Re: [scite] for your consideration, a patch to OpenSelected()

2007-08-27 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

Are you open to conditional compilation? ...

You could write a patching script.

I can learn how to make and use diff  patch I guess.

   The code for finding if the path is a directory should use
FilePath::IsDirectory which is portable.
I forgot, thank you.  I'll upload a new version with this change and 
include the documentation change as well.  I'll probably start a new 
message thread at that point.


The phrase working mother is redundant.
-- Jane Sellman

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] for your consideration, a patch to OpenSelected()

2007-08-19 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

I've found it useful to be able to easily open the folder that the
filename is in, without having to ...

   Is this seen by others as a commonly needed operation? Everyone
works differently and this doesn't seem to me to be something that I'd
use. Its not easily discoverable either although possibly some
documentation would help.

I forgot about the documentation.

I have altered the SciTEDoc.html file section Open Selected Filename with:
   On Windows only, if the selected file name is actually a directory, 
the Open dialog will appear.

I am unsure whether to change SciTE.rc:
   MENUITEM Open Selected Filename\tCtrl+Shift+O,IDM_OPENSELECTED
   MENUITEM Open Selected Filename or Folder\tCtrl+Shift+O,

(This change would be carried forward into CommandValues.html by 

BTW I noticed that scite/scripts/ has this line:
   !--Generated by scite/scripts/ --
   notice the 's' preceding


Quitters never win, and winners never quit, and if you never win and never 
quit, you're just obsessive/compulsive
-- Roxanne Longstreet (Rachel Caine)

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] for your consideration, a patch to OpenSelected()

2007-08-18 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

a suggested patch to the OpenSelected() method so that if the selected
text is a directory, the 'open dialog' appears.

   Why would someone want this?

I've found it useful to be able to easily open the folder that the 
filename is in, without having to copy and paste the folder name to the 
clipboard and then paste it into the open dialog box, or to open the 
selected file using ctrl+o and then having the open dialog using the 
current folder.  Either is two steps and too cumbersome.  This suggested 
revision is to attain the same functionality in one step.


They say the older you get, to wiser you get...
You must be very, very wise
Nermal  Garfield

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] for your consideration, a patch to OpenSelected()

2007-08-14 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I have uploaded to 

a suggested patch to the OpenSelected() method so that if the selected 
text is a directory, the 'open dialog' appears.

I have not attempted to implement this in my GTK machine.

Neil, this is the change I mentioned in my JobQueue email that was 
outside of the scope of changing the job system.


There has been no message on this thread.  Does this mean that my 
suggested patch is rejected? 


A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] for your consideration, a patch to OpenSelected()

2007-08-04 Thread April White

I have uploaded to

a suggested patch to the OpenSelected() method so that if the selected 
text is a directory, the 'open dialog' appears.

I have not attempted to implement this in my GTK machine.

Neil, this is the change I mentioned in my JobQueue email that was 
outside of the scope of changing the job system.


Babies are a good way to start people.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] For your consideration, my SciTE Job Queue implementation

2007-08-04 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

   The cancelFlag is used in both the UI thread and the execution
thread so should be protected. That is why InterlockedExchange is used
in the current code. The same effect should be possible by using the
JobQueue mutex in an int SetCancelFlag(int value) method.

   The IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE and IDM_JOBS cases are too complex to
contain within SciTEWin::Command so should be moved out into methods.

Thank you for the suggestions.  I will implement them over the next week 
or so. and upload a new version.

   Including multiple changes in a patch makes it much harder to review.
I've uploaded a separate patch but my next release will obviously 
contain it still as the two changes have common files.  I hope this is 


Babies are a good way to start people.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: [lua] removing empty lines

2007-08-04 Thread April White
I have not been following this thread, but would not a search and 
replace work?

Search for
Replace with

(and I guess  if it is a Linux file, that would \n\n and \n respectfully)

with the 'Transform backslash expressions' checked

Run the script until no changes are made.


Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.
-- Jim Horning

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] For your consideration, my SciTE Job Queue implementation

2007-08-04 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

   The cancelFlag is used in both the UI thread and the execution
thread so should be protected. That is why InterlockedExchange is used
in the current code. The same effect should be possible by using the
JobQueue mutex in an int SetCancelFlag(int value) method.

Can anyone confirm whether InterlockedExchange() exists in GTK?


Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.
-- Jim Horning

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: For your consideration, my SciTE Job Queue implementation

2007-07-30 Thread April White

mitchell wrote:

April White wrote:

I have uploaded to:
the source code for my implementation a replacement for the SciTE 
command system, for both Win32 and GTK.

Is there a description on what exactly this is and does? I'm curious :)

It is a rewrite of the tool/command/job system.  I wanted to be able to 
call external programs from within a Lua script, but I found the 
os.execute() to be too limited.  I had first talked about this maybe a 
year ago and Neil gave me some suggestions.

So allow for the Lua system to add command's but not clash with the 
multi-threaded command system I had to redesign it.  I got it working in 
Win32 but received no help on implementing it in GTK, so that had to 
wait until I got my Mandriva box running.

Which I did, and I've got the code working in GTK now as well. 

The 'command.go.needs' system could even be extended so that instead 
of a simple two-step process it could be three or more.  I know you 
could write a batch/shell script to do that, but some people are rigid 
in their wants and needs.

Or instead of re-writing the 'command.needs...' system you could create 
a Lua script:

   scite.Execute(step 1...)
   scite.Execute(step 2...)
   scite.Execute(step 3...)

Oh, I forgot to include the change to the SciTELua.html file (I think 
that is the one).  I'll have to locate an old copy and upload it.

Is this enough enough information?


The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no 
-- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] me, Linux, and SciTE/Scintilla

2007-07-29 Thread April White

April White wrote:
I think I am going to rethink my approach to the job system under 
Linux, to minimize the changes.  Back to the drawing board.


I have to remove all of my debug code, document my changes, and remember 
how to connect to the site where I've stored previous versions in the 
past, but it works on my Mandriva box.

Okay, only the 'Go' command, but it works.  I'll try the change I made 
to the SciTE/Lua interface, where I added scite.Execute()

Happiness is!


You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.
Steve Quinn Maxims for the Internet Age

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] For your consideration, my SciTE Job Queue implementation

2007-07-29 Thread April White

I have uploaded to:
the source code for my implementation a replacement for the SciTE 
command system, for both Win32 and GTK.

I've included Changelog-AprilW.txt in which I've tried to list all of 
the changes I made.  There are one or three changes outside of the 
command system I did which I hope will also be accepted.


You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.
Steve Quinn Maxims for the Internet Age

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

2007-07-29 Thread April White

I posted something six hours ago and it has not shown up.


You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.
Steve Quinn Maxims for the Internet Age

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] me, Linux, and SciTE/Scintilla

2007-07-15 Thread April White

April White wrote:

... And the GTK source compiles, but no job runs - ...

I think I know why it is not running the commands in Linux.  In the 
win32 changes, when a command is added the program broadcasts a message 
IDM_JOBS, which in turn starts the execution of jobs.  I did not 
implement such a thing in the gtk code. 

Is there an equivalent to win32 SendMessage()? 


I'm drowning in boredom, and you're handing me anchors?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] me, Linux, and SciTE/Scintilla

2007-07-15 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:
  There are various memory debuggers. I've found Valgrind useful on 
Thank you for reminding me.  I've seen it discussed on other lists, and 
I also saw it in the list of packages.  I just have to remember to try it.

  There is no close equivalent to SendMessage.

Thank you Neil.

I think I am going to rethink my approach to the job system under Linux, 
to minimize the changes.  Back to the drawing board.


I'm drowning in boredom, and you're handing me anchors?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: me, Linux, and SciTE/Scintilla

2007-07-14 Thread April White

mitchell wrote:
I would recompile Scintilla and SciTE with the DEBUG=1 option, then 
run 'gdb SciTE', press 'r' and enter to run SciTE, and if it still 
segfaults, gdb will let you know and you can enter the 'back' command 
to show a backtrace of what happened. 

Thanks Mitchell.  I did compile with DEBUG=1, and followed the steps 
above, but I did not get a segfault while executing a tool - nothing did 
happen - but I did get a double free or corruption when I exited 
SciTE. The results of 'back' were vague and useless, showing a few 
unidentified addresses and some with system names such as ''

So now I have to double check my changes very carefully and if that is 
fruitless come up with a way to debug my changes.

I've heard of Insight, a gdb GUI; I wonder if it exists for Linux / 

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Scite v1.74, Lua, and loadlib

2007-07-13 Thread April White

April White wrote:

My startup script has:
   SciTEExtension.lua:620: attempt to call global 'loadlib' (a nil value)

Spoke to soon, it is now package.loadlib so I go that working, but I 
think I implemented a small revision that I'll have to track down


Decisions ruled by fear aren't usually good ones
'The Death of Chaos', L.E. Modesitt, Jr.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] save after

2007-06-10 Thread April White

Bambero wrote:
I made a simple shell script which uploads (to ftp server) curently 
open file.

I'm using:*=FTP put
command.3.*=put $(FilePath)

but it will be nice to do this command after each save.

