Re: [announce] Apache Geronimo welcomes Joe Bohn as our newest committer

2006-06-20 Thread Joe Bohn
Thank you all for your most gracious welcome.  I'm both honored and 
humbled to be working with such a talented group of developers.  I'll do 
my best to try to keep up with all of you! :-)


Sachin Patel wrote:
In recognition of his contributions to the Apache Geronimo community,  
the Geronimo PMC is proud to announce the committership of Joe Bohn.   
Joe has contributed in many areas, including the console and as of  
recent, the work on our minimal distributions.

His work shows initiative, concern to get user feedback, empathy for  
problems faced by other committers and willingness to work on fixing  
these problems. We look forward to his continued involvement as a  

Please join us in congratulating Joe.

The Apache Geronimo PMC

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo 1.1, DayTrader 1.1 and Specs 1.1 Final-2 Vote

2006-06-21 Thread Joe Bohn



Matt Hogstrom wrote:
The corrections applied due to license files are first in this list.  
Thanks to John for dogging this.

The distributions and builds were not affected.  Based on previous 
feedback the vote continues. Thanks for your feedback.

*Geronimo 1.1 Version*

John noted that the source zip had a META-INF.  I've created a script to 
use in the future because with so many changes forgetting to use zip and 
typing jar is not acceptable. Also, note that the build itself has the 
LICENSE and NOTICES in two different places.  The are located in 
modules/scripts/src/main/resources/ which put the right files in the 
distributions however they werenot correctly specified for source as the 
LICENSE and NOTICES are part of the source tree. After this release we 
need to address this issue so as to avoid manual problems like this.

   *DayTrader 1.1 Version*

Corrected LICENSE and NOTICES files.   Use zip rather than jar to create 


Corrected LICENSE and NOTICE files in ear.

John, whats the correct command to set the properties?  Or, would you 
like to address these?

No changes to the below files.

   *Full J2EE Jetty Version* 

   *Minimal Jetty Version* 

   *Full Tomcat Version* 

   *Minimal Tomcat Version* 

   *Geronimo 1.1 Spec Jars*


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Deploying a duplication application

2006-06-27 Thread Joe Bohn

I've noticed some problems (and differences between our Tomcat and Jetty 
assemblies) when attempting to deploy the same application more than 
once without a plan (hence using a generated version).  What are the 
expected results when this is done either by accident or deliberately to 
install a newer version of an application?  My thinking is that we 
should do 1 of 2 things:   1)  warn the user that they are attempting to 
deploy another version and require some type of confirmation before 
proceeding.   2)  deploy so long as it is a newer version and ensure 
that the newest version is the one that we start/run.   I assume that if 
it is an older version we should always fail the deploy and warn the 
user but I guess that's just a matter of opinion as well.  I haven't 
tried this scenario but my guess is that we don't currently do any 
version checking at all and would get the same results that I'm seeing 
with newer versions.

Here is what I'm observing:

- The second deploy succeeds without error.  All instances of the 
deployed application are marked as running when viewed either in the 
web console of via the list-modules command and all share the same url. 
 It's not clear to me which instance of the application is actually 
servicing the requests.  Both the command line and the web console 
deploy result in messages indicating that the application was 
successfully deployed.

- The second deploy fails with a NPE on the server.  I've opened for this problem. 
When doing the deploy from the command line, a number of exceptions are 
displayed to the user (life-cycle exception, Illegal arg exception on 
doStart, etc...).  When doing the deployment from the web console the 
typical success message is returned with no mention of any errors.  The 
net result in the system is that multiple instances of the application 
are deployed but only the original is started and running.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Lets start moving to m2

2006-06-28 Thread Joe Bohn
I'll jump on that band wagon too.  My m1 build on trunk works (or at 
least it does with my image from a few days ago). I'm going to give m2 a 
try later today, but would prefer to know that I have at least one way 
to build geronimo until the m2 build changes are complete.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

  I agree. As of today M2 build requires building xmlbeans plugin,
fixing xbeans pom and building spec jars. This is not the best way to
introduce users to a new build system.


--- Jacek Laskowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/28/06, Matt Hogstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-1 on removing M1 until M2 is working.

I second that. No need to rush to M2 until it's fully workable
solution. We may not break trunk only because few of us want to move
to M2 whereas others might want to look into other areas, but be
unable to work on them.


Jacek Laskowski

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: [jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1674) Daytrader gets NullPointerException attempting to log in a user

2006-06-28 Thread Joe Bohn

Thanks for your response Chris.

So are you saying that even the defaults for Daytrader are insufficient? 
What's confusing is that it always returns a login error even 
though it appears that login succeeds and this is really related to the 
initial display(s).  I get the same error if I select Trade  
Portfolios and then log in.

I also noticed that even if I return the settings to the defaults of 50 
users and 100 max quotes I still get the error.   You are correct that 
making the max quotes 1000 resolves the problem.

So, I guess the next question is what needs to change?.   It seems 
that we should not ship the sample with default values that don't work 
well with the application.  We also should not allow the user to set 
values that can cause a failure.

However, I'm not clear if the correct fix should be changing the 
defaults (and validating settings to ensure they are not too small) or 
changing the display code to deal with the range of values that can be 
set.  What is the recommendation of the Daytrader experts?


Christopher Blythe wrote:


I've worked on Trade for quite some time and am slowly starting to dig 
into DayTrader. Anyway, just wanted to respond to your question since I 
think I know what the problem is.

In order for the MarketSummary to be display, at least 200 quotes need 
to be populated in the database. If you look at the queries the 
MarketSummary uses (either the EJBQL or SQL in you 
will see something like this...

ejb-qlSELECT OBJECT(q) FROM Quote q WHERE q.symbol LIKE 's:1__' ORDER 
BY q.change DESC/ejb-ql

This indicates that the MarketSummary needs quotes between 100 and 199. 
If we are only populating 10 quotes by default, this query will return 0 
results and I imagine the MarketSummary will throw an exception (as 
indicated by the stack traces).

To get you up and running, I would re-populate your database with at 
least 200 quotes. The default for Trade was actually 1000.

I also suggest that the default be changed from 10 to something more 
realistic for performance testing ( i.e. 1000 or even higher).

Hope this helps...

Chris Blythe

On 6/27/06, *Joe Bohn (JIRA)* wrote:


Joe Bohn commented on GERONIMO-1674:

I still get this error.  I get it with tomcat as well as jetty.   I
think I may very well be doing something wrong.  Here is my scenario
after successfully deploying daytrader.

1)  select configuration-configure Daytrader runtime paramenters
...  and change the max users and max quotes to 10 each.   Note, I'm
not really running daytrader for performance stats ... I was just
using it to verify geronimo functions after making some substantial
changes as a way to verify that I hadn't broken things too radically.
2)  from confirguration select (Re)-populate Daytrader
Database.  This appears to be successful.
3)  Next, from under Configuration utilities I select Test
DayTrader Scenario and I get this attached exception.   It does
seem strange that if I do this a number of time eventually things
seem to start working.

Here is another stack trace (unfortunately from jetty again but I do
get it with tomcat as well) from a recent attempt on 1.1.

## Trade configuration update. Current config:

AcessMode:  Standard
Workload Mix:   Standard
Web Interface:  JSP
CachingType:No Caching
#Trade  Users:  10
#Trade Quotes:  10
Long Run Enabled:   true

10:47:43,984 ERROR [Log] Error: TradeDirect:login -- error logging
in user

at jsp.marketSummary_jsp._jspService(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service (

Re: [M2 build] : Error building application uddi-db on XP

2006-07-12 Thread Joe Bohn
 of the build plz.
  On Jul 11, 2006, at 7:15 AM, Prasad Kashyap wrote:
   Nope. No such luck. I deleted the entire applications
   dir. I
   deleted the o.a.g.applications group from the local
I then
   an 'svn update' from top level geronimo dir. I
  rebuilt the
   stage and then the assembly stage. Same problem.
   On 7/10/06, Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The uddi-db module should be buildable now since
   Give it a whirl and let me know if you run into
   On Jul 10, 2006, at 4:28 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:
It appears that the uddi-db module should *NOT* 

stuff, but only the derby database files.
So, unless someone can shed some light onto why
  the db
webapp files in it, I'm going to remove them.
On Jul 10, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:
Why are the uddi-* webapp files duplicated in 
the -

  and -db
On Jul 10, 2006, at 5:12 AM, Prasad Kashyap wrote:
Seeing this error on Windows XP only. Unable to
 it on
I am trying to build the trunk using m2. I began
   with a
repo and
did a fresh checkout.
I executed build.bat and it ran the bootstrap
Then I
build.bat -Dstage=assembly 

It failed while trying to build applications/
 with the
following error
[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: default}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
  [delete] Deleting directory
   [mkdir] Created dir:
 [sql] Executing file:
 [sql] 87 of 87 SQL statements executed
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] [jspc:compile {execution: jspc}]
[INFO] Built File: \happyjuddi.jsp
[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: default}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
  [delete] Deleting directory




[INFO] Error executing ant tasks
Embedded error: Unable to delete file


[INFO] For more information, run Maven with 
the -e



[INFO] Total time: 1 minute 36 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Jul 10 07:47:20 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 28M/51M
It is trying to execute the antrun plugin in the
applications/uddi-db/pom.xml a second time when


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at


Re: Proposal: Improve runtime integration with tooling (All non-eclipse users please read)

2006-07-12 Thread Joe Bohn
Looks good to me Sachin (at least for those items that I understand). 
The Geronimo runtime requirement to support deployment of modules that 
don't comply with the specification (because of the IDE structure) 
sounds like it will be challenging.

Just a few comments/questions:
- Is this a roadmap for multiple releases or what you think is needed in 
the next release?  If it's a roadmap for multiple release it would be 
helpful if these were indicated (or perhaps just a simple breakdown of 
r1.2 and anything else as future).
- Can we include an item to support a little-G assemblies via the plugin 
in the future?
- Rather than one catch-all item to support the deployment plan editors, 
these should probably be listed individually.  I suspect they will most 
likely be implemented individually.   Also, are you thinking of these as 
wizard-like capabilities really just editors?
- What are your thoughts about providing a mechanism to query available 
elements that are already deployed in the server for the purpose of 
offering the users lists of potential dependencies when building the 
plans.  Building the plans using wizards were facilitate such features 
but this probably isn't feasible with just editor support.
- I recall that Paul had mentioned the desire to include the ability to 
generate a plugin from the tooling.  Should this be added to the list?


Sachin Patel wrote:

I've started a development roadmap on the Wiki for the eclipse-plugin.

In the last section, is a section entitled Geronimo Runtime 
Requirements.  The problem mentioned in the proposal is already being 
seen by users with a large project set, and I feel is an important 
problem that needs to be solved so that we can improve our development 
experience for our users.

So I ask If everyone could take a moment and take a look at the feature 
request in this section and provide feedback, concerns, and or possible 
solutions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Need help on classloading related problem(What is shared/lib in Apache Geronimo)

2006-07-14 Thread Joe Bohn

Hi Sunil,

In Geronimo 1.1 you can add a jar to a shared library in Geronimo by 
doing the following:

-  Add your jars into this location:  geronimo-install-root/var/shared/lib

-  Add the following dependency into your geronimo deployment plan:

The sharedlib support is new in Geronimo 1.1.


sunil patil wrote:

I am trying to install Pluto 1.1 portal server into Geronimo. Till now i 
am able to get About and Admin portlets working. Both these portlets are 
part of pluto.war. Now i am facing one classloader related problem when 
i try to install HelloWorld Portlet in HelloWorld.war (Separate war).
*Basic Problem* - I have A.war and B.war they depend on Class1 which is 
part of 1.jar. What i want is A.war should create object of Class1 and 
that object should be accessible to class in B.war so where should i put 
1.jar and how should i configure both A.war and B.war so that they will 
be able to look at this class.
*Detailed Description -*
Thing is Pluto portlet has PortalDriverServlet which is controller 
servlet and is shipped with Pluto.war. When it gets request for 
HelloWorldportlet it wraps that request in object of which is in pluto-container-1.1.0-dev.jar and 
sets is as request parameter and passes control to HelloWorldPortlet. 
Now HelloWOrldPortlet uses class for handling request and this is again part of 
pluto-container-1.1.0-dev.jar. When PlutoServlet tries to get object of from request it throws ClassCastException because 
both of them have different class loader.

Till now i tried to
1) Create pluto in repository folder containing 
pluto-container-1.1.0-dev.jar  and add dependencies from both pluto.war 
and HelloWorldPortlet.war on pluto repository. But in that case i get 
2) I tried copying all jars in Geronimo_Base/lib and removed 
dependencies but that does not work either
3) I tried copying all jars in Geronimo_Base/repository/geronimo/jars 
and that does not work.
Can you please let me know what is equivalent of shared/lib in Geronimo. 
Place where i could copy jars used by more than one application
Thank You


Re: Geronimo Startup Error

2006-07-15 Thread Joe Bohn


Before you open a JIRA can you please double check this?  I just 
downloaded both of those files and extracted them using winzip.  The 
empty directories were created.  I've also noticed that when I copy an 
image I need to be careful to ensure the empty directories are included 
in the copy.   For example, xcopy * /s won't include the empty 
directories so you must use the /e option.  I'm not sure if that's what 
happened on your system but it's happened to me before.


Jason Dillon wrote:

Looks like its an oversight... can you please file an issue in Jira:

Zip can sometimes (annoyingly omit empty directories)... we will have to 
put in placeholders to prevent this lame behavior.

Anyways, its an easy fix we can get in for 1.1.1


On Jul 15, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Michael Malgeri wrote:

I created empty directories for var\shared\classes and 
var\shared\lib and the server started up and I was able to log on 
and access the console and poke around.

I didn't run any other tests like deploying apps, etc.

I didn't see this in the install notes. Is there a problem with the 
distribution bundles or did I install incorrectly?

Michael Malgeri
Technical Services Manager
PHONE: 310-727-4544
Tie Line: 286-4544
CELLULAR: 310-704-6403

*Michael Malgeri/Los Angeles/IBM*

07/15/2006 05:19 PM


Geronimo Startup Error


I downloaded for Windows, ran the startup 
script and got the following error:

[***  ] 70%  20s  Loading geronimo/sharedlib/1.1/car 
41 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean is now in 
the FAILED state: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Classes dir does not exist: 

There's no ..\geronimo-1.1\var\shared\classes directory in the 

Got the same error with Little-G

Michael Malgeri
Technical Services Manager
PHONE: 310-727-4544
Tie Line: 286-4544
CELLULAR: 310-704-6403

Re: [jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1182) Connector portlet delete challenge

2006-07-24 Thread Joe Bohn
I still have to track down (with infra@ I suppose) why I am the silent 
committer.  For some reason my changes aren't showing up on the svn 
commit list even though I've verified that they are in fact making it 
into the svn repo.


Jason Dillon wrote:

Where is thew SVN commit mail for this?


On 7/24/06, Joe Bohn (JIRA) wrote:

 [ ]

Joe Bohn updated GERONIMO-1182:

Fix Version/s: 1.2

Applied patch to trunk (had to override module names to conform to new 
structure for console in trunk)




Transmitting file data 
Committed revision 425198.

 Connector portlet delete challenge

 Key: GERONIMO-1182
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues)
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.0-M5
 Environment: Win XP, Sun JDK 1.4.2_08
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Assigned To: Joe Bohn
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.1

 Attachments: GERONIMO-1182-1.1.1.patch, 
GERONIMO-1182-1.patch, GERONIMO-1182.patch

 Minor improvements to Connector portlet.
  1. User confirmation on clicking delete link to delete a connector.
  2. Add Reset and Cancel buttons to edit pages.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the 

For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Is SingleFileHotDeployer still used?

2006-07-25 Thread Joe Bohn

Yes, it is still used. I know of at least one user that is using 
SingleFileHotDeploy.   In an earlier thread on the subject, Dain 
mentioned that this would be replaced with a new Hot Deploy 
implementation in 1.2.  AFAIK that new implementation has not yet been 

Also, the current Hot Deploy (while providing much more capability than 
SFHD) doesn't cover at least one scenario that I understand is being 
used: forcing a deployment of the application on each server restart 
without regard to application changes.


John Sisson wrote:
still used?  I can see anything referencing it except for some tests.

It was added in April 2006 by Dain in

What is its relationship to the used in the 

There were a number of issues with a fix version of 1.1 referencing the 
SingleFileHotDeployer so it seems like it is/was used:



1.1 keystore portlet bugs patches

2006-07-26 Thread Joe Bohn

I was looking to see what else we need to get fixed in 1.1.1 and noticed 
that there are several issues (in both 1.1 and 1.1.1) around the 
keystore portlet.   I know nothing about the keystore portlet and 
thought I'd check here (esp. with Aaron) before I started looking into 
the patches that Vamsi has provided.   It appears that this is a real 
problem spot (esp. given my initial experiment ... see below), so I'm 
hoping that the patch from Vamsi works wonders :-) .

It seems like there are a number of issues (1196, 1531, 1984, and 2218) 
which have all been grouped with one fix under 2218.  Some of these 
sound like enhancements to me but since they appear to be addressing 
function that was previously available in 1.0 but dropped from the 
updated keystore portlet I assume they could be considered bug fixes. 

While just trying to get familiar with the keystore portlet as it 
currently stands (w/o the 2218 patch) I managed to get serialization 
errors that then reappeared each time I attempted to stop the server 
(even with no additional changes).  I also managed to get the jetty 
server into a state where it could not start with just two clicks of the 
mouse from the portlet (one on the unlocked icon under Available for 
the geronimo-default keystore and then a second click on then locked 
icon attempting to undo what I did with the first click).   The result 
was the following set of stack traces on server restart (kinda funny how 
it wants me to unlock the keystore using the console when the server 
itself won't even start).


Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_08)...
Starting Geronimo Application Server v1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
[*] 43%   8s Starting 
geronimo/jetty/1.1.1-SNA...10:27:12,640 WARN  [SslListener] EXCEPTION Keystore 
'geronimo-default' is locked; please use the keystore page in the admin 
console to unlock it

at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(


Re: 1.1 keystore portlet bugs patches

2006-07-26 Thread Joe Bohn

at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon$
Server shutdown completed

Aaron Mulder wrote:

On 7/26/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was looking to see what else we need to get fixed in 1.1.1 and noticed
that there are several issues (in both 1.1 and 1.1.1) around the
keystore portlet.   I know nothing about the keystore portlet and
thought I'd check here (esp. with Aaron) before I started looking into
the patches that Vamsi has provided.   It appears that this is a real
problem spot (esp. given my initial experiment ... see below), so I'm
hoping that the patch from Vamsi works wonders :-) .

It seems like there are a number of issues (1196, 1531, 1984, and 2218)
which have all been grouped with one fix under 2218.  Some of these
sound like enhancements to me but since they appear to be addressing
function that was previously available in 1.0 but dropped from the
updated keystore portlet I assume they could be considered bug fixes.

While I don't agree with your logic, I'm happy to consider this a bug
fix, because that way some improvements might actually be applied.

While just trying to get familiar with the keystore portlet as it
currently stands (w/o the 2218 patch) I managed to get serialization
errors that then reappeared each time I attempted to stop the server
(even with no additional changes).  I also managed to get the jetty
server into a state where it could not start with just two clicks of the
mouse from the portlet (one on the unlocked icon under Available for
the geronimo-default keystore and then a second click on then locked
icon attempting to undo what I did with the first click).   The result
was the following set of stack traces on server restart (kinda funny how
it wants me to unlock the keystore using the console when the server
itself won't even start).

It is unfortunate that you can hose the server this way.  But it's
correct that the HTTPS connectors shouldn't start if they lack a
correctly configured keystore.  I think the best solution would be for
the server to start up without HTTPS enabled, but that's a much larger
conversation (there was a decision made in 1.1 to bail on startup if
any GBean fails to start, and I'm not sure I agree).

If the patch in question changes the startup failure if the keystore
is locked, can you explain how it does it?  For now, it might be best
to have a confirm popup or screen if you lock a keystore that's
currently in use by a web connector, though that's not a very scalable
solution once things like CORBA (and perhaps EJB) start using these
keystores too.



Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_08)...
Starting Geronimo Application Server v1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
[*] 43%   8s Starting
geronimo/jetty/1.1.1-SNA...10:27:12,640 WARN  [SslListener] EXCEPTION Keystore
'geronimo-default' is locked; please use the keystore page in the admin
console to unlock it


 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(






Re: 1.1 keystore portlet bugs patches

2006-07-26 Thread Joe Bohn


Once again, thanks for the comments.  Some more responses inline.  I 
also renumbered the items to avoid the duplicate #2's ... sorry for the 

Aaron Mulder wrote:

On 7/26/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I understand your goals here Vamsi.  However, I'm not sure that
the portlet (as it currently stands) is a net positive or negative for
Geronimo, even with your changes.  It's not a matter of stress tests.
It looks like basic function tests (unit tests) aren't working with
this portlet.  I don't fully understand the function of this portlet and
perhaps that is clouding my judgment.

Here's a list of the problems that I'm seeing (not necessarily complete):
1)  You can hose the jetty server with one simple mouse click on the
available lock icon.  Even if we provided a warning prior to taking any
action, it is still not a safe situation.  There was a comment on the
dev list just before 1.1 went out that this could be fixed by setting
load=false on the SSLConnector and making the keystore available after
server restart ... then restarting with the SSLConnector loaded again.
However, even after doing this the next restart of the server still
fails with the same error even though the console shows the keystore as
available.  I think this is a critical problem (see earlier post for one
proposal on how to fix this by requiring the password).

2) Serialization failures terminating tomcat after attempting to lock a
keystore so that it is unavailable.

3) The first panel indicates that the initial state of the keystores is
locked and unavailable.  However, it appears this is in error as the
default keystore is locked to edit but available.  This might just be
semantics but it sounds like the capability doesn't match the 

This is not my experience.  On a default install, if I look at that
portlet, I see:

Editable=(locked icon)
Available=(unlocked icon) 1 key available

Indicating that the keystore is available to be used by clients, but
requires a password in order to edit.  If that's not what you see can
you try again from a fresh install of Geronimo?

We are seeing the same thing.  What I was pointing out was that the text 
on the panel says Keystores start out as locked against editing and 
also not available for usage by other components in the server.  The 
*not available* statement led me to think that the portlet should show:

Editable=(locked icon)
Available=(locked icon) not available

Again, it might just be a semantic problem with the wording on the panel 
rather than the state of keystore, but right now the two don't seem to 

4) Unlocking for edit state or making the keystore available after it's
been locked seems to always result in serialization errors.

This is the same as #2 above, and as I said, there's an easy
workaround for the Serialization errors.

I'm not disputing your proposed change ... just listing some basic 
problems I'm seeing with the front-door code.   I listed this separately 
because it is a different scenario that fails both on jetty and tomcat. 
 This failure happens immediately on *unlock*.  The #2 failure is on 
the available *lock* but only when the server is terminated as opposed 
to when the action is issued.  And, IIRC, #2 only happens on tomcat. 
The same available lock operation on jetty results in #1 above.

5) The keystore itself is not selectable when edit is locked. I assume
this is by design.  If you attempt to unlock the keystore for edit and
provide no password (or a bogus password), then in addition to the
exception being tossed for the bad password I would expect the keystore
to remain locked. However, the edit icon will show unlocked and you can
get to the edit fields of the keystore.

It would be good to chage it to detect bad passwords and handle by not
claiming that the keystore is unlocked.  That's also important for
when you make it available not just when you make it editable.

Not only would this be good, but it is the expected behavior when we 
challenge for a password to act accordingly if the correct password is 
not provided, isn't it?

To add to your list: we currently act like you can unlock specific
keys in the keystore when you make the keystore available.  However, I
think most consumers expect to get the one and only private key in the
keystore.  It would be great to test with a keystore with two private
keys and see if we can really allow you to select one or the other and
have the HTTPS connectors use it accordingly.

Yep, sounds like another test case that should be run.

Finally, based on your questions below, you should do a bit more
research on key/certificate plumbing.  A certificate is different from
a CA signing request and a CA signing response.  It is appropriate to
generate or upload a certificate but paste out a CA request and paste
in a CA response.  The procedure is more or less to create or install
an unsigned cert, then ask a CA to sign

Re: 1.1 keystore portlet bugs patches

2006-07-27 Thread Joe Bohn


I think we can do the wiki page at some point to look at the complete 
design of the portlet but not right now.  Right now I'm more concerned 
with fixing some of the problems with what we have before 1.1.1 goes out 
the door.  I'll work on the problems that I listed and see if I can also 
integrate the fixes from Vamsi to restore the function that was lost 
from 1.0.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

I don't have a ton of time to work on this right now -- that's the
only reason I'm trying to avoid doing it myself.

However, it sounds like we probably ought to start in any case with a
Wiki page and a description of what we think this portlet ought to be
able to do, and perhaps a list of which of those functions have
problems or are missing and which patches address each issue.  Could
you and Vamsi work on putting that together?  If we all agree on
exactly what needs to be done then it should be easier to get the
patches aligned and make it easier to evaluate and apply them.


On 7/26/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Once again, thanks for the comments.  Some more responses inline.  I
also renumbered the items to avoid the duplicate #2's ... sorry for the

Aaron Mulder wrote:
 On 7/26/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think I understand your goals here Vamsi.  However, I'm not sure 

 the portlet (as it currently stands) is a net positive or negative for
 Geronimo, even with your changes.  It's not a matter of stress 
 It looks like basic function tests (unit tests) aren't working 
 this portlet.  I don't fully understand the function of this 
portlet and

 perhaps that is clouding my judgment.

 Here's a list of the problems that I'm seeing (not necessarily 

 1)  You can hose the jetty server with one simple mouse click on the
 available lock icon.  Even if we provided a warning prior to taking 

 action, it is still not a safe situation.  There was a comment on the
 dev list just before 1.1 went out that this could be fixed by setting
 load=false on the SSLConnector and making the keystore available 

 server restart ... then restarting with the SSLConnector loaded again.
 However, even after doing this the next restart of the server still
 fails with the same error even though the console shows the 
keystore as
 available.  I think this is a critical problem (see earlier post 
for one

 proposal on how to fix this by requiring the password).

 2) Serialization failures terminating tomcat after attempting to 
lock a

 keystore so that it is unavailable.

 3) The first panel indicates that the initial state of the 
keystores is

 locked and unavailable.  However, it appears this is in error as the
 default keystore is locked to edit but available.  This might just be
 semantics but it sounds like the capability doesn't match the

 This is not my experience.  On a default install, if I look at that
 portlet, I see:

 Editable=(locked icon)
 Available=(unlocked icon) 1 key available

 Indicating that the keystore is available to be used by clients, but
 requires a password in order to edit.  If that's not what you see can
 you try again from a fresh install of Geronimo?

We are seeing the same thing.  What I was pointing out was that the text
on the panel says Keystores start out as locked against editing and
also not available for usage by other components in the server.  The
*not available* statement led me to think that the portlet should show:

Editable=(locked icon)
Available=(locked icon) not available

Again, it might just be a semantic problem with the wording on the panel
rather than the state of keystore, but right now the two don't seem to

 4) Unlocking for edit state or making the keystore available after 

 been locked seems to always result in serialization errors.

 This is the same as #2 above, and as I said, there's an easy
 workaround for the Serialization errors.

I'm not disputing your proposed change ... just listing some basic
problems I'm seeing with the front-door code.   I listed this separately
because it is a different scenario that fails both on jetty and tomcat.
  This failure happens immediately on *unlock*.  The #2 failure is on
the available *lock* but only when the server is terminated as opposed
to when the action is issued.  And, IIRC, #2 only happens on tomcat.
The same available lock operation on jetty results in #1 above.

 5) The keystore itself is not selectable when edit is locked. I 

 this is by design.  If you attempt to unlock the keystore for edit and
 provide no password (or a bogus password), then in addition to the
 exception being tossed for the bad password I would expect the 
 to remain locked. However, the edit icon will show unlocked and you 

 get to the edit fields of the keystore.

 It would be good to chage it to detect bad passwords and handle by not
 claiming that the keystore is unlocked

Re: TCK Dog

2006-07-28 Thread Joe Bohn


Sorry for being so late with this response, but I was thinking that I 
should probably get involved some with the TCK (to help address your 
desire for broader participation across the project and get some much 
deserved personal relief).  I just faxed my NDA for confidential 
materials.  I'll let you know when I get my authorization.


Kevan Miller wrote:

On Jul 10, 2006, at 1:55 PM, David Blevins wrote:

Kevan, you've been tck dog for six months now.  Having built the  
system and done the job myself, I know you're not going to survive  
another six months.  We definitely need to get someone else to take  
that job for a while.

What do you think?

I certainly agree with that... I would also hope that we can work on  
distributing the burden, a bit. So, it's not one dog, but several...  
Although I certainly had a lot of help from you, David J, and Dain,  
It'd be great to see a broader base of participation...

I see the following pieces:

1) Keeping builds running through Continuum
2) Keeping tests running through GBuild
3) Monitoring/advertising test results.
4) Fixing problems

It's #4 that can be the killer and where we should be working as a  
team... but the others can eat up time, also.

I have #1 going for 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT and 1.2-SNAPSHOT. Hope to get #2  
going later today...

Now, would be a great time for getting more people involved...


potenial problem with GBean attribute processing

2006-07-28 Thread Joe Bohn

There is either a problem with the attribute processing on gbeans or the 
keystore use of this processing, I'm not sure which.

The problem is that there are times when an attribute is being set which 
result in two entries in the config.xml for the same attribute rather 
than replacing the current setting.  Here is the scenario.

There is an attribute on the keystore instance gbean (the default one we 
provide) for the keystore lock password and key passwords.  The scenario 
happens with both attributes but I'm most concerned with the keystore 
lock at the moment so I'll just discuss that one.

With a brand new image, the attribute for the keystore lock is set to 
the default password (which effectively means it is unlocked).  If we 
lock the keystore the password is then replaced with a null value and 
this is reflected in the config.xml.  So far, so good.  However, when we 
subsequently unlock the keystore, rather than replacing the password 
attribute with the value again it ends up creating a second entry for 
the attribute just before the null value entry.  Here is what it looks 
like in the config.xml:


  attribute name=keystorePassword null=true/
  attribute name=keyPasswords null=true/

It appears that null wins out (probably because it is last) and the 
net result is that the keystore remains locked.  This is not a good 
thing (see other posts on the keystore processing).

So my question is this:  Is this a problem with the way we are setting 
the attribute or is it a problem with the attribute processing itself 
(particularly around the setting and removing of a null value)?  The 
code that sets the attribute is in FileKeystoreInstance around line 130.


Re: potenial problem with GBean attribute processing

2006-07-28 Thread Joe Bohn

I created this JIRA for the problem:


Aaron Mulder wrote:

It sounds like a problem with the attribute manager and related code
to me -- it's responsible for writing config.xml and it should ensure
that there are no duplicate entries.  Can you create a Jira for 1.1.1
for this?  We better fix it.


On 7/28/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is either a problem with the attribute processing on gbeans or the
keystore use of this processing, I'm not sure which.

The problem is that there are times when an attribute is being set which
result in two entries in the config.xml for the same attribute rather
than replacing the current setting.  Here is the scenario.

There is an attribute on the keystore instance gbean (the default one we
provide) for the keystore lock password and key passwords.  The scenario
happens with both attributes but I'm most concerned with the keystore
lock at the moment so I'll just discuss that one.

With a brand new image, the attribute for the keystore lock is set to
the default password (which effectively means it is unlocked).  If we
lock the keystore the password is then replaced with a null value and
this is reflected in the config.xml.  So far, so good.  However, when we
subsequently unlock the keystore, rather than replacing the password
attribute with the value again it ends up creating a second entry for
the attribute just before the null value entry.  Here is what it looks
like in the config.xml:




   attribute name=keystorePassword null=true/
   attribute name=keyPasswords null=true/

It appears that null wins out (probably because it is last) and the
net result is that the keystore remains locked.  This is not a good
thing (see other posts on the keystore processing).

So my question is this:  Is this a problem with the way we are setting
the attribute or is it a problem with the attribute processing itself
(particularly around the setting and removing of a null value)?  The
code that sets the attribute is in FileKeystoreInstance around line 130.


Re: potenial problem with GBean attribute processing

2006-07-30 Thread Joe Bohn
I wish it were that easy, but it isn't.  There are two attributes that 
are each repeated  in this order:

keystorePassword  (with value)
keyPasswords  (with value)
keystorePassword  (null value)
keyPasswords  (null value)


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
I don't see any duplicate entries.  You have two attributes  
keystorePassword and keystorePasswords.


On Jul 28, 2006, at 2:33 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

It sounds like a problem with the attribute manager and related code
to me -- it's responsible for writing config.xml and it should ensure
that there are no duplicate entries.  Can you create a Jira for 1.1.1
for this?  We better fix it.


On 7/28/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is either a problem with the attribute processing on gbeans  or 

keystore use of this processing, I'm not sure which.

The problem is that there are times when an attribute is being set  

result in two entries in the config.xml for the same attribute rather
than replacing the current setting.  Here is the scenario.

There is an attribute on the keystore instance gbean (the default  
one we
provide) for the keystore lock password and key passwords.  The  

happens with both attributes but I'm most concerned with the keystore
lock at the moment so I'll just discuss that one.

With a brand new image, the attribute for the keystore lock is set to
the default password (which effectively means it is unlocked).  If we
lock the keystore the password is then replaced with a null value and
this is reflected in the config.xml.  So far, so good.  However,  
when we

subsequently unlock the keystore, rather than replacing the password
attribute with the value again it ends up creating a second entry for
the attribute just before the null value entry.  Here is what it  looks
like in the config.xml:




   attribute name=keystorePassword null=true/
   attribute name=keyPasswords null=true/

It appears that null wins out (probably because it is last) and the
net result is that the keystore remains locked.  This is not a good
thing (see other posts on the keystore processing).

So my question is this:  Is this a problem with the way we are  setting
the attribute or is it a problem with the attribute processing itself
(particularly around the setting and removing of a null value)?  The
code that sets the attribute is in FileKeystoreInstance around  line 


critical jetty keystore problems on 1.1.1

2006-07-31 Thread Joe Bohn

I'm still trying to figure out some critical problems with the keystore 
processing on jetty.

The most serious problem that I've yet to resolve is a problem with the 
lock/unlock of the keystore availability lock.   A subsequent server 
restart will fail because Keystore 'geronimo-default' is locked.  It 
appears that we cannot recover from this error either.  Even if I change 
the config.xml for SSLConnector to load=false, restart the server, 
unlock the keystore/key (again) I still get the same failure when I 
attempt to start with the SSLConnector enabled.

At first I thought this was because of the duplicate attribute entries 
referenced in an earlier post.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that I edited 
the config.xml to remove the null entries and was able to get the 
server started. However, I have recently been unable to recover from 
this error using the same mechanism.  In fact it seems to create more 
problems because after removing the null entries I now get an 

Any advice or recommendations?  I'm beginning to wonder if we should 
disable the keystore portlet for 1.1.1 so that the user can't shoot 
himself in the foot.


Re: 1.1 keystore portlet bugs patches

2006-07-31 Thread Joe Bohn

Aaron Mulder wrote:

Here's the serialization error on shutdown.  There are no errors on
restart but subsequent shutdowns continue to produce the same error if I
navigate to the portlet at all:

Looks like it's putting an instance of the KeystoreInstance GBean in
the session.  We should probably change the code to put some
Serializable object in the session that holds the AbstractName for the
KeystoreInstance and looks it up again from the kernel every time the
portlet needs it.


It looked to me like were were already looking up the KeystoreInstance 
GBean on each view request in the portlet (renderView() in ListHandler). 
 Therefore, it seemed like the simpliest fix was to just make the 
KeystoreInstance transient in the BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData class 
so that it wouldn't be serialized.  I put that change in last week. 
Please let me know if you see a problem with this.


Re: 1.1.1 Status

2006-07-31 Thread Joe Bohn

I'm fine with both items.


John Sisson wrote:
Any objections to removing the licenses from the about page in the 
console. See GERONIMO-2136 (listed below)

FYI,  I was originally planning on upgrading Derby (*GERONIMO-2155*, but the debug 
versions of the derby libraries aren't in the maven repos and I'm 
running out of time, so will leave as targeted for 1.x.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:

There has been a lot of progress on 1.1.1.  We started with 61 issues 
and we're down to 21 left.

Originally I suggested that we branch on Friday.  I'd like to give a 
little more time and would like to revise the branch to a freeze state 
on Tuesday, August 1 at 0500 PT.  At that time I'll spin off 
branches/1.1.1 and update branches/1.1 to be 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.  We'll do 
performance regression and TCK work during the next week and shoot for 
an official release within two weeks.

If anyone is opposed to this plan let me know.

Also, please review the JIRA's below.  If you don't think you can get 
thte ones done with your name please unassign yourself and hopefully 
someone else will pick them up.


*Outstanding Issues*

GERONIMO- Open John Sisson   Application errors in static 
initialization blocks during serialization of configuration during 
deployment due to incorrect TCCL

GERONIMO-2218 Open Unassigned   KeyStore portlet: 
Functionality missing from 1.0

GERONIMO-1906 Reopened Sachin Patel   Cannot add a new 
connector using ActiveMQManagerGBean

GERONIMO-1917 Open David Jencks
repository doesn't deal well with case insensitive file systems

GERONIMO-1996 Open John Sisson
Serialization failure during deployment leaves a config.ser in the 
repository but doesn't write a causing problems later.

GERONIMO-2080 Open John Sisson   Create a Geronimo Bug 
Guidelines Page

GERONIMO-2169 Open Kevan Miller
Once tagged, the m:co goal of tags/1.1.1 should checkout the 
corresponding tagged version of OpenEJB (not a branch)

GERONIMO-2170 Open Kevan Miller   Tagged versions of Geronimo 
should not include in their list of maven 

GERONIMO-2167 Open Kevan Miller
deployer.jar not cleaning up properly during redeploy and undeploy

GERONIMO-2202 Open Kevan Miller
Move to new Apache Maven 1 repo (repo/m1-snapshot-repository 
GERONIMO-2030 Open Unassigned

Allow WebServiceBuilder determine if there are WebServices to be deployed

GERONIMO-1476 Open Unassigned
Changes to default log4j.rootCategory are not dynamic

GERONIMO-2228 Open Unassigned generates wrong default-repository element

GERONIMO-2230 Open Aaron Mulder
No cleanup after DeploymentWatcher exception

GERONIMO-2142 Open David Jencks
EJB Refs to EJB in parent module often fail

GERONIMO-2227 Open David Jencks
ENC Lookup Fix (include parent modules)

GERONIMO-1557 Open David Jencks
When you enter the url of a web service in the console You should get 
a page showing the service name

GERONIMO-1531 Open Unassigned
KeyStore portlet should support deletion of certificates and private keys

GERONIMO-1716 Open Donald Woods
Add usage of SimpleEncryption to PropertiesFileLoginModule and Admin 

GERONIMO-2204 Open David Jencks
ProxyMethodInterceptor doesn't handle finalize appropriately
   GERONIMO-2136 Open John Sisson
Remove/Update licenses displayed in about page of console

GERONIMO-1810 Open John Sisson
Improve the Error: Unable to distribute foo.ear: Cannot deploy the 
requested application module message

Re: critical jetty keystore problems on 1.1.1

2006-07-31 Thread Joe Bohn

Just an update on this problem.

There is still a problem with the locking (esp. in jetty) due to 
multiple attributes (containing both the password value and null) for 
the keystorePassword and keyPasswords.  However, with the fix just 
integrated for GERONIMO-2252 we at least have some recovery plan (modify 
the config.xml to remove the null entries and the remain stored entries 
will correctly unlock the keys).

Thanks to Vamsavardhana Reddy for finding the root cause of why the 
passwords were being stored incorrectly.  Now we just need to figure out 
why we're ending up with multiple entries in config.xml for the same 


Joe Bohn wrote:

I'm still trying to figure out some critical problems with the keystore 
processing on jetty.

The most serious problem that I've yet to resolve is a problem with the 
lock/unlock of the keystore availability lock.   A subsequent server 
restart will fail because Keystore 'geronimo-default' is locked.  It 
appears that we cannot recover from this error either.  Even if I change 
the config.xml for SSLConnector to load=false, restart the server, 
unlock the keystore/key (again) I still get the same failure when I 
attempt to start with the SSLConnector enabled.

