structured Frame

2007-09-12 Thread Daniel Emory
The fundamental issue is Return on Investment (ROI),
whether the staff is one writer or 100. Here are the
major cost factors that must be evaluated:

A Realizable positive values of a structured solution.

1. A breakdown of the identifiable costs of the
current unstructured methodology which can be reduced
or eliminated by a structured approach. Most of these
are reducible labor costs. 

2. What needed current and future improvements in
information management and productivity, not
realizable under the unstructured approach, could be
implemented under a structured approach. Consider not
only current needs, but also predictable future needs
which are only feasible under a structured approach.
Estimate the long-term positive value to the
enterprise of these improvements. 

B. Estimated negative costs of conversion to the
structured approach

1. Cost of new software.

2. Cost of development to initially implement a
structured approach.

3. The cost of training activities needed to implement
the structured approach.

C. Any additional positive and negative cost factors
associated with the transition to a strucured
approach. One probable positive value is that many
employees outside the writing group will discover that
they now have much more cost-effective ways to
precisely locate and retrieve technical document
information they need to perform their tasks.

If you can assign realistic positive and negative
numbers to the listed factors, and the positive values
substantially exceed the new negative costs, you may
be able to make the case for a structured approach.


Registering a new FrameMaker license

2008-02-19 Thread Daniel Emory
I recall recent posts on this subject. Specifically
about buying an old version of frame from Ebay, and
then registering it with adobe so as to get the
upgrade price for the latest version. Apparently, part
of the problem is to be sure the copy is not already
registered to someone else. How can I be assured that
buying the product on Ebay is eligible for
registration in my name.

Also, I looked aroun on the Adobe website for the
subject of how to register Framemaker as the crucial
step in buying an upgrade.

Newbie with Questions

2006-03-27 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Kevin Rusnak  wrote:
> I want to successfully pull in XML into a structured
> document. I am not
> interested in much else then seeing it work; and
> then making the process
> more sophisticated after seeing it done.

To pull existing XML instances into a structured
FrameMaker document, the XML instances you intend to
"pull in" must conform to a DTD, or, if the XML
instances are coming out of a database, those
instances must conform to the database schema, or they
must conform to the schema defined by a database query
you are issuing for the purpose of retrieving a
particular set of "fields" from the database. 

It sounds like you are doing the latter, where Company
Name, Account Rep, and Creation Date are the fields
specified in the query, and each such field contains a
value (or a null value if a field is not required to
have a value). I further infer that the EDD structure
should be as follows:

Element (Container) CustomerGroup
Valid as the highest-level element
General rule: ?, Company Name+
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Category

Comment: This element precedes the first company name
in a category of customers, or, as a minimum, it must
be the first element in the XML instance. The 
(if any) describes the name of the category.

Element (Container) CompanyName
General rule: (, AccountRep?, CreationDate?)
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Company Name

Comment: The CompanyName element is the parent of the
(optional) AccountRep and CreationDate elements.

Element (Container) AccountRep
General rule: 
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Account Rep

Element (Container) CreationDate
General rule:  So far I have a really basic 3 line Frame template
> that I built in the
> Structured authoring environment.
> 1. Company Name
> 2. Account Rep
> 3. Creation Date
You may have created those lines in a template created
in the structured environment, but unless that
template has had an EDD imported into it, it is not a
structured template.
> What I am supposed to do next? There are books that
> explain DTDs and
> EDDs and elements and such. I realize the importance
> of these documents.
> I am just not sure how to proceed next. This is my
> guess. I need to look
> at my "structure" and hand code a DTD. I am guessing
> that this document
> will then allow me to add elements to my document
> via the Element
> catalogue.
> The whole process reminds me a lot of adding
> cascading style sheets to
> web pages on Dreamweaver...the one big difference is
> I can create the
> style sheets in Dreamweaver. I am still not seeing a
> way to create the
> EDD/DTD in Framemaker...without having a structure
> in place.
> I assume this is the most basic of questions and
> while many of the
> resources that I have looked through elaborately
> explain what each of
> these items is, I have found very few resources that
> will explain how to
> tie them all together as a newbie. I have begun
> looking through your
> archives but thought that I would post the question
> hoping for a brief
> explanation of how to proceed with my experiment.
> I would really appreciate any finger pointing or
> explanation that anyone
> has time for.
> Thanks in advance.
> As a side note. I love this software and I love the
> idea of what I am
> going to eventually do with it.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Newbie with Questions

2006-03-28 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Lynne A. Price"  wrote:
>If you are moving XML documents into FrameMaker,
> or structured 
> FrameMaker documents to XML, you almost always need
> a DTD.
Based on the "newbie's" description of what he's
trying to do, I concluded that he's querying a
database, and the query result is output as tagged
XML. In other words, this is a database publishing
application in which the query itself defines the
schema, and the database management system itself
inserts the proper XML tags in the delivered query
output. Hence, if that is the actual case, there is no
need for a separate DTD. Aa EDD would suffice. There
isn't even a need for a top-level element to be
included as the first element in the query output.
Instead, the EDD defines the top-level element, and
after the data is imported into Frame, all of the
resulting content is wrapped in the EDD-defined
top-level element. 

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Footnote Structured Frame Bug

2006-03-31 Thread Daniel Emory
This bug is in FM+SGML 6, and I'm curious whether it's
also in later releases.

I have an EDD in which an element of type Footnote
(not surprisingly, the element name is also Footnote)
is provided for most elements that have  in
their structure rule. The bug is unaffected by whether
the Footnote element is included in the structure rule
of those text containers, or is listed as an inclusion
under those text containers. All the text container
elements which allow footnotes use an element
paragraph format named Body.

The Footnote element can contain several types of text
range elements (e.g., Emphasis). Again, it doesn't
matter whether these text range elements are specified
in the Footnote element's structure rule or are
specified as inclusions in element Footnote.  The
element paragraph format for Footnote is named
Footnote, which specifies a smaller font size than
paragraph Body.

Here's how the bug is expressed: 
1. In insert a footnote element in the text of a Body

2. The Footnote paragraph properly appears (in the
smaller font size) at the bottom of the page, and I
type in the content of the footnote. Everything up to
now works as it should.

3. Now, in the footnote text, I select a word or
phrase and use the element catalog to select a text
range element (e.g., Emphasis) and wrap the selected
text with that text range element.

When I wrap the selected text with the text range
element FrameMaker changes the paragraph format of the
Footnote from Footnote to Body (the paragraph format
of the text where the footnote was inserted). This
anomalous result does not occur randomly--It occurs
every single time. Restoring the proper formatting to
the footnote text requires re-importing the document's
structure rules back into itself. 

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

TOC Formatting Problem

2006-03-01 Thread Daniel Emory
--- davidaflynn  wrote:
> I am new to FrameMaker (6.0). Could anyone describe
> how we can set / update
> / create / modify styles in
> 1. a book
> 2. its individual fms
In the top menu bar of FM 6.0, choose File > New. In
the New dialog, you'll see that, when FrameMaker was
installed on your platform, a number of templates were
added to your computer in a set of folders which are
listed in the New dialog. Double-click on the Outlines
folder to open it, and select the template named
OutlineHarvard. Observe that the name of this template
now appears in the Use Template slot. Now, click the
New button to open a new (empty) document which will
be an exact replica of the chosen OutlineHarvard

To explore what makes up a template, do the following:

1. Choose View > Master Pages. Observe that there are
three--Left, Right and First. Note that the Left and
Right master pages have 3 text frames--The running
header text frame which contains a variable, the Body
text frame which is empty and will contain the content
you create, and a running footer text frame which also
contains a variable. Note that the First master page
does not contain a running header, but otherwise is
the same as the Left and Right master pages.

2. Next, choose View > Reference Pages. Observe that
there are 6 reference pages, each having a name. Pages
3-5 provide the information for converting the
document to HTML. Page 1 contains frames that appear
above footnotes, page 2 contains the specifications
for generating a table of contents, and page 6 defines
the paragraph tags associated with each of the 4
hierachical heading levels.

3. Next, choose View > Body Pages, and do the

A. Choose Format > Paragraphs > Catalog. The paragraph
catalog appears, and lists all of the named paragraph
formats in the template. Then, choose Format >
Paragraphs > Designer. In the paragraph designer you
can examine all of the formatting information for each
paragraph format listed in the paragraph catalog.

B. Choose Format > Characters > Catalog. The character
catalog appears, and lists all the named character
styles in the template. Then, choose Format >
Characters > Designer. In the character designer you
can examine all of the formatting information for each
character style l(other the default format).

C. Choose Table > Table Designer. This dialog serves
as both the table catalog and the formatting details
for each named format.

D. Choose Format > Document. This allows you to set up
numbering properties, change bars, footnotes, and
miscellaneous text options for your documents.

E. Choose Special > Cross Reference to open the Cross
Reference dialog. Then, choose Edit Format to open the
Edit Cross Reference Format dialog. This dialog allows
you to modify the definition and formatting of
existing named cross-reference types as well as
allowing you to add new named cross reference

F. Choose Special > Variable. This dialog allows you
to edit modify the definitions of system variables,
and to create your own set of user-defined variables,
each having an unique name.

G. Choose Special > Marker. This dialog allows you to
define your own set of special marker types.

The above tour of a typical template gives you a
handle on the scope of template design. Usually, it's
best to begin with an existing template that's as
close as possible to what you require, and then
modifying it to meet your requirements.
Paragraph Styles - Paragraph Designer.

Once you've created a template, you can specify it
each time you create a new document in FrameMaker. If,
subsequently, you decide to make modifications to your
template, you can update existing documents to conform
to the modified template by opening both the template
and the document to be updated, and choosing File >
Import > Formats.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Trick For Creating Graphs in FrameMaker

2006-05-04 Thread Daniel Emory
Im talking about graphs where both the horizontal
and/or vertical axes have a linear array of marked
values, and the axis lines extend across the graphic.
In other words, the background of the graphic looks
like a FrameMaker table in which , consisting of rows
and columns in which all columns are of equal width,
and all rows are of equal height, using the minimum
row height setting in the Row Format dialog. All table
cells are empty. Here's the procedure:

1. Create a new document in which the right master
page has a text frame of the desired width and height.
and super-impose on top of that text frame a
background text frame, and create the table (as
described above) in that background text frame. Be
sure to include an extra appropriately sized column on
the left side of the table. This column should
straddle all rows, and be wide enough to later label
the title of the vertical axis, as well as space to
put in tick-marks and numbers for each horizontal line
in the table. Similarly, create a straddled row at the
bottom of the table high enough to later enter the
title of the horizontal axis, as well as space to put
in tic-marks and numbers for each vertical line in the

2. When you are finished creating the empty table,
send the bacground text frame to the back.

3. Go to page 1 of the new document. The table you
created in step 1 appears. 

4. First, you use the FrameMaker text and line-drawing
tools to enter the titles, numbers and tic-marks for
the harizontal and vertical axes in the the column
with straddled rows, and and the row with the
straddled columns3. 

5. Next, use the drawing tool dwaring tools (curve,
polyline, or whatever else0 to draw the graph lines.
and smooth or reshape them as needed.

6. Save the 1-page FrameMaker document as a PDF with
an appropriate filename.

7. In Acrobat, open the PDF produced in step 6, and
use the Acrobat crop tool to crop the page to the size
of the graphic image. and then re-save it.

8. Within any document where you want the graph to
appear, import the PDF produced in step 7 by reference
or copy, as appropriate.  

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Is there a change in behaviour between FM 5, 6 and 7 EDD?

2006-05-09 Thread Daniel Emory
Are you sure the element named Table is specified as
being of type table? If element Table is a container
type element, element Tgroup should be specified as
the element of type table, and container element Table
then produces the anchor paragraph for the table, and
the text format rules you describe are setting up the
format of that anchor paragraph.

If the element named Table is, in fact, the table type
element, then the table will be anchored to the end of
the text in the container element that precedes
element Table, and that's a lousy solution.

It is also a common (and in my view good) practice to
specify an ElementPgfFormatTag rule for each
non-text-range container element, because this stops
inheritance of paragraph formats from ancestor
elements. Ancestor format inheritance becomes
extremely messy when a container element appears in
many different contexts having many different ancestor
elements. When an ElementPgfFormatTag is specified for
each container element, you can then use text format
rules (all context or context type) to modify the base
paragraph format for each element in different
contexts without having to add innumerable paragraph
tags in your structured template. 

The advantage of this approach is that the number of
paragraph tags in your structured template can
typically be reduced to a dozen or so base paragraph
formats in which the main difference is the font (and
perhaps a few other immutable properties).
Consequently it is a relatively simple task to create
different versions of your structured template for
different types of deliverables or different
customer-required changes to the base set of paragraph
properties without having to change youre EDD. 

To further simplify the EDD, most context rules for
individual container elements should reference format
change lists which are grouped into titled categories
at the end of the EDD. This permits a single format
change list to be used to implement parts of the
formatting for many different context rules in many
different elements. Moreover, a complex set of
formatting requirements for a particular element in a
particular context can be built up from two or more
referenced format change lists.
--- Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:

> I am NOT asking for a solution. NO help needed, only
> curious about the issue.
> I am working with some [legacy]  documents from
> another company and I
> have come across something weird in the EDD:
> There is a table definition that sets the text
> formats like this:
> Text format rules
>   In all contexts.
> Basic properties
>   Paragraph spacing
> Space below: -2.0 pt
>   Line spacing
> Height: 3.0 pt
>   Default font properties
> Size: 2.0 pt
> This to me looks like what you would set as a
> *paragraph tag for
> anchoring*, but this is actually a Table type
> element.
> In the original, all text is formatted in the
> "normal" way as the rest
> of the document, but this is only because of one of
> the peculiarities
> of the legacy EDD, which is that for every text
> element there is a
> TextFormatRules setting of ElementPgfFormatTag:
> Body, which is the
> thing that overrides this in the table cells (and
> the annoying setting
> that I have removed from most of the elements in my
> adaption of the
> EDD).
> So does anyone know whether there has been mad a
> change here in the
> paragraph formatting of a TABLE element between FM 7
> and older?
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> Supervisor Publications
> Air Atlanta Icelandic
> Flight Support
> ___

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Is there a change in behaviour between FM 5, 6 and 7 EDD?

2006-05-09 Thread Daniel Emory
If your premise is correct, namely that the formatting
in element Table will be inherited by the table title
and the cells within the table, it's going to be a
mighty strange table, because all text will be 2.0 pt
with a space below of -2.0 pt. clearly, the intent of
this formatting is to create the table anchor.
--- "Lynne A. Price"  wrote:
> Bodvar,
>No change. Paragraph formatting defined in a
> table element applies to 
> paragraphs in the table title and cells within the
> table.
Bodvar wrote:
> There is a table definition that sets the text
> formats like this:
> Text format rules
>   In all contexts.
> Basic properties
>   Paragraph spacing
> Space below: -2.0 pt
>   Line spacing
> Height: 3.0 pt
>   Default font properties
> Size: 2.0 pt

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Is there a change in behaviour between FM 5, 6 and 7 EDD?

2006-05-09 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> Thanks for the input, Dan.
> I mostly agree with you about the rest, but it is
> good for reassurance. :-)
> What seems to me unprofessional about the legacy EDD
> is that every
> element that has anything to do with text is
> specifically assigned the
> Paragraph Format Tag: Body. (And the EDD is not that
> complex.
The effect of specifying paragraph Body in every text
container is to prevent ancestor format inheritance.
If any ancestor has format rules that modify paragraph
Body, those format changes will also be applied to the
child element unless ancestor inheritance is stopped
by specifying an element paragraph format.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

I Object to sites which demand registration before exposing pricing

2006-05-11 Thread Daniel Emory
Yeserday, Siberlogic sent to the lists an announcement
of a new CMS product that integrates FrameMaker. I was
acutely interested. The details of the product seemed
a bit light, but I proceeded anyway to look at the
pricing, which, often, gives you a handle on the scope
and breadth of a product. But, to see the pricing, I
was required to fill out a registration form, which I
refused to do for the obvious danger that the
information I provided would be used in ways I would
not countenance

I got an email back from Siberlogic inviting me to
complete the registration form, which means they had
captured my email address. I replied by demanding that
they remove my email address from their database. 

Siberlogic complied, and explained that they require
registration because of experiences in the past with
competitors. That seems pretty lame to me because,
obviously, any competitor could easily disguise a
pricing probe.

Those of you who also object to a requirement for
providing personal and job-related information before
being allowed to look at product pricing might be
interested in joining an effort to stop this practice.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing


2006-05-16 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Anne Robotti  wrote:
> > Greater value?  To whom?  The consumer, perhaps, 
> I don't think the companies that are saving money by
> outsourcing are
> necessarily passing on the savings to the consumer.
> I'd have to see some
> pretty firm research on that before I'd believe it.
So, you seem to be saying that it requires no research
whatsoever to "firmly" conclude that outsourcing does
not resule in savings to the consumer, but you demand
"firm" research to prove that it does save the
consumer money.


Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-17 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Linda G. Gallagher" 
> I only use that type of numbering when a client
> insists on it. Typically,
> those clients are engineers with content targeting
> other engineers.
The complaint that prompted Ms. Gallagher's response
was that multi-level numbering schemes "looked
clunky," the implication being that such numbering
offended the writer's esthetic sensibilities. Ms.
Gallagher's response is a laughable explanation for
when (or why) multi-level numbering of topics (as well
as tables and graphics) might be necessary. 

