KR> WAF cad files

2008-10-12 Thread david mullins
I just forwarded my WAF Files to Chris.

Dave Mullins
Gathering Bound
Nashua, New Hampshire

Chris Johnston wrote:

>Would anyone have a set of cad files for the WAFS in either DXF or DWG 
> format for the water jet cutter. There is also a native format which the 
> water cutter uses, which I am not familiar with, this would do also. Many 
> many thanks if you can as this will save me a lot of time.
>  Chris Johnston
>  North Richmond
>  NSW   Australia
>Search the KRnet Archives at
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering Group Photos

2008-10-12 Thread david mullins

Here are the links to the group photos I took at this years Gathering.
I have included some of the early fly-bys that were taken in less than
optimal weather conditions. I did get some better ones from  Sunday's
departures and  will post them later tonight on web pages I am making today.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

All the KRs, Pilots and attendees:

Full resolution for printing:  (3.5MB file)

All the Corvair KRs and pilots:

Full resolution for printing:  (4MB file)

All the new airfoil KRs and pilots:

Full resolution for printing:  (5MB file)


KR> main gear position for tri gear

2008-10-12 Thread david mullins

My main gear axle line is 4" behind the rear face of the main spar.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Dene Collett (SA) wrote:

>Hi Guys
>I am busy building the main gear legs for my tri gear and was just wondering
>where the other guys with tri gear configs have positioned their wheels with
>regard to the rear face of the main spar. I am able to get the centre of the
>wheel about 215mm from the rear face of the spar. I would be interested if
>all those with tri gear configs and have the info available would send it to
>me privately.
>I was looking at John Shaffer's plane and it would seem that his wheels are
>a bit closer than this. Is there not a standard percentage weight that the
>mains should handle or is it ok as long as the wheels are behind the rear CG
>Dene Collett
>KR2S-RT builder
>Port Elizabeth
>South Africa
>P.S: checkout
>Search the KRnet Archives at
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR>Facet Pump endurance

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I have had one semi-failure of a facet fuel pump in my baja bug. A small
piece of foam from the fuel cell came through the line and stopped the
pump from working. I had to remove the fuel cell to get to the pump, 
and clean out the debris. I later bought a fuel filter to go between the 
fuel cell and
the punp. I would urge anyone using this pump to do the same.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Mark Langford wrote:

>Dan wrote:
>>I turned my Facet on when I started the engine and turned it off when I
>>turned the engine off. If anyone needs to know the number of hours, I
>>guess, around 150. As far as I know, it is still performing the same.
>OK, I can top that one.  I've had a Facet pump in my Karmann Ghia since
>1978, and it runs any time the ignition switch is turned on.  I've put about
>160,000 miles on it since then.  My wife's trip computer on her Audi informs
>me that we typically drive about 40 miles an hour on average, so I have
>somewhere around 4000 hours on my Facet, and never a hiccup.  I would think
>that the failure mode on these would be that they might stick after sitting
>a while, so if it starts, it'll get you there.  But then mine sits for
>months now, and it always fires right up.  If there was a big problem with
>these things overheating for any reason, the company would have fixed them
>years ago, or gone out of business by now.  And these days, you have to
>design hardware for the folks who don't even read instructions, and there's
>no telling what they'll try to do with it, so it's prudent to make it
>bulletproof with a built-in bypass or some other means of self-defense.  An
>excellent piece of equipment...
>Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
>N56ML at
>see KR2S project N56ML at
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR>Facet Pump failure rate

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I had to cut a space out of the foam for the fuel level sender.
I replaced the foam back in the tank after cutting and a small piece
dislodged and went through the fuel line to the pump.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire


>Sorry to poke my nose in, but an idea just popped into the "little gray cells" 
>(Hercule Poirot, BBC Murder Mysteries).  If the Facet got plugged (with 
>anything really) and that forced a Baja Bug down, and other netters advocate a 
>70 micron filter between tank and pump, what does it matter?
>It is nice to stop debris from getting into the pump by means of a filter, but 
>the REAL "fly in the ointment" is the shut down!!!  If we catch the debris at 
>the filter, and the fuel flow stops, guess what?  You got it!  The engine 
>stops.  At least I THINK it stops...
>Last I heard, engine outage was not a good thing, something to be avoided.
>Perhaps we should be interested in what caused the foam to come loose in the 
>Baja??  I'm not at all against the filter, but I really would like to treat it 
>like life insurance.  That filter is for someone after I die, and I'm not 
>ready to die...   just yet.
>Call me persnikity, but I want all my protection up front!
>Sorry to be such a wimp.  Thanks for allowing me to vent (if that is what is 
>Richard Alps Littleton, Colorado___
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR>Yahoo Groups

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

About Yahoo groups. I was on a list there for years that one day just 
without warning. The Group didn't break any of Yahoos rules. We think it
was at the government's request because the group was about income taxes.
The state versions of the national list were also shut down by Yahoo. We
started the group up again and were shut down a second time within two 
The group had to host the list offshore to keep our so called "freedom 
of speech"

It is not because the information we exchange is wrong or illegal, It is 
the government does not want us spreading the the word that there is no 
for income taxes.  Everything we post can be traced to  USC Title 26, 
Court  Decisions, or US District Court Decisions. It's all about the Law.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Mark Langford wrote:

>Ameet Savant is checking into the Yahoo lists.  That might make a good
>"secondary" list where folks can post pictures and stuff like that.  If it
>works out OK, maybe we can migrate there.