How familiar are you with the Lua interface?  The Lua/SciTE interface 
has an event OnSave() which is merely a Lua script function that is 
automatically called after a file has been saved.  I have not dabbled 
with the Lua / SciTE interface for quite a long time, I may be rusty here.

You would have something like:

function OnSave()
   os.execute(put \ .. props.FilePath .. \);
   return false;  

os.execute() does a simple shell swap to run the program given as the 
parameter to it.
props.FilePath is a Lua means to retrieve a SciTE property.  If the 
property have spaces or periods in its name use props[ ]

The \ embeds a quote inside the string


Illiterate? Write for help

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Open separate instance via command line in spite of global

2007-05-07 Thread April White

Alexander Kriegisch wrote:

I like the global option to use a shared instance whenever opening files
in SciTE. In special cases (e.g. SVN check-in), though, I need a
separate instance because SVN waits for the instance to be closed
inorder to proceed with the check-in. The whole thing needs to be
synchronous, which is understandable. I could not find a command line
argument to achieve this.
Alexander, I just learned this myself and you will be amazed how simple 
it is.  I thought of this from something Neil told me along time ago 
about opening a file for readonly.

Any property can be set or cleared on the command line by prefixing it 
with a dash.  Now in my case the '' is off, but if 
I open a file and then use:

   scite (another file)
   scite (another file)
the second file is loaded into the first instance of SciTE.  The second 
example works because it turns the property on by default

The same should work for you, but you would use
   scite (another file)


It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: os.execute is not cutting it

2007-01-31 Thread April White

Benjamin Fisher wrote:

It would be still be cleaner to be able to call SciTEWin::ExecuteOne and
SciTEWin::ShellExec, without having to use an external program, since
this is the exact functionality I am after.  
The development I did on the command/job system would probably work here 
but I have not had the inclination to get my linux PC working so I could 
do the necessary gtk changes. Of course that was also several versions 
ago, I'd have to almost restart with the latest release anyway.

Is there any programmer on a linux PC that would volunteer to implement 
the necessary changes in gtk?  I believe it is mostly some stub methods.


As I let go of my feelings of guilt, I am in touch with my inner sociopath.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Get text from output window ? (LUA)

2006-07-14 Thread April White

mozers wrote:

How can I get a text from output window?

Check what your setting for
is.  If it is not zero, then the output is being cleared between every 
tool invocation.


The E-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail.
Steve Quinn Maxims for the Internet Age

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] a VB module to interface to Scintilla, and a lua script to make it

2006-07-11 Thread April White
Some time ago I downloaded a VB example of an interface to Scintilla.  I 
recently realized that this example was missing many of the constants 
and such from Scintilla.iface.  Not having Python on my PC, updating the script was fruitless, so I wrote an equivalent one in Lua.

This script and the resulting SciLexer.bas file are uploaded to:

The script also rebuilds Scintilla.h and SciLexer.h, though it does not 
overwrite the original file if there is a change.  The new file has 
copy- prefaced to the file name.

Obviously you need the Lua executable to run this script. 


Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday was history, and today is a gift, because it 
is the present!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Build command for Makefiles

2006-06-22 Thread April White

Chris Sutcliffe wrote:

Is it possible to have 'Build' enabled for a Makefile (with no
extension)?  My Makefile has the syntax all highlighted, but the
'Build' command is disabled (i.e. the menu item is greyed out). 

I encountered this.  I put these lines within my user properties file:


Never say to a cop...
I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer. (OK in Texas)

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] AutoCShow problems

2006-06-19 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

Mitchell Foral:

The problem is in the
OnUserListSelection event. I'm trying to call AutoCShow() from it 
with an
instance methods list, but I get autocompletion of whatever it was 
the user


... My preferred
solution is to have a generic deferred task mechanism in the scripting
subsystem so you can say something like performLater(fn) which will
call fn some time shortly after handling all the processing for the
current UI event.
I have not had the opportunity to port my job changes to my Linux/GTK 
PC, so I wonder if there is a possibility that the scite.Execute() 
implementation could do what Mitchell is looking for.

I designed scite.Execute() to call external tools, but if the command 
mode is set to Lua, then maybe the command text can be passed back into 

Neil, do you suspect this may work?


Press any key... no, no, no, NOT THAT ONE!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Calltip

2006-06-11 Thread April White

mozers wrote:

I write so:
WScript.StdIn[press dot] - calltips no :(
How to force SciTE that he has determined a dot on the left?

Look into the help file for
to see if it will work.

For example:

I am not sure what the lexer name is for vbs files,. maybe vb. 


... File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] adapting a 1.66 lexer to 1.67

2006-06-04 Thread April White

April White wrote:
I am attempting to adapt the regex lexer by Eugene Wong (LexUser) to 
my 1.67 version.
I found it - the constant KEYWORDSET_MAX was increased in Eugene's 
version from 8 to 23


Boldly going nowhere

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Sub : Command Line

2006-05-24 Thread April White

Philippe Lhoste wrote:

Very nice, useful as I have a number of small routines which I don't 
want to put in the tool menu.

Here is my take on ordering the list:

A little improvement:
I almost forgot that in Lua, you can put functions in lists, and call 

Philippe, thank you for the excellant improvement.  I've sent a copy to 
my work account, I'll implement it tomorrow! 


I have studied many philosophers and many cats.
The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.
Hippolyte Taine

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Sub : Command Line

2006-05-22 Thread April White

Doyle Whisenant wrote:

...  I have used the user defined list feature to write custom tool 
menus, for example all of the CVS tools (for work).  Is this what you 
want to do?

I'd be interested in this. Any example code?

Doyle, I have a better version at the office, but this should work.  If 
I missed something, let me know and I'll post any omissions

This version requires that the tool name match the function name, which 
limits the name.  The version I have at work builds a table of display 
names/function names which gives a better display (tbl[Check out] = 
co.bat) but the display order is not in the order added - does anyone 
have any suggestions on how to keep a table in the order the items were 

command.mode.lua=subsystem:lua,quiet:yes,savebefore:no*=Other Tools

lua startup script:

-- at the top, outside of any function:
local udl_ListTools = 15;

function OnUserListSelection(t,str)
  if t == udl_ListTools then
  assert(loadstring(str .. ()))();
  return true
  return false

function OtherTools()
  local s =
  Backup .. udl_Separator ..
  editor:UserListShow( udl_ListTools, s )

function Backup()

function HexEdit()

Some days you are the dog and some days you are the hydrant!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Sub : Command Line

2006-05-22 Thread April White

(This may be a re-post)

Doyle Whisenant wrote:

...  I have used the user defined list feature to write custom tool 
menus, for example all of the CVS tools (for work).  Is this what you 
want to do?

I'd be interested in this. Any example code?

Doyle, I have a better version at the office, but this should work.  If 
I missed something, let me know and I'll post any omissions

This version requires that the tool name match the function name, which 
limits the name.  The version I have at work builds a table of display 
names/function names which gives a better display (tbl[Check out] = 
co.bat) but the display order is not in the order added - does anyone 
have any suggestions on how to keep a table in the order the items were 

command.mode.lua=subsystem:lua,quiet:yes,savebefore:no*=Other Tools

lua startup script:

-- at the top, outside of any function:
local udl_ListTools = 15;

function OnUserListSelection(t,str)
 if t == udl_ListTools then
 assert(loadstring(str .. ()))();
 return true
 return false

function OtherTools()
 local s =
 Backup .. udl_Separator ..
 editor:UserListShow( udl_ListTools, s )

function Backup()

function HexEdit()

Some days you are the dog and some days you are the hydrant!
Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Re: Re: Command.Save.Before question

2006-04-23 Thread April White

Bruce Dodson wrote:

For me, the fact that the auto keyword already exists for some other 
property isn't enough reason to push it through.  In the absence of any 
additional user stories, I would defer to Neil.

Hi Bruce.  Neil pretty much said the same thing, though Jos does support it.

My suggestion keeps the same implementation for existing command modes, 
though there is not numeric equivalent - save.before:2 is not the same 
as replace.selection:2


Don't piss me off!  I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Command.Save.Before question

2006-04-19 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

  Current behaviour is all a bit accidental and just based on how the
code was factored. The lower level file writing shouldn't refuse just
because the file hasn't changed. There could be additional flags but
the argument for the extra complexity isn't that strong as you can
always provide extra ways to retrieve the pristine examples.

I've not tested it yet, but I did implement a savebefore:auto command 
mode, changing it to yes ot no depending on whether the buffer is dirty.

Would you prefer that this not be so implemented?


If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Command.Save.Before question

2006-04-16 Thread April White

Jos vanderZande wrote:

Is there any reason why the Command.Save.Before=1
always saves the file in stead of using the same
behaviour used by Command.Go ? (Only save the file
when it is changed)

Jos, I think it has always been this way, but that does not mean it 
cannot be changed.

Though it is arguable whether save before and save before if changed 
are comparable.

If (and this is a big *if*) a script uses Command.Save.Before=1 and the 
command tool itself then compares two file timestamps, with the above 
change you are proposing, expected side effects would not occur.

