Re: Best photography websites

2002-12-15 Thread Boris Liberman

 Lon Williamson wrote:

 I refuse to be a member of PhotoNet because of how they denigrate,
 in 35mm, anything below Nikon or Canon.  Good Shots there, and
 occasionally a good thread or two, but they are more anal than this
 group.  Here, there's steady reinforcement that grey matter rules.
 In Photo Net, you get the feeling you have to spend $5000 to even start.

I have to say I agree with Lon. When I just started this spring, I
thought of Photo.Net as of a great source. After all, as information
source it is excellent. Then I thought that I'd post some of my photos
so that people there critique me and this way I study. Usually they
would come, see and just not react. Once they've started giving one of
my photos some relatively high (to me) ratings, without saying a word.
Just come, see, give a rating, done. So I switched to PhotoSig. There
I was greeted with much more. Sometimes I couldn't get reasonably
useful critique. But sometimes it was just excellent - they've pointed
to my mistakes and I've learned.

I still visit Photo.Net every now and then just to read news or look
at some discussion/forum thread. Though perhaps with time I will
abandon Photo.Net all together. All in all there is way too much
snobbism there.

At least these are my humble two cents.

Boris Liberman

Re: Luminous Landscape...

2002-12-15 Thread Boris Liberman

 Mike Johnston wrote:

 Funny you should mention that, Jonathan. I've recently considered trying it
 with just a 24mm (i.e., too da*ned wide) or a 135mm (too da*ned long).
 Just to see what it can teach me.

I wholeheartedly second the second part of the above opinion :).
Several weeks ago I was allowed to keep for some time old Takumar
135/2.5 lens. On that weekend we drove to Jerusalem and I chose to
take this lens with me, and only this lens. I enjoyed immensely
walking and looking for good 135 mm scenes. I've made some 30 or so
shots. You can see those that I chose in:

I haven't yet understood really the wide-angle shooting, so I cannot
say anything about 24 mm though.

Boris Liberman

Re: All At Sea - Suggestions Wanted for Cheap Telephoto

2002-12-15 Thread Boris Liberman

I happen to have Soligor 70-222/3.5 C/D lens. I've bought it second
hand for $140. It means that in USA it would cost probably half as
much. This is excellent lens, though it is on the heavy side.

If you wish you can look in my home page for its review and some
shots. AFAIK Soligor C/D series is very close to Vivitar Series 1.

My recommendation holds of course if you decide to go for zoom lens
which is almost always less preferable than prime road.

Boris Liberman

Re: Digital theme? Was PUG reminder

2002-12-19 Thread Boris Liberman

 Frank Theriault wrote:

 Well, not to take the wind out of anyone's sails, but you ~know~ someone
 will take a picture of some fingers and submit that!  vbg

 (at least I was going to)

 (but not anymore, I have something much wittier - ha!)

Well, if we're talking semantics here :), how about dig it all

You see, I've just finished laughing on the parking ticket joke, so I
couldn't quite resist, even though English is not my native tongue...

Boris Liberman

Re: Rubber pentax eyepieces

2002-12-25 Thread Boris Liberman

Could you please indeed look up the name and the price of this item. I
think I might be needing at list this information and probably some
real eyepieces in near future.

Boris Liberman

Question about manual Petaxes.

2002-12-26 Thread Boris Liberman

I am contemplating (considering?!) buying a used manual focus manual
everything Pentax body. My main goal in doing so is to get fully
mechanical camera (so that I can use it where I probably wouldn't use
my MZ-6) with bright viewfinder (unlike my MZ-6). I hope that after
CLA or its equivalent this camera would actually outlive the MZ-6.
Currently I am under impression that MX is what would answer my needs.
However I wonder whether MX's default focusing screen is as
bright/good as that of ME Super. I saw ME Super and liked its screen.

Yesterday I saw KX and was amazed by rather dim screen. Pardon my age
and hence lack of knowledge, but what is the reason for putting the
rather dark circle around the microprism center of the screen?

Ultimately, my question is - which fully manual (on meter is operated
by batteries) Pentax camera has brightest focusing screen?
Alternatively, if MX's default focusing screen is not that good, which
replacement focusing screen should I look for?

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: Sent the MX back (sigh) and Happy Holidays all...

2002-12-26 Thread Boris Liberman

Hmmm, so KEH actually sold a camera that was essentially inoperable,
didn't they? Is it against their basic policy? I thought that all
equipment listed on KEH was operational unless __explicities__ said

What am I missing?

Boris Liberman

Re[2]: Question about manual Petaxes.

2002-12-29 Thread Boris Liberman

Thanks. Your post is most useful. I think I am converging to MX though
there're few things I'd like to be certain of.

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===

*** Nice comparison of KX, MX, ME Super and MX-M ***

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

===8===End of original message text===

Re[2]: Question about manual Petaxes.

2002-12-29 Thread Boris Liberman

The only thing that really attracts me to KX is that it has proper MLU
mechanism. By all other means MX is way more attractive whereas the
price difference does not seem serious. There is however this odd way
to do MLU in MX by some kind of light-n-quick hit on the shutter
release button, right?

Is there any MX owner who mastered this technique and who does use MLU
on their MXen?

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
The KX manual makes no mention of this, but since the metering
is center-weighted, one function of that circle may be to point
out the center that is weighted.  I have also noticed that paying
attention to that outer circle helps focus when the center aid
conks out in low light, especially with longer lenses.  If you
have any light to focus by at all, give the KX a try.  I find
it very good in decent light.

===8===End of original message text===

Re[2]: Question about manual Petaxes.

2002-12-29 Thread Boris Liberman

Thanks for the advise. From what you say it follows that MX is indeed
the right choice of a camera. As for the focusing screen, I will deal
with that too. At least MX unlike ME Super allows to change focusing

What is average CLA price for MX?

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
There are 2 issues here - viewfinder brightness  screen brightness. The MX 
screen is good in its own era, and still bright if you use fast primes (like 
I do). However, f4 or slower lenses will start to make manual focus 
difficult without split image. On the other hand, the viewfinder 
magnification of ME Super and MX are the highest. If you want the brightest 
and easiest manual focus viewfinder, install the F?-6? screens which were 
released along with LX2000, in MX and you have the highest magnification and 
brightest viewfinder of any Pentax 135 cameras. However, be prepared a CLA 
for any used MX you newly purchased.

Alan Chan

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 3 months FREE*.

===8===End of original message text===

Re[2]: Sent the MX back (sigh) and Happy Holidays all...

2002-12-29 Thread Boris Liberman

Just like cars, right? May I ask you then, what is the proper way to
maintain one's Pentax? Add to this that in Israel there are no Pentax
service centers per se. There is one company that imports all kinds of
equipment most of which has to do with computers - Canon printers,
Minolta scanners, etc, and just by the way the import the only Pentax
for sale - MZ-30 kit... Seriously though, what is the service interval
for Pentax cameras, if I shoot say one or two rolls week?

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
Sorry about the MX.  The general feeling around here is
that used MXen have often really been USED... a lot.

IMO, most used MX were either poorly maintained, or serviced. Many of them 
have not received heavy used.

Alan Chan

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

===8===End of original message text===

Re[2]: Sent the MX back (sigh) and Happy Holidays all...

2002-12-29 Thread Boris Liberman

I suppose KEH behaves like any respectable American seller would do.
My major problem is my location. It would be impossible for me to buy
something and then to have to pay for its reliable shipping back to
the United States. Obviously KEH wouldn't refund the back and forth
shipping charges.

The problem for me is that bargain condition MXen cost around $150 on
KEH. At the same time excellent condition MXen cost twice as much.
Now, I would like to buy good MX but to pay $350 plus shipping
(probably $50 or more) is out of my reach now...

Well, but this is off this topic already...

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
I should point out I'm not at all unhappy with KEH. This camera appeared to
be well within the range of what they describe as bargain condition; its
defects required shooting a couple rolls to discover. Their return policy
is, in any case, completely no-fault, so I don't anticipate any problems.

I've bought plenty of bargain equipment at KEH in the past and will again in
the future.

===8===End of original message text===

Re[2]: Current Cameras with TTL Flash Metering?

2002-12-29 Thread Boris Liberman

May I say a word, though you turn to Lon? Thanks :).

I happen to own ZX-L. I am not very good in flash photography so I
skip the flash part. As for the older lenses, ZX-L accepts all, I
repeat, all K-mount lenses. Naturally if the lens does not have A on
it, you will loose some of the features. Same goes for F. I suppose
that among the lost features are some which related to flash. I think,
though am not sure, that ZX-L uses distance information from auto
focus lenses in order to produce proper flash burst. So if you have
old manual focus lens it might not work...

There is essentially only one major weakness of ZX-L - it has rather
small (x0.7!) viewfinder as opposed to x0.8 of ZX-5n and ZX-3. Even
MZ-S has only 0x.75 magnification. So under some conditions one may
have trouble focusing (manually).

I haven't held ZX-5n in my hands so I cannot say about the build
quality. However, compared with, say, EOS-300, ZX-L feels like much
sturdier camera...

Oh by the way, I think that Pentax does not mention its M and/or K
lenses in the body compatibility list for all its current cameras,
probably in order to gently nudge consumers to buy modern optics...

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===


Sure, thing, I would appreciate that if you have one handy.

I was just looking at the pentax website and it says that the
ZX-L has a variable flash mode while the zx-5n does not. 
What the heck is that?  It also says that It will accept FA,
F, and A lenses but not M and K.  Is this just that you will
not get the program modes but the camera will still work? 
What exactly is the problem?