KR> Website update/ Motivation

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I haven't done much since I was laid off from Raytheon just days
before the 2002 Gathering. I promised everyone that I wold bring
my bird then.  I drove 30 hours each way to let you guys (& girls)
see what I have been doing up to that point.

The major reason  for little progress is the uncertainty of my current
workplace. It is a startup that I have been working at for the past
1.5 years. I am working as a "contractor" with no benefits at all. Plus,
I get unscheduled "vacations."  I just got a three day one last week
because the business didn't have the money in the bank to pay me.
I am looking for a second job to supplement this one and get some
extra money to start my flight lessons. The business I work at is about
to take off. We are working to close 4 accounts any one of which
would put the company on its feet. That's why I'm trying to stay with them.

I have only been puttering around the hangar with no real progress.
Still been getting some of the other parts I need to make the
two 190ci  Corvair Engines. The first conversion was to mock up
my firewall forward. I sold that engine on barnstormers a while back
to a 601 builder.  The money was to be used for the big boy machine
work. However bills wiped out my plans to get the machine work done.
(More unscheduled vacation)

I have my own domain that I am in the process of moving to. I am finishing
a new computer build this weekend and will do a major update to my web
site at the new domain by the end of this month. (That's a promise)

My domain is http//  I can set some of you guys up with a
forwarding Email at  It will forward to your real
email address.

I hope the next gathering in Mount Vernon will cure me of my motivational
problems. The Last one started to, but fizzled in a few weeks. I need to see
some of the NEW birds that have been finished. (I still like to see the 
ones too)

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Ron Smith wrote:

>David Mullins <> wrote:
>Hi David, I have nothing to say about the taxes thing. I did want to ask you 
>about your web site though. I haven't seen any changes in awhile and was 
>wondering how you ere progressing, and if you were going to post some new 
>pics. I liked your site very much.
>Ron Smith,
>God is in the details
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> Cockpit Width..

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
My KR2S  has a cockpit width of 43" inside the fuselage walls and I
am using a Dragonfly canopy.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire wrote:

>What is the widest cockpit anyone in the group has build for shoulder width?  
>What is the widest you could build a KR2S.  I have seen alot of modifications 
>to KR's on this site and this would be one that I am interested in.  
>(Not yet building) but flying
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> 70 Days and Counting

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

Are you going to get up on a chair and dance for us
like you did at the last Gathering?

Dave Mullins

Mark Jones wrote:

>To the Gathering that is.
>Mark Jones
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> Rand Gear vs Diehl Gear

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
Virg & Dick

Rand fixed gear legs are made by Grove.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire


>Do not forget the Grove Gear, Virg
>On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 07:34:49 -0500 larry flesner 
>>> What are the major differences between the Rand and Diehl 
>>>fixed landing gears? Which one would be better for a grass runway?
>>>Thanks in advance.   Dick Goff 
>>I'm not that familar with the Rand gear but seeing no other 
>>I'll throw out what I know.  
>>The Rand gear is a one piece gear that mounts to brackets on
>>the forward spar inside the fuselage, all aluminum.
>>The Diehl gear has a mounting bracket on each side, on the
>>forward spar center section just outside the fuselage.  It uses
>>a straight 24" composite gear leg with a second bracket on
>>the bottom end to mount the axle.
>>I don't know that one is better than the other.  I'm not sure
>>of the Rand gear length, it may be a bit taller.   The Diehl
>>gear on the other hand is a bit wider.  I've not heard of problems
>>with either type.  The Diehl instructions say to mount the 
>>brackets on the spar next to the fuselage.  I moved mine out
>>approx 2"s and with the 30" legs I have (which Dan no longer
>>sells) it gives me a main gear track right at 8 feet wide.  It
>>handles nicely on the ground.
>>It's your money.  You decide
>>Larry Flesner
>>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>>please see other KRnet info at
>Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
>Miami ,Fl
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> KR2 project for Sale on ebay

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
There are also five KR2 and two KR projects for sale on posted in the last two months.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire
Gathering Bound  (Arriving STL @ 12:05 Thursday)

KR> Re: To The Airport

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

Does that advice come from experience?

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

rparker wrote:

>You'll sleep better knowing the kids wont be able to poke any holes in it. :--)
>Rich Parker
>Peterborough, NH

KR>Red Oak Bachelorette Party

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I am single, so whatever I did at the bachelorette party was OK!
I did like the "Suck for a Buck" T-shirt she was wearing with all
the LifeSaver candies attached. I went after the best positioned one,
If you get my drift?

I wonder what will happen this year? If you would like to know too, you 
gotta attend!