Let me use this example:
- you are editing a file with extension .xyz
- a command executes a CLI/console tool that converts an .xyz file into 
.zyx which in turn is passed onto some viewer

   - but the viewer is opened only if the conversion occurs,
   - but the conversion only occurs if the .xyz file is newer than then 
.zyx file

I know that this is a long and windy example, but with your revision, 
the viewer would never be displayed.

This is a trivial example, probably better off implemented with command.go.

Are there any counter-arguments, ideas, etc?


I will strive to live each day as if it were my 50th birthday.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] scite and XML documents

2006-04-16 Thread April White
At work I've been assigned to a project which requires extensive editing 
of existing xml and xsl documents.  Another unrelated project involves 
the creation of new xml documents against existing xsd document.  SciTE 
edits these files, and with a Lua script I can re-indent a document to 
my needs in moments.

However SciTE does not validate the xml documents, and using 'go' to 
display the document within Windows explorer is useless because it 
likewise does not validate the document.

Is there a command-line tool that validates xml documents against either 
an internal or external schema that SciTE recognizes the output and so 
can use the F4 key?


Oh, that sound of male ego. You travel halfway across the galaxy and it's still 
the same song.
Eve McHuron, 'Mudd's Women', stardate 1330.1

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: scite and XML documents

2006-04-16 Thread April White

Bruce Dodson wrote:

There's a tool called HTML Tidy that has some support for XML; see  In my setup I have the following command defined:

I've not used Tidy is some time.  Does it validate against dtd's or 

I used it some time ago, I always though it was ensuring the file was 
valid html/xml, without using the schema


Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of cheques.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Command.Save.Before question

2006-04-16 Thread April White

Jos vanderZande wrote:

... or Run it with the Latest Beta version using Alt+F5.
... so you see what happens when they press
Alt+F5. They get prompted to save the script to
another file.

Second reason is that i created a LUA script that will
create x number of backups when Save is performed. I
don't want to create a backup when the script isn't
changed and ALT+F5 is performed.

So maybe it could be changed that we add another value
for Save.Before that will only saves the file when
changed or change the behaviour to be the same as used
by F5?

Jos, you do have a point.

The new code Bruce Dodson donated already has a skeleton base to detect 
the keyword auto, so it should not be hard for me to extend this and 
related code to implement what Jos has asked for.

If someone wants to implement this within the cdv version, go ahead, 
else it will have to wait until I've done the necessary gtk revisions to 
the job system that are required for my new implementation.


I honor my personality flaws for without them I would have no personality at 

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] revision #8 to the tool/job/command system

2006-04-08 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

In addition to the small bugs patched since the last major release, it
was pointed out that the command mode parsing was not reversing flags
when duplicates were encountered.  This has been corrected.

  OK, that looks better.

  Main thing needed for integration is GTK+ compatibility which
doesn't need to be thread-safe.

I'll implement some of the suggestions Bruce Dodson made and then I'll 
port transfer the code to my linux machine.  I still cannot get the two 
PCs to have any sort of shared folder or allowable FTP'ing, so it'll be 
by 'sneaker-net'.


I am willing to make the mistakes if someone else is willing to learn from them.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] revision #8 to the tool/job/command system

2006-04-02 Thread April White
I've uploaded to the latest 

In addition to the small bugs patched since the last major release, it 
was pointed out that the command mode parsing was not reversing flags 
when duplicates were encountered.  This has been corrected.


I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those , self-righteous people 
around me.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] fix for bug 859526

2006-03-26 Thread April White

I wrote this bug report, I decided to take a stab at solving it.

Please find at my 

Basically it revises the code that detects and handles the line 
continuator, breaking the loop if there is a blank line following the 
line that ends with the slash


A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] Re: reagrding SourceForge feature request for Scintilla 1244324

2006-03-26 Thread April White

April White wrote:

Neil, with your recent changes, is this FR complete?

Sorry to bother you again, but I believe bug 1011217 can also be closed


A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] reagrding SourceForge feature request for Scintilla 1244324

2006-03-25 Thread April White

Neil, with your recent changes, is this FR complete?


Only a lack of imagination saves me from immobilizing myself with imaginary 

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] SciTE 1.68 with z-order buffer switching

2006-03-18 Thread April White

Istvan wrote:

Regarding F12, it can be changed from

I recommend copying the menu property from SciTEGlobal to your user file 
so you don't lose changes when you upgrade next.

I've only found the at import statements cannot be moved out of SciTEGlobal.


Those who know _how_ will always have a job; those who know _why_ will always 
be their boss!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] revision #7 to the tool/command/job system

2006-03-12 Thread April White
I've uploaded to .

I removed the bulky array of command mode settings and equivalent 
properties.  This also removed the typedef usage.

A bug within the 'replace selection' code was corrected.

Neil Hodgson wrote:

 The job system code doesn't currently compile for GTK+ so someone
will have to be found to port it although its mostly just a matter of
editorial changes (executing changes to something like
JobQueue.IsExecuting(), etc) as the mutex can be implemented as null
sine ScinTE on GTK+ is single threaded.

I have installed Mandriva 2006 on my other PC.  When there is a degree 
of acceptance to this implementation I can work on GTK, though with my 
inexperience with Mandriva/Linux/GTK in general any volunteers or 
suggestions are welcome,


I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap.
- Bob Hope

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Mono C# on Win32?

2006-02-18 Thread April White

Cupcake Kid wrote:

Hi, I recently installed Mono for Win32 and I added its bin directory
to PATH so I can access its compiler without using the Mono command
prompt.  However, the problem is, when I try and build something using
SciTE, I get the following message (this problem only affects C#,
C/C++, Java compilers work fine):


mcs test.cs -pkg:dotnet
The system cannot find the file specified.

This is the command line I added to

if PLAT_WIN*.cs=mcs $(FileNameExt) -pkg:dotnet

I removed the csc command since that only applies to the M$ C#
compiler.  I'm pretty sure I updated the PATH properly since I can
compile on a regular console using the same command line.

The mcs program is actually a batch file, first try changing mcs to mcs.bat

I'm dabbling with mono at home, I usually compile from the command line 
because mcs GPFs.  Maybe I have to try replacing the batch file with the 
exe that it references.


Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] revision #7 to the tool/command/job system

2006-02-17 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I've uploaded 
to the 
latest release.

I have corrected the bug and uploaded the correction to the same file as 


Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Lua and InputBox

2006-02-14 Thread April White

Wojciech Warczakowski wrote:

is it possible to use something like InputBox in Lua?
I'm using SciTE on WindowsXP.

First, I believe InputBox() is not part of the windows 32 API.
Second, I believe you would have to compile such a function into a DLL 
and load it within a Lua script.  I've successfully inplemented a 
GetOpenFile() method.


I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any 
Spock, 'This Side of Paradise', stardate 3417.3

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] SciTE and ClearCase

2006-02-13 Thread April White

Ghassan Hammouri wrote:

I am unable to open any file that is in a ClearCase directory.  Even 
if the file is a newly-created file (i.e. view-private) 
with read-write permissions for everyone, SciTE will refuse to open 
it.  If I copy that same file to my home directory (not under 
ClearCase), everything works fine.
This problem seems to occur only with SciTE; gedit, nedit, and vi work 
fine.  Has anyone else encountered problems with SciTE and text files 
in a ClearCase directory?

I use ClearCase (unknown version) at work and I've never had problems.  
In fact I now use a tool menu batch file to check out and in documents.  
Sometimes a drive letter is desolved into the UNC mapping and some of 
the batch files complain.

I've manipulated VB .frm, .sql, .bat, .txt, and probably countless others.

When you say SciTE will refuse to open it does it raise an error?  Oh, 
Windows or Linux?  I'd guess Windows, unless there is a ClearCase for Linux.

More input... :-)


Just for today, I will not sit in my living room all day in my underwear in the 
Hollywood Cafe. Instead, I will move my computer into the bedroom.

Scite-interest mailing list

RE: [scite] Re: Re: Re: Revision #6 to the job system

2006-02-07 Thread APRIL WHITE

From: Bruce Dodson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If there is a function to decode the command mode string (that doesn't add
to the job queue), it needs more parameters.  In particular, the
save-before value should not be stuffed into the flags.  Save-before is
not a queued action: the save occurs in the main thread, before the command
is added to the queue, and the flag isn't needed later.  So, it is cleaner
to keep it separate from the flags.

The save-before-prompt flag is excluded from extenders, to avoid threading 
problems.  I think I added all of these flags to more easily pass values 
between the new method and the caller.  Look inside LuaExtension at the 
..._execute method, it to saves the buffer.  I have not seen any messages 
from Neil as to this code, but that does not mean it is wanted.  More 
discussion is needed I think.

I had one more observation about that function (DecodeCommandMode): The
parameters are pointers, not references.  Was that an arbitrary choice, or
were there technical / design reasons for it?  I don't mind if they are
pointers; but if they are pointers, perhaps the function should check for
null and ignore the corresponding command.mode flags if the pointer is 

The params are pointers because the original method was to be used by 
extenders.  An oversight, they can be byref.  I will amend next weekend.


Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Re: Revision #6 to the job system

2006-02-06 Thread April White

Bruce Dodson wrote:

Okay, in that case it would be a common method that is called by both AddJob 
and ToolsMenu, rather than having ToolsMenu call AddJob directly.  (Mainly 
for the sake of clenliness.)

I have removed DecodeCommandMode() from Extender.h, and altered 
LuaExtension.cxx accordingly. 

There is some name confusion though.  SciTE is a sample application, not a 
library.  With that in mind, would it be okay to reconcile some of these 
names?  Right now we have AddCommand, AddJob, and Execute (plus whatever we 
call the worker method that gets invoked from both ToolsMenu and AddJob). 
It gets difficult to keep track.

I was attempting to rename the JobQueue stuff to CommandQueue when I ran 
into a self-made bug with

   command = SString(command.command);
The multiple uses of 'command' confused the compiler.  I know I can use
   this-command = SString(command.command);
but I wanted to hold off until we get some consensus on the use of the 

- the menu is called 'Tools'
- the properties are 'command'
- the internal enum values for subsystem and flags are job...; this must 
be where I got JobQueue from

I have uploaded to my revisions 
to date.  I will be away on business for the week, in the mean time 
please discuss amongst yourselves whether the JobQueue system should be 
renamed to CommandQueue.

As well, the suggestion offered by Bruce whereby the ToolMenu() method 
builds one large command mode string to be passed into 
DecodeCommandMode(), are there any objections to it?  I have looked at 
it and see some merit to it, though I would probably define and loop 
through an array of command properties and equivalent mode strings, to 
consolidate this new implementation.  Right now there are a half dozen 
repeated blocks of code that could be reduced.

BTW Bruce, I am not quite sure which Execute you are referring to.  
Since Lua already has an Execute() method I thought it would be more 
natural for script writers to use scite.Execute().  Within SciTE itself 
I removed SciTEWin::Execute().


A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't.
Rhonda Hansome

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Revision #6 to the job system

2006-02-01 Thread April White

Bruce Dodson wrote:

Congratulations, you're the lucky winner of ... a code 

Hello Bruce.  I feel so... special :-)

1) As Neil pointed out, the correct model for setting up the 
function is like Open, not like SendEditor. 

I've altered this in my source.  Thank you Neil and Bruce.

2) If it is necessary to add new methods to the 
ExtensionAPI, I would try to keep them at a high level so 
that other extensions (e.g. Director) can also use them 
without having to copy boilerplate code from LuaExtension. 
To that end, you might consider removing DecodeCommandMode 
from ExtensionAPI, and changing AddJob to do that work. 
AddJob could have this signature:

 virtual bool AddJob(const char *jobCommand, const char 
*jobDirectory, const char *jobMode, const char 

The implementation of AddJob would decode the mode string to 
get the subsystem, save-before option, and flags.  Pass a 
non-NULL for jobInput (even an empty string) and that means 
jobHasInput gets added to the flags after the mode string is 
decoded.  (Also, since the raw flags are not passed in to 
AddJob, there is no need to mask out the flags that are 
disallowed from extensions.)

I'm not sure I am following you on this. 

AddJob() is a low-level interface between an extension and the tool 
system.  I wanted to allow the user the choice of using scite.Execute() 
with either numeric identifiers for subsystem and flags or a command 
mode string, much like existing tools can be configured. 

To change the implementation as you suggest would restrict them to only 
the mode method.

if (!host-AddJob(cmd, dir, mode, input)) {
 lua_pushfstring(L, failed to add %s to the SciTE command 
queue, cmd);

return 0;

I like this.  Thank you.

3) It was good to factor out code that is used by both the 
new job subsystem and the tools menu.  Much better than copy 
/ paste.  But in the process, you had to invent some new 
workarounds, to shoehorn all the command properties into 
flags so they could be passed around more easily; and to 
continue supporting the old-style command properties 
(command.quiet,, etc).

I think the solution is to factor out even more of the code. 
What if the old-style command properties are handled just by 
appending them to the command.mode?  What if ToolsMenu just 
reads the properties, and delegates to another method to 
interpret them and submit the command to the queue?  (It 
could delegate to AddJob, or to a method that is called from 
both ToolsMenu and AddJob.)

This is an interesting proposal.  Let me think on it for a bit; I'll be 
away next week on business though so be patient.

Well, I had to give it a try.  A sample implementation (that 
does not depend on the new job system) is uploaded here:

I've grabbed a copy.  t'nks

I am not clear on what AddJob does exactly, what the return 
value means, why some job subsystems are disallowed, etc., 
so I didn't try to integrate that in my sample code.

Neil did not want an extension to interface to a SciTE method such as 
AddCommand(); AddJob() only has simple C parameter types
As it is meant to be used by an extension, AddJob() excludes certain 
subsystems and flags that could cause thread contentions.

4) Since I peeked at AddJob, I suppose I should mention that 
SaveIfUnsure prompts the user with a modal dialog.  If 
AddJob is called from a thread other than the main UI 
thread, the dialog would probably appear non-modal.  Might 
be worth testing.  (You won't be able to test it from Lua, 
because Lua code always executes in the main thread.)

Rest assured that Neil has been all over me about the code being thread 
safe.  I left the call to SaveIfUnsure() in but I believe by excluding 
the 'savebefore:prompt' command mode, this method will never be called.

Thank you Bruce for your review and insights.  I'll be keeping your 
email marked as 'unread' so I will re-read it when I return from the States.


As I learn to trust the universe, I no longer need to carry a gun.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Lua question

2006-01-29 Thread April White

Doyle Whisenant wrote:

Is there an event that I can use to run a lua script when SciTE is 
closing similar to OnOpen? Is it possible to do this? If so, how?

I need to access all open buffers when SciTE closes. Anyone know of a 
reliable way to do this?

Do you want when a buffer closes or when SciTE is exiting?

For the former:
   OnBeforeSave( filename )

For the latter, I believe you are out of luck.


One does not thank logic.
Sarek, 'Journey to Babel', stardate 3842.4

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Revision #6 to the job system

2006-01-28 Thread April White

Chris wrote:

I don't understand exactly what this change to the job system does
(nor do I understand what the job system is in the first place). what
exactly is a job in this context?
Sorry for being an idiot :)

It is a different term for a tool.  Currently at most two tools can be 
in the queue to run.
I wanted to add a method to the Lua script interface that would allow 
tools to be run from Lua but interact with SciTE the way items from the 
tool menu do.

Neil will only accept an implementation that was thread safe.
I have been developing such an implementation by changing the fixed 
array of  tools into a link list


Today I will gladly share my experience and advice, for there are no sweeter words than 
I told you so!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Revision #6 to the job system

2006-01-27 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I have uploaded to my latest 
changes to the job system.

Something seems to be broken, please ignore this upload for now.


As I let go of my feelings of guilt, I am in touch with my inner sociopath.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Revision #6 to the job system

2006-01-27 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I have uploaded 
to my 
latest changes to the job system.

The Changelog.txt file contains more information.  A brief list is:
- an interface between Lua and the job system has been added as 
- Lua jobs can use 'command.mode' settings, though there are some 
- to facilitate the decoding of 'command.mode' strings, an extender 
method has been added
- the code that replaces the current selection with the results of the 
job has been moved out of the tool thread

I fixed the bug I introduced into new code.  I've uploaded the corrected 
copy to the above .zip file


My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of self-judgment.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] The previous message about 'hot links' in a Scintilla/SciTE screen

2006-01-27 Thread April White
I have looked through the archives for December and January for an 
earlier message where the writer said that they had implemented a 'hot 
link' within a scintilla or scite screen.

Does anyone remember this, enough to remind when what the message 
subject was so I can go back to the archives?


My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of self-judgment.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: A revision possible based on SciTE documentation

2006-01-23 Thread April White

Hi Bruce.

Bruce Dodson wrote:

I wonder if a simpler solution for command.replace.selection might be to 
cancel the job (or at least skip the replace-selection part) if the user 
changes to another buffer before it completes.

Unless I am wrong, one strong advantage of moving the selection 
replacement code from within SciTE::ExecuteOne() to the 
IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE handler is that it moves an buffer update from 
within the tool thread back into the UI thread.  At least I think the 
IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE handler is in the UI thread.


April White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

... revise the code that handles the
command.replace.selection... code to locate the original buffer and
select it.  ...

... so just make it always switch back.


It works but the output pane has the contents redraw  repositioned (the 
output is longer than the screen, the scroll bar jumps from top to bottom) 
several times, at least once in a different font/color.  When it is 
finished being jittery, the job output is replaced in the buffer I expect 
it to and the buffer I had selected was made active again, and the output 
pane has the results I expected.

This code is within SciTEWin::ExecuteOne().  Maybe I should store the job 
output to a variable within the job object and have the 
IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE handler do the replacement.
Can you see anything wrong with the above code, and what are your thoughts 
on the latter idea.

If you are too open minded, your brains will fall out.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] A revision possible based on SciTE documentation

2006-01-22 Thread April White
Hello Neil. 