Thanks for the replies to my flash question, which was good
news as far as I am concerned.  I guess I will be in the
market for a zx-5n. 


Lon Williamson said:

The ZX-M will work, but relys on the flash's thyristor
or manual setting.  The 5n works with the AF280T, but
I'm not sure the ZX-L does.  We have a new ZX-L here;
if you want me to try it with an AF280T in TTL mode,
I'll give it a shot.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

===8===End of original message text===

Re[3]: What are the rules?

2003-01-02 Thread Boris Liberman

Sorry to say this, but I've deleted all the post related to the above
subject. But this one I am keeping...

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
I'm exhausted with this thread and propose to bow out now, but it's
been very interesting and enjoyable, more so for having remained
civilised. Thanks.

By God it's been hard to stay out of it. I wrote one long post and 
deleted it just before intending to send. I'm glad I did - it was crap. I 
very much enjoyed reading it (er, your posts, not my crap). Great job 
guys, a swell debate.

Thanks to...Graywolf, Bob, Mike and Mark and 
Hairstyles by..Brylcream
Wardrobe by...Threads-R-Us
Cameras by.Pentax
Editing byD. Elete-Button
Produced byP. D. Emmel

(C) Quinn-Martin 1972

===8===End of original message text===

Re: Favorite f/stop?

2003-01-02 Thread Boris Liberman

That's an odd question I think. I mean, like how much salt do you like
in your soup? Well, it depends on salt brand and on soup.

Honestly, I use the DOF preview button if I am going no slower than
f/8. Though if there is a lot of light (landscape) I use DOF preview
on slower apertures.

The rest depends on subject, my mood, the lens, and so on... However
my general tendency is towards the slowest possible shutter speed
(1/45-1/125 sec) and hence narrower apertures (f/8 and on).

But really, it depends on too many factors to give one general answer.

Boris Liberman

Re[2]: scanner choice

2003-01-02 Thread Boris Liberman

I am sorry to interrupt this talk. I am not that experienced in
scanners and stuff. But here is a little PS procedure that takes care
some of the scanner noise. I use it on every image I retouch...

1. Switch to Lab Coor Mode.
2. Apply some Gaussian Blur to both non-ilghtness channels (A and B)
the amount of blur depends on amount of noise, but it does not have to
be really strong blur, usually Blur Radius between 0.5 and 1.0 does
the trick.
3. With healing brush remove all the dust from the lightness channel.
4. Return to RGB mode or whatever mode you started with (not Lab Color
:) ).

This solves at least some of the problems that you list, Doug. And
usually it takes no more than 5 minutes to apply, unless the scan was
really dirty (p. 3)

I am almost certain that many of the people here are aware of this
trick, but I thought I'd still put it out, so to say.

Boris Liberman

Re[2]: Nikkor AF 80-200/2.8 vs A70-210/4 pics

2003-01-03 Thread Boris Liberman

Actually, I've been there. This is the bank of the river on which
Melbourne stands. On the same side where Alan stood there is Melbourne
Aquarium... I remember the huge funny eyes on the other bank :).

I still think that Nikkor is sharper but then again it means very

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: Nikkor AF 80-200/2.8 vs A70-210/4 pics
 Alan Chan
 MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

===8===End of original message text===

Simple question of English spelling.

2003-01-03 Thread Boris Liberman

I have a lens that was loaned to me by my friend who actually made it.
He took old Helios 44K-4 lens (58mm f/2) and took out all but front
element. How is it called in English: monocle? monocular?

Please, this is just a simple question of language...

Thanks in advance.


Re[2]: Simple question of English spelling.

2003-01-04 Thread Boris Liberman

First, of course there is a serious problem of cross spelling between
any two languages that are not sibling, say like Ukranian and Russian.

Second, you're of course right Paul. You see, the very lens I have
features Latin (or should I say English :) ) info printed around the
front element. Naturally it is spelled *H*elios.

I wonder how come this guy sells Helios lens*es* and he never came
across one that has its info written in English.

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
Boris Liberman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
He took old Helios 44K-4 lens (58mm f/2) and took out all but front element.

Funny you should mention the Helios, Boris. Just last week, I wrote to the
Russian who sells Gelios lenses on U.S. Ebay. I informed him that
Westerners spell--and pronounce--that brand with an H. I directed him to a
Google search for Gelios 44 and Helios 44 to prove it. I told him he'd
get more sales if people searched for Helios. He thanked me and said he
would begin to spell it Helios. (I don't care how he pronounces it.)


===8===End of original message text===

Question on shooting kids

2003-01-06 Thread Boris Liberman

Today my daughter turned 15 months and by mere coincidence she started
walking on her own. She's been walking holding on to the hand or
finger for some time. Today though she crossed the biggest room of our
apartment on her own.

Here is the question. I want to have this memorized on film of course.
Among usable equipment I have SMC FA 50/1.7, ZX-L, and AF220T flash.I
discount Sigma 28-135/3.8-5.6 zoom since it is slow and autofocus would
hunt. I want to ask your advise as to the way your would approach this
problem... Be as detailed as you wish. I really want to do it as right
as I could.

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: Speak Amurricun!

2003-01-10 Thread Boris Liberman
ROTFLMAO and several times so...

SK ...or as Sir Humphrey Appleby may say,
SK A multiplicity of scientific visualization devices implement a form of
SK junction rectification whereby heat is discharged, or absorbed, when an
SK electric current passes across a junction between two materials as opposed
SK to the more vernacular process whereby the liquefaction of oxygen and
SK nitrogen is used for noise diminution through a reduction in absolute
SK temperature.

SK :-)
SK Simon

Re: OT: HTML Editors

2003-01-10 Thread Boris Liberman

Well, I am guilty of being a programmer. Furthermore, once upon a time
I was quite fluent in TeX and LaTeX if you know what it is :). Darn,
Donald Knuth came once to my university to give some lectures
including some on WeB and Weave... It was some time around 1993 or

Anyway, before I get too nostalgic :), I use Programmer's File Editor
- excellent free-ware general purpose text editor that is so good I
simply love it. Along with PFE I use PPWizard which is also a
free-ware. PPWizard is based on REXX programming/scripting language
which allows you to do some pretty nice stuff if you code manually. As
I said, I am guilty of being a programmer.

So my modest GeoCities page is hand-written (or should I say
hand-woven?! :) ) in PFE with some PPWizard


Boris Liberman

Re: Batteries in general

2003-01-10 Thread Boris Liberman

I did not buy too many new camera bodies. In fact only one - the ZX-L.
After I went through the first set of original batteries in less than
20 films and bought 750 g. heavy Soligor lens I also bought the FG
grip. It is excellent thing to have - no headache about the exotic
batteries, way better feel of camera in hand.

That's of course was my own mileage...

Boris Liberman

Re: What Lens Do YOU Want?

2003-01-10 Thread Boris Liberman

Hear this :)

I want a point and shoot camera with 24-105/?.??-5.6! lens. The camera
should have at least shutter priority or aperture priority program. I
think it will allow Pentax to collect some fine profit...

Naturally viewfinder should be right above the lens so that at least
half of parallax problem is already solved. And it has to have nice
big viewfinder too...

Would you buy one?

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
MJ Okay, time for a group question.

MJ If you could direct Pentax to make and market one lens it currently does not
MJ make, what would it be?

MJ (Focal length, max aperture range, MF or AF, for what camera, imaging
MJ characteristics you'd want, and any other special qualities or
MJ specifications you want to mention.)

MJ --Mike

===8===End of original message text===

Re: Pentax DSLR: e-mail from Pentax USA

2003-01-11 Thread Boris Liberman

RS I would guess that anyone here who is critical of quality would be keen to
RS acquire a Pentax K mount 11MP DSLR (or better), lager files mean more 
RS flexibility WRT post image manipulation and print sizes.

Well, this is a valid point. I think I'd ask some questions to collect
some data... Please if you don't mind:

While you're answering please relate to 95% of your work, not special
wall-size occasions.

1. If you scan your negatives (35 mm of course), how many megapixels
do you use in your final scan?

2. When you get to print your photographs from the above scans, until
how many megapixels do you enlarge your resulting files? Please, I am
*not* interested in the size of the print outs, I am interested in
number of pixels only.

You see, I must admit that all my reasoning applies only to amateurs,
or to be more precise to such occasions where photographer does not
get paid for their work.

Being such myself, I am completely satisfied with 3000x2000 image
files I get from the lab I am dealing with. This includes fair amount
of cropping just as well. Naturally, I am talking about the picture
quality here, only number of pixels.

Let's see how generous you are :).

Boris Liberman

Re: Pentax DSLR: e-mail from Pentax USA

2003-01-11 Thread Boris Liberman

JvW Right, plus the fact that it might be full frame.

JvW In that case the 11mp would be ideal as primary camera, including (ultra) 
JvW and the cheaper, older APS-sized-sensor camera would be a good backup body and 
JvW perfect for tele-shots as well ...

I agree on the first. Naturally even 6 MP camera should be full frame
by optical reasons.

Without disrespect, I think that 11 mp figure that keeps popping up
here can be explained simply by recent Canon offering and Luminous
Landscape reaction. I mean why 11 mp? Why not 10 mp? Or 12 mp (twice 6
we all are used to)? Or may be even 14 mp that are coming, hopefully?

