[FairfieldLife] Re: This would be perfect for a David Lynch film

2009-04-10 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 Think Mulholland Drive:

This one brought you to mind Shemp.


[FairfieldLife] Brilliant short video that demonstrates that POV is everything

2009-04-10 Thread TurquoiseB
This video was created for the AARP u...@50 video 
contest and placed second. When they showed it, 
everyone in the room broke into spontaneous


It's so simple -- the same text, in both read-
ings. But what a difference the starting point
and direction of reading makes.

Little round planet
In a big universe
Sometimes it looks blessed
Sometimes it looks cursed
Depends on what you look at obviously
But even more it depends on the way that you see 
-- from Child Of The Wind, by Bruce Cockburn

[FairfieldLife] The Intensity of Desire

2009-04-10 Thread Robert
The Intensity of Desire
The Square Between Venus  Pluto

Hi Everyone,

Ordinarily, Venus is a fast moving planet which results in its effects
being short-lived. They may last for only a few days at most. But
that's not the case right now at all. Venus is slowing down in the
latter part of its retrograde cycle and will only be moving two
degrees over the next month. This means that the transit it is making
with Pluto is not going to last just a few days, but until the first
week of May. In my classes right now, the main topic is on this
subject. Why? Because firstly, whenever a planet slows, its effects
are amplified and intensified. When a planet is moving slowly or is
stationary, its going to feel similar to shining a light on just one
spot. That spot is getting all the heat, attention and focus.

But secondly, it will be squaring Pluto during this entire slowdown
and reversal. In fact, Venus will be making a square to Pluto for a
month as it doesn't complete the square until May 3rd. Pluto
intensifies whatever it touches, so the two together form a tense
aspect that demands we look deeply at our feelings, what we want, and
any relationships we are in or are considering. Pluto's intensity is
best understood as an 'All-or-Nothing' attitude or approach. The
reason for this is that right now we want a real, authentic, deep form
of relating or nothing at all. Why bother? could be our attitude.

Although there is great focus on relationships, it isn't just that.
It's finding out what we want and like. We are asking what makes us
truly happy. This is the paramount question and we can even be
obsessed about this at this time. I have been honored to receive a
great many emails in the past several weeks from readers who are going
through their personal adventure. The deep probing is not mental by
any means. People are going into their depths (and sometimes their
dark bedrooms), needing to go internal in ways that can be shocking
and for some, alarming as they are so focused on love and
relationships that it's scaring them. Fear itself is an important
aspect of this transit and can be explored to great advantage. We can
begin to examine the nature of fear itself, that it is closely
connected to fear of the unknown, to the fear of admitting to oneself
all the things we don't know and cannot control. We can feel very
vulnerable, which when accepted, can be a very helpful thing.

URGENCY - I want to talk about this one by itself. When Venus is in
Aries, one wants to move quickly and being stationary and square to
Pluto right now, this sense is intensely more prominent than ever. I
have to decide now, I have to get out of this painful feeling now,
I must solve the problem immediately, etc., are just some of the
things people are saying to me. This urgency is best dealt with by
simply acknowledging that we are feeling things so much more strongly
than we are accustomed, that we are afraid, worried, or just want it
to be over. We can even feel consumed by these feelings. Learning to
sit in what we are feeling rather than try to change or do something
(or anything) is the best way to deal with this transit. No, this does
not mean that we should not act when we know what we must do. We
should act once we are clear. But the urgency itself is a red-flag
telling us that we may not have fully processed what we need to in
order to make a decis

Pluto asks us to deeply process and this takes time. We are being
pulled into our own unconscious right now and if we make decisions or
act from this unconscious place, we may not like the results.
Processing the new and emerging feelings, motivations, etc. are what
we are being asked to do. And if relationships do end, the process
that matters most to us is one of getting to the core of why that
relationship didn't work. What was missing? Were we able to be
ourselves or were we faking it with that person and trying to fit into
the image of what the other person wanted us to be?

Also, we are advised not to take the first person who shows up. The
urgency I speak of can result in our wanting to find something,
anything, just so the pain and/or uncertainty is reduced. Also, what
we attract or are attracted to may be a reflection of our unconscious
and hidden motives and desires, and not what we really want or need.
When the contents of the unconscious emerge from our depths, it is a
vital and important time for us where much growth can occur, but until
we have integrated the material into our consciousness, any act can be

FINANCIAL - Just a tidbit to those of you who are watching the market.
The market went up when Venus went retrograde, though it has been
slipping the last several days. The next reversal point is when Venus
turns direct on April 17. That will be the time to watch and see if
the stock market continues to grow or begins a reversal of fortune. My
guess is that since Pluto rules debt, that not all of the banks have
revealed how much bad debt they are still 

[FairfieldLife] 'Interesting Comptemplation'

2009-04-10 Thread Robert


[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
agreed-- as has been said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. and that 
goes for the TM and MMY bashers here too- just by criticizing and bashing TM 
they continue to keep it alive in the minds of those who read these posts. 
after some time all people remember was a discussion on TM, not what was said. 
its why people like Martha Stewart are still celebrities. keep it up! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
 I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like O'Reilly's schtick, 
 but so what? They both are displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that. 
 Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a health-food store.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 agreed-- as has been said, there is no such thing as 
 bad publicity. and that goes for the TM and MMY bashers 
 here too- just by criticizing and bashing TM they continue 
 to keep it alive in the minds of those who read these posts. 
 after some time all people remember was a discussion on TM, 
 not what was said. its why people like Martha Stewart are 
 still celebrities. keep it up! 

If that were really true, then there is no 
basis for the position taken by Judy and
Raunchydog (and by the TMO's/Lynch Foun-
dation's scumbag of a lawyer) that John
Knapp and others expressing their critical
points of view about TM, the TMO, and
Maharishi should not be allowed to happen.

Judy and Raunchydog have stated that they
feel that revealing information about the
puja and the nature of the mantras, etc.
could be confusing to new meditators and
spoil the innocence of their experience
of TM. They have put themselves on the 
record as being firmly in favor of WITH-
HOLDING such information, for the 
students' own good. The TMO scumbag lawyer 
went so far as to *threaten* John Knapp and 
his associates for holding a simple online 
conference, and intimidate them into can-
celling it out of fear of an expensive 
lawsuit. So CLEARLY none of these people 
agree with you, Jim.

Instead, they CLEARLY believe that saying
anything negative about TM, the TMO, and
Maharishi does **NOT** fall into the cate-
gory of any publicity is good publicity.
Instead, they believe that it is *detrimental*
to TM and TMers and has to be suppressed
and/or demonized.

How do you reconcile your theory with what
seems to be the *established policy* of the
TM organization, and with its vocal supporters
and apologists on this forum?

And on another level, if your mind is so weak
that a few days after a discussion here all
that you can remember is that there was a 
discussion on TM, what does that say about
TM really improving creative intelligence?
Seems to me that you are saying that what it
does is *impair* your memory and make you 
incapable of retaining information, right? 
Not that that should surprise us given your
history of posts here...  :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
  I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like 
  O'Reilly's schtick, but so what? They both are displaying 
  an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that. Like MMY always 
  said, even a sick man can run a health-food store.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Easter-The Holiest of Days?'

2009-04-10 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 I don't get it...
 How could Easter be described as the 'Holiest of Days?'
 The guy gets crucified, by Rome and the Jewish puppets of Rome.
 They later change the story to blame the Jews for his death.
 Then they claim his tortured crucifixion is a holy thing?
 Seems to me that would be the un-holiest thing I can think of.
 Let's see if we can come up with some other 'Holy Days'?
 November 11, 1963; December 8, 1980; April 4, 1968...
 Religion, what a crazy thing!
 R.G.  Madison, WI

On the other hand -

Do you believe in the idea of archetypes? 

You have here the symbol of the innocent lamb, of complete
purity, exposed to the ultimate in evil and the Negative. And yet,
as Christians would have it, the apparently defeated, weak victim
comes out triumphant in the end. 

Perhaps the success of Christianity could be  due to a resonance with
some such archetype in our collective unconscious? Just trying to understand...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavisma...@... 
 Yeah, I was thinking something like that while I was watching the 
video.  it's impossible not to dig being able to fly; and hawks and 
eagles have it all -- high-end flying ability, extraordinary vision, 
and an arsenal at their feet.  And pelicans are pretty amazing, too.  
They fly in lines of 5, 6, and 7 around here, modern pteradactyls, low 
to the water, and each one *looks* like he/she is really thinking about 
flying.  Even though they fly with total grace and pure confidence, it 
always strikes me that they are totally engaged in the process, too.  
Lots of considered adjustments to the flight, even as it appears 
effortless.  I don't know how to describe it but they've got lots of 
 Ravens and crows are wonderful, too, very high guys.  

This reminded me of a review I saw  a while back - a book about nothing 
else but crows and ravens. It seemed such an unlikely subject to 
me, but the review was fascinating and there was clearly a huge depth 
in the subject of which I had no idea. So I made a mental note to get 
the book. But like most of my good intentions, it slipped my mind until 
I saw you mention those guys here. 

The book is In the Company of Crows and Ravens by JM Marzluff. Have 
you come across it? 

Crows and people share similar traits and social strategies. To a 
surprising extent, to know the crow is to know ourselves.

Corvid intellect goes beyond tricks and chance. The authors have 
witnessed a murder of a crow by its fellows. They've also observed 
funerals in which a mob of crows silently surrounds a departed member 
[not the murdered one] for a long period, only to depart without a 
sound beyond the flutter of wings. Quiet crows are unusual. They also, 
it has been learned, developed the ability to count. Tests conducted 
with crows indicate they can count to five. They also play. According 
to the authors, crows will slide down snowbanks or another smooth 
surface much as otters do, and with as little discernible purpose. 
Perhaps it's indicative that the Norse god Odin had two ravens, Thought 
and Memory as companions.  

[FairfieldLife] Iowa State Senator Becky Schmitz: Equal Protection

2009-04-10 Thread raunchydog
I appreciate you sharing your views with me, and I believe you deserve a 
heartfelt response from me.  As surprising as the Iowa Supreme Court's 
unanimous decision may have seemed, it made sense to me as I read the decision. 
 The court's decision went through each of the arguments against same sex 
marriage presented by the Polk County Attorney and pointed out how making that 
distinction is not consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the Iowa 

A decision was made in 1839 by the Iowa Supreme Court based on the same Equal 
Protection Clause that said no to slavery, 26 years before the Civil War 
settled that question. In 1868 the court also said no to Separate but equal 
schools, and 85 years before the US Supreme Court decided in Brown v. Board of 
Education. In another case in 1869, the court ruled that women may not be 
denied the right to practice law in Iowa.

I understand that Iowans are concerned about the possible impact of this 
decision on our churches and other religious institutions. The Supreme Court 
faced these concerns head-on when it stated this in its unanimous ruling: 
Religious doctrine and views contrary to this principle of law are unaffected, 
and people can continue to associate with the religion that best reflects their 
views. A religious denomination can still define marriage as a union between a 
man and a woman, and a marriage ceremony performed by a minister, priest, 
rabbi, or other person ordained or designated as a leader of the person's 
religious faith does not lose its meaning as a sacrament or other religious 
institution. The sanctity of all religious marriages celebrated in the future 
will have the same meaning as those celebrated in the past.

Two of the most important teachings for me from my Christian upbringing are 
that we are all equal in the eyes of God and we are to love our neighbors as 
ourselves. I am still working on those, recognizing my own weaknesses and 
frailties, and needing frequent reminders that we are all struggling to live 
our beliefs, and those beliefs may not be shared by others.  

At this time I am concerned about adding a constitutional amendment that could 
possibility erode the Equal Protection Clause. It has been the basis for 
individual rights for Iowans throughout history, and it has protected us from 
governmental interference into areas of our private lives. However, I am 
keeping an open mind to see if one could be written that would strengthen the 
constitution. I have received many calls and emails regarding this issue and 
will continue to listen and learn from the wide range of views expressed.  

Thank you for taking the time to write to me. If you would like to read the 
complete text of the decision you can go to: 

State Senate Becky Schmitz
Fairfield, IA


If you live in my district and want to be on my legislative newsletter,
just send a request to my email.

-Original Message-
From: raunchy...@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 6:19 AM
To: Schmitz, Becky [LEGIS]
Subject: Please don't amend the Iowa Constitution!

Senator Becky Schmitz
Iowa Legislature
Second Floor, State Capitol
Des Moines, IA 50319

Dear Senator Schmitz,

As an Iowan, I'm proud that our state has taken the lead by granting the 
freedom to marry to caring, committed gay and lesbian couples. I support this 
historic decision and want to see it upheld. Please don't amend the 
Constitution to take away the freedom to marry.

The Constitution protects rights. It should never deny rights. The Court 
decision favoring same sex marriage is correct. Same sex couples and their 
families deserve the protection of the state of Iowa equal to the protection of 
every family in Iowa. 

The Iowa legislators have important things to do and should not waste time and 
taxpayer money pursuing the folly of amending the constitution for the sake of 
pandering to an ever-dwindling conservative base. 

Diversity in America is rising. Iowa legislators should swim with the tide or 
expect to drown on election day. 

Don't pay attention to out of state activists. They don't vote in Iowa and 
should mind their own business.

Fairfield, Iowa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread Vaj

On Apr 10, 2009, at 6:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Judy and Raunchydog have stated that they
feel that revealing information about the
puja and the nature of the mantras, etc.
could be confusing to new meditators and
spoil the innocence of their experience
of TM. They have put themselves on the
record as being firmly in favor of WITH-
HOLDING such information, for the
students' own good. The TMO scumbag lawyer
went so far as to *threaten* John Knapp and
his associates for holding a simple online
conference, and intimidate them into can-
celling it out of fear of an expensive
lawsuit. So CLEARLY none of these people
agree with you, Jim.


What would be nice would be to put up a video of the puja on YouTube,  
and simply label it as what it is and what it is used for. The person  
performing the puja could wear a mask to conceal identity. Then the  
video could be easily seen (or made into DVD's) so prospective  
students and their parents could have full disclosure. It could  
simultaneously be seeded on Torrent trackers.

The DVD version could have the various mantra lists for even fuller  

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 10, 2009, at 6:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  Judy and Raunchydog have stated that they
  feel that revealing information about the
  puja and the nature of the mantras, etc.
  could be confusing to new meditators and
  spoil the innocence of their experience
  of TM. They have put themselves on the
  record as being firmly in favor of WITH-
  HOLDING such information, for the
  students' own good. The TMO scumbag lawyer
  went so far as to *threaten* John Knapp and
  his associates for holding a simple online
  conference, and intimidate them into can-
  celling it out of fear of an expensive
  lawsuit. So CLEARLY none of these people
  agree with you, Jim.
 What would be nice would be to put up a video of the puja on YouTube,  
 and simply label it as what it is and what it is used for. The person  
 performing the puja could wear a mask to conceal identity. Then the  
 video could be easily seen (or made into DVD's) so prospective  
 students and their parents could have full disclosure. It could  
 simultaneously be seeded on Torrent trackers.
 The DVD version could have the various mantra lists for even fuller  

Very funny, Vaj. You want to reveal proprietary information but keep your 
identity hidden. Coward. No one likes a and rarely believes a tattletale. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread Vaj

On Apr 10, 2009, at 8:26 AM, raunchydog wrote:


What would be nice would be to put up a video of the puja on YouTube,
and simply label it as what it is and what it is used for. The person
performing the puja could wear a mask to conceal identity. Then the
video could be easily seen (or made into DVD's) so prospective
students and their parents could have full disclosure. It could
simultaneously be seeded on Torrent trackers.

The DVD version could have the various mantra lists for even fuller

Very funny, Vaj. You want to reveal proprietary information but  
keep your identity hidden. Coward. No one likes a and rarely  
believes a tattletale.

RD it's not about being a coward, it's about avoiding those who wish  
to squelch free speech, i.e. the TM Org and their attorneys and their  
possible use of SLAP suits.