I guess as I write this it is not 'good morning' but 'good evening'.

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

... revise the code that handles the
command.replace.selection... code to locate the original buffer and
select it.  ...

... so just make it always switch back. 

Neil, I have alter the code that handles the replacement of the 
selection when a job completes with this code:

   if (doRepSel) {

   int currentBuffer = buffers.Current();
   FilePath jobBufferPath = jobQueue.CurrentJobBufferPath();

   if (jobBufferPath.IsSet()  
!CurrentBuffer()-SameNameAs(jobBufferPath)) {

   for (int i = 0; (i  buffers.length); i++) {
   if (buffers.buffers[i].SameNameAs(jobBufferPath)) {

   } else {



It works but the output pane has the contents redraw  repositioned (the 
output is longer than the screen, the scroll bar jumps from top to 
bottom) several times, at least once in a different font/color.  When it 
is finished being jittery, the job output is replaced in the buffer I 
expect it to and the buffer I had selected was made active again, and 
the output pane has the results I expected.

This code is within SciTEWin::ExecuteOne().  Maybe I should store the 
job output to a variable within the job object and have the 
IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE handler do the replacement. 

Can you see anything wrong with the above code, and what are your 
thoughts on the latter idea.


Top-of-the-line military hardware, 
and I'd give anything for a can of Raid.

Major West, 'Lost in Space'

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] an implemention of a wiki scite script

2006-01-21 Thread April White

I noticed that the
entry for SciteListAllOccurances
was empty.

I have posted my implementation to

Why should I waste my time reliving the past when I can spend it worrying about the future?

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] a wonky behaviour of user list

2006-01-19 Thread April White
I had the output pane open, and I hit a hot key that activated a user 
list from a Lua script, but the cursor stayed in the output pane and I 
have to click/double click the list to activate the on list select method.

Clicking on the list changed which item was active but did not set focus 
to it.

Could either:
- the hot keys be disabled when the output pane is active,
- displaying a user list to move focus to the list, or
- clicking on the list to move focus to it.


Before I criticize a man, I walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets 
angry, he's a mile away and barefoot.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] A revision possible based on SciTE documentation

2006-01-19 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

... revise the code that handles the
command.replace.selection... code to locate the original buffer and
select it. just make it always switch back. 

I'll add it to my 'todo' list.

... or translate the selection from Canadian.

:-)  eh


Before I criticize a man, I walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets 
angry, he's a mile away and barefoot.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] can an extender like Lua acces the current buffer?

2006-01-18 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

 Something like
host-Perform(saveas: + host-Property(FilePath))


  I don't know of an easy way to get the buffer number but the file
name is available. I'd prefer extending the set of text commands or
properties rather than the set of methods of ExtensionAPI.

I realized a few hours after I posted this that the desired 
functionality could be placed within SciTEBase::AddJob() instead of 
LuaExtension scite.Execute()

If the extension passes in the 'filter' flag or 'save' flag then those 
operations would be done within AddJob() which would be capable to do so.


I can please only one person per day.
Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] A revision possible based on SciTE documentation

2006-01-17 Thread April White

The docs regarding the command.replace.selection... property states:
   However, please bear in mind that command.replace.selection will 
send the output to whatever window is active /when the command completes/.

The revisions I have been working on for the new job system is now 
storing the buffer name into the job object, so the 'building' flag can 
be set.  It should not be hard to revise the code that handles the 
command.replace.selection... code to locate the original buffer and 
select it.  Maybe extend the command.replace.selection... property 
with a new value so that existing functionality remains and the newer 
functionality is selectable by the user.


With my last breath I spit at thee...
'The Wrath of Khan'

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2006-01-06 Thread April White

Robert Roessler wrote:

... which means some of these bugs can still slip through, only to be 
found by those users with the shiny new dual-core they got over the 
holidays. ;)

Sounds like someone just vounteered... :-)


The government's view of the economy can be summed up in a few short phrases:
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
 -- Ronald Reagan

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2006-01-04 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

Can you think of any better test than trying to bang on the keyboard?

  You could try automating this with

Having a program like autoit bang on the keyboard does not seem much 
better, though it can do it faster but I don't really think that'll 
prove anything.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2006-01-03 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I've also started to implement the interface between Lua and the new 
job system.  It may be rushing things, but it'll be in my next upload.

Neil, I've being doing some empirical tests of the Lua/scite interface 
for jobs.  I have a batch file that I've set to run from within a Lua 
script which takes a few seconds to run, so I start it and then play 
with SciTE.

The editor accepts standard editing keys, but tools are disabled - I 
guess the code that disables the menus works.

Can you think of any better test than trying to bang on the keyboard?


How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2005-12-31 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I've uploaded 
to my 
implementation of the new job system for v1.67

There had been a problem with the 'clear.before.execute' code, it was 
not properly clearing the output pane before the first job of a GO. 

It is fixed; I decided to upload todays revisions under the same name as 

Happy New Year.

Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2005-12-31 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

It is fixed; I decided to upload todays revisions under the same name as

  OK. There are some threading worries. jobQueue.CurrentJob() returns
a pointer to a single job object which could potentially be deleted
while the pointer is being used even though currently this may be
safe. Since nothing is written into this pointer, you could make the
pointers const and also hand out a copy to ensure it can be used
without worrying about deletion.


I think I'll revise things again :-)

I'll remove 'CurrentJob()' and add 'CurrentJobFlags()' and 
The two would be initialized within the CanExecute() code, returning 
copies of the respective values. 

I'll play with it while I'm waiting for New Years to arrive...

  JobQueue::CurrentJobDirectory has a small vulnerability since it
doesn't lock and copying a FilePath involves allocations. 

I was about to say you were worrying to much, because the internal 
variable is only assigned within GetNextJob(), but I recalled that it is 
initialized within JobQueue::Clear(), so I agree that the variable 
should be locked.  Additionally, since GetNextJob() is only called from 
within CanExecute(), I've made it a private method.

Happy New Years!

Get a new car for your spouse. It'll be a great trade!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2005-12-31 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I think I'll revise things again :-)

I'll remove 'CurrentJob()' and add 'CurrentJobFlags()' and 
The two would be initialized within the CanExecute() code, returning 
copies of the respective values.

  JobQueue::CurrentJobDirectory has a small vulnerability since it
doesn't lock and copying a FilePath involves allocations.  

I was about to say you were worrying to much, because the internal 
variable is only assigned within GetNextJob(), but I recalled that it 
is initialized within JobQueue::Clear(), so I agree that the variable 
should be locked.  Additionally, since GetNextJob() is only called 
from within CanExecute(), I've made it a private method

I've revised the code as above and uploaded it as


Get a new car for your spouse. It'll be a great trade!

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Color of matching parenthesis

2005-12-30 Thread April White

Jos vanderZande wrote:

Check the for:
# Brace highlight

Okay, color me silly, but I've put:
into my user properties file and the indention line is colored 
differently, but the () [] {} are not changed


are set in my global properties, and I tried clearing
but to no avail.

I know I've seen braces highlighted but I cannot remember in what file type.

I feel so silly, but what is wrong?


Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Color of matching parenthesis

2005-12-30 Thread April White

Jos vanderZande wrote:

The Brace normally takes the color that you set for

when I set color.operator=fore:#FF then brackets became blue

But when you put you cursor just behind a Brace this
an the closing Brace will assume the color specified
with style.*.34.

That is the problem though - the open and close braces do not change 
color when the cursor is beside them.

I have just determined that there is something within my user properties 
file that is causing the conflict - when I renamed it, the braces are 
colored correctly.

And the culprit is... my Lua startup file.  I wanted a simple means 
where I could initialize some values, so I used:

   function OnUpdateUI()
   return 0;
but the problem is that, thinking like a C programmer, the return 0 
and return false where the same thing.  They are not, because as soon 
as I changed the return 0 to return false, the braces are colored 

Maybe we could add an extender callback OnStartup.


Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] v1.67 version of my job implementation

2005-12-29 Thread April White
I've uploaded to my 
implementation of the new job system for v1.67

This revision includes those thoughts I wrote in my last email:

- rewrite if (!executing  !jobQueue.IsEmpty()) as if 
- add the method JobQueue::CanExecute() which examines an internal flag 
IsExecuting; if it is not set, sets it and pops a job from the queue; 
these are the first two lines of SciTEBase::Execute()

- replace any query of executing with jobQueue.IsExecuting()

I've also included in the zip file a new makefile that is meant to be 
placed in the folder above scite  scintilla.  It is designed to detect 
whether it is windows or gtk and then calls the makefile for the 
appropriate subfolder.

I've also included a revised makefile for scintilla\win32 and 
scite\win32.  Aside from the new files needed for the job 
implementation, I've always had problems with 'make clean' not working 
properly.  I've found an implementation that succeeds, hopefully it is 

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!  2006 here I come :-)


Remember, half the people you know are below average.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] Can command line parameters set some options

2005-12-28 Thread April White
I've put together a batch file that is automating some repetitive 
commands.  Part of the process is to edit two files, but I'd like to 
have one file with the 'read-only' option turned on.

