Re: A Possible Mathematical Structure for Physics

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Aug 2009, at 16:23, ronaldheld wrote:
 Any comments?

Very cute little paper.

I think the author would have found gravity waves, and thus space- 
time, by extending its approach to the Octonions (I intuit this since  
my reading of Kaufman book on knots and physics).

Of course, despite apparent mathematicalism, this is still physics,  
and the computationalist mind body problem is not addressed.

I have independent reason that such an octonionic physical theory is  
basically right, but to show this with respect to the comp hyp, it is  
nessary to derive such a theory from the intelligible hypostases,  
that is from the correct variant of the provability logic. I can come  
back on this when more is said on the intelligible hypostases).


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Aug 2009, at 19:28, Flammarion wrote:

 On 17 Aug, 11:17, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 11:11, 1Z wrote:

 Without Platonism, there is no UD since it is not observable within
 physical space. So the UDA is based on Plat., not the other way

 Are you saying that without platonism, the square root of 2 does not

 Yes, the square root of two has no ontological existence.

All what matters with comp is that things like the square root of 2   
has a notion of existence independent of me.

 Prime number does not exist?

 Yes, prime numbers have no ontological existence

I guess you make a material ontological commitment. One of my goal  
is to explain, notably with the comp hyp, that a term like matter has  
no referent. This would explain why physicist never use such  
ontological commitment explicitly.
To say that matter exists simply is a non rational act of the type  
don't ask. UDA makes just this precise by reudcing the mind body  
problem to a body problem.

 That mathematical existence is a
 meaningless notion?

 Sense but no refence. Mathematical statements have
 truth values but do not refere to anything outside the
 formal system.

Then they have no truth value. What you say is formalism, and this has  
been explicitly refuted by mathematical logicians.
We know, mainly by the work of Gödel that the truth about numbers  
extends what can be justified in ANY effective formal systems (and non  
effective one are not really formal).
But I know that there are still some formalists in the neighborhood,  
and that is why I make explicit the assumption of arithmetical  
realism. It is the assumption that the structure (N, +, x) is well  
defined, despite we can't define it effectively.

 Mathematics would be a physical illusion?

 A referentless formal game, distinguished from fiction
 only by its rigour and generality

You evacuate the whole approach of semantics by Tarski and Quine. I  
will not insist on this because I will explain with some detail why  
Church thesis necessitate arithmetical realism, and why this leads  
directly to the incompleteness and the discovery that arithmetical  
truth cannot be captured by any effective formal system. The formalist  
position in math is no more tenable.

 But physics use mathematics, would that not make physics illusory or

 No, because it uses mathematics empirically. The same
 language that can be used to write fiction can be used to
 write history. The difference is in how it used. not in the langauge

I don't see any difference in the use of analytical tools in physics  
and in number theory. The distribution of the prime numbers is  
objective, and this is the only type of independent objectivity needed  
in the reasoning. Nothing more.

 It's a perfectly consistent assumption. THere is no
 disproof of materialism that doesn't beg the quesiton by
 assuming immaterialism

 Well, I do believe in the natural numbers, and I do believe in their
 immateriality (the number seven is not made of quantum field, or
 waves, or particle).

 Then you are a Platonist, and you argument is based
 on Platonism.

I believe that the truth of arithmetical statement having the shape  
ExP(x) is independent of me, and you and the physical universe (if  
that exists).
You can call that Platonism, if you want, but this is not obviously  
anti-physicalist. Non-physicalism is the conclusion of a reasoning  
Given that Plato's conception of reality is closer to the conclusion,  
I prefer to use the expression Arithmetical realism for this (banal)  
assumption, and Platonism or non-physicalism for the conclusion. But  
that is only a vocabulary problem.

 So either you tell me that you don't believe in the number seven, or
 that you have a theory in which the number seven is explained in
 materialist term, without assuming numbers in that theory.

 The latter.

Show it. I know an attempt toward science without number by Hartree  
Field (wrong spelling?), but I found it poorly convincing. Most  
physicists accept the objectivity of numbers. Even more so with the  
attempt to marry GR and QM.

 This leads to major difficulties, even before approaching the
 consciousness problem.

 Such as?

 Explaining number with physical notions,
 and explaining, even partially, physical notions with the use  

 That is just a repetition of the claim that there
 are problems. You have not in the least explained  what
 the problems are.

UDA is such an explanation. AUDA gives a constructive path toward a  

 You arguments here are based on the idea
 that primary matter needs to be given a
 purely mathematical expression. That in turn
 is based on an assumption of Platonism. If
 Platonism is false and materialism true,
 one would *expect* mathematical explanation
 to run out at some point. Your difficulty is a
 *prediction* of materialism , and therefore a
 successfor materailism

Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 02:47, David Nyman wrote:
 2009/8/18 Jesse Mazer wrote:

 AFAICS the assumption of primary matter 'solves' the white rabbit
 problem by making it circular: i.e. assuming that primary matter
 exists entails restricting the theory to just those mathematics and
 parameters capable of predicting what is observed; since white rabbits
 are not in fact observed, it follows that no successful mathematics of
 primary matter has any business predicting them.

 This is not to say that such circularity is necessarily vicious; its
 proponents no doubt see it as virtuously parsimonious.  Nonetheless,
 one of the chief arguments for the pluralistic alternatives is that -
 by not applying a priori mathematical or parametric restrictions -
 they may thereby be less arbitrary.  This of course leaves them with
 the problem of the white rabbits to solve by other means.


Yes. It pretty well comes to a trade-off between cotingency and saving
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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 01:53, Jesse Mazer wrote:
 Peter Jones wrote:

  On 17 Aug, 14:46, Jesse Mazer wrote:
   1Z wrote:
 But those space-time configuration are themselves described by  
 mathematical functions far more complex that the numbers described or 

   But what is this primary matter? If it is entirely divorced from all 
   the evidence from physics that various abstract mathematical models of 
   particles and fields can be used to make accurate predictions about 
   observed experimental results, then it becomes something utterly 
   mysterious and divorced from any of our empirical experiences whatsoever 
   (since all of our intuitions regarding 'matter' are based solely on our 
   empirical experiences with how it *behaves* in the sensory realm, and the 
   abstract mathematical models give perfectly accurate predictions about 
   this behavior).

  Primary matter is very much related to the fact that some theories of
  physics work and other do not. It won't tell you which ones work, but
  it will tell you why there is a difference. It solves the white rabbit
  problem. We don't see logically consistent but otherwise bizarre
  universes because they are immaterial and non-existent--not matter
  that particualar amtehamtical structure.

 But then it seems like you're really just talking about consciousness and 
 qualia--of all the mathematically possible universes containing possible 
 self-aware observers, only in some (or one) are these possible observers 
 actually real in the sense of having qualia (and there qualia being 
 influenced by other, possibly nonconsious elements of the mathematical 
 universe they are a part of).

No.. I don't need the hypothesis that WR universes are there but

 There's no need to have a middleman called primary matter, such that only 
 some (or one) mathematical possible universes are actually instantianted in 
 primary matter, and only those instantiated in primary matter give rise to 

There is no absolute need, but there are advantages. For instance, the
many-wolder might have to admit
the existence of zombie universes -- universes that containt
*apparent* intelligent lige that is nonetheless unconscious--
in order to account for the non-obseration of WR universes.

 If you *are* going to add unobservable middlemen like this,

I don't concede that PM is unobservable. What exists is material, what
is immaterial does not
exist. There is therefore a large set of facts about matter. Moreover,
the many-worlders extra
universes *have* to be unobservable one way or the other, since they
are not observed!

there's no real logical justification for having only one--you could say only 
some mathematically possible universes are instantiated in primary asfgh, and 
only some of those give rise to qwertyuiop, and only the ones with quertyuiop 
can give rise to zxcvbn, and only ones with zxcvbn can give rise to qualia and 

Single-universe thinking is a different game from everythingism. It is
not about
explaining everything from logical first priciples. It accepts
contingency as the price
paid for parsimony. Pasimony and lack of arbitrariness are *both*
desiderata, so there is no black-and-white sense in which
Everythingism wins.

    In that case you might as well call it primary ectoplasm or primary 

  You might as well call 2 the successor of 0. All symbols are

 My point was just that I think it's *misleading* to use the word matter 
 which already has all sorts of intuitive associations for us, when really 
 you're talking about something utterly mysterious whose properties are 
 completely divorced from our experiences, more like Kant's noumena which 
 were supposed to be things-in-themselves separate from all phenomenal 
 properties (including quantitative ones).

I don't accept that characterisation of PM. (BTW, phenomenal
properties could be accounted for
as non-mathematical attributes of PM)

   And are you making any explicit assumption about the relation between 
   this primary matter and qualia/first-person experience? If not, then I 
   don't see why it wouldn't be logically possible to have a universe with 
   primary matter but no qualia (all living beings would be zombies), or 
   qualia but no primary matter (and if you admit this possibility, then why 
   shouldn't we believe this is exactly the type of universe we live in?)

  The second possibility is ruled out because it predicts White Rabbits.

 I don't agree, there's no reason you couldn't postulate a measure

Yes there is: you have to justify from first principles and not just
postulate it.
The problem is that if all possible maths exists, all possible
measures exist...
you can't pick out one as being, for some contingent reason the

on the set of mathematical possibilities which determined the likelihood they 
would actually be 

Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 00:41, David Nyman wrote:
 2009/8/17 Flammarion

  Yep. I have no problem with any of that

 Really?  Let's see then.

  The paraphrase condition means, for example, that instead of adopting a 
  statement like unicorns have one horn as a true statement about reality 
  and thus being forced to accept the existence of unicorns, you could 
  instead paraphrase this in terms of what images and concepts are in 
  people's mind when they use the word unicorn; and if you're an 
  eliminative materialist who wants to avoid accepting mental images and 
  concepts as a basic element of your ontology, it might seem plausible that 
  you could *in principle* paraphrase all statements about human concepts 
  using statements about physical processes in human brains, although we may 
  lack the understanding to do that now.

 I presume that one could substitute 'computation' for 'unicorn' in the
 above passage?  If so, the human concept that it is 'computation' that
 gives rise to consciousness could be paraphrased using statements
 about physical processes in human brains.  So what may we now suppose
 gives such processes this particular power?  Presumably not their
 'computational' nature - because now nous n'avons pas besoin de cette
 hypothèse-là (which I'm sure you will recall was precisely the point
 I originally made).  

That's completely back to front. Standard computaitonalism
regards computation as a physical process taking place
in brains and computer hardware. It doesn't exist
at the fundamental level like quarks, and it isn't non-existent
like unicorns. It is a higher-level existent, like horses.

Standard computationalism is *not* Bruno's claims about
immaterial self-standing  computations dreaming they are butterflies
whatever. That magnificent edifice is very much of his own
making. He may call it comp but don't be fooled.

It seems to me that what one can recover from
 this is simply the hypothesis that certain brain processes give rise
 to consciousness in virtue of their being precisely the processes that
 they are - no more, no less.

 Am I still missing something?