Please, don't get me wrong. I am not against quality. I am simply
trying to say that there is some very reasonable quality that is
enough. Better quality is good but it can be lived without...

Boris Liberman

Focussing screens of ZX-L

2003-01-11 Thread Boris Liberman

I've been told by Penta Club folks that some of PZ-1p screens can be
fitted to ZX-L. Now I am thinking - is it possible to fit MZ-5n screen
to ZX-L? Would it give better magnification without compromising
operational ability of the camera? If so, is there an instruction on
the Net as to how to do it. I am willing to consider a try.

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: OK, check out MY Pentax service manual auction on eBay ;-)

2003-01-13 Thread Boris Liberman

I have a question, which exposes my background, but nevertheless I am
going to ask it:

Is it against eBay policy to advertise something for sale and then
in the same advertisement show how this could be gained for free?

Though Mark's advertisement itself is quite remarkable...

Boris Liberman

Re: Elements

2003-01-13 Thread Boris Liberman

Here's a little trick I've been taught by people who know :).

Instead of using any of sharpening filters you can do something
slightly different:

1. You're given the single layer image.
2. Duplicate that layer.  That is Menu-Layer-Duplicate Layer.
3. On the copied layer (usually it is called Background Copy I think)
press Ctrl-Shift-U or Menu-Adjust Color-Remove Color
4. Apply then Menu-Filter-Other-High Pass filter. The filter
parameter would be the sharpening value. I usually choose value
between 0.2 to 0.5. The bigger the value the worse is the result with
respect to grain popping out, etc. The smaller the parameter - the
smoother the outcome. It is often useful when choosing
the value to take a look on specific part of the image under some
magnification. For my 3000x2000 scans I use 100% or 200%.
5. On layers tab choose Overlay instead of Normal.
6. Flatten the image.

You're done.

Advantages of this procedure are:
1. Once you've applied the high pass filter before you merge the
layers, you could take a Blur Tool brush and blur out these parts
that you don't want to sharpen. It takes some effort but sometimes
it is useful.
2. Usually when any of the sharpening filters is applied some
undesired results come out. As I said, graininess becomes more
apparent. Also usually sharpening filters are not subtle if you will.
Here you have very fine control and sometimes it is quite difficult to
tell whether any sharpening was applied all together.
3. This procedure can be applied several times with cumulative effect
far outweighing the undesirable side effects. If you were to apply
unsharp mask twice on the same image in my experience the result is
usually quite ugly.

Your mileage can obviously vary :).

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
BD Mike,

BD Thank you.  A much more sensible reply to the question rather than
BD questioning my intent.  Makes sense and works pretty well on that
BD front.

BD Using the sharpening filter - are there some recommended starting
BD values for the unsharp mask for amount, radius and threshold?

BD Bruce

BD Monday, January 13, 2003, 5:57:51 AM, you wrote:

 In Elements it seems even clumsier.  Tell me how to quickly and easily
 crop to a given ratio.

MJ Bruce,
MJ Just click on the crop tool, and you'll notice width and height boxes at
MJ the top of the frame. Just fill in those values and the aspect ratio of the
MJ crop will stay constant.

MJ --Mike

===8===End of original message text===

For William Robb

2003-01-13 Thread Boris Liberman

I'd like to contact you off the list. Would you permit that? My intent
is to ask you some quite particular questions about chemical
processing equipment...

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: Need advice: flash and lens.

2003-01-14 Thread Boris Liberman

Just a short notice. I have Sigma 28-135/3.8-5.6 zoom lens. Bought it
off BH for $170 about a year ago. Now it sells for even less. This is
quite an average lens. It has only one advantage - versatility. The
rest dissatisfies me. Especially the build quality - zoom creep was
noticeable already after some 6 months of moderate use.

So, my general advise is to stay cautious if not away from Sigma
budget optics... Hence, I would recommend Pentax. At least you get
some 20 mm more on the long end...

Boris Liberman

Re: Photo Book Collecting

2003-01-14 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ Yeah, moving books is a total pain. A lot of diehard book people solve that
MJ by never moving, but that's not always a viable solution.

In my case it is indeed not an option. Let's just say that prices in
Israel are high and my salary is zilch at the moment...

MJ As you might have noted, most of my books are monographs (books of pictures,
MJ most usually by one photographer) so the reproductions of the photographs in
MJ ink on paper are of paramount importance.

A-ha. That's quite an admission. Now, finally, I can conclude my
thinking through of a response to a certain e-mail... I suppose I will
elaborate on this one no longer since it is not polite.

However, let me start getting ready for potatoes and eggs coming in.
As long as I remember myself in front of an album book (book of
pictures, usually from some museum or exhibition), I remember arguing
with my dad that it need not be bought this album. That relates to the
fact that I grew up in Moscow where we had quite many museums for dirt
cheap prices. That included all kinds of temporary exhibitions...

Well, I can see why you collect monographs, but I don't think I'd ever
collect any. Though I've started to visit local photo exhibitions
given the opportunity...

MJ For this, you could hit your local library once a week. Take out a few books
MJ and get to know the pictures, then take 'em back. That way you only have to
MJ move a couple of books at a time. s

You really don't want me started on this one. Simply put, there are no
photo related books for sale or for rent, period. After all we're
talking Israel suburbia, not New York City or Boston Metro Area :).

Anyway, I accept your points, and keep my opinion :).

Boris Liberman

Re: Elements

2003-01-14 Thread Boris Liberman

I am not talking to myself, really I don't :).

I've been thinking recently (how unusual) and found a way to modify
somewhat the sharpening procedure I posted.

You can obtain quite unusual results by the following:

1. Instead of mild High Pass Filter apply it really strongly, say with
filtering parameter 5 or may be even more

2. Then before you Overlay the result, you could apply Gaussian Blur
with strong filtering parameter, say again 5 or may be even more.

3. Then you Overlay and Flatten.

The result seems to be quite sharpened image with close to none
increase in graininess.

You can do your own experimenting. The bottom line is that this
procedure is controlled by you, including all the steps and everything
that is in between, unlike Unsharp Mask or other ready made filter,
which you apply in a black box fashion, rather.

Boris Liberman

Re: WOW! Check Out BOZ's new k-mount site!

2003-01-15 Thread Boris Liberman

You did a very fine job, Boz. Being a programmer myself, I had no
problem navigating your old site, but the new design is indeed more
clear and easier to browse through...

Well, I won't be arguing about the rarity ratings... Count me out :).

Nicely done!

Boris Liberman

Re: Can digital beat 6x7? Answer seems to be yes

2003-01-16 Thread Boris Liberman

What a wonderful thought(speech)-provoking question(thread)...

You know, if you don't mind I'd post here an opinion of an amateur who
just recently learned of Third Party Lenses Resource Megasite and
who spent good part of past two days reading these pages and thinking
them through. In no particular order and totally IMHO:

1. Michael Reichmann does very specific kind of photography. For
example, for him ability to change ISO setting from one shot to
another as a matter of course seems to be very important. This way he
does not have to take with him several heavy bodies not to mention the
agility of his work. Digital seems to have great convenience
improvement for him. Therefore I suppose, foreseeing this, he was among
the first who praised digital.

2. The quality comparison between 6x7 (insert your favorite film
format here) vs digital depends hugely on the subject being
photographed. As a medium that converts light through some process to
image, digital is in a sense yet another kind of film. So, if you
think you must change a film every now and then, you have to use film.
Digital does not seem to be able to do good b/w by design. Again use

Now to the Third Party Lenses Resource Megasite

3. To be able to extract the best out of your 11 MP DSLR, or your best
film one has to use their best technique. That's why I am thinking of
starting with buying a monopod. As Michael Reichmann also said in his
talk about EOS 1Ds, this camera forces one to use only best lenses
with only perfect technique. So with all due respect for quite some
many people on this forum it has little advantage to shell out the big
money and go digital. However indeed if by popular definition you're
professional (making financial living out of) photographer, digital
may be the way to go.

4. Really, let us not argue about Film-Scanner-DigiPrint vs
DigiSensor-DigiPrint or similar matter. Come, if you take 30 cm x 40
cm print and look at it from the distance less than few meters, you
got to be in pedantic mood at best. I've received my first such size
print just few days ago. The picture can be found here:
As you can see it was made with simple film, old lens and so on. Still
it is amazing to look at. Naturally if I come closer I see the
imperfections, but why would I? I am aware that I have a huge amount
of learning to do :).

Ultimately the high megapixel DSLR is yet another tool that should be
considered just as such. If you could afford it, take it for a test
drive and just buy it. However, for very many people the discussion of
digital vs film (even 6x7) is mainly theoretical.

I immediately and in advance admit to whatever wrongness you find in
my reasoning. That's simply because I've noticed an unusually high
concentration of quite quality demanding photographers who are also
quite active on this list.

But then again, I am glad and honored that I can listen to what you
have to say to each other and that I can even ask my amateur questions
every once in a while.

Mike, I think the new world would come in few years hence, when camera
like EOS 1Ds would cost no more than $1000. Before then, we can argue
and mostly drool...

Boris Liberman

Re: Why the new Pentax DSLR will be FREE

2003-01-16 Thread Boris Liberman

Mike, I am sorry, but there's a little flaw in your otherwise nice

In order to be able to shoot with DSLR with reasonable level of
convenience you have to add to this:

1. Some kind of additional storage so that BH prices would be:
- about $300 for 1GB micro drive ether
- about $200 for 0.5 GB micro drive  or
- about $600! for 1GB Compact Flash card or
- from $100 to $300 for 0.25-0.5 GB Compact Flash cards  or
- etc...