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire
Gathering bound on Thursday

Mark Jones wrote:

>- Original Message - 
>From: "Mark Langford" 
>>I don't know about dogs dancing on tables, but the bachelorette party in
>>bar at the last Redoak Gathering still has me wondering why I did what I
>>did.  And I don't remember any dogs in THAT room!  Definitely a topic of
>>discussion at the beer circle.
>It is just amazing what level headed grown men will do when in a bar
>drinking and a bachelorette party walks in. Especially when there were no
>other men in the bar except KR heads or should I say ... heads.
>Mark Jones (N886MJ)
>Wales, WI  USA
>E-mail me at
>Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> Digital Protractor

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
When I was in the market for one. I looked on line for the best price.
Most places wanted around $200. A week after I bought mine I found
them for $140 at Enco.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Mark Jones wrote:

>When all else fails, go on and do a search on digital
>protractor. Many links popped right up. Here is the first one.
>Mark Jones (N886MJ)
>Wales, WI  USA
>E-mail me at
>Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Dean Cooper" 
>To: "KRnet" 
>Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 5:09 PM
>Subject: KR> Digital Protractor
>>Anyone know where I can get a digital protractor?  I've tried all of the
>>obvious places (Sears, Home Depot, Harbor Freight, Lowes, etc).
>>Dean Cooper
>>Jacksonville, FL
>>Email me at
>>See my KR project at
>>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>>please see other KRnet info at
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> Mylar Gap Seals REVISED

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

Here is ther place that I bought my Precurved mylar gap seals:

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Mark Jones wrote:

>Here is the deal.the group buy is off. Eric Pitts, one of the newest KR
>family members has introduced me to a company where you may buy 11 ¼" wide
>.010 Mylar at any length you want for .90 cents per foot up to 50 ft and .75
>cents over 50 feet ($10 minimum). So, if you need gap seals, go to the site
>below and order the length you need. Basically you will need to buy 12 feet
>therefore you could split the order with a buddy since that would be plenty
>to do four ailerons or two planes. Here is the link:
>Thanks Eric for making this simple.
>Mark Jones
>Mueller Sales Corporation
>Ph: 262-781-5310
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR> MSD Coil Selector

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
You can find them at: or

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Eduardo Iglesias wrote:

>Does anybody knows where can I buy a MSD 8210 Coil Selector?
>[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

KR>KR2s for sale on Ebay (NO,it's not mine!)

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
Found this KR2S on Ebay, $3500, subaru engine w/ redrive
Located in Broward County Florida.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

KR>Grove or Diehl

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I have the Grove gear mounted on my KR2S as a tri-gear setup. 
You can check out my landing gear at these pages on my website.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

> Hello, my name is John Saunders. I am a long time reader, first time writer.
> Firstly, thanks to all who contribute. Without your wise words I would not 
> have
> considered building the KR2S. Could someone please send me a picture &
> description of the brackets required to mount the Grove gear? I am also 
> looking
> for a front & side pic of one of Todd's canopies. Has anyone incorporated a 
> chute into their KR?
> Cheers,
> John.
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>Grove gear

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I talked to Jeanette at the last gathering. In that conversation 
she stated that the gear she offered was made by Grove. Robbie 
Grove started offering them for the KR directly a few years later.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire wrote:
> Help me out Netters,  I made the switch to a fixed gear around "91" My gear
> came from Jeanette, I looked at the Grove gear and it looks similar, is it the
> same or is it different.
> Orma AKA AviationMech
> KR-2 N110LR
> 1984 to Present
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>Lighting up your KR

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

You can Cut it but you need to seal the cut end with silicone or
The best place I found for this stuff is You
get it in different colors and thicknesses. I am using the blue/green
instead of the wire version. See

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Dana Overall wrote:
> No you cannot cut it but I just lite it up and ran a 180 around the tip of
> my little finger.  I got a little braver and pinched it down to about 3/8"
> with not problem.  I don't want to kink it so I didn't squeeze any tighter.
> Dana Overall
> 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
> Richmond, KY
> RV-7 slider/fuselage
> do not archive
> >From: "Ron Freiberger" 
> >Reply-To:, KR builders and pilots
> >
> >To: "KR builders and pilots" 
> >Subject: RE: KR>Lighting up your KR
> >Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 15:16:22 -0500
> >
> >OK Dana, while we've got your light goin', Can you cut it to a shorter
> >piece?
> >If not, and I wanted to loop it back, how small a bending radius?
> >Thanks
> >
> >Ron Freiberger
> >mailto:
> >
> >
> >Here you go gangs, interior lighting brought to you by the movie The Fast
> >and Furious.  This is a Electroluminance Stringlight from
> >
> >
> >___
> >see KRnet list details at
> _
> Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>1.43oz fiberglass

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins


Here is a deal on some 1.43oz fiberglass for that final layer.
You had better hurry he only has 98 rolls left after I bought one.

98 rolls of fiberglass on the wall,
98 rolls of fiberglass,
Take one down and ship it to a KR builder,
97 rolls of fiberglass on the wall, .

You guys can finish the rest. 