It's prima facie possible for physicalism to be true
and computationalism false. That is to say that
the class of consciousness-causing processes might
not coincide with any proper subset of the class
of computaitonal processes.
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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:41, Flammarion wrote:

 On 17 Aug, 14:46, Jesse Mazer wrote:
 1Z wrote:
 But those space-time configuration are themselves described by
 mathematical functions far more complex that the numbers  
 described or

 But what is this primary matter? If it is entirely divorced from  
 all the evidence from physics that various abstract mathematical  
 models of particles and fields can be used to make accurate  
 predictions about observed experimental results, then it becomes  
 something utterly mysterious and divorced from any of our empirical  
 experiences whatsoever (since all of our intuitions regarding  
 'matter' are based solely on our empirical experiences with how it  
 *behaves* in the sensory realm, and the abstract mathematical  
 models give perfectly accurate predictions about this behavior).

 Primary matter is very much related to the fact that some theories of
 physics work and other do not. It won't tell you which ones work, but
 it will tell you why there is a difference. It solves the white rabbit

QM mechanics solves mathematically the white rabbit problem. I do  
agree with this, but to say it does this by invoking primitive matter  
does not follow. On the contrary QM amplitude makes primitive matter  
still more hard to figure out. Primitive matter is, up to now, a  
metaphysical notion. Darwinian evolution can justify why we take  
seriously the consistency of our neighborhood, and why we extrapolate  
that consistency, but physicists does not, in their theories, ever  
postulate *primitive* matter.

 We don't see logically consistent but otherwise bizarre
 universes because they are immaterial and non-existent--not matter
 that particualar amtehamtical structure.

Are you defending Bohm's Quantum Mechanics? The wave without particles  
still act physically, indeed they have to do that for the quantum  
disappearance of the white rabbits.


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 01:43, David Nyman wrote:
 2009/8/17 Flammarion

  I am trying to persuade Bruno that his argument has an implict
  assumption of Platonism that should be made explicit. An  assumption
  of Platonism as a non-observable background might be
  justifiiable in the way you suggest, but it does need
  to be made explicit.

 Yes, this is why I felt it might help the discussion to make the
 possibility of such an assumption explicit in this way.

  Bruno's theory may well be falsifiable. But then it is hardly
  a disproof of materialism as it stands.

 Agreed - not as a knockdown blow - although as you know his argument
 is that materialism is incompatible with the computational theory of
 mind; and of course I've also been arguing for this, although my
 alternative (i.e. a theory, rather than an intuition) wouldn't
 necessarily be the same as his.

  I think the core of the problem is a tendency to mentally conjure
  platonia as a pure figment;

  I am not sure what you mean by that. Anti-Platonic philsoophies
  of maths, such as formalism, are considered positons supported by
  arguments, not vague intuitions.

 Yes, I don't dispute that.  But aside from this, perhaps one could say
 that we tend to assume that ideas about 'platonias' have sense but no

I don't see why

However, some physicists - Julian Barbour for one - use
 the term in a way that clearly has reference, as I think does Bruno.

Any Platonists thinks there is a real immaterial realm, that is the
whole point

 One should perhaps recall that the appeal to number as a causal
 principle (to use the logic of 'paraphrase') can't be met by any
 merely human concept of number.  IOW for reality to emerge from
 number, whatever the putative referents of human number terminology
 may be, they must at some level be uniquely cashable in terms of

I would have hoped that was obvious.

  this will not do; nor is it presumably
  what Plato had in mind.  Rather, platonia might be reconceived in
  terms of the preconditions of the observable and real; its theoretical
  entities must - ultimately - be cashable for what is RITSIAR, both
  'materially' and 'mentally'.  On this basis, some such intuition of an
  'immaterial'  (pre-material?) - but inescapably real - precursory
  state could be seen as theoretically inevitable, whether one
  subsequently adopts a materialist or a comp interpretative stance.

  I don;t see why it is necessay at all, let alone why
  it was inevitable. You were earlier comparing it
  to a hypothetical background ontology. How did
  it jump form (falsifiable) hypotheiss to necessary
  and inevitable truth?

 It didn't.  I was just suggesting that embracing some more 'agnostic'


 background schema of this kind might actually be helpful in
 appreciating the scope and limits of explanation.  For example, just
 how far down the explanatory hierarchy do we have to go before it
 starts making less and less sense to insist on characterising the
 explanatory entities as 'material'?  

It hasn't happened yet.

Are superstrings material?  Is
 quantum foam material?  Are
 whatever-are-conceived-as-the-pre-conditions for their appearance in
 the scheme of things material?  What is surely at issue is not their
 'essential' materiality but their properties as appealed to by theory
 (i.e. the ones to which we would resort by paraphrase).

Any physcial theory is distinguished from an
Everythingis theory by maintaining the contingent existence of only
possible mathematical structures. That is a general statement that
is not affected by juggling one theory for another. I have further
defined PM in *terms* of such contingency.

 Perhaps our
 ultimate explanatory entities need be conceived as no more 'material'
 than necessary for us to depend on them as plausible pre-cursors of
 the more obviously material; but of course, no less so either.

 While I've got you here, as it were - I don't see why this wouldn't
 apply equally to the mental: IOW our explanatory entities need be
 conceived as no more 'mental' than necessary for us to depend on them
 as plausible precursors of the more obviously mental; but no less so


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:44, Flammarion wrote:

 On 17 Aug, 18:51, Brent Meeker wrote:
 Jesse Mazer wrote:

 Does Bruno assume arithmetic is really real or just a really good  
 model, and can the
 difference be known?

 I don't think Bruno believes there is anything else
 for arithemeic *to* model.

Artithmetical theories model (in the physicists sense) the standard  
model (in the logician sense) of arithmetic.

But you are right. Arithmetical truth is what our theories try to  
model, always imperfectly, and necessarily so, as we know since Gödel.


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:48, Flammarion wrote:

 What do you mean by ontological existence?

 Real in the Sense that I am Real.

What does that mean?

Do you mean real in the sense that 1-I is real?  or
do you mean real in the sense that 3-I is real?

The 1-I reality (my consciousness) is undoubtable, and incommunicable  
in any 3-ways.

The 3-I reality (my body, identity card, ...) is doubtable (I could be  
dreaming) and communicable in 3-ways, yet always with interrogation  

This makes a big difference.


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 09:12, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 19:28, Flammarion wrote:

  On 17 Aug, 11:17, Bruno Marchal wrote:
  On 17 Aug 2009, at 11:11, 1Z wrote:

  Without Platonism, there is no UD since it is not observable within
  physical space. So the UDA is based on Plat., not the other way

  Are you saying that without platonism, the square root of 2 does not

  Yes, the square root of two has no ontological existence.

 All what matters with comp is that things like the square root of 2  
 has a notion of existence independent of me.

that's what I meant.

  Prime number does not exist?

  Yes, prime numbers have no ontological existence

 I guess you make a material ontological commitment. One of my goal  
 is to explain, notably with the comp hyp, that a term like matter has  
 no referent.

One of my goals is to explain that you cannot convince
me tha matter doesn't exist without first convincing
me that numbers do. You may be able to eliminate
matter in favour of numbers, but that doesn;'t stop
me douing the converse.

This would explain why physicist never use such  
 ontological commitment explicitly.

Physicists write reams about matter.

 To say that matter exists simply is a non rational act of the type  
 don't ask. UDA makes just this precise by reudcing the mind body  
 problem to a body problem.

The UDA doesn't even start without Platonism

  That mathematical existence is a
  meaningless notion?

  Sense but no refence. Mathematical statements have
  truth values but do not refere to anything outside the
  formal system.

 Then they have no truth value.

That statement requires some justification

 What you say is formalism, and this has  
 been explicitly refuted by mathematical logicians.

False. From previous conversations, you conflate fomalism
with Hilbert's programme. I am not referring to the claim
that there is a mechanical proof-porcedure for any
theorem, I am referring to the claim that mathematics
is a non-referential formal game. Note that Platonism
vs. Formalism is an open quesiton in philosophy.

 We know, mainly by the work of Gödel that the truth about numbers  
 extends what can be justified in ANY effective formal systems (and non  
 effective one are not really formal).

Irrelevant. Platonism
vs. Formalism is a debate about *existence* not about truth.

 But I know that there are still some formalists in the neighborhood,  
 and that is why I make explicit the assumption of arithmetical  
 realism. It is the assumption that the structure (N, +, x) is well  
 defined, despite we can't define it effectively.

  Mathematics would be a physical illusion?

  A referentless formal game, distinguished from fiction
  only by its rigour and generality

 You evacuate the whole approach of semantics by Tarski and Quine.

Maybe. Evidently I prefer Frege

 will not insist on this because I will explain with some detail why  
 Church thesis necessitate arithmetical realism, and why this leads  
 directly to the incompleteness and the discovery that arithmetical  
 truth cannot be captured by any effective formal system. The formalist  
 position in math is no more tenable.

  But physics use mathematics, would that not make physics illusory or

  No, because it uses mathematics empirically. The same
  language that can be used to write fiction can be used to
  write history. The difference is in how it used. not in the langauge

 I don't see any difference in the use of analytical tools in physics  
 and in number theory.

I've done both and I do.

The distribution of the prime numbers is  
 objective, and this is the only type of independent objectivity needed  
 in the reasoning. Nothing more.

Truths about prime numbers are objective truths,. That
says nothing about existence.

  It's a perfectly consistent assumption. THere is no
  disproof of materialism that doesn't beg the quesiton by
  assuming immaterialism

  Well, I do believe in the natural numbers, and I do believe in their
  immateriality (the number seven is not made of quantum field, or
  waves, or particle).

  Then you are a Platonist, and you argument is based
  on Platonism.

 I believe that the truth of arithmetical statement having the shape  
 ExP(x) is independent of me, and you and the physical universe (if  
 that exists).

To get a claim of existence out of that claim of truth, you have
to take the exists to have a single uniform meaning in all
contexts,. This, we formalists dispute.

