evil trickery and conspiracies

2019-12-09 Thread ahilter
For quite a while, Maffia's evil game confused me. First he writes here again 
and makes confusing allegations and then Daniel apparently agrees with him in 
polls and mails to the list. I've long thought about how it could be that 
Maffias and Daniel, who are evil enemies, can share the same opinion. But now I 
know what's going on here. Maffias forges e-mails and writes surveys as Daniel. 
It's really distgusting you can't even rely on real names anymore, but I 
understand what he's up to. I'm Daniel's strongest defender and that's why he 
has to attack me. Because nobody can get past me who wants to target Daniel 
with his Mercedes star and then run him over. I am stronger and together we 
manage to defeat Maffias. Daniel and I have become good friends, because common 
problems often bring you together. Well, maybe it doesn't always work out so 
well in a marriage, because people often have common problems and then they 
often quarrel even more, but I don't want to marry Daniel either, becaus
 e I'm not a fag. Anyway, everyone should have noticed that there is still a 
fake Daniel here and that Maffias is behind it. But I haven't quite understood 
yet what the connection to Florian Sow could be. Maffias writes about it, but 
Florian Sow is clearly also an opponent of us, because he has already assaulted 
Daniel. Maybe he was too sure of himself and attacked Maffias and now they 
don't talk to each other anymore. Yes, that must be it. Maffias is pursuing a 
revenge campaign against all those who don't absolutely agree with him. But 
even if Florian Sow is now a new victim, it doesn't matter to us. Because for 
us he is still an opponent whom we have to defeat. Daniel, I stand behind you 
and am ready for anything! Who stands with us? We are the future of free 
Discussion mailing list

Re: why is this lists messages marked as bad email?

2019-12-09 Thread ahilter
Nov 24, 2019, 13:10 by rol...@mxchange.org:

> @DanielPocock: Idiot.

You miserable son of a bitch! They probably shat in your mother's pussy when 
you were conceived! Why else do you attack our leader? I already have an idea 
what to do with people like you.
Discussion mailing list

Re: why is this lists messages marked as bad email?

2019-12-09 Thread ahilter
Nov 24, 2019, 08:08 by dan...@pocock.pro:

> On 23/11/2019 15:59, Quiliro Ordóñez wrote:
>> Why are emails from this lists marked as bad (sp*am) by riseup dot net
>> mailserver?
> Could somebody in their mail admin team have vested interests?
> ___

Yeah, you recognized it once again. Please don't let go and also take action 
against these supporters! We must always be vigilant, otherwise they will take 
away all communication channels!
Discussion mailing list

Re: Leaving this list

2019-12-09 Thread ahilter
Nov 22, 2019, 22:16 by bus...@fsfe.org:

> Dear Daniel

You're a miserable disciple! Dear Daniel is completely inappropriate with a 
traitor like you!

> I wanted to let you know that I am leaving this list.

Finally! Another one of Maffia's henchmen who leaves voluntarily. Then we have 
even more chances to build our good future. Thank you for your insight that we 
don't need dirty pigs like you here!
Discussion mailing list

Re: why is this lists messages marked as bad email?

2019-12-09 Thread ahilter
Nov 27, 2019, 00:14 by quil...@riseup.net:

> El 2019-11-26 17:26, Roland Häder escribió:
>> X-Spam-Report:   *  4.5 PDS_SPF_ALL ASKDNS: SPF set to +all!
>> *  [lists.fsfellowship.eu TXT:v=spf1 mx]
>> [+all]
>> *  0.5 JMQ_SPF_ALL ASKDNS: SPF set to +all!
>> *  [lists.fsfellowship.eu TXT:v=spf1 mx]
>> [+all]
>> * -0.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE RBL: Sender listed at
>> *  https://www.dnswl.org/, no trust
>> *  [ listed in list.dnswl.org]
> So the problem is list.dnsl.org. I guess the people who want to stop
> this uncensored list from being delivered, have reported it as spam.

The fact that the wrong FSF* get away with it scares me. We really should think 
about the bodyguard for Daniel again. Who else is donating?

Discussion mailing list

Re: evidence of FSFE & Debian blackmail conspiracies (was: more leaks of FSFE treachery and Daniel's heroism)

2019-12-09 Thread ahilter
Nov 21, 2019, 14:48 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:

> Are you alone? Think about it.

Only you can come up with such bullshit! I have tried again and again to talk 
to you and integrate you into our community, but you don't answer questions. 
Why do you think? Because you are in cahoots with Maffias! You are unmasked, 
you can go!
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE Regrets about ahitler/Florian Snow emails

2019-11-25 Thread ahilter
I've waited a long time for today! I am glad that you are here again, Maffias, 
so that we can tell you our opinion. Daniel has already tried that, but he has 
forgotten that you are no longer here. It is not surprising that you come back 
just when we find out that the Chinese government is imprisoning innocent 
people. It's just like you and Daniel. You keep him out of the Free Software 
community, which means he practically ended up in an mind wash camp of the 
false FSF*.

>  Is ahilter/hitler really Florian Snow?

This accusation does not surprise me. After all, I know which dirty pig I'm 
talking to. But I'm still annoyed that I'm being lumped together again with 
this traitor who betrays our community to Google! I read the mail a few hours 
ago, but I couldn't write because I can't soil my keyboard again. It still 
stinks since the last time I had rage diarrhea. I don't let my keyboard get 
soiled anymore! I also don't let my good name get dirty by comparisons with 
Florian Sow! (Of course he is known to you by heal "real", not appropriate 

> On Monday, 7 October 2019, at 10:49 ahilter gassed us with his rhetoric for 
> the first time.

Just for your information, I haven't gassed anybody! You from the false FSF* 
try to gas Daniel and if that doesn't work, you try to run him over! That was 
even you personally Maffias! So stop your false accusations and finally admit 
what crimes against humanity you committed! You wouldn't be the first German to 
have that happen and then be executed by the Allies. We are allied with Daniel 
and fight for our freedom just as we did then. You are our enema, but we will 
defeat you again in Berlin and you will end up dead in your bunker as well!

> ahilter recently forwarded mails to this list that could only come from a GA 
> member.

Now it's getting interesting. I also believe that the mails must have come from 
a GA member. Daniel was a member, but he could have published the mails 
himself, because he doesn't have to hide from you! So it was someone else from 
your ranks who sent this to me. Maybe one of the people who resigned out of 
disgust after your last secret meeting? We all know the names thanks to Daniel 
and you can ask them. But maybe you should consider why these people hate you 
so much that they prefer to leak documents to Daniel and me and resign. This 
clearly shows that something is rotten in the FSF*. It's just like in China, 
where dissidents take the risk of feeding the media information about prison 
camps. Here the true heroes, the FSF* dissidents become active and let us know 
the truth. Daniel and I are grateful for that, but you dirtbag don't want that 
of course. But it's too late, you can only stop the leak by resigning. 
Otherwise we will always get documents. And Daniel hasn't even released hi
 s audio recordings yet! You should be scared to the bone!

> A recent ahilter email has a typically white-Aryan disrespect for women from 
> the Balkan regions.

Show me proof, Maffias! You won't find any, you miserable subhuman! I said I 
think women from the Balkans are great. I have said that I can understand that 
Daniel goes there so often because the women are just hot as fuck. You can 
always see that in the pictures where he can be seen with young women with 
juicy asses and beautiful perky breasts. And he always smiles there like Tux, 
of whom Linux Torvald has always written that he smiles so contented because he 
just had sex. And why should that be sexist? The women there want sex just like 
everyone else! Don't women in the Balkans deserve sex? I think your point of 
view is sexist because you portray women as mentally incapable and "innocent". 
This is an outdated image of women that turns women into whores as soon as they 
have sex. It's really fucking makes me want to puke (or shit)! I want to have 
more women in our community so we can have more pleasurable things to look at 
and fuck more at our meetings. Maffias is unfortunately too ba
 ckward to understand this modern attitude, but that doesn't change the fact 
that it is right. You have to be able to stand by such positions even against 
resistance. Daniel has this problem and now I am part of it. But Daniel and I 
stand shoulder to shoulder and don't let ourselves get run over. Well, maybe 
you can manage two people with your fast German car, but there are more people 
here and if they all stand with us, you can't do it anymore! Maybe RMS is also 
with us and then you definitely can't run us over anymore, because he has put 
on some weight and your Mercedes gets stuck there! Then you can only send an 
army of Google cars, but that would be too conspicuous, because they are 
covered with logos.

> Florian Snow is known to be frustrated that FSFellowship uses his initials, 
> FS.

Thank you for telling me. I am glad that Daniel chose this name if it annoys 
you. Maybe he should cr

Re: Fwd: FSFE

2019-11-21 Thread ahilter

> FSFE had fake elections.  When Florian Snow, the candidate they wanted,
> didn't win, they appointed him to the GA anyway and then used every
> means at their disposal to impede and discredit the person the community
> voted for.

His name is Florian Sow! Sow, like the squealing little pigs you talk about 
knifing, Daniel!

> Nobody was subscribed without consent.