At first I thought this was because of the duplicate attribute entries 
referenced in an earlier post.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that I edited 
the config.xml to remove the null entries and was able to get the 
server started. However, I have recently been unable to recover from 
this error using the same mechanism.  In fact it seems to create more 
problems because after removing the null entries I now get an 

Any advice or recommendations?  I'm beginning to wonder if we should 
disable the keystore portlet for 1.1.1 so that the user can't shoot 
himself in the foot.


Re: Welcome David Jencks as the newest memeber of the Geronimo PMC

2006-07-31 Thread Joe Bohn

Congratulations David


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
The PMC would like to welcome David Jencks as the newest member of the 
PMC.  Please join us in welcoming David.


Re: critical jetty keystore problems on 1.1.1

2006-08-01 Thread Joe Bohn
I think that Aaron raised this issue (or indicated there might be a 
problem here) in a previous post on an earlier thread.

Aaron suggested that there be a wiki page or some other summary page 
that explains what we think we need to have functionally so that it can 
be agreed upon and them implemented in a future Geronimo release.  Can 
you take a stab at this summary Vamsi?  I think that you along with 
David Jencks, Aaron, and possibly a few others will need to reach a 


Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
Looks like there is no point in having more than one private key entry 
in a keystore for the purpose of SSL Server authentication as there is 
no control on which key will be picked.  I do not know if this is useful 
for Client authentication.  Unless all the private key entries have the 
same password, KeyManagerFactory.init() will throw an exception.


On 7/31/06, *Joe Bohn* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just an update on this problem.

There is still a problem with the locking (esp. in jetty) due to
multiple attributes (containing both the password value and null) for
the keystorePassword and keyPasswords.  However, with the fix just
integrated for GERONIMO-2252 we at least have some recovery plan (modify
the config.xml to remove the null entries and the remain stored entries
will correctly unlock the keys).

Thanks to Vamsavardhana Reddy for finding the root cause of why the
passwords were being stored incorrectly.  Now we just need to figure out
why we're ending up with multiple entries in config.xml for the same


Joe Bohn wrote:
  I'm still trying to figure out some critical problems with the
  processing on jetty.
  The most serious problem that I've yet to resolve is a problem
with the
  lock/unlock of the keystore availability lock.   A subsequent server
  restart will fail because Keystore 'geronimo-default' is
locked.  It
  appears that we cannot recover from this error either.  Even if I
  the config.xml for SSLConnector to load=false, restart the server,
  unlock the keystore/key (again) I still get the same failure when I
  attempt to start with the SSLConnector enabled.
  At first I thought this was because of the duplicate attribute
  referenced in an earlier post.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that I
  the config.xml to remove the null entries and was able to get the
  server started. However, I have recently been unable to recover from
  this error using the same mechanism.  In fact it seems to create
  problems because after removing the null entries I now get an
  Any advice or recommendations?  I'm beginning to wonder if we should
  disable the keystore portlet for 1.1.1 so that the user can't shoot
  himself in the foot.

Re: Terminology and status

2006-08-02 Thread Joe Bohn
I agree.  I'd prefer something that is directly integrated with JIRA 
rather than adding an additional file that must be maintained (and 
therefore is more likely to contain errors).


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Fine...I prefer a field in JIRA so I can execute a single query.  I'll 
assume the patches are in JIRA anyway and its a great place for comments 
too :)

Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Hash: SHA1

People have been referring to things requiring votes as

Everyone *please* stop using RTC in this manner.  RTC is a
development model; what it and CTR are concerned with are
patches.  Please call them patches.  Changes are patches;
RTC and CTR are how they get applied.  If you said something
about 'an RTC' outside Geronimo, no-one would have the least
idea what you were talking about.  This is *not* a place
where it's necessary for us to invent new nomenclature.

There has been some discussion about keeping status in
the wiki.  The wiki is a 'pull' mechanism; if you don't
actively go looking for it, you won't get it.  I have
updated the STATUS file in trunk from its incubation
content to something more current, and have set it up to
be mailed to the list every Wednesday night.  I suggest
filling things in there so all the various issues are
listed in a single places, along with who has voted on
patches, critical issues, etc.  Right now information is
scattered all over the place.

Take a look at (or at
if you prefer the full URL) to see how another project
uses the STATUS file as a central repository of such

If the consensus is to not use the STATUS file, that's
cool.  But I decided that *doing* it was more productive
that just proposing to possibly set it up.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

Millennium hand and shrimp!
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1823) Add Embedded LDAP Server Viewer Portlet

2006-08-04 Thread Joe Bohn

Hi Aaron,

So we *do* have a way to extend the console at deploy time (either 
plugin deployment or application deployment)?   Will this handle updates 
to the pageregistry and portletentityregistry?  Is there also a 
mechanism to undo the changes when a plugin or application is 
undeployed?   If so, then that is excellent!!

I wasn't aware of anything in this area to make the console extensible 
and was thinking that we really needed this (esp. since Geronimo itself 
is extensible).

Has this been integrated in other places or just with gplugins (whatever 
that is ... I just started to see what I could find on this based upon 
your response)?   Is there any more information that you can point me to 
on this?


Aaron Mulder (JIRA) wrote:
[ ] 

Aaron Mulder commented on GERONIMO-1823:

I think this would be better packaged as a plugin than integrated into the 
console, since the same is true of our Apache DS integration.  Can you package 
this portlet as a standalone WAR?  The gplugins project has a GBean you can add 
to geronimo-web.xml that can install portlets into the console.

Add Embedded LDAP Server Viewer Portlet

   Key: GERONIMO-1823
   Project: Geronimo
Issue Type: New Feature
Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
Components: console

  Affects Versions: 1.2
  Reporter: Chris Cardona
   Attachments:, ldapMgrPortlet-B1.1.1.jpg, 
ldapMgrPortlet-B1.1.1.patch,, ldapMgrPortlet.patch, 

Add a new portlet for viewing the contents of the embedded directory server 
(Apache DS). This portlet will be under 'Misc' portlets.

plugin site(s?) need to be updated with newer versions

2006-08-04 Thread Joe Bohn

It appears that the plugin site ( needs to be 
updated to reflect the new Geronimo version numbers.  At the moment, if 
you search for plugins using the 1.1 branch image (Geronimo 
1.1.2-SNAPSHOT) or with a 1.1.1 branch image (Geronimo 1.1.1) none of 
the plugins are marked as available.  The metadata for the plugins only 
indicates that they are valid for Geronimo 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (this no 
longer exists) or Geronimo 1.1.

Can somebody with the proper authority update the 
site?  Are there other plugin sites that need to be updated?

Also, would it make sense relax the version verification some to ignore 
anything in a version following the - on the server version?  If the 
plugin as only specified as 1.1.1 and we didn't include the 
-SNAPSHOT from a pre-release image then the plugin registry wouldn't 
have to change when we cut the official release.  It seems reasonable to 
me that a plugin targeted for 1.1.1 should be mostly functional with a 
SNAPSHOT drop of 1.1.1 prior to the official release.  thoughts?


Re: plugin site(s?) need to be updated with newer versions

2006-08-04 Thread Joe Bohn
Ah yes ... now I remember the thread.  It seems that we may need to 
revive this discussion not only for the plugins but also for the 
dependency versions as well until we have a consistent solution that 
will work for both cases.  We'll also need to address the case of build 
numbers/SNAPSHOTs/REVISIONS/etc... as indicated in GERONIMO_1637


Paul McMahan wrote:
Joe,  Here's some discussion on plugin versioning you may want to check 

Dain proposed a simple globbing approach that was well received, but
AFAIK it hasn't been implemented yet.


On 8/4/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It appears that the plugin site ( needs to be
updated to reflect the new Geronimo version numbers.  At the moment, if
you search for plugins using the 1.1 branch image (Geronimo
1.1.2-SNAPSHOT) or with a 1.1.1 branch image (Geronimo 1.1.1) none of
the plugins are marked as available.  The metadata for the plugins only
indicates that they are valid for Geronimo 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (this no
longer exists) or Geronimo 1.1.

Can somebody with the proper authority update the
site?  Are there other plugin sites that need to be updated?

Also, would it make sense relax the version verification some to ignore
anything in a version following the - on the server version?  If the
plugin as only specified as 1.1.1 and we didn't include the
-SNAPSHOT from a pre-release image then the plugin registry wouldn't
have to change when we cut the official release.  It seems reasonable to
me that a plugin targeted for 1.1.1 should be mostly functional with a
SNAPSHOT drop of 1.1.1 prior to the official release.  thoughts?


Re: Maven2... we are almost there!

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Bohn

I'm trying to build with m2 on windows with some suspicious results.

Right now I'm getting a number of errors just trying to run bootstrap.

One of my windows machines claims that it is successful while the other 
one fails with this error:


[INFO] Destination 
already exists!

[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch

[INFO] Total time: 5 minutes 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 08 09:24:29 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 55M/104M

bootstrap: Bootstrap failed in stage assemble

I was talking with Prasad offline on this and he thinks that the failure 
is because of the windows long name issue causing the cleanup to fail. 
I'll manually clean things up and try again on that machine.

However, both machines received a ton of other errors.   Are all of 
these excepted problems?  If so, then if we can't clean them up I 
think we should at least warn people to expect them.

Here are the errors that were in the logs (I can't attach the logs 
because they are too large).

several of these:

09:09:01,062 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean is 
now in the FAILED state: 

java.lang.RuntimeException: FAILING

at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor17.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Welcome Kevan Miller to the Geronimo PMC

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Bohn

Way to go Kevan!!!


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Please welcome Kevan Miller as the newest member of the Geronimo PMC.  
Kevan recently accepted the invitation to join the PMC.  As such we now 
have an additional set of eyes to help with reviews as well as other PMC 
oversight responsibilities.  Kevan has shown that he is not only a 
valuable member of the technical community but also spends much of his 
time helping others as well as making sure those pesky LICENSE files 
make it into every jar we ship.

Give it up for Kevan :-0

Re: 1.1.1 - Ready or not ? Soliciting input

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Bohn
Are these issues newly broken in 1.1.1 or are they issues that also 
exist with 1.1?   From looking at the JIRAs all list 1.1 or earlier as 
being affected with the exception of GERONIMO-2270.

I don't see a reason to hold up 1.1.1 unless we have introduced some new 
blocking issues in the 1.1.1 release.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

Here are the issues that bother me most in 1.1.1.  I believe they are
all also issues in 1.1.

- Redeploy broken when module ID does not include a type (patch available)
- Redeploy broken when module ID does not include a version and app
uses JNDI (patch available)

I also just found a deploy problem with web apps with a plan with no
environment, but I haven't investigated much yet.

- For a security realm with multiple login modules, we do not handle
the JAAS Control Flags correctly (e.g. we do not call the login
modules using the correct logic).  Code to reproduce available. Alan
had claimed a predecessor to this issue; I'm not sure if he's planning
on working on this one.
- For a web app, if the security url-patterns don't exactly match the
servlet-mapping url-patterns, we apply no security at all.  Code to
reproduce available.  Alan has claimed this issue.
- Likely not still a problem (reported against M5), but if it is, it
sounds serious.

There are a large number of other issues out there in the security
category, but I don't think they're all as urgent (e.g. GEORNIMO-1747,
GERONIMO-2274, GERONIMO-2275, and GERONIMO-2279 probably ought to be
addressed in 1.1.2 but I don't think need to hold up 1.1.1).


On 8/8/06, Matt Hogstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1.1.1 is in a form that we can get ready to release it.  I was talking 
with Aaron and he mentioned
that there were some security issues he was concerned about.  I would 
like to use this thread to
identify any issues that should be considered show stoppers and make 
the decision on how to move


Please use this thread to provide that information.  What I think 
we'll need to make an appropriate

assessement is:

Issue Description
How long have we had it?  (has it existed in earlier releases and we 
knew it)

JIRA issue number tracking the issue.

Please provide your input as quickly as possible so we can assess how 
to proceed with 1.1.1.


Re: 1.1.1 - Ready or not ? Soliciting input

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Bohn
I'm not familiar with the issue and I'm not arguing that we don't need 
to fix it.  But this problem indicates that it was present in 1.1 and 
somehow it didn't make it to the top of the list for 1.1.1 earlier. 
Does it need to hold up the release or could it be delivered in 1.1.2?


Kevan Miller wrote:

On Aug 8, 2006, at 10:14 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

1.1.1 is in a form that we can get ready to release it.  I was  
talking with Aaron and he mentioned that there were some security  
issues he was concerned about.  I would like to use this thread to  
identify any issues that should be considered show stoppers and  make 
the decision on how to move forward.

Please use this thread to provide that information.  What I think  
we'll need to make an appropriate assessement is:

Issue Description
How long have we had it?  (has it existed in earlier releases and  we 
knew it)

JIRA issue number tracking the issue.

Please provide your input as quickly as possible so we can assess  how 
to proceed with 1.1.1.

I don't have any background information -- other than what's in the  
jira database for 1.1.1. I see GERONIMO-2295 -- http://

I haven't verified the problem. However, given the description, I'd  say 
it's definitely something that needs to be fixed.

It's currently assigned to Alan. Alan, are you working on this?


Re: Maven2... we are almost there!

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Bohn
Ok, once I learned to ignore the errors (and work around the windows 
pathlength issues) I was able to get a successful build.  Things went 
pretty smoothly ... nice work!!!

There seems to be a problem with the minimal assemblies.  They do not 
include the deployer.jar in the image which kinda makes it difficult to 
deploy things.   However, when I deployed my application into the 
minimal assembly using the deployer from the j2ee assembly it seemed to 
work well!


David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 8, 2006, at 8:16 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I'm trying to build with m2 on windows with some suspicious results.

Right now I'm getting a number of errors just trying to run bootstrap.

One of my windows machines claims that it is successful while the  
other one fails with this error:

-- --
[INFO] Destination c:\geronimo\m2-assemblies\geronimo-tomcat-j2ee 
already exists!
-- --

[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
-- --

[INFO] Total time: 5 minutes 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 08 09:24:29 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 55M/104M
-- --

bootstrap: Bootstrap failed in stage assemble

I was talking with Prasad offline on this and he thinks that the  
failure is because of the windows long name issue causing the  cleanup 
to fail. I'll manually clean things up and try again on  that machine.

However, both machines received a ton of other errors.   Are all of  
these excepted problems?  If so, then if we can't clean them up I  
think we should at least warn people to expect them.

Here are the errors that were in the logs (I can't attach the logs  
because they are too large).

I believe most or all of these were always happening, we just see  them 
now  because jason figured out how to set up log4j for the tests  
properly -- previously all this was not getting recorded in any  obvious 

david jencks

several of these:

09:09:01,062 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean  
is now in the FAILED state: abstractName=test/3/3.3/bar? 

java.lang.RuntimeException: FAILING
at org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.ConfigurationManagerTest 
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native  
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance 

at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.createInstance 
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.start 
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.startRecursive 

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(

Re: Maven2... we are almost there!

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Bohn
Yep, I hit a console deploy problem with the j2ee jetty image ... so I 
think it's a real issue (although I didn't look at the details of the 


Bill Dudney wrote:

Hi Joe,
Could you try to deploy via the console. I'm not having any luck with  
that (about to post a JIRA about it) would be nice to know if anyone  
else is able to deploy via the console.

Basically it appears that the DeploymentFactoryImpl (from geronimo- 
deploy-jsr88) is not being started and thus there are no deployers  (at 
least for the console).

I'm still poking around but a confirmation would be nice :-)


On Aug 8, 2006, at 11:09 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

Ok, once I learned to ignore the errors (and work around the  windows 
pathlength issues) I was able to get a successful build.   Things went 
pretty smoothly ... nice work!!!

There seems to be a problem with the minimal assemblies.  They do  not 
include the deployer.jar in the image which kinda makes it  difficult 
to deploy things.   However, when I deployed my  application into the 
minimal assembly using the deployer from the  j2ee assembly it seemed 
to work well!


David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 8, 2006, at 8:16 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I'm trying to build with m2 on windows with some suspicious results.

Right now I'm getting a number of errors just trying to run  bootstrap.

One of my windows machines claims that it is successful while  the  
other one fails with this error:

-- --
[INFO] Destination c:\geronimo\m2-assemblies\geronimo-tomcat-j2ee  
already exists!
-- --

[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
-- --

[INFO] Total time: 5 minutes 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 08 09:24:29 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 55M/104M
-- --

bootstrap: Bootstrap failed in stage assemble

I was talking with Prasad offline on this and he thinks that the   
failure is because of the windows long name issue causing the   
cleanup to fail. I'll manually clean things up and try again on   
that machine.

However, both machines received a ton of other errors.   Are all  
of  these excepted problems?  If so, then if we can't clean  them 
up I  think we should at least warn people to expect them.

Here are the errors that were in the logs (I can't attach the  logs  
because they are too large).

I believe most or all of these were always happening, we just see   
them now  because jason figured out how to set up log4j for the  
tests  properly -- previously all this was not getting recorded in  
any  obvious place.

david jencks

several of these:

09:09:01,062 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting;  
GBean  is now in the FAILED state: abstractName=test/3/3.3/bar?  

java.lang.RuntimeException: FAILING
at org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.ConfigurationManagerTest  
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 
(Native  Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance  
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance  

at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( 274)
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.start  
on GBeans(
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.KernelConfigurationManager.start (
Co nfiguration(

Re: Maven2... we are almost there!

2006-08-09 Thread Joe Bohn
I applied a fix for 
to correct the problem with the missing deployer.jar in the minimal 


Joe Bohn wrote:
Ok, once I learned to ignore the errors (and work around the windows 
pathlength issues) I was able to get a successful build.  Things went 
pretty smoothly ... nice work!!!

There seems to be a problem with the minimal assemblies.  They do not 
include the deployer.jar in the image which kinda makes it difficult to 
deploy things.   However, when I deployed my application into the 
minimal assembly using the deployer from the j2ee assembly it seemed to 
work well!


David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 8, 2006, at 8:16 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I'm trying to build with m2 on windows with some suspicious results.

Right now I'm getting a number of errors just trying to run bootstrap.

One of my windows machines claims that it is successful while the  
other one fails with this error:

[INFO] Destination c:\geronimo\m2-assemblies\geronimo-tomcat-j2ee 
already exists!

[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch

[INFO] Total time: 5 minutes 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 08 09:24:29 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 55M/104M

bootstrap: Bootstrap failed in stage assemble

I was talking with Prasad offline on this and he thinks that the  
failure is because of the windows long name issue causing the  
cleanup to fail. I'll manually clean things up and try again on  that 

However, both machines received a ton of other errors.   Are all of  
these excepted problems?  If so, then if we can't clean them up I  
think we should at least warn people to expect them.

Here are the errors that were in the logs (I can't attach the logs  
because they are too large).

I believe most or all of these were always happening, we just see  
them now  because jason figured out how to set up log4j for the tests  
properly -- previously all this was not getting recorded in any  
obvious place.

david jencks

several of these:

09:09:01,062 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean  
is now in the FAILED state: abstractName=test/3/3.3/bar? 

java.lang.RuntimeException: FAILING
at org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.ConfigurationManagerTest 
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native  
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance 

at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.createInstance 
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.start 
at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.startRecursive 

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Re: Daytrader config exceptions in 1.1.1 branch

2006-08-10 Thread Joe Bohn

Hi John,

Unfortunately I am familiar with this problem.

Although it doesn't look like it ... it's really another manifestation 
of the infamous windows pathlength problem.  I don't know which path in 
particular is causing the problem ... but I have discovered that if you 
shorten your root pathname it seems to avoid the issue.

Not sure what the magic number of characters is at the moment. 
c:\geronimo1.1.1 is too long and c:\g works.  The actual limit may be 
something around 14 chars at the moment (I'm currently giving it a try) 
since I can build the 1.1 branch with c:\geronimo1.1 without the error 
and I don't think they're that different wrt the paths created.