 You can call that Platonism, if you want, but this is not obviously  

Show me where these numbers are phsycially, then

Non-physicalism is the conclusion of a reasoning  

Unfortunately, it is also the assumption

 Given that Plato's conception of reality is closer to the conclusion,  
 I prefer to use the expression Arithmetical realism for this (banal)  
 assumption, and Platonism or 

RE: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Jesse Mazer

 Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:37:02 -0700
 Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
 On 18 Aug, 01:53, Jesse Mazer wrote:
  Peter Jones wrote:
   On 17 Aug, 14:46, Jesse Mazer wrote:
1Z wrote:
  But those space-time configuration are themselves described by  
  mathematical functions far more complex that the numbers described 
But what is this primary matter? If it is entirely divorced from all 
the evidence from physics that various abstract mathematical models of 
particles and fields can be used to make accurate predictions about 
observed experimental results, then it becomes something utterly 
mysterious and divorced from any of our empirical experiences 
whatsoever (since all of our intuitions regarding 'matter' are based 
solely on our empirical experiences with how it *behaves* in the 
sensory realm, and the abstract mathematical models give perfectly 
accurate predictions about this behavior).
   Primary matter is very much related to the fact that some theories of
   physics work and other do not. It won't tell you which ones work, but
   it will tell you why there is a difference. It solves the white rabbit
   problem. We don't see logically consistent but otherwise bizarre
   universes because they are immaterial and non-existent--not matter
   that particualar amtehamtical structure.
  But then it seems like you're really just talking about consciousness and 
  qualia--of all the mathematically possible universes containing possible 
  self-aware observers, only in some (or one) are these possible observers 
  actually real in the sense of having qualia (and there qualia being 
  influenced by other, possibly nonconsious elements of the mathematical 
  universe they are a part of).
 No.. I don't need the hypothesis that WR universes are there but

What does are there mean? It seems to be a synonym for physical existence, 
but my whole point here is that the notion of physical existence doesn't even 
seem well-defined, if this discussion is going to get anywhere you need to 
actually address this argument head on rather than just continue to talk as 
though terms like exists and are there have a transparent meaning. The only 
kinds of existence that seem meaningful to me are the type of Quinean existence 
I discussed earlier, and existence in the sense of conscious experience which 
is something we all know firsthand. Can you explain what physical existence 
is supposed to denote if it is not either of these?
  There's no need to have a middleman called primary matter, such that only 
  some (or one) mathematical possible universes are actually instantianted in 
  primary matter, and only those instantiated in primary matter give rise to 
 There is no absolute need, but there are advantages. For instance, the
 many-wolder might have to admit
 the existence of zombie universes -- universes that containt
 *apparent* intelligent lige that is nonetheless unconscious--
 in order to account for the non-obseration of WR universes.
  If you *are* going to add unobservable middlemen like this,
 I don't concede that PM is unobservable. What exists is material, what
 is immaterial does not
 exist. There is therefore a large set of facts about matter. Moreover,
 the many-worlders extra
 universes *have* to be unobservable one way or the other, since they
 are not observed!

Who said anything about many worlds? Again, we are free to believe in a type of 
single-universe scenario, let's call it scenario A, where only a single one 
of the mathematical universes which exist in the Quinean sense (and it seems 
you cannot deny that all mathematical structures do 'exist' in this sense, 
since you agree there are objective mathematical truths) also exist in the 
giving-rise-to-conscious-experience sense. You want to add a third notion of 
physical existence, so your single-universe scenario, which we can call 
scenario B, says that only one of the mathematical universes which exist in 
the Quinean sense also exists in the physical sense (i.e. there is actual 
'prime matter' whose behavior maps perfectly to that unique mathematical 
description), and presumably you believe that only a universe which exists in 
the physical sense can exist in the giving-rise-to-conscious-experience sense. 
But all observations that conscious observers would make about the world in 
scenario B would also be observed in scenario A (assuming that the same 
mathematical universe that is granted physical existence in scenario B is the 
one that's granted conscious existence in scenario A). In both scenarios 
physical objects would be identified based on the qualia associated with them 
(color, visual shape, tactile hardness, etc.), and based on the fact that they 
behaved in certain predictable 

RE: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Jesse Mazer

 Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:55:35 -0700
 Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff

 However, some physicists - Julian Barbour for one - use
  the term in a way that clearly has reference, as I think does Bruno.
 Any Platonists thinks there is a real immaterial realm, that is the
 whole point
What does real mean? Once again it seems to be a synonym for existence, but 
you aren't defining what notion of existence you're talking about, you speak as 
though it has a single transparent meaning which coincides with your own notion 
of physical existence. On the contrary, I think most modern analytic 
philosophers would interpret mathematical Platonism to mean *only* that 
mathematical structures exist in the Quinean sense, i.e. that there are truths 
about them that cannot be paraphrased into truths about the physical world 
(whatever that is). I don't think any additional notion of existence is 
normally implied by the term mathematical Platonism (and many philosophers 
might not even acknowledge that there are any well-defined notions of of 
'existence' besides the Quinean one)
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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 10:01, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:48, Flammarion wrote:

  What do you mean by ontological existence?

  Real in the Sense that I am Real.

 What does that mean?

 Do you mean real in the sense that 1-I is real?  or
 do you mean real in the sense that 3-I is real?

 The 1-I reality (my consciousness) is undoubtable, and incommunicable
 in any 3-ways.

 The 3-I reality (my body, identity card, ...) is doubtable (I could be
 dreaming) and communicable in 3-ways, yet always with interrogation

 This makes a big difference.

It's an epistemological difference.
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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 10:51, Jesse Mazer wrote:
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:55:35 -0700
  Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff

  However, some physicists - Julian Barbour for one - use
   the term in a way that clearly has reference, as I think does Bruno.

  Any Platonists thinks there is a real immaterial realm, that is the
  whole point

 What does real mean?


Once again it seems to be a synonym for existence, but you aren't defining 
what notion of existence you're talking about, you speak as though it has a 
single transparent meaning which coincides with your own notion of physical 

There is a basic meaning to existence, the Johnsonion one.

On the contrary, I think most modern analytic philosophers would interpret 
mathematical Platonism to mean *only* that mathematical structures exist in 
the Quinean sense, i.e. that there are truths about them that cannot be 
paraphrased into truths about the physical world (whatever that is). I don't 
think any additional notion of existence is normally implied by the term 
mathematical Platonism (and many philosophers might not even acknowledge 
that there are any well-defined notions of of 'existence' besides the Quinean 

It is absolutely clear from the above that if they are a) existent and
b) not physcially accountable then they
are c) immaterically existent.
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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 16 Aug, 16:34, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 14 Aug 2009, at 14:34, 1Z wrote:

  On 14 Aug, 09:48, Bruno Marchal wrote:

  You are dismissing the first person indeterminacy. A stuffy TM can
  a computation. But if a consciousness is attached to that
  it is automatically attached to an infinity of immaterial and
  computations as well,

  There's your Platonism.

 Not mine. The one which follows from the comp assumption, if UDA is

  If nothing immaterial exists (NB nothing,
  I don't make exceptions for just a few pixies or juse a few numbers)
  there is nothiign for a cosnc. to attach itself to except a propbably
  small, probabuily singular set of stuiffy brains and computers.

 I can understand how easy for a materialist it is, to conceive at
 first sight, that numbers and mathematical objects are convenient
 fiction realized as space-time material configuration, perhaps of
 But those space-time configuration are themselves described by
 mathematical functions far more complex that the numbers described or
 explain. This leads to major difficulties,

i dont; see why. THe neural underpinnings of the concept horse
are probably more complex than the  concept horse. If you folow that
reasonng through consistently, Plato's heaven is going to be densely
and the brain will have no woro to do at all

 even before approaching the
 consciousness problem.

mathematical stucture+matter gives you more to
tackle the consciousness problem with than mathematical structure

 This shows that a purely physicalist explanation of numbers could lead
 to difficulties. But the same for a description of any piece of
 material things, by just that token.

By what token? You think there is some complex undepiining to

 So, I am not sure that physicist can be said to have solved the
 matter problem either, and some physicists are already open,
 independently of comp, to the idea that physical objects are relative
 mathematical (immaterial) objects. Which of course are no material.
 Wheeler, Tegmark, for example.
 But then with comp, you are yourself an immaterial object, of the kind
 person, like the lobian machine. You own a body, or you borrow it to
 your neighborhood, and you as an immaterial pattern can become
 stable only by being multiplied in infinities of coherent similar
 histories, which eventually the physicists begin to talk about

 I tend to believe in many immaterial things. Some are absolutely real
 (I think) like the natural numbers.
 Some may be seen as absolutely real, or just as useful fiction: it
 changes nothing.

I can't take a ride on pagasus. and I can;t be computed
by a convenient fiction

 This is the case for the negative number, the
 rational, a large part of the algebraic and topological, and analytical.
 Some are both absolutely real, and physically real, they live in
 platonia, and then can come back on earth: they have a relatively
 concrete existence. For example, the games of chess, the computers,
 the animals, and the persons. But the concreteness is relative, the
 'I' coupled with the chessboard is an abstract couple following
 normality conditions (that QM provides, but comp not yet).
 Some could have an even more trivial sense of absolute existence, and
 a case could be made they don't exist, even in Platonia, like the
 unicorns, perhaps, and the squared circles (hopefully).

 Each branch of math has its own notion of existence, and with comp, we
 have a lot  choice, for the ontic part, but usually I take
 arithmetical existence, if only because this is taught in school, and
 its enough to justified the existence of the universal numbers, and
 either they dreams (if yes doctor) or at least their discourse on
 their dreams (if you say no the doctor and decide to qualify those
 machines are inexistent zombies).

Platonism is not taught in schools. You are conflatin
existence with truth

 There is a sense to say those universal machines do not exist, but it
 happens that they don't have the cognitive abilities to know that, and
 for them, in-existence does not make sense.

 And for a mathematicans, they exists in a very strong sense, which is
 that, by accepting Church Thesis, they can prove the existence of
 universal digital (mathematical) machine from 0, succession, addition
 and multiplication.
 Both amoebas colony (human cells), and engineers are implementing some
 of them everyday in our neighborhood, as we can guess.

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 18 Aug 2009, at 10:55, Flammarion wrote:

 Any physcial theory is distinguished from an
 Everythingis theory by maintaining the contingent existence of only
 possible mathematical structures. That is a general statement that
 is not affected by juggling one theory for another. I have further
 defined PM in *terms* of such contingency.

That is actually very nice, because it follows the Plato-Aristotle- 
Plotinus definition of matter which I follow in AUDA.
And this is enough for showing we don't have to reify matter (nor  

  I don't see, indeed, how you can both define matter from contingent  
structures and still pretend that matter is primitive.
Somehow you talk like you would be able to be *conscious* of the  
existence of primitive matter.

All the Peter Jones which are generated by the UD, in the Tarski or  
Fregean sense, (I don't care), will pretend that primitive matter does  
not exist, and if your argument goes through, for rational reason and  
logic (and not by mystical apprehension), those immaterial Peter Jones  
will prove *correctly* that they are material, and this is a  

So to save a role to matter, you will have to make your consciousness  
of primitive matter relying on some non computational feature.

Note that if you accept standard comp, you have to accept that  
Peter Jones is generated by the UD makes sense, even if you cease to  
give referents to such Peter Jones. Fregean sense is enough to see  
that those Peter Jones would correctly (if you are correct) prove that  
they are material, when we know (reasoning outside the UD) than they  
are not.

Your argument should be non UD accessible, and thus non Turing emulable.

If you feel being primitively material, just say no to the doctor.


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RE: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Jesse Mazer

 Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 03:01:51 -0700
 Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
 On 18 Aug, 10:51, Jesse Mazer wrote:
   Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:55:35 -0700
   Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
   However, some physicists - Julian Barbour for one - use
the term in a way that clearly has reference, as I think does Bruno.
   Any Platonists thinks there is a real immaterial realm, that is the
   whole point
  What does real mean?

