Russia: Journalism in Extreme Situations

2000-07-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
ÁÒÈÉ×/archive: www.index.org.ru/cjes/
Russian Union of Journalists: www.ruj.ru



New York, July 10---Dmitry Zavadsky,Áa Belarusian cameraman for ORT, the
Russian public television
station, has been missing since he failed to appear at a meeting on July 7 at
the Minsk airport, where he had
intended to pick up Pavel Sheremet, a Belarusian journalist now working for
Russia's NTV in Moscow,
Belarusian colleagues said today. The Belarusian Transport Prosecutor's
Office has opened a criminal case
in connection with the disappearance, and friends and family are searching
for Zavadsky.

The International League for Human Rights, an NGO defending human rights and
the rule of law around the
world, expressed grave concern about Zavadsky's disappearance. "We call on
the Belarusian Prosecutor
General, the Interior Minister, the Chair of the Committee for State
Security,Áand the Chair of the National
Security Council to take personal responsibility for ordering a good-faith,
thorough investigation for
Zavadsky and other disappeared persons in Belarus," said Catherine A.
Fitzpatrick, executive director of the

BelaPAN, the independent wire service, said today that Zavadsky's wife told
reporters that her husband and
Pavel Sheremet had returned from Chechnya recently, where they shot a
documentary called "The Chechen
Diary" depicting the horrors of combat. Immediately upon their return, an
unknown man began to call at
their home number, insisting on a meeting with Zavadsky. He refused, however,
suspecting that the
Belarusian secret services, who closely monitor the independent media, were
behind the caller.

Belarusian journalists were puzzled by theÁapparent singling out of Zavadsky,
who, together with Pavel
Sheremet, was believed to favor anti-Chechen coverage of the conflict, unlike
some in the Russian
journalists' community who have been critical of the Russian government's
prosecution of the war.
Zavadsky was also apparently not involved in Minsk opposition groups.

Zavadsky has reportedly been under surveillance by Belarusian secret police,
still known as the KGB, since
his pre-trial jailing together with Pavel Sheremet, former Minsk ORT bureau
chief, in 1999, when he was
handed an 18-month suspended sentence for alleged illegally crossing the
Belarus-Lithuania during the
filming of a documentary on smuggling.

Four opposition leaders disappeared in 1999; three are still missing and one
has surfaced in London,
prompting Belarusian officialdom to scorn claims of secret police abduction,
and to discount reports of
Zavadsky's disappearance. But opposition leaders and human rights groups have
dismissed as absurd
yesterday's statement by Vladimir Zametalin, first deputy chief of the
Presidential Administration, that the
Belarusian opposition arranged the kidnapping of Dmitry Zavadsky.

"If a person already under surveillance attempts to go into hiding due to
enormous fear, and has not been
abducted, that does not change the seriousness of the case," said Catherine
A. Fitzpatrick. "The opposition
has no motivation to abduct people. In each caseÁof last year's
disappearances, the opposition figures were
under regular KGB surveillance. We urge the security authorities to come
forward with what they know."

"We also urge all parties involved in investigating Zavadsky's disappearance
to refrain from speculation on
the content of his character or the content of his broadcasts, which may have
been controversial for some.
Such second-guessing has slowed down the search for disappeared persons in
the past. The point is to
look for Zavadsky in earnest before the trail goes cold because no public
figure is safe when a journalist or a
politician can disappear in broad daylight," Fitzpatrick emphasized.

The League called on the U.S. Embassy and the OSCE AMG to make public
statements on the Zavadsky
case as quickly as possible, to interview all those concerned and publicize
their findings, and also to raise
the case of Dmitry Zavadsky in bilateral meetings with the Russian Federation

"In this climate of terror and intimidation, clearly it is impossible to
conduct free and fair parliament elections
this fall, which require freedom of association and assembly for NGOs and
parties and freedom for the
independent media as the fundamental background," noted Fitzpatrick. "We call
on international bodies
such as OSCE and the Council of Europe to refrain from sending observation
teams to this fall's illegitimate
balloting exercise, which will only serve to legitimize it, until the
conditions set by these bodies are met,
investigations are made for the disappeared, and there is an end to
government persecution for a significant
period before the elections."
Best regards,
Oleg Panfilov
director of the Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
phone/fax: +7 095 201-7626
'hot line' phone: 


2000-07-10 Thread DIG alfred webre


The above is posted as a fair use URL because the operators of abolish-l have
reported that they are being harrassed by news agencies who are
taking the position that re-posts of news stories are in violation of
copyright, and have asked members to cease reposting news articles.

LIST OPERATORS - If other lists to which this message is being reposted (as a
matter of course on  death issue posts) are finding themselves harrassed or
intimidated to the point of discouraging reposts of news articles, please say
so publically so we can compare notes on a rational response, and see whether
this harassment is general or particular to abolish-l alone.  Thanks

EcoNews Service
Vancouver, BC

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: [RMNEWS] MITCH BATTROS -- The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Cal...

2000-07-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-09 09:57:10 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From the Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

 The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling

 Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet
 Date: Sunday, 9 July 2000, 2:33 a.m.

 The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling...07/08/00
 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

 It appears to be working. I received a call from ATT/@Home today stating
 they received over 700 calls. It seems the email terrorism has stopped. But
 think it is very important that all those who have not called yet, do so. It
 seems they were unaware of what was happening to you and me, even though I
 told everyone who would listen. From low level support tech's, to the office
 of Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer of ATT/@Home.

 Now they appear to be playing the game of "It's not our fault, it's
 Earthlink". Of course Earthlink was contacted weeks ago right after the
 disaster. They carefully looked at the header and stated "It sure isn't us,
 we are not your outgoing mail provider, we are your incoming mail provider.
 It is @Home who can stop this". But in fairness, if ATT/@Home can prove
 Earthlink was responsible, I will hold them just as responsible as

 Think about this for just a moment. If the email that was sent out gave the
 names and address of all the upper management of ATT/@Home, how long do you
 think the email would have continued? Or what if the email gave explicit
 instructions on how to make a suit case bomb, how long would the emails have
 continued? My point is simply this. I do not believe the problem was IF they
 could have stopped it, but WHY they did not. Incompetence? Disinterest? Fear
 of touching the hot potato? Whatever it was, it appears to be reckless and
 with disregard for the public or its customers.

 I have requested a full investigation with moment by moment events, task,
 personnel involved in this issue. I would hope ATT/@Home would be very
 willing to do just this so they can better serve the public from it ever
 happening again. What do you think their response will be??? Let's hope it
 not the motto of old "here at ATT, we don't care, we don't have to".

 I believe what is needed is your continued pressure to hold ATT/@Home
 responsible for their actions. I know there are many of you, like myself,
 use your email and computer for business purposes. Not only have I lost
 revenue, I have been wounded with regards to my credibility. I know most of
 you have figured out what has happened, but there are some who still hold me
 responsible. I don't blame them, they just wanted it to stop. Also, there
 some of you who have asked to be removed of my e-newsletter mailing list.
 because you blame me, but simply out of fear of it happening again. Again, I
 don't blame you for your concern.

 This event has surely taken its toll on me and my family. I am hopeful that
 not one of you would ever think I would do anything to harm you or your
 family with such a reckless and senseless harassment (terrorism) that all of
 us have endured. I will be taking the next ten days off. I realize if I
 take care of myself, I will not be useful for any of us.

 Here are the numbers and personnel:

 Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer on the Board of Directors.
 (650) 556-5000 or (650) 568-6000 or email him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Abby Oxendine, Executive Relations (650) 556-6900.

 Tech Support number is (888) 404-9200 (But may be different in your area)

 In all cases, refer to case # 02902816.

 Reminder: I have not been able to view my email since July 2nd 10:10 PM
 (PST). Every single email has been auto delete. Please wait until I return
 from my time out to send mail. At that time I will be able to respond to

 Blessings To All,
 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

From the Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling

Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet
Date: Sunday, 9 July 2000, 2:33 a.m.

The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling...07/08/00
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

It appears to be working. I received a call from ATT/@Home today stating
they received over 700 calls. It seems the email terrorism has stopped. But I
think it is very important that all those who have not called yet, do so. It
seems they were unaware of what was happening to you and me, even though I
told everyone who would listen. From low level support tech's, to the office
of Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer of ATT/@Home.

Now they appear to be playing the game of "It's not our fault, it's
Earthlink". Of course Earthlink was contacted weeks ago right after the first
disaster. They carefully looked at the header and stated "It sure isn't us,
we are not your outgoing mail provider, we are your incoming mail provider.
It is @Home who can stop this". But in fairness, if ATT/@Home can prove
Earthlink was responsible, I will hold them just as responsible 

[CTRL] Fwd: [RMNEWS] MITCH BATTROS -- ECTV e-Newsletter Discontinued Indefinitely

2000-07-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-09 09:56:53 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:




 This is being timed to keep information from coming out that could change
 preordained nature of this election.




 From the Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

 ECTV e-Newsletter Discontinued Indefinitely

 Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, 9 July 2000, 12:38 a.m.

 ECTV e-Newsletter Discontinued Indefinitely...07/04/00
 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

 As a result of what appears to be total incompetence of ATT/@Home, I have
 discontinued our e-newsletter service. The problem resides, and always has,
 with ATT/@Home servers.

 Their neglect has proven to be an ongoing sign of their lack of
 professionalism and pathetic services. Remember ATT's motto...

 "We don't care, we don't have to". This could never be more true.

 Help me to get their attention.

 Here are some contact numbers.

 The first one is Milo Medin.

 He is the Chief Technology Officer on the Board of Directors.

 His number is (650) 556-5000 or (650) 568-6000.

 Another number to call is Abby Oxendine.

 She is in charge of Executive Relations.

 Her number is (650) 556-6900.

 Tech Support number is (888) 404-9200.

 Tell them the case # is 02902816.

 Help me make them understand what they have done to us all. Their is NO
 reason whatsoever for this to have continued for more than a few minutes.
 They had the means to stop it almost immediately. The problem is sitting on
 their server. Their is nothing I could (or can) do to stop the flow of mail.

 Remember, I have not been able to view email since 10:10 PM July 2nd. So
 please understand if I have not returned or responded to your mail. It will
 not be until next week, that I will open my email once again.

 This latest event has taken a toll on me, and it has been suggested I take
 several days off. I will do just that. I will be on vacation from July 6th
 until July 17th. I have made arrangements for someone to continue posting
 "breaking news" reports in my absence.

 Best Wishes,
 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV
 I have not ruled out legal action. If you are an attorney, or know of one
 which handles such cases, please forward information. If you are an @Home
 user and have similar problems, please contact me. They tell me class action
 suit is the way to go now days.





This is being timed to keep information from coming out that could change the
preordained nature of this election.




From the Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

ECTV e-Newsletter Discontinued Indefinitely

Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, 9 July 2000, 12:38 a.m.

ECTV e-Newsletter Discontinued Indefinitely...07/04/00
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

As a result of what appears to be total incompetence of ATT/@Home, I have
discontinued our e-newsletter service. The problem resides, and always has,
with ATT/@Home servers.

Their neglect has proven to be an ongoing sign of their lack of
professionalism and pathetic services. Remember ATT's motto...

"We don't care, we don't have to". This could never be more true.

Help me to get their attention.

Here are some contact numbers.

The first one is Milo Medin.

He is the Chief Technology Officer on the Board of Directors.

His number is (650) 556-5000 or (650) 568-6000.

Another number to call is Abby Oxendine.

She is in charge of Executive Relations.

Her number is (650) 556-6900.

Tech Support number is (888) 404-9200.

Tell them the case # is 02902816.

Help me make them understand what they have done to us all. Their is NO
reason whatsoever for this to have continued for more than a few minutes.
They had the means to stop it almost immediately. The problem is sitting on
their server. Their is nothing I could (or can) do to stop the flow of mail.

Remember, I have not been able to view email since 10:10 PM July 2nd. So
please understand if I have not returned or responded to your mail. It will
not be until next week, that I will open my email once again.

This latest event has taken a toll on me, and it has been suggested I 

[CTRL] Peace in Space: Star Wars Test Fail?

2000-07-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

See: http://www.exopolitics.com

With any luck this could be the point where the tide
turns toward the abolition of weapons of mass
destruction to a more peaceful use of space.

1)  Star Wars Test Failure
2)  Text of scientists' anti-missile letter

The following is an excerpted statement by Lieutenant
General Ronald Kadish, Director, BMDO at the
Pentagon's press briefing on Saturday, July 8, 2000 -
1:37 a.m. EDT:

"..We launched the interceptor. But we failed to have
the kill vehicle separate from the booster second
stage. All we know based on telemetry now, and of
course we will get more data as time goes on, is that
the kill vehicle was waiting for a signal that we had
second stage separation. We did not receive that
signal. Therefore, the timeline shut down and the kill
vehicle did not separate, and therefore, we did not
attempt or have any activity in the intercept phase.
So we had a failure of the booster kill vehicle

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Are the Gremlins at Work
or Is It the Nature of the Beast?