Say on average you would have to pay some $250 for some storage.
Judging from my own experience I would project that quite soon (way
sooner than 1 year) you would spend another $250 for some more

2. Now, if we're talking micro drives, and if your DSLR is smart
enough to have exchangeable batteries, we might be talking some extra
batteries and probably some extra chargers, say car charger.

All together my expectation would be that you'd spent on these items
anywhere from $250 to $1,000 within the first year after you bought a

I am counting in these expenses since in case of film camera with a
grip you could feed it with cheap AA alkalines that would total in no
more than $50 per year. Though this figure is a off the hip estimate.
I am too lazy to start counting how many AA batteries you would spend
in your film camera.

I am willing to subscribe to your argument otherwise.

Boris Liberman

Re: Can digital beat 6x7? Answer seems to be yes

2003-01-17 Thread Boris Liberman

I think I'd like to respond to one particular paragraph from
Sylwester modulo Mike's initial posting (the capitalization is mine):

SP These two technologies has their pros and cons, you can not
SP simply say digital is better!. You just buy what is BETTER
SP SUITED FOR YOUR NEEDS. As a wedding photographer I would afraid to
SP buy digital, because of the narrow exposure latitude - too much
SP risk of getting unproperply exposed shots - and you can't simply
SP repeat wedding...

It seems to appear that for steadily growing number of people some of
which are professional photographers or even photographers doing very
fine art, the digital cameras are preferable to film cameras.
Naturally, it seems to irritate (had to look up the Russian-English
dictionary to find the most proper word I thought would apply here)
some other professional or very fine photographers who seem to prefer
film cameras to digital cameras.

That's why this thread seems to going on.

Now, the interesting question would be: am I any close to being right
and could it perhaps, just perhaps, help this thread to conclude...

Really, there is no need to argue here. Indeed one may take a look on
the whatever media suits one to make a decision, add to that a look to
their pocket and make ultimate decision as to what kind of camera to
choose. Then, hopefully, one would share their photography with
others, including people on this forum, allowing us to feel a little
better every time we look at fine photograph, no matter digital,
analog, or hybrid.


Boris Liberman

Re: Meaning of HAR!

2003-01-18 Thread Boris Liberman

I've no slightest idea what Har is however I do know some Hebrew. If
by some unfortunate mistake you were to spell it like this HarA or
HarAH, it would mean exactly sh*t or cr*p in Hebrew.

Now you're warned. vbg


Re: Ripped on eBay

2003-01-18 Thread Boris Liberman

I have a question that seems to be related to Collin's case. Is it
customary in this list to post eBay auctions asking advise on item
description etc? Or it would surely mean that one who really wants the
item will not get it through his fellow PDMLer's outbidding him/her...

I looked at that auction and did not two things:
1. All words in description have first capital letter. To me it is
positively wacky.
2. The seller mentioned some more than 10 years old problem with the
camera still sounding evasive about it.

Not that I am trying to be smart ass after deed kind. Simply if it
would've been possible to post auctions and if fellows here would warn
each other based on their experience, perhaps we could benefit.

Now of course, it has to be first rate pure gentlemanship... Or I am
being too naive here... Neither pun nor offence is meant.

Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
CB Hasn't happened for a couple of years.
CB rd=1

CB All looked good.  Feedback, description, some detail provided.
CB Unfortunately the shutter had a finger put through it!
CB And when I can least afford it!

CB Collin

===8===End of original message text===

Re: Kodak digital vs. 6x7 prints

2003-01-19 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ Tom Graywolf,

MJ Sorry to start a new thread, but given my temporary enforced absence from
MJ the PDML Digest I've literally lost the old one.

MJ When you compared the 14-mp Kodak print to one of your chemical prints, what
MJ printer and printer driver were you using to make the digital print?

MJ Not trying to ambush you here, so I'll just make my point straight up: all I
MJ wanted to add was that if you're not using a 6-ink printer and a good
MJ printer driver, you can't really make a sensible comparison.

MJ People don't pay enough attention to printer drivers. I have Canon
MJ ImageBrowser, Olympus Camedia, and Adobe Photoshop Elements, and if I print
MJ the same file in all three programs, the Elements print is _much_ sharper
MJ and more detailed, because the Adobe printer driver is so superior.

MJ --Mike

There is no imaginable reason why any Win app, even as mighty one as
Adobe PhotoShop (Elements) has to have its own driver for printer.
Come, you don't want Adobe programmers actually dead, do you?

On the other hand, Mike, you probably meant to say that the way
Elements render image for printing is much more pleasing to an eye
than, say if you were to print it from within Internet Explorer. Just
to make a strong example.

There is some other point that I'd like to add to this, if I might. A
friend of mine has Epson 2450 scanner that he uses as a film scanner.
He told me every now and then that he had to struggle somewhat with
the scanner in order to get repeatable and nice looking to his eyes
results. One day, he took a plastic slide frame and broke it into film
holder that would fit the scanner. To his amazement, he got much
better and almost totally repeatable scans. Naturally, it had to do
with placement of the film and its flatness.

That's exactly the problem with these variables. You have to perfect
all the technicalities of every stage in order to achieve maximum
quality. It seems to me that with digital there're less things to
perfect. The downside is a certain loss of flexibility.

Relatively OT: I thought that Mike was using single messages format,
not the digest... g

Another OT thing: Why don't you use smilies? Such as :) or :(. And
where is a glossary of 's, such g or vbg?

Boris Liberman

Re: A Driblet of Canon News

2003-01-19 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ Official statement from Canon is that the D60 has been discontinued.
MJ The newcomers !!! are The EOS 3 based, 8megapixel D80 full size camera.
MJ The D40 based on a smaller camera features a 4 megapixel APS size chip. The
MJ price on the latter should be app. USD 1500,- + tax.
MJ Both cameras are to be shown at PMA, Las Vegas in march
MJ Please been in touch, we will get furter info

To me at least the most interesting thing is that they're going to
produce full size camera with less than 10 MP sensor... What I want is
a full size sensor but with relatively few pixels so that it would
cost less than truly professional cameras that I have absolutely no
need for.

Suddenly I am starting to feel that I am back to forums
where I've spent four years buzzing about PDAs...

Boris Liberman

Re: if microsoft made cameras

2003-01-20 Thread Boris Liberman

a big scary text snipped...

It is bad enough as it is. There is no real need to frighten your
fellows g.

Boris Liberman

Re: My photos

2003-01-21 Thread Boris Liberman
Do you live in Israel?

BR I tried doing a small photo web site here:
BR All photographs were taken with Pentax gear (lenses and bodies)


ME Super question

2003-01-21 Thread Boris Liberman

I have a question related to ME Super or similar camera, ME F, ME,

Given a set of new alkaline batteries, how many films do you manage to
shoot before you have to change them?

I do realize that ME Super has to be quite frugal - the only things
that need juice are shutter and meter. But still, I am interested in
your mileage.

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: DSLR lifespan

2003-01-21 Thread Boris Liberman

 Does anyone else see this as a very big security problem, (I always hated
 the Idea
 of Bluetooth and it still doesn't have enough security as far as I'm 

DF I agree.  What I really want is a WiFi/Bluetooth stereo system, and get
DF rid of all those patch cables behind my entertainment center.  But not
DF until I can protect them from any Tom, Dick, or Harry coming along and
DF scooping up the CD I'm playing or whatever.

Doug, are you ready to accept the quality loss that inevitably would
seem to take place when the signal gets on the air and back again? I
don't think such stereo is viable before all the parts involved would
be able to digitize the signal with the highest quality possible and
then transmit it... The CD player can do digital fiber output now.
What about turntable or cassette deck? Or you don't deal with old
tech? midsize grin

As for the security. There's always going to be some people who would
be able to break whatever security is in place. The only difference
that various security systems make is the cost and difficulty of
overcoming them.

Back to topic though. I wonder how difficult would it be to design a
35mm style SLR that would have interchangeable sensors. Come, my hands
for instants are both left so to say. I would inevitably break my
camera if I were to perform such a trick...

But then again, perhaps average PDMLer is handier than me :). Wait, it
should be grin, right?

Boris Liberman

Re: DSLR lifespan

2003-01-21 Thread Boris Liberman

BR Upgradeable like computer CPUs? A modular camera system with
BR standardised modules (sensor, CPU, AF, metering, communications interface,
BR etc) makes a lot of sense. The chassis and component mountings could remain
BR the same. With today's present miniaturisation, any thing is possible.
BR Last year I suggested a camera that could use both film and digital. The
BR digital conversion would be in the form of a back/base which could be easily
BR attached to the body.

Not to sound impolite, but it is much easier said than done. Take for
instance such a simple with respect to multi-technologiness of DSLR
thing as Palm Pilot. It took Palm quite some tricks before they
arrived to their universal connector - the contact between cradle and
the unit itself. So simple, but they haven't foreseen that eventually
their handhelds will have rechargeable batteries - need at least one
more contact...

The whole issue of hardware modularity is very non-trivial.

I doubt that modern technology can provide us with what you seem to
find so easily obtained. It either will not be modular or it will not
be reliable as an SLR camera should be.

Again, I meant no disrespect or offence.

Boris Liberman

Re: Idea for a PUG (in honor of the Canon EOS 1Ds)

2003-01-21 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ Idea for a PUG: any picture taken with your cheapest camera and lens.