Don't know what that stands for--I think I've seen that abbreviation before in 
some other recent posts, but there have been a lot of posts I've missed over 
the last few weeks so maybe it was defined in one of the ones I didn't read. 
Anyway, could you explain?
 Once again it seems to be a synonym for existence, but you aren't defining 
 what notion of existence you're talking about, you speak as though it has a 
 single transparent meaning which coincides with your own notion of physical 
 There is a basic meaning to existence, the Johnsonion one.
Of course Johnson's refutation of Berkeley's idealism was not a very 
philosophical one, it was either humorous or anti-intellectual, depending on 
how seriously he intended it. Any philosopher could tell you that Johnson would 
have exactly the same experience of feeling the rock against his boot in a 
lawlike idealist universe, like the scenario A I offered in the post before 
the one you are responding to here.
 On the contrary, I think most modern analytic philosophers would interpret 
 mathematical Platonism to mean *only* that mathematical structures exist 
 in the Quinean sense, i.e. that there are truths about them that cannot be 
 paraphrased into truths about the physical world (whatever that is). I don't 
 think any additional notion of existence is normally implied by the term 
 mathematical Platonism (and many philosophers might not even acknowledge 
 that there are any well-defined notions of of 'existence' besides the 
 Quinean one)
 It is absolutely clear from the above that if they are a) existent and
 b) not physcially accountable then they
 are c) immaterically existent.
What do you mean by physically accountable? Are you referring to the notion 
that mathematical truths cannot be paraphrased as physical truths (assuming 
that what we call the physical world is itself not just a part of Platonia)? If 
so, then yes, I'd say according to the Quinean definition of existence, 
numbers exist but not as part of the physical world.
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Re: no-go for the penrose-hameroff proposal

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

Actually Tegmark already proposed a similar no go theorem.

BTW, it is weird people that continue to talk about the Penrose- 
Hameroff argument.
Hameroff is OK with the idea that a brain could be a machine (of the  
quantum kind).
Penrose is not OK, with that idea. Penrose, in his book and papers,  
makes a proposition that brain are not machine, not even quantum  
machine, i.e. that brain are really not turing emulable. It is the  
only example of non-comp position made by a scientist. I recall, with  
Quentin recently, that quantum computer are Turing-emulable (albeit  
very slowly).


On 18 Aug 2009, at 13:33, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:

 Somebody might  be interested in ..

 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 021912 2009

 Penrose-Hameroff orchestrated objective-reduction proposal for human
 consciousness is not biologically feasible

 From the abstract:

   Penrose and Hameroff have argued that the conventional models of a
 brain function based on neural
 networks alone cannot account for human consciousness, claiming that
 quantum-computation elements are also
 required. Specifically, in their Orchestrated Objective Reduction Orch
 OR model R. Penrose and S. R.
 Hameroff, J. Conscious. Stud. 2, 99 1995 , it is postulated that
 microtubules act as quantum processing units,
 with individual tubulin dimers forming the computational elements.  
 model requires that the tubulin is able
 to switch between alternative conformational states in a coherent
 manner, and that this process be rapid on the
 physiological time scale. Here, the biological feasibility of the Orch
 OR proposal is examined in light of recent
 experimental studies on microtubule assembly and dynamics. It is shown
 that the tubulins do not possess
 essential properties required for the Orch OR proposal, as originally
 proposed, to hold. Further, we consider
 also recent progress in the understanding of the long-lived coherent
 motions in biological systems, a feature
 critical to Orch OR, and show that no reformation of the proposal  
 on known physical paradigms could
 lead to quantum computing within microtubules. Hence, the Orch OR  
 is not a feasible explanation of the
 origin of consciousness.


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RE: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Jesse Mazer

 Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 04:32:18 -0700
 Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
 On 18 Aug, 12:00, Jesse Mazer wrote:
   Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 03:01:51 -0700
   Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
   On 18 Aug, 10:51, Jesse Mazer wrote:
 Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:55:35 -0700
 Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
 However, some physicists - Julian Barbour for one - use
  the term in a way that clearly has reference, as I think does Bruno.
 Any Platonists thinks there is a real immaterial realm, that is the
 whole point
What does real mean?
  Don't know what that stands for--I think I've seen that abbreviation before 
  in some other recent posts, but there have been a lot of posts I've missed 
  over the last few weeks so maybe it was defined in one of the ones I didn't 
  read. Anyway, could you explain?
 In The Sense I Am Real

And what sense is that? You are obviously real in the Quinean sense, and 
Platonists would say numbers are real in this sense too, but you are also real 
in the sense of having conscious experiences, and perhaps in the sense of being 
physically real (although as always I have doubts about whether this is 
meaningful as distinct from the other two senses), I think most mathematical 
Platonists would *not* say numbers are real in these senses.
   Once again it seems to be a synonym for existence, but you aren't 
   defining what notion of existence you're talking about, you speak as 
   though it has a single transparent meaning which coincides with your own 
   notion of physical existence.
   There is a basic meaning to existence, the Johnsonion one.
  Of course Johnson's refutation of Berkeley's idealism was not a very 
  philosophical one, it was either humorous or anti-intellectual, depending 
  on how seriously he intended it.
 It was not very apriori or theoretical. But then it is perverse to
 ignore the fact that we do in fact exist. Why struggle
 for defintions when the brute fact stare yo in the face?
 Any philosopher could tell you that Johnson would have exactly the same 
 experience of feeling the rock against his boot in a lawlike idealist 
 universe, like the scenario A I offered in the post before the one you are 
 responding to here.
 The he would exist in an idealist universe. He would still exist.
Sure, but Johnson's kicking the rock was specifically meant to refute idealism, 
so I thought that's what you were referring to. My whole argument with you has 
been that it's sufficient to posit the Quinean existence of mathematical 
universes + the existence of conscious experience in at least one of these 
mathematical universes, that there is no need to posit any additional notion 
called physical existence that's distinct from both mathematical existence in 
the Quinean sense and existence in the sense of having real conscious 
experiences. It would help if you'd address my comments about scenario A vs. 
scenario B in that earlier post.
   On the contrary, I think most modern analytic philosophers would 
   interpret mathematical Platonism to mean *only* that mathematical 
   structures exist in the Quinean sense, i.e. that there are truths about 
   them that cannot be paraphrased into truths about the physical world 
   (whatever that is). I don't think any additional notion of existence 
   is normally implied by the term mathematical Platonism (and many 
   philosophers might not even acknowledge that there are any well-defined 
   notions of of 'existence' besides the Quinean one)
   It is absolutely clear from the above that if they are a) existent and
   b) not physcially accountable then they
   are c) immaterically existent.
  What do you mean by physically accountable?
 What you mean:  that there are truths about them that can be
 paraphrased into truths about the physical world
  Are you referring to the notion that mathematical truths cannot be 
  paraphrased as physical truths (assuming that what we call the physical 
  world is itself not just a part of Platonia)? If so, then yes, I'd say 
  according to the Quinean definition of existence, numbers exist but not 
  as part of the physical world.
 Mathematical truths are relationships between concepts, and concepts
 are neural acitivity. So the paraphrase
 can be made.

Wait, so do you believe there is no objective truth about mathematical 
statements that humans haven't specifically figured out in their brains? For 
example, do you think there's an objective truth about the googolplexth digit 
of pi?
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Re: A Possible Mathematical Structure for Physics

2009-08-18 Thread ronaldheld

 I have heard of Octonians but have not used them.
I do not know anything about intelligible hypostases
.   Ronald

On Aug 18, 2:58 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 16:23, ronaldheld wrote:
  Any comments?

 Very cute little paper.

 I think the author would have found gravity waves, and thus space-
 time, by extending its approach to the Octonions (I intuit this since  
 my reading of Kaufman book on knots and physics).

 Of course, despite apparent mathematicalism, this is still physics,  
 and the computationalist mind body problem is not addressed.

 I have independent reason that such an octonionic physical theory is  
 basically right, but to show this with respect to the comp hyp, it is  
 nessary to derive such a theory from the intelligible hypostases,  
 that is from the correct variant of the provability logic. I can come  
 back on this when more is said on the intelligible hypostases).

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 18 Aug 2009, at 11:59, Flammarion wrote:

 On 18 Aug, 10:01, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:48, Flammarion wrote:

 What do you mean by ontological existence?

 Real in the Sense that I am Real.

 What does that mean?

 Do you mean real in the sense that 1-I is real?  or
 do you mean real in the sense that 3-I is real?

 The 1-I reality (my consciousness) is undoubtable, and incommunicable
 in any 3-ways.

 The 3-I reality (my body, identity card, ...) is doubtable (I could  
 dreaming) and communicable in 3-ways, yet always with interrogation

 This makes a big difference.

 It's an epistemological difference.

This does not answer the question:

Do you mean real in the sense that 1-I is real?  or
do you mean real in the sense that 3-I is real?


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 18 Aug 2009, at 12:14, Flammarion wrote:

 Each branch of math has its own notion of existence, and with comp,  
 have a lot  choice, for the ontic part, but usually I take
 arithmetical existence, if only because this is taught in school, and
 its enough to justified the existence of the universal numbers, and
 either they dreams (if yes doctor) or at least their discourse on
 their dreams (if you say no the doctor and decide to qualify those
 machines are inexistent zombies).

 Platonism is not taught in schools. You are conflatin
 existence with truth

Platonism is not taught in schools, I agree. But I have never said that.
I am not conflating existence with truth, I am conflating mathematical  
existence with truth of existential arithmetical statements.

 mathematical stucture+matter gives you more to
 tackle the consciousness problem with than mathematical structure

The mind-body problem comes from the fact that we have not yet find  
how to attach consciousness to matter. At least with comp, after UDA,  
we know why.

 No. it is equivalent to the conjunction of that stament with
 and the mathematicians Ex is a claim of ontological existence.

You are the one making that addition. So, again, show where in the  
reasoning I would use that addition.

 If you really believe that the number 7 has no existence at all, then
 the UDA reasoning does not go through,

 at last!

Read or reread the SANE paper, I explicitly assume Arithmetical  
Realism. This is hardly new. I really don't follow you.
UDA is an argument showing that comp (yes doctor + CT) = non  
physicalism.  (CT = Church thesis)
A weaker version of CT is provably equivalent with Ex(x = universal  
number). It makes no sense without AR.


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Re: A Possible Mathematical Structure for Physics

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 18 Aug 2009, at 14:14, ronaldheld wrote:

 I have heard of Octonians but have not used them.
 I do not know anything about intelligible hypostases

Have you heard about Gödel's provability (beweisbar) predicate bew(x)?

If you have, define con(x) by ~bew ('~x')  (carefully taking into  
account the Gödel numbering). Con is for contingent, or consistent.

Then the logic of the intelligible matter hypostases are given by the  
predicate Bew(x)  Con(x)

(The sensible, non intelligible, hypostases, cannot be defined by a  
predicate, and some detour in Modal logic is necessary, but for each  
arithmetical propositions p, you can define them by Bp  Dp  p.  (Dp  
is ~B ~p, Bp is bew('p'))
Note that Bp  Dp  p is obviously equivalent to p, for any correct  
machine, but no correct machine can see that equivalence, and this is  
a consequence of incompleteness).

You can read my Plotinus paper for more, if interested.

You can also read Plotinus II, 4: On Matter. Plotinus took Aristotle  
not quite Platonist theory of matter, and recasted it in  
his (neo)Platonist doctrine.