No doubt most engineers use such numbering schemes
because it is the only assured way to avoid ambiguity
when you reference something. The legal profession
uses such numbering schemes for the same reason. Then
there are the military and the Air Trasport
Association (ATA) (among many others) which also
require such numbering schemes because a number
provides a way to double-check that that the user is
following the correct procedure.

Someone else pointed out (correctly) that the concept
of a content management system (CMS) also imposes a
requirement for such numbering schemes in order to
facilitate the retrieval from a CMS of the particular
information needed by a user. To implement this, the
value of each level of a multi-level number appears in
a separate attribute (ala ATA DTDs, where the
attributes are named Chapter, Section, Subject, Page
Block, Task, and Subtask). Inspection Work Cards in
the ATA system identify the applicable number(s)
associated with each task or subtask identified on an
individual work card. If the inspection results in the
need for some corrective action, the multi-level task
number specified on the work card is used to retrieve
that task from the CMS. The user can then verify that
the number on the delivered content matches the number
specified on the work card for that task. This process
of number re-verification is an essential ingredient
of a zero-tolerance maintenance environment.

Producing technical manuals of any substantial size
and scope demands an appropriate multi-level numbering
scheme, not just for titled text, but also for titled
tables and graphics.

Even relatively simple on-line help docs should have
some sort of numbering scheme. Typically, users who
can't figure out something from the on-line help will
resort to a customer help line or in-house expert. If
the user can give the help specialist the number of
the particular on-line help content where the user is
stuck, ambiguity is eliminated, a successful
resolution of the problem is more likely, and the time
to arrive at the correct solution is likely to be

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Linda G. Gallagher" 
> I don't think it was necessary to single out my
> response and call what I
> said laughable. 

Your unqualified statement that the only people left
who use such numbering schemes are engineers
communicating with other engineers is what made it
laughable, because your statement itself was insulting
to the many technical disciplines where such numbering
schemes are considered essential. Clearly, many types
of technical documentation other than
engineer-to-engineer documents are enhanced by using a
rational numbering scheme, and I cited many examples
in my initial reply.

One could infer that your conclusion derives from the
fact that your millieu is restricted to on-line
help--the realm where shovelware reigns supreme. In
general, that regime only works when the product being
supported is some relatively simple piece of software,
and on-line help is only useful to beginners, who
would probably be better off if they could print a
complete manual that actually looks like a technical
manual when it is printed.

The general assumption of on-line help developers
seems to be that links are a substitute for a rational
numbering scheme. You may be surprised to learn that
there are vast realms in which selected technical
manual content must be printed out in order to
successfully carry out tasks, and thus links no longer
work. in those cases, a rational numbering scheme in
the printed portion replaces links as the method for
finding (and printing) referenced content.

That's an unnecessary insult.
Your statement itself insulted those who produce
technical content that is far superior to the typical
on-line help shovelware.
> As for this particular issue, I know of few writers
> and companies who advocate using numbered sections
as you suggest.
How many companies or writers do you know who work
outside the realm of on-line help shovelware?

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Anne Robotti  wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-19 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Steve Rickaby 
> Surely the answer here is 'horses for courses'?
> There are many areas where numbering is either
> appropriate or essential (engineering manuals,legal
> documents, political documents, medical documents,
> repair manuals, ya-de-yah), and others where it is
> not. Legal is one special case: due to its density,
> every *paragraph* is often numbered.
The essence of the reason for numbering in the
document types I (and you) cited is multi-fold:
1. It eliminates ambiguity
2. It facilitates rapid access
3. It minimizes mistakes, and speeds up access,
particularly when you are working off-line with a
paper copy, in which case hyperlinks are unavailable.
When you reference something by its title instead of
by an unique number, it creates two problems: (a) How
do you find it in a large document, whereas
referencing by a number tells you exactly where it's
located, and (b) technical manualsoften have many
instances of very similar titles, and users are more
likely to go to the wrong one.

For these reasons, I contend that that nearly all
technical manuals fall into the same category as
engineering documents, legal documents, medical
documents, etc., because all of those types share the
urgent necessity of avoiding mistakes caused by
looking up the wrong reference.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Hypertext Link Strangeness

2006-05-23 Thread Daniel Emory
> I've got one for you I am making hypertext links
> active in the PDF 
> output by using a "message URL" hypertext marker. I
> use a character tag 
> to identify the text to include in the link. This
> has worked fine for me 
> in the past in unstructured docs.
> I have recently noticed that in my structured doc
> the link is not 
> working the way I expect. In some cases I get only a
> part of the address 
> in the link or no active link at all.
My experience with converting structured docs with
hyperlinks to PDF is that the links don't work if you
insert the gotolink (or message URL marker) at the
before the first text character in a text line.
Instead, insert the marker at the end of the
highlighted text (i.e., just before the end bracket ])
delineating the end of the character tag.

The same goes for newlink markers. Namely, never
insert a newlink marker before the first text
character in text line.

I use EDD-defined structure rules to define the link
components, as follows:
GoToExt (a link to another FM document or URL)
The structure rule for this element consists of the
names of one or more marker-type elements:

(FmGotlink | MailLink | whatever else is needed)
Each element specified in the structure rule is
defined as being a marker of a particular type. 

Element GotoExt is defined as a text-range element and
the format rule specifies colored text.

GoToint (a link to a newlink marker within the same
document). The structure rule for this element is:

(FmGotolink | whatever else is needed)
Each element specified in the structure rule is
defined as being a marker of a particular type. 
Element NewLink (an element of type newlink marker,
which specifies the unique name of a hypertext node
within a FrameMaker document.

Obviously, no colored text is required in this case.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Columns in middle of chapter

2006-10-09 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Lisa M. Balbes, Ph.D."  wrote:
> My client wants one section of a particular chapter
> to be in columns, instead of the full page width
text of the rest of the chapter.  This 
> section will extend over several pages, and will
> probably have things added and deleted as we
continue editing the document.  They want the 
> columns to flow like a newspaper - filling both
> columns on one page before moving on to the next.

There is a viable way to do this in FrameMaker. 

First, your Left and Right master pages must both be
converted from a single-column page layout to a
2-column layout.

Second, to make it work, you must have two sets of
paragraph formats which at differ in a single setting
within the Pagination pane of the Paragraph Designer,

1. the paragraph formats for the ordinary
single-column content are all set to "Across All

2. The paragraph formats for the 2-column content are
set to " In Column".

Take note also that you'll need to define 1- and
2-column paragraph formats for graphic and table
anchors if the 2-column text contains graphics or

With this setup: 

Each time you switch from a 1-column paragraph style
to a 2- column paragraph style, lines of 2-column text
are produced. Then, switching back to a 1-column
paragraph style will cause the lines of 2-column text
above it to be balanced out within the two columns,
and the text below will resume the 1-column layout 

You can switch back and forth between 1- and 2-column
text multiple times within a single page, thus you can
begin and end the 2-column text anywhere within the
same page, or you can start the 2-column text anywhere
on a beginning page, and end the 2-column text
anywhere on a succeeding page.

This solution works best when:

A. Single-column text appears at the top of a page,
and either fills the page or is followed by 2-column
text which fills the rest of the page, or

B. The 2-column text appears at the top of a page, and
either fills the page, or is followed by 1-column text
which fills the rest of the page.

If, as you state, there are likely to be subsequent
edits which cause both the 1-column text and the
2-column text to shrink or grow in size, you may find
it necessary to manually force page breaks more often
that usual in order to keep the 2-column text
coherent. This, however, should not be much of a
problem if all the 2-column text is in one solid,
multi-page block that is preceded and/or followed by
solid blocks of single-column text. 

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

general publication quiestion

2006-10-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Charles Beck  wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing something, and then again, maybe
> I'm not. I too have
> always considered it a strange paradox when I see
> the words "This page
> intentionally left blank." But there is no need to
> use it.
Mis-printed technical documentation has real-world
consequences. A printer device can misfeed two or more
sheets at once, inserting completely blank
double-sided sheets, or, even worse, it may print one
side properly, but mis-feed two or more sheets at once
on the second pass to produce the backside pages,
which results in an incorrect blank backside for one
or more pages.

The fact that, more and more, technical manuals are
being delivered as computer files, not professionally
printed and bound paper documents, increases the
likelihood of printing errors when users print out all
or part of a manual, and thus unambiguous
identification of blank pages becomes even more

In designing technical documentation, technical
writers have an obligation to consider the impact of
such things as printing and binding errors,
particularly when such errors could have
life-and-death consequences. 

How, then, do you prevent such consequences. There's
only one way, and that is for users to be trained that
any completely blank page or page side constitutes an
error that must be corrected. Consequently, every
single page must have text. The logical solution for
an intentionally blank page is to place the statement
(not the edges, which may be incorrectly trimmed or
mis-printed) of the page.

general publication quiestion

2006-10-20 Thread Daniel Emory
Your "snip" below deleted from my original post the
main reason I gave for why intentionally blank pages
should be unambiguously labeled. The snipped part was:

"The fact that, more and more, technical manuals are
being delivered as computer files, not professionally
printed and bound paper documents, increases the
likelihood of printing errors when users print out all
or part of a manual, and thus unambiguous
identification of blank pages becomes even more

"In designing technical documentation, technical
writers have an obligation to consider the impact of
such things as printing and binding errors,
particularly when such errors could have
life-and-death consequences." 
As the military has learned, some readers of technical
documentation are not at the bright end of the mental
continuum. Unless blank pages are unambiguously
labeled so that even a low-wattage brain will get the
message, the military has learned that some very
troubling outcomes occur.

The US military conducts, as a matter of course,
thorough reviews of snafus to identify the causes of
the foulups. Instances where poorly designed or
written tech manuals contributed to a snafu are
extremely common, and corrective actions are often
recommended, which result in changes in MIL specs,
and/or changes in the validation and verification
process for military tech manuals. The standardization
was found to be the least ambiguous way to identify
blank pages, because it allows a simple training
mantra, namely: "If you find a blank page in a manual
which does not contain the above statement, something
is probably wrong. Stop what you are doing, and seek
advice from your superior."

The fact is that the US military is the only true
laboratory where technical documentation is subjected
to extensive post-publication review to determine its
effectiveness in the real world. Findings resulting
from analyses of actual foul-ups lead to continuing
improvements in tech manual instructions. Those who
write manuals for non-military applications ought to
also take advantage of that laboratory.

--- "Combs, Richard" 

> Daniel Emory wrote: 
> > --- Charles Beck  wrote:
> > > Maybe I'm missing something, and then again,
> maybe I'm not. 
> > I too have 
> > > always considered it a strange paradox when I
> see the words 
> > "This page 
> > > intentionally left blank." But there is no need
> to use it.
> > ==
> > Mis-printed technical documentation has real-world
> > consequences. A printer device can misfeed two or
> more sheets 
> > at once, inserting completely blank double-sided
> sheets, or, 
> > even worse, it may print one side properly, but
> mis-feed two 
> > or more sheets at once on the second pass to
> produce the 
> > backside pages, which results in an incorrect
> blank backside 
> > for one or more pages.
> > How, then, do you prevent such consequences.
> There's only one 
> > way, and that is for users to be trained that any
> completely 
> > blank page or page side constitutes an error that
> must be 
> > corrected. Consequently, every single page must
> have text. 
> > The logical solution for an intentionally blank
> page is to 
> > place the statement "THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT
> BLANK" in 
> > the center (not the edges, which may be
> incorrectly trimmed or
> > mis-printed) of the page.
> All this concern over "completely blank" pages
> strikes me as odd. But
> then, I read Charles Beck's explanation of *why*
> there's no need -- the
> part about *headers* and *footers* that's
> conveniently snipped above. 
> And "only one way"? This is beginning to sound more
> like a religion than
> techwriting advice. 
> In the past, I've used a level-1 heading that reads
> "Notes" at the top
> of the extra page (below the header's ruling line)
> -- does that lack the
> rigorous user training component that the statement
> INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK" seems to possess? 
> What about this "in the center" bit? Does it have to
> be horizontally
> centered too, or can it align left in the text
> column? For that matter,
> if you have wider inside than outside margins,
> should it be centered on
> the page or in the column? 
> For those of us who like the golden ratio, would it
> be beyond the pale
> to place the statement 1.62 times as far from the
> bottom of the page as
> from the top? I think that would be more
> aesthe

The Page Left Intentionally Blank

2006-10-20 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Shmuel Wolfson  wrote:

> I always felt that "This Page Intentionally Left
> Blank" sounds a bit 
> weird. Why would you intentionally leave a page
> blank? I vote to change 
> it to "This Page Left Blank for Double-sided
> Printing."

What about the case where the manual is only delivered
as a computer file, and the user prints out all or
part of the double-sided manual as a single-sided
document on local printer? Now a typical dimwit reader
will become confused about what it means. The addition
of "For Double-Sided Printing" adds an unnecessary
confusion factor which adds nothing to the intended
meaning, regardless of whether the manual is printed
single- or double-sided.

OT: MIL specs (was RE: general publication quiestion)

2006-10-20 Thread Daniel Emory
Certainly I don't advocate the use of MIL specs for
preparing commercial manuals. I do know, however, that
most tech writers who produce manuals for commercial
products remain blissfully unaware of the problems
caused by their outputs. 

Unlike typical users of commercial products, most
users of MIL=SPEC manuals have received thorough
training on the systems they will maintain/operate,
including classroom exposure to the manuals they will
use after they graduate. Nevertheless, they frequently
foul up, and sometimes it's because the manual is
poorly written or deficient in other ways. Unlike the
commercial world, the military reacts by investigating
manual-caused snafus, and taking corrective action,
which may include modification of both the training
and the manuals. 

All I was trying to say is that tech writers in the
non-military world should take advantage of remedial
measures taken by the military to minimize foul-ups.
One such remedial measure was to require blank pages
to have the infamous "THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY
BLANK" appear in the middle of each empty page. The
absence of this statement on a blank page assures that
the reader knows something is missing. The military
learned the necessity of this measure the hard way,
yet the general ridicule this subject receives each
time it arises is equivalent to ridiculint the fact
that car manufacturers discovered it was wise to
prevent idiots from starting their automobile while
the shift lever is set to reverse. 
--- "Combs, Richard" 

> Daniel Emory wrote:  
> > The fact is that the US military is the only true
> laboratory 
> > where technical documentation is subjected to
> extensive 
> > post-publication review to determine its
> effectiveness in the 
> > real world. Findings resulting from analyses of
> actual 
> > foul-ups lead to continuing improvements in tech
> manual 
> > instructions. Those who write manuals for
> non-military 
> > applications ought to also take advantage of that
> laboratory.
> First there was "only one way." Now there's the
> "only true laboratory."
> I'm seeing a pattern here... 
> Ever hear the (chiefly British) expression "horses
> for courses"? :-)
> Don't get me wrong -- I'm a huge fan of the US
> military (especially when
> they're killing Islamofascists). I donate to
> Soldier's Angels, the USO,
> VFW, PVA, ... 
> But if some edict were to declare that henceforth
> all technical
> documentation everywhere must be done to MIL specs,
> I suspect I'd change
> professions or retire. At the least, I'd have to go
> on anti-depressants.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Converting unstructured to structured FrameMaker

2006-10-29 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Pat Christenson  wrote:
> I have a large project coming up that involves
> converting unstructured 
> FrameMaker docs to structured FrameMaker (7.1 on
> Windows). Does anyone 
> know of any helpful websites or documentation to get
> through this as 
> quickly and efficiently as possible?

First, you have to closely examine the target document
set. Were they all created with the same version of
the same template. If not, the conversion cost is
likely to escalate exponentially as a function of the
amount of difference in the templates.

Second, did the authors adhere to the template, with
minimal format overrides, and consistent application
of the designated format for each level of structure.
If not, conversion cost will go way up.

Third, are there major instances where unstructured
tags are used at many different levels of structure.
This will result in a one-to-many relationship for a
given tag (i.e., the same tag must be converted to
more than one structural element). If this is the
case, conversion is much more difficult and costly.

If the document set passes these tests, it is unlikely
that the structure inferrable from the tags will
closely match the structure defined by the target
EDD/DTD. In that case, it is advisable to perform the
conversion table operation by creating an "interim"
EDD which closely matches the tagging of the
unstructured docs, with element names matching the
corresponding tags in the target EDD/DTD.

Once the conversion using the "interim" EDD is
completed, you import into those converted documents
the FrameMaker template file for the target EDD. The
resulting document will now be full of structure
errors which you correct (mainly) by wrapping elements
of the "interim" EDD in higher-level elements defined
in the target EDD.

Why have list AND step paragraph tags

2007-04-30 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Eli Har-Even  wrote:
> Our FrameMaker templates have two sets of numbered
> lists, one set for steps (step1, step2, step3) and
another for lists (and list1, list2, list3).
> Visually, steps and lists look different, but in
> practice, authors use them interchangeably. I'm
considering simplifying the template by eliminating
> of the sets of tags. Does anyone have a use-case
> where having two sets of numbered lists has been
useful? Is there any reason for having both sets?
Obviiously, if the writers use them interchangeably,
there is no reason to have both. Generally, procedural
steps are more vital than ordinary lists, and thus
require closer editorial and technical attention.
Using different para names for steps and ordinary
lists might make it easier to locate, manage  and more
closely review procedures.

I assume the reason you have 3 different para tags for
both steps and lists is so you can have indented
substeps and sub-items, otherwise I don't know why you
would have 3 different paratags for steps and lists.