Does it have to be Pentax? Will it count if I posted a B/W picture
taken with Zenit camera and Helios M42 lens that could be mounted on
Pentax? vbg

Boris Liberman

Re: ME Super question

2003-01-21 Thread Boris Liberman

PA If you remember to turn the meter off battery life won't be measured in
PA rolls but in years.

How is this done?

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: Fuji Super CCD SR, WAS: BW with the Vivitar Series 1 28mm F1.9

2003-01-22 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ Speaking of scene contrast range, check out this wicked cool preview of the
MJ just-announced Fuji Super CCD SR:


MJ This is a fantastic idea. Another thing I'm going to have to wait to see
MJ before buying my next digital.

Mike, would you like me to quasi prove to you that you're never
going to buy digital then?

You see, it really goes in cycles. You decide to buy a DSLR. Naturally
not the current one but the one that is going to be announced real
soon. Meanwhile, towards the same announcement some another tech
advancement leaks out. So you postpone your decision. Eventually that
advancement goes into production. Then cycle repeats itself. That's
the danger of digital. With film cameras it does not seem to be the
case. After all, film camera is just a black box with knobs and
buttons that exposes your film.

No offense though. I really think that digitech advances way too
rapidly. I am afraid that each time digitech takes a step it really
hasn't passed enough time to take full advantage of current stuff.

Again, I meant no disrespect.

Boris Liberman

Re: Fuji Super CCD SR

2003-01-23 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ None taken. You're only wrong about one thing: namely, that I happen to be
MJ still waiting to buy the perfect film camera, too.

Well, I've stretched your logics a little and you seem to have
stretched mine as well g. No, I don't think that you're waiting for
your perfect camera to come out. I do think however that you would be
willing to postpone parting with your money should any serious and
reasonable to you reason come up.

MJ P.S. Still, I really like the idea of a digital with more dynamic range. I
MJ would buy something like a Fuji 602 with that sensor in it. Honest, I would.

Which is exactly my point above...

I think that many people here, perhaps you included, are quite happy
with their current (film) equipment. I am not taking optics into
account, but it is irrelevant to the issue. Hence, you are somewhat
cautious about diving into digital.

Oh, this is only natural and is not a bad thing if admitted... vbg

I rest my case though.

Boris Liberman

Re: Snow Photo

2003-01-24 Thread Boris Liberman

I haven't seen anything like such amount of snow for last 11 years so
please bear with me. I somehow think that if you cropped sun so that
only part of it would be seen, it would be, how to put it, more
smiling, with better mood, less cold and more with a warm grin. But
then again, I am not too much of a critique anyway. I do hope that by
posting the above I am not breaking any rule here. I really don't want
to alienate anyone against me.

Tomorrow though I will be driving to my friend who lives in Beer Sheva
- capital of Negev desert. I am taking tripod and some of my gear. I
will be posting some stuff if it comes out right so that you could
take revenge :).

Bill, mind if I ask why do you choose an MSN as a way to post your
photos on the web?

Boris Liberman

Re: help recovering files in an image after burning a CD

2003-01-24 Thread Boris Liberman

I seem to have deleted the Feroze's post, so I would be answering to
this one.

DF Hi Feroze,

DF On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:38:57 +0200, Feroze Kistan wrote:

 Anybody ever had negs destroyed by a print shop. Its never happened to me
 I'm just wondering how common this is?

DF It's happened to me once in maybe two to three thousand rolls over the
DF last 25 years.  Well, one instance, but they damaged all five rolls
DF that I had in at the time.  Actually, damaged five rolls is overly
DF harsh.  They damaged up to eight or ten frames on each of five
DF 36-exposure rolls.


It happened to me. Only once it did but it was very annoying. I've
submitted my film to Oriental Kodak lab - probably the largest lab
network in Israel. They've managed to scratch one of the frames so
that the scratch was roughly half the frame height, right in the
middle. Unfortunately, it was one of the best shots that I've made of
my daughter and I was quite annoyed. They produced two 24x36 cm
enlargements for me for free from this frame. But both should be seen
way from afar to not notice the scratch. One day perhaps I will have
it scanned properly and take my time fixing it...

Ever since I don't deal with that lab. But the damage has been done.
It was one and only time I had such kind of trouble happen to me.

Boris Liberman

Re: Wait and See

2003-01-24 Thread Boris Liberman

MJ ...snipped... But it's still secret. Nobody knows for sure what it
MJ will be. We'll know SOON. PMA is right around the corner. Why not
MJ wait and see?

Because we're bunch of men talking on the Internet about Pentax
cameras? vbg

Boris Liberman

Question about Mamiya 500 DTL and Lenses

2003-01-26 Thread Boris Liberman

I am given an opportunity to acquire not working body Mamiya 500 DTL
and two lenses 50/2 and 135/3.5. Since both lenses are M42 they could
be potentially used with my ZX-L. I've been wondering how good are
these lenses and in particular how good is 135/3.5 compared with
Takumar (non SMC) 135/2.5?

The body could be tried to be repaired though. I have no idea as to
how good is this body, say with respect to similar Pentax bodies. Is
it worth the trouble trying to repare?

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: Actually on-topic: writers ain't rich

2003-01-26 Thread Boris Liberman

drn Similarly, I know snap-shooters who think it's really neat that I
drn can make the photos I do, but listening to them talk I get a 
drn distinct impression that they don't think they're *allowed* to 
drn _try_ to actually _compose_ a photo, because that, you see, would 
drn be *art*, and they're ordinary people, not Artists.

Here's a story. Well, we did drive to Beer Sheva last weekend. Among
other things I've taken my FA 50/1.7 with me to shoot some kids. So
I've been shooting. One moment I've noticed kids were giving a certain
dog something to drink. Hopefully the shot I managed would come out
reasonable. Anyway, the same moment I've tried pointing my camera at
the kids, their moms asked the kids to pose. You know - look at this
young man with the camera, will you, dear  They've ruined the
shot, naturally. Though they've admitted I am the first one who takes
shots of their kids and who does not ask them to pose, rather

IMHO, photography suffers seriously because only very specific kind of
photography is seen by the general average public. That would be even
photography (be sure to invite for a wedding a good photographer) and
probably some fashion photography. I doubt that it ever occurs to an
average person that, say, some amazing nature photos are actually done
by people like themselves.

To be honest with you, before last half a year I haven't gone to
any photography exhibition. Nor was I interested in any. Admittedly I
am not very far from the above average general public...

But then again, this is MHO.

Boris Liberman

Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-27 Thread Boris Liberman

SP Reading tests more and more in more places, I found them to be just
SP unreliable. For instance:
SP - according to Folorfoto MZ-S has one of the slowest AF among current SLR
SP bodies (just slightly faster than Dynax 404 and 505, and much slower than
SP MZ-3 and N*** F65...), the same test in FotoMagazine, and MZ-S has one of
SP the fastest AF (beting easily even F100, Dynax 7 and EOS3...)
SP - in FotoMagazin test MZ-S has quite poor matrix metering, in ColorFoto it
SP just got better - better than F100 or EOS-30 (which were far better in
SP former magazine tests...)
SP - standard zooms - according to ColorFoto FA 28-80/3.5-5.6 is far better
SP than FA 28-70/4 and what's more than FA* 28-70/2.8!!!
SP - long zooms - according to photodo, F 70-210/4-5.6 is undoubtly better
SP (3.4) than FA* 80-200/2.8...
SP ... and so on, and so on.
SP I am just tired of this mish-mash. The best way is to make tests yourself
SP - if the lens or body proves to be better for you rather than for testmen
SP than just get it and be happy!

It has occurred to me reading the above, that the published lens or
other equipment tests are much close to statistics than to anything
else. Statistics is good with very big number of samples. Now, if you
take ten or even twenty lenses of some kind and test them in some
manner, you get twenty different samples of statistics for that lens.
Given the number of variables involved, it literally means zilch -
something like: There is a company called Pentax that happens to
produce some zooms, one of which apparently in my hands used in such
an such manner gives such and such results. Very well, who really
cares? I mean, do you really shoot test subjects only? Even for M
Reichmann test - I doubt any of you would travel all the way to
Toronto in order to use your stuff on his (favorite) location.

See, I've bought this Soligor 70-222/3.5 C/D zoom. Some months later
I've been advised to shoot with this lens a newspaper attached to the
wall. So I've discovered that on wide end it has some kind of
distortion - the trees on the boundary of the frame are a little round
- I don't know the name of that distortion. It really means very
little, because I am yet to find a subject that would severely suffer
from such distortion. Again, this is my shooting, yours may be

I see only one thing that can be useful for tests - you read about the
lens, you probably learn, you might get some conclusion if you happen
to trust the tester, or if your needs are similar to those of the

Otherwise, tests are just a good technical reading, no more. Sometimes
it may even give you a reason to chuckle (FA 28-80/3.5-5.6 is far
better than FA* 28-70/2.8!!!), which is definitely a good thing.

I totally agree with Sylwester here.

Boris Liberman

Re: Takumar 135/2.5 opinions?

2003-01-28 Thread Boris Liberman

The only photo I ever enlarged to 30x40 cm was made by the subj lens.
This is very good lens for its price. Indeed it does not have SMC, but
otherwise it is excellent portrait lens. That's of course MHO.

Boris Liberman

Re: Digital vs Film: Battle is over - digital has already won

2003-01-29 Thread Boris Liberman

Bruce, without disrespect, the aesthetical qualities of the snaps your
daughters shot with their DPS - how good are they?