Basically, matter, for Aristotle---Plotinus is what is indeterminate.  
If fits well with comp where matter is the indeterminate computations  
which exist below the comp substitution level (by step 7).

I have not really the time to say much more for now, and this is in  
AUDA, and it is better to get UDA straight before. I think.


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 19:28, Flammarion wrote:

 On 17 Aug, 11:17, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 11:11, 1Z wrote:

 Without Platonism, there is no UD since it is not observable within
 physical space. So the UDA is based on Plat., not the other way
 Are you saying that without platonism, the square root of 2 does not
 Yes, the square root of two has no ontological existence.
 All what matters with comp is that things like the square root of 2   
 has a notion of existence independent of me.
 Prime number does not exist?
 Yes, prime numbers have no ontological existence
 I guess you make a material ontological commitment. One of my goal  
 is to explain, notably with the comp hyp, that a term like matter has  
 no referent. This would explain why physicist never use such  
 ontological commitment explicitly.
 To say that matter exists simply is a non rational act of the type  
 don't ask. UDA makes just this precise by reudcing the mind body  
 problem to a body problem.
 That mathematical existence is a
 meaningless notion?
 Sense but no refence. Mathematical statements have
 truth values but do not refere to anything outside the
 formal system.
 Then they have no truth value. What you say is formalism, and this has  
 been explicitly refuted by mathematical logicians.
 We know, mainly by the work of Gödel that the truth about numbers  
 extends what can be justified in ANY effective formal systems (and non  
 effective one are not really formal).
 But I know that there are still some formalists in the neighborhood,  
 and that is why I make explicit the assumption of arithmetical  
 realism. It is the assumption that the structure (N, +, x) is well  
 defined, despite we can't define it effectively.
 Mathematics would be a physical illusion?
 A referentless formal game, distinguished from fiction
 only by its rigour and generality
 You evacuate the whole approach of semantics by Tarski and Quine. I  
 will not insist on this because I will explain with some detail why  
 Church thesis necessitate arithmetical realism, and why this leads  
 directly to the incompleteness and the discovery that arithmetical  
 truth cannot be captured by any effective formal system. The formalist  
 position in math is no more tenable.
 But physics use mathematics, would that not make physics illusory or
 No, because it uses mathematics empirically. The same
 language that can be used to write fiction can be used to
 write history. The difference is in how it used. not in the langauge
 I don't see any difference in the use of analytical tools in physics  
 and in number theory. The distribution of the prime numbers is  
 objective, and this is the only type of independent objectivity needed  
 in the reasoning. Nothing more.
 It's a perfectly consistent assumption. THere is no
 disproof of materialism that doesn't beg the quesiton by
 assuming immaterialism
 Well, I do believe in the natural numbers, and I do believe in their
 immateriality (the number seven is not made of quantum field, or
 waves, or particle).
 Then you are a Platonist, and you argument is based
 on Platonism.
 I believe that the truth of arithmetical statement having the shape  
 ExP(x) is independent of me, and you and the physical universe (if  
 that exists).
 You can call that Platonism, if you want, but this is not obviously  
 anti-physicalist. Non-physicalism is the conclusion of a reasoning  
 Given that Plato's conception of reality is closer to the conclusion,  
 I prefer to use the expression Arithmetical realism for this (banal)  
 assumption, and Platonism or non-physicalism for the conclusion. But  
 that is only a vocabulary problem.
 So either you tell me that you don't believe in the number seven, or
 that you have a theory in which the number seven is explained in
 materialist term, without assuming numbers in that theory.
 The latter.
 Show it. I know an attempt toward science without number by Hartree  
 Field (wrong spelling?), but I found it poorly convincing. Most  
 physicists accept the objectivity of numbers. Even more so with the  
 attempt to marry GR and QM.
 This leads to major difficulties, even before approaching the
 consciousness problem.
 Such as?
 Explaining number with physical notions,
 and explaining, even partially, physical notions with the use  
 That is just a repetition of the claim that there
 are problems. You have not in the least explained  what
 the problems are.
 UDA is such an explanation. AUDA gives a constructive path toward a  
 You arguments here are based on the idea
 that primary matter needs to be given a
 purely mathematical expression. That in turn
 is based on an assumption of Platonism. If
 Platonism is false and materialism true,
 one would *expect* mathematical explanation
 to run out at some point. Your 

Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:41, Flammarion wrote:

 On 17 Aug, 14:46, Jesse Mazer wrote:
 1Z wrote:
 But those space-time configuration are themselves described by
 mathematical functions far more complex that the numbers  
 described or
 But what is this primary matter? If it is entirely divorced from  
 all the evidence from physics that various abstract mathematical  
 models of particles and fields can be used to make accurate  
 predictions about observed experimental results, then it becomes  
 something utterly mysterious and divorced from any of our empirical  
 experiences whatsoever (since all of our intuitions regarding  
 'matter' are based solely on our empirical experiences with how it  
 *behaves* in the sensory realm, and the abstract mathematical  
 models give perfectly accurate predictions about this behavior).
 Primary matter is very much related to the fact that some theories of
 physics work and other do not. It won't tell you which ones work, but
 it will tell you why there is a difference. It solves the white rabbit
 QM mechanics solves mathematically the white rabbit problem. I do  
 agree with this, but to say it does this by invoking primitive matter  
 does not follow. On the contrary QM amplitude makes primitive matter  
 still more hard to figure out. Primitive matter is, up to now, a  
 metaphysical notion. Darwinian evolution can justify why we take  
 seriously the consistency of our neighborhood, and why we extrapolate  
 that consistency, but physicists does not, in their theories, ever  
 postulate *primitive* matter.

Not explicitly, but physicists generally accept that some things happen and 
others don't; 
not only in QM but in symmetry breaking.


 We don't see logically consistent but otherwise bizarre
 universes because they are immaterial and non-existent--not matter
 that particualar amtehamtical structure.
 Are you defending Bohm's Quantum Mechanics? The wave without particles  
 still act physically, indeed they have to do that for the quantum  
 disappearance of the white rabbits.

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

Jesse Mazer wrote:
   Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:37:02 -0700
   Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff
   On 18 Aug, 01:53, Jesse Mazer wrote:
Peter Jones wrote:
 On 17 Aug, 14:46, Jesse Mazer wrote:
  1Z wrote:
But those space-time configuration are themselves described 
mathematical functions far more complex that the numbers 
 described or  
  But what is this primary matter? If it is entirely divorced 
 from all the evidence from physics that various abstract mathematical 
 models of particles and fields can be used to make accurate predictions 
 about observed experimental results, then it becomes something utterly 
 mysterious and divorced from any of our empirical experiences whatsoever 
 (since all of our intuitions regarding 'matter' are based solely on our 
 empirical experiences with how it *behaves* in the sensory realm, and 
 the abstract mathematical models give perfectly accurate predictions 
 about this behavior).
 Primary matter is very much related to the fact that some theories of
 physics work and other do not. It won't tell you which ones work, but
 it will tell you why there is a difference. It solves the white 
 problem. We don't see logically consistent but otherwise bizarre
 universes because they are immaterial and non-existent--not matter
 that particualar amtehamtical structure.
But then it seems like you're really just talking about 
 consciousness and qualia--of all the mathematically possible universes 
 containing possible self-aware observers, only in some (or one) are 
 these possible observers actually real in the sense of having qualia 
 (and there qualia being influenced by other, possibly nonconsious 
 elements of the mathematical universe they are a part of).
   No.. I don't need the hypothesis that WR universes are there but
 What does are there mean? It seems to be a synonym for physical 
 existence, but my whole point here is that the notion of physical 
 existence doesn't even seem well-defined, if this discussion is going to 
 get anywhere you need to actually address this argument head on rather 
 than just continue to talk as though terms like exists and are there 
 have a transparent meaning. The only kinds of existence that seem 
 meaningful to me are the type of Quinean existence I discussed earlier, 
 and existence in the sense of conscious experience which is something we 
 all know firsthand. Can you explain what physical existence is 
 supposed to denote if it is not either of these?
There's no need to have a middleman called primary matter, such 
 that only some (or one) mathematical possible universes are actually 
 instantianted in primary matter, and only those instantiated in primary 
 matter give rise to qualia.
   There is no absolute need, but there are advantages. For instance, the
   many-wolder might have to admit
   the existence of zombie universes -- universes that containt
   *apparent* intelligent lige that is nonetheless unconscious--
   in order to account for the non-obseration of WR universes.
If you *are* going to add unobservable middlemen like this,
   I don't concede that PM is unobservable. What exists is material, what
   is immaterial does not
   exist. There is therefore a large set of facts about matter. Moreover,
   the many-worlders extra
   universes *have* to be unobservable one way or the other, since they
   are not observed!
 Who said anything about many worlds? Again, we are free to believe in a 
 type of single-universe scenario, let's call it scenario A, where only 
 a single one of the mathematical universes which exist in the Quinean 
 sense (and it seems you cannot deny that all mathematical structures do 
 'exist' in this sense, since you agree there are objective mathematical 
 truths) also exist in the giving-rise-to-conscious-experience sense. 
 You want to add a third notion of physical existence, so your 
 single-universe scenario, which we can call scenario B, says that only 
 one of the mathematical universes which exist in the Quinean sense also 
 exists in the physical sense (i.e. there is actual 'prime matter' whose 
 behavior maps perfectly to that unique mathematical description), and 
 presumably you believe that only a universe which exists in the physical 
 sense can exist in the giving-rise-to-conscious-experience sense. But 
 all observations that conscious observers would make about the world in 
 scenario B would also be observed in scenario A (assuming that the same 
 mathematical universe that is granted physical existence in scenario B 
 is the one that's granted conscious existence in scenario A). In both 
 scenarios physical objects would be identified based on the qualia 
 associated with them 

Re: no-go for the penrose-hameroff proposal

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

Mirek Dobsicek wrote:
 Somebody might  be interested in ..
 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 021912 2009
 Penrose-Hameroff orchestrated objective-reduction proposal for human
 consciousness is not biologically feasible

It has long been noted that microtubles are ubiquitous in the cells of other 
organs, not 
just in the brain.  It is sometimes said that males think with an organ other 
than the 
brain, but this is generally metaphorical.


From the abstract:
Penrose and Hameroff have argued that the conventional models of a
 brain function based on neural
 networks alone cannot account for human consciousness, claiming that
 quantum-computation elements are also
 required. Specifically, in their Orchestrated Objective Reduction Orch
 OR model R. Penrose and S. R.
 Hameroff, J. Conscious. Stud. 2, 99 1995 , it is postulated that
 microtubules act as quantum processing units,
 with individual tubulin dimers forming the computational elements. This
 model requires that the tubulin is able
 to switch between alternative conformational states in a coherent
 manner, and that this process be rapid on the
 physiological time scale. Here, the biological feasibility of the Orch
 OR proposal is examined in light of recent
 experimental studies on microtubule assembly and dynamics. It is shown
 that the tubulins do not possess
 essential properties required for the Orch OR proposal, as originally
 proposed, to hold. Further, we consider
 also recent progress in the understanding of the long-lived coherent
 motions in biological systems, a feature
 critical to Orch OR, and show that no reformation of the proposal based
 on known physical paradigms could
 lead to quantum computing within microtubules. Hence, the Orch OR model
 is not a feasible explanation of the
 origin of consciousness.

