[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How to trip up the ego...'

2008-12-28 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Can you put the below into your own words?  I'm betting you can't.
Maybe it's like being Number One, and Nowhere Man, at the same time?
Could be like your one and zero at the same time...
This would be like in quantum mechanics where, the research in new
computer memory allows for a bit to be both zero and one, at the same

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apple Quicktime Help

2008-12-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 I'm trying to download itunes on my computer for the iphone 
 I got from Santa. The installation is almost complete when 
 this window pops-up:

 It says that it could not open this key. What to do? Thanks.

Sounds as if it's a bug in Apple's installation
routine, Pete. It's looking for the registry entry
of the previous version to uninstall after installing
the new one, and can't find it because there is no
previous version. Just like Apple to not be able to
conceive of some Windows user not having the previous 
version of their software, and not knowing how to 
deal with it.

HOW to deal with it? Can't help you. A quick Google
search finds no matching fixes among frustrated users.
The only thing I can suggest is to try what is prob-
ably a multi-part install (iTunes bundled with Quick-
time) in a different order, starting with iTunes 
first. Good luck. This is what happens when Apple
programmers try to build Windows installers.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] The Israeli End-Of-An-Era Escalation Sale

2008-12-28 Thread TurquoiseB
[ This post is pure opinion. If you have a different
one, post it. Don't waste energy trying to get a
reactive response from this opinion holder. ]

OK, here's what this latest Israeli outrage looks 
like to me. It looks as if the Israeli leadership
is panicky because the Old Guard has lost both
power and credibility in the U.S., and a bunch of
New People With Unknown Priorities are coming in
and they are incredibly worried about what those
Unknown Priorities might be.

The Old Guard was dependable. They were neocons
and Christian fundies who wanted, more than anything
else, for the conflict between Israel and other Arab
nations to continue. The neocons wanted this because
the conflict kept putting money in their pockets 
from kickbacks they got from defense contractors.
The fundies wanted it to continue because they fer-
vently hope for the End Days, and think that Israel
is the key to bringing them about. All of this meant
lots and lots and lots of U.S. money and weapons
being poured into Israel, and a continuation of the
status quo.

Now comes this schwarze, and we don't know what he
will do with regard to the status quo. So. What to do?

Well, one thing we could do is to mount an unconscion-
ably massive attack on the Gaza strip, kill hundreds
if not thousands of people, and claim that it was
justified because some rockets that killed no one
in Israel were fired from that territory.

Yeah, that's the ticket. It's win-win for Israel. 
While the attacks are going on, we get to cripple
Hamas and kill a lot of its leaders. But that's just
the minor payoff, a kind of side benefit. The *main*
benefit is going to be the reaction of the Arab world
in the next few months. 

They're going to be outraged (as was our intention)
and mount a series of reprisal attacks against Israel.
Sure, these reprisals are going to kill a bunch of our
own citizens, but that's a small price to pay for being
able to pretend to be the victims of these attacks
during the first few months of the Obama administration.

We can play the Victim Card again and claim that
the Arabs all hate us, and try to shape Yet Another
American Administration into being a tool of Israel.
Obama won't want to spend his first few months in
office disappointing all the status quo voters who
have blindly supported Israel all these years, so
he'll have to fall in line and blindly support us
the way his predecessors have.

And the whole time we can sit back and play the Victim
Card and say, Hey, *we* are not the ones doing this.
See...it's this Hamas suicide bomber over here and
this Palestinian attack squad over there. They're the
*real* culprits in all of this.

And if someone in the press dares to point out that
we started all this, we can just play the AntiSemitism
Card against the people saying it. It's worked on the 
stupid American public for 60 years now, so there's no 
reason to believe it won't work again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Israeli End-Of-An-Era Escalation Sale

2008-12-28 Thread raunchydog
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak that Israel's patience was exhausted after days of rocket
barrages into Israel from Gaza, and that the Israeli government would no
longer accept the status quo.
Hamas needs to understand that our aspiration to live in peace doesn't
mean that Israel is going to take this kind of situation any longer,
Livni said. Enough is enough and while we are working with the
pragmatic leaders, trying to change the situation on the ground in the
West Bank, we cannot tolerate a situation in which Hamas continues to
target Israel, Israel's citizens, and this situation is going to be

Egypt had been hoping to broker a new ceasefire between the Israel and
Hamas, after the last one expired six days ago. [...]
Israel Strikes Hamas in GazaBY TAYLOR MARSH 12.27.2008
http://tinyurl.com/8af6af http://tinyurl.com/8af6af
Al Jazeera Report Youtube: Israel launches missile attacks on Gaza
http://tinyurl.com/9vzhh4 http://tinyurl.com/9vzhh4 Hamas press
conference on the event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKLO-16qFmI

It really could have only ended this way
inians  after the Egypt brokered peace exploded recently. Israeli
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was in Egypt on Christmas Day, warning
President Hosni Mubarak that Israel wasn't going to allow Hamas'
continuous attacks inside Israel
http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-12-25-voa26.cfm  without a

This story
%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull  was in the TM headlines all day yesterday.
Just call it foreshadowing of today's events.

The AP reports Israel stuck Hamas targets after weeks of rocket and
mortar fire
ns  into Israel from Hamas:

Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire from the Gaza Strip
pounded dozens of security compounds across the Hamas-ruled territory in
unprecedented waves of airstrikes Saturday, killing nearly 200 people
and wounding 270 others in the single bloodiest day of fighting in
Most of those killed were security men, but civilians were also among
the dead. Hamas said all of its security installations were hit and
responded with several medium-range Grad rockets at Israel, reaching
deeper than in the past. One Israeli was killed and at least four people
were wounded in the rocket attacks. With so many wounded, the
Palestinian death toll was likely to rise.

The air offensive followed weeks of intense Palestinian rocket and
mortar fire on southern Israel, and Israeli leaders had issued
increasingly tough warnings in recent days that they would not tolerate
continued attacks. [...]

I actually heard the MSNBC host Alex Witt ask about the possibility of a
peace agreement before Bush leaves office. It was surreal. Nobody has
done less in the last two decades than the Bush administration to make
the Middle East more unstable. That anyone could offer with a straight
face any possibility of peace at this point shows the lack of rational
deduction utilized when speaking of the Israeli - Palestinian reality we

The problem Israel faces is that international public opinion is against
them, especially after the blocking of humanitarian aid to the
Palestinians. The reality of national self defense is lost on Israeli
critics right now, because of what is seen as heavy handedness over the
aid issue. Israel is losing the public relations war, even as it fights
to protect its own citizens, something that is the first priority of any
country's leaders.

Barack Obama certainly has his hands full when he comes in to office.
That's the real legacy George W. Bush leaves the new president. Is the
world any safer after Bush-Cheney? is the real question that should be
asked. The answer is obvious.

[FairfieldLife] The Times They Are a-Changin'

2008-12-28 Thread Richard M


Re: [FairfieldLife] Apple Quicktime Help

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 27, 2008, at 10:51 PM, Peter wrote:

I'm trying to download itunes on my computer for the iphone I got  
from Santa. The installation is almost complete when this window  


It says that it could not open this key. What to do? Thanks.

I take it you're installing it on a Windows machine? Unfortunately I  
can't help much there. I was uninstall QT, reboot and then attempt a  

Apple's Windows support site comes up with the following:


If you are having trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows,  
follow the troubleshooting suggestions described in this article.

Products Affected
QuickTime for Windows, iTunes 7 for Windows, Microsoft Windows 2000,  
XP, and Vista

Make sure you have admin access
To install iTunes or QuickTime software, you need to be logged in as  
an administrator on the computer. If you're not sure if you have  
administrator access, contact the owner of the computer or your system  

Get the latest Windows updates
The first thing to do when troubleshooting an installation issue on a  
Windows computer is make sure you have the latest Microsoft Windows  
updates installed—to get the latest updates, go to the Microsoft  
Windows Update  page.

iTunes and QuickTime software for Windows require Microsoft Windows XP  
or Microsoft Windows Vista with latest Service Pack installed.

Solutions to common installation errors
Here are some common symptoms you may see when installing iTunes and  
QuickTime for Microsoft Windows. If you are experiencing one of these  
symptoms, try the suggested troubleshooting steps:

iTunes and QuickTime for Windows XP cannot be installed without Visual  
Basic Script (VBScript)
iTunes for Windows: Disk is locked or iTunes folder cannot be  
found when installing or opening iTunes
iTunes 7 or later for Windows Installation stops responding while  
registering modules
QuickTime or iTunes Installer Could not open key alert stops install  
on Windows
iTunes: Windows reports that iTunesSetup.exe is not a valid Win32  
Bonjour service failed to start, verify you have sufficient  
privileges error message when installing
If you are not seeing one of these specific symptoms, or if the  
suggested steps do not help, proceed to the General Installation  
Troubleshooting section below.

General installation troubleshooting
Important: A majority of customers experience successful iTunes  
installation after completing these troubleshooting procedures. If one  
does not help, proceed to the next.

Completely remove iTunes and QuickTime
Empty your Temp directory and restart
Clean up iTunes installer files on the computer
Download QuickTime Standalone Installer
Disable other conflicting software
Make sure your folder names don't contain strange characters

Re: [FairfieldLife] Apple Quicktime Help

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj
QuickTime or iTunes Installer Could not open key alert stops install  
on Windows

Last Modified: May 29, 2008
Article: TS1462
Old Article: 304546
When installing QuickTime for Windows or iTunes + QuickTime for  
Windows, the installation may halt with the following error message:

Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes 
\QuickTimePlayerLib.QuickTimePlayerApp\CLSID. Verify that you have  
sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.

Products Affected
QuickTime 7 (Windows), iTunes 7.0.1 for Windows, iTunes 7 for Windows
Install iTunes 7.0.2 or later while logged into a user account with  
administrator privileges. Note: If you are seeing this message when  
using the QuickTime standalone installer, ensure you are using  
QuicKTime 7.1.4 or later.
If the issue persists with iTunes 7.0.2 or later or QuickTime 7.1.4 or  
later, it is possible you are installing iTunes or QuickTime with an  
administrator user account different than the one used in previous  
installations of iTunes or QuickTime. If this is the case and you  
still have the original administrator user account on the computer,  
try installing from this original administrator user account.
If the issue persists beyond these two steps, there is an issue with  
one or more keys the QuickTime installer needs to access in the  
registry. Resolving this issue will require either reinstalling  
Windows, using a third-party registry utility, or manually editing the  

[FairfieldLife] Re: GOP chair 'appalled' by 'Magic Negro' CD

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Dec 27, 2008, at 3:27 PM, do.rflex wrote:
  Duncan's statement, in full: The 2008 election was a wake-up call for
  Republicans to reach out and bring more people into our party. I am
  shocked and appalled that anyone would think this is appropriate as it
  clearly does not move us in the right direction.
 Hard to believe-- the Repugs have been dishing out this divisive
 crap for decades now, it's all they have left, and is oh so
 much easier than coming up with some actual solutions.  More likely
 he's just appalled they got
 caught.  I wouldn't expect any new direction any time soon.

...it's all they have left

Those who are continuing the crap are becoming less and less relevant
and more and more marginalized to the outer fringes of looneyville.
They're slowly slithering back under their rocks where they came from
before having been enabled and empowered by the loud, divisive right
wing propaganda Bush/Cheney GOP Destruction Machine.

I wonder how this woman at the 2004 GOP convention feels today:

[FairfieldLife] Re: GOP chair 'appalled' by 'Magic Negro' CD

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 do.rflex, Thanks for posting this. If Saltsman wins the RNC
 chairmanship with the help of far right Fundies, Huckabee and Frist,
 the Republican xenophobic, homophobic, racist brand is dead. They will
 have run out of voters they don't fear and hate. With Saltsman's
 leadership, the RNC will fight a losing battle against diversity in
 America, which is here to stay, they're just not ready to admit it.

Here's an apt cartoon that captures the essence:

[FairfieldLife] The Essence Of Spiritual Writing

2008-12-28 Thread TurquoiseB
[ This post is pure opinion, too. Same caveat as before.
I'm not looking for argument, because in matters of opinion
no one can win an argument. Discussion and taking the
subject further, on the other hand, are way cool. :-) ]

I've been thinking lately about the art of spiritual writing,
and what makes it an art.

For me (and please remember the caveat above, and that this
really is personal opinion, not a declaration of fact), 
great spiritual writing is not about the sharing of ideas.
It's about the sharing of experience.

A writer can pontificate about ideas all day. A reader can 
ponder them, and believe that he or she has understood 
these ideas. But what if the ideas are about a different
state of attention? Can the reader ever really claim to have
understood them if he or she has not shared the writer's
state of attention?

My favorite spiritual writers shift the reader's state of
attention. And they have different ways of doing this. 

Some shift their readers' states of attention by using 
metaphor to hint at (a finger pointing to the moon) an 
experience that isn't *really* the thing they're talking 
about, but points at it in the sense that if the reader 
can get the metaphor experience, they can begin to intuit 
the real experience. 

If, as a writer, you can come up with a metaphorical pointer
to an experience that you can't adequately describe, and
the reader gets the metaphorical experience, then perhaps
you have pointed them in the right direction of getting or,
even better, *having* that other experience, the one you 
can't describe. I tend to believe that spiritual writing 
that does this is of a somewhat higher order than writing 
that presents only ideas.

Other writers shift their readers' state of attention in a 
kind of Zen or Tantric way, by presenting a situation or a 
story that is fraught with contradiction, as if its elements 
just don't go together. In other words, they create a sense 
of cognitive dissonance in the reader, some contradiction 
that seems to need resolving. And whether the contradiction 
ever can be resolved or not, there seems to be something 
about the process of *trying* to resolve it that shifts 
the reader's state of attention.

Another technique that seems to work to shift the reader's
state of attention is telling tales of power. This is not 
the same thing as telling stories. This is a higher order
storytelling, bardic or shamanic storytelling, in which
the storyteller attempts to tell the story of how something
that happened to him *personally* shifted *his* state of 
attention, and tell it well enough that someone else can 
get a feeling for that experience, or possibly even exper-
ience it themselves. It's pure magic when this happens, 
and I wish there were more instances of it.