John Sisson wrote:

Does anyone else get this problem or is it just me ?


| configurations Daytrader using derby deployed on jetty
| Memory: 47M/60M
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the build section 
of project.xml instead of maven.xml
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the build section 
of project.xml instead of maven.xml


Attempting to download geronimo-daytrader-derby-db-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download

   [echo] Running car:install for Daytrader using derby deployed on jetty

   [mkdir] Created dir: 

   Packaging configuration 

Retrieving document at 'WEB-INF/wsdl/TradeServices.wsdl'.
Retrieving document at 'WEB-INF/wsdl/TradeServices.wsdl'.
22:04:03,140 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:03,937 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geroni
22:04:04,078 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:04,171 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:04,265 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geroni
22:04:04,359 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:04,453 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.g
22:04:04,531 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.g
22:04:04,625 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples
22:04:05,750 ERROR [PackageBuilder] 
org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Could not load servlet 
class org.apache.geronimo

org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Could not load servlet 
class org.apache.geronimo.samples.daytrader.web.prims.PingSer





   at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(








   at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(


Re: Daytrader config exceptions in 1.1.1 branch

2006-08-10 Thread Joe Bohn
Ok, it looks like the current limit for geronimo 1.1.1 is 15 chars in 
the root path if you want to be able to build on windows.

c:\geronimo1.1. will work but c:\geronimo\1.1.1 will not.


Joe Bohn wrote:

Hi John,

Unfortunately I am familiar with this problem.

Although it doesn't look like it ... it's really another manifestation 
of the infamous windows pathlength problem.  I don't know which path in 
particular is causing the problem ... but I have discovered that if you 
shorten your root pathname it seems to avoid the issue.

Not sure what the magic number of characters is at the moment. 
c:\geronimo1.1.1 is too long and c:\g works.  The actual limit may be 
something around 14 chars at the moment (I'm currently giving it a try) 
since I can build the 1.1 branch with c:\geronimo1.1 without the error 
and I don't think they're that different wrt the paths created.


John Sisson wrote:

Does anyone else get this problem or is it just me ?


| configurations Daytrader using derby deployed on jetty
| Memory: 47M/60M
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the build 
section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the build 
section of project.xml instead of maven.xml


Attempting to download geronimo-daytrader-derby-db-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download

   [echo] Running car:install for Daytrader using derby deployed on jetty

   [mkdir] Created dir: 

   Packaging configuration 

Retrieving document at 'WEB-INF/wsdl/TradeServices.wsdl'.
Retrieving document at 'WEB-INF/wsdl/TradeServices.wsdl'.
22:04:03,140 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:03,937 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geroni
22:04:04,078 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:04,171 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:04,265 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geroni
22:04:04,359 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.geronimo
22:04:04,453 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.g
22:04:04,531 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples.g
22:04:04,625 WARN  [HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder] No soap array info for 
schematype: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://daytrader.samples
22:04:05,750 ERROR [PackageBuilder] 
org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Could not load servlet 
class org.apache.geronimo

org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Could not load servlet 
class org.apache.geronimo.samples.daytrader.web.prims.PingSer





   at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(








Re: problem installing plugin for web console in g 1.1

2006-08-11 Thread Joe Bohn
Does anybody know how to update the Maven metadata on ibiblio?  It looks 
like this is incorrect for all of the 1.1 artifacts.

Thanks for looking into this.  Have you added (or are you going to add) 
the full set of geronimo artifacts for 1.1 to your plugin repo as you 
mentioned?  Can you let me know when they are there?  It seems like it 
makes sense to have these on the geronimo plugins repo anyway, even once 
ibiblio is fixed.  They are geronimo artifacts that may be needed by 
many Geronimo plugins and it would eliminate possible failures due to 
connectivity problems with ibiblio.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

This is because the Maven metadata in the Maven 2 repository on
ibiblio is wrong.  I'm surprised -- I would have thought this was
updated when we published our 1.1 JARs.  Anyway, look here:

Notice that there's no 1.1 listed, even though exists.

So the path we took to get here is because we need a module and
there's no version in the dependency, we find the first server that
has a matching module and take the highest version it has.  I can
probably work around this by putting a full set of Geronimo artifacts
on (so we won't fall back to ibiblio for those
modules), though again, the real fix is to correct the Maven metadata
on ibiblio.  I have no idea how to do that.


On 8/10/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I hit an error attempting to install the plugin for the web console on a
little-G tomcat image with the official Geronimo 1.1 release.  Are there
known problems with this capability?  I assumed that this plugin is for
this very purpose (since we already include the console with the j2ee

It looked like the download and install went as expected but failed
attempting to start the gbean.

I think that somehow the wrong dependencies were installed for
geronimo-timer (and perhaps geronimo-derby).  For both of these version
  1.0 was deployed rather than 1.1.

  Installation Complete!
 Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-server//car
 Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-security//car
 Used existing: geronimo/tomcat//car
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-management//jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-deploy-jsr88//jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-service-builder//jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-connector-builder//jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-naming-builder//jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-security-builder//jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-j2ee-schema//jar
 Used existing: xmlbeans/xbean/2.0.0/jar
 Used existing: stax/stax-api/1.0.1/jar
 Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-util//jar
 Installed new: geronimo/system-database//car
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-derby//jar
 Installed new: org.apache.derby/derby//jar
 Installed new: org.apache.derby/derbynet//jar
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-timer//jar
 Installed new: portlet-api/portlet-api/1.0/jar
 Installed new: org.apache.pluto/pluto/1.0.1/jar
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-console-core//jar
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-upgrade//jar
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-test-ddbean//jar
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-deploy-config//jar
 Installed new: activemq/activemq-gbean-management-g1_1/3.2.4/jar
 Installed new: activemq/activemq-gbean-g1_1/3.2.4/jar
 Installed new: activemq/activemq-core/3.2.4/jar
 Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-converter//jar
 Installed new: jdom/jdom//jar

 Now starting geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.1/car...
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.LifecycleException: start of
geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.1/car failed



 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(




 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(

Re: Organization and versioning of specs; a new proposal

2006-08-11 Thread Joe Bohn

Makes sense to me too.  +1


Jason Dillon wrote:
A while ago there was talks about independently versioning specs, and  
Alan started a reorg branch which gives each spec module its own trunk 

I have been thinking about this for a while, and with the recent  desire 
to split off more modules from geronimo/trunk I've been  pondering it 
even more.  What I have come to believe is that spitting  up spec 
modules into their own trunk+branches+tags is probably not  the best 
direction for us to head in.

I believe that all of our specs can, and should, share one trunk...  and 
still have each module specify its own version.  This is very  similar 
to how Maven2 plugins is setup, see here:

Each plugin has its own version that changes independently.  The top- 
level pom has a version too, which is independent and is only changed  
when there is a major configuration change in that pom.

I recommend that we follow this model for our specs.

The advantage to one trunk, is that it facilitates easy check out and  
building when you just want all of the specs.  If each spec was in  its 
own trunk, you would need to svn co each one, then mvn install in  each 
tree, which is a pain.

We also almost never branch specs, they just keep chugging along,  only 
really needing tags to track released versions.

So, here is what I propose:


And if needed:


This is a single trunk so to build all specs:

svn co specs
cd specs
mvn install

To release an individual spec, say geronimo-spec-jms:

cd specs/geronimo-spec-jms
mvn release

The m2 release plugin can be configured with a _tag base_, which we  can 
set to:$ {pom.artifactId}

When released, the plugin will svn cp just the module's directory  into 
a directory under tags, so it will be easy to see what the  released 
versions of a specific spec are.

 * * *

I really do not see the need for each spec to have its own trunk, and  
really I think that if we did then it would just make it more  difficult 
for cases when we really want all specs.

I do not see any downside to the approach above.

I recommend that we implement this.  The only major change, which  isn't 
that major, is that the properties which live in the root pom  that 
control the versions need to be removed... or rather moved back  to the 
version element of the respective pom.



Re: svn commit: r430833 - /geronimo/branches/1.1/modules/activation/src/test/org/apache/geronimo/activation/handlers/

2006-08-11 Thread Joe Bohn


Did you intend to just add this println or were you really planning to 
remove the part (as you did with trunk).



Author: rickmcguire
Date: Fri Aug 11 10:26:32 2006
New Revision: 430833

GERONIMO-2209 - Enable tests (geronimo-activation :: **/

Delete invalid MailcapTest.



 Fri Aug 11 10:26:32 2006
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 public void testTextPlainHandler() {

 CommandInfo info = map.getCommand(text/plain, content-handler);
+System.out.println(Command handler classname is  + 
 assertEquals(TextPlainHandler.class.getName(), info.getCommandClass());

Re: [WELCOME] Please welcome alan Cabrera as the newest member of the Geronimo PMC

2006-08-16 Thread Joe Bohn

Congrats Alan!

Matt Hogstrom wrote:
The Apache Geronimo PMC would like to let everyone know that Alan 
Cabrera has accepted the invitation to join the Geronimo PMC.  We are 
excited to have Alan assisting with project oversight in addition to his 
technical contributions to Geronimo.

Alan has been active in Geronimo for many years and has helped not only 
to help in Geronimo directly but in related efforts like Ode, Yoko and 

Give it up for Alan :)

The Apache Geronimo PMC

Re: [WELCOME] Guillaume Nodet has accepted an invitation to join the Geronimo PMC

2006-08-16 Thread Joe Bohn

Congrats Guillaume!

Matt Hogstrom wrote:


Please join us in welcoming Guillaume who recently accepted an 
invitation to join the Geronimo PMC.  Guillaume is probably best known 
for his work on Xbean and ServiceMix.  Has always been available to help 
out folks and is a great example of working in the community.  He has 
been a apart of the Geronimo Community for quite some time and we are 
very excited to have him helping with the project.

Give it up for Guillaume.

The Apache Geronimo PMC

Re: Drop the m1 build

2006-08-17 Thread Joe Bohn

Does pristine mean that all those ugly runtime exceptions, gbean start 
errors, illegal state errors, assertion errors, and NoClassDefFound 
errors mentioned in the Maven2 ... we are almost there thread will be 
resolved?   If so, and we must first remove the m1 build to get these 
addressed, then I'm all for removal.

I realize that many of those errors may be present with the M1 build 
(but just not logged as DJ pointed out) but seeing them now makes the 
build look much worse than with M1.  I'm not sure what level of 
confidence people have with the build when seeing these all scroll by. 
It sure doesn't give me any warm fuzzies.


Jason Dillon wrote:

On Aug 17, 2006, at 8:18 PM, Bruce Snyder wrote:

I caution against removing the m1 until the m2 build has been stable
for a period of time. We made this mistake with ActiveMQ and
ServiceMix and wound up having to restore the m1 build while gremlins
were flushed from the m2 build.

Hrm... its stable now :-P  And I am not really sure how well the m1  
build works.

I tend to think Jason's proposal is better one. Give it some time to
be tested and get stable.


The m2 build has been in various stages of stablish for a few weeks now.

The main issue I have with keeping it around, and praying it still  
works kinda... is that it prevents us from continuing to clean things  
up (getting files into better places to reduce pom config, renaming  
directories to conform to artifactIds, fixing variables used for  

There is still a week or so that needs to be spent post-removal of m1  
to get the m2 build pristine... and I don't see any reason why we  
should wait much longer before doing it.


Re: [VOTE] Drop the M1 build artifacts in Trunk

2006-08-18 Thread Joe Bohn

[X] +1 Allow changes


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Given that we are close to completing the M2 conversion and have some 
disruptive changes to make to trunk this vote is to capture the 
communities input on the structure of the Geronimo repository.

Given that this is about our build environment and development structure 
for purposes of this vote all votes are binding.

The vote is to remove Maven 1 build artificats from trunk and allow 
directory reoganizations starting on Wednesday August 23.   Jason to 
notify dev list about pending changes.  JIRA created to track issue.

[ ] +1 Allow changes
[ ] 0  No opinion
[ ] -1 Keep M1 artifacts in place (provide rationale)

Re: problem installing plugin for web console in g 1.1

2006-08-18 Thread Joe Bohn

One more time 

Does anybody know how/who/etc... to get the maven 2 info updated for 
ibiblio?   Is there some way to avoid similar problems on ibiblio as we 
prepare to publish the 1.1.1 artifacts?

Aaron,  Do you think you might be able to get the geronimo 1.1 artifacts 
into the plugins repo soon to get around this problem?   At the moment 
it looks like this prevents us from being able to install the console 
and liferay plugins on 1.1   not sure if any others are affected.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

I agree.  I'll let you know when the site is updated.  I won't be able
to do it during the day, but tonight or over the weekend.


On 8/11/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody know how to update the Maven metadata on ibiblio?  It looks
like this is incorrect for all of the 1.1 artifacts.

Thanks for looking into this.  Have you added (or are you going to add)
the full set of geronimo artifacts for 1.1 to your plugin repo as you
mentioned?  Can you let me know when they are there?  It seems like it
makes sense to have these on the geronimo plugins repo anyway, even once
ibiblio is fixed.  They are geronimo artifacts that may be needed by
many Geronimo plugins and it would eliminate possible failures due to
connectivity problems with ibiblio.


Aaron Mulder wrote:
 This is because the Maven metadata in the Maven 2 repository on
 ibiblio is wrong.  I'm surprised -- I would have thought this was
 updated when we published our 1.1 JARs.  Anyway, look here:

 Notice that there's no 1.1 listed, even though exists.

 So the path we took to get here is because we need a module and
 there's no version in the dependency, we find the first server that
 has a matching module and take the highest version it has.  I can
 probably work around this by putting a full set of Geronimo artifacts
 on (so we won't fall back to ibiblio for those
 modules), though again, the real fix is to correct the Maven metadata
 on ibiblio.  I have no idea how to do that.


 On 8/10/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hit an error attempting to install the plugin for the web console 
on a
 little-G tomcat image with the official Geronimo 1.1 release.  Are 
 known problems with this capability?  I assumed that this plugin is 

 this very purpose (since we already include the console with the j2ee

 It looked like the download and install went as expected but failed
 attempting to start the gbean.

 I think that somehow the wrong dependencies were installed for
 geronimo-timer (and perhaps geronimo-derby).  For both of these 

   1.0 was deployed rather than 1.1.

   Installation Complete!
  Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-server//car
  Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-security//car
  Used existing: geronimo/tomcat//car
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-management//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-deploy-jsr88//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-service-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-connector-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-naming-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-security-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-j2ee-schema//jar
  Used existing: xmlbeans/xbean/2.0.0/jar
  Used existing: stax/stax-api/1.0.1/jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-util//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/system-database//car
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-derby//jar
  Installed new: org.apache.derby/derby//jar
  Installed new: org.apache.derby/derbynet//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-timer//jar
  Installed new: portlet-api/portlet-api/1.0/jar
  Installed new: org.apache.pluto/pluto/1.0.1/jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-console-core//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-upgrade//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-test-ddbean//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-deploy-config//jar
  Installed new: activemq/activemq-gbean-management-g1_1/3.2.4/jar
  Installed new: activemq/activemq-gbean-g1_1/3.2.4/jar
  Installed new: activemq/activemq-core/3.2.4/jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-converter//jar
  Installed new: jdom/jdom//jar

  Now starting geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.1/car...
 org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.LifecycleException: start of
 geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.1/car failed



Re: [VOTE] Specs organization, versioning, and releasing

2006-08-21 Thread Joe Bohn

 [X] +1 Allow changes


Jason Dillon wrote:


1.  Each spec will no longer be split up into trunk+branches+tags.  
There will instead be one trunk+branches+tags for all specs laid out  as 


2.  Each plugin will continue to have its own version and will be  
released independently.

3.  The top-level will have it's own version, which will remain  
independent.  When there is a major configuration change in that pom,  
the version will be changed and the pom will be republished.

4.  Releasing will be done with the maven release plugin ('mvn  
release') and should occur at a stable point after any major change  to 
a spec module.

5. Change all module directories to match artifactIds.


1.  one trunk allows the entire set of specs to be checked out all at
once and built all at once.

 * * *

[ ] +1 Allow changes
[ ] 0  No opinion
[ ] -1 No, leave the specs asis (provide rationale)


Re: XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Joe Bohn

Look good Jason.

I noticed a peculiar thing with the links at the top right of the 
banner.  It seems like clicking on a link like Source functions as a 
toggle ... such that if you click it again once there it will take you 
back to the home page.  This is also true of Download and Mailing 
Lists.  Also, clicking on JavaDocs takes me out of the theme 
completely and doesn't really show javadoc.


Jason Dillon wrote:
I've just finished the initial re-theme-ification of the XBean site  to 
use the AutoExport template we are using for GMOxSITE.

It will eventually make it to:

but for now you can see what it looks like here:

 * * *

A few things... I had to drop some of the tabs, only using Home and  
Downloads right now.  Since these are images, I can not easily pull  
content from the wiki to add arbitrary tabs.  I will look into  fixing, 
creating border images, so we can drop text into the boxes.

I also could not figure out a nice looking way to add the XBean title  
to the main banner... seems that it does not fit well into the layout.

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and XBean  
elements.  Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a updated  
layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub-projects   the 
main site.

 * * *

Take a peek and let me know what you folks think.


Re: XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Joe Bohn

Jason Dillon wrote:

On Aug 21, 2006, at 1:54 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I noticed a peculiar thing with the links at the top right of the  
banner.  It seems like clicking on a link like Source functions  as 
a toggle ... such that if you click it again once there it will  take 
you back to the home page.  This is also true of Download  and 
Mailing Lists.

I do not see this... what browser?  They are just plain a href=  
links... I did not need to clear my browser cache to keep from  getting 
the old site pages... but after that I can click the Source  link all 
day and night and it will bring me to:

You're favorite ... IE ;-)I didn't think to check other browsers .. 
but after reading your response I tried firefox it worked as it should. 
 Some more IE oddities I guess.

Also, clicking on JavaDocs takes me out of the theme completely  and 
doesn't really show javadoc.

I did not alter the links, I just ported from the previous site.


Re: 1.2 Release - Who's next and what is it?

2006-08-22 Thread Joe Bohn
I've started playing with a mini-G assembly (for lack of a better 
term) which doesn't even include a web server.  I'm also looking at 
building plugins for tomcat, jetty, etc...  The intent to use mini-G as 
the base and plugins to build a tailor-made Geronimo assembly to fit a 
user's requirements rather than a one-size-fits-all assemblies.  IIUC, 
this was part of the original intent behind the plugins so I think this 
fits in pretty well with the general direction based upon discussions 
I've seen.

At the moment what I have is pretty immature, but I was going to start 
to get some discussion/ideas on this with dev shortly after I had gained 
a better understanding of plugins in general by creating a first pass at 
a tomcat plugin.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:


Aaron started a thread back a ways about the 1.2 release.  I know that 
there has been discussion, interest and some action in getting it on the 
table.  At this point I'm not exactly sure what our goals are for the 
next step of Geronimo and when it will be done.

First step is defining what goes into the release and then who wants to 
guide the release to fruition.  I'll start the what's in it thread and I 
think the whose going to do it will get resolved once we finish this piece.

Given our past experience if we would like to hit another dot release 
this year then I think we have to be releasing in November.  
Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to burn up the last month and a half. 
 So I think a release around November 15th sounds about right.

This means (working backwards) we'd need to have a branch by October 
15th.  So, with that in mind we have a little less than 2 months for 

With that in mind here is the list of things I remember off the top of 
my head.  I'll follow this thread and put out a summary note.  I'm 
putting people's names next to items I remember them mentioning; I'm not 
assigning work :)

Java 5 Ready
JPA Integration (Open JPA / Cayenne) (I think Dain or Blevins ?)
Clustering support (Gianny / Jeff)
Pluggable JACC (Jencks)
Performance (Matt)

Lot's of other stuff I'm missing ?

Re: Returning to Commit-Then-Review?

2006-08-23 Thread Joe Bohn
+1 for CTR which I believe is accurately summarized in its most common 
manifestation by Kevan's #1.


Kevan Miller wrote:

On Aug 22, 2006, at 7:02 PM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Apache Geronimo has been operating mostly under the
Review-Then-Commit model for a couple of months now,
and I think the issues the change was intended to
highlight have been .. well, highlighted.

How do people feel about the idea of switching back
to Commit-Then-Review at this point?

I'm certainly in favor of switching back. However, RTC has put an  
improved focus on communication within the community. I definitely  want 
that to continue.

Possible options would include:

1) Follow CTR. Document best practices and use community-based  
persuasion to keep things working well.

2) Follow CTR. Follow a strict procedure for documenting enhancements.
2) Follow RTC. Relax the reviewed/merged/tested aspect of RTC
3) Follow RTC. Institue a lazy consensus policy
4) 2  3
5) etc.

