[Proto-Scripty] Re: Finding the position of a scroll bar for an element with overflow:auto

2010-11-08 Thread Matt Foster
yeah, try $(myContainer).scrollTop

On Nov 7, 5:10 pm, Shane McCarron halindr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an element that has overflow:auto.  The contents of the element are
 updated from time to time via ajax calls.  I want to ensure that when this
 happens, if the user has scrolled down into the content, their scroll
 position stays the same even through the content is effectively
 regenerated.  Is there a way to get the scrollTop for an element?

 Shane McCarron

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Variables in $$() ?????

2010-09-30 Thread Matt Foster
Thanks for that but like most things in the prototype documentation,
lacks the type of clarity that I can understand. 

Nice way to get help... Your docs suck so just spoon feed me the

The answer to your initial approach is an issue with basic javascript
string behavior and was nailed on the head by both Johnathon and David

var myVariableValue = 3;

var mySelector = input[type=radio][name='type']

In the above expression the value of myVariableValue isn't evaluated,
its literally written into the string as is, hence its not the value 3
its the string value myVariableValue

Hope you like puree'd corn template

var myTemplate = new Template(input[type=#{type}][name='#{name}']
var dto = { type : 'radio', name : 'type', value : '3' };

var selector = myTemplate.evaluate(dto);

On Sep 25, 6:28 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 The fundamental thing you need to do is _simplify_, divide and
 conquer. Is it the XML stuff that isn't working, or is it the radio
 button stuff that isn't working? Walk through with a debugger, etc.

 The `$$` of this is not the problem barring some strange thing, you'll
 need to look elsewhere.

 -- T.J.

 On Sep 25, 4:16 pm, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:

  Morning TJ!

  I know it SHOULD work... I'm just saying it didnt.

      // set radio button for type
      selectThis = {selectID: 'type', selectValue:

   didn't work:
      var selectThis
      $$(input[type=radio][name='type'][value=' + selectThis +
  ']).writeAttribute(checked, checked);


  This works:
      selectThis = {matchString:

      $$('select#ajstate option').each(function(o){
        if(o.value == selectTemplate.evaluate(selectThis)){o.selected =

  But moving it into a function doesn't:
  function setSelect(strID, strValue)
    var selectIDTemplate = new Template('#{matchID}');
    var selectTemplate = new Template('#{matchString}');
    var selectThis;
    var selectID;

    selectID = {matchID: strID};
    selectThis = {matchString: strValue };
    $$('select#selectIDTemplate.evaluate(selectID) option').each(function(o){
      if(o.value == selectTemplate.evaluate(selectThis)){o.selected =

  I think I am either daft or extremely tired! LOL
  On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:34 AM, T.J. Crowder 


David, although your suggestion doesn't throw any errors, it doesnt work
either... kinda wierd as I thought it would...

   It does work, barring there being something wrong somewhere else:

   The problem with your original code was as as Jonathan said, you were
   passing the string input[type=radio][name='type'][value=selectThis]
   into $$ as the selector. David's suggestion fixes that by using the
   *value* of selectThis rather the actual text selectThis. As the live
   example above shows, that works.

   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Engineer
   tj / crowder software / com
   www / crowder software / com

   On Sep 25, 2:21 pm, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
David, although your suggestion doesn't throw any errors, it doesnt work
either... kinda wierd as I thought it would... and it would have been
simpler to implement too!

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 8:57 AM, David Behler d.beh...@gmail.com
 What about this:

 $$(input[type=radio][name='type'][value=' + selectThis + '])


 Am 25.09.2010 14:41, schrieb Phil Petree:


 Thanks for that but like most things in the prototype documentation, 
 lacks the type of clarity that I can understand.

 IOW, I can read the documentation, scratch my head and say huh? I 
 that documentation thinking this might be what I need but have no 
 to how to implement that to solve my problem.

 Which is exactly what happened here... OK, I need to use templates to
 somehow sprintf the string constant into a direct value but huh?

 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Jonathan Rosenberg 

  You're passing a string constant to $$


 'selectThis' will not be evaluated, as you seem to be expecting.  
 loook at Tenplate to do what you want:


 Jonathan Rosenberg
 Founder  Executive Director

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Passing Variables to Functions in addEventListener Within a Class

2010-07-23 Thread Matt Foster
You can just add parameters to the bind call and they will show up in

$(id).observe('mousedown', this.myFunction.bind(this, otherParam);

Then I believe it shows up after the event.

function myFunction(event, param){...

but in your case, simply binding to this will allow you to reference
the instance's ID and all other properties associated with the class
instance and you shouldn't have to basically curry extra parameters to
the event listener.



On Jul 23, 2:48 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Since you're creating the event handler inside your `initialize`
 function, you can take advantage of the fact it's already a closure by
 assigning `this` to a local variable (`self` is a common name for it)
 and then using `self` within the closure (the event handler), since it
 will inherit it.

 Here's an example (with a few other things cleaned up as well, I've
 included comments):

 initialize: function(id,name,top,left){
     var self = this; // Keep a reference to the instance for use below
         this.id = id;
         this.name = name;
         this.currentTop = top;
         this.currentLeft = left;
         // Use `observe`, not `addEventListener`, for IE support
         $(id).observe(mousedown, function(event) {    // `event` not
             // Throughout, use `self` to refer to the instance
         }); // No `false` needed with `observe`


 Alternately, if you don't like using `self`, or if the function you
 want to use is already defined somewhere, you can use Prototype's
 Function#bind. #bind creates a closure for you behind the scenes that
 will turn around and call the original function such that `this` is
 set correctly:

 initialize: function(id,name,top,left){
         this.id = id;
         this.name = name;
         this.currentTop = top;
         this.currentLeft = left;
         // Use `observe`, not `addEventListener`, for IE support
         $(id).observe(mousedown, (function(event) {   // `event` not
         }).bind(this)); // Note the `bind` (and as above, no `false`
 needed with `observe`)


 More on closures 

 More on `this` and how it's not the same in JavaScript as in some

 More on binding 

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Jul 23, 6:16 pm, Doc Torbin mtor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am working on a class now and part of the initialization is adding
  event listeners to an object.  I'd like to pass some value through to
  the functions that are attributes of the class but I can't seem to
  figure it out.  Here's a sample piece of the code:

  var MyClass= new Class.create();
  MyClass.prototype = {
          initialize: function(id,name,top,left){
                          this.id = id;
                          this.name = name;
                          this.currentTop = top;
                          this.currentLeft = left;


                  $('status').innerHTML = The object has been picked up. ||
  mouseState is  + this.mouseState;


  Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

   - MT

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax abort method

2010-07-23 Thread Matt Foster
I did something similar in that I just patched Ajax.Request with some
extra functionality to allow timeouts, I never fussed with it further
than fundamental tests but it certainly worked.  Take a peak and maybe
you can learn how to write something to meet your own needs


On Jul 22, 5:29 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 There's a ticket for 

 and it's mentioned in this 

 Looks like #302 is waiting for someone to write some tests, but: I
 know that separate from Mark's stuff in #308, there's going to be an
 Ajax API rewrite (and possibly implementation rewrite as well) for
 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Jul 22, 8:09 am, Ran Berenfeld berenfeld...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm sure this was asked before.
  I'm running a web site with continuous ajax calls to the same server page.
  Now I want that if the Ajax is not completed
  in (say) 5 seconds, the call will be aborted and a new call s made.
  I've seen pages in the web that suggests an implementation for an abort

  Will there be one in the upcoming release ? And should this method be used ?

  Site Admin -http://www.ichess.co.il

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How do I remove and stash an observer?

2010-07-23 Thread Matt Foster
just store the reference to the listener and re-attach it to the
element after the user has successfully purchased more comment tokens
or whatnot.

var myListener = function(){};


//.. user buys tokens...

$(button).observe('click', myListener);



On Jul 21, 4:26 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 I have a video editing app that I'm working on where you can add  
 captions to your movie up to a total number of purchased captions.  
 When you reach that limit, I disable the buttons that add more  
 captions by using Element.stopObserving and changing the button image  
 to reflect this disabled nature.

 Now the client would like me to add purchase more to the same  
 screen, so I would like to know if I can memoize the listener from an  
 element, disable it, and then re-enable it from memory later in the  
 same session. I know that this page will work the way it is if I  
 reload the page after a successful purchase of new captions, but it's  
 a big page, and I'd like to avoid that if I can.

 Any ideas?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How would I get a closer set of siblings?

2010-04-28 Thread Matt Foster
This would be an ideal use case for XPath.

On Mar 5, 10:35 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Thanks, yes that might work. But I am trying to write something which  
 is structure-agnostic, since it goes in a plug-in for a Web design  
 application, and I have no idea how people will want to use it. Alex's  
 suggestion allows me to do the very least (and therefore resist the  
 urge to screw up) while still offering an unsurprising result in a  
 wide range of layout situations.


 On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:08 AM, Eric wrote:


  All the proposed solutions are very nice example of coding, but
  however you may ask yourself this question:
  If there is no easy way to do the processing I want with my data
  structure, am I sure I am using the right data structure?

  In other words, instead of coding heavy processing functions couldn't
  you just change your DOM structure to optimize whatever processing you
  need to do with them.

  In your case, adding a DIV around each H3-P-P-P... sequence would do
  the trick.

  Alex: Very nice implementation!


  On Feb 23, 6:20 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
  Wow, thanks very much Alex!


  On Feb 23, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Alex Wallace wrote:

  Here's a slightly better version, as it crawls the tree itself
  instead of grabbing and filtering all of the element's
  nextSiblings(). Since it avoids the call to recursivelyCollect()
  it's a bit faster (with 10 siblings after the requested node, it's
  about 20% faster - when I upped it to about 40 elements after the
  node, it ran well over 250% faster). If you have a lot of nodes to
  filter for the accordion, I'd definitely use this version.

  function fasterSameTagSiblings(element) {
     element = $(element);
     var results = [], node = element.nextSibling, tag;
     while (node = node.nextSibling) {
             if (node.nodeType === 1) {
                     tag = tag || node.tagName.toLowerCase();
                     if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tag)
     return results;


  Micro-optimization for sure, but it was bugging me. :)

     function fasterSameTagSiblings(element) {
             element = $(element);
             var results = [], node = element.nextSibling, tag;
             while (node = node.nextSibling) {
                     if (node.nodeType === 1) {
                             tag = tag || node.tagName.toLowerCase();
                             if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tag)
             return results;

  On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Walter Lee Davis
  wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
  The heads and the paragraphs are all at the same level, and I don't
  want all the paragraphs, just the ones between this head and the
  next head. (It's for an accordion effect.) So while
  up('div').select('p') would do exactly what you say, it would leave
  me where I started.



  On Feb 22, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Matt Foster wrote:

  This is probably too obvious to be right but if you're simply  
  for all of the paragraph tags at that level could you simply go up  
  the parent and select down from there?

  On Feb 22, 12:57 pm, Paul Kim kimba...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Alex, thanks for the tip. I've modified the function based on
  your tip
  and your example function:

     function consecutiveSameTagSiblings(element) {
         var element = $(element);
         var nextSiblings = element.nextSiblings();
         var similarElements = [];
         for (var i=0; i nextSiblings.length; i++) {
             if (element.tagName == nextSiblings[i].tagName) {
             else {
         return similarElements;

  On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Alex Wallace

  Paul, one recommendation: store the results of
  element.nextSiblings() in a
  local variable outside of the loop. DOM traversals are pretty slow.


  On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Paul Kim kimba...@gmail.com  

  Hi Walter, if you want to get all similar elements up to but not
  the next head, I would use Prototype's Element.nextSiblings() to  
  through all elements with the same tagName and break when the
  tagName is
  different. Here is a function I created just now that would
  hopefully do
  what you want:

  function getSimilarElements(element) {
     var element = $(element);
     var similarElements = new Array();
     for (var i=0; i element.nextSiblings().length; i

[Proto-Scripty] Re: AsyncExecutioner

2010-01-12 Thread Matt Foster
Feel free to post questions or comments here as I disabled them on the
actual article.

I think this is a valuable plugin for Prototype, it certainly isn't a
common use case but there are instances where data gets too big to
handle in one shot.

On Jan 11, 9:51 am, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Everyone,

       I've completed work on a new Prototype plugin to handle massive
 datasets elegantly and avoid the dreaded Stop Script dialog.  It uses
 a chunking algorithm to split up the dataset into small pieces, and
 then loop over those using chained setTimeout executions to allow a
 break in execution in order for regular UI processing to be handled,
 such as scrolling or selecting text.  It can be extremely useful for
 less than pertinent processing that can be carried on in the


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[Proto-Scripty] AsyncExecutioner

2010-01-11 Thread Matt Foster
Hey Everyone,

  I've completed work on a new Prototype plugin to handle massive
datasets elegantly and avoid the dreaded Stop Script dialog.  It uses
a chunking algorithm to split up the dataset into small pieces, and
then loop over those using chained setTimeout executions to allow a
break in execution in order for regular UI processing to be handled,
such as scrolling or selecting text.  It can be extremely useful for
less than pertinent processing that can be carried on in the



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: self-or-ancestor in one whack?

2009-12-22 Thread Matt Foster
You could use a closure to ensure you're dealing with the right

$$('.my_table td').each(function(cell){

   cell.observe('mouseover', listener.curry(cell));


function listener(cell, evt){
   if(evt.element() != cell)
 return false;

Are you trying to have a clean way to avoid flickering?


On Dec 19, 7:00 pm, Tobie Langel tobie.lan...@gmail.com wrote:
     var elm = evt.findElement('td');

 is exactly the same as doing:

     var elm = evt.element();
     if(elm.tagName.toString().toLowerCase() != 'td') elm = elm.up

 Only it'll accept any kind of CSS selector.

 On Dec 19, 3:38 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:

  I'll give that a try. I'm not sure (from the API docs) if that's going  
  to do exactly what I want or not.



  On Dec 19, 2009, at 9:23 AM, ColinFine wrote:

   On Dec 18, 5:51 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
   I use this construction quite a lot:

           var elm = evt.element();
           if(elm.tagName.toString().toLowerCase() != 'td') elm =  

   whenever I am constructing a rollover listener, since it works around
   the whole issue with mouseover / out events firing whenever you move
   over a child of the element you're trying to observe. Is there a
   simpler way to do this, a more Prototype-y way, that is? I've had a
   look around the API, and I also had a Google, but the former didn't
   turn up anything useful and the latter turned up every commit message
   from every project that includes Prototype.

   I belive that is what Element.findElement is for.



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Complete graphical toolkit in js

2009-12-18 Thread Matt Foster
Ext.js has a ton of UI stuff prebaked




On Dec 18, 4:40 am, Frédéric f...@gbiloba.org wrote:

 I'm wondering: does it exist a complete graphical toolkit in javascript?
 Something like Qt or Gtk, which allows to build complex GUI?

 I found several nice little projects, but they all use their own design...




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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Multi-dimensional JSON passed in an Ajax request?

2009-12-18 Thread Matt Foster
I'd just put it in a variable.

parameters : '?method=saveDatadata='+data.toJSON();



On Dec 17, 6:48 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Ajax.Updater (and the rest) don't claim to post object graphs to the
 server, and in fact they don't. They only pass name-value pairs,
 because they're doing normal HTTP GETs or POSTs, which are based on
 name-value pairs. HTTP doesn't know anything about JSON.

 If you want to pass an object graph, you could pass a single parameter
 with your JSON-formatted data as the value:

     new Ajax.Updater(this.msg, '/inc/Calendar/Validate.php',
             'parameters':   {json: this.toJSON()}

 ...and then decode the JSON-formatted data (the value of the 'json'
 parameter) on the server. There are JSON libraries for most server-
 side languages (and if there isn't one that suits your environment,
 well, the point of JSON is that it is easily parsed -- see json.org
 for details).

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Dec 17, 10:14 pm, Ian R i...@fairmountfair.com wrote:

  So ok, I have this JSON string I'm trying to pass as a post.  From my
  object's toJSON() method, I get this string:

      anonymous_element_1: {
          class: required,
      anonymous_element_2: {
          class: required,
      public_phone: {
          class: phone,
          value: 706-201-1149,
      private_phone: {
          class: phone,
          value: 315-487-9176,


  Which is valid JSON according tohttp://www.jsonlint.com/...

  However, when I try to pass this to a PHP script:

                  new Ajax.Updater(this.msg, '/inc/Calendar/Validate.php',
                                  'parameters':   this.toJSON()

  I get nothing passed.

  However, I've noticed that if I take the multidimensional aspect out
  of it and just use the format {'key':'value,'key':'value'}, it passes
  just fine.  Also, if I specifically set the method to get, I this
  passed in $_GET

  {class:_phone,_value:_315-487-9176,_msg:_}}] =

  Basically a crazy URL-encoded version of my JSON, as the key in a
  valueless array.  Hm.

  What am I doing wrong here?  I just don't get it.

  Thanks in advance!



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Sychronize many asynchronous Ajax.Request

2009-11-24 Thread Matt Foster
I'd recommend taking a look at my Ajax Service Queue approach, such
that all requests go through the service object, and in the subclass
for the queue's case won't send the next request until its predecessor
has returned.  It needs to be updated for 1.6 but the idea is on the
wall for you to look at...

Most pertinently is the onFinish event which would work perfectly
for your circumstance.


On Nov 24, 8:30 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

 Objects and thier properties are built and stored in memory (how else would
 they get built) - the CPU does the calculations and outputs the opcode to
 the browser (which reads from memory) what it needs to do with the object
 (In very simple terms)... So it stands to reason that if you dont remove the
 Object from memory it will just add to the memory bracket.

 To test...

 Build a test page with a periodical ajax request and (on winblows) watch the
 RAM that for instance firefox uses in the task manager go up and up and up.

 Then close the whole browser (so it starts clean again) and assign the
 periodical updater to a variable

 var request=new Ajax.Periodical...({});


 And watch the difference between what happend in the first test and the

 In the second test the browser frees up 60-80% of the memory that it used to
 make/process the request by nulling the object back to a null byte

 If you look on TJ's proto scripty wikidot my results are there and the code
 that accompanies it.

 I assumed it was common knowledge that people garbage collected ajax
 requests... Its not just prototypejs but every ajax style library that does
 not garbage collect these requests

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: david david.brill...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:54 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Sychronize many asynchronous Ajax.Request

 Yes your right Alex, but the case of maalek did not mention such
 numbers of request.
 I think in his case using one array is better than using a lot (~14
 differents variables).

 btw, I'm interrest in In fact the actal request stays in memory
 unless you null the object and after reflexion, that is logical, but
 is it normal ??


 On 24 nov, 09:37, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  Arrays are stored in memory, they are not a cookie so they do not get
  on the client machine .. (and you yourself say that even if it was its not
  cross browser)

  To test .. Do 100 requests with large responses and save them all into an
  array and see how much memory the web browser is eating each time you do

  In fact the actal request stays in memory unless you null the object - i
  wrote a post on this in TJ's proto scripty wiki which has test cases to
  prove it.

  I dont see any reason ever to save the response of multiple requests in an
  object that is saved in memory of the client's browser  what happens
  they are on an iPhone or somehting with not alot of memory ?