[FairfieldLife] Re: This would be perfect for a David Lynch film

2009-04-10 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 Think Mulholland Drive:

Jesus, what an awful song! And she's rated as one of the best 
singers around, god help the rest of them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread Marek Reavis
Richard, thanks for the recommendation.  I have not heard of the book before 
but I plan on getting it now.  Crows and ravens are my favorite all around 
bird.  Just a few months ago I was walking across the jail parking lot, going 
to visit some clients, and there was a big seagull tugging and tearing at a 
discarded bag of Cheetos.  You could see that there were still a few cheetos in 
the bag and the gull was intent on getting them.  He struggled to rip the bag 
but wasn't making any progress at all when suddenly a crow swooped down, 
bullied the gull to one side, picked up the bag at the bottom end, dumped out 
the few remaining cheetos and quickly gobbled them up while the gull stood 
there, looking on incredulously.  It was beautiful.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavismarek@ 
  Yeah, I was thinking something like that while I was watching the 
 video.  it's impossible not to dig being able to fly; and hawks and 
 eagles have it all -- high-end flying ability, extraordinary vision, 
 and an arsenal at their feet.  And pelicans are pretty amazing, too.  
 They fly in lines of 5, 6, and 7 around here, modern pteradactyls, low 
 to the water, and each one *looks* like he/she is really thinking about 
 flying.  Even though they fly with total grace and pure confidence, it 
 always strikes me that they are totally engaged in the process, too.  
 Lots of considered adjustments to the flight, even as it appears 
 effortless.  I don't know how to describe it but they've got lots of 
  Ravens and crows are wonderful, too, very high guys.  
 This reminded me of a review I saw  a while back - a book about nothing 
 else but crows and ravens. It seemed such an unlikely subject to 
 me, but the review was fascinating and there was clearly a huge depth 
 in the subject of which I had no idea. So I made a mental note to get 
 the book. But like most of my good intentions, it slipped my mind until 
 I saw you mention those guys here. 
 The book is In the Company of Crows and Ravens by JM Marzluff. Have 
 you come across it? 
 Crows and people share similar traits and social strategies. To a 
 surprising extent, to know the crow is to know ourselves.
 Corvid intellect goes beyond tricks and chance. The authors have 
 witnessed a murder of a crow by its fellows. They've also observed 
 funerals in which a mob of crows silently surrounds a departed member 
 [not the murdered one] for a long period, only to depart without a 
 sound beyond the flutter of wings. Quiet crows are unusual. They also, 
 it has been learned, developed the ability to count. Tests conducted 
 with crows indicate they can count to five. They also play. According 
 to the authors, crows will slide down snowbanks or another smooth 
 surface much as otters do, and with as little discernible purpose. 
 Perhaps it's indicative that the Norse god Odin had two ravens, Thought 
 and Memory as companions. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The View From Canada

2009-04-10 Thread Kirk
My ego requires none of this to feel okay.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert 
  To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 11:37 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] The View From Canada

SaLuSa  8-April-2009

We know that our messages reach far and wide, and some people do not
take them seriously. We tell you it is no joke, but a very serious
time in your evolution. Failure to comprehend the gravity of the
situation you are facing, will leave you at the mercy of those who
would enslave you for the rest of your life. The opportunity you have
to make a quantum leap forward comes very rarely, but it is there for
all who are prepared to live the vision of Ascension. You have a once
in many lifetimes opportunity to completely leave the lower dimensions
behind. We are aware that so many of you tire of the never-ending
turmoil that the dark forces create on Earth. That is their way to
stall your spiritual progress, and have you make believe that there is
no way out of the dark.

Dear Ones, you cannot beat the dark forces at their own game, but have
the advantage of being able to create a future that breaks their hold
upon you. You of the Light have so much power that you can change the
time line you are on. It requires dedication and trust that your
efforts will produce results. It is the visualization of the end
result you seek that will attract the energies that bring it about.
Time is not a factor, as events will proceed in the manner that is
best suited for success. As more of you envision a similar end time,
so the energy becomes even more powerful. This is why an important
part of our mission is to help you understand what is required of you.
You moved yourselves beyond the Millennium when you might otherwise
have experienced the end of the cycle. You created a chance for
everyone to find their god selves, thus giving more souls the
opportunity to break free from duality.

You must admit that the last few years have given you a roller coaster
ride, but what you are experiencing is no funfair ride. It is your
future that is at stake, and although many higher Beings accompany you
and give of their help, it is you and your actions that will determine
the outcome. We are confident that you will rise to the occasion, and
overcome the odds that seem stacked against you. You really have all
of the answers, but many just do not believe in their own creative
power. We can only do so much without being seen to interfere, but
give us the chance to mount a peace mission with you and jointly we
shall be a formidable force for good.  The Creator has expressed
a desire that all within your Universe shall ascend, and it is only
your Earth that is experiencing a battle to be part of that
upliftment. All other planets and dimensions are sufficiently
advanced, to move with the changes without any difficulty.
Nevertheless, the Earth is considered a success in bringing souls into
the knowing of the changes, so that each one can make their own
decision regarding their future.

It is time for the people to make their mark, and be responsible for
the direction they go into. It is clear to many that you cannot return
to the old ways, but use your power to ensure that your governments
are aware of your interest in determining your own future. They will
listen, as they know the power has shifted from them to you. This is
all part of the necessary changes that will restore your freedom and
right to choose your own destiny. It is far too long since you had a
firm say in your lives direction. These are times when seemingly
miracles can happen, and some events will both shock and amaze the
people. Be prepared to adopt a new mindset, but be sure to look for
what is for the good of all.

There are days to come when at a single stroke the U.S. President
shall astound his critics by the changes he will authorize. No
President of late has been one specifically chosen by the people, and
therefore his decisions will reflect that aspect of his appointment.
He is in any event, a highly motivated soul bringing much wisdom and
authority with him. He has a great responsibility thrust upon his
shoulders, but is equal to the task. Already he is making overtures to
foreign powers that would otherwise be considered enemies of the
Western World. Obama seeks peace instead of hostilities, and knows
that he must build trust where previously there was nothing but
confrontation. Humanity is being 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread Duveyoung
What you put your attention on grows.

Is it just me, or does ED make some sense below?

To me, if the world had ignored Ann Coulter, instead of paying attention to her 
dysfunctions, we'd not have the likes of Rep. Michele Bachmann.  I mean, how 
many more pretty women are going to say to themselves: All I have to do is 
be outrageous, and because I'm pretty, I'll get airtime like Coulter. ???

This is THE sin of BigMedia -- they spotlight a clown and suddenly everyone is 
looking to buy bigass shoes and a red-bulb nose.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 agreed-- as has been said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. and that 
 goes for the TM and MMY bashers here too- just by criticizing and bashing TM 
 they continue to keep it alive in the minds of those who read these posts. 
 after some time all people remember was a discussion on TM, not what was 
 said. its why people like Martha Stewart are still celebrities. keep it up! 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
  I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like O'Reilly's 
  schtick, but so what? They both are displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I 
  like that. Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a health-food 

[FairfieldLife] The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread TurquoiseB
Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
(given their posting history) have always wanted to
be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.

By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
despicable coward. That means you, Judy.

Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)



When answering the following questions, assume that
the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
clear them up with her parents so that they will 
sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
for honest answers.

1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?

2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
that there are only a few and that they are given 
out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
I am) are going to get the same mantra? 

3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
Web that in India they are considered either the 
names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
this correct?

4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these

5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:

6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?

7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
find videos of them on the Web like this one:
This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
for us during Quiet Time?

8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
*really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?

9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
point me to some of the people who have been practicing
TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want 
it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?

10. The tm.org Website used to talk about the TM-siddhis 
program, and how one can take a course to learn how to 
levitate. Now there is no mention of it. If I were inter-
ested in such a course, is it still being given, and if 
so, is the cost of it covered by the Lynch Foundation the 
way that my initial TM instruction would be? If not, how 
much is that course going to cost me?

[FairfieldLife] No Mountain High Enough

2009-04-10 Thread arhatafreespeech
Mt. Baker, an active volcano, dominates the North Cascade mountains of 
Washington State (closeup of view out my cabin picture window)

No Mountain High Enough
What unhappiness was created by our own misjudgments and which are 
beyond our control? How much does our lack of self love have to do with how we 
or respond?  Would a world free of all negative, stop the rain that falls and 
yet create a 
desert that becomes our worst nightmare.  Should sunny days never have 
nightfall and, 
every action have no consequence?  Can we
 eat and drink to our desire without 
ʻsomethingʼ that draws a line of unhappiness?  Is unhappiness just a 
challenge to allow us to reach deep within to see that awareness and 
love of self, make life bearable and provide answers not only for
ourselves but, experiences to share with others for their benefit? 
There is no mountain high enough nor any valley low enough to keep 
the possibilities of finding
 some way to overcome what is presented 
before us.  Down in the heart is always the idea of hope for an 
answer that paves the way for the sun to come out and show us the 
way. With the sun comes shadows.  Lying to oneself because of 
misfortune is to put one into a frozen space on the ladder of life.  Always 
awaits even the most bleak moments. 



[FairfieldLife] Crow (Re: Hawk Cam)

2009-04-10 Thread Richard M
Crow  bad Karma?

Crow's Nerve Fails (Ted Hughes )

Crow, feeling his brain slip,
Finds his every feather the fossil of a murder.

Who murdered all these?
These living dead, that root in his nerves and his blood
Till he is visibly black?

How can he fly from his feathers?
And why have they homed on him?

Is he the archive of their accusations?
Or their ghostly purpose, their pining vengeance?
Or their unforgiven prisoner?

He cannot be forgiven.

His prison is the earth. Clothed in his conviction,
Trying to remember his crimes

Heavily he flies.

(How can he fly from his feathers - ain't that great!)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavisma...@... 

 Richard, thanks for the recommendation.  I have not heard of the book 
before but I plan on getting it now.  Crows and ravens are my favorite 
all around bird.  Just a few months ago I was walking across the jail 
parking lot, going to visit some clients, and there was a big seagull 
tugging and tearing at a discarded bag of Cheetos.  You could see that 
there were still a few cheetos in the bag and the gull was intent on 
getting them.  He struggled to rip the bag but wasn't making any 
progress at all when suddenly a crow swooped down, bullied the gull to 
one side, picked up the bag at the bottom end, dumped out the few 
remaining cheetos and quickly gobbled them up while the gull stood 
there, looking on incredulously.  It was beautiful.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavismarek@ 
   Yeah, I was thinking something like that while I was watching the 
  video.  it's impossible not to dig being able to fly; and hawks and 
  eagles have it all -- high-end flying ability, extraordinary 
  and an arsenal at their feet.  And pelicans are pretty amazing, 
  They fly in lines of 5, 6, and 7 around here, modern pteradactyls, 
  to the water, and each one *looks* like he/she is really thinking 
  flying.  Even though they fly with total grace and pure confidence, 
  always strikes me that they are totally engaged in the process, 
  Lots of considered adjustments to the flight, even as it appears 
  effortless.  I don't know how to describe it but they've got lots 
   Ravens and crows are wonderful, too, very high guys.  
  This reminded me of a review I saw  a while back - a book about 
  else but crows and ravens. It seemed such an unlikely subject to 
  me, but the review was fascinating and there was clearly a huge 
  in the subject of which I had no idea. So I made a mental note to 
  the book. But like most of my good intentions, it slipped my mind 
  I saw you mention those guys here. 
  The book is In the Company of Crows and Ravens by JM Marzluff. 
  you come across it? 
  Crows and people share similar traits and social strategies. To a 
  surprising extent, to know the crow is to know ourselves.
  Corvid intellect goes beyond tricks and chance. The authors have 
  witnessed a murder of a crow by its fellows. They've also observed 
  funerals in which a mob of crows silently surrounds a departed 
  [not the murdered one] for a long period, only to depart without 
  sound beyond the flutter of wings. Quiet crows are unusual. They 
  it has been learned, developed the ability to count. Tests 
  with crows indicate they can count to five. They also play. 
  to the authors, crows will slide down snowbanks or another smooth 
  surface much as otters do, and with as little discernible purpose. 
  Perhaps it's indicative that the Norse god Odin had two ravens, 
  and Memory as companions. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
thanks for your post! please keep the controversy going!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  agreed-- as has been said, there is no such thing as 
  bad publicity. and that goes for the TM and MMY bashers 
  here too- just by criticizing and bashing TM they continue 
  to keep it alive in the minds of those who read these posts. 
  after some time all people remember was a discussion on TM, 
  not what was said. its why people like Martha Stewart are 
  still celebrities. keep it up! 
 If that were really true, then there is no 
 basis for the position taken by Judy and
 Raunchydog (and by the TMO's/Lynch Foun-
 dation's scumbag of a lawyer) that John
 Knapp and others expressing their critical
 points of view about TM, the TMO, and
 Maharishi should not be allowed to happen.
 Judy and Raunchydog have stated that they
 feel that revealing information about the
 puja and the nature of the mantras, etc.
 could be confusing to new meditators and
 spoil the innocence of their experience
 of TM. They have put themselves on the 
 record as being firmly in favor of WITH-
 HOLDING such information, for the 
 students' own good. The TMO scumbag lawyer 
 went so far as to *threaten* John Knapp and 
 his associates for holding a simple online 
 conference, and intimidate them into can-
 celling it out of fear of an expensive 
 lawsuit. So CLEARLY none of these people 
 agree with you, Jim.
 Instead, they CLEARLY believe that saying
 anything negative about TM, the TMO, and
 Maharishi does **NOT** fall into the cate-
 gory of any publicity is good publicity.
 Instead, they believe that it is *detrimental*
 to TM and TMers and has to be suppressed
 and/or demonized.
 How do you reconcile your theory with what
 seems to be the *established policy* of the
 TM organization, and with its vocal supporters
 and apologists on this forum?
 And on another level, if your mind is so weak
 that a few days after a discussion here all
 that you can remember is that there was a 
 discussion on TM, what does that say about
 TM really improving creative intelligence?
 Seems to me that you are saying that what it
 does is *impair* your memory and make you 
 incapable of retaining information, right? 
 Not that that should surprise us given your
 history of posts here...  :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
   I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like 
   O'Reilly's schtick, but so what? They both are displaying 
   an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that. Like MMY always 
   said, even a sick man can run a health-food store.

RE: [FairfieldLife] The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread Rick Archer
You forgot Maharishi's praise of Mugabe, Castro, etc. That's a juicy tidbit.
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:07 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
(given their posting history) have always wanted to
be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.

By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
despicable coward. That means you, Judy.

Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)



When answering the following questions, assume that
the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
clear them up with her parents so that they will 
sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
for honest answers.

1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?

2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
that there are only a few and that they are given 
out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
I am) are going to get the same mantra? 

3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
Web that in India they are considered either the 
names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
this correct?

4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these

5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:

6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?

7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
find videos of them on the Web like this one:
This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
for us during Quiet Time?

8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
*really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?

9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
point me to some of the people who have been practicing
TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want 
it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?

10. The tm.org Website used to talk about the TM-siddhis 
program, and how one can take a course to learn how to 

[FairfieldLife] Marek -- Consider this beast too (Re: Hawk Cam)

2009-04-10 Thread Duveyoung
 Marek Reavis  wrote:  When I lived in Davis there were a few people I
met who hunted with hawks and it was not only fascinating to watch but I
envied their relationship with such fine and regal beings.


Hey, I liked your smacking Nab for his gratuitous besmirching of Curtis,
but . . .

I call you to take wing into meta-thinking.

We see ourselves thrilled to ride the back of a hawk -- to imagine the
POV of such a mind that can so effortlessly be a prince of a realm we
can but dimly conceive.  The thrill is palpable.  Yet, miss not, that a
hawk is a world class killer despite its status as a Lord of the Clouds.

Nor would the thrill be diminished if we had a camera riding the
shoulder of any being out there.  Put me in the world of an ant or
elephant, and I'm mesmerized.

But, as I wrote above, but . . .

Isn't Nab just  such a thrill ride?

Isn't he soaring over landscapes  only he knows as only he can?  Is he
not a winged prince of his POV?

Isn't each post of his a looksee from a camera on his shoulder? Do we
not voyeur his strange ways, his strategies for mastering his alien
world, his deep idiosynchronicity, his hunt?

Surely, we, who pride ourselves  that we've been able to peer into the
eyes of the most feral of minds and yet CONNECTED WITH THEM,  might be
served if we can  de-giddy ourselves enough to see Nab as equally
thrilling to ride.

Why not, eh?  Note that we are thrilled that we've vicariously been able
to identify with a raptor -- a being that feels not the least concern
when it attacks and eats a victim alive.  Surely we can witness the POV
of Nab with the same aplomb and brag of the adventure we've had by
riding one of his posts  in the same ways that we are comfortable with
how we took wing with the hawk?

This is a lesson in identification --  we we are able to witness  the
most heinous acts without feeling morally pinched for having done so. 
The witness cannot be burned, wetted or cleaved, eh?

Just so, I call  to all here to ride the back of Nab, thrill yourselves
with the world he sees, the world in which he's capable of finding the
FFL's mice that he finds so tasty to rip apart.   See his landscapes,
his realm and CONNECT with him and feel the same pride you'd feel if you
camera-tandemed with a hawk.

Isn't he simply adorable?  Aren't we privileged to view his life?  Isn't
it thrilling to, safely from the comfort of our homes, CONNECT to him --
know him -- pretend to be him for a moment?

Hey, in the future, what with technology  knocking our socks off  every
day, it won't be long before we can voyeur any moment in history.  Take
a ride on Hitler's shoulder as he processes six million Jews into greasy

Um, did I go too far with that?