With any luck this could be the point where the tide
turns toward the abolition of weapons of mass
destruction to a more peaceful use of space.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Antimissile System Fails Over Pacific, Pentagon
New York Times Online article By ELAINE SCIOLINO


2.Text of scientists' anti-missile letter

The full text of the letter from the Federation of
American Scientists to President Clinton urging that
the National Missile Defence system be abandoned

Dear Mr President:

We urge you not to make the decision to deploy an
anti-ballistic missile system during the remaining
months of
your administration.

The system would offer little protection and would do
grave harm to this nation's core security interests.

We and other independent scientists have long argued
that anti-ballistic missile systems, particularly
attempting to intercept re-entry vehicles in space,
will inevitably lose in an arms race of improvements
to offensive missiles.

North Korea has taken dramatic steps toward
reconciliation with South Korea. Other dangerous
states will arise. But what would such a state gain by
attacking the United States except its own

While the benefits of the proposed anti-ballistic
missile system are dubious, the dangers created by a
decision to deploy are clear.

Arms race

It would be difficult to persuade Russia or China that
the United States is wasting tens of billions of
dollars on an ineffective missile system against small
states that are unlikely to launch a missile attack on
the US.

The Russians and Chinese must therefore conclude that
the presently planned system is a stage in developing
bigger system directed against them.

They may respond by restarting an arms race in
ballistic missiles and having missiles in a dangerous
"launch-on-warning" mode.

Even if the next planned test of the proposed
anti-ballistic missile system works as planned, any
movement toward deployment would be premature,
wasteful and dangerous.


Dr Hans Bethe

On behalf of the Federation of American Scientists
July 8, 2000
Post Cassini Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 1999 Wendell Depot, MA 01380 USA

July 8, 2000

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy 

[CTRL] Fwd: Victory! World Bank Drops Tibet Eco Resettlement Project!

2000-07-08 Thread DIG alfred webre

 This morning [July 7,2000]China withdrew the Western China Poverty
 Reduction Project after a divided Board of Directors
 would not approve funding for the project. This is a
 tremendous victory that the international community
 has refused to legitimize and fund this process.

 For the latest news and ICT's official statement on the
 cancellation, go online to:  http://www.savetibet.org

 Congratulations and thank you to all ICT members,
 Tibetans, and friends of Tibet who raised their voices
 in countless ways to oppose this project.  Because of
 your dedication and commitment to the struggle, the
 future of Tibet looks brighter than ever.  Thank you!

 We also want to thank all of the countries who supported
 the findings of the Inspection Panel and the legitimate
 rights of the Tibetan peoples.  And thanks to the
 hundreds of parliamentarians from scores of countries
 and the U.S. Congress for their role in raising
 objections to this project with their governments.

 Please stay tuned to http://www.savetibet.org for more
 updates on the aftermath of the project's cancellation
 -- there may be more work to do in the coming weeks to
 make the best use of this significant victory.

 Best regards!

 Your friends at ICT.

 International Campaign for Tibet
 1825 K Street NW, Suite 520
 Washington, DC  20006
 tel. 202-785-1515  * fax. 202-785-4343

 earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, consciousness 
 Universe politics.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

This morning [July 7,2000]China withdrew the Western China Poverty
Reduction Project after a divided Board of Directors
would not approve funding for the project. This is a
tremendous victory that the international community
has refused to legitimize and fund this process.

For the latest news and ICT's official statement on the
cancellation, go online to:  http://www.savetibet.org

Congratulations and thank you to all ICT members,
Tibetans, and friends of Tibet who raised their voices
in countless ways to oppose this project.  Because of
your dedication and commitment to the struggle, the
future of Tibet looks brighter than ever.  Thank you!

We also want to thank all of the countries who supported
the findings of the Inspection Panel and the legitimate
rights of the Tibetan peoples.  And thanks to the
hundreds of parliamentarians from scores of countries
and the U.S. Congress for their role in raising
objections to this project with their governments.

Please stay tuned to http://www.savetibet.org for more
updates on the aftermath of the project's cancellation
-- there may be more work to do in the coming weeks to
make the best use of this significant victory.

Best regards!

Your friends at ICT.

International Campaign for Tibet
1825 K Street NW, Suite 520
Washington, DC  20006
tel. 202-785-1515  * fax. 202-785-4343

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, consciousness 
Universe politics.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

[CTRL] ECHELON: France opens US espionage case

2000-07-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

  Hi All - This case may have implications beyond Echelon, into the dynamics
of a possible Extraterrestrial Initiative. France is not part of the Echelon
countries (USA, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada - the "Queen's allies"), but rather
a target of the Echelon countries, in more ways than one

 Yet, it is the Echelon countries which advance disinformation agendas around
(1) UFOs (2) Alien Abductions (3) a possible extraterrestrial initiative by
organized Universe society. France, a non-Echelon country, on the other hand
recently published the COMETA report as an objective summary of the evidence
for the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

 Conclusion: Echelon countries may be hazardous to your health, in more ways
than Echelon-surveillance alone.

 Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
  France opens US espionage case

  Wednesday, July 5, 2000

  EUROPE | The French government has opened judicial investigations into
  that the United States and other allies are using a global surveillance
  network to conduct espionage.

  The espionage, say French authorities, is used to assist U.S. business firms
  in garnering information that could help them win lucrative contracts over
  European rivals.

  A decision was announced shortly before members of the European Parliament
  were due to decide Wednesday whether a commission should investigate whether
  the rights of Europeans are being infringed by the global system, called

  The global system, with listening posts in the U.S., Great Britain,
  Australia, Canada and New Zealand, is reportedly capable of intercepting
  electronic transmissions, including email, cellular telephone calls, and
  faxes as well as regular telephone conversations.

  Both the U.S. and Britain have denied conducting commercial espionage
  Echelon. The system, run by the National Security Agency, was set up during
  the Cold War, sources say.

  French state prosecutor Jean-Pierre Dintilhac will undertake a preliminary
  investigation into the workings of the network, a spokesman announced
  Tuesday, adding that the probe would not necessarily lead to legal action.

  At his request, France's counter-intelligence organization, DST, reportedly
  carried out a preliminary investigation into whether the monitoring could be
  construed as having been "harmful to the vital interests of the nation."

  Some French lawmakers called for the inquiry, saying French citizens and
  companies were being harmed by Echelon.

  Earlier this year Justice Minister Elisabeth Guigou told the French
  parliament that Echelon apparently had been used to spy on commercial rivals
  to major American corporations involved in bidding wars.

  She urged French businesses to be especially alert, and said vital
  information should never be contained in communications, especially those
  transmitted via satellite.

  European lawmakers in Strasbourg are due to decide today on what to do about
  Echelon, which one French member has dubbed an "Anglo-Saxon Calvinist"
  conspiracy against Europe.

  Some members of the European Union parliament said Echelon was responsible
  for the European consortium Airbus losing out to Boeing in a bidding war for
  $6 billion worth of aircraft for the Saudi Arabian national carrier in

  And, they say, the French communication firm Thomson-CFS lost a radar
  contract in Brazil two years later to the American Raytheon Corp., again
  allegedly after the NSA intercepted communications relating to the deal.

  Former CIA director James Woolsey, has confirmed that companies suspected of
  bribery and corruption and sanctions-busting have been monitored.

  He said Airbus officials had been discovered offering bribes to Saudi
  officials at the time the aircraft contract was being considered
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] ECHELON: France opens US espionage case

2000-07-05 Thread DIG alfred webre
   worldwide on the Internet at: www.coasttocoastam.com, where past programs
   are archived for 30 days.  This broadcast will air in the Washington, DC
   area on WWRC AM 570.

 Paradigm Research Group
  URL: www.paradigmclock.com
Phone: 301-564-1820
  Fax: 301-564-4066
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

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 Forwarded Message:
 Subj:Re: [CTRL] ECHELON: France opens US espionage case
 Date:  00-07-06 01:09:22 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DIG alfred webre)
 Sender:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Discussions about UFOs and
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Discussions about UFOs and

 In a message dated 00-07-05 20:52:21 EDT, you write:

  Finally, I am curious to learn what item #3 you list above is
  referring to, in which it states: "a possible extraterrestrial
  initiative by organized Universe society."

 Kenny - Hi! OK here goes the counter-spin:

 1. For extraterrestrial Initiative please refer to 53 page report, which
 posits a modl that Universe society is highly organized; Earth is in a
 "quaratine status.

 Please read it at http://www.exopolitics.com.

 Better yet tune in July 6 http://www.artbell.com to a 3-way discussion (Steve
 Basset; Alfred Webre; Fr. Daniel Sheehan on exopolitics and the
 extraterrestrial hypothesis in the Carter admn).  I think I wrote you asking
 to review the report about a month ago - you said it was out of your area of
 expertise. (See release below)

 2.  Anglophobia vs Francophobia - My point is devilishly simple.  Cometa
 advances the extraterrestrial hypothesis OFFICIALLY.  Secret agencies in the
 Echelon countries are in fact carrying out a disinformation campaign (MILAB
 abductions; phony UFOs, information war). Guess which terrestrials LIKE the
 extraterrestrials; Guess which terrestrials are at WAR with the
 extraterrestrials.  All that Corso stuff you mention is smoke and mirrors
 aside the fact that hard core cases are defined by France's NASA chief and
 Air Force honchos as supportive of the ET hypothesis.  In the scheme of the
 information war about ET in the last 50 years, the Cometa report is HUGE.
 Anglophiles natureally get bent out of shape watching their government lose
 face globally, to Francophiles - but that's been going on for centuries.

 We tried to do a Cometa-type report in the Carter White House, and were
 terminated by US intelligence, in September, 1977.  Tune in to the broadcast
 below and read the Exopolitics report and then let's talk.

 I really like the point mentioned about Strategic Deception - thatg's Echelon
 countries game re ET.  Last time I saw Jacques Vallee was at his Investment
 Bank office in California - Oh did I mentiona that Lawrence Rockefeller (Best
 Available Evidence report 1996; Sturrock Panel 1998) bought up all the
 Anglophile ET evidence, just like Gradaddy John D. Rockefeller taught him
 hown to do? Now that's startegic deception.)

 My opinion: the opening to ET is just beginning.

 Alfred  Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
 Vancouver, BC


  Press Release
  July 4, 2000

  Washington, DC -  A controversial and impacting Coast to Coast AM with
  Mike Siegel will air at 10 PM PST, Thursday, July 6.   This program could
  be a milestone in addressing the government cover-up of facts concerning
  an extraterrestrial presence in our world, now.

  Two jurist doctors and an activist/lobbyist will join host Mike Siegel,
  jurist doctor, to discuss, among other things, significant events which
  during the administration of President Jimmy Carter.  With Mike will be
  famous legal activists, Daniel Sheehan; author Alfred Webre; and lobbyist,
  Stephen Bassett.

  Daniel Sheehan has spent his life working on progressive social initiatives.
  He was legal counsel on such nationally recognized cases as Karen Silkwood,
  Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and Three Mile Island. He

[CTRL] [UASR] [earthprophecy-l] Earth Changes/EMF Weapons

2000-07-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

 In a message dated 00-07-04 01:12:49 EDT, you write:


  In a message dated 7/4/00 12:16:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

   Below is one of the reasons why the trigger
  for any earth changes (if they do occur) may be in human environmental
  warfare, rather than geologic processes alone. Remember, you are
  of military minds that had a plan to drop nuclear bombs on the Moon as
  warning to the Red team (USSR).

  Good point and probably right.

  They may have destroyed our ecology once
  before in aeons past, and may do so in the future.

  Yes, that's documented in Vedic scriptures,  may have been the means of
  destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Biblical history, and of course, is
  prevalent in legends of Atlantis and "wars in the heavens".
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consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MEXICO: President-elect and his government must turn a new leaf in the pr...

2000-07-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *
 4 July 2000
 AI Index AMR 41/034/2000
 News Service Nr. 130


 President-elect and his government must turn a new leaf in the
 protection of human rights

 President-elect Vicente Fox and his future government must make a clean
 break with Mexico's century-long history of political violence and gross
 human rights abuses, Amnesty International said today in the wake of
 Sunday's presidential and parliamentary elections.

 The President-to-be must at the very earliest opportunity make clear to
 all Mexicans and the international community that the unrestricted
 protection of human rights will be a cornerstone of his government's
 policies and program of work. These must include laying the foundations
 for effective reform of the institutions designed to protect human
 rights and bring about an end to impunity.

 Human rights reforms under the previous governments of the ruling
 Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), in power for over 70 years,
 have frequently been marred by unchecked arbitrary detentions, torture
 and ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and killings. For the victims
 of these abuses, truth and justice has been ignored for too long.

 A long-standing and widespread lack of confidence in the ability of
 Mexico's security forces and judicial system to operate within the rule
 of law is one of the central challenges which the new government must

 Amnesty International has been reporting on Mexico's human rights
 situation for over 35 years. During these years the organization has
 documented and appealed to the authorities on thousands of individuals
 whose rights -- including the right to life -- were taken away from

 The vast majority of these victims never took on the high profile
 associated with cases like the 1968 massacre of hundreds of students in
 Mexico City or the 1997 killing of 45 indigenous men, women and children
 in Acteal, Chiapas. But they are no less important.