I know adding a new command line prefix -openreadonly would be very 
simple, but before I pound the keys, is there a more elegant solution 
that would allow for future expansion?


I just got lost in thought. It wasn't familiar territory.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Revision #5 of job's

2005-12-18 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

April White:

I've been going over in my head the 'executing' variable.

  Not really the same as it sets executing even if it bails out
because the queue is empty.

I found that out the hard way.

Moving executing inside jobQueue and
adding a CanExecute method with appropriate locking may be a better
approach although you could just reverse the tests.

With the locking I've added to the jobQueue, adding CanExecute() would 
probably be best.

Maybe a redesign of jobQueue.IsEmpty() as well.  This is off the top of 
my head:
- rewrite if (!executing  !jobQueue.IsEmpty()) as if 
- add the method CanExecute() which examines an internal flag 
IsExecuting; if it is not set, sets it and pops a job from the queue, 
thereby setting the flag and preparing for the actual execution - these 
are the first two lines of SciTEBase::Execute()

- replace any query of executing with jobQueue.IsExecuting()

This sounds good on paper, I'll try it later today.

Thank you Neil.

ps. Instead of downloading the 1.67 source, I can use CVS to get all of 
the new stuff?

In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, 
ask a woman.
-- Margaret Thatcher

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] Is this a bug?

2005-12-17 Thread April White


I have not upgraded to v1.67 yet.

This line gets rendered in the yellow color of a compiler directive:
   #define bump() if ( GetTickCount()last+1000 ) { 
last=GetTickCount(); putchar('.'); }

However this line:
   #define bump() if ( GetTickCount()last+1000 ) { /* Sleep(0); */ 
last=GetTickCount(); putchar('.'); }
gets rendered in the proper color until it hits the comment at which 
points it renders in the comment green color.

The bug is that when the comment rendering completes it renders the 
remaining text in the default color, black, not the directive colour.


Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
-- Maryon Pearson

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Revision #5 of job's

2005-12-14 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

Exposing a pointer to the current job outside locking is somewhat
dangerous. It looks like it is currently safe but it would be easy for
changes to the code to break thread safety. I just checked in some
changes that improve thread safety in the current code because of
small additions made over time without thought about possible thread
issues. For CurrentJob(), I'd avoid the possibility of breakage where
easy. For example, there could be a safe accessor to getting the
current job directory that used locking and made a copy of the
directory string for SciTEBase::Execute.

I do not fully agree with you Neil.  SciTEWin invokes 
SciTEBase::Execute() only where there is a job ready to run.  I would 
think that if a second thread was going to start a job, the first one 
running would block it

I've moved the executing = true; assignment to the top of the method, 
though, and I've implemented jobQueue.CurrentJobDirectory()

 Moving any use of job to
before the point where IDM_JOBS joins in makes it safer.

I've repositioned the code, introducing a long int variable to preserve 
the job exit state.

Since this is complex processing, the section could reasonably be moved into a 
separate method.

I'll re-examine this later.  The above revisions seem to work.

Thank you Neil.


Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-- Laurie Kuslansky

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Getting Configuration Directory

2005-12-11 Thread April White

sn0n wrote:

which prints the path the file im editing is in, i want to print the
dir Scite and its conf files are in... Please let me know how

Is $(SciteDefaultHome) what you are looking for?


I'm not an expert...
   I just play one from time to time.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] 4th stage of reprogramming job system

2005-12-02 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

I've noticed that I am not deleteing the job object within
ProcessExecute().  I would like to:
- add a variable exitstate to the job class
- return the job as a void * instead of the exitstate

This way the IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE code can get the exit state and build

  Wouldn't it be better if the IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE was able to remove
the finished job object safely and query it for the file path and

Hi Neil.

The SciTEWin::ProcessExecute() method currently pops a job off the 
queue, and I've modified IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE to receive the job as a 
parameter via lparam.  I have not altered anything to store the buffer 
name so far, but the new code is working.

Oh, I am also planning on on having IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE delete the job 

I think that is what you are suggesting.  BTW, which is a 'better' means 
of assigning the buffer name to the job object:

1. adding a parameter to AddCommand(), or
2. utilizing CurrentBuffer() within AddCommand() - this absolutely 
depends on the buffer being unchanged between the time the AddCommand() 
is called and the job object is created


Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.
-- Jim Horning

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] 4th stage of reprogramming job system

2005-12-01 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

- the buffer flags isDirty and useMonoFont has been encapsulated within
 a buffer variable and controlled by enum flags

  Grouping all these into a bit set makes it too easy to incorrectly
set multiple states. ... Code that uses bitsets is also longer with extra 

I've reversed my changes.

  The biggest problem ... is that ProcessExecute ... is now modifying the 
current buffer

I've been considering this for a bit.  You are quite correct but I think 
that storing the name of the buffer within a job is not sufficient.  The 
job that contains the flag that must be queried in order to assign 
isBuilt would not exist by the time the IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE code runs.

I've noticed that I am not deleteing the job object within 
ProcessExecute().  I would like to:

- add a variable exitstate to the job class
- return the job as a void * instead of the exitstate

This way the IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE code can get the exit state and build 

I know I will not see your reply for some time, so I'll make a backup 
and try this anyway.


So, when are you going to celebrate National Procrastination Day?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #3

2005-11-27 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

... Maybe AddCommand could return whether it added a command or not.

Implemented.  I've managed to remove the isBuilding variable by 
implementing a job flag enum jobIsBuilding

... I think this needs to be displayed before putting the command into the queue 

Thank you for finding this.  I've moved the code that displays the param 
dialog from the ::Execute() method to the ::AddCommand() method.  I've 
altered my user properties so that GO on a .c file is:

   command.go.*.c=*$(FileName) $(1) $(2) $(3) $(4)
   command.go.needs.*.c=gcc $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName)

In such a case, the go.needs job is added to the queue first but does 
not display the param dialog, and the job is not started.  When the .go. 
job is added, the param dialog is displayed, and then runs both commands 
in sequence.

If the .go.needs job fails, the param dialog is still displayed but the 
.go. job does not run


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to 
success when they gave up.
Thomas A. Edison

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] 4th stage of reprogramming job system

2005-11-27 Thread April White
I have uploaded my fourth revision to

I included a Changelog.txt file to summarize what I have revised.

This version has:
- improved  corrected the handling of parameterized commands
- corrected the handling of multiple commands - the previous release
 was wrongly executing all commands in the queue in a loop
- made the internal global flag isBuilt a buffer flag; if two files
 are open that use the go.needs setting, each maintains its own
 built status
- the buffer flags isDirty and useMonoFont has been encapsulated within
 a buffer variable and controlled by enum flags

- I have learn more about the internal variables 'dirNameAtExecute' and
 'dirNameForExecute', removing the one assignment with the execute thread

I've added a 'Peek' method to the job queue class so that private 
methods can see what is in the queue.  Maybe I'll make this a public 
class so that SciTEBase::Execute(), which is outside of the execute 
thread, can assign dirNameForExecute and dirNameAtExecute in a safer manner.


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to 
success when they gave up.
Thomas A. Edison

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #3

2005-11-14 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

I've been thinking of a new approach to the 'send job message' to the
window.  My initial test worked by having the AddCommand method send the
job message.  This eliminates the need for individual calls to
AddCommand to send the message.

  One problem with this is that code that calls AddCommand often
checks immediately if the queue is empty.

The only time I can see that code checks if the queue is non-empty is to 
assign TRUE to isBuilding. I'll change AddCommand() to return true/false 
indicating that something was added, eliminating the need to examine if 
the queue is empty.

  The parameterised command seems really confused now: 

I'll try your example later this week.  I knew that as soon as I altered 
how jobs worked, the parameterized command was be flaky.

  To make the code easier to understand, the key functions should
have comments that say which threads they can be running on.

I'm all for such a revision, but I'm a little unsure what 'key 
functions' to mean.  Are you referring to the functions of the jobQueue 

Is it safe to issue a message within the message handler?

  SendMessage may be reentered but it is often an indication of
overly complex code, and there is a potential for trouble if the
message is unexpectedly crossing threads.

I want the IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE code to activate the next job in the 
queue.  I can either send the appropriate message, or reposition the 
IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE code to fall into the IBM_JOBS code.


Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #3

2005-11-12 Thread April White

April White wrote:

The revisions to SciTE for encapsulating the job system with a class 
is ready for final review.

I have uploaded my third revision to

I've been thinking of a new approach to the 'send job message' to the 
window.  My initial test worked by having the AddCommand method send the 
job message.  This eliminates the need for individual calls to 
AddCommand to send the message.

As part of my revisions, I positioned the IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE code to 
fall through the IDM_JOBS message and then into the default code.  I 
would like to move it back to its original position and issue a 
::SendMessage for IDM_JOBS.  Is it safe to issue a message within the 
message handler?

If I an satisfied with the performance, I'll delete the above .zip and 
upload a new one.