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 18 Aug 2009, at 19:17, Brent Meeker wrote:

 Some posts ago, you seem to accept arithmetical realism, so I am no
 more sure of your position.
 I may have assented to the *truth* of some propositions...
 but truth is not existence. At least, the claim that
 truth=existence is extraordinary and metaphysical...

 Mathematical existence = truth of existential mathematical statement.

 The number seven exists independently of me, is equivalent with the
 statement that the truth of the mathematical statement Ex(x =
 s(s(s(s(s(s(s(0 is true independently of me.

 The above of course is a set of tokens symbolizing a set of  
 cardinality eight.

Er, actually it symbolizes the number seven (it is a detail, but set  
theory will never been formalized in my posts, except much later, for  
giving another example of Lobian machine).

 The fact
 that it symbolizes something depends on humans interpreting it.

I would have used the usual humans notation 7.
So I was referring to any interpretative machine (computer,  
universal number) which agrees on the usual first order axiom of  
arithmetic, talking in first order language,  together with the  
supplementary symbols s, 0, x and +.
We fix the notation, and, in the case of such machine we fix the  
semantic by the usual mathematical structure (N,+,x).

 This seems similar to the
 MGA and the idea that a rock computes every function.

I have already criticized this. Once sup-comp is accepted, the  
computation exists in arithmetic and are given by well defined  
relations among numbers, entirely defined with the language above, and  
they have the usual interpretation in (N,+,x). But those relation will  
define complex UD-like relationships describing relative observers in  
relative environment/universal machine, like Brent deciding to send a  
mail, for example. Those internal interpretation will exist in a  
sense which is not dependent of the choice of any interpretation or  
even representation, once you assume the usual truth of the  
arithmetical relations.
In comp, like in QM, a rock compute only in the sense that it is made  
of infinities of computations. Without comp, I have no clue of what a  
rock is, except that QM seems to agree on the fact that it is made of  
infinities of computations.

 They depend on being interpreted in
 some context or environment.

Right. The interpreter are given by the universal numbers, or  
universal machine. This is a bit tricky to define shortly, and I  
postpone it in the seven step series (but I am a bit buzy), so that  
more can uderstand.

In the third person way: a computation is always defined relatively to  
another universal number, or directly in term of number addition and  
 From the first person perspective we can only bet on the most  
probable universal number, among an infinity of them.

 I'm happy to abstract them from their environment to get a
 manageable model.

But once the model is a number that the doctor will send on Mars,  
where a reconstitution device has been build, you have to abstract  
yourself from the environment, for awhile. Saying yes doctor *is* a  
big theological step. Nobody should ever force you. The ethic of comp  
is the right to say no to the doctor.

 I'm not so comfortable to say that that abstraction doesn't need the
 environment and is what is really real.

Yeah ... I am sorry. But let us not be driven by wishful thinking, and  
if comp survives UDA, there is a sense in which matter becomes much  
more solid and stable. Observable environment emerge statistically  
from infinities of non temporal and non spatial computations/number  

Including (universal) environment does not help, because the UD  
generates them all (with their many variants), except some infinite  
diagonal garden of Eden which are evacuated through the comp hyp.


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 11:25, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 10:55, Flammarion wrote:

  Any physcial theory is distinguished from an
  Everythingis theory by maintaining the contingent existence of only
  possible mathematical structures. That is a general statement that
  is not affected by juggling one theory for another. I have further
  defined PM in *terms* of such contingency.

 That is actually very nice, because it follows the Plato-Aristotle-
 Plotinus definition of matter which I follow in AUDA.
 And this is enough for showing we don't have to reify matter (nor  

If you are not reifying anything. then there is nothing, hen there is
no UD.

   I don't see, indeed, how you can both define matter from contingent  
 structures and still pretend that matter is primitive.

I am saying that material existence *is* contingent
existence. It is not a structure of anything.

 Somehow you talk like you would be able to be *conscious* of the  
 existence of primitive matter.

Well, at least I don't talk about immaterial machines dreaming each

 All the Peter Jones which are generated by the UD, in the Tarski or  
 Fregean sense, (I don't care), will pretend that primitive matter does  
 not exist, and if your argument goes through, for rational reason and  
 logic (and not by mystical apprehension), those immaterial Peter Jones  
 will prove *correctly* that they are material, and this is a  

It's not  a contradiction of materialism. If there are no immaterial
PJ's, nothing is believed by them at all.

 So to save a role to matter, you will have to make your consciousness  
 of primitive matter relying on some non computational feature.

No. I just have to deny immaterial existence. You keep confusing the
that theoretical entities could hypothetcially have certain beliefs
with the
actual existence of those entities and beliefs.

 Note that if you accept standard comp, you have to accept that  
 Peter Jones is generated by the UD makes sense, even if you cease to  
 give referents to such Peter Jones.

False. Standard comp says nothing about Platonism or  AR.
I can give a Johnsonian refutation of the UD. I can't see it,
no-one can see it, so it ain't there.

Fregean sense is enough to see  
 that those Peter Jones would correctly (if you are correct) prove that  
 they are material, when we know (reasoning outside the UD) than they  
 are not.

So? That doesn't man I am wrong, because it doesn't mean I am in
the UD. The fact that we can see that a BIV has false beliefs
 doesn't make us wrong
about anything.

 Your argument should be non UD accessible, and thus non Turing emulable.

No, it just has to be right. The fact that a simulated me
*would8 be wrong doesn't mean the real me *is* wrong.

 If you feel being primitively material, just say no to the doctor.

Why can't I just get a guarantee that he will re-incarnate me
Even if matter doesn't exist, I won't lose out.
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Re: no-go for the penrose-hameroff proposal

2009-08-18 Thread Johnathan Corgan

On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 11:09 -0700, Brent Meeker wrote:

 It has long been noted that microtubles are ubiquitous in the cells of other 
 organs, not 
 just in the brain.

While I find the Penrose/Hameroff proposal very unconvincing for other
reasons, this is not one of them.

There are many shared organelles that are in both neuronal and
non-neuronal cell bodies.  It is a matter of organizing them for use one
way or another.  The voltage-gated sodium ion channel pore used for
propagating an event potential down an axon is also present in cells
outside the nervous system, yet the brain is able to use them to effect
(dare I say?) computation.

So it is at least plausible that microtubules, though ubiquitous
throughout the body, have been recruited and honed by evolution to
operate in the fashion proposed by Penrose/Hameroff in the nervous

Personally, I think their whole agenda is misguided, an example of
brains are mysterious, quantum mechanics is mysterious, therefore,
brains operate using quantum mechanics.

The mystery of quantum mechanics largely disappears with no-collapse
and decoherence anyway.

Johnathan Corgan

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread David Nyman

2009/8/18 Flammarion

  The paraphrase condition means, for example, that instead of adopting a 
  statement like unicorns have one horn as a true statement about reality 
  and thus being forced to accept the existence of unicorns, you could 
  instead paraphrase this in terms of what images and concepts are in 
  people's mind when they use the word unicorn; and if you're an 
  eliminative materialist who wants to avoid accepting mental images and 
  concepts as a basic element of your ontology, it might seem plausible 
  that you could *in principle* paraphrase all statements about human 
  concepts using statements about physical processes in human brains, 
  although we may lack the understanding to do that now.

 I presume that one could substitute 'computation' for 'unicorn' in the
 above passage?  If so, the human concept that it is 'computation' that
 gives rise to consciousness could be paraphrased using statements
 about physical processes in human brains.  So what may we now suppose
 gives such processes this particular power?  Presumably not their
 'computational' nature - because now nous n'avons pas besoin de cette
 hypothèse-là (which I'm sure you will recall was precisely the point
 I originally made).

 That's completely back to front. Standard computaitonalism
 regards computation as a physical process taking place
 in brains and computer hardware. It doesn't exist
 at the fundamental level like quarks, and it isn't non-existent
 like unicorns. It is a higher-level existent, like horses.

I completely agree that **assuming primary matter** computation is a
physical process taking place in brains and computer hardware.  The
paraphrase argument - the one you said you agreed with - asserts that
*any* human concept is *eliminable* (my original point) after such
reduction to primary physical processes.  So why should 'computation'
escape this fate?  How would you respond if I said the brain is
conscious because it is 'alive'?  Would 'life' elude the paraphrased
reduction to physical process?

BTW, let's be clear: I'm not saying that physicalism is false
(although IMO it is at least incomplete).  I'm merely pointing out one
of its consequences.

 It's prima facie possible for physicalism to be true
 and computationalism false. That is to say that
 the class of consciousness-causing processes might
 not coincide with any proper subset of the class
 of computaitonal processes.

Yes, of course, this is precisely my point, for heaven's sake.  Here's
the proposal, in your own words: assuming physicalism the class of
consciousness-causing processes might not coincide with any proper
subset of the class of computational processes.  Physicalist theory
of mind urgently required.  QED


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Flammarion

On 18 Aug, 15:21, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 12:14, Flammarion wrote:

  Each branch of math has its own notion of existence, and with comp,  
  have a lot  choice, for the ontic part, but usually I take
  arithmetical existence, if only because this is taught in school, and
  its enough to justified the existence of the universal numbers, and
  either they dreams (if yes doctor) or at least their discourse on
  their dreams (if you say no the doctor and decide to qualify those
  machines are inexistent zombies).

  Platonism is not taught in schools. You are conflatin
  existence with truth

 Platonism is not taught in schools, I agree. But I have never said that.
 I am not conflating existence with truth, I am conflating mathematical  
 existence with truth of existential arithmetical statements.

You have to be doing more than that, because
you cannot agree with me that mathematical existence
is no existence at all.

  mathematical stucture+matter gives you more to
  tackle the consciousness problem with than mathematical structure

 The mind-body problem comes from the fact that we have not yet find  
 how to attach consciousness to matter.

No, it comes from no being able to attach *phenomenal*
consciousness to mathematical structures. There is no problem
attaching *cognition* to matter at all. If the matter of your brain
is disrupted, so are your though processes.

At least with comp, after UDA,  
 we know why.

  No. it is equivalent to the conjunction of that stament with
  and the mathematicians Ex is a claim of ontological existence.

 You are the one making that addition. So, again, show where in the  
 reasoning I would use that addition.

Where you want me to be running on a UD. I cannot be running on a
merely conceptual UD any more than I can be a character in fiction.

  If you really believe that the number 7 has no existence at all, then
  the UDA reasoning does not go through,

  at last!

 Read or reread the SANE paper, I explicitly assume Arithmetical  

Then you are explicitly *not* assuming standard computaitonalism

This is hardly new. I really don't follow you.
 UDA is an argument showing that comp (yes doctor + CT) = non  
 physicalism.  (CT = Church thesis)

The sane paper says

Classical Digital mechanism, or Classical Computationalism,
or just comp, is the conjunction of the following three sub-

You mentioned two. The third is AR/Platonism

 A weaker version of CT is provably equivalent with Ex(x = universal  
 number). It makes no sense without AR.