 "President-elect Vicente Fox of the Partido de Accion Nacional (PAN),
 his yet to be appointed ministers, and the newly-elected representatives
 in Congress and the Senate must rise to the challenge at a moment when
 the international community is placing human rights at the centre of its
 agenda," the organization said.

 Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
 WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom
 You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main
 text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting
 Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the
 list subscription message may be removed.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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2000-07-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 3:17 PM

  INFORMATION CONTROL: A highly organized system has been developed to
  control what is being searched for by each station and who can have
  access to it. This is at the heart of ECHELON operations and works as
  The individual station's Dictionary computers do not simply have a
  long list of keywords to search for. And they do not send all the
  information into some huge database that participating agencies can
  dip into as they wish. It is much more controlled.
  The search lists are organized into the same categories, referred to
  by the four digit numbers. Each agency decides its own categories
  according to its responsibilities for producing intelligence for the
  network. For GCSB, this means South Pacific governments, Japanese
  diplomatic, Russian Antarctic activities, and so on.
  The agency then works out about 10 to 50 keywords for selection in
  each category. The keywords include such things as names of people,
  ships, organizations, country names, and subject names. They also
  include the known telex and fax numbers and Internet addresses of any
  individuals, businesses, organizations, and government offices that
  are targets. These are generally written as part of the message text
  and so are easily recognized by the Dictionary computers.
  The agencies also specify combinations of keywords to help sift out
  communications of interest. For example, they might search for
  diplomatic cables containing both the words "Santiago" and "aid," or
  cables containing the word "Santiago" but not "consul" (to avoid the
  masses of routine consular communications). It is these sets of words
  and numbers (and combinations), under a particular category, that get
  placed in the Dictionary computers. (Staff in the five agencies
  called Dictionary Managers enter and update the keyword search lists
  for each agency.)
  The whole system, devised by the NSA, has been adopted completely by
  the other agencies. The Dictionary computers search through all the
  incoming messages and, whenever they encounter one with any of the
  agencies' keywords, they select it. At the same time, the computer
  automatically notes technical details such as the time and place of
  interception on the piece of intercept so that analysts reading it,
  in whichever agency it is going to, know where it came from, and what
  it is. Finally, the computer writes the four-digit code (for the
  category with the keywords in that message) at the bottom of the
  message's text. This is important. It means that when all the
  intercepted messages end up together in the database at one of the
  agency headquarters, the messages on a particular subject can be
  located again. Later, when the analyst using the Dictionary system
  selects the four- digit code for the category he or she wants, the
  computer simply searches through all the messages in the database for
  the ones which have been tagged with that number.
  This system is very effective for controlling which agencies can get
  what from the global network because each agency only gets the
  intelligence out of the ECHELON system from its own numbers. It does
  not have any access to the raw intelligence coming out of the system
  to the other agencies. For example, although most of the GCSB's
  intelligence production is primarily to serve the UKUSA alliance, New
  Zealand does not have access to the whole ECHELON network. The access
  it does have is strictly controlled. A New Zealand intelligence
  officer explained: "The agencies can all apply for numbers on each
  other's Dictionaries. The hardest to deal with are the Americans. ...
  [There are] more hoops to jump through, unless it is in their
  interest, in which case they'll do it for you."
  There is only one agency which, by virtue of its size and role within
  the alliance, will have access to the full potential of the ECHELON
  system the agency that set it up. What is the system used for? Anyone
  listening to official "discussion" of intelligence could be forgiven
  for thinking that, since the end of the Cold War, the key targets of
  the massive UKUSA intelligence machine are terrorism, weapons
  proliferation, and economic intelligence. The idea that economic
  intelligence has become very important, in particular, has been
  carefully cultivated by intelligence agencies intent on preserving
  their post-Cold War budgets. It has become an article of faith in
  much discussion of intelligence. However, I have found no evidence
  that these are now the primary concerns of organizations such as NSA.
  QUICKER INTELLIGENCE, SAME MISSION: A different story emerges after
  examining very detailed information I have been given about the
  intelligence New Zealand collects for the UKUSA allies 

[CTRL] Fwd: [EWAR] National Missile Defense test

2000-07-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-05 01:19:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Flash in space, Arctic wind may spur new arms race By Douglas Hamilton
 BRUSSELS, July 2 (Reuters) - Sometime on Friday in near space over the
 Pacific Ocean, a 37-year-old Minuteman II missile faking an attack on the
 United States is due to get zapped. If it does there will be a big, silent
flash in the void, halfway between the
 Marshall Islands and California, which some warn will mean an end to the
 golden age of arms control and the start of a new arms race. A direct hit by
the prototype interceptor system designed to find, track and
 vaporise an incoming warhead by sheer kinetic force could clear the decks for
 the start of the controversial U.S. National Missile Defence (NMD) project.
President Bill Clinton is due to decide by November whether to issue
 contracts for pouring concrete on the remote Aleutian Island of Shemya, where
 a so-called X-Band radar guidance system for the first phase of NMD would be
 erected. Winds there are said to be so bad that barges loaded with building
 can only dock in July. So, in order to have the system ready to counter a
 projected threat from 2005, construction has to start next year. Opponents
say NMD would destroy the key 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
 treaty which committed the United States and the Soviet Union not to erect
 such a shield, so that neither would gamble on launching a knockout blow from
 behind it. Backers say that was then and this is now -- those who think the
clock could
 be stopped indefinitely on arms development and global competition are
 deluded. Besides, they argue, the system is not aimed at the Russians but at
 rogue states now armed with or developing long-range, mass-destruction
 missiles. FORTRESS AMERICA Looking far ahead, however, as the American
themselves say they are bound to
 do, Russia, China and other aspiring missile powers suspect NMD could give
 the U.S. a big lead in a race for strategic supremacy, by making a generation
 of weapons obsolete. At worst, Russia could scrap other arms control pacts.
Washington's own allies are concerned not only about the potential impact on
 the bedrock of nuclear arms control. They fear a unilateral decision to go
 ahead with NMD, by Clinton or his successor, may relegate them to a
 second-class level of security, thereby ``decoupling'' the Atlantic
alliance. Some believe the perceived threat from states such as North Korea
or Iran is
 exaggerated and, if anything, will diminish. Some also find the Shemya Island
 time pressure artificial and some doubt that reliable anti-missile technology
 has been mastered. Critics point out that the simple trick of deploying
decoy warheads could
 dupe the ``kill vehicle.'' Friday's test will tell the tale. But any notion
that everything hinges on it
 may be an oversimplification. While the aim is to have two successful
 intercepts prior to a decision, another flight test is available in the
 autumn if this one fails. ``It depends, of course, on what caused the
failure,'' added the U.S.
 Undersecretary of Defense for acquisition, Jacques Gansler, at a recent
 Pentagon briefing. Project designers have denied that Friday's test has been
``dumbed down'' to
 ensure a hit, by deploying only one decoy -- for the kill vehicle to examine
 then, hopefully, discard for the real target -- and by attaching a radar
 beacon to the target. ``That beacon does not help the kill vehicle in the
acquisition phase,''
 insisted General Ronald Kadish, director of the Ballistic Missile Defense
 Organisation. SYSTEM COULD GROW RAPIDLY U.S. officials have found themselves
frequently on the defensive in the NMD
 debate, attempting to head off suspicions that the project -- starting with
 20 interceptors but rising to 250 -- is virtually unstoppable whatever the
 test results or the political fallout abroad. The value of NMD work has been
estimated at $60 billion. At NATO headquarters on Friday, U.S. Assistant
Secretary for the Bureau of
 Arms Control Avis Bohlen said that even if North Korea ceased to present a
 threat, ``this is an issue that's not going to go away.'' ``I cannot imagine
that we would find the world so benign that we would say
 we're going to stop it,'' Bohlen added. The kill vehicle for Friday's test
doesn't need explosives: it is due to hit
 the five-foot-long (1.5 metre) Minuteman warhead at a collision velocity of
 4.6 miles per second (16,560 mph or 26,500 kph) and ``ionise'' it. But it
must have the autonomous ability to look at stars to confirm exactly
 where it is in space and super-cooled infrared telescope detectors to sense
 the genuine target. The latter failed five seconds before intercept on the
previous test in
 January, but an earlier test succeeded. Some U.S. experts say the laws of
 mathematics demonstrate the discrimination system can't work anyway. The
NMD's designers now say they aim to create a system that can fire more
 than once during 

[CTRL] ECTV/Article - Is There a Connection Between Magnetics and Human Behavior?

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Is There a Connection Between Magnetics and Human Behavior?...07/03/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 Articles such as the one below are starting to come forward. The first
 phase of most research is to identify the problem. That's exactly what the
 CNN article indicates. The next phase is to identify the cause.

 I wrote an article earlier this year which reflects upon the possible
 cause of the escalation in mood and personality disorders. I have used my
 understanding of acupuncture and magnetics to help explain. Perhaps we are
 witness to a type of magnetic flux that is indeed affecting our own
 personal magnetic field. Some would even suggest we will soon experience
 an acupuncture treatment on a world wide scale, perhaps in the way of an
 energy wave. Some have called it a Photon wave. This goes in my "grey box"
 but I am surely open to this idea.

 (MB) As a N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncturist, I have some understanding of
 magnetics and the human (animal) grid. It has
 been known for thousands of years there is an energy that runs through all
 living things. The Chinese call this energy "Chi" or "Qi". The Japanese
 call it "Ki". The eastern Indians (India) call it "Prana". The Mayans call
 it "Gaia". And of course, Luke
 Skywalker calls it "The Force".

 It is when this energy is out of balance, that it manifest as illness
 (both physical and mental). The very basics of acupuncture
 is the study of the human gird or energy field, and its connection to our
 anatomy.  The largest part of an acupuncturist study,
 is defining and identifying the energy points which network through the
 human (animal) body. These energy points are known
 as "meridians". Meridians are a network of bio-magnetic grids (energy
 points) that run through all living things. When the life
 force energy i.e., "Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia, The Force" is out of balance, it
 manifest as illness. What an acupuncturist will do is
 manipulate certain meridians, depending on the ailment, to bring balance
 back to the body/mind.

 I believe it is more than possible the current "magnetic shift", due to
 the suns solar cycle, has a direct affect on human
 (animal) behavior. Could this be the cause of hundreds of dolphins
 beaching themselves? Also the phenomenon of migrant
 birds flying in areas never before seen. Could it be true there is an
 epidemic of "mood and personality" disorders such as
 Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Addictions? Is this a result of the earth's
 magnetic field shifting? Could this "magnetic shift" in
 addition to affecting our weather, also be affecting humans as well?

 Just as the Earth has its magnetic field, so do humans. It makes sense
 that what would certainly disrupt one, would disrupt the
 other. Are we indeed connected to the Earth (Universe) in ways current
 science cannot explain. Perhaps we will find the
 answers in our ancestors ancient text.

 Equation: Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and
 Jet Stream Currents = Severe Weather (and perhaps emotional disturbance?).


 More Americans Say They've Been On Verge Of Nervous Breakdown...07/03/00

 (CNN) WASHINGTON -- The proportion of Americans who say they've felt the
 threat of a nervous breakdown provoked
 by stress, depression and anxiety is on the rise, according to a study
 released Sunday.

 The study, by Indiana University researchers, found that in 1996, more
 than 26 percent of adults surveyed said they had felt an impending nervous
 breakdown, up from 19 percent in 1957. In addition, another 7 percent said
 they had experienced a mental health problem, a question not asked in the
 1957 survey.

 "Still," the study says, "it is unclear whether the number of nervous
 breakdowns has increased over the past 40 years, or whether the meaning of
 the term has changed so that the public's attitude toward psychological
 problems has become more accepting."

 The increase, most of which occurred in the last 20 years, could be caused
 by a combination of more people experiencing psychological problems and a
 lessening of the stigma associated with admitting to a nervous breakdown,
 said Ralph Swindle Jr., the study's lead author.

 "There's been a real change in both Americans' attitudes toward
 acknowledging mental health problems and in their willingness to talk to
 people about it," said Swindle.

 The survey questioned 1,444 American adults from March to May 1996 and has
 an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The findings are
 reported in the July issue of American Psychologist.

 Less serious than mental illness

 The study notes that its findings deal with a concept of the nervous
 breakdown that renders it a less serious condition than mental illness.

 "The way the general population uses the term 'nervous breakdown' is a
 mental collapse," said co-author Bernice Pescosolido. "They were talking
 about getting to a point in their lives where they couldn't carry on."

 Participants in the 1996 

[CTRL] [tmg_starweb] Earth Changes, Psychic Predictions, and Electromagnetic Weapons

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

From tmg-starweb-l:

 Earth Changes

 Using the disciplines of catastrophic geology, seismology,
 vulcanology, parapsychology, and public interest policy analysis,
 Journey II develops a new field theory explaining how millennial
 prophecies of cataclysm might be fulfilled €  ’¶ not by earth system
 mechanics, but by the deployment of a new generation of EMP weapons.