Don't misunderstand me, I am not against Digital. However, I think
that instant feedback will have some kind of negative impact of, how to
put it, uninspired perhaps, amateur photographer.

Let me give an example from my profession - programming. Debugging
with trace which I did quite a lot somehow had me thinking much more
as to where could be a problem __before__ I'd go to the lab again and
have the sucker executed once more to get me more evidence. At the
same time, debugging with full of bells and whistles interactive
debugger can be very long. The beauty of the beast just kills my will
to actually think the problem through - I can have infinitely more
runs at the same time I would get one trace from the lab.

To translate it to photo-language I'd try. Film photography,
especially towards the end of the film cartridge makes you think very
well as to why, how and when you're taking the shot. Actually, even
when the film is just loaded one is already limited to 36 exposures.
Digital photography however is about - keep shooting until you get
what you want. Sometimes it is good - say for M Reichmann who recently
seemed to have shot some wild birds. Sometimes it is very bad - you
just missed the moment that would never come again, and because you
have this wondrous alumo-box full of electronics and software - you
did not care to set up it quite right.

Furthermore, I have MZ-6 which is a smart little camera. To tell you
the truth I am in process of buying an ME-Super so that I would be
able to learn more of the way things are done, instead of just relying
on Pentax programmers and electronics engineers.

Again, if you're just shooting for snaps and not in order to study
the craft (don't kick me all around because I called photography
craft, ok? bg), then PS or DPS is the way to go. And of course
DPS is way more convenient.

Just my cents.

Boris Liberman

On topic?!

2003-01-29 Thread Boris Liberman

Something unusual happened to my latest submission to PhotoSIG. During
two days more than 150 people saw the picture (which is a lot to my
level) but only one of them said a word.

Here is the link:

I'd like to know what do you think of it. Please, do criticize. I
really hope there is no rule on PDML that every single photo that is
posted to PDML should be just praised and applauded to...

Thanks in advance.

Boris Liberman

Re: AF 280T battery leak damage.

2003-01-29 Thread Boris Liberman

Darn, I am not living in States. In Israel it is plain impossible.
Consumer is almost always wrong here...

Say, I've just recently sent a fax to the phone company. Unfortunately
we have only one phone company in Israel. Now, one month later they
did not do what they were asked to. So I called to verify. Apparently
I had to inquire within 48 hours after I've sent the fax. So now, she
told me they did not get any fax from me. On my argument that my
computer responded that fax arrived ok and that I did it twice she
told me: You know, sometimes the fax machine says fax is sent but in
reality it does not arrive.

Darn, I am not living in States.

Boris Liberman

Re: On topic?!

2003-01-30 Thread Boris Liberman

I am replying to myself in order to collectively reply to all who

First of, thanks a lot. Somehow over last night (Israeli time) when I
posted my question this photo amassed huge 850+ views. To my total
amazement this is by now my most unusual shot - it has the lowest
rating among my photos but it has biggest view count and by quite a
margin too.

Anyway, thanks to everyone. My feelings were similar to what you've
said - I liked the softness of the way the colors/shades changed.

I had to consult my notes again. I made a mistake. This is after
sunrise shot, taken in the morning actually, so I had it renamed.

Those who don't like the foreground and/or overall lack of punch
and/or strong subject, if I understood you correctly - I will keep
that in mind. Admittedly I find it quite difficult to compose a
landscape. Either it is beaten to death sunset theme where subject is
mostly obvious, or it is proper landscape which I am yet to learn how
to deal with.

Finally the technical part of the thread - I have Netscape 7.0 and it
presented no deviation from the way IE 5.5 displays the PhotoSIG
pages. Furthermore, sometimes Netscape displays certain pages better than
IE does. I don't have any other browser so I couldn't tell. For that
very reason my own pages are handwritten with very basic HTML - in
hope that they will display properly (up to screen resolution of
course) on wider set of browsers.

Thank you very much again...

Boris Liberman

Re: Question about Mamiya 500 DTL and Lenses

2003-01-30 Thread Boris Liberman

Thanks a lot. Initially I thought I could grab the lenses and use them
with my camera. However I realize it is a risky business. Also it
seems that these lenses are really nothing special...

Well, you probably saved me some money I could later part with for
sake of buying stuff from fellow PDMLers relatively bg.

Boris Liberman

Re: Digital vs Film: Battle is over - digital has already won

2003-01-30 Thread Boris Liberman

BD Thus it is with my daughters taking pictures.  With the SLR's (bigger
BD cameras), I would have to take them out to shoot.  With the small PS,
BD they would take them on their own to shoot events they were involved
BD with.  With the digital PS, they take them to events and play around
BD (experiment) at home.  The quality of shots is the same or better with
BD digital for them, especially since they immediately review their shots
BD and correct mistakes and failures.  They are also willing to try
BD things with no thought about wasting money on film and developing.

Very well then. Digital PS it is... For your daughters. I really can
only wonder what kind of photography tool would use my daugther. She
is slightly above one year old now bg.

Boris Liberman

Re: OT: Frustrating

2003-01-31 Thread Boris Liberman

Funny you should mention your story. A friend of mine told me of a new
lab - the most advanced Fuji machine. I took the bite. Indeed they
gave me 7.5 MP scans - the largest I ever got from the labs here. All
the rest is worth the bullet in the head of the people who did it.
Each frame is full of white speckles. I literally have spent some half
an hour nearly painting the shots I picked up with the clone brush. It
was you know like solving the problem of a painting restoration -
which blemishes to fix first so that it could be looked at...

I am still very happy I've quit asking for prints a long time ago.

Boris Liberman

Re: 5n Bummer?

2003-01-31 Thread Boris Liberman

TZ I don't know much about DVD players, so when I go to Fry's to
TZ buy one, how do I decide which one to buy?  The features cards on
TZ the demo models, the prices and the brand names.  What better do
TZ I know?  I'm sure the DVD manufacterers have they eyes on people
TZ like me.  I think this is how the Canon Rebel is positioned, and
TZ is a great commercial success.

That's the key. You know way more about photography to be ranty about
ZX series cameras. It is the same with my ZX-L (MZ-6). It is perfect
except viewfinder.

I do understand that manufacturers are driven by the market, but
Pentax seems to have the reputation of the pioneering company. They
were the first to produce TTL metering SLR and so on. Why, for crying
out loud g, they cannot produce ZX series camera that would have
the electronics as they are now but with some good viewfinder? It
would be quite pioneering I think. Say, Pentax were to introduce the
seemingly trivial idea of having the same excellent top grade
viewfinder for all their SLR cameras. Would be it be too difficult?

Well, I am getting ranty too...

Boris Liberman

Re: A Humble Suggestion

2003-01-31 Thread Boris Liberman

Frank, as far as I understand, most of the people have expressed their
views in the past. It would be only logical then not to repeat
expressing their views again. In a sense, people would agree that they
disagree. Having done that the political discussion would be rather

I totally support your opinion.

Boris Liberman

Re: February PUG is open

2003-02-02 Thread Boris Liberman

Since I don't drink coffee, well almost don't, I think it will be
quite difficult to accomplish. I may present several ounces of good
Darjeeling tea instead. But usually coffee drinkers don't drink tea
and vice versa.

Boris Liberman

Re: Snow Crystal Photographs

2003-02-03 Thread Boris Liberman

Once upon a time, fellows of Penta Club discussed how one could grow
snow flakes in controlled environment. I suppose for me in Israel it
would be even more relevant...

Truly amazing work.

Thanks for sharing.

Boris Liberman

Epson 2450 question

2003-02-03 Thread Boris Liberman

I am given the opportunity to buy Epson 2450 scanner (flat bed, but
seems to be the only reasonable one for scanning the film) for $250.
It is about one year old, one owner.

My questions would be:
1. Is it a fair price? What is a fair price?
2. What is the potential points of total failure of this unit?
3. How long usually flat bed scanners work before they have to be

My purpose of using it would be to eliminate process variable of lab
scanning my negatives, and doing the job myself. Time to time I would
scan documents, thus making my home PC into complete copier/fax

Your help is very much appreciated.

P.S. A moment ago by mistake I've posted it from my other account that
is not registered with PDML, obviously bg. So you might get two very
similar messages from me. I apologize for that.

Boris Liberman

Re: Epson 2450 question

2003-02-03 Thread Boris Liberman

Bill, from your response and from other responses I gather that Epson
2450 is a satisfactory film scanner, even for 35 mm film. It is not
top quality, but I suppose to expect a top film scanning quality from
flatbed scanner is at least illogical.

OTOH, at the moment I am struggling with local labs. Obviously they
wouldn't babysit and fine tune their machine for my films. So, quite
often scans come out with very lousy quality.

Another problem would be that for sure in Israel to find a dedicated
film scanner would cost me at least 1.5 times more than its actual
price. So I suppose I am left with little choice.

The only thing that would stop me is too steep a price or too old a
unit. Since none of you reported any aging problems or any mechanical
glitches with your scanners I must conclude that Epson 2450 is a
reasonably reliable machine.

As for the scans themselves. I've witnessed a person who is going to
sell me the scanner getting roughly 12 MP file from 35 mm negative. Of
course 12 MP exceeds by some 3 MP maximal optical power of the sucker.
Still the 30x40 cm print was very good. Since at the moment my aim is
at most! 30x40 cm prints, I'd say it would be acceptable.

My rough estimate would be that if it does not break down within a
year, it will return the investment... Then it could be replaced or
augmented with another device.