No I didn't.  All of us are identifying with POVs  that would shudder a
Sat Yugan's mind to a halt.  We're all little alien hitlerettes who
think we know when it is proper to kill and eat.  Ask a feedlot steer if
it has a view of us that is not unlike a mouse's view of a hawk or a
Jew's view of a Nazi.  Ask any angel about a Kali Yugan's mind.  We're
so comfortable in a world of hurt when we're not hurting -- yet.

Identity -- it is a bell tolling -- a pealing tone that calls us to
witness  our own soaring adventures  over  our inner landscapes and
shudder.  Shudder that we filter out most incoming data,  and with
precise visioning are able to find  our brand of mice, and, in doing so,
we miss most of reality as much as Nab  misses when he's targeting his
furry meals.

What a piece of work is man . . .


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ wrote:
  Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch the variuos
hawking and falconry videos on you tube. I hadn't seen the one you sent
  --- On Fri, 4/10/09, Marek Reavis reavismarek@ wrote:
  From: Marek Reavis reavismarek@
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 12:21 AM
  Turq, thanks. My main source for cool stuff on the net is
Neatorama.com. They do the web surfing so you don't have to. I check
them every morning to see what cool stuff is out there.
  The hawk cam was a bit disorienting but that final swoop down to the
gloved hand was really fine.
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ .
   --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Marek Reavis
reavismarek@  wrote:
A small videocam strapped to a hawk. Almost 8 minutes
long. The final swoop and dive hits the spot.
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=APViUODDhT0
   You find just the *best* videos, dude.
   I once wrote a story that featured a hawk
   named Garuda who did aerobatics for fun.
   Now I know what it would have looked like
   from his point of view.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread Duveyoung

This is one nice effort.

Put this in the hands of your imagined 16 year old, and she will be thoroughly 
armed against the TMO strategies.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
 (given their posting history) have always wanted to
 be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
 able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
 in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
 TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
 this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
 an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
 answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.
 By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
 you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
 despicable coward. That means you, Judy.
 Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
 encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
 TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)
 When answering the following questions, assume that
 the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
 an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
 in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
 has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
 clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
 clear them up with her parents so that they will 
 sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
 the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
 for honest answers.
 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
 They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
 in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
 that there are only a few and that they are given 
 out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
 of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
 I am) are going to get the same mantra? 
 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
 Web that in India they are considered either the 
 names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
 eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
 this correct?
 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
 I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
 with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
 these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
 to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
 5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
 mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
 stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
 and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
 found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
 of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
 in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
 Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
 tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
 mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
 one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
 run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
 among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
 kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
 on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
 mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
 find videos of them on the Web like this one:
 This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
 mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
 site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
 sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
 scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
 for us during Quiet Time?
 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
 nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
 *really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
 most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
 down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
 found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
 all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
 sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?
 9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
 tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
 ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
 I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
 ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
 little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
 point me to some of the people who have been practicing
 TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
 them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want 
 it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?
 10. The tm.org Website used to talk about the TM-siddhis 
 program, and how one can take a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
yep- the way i look at it is not whether TM is a panacea for all (it does work 
spectacularly well for me, and a lot of others though...), but to just keep 
getting the name out there legitimizes it in the [spiritual] marketplace.

for example with cars, i've never much cared for Chryslers- never purchased 
one, but there has been so much written and spoken about the brand, that i have 
always recognized it as a legitimate brand, regardless of who is saying what 
about it.

same with the naysayers of TM. they may think it is a lousy technique, run by a 
corrupt organization, and led by a dead charlatan. so what? everyone is 
entitled to their opinion. 

the important thing is for this casual audience of 1200 or so FFL members to 
continue to be exposed to arguments pro and con about TM-- not Christianity, 
not Yogananda, not Buddhism, not mantra-less meditation, nor other forms of 
Yoga, but TM. 

as long as the ongoing discussion is, and continues to be about TM, it further 
legitimizes the brand in the awareness of those reading about it, whether they 
like it or not.

the point is not whether those reading about TM make up their mind about it as 
a result of one opinion expressed or another, it is the repetition of the name 
and consequent growing familiarity of the technique that provides the benefit. 
so that when someone is in the market for a meditation technique, they may not 
immediately look favorably upon TM, but they will at least recognize it as a 
major brand, a household name, and give it more mindshare than if it were 
obscure and unknown.

and this has always been the value of TM- a technique for the masses, a 
mcmeditation technique that most can benefit from. so getting the name out 
there, and keeping it out there is exactly what is needed.

so we have here FREE viral advertising! and partly by some of its strongest 
detractors. gotta love it!...i may buy a Chrysler yet...

jai guru dev

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 What you put your attention on grows.
 Is it just me, or does ED make some sense below?
 To me, if the world had ignored Ann Coulter, instead of paying attention to 
 her dysfunctions, we'd not have the likes of Rep. Michele Bachmann.  I mean, 
 how many more pretty women are going to say to themselves: All I have to 
 do is be outrageous, and because I'm pretty, I'll get airtime like Coulter. 
 This is THE sin of BigMedia -- they spotlight a clown and suddenly everyone 
 is looking to buy bigass shoes and a red-bulb nose.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  agreed-- as has been said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. and 
  that goes for the TM and MMY bashers here too- just by criticizing and 
  bashing TM they continue to keep it alive in the minds of those who read 
  these posts. after some time all people remember was a discussion on TM, 
  not what was said. its why people like Martha Stewart are still 
  celebrities. keep it up! 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
   I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like O'Reilly's 
   schtick, but so what? They both are displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and 
   I like that. Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a health-food 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:


OK - here's my best shot. But I admit some of it is a bit tricky...

 When answering the following questions, assume that
 the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
 an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
 in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
 has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
 clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
 clear them up with her parents so that they will 
 sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
 the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
 for honest answers.
 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
 They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
 in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?

Only in the sense that it would be true to say
that western science is based on religion. Originally
our modern science evolved out of the religion and
philosophy of the middle ages. But to do TM and experience its
benefits you are not required to believe anything
religious (though you can add on top of the practice
an interpretation from your own religion if you wish).
 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
 that there are only a few and that they are given 
 out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
 of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
 I am) are going to get the same mantra? 

It doesn't really matter how many mantras there are, or
whether you all all have the same mantra, or each has a different 
mantra. There is a simple method that your teacher uses to select a 
mantra that's suitable for you - and that's the important thing.

 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
 Web that in India they are considered either the 
 names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
 eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
 this correct?

See (1) above. Many Hindus WILL add their own take on TM that fits 
their religion. But that is their choice. 

For example, just like us, the ancients knew of the medicinal value of 
the willow (aspirin). of course they didn't have a chemical name for 
it, and it many cases it was viewed through a superstitious or 
religious belief system. But because we all take aspirin these days, 
that does not mean that we subscribe to any of those belief systems too!

 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
 I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
 with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
 these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
 to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these

See (1) and (3) above. 

Kneeling is just kneeling. This is your first lesson in 'Zen'. As has 
been ably pointed out by the resident no-mind proponent on a web site 
called FFL (adult supervision required), what you *do* and *what you 
experience* are logically distinct form *what you believe about what 
you do* and *what you believe about your expereience*. It is said that 
this is only the Master's *opinion* - but it is not to be questioned!

 5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
 mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
 stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
 and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
 found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
 of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
 in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
 Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
 tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
 mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
 one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:

Your momma and poppa should ahve told you that not all that you find on 
the web is *true*. It's also true that everyone makes mistakes! 

 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
 run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
 among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
 kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?

Now you're a Raja wannabe? 

 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
 on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
 mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
 find videos of them on the Web like this one:
 This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
 mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
 site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
 sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
 scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
 for us during Quiet Time?

No, it's not. TM in itself does not involve anything but the ability to 

But see (1) and (3) above. Many folks who ARE religious like to get on 
down with a lot more than simple TM. But you only do that if you want 
to (correction: at your peril!)

 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: a quintessential Movement parody

2009-04-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, at_man_and_brahman 
at_man_and_brah...@... wrote:


This is a fitting subject for my last post of
the week. I simply cannot *believe* that no one
has downloaded these and commented on them yet!

Maybe they are all well-known among Fairfield
Ru's, and so they are old news. But they are
new news to me, and I have to send a hearty
Well done, and I hope to share a beer or 10,000
with you in Hell to the albums' creators.


And really well-recorded as well. Great produc-
tion, great harmonies and instrumentation, the
whole tamale. Truly wonderful in joke humor,
almost certainly lost on anyone who has never
paid their dues in the TMO, but chuckle city
to anyone who has. 

Deep bow. This is some of the ballsiest and
most well-done spiritual parody I have ever
seen in my entire life. I am in awe.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: a quintessential Movement parody

2009-04-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 11:12 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: a quintessential Movement parody

This is by Andy MacKenszie, who's a very nice, funny guy and is still
allowed in the dome despite his irreverence. He put out an album of very
creatively mixed Beatle songs too. I'll pass your comments along to him.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , at_man_and_brahman
at_man_and_brah...@... wrote:


This is a fitting subject for my last post of
the week. I simply cannot *believe* that no one
has downloaded these and commented on them yet!

Maybe they are all well-known among Fairfield
Ru's, and so they are old news. But they are
new news to me, and I have to send a hearty
Well done, and I hope to share a beer or 10,000
with you in Hell to the albums' creators.


And really well-recorded as well. Great produc-
tion, great harmonies and instrumentation, the
whole tamale. Truly wonderful in joke humor,
almost certainly lost on anyone who has never
paid their dues in the TMO, but chuckle city
to anyone who has. 

Deep bow. This is some of the ballsiest and
most well-done spiritual parody I have ever
seen in my entire life. I am in awe.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.287 / Virus Database: 270.11.50/2051 - Release Date: 04/10/09

[FairfieldLife] The Cute One (and TM) in the New Yorker

2009-04-10 Thread shempmcgurk
Transcendental All Together Now by Nancy Franklin
Franklin%22  April 13, 2009   [Paul McCartney]
Paul McCartney
Keywords  Paul McCartney
http://www.newyorker.com/search/query?keyword=Paul McCartney ;  Ringo
Starr http://www.newyorker.com/search/query?keyword=Ringo Starr ;  The
Beatles http://www.newyorker.com/search/query?keyword=The Beatles ; 
David Lynch Foundation
http://www.newyorker.com/search/query?keyword=David Lynch Foundation ;
Benefit Concerts http://www.newyorker.com/search/query?keyword=Benefit
Concerts ;  Meditation
http://www.newyorker.com/search/query?keyword=Meditation ; 
It's one thing to expect, at the age of seven, that you would grow
up to marry Paul McCartney, and it's another thing entirely to meet
him in person, forty-five years later. Kidding! They're exactly the
same thing. That early expectation and the latter-day encounter both
involve the maximum amount of happiness that the human frame can take,
and both feel perfectly natural and, at the same time, unreal and
impossible. The marriage never took place; the meeting occurred last
week, when McCartney was in New York rehearsing for a benefit concert
that he was headlining on Saturday for the David Lynch Foundation. The
film director founded the organization several years ago in order to
spread the practice of Transcendental Meditation, particularly to
schoolchildren who are under stress because of poverty or any number of
other debilitating, brain-scrambling aspects of modern life; the goal of
the benefit was to raise enough money to teach meditation to a million
kids, as the skill appears to help them focus and be happier and more
resilient. The Beatles became associated with TM in 1968, when they went
to India to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and two other sojourners
from that time were on the bill on Saturday night as well: Mike Love, of
the Beach Boys, and Donovan. And a third who also had some success in
the music business, Ringo Starr. He and McCartney hadn't performed
together since 2002, at a memorial concert for George Harrison.

McCartney was rehearsing with his band in a studio in the West Twenties.
In the reception area, you could hear, coming from behind closed doors,
Drive My Car, and then Got to Get You Into My Life.
McCartney's publicist then opened the doors as the group began
Let It Be. If you'd been there, you'd have seen a
woman's head actually snap back in the whiplash shock of catching
sight of Paul, seated at the piano. (Lynch was in the room, too, sitting
on a couch, wearing his usual white-shirt-and-black-jacket ensemble and
his snazzy backswept hairdo. He was quiet and still as the group
rehearsed, and just once reacted visibly to the performance, when he
turned to a man next to him during With a Little Help from My
Friends, and made some chopping motions to try to manually express
the way the drummer, Abe Laboriel, Jr., hit a series of beats that were
so totally right and in there.) McCartney wore jeans and a flowered
shirt, tucked in, and soft dark-brown shoes. He looked almost dewy (he
will be sixty-seven in June), without any of the beef-jerky stringiness
of some of his rock peers. The recognizable Paulisms were there: the
mouth becoming an O when he sang certain sounds, the head moving side to
side three or four times in a row during the faster numbers. He was
doing a run-through of the concert, including practice versions of his
between-song patter. After Let It Be, he got up from the piano
and said, self-consciously, So we say
welcome—`Welcome'—because that's what we do, and
waved his hand in a circle, and then sat back down and played Lady
Madonna. He then went to the microphone stand between his two
guitarists, Brian Ray and Rusty Anderson, strapped on an acoustic
guitar, rolled up his sleeves past his elbows, and said, O.K., then
a story about back in the sixties, and began singing
* from the issue http://www.newyorker.com/humor/issuecartoons
* cartoon bank
* e-mail this

After that, he said, The next song is a song I wrote for my friend
John. Knowing that there would be applause at the mention of Lennon
Saturday night, he added, Let's hear it for John. In the
song, a tender ballad called Here Today, released only a
little more than a year after Lennon was killed, Paul wonders how John
might respond to Paul's musings about their relationship. It drifts
to an end with the pensée And if I say I really loved you and
was glad you came along and some Oohs, and sends
listeners back not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
these questions sound like something from an investigative reporter with an 
agenda- not someone honestly interested in TM. i wouldn't bother answering 
them, except to say that the person ought to go to the intro lecture, if they 
want to, and make up their mind after that. 

there is no reason to try and come up with answers to these questions, since 
the desire to do TM comes primarily from deep within us, and not as a result of 
some exercise in polemics.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
 OK - here's my best shot. But I admit some of it is a bit tricky...
  When answering the following questions, assume that
  the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
  an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
  in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
  has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
  clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
  clear them up with her parents so that they will 
  sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
  the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
  for honest answers.
  1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
  They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
  in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
 Only in the sense that it would be true to say
 that western science is based on religion. Originally
 our modern science evolved out of the religion and
 philosophy of the middle ages. But to do TM and experience its
 benefits you are not required to believe anything
 religious (though you can add on top of the practice
 an interpretation from your own religion if you wish).
  2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
  that there are only a few and that they are given 
  out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
  of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
  I am) are going to get the same mantra? 
 It doesn't really matter how many mantras there are, or
 whether you all all have the same mantra, or each has a different 
 mantra. There is a simple method that your teacher uses to select a 
 mantra that's suitable for you - and that's the important thing.
  3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
  Web that in India they are considered either the 
  names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
  eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
  this correct?
 See (1) above. Many Hindus WILL add their own take on TM that fits 
 their religion. But that is their choice. 
 For example, just like us, the ancients knew of the medicinal value of 
 the willow (aspirin). of course they didn't have a chemical name for 
 it, and it many cases it was viewed through a superstitious or 
 religious belief system. But because we all take aspirin these days, 
 that does not mean that we subscribe to any of those belief systems too!
  4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
  I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
  with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
  these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
  to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
 See (1) and (3) above. 
 Kneeling is just kneeling. This is your first lesson in 'Zen'. As has 
 been ably pointed out by the resident no-mind proponent on a web site 
 called FFL (adult supervision required), what you *do* and *what you 
 experience* are logically distinct form *what you believe about what 
 you do* and *what you believe about your expereience*. It is said that 
 this is only the Master's *opinion* - but it is not to be questioned!
  5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
  mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
  stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
  and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
  found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
  of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
  in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
  Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
  tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
  mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
  one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
 Your momma and poppa should ahve told you that not all that you find on 
 the web is *true*. It's also true that everyone makes mistakes! 
  6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
  run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
  among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
  kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
 Now you're a Raja wannabe? 
  7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
  on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
  mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
  find videos of them on the Web like this one:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread BillyG.
Oh what wicked webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive, but in this 
case the ends justify the means, you apparently didn't get that at your TTC 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
 (given their posting history) have always wanted to
 be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
 able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
 in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
 TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
 this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
 an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
 answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.
 By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
 you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
 despicable coward. That means you, Judy.
 Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
 encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
 TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)
 When answering the following questions, assume that
 the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
 an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
 in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
 has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
 clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
 clear them up with her parents so that they will 
 sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
 the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
 for honest answers.
 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
 They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
 in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
 that there are only a few and that they are given 
 out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
 of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
 I am) are going to get the same mantra? 
 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
 Web that in India they are considered either the 
 names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
 eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
 this correct?
 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
 I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
 with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
 these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
 to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
 5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
 mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
 stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
 and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
 found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
 of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
 in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
 Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
 tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
 mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
 one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
 run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
 among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
 kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
 on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
 mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
 find videos of them on the Web like this one:
 This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
 mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
 site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
 sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
 scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
 for us during Quiet Time?
 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
 nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
 *really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
 most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
 down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
 found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
 all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
 sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?
 9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
 tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
 ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
 I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
 ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
 little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
 point me to some of the people who have been practicing
 TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
 them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want 
 it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?
 10. The tm.org Website used to talk about the TM-siddhis 
 program, and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread drpetersutphen

Grasshopper, you have too many thoughts for one seeking realization. Quick, 
what was your original face?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 10, 2009, at 11:55 AM, Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:


This is one nice effort.