 Earth Sciences  Psychic Prediction

 Catastrophic geology, seismology, vulcanology, and astronomy do not
 forecast cataclysmic scale earth events (massive tectonic shifts,
 subsidence or rising of new land masses from the ocean, turning of the
 earth on its axis). Yet high psychics such as Edgar Cayce, with
 confirmed records of accuracy, predict these very cataclysmic events.
 Assuming these psychics were accessing accurate precognitive
 information, what might be an alternative mechanism that could cause
 cataclysmic earth events?

 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons

 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons are a possible trigger of
 cataclysmic earth events. EMP fields can superheat the ionosphere,
 devastating magnetic bands around the earth, and in turn causing
 massive disruption of the earth€  ’²s Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995
 earthquake in Kobe, Japan may have been triggered by clandestine
 deployment of EMP weapons. EMP strategic warfare includes weather,
 climate and earth event warfare.  Researchers have reported the use of
 EMP weapons in anti-population mind-control operations over major

 get the rest of the story at this site.


 The Judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and
 miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of
 our confederated fabric.  --Thomas Jefferson (1820)
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Alfred] PRG Press Release - July 4, 2000 (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-03 09:41:16 EDT, you write:

 [Alfred, what's the scoop with this PRG? Is it your
 group/affiliate??   And, thanks.  --MS]


Hi! Steve Basset, Director of Paradigm and X-PPAC, the only Political
Action Committee (PAC) for the extraterresrial issue will be the guests on
Coast to Coast on Thursday, July 6.  We are both interested in advancing the
extraterrestrial issues, and are co-appearing at http://www.artbell.com

Background on X-PPAC and Paradigm:

Guests include Steve Bassett, director of Extraterrestrial
  Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), a Washington,
  DC-based Political Action Committee seeking to bring about public
  official opening of the extraterrestrial issue, through education and
  political action. You can access X-PPAC at:

Paradigm: http://www.paradigmclock.com

Our goal is Exopolitics (See below)

EXOPOLITICS proposes making the extraterrestrial issue
  transparent and participatory, through a Decade of Contact: public
  education, open and funded research; community politics,
  interactive events around the issue of extraterrestrial

  EXOPOLITICS series can be accessed at:

Thanks! Alfred

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Germany: Once again Michael Pardue

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Andreas van Almsick)
Subject:Once again Michael Pardue
Date sent:  Mon, 3 Jul 2000 20:05:39 +0200

Dear Mr. Webre,

Thank you for your fast answer. i will attach a translation of an article
Michael Pardue published on 20.12.99 from the national available "Frankfurter
Rundschau". This shoulf give you an impression how Michael's case is seen
here in Germany.

Best regards

A. van Almsick

26 years innocent behind bars?

Michael Pardue was sentenced to life in the US state of Alabama for homicides
never committed.

By Jörg-Michael Dettmer (Fort Worth)

For the past 26 years the 43-year old Michael Pardue has been in prison in
US federal state of Alabama. His case is like a nightmare: Pardue was
to life  in 1973 when he was 17-years old because of a triple homicide.
the Supreme Court of Alabama set aside this controversial verdict in 1997 due
a lack of proof, Pardue is still behind bars for life without the possibility
pardon. This is because he has escaped three times from prison.

In Alabama there is a strict law, "Three strikes and you are out", in German:
three crimes means life. A controversial law enacted to fight against the
spreading crime in the country. Therefore Michael Pardue must remain in
for his three escape attempts even though he was trying to escape detention
a crime of which he was in all likelihood innocent.

This is the history of his case: In the early morning of May 22nd , 1973 the
owners of two gas stations, located 25 kilometers from each other in the
of Alabama, were brutally murdered. On the same night Michael Pardue had
and behaved foolishly with a friend and a girlfriend at a Motel in Saraland.
17-year old boy stole a pickup-truck to drive to Mobile with the girl and,
this later got stuck in mud, a Volkswagen. The motel was only three
away from one of the scenes of the crime.

According to Pardue the police became aware of him because of the stolen
He was summoned the next day and had prepared himself to be arrested for car
theft. But it all turned out differently. The local police force of the city
Saraland apparently stood under immense media and public pressure to clear up
the brutal homicides. In Michael Pardue they believed they had found the

After 78 hours interrogation by a total of ten police officials and
Michael Pardue confessed to three homicides. This was because in the meantime
further victim of homicide had been found. During the marathon interrogation
17-year old was threatened and beaten, received hardly anything to eat and
prevented from sleeping. Pardue was not allowed to talk to an attorney not to
call his family. The officials threatened him with the death penalty even
it wasn't being implemented at that time in USA.

Michael Pardue's complete murder trial lasted only one and a half hours. His
attorney made absolutely no efforts to help him in anyway. The 17-year old
sentenced to life imprisonment.

"I was not exactly a good boy at that time but I am not a murderer ", Michael
Pardue writes in a letter from prison. "My confession was extorted in a most
brutal way. I was only 17 years old at that time, I was quite alone, I was
without any influence and couldn't defend  myself".  Not a single piece of
evidence was presented by the Office of the District Attorney during the
that convicted Pardue as a murderer. The only proof linking him to the three
homicides was his verbal confession which one of the officials that had been
involved in the interrogation - once more verbally - summarized in front of
court. There never was a written confession. In a second trial in the year
Michael Pardue was again convicted of homicide and sentenced to 100 years
custody. For inexplicable reasons an audio tape suddenly appeared containing
confession of 1973. At this stage the Supreme Court of Alabama interfered. It
didn't allow the tape to be used as evidence because the confession had been
illegally coerced. The conviction was overturned and all charges of homicide
against Pardue were dropped.

Pardue and his attorneys have listed a whole kaleidoscope of faults,
inconsistencies, fraud and others shocking facts associated with his case.
example, as the interrogation proceeded, Pardue identified weapon used in the
crime as a shotgun, which belonged to relatives. When the police found the
weapon in the cupboard of Pardues aunt, there were according to the attending
officers spider's webs and rust in the barrel. The same shotgun appeared
polished in the trial. And:  It had been recently fired.

Criminologists said, that the bullet wounds of the gas station attendants
pointed to a pistol or a rifle rather than a shotgun. Neither blood nor gun
powder residues were found on Michael Pardues 

[CTRL] [earthprophecy-l] Earth Changes/EMF Weapons

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 from earthprophecy-l:


  "like a moving plasma ball in a local space-time warp around a central
  black hole" - "Never ever seen anything like it before - therefore
  difficult to describe accurately".


  Post-No.: ascension-l/2000-07-03/12020 (digest-marker)
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:
  Re: SNET: POLE SHIFT and Earth Changes

  TIMING OF EARTH CHANGES - Below is one of the reasons why the trigger
  for any earth changes (if they do occur) may be in human environmental
  warfare, rather than geologic processes alone. Remember, you are talking
  of military minds that had a plan to drop nuclear bombs on the Moon as a
  warning to the Red team (USSR). They may have destroyed our ecology once
  before in aeons past, and may do so in the future. The more things
  change, the more they remain the same. Human environmental weapons may
  be the key contained in a radical reinterpretation of the Earth Changes
  prophecies of Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Mayan galactic prophecies.

  EARTH CHANGES - http://www.universebooks.com


  In a message dated 00-07-02 17:17:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  snip - SNETNEWS Mailing List Correct me if I am wrong here..but
  weren't we supposed to have a major wave of Earth changes, excess solar
  activity, etc around the beginning of the year, and nothing
  Earth-shaking (please pardon the pun) happened? Then some people claimed
  there would be catastrophic Earth changes during the month of May, 2000,
  and again nothing even close to catastrophic happened. Concern about
  Earth changes appears to be truly excessive if the quality of past
  predictions are any indication. (Will anybody concede this fact?)
  Moreover, if any major Earth changes are to happen, fewer people will
  believe it ahead of time because of "crying wolf" in the recent past. JF
  === In a message
  dated 07/02/2000 12:58:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  SNETNEWS Mailing List In a message dated 00-07-01 18:35:39 EDT, you

  http://www.millenngroup.com/repository/planetary/poleshift.html by
  William Hutton  Thanks for a tour-de-force on Cayce (not Casey ;-))
  and earth changes. You may want to check out a complementary book: EARTH
  CHANGES. EARTH CHANGES is a radical reinterpretation of the prophecies
  of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, the Mayan calendar and galactic
  processes, to see human environmental warfare, and not geologic
  processes alone, as the possible trigger of Earth Changes.

 earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
 consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
 USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] [BRC-NEWS] What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-04 00:17:09 EDT, you write:


 What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?


 Frederick Douglass


 July 5th, 1852


 Meeting sponsored by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery
 Society, Rochester Hall, Rochester, N.Y.


 To illustrate the full shame of slavery, Douglass delivered
 a speech that took aim at the pieties of the nation -- the
 cherished memories of its revolution, its principles of
 liberty, and its moral and religious foundation. The Fourth
 of July, a day celebrating freedom, was used by Douglass to
 remind his audience of liberty's unfinished business.


 Web: http://douglass.speech.nwu.edu/doug_a10.htm

 Print: The speech was originally published as a pamphlet. It
 can be located in James M. Gregory's, "Frederick Douglass,
 the Orator" (New York, 1893), 103-06.


 Fellow-citizens; above your national, tumultous joy, I
 hear the mournful wail of millions! whose chains, heavy and
 grievous yesterday, are, to-day, rendered more intolerable
 by the jubilee shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I
 do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow
 this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my
 tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to
 pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the
 popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and
 shocking, and would make me a reproach before God
 and the world. My subject, then fellow-citizens, is
 AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see, this day, and its popular
 characteristics, from the slave's point of view. Standing,
 there, identified with the American bondman, making his
 wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul,
 that the character and conduct of this nation never looked
 blacker to me than on this 4th of July! Whether we turn to
 the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the
 present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous
 and revolting. America is false to the past, false to the
 present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the
 future. Standing with God and the crushed and bleeding slave
 on this occasion, I will, in the name of humanity which
 is outraged, in the name of liberty which is fettered,
 in the name of the constitution and the Bible, which are
 disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and
 to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything
 that serves to perpetuate slavery-the great sin and shame of
 America! "I will not equivocate; I will not excuse;" I will
 use the severest language I can command; and yet not one
 word shall escape me that any man, whose judgement is not
 blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a slaveholder,
 shall not confess to be fight and just.

 But I fancy I hear some one of my audience say, it is just
 in this circumstance that you and your brother abolitionists
 fail to make a favorable impression on the public mind.
 Would you argue more, and denounce less, would you persuade
 more, and rebuke less, your cause would be much more likely
 to succeed. But, I submit, where all is plain there is
 nothing to be argued. What point in the anti-slavery creed
 would you have me argue? On what branch of the subject do
 the people of this country need light? Must I undertake
 to prove that the slave is a man? That point is conceded
 already. Nobody doubts it. The slaveholders themselves
 acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their
 government. They acknowledge it when they punish
 disobedience on the part of the slave. There are seventy-two
 crimes in the State of Virginia, which, if committed by a
 black man, (no matter how ignorant he be), subject him to
 the punishment of death; while only two of the same crimes
 will subject a white man to the like punishment. What is
 this but the acknowledgement that the slave is a moral,
 intellectual and responsible being? The manhood of the
 slave is conceded. It is admitted in the fact that Southern
 statute books are covered with enactments forbidding, under
 severe fines and penalties, the teaching of the slave to
 read or to write. When you can point to any such laws, in
 reference to the beasts of the field, then I may consent
 to argue the manhood of the slave. When the dogs in your
 streets, when the fowls of the air, when the cattle on your
 hills, when the fish of the sea, and the reptiles that
 crawl, shall be unable to distinguish the slave from a
 brute, their will I argue with you that the slave is a man!

 For the present, it is enough to affirm the equal manhood
 of the negro race. Is it not astonishing that, while we
 are ploughing, planting and reaping, using all kinds of
 mechanical tools, erecting houses, constructing bridges,
 building ships, working in metals of brass, iron, copper,
 silver and gold; that, while we are reading, writing and
 cyphering, acting as clerks, merchants and secretaries,
 having among us lawyers, doctors, 

[CTRL] Coast to Coast July 6: 1977 Carter White House ET Study Suppressed

2000-07-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

  COAST TO COAST: On July 6,  Coast to Coast with Mike Siegel
  will host a program on making public government studies of
  extraterrestrial communication, including those during the Jimmy
  Carter administration.  Coast to Coast is heard over 475 stations
  including WABC (NY) and KABC (LA), and has an audience of 10
  million listeners worldwide (check your local station for program
  times) .  Online  archives are at:

  Guests include Steve Bassett, director of Extraterrestrial
  Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), a Washington,
  DC-based Political Action Committee seeking to bring about public
  official opening of the extraterrestrial issue, through education and
  political action. You can access X-PPAC at:

  Guests also include Alfred Webre, author of eBook EXOPOLITICS,
  and Principal Investigator in a 1977 Carter White House-Stanford
  Research Institute study of extraterrestrial communication.  That
  study was summarily suppressed in September 1977.
  EXOPOLITICS, Episode One was recently released and is a study
  of politics and government in the Universe.  Episode Two is
  scheduled for release in the Fall of 2000.