Anyway, those are my Sunday morning cafe-by-the-sea musings
on the art of spiritual writing. I understand that there are
many who really, truly enjoy spiritual writing that is a
presentation of ideas, and trying to understand those ideas.
But it seems to me that the only thing that can think it 
understands something is a self. So this type of writing
doesn't really appeal to me all that much these days.

I tend to prefer stuff that points me in the direction of
selflessness, by taking me out of my self, or at the very
least shifting the current one's point of view radically
enough that I notice the shift. My assessment of a spiritual
book is based on how much it shifts my perception of and
appreciation of Here And Now, not on how eloquently it can
discuss ideas about Here And Now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Times They Are a-Changin'

2008-12-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:


In a word, brilliant.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-12-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 8:36 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count



On Dec 27, 2008, at 7:21 PM, Peter L Sutphen wrote:

I feel so unloved! ;-)

Sent from my iPhone



Did you get an iPhone for Xmas Pete?


In case you're still feeling unloved, here's Vaj's favorite iPhone/iPod
Touch apps:

I don't have an iPhone, but I understand you can do Pandora (streaming music
service) on it.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Collected Papers

2008-12-28 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of min.pige
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:11 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Collected Papers


what are they?

They are 6 big blue volumes compiling all the research in TM. 

[FairfieldLife] Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex

Illustrated Map: 

More here [click on thumbnails]: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Palestinian loss of land 1946-2005 before1919trans Jordan

2008-12-28 Thread WLeed3
All of Palestine was divvied @ or by the Balfour declaration Jordan to B  for 
Arabs etc.  the western part west of the jordan was reserved for  Isrial. 
this was pater seized by the arib forces 1947-48
In a message dated 12/28/2008 8:49:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
do.rf...@yahoo.com writes:


**One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, 
Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Illustrated Map: 
 More here [click on thumbnails]: 

Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
give it back.

Then they could get the Chinese out of Tibet and the world
will be on track to a genuine phase transition towards 
Peace on Earth. Change we can believe in.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Collected Papers

2008-12-28 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 A friend of mine wants to borrow the Collected Papers for a project 
 doing. If anyone has a set they can lend him, let me know and I'll 
give you
 the details.

My local Oxfam charity shop has my old set, I'm sure they'll 
do you a good deal just to clear them off the shelves. They'll
have to factor in a flight to England though...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apple Quicktime Help

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
Somebody whose posts Peter reads, please reply to this
and quote the whole thing, otherwise he won't see it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... 

 I'm trying to download itunes on my computer for the iphone I got 
from Santa.

Just to clarify, you've already *successfully* 
downloaded it, and you're now trying to install
it, right?

 The installation is almost complete when this window pops-up:


Peter, if you Google the above string--the whole
thing--you'll get a whole bunch of hits of folks
reporting problems with opening that key. If you
do the search on Yahoo you'll get even more hits.

Don't know if any of the proposed solutions will
work in your situation, but it's obviously a
common problem. See if you can find a recent report
(some of them are years old) from someone using the
same version of Windows you're using.

Did the message give you an error number? If so,
you might also try Googling (or Yahooing) the
error number.

(I took a look at the iTunes support forums, and
the ones on installation problems are *crammed*
with cries for help dated from December 25 on, from
folks who got an iPhone for Christmas. Didn't see
any referring to that key, but I just took a quick
look. Try doing a search under Search Discussions--
not the more general Search at the top of the page--
for the key.)

 It says that it could not open this key. What to do? Thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread guyfawkes91
Creating Israel was the first and the biggest mistake the UN ever
made. It was a time when western nations were still locked into the
idea that it was OK to steal property from non-whites. It was the last
gasp of colonialism. 

We still have to live with the consequences today. Would Islamic
fanaticism exist if Israel had never been created? Probably not. Would
you have to be practically strip searched every time you fly if Israel
had never been created? Definitely not. Would 3 trillion of tax
dollars have been poured into Iraqi sand if Israel didn't exist? No. 

And what do we get in return for all this money spent and
inconvenience put up with? A promise that if all Jews return to Israel
the second coming might happen. Mmmm, yeah right. 

We've been mugged.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Illustrated Map: 
 More here [click on thumbnails]: 

[FairfieldLife] Hate Radio

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex

Image: http://picayune.uclick.com/comics/jp/2008/jp081227.gif 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How to trip up the ego...'

2008-12-28 Thread Duveyoung

Thanks for the reply. The sacred loving heart who deigns to live with
me scolded me for my harsh vibe in that post to you -- shocking me,
cuz, I thought I was just laying out a general complaint with only a
titch of rib elbowing.  So your reply, pure hearted and free of any
rancor, really was a powerful modeling for all FFL to see.  You held
your space and dealt with the challenge with simple, innocent,
honesty.  I bow.  Seems that you have a siddhi I know not of.  

I was this: http://xkcd.com/386/ 

You were this:  http://tinyurl.com/9r5mmb

Thanks for the Sunday morning sermon.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Can you put the below into your own words?  I'm betting you can't.
  Reason being:  my experience with words like the below is that no one
  really understands them without a tremendous amount of
  extra-thinking about them.  If one doesn't dwell upon them for 
  dozens of iterations, the truths that the words are attempting to
  target simply cannot be significantly experienced by the reader's
 I agree with you, this was just a 'mind-bender'...
 I had the feeling that it wasn't the best post ever, but thought I 
 would post it anyway...
 Next time, I will take your advice and edit that which I cannot 
 explain in my own words...

[FairfieldLife] You're Likable Enough, Gay People

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
December 28, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist

You're Likable Enough, Gay People

IN his first press conference after his reelection 
in 2004, President Bush memorably declared, I 
earned capital in the campaign, political capital, 
and now I intend to spend it. We all know how 
that turned out

As we saw during primary season, our president-
elect is not free of his own brand of hubris and 
arrogance, and sometimes it comes before a fall: 
You're likable enough, Hillary was the prelude 
to his defeat in New Hampshire. He has hit this 
same note again by assigning the invocation at his 
inauguration to the Rev. Rick Warren, the Orange 
County, Calif., megachurch preacher who has 
likened committed gay relationships to incest, 
polygamy and an older guy marrying a child. 
Bestowing this honor on Warren was a conscious — 
and glib — decision by Obama to spend political 
capital. It was made with the certitude that a 
leader with a mandate can do no wrong 

...But there's a difference between including
Warren among the cacophony of voices weighing in 
on policy and anointing him as the inaugural's de 
facto pope. You can't blame V. Gene Robinson of 
New Hampshire, the first openly gay Episcopal 
bishop and an early Obama booster, for feeling as 
if he'd been slapped in the face. I'm all for 
Rick Warren being at the table, he told The 
Times, but we're talking about putting someone up 
front and center at what will be the most-watched 
inauguration in history, and asking his blessing 
in the nation. And the God that he's praying to is 
not the God that I know. 

Warren, whose ego is no less than Obama's, likes
to advertise his commitment to model civility in 
America. But as Rachel Maddow of MSNBC reminded 
her audience, comparing gay relationships to 
child abuse is a strange model of civility. 
Less strange but equally hard to take is Warren's 
defensive insistence that some of his best friends 
are the gays: His boasts of having eaten dinner 
in gay homes and loving Melissa Etheridge records 
will not protect any gay families' civil rights. 

Equally lame is the argument mounted by an Obama 
spokeswoman, Linda Douglass, who talks of how 
Warren has fought for people who have H.I.V./ 
AIDS. Shouldn't that be the default position of 
any religious leader? Fighting AIDS is not a get-
out-of-homophobia-free card

Unlike Bush, Obama has been the vocal advocate of 
gay civil rights he claims to be. It is over the 
top to assert, as a gay writer at Time did, that 
the president-elect is a very tolerant, very 
rational-sounding sort of bigot. Much more to the 
point is the astute criticism leveled by the gay 
Democratic congressman Barney Frank, who, in 
dissenting from the Warren choice, said of Obama, 
I think he overestimates his ability to get 
people to put aside fundamental differences. 
That's a polite way of describing the Obama 
cockinessObama may not only overestimate his
ability to bridge some of our fundamental
differences but also underestimate how persistent
some of those differences are

When Obama defends Warren's words by calling them 
an example of the wide range of viewpoints in a 
diverse and noisy and opinionated America, he is 
being too cute by half. He knows full well that a 
viewpoint defaming any minority group by linking 
it to sexual crimes like pedophilia is 

It is even more toxic in a year when that group 
has been marginalized and stripped of its rights 
by ballot initiatives fomenting precisely such 
fears. You've got to give them hope was the 
refrain of the pioneering 1970s gay politician 
Harvey Milk, so stunningly brought back to life by 
Sean Penn on screen this winter. Milk reminds us 
that hope has to mean action, not just words.

...It's bizarre that Obama, of all people, would 
allow himself to be on the wrong side of this 

Read the whole thing:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@... 

 Creating Israel was the first and the biggest mistake the UN ever
 made. It was a time when western nations were still locked into the
 idea that it was OK to steal property from non-whites. It was the 
 gasp of colonialism. 
 We still have to live with the consequences today. Would Islamic
 fanaticism exist if Israel had never been created? Probably not. 
 you have to be practically strip searched every time you fly if 
 had never been created? Definitely not. Would 3 trillion of tax
 dollars have been poured into Iraqi sand if Israel didn't exist? 
 And what do we get in return for all this money spent and
 inconvenience put up with? A promise that if all Jews return to 
 the second coming might happen. Mmmm, yeah right. 
 We've been mugged.

We've been mugged for sure.

But that's never as bad as being forced out of your home.
Having your only means of income destroyed. Seen your town
bulldozed and rich foreigners build homes on the ruins from
which they shoot at you. Been denied education and medical
help. Denied clean water. Denied the right to travel in your
own country. The list of abuse at the hands of Israel and
consequently us is depressingly long.

Why not put something back?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes...@... 
 We've been mugged for sure.
 But that's never as bad as being forced out of your home.
 Having your only means of income destroyed. Seen your town
 bulldozed and rich foreigners build homes on the ruins from
 which they shoot at you. Been denied education and medical
 help. Denied clean water. Denied the right to travel in your
 own country. The list of abuse at the hands of Israel and
 consequently us

(Or vice-versa...)

 is depressingly long.

On another forum, my sister made the point recently
that you simply can't draw an equivalence, as so many
do, between the powerful, militaristic state of
Israel and the (relatively) powerless Palestinians.
It's the former that has to find a way to make peace
with the latter, not the reverse.

 Why not put something back?

[FairfieldLife] A Meditation on Murder: The Israeli assault on Gaza

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex

What we are witnessing in Israel's deadly attack on Gaza today is
really at the intersection of many different things.

First, it is a particularly deadly campaign stunt. Israel's current
government is led by the Kadima party. Kadima started out as the
personal political vehicle of Ariel Sharon. 

Sharon was known as the Butcher of Beirut and was a notable hawk in
Israeli politics. He eventually came to the view that the best way to
deal with the Palestinians was to wall them off from Israel and to
forget about them. This walling off process necessarily entailed
taking a fair amount of what little land remained to the Palestinians. 

It says a lot about America's political elites and media that they
considered these views not only moderate and reasonable but clear
evidence that Sharon was a man of peace. It says even more about
Israeli politics that Sharon's plan was criticized by his country's right.

This brings up my second point. Although it is hard to imagine,
Israel's political leaders are even more intellectually and morally
bankrupt than our own. After Sharon had a brain hemorrhage, most of
Kadima's raison d'être disappeared but such was the dearth of
leadership that it continued on as the principal party in Israeli

Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert. It was he who decided to initiate
the disastrous bombing campaign and invasion of Lebanon in July-August
2006, which devastated that country to no purpose and led to Israel's
strategic and embarrassing defeat by Hezbollah. 

Yet despite widespread charges of incompetence, the absence of any
saner alternative to Olmert allowed him to hold on to power for two
more years until a long simmering corruption scandal finally brought
him down. 

With elections approaching, Kadima's principal rival was Likud's
Benjamin Netanyahu, a well dressed Israeli fascist. As for the Labor
party, it is largely a spent force and was further weakened by its
participation in inept coalition governments with Kadima.

Israel's right which makes up most of the country's political spectrum
is a strange and deeply unsettling place seldom visited by American
politicians and media precisely because of the great ugliness that
resides there. 

It has a religious component which begins somewhere around Sarah Palin
and goes to places that we would think they were kidding except they
are not. 

It also has a neocon wing. Even Labor which is often thought of
(mistakenly) as left of center on national security issues is filled
with them. Those in Kadima are, as Sharon was, even harder line. 

And then there is Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu even beyond them.
Netanyahu does not see Palestinians as people but as enemies. He is
not interested in peace but in defeating those he sees as his enemies.
His is a vision of endless war because the alternative for him would
be to actually acknowledge the rights of the Palestinian people but
these he sees as an existential threat and is completely unwilling to
address them. 

With Netanyahu in power the likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran
would greatly increase as well. Since conventional forces would be
ineffective, there is a real risk that such a strike would be nuclear
in nature. Now this may sound crazy, and it is, but as I said before
this is the nitty gritty of Israeli politics that our politicians and
media refuse to look at because it would be hard to defend even for them.

Kadima killed 155 Palestinians today to show to potential Likud voters
that they can be just as tough on the Palestinians as Likud. 

This wasn't a military strike about some inaccurate and largely
ineffective missiles. It wasn't even about Hamas and its control of
Gaza. This was, in fact, a murderous form of political advertizing and

Third, this brutal and unnecessary attack raises larger issues. There
are always larger issues. The US financial meltdown as well as fallout
from the Madoff scandal will hamper traditional financial support for
Israel by Jewish Americans. Israel's own economy will likely be hit
hard by the global recession. 

Given the kneejerk backing by our political elites, Israel should
still receive its current support from the US government but this will
be insufficient to make up for the shortfalls in other areas. Less
money means that divisions within Israeli society are likely to
increase as various groups try to hold on to their pieces of a
shrinking pie. 

One of the principal ways Israelis have managed to avoid dealing with
the issue of Palestine is because they have been largely insulated
from the consequences of their policies there. They have lived in a
bubble of prosperity. With the world recession this will become
increasingly difficult for them to do.