Put this in the hands of your imagined 16 year old, and she will be thoroughly 
armed against the TMO strategies.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
(given their posting history) have always wanted to
be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.

By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
despicable coward. That means you, Judy.

Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)



When answering the following questions, assume that
the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
clear them up with her parents so that they will 
sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
for honest answers.

1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?

2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
that there are only a few and that they are given 
out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
I am) are going to get the same mantra? 

3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
Web that in India they are considered either the 
names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
this correct?

4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these

5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:

6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?

7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
find videos of them on the Web like this one:
This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
for us during Quiet Time?

8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
*really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?

9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
point me to some of the people who have been practicing
TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want 
it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: a quintessential Movement parody

2009-04-10 Thread Kirk
This was hilarious and makes me proud to be a part of the Movement. There is 
certainly a lot of natural humour in the TM Movement.

- Original Message - 
From: TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 11:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: a quintessential Movement parody

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, at_man_and_brahman 
 at_man_and_brah...@... wrote:


 This is a fitting subject for my last post of
 the week. I simply cannot *believe* that no one
 has downloaded these and commented on them yet!

 Maybe they are all well-known among Fairfield
 Ru's, and so they are old news. But they are
 new news to me, and I have to send a hearty
 Well done, and I hope to share a beer or 10,000
 with you in Hell to the albums' creators.


 And really well-recorded as well. Great produc-
 tion, great harmonies and instrumentation, the
 whole tamale. Truly wonderful in joke humor,
 almost certainly lost on anyone who has never
 paid their dues in the TMO, but chuckle city
 to anyone who has.

 Deep bow. This is some of the ballsiest and
 most well-done spiritual parody I have ever
 seen in my entire life. I am in awe.


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[FairfieldLife] Cowboy Wisdom

2009-04-10 Thread arhatafreespeech

#yiv514208912 #yiv1832537748 #yiv236212772 .ExternalClass DIV

Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post 
in 1935, was one of the better sages this country has 
Enjoy the following gems of his 'Cowboy Wisdom': 
* Never miss a good chance to shut up. 
* If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.. 
* A fool and his money are soon elected. 
* A holding company is a thing where you hand an 
accomplice the goods while the policeman searches you. 
* All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an 
alibi for my ignorance. 
* America is becoming so educated that ignorance will be 
a novelty. I will belong to the select few. 
* Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're 
paying for. 
* Diplomacy is the art of saying Nice doggy until you can 
find a rock. 
* Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. 
* Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you 
just sit there. 
* Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. 
* Everything is funny . as long as it's happening to 
somebody else. 
* Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of 
experience comes from bad judgment. 
* There are three kinds of men: 
The few that learn by reading. 
The few who learn by observation. 
Then, there's the rest of us who have to pee on the 
electric fence and find out for ourselves. 
First ~ 
Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying 
about your age and start bragging about it. 
Second ~ 
The older we get, the fewer things seem worth 
waiting in line for. 
Third ~ 
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not 
me, I want people to know why I look this way. I've 
traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved. 
Fourth ~ 
When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back 
to youth, think of Algebra. 
Fifth ~ 
You know you are getting old when everything either 
dries up or leaks. 
Sixth ~ 
I don't know how I got over the hill  without getting to 
the top.. 
Seventh ~ 
One of the many things no one tells you about aging 
is that it is such a nice change from being young. 
Eighth ~ 
One must wait until evening to see how splendid the 
day has been. 
Ninth ~ 
Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable. 
And finally ~ 
Learn to laugh at trouble. If you don't, you won't have 
anything to laugh at when you are old. 
Best wishes, 



[FairfieldLife] Grade Obama (NBC poll)

2009-04-10 Thread Arhata Osho
Give President Obama a grade (click)


[FairfieldLife] Marek -- Consider this beast too (Re: Hawk Cam)

2009-04-10 Thread Marek Reavis
Edg, I'm with you.  We ride on the shoulders of all those we interact with 
here.  I recognize myself in Nablusoss1008 and in his deep conviction and love 
for Maharishi and the TMO I also see my reflection, though from a different 
period in my life.  Furthermore, I've noticed over the past year a more nuanced 
and even considerate and humorous personality in his postings than before, and 
that is heartening, too.

Insults and rude epithets, however, almost always dissappoint me, no matter the 
source.  Coming from individuals pursuing spirituality they seem even more 
inappropriate.  Ignoring them is my general rule, but occasionaly I'm prompted 
to comment as I did this time.

Thanks, brother.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

  Marek Reavis  wrote:  When I lived in Davis there were a few people I
 met who hunted with hawks and it was not only fascinating to watch but I
 envied their relationship with such fine and regal beings.
 Hey, I liked your smacking Nab for his gratuitous besmirching of Curtis,
 but . . .
 I call you to take wing into meta-thinking.
 We see ourselves thrilled to ride the back of a hawk -- to imagine the
 POV of such a mind that can so effortlessly be a prince of a realm we
 can but dimly conceive.  The thrill is palpable.  Yet, miss not, that a
 hawk is a world class killer despite its status as a Lord of the Clouds.
 Nor would the thrill be diminished if we had a camera riding the
 shoulder of any being out there.  Put me in the world of an ant or
 elephant, and I'm mesmerized.
 But, as I wrote above, but . . .
 Isn't Nab just  such a thrill ride?
 Isn't he soaring over landscapes  only he knows as only he can?  Is he
 not a winged prince of his POV?
 Isn't each post of his a looksee from a camera on his shoulder? Do we
 not voyeur his strange ways, his strategies for mastering his alien
 world, his deep idiosynchronicity, his hunt?
 Surely, we, who pride ourselves  that we've been able to peer into the
 eyes of the most feral of minds and yet CONNECTED WITH THEM,  might be
 served if we can  de-giddy ourselves enough to see Nab as equally
 thrilling to ride.
 Why not, eh?  Note that we are thrilled that we've vicariously been able
 to identify with a raptor -- a being that feels not the least concern
 when it attacks and eats a victim alive.  Surely we can witness the POV
 of Nab with the same aplomb and brag of the adventure we've had by
 riding one of his posts  in the same ways that we are comfortable with
 how we took wing with the hawk?
 This is a lesson in identification --  we we are able to witness  the
 most heinous acts without feeling morally pinched for having done so. 
 The witness cannot be burned, wetted or cleaved, eh?
 Just so, I call  to all here to ride the back of Nab, thrill yourselves
 with the world he sees, the world in which he's capable of finding the
 FFL's mice that he finds so tasty to rip apart.   See his landscapes,
 his realm and CONNECT with him and feel the same pride you'd feel if you
 camera-tandemed with a hawk.
 Isn't he simply adorable?  Aren't we privileged to view his life?  Isn't
 it thrilling to, safely from the comfort of our homes, CONNECT to him --
 know him -- pretend to be him for a moment?
 Hey, in the future, what with technology  knocking our socks off  every
 day, it won't be long before we can voyeur any moment in history.  Take
 a ride on Hitler's shoulder as he processes six million Jews into greasy
 Um, did I go too far with that?
 No I didn't.  All of us are identifying with POVs  that would shudder a
 Sat Yugan's mind to a halt.  We're all little alien hitlerettes who
 think we know when it is proper to kill and eat.  Ask a feedlot steer if
 it has a view of us that is not unlike a mouse's view of a hawk or a
 Jew's view of a Nazi.  Ask any angel about a Kali Yugan's mind.  We're
 so comfortable in a world of hurt when we're not hurting -- yet.
 Identity -- it is a bell tolling -- a pealing tone that calls us to
 witness  our own soaring adventures  over  our inner landscapes and
 shudder.  Shudder that we filter out most incoming data,  and with
 precise visioning are able to find  our brand of mice, and, in doing so,
 we miss most of reality as much as Nab  misses when he's targeting his
 furry meals.
 What a piece of work is man . . .
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ wrote:
   Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch the variuos
 hawking and falconry videos on you tube. I hadn't seen the one you sent
   --- On Fri, 4/10/09, Marek Reavis reavismarek@ wrote:
   From: Marek Reavis reavismarek@
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 12:21 AM
   Turq, thanks. My main source for cool stuff on the net is
 Neatorama.com. They do the web surfing so 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
an exquisite and delicious mind f*ck from the Master himself.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 You forgot Maharishi's praise of Mugabe, Castro, etc. That's a juicy tidbit.
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:07 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Wannabee TM Teacher Test
 Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
 (given their posting history) have always wanted to
 be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
 able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
 in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
 TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
 this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
 an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
 answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.
 By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
 you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
 despicable coward. That means you, Judy.
 Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
 encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
 TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)
 When answering the following questions, assume that
 the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
 an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
 in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
 has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
 clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
 clear them up with her parents so that they will 
 sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
 the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
 for honest answers.
 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
 They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
 in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
 that there are only a few and that they are given 
 out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
 of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
 I am) are going to get the same mantra? 
 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
 Web that in India they are considered either the 
 names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
 eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
 this correct?
 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
 I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
 with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
 these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
 to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
 5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
 mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
 stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
 and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
 found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
 of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
 in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
 Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
 tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
 mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
 one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
 run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
 among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
 kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
 on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
 mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
 find videos of them on the Web like this one:
 This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
 mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
 site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
 sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
 scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
 for us during Quiet Time?
 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
 nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
 *really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
 most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
 down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
 found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
 all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
 sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?
 9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
 tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
 ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
 I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
 ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
 little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
 point me to some of the people who have been practicing
 TM for that period of time or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Ex'rs and the Neocon Brain -------- was /// TMers are so desperate for

2009-04-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:

 I like how the TM-ex crowd have no reasoning arguments, but only
 laughable put-downs and sad little strawmen.You are like the Neocons
 of the last few years. They are almost exactly the same. The TM-Ex'rs,
 and the Neocon Fox News nutcases cannot see the obvious. What is in
 front of their face. They thought McCain could actually win ! ! ! ---
 Lol !
 And now the TM-Ex crowd thinks their rantings will mean something to the
 real world. And just like Fox News, and the Republicans, the TM-ex crowd
 are finding themselves more and more irrelevant, and so their only
 recourse is to attack personally anyone that says anything, and call
 them 'radical' and 'stupid'.The reason I like that the TM-ex crowd
 are flailing around like the irrelevant Fox News nutters, is that it
 means one barely needs to bother responding to them, they are so
 ridiculous. Almost everyone now thinks the Neocons are a joke. Its the
 same with you Turq, and the other Pseudo-rationalists, and Fanatics
 Against TM group (FAT.)Your gesticulations are merely the flailings
 of dieing old men, who don't know what to do, as they find themselves
 more and more marginalised and less and less relevant to the world.   
 The more you flail, the less people listen to you. The more a fool you
 make of yourself.Old man Turquoise, Curt, Geezer, Grate, Vaj etc.
 Your rantings are a sad expression of how irrelevant you feel now that
 you are faced with such broad range of support for TM, with everything
 from genius film-makers, to mainstream comedians, to shock-jocks, to
 60's rock icons, to techno masters. From the NIH, to Judges in Missouri.
 From Principals of schools to top medical journals. TM is everywhere
 now. This concert is the tip of the iceberg. The flood is coming. This
 is the transition phase, and your world is disappearing.
 You can rant all you want, but just like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'reilly,
 Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, no-one is taking you seriously anymore,
 and you are finding yourself irrelevant. This is the truth. Not a
 put-dow. I am doing you a favor to tell you this. Your worst enemy would
 not point this about about your pathetic life. I am here to help you.  I
 am sorry that as you age and find yourself friendless, that you have to
 find your identity in anonymous postings on FFL, insulting anyone with
 an opinion that is not part of your little group of senile geriatrics in
 cyberspace. It is very sad for you old men, that that is the the way
 your latter years will fade into obscurity and irrelevance . Your
 loneliness is written in your every post Turq. It shouts like the cries
 of a fox in a trap. Fade away now in your lonely senility. Its sad, but
 it is very Zen of you, and maybe that is your last truly irrelevant act.
 To become entirely forgotten and alone.It is a the act of an
 idiot-hero .. one whose epitaph reads:  Here lies Turq ... a legend
 in his own mindOffWorld

HaHa, very funny and to the point. Well said !

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 10, 2009, at 10:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)



When answering the following questions, assume that
the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who
has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to
clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
clear them up with her parents so that they will
sign the permission slip she needs to partake in
the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you
for honest answers.

1. My parents are quite conservative Christians.
They are concerned that I might be getting involved
in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?

Yes.  But it's not incompatible with other
religions, just take our word for it, at
least until your check clears.

2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web
that there are only a few and that they are given
out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all
of the kids in my class (who are all the same age
I am) are going to get the same mantra?

Yes.  We believe in safety in numbers
 and all that good stuff.  And if you
don't, just stuff it, OK?

3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
Web that in India they are considered either the
names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is
this correct?

Yes.  But what you (or they) don't
know won't hurt you, so just chill, OK?

4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these

You may be asked, but you don't have to.
To hell with the rest of your question.

5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no
mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:

Oh, ha ha hoo tee hee ha hahahahahaha
That's a scream!Those are just loonies
from the local sanitorium, on Halloween!
We let them come over here once a year
so they can get a little fresh air.
Sorry if they scared you.

6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?


7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any
mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
find videos of them on the Web like this one:
This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind
for us during Quiet Time?

For one thing, it's pandits, not to be
confused with pandas, which at least
are cute, even though I've heard they're
not very friendly, which brings us back
to the pundits, or maybe the rajas.  Now
I'm confused!

8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion
nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
*really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?

The real story is, he said them but was delirious
at the time.  It's also the  end of the story.

9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the
tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
point me to some of the people who have been practicing
TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want
it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?

10. The tm.org Website used to talk about the 

[FairfieldLife] The First 5 Minutes

2009-04-10 Thread Bhairitu
I DVR'd three new TV series this week:  The Unusuals on ABC, 
Southland on NBC and Harper's Island on CBS.  The Unusuals wasn't 
bad but I'm not a big fan of cop shows.  I think they're propaganda most 
of the time unless you get into more realistic bad cop scenarios.   
Why do we have so many cop shows anyway?  I'm not that fascinated with 
police work but maybe it sells well to the undereducated.   And 
Southland was yet another cop show laking place in Los Angeles.

The First 5 minutes is what I give a new series to see if it grabs me 
or not.  The Unusuals passed the test but Southland and Harper's 
Island did not.  They will probably get erased from the DVR without 
seeing the rest of the pilot.  Harper's Island is particularly bad and 
obviously not for an educated audience the first 5 was SO dumb.   Having 
lived in Seattle there is no Harper's Island I know of and I noted the 
exteriors supposedly in Seattle had some high rises in the 
background.  Seattle has few high rises.  I think they were banned 
probably in the 1960's.  Vancouver has a ton of them.  But the first 5 
minutes of the story was so lame and didn't get into what the crux of 
the story is about.  Southland was just weak and of course yet another 
cop show so I won't waste any more time on it.  That saves a lot of time 
for movies especially as we go into summer and the networks figure no 
one watches TV.

Before I sign off I want to mention this week's episode of Reaper 
which stars Ray Wise as the Devil.  It's a great comedy created by Kevin 
Smith (Clerks).  In this week's episode the Devil was playing around 
with a camcorder and throughout the show he had the camcorder.  At one 
point he says something like this is beginning to turn out like a David 
Lynch movie.  That's an in joke of course because Wise played a 
character on Twin Peaks.  Also of note on this series is Jenny Wade 
who is a great young comedianne playing a demon who takes human form to 
have a relationship with Ben the Rick Gonzales character.  She's got 
great comedic timing and I'm sure we'll be seeing more from her.

So why do low budget series like Reaper are a success (BTW an ABC 
production) a bigger budgeted series fail?  Too much bean counter 
intervention?  It seems the most successful series have the least 
intervention by the network or the creators supported by the network.  A 
friend brings me his back issues of The Hollywood Reporter and it is 
interesting to read the inside stories on some of these shows.  Recently 
there was an article on Julia Roberts talking about her making a 
comeback.  The article mentioned that she sold well during the Clinton 
era as people liked more easy going roles like she played but during the 
Bush era the more hard core Angelina Jolie roles sold better.  I still 
don't know if Roberts will sell that well during the Obama era as I 
really don't think she that good an actress (her brother is much better) 
but she does well in subdued roles. 