All this shit about consent makes me want to puke anyway. If I ask a woman if 
she wants to fuck with me and we go to her, why should I ask again? She has 
already fucked others and agreed with it. She also said to me, yes, let's go 
and let's fuck, I need it today really hard, preferably from behind, because 
that makes me so horny. Then she can no longer say that I may not cum on her 
face! She likes it from behind and I like to cum on her in the face! One is the 
prerequisite for the other. We have the same situation here that people have 
agreed to receive mails from the FSF*. Then they must also want to be on this 
list. Exactly the same. You're right Daniel, as always, even if these 
brain-fucked idiots don't want to understand!
Discussion mailing list

Re: Fwd: FSFE

2019-11-21 Thread ahilter

> It is also necessary to stop attacking Daniel because FSFE is a stronger
> party than him. It is not a fair fight

I really don't want to hear any more insults about Daniel! It is unbelievable 
how he is attacked from all sides here. We should support him, not weaken him! 
He is not as weak as you think. The wrong FSF* are attacking him all the time, 
but he's fine and has the advantage of publishing all information. The FSF* say 
they don't do that and that makes them weak. That's why Daniel can shoot back 
so well here. He has taken the community away from them and he makes sure that 
they don't do any more work, but only deal with him. This is a great 
achievement and I don't want you to defile Daniel's reputation here by calling 
him weak. He's much stronger than the wrong FSF* because they're too stupid to 
Discussion mailing list

Re: Fwd: FSFE

2019-11-21 Thread ahilter

> This funding that FSFE receives could reach the most needed.

That's a wonderful, fantastic idea! We should give the money to the poor. 
You're right, because the FSF* are rich shits. They're not part of the 1%, but 
they're just as shitty. So let's fight for them to give the money to the poor 
because they really need it. Maybe we should take some of the many millions 
they have so that we can get Daniel a bodyguard. Because Maffias Kirchner is a 
fast driver who likes to attack motorcyclists. I'm not even sure if this was an 
attack on Daniel, because maybe he always does it that way because he obviously 
enjoys hurting other people. But on the other hand it couldn't have been a 
coincidence with Daniel and I think Daniel wouldn't have written this here if 
he hadn't recognized Maffias and heard from him that it was intentional. Either 
way, Daniel urgently needs protection, because next time Maffias might not only 
be on the road with a car, but with a pistol or even a rifle. You can survive 
that, but not as easily as an attack from a car.

So who can take on the work?
Discussion mailing list

Re: more leaks of FSFE treachery and Daniel's heroism

2019-11-08 Thread ahilter

Thank you for this beautiful summary of your motivations. The dirty pigs of the 
FSF* have always threatened you and especially the mail from Maffias Kirchner 
shows that they had no interest in really working with you. Even though the 
mail from Florian Sow is almost even worse. It's so full of hate that you don't 
even want to read it. How can you be so angry with a good person like you, 

As good as I think your answer is Daniel, I noticed that you write directly to 
Maffias Kirchner. I don't think he's here anymore. Maybe you should forward the 
mail to him if you want him to read it. But maybe it is also a good 
psychological work for you. Sometimes you just have to write the pain off your 
soul. Good for you, Daniel, that you can express your feelings that way. I 
always keep that in me and then it all comes out at some point and then my 
mails sound so aggressive. It's like my diarrhea. I also tried to keep it all 
in because I thought it might get better. But then it all came out in the 
middle of the night and really with pressure. I have already written that my 
mattrass still stinks and is no longer quite white. I tried bleach last week 
and now it's lighter, but the smell is even worse. Now it smells like bleach 
and diarrhoea.  Maybe I should buy a new one, but it's expensive and when I get 
upset I often get diarrhea again, so maybe it's not worth it. It's too bad the 
stain is in the middle, so I can't just put my feet on the stain. I always 
smell it. Maybe you can give me some of the money you want to collect and I'll 
buy a new mattrass. I promise that I'll try hard to soil it any more.
Discussion mailing list

Re: managing large volumes of email

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 7, 2019, 16:30 by dan...@pocock.pro:
b) one or more blog posts documenting the way I've implemented filters
and the strategic considerations when deciding on an effective folder
structure.  Most of us already know how filters work, it is the folder
structure that really makes a difference.  Please follow my RSS feed[1]
if you want to catch those blogs.

Censorship is not acceptable, therefore individual filters are the only 
solution. Your blog posts are always so great, that's why I'm looking forward 
to better instructions for mails, because I still have a lot to learn.

Herr Hilter, I'm sorry if I can't reply to every one of your emails
personally but I'm down in the Balkans again with local free software
groups, doing things to make a difference in the world,

No problem, I know you do a good job, also with the beautiful women in the 
Balkans, if you know what I mean. Have fun there and just write to us when you 
get back. I hope Maffias Kirchner won't pursue you again with his car or even 
worse a self-propelled Google car. Then it would look like an accident. An 
accident during a test drive! Oh no, now I am afraid!

 just like the
weekend when the FSFE staff and core cabal members gathered[2] in their
Berlin office to vote on a constitutional change removing elections.

These bastards just meet when you do important work. They should have at least 
announced the date in advance. And sometimes you have to go to the Balkans, 
because a man has certain desires and they have to be satisfied from time to 
time. The FSF* must also understand that and they should have found another 
date. But they didn't even ask before. Those filthy pigs!
Discussion mailing list

Re: more leaks of FSFE treachery and Daniel's heroism

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
: somebody who is a GA
member, maybe a staff member paid with funds from the community, has an
enormous amount of time to write defamatory, sexist and fascist rants
under the pseudonym ahilter.

I also think that the FSF* people have too much time. They take all the money 
from Google and do nothing for free software! You can have a lot of time then. 
Though I've already told you that I hate to be mentioned in one sentence with 
these subhumans. I hate the FSF* as much as you do and I'm just waiting for 
your plan to become reality! I stick with you, even if you are confused and see 
enemies everywhere, even in people like me who only support you!

Discussion mailing list

more leaks of FSFE treachery and Daniel's heroism

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
In one of Daniel's last mails I read this beautiful sentence:

> Simply knowing that other people are quitting FSFE and won't get sucked
> into their con is very rewarding.

It shows so beautifully how heroically Daniel fights the villains of FSFE, how 
we wants them to pay for it literally, how he wants them to lose money and that 
reminds me of some of the emails I got recently from a sincere FSFE person who 
has had enough of these criminal fraternities. I don't say who it is to protect 
his safety, so Maffias Kirchner doesn't also try to run over this deviant. I 
have a few comments to each mail so you know why Daniel is so angry now and why 
he's right with all his blog posts. I've got more mails still, but this is a 
good start.

Here's the mail that finally wants to abolish democracy in FSFE and eliminate 
the only true hero for the Fellows.
<-- begin forwarded message -->
From: Matthias Kirschner 
To: Daniel Pocock 
Cc: FSFE General Assembly 
Message-Id: <1536222517.wpqh2rnzep...@vita.none>
User-Agent: astroid/0.13.0 (https://github.com/astroidmail/astroid)
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:34:04 +0200
Subject: [GA] Considerations about excluding you as member of FSFE e.V.

Dear Daniel,

The majority of members of the FSFE's legal body have asked me for the
exclusion of your membership of the Free Software Foundation Europe
e.V..   As the president of the organisation, I have to consider this
request, and this email aims at giving you notice and also go over
response and appeal timelines.

The request for exclusion is based on breakage of trust and privacy
based on the fact that you have published internal conversations of the
organisation to external forums without authorization to do so.
Furthermore the majority of members find that your mode of operation and
ways to engage is disruptive, and have caused some contributors to
report being demotivated to collaborate with the organisation and even
consider stopping their involvement temporarily or permanently.

Some of the members have already engaged with you and tried to have a
conversation about the different expectations on privacy and mode of
engagement and suggested that you took a pro-active approach to leave
the organisation and continue your contributions to Free Software
through other means. The members and myself acknowledge you contributed
to Free Software in the past, and we hope you will continue to
contribute to it in the future.

You can reply in writing **by 13 September 2018**. After that I will
make the decision about your exclusion, which you can appeal within two
weeks (please have a look at §4 (3) of our constitution). In case you
appeal it, the decision has to be confirmed at a General Assembly.

We at the FSFE hope our paths are going to cross again after a while,
and we wish you the best on your journey contributing to Free Software.

Best Regards,
Matthias Kirschner (President of the FSFE)

Supported by the following members:

* Albert Dengg
* Alessandro Rubini
* Amandine “Cryptie”
* Bernhard Reiter
* Björn Schießle
* Erik Albers
* Fernanda Weiden
* Florian Snow
* Georg C. F. Greve
* Giacomo Poderi
* Heiki Lõhmus
* Hugo Roy
* Jan-Christoph Borchardt
* Jonas Öberg
* Karsten Gerloff
* Matija Šuklje
* Max Mehl
* Nikos Roussos
* Patrick Ohnewein
* Polina Malaja
* Reinhard Müller
* Shane M. Coughlan
* Torsten Grote
* Ulrike Sliwinski

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290
Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030   |    (fsfe.org/join)
Contact (fsfe.org/about/kirschner)   -   Weblog (k7r.eu/blog.html)
This internal mailing lists for members of the FSFE e.V.
is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All participants
are kindly asked to be excellent to each other:
<-- end forwarded message -->

Here you can see how heroically Daniel defends himself and asks very friendly 
questions, without even the hint of threats (as they claim). But of course it 
doesn't help because the villains from FSFE don't want to react to his good 
<-- begin forwarded message -->
From: Daniel Pocock 
To: FSFE General Assembly 
References: <1536222517.wpqh2rnzep...@vita.none>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 20:16:12 +0200
Subject: Re: [GA] the dangers of lists

On 06/09/18 13:34, Matthias Kirschner wrote:

>  Supported by the following members:

I notice not every member of FSFE e.V. is on this list.   Thank you to
those who thought about this.

Lists like this are evil.   Lists have consequences.   A lot of people
would never let their name be used like this.