Today's attack also shows just how worthless Bush and Condoleezza
Rice's policies with regard to Israel-Palestine have been. I have
chronicled for years Rice's ridiculous and absurd announcements on
talks for talks about talks to begin discussions leading to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] No Golden Rules

2008-12-28 Thread Hagen J. Holtz
If there had not been certain golden rules, there would not have been any 
upsurges of creation at all. Nothing is without a rule, even the biggest 
free-made decisions follow certain rules. It is only the question, whether you 
are able to recognize the same or not, and whether it is necessary to be aware 
of them or not in order to be capable of making a free decision. If the 
authentic man lives in awareness and his heart, then he will live in the 
greatest embeddedness of golden rules. There is nothing but law and order in 
nature, but for sure grounded in a vast bed of freedom.

Osho I already liked in the seventies, because he was the strongest pseudo- 
spiritual gabbler I have ever met in the scene. A real fountain of factoids.

But thanks for the nice picture.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Meditation on Murder: The Israeli assault on Gaza

2008-12-28 Thread sgrayatlarge
-Speaking of supporting Israel in their time of need, a great way is 
to buy Israel Bonds:


   About State of Israel Bonds 
State of Israel Bonds has been, and continues to be, an integral 
part of Israel's evolution into a modern, progressive nation. Joshua 
Matza, an 18-year member of the Knesset and minister of health in 
the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, has served as president and 
CEO since 2002.

  Nation Building 
The idea to float bonds was conceived by Prime Minister David Ben-
Gurion. His vision was two-fold: to secure crucial funding for 
immigrant absorption and the construction of vital infrastructure; 
and to engage Diaspora Jewry in the building and development of the 
new Jewish state. Israel bond purchases now total more than $25 
A Legacy of Achievement 
Proceeds from the sale of Israel bonds are utilized by Israel's 
Finance Ministry for key economic projects. Many of these projects 
were essential to solidifying Israel's post-independence economy:
• The National Water Carrier
• The Dead Sea Works
• Port construction
• Alternative energy resources

  Looking to the Future 
As Israel builds for new generations, it turns to the Israel Bonds 
organization to assist in undertakings including:
• Development in the Galilee
• Reclamation of the Negev
• Expansion of transportation networks
• Enhancing export potential

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 What we are witnessing in Israel's deadly attack on Gaza today is
 really at the intersection of many different things.
 First, it is a particularly deadly campaign stunt. Israel's current
 government is led by the Kadima party. Kadima started out as the
 personal political vehicle of Ariel Sharon. 
 Sharon was known as the Butcher of Beirut and was a notable hawk in
 Israeli politics. He eventually came to the view that the best way 
 deal with the Palestinians was to wall them off from Israel and to
 forget about them. This walling off process necessarily entailed
 taking a fair amount of what little land remained to the 
 It says a lot about America's political elites and media that they
 considered these views not only moderate and reasonable but clear
 evidence that Sharon was a man of peace. It says even more about
 Israeli politics that Sharon's plan was criticized by his 
country's right.
 This brings up my second point. Although it is hard to imagine,
 Israel's political leaders are even more intellectually and morally
 bankrupt than our own. After Sharon had a brain hemorrhage, most of
 Kadima's raison d'être disappeared but such was the dearth of
 leadership that it continued on as the principal party in Israeli
 Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert. It was he who decided to 
 the disastrous bombing campaign and invasion of Lebanon in July-
 2006, which devastated that country to no purpose and led to 
 strategic and embarrassing defeat by Hezbollah. 
 Yet despite widespread charges of incompetence, the absence of any
 saner alternative to Olmert allowed him to hold on to power for two
 more years until a long simmering corruption scandal finally 
 him down. 
 With elections approaching, Kadima's principal rival was Likud's
 Benjamin Netanyahu, a well dressed Israeli fascist. As for the 
 party, it is largely a spent force and was further weakened by its
 participation in inept coalition governments with Kadima.
 Israel's right which makes up most of the country's political 
 is a strange and deeply unsettling place seldom visited by American
 politicians and media precisely because of the great ugliness that
 resides there. 
 It has a religious component which begins somewhere around Sarah 
 and goes to places that we would think they were kidding except 
 are not. 
 It also has a neocon wing. Even Labor which is often thought of
 (mistakenly) as left of center on national security issues is 
 with them. Those in Kadima are, as Sharon was, even harder line. 
 And then there is Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu even beyond them.
 Netanyahu does not see Palestinians as people but as enemies. He is
 not interested in peace but in defeating those he sees as his 
 His is a vision of endless war because the alternative for him 
 be to actually acknowledge the rights of the Palestinian people but
 these he sees as an existential threat and is completely unwilling 
 address them. 
 With Netanyahu in power the likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran
 would greatly increase as well. Since conventional forces would be
 ineffective, there is a real risk that such a strike would be 
 in nature. Now this may sound crazy, and it is, but as I said 
 this is the nitty gritty of Israeli politics that our politicians 
 media refuse to look at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Christmas!

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 It's the me being the personification of evil 
 thang that Judy talks about so often.

Well, you know, if Barry wasn't constantly
pleading with me to go to bed with him, I
wouldn't have to keep talking about him as the
personification of evil.

(Note to the terminally literal: Barry's never
begged me to go to bed with him, just as I've 
never talked about him as the personification of
evil. I just thought I'd make up a hallucination
to go with his.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Meditation on Murder: The Israeli assault on Gaza

2008-12-28 Thread bettyblue109
you forgot to mention that Hamas are a bunch of peace loving angels 
that would never hurt anyone in any way.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... 

 What we are witnessing in Israel's deadly attack on Gaza today is
 really at the intersection of many different things.
 First, it is a particularly deadly campaign stunt. Israel's current
 government is led by the Kadima party. Kadima started out as the
 personal political vehicle of Ariel Sharon. 
 Sharon was known as the Butcher of Beirut and was a notable hawk in
 Israeli politics. He eventually came to the view that the best way 
 deal with the Palestinians was to wall them off from Israel and to
 forget about them. This walling off process necessarily entailed
 taking a fair amount of what little land remained to the 
 It says a lot about America's political elites and media that they
 considered these views not only moderate and reasonable but clear
 evidence that Sharon was a man of peace. It says even more about
 Israeli politics that Sharon's plan was criticized by his country's 
 This brings up my second point. Although it is hard to imagine,
 Israel's political leaders are even more intellectually and morally
 bankrupt than our own. After Sharon had a brain hemorrhage, most of
 Kadima's raison d'être disappeared but such was the dearth of
 leadership that it continued on as the principal party in Israeli
 Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert. It was he who decided to 
 the disastrous bombing campaign and invasion of Lebanon in July-
 2006, which devastated that country to no purpose and led to 
 strategic and embarrassing defeat by Hezbollah. 
 Yet despite widespread charges of incompetence, the absence of any
 saner alternative to Olmert allowed him to hold on to power for two
 more years until a long simmering corruption scandal finally brought
 him down. 
 With elections approaching, Kadima's principal rival was Likud's
 Benjamin Netanyahu, a well dressed Israeli fascist. As for the Labor
 party, it is largely a spent force and was further weakened by its
 participation in inept coalition governments with Kadima.
 Israel's right which makes up most of the country's political 
 is a strange and deeply unsettling place seldom visited by American
 politicians and media precisely because of the great ugliness that
 resides there. 
 It has a religious component which begins somewhere around Sarah 
 and goes to places that we would think they were kidding except they
 are not. 
 It also has a neocon wing. Even Labor which is often thought of
 (mistakenly) as left of center on national security issues is filled
 with them. Those in Kadima are, as Sharon was, even harder line. 
 And then there is Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu even beyond them.
 Netanyahu does not see Palestinians as people but as enemies. He is
 not interested in peace but in defeating those he sees as his 
 His is a vision of endless war because the alternative for him would
 be to actually acknowledge the rights of the Palestinian people but
 these he sees as an existential threat and is completely unwilling 
 address them. 
 With Netanyahu in power the likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran
 would greatly increase as well. Since conventional forces would be
 ineffective, there is a real risk that such a strike would be 
 in nature. Now this may sound crazy, and it is, but as I said before
 this is the nitty gritty of Israeli politics that our politicians 
 media refuse to look at because it would be hard to defend even for 
 Kadima killed 155 Palestinians today to show to potential Likud 
 that they can be just as tough on the Palestinians as Likud. 
 This wasn't a military strike about some inaccurate and largely
 ineffective missiles. It wasn't even about Hamas and its control of
 Gaza. This was, in fact, a murderous form of political advertizing 
 Third, this brutal and unnecessary attack raises larger issues. 
 are always larger issues. The US financial meltdown as well as 
 from the Madoff scandal will hamper traditional financial support 
 Israel by Jewish Americans. Israel's own economy will likely be hit
 hard by the global recession. 
 Given the kneejerk backing by our political elites, Israel should
 still receive its current support from the US government but this 
 be insufficient to make up for the shortfalls in other areas. Less
 money means that divisions within Israeli society are likely to
 increase as various groups try to hold on to their pieces of a
 shrinking pie. 
 One of the principal ways Israelis have managed to avoid dealing 
 the issue of Palestine is because they have been largely insulated
 from the consequences of their policies there. They have lived in a
 bubble of prosperity. With the world recession this will 

[FairfieldLife] A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a 
scam, with no basis in science. --- the 
AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. 
A perfect example of a pseudo-science like 

Read more: 

'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
Posted by John Hinderaker
Powerline, December 28, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How to trip up the ego...'

2008-12-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
  its a good quote--
 And good means what to you?  Are you saying that this kind of 
 message has any value of significance to daily life without there 
 required a reader who is vastly prepared to resonate with it and,
 indeed, have that blurb's  truth as handy as amalak fruit on the 
palm of
 that reader's hand with which to project the meaning into the 
 The words are useless without a prepared nervous system -- 
children or
 bumpkins et al cannot be expected to be bettered by the reading of 
 message, so unless there's a specific nervous system being 
 only sold-out Abraham followers could be expected to grok the 
purport of
 the message.  And then, even then, only the s0-called enlightened 
 can be relied upon to really ferret out the purport -- no follower 
 Abraham would think his message was so clearly understood that they
 could write it out in their own words and have it be as authentic 
 Abraham's statement -- just like TMers thinking only Maharishi 
 comment on the Gita.  Hence, why post the blurb except as an 
 getter for Robert?
 If all you're saying is that the text conveys a meaning that an 
 English speaking person can take a test on the content of the 
 and get C+ or higher rating from Abraham, then the posting of the 
 becomes  almost trollishwell, okay, trollish period.  Clearly, 
 posting has the onus of being reasonably expected to deliver some 
 of edification/value, but what is that value to the unprepared, the
 un-sold-outers, or  the sold-out-to-something-elsers?  Again, what 
 good?  The reading of it cannot be scientifically measured to 
 improvements of consciousness, so it would be an act of faith only 
 read this message and hope to gain from the  reading of it.  The 
 in no way instructs one how to apply this knowledge -- quick, how 
do you
 get a gallon of non-physical energy to wash off the day's dirt 
from the
 soul?  See?  Like my facecious question, it's gobbledeegook.
 what it means is that the state of natural grace
  is one of not resisting, of acceptance,
 Pure poetry -- snakeoil talk actually.   The best minds on the 
 cannot define the words of your statement with any consistency 
 their various interpretations.  You're defending poety with merely 
 poetry.  (Hey, you're not talking about congnative dissonance are 
 Don't think so.)
   and in order to live in that
  state requires an ego,
 So, even though the world's gurus are screaming dump the 
ego, kill
 the ego, my ego is dead, etc., you're saying that the ego has a
 spiritual functionality that is necessary.  Care to tussle  with 
 great minds about which side of that fence one should adopt?  Don't
 bother, because it's JUST WORDS.
 a sense of self,
 All the gurus say the self cannot be sensed.so again, this  is
 poetry --  the words sense and self can have many meanings.
 an enjoyment of ourselves as
 Again, poetry; for how can the self enjoy the self -- are there two
 selves such that we can posit one of them as the object of the 
 awareness?  Corelatively, are the selves of others somehow 
defined as
 different from other selves such that they can be distinguished 
 each other?  And if one self can be aware of other selves yet not 
 expected to be enlightened and have a nervous system capable of 
 astoundingly subtle feat, the whole logical structure is bogus.   
 can I know another if I don't know my own self purely?
 However, this sense of ourselves can also be used prior
  to living this state of grace,
 Poetry.  A state of grace is knowing the self, but you can have 
 without knowning the self -- to dwell upon this only makes sense 
 we're in a Zen temple and doing a koan.  And how can a sense of 
 be used without decades of practice in an ashram in which one daily
 tries to intergrate axiomatic values with personality?  And 
 you're not saying that the message takes one to the self; 
certainly the
 message is a relative thing that requires effort to apply a value 
to a
 system.  The message without an ashram and a guru is at best a 
 tossed to swine -- defacto troll thrown rocks.
 to exclude ourselves from that which
  may be helpful.
 Geeze, that which may be helpful?  Talk about your fuzzy mean-
  not a bad quote, though it is vague with regards to any sort of
  guideline on how to act without getting in our own way.
 Here you assume that there is an actor and a way.  Come on, 
are you
 kidding me?  Do you opine that you can define these terms without
 writing a huge tome of philosophical treatment that handles all the
 side-issues of free will, truth, consciousness, conditioned

[FairfieldLife] Inquiry vs Meditation (Re: Meditations for Bliss by Osho)

2008-12-28 Thread Duveyoung
yifuxero  wrote: Thinking of Nothing (blank mind?)?
  There's no necessary connection to Transcendence.  Dead people have
blank minds.

Words, words, words.  How to make them impactful?

Ya gotta put the intellect onto this thinking of nothing until it
reveals its basic philosophical axioms instead of being an empty blurb
passing through the mind so swiftly that its potency to ignite Advaitic
self inquiry is but briefly experienced.

How could a mind think of nothing?

It can't, because thoughts are things, and the mind is only a parade of
thoughts.  Without thoughts, no mind.  Even pure Amness is a thought, a
process of a nervous system that Identity is flowing into (attachment.)

Identity is the sought, the eternal.  It is Identity, not the mind, that
can survive being unmanifest.

It's about identification slipping off of the activities of a meat robot
and onto the Absolute -- a turning  of identification to its source,
Identity -- or, at least onto Amness from whence it may then slip onto
the Absolute.  Dead people don't have minds, yes, so that's proof that
one isn't the mind if one has as an axiom that one's true state is
eternal; the mind dies, so what doesn't die? -- and how does one
identify with it?  Only the purest silence can be eternal since all
processing must obey the law of entropy eventually -- ask Indra how many
lifetimes as Indra preceded him.