The political observation was interesting because I noted when India got 
it's progressive leader and the conservative BJP lost power Bollywood 
movies got pretty crappy.  I think it may have something to do with 
challenging the current regime.  If that is so we may get worse movies 
during the Obama administration than the Bush one.

[FairfieldLife] How to avoid a banking crisis - advice from the 14th century

2009-04-10 Thread Richard M
In Barcelona, from 1300, book entries by credit transfer legally 
ranked equally with original deposits among the liabilities of bankers. 
Those who failed were forbidden ever to keep a bank again, and were to 
be detained on bread and water until all the account-holders were 
satisfied in full. In 1321 the legislation there was greatly increased 
in severity. Bankers who failed and did not settle up in full within a 
year were to be beheaded and their property sold for the satisfaction 
of their account-holders. This was actually enforced. Francesch 
Castello was beheaded in front of his bank in 1360.

(from pickinglosers.co.uk)

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to avoid a banking crisis - advice from the 14th century

2009-04-10 Thread Bhairitu
Richard M wrote:
 In Barcelona, from 1300, book entries by credit transfer legally 
 ranked equally with original deposits among the liabilities of bankers. 
 Those who failed were forbidden ever to keep a bank again, and were to 
 be detained on bread and water until all the account-holders were 
 satisfied in full. In 1321 the legislation there was greatly increased 
 in severity. Bankers who failed and did not settle up in full within a 
 year were to be beheaded and their property sold for the satisfaction 
 of their account-holders. This was actually enforced. Francesch 
 Castello was beheaded in front of his bank in 1360.

 (from pickinglosers.co.uk)
I think the banksters have already lost their heads.   ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 an exquisite and delicious mind f*ck from the Master himself.

What He did in these cases, from Haile Selasie and Peron, to the Shah and 
Ferdinand Marcos was to boldster their egos and in that way give the TMO a 
foothold in that country simply by being present and meditating in groups. 

The historybooks of the future will no doubt bring in all the details of what 
was happening behind the scenes in these historic events.
Maharishi spent a lot of time and resources on these operations; in all of 
these countries a peaceful transistion to a different system from dicatorship 
was accomplished, even under very trying conditions indeed for everyone 
involved. Regarding Iran many would claim that it went from bad to worse, but 
nevertheless the process of transformation was painless; nobody got hurt 
because we where there to calm down the collective consciousness.

He did this as a sideline to everythyng else He did at the time; Maharishi 
literally saved thousands of human lives.

And since this is my last comment of this week, just a quick remark to you 
Marek: It's nice that you have observed that I do not use harsh words as often 
as before, nor do I ask Edg to get back on medication any more. Neither do I 
recommend a checking as often. 
The reason for this is not because I have mellowed (or perhaps a little bit) 
but mainly because I see these recommendations have no effect. Unfortunately, 
many of the anti-TM-bashers on this forum seems to have stiffled beyond growth 
and understanding; it's simply what they live for, they are getting old and in 
their desperation think that they have found an area to make a difference 
during the last few years of their silly lives. In addition some fellows here 
are doing their anti-TM activity on a professional basis, so why bother ?

I find your interest in Ravens and Crows very heartening. As a young boy of 
about 6 I nutured a chicken-Crow that had fallen out of the nest with 
water-milk and bread on the warm floor of our bathroom until he flew away quite 
happily. Since then I am always aware of their activities, particularily their 
distance to me, the angle from where they appear and the particular sounds they 
are making towards my direction. 
Last time I was in Kovalam Beach in India a Raven settled on my head as I was 
going down the outdoor steps from my hotel-room and stayed there until I 
reached the ground. :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  You forgot Maharishi's praise of Mugabe, Castro, etc. That's a juicy tidbit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
thanks for your post-- really enjoyed reading it. i find crows so very 
talkative and aware-- fascinating birds, very smart.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  an exquisite and delicious mind f*ck from the Master himself.
 What He did in these cases, from Haile Selasie and Peron, to the Shah and 
 Ferdinand Marcos was to boldster their egos and in that way give the TMO a 
 foothold in that country simply by being present and meditating in groups. 
 The historybooks of the future will no doubt bring in all the details of what 
 was happening behind the scenes in these historic events.
 Maharishi spent a lot of time and resources on these operations; in all of 
 these countries a peaceful transistion to a different system from dicatorship 
 was accomplished, even under very trying conditions indeed for everyone 
 involved. Regarding Iran many would claim that it went from bad to worse, but 
 nevertheless the process of transformation was painless; nobody got hurt 
 because we where there to calm down the collective consciousness.
 He did this as a sideline to everythyng else He did at the time; Maharishi 
 literally saved thousands of human lives.
 And since this is my last comment of this week, just a quick remark to you 
 Marek: It's nice that you have observed that I do not use harsh words as 
 often as before, nor do I ask Edg to get back on medication any more. Neither 
 do I recommend a checking as often. 
 The reason for this is not because I have mellowed (or perhaps a little bit) 
 but mainly because I see these recommendations have no effect. Unfortunately, 
 many of the anti-TM-bashers on this forum seems to have stiffled beyond 
 growth and understanding; it's simply what they live for, they are getting 
 old and in their desperation think that they have found an area to make a 
 difference during the last few years of their silly lives. In addition some 
 fellows here are doing their anti-TM activity on a professional basis, so why 
 bother ?
 I find your interest in Ravens and Crows very heartening. As a young boy of 
 about 6 I nutured a chicken-Crow that had fallen out of the nest with 
 water-milk and bread on the warm floor of our bathroom until he flew away 
 quite happily. Since then I am always aware of their activities, 
 particularily their distance to me, the angle from where they appear and the 
 particular sounds they are making towards my direction. 
 Last time I was in Kovalam Beach in India a Raven settled on my head as I was 
 going down the outdoor steps from my hotel-room and stayed there until I 
 reached the ground. :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   You forgot Maharishi's praise of Mugabe, Castro, etc. That's a juicy 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 thanks for your post-- really enjoyed reading it. i find crows so very 
 talkative and aware-- fascinating birds, very smart.


Bhusunda, the long-lived crow:

http://snipurl.com/fnbux  [books_google_com] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread shempmcgurk
...and this, sadly, is why the DLF initiative is a non-starter, at least in 

Barry's hypothetical test below is not only not far off the mark, it is 
likely to be precisely what will be played out time and time and time again 
whenever and whereever the TMO approaches American public schools (and, for 
that matter, much applies to private schools as well).  

And you don't even need a John Knapp to stir up things...one curious mind out 
of a 500 student body...and access to Google is all it takes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
 (given their posting history) have always wanted to
 be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
 able to provide the answers we have already prepared 
 in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
 TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
 this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
 an Almost TM Teacher, one able to parrot the right 
 answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.
 By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
 you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
 despicable coward. That means you, Judy.
 Real TM Teachers, recertified or not, are also
 encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
 TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)
 When answering the following questions, assume that
 the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
 an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
 in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
 has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
 clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
 clear them up with her parents so that they will 
 sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
 the DLF Quiet Time program. She is looking to you 
 for honest answers.
 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
 They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
 in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
 that there are only a few and that they are given 
 out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
 of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
 I am) are going to get the same mantra? 
 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
 Web that in India they are considered either the 
 names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
 eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
 this correct?
 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
 I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
 with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
 these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
 to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
 5. I looked at the tm.org website, and there is no 
 mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
 stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
 and in fact on old versions of the tm.org website I
 found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
 of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
 in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
 Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
 tm.org Website has been cleaned up to remove all
 mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
 one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
 run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
 among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
 kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
 on tm.org, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
 mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
 find videos of them on the Web like this one:
 This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
 mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
 site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
 sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
 scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
 for us during Quiet Time?
 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a scorpion 
 nation and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
 *really* say Damn Democracy? Did he *really* say that
 most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
 down and rebuilt from the ground up based on rules he
 found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
 all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
 sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?
 9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
 tm.org Website recently is any mention of enlighten-
 ment. That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
 I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
 ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
 little as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread enlightened_dawn11
thanks for a fascinating taste of the yoga vasistha.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  thanks for your post-- really enjoyed reading it. i find crows so very 
  talkative and aware-- fascinating birds, very smart.
 Bhusunda, the long-lived crow:
 http://snipurl.com/fnbux  [books_google_com]

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread Marek Reavis
Comment below:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 And since this is my last comment of this week, just a quick remark to you 
 Marek: It's nice that you have observed that I do not use harsh words as 
 often as before, nor do I ask Edg to get back on medication any more. Neither 
 do I recommend a checking as often. 
 The reason for this is not because I have mellowed (or perhaps a little bit) 
 but mainly because I see these recommendations have no effect. Unfortunately, 
 many of the anti-TM-bashers on this forum seems to have stiffled beyond 
 growth and understanding; it's simply what they live for, they are getting 
 old and in their desperation think that they have found an area to make a 
 difference during the last few years of their silly lives. In addition some 
 fellows here are doing their anti-TM activity on a professional basis, so why 
 bother ?
 I find your interest in Ravens and Crows very heartening. As a young boy of 
 about 6 I nutured a chicken-Crow that had fallen out of the nest with 
 water-milk and bread on the warm floor of our bathroom until he flew away 
 quite happily. Since then I am always aware of their activities, 
 particularily their distance to me, the angle from where they appear and the 
 particular sounds they are making towards my direction. 
 Last time I was in Kovalam Beach in India a Raven settled on my head as I was 
 going down the outdoor steps from my hotel-room and stayed there until I 
 reached the ground. :-)
**snip to end

Nablusoss1008, regardless of the reasons, I appreciate very much the more 
tolerant posts you've been making these last many months, and only offer my 

I love your crow experiences.  I've had several myself, some quite profound; or 
at least, they affected me profoundly.  When my son was just around the age you 
were when you saved your chicken-Crow, he found a young, adolescent raven under 
some trees that was hurt in some unknown way.  Being a fan of Edgar Allen Poe 
at the time, he named the young raven Nevermore and attempted to do what you 
did with your fledgling.  Unfortunately, whatever Nevermore had wasn't amenable 
to my son's loving care and Nevermore died within a couple of weeks.  

I discovered dead in the morning but left him for my son.  It was my son's 
first direct experience of death and it was both hard and beautiful to see his 
grief over Nevermore's death.  He held the raven's body close to his chest and 
cried, not in a child's way, but in deep and authentic grief.  The raven had 
given him love and loss, two valuable gifts.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.



[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
 I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like O'Reilly's schtick, 
 but so what? They both are displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that. 
 Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a health-food store.

The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a meditator and has been for 
years.  And he is not who you would point to as on the road to enlightenment, 
would you?  You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet?   So how healthy 
is that health food?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 agreed-- as has been said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. and that 
 goes for the TM and MMY bashers here too- just by criticizing and bashing TM 
 they continue to keep it alive in the minds of those who read these posts. 
 after some time all people remember was a discussion on TM, not what was 
 said. its why people like Martha Stewart are still celebrities. keep it up! 

Ah, I think that is more of a myth than anything.   How about the bad publicity 
the Catholics got from their cover-ups of pedophile priests?  I can't really 
divorce myself from what I know and think about TM, but I have a hard time 
believing that someone coming here would go away not having a feel for some of 
the criticism surrounding TM.  If there was the net back in the days I was 
poking around at spirituality my guess is that I would have stayed far away 
from TM. However, I do think the criticisms help reinforce the TBs in their 

Wonder how the bad publicity concerning Scientology has effected getting new 
members?   It probably helps inspire the rank and file, but getting newbies?  I 
bet it hurts.

[FairfieldLife] US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread I am the eternal

By: Albert Bozzo, Senior Features Editor | 09 Apr 2009 | 11:55 AM ET

You've heard all the gloom and doom about this recession. Now here's
some good news: the economic recovery could happen much sooner—and be
much stronger—than anyone thought possible.

Suddenly, a small but growing group of private-sector economists is
disputing the idea that the recession will drag on for months and that
the rebound will be as weak as those following the the 1991 and 2001

“Too many people’s idea of recession have been formed by the last two
recessions,” says Robert Brusca of Fact  Opinion Economics, referring
to the 1991 and 2001 periods, which were both short and shallow. I
think that's mistaken.”

“People have been talking about an L-shaped recession,” adds Michael
Mussa, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International
Economics. “The record shows you come back sharply from deep
recessions” like the current one.

These economists and others see a V-shaped pattern, similar to that of
the recession-recovery periods of the 1970s and 1980s. And they say
there is ample evidence to support it.

Among the reasons for the new optimism: a significant easing of the
credit crunch, improvement in consumer spending—including better auto
sales—a potential bottom in housing, a less-grim jobs picture and
expectations that the government's massive stimulus spending could
start boosting economic growth almost immediately.

That doesn’t mean anyone is saying the recession is over yet. But the
end is closer than people think.

Though the decline in first-quarter growth will be along the lines of
the six-plus percent plunge of the fourth quarter of 2008, some
economists now expect a flat or slightly negative showing in the
second quarter, followed by the beginning of sustained growth in the
third quarter. (That’s three months sooner than what many were
forecasting several months ago.)

Optimists acknowledge that existing headwinds and unforeseen events
can quickly derail momentum, which may help explain why a majority of
opinions--including that of the the Federal Reserve--still fall into
the wait-and-see camp.

“The velocity of downturn is lessening, says John J Castellani, chief
economist and president of the Business Roundtable, who is more
cautious than hopeful at this point. “In the initial part of the
recovery, people will be very cautious about this being a double dip.”

Nevertheless, those forecasting a strong recovery point first and
foremost to the waning effects of the Lehman Brothers collapse last
fall, which roughly coincides with the worst of the credit crunch, and
triggered a massive chain reaction in payroll and production cuts.

“The initial adjustment tends to be too big, then there’s some
reversal of that,” says Ram Bhagavatula, managing director at the
hedge fund, Combinatorics Capital.

That dynamic will lead to swifter and stronger recovery in both the
economy and employment that many economists are forecasting.

Mussa, a former White House and International Monetary Fund economist,
says that GDP will be a cumulative 6-8 percent higher six quarter than
the bottom, depending on whether the recovery starts in the early or
late summer.

Brusca is expecting a minimum of 4.5 percent GDP growth over the first
four quarters of the recovery

All About The Economy

Both performances compare favorably with the post-WWII average, and
while they may be less than the recoveries of the 70s and 80s they are
significantly more than those of the past two recessions

In the 70s cycle, GDP shrank two consecutive years then posted GDP
growth averaging 5 percent in 1976-1977; in the case of the 80s, the
economy contracted 1.9 percent—more than economists expect for full
year 2009—then grew 4.5 percent in the first year of recovery.

By contrast, the 2001 recession was so brief and shallow, GDP didn’t
register a contraction for the whole year. Growth in the 2002-2003
period, however, averaged just 2 percent. Similarly, in 1991, the
economy shrank 0.2 percent, followed by 3-percent growth in 1992 and

Economists also cite several reasons for better labor market
conditions this time. They expect job losses as well as the
unemployment rate to peak close to the time growth bottoms out, as was
the case in the 80s and 90s, and thus not resemble the jobless
recoveries of the two most recent recessions.

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[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-04-10 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Apr 04 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Apr 11 00:00:00 2009
789 messages as of (UTC) Fri Apr 10 23:57:21 2009

50 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
50 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
40 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
34 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
33 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
33 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
32 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
31 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
30 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
28 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
27 geezerfreak geezerfr...@yahoo.com
23 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
22 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
22 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
21 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
20 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
20 Arhata Osho arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
17 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 grate.swan no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
12 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
12 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
10 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
10 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 9 Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 8 enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 8 wle...@aol.com
 7 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 7 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net
 6 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 5 satvadude108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@yahoo.com
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 3 uns_tressor uns_tres...@yahoo.ca
 3 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 3 jimjim5886 jimjim5...@yahoo.com
 3 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 drpetersutphen drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 3 boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 3 billy jim emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 Theo Fehr t.f...@tm-independent.de
 3 Peter drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 3 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 2 menkemeyer menkeme...@yahoo.com
 2 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 2 ffl...@yahoo.com
 2 at_man_and_brahman at_man_and_brah...@sbcglobal.net
 2 Rick risro...@yahoo.com
 1 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 1 gregg_g no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 1 Elfi Pietsch elfriede.piet...@gmx.de
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com
 1 Hagen J. Holtz hagen.j.ho...@t-online.de

Posters: 62
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[FairfieldLife] We're being lied to about Pirates off Somalia

2009-04-10 Thread Arhata Osho
Who is the Robber?
The 'rest of the story'!

Pirating off Somalia has increase over the past four or five years as fishermen 
from Somalia realize that pirating is more lucrative. 


One cannot let that deliberate manipulation of the truth stand.