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

1.43 oz FIBERGLASS CLOTH 100 yds only $70 delivered   Item # 3135835566

 Toys & Hobbies:Radio Control:Air:Aircraft:Gas Powered R/C

Price Buy It Now for US $70.00 each

Location   HIGH POINT, NC 27260

Quantity   99 available

Time left  9 days, 16 hours +

Started   Jun-19-03 06:07:43 PDT

Ends Jun-29-03 06:07:43 PDT

We have reduced the fixed price amount of the style 1080 1.43 oz/sq yd
fiberglass cloth from $120 to just $70 including shipping to anywhere 
in the 48 continental United States. That's 40% lower than it was just 
a couple of weeks back. It can't get any cheaper than this. This cloth 
is 38" wide and 100 yards long. At $70 total delivered what you pay 
per square foot is just 7.8 cents. The count is 60 x 47 end/in. The 
breaking strength is 70 x 40 lb.f/in. The thickness is 0.0025". The 
finish on this fabric is a silane for any resin. A brief explanation
of a finish on fiberglass. When fiberglass is woven the yarn in the 
greige has an oily starch coating that allows it to slide more easily
during the weaving to prevent breakage of the fibers. After the cloth 
is woven it is then put through a heat cleaning process to remove this 
coating. After that a new finish such as a Silane or the chrome based 
finish Volan is then applied. These finishes complex with the silicone 
dioxide in the glass and leave one group of molecules to bond to the 
resin. It is more or less a primer that creates a strong bond between 
the glass and the resin. The roll will be securely packed in plastic, 
bubble wrap, and corrugated wrap and we pay the insurance. We accept 
most any form of payment but prefer PAYPAL. We also accept checks and 
money orders if from US banks. Sorry, no Canadian shipments for this 
deal. The rolls will be shipped UPS so we'll need your Street address 
and phone number. $70 total for 100 yards of 1.43 oz Fiberglass cloth 
is a deal! Any questions e-mail me at You 
can't go wrong on this one

KR>Landing Gear

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

You can check out what I did to mount the Grove Gear
on my bird at the link below. I made a simple "L"
bracket with sides using 4130. The gear is bolted
on with radius blocks and 3/8" bolts. You can mount 
the brackets so they just touch the bottom skin. That
way the only clearance holes will be for the radius
blocks. I submerged the top of the gear and only
have the legs and lower radius blocks out in the

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Timothy Bellville wrote:
> Can anyone tell me where to find the mounting brackets for a spring gear to 
> mount to the bottom of the fuselage of a KR2?
> Or maybe some drawings to make some?
> Also I would like to see pictures or a web site of KR2's with spring gear 
> landing gear.
> Thanks
> See you at Oshkosh.
> Timothy Bellville
> KR2  N7038V
> Toledo,Ohio
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>Oil cooling

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I bought one from JC Whitney to help with the cooling. If it doesn't work
a screwdriver can remove it. My engine hasn't started, so I don't know
if it helps yet.

If anyone is looking for Foam here is a surplus contact:

Are you or anyone you know still looking for Trymer foam?
I have 300,000 to 350,000 board ft of Trymer that I need to get
out of wharehousing. I will sell dirt cheap.

The material is made by Hitherm,
it is the HT-300 rated for up to 300  degrees F and sustains 
intermittent 350
degree F temps. Its properties are the same as the Trymer 2000. it has a
better k factor than the Trymer 2000.sorry about the confusion, it was 
a Trymer insulation when I was presented with it. We are asking $0.20 per
board foot. it is in 4ft wide x 3 ft long x  2 ft high buns.
The material is in Santa Anna, California.
Thank you
Jerry O'Hern

David Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire
Gathering Bound

larry severson wrote:

> Has anyone tried extruded aluminum cooling fins that clamp over the 
> oil filter that is sold by Aircraft Spruce? Sounds neat, if it works.
> Larry Severson
> Fountain Valley, CA 92708
> (714) 968-9852
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>(no subject)

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I'm not in Connitecut, But for a short road trip you can come
up here and see my bird under construction. My plane is at the
Nashua Airport (KASH) We can also go see Paul O'rielly's KR2
in Derry NH and Rich Parker's KR2S in Peterborough NH.

Nashua is just over the Mass/NH border on Route 3. It is
approximately 1.5 hour drive from Hartford. Take I-84 north to
the mass pike. Go east to exit 9 (10 miles), take I-290 East to
I-495 North Take the exit for route 3 north( I think it is #32). After
crossing  the NH border go to exit #6 Make a right turn and go
two blocks. I am the third house (Gray)on the left from the highway.
The airport is about 1 mile away. Paul is 15 min Northeast, Rich is
30 min West

Dave Mullins
91A Broad Street
Nashua, New Hampshire
Http:// wrote:

>  Looking for a builder, or owner of a KR-2 or KR-2S. I live in Connecticut. 
>Willing to travel to NY, NJ, MA, and RI. I would like to see one before I 
>build one. Please respond to my E-mail address.
>Thank You
>see KRnet list details at


2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
Joe Horton and I will be arriving together at 1:30PM in Omaha on
the 11th. Should be in Red Oak about 3 PM

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Mark Jones wrote:

>Roll Callwho is going? 
>I am and I can hardly wait
>Mark Jones (N886MJ)
>Wales, WI  USA 
>E-mail me at
>Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at   
>see KRnet list details at

KR> Dr.Dean Hinges

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

The way I did mine was to draw a center line on one spar. Mark the cross
points at each hinge location. Clamp the two spars together offseting 
them .400"
longitudinally. Then drill both spars at the same time.  A 3/16" rod can 
them together while you foam and glass the HS & VS

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Justin wrote:

>I am currently on the tail section and getting alittle stumpped of how to
>get the hinges to align. I drilled the rod endbearing holes but what is a
>good way to align the eye bolts?
>see KRnet list details at

KR>Wynnes Engine Mount

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

The 10.125" X 10 .25" are correct


Richard Parker wrote:

> Wiiliam Wynnes sample engine mount drawing shows the motor mount 
> bushing location centers as 10.125 x 13.25. My engine tabs measure 
> approx 10.125 X 10.25.
> Although I'm going with Dave mullins engine mount set up as it allows 
> for front and rear engine movement to adjust the CG
> Are wynnes number incorrect or am I missing something?
> Rich Parker
> Peterborough, NH
> _
> Want to check if your PC is virus-infected?  Get a FREE computer virus 
> scan online from McAfee.
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>Aileron Control

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

Here is  the link to the site were I puchased my push-pull cables.