  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: david david.brill...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
  Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:24 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Sychronize many asynchronous Ajax.Request

   I'm sorry Alex, but I definitely not agree with you !
   First because there is existing method to cache the Ajax request and
   they use local object to save the result (we have now some new way to
   save locally a variable but it's not cross-browser).

   And next, because an array is much more flexible than variables. you
   could access each element independantly and have the length method (In
   our exemple, to know how much elements have been saved). And if each
   request should have a specific position in the array, length is no
   more working, but Prototype have sugaristic method that help you
   playing with Array the way you need.

   But there is I think plenty way to do this.


   On 23 nov, 23:44, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
   It would polute the variable and seriously eat RAM to save every result
   response in an array, i would highly recommend staying away from it..

   Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

   - Original Message -
   From: david david.brill...@gmail.com
   To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
   Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 8:00 PM
   Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Sychronize many asynchronous Ajax.Request

Hi all,

if you need to save all returned value, just save each request result
in an array.
Check the length of the result list to know when all request are

But we still turn around the same 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping an enumeration

2009-11-09 Thread Matt Foster

  I'd like to use enumeration functions to select from a sorted list
  where I know that if the select function has passed and then starts
  failing (returns false)

This isn't a prime situation for Enumerable but certainly nothing it
can't handle.

 Never mind - I just discovered $break in the docs

Really, what documentation covered the $break variable?  I've always
considered this as Prototype property and although you can get away
with it in most cases, I'd strongly advise against manipulating that
variable yourself.

I'm not sure what use case you're going for, are you collecting the
items in the array that match or just getting to the max index of
matches and then exiting?

Here is some quick and dirty code of how to work out a situation like
yours with Enumerable methods...

var vocab = [

var myFlag = false;
var myRegex = /^b.*/;

var myFilter = function(val, itr){
if(val.search(myRegex)  -1  myFlag == false){
myFlag = true;
else if(val.search(myRegex) == -1  myFlag == true){
myFlag = false;

return (myFlag  val.search(myRegex)  -1);

var newVocab = vocab.collect(myFilter);


On Nov 9, 6:47 am, andy.kri...@gmail.com andy.kri...@gmail.com
 Never mind - I just discovered $break in the docs - that should do
 what I want.

 On Nov 9, 6:41 am, andy.kri...@gmail.com andy.kri...@gmail.com

  I'd like to use enumeration functions to select from a sorted list
  where I know that if the select function has passed and then starts
  failing (returns false), I can stop enumerating (because every
  additional item will also fail). For example, scanning a sorted array
  of strings for strings that start with a regexp - once the regexp has
  found matches and then stops matching again, there's no need to

  Is that possible with the built-in functions or should I be looping
  over the array myself in this case?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Effect.Morph to enlarge images

2009-11-05 Thread Matt Foster

You could use a fisheye...


On Nov 3, 12:55 pm, ph...@ryangibbons.net ph...@ryangibbons.net

 Thanks for the response.  Question though, I am not quit sure what you
 mean.  I would like the image  the enlarge upon mouse over and go back
 original size on mouse out...hopefully as a smooth transition.  I have
 seen some very heavy JS scripts that do this but I was looking for a
 lighter alternative using script.aculo.us


 On Nov 3, 9:45 am, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:

  2009/11/3 ph...@ryangibbons.net ph...@ryangibbons.net:

   Hey all,

   I was trying to come up with a simple way to enlarge images on mouse
   over and set them back to their normal size on mouse out.  I figured
   why not try Effect.Morph with two sets of css for the images.

   Implementation can be seen here:
  http://rgvisuals.com/ie/(Clickon Stories link)

   Problem I am running into is that it seems to be quite jittery.

   I know that this is doable in Flash but I am just not much of a Flash
   fan.  I am taking it by my simple exploration that Effect.Morph may
   not be the most stable or correct ways of going about this.

   Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  I think you have to know if you are scaling an image and if so, not
  perform any other scaling on that image.

  Richard Quadling
  Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
  EE :http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_248814.html
  Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
  ZOPA :http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Insert , Defer and Is there a better way?

2009-11-05 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Kiran,

Function.defer is simply delegating the functions execution to
Function.delay which in the end delegates it to a wrapper of
By using defer it enforces the timeout to be a value of 0.01 which is
just enough to hiccup the browser's procedural processing.

If your application relies on this element to be inserted, avoid the
defer and you'll be sure the content is loaded after execution of



On Nov 2, 7:41 pm, phegaro pheg...@gmail.com wrote:
 HI T.J,
   I'm sorry but are you asking for more than what is above? I can
 write a simple page that puts together the HTML and JS listed above.
 Is that what you want?


 On Oct 30, 2:22 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Hi Kiran,

  It sounds like you've already put together a minimalist test case,
  would you post it (e.g., to Pastie[1] or similar)?  I haven't run into
  a situation where a single defer wasn't sufficient, but I also haven't
  tested extensively on Mac OS.

  T.J. Crowder
  Independent Software Consultant
  tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

  On Oct 30, 7:19 am, phegaro pheg...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi all,
     This might be a more generic browser/javascript questions than a
   prototype specific quesiton but i thought it would better to ask here
   because you all tend to really understand javascript and browsers in a
   ton of detail. So here goes.

   If i execute the following code:


   div id=area/div


   $('area').insert({bottom: div id=inserted/div});

   var count = 0;
   var f = function() {
         if ($('inserted') == null) {
               console.log(not there);
               if (count  50) {
                     $('area'.insert({bottom: div id=inserted/
                     count = 0;
         } else {




   Most of the time it just shows:


   but some of the time it does this

not there
not there
not there

   I am assuming because the insert is something that is queued and the
   browser then inserts the nodes into the DOM in its next event loop. I
   know that webkit is a single threaded so this makes sense that
   sometimes its not there and then it gets there, so really i guess i
   have to wait till its there before i can do the next thing on that
   inserted node. What about firefox and IE? Are they all single threaded
   in the same way? What happens in Chrome?

   Sometimes i see the following happen also which is really concerning
   to me:

not there
not there
... 50 times
not there

   It happens every so often on webkit (mac os) and on iPhone webkit and
   i can reproduce it pretty easily. I have built something simple that
   will do this but all this seems a little crazy to me because when i
   look at others code they dont even take this into account. They never
   way for DOM elements to show up when inserting HTML text into a DOM

   Any answers/suggestions would be super helpful.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Insert , Defer and Is there a better way?

2009-11-05 Thread Matt Foster

In taking a second look at your code...

Are you using the F function recursively to wait for the DOM to be
loaded and your area element to be available?

you can use many other approaches...


$(document).observe(dom:loaded, function()...);


window.onload = function()...

By executing your code in those methods, you can be sure that DOM
elements are loaded and ready for manipulation via Javascript.



On Nov 5, 3:22 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Kiran,

 Function.defer is simply delegating the functions execution to
 Function.delay which in the end delegates it to a wrapper of
 By using defer it enforces the timeout to be a value of 0.01 which is
 just enough to hiccup the browser's procedural processing.

 If your application relies on this element to be inserted, avoid the
 defer and you'll be sure the content is loaded after execution of



 On Nov 2, 7:41 pm, phegaro pheg...@gmail.com wrote:

  HI T.J,
    I'm sorry but are you asking for more than what is above? I can
  write a simple page that puts together the HTML and JS listed above.
  Is that what you want?


  On Oct 30, 2:22 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

   Hi Kiran,

   It sounds like you've already put together a minimalist test case,
   would you post it (e.g., to Pastie[1] or similar)?  I haven't run into
   a situation where a single defer wasn't sufficient, but I also haven't
   tested extensively on Mac OS.

   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Consultant
   tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

   On Oct 30, 7:19 am, phegaro pheg...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all,
  This might be a more generic browser/javascript questions than a
prototype specific quesiton but i thought it would better to ask here
because you all tend to really understand javascript and browsers in a
ton of detail. So here goes.

If i execute the following code:


div id=area/div


$('area').insert({bottom: div id=inserted/div});

var count = 0;
var f = function() {
      if ($('inserted') == null) {
            console.log(not there);
            if (count  50) {
                  $('area'.insert({bottom: div id=inserted/
                  count = 0;
      } else {




Most of the time it just shows:


but some of the time it does this

 not there
 not there
 not there

I am assuming because the insert is something that is queued and the
browser then inserts the nodes into the DOM in its next event loop. I
know that webkit is a single threaded so this makes sense that
sometimes its not there and then it gets there, so really i guess i
have to wait till its there before i can do the next thing on that
inserted node. What about firefox and IE? Are they all single threaded
in the same way? What happens in Chrome?

Sometimes i see the following happen also which is really concerning
to me:

 not there
 not there
 ... 50 times
 not there

It happens every so often on webkit (mac os) and on iPhone webkit and
i can reproduce it pretty easily. I have built something simple that
will do this but all this seems a little crazy to me because when i
look at others code they dont even take this into account. They never
way for DOM elements to show up when inserting HTML text into a DOM

Any answers/suggestions would be super helpful.

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[Proto-Scripty] Prototype gadget for client side translation

2009-11-03 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Everyone,

I've put the finishing touches on a JS based gadget to handle
site translation.  It uses Prototype for class structure and element
collection etc and the Google Translate API to handle the actual text
translations.  It handles all of the requests async style and never
reloads the page.  Nor does it destructively handle node collection,
so all of your event handlers remain intact... Check it out


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: onChange in Dynamic Element not working in IE6

2009-10-26 Thread Matt Foster

This one was a SOB and as always, IE is at fault...

Here is what I found on researching this...

now this is for IE only of course..

var cell = new Element(td);
This is all well and good w/o any attributes, the Element constructor
delegates the attributes object, the second parameter to

cell.writeAttribute(class, text);
fails to work due to the attribute translations, found in the
Element._attributeTranslations.write object. IE8 is now expecting to
write to the literal class attribute, not the className that it gets
translated to.

cell.setAttribute(class, text); //this works fine in IE8

cell.addClassName(text); //this also works but its not using element
attributes but the JS DOM reference itself, ie cell.className = ...



On Oct 26, 4:04 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 Just as a side measure that you are probably not aware of...

 IE8 has a bug that when you do your new Element(td..,'class':'text'...

 It will not add the class to IE8 browsers ... you need to use
 addClassName('text'); after you insert it...

 I found this out the hard way !

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: molo maurice_lowent...@ssga.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 7:27 PM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] onChange in Dynamic Element not working in IE6

  The following code works in Firefox but the onChange/onBlur events do
  not get triggered from the browser in IE6

  Does anyone know
  1) How to fix this
  2) If I should use a different approach for dynamically building the
  form elements

  I dynamically build elements on the screen base on a button being
  entered to call a function

  var newSecurityTdInput = new Element('td' , {'class':'text'});
  var newSecurityInput = new Element('input', {'type':'text',
  'class':'text newid', 'name':'newid', 'onChange':
  validateNewSecurityChange(this); ,'onBlur': getSecurityName


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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Depreciation of Array#reduce

2009-10-23 Thread Matt Foster

What is ES5?

On Oct 23, 1:31 pm, Tobie Langel tobie.lan...@gmail.com wrote:
 We removed it because it conflicted with an identically named method
 specified in ES5.

 If you really need to use it, I strongly sugest you find another name
 for it.


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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Tying an Element and a custom class together

2009-10-22 Thread Matt Foster

Yeah that'd be great functionality to allow for a much simpler proxy

On Oct 19, 9:48 am, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:

 I like your way of doing it, but my concern is that the documented
 toElement() method seems to be only half implemented.
 A minor change to the $() function could make it work completely (see
 it here:http://pastie.org/660553).

 What do you guys think about this change?


 On Oct 17, 12:11 am, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  Quick and dirty, im sure there are errors but conceptually this would
  be my approach...

  var ElementProxy = Class.create({
                          initialize : function(ele){
                                  this.element = $(ele);
                                  this.nodeType = this.element.nodeType;
                                  this.tagName = this.element.tagName;
                          delegateMethods : function(){
                                  var methods = Element.Methods;
                                  for(var method in methods){
                                          var __method = methods[method];
                                          if (Object.isFunction(__method)  
  !(__method in this))
                          assignMethod : function(method, __method){
                                  this[method] = function(){ return 
  [this.element].concat($A(arguments))); };



  On Oct 16, 3:01 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

   The has a relationship is the only way to go for sure.

   You could create an ElementProxy class that inherits all the Element
   methods but just keeps a reference to the actual DOM reference
   internally. All of the Element.Methods are parameterized so I'm sure
   there'd be an easy way to delegate the reference.  As long as the
   ElementProxy class implements all the regular methods then core
   prototype processes wouldn't know the difference between the two.



   On Oct 16, 12:02 pm, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:


While I agree with T.J. arguments, there are cases when it is nice to
have this behavior (DOM element and Plain object in the same
object). On of those case is, for example when you're creating a new
control class.

The way I do it is:
- building the DOM element in the class's constructor (and keeping it
in an attribute) (*)
- implement the toElement() method in the class (to return this DOM
element) (*)

The second step allows you to provide your class instance to any
prototype method instead of a DOM element.
A small example:http://jsbin.com/omaza

Ops: Previous sentence was wrong... After trying to write the
example, and checking in the source, it seems that you can only use
this kind of object as a DOM element in a handfull of prototype's
methods (insert, update and replace)...

Is it any reason why this behavior is not implemented in $() (this
would actually allow to use a custom class everywhere where a DOM
element is needed, and just add one line of code).


(*) This was the simplest way to explain the process, but you may
prefer dynamically create the DOM element on the first call of
toElement() for better efficiency.
On Sep 10, 10:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Hi Andrea,

 FWIW, I'd say the best practice is:  Don't do that, it conflates the
 model with the view *and* the controller. :-)  (MVC is not by any
 means the only game in town, but the terminology is useful for
 questions like this.)  If you ever want to present the business object
 in two different ways in two different panels (in a list, for
 instance, and in a details pane that shows the details of the
 highlighted object in the list), you can't, or rather the code gets
 ugly fast.

 Instead, I'd suggest keeping the business object separate from the
 element and using a has a rather than an is a relationship.  You
 can do that by storing the business object ID on the element in some
 way (data-key is the attribute I usually use for this, and fits with
 the proposed HTML5 data attributes standard), either directly or via a
 small controller.

 The business object should never update the element directly, and so
 it doesn't need to know about it.  Instead, it should raise events
 that controllers can respond to by updating the elements they
 control.  When I say fire event, I'm not necessarily talking
 browserspeak (I wouldn't use browser events for this), just a minimal

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Tying an Element and a custom class together

2009-10-16 Thread Matt Foster

The has a relationship is the only way to go for sure.

You could create an ElementProxy class that inherits all the Element
methods but just keeps a reference to the actual DOM reference
internally. All of the Element.Methods are parameterized so I'm sure
there'd be an easy way to delegate the reference.  As long as the
ElementProxy class implements all the regular methods then core
prototype processes wouldn't know the difference between the two.



On Oct 16, 12:02 pm, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:

 While I agree with T.J. arguments, there are cases when it is nice to
 have this behavior (DOM element and Plain object in the same
 object). On of those case is, for example when you're creating a new
 control class.

 The way I do it is:
 - building the DOM element in the class's constructor (and keeping it
 in an attribute) (*)
 - implement the toElement() method in the class (to return this DOM
 element) (*)

 The second step allows you to provide your class instance to any
 prototype method instead of a DOM element.
 A small example:http://jsbin.com/omaza

 Ops: Previous sentence was wrong... After trying to write the
 example, and checking in the source, it seems that you can only use
 this kind of object as a DOM element in a handfull of prototype's
 methods (insert, update and replace)...

 Is it any reason why this behavior is not implemented in $() (this
 would actually allow to use a custom class everywhere where a DOM
 element is needed, and just add one line of code).


 (*) This was the simplest way to explain the process, but you may
 prefer dynamically create the DOM element on the first call of
 toElement() for better efficiency.
 On Sep 10, 10:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Hi Andrea,

  FWIW, I'd say the best practice is:  Don't do that, it conflates the
  model with the view *and* the controller. :-)  (MVC is not by any
  means the only game in town, but the terminology is useful for
  questions like this.)  If you ever want to present the business object
  in two different ways in two different panels (in a list, for
  instance, and in a details pane that shows the details of the
  highlighted object in the list), you can't, or rather the code gets
  ugly fast.

  Instead, I'd suggest keeping the business object separate from the
  element and using a has a rather than an is a relationship.  You
  can do that by storing the business object ID on the element in some
  way (data-key is the attribute I usually use for this, and fits with
  the proposed HTML5 data attributes standard), either directly or via a
  small controller.

  The business object should never update the element directly, and so
  it doesn't need to know about it.  Instead, it should raise events
  that controllers can respond to by updating the elements they
  control.  When I say fire event, I'm not necessarily talking
  browserspeak (I wouldn't use browser events for this), just a minimal
  implementation of the Observer pattern (as a mixin or similar you can
  use for lots of different objects).

  FWIW, and apologies if I went OT, but I hope I didn't,
  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

  On Sep 9, 3:02 pm, Andrea Campi andrea.ca...@gmail.com wrote:


   in my application I need JS objects to represent some business
   objects, which are represented on the page by an Element.
   I would like to be able to tie the two together in such a way that I
   can use them interchangeably.
   This sounds like it should be a common pattern, so I was wondering
   what the best practices are.


   var Foo = Class.create({
     initialize: function(parent) {
       var element = Object.extend(new Element(div, { 'class': 'foo',
   'id': 'myFoo' }), this);

     bar: function() {
     // more methods


   Thanks to Object.extend I can easily call: $('myFoo').bar()
   But I cannot do the opposite, for instance:

   var foo = new Foo();

   Note that it would just work if I could return 'element' (which now
   behaves like Foo).
   However, I've readhttp://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/11481andithas
   reasonable objections to letting the constructor return a value.

   So, what gives? Any suggestion?

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Tying an Element and a custom class together

2009-10-16 Thread Matt Foster

Quick and dirty, im sure there are errors but conceptually this would
be my approach...

var ElementProxy = Class.create({
initialize : function(ele){
this.element = $(ele);
this.nodeType = this.element.nodeType;
this.tagName = this.element.tagName;
delegateMethods : function(){
var methods = Element.Methods;
for(var method in methods){
var __method = methods[method];
if (Object.isFunction(__method)  
!(__method in this))
assignMethod : function(method, __method){
this[method] = function(){ return 
[this.element].concat($A(arguments))); };



On Oct 16, 3:01 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:
 The has a relationship is the only way to go for sure.

 You could create an ElementProxy class that inherits all the Element
 methods but just keeps a reference to the actual DOM reference
 internally. All of the Element.Methods are parameterized so I'm sure
 there'd be an easy way to delegate the reference.  As long as the
 ElementProxy class implements all the regular methods then core
 prototype processes wouldn't know the difference between the two.



 On Oct 16, 12:02 pm, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:


  While I agree with T.J. arguments, there are cases when it is nice to
  have this behavior (DOM element and Plain object in the same
  object). On of those case is, for example when you're creating a new
  control class.

  The way I do it is:
  - building the DOM element in the class's constructor (and keeping it
  in an attribute) (*)
  - implement the toElement() method in the class (to return this DOM
  element) (*)

  The second step allows you to provide your class instance to any
  prototype method instead of a DOM element.
  A small example:http://jsbin.com/omaza

  Ops: Previous sentence was wrong... After trying to write the
  example, and checking in the source, it seems that you can only use
  this kind of object as a DOM element in a handfull of prototype's
  methods (insert, update and replace)...