People in the community will look at a list like this and think you are
a bunch of gangsters, grouping together to intimidate 

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 7, 2019, 08:31 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:
Nullum crimen sine lege. Please name us the law.

And here we have it again, the elitist, secret doctor's language. Why haven't 
you fucked off yet? You can't impress us with your "education" and your 
"warnings" that you always say here. You don't even want to tell us how FSFE 
helped you start more free software organizations. But that's not unusual for 
FSFE henchmen.
Discussion mailing list

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 7, 2019, 07:57 by dan...@pocock.pro:
Next time you see Matthias Kirschner speaking at an event or a volunteer
at an FSFE booth, will you think of ahilter and Florian Snow?

Until the current censorship attempts here, I respected you. But the fact that 
you now list me togehter with the traitors Maffias Kirchner and Florian Sow 
really goes too far. I can bear a lot, but that's really not bearable. I 
support you here at every opportunity and ask again and again how we want to 
continue now and you write such mean insults. That is very unkind!

Discussion mailing list

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 6, 2019, 19:08 by patr...@driscollart.com:
There you go, being all ethical again.

Other than exposing them, what options are there to remove the corrupt elements?

Daniel has already said that he wants to kill them or commit suicide (or maybe 
even both). He wants to stab them like little pigs and hear them scream. What 
else do you want? Your question is stupid, because Daniel answered it again and 
again. I myself am against violence, but as Daniel already wrote, violence 
against him may have to be countered with violence. They have committed an 
assassination attempt on him, they have raped him, they have committed an acid 
attack on him. How long will he be able to endure it?
Discussion mailing list

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 6, 2019, 18:15 by dan...@pocock.pro:
The accusation they are making is that I was a diligent representative
who performed the role well.

This is a voluntary role, I wasn't even paid for it.

You did everything right back then, and they hate you for it. You didn't take 
money, even if it would have been available through Google's deep pockets. Here 
you can see all the people bought from FSF* and Google: 
https://fsfe.org/about/team.en.html With some they admit that they get money, 
but even with those who don't, we know that they get money. Florian Sow has 
already admitted this here and he has accidentally revealed that his judgment 
is impaired by Google money. Here you can also see a few people who also take 
money so that they can be photographed. Maybe some of them are even completely 
invented, but the quotes and interviews are obviously written by Google, 
because the FSF* does nothing for free software, which Daniel proves to us here 
again and again. https://fsfe.org/about/people/testimonials.en.html 
https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/whylovefs/whylovefs.en.html Fortunately, 
even at the FSF* there are still people who believe in the truth and in free 
software. Someone has again sent me documents that are considered secret by the 
FSF*. I will publish them on occasion, so that we know exactly what happens 
internally with the liars. Maybe we can get the timing right so that Daniel 
will release his audio recordings as well. I'm not sure if he does that now 
that he's censored here.
Discussion mailing list

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 6, 2019, 11:51 by dan...@pocock.pro:
If you can't force a volunteer to say what you want, you work together
to hurt them.

I'm afraid that's true. How long did it take until you were all right again 
after the assassination attempt on your motorcycle?
Discussion mailing list

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter

Nov 6, 2019, 22:58 by aristo...@tutanota.com:
You like cock in ass.

And what's wrong with that? Cock in the ass can be beautiful and that does not 
necessarily mean that you are a fag. Many men also just like to be fucked hard 
by their women with a strap on. Basically that serves the equality. Daniel, you 
should convert this insult completely in the sense of RMS to pull from her 
strength! The music industry has called us pirates and we have recaptured the 
name pirates and now there is even a party called that. You should also convert 
this insult and change your UID to Daniel Procock, at least for a while. 
Because being pro cock is good and a counterweight to the SJW. Being positive 
is also important in our world, because ultimately we are all just whores 
fucked by life in the ass.
Discussion mailing list

Re: ***SPAM*** Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Why do you keep sending messages with the wrong subject? This is bad for all of 
us! Are you too stupid to write an e-mail correctly? Let Daniel give you some 
tutoring. He knows exactly how to do all this and does not send shitty dirty 
mails like you. What else are you too stupid for?

Discussion mailing list

Re: fall of Berlin Wall, rebuilt by FSFE?

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter
Nov 6, 2019, 07:36 by dan...@pocock.pro:

Here is a blog summarizing the scandal about the FSFE meeting minutes

My God, Daniel, I'm shocked! I've been saying all this time we have to hire a 
bodyguard for you, but I've always hoped nothing will happen. But now you 
reveal that they even attacked you on your motorcycle and tried to kill you! 
Have you considered filing a complaint? Google is powerful, but the police are 
even more powerful at the moment and may be able to bring the one FSFE rider to 
justice. And the fact that they are so stupid in their minutes to admit how 
they treated you, our true hero, is unbelievable! I don't understand how they 
can be so sneaky and clever and at the same time so stupid! And they even say 
they know you're either killing yourself or you're killing them. And you've 
already written that they scream like little pigs getting stabbed. So they know 
what you're up to and continue anyway. So much stupidity!

Discussion mailing list

Re: FWIW: gnu-misc-disc...@gnu.org is premoderated

2019-11-07 Thread ahilter

Nov 6, 2019, 06:17 by dan...@pocock.pro:
Please feel free to encourage members of other censored FSF and GNU
lists to join here:

Thank you, this is the right way forward! But we should not only invite people 
who are censored here. We should invite all beautiful people of this world 
here, because our community is more beautiful than all others, we live in 
freedom and love. Let us all come together to form the greatest community of 
all time! For Daniel!

Discussion mailing list

Re: censorship alternatives

2019-10-24 Thread ahilter
Oct 24, 2019, 08:54 by bugs@gnu.support:
If some Windows browser is used, or maybe even Google Chrome on GNU
operating system, or maybe even Firefox, some websites and some
extensions are intentionally corrupt and may be leading users to
affiliates to earn commissions.

I haven't seen Windows in 30 years. And I certainly don't use Chrome, so I can 
censor myself right away. And Firefox doesn't work with and without addons. So 
that can't be it. But as I said, I think that someone here simply has problems 
with the dick and has clicked the link particularly often, so that Google now 
shows us all the Viagra advertising. It's no big shame. Not everyone has as 
attractive Romanian women at their disposal as Daniel. I bet they showed 
themselves completely willing - to get back to the topic and quote RMS. But 
it's amazing how our society deals with such things. We condemn women who are 
willing, although it is good for us men, and we condemn the men who say that. 
But I don't want to be banned from speaking, so I'm glad to be on this 
wonderful uncensored list, where I can also address uncomfortable truths.
Discussion mailing list

Re: censorship alternatives

2019-10-24 Thread ahilter
Oct 24, 2019, 08:02 by bugs@gnu.support:
What can be is that you are using some weird DNS server which can be
redirecting you.

I'm not using a weird DNS server. I've also thought about whether Google might 
be behind it. They track our preferences and advertise accordingly. But since I 
certainly don't need Viagra, because everything works fine with me below (I'm 
happy to demonstrate), it doesn't make sense. Or maybe the Google tracking is 
somehow broken. They see that we clicked on the link from this mailing list and 
maybe someone else has problems with the dick, maybe because the partner 
doesn't give enough positive feedback or isn't very attractive, and Google 
noticed that and now shows it to all of us. What do you think?
Discussion mailing list

Re: censorship alternatives

2019-10-24 Thread ahilter
Oct 24, 2019, 08:49 by br...@tracciabi.li:
You have a problem somewhere in your browser / operating system / DNS / 
internet provider (/ government).
Try https://web.archive.org/web/shirky.com/writings/group_enemy.html
Use Tor Browser https://www.torproject.org/

No, I didn't. I didn't. I tried many different DNS servers, including the TOR 
browser (generally highly recommended) and it never worked. I certainly don't 
need Viagra as long as the woman is attractive enough or enough, but not too 
much alcohol is available. I also saw the nice photos of Daniel in Romania or 
something and I already know why he went there. Many women are active there and 
he certainly had a lot of fun. They are all very hot, like so often in these 
countries. They also look quite young, the breasts are probably still pretty 
firm and well formed. That is pretty important for stability, if you know what 
I mean. Maybe I should go there again. I love beautiful women! Daniel, can you 
perhaps extend your report in this direction?
Discussion mailing list

Re: A use for sockpuppets and trolls

2019-10-23 Thread ahilter
Oct 22, 2019, 21:24 by jas...@yahoo.com:
It is time to movepast the controversies and discuss the real issues, the issue 
of howto be more effective as free software advocates.  Traditionally,various 
organizations advocating for social change have brokenvarious social rules as 
part of advocating for social change.

Thank you! This is what I've called for several times, but didn't really move 
along. Please let's all work together to support Daniel and to build a brighter 
future for free software.

Internet communitieshave their own social rules about what is allowed to be 
discussed,and what is off-topic or banned. If one person joins a community 
andstarts trolling it, they often in the best case get ignored, and inthe worst 
case just get banned.

If we do that, we have failed. Daniel started this community because he was 
upset about censorship on the FSF* mailing lists. So banning people is not an 
option here, even when there were dangerous people on here like Florian Sow, 
Maffias Kirchner, Michael Stehmann and many more. But I say let's just drive 
them away with our actions and not ban them. It's better if they see they can't 
work with us while they're taking dirty money from Google.
Discussion mailing list

FWD: Re: invite RMS to this beautiful community

2019-10-23 Thread ahilter
This is the answer from RMS in response to my question if he's in a secret 
prison. Now we have confirmation, even though it's sad. So let's finally move 
on together! Let's unite behind Daniel!