The 33C cables are 10-32 threads and the 43C cables are 1/4-28

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Les Criscillo wrote:

>Let me know what you find out..I've been looking into several options. I'm 
>thinking about having a set of transmission cables made custom length by B+M 
>with fittings on both ends.  I saw a similar set up on an all glass sea plane 
>at the Sun and Fun a couple of years ago, and the controls were smooth and 
>free. I'll let you know if I get any additional info.
>Les Criscillo
>Tampa, FL
>  - Original Message - 
>  From: Phil Matheson 
>  To: KRnet 
>  Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 05:56
>  Subject: Re: KR>Aileron Control
>  Has anyone used Aileron Push Pull Cables, ( AS they use in the
>  Jabiru )instead of Normal Cables or Push rods?
>see KRnet list details at

KR>Aileron Control

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I purchased two 4' B shifter cables when I started to redo my aileron
controls using a torque tube to get behind the aft spar. I went with the 8'
cables because now they go from the left stick through a 180º turn under 
the seat,
under the aft spar, and out the left stub wing to a bellcrank. No torque 
needed now. When I get the brackets mounted to the dual stick assembly I 
get a picture to you.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Les Criscillo wrote:

>Thanks David, I've looked over the site.  The shortest cable they seem to have 
>is an 8 foot one. I'll need something shorter than that I think ...but at 
>least it's a place to start!  Thanks again!
>Les Criscillo
>Tampa, FL
>  - Original Message - 
>  From: David Mullins 
>  To: KRnet 
>  Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 00:59
>  Subject: Re: KR>Aileron Control
>  Les,
>  Here is  the link to the site were I puchased my push-pull cables.
>  The 33C cables are 10-32 threads and the 43C cables are 1/4-28
>  Dave Mullins
>  Nashua, New Hampshire
>  Les Criscillo wrote:
>  >Let me know what you find out..I've been looking into several options. I'm 
> thinking about having a set of transmission cables made custom length by B+M 
> with fittings on both ends.  I saw a similar set up on an all glass sea plane 
> at the Sun and Fun a couple of years ago, and the controls were smooth and 
> free. I'll let you know if I get any additional info.
>  >
>  >Les Criscillo
>  >Tampa, FL
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  - Original Message - 
>  >  From: Phil Matheson 
>  >  To: KRnet 
>  >  Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 05:56
>  >  Subject: Re: KR>Aileron Control
>  >
>  >
>  >  Has anyone used Aileron Push Pull Cables, ( AS they use in the
>  >  Jabiru )instead of Normal Cables or Push rods?
>  >
>  >___
>  >see KRnet list details at
>  >
>  >  
>  >
>  ___
>  see KRnet list details at 
>see KRnet list details at

KR>Recommendation from Rick Wilson

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins
Why don't you just ask the horses mouth?  ME

This is an extra engine for my use. I originally made this one for a 
second project.
Now I am building two 3100cc engines, one direct drive for the KR and one
with a 2.09:1 planetary redrive for the next project. I had saved up the 
to do the machine work on the two 3100cc engines, Because I was given 
two weeks
unscheduled vacation from my current employer two months ago, I had to 
use the
money to pay my bills. This has made me sell the first engine so that I 
can pay for
the machine work for the other two.

Dave Mullins

Dan Heath wrote:

>Anybody know why Dave is selling his engine? 
>Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC
>See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering
>See our KR at - Click on the pic
>See our EAA Chapter 242 at
>---Original Message---
>From: KRnet
>Date: Friday, November 21, 2003 9:43:53 PM
>Subject: KR>Recommendation from Rick Wilson
>Rick Wilson recommends the following Barnstormers classified ad (click on
>This ad is on Barnstormers
>AOL users, use this link:
>see KRnet list details at
>see KRnet list details at

KR>Plywood Listing

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I have used the 1/8" 6 ply birch plywood  GL-II from Finland. I purchased it
from Harbor Sales in Maryland. The Last time I went by they stopped
carrying it. Boulter Plywood has just started selling this plywood about
1 to 1.5 years ago. Boulter is about 1 hr drive from me in Boston. I did
pick up some extra 1/4" from them when I needed some more.