Am I terribly wrong someplace in my reasoning?

Boris Liberman

Re: Exhibition preview tonight.

2003-02-08 Thread Boris Liberman

Sorry I am somewhat late...

Boris Liberman

Trying to explain MZ-60

2003-02-08 Thread Boris Liberman

There are some strange cameras such as MZ-60 popping up in ranges of
other manufacturers. Recently I've read about some new model of Nikon
which is essentially a very low level, nearly fully automatic film
SLR. Though I have close to none interest in Canon and Nikon offerings
I allow myself to be thinking every now and then g.

The following thought have occurred to me. Could it be that major
manufacturers are sensing the oncoming demise of film point and shoot
cameras and preparing the ground for fallback. By now 2 MP zoom DPS
can be had for how much - 200-300 bucks... Way better 4 MP DPS can be
had for roughly twice that figure, or may be even less. Now, in 1994 I
bought a rather simple PS by Fuji for $250. Anyway, for sake of 4x6
family album shots 2-4 MP DPS are sufficient. Thus, it would be
logical to assume that rather soon film PS will start to loose market
share and quite rapidly too.

So perhaps, to keep film cameras attractive for some time, or better
yet to keep profit coming from film cameras for as long as possible
the major manufacturers are preparing the ground for the shift. The
shift would be towards very simple yet seemingly more serious MZ-60
like SLR film cameras. The would become the PS of 2005 and onward to
the future.

I did drink some tasty dessert wine today. Did I drink too much?

Boris Liberman

Re: Superior Pentax

2003-02-09 Thread Boris Liberman

If you decide to sell it anyway, don't forget to give me a call,
that is send an e-mail...

Boris Liberman

Re: K and M lenses are now obsolete!!! (was: FAJ lenses)

2003-02-11 Thread Boris Liberman

Boz, perhaps there is a minor glimpse of hope here. Could it be that
for K and M lenses the new mount would work, but it wouldn't allow
open aperture metering? But wait, I am afraid I am wrong, because it
would mean that mechanical aperture coupling would have to be
different in order for body not to be able to do open aperture

That's one big piece of bad news. My ZX-L would probably work with new
FAJ lenses, but if it all comes true it would mean that ZX-L is the
last new camera I am going to buy from Pentax...

I do hope, Boz, that you're indeed wrong.

Boris Liberman

Re: K and M lenses are now obsolete!!! (was: FAJ lenses)

2003-02-11 Thread Boris Liberman

KT Minolta has already been selling the cameras of the similar concept Alpha
KT Sweet II, Canon EOS Kiss III L and Pentax MZ-L.  All these cameras are
KT competitively priced yet with various features and automations.

Thank you very much bg. Now my ZX-L (same as MZ-L or MZ-6) is an
entry level sweet-n-kiss camera. I really thought it was more towards
(advanced) amateur level... Not that I care, but anyway...

Boris Liberman

Re: Cheap SLRs, WAS: K and M lenses are now obsolete!!! (was: FAJ lenses)

2003-02-12 Thread Boris Liberman

I usually enjoy reading your longer posts. This one was no exception.

MJ It's hard for US to believe, but many people just need to take pictures, and
MJ are not interested in the camera equipment or how all the camera controls
MJ work!

Here I agree, but still, I think that if I paid three-digit figure in
dollars for my camera it deserves a little bit of my time that is
needed for reading the manual. Then, having read the manual, I as a
matter of habit, tend to try to use all the features of the darn

Though of course I admit that it took me roughly one whole year to
(re)discover that my stereo switched off after an hour of playing if
it woke up in alarm clock mode... Usually I did all my morning stuff
and departed in less than an hour.

Anyway, it is probably a certain amount of shame that people don't
really care about what really their camera does in order to let them
enjoy the outcome...

Boris Liberman

Re: Old lenses and *ist D

2003-10-05 Thread Boris Liberman

Thanks Paul, you just added one more item to my knowledge base grin.

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 17:32:52 -0700
 Paul Ewins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi folks,
I played around today with various lenses and thought I'd report
back the results.
Note: If you take an A/F/FA lens off the A setting on the aperture 
it will behave as if it is an M lens. You won't see the aperture 
in the viewfinder and you can't set it from the body either.
This is most unusual. My ZX-L for instance, shows aperture value in 
the viewfinder if a lens that has A position is set to some other 
aperture. I thought that it came through electronics, this displayed 
value. Why it is not supported in this case?

But then again, your report is very valuable as it is grin.



Re: Old lenses and *ist D

2003-10-05 Thread Boris Liberman

AF   Aperture is indeed transmitted digitally to the camera by the F/FA
AF   lenses, so use of aperture set on the lens would have been perfectly
AF   possible with the *istd. But P deliberately invalidated this
AF   functionality through software, as it is forcing its users to abandon
AF   the aperture ring and sets the premise for a complete switch to the
AF   FAJ line.

Alin, if P...x were my daughter, she would be due to some moderate
spanking. Unfortunately, the situation is rather the other way around.

Well, at least I have one more bit of understanding of how my ZX-L
works. Not to mention that I am going to be praying more seriously for
it to keep working properly. BG



Re: More *ist D testing of K/M lenses

2003-10-07 Thread Boris Liberman

On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 13:09:26 +0300
 Alin Flaider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Too much of a mess to be anything than a pile of bugs.
  Apparently, this module was marked next release and left
  unfinished. For now you should be happy the *ist d doesn't hang up
  when a K/M lens is mounted.
  Servus,  Alin
Since recently I've been getting similar impression.


Re: 2x converter,K-M42 adaptor metering

2003-10-08 Thread Boris Liberman

I really should be embarrassed to ask this,but i'm over 50 and i can 
claim the senior moment disorder
I am over 30, but I think I had my ignorance moment when I read your 

Does the 2x make the lens a 400 from a 200 AND the f stop from f4 to 
f 8
I think that if converter looses half the light it means it is one 
stop which I suppose is f5.6 from f4 and not f8.

I wonder whether I have just irreparably damaged my reputation in the 
club... VBG


Re: M lenses (long)

2003-10-08 Thread Boris Liberman

On Wed, 8 Oct 2003 11:03:50 -0500 (CDT)
Your point that the M lenses have to be seen in historical context is
also valid.  Putting M lenses against modern pro zooms or FA 
is not quite fair.  Compared to the primes and zooms of their day and 
pro lenses of today the Ms are much smaller and for the most part 
competitive in quality.
May I add to this quite fine reasoning one more point. For a budget 
aware student of photography or an amateur shooter M lenses win hands 
down modern not f/2.8 zooms. They are smaller, faster, and better 
optically. I can say that except convenience my Sigma 28-135 el cheapo 
modern AF-IF-Macro-and-so-on zoom has no advantages againts M lenses 
with focal range with the same range. 

Ultimately, M lenses deserve their place in photobags of many people 
here on the list.


Re: 2x converter,K-M42 adaptor metering

2003-10-08 Thread Boris Liberman

Peter, I just did not know that 2x applies not only to focal length 
but to other parameters as well. I actually thought that the light 
loss is __totally__ different parameter that varies from converter to 

That's because the only converter I have, that being Panagor Macro 
Converter, has different light loss depending on chosen magnification 


On Wed, 08 Oct 2003 13:27:31 -0400
 Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A 2x TC will cost you at least two full stops.  (More depending on 
the TC but that's another problem).

At 04:33 PM 10/8/03 +0400, you wrote:

I really should be embarrassed to ask this,but i'm over 50 and i can 
claim the senior moment disorder
I am over 30, but I think I had my ignorance moment when I read 
your questions...
Does the 2x make the lens a 400 from a 200 AND the f stop from f4 to 
f 8
I think that if converter looses half the light it means it is one 
stop which I suppose is f5.6 from f4 and not f8.

I wonder whether I have just irreparably damaged my reputation in the 
club... VBG

I drink to make other people interesting.
-- George Jean Nathan 

Re: *ist D Survey

2003-10-09 Thread Boris Liberman

===8==Original message text===
RB 16th September - Sunny Brighton
===8===End of original message text===

My birthday it is. Strong the force is with this one. VBG


Re: Slide vs Film

2003-10-10 Thread Boris Liberman

PW Someone please enlighten me or send me down the right path at least.  Once
PW again, any and all help is very much appreciated!

PW Pat Wunsch

Well, I tried slides and unfortunately had to decide that it is too
pricey for me. The processing of slide film including cutting it into
single transparencies and mounting them by the lab is about 3 times
more expensive than similar processing of usual film.

Having said that I was extremely happy by the slides that I managed to
produce. Probably one or two were very good, most of the rest were
just keepers for family album.

I am buying a scanner, well actually closed a deal on Epson 2450
second hand for about 60% of its price new here in Israel. It means
that I may just as well reconsider.

But two things are certain:
1. You need to be more accurate with the exposure. For instance I used
ZX-L instead of ME Super with the only slide film I tried. ZX-L gave
consistently good exposures.

2. You're bound to spend more money.

The outcome though:
1. One less step in the process, I think.
2. In my case, amazingly true color reproduction
3. Added bonus of feeling that you're using __the slide__ film G.

Just MHO.


Re: Nobody selling anything??

2003-10-12 Thread Boris Liberman

Gaurav, I think the San Diego Sea World can be nice addition to your 
plans, especially if you are going to visit local Zoo too. Also 
consider Universal Studios amusement park. There are some things that 
you could learn there about film making which may prove quite 

But then again, I am not local and what I am talking about I've 
experienced back in 1994, when I was on vacation abroad for the first 
time in my life...