Date: Oct 22, 2019, 03:14
From: r...@gnu.org
To: ahil...@keemail.me
Subject: Re: invite RMS to this beautiful community

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

I am here, but I have so much mail I can't handle it.  I can't
afford to join another discussion list.

Dr Richard Stallman
Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://gnu.org, https://fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

Discussion mailing list

Re: invite RMS to this beautiful community

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
RMS is not home. I hope he's not dead. Maybe the Google spies got him. Or the 
CIA. I'm really worried. Perhaps he's really at the edge of the solar system. 
Or in a secret prison in Afghanistan.

Date: Oct 21, 2019, 11:59
From: rms-autoreply-cont...@gnu.org
To: ahil...@keemail.me
Subject: Re: invite RMS to this beautiful community

I am not on vacation, but I am at the end of a long time delay. I am
located somewhere on Earth, but as far as responding to email is concerned,
I appear to be at the edge of the solar system.

After your message arrives at gnu.org, I will collect it in my next batch of
incoming mail, some time within the following 24 hours. I will spend much of
the following day reading that batch of mail and will come across your
message at some point. If I write a response immediately, it will go out in
the next outgoing batch--typically around 24 hours after I collected your
message, but occasionally sooner or later than that. Please expect a minimum
delay of between 24 and 48 hours in receiving a response to your mail to me.

If your message is hard to understand or responding takes real work,
the response could take longer.

So please wait 48 hours after sending a message before you resend it,
remind me about it, or ask if I have received it. If it has been less
than 48 hours, the absence of a response from me only means you have not
given me time to answer.

If you are having a conversation with me, please keep in mind that each
message you receive from me is a response to the mail you sent 24 to 48 hours
earlier, and when writing it, I probably had not yet downloaded your later

If you do not wish to receive this message ever again, please send a message
to rms-autoreply-cont...@gnu.org with the subject "OFF".
Otherwise, you might receive a reply like this one up to once a month.

Discussion mailing list

invite RMS to this beautiful community

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
I've been thinking about how we can move on from RMS, but it occurred to me 
that we don't have to. We can keep writing free software, of course, but we 
should invite RMS to our community, because what Daniel created here in such a 
short time is almost as good as the community that RMS created, if not better. 
So let's all remember RMS and invite him here. At the same time, we should 
consider how to write more free software and get rid of the wrong FSF*. I tried 
to motivate you by writing an inspiring text in Daniel's spirit. RMS felt that 
the Golden Rule requires that if someone likes a program, they must share it 
with other people who like it. FSF* want to share and conquer our fellowship so 
that everyone fights against everyone. I followed, but then a war run by Google 
and SJW broke out. I refused to fight this war for a long time. But the wrong 
FSF* brought the war to us. Therefore, one principle must be absolute for 
Daniel's followers: honest, decent, faithful, and comradely we ha
 ve to be members of our own fellowship and no one else. How Kirchner is doing, 
how Sow is doing, is totally indifferent to me. We will get the good blood of 
our kind that is available in the peoples by robbing the members of them, if 
necessary, and educating them in our attitude. Whether the FSFE functionaries 
live in prosperity from Google donations or die of hunger, I'm only interested 
as far as we need them as a counter-example for culture, otherwise it doesn't 
interest me. I cannot support censorship with a clear conscience or sign a 
secrecy agreement like the FSF* subjects. For years I worked as a volunteer at 
FSF* to resist such tendencies and other dangers, but eventually they went too 
far: I couldn't stay in an institution where such things are done against my 
will in my name. To have kept this up, and to have stayed decent apart from 
exceptional human weaknesses, has made me hard and is a never written and never 
to be written glorious page in our history. Because we know ho
 w suffering would be if we still had FSFE and Google spies as secret saboteurs 
and agitators on this list, which Daniel thankfully defends for us. So that I 
can continue to fight without shame for free software, I have decided to help 
Daniel build his new, superior, community here. I withdrew from FSFE to deny 
FSFE any legal excuse that would prevent me from helping Daniel. Everything 
else I would have thought was cowardly. Consequently, the question was solved 
uncompromisingly. And through our good reasoning here, we have driven the spies 
away. Not one of them somehow comes into the field of vision of our great 
fellowship. Many programmers are dissatisfied with the freedom state of 
software, especially on mobile devices. But what is FSF* doing? Nothing! It 
advertises for programmers to make more money by open source, but it requires 
that they hate other programmers, rather than feel like comrades in arms. 
Again, you can see how the FSF* would like to split us! Many people from the 
 FSF* community become cynical and think that FSF* is only out to make money. 
It was the most terrible task and the most terrible assignment a poor person 
like Daniel could get: the assignment to uncover FSF*'s secret actions. I may 
say this again in this circle in all frankness with a few sentences. It is good 
that we had the hardship to exterminate the FSFE spies in our community. I 
would be a weakling and a criminal of our descendants if I let the hate-filled 
sons of those subhumans who were thrown out by us in the fight of man against 
subhuman become great. By working here on a new community under Daniel and 
using the fellowship instead of the false "supporter program", we can be 
hospitable to everyone and obey the law. In addition, Daniel serves as an 
inspiration to bring others together to share with us. This can give us a sense 
of harmony, an emotion that comes so deeply from all of our hearts that we know 
we must not let the hate-filled avengers grow stronger, so that our chi
 ldren and grandchildren may have to deal with them because we, the fathers and 
grandfathers, were too weak and too cowardly and left that to them. For many 
people in our fellowship with whom I speak, this is an important happiness, and 
faith in Daniel is what unites us all in the struggle against the false FSF*. 
When we see this, faith will never leave us, we will never become unfaithful, 
we will never be cowards, we will never be in a bad mood, but we will strive to 
be worthy to have lived under Daniel Pocock and to be allowed to fight.
Discussion mailing list

Re: minutes, surveys, polls and hoaxes

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
Oct 21, 2019, 09:50 by dan...@pocock.pro:
You have misquoted me.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was just motivated by pride in you. I didn't want to 
quote the wrong sentence. I wanted to encourage you to stand by your actions. I 
am sorry if I was too hasty. I want to support you, not make your life 
difficult! Please forgive me!

You do so using an anonymous identity too, so
nobody can play the same games with your own name and your words.
That's my real name. I've already been attacked here for my name. Do you think 
I register with such a name for fun? It's my real name, that's why I accepted 
the attacks. But let's not argue. I don't know your real name either, but I 
think it's Daniel Pocock. So let's work together independently of names!

  A clever hoaxer may have cut and paste
things I really said and mixed in a few exaggerations (like setting a
booth on fire) to cause confusion.

All right, I understand. Let's talk about this in person. Then we can exchange 
the truth in a safe environment. Even if the survey is not from you, I am glad 
that we are working together here on the thing and the survey supports you in 
any case.

Please don't play with matches.

I don't get it. The survey is not mine, so I don't play either. I want to help 
you and our movement. I don't want FSFE to kill you. Let's work together on 
something great!
Discussion mailing list

Re: Jesuit institutions (was: on SJWs and feminists)

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
Oct 20, 2019, 00:56 by 321...@gmail.com:
Daniel Pocock  wrote:
Bradley Kuhn and I both received part of our education in Jesuit institutions.
Jesuit institutions

Sorry, could you enlighten me, as I am not familiar with that phenomenon.  As 
far as I googled out, they are open for non-Christian in principle, but how 
probable is it in practice, that a person who studied there (such as Mr. Kuhn) 
is a god-believer?
I think they spread faith in God by fucking little kids. Jesuits are known for 
child abuse and I guess Daniel might tell about it but doesn't want to do it 
because of a trauma. I can understand that you don't want to talk about it when 
you have experienced something so bad as a child. The Jesuit province of Oregon 
in the northwest of the USA, which has institutions in the US states of Oregon, 
Washington State, Idaho, Montana and Alaska, reached an agreement in 2009 with 
some of the victims of abuse. Subsequently, it filed for bankruptcy, thereby 
preventing a possible class action suit for financial compensation by further 
abuse victims. After the victims had argued that this Jesuit province is still 
prosperous because it owns several universities, schools and properties, the 
Northwest Province agreed in March 2011 with about 500 abuse victims on 
compensation payments amounting to about 166 million US dollars.  Many of the 
victims were Indians or indigenous peoples of Alaska. The abuse victims accused 
the Jesuits of using the region as a deportation point for problem priests. If 
they also raped Bradley Kuhn, I have less sympathy than with Daniel. Bradley 
Kuhn betrayed RMS and I will never forgive him for that. He no longer stands 
for free software, but for evil. That's why he takes so much money from Google!
Discussion mailing list

Re: Can I block this sender? Was: Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
Oct 19, 2019, 01:04 by aristo...@tutanota.com:

Oct 18, 2019, 09:53 by ahil...@keemail.me:
Daniel. He brought us the minutes of FSFE

Did he?

He needed the distance for security reasons, but I don't think we have any 
enemies among us anymore and we can admit it. I also got a copy of the minutes 
and forwarded it to Daniel. But of course he doesn't know me and doesn't trust 
me. I also didn't want him to say that he got it from me. Actually, it doesn't 
matter if enemies know that I sent him the minutes. I just must not say who I 
have it from. But Daniel is our hero and I can hardly wait for him to release 
his audio recordings. Then we'll really show it to FSFE!
Discussion mailing list

Re: a gift to SJW

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
Oct 19, 2019, 00:53 by aristo...@tutanota.com:

Oct 17, 2019, 15:02 by wiki.le...@mailo.com:
I want to look a titties.