Another builder here is using it for his Corby Starlet.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Justin wrote:

>I was reading my Sport Aviation magazine (march 2003) and found a listing in 
>the back saying:
>"Aircraft Plywood, GL2 Rated" Does that mean it is certified for Aircraft use/ 
>is ok for skinning the boat? Here's the website, take a peak and let me know 
>see KRnet list details at

KR> experimenter Polyisocyanurate Foam

2009-03-20 Thread David Mullins
You should also look for Trymer 2000. I found a supplier nearby a
few years back, but they don't carry it anymore.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

Ronald E. Haskell wrote:
> Is anyone using Polyisocyanurate Foam, (e.g. Tuff-R) in their construction?
> The last mention of it on the search engine was by Dean Cooper, Sept 2004
> Ron Haskell, Barrington, NH
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> 2009 KR Gathering

2009-06-11 Thread David Mullins wrote:
> the KR Gathering for 2009 is at:
> Mt. Vernon Airport - MVN
> September 18 and 19. *The hard core KR persons will show up on Thursday*, and 
> we all leave sometime Sunday morning. For all the information you will ever 
> need to know about the KR Gathering, go to
> Dan Heath

I am planning on being at MVN late Saturday night the 12th after
stopping at Wright-Patterson AFB to photograph the Aviation
Museum. I will be scheduling with local models in the area to shoot
throughout the week. Then be at the Gathering for the last weekend.
On Sunday the 20th, go to Scott  AFB for the Airshow there. I will leave
early on Monday for the 20 hour drive home.

During the week, I will make a trip up to Wicks to get some fresh Aeropoxy
to use for my wing skins.


Did you notice any clearance issues between the VW cylinder and the
threads of  the OTTO 7/16" stud?  I have these studs already and
didn't get to tap my block yet at Corvair College #14.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

KR> Wicks parts Pickup

2009-08-30 Thread David Mullins

I will be in Mt Vernon from late Saturday the 12th thru Monday the 21st.
I plan on making a trip to Wicks to get a new 5 gallon bucket of Aeropoxy
for my wings. Setup everything with Wicks for me to pick them up on
Monday or Tuesday andI will get them for you.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

pshows wrote:
> If anyone going to the gathering and going by or close to Wicks and wouldn't 
> mind picking up some spar caps for me and take them to the gathering I would 
> appreciate it very much.  If so please contact me off net.
> PatS
> Seminary, MS 
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering Corvair Crank Drilling and Tapping

2009-09-02 Thread David Mullins
If it is available, I will bring may spare crank that I didn't
get a chance to tap at CC#14

I also have a 1"-14 Tap, The one I found at the tool place
was a left hand model. I had to swap it for one with a right
hand thread.

Dave mullins
Nashua NH

Gathering Bound on the 11th!!!

OT:   I am fabricating and installing a 36 GAL  aux fuel
tank in my truck. It is made from the bottom of an
Aluminum tool box. I can still put some tools in there
too.   A side benefit if I add a "Y" valve and long hose
I can use it as a transfer tankt o fill the KR when I finish

Larry H. wrote:
> Someone built and brought a jig to the 2007 Gathering for accurately tapping 
> the Corvair crank for the WW safety shaft. Will that jig be available this 
> year? Anyone know?
> Thanks
> Larry H.
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> One week to the Gathering!

2009-09-12 Thread David Mullins
I am already in Dayton, OH to visit the Air Force Museum. Arriving
at Mount Vernon later this evening. To the rest of you LATE COMERS,
I will see you when you arrive on Thursday.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

KR> One week to the Gathering!

2009-09-13 Thread David Mullins
I arrived in Mt. Vernon Last night about 9:30 local time. I will go see 
Collins today to see if there is anything he needs help with.

The Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio was great.
If you have a chance to go, I would recommend it. Just plan on at least two
days if you want to see and read all the exhibits. I spent the day just 
around and photographing the planes. I was surprised to see they had a
B-1 Lancer, B-2 Spirit, F-117 Nighthawk, and a F-22 Raptor there. So close,
you could literally reach out and touch them!

On my drive here I stopped at Niagara Falls on Friday for a few hours to
photograph the falls. I drove near there in 2002 when I trailered my 
to Red Oak, Iowa. I didn't want to stop with the airplane in tow back then.
So I did it this trip.

As a famous hotel slogan says: I'll leave a light on for ya!

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

David Mullins wrote:
> I am already in Dayton, OH to visit the Air Force Museum. Arriving
> at Mount Vernon later this evening. To the rest of you LATE COMERS,
> I will see you when you arrive on Thursday.
> Dave Mullins
> Nashua, NH
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering weather

2009-09-14 Thread David Mullins
They are calling for 50% chance of rain on Tuesday I didn't look at
the long range forecast for the  area yet.

I went up in Chris Collins' airplane today to do some air to air shots
of a LSA Jabaru for the LSA fly-in they are having here in Mt. Vernon.

In Mt Vernon waiting on the early birds to show up,

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

Larry Flesner wrote:
> I've been checking the weather for the Gathering and it has gone from 
> rain to sunny and back to "iffy" with chance of rain.  Someone needs 
> to make a sacrifice to the weather Gods. :-(  Who's going to step up 
> to the alter? :-)
> Larry Flesner
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Food at the Gathering

2009-09-15 Thread David Mullins

The airport Restaurant (Grandma's Landing) has a lunch buffet from
11am to 2pm Daily.  I don't know about supper time though. I am
here in Mt. Vernon already and can take you to Ryan's Restaurant. You
can eat enough food there to last you all weekend.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

Steven Eberhart wrote:
> OK,
> Now to the important items.  What are the food plans for the Gathering?  
> Dana and I are arriving noonish Thursday and will be camping through 
> Sunday Morning.  What is the schedule for the restaurant and are there 
> any cook outs planned?  Supper Thursday may be a problem.
> Steve Eberhart
> RV-7A N14SE flying since June 24, 2009
> ___
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KR> Food at the Gathering Thursday night

2009-09-15 Thread David Mullins
Can you ship some by UFO?