Some are clearly just gangsters. But others are trying to stop illegal dumping 
and trawling

Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates

Monday, 5 January 2009

http://www.independ ent.co.uk/ opinion/commenta tors/johann- hari/johann- 
hari-you- are-being- lied-to-about- pirates-1225817. html

Who imagined that in 2009, the world's governments would be declaring a new War 
on Pirates? As you read this, the British Royal Navy – backed by the ships of 
more than two dozen nations, from the US to China – is sailing into Somalian 
waters to take on men we still picture as parrot-on-the- shoulder pantomime 
villains. They will soon be fighting Somalian ships and even chasing the 
pirates onto land, into one of the most broken countries on earth. But behind 
the arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there is an untold scandal. The 
people our governments are labelling as one of the great menaces of our times 
have an extraordinary story to tell – and some justice on their side.

Pirates have never been quite who we think they are. In the golden age of 
piracy – from 1650 to 1730 – the idea of the pirate as the senseless, savage 
Bluebeard that lingers today was created by the British government in a great 
propaganda heave. Many ordinary people believed it was false: pirates were 
often saved from the gallows by supportive crowds. Why? What did they see that 
we can't? In his book Villains Of All Nations, the historian Marcus Rediker 
pores through the evidence.

If you became a merchant or navy sailor then – plucked from the docks of 
London's East End, young and hungry – you ended up in a floating wooden Hell. 
You worked all hours on a cramped, half-starved ship, and if you slacked off, 
the all-powerful captain would whip you with the Cat O' Nine Tails. If you 
slacked often, you could be thrown overboard. And at the end of months or years 
of this, you were often cheated of your wages. 

Pirates were the first people to rebel against this world. They mutinied – and 
created a different way of working on the seas. Once they had a ship, the 
pirates elected their captains, and made all their decisions collectively, 
without torture. They shared their bounty out in what Rediker calls one of the 
most egalitarian plans for the disposition of resources to be found anywhere in 
the eighteenth century. 

They even took in escaped African slaves and lived with them as equals. The 
pirates showed quite clearly – and subversively – that ships did not have to 
be run in the brutal and oppressive ways of the merchant service and the Royal 
Navy. This is why they were romantic heroes, despite being unproductive 

The words of one pirate from that lost age, a young British man called William 
Scott, should echo into this new age of piracy. Just before he was hanged in 
Charleston, South Carolina, he said: What I did was to keep me from perishing. 
I was forced to go a-pirateing to live. In 1991, the government of Somalia 
collapsed. Its nine million people have been teetering on starvation ever since 
– and the ugliest forces in the Western world have seen this as a great 
opportunity to steal the country's food supply and dump our nuclear waste in 
their seas.

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European 
ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the 
ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange 
rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of 
the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to suffer from 
radiation sickness, and more than 300 died.

Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me: Somebody is dumping 
nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium and 
mercury – you name it. Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals and 
factories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to dispose of 
cheaply. When I asked Mr Ould-Abdallah what European governments were doing 
about it, he said with a sigh: Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no 
compensation, and no prevention.

At the same time, other European ships have been looting Somalia's seas of 
their greatest resource: seafood. We have destroyed our own fish stocks by 
overexploitation – and now we have moved on to theirs. More than $300m-worth of 
tuna, shrimp, and lobster are being stolen every year by illegal trawlers. The 
local fishermen are now starving. Mohammed Hussein, a fisherman in the town of 
Marka 100km south of Mogadishu, told Reuters: If nothing is done, there soon 
won't be much fish left in our coastal waters.

This is the context in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 What you put your attention on grows.
 Is it just me, or does ED make some sense below?
 To me, if the world had ignored Ann Coulter, instead of paying attention to 
 her dysfunctions, we'd not have the likes of Rep. Michele Bachmann.  I mean, 
 how many more pretty women are going to say to themselves: All I have to 
 do is be outrageous, and because I'm pretty, I'll get airtime like Coulter. 
 This is THE sin of BigMedia -- they spotlight a clown and suddenly everyone 
 is looking to buy bigass shoes and a red-bulb nose.

Cyber-space and meat-space (just learned that term and had to use it!) have 
their similarities.  The theory is that if you ignore a troll the troll will 
move on.  The problem is getting everyone to agree not only to ignore the troll 
but that the troll is a troll.  Not likely to happen.  That is why many forums 
have moderators and ban troublemakers.  That would never work here because 
everyone is a troublemaker. ;)

So, the world wasn't going to ignore Ann Coulter and the fact that I personally 
ignore her is meaningless. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
  I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like O'Reilly's 
  schtick, but so what? They both are displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I 
  like that. Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a health-food 
 The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a meditator and has been 
 for years.  And he is not who you would point to as on the road to 
 enlightenment, would you?  You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet? 
   So how healthy is that health food?


I don't know if you have ever done any gardening, but anybody who has, or who 
has /readthought about gardening, knows that a good seed is not the only thing 
that counts when considering growth. 

Obviously environment is a factor in growth when you plant a seed, and it's the 
same for the seed mantra of TM when it's planted in a personality. It's not 
only the person's nervous system when they start TM, which could range from 
seriously mentally ill to nearly enlightened, but it's a matter of the person's 
karma and the amount of stress in the environment, which is naturally quite 
high in the Kaliyuga.

You might not see much growth at all in some people, even over decades of TM, 
because their nervous system is so twisted and their environment is so unhappy, 
which does not allow bliss consciousness to unfold -- it's like a good seed 
thrown into a bunch of weeds, it's growth may be little or nothing.

The point about the health food store is that Stern is qualified to say TM is a 
good thing, even if he's not too sattvic a guy -- even as anybody even in the 
worst health can sell stuff at a health food store.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:
 The point about the health food store is that Stern is qualified to say TM is 
 a good thing, even if he's not too sattvic a guy -- even as anybody even in 
 the worst health can sell stuff at a health food store.

But if that sick person says, here, I have been eating this health food for 
years, look at how it has helped me and you a sick person, wouldn't a 
reasonable person wonder about how healthy that food really is? 

And if all you can grow is a shriveled plant what is the point?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Although no group of three meditators is representative of the whole bunch.
  I know plenty of sweet, non-judgmental ones.
 Which comes back to my theory of meditaton, that it doesn't really improve 
 people in any way that matters to people around them.  It is an internal 
 choice of a mental state that is important only to the person who prefers it. 
  In this model we have to ditch every single claim of meditation's benifits 
 to a person's social behavior.  But that doesn't mean it doesn't have an 
 internal value to the person.  It obviously does, or they wouldn't continue 
 given the lack of external, noticeable benifits to people around them.  And I 
 don't believe meditation or the fantasy worlds he enjoys have made 
 Nabulous1008 worse in any way.  I meet people like him in every field I 
 interact with.  It doesn't speak poorly about TM that he acts this way, it is 
 all on him.  TM is just a specialness prop.  It could be anything, being the 
 best cat show judge!  You should see some of those misanthropes in action. 
 So I second the idea that meditators are not worse, or better (my addition) 
 to anyone else in the world.  They are the same mix we find everywhere and 
 the decades of practice hasn't seemed to have shifted this reality.

I wonder about this.  Most TBs started when they were young and impressionable 
so TM played a big role in making them who they are, especially if they got 
caught up in the TMOs organizational aspects.   But the question we can't 
answer is whether they would have found another cult, another prop?  We can 
never know.  But given the age so many become believers I am not ready to 
believe it is all on the believer.  That is why I express dismay when I think 
about TM in the schools.  Kids are so impressionable.  

I do have to remind myself that most people who start TM don't keep up with it 
and  my pool of TBs inevitably is an odd group. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Easter-The Holiest of Days?'

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 I don't get it...
 How could Easter be described as the 'Holiest of Days?'
 The guy gets crucified, by Rome and the Jewish puppets of Rome.
 They later change the story to blame the Jews for his death.
 Then they claim his tortured crucifixion is a holy thing?
 Seems to me that would be the un-holiest thing I can think of.
 Let's see if we can come up with some other 'Holy Days'?
 November 11, 1963; December 8, 1980; April 4, 1968...
 Religion, what a crazy thing!
 R.G.  Madison, WI

The holy thing is that he came back from the dead.  Otherwise the story would 
be pointless.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread min.pige

 You've heard all the gloom and doom about this recession. Now here's
 some good news: the economic recovery could happen much sooner—and be
 much stronger—than anyone thought possible.

thanks for posting this, i really need to hear some good economic news.  this 
economy is really stressing me out like nothing else before, i can just barely 
keep myself afloat and it hurts! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
  I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't
  like O'Reilly's schtick, but so what? They both are
  displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that.
  Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a
  health-food store.
 The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a
 meditator and has been for years.  And he is not who
 you would point to as on the road to enlightenment,
 would you?

Which of us is in a position to determine who is on
the road and who isn't?

 You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet?

Who knows, and who cares?

His sidekick, Robin Quivers (also a committed TMer),
says when people tell her they can't believe Stern
meditates, she says, Think of what he would be like
without TM.

(No, that's not meant to be proof of anything. The
point is, you can't tell where a person is on the
path and shouldn't attempt to judge.)

 So how healthy is that health food?

Stern's fabulously successful at what he does. Seems
like TM was pretty healthy for him.

(But that's kind of not the point of MMY's analogy
of the owner of the health-food store, you know?)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch
 the variuos hawking and falconry videos on you tube.
 I hadn't seen the one you sent before.

Mike, the falconer in the video has a Web site:


It's in Spanish, unfortunately. But click Videos on
the menu underneath the photo for more of his videos.
They seem to all be YouTube videos, though, so you've
probably seen them. But do take a look at his Galeria
(photos) as well. He apparently participates in
historical recreations at festivals with his hawks
(which seem to be mostly eagles). There's a bunch of
close-up shots of him *en costume* holding his gorgeous

I sent the flight video to my sister, who's a real
hawk nut. She says she thinks it's a golden eagle,
but she isn't sure. What do you say?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eh, Judy did you miss this: Questions about empathy for Judy

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Am I such a turd in your view that you are going to
 shun me when I ask for a reasonable amount of output
 from you for my input?

You weren't before, but you sure are now.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 8:14 PM, min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com wrote:

 You've heard all the gloom and doom about this recession. Now here's
 some good news: the economic recovery could happen much sooner—and be
 much stronger—than anyone thought possible.

 thanks for posting this, i really need to hear some good economic news.  this 
 economy is really stressing me out like nothing else before, i can just 
 barely keep myself afloat and it hurts!

You are indeed welcome.  Now anyone have any idea where those
trillions of dollars will go?  Unlikely they'll be pulled out of
circulation so they'll want to inflate something.  That's the way of
greed.  Since I've seen this twice before in a decade and called the
housing/mortgage boom right (though I pulled out of housing stocks way
to soon), I'm going to go where the money goes and pull out quick.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch the
 variuos hawking and falconry videos on you tube. I hadn't
 seen the one you sent before.

Meant to add: Have you ever read The Sword in the Stone,
the first volume of The Once and Future King by T.H.
White? There's a haunting scene in the royal mews featuring
an insane goshawk who has all the other birds terrified.

My sister tells me that White was himself a falconer who
tried to train a goshawk and had a terrible time. He
wrote a book about the experience called The Goshawk. I
just ordered it from Amazon:



[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
  I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't like O'Reilly's 
  schtick, but so what? They both are displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I 
  like that. Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a health-food 
 The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a meditator and has been 
 for years.  And he is not who you would point to as on the road to 
 enlightenment, would you?  You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet? 
   So how healthy is that health food?

How do you know he's not well on the road to enlightenment?

What do you think enlightenment IS?


[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  The point about the health food store is that Stern is qualified to say TM 
  is a good thing, even if he's not too sattvic a guy -- even as anybody even 
  in the worst health can sell stuff at a health food store.
 But if that sick person says, here, I have been eating this health food for 
 years, look at how it has helped me and you a sick person, wouldn't a 
 reasonable person wonder about how healthy that food really is? 
 And if all you can grow is a shriveled plant what is the point?

But what if you can't grow any plants at all?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread Bhairitu
min.pige wrote:
 You've heard all the gloom and doom about this recession. Now here's
 some good news: the economic recovery could happen much sooner—and be
 much stronger—than anyone thought possible.


 thanks for posting this, i really need to hear some good economic news.  this 
 economy is really stressing me out like nothing else before, i can just 
 barely keep myself afloat and it hurts! 
Yeah, they need you to go buy their stocks they want to dump. ;-)

And why are you attached to the economy anyway? Maybe you need a 
better meditation program to help develop non-attachment.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread min.pige

 You are indeed welcome.  Now anyone have any idea where those
 trillions of dollars will go?  Unlikely they'll be pulled out of
 circulation so they'll want to inflate something.  That's the way of
 greed.  Since I've seen this twice before in a decade and called the
 housing/mortgage boom right (though I pulled out of housing stocks way
 to soon), I'm going to go where the money goes and pull out quick.


very interestingwell, if you have any tips on getting ahead financially, 
i'd love to hear them! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcending the Constitution

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 shukr...@... wrote:

 According to Paul McCartney in his recent interview by Howard Stern. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 shukra69@ wrote:
   Paul McCartney has stopped smoking that 
  When and according to whom has McCartney stopped smoking

According to Paul McCartney.

From Beatles Examiner, January 14, 2009:

Paul McCartney on 'The Howard Stern Show' -- the dirty details!

...The subject turned to drugs. Stern says to Paul, Cocaine .. everyone knows 
you were addicted. Paul replied he was not addicted, it was a peer group 
thing. He says he never took heroin and says he got fed up with cocaine and got 
out before it was hip. He says he no longer does pot, either



Listen to the audio. The comment about pot is at about 2:50:


[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 One of the things I've found most fascinating in
 all of this post-concert I'm important because
 something I was once associated with is in the 
 news idiocy is the continuing tendency on the
 part of the TMO and TMers to not *CARE* who the
 praise comes from as long as it's praise. I would
 bet that if they'd gotten a good review of the
 concert and its goals from Adolf Hitler they'd
 be putting that in their press releases, too.
 But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. At least
 the great Roger Ebert is not giving him a pass 
 on being an idiot. Here is his reaction to Bill's
 latest hit list. The last line should be read
 over and over and over by Nabby, Judy, and Off. 
 That's their reaction to this concert hype to a T.

Well, no, it's certainly not mine. I've been a
Beatles fan since the winter after I graduated
from college (1963-64), before they made their
first visit to the U.S. I'd have been tickled by
this concert regardless of their association with

I think what we're seeing here from Barry is more
of the distress the TM critics feel about the TMO
being involved with something positive and

As to O'Reilly, anybody that gives him a pass on
being an idiot is, well, an idiot. As they say,
even a stopped clock is right twice a day. That's
no credit either to the clock or to what it was
right about. (And O'Reilly's clock is right far
less often than twice a day. Once every few years,

But the TM critics are *delirious* that they
finally have something with which to do a guilt-
by-association number: If O'Reilly likes it, it
*must* be a really terrible thing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Here's an exercise for you. Think of 
 Maharishi's term heaven on earth.
 Now think of that heaven being popu-
 lated by people like Nabby, Off, and
 Judy Stein. 
 Anyone sense a slight disconnect there?
 Three peas in a pod, the common denom-
 inator being 30+ years of regular TM,
 which has left them heartless, mean,
 and completely devoid of compassion,
 ethics, and joy.
 Some heaven. 
 I'd join Curtis in Hell any day.
 Although no group of three meditators is 
 representative of the whole bunch. I know
 plenty of sweet, non-judgmental ones.

And of course all the TM critics on FFL are
sweet and nonjudgmental, right?

I have *never in my life* run into so many
consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
*oblivious* people as I have on FFL.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellectual dishonesty.

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, drpetersutphen drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 This discussion around intellectual dishonesty is interesting, but I'm more 
 interested in the term'hysterical what do you mean by it's use? It's just a 
 non-explanitory term like saying people who see UFO's are hypnotized. WTF 
 does that mean?

I used it as shorthand for my impressions in my initial post that led to this 
discussion. I don't find it as imprecise as saying hypnotized as I meant it 
in the dictionary sense of an uncontrolled emotional reaction arising out of 
the circumstances.  But to be clear, I am not talking about some mental 
disorder.   I fleshed things out a bit when I talked about reasons people could 
be exhibiting certain behaviors when learning yogic flying.  I mentioned group 
pressure and suggestibility, as well as other things.  For example, you get a 
group together on a high intensity course,  with certain expectations that 
something just might happen, and they paid a lot for that something, and 
someone shouts, or barks it can be infectious. And then justification can 
proceed from there.  Given the wide variability of how people behaved at 
courses, and how this changed after people were told that they didn't need to 
make noise, this seems a reasonable explanation.  

Similarly, when you get certain sects of Christians together and they pray and 
chant and one person suddenly starts speaking gibberish, it can be infectious.  