  EXOPOLITICS proposes making the extraterrestrial issue
  transparent and participatory, through a Decade of Contact: public
  education, open and funded research; community politics,
  interactive events around the issue of extraterrestrial

  EXOPOLITICS series can be accessed at:

  Thank you.

  earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
  consciousness.mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
  CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
  UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
  Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Case of Michael Rene Pardue (Innocent) - Volunteers needed

2000-07-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Please feel free to contact Dr. Andreas van Almsick (email below) if you
wish to support the case of Michael Rene Pardue.  Thank you. Alfred Webre,
Vancouver, BC
Dr. Andreas van Almsick
Rosskopfweg 9
D-61440 Oberursel

Tel.: 01149 6171 55473


Re: Michael Rene Pardue

Dear Mr. Webre,

With this letter I want to focus your attention on the case of Michael Rene
Pardue. Michael is now for more than 27 years behinds bars in Alabama and he
innocent. Even thought his original murder cases were dropped 1997 he is
sentenced for life without parole because of three escapes.

Michael's case has found attention of national and international media (see
"Media Support" on his website www.michaelpardue.com). But while the US media
were interested mainly 1998 (except the local one) mainly the German ones do
their work till today. I am very proud that it was a German TV-team which was
first together with Michael's wife Becky when the Alabama Supreme Court
the theoretical chance to release Michael on March 10th, 2000.

However, I don't believe that it is the task of foreigner media to do the job
the US ones. The case of Michael Pardue is one of the worst scandal of
in America of the last and perhaps of this century. Not because of the fact
an innocent man was so long behind bars, that happen unfortunately all over
world, but because of the fact that an innocent man should die behind bars
because he tried to escape tree times. For America it is an incredible shame.
For everybody all over the world it can't be a crime if an innocent man tries
escape and it can't be one for a country that believes to strongly in the
freedom of everyone.

Frankly the responsible men in Alabama will never agree that Michael is
innocent. They will tell you that they dropped his original charges only for
technical reasons. They will tell you that they are sure about Michael's
but that the Alabama Supreme Court unfortunately doesn't allow them to use
Michael's confession longer as evidence. Well, the truth is that this
was coerced and that there was never a physical evidence for Michael's guilt.
More than that, today it is proved that the only physical evidence ever
on court, a shotgun, can not be responsible for the found wounds of the
However, all the new proofs are not of further interest because Michael's
original charges are already dropped. No further court will have a look on
except an civil suit. But Michael escaped three times and therefore the law
Alabama allows the continuing unjust against him. They will tell you that
Michael self had told everyone in his first prison that he is a murderer.
is true but it is only the half story. Michael did it after nobody wanted to
believe him that he is innocent and he did it to survive as 17 year old white
boy in one of the worst prison of America.

The case of Michael Rene Pardue is an example for that what was and what is
wrong with the American system of justice. The responsible men of Alabama
have a
high interest to hide all their mistakes in this case and a not so interested
media allow them to go on with that.

I am very happy about every new article about Michael in Germany and I know
there will be soon a book about him in France but because it is easy for
to ignore the foreign media I have to ask you to do what is necessary to
the citizen of America about that what happen in their name.

I am 38, married and a chemist in a higher position of Aventis CropScience
of the world leader of plant protection. I am very interested in this case
because I am not able to accept such an unjust.

Please feel free to ask further questions.

In the hope to hear soon from you.

Your Sincerely

A. van Almsick
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Directory of Russian Public Internet Resources for NGOs

2000-07-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Directory of Russian Public Internet Resources for NGOs

This Russian-language Web site contains news of Internet resources of
interest to Russian NGOs.  The site has descriptions and links to
online libraries and databases of NGOs, listservs which serve the
Russian NGO community, funders, and more.

CivilSoc is a service provided to more than 1,600 subscribers worldwide
by Center for Civil Society International in association with Friends 
Partners. For more information about civic initiatives in Eurasia,
please visit our Web site: http://www.friends-partners.org/ccsi/
CivilSoc archives: http://www.friends-partners.org/~ccsi/archives.htm

There are no restrictions on copying messages. However, if you
reproduce this message, please credit Center for Civil Society
International (or CCSI) as the source.

CivilSoc mailing list

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] IMMINENT-----------Impending executions in USA (fwd)

2000-06-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

updated list with recent changes:

June 29, 2000


please note that execution dates known or thought to be considered
SERIOUS are marked with a designation of "s"--

The designation would mean that an execution would be considered
most likely to be carried out.

REMINDER--the designation should in no way be construed as
absolute...stays can be granted or denied at the very last moments
prior to execution.  A name with no "s" designation may simply mean
that not enough information is currently available to know whether
the execution date is serious.

In other words, please do NOT automatically equate the fact that
a name with no "s" designation means that his/her assigned execution
date is not serious...it might, in fact, be (very) serious.


Here is a list of impending executions in the USA:

651   July   6-sMichael Clagett Virginia
652 11-sWilliam Murray  Texas
653 12-sOrien JoinerTexas
654 12-sCaruthers Alexander Texas
655 12-sMose Young  Missouri
656 13  George LopezPennsylvania
657 20-sGregg Braun Oklahoma
658 25  Warrenn Henness Ohio
659 25  Willie Williams Ohio
660 25  Herman Ashworth Ohio
661 26-sJuan Soria  Texas

662   Aug.   5-sJuan Raul Garza Texas   (federal)
663  7  Roderick Davie  Ohio
664  7  Abdul Awkal Ohio
665  9-sOliver Cruz Texas
666  9-sBrian Roberson  Texas
667 10-sGeorge Wallace  Oklahoma
668 14  Jessie Cowans   Ohio
669 16-sJohn SatterwhiteTexas
670 22-sRichard Wayne Jones Texas
671 23-sDavid Gibbs Texas
672 23  Juan Kinley Ohio
673 30-sJeffery CaldwellTexas

 Sept.  12  Michael Scott   Ohio
13-sMiguel Richardson   Texas

  Oct.   4-sStacey LawtonTexas

  Nov.   1-sJeffery Dillingham   Texas
 8-sGary Etheridge   Texas

2000 Executions

Oklahoma  9
Alabama   4
Florida   4
Virginia  3
Arizona   2
Missouri  2
Arkansas  1
Louisiana 1
Tennessee 1

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

Does this report not begin to border on hate literature? I beleive the Third
began homphobic hate literature in earnest, as a prelude to a policy of
extermination of gays, much as they exterminated Jews, gypsys, and
free-thinkers.  The homophobic literature surrounding the trial of Oscar
Wilde was relatively tame compared to this. This post is hate literature: It
contains systematic distortions of reality designed to further base human
prejudice, result in the denial of human rights, incite others to physical or
psychological violence, or result in the denial of human rights to an
identifiable groups based on sexual and gender preferences.  Racial hate
literature is not acceptable on this list; Homophobic literature lacks
redeeming social value. Is it acceptable?

Alfred Webre, Vancouver
In a message dated 00-06-30 02:32:41 EDT, you write:

 Facts and Statistics About FagsFacts and Statistics About Fags
   "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

   -- Leviticus 18:22

   "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of
iniquity." Psalm 5:5


   Note: The facts and statistics contained below are nothing more than a
summary of various sources (which are listed at the bottom of this page). You
may or may not agree with them. You may have seen different numbers in
different sources. Everything provided below is information that most
homosexuals don't want you to know about, but it needs to be known.


 a.. Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases,
violent lives.
 b.. Fags prey on children.
 c.. The fag agenda.
 d.. The true number of fags.
 e.. Fags aren't discriminated against in employment, so why should they
be a protected class?
 f.. Sexual Orientation


   Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent
 a.. Fags fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and ingest semen
from about half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the
blood stream, so this is about equivalent to ingesting raw human blood (6).
 b.. One study reports 70% of fags admitting to having sex only one time
with over 50% of their partners (3).
 c.. One study reports that the average fag has between 20 and 106
partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
 d.. Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is only one cell
thick) and gains direct access to the blood stream. This causes massive
immunological damage to the body's T- and B-cell defensive systems (14).
 e.. 50% of male syphilis is carried by fags as a rectal infection and
can enter through the urethra of another fag during anal sex (7).
 f.. Around 67-80% of fags lick and/or insert their tongues into the
anuses of their partners (called "rimming", anilingus, fecal sex, etc.) and
ingest biologically significant amounts of feces (7), which is the chief
cause of hepatitis and parasitic infections among fags (8). This practice is
called the "prime taste treat in sex" in the bestseller The Joy of Gay Sex.
 g.. 33% of fags admit to fisting (inserting the hand, sometimes part of
the arm, into the rectum of his partner) (7).
 h.. Urinating on each other ("golden showers") and torture has doubled
among fags since the 1940s, and fisting has increased astronomically (7).
 i.. 17% of fags eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves
 j.. 12% of fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure (4).
 k.. In one study, the average fag fellated somewhere between 20 and 106
men, swallowed 50 seminal discharges, had 72 penile penetrations of the anus,
and ingested feces of 23 different men EVERY YEAR (6).
 l.. Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in
an orgy setting (7).
 m.. Many fags don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge
of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to
sexual behavior" (16).
 n.. Activities of fags involve rimming (anilingus), golden showers,
fisting, and using "toys" (21).
 o.. Fags got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in
the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA)
conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more
straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence" (2). Since
homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has
pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress") (27).
 p.. Fags account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis
cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United
States (5). They make up only 

Re: [CTRL] [UASR] New Scientist:Just a normal town... - Electromagnetic Bomb

2000-06-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

IFrom UASR-L: A New Scientist article. Please note report that
electromagnetic bomb [eBombs] were used to knock out radar (and electrical)
facilities during the Yugoslave war. You cannot shut this thread down as long
as there is evidence.
Alfred Webre
 Source: New Scientist
 July 1, 2000.

 Just a normal town...

 ... but out of nowhere a wave of chaos was to wash over that world. In
 a millisecond it was gone. There were no phones, no computers, no
 power, nothing. Yet nobody had died, no buildings razed to the ground.
 And then the blind panic set in. What's going on, asks Ian Sample

 IT SOUNDS like the perfect weapon. Without fracturing a single brick
 or spilling a drop of blood, it could bring a city to its knees. The
 few scientists who are prepared to talk about it speak of a sea change
 in how wars will be fought. Even in peacetime, the same technology
 could bring mayhem to our daily lives. This weapon is so simple to
 make, scientists say, it wouldn't take a criminal genius to put one
 together and wreak havoc. Some believe attacks have started already,
 but because the weapon leaves no trace it's a suspicion that's hard to
 prove. The irony is that it's our love of technology itself that makes
 us so vulnerable.

 This perfect weapon is the electromagnetic bomb, or e-bomb. The idea
 behind it is simple. Produce a high-power flash of radio waves or
 microwaves and it will fry any circuitry it hits. At lower powers, the
 effects are more subtle: it can throw electronic systems into chaos,
 often making them crash. In an age when electronics finds its way into
 just about everything bar food and bicycles, it is a sure way to cause
 mass disruption. Panic the financial markets and you could make a
 killing as billions are wiped off share values. You could freeze
 transport systems, bring down communications, destroy computer
 networks. It's swift, discreet and effective.

 Right now, talk of the threat of these weapons is low-key, and many
 want it to stay that way. But in some circles, concern is mounting.
 Last month, James O'Bryon, the deputy director of Live Fire Test 
 Evaluation at the US Department of Defense flew to a conference in
 Scotland to address the issue. "What we're trying to do is look at
 what people might use if they wanted to do something damaging," he
 says. With good reason, this is about as much as O'Bryon is happy to

 E-bombs may already be part of the military arsenal. According to
 some, these weapons were used during NATO's campaign against Serbia
 last year to knock out radar systems. So do they really exist? "Lots
 of people are doing lots of work to protect against this type of
 thing," says Daniel Nitsch of the German Army Scientific Institute for
 Protection Technology in Muster, Lower Saxony. "You can make your own

 Interest in electromagnetic weapons was triggered half a century ago,
 when the military were testing something a lot less subtle. "If you
 let a nuclear weapon off, you get a huge electromagnetic pulse," says
 Alan Phelps of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. If this pulse
 hits electronic equipment, it can induce currents in the circuitry
 strong enough to frazzle the electronics. "It can destroy all
 computers and communications for miles," says Phelps.

 But the military ran into problems when it came to finding out more
 about the effects of these pulses. How could they create this kind of
 powerful pulse without letting off nuclear bombs? Researchers
 everywhere took up the challenge.