  Is it any reason why this behavior is not implemented in $() (this
  would actually allow to use a custom class everywhere where a DOM
  element is needed, and just add one line of code).


  (*) This was the simplest way to explain the process, but you may
  prefer dynamically create the DOM element on the first call of
  toElement() for better efficiency.
  On Sep 10, 10:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

   Hi Andrea,

   FWIW, I'd say the best practice is:  Don't do that, it conflates the
   model with the view *and* the controller. :-)  (MVC is not by any
   means the only game in town, but the terminology is useful for
   questions like this.)  If you ever want to present the business object
   in two different ways in two different panels (in a list, for
   instance, and in a details pane that shows the details of the
   highlighted object in the list), you can't, or rather the code gets
   ugly fast.

   Instead, I'd suggest keeping the business object separate from the
   element and using a has a rather than an is a relationship.  You
   can do that by storing the business object ID on the element in some
   way (data-key is the attribute I usually use for this, and fits with
   the proposed HTML5 data attributes standard), either directly or via a
   small controller.

   The business object should never update the element directly, and so
   it doesn't need to know about it.  Instead, it should raise events
   that controllers can respond to by updating the elements they
   control.  When I say fire event, I'm not necessarily talking
   browserspeak (I wouldn't use browser events for this), just a minimal
   implementation of the Observer pattern (as a mixin or similar you can
   use for lots of different objects).

   FWIW, and apologies if I went OT, but I hope I didn't,
   T.J. Crowder
   tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

   On Sep 9, 3:02 pm, Andrea Campi andrea.ca...@gmail.com wrote:


in my application I need JS objects to represent some business
objects, which are represented on the page by an Element.
I would like to be able to tie the two together in such a way that I
can use them interchangeably.
This sounds like it should be a common pattern, so I was wondering

[Proto-Scripty] Re: how to select all elements by class after a certain point?

2009-10-12 Thread Matt Foster

 var nextElements=$(element).descendants();// returns everythign that

This would return all children of the element, not siblings.

On Oct 10, 4:26 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 If you use Event with element you can find the element that was clicked

 $$('.blah').each(function(e) {
    var element=Event.element(event); // this is the element
         var nextElements=$(element).descendants();// returns everythign that
 is a



 This is untested. Your list is a straight list of divs so it may not work -
 but try it and see!..


 Alex Mcauley


 - Original Message -
 From: patrick patrick99...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:41 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] how to select all elements by class after a certain


  Hi everyone,

  I am a bit stuck on this..  So, I have a layout with something like

  div class=blahblah/div
  div class=blahblah/div
  div class=other_class/div
  div class=blahblah/div
  div class=blahblah/div
  div class=blahblah/div
  div class=other_class/div
  div class=blahblah/div

  ...  I have a function that is called when one of my '.blah' divs is
  clicked, and so in that function  'this' refers the particular div..
  I am trying to figure out how I can get all of the divs that are
  '.blah' after 'this'...

  Thank you.

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Submit form on select for autosuggest

2009-10-12 Thread Matt Foster

You've defined your function after you reference it...

It needs to be created first then it can be referenced.

function getSelectedId(text, li) {

new Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php,
{afterUpdateElement : getSelectedId, minChars:1});



On Oct 8, 10:45 pm, Yogesh Agashe yogesh.aga...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the reply. I tried doing that but it didn't work for me.If you 
 point out the mistake in following code, it will be great.Thanks 
 again.script type=text/javascript     new 
 Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php, {afterUpdateElement : 
 getSelectedId, minChars:1});         function getSelectedId(text, li) {       
 document.forms['searchcustomerform'].submit();         } /scriptThanks,
 Matt Foster 
  function... you receive an input object and some element that was 
 representing the field. At this point you could execute form.submit.. 
 --http://positionabsolute.netOn Oct 7, 11:19 am, 
 Yogeshyogesh.aga...@gmail.comwrote:Hello, I am using Ajax.autocompleter in 
 one of my forms. I am calling a custom function getSelectedId after update 
 element to get an ID of the selected list item. I need a functionality such 
 that form should get submitted whenever : 1) a user clicks a item using mouse 
 from the autosuggest list. 2) Whenever user presses enter key while a list 
 item is selected. (This I have achieved through a hack as shown in code 
 below. I call .submit() after getSelectedId function) I don't know how to 
 submit the form on mouse click. Any help on this issue will be really helpful 
 to me. script type=text/javascript     new 
 Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php, {afterUpdateElement : 
 getSelectedId, minChars:1});         function getSelectedId(text, li) {       
 document.forms['searchcustomerform'].submit();         } /script Thank you. 
 Sincerely, Yogesh
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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: how to select all elements by class after a certain point?

2009-10-12 Thread Matt Foster

 Hence the note on it This might not work as its divs.
The name of the elements have no weight on the issue.  The structure
of the elements are all that matters.

Siblings != Children

You should have added the disclaimer... This does not work...

On Oct 12, 3:04 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 Hence the note on it This might not work as its divs.

 Alex Mcauley


 - Original Message -
 From: Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 7:12 PM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: how to select all elements by class after a

 certain point?

          var nextElements=$(element).descendants();// returns everythign

 This would return all children of the element, not siblings.

 On Oct 10, 4:26 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  If you use Event with element you can find the element that was clicked

  $$('.blah').each(function(e) {
  var element=Event.element(event); // this is the element
  var nextElements=$(element).descendants();// returns everythign that
  is a



  This is untested. Your list is a straight list of divs so it may not
  work -
  but try it and see!..


  Alex Mcauley


  - Original Message -
  From: patrick patrick99...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:41 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] how to select all elements by class after a


   Hi everyone,

   I am a bit stuck on this.. So, I have a layout with something like

   div class=blahblah/div
   div class=blahblah/div
   div class=other_class/div
   div class=blahblah/div
   div class=blahblah/div
   div class=blahblah/div
   div class=other_class/div
   div class=blahblah/div

   ... I have a function that is called when one of my '.blah' divs is
   clicked, and so in that function 'this' refers the particular div..
   I am trying to figure out how I can get all of the divs that are
   '.blah' after 'this'...

   Thank you.

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Submit form on select for autosuggest

2009-10-12 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Yogesh,

  You may want to also look at how you're referencing the
form.  Usually document.forms is a numerical array, not an
associative.  I'd recommend using an ID on the form object and then
grab it
 via $(form_id)...



On Oct 12, 3:02 pm, Yogesh Agashe yogesh.aga...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am glad to say that I found the root of the problem. I had a button named 
 submit and this was causing the problem.
 Thanks so much Matt for pointing out the function definition error.
 As Christo notes here: 
 This means you have a function trying to call the form's submit() method, but 
 you also have a button which is called submit(). This causes a conflict in 
 javascript, because the submit method is already bound to that button.
 To solve the problem, simply change the name of the button so that name=moo 
 (or something). Your submit() call in your javascript function/method will 
 now work.
 Yogesh Agashe wrote:Thanks for pointing out this error Matt. I should have 
 noticed this.
 But even after defining the function earlier, form submit doesn't work :(
 Matt Foster wrote:You've defined your function after you reference it... It 
 needs to be created first then it can be referenced. function 
 getSelectedId(text, li) { $('class_id').value=li.id; 
 document.forms['searchcustomerform'].submit(); } new 
 Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php, {afterUpdateElement : 
 getSelectedId, minChars:1}); --http://positionabsolute.netOn Oct 8, 10:45 pm, 
 Yogesh Agasheyogesh.aga...@gmail.comwrote:Hello, Thanks for the reply. I 
 tried doing that but it didn't work for me.If you point out the mistake in 
 following code, it will be great.Thanks again.script type=text/javascript 
     new Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php, 
 {afterUpdateElement : getSelectedId, minChars:1});         function 
 getSelectedId(text, li) {             $('class_id').value=li.id;             
 document.forms['searchcustomerform'].submit();         } /scriptThanks, 
 Yogesh Matt Foster 
  you receive an input object and some element that was representing the 
 field. At this point you could execute form.submit.. 
 --http://positionabsolute.netOn Oct 7, 11:19 am, 
 Yogeshyogesh.aga...@gmail.comwrote:Hello, I am using Ajax.autocompleter in 
 one of my forms. I am calling a custom function getSelectedId after update 
 element to get an ID of the selected list item. I need a functionality such 
 that form should get submitted whenever : 1) a user clicks a item using mouse 
 from the autosuggest list. 2) Whenever user presses enter key while a list 
 item is selected. (This I have achieved through a hack as shown in code 
 below. I call .submit() after getSele ctedId function) I don't know how to 
 submit the form on mouse click. Any help on this issue will be really helpful 
 to me. script type=text/javascript     new 
 Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php, {afterUpdateElement : 
 getSelectedId, minChars:1});         function getSelectedId(text, li) {       
 document.forms['searchcustomerform'].submit();         } /script Thank you. 
 Sincerely, Yogesh
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How to fire a custom/synthetic Control key + mouse scroll wheel movement event?

2009-10-11 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Alex,

 You failed to see his point.

You failed to see mine

 Ctrl + mouse wheel scales the page not the text - it scales images,
 elements, text and everything

If said images and elements widths and font-size properties were given
using the em unit, they'd be scaled just the same.


glad to see you think your own misperceptions are so comical.

Implement the pastie to see how my example works before you jump to
these grand slanderous conclusions.



On Oct 8, 2:32 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 You failed to see his point.

 Ctrl + mouse wheel scales the page not the text - it scales images,
 elements, text and everything


 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 6:58 PM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: How to fire a custom/synthetic Control key +

 mouse scroll wheel movement event?

 So just as a recap, you're looking to simulate the ctrl + mouse wheel
 event such that the native processing for zoom magnification applies?

  This is a highly useful feature, I would love to add some widgets
  type icons (magnifier glasses with a + and -) on my site that allows
  people to rescale the document image using it. It would very intuitive
  (just click the +magnifier icon to make it bigger and visa versa).

 So really you want a control on your page that increases font size?

 My approach would be to design everything I want to be scalable using
 the em unit so that everything is relative.  Set a modest em level
 at the body level such that everything else is relative to this
 value.  Then the control simply modifies the value for this to
 propagate the zoom in/out effect.




 On Oct 8, 12:16 pm, tcupolo tcup...@afsincorporated.biz wrote:

  I took some time today to look through your patch. It would make this
  function very easy to implement.
  It would take the form of a keypress event with ctrlkey=true and the
  necessary keyCode and charCode values.

  What is it's status? Will it make it into a future version of
  Prototype anytime soon?
  If not, what is the recommended way of using a patch like this? (I
  assume including it as a seperate js file on each page override the
  original function definition of fire, but that's not completely

  It took a little time for me to realize but I think it's the best way
  to go for a cross-browser compatible ZOOM solution.
  Thanks for the reply.

  On Oct 1, 7:47 am, Radoslav Stankov rstan...@gmail.com wrote:

   A time ago I have created ticket and a patch for making Event.fire to
   fire event

   Here is a git forhttp://gist.github.com/121011
   I hope it's useful
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How to fire a custom/synthetic Control key + mouse scroll wheel movement event?

2009-10-08 Thread Matt Foster

So just as a recap, you're looking to simulate the ctrl + mouse wheel
event such that the native processing for zoom magnification applies?

 This is a highly useful feature, I would love to add some widgets
 type icons (magnifier glasses with a + and -) on my site that allows
 people to rescale the document image using it. It would very intuitive
 (just click the +magnifier icon to make it bigger and visa versa).

So really you want a control on your page that increases font size?

My approach would be to design everything I want to be scalable using
the em unit so that everything is relative.  Set a modest em level
at the body level such that everything else is relative to this
value.  Then the control simply modifies the value for this to
propagate the zoom in/out effect.




On Oct 8, 12:16 pm, tcupolo tcup...@afsincorporated.biz wrote:

 I took some time today to look through your patch. It would make this
 function very easy to implement.
 It would take the form of a keypress event with ctrlkey=true and the
 necessary keyCode and charCode values.

 What is it's status? Will it make it into a future version of
 Prototype anytime soon?
 If not, what is the recommended way of using a patch like this? (I
 assume including it as a seperate js file on each page override the
 original function definition of fire, but that's not completely

 It took a little time for me to realize but I think it's the best way
 to go for a cross-browser compatible ZOOM solution.
 Thanks for the reply.

 On Oct 1, 7:47 am, Radoslav Stankov rstan...@gmail.com wrote:

  A time ago I have created ticket and a patch for making Event.fire to
  fire event 

  Here is a git forhttp://gist.github.com/121011
  I hope it's useful
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Event#observe on elements

2009-10-07 Thread Matt Foster

Yeah don't worry about it.

Your use case works fine, its the way IE handles event observers that
has the memory leak.  Other browsers its fine and as noted, prototype
handles this IE anomaly under the covers for you so you're good.

On Oct 6, 1:57 pm, Ngan Pham nganp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.
 I do understand that Just because an element has been detached from the
 visible DOM doesn't
 mean that the reference can be maintained elsewhere.  I just assumed that
 once it is detached, and the object isn't referenced
 anywhere else in the code that it would be collected by garbage collection,
 just like any other variable:

 function test() {
   var i = 0;
   var j = $('some-element').remove();


 it's my thinking that after test() has finished running, that both i and j
 would be picked up by garbage collection.  is this not true?

 So, what you're saying, to answer my question, is that I don't have to worry
 about using Event#stopObserving?

 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  The removed element?

  Just because an element has been detached from the visible DOM doesn't
  mean that the reference can be maintained elsewhere.  It would be no
  edge case to detach and re-attach a particular element, so to think
  that an element should be trashed just because it has no parent node
  is a bad perception.

  Prototype has accomodations for IE's poor garbage collection tactics
  and has a cleanup method for this that gets handled transparently to



  On Oct 6, 12:05 pm, Ngan Pham nganp...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hey everyone,
   I have a quick question.  If put some Event#observe on an element...and
   later remove the element with Element#remove, do I have to do
   Event#stopObserving?  Or do the event detach themselves once garbage
   collection picks up the removed element?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Submit form on select for autosuggest

2009-10-07 Thread Matt Foster


afterUpdateElement function...

you receive an input object and some element that was representing the
field.  At this point you could execute form.submit..



On Oct 7, 11:19 am, Yogesh yogesh.aga...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using Ajax.autocompleter in one of my forms. I am calling a
 custom function getSelectedId after update element to get an ID of the
 selected list item.

 I need a functionality such that form should get submitted whenever :
 1) a user clicks a item using mouse from the autosuggest list.
 2) Whenever user presses enter key while a list item is selected.
 (This I have achieved through a hack as shown in code below. I
 call .submit() after getSelectedId function)

 I don't know how to submit the form on mouse click. Any help on this
 issue will be really helpful to me.

 script type=text/javascript
     new Ajax.Autocompleter(search,hint,server_class.php,
 {afterUpdateElement : getSelectedId, minChars:1});
         function getSelectedId(text, li) {

 Thank you.

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Variabalized containment

2009-10-07 Thread Matt Foster


On Oct 6, 7:45 am, WLQ maybe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sounds plausible, I would like to have more information on that

 On 5 Okt., 08:14, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  Why not give your list a class name thats specific to the list and select
  with $$
  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: WLQ maybe...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 3:05 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Variabalized containment

   The question is, how can I tell containment to include all lists with
   Id's of someid_somenumber.
   Somenumber being any number, let's say I've got 20 lists with the Id
   of someid_{ID}.
   So I don't really know the full ID of the list. I want to be able to
   receive items from the lists id of which includes someid_ regardless
   of what number goes after.

   Thanks, Yan- Skjul tekst i anførselstegn -

  - Vis tekst i anførselstegn -
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Event#observe on elements

2009-10-06 Thread Matt Foster

The removed element?

Just because an element has been detached from the visible DOM doesn't
mean that the reference can be maintained elsewhere.  It would be no
edge case to detach and re-attach a particular element, so to think
that an element should be trashed just because it has no parent node
is a bad perception.

Prototype has accomodations for IE's poor garbage collection tactics
and has a cleanup method for this that gets handled transparently to



On Oct 6, 12:05 pm, Ngan Pham nganp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 I have a quick question.  If put some Event#observe on an element...and then
 later remove the element with Element#remove, do I have to do
 Event#stopObserving?  Or do the event detach themselves once garbage
 collection picks up the removed element?

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment

2009-10-01 Thread Matt Foster

I hadn't thought of that and a good point.

 So if you create a NumberRange of even numbers from 2 to 6 and ask it
 if 3 is included, unless you override that behavior in your
 NumberRange class, `include` will return true.

The range object itself will certainly return true in this scenario.
as it does fall within the beginning and end.  Although in most cases,
and certainly in my example I've wrapped the instance within an
Enumerable ($A) which also has an include method (actually ObjectRange
inherits and overrides this method).. but the Enumerable.include
method is..quoting the API docs based on the == comparison operator
(equality with implicit type conversion) such that, 3 is simply not a
number created by the range, hence not a value in the enumerable.




On Sep 28, 7:27 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 The ObjectRange `include` method looks like this:

   function include(value) {
     if (value  this.start)
       return false;
     if (this.exclusive)
       return value  this.end;
     return value = this.end;

 So if you create a NumberRange of even numbers from 2 to 6 and ask it
 if 3 is included, unless you override that behavior in your
 NumberRange class, `include` will return true.

 -- T.J.

 On Sep 28, 9:20 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey TJ,

  I don't understand, if a NumberRange was given an instance of
  EvenNumber as its start and end parameters, how would it come up with
  the number 3?

  On Sep 26, 7:10 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

   All right, lads, let's move along...  Each approach has its benefits
   and costs, it all depends on what problem you're solving.

   Matt, FWIW, I think you'd want to override the `include` method as
   well, as others a NumberRange with even numbers would include 3.  At
   that point you're overriding most of ObjectRange, so I'd probably just
   start from Enumerable.  This is not intended as a dig.

   -- T.J.

   On Sep 25, 9:51 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

Omg get over yourself you have taken what i said completely the wrong 

What arrogant plug was that?...

Lets take your code and look at it shall we...

30+ lines for no reason other than Hey look at me, i can write a
function/class in 30 lines that only needs to be 5.

Chill out dude, i wasn't knocking your code, it was just OTT.

You can continue to think you are right which is arrogance in itself...
there is more than one way to skin a cat.

TJ's/My loop that took all of 30 seconds to create is faster no doubt, 
less weight and does the job. I personaly have better things to do than
write some amazing class to achieve what can be done in 30 seconds -
evidently you do not so good luck with that.

Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

- Original Message -
From: Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us 
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 9:16 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment

 That only gives you even or odd increments to the top number...

Incorrect, notice the constructor method? It ensures that the number
given is even such that you'll never get a range of odd numbers.
Granted the last line of the Jojo's question was

 Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10].  How do you do this?

Hence why I went with this specific implementation, to demonstrate how
you can create classes that the ObjectRange class can use to create
proper ranges.  I didn't feel it was necessary to abstract out the
class such that it covers all bases but demonstrate how to do it one
way and then Jojo could modify for their own purposes.

 Better to go with my/TJ's loop

What an arrogant plug of your own spaghetti code and hasty discredit
to my contribution.  Exposing your shortfalls isn't difficult, you
aren't creating a range object, completely bypassing the ObjectRange's
functionality and just simply creating a hacked out array.