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

M wrote:
>  Wished I could make it this year, I would bring Alien  Beer,  taste is 
> out of this world!
> Mike Turner
> Edgewood New Mexico
>   > Larry Flesner
>   >
>   I will be getting there Thursday around 1300 and will bring a grill, can
>   you say brats and root beer for diner. Will buy several packs and buns and
>   a case or two of Amber bock
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Bad News: N4DD Down at MVN

2009-09-17 Thread David Mullins
Just a short note that N4DD crashed on landing today at Mt. Vernon.
Dan Freeman has some good cuts and scrapes on his head, arms and
feet, but should pull through. He is currently at a local hospital being
treated for his injuries.

I almost had the crash in pictures as I was walking out of the terminal
to shoot the first KR arrival as he touched down and bounced back up
into the air. A gust of wind pushed him further up into the air. He 
tried to
correct and get the nose down when the gust subsided and he fell 30+
feet to the ground.

He hit with the nose down and the right wing down. The plane slid the
length of the taxiway, about 130 ft. The right wing folded under the
fuselage. The engine and instrument  were broken off and swung back
along the fuselage side.

Will give an update on Dan's condition once I hear something.

Dave Mullins


KR> Bad News: N4DD Down at MVN

2009-09-17 Thread David Mullins

Latest on Dan:

He was transported from the local Mt Vernon hospital to one in St. Louis.


David Mullins wrote:
> Just a short note that N4DD crashed on landing today at Mt. Vernon.
> Dan Freeman has some good cuts and scrapes on his head, arms and
> feet, but should pull through. He is currently at a local hospital being
> treated for his injuries.
> I almost had the crash in pictures as I was walking out of the terminal
> to shoot the first KR arrival as he touched down and bounced back up
> into the air. A gust of wind pushed him further up into the air. He 
> tried to
> correct and get the nose down when the gust subsided and he fell 30+
> feet to the ground.
> He hit with the nose down and the right wing down. The plane slid the
> length of the taxiway, about 130 ft. The right wing folded under the
> fuselage. The engine and instrument  were broken off and swung back
> along the fuselage side.
> Will give an update on Dan's condition once I hear something.
> Dave Mullins
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Bad News: N4DD Down at MVN

2009-09-18 Thread David Mullins
The local news had it wrong. Dan was transported to an Evansville, Indiana
hospital. He has many lacerations on his head, arms, and feet, The worst is
that both of his ankles were shattered upon impact. He did walk about 20 
before he collapsed to the ground.

There was another KR airplane that went down about 2 miles from the end 
of the
runway last night. He was a KR from Colorado. The name was Bulla. He 
5 broken ribs with the plane totally destroyed. He was airlifted to a 
hospital in
St. Louis. Speculation is that he ran out of fuel.

Dave Mullins

David Mullins wrote:
> Latest on Dan:
> He was transported from the local Mt Vernon hospital to one in St. Louis.
> Dave
> David Mullins wrote:
>> Just a short note that N4DD crashed on landing today at Mt. Vernon.
>> Dan Freeman has some good cuts and scrapes on his head, arms and
>> feet, but should pull through. He is currently at a local hospital being
>> treated for his injuries.
>> I almost had the crash in pictures as I was walking out of the terminal
>> to shoot the first KR arrival as he touched down and bounced back up
>> into the air. A gust of wind pushed him further up into the air. He 
>> tried to
>> correct and get the nose down when the gust subsided and he fell 30+
>> feet to the ground.
>> He hit with the nose down and the right wing down. The plane slid the
>> length of the taxiway, about 130 ft. The right wing folded under the
>> fuselage. The engine and instrument  were broken off and swung back
>> along the fuselage side.
>> Will give an update on Dan's condition once I hear something.
>> Dave Mullins
>> ___
>> Search the KRnet Archives at
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>> please see other KRnet info at
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Dave Mullins

2010-01-01 Thread David Mullins

You have a good email address for me. I got a call last week that my father
had a major heart attack during his Dialysis treatment, so I have been in
Baltimore for the past week or so. I will get you the CD of the accidents
out today or tomorrow. I just got back home New Years Eve.


Myron (Dan) Freeman wrote:
> Does anyone have a good e-mail address for Dave Mullins? Thanks.
> Regards, 
> Myron (Dan) Freeman 
> Indpls, Ind. 46203-3570 
> Home of the Indy 500, 
> the World's most famous 
> auto race. 
> ? 
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR>KR newsletter

2010-03-23 Thread David Mullins

Larry Capps owns the copyrights to the KR Newsletter and has already
scanned all the issues to PDF and has a CD available for purchase.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

Glenn Martin wrote:
> I have a great number of the old KR newsletters which I am going to 
> start scanning into PDF files. If anyone would like copies, send me an 
> E-mail directly  Subject: KR newsletter and i will put you on a mailing 
> list. I will first make up a list of the ones I do have. If anyone would 
> like the list, please Email  me subject: Kr list. if anyone who gets the 
> list has one which can fill in the empty spaces, I'd be happy to receive 
> copies of those also. Thanks!
> Glenn Martin
> Owner
> KR2 N1333A
> Biloxi, MS, 39532
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at


2010-08-01 Thread David Mullins

Unfortunately,  I will not be able to attend this years Gathering.
I am in the middle of negotiations to build myself a home. The
money that I would have spent is needed for the down payment
and closing costs.