IMO, 1) is the way a healthy community should be operating and I  think 
that's the process we should be following.

The best practices/guidelines should not be strict dogma -- common  
sense should prevail. It's communication that's important, not  process. 
Guidelines are something along the lines of:

1) For larger changes (or potentially controversial changes),  announce 
your intentions. Give the community an indication of what  you're 
planning. You should allow enough time (and detail) to allow  the 
community to understand and discuss.
2) Before you commit your changes, document your change. Describe  what 
you are doing, why you are doing it, and provide an overview of  how you 
did it (or a roadmap on how you plan on doing it).


building eclipse projects with M2 build

2006-08-23 Thread Joe Bohn
The cwiki inidicates that we can build projects for eclipse using the m2 
build with the following command:

mvn -o eclipse:eclipse

However, when I attempt to do this I get the error below.  Has anybody 
been successful in building the eclipse projects using M2?

[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'eclipse'.


[INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does 
not exist or no valid version could be found

[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin 
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does not exist or no 
valid version could be f


at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(

at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
Caused by: 
org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionNotFoundException: The 
plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does not exist or 
no valid

 version could be found

... 14 more

[INFO] Total time: 8 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Aug 23 13:51:13 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 19M/37M

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Welcome David Blevins as the newest member of the Geronimo PMC

2006-08-23 Thread Joe Bohn

Way to go David!!!


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Please welcome David Blevins as the newest member of the Geronimo PMC.  
David recently accepted the invitation to join the PMC.  David is part 
of the OpenEJB project that we depend on so heavily and that is joining 
Apache as an Incubator project.  David is also a great mentor and 
community builder.

Give it up for David :-0

Re: building eclipse projects with M2 build

2006-08-23 Thread Joe Bohn
Thanks Ian.   I did attempt to run it both on-line as well as off-line. 
 Either way I get the same result.  Do you see something different?



The -o switch tells mvn not to attempt to download any plugins or
dependencies, using only whatever is in your local repository.  If this is
your first time running the eclipse:eclipse goal then the necessary plugin
won't be present.

Try running 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' (i.e., no '-o' switch).


It's better to be hated for who you are
than loved for who you're not

Ian D. Stewart
Distributed Computing Engineer II
DSS eCommerce Engineering
JPMorganChase Global Technology Infrastructure
Phone: (614) 244-2564

 Joe Bohn  
   Geronimo Dev
 08/23/2006 01:53   
 PM cc 
 Please respond to building eclipse projects with M2   

The cwiki inidicates that we can build projects for eclipse using the m2
build with the following command:

mvn -o eclipse:eclipse

However, when I attempt to do this I get the error below.  Has anybody
been successful in building the eclipse projects using M2?

[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'eclipse'.


[INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does
not exist or no valid version could be found

[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does not exist or no
valid version could be f




 at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
 at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
 at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
Caused by:
org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionNotFoundException: The
plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does not exist or
no valid
  version could be found




 ... 14 more

[INFO] Total time: 8 seconds

Re: building eclipse projects with M2 build

2006-08-23 Thread Joe Bohn

Thanks Jeff.  That did the trick for me too!!!


Jeff Genender wrote:


Delete your ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins directory.  The
error you encountered usually means you have a corrupted meta tags.
This solution usually does teh trick for me.


Joe Bohn wrote:

Thanks Ian.   I did attempt to run it both on-line as well as off-line.
Either way I get the same result.  Do you see something different?



The -o switch tells mvn not to attempt to download any plugins or
dependencies, using only whatever is in your local repository.  If
this is
your first time running the eclipse:eclipse goal then the necessary
won't be present.

Try running 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' (i.e., no '-o' switch).


It's better to be hated for who you are
than loved for who you're not

Ian D. Stewart
Distributed Computing Engineer II
DSS eCommerce Engineering
JPMorganChase Global Technology Infrastructure
Phone: (614) 244-2564


Dev 08/23/2006 01:53   
PM cc
Subject  Please respond to building eclipse
projects with M2[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The cwiki inidicates that we can build projects for eclipse using the m2
build with the following command:

mvn -o eclipse:eclipse

However, when I attempt to do this I get the error below.  Has anybody
been successful in building the eclipse projects using M2?

[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'eclipse'.


[INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does
not exist or no valid version could be found

[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does not exist or no
valid version could be f




at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
Caused by:
org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionNotFoundException: The
plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin' does not exist or
no valid
 version could be found



Re: littleG (minimal-tomcat-server) status

2006-03-07 Thread Joe Bohn
I'd really like to get a committer to look into these changes and 
hopefully commit them fairly quickly.

David J ... I know that you're tied up with the configID changes.  Is 
there somebody else that could take a quick look at these changes?

I'm concerned that the current activity to convert from M1 to M2 might 
result in some of these changes being lost in the conversion.  For 
example, the patch includes a change to the tomcat module which I see is 
being actively converted to M2.

I should note that these changes are a bit risky and will possibly cause 
some NoClassDefFoundErrors on specific scenarios when integrated.  I 
have done the following tests for both the jetty and tomcat assemblies 
but I obviously can't cover everything.  1) Verified the itests are 
successful.  2) Verified that deployment of a web app works  3) Verified 
that the main console portlets still function (all main GUIs presented 
without error and some detailed functions verified)  4) Verified that 
all of the daytrader application web primitives continued to work.At 
this point it might be best to integrate the changes and deal with the 
fall-out.  Thoughts?


Joe Bohn wrote:

Ah ... thanks for the clarification Kevan.   In that case I don't think 
it is needed in rmi-naming with the uber-spec removed.   I couldn't find 
any reason to include the corba spec in the rmi-naming config.   I've 
created a new patch with this change and added it to GERONIMO-1613.

So, with the corba spec removed our image size is back down to about 
15.7 meg.


Kevan Miller wrote:

On 3/3/06, *Joe Bohn* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just added an updated patch to Geronimo-1613

After some painstaking effort, I was finally able to remove the
uber-spec dependency from rmi-naming which should have resulted in an
additional savings in little-G of nearly 1.2 meg.   Unfortunately, 
I had

to add in some individual spec jars that were not previously included
and which decreased the savings somewhat.

The real disappointment was when I picked up the latest image 
to create the patch and noticed Kevan's change to include the 
CORBA spec

in rmi-naming to work around some other problem.  This adds back in
about 640K.  The comment indicates that this is only temporary.  How
long will it be needed there and is somebody working to remove it?

Hi Joe,
If you've removed the uber-jar, then you should be able to remove the 
CORBA spec jar (assuming you're including the CORBA spec jar at an 
appropriate location...). The uber-jar currently contains bad corba 
spec classes. The dependency in rmi-naming put the CORBA spec jar in 
the classpath in front of the uber-jar. I also plan on fixing the 
uber-jar (getting the proper spec classes in the uber-jar).


So, after all that the latest patch only takes us from 16.4 to about
16.3 meg ... but we'll drop more when CORBA comes out of rmi-naming.

Would it be possible to get this patch committed to trunk before too
much more work happens on the maven2 effort?  I think that it would
benefit the migration and integration if these updated project.xmls
used as the starting point.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: littleG (minimal-tomcat-server) status

2006-03-07 Thread Joe Bohn

Thank you Jeff.

Please note that as you look at GERONIMO-1613, ( )
the only patch you should need to apply is the latest one  
1613_RemoveDeps4.patch.   This is all inclusive of the other patches 
with the exception of the first patch that Dave Jencks already 
integrated a few weeks back.

BTW, there are also two JIRAs for some problems that I noticed were 
introduced as a result of the first patch (sigh)    GERONIMO-1634 ( ) and GERONIMO-1699 
( ).


Jeff Genender wrote:

Hi Joe,

Thanks for working on this...I'll take a look.


Joe Bohn wrote:

I'd really like to get a committer to look into these changes and
hopefully commit them fairly quickly.

David J ... I know that you're tied up with the configID changes.  Is
there somebody else that could take a quick look at these changes?

I'm concerned that the current activity to convert from M1 to M2 might
result in some of these changes being lost in the conversion.  For
example, the patch includes a change to the tomcat module which I see is
being actively converted to M2.

I should note that these changes are a bit risky and will possibly cause
some NoClassDefFoundErrors on specific scenarios when integrated.  I
have done the following tests for both the jetty and tomcat assemblies
but I obviously can't cover everything.  1) Verified the itests are
successful.  2) Verified that deployment of a web app works  3) Verified
that the main console portlets still function (all main GUIs presented
without error and some detailed functions verified)  4) Verified that
all of the daytrader application web primitives continued to work.At
this point it might be best to integrate the changes and deal with the
fall-out.  Thoughts?


Joe Bohn wrote:

Ah ... thanks for the clarification Kevan.   In that case I don't
think it is needed in rmi-naming with the uber-spec removed.   I
couldn't find any reason to include the corba spec in the rmi-naming
config.   I've created a new patch with this change and added it to

So, with the corba spec removed our image size is back down to about
15.7 meg.


Kevan Miller wrote:

On 3/3/06, *Joe Bohn* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I just added an updated patch to Geronimo-1613

   After some painstaking effort, I was finally able to remove the
   uber-spec dependency from rmi-naming which should have resulted
in an
   additional savings in little-G of nearly 1.2 meg.  
Unfortunately, I had

   to add in some individual spec jars that were not previously
   and which decreased the savings somewhat.

   The real disappointment was when I picked up the latest image
   to create the patch and noticed Kevan's change to include the
CORBA spec
   in rmi-naming to work around some other problem.  This adds back in
   about 640K.  The comment indicates that this is only temporary.  How
   long will it be needed there and is somebody working to remove it?

Hi Joe,
If you've removed the uber-jar, then you should be able to remove the
CORBA spec jar (assuming you're including the CORBA spec jar at an
appropriate location...). The uber-jar currently contains bad corba
spec classes. The dependency in rmi-naming put the CORBA spec jar in
the classpath in front of the uber-jar. I also plan on fixing the
uber-jar (getting the proper spec classes in the uber-jar).


   So, after all that the latest patch only takes us from 16.4 to about
   16.3 meg ... but we'll drop more when CORBA comes out of rmi-naming.

   Would it be possible to get this patch committed to trunk before too
   much more work happens on the maven2 effort?  I think that it would
   benefit the migration and integration if these updated project.xmls
   used as the starting point.


   Joe Bohn
   joe.bohn at

   He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
   lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: M2 migration status

2006-03-09 Thread Joe Bohn

Prasad Kashyap wrote:

Here's my next concern. For these modules that have migrated to m2, we
should include them in the daily G builds as soon as possible. If we
don't pull out the m1 build artifacts, project.xml and maven.xml from
the migrated modules, then there's a chance that those may get changed
behind our backs while we go forward converting more. There might be a
regression of issues.

I have the same concern and voiced it (from the other direction) in my 
post on little-G.

We also need to ensure that when we clearly communicate what version(s) 
of maven are required to build Geronimo, the updated build process, and 
be aware of the waiting changes that may be impacted before we actually 
start yanking things.

To accomplish that last goal we need some way to communicate changes 
that are waiting or in-progress which may affect or be affected by the 
M2 conversion.  Then we can work together more closely to ensure that 
nothing is lost during the conversion.  I will add comments to the M2 
migration status list with a reference to the little-G JIRA for items 
where I am aware of overlap.  Can others please do the same for items 
they are involved in?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: M2 migration status

2006-03-09 Thread Joe Bohn
One other thing.  Most of my changes for little-G were in the 
configurations rather than the modules.  These aren't yet included in 
the list of things to be migrated.

I've updated the Migration Status page to include lists for the configs 
and assemblies.


Joe Bohn wrote:

Prasad Kashyap wrote:

Here's my next concern. For these modules that have migrated to m2, we
should include them in the daily G builds as soon as possible. If we
don't pull out the m1 build artifacts, project.xml and maven.xml from
the migrated modules, then there's a chance that those may get changed
behind our backs while we go forward converting more. There might be a
regression of issues.

I have the same concern and voiced it (from the other direction) in my 
post on little-G.

We also need to ensure that when we clearly communicate what version(s) 
of maven are required to build Geronimo, the updated build process, and 
be aware of the waiting changes that may be impacted before we actually 
start yanking things.

To accomplish that last goal we need some way to communicate changes 
that are waiting or in-progress which may affect or be affected by the 
M2 conversion.  Then we can work together more closely to ensure that 
nothing is lost during the conversion.  I will add comments to the M2 
migration status list with a reference to the little-G JIRA for items 
where I am aware of overlap.  Can others please do the same for items 
they are involved in?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: littleG (minimal-tomcat-server) status

2006-03-09 Thread Joe Bohn


Jeff Genender wrote:

Hey Joe,

Which patch is the most up-to-date one to use?


Joe Bohn wrote:

Thank you Jeff.

Please note that as you look at GERONIMO-1613, ( )
the only patch you should need to apply is the latest one 
1613_RemoveDeps4.patch.   This is all inclusive of the other patches
with the exception of the first patch that Dave Jencks already
integrated a few weeks back.

BTW, there are also two JIRAs for some problems that I noticed were
introduced as a result of the first patch (sigh)    GERONIMO-1634 ( ) and GERONIMO-1699
( ).


Jeff Genender wrote:

Hi Joe,

Thanks for working on this...I'll take a look.


Joe Bohn wrote:

I'd really like to get a committer to look into these changes and
hopefully commit them fairly quickly.

David J ... I know that you're tied up with the configID changes.  Is
there somebody else that could take a quick look at these changes?

I'm concerned that the current activity to convert from M1 to M2 might
result in some of these changes being lost in the conversion.  For
example, the patch includes a change to the tomcat module which I see is
being actively converted to M2.

I should note that these changes are a bit risky and will possibly cause
some NoClassDefFoundErrors on specific scenarios when integrated.  I
have done the following tests for both the jetty and tomcat assemblies
but I obviously can't cover everything.  1) Verified the itests are
successful.  2) Verified that deployment of a web app works  3) Verified
that the main console portlets still function (all main GUIs presented
without error and some detailed functions verified)  4) Verified that
all of the daytrader application web primitives continued to work.At
this point it might be best to integrate the changes and deal with the
fall-out.  Thoughts?


Joe Bohn wrote:

Ah ... thanks for the clarification Kevan.   In that case I don't
think it is needed in rmi-naming with the uber-spec removed.   I
couldn't find any reason to include the corba spec in the rmi-naming
config.   I've created a new patch with this change and added it to

So, with the corba spec removed our image size is back down to about
15.7 meg.


Kevan Miller wrote:

On 3/3/06, *Joe Bohn* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just added an updated patch to Geronimo-1613

  After some painstaking effort, I was finally able to remove the
  uber-spec dependency from rmi-naming which should have resulted
in an
  additional savings in little-G of nearly 1.2 meg. 
Unfortunately, I had

  to add in some individual spec jars that were not previously
  and which decreased the savings somewhat.

  The real disappointment was when I picked up the latest image
  to create the patch and noticed Kevan's change to include the
CORBA spec
  in rmi-naming to work around some other problem.  This adds back in
  about 640K.  The comment indicates that this is only temporary. 

  long will it be needed there and is somebody working to remove it?

Hi Joe,
If you've removed the uber-jar, then you should be able to remove the
CORBA spec jar (assuming you're including the CORBA spec jar at an
appropriate location...). The uber-jar currently contains bad corba
spec classes. The dependency in rmi-naming put the CORBA spec jar in
the classpath in front of the uber-jar. I also plan on fixing the
uber-jar (getting the proper spec classes in the uber-jar).


  So, after all that the latest patch only takes us from 16.4 to
  16.3 meg ... but we'll drop more when CORBA comes out of

  Would it be possible to get this patch committed to trunk before
  much more work happens on the maven2 effort?  I think that it would
  benefit the migration and integration if these updated project.xmls
  used as the starting point.


  Joe Bohn
  joe.bohn at

  He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he
  lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: M2 migration status

2006-03-09 Thread Joe Bohn

anita kulshreshtha wrote:

I am in favor of running parallel builds until all
the modules can be built even by skipping the tests.
Then we need to go through the dependencies and change
their scopes (compile/test/runtime) and see how m2
handles it. I do not think maven.xmls are being
modified , please correct me if I am wrong. People
modifying project.xml chould make a note in the jira
that the dependency list has been modified. Though if
we do the scope thing right, we should end up with the
same list... Well that is my impression...

I did have to modify just one maven.xml in client-builder but only to 
invoke the dependency plugin.  Most of the other changes are in 
project.xml as you expect (which, btw, is the case for the tomcat 
module).  The changes that I needed to make were to remove, add, and 
relocate dependencies  so these changes would need to be integrated 
prior to changing the scopes for M2 or they would be lost.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Error during server startup

2006-03-14 Thread Joe Bohn

I created a JIRA for this problem a week ago or so.

I haven't had chance yet to look into a fix ... but it only seems to 
happen with the tomcat assemblies and seemed to be introduced about the 
time we upgraded to the new tomcat image.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

This applies to rev 385723. I am getting the
following error during server startup.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_09)...
log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed. \var\log\geronimo.log
(The system cannot find the
 path specified)


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Error during server startup

2006-03-14 Thread Joe Bohn

The logs are created in Jetty for me for using the same build that gives 
me the error in the tomcat images (both j2ee-tomcat-server and 

Here's one other peculiar thing.   I don't see this error on windows if 
I start the server using startup.bat or geronimo.bat run and the log 
file is created.   It's only when I start the server using java 
bin\server.jar  that I see this problem.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

   This is a problem with jetty-server as well.
Jetty-server does not produce stack trace but the log
files (geronimo.log, jetty-*.log) are not created. 


--- Jeff Genender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not able to reproduce this on a Mac or
Linux...I need to get my
hands on a Windowz box to see what is up.  Can you
gage what GBean is
getting started that is failing?

Joe Bohn wrote:

I created a JIRA for this problem a week ago or


I haven't had chance yet to look into a fix ...

but it only seems to

happen with the tomcat assemblies and seemed to be

introduced about the

time we upgraded to the new tomcat image.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

   This applies to rev 385723. I am getting the
following error during server startup.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_09)...
log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.


(The system cannot find the
path specified)
























Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam

protection around

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Error during server startup

2006-03-14 Thread Joe Bohn
Actually, I suspect you're hitting a different problem there.  There is 
a problem with the Derby log viewer and a missing class.

There is a defect that I opened about a month ago on that one and I do 
have a patch for it -

It's waiting for a committer to take an interest and integrate it.   Any 


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

   I spoke too soon.. This trace is produced by
clicking on 'Server Logs' from console.


--- anita kulshreshtha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   After a fresh restart of windows jetty-server is
working fine.

--- anita kulshreshtha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is a problem with jetty-server as well.
Jetty-server does not produce stack trace but the
files (geronimo.log, jetty-*.log) are not created.


--- Jeff Genender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not able to reproduce this on a Mac or
Linux...I need to get my
hands on a Windowz box to see what is up.  Can


gage what GBean is
getting started that is failing?

Joe Bohn wrote:

I created a JIRA for this problem a week ago



I haven't had chance yet to look into a fix


but it only seems to

happen with the tomcat assemblies and seemed



introduced about the

time we upgraded to the new tomcat image.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

   This applies to rev 385723. I am getting


following error during server startup.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_09)...
log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.


(The system cannot find the
path specified)
























Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam

protection around

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Error during server startup

2006-03-14 Thread Joe Bohn
Hmmm  I'm not sure about that exception.  The error that I fixed is 
a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception on Tomcat and materialized 
itself somewhat differently on Jetty.   I wonder if the change you made 
results in the tomcat logs either not being created or created in a 
different location that is causing the NPE.

Did you try (without your change) to start the server via the scripts 
(either startup.bat or run) and verify that the logs are 
also created via that scenario (as they are for me)?  If, after that, 
you access the server logs from the web console I would expect you to 
get the NoClassDefFoundError which the JIRA I referenced earlier fixes.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

With this change the tomcat-server starts properly
and geronimo.log is created. However on clicking
'Server Logs' I get this trace. Does your patch for
GERONIMO-1634 cover this also? IIRC file is copied from

configs/tomcat ?


--- anita kulshreshtha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  yeah, the server logs in Jetty look ok.
  The files are different
2 servers -




 I will use .server.dir and report back.

--- Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, I suspect you're hitting a different
problem there.  There is 
a problem with the Derby log viewer and a missing


There is a defect that I opened about a month ago


that one and I do 
have a patch for it -

It's waiting for a committer to take an interest


integrate it.   Any 


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

  I spoke too soon.. This trace is produced by
clicking on 'Server Logs' from console.


--- anita kulshreshtha [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  After a fresh restart of windows



working fine.

--- anita kulshreshtha [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 This is a problem with jetty-server as well.
Jetty-server does not produce stack trace but


files (geronimo.log, jetty-*.log) are not



--- Jeff Genender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not able to reproduce this on a Mac or
Linux...I need to get my
hands on a Windowz box to see what is up.  Can


gage what GBean is
getting started that is failing?

Joe Bohn wrote:

I created a JIRA for this problem a week ago



I haven't had chance yet to look into a fix


but it only seems to

happen with the tomcat assemblies and seemed



introduced about the

time we upgraded to the new tomcat image.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

  This applies to rev 385723. I am getting


following error during server startup.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java


log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.


(The system cannot find the
path specified)

















=== message truncated ===

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: svn commit: r383123 - /geronimo/trunk/configs/openejb/project.xml

2006-03-15 Thread Joe Bohn

at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(

at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(

... 61 more
Caused by: 
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.MissingDependencyException: uri 
activecluster/activecluster/1.2-20051115174934/jar not found in repository

... 84 more


Author: jlaskowski
Date: Sat Mar  4 06:47:45 2006
New Revision: 383123

GERONIMO-1688 Fresh build fails because of unsatisfied dependency on 
activecluster in configs/openejb


Modified: geronimo/trunk/configs/openejb/project.xml
--- geronimo/trunk/configs/openejb/project.xml (original)
+++ geronimo/trunk/configs/openejb/project.xml Sat Mar  4 06:47:45 2006
@@ -324,6 +324,12 @@

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

little-G fixes

2006-03-15 Thread Joe Bohn

Jeff or Aaron,

After the first patch for little-G was integrated about a month ago, I 
soon discovered two items in the console that were broken because they 
relied upon dependencies specified in other configurations that were 
removed.  I have patches for these items that are waiting to be 
integrated.  Could one of you take a look at them?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Console Patches

2006-03-16 Thread Joe Bohn


Regarding 1130, I just attached a new version of the patch for the 
current trunk so it is ready to go be considered.   Please use the newly 
added patch (1130_WebServerStatsJetty.patch).

1408 would be fine to include in the second group of JIRAs (those w/o 
patches) but it really isn't directly related to this JIRA.  This only 
deals with the web server statistics ... not the Network Listeners 
portlet that is presented on the same page.

Thanks for looking into these.

Aaron Mulder wrote:

I'm looking at console issues and patches in JIRA.  The following ones
look like good candidates.  Does anyone have any comments or thoughts
on which ones may be or not be ready or any dependencies between them?


1037: confirmation when deleting things
1130: make more generic web statistics for Jetty (NOTE: waiting on
updated patch from Joe), see also 1408
1182: web connector portlet confirmation, cancel button, etc.
1196: keystore portlet improvements (empty alias blows up)
1199: keystore portlet improvements (display fingerprints)
1396: more consistent look and feel for tables
1413: set JSPs to UTF-8
1414: set icon for about page
1426: console breakage on Windows with spaces in install path
1484: display logged-in username
1498: not serializable exception due to JDBC driver download
1503: keystore portlet improvements (passwords)
1524: allow selection of multiple JDBC driver JARs
1529: show Geronimo version number in console
1531: keystore portlet enhancements (delete cert/key)
1572: better error if cookies are disabled
1634: NoClassDefFoundError in log viewer (NOTE: Jeff looking at this)
1699: missing JDOM classes (NOTE: Jeff looking at this)
1700: stack trace printed if deploy app that's already deployed
1701: improvements to EJB portlet

No patch yet, but should be looked at:
1273: More context info when adding JMS protocol
1376: display URL for deployed web apps
1388: Make sure Go button is visible
1390: Link not always visible
1391: keystore error, looks like keystore issues described above
1592: Add new security realm type
1692: Next server restart after console edits dumps stack trace
1704: Need to be able to select a JAR for a security realm
1705: AJAX progress bar for JDBC driver download
1711: Add restart option for web connector
1721: Ability to delete a security realm
1741: Ability to redeploy an application
1746: Change to log config file not respected on restart

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: New Feature: Configuration Import/Export

2006-03-27 Thread Joe Bohn

This is a good summary of the possibilities Matt.   I've got some 

2. User downloads a bootstrap agent (much like Cygwin) and then chooses 
either the pacakges they want (specific OSS projects) or the features 
they want (JMS, Servlet 2.4, EJB 1.1, Spring, etc.)  The downloaded 
agent would resolve the required dependencies and suck down the 
appropriate parts and configure the runtime.

3. Similar paradigm to above but rather than running a single server 
instance they would specify a target location to export a server image 
that would be bootable.  The instance they operate from is an AppServer
factory and not an AppServer instance.  

But they aren't interacting with an AppServer in #2 either ... right? 
Isn't the bootstrap in #2 really just an AppServer Factory as well?

The interfaces would include a 
GUI (nice user interface, dynamic resolution of dependencies, etc.) as 
well as a command line utility that could build the instances required 
for a specific set of applications.
Can you clarify the command line utility?  Do you envision a command 
line that accepts all of the configuration choices as parameters or are 
you thinking of a response/properties/XML/whatever file that would be 
created to specify the particulars of a configuration and then the 
factory uses this information to generate an executable instance?  I 
assume that's what you mean but I may be missing some other aspect of 
the proposal.

4. A variation on the above would also install the application artifacts 
and create disposable runtimes.  Users could then take these images and 
distribute them in a cluster and they would be fully functional 
containers but are designed to be disposed of after use.  The paradigm 
of defining and iterating a server instance doesn't exist in this mode.  
The disposable instances would be able to federate into a managable 
cluster from an operations perspective but would be limited to starting 
and stopping the servers and pulling runtime statistics.
I think that we may need to provide some capability for iteration and 
updates ... but I agree that we should limit this.  For example, I can 
see why it might be desirable to change ports, users, passwords, queues, 
drivers, etc... in a configuration without requiring the creation of a 
new image.  The problem is that there isn't necessarily a clear cut 
distinction between normal maintenance and what would require a new 

Perhaps you're correct that we should prevent any updates and always 
require a new image  but I'm not sure how that will be perceived by 
the user.  Replacing the image typically requires an interruption of 
service while an update such as installing a new service or application 
doesn't impact other applications on the server.   I guess I'm thinking 
that we might need to give the user the choice.  Basically let the 
resultant server image be no different than other images which can be 
incrementally enhanced if the user chooses to do so.  However, the 
creation of the complete runtime image gives them the choice to maintain 
the template or the individual instances.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Problems building on windows

2006-03-28 Thread Joe Bohn

I've been encountering a number of problems building on Windows which 
seem to be steadily getting worse and I was wondering if anybody else is 
experiencing this (and hopefully has some work-arounds).

- Out of Memory Errors.   These seem to be related to two different 
1)  Long file names.  If I remember correctly Windows has issues if the 
file names exceed 256 bytes.  I've been working with multiple levels of 
geronimo concurrently and so have had to name the root something other 
than simply geronimo.  It seems like if I start to get longer than 12 
characters or so I begin to hit these problems.  I think we may be 
getting into trouble here with the depth of our packages and embedded 
2)  Extra garbage hanging around in %temp% from previous builds.  The 
geronimo build leaves a lot of trash in %temp% and when that seems to 
cause problems with out of memory errors and subsequent builds.

- File IO errors when running the CRLF plugin. These may be related to 
the %temp% storage but I seem to get them at times even when I've just 
cleaned out my %temp%.  Running back to back I get different results.

Thanks for the help,

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Problems building on windows

2006-03-29 Thread Joe Bohn


First, thanks for the detailed response!  I'll have to try out some of 
the utilities that you mention, reproduce the problems, and get back 
with the details.  But I'd like to say how much I appreciate all of the 
advice you've provided.   More responses in-line.

John Sisson wrote:

Joe Bohn wrote:

I've been encountering a number of problems building on Windows which 
seem to be steadily getting worse and I was wondering if anybody else 
is experiencing this (and hopefully has some work-arounds).

- Out of Memory Errors.   These seem to be related to two different 
1)  Long file names.  If I remember correctly Windows has issues if 
the file names exceed 256 bytes.  I've been working with multiple 
levels of geronimo concurrently and so have had to name the root 
something other than simply geronimo.  It seems like if I start to get 
longer than 12 characters or so I begin to hit these problems.  I 
think we may be getting into trouble here with the depth of our 
packages and embedded classes.

Yes, it is concerning..[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I also have had to shorten my directory path I am building in.  The long 
file name issue should go way when we move to JDK 1.5_06 but a number of 
other programs on Windows that deal with files also have the issue (e.g. 
Windows File Explorer, WinZip, Visual SourceSafe) so this issue could 
bite us with users complaining that other tools they are using can't 
work with Geronimo's long directory paths.

Do we have a JIRA for this issue?

I'm not aware of a JIRA for this.  I'll search again and if I can't find 
 one I'll create one.  Another tool to add to the list is xcopy.

2)  Extra garbage hanging around in %temp% from previous builds.  The 
geronimo build leaves a lot of trash in %temp% and when that seems to 
cause problems with out of memory errors and subsequent builds.


Hmmm ... I had seen this JIRA and all the discussion but somehow I 
always only focused on the config-store part of it and I haven't noticed 
that problem recently.

Are you seeing these problems on trunk, 1.0 or 1.1 branches or all?  

I'm seeing them on 1.0 and trunk for sure.   I haven't been keeping 
careful tabs on 1.1 but I'd be surprised if it was any different there.

What JDK are you using?

Sun JDK 1.4.2_08 (build 1.4.2_08-b03)

For a long time I have been using the following (from memory I think 
there was something in maven or one of the libraries it uses that had a 
leak - not sure if this still exists)

SET MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

What command are you using to build?  (this could possibly affect what 
code gets invoked and how much memory is used).  Do you have MAVEN_OPTS 
environment variables set?

No, I don't have MAVEN_OPTS set but I'll certainly give that a try.  I 
build with many different commands and from many different location 
depending upon what I'm doing.  This problem seems more pronounced when 
I do a full clean build with itests  maven m:clean new from 
geronimo root.

I will try to reproduce with the same JDK level and commands once you 
provide the info.

- File IO errors when running the CRLF plugin. These may be related to 
the %temp% storage but I seem to get them at times even when I've just 
cleaned out my %temp%.  Running back to back I get different results.

One thing to try is disabling XP's file indexing (which I have done).  
It looks like this has caused problems for Java elsewhere (see the 
workaround in this bug)..

I also found that utility is 
good for tracking down processes that have file handles open.  Use the 
Find--Find Handle menu option and specify the file name.
I had some similar problems for a while and ended up tracking it down my 
incorrectly configured Diskeeper disk defragmenter that had paused 
defragmentation and held file handles open.
Have you tried with real-time virus checking disabled to check it isn't 
a virus checker causing issues?
What files are you getting the IO errors on?  Can you include the error 

Thanks for the pointers to utilities.  I'll give them a try (including 
disabling the real-time virus checker but it seems to happen with too 
great a frequency to be this).  The FileIO errors are always on files 
deep within the config-store when it fails during the CRLF plugin ... 
perhaps related to the long file names again.

It makes me wonder if we need to have some kind of retry logic for file 
operations if we are possibly competing with file indexers etc so we can 
run on a Windows box without problems.  I noticed some of the Ant tasks 
have retry logic for some file operations: 


Re: Problems building on windows

2006-03-29 Thread Joe Bohn
:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App] Finished at  : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 
9:59:36 AM EST

09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]
09:59:36,042 INFO  [App]

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Problems building on windows

2006-03-29 Thread Joe Bohn

Thanks for the information Kevan.

Kevan Miller wrote:

I'd concentrate on the Temp files to begin with... They're more  likely 
at the heart of the problem -- they give an explanation for  why this is 
only happening on Windoze...

Each open file descriptor is going to be consuming memory. As I  recall, 
the delete-on-exit function will also consume memory. How  many temp 
files are being created during the course of a build?

It appears that there are about 47 of the test* files, 35 of the 
geronimo-deploymentUtil* files, and 31 package*.tmpdir directories 
containing a varying number of files each.   All together, there are 249 
files and 469 directories created in temp as a result of this build attempt.

Around LDAP Demo for Jetty, my build on Mac OSX is only using ~  
60megs. By the end of the build, however, I'm using 90 out of 108  megs. 
So, we don't have a lot of headroom. Quite possible that  there's a 
memory leak floating around...

--kevan (who is happy to not have this problem, yet... ;-)


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Problems building on windows

2006-03-29 Thread Joe Bohn
I ran another clean build but this time with the MAVEN_OPTS settings 
John mentioned below.   I'm not sure yet if it's indicative of a general 
solution (since it didn't always fail) but it didn't fail with the out 
of memory error this time.

However, this time it did fail with the fileIO exception (actually, it's 

[echo] Preparing CRLF line endings in text based files for zip
[zip] Building zip: 
[echo] Preparing LF line endings in text based files for tar.gz 

File.. C:\geronimo\maven.xml
Element... maven:reactor
Line.. 227
Column -1
Unable to obtain goal [multiproject:install-callback] -- C:\Documents 
-1: ant:fixcrlf 
(Access is denied)

Total time   : 36 minutes 34 seconds
15:58:36,934 INFO  [App] Total time   : 36 minutes 34 seconds

The referenced file ( does not exist in this 
work location (just as the exception indicated).  It's the only jsp that 
doesn't have both the java and class files in that work location. 
However, it makes me wonder if we need to be processing these work files 
anyway in the plugin.  Do we really need to touch the line endings on 
these files (if in fact that is what we're doing at this point in time)?

As a side note:  After the build %temp% included about the same number 
of test* files as my earlier post (47), only 9 geronimo-deploymentUtil* 
files and 11 package*.tmpdir directories.

John Sisson wrote:

Joe Bohn wrote:

I've been encountering a number of problems building on Windows which 
seem to be steadily getting worse and I was wondering if anybody else 
is experiencing this (and hopefully has some work-arounds).

- Out of Memory Errors.   These seem to be related to two different 
1)  Long file names.  If I remember correctly Windows has issues if 
the file names exceed 256 bytes.  I've been working with multiple 
levels of geronimo concurrently and so have had to name the root 
something other than simply geronimo.  It seems like if I start to get 
longer than 12 characters or so I begin to hit these problems.  I 
think we may be getting into trouble here with the depth of our 
packages and embedded classes.

Yes, it is concerning..[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I also have had to shorten my directory path I am building in.  The long 
file name issue should go way when we move to JDK 1.5_06 but a number of 
other programs on Windows that deal with files also have the issue (e.g. 
Windows File Explorer, WinZip, Visual SourceSafe) so this issue could 
bite us with users complaining that other tools they are using can't 
work with Geronimo's long directory paths.

Do we have a JIRA for this issue?

2)  Extra garbage hanging around in %temp% from previous builds.  The 
geronimo build leaves a lot of trash in %temp% and when that seems to 
cause problems with out of memory errors and subsequent builds.


Are you seeing these problems on trunk, 1.0 or 1.1 branches or all?  
What JDK are you using?

For a long time I have been using the following (from memory I think 
there was something in maven or one of the libraries it uses that had a 
leak - not sure if this still exists)

SET MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

What command are you using to build?  (this could possibly affect what 
code gets invoked and how much memory is used).  Do you have MAVEN_OPTS 
environment variables set?

I will try to reproduce with the same JDK level and commands once you 
provide the info.

- File IO errors when running the CRLF plugin. These may be related to 
the %temp% storage but I seem to get them at times even when I've just 
cleaned out my %temp%.  Running back to back I get different results.

One thing to try is disabling XP's file indexing (which I have done).  
It looks like this has caused problems for Java elsewhere (see the 
workaround in this bug)..

I also found that utility is 
good for tracking down processes that have file handles open.  Use the 
Find--Find Handle menu option and specify the file name.
I had some similar problems for a while and ended up tracking it down my 
incorrectly configured Diskeeper disk defragmenter that had paused 
defragmentation and held file handles open.
Have you tried with real-time virus

Re: Restructuring the console src dirs

2006-04-03 Thread Joe Bohn



Prasad Kashyap wrote:

Last week Aaron, Joe, Paul and I discussed on IRC the intent to
restructure the src dirs of the console under the application
directory. (

Geronimo-1660 (
will seek to achieve this. Just wanted to send this out to the larger
community before we commit the patch.

Currently, the console is made up of 4 dirs under applications
- geronimo
  -  applications
 + console-core
 + console-ear
 + console-standard
 + console-framework

The new structure will be as follows
- geronimo
  -  applications
 - console   ---  new dir added here. existing console
sub-dirs moved under this.
+ console-core
+ console-ear
+ console-standard
+ console-framework

This will keep all the console dirs in one place. As the console grows
to add more components/directories, it won't clutter up the
applications dir.

Comments welcome.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Servlet GBeans for Tomcat

2006-04-04 Thread Joe Bohn


Can you provide some more details on this?  Is there a JIRA containing a 
patch with the changes?  Some more comments/questions in-line below:

anita kulshreshtha wrote:

Hi All,
An implementation of servlet GBeans for Tomcat is now available. I
have discussed this with Jeff and would like your comments about
including it in the upcoming release. To give some background, the
current Tomcat integration is at module level. This implementation will
provide finer grained integration, i.e. at the servlet level. This will
provide access to Tomcat servlets. This is a requirement as per
There is already a Servlet object extending J2EEManagedObject   Are you talking about a 
different interface or the Tomcat implementation of that interface?

 This implementation also provides access to tomcat performance
statistics via JSR77. Some of these statistics are needed for the admin
console. This is also required by JSR77.6.32  
 Another feature is a webapp which can be used to access tomcat

internals, i.e. all the Mbeans! It can be added to the applications
directory for now. We can consider merging it with either the debug or
admin console at a later time. 
How does webapp differ from the JMXExplorer that is still waiting to be 
integrated in GERONIMO-1163?

From a user's perspective it will make both web containers have a
similar look and feel.

But your change only includes the tomcat implementation for now ... correct?


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Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Cannot build 1.1 on Windows - long file paths

2006-04-04 Thread Joe Bohn
]  at 

   [java]  at 

   [java]  at 

   [java]  at 

   [java]  at 

   [java]  at 

   [java]  ... 3 more
   [java] (tip : use -? to get the commmand line parameters)
   [java] [ERROR] Java Result: 1

File.. C:\geronimo1.1\maven.xml
Element... maven:reactor
Line.. 63
Column -1
Unable to obtain goal [multiproject:install-callback] -- C:\Documents 
and Settings\sissonj\.geronimo-1.1.x-maven\cache\geronimo-izpa
ck-plugin-1.1-SNAPSHOT\plugin.jelly:78:-1: ant:copy Warning: Could not 
find file C:\geronimo1.1\assemblies\j2ee-installer\target\g

eronimo-installer-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to copy.
Total time   : 21 minutes 1 seconds
Finished at  : Tuesday, 4 April 2006 17:31:34

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Dependencies on jars in 1.1 and beyond

2006-04-04 Thread Joe Bohn

I have a situation where I need to make several web modules dependent 
upon a large number of jars.  I'd like to add the jars to the Geronimo 
repo and add the dependencies into the plans for the web modules. 
However, most of the jars don't follow the maven naming convention 
because the names don't include a version (and I'd rather not rename all 
the jars).

I know that there are changes being included in 1.1 to make the version 
in a reference optional.  However, I doubt that it is possible to 
reference a jar in the repo that doesn't contain any version.  Just 
thought I should ask in case it really is possible.  I could see where 
this might be something users would like when they have picked up jars 
from various places which may or may not contain a version in the jar 

If it *is* possible to have a non-versioned jar in the repo ... how do 
we differentiate in geronimo 1.1 between a dependency on a non-versioned 
jar versus a dependency on the latest version of a jar (in case both are 

Thanks for the help,

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Dependencies on jars in 1.1 and beyond

2006-04-05 Thread Joe Bohn
Yes, I agree that the assumption would be a non-versioned jar would be 
considered version 0.0.   But I haven't thought of a way yet to support 
both versioned and unversioned jars when calling out the dependency 
without a schema change.