So to put the nail in the coffin, here is the classes abstracted out

var IncrementNumber = Class.create({
initialize : function(num, increment){
this.num = num;
this.increment = increment;},

succ : function(){
return this.clone(this.num + this.increment, this.increment);},

clone : function(num, increment){
return new IncrementNumber(num, increment);},

toString : function(){
return this.num;}

var EvenNumber = Class.create(IncrementNumber,
initialize : function($super, num){
$super(num, 2);
this.num = (num % 2 == 1) ? num - 1 : num;},

clone : function(num, increment){
return new EvenNumber(num);}

var NumberRange = Class.create

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment

2009-09-25 Thread Matt Foster

I'd just use an 'iterator' class to do this...

var EvenNumber = Class.create(
initialize : function(num){
this.num = (num % 2 == 1) ? num - 1 : num;
succ : function(){
return new EvenNumber(this.num + 2);
toString : function(){
return this.num;

var bottom = new EvenNumber(1);

var top = new EvenNumber(21);
var range = $A($R(bottom, top));


I had done this to a much greater extent in my date range selector
gadget.  Where it became the master range, held a range of calendar
objects, which were in themselves ranges of date objects... fun stuff.


ps just looking over that, should rename that class to
PositiveEvenNumber, only going to work one way, but you get the idea

On Sep 25, 4:15 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 function everyOther(start, end, increment) {
         var n;
         var rv = [];
         for (n = start; n = end; n += increment) {
             rv[rv.length] = n;
         return rv;

 Just a mod to make it better to be able to change it to 3's, 4's, 5's


 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 8:29 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment


  I'm looking for a way to specify that I want to increment by any
  value. Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10].  How do you do this?

 ObjectRange itself is for ranges of consecutive values, but you can
 get an array of such values by applying Enumerable#collect to a range:

     var twos;
     twos = $R(1, 5).collect(function(x) { return x * 2; });

 ...although frankly I'd probably go with a straight loop like Alex did
 (although a slightly different one):

     function everyOther(start, end) {
         var n;
         var rv = [];
         for (n = start; n = end; n += 2) {
             rv[rv.length] = n;
         return rv;

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Sep 24, 11:15 pm, JoJo tokyot...@gmail.com wrote:

  From the documentation of the Range utility, it seems like it can only
  increment by 1's. For example, $A($R(1,10,true)) gives you:

  I'm looking for a way to specify that I want to increment by any
  value. Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10]. How do you do this?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment

2009-09-25 Thread Matt Foster

 That only gives you even or odd increments to the top number...

Incorrect, notice the constructor method? It ensures that the number
given is even such that you'll never get a range of odd numbers.
Granted the last line of the Jojo's question was

 Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10].  How do you do this?

Hence why I went with this specific implementation, to demonstrate how
you can create classes that the ObjectRange class can use to create
proper ranges.  I didn't feel it was necessary to abstract out the
class such that it covers all bases but demonstrate how to do it one
way and then Jojo could modify for their own purposes.

 Better to go with my/TJ's loop

What an arrogant plug of your own spaghetti code and hasty discredit
to my contribution.  Exposing your shortfalls isn't difficult, you
aren't creating a range object, completely bypassing the ObjectRange's
functionality and just simply creating a hacked out array.

So to put the nail in the coffin, here is the classes abstracted out

var IncrementNumber = Class.create({
initialize : function(num, increment){
this.num = num;
this.increment = increment;
succ : function(){
return this.clone(this.num + this.increment, 
clone : function(num, increment){
return new IncrementNumber(num, increment);
toString : function(){
return this.num;
var EvenNumber = Class.create(IncrementNumber,
initialize : function($super, num){
$super(num, 2);
this.num = (num % 2 == 1) ? num - 1 : num;
clone : function(num, increment){
return new EvenNumber(num);
var NumberRange = Class.create(ObjectRange,
_each: function(iterator) {
var value = this.start;
while (this.include(value.num)) {
  value = value.succ();

var bottom = new IncrementNumber(-10, 2);
//var bottom = new EvenNumber(-20);
var top = new EvenNumber(25);
var range = $A(new NumberRange(bottom, top));


nothing gets me fired up like a flame...

On Sep 25, 2:25 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 That only gives you even or odd increments to the top number...

 WHat if you wanted every 5th number ...

 Better to go with my/TJ's loop

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:57 PM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment

 I'd just use an 'iterator' class to do this...

 var EvenNumber = Class.create(
 initialize : function(num){
 this.num = (num % 2 == 1) ? num - 1 : num;
 succ : function(){
 return new EvenNumber(this.num + 2);
 toString : function(){
 return this.num;

 var bottom = new EvenNumber(1);

 var top = new EvenNumber(21);
 var range = $A($R(bottom, top));


 I had done this to a much greater extent in my date range selector
 gadget.  Where it became the master range, held a range of calendar
 objects, which were in themselves ranges of date objects... fun stuff.


 ps just looking over that, should rename that class to
 PositiveEvenNumber, only going to work one way, but you get the idea

 On Sep 25, 4:15 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  function everyOther(start, end, increment) {
  var n;
  var rv = [];
  for (n = start; n = end; n += increment) {
  rv[rv.length] = n;
  return rv;

  Just a mod to make it better to be able to change it to 3's, 4's, 5's


  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
  Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 8:29 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment


   I'm looking for a way to specify that I want to increment by any
   value. Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10]. How do you do this?

  ObjectRange itself is for ranges of consecutive values, but you can
  get an array of such values by applying Enumerable#collect to a range:

  var twos;
  twos = $R(1, 5).collect(function(x) { return x * 2; });

  ...although frankly I'd probably go with a straight loop like Alex did
  (although a slightly different one):

  function everyOther(start, end) {
  var n;
  var rv = [];
  for (n = start; n = end; n += 2) {

[Proto-Scripty] Prototype ajax history

2009-09-21 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Everyone,

  I've finished a project that handles the problems of browser history
when implementing ajax solutions.  It's built to integrate with
prototype perfectly and borrows a lot of the same concepts.  The idea
is an event driven system where all XHRs go through a single 'service'
object which deals with server communications.  This way we can
register each request with the browser's history module and be able to
accommodate the user as he/she traverses the history array.  Take a
look when you have a minute, its surely worth the time.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype ajax history

2009-09-21 Thread Matt Foster

You asked for it Mona, I've set you up as a contributor for the


On Sep 21, 1:39 pm, Mona Remlawi mona.reml...@gmail.com wrote:
 thanks for sharing this!
 i would love to contribute to this project if any help is needed .. let me 



 On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Everyone,

   I've finished a project that handles the problems of browser history
  when implementing ajax solutions.  It's built to integrate with
  prototype perfectly and borrows a lot of the same concepts.  The idea
  is an event driven system where all XHRs go through a single 'service'
  object which deals with server communications.  This way we can
  register each request with the browser's history module and be able to
  accommodate the user as he/she traverses the history array.  Take a
  look when you have a minute, its surely worth the time.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Element#Storage

2009-09-09 Thread Matt Foster

I agree with Jim,

If I remove an element from the DOM for whatever reason, perhaps its a
control widget that only gets inserted for inline editing or
something.  I don't want to re-apply listeners and proprietary data
each time I reinsert the control back into the document.

And this leads to another point that was made in another discussion
about deep cloning,  So lets say we implement the functionality to
Element.remove and when you invoke this, it takes all the steps to
properly dispose of that element, fantastic, but what about child
elements, does it also walk through all children/grand children to
detect and remove storage data for these as well?



On Sep 9, 3:44 pm, david david.brill...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Jim,

 I could have both opinion:
 - As it is attach on an element what is the interrest of having data
 staying inline and element disapear ?
 - But as you say, if you want to keep data when the element is removed
 from the DOM, because we know that it will be recreate.

 When reading the prototype blog post {1], one purpose of this class is
 used to avoid memory leak in IE, which seems to go in the direction of
 removing data.
 In the post, there is a link to $.fn.data and there, nothing is said
 in API documentation of this function.

 I think that this type of question is for should ask to our team 



 On 9 sep, 16:26, Jim Higson j...@wikizzle.org wrote:

  On Tuesday 08 September 2009 12:09:38 david wrote:

   Hi Yaffle,

   There is nothing in the code that seems to automatically delete the
   Storage object when an element is deleted.
   Even in the Element .remove,

  But removing an element doesn't mean I'll never use it again. I might remove
  it from the document and add it in somewhere else and I wouldn't want the 
  associated with it to have gone in the meantime.

  my wiki ajaxification thing:http://wikizzle.org
  my blog:http://jimhigson.blogspot.com/
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: More useful clone method

2009-08-28 Thread Matt Foster

Scenario for you...

What if I have a parent object that I use deepClone on and it has
child elements that have event handlers, is this functionality
preserved with the method?

On Aug 26, 1:18 pm, watermark86 watermar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, I have x-mas presents.  I give it it works for me status.
 I've tested this bit of code with firefox and it seems to work with
 every scenario I can throw at it.  I'm sure there is room for speed
 improvements and I know it doesn't conform to coding style, but it
 works.  It would be great if prototype officially extended
 Element.clone with this functionality.

 deepClone: function(element) {
         var newElement = element.clone(true); //clone the node

         //stop observing all events on the newElement (IE (and some
 others?) copies them)

         //copy storage
         (Element.Storage[newElement._prototypeUID[0]]=new Hash

         //copy the events on the parent
         if (!Object.isUndefined(registry = Element.retrieve(element,
 'prototype_event_registry'))) {
                 registry.each( function(pair) {
                         var eventName = pair.key, responders = pair.value;
                         responders.each( function(r) {
                                 Element.observe(newElement, eventName, 

         //get all of the descendants
     var srcdecend = element.descendants();
     var dstdecend = newElement.descendants();
     var numdecend = srcdecend.length;

     //foreach of the descendants
     for(var i = 0; i  numdecend; ++i) {
         //stop observing all events on the newElement (IE (and some
 others?) copies them)
                 //copy storage
         //copy the events on each child to it's new corrisponding child
         var registry = Element.retrieve(srcdecend[i],
                 if (!Object.isUndefined(registry)) {
                         registry.each( function(pair) {
                                 var eventName = pair.key, responders = 
                                 responders.each( function(r) {
 eventName, r.handler);

     return newElement;

 On Aug 26, 9:43 am, watermark86 watermar...@gmail.com wrote:

  1.6.1rc3 added Element.clone (which calls cloneNode).

  On Aug 25, 5:46 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

   Good luck with this,  let us know if it works out.

   Quick glance at your code I can see an obvious error...

        var newElement = element.clone(true); //clone the node

   Element doesn't have a clone method.  The native DOM element does have
   a cloneNode method though.



   On Aug 25, 2:15 pm, watermark86 watermar...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm using 1.6.1rc3 to have access to Element.storage.  I need to write
a function that deep clones an element and copies the Element.observe
events as well as the Element.Storage items with it.  I've managed to
write the code that can copy one or the other.

The problem comes in when I try to do both (copy the storage items and
the events.)  I suppose due to Event.observe using the Element.storage
item, I can't seem to have the items that I've stored with
Element.store to copy while maintaining the Event.observe events that
I've copied.

I can copy the observe events or the element.store events, but not
both.  Below is some terrible code for review.  Thanks for any help or

deepClone: function(element) {
        //deep clone node
        var newElement = element.clone(true); //clone the node

        //stop observing because of IE BS

        //copy the item
        var registry = Element.retrieve(element,
        if (!Object.isUndefined(registry)) {
                registry.each( function(pair) {
                        var eventName = pair.key, responders = 
                        responders.each( function(r) {
                                Element.observe(newElement, eventName, 

    //for all of the descendants, copy the event handlers
    var srcdecend = element.descendants();
    var dstdecend = newElement.descendants();
    var numdecend = srcdecend.length

[Proto-Scripty] Re: KEY_DOWN event

2009-08-25 Thread Matt Foster

The down arrow.  Perhaps the preceding key up, key left and key right
options could have given you a clue...

On Aug 25, 8:07 am, Ooypunk ooyp...@gmail.com wrote:
 OK, then I'll go with that. Thanks!

 Only thing left for me to complain is that I still don't know what
 names like KEY_DOWN are for, or how they should be used, and that
 there's nothing in the manual (hint).

 On Aug 25, 11:37 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  If you want to know whether the control key was down when the mouse
  was clicked, then yes, the ctrlKey property of the mouse click event
  object is what you want.

      element.observe('click', function(event) {
          if (event.ctrlKey) {
              // Something cool here


  If you're looking to receive an event (separate from the click) when
  the control key is pressed, that varies quite a bit by 

  But my impression is that you're just looking for it when the mouse is
  clicked, which is much more reliable.

  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On Aug 25, 12:09 am, Ooypunk ooyp...@gmail.com wrote:


   I was looking for a way to capture a mouse-click plus ctrl-button. As
   I am using Prototype now for some time (it's great!), I thought
   Prototype could help me with this too.
   Sure, the manual is clear enough of how to capture a mouse-click event
   (that works fine here), but how about the ctrl-button? According to
   the manual, there's a list of key codes to be used (KEY_DOWN, for
   example), but there is no KEY_CTRL and there is nowhere to be found
   how they should be used.
   It says it's self explanatory, but for me it isn't. :(

   I think I can get it to work with event.ctrlKey, but I have a feeling,
   this is not the way.

   Thanks in advance.


   PS. I hope I made my problem clear enough, I know I'm not very good at
   explaining, especially because english is not my mother tongue.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: More useful clone method

2009-08-25 Thread Matt Foster

Good luck with this,  let us know if it works out.

Quick glance at your code I can see an obvious error...

 var newElement = element.clone(true); //clone the node

Element doesn't have a clone method.  The native DOM element does have
a cloneNode method though.



On Aug 25, 2:15 pm, watermark86 watermar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using 1.6.1rc3 to have access to Element.storage.  I need to write
 a function that deep clones an element and copies the Element.observe
 events as well as the Element.Storage items with it.  I've managed to
 write the code that can copy one or the other.

 The problem comes in when I try to do both (copy the storage items and
 the events.)  I suppose due to Event.observe using the Element.storage
 item, I can't seem to have the items that I've stored with
 Element.store to copy while maintaining the Event.observe events that
 I've copied.

 I can copy the observe events or the element.store events, but not
 both.  Below is some terrible code for review.  Thanks for any help or

 deepClone: function(element) {
         //deep clone node
         var newElement = element.clone(true); //clone the node

         //stop observing because of IE BS

         //copy the item
         var registry = Element.retrieve(element,
         if (!Object.isUndefined(registry)) {
                 registry.each( function(pair) {
                         var eventName = pair.key, responders = pair.value;
                         responders.each( function(r) {
                                 Element.observe(newElement, eventName, 

     //for all of the descendants, copy the event handlers
     var srcdecend = element.descendants();
     var dstdecend = newElement.descendants();
     var numdecend = srcdecend.length;

     for(var i = 0; i  numdecend; ++i) {
         //stop observing because of IE BS
         //copy the registry
         var registry = Element.retrieve(srcdecend[i],
                 if (!Object.isUndefined(registry)) {
                         registry.each( function(pair) {
                                 var eventName = pair.key, responders = 
                                 responders.each( function(r) {
 eventName, r.handler);

     return newElement;
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Reuse 'Effect' code for looping

2009-08-14 Thread Matt Foster


   var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
var delayConstant = 1;
arr.each(function(value, index){
$(myInput).value = val;
}).delay(delayConstant * index, value);



On Aug 14, 5:53 am, Benj ben...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to create a new effect that changes a numerical value in a text
 input box from one value to another by cycling through each number
 inbetween the two values. i.e. if the original value is 199.99 and I
 want to update it to 259.99 (normally with ajax) I would like the
 input value to be changed as below:
 This should create a sped-up digital clock effect. I will play about
 with which numbers to include depending on the distance between the

 How do I harness the looping used for core effects to perform this
 operation? This will also provide me with the transitions and timing.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Casting a json object into an instance of a class

2009-08-13 Thread Matt Foster

You could just have the server return code that instantiates the
object to begin with.  You aren't limited to JSON its just convienent
because the structure is simple and there are plenty of processors
that understand it.  But you can evaluate any JS code just as is.



On Aug 12, 8:36 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
  At least, I now know what is the state of the art way of getting a
  class instance through Ajax ;o)

 Well, I don't know if it's state of the art, but provided you're in
 control of both ends (so, for instance, the raw data object doesn't
 get fields that end up overwriting your methods), it seems fine.

  Thanks again!

 Happy to help,

 -- T.J.

 On Aug 12, 12:06 pm, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for your reply T.J.!

  I did used Class instead of class. This was a typo when I posted :o)

  You're right, it should have work the way I did it... and it actually
  did work this way...
  ...except that due to a mistake in my events handling, my new thing
  value was overridden by some obsolete part of code just after being
  converted into a class instance :o(
  And since it was overridden by the raw JSON object value, I stupidly
  assumed that the casting didn't work.

  At least, I now know what is the state of the art way of getting a
  class instance through Ajax ;o)

  Thanks again!

  On Aug 12, 10:49 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   That should work.  I notice that you have class.Create rather than
   Class.create; I assume that's just an error in the note and that the
   actual code uses Class.create?  Because if not, that's your problem.


= isB is undefined

   That indicates there's a different problem.  isB should be defined
   regardless, you defined it in your class definition.  If the
   Object.extend thing weren't working, it should *return* undefined, but
   not *be* undefined.

   FWIW, this works:
   * * * * (also athttp://pastie.org/581050)
   // Defining
   var Thing = Class.create({
       initialize: function(src)
           if (src) {
               Object.extend(this, src);

       isB: function()
           return this.b;


   // Using:
   var t;
   t = new Thing({b: true});
   alert(t.isB() ?  + t.isB());
   * * * *

   T.J. Crowder
   tj / crowder software / com
   Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: image flickering with Effect.Morph

2009-08-13 Thread Matt Foster

 I am trying to code an OS X-style menu bar with prototype

Are you talking about the dock?


On Jul 13, 4:05 pm, Mario Colombo mario.colo...@yetnet.ch wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I am trying to code an OS X-style menu bar with prototype and
 scriptaculous 1.8.2. I have two problems which I hope to solve with
 your feedback. I myself am stuck after failing with all the ideas I

 Please find the example 

 1st problem: image flickering: changing mouseover over the different
 divs produces a flash or flickering. Reading this group and other
 sources suggest that it is a problem with different Effects active at
 the same time. I tried to solve this over Effect.Queues and cancel the
 whole queue with my scope: 'menu' but unfortunately cancelling queues
 results in no effects at all:

 // menuelement is the current menu div from  $$('.level_one').each
 (function(menuelement) {

 elDimensions = menuelement.getDimensions(); // to set style manually
 to where the effect was cancelled
 var queue = Effect.Queues.get('menu'); // cancelling the whole scope:
 'menu' queue
 queue.each(function(effect) { effect.cancel(); });

 menuelement.setStyle('height:'+ elDimensions.height + 'px; ' +
 'width:' + elDimensions.width + 'px;')   // set dimensions to where
 effect stops
 var myEffect = new Effect.Morph(menuelement, {style: {width:'100px',
 height:'100px'}, queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'menu'}}); //new
 effect takes place

 I also tried to save all effects to the same variable myEffect,
 trying to have them overwrite themselves, which brought a partial

 2nd problem: On 'mouseout' I would like the menu to return to its
 original state 'width:100px; height:100px;' I tried the following

 Event.observe($('menu'), 'mouseout', function(event) {          //
 'menu' is the id of the containing div
         $$('.level_one').each(function(menuelement) {
         var myEffect = new Effect.Morph(menuelement, {style:
 {width:'100px', height:'100px'}});


 This resulted in erratic behaviour.