Re: Henry's Camera very annoying

2003-10-12 Thread Boris Liberman

Two friends of mine have Sigma 24/2.8 lens - one for Pentax AF mount, 
another for Minolta mount. The pictures I've seen are not bad at all. 
Especially if one takes into account price difference between Sigma 
and similar native lens. Also construction of this very lens is very 
good. It is mostly metal and it is sturdy.

Naturally, this is yet another bit of anecdotal evidence...

And of course, if one faces the choice between not having a certain 
lens (focal length) all together and a reasonably 3rd party offer, I 
think it is really no-brainer... At least so it seems for me... Humbly 
of course...


Re: Is my MZ-6 a plastic toy? (was: Has Pentax missed again?)

2003-10-12 Thread Boris Liberman

Do you have any info about the MZ-6 (or other cameras) internal 

Alex Sarbu (who wants Heavy Metal-style cameras. Hmm...
I've heard that Zenits are made from steel :-) )
You're one lucky fellow - I just happen to have MZ-6 and used to have 
Zenit back in Moscow. 

I don't know much about MZ-6 internal structure, but in my hands it 
does not squeek or flinch or whatever the word is appropriate. You 
cannot let it fall, but you cannot let fall any modern Pentax camera 
really. None of modern Pentax bodies has die-hard construction. You 
know, I suppose that MZ-6 may save me in street fight (it has nice 
long strap) if I knew how to fight with Pentax cameras. But I suppose 
it can save me only once. 

Yes, Zenint is close to undestructuble. Not invincible though - your 
child can still put their finger through the shutter and kill the 

MZ-6 is low-mid level amateur camera, probably one of the direct 
predecessors of film *ist. I used MZ-5n for several days recently. It 
is just a little, really little more sturdy. May be it just pretends 
this way...



Re: If Pentax were like an automobile company ...

2003-10-12 Thread Boris Liberman
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 06:51:04 -0700
 Steve Larson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Paul,
 GM does has a higher quality rating than Benz at the moment,
they (GM) have come a long way in the last five years. Being
a consumer (I consumed one in April, very tough to get down ;))


Scanner saga is over. Well, almost.

2003-10-12 Thread Boris Liberman

I've just got my first successful scan from my own Epson 2450 scanner
that I bought second hand. It costed me roughly 60% of new price of
the same scanner in Israel...

I did some scans already and they came just fine for the first try.

I am feeling much more independent now. No waiting for the lab, no
dust cleaning for hours...

Hopefully I would have enough time to submit my own scans from
recently bought K 24/2.8 for this month's PUG!



Re:'s soo bee-u tee fuul..

2003-10-13 Thread Boris Liberman

My favourite combos:

1: A somewhat-brassed old 6x7 MLU with the 45mm f/4 and wooden grip. 
old faithful look.

2: An LX with the K35mm f/3.5 and the square 50mm f/1.4 hood.  Black 
strap, no grips or winders.  The professional look.

3: A chrome K2 with the silver 43mm Limited.  The rare  valuable 
collectible look (even though it isn't).
How about well used silver ME Super with just as well used K 24/2.8 as
4: The take everywhere workhorse combo?

Re: which focusing screen for PZ-1?

2003-10-13 Thread Boris Liberman

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 01:05:01 -0700
 Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Contact Pentax and obtain a MZ-M/ZX-M split screen (C-74). Spot meter 
won't be accurate afterward and you need +1/3EV compensation for 
centre-weighted. On top of that, non-F/FA lenses require their own 
compensation when used with the Z-1p so you have to test each of your 
K/M/A lenses for accuracy.

Alan Chan
Alan, do you also happen to know whether C-74 can fit MZ-6? Will it 
cause a loss of accuracy of spot metering? 

Anyone tried this? Can split screen be used comfortably with smallish 
magnification factors for manual focusing?

scratching my head...


Re: Puzzled over lack of comments

2003-10-14 Thread Boris Liberman

I have added a male lion to my nature Portraits page. It's a series of zoo
portraits that I've been working on over the past month or two. I've
it a few times on the PUG with a link to the site but have got very little 
response at all.

here's a link to the site

It is excellent collection of portraits. Don't know about you, but I
prefer tiger to the lion. Though both would consume me just as easily
if they could... grin.

The pages are a tad slow, but I have 750 kbps cable connection at
home, so I cannot really complain. I do remember that in my dial up
previous life your pages were slow indeed.

Thanks for sharing!


Re: Is my MZ-6 a plastic toy? (was: Has Pentax missed again?)

2003-10-15 Thread Boris Liberman

Yep you can't set aperture on the 5n body.. would be useful to have 
so that
they'd be fully compatible with the FAJ lenses. Maybe Pentax has some 
post- powerzoom, post-IS, post-HSM innovation which requires lenses 
to have
a basic FAJ circuitry configuration! Or maybe they're innovation 
recently hired a d*ckhead..
Unfortunately, it seems more like the second is true and the first is 
not sigh.

Don't forget the more gimmicky 'panorama mode' on the 5n! :)
Actually I forgot. After all the little lever is not as large as 
these icons on the mode wheel...

Though of course MZ-6 has snap in focus, which though is independent
of picture more.
Hasn't the 5n got snap in focus w/ manual lenses too?
I guess it has. I don't know. I did not get to try that. I suppose 
that nothing can prevent any MZ series AF camera to have snap in 
focus, except of course some clever programming.

Same class I suppose in terms of specs I guess- just different 
I've always felt the 5n seems more sturdier than the 6 though. On 
else, do you notice the eyecup of the 5n has a tendency to attempt 
from the camera everytime you take it out of a bag?
Hehe. Actually, since it wasn't my camera, and I had it on load, I 
kept it at home. So it was on the shelf and I never actually took it 
out a bag. Admittedly though, 5n's eyecap is more comfortable than 
that of MZ-6. Actually, the whole viewfinder subsystem is better. 

I did not notice any difference in sturdiness between 5n and 6. I am 
really afraid that 5n is sturdier by the rumour, not by design or 
construction. By the way, both cameras I compared (my ZX-L and 
co-workers 5n) were made in Japan. Perhaps, there are other batches 
which were made elsewhere, and for them there is indeed a difference 
in sturdiness. I couldn't really notice any such difference between 
two cameras I held.

The serious difference in sturdiness however is easily observed 
between either of MZ cameras in question and my little ME Super... 
Though even there the cover that covers the top of the camera - 
controls and penta-prism is plastic too...

Happy shooting...


Re: List hiccups

2003-10-15 Thread Boris Liberman

On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 15:59:30 +0100
 Rob Brigham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I seem to commonly get replies to posts BEFORE I see the original 
replied to!

I got your one about the review at 15:43GMT, but mine at 13:50!!

I also occasionally (maybe 2-3 times per day) get a post which I had
already received some time before.
Weird Stuff!
Recalling recent response of Mr Robb to someone who were trying to 
unsubscribe, I am afraid it would be safe to assume that time axis of 
PDML continuum is not straight... VBG

Resistance if futile. You will be assimilated. VBG


Re: gemini macro converter

2003-10-15 Thread Boris Liberman

IMHO, from what I can see on the auction page this TC does not do 
macro. Since you were interested in macro, I am afraid it would not 
suit you... 



Re: Zenit 16mm Fisheye *istD

2003-10-15 Thread Boris Liberman
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:01:35 -0400
 Bill Owens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just went out on the front porch and took this shot with the *istD.

Camera on manual, ISO200, f/11, 1/500 per Gossen Digisix meter.



Fascinating... Since I knew it was going to look somewhat like 24 mm 
lens image for regular 35 mm film it felt like one. Still, rather 

Being a son-in-law myself, I would not take notice of other comments 


Re: Trouble with PUG

2003-10-16 Thread Boris Liberman

J well anyway,
J I'm working on the mailserver connection. Hopefully that will fix it.

J cheers,
J Jostein

Today morning (my time grin) it suddenly worked. Jostein, please if
you couldn't see my submission by the time you read this, let me know,
I'd use the e-mail route...



Re: Some more PUG comments.

2003-10-17 Thread Boris Liberman

JF Young Windows Professional  -  Boris Liberman.

JF Another cute kid picture.  The picture conveys an air
JF of intense concentration, but the harsh flash lighting
JF and hard-edged shadows are negatives.  And, yet again,
JF I think there's a lot of wasted space here; I'd suggest
JF a tighter shot with a 100mm (or agressive cropping).

Thanks. It is probably hand of fate, but I keep making plans for next
months' PUG and keep missing them done by just few days. For instance,
for Professional theme I have prepared a shot with some professional
photographer showing his friends his several tens of years old works.
But then I got it from the lab just few days after the deadline...

I am in my yet another no cropping period. I am very reluctant to
cropping these days. In fact, I thought to allow some space in the
picture to accentuate that my daughter is a very little kid yet... To
deal with Windows VBG...

Thanks for your critique. It is very helpful!


Re: New to the list

2003-10-18 Thread Boris Liberman
Hi there.

My name is Boris and I am from Israel grin.

Welcome to the list.


Re: We need a theme song!

2003-10-19 Thread Boris Liberman

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 08:05:35 -0400
 Collin R Brendemuehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I propose:
Bei mir ist d schoen
Any other ideas?

Unfortunately I am unfamiliar with this song, or for any German spoken 
songs sigh. However my proposal is Turn to Stone by ELO. VBG


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