FrameMaker 8 Automatic Letter Spacing Broken?

2007-08-09 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Mike Wickham  wrote:
> >> Justification and Automatic Letter Spacing used
> to work together. Now, 
> >> only one or the other works. Is anyone else
> seeing this?
>  > Yes, I can verify this behavior with FrameMaker 8
> on Windows XP.
> Dang. I hope Adobe fixes this soon. The feature is
> important enough to me 
> that I'm going to have to hold off on buying the FM8
> upgrade until then.

This bug would seem to indicate that there's still
lots of spaghettic code remaining in FM8. Given the
short time between Beta testing and the release date,
it seems likely that, even if this bug had been
discovered during Beta testing, it would not have been
fixed in the released version. 

Let us hope this bug is not an omen that FM8 will
repeat the FM5.5 fisaco (the first full release
produced by Adobe). That version had more bugs than a
termite-riddled house.

FrameMaker8 Automatic Letter Spacing Broken

2007-08-10 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Mike Wickham  wrote:
> >> Justification and Automatic Letter Spacing used
> to work together. Now, 
> >> only one or the other works. Is anyone else
> seeing this?
>  > Yes, I can verify this behavior with FrameMaker 8
> on Windows XP.
> Dang. I hope Adobe fixes this soon. The feature is
> important enough to me 
> that I'm going to have to hold off on buying the FM8
> upgrade until then.

This bug would seem to indicate that there's still
lots of spaghettic code remaining in FM8. Given the
short time between Beta testing and the release date,
it seems likely that, even if this bug had been
discovered during Beta testing, it would not have been
fixed in the released version. 

Let us hope this bug is not an omen that FM8 will
repeat the FM5.5 fisaco (the first full release
produced by Adobe). That version had more bugs than a
termite-riddled house.

FrameMaker XML inDesign XML imports

2007-12-01 Thread Daniel Emory
UniMerge is the solution. You create a report template
 in FrameMaker describing how each type of database
record is to be processed and formatted, save it as a
MIF file, and execute it on the database output. The
result is fully-formatted, ready-to print output. The
rport templated can include FM markders in the report
template to produce running header/footers indexes,
and other goodies. I have a PDF which describes
UniMerge's powerful features.
--- David Creamer 

> > What we do here is take let's say 100 products
> which include the
> > image, descriptions, and all the corresponding
> sizes or colors in a
> > table, and export from a filemaker database and
> then import into
> > Frame. Frame streams all the information into the
> template -- all 100
> > products -- where we then lay them out in the
> template. I can then
> > take each individual product and apply a straddle
> here, resize a
> > table there, etc. Each product is its own entity
> within frame.
> > If I do the exact same import into InDesign, all
> 100 products become
> > just one large text block and they lose their
> individuality and thus
> > I lose the ability to design each prouct.
> > Can that individuality somehow be maintained with
> ID??? Plugins
> > perhaps???
> > 
> With InDesign, you might want to take a slightly
> different approach and look
> at plug-ins: InData and InCatalog.
> (InCatalog can even
> maintain a "live" link to your database.)
> David Creamer
> I.D.E.A.S. - Results-Oriented Training
> Adobe Certified Trainer & Expert (since 1995)
> Authorized Quark Training Provider (since 1988)
> Markzware, Enfocus, FileMaker Certified
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as
> danemory7224 at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> Send administrative questions to
> listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and
> info.

Database Publishing book

2007-02-01 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Pat Bensky  wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> I am thinking of writing a book about database
> publishing. It would cover
> publishing with InDesign and Quark (possibly
> FrameMaker and Word as well)
> using the following methods:
> InDesign tags
> Quark tags
> Xtags, Xdata
> RTF (perhaps)
> FrameMaker tags (maybe)
I've been developing database publishing applications
for clients for about 14 years. In some cases, I
deliver turnkey applications to my customer. In other
cases, I produce the finished output (typically

Your list of methods barely scratches the surface, and
does seem to address only the most simple database
publishing applications, which, in my experience, is
rarely enough. Nor do you seem to be addressing he
wide array of products/solutions which are available,
as well as the extremely wide variety of applications
in which database publishing can be employed

Your definition of what you mean by database
publishing will determine the scope of your book. The
broadest definition would encompass all special
solutions whose purpose is to process raw output from
a database so as to deliver it in a form that is
useable to both human and non-human users.

In the case of delivery to human users, such solutions
typically include customizeable middleware which can
receive/processe/manipulate the raw database output,
and makes the processed data compatible with the
selected formatting/output engine (e.g., FrameMaker,
Quark, Word (ugh) or InDesign).

If, for example, FrameMaker is chosen as the
formatting/output engine, several customizable
middleware products are available, including
PatternStream, Miramo and UniMerge. Such middlewar
products require the development of a special 
application for each production operation, which may,
among other things, involve evaluatiing each database
record so as to select/delete/rearrange the sequence
of the data fields in each record before it is
delivered to FrameMaker. UniMerge (the product I use)
can also specify the FrameMaker format tag to be
applied to individual fields, add markers to specify
fields whose content is used to produce running
header/footers, specify fields which are to be
included in a table of contents, insert static text
above, below or within a sequence of record fields,
specify that some or all fields in a record field be
placed within a FrameMaker table, truncate the data in
a field, add mathematical operations on rows or
columns in a tabular array, and many other functions
which radically alter the raw database input before
delivering output to FrameMaker.

Very large database publishing solutions are very
complex, and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars
to develop,operate and maintain successfully.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Replacing Framemaker

2007-02-01 Thread Daniel Emory
The publication by the STC of this article
demonstrates the declining relevance of that

Using variables for single sourcing

2007-02-05 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Scott Prentice  wrote:
> The only way I can think of to do this without a
> plugin (or 
> FrameScript), would be to source the files as XML or
> MIF, and have some 
> process outside of Frame that manages these values.

In my document entitled "A New Approach to Single
Sourcing" (available on the microtype site under
Articles by Dan Emory), I offer a solution to the
problem you describe. The method is as follows:

1, On a reference page in document file (or in the
document template), create a multi=row table having
the following columns in left-to-right order, named as
follows in a header row:

* Column 1 = "Variable (Current Value)"
* Columns 2 and up = the name of each deliverable
requiring changes in the variable?s value.

2. In each row of column 1, you select and insert one
of the variables which changes in one or more
deliverables. So, double-clicking on the current value
in this column opens the variable diialog..

3. In columns 2 and up, you insert the required value
(of the variable in column 1) for each deliverable.

4. If the current value of a variable in column 1
differs from the required value for a particular
deliverable, you double-click on the variable in
column 1 to open the variable dialog, click the Edit
Definition button, type in the correct value, click
the Change button, then click the Done button.
Notice that the user who updates the variables doesn?t
even have to know the name of each variable. All that
person must determine is whether the current value of
the variable (indicated in column 1) agrees with the
required value for a particular deliverable (in
columns 2 and up).

It might be convenient to add another column to this
table which specifies the correct value for the
deliverable-neutral configuration of the master
document. In that column, all variables would be
specified to have their default values (which could be
the names of the variables themselves).

This approach is superior for the following reasons:

A. The user does not have to know the names of the
variables which are subject to change for each
deliverable, which eliminates the likelihood that the
tech writer will pick the wrong variable.

B. This solution provides an assured, organized way to
manage all variables whose values differ in different
deliverables. In effect, the table itself completely
defines the scope of the task, as well as the
methodology used for successfully carrying out the

C. If a single master template is used to update all
files (including reference pages) in a book, the
operation described in B above need be performed only
in the master template, and then the updated values of
the variables will be imported from the template into
all files in the book.

Reasons to Structure

2007-02-14 Thread Daniel Emory
No one has mentioned the potential for greatly
improving writer productivity, as well as eliminating
format overrides. 

Once authors are up to speed on using the structure
view and the element catalog, they're freed from the
entire formatting burden (if the EDD specifies
context-based format rules). I see no reason why this
productivity advantage would diminish for relatively
small documents.

And, unlike unstructured Frame, re-importing the EDD
into a structured document with "Remove Format
Overrides" turned on will eliminate every single
instance in which authors overrode the EDD-specified
formatting. When authors realize this step is part of
the review process, they know the jig is up.

Reasons to Structure

2007-02-14 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Charles Beck  wrote:
> Besides-with the caveat that I have not actually
> experienced *enforced* structured authoring, per
> s?-if you need to format a word or phrase for
> emphasis or for special recognition (such as bolding
> UI elements), don't you still have to tag that
> content somewhere? So where is the great advantage?
Semantic tagging of a word or phrase can be
implemented by wrapping it with an EDD-defined
text-range element whose element name describes the
semantic type. A format rule in the EDD automatically
applies the correct format to it.  

> As I understand structured authoring (with my
> admittedly limited understanding), its strengths
> seem to lie more in the realm of freeing the author
> from having to make specific adhoc formatting
> decisions that may or (more likely) may not be
> consistent. That, and enforcing certain rules about
> what content is required, accepted, optional, etc.
In a properly designed EDD, there is no such thing as
ad-hoc formatting. That is, Format rules define all
formatting. These format rules can be based on one or
more of the following: element name, element context,
element attribute value(s), and format change lists
referenced from within the format rules. Typically,
full use of these capabilities can drastically reduce
the number of paragraph and character formats required
in a FrameMaker template. I could go on to describe
numerous other advantages of this approach to

Typically, full use of  

PDF to framemaker

2007-01-15 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Peter Ring  wrote:
> Dov is of course correct in stating that PDF should
> be considered a final form document format. But, 
> nevertheless, PDF can be used as an 
> input (to Frame)
Another effective way to use PDF as an input to
FrameMaker is to use it to import graphs for display
in FrameMaker documents. In this case, however, the
graphs are first created in FrameMaker. The method is
described below.

Step 1. On a new FrameMaker master page, create a
background frame in which you create (using
FrameMaker's drawing tools) the graph's frame (i.e.
the X and Y axes with labeled tickmarks (and perhaps
corresponding horizontal and vertical lines), plus any
additional static text.

Step 2. On a body page in which the background master
page from step 1 is used, employ FrameMaker's drawing
tools to to overlay the background created in step 1
with the foreground graphical plots (lines, curves,
wedges, etc), using different colors diferent dashed
lines, etc as needed. Additional text labels might
also be created in the overlay, as needed, using the
drawing tools.

Step 3. Save the body page created in step 2 as a
1-page PDF with an appropriate filename.

Step 4. Open the PDF created in step 3 and crop it as
needed to eliminate all the white space surrounding
the graphic, and then re-save it as a single-page

Step 5. At the location in a FrameMaker document where
you want the graph to appear, import the PDF produced
in step 4 into a graphic frame, scaling it as needed.

This methodology is particularly useful when the basic
graph background created in step 1 above is used
multiple times to produce different graphical plots.
In that case, each graph created in step 2 is saved to
a separate PDF file in steps 3 and 4.

And of course, the resulting PDF graphics are not
restricted to use in FrameMaker. They can be used in
any software product which can import PDFs.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

New to the list, and asking for help

2007-01-16 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Pedro Pastor  wrote:
> Maybe the troubles I've found come from my
> inexperience developing structured applications in
FM, but I cannot fully understand the aim
> behind the (so called) "XML-roundtrip" editing.
Assuming that the documentation you are creating and
updating/editing is accomplished by human beings, you
can avoid XML-roundtripping only by having your
writers create/modify tagged XML. If you expect to
have any semblance of a productive authoring
environment, you must "round-trip" the XML into some
sort of authoring product which provides the numerous
bells and whistles needed to hide XML internals from
your authors. Most XML editing produces are not
WYSIWYG, and thus in those editors authors see
something that is not a facsimile of what human
readers will see when they retrieve those documents. 

Structured FrameMaker is just as much an XML editor as
any of the other ones. It provides an automated way to
import XML instances into FrameMaker, preserving all
the XML internals, and at the end of an editing
session, it provides an automated way to export the
work product back into fully conformant tagged XML

The extra feature of FrameMaker is that it avoids the
necessity of having to use the clunky and
difficult-to-implement XML tools used to accomplish
acceptable formatting and layout needed to make
documents that are highly readable and effective for
human users. That is, FrameMaker, in addition to being
a powerul way to create documents, can also serve as a
powerful print engine for delivering high-quality,
eminently readable, technical documents in paper or
PDF format. 
> 1) I cannot understand how to clearly separate
> structure from presentation in FM. If EDD contains 
> structure and presentation
> information we are against the main principles of
> SGML/XML document
> design!!
Gee, the idea behind FrameMaker is to have the best of
both worlds. Desktop publishing systems like
FrameMaker have highly sophisticated formatting and
layout capabilities. You can, however, completely
ignore presentation in an EDD simply by declaring that
all text will use a single paragraph style. If, on the
other hand, you decide to exploit Frame"s exquisite
presentation capabilities, you can export a structured
Frame document to XML or SGML, and none of that
formatting information gets exported, hence it in no
way violates the canons of XML or SGML.

The fact is that both SGML and XML provide a set of
clunky, insufficient and unwieldy tools for delivering
formatted output for printing or on-line display. The
FrameMaker EDD offers a far more robust and elegant
method for producing high-wuality presnetations.
> 2) It seems like there are two placeholders
> for storing presentation information: Templates and
EDD documents. This could be
> redundant, I mean, the same presentation definition
> data could be store
> on both places.
Again you denigrate a powerful feature of Frame. The
EDD specifies the names of paragraph, character and
other types of formatting tags based on element
context. Templates are used to specify the formatting
details for each such tag. There are two advantages to
this. First, you can change the formatting (e.g.,
fonts, sizes, etc.) without disturbing the EDD.
Second, you can create multiple template versions for
the same EDD, allowing you to deliver differently
formatted documents which meet the requirements of
different types of users or different types of
documents created from the same EDD. Another feature
of the EDD is format change lists, which allow certain
parameters (e.g., indents, fonr size, autonumbering)
of a given format tag to be modified in different
structural contexts. 
> 3)   In addition to this, Template document
> could have structure
> associated with it (via importing EDD document).
> Then we get just
> another way of associating structure to documents,
> apart from the DTD
> specification!!).

Wrong again. A DTD contains no formatting information.
You create an EDD. Then you import that EDD into an
empty FrameMaker document, and the EDD "seeds" the
empty document with all the EDD's structure rules as
well as all the formatting tags defined in the EDD.
Then the designer defines the parameters of each
EDD-defined format tag. If your production needs
require different presentations for different
customers or different types of documents (all created
from the same EDD), You create more than one
structured template for the same EDD, and design the
formatting of each version of the template to meet
specific formatting and layout requirements.

To create a new structured document, you select the
appropriate template file and apply it to a new
(empty)FrameMaker file. 

QA wants unique edition number in changed footers

2007-01-31 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Andersen, Verner Engell VEA"
> Have you any idea of how I can have the various
> edition numbers in footer of each chapter page and
> still have the possibility of importing all formats
> from all files without messing things up?
This kind of dilemma can be eliminated in structured
FM documents. The edition number, rev number, rev
date, effectivy, and similar info can be produced by
defining FrameMaker header/footer variables which pick
up the current value(s) of the applicable element

In mission-critical documents (aircraft maintenance
manuals, for instance) the process begins with the
technician picking a work card to perform a particular
maintenance task on a particular aircraft (the same
aircraft model can have many different configurations,
even within the same airline). The work card provides
all the information needed to assuredly select the
correct procedural instructions from the maintenance
manual (in the ATA methodology, the mechanic submits
the work card number to a database, which retrieves
the applicable procedure from the maintenance manual).

The work card information may even allow the mechanic
to examine the information in the footer of each page
of the retrieved procedure to verify that the footer
information (such as the page's effectivity, current
revision date, page block number, etc.) agrees with
what appears on the work card. All of this footer
informatin in the retrieved procedure is produced from
header/footer variables which pick up the current
values of the corresponding element attributes when
the procedure is delivered to the machanic.

As you can see, this approach, employing element
attributes which are converted by structured
FrameMaker to header/footer variables appearing in the
footer, can be used at any level of granularity, even
down to individual pages.

Table formatting

2007-07-09 Thread Daniel Emory
> Eli,
> You wrote:
> >I'd like to create a table format for a note, with
> one row and two columns.
> >I want a line above and below the second column.
> I've only managed to do
> >this using custom ruling and shading, which I don't
> want to use because
> >custom ruling can't be stored as part of the table
> format.
> >
> >Any ideas?
On a reference page, create a text frame and insert an
empty anchor paragraph at the top. Then, create the
customized table below the anchor paragraph. If the
first column contains the word "Note" (or a note
icon), put that in the first column. Once all that is
done, you simply copy the table (including the anchor
paragraph), and paste it anywhere it's needed within
the document.

Structured Frame Saving XML

2007-03-02 Thread Daniel Emory
What, exactly, do you mean by Frame's "perversity" in
line wrapping? What, exactly, are you comparing it
with on the XML side? 

Frame's line wrapping actions are dependent upon
settings in the paragraph designer, including: 

* Under Advanced (automatic hyphenation)
* Under Basic (indents).