We've crossed the thin line between genius and insanity.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] stage #3

2005-11-10 Thread April White

The revisions to SciTE for encapsulating the job system with a class is
ready for final review.

have uploaded my third revision to
I included a Changelog.txt file to summarize what I did.

>From my last email, I wrote:

2. implement a means whereby a direct call to Execute() is unnecessary

I chose to replace Execute() calls with the sending of a message to the
window. This works, though if there is a suggestion that would
eliminate these, please post your comments. Maybe the timer like Neil

1. revise the extension system so that a script may add jobs to the


All men are animals, some just make better pets.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] sending message to SciTE

2005-11-08 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

I am thinking about changing how the jobs are executed.  I'm thinking of
removing the code that sends a message to the window and merely check if
the queue is not empty.   By checking when it was last checked, and only
doing the check every fraction of second, it should not have a drag on

  The IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE processing is fairly heavy so you don't
want to execute it multiple times and there shouldn't be too much of a
delay before the UI is reenabled.

My initial attempts were an utter failure but I'll try to come at it 
again from another angle and retry.


Boldly going nowhere

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] sending message to SciTE

2005-11-04 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

  The implementation of Jobs::JobList::HasParameterisedCommand and
Jobs::HasParameterisedCommand need const to match the header.

Fixed.  I must have uploaded before trying to compile.

  commandMax and commandCurrent should disappear

Already done.  The commandMax variable only appears within a commented 
block of code.  When I do not need that anymore, it'll be removed.

and some of the other fields (cancelFlag?) should be inside JobQueue.

TODO: cancelFlag, jobUsesOutputPane

Some processing
has been moved from SciTEBase::Execute in the UI thread to
SciTEWin::ProcessExecute in the tool thread which has increased the
chances of a thread clash.

TODO: I need to go back over what I did and rethink it. 

calls to props.GetInt (win95.death.delay and
output.scroll) have crawled into the tool thread which is unsafe as
the property set could be reloaded by the UI while the tool is running
inside the props.GetInt call. Everything the tool thread needs should
be put in the Job or JobQueue object and protected with the lock.

TODO: add read-only methods for these two properties to JobQueue class, 
add a method that initializes them, and re-initialize them after all 
properties are reloaded

  The queue class should be called JobQueue rather than Jobs and be housed in JobQueue.h and JobQueue.cxx 


the header should not be included in SciTEBase.h but rather in every .cxx file 
that needs to
see this. 


Mutex.h should not be included twice in WinMutex.cxx.

Done.  oops.

I hope the icky debug stuff is going to disappear.

When I don't need it any more.  I've disabled the DEBUG define so the 
code it excluded.

Copyright? doesn't deserve a ?.

Since you gave me the example I wrote the code from, I do not feel right 
in listing copyright for me.  Can I/may I assign it or give it to you?

  The JobQueue Lock and Unlock should be private so that callers
can't confuse the lock state.

Done.  I initially left them public so that the soon-to-be written code 
that would allow a Lua script to add multiple commands could lock the 
queue, add the commands, and then unlock the queue.

I've been rethinking this position and it may not be an issue.  The 
queue is only locked at it is modified, so while a command is actually 
running, other commands can be added, which will run when the current 
job is completed.

The destructor should lock just in case the other thread is still active when 
the queue is being torn down.

Done.  Thank you catching this!

When I have more stuff done on the TODO list above I'll re-post my code.

I am thinking about changing how the jobs are executed.  I'm thinking of 
removing the code that sends a message to the window and merely check if 
the queue is not empty.   By checking when it was last checked, and only 
doing the check every fraction of second, it should not have a drag on 


Why don't ease, lease, and please sound alike?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] sending message to SciTE

2005-11-04 Thread April White

(This may be a duplicate posting)

Neil Hodgson wrote:

  The implementation of Jobs::JobList::HasParameterisedCommand and
Jobs::HasParameterisedCommand need const to match the header.

Fixed.  I must have uploaded before trying to compile.

  commandMax and commandCurrent should disappear

Already done.  The commandMax variable only appears within a commented 
block of code.  When I do not need that anymore, it'll be removed.

and some of the other fields (cancelFlag?) should be inside JobQueue.

TODO: cancelFlag, jobUsesOutputPane, isBuilding, timeCommands

Some processing
has been moved from SciTEBase::Execute in the UI thread to
SciTEWin::ProcessExecute in the tool thread which has increased the
chances of a thread clash.

TODO: I need to go back over what I did and rethink it.

calls to props.GetInt (win95.death.delay and
output.scroll) have crawled into the tool thread which is unsafe as
the property set could be reloaded by the UI while the tool is running
inside the props.GetInt call. Everything the tool thread needs should
be put in the Job or JobQueue object and protected with the lock.

TODO: add read-only methods for these two properties to JobQueue class, 
add a method that initializes them, and re-initialize them after all 
properties are reloaded

  The queue class should be called JobQueue rather than Jobs and be 
housed in JobQueue.h and JobQueue.cxx


the header should not be included in SciTEBase.h but rather in every 
.cxx file that needs to

see this.


Mutex.h should not be included twice in WinMutex.cxx.

Done.  oops.

I hope the icky debug stuff is going to disappear.

When I don't need it any more.  I've disabled the DEBUG define so the 
code it excluded.

Copyright? doesn't deserve a ?.

Since you gave me the example I wrote the code from, I do not feel right 
in listing copyright for me.  Can I/may I assign it or give it to you?

  The JobQueue Lock and Unlock should be private so that callers
can't confuse the lock state.

Done.  I initially left them public so that the soon-to-be written code 
that would allow a Lua script to add multiple commands could lock the 
queue, add the commands, and then unlock the queue.

I've been rethinking this position and it may not be an issue.  The 
queue is only locked at it is modified, so while a command is actually 
running, other commands can be added, which will run when the current 
job is completed.

The destructor should lock just in case the other thread is still 
active when the queue is being torn down.

Done.  Thank you catching this!

When I have more stuff done on the TODO list above I'll re-post my code.

I am thinking about changing how the jobs are executed.  I'm thinking of 
removing the code that sends a message to the window and merely check if 
the queue is not empty.   By checking when it was last checked, and only 
doing the check every fraction of second, it should not have a drag on 


Why don't ease, lease, and please sound alike?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] sending message to SciTE

2005-11-04 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

... calls to props.GetInt (win95.death.delay and output.scroll)

Neil, I need your help with the design of this new implementation.

I want to add a method to the JobQueue class which loads all of the 
necessary properties into instance variables.  This method would be 
called within ReadProperties().

However the JobQueue instance does not know anything about the props 
instance variable of SciTE itself.

I know I can add get/set methods to JobQueue for each variable I want to 
embed within JobQueue and call them within ReadProperties(), but I'd 
hope to find a means where the JobQueue.ReadProperties() method itself 
can do all of the work.  This would allow new properties to be read  
used without revising the SciTE.ReadProperties() method.

I'd like to be able to pass the props instance variable from 
SciTE.ReadProperties() into JobQueue.ReadProperties(), but at this point 
the props class definition is within SciTEBase.  Could I move it out to 
its own file, allowing JobQueue to include the .h file and utilize the 


Why don't ease, lease, and please sound alike?

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] sending message to SciTE

2005-10-30 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I've added a command case to SciTEWin.cxx and successfully responded 
to the message above.

I removed SciTEWin::Execute(), placing that code within the command 
case, and it executes the commands in the queue.  I tested Makefile and 
a simple .c file

hoo hoo, it works :-)


If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is a priority. I am 
a psychic.
Rules of Work

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] stage #2 - job queue encapsulation within a class

2005-10-27 Thread April White
The revisions to SciTE for encapsulating the job system with a class is 
still a work in progress.
I have uploaded my second revision to

From my last email, I wrote:
1. lock all accesses to the various class methods and variables - I'll 
probably make some variables private/protected, such as 'next'  'prev', 
and introduce Get..() .and Set...() methods

2. implement a means whereby a direct call to Execute() is unnecessary
3. revise the extension system so that a script may add jobs to the queue

Using the example provided graciously by Neil, I've added the Mutex and 
WinMutex classes.  It compiles and runs, at least.
I've also hidden some of the methods and added others - next/prev are 
gone, lock/unlock are new.

So #2 is the next goal.  Neil said in an earlier email:

  When the thread exits, it should post a message to SciTE (like it
does now) as that is a good time to enable UI and look in the queue
for new jobs. Alternatively, this could be a periodic clock tick

Hmm, both are good suggestions, though the message idea keeps the code 
within the message handling system, although, upon reading the docs on 
windows SetTimer, it to could/would be kept within the message handler.


I got rid of my husband.
The cat was allergic.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #1 - job queue encapsulation within a class

2005-10-26 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

It looks a bit like this untested code:

Neil, you've introduced something new to me.  I was going to pursue the 
class using the windows mutex functions, but you've introduced the 

Can you give me your two cents worth as to which is a better path to 
follow.  I've only just googled for the term, checked out a few hits.


You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats.
Colonial American proverb

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #1 - job queue encapsulation within a class

2005-10-25 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

 The UI thread monitors this and when there is a command here and
 no tool thread running, it moves a command into the main command
 queue and starts the tool thread.