How can the ego be satisfied with such an identification when it is
commonly found firehosing isness like a ceaseless parade of mask
wearing?  The mind is always found to be saying  I'm that.  Now, I'm
that.  No, wait, I'm this now.  Each this-that that we say we are is
like placing our treasure (Identity) where moth and rust doth corrupt. 
We are not new cars waiting for our first dent, and though we are ever
so certain that thoughts R us, they too will be dented and finally die
and leave us bereft of an object of consciousness to glom onto for the
sake of embodying Identity.  Only the silence of Amness (a glorious
illusion, the noisiest noise what am: OM) will remain if all
expressionism is stymied by transcending thought, but Amness too will
die with the body.

And the good news is:  Amness is identification waiting for an impulse
of the Absolute to engender an expression -- a mind dwelling upon
Amness is like an arrow fully drawn back, and from that stance, from
that dynamic stillness, in that perfect illusion of silence, the pure
mind (still existing but not doing) that can find itself suddenly not
enough or too claustrophobic, such that whatever is identifying with
it must spontaneously (via grace) expand its definition of self to
include the other half of the yinyang thangy -- white side is all the
processing possible and the dark side is not that light side, but a
side nonetheless.  In that Amness, Identity finds that it has a true
choice to be or not to be.  It can manifest all the things possible
that can be identified with, and/or it can also be where no hat can

Beyond thingness, (ask Godel how limited thingness is,) is that which
cannot be expressed by any system of axioms.  Godel teaches that not all
truths can be expressed by any system no matter how complex it might be.
Godel says, You can't get there from here -- you can only get there by
not starting out here.  Yet that 'there' exists.

The mind can be stilled down to one primal thought which is the home of
all knowledge but not the home of
all-knowledge-that-cannot-be-expressed.  Only the Absolute can be said
to encompass that which cannot be expressed.  The ultimate mind, say,
Lord Brahma's, can cognize the largest or least of all things graspable,
but the Ineffable eluded His perfect mind for the 3000 years He sought
it.  Only tapas revealed it to Him.  Seeking the Absolute exhausted
Brahma to

When asked, What is the difference between inquiry and meditation? 
Ramana replied:   Inquiry consists in retaining the mind in the Self. 
Meditation consists in thinking that one's self is Brahman,
existence-consciousness-bliss.   And: Although the practices for
achieving strength of mind are numerous, all of them achieve the same
end.  For it can be seen that whoever concentrates his mind on any
object will, on the cessation of all mental concepts, ultimately remain
merely as that object.  This is called successful meditation (dhyana
siddhi.) Those who follow the path of inquiry realize that the mind
which remains at the end of inquiry is Brahman.  Those who practice
meditation realize that the mind which remains at the end of the
meditation is the object of their meditation.  As the result is the same
in either case, it is the duty of aspirants to practice continuously
either of these methods till the goal is reached.

Note that Ramana is comfortable with Identity flowing into manifestation
or with Identity remaining within itselfeither is realization. 
Inquiry is seen as directly going to Identity; meditation is seen as
engaging the mind in a process of attending to ever 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Meditation on Murder: The Israeli assault on Gaza

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bettyblue109 no_re...@... wrote:

 you forgot to mention that Hamas are a bunch of peace loving angels 
 that would never hurt anyone in any way.

When you consider the following...

Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

Illustrated Map:

More here [click on thumbnails]:

...and the way they've been treated for decades as inferior human
beings with far less rights by a vastly superior and brutal military
occupation it makes one think that no one can justifiably blame them
for responding the way they have with whatever means and resources
they can muster.

You can bet your ass that Americans in America, under the same
conditions as the Palestinians, would do no less to fight back.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ 
  What we are witnessing in Israel's deadly attack on Gaza today is
  really at the intersection of many different things.
  First, it is a particularly deadly campaign stunt. Israel's current
  government is led by the Kadima party. Kadima started out as the
  personal political vehicle of Ariel Sharon. 
  Sharon was known as the Butcher of Beirut and was a notable hawk in
  Israeli politics. He eventually came to the view that the best way 
  deal with the Palestinians was to wall them off from Israel and to
  forget about them. This walling off process necessarily entailed
  taking a fair amount of what little land remained to the 
  It says a lot about America's political elites and media that they
  considered these views not only moderate and reasonable but clear
  evidence that Sharon was a man of peace. It says even more about
  Israeli politics that Sharon's plan was criticized by his country's 
  This brings up my second point. Although it is hard to imagine,
  Israel's political leaders are even more intellectually and morally
  bankrupt than our own. After Sharon had a brain hemorrhage, most of
  Kadima's raison d'être disappeared but such was the dearth of
  leadership that it continued on as the principal party in Israeli
  Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert. It was he who decided to 
  the disastrous bombing campaign and invasion of Lebanon in July-
  2006, which devastated that country to no purpose and led to 
  strategic and embarrassing defeat by Hezbollah. 
  Yet despite widespread charges of incompetence, the absence of any
  saner alternative to Olmert allowed him to hold on to power for two
  more years until a long simmering corruption scandal finally brought
  him down. 
  With elections approaching, Kadima's principal rival was Likud's
  Benjamin Netanyahu, a well dressed Israeli fascist. As for the Labor
  party, it is largely a spent force and was further weakened by its
  participation in inept coalition governments with Kadima.
  Israel's right which makes up most of the country's political 
  is a strange and deeply unsettling place seldom visited by American
  politicians and media precisely because of the great ugliness that
  resides there. 
  It has a religious component which begins somewhere around Sarah 
  and goes to places that we would think they were kidding except they
  are not. 
  It also has a neocon wing. Even Labor which is often thought of
  (mistakenly) as left of center on national security issues is filled
  with them. Those in Kadima are, as Sharon was, even harder line. 
  And then there is Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu even beyond them.
  Netanyahu does not see Palestinians as people but as enemies. He is
  not interested in peace but in defeating those he sees as his 
  His is a vision of endless war because the alternative for him would
  be to actually acknowledge the rights of the Palestinian people but
  these he sees as an existential threat and is completely unwilling 
  address them. 
  With Netanyahu in power the likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran
  would greatly increase as well. Since conventional forces would be
  ineffective, there is a real risk that such a strike would be 
  in nature. Now this may sound crazy, and it is, but as I said before
  this is the nitty gritty of Israeli politics that our politicians 
  media refuse to look at because it would be hard to defend even for 
  Kadima killed 155 Palestinians today to show to potential Likud 
  that they can be just as tough on the Palestinians as Likud. 
  This wasn't a military strike about some inaccurate and largely
  ineffective missiles. It wasn't even about Hamas and its control of
  Gaza. This was, in fact, a murderous form of political advertizing 
  Third, this brutal and unnecessary attack raises larger issues. 
  are always larger issues. The US financial 


2008-12-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Dec 27, 2008, at 5:03 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  Well said, Peter, and well thought out through.
  There is an element missing, however. How do
  the people in the group react when the group,
  its  principles, its teachings, or its teacher
  are challenged? (And I pose this question with
  my experience with the Rama group as much in
  mind as my experience with TM).
  In other words, I'm adding the notion of over-
  identifying with the group to the mix. If a
  person tends to react *emotionally* to criticism
  of the group, as if the criticism was of him or
  her personally, then IMO that person has turned
  the group they are part of into a cult.
 There's also the notion--and probably the most prevalent in non- 
 hardcore TM-cultists--is that of brand name loyalty and 
 whereby through a merely conditioned set of TM-instruction 
 (many of them patently false) one protects their brand name 
 often as if their little lives depended on it! After all, they're  
 saturated by these factoids by everyone involved in TM: certainly  
 their TM teachers, but also by other previously indoctrinated 
 Some examples of conditioned but false (often unquestioned  
 assumptions) are effortless meditation and all other 
 which uses balanced attentional skills are inferior and/or 
 we're the best, they showed me the research, it must be true; 
 more advanced states of consciousness will spontaneously just  
 happen, etc.
 It's a long list, but there are many brand-name superiority  
 assumptions which are prevalent even at the level of the 
average Joe  
 or Jane meditator. This IMO is the root of TM cultism, and not 
 much the dye-in-the-wool TMO True Believer that Peter describes, 
 in the acquisition of widespread brand-name falsehoods.

that is why, you, our patron saint of FFL, will strive mightily and 
tirelessly to even turn the least brainwashed of us TM practitioners 
away from the mass assumptions of TM, towards the light and goodness 
and faux enlightenment of the almightly religion of Buddhism!

not a chance...

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
willy...@... wrote:

 Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a 
 scam, with no basis in science. --- the 
 AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. 
 A perfect example of a pseudo-science like 
 Read more: 
 'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
 Posted by John Hinderaker
 Powerline, December 28, 2008

Yes, but you can't expect me to believe that, as it conflicts with
what Al Gore has told us. This chap Frank Tipler is only a physicist
and mathematician. Whereas Gore created the Interweb don't you know! 

Also it is an established and certain fact that there is a
consensus. The science is settled. Tipler disagrees - Ergo he is
not, despite appearances, a proper scientist and so is NOT to be
listened to. The fact that he knows he is not to be listened to, and
yet is trying to confuse us by speaking out, in itself proves that he
is in denial, suffers from cognitive dissonance, is a friend of
bailed-out, bonus-happy bankers, pulls the wings off butterflies, and
must certainly be in the pay of big oil. It's also a little-known fact
that his third cousin (twice removed) thinks Bush's presidency
was...(look away if you are easily offended): not all bad. 

Al Gore has also taken time out from his busy schedule to create the
twelve days of Christmas: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Meditation on Murder: The Israeli assault on Gaza

2008-12-28 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bettyblue109 no_re...@... wrote:
 you forgot to mention that Hamas are a bunch of peace loving angels 
 that would never hurt anyone in any way.

 When you consider the following...

 Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

 Illustrated Map:

 More here [click on thumbnails]:

 ...and the way they've been treated for decades as inferior human
 beings with far less rights by a vastly superior and brutal military
 occupation it makes one think that no one can justifiably blame them
 for responding the way they have with whatever means and resources
 they can muster.

 You can bet your ass that Americans in America, under the same
 conditions as the Palestinians, would do no less to fight back.
In between football games and American Idol.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willy...@... wrote:

 Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a
 scam, with no basis in science. --- the
 AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory.
 A perfect example of a pseudo-science like

 Read more:

 'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
 Posted by John Hinderaker
 Powerline, December 28, 2008

 Yes, but you can't expect me to believe that, as it conflicts with
 what Al Gore has told us. This chap Frank Tipler is only a physicist
 and mathematician. Whereas Gore created the Interweb don't you know!

I just love FFL on the weekend and off hours.  There are people who
are not enslaved to
rabid Zionism, the left wing, to furthering the gay agenda or
whistling in the dark that they are not members of a cult because they
don't own a Burger King hat.  Thanks for the posts, guys.  I have the
science under my belt.  More than enough science to dismiss Nobel
prize winner and founder of the Internet Al Gore and all the sky is
melting and man is the reason scientists.  BTW, has anyone noticed
that we're coming out of an ice age?  The planet tends to go through
such dramatic cycles.  All alone, without humankind.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Raj Spa

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 12:01 AM, bettyblue109 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Amyone here been to the Raj for Pancha Karma Aurvedic treatments

I just went for an Ayurvedic consult with Mark Toomey.  I sponsored
some people on PK treatments, one of whom stayed at the Raj during his
PK.  You have any questions about PK at the Raj?  I could pass them on
to my friends.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Christmas!

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  It's the me being the personification of evil 
  thang that Judy talks about so often.
 Well, you know, if Barry wasn't constantly
 pleading with me to go to bed with him, I
 wouldn't have to keep talking about him as the
 personification of evil.
 (Note to the terminally literal: Barry's never
 begged me to go to bed with him, just as I've 
 never talked about him as the personification of
 evil. I just thought I'd make up a hallucination
 to go with his.)

It' called making the 'facts' fit the opinion...or, reasoning 'from' a
conclusion and not 'to' a conclusion. I noticed a few of the posters
do that here! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Apple Quicktime Help

2008-12-28 Thread Bhairitu
Peter wrote:
 I'm trying to download itunes on my computer for the iphone I got from Santa. 
 The installation is almost complete when this window pops-up:


 It says that it could not open this key. What to do? Thanks.
It sounds like the installer tries to create the entry and can't which 
may mean that it doesn't have permissions to do so.  What level are you 
installing this from?  There are often questions before the install 
begins such as:  install just for me or install for everyone.   If 
you tried just for me try everyone or vice-versa.  What version of 
Windows are you using?  XP or Vista?

Re: [FairfieldLife] No Golden Rules

2008-12-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Love needs no rules but awareness.

If there had not been certain golden rules, 
there would not have been any upsurges of creation at all. Nothing is without a 
rule, even the biggest free-made decisions follow certain rules. It is only the 
question, whether you are able to recognize the same or not, and whether it 
is necessary to be aware of them or not in order to be capable 
of making a free decision. If the authentic man lives in awareness and 
his heart, then he will live in the greatest embeddedness of golden rules. 
There is nothing but law and order in nature, but for sure grounded 
in a vast bed of freedom.
Osho I already liked in the seventies, 
because he was the strongest pseudo- spiritual gabbler I have ever met in 
the scene. A real fountain of factoids.
But thanks for the nice 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Illustrated Map: 
 More here [click on thumbnails]: 

Same thing could be said about America, it's 'occupied' territory, we
need to give it back to the 'native' Americans!!  NOW!

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread guyfawkes91
Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world warming up
with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?

If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why have the
elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 

If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go outside
then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on in mid
winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the winter then
you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it. But if
insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If not why

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
willy...@... wrote:

 Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a 
 scam, with no basis in science. --- the 
 AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. 
 A perfect example of a pseudo-science like 
 Read more: 
 'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
 Posted by John Hinderaker
 Powerline, December 28, 2008

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Israeli End-Of-An-Era Escalation Sale

2008-12-28 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Dec 28, 2008, at 5:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 OK, here's what this latest Israeli outrage looks
 like to me. It looks as if the Israeli leadership
 is panicky because the Old Guard has lost both
 power and credibility in the U.S., and a bunch of
 New People With Unknown Priorities are coming in
 and they are incredibly worried about what those
 Unknown Priorities might be.