 The scientists knew that the key was to produce intense but
 short-lived pulses of electric current. Feeding these pulses into an
 antenna pumps out powerful electromagnetic waves with a broad range of
 frequencies. The broader the range, the higher the chance that
 something electrical will absorb them and burn out.

 Researchers quickly realised the most damaging pulses are those that
 contain high frequencies. Microwaves in the gigahertz range can sneak
 into boxes of electronics through the slightest gap: vent holes,
 mounting slots or cracks in the metal casing. Once inside, they can do
 their worst by inducing currents in any components they hit. Lower
 radio frequencies, right down to a few megahertz, can be picked up by
 power leads or connectors. These act as antennas, sending signals
 straight to the heart of any electronic equipment they are connected
 to. If a computer cable picks up a powerful electromagnetic pulse, the
 resulting power surge may fry the computer chips.

 To cook up high-frequency microwaves, scientists need electrical
 pulses that come and go in a flash--around 100 picoseconds, or one
 ten-billionth of a second. One way of doing this is to use a set-up
 called a Marx generator. This is essentially a bank of big capacitors
 that can be charged up together, then discharged one after the other
 to create a tidal wave of current. Channelling the current through a
 series of super-fast switches trims it 

[CTRL] FOOD FOR LIFE - Practical Political Conference

2000-06-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

Date sent:  Thu, 29 Jun 2000 06:07:11 -0100
From:   "colleen r." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:food for life!

hey y'all--I'm away from my computer, but here's a message about a great
conference happening at Moonshadow!

john johnson

 in the New Millennium
 From the Practical to the Political

 JULY 28-30 (Friday-Sunday) - emphasis on the practical
 AUGUST 4-6 (Friday-Sunday) - emphasis on the political

 at Moonshadow near Dunlap, Tennessee
 Route One Box 304
 Whitwell, TN  37397
 (423) 949-5922

 Hosted by the Sequatchie Valley Institute


 The first weekend will emphasize skills building around permaculture,
 organic gardening, food preservation, saving seed, biodynamics, different
 methods of cooking and diet choices, medicines, nutrition and energy
 efficient cooking.  This weekend will also include workshops on farm
 labor and industrial agriculture.

 The second weekend will focus on theoretical and political explorations
 of the social and ecological implications of industrial agriculture.  We
 will discuss strategies for mobilizing against agribusiness and ag
 biotech, and promoting sustainable community-based food systems in the
 face of global monopolies.  Workshops will be lead by representatives of
 groups working on such issues as: farm labor, factory farms, organic
 standards and biotechnology.  Workshops on food preservation and storage,
 nutrition and permaculture will be interspersed to keep our visions

 To wrap up the weekend, on August 7th, we will create a public
 demonstration of our ideas

 (subject to change)

 7:00-8:00 Breakfast
 8:00-8:30  Welcome
 Ironwood) - We will tour through Moonshadow¹s edible landscape while
 learning the basic ideas and terminology of Permaculture, a
 fully-integrated, place-oriented systems relationship between all things.
 12:00-1:30 Lunch
 1:30-3:00 Workshops - choice of two:
 * CANNING, PRESERVATION AND STORAGE - Day One - The Philosophy and
 Science of Food Preservation (Carol Kimmons) - What to preserve.  We will
 discuss the best techniques for each - canning, drying, freezing,
 pickling and salting.  Maintaining nutritional value, taste, color and
 safety.  We will cover harvesting, preparation and the causes and
 prevention of spoilage.
 * MAKING SALVES FOR HEALING (Erin Shaw) - Using medicinals grown at
 Moonshadow, we will make a salve for cuts, burns and scrapes.
 3:30-5:00 Workshops - choice of two:
 DOING PHYSICAL WORK!! - (Sandy Hepler) - Just a few, simple techniques
 can enable you to use almost any tool!  We'll start with a mattock,
 shovel, and a surprise tool. The use of a hammer and axe will also be
 * VEGAN RECIPE SWAP AND COOKING (gillian hodler and Ashley Ironwood) - We
 will discuss why folks choose a vegan lifestyle, share recipes for dishes
 free of animal products and then make dinner!
 5:15-6:45 Open Slot - for workshops, discussions or free time
 7:00 Dinner
 8:30-?  Evening Activity

 7:00-8:00 Breakfast
 8:00-8:30 Announcements
 8:30-11:30Workshops - choice of two:
 * CANNING, PRESERVATION AND STORAGE - Day Two - Hands-on Safe Pressure
 Canning (Carol Kimmons) - We will use a pressure cooker for non-acid
 foods and a boiling-water bath for acid foods and pickles.
 * FERMENTATION I - WINE, BEER AND TEMPEH - (Patrick and Ashley Ironwood)
 We plan to illustrate the art of fermentation by making
 10 pounds of tempeh, 30 gallons of beer and
 10 gallons of wine!
 12:00-1:30 Lunch
 1:30-3:00 Workshops - choice of two:
 * FERMENTATION II -SAUERKRAUT (Sandorfag)- Learn how to make this
 wonderful beneficial food - it¹s so easy and healthy!
 TO ASK (gillian hodler) - Learn about why the ³American diet² is so bad
 for us.  White four, sugar, soda and more!
 3:30-5:30 Workshops - choice of two:
 * LEAVES AS FOOD (David Kennedy and Therese Hildebrand ) - During our
 first hour 

[CTRL] Stop World Bank: Tibet-China resettlement - ecocidal/genocidal

2000-06-28 Thread DIG alfred webre


June 27, 2000

Dear Friend of Tibet:

final stretch in the campaign to stop the World Bank's
China-Tibet resettlement project -- the project His
Holiness the Dalai Lama refers to as international
funding of China's policy of cultural genocide in his

The Bank's Board of Directors will decide the
FINAL OUTCOME of the resettlement project on
July 6th, 2000.  We need YOU to raise your voice
NOW and tell the Board NO.  No project, no fix-it plan,
no compromise for this fatally flawed project.  Please
focus all of your energies on mobilizing your friends
and family to help STOP THE PROJECT today.

For rapid fax and e-mail action and the latest
updates, go on-line to

The World Bank's independent Inspection Panel Report
(IP Report) on their 8-month investigation the project
was delivered to Bank management and Board members on
April 28th.  On June 22nd, Bank Management sent their
response to the IP Report to the Board of Executive

Though the IP Report and Management's Response are
still technically confidential, the Financial Times
obtained a copy and published the Executive Summary
of the IP Report on their website.  It can now be
found at

The Executive Summary is a scathing indictment of the
project.  It documents a "climate of fear" in the
project area - Tibetans are unable to speak freely
about their opinions about the project for fear of
reprisal.  The Summary also enumerates severe violations
of 6 out of 9 of the Bank's most fundamental safeguard
policies, including those on Indigenous Peoples, Resettlement, Environmental
Assessment and Information Disclosure
Policies, among others.  Moreover, the Report apparently
raises important questions about fundamental institutional
problems, and in particular the chronic weaknesses in the
Bank's application of its environmental and social policies
in China.

TAKE ACTION NOW!!! Here's how:

To send a rapid fax to the Board of Directors,
to President Wolfensohn, and to Vice President Kassum.
Go online to

Also, please:

-  Contact your Treasury Department/Finance Ministry by
phone, fax, e-mail.

-  Mobilize sympathetic Members of Parliament/Congress
to write letters to your Government's Treasury Department,
to President Wolfensohn, and to the entire Board of Executive

-  On all written correspondence, please CC:  Peter Stephens
from the Office of External Affairs Tel. 202.458.2281;
Fax 202.522.3405; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and
ICT, fax 202.785.4343.


1.  Read the Inspection Panel Report.

2.  Demand that the project is withdrawn or cancelled
in its entirety. The Board should not allow Management
to try and "fix" the problems with the project, but
should cancel it outright.  No amount of tinkering around
the edges will fix the fundamental flaws in the project
design, nor can they adequately address the "climate of fear"
that pervades the project region and will continue to undermine
the principle of full and informed consultation.

Remind them that if this project were to go forward it
would demonstrate to the international community that
the Bank lacks the commitment to enforce its own policies
and standards; it would result in increased public
and governmental scrutiny of other Bank projects in China
and elsewhere, particularly those that involve resettlement;
and it would put an international stamp of approval on
China's policy of population transfer into occupied Tibet.


International Campaign for Tibet
1825 K Street NW, Suite 520
Washington, DC  20006
tel. 202-785-1515  * fax. 202-785-4343

Join ICT and the Dalai Lama in Washington, DC Sunday, July 2.
Raise your voice on our "March for Tibet" on Saturday, July 1.
Find out more at 1-888-TIBETNOW or http://www.savetibet.org
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the 

[CTRL] ENWL - [REDfiles] 19 - 26 June 2000, Vol. 2, No. 25

2000-06-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

"Russian"Russian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) is
 a compilation of the week's
 major English-language press on environmental issues in Russia.

19 - 26 June 2000, Vol. 2, No. 25

1. A HREF="#1"WHO Ranking Rankles Health Chiefs/A

2. A HREF="#2"Half-million HIV Carriers in Russia/A

3. A HREF="#3"German Energy Companies Sign Agreements/A

4. A HREF="#4"Japan Fishes Away in Russia, Owes 720 mln Yen in

5. A HREF="#5"Greenpeace Accuses Japan of Illegal Fishing in Russian

6. A HREF="#6"Nikitin Wins Defamation Case against Adamov/A

7. A HREF="#7"Ivanov Praises Baltic Region Cooperation/A

8. A HREF="#8"No Harm To Environment from Wartime Ammunition Dumps
 in Black Sea/A

9. A HREF="#9"Iran and Russia To Fight Caviar Smuggling/A

10. A HREF="#10"Greenpeace Publishes Info about Catastrophic Oil

11. A HREF="#11"Russian Children Hit in Smallpox Blunder/A

12. A HREF="#12"Putin And Nazarbayev Deem Necessary To Discuss

13. A HREF="#13"Coloured Rain Falls on Russia's Vladikavkaz/A

14. A HREF="#14"Estonia To Take over as Chair of Baltic Sea Border

15. A HREF="#15"Russia Gov't Not To Act on Sakhalin Proposal on

16. A HREF="#16"Duma To Debate Law on Spent Nuclear Fuel Imports
 This Year/A

a NAME="1"1

WHO Ranking Rankles Health Chiefs

The Moscow Times, June 23, 2000

The World Health Organization issued a report this week evaluating
 care systems around the world and it has been met with bewilderment in
 Russia. Out of 191 WHO member countries, Russia was ranked 130th,
 between Peru and Honduras and far behind 11 former Soviet republics. Only
 Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan rank lower.

The research, which is part of the WHO Health Report 2000, concluded
 that France has the best health care system, with Italy ranked second.
 Sierra Leone was ranked last behind Myanmar.

Health Ministry spokesman Alexander Zharov said the report was based
 on data from 1997 and Russia's low ranking does not reflect the current
 state of the health care system.

"While for France, where the economy is stable, three years do not mean
 much, in Russia they mean a lot," he said Thursday.

Dr. David Evans, a WHO project coordinator, said the researchers
 on five main indicators: the level of the population's health;
 of health care in population groups; responsiveness to people's needs;
 fairness of responsiveness among different groups; fairness in financing
 among different groups, evaluating the proportion of income people devote
 to health care.

Russia's performance was so poor largely due to the dramatic decrease
 in life expectancy and the declining birth rate, Evans said by telephone
 from Geneva.

Despite the rankings, he said the purpose of the research was not to
 compare different health care systems. "The idea of having a list
 one health care system to the others would seem controversial. But there
 is no comparison here at all," Evans said.

Boris Rozenfeld, health economist of the Academy of Sciences' Institute
 for Economic Forecasting, said the report - which ranks Kazakhstan 64th,
 only 27 places behind the United States and 66 places above Russia -
 controversial no matter what categories were used to rank health care

"The money Russia spends on health care needs is ridiculous if compared
 to the United States and Britain, but it's difficult to imagine that
 boasts a better health care system and spends more money on health than
 we do," Rozenfeld said.

Spending 6 percent of its gross domestic product on health needs,
 was ranked 17th, while the United States, which spends more on health care
 than any other country in the world (13.7 percent of GDP) was 37th.

After Kazakhstan, the next highest former Soviet republic was Belarus,
 ranked 72nd.

(A HREF="#Russian"back to top/A)

a NAME="2"2

Half-million HIV Carriers in Russia

British Broadcasting Corporation, June 23, 2000

A total of 45,000 people infected with HIV has been registered in
 Russia. At least 44,000 people were registered as carriers of HIV/AIDS
 infection over the past four and a half years, which is 41 times higher
 than in the previous decade from 1987 to 1997.

This was said at a news conference today by the head of the republican
 centre for AIDS prevention and control, Vadim Pokrovskiy.

According to him, Moscow Region, with 8,721 infected people currently
 accounts for the highest incidence of HIV. Irkutsk Region ranks second,
 with 5,676 HIV carriers, and the city of Moscow is a close third, with
 6,646 people.