--- Trevor Nicholls  wrote:

> Hi
> Our source documents are in XML and we edit in
> structured Frame. I have XSL
> processes running successfully on Open and Save and
> I have no issues with
> the validity of the XML which Frame is giving me.
> However I do have an issue
> with the layout. Because our XML files are managed
> by a source control
> system, I would like to minimize the differences
> between revisions, and
> Frame's apparent perversity regarding line-wrapping
> in particular is making
> this difficult.
> Is it following any rules at all?
> Can we know what they are?
> Can we change them?
> Cheers
> Trevor

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

anticipating a move to Structrued Frame

2007-03-15 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Milan Davidovic  wrote:
> I'm looking for resources or advice on how to start
> working in unstructured Frame in anticipation of a
> move to Structured Frame.

1. In your unstructured template, create paragraph,
character, table, marker and cross-reference tags
whose names correspond to the releated element names
in the DTD/EDD you intend to use when you switch to

2. Adhere rigorously to the correct application of
these tags during creation of unstructured docs.

This methodology will assure that conversion of
unstructured docs to structured ones will be a slam

anticipating a move to Structrued Frame

2007-03-16 Thread Daniel Emory
--- John Sgammato  wrote: 
> But the point remains that the best way to prepare
> depends greatly on what your goals and objectives
> are. Just as one example, if you are not planning to
> adopt topic-oriented authoring and topic-level
> reuse, then spending time learning about DITA would
> be a digression rather than progress toward whatever
> your real objective is.
> There are many different things that can be
> accomplished by the implementation and use of
> structure, and it is not necessary to know a lot
> about the techniques and workflows that don't relate
> to your specific business need.
The trouble is "business needs tend to change.
Information reuse, topic-level authoring, content
management systems, the capability to deliver to a
user exactly what the user needs to perform a
particular task, and the addition of metadata
(attributes) to further facilitate infomation
management have enormous potential, and some or all of
these reatures are likely to become future
requirements in your companies busines model.

Unstructured docs do not fit well in those future
models for many reasons, and conversion of
unstructured docs to structured ones is usually an
onerous and unsatisfactory process.

So, it makes sense to initially select (or
develop)adopt a DTD/schema which is adaptable to
likely (or even possible) future business
requirements. Otherwise, down the line, you are likely
to face an embarassing fiasco.

Although there are many advantages to structure, the
most compelling reason to move in that direction is
that it anticipates the almost certain capability for
assured information reuse, topic-level authoring, and
content management. Therefore, it makes sense to to
initially select a DTD/schema whose design facilitates
future possibilities.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Version control of FM documents/books

2007-03-21 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Radha Padmanabhan  wrote:
>   I wish to know whether we can use CVS for version
> control of FM files/books and how the path
> sensitivity of FM /size of books will effect this.
> Or what is the best way to ensure version control of
> FM docs/books?
It depends, for instance, on what you're trying to do,
and the level of version control you're trying to
achieve. If your documents are structured, you could
use a version attribute to specify the applicable
version(s) at the topic level, where each version of
the topic is stored separately. 

For topics applicable to all versions, the version
attribute would be set to "All". If a topic is
applicable to two or more versions (but not all), each
applicable version number would be listed in the
version attribute. 

This approach would allow you to assemble any instance
of a complete structured document by specifying the
applicable topic version number(s) to be included in
that instance of the document. If none of the versions
of a given topic are applicable to a particular
instance of the entire document, it would be dropped
from that instance. Obviously, this approach would
require one or more additional attributes for each
topic for the purpose of specifying the sequencing of
the topics within an assembled document instance.

The other advantage of this approach is that it would
permit users (as well as authors) to individually
retrieve an applicable version of any topic by simply
specifying the applicable version number of the topic
of interest.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

[FrameSGML] Format Change Lists and Removing Structure

2007-03-28 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Rick Quatro  wrote:
> have a document where the EDD uses format change
> lists for its formatting. 
> As a result there is a bare bones paragraph catalog,
> with each paragraph 
> tagged as *Body. When I remove the structure from
> the document, the 
> paragraph catalog now has a bunch of new formats,
> and each paragraph in the 
> document is tagged with one of the new formats. I am
> curious if this 
> behavior is documented and how FrameMaker derives
> the paragraph format 
> names. Thanks.
Each format change list has an unique tagname in the
EDD. That would be the most logical means of naming
the paragraphs when structure is removed. Often,
however multiple format change lists are applied to a
single paragraph element, which would make for very
long paragraph names in the unstructured version.

> Rick Quatro
> Carmen Publishing
> 585-659-8267

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Display of variable content in Structured FM

2007-03-31 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Nantel, Elise"  wrote:
> I'm working with Structured FM 7.0 on Windows XP.
> I use a lot of variables in my manuals, typically
> for product lines and product names. Sometimes after
> I generate a structured book, the variable content >
> appears in Times New Roman instead of Verdana. It's
> really weird because it doesn't occur all the times
> or on all variables. It happens also in text insets.
The most likely cause is that the text which precedes
the variable insertion point is not in the Verdana

The assured way of fixing it is to do the following:

1. Add a character format named Verdana in which you
specify the font as Verdana, and the size as "As Is."

2. Open the Variable dialog, select, select a user
variable, and click Edit Definition to open the Edit
User Variable dialog.

3. Observe that the the new Verdana character format
now appears in the list of character formats.

4. Presumably, the definition slot now contains
nothing but the value of the user variable. Let's
assume that the current definition is "Blah."

5. Change the variable definition as follows:

If this fails to correct the problem, then you have
identified another bug in Frame 7.0. 

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Productivity Gains from Structured Authoring

2007-05-09 Thread Daniel Emory
--- John Sgammato  wrote:
> I am thinking of something along the lines of output
> pages per writer. I appreciate any help.
Using an ROI estimate to justify changing over to a
structured approach is definitely the right way to go.
But coming up with a number is complex. The
fundamental purpose of structure is to greatly improve
the management of your legacy documents, as well as
improving the productivy of writers creating new

Although output pages per writer (in the case where
completely new content is being created) definitely
shows gains in productivity (after writers have become
familiarized with structured authoring) it's only part
of the ROI number.

Here are some other, equally important, factors needed
to come up with a realistic ROI:

* The structure view, the element catalog and metadata
(attributes) provide powerful new tools for
systematically managing information. For instance, you
can quickly locate chunks of information needing
updates, as well as facilitating information re-use,
using more systematic Find or Find/Change operations.
For instance, you can use Find to locate all instances
of a particular attribute value within all instances
of a particular element name.

* By reimporting a document's EDD into itself with
Remove Format Overrides turned on, all format
overrides of the EDD-specified formats are removed.
This capability eliminates any necessity for editors
to tediiously find and fix such overrides. Also, both
authors and edictors can quickly use the Validate
command to find and correct all anomalies in the

* A validated structured document with all illegal
format overrides removed assures that conversions of
FrameMaker structured document to other output forms
can be accomplished successfully.

* The ultimate ROI value is the certainty that, at
some future date, you can successfully store your
legacy documents in a content management system (CMS),
which, I believe, will become the gold standard even
for small companies. If you continue to produce
unstructured documents, you assuredly will incur huge
conversion costs, and thus an estimate of what that
cost will be should legitimately should be included in
the ROI.

Double-spacing a PDF output doc from a structured Frame book

2007-05-15 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Bob Williams 
> Wondering HOW to simply double-space my PDF output
> doc (from a structured
> Frame book) - so that our writers can more easily
> make mark ups on the
> hardcopy. They write - we production wonks put their
> stuff into the frame
> books. (We like it this way - less chances for them
> to screw up the frame
> files.)
1. Save your structured template under a different
name. Lts call it DblSpace.

2. In the DblSpace version of your template, modify
all Para formats to specify double space, ;eaving
everything else the same, and save it.

3. Open the file)s) you want to convert to
doublespace, select File>Import Formats to open the
Import Formats dialog

4. Spcify the DblSpace file in the Import from
Document slot.

5. In the Import Formats dialog, uncheck everything
but Paragraph formats, and execute the import action.

5. In the Import Formats dialog
 uncheck everything bu Paragraph formats

Nested ul and ol elements

2007-05-17 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Rick Quatro  wrote:
> I need help with text formatting rules in an EDD.
> Basically, I am allowing 
> nesting of ol and ul elements. I need rules that
> will allow a particular 
> format to be called, depending on the nesting level.
> Here is an example of 
> "flat" structure. The text in the element indicates
> the paragraph format 
> used.
>   bullet1
>   number1
> For nested ul elements, it is no problem. In theory,
> I can do the same thing 
> with ol elements (although in practice I don't).
>   bullet1
> bullet2
>   bullet3
> bullet4
> What I want to be able to do is this
>   bullet1
> number2
>   bullet3
> number4
> or this
>   number1
> bullet2
>   bullet3
> number4
> or any combination of nested ol and ul elements. I
> am having trouble 
> devising the correct text formatting rules. Any help
> or pointers would be 
> appreciated. Thanks.
Certainly, the easiest way to deal with this is to add
attributes: A Level attribute which specifies the
indent level, a Symbols attribute which specifies a
symbol (e.g., a bullet), and a Number attribute that
specifies a number, where the default value for the
symbol and number attributes should be "None". So, if
both the Symbol and Number attributes are set to None,
there is no number or symbols prefix. But, if either
of these attributes is set to a non-None value, that
value whall become the prefix). 

Regardless of the level, specify an element paragraph
format which does not specify either the indent level
of the number or bullet type. Below, I describe the
prefix and format rules

Prefix Rules for the OL or UL element (same set of
prefix rules for both elements)

1  If context is: [Number != "Off"]
   Else if [Symbol != "Off"]

FW: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-20 Thread Daniel Emory
--- mcarr at wrote:
> As far as a device that you can comfortably and
> safely use in the tub is
> concerned, I don't think that paper will be the
> delivery method of the
> future.

It?s estimated that 40% of the US adult population is
non-literate, which means they don?t read books or
newspapers. This has been accompanied by a rapid
decline in the ability of college students to write a
half-way decent paragraph in English. The California
State College system, the largest in the nation, takes
almost any applicant who got through high-school
degree with half-way decent grades. But about 40% of
its first year students are not capable of doing
college-level work, and thus their first year is
dominated by remedial classes in English, Math and
other subjects they should have mastered in high

These declines all coincide with the growth of the
internet, and the shift from obtaining knowledge from
paper books to learning from feeble snippets of
on-line text. The blogosphere, dominated by those who
are at least competent in the English language,
consists mainly of opinions unsupported by any factual

When you read tomes from the 1990?s extolling the
promise of hypertext to change the way people think
and use information, (I recommend the
?Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook by Berk and Devlin),
you begin to realize that it?s promise was still-born.
The hypertext pioneers envisioned a rich panoply of
link types that would create hypertexts which were
true ?searchable mazes? Frame Technology, beginning in
FrameMaker 4, added a rich variety of hypertext link
types which would have realized that original vision.
When Adobe took over FrameMaker, it could have carried
out that vision by implementing all of the FrameMaker
link types in PDF. It failed to do so. And so, the
HTML standard, with only the most primitive hypertext
link type, became the standard. There was some hope
that the XML standard would have rich linking
capabilities. It added a few additional link types,
but nowhere near enough to realize the original
promise of hypertext.

The result is that most online help documents are
shovelware. I wrote an article about that, ?Thoughts
About On-Line Help?, about 6 years ago. It?s still
available at:

Although I would probably add some additional concepts
and ideas if I wrote that article today, I still stand
by most of what?s stated there. In particular, I stand
by my statements in that article about the many
advantages of paper books (or PDFs which faithfully
replicate the format and layout of well-designed paper

Getting back to what I state in the first two
paragraphs above, I maintain that the ability to
acquire in-depth knowledge of a subject is a
discipline which is difficult to master. And I have no
doubt that well-written, well-organized paper books,
particularly on difficult subjects, will continue to
be the best way to acquire real, in-depth knowledge of
a subject, and subsequently serve its owner as a
valuable reference source. If the internet (and other
vehicles of on-line content) continues to serve mainly
to encourage an undiscipplined pseudo-approach to real
learning, it will remain a major cause of rising

First Time FrameMaker User

2007-05-26 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Mark Lawrence 
> My job involves producing 40 page reports in
> Microsoft Word.  These
> reports are  nearly identical.  I use the mailmerge
> feature in Word to
> import variables such as the date of the report, the
> name of the product
> on which the report is based, the final score that
> the product achieved
> and so on.  These are inserted at the relevant
> points in the text using
> mailmerge.  

FrameMaker has no built-in capability comparable to
mailmerge. You don't describe what the source is of
the mailmege data. If the source is some kind of
database, there are companion products (such as
UniMerge) which do work with FrameMaker, and these
combinations are far more powerful than mailmerge.
Tables and graphs from an Excel
> spreadsheet are are then
> copied and pasted into the report manually.

Do you receive the data in Excel, or do you take raw
data and convert it to a spreadsheet? Either way,
there are probably much better ways to get it into a
form that will work with FrameMaker/UniMerge. I have a
PDF (about 6 pages) which describes the capabilities
of the FrameMaker/Unimerge combination. An alternaitve
approach (although in same ways less adaptable than
UniMerge) would be to take the raw data you receive
for each report and convert it into an XML instance,
and use structured FrameMaker to process each XML
instance. This would require that the raw data for
each product be reducible to a single XML structure
which is replicated in a FrameMaker EDD that specifies
not only the structure, but also all the information
needed to format the information in FrameMaker.
What I conclude is that your present methodology using
Word is that most of your time using your present
methodology is on the Word sids. A UniMerge or XML
solution would shift most of your work to a one-time
development or a UniMerge or XML solution which
produces a ready-to-print FrameMaker output with
virtually no tweaking.

If you are interested, I have a 6-page PDF which
describes the FrameMaker/Unimerge solution.
I hope this helps your decision-making. I have no
doubt that either a UniMerge or XML solution would be
far superior to your present methodology, and would
indulge your desire for perfection.

Help decoding Running H/F variables with attibutes

2007-05-26 Thread Daniel Emory
> At 10:28 -0400 24/5/07, Rick Quatro wrote:
> >I am trying to figure out how attribute-based
> Running H/F variables work. Here is are examples of
> a couple in a document I have:
> >
> ><$attribute[Booktitle:book]>
> ><$attribute[Revision:book]>
I may be missing something here, but if the "book"
element only appears in a book file, and the same
attribute is not repeated in the top-most element of
the individual book components (e.g., chapters), I
don't see how it is possible for FrameMaker to
properly produce a running header-footer (in the book
file's individual structured component files) which
reflects the value of an attribute which exists only
in the separate book file. And, under no cicumstnaces
could that book file attribute be used to produce a
running header-footer in unstructured front and back
matter (e.g., tables of contents, indexes, etc.)
included as components of the book file.

The same compopnent file could, for instance, be
included in several different book files. How, then
could that chapter file when it is opened separately,
know which book file it should use to produce the
correct attribute value to select for producing the
running header/footer containing the correct book
title? Even if the chapter file appears in only one
book file, how, if you separately open an individual
chapter file (without opening it from within the book
file) could that chapter file obtain the applicable
attribute value from the unopened book file?

And, if the book file contains unstructured front and
back matter, certainly those unstructured files cannot
produce a running header/footer derived from an
attribute in the book file.

These realities lead me to conclude that individual
component files within a book file cnnnot inherit
attribute values which exist only within a book file.
That is, book components (such as structured chapters)
can only produce attribute-derived running
hader/footers from attributes of elements which exist
within the component file, not from attributes which
exist onely within a book file.

It seems to me therefore, that the solution is one of
the following:

1. Repeat the book-title attribute in the top-most
element of each structured component file within the
book file, and, if such a component file appears in
more than one book file, change the attribute value in
each component file each time the book title changes.


2. Simply create an ordinary running header/footer in
each book file component which specifies the current
title of the book being generated. That solution will
work for both structured and unstructured components
within a book file.

Help decoding Running H/F variables with attibutes

2007-05-26 Thread Daniel Emory
As I understand what you are stating, each book
component will store the value of the book file title
attribute value which existed the last time the
generate/update action was taken on the book file.
Thus, if the value of the attribute in the book file
is changed but the generate/update action is not
executed, the component files within the book will
retain the book title which existed the last time the
book file was updated. 

Furthermore, using the solution you describe, each
time you change the book title in the book file, you
must convert each individual book component file to
MIF and "fish out" the current attribute value in
order to produce the desired running header or footer.

To make this work, therefore, each time the book file
attribute is changed, you must always execute the
generate update action on the book file, convert each
book component file to MIF, fish out the current value
of the book title attribute in each book component
file, and use it to produce the correct header or
footer text, and then reopen it as an ordinary
FrameMaker file. That, it seems to me, could be an
onerous and error-prone task, even if you use
FrameScript. This method also implies that access to
all the individual book component files must be
blocked each time the book file attribute value is
changed, and each component file must remain blocked
until the generate/update action on the book file is
executed, and the fishing expedition to replace the
old book title is repeated in all the component files.