  When the thread exits, it should post a message to SciTE (like it
does now) as that is a good time to enable UI and look in the queue
for new jobs. Alternatively, this could be a periodic clock tick

  The normal way to allow the code that knows about mutexes to choose
for you is to define a function or static method that hands out
implementation objects that satisfy an interface. Scintilla does this
with Surface and SurfaceImpl. It looks a bit like this untested code:...

Thank you Neil.  That gives my something to go on.  I did not understand 
how a class coming from src\ would utilize the functionality defined 
within a class IN Win32\.  More play time ahead :-)


Dogs believe they are human.  Cats believe they are God.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #1 - job queue encapsulation within a class

2005-10-24 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

Oh, at this time, the SciTEJobQueue.h file contains some debugging
define's and stuff, but they are only active when DEBUG is defined, but
I also left in a line that define'd it.

  These are quite compiler-specific.

Yep.  I forgot to disable them.  I do not know how to debug windows code 
using MinGW, so I intersperse the code with these entries.  Took some 
patience, but I realized that the Pop() method was casting the 
DoubleLinkList pointer to the wrong type.  It is to JobList, I was was 
incorrectly using Job.

2. implement a means whereby a direct call to Execute() is unnecessary

  I don't understand what you are planning here?

This is based on something you wrote some time back, in the exposing 
the SciTE 'execute tool' functionality to Lua'.  I quote you as:

 The UI thread monitors this and when there is a command here and
 no tool thread running, it moves a command into the main command
 queue and starts the tool thread.

#1. My lessons on semaphores  mutexes was about eight years ago.  I
know that Windows has mutexes, but what about Linux?

  scintilla/gtk/PlatGTK.cxx uses the GMutex type provided by glib.
This code could be used but since SciTE on GTK+ is single threaded it
is simpler to provide a null implementation.

Can it be as simple as a tiny class that uses #if PLAT_WIN to identity 
the windows mutexes?  Otherwise it'd have to be a base class inherited 
by both Windows and GTK, but then I have no idea how the Jobs class 
would use the inherited class.

I've been playing with this design this evening.  Nothing fails, but I 
do not know it if is really working either.


The cat has too much spirit to have no heart.
Ernest Menaul

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] stage #1 - job queue encapsulation within a class

2005-10-23 Thread April White

April White wrote:

I have uploaded my initial code to

There may be an extraneous 'Trace()' call that will echo the command 
string to the output pane.

I have studied many philosophers and many cats.
The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.
Hippolyte Taine

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] Confirmation that FilePath class does not have a copy constructor

2005-10-22 Thread April White
Neil, my development of the job system ABENDS when the code is assigning 
the command directory in SciTEWin::ProcessExecute()

   dirNameForExecute = job-directory;

I know that it is failing on this line because I've written to a log 
file before and after this line, the second log entry is not written.

I just want to confirm that the FilePath class does not have copy 
constructor nor assignment operator.


There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] startup script reports an error

2005-10-17 Thread April White
My Lua extension script has a function that centers the cursor in the 
middle of the screen, using code suggested by Neil.  This works fine 
when called from the tool menu.  FYI I called this 'CenterCursor'

Additionally I have a function that hooks OnOpen, to locate a key word.  
When this word is found, the position the cursor was at when the file 
was saved is retrieved and repositioned.  This too works fine.

However, recently I added a call to 'CenterCursor' after the cursor has 
been position by the OnOpen hook.  This is not working.  This error is 
...\SciTEExtension.lua:510: bad argument #1 to 
`VisibleFromDocLine' (number expected, got string)

The function is:
function CenterCursor()
   local line = props.SelectionStartLine;
   local topLineWanted = editor:VisibleFromDocLine(line) - 
editor.LinesOnScreen / 2;  -- line 510

   editor:LineScroll(0, topLineWanted - editor.FirstVisibleLine)

FYI, if you like the script, you may find this revision useful for a 
second one called TopCursor().  Change the second line to:

   local topLineWanted = editor:VisibleFromDocLine(line) - 2;


A fool must now and then be right by chance.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] exposing the SciTE 'execute tool' functionality to Lua

2005-10-12 Thread April White

Doyle Whisenant wrote:

Does this mean that one can have multiple tools executing one after 
another with only one command? If not, is this possible?

No promises, I've only just cracked open the code...

Ultimately I feel the command system will be able to handle multiple 
tools, but no via a hot key direct call.  An executing tool blocks the 
tool menu currently and I feel should remain so.

However, I want to allow a Lua tool script to add multiple commands, 
which should accomplish what you want.

There is a lot to learn and more to do.  I have to allow multiple 
threads to add to the queue, which necessitates locking the queue, etc, 
etc.  Mutexes, semaphores, and handles oh my. :-)


I can't remember if I'm the good twin or the evil one.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] exposing the SciTE 'execute tool' functionality to Lua

2005-10-10 Thread April White

Neil Hodgson wrote:

Add a class that encompasses:
- the storage of Job jobQueue[commandMax] array and
- the functionality of SciTEBase::ClearJobQueue(),

  Yes, encapsulating the job queue into a new JobQueue class would be
very helpful.

Okay, that'll be step #1 - replace the jobQueue array with a parent 
class and link-list.

 The JobQueue class will need to perform locking ...

Step #2 :-)

Lets see what some advantages are:
- existing job methods could use the new parent class
- the queue array is safe, only the parent class can add or remove entries
- the number of jobs, currently limited to two, would be unbounded - you
could argue that this is also a disadvantage

  I think it is mostly an advantage.

  However, I'm less sure that exposing this to the user is always
good. Sometimes when an external tool is taking some time, I press F5
again in case I missed the first time. Should this add a second run to
the queue or should only a single user action be running at once?

Off the cuff, I'd say that UI events should not be able to add multiple 
commands, but of course that is easier said than done.  If the same 
executing value is used, then tool commmand could still be blocked, 
and only an extender or internal events such as command.go.needs would 
be able to add multiple commands.

- Lua and other extenders could interface to the job system from the UI
thread but the job would be executed from the tool thread
- each code piece that adds a command would not have to conditionally
execute it

  There is some additional processing that needs to be checked if
AddCommand directly calls Execute. 

I think you mis-read my message.  Currently most/all calls of 
AddCommand() are followed by if (commandCurrent  0) before calling 
Execute.  If the UI thread monitors the queue and calls Execute when 
necessary, then the call to Execute after every AddCommand would be 


Allow me to introduce my selves.

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] SciBall.ico

2005-09-25 Thread April White

Peter Wu wrote:

I edit the icon from Microsoft visual studio. there is only one icon to edit.
maybe it is 32x32 bitmap

If I use microsoft paint from accesseries, the icon is different from
what I see under Microsoft visual studio. maybe it is 16x16 bitmap.

I opened the .ico using Micrsofts ImagEdit program and it showed three 
'unknown device' images and a 32x32 image.


I will strive to live each day as if it were my 50th birthday.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] Suggestions for locating a problem with compile/build/go tools

2005-09-24 Thread April White

I have in my user properties*.mak=make -f $(FileNameExt)

When I edit a makefile, the compile/build/go tools are grayed out.  When 
I edit makefile.mak, the 'build' tool is enabled.

Could this be a problem with the new filepath class? 
Has it been fixed in v1.66?


Without freedom of choice there is no creativity.
James T. Kirk, 'The Return of the Archons', stardate 3157.4

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] I revised my notes for

2005-09-23 Thread April White
I've alter my notes on the above wiki page, explaining about passing a 
parameter to the libinit() method, so that the name of the table can be 
set by the user.

Would this also be the site/place where I could post samples of C 
functions that can call scite methods such as scite.SendEditor(...). 
My attempts to access the properties table did not work.  It left the 
stack in a inconsistent state.  If someone would be interested in 
looking at it, email me off line.


Without followers, evil cannot spread.
Spock, 'And The Children Shall Lead', stardate 5029.5

Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] problems compiling scite on mingw

2005-08-14 Thread April White

patrick müller (aka elias) wrote:

... but scite don't compile and i've no clue where the problem is. 
(btw. i'm a c noob ;))

Here is the output:
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `WindowAccessor.o', needed by 
`SciTEBase.o'.  Stop.

Hello Patrick,

Please double check that Scintilla was properly made.  The above message 
when SciTE is compiling indicates that the WindowAccessor.o was not made 
while Scintilla  compiled .

When Scintilla compiles, the .o files are placed into scintilla\win32, 
look there

Go back to Scintilla\Win32 and run
   make clean all
which should delete all .o files and then recompile everything. 

I'll be online for a while, let me know soonest - off the list if you 
want - what happens


Eat well, stay fit, die any way.

Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] lua script changes to a buffer - to get them outside of an undo

2005-07-31 Thread April White

I have script that locates within the current buffer a line like:
   last at: 
and replaced the  part with the current line position, so that when 
the file is loaded, the cursor is repositioned.

The script works fine, but I would like the changes made to the buffer 
to be excluded from the 'undo' stack. 
Is this possible?


When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. 
Men invade another country.

-- Elayne Boosler

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