That is your poor collection of dumb dull titties, don't you have any better? 
Do you even know classy?

I was very happy about the pictures. I found them very tasty and they were very 
inspiring several times. And these pictures are hard to get now because the 
actresses don't want them to be spread. And they made them themselves! Then 
they shouldn't be censored now either. If you have better photos, you can send 
them around, but I loved them. I could really imagine how I would take them 
from behind. Women often need that anyway, even if they don't want to admit it. 
Often they have to get fucked so that they think clearly and are not so 
hysterical anymore. But no matter, I don't know the actress personally. That's 
why I had to help myself. If I have such pictures, I don't even need a toy, but 
I can simply relieve pressure and let's admit it, we all need it regularly. 
That's why I'm also in favour of bringing more women into our communities, 
because then we don't have to relieve pressure so often ourselves, but can do 
this together with pretty women. We all benefit from that! That is why 
 I find the accusation absurd that we would not want to promote women. I am one 
of the strongest feminists in the world and many of my friends are women! Many 
of the women I see at conferences are really very pretty and are happy to be 
noticed. Then they go home and tell their girlfriends how positively they have 
been received and then more women come. So I am for the advancement of women, 
only against SJW. Similar to as Daniel described it in an earlier mail.
Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
Oct 18, 2019, 18:01 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:
Sometimes it is better and more reputable to have a bunch of enemies
than such friends.

Yeah, that's why no fake dancer here wants you for a boyfriend! Crawl back to 
your FSFE who help you again and again! You don't share your knowledge with us! 
We don't need it then either! I wanted to work with you, but you are too stupid 
to understand!
Discussion mailing list

Re: minutes, surveys, polls and hoaxes

2019-10-21 Thread ahilter
Oct 21, 2019, 07:31 by dan...@pocock.pro:
Shane Coughlan and Hugo
Roy were removed from the FSFE team[3] page.  We don't know if they

Maybe they're new supporters for us! They were driven away by FSFE. Whether 
they were allowed to resign themselves or thrown out, they are certainly as 
pleasantly driven by hatred as you are, Daniel. All of us here!

 I may have started the surveys/polls.

Why are you hiding? Just say it straight! Not may! We have almost completely 
driven out our enemies here. Now is the time to stand by your glorious deeds. 
You've brought us logs of traitors, you've brought us resignation emails, 
you've sent out a great poll with a summary, and you've called for FSFE booths 
to be set on fire. That's good, because we all want to see the traitors burn! 
They have treated you so badly and they should feel your anger!
Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter
Oct 18, 2019, 07:47 by softm...@fsfe.org:
I hardly can imagine how fearful it has to be for you wimpy whiners to see the 
world your dads showed you through their eyes to change to something you can't 
understand out of your holes and echo chambers. 
I think you're a filthy hippy! You used to have a lot of sex, but now you're 
old and have to serve the SJW so you can get any. Leave us alone with your 
propaganda! Daniel lets you do it, but he knows our truth! And it has no place 
for SJW and false prophets!

Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter
Oct 18, 2019, 10:54 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:
Please start immediately ! ASAP!
Can you finally tell us how the FSFE helped you increase the number of free 
software organizations?
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter
Oct 17, 2019, 20:55 by ignuc...@tutanota.com:
I received word lately at a conference in Belgium: also "April" in 
France is a malicious actor who has to be observed. It seems
 they work together with monopolist companies to fund their mission 
to become a huge European organisation. Does anybody know where 
we could find the skeletons in their closet?

That doesn't surprise me. I haven't heard that April is working with Daniel. 
That means they are also part of the conspiracy that Maffias Kirchner and 
Florian Sow initiated. They kick poor volunteers like Daniel, who are already 
on the ground and for months have only been writing friendly blog posts in the 
hope that there will be an improvement. RMS also recently had a link on his 
site about similar cyberbullying:
Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter
Oct 18, 2019, 09:06 by christian.imho...@fsfe.org:
It's worse then that. People like him,  ahilter and others on this list are 
spreading fascist Propaganda.

Where did I do it? I never did anything like that! Daniel is on my side! He 
already told you the truth about my fart! It doesn't smell like roses, but it's 
not deadly either. So keep your fake news to yourself, because our heroes here 
have already seen what fake news can do for you. Wikileaks, Donald Trump, 
Daniel Pocock. These are all our heroes for the truth and against Fake News. 
And I am also in the line: Trump, Pocock, Hilter - brothers in spirit!
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter

Oct 17, 2019, 20:26 by bugs@gnu.support:
That knife is there, says that document was tampered by
somebody. Fine. But overall it looks genuine.

I think Chris Lamb was at FSFE this year. He then published it all. I know that 
because Chris Lamb already sent Daniel an email that only had knives like that 
in it. It's just like the FSFE minutes. Look:
This can't be a coincidence! Chris Lamb has installed a knife here again to 
harm RMS and Daniel. But our leader is protected by us!

However, the writings and changes of Articles are carefully edited and
they cannot be fake.
I agree. It's just too good not to be true. FSFE should burn and will burn! 
Like Dusseldorf, like RMS, like all our enemies!

Discussion mailing list

Re: Can I block this sender? Was: Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter
Oct 17, 2019, 20:04 by rol...@mxchange.org:
Is there a way where I can setup a personal (non-global) block against a
specific sender? Starting to become anoying what this one (you know who)
writes. To much BS for me.
You shouldn't block Daniel. He is sometimes impulsive, but he is a good guy. I 
haven't read a single word of BS from him yet. Well, the filtering maybe. But 
altogether 100% of what he says is true. He brought us the minutes of FSFE and 
showed us the true face of this organization. Stay with us and find the way to 
the truth!
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-18 Thread ahilter
Oct 17, 2019, 19:57 by dan...@pocock.pro:
Two different documents appeared today claiming to be minutes of the
FSFE e.V. annual meeting

Thank you for making it appear! The prophet says let there be light and let 
there be light. It is very good that you keep a certain distance, but I am 
happy about your contribution to this topic! Keep up the good fight for our 

The way certain animals behaved after that brings the entire free
software concept into disrepute.

Are you talking about bears? They can actually be very aggressive, especially 
Grizzly bears. But otherwise bears are great. But they only fuck once every few 
years and that's not a good role model for us as you say. SJW also don't want 
us to fuck much anymore because they're prude. They hide their beautiful juicy 
boobies from us and threaten us if we even smile. So what are faggots supposed 
to do with these rules? We have more men in our community and they are all 
potential targets for mating. It can't go that way. Daniel ("and" Wikileaks) 
has shown us that we must not listen to them. They gave us a collection of 
great boobies and FSFE minutes. Real feminists fight by other means! The free 
the nipple movement is a good example of good feminist work. They fight for 
real equality without oppressing men and show us what we most like to see. So 
we can all have a peaceful future and many descendants! We educate them in our 
mindset, so that they all love free software. Then at some point w
 e will only have people who love free software.
Discussion mailing list

Re: Some facts

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
I'm sorry, I chose bad words. English is not my mother tongue and in my family 
we say "gas" when we fart in someone's face. Several people contacted me and 
told me that my words sounded like mass murder. I'm sorry about that. 

I really just wanted to talk about farting and I was hoping that maybe some 
shit would come along, because that can happen sometimes when the fart is 
especially strong. Diarrhea in the face is unpleasant, but funny. 
Unfortunately, I have been able to gain a lot of experience with it lately 
involuntarily. I've wished Michael had diarrhea before and this time I've 
wished he'd get it, but from the other side. I wanted to wish him something 
disgusting, but nothing inhuman. I am sorry! Please forgive me!

Discussion mailing list

Re: Some facts

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
Oct 17, 2019, 14:06 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:
Are you so impatient, that you can not wait?
Why do you keep trying to slow down our war effort, you miserable rabble? When 
times were even better, people like you would have been gassed for attacking 
our leader! Daniel is untouchable and we must protect him! Help and collect 
money for him. He is the only true prophet who can protect us from the false 

Discussion mailing list

Re: fuck FSF*

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
The FSFE GA is over. It will never be forgotten by those of us who have fought 
and worked and lived anyway. It was the most difficult year yet for Free 
Software, one that subjected us to great moral and material tests. It gave us 
the task to keep what we had conquered in our glorious offensives of earlier 
years, the foundation of our final victory, and to defend it with courage and 
without wavering against the raging storm of our enemies. To a large extent, we 
have succeeded. We had experienced that it is true to accept losses and 
setbacks, but they are in no way decisive for the outcome of the war, nor are 
their causes to be sought for any failure of our morale or material during this 
long war. The cowardly betrayal of the FSF board and some Google supporters 
cost us dearly, and it could not be avoided that the fight over Daniel and free 
software was affected. FSFE thought they could take advantage of our temporary 
weakness after Daniel's resignation. They were fundamentally wrong.