It seems to me to be far simmpler to repeat the book
title attribute in the topmost element of each
component file, and update the attribute value in each
component file when the attribute value in the book
file is changed, which is much easier (and perhaps
quicker and more reliable) than the method you are
proposing. My alternative solution to the problem
becomes even more necessary when one or more component
files are included in more than one book file, each
having a different book title. In that situation, the
last book file on which the generate/update action was
taken will determine the book title in the running
header/footers of those component files. Thus, if an
individual component file is printed separately (as is
often necessary), the book title which appears in the
output will often be the wrong title for the intended
usage, which will be particularly confusing when
different versions of the document are produced using
conditional text settings  to differentiate between
--- Rick Quatro  wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. I got the message below rom
> Mark O'Connor offlist. 
> The book information is stored in each file, which
> is nice because the attribute values carry over,
even if you don't have the book. You have to 
> save the document as MIF and fish out the
> information, but at least it's 
> there. As far as I can tell, you can't get the
> information directly from the 
> document with FrameScript or the FDK.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "O'CONNOR Mark"
> Hi Rick,
>   The format is [attribute name:element name]. If
> you don't specify the
> element name, the first occurrence of the attribute
> on the page will be
> used (blank if there are no occurrences).  If you
> specify an element
> name, it will use the first occurrence on the page:
> if there are no
> occurrences it will use the value of the first
> parent element that uses
> the attribute (and blank if no parent elements use
> the attribute).
>   The "book" element information is contained within
> the file, but
> you'll need to save the file as mif to find it (look
> for
> "DBookElementHierarchy"). I believe that this info
> is updated by the
> generate/update command.
> Cheers,
> Mark O'C

Re: FrameMaker 8 Automatic Letter Spacing Broken?

2007-08-09 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Mike Wickham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Justification and Automatic Letter Spacing used
> to work together. Now, 
> >> only one or the other works. Is anyone else
> seeing this?
>  > Yes, I can verify this behavior with FrameMaker 8
> on Windows XP.
> Dang. I hope Adobe fixes this soon. The feature is
> important enough to me 
> that I'm going to have to hold off on buying the FM8
> upgrade until then.

This bug would seem to indicate that there's still
lots of spaghettic code remaining in FM8. Given the
short time between Beta testing and the release date,
it seems likely that, even if this bug had been
discovered during Beta testing, it would not have been
fixed in the released version. 

Let us hope this bug is not an omen that FM8 will
repeat the FM5.5 fisaco (the first full release
produced by Adobe). That version had more bugs than a
termite-riddled house.


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RE: FrameMaker8 Automatic Letter Spacing Broken

2007-08-10 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Mike Wickham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Justification and Automatic Letter Spacing used
> to work together. Now, 
> >> only one or the other works. Is anyone else
> seeing this?
>  > Yes, I can verify this behavior with FrameMaker 8
> on Windows XP.
> Dang. I hope Adobe fixes this soon. The feature is
> important enough to me 
> that I'm going to have to hold off on buying the FM8
> upgrade until then.

This bug would seem to indicate that there's still
lots of spaghettic code remaining in FM8. Given the
short time between Beta testing and the release date,
it seems likely that, even if this bug had been
discovered during Beta testing, it would not have been
fixed in the released version. 

Let us hope this bug is not an omen that FM8 will
repeat the FM5.5 fisaco (the first full release
produced by Adobe). That version had more bugs than a
termite-riddled house.


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RE: structured Frame

2007-09-12 Thread Daniel Emory
The fundamental issue is Return on Investment (ROI),
whether the staff is one writer or 100. Here are the
major cost factors that must be evaluated:

A Realizable positive values of a structured solution.

1. A breakdown of the identifiable costs of the
current unstructured methodology which can be reduced
or eliminated by a structured approach. Most of these
are reducible labor costs. 

2. What needed current and future improvements in
information management and productivity, not
realizable under the unstructured approach, could be
implemented under a structured approach. Consider not
only current needs, but also predictable future needs
which are only feasible under a structured approach.
Estimate the long-term positive value to the
enterprise of these improvements. 

B. Estimated negative costs of conversion to the
structured approach

1. Cost of new software.

2. Cost of development to initially implement a
structured approach.

3. The cost of training activities needed to implement
the structured approach.

C. Any additional positive and negative cost factors
associated with the transition to a strucured
approach. One probable positive value is that many
employees outside the writing group will discover that
they now have much more cost-effective ways to
precisely locate and retrieve technical document
information they need to perform their tasks.

If you can assign realistic positive and negative
numbers to the listed factors, and the positive values
substantially exceed the new negative costs, you may
be able to make the case for a structured approach.



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Re: FrameMaker XML inDesign XML imports

2007-12-01 Thread Daniel Emory
UniMerge is the solution. You create a report template
 in FrameMaker describing how each type of database
record is to be processed and formatted, save it as a
MIF file, and execute it on the database output. The
result is fully-formatted, ready-to print output. The
rport templated can include FM markders in the report
template to produce running header/footers indexes,
and other goodies. I have a PDF which describes
UniMerge's powerful features.
--- David Creamer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > What we do here is take let's say 100 products
> which include the
> > image, descriptions, and all the corresponding
> sizes or colors in a
> > table, and export from a filemaker database and
> then import into
> > Frame. Frame streams all the information into the
> template -- all 100
> > products -- where we then lay them out in the
> template. I can then
> > take each individual product and apply a straddle
> here, resize a
> > table there, etc. Each product is its own entity
> within frame.
> > If I do the exact same import into InDesign, all
> 100 products become
> > just one large text block and they lose their
> individuality and thus
> > I lose the ability to design each prouct.
> > Can that individuality somehow be maintained with
> ID??? Plugins
> > perhaps???
> > 
> With InDesign, you might want to take a slightly
> different approach and look
> at plug-ins: InData and InCatalog.
> (InCatalog can even
> maintain a "live" link to your database.)
> David Creamer
> I.D.E.A.S. - Results-Oriented Training
> Adobe Certified Trainer & Expert (since 1995)
> Authorized Quark Training Provider (since 1988)
> Markzware, Enfocus, FileMaker Certified
> ___
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Registering a new FrameMaker license

2008-02-19 Thread Daniel Emory
I recall recent posts on this subject. Specifically
about buying an old version of frame from Ebay, and
then registering it with adobe so as to get the
upgrade price for the latest version. Apparently, part
of the problem is to be sure the copy is not already
registered to someone else. How can I be assured that
buying the product on Ebay is eligible for
registration in my name.

Also, I looked aroun on the Adobe website for the
subject of how to register Framemaker as the crucial
step in buying an upgrade.


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Best Approach to Structure

2005-12-05 Thread Daniel Emory
> On 12/5/05, DeFlorio, Dominick
>  wrote:
> >
> > What is the best approach to learning how to
> structure Frame documents?  I
> > need to learn quickly how to create and implement
> EDDs into many and varied,
> > unstructured Frame documents. 
> Suggestions...links?
The individual who asked for help says he wants to:
"learn quickly how to create and implement EDDs into
many and varied unstructured Frame documents."

His initial challenge is not to learn about EDDs, it's

1. Analyze the the "many and varied" structures in his
unstructured docs and the extent to which para and
character tags can be feasibly be mapped to some
coherent structural hierachy. If the paratags in the
unstructured docs are not consistently applied, and/or
if those docs use many different templates, each
having different paratags, or if there are numerous
instances of one-to-many relationships (i.e., a single
paratag in different contexts must be mapped to many
different elements), then the chances of success are

2. Assuming that the docs successfully meet the
requirements in step 1, he must next learn how to
effectively use conversion tables. But to exploit the
capabilities of conversion tables, the user must now
visualize the hierarchical structure of the converted
documents. This visualization must be constrained by
the limits imposed (primarily) by the unstructured
docs' paratagging scheme(s). Structure rules should
then be written for each defined element that will
appear in the conversion tables. Although it's
desirable to do this in a rudimentary EDD, it' not
absolutely necessary to do so at this point.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
DW Emory 

Apply Default Attribute Values

2005-12-17 Thread Daniel Emory
We're mainly talking, I presume, about Choice-type
attributes (Name Token Groups in DTD parlance).

If such an attribute is declared to be "REQUIRED",
either the EDD, the DTD, or both MAY specify a default
value (i.e, one of the specified values in the
name-token group), in which case the absence of an
actual value is interpreted by both the EDD and the
DTD to mean the EDD/DTD-specified default value. In
this case, it would be WRONG fo export the default
value from FrameMaker, because different versions of
the same DTD could conceivably specify different
default values for the same attribute. Note also that,
in this case, if no default value is specified for a
REQUIRED attribute, an error will be reported during
validation or export.

The other case is that the attribute is NOT specified
in the DTD as REQUIRED, and the DTD may or may not
specify a default value. In that case, any default
value specified in the EDD for such an attribute
should NEVER be exported, because the absence of a
value in that situation should dictate what takes
place during XML/SGML processing of a FrameMaker
document instance. That is, the XML/SGML side of the
processing equation should determine what happens when
such an attribute has no value.

--- Rick Quatro  wrote:
> I am not looking to change the attribute value from
> one thing to another. 
> Here is the scenario: when you set a default value
> for attribute in the EDD, 
> it will initially show in the structure view as
> italic. But if you 
> double-click on the attribute, the attribute will
> show as  in the 
> Attribute window. And, from what I can tell, when
> you save the file as XML, 
> these default attribute values don't export. You
> have to explicitly set the 
> value in order for them to export. You can tell when
> an attribute value has 
> been set, because they no longer display as italic
> in the structure view.
> After experimenting, I can use FrameScript to
> explicitly set these default 
> attribute values so that they export to XML.
> But it does make me wonder: why have a "default"
> value for attributes when 
> it doesn't seem to "register" unless you explicitly
> set it?
> Rick Quatro
> Carmen Publishing
> 585-659-8267
> > You can define a default value for an attribute,
> but as far as I know the 
> > process of importing an EDD won't change an
> attribute value from one thing 
> > to another. The "default" value is just the value
> of the attribute if it 
> > has no other value applied.
> >
> > I guess the question is, in the statement .. "set
> all attributes to 
> > default values when the EDD is imported" .. does
> "default" refer to the 
> > FrameMaker concept of default (empty), or do you
> mean "some actual default 
> > value" ?
> >
> > Unless I'm misunderstanding the original question,
> I think you'll have to 
> > go with the script, Rick.
> >
> > ...scott
> >
> > Scott Prentice
> > Leximation, Inc.
> >
> > +1.415.485.1892
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Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
DW Emory 

Apply Default Attribute Values

2005-12-19 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Lynne A. Price"  wrote:
> Shlomo,
>Of course--having a default contradicts requiring
> a value to be specified!
I stated:
"If such an attribute is declared to be "REQUIRED",
either the EDD, the DTD, or both MAY specify a default
value (i.e, one of the specified values in the
name-token group."

What I was attempting to say (and not very well) was
the case where the DTD specifies an atttribute to be
REQUIRED, but the EDD specifies it as optional so that
a default value can be specified, which I suspect may
be what the originator of this thread was dealing
with. Clearly, that default value would not be
exported by FrameMaker, and thus an error would occur.

If the attribute is specified as OPTIONAL in both the
EDD and the DTD, and both the EDD and the DTD specify
a default value, that value should not be exported,
because the DTD should determine the default value.

Footnote Structured Frame Bug

2006-04-02 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Lynne A. Price"  wrote:
Thank you Lynne for confirming that this bug has been
propagated through all releases of structured
> 1) You comment that it doesn't matter whether the
> text range is defined as 
> an inclusion or contextual element. This is correct;
> formatting is 
> completely independent of whether an element
> structure is valid and, if 
> valid, how it is defined.
Because an element of type Footnote is kind of an
oddball, I thought it likely that the bug is expressed
only for footnotes because the programmer overlooked
something about its oddballness. So, I tested all
possible variations in the way a text range could be
specified to see if that made any difference. That's
the customary way in which programmers try to isolate
the cause of a bug. Your comment assumes that the bug
couldn't possibly be caused by differences in the way
valid structure is defined. My assumption was that it
might, so I tested for it. so that others wouldn't
have to.
 > 2) You claim that you need to reapply element
> definitions to restore the 
> desired formatting. This is not correct. You can
> reformat an individual 
> element by changing it to itself. In your case, you
> can reformat the 
> footnote by changing the Footnote element to a
> Footnote. 
Of course, the way you suggest is an option, but it
assumes that the author spots each and every
occurrence of the bug at the moment it is expressed,
and proceeds immediately to correct it in the manner
you describe. The way I suggested is the only CERTAIN
way to be sure that ALL INSTANCES of the bug are
corrected before saving the file. In other words, I
offered the MOST PRUDENT way to assure that all
instances of the bug have been corrected.
I should add that, since it is standard practice in
footnotes to italicize the name of a referenced book
or journal appearing in a footnote, this bug
represents one more major irritant (the other being
inability to produce End Notes) for those who use
structured Frame to produce scholarly works.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

[FrameSGML] Getting FM auto numbers into the xml

2006-04-02 Thread Daniel Emory
At 09:50 AM 3/31/2006, Terry Badger wrote:
>Is there a way to push the auto numbers ing
>information generated in FM into the xml file?
>I don't see any variables to grab and put into an
> xml attribute.
What you describe is a serious incompatibility between
the FrameMaker autonumbering approach and that used in
SGML and XML. In the latter two, the numbering must
somehow be restored by a FOSI or DSSL (in SGML) or
XSLT in XML. In many types of documents ( e.g.,
regulatory, legal, aircraft maintenance), preservation
of the original numbering is crucial. And when XML
data is stored in, and retrieved from, a database or
CMS, the numbering must be retained in the database so
that, if you query the database to retrieve a
particular numbered section by itself, the query can
be successful simply by specifying its unique number,
and that number must also appear in the retrieved

In many cases the numbering scheme itself is
non-sequential. That is, the number itself conveys
information about the content. An example is Air
Transport Association (ATA) publications, which
provide a way for users to identify the information
applicable to a particular task by means of the
numbering system itself. All the user needs to do to
retrieve the needed information or procedure from a
database is to issue a query that specifies the
applicable number, and the delivered content
(containing only the desired information) is properly

Clearly, there is only one workable solution, and that
is to create a set of attributes--a separate attribute
for each level of the number, and, in structured
FrameMaker, EDD prefix rules use those attribute
values to construct the number. When a document using
this method is round-tripped between FrameMaker and an
XML database, all numbering is preserved.

Admittedly, this means autonumbering of documents must
be abandoned, which adds the burden of properly
maintaing the corrrect numbering in the associated

Usually, it's possible to continue to use
autonumbering for numbered lists, because (usually)
nothing less than the entire list can be retrieved,
and thus it is easy, using XSLT, to reconstruct the
sequential numbering.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

FrameMaker Evangelist

2006-04-05 Thread Daniel Emory
--- RJ Jacquez  wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just wanted to introduce myself to the group and
> share with you that as of Monday, I'm now the >
FrameMaker Evangelist for Adobe Systems and  
> so I'm looking forward to contributing to this group
> and being as involved and supportive as I can to
> everyone who uses FrameMaker.
Hallejuah! In my recollection (which goes back well
before Adobe bought FrameMaker), you are the first
evangelist ever to be appointed by Adobe for
FrameMaker. If Adobe's title of evangelist still means
what it did in an earlier time, your job includes
promoting the product both within and outside of
Adobe. Both are urgently needed.

Will you be based in San Jose or elsewhere?

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Technical Writing Suite From Adobe

2006-04-25 Thread Daniel Emory
The "Content Wrangler's" "vision" of FrameMaker?s
future is fatally flawed. It would do little to
improve the quality of on-line help, or increase the
penetration of FrameMaker into the on-line help

Some years back, I wrote an article entitled "Thoughts
About On-Line Help", which is still available at:

I still stand by most of the criteria and conclusions
discussed in that article, and very few. if any,
on-line help documents today come anywhere close to
meeting those criteria.

delivers the content in HTML, XHTML or XML.This means
it relies almost solely on the canonical simple
cross-reference link: xlink:href="students.xml" to
implement the hypertext capability. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Although the XLink standard defines some additional
link types, none of them are now implementable in
FrameMaker, and few, if any, web browser or on-line
help products have been updated to support those
additional XLink capabilities.

BY CONTRAST, FrameMaker (since the early 1990s)
implements, in addition to the canonical
cross-reference link, 23 robust types of hypertext
links, including: GoToLink, Named Destination, Alert,
Alert with Title, Go to URL (launches browser and
displays the specified web page), Jump to Page Number,
Jump to Previous Page, Jump to Next Page, Jump Back,
Jump Back and Fit to Page, Open Document, Open
Document and Fit to Page, Open Document as New, Open
Document at Page Number, Pop-Up Menu, Button Matrix,
Message Client (communicates with other applications
and creates a link to a URL), Close Current Window,
Close All Hypertext Windows, and Exit Application.

Some of these link types (Alert, Alert with Title,
Pop-Up Menu, Button Matrix) require part of their
implementation to be accomplished on reference pages.
In addition, it should be possible to use the
reference page methodology to implement all of the
link types defined in the XLink standard.

By inserting graphic buttons with embedded hypertext
commands on FrameMaker master pages, navigation bars
can be easily implemented. I?ve implemented large
FrameMaker hypertext documents in which such
master-page navigation bars were used to provide
buttons such as "Global" (clicking on this button
produced a menu of links to major subject areas, plus
hypertexted tables of contents, indexes and
glossaries), Local (clicking on this button produces a
menu of links to locations within the current subject
area), Previous (jumps to the location of the previous
link), and Next (goes to the next page).

UNFORTUNATELY, nearly all of FrameMaker?s linking
capabilities are not convertible to PDF, HTML, XHTML
or XML. The only viewing software that implemented all
of them was the now-defunct FrameViewer product.

WHAT I PROPOSE INSTEAD is that Adobe provide a new
version of FrameMaker that includes (in addition to
all the existing link types) the new types specified
in the XLink standard, and also provide an upgraded
version of Acrobat that can, when a FrameMaker file is
saved as PDF, preserve all those link types. 