All mathematics makes sense without Platonism. You are
conflating truth and existence again.  Ex(x = universal   number)
can be true without x being RITSIAR
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RE: Emulation and Stuff - The Ross Model of our Universe

2009-08-18 Thread John Ross
Some of you may be interested in my model of our Universe in which I propose
that the fundamental building blocks of our Universe are tronnies each of
which is one-half of nothing, with no mass and no volume and a charge of +e
or -e.  I have attached a copy of the first portion of my latest patent
application disclosing my model which was filed a few months ago.  The
portion attached includes the lead-in portion, the Background and the
Summary.  If anyone is interested in the rest of the patent application, he
or she should let me know.  It will soon be published by the patent office
at  Several earlier applications are listed in the first
paragraph of the attached.  These can now be down-loaded from the patent
office website.  Search for tronnies.

John R. Ross
V.P. Intellectual Property
Trex Enterprises Corp.
Office No. (858) 646-5488
Fax No. (858) 646-5500
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Flammarion
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:43 PM
To: Everything List
Subject: Re: Emulation and Stuff

On 18 Aug, 11:25, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 10:55, Flammarion wrote:

  Any physcial theory is distinguished from an
  Everythingis theory by maintaining the contingent existence of only
  possible mathematical structures. That is a general statement that
  is not affected by juggling one theory for another. I have further
  defined PM in *terms* of such contingency.

 That is actually very nice, because it follows the Plato-Aristotle-
 Plotinus definition of matter which I follow in AUDA.
 And this is enough for showing we don't have to reify matter (nor  

If you are not reifying anything. then there is nothing, hen there is
no UD.

   I don't see, indeed, how you can both define matter from contingent  
 structures and still pretend that matter is primitive.

I am saying that material existence *is* contingent
existence. It is not a structure of anything.

 Somehow you talk like you would be able to be *conscious* of the  
 existence of primitive matter.

Well, at least I don't talk about immaterial machines dreaming each

 All the Peter Jones which are generated by the UD, in the Tarski or  
 Fregean sense, (I don't care), will pretend that primitive matter does  
 not exist, and if your argument goes through, for rational reason and  
 logic (and not by mystical apprehension), those immaterial Peter Jones  
 will prove *correctly* that they are material, and this is a  

It's not  a contradiction of materialism. If there are no immaterial
PJ's, nothing is believed by them at all.

 So to save a role to matter, you will have to make your consciousness  
 of primitive matter relying on some non computational feature.

No. I just have to deny immaterial existence. You keep confusing the
that theoretical entities could hypothetcially have certain beliefs
with the
actual existence of those entities and beliefs.

 Note that if you accept standard comp, you have to accept that  
 Peter Jones is generated by the UD makes sense, even if you cease to  
 give referents to such Peter Jones.

False. Standard comp says nothing about Platonism or  AR.
I can give a Johnsonian refutation of the UD. I can't see it,
no-one can see it, so it ain't there.

Fregean sense is enough to see  
 that those Peter Jones would correctly (if you are correct) prove that  
 they are material, when we know (reasoning outside the UD) than they  
 are not.

So? That doesn't man I am wrong, because it doesn't mean I am in
the UD. The fact that we can see that a BIV has false beliefs
 doesn't make us wrong
about anything.

 Your argument should be non UD accessible, and thus non Turing emulable.

No, it just has to be right. The fact that a simulated me
*would8 be wrong doesn't mean the real me *is* wrong.

 If you feel being primitively material, just say no to the doctor.

Why can't I just get a guarantee that he will re-incarnate me
Even if matter doesn't exist, I won't lose out.

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Background and Summary Pat. Ap. Ross Model.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 18 Aug 2009, at 22:43, Flammarion wrote:

 On 18 Aug, 11:25, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 10:55, Flammarion wrote:

 Any physcial theory is distinguished from an
 Everythingis theory by maintaining the contingent existence of only
 possible mathematical structures. That is a general statement that
 is not affected by juggling one theory for another. I have further
 defined PM in *terms* of such contingency.

 That is actually very nice, because it follows the Plato-Aristotle-
 Plotinus definition of matter which I follow in AUDA.
 And this is enough for showing we don't have to reify matter (nor

 If you are not reifying anything. then there is nothing, hen there is
 no UD.

I think you have a magical conception of reality.
I don't need to reify number to believe in them.
I just need to play with them.

   I don't see, indeed, how you can both define matter from contingent
 structures and still pretend that matter is primitive.

 I am saying that material existence *is* contingent
 existence. It is not a structure of anything.

Plotinus says that too! Me too.
With church thesis this is can be made more precise in term of not- 
computable or not-provable, or some relativizations.

 Somehow you talk like you would be able to be *conscious* of the
 existence of primitive matter.

 Well, at least I don't talk about immaterial machines dreaming each

In arithmetic, that happens all the time. More below.

 All the Peter Jones which are generated by the UD, in the Tarski or
 Fregean sense, (I don't care), will pretend that primitive matter  
 not exist, and if your argument goes through, for rational reason and
 logic (and not by mystical apprehension), those immaterial Peter  
 will prove *correctly* that they are material, and this is a

 It's not  a contradiction of materialism. If there are no immaterial
 PJ's, nothing is believed by them at all.

Once you say yes to the doctor, there are immaterial Peter Jones. All  
your doppelganger emulating you, and being emulated at your level of  
substitution and below relatively occuring in the proof of the Sigma_1  
sentences of Robinson Arithmetic. (The arithmetical version of the UD).

 So to save a role to matter, you will have to make your  
 of primitive matter relying on some non computational feature.

 No. I just have to deny immaterial existence.

You have to deny the theorem of elementary arithmetic, which are used  
by physicists (mostly through complex or trigonometric functions,  
which reintroduce the natural numbers in the continuum).

 You keep confusing the
 that theoretical entities could hypothetcially have certain beliefs
 with the
 actual existence of those entities and beliefs.

You underestimate the dumbness of the DU, or sigma_1 arithmetic. It  
contains the emulation of all the quantum states of the milky way,  
with correct approximation of its neighborhood. It is hard to  
recognize Peter Jones or Bruno Marchal from the huge relation and huge  
numbers involved, in some emulations, but it is easy to prove there  
exists, from the information the doctor got when scanning your brain.  
In computations enough similar than our own most probable current one,  
it is a theorem that those entities have such or such beliefs, and  
behave in such and such ways, developing such and such discourses.

 Note that if you accept standard comp, you have to accept that
 Peter Jones is generated by the UD makes sense, even if you cease  
 give referents to such Peter Jones.

 False. Standard comp says nothing about Platonism or  AR.
 I can give a Johnsonian refutation of the UD. I can't see it,
 no-one can see it, so it ain't there.

Standard comp says nothing about Plato's Platonism, but once you take  
the digitalness seriously enough, and CT, it is just standard computer  
See conscience  mécanisme appendices for snapshot of a running  
mathematical DU. It exists mathematically. But it can be implemented  
materially , i.e. relatively to our most probable computations too.

 Fregean sense is enough to see
 that those Peter Jones would correctly (if you are correct) prove  
 they are material, when we know (reasoning outside the UD) than they
 are not.

 So? That doesn't man I am wrong, because it doesn't mean I am in
 the UD. The fact that we can see that a BIV has false beliefs
 doesn't make us wrong
 about anything.

This is not the point. The point is that if you develop a correct  
argumentation that you are material, and that what we see around us  
is material, then the arithmetical P. Jone(s) will also find a correct  
argumentation that *they* are material, and that what they see is  
material. The problem is that if you are correct in our physical  
reality their reasoning will be correct too, and false of course. But  
then your reasoning has to be false too.
The only way to prevent this 

Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread David Nyman

On 19 Aug, 00:20, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 Note that I have never said that matter does not exist. I have no  
 doubt it exists. I am just saying that matter cannot be primitive,  
 assuming comp. Matter is more or less the border of the ignorance of  
 universal machines (to be short). There is a fundamental physics which  
 capture the invariant for all possible universal machine observation,  
 and the rest is geography-history. Assuming comp the consistent-
 contingent obeys laws.

AFAICS the essence of Bruno's dispute with Peter consists in:

1)  ***If you accept the computational theory of mind (CTM)*** then
matter can no longer be primitive to your explanations of appearances
of any kind, mental or physical.

2) ***If you assert that matter is primitive to your explanation of
appearances of any kind, mental or physical (PM)*** it is illegitimate
to appeal to CTM.

Bruno's position is that only one of the above can be true (i.e. CTM
and PM are incompatible) as shown by UDA-8 (MGA/Olympia).   I've also
argued this, in a somewhat different form.  Peter's position I think
is that 1) and 2) are both false (or in any case that CTM and PM are
compatible).  Hence the validity of UDA-8 - in its strongest form -
seems central to the current dispute, since it is essentially this
argument that motivates the appeal to arithmetical realism, the topic
currently generating so much heat.  UDA-8 sets out to be provable or
disprovable on purely logical grounds.  I for one am unclear on what
basis it could be attacked as invalid.  Can anyone show strong grounds
for this?


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 22:43, Flammarion wrote:

 On 18 Aug, 11:25, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 10:55, Flammarion wrote:

 Any physcial theory is distinguished from an
 Everythingis theory by maintaining the contingent existence of only
 possible mathematical structures. That is a general statement that
 is not affected by juggling one theory for another. I have further
 defined PM in *terms* of such contingency.
 That is actually very nice, because it follows the Plato-Aristotle-
 Plotinus definition of matter which I follow in AUDA.
 And this is enough for showing we don't have to reify matter (nor
 If you are not reifying anything. then there is nothing, hen there is
 no UD.
 I think you have a magical conception of reality.
 I don't need to reify number to believe in them.
 I just need to play with them.
   I don't see, indeed, how you can both define matter from contingent
 structures and still pretend that matter is primitive.
 I am saying that material existence *is* contingent
 existence. It is not a structure of anything.
 Plotinus says that too! Me too.
 With church thesis this is can be made more precise in term of not- 
 computable or not-provable, or some relativizations.
 Somehow you talk like you would be able to be *conscious* of the
 existence of primitive matter.
 Well, at least I don't talk about immaterial machines dreaming each
 In arithmetic, that happens all the time. More below.
 All the Peter Jones which are generated by the UD, in the Tarski or
 Fregean sense, (I don't care), will pretend that primitive matter  
 not exist, and if your argument goes through, for rational reason and
 logic (and not by mystical apprehension), those immaterial Peter  
 will prove *correctly* that they are material, and this is a
 It's not  a contradiction of materialism. If there are no immaterial
 PJ's, nothing is believed by them at all.
 Once you say yes to the doctor, there are immaterial Peter Jones. All  
 your doppelganger emulating you, and being emulated at your level of  
 substitution and below relatively occuring in the proof of the Sigma_1  
 sentences of Robinson Arithmetic. (The arithmetical version of the UD).
 So to save a role to matter, you will have to make your  
 of primitive matter relying on some non computational feature.
 No. I just have to deny immaterial existence.
 You have to deny the theorem of elementary arithmetic, which are used  
 by physicists (mostly through complex or trigonometric functions,  
 which reintroduce the natural numbers in the continuum).
 You keep confusing the
 that theoretical entities could hypothetcially have certain beliefs
 with the
 actual existence of those entities and beliefs.
 You underestimate the dumbness of the DU, or sigma_1 arithmetic. It  
 contains the emulation of all the quantum states of the milky way,  
 with correct approximation of its neighborhood. It is hard to  
 recognize Peter Jones or Bruno Marchal from the huge relation and huge  
 numbers involved, in some emulations, but it is easy to prove there  
 exists, from the information the doctor got when scanning your brain.  
 In computations enough similar than our own most probable current one,  
 it is a theorem that those entities have such or such beliefs, and  
 behave in such and such ways, developing such and such discourses.
 Note that if you accept standard comp, you have to accept that
 Peter Jones is generated by the UD makes sense, even if you cease  
 give referents to such Peter Jones.
 False. Standard comp says nothing about Platonism or  AR.
 I can give a Johnsonian refutation of the UD. I can't see it,
 no-one can see it, so it ain't there.
 Standard comp says nothing about Plato's Platonism, but once you take  
 the digitalness seriously enough, and CT, it is just standard computer  
 See conscience  mécanisme appendices for snapshot of a running  
 mathematical DU. It exists mathematically. But it can be implemented  
 materially , i.e. relatively to our most probable computations too.
 Fregean sense is enough to see
 that those Peter Jones would correctly (if you are correct) prove  
 they are material, when we know (reasoning outside the UD) than they
 are not.
 So? That doesn't man I am wrong, because it doesn't mean I am in
 the UD. The fact that we can see that a BIV has false beliefs
 doesn't make us wrong
 about anything.
 This is not the point. The point is that if you develop a correct  
 argumentation that you are material, and that what we see around us  
 is material, then the arithmetical P. Jone(s) will also find a correct  
 argumentation that *they* are material, and that what they see is  
 material. The problem is that if you are correct in our physical  
 reality their reasoning will be correct too, and false of course. But  

Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

David Nyman wrote:
 On 19 Aug, 00:20, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Note that I have never said that matter does not exist. I have no  
 doubt it exists. I am just saying that matter cannot be primitive,  
 assuming comp. Matter is more or less the border of the ignorance of  
 universal machines (to be short). There is a fundamental physics which  
 capture the invariant for all possible universal machine observation,  
 and the rest is geography-history. Assuming comp the consistent-
 contingent obeys laws.
 AFAICS the essence of Bruno's dispute with Peter consists in:
 1)  ***If you accept the computational theory of mind (CTM)*** then
 matter can no longer be primitive to your explanations of appearances
 of any kind, mental or physical.
 2) ***If you assert that matter is primitive to your explanation of
 appearances of any kind, mental or physical (PM)*** it is illegitimate
 to appeal to CTM.
 Bruno's position is that only one of the above can be true (i.e. CTM
 and PM are incompatible) as shown by UDA-8 (MGA/Olympia).   I've also
 argued this, in a somewhat different form.  Peter's position I think
 is that 1) and 2) are both false (or in any case that CTM and PM are
 compatible).  Hence the validity of UDA-8 - in its strongest form -
 seems central to the current dispute, since it is essentially this
 argument that motivates the appeal to arithmetical realism, the topic
 currently generating so much heat.  UDA-8 sets out to be provable or
 disprovable on purely logical grounds.  I for one am unclear on what
 basis it could be attacked as invalid.  Can anyone show strong grounds
 for this?

I think you are right that the MGA is at the crux.  But I don't know whether to 
regard it 
as proving that computation need not be physically instantiated or as a 
reductio against 
the yes doctor hypothesis.  Saying yes to the doctor seems very 
straightforward when you 
just think about the doctor replacing physical elements of your brain with 
similar elements made of silicon or straw or whatever.  But then I reflect that 
I, with my 
new head full of straw, must still interact with the world.  So I have not been 
reduced to 
computation unless the part of the world I interact with is also replaced by 
elements (I think this problem is swept under the rug with the phrase at the 
level of substitution).  So suppose the doctor also emulates all the world 
that I will 
ever interact with.  Now it is not so clear that such an emulation is 
computable, but 
suppose it is.  Now my consciousness is entirely emulation - but it is also 
entirely in 
another, emulated, world.  In that world it is physically instantiated.  So it 
has not 
been shown that the emulation can be uninstantiated mathematics.


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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread David Nyman

On 19 Aug, 01:31, Brent Meeker wrote:

 It seems that your argument uses MGA to
 conclude that no physical instantaion is needed so 
 Turing-emulable=Turing-emulated.  It
 seems that all you can conclude is one cannot *know* that they have a correct 
 showing they are material.  But this is already well known from brain in a 
 vat thought

I thought that MGA was an argument contra the compatibility of the
computational theory of mind and a primitive matter ontology (i.e. CTM
+ PM = false), explicitly on the *starting* assumption of CTM.  That
is, starting from CTM, MGA says you can't *have* a correct argument
showing you are material.  Alternatively, if you don't begin with CTM,
you're not forced to resort to arithmetical or any other type of
mathematical realism.  Isn't that about the size of it?


 or that you just don't know if you are in the UD or  
  not. At this stage.
  Then with step-8, you know, relatively to the comp act of faith,  
  that you are already there. If you say yes to the doctor, you can bet,  
  from computer science that you are already in the (N,x,+) matrix.

  Your argument should be non UD accessible, and thus non Turing  
  No, it just has to be right. The fact that a simulated me
  *would8 be wrong doesn't mean the real me *is* wrong.

  But if you are correct in your reasoning, the simulated you has to be  
  correct to. It is the same reasoning.
  Or you have a special sense making you know that you are the real  
  one, but either that special sense is Turing emulable and your  
  doppelganger inherit them, or it is not Turing emulable, and you  
  better should say no to the doctor, because you would loose that  

 Or it is a relation to the rest of the world and you can say yes so long as 
 the doctor
 maintains your relations to the rest of the world - i.e. physically 
 instantiates your


  If you feel being primitively material, just say no to the doctor.
  Why can't I just get a guarantee that he will re-incarnate me

  He will try.

  Even if matter doesn't exist, I won't lose out.

  Note that I have never said that matter does not exist. I have no  
  doubt it exists. I am just saying that matter cannot be primitive,  
  assuming comp. Matter is more or less the border of the ignorance of  
  universal machines (to be short). There is a fundamental physics which  
  capture the invariant for all possible universal machine observation,  
  and the rest is geography-history. Assuming comp the consistent-
  contingent obeys laws.

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread David Nyman

On 19 Aug, 01:31, Brent Meeker wrote:

 It seems that your argument uses MGA to
 conclude that no physical instantaion is needed so 
 Turing-emulable=Turing-emulated.  It
 seems that all you can conclude is one cannot *know* that they have a correct 
 showing they are material.  But this is already well known from brain in a 
 vat thought

I thought that MGA was an argument contra the compatibility of the
computational theory of mind and a primitive matter ontology (i.e. CTM
+ PM = false), explicitly on the *starting* assumption of CTM.  That
is, starting from CTM, MGA says you can't *have* a correct argument
showing you are material.  Alternatively, if you don't begin with CTM,
you're not forced to resort to arithmetical or any other type of
mathematical realism.  Isn't that about the size of it?


 or that you just don't know if you are in the UD or  
  not. At this stage.
  Then with step-8, you know, relatively to the comp act of faith,  
  that you are already there. If you say yes to the doctor, you can bet,  
  from computer science that you are already in the (N,x,+) matrix.

  Your argument should be non UD accessible, and thus non Turing  
  No, it just has to be right. The fact that a simulated me
  *would8 be wrong doesn't mean the real me *is* wrong.

  But if you are correct in your reasoning, the simulated you has to be  
  correct to. It is the same reasoning.
  Or you have a special sense making you know that you are the real  
  one, but either that special sense is Turing emulable and your  
  doppelganger inherit them, or it is not Turing emulable, and you  
  better should say no to the doctor, because you would loose that  

 Or it is a relation to the rest of the world and you can say yes so long as 
 the doctor
 maintains your relations to the rest of the world - i.e. physically 
 instantiates your


  If you feel being primitively material, just say no to the doctor.
  Why can't I just get a guarantee that he will re-incarnate me

  He will try.

  Even if matter doesn't exist, I won't lose out.

  Note that I have never said that matter does not exist. I have no  
  doubt it exists. I am just saying that matter cannot be primitive,  
  assuming comp. Matter is more or less the border of the ignorance of  
  universal machines (to be short). There is a fundamental physics which  
  capture the invariant for all possible universal machine observation,  
  and the rest is geography-history. Assuming comp the consistent-
  contingent obeys laws.

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Re: Emulation and Stuff

2009-08-18 Thread David Nyman

On 19 Aug, 01:51, Brent Meeker wrote:

 I think you are right that the MGA is at the crux.  But I don't know whether 
 to regard it
 as proving that computation need not be physically instantiated or as a 
 reductio against
 the yes doctor hypothesis.  Saying yes to the doctor seems very 
 straightforward when you
 just think about the doctor replacing physical elements of your brain with 
 similar elements made of silicon or straw or whatever.  But then I reflect 
 that I, with my
 new head full of straw, must still interact with the world.  So I have not 
 been reduced to
 computation unless the part of the world I interact with is also replaced by 
 elements (I think this problem is swept under the rug with the phrase at the 
 level of substitution).  So suppose the doctor also emulates all the world 
 that I will
 ever interact with.  Now it is not so clear that such an emulation is 
 computable, but
 suppose it is.  Now my consciousness is entirely emulation - but it is also 
 entirely in
 another, emulated, world.  In that world it is physically instantiated.  So 
 it has not
 been shown that the emulation can be uninstantiated mathematics.

Our last two posts crossed in the ether!  Yes, I've wondered about the
possible reductio element in yes doctor - like it's sometimes
forgotten that Schrödinger's poor old tabby was originally proposed as
a reductio against the Copenhagenists.  But I'm not sure I agree that
computation need not be physically instantiated is strong enough -
MGA is more dismissive of PM than that (Bruno sometimes says that
appeals to PM are 'spurious' with respect to CTM).  I think that the
strong entailment of MGA is CTM + PM = false, and that yes doctor is a
promissory note against some future theory of substitution (with the
caveat that it won't be complete).


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OFF LIST Re: Emulation and Stuff - The Ross Model of our Universe

2009-08-18 Thread Colin Hales

Can you please send a .PDF or a .DOC
I can't read .DOCX and I can't upgrade my PC to read ituni rules... :-(
Colin Hales

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Re: OFF LIST Re: Emulation and Stuff - The Ross Model of our Universe

2009-08-18 Thread Brent Meeker

Colin Hales wrote:
 Can you please send a .PDF or a .DOC
 I can't read .DOCX and I can't upgrade my PC to read ituni rules... :-(
 Colin Hales

Download OpenOffice.  It's free.  It'll read .doc and .docx files and it will 
save in .doc 
and .pdf (but it won't import .pdf).

The first time Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck will be when they 
make vacuum 

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