 Help would be greatly appreciated.  Help for better OO programming is
 always welcome. Thank you in advance.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Getting keys from a JSON object returned from transport.responseText.evalJSON(); or for that matter any JSON object

2009-08-10 Thread Matt Foster

var keys = $H(obj).keys();




On Aug 10, 10:46 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 You can prolly sort the order if you wanted it in some kind of order but its
 not needed in my opinion!

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 3:37 PM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Getting keys from a JSON object returned from
 transport.responseText.evalJSON(); or for that matter any JSON object


 Regardless of where the object came from (having evaluated it from a
 JSON string or something else), that's what for..in is for:

     var name, obj = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.evalJSON();
     for (name in obj) {
         alert(name + = + obj[name]);

 ...alerts a=1 then b=2.  The order is not guaranteed.  Cool, eh?

 Speaking generally, for..in iterates through the names of the
 properties in the object.  Note that depending on the object in
 question, some of those properties may refer to functions:

     var obj = {
         foo: function() {
         bar: 42
     var name;
     for (name in obj) {
         alert(typeof obj[ + name + ] =  + typeof obj[name]);

 ...alerts obj[foo] = function and obj[bar] = number.

 for..in includes properties an object has inherited from its

     var a = ['one', 'two'];
     var name;
     for (name in a) {
         alert(typeof a[ + name + ] =  + typeof a[name]);

 ...will not only alert a[0] =one and a[1] = 2 but also any other
 enumerable properties on arrays.  In most implementations, there
 aren't any other *enumerable* properties (some properties can be
 marked dontEnum, but only by the implementation, not our code), but
 when you're using Prototype, there are lots -- because Prototype adds
 lots of properties to the Array prototype referencing additional nifty
 Array functions.  Which is why you don't use for..in to loop through
 array elements, there could be more than just the array elements.[1]

 You can filter out the properties that are inherited from the
 prototype by using hasOwnProperty:

     var a = ['one', 'two'];
     var name;
     for (name in a) {
         if (a.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
             alert(typeof a[ + name + ] =  + typeof a[name]);

 ...will only alert the two you expect.

 All of the above is JavaScript, not Prototype; details in the spec[2].


 HTH, have fun!
 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 10, 2:54 pm, krishna81m krishna...@gmail.com wrote:
  I tried to google and search prototype API for a method that will give
  me just the keys in a JSON object.

  Is there none in Prototype and no way to know the keys?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: autosuggest feature enter button hack in new Ajax.Autocompleter

2009-08-07 Thread Matt Foster

I've never actually used this component but in researching the docs,
could you use the callback for afterUpdateElement and then
programatically execute the form's submit method?




On Aug 7, 10:11 am, Yogesh yogesh.aga...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello All, I have just joined this group and it's my first post. I
 will like to thank the community for coming up with such a powerful

 I am using new Ajax.Autocompleter in one of script and it works fine.
 I am using it in a input text box, in which, user types in the search
 term and back end script queries the database to get a result set and
 suggested items get shown as a list in input text box.

 When the suggested items show up as list in my input text box, when I
 press enter/tab key, a single list item gets selected. However, to
 submit this item, I have to press enter key again. In short, I need to
 hit enter twice in order to submit the list item. I will like if this
 action is done in a single hit of enter key.

 I tried using some JavaScript hacks to submit the form on enter key
 but I think scriptaculus is over riding it. Is this the case? Is there
 any way to make this work with just single enter key?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class with Ajax and onclick event

2009-08-05 Thread Matt Foster

Depending on when you wanted to pass the additional argument you could
just attach it to the argument chain on bind

this.changeContent = this.changeContent.bindAsEventListener(this,

Since we're already looking at that line of code, be careful,
reassigning the function to a bound version of itself could get tricky
if you decide to create a subclass of Dynamic.



On Aug 4, 9:24 am, Liviu Timar mailti...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is my first post here. Thus, I'll like to say hello to everybody
 in this community and I want to appologize if this question was asked

 I am a web developer for a site that has 1mil+ visitors/month: www
 [dot] ziare [dot] ro, and I want to use the Prototype Framework to
 make an element refresh itself (with an scriptaculous Effect)

 This is my class:

 var Dynamic = Class.create({
         initialize: function(selector, container, script)
                 this.selector  = selector;
                 this.script    = script;
                 this.container = container;

                 this.changeContent = 

         getContent: function()
                 new Ajax.Request(this.script, {
                         onSuccess: function(req)
                                 this.content = req.responseJSON;
                 $$(this.selector).invoke('observe', 'click', 
         changeContent: function(event)
                 /*new Effect.Fade($(this.container), { afterFinish: 
 function() {
                                 new Effect.Appear($(this.container));

 document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
         var dyn = new Dynamic(.tzNavLink a, tzContent,


 'tzContent' is the div whose content changes by clicking on of the
 links with the 'tzNavLink' css class (the 1 2 3 4 5 6 links onwww.ziare.ro).

 The problem is that this.content is undefined in changeContent (a
 function that listens for the click event), although this.container
 works well in the same function. Why is that? It has something to do
 with the Ajax.Request?

 Also, I want to ask how can I 'tzContent' to change periodically using
 such and object (I want everything to be encapsulated so I can use
 this object in other projects)?

 Thank you for your response.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-04 Thread Matt Foster

In an effort to keep the code clean I'd delegate this functionality to
a dedicated method other than the constructor.

On Aug 4, 2:16 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you really wanted to avoid bind you could just use closures within
 the initialize method

 var Sub4 = Class.create(Super4, {
         baz: bat,
         initialize: function () {
                 var self = this;
                 var f = function () {


 On Aug 4, 3:35 am, Cédric bertolini.ced...@gmail.com wrote:

  On 3 août, 22:38, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

   Regardless of the JS framework.  A closure is necessary for attaching
   class methods to a particular instance and preserve the instance
   reference via the this keyword.

  This is automatic with the regular Constructor syntax. Defining a
  function as an object method inside a constructor creates a closure,
  so we can use #bind at the same time as the definition.

  The point is, Class.create acts like a prototype more than as a
  constructor. I never really thought of that. So I can't bind to my
  object instance inside Class.create. And I guess that what acts as a
  constructor in Class is the initialize method... So, maybe, I should
  define f inside initialize, something like:

  var Sub4 = Class.create(Super4, {
          baz: bat,
          initialize: function () {
                  this.f = function () {
                  document.observe(click, this.f);


  Is there a cost to operating that way? I guess I won't be able to use

   I thought Function.bind was pretty clean myself, but I guess you've
   got the sweet tooth for the syntax.

  I think #bind is awesome :) It's the bind the function in the
  initializer that bothers me, when I compare it to the standard syntax
  bind the function at its definition.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

2009-08-03 Thread Matt Foster

The plugin's code is compliant with not conflicting with the $
function.  But in your implementation of this plugin, you'll have to
be sure to use jQuery(#maskInput).mask(...); instead of the demo's
example code which uses the $ method.



On Jul 30, 9:23 am, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
 Unfortunately I am no expert in prototype.
 I can not believe that someone has developed a prototype mask!
 I try to use prototype and jquery together,
 But .. the plugin does not works.

 On 29 jul, 18:27, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  why not just port the jquery one... wont take long !
  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: Celso cels...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:22 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

  something like this:http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin

  On 24 jul, 06:48, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:
   2009/7/23 Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com:

You must further define your idea of masked input


On Jul 23, 3:58 pm, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
Anyone know a masked input in prototype?


   An inputmask[1] is where you can say enter text in a form like ...

   AA nn nn nn A

   You would be able to type 2 letters, 6 numbers and then 1 letter. The
   case would be forced to upper case and the spacing would be automatic.

   BO 52 91 91 V

   for example


   Are you talking about hiding the input? Like input type=password ?




   Richard Quadling
   Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
   Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
   ZOPA :http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread Matt Foster

Regardless of the JS framework.  A closure is necessary for attaching
class methods to a particular instance and preserve the instance
reference via the this keyword.


I thought Function.bind was pretty clean myself, but I guess you've
got the sweet tooth for the syntax.



On Aug 3, 1:16 pm, Cédric bertolini.ced...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks. I'll use #bind instead of #bindAsEventListener from now on.

 Regarding the binding inelegancy, I'm a bit disappointed, but at least
 it's a good working solution to the problem.

 I guess Class#addMethods won't be of any help here?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: get controls array

2009-07-23 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Diego,

  I'd suggest learning CSS, in particular CSS Selectors.  Second
read up on prototype, you were a dollar sign away from almost having

In your case, the name is too inconsistent, you could have almost
gotten away with $$(input[name~=opt) but alas there is no space
after it so it fails.

As an alternative, looking at your code you just do... $$(input
[type=text]) or if your collection requisites are more specific, add
a class to the elements you want to collect and then simply $



On Jul 23, 5:50 pm, diegoturriaga diegoturri...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have something like that:

   tdinput ... name=opt[0][]input ... name=opt[0][] ...
 input ... name=opt[0][]/td
   tdselect ... name=selA[].../select/td
   tdselect ... name=selB[].../select/td
   tdinput ... name=opt[1][]input ... name=opt[1]
 []...input ... name=opt[1][]/td
   tdselect ... name=selA[].../select/td
   tdselect ... name=selB[].../select/td
   tdinput ... name=opt[n-1][]input ... name=opt[n-1][] ...
 input ... name=opt[n-1][]/td
   tdselect ... name=selA[].../select/td
   tdselect ... name=selB[].../select/td

 I want to get the array opt[x] using prototype but $('opt[x]') give me
 only the first instance.

 I need something like getElementsByName but using prototype :)

 Sorry for my english...
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

2009-07-23 Thread Matt Foster

You must further define your idea of masked input


On Jul 23, 3:58 pm, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
 Anyone know a masked input in prototype?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Need help for performantly creating tooltips

2009-07-22 Thread Matt Foster

I think one of the easiest ways to handle tooltips is just let the
native browser deal with it, using the title attribute with imgs and
anchor elements will pop a 100 word tip on what the action will take.
So just create the tool with a title attribute and then you're good to



On Jul 22, 10:53 pm, Trevan Richins develo...@ckiweb.com wrote:
 On 7/22/2009 11:05 AM, Chris wrote:

           moverListener: function(e) {

                   elm = Event.findElement(e, '.' + this.classes);

                   if(elm !== undefined) {

                   } else return;

           moutListener: function(e) {

                   elm = Event.findElement(e, '.' + this.classes);
                   if(elm !== undefined) {


 I've found Event.findElement to be really slow in IE6.  I've always
 rewritten it to just loop through the parents and do a quick check for
 each item.  The reason findElement was been slow for me is that it asks
 the selector class for all items in the page that matches the selector,
 and then compares that list against the list of parents to see which
 ones it should return.  And since IE6 can't use xpath, it is very slow.

 But this is definitely better than binding to each individual item,
 especially if you have a bunch of them.  Eats up memory and bogs down
 the browser.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: DataGrid

2009-07-17 Thread Matt Foster

That is nice, you should submit it to http://scipteka.com



On Jul 17, 4:14 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 Nice data grid! ... what about inline editing of the cells ? .. i cant get
 it to work on firefox in your demo

 - Original Message -
 From: nirbhab nirbhabba...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:32 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] DataGrid

 http://is.gd/1zDvChave a flexible datagrid...but sorting issue is
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Objects that return zero length

2009-07-15 Thread Matt Foster

Hmm, well you'd have to do a little extra filtering but no reason this
isn't possible.

assuming obj is your main structure you just posted do something
like this...

var edgeArr = $H(obj.nodes).keys().findAll(function(itr){ return !
(obj.nodes[itr].edges instanceof Array);}).collect(function(key)
{ return obj.nodes[key]; });

edgeArr is now an array of all objects that have a valid edges

ps. You owe me one pint of beer.

On Jul 14, 10:47 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, that's pretty close.  attr is an object with properties, and one
 of those, attr.edges, is a nested object with its own nested sub-
 objects.  All these properties and objects are constructed by evalJson
 () and then put in a $H() in a manner very similar to what you just
 described.  I've copied a sample of the structure below.

 I was assuming that putting this whole thing within $A() would make
 the individual members (properties and objects) iterable, but perhaps
 I'm misunderstanding and instead every property and sub-object must be
 iterable (that is, understand the [] operator and have a length()

 Unfortunately, when the sub-object edges is empty, then running each
 () on the hash that contains it fails.
      // fails if arr is an empty Hash.  works if arr is an empty
 Array.  fails if arr is a filled Array.

 Notice that the first edges is empty and the second one has one
 member: Brainwriting.

 from json:
   nodes: {
     Brain Writing : {
       label: BRAIN\\nWRITING ,
       height: 0.50,
       width: 0.83,
       fontsize: 10.00,
       fontcolor: white,
       pos: [
       id: 1695,
       onmousedown: startdrag('1695'),
       length: 1,
       edges: [
     A Perfect Brainstorm : {
       label: A PERFECT\\nBRAINSTORM\\n,
       height: 0.50,
       width: 1.11,
       fontsize: 10.00,
       fontcolor: white,
       pos: [
       class: node,
       onmousedown: startdrag('1701'),
       length: 1,
       edges: {
         Brainwriting : {
           color: black,
           penwidth: 0.5,
           fontname: Arial,
           URL: javascript:void(predwin(2179)),
           label: bull;    ,


 On Jul 14, 4:47 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  Oh I get it now,

  attr.edges isn't an array of edge objects, its just an object with a
  series of properties that define an edge to your shape?

  If that is the case and you wish to iterate over the properties and
  execute set on them explicitly, you could do something like...

  var arr = $H(attr.edges).keys();



  }, attr.edges);

  On Jul 14, 3:09 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:

   Here's what I'm doing now:
    $A(attr.edges).each(function(edge) {
       edge.set(id, new GraphEdge(cv, id, edge));

   }, this);

   Same result.  The iterator.length shows zero and the inside of the
   loop never executes.  But the iterator is (correctly, I think) 'Object
   Brainwriting =Object'

   Just casting around, I also tried taking off the binding to 'this' at
   the end, doesn't help.

   As before, I'm not getting why anything whatsoever that's in an array
   shouldn't automatically return length  0.

   On Jul 14, 1:47 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  $A(attr.edges).each(function(edge) {
      this.edge.set(id, new GraphEdge(cv, id, edge));
    }, this);

edge is your variable, why bother trying to set function ownership?
The function is sent the parameter it needs to act upon.  Just remove
this from your this.edge... line and you should be good.



On Jul 14, 2:28 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is a newbie question, but I learn a lot every time I ask.

 Why do some objects return a zero length?

 I'm doing Array.each.  In the array at this particular time is a
 single object.  Firebug describes that object as

 Object Brainwriting color=black penwidth=0.5 fontname=Arial

 and I iterate through the array this way:
  $A(attr.edges).each(function(edge) {
      this.edge.set(id, new GraphEdge(cv, id, edge));
    }, this);

 But in Prototype's each method the 'edge' iterator (the Brainwriting
 Object), returns zero length:
 function $A(iterable) {
   if (!iterable) return [];
   if (iterable.toArray) return iterable.toArray();
   var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length);
   while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length];
   return results;


 Maybe the Brainwriting Object is not iterable, but I would expect $A
 (attr.edges) to have made it so before my call to each().

 Surely I'm not expected to assign a length attribute to objects myself
 - just

[Proto-Scripty] Re: mixin of function not found

2009-07-14 Thread Matt Foster

Factory pattern in a nutshell is using the same source for all
creation of a particular class, such that all instances can be
prepared identically.
The source being a method, probably a member of a class, you always
reference this method to create a new instance instead of calling new
Class directly in your implementation.  The advantage of this is that
when your implementation wants all instances to have a particular
property set you can set it in this central method before it gets
returned instead of having to run around your code and find everytime
you instantiated it.  Or even better, the factory method returns a
subclass that has this property/function already built in.


Element is not an instance nor does it a extend from Class/
Class.create so you can't swap this sort of functionality.

The following will not work as you're anticipating.

var CanvasElement = Class.create(Element, {
  myMethod : function(){
var myCanvas = new CanvasElement();

myCanvas.myMethod(); //fail



On Jul 14, 12:26 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:
 OK on using addMethods.  Makes sense, and it's working for me.  Very
 nice. Thanks.

 About not assigning functions after creation without a good factory
 method, I'm confused.  Isn't that what the example is doing on the
 Prototype example at:  http://prototypejs.org/learn/class-inheritance

 // define a module
 var Vulnerable = {
   wound: function(hp) {
     this.health -= hp;
     if (this.health  0) this.kill();
   kill: function() {
     this.dead = true;


 // the first argument isn't a class object, so there is no
 inheritance ...
 // simply mix in all the arguments as methods:
 var Person = Class.create(Vulnerable, {
   initialize: function() {
     this.health = 100;
     this.dead = false;


 var bruce = new Person;
 bruce.health; //- 45

 On Jul 13, 4:22 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  The second argument is accepting attributes of the HTML element.  It
  isn't just assigning values to the object like Object.extend style.

  I'd recommend using Element.addMethods, and scope it to only canvas
  elements, that way each time you create a canvas you'll have this
  method available, but it won't pollute other elements with this
  special functionality.
  Element.addMethods('canvas', ...);


  You could also assign the function value after creation, but unless
  you're using a good factory pattern, you could easily get instances of
  canvas without your specialized method.  You can't send methods to the
  constructor like that, just won't work.  The declaration for Element
  is a bit bizarre so it can be hard to find, so here it is...

  (function() {
    var element = this.Element;
    this.Element = function(tagName, attributes) {
      attributes = attributes || { };
      tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
      var cache = Element.cache;
      if (Prototype.Browser.IE  attributes.name) {
        tagName = '' + tagName + ' name=' + attributes.name + '';
        delete attributes.name;
        return Element.writeAttribute(document.createElement(tagName),
      if (!cache[tagName]) cache[tagName] = Element.extend
      return Element.writeAttribute(cache[tagName].cloneNode(false),
    Object.extend(this.Element, element || { });
    if (element) this.Element.prototype = element.prototype;




  On Jul 13, 2:40 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:

   Why doesn't 'getCoordinates' show up in the following code?
   canvas.getCoordinates() throws an error of getCoordinates is not a

   I'm making a newbie error somewhere.

       var canvas = new Element('canvas', {
         width:  this.xform(data.size[0]) + 16 + 'px',
         height: this.xform(data.size[1]) + 16 + 'px',

         // mixin to Element for canvases
         getCoordinates: function(element){
           var position = this.getPosition(element), size = this.getSize
           var obj = {left: position.x, top: position.y, width: size.x,
   height: size.y};
           obj.right = obj.left + obj.width;
           obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height;
           return obj;
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax Request Timeout

2009-07-14 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Rick,

  My proposed idea in that article requires you to actually
redefine the Ajax.Request.  If we can solidify the idea we could
submit the code as a patch to core but as of now you've gotta either
replace it in the source library itself or just redefine it after the
library but before any implementation.