PDF has already become a de-facto web standard because
of its superior readability, bookmarks, thumbnails,
and forms capabilities. Adding all of FrameMaker?s
superior hyperlink capabilities to PDF would vastly
expand penetration into web content and on-line help
development. And FrameMaker would replace Robohelp,
Winhelp and similar products as the publishing system
of choice for delivering web and on-line help content
as PDF.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Creating Popup menus in FrameMaker

2006-04-26 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Carol J. Elkins" 
> Good post, Dan. However, I'm trying to visualize
> statement, "...clicking on this button produced a 
> menu of links to major subject areas..." The 
> button part I understand, the menu of links I'm
> struggling with. A popup menu? If so, could you tell
> me how you achieve the menu of links functionality?

You asked how a popup menu is created in FrameMaker.
Here?s the procedure: (steps 1 and 2 are used only if
a button in a background text frame on a master page
is used to open the menu. If, instead, you want to
open the menu from highlighted anchor text within a
body page, proceed directly to step 3).

1. On a reference page, draw a text frame. Inside that
text frame draw a button, and use the drawing tool?s
text button to insert, inside the button, a
descriptive name for the button.

2. Inside the empty paragraph at the top of the text
frame (not inside the button) insert a hypertext
marker of the form:
popup flowname
where flowname is the name of a text flow of a text
frame you are going to draw on a reference page.

3. Alternatively, you can skip steps 1 and 2, and
instead insert the "popup flowname" hypertext marker
into highlighted text (i.e., the hypertext anchor)
within an ordinary body page. NOTE: If you are using
structured FrameMaker, it might be advisable to
specify the "popup flowname" marker in your structure
rules, and define it as an element of type marker.

4. On a reference page (I usually create a special
reference page named "Popups"), draw a text frame and
assign that text frame the same flowname you specified
in step 2 or 3.

5. In the first paragraph inside the text frame
created in step 4, enter, on the top line, the title
of the popup menu (it?ll only appear in the popup menu
on Unix platforms). In the second and succeeding
paragraphs within the menu, type the names of the
items you want to appear on the menu.

6. Immediately following the last letter of each menu
item (other than the title) added in step 5, insert
the appropriate hypertext marker type (most commonly
jump to named destination, but other types may also be
used). The Jump to Named Destination marker has the
 gotolink destination_name
 where destination_name is the
unique name of a newlink hypertext marker
 which you insert in the text
of the applicable content.
However, the hypertext link can also be to a popup
sub-menu, in which case the menu item that refers to
the submenu would be created in step 4 thru 6.
However, a sub-menu cannot reference another popup

7. If you used the button approach described in steps
1 and 2, copy the text frame containing the button you
created, and paste it as a background text frame on a
master page.

8. Once all that is accomplished, clicking on the
button (or the highlighted text) will open the popup
menu, and the user can then select the desired subject
node from the menu.

Schema Tools

2006-08-08 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Jon Harvey  wrote:
> We would like to begin developing in structured
> framemaker. My understanding is that to do so, we
> need to bring in schema that FM can use to help us
> structure our docs. Can anyone recommend some solid
> tools for creating schema? It's either that or 
> write the markup by hand,
> something I'd rather not do.
"Schema" is a database term. A schema describes the
detailed structure of a particular database design. If
your intent is to export data from structured
FrameMaker into such an existing database, your EDD
must replicate the schema of your database. 

If that's not your goal, and instead you are simply
trying to create structured documents, then you may be
able to ignore some of the rigors of a pre-defined
schema in developing your structured application.
Other external constraints/requirements, however, may
impose schema-like requirements that affect the design
of your EDD. It's even conceivable that the EDD you
develop, when it is converted to a DTD/schema, could
be used to define the schema for a new database in
which you intend to store Framemaker documents broken
up into their constituent structured components.

Be aware that implementing a true database schema
imposes certain constraints on EDD developement. For
instance, the use of inclusions in the structure rules
of an EDD makes documents created in accordance with
an EDD incompatible with export to XML or storage in a
database. Also, true schemas can impose more rigorous
requirements on the permissable values of attributes.

Importing Pricing ino Frame Document

2006-08-15 Thread Daniel Emory
You've gotten plenty of suggestions. I assume that,
presently, production of your catalog is being done in
a manner that is incompatible with a full database
publishing solution, otherwise the solution would be

The FrameScript solution offered by Rick Quatro would
seem to be the simplest and best one offered so far.

But I propose two more alternate solutions:

A. Strip out the "embedded" pricing, and instead
create a separate pricing section in the catalog in
which the products are listed in order by their part
number. This new section could be easily and quickly
generated from a database just before printing.

B. There is a solution using UniMerge which would
preserve the existing catalog structure with embedded
pricing. To update the pricing, you'd perform the
following steps:

1. Produce a database extract containing the following
two character-delimited fields: 


2. In the existing FrameMaker catalog document,
replace the existing in-text price for each catalog
item with the following UniMerge command:

^[IF (PartNum = 123) ^Price ^[END]
where XYZ is the part number, and Price is the unit
price for that part number.

3. After completing step 2, you save the modified
FrameMaker catalog document in MIF format, creating a
UniMerge template. 

4. Finally, you execute UniMerge on that template,
specifying as the data source the 2-field database
extract described in step 1. This action causes
UniMerge to merge the data from the database extract
into a MIF file output which preserves all the
formatting and content of the original MIF file, and
updates the price

UniMerge executes from the MS-DOS or UNIX command
line. It costs about $750 on Windoze platforms. It
doesn't run under the MAC OS. 

Ultimately, it may be possible for you to use UniMerge
to generate the entire catalog, in which case you
could radically reduce both your production time and
production costs.

I've been using UniMerge to produce catalogs,
directories and other database-derived documents in
FrameMaker since 1994. The user manual and other aids
which come with the product are excellent. 

--- Scott White  wrote:

> Is there a way to import new prices for a 1,000-page
> catalog into a
> Framemaker document?
> We do many large catalogs here, some with and some
> without pricing, and a
> potential customer wanted to know if they could
> update embedded pricing just
> before the files go to press. I thought I would ask
> the question.
> Thanks.
> Frame 7 Mac OS10, Frame 7.2 Windows XP Professional.
> -- 
> Scott White
> Media Production Manager
> Implentation Coordinator
> AlaMark Technologies
> 210-704-8239
> swhite at
> ___
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> lisa at Visit
> for more resources and
> info.

Public Domain Templates for FrameMaker Docs

2006-08-28 Thread Daniel Emory
If your company is a member of the ATA, you can obtain
the DTD for spec 100 from the ATA. Using that DTD, you
can generate a FrameMaker EDD. You then add to the EDD
the formatting information you require to produce
structured ATA 100-compliant documents. 

--- Steve Cavanaugh  wrote:

> Hi everyone.  I'm a brand new FrameMaker user here,
> and I've been hired to
> produce a Component Maintenance Manual to ATA
> Spec-100, to which I am also
> new.  EGAD!  It raises the question in my mind - are
> there any repositories
> of public domain templates for industry standard
> type documents such as Spec
> 100?  I'm certain that with a bit of study, I'll be
> able to produce one, but
> if I had one to model from, and learn from, it would
> decrease the learning
> curve considerably.  Anyone know of such a
> repository, or even where I might
> find a set of stand alone templates for ATA Spec
> 100?  
> By the way, this looks like a very useful list -
> I've already learned
> several things in just the last two weeks.  
> Steve Cavanaugh
> ___
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Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Searching in text insets

2006-12-13 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Fred Ridder  wrote:
> "Supposed to be" could be argued, but it certainly
> is the way
> things *are*. Text insets are treated as black boxes
> by the
> Find/Change operation.
Putting text insets in text frames (each with a
different text flow name) within reference pages in
the same document is one way to preserve the
find/change and spell checking capability for text
insets. Of course, this solution only works when the
entire text inset content will fit within a single
reference page.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Can an Element be a Container and a System Variable

2006-12-13 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Catudal & Rousseau  wrote:
> Can an element be a container and a system variable
> at the same time? I
> would like to generate the Chapter-Section-Subject
> in the footer of the page from the
> attributes of the subject element.
Yes, this is doable if you appropriately define a
running header/footer variable to contain the
applicable attribute value(s). For instance, if you
define three attributes in the subject element to have
three attributes identifying the chapter (chapnbr),
section (sectnbr) and subject number (subjnbr), you
would define an available running header-footer
variable as follows:

<$attribute[chapnbr:Subject] -
<$attribute[sectnbr:Subject]> -

Alternatively, if you were to use a single attribute
to define all three numbers (e.g, 2-3-5) in the
Subject element, the definition of the running footer
variable would be simplified as follows:


Note that you must follow the attribute name with a
colon (:) followed by the name of the applicable
element in which the attribute is contained.

If there are two or more Subject elements on a page,
the attribute(s) in the first element is used. If
there are no Subject elements on the current page,
Framemaker will use the attribute values in the last
Subject element on a preceding page.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Displaying a Portion of an Attribute Value

2006-12-22 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Catudal & Rousseau  wrote:
> I would like to display a portion of an element's
> REFLOC value, for example,
> this element with attribute values 

to be displayed Wiring Manual Chapter 20
so I would like to display the numerical value of the
REFLOC attribute with a prefix.
I take it that the REFEXT attribute is intended to
produce a hypertexted link to Chapter 20 of the wiring
diagram manual, or something like that, and the sole
piece of the REFEXT attribute you wish to extract is
the number 20, and then prefix that number with the
words "Wiring Diagram Chapter". This would require
that each REFLOC attribute be processed to find and
delete the string: 
, and replace that string
with "Wiring Manual Chapter" followed by the remaining
part of the attribute, which is the chapter number.

Certainly, this cannot be done using FrameMaker
read/write rules. So, you'd have to develop an
application using the FDK or FrameScript (or something
similar). Presumably, you'd have to signify, in some
unique manner, the location within the text where you
want the derived reference text to appear. The FDK or
FrameScrip application would recognize that text
location, process the REFMAN attribute in the current
element, and replace the text position locator with
the derived reference text.

If all of the chapter references you want to produce
are in the Wiring Manual, then only one such
application would have to be developed. 

But if you also want to process the REFMAN atttribute
to produce a similar result for references to other
manuals, you'd have to develop a separate application
for each type.

Interchange vs. Analysis

2006-02-01 Thread Daniel Emory
--- mcarr at wrote:
> I consider DITA to be an interchange format. If two
> organisations can figure out how to convert their
own structure > to and from DITA, they can freely
exchange data. Add five more
> organisations and impose the same requirement on
them and everyone can exchange data, whereas in the
> each organisation would have to code the conversion
> for all of their data partners. This is very
powerful and very useful, but it doesn't replace the
> that the organisations use on their own side.
I agree completely. The schema should be defined by
the database/CMS requirements that a particular
enterprise has developed to reflect its business
model, not by the content creators, whose job it is to
produce documents which can be parsed on the XML side
into their constituent components for storage in
accordance with the database schema. That requirement
pertains also to the metadata (attributes) needed to
manage the content, including those attributes which
enable content to be selectively retrieved from the
database in response to a user query. In many
documentation systems (ATA, statutory, regulatory, et
al), the principal method which users employ to
retrieve the information thay desire is an unique
number (or numbers) associated with the content of
interest. That means there must be attributes which
which carry this informaton, and those attributes must
not only be used for retrieval, but also to apply the
full and correct numbers to the extracted content. In
other words autonumbering such as that used in
FrameMaker cannot be used to produce the correct
number when a piece of of a document is retrieved.

But the problem with using something like DITA for
information interchange is that it is unlikely the
metadata defined by DITA will match the metadata in
the enterprise's database schema.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database
DW Emory 

Structure/Schema - Custom or off the shelf?

2006-02-03 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Alan Houser  wrote:
> Organizations are "successful" when they meet their
> business requirements as efficiently (time and $$$)
> possible. I talk lots of people _out_ of migrating
to XML for 
> this reason. I even occasionally say "you're doing
just fine
> with MS Word."

Certainly, there's no rational reason to migrate to
XML unless you intend (now or in the future) to manage
your documentation by storing it (parsed into its
constituent components) in a database/CMS, or your
customer(s) demand that your documentation be
delivered to them in that form for the same purpose.

The other case where XML may be important is  database
publishing of catalogs, directories, etc., where the
content is originated in the database, and must be
output to a publishing engine such as FrameMaker.
However, there are several other forms (e.g.,
character-delimited, fixed field, and others) in which
any database can output the data, and, in my
experience these alternatives are better than XML for
database publishing. 
> Printing XML using XSL-FO is one of the most
difficult tasks
> you will face, and leveraging the XSLT transforms
for an 
> off-the-shelf DTD is likely to save a very
substantial amount
> of development time.
And there's the rub, isn't it. The whole idea of SGML
and XML is based on the premise that structure and
metadata are the important things, and thus all
formatting information must be striped out of the
stored content. But then the extreme difficulties and
high cost associated with developing customized,
adaptable XSL-FO, FOSI or DSSL appications forces
companies to select a non-optimal "standard" DTD so
they don't have to do any formatting development.
Thus, the desira to create a customized DTD that
provides the optimal structure for an enterprise must
be abandoned snd replaced with a dreary "standard" DTD
like Docbook or DITA. And they must also accept the
dreary formatting produced by the "standard"
formatting application.

So the original concept that structure is more
important than formatting, is, in reality reversed,
and the typical enterprise is forced to accept an easy
solution to the formatting problem by choosing a
mediocre "standard" monstrosity such as Docbook or
DITA. Does that make any sense? Not to me it doesn't.

> By the way, I never recommend starting out with
> out-of-the-box DocBook 
That's like putting lipstick on the pig. It's still a
And each modification of Docbook or DITA may imply
major costs in adapting the "standard" XSL-FO
application which caused you to select the pig in the
first place. Thus, significant modification of the pig
is likely to be discouraged.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
DW Emory 

Esc m p for anchored frames?

2006-02-08 Thread Daniel Emory
If you initially set the anchored frame postion to be
Below Current Line, using ESC mp to shrink the size of
the anchored frame to the size of the contained
graphic object changes the anchored frame position to
"At Insertion Point". To restore the original position
after shrinking it, you must click on the anchored
frame, open the Anchored Frame dialog, and and
re-select "Below Current Line", and perhaps also
restore the original "Alignment" position.

Don't ask me why the ESC mp action forces these
arbitrary changes in position and alignment. That's
just the way it is. I suspect that this shortcut was
added at the request of one of the large license
holders, who explicitly asked for this behavior, and
Frame Technology complied with the request.

--- Tammy.VanBoening at wrote:

> Ok,
> I have tried searching the archives for this, but
> the searchable messages 
> don't go back far enough in time. I distinctly
> remember a discussion about 
> what the m and p represented in the Esc m p command
> for anchored frames. 
> Fred Ridder also supplied a succinct description of
> why this functions the 
> way that it does - basically, when I place my
> anchored frame at a certain 
> location, then use Esc m p, the frame is shrunk to
> the size of the 
> graphic, but the whole frame with the graphic is
> shifted upwards - it does 
> not remain in its original location - if this
> description makes sense. 
> Any information on this subject is appreciated.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
DW Emory 

POLL: Which method do you use to apply bold and italics?

2006-01-17 Thread Daniel Emory
> Bill Swallow wrote: 
> > Being a manager and until recently a template
> owner, I completely disagree. UI tweaks passively
> misuse. Proper training and education for writers
> prevents misuse, and even initiates their own
> into other ways to prevent needless headaches in a
> documentation effort.

All well and good, but the certainty of retribution is
In structured Frame, retribution is certain. Tell your
writers that each document they turn in for
edit/review will first be subjected to the following

1. Open the writer's submission.

2. Open the applicable structured template.

3. Import formats from the template with
Format/Overrides turned on.

4. Import the element definitions from the template
with Format Rules Overrides turned on.

5. Validate the writer's submission to detect any
structure violations, including detection of failure
to enter values for required attributes.

To impress new writers with all the implications of
this process, have a sample demonstration document
with instances of each type of violation, and
demonstrate what happens when the above steps are

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
DW Emory 

Help vertically centering text in FM..

2006-06-03 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Andy Kelsall  wrote:
> I can't for the life of me figure out how to
> vertically align text
> in FM. I have a page where I would
> like to align the text vertically, but after poking
> around FM and doing a
> Google search, I'm still stumped.
> Is it possible to do this in FM? Does it require
> creating a table that fills
> up the page and then aligning the
> the text in the cell? Any help would be appreciated.

Obviously, in order to calculate the location of the
top line of text to be vertically centered, you must
know in advance the total height of all the text lines
in order to properly center the first line. but there
is no way to use the paragraph designer to properly do

So, the only way to accomplish this is to insert (at
the top of the page) a one-row, one-column, unlined
table (no space above or below) whose width and height
matches the width and height of the  text frame. Then
to properly center all the text within this table you
must use the Table > Row Format dialog to set the
minimum height of the table row to be (nearly) the
height of the text frame. Then in the Paragraph
designer, you must set the Cell Vertical Alignment
under "Table Cell" to Middle. All of the text will
then be centered within the table column.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

question re object properties in Frame 7.2

2006-06-11 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Shlomo Perets  wrote:
> The "extremely useful" phrase is indeed used in the
> review, but frankly I 
> wasn't sure how it should be interpreted.
You are very kind Shlomo.