Pokrovskiy notes that statistics usually reflects only 10
 per cent of the real figure, and this means that in fact the number of
 Russians infected with HIV/AIDS is about 500,000 people.

(A HREF="#Russian"back to top/A)

a NAME="3"3

German Energy Companies Sign Agreements

British Broadcasting Corporation, June 23, 2000

At the close of the visit by 

[CTRL] Final Statement of Shaka Sankofa (with obvious transcription errors edited)

2000-06-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-25 20:45:04 EDT, you write:

 I would like to say that I did not kill Bobby Lambert. That I'm an
 innocent black man that is being murdered. This is a lynching that is
 happening in America tonight. There's overwhelming and compelling
 evidence of my defense that has never been heard in any court of
 America. What is happening here is an outrage for any civilized  country
 to anybody anywhere to look at what's happening here is  wrong.

 I thank all of the people that have rallied to my cause. They've been
 standing in support of me. Who have finished with me.

 I say to Mr. Lambert's family, I did not kill Bobby Lambert. You are
 pursuing the execution of an innocent man.

 I want to express my sincere thanks to all of y'all. We must continue  to
 move forward and do everything we can to outlaw legal lynching in
 America. We must continue to stay strong all around the world, and
 people must come together to stop the systematic killing of poor and
 innocent black people. We must continue to stand together in unity  and
 to demand a moratorium on all executions. We must not let this
 murder/lynching be forgotten tonight, my brothers. We must take it to
 the nation. We must keep our faith. We must go forward.

 We recognize  that many leaders have died. Malcom X, Martin Luther King,
 and others who stood up for what was right. They stood up for what was
 just. We
 must, you must, brothers.  That's why I have called you today. You must
 carry on that condition.  What is here is just a lynching that is taking
 place. But they're going to keep on lynching us for the next  100 years,
 if you do not carry on that tradition, and that period of  resistance.

 We will prevail. We may loose this battle, but we will  win the war. This
 death, this lynching will be avenged. It will be avenged, it must be
 avenged. The people must avenge this murder. So  my brothers, all of
 y'all stay strong, continue to move forward.

 Know that I love all of you.  I love the people, I love all of you for
 your blessing, strength, for your courage, for your dignity, the way  you
 have come here tonight, and the way you have protested and kept  this
 nation together. Keep moving forward, my brothers. Slavery
 couldn't stop us. The lynching couldn't stop us in the south. This
 lynching will not stop us tonight. We will go forward. Our destiny in
 this country is freedom and liberation. We will gain our freedom and
 liberation by any means necessary. By any means necessary, we keep
 marching forward.

 I love you, Rev. Jackson.  Bianca, make sure that the state does not  get
 my body. Make sure that we get my name as Shaka Sankofa.  My name  is not
 Gary Graham. Make sure that it is properly presented on my  grave:
 Shaka Sankofa.

 I died fighting for what I believe in. I died fighting for what was just
 and what was right. I did not kill Bobby Lambert, and the truth  is going
 to come out. It will be brought out.

 I want you to take this thing off into international court, Min. Robert
 Mohammed and all y'all. I want you, I want to get my family  and take
 this down to international court and file a law suit.  Get  all the video
 tapes of all the beatings. They have beat me up in the  back. They have
 beat me up at the unit over there.  Get all the video
 tapes supporting that law suit.  And make the public exposed to the
 genocide and this brutal world, and let the world see what is  really
 happening here behind closed doors. Let the world see the  barbarity and
 injustice of what is really happening here. You must  get those video
 tapes. You must make it exposed, this injustice, to
 the world. You must continue to demand a moratorium on all  executions.
 We must move forward, Minister Robert Mohammed.

 Ashanti Chimurenga, I love you for standing with me, my sister. You are a
 strong warrior queen. You will continue to be strong in everything that
 you do. Believe in yourself, you must hold your head  up, in the spirit
 of Winnie Mandela, in the spirit of Nelson Mandela.
 Y'all must move forward. We will stop this lynching.

 Reverend Al Sharpton, I love you, my brother.

 Bianca Jagger, I love all of you. Y'all make sure that we continue to
 stand together.

 Reverend Jesse Jackson, know that this murder, this lynching will not be
 forgotten. I love you, too, my brother. This is genocide in  America.
 This is what happens to black men when they stand up and
 protest for what is right and just. We refuse to compromise; we refuse to
 surrender the dignity for what we know is right.  But we will move on, we
 have been strong in the past. We will continue to be  strong as a people.
 You can kill a revolutionary, but you cannot stop
 the revolution. The revolution will go on. The people will carry the
 revolution on. You are the people that must carry that revolution on, in
 order to liberate our children from this genocide and for what  is
 happening here in America tonight. What has happened for the last

[CTRL] Russia: Igor Sutyagin, scientist

2000-06-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

Nonprofit PR centre "Citizen" - PRCC
Phone/fax: +7 (095) 253-8042
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.good.cnt.ru

Urgent! Action!
Dear colleagues!

We ask you to participate in the campaign in defense of a
Russian scientist, Igor Sutyagin. Russia's secret police
(FSB) charges him with espionage.

Igor wrote a book about nuclear disarmament, and the FSB
considers him having published 'secret information'. In
actual fact Igor had no access to any secret information at
all, and the leaders of the Russian Institute for the USA
and Canadian Studies are clearly confirming that.

It looks like the Russian security agencies have decided to
put an end to the activities of Western ecologists, foreign
researchers and Russian scientists and activists of
environmentalist NGOs who cooperate with foreign colleagues
in Russia once and for all.

The FSB has already taken two serious attempts in this
field lately: they tried to proclaim as spies:
- Alexander Nikitin, retired naval officer, who cooperated
with Norwegian ecologist NGO Bellona;
- Grigory Pasko, military journalist, naval officer, who
cooperated with Japanese journalists and ecologist

These two men have spent long months in the special prisons
of Russia's security agencies. Only thanks to a broad
international public campaign in their defense it was
possible to see Nikitin and Pasko free.

Now it looks like the Russian security agencies want to
have their revenge by the case of scientist Igor Sutyagin.
Igor is now in a special prison of Russian security
agencies in Moscow Region, Russia, in very hard conditions.

We appeal you to pass information about Igor Sutyagin's
case to your countries' independent mass-media, active
human rights organizations, to the deputies of your

If you find it appropriate, please send an e-mail or a fax
message addressed to Mr. Nikolay Platonovich Patrushev,
Director, Federal Security Bureau (FSB), asking him to
release Igor Sutyagin from prison until the trial begins.

Fax: (+7-095) 975-24-70

Below we attach more details on Igor Sutyagin's case.

Unfortunately we're note with great anxiety that every day
more and more facts appear to evidence the phasedown of the
democratization process in Russia. If the world
democracies, the public in the industrialized countries
would now remain indifferent to the resurrection of
authoritarian regime in Russia, the consequences for the
whole world would be catastrophic, as it already happened
in the history of the 20th century.

Please excuse us for writing such a long letter
Hoping for your help,

Andrey Blinushov, member of Governing Body of the
International Memorial human rights society, editor-in-
chief of Russian historical and human rights magazine Karta;
Julia Sereda, member of Governing Body of the
Interregional Human Rights Network Group, deputy chair of
Ryazan Helsinki Group.
Ryazan, Russia.

Translated by Oleg V. Martynov.
Igor Sutyagin was taken into custody. Why?

What episodes could be laid to charge?
FSB has started a political campaign
While in prison, the convict suffers from violation of the Law on
Contact info

A resident of Obninsk Igor Sutyagin, born in 1965, was taken into
custody on October 27, 1999 by the FSB of the Kaluga Region. Being
accused of high treason (Article 275 of the Criminal Code of RF), Igor
might be sentenced from 12 to 20 years of imprisonment.

Six months of confinement were extended to another three months on the
grounds the inquiry had not been completed. Therefore, we decided to
attract public attention and to seek:

1. a change of restraint for Igor;
2. a completion of inquiry in the shortest possible time;
3. an open lawsuit.

About Igor Sutyagin - A former graduate of physical faculty in Moscow
State University, he joined the Institute of the USA and Canada and
obtained Ph.D. in History. Further promoted to the position of a
senior researcher and assigned the Head of Section in the Department
of military and political research, the author of several publications
in Russian and foreign magazines.

What episodes could be laid to charge?

1. The exchange of information with a US citizen Joshua Handler to
assist in his work for Ph.D. on the problem of strategic nuclear
weapons. Joshua Handler is a post-graduate in the University of
Princeton. He was in Russia at the invitation of the Institute of the
US and Canada in the frameworks of academic exchange. Mr. Handler is a
reputable scientist.

As an expert in arms control, he has well-established relations with
the Russian academic circles. Despite FSB statements, he has never
served in any federal institutions or US intelligence agencies. FSB
reported on the military information found during the search of Mr.
Handler's apartment. However, no claim has been made against him up
till now. Mr. Handler has close contacts 

[CTRL] how the death penalty encourages murder

2000-06-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-27 22:17:21 EDT, you write:

 Full content for this article includes illustration and other.

Source:  USA Today (Magazine), March 1995 v123 n2598 p92(2).

 Title:  Those who seek execution: capital punishment as a form of
Author:  Katherine Van Wormer

  Abstract:  Some criminals are filled with self hatred and commit capital
 crimes as a form of suicide because they want to die. States where the death
 penalty is legal may put innocent citizens at risk by attracting suicidal

  Subjects:  Capital punishment - Psychological aspects
 Suicide - Psychological aspects
 Criminal behavior - Psychological aspects

   Magazine Collection:  78B0557
 Electronic Collection:  A16805726
RN:  A16805726

 Full Text COPYRIGHT Society for the Advancement of Education 1995

 CRIME continues to lead in polls that gauge prioritizing of the most serious
 issues facing the U.S. An outcry for harsher punishment, including the death
 penalty, is reflected in legislation at the state and Federal levels.
 Politicians' platforms calling for the death penalty echo the public rage
 against the violent criminal.

 What is the impact of the death penalty on the homicide rate? Can
 victimization be prevented by letting the public know that killers will face
 death themselves? To address these questions, it is imperative to understand
 what goes on in the minds of some killers, especially those who attack not
 of passion, but in cold blood, often claiming multiple victims.

 Public execution has been an established means of punishment since the
 founding of America. From 1967 to 1977, however, use of the death penalty
 ceased, partly due to Supreme Court decisions that the penalty, as then
 applied, was unconstitutional. In 1976, as states revised their guidelines
 execution, the practice was resumed. In 1977, Gary Gilmore was the first
 person in a decade to be executed. He had killed strangers ruthlessly--a
 which, on the surface, made no sense.

 Upon examining the life of Gilmore, a key theme that emerges is the
 self-hatred and utter self-contempt of a man apparently bent on his own
 destruction. Criminologist G. Richard Strafer and author Norman Mailer each
 have singled out Gilmore as the prototype of one who plotted his own dramatic
 end. After being paroled from Marion Federal Penitentiary, he (consciously or
 unconsciously) was attracted to Utah, where execution was by firing squad,
 rather than his home in Oregon, then a non-death penalty jurisdiction. After
 fighting his attorney for the right to be killed and receiving extensive
 public attention, Gilmore managed to be immortalized in death as he could not
 be in life.

 The implications of Gilmore's actions are staggering. Innocent persons were
 gunned down at a gas station, it seems, so a criminal could have himself
 executed. Utah's death penalty therefore may have attracted, rather than
 repelled, crime, at least in this case. Are there others? Sociologist
 Sellin, author of Capital Punishment, reports on an unnamed prisoner at
 Leavenworth who committed murder in order to exchange his life sentence for a
 death sentence. Numerous psychiatric reports attest to the phenomenon.
 Psychiatrist George Solomon in 1975 wrote about two cases involving capital
 punishment used as suicide. In the first, a Vietnam veteran, hardened to
 killing, chose to end it all by engaging in murder for hire. He knew that, in
 his state, the death penalty was mandatory for murder-for-hire killings. He
 told his sister, "I'm too much of a coward to commit suicide." The inability
 to take one's own life is a theme seen throughout such suicidal killings.

 In Solomon's second case, a 20-year-old baby-sitter suffocated two children.
 In her words: "I killed my girls; I killed two pieces of me. They were like
 sisters and I miss them so much I had to kill them. ... Yeah, they would
 kill me in the electric chair probably. I remember somebody telling me they
 were trying to get rid of capital punishment, and like I asked the sergeant
 like they still had capital punishment and he said yes, so I was pretty happy
 about it."

 Both parties described by Solomon thought about being executed prior to
 committing their acts. In each case, the state gave them prison terms instead
 of killing them.

 In 1959, at the California governor's request, psychiatrist Bernard Diamond
 examined a man immediately before his execution. The convict confessed to
 Diamond that he had committed three rape-murders and had attempted a fourth.
 His mission was suicide. When asked what he would have done had California
 had a death penalty, he replied, "I would have had to go to another state
 where they did have capital punishment and do it there." Diamond concluded
 from this case and his confirmation from other forensic psychiatrists that
 threat of the death penalty can act as 


2000-06-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-24 23:24:22 EDT, you write:

 I'm looking for support in the literature for Marshall D. Smith's
 hypothesis that .9 Hz affects the limbic system, and "...would seem to
 be the base beat frequency of the two HAARP pulse generators as they
 beat together sweeping upward through the Schumann Frequency."