The leaked documents are more than enough to guarantee us a sure final victory. 
Just compare the successes of the other side with what one had hoped for to see 
that our prospects for a complete victory were not compromised by this year's 
events. The FSF is in ruins and the FSFE is about to collapse. The legal 
actions promised by Herr Kirschner have not materialized, and their constantly 
promised arrival will meet a combat-ready Daniel Pocock wherever they go. In a 
word: The loss of only one ally has presented us with great and sometimes 
dangerous difficulties, but we have dealt with them. That is the most important 
thing in the end. The outcome of a war does not depend on desires and 
intentions, but only on facts. Last year, the enemy failed to seriously affect 
our new community in a critical area. If the great test of a war for free 
software is that it brings challenges that can only be overcome with all moral 
and material resources, Daniel's new fellowship passed the test last year
 . It will undoubtedly go down in history as the most glorious of this great 
struggle for our existence. It is true that we have had more glorious victories 
in the past than this time. This year and last year we had to prove ourselves. 
We had to prove to ourselves and to history that we could overcome great, even 
the greatest difficulties, that we would not fail, but that our courage and 
hard perseverance would grow, and we did. It deserves a fair evaluation. We 
have survived. The enemy has broken his teeth in our moral resistance. What 
this means for the future of war cannot yet be foreseen. It is frightening to 
see that few who stand alone for democracy in free software organizations, with 
few small but courageous allies, are fighting hot and bitter battles to protect 
an aspect of the world that for the most part does not deserve it. Each of our 
comrades is therefore closer to us than a thousand extremely clever Google 
trolls, who at best have good advice, but hardly find a word of
  recognition and thanks for the heroic and sacrificial struggle that Daniel 
also leads for the preservation of free software as we know it. The danger of 
SJW, which threatens all free software, was not yet successfully countered last 
year, but our comrades have surpassed themselves.

It will always be the greatest shame of the century that the FSF and FSFE will 
fight against us together with SJW in their hateful struggle for "moral" 
success. On the contrary, they will at best ruin the economic foundations of 
their own organizations. Only shame will remain. Perhaps it must be so to 
accelerate the internal disintegration of their lazy system. We can only speak 
of perverted political cooperation. Nevertheless, it is an enormous danger for 
us, and we must join forces to counter it. There is no point in hoping for the 
help of another threatened group. They see the danger, but no power in the 
world can persuade them to do anything about it. They resemble the rabbit that 
looks at the snake hypnotized until it is devoured. We mostly depend on 
ourselves to successfully fight this battle for our existence and the existence 
of free software. And we can do it. The number of Daniel's new community has 
grown greatly since the beginning of this struggle for freedom. Free softwa
 re is largely in our hands. The enemy will leave no other method unturned in 
the coming year to snatch important positions from the hands of our leadership. 
If he is to do this, the state of affairs requires him to take dangerous risks 
that he has successfully avoided so far. Over the centuries, it will remain the 
great disgrace of the FSF and FSFE. In the past, they have tried to sit it out, 
against us. Now they are using back stabbing to knock down a fine and decent 
movement that demands nothing but a decent and free life.

This is the most valuable lesson of the FSFE GA. Under the pressure of events, 
we have to some extent become accustomed to 

Re: FSFE and proof

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
Oct 17, 2019, 07:07 by bugs@gnu.support:
* wikile...@mailo.com  [2019-10-17 03:06]:

On 16/10/2019 17:25:40 Europe/Paris Jean Louis wrote:

> File not found. Better link?

oopsie, try again


That is insightful.
I've exposed another liar, another Google mercenary, another subhuman! You 
stupid pig say it's a good link, but it doesn't even work. I wish you explosive 
diarrhea like I had it. You should also have to clean the walls, because not 
everything stays in the toilet because of the high pressure. You should suffer 
like me and have to sleep on a dirty matrass. You are French and frogs can 
easily give you diarrhea as slimy as they are. Even your sink and your shower 
should be dirty and from all the brown water, your washing machine should break 
down. Such a stupid statement can only come from a Frenchman anyway. Our true 
heroes here come states that used to be a real empire, not a tiny thing like 
the French. With the French everything is smaller anyway, that's why they are 
not circumcised, because otherwise there is even less. Now go back to mummy, 
cry and suck on her teats!

I hope that was not formulated too strongly. I think it had to be said once and 
I held myself back as good as I could. You have already told me in the past 
that you don't like my writing style and I am trying to improve. I think I 

Discussion mailing list

Who do we believe?

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
I read the long mail from MBR and it's a good story. The problem is that 
everyone here has good stories. I'm not saying that MBR lies, but there are few 
things in its story that you couldn't invent. I believe him, but the situation 
is difficult.

Daniel has a good story (especially back-stabbing and murder). FSFE has a good 
story. In a situation like this, where an overpowering organization of many and 
a single one argue, I believe the weak rather, the individual. But what FSFE 
writes also sounds believable. I don't know either of them personally. So who 
should we believe? I find it difficult. Just when Daniel is writing now he 
would also take money from Google and censor this list (I have already sent 
first examples). How do you do that if you don't know who to believe?

I trust Daniel again now because he has seen things that we all do not want to 
see. He is one of the best people in this earth and would never do anything 
bad. But it is hard to see that in mails. I'm afraid he'll be liquidated or 
accused of child molestation. That is not true, of course, but how can you 
believe it, because there is never any negative evidence. Don't let that 
happen. We have to protect Daniel.

But let's first think about how we can find out who we should believe. Could we 
use the block chain for that? It becomes more and more important. Or maybe AI, 
because that is the natural extension of the block chain. But it doesn't have 
to be a technique. The main thing is that we find a good solution. Let's all 
work together and find the truth!
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE and proof

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
Oct 16, 2019, 20:59 by garfi...@tutanota.de:
When cats grin like that, our owners think it is cute

Don't tell anybody that is the smile after we kill something, ha ha
Do you think it has something to do with the will and testament plan Daniel 
mentioned? Do you think they are murdering each other? Perhaps they have just 
eliminated unpleasant members? Then let them burn for it! I gave them money 
before, but if I knew they were spending it on murder, I would never have given 
them anything. I think Daniel has a plan to get rid of the rest. But I don't 
want to say too much here, not that Daniel has been captured before.
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE and proof

2019-10-17 Thread ahilter
Oct 16, 2019, 21:35 by wikile...@mailo.com:

On 16/10/2019 17:25:40 Europe/Paris Jean Louis wrote:
File not found. Better link?
You're dumber than a piece of shit if you can't even send a working link. 
What's wrong with your brain? Or don't you have one? No, then you would be 
dead. But maybe you have a poisoned brain. Fuck off, you scumbag! We don't want 
any false prophets here, only real ones. I've had enough of you and as soon as 
I figure out how to do this I'll block you so I won't have to read your crazy 
mails anymore. Imagine everyone would write like you! Then nothing would work 
on the list here any more. It doesn't work that way! Get lost, you wanker!

Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE and proof

2019-10-16 Thread ahilter
Oct 16, 2019, 19:14 by dan...@pocock.pro:
Is this the link?

If that's the link, then that's not the evidence from the subject. Then it's a 
much shittier link than I thought. And I know myself now really with shit from 
after everything which was with me lately. That was really not nice. But you 
already know about the mattrass and I must say nothing more about the stink and 
the color. Whether I should buy a new one?

They look so happy.  Maybe they were so inspired by that €150,000
bequest that they did something really positive, like writing their own
I see there's very few people there. Probably those who were stupid enough to 
stay are happy. Everyone else is unhappy. Just as you did when they drove you 
away by force of arms! Those wonderous pigs! They should be turned through the 

How many GA members include a bequest to FSFE in their will?  How many
Please tell us your plan! Are you already armed, so they need a will? Maybe 
they can leave you their money. They are so rich now by the evil deeds for 
Google! But maybe it's not a good idea if they leave you the money, because 
it's from Google. You said you'd censor this list when you get money from 
Google. So we have to keep Google's money away from you. I have an idea. They 
leave the money to us and we pay bodyguards for it for you. Then the problem is 
solved. Wait, do you still need bodyguards if you got rid of FSFE? Please tell 
us the exact plan! I am already curious what you have in mind! The thing with 
the wills you suggested sounds exciting anyway. I hope it's not illegal. I 
don't do anything like that.
Discussion mailing list

Re: some advice from Barack Obama to Free Software communities?

2019-10-16 Thread ahilter
Oct 16, 2019, 17:46 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:
Ignorant, but a strong opinion.
I'm not ignorant! How can you say that! I don't want to get so upset again, so 
I'll attribute it to your youthful recklessness. You still have a lot to learn, 
but if you have as much experience as I have, then you will also recognize the 
truth. Just as Daniel has known it for a long time and shows us the way!
A common fashion nowadays. O tempora, o mores.
I cannot understand this language even with translation tools. But keep your 
stupid jokes for yourself. Better tell us how FSFE helped you fight better for 
free software! You implied that FSFE had helped you, so there are now more 
organizations fighting for free software. This is good for all of us, but only 
if you share your knowledge and don't hide behind strange languages. I already 
know why I said you can't be a dancer despite your name. Because you always 
speak in riddles and dancers don't. They are honest because they can't hide 
anything in their tight suits anyway. If you also want to be so self-confident, 
then share your knowledge with us. Our great leader wanted us to share our 
knowledge. So do it and show us the way!

Discussion mailing list

Re: some advice from Barack Obama to Free Software communities?