 The Old Guard was dependable. They were neocons
 and Christian fundies who wanted, more than anything
 else, for the conflict between Israel and other Arab
 nations to continue. The neocons wanted this because
 the conflict kept putting money in their pockets
 from kickbacks they got from defense contractors.
 The fundies wanted it to continue because they fer-
 vently hope for the End Days, and think that Israel
 is the key to bringing them about. All of this meant
 lots and lots and lots of U.S. money and weapons
 being poured into Israel, and a continuation of the
 status quo.

It's unbelievable, isn't it? Destruction and mindless defending the
indefensible seems to be all Israel has left to offer.  Like
the neocons.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Raj Spa

2008-12-28 Thread bettyblue109
did your friends ever do PK in the past at the Raj? I had heard the
Raj went down hill somewhat in quality and services over the past
few years, did they notice that? I have not been in 5 years to the Raj
for pk, but I am thinking about going for PK sometime in 09 and was
curious if anything changed much there over the past 4 - 5 years,

thanks much

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 12:01 AM, bettyblue109
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  Amyone here been to the Raj for Pancha Karma Aurvedic treatments
 I just went for an Ayurvedic consult with Mark Toomey.  I sponsored
 some people on PK treatments, one of whom stayed at the Raj during his
 PK.  You have any questions about PK at the Raj?  I could pass them on
 to my friends.

[FairfieldLife] Native American Loss of Land before contact - present; was Palestinian loss

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj



On Dec 28, 2008, at 8:49 AM, do.rflex wrote:

Illustrated Map:

More here [click on thumbnails]:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2008, at 1:01 PM, guyfawkes91 wrote:

 Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world warming up
 with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?

 If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
 If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
 expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why have the
 elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended?

Because the oil, coal and special interest backed scientists said  
so! And they've got the money in their pockets to prove it! Exxon puts  
out grant money for anyone wanting to disprove global warming. If  
you were a scientist, wouldn't you want an easy way to pay off YOUR  
mortgage? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@...

 Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world warming up
 with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
 If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
 If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
 expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why have the
 elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 
 If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go outside
 then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on in mid
 winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the winter then
 you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it. But if
 insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
 atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If not why

In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.

We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have ever
such powerful computers capable of simulating that system; That we
have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
greenhouse effect. 

But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to understand,
control and predict the modern financial system).

There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with that -
until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is obliged to
paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of consensus
and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down debate.

It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it very
much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive feedbacks
to make it work).

It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.

But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: Planetary global
temperatures are flat-lining.

So what is a poor scientist to do? Go with the theory, or go with the
facts? Is the current flat-lining of global temperatures just a blip
that masks an underlying warming trend (for which we are at fault,
especially you Yanks. Everything is self-evidently all your fault!)?
Or does it invalidate the much-vaunted theory? To my mind that's an
interesting question! 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a 
  scam, with no basis in science. --- the 
  AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. 
  A perfect example of a pseudo-science like 
  Read more: 
  'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
  Posted by John Hinderaker
  Powerline, December 28, 2008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2008, at 1:00 PM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

Illustrated Map:

More here [click on thumbnails]:

Same thing could be said about America, it's 'occupied' territory, we
need to give it back to the 'native' Americans!!  NOW!

Those damn Europeans!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Inquiry vs Meditation (Re: Meditations for Bliss by Osho)

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

This is called successful meditation (dhyana siddhi.) Those who  
follow the path of inquiry realize that the mind which remains at  
the end of inquiry is Brahman.

Actually, technically speaking, it's the vritti of Brahman that  
remains. What does that mean? It means you have to forget the vritti  
of Brahman.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Dec 28, 2008, at 1:01 PM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
  Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world warming up
  with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
  If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
  If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
  expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why have the
  elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended?
 Because the oil, coal and special interest backed scientists said  
 so! And they've got the money in their pockets to prove it! Exxon puts  
 out grant money for anyone wanting to disprove global warming. If  
 you were a scientist, wouldn't you want an easy way to pay off YOUR  
 mortgage? :-)

Jeez - is this one of your Buddhist mantras? It DOES seem so hackneyed
and repetitive...

I wish we could do this test:

Tomorrow on planet Earth A it is announced that Shock discovery! The
theory of global warming is conclusively proved false. All climate
scientists, bureaucrats, industries, carbon market traders, wind farm
manufacturers, jolly junket international jamboree hospitality
companies, journalists etc etc bound up with the industry will lose
their jobs immediately!

Then on planet Earth B it is announced that Criticism of the theory
of global warming is now a thought crime punishable by 5 years
listening to Al Gore. Any income dependent on this thought crime is to
be confiscated immediately

Question: which planet will have the higher number of mortgage
defaults and require the greatest bank bailout? 

That seems to me to be self-evident...

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@
  Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world warming up
  with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
  If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
  If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
  expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why have the
  elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 
  If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go outside
  then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on in mid
  winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the winter then
  you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it. But if
  insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
  atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If not why
 In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.
 We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have ever
 such powerful computers capable of simulating that system; That we
 have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
 greenhouse effect. 
 But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to understand,
 control and predict the modern financial system).
 There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
 speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with that -
 until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is obliged to
 paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of consensus
 and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down debate.
 It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it very
 much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive feedbacks
 to make it work).
 It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.
 But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: 

 Planetary global temperatures are flat-lining.

According to the massive body of overwhelming empirical evidence from
the IPCC, that statement is false. The IPCC based its consensus on a
massive body of empirical evidence that all points in the same
direction; global warming and climate change. 

Repeating your false claim doesn't make it any less false.

 So what is a poor scientist to do? Go with the theory, or go with the
 facts? Is the current flat-lining of global temperatures just a blip
 that masks an underlying warming trend (for which we are at fault,
 especially you Yanks. Everything is self-evidently all your fault!)?
 Or does it invalidate the much-vaunted theory? To my mind that's an
 interesting question! 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
  willytex@ wrote:
   Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a 
   scam, with no basis in science. --- the 
   AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. 
   A perfect example of a pseudo-science like 
   Read more: 
   'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
   Posted by John Hinderaker
   Powerline, December 28, 2008

Hinderaker is a noted fringe right winger and Powerline is a noted
fringe right wing rag.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Raj Spa

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 12:13 PM, bettyblue109 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 did your friends ever do PK in the past at the Raj? I had heard the
 Raj went down hill somewhat in quality and services over the past
 few years, did they notice that? I have not been in 5 years to the Raj
 for pk, but I am thinking about going for PK sometime in 09 and was
 curious if anything changed much there over the past 4 - 5 years,

 thanks much

I have never been to the Raj before except for an occasional lunch (I
can't stand those look at me, I'm so special RUs) and to buy herbs.
Previously I had my Ayurvedic consults on campus or with traveling
Trigunaji and his ilk.  My friends had not been to the Raj before
except for lunch as well.  My friends reported to me that they found
the Raj staff and those doing PK to be very intimate, friendly,
helpful, compassionate and caring.  They also observe as I have that
the Raj has some very lovely young ladies working there.  There were
no complaints and these guys are very observant and Lord knows people
on IA are often unstressing out of their gourd.  So it's not like
they've held anything back from me.  Now whether or not things have
gone down hill, well, none of us know.

I can tell you that most Europeans go to India for PK.  It's a bit
more spartan than the Raj but they get extra treatments in their
rooms, the staff is very helpful and weeks of PK can be gotten for the
price of a few days of PK at the Raj or Maharishi Ayurvedic facilities
in Europe.  If you'd like I can get you contact information on the
place in India the Europeans tend to go to.

I heard once again, this time from Mark Toomey, that I have the
constitution of a horse.  Here are a list of changes in your diet you
might consider but God I wish I had your health.  Well, I follow the
Ayurveda that's convenient and feels good to me and the idea of
fasting, rice and dahl as anything but a side dish just doesn't appeal
to me.  So I didn't opt for PK and Mark Toomey didn't recommend it for
me.  Mark and I had an hour and a half plus consultation and we had a
really great chat.  He knows his stuff.  Knew the Ayurvedic properties
of every tropical fruit I get in Austin and Mexico, advised me on the
cooling properties of camel milk next time I go to Egypt.  He knew the
Ayurvedic properties of oysters, calms, crawfish, Maine versus
tropical lobsters, bay versus ocean scallops and the dozen different
kinds of sushi I mentioned to him. He's definitely worth a visit.

I can tell you that lunch at the Raj has definitely gone down in
quality.  There were fewer dishes and what there was was just
trenchered onto the steam table.  I was unhappy to have my special
order mango lassi made with canned mango puree when fresh mangos are
available at HyVee and Everybodys.  The food was much better 5 years
ago and definitely much better in the years before that.  If you
mention the Raj at HyVee or some other place of commerce in town
you'll always run into a non-RU who used to work at the Raj and is
willing to fill you in on what they did, saw and heard.  If it matters
to you, then I will tell you that most likely you will not receive PK
or food from all RUs.  RUs take the do less and accomplish more and
the this is not my Jyotish week too much to heart for them to be
prized as workers.  I can give you earfulls on this but if you've read
FFL a while you can figure it out yourself.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Dec 28, 2008, at 1:01 PM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
   Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world
warming up
   with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
   If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
   If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
   expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why
have the
   elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended?
  Because the oil, coal and special interest backed scientists said  
  so! And they've got the money in their pockets to prove it! Exxon
  out grant money for anyone wanting to disprove global warming. If  
  you were a scientist, wouldn't you want an easy way to pay off YOUR  
  mortgage? :-)
 Jeez - is this one of your Buddhist mantras? It DOES seem so hackneyed
 and repetitive...
 I wish we could do this test:
 Tomorrow on planet Earth A it is announced that Shock discovery! The
 theory of global warming is conclusively proved false. All climate
 scientists, bureaucrats, industries, carbon market traders, wind farm
 manufacturers, jolly junket international jamboree hospitality
 companies, journalists etc etc bound up with the industry will lose
 their jobs immediately!
 Then on planet Earth B it is announced that Criticism of the theory
 of global warming is now a thought crime punishable by 5 years
 listening to Al Gore. Any income dependent on this thought crime is to
 be confiscated immediately
 Question: which planet will have the higher number of mortgage
 defaults and require the greatest bank bailout? 
 That seems to me to be self-evident...

Looney tunes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Spa?WHERE in India to the Europeans go CONTACT INFO?PLEASE

2008-12-28 Thread WLeed3

In a message dated 12/28/2008 2:06:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
l.shad...@gmail.com writes:

On Sun,  Dec 28, 2008 at 12:13 PM, bettyblue109 no_re...@yahoogroups.com  
 did your friends ever do PK in the past at the Raj? I had heard  the
 Raj went down hill somewhat in quality and services over the  past
 few years, did they notice that? I have not been in 5 years to  the Raj
 for pk, but I am thinking about going for PK sometime in 09  and was
 curious if anything changed much there over the past 4 - 5  years,

 thanks much

I have never been to the Raj  before except for an occasional lunch (I
can't stand those look at me, I'm  so special RUs) and to buy herbs.
Previously I had my Ayurvedic consults  on campus or with traveling
Trigunaji and his ilk.  My friends had not  been to the Raj before
except for lunch as well.  My friends reported  to me that they found
the Raj staff and those doing PK to be very intimate,  friendly,
helpful, compassionate and caring.  They also observe as I  have that
the Raj has some very lovely young ladies working there.   There were
no complaints and these guys are very observant and Lord knows  people
on IA are often unstressing out of their gourd.  So it's not  like
they've held anything back from me.  Now whether or not things  have
gone down hill, well, none of us know.

I can tell you that most  Europeans go to India for PK.  It's a bit
more spartan than the Raj  but they get extra treatments in their
rooms, the staff is very helpful and  weeks of PK can be gotten for the
price of a few days of PK at the Raj or  Maharishi Ayurvedic facilities
in Europe.  If you'd like I can get you  contact information on the
place in India the Europeans tend to go  to.

I heard once again, this time from Mark Toomey, that I have  the
constitution of a horse.  Here are a list of changes in your diet  you
might consider but God I wish I had your health.  Well, I follow  the
Ayurveda that's convenient and feels good to me and the idea  of
fasting, rice and dahl as anything but a side dish just doesn't  appeal
to me.  So I didn't opt for PK and Mark Toomey didn't recommend  it for
me.  Mark and I had an hour and a half plus consultation and we  had a
really great chat.  He knows his stuff.  Knew the Ayurvedic  properties
of every tropical fruit I get in Austin and Mexico, advised me  on the
cooling properties of camel milk next time I go to Egypt.  He  knew the
Ayurvedic properties of oysters, calms, crawfish, Maine  versus
tropical lobsters, bay versus ocean scallops and the dozen  different
kinds of sushi I mentioned to him. He's definitely worth a  visit.

I can tell you that lunch at the Raj has definitely gone down  in
quality.  There were fewer dishes and what there was was  just
trenchered onto the steam table.  I was unhappy to have my  special
order mango lassi made with canned mango puree when fresh mangos  are
available at HyVee and Everybodys.  The food was much better 5  years
ago and definitely much better in the years before that.  If  you
mention the Raj at HyVee or some other place of commerce in  town
you'll always run into a non-RU who used to work at the Raj and  is
willing to fill you in on what they did, saw and heard.  If it  matters
to you, then I will tell you that most likely you will not receive  PK
or food from all RUs.  RUs take the do less and accomplish more  and
the this is not my Jyotish week too much to heart for them to  be
prized as workers.  I can give you earfulls on this but if you've  read
FFL a while you can figure it out  yourself.

To subscribe,  send a message to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

**One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, 
Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@...

 In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.

 We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have ever
 such powerful computers capable of simulating that system; That we
 have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
 greenhouse effect.

 But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to understand,
 control and predict the modern financial system).

 There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
 speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with that -
 until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is obliged to
 paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of consensus
 and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down debate.

 It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it very
 much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive feedbacks
 to make it work).

 It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.

 But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: Planetary global
 temperatures are flat-lining.

 So what is a poor scientist to do? Go with the theory, or go with the
 facts? Is the current flat-lining of global temperatures just a blip
 that masks an underlying warming trend (for which we are at fault,
 especially you Yanks. Everything is self-evidently all your fault!)?
 Or does it invalidate the much-vaunted theory? To my mind that's an
 interesting question!