 According to an article in Journal of Neurotherapy,

 "There are three main patterns of hippocampal [limbic] field potentials:
 1) theta or RSA (rhythmic slow activity), between 3 and 11 Hz (depending
 on species); 2) LIA (large amplitude irregular activity) in a broad
 range between 0.5 and 25 Hz; 3) beta, fast waves between 20 and 60 Hz.
 Rhythmic inputs can entrain oscillations in the hippocampus across a
 range of frequencies."

 .9 Hz would fall into the LIA area, but I'm not sure what
 that means--perhaps there's someone on the lists with knowledge
 of neurology?

 However, there is an interesting correlate of .9 Hz: It is approximately
 the resonant frequency of the lunar-earth system,
 as explained by Charlie Plyler at http://www.elfrad.net/Moon.htm:

 "This frequency varies from .9 to .95 hertz.  The signal above has a
 center frequency of .9373 hz.  The wavelength of this frequency is
 319,877km or 198,711 miles.  We are aware of the fact that a moving body
 in free space that possesses a magnetic
 field will generate a frequency with a wavelength equal to the distance
 from another magnetic body such as our earth.
 The moon at this time was 387,692 km or 242,307 miles distant. This was
 fairly close to the wavelength of the anomalous signal. If we were
 detecting the presence of the moon, it seems that we would be logging
 the signal for a greater duration of time rather than a few minutes."

 If we accept the hypothesis that mammalian neural functioning is
 developed phylogenetically by driving from exogenous electromagnetic
 rhythms in nature, there should be a concomitant of lunar motion. That's
 normally thought of as correlated with the the mammalian reproductive
 cycle and there's some evidence of correlations of lunar cycles with
 violent behavior.

 Other examples of neural driving by exogenous electromagnetic rhythms
 that support this hypothesis include the alpha rhythm (centered at 8 Hz,
 the Schumann resonance frequency, corresponding to the wavelength of the
 Earth-ionosphere diameter), and the universal tremor reflex (10 Hz,
 corresponding to the wavelength of the Earth's diameter).

 Is there any further evidence for the neural effects of .9 Hz?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] HAARP is spying on us as you read this!

2000-06-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-25 01:58:48 EDT, you write:

 From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Armageddon or New Age?" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] HAARP is spying on us as you read this!
 Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 23:06:55 +1200
 Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum
 HAARP is spying on us as you read this!
 Posted By: Tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2000, 8:11 p.m.
 From the May 2000 Idaho Observer:
 Angels are not playing this HAARP, either
 Patents indicate technocrat design to control human behavior in Brave New
 by PJ Morgan
 World renowned author and researcher Dr. Nick Begich was in Spokane last
 April, 2000. He spoke to a rapt audience about Orwellian technology now
 available to those dedicated to keeping Americans under strict surveillance
 and control. His newest book, Earth Rising, is a well-documented chronicle
 of awesome designs by America's military-industrial complex to keep
 on a very tight leash -- invading our brains, if necessary, to make us
 Dr. Begich is also co-author of Angles Don't Play This HAARP, a scientific
 analysis of the military's experimental Alaska-based radio wave antenna
 system which is now agitating (boiling) the ionosphere with focused radio
 waves. This system is apparently part of the master plan to implement
 far-reaching and insidious human control mechanisms.
 The HAARP system was originally developed to facilitate a number of
 profitable to America's corporate megalith. Atlantic Richfield, Co. (ARCO),
 did the preliminary work hoping to make enormous profits by beaming
 electrical power without wires from a gas-fired powerhouse on the Alaskan
 North Slope where ARCO sits on huge reserves of natural gas. Now under
 control of the U.S. military and its defense contractors, the HAARP
 apparatus is said to be capable of finding and disrupting nuclear payloads
 and enemy communications. Dr. Begich confirmed that there is also a weather
 modification component of electromagnetic tampering with the ionosphere,
 even though the U.S. signed a 1977 treaty banning weather modification as a
 As the HAARP apparatus zaps and lifts the upper atmosphere with steerable
 electromagnetic beams, extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves
 bounce back to earth, penetrating all living organisms. ELF waves in
 frequencies are known to be extremely hazardous to human health. The impact
 of the full gamut of physical and psychological effects of HAARP waves on
 humans are yet unknown. Therefore, the use of ELF on humans fits the
 definition of scientific experimentation.
 Dr. Begich has collated scientific data suggesting that the HAARP system is
 immensely reckless and that its side-effects may turn out to be worse than
 the weapons it supposedly guards against. Such side-effects may be more
 fully realized once HAARP is operating at its full potential of 1.7 billion
 watts of effective energy.
 Thanks to information which Dr. Begich collected while researching U.S.
 military documents and commercial patents related to HAARP, the European
 Parliament recently passed a resolution asking the U.S. to halt the HAARP
 project until the full ramifications of such technology can be properly
 studied. Many Europeans are already extremely angry about NASA's Orwellian
 Echelon spy satellites. European dignitaries were especially amazed when
 Begich demonstrated for them a frequency device that can cause the human
 brain to “hear” voices.
 While digging through government documents to research the HAARP system,
 Begich discovered numerous bizarre U.S. military studies which propose to
 use the type of pulsed radio frequency radiation generated by HAARP to
 disrupt human mental processes and control human behavior. Such designs are
 apparently part of the Pentagon's well-developed Directed Energy weapons
 program. Dr. Begich noted that the Pentagon successfully used these
 mind-altering weapons during the Gulf War to afflict the Iraqis with panic
 and irrational behavior. That was nearly 10 years ago.
 Dr. Begich explained that the human brain has its own electrical
 (between 1-30 hertz) but it can easily be “entrained” to adopt other
 frequencies in the environment. Thus, select ELF frequencies beamed at the
 brain can disrupt normal brain patterns, cause seizures, paralyze the
 nervous system and create emotional instability. Dr. Begich said that
 Directed Energy weapons can actually flip human emotions on and off like a
 light switch. Select frequencies can also be used to implant into the brain
 subliminal instructions against which the conscious mind has no defense.
 Air Force has readily admitted that these electromagnetic weapons are
 especially valuable because they attack silently, they can render
 individuals combat-ineffective and 

[CTRL] Bush: Execution for Racial Danger?

2000-06-25 Thread DIG alfred webre






Jessy Carlos San Miguel is scheduled to be put to death on June 29, 2000 for
his role in the 1991 robbery of a Taco Bell restaurant in Irving, Texas in
which four people were killed.

In the wake of the recent United States Supreme Court action in the case of
Victor Hugo Saldaño, Mr. San Miguel has filed a Petition in the District
Court of Dallas County, Texas, asking the court to vacate his death sentence
on the grounds that his death sentence was based in part of his Mexican
heritage. In Texas a defendant cannot be sentenced to death unless the jury
finds that he would be a danger in the future. At Mr. San Miguel's sentencing
trial, his own lawyer blamed his violent and aggressive behavior as a
teenager on his Mexican ethnicity. Also, the prosecutor appealed to the
jury's prejudice and fear of illegal immigrants from Mexico.

On June 5, 2000, the United States Supreme Court granted certiorari and
vacated the 1991 death sentence of Victor Hugo Saldaño, of Collins County,
remanded his case to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, his death sentence
because Dr. Walter Quijano, a clinical psychlogist testified for the state
that the risk that person will commit acts of of violence is greater for
black and hispanic prisoners. Dr. Quijano based his testimony that on
evidence that blacks and Hispanics are over-represented in the criminal
justice system.

In pleadings filed with the United States Supreme Court, the State of Texas
"confessed error, acknowledging that, "the infusion of race as a factor for
the jury to weigh in making its determination violated [Saldaño's]
constitutional right to be sentenced without regard to the color of his
skin." On behalf of the State of Texas, the Attorney General said that
"[b]ecause the use of race in Saldaño's sentencing seriously undermined the
fairness, integrity, or public reputation of the judicial process, Texas
confesses error and agrees that Saldaño is entitled to a new sentencing
hearing." The Attorney General explained that importance of a racially
unbiased judicial process is so great that the State will not hide behind
procedural technicalities and that the death sentence should be reversed even
though Saldaon's lawyer did not object to the testimony and there was other
evidence to support the death sentence.

In addition to Saldaño, the State has identified six other cases in Dr.
Quijano gave similar testimony. The State has indicated that it will not
oppose requests for similar relief in those cases should those litigants seek
to supplement their pending applications for review. Without qualification,
the Attorney General noted that "it is inappropriate to allow race to be
considered as a factor in our criminal justice system." Although Dr. Quijano
did not testify in Mr. San Miguel's trial, race was considered as a factor in
determining "future dangerousness," so that Mr. San Miguel should be included
in the group of cases being re-considered.

Like the jury that sentenced Victor Saldaño to death, the San Miguel jury was
impermissibly allowed and encouraged to consider race as a factor in
sentencing San Miguel to death. During Mr. San Miguel's trial racist
stereotypes of "macho" Mexican-Americans who "cross that border...and commit
crimes" were invoked by both the defense counsel and the prosecutor. The
petition filed last week on behalf of Mr. San Miguel charges that these
overtly racist statements encouraged jurors to consider race in sentencing.

At the time of the offense for which he was sentenced to death, Jessy San
Miguel was only 19 years old. As early as junior high, Jessy was involved in
frequent altercations with other students. Jessy's family background, his
long term exposure to domestic violence and history of childhood abuse
potentially provided an individualized, mitigating explanation for this
behavior. However, when the state introduced testimony concerning Mr. San
Miguel's combative attitude and his fights with other students during junior
high and high school, defense counsel characterized them as merely a product
of Mr. San Miguel's Mexican-American heritage.

Mr. San Miguel is scheduled to be executed on the twenty-eighth anniversary
of the release of the United States Supreme Court's opinion in Furman v.
Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972) which called a temporary halt to the imposition
of the death penalty in the United States until procedures could be put in
place to insure that the ultimate punishment was administered fairly and
without regard to arbitrary factors such as race.

Should the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals refuse to stop Mr. San Miguel's
execution, he calls upon Mr. Bush and Mr. Cornyn to confess error as they did
in Mr. Saldaño's case, and agree to a new sentencing hearing free from racial
bias. A petition for clemency is pending before the Governor and 

[CTRL] [MC] patent on remote satellite thought inference

2000-06-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-25 16:34:14 EDT, you write:

 [Can you believe this was granted a patent?  The full text is repetitive
 with no real information except a remote mind reading computer idea that
 is not especially new.  Maybe the MD company is a proprietary for patenting
 the NSA's current embodiment, ha ha.]

 United States Patent

6,011,991 Mardirossian

   January 4, 2000

 Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or
 use of brain activity


 A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of
 their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an
 individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location
 (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is
 compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms,
 or patterns to determine if a match or substantial match is
 found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote
 location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate
 the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized

 Allen L. Barker
 MC:TTP http://www.datafilter.com/mc
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Texas Doctors refuse to do autopsy of executed

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Please repost-from abolish-L:

 Dear friends around the world
 of Shaka Sankofa / Gary Graham:

 In preparing for the memorial program for Shaka Sankofa / Gary
Graham we
 are asking for brief messages (about one paragraph each) from Shaka's
 many friends and supporters around the world.

 We want especially to hear from all those who worked with and for
 over the years.  Those who distributed the "Endeavor" newspaper in other
 countries, for instance, and those who have organized demonstrations,
 press coverage, etc., around the world.

 We need these messages by Sunday morning, Houston time (CDT), since
 memorial programs will be held Wednesday night and Thursday morning, and
 the program must be prepared.

 The memorials will be held at:

 Northwest Community Baptist Church,
 Rev. James Dixon, Pastor
 1000 block of Pinemont St., off N. Shepherd
 in Houston

 Ross Mortuary of Houston is handling arrangements.
 Wake: 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 28
 Funeral:  10:00 a.m. to noon, Thursday, June 29.

 The family is planning a wrongful death suit against TDCJ, and must await
 the arrival from New York of physicians willing to perform an autopsy,
 since no local qualified doctors were willing to participate in a
 procedure which will undoubtedly implicate the powerful prison system.
 Shaka's injuries probably include bruised or cracked ribs and possibly
 internal injuries incurred in an attack by six or eight guards.  He was a
 warrior to the end.

 Please let us know about any other memorials or demonstrations.

 Those we know about so far:

 New York City:  demonstration against Bush at the
 New York Hilton, 54th St.  6th Ave., 6:00 p.m.  Monday, June 26th.

 Brooklyn, NY:  Memorial
 House of the Lord, Rev. Herbert Daughtry, Pastor.
 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 7th.

 Chicago:  memorial on Saturday, July 8th.
 No details at present.

 Long Live Shaka Sankofa!

 Moratorium NOW!

 In Solidarity,

 Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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