Page Numbering Properties

2006-03-05 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Wollenberger, David" 
> I have a situation which I don't think is so
> unusual, and yet I can't seem to figure out how to
> get FM to handle it. Our TOC page numbering begins
> on iii and goes as long as it has to, ending on an
> even page.
> Our Chapter 1 begins on the next page after the TOC
> page. So if the TOC is eight pages (iii-x), then the
> first page of Chapter 1 is 11.
To me, what you describe as not "unusual" is
extra-unusual. The whole reason for using roman
numerals in front matter is to allow the non-front
matter to begin at arabic numeral 1. Your company's
numbering scheme is counter-intuitive and dumb. I defy
you to find any instance where
professionally-published books of any type use the
numbering scheme you describe.  

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

OT: Unbelievable On-Line Help Stupidity

2006-03-10 Thread Daniel Emory
I was helping a friend who?d just acquired her first
computer, an E-Machine with Windows XP.

I was demonstrating how to get help, and showed how
she could type in a search phrase and get a list of
all the help topics containing that phrase. So, to
demonstrate how to properly shut down the computer, I
entered the search phrase ?Turn Off.? Sure enough, all
the help topics containing that phrase appeared, and I
selected the?Turn Off The Computer? topic. Here are
the instructions which appeared under that topic:

?Click Start, click Shut Down, and then in the
drop-down list click Shut Down?

The only part of that instruction which is correct is
?Click Start.?

o There is no Shut Down option under Start. It?s
called ?Turn Off Computer.?

o There is no drop-down list under the ?Turn Off
Computer? dialog. Instead, there are 3 buttons.

o There is no button option under ?Turn Off Computer?
called ?Shut Down? Instead there are three button
options: ?Stand By?, ?Turn Off?, and ?Restart.?

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Unbelievable On-Line Help Stupidity

2006-03-10 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Phil Heron  wrote:
> I am on Windows XP Professional.
> The instructions you list ("Click Start, click Shut
> Down, and then in
> the drop-down list click Shut Down") are perfectly
> correct for my
> computer. That is exactly what I see.
The e-Machine had Windoze XP Home Edition installed.
Apparently, Microsoft soesn't versionize its on-line
help. (which makes you wonder what else they
incorrectly fail to versionize).

RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-17 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Linda G. Gallagher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I only use that type of numbering when a client
> insists on it. Typically,
> those clients are engineers with content targeting
> other engineers.
The complaint that prompted Ms. Gallagher's response
was that multi-level numbering schemes "looked
clunky," the implication being that such numbering
offended the writer's esthetic sensibilities. Ms.
Gallagher's response is a laughable explanation for
when (or why) multi-level numbering of topics (as well
as tables and graphics) might be necessary. 

No doubt most engineers use such numbering schemes
because it is the only assured way to avoid ambiguity
when you reference something. The legal profession
uses such numbering schemes for the same reason. Then
there are the military and the Air Trasport
Association (ATA) (among many others) which also
require such numbering schemes because a number
provides a way to double-check that that the user is
following the correct procedure.

Someone else pointed out (correctly) that the concept
of a content management system (CMS) also imposes a
requirement for such numbering schemes in order to
facilitate the retrieval from a CMS of the particular
information needed by a user. To implement this, the
value of each level of a multi-level number appears in
a separate attribute (ala ATA DTDs, where the
attributes are named Chapter, Section, Subject, Page
Block, Task, and Subtask). Inspection Work Cards in
the ATA system identify the applicable number(s)
associated with each task or subtask identified on an
individual work card. If the inspection results in the
need for some corrective action, the multi-level task
number specified on the work card is used to retrieve
that task from the CMS. The user can then verify that
the number on the delivered content matches the number
specified on the work card for that task. This process
of number re-verification is an essential ingredient
of a zero-tolerance maintenance environment.

Producing technical manuals of any substantial size
and scope demands an appropriate multi-level numbering
scheme, not just for titled text, but also for titled
tables and graphics.

Even relatively simple on-line help docs should have
some sort of numbering scheme. Typically, users who
can't figure out something from the on-line help will
resort to a customer help line or in-house expert. If
the user can give the help specialist the number of
the particular on-line help content where the user is
stuck, ambiguity is eliminated, a successful
resolution of the problem is more likely, and the time
to arrive at the correct solution is likely to be


Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Linda G. Gallagher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't think it was necessary to single out my
> response and call what I
> said laughable. 

Your unqualified statement that the only people left
who use such numbering schemes are engineers
communicating with other engineers is what made it
laughable, because your statement itself was insulting
to the many technical disciplines where such numbering
schemes are considered essential. Clearly, many types
of technical documentation other than
engineer-to-engineer documents are enhanced by using a
rational numbering scheme, and I cited many examples
in my initial reply.

One could infer that your conclusion derives from the
fact that your millieu is restricted to on-line
help--the realm where shovelware reigns supreme. In
general, that regime only works when the product being
supported is some relatively simple piece of software,
and on-line help is only useful to beginners, who
would probably be better off if they could print a
complete manual that actually looks like a technical
manual when it is printed.

The general assumption of on-line help developers
seems to be that links are a substitute for a rational
numbering scheme. You may be surprised to learn that
there are vast realms in which selected technical
manual content must be printed out in order to
successfully carry out tasks, and thus links no longer
work. in those cases, a rational numbering scheme in
the printed portion replaces links as the method for
finding (and printing) referenced content.

That's an unnecessary insult.
Your statement itself insulted those who produce
technical content that is far superior to the typical
on-line help shovelware.
> As for this particular issue, I know of few writers
> and companies who advocate using numbered sections
as you suggest.
How many companies or writers do you know who work
outside the realm of on-line help shovelware?


Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Anne Robotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-19 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Steve Rickaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Surely the answer here is 'horses for courses'?
> There are many areas where numbering is either
> appropriate or essential (engineering manuals,legal
> documents, political documents, medical documents,
> repair manuals, ya-de-yah), and others where it is
> not. Legal is one special case: due to its density,
> every *paragraph* is often numbered.
The essence of the reason for numbering in the
document types I (and you) cited is multi-fold:
1. It eliminates ambiguity
2. It facilitates rapid access
3. It minimizes mistakes, and speeds up access,
particularly when you are working off-line with a
paper copy, in which case hyperlinks are unavailable.
When you reference something by its title instead of
by an unique number, it creates two problems: (a) How
do you find it in a large document, whereas
referencing by a number tells you exactly where it's
located, and (b) technical manualsoften have many
instances of very similar titles, and users are more
likely to go to the wrong one.

For these reasons, I contend that that nearly all
technical manuals fall into the same category as
engineering documents, legal documents, medical
documents, etc., because all of those types share the
urgent necessity of avoiding mistakes caused by
looking up the wrong reference.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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RE: Hypertext Link Strangeness

2006-05-23 Thread Daniel Emory
> I've got one for you I am making hypertext links
> active in the PDF 
> output by using a "message URL" hypertext marker. I
> use a character tag 
> to identify the text to include in the link. This
> has worked fine for me 
> in the past in unstructured docs.
> I have recently noticed that in my structured doc
> the link is not 
> working the way I expect. In some cases I get only a
> part of the address 
> in the link or no active link at all.
My experience with converting structured docs with
hyperlinks to PDF is that the links don't work if you
insert the gotolink (or message URL marker) at the
before the first text character in a text line.
Instead, insert the marker at the end of the
highlighted text (i.e., just before the end bracket ])
delineating the end of the character tag.

The same goes for newlink markers. Namely, never
insert a newlink marker before the first text
character in text line.

I use EDD-defined structure rules to define the link
components, as follows:
GoToExt (a link to another FM document or URL)
The structure rule for this element consists of the
names of one or more marker-type elements:

(FmGotlink | MailLink | whatever else is needed)
Each element specified in the structure rule is
defined as being a marker of a particular type. 

Element GotoExt is defined as a text-range element and
the format rule specifies colored text.

GoToint (a link to a newlink marker within the same
document). The structure rule for this element is:

(FmGotolink | whatever else is needed)
Each element specified in the structure rule is
defined as being a marker of a particular type. 
Element NewLink (an element of type newlink marker,
which specifies the unique name of a hypertext node
within a FrameMaker document.

Obviously, no colored text is required in this case.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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Re: Help vertically centering text in FM..

2006-06-03 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Andy Kelsall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't for the life of me figure out how to
> vertically align text
> in FM. I have a page where I would
> like to align the text vertically, but after poking
> around FM and doing a
> Google search, I'm still stumped.
> Is it possible to do this in FM? Does it require
> creating a table that fills
> up the page and then aligning the
> the text in the cell? Any help would be appreciated.

Obviously, in order to calculate the location of the
top line of text to be vertically centered, you must
know in advance the total height of all the text lines
in order to properly center the first line. but there
is no way to use the paragraph designer to properly do

So, the only way to accomplish this is to insert (at
the top of the page) a one-row, one-column, unlined
table (no space above or below) whose width and height
matches the width and height of the  text frame. Then
to properly center all the text within this table you
must use the Table > Row Format dialog to set the
minimum height of the table row to be (nearly) the
height of the text frame. Then in the Paragraph
designer, you must set the Cell Vertical Alignment
under "Table Cell" to Middle. All of the text will
then be centered within the table column.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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re: question re object properties in Frame 7.2

2006-06-11 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Shlomo Perets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The "extremely useful" phrase is indeed used in the
> review, but frankly I 
> wasn't sure how it should be interpreted.
You are very kind Shlomo.

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RE: Schema Tools

2006-08-08 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Jon Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We would like to begin developing in structured
> framemaker. My understanding is that to do so, we
> need to bring in schema that FM can use to help us
> structure our docs. Can anyone recommend some solid
> tools for creating schema? It's either that or 
> write the markup by hand,
> something I'd rather not do.
"Schema" is a database term. A schema describes the
detailed structure of a particular database design. If
your intent is to export data from structured
FrameMaker into such an existing database, your EDD
must replicate the schema of your database. 

If that's not your goal, and instead you are simply
trying to create structured documents, then you may be
able to ignore some of the rigors of a pre-defined
schema in developing your structured application.
Other external constraints/requirements, however, may
impose schema-like requirements that affect the design
of your EDD. It's even conceivable that the EDD you
develop, when it is converted to a DTD/schema, could
be used to define the schema for a new database in
which you intend to store Framemaker documents broken
up into their constituent structured components.

Be aware that implementing a true database schema
imposes certain constraints on EDD developement. For
instance, the use of inclusions in the structure rules
of an EDD makes documents created in accordance with
an EDD incompatible with export to XML or storage in a
database. Also, true schemas can impose more rigorous
requirements on the permissable values of attributes.

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Re: Importing Pricing ino Frame Document

2006-08-15 Thread Daniel Emory
You've gotten plenty of suggestions. I assume that,
presently, production of your catalog is being done in
a manner that is incompatible with a full database
publishing solution, otherwise the solution would be

The FrameScript solution offered by Rick Quatro would
seem to be the simplest and best one offered so far.

But I propose two more alternate solutions:

A. Strip out the "embedded" pricing, and instead
create a separate pricing section in the catalog in
which the products are listed in order by their part
number. This new section could be easily and quickly
generated from a database just before printing.

B. There is a solution using UniMerge which would
preserve the existing catalog structure with embedded
pricing. To update the pricing, you'd perform the
following steps:

1. Produce a database extract containing the following
two character-delimited fields: 


2. In the existing FrameMaker catalog document,
replace the existing in-text price for each catalog
item with the following UniMerge command:

^[IF (PartNum = 123) ^Price ^[END]
where XYZ is the part number, and Price is the unit
price for that part number.

3. After completing step 2, you save the modified
FrameMaker catalog document in MIF format, creating a
UniMerge template. 

4. Finally, you execute UniMerge on that template,
specifying as the data source the 2-field database
extract described in step 1. This action causes
UniMerge to merge the data from the database extract
into a MIF file output which preserves all the
formatting and content of the original MIF file, and
updates the price

UniMerge executes from the MS-DOS or UNIX command
line. It costs about $750 on Windoze platforms. It
doesn't run under the MAC OS. 

Ultimately, it may be possible for you to use UniMerge
to generate the entire catalog, in which case you
could radically reduce both your production time and
production costs.

I've been using UniMerge to produce catalogs,
directories and other database-derived documents in
FrameMaker since 1994. The user manual and other aids
which come with the product are excellent. 

--- Scott White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a way to import new prices for a 1,000-page
> catalog into a
> Framemaker document?
> We do many large catalogs here, some with and some
> without pricing, and a
> potential customer wanted to know if they could
> update embedded pricing just
> before the files go to press. I thought I would ask
> the question.
> Thanks.
> Frame 7 Mac OS10, Frame 7.2 Windows XP Professional.
> -- 
> Scott White
> Media Production Manager
> Implentation Coordinator
> AlaMark Technologies
> 210-704-8239
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Re: Public Domain Templates for FrameMaker Docs

2006-08-29 Thread Daniel Emory
If your company is a member of the ATA, you can obtain
the DTD for spec 100 from the ATA. Using that DTD, you
can generate a FrameMaker EDD. You then add to the EDD
the formatting information you require to produce
structured ATA 100-compliant documents. 

--- Steve Cavanaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone.  I'm a brand new FrameMaker user here,
> and I've been hired to
> produce a Component Maintenance Manual to ATA
> Spec-100, to which I am also
> new.  EGAD!  It raises the question in my mind - are
> there any repositories
> of public domain templates for industry standard
> type documents such as Spec
> 100?  I'm certain that with a bit of study, I'll be
> able to produce one, but
> if I had one to model from, and learn from, it would
> decrease the learning
> curve considerably.  Anyone know of such a
> repository, or even where I might
> find a set of stand alone templates for ATA Spec
> 100?  
> By the way, this looks like a very useful list -
> I've already learned
> several things in just the last two weeks.  
> Steve Cavanaugh
> ___
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Re: Columns in middle of chapter

2006-10-10 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Lisa M. Balbes, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My client wants one section of a particular chapter
> to be in columns, instead of the full page width
text of the rest of the chapter.  This 
> section will extend over several pages, and will
> probably have things added and deleted as we
continue editing the document.  They want the 
> columns to flow like a newspaper - filling both
> columns on one page before moving on to the next.

There is a viable way to do this in FrameMaker. 

First, your Left and Right master pages must both be
converted from a single-column page layout to a
2-column layout.

Second, to make it work, you must have two sets of
paragraph formats which at differ in a single setting
within the Pagination pane of the Paragraph Designer,

1. the paragraph formats for the ordinary
single-column content are all set to "Across All

2. The paragraph formats for the 2-column content are
set to " In Column".

Take note also that you'll need to define 1- and
2-column paragraph formats for graphic and table
anchors if the 2-column text contains graphics or

With this setup: 

Each time you switch from a 1-column paragraph style
to a 2- column paragraph style, lines of 2-column text
are produced. Then, switching back to a 1-column
paragraph style will cause the lines of 2-column text
above it to be balanced out within the two columns,
and the text below will resume the 1-column layout 

You can switch back and forth between 1- and 2-column
text multiple times within a single page, thus you can
begin and end the 2-column text anywhere within the
same page, or you can start the 2-column text anywhere
on a beginning page, and end the 2-column text
anywhere on a succeeding page.

This solution works best when:

A. Single-column text appears at the top of a page,
and either fills the page or is followed by 2-column
text which fills the rest of the page, or

B. The 2-column text appears at the top of a page, and
either fills the page, or is followed by 1-column text
which fills the rest of the page.

If, as you state, there are likely to be subsequent
edits which cause both the 1-column text and the
2-column text to shrink or grow in size, you may find
it necessary to manually force page breaks more often
that usual in order to keep the 2-column text
coherent. This, however, should not be much of a
problem if all the 2-column text is in one solid,
multi-page block that is preceded and/or followed by
solid blocks of single-column text. 

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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RE: general publication quiestion

2006-10-19 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Charles Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing something, and then again, maybe
> I'm not. I too have
> always considered it a strange paradox when I see
> the words "This page
> intentionally left blank." But there is no need to
> use it.
Mis-printed technical documentation has real-world
consequences. A printer device can misfeed two or more
sheets at once, inserting completely blank
double-sided sheets, or, even worse, it may print one
side properly, but mis-feed two or more sheets at once
on the second pass to produce the backside pages,
which results in an incorrect blank backside for one
or more pages.

The fact that, more and more, technical manuals are
being delivered as computer files, not professionally
printed and bound paper documents, increases the
likelihood of printing errors when users print out all
or part of a manual, and thus unambiguous
identification of blank pages becomes even more

In designing technical documentation, technical
writers have an obligation to consider the impact of
such things as printing and binding errors,
particularly when such errors could have
life-and-death consequences. 

How, then, do you prevent such consequences. There's
only one way, and that is for users to be trained that
any completely blank page or page side constitutes an
error that must be corrected. Consequently, every
single page must have text. The logical solution for
an intentionally blank page is to place the statement
(not the edges, which may be incorrectly trimmed or
mis-printed) of the page.


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RE: general publication quiestion

2006-10-21 Thread Daniel Emory
Your "snip" below deleted from my original post the
main reason I gave for why intentionally blank pages
should be unambiguously labeled. The snipped part was:

"The fact that, more and more, technical manuals are
being delivered as computer files, not professionally
printed and bound paper documents, increases the
likelihood of printing errors when users print out all
or part of a manual, and thus unambiguous
identification of blank pages becomes even more

"In designing technical documentation, technical
writers have an obligation to consider the impact of
such things as printing and binding errors,
particularly when such errors could have
life-and-death consequences." 
As the military has learned, some readers of technical
documentation are not at the bright end of the mental
continuum. Unless blank pages are unambiguously
labeled so that even a low-wattage brain will get the
message, the military has learned that some very
troubling outcomes occur.