Fortunately or unfortunately, I was not infected. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  agreed-- as has been said, there is no such
  thing as bad publicity. and that goes for the
  TM and MMY bashers here too- just by
  criticizing and bashing TM they continue 
  to keep it alive in the minds of those who
  read these posts. after some time all people
  remember was a discussion on TM, not what was
  said. its why people like Martha Stewart are 
  still celebrities. keep it up! 
 If that were really true, then there is no 
 basis for the position taken by Judy and
 Raunchydog (and by the TMO's/Lynch Foun-
 dation's scumbag of a lawyer) that John
 Knapp and others expressing their critical
 points of view about TM, the TMO, and
 Maharishi should not be allowed to happen.

None of the TM critics here will have the guts
to call Barry on this lie about me and 
raunchydog. Neither of us has ever taken the
position that expressing critical points of
view about TM should not be allowed to happen.

Who are the folks on this forum who *have* taken
the should not be allowed to happen position?

The TM *critics*.

It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 8:32 PM, min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com wrote:
 very interestingwell, if you have any tips on getting ahead financially, 
 i'd love to hear them!

I'm starting a fund that will be mostly for high rollers and hedge
funds.  Minimum annual return 10%.   Though I'm targeting high dollar
individual/organizations, I can let in some lower net worth
individuals in as charter investors.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 First, I think that it's wise to remember that,
 unless I am misinterpreting what you are saying,
 that both of you are equating meditation in 
 this discussion with Transcendental Meditation. 
 I do not. My experience is that some other forms 
 of meditation and spiritual practice do NOT lead 
 to the types of abherrent behavior we see in Nabby, 
 Off, Judy.

And which type of meditation is it that has led
to *your* abherrent [sic] behavior, Barry?

Has anybody noticed how far Barry has gone off
the rails here?

Of course not.

Barry, a chronic and malicious liar who routinely
viciously attacks TMers and anybody else he doesn't
agree with, criticizes Nabby, Off, and me for
abherrent [sic] behavior, and NOBODY NOTICES THE

Or you're all too afraid of being attacked by
Barry to comment on it.

I don't know which is worse.

 There are so MANY like them that my experience leads 
 me to believe that there IS something in particular 
 *wrong* with the TM approach if it allows behavior 
 like this to not only go on for decades, but to be 
 officially praised as being On The Program.

Of course, it isn't officially praised as being
'On the Program.' Nor is the TMO in a position
to allow or not allow it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread min.pige



sure, Bernie, err, i mean, I AM :)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Wannabee TM Teacher Test

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
 you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
 despicable coward. That means you, Judy.


Yeah, whoo-hoo, I'm like, man, shivering in my
shoes in fear of being certified a coward by

Good *grief*, talk about yer exaggerated sense
of self-importance.

For the record, as a matter of principle, I
don't respond to questions or make statements
under threat of being certified as a Bad
Person if I decline.

I think, in fact, that responding under such
circumstances is the coward's choice. And of
course the threat is a very much a coward's

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  The point about the health food store is that Stern is qualified to say TM 
  is a good thing, even if he's not too sattvic a guy -- even as anybody even 
  in the worst health can sell stuff at a health food store.

 But if that sick person says, here, I have been eating this health food for 
 years, look at how it has helped me and you a sick person, wouldn't a 
 reasonable person wonder about how healthy that food really is? 
 And if all you can grow is a shriveled plant what is the point?

The point is that every human has his/her own environment, internal, karmic, 
surroundings, so it won't do to say that the expectations for growth are the 
same for all in whom the seed is planted. 

If two planters are sidebyside, with one with no weeds, good soil, etc, and the 
other is deprived of water, bad soil, choked with weeds, etc, then a shrivelly 
plant from the same seed in the poor planter could say to the thriving plant in 
the good planter, hey, how come I'm not doing as well as you?, but the answer 
would surely be obvious. 

With the exception of a handful of people, the most severely mentally ill 
people (who could possibly do ten minutes of TM, not in a group), the usual 
schedule of TM practice produces excellent results in stress reduction and 
expansion of awareness. I quit smoking (a three pack/day habit) after 10 months 
of TM without making any effort at all to quit -- the habit lost me, and I 
never dreamed about smoking, which people who force themselves to quit usually 
do. This does not mean that TM works the same for everybody, as is obvious with 
David Lynch, still smoking cigs after 37 yrs of TM. Even a shrivelled plant is 
better off with TM than without -- and of course the great majority of people 
practicing TM longterm have significant growth, which is why they continue the 
practice...Howard Stern knows TM is good for him, even if people question his 
character, so it's legit for him to say it's a good thing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
   The point about the health food store is that Stern is qualified to say 
   TM is a good thing, even if he's not too sattvic a guy -- even as anybody 
   even in the worst health can sell stuff at a health food store.
  But if that sick person says, here, I have been eating this health food 
  for years, look at how it has helped me and you a sick person, wouldn't a 
  reasonable person wonder about how healthy that food really is? 
  And if all you can grow is a shriveled plant what is the point?
 But what if you can't grow any plants at all?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  Here's an exercise for you. Think of 
  Maharishi's term heaven on earth.
  Now think of that heaven being popu-
  lated by people like Nabby, Off, and
  Judy Stein. 
  Anyone sense a slight disconnect there?
  Three peas in a pod, the common denom-
  inator being 30+ years of regular TM,
  which has left them heartless, mean,
  and completely devoid of compassion,
  ethics, and joy.
  Some heaven. 
  I'd join Curtis in Hell any day.
  Although no group of three meditators is 
  representative of the whole bunch. I know
  plenty of sweet, non-judgmental ones.
 And of course all the TM critics on FFL are
 sweet and nonjudgmental, right?
 I have *never in my life* run into so many
 consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
 *oblivious* people as I have on FFL.

Sooomight it not be time to move on? 

Since you've exploded with a barrage of posts in the last couple of hours (and 
isn't the sit out time for chronic posters like you supposed to last until 
midnight on Friday???) it seems you've just been bustin' to get back into the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  First, I think that it's wise to remember that,
  unless I am misinterpreting what you are saying,
  that both of you are equating meditation in 
  this discussion with Transcendental Meditation. 
  I do not. My experience is that some other forms 
  of meditation and spiritual practice do NOT lead 
  to the types of abherrent behavior we see in Nabby, 
  Off, Judy.
 And which type of meditation is it that has led
 to *your* abherrent [sic] behavior, Barry?
 Has anybody noticed how far Barry has gone off
 the rails here?
 Of course not.
 Barry, a chronic and malicious liar who routinely
 viciously attacks TMers and anybody else he doesn't
 agree with, criticizes Nabby, Off, and me for
 abherrent [sic] behavior, and NOBODY NOTICES THE
 Or you're all too afraid of being attacked by
 Barry to comment on it.
 I don't know which is worse.
Wholly schmolly. This public unravelling is almost sad to witness. Judy, read 
what you just wrote and take some time out to really think about it.

Or don't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread shempmcgurk

This is the type of news we need to hear on a regular basis.

Even Mr. Doom and Gloom himself -- the president -- said that there were some 
glimmers of hope.

So things are looking up!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal l.shad...@... wrote:

 By: Albert Bozzo, Senior Features Editor | 09 Apr 2009 | 11:55 AM ET
 You've heard all the gloom and doom about this recession. Now here's
 some good news: the economic recovery could happen much sooner—and be
 much stronger—than anyone thought possible.
 Suddenly, a small but growing group of private-sector economists is
 disputing the idea that the recession will drag on for months and that
 the rebound will be as weak as those following the the 1991 and 2001
 Too many people's idea of recession have been formed by the last two
 recessions, says Robert Brusca of Fact  Opinion Economics, referring
 to the 1991 and 2001 periods, which were both short and shallow. I
 think that's mistaken.
 People have been talking about an L-shaped recession, adds Michael
 Mussa, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International
 Economics. The record shows you come back sharply from deep
 recessions like the current one.
 These economists and others see a V-shaped pattern, similar to that of
 the recession-recovery periods of the 1970s and 1980s. And they say
 there is ample evidence to support it.
 Among the reasons for the new optimism: a significant easing of the
 credit crunch, improvement in consumer spending—including better auto
 sales—a potential bottom in housing, a less-grim jobs picture and
 expectations that the government's massive stimulus spending could
 start boosting economic growth almost immediately.
 That doesn't mean anyone is saying the recession is over yet. But the
 end is closer than people think.
 Though the decline in first-quarter growth will be along the lines of
 the six-plus percent plunge of the fourth quarter of 2008, some
 economists now expect a flat or slightly negative showing in the
 second quarter, followed by the beginning of sustained growth in the
 third quarter. (That's three months sooner than what many were
 forecasting several months ago.)
 Optimists acknowledge that existing headwinds and unforeseen events
 can quickly derail momentum, which may help explain why a majority of
 opinions--including that of the the Federal Reserve--still fall into
 the wait-and-see camp.
 The velocity of downturn is lessening, says John J Castellani, chief
 economist and president of the Business Roundtable, who is more
 cautious than hopeful at this point. In the initial part of the
 recovery, people will be very cautious about this being a double dip.
 Nevertheless, those forecasting a strong recovery point first and
 foremost to the waning effects of the Lehman Brothers collapse last
 fall, which roughly coincides with the worst of the credit crunch, and
 triggered a massive chain reaction in payroll and production cuts.
 The initial adjustment tends to be too big, then there's some
 reversal of that, says Ram Bhagavatula, managing director at the
 hedge fund, Combinatorics Capital.
 That dynamic will lead to swifter and stronger recovery in both the
 economy and employment that many economists are forecasting.
 Mussa, a former White House and International Monetary Fund economist,
 says that GDP will be a cumulative 6-8 percent higher six quarter than
 the bottom, depending on whether the recovery starts in the early or
 late summer.
 Brusca is expecting a minimum of 4.5 percent GDP growth over the first
 four quarters of the recovery
 All About The Economy
 Both performances compare favorably with the post-WWII average, and
 while they may be less than the recoveries of the 70s and 80s they are
 significantly more than those of the past two recessions
 In the 70s cycle, GDP shrank two consecutive years then posted GDP
 growth averaging 5 percent in 1976-1977; in the case of the 80s, the
 economy contracted 1.9 percent—more than economists expect for full
 year 2009—then grew 4.5 percent in the first year of recovery.
 By contrast, the 2001 recession was so brief and shallow, GDP didn't
 register a contraction for the whole year. Growth in the 2002-2003
 period, however, averaged just 2 percent. Similarly, in 1991, the
 economy shrank 0.2 percent, followed by 3-percent growth in 1992 and
 Economists also cite several reasons for better labor market
 conditions this time. They expect job losses as well as the
 unemployment rate to peak close to the time growth bottoms out, as was
 the case in the 80s and 90s, and thus not resemble the jobless
 recoveries of the two most recent recessions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:24 PM, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net wrote:

 This is the type of news we need to hear on a regular basis.

 Even Mr. Doom and Gloom himself -- the president -- said that there were some 
 glimmers of hope.

 So things are looking up!

So any thoughts out how Dr. BM and Dr. Hag are going to treat this?

She was like chocolate when she drank... semi-sweet at first and then
increasingly bitter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 
   I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't
   like O'Reilly's schtick, but so what? They both are
   displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that.
   Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a
   health-food store.
  The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a
  meditator and has been for years.  And he is not who
  you would point to as on the road to enlightenment,
  would you?
 Which of us is in a position to determine who is on
 the road and who isn't?
  You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet?
 Who knows, and who cares?
 His sidekick, Robin Quivers (also a committed TMer),
 says when people tell her they can't believe Stern
 meditates, she says, Think of what he would be like
 without TM.
 (No, that's not meant to be proof of anything. The
 point is, you can't tell where a person is on the
 path and shouldn't attempt to judge.)
  So how healthy is that health food?
 Stern's fabulously successful at what he does. Seems
 like TM was pretty healthy for him.
 (But that's kind of not the point of MMY's analogy
 of the owner of the health-food store, you know?)

OK, so TM can make you a fabulously successful shock jock.  Well, that doesn't 
do it for me.  

I maintain that it is fair to form an impression of TM by looking at long term 
meditators and their lives and looking at the organizations that promote TM and 
looking looking at what MMY had to say.  Like Curtis said, the people don't 
seem any better off or any better people than non-meditators.  I think that it 
is  fair to have an impression of the effectiveness TM by looking at the 
meditators I know and seeing whether they are happy and well adjusted, whether 
they are successful contributors to society and have good family relationships. 
 Unfortunately, I know too many long term meditators that have lives filled 
with problems. They might go on and on about the good meditation they had or 
hint at wonderful experiences, but it ends there.  I trust that they were not 
all coming from such a low level that if they had not done TM they would be 
even less well adjusted.

I find listening to the leaders of the movement especially unimpressive.  I 
find reading what they write unimpressive. I find the sidelines especially 
unimpressive.  Send me a check and I will arrange a yagya.  But I won't talk to 
you if your house doesn't face east.  Oh, let me take your pulse and prescribe 
you a vatta pacifying diet. 


If TM works, it sure doesn't seem to work very well.  Most people quit. If the 
siddhis work, they don't work very well.  No one flies and if it is hot out the 
murder rate will still go up.  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread Kirk
This analogy beaks down quite quickly when one considers that many plants 
thrive best when stressed while others who have ideal conditions compete 
with other plants eventually for growing space.  The master gardener knows 
what plants to plant where and how to grow them. They do not just throw 
seeds to the wind. Such persons who do are not gardeners. Make of that what 
you will, but even an otherwise good and vigorous plant, when planted by 
mistake still becomes a weed due to wrong location.  Also besides having 
right conditions at the start, cultivation means watching the process, 
knowing the entire range of the plants growing cycle and when to harvest. 
Otherwise no cultivation can be said to have been accomplished. If 
considered from this standpoint, analogically, then it can be said that TMO 
has little or no plans for cultivation beyond a certain point, probably due 
to not knowing the entire range of growing cycle of the human, since as of 
yet most of TMO's claims are merely fantasy and fiction.  Little science, or 
understanding can be said to be obvious in the Movement's handling of human 

The only way TM can lead one to liberation is if the technique has all the 
natural internal guidance within itself to grow one to their fruition. 
Otherwise there's no cultivation within the TMO for those who need it. 
Checking alone is just for the technique.  One always must consider what 
seed was really planted. I know for myself what my mantra is, do you? I 
doubt it!

- Original Message - 
From: bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:55 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept 
it from Bill O'Reilly

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  The point about the health food store is that Stern is qualified to say 
  TM is a good thing, even if he's not too sattvic a guy -- even as 
  anybody even in the worst health can sell stuff at a health food store.

 But if that sick person says, here, I have been eating this health food 
 for years, look at how it has helped me and you a sick person, wouldn't 
 a reasonable person wonder about how healthy that food really is?

 And if all you can grow is a shriveled plant what is the point?


 The point is that every human has his/her own environment, internal, 
 karmic, surroundings, so it won't do to say that the expectations for 
 growth are the same for all in whom the seed is planted.

 If two planters are sidebyside, with one with no weeds, good soil, etc, 
 and the other is deprived of water, bad soil, choked with weeds, etc, then 
 a shrivelly plant from the same seed in the poor planter could say to the 
 thriving plant in the good planter, hey, how come I'm not doing as well as 
 you?, but the answer would surely be obvious.

 With the exception of a handful of people, the most severely mentally ill 
 people (who could possibly do ten minutes of TM, not in a group), the 
 usual schedule of TM practice produces excellent results in stress 
 reduction and expansion of awareness. I quit smoking (a three pack/day 
 habit) after 10 months of TM without making any effort at all to quit --  
 the habit lost me, and I never dreamed about smoking, which people who 
 force themselves to quit usually do. This does not mean that TM works the 
 same for everybody, as is obvious with David Lynch, still smoking cigs 
 after 37 yrs of TM. Even a shrivelled plant is better off with TM than 
 without -- and of course the great majority of people practicing TM 
 longterm have significant growth, which is why they continue the 
 practice...Howard Stern knows TM is good for him, even if people question 
 his character, so it's legit for him to say it's a good thing.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread Kirk
I have *never in my life* run into so many
 consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
 *oblivious* people as I have on FFL.

-Mirror time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread Kirk
Lately, due to Facebook, I finally met up with old MIU buddies, and I was 
surprised to find that many if not most all of my friends are now in some 
humanitarian line of work.  Even some people who seemed never to be that 
humanistic. So TM may be part of the growth of their compassion. One thing 
is certain and that is that no growth of awareness is wasted and growth of 
awareness does generally lead to becoming more compassionate. If one hasn't 
grown in compassion as a result of growth of awareness then it's most likely 
due to lack of any support in the environment for expressing that growth.