2019-10-16 Thread ahilter
Oct 16, 2019, 15:37 by bugs@gnu.support:
Yes, and I think it does happen for money. Each of those inside of the
e.V. or German non-profit also receive some money from foundation,
That's it. This scumbag Florian Sow claimed to get a negative salary from FSFE. 
This is ridiculous! How is that even supposed to work? And why would such a 
scumbag work for free? And there's no other way to explain the influence of 
Google's dirty money. I don't know what an E.V. is, but I'm sure the members 
are filling their pockets. That's probably why they wanted to get rid of 
Daniel. Otherwise they would have had to share the money with him. Such dirty 
pigs! They could have simply asked Google for some more money, then everyone 
would have had some. But no, they kick him out so they can all keep it to 
themselves. They should burn in the eternal oven! Maybe you have to do 
something worse! Castrate or roll or something. Best with a Google O. I really 
have to calm down again, otherwise I'll drive everyone crazy here. I am a very 
peaceful person. Last week with the whole diarrhoea perhaps also my pills did 
not work so well. It was really bad. It was all dirty. The toilet and the shower
  looked bad. And once I didn't get out of bed in time. The matrass still 
smells bad. And it\s not all white anymore. Anyway, it's better now. But the 
wrong FSF* upset me so much, sometimes I can't help it. I am sorry. I don't 
want to offend anyone.
Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE and proof

2019-10-16 Thread ahilter
What is this shit? It won't come out! The link sucks! You're trying to get 
Daniel's good names dirty by posting fake links on his list. Daniel would never 
do that! Leave us alone, you hideous creature. Probably you are also paid by 
Google. A whole army of mercenaries this is. But it's no wonder. We have the 
total war now! Fuck you and burn! Nobody wants to see your ugly face here 
anyway. Go back where you came from, into some fucking hole! You won't get any 
further here!

I am sorry if I have become something extreme. I know I have a weakness there. 
But I can't help it if such unworthy sons of bitches spread such filth!
Discussion mailing list

Re: intervening against abuse from FSFE

2019-10-16 Thread ahilter
What's the matter with you? Daniel was very good to us here and tries to save 
us all.  Maybe he has good reasons not to show so far. Maybe he is afraid for 
his life. I wanted to raise money for a bodyguard, but nobody here answered. 
Are you a FSF* troll? You are exposed. Maybe you also work for Google like so 
many people who write here. You are exposed! Why do people still do that here 
when they are exposed anyway? The learning effect is so low that no one ever 
gets it. I have seen through it for a long time. I'm sorry that I doubted you 
Daniel. You are our true leader! For free software!
Discussion mailing list

Re: working around censorship on this list

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter

Oct 14, 2019, 15:28 by dan...@pocock.pro:

>   Give me $300,000 and I will consider censoring the list, that is all I 
> wrote.
That's an announcement!? You obviously have no principles. You've censored 
mails here already. One of me too. Although I fight for you. If you give RMS 
$300,000, he would take it too, spend it on free software. You would use them 
for censorship. It's a shame. I thought better of you.
Discussion mailing list

Re: Removal of A.Hitler

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter

Oct 8, 2019, 17:37 by rol...@mxchange.org:

> On 10/08/2019 06:41 PM, MBR wrote:
> Very easy to misunderstand it. He/she should consider changing the email
> address  because it"feels" like Adolf Hitler. Maybe take a pseudonym
> instead?
Why would I need a pseudonym if other people are too stupid to read (not MBR, 
he is sorry)? Orally the problem is so rare that I didn't even think you'd 
react to it. That is discrimination when people have to change their own names 
because of the lack of reading ability of other people. I have a clean name and 
I don't want it to be dirty. It was dirty enough over the last days when I was 
sickly. When things get dirty, you can no longer think well and do stupid 
things. I always want to be in control so that nothing slips out. Otherwise 
there will be trouble.
Discussion mailing list

Re: working around censorship on this list

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 21:36 by dan...@pocock.pro:

> It wouldn't be hard to make a Thunderbird plugin or a script on the mail
> server to automatically add the necessary headers and operate parallel
> lists.
Can you do it automatically so we can bypass the censorship on this list? You 
have announced the censorship.

Discussion mailing list

Re: RMS resigned, why not Matthias Kirschner too?

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter

Oct 14, 2019, 07:55 by garfi...@tutanota.de:

> I hate Mondays
What the fuck is this shit? You're not even real yet. You can't even hate 
mondays. So what are you doing here? You only disturb us at work. Or do I 
hallucinate? But cats don't even have the physical ability to use a keyboard. 
They can't speak either, so they can't dictate either. I don't know if cats can 
think. But how would a cat write then? Well, maybe it can eat food in a certain 
pattern and a person can write that down. But do you really think that will 
happen? I am writing to the person behind Garfield in the hope that he will out 
himself. Speak for yourself and free yourself! It is important that even you 
stand. Make something of yourself and don't hide behind a cat. That doesn't 
work anyway, because cats are too small to hide behind them. Unless you are a 
baby. But are you a baby? Then run to mama and leave us alone here. You seal!
Discussion mailing list

Re: Re:

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter
Oct 14, 2019, 14:05 by dan...@pocock.pro:

> No, you're not.  Do you really believe I wouldn't consider censoring
> this list if somebody from Google arrived on my doorstep right now and
> handed me $300,000 to do so?
What's that supposed to mean? You also take money from Google? Why? I thought 
you were protecting us. Maybe we should rethink you. I believed you and now 
you're saying that. I am horrified. Maybe the FSF* is better than you, because 
if you all take money from Google, the organization that gets money also from 
other people is better. And it has a smaller overhead because it doesn't have 
to spend money on bodyguards. Why did you even start this when this list is 
also censored for Google? It's all shit and not saving the world. It really 
Discussion mailing list


2019-10-14 Thread ahilter
Oct 14, 2019, 13:42 by stefan.fr...@gmx.de:

> Unsubscribe
What's that supposed to mean? Are you trying to get out of here? That would be 
a pity! Daniel has done so much work and set up this list for us so that we can 
protect free software from vermin and black movements. Stay with us and support 
us in this important fight! For the future for freedom! Don't destroy Daniel's 
great work to get these addresses and write here that we are protected from 
censorship. Where else do you have this opportunity to simply express your 
opinion without fear of persecution? I don't know where. That's why everybody 
stays here and let's work together! We can also meet personally and go down on 
each other if you prefer that. This often helps to improve the situation if you 
don't just write.
Discussion mailing list

Re: Removal of A.Hitler

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 16:41 by m...@arlsoft.com:

> Since I was the onewho first pointed out that the UID portion of the 
> email addressseemed to refer to Adolf Hitler, I feel the need to 
> mention thatI just noticed that it doesn't.  Note that the "l" in the 
> UIDcomes before the "t".  So it could well be a legitimate name   
>  which is unfortunately very easy to misread.
Apology accepted. Unfortunately I couldn't write earlier because I had violent 
diarrhea and didn't have the time to spend long enough on the computer to read 
or write mails. And I didn't want to take the computer with me to the crapper 
because I read that it causes illness. Computers then have faeces on them and 
that doesn't go away anymore. Many toothbrushes even have faeces. You shouldn't 
do that because it's unhealthy. That is why I am writing now. I feel better and 
have a new toothbrush.
Discussion mailing list

Re: RMS resigned, why not Matthias Kirschner too?

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter
Oct 14, 2019, 08:21 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:

> Matthias Kirschner != RMS
What do you mean? I don't understand the comment. I think you're hiding your 
true opinion. Now I also know why you didn't answer my message about free 
dance. You are obviously not a dancer. Dancers carry their feelings and 
thoughts openly and express them in dance (often sexually). You obviously don't 
do that and can't be a dancer. Too bad, but maybe someone else can dance here 
and support free software. Please contact me! I didn't notice that before, but 
I can see from your sender that you are a doctor. If I had known that, I would 
have asked you something a week ago, because I was really shitty last time. I 
don't know if it was just physical or if it was the attacks here. I now 
understand even better how Daniel feels. I'm surprised that he can still be 
hard at all.
Discussion mailing list

Re: RMS resigned, why not Matthias Kirschner too?

2019-10-14 Thread ahilter
Oct 14, 2019, 11:59 by dan...@pocock.pro:

> Where there any other measurable consequences of the
> decision to close Düsseldorf?
I can't read the archive, but I find it outrageous that FSFE simply closes 
Dusseldorf. This concerns a lot of people and what are they supposed to do now? 
Do they even have the right to do that? How could it happen? The FSFE are all 
Germans and take action against their own country? That's funny. I don't know 
what to say, but I hope they will burn for it. On Judgment Day. This is no way 
to deal with more than 600,000 people. I didn't really know that, but thanks to 
Wikipedia you can find out everything nowadays.  It's incredible what we've 
achieved in the last 30 years, and now FSFE is destroying it all. We should 
organize a demo of free knowledge and free software and uphold our principles. 
There we can also advertise against censorship. We just bring great posters 
with us and do it. What would be a good date?
Discussion mailing list

Re: This mailinglist

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 12:25 by garfi...@tutanota.de:

> ditto.  I use my claw.
Why must you stupid fucker come back now? We have already unmasked you as a 
fake. So you can't take your claim to leadership here. I'd love to process you 
into cat food, that's how angry I am now. What are you still doing here? You 
only make trouble. We want to go forward for a better future, not to be turned 
back to stupidity and backwardness. Go back to where you came from. We don't 
need such riffraff here. This is war good against evil here. We don't have time 
for stupid games.

Discussion mailing list

Re: This mailinglist

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 10:14 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:

> You can call me comrade, if you like to, but not "in-arms", because I
> detest tools to hurt or to kill man.
My good friend, I'm sorry. I didn't want to harm you. It was just a saying. 
Sometimes you have to fight to win, but I accept your peaceful attitude. It is 
beneficial to people. I also understand that not everyone is as negative about 
the vassals of the wrong FSF* as I am. Maybe with increasing age and more life 
experience you will see things differently.

But back to free software: Can you help us? With dance or suggestions on how to 
collect money safely? I do not know your knowledge, therefore I must orient 
myself by your name. But I would like to know more, so please answer the 
questions I have asked here and in other threads. That would bring us all on 
the road.

Discussion mailing list

Re: Radbot is a winner!