I concur with this assessment.  However I'll also throw in a few
observations.  As I said before, we are going out of an ice age.  If
there is global warming it might just have something to do with that.
OK, there are things melting.  Well what did you want?  Only the
Garden of Eden area to be temperate?  Yes, I believe there was a great
flood and a temperate Garden of Eden where the people were able to
switch from hunter/gatherer to farmers.  In the Middle East.  And this
dovetails with the end of the Ice Age.  I agree that there is a lot
more crap in the atmosphere then there has been in a while.  We even
see that when we release air trapped in lead tombs in Baltimore.  But
the atmosphere has been full of lots of crap before.  And man didn't
do it.

Al Gore running around calling this a big crisis even if man made
isn't going to stop it.  We're not going to get buy in from Mexico,
India, China or the former USSR.  And /they/ are the growing, major

But why care about all of this?  We're all leaving Spaceship Earth in
2012.  Right?

[FairfieldLife] Cop Drama Dharma: Righteous Kill vs. Pride And Glory

2008-12-28 Thread TurquoiseB
There may have been more than two high-profile cop dramas
this year, but if so I can only remember two right now. So
shoot me.

The first I saw some months ago, when the buzz was out about
it and it was still in the theaters. The buzz was BIG, another
pairing of the Grand Knights of the Old Guard, Robert de Niro
and Al Pacino. Righteous Kill was hyped as the best thing 
since sliced bread or Heat, whichever got you off more. 

The problem was, Righteous Kill was a real yawner. It almost
telegraphed its punches as to who was the quintessential psycho-
killer during the credits. And the two icons of the Old Guard
seemed to me to be phoning in their performances, playing it
safe, going for the easy bucks in their old age. No drama, no
real moral quandaries. Yawn.

Enter Pride And Glory, starring one member of the Old Guard,
John Voight, but a bunch of younger turks as well -- Colin Far-
rell, Noah Emmerich, and the great Edward Norton as hardcore
New York Irish cops, part of a dynasty of hardcore New York 
Irish cops. 

The problem is, New York Irish cops have this inborn sense of
right and wrong. It comes with the Catholicism, and it comes 
with the territory of trying to be an honest cop in a city that
simply does not respect or honor honest cops. The dreams of 
pride and glory die hard, and sometimes they die hardest in 
those who left them by the wayside. They sometimes resurrect 
themselves during the finer moments -- or the last moments -- 
of the lives of those who once believed in pride and glory.

Righteous Kill couldn't kill a gnat, much less righeously. 
Pride And Glory had both, in spades. Can't say it any 
clearer or simpler than that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Spa?WHERE in India to the Europeans go CONTACT INFO?PLEASE

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:11 PM,  wle...@aol.com wrote:

Please send a separate email to my address.  It's a real address and I
use GMail's web interface to read/post to/from FFL.  GMail is great
for FFL because of the way threads are presented.  Even better than a
decent Usenet reader.

It will take me a week or two to get the contact information you seek
from one of my European friends.  None of the people I know who go to
PK in India are in FF right now.  Once I get the info I'll forward it
on to you and post it here, though I suspect with the tremendous reach
of FFL I'll be beaten to the punch, which would be great.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Meditation on Murder: The Israeli assault on Gaza

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bettyblue109 no_re...@... wrote:

 you forgot to mention that Hamas are a bunch of peace loving angels 
 that would never hurt anyone in any way.

Come on what do you expect them to do, accept a two state solution,
get real! They have no choice but to blow the limbs and heads off of
innocent little children...gads!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
 a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards
 give it back.

This will never happen.  Harry Truman was privately an anti-semite and
he championed the State of Israel because of his reading of the Bible.
 But he foresaw what was going to happen.

This thing has flared up in FFL before.  There was immediate and
lasting uproar.  Israeli, gays and Hillary are big things here on FFL.
 Tread lightly or unleash the wrath of God and Her minions if you say
anything against these areas of FFL sanctity.

We have two very powerful groups in America.  First, we have the Jews.
 No way with the Jews having so much control of America and so much
money will Israel be ever made to act in a civilized fashion.  Heck,
we even bust Israeli spies.  People who spy on the US for Israeli.
Now also we have the born agains who are pro-Israel and pro-stirring
up shit in Israeli because of the Second Coming.  I speak to many of
my very good Israeli friends on IA/at MUM about the born agains and
their wanting to meddle in Israeli.  Let's just say the Israelis are
bemused about the BAs in Israeli.  Here we have a group of people who
are proponents of Israeli but who also preach that the Israelis will
have to proclaim Christ or be cast into Hell.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Spa?WHERE in India to the Europeans go CONTACT INFO?PLEASE

2008-12-28 Thread Zoran Krneta
Try this:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 This thing has flared up in FFL before.  There was
 immediate and lasting uproar.  Israeli, gays and
 Hillary are big things here on FFL. Tread lightly or
 unleash the wrath of God and Her minions if you say
 anything against these areas of FFL sanctity.


What planet have you been living on recently?

 We have two very powerful groups in America.
 First, we have the Jews. No way with the Jews
 having so much control of America and so much

Wow. Let's just contemplate that statement for
a while.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Spa?WHERE in India to the Europeans go CONTACT INFO?PLEASE

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
2008/12/28 Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@gmail.com:
 Try this:



Hey.  Thanks.  Rishikesh.  I'd be willing to violate my self-referral
aversion to rice and dahl as a meal and go here.  T'would be a nice
way to visit Rishikesh in peace and quiet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@
   Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world
warming up
   with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
   If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep heat in.
   If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
   expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why
have the
   elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 
   If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go
   then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on in mid
   winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the winter
   you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it. But if
   insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
   atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If
not why
  In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.
  We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have ever
  such powerful computers capable of simulating that system; That we
  have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
  greenhouse effect. 
  But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to understand,
  control and predict the modern financial system).
  There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
  speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with that -
  until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is obliged to
  paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of consensus
  and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down debate.
  It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it very
  much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive feedbacks
  to make it work).
  It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.
  But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: 
  Planetary global temperatures are flat-lining.
 According to the massive body of overwhelming empirical evidence from
 the IPCC, that statement is false. 

OK reflex, simple question for you:

What evidence of temperature change in the years 2000 - 2008 did the
last IPCC report have before it?

 The IPCC based its consensus on a
 massive body of empirical evidence that all points in the same
 direction; global warming and climate change. 
 Repeating your false claim doesn't make it any less false.

  So what is a poor scientist to do? Go with the theory, or go with the
  facts? Is the current flat-lining of global temperatures just a blip
  that masks an underlying warming trend (for which we are at fault,
  especially you Yanks. Everything is self-evidently all your fault!)?
  Or does it invalidate the much-vaunted theory? To my mind that's an
  interesting question! 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
   willytex@ wrote:
Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a 
scam, with no basis in science. --- the 
AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. 
A perfect example of a pseudo-science like 

Read more: 

'A Scam, With No Basis In Science'
Posted by John Hinderaker
Powerline, December 28, 2008
 Hinderaker is a noted fringe right winger and Powerline is a noted
 fringe right wing rag.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:50 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
 l.shad...@... wrote:

 This thing has flared up in FFL before.  There was
 immediate and lasting uproar.  Israeli, gays and
 Hillary are big things here on FFL. Tread lightly or
 unleash the wrath of God and Her minions if you say
 anything against these areas of FFL sanctity.


 What planet have you been living on recently?

Yes, I do notice that age appears to have brought /some/ restraint to FFL.

While we're contemplating how much Jews in America are responsible for
the shit stirring in Israeli, let's also contemplate how many people
were blown up in Ireland with bombs purchased with money sent by Irish
Americans.  The Republic of Ireland is the result of lots of money
flowing in from America over decades.  Lots of blood money.  So is it
with Israeli.  Obama stands for change but he's no fool.  No way he'll
champion any laws dealing with private American citizens stirring up
shit in Israeli/Palestine (or what's left of it).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes...@... wrote:

 Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
 a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
 give it back.

Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
living elsewhere at the time.

They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and have
a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
or longer than the Arabs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Apple Quicktime Help

2008-12-28 Thread Bhairitu
Bhairitu wrote:
 Peter wrote:
 I'm trying to download itunes on my computer for the iphone I got from 
 Santa. The installation is almost complete when this window pops-up:


 It says that it could not open this key. What to do? Thanks.
 It sounds like the installer tries to create the entry and can't which 
 may mean that it doesn't have permissions to do so.  What level are you 
 installing this from?  There are often questions before the install 
 begins such as:  install just for me or install for everyone.   If 
 you tried just for me try everyone or vice-versa.  What version of 
 Windows are you using?  XP or Vista?
What has more likely happened is you installed an older version of 
Quicktime from a installer.  On Windows ,Apple used to have you download 
the program and install but nowadays they are doing some live updates.  
It has either found some components from an old install and can't find 
this key in the registry or actually (and incorrectly saying so) found 
the key but not the original install program which would be used to 
uninstall it.   I'm careful to keep around the install or setup file to 
programs I download.  Most of the time when updating or upgrading the 
installers can delete the old version without running the original 
installer.  But simpler install program may not be able to do that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:50 PM, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
  L.Shaddai@ wrote:
  This thing has flared up in FFL before.  There was
  immediate and lasting uproar.  Israeli, gays and
  Hillary are big things here on FFL. Tread lightly or
  unleash the wrath of God and Her minions if you say
  anything against these areas of FFL sanctity.
  What planet have you been living on recently?
 Yes, I do notice that age appears to have brought
 /some/ restraint to FFL.

Uh, no. Allow me to explain to you the facts of FFLife:

Until a couple of months ago when raunchydog arrived
on the scene, I was the *sole* supporter of Hillary
Clinton on this forum. As far as everyone else was
concerned, she was the Devil Incarnate, and I was her
minion, subject to unbelievable abuse for daring to
say anything postive about her (even to debunk false

Although most here have mellowed toward Hillary at
least somewhat since her yeoman work for Obama in
the presidential campaign, you'll still see from
Barry, for example, the occasional screed denouncing
raunchydog and me for having supported her.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2008, at 2:21 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

I concur with this assessment.  However I'll also throw in a few
observations.  As I said before, we are going out of an ice age.  If
there is global warming it might just have something to do with that.
OK, there are things melting.  Well what did you want?  Only the
Garden of Eden area to be temperate?  Yes, I believe there was a great
flood and a temperate Garden of Eden where the people were able to
switch from hunter/gatherer to farmers.  In the Middle East.  And this
dovetails with the end of the Ice Age.  I agree that there is a lot
more crap in the atmosphere then there has been in a while.  We even
see that when we release air trapped in lead tombs in Baltimore.  But
the atmosphere has been full of lots of crap before.  And man didn't
do it.

Consider this:

If global warming is false then that translates into it's ok to  
continue to have rich industrialists exploit the earth (oil slicks,  
strip mining, pollution, greenhouse gases, pass a tipping point,  
etc.) and investment will be able to move away from more green  
industries and our reliance on unstable, medieval-consciousness  
countries will continue. The status quo will be able to continue to  
influence governmental policy and how we continue to (as a species)  
interact with our environment.

If global warming is a real phenomenon, then we are (ethically,  
morally and survival-wise) forced to go green, for our own survival,  
after all we have entered extinction-6. BUT even if we are wrong on  
global warming, isn't the moral imperative to go green anyways? Should  
we continue the 'largest transfer of wealth inhuman history' to the  
Saudis, et al?

Therefore, until GW is absolutely proven false, it is morally  
reprehensible to advocate on the side of the Petro and Mining  
Industrial complex and climate change denial. It is morally and  
ethically supported to move away from methods (even potentially) which  
disturb the balance of Gaia's natural homeostasis.

So my question is, if you admit that we do not know whether or not GW  
is true (and please keep in mind the earth is entering an extinction  
phase) or whether it is false and WE MIGHT NOT KNOW TILL ITS  
POTENTIALLY TOO LATE; given that possibility, which side would you  
prefer to err on?

All life may depend on your decision.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:21 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal

 Uh, no. Allow me to explain to you the facts of FFLife:

 Until a couple of months ago when raunchydog arrived
 on the scene, I was the *sole* supporter of Hillary
 Clinton on this forum. As far as everyone else was
 concerned, she was the Devil Incarnate, and I was her
 minion, subject to unbelievable abuse for daring to
 say anything postive about her (even to debunk false

 Although most here have mellowed toward Hillary at
 least somewhat since her yeoman work for Obama in
 the presidential campaign, you'll still see from
 Barry, for example, the occasional screed denouncing
 raunchydog and me for having supported her.

Well, Judy, I'm not a lover of words and debate as you are but I not
only respect your being here on FFL, I'd be willing to offer up my
unused weekly post count to you because you do handle yourself with
restraint and strength.  I like the old saying that a lady is someone
who doesn't need to remind you that you're in the presence of one.
Same with someone who can hold their own in a discussion.   I think
that you and Raunch should be declared Senior Fellows of FFL and not
be bound by the post count because of the viewpoints that you and your
side kick represent here and the way you both present yourselves.  I
often admire you and Raunch the way I admire rotting fish in the
moonlight.  You shine, you shimmer and you stench is unmistakable.
But that's what makes for lively discussions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 On Dec 28, 2008, at 2:21 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

 So my question is, if you admit that we do not know whether or not GW is
 true (and please keep in mind the earth is entering an extinction phase) or
 given that possibility, which side would you prefer to err on?
 All life may depend on your decision.

You haven't driven across the Rio Grande at night and been assaulted
by the stench and blinding soot of tires burned for warmth, have you?

I'm siding with Mexico, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, what was
the USSR and India.  They are going to do what they're going to do.
And the US and Japan are mere drops in the bucket.  I'm not going to
wear a hair shirt or ritualistically flog myself for driving a Toyota
Camry as I drive down across the Mexican border and see all the gas
guzzling polluting old American cars being transported into Mexico to
take on new life.  Nor am I going to feel bad when I take a 30 year
old Pugeot taxi ride next trip to Luxor, Egypt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2008, at 3:42 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

On Dec 28, 2008, at 2:21 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

So my question is, if you admit that we do not know whether or not  
GW is
true (and please keep in mind the earth is entering an extinction  
phase) or

given that possibility, which side would you prefer to err on?
All life may depend on your decision.

You haven't driven across the Rio Grande at night and been assaulted
by the stench and blinding soot of tires burned for warmth, have you?