The house will be a 1400 square foot Ranch with a full drive under
basement. The plan is to put in 12' high ceilings, clear span in
the basement, and a 22' insulated garage door. This will allow
me to finish building my KR and I might just revamp the KR-Cam
on a new website.

The 12' high ceiling is to make a photo studio in there too.

I wish all the pilots and attendees a safe journey. Have an enjoyable
KR Gathering. I will be back at the 2011 Gathering for sure.

Who knows, My KR could be finished by then.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH (Soon to be Greenville NH)

Mark Jones wrote:
> WOW, just a mere 40 days left till the greatest KR show on earth. But the 
> fact that we only have 38 people pre-registered and only 8 planes committed 
> to fly in REALLY BOTHERS ME. Come on guys. We need you to pre-register if you 
> are coming to the Gathering. The following link will get you to the KR 
> Gathering web page and the pre-registration link is on the left side of the 
> page. Please pre-register now
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Stevens Point, WI
> E-mail:
> Web:
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR> tip tanks

2011-10-19 Thread David Mullins
I liked the looks of tip tanks and have some
fake ones made them to go onto my wings.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

Fred Johnson wrote:
> Rudi wrote:
> "Sakkie's plane with tip-tanks, ZS-UKU, is currently being restored after 
> standing for many years, more information available here: 
>[Fred Johnson] "
> This is great. I have been reading Pazmany's article about the PL-1 and it
> got me thinking about this on a KR. According to him, they increase wing
> efficiency the same as winglets. They also increase the aspect ratio.
> Does anyone know if his tip tanks actually held fuel?
> Fred Johnson
> Reno, NV
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering

2015-08-12 Thread David Mullins
I am coming in on Wed the 2nd at 11am @ PDX. Reserved a Quad Cab
pickup at off airport Car rental. Return on Sunday with a 6:45A 
Departure flight.

Dave M
Nashua NH

On 8/10/2015 2:14 PM, jon kimmel via KRnet wrote:
> Things might work out at the last minute for me to come to the
> gathering...thinking about flying and camping rather than
> there anyone still looking to share rental car cost?
> ___
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> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2014.0.4830 / Virus Database: 4365/10410 - Release Date: 08/10/15

KR> Fuel capacity

2015-08-24 Thread David Mullins
On my 3XL KR2S the Stub wing tanks calculated out to 14.5 Gal each.
They are aluminum following the contour of the airfoil between the
Spars. My stub wings are 2 feet long.  The Header tank, I am guest-a-mating
at 18-20 Gal. I will have to find that out when I fill it.

Dave Mullins
Nashua NH

On 8/23/2015 7:55 PM, Paul VISK via KRnet wrote:
> Yesterday I filled my out board wing tank and found it holds 10 gallons. With 
> my stub wing tanks of 4 gallons each.  I want to add a 10 gl header tank to 
> help with cg. Total of 38 gallons. What are some of fuel capacity of some of 
> the bigger tanks out there?  I'm thinking this might be a little to much. 
> I'll be putting on  a 3.0L Carvair.
> Paul ViskBelleville Il618-406-4705
> ___
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> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2014.0.4830 / Virus Database: 4365/10496 - Release Date: 08/23/15

KR> Gathering transportation?

2015-08-27 Thread David Mullins

I have a 6:45a departure at PDX. I will be staying at the Mcminville Inn.

Dave Mullins
Nashua NH

On 8/26/2015 8:58 PM, Flesner via KRnet wrote:
> Is anyone leaving the Gathering Sunday morning early and headed up to 
> Portland airport with an empty seat?  I need to be at the Portland 
> airport by 8:00AM for a 9:00AM flight.  I think I have all my other 
> transportation needs covered.  Thanks.
> Larry Flesner
> ___
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> No virus found in this message.
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> Version: 2014.0.4830 / Virus Database: 4365/10517 - Release Date: 
> 08/26/15

KR> KR Gathering

2015-09-02 Thread David Mullins
Off to the Airport,

  See y'all there!
Dave Mullins
Nashua NH

KR> Gathering photos

2015-09-14 Thread David Mullins
Thanks for the Compliment.

I was the one who set up the group photoshoot with the help of Chris Collins
(MVN Manager) for getting the Bucket Truck.

I hold an Associate of Science Degree in Photography and have been
photographing for about 35 years. For more of my photos visit here:

Dave Mullins
Nashua, NH

On 9/14/2015 2:10 PM, Mike Stirewalt via KRnet wrote:
> That was sure a great picture.  I can't recall who it was that went
> through the trouble of getting us all set up for that photo but thank you
> again, whoever you are, for having such skill and patience.

KR> 2016 KR Gathering location...MVN?

2015-09-25 Thread David Mullins

> , "Randy Moore Newbern Tn. N318RM via KRnet"  wrote:
>   i bet the builders who show up will be bigger.
> Randy Moore
> Newbern Tn 38059

I am already bigger, I need to get SMALLER!

Dave M
Nashua NH