For example, suppose the repo contains both mattsjar.jar and 
mattsjar-1.0.jar.  If I want the latest version of a jar in Geronimo 1.1 
I just omit the version number from the dependency.  No version number = 
the latest version number.  So, that means that we can't use the lack of 
a version number to mean we have a dependency on the unversioned jar. 
Short of a change in the schema, I'm not sure how to support both 
versioned and unversioned jars with an optional version element.

I hate to open this issue up again now  but I think we need to 
consider this if we want to support unversioned jars (which I think 
would make the life a bit easier for our users).


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
I think an implicit Version of 0.0 might be reasonable for jars that do 
not follow Maven conventions.  Personally I think forcing everyone to 
rename their jars is a bit intrusive as not everyone would want / need 
to do this.

How about this:

mattsjar.jar would be implicitly mattsjar-0.0.jar without the usewr 
having to change a thing.



Joe Bohn wrote:

I have a situation where I need to make several web modules dependent 
upon a large number of jars.  I'd like to add the jars to the Geronimo 
repo and add the dependencies into the plans for the web modules. 
However, most of the jars don't follow the maven naming convention 
because the names don't include a version (and I'd rather not rename 
all the jars).

I know that there are changes being included in 1.1 to make the 
version in a reference optional.  However, I doubt that it is possible 
to reference a jar in the repo that doesn't contain any version.  Just 
thought I should ask in case it really is possible.  I could see where 
this might be something users would like when they have picked up jars 
from various places which may or may not contain a version in the jar 

If it *is* possible to have a non-versioned jar in the repo ... how do 
we differentiate in geronimo 1.1 between a dependency on a 
non-versioned jar versus a dependency on the latest version of a jar 
(in case both are present).

Thanks for the help,

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Dependencies on jars in 1.1 and beyond

2006-04-05 Thread Joe Bohn
I can't claim that the scenario will be very common.  However, for 
completeness, it seems like we need to address the possibility if we 
support unversioned jars.  Actually, to be clear, I think we need to 
speak in terms of a maven version versus a non-maven version.  My 
real concern is that we shouldn't force users to conform to the maven 
version convention if they already have jars that they are using which 
either don't include a version at all or don't conform to the maven syntax.

In addition to the 2 issues you mentioned I was trying to get at a 3rd 

1) where do we put the jars physically?
- I'm not sure I follow the need to add the jars to the root of the 
repo.  My assumption was that we would continue to follow the 
groupID/jar organization.  Since the groupID doesn't actually get 
included in the physical file name, I don't think there is a problem 
from a user perspective if we stick to the group/jars structure (if 
maven can handle jars under a group that aren't versioned  not sure 
if this is case or not).  Since my main concern was to avoid the need to 
rename the jars I don't think the group is a big deal.

2) How do we treat these jars in the server?
- Within the server I think it's fair to treat these jars as if they 
were maven version 0.0.0-0.  In this case the non-maven version jar 
would be used in the case that the dependency omits the version and 
there is no maven version of the jar available.  In fact, I think this 
is good because it gives users a way to gradually move from the 
non-maven version jars to the maven convention gradually as they upgrade 
each jar.  Without changing any dependencies they will automatically 
pick up the newer version.   Of course, that assumes that the jar didn't 
already follow a non-maven version scheme (such as _1_1_0) in which case 
they may have to change the artifact portion of their dependencies as 
they convert to maven versions.

3) How do we specify dependencies on non-versioned jars?
- Even though I like the approach presented in the previous question is 
still makes it does take away some control from the user.  With maven 
versions a user a choose to either ignore the version or use a specific 
version.  However, with this approach there is no way to use a specific 
non-versioned jar if there is a newer versioned one available.  One way 
to solve this odd case would be to have a keyword value for the version 
field such as null which would mean that the dependency can only be 
fulfilled by a the non-maven versioned jar.  If no such jar exists we 
could then look use the latest maven version available.  However, if 
it's useful to use a lower maven versioned jar then I think it would 
also be useful to use a lower non-maven versioned jar.

I hope that last point is clear even if we decide that it isn't a 
scenario we choose to support.


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
Do we need to support this scenario?  It seems far fetched to have  both 
a mattsjar.jar and a mattsjar-1.0.jar available.

As for unversioned jars, I think we need to decide how we want to  
handle these in the repository.  I see two issues that we need to  
address: where do we put the jars physically in the server, and how  to 
we treat these jars in the server?

For the first, I was thinking we could just let users dump  unversioned 
jars in the root of the repository dir.  The the server  would treat 
them as belonging to the unspecified (default) group and  have a version 
of 0.0.0-0.  I don't think having extra jars in the  root of the repo 
will hurt the maven code, but we do have some weird  side effects of the 
making the jar version 0.0.0-0.  What if the user  puts the 
mattsjar-1.0.jar in the root directory?  It will have name  
mattsjar-1.0 and version 0.0.0-0.  We could decide to attempt to  
parse the version out of the jar, but that will not work reliably as  
people put jars in with poorly formed names like mattsjar1.0.jar or  

How do you think we should handle this?


On Apr 5, 2006, at 6:06 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

Yes, I agree that the assumption would be a non-versioned jar would  
be considered version 0.0.   But I haven't thought of a way yet to  
support both versioned and unversioned jars when calling out the  
dependency without a schema change.

For example, suppose the repo contains both mattsjar.jar and  
mattsjar-1.0.jar.  If I want the latest version of a jar in  Geronimo 
1.1 I just omit the version number from the dependency.   No version 
number = the latest version number.  So, that means that  we can't use 
the lack of a version number to mean we have a  dependency on the 
unversioned jar. Short of a change in the schema,  I'm not sure how to 
support both versioned and unversioned jars  with an optional version 

I hate to open this issue up again now  but I think we need to  
consider this if we want to support unversioned jars (which I think  
would make the life a bit easier

Re: Shared Libs

2006-04-05 Thread Joe Bohn

I think the shared libraries may solve this issue for a lot of people.

Do you have some more thoughts on how this capability may be made 
available to users?  Looking at what was checked in already it seems 
that the user would have to create an array of the libDirs in code via 
some home-grown mechanism and then invoke your class to update the 
classpath.   Do you already have plans for an easier way to expose this 
to the users (perhaps via some server configuration or some new elements 
on the deployment plans to add new shared libraries)?


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
One new feature I'm working on for 1.1 is support for tomcat style  
shared libs.  This creates a shared class loader visible to all j2ee  
applications which contains shared/lib/*.jar and shared/classes/ to  the 
class loader.

Will this address your issues?


On Apr 4, 2006, at 7:35 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I have a situation where I need to make several web modules  dependent 
upon a large number of jars.  I'd like to add the jars to  the 
Geronimo repo and add the dependencies into the plans for the  web 
modules. However, most of the jars don't follow the maven  naming 
convention because the names don't include a version (and  I'd rather 
not rename all the jars).

I know that there are changes being included in 1.1 to make the  
version in a reference optional.  However, I doubt that it is  
possible to reference a jar in the repo that doesn't contain any  
version.  Just thought I should ask in case it really is possible.   I 
could see where this might be something users would like when  they 
have picked up jars from various places which may or may not  contain 
a version in the jar name.

If it *is* possible to have a non-versioned jar in the repo ... how  
do we differentiate in geronimo 1.1 between a dependency on a non- 
versioned jar versus a dependency on the latest version of a jar  (in 
case both are present).

Thanks for the help,

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he  cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

ConfigurationInstaller - InvalidConfigurationException in Geronimo 1.1

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Bohn
I'm getting the following error attempting to start a server with the 
latest 1.1 image. Seems to be related to some changes introduced last 
night for a ConfigurationInstaller gbean.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_08)...
[  ]  0%   1s Startup failed
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unable to 
resolve reference named Repository in gbean 


at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.init(
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.GBeanNotFoundException: No matches 
for referencePatterns: 


... 6 more
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unable to 
resolve reference named Repository in gbean 


at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.init(
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.GBeanNotFoundException: No matches 
for referencePatterns: 


... 6 more
Server shutdown begun
Server shutdown completed

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: ConfigurationInstaller - InvalidConfigurationException in Geronimo 1.1

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Bohn

:-)  Hey ... for 2:30 in the morning I'm impressed that it compiles!

I think the problem is that the Maven2Repository class implements the 
WriteableListableRepository interface but not WriteableRepository 
interface the ConfigurationInstaller gbean needs.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

Well come on, man, it builds, what more do you want?


On 4/14/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm getting the following error attempting to start a server with the
latest 1.1 image. Seems to be related to some changes introduced last
night for a ConfigurationInstaller gbean.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_08)...
[  ]  0%   1s Startup failed
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unable to
resolve reference named Repository in gbean
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.init(
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.GBeanNotFoundException: No matches
for referencePatterns:
... 6 more
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unable to
resolve reference named Repository in gbean
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.init(
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.GBeanNotFoundException: No matches
for referencePatterns:
... 6 more
Server shutdown begun
Server shutdown completed

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: ConfigurationInstaller - InvalidConfigurationException in Geronimo 1.1

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Bohn
Scratch that suggestion ... I sent it too soon. 
WriteableListableRepository extends WriteableRepository so that isn't 
the problem.


Joe Bohn wrote:

:-)  Hey ... for 2:30 in the morning I'm impressed that it compiles!

I think the problem is that the Maven2Repository class implements the 
WriteableListableRepository interface but not WriteableRepository 
interface the ConfigurationInstaller gbean needs.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

Well come on, man, it builds, what more do you want?


On 4/14/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm getting the following error attempting to start a server with the
latest 1.1 image. Seems to be related to some changes introduced last
night for a ConfigurationInstaller gbean.

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_08)...
[  ]  0%   1s Startup failed
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unable to
resolve reference named Repository in gbean





at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.init(
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.GBeanNotFoundException: No matches
for referencePatterns:




... 6 more
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unable to
resolve reference named Repository in gbean





at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.init(
at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.GBeanNotFoundException: No matches
for referencePatterns:




... 6 more
Server shutdown begun
Server shutdown completed

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

support for shared libraries/classes in Geronimo 1.1

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Bohn

Dain added some initial support for shared libraries in 1.1 and (with 
the help of David Jencks) I have a configuration and gbean to make the 
feature available to applications to use.  I'll create a patch for this 
today for Geronimo 1.1.

However, I have a question about how public we want this function to 
be.  There has been some concern that we shouldn't encourage the use of 
shared libraries.  The thought is that it is better to use the 
repository and explicit dependencies.

If we include the gbean in the configuration for an assembly then the 
any specified shared library(ies) or class directory(ies) must exist or 
an exception is thrown.  At the moment I'm using var/shared/lib and 
var/shared/classes as the defaults.

If we just add the gbean to the assemblies without the default libraries 
then the user will have to update the configuration to use the feature 
and specify the attributes for the libs or classes.  That isn't very 
user friendly and doesn't provide a default location.  On the other 
hand, adding in defaults requires that we also add in the empty 
directories which is a bit of an advertisement to use them.

At the moment, I'm leaning toward adding the default directories.  Any 
recommendations before I create the patch?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: support for shared libraries/classes in Geronimo 1.1

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Bohn

Sorry, I should have described the function a little better.

There is one shared library gbean that will enhance the classpath with 
the jars from any number of shared libraries or shared class 
directories.   The gbean is a child of rmi-naming.  An application that 
wants to use the shared library would call out a dependency on the 
sharedlib config.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

I'm not really following your description of how this will work, but
this is my thought:

 - We pick a shared library directory (var/shared/lib is fine with me)
and make that the standard.  I don't think shared classes are even
necessary, though I don't object to having a directory for that too.

 - If the directory is not present during startup, we create it

 - By default, application deployments do not see shared libraries

 - If you put an enable-shared-libs / in the environment in your
plan, then the shared libraries are added to the application class

I'm imaging there's one shared library GBean in the whole server and
you set the directory on that in the j2ee-server plan and we don't
encourage people to change it (though they could in config.xml I
suppose).  Is that what you have or are you thinking of one GBean per
application deployment?


On 4/14/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dain added some initial support for shared libraries in 1.1 and (with
the help of David Jencks) I have a configuration and gbean to make the
feature available to applications to use.  I'll create a patch for this
today for Geronimo 1.1.

However, I have a question about how public we want this function to
be.  There has been some concern that we shouldn't encourage the use of
shared libraries.  The thought is that it is better to use the
repository and explicit dependencies.

If we include the gbean in the configuration for an assembly then the
any specified shared library(ies) or class directory(ies) must exist or
an exception is thrown.  At the moment I'm using var/shared/lib and
var/shared/classes as the defaults.

If we just add the gbean to the assemblies without the default libraries
then the user will have to update the configuration to use the feature
and specify the attributes for the libs or classes.  That isn't very
user friendly and doesn't provide a default location.  On the other
hand, adding in defaults requires that we also add in the empty
directories which is a bit of an advertisement to use them.

At the moment, I'm leaning toward adding the default directories.  Any
recommendations before I create the patch?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: support for shared libraries/classes in Geronimo 1.1

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Bohn

Some additional information in the description below

Joe Bohn wrote:

Sorry, I should have described the function a little better.

There is one shared library gbean that will enhance the classpath with 
the jars from any number of shared libraries or shared class 

It updates the classloader by appending the sharedlibs to the 
multiparentclassloader (the new sharedlib class and the interaction with 
the multiparentclassloader is what Dain had already created).

The gbean is a child of rmi-naming.  An application that 
wants to use the shared library would call out a dependency on the 
sharedlib config.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

I'm not really following your description of how this will work, but
this is my thought:

 - We pick a shared library directory (var/shared/lib is fine with me)
and make that the standard.  I don't think shared classes are even
necessary, though I don't object to having a directory for that too.

 - If the directory is not present during startup, we create it

 - By default, application deployments do not see shared libraries

 - If you put an enable-shared-libs / in the environment in your
plan, then the shared libraries are added to the application class

I'm imaging there's one shared library GBean in the whole server and
you set the directory on that in the j2ee-server plan and we don't
encourage people to change it (though they could in config.xml I
suppose).  Is that what you have or are you thinking of one GBean per
application deployment?


On 4/14/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dain added some initial support for shared libraries in 1.1 and (with
the help of David Jencks) I have a configuration and gbean to make the
feature available to applications to use.  I'll create a patch for this
today for Geronimo 1.1.

However, I have a question about how public we want this function to
be.  There has been some concern that we shouldn't encourage the use of
shared libraries.  The thought is that it is better to use the
repository and explicit dependencies.

If we include the gbean in the configuration for an assembly then the
any specified shared library(ies) or class directory(ies) must exist or
an exception is thrown.  At the moment I'm using var/shared/lib and
var/shared/classes as the defaults.

If we just add the gbean to the assemblies without the default libraries
then the user will have to update the configuration to use the feature
and specify the attributes for the libs or classes.  That isn't very
user friendly and doesn't provide a default location.  On the other
hand, adding in defaults requires that we also add in the empty
directories which is a bit of an advertisement to use them.

At the moment, I'm leaning toward adding the default directories.  Any
recommendations before I create the patch?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Error trying to build 1.1 from scratch.

2006-04-18 Thread Joe Bohn
I was assuming that this error was because we were still waiting on 
fixes for the long path issue (particularly one from David Jencks). 
However, it looks like that was integrated on Sunday.

Looking more closely at this error the path length of the jar we're 
trying to remove is 275 characters.   The removal of the SHAPSHOT 
suffixes should help ... but daytrader also has some long names that 
contribute to the problem (daytrader-derby-jetty-streamer-client).  I 
know it's just a band-aid .. but there any chance we could shorten this 
(and similar) names?

I think we've got to get building working completely on 1.1 before we 


Joe Bohn wrote:


You must be building on windows :-)  .The failure looks like the 
same error that I get on windows because of the long path name problem. 
 If you don't need to run the installer you can choose to skip that and 
build the other assemblies manually (they appear to work fine.   NOTE: 
for the j2ee-tomcat-server you need to remove any previous target or the 
build will fail attempting to remove it ... long path name problem again).

As to the long time-outs when you try to build online ... I'm not sure. 
 It always takes longer and attempts to download and fail many items ... 
but it never take me 4 hours.


Rick McGuire wrote:

I'm trying to create a fresh build of 1.1, and I'm having some 
problems getting everything to build cleanly.  If I build without the 
-o option, it's taking 4-5 hours to build, most of that time spent 
attempting to download jars from the maven repositories (and it 
appears, with lots of timeouts).  Is there any way to speed this up?

If I build with -o, then the build fails with the error below.  I 
don't know if this is because -o disabled the repository download or 
some other problem.  At 4-5 hours per build attempt, it will take me a 
long time to figure this out :-(  Is anybody else seeing this error, 
or is it just an artifact of using the -o option?  Any suggestions 
on how to speed these builds up so they complete in less than geologic 


   [java] - Fatal error :


   [java] com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerException: 



   [java]  at 
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   [java]  at 

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Re: Update on Long Paths

2006-04-20 Thread Joe Bohn
We own John Sisson thanks for the patch ... not me.   I tested the patch 
prior to the commit but it was John that created the patch just before 
leaving on vacation.   So, thank you John!   I for one, am very grateful 
to be able to build on windows ago!


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
Ever since I applied Prasad's patch for jaring the WEB-INF/classes of  
our wars the server has been well under the windows path length  limit.  
Unfortunately, you couldn't build the server on windows since  we 
actually assemble the server in a deeply nested path.

I just applied a patch from Joe Bohn that shortened the names of  nested 
modules in ears.  This has brought the longest path in our  build to:

229 assemblies/j2ee-installer/target/geronimo-1.1-SNAPSHOT/repository/ 

So as long as you checkout path is less then 27 characters you should  
be able to build on windows.


On Apr 14, 2006, at 6:03 PM, John Sisson wrote:

It would be good if we could use precompiled jsps so the server is  
always responsive - that first time hit often happens when you are  
running a demo :-)


Prasad Kashyap wrote:

I could not use the ant task to precompile jsps. Using the following,
simply  nothing happens.

ant:taskdef classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC name=ant:jasper2
ant:jasper2 validateXml=false uriroot=${webroot}
webXmlFragment=${webroot}/generated_web.xml  addWebXmlMappings=true
outputDir=${outDir} /

So by passing a few more args to our existing ant:java   execution, I
was able to generate the xml file too. Using the option
addWebXmlMappings, I tried to merge the web.xmls but JspC cried that
it was a unrecognized option.

 !-- arg value=-addWebXmlMappings/
 arg value=true/  --

Looking at the JspC code, 

it seems like you can't pass addWebXmlMappings in a java command line
argument. It is not recognized or set by the setArgs(). Seems like a
jasper bug ?

So I added another goal to our deployment plugin called  mergeWebXML.
This goal merges the generated web.xml fragment with the existing one
from source.

When I spoke to the Tomcat guys, they feel that precompiling JSPs
doesn't buy us anything anymore, except for that first time hit. The
request mapper is supposedly fixed in 5.5.x versions and thus we
shouldn't see any other performance hit.

Anyways, I have uploaded the patch to


On 4/14/06, Prasad Kashyap [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK. I'll take care of the JSP pages. I am done with jar'ing the
generated class files. I shall look into generating a web.xml and
merging it.


On 4/13/06, Dain Sundstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Prasad got the patch working on all web applications.  The next big
offenders left are the auto generated WebServices wrapper class and
the precompiled JSP pages.  David Jencks has a patch for the
WebServices class, but we are waiting to get the TCK running so we
can judge the impact.  I disabled precompiled JSP pages, as they
didn't work anyway.  We generate the classes and compile them,  but we
never added them to the class path and we are not merging  generated-
web.xml into our web.xml.  I'm hoping Prasad has time to tackle  this

With these patches in, except for the WS class, the longest paths
including server name is 224 and 217 characters:


These will become 179 and 189 characters when we drop -SNAPSHOT  from
all of the version numbers.  I'm also hoping we can change the name
daytrader-derby-jetty-streamer-client to something shorter.

This is a lot better and will allow for at least 50 characters of
head room, which I hope is plenty for windows users.