The US military conducts, as a matter of course,
thorough reviews of snafus to identify the causes of
the foulups. Instances where poorly designed or
written tech manuals contributed to a snafu are
extremely common, and corrective actions are often
recommended, which result in changes in MIL specs,
and/or changes in the validation and verification
process for military tech manuals. The standardization
was found to be the least ambiguous way to identify
blank pages, because it allows a simple training
mantra, namely: "If you find a blank page in a manual
which does not contain the above statement, something
is probably wrong. Stop what you are doing, and seek
advice from your superior."

The fact is that the US military is the only true
laboratory where technical documentation is subjected
to extensive post-publication review to determine its
effectiveness in the real world. Findings resulting
from analyses of actual foul-ups lead to continuing
improvements in tech manual instructions. Those who
write manuals for non-military applications ought to
also take advantage of that laboratory.

--- "Combs, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Daniel Emory wrote: 
> > --- Charles Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Maybe I'm missing something, and then again,
> maybe I'm not. 
> > I too have 
> > > always considered it a strange paradox when I
> see the words 
> > "This page 
> > > intentionally left blank." But there is no need
> to use it.
> > ==
> > Mis-printed technical documentation has real-world
> > consequences. A printer device can misfeed two or
> more sheets 
> > at once, inserting completely blank double-sided
> sheets, or, 
> > even worse, it may print one side properly, but
> mis-feed two 
> > or more sheets at once on the second pass to
> produce the 
> > backside pages, which results in an incorrect
> blank backside 
> > for one or more pages.
> > How, then, do you prevent such consequences.
> There's only one 
> > way, and that is for users to be trained that any
> completely 
> > blank page or page side constitutes an error that
> must be 
> > corrected. Consequently, every single page must
> have text. 
> > The logical solution for an intentionally blank
> page is to 
> > place the statement "THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT
> BLANK" in 
> > the center (not the edges, which may be
> incorrectly trimmed or
> > mis-printed) of the page.
> All this concern over "completely blank" pages
> strikes me as odd. But
> then, I read Charles Beck's explanation of *why*
> there's no need -- the
> part about *headers* and *footers* that's
> conveniently snipped above. 
> And "only one way"? This is beginning to sound more
> like a religion than
> techwriting advice. 
> In the past, I've used a level-1 heading that reads
> "Notes" at the top
> of the extra page (below the header's ruling line)
> -- does that lack the
> rigorous user training component that the statement
> INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK" seems to possess? 
> What about this "in the center" bit? Does it have to
> be horizontally
> centered too, or can it align left in the text
> column? For that matter,
> if you have wider inside than outside margins,
> should it be centered on
> the page or in the column? 
> For those of us who like the golden ratio, would it
> be beyond the pale
> to place the statement 1.62 times as far from the
> bottom of the page as

Re: The Page Left Intentionally Blank

2006-10-21 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Shmuel Wolfson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I always felt that "This Page Intentionally Left
> Blank" sounds a bit 
> weird. Why would you intentionally leave a page
> blank? I vote to change 
> it to "This Page Left Blank for Double-sided
> Printing."

What about the case where the manual is only delivered
as a computer file, and the user prints out all or
part of the double-sided manual as a single-sided
document on local printer? Now a typical dimwit reader
will become confused about what it means. The addition
of "For Double-Sided Printing" adds an unnecessary
confusion factor which adds nothing to the intended
meaning, regardless of whether the manual is printed
single- or double-sided.

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Re: OT: MIL specs (was RE: general publication quiestion)

2006-10-21 Thread Daniel Emory
Certainly I don't advocate the use of MIL specs for
preparing commercial manuals. I do know, however, that
most tech writers who produce manuals for commercial
products remain blissfully unaware of the problems
caused by their outputs. 

Unlike typical users of commercial products, most
users of MIL=SPEC manuals have received thorough
training on the systems they will maintain/operate,
including classroom exposure to the manuals they will
use after they graduate. Nevertheless, they frequently
foul up, and sometimes it's because the manual is
poorly written or deficient in other ways. Unlike the
commercial world, the military reacts by investigating
manual-caused snafus, and taking corrective action,
which may include modification of both the training
and the manuals. 

All I was trying to say is that tech writers in the
non-military world should take advantage of remedial
measures taken by the military to minimize foul-ups.
One such remedial measure was to require blank pages
to have the infamous "THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY
BLANK" appear in the middle of each empty page. The
absence of this statement on a blank page assures that
the reader knows something is missing. The military
learned the necessity of this measure the hard way,
yet the general ridicule this subject receives each
time it arises is equivalent to ridiculint the fact
that car manufacturers discovered it was wise to
prevent idiots from starting their automobile while
the shift lever is set to reverse. 
--- "Combs, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Daniel Emory wrote:  
> > The fact is that the US military is the only true
> laboratory 
> > where technical documentation is subjected to
> extensive 
> > post-publication review to determine its
> effectiveness in the 
> > real world. Findings resulting from analyses of
> actual 
> > foul-ups lead to continuing improvements in tech
> manual 
> > instructions. Those who write manuals for
> non-military 
> > applications ought to also take advantage of that
> laboratory.
> First there was "only one way." Now there's the
> "only true laboratory."
> I'm seeing a pattern here... 
> Ever hear the (chiefly British) expression "horses
> for courses"? :-)
> Don't get me wrong -- I'm a huge fan of the US
> military (especially when
> they're killing Islamofascists). I donate to
> Soldier's Angels, the USO,
> VFW, PVA, ... 
> But if some edict were to declare that henceforth
> all technical
> documentation everywhere must be done to MIL specs,
> I suspect I'd change
> professions or retire. At the least, I'd have to go
> on anti-depressants.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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RE: Searching in text insets

2006-12-13 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Fred Ridder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Supposed to be" could be argued, but it certainly
> is the way
> things *are*. Text insets are treated as black boxes
> by the
> Find/Change operation.
Putting text insets in text frames (each with a
different text flow name) within reference pages in
the same document is one way to preserve the
find/change and spell checking capability for text
insets. Of course, this solution only works when the
entire text inset content will fit within a single
reference page.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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Re: Can an Element be a Container and a System Variable

2006-12-13 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Catudal & Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can an element be a container and a system variable
> at the same time? I
> would like to generate the Chapter-Section-Subject
> in the footer of the page from the
> attributes of the subject element.
Yes, this is doable if you appropriately define a
running header/footer variable to contain the
applicable attribute value(s). For instance, if you
define three attributes in the subject element to have
three attributes identifying the chapter (chapnbr),
section (sectnbr) and subject number (subjnbr), you
would define an available running header-footer
variable as follows:

<$attribute[chapnbr:Subject] -
<$attribute[sectnbr:Subject]> -

Alternatively, if you were to use a single attribute
to define all three numbers (e.g, 2-3-5) in the
Subject element, the definition of the running footer
variable would be simplified as follows:


Note that you must follow the attribute name with a
colon (:) followed by the name of the applicable
element in which the attribute is contained.

If there are two or more Subject elements on a page,
the attribute(s) in the first element is used. If
there are no Subject elements on the current page,
Framemaker will use the attribute values in the last
Subject element on a preceding page.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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Re: Displaying a Portion of an Attribute Value

2006-12-22 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Catudal & Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to display a portion of an element's
> REFLOC value, for example,
> this element with attribute values 

to be displayed Wiring Manual Chapter 20
so I would like to display the numerical value of the
REFLOC attribute with a prefix.
I take it that the REFEXT attribute is intended to
produce a hypertexted link to Chapter 20 of the wiring
diagram manual, or something like that, and the sole
piece of the REFEXT attribute you wish to extract is
the number 20, and then prefix that number with the
words "Wiring Diagram Chapter". This would require
that each REFLOC attribute be processed to find and
delete the string: 
, and replace that string
with "Wiring Manual Chapter" followed by the remaining
part of the attribute, which is the chapter number.

Certainly, this cannot be done using FrameMaker
read/write rules. So, you'd have to develop an
application using the FDK or FrameScript (or something
similar). Presumably, you'd have to signify, in some
unique manner, the location within the text where you
want the derived reference text to appear. The FDK or
FrameScrip application would recognize that text
location, process the REFMAN attribute in the current
element, and replace the text position locator with
the derived reference text.

If all of the chapter references you want to produce
are in the Wiring Manual, then only one such
application would have to be developed. 

But if you also want to process the REFMAN atttribute
to produce a similar result for references to other
manuals, you'd have to develop a separate application
for each type.


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Re: PDF to framemaker

2007-01-15 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Peter Ring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dov is of course correct in stating that PDF should
> be considered a final form document format. But, 
> nevertheless, PDF can be used as an 
> input (to Frame)
Another effective way to use PDF as an input to
FrameMaker is to use it to import graphs for display
in FrameMaker documents. In this case, however, the
graphs are first created in FrameMaker. The method is
described below.

Step 1. On a new FrameMaker master page, create a
background frame in which you create (using
FrameMaker's drawing tools) the graph's frame (i.e.
the X and Y axes with labeled tickmarks (and perhaps
corresponding horizontal and vertical lines), plus any
additional static text.

Step 2. On a body page in which the background master
page from step 1 is used, employ FrameMaker's drawing
tools to to overlay the background created in step 1
with the foreground graphical plots (lines, curves,
wedges, etc), using different colors diferent dashed
lines, etc as needed. Additional text labels might
also be created in the overlay, as needed, using the
drawing tools.

Step 3. Save the body page created in step 2 as a
1-page PDF with an appropriate filename.

Step 4. Open the PDF created in step 3 and crop it as
needed to eliminate all the white space surrounding
the graphic, and then re-save it as a single-page

Step 5. At the location in a FrameMaker document where
you want the graph to appear, import the PDF produced
in step 4 into a graphic frame, scaling it as needed.

This methodology is particularly useful when the basic
graph background created in step 1 above is used
multiple times to produce different graphical plots.
In that case, each graph created in step 2 is saved to
a separate PDF file in steps 3 and 4.

And of course, the resulting PDF graphics are not
restricted to use in FrameMaker. They can be used in
any software product which can import PDFs.


Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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Re: New to the list, and asking for help

2007-01-16 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Pedro Pastor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe the troubles I've found come from my
> inexperience developing structured applications in
FM, but I cannot fully understand the aim
> behind the (so called) "XML-roundtrip" editing.
Assuming that the documentation you are creating and
updating/editing is accomplished by human beings, you
can avoid XML-roundtripping only by having your
writers create/modify tagged XML. If you expect to
have any semblance of a productive authoring
environment, you must "round-trip" the XML into some
sort of authoring product which provides the numerous
bells and whistles needed to hide XML internals from
your authors. Most XML editing produces are not
WYSIWYG, and thus in those editors authors see
something that is not a facsimile of what human
readers will see when they retrieve those documents. 

Structured FrameMaker is just as much an XML editor as
any of the other ones. It provides an automated way to
import XML instances into FrameMaker, preserving all
the XML internals, and at the end of an editing
session, it provides an automated way to export the
work product back into fully conformant tagged XML

The extra feature of FrameMaker is that it avoids the
necessity of having to use the clunky and
difficult-to-implement XML tools used to accomplish
acceptable formatting and layout needed to make
documents that are highly readable and effective for
human users. That is, FrameMaker, in addition to being
a powerul way to create documents, can also serve as a
powerful print engine for delivering high-quality,
eminently readable, technical documents in paper or
PDF format. 
> 1) I cannot understand how to clearly separate
> structure from presentation in FM. If EDD contains 
> structure and presentation
> information we are against the main principles of
> SGML/XML document
> design!!
Gee, the idea behind FrameMaker is to have the best of
both worlds. Desktop publishing systems like
FrameMaker have highly sophisticated formatting and
layout capabilities. You can, however, completely
ignore presentation in an EDD simply by declaring that
all text will use a single paragraph style. If, on the
other hand, you decide to exploit Frame"s exquisite
presentation capabilities, you can export a structured
Frame document to XML or SGML, and none of that
formatting information gets exported, hence it in no
way violates the canons of XML or SGML.
The fact is that both SGML and XML provide a set of
clunky, insufficient and unwieldy tools for delivering
formatted output for printing or on-line display. The
FrameMaker EDD offers a far more robust and elegant
method for producing high-wuality presnetations.
> 2) It seems like there are two placeholders
> for storing presentation information: Templates and
EDD documents. This could be
> redundant, I mean, the same presentation definition
> data could be store
> on both places.
Again you denigrate a powerful feature of Frame. The
EDD specifies the names of paragraph, character and
other types of formatting tags based on element
context. Templates are used to specify the formatting
details for each such tag. There are two advantages to
this. First, you can change the formatting (e.g.,
fonts, sizes, etc.) without disturbing the EDD.
Second, you can create multiple template versions for
the same EDD, allowing you to deliver differently
formatted documents which meet the requirements of
different types of users or different types of
documents created from the same EDD. Another feature
of the EDD is format change lists, which allow certain
parameters (e.g., indents, fonr size, autonumbering)
of a given format tag to be modified in different
structural contexts. 
> 3)   In addition to this, Template document
> could have structure
> associated with it (via importing EDD document).
> Then we get just
> another way of associating structure to documents,
> apart from the DTD
> specification!!).

Wrong again. A DTD contains no formatting information.
You create an EDD. Then you import that EDD into an
empty FrameMaker document, and the EDD "seeds" the
empty document with all the EDD's structure rules as
well as all the formatting tags defined in the EDD.
Then the designer defines the parameters of each
EDD-defined format tag. If your production needs
require different presentations for different
customers or different types of documents (all created
from the same EDD), You create more than one
structured template for the same EDD, and design the
formatting of each version of the template to meet
specific formatting and layout requirements.

To create a new structured document, you select the
appropriate template file and apply it to a new

Re: QA wants unique edition number in changed footers

2007-01-31 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Andersen, Verner Engell VEA"
> Have you any idea of how I can have the various
> edition numbers in footer of each chapter page and
> still have the possibility of importing all formats
> from all files without messing things up?
This kind of dilemma can be eliminated in structured
FM documents. The edition number, rev number, rev
date, effectivy, and similar info can be produced by
defining FrameMaker header/footer variables which pick
up the current value(s) of the applicable element

In mission-critical documents (aircraft maintenance
manuals, for instance) the process begins with the
technician picking a work card to perform a particular
maintenance task on a particular aircraft (the same
aircraft model can have many different configurations,
even within the same airline). The work card provides
all the information needed to assuredly select the
correct procedural instructions from the maintenance
manual (in the ATA methodology, the mechanic submits
the work card number to a database, which retrieves
the applicable procedure from the maintenance manual).

The work card information may even allow the mechanic
to examine the information in the footer of each page
of the retrieved procedure to verify that the footer
information (such as the page's effectivity, current
revision date, page block number, etc.) agrees with
what appears on the work card. All of this footer
informatin in the retrieved procedure is produced from
header/footer variables which pick up the current
values of the corresponding element attributes when
the procedure is delivered to the machanic.

As you can see, this approach, employing element
attributes which are converted by structured
FrameMaker to header/footer variables appearing in the
footer, can be used at any level of granularity, even
down to individual pages.


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Re: Database Publishing book

2007-02-01 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Pat Bensky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> I am thinking of writing a book about database
> publishing. It would cover
> publishing with InDesign and Quark (possibly
> FrameMaker and Word as well)
> using the following methods:
> InDesign tags
> Quark tags
> Xtags, Xdata
> RTF (perhaps)
> FrameMaker tags (maybe)
I've been developing database publishing applications
for clients for about 14 years. In some cases, I
deliver turnkey applications to my customer. In other
cases, I produce the finished output (typically

Your list of methods barely scratches the surface, and
does seem to address only the most simple database
publishing applications, which, in my experience, is
rarely enough. Nor do you seem to be addressing he
wide array of products/solutions which are available,
as well as the extremely wide variety of applications
in which database publishing can be employed

Your definition of what you mean by database
publishing will determine the scope of your book. The
broadest definition would encompass all special
solutions whose purpose is to process raw output from
a database so as to deliver it in a form that is
useable to both human and non-human users.

In the case of delivery to human users, such solutions
typically include customizeable middleware which can
receive/processe/manipulate the raw database output,
and makes the processed data compatible with the
selected formatting/output engine (e.g., FrameMaker,
Quark, Word (ugh) or InDesign).

If, for example, FrameMaker is chosen as the
formatting/output engine, several customizable
middleware products are available, including
PatternStream, Miramo and UniMerge. Such middlewar
products require the development of a special 
application for each production operation, which may,
among other things, involve evaluatiing each database
record so as to select/delete/rearrange the sequence
of the data fields in each record before it is
delivered to FrameMaker. UniMerge (the product I use)
can also specify the FrameMaker format tag to be
applied to individual fields, add markers to specify
fields whose content is used to produce running
header/footers, specify fields which are to be
included in a table of contents, insert static text
above, below or within a sequence of record fields,
specify that some or all fields in a record field be
placed within a FrameMaker table, truncate the data in
a field, add mathematical operations on rows or
columns in a tabular array, and many other functions
which radically alter the raw database input before
delivering output to FrameMaker.

Very large database publishing solutions are very
complex, and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars
to develop,operate and maintain successfully.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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Re: Replacing Framemaker

2007-02-01 Thread Daniel Emory
The publication by the STC of this article
demonstrates the declining relevance of that


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