Review that demo page to see how I had done it and you could probably
get it working.

On Jul 14, 1:57 pm, Rick dun...@googlemail.com wrote:

  But leaving aside status 0, just a logical point.  The third condition
  in your updated code:

       return (status = 200  status  300  status != 0); 

  ...is irrelevant and will never be evaluated.  If 200 = x  300, x
  cannot be zero.

 i can't believe what piece rubbish of code i have written, my brain
 must have bin offline :'(

 i think the zero comes from that part:
 --- line: 1499--
   getStatus: function() {
     try {
       return this.transport.status || 0;
     } catch (e) { return 0 }

 so Firefox must leave the status undefined.

 @ Matt Foster : i tried your patch but it didn't work for me,
 but maybe its my fault ... maybe it was a bad day of coding for me :)

 i will try it again  yes the Ajax part off prototype is a bit

 by the way sorry I am not a native English speaker, so don't be
 mad with me ;)
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Objects that return zero length

2009-07-14 Thread Matt Foster

Oh I get it now,

attr.edges isn't an array of edge objects, its just an object with a
series of properties that define an edge to your shape?

If that is the case and you wish to iterate over the properties and
execute set on them explicitly, you could do something like...

var arr = $H(attr.edges).keys();



}, attr.edges);

On Jul 14, 3:09 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here's what I'm doing now:
  $A(attr.edges).each(function(edge) {
     edge.set(id, new GraphEdge(cv, id, edge));

 }, this);

 Same result.  The iterator.length shows zero and the inside of the
 loop never executes.  But the iterator is (correctly, I think) 'Object
 Brainwriting =Object'

 Just casting around, I also tried taking off the binding to 'this' at
 the end, doesn't help.

 As before, I'm not getting why anything whatsoever that's in an array
 shouldn't automatically return length  0.

 On Jul 14, 1:47 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

    $A(attr.edges).each(function(edge) {
        this.edge.set(id, new GraphEdge(cv, id, edge));
      }, this);

  edge is your variable, why bother trying to set function ownership?
  The function is sent the parameter it needs to act upon.  Just remove
  this from your this.edge... line and you should be good.



  On Jul 14, 2:28 pm, ronman ron.new...@gmail.com wrote:

   This is a newbie question, but I learn a lot every time I ask.

   Why do some objects return a zero length?

   I'm doing Array.each.  In the array at this particular time is a
   single object.  Firebug describes that object as

   Object Brainwriting color=black penwidth=0.5 fontname=Arial

   and I iterate through the array this way:
    $A(attr.edges).each(function(edge) {
        this.edge.set(id, new GraphEdge(cv, id, edge));
      }, this);

   But in Prototype's each method the 'edge' iterator (the Brainwriting
   Object), returns zero length:
   function $A(iterable) {
     if (!iterable) return [];
     if (iterable.toArray) return iterable.toArray();
     var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length);
     while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length];
     return results;


   Maybe the Brainwriting Object is not iterable, but I would expect $A
   (attr.edges) to have made it so before my call to each().

   Surely I'm not expected to assign a length attribute to objects myself
   - just lilke 'penwidth' and 'color' were assigned - in order to make
   Array.each() work on objects.  Why doesn't the Object.length return
   non-zero when any kind of Object is instantiated?

   I'm using Firefox 3.0.10.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax Request Timeout

2009-07-14 Thread Matt Foster

Yeah I discuss the idea of having its own event for timing out in my
article.  The argument is a timeout is a failure, its failed to
retrieve a response in the given time.  So a timeout is basically like
an inherited event from onFailure.  Question remains do you seperate
the event or just add a flag to the XHR to indicate the reason for
failure is its timed out.  Obviously you side with the latter as did
Tobie so perhaps it would be best to dispatch both events for ease of

Also that success method looks exactly like what TJ suggested and I
posted, so good going on that.

On Jul 14, 3:56 pm, Rick dun...@googlemail.com wrote:
 currently i just fixed the success function

 success: function() {
     var status = this.getStatus();
     return (status = 200  status  300);

 and just watch the onFailure and onException event.

 But i would like to have an onTimeout event, so if we get an solution
 for a crossbrowser working onTimeout event, we can submit it.
 I have read about an solution but this one was rejected because it
 didn't worked in safari, etc.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: select option by value

2009-07-07 Thread Matt Foster

You could use many of the enumerable methods, this seems a bit verbose
but gets the job done.

Enumerable.find will iterate over the collection until the iteration
function returns a value of true.  I could have used each, but
potentially would have iterated more than necessary, as we'd really
want to halt search after a successful find.


$A(select.options).find(function(option, index){
   if(option.value == someValue){
select.selectedIndex = index;
return true;
   return false;



On Jul 7, 4:58 pm, Martín Marqués martin.marq...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying to select an option from a select, but by value, and not by
 index. I'm trying like this:

 function selectOptionByValue(selectID,valor){

    var found = false;
    var i = 0;

    while(!found  iselectID[0].options.length){
       if(selectID[0].options[i].value == valor) {
          found = true;


 I would call this function passing as argument the DOM object of the
 select and the option value that should be selected.

 Is there an easier way of doing this?

 BTW, it's not working for me.

 Martín Marqués
 select 'martin.marques' || '@' || 'gmail.com'
 DBA, Programador, Administrador
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Events in own Class

2009-06-30 Thread Matt Foster

This will work, but remember that the instance isn't going to actually
fire an event, its just really acting as liaison to the document
object to fire off events via document.  You've somewhat namespaced
the event with your reference ID which is going to make things
difficult for anything attempting to observe an event from an

document.observe(observable_ + myInstance._refID + :onFoo);

Prototype's custom events are events that can fire from a DOM
instance, which will bubble to parents and can be caught at the top or
wherever along the propagation chain.  What I believe you are looking
for is events fired from a function/class instance.  You can get the
function instance to throw an event by using the scripts i posted



On Jun 29, 5:07 pm, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com wrote:

 i tryed something...

 var Observable = Class.create({
     initialize : function(){
         this._refID = Observable.prototype.refCount++;

     observe : function(name, handler){
         document.observe('observable_' + this._refID + ':' + name,

     fire    : function(name){
         document.fire('observable_' + this._refID + ':' + name);


 Object.extend(Observable.prototype, {refCount : 0});

 var Test = Class.create(Observable, {
     initialize : function($super){

     foo : function(){


 is only a prototype for testing. Is it the right way or not?


 rgds sven

 On 29 Jun., 20:17, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  I ran into this same issue and made a class to extend others from to
  inherit this sort of functionality.

  This is the article but the JS itself is a bit 

  To get the freshest 

  On Jun 29, 12:56 pm, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com wrote:

   hmm but wait

   this is a global event...
   i want a instance-based event.

   xyz.foo(); //alert(barbarbar);
   abc.foo(); // alert(1234); and second $('bla').hide();

   rgds sven

   On 29 Jun., 18:41, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com wrote:

wow thank you ;)

On 29 Jun., 18:38, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dig it:


 (view the source)


 On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com 


  is it possible to add Events to own classes?

  something like this:

  var myClass = Class.create({
         foo : function(){

  var xyz = new MyClass();
  xyz.observe('bar', function(){alert(barbarbar);});

  rgds sven
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Events in own Class

2009-06-29 Thread Matt Foster

I ran into this same issue and made a class to extend others from to
inherit this sort of functionality.

This is the article but the JS itself is a bit outdated

To get the freshest JS...

On Jun 29, 12:56 pm, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com wrote:
 hmm but wait

 this is a global event...
 i want a instance-based event.

 xyz.foo(); //alert(barbarbar);
 abc.foo(); // alert(1234); and second $('bla').hide();

 rgds sven

 On 29 Jun., 18:41, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com wrote:

  wow thank you ;)

  On 29 Jun., 18:38, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.com wrote:

   Dig it:


   (view the source)


   On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Sven stuebe...@googlemail.com wrote:


is it possible to add Events to own classes?

something like this:

var myClass = Class.create({
       foo : function(){

var xyz = new MyClass();
xyz.observe('bar', function(){alert(barbarbar);});

rgds sven
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Working out where a user is on the page

2009-06-11 Thread Matt Foster

When your event fires just get the scroll properties from the window,
Prototype has a convenient method just for this purpose.




On Jun 11, 9:30 am, Jeztah webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com wrote:
 At the time of a function call is it possible to work out where the
 user is on the page (scroll wise) without something being clicked or

 I have an error function i built and it scrolls down to the center of
 the whle page (including anything past the scrollbar) - example of the
 viewport is 600px high and the whole page is 1000px high it will
 scroll so 500px is the middle of the screen as the use sees it

 But, this is annoying if the error was generated from an action at the
 top of the page as it scrolls down 500px to show the error - making
 the user effectvely scroll back up!...

 It would be great if my function was aware of the user's position on
 the page - the only problem is ... the function is only passed a
 string to disply in the error at present so i have no reference to see
 its offsets on the page to work this stuff out.. so i was wondering if
 it can be done without passing an element into the funciton to work it

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: HTML breaks JSON

2009-06-08 Thread Matt Foster

You guys are crazy...you send json_encode an object, not a string!!




On Jun 5, 6:16 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 very strange .. works for me with anything all the time

 - Original Message -
 From: Matt guitarroman...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 10:05 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: HTML breaks JSON

 Hi Alex,

 Still didn't work for me :( Just produced broken HTML output again.

 On Jun 4, 5:24 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  You need to do it a bit differently with php json_encode/decode ... i had
  this problem when i first started using it

  where you send post data (JSON) as p

  $post=str_replace('\', '', $_POST['p']);

  foreach($d as $key=$val) { .. do what you will with it after this
  unless you know the key names !!

  This should do the trick for you



  - Original Message -
  From: Matt i...@leedsguide.co.uk
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
  Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:30 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: HTML breaks JSON

  Hi again,

  I've been running addslashes() on the input before running json_encode
  () and it still creates problems when I pass it through AJAX - breaks
  HTML tags etc. If I turn addslashes() off, any occurence of  in the
  body text (eg quotes from speakers etc) breaks the code again. Does
  anyone have a foolproof method?


  On Apr 24, 9:54 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:
   What are you sending to PHP's json_encode? It is expecting a
   structure to serialize into a JSON syntax string.

   $struct = array(message = h1Hello World/h1Who says we can't
   have any kind of \quotes\ we want?);

   echo json_encode($struct);

   If you try to run json_encode on your already JSONified string, yeah
   its going to cause problems...



   On Apr 24, 12:26 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


Converting to Base64 would be massive overkill, surely.


There's no reason you can't include strings containing HTML in JSON
data. You just have to make sure your strings are valid string
literals, like this:

message: pThis is HTML./p


There's nothing special other than making sure the HTML is correctly
escaped -- e.g., if you're putting the JSON string in double quotes,
naturally any double quotes in the HTML will need a backslash in front
of them -- as, for that matter, will any backslashes!

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

On Apr 24, 5:05 pm, Ananth Raghuraman araghuram...@gmail.com wrote:

 JSON should not contain HTML for tactical/ease of programming
 unless the HTML is there as part of a larger design, but there may
 not be implementation restrictions.
 If you are facing problems, can you try encoding the HTML string
 and decoding back (using Javascript Base64 code ) before display on

 On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Matt guitarroman...@gmail.com

  Hi there,

  I'm using PHP to output some JSON through AJAX to my page. It
  whenever I use a backslash or quote mark.

  I've tried using php's json_encode function which doesn't seem to
  help, just breaks it further. I've also tried php's addslashes()
  the output, again, same problem.

  Am I approaching this correctly, fundamentally? Is JSON supposed
  contain HTML?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Event.toggle

2009-06-05 Thread Matt Foster

  Is there a way to initially load the page with the map open
 and then close it after a timed period?  Better yet, is there some way
 to load it with it hidden but not chopped up?

Yeah, having it display:none or visibility:hidden can muck up the
calculations of the containers dimensions.  I'd suggest the good ole
trick of hiding IFrames, which is just set the container as
{ position:absolute; left: -4000px; }  This way the map is off the
view port hence invisible to the user and yet fully accessible via
the DOM for dimension calculations.

Thinking more about it, you may not want to instantiate the map until
you're ready, nothing says it has to be done on page load, I had done
some work with Ext.js and Google maps, where Ext does the DOM element
creation all via JS execution, i loaded the map only when it was




On Jun 5, 5:09 am, MIGhunter ad...@botdls.com wrote:
 I'm trying to use a script to hide and show user information.  Right
 now I am just playing with it and here is what I 

 The problem is the map.
 I can't load the page with the map hidden.  If I do chops off 1/2 of
 the map.  Is there a way to initially load the page with the map open
 and then close it after a timed period?  Better yet, is there some way
 to load it with it hidden but not chopped up?  I'm not sure what's the
 conflict is between google's js and prototype.js.
 The url to a copy of the map messing up 

 Here is the code I am using:
                 titleToggle Test/title
                 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; 
 charset=utf-8 /

                 meta name=viewport content=initial-scale=1.0, 
 user-scalable=no /

                 script src=/javascripts/lib/prototype.js 
                 script src=/javascripts/src/scriptaculous.js type=text/
                 script type=text/javascript 
                 script type=text/javascript
                         Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
                                 Event.observe('featurebox-3-listen', 'click', 

                         Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
                                 Event.observe('featurebox-4-listen', 'click', 
                                         } else {
                                                 //do nothing.

                         Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
                                 Event.observe('featurebox-5-listen', 'click', 
 $('featurebox-5-listen').update(' Street Bloomington, IN
                                         } else {
                                                 //do nothing.

                   function initialize() {
                         var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(39.1485520, 
                         var myOptions = {
                           zoom: 13,
                           center: latlng,
                           mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
                         var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById
 (map_canvas), myOptions);

 body onload=initialize()
                 tdimg src=images/map_symbol.jpg alt=Map 
                 tdpspan id=featurebox-3-listena href=#strongMap 
 /strong/a/span |
                 span onclick=$('featurebox-3').toggle();a 
                 div class=featurebox id=featurebox-3div 
                         pdiv id=map_canvas style=width:50%; 
                 tdimg src=images/phone_symbol.jpg alt=Phone 
                 tdspan id=featurebox-4-listena href=#strongPhone 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: How can I get a list of events fired by an object?

2009-05-28 Thread Matt Foster

 The iframe element doesn't support any events[1].

You can indeed listen to the load event directly from the IFrame

 The document that it contains may support various events (such as load, 
 click, etc.).

Why would a document inside an iframe not support these events?



On May 21, 8:46 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On May 22, 12:11 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:

  I'd like to see what events are there for the observing, particularly  
  on an iframe.

 The iframe element doesn't support any events[1].  The document that
 it contains may support various events (such as load, click, etc.).

  Is there a general-purpose way (or even some tab of  
  Firebug I haven't seen before) that I can see what events are being  
  fired? Some sort of Event.observe('foo','*'... kind of thing?

 Try Firebug's Profile option.

 1. URL:http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/frames.html#edef-IFRAME

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How can I get a list of events fired by an object?

2009-05-26 Thread Matt Foster

I'm pretty sure you can listen to the iframe's load event for that...
I don't think it bubbles so you'll have to listen to it on the iframe
itself and not on a parent.

I use that event extensively in my ajax history solution,



On May 21, 5:39 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Thanks, it appears that the only way that I'll be able to work around  
 this is with a timed observer pattern, there doesn't seem to be an  
 event fired by an iframe into the page context when its src changes.  
 The underlying problem was how to keep an iframe sized to match its  
 contents. While you get one onload event when the frame finishes  
 loading, no others are ever fired, even when you navigate to a  
 different page within the iframe.


 On May 21, 2009, at 5:05 PM, Matt Foster wrote:

  You could find a list of all events and listen to them each, there
  isn't an all operator to listen to any event that is fired as far as
  I know...
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How can I get a list of events fired by an object?

2009-05-21 Thread Matt Foster

You could find a list of all events and listen to them each, there
isn't an all operator to listen to any event that is fired as far as
I know...

function allYourEventAreBelongToUs(e){
console.log(You hit an event %o, e);
$w(load unload click dblclick ...).each(function(evenType){
  $(ele).observe(eventType, allYourEventAreBelongToUs);

Here is a list I found of most events in JS, just remove the on
obviously for your purposes...



On May 21, 10:11 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 I'd like to see what events are there for the observing, particularly  
 on an iframe. Is there a general-purpose way (or even some tab of  
 Firebug I haven't seen before) that I can see what events are being  
 fired? Some sort of Event.observe('foo','*'... kind of thing?

 Thanks in advance,

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Observe onmouseover and onmouseout with IE6

2009-05-21 Thread Matt Foster

What is surprising to me is that the this scope ever actually worked
inside the event handlers.

Had you left the handle alone I know that Proto would have bound the
element to the handler such that this would assume the value of the
element, but since you explicitly set this via bind in the iterable
function, it should have overwritten that.  The value of this in the
iterable function is window, so you're really binding window to the
event handler's owner scope, not the element at large.  If this worked
though, then somewhere in this idea I'm mistaken but I cannot see



On May 20, 1:54 am, Dravis plu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have this bit of code in my webpage's header.  It simply pulls all
 the li elements from the mainmenu and attaches onmouseover and
 onmouseout event observers to them to toggle the drop down effects of
 the menu.  It works perfectly in IE7 and Firefox but when I mouse over
 the menu in IE6 I get nothing.  Anyone have any ideas?

 document.observe(dom:loaded, function() {
         $$('#mainmenu li').each(function(item) {
                 $(item).observe(onmouseover, function() {
                 $(item).observe(onmouseout, function() {

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Check element class against array

2009-05-14 Thread Matt Foster

 var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
 if (test.any(element.hasClassName.bind(element))) {

I believe using the non-methodized version of this method would be




On May 14, 12:30 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 I can think of two approaches off-hand:

 1. Use Enumerable#include on the array of classes you want to test
 against, using Element#hasClassName as the iterator function (bound to
 the instance), e.g.:

     var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
     if (test.any(element.hasClassName.bind(element))) {
         // ...


     if (['foo', 'bar', 'foob'].any(element.hasClassName.bind
 (element))) {
         // ...

 (You don't need to use $A() around array literals.)

 2. Use $w on the class name to get an array of the individual class
 names, then use Enumerable#any on that, passing in Enumerable#include
 on the array you want to test against as the #any iterator.  Something
 like this:

     var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
     if ($w(element.className).any(test.include.bind(test))) {

 (Both of those bits of code are untested.)

 But if this is going to be happening a lot (a tight loop, or a
 mouseover handler, etc.), check the runtime cost of each of these by
 going under the covers.

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On May 13, 7:34 pm, louis w louiswa...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have an array containing a number of strings. I would like to
  continue exucuting my script only if an item has ANY/ALL of the
  strings assigned as a class name.

  $A(['foo', 'bar', 'foob']);

  Is there an elegant want to do this without having to loop through the
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Check element class against array

2009-05-14 Thread Matt Foster

I think you misinterpreted what I was saying.  Simply swapping bind
for curry will certainly generate errors.