I'm siding with Mexico, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, what was
the USSR and India.  They are going to do what they're going to do.
And the US and Japan are mere drops in the bucket.  I'm not going to
wear a hair shirt or ritualistically flog myself for driving a Toyota
Camry as I drive down across the Mexican border and see all the gas
guzzling polluting old American cars being transported into Mexico to
take on new life.  Nor am I going to feel bad when I take a 30 year
old Pugeot taxi ride next trip to Luxor, Egypt.

So in other words, you take the easy, potential mass extinction way  
out and take the karmic and moral low ground? Why set an example for  
the future!

That's cool, at least I know where you're coming from! You don't want  
to set an example and would rather flog everyone, including  

You don't happen to work for the Petro industry do you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Spa?WHERE in India to the Europeans go CONTACT INFO?PLEASE

2008-12-28 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@... 

 Try this:

Reading this commercial propaganda I am struck with the fact that you 
will not receive any information on from where these people have 
received their knowledge or training.

These are commercial enterprises/promises only, and I find it 
disturbing that persons previously in the Movement have been so quick 
to capitalize on what they learned from their Master.
I have taken PK several times in India and have seen this basic 
tendency every time; greed. 
Down to such a innoscentand simple, but crucial, detail that is was 
necessary to actually check that the oil applied to your body, that 
already had travelled half around the globe, actually was fresh and not 
simply transferred from the previous patient.

Such worries you will not have if you take PK at a Maharishi Ayurveda 
Clinic anywhere in India or elsewhere. Nor if you travel far into the 
jungels of Kerala and visit real Masters in the Art of Ayurved. Masters 
whom themselves have had close knowledge relationships with the Master 
of Masters in Vlodrop.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@
Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world
 warming up
with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?

If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep
heat in.
If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole world you
expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why
 have the
elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 

If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go
then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on
in mid
winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the winter
you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it.
But if
insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If
 not why
   In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.
   We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have
   such powerful computers capable of simulating that system; That we
   have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
   greenhouse effect. 
   But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to understand,
   control and predict the modern financial system).
   There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
   speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with
that -
   until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is obliged to
   paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of consensus
   and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down
   It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it very
   much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive
   to make it work).
   It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.
   But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: 
   Planetary global temperatures are flat-lining.
  According to the massive body of overwhelming empirical evidence from
  the IPCC, that statement is false. 
 OK reflex, simple question for you:
 What evidence of temperature change in the years 2000 - 2008 did the
 last IPCC report have before it?


From the IPCC:

The IPCC's technical reports derive their credibility principally from
an extensive, transparent, and iterative peer review process that, as
mentioned above, is considered far more exhaustive than that
associated with scientific journals.

This is due to the number of reviewers, the breadth of their
disciplinary backgrounds and scientific perspectives, and the
inclusion of independent review editors who certify that all
comments have been fairly considered and appropriately resolved by the
authors. For example, see [2].

...Experts from more than 130 countries are contributing to this
assessment, which represents six years of work. More than 450 lead
authors have received input from more than 800 contributing authors,
and an additional 2,500 experts reviewed the draft documents.

To be as inclusive and open as possible, a balanced review effectively
begins with the choice of lead authors. By intentionally including
authors who represent the full range of expert opinion, many areas of
disagreement can be worked out in discussions among the authors rather
than waiting until the document is sent out for review...

The first round of review is conducted by a large number of expert
reviewers—more than 2,500 for the entire AR4—who include scientists,
industry representatives, and NGO experts with a wide range of



NOW here's the -*fully searchable*- 2007 IPCC report where it covers
the massive basis for the conclusions it makes. You'll note that the
conclusion that climate change/global warming and man's role in
bringing it about is factual based on a huge pool of multiple
peer-reviewed scientific studies:


Here's their most recent [also -*fully searchable*-] 214 page 2008
report titled Climate Change and Water:  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 So in other words, you take the easy, potential mass extinction way out and
 take the karmic and moral low ground? Why set an example for the future!
 That's cool, at least I know where you're coming from! You don't want to set
 an example and would rather flog everyone, including yourself...ouch.
 You don't happen to work for the Petro industry do you?

Characterize me as you wish.  Fire can't burn me nor water quench me.

Petro industry was very, very good to me.  I was the West Coast
manager of a control systems vendor back in the Prudhoe Bay hayday and
designed the control system in the Arco-Sohio Seawater Treatment plant
in Prudhoe Bay amongst other things.  But I've also worked in the
Pentagon, the White House, the NSA and am on retainer with a number of
middle eastern governments in areas that have nothing to do with
petrol.  I do not represent any industry or government.  Believe it or
else, it's possible to be an American with a viewpoint and not be
controlled or beholden to some big moneyed entity.

Also, I am do not belong to any cults, Jai Guru Dev. HaHaHaHa.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ wrote:
  Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
  a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
  give it back.
 Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
 it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
 living elsewhere at the time.
 They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and have
 a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
 or longer than the Arabs.

Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and show
where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the way from
1946 - 2005.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2008, at 3:59 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

So in other words, you take the easy, potential mass extinction way  
out and
take the karmic and moral low ground? Why set an example for the  
That's cool, at least I know where you're coming from! You don't  
want to set

an example and would rather flog everyone, including yourself...ouch.
You don't happen to work for the Petro industry do you?

Characterize me as you wish.  Fire can't burn me nor water quench me.

Petro industry was very, very good to me.  I was the West Coast
manager of a control systems vendor back in the Prudhoe Bay hayday and
designed the control system in the Arco-Sohio Seawater Treatment plant
in Prudhoe Bay amongst other things.  But I've also worked in the
Pentagon, the White House, the NSA and am on retainer with a number of
middle eastern governments in areas that have nothing to do with
petrol.  I do not represent any industry or government.  Believe it or
else, it's possible to be an American with a viewpoint and not be
controlled or beholden to some big moneyed entity.

OK Mr. Soprano, I apologize if anything I said was offensive.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
   Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
   a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
   give it back.
  Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
  it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
  living elsewhere at the time.
  They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and have
  a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
  or longer than the Arabs.
 Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and show
 where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the way from
 1946 - 2005.

  You might check out a Mr. Farrah whom I believe I recall saying that
the property in question was taken from the Arabs (Jordan) and, that
Palestinians  were a fabricated entity.  N.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
  So in other words, you take the easy, potential
  mass extinction way out and take the karmic and
  moral low ground? Why set an example for the
  future! That's cool, at least I know where you're
  coming from! You don't want to set an example and
  would rather flog everyone, including yourself...
  ouch. You don't happen to work for the Petro
  industry do you?
 Characterize me as you wish.  Fire can't burn me
 nor water quench me.

And my powers of analysis and insight are first-
class, as you can see from my recent post remarking
on the deep and fervent veneration accorded Hillary
Clinton by the participants of FFL, such that any
negative comment about her inspires mass outrage.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 On Dec 28, 2008, at 3:59 PM, I am the eternal wrote:
 OK Mr. Soprano, I apologize if anything I said was offensive.

Oh yeah.  I forgot.  I also have done some very lucrative work for the
White Collar Crime division of the Gambino Family.  I'm beholden to
them only because these people really know how to send the very best
Christmas presents.  What a bunch of sweat guys.

I am all for bringing back organized crime.  Organized crime did not
have the drive by shooting of kids.  As usual we made a big mistake
deregulating something that worked perfectly well the way it was.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@

 Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world
  warming up
 with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
 If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep
 heat in.
 If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole
world you
 expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why
  have the
 elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 
 If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go
 then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on
 in mid
 winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the winter
 you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it.
 But if
 insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
 atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If
  not why

In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.

We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have
such powerful computers capable of simulating that system; That we
have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
greenhouse effect. 

But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to
control and predict the modern financial system).

There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with
 that -
until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is obliged to
paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of
and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down

It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it
much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive
to make it work).

It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.

But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: 
Planetary global temperatures are flat-lining.
   According to the massive body of overwhelming empirical evidence
   the IPCC, that statement is false. 
  OK reflex, simple question for you:
  What evidence of temperature change in the years 2000 - 2008 did the
  last IPCC report have before it?
 From the IPCC:
 The IPCC's technical reports derive their credibility principally from
 an extensive, transparent, and iterative peer review process that, as
 mentioned above, is considered far more exhaustive than that
 associated with scientific journals.
 This is due to the number of reviewers, the breadth of their
 disciplinary backgrounds and scientific perspectives, and the
 inclusion of independent review editors who certify that all
 comments have been fairly considered and appropriately resolved by the
 authors. For example, see [2].
 ...Experts from more than 130 countries are contributing to this
 assessment, which represents six years of work. More than 450 lead
 authors have received input from more than 800 contributing authors,
 and an additional 2,500 experts reviewed the draft documents.
 To be as inclusive and open as possible, a balanced review effectively
 begins with the choice of lead authors. By intentionally including
 authors who represent the full range of expert opinion, many areas of
 disagreement can be worked out in discussions among the authors rather
 than waiting until the document is sent out for review...
 The first round of review is conducted by a large number of expert
 reviewers—more than 2,500 for the entire AR4—who include scientists,
 industry representatives, and NGO experts with a wide range of

 NOW here's the -*fully searchable*- 2007 IPCC report where it covers
 the massive basis for the conclusions it makes. You'll note that the
 conclusion that climate change/global warming and man's role in
 bringing it about is factual based on a huge pool of multiple
 peer-reviewed scientific studies:
 Here's their most recent [also -*fully searchable*-] 214 page 2008
 report titled Climate Change and Water:  

I think you are confusing the date of the reports and the date of the
evidence before them. There is obviously a lag of several years. Data
for the period from 2000 - 2008 was not available for the 4th IPCC
assessment (completed early 2007).


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
give it back.
   Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
   it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab
   living elsewhere at the time.
   They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and
   a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
   or longer than the Arabs.
  Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and show
  where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the way from
  1946 - 2005.
   You might check out a Mr. Farrah whom I believe I recall saying that
 the property in question was taken from the Arabs (Jordan) and, that
 Palestinians  were a fabricated entity.  N.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917: An official letter from the British
Foreign Office headed by Arthur Balfour, the UK's Foreign Secretary
(from December 1916 to October 1919), to Lord Rothschild, who was seen
as a representative of the Jewish people. 

The letter stated that the British government view[ed] with favour
the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish
people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the
achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing
shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and
political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.


---Please show where Israel has gone by that last paragraph above.---

Joseph Farrah is the fringe right wing editor of the fringe right wing
euphemistically called WingNut Daily [World Net Daily]. He has no
objective credibility.

Now show where Billy G's claim the the Jews purchased all the land
they control today is not bullshit:

Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
living elsewhere at the time. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
   Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
   a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
   give it back.
  Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
  it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
  living elsewhere at the time.
  They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and have
  a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
  or longer than the Arabs.
 Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and show
 where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the way from
 1946 - 2005.

I was responding to Hugo's comment; then, you agree that prior to 1946
Jews 'owned' land in Palestine?


[FairfieldLife] Bevan Morris on education

2008-12-28 Thread nablusoss1008
 [High School for Leadership]  http://www.maharishiacademy.org/   What
is Missing in Education Today  [Bevan Morris]   Dr. Bevan Morris,
President of Maharishi University of Management and Chairman of the
Board of Trustees (1980-present)
The world has been floundering for thousands of years, because of the
weakness of education. Education till now has been fragmented in its
approach. It offered only knowledge of isolated Laws of Nature, and
never the totality of all knowledge. The result of such an approach has
been, that only isolated parts of the human brain have been stimulated
by education according to whichever subject is studied. Some particular
part of the brain gets stimulated, but never the total brain.

The result has been, that as students grow up through their education,
they are left with great areas of their brain, which are
non-functional—functional holes in the brain. The result of having
functional holes in the brain is that wrong behaviors emerge, which, in
turn create more troubles and problems for the brain, for the whole
physiology, and for the whole of life. So the result of modern education
has been students growing up with partial use of their total brain. And
with all kinds of problems that have their root in this partial
functioning of their precious human brain.
  [SPECT imaging shows functional holes in the brain of a violent
The only thing that gives the experience of total brain functioning is
the experience of the field of Total Knowledge. And where is Total
Knowledge available? It's not in huge libraries—millions of
books that nobody can ever read. Total Knowledge is only available in
one place, and that is in the silent Self-referral unified state of
consciousness, which can be experienced by any student in the world
through the practice of Maharishis Transcendental Meditation Technique.

Transcendental Meditation
.html , a simple technique, a natural technique, originated from the
Vedic tradition of Total Knowledge, of India, the land of the Veda. This
simple technique allows the mind of any student to settle down to more
and more silent levels of operation, until the very finest level of the
thinking process is experienced, and then the student transcends, or
goes beyond that finest impulse of thought, and comes to the completely
settled, completely pure, completely transcendental state of their own

This is the experience of your own Self. So by adding this practice to
the routine of academic study in all the educational institutions of the
world, students fulfill the ancient dictum of the Oracle of Delphi
`Know thyself'. This is Consciousness-Based education.

Consciousness-Based education adds into the routine of daily study of
the students the experience of the students' own Self, of their own
self-referral, silent, pure consciousness. They experience this state as
a state of inner bliss. They experience there the treasure house of all
the intelligence and energy which is responsible for everything that
there is in the human physiology, in the earth, in the solar system, and
in the galactic universe.

Because when they experience that silent state of their own
consciousness, they are actually directly experiencing the Unified Field
of Natural Law http://www.maharishiacademy.org/about/worldpeace.html ;
that self-same Unified Field that has been discovered by quantum
physicists in our generation.

Dr John Hagelin http://www.maharishiacademy.org/about/worldpeace.html
, the greatest scientist has fulfilled the dream of Einstein for a
completely Unified Field Theory that is also practical, and applied in
human life through education. So in Consciousness-Based education,
before the classes start in the different subjects, the students close
their eyes, they begin to practice Transcendental Meditation. Their mind
settles down to softer and softer levels of the thinking process,
gentler levels to the most silent level of thought, and then
transcending that, coming to a pure state of consciousness, unbounded
state of their own consciousness, their own individuality is completely
unified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the field of
Total Knowledge.