As for next steps, I'd like to get the hot deploy service working
better.  With the addition of the in-place deployment feature from
Gianny and the timestamp I added to the configuration, we should be
able to write a much better service.  Once we have the better hot
deploy service, we will be able to implement the flat deployment
model that Hernan and others have suggested.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: [announce] Welcome Apache Geronimo's newest committer - Rick McGuire

2006-04-21 Thread Joe Bohn

Congratulations Rick!!!  Great work and certainly well deserved.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
In recognition of his contributions and participation in the Apache 
Geronimo community,  the Geronimo PMC is proud to announce the 
committership of Rick McGuire.

Rick has contributed in many places, and is a pleasure to work with, and 
we look forward to his continued involvement as a committer.

Please join us in congratulating Rick.

The Apache Geronimo PMC

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Release 1.1 - Question about Java 1.5 Warning message

2006-04-27 Thread Joe Bohn

+1 on #3.  We should not the JDK 1.5 concerns in the readme.

I also like Dave Colasurdo's suggestion that we issue a warning message 
if we can detect that we are running on JDK 1.5 and CORBA EJBs are being 
used.  Not sure how feasible (or visible) it will be to add those 
warnings but it would be nice to have.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:


I wanted to clarify what our plan is for the JVM Check that is done to 
verify that a user is running on Java 1.4.  If someone chooses to accept 
the responsibility and use Java 1.5 it would be rather annoying to have 
this message come out every time.

I think we have three options:

1. Leave it as is (warning comes out all the time)
2. Allow someone to set a property or other mechanism to tell the server 
to not to issue the warning message.
3. Take the message out because 1.1 will tolerate 1.5 and we're not 
shipping DayTrader installed so the javax.xml.namespace.QName problem 
won't be visible.

Personally I prefer 3 if there are no other issues.



Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: hot deployment directory

2006-05-04 Thread Joe Bohn

SFHD is similar to hot deployer but has these differences:

- It is not an integrated part of the server itself.   It is a gbean 
itself that must be deployed into the server to use it.
- It only takes action when the SFHD gbean is started (which is 
typically during server startup).   Hot Deploy monitors files for 
changes at any time.

- It monitors just one directory for one deployable element
- It controls the life-cycle of the element it deploys.   I'm not sure 
if hot deploy does this as well.  For example, a war deployed via this 
mechanism is not added to the server config.xml for auto-start.

You might want to consider my patches to SFHD as well included in 
geronmio-1946 . 
These haven't been blessed by Dain yet so they may change some.


Rakesh Ranjan wrote:
Can anybody please tell me the purpose of SingleFileHotDeploy service. 
Is it same as the purpose of hot deployment directory?

Rakesh Ranjan

On 5/4/06, *Dain Sundstrom* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I suggest you start by reading the SingleFileHotDeploy service I
wrote last week.  It uses the most recent apis.


On May 3, 2006, at 10:30 PM, Rakesh Ranjan wrote:

  I have seen the same problems with Geronimo-1.1-SNAPSHOT also. So i
  will create JIRA ID for these two issues and start working.
  Rakesh Ranjan
  On 5/4/06, Aaron Mulder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please do any work in the 1.1 branch.  Right now 1.2 is in a very
  uncertain state.  Though, I suspect the issues will be different in
  1.1, so you may want to start by testing the same things there.
  IIRC, the hot deployer does not yet check the timestamp of the
  deployments in it its directory during startup and compare those to
  the timestamps of the current modules to determine whether an
  file there is the same as ever or a new version was copied in while
  the server was down.  That should be doable in 1.1.
  On 5/4/06, Rakesh Ranjan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks Aaron for the quick response.
Here are two issues with Geronimo-1.2-SNAPSHOT which need to be
  fixed :
1. When Geronimo starts, it try to deploy the modules in the hot
   directory even if that module is already deployed. Since the
  application is
   already deployed, it throws an error : the application already
  exists in the
2. Geronimo is not able to deploy the database plans kept in the
   deployment directory.
Rakesh Ranjan
   On 5/4/06, Aaron Mulder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You're welcome to look at that.  Can you list the issues you're
to attempt to fix?  There seems to be a lot of variation in what
people think the problems actually are.
On 5/4/06, Rakesh Ranjan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

  I have not seen much activity in hot deployment directory
 have seen there are some bugs in the current implementation
  of hot
 deployment directory. I am interested to work on this
  enhancement. So i
 to know the current status of this enhancement? Is some other
 on this issue?



Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Startup messages with URLs

2006-05-09 Thread Joe Bohn

During Geronimo startup we print out all of the URLs for the web 
applications that are started.   For example:

  Web Applications:

I'm working with the customer that is creating multiple connectors. 
They are questioning why the URLs only display for one of the connectors 
(and it appears to be random which connector is used).

Is there a reason that we don't show the context path listed under each 
possible connector?

StartupMonitorUtil currently queries each web module GBean for a 
URLFor attribute which is implemented in either TomcatWebAppContext or 
 JettyWebAppContext depending upon the container.  In that code we 
currently prefer to return the first connector that supports the HTTP 
protocol.  If none are present we then prefer the HTTPS and finally AJP. 
 However, we only return one URL for this query.

Would it be helpful if I add a new collection attribute (URLsFor?) and 
query this attribute during startup so that we can print all possible 
URLs for the application or do you think this would be confusing?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: Startup messages with URLs

2006-05-09 Thread Joe Bohn

Yes, the customer has multiple HTTP connectors.

By random I mean that the customers gets different results than I get. 
 When I run the scenario I always see the first connector that was 
deployed listed for the applications.   When the customer runs the 
scenario they see the port for the last connector that was deployed in 
the URL.   However, I believe that once a connector for a particular 
protocol is selected it is consistent for all applications listed at 
startup.  In other words, if there are two HTTP connectors defined (say 
8080 and 8090) then all applications are listed under just one of the 
connectors and not a mixture between the two (or at least that has been 
my experience and the code seems to back this up).

I think it would be good if we could make this predictable in some way. 
  Using the numeric value is certainly one.  Using the deployment order 
of the connectors is another that I think is just as valid.


Aaron Mulder wrote:
I don't think it's all that useful to print 3+ URLs for each web app. 
Plus, we don't have the space in the startup output.

Are you saying the customer has multiple HTTP connectors and it's
random which one of those is selected?

Is there any suggested logic for picking one?  We could, for example,
always pick the lowest port -- it would beat random if only by a


On 5/9/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

During Geronimo startup we print out all of the URLs for the web
applications that are started.   For example:

   Web Applications:

I'm working with the customer that is creating multiple connectors.
They are questioning why the URLs only display for one of the connectors
(and it appears to be random which connector is used).

Is there a reason that we don't show the context path listed under each
possible connector?

StartupMonitorUtil currently queries each web module GBean for a
URLFor attribute which is implemented in either TomcatWebAppContext or
  JettyWebAppContext depending upon the container.  In that code we
currently prefer to return the first connector that supports the HTTP
protocol.  If none are present we then prefer the HTTPS and finally AJP.
  However, we only return one URL for this query.

Would it be helpful if I add a new collection attribute (URLsFor?) and
query this attribute during startup so that we can print all possible
URLs for the application or do you think this would be confusing?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: configuration dependencies

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Bohn


Sorry for the long delay ... had queued this up to look at later and 
later finally arrived.  :-)

On the first change we should probably remove unnecessary dependencies 
such as jetty in rmi-naming and system-database.  I'm sure there are 
plenty more.

I'll defer to Aaron on the way versions for dependencies are specified 
in the console geronimo-plugin.xml.  It seems like the best approach is 
to omit the version if possible as with many of the  other dependencies 
listed.   My guess is that there must have been multiple versions 
available in the system for activemq and some other modules where they 
are hard coded.  This may be resolved by now and we might be able to 
omit the activemq version entirely.

Can you describe the second patch some more?  What is the goal?  I 
recall that you were trying to build the assemblies without building the 
configurations (by just downloading the plugins).  This would provide a 
faster build (really assembly creation) if you had no need to build 
any of the contents of any of the configurations.  However, I'm not 
certain that is a common case.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

David J and Joe,
   I am attaching two patches: 
The first one configs.patch removes jetty from rmi-naming and

system-database configurations. The
console-tomcat/..geronimo-plugin.xml is using 

   and the versions are hardcoded instead of using ${...}. Is this
desired? If not there is a patch to fix this. This file does not have
its eol style set, hence there are so many lines in the patch.
The second patch shortens the build time and makes the server
assembly independent of the earlier build stages. Is this useful?
How is geronimo-console...ear being generated? 

--- anita kulshreshtha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks! Sending it to the list.. 

--- Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Ahh ... now I see what you were trying to accomplish.  I think this
is a 
good question for the dev list.

I personally don't think that it is important to ensure that your
includes/excludes match what is in geronimo with M1 exactly.  In
fact, I 
think what we have in M1 is really just a jumble of things that
at one time thought were needed, copied from other configurations,


whatever to get things to build.  Sure, there are very specific,


placed dependencies that were added as well.  But I don't think


omissions were necessarily deliberate just as not all of the
were deliberate (such as is likely the case with the jetty deployer

Also, based upon my recent experience with the


even those are often the result of copied code.   I didn't resolve
of these geronimo.dependencies by a long shot.  I was specifically 
focused on making changes and validating dependencies to remove 
unnecessary items from inclusion in the little-G assembly.   So I'm

fairly sure there are still plenty of bogus geronimo.dependencies
there too.

Yes, with the M2 transitive dependencies we may very well be able


build and bad things could happen because of a missing 
geronimo.dependency when you attempt to run the server.  However, I

consider this no different than today where you must manually add
 It's still very possible to add one and not the other with the
being a server that cannot start (in fact I just did it this


my test machine).   However, I think this typically speaks more to


problem in the building of the configuration rather than the


the assembly.  External dependencies by configuration must be added
the verified/added to the assemblies when the configurations are
to the assemblies.


anita kulshreshtha wrote:

  Thanks. I was trying to understand the process of assembly. so



the following :
1. checkout ONLY top level dir, /etc and /assemblies.
2. cd j2ee-tomcat-server
3. maven
   I think I should be able to do this without building


configs, apps) anything else. It worked fine until I got to
g/javamail/../car. A jar was missing. 
   Now why would someone in the right mind do that... It is for

M2. As

you said downloading everything is automatic in m2, Trying to


one dependency is a nightmare. It will be quite a challenge to


equivalent of g.reference, g.import and g.dependency using only
'provided' and 'exclude' and arrive at the same list as m1.
   You have answered my question that the



needed for j2ee-tomcat-server. So if it gets added by M2 it will

not be

a bad thing!
   I built the server using above 3 step today, the error


is gone. But this jar is not in GERONIMO_HOME/repository/.. When


start this server bad things

Re: New Feature Wednesday

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Bohn
I agree with everyone else that it is really great to have these 
unstable builds being produced and posted on a regular basis!  It will 
help encourage users to pick up the latest more quickly and provide us 
with quicker feedback.

How is it expected that users will find these unstable builds?  Is there 
some way to get to the unstable builds from the geronimo web site?  I 
think more people would find it and use it if there was a link from the 
downloads page to .

One more question:  How long will these builds hang around?  I see 
that there are still builds from 1.0 out there.  Just a nit - but it 
would be nice if we could put the most recent build at the top of the list.


David Blevins wrote:


I've revived our script that creates unstable builds.  Further, I've  
hooked it up to run every Wednesday at 6am PST.  I chose Wednesday as  
it gives developers a couple days into the week to try and get  features 
in that they'd like people to try out.  It also gives a  couple days in 
the week for users to give feedback.

The goal is to have a nice steady drum beat of content reaching the  
community to add more iterations to what is inherently an iterative  
process.  More iterations means more interactions which means a  
healthier community economy.  I could spend forever counting out the  
benefits to the community and overall quality of the software  

Here is the info for the very latest build:

Geronimo 1.1-405734 - May 10, 2006



The changelog is automatically generated along with the unstable  build, 
so keep an eye on that page for future updates!

All the best,

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

replacing tomcat classes

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Bohn


I am working with a user that is moving some applications from tomcat to 
geronimo.   Due to some problems they have had to modify tomcat source. 
 I was chatting with jasonb on the tomcat irc channel and he 
recommended that we only build the classes rather than rebuilding all of 
tomcat.  He discouraged rebuilding all of tomcat because there are many 
permutations that can result in different build images and we should run 
with as much of the official tomcat build as possible to avoid problems. 
 He also indicated that Tomcat's directory structure provides a place 
to put these patch classes in CATALINA_HOME/server/classes .

Is there a similar place that we can put classes when tomcat is running 
under geronimo to have them picked up?  Adding the tomcat classes to our 
new sharedlib doesn't seem to be the right place because it would 
require a dependency from the tomcat config on sharelib.  The net result 
would be that all tomcat apps would potentially pick up user classes 
added in sharedlib even if the user only intended these classes for some 
subset of the apps.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: replacing tomcat classes

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Bohn

Thanks for the quick response Jeff.

I like the idea of a system patch location in the classpath where we 
can pick up patches for anything we might include in a geronimo  assembly.

I too was confused by the tomcat recommendation but it does seem that 
they have a strategy for addressing necessary changes with minimal 
interference in tomcat.  I have also noticed some things that make me 
wonder if my local tomcat build of 5.5.15 really does match the official 
5.5.15 build.  For example, the only source for 5.5.15 that I could find 
was a zip file rather than a svn branch or tag.  I am not able to build 
from the unpacked zip without making a change to move the contents of 
jasper/jasper2 into the jasper directory itself.  And the version that 
is displayed when I hit tomcat with my rebuilt image is 5.5 rather than 
5.5.15 as with the official image.

Until we figure out the correct approach for Geronimo I'm thinking of 
using a compromise solution.   The changes I need in tomcat result in 4 
of the 13 tomcat jars getting rebuilt.   Rather than replacing all of 
the tomcat jars with my local build I have verified that replacing just 
the 4 changed jars appears to work fine.  I'm hoping this hybrid 
solution keeps most of the official tomcat image and our local changes. 
  I haven't noticed any problems.   Assuming the source is mostly 
identical (apart from our changes) does anybody know of a reason that I 
should definitely not take this approach?


Jeff Genender wrote:

Ultimately, we probably would need to somehow build a patch directory
or lib directory where we can ensure the URLClassLoader picks that up
before all other classes.  I think this is probably a good idea to have
as well, so that we could release service paks or patches.  I would be
interested in others' thoughts on this, but I think this would be a nice
feature to have.

Right now I think your only choices are to either hard set a classpath
to be sure the patches get picked up first or build a hacked Tomcat
version, or rebuild Tomcat.  Dain or David Jencks may be able to verify
if the classpath solution would work or not as I have not dug into the
new G classloaders to know if this would even be possible.

The best solution right now may be to just build TC. I am a little
confused as to why the TC guys say not to build the Tomcat from source
(after its hacked).  It seems like just an ant build script, so I don't
understand why this is being discouraged.  This way you can replace the
Tomcat jars in the repo and you are good to go.


Joe Bohn wrote:


I am working with a user that is moving some applications from tomcat to
geronimo.   Due to some problems they have had to modify tomcat source.
I was chatting with jasonb on the tomcat irc channel and he recommended
that we only build the classes rather than rebuilding all of tomcat.  He
discouraged rebuilding all of tomcat because there are many permutations
that can result in different build images and we should run with as much
of the official tomcat build as possible to avoid problems.  He also
indicated that Tomcat's directory structure provides a place to put
these patch classes in CATALINA_HOME/server/classes .

Is there a similar place that we can put classes when tomcat is running
under geronimo to have them picked up?  Adding the tomcat classes to our
new sharedlib doesn't seem to be the right place because it would
require a dependency from the tomcat config on sharelib.  The net result
would be that all tomcat apps would potentially pick up user classes
added in sharedlib even if the user only intended these classes for some
subset of the apps.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

Re: replacing tomcat classes

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Bohn

Bumping up the version should work for the jar approach.  However, I was 
still trying to figure out a way to honor the tomcat recommendation of 
replacing just the modified classes.  Is there some way to make the 
version independent classloaders pick up individual classes rather than 
entire jars?


David Jencks wrote:

On May 11, 2006, at 8:29 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

Thanks for the quick response Jeff.

I like the idea of a system patch location in the classpath where  
we can pick up patches for anything we might include in a geronimo   

I think this system patch idea will only work in environments with  
only one classloader, i.e. not geronimo.  The problem is that the  
patched classes need to get into the correct classloader, before  the 
normal versions.   We'd need a patch directory for each module.   I also 
think any solution that relies on the order of stuff in a  classpath is 
inherently unstable and unreliable.

Basically I think this is a terrible idea and we should avoid it at  all 
costs.  I think instead we should use our new version  independence and 
replace jars with patched jars with slightly higher  version numbers.  
IIUC this is what you propose doing below.  This  should not require 
removing the standard tomcat jars: the hight  version number should be 
enough to get the correct version picked up.

david jencks

I too was confused by the tomcat recommendation but it does seem  that 
they have a strategy for addressing necessary changes with  minimal 
interference in tomcat.  I have also noticed some things  that make me 
wonder if my local tomcat build of 5.5.15 really does  match the 
official 5.5.15 build.  For example, the only source for  5.5.15 that 
I could find was a zip file rather than a svn branch or  tag.  I am 
not able to build from the unpacked zip without making a  change to 
move the contents of jasper/jasper2 into the jasper  directory 
itself.  And the version that is displayed when I hit  tomcat with my 
rebuilt image is 5.5 rather than 5.5.15 as with the  official image.

Until we figure out the correct approach for Geronimo I'm thinking  of 
using a compromise solution.   The changes I need in tomcat  result in 
4 of the 13 tomcat jars getting rebuilt.   Rather than  replacing all 
of the tomcat jars with my local build I have  verified that replacing 
just the 4 changed jars appears to work  fine.  I'm hoping this hybrid 
solution keeps most of the official  tomcat image and our local 
changes.   I haven't noticed any  problems.   Assuming the source is 
mostly identical (apart from our  changes) does anybody know of a 
reason that I should definitely not  take this approach?


Jeff Genender wrote:

Ultimately, we probably would need to somehow build a patch  directory
or lib directory where we can ensure the URLClassLoader picks that up
before all other classes.  I think this is probably a good idea to  have
as well, so that we could release service paks or patches.  I  
would be
interested in others' thoughts on this, but I think this would be  a 

feature to have.
Right now I think your only choices are to either hard set a  classpath
to be sure the patches get picked up first or build a hacked Tomcat
version, or rebuild Tomcat.  Dain or David Jencks may be able to  verify
if the classpath solution would work or not as I have not dug into  the
new G classloaders to know if this would even be possible.
The best solution right now may be to just build TC. I am a little
confused as to why the TC guys say not to build the Tomcat from  source
(after its hacked).  It seems like just an ant build script, so I  don't
understand why this is being discouraged.  This way you can  replace the
Tomcat jars in the repo and you are good to go.
Joe Bohn wrote:


I am working with a user that is moving some applications from  
tomcat to
geronimo.   Due to some problems they have had to modify tomcat  
I was chatting with jasonb on the tomcat irc channel and he  
that we only build the classes rather than rebuilding all of  
tomcat.  He
discouraged rebuilding all of tomcat because there are many  
that can result in different build images and we should run with  as 

of the official tomcat build as possible to avoid problems.  He also
indicated that Tomcat's directory structure provides a place to put
these patch classes in CATALINA_HOME/server/classes .

Is there a similar place that we can put classes when tomcat is  
under geronimo to have them picked up?  Adding the tomcat classes  
to our

new sharedlib doesn't seem to be the right place because it would
require a dependency from the tomcat config on sharelib.  The net  

would be that all tomcat apps would potentially pick up user classes
added in sharedlib even if the user only intended these classes  for 

subset of the apps.


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what

Re: rename the configuration element in config.xml file ?

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Bohn
I created a JIRA for this issue so that we had a place to put Dain's 
patch until SVN is back up.


Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On May 10, 2006, at 11:25 PM, John Sisson wrote:

I noticed we still have a configuration element in the config.xml  

I am thinking of doing the following for 1.1:

* most importantly, change the configuration element name to  
module to have consistent terminology considering the recent  
configId changes.

I have a commit (since svn went down) for this one.  My code supports  
the both 1.0 (configuration) and 1.1 (module) formats.

* update cmd line help for --override option in Daemon to use  
module terminology.
* update the wording in the var\config\README.txt to use the  module 
* change the --long startup output to use the word Module instead  
of Configuration - also give us a bit more room on each line.



Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
lose.   -- Jim Elliot

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