I don't really feel like explaining it and its of potentially trivial
performance results but, savor some of this syntax...

var ele = $(container);
var arr = $w(foo bar derka);
var bool = arr.any(Element.hasClassName.curry(ele));
console.log(bool);//if this throws an error, get firebug!!


div id=container class='foo'/div



On May 14, 5:04 pm, louis w louiswa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks guys. I am going to compare the difference in processing time
 of TJ's suggestions. It will be called often (from a Form Observer).
 For now I am using this one:

 (element))) {

 Wasn't aware of the any function.

 Matt. I tried swapping bind for curry and it gave an error.

 On May 14, 3:32 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:

       var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
       if (test.any(element.hasClassName.bind(element))) {

  I believe using the non-methodized version of this method would be




  On May 14, 12:30 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   I can think of two approaches off-hand:

   1. Use Enumerable#include on the array of classes you want to test
   against, using Element#hasClassName as the iterator function (bound to
   the instance), e.g.:

       var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
       if (test.any(element.hasClassName.bind(element))) {
           // ...


       if (['foo', 'bar', 'foob'].any(element.hasClassName.bind
   (element))) {
           // ...

   (You don't need to use $A() around array literals.)

   2. Use $w on the class name to get an array of the individual class
   names, then use Enumerable#any on that, passing in Enumerable#include
   on the array you want to test against as the #any iterator.  Something
   like this:

       var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
       if ($w(element.className).any(test.include.bind(test))) {

   (Both of those bits of code are untested.)

   But if this is going to be happening a lot (a tight loop, or a
   mouseover handler, etc.), check the runtime cost of each of these by
   going under the covers.

   T.J. Crowder
   tj / crowder software / com
   Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

   On May 13, 7:34 pm, louis w louiswa...@gmail.com wrote:

I have an array containing a number of strings. I would like to
continue exucuting my script only if an item has ANY/ALL of the
strings assigned as a class name.

$A(['foo', 'bar', 'foob']);

Is there an elegant want to do this without having to loop through the
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Please Help With Code

2009-05-08 Thread Matt Foster

I think he's looking for a snippet handout, by the looks of the
spaghetti that he's pasted he's trying to highlight a single item in a

var activeElement = false;

$$(ul.menu li).invoke(observe, click,
  var element = e.element();

   activeElement = element;




On May 8, 5:50 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 There are lots of code examples in the resource I pointed you to,
 particularly the unofficial wiki.  For instance, one aspect of what
 you're trying to do is hook events.  That's very thoroughly covered
 with lots of examples in the API docs[1] and on the wiki[2][3].  So
 again, have a read through and you'll be well on your way.


 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On May 8, 9:22 am, z...@zanepaul.com.au z...@zanepaul.com.au

  Thanks for your reply, Im very new at this and was hoping more for
  some code to as a starting point?

  On May 8, 3:39 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   Prototype can definitely help you with that.  Off the top of my head,
   the Prototype methods you want are Element#observe[1] (which is a
   convenience wrapper for Event.observe[2]) and probably
   Element#addClassName[3] and Element#removeClassName[4].  [OT (e.g.,
   not Prototype-related) you might want to use === and !== in your
   comparisons of object instances, rather than == and != (see the
   ECMAScript spec[5] for more on identity comparisons).]

   If you're just getting started with Prototype, it's _well_ worth your
   time having a read through the API[6] from beginning to end.  It takes
   about an hour, and saves you hours and hours in return.  The learn[7]
   page and the unofficial wiki[8] may also be useful.


   T.J. Crowder
   tj / crowder software / com
   Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

   On May 8, 5:53 am, z...@zanepaul.com.au z...@zanepaul.com.au

Im trying to get this code working in FireFox and Sarfari

var changeStyleColour = function () {
        var active = null, newclass = colourActive;
        if (this.Event.addEventListener) this.Event.addEventListener
('onUnload', function ()
                 {active = null;});
        return function (element) {
            if ((active != element)  element.className) {
                if (active) active.className = colourNormal;
                element.className = newclass;
                active = element;

Can someone please help- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajaxio next step?

2009-05-05 Thread Matt Foster

Another good one is www.mindmeister.com,  I doubt they've got an API
for you to work with but maybe you can get some ideas.  Its built with
Proto/scripty, but they use a canvas object instead of SVG so it could
be a bonus for your IE requirement.



On May 5, 11:21 am, Gecko sneakyliz...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks James, I had done some research on your demo (I even tried the
 newest versions of the library scripts) and was hoping you still
 monitored this group.
 Ryan thank you for the suggestion.  Wireit does seem promising
 (although it’s current version fails in IE7, they seem to be working
 on a fix and I will attempt to us their dev version).  Amazingly fast
 response from both of you, thank you very much.

 On May 5, 9:01 am, Diodeus diod...@gmail.com wrote:

  I wrote Ajaxio as an exercise to learn how to use Prototype 
  Scriptaulous several years ago. I had it to the point where I could
  have the drawing as an XML file and reload it from XML data, but I
  lost the source code. I've had many enquiries from people who have
  taken it for their own purposes, but I haven't really heard anything
  back from anyone.

  I was reworking parts of Walter Zorn's library in order to make the
  connector lines clickable, but never got that part finished.

  It was intended more as a demonstration than a step towards a workable
  product. To tell you the truth, it's kinda crappy and I've learned a
  lot about JavaScript since then, as I did just building it.

  I'm glad it gave you some inspiration, but unfortunately Ajaxio is a

  - James.

  On May 4, 6:30 pm, Gecko sneakyliz...@gmail.com wrote:

   Anyone ever do anything with or similar to James 
   It is exactly what I need to work with inside a browser based
   application using soap web services.  The problem is that is it fails
   in IE7  8 (which are my target users).  And yes I am extremely new to
   javascript so it may be a very simple fix that I am not seeing.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Effect.Appear doesn't work when in queue

2009-05-01 Thread Matt Foster

In looking at your code, there were a few HTML mistakes.

First your try me element doesn't have a proper closing div tag its
just /div  no greater than to close the tag.

You've also does this on your input buttons, input objects are
considered simple, meaning they have no children, so having a separate
closing tag is bad practice.

You have...
input type=button onclick=return gotoNewAccount
id=newUserSubmitFromHome value=create account/input

it should be
input type=button onclick=return gotoNewAccount
id=newUserSubmitFromHome value=create account/



On Apr 30, 10:55 pm, alpineedge3 gmarzl...@gmail.com wrote:
 thanks for the reply. i removed the quotes from the duration but it
 still does not work.

 On Apr 26, 12:38 pm, Diodeus diod...@gmail.com wrote:

  function barcodeFlyToSimLeft(){
     new Effect.Move('barcodeLeft',{x: -350, y: 200, mode: 'relative'});
     new Effect.Shrink('barcodeLeft',{direction: 'center', queue: 'end',
          afterFinish: function(){Barcode('043396097742');}});
     new Effect.Appear('barcodeLeft',{x: 0, y:0, duration: '1.0', queue:
     return false;


  Duration should be numeric, not a string.

  On Apr 24, 5:26 pm,alpineedge3gmarzl...@gmail.com wrote:


   I'm running an effect chain: move, shrink, then appear. The appear
   effect doesn't fade in. rather, it just becomes visible with 100%

   The scripts are controlling the barcode boxes on the homepage 

   Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Event.observe

2009-04-29 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Brent,

  Do you have a demo page that displays this issue?  My only
thoughts are that the elements are getting reloaded in the DOM yet not
getting the events attached.



On Apr 29, 2:59 pm, BrentNicholas brentnicho...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 So I posted about this before but am still having troubles with
 Event.observe flaking out on me after a period of time.

 Here's the situation:

 The page runs and init's the app with:
          document.observe(dom:loaded, init);

 init() fires off: getSelectsForm()

 As you can see (below) it loads a page and attaches some observers,
 the page loaded only has three buttons on it (as seen in the
 Event.observe code). They are not of the same names or id's, but do
 share the same css class names. Nothing else is loaded.

 Now if I click any button right away things work just fine (List Page,
 Add Page). If I wait about 5 minutes (not pressing any buttons first
 after load) the 'buttonGetProjectsList' will not seem to fire the
 'getProjectsList' function as registered through the observer. However
 the button 'buttonAddProjectForm' will fire off the 'addProject'
 function. Even if you start using the page right away (everything
 works), then wait 5 minutes, the list button will not work but the
 others will.

 The pages loaded by these button do not have any elements of the same
 name or id on them that the ''dsp_ProjSelects.cfm' file had. So there
 should not be any naming conflicts.

 Any thoughts on this? I've taken the application and stripped in down
 to just what's needed in a test area and I'm still getting the

 function getSelectsForm()
         new Ajax.Request('dsp_ProjSelects.cfm?'+cfSession,
         method: 'get',
         onSuccess: loadSelectsForm,
                 onComplete: attachSelectsFormObservers,
         onFailure: function(r) {
           throw new Error( r.statusText );


 function loadSelectsForm(transport)
         var htmlBlock = transport.responseText;


 function attachSelectsFormObservers()
         Event.observe('buttonGetProjectsList','click', getProjectsList,
         Event.observe('buttonAddProjectForm','click', addProject, false);
         Event.observe('buttonClearForm','click', clearSelectsForm, false);


 Also, environment:
 Win XP (all patches)
 IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp.080413-2111

 Thanks for your time and effort.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: pimp my snippet?

2009-04-29 Thread Matt Foster

Just to have fun with it...

var val = $F(file);

if(val.lastIndexOf( )  val.lastIndexOf(/))

On Apr 29, 2:52 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Aha, but what about spaces in folders leading up to that filename? I  
 don't mind those, since I only end up with the file, not the entire  
 local path. Which was why I did the split + last() trick. A file field  
 reports its value to JavaScript as the entire root-relative path to  
 the file on the user's computer in some browsers (Safari for sure).


 On Apr 29, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Diodeus wrote:

  if($F(file).indexOf( )) {
    alert('darnammit, no spaces Wilbur!')

  On Apr 29, 1:29 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
  Trying to keep people from uploading files with spaces in their

          //inside a change event observer on the field
          if($F(file)  $F(file).split(/(\/|\\
  )) ... //warning here

  Can anyone suggest a more elegant route?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Extracting methods from codebase

2009-04-29 Thread Matt Foster

I'd set up each class or major structure, such as Element, Enumerable,
etc etc as its own file, then define packages such as minimal,
efficient, advanced, ajax...etc.  Then in a server side script it will
bundle these files together depending on the package so you could make
a request something like prototype-package.php?package=advanced and it
will pull only files that you have set up as the advanced package.

I find that lazy loading either leads to lost dependencies or in most
cases leads to more overhead than if you had just loaded it all in one
request.  When using the packaging server side script you can also use
tactics of minify and gzipping to reduce the payload.



On Apr 29, 12:46 pm, Bertrand bertrand.char...@gmail.com wrote:

 My code makes use of Element's update method. It handles modification
 of an element's contents gracefully and isn't as risky as innerHTML.

 My problem is that I don't know how to extract it from the code (I
 wish I could link to Google's Prototype, but I work in an environment
 where filesize is critical).
 The issue at hand is that the method makes use of other bits (bind,
 defer, stripScripts, $A, etc.) from the library that would in turn
 pull other bits and so forth.

 My question is : Is there a way to smartly cherry-pick the bits I need
 from the source code without breaking anything. My previous attempts
 at doing just that were utter failures and reverting back to innerHTML
 is ground for disaster as well.

 Any help appreciated.



 PS: A solution would be to have some sort of preprocessor directives

 //@dependsOn: defer, bind, $A... for each method so that a script
 could create custom builds of the library that would fit the user's
 needs perfectly (one could even imagine a web interface where the user
 would indicate the functions he wants to use, hit generate to obtain
 a custom version of Prototype).

 Sprockets seems to be a step in that direction but it's not fine-
 grained enough in my opinion.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: HTML breaks JSON

2009-04-24 Thread Matt Foster

What are you sending to PHP's json_encode?  It is expecting a
structure to serialize into a JSON syntax string.

$struct = array(message = h1Hello World/h1Who says we can't
have any kind of \quotes\ we want?);

echo json_encode($struct);

If you try to run json_encode on your already JSONified string, yeah
its going to cause problems...



On Apr 24, 12:26 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Converting to Base64 would be massive overkill, surely.


 There's no reason you can't include strings containing HTML in JSON
 data.  You just have to make sure your strings are valid string
 literals, like this:

     message: pThis is HTML./p


 There's nothing special other than making sure the HTML is correctly
 escaped -- e.g., if you're putting the JSON string in double quotes,
 naturally any double quotes in the HTML will need a backslash in front
 of them -- as, for that matter, will any backslashes!

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com

 On Apr 24, 5:05 pm, Ananth Raghuraman araghuram...@gmail.com wrote:

  JSON should not contain HTML for tactical/ease of programming purposes
  unless the HTML is there as part of a larger design, but there may or may
  not be implementation restrictions.
  If you are facing problems, can you try encoding the HTML string (Base64)
  and decoding back (using Javascript Base64 code ) before display on the

  On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Matt guitarroman...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi there,

   I'm using PHP to output some JSON through AJAX to my page. It breaks
   whenever I use a backslash or quote mark.

   I've tried using php's json_encode function which doesn't seem to
   help, just breaks it further. I've also tried php's addslashes() to
   the output, again, same problem.

   Am I approaching this correctly, fundamentally? Is JSON supposed to
   contain HTML?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Observe div content change?

2009-04-22 Thread Matt Foster

Anath's idea would be ideal but I am not sure how supported that event
actually is.

Alternatively, it'd be a bit more work but still would satisfy your
event requisite of just firing off you own event when you update.

var oldHTML = ele.innerHTML;


ele.fire(x:update, { oldHTML : oldHTML });




On Apr 22, 10:33 am, Ananth Raghuraman araghuram...@gmail.com wrote:
 $(your element id).observe(DOMCharacterDataChanged,function(evt){
    //your code here


 Try above

 Check the Event.Observe documentation on prototype api documentation
 This website gives you a link to DOM 2 Events list. Check the Mutation
 Events section.

 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:02 AM, Yozefff yoze...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is it possible to observe when the content of a DIV is changed?

  So for example, I update the innerHTML (ajax perhaps?) and some JS
  class is listening when the content is changed.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: I am not getting value from backend page

2009-04-20 Thread Matt Foster

Ooo to be honest, that is quite ugly Amlan...

Having a ton of code written to an inline handler is just bad form, it
would be much better to just delegate to an event handler, and even
better yet, hook into this event via Event.observe...

$(category).observe(change, handleChange);

You'll have a much easier time debugging via this approach.



On Apr 20, 9:16 am, Amlanam...@enduetechnologies.com
amlan.h...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using prototype.js for category and subcategy dropdown. On
 selecting category corrsesponding subcategories will be shown in
 another dropdown.

 script type=text/javascript src=js/prototype.js/script

 select name=category style=width:180px;  onchange=new
                                                      'subCat.php?id=' + this
 option value=/option
 option value=/option

 span id=subcc
                          select name=subCategory id=subCategory 
                          option value=Select Category/option
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Internet Explorer 8 and new Element

2009-04-20 Thread Matt Foster

class and super are reserved words that we actually never use, but
think of them as words like _if_ or _case_

Use className as the appropriate property for setting the HTML
attribute of class, a bit hoaky but that is just the way it is, with
or w/o prototype...




On Apr 20, 7:29 am, butz adrian.chris...@halbehalbe.ch wrote:
 I can confirm this also, using : IE 8.0.6001.*, 128-Bit

 As a workaround I used:

 var myDiv = new Element('div');

 On 23 Feb., 11:20, Cyrus arianglan...@googlemail.com wrote:


  I am testing the latest IE8 version and found an error in prototype.

  Creating anelementwithnewElementand assigning inline a class, it
  is not working.

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN http://www.w3.org/
  html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; dir=ltr xml:lang=de
          meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 
          style type=text/css
                  .red {
                          background: red;
                  .green {
                          background: green;
          script src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/
                  document.observe(dom:loaded, function() {
                          var red =newElement('div', {
                                  'id' : 'red'

                          var green =newElement('div', {
                                  'id' : 'green',
                                  'class' : 'green'


  There should be two lines a red and a green one. The green class is
  not taken. Checking the html output with the IE8 dev tool it gets me:

  div id=red class=.redred/div
  div id=green className=.greengreen/div

  Can someone confirm this?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Aborting an ajax request

2009-04-16 Thread Matt Foster

I don't really understand the logic,

You have multiple forms on a particular state in your ajax
application.  If the user takes action to change this state you want
to prompt them with the confirm window of Changes have been made, are
you sure you want to discard?  If they click yes- i want to discard,
then simply don't send the ajax request in the first place.
Otherwise, if you send it, then ask them if you'd rather discard
you're just making things more difficult.



On Apr 16, 9:18 am, Andrea Raimondi andrea.raimo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Apr 16, 2:27 pm, Justin justin.gir...@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you not just turn off the submission of ajax requests when the
  confirm dialog appears?

 I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
 Plus, there's a problem I thought of only after having posted this:
 when I show a form, I also have the inherent data save AJAX.Request/
 This poses a constraint i.e. I have to abort all except the one I need
 and this is not achievable using global responders(because I can't
 tell beforehand which is the correct one to except for).

  function showDialog()
           if no active requests
                 show dialog()
                 turn off ajax requests()
                 return true
           return false


 Maybe I wasn't clear enough, it should be the other way around:

 function showDialog()
          if not confirm
                abort ajax request()
                return true
          return false


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: async ajax requests and timeouts delimma

2009-04-16 Thread Matt Foster

Yeah I'd say thats a pretty good approach, if you've got 8 active
requests then the timeout duration of the 9th should be affected by
the number of currently active predecessors.  I'd do something in the
onCreate method to just set the instance's timeout universally instead
of trying to micromanage each.

onCreate : function(request){
  request.options.requestTimeout = Ajax.activeRequestCount *

I've also done some work with enhancing prototype's Ajax.Request to
accommodate for timeout functionality, have a peak at your


On Apr 15, 3:13 pm, Maarten maartenwie...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi mona,

 I don't mean this in a negative way, but what exactly are you doing?
 Just out of curiousity.

 Other than that, have you tried passing the Ajax requests into
 different objects?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: script requires much resources : ´-(

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Foster

After reviewing the behavior of the control I'd say it reinforces the
idea that you should just set it up in a scrolling div and modify the
scroll property, this would approach would alleviate much of the
intense processing.  You could leverage the Effect.Tween[1] method to
handle most of the animation processing.

[1] http://wiki.github.com/madrobby/scriptaculous/effecttween

Oh and a +1 on the content of that film strip, wish my work was half
that interesting...



On Mar 19, 11:26 am, eulerss eulers...@hotmail.com wrote:
 i was checking your page, and in FF works great, but in IE it doesnt
 work, very slow like you said, the page freezes the browser, i checked
 your page on 03-19-09 at 9:25 am XD

  On 19 mar, 03:58, XyXEL derblaueor...@googlemail.com wrote:

   well, that is the website i 
   it works quite fine in firefox, but in IE6 and IE7 it causes heavy
   lags and freezes the browser for short time.- Ocultar texto de la cita -

  - Mostrar texto de la cita -
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Foster

Very strange but I'll take your word on it.

Although I can't say I understand why the object wouldn't throw its
submit event after executing the submit method.