But the TMO and other spiritual groups do lead to increased awareness, and 
they do also lead to communities based in compassion. How far they go is an 
expression of the system, or at very least is based in the environment of 
the system. Technique alone is not everything.

- Original Message - 
From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:41 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept 
it from Bill O'Reilly

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far.
   I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't
   like O'Reilly's schtick, but so what? They both are
   displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that.
   Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a
   health-food store.
  The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a
  meditator and has been for years.  And he is not who
  you would point to as on the road to enlightenment,
  would you?

 Which of us is in a position to determine who is on
 the road and who isn't?

  You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet?

 Who knows, and who cares?

 His sidekick, Robin Quivers (also a committed TMer),
 says when people tell her they can't believe Stern
 meditates, she says, Think of what he would be like
 without TM.

 (No, that's not meant to be proof of anything. The
 point is, you can't tell where a person is on the
 path and shouldn't attempt to judge.)

  So how healthy is that health food?

 Stern's fabulously successful at what he does. Seems
 like TM was pretty healthy for him.

 (But that's kind of not the point of MMY's analogy
 of the owner of the health-food store, you know?)

 OK, so TM can make you a fabulously successful shock jock.  Well, that 
 doesn't do it for me.

 I maintain that it is fair to form an impression of TM by looking at long 
 term meditators and their lives and looking at the organizations that 
 promote TM and looking looking at what MMY had to say.  Like Curtis said, 
 the people don't seem any better off or any better people than 
 non-meditators.  I think that it is  fair to have an impression of the 
 effectiveness TM by looking at the meditators I know and seeing whether 
 they are happy and well adjusted, whether they are successful contributors 
 to society and have good family relationships.  Unfortunately, I know too 
 many long term meditators that have lives filled with problems. They might 
 go on and on about the good meditation they had or hint at wonderful 
 experiences, but it ends there.  I trust that they were not all coming 
 from such a low level that if they had not done TM they would be even less 
 well adjusted.

 I find listening to the leaders of the movement especially unimpressive. 
 I find reading what they write unimpressive. I find the sidelines 
 especially unimpressive.  Send me a check and I will arrange a yagya.  But 
 I won't talk to you if your house doesn't face east.  Oh, let me take your 
 pulse and prescribe you a vatta pacifying diet.

 If TM works, it sure doesn't seem to work very well.  Most people quit. If 
 the siddhis work, they don't work very well.  No one flies and if it is 
 hot out the murder rate will still go up.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread Mike Dixon
Judy , Ive seen many of this guy's videos on You Tube, they are good. I just 
came from the beach today, bird watching. Saw two adult Peregrines a Merlin and 
a first for me, a Golden Eagle, very rare down here. Thanks for thw web site.

--- On Sat, 4/11/09, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 1:22 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon lt;mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch
 the variuos hawking and falconry videos on you tube.
 I hadn't seen the one you sent before.

Mike, the falconer in the video has a Web site:

http://cemai. mejorforo. net

It's in Spanish, unfortunately. But click Videos on
the menu underneath the photo for more of his videos.
They seem to all be YouTube videos, though, so you've
probably seen them. But do take a look at his Galeria
(photos) as well. He apparently participates in
historical recreations at festivals with his hawks
(which seem to be mostly eagles). There's a bunch of
close-up shots of him *en costume* holding his gorgeous

I sent the flight video to my sister, who's a real
hawk nut. She says she thinks it's a golden eagle,
but she isn't sure. What do you say?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread Mike Dixon
I've never read TH White but do know that Goshawks are a very intense raptor. 
They are acciptiers which are very high strung with lightening reflexes. They 
are a challenge for falconers because they are so demanding that you find game 
for them. If you don't, they will take their frustraion out on you! I tarined a 
Coopers hawk, kind of a mini Goshawk, when I was a kid. It nailed me in the 
face when it came into a keen hunting condition and there wasn't game available.

--- On Sat, 4/11/09, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 1:28 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch the
 variuos hawking and falconry videos on you tube. I hadn't
 seen the one you sent before.

Meant to add: Have you ever read The Sword in the Stone,
the first volume of The Once and Future King by T.H.
White? There's a haunting scene in the royal mews featuring
an insane goshawk who has all the other birds terrified.

My sister tells me that White was himself a falconer who
tried to train a goshawk and had a terrible time. He
wrote a book about the experience called The Goshawk. I
just ordered it from Amazon:

http://www.amazon. com/Goshawk- York-Review- Books-Classics/ dp/1590172493/ 
ref=sr_1_ 1?ie=UTF8 s=booksqid= 1239412980 sr=8-1

http://tinyurl. com/c6yeow


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Easter-The Holiest of Days?'

2009-04-10 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  I don't get it...
  How could Easter be described as the 'Holiest of Days?'
  The guy gets crucified, by Rome and the Jewish puppets of Rome.
  They later change the story to blame the Jews for his death.
  Then they claim his tortured crucifixion is a holy thing?
  Seems to me that would be the un-holiest thing I can think of.
  Let's see if we can come up with some other 'Holy Days'?
  November 11, 1963; December 8, 1980; April 4, 1968...
  Religion, what a crazy thing!
  R.G.  Madison, WI
 On the other hand -
 Do you believe in the idea of archetypes? 
 You have here the symbol of the innocent lamb, of complete
 purity, exposed to the ultimate in evil and the Negative. And yet,
 as Christians would have it, the apparently defeated, weak victim
 comes out triumphant in the end. 
 Perhaps the success of Christianity could be  due to a resonance with
 some such archetype in our collective unconscious? Just trying to 

I agree with the whole concept of what you are describing.
I'm just pissed off that the Romans adjusted the religion to fit their 
traditions and isolated and killed the Jewish people who were believers and 
then shifted the religion to be anti-Jewish, and caused untold misery and death 
in the name of this Roman religion.
The forgot that Jesus was a man, and tried to make him into a kind of Caesar, 
like they had in Rome, where Caesar was considered a God.
So, the Romans, with their concept of God as Caesar just replaced the Jesus as 
God thing, in their concept of God.
Jesus calls God the Father, and would not like the Roman symbols rampant in the 
so-called church built in his name.
The Romans are so into blood, that they even incorporated the blood ceremony 
into the Mass.
Strange religion.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Economy Could Recover Much Sooner Than Expected

2009-04-10 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:24 PM, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:
  This is the type of news we need to hear on a regular basis.
  Even Mr. Doom and Gloom himself -- the president -- said that there were 
  some glimmers of hope.
  So things are looking up!
 So any thoughts out how Dr. BM and Dr. Hag are going to treat this?
 She was like chocolate when she drank... semi-sweet at first and then
 increasingly bitter.

I always thought that those gentlemen wanted positive news disseminated by the 
media.  So I assume this approach and this news is right up their alley.

[FairfieldLife] Treat yourself to the wonderful Lily Allen

2009-04-10 Thread shempmcgurk


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak geezerfr...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   First, I think that it's wise to remember that,
   unless I am misinterpreting what you are saying,
   that both of you are equating meditation in 
   this discussion with Transcendental Meditation. 
   I do not. My experience is that some other forms 
   of meditation and spiritual practice do NOT lead 
   to the types of abherrent behavior we see in Nabby, 
   Off, Judy.
  And which type of meditation is it that has led
  to *your* abherrent [sic] behavior, Barry?
  Has anybody noticed how far Barry has gone off
  the rails here?
  Of course not.
  Barry, a chronic and malicious liar who routinely
  viciously attacks TMers and anybody else he doesn't
  agree with, criticizes Nabby, Off, and me for
  abherrent [sic] behavior, and NOBODY NOTICES THE
  Or you're all too afraid of being attacked by
  Barry to comment on it.
  I don't know which is worse.
 Wholly schmolly. This public unravelling is almost sad
 to witness. Judy, read what you just wrote and take some
 time out to really think about it.

I think perhaps it's you, among a number of others here,
who needs to read what I wrote and take some time out to
really think about it.

I mean, you didn't notice the hypocrisy, did you? Or if
you did, it appears you were afraid to comment on it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak geezerfr...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
   Here's an exercise for you. Think of 
   Maharishi's term heaven on earth.
   Now think of that heaven being popu-
   lated by people like Nabby, Off, and
   Judy Stein. 
   Anyone sense a slight disconnect there?
   Three peas in a pod, the common denom-
   inator being 30+ years of regular TM,
   which has left them heartless, mean,
   and completely devoid of compassion,
   ethics, and joy.
   Some heaven. 
   I'd join Curtis in Hell any day.

   Although no group of three meditators is 
   representative of the whole bunch. I know
   plenty of sweet, non-judgmental ones.
  And of course all the TM critics on FFL are
  sweet and nonjudgmental, right?
  I have *never in my life* run into so many
  consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
  *oblivious* people as I have on FFL.
 Sooomight it not be time to move on? 
 Since you've exploded with a barrage of posts in the 
 last couple of hours (and isn't the sit out time for
 chronic posters like you supposed to last until
 midnight on Friday???)

There's no sit-out time unless you go over the limit.
When you get to 50 posts, you stop posting until the
new week begins, which is 8:00 p.m. CST Friday.

All clear now?

 it seems you've just been bustin' to get back into
 the fray.

Yes, I had some free time this evening.

I don't suppose you had any comment on the content
of my response to Rick. Was it too complicated for
you to grasp? I'll be happy to explain further if
you're confused.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kirk kirk_bernha...@... wrote:

 I have *never in my life* run into so many
  consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
  *oblivious* people as I have on FFL.
 -Mirror time.

I'm not including you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers are so desperate for praise they accept it from Bill O'Reilly

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

 But BILL O'REILLY? That's going too far. 


I've never liked Howard Stern's schtick, and I don't
like O'Reilly's schtick, but so what? They both are
displaying an enthusiasm for TM, and I like that.
Like MMY always said, even a sick man can run a
health-food store.
   The analogy might work with O'Reilly, but Stern is a
   meditator and has been for years.  And he is not who
   you would point to as on the road to enlightenment,
   would you?
  Which of us is in a position to determine who is on
  the road and who isn't?
   You think he has reached cosmic consciousness yet?
  Who knows, and who cares?
  His sidekick, Robin Quivers (also a committed TMer),
  says when people tell her they can't believe Stern
  meditates, she says, Think of what he would be like
  without TM.
  (No, that's not meant to be proof of anything. The
  point is, you can't tell where a person is on the
  path and shouldn't attempt to judge.)
   So how healthy is that health food?
  Stern's fabulously successful at what he does. Seems
  like TM was pretty healthy for him.
  (But that's kind of not the point of MMY's analogy
  of the owner of the health-food store, you know?)
 OK, so TM can make you a fabulously successful shock jock.
 Well, that doesn't do it for me.  
 I maintain that it is fair to form an impression of TM
 by looking at long term meditators and their lives

So Howard Stern just doesn't measure up in your eyes,
right, because he's a shock jock?

What other occupations do you consider to be beneath


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread authfriend
Falconry is pretty much the same as it was during
the Middle Ages, isn't it? I mean, other than things
like the hawk cam in that video, have there been any
technological or scientific advances with regard to
training hawks? Or is it just long-accumulated
experience and expertise?

I wonder who first had the idea that a human could
train a hawk and actually managed to do it. How far
back does falconry go, do you know?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 I've never read TH White but do know that Goshawks are a very intense raptor. 
 They are acciptiers which are very high strung with lightening reflexes. They 
 are a challenge for falconers because they are so demanding that you find 
 game for them. If you don't, they will take their frustraion out on you! I 
 tarined a Coopers hawk, kind of a mini Goshawk, when I was a kid. It nailed 
 me in the face when it came into a keen hunting condition and there wasn't 
 game available.
 --- On Sat, 4/11/09, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
 From: authfriend jst...@...
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 1:28 AM
 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:
  Hey Marek, thanks for the hawk cam! I like to watch the
  variuos hawking and falconry videos on you tube. I hadn't
  seen the one you sent before.
 Meant to add: Have you ever read The Sword in the Stone,
 the first volume of The Once and Future King by T.H.
 White? There's a haunting scene in the royal mews featuring
 an insane goshawk who has all the other birds terrified.
 My sister tells me that White was himself a falconer who
 tried to train a goshawk and had a terrible time. He
 wrote a book about the experience called The Goshawk. I
 just ordered it from Amazon:
 http://www.amazon. com/Goshawk- York-Review- Books-Classics/ dp/1590172493/ 
 ref=sr_1_ 1?ie=UTF8 s=booksqid= 1239412980 sr=8-1
 http://tinyurl. com/c6yeow

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak geezerfreak@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Here's an exercise for you. Think of 
Maharishi's term heaven on earth.

Now think of that heaven being popu-
lated by people like Nabby, Off, and
Judy Stein. 

Anyone sense a slight disconnect there?

Three peas in a pod, the common denom-
inator being 30+ years of regular TM,
which has left them heartless, mean,
and completely devoid of compassion,
ethics, and joy.

Some heaven. 

I'd join Curtis in Hell any day.
Although no group of three meditators is 
representative of the whole bunch. I know
plenty of sweet, non-judgmental ones.
   And of course all the TM critics on FFL are
   sweet and nonjudgmental, right?
   I have *never in my life* run into so many
   consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
   *oblivious* people as I have on FFL.
  Sooomight it not be time to move on? 
  Since you've exploded with a barrage of posts in the 
  last couple of hours (and isn't the sit out time for
  chronic posters like you supposed to last until
  midnight on Friday???)
 There's no sit-out time unless you go over the limit.
 When you get to 50 posts, you stop posting until the
 new week begins, which is 8:00 p.m. CST Friday.
 All clear now?
  it seems you've just been bustin' to get back into
  the fray.
 Yes, I had some free time this evening.
 I don't suppose you had any comment on the content
 of my response to Rick. Was it too complicated for
 you to grasp? I'll be happy to explain further if
 you're confused.

Uh-huh. No, I'm clear. You're a fifth of your way towards posting out this week.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak geezerfr...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
   Here's an exercise for you. Think of 
   Maharishi's term heaven on earth.
   Now think of that heaven being popu-
   lated by people like Nabby, Off, and
   Judy Stein. 
   Anyone sense a slight disconnect there?
   Three peas in a pod, the common denom-
   inator being 30+ years of regular TM,
   which has left them heartless, mean,
   and completely devoid of compassion,
   ethics, and joy.
   Some heaven. 
   I'd join Curtis in Hell any day.

   Although no group of three meditators is 
   representative of the whole bunch. I know
   plenty of sweet, non-judgmental ones.
  And of course all the TM critics on FFL are
  sweet and nonjudgmental, right?
  I have *never in my life* run into so many
  consistently ethically vacuous, ethically
  *oblivious* people as I have on FFL.
 Sooomight it not be time to move on? 
 Since you've exploded with a barrage of posts in the last couple of hours 
 (and isn't the sit out time for chronic posters like you supposed to last 
 until midnight on Friday???) it seems you've just been bustin' to get back 
 into the fray.

She posted more in 4 hours than 70% of the
posters here did in the entire last week. 
Amazing. The bile and venom seem endless.
The post limit is a good thing. A very good 
thing. Her actions would lead one to believe
that she thinks quantity masks her dishonesty.

[FairfieldLife] Judy at 1:18am EST on a Friday night

2009-04-10 Thread geezerfreak
 Has anybody noticed how far Barry has gone off
 the rails here?

 Of course not.

 Barry, a chronic and malicious liar who routinely
 viciously attacks TMers and anybody else he doesn't
 agree with, criticizes Nabby, Off, and me for
 abherrent [sic] behavior, and NOBODY NOTICES THE

 Or you're all too afraid of being attacked by
 Barry to comment on it.

 I don't know which is worse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam

2009-04-10 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak geezerfr...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   First, I think that it's wise to remember that,
   unless I am misinterpreting what you are saying,
   that both of you are equating meditation in 
   this discussion with Transcendental Meditation. 
   I do not. My experience is that some other forms 
   of meditation and spiritual practice do NOT lead 
   to the types of abherrent behavior we see in Nabby, 
   Off, Judy.
  And which type of meditation is it that has led
  to *your* abherrent [sic] behavior, Barry?
  Has anybody noticed how far Barry has gone off
  the rails here?
  Of course not.
  Barry, a chronic and malicious liar who routinely
  viciously attacks TMers and anybody else he doesn't
  agree with, criticizes Nabby, Off, and me for
  abherrent [sic] behavior, and NOBODY NOTICES THE
  Or you're all too afraid of being attacked by
  Barry to comment on it.
  I don't know which is worse.
 Wholly schmolly. This public unravelling is almost sad to witness. Judy, read 
 what you just wrote and take some time out to really think about it.
 Or don't.

Its not a pretty thing Geez. Perhaps do.reflex is
right and it is a severe personality disorder of 
some kind. Maybe we should respond with
compassion and pity or just completely ignore her.
I hope she gets help someday. What a pathetic way
to live a life. 

Jai Miles Davis ji

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