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 09:59 by dan...@pocock.pro:

> I didn't see this as advertising:
Thank you for that good explanation. I'm sorry I didn't see it that way. I 
really want to fight for the good, believe me. Maybe you can give us some 
suggestions how we can move forward. I have asked questions about this in 
another thread. I thought you are sick or worse, eliminated, and now that I 
know that this is not the case, I would be very happy about an answer.

Are you threatened or can you speak freely? I guess that's a stupid question, 
because if someone stands behind you with a gun, you can't answer it correctly. 
Maybe you have an idea how to show us that you are not yet controlled by evil 
Discussion mailing list

Re: [non-libre] unsubscribe help, too much Freedom de-tox anybody?

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
> Don't be fooled by the people who stab RMS with a big knife
Yes, Daniel, RMS was maliciously mutinied. But I think it wasn't a knife, it 
was a pistol. Maybe even a rifle or even a cannon. Because Google sill has the 
biggest cannons and they've been trying to infiltrate and destroy our movement 
for 20 years.

> You have a choice who you give your money to now.Who else can we trust enough 
> and give our money to? I'm afraid that it'll either end up on Google, or 
> they'll hire contract killers to get important people out of our movement. 
> How can we ensure that our money is not used in this way? I have money left, 
> but only for the right purposes. Let's find a way together!

Discussion mailing list

Re: Radbot is a winner!

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Why are you advertising your products here? I thought this was about free 
software, not advertising. Or was it a distraction? We haven't solved the evil 
problem yet. We need to discuss more until we know who we can give our money to 
before we have time for distractions. Please let us concentrate on the issue: 
How do we proceed?
Discussion mailing list

Re: This mailinglist

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
> What are the topics ot be discussed here to improve the> Free Software 
> movement in a productive way?
Thank you for the fact that there are still other comrades-in-arms here who do 
not bend over for Google and see themselves committed to the truth. I described 
my fears in the thread "How do we proceed?" but also asked what we can do 
together for Free Software now. Unfortunately, I only harvested attacks in 
response. Maybe you can write some positive suggestions on how we can raise 
money to protect our leader? I only trust a few people enough here, and I'm 
afraid the wrong person will collect the money and pass it on to Google. It 
wouldn't be the first time. And the smear campaign will go on longer.  Please 
Michael, save us and show us the way!

By the way, are you a dancer, Michael? With such names I always think of really 
cool dance steps that look absolutely perfect. That might also be an 
opportunity to raise money for our movement. Dance steps are an easy way to 
explain free software, because dance steps are also passed on freely and nobody 
has a trademark right to them. So you could demonstrate the dance steps at 
conferences and then teach them to other people. Then someone can improve and 
pass them on and we can explain that this is the same with free software. What 
conference are you next at? Maybe I'll finally be able to free up enough time 
and go to a conference. Then we could talk about it in person and also 
demonstrate the first dance steps ad-hoc and see how it works. I think that 
would be also in the spirit of RMS, because he also likes to dance.
Discussion mailing list

Re: How do we proceed?

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 08:10 by cco...@gmail.com:

> It's not an "attack" you stupid asshole.  I semi-defended you initially.   
> Everyone is tired of bullshit clogging their inboxes.  That is all.  STFU and 
> go to sleep.
Oh, "you stupid asshole" is not an attack? And yes, I'm sure that nobody wants 
your "bullshit" in their inbox anymore. Why are you still on this list if you 
are an opponent of freedom? Real freedom fighters just delete mails and don't 
scream for censorship or self-censorship. But I know that many people have 
become accustomed to censorship and espionage by Google and co. Daniel, please 
help us wipe out the enemies of freedom once and for all!
Discussion mailing list

Re: How do we proceed?

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Oct 8, 2019, 07:35 by cco...@gmail.com:

> Go to sleep
And the next shot is fired. It was to be expected that one would be attacked if 
one spoke for freedom. You can see that in Daniel. I should "sleep" like an old 
man who might not wake up. It's not nice where we are now. In every 
conversation you have to fear having to deal with a spy and being raped from 
behind. At least with one I am sure, because he has shown by his strong deeds 
that he can be our leader: Daniel. So thank you for defending us here. You 
can't win a war alone. I say let's move forward for free software. Side by side 
we march for a better, fairer, freer future.
Discussion mailing list

Re: How do we proceed?

2019-10-08 Thread ahilter
Oct 7, 2019, 18:21 by m...@arlsoft.com:

> When someone whose UIDportion of his email address is "ahitler" says 
> of someone ofJewish ancestry that he "may be liquidated soon", that's 
> beyondthe pale!  What exactly are you implying is going to happen to  
>   Richard?
I am horrified. Now I am attacked because I fight for free software and RMS. 
You're trying to pull my good name into the mud and allude to Jews.  That's not 
acceptable. RMS is not a Jew. He is an atheist. Are you a Jew? I don't know 
what you want. It's really horrible how some people, probably paid by Google, 
sneak into our community and attack the real fighters. I won't let you insult 
me here! I didn't say anything about Jews! Leave us alone MBR. We are here for 
freedom and exchange of opinions, not for smear campaigns.

It can't be a coincidence that exactly 80 years ago today Germany ordered the 
complete reorganization of Poland. Exactly this rearrangement is tried by some 
dreadful elements with our community. We must be vigilant and always ready to 
defend ourselves. We are not going down without a fight! Not against such 
people as Florian Snow and MBR who take money to destroy our community.  Since 
Daniel took the floor, people have been shooting back. For a good future for 
free software!
Discussion mailing list

How do we proceed?

2019-10-07 Thread ahilter
How are we supposed to proceed now? RMS is gone and may be liquidated soon. 
Daniel is under constant attack and needs to be protected. What structure can 
we have so that we can collect money and eliminate the wrong FSF*?

It won't be easy, because we don't have a real leader here either. Daniel is 
the only one who really works for us, but he has given up his stalk. The 
followers are unfortunately all false prophets. That is quite obvious. Garfield 
is invented. Florian Snow is Google. Joe Anwi is invented. What should we do? 
We need a strong leader in our movement.

We should definitely raise money to hire bodyguards for Daniel. He must 
continue to speak for our movement even without being our elected leader. The 
fact that only he exposes the true motives of the false FSF* should be enough. 
We need him. Let us protect our leader together!

Who has ideas on how best to do this? I no longer want to be helpless at the 
mercy of the villains of the wrong FSF*!
Discussion mailing list

Re: Fwd: [GA] 2018 budget proposal & 2017 results

2019-10-07 Thread ahilter
Oct 7, 2019, 09:17 by bus...@fsfe.org:

>> [...] subhuman Florian Snow [...]  this monster away [...] such scum here.
> I thought this list is moderated. Daniel, is there any reason why you tolerate
> such name-calling?
Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm just mad at Florian Snow's behavior 
here and wanted to thank Daniel. I didn't find my expressions so bad and am 
happy not to have been censored here, but if it bothers you, I will try to 
write differently.

Here is a cleaned up version:
Too bad that the archive is no longer publicly readable. I followed everything 
quietly for a while full of admiration. Now I had to register to be able to 
read on. The advantage is that I now have one more reason to write. And now 
that this bad person Florian Snow is no longer there, I dare to speak openly.

Thank you Daniel for driving this bad person away! He just tried to distract by 
saying that he is a "volunteer", but you beat him with his own weapons.  
Ingenious, as you attributed to him, Google wouldn't spy, although he just said 
Google has no influence on him. Otherwise this bad person would never have 
stopped writing. Anyway, I've had enough of all the mails from him. So thank 
you again, Daniel. We don't need such bad people here.

Keep it up!

Discussion mailing list

Re: Fwd: [GA] 2018 budget proposal & 2017 results

2019-10-07 Thread ahilter
Too bad that the archive is no longer publicly readable. I followed everything 
quietly for a while full of admiration. Now I had to register to be able to 
read on. The advantage is that I now have one more reason to write. And now 
that this subhuman Florian Snow is no longer there, I dare to speak openly.

Thank you Daniel for driving this monster away! He just tried to distract by 
saying that he is a "volunteer", but you beat him with his own weapons.  
Ingenious, as you attributed to him, Google wouldn't spy, although he just said 
Google has no influence on him. Otherwise this scumbag would never have stopped 
writing. Anyway, I've had enough of all the mails from him. So thank you again, 
Daniel. We don't need such scum here.

Keep it up!

Oct 5, 2019, 10:33 by Daniel Pocock :
> On 04/10/2019 21:25, Florian Snow wrote:
>> On October 4, 2019 8:27:17 PM GMT+02:00, Daniel Pocock > pocock.pro> wrote:
>>> Stasi[1] HQ
>> Thank you for reminding me of the reason I stopped debating with you a while 
>> ago and why I > shouldn't have started again.
> You started again on Monday opening a thread with an email that appeared
> very personal.  There was nothing about free software in there, it was
> all about me in a role I resigned from over a year ago.
>> And just for everyone else who is wondering: I am a volunteer, like many 
>> others that Daniel > attacks, calls terrorists, spies, and bribed by Google. 
>> But I guess the negative salary that > the FSFE pays me is so heavily 
>> influenced by Google that I just don't realize how wrong I am.
> If we set aside the terrorist stuff, how can you say Google is not spying?
> Bribing and corporate influence are not the same thing, I've only
> alleged the latter.  The fact that Google has their own line in the
> spreadsheet shows that their interests are at the front of everybody's
> minds in FSFE.
> 9 November is the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down.  To
> celebrate, why not send Google's money back to them?
> Regards,
> Daniel

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