When students experience the unified state of their own consciousness,
the Unified Field, which is the field of Total Knowledge of all the Laws
of Nature; in that unifying experience actual scientific research shows
that this awakens the total brain functioning. The brain functioning
becomes highly coherent: synchronous brain waves over the whole expanse
of the brain, as if the whole brain is being integrated into one
holistic functioning.

This phenomenon of total brain functioning is a result of the subjective
experience of that silent level of one's own consciousness, that
completely peaceful level of one's own consciousness, during
Transcendental Meditation. So this is a phenomenon that has to be in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@

 Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
 a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
 give it back.

Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since
much of
it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab
living elsewhere at the time.

They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and
a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there
as long
or longer than the Arabs.
   Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material
and show
   where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the way
   1946 - 2005.
You might check out a Mr. Farrah whom I believe I recall saying that
  the property in question was taken from the Arabs (Jordan) and, that
  Palestinians  were a fabricated entity.  N.
 The Balfour Declaration of 1917: An official letter from the British
 Foreign Office headed by Arthur Balfour, the UK's Foreign Secretary
 (from December 1916 to October 1919), to Lord Rothschild, who was seen
 as a representative of the Jewish people. 
 The letter stated that the British government view[ed] with favour
 the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish
 people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the
 achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing
 shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of
 existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and
 political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
 ---Please show where Israel has gone by that last paragraph above.---

The settlements were created by fleeing Arabs after the attack by
Arabs on the new Israel, many Jews fled Arab countries too.  The Arabs
don't want to assimilate the 'Palestinian' Arabs, they'd rather use
them as political footballs!

Now many of them cannot come back because they are terrorists, also
many of them would accept money settlements for their abandoned
property according to a poll, (though I'm not sure why they don't).

Disputes over the fleeing Palestinian Arabs property is part of the on
going  peace process..

[FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91
  Ok so if global warming isn't real then why isn't the world
   warming up
  with all the extra insulation added by CO2 and CH4?
  If you put on an extra layer of clothing you expect to keep
  heat in.
  If you put on an extra layer of insulation for the whole
 world you
  expect the world to warm up. If it's not warming up then why
   have the
  elementary laws of thermodynamics been suspended? 
  If you think that insulation doesn't keep you warm when you go
  then you should be ok about taking a walk without clothes on
  in mid
  winter. If you do wrap up warm when you go outside in the
  you must be acknowledging that insulation keeps the heat it.
  But if
  insulation keeps the heat in then any extra C02 or CH4 in the
  atmosphere must be keeping the heat in for the whole world. If
   not why
 In short (IMO) : Hubris - the sin of the modern world.
 We think we understand the planet's climate system; That we have
 such powerful computers capable of simulating that system;
That we
 have a sound, rock-solid theory (that you allude to) about the
 greenhouse effect. 
 But maybe we don't. (Just as no one seems to be able to
 control and predict the modern financial system).
 There is no settled science in this. It's all tentative,
 speculative, and highly unreliable. There's nothing wrong with
  that -
 until it gets hijacked into politicized science that is
obliged to
 paper over the uncertainties with hysterical shrieks of
 and the sinister use of the term denier to try to close down
 It is true that the greenhouse theory looks sound (although it
 much depends on a supporting armoury of supposed positive
 to make it work).
 It seems true that CO2 emissions have been rising.
 But is also seems true that Gaia is not playing ball: 

 Planetary global temperatures are flat-lining.

According to the massive body of overwhelming empirical evidence
the IPCC, that statement is false. 
   OK reflex, simple question for you:
   What evidence of temperature change in the years 2000 - 2008
did the
   last IPCC report have before it?
  From the IPCC:
  The IPCC's technical reports derive their credibility principally from
  an extensive, transparent, and iterative peer review process that, as
  mentioned above, is considered far more exhaustive than that
  associated with scientific journals.
  This is due to the number of reviewers, the breadth of their
  disciplinary backgrounds and scientific perspectives, and the
  inclusion of independent review editors who certify that all
  comments have been fairly considered and appropriately resolved by the
  authors. For example, see [2].
  ...Experts from more than 130 countries are contributing to this
  assessment, which represents six years of work. More than 450 lead
  authors have received input from more than 800 contributing authors,
  and an additional 2,500 experts reviewed the draft documents.
  To be as inclusive and open as possible, a balanced review effectively
  begins with the choice of lead authors. By intentionally including
  authors who represent the full range of expert opinion, many areas of
  disagreement can be worked out in discussions among the authors rather
  than waiting until the document is sent out for review...
  The first round of review is conducted by a large number of expert
  reviewers—more than 2,500 for the entire AR4—who include scientists,
  industry representatives, and NGO experts with a wide range of

  NOW here's the -*fully searchable*- 2007 IPCC report where it covers
  the massive basis for the conclusions it makes. You'll note that the
  conclusion that climate change/global warming and man's role in
  bringing it about is factual based on a huge pool of multiple
  peer-reviewed scientific studies:
  Here's their most recent [also -*fully searchable*-] 214 page 2008
  report titled Climate Change and Water:  
 I think you are confusing the date of the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ wrote:
  Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
  a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
  give it back.
 Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
 it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
 living elsewhere at the time.
 They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and have
 a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
 or longer than the Arabs.

So... China should be able to take USA land that IT owns and make it Chinese


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
give it back.
   Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
   it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab
   living elsewhere at the time.
   They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and
   a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
   or longer than the Arabs.
  Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and
show   where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the
way from   1946 - 2005.

 I was responding to Hugo's comment; then, you agree that prior to
1946 Jews 'owned' land in Palestine?

So did numerous 'other' nations from time to time Billy, so what. Do
those other peoples ALSO have a claim to the land? You still did not
back up your claim that Israel has paid for the land they've taken
along the way from 1946 - 2005.


The above link is to a totally biased 'history' that excludes the
decades long brutal military occupation by the Israelis and their
continuous encroachment into and extensive seizing of more and more
land against previous agreements - and their record-making number of
violations against UN resolutions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
   Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
   a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
   give it back.
  Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since much of
  it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab Landlords
  living elsewhere at the time.
  They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and have
  a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there as long
  or longer than the Arabs.
 So... China should be able to take USA land that IT owns and make it

That's not what happened in Israel, the league of Nations created it,
along with Palestine for the then Palestinian Arabs. It was under
British rule.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@

 Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
 a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
 give it back.

Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since
much of
it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab
living elsewhere at the time.

They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and
a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there
as long
or longer than the Arabs.
   Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and
 show   where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the
 way from   1946 - 2005.
  I was responding to Hugo's comment; then, you agree that prior to
 1946 Jews 'owned' land in Palestine?
 So did numerous 'other' nations from time to time Billy, so what. Do
 those other peoples ALSO have a claim to the land? You still did not
 back up your claim that Israel has paid for the land they've taken
 along the way from 1946 - 2005.

What land are you talking about? Gaza or West Bank are trying to be
given back, however they have been unsuccessful so far, though they
are trying.

Golan heights?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Illustrated Map: 

I learned something new today.

I didn't know that there was a country called Palestine in 1946!

 More here [click on thumbnails]: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Illustrated Map: 
 I learned something new today.
 I didn't know that there was a country called Palestine in 1946!

Yes, and that great 'Palestinian' Yasser Arafat ('er, I guess he was
from Egypt, oh well) was a disciple of Christ

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
  Perhaps the governments of the west would like to reclaim
  a bit of moral credibility and make the thieving bastards 
  give it back.
 Actually, they would have to be paid to 'give it back' since
 much of
 it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from Arab
 living elsewhere at the time.
 They made it prosperous, they deserve most of what they have and
 a right to their share of Palestine, they've also been there
 as long
 or longer than the Arabs.

Bullshit. Back up your claims with verifiable source material and
  show   where Israel has paid for the land they've taken along the
  way from   1946 - 2005.
   I was responding to Hugo's comment; then, you agree that prior to
  1946 Jews 'owned' land in Palestine?
  So did numerous 'other' nations from time to time Billy, so what. Do
  those other peoples ALSO have a claim to the land? You still did not
  back up your claim that Israel has paid for the land they've taken
  along the way from 1946 - 2005.
 What land are you talking about? 

You said: ...it was outright **owned** by Jews who purchased it from
Arab Landlords living elsewhere at the time.

You STILL haven't shown that to be true - nor how they supposedly
purchased all the land they have encroached and extensively seized
along the way against previous agreements - and their record-making
number of violations against UN resolutions.

Gaza or West Bank are trying to be
 given back, however they have been unsuccessful so far, though they
 are trying.
 Golan heights?

Are you blind? Look again at the map I provided here and the other
maps showing the statistics here:

Illustrated Map:


More here [click on thumbnails]:

[FairfieldLife] Dictators that left power on advice of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi by telephone

2008-12-28 Thread nablusoss1008
Thus saving millions of lives from what seemed to be an obvious civil 

Haile Selassie

Juan Domingo Per¨®n (October 8, 1895 ¨C July 1, 1974)

Mohammad Rez¨¡ Sh¨¡h Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, October 26, 1919, Tehran ¨C 
July 27, 1980, Cairo)

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edral¨ªn Marcos (September 11, 1917 ¨C September 28, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A scam, with no basis in science?

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 3:42 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
 l.shad...@... wrote:
 Characterize me as you wish.  Fire can't burn me
 nor water quench me.

 And my powers of analysis and insight are first-
 class, as you can see from my recent post remarking
 on the deep and fervent veneration accorded Hillary
 Clinton by the participants of FFL, such that any
 negative comment about her inspires mass outrage.

Judy, Judy, Judy.  Such kind words!  One of the many benefits of not
being all that facile with the English Language, indeed not having had
a native tongue at all, is that it seems that people are always saying
nice things to and about me.  I assume that's what you are doing now.
Why else would someone as skilled and learned in the English Language
take the time out to write about me?

Thanks a bunch, huh?

[FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2008-12-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Could pot smokers inhibit themselves from experiencing the 
transcendence in pot's interference with the physiology of the right 

A pollicy evidently arrived at through experience, could the two week 
drug-detox of recreational drugs that is recommended before folks 
learn meditation be related to this functioning (of the right 
parietal) in hosting spiritual experience?

transcendent experiences, seems to occur for people who minimize 
right parietal functioning.

all individuals, regardless of cultural background or religion, 
experience the same neuropsychological functions during spiritual 
experiences, such as transcendence. Transcendence, feelings of 
universal unity and decreased sense of self, is a core tenet of all 
major religions. Meditation and prayer are the primary vehicles by 
which such spiritual transcendence is achieved.

-- Core Of All Major World Religions -- Has
 Neuropsychological Connection
 Or directly from:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Are you blind? Look again at the map I provided here and the other
 maps showing the statistics here:
 Illustrated Map:
 More here [click on thumbnails]:

Your map is false on its face, Great Britain ruled that province
called Palaestina till 1948, when did it become Palestinian land? 

There were Arabs and Jews living in the province called by the Romans
Palaestina (that's the fact) when Israel became a Nation State, the
surrounding Arab countries invaded, the fleeing Palestinian Arabs came
to be called the *Palestinians*.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 5:27 PM, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net wrote:

 I learned something new today.

 I didn't know that there was a country called Palestine in 1946!

Whenever I go to the Muslim Middle East, I take with me Leon Uris's
book The Haj.  It's his answer to Exodus.  A very good read and very
informative.  The book helps me put the whole Philistine (as the
Palestinians are called) issue in perspective.  There were two sets of
shit stirrers in the Middle East.  One was of course the Jews.  The
other where the Muslim states (the very ones we kiss up to or give the
2nd largest amount of US foreign aide to), who refused to take the
refugees in from Palestine.  The Palestinians were just off the desert
from being a nomadic people.  They could have easily settled in and
become Saudis, Jordanians, Turks or Egyptians if they were allowed to.
 The Jews really did want to create a place where Jews and Muslims
could live side by side in peace and prosperity but the Saudis would
have none of that.  The House of Saud wanted things to be and remain
as unsettled as they are now because, well, because they hated the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 5:27 PM, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:
  I learned something new today.
  I didn't know that there was a country called Palestine in 1946!
 Whenever I go to the Muslim Middle East, I take with me Leon Uris's
 book The Haj.  It's his answer to Exodus.  A very good read and very
 informative.  The book helps me put the whole Philistine (as the
 Palestinians are called) issue in perspective.  There were two sets of
 shit stirrers in the Middle East.  One was of course the Jews.  The
 other where the Muslim states (the very ones we kiss up to or give the
 2nd largest amount of US foreign aide to), who refused to take the
 refugees in from Palestine.  The Palestinians were just off the desert
 from being a nomadic people.  They could have easily settled in and
 become Saudis, Jordanians, Turks or Egyptians if they were allowed to.
  The Jews really did want to create a place where Jews and Muslims
 could live side by side in peace and prosperity but the Saudis would
 have none of that.  The House of Saud wanted things to be and remain
 as unsettled as they are now because, well, because they hated the

Simple.yet true! Yet Israel (made by League of Nations) accepted
the fleeing Jews from the Arab countries. Who's the chump?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palestinian loss of land 1946 - 2005

2008-12-28 Thread bettyblue109
as long as humans continue to butcher  hate one another the middle
east is a no win situation...it would take a minor miracle of
everyone there waking up one day and treating their fellow humans with
dignity, respect and brotherly/sisterly love...I guess it could
happen, strange things have happened on this planet, slavery was
abolished here in this country and that was considered the norm 200
years ago, the U.S.'s hated enemies in WW2, the Germans and Japanese
are now our friends , so I guess anything is possible..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 5:27 PM, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:
  I learned something new today.
  I didn't know that there was a country called Palestine in 1946!
 Whenever I go to the Muslim Middle East, I take with me Leon Uris's
 book The Haj.  It's his answer to Exodus.  A very good read and very
 informative.  The book helps me put the whole Philistine (as the
 Palestinians are called) issue in perspective.  There were two sets of
 shit stirrers in the Middle East.  One was of course the Jews.  The
 other where the Muslim states (the very ones we kiss up to or give the
 2nd largest amount of US foreign aide to), who refused to take the
 refugees in from Palestine.  The Palestinians were just off the desert
 from being a nomadic people.  They could have easily settled in and
 become Saudis, Jordanians, Turks or Egyptians if they were allowed to.
  The Jews really did want to create a place where Jews and Muslims
 could live side by side in peace and prosperity but the Saudis would
 have none of that.  The House of Saud wanted things to be and remain
 as unsettled as they are now because, well, because they hated the

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