If another method, one that isn't handling the event called the submit
method, would it be caught by the submit listener?



On Mar 19, 12:03 pm, Marko Zabcic gm.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can also do this:

                 evt.stop(); //shorter way

 On Mar 18, 11:45 pm, Alex Mcauley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  There is no exception or error thrown in firebug !!

  I went round it with an inline call instead !

  Thanks for help guys


  - Original Message -
  From: Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:26 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

  Event.stop(e) does indeed prevent event propagation.  I would assume
  that your code is hitting an exception before Event.stop is being

   Try calling Event.stop() at the very beginning of the script, before
   anything else, then if there are no errors, call event.form.submit()
   to carry on with the original submit event.

  @Walter: If you have a submit handler that executes the object's
  submit event wouldn't this lead to an infinite loop?
  Wouldn't the idea be, catch the submit event, validate the fields, if
  all is valid, allow the event to proceed, if its not then stop the

  function handleLoad(){

     $(myForm).observe(submit, function(e){

     var invalidArr = $(myForm).select(input.req, textarea.req,
  select.req).findAll(function(element){ return element.value !=  });
     if(invalidArr.length  0){
          e.stop(); //prototype 1.6 code to event stop.
          handleInvalids(invalidArr )


  Event.observe(window, load, handleLoad);



  On Mar 18, 11:59 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
   Try calling Event.stop() at the very beginning of the script, before
   anything else, then if there are no errors, call event.form.submit()
   to carry on with the original submit event.


   On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Alex Mcauley wrote:

It still does not work with Event.stop(event); for some reason 

i even tried changing the code to .

var error='';
$$('.req').each(function(e) {

if($(e).value=='') {


if(error.length=1) {
Event.stop(event); // does not work


- Original Message -
From: Alex Mcauley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:42 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

Doh !! i knew it was something simple !!

- Original Message -
From: Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:11 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

Has to be capital E event:



On Mar 18, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Jeztah wrote:

event.stop(event); // doesnt stop the request from firing
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Updater home-brew autocompletion timing issue

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Foster

I've got to add my two cents as well,

For addressing the issue of attaching parameters to the Ajax.Request
object, they're actually available in the callbacks.  Each callback
gets sent an Ajax.Response instance which contains the request
property which in turn has the parameters property,

To address the wrong order issue, you could create a queue of
requests such that each request is asynchronous but stacked such that
it will not be sent until the previous request has returned.  I've
written something for this for prototype 1.5 as Ajax.RequestQueue and
formalized this idea in my AgileAjax package in the class AjaxService.


On Mar 19, 2:34 pm, Jonny Nott jonn...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've now found a solution to this problem, as follows:

                 var inputControlCapturedValue = inputControl.getValue();

                 new Ajax.Request(xhrRequestUrl, {
                         method: 'get',
                         parameters: {
                                 table: s_table,
                                 column_name: s_columnName,
                                 category: categorySelect.getValue(),
                                 match: inputControl.getValue(),
                                 action: 'selectgenericforeign'
                         onCreate: targetSelect.disable.bind(targetSelect),
                         onSuccess: (function(transport){
                                 if (inputControlCapturedValue == 
 inputControl.getValue()) {

 The solution arrived at is seperating the Ajax.Request and
 Element.update calls rather than using Ajax.Updater. The onSuccess
 callback function then checks that the input box's value hasn't
 changed since the request was initiated. If it has changed, it won't
 bother updating the select box with its response HTML.

 Thanks all for help and pointers.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Stylesheet issue with inserted elements

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Foster

Were the injected stylesheets being loaded, did you check it with
firebug?  Also with firebug you should inspect the control's elements
and see if they're inheriting these properties and or if any of them
are being overridden by another selector.  IE and FF have major
differences with links/hrefs such that I am guessing there in lies
your issue.

Its nice to have stylesheets loaded seperately b/c of modularity and
relative paths from the sheet itself, but you could look into
packaging them via server side and outputting them as one, this
approach does save downloading time and could in your instance solve
the issue of the sheets not presenting themselves.



On Mar 19, 3:25 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 I am using Ryan Johnson's excellent Control.Textarea toolbar widget on  
 a site. Since this site is quite dynamic, automatically assembling  
 forms around the database columns and their types, I am using $$
 ('textarea') to find any textareas, then Element.wrap to wrap them in  
 a div (for layout reasons with the Control) and then attaching the  
 Control to the textarea. My basic code looks like this:

                 var wrap = Element.wrap(elm,'div',{'class':'wrap'});
                 new Control.TextArea.ToolBar.Markdown(elm);

 This works perfectly, except when it comes to the styles. In a further  
 bid to modularity, I put all of the Control-specific stuff in a  
 separate sheet, and included that in the head of the page. But it  
 didn't seem to work in either Safari or Firefox. Xyle scope went a  
 little further, and actually showed the elements as having the  
 properties they were supposed to have, but they just didn't look like  
 they should. (The toolbar is a styled UL, with background images to  
 make the buttons look nice.) It showed on screen in all three browsers  
 as a plain unstyled UL would.

 On a whim, I put all of the styles from the Control stylesheet into my  
 main stylesheet and removed the link to the Control stylesheet. With  
 just that change -- going from two stylesheets to one -- everything  
 started working.

 Both stylesheets were valid CSS, the page was valid XHTML Strict.

 Has anyone seen anything like this before?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: script requires much resources : ´-(

2009-03-18 Thread Matt Foster

You should rely more on the Effect.Morph to handle the animations and
less on your own setTimeout calls,  I think its compounding multiple
timeout calls and morph effects which run their own intervals to
manage the effect.  Try getting the effect to run with one call to



On Mar 18, 12:01 pm, XyXEL derblaueor...@googlemail.com wrote:

 i made a script, that slides pictures threw a div-element.

 well, the performance just sucks, but i dont have any flash-knowledge,
 so i had to code it in javascript.

 it works quite fine in FF, but in IE6 and IE7 it freezes the browser

 can anyone help me please :-) ?

 i pasted the code herehttp://pastie.org/419852
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

2009-03-18 Thread Matt Foster

Event.stop(e) does indeed prevent event propagation.  I would assume
that your code is hitting an exception before Event.stop is being

 Try calling Event.stop() at the very beginning of the script, before
 anything else, then if there are no errors, call event.form.submit()
 to carry on with the original submit event.

@Walter: If you have a submit handler that executes the object's
submit event wouldn't this lead to an infinite loop?
Wouldn't the idea be, catch the submit event, validate the fields, if
all is valid, allow the event to proceed, if its not then stop the

function handleLoad(){

   $(myForm).observe(submit, function(e){

   var invalidArr = $(myForm).select(input.req, textarea.req,
select.req).findAll(function(element){ return element.value !=  });
   if(invalidArr.length  0){
e.stop(); //prototype 1.6 code to event stop.
handleInvalids(invalidArr )


Event.observe(window, load, handleLoad);



On Mar 18, 11:59 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Try calling Event.stop() at the very beginning of the script, before  
 anything else, then if there are no errors, call event.form.submit()  
 to carry on with the original submit event.


 On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Alex Mcauley wrote:

  It still does not work with Event.stop(event); for some reason 

  i even tried changing the code to .

  var error='';
  $$('.req').each(function(e) {

    if($(e).value=='') {


  if(error.length=1) {
   Event.stop(event); // does not work


  - Original Message -
  From: Alex Mcauley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:42 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

  Doh !! i knew it was something simple !!

  - Original Message -
  From: Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com
  To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:11 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Stopping events ..

  Has to be capital E event:



  On Mar 18, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Jeztah wrote:

  event.stop(event); // doesnt stop the request from firing
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: script requires much resources : ´-(

2009-03-18 Thread Matt Foster

Hmm maybe I am not understanding what you're interface is trying to

If you've got a strip of images that you want to scroll across based
on mouse movements, why don't you just wrap them in a div with an
overflow and modify the scrollLeft property of the div to modify the
display.  You can hide the scroll bar with a sibling that sits below
with a negative margin.

A link to a working example would be great.

On Mar 18, 4:08 pm, XyXEL derblaueor...@googlemail.com wrote:
 well, with effekt.morph calling only once i may move all pictures in
 one call, but i can not stop it. if some1 moves the mouse on the div
 it should stop running, so that he can watch the picture as long as he
 want to.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prevent iframe / break-away

2009-03-18 Thread Matt Foster

$(ifr).observe(beforeunload, Event.stop);

Give it a whirl, I have no idea if that will work;



On Mar 18, 5:27 am, Vladimir Tkach tea...@gmail.com wrote:
 try to use beforeunload event

 2009/3/18 Karlson azagnio...@gmail.com


  I am trying to prevent iframe breakout. This is how i attempted to do
  it in head section of my HTML document:

  function windowUnload(evt) {

    Event.observe(window, 'unload', windowUnload);
    $('ifr').observe('unload', windowUnload);

   //Event.observe(window, 'unload', function(event) {
   //  Event.stop(event);

  'ifr - the id of my iframe.

  My code does not work.
  Is it possible at all with prototype?

  What am i doing wrong, can some one give me some feedback?


 Best Regards,
 Vladimir Tkach


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prevent iframe / break-away

2009-03-18 Thread Matt Foster

Looking further into this issue has revealed, that you can't actually
stop a page from unloading, as this would allow malicious sites to
trap a user indefinitely.  Listening for the beforeunload event on
the top window prompts a confirmation window saying you're about to
navigate away, continue or cancel.  You can also do some extra
processing in the event handler but the handler can't prevent the
unload.  If the user clicks cancel then you're able to keep these
framebuster pages in their frames.  Otherwise the user is redirected.



On Mar 18, 4:58 pm, Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com wrote:
 $(ifr).observe(beforeunload, Event.stop);

 Give it a whirl, I have no idea if that will work;



 On Mar 18, 5:27 am, Vladimir Tkach tea...@gmail.com wrote:

  try to use beforeunload event

  2009/3/18 Karlson azagnio...@gmail.com


   I am trying to prevent iframe breakout. This is how i attempted to do
   it in head section of my HTML document:

   function windowUnload(evt) {

     Event.observe(window, 'unload', windowUnload);
     $('ifr').observe('unload', windowUnload);

    //Event.observe(window, 'unload', function(event) {
    //  Event.stop(event);

   'ifr - the id of my iframe.

   My code does not work.
   Is it possible at all with prototype?

   What am i doing wrong, can some one give me some feedback?


  Best Regards,
  Vladimir Tkach


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype.js / jQuery conflict

2009-02-06 Thread Matt Foster

This is completely theoretical, and probably even more ludicrous as I
think of it being plausible cross-browser...

But in theory if you did something like this

var A = function(){ alert(First definition);}


var A = function(){ alert(Second definition); };


Would behave as such, so that you could load jquery and all dependent
scripts first, then load prototype and all of its dependent scripts
subsequent to that and get away with it? Give it a shot and let us

On Feb 6, 2:22 pm, david david.brill...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi dizzyjay,

 the noConflict function works great, but the problem I think is that
 you rename the jquery object, so all other developper will have to
 change there scripts to no use anymore the $ function (by defaul

 some times ago, a protosafe library was developped, but it has
 stopped  so I'm not sure there is a way to resolve your problem.


 On 6 fév, 00:48, dizzyjay dizzy...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is there a way to resolve this conflict within prototype?  My portal
  uses jQuery and I'm the only developer with a preference of
  prototype.js.   I've tried the jQuery.noConflict() with no luck.  I
  don't want to abandon my prototype.js skillset for jQuery but it's
  looking like I'm the one that needs to find the workaround if I want
  to continue with prototype.js

  (NOTE: I've also tried the find/replace '$' with '_$' method
  didn't work- broke a good amount of functionality)

  thanks in advance
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Having trouble with .without().

2009-01-22 Thread Matt Foster

It appears as though without accepts its values in individual
parameters.  Looking at the documentation it does illustrate that each
value is set in as its own parameter.

Looking into the source it becomes clear that it uses the function's
arguments as array to purge values from, not the first argument as an
A snippet from proto 1.6...

without: function() {
var values = $A(arguments);
return this.select(function(value) {
  return !values.include(value);

I'm pretty sure proto's CSS parser can handle the not pseudo selector,
so you can do something like this...

$$(s_CSS + :not(.nonSpacing));




On Jan 22, 12:27 pm, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com

 s_CSS = '.scrollBox  label';
 console.info($$(s_CSS + '.nonSpacing'));
 console.info($$(s_CSS).without($$(s_CSS + '.nonSpacing')));

 [label.nonSpacing, label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label,
 label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label, label, label.nonSpacing,
 label, label, label, label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label,
 label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label, label, label.short,
 label, label, label]

 [label.nonSpacing, label.nonSpacing, label.nonSpacing,
 label.nonSpacing, label.nonSpacing, label.nonSpacing, label.short]

 [label.nonSpacing, label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label,
 label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label, label, label.nonSpacing,
 label, label, label, label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label,
 label, label.nonSpacing, label, label, label, label, label.short,
 label, label, label]

 The first info shows me all the labels in the .scrollBox.
 The second info shows me all the labels in the scrollBox which are nonSpacing.
 The third info shows me the same as the first. The .without is NOT
 working as I would expect.

 Any ideas?


 Richard Quadling
 Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
 Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Problem with double click

2009-01-09 Thread Matt Foster

If you're traversing a collection of elements, then the first
parameter in your findAll method is going to be an element.

Bind is a property of a Function, not an Element, so that it would be
failing on this attempt of execution.




On Jan 9, 8:40 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 On Jan 9, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Othon Reyes wrote:

  Object doesn't support this property or method in line 651
  of prototype.js

 This particular error usually means that the object in question has  
 not yet been extended by Prototype. Try wrapping the reference to it  
 in the dollar function before you attack it with any of the  
 Prototype functions.

 If you're referring to it as foo in your script, do this in the first  
 line or so:

 var foo = $(foo);

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Updated DIV seems to still have the same innerHTML...

2009-01-09 Thread Matt Foster

You can pass it an element reference, however your reference of this
isn't an element.  It may have assumed element methods via
Object.extend in your constructor but the reference is still to a
function, not a DOM reference.



On Jan 8, 12:04 pm, Ian R i...@fairmountfair.com wrote:
 On Jan 8, 4:09 am, SGD danny.g...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Try new Ajax.Updater(this.id, as you have to pass the id of an
  element, not the element itself.

 Oh!  I thought you could pass either the ID or an element reference...
 in fact, the code seems to work either way, so maybe that's true.

  You can optimize your code by just having:

  $$('[contenteditable=true]').each(function(el) {

  new Ajax.Updater(el.id,'loader.php',{parameters: {field:
  el.id}, onComplete: function(){
         alert('check #2: ' + el.innerHTML);

 This works really well, and thank you, but I have a need to call this
 function in multiple places (like, both on page load and on a button
 click, and maybe some other places)... which is not a problem, I've
 taken the meat of it out and placed it in a function called load(el),
 and I'm calling that function in this loop and I can call it
 elsewhere, and I can continue from here in this realm.

 However, what I *thought* I was trying to do was develop my
 editfield as an object, add the appropriate properties and methods
 and things, and then call these functions as el.load() rather than load
 (el).  I suppose there is not a ton of benefit from this, other than
 to increase my fluency with OOP and to allow for subclassing and
 method overriding.

 I would really like to know more about this, though, and in particular
 how one can take existing HTML (like my DIVs) and apply such an
 object to it... the example that I keep coming back to is how one can
 take an existing UL and say:


 And then that UL has methods and properties of a Sortable.  HOWEVER: I
 would like to have an instance which I can call in events.

 Once again, I have talked myself dizzy and I'm not quite sure what I'm
 saying anymore.  If any of this makes sense, I would love to be
 directed to some sort of document that I could read on the subject, or
 if anyone could advise me on a decent search string, I have been
 looking this up but I am not 100% sure I'm using the correct terms.

 Thanks so much!  I am very excited about Prototype!  I didn't realize
 how much I liked it until I started messing around with Dojo.
 Prototype makes a lot more sense to me, personally.

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[Proto-Scripty] Custom Property on TextNode

2009-01-05 Thread Matt Foster

Hey Everyone,

  I'm working on a project that swaps out text nodes.  I need to
save a reference to the new text node with the existing node.  In FF I
am able to set custom properties no problem, IE however throws an
error of Object does not support this property or method.  I was
thinking I could use a hash object and the text nodes node value
property as the key, and the new node as the value but this seems
incredibly sloppy, especially as its a hack for IE only.  Anyone know
how I can get around it this error?

Here is a snippet


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE and Element#up

2009-01-02 Thread Matt Foster

Its because FF allows for native prototype extension and IE does not,
such that any referenced element won't have proto's element extension
methods until its been explicitly extended.

a href=# onclick=$(this).up('.bla').remove()Back/a

But to be honest I wouldn't use that style of event listener, try
something like this...

$$(.bla a).invoke(observe, click, function(e){



On Jan 1, 5:43 pm, joris77 joriswijl...@gmail.com wrote:

 This works in firefox but it doesn't in internet explorer 7 is this an
 issue or am I missing something?

   script src=prototype.js type=text/javascript/script
 div class=bla
 a href=# onclick=this.up('.bla').remove()Back/a

 Thanks anyway
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How to change contentType.

2009-01-02 Thread Matt Foster

 Browser is opening save dialog and saveing the response into an .xls file.

So your scripts are writing to the clients machine?

Is the data being received over an XHR request?

It wouldn't be the most fluid progress bar, but if it was an XHR you
could increment a progress bar each time it moves to the next ready

If you need something really smooth and if the download times are in
excess of 15 seconds or more I'd highly recommend looking into a flash
solution.  Flash has much better capabilities to monitor HTTP



On Jan 2, 4:23 am, Naganirangen Ravilla moonon...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for your response.

 No issues at serverside contentType.Response contenttype is application/xls.

 Browser is opening save dialog and saveing the response into an .xls file.

 My requirement is while downloading data ,browser showd show loading or
 downloading message till download will get finished.

 any idea to show this message using prototype.


 On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 10:35 PM, T.J. Crowder 


  I don't quite understand, from your subject line How to change
  contentType, it sounds like you want to know how to set the content
  type of the response, but your message talks about doing something
  with a Loading... message.  Can you clarify?

  (OT: To set the content type of the returned data, in your JSP you
  want to use the setContentType method of the ServletResponse.[1]  So
  if that was the question, that's the answer, but it's a Java EE thing
  serverside rather than a Prototype thing client-side.)


  Sorry if I'm being dense, I just got up. :-)

  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com

  On Dec 31, 2:36 pm, Naganirangen moonon...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm new user to use this prototype API.Below is my requirement.

   I'm exporting content from jsp to excel,using setcontentType
   application/xls of httpresponse.

   When it is downloading ,browser should show Loading message.

   I don't know how to handle this using prototype.

   Can any one suggest me  how to do it ?

   Your help is highly appreciated.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Build an organization chart with prototype scriptaculous

2009-01-02 Thread Matt Foster

You could use a canvas element or SVG elements.



Prototype doesn't have much support for either of these options but
they're viable and you could use event listener/dom traversal with the
SVG solution.

If you don't mind spending the cash on a license, you could go for
Flex, they have a very nice Chart API.



On Dec 31 2008, 12:02 pm, E. Nadir elasri.na...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there a script to draw organization chart in prototype 
 scriptaculous ?

 thanks :)
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